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Textbook of

Acanthocephala and Nematoda
GHERMAN | Textbook of Veterinary Parasitology | Acanthocephala and Nematoda ____________________

Călin Mircea GHERMAN


Acanthocephala and Nematoda

Cluj-Napoca, 2013
GHERMAN | Textbook of Veterinary Parasitology | Acanthocephala and Nematoda ____________________

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Textbook of Veterinary Parasitology : Acanthocephala and
Nematoda / Călin Mircea Gherman. - Cluj-Napoca : AcademicPres, 2013
ISBN 978-973-744-315-1


Director editură – Prof. dr. Carmen SOCACIU

Referenţi ştiinţifici:

Prof. Dr. Vasile COZMA

Conf. Dr. Viorica MIRCEAN

Editura AcademicPres
Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară Cluj-Napoca
Calea Mănăştur, nr. 3-5, 400372 Cluj-Napoca
Tel. 0264-596384
Fax. 0264-593792
GHERMAN | Textbook of Veterinary Parasitology | Acanthocephala and Nematoda ____________________
GHERMAN | Textbook of Veterinary Parasitology | Acanthocephala and Nematoda ____________________
GHERMAN | Textbook of Veterinary Parasitology | Acanthocephala and Nematoda ____________________

Table of contents
1. Acanthocephala 1
1.1. General considerations 1
1.2. Acanthocephalosis of 1
1.3. Acanthocephalosis of web-footed birds 5
References 7
2. Introduction to Nematodes 10
2.1. Systematics of nematodes of veterinary importance 10
2.2. General morphology and structure 12
2.3. Life cycle of nematodes 15
2.4. General pathogenesis of nematodes 18
2.5. Immunity of host to nematodes 19
2.6. Diagnosis pattern of nematodiasis 20
2.7. Groups of substances used against nematodes 21
References 23
3. Strongyloidea 25
3.1. Ancylostomidae and Uncinariidae: ancylostomatidosis 27
3.1.1. Ancylostomosis and uncinariosis in carnivores 27
3.1.2. Bunostomosis in ruminants 32
3.2. Strongylidae: Strongylidosis in horses 35
3.3. Trichostrongylidae 45
3.3.1. Trichostrongylidosis in ruminants 45
3.3.2. Hyostrongylosis in pigs 59
3.4. Chabertiidae 61
3.4.1. Oesophagostomosis - Nodular enteritis in ruminants and pigs 61
3.4.2. Chabertiosis in ruminants 67
3.5. Globocephalidae: Globocephalosis in pigs 69
3.6. Amidostomidae: Amidostomosis in aquatic birds 72
3.7. Dictyocaulidae: dictyocaulosis in animals 75
3.8. Protostrongylidae 87
3.8.1. Protostrongylidosis in small ruminants 87
3.8.2. Protostrongylosis in rabbit 94
3.9. Metastrongylidae: metastrongylosis of pigs 95
3.10. Syngamidae: syngamidosis 100
3.10.1. Syngamosis in poultry 101
3.10.2. Cyathostomatosis in waterfowl 105
3.10.3. Stephanurosis in pigs 106
3.11. Crenosomatidae: crenosomosis in carnivores 108
3.12. Filaroididae: filaroidosis in dogs 112
3.13. Angiostrongylidae 115
3.13.1. Angiostrongylosis in dogs 115
3.13.2. Aelurostrongylosis in cats 118
References 121
4. Strongyloidoidea 145
4.1. Strongyloidosis in animals 145
References 152
GHERMAN | Textbook of Veterinary Parasitology | Acanthocephala and Nematoda ____________________

5. Ascaridoidea 155
5.1. Ascarididosis in mammals 155
References 164
6. Heterakoidea 170
6.1. Ascaridiidae: ascaridiosis in birds 170
6.1. Heterakidae: heterakiosis in birds 175
References 179
7.1. Acuarioidea 182
7.1. Acuariidae: acuariidosis in waterfowl 182
References 185
8. Habronematoidea 187
8.1. Habronematidae: habronemosis in horses 187
References 191
9. Filarioidea 193
9.1. Onchocercidae: onchocercidosis in animals 193
9.1.1. Onchocercidosis in horses 193 Cervical onchocercosis in horses (Neck threadworms, fistulous withers) 193 Onchocercosis of tendons 195
9.1.2. Onchocercidosis of cattle 196
9.1.3. Onchocercosis in dogs 199
9.1.4. Dirofilariosis in dogs 200
9.2. Setariidae: setariosis in horses and cattle 206
9.3. Filariidae: filariidosis 208
9.3.1 Parafilariosis: Summer bleeding in horses 208
References 210
10. Thelazioidea 217
10.1. Thelaziidae: thelaziosis 217
References 220
11. Spiruroidea 222
11.1. Gongylonematidae: gongylonemosis in animals 222
11.2. Spirocercidae: spirocercidosis in dogs 225
References 228
12. Oxyuroidea 232
12.1. Oxyuridae: oxyuridosis 232
12.1.1. Oxyuriosis in horses 232
12.1.2. Passalurosis in rabbits 235
References 237
13. Gnathostomatoidea 240
13.1. Gnathostomatidae: gnathostomosis in pigs 240
13.1.1. Gastric spiruridoses of pigs 240
References 243
GHERMAN | Textbook of Veterinary Parasitology | Acanthocephala and Nematoda ____________________

14. Trichinelloidea 244

14.1. Trichinellidae: trichinellosis in animals 244
14.2. Capillariidae: capillariosis 252
14.2.1. Capillariosis in birds 253 Crop and esophageal capillariosis 253 Intestinal capillariosis 256
14.2.2. Capillariosis in carnivores 258 Bladder and urinary capillariosis 258 Tracheobronchial capillariosis 260
14.3. Trichuridae: trichuriosis in animals 262
References 267
15. Dioctophymatoidea 276
15.1. Dioctophymatidae: dioctophymatidosis of carnivores 276
15.2. Histrichiosis and eustrongylidosis of the web-footed birds 279
References 281
GHERMAN | Textbook of Veterinary Parasitology | Acanthocephala and Nematoda ____________________

Some terms and abbreviations

Abbreviations Explanation
IH, I.H. intermediate host
DH definitive host
bw body weight
L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 larval stages, from L1 to L5
mg milligram
kg kilogram
sc subcutaneously
im intramuscular
po, PO per os
antibodies Ab
antigen Ag
EPG (epg) eggs per gram feces
wpt weeks post treatments
syn. synonym
R.H., r.h. relative humidity
s seconds
GHERMAN | Textbook of Veterinary Parasitology | Acanthocephala and Nematoda ____________________

1. Acanthocephala From a morphostructural point of view, the

acanthocephalans are characterized by an
1.1. General considerations unsegmented, cylindrical body consisting of
Acanthocephalans are a relatively small group two parts, the praesoma (neck and proboscis)
of helminthes grouped in phylum and the metasoma (trunk)28. The praesoma
Acanthocephala, exclusively parasitic as represents the anterior part of the body and
adults in the intestine of all vertebrate classes. contains the proboscis armed with rows of
The name of the phylum derives from Greek: hooks. The metasoma is the tubular body
akantha, spines or thorn + kephale, head. The where the well-developed reproductive system
first acanthocephalans were described in 1684 is located.
by the Italian physician Franceso Redi, who The proboscis is an evertable hold-fast organ,
found white worms with a hooked proboscis used to pierce the intestinal wall of the
in the intestine of the European eels (Anguilla definitive hosts. In living specimens, the
anguilla). Since then, about 1,150 species proboscis is usually kept half-invaginated
have been described, the vast majority of them while the “typical” fully evaginated aspect
parasitizing fish and birds. The highest shown in all morphological descriptions is a
number of species is found in fish, followed post-mortem condition. The shape of the
by birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles. proboscis is variable depending on the
Their name derives from Greek, acantho species, from spherical to cylindrical. The
meaning thorn and cephala, head, this proboscis is an empty structure, filled with
association being etymologically translatable fluid. Invagination is actively achieved by
as thorny-headed worms. inverter muscles while evagination is the
The group resembles both cestodes and result of increased hydraulic pressure.
nematodes. With the cestodes, they share a From the biological point of view, they are
well developed anterior hold-fast organ and biohelminths requiring at least one
the lack of a digestive system. With intermediate host to achieve biological cycle.
nematodes they share the body shape and the
1.2. Acanthocephalosis of
However, there is no phylogenetic proof to
show the possible intermediate position of swine (macracanthorhynchosis)
acanthocephalans between cestodes and Definition. It is an intestinal biohelminthosis
nematodes. with a worldwide distribution affecting pigs,
The phylum is divided into 4 classes rarely other mammals (humans, muskrats and
(Archiacanthocephala, Eoacanthocephala, squirrels), characterized by a chronic
Polyacanthocephala and Palaeacanthocephala) evolution that consists in digestive disorders.
and 10 orders which include 22 families plus Etiology. The disease is caused by
an unplaced fossil taxa18. From a veterinary Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus included
point of view, there are two important in:
families: the Oligacanthorhynchidae family,  genus Macracanthorhynchus;
which contains the species  family Oligacanthorhynchidae;
Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus, a  order Oligacanthorhynchida;
parasite of swine, and the Polymorphidae  class Archiacanthocephala;
family, which includes the species  phylum Acanthocephala;
Polymorphus boschadis, and Filicollis anatis, Morphology. The adults have a well-
both parasitizing in web-footed birds. developed cylindrical body, stout, pinkish-

1 | Acanthocephala
GHERMAN | Textbook of Veterinary Parasitology | Acanthocephala and Nematoda ____________________

whitish, transversely wrinkled. Sexual as intermediate hosts20. Intervention of other

dimorphism is very pronounced. The males hosts, such as snails, considered paratenic
measure between 5.0 and 12.0 cm in length hosts, is atypical and has not been evidenced
and 2 to 6 mm in width. The females are much in M. hirudinaceus. Adult parasites inhabit the
longer than males, about 6 times bigger, small intestine where they are attached to the
measuring 30.0-65.3 cm in length and 3- wall by a thorny proboscis. They feed by an
11mm wide14. At the anterior end, both sexes absorption mechanism, the nutrients being
have a small organ, called proboscis, used for acquired through the body surface. They
attachment to the mucosa (figure 1). absorb, through their cuticle, the nutrients
available in the intestinal contents, sugars,
amino acids, triglycerides and nucleotides.
Following copulation, the males cover the
vaginal opening and posterior end of females
with cement from their cement glands,
forming a copulatory cap. Its role is to prevent
a new copulation made by other males.
The females lay embryonated eggs
(containing acanthor) that pass in the feces
and are eliminated in the environment. The
eggs are ingested by an intermediate host, and
hatch, releasing the acanthor. It penetrates the
wall of the intestine, using the aclid organ (a
spinose structure armed with 6 or 8 hooks). It
reaches the hemocoel of the host where it
feeds and grows and transforms in acanthella,
which is a growing stage. The final stage of
Figure 1. M. hirudinaceus - anterior end, development into the intermediate host body
proboscis is called cystacanth, which is also the
infective stage. Definitive hosts are passively
It is small, armed, bearing six rows of hooks. contaminated by ingestion of IH which
This organ is retractable and protractable due contain cystacanth larvae. The worms develop
to the well-developed sensory nerves and to the adult stage, in the small intestine of the
musculature in the proboscis7,8,10. Eggs are pig, in two to three months. They attach to the
oval-shaped, brown, measure 110 by 65 μm. wall of the small intestine and cause nodular
They are embryonated when laid, containing lesions. The life span of M. hirudinaceus in
the first larval stage called acanthor that is pigs exceeds one year.
surrounded by a three- (or four, according to Epidemiology
other opinions) layered shell, the external Geographical distribution. The distribution of
layer being pitted26,27. M. hirudinaceus is worldwide, as it is reported
Life cycle. (figure 2) The life cycle is indirect, from all continents. It was found in pigs, in
diheteroxenous, with dung beetles Belize9, in the area of Hebei, China
(coleopterans from the Scarabaeidae family, (22.52%)14 and in wild breeding pigs, in the
Melolontha vulgaris, Cetonia aurata, Varzea Amazonian Estuary area, (23%)22.
Polyphilla fullo, Anomalia vitis, etc.) serving

2 | Acanthocephala
GHERMAN | Textbook of Veterinary Parasitology | Acanthocephala and Nematoda ____________________

Figure 2. M. hirudinaceus - life cycle: EE, embryonated egg; A, adult; IH, intermediate host; a,
acanthor; b, acanthella; c, cystacanth

Wild boars are highly susceptible to infection environment, due to their high daily average
and prevalences of 21% in Spain19, 41.6% in of egg production, around 260000 eggs and to
Luristan province, western Iran25, 19% in the those 10.000.000 embryonated eggs contained
Bursa province of Turkey24 and 44% in at one time12. High density of cystacanths in
Romania* were recorded. The infection occurs individual coleopterans (more than 300 in one
also in other species, such as canids. The Popilla japonica) ensures a strong source of
prevalence recorded was 4.82% in wild canids contamination that exhibits a high potential to
(stray dogs, red foxes and golden jackals) in induce the development of many adult worms
the western part of Iran3 and 45.9% in wild in definitive hosts17.
canids (stray and sheepdogs and foxes) in Susceptibility. The highest receptivity is
northwestern Iran31. recorded in young pigs, aged 8 to 10 months.
Sources of contamination. The sources of Probably wild boars are more resistant, but
environment pollution are usually pigs, but the high levels of prevalence are, actually,
wild boars may also intervene. Intermediate recorded in this species. This fact may be a
hosts represent the source for contamination response to the increased possibility of wild
of pigs and exhibit important levels of boars and feral pigs to consume IH compared
contamination with cystacanths larvae: 36.6% with domestic pigs.
in the pine chafer (Polyphylla fullo), 19.5% in The route of contamination is oral, by
the vine chafer (Anomala vitis) and 18% in the ingestion of infected intermediate hosts.
common European cockchafer (Melolontha Resistance of the eggs to the action of
melolontha)11. The females have an temperatures, drying, alternate wetting and
accentuated capacity to pollute the drying and ultraviolet irradiation is well-

3 | Acanthocephala
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documented by Kates13. The author found that a specific nutrient. Triglycerides are taken up
a temperature of 70°C destroys the eggs at the presoma, and some amino acids are
instantaneously. At 60°C they are destroyed absorbed across the metasomal tegument.
following a 10 minute exposure. At negative Consequently, malnutrition and weakening of
temperatures, varying between - 10°C and - animals occurs.
16°C, they survive for as long as 140 days, in Inoculation is possible in the nodular lesions,
water or in dried condition. At temperatures which may be, sometimes, invaded by
ranging between 5°C and 39°C and 21 to secondary bacterial organisms. Parasitic
26°C, for 50 and 265 days, respectively, the toxins have a hemolytic effect.
author did not record an appreciable reduction Clinical signs. Pig contamination occurs in
in number of viable eggs. Wetting and drying spring and summer, but clinical signs appear
alternation, at 37 to 39°C, destroys the eggs in in autumn and winter due to the long
about one year while at temperatures varying prepatent period, between 8 and 12 weeks.
between 2 and 5°C they survive for more than The incubation period is 10 days. Symptoms
551 days. Ultraviolet irradiation destroys the of the disease that may be seen are diarrhoea,
eggs placed in a single layer in 10 minutes at a weakness, malnutrition, emaciation,
distance of 45 cm. abdominal pain.
Pathogenesis. Pathogenic actions exercised Pathology. Development and attachment of
by M. hirudinaceus on the host are the parasites to duodenal and jejunal mucosa
mechanical, inflammatory, despoiling, cause nodular enteritis and ulcers. Nodules are
inoculation and toxic-allergenic, complying visible through the transparent serous; some
with the general pattern valid in all helminths. of them are hemorrhagic and others with
Mechanical action is due to the large sizes of tissular necrosis. The worms are attached with
parasites, especially females, which can cause the proboscis or are already detached. Ulcers
bowel obstruction or occlusion even in have circular hemorrhagic or fibrotic borders
infections with a small number of individuals and due to the bacterial superinfections are
in the gut. Attachment with the proboscis to turned into abscesses. Rarely, the gut wall is
the intestinal wall produces pronounced tissue perforated by the proboscis and peritonitis
destructions, with the formation of nodules results. In chronic forms, the intestinal
and ulcers at the site of attachment. mucosa is hypertrophied, folded, and the
Inflammatory action is induced by the parasites are easily recognizable.
proboscis which releases antigens at the Diagnosis. Clinically, it is impossible. Eggs
attachment sites. Following this release an are recovered by sedimentation methods. A
intense inflammatory response will develop, positive result reflects the patency of the
consisting in predominantly eosinophilic disease. Parasites attached to the intestinal
leukocyte infiltration. Combined mechanical mucosa are evidenced without difficulty, at
and inflammatory actions cause large nodules, necropsy.
visible through transparent serosa, which may Differential diagnosis includes ascariosis,
be perforated by the proboscis, and peritonitis oesophagostomosis, chronic enteropathies due
results26. to other causes, solanine poisoning and
Spoliation is a very accentuated action infectious diseases.
because of the large sizes of parasites and Treatment. Avermectins are mainly used
their food requirements. Acantocephalans with good efficacy:
absorb the nutrients through their cuticle, each
body segment being the site of absorption for
4 | Acanthocephala
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 Doramectin, given intramuscularly at a Corynosoma and Polymorphus are the most

dose rate of 0.3 mg/kg bw showed a 62.1% prevalent in waterfowl. Two species are
efficacy against M. hirudinaceus29. important for veterinary parasitology of
 Ivermectin, an in-feed preparation, given domestic birds: Polymorphus boschadis
at a dose rate of 2 ppm for 7 days had a 13.1% (genus Polymorphus, syn. P. minutus,
efficacy against M. hirudinaceus at 14 days Profilicollis minutus, Echinorhynchus
post-treatment (pt), increasing to 76.9% at 36 polymorphus and E. minutus) and Filicollis
days pt21. At a dose rate of 100 or 200 anatis (genus Filicollis, syn. Echinorhynchus
micrograms/kg of body weight/day, for 7 anatis, E. filicollis, E. laevis and E.
days, in the same formulation, the efficacy polymorphus) both included in the family
was 100% at 0.1 mg and 85.9% in the case of Polymorphidae.
the second dose1. Morphology. General morphological features
 Flubendazole, at a dose rate of 1.5 mg/kg of Filicollis genus consist in a markedly
of body weight, in feed for 5 consecutive sexual dimorphism, spherical proboscis of
days, exerts some activity against M. female and orbicular in male and reduced
hirudinaceus, but the intensity of infections hooks. Polymorphus genus is characterized by
was too low to make an accurate assessment2. the presence of an ovoid, cylindrical or
 Loperamid hydrochloride, at doses of 1- pyriform proboscis.
1.5 mg/kg, given twice daily for 3 consecutive Filicollis anatis male has a fusiform, spindle
days cures macracanthorhynchosis in pigs16. body with spinose anterior part; proboscis is
Control. The intensive systems of animal almost spherical, or pear-shaped, continuing
exploitation are real barriers against the with a conical neck. The sizes of males vary
parasites. The grazing in contaminated areas between 3.5 to 6.5 mm long, including
and feeding the pigs with beetles, in proboscis and just 3.0 to 5.8 mm the trunk.
traditional systems of pig production, are The armature of proboscis consists in 18-2o
forbidden. The use of beetles as food sources longitudinal rows of 9-11 hooks each. The
is allowed only after their boiling. Removal of hooks measure between 0.03 and 0.04 mm.
feces from pigsties and small runs and bio- The female has an oval body; proboscis is
thermal sterilization of manure are imposed. bulbous-like and the neck is long and
cylindrical. The total length of females ranges
1.3. Acanthocephalosis of web- between 10.44 and 14.76 mm and a maximum
wide of 1.92-3.24 mm. The proboscis is 1.44
footed birds (polymorphosis and to 1.89 mm long and 1.86 to 2.13 mm width.
filicolliosis) Eggs are ovoid and measure 60-70 μm length
Definition. These are digestive and 20-25 μm wide.
biohelminthoses that affect domestic and wild Polymorphus boschadis has a small cylindric
web-footed birds (ducks, geese, swans, body, mainly orange but white behind the
cormorants). They evolve enzootically, during proboscis, distorted by transverse superficial
the summer, and are characterized by a annulations caused by contractions of the
subclinical evolution or a polymorphous underlying muscle. The male varies in length
clinical picture and nodular enteritis lesions. from 3 to 8.1 mm and the female from 3.5 to
Etiology. Waterfowl (Anseriformes) are the 12.2 mm. The trunk has cuticular spines at the
most susceptible group to acanthocephalans anterior end. Proboscis is cylindrical,
infections due to their high opportunities to surrounded by 16 longitudinal rows each
ingest aquatic intermediate hosts. Genera
5 | Acanthocephala
GHERMAN | Textbook of Veterinary Parasitology | Acanthocephala and Nematoda ____________________

armed with 6 to 10 hooks. Eggs are elongated anatis was diagnosed in the mallard (25%),
and measure 110/18-20 μm. Eurasian coot (20%) and common goldeneye
Life cycle. The life cycle is diheteroxenous, (Bucephala clangula) (33.3%), but infections
similar to that of M. hirudinaceus but with the with P. boschadis were absent6.
intervention of other intermediate hosts, Sources of contamination. The reservoir of
respectively crustaceans as Gammarus, parasites consists mainly of domestic ducks
Asselus or Carcinus. The eggs removed and geese, and other wild aquatic bird species.
through poultry manure in aquatic All these species represent a source of
environments are ingested by the crustaceans. environment pollution, but their polluting
Infective cystacanths develop in their body potential is not well known. Crustaceans, as
within 14 to 40 days in optimal conditions, at intermediate hosts, are the source of
17-26oC. Infective larvae manipulate and contamination for birds, and paratenic hosts
modify the behaviour of crustaceans in order also have a role in bird infections. Migration
to increase their survival related to non-hosts of waterfowl favors the appearance and
predators and to make them more vulnerable dispersal of outbreaks.
to predation by the definitive hosts . Birds Susceptibility. Particular vulnerability is
contaminate during the summer by ingestion observed in ducks, irrespective to age and sex
of infected crustaceans or fish hosts which of ducks and seasons of the year, but geese,
may intervene as paratenic hosts (in wild waterfowl and chickens, all can become
Polymorphus spp.). The prepatent period infected30.
varies between 3 to 4 weeks and longevity is The route of contamination is oral, through
more than 1 year. ingestion of intermediate or paratenic hosts
Epidemiology infected with cystacanths.
Geographical distribution. Acantocephalans Resistance. Little is known about the
infections in domestic and wild waterfowl are resistance of the eggs laid by the
widespread, recording different values of acanthocephalans of birds, but it is estimated
prevalence. In domestic ducks from that eggs are strongly resistant to the external
Mymensingh, Bangladesh, F. anatis was environment and can survive for more than six
found in 2.4% of the examined birds . On the months in water at 10 to 17°C. Direct sunlight
Bulgarian Black Sea coast, F. anatis was exposure and prolonged desiccation will
identified in wild birds from the destroy them in several weeks.
Anseriformes, Gruiformes and Pathogenesis. The pathogenetic effects of
Charadriiformes order, namely: garganey acanthocephalans in birds are very similar to
(Anas querquedula) (33.3%), northern those exerted by M. hirudinaceus.
shoveler (Anas clypeata), Eurasian coot Acute inflammatory action is expressed by
(Fulica atra) (17.5%), common moorhen multifocal necrotic and ulcerative enteritis
(Gallinula chloropus) (17.3%) and curlew while chronic inflammation at the site of
sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea) (5.5%)5. In the attachment causes fibrinous adhesions that
Middle-Bulgarian Region, F. anatis was involve the viscera, reducing the mobility of
found in the Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)4. In the small intestine. Correlated with spoliation
Romania, the same species was identified in caused by the parasites, it will induce
the Eurasian teal (Anas crecca) (5%) and emaciation of the birds. Traumatic and
mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) (10%)*. P. inflammatory action consists in the formation
boschadis caused mortality in the mute swan of fibrinous nodules on the serosal surface of
(Cygnus olor), in Canada23. In Hungary, F. the intestine. Toxins of parasites act upon the
6 | Acanthocephala
GHERMAN | Textbook of Veterinary Parasitology | Acanthocephala and Nematoda ____________________

basal metabolism of the birds and the thermal Southern Ontario, Canada23. Other
regulatory system, altering both processes. medications used are carbon tetrachloride, 0.5
Clinical signs. There is no correlation ml per kg bw, per os, mebendazole, 0.5 ml per
between the intensity of parasitism, kg body weight, orally taken for 3 days and
pathogenic actions, and the clinical fenbendazole, 20 mg / kg bw for 5 days, in the
manifestation of the disease, respectively Low fodders.
infections, with a small number of parasites Control. Measures are difficult to implement
attached to the intestinal wall, may be due to the intervention of wild birds and
expressed by severe clinical signs, even death, practical failure in IH combating.
or massive infections by up to 130 Nevertheless, some remediation measures
acanthocephalans per bird can evolve such as bio-thermal sterilization of manure
subclinically, unapparently. Clinical signs are and limiting the density of the wild waterfowl
observed in ducklings and goslings after 4 populations by hunting are recommended.
weeks of age, consisting in a decreased Keeping the birds away from environments
appetite, greenish-yellowish diarrhea, that harbor infected intermediate hosts or
misconduct, adynamia, and in an advanced withdrawal of waterfowl from contaminated
stage, in astasia, anorexia, weight loss, ponds are, also, beneficial measures.+
emaciation, rickets, hypothrepsia, and
Pathology. Adult parasites attached to the
intestinal mucosa cause hemorrhagic and References
nodular enteritis sometimes with fibrinous 1. Alva-Valdes R, Wallace DH, Foster AG,
nodules on the serosal surface, intestinal Ericsson GF, Wooden JW (1989) Efficacy of
an in-feed ivermectin formulation against
mucosal ulcers, perforation of the intestinal
gastrointestinal helminths, lungworms, and
wall and peritonitis. Necropsy reveals a large sarcoptic mites in swine. Am J Vet Res.
number of parasites, varying between 150 and 50(8):1392-5.
more than 2000 individuals per bird23. 2. Bradley RE, Guerrero J, Becker HN, Michael
BF, Newcomb K (1983) Flubendazole: dose
Diagnosis. From a clinical point of view, the range and efficacy studies against common
diagnosis is of no value whatsoever. The eggs internal parasites of swine. Am J Vet Res.
are identified in feces by sedimentation 44(7):1329-33.
methods. The presence of nodules at the site 3. Dalimi A, Sattari A, Motamedi G (2006) A
study on intestinal helminthes of dogs, foxes
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Prevalence of Zoonotic Intestinal Helminths

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2. Introduction to classification proposed by Chitwood and

Chitwood13 and revised by Chitwood11
Nematodes divided the phylum into two classes:
Aphasmidia and Phasmidia (phasmids are
The former name “helminth” designating a
small caudal lateral sensory organs, existing in
nematode, meant a “worm living in the
males). Later, the names were changed in
digestive tract of humans and animals, and
Adenophorea, characterized by reduced or
thus was allied with the general concept of
absent caudal papillae and an excretory
system lacking lateral canals and Secernentea,
Nematodes belong to the Nematoda phylum
opposite to previous class, having numerous
and are invertebrate round worms with a
caudal papillae and an excretory system
worldwide distribution, spread in a large
possessing lateral canals10.
variety of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
Blaxter6 and De Ley and Blaxter16 proposed a
They can live as free organisms in the
new classification based on an analysis of
environment or cause important diseases for
small subunit ribosomal RNA genes from
humans, animals and plants. The phylum is
more than 300 nematode species. Some
one of the most abundant groups of animals,
previous taxa were upgraded in rank, and
containing 8359 species parasitic in
others were degraded.
vertebrates, 10 681 free-living species, 4105
More recently, Holterman’s et al.20 researches,
species parasites of plants and 3501 species in
based on an analysis of small-subunit rDNA,
invertebrate hosts23.
suggested the presence of 12 clades in the
structure of the phylum (table 1).
2.1. Systematics of nematodes For an accurate and modern classification of
of veterinary importance nematodes that cause diseases in domestic
animals, we used the system based on the
The classification of nematodes is constantly
publications of Blaxter et al.7, De Ley and
changing due to continuous knowledge
Blaxter15,16 and Blaxter6 (table 2).
acquired on different species. An old

Table 1. Clade of Nematode phylum based on DNA phylogenetic analysis

BI Clades Clade taxa
1 Enoplida, Triplonchida, Bastianiidae, Rhabdolaimidae (Plectida)
2 Trichinellida, Mononchida, Mermithida, Dorylaimida
3 Chromadorida, Prodesmodora (Desmodoridae, Desmodorida)
4 Desmodorida, Chromadoridae (Chromadorida), Choanolaimidae (Chromadorida)
5 Monhysterida, Areolaimida, Aulolaimidae (Plectida)
6 Plectida
7 Teratocephalidae (Rhabditida, incertae sedis)
8 Spirurina
9 Myolaimina, Rhabditina
10 Tylenchina, Brevibuccidae (Rhabditida, incertae sedis)
11 Cephalobomorpha
12 Tylenchomorpha

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Table 2 The classification of nematodes of veterinary importance used6,7,15,16 (*Only families of

veterinary significance are included)

Class Order Family* Genus Disease caused (chapter)

Bunostomum Bunostomosis in ruminants (2.1.2.)
Ancylostoma Ancylostomosis and uncinariosis in
Uncinariidae Uncinaria carnivores (2.1.1.)
Strongylidae Strongylidosis in horses (2.2.)
Trichostrongylidosis in ruminants
Trichostrongylidae (2.3.1)
Hyostrongylus Hyostrongylosis in pigs (2.2.1)
Globocephalidae Globocephalus Globocephalosis of pigs (2.5.)
Oesophagostomosis - Nodular enteritis
Chabertiidae in ruminants and pigs (2.4.1.)
Chabertia Chabertiasis in ruminants (2.4.2.)
Amidostomidae Amidostomum Amidostomiasis in aquatic birds (2.6.)
Dictyocaulidae Dictyocaulus Respiratory nematodiasis in livestock:
Protostrongylus dictyocaulosis, protostrongylosis and
Muellerius muelleriosis (2.7.; 2.8.1.; 2.8.2.)
Metastrongylidae Metastrongylus Respiratory nematodiasis in pig (2.9.)
Syngamus Respiratory nematodiasis in birds
Cyathostoma (2.10.)
Crenosomatidae Crenosoma
Chromadorea Rhabditida Filaroididae Filaroides Cardiorespiratory nematodiasis in
Angiostrongylus carnivores (2.11.; 2.12.; 2.13.1; 2.13.2)
Strongyloididae Strongyloides Strongyloidiasis in animals (3.1.)
Ascarididae Parascaris
Toxascaris Ascaridosis in animals
Toxocaridae Toxocara
Ascaridiidae Ascaridia
Heterakidae Heterakis Heterakiosis in birds
Acuaria Echinuriasis and Acuariasis in
Echinuria waterfowl
Habronematidae Habronema Habronemosis in horses
Onchocercidae Onchocerca Onchocerciasis in animals
Setariidae Setaria Setariasis in animals
Parafilaria Summer bleeding in horses
Dirofilaria Dirofilariosis in dogs
Thelaziidae Thelazia Thelaziosis in animals
Gongylonematidae Gongylonema Gongylonemosis in domestic animals
Spirocerca Spirocercosis in dogs
Gastric spiruridosis in pigs
Gnathostomatidae Gnathostoma
Oxyuris Oxyuriasis in horses
Passalurus Passaluriasis in rabbits
Trichinellidae Trichinella Trichinellosis
Trichinellida Capillariidae Capillaria Capillariasis in animals
Trichuridae Trichuris Trichuriasis in animals
Dioctophymatida Dioctophymatidae Dioctophyme Dioctophymiasis in carnivores

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Further, the content of the book is structured Body wall - trilaminar: cuticle, hypodermis
by disease groups, according to their and body wall musculature. The cuticle
systematization in the main super-families of consists of up to six layers: epicuticle, cortex
veterinary interest: Strongyloidea, (inner and outer), medial, fibre and basal33. In
Strongyloidoidea, Ascaridoidea, Acuarioidea, many species the cuticle has modifications at
Habronematoidea, Filarioidea, Thelazioidea, the anterior end: leaf crowns, vesicles, alae
Spiruroidea, Oxyuroidea, Gnathostomatoidea, and cervical papillae. Leaf crowns are rows of
Trichinelloidea, and Dioctophymatoidea. finger-like protrusions that surround the lips
On the other hand, the names of diseases from of the buccal cavity. Vesicles are cuticular
the Standardized Nomenclature of Animal dilatations around the mouth (cephalic
Parasitic Disease (SNOAPAD)24 are used. vesicle) or esophagus (cervical vesicle). Alae
are lateral expansions of the cuticle similar to
2.2. General morphology and wings. Both, vesicles and alae, surround the
esophageal region; the alae are located only in
structure the terminal tract of the esophagus, while the
Nematodes are invertebrate triploblastic
vesicles cover almost the entire esophageal
animals, pseudocelomates, with bilateral
region when the alae are missing. Cervical
symmetry and a tubular body plan. They have
papillae are spiny protrusions, i.e., sensorial
a cylindrical, unsegmented body, equally or
structures found in the esophageal region, in
unequally calibrated, with lengths ranging
pairs. At the posterior end, the cuticle has only
between 1.2 to 100 mm. Most nematodes are
caudal papillae and alae. The hypodermis is a
dioecious, with an accentuated sexual
thin tissue layer located beneath the cuticle,
dimorphism, females being larger than males.
usually syncytial; it contains nuclei that
At the anterior end, both sexes show the
thicken in four epidermal cords. These
mouth, with various aspects: simple,
partially divide the pseudocoel and somatic
rudimentary mouth opening or bounded by a
musculature into four quadrants. Musculature
different number of equal or unequal lips.
consists of three types of cells: platymyarian,
Other species show an oral (buccal) capsule,
wide and shallow, coelomyarian, spindle
with different shapes: cupuliform (shaped like
shaped, and circomyarian, which has
a small cup), tronconic (in the shape of a
contractile fibrils at the periphery28. Based on
truncated cone) or cylindrical. In
the number of rows of muscle cells per
hematophagous and histiophagous nematodes,
quadrant, there are three arrangements,
the buccal capsule usually has a very well
termed: polymyarian (multiple rows),
developed armament consisting in blades,
holomyarian (1-2 rows) and meromyarian (2-
spears, stylets, lancets and teeth.
5 rows12.
At the posterior end, females are usually
The pseudocoel contains a fluid called
simple, conical, with a subterminal vulvar
hemolymph and there are located the
opening, without ornamental structural
reproductive and digestive systems and other
elements. The males have different aspects:
structures. It contains a unique cell type
curled tail with copulatory spicules on the
known as coelomocyte and functions as a
small curvature, or a copulatory bursa, well
hydrostatic skeleton.
developed, with two or three lobes, rays
The digestive system is complete: mouth,
(finger-like structures) and spicules.
esophagus, intestine and anus, with the
In a cross section of the body, the following
majority of variations occurring in the sizes of
layers are visible: the body wall and
each segment.
pseudocoel that function as a hydrostatic
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The mouth was described above, to the aspect called the rachis. Primary spematocytes
of anterior end. The esophagus is an organ embedded in the rachis initiate meiosis, detach
with a pump role; it sucks food from the from the rachis, move into the maturation
mouth and pumps it into the intestine. It has a zone of the testis and become secondary
variety of shapes, serving as systematic spermatocytes. Meiosis I continues with
criterion for taxon differentiation. The meiosis II and secondary spermatocytes
intestine is a simple, tubular organ that has a become round spermatids which remain in the
wall composed of a single layer of columnar next zone of the testis, toward the cloaca
cells. The intestine terminates in a rectum that storage zone or seminal vesicle. In the
runs between the anus and the intestine in terminal portion of the storage area, the
females, and a cloaca in males. The cloaca is spermatids will be fully developed; mature
the joint opening of the digestive and sperm appear in proximal zone of the testis to
reproductive systems and receives their the cloaca. Pseudopodial movements of sperm
products. The passage of food through the gut cells are provided by a substance called major
is not due to its own peristaltic movements but sperm protein (MSP) which forms fibrous
due to the proximity of the esophagus. Its complexes anchored to the cell40.
pumping movements send the food through The female reproductive system can be
the intestine. monodelphic, having one tract, didelphic,
Depending on their nutrition type, nematodes which is the most common one, containing
can be: hematophagous, eating blood; two tracts or rarely polydelphic (many tracts,
histiophagous, feeding on tissue; or those that up to 10 or 11). The position of the ovaries
eat intestinal content or chyme. can be amphidelphic (opposed ovaries, one
Reproductive system - the sexes are anterior, one posterior to the vulva),
separated in most nematode species. Both prodelphic (ovary or ovaries anterior to the
reproductive systems are solid cords of cells vulva) or opisthodelphic (ovary(s) posterior to
that continue with ducts through which sex the vulva).
cells are eliminated in the environment. These Each tract is composed of an ovary, oviduct
sex cells can proliferate in the inner end of the and uterus. The ovary is a cord of cells that
gonad, and this is called a telogonic gonad; produce gametes; they move along the ovary,
when they proliferate throughout the length of from the upper pole (germinal zone) to the
a gonad, it is called a hologonic gonad. oviduct. The oviduct is tubular; at the limit
The male reproductive system is composed of between the ovary and the oviduct is the
a testis (a single testis in the Rhabditida order storage area or spermatheca. The uterus is a
and a pair in Enoplea) and a duct divided in a muscular organ with well-developed circular
vas deferens and ejaculatory duct that opens and diagonal muscle fibers. The terminal end
into a cloaca. The accessory reproductive of each uterus is muscular and constitutes the
organs are the copulatory spicules, almost all ovijector. All ovijectors unite to form the
nematodes having a pair, and the vagina that opens through the vulva, whichhas
gubernaculum (telamon in some strongyloid different locations: at the anterior end, near
genera), which is a structure that guides the the mouth, midbody, or it can be posterior,
removal of the spicules after copulation. close to the tail.
Spermatogenesis is initiated in the distal Oogenesis is very similar with
portion of the testis from cloaca, in the germ spermatogenesis: oogonia situated in the
cell formation zone, where spematogonia germinal zone of the ovaries become primary
divide mitotically forming primary oocytes, attached to a rachis. Oocytes increase
spematocytes that attach to a support structure in size, detach from the rachis and move down

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to the maturation or growth zone. Oocytes that After mating and fecundation of an oocyte
enter the spematheca will be penetrated by begins the process of eggshell formation that
mature sperm cells. Subsequently, the uterus is finalized by the forming of a trilamellar
will take over the fertilized oocytes and the structure, generally available in all nematode
process will continue with egg formation. The eggs: an outer vitelline layer, a chitinous layer
peristaltic movements of the uterus will mold and an innermost lipid layer (figure 3). In
the shape of eggs, and the secretory glands some species, the eggshell contains a fourth
from the uterus wall contribute with additional layer composed of a muco-polysaccharide
substances to the production of the shell37. protein complex, called the proteinaceous

Figure 3. Trilamellar eggshell structure of nematode eggs

Secretory-excretory system - excretion Nervous system - nematodes have two

means the removal of unusable or unnecessary concentrations of nervous tissues, one of them
material; secretion is defined as the active surrounding the esophagus where it forms the
release of molecules that convey a survival nerve ring, or circumesophageal commissure.
advantage to the42. In nematodes, known for The second concentration encircles the
the lack of a recognizable kidney, the main rectum, forming the rectal commissure or
function of this system is secretion in posterior nerve ring. Each ring serves as a
detriment of excretion. The system is not commissure for the ganglia; on either ring
present in all nematode taxa; when it is there are three ganglia: a ventral, a lateral, and
present, it consists of a singular or double dorsal cephalic one, at the anterior end, and a
large glandular cell called “renette gland” and dorsorectal, a preanal, and s lumbar one on the
a duct that extends to the anterior end, only to posterior ring. From each anterior ganglion
open via a ventral pore5. emanate longitudinal and posterior nerve
In other nematodes, these glands have been trunks which embed in the epidermal cords.
replaced by another organ. It consists of two From the same ganglia emanate anterior
ducts, connected by a single transverse duct nerves which innervate the amphids and
that opens into a canal and runs to the cephalic sensory papillae that surround the
excretory pore2. mouth.

