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Exam 1 Study Guide

1 Name which Florida outpost represents the oldest continuously inhabited European settlement in the
U.S. ___Saint Augustine

2 Name the South American Indian group that created a hieroglyphic writing system and mathematical
system. ____Mayas

3 What church did Henry VIII create to enable him to end his marriage to Catherine of Aragon?
Anglican Church

4 What did Christopher Columbus name his landing sit in American? San Salvador

5 Which Spanish explorer crossed the Isthmus of Panama? _Vasco Nunez Balboa

6 Describe the Columbian Exchange. The exchange of plants, animals and diseases.

7 Who founded the settlement at Parris Island? The French

8 Which French explorer claimed the Louisiana Territory for France in 1682? René-Robert Cavelier

9 What Swedish settlement came to be known as Fort Christina? ____New Sweden

10 What are some of the theories given for the disappearance of Roanoke? ____Captured by natives

11 Which London merchant was responsible for the Mayflower Compact? William Bradford

12 What did the Separatists believe? Everything about the Anglican Church was wrong

13 What Massachusetts resident was found guilty and hanged of antinomianism? Mary Dyer

14 The main differences concerning the Chesapeake and New Englanders? Chesapeake grew tobacco
and they were tolerant to religion

15 What did Nathaniel Bacon lead? _Social Revolution

16 What scholar was hired by the Carolina proprietors to plan the settlement? John Locke

17 Name the greatest cash crop in the Carolinas? Rice

18 Why did William Penn receive the tract of land in America? _because the crown owed his father

19 What ended the land dispute between Maryland and Pennsylvania? _the survey of the land by Charles
Mason and Jeremiah Dixon.

20 What colonies make up New England? Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island
21 What colonies make up the Southern colonies? Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland,

22 What group makes up the Middle Colonies? _Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware

23 What are three ways that Charles II and James II used to punish Massachusetts for violating the Acts
of Trade? Staple Act, Wool Act, Duty Act

24 What is the Staple Act? It states that staple products such as tobacco are to be traded with England

25 What did Jacob Leisler do? Sieged Fort James and renamed it Fort William

26 What powers were granted to colonial governors following the Glorious Revolution? _it gave them
more power

27 What was the most important method for developing a political identity in the colonies? Acquiring

28 Who was Giles Cory? He was farmer who refused to enter a plea at the Salem with trials and was
buried under stone.

29 How could you describe colonial voting practices in the 1700s? it was done by assembly

30 What is the largest city in the colonies before the American Revolution? _Charleston

31 Whose arrest led to a decline in piracy in North America? William Kidd

32 What cities saw a growth in shipping and shipbuilding during the eighteenth century? Chesapeake

33 What factors contributed to population growth in the colonies? Good governance, religious tolerance,
freedom, a good economy

34 What do coopers supply? Supply containers for shippment

35 What did John Woolman believe? He was against slavery. Everyone is equal even men and women.

36 What two individuals played an important role in the founding of Georgia? James Oglethorpe and
John Percival

37 What was the Stono Rebellion? Rebellion by slaves in the Carolinas

38 What was George Whitefield responsible for? Revivals in the Americas and his charismatic

39. What was the first free black community in America? Gracia Real de Santa Teresa de

How did the trustees of Georgia attract new settlers? Removing some of the laws such as no alcohol
and slavery

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