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The peripheral nervous system consists of 2.3. Life cycle of nematodes

interconnected nerves, originating from nerve Despite the accentuated diversity of
trunks, and forming a latticework that nematodes, their general life cycle can be
provides innervation for the cuticular sensors. related to two basic patterns: geohelminth (or
Parasitic nematodes have two types of direct life cycle) and biohelminth (or indirect
sensilla: mechanoreceptors and life cycle). Geohelminths are parasitic
chemoreceptors. Mechanoreceptors consist of nematodes with a monoxenous life cycle,
two types of papillae: labial and cephalic, without an intermediate host (IH), and all
located around the mouth and behind the lips, preparasitic stages are found free-living in the
respectively. Many males of different environment. Biohelminths involve one
nematode species possess caudal papillae (diheteroxenous) or two (triheteroxenous) IH
which play a role in copulation. Most in order to accomplish their life cycle. Other
nematode species additionally have a pair of hosts (paratenic, vector) may interfere with
cuticular papillae, called deirids or cervical their life cycle.
papillae that surround the anterior nerve ring. According to the terminology proposed by
Chemoreceptors are amphids and phasmids, Odening32, the correct terms that define the
located at the anterior and posterior end of the types of nematodes in relation with their host
nematodes. The amphids may have a secretory number and species are:
function or act as thermoreceptors or mediate  homoxenous parasites (monoxenous) -
thermotaxis35,31. “parasite transmission via a sequence of hosts
Neurotransmission in nematodes (Brooks et of one and the same ontogenetico-cyclic
al., 2005) is based on two neurotransmitters: category” (e.g. Eimeria spp.). In their turn,
acetylcholine, which is the main one29, and homoxenous parasites can be monoxenous
GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid). Acetylcholine (one host species), oligoxenous (two or three
acts as an excitant and GABA as an inhibitor host species) or polyxenous (more than three
of motor neurons. Another substance present host species).
in the chemical structures of the nervous  heteroxenous parasites need different host
system, acting as a neurotransmitter, is categories to achieve their life cycle. The
glutamate. It is involved in pharyngeal proper terms for the subcategories are
pumping and long-term memory in C. diheteroxeny, triheteroxeny and
elegans39. Dopamine, octopamine and
tetraheteroxeny, rather than dixeny and
serotonin, three biogenic amines found in
nematodes, are involved in different
One of the most important processes that
processes. Serotonin influences egg laying in
enable the nematode larval development,
Caenorhabditis elegans41, locomotion in
regardless of the life cycle type, is the molting
Ascaris suum34 and coordination of male
process. It consists in two steps:
copulatory behavior in free-living
 synthesis of a new cuticle by the
nematodes44. Dopamine and octopamine act as
hypodermis; this process will continue until
antagonists of serotonin producing movement
the new cuticle will be sufficiently folded
disorders, decreased eggs laying, disturbances
under the old cuticle, so that it could be
of pharyngeal pump and defecation in some
stretched after ecdysis;
nematode species22,1,9. Noradrenalin is also
 the loss of sheath (exsheathment ) - a
identified in some species of nematodes18.
process by which the old cuticle is completely
destroyed and the new larval stage is released
from the old cuticle; the process is facilitated
by several enzymes;

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The life cycle of geohelminths has two tears (Thelaziidae), droplets of blood
subtypes: “in ovo” evolution and larval eliminated from skin wounds (Filariidae -
development. Initially, the eggs eliminated in Parafilaria) or soil (Habronematidae).
the environment through feces undergo the Contamination with embryonated eggs is
first stage of embryogenesis resulting in the common for the Spirocercidae,
production of the first larval stage (L1) that Gnathostomatidae, Gongylonematidae,
remains inside the eggs. Acuariidae and Dioctophymatidae families.
Subsequently, the “in ovo” external evolution Eggs eliminated by females can be
(figure 4), typical for the Ascarididae, embryonated or not; in this case, the first stage
Trichuridae and Oxyuridae families, means of embryogenesis is achieved in the
that L1 will molt once inside the egg, thus environment with a fast development of L1
resulting in an infective egg that contains the inside the egg. Next, these eggs will be eaten
second larval stage (L2). Contamination of by IH.
animals, in this case, is achieved orally. In both contamination types, L1 will molt
In the larval development subtype, twice in IH body, finally resulting L3, an
characteristic of many families of the infective element. Animal contamination will
Strongyloidea superfamily (Ancylostomidae, be different:
Uncinariidae, Strongylidae, Trichostrongy-  the inoculation of L3 by hematophagous
lidae and others) L1 hatch in the environment IH that bites DH, to feed;
and molt twice, finally resulting in the L3  eating the IH that contains L3, by the DH;
infective larval stage. Animal contamination Regardless of the contamination route of DH
is possible in two ways: orally (to the vast and stage of released larvae (L2 or L3) in both
majority of nematode species) or by skin life cycle types, these larvae will follow a
penetration (Ancylostomidae, Uncinariidae tissue migration towards target organs21.
and Strongyloididae families). During migration, larval stages will shed
In both subtypes, exogenous evolution is again, once (from L3 to L4) or twice (L2 → L3
influenced by several abiotic factors, the most → L4) generating L4 which will transform into
important being temperature, humidity and adults. Sometimes the sexually immature
oxygen content. adult stages defined as L5, are developed after
The life cycle of biohelminths is more new, successive molts.
complicated and involves a different kind of To conclude, the basic life cycle of nematodes
IH or infective elements for IH, but the consists of seven stages: an egg, four larval
internal development or evolution of parasitic stages (L1, L2, L3, and L4) and two adult stages
forms in IH body is a little bit simplified representing separate males and females.
(figure 5). Depending on the type of infective In the running of the life cycle in many
element for IH, two subtypes can be defined: species of nematodes, a state of latent life
contamination with larvae and contamination called hypobiosis or developmental arrest
with embryonated eggs. establishes at some point.
Contamination with larvae is achieved in The role of this state is to ensure the survival
species that have viviparous or ovoviviparous in adverse environmental conditions. Low
females, , and L1 hatch during elimination by temperature, dessication, and a decreasing
the definitive hosts (DH). In both situations, photoperiod are factors that influence the
IH will eat L1 directly from the bloodstream establishment of this state27.
(Onchocercidae, Setariidae, and Dirofilaria),

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Figure 4. Geohelminth type of the nematode life cycle: UE - unembryonated egg; E(L1) -
embryonated egg containing L1; IE(L2) - infective egg that contains the second larval stage (L2); L1,
L2, L3, L4 - larval stages; OC - oral contamination; SP - skin penetration

Figure 5. Biohelminth type of the nematode life cycle: IH - intermediate hosts; UE -

unembryonated egg; EE - embryonated egg; L1, L2, L3, L4 - larval stages; OC - oral contamination;
SP - skin penetration

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2.4. General pathogenesis of Intestinal nematodes, eating chyme, compete

with their hosts for nutrition resources
nematodes because they take nourishment from the
Despite the variables sizes, different types of
digested food. Proteins, lactose, fat, vitamin A
nutrition, cuticular armament and endogenous
and carotene digestion and absorption are the
migrations, almost all nematodes exercise the
most affected components. Consecutively,
same pathogenic effects: traumatic, nutrition
characteristic symptoms of malnutrition will
robbing (or spoliation), toxin production,
set in.
inoculation and interactions of the host
Hematophagous nematodes eat blood causing
immune/inflammatory response.
iron losses and anemia. The daily blood loss,
Some substances serve as chemical
in hookworm infections, may range between
communicators in nematodes and help to
0.03 to 0.15 ml per worm14, while whipworms
exercise their pathological actions. These
can eat 0.2 to 1.5 ml per day38. At the same
substances are called kairomones and have
time, this type of nutrition is responsible for
diverse functions for the receiving organism:
loss of blood plasma and its constituents,
hemolysins, histolysins, anticoagulants,
hypoalbuminemia and other nutrient
antiferments (inhibits host enzymes), attract
deficiencies. Achieving hematophagous
nutrients towards the parasites, induce
nutrition is favored by certain parasitic
protective proliferative reactions around
secretions, and namely nematode
anticoagulant proteins (NAPs), which inhibit
The traumatic action is dependent on: the
the clotting of blood at the feeding site17.
size and location of the nematodes,
Nematodes are also equipped with different
movements in the host body, mouth armament
structures (blades, lancets, teeth) needed for
and attachment structures. Because of their
sectioning mucous membranes, capillary walls
size, some species produce compression
and blood sucking.
atrophy of surrounding tissues (e.g.
Other nematodes, so-called histiophagous,
Dyoctophyme renale located in the renal
feed on host tissues, dead cells, and
pelvis, causes kidney parenchyma atrophy -
secretions, which are ingested through several
medula and cortex). The location of
mechanisms, the most common being mucosal
nematodes in ducts associated with their large
sizes, causes obstruction of those canals (e.g.
Toxic action is due to the production of two
massive infestation with Ascaris suum blocks
types of toxins: exotoxins, proteic molecules
intestinal transit). Movements in the host’s
released following the metabolic activity of
body, during internal migrations, and mouth
parasites and endotoxins, resulting from the
armament are responsible for tissues
death of nematodes. Both types of toxins can
destructions (e.g.: migratory larvae of
have a local or a systemic effect.The local,
Ancylostoma spp. cause lesions to the skin,
intestinal action of toxins consists in
lung and gut wall; teeth of Ancylostoma
inhibiting the activity of digestive ferments,
caninum determine intestinal mucosal
causing diarrhea/coprostasis and
injuries; buccal capsule of horse strongyles
malabsorption by altering membrane
causes damage at the fixation site).
permeability. Absorption of toxins from the
The nutrition robbing (spoliation) is due to
gut is expressed by blood circulation
the feeding of parasites. The intensity of
alterations, convulsions, epileptic seizures and
robbing and the affected components depend
altered hematopoietic mechanisms.
on the type of feeding.
The best-known toxin produced by nematodes
is ascaron, released by the ascarid species

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following the death of large numbers of hosts regulate colitis (inflammatory bowel
parasites. It is a toxic peptone and causes disease)43.
poisoning with symptoms similar to those of Irrespective of the relationship expression
anaphylactic shock. between nematode - inflammation - immune
The inoculation action consists in taking of response, it is clear that in organs and tissues
pathogens belonging to other groups (bacteria, parasitized by nematodes there appear
viruses) by nematodes from the place of different types of inflammatory responses:
penetration into the body (gut, skin), and their exudative, granulomatous or alteration.
circulation through the tissues and organs of
the body of the host. These infectious agents 2.5. Immunity of host to
are able to cause severe infection on the
nematode's migratory route. Migration of
“Despite an intense effort over 30 years by
ascarid larvae through the lungs of animals is
immunologists, it is still not possible to define
often accompanied by pneumonia, sometimes
exactly how the immune response removes
complicated by bacteria spread by larvae.
parasites from the host, because of the high
Another way to express the relationship
degree of complexity and redundancy among
between nematodes and infectious agents
various immunological responses”26.
consists in the creation of access points on the
However, the types of immunity which are
lesions caused by parasites. Subsequently, at
installed in the host due to the aggression of
these levels, infectious agents will penetrate
nematodes are known. The ability to acquire
and disseminate in the host organism. Thus,
specific immunity exists only in vertebrates,
the associations between accentuated
and differs from the resistance of the host,
parasitism conditions with ascarids in young
which means the susceptibility of the host to
animals and the evolution of dysenteric
the aggression of the nematodes. Generally,
syndromes with bacterial or viral etiology are
two types of immunity are common to all
well known.
vertebrate animals: innate immunity and
The most important pathogenic action of
acquired immunity. Both involve two
nematodes against their host is alteration of
categories of substances: antigens and
the immune response and inflammation. The
hypothesis of inflammation caused by
The innate immune system comprises:
nematode aggression is controversial, the
anatomical structures acting as natural
reaction being considered, however, as a
barriers, chemical and biochemical barriers,
defense mechanism of the host. In cattle
mechanisms and cells that protect the host
infected with gastrointestinal strongyles,
from infection with a large number of
resistant animals can better maintain
pathogen species.
inflammatory responses at the site of
Anatomical structures are the skin and
infection, suggesting a mechanism of
epithelial surfaces; both form physical and
resistance30. Moreover, some nematode’s
mechanical barriers against nematode
secretions act as anti-inflammatory agent (e.g.
aggression due to the contaminant elements at
filarial product ES-62) and have a therapeutic
larval stages.
potential19. Another aspect of the interaction
Chemical and biochemical barriers are
between nematodes and the immune response
represented by the low pH and hydrolytic
of the host consists in suppressing innate and
enzymes that create a hostile environment for
adaptive pro-inflammatory immune responses
infective larvae of nematodes. Also, increased
by nematodes, while the mechanisms involved
mucus production in the digestive tract acts as
in the induction of anti-nematode responses of
a trap for nematodes. It is demonstrated that
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intestinal mucus is involved in the trapping systematization of acquired immunity is

and rapid expulsion of Trichinella spiralis accepted as active (post-infection or post
from the gut of rats4. vaccination) or passive (maternal antibodies
The inborn immune mechanisms are transfer or after immunoglobulin
inflammation and complement system administration), according to the manner of
activation. The acute inflammation is initiated development, and sterile or non-sterile
by different types of cells existing in host (premunition), depending on the persistence
tissues: macrophages, mastocytes, and or absence of the parasitic agents in the body
histiocytes. These cells have receptors that of the host.
recognize the pathogens’ own molecules and The antigens of nematodes are particularly
are activated in order to release chemical complex and can be included in general
mediators responsible for the setting in of classes of these substances, depending on their
inflammation. The complement system origin: somatic or metabolic. Somatic
involves more than 25 proteins and protein antigens are related to the body structure of
fractions that help antibodies and phagocytes live parasites and are released after their
to eliminate pathogens from the host. death. They exist in all parasites but do not
Proteases activated by an aggressor, cleave show strong antigenicity and are rarely
specific proteins to release cytokines and immunogenic. Depending on their chemical
subsequently induce a cascade of further structure, somatic antigens are lipoproteins,
cleavages. The final result will be a massive glycoproteins or polysaccharides, coupled to
activation of cell-killing membrane attack other compounds and having a haptenic role.
complex. The metabolic antigens are composed of
The sentinel cells involved in innate secretions and excretions resulting as a
immunity are: mast cells, phagocytes, consequence of parasite activity. These have a
macrophages, neutrophils, natural killer cells, great antigenicity and immunogenicity and are
basophils and eosinophils. specifically immunogenic. Their chemical
The acquired immunity, or adaptive immune structure is close to that of proteolytic and
system, is responsible for differentiation of lipolytic enzymes.
foreign "non-self" from own "self", to The nematode avoidance mechanism is
generate responses against pathogens and to another aspect of the host-parasite interaction.
develop an immunological memory. It Despite the various possibilities for the
comprises highly specialized cells and immune system to defend the host body
processes that prevent or eliminate pathogens. against nematode aggression, the nematodes
The cells involved are T and B lymphocytes, possess the means by which to eschew this
derived from the hematopoietic stem cells. B system. The ways to evade are: successive
cells play a role in the humoral immune molts that change the antigenic structures of
response, interfering with the synthesis of the worm’s cuticle, migrations through
antibodies, whereas T cells are involved in diverse organs and tissues, presence of a large,
cell-mediated immune responses, having cuticular surface that cannot be phagocytosed.
multiple functions: cytotoxic, helper,
regulatory, memory or natural killer. Even if it 2.6. Diagnosis pattern of
is a specific immune response, it can be
activated by the innate components.
The diagnosis of nematodiasis usually
Classification of acquired immunity as active
involves the corroboration of several methods
or passive is more or less correct because both
in order to achieve a diagnosis of certainty.
types can be natural or acquired3. However,
Epidemiological and clinical examinations are
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only indicative, being associated with precipitation tests, immunofluorescence and

necropsy and fecal examination, to confirm a ELISA.
presumptive diagnosis. In particular For a high accuracy diagnosis, other
situations, when the enunciated methods are laboratory methods involving blood
inefficient, laboratory methods (mainly examination can be performed. The values of
immune diagnosis) may be applied for some biochemical parameters (serum
confirmation. pepsinogen, albumin, globulins, and liver
Epidemiological data can reveal aspects of enzymes) or hematological constituents
disease seasonality, species and breeds (erythrocytes, leukocytes, total eosinophils)
affected, most sensitive age group, and risk are determined. Particular methods of
factors that favor the occurrence and evolution diagnosis will be described separately, in the
of the disease. case of each disease.
Symptoms that accompany the evolution of a
nematodiasis may exclude a certain group of 2.7. Groups of substances used
diseases, uncharacteristic for the clinical
picture shown. For instance, intestinal
against nematodes
Nematode infestations are harmful to
strongyles in horses produce almost
domestic animals and, which has led to, an
exclusively digestive disorders (diarrhea,
active search for nematicide drugs. A wide
colic). Other nematodes (hookworms) cause a
range of these substances were developed
wide variety of cutaneous, respiratory,
over the past few years, the most modern and
digestive and metabolic symptoms, limiting
active of them being the avermectins. Table 3
the indicative value of the clinical exam.
presents the systematization of nematicides,
The necropsy allows a diagnosis of certainty,
including active substances, their mechanism
showing location of parasites and lesions
of action and anthelmintic spectrum.
caused by them. Regarding the individual, it is
a tardy diagnosis, being made after the death
of the animal. However, in large collectivities
it is useful, often being thefastest and surest
Coprological examination means to examine
the feces of animals in order to identify
eliminated parasitic elements (eggs, larvae),
for a definitive diagnosis of the disease. The
used methods aim to find and identify
helminth eggs, both light (strogyles, ascarids)
and heavy (Fasciola hepatica), using flotation
and sedimentation tests. Another goal of the
examination aims to highlight the larvae of
pulmonary nematodes (Dictyocaulus and
Protostrongylus genera) and their
Immune diagnosis aims to identify the
presence of antibodies, or antigens, in the
diseased animal. Common serological
methods used in immune diagnosis are:
complement fixation, the agglutination and

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Table 3. Classes of nematicide drugs

Class mechanism of action effective against
mebendazole threadworms,
fenbendazole roundworms
Compromise the cytoskeleton through a selective
Benzimidazoles flubendazole whipworms,
interaction with b-tubulin
thiabendazole hookworms,
oxfendazole lungworms
Diphenylsulfides Binds to tubulin subunit and interferes with
febantel hookworms,
(Pro-benzimidazole) microtubule formation
Paralyzes worms by attacking a previously
Amino-acetonitrile gastrointestinal
undiscovered receptor HCO-MPTL-1, present monepantel
derivatives (ADDs) nematodes of sheep
only in nematodes
Binding to a group of G-protein coupled
receptors called latrophilins, first identified as
Octadepsipeptides being target proteins for α-latrotoxin that can emodepside
nematodes (cat)
cause paralysis and subsequent death in
Blockade of cholinergic neuromuscular gastrointestinal
Spiroindole derquantel
transmission. nematodes
Inhibitor of arachidonic acid metabolism in
filariasis in both,
filarial microfilaria, and become more diethyl-carbamazine
dogs and cats
Hexahydro- susceptible to immune attack.
pyrazines Piperazine paralyses parasites by its agonist ascarids in dogs,
effects upon the inhibitory GA A (γ- piperazine cats, horses, swine
aminobutyric acid) receptor. and poultry
Inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation in a parasite closantel anti-nematodes,
Class mechanism of action subclass effective against
ivermectin worms, arthropods
doramectin lungworms,
stimulate the release of gamma- avermectins eprinomectin
aminobutyric acid (GABA) at the
abamectin anthelmintic
Macrocyclic level of nerve endings and block the
Lactones transmittance of electrical activity in
selamectin hookworms,
nerves and muscle cells (Pong et al.,
oxime anthelmintic,
milbemycins moxidectin insecticide,
milbemectin acaricides
acts on the roundworm nervous imidazothiazole levamisole
system as agonists at nicotinic derivatives tetramisole
Nicotinic agonists
acetylcholine receptors of nematodes tetrahy- pyrantel roundworms,
causing spastic paralysis dropyrimidines morantel pinworms

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3. Strongyloidea two spicules which may be: equally or

unequally calibrated, long or short, thick or
General features. Generically called
thin, and are copulatory organs.
strongyls (or strongyles), members of this
At the anterior end, most of them have large
super-family are characterized by a
mouth openings and well-developed buccal
cosmopolitan distribution, throughout the
(oral) capsules which may contain a strong
world, causing diseases primarily in
armament, represented by teeth, blades or
herbivores, but also parasitizing in other
lancets (figure 7).
species: birds, rabbits and carnivores.
Strongyles are, generally, parasites in the
digestive or respiratory tracts of animals, but
they can be found in others various organs of
vertebrate hosts, being responsible for severe
diseases in domestic animals and humans.
General morphology. A morphological
character, highly specific in strongyls, is the
presence of copulatory bursa at the posterior
end of males (figure 6). The bursa is also
called the peloderan, meaning caudal alae that
meet posteriorly with the tip of tail. It is a
structure composed of three lobes arising from
the cuticle as cuticular expansions. The lobes
are, typically, unequally calibrated, the lateral
ones being more developed, while the medial
Figure 7. Buccal capsule
one is smaller. They are supported by
muscular ribs (or rays).
General life cycle (figure 8). Most strongyles
have a monoxenous life cycle, but there are
some taxa (i.e. Protostrongylidae,
Metastrongylidae families) with a
diheteroxenous cycle, involving IH.
The typical monoxenous life cycle involves:
egg laying by oviparous females (so-called
strongyle-type eggs), external environmental
evolution of eggs which embryonate, followed
by hatching of larvae (L1), two molting
processes and finally, development of L3
infective larvae (figure 8a). External
development may register some exceptions,
consisting in the remaining of L1 inside the
eggs where they molt one or two times,
ultimately hatching L2 or L3 (Nematodirus,
Syngaminae) (figure 8b).
Figure 6. Copulatory bursa

The disposition of rays is of great taxonomical

value in the classification of strongyles. At the
posterior end, strongyles have, in addition,

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Figure 8 Life cycle patterns of homoxenous strongyles: a. Eggs embryonate in the environment; L1
hatch and molt to L2 and L3 (i.e. Strongylus, Ancylostoma); b. Eggs embryonate in the environment;
L1 molt to L2 and L3 within the egg; L3 hatch (Nematodirus); c. Eggs embryonate and L1 hatch
within the host (Dictyocaulus).

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In other strongyles (i.e. Dictyocaulus), eggs 3.1.1. Ancylostomosis and

embryonate and hatch while still in the host, uncinariosis in carnivores
and L1 are shed in the feces (figure 8c). Definition. Nematodosis, known as
External stages L1 and L2 feed on bacteria in pernicious anemia, affects carnivores,
the environment, or are able to develop and especially dogs, and manifests itself by a triad
persist without feeding due to sufficient of symptoms: digestive, skin, and lung
nutrient reserves in their cells (Dictyocaulus). disorders. Both are cosmopolitan diseases,
The diheteroxenous life cycle involved IH with a zoonotic character and severe
(earthworms, snails) who eat eggs from the outbreaks in tropical and subtropical areas, in
ground and, develop the infective L3 stage in precarious health conditions.
their bodies, by successive molts. Etiology. The parasites involved belong to the
Regardless of the external evolution of thw genera Ancylostoma and Uncinaria with the
larvae, animal contamination is achieved by next species and host range (domestic and
swallowing larvae (Strongylidae), by active wild species):
penetration of the host skin Genus Ancylostoma
(Ancylostomatidae), or by eating IH  A. caninum (small intestine of dogs,
(Metastrongylidae). Following contamination, wolves, foxes, jackals, other carnivores,
the larvae of some species accomplish cosmopolitan);
extensive migrations through the bodies of  A. tubaeforme (small intestine of
their hosts so that, eventually, the adult stage domestic and wild felids, worldwide);
develops in the target organ.  A. braziliense (small intestine of dogs and
cats in southern Asia - Malaysia, Borneo and
3.1. Ancylostomidae and Indonesia, Africa, Central and South America
Uncinariidae: ancylostomatidosis and southern United States);
 A. ceylanicum (small intestine of dogs,
The families include the so-called hookworms
cats, and humans, in Asia: Sri Lanka, India,
that cause a disease called ancylostomatidosis.
Members of the two families are characterized
 A. duodenale (small intestine of primates
by a cylindrical body, equally calibrated with
including humans, in Europe, Africa, India,
sizes ranging from 5 to 30 mm in length and
China, Asia, North and South America);
color varying from white-gray to red-brown,
Genus Uncinaria
depending on the stage of feeding. The
 U. stenocaphala (small intestine of dogs,
anterior third of the body is dorsally bent
cats, wolves, jackals and foxes, rarely
(Ancylo = curved; stoma = mouth). The
humans, in cool and temperate climates -
cephalic extremity presents a buccal capsule,
northern canine hookworm);
large, lobular and armed; at the posterior end,
 U. criniformis (small intestine of
males have a copulatory bursa with short
mustelids and red fox in Europe);
lateral lobes and two spicules, while females
Morphology (figure 9)
are simple and conical.
A. caninum - the body length ranges between
The life cycle is monoxenous, with a typical
10 to 20 mm: males measure 10 to 12 mm,
“strongyl” evolution in the external
and females 15 -20 mm. At the anterior end,
environment where L1 hatch the eggs, then
the buccal capsule contains the mouth opening
molt twice, the result of which being the L3
and teeth: one pair of teeth, each tooth having
infective stage. Contamination is done
three points, located in the ventral area of the
through the skin followed by internal
capsule, one pair of triangular teeth situated
migration which involves the lungs and
trachea and will be completed in the intestine.
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deep inside the capsule, on its dorsal side, and buccal capsule which contains chitinous
the last pair of teeth, disposed ventro-laterally. cutting plates at the ventral edge and two
At the posterior end, the males possess a small teeth at the basis of the capsule. The egg
copulatory bursa with developed lateral lobes is oval in shape and measures 65 - 80/40 - 50
and the median one atrophied, supported by μm; it contains a segmented ovum at the 4 or
rays with particular and visible arrangement. 8 cell stage.
he spicules measure 0.73 to 0.96 μm, are A. tubaeforme - the sizes of males range from
equally calibrated and brownish. The posterior 9.5 to 11/0.3 to 0.35 and those of females
end of the female is conical, long and broad, from 12 to 15/0.38 to 0.43 μm. hey have a
and the vulvar opening is located near the buccal capsule, smaller than A. caninum, with
junction of the second and last thirds of the the same armament but more curved dorsally.
body. The eggs (strongyls type) are oval and The copulatory bursa is small and the spicules
contain up to 8 blastomere cells when laid; are longer than those of A. caninum,
their sizes range from 63 to 70/39 to 47 μm. measuring 1.10 to 1.47 μm. he tail of the
U. stenocephala - is smaller than the previous female is short and narrow. The ranges of
species; the body is equally calibrated, eggs are: 55 to 75/34.4 to 44.7 μm.
dorsally curved at the anterior end with a large

Figure 9 Head and tail of ancylostomids; a) Anterior end of A. caninum; b) Posterior end of males;
c) Anterior end of U. stenocephala; 1. teeth; 2. lobes of posterior end in males; 3. spicules; 4. rays;
5. cutting plates; 6. small teeth;

Life cycle. The life cycle is direct, important), humidity, and direct action of
monoxenous. Adult parasites are located in sunlight. At 12°C is the eggs hatch in 6-12
the small intestine, predominantly in the days; this perioddecreases as the temperature
posterior third of the jejunum and ileon213. increases, so that at 23 - 30°C, the eggs only
They live fixed to the wall and have require 9 - 12 hours to hatch. The optimal
hematophagous nutrition. After copulation, ambient temperature for larval evolution is
females lay eggs that pass through the feces about 30°C, when accomplished in 2-3 days,
into the external environment. The eggs hatch but exogenous development failed at 15°C
into the first larval stage which molt twice and and the majority of larvae die at temperatures
then emerge into the infective third stage, L3. above 37°C.
The egg hatching is influenced by external Contamination is done either by ingestion or
abiotic factors such as temperature (the most via the skin. In the first case, L3 will migrate

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through the dermis, enter into the circulatory Epidemiology

system and, via the bloodstream, will reach Geographical distribution. The diseases
the lungs. At this level they molt again and L4 caused by hookworms in carnivores have a
leave the capillaries and move through the worldwide distribution, being diagnosed on all
tracheal lumen to the pharynx where they are continents. Severe outbreaks, with high
swallowed. Finally, the larvae reach the mortality in puppies and kittens, are registered
intestine where the adults will develop. If in those areas where optimal conditions for
contamination is via ingestion, L3 will exogenous evolution are accomplished.
exsheath in the stomach or intestine followed Sources of contamination are the infected
by the invasion of the gut wall. After a few dogs, puppies with clinical forms and wild
days L3 emerge into the lumen where they carnivores (foxes, wolves) that pollute the
molt, and L4 result, which develop and reach environment. Environmental pollution rate is
the adult stage. accentuated, the eggs production of an A.
The third way of transmission is represented caninum female exceeding 16,000 eggs /
by transplacental contamination. The day39. For the animals, L3 infective larvae and
prerequisite that makes it possible consists in paratenic hosts represent the sources of
skin or oral contamination of adult animals, infection.
especially pregnant bitches, which are Susceptibility. Different dog breeds and age
resistant to the infestations. The migratory categories are sensitive, but puppies and
larvae will not finish their migration in the young farmed fox do more severe clinical
adult bodies; they will pass the placental forms of diseases. The prevalence of
barrier and will remain in an arrested infestations is higher in stray dogs and cats,
unsheathed third-stage larvae, until the than in animals with owners, in kennels with
puppies are born. Then, the larvae mature in unsanitary conditions as well as in hunting
10-12 days. During the lactation period, the dogs which are more frequently in contact
larvae can locate themselves in the mammary with infective larvae from the environment.
gland of bitches, which allows them to be Some risk factors influence the receptivity:
transmitted via the milk. The transmammary the access of dogs in pastures and wet ground,
or transplacental transmission of A. the deficient diet (vitamins, important
tubaeforme in cats has not been proven. minerals and proteins); the age (adults are
The prepatent period in milk and intrauterine more resistant than youth); the sex (bitches are
transmission ranges between 12 to 16 days; in significantly less susceptible than males);
transcutaneous contamination, followed by category of dog (hunting dogs are the most
tracheal migration, it varies from 18 to 20 susceptible compared with pet dogs which are
days, and in the case of somatic migration, it more resistant)353.
takes several weeks. Route of contamination: transcutaneous and
Sometimes, in the ancylostomid life cycle can oral with infective L3 from the external
interfere paratenic hosts (i.e. rodents), in environment; transplacental and trans-
whose body the larvae may remain and mammary with migratory, unsheathed L3 from
survive for intervals of time until they reach the pregnant or lactating bitches.
the body of definitive hosts. The hookworm The resistance of parasitic elements in the
larvae have zoonotic potential, causing the external environment is influenced by the
human syndrome called "Larva migrans action of abiotic environmental factors:
cutaneous". temperature, humidity, direct sunlight. On
grassy pastures, A. caninum infective larvae
(L3) survival ranges from 1 to 49 days in

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summer to late autumn being favored by a single A. tubaeforme is not measured. Some
moderate to high temperature and abundant salivary components [a detergent soluble,
rainfall. The low temperatures in winter haemolytic factor, actually a protein; two
reduce larval resistance, which does not proteins: Ac-slp-1 and Ac-slp-2, belonging to
exceed one day, and between March - mid the saposin-like protein (SAPLIP) family; A.
summer, it varies between 0 to 21 days. The caninum anticoagulant peptide (AcAP)] of
materials used to build a kennel affect, in turn, ancylostomids have strong anticoagulant and
infective larvae survival. On the bare ground hemolysis effects, favoring nutrition of worms
and pea gravel, L3 survives between 1 to 7 and anemia143,144,94.
days and survival is shorter on concrete, from Adult parasites in the intestinal mucosa cause
0 to 2 days. Inside the fecal mass located on hemorrhagic inflammation and injuries
these substrates, the survival increases on (traumatic action) due to the buccal capsule
average by 1 to 3 days. The rain has fixation and sections produced by blades and
significant positive effects, while sunlight is lancets.
lethal334,335. Clinical signs. Two clinical evolutive forms
Pathogenesis. The pathogenic actions refer to can be differentiated: acute, common in
the aggression of larval forms when they puppies with transplacental or transmammary
penetrate the skin and during migration, as contamination, and chronic, which evolves in
well as to those performed by adult parasites young animals, rarely in adults. Both forms
in the intestine. are characterized by the symptomatic triad:
Skin penetration by larvae is accompanied by skin lesions, respiratory symptoms and
local inflammatory action consisting in digestive disorders that occur in dynamics,
erythema, papules or vesicles. The toxins subsequent to migration of the larvae and
removed by larvae aggravate local development of adults in the intestine
inflammation accentuating itching and The acute infections are expressed by severe
dermatitis. During pulmonary migration the anemia, anorexia, prostration, respiratory
larvae act traumatically, causing lung tissue embarrassment, bloody diarrhea followed by
destruction, microbleeds and bronchitis. The coma and death.
larvae also exert an inoculum action Chronic forms can be inexpressive, or can
consisting in the engagement of other evolve pododermatitis, depilation in the lower
pathogens (bacteria, fungus) from the skin and regions of the body, regional peeling, skin
their circulation during migration, thus without elasticity, dull hair, dermatitis,
aggravating the larval injuries. oedema of subcutaneous tissues, eczema
In the case of adult hookworms, spoliation is followed by severe anemia. The weakening is
the most accentuated action among the accentuated, youth development is delayed,
pathogenic effects of nematodes. It is they lose their liveliness, are adynamic and
demonstrated that the amount of blood tired after little effort. The appetite is altered;
consumed daily by an A. caninum female constipation alternates with diarrhea and the
ranges between 43.1 to 46.1 microliters (µl), feces contain mucus and blood. The muscle
and 12.9 to 15.8 µl in the case of the male, masses are emaciated, and kyphosis and
depending on the blood loss mechanism. repeated defecation appears. The disease is
These mechanisms are: active sucking and complicated by intercurrent diseases (rickets,
loss through laceration caused by parasites at infectious gastroenteritis) and can be fatal in
the attachment site567. U. stenocephala is less untreated subjects.
predatory, causing only about 0.3 µl of blood The disease is usually accompanied by
lost per worm a day and the blood lost due to changes in blood: severe anemia, with

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microanisocytosis, polychromatophilia, Treatment. Good results are obtained with:

leukocytosis and eosinophilia in the first  Mebendazole, 20 mg/kg body weight
months followed by an accentuation of (bw)/day for 3 consecutive days, per os (PO),
anemia and a mitigation of the other changes. 95% effective against adult hookworms, but
Pathology (lesions). The evolutive pattern of has no effect on migratory larvae68.
lesions overlaps with larval migration and  Fenbendazole, 25 mg/kg bw, 3
adult development, being correlated with the consecutive days, orally, active against larval
clinical signs, distinguishing three groups of and adult forms.
lesions: skin, lung and digestive.  Pyrantel pamoate, 14.5 mg/kg bw, PO.
The cachexia is evident in corpses, with  Nitroscanate, 50 mg/kg of body weight,
serous effusion into the body cavities, ascites, PO, 99.6% efficacy against A. caninum121.
hypertrophy of the mesenteric lymph nodes  Avermectins, 0.2 mg / kg, subcutaneous
and liver degeneration. The skin changes are and PO, with maximum efficiency350.
often subtle or sometimes appear as erythema, In severe cases, symptomatic therapy based on
vesicles, bleb and dermatitis. The pulmonary rehydrated medication, general tonic, vitamin
lesions consist in bleeding, bronchitis and therapy (B12), parenteral iron and a protein-
parasitic granulomas. The intestinal lesions rich diet, is associated.
are: catarrhal to hypertrophic enteritis, with Control. Preventive measures are based on
abundant mucus, hemorrhage and ulcers of the general rules of hygiene associated with the
mucosa caused by the parasites’ fixation with application of a prophylactic deworming
the buccal capsule; intestinal content is program.
hemorrhagic. Hygiene in kennels aims: create a smooth
Diagnosis. The case history, correlated with floor kennel, without crevices; keep it clean
epidemiological data and clinical examination, and dry; remove litter and feces, daily; wash
has an indicative value. The coprological the cages and, periodically, treat the soil with
exam, using flotation tests, confirms the sodium borate, lethal to larvae.
diagnosis by highlighting the strongyles egg Regular anthelmintic therapy (chemo-
type. It has no value in the prepatent period, in prophylaxis) differs depending on the age of
massive infections, when symptoms are animals and their physiological status in
severe, but the eggs do not appear in feces relation to reproduction, but it is valid in all
because adults are not completely developed nematodoses in dogs. Three categories can be
in the intestine. Necropsy also has a certainty distinguished, each including one or two
value, allowing the highlighting of parasites subgroups: adults before mating (i) and
fixed in the gut mucosa. pregnant females (ii), newborn puppies
Differential diagnosis will be done with other between 0-2 months (iii) and 2-6 months (iv),
helminthiasis (toxocariasis, strongyloidiasis, and youths and adults (v) from 6 months to
and trichocephalosis), coccidiosis and reproductive period.
nonspecific gastro-enteritis. Ancylostomosis Adults, males and females before mating (i);
will be differentiated by skin acariosis this deworming targets all helminths (cestodes
(scabies, demodicosis, and cheyletiellosis), and nematodes) parasitizing the animals at
allergic dermatitis and dermatosis caused by this time, and the migratory or encysted larvae
the larvae of the free-living saprophytic in the female body. Useful drugs are those that
nematode Pelodera strongyloides. Pulmonary contain a combination between a cestodicide
symptoms can be confused with (praziquantel) and one or two nematocides
cardiopulmonary and tracheobronchial (benzimidazole derivatives and/or
strongylidosis. tetrahydropyrimidines - pyrantel, morantel).

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The treatment should be administered 10 or 14 caused by nematodes included in the

days before mating. Bunostomum genus. The disease, common in
During pregnancy (ii), the goal of deworming pasture season, has a cosmopolitan spread,
is to destroy all larvae that migrate towards being often associated with trichostron-
the body of the fetus, or those that crossed the gylidosis and oesophagostomosis.
placental barrier and are localized in the liver Etiology. The species involved belong to the
of fetuses. It is better to avoid the use of genus Bunostomum:
benzimidazoles derivatives at this point B. trigonocephalum (small intestine of sheep
because of their adverse reactions and goats, particularly in lambs, worldwide
(mutagenicity, abortion). The levamisole distribution);
expresses a good larvicidal effect and B. phlebotomum (small intestine, usually in
tolerance and is indicated for use in pregnant the anterior jejunum and/or duodenum,
bitches, but only in the second period of especially in calves, cosmopolitan);
gestation. Morphology. Both species have a cylindrical
In newborn puppies (iii), between 0-2 months body, equally calibrated, with variable color,
of age, the deworming targets the migratory from whitish to grayish. The length ranges
larvae in their bodies, consecutive to from 1 to 3 cm and they are anteriorly hooked.
transplacental or transmammary B. trigonocephalum - at the anterior end, it has
contamination. Levamisole remains the best a large buccal capsule, cup-shaped, armed
option at this point because of its tolerance. with a pair of chitinous cutting plates, a pair
The first treatment must be applied at 3 weeks of lancets at its base and an internal cone
of age, before the adults’ development in (figure 10).
intestine. Further, until the age of 2 months, B. phlebotomum is very similar to the
the deworming program is correlated with previous species, but has two pairs of lancets
vaccination; each vaccine must be preceded, at the base of the capsule. In the males of both
at 7 days, by an anthelmintic treatment, using species, the caudal bursa is well-developed,
the same levamisole. and has two lateral lobes and an asymmetrical
In puppies, 2 to 6 months of ages (iv), youths median lobe. The spicules differ in the two
and adults (v) from 6 months to the species: short and twisted in B.
reproductive period, the target of prophylactic trigonocephalum and very long and slender in
deworming is similar with that of the first B. phlebotomum. The posterior end of females
category: all helminths (cestodes and is simple, conical, and the vulvar opening is
nematodes) parasitizing the animals. located close to the middle of the body. The
Consequently, commercial products with a eggs, oval-shaped, measuring 79–117/47–70
broad anthelmintic spectrum, cestodicide and μm, have a double and thin shell with a
nematocide, can be used roughened surface, and contain four to eight,
Notes: In humans, the "visceral larva even 16 blastomeres.
migrans" syndrome can be determined by L3 Life cycle. It is monoxenous and consists in
larvae of A. caninum, with a high frequency the alternation of the endogenous phase with
in people whose skin is in contact with water that from the external environment. Adult
or soil contaminated with infective larvae. parasites are fixed with the buccal capsule into
the intestinal mucosa and have
3.1.2. Bunostomosis in ruminants hematophagous nutrition.
Definition. It is a geohelminthosis of large
and small ruminants, manifested by skin,
digestive, respiratory and general disorders,

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Figure 10 Bunostomum spp.; a) anterior end; b) posterior end (caudal copulatory bursa); 1.
chitinous cutting plates; 2. lancets; 3. internal cone; 4. lateral lobes; 5. spicules;

The females are oviparous; eggs eliminated vitamins A and C, minerals (Fe, Ca)
through feces in the external environment will accentuate sensitivity. The calves infected
embryonate and hatch in 24 hours at optimal during the first year of grazing are resistant to
temperature (20-30°C), relative humidity and the next grazing season.
aeration. The first larval stage (L1) molts twice Route of contamination: skin penetration and
and develops to 3rd-stage larvae (L3) after 5-6 ingestion, both achieved by L3 infective
days. larvae.
Contamination is commonly transcutaneous, The resistance of eggs differs compared to
the larvae having positive histotropism, or oral that of the larvae, being influenced by
(rare), with water and feed, when larvae temperature, humidity and other factors. The
penetrate the bucco-esophageal mucosa. The eggs are destroyed in 12 hours at 40oC, but
larvae perform a hematogenous migration, about 25% of them survive for 8 weeks at 5 oC
reach the lungs, pass into the alveoli, bronchi and for one hour at -12oC and -17oC.
and pharynx, then are swallowed and reach Humidity is very important; 30% of the eggs
the intestine. The migratory larvae molt once will embryonate at 100%, but in plain water
and will differentiate sexually. The prepatent all L3 infective larvae are inactivated in 34
period ranges from 6 to 10 weeks depending days at 35°C41.
on the route of contamination. Pathogenesis. The pathophysiological
Epidemiology mechanisms are similar to those of
Geographical distribution is worldwide for ancylostomosis. Larvae exert a traumatic
both species, but more common in tropical action when they penetrate the skin and during
and sub-tropical areas. their migration. They may carry pathogens
Susceptibility. The most sensitive category is taken from the skin, causing dermatitis. The
represented by the ruminant youth, up to the aggression of adult parasites consists in a
age of 4-12 months, but some risk factors such spoliatory action, successive to their
as malnutrition, with deficiencies in protein, hematophagous nutrition, causing acute or

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chronic anemia and hypoproteinemia. The Treatment. Good results are obtained by
traumatic action in the gut, correlated with using pro-benzimidazole and benzimidazole
nutrition of parasites, is expressed by derivatives or avermectins.
hemorrhagic areas. Febantel, at a dosage of 5 mg/kg bw, showed
Clinical signs. In young animals (lambs, kids, a therapeutic efficacy of 99.4% against
calves), the disease begins with skin disorders: experimentally induced B phlebotomum
dermatitis at the site of penetration, licking the infection. In the same trial, the efficacies of
legs, feet stamping, elevated temperature ivermectin, paste formulation, at a dosage of
followed by respiratory symptoms (transient 0.2 mg/kg bw were 100 and 99.8%,
cough), and, rarely, even sudden death. After respectively, at 18- and 60-day post-
completion of the migration phase, digestive infections594. Albendazole, 5 mg/kg bw, is
symptoms will appear: inappetence, diarrhea 96.2% effective against B. phlebotomum in
sometimes with melena and animals lose cattle586. Moxidectin, 0.2 mg/kg bw,
weight even to emaciation. Other clinical subcutaneously injected, was 100% effective
signs include anemia, illthrift, submandibular against B. phlebotomum adults and L4581.
oedema and prostration. Levamisole topical at 10 mg/kg bw,
Pathology. Initially, dermatitis with a cord- thiabendazole paste at 110 mg/kg bw and
like aspect appears, followed by fenbendazole paste at 10 mg/kg bw have
microhemorrhages in the lung, bronchitis, and expressed different values of the effectiveness
even bronchopneumonia. In the intestine, at 7 days post-treatment: 99.1%, 66.7% and
catarrhal or ulcerative enteritis, petechiae and 100%, respectively580.
mucosal edema can be observed In the chronic Control. Primary measures involve pasture
forms the intestinal mucosa is thickened, the management and chemoprophylaxis.
parasites are attached with the buccal capsule, Secondary measures involve the hygiene of
and hydrothorax and hydropericardium are shelters, waterers and feeding pens, which
present. will reduce infection.
Diagnosis. It is difficult to establish an intra- The pasture management aims to avoid egg
vitam diagnosis because of the nonspecific and larva accumulation. The alternation of
symptoms, common to other helminthiasis different species on the pastures,
and due to the serious disorders in the implementation of an integrated rotational
prepatent phase, when the coprological exam grazing system of different age groups within
is negative. In the patent period, the a single host species and alternation of grazing
coprological exam is positive, but it has a and cropping are management techniques that
group value (usually, eggs cannot be can provide safe pasture. The reduction of
differentiated from those of the animal contamination chances on pastures can
Trichostrongylidae family). Coprocultures are be achieved by keeping pastures well-drained,
required to identify the species, which involve by avoidance of wet pastures and destruction
laborious methods. Necropsy remains the of infective larvae from the pasture.
reliable diagnostic method. Chemoprophylaxis can be achieved by regular
Differential diagnosis shall be performed on deworming or by the use of different types of
other digestive parasitosis with similar boluses with large time-release.
symptoms: strongyloidiasis, tricho- Regular deworming involves the periodical
strongyliasis, trichocephalosis, moneziosis, administration of a therapeutic dose of
and even fasciolosis. antiparasitic substance (the same as the one
used in the treatment phase). The periodicity
of deworming varies depending on author,

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tradition or parasite biology. Suteu and Morphologically, the strongyles are

Cozma521 indicate prophylactic deworming characterized by a cylindrical and equally
during the spring, 10 to 14 days before going calibrated body, whitish to brownish,
out to pasture, and in autumn, 2-3 weeks after depending on the nutrition status, with sizes
the start stabulation. French tradition claims ranging between 15 to 50 millimeters. A well-
that deworming must be performed during the developed buccal capsule, a mouth collar with
new moon, because the worms are more two leaf-crowns, is present at the anterior end,
active then. Biodynamic agriculture, and a trilobate copulatory bursa at the
developed by the Austrian Rudolf Steiner, posterior end,.
recommends deworming in periods of full Their life cycle is monoxenous, the infective
moon. Considering the biology of parasites, element being the L3 larval stage.
the first deworming is recommended three Contamination is performed orally, and the
weeks after the animals have been put out to larvae migration differs from species to
pasture, to prevent infection by infective species.
larvae (L3 stage) and to kill adult parasites in Definition. Strongylidoses are cosmopolitan
animals bodies, to avoid the contamination of geohelminthoses of equines which frequently
pastures by egg-laying. The second treatment evolve subclinically, acutely or chronically,
will be performed three weeks later, when with digestive disorders, colic syndrome,
infectious larvae in the pastures will have died anemia and weight loss. Their incidence is
as a result of the hot and dry conditions. The higher in animals at pasture, but they also
best deworming program seems to be develop in animals kept in shelters.
quarterly, because it ensures the “free of Etiology. The species involved, divided into
parasites” preservation status throughout the large and small strongyles, belong to the
year. Strongylidae family. The subfamily
In terms of large time-release boluses, a Strongylinae (large strongyles) includes 5
variety of devices for administering genera: Strongylus, Triodontophorus,
substances to ruminants are known, Bidentostomum, Craterostomum, and
containing morantel, levamisole, ivermectin, Oesophagodontus, and contains around 15
or benzimidazoles. The principle of their species. The 4 major large strongyle species
action is to release their contents into the of horses are Strongylus equinus, Delafondia
rumen over an extended period. In this way, (Strongylus) vulgaris, Alfortia (Strongylus)
controlled amounts of medicaments can be edentatus, and Triodontophorus serratus. Their
administered to the ruminant over a given length varies between 25 to 50 mm and they
time period, animals being thus protected are also known as blood, red or palisade
against a new parasitic infection. worms. The small strongyles (subfamily
Cyathostominae), with lengths between 6-25
3.2. Strongylidae: mm, include 64 species divided into 14
genera, referred to as trichonemes or
Strongylidosis in horses cyathostomes: Cyathostomum sensu stricto,
The family Strongylidae includes roundworms
Coronocyclus, Cylicocyclus, Cylicodonto-
common in equines and is divided into two
phorus, Tridentoinfundibulum, Cylico-
subfamilies: the Strongylinae (the large
stephanus, Skrjabinodentus, Petrovinema,
strongyles) and the Cyathostominae (the small
Parapoteriostomum, Poteriostomum, Gyalo-
strongyles). Both groups are some of the most
cephalus, Hsiungia, Caballonema, and
important nematodes of domestic equines
Cylindropharynx (Lichtenfels et al., 1998).
throughout the world because of their high
One of the most important species is
level of pathogenicity.
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Cylicostephanus longibursatus, synonymous they are in the morulation phase containing 8 -

with Cylicostomum longibursatum or 16 blastomeres.
Trichonema longibursatum. Cylicostephanus longibursatus: the body
Morphology. (figure 11) length of the male is between 4.3-6.9 mm and
Strongylus equinus: the male measures 25 to that of the female, 4.7-8.0 mm. The buccal
35 mm in length and 1.2 mm in width, while cavity is poorly developed, cylindrical or
the female size varies between 40 - 50/2 mm. slightly truncated cone-shaped, almost as deep
At the anterior end, it has a cup-shaped buccal as it is wide, equipped with a leaf crown, non-
capsule, armed with 4 teeth at its base and a prominent teeth in the esophageal funnel, and
mouth collar with two leaf-crowns at the their walls display a compound curve, thicker
anterior extremity of the capsule. The adults anteriorly. The caudal bursa is trilobated, with
parasitize in the cecum and colon, while the its median lobe developed, elongated and the
larvae (L3 and L4) – in the liver, pancreas and laterals atrophied; the dorsal ray of the bursa
peritoneum. is extremely long; spicules are long (550-970
Delafondia vulgaris: the size of males is 14 to μm) and thin. he adults are localized in the
16 mm long per 1 mm wide and that of cecum and colon.
females, 20 - 25/1.4 mm. The buccal capsule The small strongyle eggs are similar to but
is well developed, equipped with 2 lobate and larger than those of large strongyles,
elongated teeth. The adults parasitize in the measuring 80 to 100/45 to 50 μm.
cecum and colon and larvae (L3 - L4) in the Life cycle is monoxenous and can be divided
walls of the abdominal arteries (large into three phases according to their location
mesenteric and iliac vessels and mesenteric and stage of development: the luminal phase
lymph nodes). when adult strongyles are located in the
Alfortia edentatus: the male measures 23 to intestinal lumen, the environmental phase
28/13 mm, and the female 25 to 45/2 mm. The consisting in egg and larva development on
buccal capsule is developed, equipped with a the pasture, and the tissue phase, represented
double crown of papillae at the entrance, but it by the migration of the larvae in the different
is unarmed, without teeth. The adult parasites tissues (figure 12).
have the same location, but L3 and L4 migrate The luminal phase. The adults live in the
in the liver and peritoneum. cecum and colon in horses, donkeys, mules,
Triodontophorus serratus: the anterior end wild equines and eat blood or tissue, staying
looks like an inverted saucer. The male length tightly fixed with the buccal capsule on the
ranges from 18 to 20 mm, and the female mucous membrane. The females lay eggs,
between 25 to 27 mm. The buccal capsule is which are dispersed by feces in different
round, well-developed and is armed with four biotopes.
(or two split) teeth on the floor of the capsule. The environmental phase. On various
The teeth are denticulated on their surface. The oxygenated supports, at a favorable
caudal bursa has fine scalloped edges and the temperature of about 26oC, embryogenesis is
spicules are long and thick. accomplished, and the first larval stage (L1,
The large strongyles eggs have the rhabditiform larvae) hatches the egg in 24 to
characteristics of the group, being 48 hours. Under favorable environmental
unidentifiable by species. They are oval, conditions, L1 molt twice within a week and
ellipsoidal, thin shell, composed of two dark develop into L3 (strongyliform larvae)
gray membranes. Their dimensions are 75 to infective larvae, which are surrounded by
95/40 to 54 μm and, when females lay them, protective sheaths.

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The free larval populations (L1 - L2) feed mobile in wet environments, climb on the
while the L3 stage does not feed due to the grass and move horizontally to 20 to 30 m
preserved molting cuticle. All larval stages are from the mass of feces.

Figure 11. Strongyles species in horses; 1. large strongyls egg; 2. small strongyls egg; 3. mouth
collar (double crown of papillae); 4. teeth; 5. spicules; 6. rays;

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Figure 12 Life cycle of strongylids from horses

They are characterized by a positive days they molt becoming L4. Then they
hydrotropism and thermotropism and by a migrate through the pancreas and finally reach
negative phototropism and geotropism. In low the liver where they stay for several weeks.
thermal conditions, under 12oC, the Next, L4 return to the large intestine again
development of free larvae stagnates. The through the pancreas. In the course of their
larvae can find favorable biotopes in wet return path, L4 molt in L5, young adult stage,
pastures, paddocks and shelters, on the moist which becomes an adult in the lumen. The
floor and around shelters. Contamination of prepatent period, from infection to egg-laying,
equines is primarily done on pastures but also is about 8 - 9 months.
in shelters, by ingestion of infective larvae The larvae (L3) of D. vulgaris penetrate into
(L3) with grass and/or water. the mucosa of the small intestine, cecum, and
The tissue phase. The L3 stages in the gut colon, where they molt in L4. Within 7 days
have a different histiotropism and will after contamination, L4 enter into the lumen of
perform specific migrations, during which the arterioles and from there, against the
they feed and develop, pass through L4 and L5 bloodstream, they reach the ileocecal and
stages by molting, and the latter return to the cranial mesenteric arteries, reaching even the
cecum and colon, where adults are formed. root of the aorta, near the left ventricle, in
The L3 larvae of Strongylus equinus invade three weeks. The larvae L4 penetrate the
the mucosal layers of the cecum and colon, endothelium of these vessels, where they
form the nodules in the subserosa, where in 10 develop into L5, after approximately 5 months.

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This causes thrombosis and aneurysm Epidemiology

formation. Their intra-arterial stay can last 90 Geographical distribution. Strongylidosis in
- 120 days. The young adults (L5) return into horses are widely distributed diseases, but
the bloodstream and, on the same route, reach economically important wherever horses are
the intestinal wall, where they form nodules raised. The prevalence varies in some
and, following their breakage, will penetrate Romanian regions from 67 to 82%311,374.
into the lumen of the colon and cecum. The Worldwide, the general prevalence ranges
prepatent period ranges from 5.5 to 7 months. between 20 to 62%, exceeding 70% and even
The third-stage larvae of Alfortia edentatus reaching 100%, and is influenced by the
penetrate the wall of the intestine and migrate conditions in which the horses are kept. In
through the portal system to the liver. Here, horses kept in stalls, the prevalence of
they molt once (L4) and will continue their strongylid infections was from 46.4% to
migration following the path of the 77.8% and in horses kept in stalls/pastures,
hepatorenal ligament beneath the peritoneum. from 95.1% to 100%307.
There they molt again and generate L5, young Sources of contamination. The primary
adults, who migrate back to the walls of the source of contamination is represented by
large intestine where they cause nodules. infected animals that pollute the environment.
Following of their rupture, adult worms are A single horse can remove from 4 - 5 to 100
released into the lumen. The prepatent period million eggs daily, the strongyles being
is long, of up to 1 year. prolific egg layers. The older horses remove
The L3 larval stage of Triodontophorus about 200 - 1200 eggs per gram feces (epg)
serratus migrate locally. They enter into the while in young equines the level increase to
mucosa of the intestine where they encyst. 2500 or even 3000 EPG. The mares with foals
Inside the cysts, L3 larvae molt twice (L4 - L5) beside them are the most important polluters
and become adults who emerge into the lumen of pastures and are subsequently sources of
of the intestine. The prepatent period is infection for the newly arrived youth on the
approximately 2–3 months. pasture.
The L3 larval stage of Cylicostephanus Regarding the seasonal dynamics of pasture
longibursatus and generally all cyathostomins contamination, it is generally accepted that,
invade the lining of the large intestine as early during the year, a peak of egg removal is
third stage larvae (EL3), which are infective recorded in the spring, and decrease in the
larvae that have shed their protective winter. Concerning the maximum flow of
integument. Inside the mucosa, EL3 encyst infective larvae on the pastures, a marked rise
and may evolve differently: immediate in the concentration is recorded two to four
progression through the next larval stages or weeks after the peaks in egg output. The
they may persist as EL3 into an arrested pollution of the grasslands in these periods
development stage for one or two years. The can be over 50000 infective larvae per
progressive development of EL3 consists in a kilogram of grass239,177. The second source of
molting process, which results in the late L3 contamination is the water and food that
stage (LL3), which will molt in L4. The L4 contain L3 infective larvae.
develop within the cyst, and following the Susceptibility. Generally, many intrinsic
cyst wall ruptures, L4 enter the lumen of the factors (sex, age, and breed) influence the
large intestine. The L4 inside the lumen of the prevalence of parasites of domestic animals.
large intestine grow in size and eventually However, in the case of equine strongylidosis,
molt into the adult, or L5 stage. the involvement of any of them has not been
clearly demonstrated. The studies on age-

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related prevalence indicate no difference associated with inflammation can be

among different age groups. Nevertheless, a expressed by severe disruption of omental
higher proportion of young animals, under 10 architecture and adhesions involving the
years of age, were positive for strongylosis as intestine (A. edentatus), presence of tortuous
compared with older horses (more than 11 tracks and white foci on the surface and in the
years of age). The susceptibility of horses to parenchyma of the pancreas and liver (S.
infection and egg excretion are not influenced equinus), thrombi and parasitic aneurysms in
by sex447. The high prevalence of infestation abdominal large arteries (D. vulgaris) or
in all horses, regardless of age, reveals the massive granulomas in the wall of the cecum
absence of specific resistance after multiple and colon (T. serratus and small strongyles).
infections. The toxic action is determined by metabolic
Route of contamination: the route of products which act on hematopoietic organs
infection is oral, through the feed and water causing hematological changes. The most
contaminated with infective L3 larvae. significant are an early, sharp rise in
The resistance. The survival of eggs and leukocytes, increased neutrophil: lymphocyte
larvae on the pastures is a complex problem ratio and eosinophilia. They also act on the
with a high significance in the epidemiology blood’s biochemical parameters causing a
of horse strongylidosis. Both stages are progressive increase of the total serum
affected, in varying degrees, by the same proteins and a higher rate of albumin
environmental factors: temperature, moisture, catabolism155.
dryness, direct action of sunlight, etc. It is The inoculation action by which the larvae
accepted that winter conditions do not kill carry on their cuticle or body bacteria, viruses
unembryonated strongyle eggs, especially if and fungi from the gut may be followed by an
they are protected by a coat of snow. In the intensification of the inflammatory processes,
same conditions, infective larvae already which result in nodular enteritis, hepatitis,
present on the pasture can survive the pancreatitis, peritonitis.
winter385. Under ambient conditions with hot The cuticles of molting and metabolic
and dry summers only 1% of the larvae antigens from the first infestation can sensitize
survive on herbage for 2-3 weeks and 0.2% the animals and, in the case of new infections,
are still viable for a further 2-3 weeks; at 1 - allergic reactions may occur expressed by the
15oC and 20oC, they remain viable 4 months presence of cecal mucosal edema.
and half; in an aqueous environment they live Adult strongyles injure the intestinal mucosa
for about 30 days; dry heat and direct sunlight by their well-developed buccal capsule and
destroy the larvae in several days161,497. feed on blood or tissue causing normochromic
Dryness and desiccation have an ovicidal anemia. Ulcerations sometimes occur at the
effect. attachment sites, followed by infections with
Pathogenesis. The pathogenic effects are, in enteric flora. Toxins secreted by adults cause
most of the cases, a result of the associated hemolysis.
aggression of strongylid species, on the one Clinical signs. Usually, infestation with
hand, and of the adults and larval stages, on strongyles in horses evolves subclinically,
the other hand. without symptoms. In adult animals, the
The larval stages exert, during their parasitism is preponderantly benign,
migrations and shedding, a mechanical action unapparent. The massive infestations and
consisting in the traumatization of the tissue clinically expressed diseases appear especially
of various organs and microbleeds. Depending in young equines. Natural infections are
on the species involved, traumatic action polyspecific, the horses being parasitized

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simultaneously by large and small strongyles. The crateriform ulcers are present, with
Considering these mixed infections, it is limited necrosis or fibrosis.
difficult to distinguish the signs caused by Larval stages of all species produce, at the
large strongyles from those of small beginning of migration, punctiform
strongyles. hemorrhages on cecal and colonic mucosa,
Whatever the evolutionary type, acute or and edema in submucosa. Sometimes,
chronic, clinically expressed or subclinical, haemorrhagic, infiltrative or nodular typhlitis
the symptomatology is dominated by digestive and colitis with the presence of larval forms in
disorders. Diarrhea is the most common sign, nodules can be observed The lymph nodes on
especially in small strongyle infections, but it the serosal surface of the cecum and colon are
appears also in large strongyles. Feces may be enlarged, hard and contain hemorrhagic
watery or pasty, with their classical centers. Thereafter, they produce different
appearance modified, or diarrhea may be injuries, depending on the route of migration
intermittent, continuous or may alternate with and the target organ.
constipation. Another important clinical sign S. equinus larvae cause pea-size miliary
is the colic, with variable intensity, from mild, nodular formations, visible on the surface and
repeated colic to violent colic, especially in D. in the parenchyma of the liver, pancreas
vulgaris infestations. The appetite changes (chronic pancreatitis) and in the peritoneal
from inappetence to a capricious appetite. serous membrane. Parasitic nodules are
The acute form is caused by the migratory enucleated. Necrotic content may or may not
larvae and is seen in foals and youth during present larvae. Serous and fibrinous peritonitis
the first few weeks after infection. Its severity is rarely noted. The mesenteric lymph nodes
depends on the infective dose, the age and are inconstantly hypertrophied and show
previous infections of the host. Clinically, it is microhemorrhages and infiltrations.
characterized by hyperthermia, loss of D. vulgaris larvae cause a thickening and
appetite, rapid loss of body weight, depression fibrosis of the walls in the cecal and cranial
and recumbency, constipation, abdominal mesenteric arteries with the presence of the L4
distress, and death at 14 to 22 days after and L5 larval stages. The tunica intima surface
infection. has a rough or spongy appearance in the
In adult horses, the chronic form evolves. variable segments (2-15 cm) with well-
Animals are weak, anemic, present organized thrombi (after 2 to 4 months) and
intermittent lameness and get tired easily at fibrous proliferation. The aneurysms formed
normal effort. The hair is dull, dry, with a in the wall of the right cranial mesenteric
dirty aspect. artery are associated with infarcts of the walls
Pathology. The lesion pattern varies by from the large intestine segments.
species and the developmental stage that A. edentatus third stage larvae cause on the
causes it. surface and in the parenchyma of the liver
The adult parasites are fixed to the cecal and tortuous tracks and white foci. Following their
colonic mucosa. In the early stage of molting, L4 produce nodules and fibrous
infestation, they cause catarrhal typhlitis and adhesions involving the greater omentum, in
colitis. In the acute evolution the lesions the course of their return to the large intestine.
become worse, having a hemorrhagic T. serratus and cyathostomin larvae can cause
character. Subsequently, chronic lesions small, gray nodules (1–2 mm) in the mucosa
develop, consisting in hyperplastic typhlitis of the large intestine because of their local
and colitis and thickened mucosa, with pleats. migration, into the wall.

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Diagnosis. Clinical examination has no value, cyathostomes and 95.3% against mucosal L3
indicative symptoms as weight loss, fatigue on and L4 larvae153.
exertion, dull hair or diarrhea being common  The efficiency of oxfendazole at dose-
to several diseases. Associated with the colic rates of 10 mg/kg bw was 99.8% against adult
syndrome, they may guide the diagnosis to the small strongyles and 97.6% against
strongyle infestation. The exploration of the developing small strongyle larvae. Increasing
rectum can sometimes provide an indication the dose to 50 mg/kg bw boosted efficacy
by detection of aneurysms formed near the levels to 99.1% and 100%154.
branch of the aorta.  Ivermectin at the rate of 200
Coprological examination with the micrograms/kg bw removes 100% of small
determination of the number of strongyle eggs strongyles, D. vulgaris, A. edentatus,
per gram of feces (EPG) is a diagnosis of Triodontophorus serratus and T. tenuicollis
certainty. It has two major disadvantages: it is irrespective of the injectable and paste
valueless in the prepatent period when eggs formulations599.
are not laid in feces, and has a group value,  Doramectin given intramuscularly at a
being unable to differentiate the species dose rate of 0.2 mg/kg bw showed a 96 %
involved. Necropsy is a method of certainty, efficacy at two weeks post treatments (wpt)110.
emphasizing lesions caused by parasites and It must be noted that the most commonly used
adults presence in the large intestine. anthelmintics in equines are the following321
Differential diagnosis. The disease will be (table 4):
differentiated from the colic syndrome with Current aspects in therapy and particularly in
other etiology, chronic anemia (digestive the anthelmintic treatment of horse
helminthosis, gasterophilosis, subacute strongylosis refer to the appearance of
hemosporidiosis, and infectious anemia in chemoresistant populations. The first recorded
horses). phenomenon dates back to 1961 when Drudge
Treatment. For curative purposes, different and Elam148 isolated small strongyle
active substances are used whose efficacy populations resistant to phenothiazine. The
refers to the larval and imaginal forms, or just second parasiticide active against strongyles
to the latter. Modern and actual therapy is in relation to which the onset of the
based on the use of (pro) benzimidazoles and chemoresistance phenomenon was
benzimidazole derivatives, tetrahydro- demonstrated, expressed by a lowered
pyrimidines and avermectins: reduction of EPG counts, was
 Thiabendazole at a dosage of 25 mg/kg thiabendazole . The resistance in small
bw eliminates the small strongyles (99.5%), S. strongyles is demonstrated for many other
vulgaris (98.1%), S. equinus (100%) and S. benzimidazoles or pro-benzimidazole
edentatus (87.9%). At 50 mg/kg bw, it derivatives: febantel, thiabendazole,
showed a 99.8% efficacy against the small mebendazole, cambendazole, fenbendazole
strongyles, 99.6 for S. vulgaris and 99.5% and oxfendazole152. Generally, the
against S. edentatus while the effect against S. chemoresistance is recorded in small strongyle
equinus was 100%168. species, the most commonly cited genera
 Cambendazole at 20mg/kg bw had an being Coronocyclus, Cyathostomum,
efficacy of 70% against small strongyles and Cylicocyclus, Cylicodontophorus, Gyalo-
98.5% against large strongyles483. cephalus and Petrovinema151.
 Fenbendazole at 7.5 mg/kg bw has an Among non-benzimidazole substances, the
efficacy of 90.7% against the luminal chemoresistance is demonstrated for

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tetrahydropyrimidines derivatives, namely  Pasture of mares with foals has not been
pyrantel, also to cyathostomin populations542. previously used for other types of equines.
Recently, it has been reported that small  Application of chemical fertilizers,
strongyle EPG counts revert more quickly particularly superphosphate, for pasture
than initially, after ivermectin and moxidectin fertilization reduces the number of strongyle
treatment of horses324. This reduced activity larvae.
on small strongyles may signify the gradual  Chemoprophylaxis – there currently are,
installation of chemoresistance in macrocyclic as there have been in the past, 4 justifications
lactone parasiticide group. for implementing periodic deworming in the
Despite the continuous development of the control of infestation in horses 149,428 (Table 5):
chemoresistance phenomenon of small  To develop a program with superior
strongyles, the therapies used against large efficacy in equine strongylidosis control, one
strongyles are up to 100% effective. The must answer three major questions: (1) which
increasingly and frequently therapeutic failure are the anthelmintics effective on the farm at
against resistant populations of small that time, (2) which are the horses and what
strongyles imposed the use of drug level of control is required: minimal, medium
associations in order to deworm horses. or intensive, and (3) what is the interval and
The control requires the application of anthelmintic substance indicated for each
general measures during stabulation and individual to control their own strongyles.
grazing period, associated with regular Besides those mentioned above, two other
chemoprophylaxis. During stabulation, factors should also be considered: the seasonal
ensuring hygienic conditions in shelters, patterns of transmission on the studied farm
maintening dryness on the floor and in litter and evidence-based timing of treatment
and respecting feeding and watering hygiene applications.
limits the evolution of disease destroying  In general, equines are prophylactically
numerous infective larvae. treated twice per year starting with foals aged
During grazing period various measures with 3-4 months. The first treatment should be
variable efficiency are recommended: applied during spring, 10 to 14 days before
 Use of cultivated pastures which have a grazing season, and the second in autumn, 14
strongyle pollution index lower than perennial days after re-entry to stalls. A high level of
pastures. However, it is known that horses protection is ensured by the application of 4
instinctively divide pastures into two distinct treatments per year, quarterly, alternating the
zones, called roughs and lawns. Roughs are active substance used.
areas with tall grass where horses defecate but  The globally adopted strategies aim to
do not graze. Lawns are areas with short grass reduce the prevalence of strongylidosis, to
where horses graze but do not defecate. In attenuate pathogenicity and to consequently
rough areas, the numbers of strongylid larvae diminish economic damage, eradication being
is 15 times greater compared with lawns239. impossible.
Thus, grazing in cultivated pastures, with tall
grass, predisposes the horses to create large
rough areas on the pasture, with higher
contamination risk.
 Implementation of a pasture rotation
system. The order in which the different
species enter into the pasture is: horses, cattle,
and sheep.

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Table 4 The most used anthelmintics in equines

Dose Duration of Lethal to major parasites

Class Anthelmintic (mg/kg action
route a b LS MLS SS SSML
bw) (weeks)
Macrocyclic Ivermectin p.o. 0.2 6-8 √ √ √ -
lactones Moxidectin p.o. 0.4 13 √ √ √ √
d d d,e
Fenbendazole p.o. 5 - 10 4-6 √ √ √ √
Mebendazole p.o. 8.8 4-6 √ - √ -
Benzimidazoles Oxibendazole p.o. 10 - 15 4-6 √ - √ -
f e
Oxfendazole p.o. 10 4-6 √ √ √ -
g e
Tiabendazole p.o. 44 4-6 √ √ √ -
Pyrantel 6.6 e
p.o. h 4 √ - √ -
pamoate (13.2)
Pyrantel h e
Pyrimidines p.o. 19 (32) 4 √ - √ -
Pyrantel i c e
p.o. 2.6 Continuous √ √ √ -
Heterocyclics Piperazine p.o. 88 4-6 √ - √ -
p.o., oral; S.C., subcutaneous; LS, adult large strongyles; MLS, migrating large strongyle larvae;
SS, adult small strongyles (cyathostomes); SSML, inhibited mucosal larval small strongyles;
Regional differences exist in recommended dose rates and label claims
Duration of action is the time from dosing until worm eggs appear in feces, i.e. the so-called egg
reappearance period (ERP)
30 - 40% efficacy
Standard dose rate in USA is 5mg/kg; standard dose rate in Europe is 7.5mg/kg, MLS dose is either
10mg/kg (7.5mg/kg. in Europe) on 5 consecutive days or 50 mg/kg on 3 consecutive days or single
dose 60 mg/kg. SSML dose is 10 mg/kg on 5 consecutive days
Anthelmintic resistance may affect efficacy
60 - 75% efficacy
MLS dose is 440 mg/kg on 2 consecutive days
Standard dose rate in USA is 6 mg/kg pyrantel pamoate; standard dose in Europe is 19 mg/kg
pyrantel embonate; pyrantel tartrate dose is 2.6 mg/kg daily in feed
50% efficacy

Table 5 Justifications for implementing periodic deworming program

Justification Drudge and Lyons, 1966 Reinemeyer, 2009

Large strongyles (L.S.) are L.S. were the most important L.S. practically eradicated from most
the major targets cause of colic well-managed herds
Rotation of drug class with All anthelmintic classes were Only one class remains consistently
each treatment effective against strongyles effective
Treat perennially at Interval treatment suppressed Perennial treatment is unnecessary;
bimonthly intervals environmental contamination frequent treatment selects for resistance
All horses in the herd treated Contamination by the entire herd Members of a herd should be dewormed
identically was suppressed as individuals

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3.3. Trichostrongylidae young ruminants and repercussions on

The Trichostrongylidae family belongs to the productivity in adult animals.
Strongyloidea superfamily and includes Etiology. The species involved in the disease
nematodes of cattle, sheep, goats, swine, etiology are divided into two groups
rabbits, and cats. It is divided into six depending on their location, abomasum and
subfamilies: Trichostrongylinae, Libyostron- small intestine, the most important being
gylinae, Haemonchinae, Cooperiinae, Haemonchus contortus, Ostertagia ostertagi,
Ostertagiinae, and Graphidiinae. The most O. circumcincta and Trichostrongylus axei in
important genera for parasitic pathology in the abomasum, and Cooperia oncophora, C.
domestic animals are Haemonchus, curticei, Trichostrongylus colubriformis, T.
Ostertagia, Trichostrongylus, Cooperia, vitrinus, Nematodirus filicollis and N.
Nematodirus, and Hyostrongylus. spathiger in the small intestine, respectively.
The members of this family are cosmopolitan Morphology.
parasites of the small intestine or abomasum Haemonchus contortus (figure 13A), known
mainly of cattle, sheep, goats, and wild as red worm or wire worm, has a cylindrical,
animals (Giraffidae, Camelidae and equally calibrated body, tapered at both ends;
Cervidae). the length of males varies between 10 to 20
The etiologic agents of the Trichostrongylidae mm and that of females between 18 and 30
family are small (0.5 to 30 mm) with an mm. The body of the female has a particular
equally calibrated, thin body. At the anterior appearance called "barber pole" due to the
end is a simple mouth opening without a white color of the ovaries that coil as a spiral
buccal capsule or with a rudimentary, around the reddish intestine, color determined
unarmed one.. At the posterior end males have by hematophagous nutrition. At the anterior
a trilobated copulatory bursa with two end it has a buccal cavity which contains a
developed lateral lobes and equal spicules of small dorsal lancet and two small cervical
varying sizes. Eggs are of the strongyle type papillae. At the posterior end, males present a
and are of 70 - 200/40 - 100 μm in the morula well-developed copulatory bursa with
stage, when laid. acharacteristic asymmetric dorsal lobe
The parasites are geohelminths (or soil- supported by a forked ray. The vulvar opening
transmitted helminths, STHs) with exogenous is situated on the posterior half of the body
development which consists in L1 larval stage and is covered with a cuticular extension (the
hatching and molting in L2. Both stages are vulva flap). Eggs are oval, 65-80/40-46 μm or
rhabditiform larvae with conical pointed tails an average of 94.7/58.3 μm with the limits
and valved esophagi. Finally strongyliform L3 between 91-101/52-62 μm261 in size and
infective larvae develop. contain 24-26 blastomeres.
Ostertagia ostertagi (figure 13B) parasitize in
cattle and occasionally sheep. The adults are
3.3.1. Trichostrongylidosis in
small (5 - 9/0.1 mm for males and 10 -
12/0.12 - 0.15 mm for females) with a
Definition. Trichostrongylidosis are chronic
brownish threadlike body. At the anterior end
gastrointestinal nematodoses, rarely acute,
the cuticle is circular and longitudinally
with seasonal fluctuations at pasture, affecting
striated, with a pair of conical cervical
domestic and wild ruminants. These are
papillae located beside the esophagus and a
widespread diseases conditioned by climatic
tiny buccal cavity. The posterior end of males
and edaphic factors and evolve during the
shows a copulatory bursa equipped with two
grazing season with anemia, malnutrition,
short, brown and relatively thick spicules
dysmetabolic syndrome, delayed growth in

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which terminate in 3 stubby hooked processes to 32 blastomeres when laid and 80-101/39-47
and a bursal ray. The vulvar opening is μm in size.
covered with a small, cuticular vulval flap. T. vitrinus is a parasite of sheep and
Eggs are 70-85/40-50 μm in size (figure 13C). sometimes infects humans. It has small and
O. circumcincta (synonim Teladorsagia straight spicules, tapering to the terminal end
circumcincta) parasitize in the sheep’s and and close to each other. Eggs are 93-118/41-
goats’ abomasum. It is slightly longer than the 52 μm in size.
previous species, reaching 12 mm in length. The Nematodirus filicollis (figure 14C) adults have
body is cylindrical, filiform and dark red. Eggs a pronounced sexual dimorphism, the sizes
are 80-100/40-50 μm in size. ranging between 8-15mm in length and
Trichostrongylus axei is called stomach hair 150mm in width for males and 12-20mm long
worm because of its slender body, the males and 250mm wide for females. At the anterior
reaching 3,8 - 4,8 mm in length/70 - 80 μm in end they have a small mouth surrounded by
width and the females, 4,9 - 6,7 mm/75 - 87 six papillae; the cuticle is laterally inflated
μm. There is no buccal capsule and it has no giving a swollen appearance to the head.
morphological structure on the anterior end. N. spathiger is located in the small intestine of
The adults have an excretory notch in the goats and sheep. The body is slender, filiform
cervical region. The lateral lobes of the and relatively long, up to 25 mm. At the
copulatory bursa are well-developed and the anterior end, the cuticle is dilated and
spicules are brownish, stout, of various transversely striated. Eggs are 181-230/91-107
lengths. Eggs are 79-92/31-41 μm in size. μm in size (figure 13D).
Cooperia oncophora (figure 14A) - are small Life cycle. (figure 15) All species included in
worms, the male measuring 5-8 mm long and the Trichostrongylidae family have a very
150-200 μm wide and the female 8-11 similar monoxenous life cycle consisting in
mm/150 - 240 μm. At the anterior end, the the alternation of the free, pre-parasitic phase
cuticle has transverse striations and a cephalic which happens in the environment and the
vesicle is present, which is a cuticle dilatation, parasitic phase. Predilection sites include the
giving the head end a bulbous appearance. At abomasum or small intestine of ruminants
the posterior end, males have a small (but where adults live attached to the villi. Some of
prominent in relation to their size) copulatory the species have hematophagous nutrition
bursa with two short spicules, close to their (Haemonchus spp., Ostertagia spp.) and
terminal extremity. Eggs are 79.6-89/39.9- others feed on the mucosal tissue of the
44.9 μm in size. gastrointestinal tract (Trichostrongylus spp.).
C. curticei - is slightly lower than the previous After mating, females lay eggs that pass
species, the male having 4.6 to 5.4 mm in through feces into the environment.
length and 80 μm wide, and the female 5.8 to The pre-parasitic phase begins when the eggs
6.2 mm in length/120 μm wide. he body is hatch in the environment and the rhabditiform
coiled and the spicules are chitinized and L1 larval stage molt twice generating L2 and
measured, on the average, 153.68 μm. Eggs infective L3 (strongyliform). The exogenous
are 70–82/35–41 μm in size. evolution is achieved in about 4 - 8 days in
Trichostrongylus colubriformis (figure 14B) - optimal conditions of ground temperature (20
the sizes vary between 5 to 6.4 mm/80 μm for - 30oC), soil moisture (100%) and sufficient
males and 5 to 7.5 mm in length /90 μm width air supply in the feces.
the females. Copulatory bursa is small and the
spicules are unequal in lengths. The egg is
oval, with a double thin shell, segmented, 24

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Figure 13. A. Haemonchus contortus; B. Ostertagia ostertagi; C. eggs of abomasal

trichostrongylids; D. egg of Nematodirus spp.; a) anterior end; b) posterior end; c) the vulva flap; d)
"barber pole" appearance of female body; 1. cervical papillae; 2. spicules

The chronology of the exogenous stages direction depends on the amount and duration
consists in hatching that requires 12-48 hours, of rainfall, ground temperature, and sunlight
molting of L1 in L2 which occurs within 1-3 exposure of pastures.
days, and the second molt (L2 in L3), the full Vertical migration is influenced by several
cycle requiring the period mentioned above264. factors. The morphology of grasses and the
The L1 and L2 larval stages are microbivorous presence of a film of moisture are
feeding on bacteria from the feces and ground. advantageous; 0.65% of larvae climb on
The L3 stage is non-feeding because of the wetted blades while only 0.04% on unwetted
preserved molting cuticle. ones. Higher relative humidity favors the
The species included in the Nematodirus climb, 1.36% of larvae being successful at
genus are an exception to this evolutionary 95% relative humidity and only 0.06% at
model. They have the same direct and 56%. Lower temperature is disadvantageous,
monoxenous life cycle as other only 0.13% migrating upward at 4oC and
trichostrongylids but differ in that L1 larvae do 2.54% at 26oC. The migration is essentially
not hatch from eggs. They develop into L3 similar in light and darkness, thus the effect of
inside the egg and the parasites overwinter as direct sunlight and its intensity is unclear. In
L3 inside the egg. The L3 larvae will hatch these conditions 59.2, 26.7, 9.9, 3.4 and 0.8%
during spring after a "cold shock" and are migrate to a height of 2.5, 5.1, 7.6, 10.2, and
infective. 12.7 cm from the soil, respectively 476. Animal
All infective L3 larvae migrate in a lateral contamination is achieved by consuming grass
direction and vertically on herbage. The or water which contains infective L3 larvae.
migratory activity of L3 larvae in a lateral

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As examples, Ostertagia ostertagi located in

the abomasum will exsheath in the rumen,
while Cooperia curticei, a parasite from the
small intestine, will exsheath in the
After exsheathment, the L3 larvae move to the
predilection site where they grow and develop
into adults. The infective larvae (L3) will molt
in fourth-stage (L4) which may penetrate
deeply into the lining of the stomach, the
gastric glands or intestinal crypts, some
reaching a histotrophic phase in the abomasal
submucosa (Ostertagia spp.). A last molt
takes place within a variable period after
ingestion, resulting in fifth-stage larvae (L5)
and finally adults will develop. The prepatent
period has a great variability depending on the
species (Haemonchus contortus 15 days and
28 for H. placei, Cooperia spp. 15-20 days
and Nematodirus spp. less than 27), host (in
bovines it may be longer) or the hypobiosis
The hypobiosis, or arrested development of
the early fourth stage (EL4) is a common
phenomenon of trichostrongylids and it is
presumably a result of the host's acquired
immunity. The decline of temperatures in late
summer and autumn seems to be another
cause of arrested development and is a
heritable trait of the larva itself15. The
presence and accumulation of adult worms is
also associated with an increasing number of
arrested fourth stage larvae351.
Another phenomenon that occurs during
Figure 14. A. Cooperia sp.; trichostrongylidae infections in ruminants is
B. Trichostrongylus sp.; C. Nematodirus sp.; the limitation of parasite burdens, which
a) anterior end; b) posterior end; 1. cephalic hasmultiple causality. The immune exclusion
vesicle; 2. spicules; 3. excretory notch acts on third stage larvae and mortality of
established young parasites acts on fifth stage
During the parasitic phase, exsheathment will larvae, both mechanisms acting jointly to
be the next event after contamination. The reduce the number of worms485. In addition,
sites of the process are species-specific but the age of the host142 as might its nutritional
always situated at the proximal region of the status46 and interaction between parasites,
predilection site of each trichostrongylid occurring especially in crowded situations232
species. may also have to be taken into account.

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Figure 15 Life cycle of trichostrongylids from ruminants; UEE unembryonated egg; EEL 1
embryonated egg that contains the first-stage larva; L1 - L4 larval-stages;

Epidemiology contortus (40%)102. Ostertagia circumcincta

Geographical distribution. was the most commonly detected species on
Trichostrongylidoses are cosmopolitan UK ewe and lamb farms in 2010, being
diseases with a higher incidence in sheep and diagnosed on all 118 examined farms.
animals kept on pasture, during warm and Trichostrongylus vitrinus was found on 96
rainy years when grazing is not adequate in and 93% of farms, followed by T. axei (96 and
terms of sanitary and animal husbandry 73%), Cooperia curticei (79 respectively
conditions. 53%), and T. colufriformis (58 - 47%)83.
The prevalence registered worldwide for Sources of contamination. Sources of
different species is highly variable. In sheep parasites are divisible into two categories:
from western Romania it was 100% for pollutant sources of pastures and sources of
Ostertagia ostertagi and 13.33% for O. animal contamination.
circumcincta, other identified species being Sources of pasture pollution are numerous due
Trichostrongylus colubriformis (100%), to the large parasitic valence of the
Nematodirus filicollis (80%), N. spathiger trichostrongylids which occur in domestic and
(6.66%), Cooperia curticei (33.33%), and wild ruminants. The main sources of pollution
Haemonchus contortus (26.66%)260. In for grassland habitats, meadows, and
Turkey, gastrointestinal nematodes were paddocks are clinically infected animals, those
encountered in 87.5% out of 104 sheep, the with subclinical forms or in convalescence.
most prevalent species being Ostertagia The fecal egg count of trichostrongylids is
circumcincta (75%), Nematodirus oiratianus variable from low indices such as 50-800 epg
(75%), N. spathiger (65%), and Haemonchus to high values such as 6400 epg or more362,134.

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The fertile period lasts more than 4-5 weeks stress levels and/or the relaxation of an
and the number of a worm population to an acquired immune response by pregnant
animal can vary from a dozen to a few females associated with elevation of serum
hundred individuals362. Wild ruminants have prolactin levels482,100.
an important role. Biothermic unsterilized Sources of animal contamination are
manure used to fertilize pastures also represented by infective L3 larvae from the
contributes to the pollution. pastures ingested with food or water.
Pasture contamination displays monthly Susceptibility. Receptivity of animals is
dynamics influenced by seasonal fluctuations characterized by interspecific variations,
in the number of trichostrongylid eggs which depend on age, physiological status,
removed. This fluctuation is characterized by gene pool and aggressiveness of parasites. The
a gradual increase in the number of eggs per highest vulnerability is recorded in sheep
gram of feces from November until spring, followed by goats and cattle. Intraspecifically,
with a peak in June-August, followed by a the youth aged 2-24 months are the most
continuous reduction until January. The responsive, the critical phase being during
explanation of this fluctuation consists in fact weaning, in the case of immunosuppressive
that the dry weather during late summer and conditions, malnutrition or intercurrent
the low temperatures of winter are illness53. The existence of sheep breeds
unfavorable to infective larval development resistant to Trichostrongylidae infestation has
and, consequently, the level of infestation and been demonstrated, infestation inherited due
egglaying of animals will decrease. Another to the presence of the anthelmintic factor and
reason is the height of the herbaceous layer. the phenotype (BB) of hemoglobin556,5.
The luxuriant tall grass during spring and Prehension is another intrinsic factor that
summer tends to lower the intake of infective influences receptivity. Species which scrape
larvae and consequently the number of worms the grass at the ground surface (sheep) acquire
in their habitats decreases. Subsequently, stronger infestations. The soil consumption
during winter, egg-laying will decrease529. during the spring in the pastures favors sheep
Independently of these seasonal fluctuations and cattle contamination235.
in the fecal egg count, significant increases in The species of parasites, intensity of
egg-laying are recorded, dependent on a infestation, nutrition, stable and pasture
particular season or physiological status. management, climate and polyparasitism are
These are the so-called phenomena of extrinsic factors that influence receptivity.
"springrise" and "peri-parturient" or Route of contamination: oral route by
“lactating”. oth phenomena are characterized ingestion of infective larvae with food or
by very active egg-laying, daily shedding water.
exceeding by 3-4 times the previous indices. Resistance. Temperature and moisture are the
The "springrise" of Trichostrongylidae is major factors which influence the length of
present during late winter / early spring, and is the egg in the infective larvae’s evolutive
frequently followed by a "self-cure" stage and their migration and survival ability
reaction520. This reaction may be, in turn, one on pasture. Direct sunlight and dryness
of the seasonal fluctuation reasons described destroy 80 - 88% of egg populations during
above and it occurs in the absence of hot seasons. Infective larvae (L3) of some
reinfection6. The periparturient rise species (Nematodirus, Ostertagia and
phenomenon consists in an increase in the Trichostrongylus) survive on the pastures over
number of eggs shed in feces in the pre- and the winter, their longevity reaching 14
post-natal period. It is caused by increased months. Larvae of other trichostrongylid

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species are destroyed during winter54,24. (earthworms, fungi) on pasture which reduce
Survival of the L3 during summer varies the number and transmission of infective
between one and three months reaching four larvae on grass226,227. Irrigation also influences
months in the autumn12. The mortality rate is the development of infective larvae on
favored by the dryness, heavy rainfall and pasture. The maximum number of L3
high salt concentration consecutive to the developed from 100 eggs in feces on irrigated
evaporation. In the hay originating from pasture in July was 11.3 for Ostertagia sp.,
contaminated hay fields, larval populations 6.99 for Trichostrongylus sp. and 10.65 for
will decrease by 44% after three days and Haemonchus sp.549.
their presence will be sporadic (3%) after 21 The main attributes of the exogenous stages of
days. The pollution coefficient will be the most important Trichostrongylidae species
virtually insignificant after 40 days395,269. The on their resistance in the environment are
larvae of some species of Trichostrongylidae presented in table 6 384.
are also sensitive to the action of live agents

Table 6. Resistance in the environment of the different developmental stages of the ruminant

Stage of lifecycle
Unembryonated Pre-infective
species Embryonated egg Infective larvae
egg larvae
Susceptible to cold and
Highly susceptible Optimum survival in
desiccation. Highly
to cold and warm, moist weather.
Negligible hatching susceptible to
H. contortus desiccation. High Poor survival in cool or
below 10oC. Low cold and
mortality below warm dry weather and
hatching rates in desiccation
10oC sub-freezing winters
absence of moisture
Intermediate Susceptible to
Optimum survival in
susceptibility to Intermediate cold. High
cool or warm moist
cold and susceptibility to cold. mortality
T. colubriformis weather. Poor survival
desiccation. High Low susceptibility to below 5oC.
over sub-freezing
mortality below desiccation. Susceptible to
5o C desiccation
Low susceptibility
to cold. High egg Intermediate Optimum survival in
viability at Low susceptibility to susceptibility cool, moist weather and
O. circumcincta 0–10oC. cold and desiccation. to cold. subfreezing winters.
Intermediate Hatching below 5oC Susceptible to Poor survival in warm,
susceptibility to desiccation dry weather

Pathogenesis. The pathogenic effects of one genus to another. Haemonchus and

Trichostrongylidae are dependent on multiple Ostertagia are some of the most pathogenic
factors: affected digestive segment, nutrition helminths of ruminants in temperate regions
of parasites, presence of L4, L5 larvae and while Trichostrongylus and Cooperia are less
adult stages, tissular migratory route, intensity or non-pathogenic322. Nematodirus was
of parasitism and immune status. In the considered non-pathogenic for many years,
mentioned context, pathogenicity differs from

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but today it is evaluated as one of the most increase of the level of plasma pepsinogen
pathogenic to ruminants in a cold climate14. occurs within 6 - 10 days pi and persists for a
The actions exerted on the host are divided long time (4 - 6 months) and is an important
into two categories: effects of larval stages element for laboratory diagnosis286. Protein
and of adult worms. However, the pathogenic metabolism is altered, their digestion
mechanisms are those described in section 1.4 decreasing by 20-30%; fat, minerals and
1.1 (General pathogenesis of nematodes) vitamin absorption is affected, emphasizing
having genus or species-dependent the maldigestion and malabsorption
particularities. syndrome.
Larval stages L3 and L4 enter in the abomasum In Haemonchus spp., a strong spoliation
mucosa or secretory glands from the wall and action dominates, causing a severe anemia,
cause a reduction in appetite and in the and a decrease of the red blood cell count
digestive capability of the abomasum. In the (RBCs), pH concentration and packed cell
small intestine, mechanical and inflammatory volume (PCV)406. A single individual of H.
actions are responsible for severe damages of contortus, adult or larval L4 or L5 stages, may
the intestinal mucosa with similar effects. consume about 0.05 ml of blood per day440.
The effects of adult parasites depend on the The parasites fixed to the abomasum mucosa
number of individuals and the nutritional cause microlesions, sites for bacterial
status of the animals. The inflammatory, infection. These superinfections determine
mechanical and nutrition robbing actions are complications in the parasitized ruminants,
expressed by the destruction of the abomasum which can result in death. Mechanical action
and small intestine mucosa. The parasites and inflammation are moderate because of its
cause a flattening of the villi, enterocyte location, in close apposition to the abomasal
exfoliation, micro-tunnelling of the mucosa mucosa.
especially in the anterior segments of the Larval stages of Ostertagia ostertagi are
small intestine. Consecutive feed intake will localized in the gastric glands of the
decrease, even to the point of anorexia, abomasum where they grow about 100 fold.
diarrhoea, inefficient gastrointestinal function, They cause erosion of the secretory
weakening, rickets and/or hypothrepsia (= epithelium and swelling of the gland with
malnutrition). maximal biochemical consequences when
The depression in voluntary feed intake parasites emerge from glands. These
(anorexia) is a major factor in the consequences consist in the reduction of the
pathogenesis of the disease being caused by functional gastric juice and diarrhea, the
elevated blood levels of gastrin and, as a primary clinical sign.
result, reduce the gained live weight192,193,457. Cooperia spp. are considered mild pathogens
The gastro-intestinal functions are also which cause watery diarrhea and contribute to
affected. The motility of the small intestine is the effects of Haemonchus and Ostertagia.
reduced and so is food passage192. These Trichostrongylus spp. cause irregular
disturbances in motility are explained by thickness of the intestinal mucosa and,
alterations in gastric hormone levels222 and consequently, an increase in plasma losses
effects of substances of parasite origin, as into the gut, hypoproteinaemia and slight
cholinesterases191. anemia25.
The secretory activity of the abomasum and Nematodirus spp. infection was considered a
intestine is affected, in that the gastric acid mild disease, but sometimes serious effects
secretion decreases and the circulating may result. Profuse diarrhea, weight loss and
pepsinogen and gastrin level increases. The

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growth retardation have been associated with independently from a symptomatological

this parasite. point of view: haemonchosis, ostertagiosis,
Immunity. Trichostrongylidae are somatic trichostrongylosis, cooperiosis and
and metabolic aggregated antigens, which nematodirosis.
induce various states of immunity. In the Haemonchosis is a common disease of small
trichostrongyle infection, two types of ruminants, the parasites being more adapted to
immune reactions occur: para-immunity sheep than to cattle62. Even in mixed sheep-
expressed by allergy and an acquired cattle grazings, Haemonchus contortus will
immunity process. The latter can be a sterile develop in cattle in lower proportions and
humoral immunity or an active post-infective with a shortened life span than in sheep230.
non-sterile (premonition) one. Three forms of evolution are identified:
The allergic reaction is induced by liquids and hyperacute, acute and chronic.
cuticles of L3 exsheatment. These cause The hyperacute form is prevalent in tropical
hyperhistaminemia and swelling of the areas where developmental conditions of the
digestive tract wall at the fixation sites. exogenous stages are optimal, thus creating
Therefore, the self-curing process will be prerequisites of abundant contamination
accentuated. sources. Animals ingest large infective doses,
Aquired immunity is humoral mediated, there of tens of thousands of worms. As a result,
being involved antibodies that develop in the fever, haemorrhage, severe anemia, dark
wall of the digestive tract587. The protection colored feces and death in seven days will
period ranges between 3-5 months if not occur. The animals may lose about 0.5 liters
maintained by reinfection, and decreases in blood/day130.
winter. The acute form is spread in temperate regions
Premonition, or the presence of worms in the where lambs and youth are affected. Diarrhea,
digestive lumen, is characterized by the dehydration, severe anaemia, weight loss,
inhibition of the new larvae development from reduced growth and production are the main
re-infestations. It is encountered in species symptoms. Anaemia in sheep caused by H.
which develop in the wall of the digestive contortus is hypochromic normocytic60 while
tract141. in cattle, caused by H. placei, it is normocytic
Clinical signs. Incubation corresponds to the normochromic in immunised calves and
prepatent period (it generally ranges between microcytic normochromic in non-immunised
15 to 27 days), except for species in which the calves203.
arrested development phenomenon in the The chronic form is more common in practice
gastric or intestinal wall is established. and has a long-term evolution of between 2-6
General clinical signs in ruminant months. It is caused by a low number of
trichostrongylidosis consist in digestive parasites, between 100-1000 worms.
disorders: diarrhea, dehydration, polydipsia, Malnutrition, progressive weight loss, loss of
progressive weight loss and anemia. The wool or rough hair coat in goats and stopping
intensity of the symptoms varies from species growth in youth are typical signs of chronic
to species: an acute evolution in youth evolution. Hematological parameters may be
(lambs, kids and calves) and a chronic, within normal limits, despite the chronic
subclinical and latent evolution in adult blood loss.
animals have been distinguished. Despite the Ostertagiosis evolves differently in cattle than
clinical signs common to all Trichostron- in small ruminants. Several types and
gylidae species, the current trend is for the evolutive syndromes are differentiated in
diseases to be described separately and cattle.

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Type I of ostertagiosis affects only weaned Trichostrongylosis has two clinical forms:
calves. It corresponds to parasitic gastritis gastric, caused by T. axei, and intestinal,
which manifests itself by profuse diarrhea, which involves T. colubriformis, T. vitrinus,
dehydration, weight loss and high mortality, and other species.
between 75-100%, evolving in the first In gastric trichostrongylosis, young animals
grazing season during the summer and are most susceptible to infection. Diarrhea,
autumn415. Pronounced hemoconcentration dehydration, bottle jaw, weight loss, poor
and a 10 times increase of the plasma growth and emaciation are the main clinical
pepsinogen characterize the hematology285. signs.
Pretype II of the disease is a subclinical form Intestinal trichostrongylosis shows a severe
that affects calves at the end of the grazing evolution in kids compared with lambs. The
season when animals are carriers of a high minimum lethal dose in kids is 78000
number of the arrested L4 larvae415. infective larvae of T. colubriformis, whereas
Type II of ostertagiosis affects two year-olds in lambs, it is 115000. Profuse and continuous
or older animals which winter outdoors or in diarrhea with a dark green, almost black color
the stables. It is expressed by a pronounced of the feces, are the main clinical signs. The
and rapid weight loss, profuse and watering animals are depressed with abdominal pain,
diarrhea and hemorrhage in the abomasum, anorexia and severe emaciation. Hematology
with a severe evolution from December to is characterized by leukocytosis with
June. Aging and the emergence of a large increased polymorphonuclear neutrophils and
number of arrested L4 larvae that turn into the erythrocytes are in the normal range of the
adults are responsible for this form. Two species. Animal death is due to malnutrition13.
variants are known in this type: In calves, the minimum lethal dose is 250,000
fasciolosis/ostertagiosis complex and larvae, anorexia and diarrhea being the
parturient ostertagiosis. developed symptoms240.
The fasciolosis/ostertagiosis complex affects Cooperiosis is caused by C. curticei which
calves, 12-15 months of ages, from December mainly infect sheep and goats, C. oncophora,
toMarch, with severe anemia, weight loss, C. punctata and C. pectinata being the
watering diarrhea and edema of the jaw415. common species in the case of cattle. Their
Parturient ostertagiosis occurs in adult cows, superficial localization through the intestinal
in this period. villi without the deep penetration of the
Oedematous ostertagiosis or gastritis is mucosa and rapid development of the host
another original type or syndrome of disease. resistance cause lack of pathogenicity. Signs
It was described by Pitre and Quittet401 in 8 of the infection include apathy, intermittent or
month to 3 year old animals. The clinical continued diarrhea with soft feces, reduced
signs are rapid weight loss and profuse feed consumption, weight loss and
diarrhea. The edematous abomasum can be progressive emaciation. Anemia and changes
observed at necropsy, reaching 4.5 kg or more in other hematological or biochemical
(2 to 3 times the normal weight). constituents are not recorded, suggesting the
Ostertagiosis in sheep is a serious disease, reduced parasite interference with blood
especially in lambs and youth up to 1-1.5 circulation and intestinal absorption.
years of age. It is characterized by anemia, Nematodirosis predominantly affects lambs,
weight loss, decreased appetite and diarrhea. 6-12 weeks of age, causing lethargy, profuse
Type II of the disease from winter to spring diarrhea with greenish-black or pale yellow
(February / March) is described426. and watering feces, dehydration, polydipsia,

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abdominal pain, weight loss and sometimes In T. axei infections, catharral abomasitis,
death. superficial erosions and congestion of the
Pathology. The pathological pattern varies in mucosa, sometimes covered with a fibrinous
intensity from discrete, unobtrusive lesions, , exudate, are observed.
in low infestations with species whose In Cooperia spp. infection, catarrhal
pathogenicity is low to important, to severe gastroenteritis, patchy necrosis,
lesions, some of which are specific. The haemorrhages, edema of the intestinal
lesions are systematized in two categories, mucosa, the presence of a profuse, mucous
depending on the location of the parasites: exudate in the lumen and chronic hyperplastic
gastric and intestinal. lesions are diagnosed.
Haemonchosis in sheep and goats is Nematodirus spp in monospecific infection
characterized by an initial congestion of the seems to be of little significance although the
mucosa and a white spot in the cardiac region larvae cause severe villous atrophy, mucous-
followed by the appearance of petechial cell hyperplasia and necrosis when they
hemorrhages and erosions similar to ulcers penetrate mucosa. In heavy infections, adults
with depressed centees and slightly elevated can cause severe lesions as tunnels,
edges. Next, hemorrhagic abomasitis, destruction of tissues and chronic hyperplastic
congestion, edema of rugae and thickening of enteritis.
the mucosae will develop. In a more advanced T. colubriformis cause mucosal flattening and
stage, the mucosal edema is accentuated and villous atrophy in lambs272.
shows pitted areas. The cellular inflammatory Regardless of the type of infestation, mono- or
reaction consists of eosinophils, mononuclear polispecific, the lesions are associated with
cells and plasma cells in the mucosa and the presence of parasites in their characteristic
submucosa. Hyperplastic or granular habitat. Haemonchus adults can be easily seen
abomasitis and petechial hemorrhage because of their large size while the other
disseminated between the whitish, large smaller species are difficult to see.
parasitic nodules are chronic lesions4. Gastrointestinal lesions are associated with
Hemorrhagic lesions of the abomasal mucosa anemia with a whitish mucous membrane,
have been recorded in calves. edematous infiltration of the subcutaneous
In Ostertagia spp. infection, nodular tissue, muscle wasting, liver degeneration and
abomasitis is the most characteristic lesion. cachexia condition. The mesenteric lymph
The nodules are small, 1–2 mm in diameter, nodes are hypertrophied and infiltrated.
umbilicated, crater-like, and disseminated Diagnosis – in the case of live animals, it
throughout the abomasum. They may be requires the corroboration of the results of
discrete, well individualized, but in heavy several methods. The clinical signs and
infections tend to coalesce and give rise to a epidemiological data are presumptive,
lesion similar in aspect to Morocco leather. parasitological and biochemical tests being
The edema of the mucosa is frequently intense necessary.
and occasionally necrosis and sloughing The important epidemiological data in
occurs. As a result of the nodule dropout by targeting diagnosis are the appearance of
the pre-adult larvae and chronicization, the diarrhea mainly in young ruminants, during
lesion becomes hyperplastic abomasitis. the grazing season.
Nodular abomasitis, edema and congestion of The clinical examination serves as guidance,
the mucosa are common lesions for type I and the symptoms being common to a large
II ostertagiosis in cattle, and, in addition, a number of digestive diseases in ruminants.
gross distension of folds appears in type II322.

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The coproparasitological exam aims to order to improve the animals’ state. Highly
highlight fecal egg counts using flotation tests effective and well tolerated anthelmintics are
based on dense saturated solutions (salt, sugar presented in table 7.
or magnesium sulphate). The method presents Avermectins demonstrate an increased
some disadvantages: it has no value during the efficiency, ranging between 98 and 100%,
prepatent period, caused by the larval form, against both stages of trichostrongylids, adults
when eggs are not shed in the feces, and it and arrested larvae. Regardless of the active
does not always correlate the number of adult substances used, meat and milk withdrawal
worms present with the clinical forms of conditions after deworming must be respected.
evolution. The method has a group value, the Unsuccessful trichostrongylidosis therapy cases
eggs of Trichostrongylidae being have been recorded in recent decades. The
indistinguishable from those of the adaptation phenomenon and the increased
Bunostomum sp. or Oesophagostomum sp. In resistance of worms to the action of
nematodirosis the exam has a genus value due anthelminthic substances are the causes of these
to the large size of the eggs. To differentiate failures.
the genera, coprocultures and biometry of the Resistance to an antihelminthic is defined as “a
L3 larval stage are required. significant increase in the ability of a strain to
Necropsy is a diagnosis of certainty, but the tolerate therapeutic doses of the drug”315.
small sizes and slender bodies of these The phenomenon is registered in all
nematodes require a magnifying glass or Trichostrongylidae species, parasites of
microscope examination of the domestic animals, against at least one or more
gastrointestinal contents. The method of substances. In Haemonchus contortus,
successive washings of the intestinal content populations resistant to thiabendazole,
and the artificial digestion of the gastric parbendazole, mebendazole, cambendazole,
submucosa to detect larvae is recommended. oxibendazole, febendezole and albendazole
The biochemical exam aims to determine the were identified339,479,241,564.
plasma pepsinogen, which has a diagnosis Some isolates of Ostertagia spp are resistant
value between 7 to 60 days pi only in to thiabendazole, morantel tartrate and
abomasitis (haemonchosis, ostertagiosis, and levamisole314.
trichostrongylosis). Pepsinogen level is 2 - 4 McMahon et al.348 observed resistance to the
times higher than in non-infected animals. benzimidazoles, avermectin and moxidectin
Serology and immunology are mainly used for across the Trichostrongylus, Ostertagia and
experimental purposes. Cooperia genera, while only Trichostrongylus
Differential diagnosis - will be conducted for and Ostertagia were resistant to levamisole.
other gastrointestinal helminthiasis Many other studies demonstrated this
(fasciolosis, oesophagostomosis, strongyloi- phenomenon in different strains of
dosis, etc.), coccidiosis, foodborne gastrointestinal Trichostrongylidae (GIN), but
gastroenteritis, bovine paratuberculosis and it is important for the three genera of sheep
digestive anaerobiosis which sometimes nematodes: Haemonchus, Ostertagia and
evolve in association. Trichostrongylus and, to a lesser extent, for
Treatment. Curative, it is aimed at: the Cooperia and Nematodirus. Alternation of
specific treatment of the entire contaminated active substances from one deworming to
livestock; limitation of contamination risk another and association of two or more active
removing the animals from the contaminated substances are the best measures to eliminate
area; setting of symptomatic adequate deficiencies induced by the
adjuvant medications and dietary nutrition in Trichostrongylidae resistance.

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Table 7 Anthelmintic substances used in therapy of trichostrongylidosis in ruminants

dose Arrested larvae (L3-L4) and
Adult worms
substance (mg/kg preadults spp. references
bw) H O T C N H O T C. N
L3 72 85.5 98.9 Rowlands
10 L4 99.3 38.1 99.9 cattle and Berger
levamisole L5 100 74.5 100 1977
5.8 70 Lyons
8.1 76 et al., 1981
5.0 98.5 Bürger,
7.5 100 1978
febantel 5.0
97 - 93 - 61 - Ciordia
7.5 97 - 100 cattle
100 98 96 et al., 1982
Sahin et
3.75 100 100 100 sheep
al., 2009
3.75 - Coronado
100 100 100 cattle
7.5 et al., 1997
thiabendazole 100.0 +++ +++ +++ sheep
91.8 77.8 goats
95.8 90.9 sheep Sangster,
97.5 87.8 goats and
94.5 93.8 sheep Rickard,
98.8 94.5 goats 1991
100 98.7 sheep
2.5 100 100 99.8 100 Downey,
5.0 100 100 100 1976
7.5x22 94.6 Baños et
10.0x22 95.1 99.3 100 93.5 al., 1979
100 100 100 100
albendazole1 7.5 cattle
94.5 93.5 100 53.4
et al., 1981a
5.0 > 95 Theodorides
99 - 100 cattle
10.0 > 97 et al., 1976a
3.5 93.4 100 100 100 99.5 Kennedy
5.0 95.3 100 100 100 99.6 sheep and Todd,
fenbendazole 7.5 99.8 100 100 100 100 1975
1.03 100 85.9 100 94 47.6 Williams
5.0 98.6 96.9 98.6 94 74.7 et al., 1981b
92- Theodorides
15.04 83 - 1007
98 et al., 1976b
oxibendazole cattle
Crowley et
15.05 > 98 +++
al., 1976
100 μg Armour et
99 99 98.6 82.3 99 98.6
(orally) al., 1980
200 μg Williams
ivermectin 100 99.8
sc et al., 1981c
200 μg Todd et
99 sheep
300 μg al., 1985
doramectin 200 μg 100 100 cattle
et al., 1993

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However, incorrect rotation of drugs, with action of physical factors (heat, humidity,
mistakes such as underdosing, repeated at solar radiation) is independent and
very short intervals, may aggravate the uninfluenced by humans. Biological methods
resistance. are highly topical because they protect the
Control - has several clear goals: application environment, are not very expensive and are
of technological measures which target the controlled by humans. The classical and
pastures and grazing system, destruction of modern methods involve the presence of
the free parasitic elements from the pasture, living organisms which destroy infective
and chemoprophylaxis. larvae through various ways: by feeding with
Cultivated pastures play an important role in larvae, by exerting a toxic action or by induce
animal husbandry. Besides the advantages deadly diseases in them. A modern method, of
induced by quality, quantity and fodder flow, great interest, is the use of pests such as
they are real barriers against animal nematodophagous fungi or toxic plants.
contamination. Deep ploughing of the Among the fungi, positive results were
grassland determines the disappearance of obtained with Duddingtonia flagrans and
parasitic elements existing at that moment on Monacrosporium thaumasium which trap the
the surface. All parasitic stages will be buried free-living stages of trichostrongylids478.
in the ground by turning of the furrow. High, Among toxic plants, promising outcomes
well developed grass prevents L3 larvae from were obtained with the Xanthium strumarium
climbing, thus reducing the cattle species, the undiluted juice of its leaves
contamination opportunities. causing 100% inhibition in egg hatching470.
Drainage, regulation of watercourses, The chemoprophylaxis is achievable through
removing temporary aquatic biotopes (traces two major ways: regular deworming and use
of hooves, carts) will reduce the moisture at of retard-boluses. Regular deworming is based
the level of soil and (tricho)-strongyle larvae on the same substances used in the treatment,
evolution is affected. but the timetable of doses administration
Rotational grazing is the process whereby differs. Two prophylactic treatments are
livestock are moved from a grazed pasture to generally prescribed per year, first during the
a fresh paddock in order to regenerate the spring, 10 to 14 days before grazing season,
herbaceous vegetation in the previous area. and the second in autumn, 2-3 weeks after
For high efficiency, species alternation must stabulation begins. The best protective results
be associated with large ruminants grazing are obtained applying an anthelminthic
following horses in a particular area. The treatment quarterly. The routes of
introduction of a new species on the pasture, administration for the substances may be oral,
unreceptive to infective elements present in pour-on or spot-on.
the soil, correlated with larval resistance and The retard-bolus is a device that contains an
the impossibility for them to continue their active substance which is introduced into the
biology contributes to animal protection rumen of an animal, where it will release the
against new contamination. active ingredient. According to the release
The inactivation of infective larvae from the system, anthelmintic boluses are classified
pasture is possible by using different into sustained release systems of active
chemical, physical or biological methods. substance and programmed periodic release
Chemical control, based on the application of systems124. In the trade there are many
chemicals (calcium cyanamide) is currently products indicated in the prophylaxis of
restricted due to adverse effects on other trichostrongylidosis containing albendazole
components of biocenosis. The destructive (Albenol-2500 Bolus), morantel tartrate

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(Paratect bolus), ivermectin (Ivodac bolus),

abamectin (Enzec), levamisole
(Chronominthic bolus), oxfendazol (Synanthic
multidose bolus, Repidose forte bolus) or
fenbendazole (Panacur Bolus). The protective
period of these products ranges from 3 to 5
In the context of continuous prohibition of
various therapies in animals intended for
human consumption due to adverse reactions
to drugs, research towards selecting some
breeds with increased genetic resistance in Figure 16. Hyostrongylus rubidus;
ruminant nematodes infestations will provide a) anterior end; b) posterior end
new ways in preventing these diseases. 1. buccal collar; 2. spicules; 3. rays;

3.3.2. Hyostrongylosis in pigs They are haematophagous parasites; after

The Hyostrongylus genus is included in the copulation, the females lay eggs which are
Trichostrongylidae family, Ostertagiinae passed in feces. Under proper conditions of
subfamily and contains parasites of the temperature, humidity and aeration, the eggs
Leporidae, Suidae and Bovidae families. hatch in 2 days. After two consecutive
Definition. Hyostrongylosis is a benign moltings, L1 will transform into L3, infective
gastritis that affects piglets and young swine larvae. The animals become infected through
expressed by weak or mild digestive consumption of infective larvae. The larvae
disorders, and has been lately reported in penetrate the gastric mucosa where they
several countries. develop into L4 after a new molting. Next, L4
Etiology. The Hyostrongylus genus contains a molt again becoming subadults and finally
species with medical veterinary importance adults. The prepatent period is 3 to 4 weeks523.
for domestic species, H. rubidus. Epidemiology
Morphology. (figure 16) The adults have a Geographical distribution. The disease has a
slender, equally calibrated and reddish body, worldwide distribution and different values of
the males measuring 4 to 7 mm in length and prevalence: 1.7% in Kenya378, 11% in Burkina
the females, 5 to 12 mm. At the anterior end, Faso526, 28.5% in northern England391 and
the mouth is delimited by a buccal collar and 3.3% in a large reproduction herd of pigs from
they have two cervical papillae. At the former Czechoslovakia300.
posterior end, the male has a bursa with well- Sources of contamination. Sources of
developed lateral lobes and a small dorsal environmental contamination are the infected
lobe; the spicules are equal and branched. The animals which eliminate eggs for a long
eggs are oval, with unequal poles (one less period of time. The maximum incidence of
convex than the other), thin shell, measure 60- egg-laying was registered for 10 to 12 months
75/31-38 μm and they are in an early stage of pi. The reservoirs of parasites are the sows
evolution (so-called ‘early tadpole') when laid. that have a high risk of environmental
Life cycle. The adults of H. rubidus are pollution between 2 weeks before the
localized in the stomach, along the lesser pregnancy and 6 weeks postpartum. After
curvature in the fundic area, being fixed to the weaning, egg-laying is reduced in intensity.
surface and gastric mucosal glands. The fecal egg counts vary between 100 and
1800 epg526.

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Susceptibility is increased in youth and vomiting and mostly diarrhea with fluid and
breeding sows and decreased in fattening pigs blackish feces. Piglets lose their liveliness,
and adults. The last two categories can easily present stagnating growth, messy and
contaminate in food and zoohygiene deficient lackluster hair.
conditions. In sows, taste perversion, coprophagia,
Route of contamination: is accomplished by geophagy, low prolificacy, and sterility occur.
ingestion of infective larvae with feed and Pregnant and lactating sows may have
water or from the infested pastures by grazing. subclinical, asymptomatic forms, but may
The resistance of the larvae on the pasture or present pronounced weakness, which can end
in shelters and grassland pollution are low in exitus, due to perforated ulcers, bleeding
from January to July, reaching a maximum in and peritonitis.
October. The optimal temperature and Pathology. The development of worms inside
humidity favorable for the exogenous the stomach is usually non-pathogenic. When
development of eggs and larva survival is a high number of worms are present, they may
between 15 - 20°C and from 79.5 to 95.5%, cause catharal gastritis, hyperenua and
respectively190. submucosal edema. Rarely, in severe
Pathogenesis. The adults act in a traumatic infections, a yellow caseous and fibrinous
manner on the gastric mucosa; they penetrate pseudomembrane forms, which, if removed,
deep into the mucosa and feed on the blood leaves the mucosa with erosions and deep
causing an anemia syndrome, hyperaemia and ulcers.
hemorrhagic gastritis. The parasites may The diagnosis is suspected based on clinical
cause ulcers in the fundic region, cellular signs and epidemiological data. It is based on
infiltrations, proliferation of the epithelial a coproscopic exam using flotation methods,
lining of the cardia and pyloric orifice and emphasizing strongyle egg type in live
granulomas in lamina propria. The subadults animals. The differentiation of Hyostrongylus
who have penetrated the gastric glands rubidus eggs by Oesophagostomum spp and
produce nodules that interfere with the Globocephalus spp is difficult. The larvae
stomach functions, resulting in diarrhea, may be recognized by coprocultures. The
dehydration and subsequent weakening. necropsy is based on highlighting the
Reduced infestations often evolve catarrhal, nodular, ulcerative or
subclinically, but those with a higher intensity pseudomembranous gastritis, the presence of
of parasitism determine a rapid alteration of parasites in the gastric mucosa and it has a
the general condition, apathy and stomach reliable value.
pain456. Differential diagnosis is done for nonspecific
The inoculation action consists in anemia, salmonellosis, gastritis with another
superinfections and gastric abscess. The toxic etiology, other nematodosis (ascariosis,
action is expressed by eosinophilia and strongyloidosis, spiruridosis, oesophago-
urticaria, and the spoliation by anemia. stomosis, and trichuriosis) and piglets
Consecutive to the pathogenic effects exerted coccidiosis.
by the parasites on the gastric mucosa, a Treatment. Basically, benzimidazole
massive elimination of adult worms and L4 derivatives are useful in hyostrongylosis. The
larval stages occurs283. efficacy of the following has been
Clinical signs. demonstrated:
The incubation period varies between 10 and  fenbendazole at a dose of 5 mg/kg
13 days. Further, the piglets present anemia, demonstrated a 100% efficacy in a 42-day-old
misconduct, poor appetite to anorexia, fever, artificial infection with H. rubidus291;

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 cambendazol, 10 to 15 mg/kg/day in The life cycle is monoxenous, with a typical

food522; “strongyl” evolution in the external
 levamisole HCl (8 mg/kg) showed an environment. Contamination is oral and the
efficacy of 94.4% against H. rubidus337; endogenous evolution is a non-migratory
 oxfendazole, at doses of 3, 4.5 and 6 phase, larval stages developing in the wall of
mg/kg bw had an efficacy between 99.8 and intestines.
100% against H. rubidus infestation, at 20 -
51 days after contamination287; 3.4.1. Oesophagostomosis - Nodular
 flubendazole, 30 ppm in the feed for mass enteritis in ruminants and pigs
medication, for 10 consecutive days, was Nematodes of the genus Oesophagostomum
100% effective against Hyostrongylus are parasites in ruminants, pigs and primates,
rubidus559; which also have a low zoonotic potential229.
 doramectin, 0.3 mg/kg bw has a 99.4% Definition. This is an intestinal helminthosis
efficacy against natural infections with H. which affect pigs and large and small
rubidus509; ruminant species, caused by nematodes of the
Control. The practicing of the closed herd Oesophagostomum genus, expressed by
turnover system is one of the best methods to severe digestive disorders, weight loss and
prevent helminthoses in pigs299. Regarding the reduction in body development in young
chemoprophylaxis, emphasis is placed on animals. The disease is widespread throughout
treatment of sows at farrowing, or of piglets the world with enzootic and severe evolution
when they are transferred to the growing in young pigs.
units. Two treatments at an interval of 14-21 Etiology. Parasites belong to the
days are indicated. Continuous administration Nemathelminthes phylum, Chromadorea
in the food is a complementary solution416. class, Rhabditida order, Chabertiidae family
and Oesophagostomum genus. Members of
3.4. Chabertiidae this genus are popularly called "nodular
The Chabertiidae family includes medium- worms" because the larvae cause nodules in
sized round worms, parasites in even-toed the intestines of their hosts.
ungulates, macropods marsupials, rodents and In cattle: Oesophagostomum radiatum is
primates. The family is systematized in two localized in the large intestine and the larvae
subfamilies (Chabertiinae and Oesophago- (L3 - L5) develops in the mucosa of the
stominae) and 5 genera: Castorstrongylus, jejunum, ileum, cecum and colon.
Chabertia, Cyclodonto-stomum, Ternidens In sheep and goats can be found:
and Oesophagostomum.  Oesophagostomum columbianum, in the
Morphologically, the Oesophagostominae small and large intestine;
subfamily is characterized by the presence at  Oesophagostomum venulosum - adults in
the anterior end of a rectangular buccal the cecum and colon and larval forms in the
capsule devoid of leaf crowns at the entrance submucosa of the small and large intestine;
to the capsule. The outer cuticle shows a In pigs parasitize:
dilatation that surrounds the cervical region  Oesophagostomum dentatum - adult
forming a cephalic vesicle. Posteriorly, it worms are located in the cecum and colon,
continues with two cervical alae. The and larvae (L4 and L5) in the submucosa of the
Chabertiinae subfamily has a bell-shaped small and large intestine;
buccal capsule equipped with a reduced leaf  O. quadrispinulatum, with a
crown. cosmopolitan distribution;

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 O. brevicaudum spread in southeastern The life cycle is direct, monoxenous. The

United States and other areas with a similar adults are localized in the large intestine
climate; where they feed with desquamated mucosa
 O. granatensis and O. georgianum in residues and intestinal contents. They copulate
Europe and southeastern United States, in the intestinal lumen and, consecutively, the
species considered morphological variants of females lay eggs.
O. dentatum417,507,129; The eggs are passed in the environment
Morphology. Adults are small nematodes, through feces and the exogenous phase
measuring between 10 - 25 mm in length, with begins. In favorable temperature (20 - 25 °C),
a whitish body. The size of females, males humidity (80%), and aeration conditions,
and eggs are shown in table 8. Despite the rhabditiform first-stage larvae (L1) hatch
differences in length in Oesophagostomum within 6-7 days and follow two successive
spp., the shape of the esophagus and the molts.
length of the female tail are the criteria used in Thereby L3 infective larvae develop and retain
species differentiation. At the anterior end it their molting cuticle. Infective L3 larvae show
has a cylindrical or large, sub-globular and positive hydro- and thermotropism and
relatively shallow buccal capsule. The mouth negative geo- and phototropism.
opening is situated at the terminal end of the In warmer, more humid periods, they climb on
oral capsule and is surrounded by a leaf- the grass, whence they can be consumed by
crown. This crown is composed of a variable animals, which they thus contaminate. In
number of elements which are divided into lower thermal conditions, of 15 - 20 oC, the
two components: internal and external. The exogenous phase lasts 40 to 50 days. The
majority of species have this leaf-crown, but development ceases below 12 - 15 oC.
in some of them it may be incompletely The endogenous stage is a non-migratory
developed, lacking the internal or external phase. The L3 penetrate the lamina propria of
component while in others it is completely the small intestine and cause nodular or
missing. The cuticle undergoes a dilatation capsular formations. Encapsulated L3 molt to
that surrounds the entire anterior end and is the fourth stage (L4) inside the nodules and
called the anterior vesicle. It has delimited then return to the lumen as L5, young adults,
several sections: the cephalic vesicle, cervical who migrate to the large intestine, where they
vesicle and cervical alae. The cephalic and reach adulthood.
cervical vesicles are ventrally delimited from Basically, the life cycle is similar for all
the cervical alae by a cervical groove. species, but there are some particularities. In
Cervical papillae are present behind or before O. columbianum infections, two histotropic
the esophagus level, depending on the species. phases are described131. The first phase
At the posterior end, the males have a consists in encystation of L3 larvae in nodules,
copulatory bursa with developed lateral lobes, in the anterior segment of the gut. It is
sustained by bursal rays. The spicules are followed by a second phase in which a part of
long, equally calibrated, tubular and slender. L4 larvae released from the nodules return to
The eggs are of the strongyle type, ellipsoidal, the lumen and migrate to the large intestine.
with a smooth membrane and variable Here, these larvae are arrested at the L4 larval
dimensions from species to species, with stage while other L4 larvae will develop to the
limits between 52 and 120 / 30 and 54 μm, adult stage. All other species perform only
and contain 8-16 blastomeres when laid one histotropic migration in which the L3
(figure 17). larvae invade the intestinal mucosa and form
nodules inside of which they molt in L4.

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Table 8. Oesophagostomum spp. Morphometry of evolution stages

female (mm) male (mm) egg (μm) ext / int

Species leaf
length width length width length width
O. radiatum 16 - 22 0.3 - 0.8 14 - 17 0.3 - 0.4 88 - 95 44 - 55 -/+
O. columbianum 15 - 22 0.3 - 0.5 12 - 17 0.2 - 0.3 80 - 90 50 - 60 +/+
O. venulosum 13 - 24 0.5 - 0.6 11 - 16 0.3 - 0.4 87 - 105 55 - 64 +/+
O. dentatum 11 - 14 0.5 8 - 10 0.3 66 - 80 40 - 54 +/+
O. quadrispinulatum similar with O. dentatum 60 - 70 30 - 40 +/+
O. brevicaudum 6.4 - 8.5 0.3 - 0.4 6.2 - 6.8 0.3 - 0.4 52 - 67 30 - 45 +/+
O. georgianum 10 - 11 0.38 5.8 - 7.6 0.3 - 0.4 55 - 75 35 - 45 +/+

Figure 17. Morphology of Oesophagostomum spp.: a) anterior end; b) male, posterior end
(copulatory bursa; c) egg; 1. cephalic vesicle; 2. cervical vesicle; 3. cervical groove; 4. cervical alae;
5. cervical papillae; 6. spicules; 7. lobes; 8. rays;

These larvae return into the lumen where, Epidemiology

adults evolve after another intermediate molt. Geographical distribution.
The prepatent period varies from 17 to 53 Oesophagostomosis has a worldwide
days, depending on the species and dose. A distribution, being a common disease in
lower dose requires a reduced period temperate wet climates. There are also species
compared with high doses, which need a long that affect domestic animals, spread in tropical
prepatent106. The lowest prepatent, meaning and subtropical regions (e.g. O.
17 days, is recorded for O. dentatum525 while columbianum). The values of prevalence are
the longest, 53 days, was found with O. variable from one region to another and from
quadrispinulatum503. If the arrested phase sets species to species.
in, the prepatent period will extend to up to 8- In pigs, Oesophagostomum spp infestation
10 weeks or even seven months270. The was diagnosed in 27.5% of animals from 13
lifespan of adults may reach up to 21 months pig fattening farms located in northern
in some species10. Germany271. In northern England, 85% of
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sows showed O. dentatum and O Route of contamination. The animal

quadrispinulatum infestations over a period of contamination is oral, by ingesting infective
two years of parasitological surveillance391. In larvae with food and water, during grazing or
central Romania, O. dentatum affected 4 – at shelters. Percutaneous or intra-ocular
16% of the weaned piglets and 2,5 – 20% of contamination ways are demonstrated209.
the fattening pigs127. The resistance. Temperature, humidity and
In cattle, the disease affected 38.4% of direct sunlight are the factors that influence
animals originating in Kiambu District, resistance of parasitic elements, eggs and
Kenya568. In the State of Georgia (USA), the larvae, on the pasture. The optimal
prevalence of O. radiatum was 61% between temperature for the development and hatching
1968 and 1973109. In goats, nodular of the eggs varies from species to species, but
oesophagostomosis recorded a prevalence of overall limits fit between 10 and 40°C, the
62.8% in northern Benin451. The O. venulosum optimal values being between 25 and 30°C.
prevalence was 10% in sheep originating from The optimal temperature for larval
the Burdur region, Turkey547. development from L1 to L3 ranges between 25
Sources of contamination. Sources of and 30°C. Drought conditions in the
environmental pollution are infected animals, environment cause a rapid and marked
with chronic disease and youth populations in mortality of eggs and preinfective larvae. The
the second year of grazing. The animals with eggs cannot withstand negative temperatures
an acute form caused by the larval stages do during the winter and so are destroyed. The
not pollute the environment because they are resistance of larvae in dryness and sunlight is
in the prepatent period. The risk of pollution reduced, but it is high in cold conditions. The
and perennating of contaminated pasture survival of larvae on the pasture is possible in
depends on the incidence of infection in wild winter, and their survival period in summer is
animals (ruminants and wild boar) which are up to 2-3 months. The larvae of O. dentatum
susceptible to those parasites that also affect that developed during the autumn will remain
cattle, sheep, goats, and domestic swine. viable until April next year (Hiepe, 1985;
Sources of animal contamination are Rose and Small, 198010.
represented by infective L3 larvae spread on Pathogenesis. The complex pathogenic
the pasture. Their dissemination on the pasture mechanisms depend on the affected species,
occurs through fertilization or irrigation with the parasite location, their nutrition type and
contaminated water. life cycle stage.
Susceptibility. Among farm species, cattle are The inflammatory action of larvae in large and
more susceptible, followed by sheep and small ruminants, upon first contamination
goats, while pigs are more resistant. Age with O. columbianum, O. radiatum, and O.
seems to have a role in resistance to venulosum, is very low, the animals having a
contamination. In cattle, the resistance to diminished reaction. In the case of re-
initial infection increases with age, the most infestation, the larvae penetrate the mucosa
susceptible being calves aged 8-24 months79. and the inflammatory response will be
In small ruminants, the adult goats over one emphasized as a consequence of previous
year of age and young sheep from three to 18 sensitization of animals. The larvae will cause
months tend to be more receptive451. The nodules of different sizes and characters
resistance of pigs can be explained by the which will subsequently be caseated and/or
minimum risk of contamination due to the calcified. After completion of the larval stage,
breeding system. the inflammatory action of adults is reflected
on bowel mucosa causing typhlitis and colitis.

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Some differences regarding the inflammatory Immunity. The immune protection in

pathogenicity between Oesophagostomum oesophagostomosis involves diverse action
spp. in small ruminants have been recorded. mechanisms and different statuses, which vary
The adults of O. venulosum cause small ulcers from one species to another, are known.
on the intestinal mucosa, whereas larvae of O. The haemagglutinin antibodies are involved in
columbianum migrate deep into the mucosa mediating the immune response in sheep139.
and cause fibroblastic nodules, being more This response is favored by the high protein
pathogenic. The larvae of O. dentatum from diet that accentuates the immune competence
pigs have a moderate inflammatory effect, of animals140. Reinfections emphasize the
causing small nodules (1 mm diameter) and immune protection of animals which is
the adults cause catarrhal enteritis. expressed, in this case, by the development of
The nodule formation is also reflected by gut a small number of worms compared to the
motility, which is disrupted, this being an first infection, and these worms are stunted 138.
expression of the mechanical action of the In cattle is has been demonstrated that the
larvae. newborn calf serum (BCS) totally inhibits the
The inoculation action is strong in the case of development of O. radiatum L4 and the
larvae that mobilize the intestinal flora (E. inhibition may be abolished by heat
coli, Salmonella spp., etc.) and cause the treatment158. Also, the polyparasitism does not
nodule over-infection transforming them into cause cross immunity in cattle, between
micro-abscesses. Cooperia punctata and O. radiatum.
Spoliation is not very severe because the The homologous reinfections induce a
adults feed on intestinal content and only the protective immune condition of low intensity
larvae of some species are hematophagous, in pigs. In the case of contamination with both
but their development inside the nodules limit species, no resistance to reinfection was
this effect. recorded524.
The toxic action is caused by toxins resulting Clinical signs. Clinical signs and evolutive
from the death of the larvae in nodules and is forms are extremely varied, ranging from
expressed by edematous reactions of the asymptomatic to severe or subtle cases, with
affected mucosa, micro-haemorrhages and acute, chronic, and rarely other type of
punctiform necroses. evolution. However, two major forms are
One of the most important pathogenic factors differentiated: acute, caused by larval
in oesophagostomosis is anorexia. It was penetrations of the intestinal mucosa and
observed in ruminants and consists in a fast chronic, due to repeated infections.
reduction in the average daily feed intake The acute form affects calves, lambs and
during the fourth post-infection week, piglets. It evolves during the summer, at 7-10
followed by a slow return to the initial level of days pi, expressed by depression,
intake, about 14 weeks later. Anorexia may hyperthermia, polydipsia, inappetence or
explain the metabolic disturbances recorded in anorexia, diarrhea with whitish feces that
oesophagostomosis: hypoproteinaemia, hypo- contain mucus, or black, fetid diarrhea. In the
glycemia, the increase in activity of the following days the diarrhea is profuse,
glutamic-oxalic transaminase, lactic acid animals are dehydrated, have colic, undergo a
dehydrogenase acetate and glutamic acid sudden weight loss and are anemic. Animals
pyruvate transaminase, a decrease in the die in the 2-3 weeks or pass into the chronic
alkaline phosphatase activity and a form.
normochromic normocytic anemia78,19. Chronic oesophagostomosis is most common
in sheep and sows. In sheep, it is caused by

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repeated infections, and in sows it evolves as ruminants (of paratuberculosis in cattle);

"thin sow syndrome." Discontinuous diarrhea paratyphus, specific bacterial enteritis,
and reduced appetite are the typical symptoms nutritional diseases, ascariosis and
in sheep. The sheep may become emaciated balantidiosis in pigs.
and anemic in a prolonged and severe chronic Treatment. Specific treatment in ruminants is
evolution. The "thin sow syndrome" is carried out using the same drugs as in
expressed by weight loss after farrowing and trichostrongylidosis (chapter 2.3).
reduced milk production with side-effects on Thiabendazole is highly effective and appears
the growth of unweaned piglets. to be the most useful drug against 0.
Pathology. The lesions are associated with the columbianum larvae from nodules, at the
two forms of clinical evolution: acute and minimum dose of 125 mg per kg bw487.
chronic. Catarrhal enteritis with hemorrhagic In pigs, the following are used:
nodules disseminated on the small intestine  dichlorvos at a dose of 17 mg/kg bw
mucosa is the typical lesion in the acute form. showed a 99.4% efficacy against
Often, these nodules fill with pus, being Oesophagostomum dentatum and 99.9%
transformed into small abscesses. The mucosa against O. quadrispinulatum337;
is infiltrated, congested and shows numerous  levamisole HCl, 8 mg/kg bw has
petechiae caused by the penetration of L3 expressed an efficacy of 97.1% against O.
larvae. Becoming chronic, the lesion will dentatum and 99.7% against O.
transform into nodular enteritis with fibrous quadrispinulatum ;
nodules in the small intestine. Adult parasites  pyrantel tartrate and citrate, at a dosage of
in the large intestine cause hyperplastic 510 mg of free pyrantel base/kg of feed has
typhlitis and colitis. The corpses are anemic, expressed a 100% efficacy for each of the
with muscle wasting, effusion fluids in the substances408;
serosa and mesenteric lymph nodes are  cambendazole, at a dose of 1.5 g per 1 kg
hypertrophied, edematous and infiltrated. of liver weight, showed a 100% effectiveness
Diagnosis. Clinical exams and in the control of Oesophagostomum
epidemiological data are valueless, directing dentatum107;
the diagnosis to diseases caused by the bursate  oxfendazole, at doses of 3, 4.5 and 6
nematodes or strongyle-type nematodes mg/kg bw had an efficacy of 100% against
(bunostomosis, globocephalosis, hyostrongy- Oesophagostomum sp. infestation, at 10 - 51
losis, trichostrongylidosis and others). days after contamination287;
Identification of eggs in feces is of low value  flubendazole at a dose of 30 ppm in the
because they are similar to the eggs of all forage, for 10 consecutive days, was 100%
other strongyle-type species. Coprocultures effective against O. dentatum559;
and the study of larvae morphology are  fenbendazole, at 2.5, 1.0 and 0.25 mg/kg
necessary for an accurate identification. bw determined a high fecal egg count
Furthermore, the exam is valueless in the reduction (98%, 88%, and 91%,
prepatent phase, caused by the larval stages L3 respectively) ;
and L4 developed in nodules.  ivermectin caused the decrease of the
Necropsy is a diagnosis of certainty, lesions adult worm burden by 88.8, 96.2 and 99.6% at
such as nodular enteritis, typhlitis or colitis dose rates of 150, 300 and 600 micrograms
being pathognomonic. kg-1 bw397;
Differential diagnosis - is required against:  moxidectin demonstrated 100% efficacy
eimeriosis, trichostrongylidosis, acute at 1.50 mg/kg(-1) body weight against O.
fasciolosis and paramphistomosis in quadrispinulatum508;

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 doramectin, 300 microg/kg live weight Morphology. (figure 18) The parasites have a
with 96.3% efficacy against O. dentatum427; cylindrical, equally calibrated and whitish
Control. In ruminants, the measures described body, slightly ventrally recurved at the
in trichostrongylidosis are applicable (chapter anterior end. The size of adults varies between
2.3). 12 and 14 mm in the case of males, and 17-
The opportunity of immunoprophylaxis is a 22/0.4-0.5 mm in the case of females. At the
particular element, available for anterior end, a well-developed, globular
oesophagostomosis. There are numerous buccal capsule is present. It lacks teeth and is
experimental studies that demonstrate the surounded by a double row of minute papillae
development of immune protection in youth at the edge of the capsule, which opens
against contamination, following the antero-ventrally. At the posterior end, the
administration of various antigens. Induction males have a trilobated copulatory bursa with
of partial immune protection in lambs was an elongated dorsal lobe and two spicules,
performed using the irradiated third stage long and sharp. The body of the female ends
larvae and somatic antigens in calves469,200. with a sharp tail. The eggs are strongyle-type
The control of the disease in pigs is based on and measure 100/50 μm.
chemoprophylaxis, but other methods may be Life cycle. The life cycle is direct, having an
applied at different levels: breeding system, exogenous phase similar to the
type of floor in shelters, nutrition. Intensive Trichostrongylidae. The adults are located in
pig farming has a major barrier effect because the large intestine, within the disk-like section
the contact between animals and parasites is of the colon424 and they feed on mucosal
almost completely avoided. The slatted floors, tissues, sucking a plug of mucosa into the
used for waste removal, also prevent buccal capsule and subsequently digesting it.
contamination of pigs because exogenous The females lay the eggs that pass through
stages of parasites cannot develop on such a feces into the environment. The first larval
floor. The type of feed and the method of stages hatch the eggs and molt twice, resulting
feeding are also important in the prevention of in infective L3 larvae. The animal is
pig contamination. The dry feed administered contaminated by eating infective L3 with
from troughs ensures the highest rate of water and feed. After ingestion, L3 exsheath in
protection while the moist feed allows the small intestine, penetrate the mucosa and
contamination of the pigs at an almost double molt to L4. Arrested development stage, or
level277. Chemoprophylaxis is achievable hypobiosis, may set in at this stage as a
using the same substances enunciated under survival mechanism. During this
treatment. phenomenon, L4 penetrate deep into the
mucosa of the small intestine or cecum and
3.4.2. Chabertiosis in ruminants will survive the winter. These L4 will return to
Definition. Chabertiosis is an intestinal the lumen, agglomerate in the cecum and molt
helminthosis with seasonal evolution, at to immature adults (L5). The pre-adults pass
pasture, affecting small ruminants, rarely on to the colon where they finalize the cycle
cattle, wild bovids and cervids, and manifests becoming adults. The prepatent period is
itself through digestive disorders as a chronic about 50 days.
colitis. Epidemiology
Etiology. The Chabertia genus includes only Geographical distribution. The disease has a
one species of veterinary importance, C. worldwide distribution, but is more common
ovina, which affects goats and sheep, in temperate and cold areas.
occasionally cattle.

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environmental conditions. The hatching is

possible above 6°C and below 36°C, and both
eggs and larvae can withstand freezing
Pathogenesis is mainly conditioned by the
adults’type of feeding in the intestines. Adults
who are fixed to the intestinal wall and suck a
plug of mucosa into their buccal capsule exert
an irritative-inflammatory action. This is
locally reflected by punctiform haemorrhages,
ulcers, erosions, edema and generally consists
in protein loss. The micro-ulcers created are
inoculation sites for infectious pathogens.
Clinical signs are diarrhea; the feces contain
blood and mucus, weight loss and anemia. In
heavy infections, severe digestive and
metabolic (hypoalbuminemia) disorders may
appear during the prepatent period, when
immature adults consume large quantities of
tissue followed by the destruction of large
Figure 18. Chabertia ovina a) anterior end; b) areas of the intestinal mucosa.
posterior end; 1, buccal capsule; 2, spicules; Pathology. The parasites attached to the
mucosa cause congestion, petechiae, edema,
The prevalence varies from one region to thickening of the lining of the large intestine,
another and from one species to another: catarrhal colitis and haemorrhagic ulcers.
4.16% in cattle in central Afyonkarahisar, Diagnosis. Clinical examination is worthless
Turkey466, up to 56% in sheep from Sweden due to the reduced intensity of the symptoms,
where about 80% of the flocks are affected318 many of them being common to several
and 3.1% in Argentina’s Western ampas517 diseases. Parasitological examination has a
Sources of contamination. The pollution of group value showing strongyle-type eggs that
pastures is accomplished by infected animals cannot be differentiated from those of
that eliminate eggs in feces. Fecal egg counts Trichostrongylidae, Bunostomum sp., etc.
register a relative intensity of 350 epg and a Necropsy reveals the lesions and adult
maximum value of 4200 epg in sheep318. The parasites fixed to the mucosa.
animal contamination is performed by the L3 Differential diagnosis is done for other
infective larvae existing in the grassland. parasitic and bacterial diseases (eimeriosis,
Susceptibility. Sheep are the most susceptible, trichostrongylidosis, monieziosis, colibaci-
and, within the species, lambs have an llosis, etc.), viral diarrhea, and nutritional
increased sensitivity. deficiencies with similar clinical signs.
The Route of contamination is oral, the Treatment. The active substances described
animal eating L3 larvae with the infested feed in the therapy of trichostrongylidosis are
or water. useful also in chabertiosis (chapter 2.3). The
Resistance. Chabertia ovina is considered a particular efficacy against Chabertia ovina is
common species in temperate and cold demonstrated by:
regions, and so the eggs and larvae are  fenbendazole, 5 mg/kg bw of sheep
characterized by an increased resistance to proved 100% effectiveness252;

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 thiabendazole at 100 mg/kg bw is very Morphology. Adult parasites (figure 19) have
effective against the arrested larvae of a small and equally calibrated cylindrical
Chabertia ovina in lambs117; body coated with a thick cuticle with fine
 oxfendazole doses at a rate of 5 mg/kg bw transverse striations, and the esophagus is
showed 100% efficacy for Chabertia ovina in elongated and posteriorly flattened. The
lambs146; female measures between 5 and 7 mm in
 albendazole at 3,8 mg/kg bw length, and the vulvar opening is in the
administered orally had a 100% efficacy posterior half of the body. At the anterior end
againts Chabertia ovina555; it has a sub-globular oral capsule without leaf-
 mebendazole at a dosage rate of 15 mg/kg crowns or cutting-plates at the interior margin,
bw administered intraruminally was excellent equipped with two lancets at the base. The
(100%) against all stages of Chabertia ovina male varies between 4 to 5.5 mm in length
in sheep554; and has a trilobated copulatory bursa at the
Control. The usual procedures for pastures, posterior end. Spicules are slender, dorsally
sanitation, nutrition and chemoprophylaxis, curved, long, thin and equally calibrated.
described in trichostrongylidosis (chapter 2.3)

3.5. Globocephalidae:
Globocephalosis in pigs
The Globocephalus genus has undergone
several systematic reorganizations. Due to the
presence and structure of the buccal capsule, it
was included in the Ancylostomidae family.
Recently, the Globocephalidae family taxon
was created and included in the Chromadorea
class, Rhabditida order.
Definition. Globocephalosis is a digestive Figure 19. Morphology of Globocephalus
disease which affects domestic pigs and wild spp.: a) anterior end; b) posterior end - male;
boars, with chronic and insidious evolution c) egg; 1. buccal capsule; 2. lancets; 3.
consisting in pasty feces or diarrhea, weight spicules; 4. rays;
loss and sometimes death, especially in
piglets. Eggs are oval, thin skin, bilaminar. They are
Etiology. in the morula phase when laid, containing
The Globocephalus genus includes about 18 between 4 and 8 blastomeres, and measure 67-
species, but their recognition is questionable, 73/35-40 μm.
in some cases they are considered tobe Life cycle. It is monoxenous and direct.
synonyms or to belong to other genera. Adults parasitize the small intestine, mainly in
Typical hosts of these species are members of wild boars, rarely in the domestic pig. They
the Suidae family, but species that parasitize are hematophagous; the female is oviparous
in monkeys, carnivores, rats, squirrels or and the eggs laid with feces will evolve in the
marsupials have been described. The species external environment. At 25 - 30°C, within 1 -
have different geographical distributions, G. 2 days, the L1 larvae hatch, molt twice and in
urosubulatus being the only one with a 1-16 days become L3 infective larvae.
cosmopolitan spread (table 9).

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Table 9. Species of the genus Globocephalus and their hosts

species hosts observations

G. amucronatus Pig, wild boar Japan (Shoho and Machida, 1979)
Patas monkey (Erythrocebus patas) syn. Characostomum asmilium
Formosan macaque (Macaca cyclopis) Morishita (1925)
G. asmilium
Southern pig-tailed macaque (Macaca Japan, French Guiana (Freitas
nemestrina) Teixeira and Lent, 1936)
G. callosciuri Squirrel (Callosciurus caniceps) Cassone and Krishnasamy (1986)
G. ciurcai Fish (Salmonidae) Dinulescu (1942)
Type B specimens of G. urosubulatus
Black rat (Rattus rattus)
G. connorfili Yadav and Tandon (1989)
Domestic pig
Samoa, New Guinea, Bengala
G. gigantospiculatus Hog badger (Arctonyx collaris) Nguen (1978)
Itagaki et al (1981)
identical with G. urosubulatus
Wild rat (Diplothrix legata)
G. longemucronatus (Hartwich, 1986)
European swine
syn. Crassisoma urosubulatum
Europe, Japan
G. lutrae Lutra chinensis Wu and Hu (1938)
identical with Ternidens deminutus
G. macaci Monkeys
(Railliet et al., 1913)
syn. Hartwichia rousseloti (Chabaud
G. madgascariensis Crocodile
and Bain, 1966)
Maplestone's type A specimens of G.
G. maplestonei Bushpig urosubulatus are considered a new
sp., (Ortlepp 1964)
Philander (Metachirops) opossum (gray Brasil (Freitas Teixeira and Lent,
G. marsupialis
Four-eyed opposum) 1936)
Pappogeomys tylorhinus (Naked-nosed
G. mexicanus Gonzalez (1986)
pocket gopher)
New Guinea, Samoa, Japan (Freitas
Sus scrofa dom., Sus leucomystax, Sika
G. samoensis Teixeira and Lent, 1936)
nippon nippon (Japanese deer)
syn. Crassisoma samoensis
G. sichuanensis Pig Wu and Ma (1984), China
Small intestine of monkey (Macaca
G. simiae Yamaguti (1954)
G. urosubulatus Domestic pig and wild boar cosmopolitan distribution
G. versteri Red River Hog (Potamochoerus porcus) Ortlepp (1964), South-Africa

Contamination of pigs is oral by ingestion of to be possible, but rare (Hiepe, 1985). The
water and food which contains L3 larvae. prepatent period is variable, between 12-56
These will migrate via the blood through the days, depending on the route of
heart, lungs, where they will develop in 9-14 contamination.
days. They undergo a molt, evolving into L4 Epidemiology
larvae, followed by swallowing and reaching Geographical distribution. Infections with
the small intestine. In addition, some of the Globocephalus species are widely distributed,
authors consider percutaneous contamination being diagnosed in almost all geoclimatic

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regions on Earth. G. urosubulatus, the most diarrhea, anemia and progressive weakening
common species of swine, is widespread in which may lead to emaciation.
Europe, Africa, North and South America. Pathology. In acute forms, in piglets with
The prevalence recorded in the world is clinical signs, parasites cause catarrhal or
variable: 5 - 75% in wild boar hunted in catarrhal-hemorrhage enteritis. In chronic
different areas from Corsica187, 11.1% in forms, lesions will become hyperplastic.
Spain182, 93.6% in Croatia410, 40% in Diagnosis. Subclinical, often inapparent
Romania (Gherman, personal observation), evolution, with poorly expressed lesions,
21.35% in Bulgaria373 and 74% in Iran174. correlated with the small size of the parasites
Sources of contamination are infected makes it difficult to diagnose the disease.
animals that pollute the environment Coprologic diagnosis using flotation methods
disseminating eggs through feces. Pig reveals strongyle-type eggs with group value.
contamination is achieved through The eggs are very similar to those of
consumption of L3 larvae from the Oesophagostomum sp. and Hyostrongylus sp.
environment. Differential diagnosis should be performed in
Susceptibility. The adult wild boar is the most relation to other digestive diseases which
receptive category. The domestic pig is rarely affect piglets and youth in the traditional
affected due to the breeding system in breeding system: ascariosis, oesophagosto-
shelters. Adult age favors animal mosis, hyostrongylosis, eimeriosis and
contamination due to their feeding behavior isosporosis, trichomonosis, bacterial or viral
and various nutritional diets which predispose diseases, foodborne diseases.
to consumption of infective L3 larvae from the Treatment. Basically, there is no special
environment186 (Gherman, unpublished data). treatment described against Globocephalus
Sex of animals does not influence their spp. Modern benzimidazoles derivatives and
contamination, but Tamboura et al.526 revealed avermectins are susceptible to be efficient.
a significantly higher prevalence in females Flubendazole, mebendazole, pyrantel tartrate
(24%) than in males (19%). and ivermectin have demonstrated good or
Route of contamination: is oral via ingestion acceptable efficacy in the therapy of
of L3 infective larvae. polyspecific infestations in pigs and wild
The resistance of parasitic elements (eggs, boars, in which Globocephalus spp. was also
larvae) in the environment is unknown, but is involved603,75,182.
probably similar to that of species from the Control. The best method to control the
Ancylostomidae family in which the genus evolution of globocephalosis is the semi-
was included. intensive or intensive pig husbandry system,
Pathogenesis. The pathogenesis is avoiding the access to pasture. Artificial
incompletely known because of the low shelters with a floor made of concrete, woven
pathological significance in the domestic pig. wire mesh or other rough material do not
However, in massive infestations, especially allow the development of the exogenous
in piglets, the spoliation due to phase of the biological cycle and thus prevent
hematophagous nutrition may become contamination of animals. Maintaining shelter
important, causing anemia. The attachment hygiene with cleaning and washing of floor
with the buccal capsule to the small intestine eliminates the parasitic elements and helps
mucosa causes local irritation and creates prevent contamination of pigs.
inoculation sites for other pathogens. Chemoprophylaxis is available, using
Clinical signs. Generally, infestation evolves benzimidazole derivatives in food.
asymptomatically. The piglets may develop

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3.6. Amidostomidae: important, which is cosmopolitan in the case

of ducks and geese.
Amidostomosis in aquatic birds Morphology. (figure 20)
The members of this family are parasites of
A. anseris has a cylindrical, equally calibrated,
aquatic birds, localized in the gizzard and
slender and reddish body, the male measuring
sometimes also into the proventriculus and
10 - 17/0.25 - 0.35 mm and the female, 12 -
esophagus of domestic and wild waterfowls
24/0.20 - 0.40 mm.. At the anterior end, the
(geese, ducks, swans, coots and
buccal capsule is short, wide, and armed with
charadriiformes). The family is divided into
three conical pointed teeth at its base. At the
two subfamilies: the Amidostomatinae, which
posterior end, the male has a copulatory bursa
have a long, well-developed buccal cavity,
with two large lateral lobes and two long,
and the Epomidiostomatinae, whose buccal
slender spicules, cleft near their middles. The
cavity is significantly reduced.
vulva is placed in the posterior part of the
The life cycle is direct, monoxenous, bird
body. The eggs are oval-shaped, thin shelled
contamination being achieved through
and measure 85 - 110/50 - 82 μm.
consumption of free-living third-stage
The length of A. acutum varies between 7.28
infective larvae.
and 14 mm in the male and 8.8 to 19.1 mm in
Definition. The amidostomosis is a
the female. The eggs are oval-shaped and
geohelminthosis that affect birds included in
measure 70 - 94/38 - 59 μm.
the Anseriformes order, especially geese,
A. fulicae measures 8.40-8.60/0.16-0.20 mm
expressed by digestive disorders and
(the male) and 5.34-9.30/0.15-0.23 mm (the
locomotory impairments. The disease is
female). At the anterior end, the buccal
common across the globe and causes losses of
capsule is wider than it is deep. At the
livestock maintained on pasture.
posterior end, the male has a copulatory bursa
Etiology. Three species included in the
with two lateral lobes with their edges bent
Amidostomum genus, with cosmopolitan
towards the ventral surface; the spicules are
distribution, are important:
equally calibrated and measure 0.07-0.10 mm.
• A. anseris (syn. A. nodulosum) is a
In females, the vulvar opening is placed near
parasite mainly of wild and domesticated
the middle of the body. The egg is round to
geese and ducks, rarely of other birds.
oval and measures 60-90/40-70 μm.
• A. acutum, a common, cosmopolitan
Epomidiostomum uncinatum has a filiform
parasite of the gizzard, dominant in Anatinae
body; the male measures 6.5–7.3 mm long and
(ducks). A systematic review was recently
150 μm wide and the female is 10–11.5 mm
proposed, according to which the species must
long and 230–240 μm wide. At the anterior
be regarded as a species complex. The three
end it has a small pair of nodules and a buccal
new separate species are A. acutum,
capsule surrounded by four papillae and a
Amidostomoides monodon and
three-toothed fringe, formed by the posterior
Amidostomoides petrovi282.
edge of cuticle, which bears two lateral
• A. fulicae is a parasite of the common
epaulets. At the posterior end, the male has a
Eurasian coot (Fulica atra).
trilobated copulatory bursa and two equal or
Other species widespread in Europe are A.
nearly equal dark brown spicules. The distal
cygni (swan), A. henry (considered as species
end of each spicule is cleaved into three
inquirendae within the subgenus
unequal branches. The female has a tail
Amidostomoides)399 and A. spatulatum (wild
equipped with a conical appendage. The eggs
are oval-shaped and measure about 80/50 μm.
Of the Epomidiostomum genus, the E.
uncinatum species (syn. E. anatinum) is
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Figure 20. Morphology of Amidostomum anseris: a) anterior end; b) male, posterior end; c) egg;
1. buccal capsule; 2. teeth; 3. spicules; 4. caudal copulatory bursa (lateral lobes); 5. rays;

Life cycle. The life cycle is direct, Epidemiology

monoxenous. The adult parasites are localized Geographical distribution. It is a
in the gizzard where they penetrate beneath cosmopolitan disease that records high values
the stratum corneum. They may also be rarely of prevalence in waterfowl, for different
foundin the mucosa and submucosa of the species of Amidostomum, around the world:
proventriculus and esophagus, in domestic 94.2% in Romania in the case of A.
and wild waterfowl. They are anseris375, 55% in AlDiwaniya and Diyala
haematophagous parasites. The females lay Provinces, Central Iraq359, 92% for A. acutum
eggs which are passed through feces in the and 56% for E. uncinatum in Anas discors in
environment in a partly developed stage. The Kleberg and Kenedy counties, Texas221, 9.4%
first two larval stages, L1 and L2, develop for A. acutum and 12.5% for Epomidiostomum
inside the egg, through successive molts, crami in Anas platyrhynchos diazi, in north
keeping the molting cuticle. The L2 larval central Mexico and southwestern United
stage hatch the eggs and become infective L3. States178, 51% for A. acutum and 9% for A.
The eggs will fully develop to infective larval anseris of the green-winged teal, Anas crecca
stage in 23 days at 20°C163. Contamination of in southwest Texas92.
birds is oral, by swallowing food or water, Sources of contamination consist of adult
especially grass that contains L3, giving the birds with subclinical evolution and diseased
disease a summer grassland character.. Third- birds, both categories polluting the pastures.
stage larvae may also infect through the skin The second source is represented by the
of birds166. In oral contamination, the larvae contaminated grassland on which the birds
penetrate the mucosa of affected digestive have acces.
segments, molt twice and return to the lumen Susceptibility. The following are susceptible:
where they become adults. Larvae migrate domestic and wild geese and ducks, swans,
hematogenously via the lungs in percutaneous grebes (Podicipediformes order), pigeons,
infections and return to digestive tract as Rallidae and Recurvirostridae families. Within
young adults and will transform into adults. the species, the receptivity of goslings and
The prepatent period is about 14–25 days. ducklings is higher in the first months of life.
The degree of susceptibility is accentuated by
debilitating factors, stress, immuno-

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suppressive states and intercurrent illness. The number of worms may be attached to the wall
parasites are quite host-specific. Enigk and of the gizzard causing necrotic granulomas of
Dey-Hazra167 failed to infect a variety of other the muscle. The gizzard wall may also contain
wild and domestic hosts (chickens, turkeys). many tunnels and galleries and the adult
Route of contamination. Contamination is worms are embedded inside them. The
performed orally by ingesting infective L3 following may appear: catharral and necrotic
larvae by feed or water. Percutaneous ingluvitis, duodenitis, ulcers and
infection is possible. haemorrhages in the separation area between
Resistance. The eggs of A. anseris survive in the gizzard and the glandular stomach.
freezing conditions, but infective L3 larvae are Diagnosis. The clinical exam is worthless due
destroyed. Both life stages are highly sensitive to the evolutive similarity to many other
to desiccation being destroyed by the dryness. diseases. Coprologic examination reveals
The presence of moisture is essential for their strongyle-type eggs common to many species
survival. of nematode parasites in birds. The necropsy
Pathogenesis. The larvae and adult parasites allows the identification of the adults in the
exert an irritating and inflammatory action on gizzard, and the typical lesions have a value of
the gastric and esophageal mucosa and certainty.
submucosa. The mucosa is necrotized, Differential diagnosis is required in the case
displays a dark discoloration, is loosened and of: renal eimeriosis, histomonosis,
often sloughing at the parasitic places. Adults spirochaetosis, drepanidotaeniosis, and
are attached with the buccal capsule to the different intoxications.
mucosa and cause microhaemorrhages, ulcers, The treatment must be applied to the whole
tunneling of the stratum corneum and a infected flock. The following can be used:
diminishing of the motility of the gizzard. The  mebendazole, at a dose of 10 mg/kg bw
spoliation is expressed by anemia, a decrease removed completely the A. anseris infection
of 69.7% in hemoglobin, hematocrit 66.6%, in naturally infected geese169;
serum iron and copper levels by 52.3% and  flubendazole at a level of 30 ppm, for 7
59.6% relative to the uninfected goslings170. consecutive days, caused a 100% worm
Clinical signs. The clinical picture may be elimination557;
insidious, with symptoms common to other  cambendazole at a dose of 60 mg/kg bw
digestive helminthosis, without pronounced is effective against adult and larval stages162;
signs in adult birds, or may develop an acute  ivermectin, 200 μg/kg bw was highly
form, with evident manifestations in goslings effective against A. anseris in geese101;
during summer. Levamisole is contraindicated in the treatment
Goslings suffer from weight and appetite loss, of amidostomosis due to the intoxication
even anorexia, dysphagia, stagnating growth, phenomena induced in goslings and
anemia and sometimes diarrhea. They become ducklings604,231.
dull, lethargic, weak, listless, and emaciated. Control. Particularities of web-footed birds'
They may also develop a staggering and growth, with access to the water surface,
difficult gait, ataxia, paresis and paralysis, create the premises of contact between wild
prostration and agony. Mortality can reach and domestic waterfowl. This complicates the
50%. In adult geese, the disease is subclinical, application of a control program for
with weight loss and anemia. amidostomosis. However, proper sanitation
Pathology. The parasites cause hemorrhagic and good management of the farm can prevent
and ulcerated ventriculitis with erosions and future infections. To prevent cross
denudation of the gizzard mucosa. Large contamination between wild and farmed

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waterfowl on pastures, rotation of grasslands  Dictyocaulus viviparus, develops in the

should be practiced. Chemoprophylaxis can trachea and larger bronchi in domestic and
also be practiced using different substances in wild bovines: cattle, buffalo, camels and deer.
food as mass treatments.  Dictyocaulus filaria, affects small
ruminants in which it cause a chronic disease,
3.7. Dictyocaulidae: sometimes with severe evolution in young
sheep and goats. It is located in the large
dictyocaulosis in animals bronchi.
The Dictyocaulidae family is divided into two
 Dictyocaulus arnfieldi affects equids
subfamilies: the Mertensinematinae, which
(horses, donkeys, mules, hinnies, ponies, asses
comprises nematode parasites of amphibians
and zebras) and is localized in bronchi and
and reptiles, and the Dictyocaulinae, localized
bronchioles. It is a cosmopolitan species
in the respiratory system of wild and domestic
which causes clinical signs usually in horses,
Bovidae, Cervidae, Equidae and Suidae. The
donkeys being asymptomatic carriers of
Dictyocaulinae subfamily contains two
genera: Bronchonema, parasites of wild
Other species with European distribution,
African ruminants, and Dictyocaulus, well-
especially in wild ruminants, are:
studied and important in ruminants and
 Dictyocaulus eckerti found in the
respiratory tracts of red deer (Cervus elaphus),
The Dictyocaulidae family is characterized by
reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), moose (Alces
a lack of synlophe on the body, the absence of
alces), fallow deer (Dama dama) and sika
the buccal capsule, the absence of the caudal
deer (Cervus nippon).
spine in females, a round copulatory bursa,
 Dictyocaulus capreolus in roe deer
and the absence of the cephalic vesicle. The
(Capreolus capreolus), chamois (Rupicapra
Dictyocaulinae subfamily has as a
rupicapra) and moose (A. alces).
characteristic the splitting of the dorsal rays at
 Dictyocaulus noerneri, a parasite of
their base and the location of adult parasites in
reindeer (R. tarandus), roe deer (C. capreolus)
the respiratory tract of ungulates. The
and red deer (C. elaphus).
presence of a buccal ring and short and thick
Morphology. (figure 21)
spicules, no longer than 1 mm, are typical for
D. viviparus has a cylindrical body, thin,
parasites included in the Dictyocaulus genus11.
equally calibrated, threadlike, and whitish.
Definition. These nematodes cause
The male measures 3.5 to 5.5 cm in length/
dictyocaulosis, which is an endemic
0,3 - 0,5 mm in width, and the female is 6-8
geohelminthosis, rarely epidemic, evolving
cm long and 0.5 - 0.7 mm wide. At the
chronically or acutely during the grazing
anterior end it has a rudimentary buccal cavity
season, expressed by respiratory signs in
with a terminal mouth opening. At the
young animals. Calves, lambs, kids and foals
posterior end, the male has a caudal
are preponderently affected by an increased
copulatory bursa, relatively underdeveloped,
morbidity in late summer and autumn, rarely
hoof-shaped. The dorsal ray has a
in winter. The youth during the first year of
characteristic aspect; it is forked at the base
grazing is more seriously affected, in
and each arm is also tri-branched at its
malnourished and poorly maintained
terminal end. The spicules are relatively thick,
short, brownish and the gubernaculum has a
Etiology. Three species included in the
sponge structure. The tail of the female is
Dictyocaulus genus, with a cosmopolitan
simple, conical and the vulvar opening is
distribution, are important from a medical
placed in the middle of the body. The eggs of
veterinary point of view:
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D. viviparus are rarely seen in feces; they are live in the airways, in their specific habitats,
larvated and measure 82-88/33-38 µm. The and feed on mucus and exudate from the
first larval stage (L1) measure 390 - 450 µm in tracheal content. The females of all three
length and have a stout body with a tapered important species are ovoviviparous and lay
tail. The anterior and posterior thirds of the larvated eggs. These eggs may hatch while
body are transparent and the median is passing through the bronchial-tracheal tract,
granular, opaque. The larvae did not feed in but are usually swallowed and will hatch
the environment and contain nutrient granules when they pass through the digestive tract, as
which induce this aspect. happens in D. viviparus and D. filaria.
D. filaria has a threadlike, whitish body, the In D. arnfieldi the eggs do not hatch while in
size of males ranging between 5 and 8 cm in the respiratory or digestive passage; they will
length and 0.4 mm in width and that of be eliminated through feces as larvated eggs
females, between 6 to 10 cm in length and 0.5 and will hatch in the environment. In the
mm in width. The caudal bursa is hoof-shaped external environment the larvae do not feed
and has two short spicules, brownish, equally and develop on the basis of contained
and slightly recurved at the terminal end. The nutritional reserves. Under proper conditions
typical tri-branched aspect of the dorsal ray L1 larvae enter into an inactive period when
described in D. viviparus is also present in this they molt in a few hours to the second larval
species. The eggs are oval-shaped, measuring stage, L2. The second stage will molt again
116-138/68-90 µm. The L1 larval stage is resulting in the third stage, which is an
cylindrical, with a stout body and measure infective element. The third larval stages keep
500-580/25 μm. It presents a tapered short tail the molting cuticle of the anterior stages. The
and a cephalic button. The body is opaque, nutritious granules are present in the body of
gray-blackish and contains nutritional reserves the first and second larval stages but disappear
which induce a granular aspect. Both in the third stage. The sporangia of Pilobolus
extremities are transparent. spp have an important role in the dispersal of
D. arnfieldi has a cylindrical, slender, slightly D. viviparus and D. arnfieldi L3 larvae in
twisted, equally calibrated and pearly-colored pasture275,276. It is demonstrated that between
body, the sizes reaching up to 36 mm for 10 and 25% of the D. arnfieldi and 3 to 23%
males and 60 mm for females. The anterior of the D. viviparus L3 larvae are dispersed on
end is rounded and has a small buccal capsule. the pastures by Pilobolus kleinii and P.
The caudal bursa is poorly developed; the crystallinus495,275. The dispersal mechanism
upper ray is thick, forked and divided in two consists in the climbing of the infective 3 rd-
parts at terminal end of each arm. The spicules stage larvae of Dictyocaulus spp. on
are thick, brownish and short. Eggs are sporangiophores of the fungus. The larvae will
larvated, oval and measure 80-100/50-60 μm. invade the sporangia and will be dispersed in
The first larval stage measures 400-500/10-20 the environment when the sporangia are
μm. At both ends, the outer layer of the cuticle explosively discharged. The dispersion of D.
presents a slight detachment giving the aspect viviparus is also favored by earthworms, in
of small cephalic and caudal vesicles. which the larvae survive for a period of
Life cycle. Nematodes of the Dictyocaulus time383.
genus are geohelminthes with a direct life Animal contamination is achieved by
cycle in which the external phase from the ingestion of third larval stages with infested
environment and the internal parasitic phase food and water.
succeede each other (figure 22). The adults

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Figure 21. A. Dictyocaulus viviparus; B. Dictyocaulus filaria; C. Dictyocaulus arnfieldi;

a) anterior end; b1) male, posterior end - lateral view; b2) male, posterior end - dorsal view;
c) female - vulvar opening; d) first larval stage (L1); e) egg - D. arnfieldi;
1 - mouth opening; 2 - spicules; 3 - dorsal ray; 4 - transparent extremities of L1;
5 - protuding protoplasmic knob

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After contamination, the L3 larvae penetrate of sheep feces samples and was not identified
the wall of the small intestine and enter into in goats, while D. viviparus in 0.7% of cattle
the lymphatic capillaries. They travel to the samples171. n Argentina’s western ampas, D.
mesenteric lymph nodes where they molt in L4 filaria infection was observed in 4.2% of the
larval stage. A new molt follows, resulting in Corriedale sheep flock517. The seasonal
L5, which will continue to travel to the lung character of D. filaria infection in sheep was
through the thoracic duct, anterior vena cava, demonstrated in north-east England, where the
heart and pulmonary arteries. Inside the lung, prevalence in lambs was low in spring and
L5 larvae leave the circulatory system and summer and increased in late autumn or
come out in the aerophore tract where they winter198. In cattle from peninsular Malaysia,
move to the characteristic biotope and mature about 5% of fecal samples and 1% of the
into adults. examined lungs were positive D. viviparus312.
The prepatent period varies between 28 and In culled cows from Ireland, the prevalence of
57 days in the case of D. filaria, depending on D. viviparus was 14% during the autumn of
the species affected (sheep or goat) and 21 to 2002 and the summer of 2003, based on larval
30 days in the case of D. viviparus409,217. The identification in fecal samples372. In an
patent period varies between 27 and 72 days organic dairy herd from Sweden, the
in both species but may extend to up to 150 seroprevalence of D. viviparus infection
days when arrested larvae are present in the during 2001 was 2.3% and 5.6% in May and
lungs442,530. September, respectively253. In adult dairy
Epidemiology cows in Belgium, the seroprevalence of D.
Geographical distribution. Dictyocauloses of viviparus was 7% from November 1997 to
herbivorous animals are cosmopolitan October 19983. In the Netherlands, the
diseases with endemic or epidemic evolution prevalence of D. viviparus determined by
and a seasonal character during the warm and feces examination in 125 dairy cows was .6%
rainy seasons. D. viviparus is common in during the period November 1997-October
cattle in northwest Europe; D. filaria is less 199865.
pathogenic, but causes diseases in Infection with D. arnfieldi in horses was
Mediterranean countries, Australia, Europe, diagnosed in the Sudano-Guinean climatic
and North America; D. arnfieldi is spread zone of Cameroon, registering a5.22%
worldwide and causes severe symptoms in prevalence316. In working donkeys of
horses but not in donkeys. Their prevalence Ethiopia, the prevalence was 14.2%211. In
registers different values from one species to other African countries, the infection recorded
another, in the world. high values of prevalence in donkeys: 70.5%
In sheep from northeastern Iran the overall in Khartoum State, Sudan465, 48% in
prevalence of D. filaria infection was 3.7% Morocco388 and 83% in Ethiopia185. In Upper
and 0.5% in goats, being highest in winter Bavaria D. arnfieldi infection was diagnosed
(7.8%) and reduced during the dry summer in 16.2% of the donkeys38. The prevalence of
(0.8%)67. In northeastern Ethiopia, D. filaria D. arnfieldi reached 0.04% in horses and
infection was diagnosed in 3.1% of sheep and 17.4% in donkeys in Germany, between 1984
was not identified in goats between November and 1991172. In Denmark, 87.5% of the
2008 and March 2009418. In the Kirikkale donkeys, 10.4% of the horses from donkey
region of Turkey, 23.5% of sheep were herds and 8.8% of the hospitalized horses
infected with D. filaria between October 2002 excreted D. arnfieldi larvae between January
and September 2003600. In Germany, between to May 19819.
1998 and 2002 D. filaria was detected in 0.2%

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Figure 22. LE - larvated eggs; L1…L5 - the larval stages; CMLN - colic mesenteric lymph nodes;
AD - adults; T-LB-B - trachea, large bronchi, bronchioles;

Sources of contamination. Several major Contamination in the stable is not very

sources of pastures pollution can be important, but may sometimesoccur.
distinguished: diseased young domestic Susceptibility. The sensitivity is high in small
animals, infected adults with asymptomatic or ruminants, especially sheep, followed by
unapparent chronic forms, wildlife and cattle, horses and donkeys. Within the species,
manure used as natural fertilizer. the youth is the most sensitive, acquiring
Concerning D. viviparus, the light pasture severe forms of the disease. In ovines, the
contamination realized by adult dairy cows, lambs and young animals up to 1 year of age
which are the predominant carrier animals, are very vulnerable and adult sheep are more
and subsequent auto-infections are the most resistant, but pure breeds (Merinos, Karakul)
important sources of pasture pollution and are more severely affected. Goats are more
disease in animals. The heavy contamination resistant to infection because of the feeding
of pastures caused by calves and yearlings behavior. They mainly feed on buds, leaves,
followed, as importance and overwintering and underbrush, where infective larvae are not
capacity of larvae seem to play a minor found. In cattle, the calves aged 6 to 24
role446. Regarding the carriers of D. filaria, the months are the most sensitive to infestation
ewes carry a moderate number of parasites and the morbidity is lower under this age and
during the stabling period18. The role of the over 2 years. In horses, foals and donkeys are
carrier for D. arnfieldi in equines is assigned most receptive. The receptiveness of animals
to donkeys which acquire asymptomatic is accentuated by several factors, of which the
infections. important ones are poor nutrition,
For the actual contamination of animals, the immunodeficiency states, evolution of other
disseminated infective L3 larvae on the intercurrent diseases and overcrowding. In
pastures are the main source of infection. horses, the age of animals and body condition

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are the most important risk factors. The The larvae exert, during migration, a
highest prevalence was recorded in old traumatic action that consists, at the beginning
(22.95%) and young (18%) animals, probably of the process, of micro-lesions of the
related to decreased immunity. The infection intestinal wall and lymph node parenchyma.
rates of 50 %, 16.3% and 5.2% were found in The larvae will cause traumatic tracks in the
poor, medium and good body condition parenchyma after reaching the lung tissue,
scores492. lesions of the alveoli walls and micro-
The route of contamination is oral by hemorrhages. Affected tissues will respond
ingesting L3 larvae along with infested feed or with inflammation which consists in broncho-
water. pneumonia and eosinophilic infiltrates. The
Resistance. Generally, the larvae of infiltrate blocks the lumen of the bronchioles,
Dictyocaulus spp. are more resistant to low resulting in the obstruction of the airways and
rather than high temperatures and are not the collapse of alveoli distal to the block. The
significantly resistant to desiccation, but larvae may bring bacteria from the gut at the
tolerate freezing temperatures. Dictyocaulus beginning of the migration process, exerting
larvae survive on the pastures over the winter, such an inoculation action.
until April when temperature and moisture Adults localized in the lumen of the trachea
fluctuations increase the sensitivity causing and bronchi exert, basically, the same
their death296. D. filaria survived for 23 weeks traumatic-obstructive and inflammatory
during winter and spring (January to June) and actions as the larvae, but more intense. They
only 7 weeks in summer conditions in the UK, form movable balls in the lumen, that move
from June to August435. The larvae of D. actively, synchronized with respiratory
viviparus resisted for 4 weeks on pasture in movements. These movements irritate the
May and persisted for 13 weeks in the cold tracheobronchial mucosa causing
season, from October to January in a inflammation associated with frothy mucus
temperate oceanic climate352. Influence of and cough. The adult balls act mechanically,
environmental factors on D. filaria larval being able to obstruct the bronchial lumen.
development is felt also in the time needed for Consequently, atelectasis, interstitial vicarious
the exogenous phases of the life cycle from emphysema and pulmonary edema may
one season to another. The development of the develop. The movements of parasite balls and
first-stage larva to the third stage required 4-9 the micro-lesions caused create infection sites
days in late spring and summer, one week and for aerial secondary bacterial infections.
half to 4 weeks in autumn, and five weeks and Metabolic products and antigenic aggregates
half to 7 weeks during winter197. Despite the resulted from the death of adults act toxically
long period needed during winter, the larvae on vascular permeability and cytotoxically,
overwinter and easily withstand low emphasizing bronchopneumonia, pulmonary
temperatures. edema, or triggering allergic pneumopathies.
Pathogenesis. The severity of pathogenic The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is
actions exercised by the parasites depends on low and bronchiectasis limits or even cancels
their evolutionary stage, the intensity of the functional capacity of the affected lobes.
parasitism induced in turn by the infective Adults located in the tracheo-bronchial lumen
dose, the affected segment of the respiratory feed on mucus and exudates exerting a
tract and the immune status of animals, spoliation action that is expressed by a
conditioned in turn by the general condition, persisting normochromic normocytic
intercurrent diseases, age and diet. anemia51.

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During the patent period, the eggs and L1 products, the risk of preventive anthelmintic
larvae laid and aspirated into the alveoli cause programs not providing sufficient exposure to
a foreign body reaction consisting in natural sources of Dictyocaulus spp. to
eosinophilic, granulomatous and non- stimulate protective immunity. In this context,
suppurative pneumonia. Eosinophils, recent studies have accentuated the necessity
macrophages and giant cells are accumulated of obtaining a vaccine capable to stimulate a
and necrosis processes with purulent mass prolonged immunity. The modern strategy
appear. The caudal lobes are usually affected. focuses on enzymatic components which
The pathogenic effects were described assist the worms in their invasion, feeding,
especially for D. viviparus infection and are, replication or evasion, as target of the immune
generally, the same in all Dictyocaulus response of the host. Acetylcholinesterases,
species, with reduced particularities. In D. superoxide dismutases and proteinases
filaria infections, interstitial emphysema is (serine-, cysteine- and metalloproteinases) are
not common, and in D. arnfieldi, bronchial the most important enzymatic complexes
lesions predominate. Allergic syndromes with targeted in obtaining vaccines with prolonged
asthmatiform manifestations appear in protection346.
reinfections with either of the Dictyocaulus The immune defense processes are cellular
species. and humoral mediated. In the first case,
Immunity. An acquired non-sterile migratory larvae are destroyed in the main
(premunition) active immunity appears post- barriers: the intestinal mucosa, the mesenteric
infection in dictyocaulosis. It acts against the lymph nodes and lymph vessels or lung
larvae before they reach the lungs or against alveoli, by the intervention of giant cells and
the juvenile and adults in the lungs. The eosinophilic granulomas. The humoral
difference between these two expressions of mechanism is based on the induction of
immunity is the absence or presence of an precipitating, complement-fixing and/or larval
"immune memory" toward the migratory growth inhibitory antibodies that appear at 2-3
larvae, or juveniles and adult worms, weeks pi and persist for several months.
respectively. Anyway, in the post-patent Immune processes in small ruminants and
stage, immune protection against the adult equines are similar to those of cattle
parasites gradually disappears and, in the dictyocaulosis.
absence of reinfection, after 6-12 months, the Clinical signs. The disease evolves acutely or
cattle will be completely susceptible to a new chronically in cattle as two distinct entities:
infection. The acquired immunity against the the primary infection and reinfection
maturation of juvenile larvae in the lungs does syndrome. The primary infection evolves
not seem to decrease in intensity402. usually in calves; the acute form is recorded in
In cattle, a sterile or non-sterile immunity is high infective doses while the chronic form
provided by immunization using irradiated or may be a consequence of the acute form, it
live-attenuated larval vaccines73. In Western may evolve from the beginning, due to the
Europe, an attenuated larval vaccine for the low infectious doses or it may affect the
prevention of dictyocaulosis was used for over youth, a less sensitive age group.
30 years. This vaccine has several In the course of the heavy primary infection,
disadvantages: a short shelf life, the need for with an acute evolution, Ploeger402
annual production, requirement to stimulate distinguishes four phases:
immunity through natural infection to 1. Penetration phase (day 1-7 pi) when the
maintain the protective level of immunity, the larvae penetrate the body and migrate to the
decrease in sales of irradiated biological lungs;

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2. Prepatent phase (day 7-25 pi) consisting in sluggish evolution, for several weeks, the end
the development of the larvae in the lungs; being lethal due to the state of cachexia.
3. Patent phase (day 25-55 pi) characterized The reinfection syndrome is caused by
by production of eggs by mature worms; massive reinfection doses that contaminate
4. Postpatent phase (day 55-90 pi) when previously immunized cattle by prior
occasional flare-up of severe respiratory signs infections or vaccines. These larvae may reach
may occur at the end of the disease. the lung before being destroyed by the
The first transient signs that appear in the immune defense of the organism. It seems to
acute form and massive infection, during the be the most common form of dictyocaulosis
penetration phase, are diarrhea with brown evolution in adult cattle. It is expressed by
watery feces, diminished appetite and coughing, continous, frothy and abundant
moderate polydipsia. After completion of nasal discharge, frightened facies, tachypnea,
larval migration, during the prepatent and anorexia, decreased weight gain, dyspnea,
patent phases, appear the first respiratory suffocation attacks, pyrexia following
signs as a consequence of the blockage of the bacterial infections and an orthopneic position
small bronchi and bronchioles by eosinophilic with a stretched neck and tongue sticking out
exudates. These are: a deep and harsh cough, signifying "air-hunger". Harsh sounds,
tachypnea, dyspnea, orthopneic position of the rhonchi and various degrees of
head and neck, abdominal breathing, emphysematous crackling are present on lung
salivation and anorexia. On lung auscultation, auscultation. Evolution may be deadly within
bronchial fremitus (or rhonchal fremitus), hours.
sibilant and subcrepitant rales, bronchial The disease usually evolves chronically in
breathing (harsh breath sounds), and sheep and goats, with outbreaks in June-July
hypersonority can be heard under auscultatory in youths and in autumn in adults. It is
percussion. The symptoms are caused by the expressed by dry cough that becomes
adults located in the trachea and bronchi and productive, with attacks during the morning
aspirated eggs and larvae. Microbial when flocks are moved. Dyspnea, bilaterally
superinfection may complicate the symptoms, and abundant nasal discharge, crackles,
and fever and purulent nasal discharge occur. decreased appetite, weight loss, anemia, loss
Acute forms could be endedeither by death of wool, hyperthermia consecutive to bacterial
within 10 - 15 days, by long-term overinfections, and an impaired general
convalescence or they can pass into the condition are the typical symptoms. This form
chronic form. evolves for weeks or months, with a fatal
In the chronic form, after 14-21 days of outcome due to the cachexia.
incubation, in the early stage, capricious The acute evolution occurs in massive
appetite occurs, followed by anorexia, weight infestations of the lambs. The onset of the
loss, difficult movements, preferred decubitus, disease is associated with feverishness,
enophtalmia, painful shallow breathing, anorexia, severe dyspnea and death after 10-
dehydration and horripilation. An intermittent 15 days of evolution.
cough, more pronounced on exercise, dry, The reinfection syndrome is much rarer than
becoming productive (when sputum is in cattle.
coughed up) and frequent after a few days is In equines, the clinical signs are similar to
recorded. Respiratory rate and lung those of calves. Chronic cough in donkeys and
auscultation are often normal, sometimes dyspnoea and moist cough in horses always
squeaks can be heard. The disease has a accompany the disease.

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Pathology. The lesional pattern in cattle may bronchi causing atelectasis, pneumonia foci,
be acute or chronic. Heavy infections more frequently in diaphragmatic lobes,
produced by migratory larvae in youth evolve abscessed areas and compensatory pulmonary
acutely and are characterized, during emphysema69. Histopathological aspects are
penetration and prepatent phases, by similar to those of cattle dictyocaulosis.
hypertrophic lymphadenitis with infiltrated In equines, the lesions are similar to those of
lymph nodes and micro-hemorrhages in the cattle. The infected bronchi exhibited a
tissue sections. In the lung parenchyma, these marked eosinophilic bronchitis with
larvae cause pneumonia or bronchopneumonia hyperplasia of the goblet cell and an abundant
in the diaphragmatic lobes and perifocal lymphoid inflammatory infiltrate. These areas
lobular emphysema or subpleural lymphoid also showed a localised bronchiolitis and
nodules. The lumen of the bronchioles is overinflated alveolar tissue that surrounds
blocked with exudate or mucus and alveoli affected bronchi, lacking a true
collapse. In the patent phase, the adults cause emphysema326,379.
the damage of the tracheal and bronchial Diagnosis. Epidemiological aspects such as
epithelium, resulting in exudative tracheitis the occurrence of diseases in youth, during the
and bronchitis and the blockage of air summer and autumn, in animals kept on
passages. The eggs and L1 larvae aspirated pastures or in shelters, but fed on
into the bronchioles and alveoli determine the contaminated green mass have a guidance
consolidation of lobules (the loss of air space value. The clinical picture dominated by
and its replacement with fluid). In the post- respiratory symptoms is worthless, being
patent phase, the number of parasites in the common to many diseases. The
trachea and bronchi decreases, but the chronic parasitological exam emphasizes, intra vitam,
lesions may become more severe, developing the first larval stages (L1) in feces using the
pulmonary edema, interstitial emphysema and Baermann technique. It has no diagnostic
alveolar epithelial hyperplasia. value in the penetration and prepatent phases
Histopathology consists in the loss of ciliated when larvae are not eliminated through feces.
epithelial cells in the bronchi, or just of To emphasize D. filaria larvae, the Vajda
vibratile cilia and bronchial epithelial method may be practiced due to the particular
metaplasia. The walls of the alveoli are round shape of feces in small ruminants. The
thickened, hyaline membrane, abundant observation of D. arnfieldi eggs in horse feces
infiltration with eosinophils, macrophages and requires a flotation method, such as Willis.
giant cells are present and hyperplasia of Necropsy has a value of certainty, allowing
alveolar type II cells461. the observation of lesions and adult parasites
In small ruminants, general lesions consist of in tracheal and bronchial lumen.
anemic mucous membranes and full-body Immunodiagnosis is based on the use of the
wasting. Local lesions are: catarrhal enteritis following tests: indirect hem-agglutination,
with disseminated micro-hemorrhages and/or indirect immune-fluorescence, complement
gray miliary nodules and mesenteric fixation and ELISA and others, but they are
lymphadenopathy with scattered nodules in not practiced routinely.
the cortex and medulla. The acute form is Differential diagnosis will be performed in
characterized by pulmonary hemorrhages, cattle and horses, for other pulmonary
catarrhal-exudative tracheitis, abundant mucus diseases, ascarids larval migration through the
that contains streaks of blood and numerous lung and pulmonary evolution of
adult parasites as mobile balls or clews. These strongyloidosis or other nematodosis with
block the lumen of the trachea and major respiratory signs. In small ruminants, from

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protostrongylosis and muelleriosis, pulmonary Consequently, the nonspecific immune

hydatidosis and viral or bacterial resistance of animals will increase.
bronchopneumonia are favored by the cold. The inactivation of larvae from the
Treatment. The therapy is based on the use of environment can be accomplished by
anthelmintics associated with symptomatic chemical or biological methods. Chemical
treatment, improvement of quality and control involves the application of substances
quantity of food and stopping the that have a larvicidal effect on the pasture.
contamination of animals. The entire Calcium cyanamide is one of these substances
population that finds itself under the same risk which prevent contamination of grazing
conditions must be treated. Specific treatment animals by destroying the eggs and larvae of
with good or very good efficacy is based on numerous pasture nematodes, including
benzimidazole or thiazole derivatives and Dictyocaulus spp. The dose rate is around 300
avermectins. Active substances used in kg/ha and the first fertilizer application is at
dictyocaulosis therapy of large or small the beginning of the spring, when the
ruminants and equines are shown in table 10. vegetation starts. Another condition that must
Symptomatic treatment is based on the be respected refers to humidity. The soil
application of sulphonamides and antibiotics, should be wet, but the turf dry. The grazing
expectorant, anti-allergic (corticosteroids), can restart when calcium cyanamide has
cardiotonic drugs, and vitamin therapy (A, C). dispersed, the grass becoming green again
The diet during convalescence will be about 2-3 weeks after fertilization. The second
dietetics, rich in vitamin and minerals. application can be performed any time, but
Control. The complex of control measures under the same conditions of humidity.
aims several specific objectives: Copper sulphate, 23 kg/ha, mixed with 90
 general hygiene measures of the shelter kg/ha of sand is also effective against the
and food to prevent ingestion of infective Dictyocaulus lungworm on the pastures328.
larvae; Biological inactivation involves the use of
 control of parasitic elements in the natural pests that consume or destroy
environment by biological or chemical Dictyocaulus spp. larvae from the
methods; environment. Nematode-trapping fungus
 specific prevention: chemoprophylaxis or Duddingtonia flagrans caused the reduction of
the use of natural dewormers and larval release from feces by 86%237. The dose-
immunoprophylaxis; level required for a significant reduction of
 technological measures targeting the infective D. viviparus larvae in cultures
grazing system and pastures: application of a ranged between 6250 and 12500
pasture rotation system, use of cultivated chlamydospores/g of feces181. Aphodius spp.
pastures, setting aside isolated pastures for beetles (Scarabaeidae) determined a
young animals, avoiding pasture pollution by significant decrease (to a level of 5 %) in the
biothermal sterilization of manure, destruction median number of D. viviparus larvae after 90
of temporary biotopes on the pasture, hours, at a density of one beetle per gram of
favorable to larval evolution; feces219. One or two beetles/g feces reduced
General hygiene measures applicable in the number of 1st larval stage and adult of D.
shelters and food (daily removal of feces, hadweni from elk by 77-92% within 4-36 h49.
washing the floor, clean and dry litter, clean Chemoprophylaxis involves the use of the
and dry fodder storage) are meant to improve same substance stated under treatment, but as
the feeding and maintenance of animals. drug formulations that provide a prolonged
protection of animals.

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Table 10. Active substances used in the therapy of dyctiocaulosis

active dose efficacy
species stage author
substance (mg/kg bw) (%)
8.0 84-100 adult Curr, 1977
levamisole cattle
5.0 sc; 10.0 po 98 / 99 adult Vanparijs and Quick, 1991
febantel cattle 5.0 90.6-97.1 adult, L4 Williams et al., 1988
cattle 110 100 adult Williams and Broussard, 1995
thiabendazole sheep 100 100 L4 Gibbs and Pullin, 1963
horse 440, 2 days 100 adult George et al., 1981
7.68 - 8.18 > 99 adult Wescott et al., 1979
7.5 96.4 adult Benz and Ernst, 1978
2.5 / 3.8 99.0 / 89.3 adult / L5 van Schalkwyk et al., 1979
albendazole sheep
10.0 100 adult Theodorides et al., 1976
ponies, 25 twice/day, 5
100 adult Reitsma, 1983
horse days
5.0 99.7-100 adult Saad and Rubin, 1977
5.0 > 99 adult Crowley et al., 1977
adult, L4, Ross, 1975;
sheep 5.0 100; > 80
L3 Malan and Roper, 1983;
adult, L5,
4.5 89.1-100 Berger and Tema, 1982
cattle L4, L3
oxfendazole 4.5 - 6.75 > 94.6 adult Miller et al., 1988
99.8; 92.0; adult and
sheep 5.0 Berger, 1980
37.5 L5, L4, L3
adult, L5,
sheep 15.0 97.3 - 99.9 Westhuizen van der et al., 1984
mebendazole 15.2 -
donkey 20.0/day, 5 75 - 100 adult Clayton and Neave, 1979
luxabendazole sheep 7.5 - 12.5 100 adult Kassai et al., 1988
abamectin cattle 0.20 > 99 adult, L4 Heinze-Mutz et al., 1993
88.2, 98.0,
0.05, 0.10, 0.20 L4 Benz and Ernst, 1981
cattle 99.8
0.20 100.0 adult, L4 Benz et al., 1984
ivermectin Yazwinski et al., 1983;
sheep 0.20 99.4; > 96 adult
Wescott and LeaMaster, 1982
adult, L5,
ponies 0.20 100 Britt and Preston, 1985
0.20 100.0 adult, L5 Williams et al., 1992
cattle adult, L5,
moxidectin 0.5 pour-on 100.0 Eysker and Boersema, 1992
sheep 0.20 100.0 adult Hidalgo-Argüello et al., 2002
Weatherley et al., 1993; Eddi et
doramectin cattle 0.20 99.6-100 adult
al., 1993; Jones et al., 1993
0.50 100 adult Yazwinski et al., 1997a
0.20 - 0.50 98-99 adult Shoop et al., 1996
sheep 0.50 100 adult Kircali Sevimli et al., 2011
donkey 0.50 po 100 adult Veneziano et al., 2011

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Certain methods of substance administration lasting, higher-level protection, they have a

are differentiated: periodic deworming, major disadvantage, namely, it does not allow
inclusion of active substances in extended- the development of post-infection immunity,
release excipients and their inoculation in these animals being susceptible to infection
various ways (injectable or oral) and the use just as if previously untreated. However, it is
of slow-release boluses. Classical periodic estimated that pasture larval infections are
deworming consisted of two treatments per enough to allow the development of
year; the first during spring at 14 days before immunity176. Good results were obtained with
grazing and the second in autumn, at 14 days Ivomec SR Bolus (ivermectin), which proved
after entry into stabulation. A much better to be highly effective against D. viviparus425.
protection is ensured by a deworming An ivermectin bolus offered protection for
program that stipulates 4 anthelmintic 154 grazing days providing a season-long
treatments per year, quarterly. protection against D. viviparus460. In contrast,
A prolonged efficacy is demonstrated for the Protect Flex bolus (morantel tartrate)
many active substances, especially provides insufficient protection against this
avermectins, in the case of extended-release infection243. The oxfendazole pulse release
formulations. Eprinomectin, in an extended- bolus (OPRB) provided good results in the
release injection (ERI) formulation, prophylaxis of dictyocaulosis, the late
demonstrated a ≥98% efficacy against fourth- administration having the additional
stage larvae and adults of D. viviparus420. The advantage of covering the period of higher
protection period was up to 150 days in infection risk242.
experimental infection491 or 120 days in Comparing the results obtained by using 4
grazing cattle305,421. Pour-on formulation boluses, a morantel sustained-release bolus, a
elicits a moderate protection. Doramectin levamisole sustained-release bolus, an
provided ≥ 91.9% efficacy against a challenge oxfendazole interval bolus, and an
with D. viviparus for only 35 days post- Albendazole interval bolus, all boluses
treatment360; administered pour-on on days 0 prevented severe clinical signs. Even if all
and 56 pi has protected for a period of 112 allow a buildup of solid immunity, none of
days561. The controlled-release capsule is them completely prevented excretion of
another way to administer the active larvae66.
substances; ivermectin administered in this Immunoprophylaxis - dictyocaulosis is one of
form at a rate of 1.6 mg per day for 100 days the very few parasitoses in which
was highly effective (≥ 99%) against D. immunoprophylaxis is an applicable method,
filaria422. Moxidectin, topically administered, with good results in the prevention of diseases
at a dose rate of 0.5 mg/kg bw, showed an in animals. Comparing the control systems
excellent activity (> 99%) against D. viviparus based on anthelmintic treatments (which are
for up to 5 weeks254. Abamectin at 0.2 mg/kg unpredictable) with immunization, it is
prevented against D. viviparus for at least 70 concluded that vaccination is the only
days when administered at the turnout and effective method of prophylaxis551. In addition
again six weeks later265. to the protection offered, vaccination has two
Use of the slow or pulse-release boluses is other major advantages236. First of all, animals
highly prevalent in dictyocaulosis control. with developed immunity can withstand new
There is an accentuated variety of commercial infection without obvious symptoms. On the
or experimental products that have proven other hand, these animals may develop
their variable efficacy. Although these boluses subclinical infection with the onset of
are advantageous because they provide a long premunition and elimination of a small

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number of worms, this being a strong and alveoli or lung tissue. Some species have
lasting protection. Basically, a vaccination veins distant from the lungs as characteristic
program which addresses dictyocaulosis location (e.g. Elaphostrongylus, Parelapho-
requires certain minimum criteria: a minimum strongylus).
age of eight weeks, a four-week interval The typical morphological element of the
between doses and a further interval of not family refers to the first-larval stage tail,
less than two weeks before turnout146. which is elongated, tapered, slightly wavy or
Different antigens were used to induce with a sub-terminal dorsal spine, ending in a
immune protection over time. The whole sharp point. In addition, all L1 larvae in the
worm vaccine266, excretory-secretory antigens family seem to have well-developed lateral
of adults enriched for acetylcholinesterases347, alae.
gamma-attenuated infective larvae467, crude In terms of life cycle, the family members are
adult worm antigen459 or a homoeopathic oral bio-helminths that require intermediate hosts
vaccine531 have been used. The results to complete their development. These are
obtained following applied vaccinations were represented by terrestrial gastropods.
more or less satisfactory, comparable or not Family members cause diseases in domestic
with chemoprevention. However, a 25-year- and wild animals, protostrongylosis and
old field experience has allowed the muelleriosis which affect sheep and goats
conclusion that the parameters were similar to being the most important ones.
those for non-parasitic vaccines, although the
fact that these vaccines against lungworms do 3.8.1. Protostrongylidosis in small
not provide a parasitologically sterile ruminants
immunity to challenge and requires special Definition. Muelleriosis and protostrongilosis
consideration550. are bio-helminthoses which affect small
Technological measures that targeted the ruminants caused by nematodes from the
grazing system and the pasture are more or Protostrongylidae family. They evolve as
less efficient in the control of dictyocaulosis, parasitic bronchitis and pneumonia primarily
although they are credited with a high degree affecting young animals. They are important
of confidence175. diseases in countries where sheep and goats
intensively graze in environmental conditions
3.8. Protostrongylidae involving warmth and moisture.
The Protostrongylidae family consists of 13 Etiology. In domestic goats and ovines from
genera systematized in four certain Europe, there are 3 main species:
subfamilies: Elaphostrongylinae, Muellerinae, Muellerius capillaris (syn. Synthetocaulus
Protostrongylinae, Varestrongylinae and a capillaris) included in the Muellerius genus, is
group that contains unclassified a cosmopolitan nematode of sheep and goats
Protostrongylidae. The members of the localized in the alveoli, bronchioles, bronchi
Cervidae family are considered primary hosts and subpleural tissue.
for protostrongylids; species of Bovidae, the Protostrongylus rufescens, from the
Giraffidae or Antilocapridae families and Protostrongylus genus, occurs in the smaller
from the Leporidae family included in the bronchi of domestic and small wild ruminants.
Lagomorpha order were subsequently Cystocaulus ocreatus occurs together with M.
colonized97. capillaris in the alveoli, bronchioles and
Most species of Protostrongylidae are bronchi of sheep and goats in Europe, Africa
localized in different segments of the and Asia.
respiratory tree, from the bronchi up to the

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Morphology. All species have a thin and ventral spines are present on the middle part
slender body, whitish or reddish, equally of the tail (figure 23C).
calibrated, of variable sizes. The morphology
of L1 larvae, eliminated in the external
environment through feces is important for
microscopic diagnosis.
M. capillaris is called the hair lungworm
because of its thread-like aspect. The male
measures 12 to 23 mm in length per 0,1 mm
wide; the female is longer, measuring 18
30/0.15 mm. At the anterior end, it shows a
simple mouth opening. At the posterior end,
the male has a spiral, coiled tail and a
rudimentary caudal bursa with two spicules of
variable length, between 127.82 and 170.01
The first larval stage (L1) measures 240-340
µm in length per 12-15 in width; it has a
transparent body, a rounded anterior end, an
undulating and sharply pointed posterior end
with a subterminal spine, thorn-like and
dorsally oriented (figure 23A).
P. rufescens, or the red lungworms, are
slender and reddish. The sizes of males vary
between 22 and 45 mm in length per 0,15 mm
in width and 30-60/0.17 mm in the case of Figure 23. Posterior end of protostrongylids
females. The caudal bursa is small, larvae: A. C. ocreatus; B. P. rufescens; M.
undeveloped and displays 13 ribs, the dorsal capillaris. 1, 2, 3, 5 spines; 4. curled tail;
one being ball-shaped. The two spicules are
thin, equal and vary between 253.44 and Life cycle. (figure 24) All species included in
295.68 µm. The vulvar opening is the Protostrongylidae family are bio-
subterminal. helminths with a dixenous development
The L1 larvae are cylindrical and measure involving a definitive host (ruminants) and an
320-400 µm in length. The posterior half of intermediate host (terrestrial and aquatic
their transparent body may be curled and they gastropods). The adults live in their specific
have a pointed and undulated tail (figure biotope and feed on detritus or blood. The
23B). females deposit unembryonated eggs, which
C. ocreatus - the male measures 18-45 mm in develop in the lungs of the host. The eggs
length and the female 50-95 mm. The caudal embrionate and rhabditoid larvae hatch inside
bursa is small, and the two spiculi are distally the bronchus or tracheal lumen. They will be
branched into two parts. The L1 length varies swallowed and eliminated in the external
between 340 and 480 µm and they are environment through feces. Some reports had
transparent, with a slightly curved terminal considered that the first-larval stage (L1) molts
end; besides the dorsally curved spine, similar inside the airways and the second stage (L2) is
to that of M. capillaris, additional dorsal and eliminated through feces. Today it is generally

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accepted that L1 is the stage that is shed in the of temperature and optimal concentrations of
environment by feces246. magnesium, calcium and sodium salts
The mobility of L1 larvae, namely their influence their motility in a positive manner 89.
movements on the pasture from a mass of After the larvae find their IH, they will invade
feces to the ground and on/in the soil, in order the foot of terrestrial or aquatic gastropods
to seek their IH, is conditioned mainly by the and develop in their body to infective L3
ambient temperature and humidity. Migration larvae. The invasion consists in penetration to
of Muellerius capillaris and Cystocaulus spp. the body by the epithelium of its foot, and
L1 from feces to substrate soils at 100% R.H. localization in muscular tissue. At this level,
and 26oC differs in dry, wet and flooded soils. the larvae molt twice and retain the cuticles of
The highest migration rates (90%) in both both molting processes but will lose them
species occurred on flooded soils. The next when larvae are released from the tissues of
highest migration rates were on the wet soils snails. The larval stage lasts about 15 to 90
and no migration occurred on dry soil or dry- days in the snails’ bodies in optimal thermal
substrate papers. Migration of L1 from feces to conditions of 20 - 26oC, depending on the
soil can be achieved only during rainy periods species. When the ambient temperature
when the land snail activity reaches a peak in decreases, the larvae do not develop but will
any type of terrestrial habitat493. The age, resume their development in favorable
density of larvae and cold weather negatively thermal conditions.
influence the motility of larvae; the increase

Figure 24. Life cycle of protostrongylids: G, goat; S, sheep; L, lung; A, lung alveoli; B,
bronchioles; TS, AS terrestrial and aquatic snails; FL3, free third-stage larvae; IS, infected snail; L1,
L2, L3, larval stages

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The larvae are able to survive for up to 2 years Emilia-Romagna, M. capillaris reached a 50%
in the body of IH, withstanding the conditions prevalence in sheep, C. ocreatus 26.86% and
over the winter. Some common dormancy Protostrongylus spp. 12.35%403. In a sheep
state of snails, such as aestivation, delay the flock in Maryland, infection with P. rufescens
endogenous cycle of the lungworm and the registered a19.1% prevalence 333. In the Rabat
larval development stagnates in the periods in and Middle Atlas areas in Morocco, the
question, usually in the L2 stage494. Old lungworm prevalence has varied between 69
reports considered that infective L3 larvae may and 78% in M. capillaris, 16 to 25% in
leave the IH body and small ruminants will Protostrongylus spp. and 5 to 6% for
acquire the infection by ingesting larvae on Cystocaulus ocreatus50.
vegetation133. Today this feature is In 59 slaughtered sheep from the Swabian
questionable; it is generally accepted that DH Alb, Germany the prevalence or lungworms
contamination is achieved by eating infested were: C. ocreatus (74.6%), M. capillaris
IH. (72.9%), followed by P. brevispiculum
The specificity of larval stages to the (37.3%) and Protostrongylus rufescens
intermediary hosts in which they can develop (28.8%)423.
experimentally and under field conditions is In farm-bred sheep from North Bohemia
reduced. It is demonstrated that more than 90 (Czech Republic), M. capillaris was the most
species of land and freshwater snails included prevalent species (8.75% in ewes and 39% in
in about 65 genera and 28 families rams), followed by P. rufescens, which had a
respectively, are suitable intermediate hosts sporadical evolution (6.67%), while C.
(table 11). ocreatus was not found303.
Contamination of animals occurs commonly In Bovidae species from Uzbekistan (Ovis
to pasture consuming snails infested with L3 aries, Capra hircus, C. falconeri, C. sibirica,
or free larvae with grass. Transplacental Ovis ammon and O. vigneis) the general
contamination and contamination via the prevalence of lungworms was:
colostrum are demonstrated in the case of Protostrongylus spp. 42.6%, C. ocreatus,
some species of the three genera244,443,292. 29.8%, and M. capillaris – 15.8%302.
Ingested snails will release infective larvae in The presence and evolution of disease
the small and large intestine of the DH. outbreaks has a pronounced seasonality being
Further, the larvae penetrate the intestinal wall influenced by temperature, relative humidity
and migrate to the mesenteric lymph nodes. and rainfall. In an intermediate sub-humid
From here, they move through the hepatic Mediterranean/Atlantic/European Atlantic
portal system and heart to the lung. The larvae climate the prevalence and intensity of
arrived in the lung will molt twice, resulting in infection with M. capillaris and C. ocreatus
the L5 young adult stage. They leave the larvae decrease when the temperature
circulatory system settling in the alveoli and increases and increase when the R.H. and
bronchioles. The prepatent period varies rainfall increases.
between 38 and 48 days. Sources of contamination. The sources of
Epidemiology parasites are domestic ruminants, sheep and
Geographical distribution. The diseases have goats, but wild ruminants are also important in
a cosmopolitan distribution, in the lowlands, spreading the disease. Season and age are
hills or mountain areas, influenced by multiple important risk factors involved in larval
factors, being directly related to the presence output. Pregnant ewes in lambing period and
and activity of terrestrial gastropods. Their in autumn/winter increase the degree of
prevalence is variable. In the Italian region pasture pollution91.

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Table 11. The lungworm species and their mollusk intermediate hosts 10,57,332

type of
family genera
Agriolimacidae Deroceras
Arionidae Arion
Ariophantidae Macrochlamys
Fruticicola (syn. Eutola), Pseudiberus (syn.
Cathaica), Bradybaena
Chondrinidae Abida, Solatopupa
Cochlicellidae Cochlicella
Cochlicopidae Cochlicopa
Discidae Anguispira
Chondrula, Ena, Jaminia, Parachondrula, Zebrina,
Enidae (syn. Buliminidae)
Euconulidae Euconulus
Endodontidae Goniodiscus
Gastrodontidae Zonitoides
Arianta, Cepaea, Chilostoma (syn. Cingulifera),
land snails Helicidae Eobania, Helicigona, Helix (syn. Euparypha),
and slugs Levantina, Otala, Theba
Angiomphalia, Candidula, Cernuella, Euomphalia,
Helicella, Leucozonella, Monacha, Monachoides,
Perforatella, Pseudotrichia, Trochoidea, Trochulus,
Zenobiella, Xeropicta
Limacidae Agriolimax, Limax
Milacidae Tandonia (syn. Milax)
? Praticollella
Parmacellidae Candaharia
Pristilomatidae Hyalina
Pupillidae Pupilla (syn. Gibbulinopsis)
Succineidae Succinea, Oxyloma
Urocyclidae Atoxon
Valloniidae Vallonia
Vitrinidae Vitrina (syn. Helicolimax)
Zonitidae Retinella
Lymnaeidae Lymnaea, Galba. Radix, Omphiscola
Planorbidae Anisus, Gyraulus, Planorbis, Segmentina
Physidae Physa

Gastropods, as intermediate hosts, intervene in increased longevity of terrestrial gastropods,

parasite dissemination and, consecutively, in 2-3 years in the wild, their high density in
pasture pollution, thus ensuring the some pastures, between 15 and 20, even 50-60
perenniality of outbreaks in pastures. The individuals per square meter, increased

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prevalence of infections with larval stages, demonstrate the ability of L1 to survive

between 22-60% and, sometimes, high extreme desiccation through anhydrobiosis493.
intensity, between 1.5 ± 0.8 up to 39.3 ± 14.1 M. capillaris is the most tolerant of these
individuals/snail, are factors that accentuate factors, but it better survives at 4oC90.
their role in pasture contamination and Pathogenesis. It is considered that
maintenance of the diseases in an area302. protostrongylids act in a way similar to
Susceptibility. The data obtained worldwide Dyctiocaulus spp., but the general effects are
suggest that sheep and goats are the species less intense, except in cases of massive
most infested by Protostrongylidae. It seems infestation, when the obstructive action of the
that goats are more susceptible, the output of bronchioles and alveoli is severe. The adult
L1 of lungworms being higher in goats than worms live in the alveoli, pulmonary
sheep50. The goats’ food habits, which consist parenchyma and small bronchioles where they
in searching for and eating young sprigs, exert an irritative effect followed by the
climbing on green hedgerows (favorable development of a local inflammation. The
biotope of snails) are responsible for this fact resulting exudate will fill the alveolar and
because they favor the contact of goats with bronchiolar lumen, causing desquamation of
snails. Inside the species, some breeds may be the epithelium. An infiltration with leukocytes
more sensitive, as demonstrated in sheep228. and proliferation of connective tissue will
Supra- and re-infestations associated with occur. Therefore, foci of pneumonia, nodules
increased opportunity for adult animals to that will necrose or calcify, and inflammation
consume snails lead to a high prevalence of of the pleura may develop, sometimes as an
diseases in adults (rams, pregnant ewes) expression of the inoculation action of the
compared to lambs and kids303. larvae that engage bacteria in their migration
Also, the gastropods show differences in (possible with Pasteurella multocida,
susceptibility to infection that depend on age; Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis)602.
young snails are most vulnerable in Clinical signs of infection, which ranged from
comparison with adults during the mild to severe, included diarrhea, weight loss,
reproductive period, when the resistance to and respiratory distress333. Usually, the
infection is expressed88. evolution is chronic, asymptomatic in
Route of contamination. Contamination is moderate infestation, or evidenced by a dry,
performed orally, by consumption of infected then productive, cough, dyspnoea and nasal
snails with L3 larvae; it is also possible to be discharge. Animals weaken and lose their
achieved by consumption of infective L3 wool. On auscultation crackles, crepitation
larvae that left the snail's body and are free on and hypersonority are perceived. The
the pasture. symptoms are obvious in sheep and goats
The resistance. The resistance of IH and during autumn and winter.
larval populations to the interaction of Pathology. The lesions in the lungworm
environmental factors determines seasonal infections are preferentially localized in
and regional features of outbreaks, diaphragmatic lobes. M. capillaris cause
temperature and humidity being the major nodular pneumonia with firm, gray nodules,
environmental factors that condition the seen as small, grayish areas on the dorsal
resistance. The L1 larval stage, free on the surface of the lobes, in goats. Gray and
pasture, of all three nematode species congested areas situated close to the lung
enunciated in the etiology, have a high pleura are sometimes observed. The lesions
survival rate (> 99% overall) when directly may be more severe, unorganized as nodules,
exposed to 0% R.H. at 23oC. The results but as firm, grey to black areas affecting a

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large part of the lung surfaces in sheep. baermannized for 24 hr compared to 8 hours
Diffuse congestion of the tissue appears on a and when feces are crushed; small glass
section of the organ. Adults of C. ocreatus funnels determine the recovery of more larvae
cause nodules with another structure: they are per gram of feces than larger plastic funnels;
well differentiated from the surrounding cheesecloth and/pr cellulose filters do not
tissue, slightly prominent above the serous influence the effectiveness of the method34.
surface of the visceral pleura, but not very Necropsy is a diagnosis of certainty,
dense and of normal or soft consistency. They emphasizing the injuries and adult parasites. It
contain internal cavities filled with a caseous is not always successful because of the
substance387. Adults of Protostrongylus spp. microscopic width of adult parasites (100 -
do not cause nodules; the lesions have the 200 μm), when a magnifying glass exam is
aspect of polygonal plaques, more than 1 cm necessary.
in diameter, glassy aspect, dark-red to grey or Differential diagnosis must be performed for
gray with a whitish or greenish hue. In the the same diseases as in dictyocaulosis:
early stage, a hemorrhagic zone is observed in strongyloidosis, pulmonary hydatidosis and
the peripheral area. The consistency of viral or bacterial bronchopneumonia.
plaques is tough. Agglomeration of adults and Treatment. Generally, the same active
eggs and the presence of a cell infiltrate cause substances as in dictyocaulosis can be used.
occlusion, atelectasis and emphysema342. Several substances are tested against the two
Histological, desquamated epithelial cells are pulmonary nematodosis, in particular:
in the bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli  luxabendazole at 7.5, 10.0, and 12.5
associated with alveolar macrophages, mg/kg reduced the fecal excretion of larvae of
neutrophils, and parasite forms in different protostrongylid species (P. rufescens, C.
stages, sometimes surrounded by lymphoid ocreatus and M. capillaris) by 97.8%-
hyperplasia. Additionally, the thickening of 99.6%281;
the alveolar septa, parasite granulomas,  albendazole at dosages of 1.25, 2.5 or 5
calcification, peripheral lymphoid hyperplasia, mg/kg bw in the food for 1 or 2 weeks was
serous alveolitis, giant cell and macrophage highly effective against Muellerius capillaris
are present in sheep. In some animals, infection in goats234;
sclerosis of the parenchyma with a  oxfendazole, a single dose of 5 or 10
lymphocyte infiltration of the sclerotic areas mg/kg bw or with a dose of 5 mg/kg bw given
may appear387. three times at 48 hour intervals has reduced
Diagnosis. The clinical picture associated the larval counts in the feces by 95.7, 89.9,
with the seasonal evolution, during winter, are and 99.6%, respectively, in goats infested with
indicative. The larvoscopic examination of M. capillaris122;
feces based on the Baermann or Vajda  fenbendazole, 10 mg/kg bw, per os for
methods allow a sure intra-vitam diagnosis. three days at 48 hour intervals is 100%
The exam allows highlighting of the L1 larvae, efficient against M. capillaris343;
which can be differentiated by their  flubendazole at a dose of 3 x 15 mg/kg
morphology and the aspect of the posterior bw is highly effective, the drug quickly
extremity. The deep location first-stage larvae stopping M. capillaris excretion in the
of Protostrongylidae in the core of pellet feces mouflon droppings310;
impose the crushing of semi-dried pellets. As  derquantel-abamectin formulation at
a consequence, the number of collected larvae 2mg/kg derquantel and 0.2mg/kg abamectin
will increase 7 times188. A high efficiency can has demonstrated an efficacy of more than
be obtained when fecal pellets are

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98.9% against Protostrongylus rufescens bronchi of Lepus americanus - snowshoe hare

adults319; and Sylvilagus floridanus - eastern cottontail
 moxidectin at a dose rate of 0.2 mg/kg bw rabbit in North America;
has shown a 100% efficacy against small  P. pulmonalis (syn. P. terminalis, P.
lungworm infestation (Cystocaulus ocreatus, commutatus) localized in the bronchioles of
Muellerius capillaris and Protostronglylus Lepus timidus - mountain hare and Lepus
rufescens) in sheep389; europaeus - brown hare in Europe;
 eprinomectin, 0.5 mg/kg topical pour-on,  P. sylvilagi in cottontail rabbits
caused a 100% reduction of Muellerius (Sylvilagus spp.) and jackrabbits (Lepus spp.)
capillaris infection in dairy goats, being a in USA;
practical alternative to benzimidazole  P. oryctolagi in rabbits in Hungary;
treatment of lungworms212;  P. tauricus in Lepus europaeus - brown
Control. The complex of measures targets the hare in the former USSR, central and eastern
same actions as in sheep dictyocaulosis. It is Europe and the Iberian peninsula and in
difficult to combat the gastropods. Cultivated Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus - domestic
pastures are probably less contaminated by rabbit as experimental infection;
them. Low and moist pastures should not be  P. cuniculorum is considered a variety of
used and lambs should be separated from P. rufescens found in rabbits and hares that do
older stock. Chemoprophylaxis during the not infect small ruminants;
grazing period using different drug Morphology.
formulations may be a viable method of Protostrongylus boughtoni has a slender and
protection. Several products are tested: whitish, cylindrical, and equally calibrated
 Ivermectin controlled-release capsule body, measuring 13 - 26 mm long by 160 -
(CRC), which delivers 1.6 mg ivermectin per 320 µm wide (the male) and 21 - 36 mm long
day intraruminally ensures a 100% protection by 160 - 250 µm wide (the female). The
for 100 days against P. rufescens, P. anterior end is simple and the mouth opening
brevispiculum, C. ocreatus and 96.2% to M. is bounded by six small lips. At the posterior
capillaris419; end, the male has a copulatory bursa and two
 Fenbendazole medicated salt (0.5%) for relatively long spicules. The first larval stage
four consecutive winters, with apple pulp as measures 320 - 360/14 - 16 µm and has a
an attractant, determined the decline of relatively long and straight caudal appendage.
Protostrongylus spp. fecal prevalence from The life cycle is similar to that described in
pretreatment winters to treatment winters and small ruminants. Adults live in bronchi and
maintenance of animal protection during the bronchioles and oviparous females lay
following chemo-prevented winters273; embrionated eggs. The first larval stage,
hatched in the airways, will be swallowed and
3.8.2. Protostrongylosis in rabbit subsequently shed in the environment through
Definition. This is a bio-helminthosis caused feces. In the outdoor environment, they
by several species of the genus actively penetrate the muscular foot of snails,
Protostrongylus, affecting different species of their intermediate hosts. Species of Vallonia,
the order Lagomorpha. It is widespread and Helicella, Pupilla, Succinea and Vertigo
expressed by respiratory disorders mainly in genera are involved worldwide. In their body
adult rabbits. L3 infective larvae develop. Contamination of
Etiology. Several species are involved: animals is accomplished by consumption of
 Protostrongylus boughtoni (syn. infected snails. The larvae penetrate the
Synthetocaulus leporis) reported in the intestinal wall and migrate to the lung through

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lymph vessels. En route, they molt twice and parenchyma, but are usually grouped in small
finally generate adults in the bronchi. The foci rather than in a single one. The foci
prepatent period varies between 19 and 54 contain a gelatinous exudate; pleural
days depending on the parasite species and the adherence, enlargement of the spleen,
development particularities of snails297. abscesses or cysts in the liver may occur.
Epidemiology Lesions are reported to be more severe in
Geographical distribution. Generally, rabbits than in hares216.
Protostrongylys spp. infections of hare and Histologically, bronchiolitis, alveolitis,
rabbit are recorded worldwide. Particularly, in interstitial pneumonia, and intra-alveolar
Europe, P. pulmonalis was recorded in the collections of larvae and eggs are visible
eastern region of Dresden in hare380 and in during microscopic examination.
Lepus timidus and L. europaeus from Finland, Diagnosis. Epidemiological data and
with a 86.9% prevalence499. symptoms are indicative; the necropsy and
Sources of contamination. Diseased rabbits parasitological examination using Baermann
and hares, those contaminated with technique clarify the presumptive diagnosis.
subclinical, inapparent forms and IH snails are Differential diagnosis should be done for
the sources of environmental contamination of other diseases with respiratory symptoms in
healthy animals. lagomorphs: pasteurellosis, Pneumocystis sp.
Susceptibility - wild adult hares and rabbits infection, bacterial pneumonia (Bordetella
are more susceptible to infection compared bronchiseptica).
with domestic and/or young animals. Treatment. Although reference data is scarce,
Route of contamination - orally, by ingesting it is certain that benzimidazole derivatives
infested snails. and/or avermectines are highly effective
The resistance is similar to that of the species against lung nematodes in hares and rabbits.
described in small ruminants, and is Ivermectin at a dose rate of 0.4 mg/kg bw
conditioned by ambient temperature, humidity reduced by approximately 80% two wk after
and rainfall. treatment with a single dose the prevalence of
Pathogenesis. The parasites act in a traumatic Protostrongylus boughtoni in snowshoe hares
(i.e., irritative-inflammatory) manner on tracts (Lepus americanus) in Canada498.
of the larval migration or bronchial Control. Husbandry technologies prevent
epithelium; they cause the destruction of exposure of lagomorphs to infected
tissue and proliferative reactions with the intermediate hosts.
formation of nodules and peri-lesional
compensatory reactions. They can take and 3.9. Metastrongylidae:
inoculate infectious agents from the intestinal
metastrongylosis of pigs
The Metastrongylidae family includes
Clinical signs. Symptoms are not well known,
nematodes of wild and domesticated swine
but are the expression of parasitic bronchitis
localized in the bronchi and bronchioles. The
and peribronchitis caused; cough and nasal
family is restricted to a single genus,
discharge are associated with weight loss and
Metastrongylus, because of its unique
general bad condition.
morphological and biological features.
Pathology. The gross lesions consist of
From a morphological point of view, the
bronchitis and peribronchitis with small,
parasites are characterized by the presence of
discrete, firm, yellowish gray, granular areas
two lateral trilobed lips that surround the
having a tendency toward necrosis. These
mouth opening, a copulatory bursa with two
lesions may occur throughout the entire lung
broad lateral lobes and two very long and
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threadlike spicules and the presence of a females present a vulvar opening near the
provagina. The eggs are embryonated, anus and a developed provagina. The
containing larvae, and the shell is thick and morphological differences among species are
sculptured. confined to the posterior end of females and
The members of the family are bio-helminths, the length of the spicules. Thus, females of M.
the earthworms being intermediate hosts. salmi and M. confusus do not have a
Definition. Metastrongylosis is a bio- provagina, while those of M. elongatus, M.
helminthosis of the respiratory system that asymmetricus, and M. pudendodectus have a
affects young swine kept on pastures or in well-developed provagina. The eggs are
small households. It evolves chronically, with ellipsoidal, with a thick shell and slightly
respiratory disorders. The incidence is wrinkled surface, brown-grayish, containing
correlated with the presence of earthworms L1 when laid. The morphometry of all stages
(IH), and it increases during summer. The is shown in table 12.
disease is not reported in the intensive piggery Life cycle. Adults live in the bronchi and
system. bronchioles and feed on bronchial content
Etiology. The Metastrongylus genus includes represented by exudates, desquamated
5 species: M. elongatus (syn. M. apri), M. epithelial cells and mucus. Ovoviviparous
pudentodectus, M. salmi, M. confusus, and M. females lay embryonated eggs which are
asymmetricus. removed by coughing and secretions in the
Morphology. (figure 25) The morphology of pharynx, where they are swallowed and
all species is similar, but they have different eliminated in the environment through feces.
sizes. Their body is slender, threadlike and In the external environment, the eggs are
creamy-white. At the anterior end, the mouth consumed by members of the Annelida
opening is small, simple, bounded by two phylum, the so-called earthworms, which are
trilobed lips. At the posterior end, the males intermediate hosts. Species of the Lumbricus,
show a small copulatory bursa with obvious Eisenia, Holodrilus, Aporrectodea,
and developed lateral lobes, supported by Dendrobaena, Allolobophora, Bumastus and
short rays and two long, slender and equally other genera are involved.
calibrated spicules. At the posterior end, the

Figure 25. Morphology of Metastrongylus elongatus: A, anterior end; B, posterior end (female); C,
posterior end (male); D, egg; 1. trilobed lips; 2. provagina; 3. spicules

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Table 12. Morphometric features of Metastrongylus species382.

M. M. M. M.
Characteristic M. salmi
pudendodectus elongatus confusus asymmetricus
dimensions of females
body length (mm) 23.4 - 35.8 34.2 - 50.5 27.7 - 41.0 25.3 - 44.1 21.0 - 28.4
60.6 -
length of tail (μm) 126.1 - 171.7 72.0 - 106.0 68.9 - 94.4 147.8 - 219.8
dimensions of males
body length (mm) 14.6 - 19.5 13.8 - 19.4 12.5 - 18.5 14.6 - 17.9 14.3 - 20.1
length of spicules
1.36 - 1.50 3.71 - 4.73 1.71 - 2.76 2.01 - 2.91 0.52 - 0.68
dimensions of eggs
length (μm) 56.3 - 61.1 41.8 - 54.7 45.1 - 53.8 41.9 - 58.9 49.2 - 55.9
width (μm) 38.2 - 43.3 31.2 - 41.8 32.3 - 41.6 26.0 - 41.0 34.4 - 41.4

The enzymes in the earthworms’ digestive lungs. The gradual reduction of the diameter
tract stimulate the secretion of fluids that of the lung capillaries stops the movement of
break down the egg shells in the esophagus the larvae and their exit from the circulation
and pharynx. The liberated larvae penetrate into the lumen of the alveoli. Now, L4 molt
the wall of the crop and invade the calciferous again resulting in L5 larvae, which move to
glands of the annelid. At these levels, the the bronchioles and bronchi, where they reach
larvae molt twice, becoming infective L3 maturity. The prepatent period is about 3-6
larvae. Subsequently, they are spread to the weeks and the lifespan of the worms varies
heart, dorsal vessel, the anterior part of the between 8 and 12 months.
crop, and the anterior esophagus. In general, Epidemiology
the larvae have a preference for circulatory Geographical distribution. The disease is
vessels so that the majority of annelids inhabit widespread, recording different values of
the vascular system and blood sinuses of the prevalence in the domestic pig and wild boar,
earthworms’ organs304. Sometimes, infective which are the main affected species. It is
L3 larvae leave the body of their IH, actively diagnosed in Busia District, Kenya in 18.5%
or passively, when the anelids die. The L3 of the examined farms, with a prevalence of
larvae survive in the environment for long 9.8% in pigs278. In Japan, at a slaughterhouse
time, depending on the variation of the in Osaka, Metastrongylus spp. infection
environmental factors. recorded a 2.3% prevalence in pigs340. But
The contamination of animals is achieved by there are also geographic regions free from
consumption of infected earthworms. In the Metastrongylus spp infection in pigs, as is the
intestine, the liberated larvae from digested situation of the Danish organic swine herds98.
anelids penetrate the intestinal mucosa and The prevalence of Metastrongylus spp.
migrate to the mesenteric lymph nodes. Here, infection in the Dongting Lake Region
the third molt occurs, resulting in the L4 larval (Hunan Province) of China, based on the fecal
stage. They continue their migration through egg count analysis, was 25.8%. The species
the venous portal system or thoracic duct to identified by necropsy were M. apri and M.
the heart and pulmonary arteries, reaching the pudendotectus56. In crossbred pig farms in the
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Upper East region of Ghana, Metastrongylus elongatus, M. salmi, M. asymmetricus, and M.

salmi infection registered a 19.3% pudendodectus365;
prevalence . In the Ituri pig farms (Upper-  M. apri (16%), M. pudendodectus (14%),
Zaire), the infections with M. salmi and M. and M. salmi (14%) in protected regions
pudendoctus recorded a high prevalence, located in north, northeast, and southwest
between 64 and 86%104. In pigs of the Plateau Iran174; in the Luristan province of the same
and Rivers States, Nigeria the incidence of country, M. apri (41.6%), M. pudendotectus
Metastrongylus salmi was 3.7%452. In Korea, (16.6%), and M. salmi (8.3%) were found490;
20.3% of the examined pigs were infected  M. salmi (91.9%), M. apri (88.7%) and
with Metastrongylus apri355. In a large-scale M. pudendotectus (87.1%) in southern
pig reproduction farmin the Czech Republic, Germany31;
Metastrongylus sp. infection recorded a 0.3%  in several regions in France, the general
prevalence300. The prevalence of M. apri prevalence was 92%, the species identified
infection in pigs slaughtered at the Pretoria being M. asymmetricus, M. confusus, M.
Municipal Abattoir, South Africa was elongatus, M. pudendotectus, and M. salmi256;
26.9%251. Mixed infections, comprising M.  in Romania, Metastrongylus spp.
pudendodectis (69 %), M. apri (18 %) and M. prevalence was found to be 89.47% in
salmi (13 %), were diagnosed in pigs of Papua mountain populations and 77.58% in those
New Guinea118. from the hills376;
In feral swine, Metastrongylus spp. infections  general prevalence of infection was
are more prevalent because of their more 80.0%, in southern Poland. Five species were
frequent contact with earthworms. In southern distinguished: M. pudendotectus and M.
Florida, M. apri, M. salmi, and M. confusus (76.0%), M. salmi (72.0%), M.
pudendotectus were found in 94%, 76%, and elongatus (64.0%) and M. asymmetricus
64% of 90 feral animals, respectively189. (40.0%)382.
Most recorded data regarding the geographic Translocation of animals is one of the
distribution of metastrongylosis in the world, important mechanisms that contribute to the
involves the wild boar: spread of parasites183. The house fly (Musca
 41.1% in southwestern and 85% in domestica) is also a potential vector host that
eastern Spain, the species involved in the first participates in the dissemination of
region being M. apri (71.4%), M. Metastrongylus spp. Eggs and/or larvae of
pudendotectus (28.0%), and M. salmi Metastrongylus spp. were found on the flies’
(0.6%)199,370; skeletons and in their intestines194.
 60 % in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Sources of contamination. Subclinically
Brazil, with the occurrence of the species M. infected or diseased animals and earthworms
apri, M. salmi, and M. pudendotectus477; are the sources of contamination. Diseased
 M. apri (59%), M. salmi (52%) and M. animals pollute the environment. The high
pudendotectus (52%) in the Bursa province of longevity of the larvae in the body of
Turkey464; earthworms perpetuates the infestation.
 M. elongatus in two young female wild Prevalence of infection of lung nematode
hogs from the Demilitarized Zone, Korea601; larvae in earthworms is variable according to
 82% in Estonia (M. pudendotectus - 78%, the type of ecosystem. Usually, the forests are
M. salmi - 77% and M. elongatus - 41%)267; not common areas for infected earthworms,
 100% in the Western Region of Tokyo, while feeding centers landscaped for wild
Japan, the species identified being M. boars in the hunting areas are favorable zones
for contaminated annelids. The density of

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larvae in earthworms is also important and can stages of Metastrongylus spp was enounced
reach dozens or hundreds (between 1 and 600 by Shope474,475 who surmised from his
larvae/earthworm) of larvae per researches on swine influenza that the virus
earthworm256,255. may survive in the mature and immature
Susceptibility of animals is correlated with lungworms in a kind of "masked" form. Other
age. The most vulnerable are the piglets up to viral diseases, such as swine flu, Teschen
the age of 6 months, after which the disease and hog cholera may be conveyed and
sensitivity attenuates298. Antagonistic inoculated by lungworms156,327.
interaction between nematodes of pigs may Clinical signs. The disease usually evolves
influence the susceptibility of animals to chronically in young animals, rarely acutely,
infections. Mixed infections with A. suum and with a persistent cough, which is initially a
M. apri are expressed by the decrease of mean dry cough, as “thumps,” and subsequently a
burdens of immature A. suum and immature productive cough, muco-purulent nasal
and adult M. apri195. discharge, dyspnea and sometimes tachypnea.
Route of contamination. Contamination Rhonchal fremitus and sibilant rales are
occurs orally, by ingestion of infested worms present on auscultation. The appetite
or infective larvae reached on the pasture, in diminishes, animals lose their condition, the
water. movements are slowed, growth retardation
Resistance. The eggs resist in biotopes with a and occasionally, in bacterial over-infections,
moist substrate between 3 and 18 months and feverish conditions set in. Morbidity may
in manure for 6 to 8 months, which indicates reach 20% and the mortality rate less than
that they can remain viable on pasture from 2%411.
autumn to the next spring552. The survival of Pathology. The diaphragmatic lobes are
larvae is in fact interconnected with the affected. Micro-hemorrhages in lung and
lifespan of earthworms, intermediate hosts subpleural parenchyma, miliary nodules, with
which can reach ages of 8 to 9 years in an a diameter of about 1 mm, whitish-gray,
optimum environment371. Liberated infective formed by the destruction of larvae, are found
larvae on the soil survive for several months, in the early stages of the disease. Chronically,
less than one year, depending on climatic parasites cause bronchopneumonia,
variations. atelectasis, and bronchial lumen obstruction
Pathogenesis. Pathogenic actions exerted are by the crowded parasites and abundant mucus.
similar to those of dictyocaulosis and depend Compensatory emphysematous areas surround
on the intensity of parasitism and age of the the lesions.
pigs. The traumatic action of both stages is Histopathology is characterized by bronchial
very important. The larvae destroy the tissues and peri-bronchiole infiltrations by
during their migrations and adults obstruct eosinophils, hyperplasia which affects the
bronchial lumen causing compensatory bronchial epithelium and subjacent muscle
emphysema. The irritative-inflammatory tissue, cell metaplasia resulting in the
action of the larvae consists in nodular replacement of the various cell types of the
inflammations disseminated in the lung bronchial epithelium by the goblet cells.
parenchyma from diaphragmatic and sub- Emphysematous areas are observed,
pleural lobes. Adults cause bronchiolitis and characterized by an enlargement of the alveoli
bronchitis with epithelial descuamations, associated with the atrophy of the inter-
exudate and mucus in the bronchial lumen. alveolar septa and dense nodules consisting of
Inoculation action - the exercising of an inflammatory cells surrounding an egg or
inoculation action by the mobile evolutionary delimitating dead larvae or adult parasites255.

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Inside the IH body granulomas that include  ivermectin at 100, or 500 microgram/kg
the larvae are formed. Initially, capsules bw had a 99.4% to 99.9% efficacy against
around the larvae occur in the interlamellar Metastrongylus spp.512; administered in feed
spaces of calciferous glands, after the larvae at concentrations of 100 or 200
leave the narrow blood sinuses of these micrograms/kg bw/d for 7 days, it had an
glands. Subsequently, reactions of fibrous, efficacy of 97.8% or 100% for Metastrongylus
peripheral connective or muscular tissues will spp.7;
transform the capsule into a granuloma255.  moxidectin, 0.5% pour-on, at dose rates
Diagnosis. The occurrence of the disease in of 0.75 mg/kg bw was 100% effective against
young animals that have access to the pasture Metastrongylus spp.508;
is an indicator of lungworms. Flotation tests  doramectin, at 300 micrograms/kg bw by
reveal the eggs in feces; these must be intramuscular injection ranged from 98 to
differentiated from the Ascaris suum eggs, 100% against Metastrongylus spp.320; at the
which embryonate in the older fecal mass. same dose, it proved 100% effective in the
Necropsy is amethod of certainty. It reveals removal of Metastrongylus salmi, M.
the lesions and adult parasites in the bronchi. elongatus, M. pudendotectus597;
For an easier highlighting, bronchial exudate Control. The implementation of principles
is sampled and examined. and technological measures associated with
Differential diagnosis is required for chemoprophylaxis has a protective value.
pulmonary forms of ascariosis, Intensive piggeries, using stables with
strongyloidosis or specific pneumopathies concrete or slatted, cleaned floors reduce or
favored by the cold. eliminate sources of earthworms, intermediate
Treatment. Curative treatment may be used hosts. Extensive and semi-intensive systems
with good results in metastrongylosis and rearing the pigs in a sty, pig-shed, ark or
other nematodosis, involving the following curtain-barn stables favor the interaction
active substances: between animals and intermediate hosts. In
 levamisole, 8 mg/kg bw in the feed is these situations it is very important to ensure
99.6% efficacious against Metastrongylus hygienic conditions in shelters, paddocks and
spp.; in drinking water its effectiveness is proper nutrition, especially of the youth. To
slightly reduced, to 99.5%180; destroy the eggs of metastrongyles, the
 albendazole at at 30 ppm for 5 manure will be collected and stored in a bio-
consecutive days, has a 100% efficacy179; thermo-sterilization platform. On rainy days,
 fenbendazole, at 3 and 5 mg/kg bw was when earthworms are numerous on the ground
97% and 99.9% efficacious against surface, the movement of pigs in shelters and
Metastrongylus spp.511; around them will be forbidden.
 oxfendazole at a rate of 3.0 mg/kg bw Chemoprophylaxis consists in administering
administered once in the feed, has a degree of anthelmintic products such as those
efficacy as high as and similar to larger enunciated at Treatment, but drug
dosages or multiple doses120; formulations should be introduced into the
 flubendazole, 1.5 mg/kg bw mixed in feed for a longer period of time.
feed, for 5 consecutive days, demonstrated
100% efficacy against mature Metastrongylus 3.10. Syngamidae: syngamidosis
apri75; at a dose rate of 30 ppm for 10 The Syngamidae family includes parasites of
consecutive days, in the feed, it showed the the respiratory system of birds or mammals,
same efficacy559; of the urinary system of swine or of the
intestine of Hirax. They are, morphologically,

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easily recognizable by their dorsal gutter and causing gapes (open-mouth breathing), Y-
the absence of their perioral groove, a reduced shaped or forked worm (because of the
copulatory bursa with short and thick spicules permanent procreative conjunction of males
and a vulva located at midbody, except the and females, and due to the reduced length of
Stephanurus genus11. the male, the couple looks likre the letter "Y"),
The family is divided in three subfamilies: and red worm, because of the color of their
Stephanurinae, Syngaminae and Archeo- body, caused by hematophagous nutrition.
strongylinae. The first contains the monotypic Other known species that affect, generally,
genus Stephanurus represented by one wild birds are S. merulae, S. arcticus, S.
species, Stephanurus dentatus, in the kidney alcyone, S. gibbocephalus, S. microspiculum,
of the pig. The Syngaminae subfamily S. palustris, and S. taiga. It is possible that
includes 5 genera: Mammomonogamus, some of them to be synonymous with S.
parasites of mammals (ruminants, carnivores, trachea (e.g. S. merulae).
primates, elephants) from the tropics, Morphology. Several important
Rodentogamus, parasites of rodents in the morphological features are common in S.
Paleartic region, Syngamus in birds trachea595:
(especially fowl and passerines), and  permanent joining of males and females
Cyathostoma in waterfowl, both distributed aiming continuous copulation, induce the “Y”
worldwide, and Boydinema, also in birds. The shape;
latter contains one genus, Archeostrongylus,  the presence of an accentuated sexual
common in the intestine of Histrix11. dimorphism, the females being 3 to 4 times
The life cycle shows large variations and can longer than males. The sizes range from 2 to 6
be monoxenous, without the intervention of mm long by 200 μm wide (males), and 5-20
intermediate hosts, or heteroxenous with one mm/350 μm (females);
or two intermediate or paratenic hosts.  the presence of a well-developed, cup-
Important diseases from a medical and shaped oral capsule. At the anterior end, it has
veterinary point of view are syngamosis in an orbicular mouth surrounded by a
poultry, cyathostomosis in waterfowl, and hemispherical chitinous capsule, armed with
stephanurosis in pig. eight sharp teeth at the base. A chitinous plate
with an incised outer edge forming six
3.10.1. Syngamosis in poultry opposite festoons surrounds the mouth;
Definition. This ss a nematodosis of the  a cylindrical, stout and brighty red body.
trachea, caused by the cosmopolitan nematode At the posterior end, the male has a well-
Syngamus trachea, manifested by respiratory developed, obliquely truncated copulatory
and general disorders, more severe in young bursa, with asymmetrical rays and equal,
birds. The disease affects chickens, turkeys, slender and short spicules measuring 57-64
pheasants, partridges and many other wild and μm in length. The female has a conical
game birds. It is a disease with a high posterior end; the vulva is located at the limit
significance in the breeding of pheasants, between the first and second quarters of the
species in whose case the inflicted mortality body, from the anterior to the posterior end of
can reach 40, even 80% in the afflicted the body;
flocks589.  the eggs are elliptical, operculated at both
Etiology. The agent is Syngamus trachea, poles, in the morulation phase, with 8-16
included in the Syngamus genus. Several blastomeres when laid, and measure 85–90/50
popular names are assigned to it: gapeworm μm;
or gapes because they block the airways

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The life cycle is monoxenous, optionally Other larvae penetrate directly into the
heteroxenous when paratenic hosts are peritoneal cavity and migrate to the lungs.
involved. Adults are located in the trachea or When they reach the lungs, the larvae molt
bronchi of a large number of bird species, and twice and the adults are developed. The
feed on blood. Oviparous females lay eggs prepatent period varies between 12 and 17
which are swallowed and passed through days572 and the lifespan between 98 days in
feces in the environment. In optimal the guinea fowl and 224 days in turkeys573.
conditions of temperatures (15-29oC), Epidemiology
humidity (85-90%), and oxygenation of the Geographical distribution. Syngamosis has a
environment, evolution to the infective stage cosmopolitan distribution, being diagnosed in
(L3) takes place in 8-15 days. Below 10oC, all geographic regions: Eurasia, North
embryogenesis stagnates. All non-parasitic America42, South America, Australia and New
larval stages (L1, L2 and L3) develop inside the Zealand571, and Africa. The spread of the
egg. disease is influenced by certain risk factors,
Further, the cycle can be carried out directly the most important being the season and
or indirectly. The direct cycle involves the climate, housing and husbandry variables, and
birds’ contamination by ingestion of the age of birds, respectively. In rural
embryonated eggs or infective L3 larvae that scavenging poultry in Tanzania, the
leave the eggs, being free in the external prevalence of the disease was 0.7% during the
environment. The indirect cycle means the wet season and 2% in the dry season394. In the
intervention of various paratenic hosts which same country, the prevalence was
serve as transport hosts: earthworms (Eisenia, significantly higher in growers (14%) than in
Helodrilus, Lumbricus and Allolobophora adults (3%)330. In Wales and England, the
genera), terrestrial snails (Cepaea spp., higher prevalence was established among
Helicella spp.) and slugs (Agriolimax spp.), free-range flocks of laying hens472.
freshwater snails (Lymnaea spp.) and insects Translocation is another factor that contributes
(Tipula spp., Lucilia spp., Musca domestica). to the spread of pathogens over long
These hosts become contaminated through distances. The reintroduction of Eurasian
consumption of eggs that contain any of the cranes (Grus grus) to England resulted in the
larval stages L1, L2 or L3 or by ingestion of L3 spread of S. trachea, considered a medium
larvae that hatch from the eggs. The larvae risk hazard, to new territories450. Pheasants
have various localizations in the paratenic translocated from Romania and Poland to
host's body and do not change their Italy for repopulation purposes were infected
morphology, but may become encapsulated. with S. trachea at a rate of 9.80%, which
Contamination of birds can be achieved in demonstrates that the release of game birds
four ways: eating embryonated eggs from foreign countries is a risk factor for
containing infective L3 or with free L3 from native animals527.
the environment or by paratenic hosts that Interactions between domestic and wild birds
contain embryonated eggs or hatched L3. may also contribute to the spread of the
After contamination, the larvae approach disease. Syngamus-infected pheasant roosters
multiple migratory pathways to the trachea. have induced an occasional incidence of
The majority penetrates the duodenal mucosa syngamosis in the chickens and turkeys from
and migrates through the liver, the portal small stocks of fowl kept in gardens close to
bloodstream to the lungs. A smaller the fields visited regularly by roosters40.
percentage penetrates the wall of the crop and The prevalence of infection in chickens in
esophagus and migrates directly to the lungs. Dschang, western Cameroon, was 13.7%; the

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infection rate was not influenced by the sex of pheasant, peacock, partridges, quail, and
the host, but younger chickens showed an willow grouse).
increased sensitivity to S. trachea369. The Receptivity varies depending on species, age,
infection rate of S. trachea in the indigenous and other factors. In general, in all species the
poultry from various towns in Kenya was youth is more sensitive than the adult birds.
0.40%263. The prevalence of S. trachea in the Turkey poults, baby chicks, and pheasant
Samsun region, northern Turkey, between chicks at 2 - 3 weeks of age are very receptive
July 1999 and June 2000, was 2%306. In and become more resistant after 3 months.
51.5% of pheasants originating from two Turkey is receptive at any age. Stressors,
pheasantries in Germany, S. trachea was intercurrent illness, hypovitaminosis and
present201. In the same country, members of immunosuppressive states increase the
the Syngamidae family (Hovorkonema responsiveness of birds.
variegatum, Syngamus trachea and Route of contamination: contamination
Cyathostoma trifurcatum) were indentified in occurs orally, by ingesting embryonated eggs,
wild bird species from Ciconiformes, infective L3 larvae or paratenic hosts that
Falconiformes and Gruiformes orders301. contain embryonated eggs or L3.
The sources of contamination are represented Resistance. Free infective larvae L3 do not
by the infected poultry, with or without survive over the winter, but embryonated eggs
symptoms, which pollute the environment. resist for 8 to 9 months. The character of the
Wild birds also represent a significant source natural outbreak is due to earthworm
of pollution for ecosystems. Alterations of populations and embryonated eggs which
natural biotopes in order to transform them ensure the perenniality of outbreaks164.
into agricultural land caused a change in the Gapeworm larvae in the earthworm remain
importance of certain species of birds in the infective to young chickens for as long as 4
case of environmental pollution by S. trachea years595.
eggs. The transformation of natural biotopes Pathogenesis. The actions of parasites may be
covered with trees and shrubs into arable land separated according to the evolutionary stage
has determined the replacement of partridges involved. The migratory larvae exert a
by pheasants as the dominant species in these traumatic action that consists in the
areas40. The second source of contamination is destruction of tissue on their migration tracts.
represented by the paratenic hosts, Inoculation action is less important, but the
earthworms being considered the most larvae may take bacteria from the intestine,
important of the categories listed above. complicating the lesions. The adults exert
Susceptibility. According to Yamaguti592, a mechanical, inflammatory and spoliation
great variety of bird species belonging to the actions. Mechanical action consists in their
following orders are affected: Galliformes, obstructing trachea and bronchial lumen due
Passeriformes, Anseriformes rarely to their size and the mucus resulting as a
"Ardeiformes" now Ciconiiformes, consequence of the local inflammation. On the
Pelecaniformes, Piciformes, Otidiformes. other hand, the inflammatory action consists
Syngamus spp infestations of birds belonging in the catarrhal inflammation of the affected
to other orders, such as Gaviiformes516 and mucosa and development of nodules at the
Charadriiformes444, are cited. The disease is attachment sites. Spoliation action is due to
important and may cause significant economic the hematophagous nutrition of parasites and
losses especially in wild and domesticated is reflected in several hematological changes:
Galliformes (chicken, turkey, guinea fowl, heterophilia, monocytosis, eosinophilia,

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lymphocytopenia, and a decrease in the successive to bacterial over-infections. Adult

packed cell volume258. parasites cause tracheal obstruction with
Immunity. Cell-mediated immune reactions bloody mucus.
(CMI), intensified following successive Diagnosis. Clinical examination reveals an
infections, develop into S. trachea infections. orthopneic position and suffocation, which are
In turkeys, CMI that involve macrophage indicative. Identification of the eggs in feces
develops starting on the fourth day after by flotation tests is a method of certainty.
infection, peaking at day 15 and then slowly Necropsy allows the identification of the
decreasing, only to disappear in the 13th lesions and couples of parasites fixed on the
week. Re-infestation induces significantly tracheal mucosa.
greater CMI. In chickens, the reactions are A differential diagnosis will be conducted, in
similar, but develop faster396. comparison to mycoplasmosis, laryngo-
Clinical signs. The disease may develop tracheitis and infectious bronchitis, coryza and
acutely or chronically. An acute evolution is aspergillosis.
recorded in chickens, pheasant and turkey Treatment is based on some anthelmintic
chicks and goslings after 14-21 days’ substances with good efficacy. The following
incubation. It is expressed by respiratory are used:
disorders such as asphyxia, dyspnea,  levamisole at a dose rate of 2 mg/100g
orthopneic position (open mouth with head body weight, administered subcutaneously,
extension - “gape”), wheezing, convulsive has been effective in the treatment of
head-shaking, cough, repeated swallowing, pheasants386;
progressive weight loss and death, resulting  fenbendazole, 100 ppm, for 4 consecutive
from attacks of suffocation or progressive days, reduced infection with S. trachea by
emaciation. Orthopnea position and repeated more than 90%290; at 20 mg/kg bw, it showed
swallowing are common in goslings562. The a 100% efficacy against S. trachea505;
chronic form develops in youth and is  mebendazole in a dose of 120 mg/kg of
expressed by anemia, weight loss, slowed feed, for 7 to 13 days, is suitable to treat
growth, capricious appetite and repeated syngamosis in pheasants358;
swallowing. It evolves for 3-4 weeks, the  flubendazole, for 7 consecutive days, at a
mortality being sporadical, consecutive to level of 30 ppm, food medication in naturally
cachexia. infected geese, showed a 100% efficacy in
Pathology. The lesions are correlated with the worm elimination557;
clinical form. Catarrhal and pseudo-  cambendazole administered for three
membranous duodenitis followed by consecutive days, 3-4, 6-7, and 16-17 days
pulmonary congestion and hemorrhage, lobar post-infection, has revealed a 94.9% efficacy
pneumonia and adjacent emphysema are in chickens and 99.1% in turkeys against S.
found initially, in the acute form, caused by trachea165;
the migration of the larvae515. Catarrhal-  thiabendazole administered for 9–20 days
exudative or hemorrhagic tracheitis and in 4-week-old turkey poults removed 98% of
bronchitis are identified in the chronic form; the gapeworms574;
necrotic nodules and circular ulcers are  ivermectin administered perorally in
dispersed in the mucosa and submucosa of the dosage schemes 1 x 0.8 mg/kg of body weight
trachea and bronchi. Nodules are caused (bw), 1 x 1.6 mg/kg h.w., 3 x 0.8 mg/kg bw,
mainly by the permanent attachment of the and 3 x 1.6 mg/kg bw to pheasants has
males, while females detach and reattach. The demonstrated a helminthostatic and partially
nodules may develop into abscesses

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helminthocide effect against adults of S. and nasal cavities of gulls, crows and birds of
trachea309; prey480.
Control. Proper sanitation and chemo- Morphology. C. bronchialis has a reddish
prophylaxis can control the infection. General cylindrical body, very similar to S. trachea,
hygiene measures consist in removing feces to only larger, adult males measuring 8 to 12 mm
control the earthworm populations, avoiding long by 200 to 600 μm wide and adult females
backyards and other natural places with moist 16 to 30 mm long by 750 to 1500 μm wide.
soil that contains nutrients, suitable for The sexes are not firmly and permanently
earthworms, avoiding mixing different species united in copulation. At the anterior end, the
of bird chicks, keeping the birds on dry and buccal capsule is cup-shaped, armed with six
clean ground, and avoidance of contact or seven triangular teeth at its base. At the
between wild and domestic birds. posterior end, the males have a copulatory
Some issues related to the breeding bursa with long, slender and threadlike
technology are important in the control of the spicules, measuring 540 μm to 870 μm in
disease. The breeding of avian youth in large length. The spicules have tips that are slightly
farms represents a technological method for curved inwardly. The vulva is situated in the
the prevention of the disease. In a semi- terminal portion of the anterior third of the
intensive system, the youth will be isolated body and has fairly prominent lips. The eggs
from the adult birds in previously unused are oval-shaped, 68 to 90 μm in length by 43
spaces. In contaminated units, to 60 μm wide, in the morulation phase, when
chemoprophylaxis with thiabendazole is laid, with slight opercula595,364.
recommended, at a dose of 0.05 - 0.5% in Life cycle. Adult parasites live in different
food, for 14 days, during risk periods, with segments of the respiratory system, being
good efficiency515. hematophagous. They attach themselves to the
affected mucosa by vacuuming a piece of
3.10.2. Cyathostomatosis in waterfowl mucosa into their buccal capsule, thus creating
Definition. This is a nematodosis caused by a hole at the attachment site537. The life cycle
Cyathostoma bronchialis which affects web- may be direct or indirect. The direct cycle
footed birds, evolving endemically, and which involves the contamination of birds by
manifests itself by a severe respiratory consumption of infective third-stage larvae.
syndrome in waterfowl buds. The indirect cycle consists in the
Etiology. The Cyathostoma genus belongs to contamination of birds by consumption of
the Syngamidae family and is characterized earthworms, paratenic hosts (Allolobophora,
by the absence of a collar at the oral opening. Bimastus, Lumbricus, Octolasium genera).
Based on the aspect and sizes of the rays and The L3 larvae released in the intestines
spicules, the species were assigned to one or migrate to the lungs through the coelomic
two genera: Cyathostoma or Hovorkonema, cavity and air sacs, with no migration through
also considered to be subgenera64. the bloodstream or liver port system.
The genus contains multiple species, the most Chronologically, the larvae reach the
common being Cyathostoma bronchialis, abdominal sacks in 1-2 hours post-infection
parasitizing in the larynx, trachea and bronchi and, after 4 hours, reach the lungs, where they
of their hosts. Other species are: C. develop between 2 and 5 days pi. At this level,
americanum and C. brodskii in the air sacs of the larvae are, initially, localized in the
raptors313, C. microspiculum in the great parabronchi, then in the secondary bronchi,
cormorant279, C. phenisci in penguins280, C. and 5 days pi, especially in the primary
cacatua in cockatoo71 and C. lari in the orbital bronchi. They reach the trachea in 6 days pi.

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Migratory larvae molt twice, but only in the the necropsy and clinical signs will beget a
lung184. The prepatent period is 13 days. diagnosis of certainty.
Epidemiology Differential diagnosis is required for parrot
Geographical distribution. Cyathostoma fever (psittacosis), geese influenza,
bronchialis has a worldwide distribution but aspergillosis and nonspecific pneumonia.
records low or moderate values of prevalence. Treatment and control is similar with
In southwest Germany, between 2007 and syngamosis. Thiabendazole and fenbendazole
2008, a very low level was recorded, of are effective.
0.04%, in feral greylag geese (Anser anser)590.
Sources of contamination. Contaminated 3.10.3. Stephanurosis in pigs
birds intervene in environmental pollution and Definition. It is a common disease in tropical
earthworms are the source of infection for and subtropical areas caused by the kidney
birds. worm Stephanurus dentatus, and is
Susceptibility. Goslings, ducklings and young characterized by progressive weight loss up to
animals of all affected bird species are more emaciation, hind limb paralysis and stiffness.
susceptible to infection. Etiology. Stephanurus dentatus is included in
Route of contamination: oral, by ingestion of the Stephanurus genus, member of the
infective L3 larvae or earthworms. Stephanurinae subfamily from the
The resistance is similar to that recorded in S. Syngamidae family.
trachea. Morphology. The adults have a stout body,
Pathogenesis. The larvae act traumatically with a mottled appearance due to the
and inflammatorily, causing bronchitis of the transparency of the cuticle that allows the
primary, secondary, and tertiary bronchi and emphasis of internal organs (reproductive and
hyperplasia of the epithelium. The adults exert intestinal tracts) and alternaton of the colors
mechanical action with the obstruction of the black and white. Adult males measure
bronchi and trachea. Inflammation caused by between 2 and 3 cm in length, females are 3-
the adults consists in laryngotracheitis. The 4.5 cm, and both sexes are about 2 mm in
aspirated eggs have an allergic effect, causing diameter. At the anterior end they have a
generalized pneumonitis. thick-walled, prominent buccal capsule,
Clinical signs. Morbidity may reach 80% and armed with teeth, surrounded by a discrete
mortality 20%364. Affected birds may display leaf crown at the entrance to the mouth. At the
difficult breathing, gaping, dyspnea, growth posterior end, the male has a small, square-
retardation or weakness and death. shaped copulatory bursa. The eggs are
Pathology. The lesions recorded during the ellipsoidal, measure 120/70 μm, with a thin
evolution of cyathostomatosis are: exudative wall and morulated when removed.
laryngotracheitis, bronchitis, which may Life cycle. Adult parasites are localized in the
become purulent, hyperplasia of the bronchial perirenal fat and kidney where they develop
epithelium, pneumonitis, airsacculitis, into cysts that communicate with the ureters
pulmonary emphysema, and presence of adult through the fistulas. The pancreas, lumbar
worms. Kidney edema, anemia and muscles, spinal cord, and lungs are other
emaciation of muscle masses may also uncommon locations506. Eggs are eliminated
occur532. in the environment through the urine, the
Diagnosis. Combining the identification of greatest number being recorded in the first
eggs in the feces by flotation tests with matutinal urination. Eggs hatch and the first-
recovery of the adults in the trachea following larval stage molts twice resulting in infective
L3 stage in 4-6 days, in proper temperature

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conditions (26oC). The infective larvae are prevalence of S. dentatus infection in pigs in
able to survive for several months in moist, Belize was 42%214. In the Rohilkhand division
warm and shaded conditions. Earthworms of Uttar Pradesh (India), 40.5% of examined
may intervene as paratenic hosts and larvae pigs harbored S. dentatus481. In another sub-
will survive in their body. Animal tropical and high-rainfall area of the same
contamination occurs by ingestion of infective country, the prevalence was much lower, of
L3 larvae or infected earthworms, paratenic 9.75%591. In pigs slaughtered at Deonar
hosts, skin penetration by infective larvae, and abattoir, Mumbai (India), S. dentatus recorded
transplacentally33. The ingested larvae migrate a 0.39% prevalence202. In pigs from Ibadan,
to the mesenteric lymph nodes where they southwest Nigeria, S. dentatus recorded a low
molt once, resulting in the L4 larval stage. prevalence of 1.1%500. In south China, the
This stage moves to the liver and, thereafter, infection rate was 62.5%566.
molts again to L5, the young adult stage. Other Sources of contamination. Two categories of
L4 larvae will disseminate into almost any part sources are differentiated: contaminated birds
of the body: bronchiole, lymph nodes, lungs, that pollute the environment by removing
pancreas, spleen and fetus body, eggs and, implicitly, infective L3 larvae
transplacentally. The L5 larvae pass from the which, together with the paratenic hosts,
liver into the peritoneal cavity and migrate infect the birds.
through the body cavity to the perirenal and Susceptibility. All age categories, including
mesenteric fat. At this level, cysts will result fetuses, are susceptible to infection. Several
and the parasites will be localized in these climatic risk factors such as moisture and
cysts. They perforate the walls of the ureters shady pastures favor the evolution of the
and become adults. disease.
When contamination is performed Route of contamination: peroral, by ingestion
transcutaneously, L3 larvae migrate to the of infective L3 or earthworms, paratenic host,
lungs, go out in the respiratory tree and ascend percutaneously or prenatally.
the trachea, the pharynx, and will finally be Resistance. The eggs and all external larval
swallowed only to reach the intestine. From stages are sensitive to temperature and
the intestine they will follow the same route as dessication. Negative temperatures rapidly
in the case of ingested larvae. The prepatent destroy the eggs; below 10oC, they are unable
period is at least 9 months and egg-shedding to hatch; between 10 and 15oC and at 35oC,
extends over a period of 3 years pi33. the second larval stage never develops. The
Epidemiology eggs can hatch and the external larval
Geographical distribution. Stephanurus evolution may be achieved at 25 cm below the
dentatus occurs throughout the world, but the surface of water. Infective larvae may live in
disease is common in tropical and subtropical moist surroundings for 5 months. High
areas, with warm and moist climates. It is temperatures, above 35oC, associated with
responsible for the significant economic losses desiccation, exert a marked ovicidal
caused by condemnation of organs or activity105,569.
carcasses which are unfit for human Pathogenesis. The larval migration and the
consumption due to the cachexia (at least 95% adults’ development are accompanied by the
of liver in the southeastern United States exercise of traumatic, inflammatory, and
according to Batte et al.32). The prevalence is inoculation pathogenic actions, respectively.
higher in those regions. The infection rate The inflammatory action causes multiple
following three years of investigations in the traumatic pathways wherever they migrate,
Ghanaian dwarf pig was 33%455. The including on the skin. Together with the

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inoculation action, they are responsible for Control. Control of the disease is based on
abscesses and adhesions on the migratory general sanitation measures and the
route and pus in urine. Traumatic and management system. The hygiene measures
inflammatory actions consist in the target the shelters and their floors, watering
destruction of tissue and formation of nodules and feed. The management system refers to
in the mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, spinal gilt-only breeding system. It consists in the
cord, pancreas, heart, lungs, spleen and separate breeding of boars from the gilts that
skeletal muscles. shall be kept for a single breeding cycle. After
Clinical signs. The disease is characterized by weaning of the piglets, sows will be removed
nonspecific symptoms correlated with larval from the premises. The prepatent period of S.
migration and the pathogenic actions dentatus ranges between 9 and 16 months, the
performed. The following occurs: depressed interval in which a female will wean their
growth rate, loss of appetite, emaciation, piglets and will be removed from the stock
stiffness and posterior paralysis, hematuria before development of adult parasites,
and eosinophilia. eliminators of eggs. Thus, after 3-4 seasons of
Pathology: destruction of liver tissue, farrowing, the disease will be eradicated, even
thrombosis of hepatic vessels, hepatic abscess, in traditional extensive free range pig farms.
"milk spots" on the liver, liver fibrosis,
cirrhosis, peritonitis, cystitis, congestion of 3.11. Crenosomatidae:
the lung, mesenteric lymph nodes edema,
necrotic spots on the kidney surface, fistulized
crenosomosis in carnivores
The Crenosomatidae family includes five
nodules in perirenal fat and ureters.
genera that contain parasites localized in the
Diagnosis. The clinical exam is valueless
bronchi, frontal sinuses and veins of a large
because of the nonspecific symptoms. Intra-
variety of mammals from the Carnivora or
vitam diagnosis is made by urine sediment
Insectivora orders and, rarely, marsupials.
examination, which reveals characteristic
Family members are recognizable by the
eggs. Necropsy allows highlighting of lesions
presence of a highly developed caudal bursa
and adults in and around the perirenal tissues.
and vulva location in the median mid-region
Differential diagnosis is required against
of the body. They are bio-helmints with
Dioctophyme renale, leptospirosis and other
gastropods as intermediate hosts and cause
kidney disorders in pigs.
Treatment. The following substances have
Definition. This is a nematodosis which
demonstrated a good efficacy:
manifests itself clinically through chronic
 doramectin, at the rate of 0.3 mg/kg bw,
tracheobronchitis. It is a cosmopolitan disease
showed a 100% efficacy510;
with local incidence, related to gastropods, IH.
 ivermectin (300 micrograms/kg bw)
Etiology. The Crenosoma genus contains
demonstrated a 100% efficacy at 14 to 21
several nematode species that inhabit the
days after treatment35.
trachea, bronchi and bronchioles of their
 fenbendazole, mixed in feed at the rate of
hosts, and which have a worldwide
3 mg/kg bw for 3 days, caused the
distribution or are limited to specific
disappearance of worms at 3 weeks post-
geographic regions:
 Crenosoma vulpis (syn. C. decoratum, C.
 levamisole at 10 mg/kg and flubendazole
semiarmatum) inhabit the bronchi and
at 50 mg/kg in feed are effective against
bronchioli of dogs (Canis familiaris) and wild
prepatent stephanurosis257;
carnivores: fox (Vulpes vulpes), gray fox
(Urocyon cinereoargentus) and arctic fox
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(Alopex lagopus), wolf (Canis lupus), coyote  C. lophocara (syn. C. caucasicum), in the
(Canis latrans), raccoon dog (Nyctereutes European hedgehog and northern white-
procyonoides), bears (Ursus americanus, breasted hedgehog;
Ursus arctos) and some mustelid species:  C. skrjabini in the Eurasian water shrew
Eurasian badger (Meles meles), Eurasian otter (Neomys fodiens) and shrew-mouse (Sorex
(Lutra lutra) and martens (Martes martes, M. araneus);
foina, M. zibellina), worldwide; Morphology. The morphology of the C. vulpis
 C. goblei, which parasitize the respiratory species is described, common in domestic and
system of the raccoon (Procyon lotor); wild carnivores, worldwide. It has a small,
 C. melesi, in the respiratory system of slender, cylindrical body, equally calibrated
European badger, least weasel (Mustela and whitish, tapered at both ends. The cuticle
nivalis), European polecat (Mustela putorius) is transversely striated giving the appearance
and, possibly, other mustelid species; of being encircled by horizontal lines or
 C. schulzi, found in the Eurasian badger; segmented to the anterior end345. Adult males
 C. petrowi in the respiratory system of the measure 3.5 to 8 mm in length and 0.28 to
marten (Marten americana), fisher (Martes 0.32 mm wide and females are 2 - 16/0.300 -
pennanti), American badger (Taxidea taxus), 0.480 mm. At the posterior end, the male
and black bear (U. americanus); presents a well-developed and relatively wide
 C. potos, in the black bear and kinkajou copulatory bursa sustained by three groups of
or “honey bear” (Potos flavus); rays and two relatively long and thick spicules
 C. taiga (syn. C. mustelae) in the (0.35 - 0.40 mm). In females, the vulva is
European polecat, American mink (Mustela located near the middle of the body and its
vison), wolverine (Gulo gulo), stoat (Mustela opening is surounded by two cuticular plates
erminea), Siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica), that form a wall.
beech marten (Martes foina), sable (Martes Females are ovoviviparous, laying
zibellina), least weasel, and European badger; embryonated eggs, but in the respiratory tree
 C. coloradoensis from Martes americana or digestive tract tree they will hatch, so the
origenes and Martes caurina origenes; first-larval stage will be directly removed in
 C. brasiliense, parasite of the lesser the environment through feces. The first-
grison, Galictis cuja, a mustelid from South larval stage is a small larva with a cylindrical
America; body, measuring 243 to 281/16 - 22
 C. hermani (syn. C. schachnatovae), from microns344. The anterior end is blunt and
the American mink and stoat; rounded; the tail is tapered, straight, pointed
 C. schulzi, found in the Eurasian badger; and is slightly deflected just before the tip471.
 C. mephitidis (syn. C. canadensis, C. Life cycle. The life cycle is indirect,
zederi and C. microbursa) in different species heteroxenous, requiring an intermediate host.
or subspecies of the Mephitis genus, “skunks”, Adult parasites are in the bronchi and
(M. mephitis, Mephitis m. nigra and Mephitis bronchioles of carnivores and feed on local
m. hudsonica) in the New World; content, desquamated cells and exudates. The
 C. striatum in several species of females lay embryonated eggs that hatch in
hedgehogs: the European hedgehog the respiratory or digestive passage, the first-
(Erinaceus europaeus), the northern white- larval stage being removed through the feces.
breasted hedgehog (E. roumanicus) and the In the environment, L1 search for an
southern white-breasted hedgehog (E. intermediate host, represented by a terrestrial
concolor); gastropod (snail or slug). A wide variety of
species belonging to a great number of genera

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are suitable to be intermediate hosts for Prince Edward island52. In Germany, the
Crenosoma spp.: Agriolimax, Arianta, Arion, prevalence was 0.36% in Bavaria462, 0.9%
Cepaea, Fruiticicola, Helix, Mesodon, from 1999 to 200230, 0.4% in the whole
Succinea, Triodopsis, and Zonitoides. The L1 country between 2003 and 201028 or 7.4 %
larvae penetrate the muscular foot of a from September 2007 to March 2009 29 while
gastropod, molt twice and develop into other national studies reveal a value of
infective L3. The definitive host contamination 2.4%528. In Denmark 1.4% of dogs were found
is achieved by eating snails or slugs. Infective positive for C. vulpis528. In Italy, the first case
L3 larvae penetrate the wall of the intestine of spontaneous C. vulpis infection in a dog
and initially migrate through the lymphatic was identified in 2007432. In Atlantic Canada
system. They reach the lymphatic vessels, (New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia
mesenteric lymph nodes and thoracic duct. and Prince Edward Island), crenosomosis was
Now, they pass into the blood circulation, diagnosed in 20.7% of dogs114.
continuing through the vena cava to the right The disease is considered endemic in the red
ventricle of the heart and finally to the lungs fox, the prevalence determined in various
via the pulmonary artery. Migration through studies being: 53.8% in Lithuania82, 14.7% in
the hepatic portal system is possible. In the Tuscany (central Italy)329, 0.02% in Great
lung, L3 stage moults twice resulting in L5 Britain361, 17.4% or 28.2%, respectively, in
subadults, which move up to the bronchi, Denmark448,588, 58% in Norway132, 78.4% in
where they turn into adults. The prepatent Prince Edward Island377, 50% in Romania213,
period ranges from 18 to 21 days. The life 24% in Hungary504, 3.46% in Spain8, 4.5% in
span of the parasite is 8 - 10 months. the Netherlands61 and 54.1% in New
Several paratenic hosts may intervene in the Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Canada . Other
life cycle of C. vulpis, in a manner similar to species of carnivores in which infection was
C. mephitidis, in which the Pacific garter diagnosed are: the Eurasian badger (Meles
snake, Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis, preys meles) in Poland405, raccoon dogs (N.
on its intermediate hosts248. In their body, the procyonoides) in Lithuania (15.1%) and
L3 larvae survive and remain infective. Germany82, the coyote (Canis latrans) in
Similarities between C. vulpis and C. Canada (19%)80, the wolf, C. lupus in Latvia
mephitidis allow the hypothesis that C. vulpis (9.1%)20 and the arctic fox, Alopex lagopus on
larvae may be able to infect similar St. Lawrence Island, Alaska (4%)414.
poikilothermous paratenic hosts. Sources of contamination are the carnivores
Epidemiology (foxes, especially) and terrestrial snails.
Geographical distribution. Crenosomosis is a Susceptibility. The foxes are the most
cosmopolitan disease, its prevalence being susceptible, and within the species it is the
correlated with the presence of definitive youth between 6 and 12 months that is the
hosts, domestic or, especially, wild carnivores most susceptible.
in the respective area and their interaction Route of contamination: contamination is
with the intermediate hosts. Dog and fox are achieved orally by consumption of snails
the most important species involved in the infected with the third-larval stage.
parasite flow in nature. Different values of Resistance. The L1 larvae of the Crenosoma
prevalence are recorded worldwide in these spp that are free in the external environment
species. are considered highly resistant to the
In dogs, C. vulpis was detected in 27.3% by aggression of environmental abiotic factors,
an antemortem survey and 3.2% by a especially temperature. Larvae of C. goblei
postmortem exam during 1995 - 1996 on

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found in raccoons can survive for up to 14 pneumonia in the lung parenchyma. The
months at temperatures of -25°C488. adults cause erythematous bronchitis, marked
Pathogenesis. The larvae, throughout their bronchitis with accumulation of large amounts
migration, exert a traumatic action causing of mucus, irregular nodular mucosal surface,
tissue destruction on their route. It is accumulation of pus and bronchial
associated with an inoculation effect taking hemorrhage548.
pathogens from the gut. The inflammation Diagnosis. Clinical and radiographic exam
action of the larvae consists in neutrophilic and transtracheal wash fluid examination are
inflammatory lesions. Combined with the guidance methods. Examination of fecal
transport of bacterial pathogens from the samples with the Baermann technique allows
intestine, it is responsible for developing the highlighting of L1 larvae in feces, being
pyogranulomas. the most effective method used in diagnosis of
Adults in the lung exert a mechanical action, lungworm parasitic diseases. Necropsy is,
which consists in the obstruction of the also, an effective method allowing to see the
bronchial lumen, and an inflammatory action, lesions and adult parasites but it is a
associated with bronchitis and bronchiolitis. postmortem method.
Clinical signs. Respiratory disorders such as Differential diagnosis will be done for
moist productive cough, deep rasping respiratory capillariosis, angiostrongylosis and
accompanied by mucoid or mucopurulent filaroidosis.
nasal discharge, possible hemoptysis, Treatment. Broad-spectrum anthelmintics are
wheezing, bronchial rales on auscultation and used:
exercise intolerance, are common. The cough  fenbendazole at a dose rate of 50 mg/kg
can be elicited by tracheal palpation. Bacterial bw, daily, for 3 days exhibit a maximum
superinfection may cause a complicated and efficacy398;
severe evolution with the appearance of  levamisole, 8 mg/kg bw eliminate 100%
dyspnea and fever. The digestive symptoms as of the C. vulpis513;
reduced appetite, retching and progressive  levamisole and ivermectin have
weight loss, may appear. Hematological determined the disappearance of clinical signs
parameters may be normal, although mild in two, respectively other two dogs, within
eosinophilia, basophilia and mild monocytosis two weeks post-treatment249;
are common. A mild to moderate bronchial  imidacloprid, 10 mg/kg bw combined
patterns that may have a diffuse interstitial with moxidectin at a dose rate of 2.5 mg/kg
component most evident in the diaphragmatic (Advantage Multi®/Advocate®) in a single
lobes may be observed on radiographs. The topical treatment has shown an 100% efficacy
disease progresses chronic, without mortality against C. vulpis115;
in dogs541, but it can be severe in foxes, with  milbemycin oxime at a dose rate of 0.5
cough, anemia, emaciation, decreased fur mg/kg bw, four weekly oral doses, has healed
quality and significant mortality. 15 of 16 natural infected dogs114;
Pathology. Migratory larvae cause small, Control. Preventive measures are applicable
white or yellow foci, necrotic areas and in silver fox farms and concern: sanitation
granulomas in liver, interstitial pneumonia, conditions in shelters, cleaning and storage of
eosinophilic infiltration around bronchioles manure for bio-thermal sterilization,
and occlusion of the bronchioles because of quarantine of the newly introduced foxes with
accumulation of moulting cuticle and their parasitological control. Intensive farming
infiltrated cells. Ecchymoses and gray nodules of foxes in cages raised above the ground to
are visible on lung surfaces and interstitial prevent ingestion of snails and slugs is a

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technological measure with high efficiency. Definition. The disease caused by the
Fighting against gastropods is more difficult, members of the Filaroides genus is named
but it can be done with molluscicides filaroidosis. It is a bronchopulmonary
preparations, on a certain area around the nematodosis in domestic and wild carnivores
shelters. The removing of bushes, decayed that has a sporadic, benign, sometimes
wood, logs and dry leaves from farm grounds inapparent evolution, which is, however,
causes the disappearance of specific biotopes severe in immunosuppressed young animals.
of intermediate hosts and contribute to Etiology. The most important species are:
gastropods elimination. Chemicals and snails  Filaroides hirthi, found in the lung
traps may be additionally used to repel IH. parenchyma of dogs, being potentially fatal in
Periodically chemoprophylaxis, quarterly immunosuppressed animals;
realized, will protect dogs and foxes against  Filaroides (syn. Oslerus) osleri, causes
natural infections. nodules in the trachea and bronchi of canids
(dogs, foxes, wolves, coyotes);
3.12. Filaroididae: filaroidosis in  Filaroides (syn. Andersonstrongylus)
milksi, occur in nests in the bronchioles,
dogs bronchi and pulmonary parenchyma of dogs,
Filaroides family includes abursate worms and
hog-nosed skunks (Conepatus leuconotus);
seems to be related with the
Other species with particular hosts or
Angiostrongylidae family, which has several
geographical distribution are:
genera characterized by the presence of a
 F. martis (syn. F. bronchialis), parasite in
small and atypical caudal bursa.
the lungs and blood vessels of mustelids
Morphologically, it is characterized by the
(Mustela vison, M. lutreola, M. putorius, M.
absence of the caudal bursa, small spicules, a
erminea, M. americana), in which it is
terminally or sub-terminally placed vulva, and
localized in theperibronchial nodules, at the
from a biological point of view it is an
pulmonary hilum;
unusually varied family, the parasites being
 F. canadensis in otters (Lutra
heteroxenous or monoxenous without IH. The
systematics of the family has been extensively
 F. mephitidis in skunks;
analyzed and reorganized over time.
 F. cebus, F. gordius, found in the lungs of
Seneviratna463 has defined and reclassified
capuchin and squirrel monkeys;
this family into five subfamilies: Filaroidinae,
 F. pilbarensis, found in Australian
Angiostrongylinae, Vogeloidinae, Oslerinae
and Marsupostrongylinae. According to
 O. (syn. Filaroides, syn. Anafilaroides)
Anderson et al.11, the family contains the
rostratus, may cause tracheobronchitis in
following genera:
felines (domestic cats, bobcats - Felis rufus);
 Filariopsis, parasites of primates;
 O. (syn. Filaroides) pararostratus causes
 Oslerus, parasites of canids and felids;
nodules in the trachea of dogs;
 Oslerus (Oslerus), new subgenus (n.
Filaroides hirthi males measure 2.3 to 3.2 mm
 Oslerus (Anafilaroides), n. subg.;
in length and females, 6.6 to 13.0 mm. The
 Filaroides, parasites of terrestrial and
cuticle is inflated, forming a voluminous
aquatic carnivores, rarely primates;
“teguminal sheath” (the outer cortical layer of
 Filaroides (Filaroides), n. subg. (=
the nematode's cuticle, according to Stockdale
et al.514). At the anterior end, the oral opening
 Filaroides (Parafilaroides), n. subg.;
is small, centrally placed and surrounded by 4

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mound-like excrescences. At the posterior feeding of the adults. Contamination with F.

end, the male has two short and stout spicules osleri is possible even with the first stage
and the caudal copulatory bursa is inapparent; larvae obtained from nodules in the trachea
the vulva, in females, is opened near the anus. and bronchi, "some hatched, others
The first larval stage removed through feces in unhatched"206. Licking and cleaning of the
the environment, measures 250 to 280 μm pups imediately after birth is another way of
long and has a slight indentation and a very contamination with F. osleri145.
straight tail to its end344. Autogenous re-infection with F. hirthi is
Filaroides osleri: the male reaches 8 mm in possible. It consists in the re-invasion of the
length by 0.2 mm wide and females are 15 host realized by the first-larval stage, which
mm long. The caudal bursa is atrophied and moves from the lungs to the anus to be
the spicules are short and slightly unequally eliminated in the environment208.
calibrated. The female is ovoviviparous. Eggs The first larval stage in the intestine penetrates
measure 80/50 μm, being embryonated and the wall and migrates to the mesenteric lymph
oval-shaped when are laid. The first-larval nodes and molts several times, generating the
stage is cylindrical, 230-250 μm in length, and second, third and fourth larval stages (L2, L3
has a rhabditiform esophagus. The tail has a and L4). Further, all larvae stages may migrate
prominent constriction and is distinctly wavy through the lymph nodes and liver to the lung,
after this point344. where L4 completes the final molt, becoming
Filaroides milksi is very similar to F. hirthi L5, young adults and, finally, the mature
but can be distinguished by its larger size and adults.
its shorter and more robust spicules, with The chronobiology of the evolutionary stage
developed knobs for the attachment of the of F. hirthi is characterized by the presence of
retractor muscles. L1 larvae in the mesenteric lymph-nodes at 2,
Life cycle. Adult parasites are localized in 4, 6, 8 and 24 h after infection, in the liver
different segments of the respiratory tree: F. after 2 hours and, at 6 hours postinfection they
hirthi inhabits the lung parenchyma of canid already occur in the lung where they begin to
species; F. osleri is localized in the trachea molt after 24 hours. L3 and L4 larvae are
and major bronchi, in nodules situated at the present in the lymph nodes at 6 days
tracheal bifurcation; F. milksi develops in the postinfection207. The prepatent period varies
bronchioles and lung parenchyma of the around 5 weeks.
diaphragmatic lobes. Parasites in these Other Filaroides species, such as F. martis or
habitats feed on local content. The females are F. rostratus, require intermediate hosts in
ovoviviparous and lay embryonated eggs that order to complete their life cycle. These IH
contain the first-stage larvae. Along the are represented by snails (Agriolimax, Arion,
respiratory tree or digestive tract, after Succinea, Zonitoides, Monacha, Theba),
swallowing, the eggs hatch and L1 larvae are which consume the first-larval stage, and the
shed in feces. infective L3 stage develops in their body10.
The infective stage of all three species Epidemiology
morphologically described is the first stage Geographical distribution. Filaroides spp.
larvae, and their life cycles are monoxenous. infections are widely distributed throughout
Contamination of the animals is different from the globe, different domestic and wild animal
one species to another. F. hirthi and F. milksi species being affected. The prevalence is
are transmitted through feces contaminated variable from species to species and from one
with the first larval stage while F. osleri geographic region to another.
contaminates the pups during the regurgitative

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In dogs, the disease is diagnosed in a Beagle association with canine distemper96, adrenal
colony in Germany, where a prevalence of cortical carcinoma553, corticosteroid regimen
98% was recorded21, and in Italy, in the same imposed by other causes204 or chronic stress
breed (4.2%)123. Other affected species are: caused by surgical interventions17.
West Highland white terrier from Ireland539, The route of contamination is oral, by
Scottish terrier in Spain95, Pomeranian breed ingestion of the first larval stage by
dog in Japan295, and Miniature Schnauzer dog coprophagy. The route in autogenous
in USA85. The disease is registered in many infections is not known.
other countries: Canada, Great Britain or the The resistance of the larval stages to the
Netherlands112,502,536. action of various ecological factors is not well
In wild species, the disease was evidenced in known.
coyotes (Canis latrans) in USA, where a Pathogenesis. Both stages, larvae and adults,
prevalence of 17% was recorded in the Great exert an irritative-inflammatory and
Plains (eight central states: Oklahoma, mechanical action, which consist in the
Colorado, Wyoming, Iowa, South Dakota, destruction of tissue on the migratory route
Nebraska, Texas, and Kansas)367, 18% in and lung parenchyma. Consecutively,
central Utah116 and 22% in the southwestern granulomatous reactions in the alveoli and
USA366. In Canada, the prevalence varied bronchioles occur. The inoculation action of
from 15% in Alberta to 100% in the larvae is responsible for fatal cases in
Saskatchewan between 1975 and animals with immunodeficiency.
1985250,404,593. Clinical signs. The disease progresses
In wolves, F. osleri is spread throughout subclinically for a long time, especially in
North America: Minnesota (4%), Alberta adult dogs, but pneumotharax may occur85.
(15%), Manitoba (8%)87,250,453. In Romania, The animal becomes emaciated and will
the prevalence was 3.3% in both F. osleri and finally die.
F. hirthi infections (personal unpublished In immunosuppressed puppies, severe
data). pneumonia disorders occur: severe and
Sources of contamination. In monoxenous rasping cough, dyspnea, tachypnea, abundant
species, the source is represented by diseased sero-mucous nasal discharge, hyperthermia,
animals that pollute the environment with L1 anorexia and anemia.
shed through feces. In heteroxenous species, Pathology.
terrestrial gastropods, IH, intervene as Depending on the species involved, the
secondary sources. In the case of autogenous following lesions appear:
re-infection, the animal is its own source of  the mediastinal and mesenteric lymph
contamination. nodes are greatly enlarged in volume;
Susceptibility. Responsiveness is influenced  tracheobronchitis with polypoid tumors at
by multiple risk factors. Canids are the most the bifurcation of the trachea caused by F.
susceptible followed by mustelids, felines osleri;
being more resistant. Within the species, the  nodular pneumonia, atelectatic areas,
breed seems to have a differential receptivity. granulomatous alveolitis and bronchiolitis
The most responsive is the Beagle, followed produced by F. hirthi and F. milksi infections;
by other small breeds such as Foxhound and Bahnemann and Bauer21 have differentiated
Cocker Spaniel593. four types of lesions:
The immunosuppression condition with  round, nodular subpleural foci, individual,
different causality is often involved. The blackish, 0.5-1 mm in diameter;
evolution of the disease was recorded in

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 round, whitish, raised foci, individual or Control.

in small groups, placed in the middle of the General measures of sanitation and frequent
emphysematous areas, with a diameter of 1-2 removal of feces from cages are indicated.
mm; Mollusk control for heteroxenous species,
 irregular, slightly round foci, glassy, with copper sulfate, is useful. Infected adult
white, with a gray-brown center, slightly dogs should be treated before their
blurred and 2 to 10 mm in diameter; incorporation into the breeding program, or
 confluent foci, white-reddish, mottled, the euthanized. Filaroide-free pups should be
area measuring up to 14 mm in diameter , separated from adults and kept in conditions
with a coarse consistency; whereby the possibility of contamination is
Histopathology consists in discrete avoided.
granulomas, peribronchiolitis, perivasculitis, A chemoprophylactic control program may be
interstitial pneumonia, pleural and interstitial applied in kennels. It is based on the use of
fibrosis, epithelial hyperplasia, and squamous albendazole in all stud dogs and all
metaplasia247. nonpregnant, nonlactating brood bitches. The
Diagnosis. Clinical signs are indicative, many dose rate is 25 mg/kg bw, per os, twice daily
other diseases of carnivores being expressed for 5 days, for two periods at a 2-4 week
by respiratory symptoms. interval between them. This program has
Coprological examinations via the Baermann reduced the mortality in two kennels from
method are less useful because of the low 45% and 78% before, to 0.2% and 24% after
motility of Filaroides spp. larvae. For this its application173.
reason a zinc-sulfate flotation technique is
used. 3.13. Angiostrongylidae
Necropsy allows one to see the lesions of the The Angiostrongylidae family includes a large
lungs and the nodules at the tracheal variety of lungworms characterized by the
bifurcation or in the bronchioles. presence of a typically well-developed, or, on
Bronchoscopy and thoracic radiography may the contrary, reduced caudal copulatory bursa
also be useful diagnostic aids. and a vulva placed at the posterior end, near
Differential diagnosis includes other the anus. They are biohelminths, their life
respiratory helminthosis, bacterial, viral or a cycle involving gastropods as intermediate
frigore pneumonia. hosts. They affect marsupials, insectivores,
Treatment. The following are used, with rodents and carnivores.
good results: The family contains an unclear number of
 ivermectin at a dose rate of 0.2 mg/kg bw genera, varying between 7 and 20, because
has a high efficiency causing the some authors may prefer to recognize genera
dissapareance of symptoms within a or subgenera. Angiostrongylus and
fortnight55; Aelurostrongylus are important genera, from
 fenbendazole, 50 mg/kg bw, per os, daily, the point of view of veterinary medicine.
for 14 days or three weeks, cleared a dog of
3.13.1. Angiostrongylosis in dogs
Other therapies are based on the use of
The Angiostrongylus genus includes parasites
levamisole, thiabendazole, oxfendazole,
of rodents and carnivores which inhabit the
albendazole and doramectin74,196. All these
lung and pulmonary or mesenteric arteries of
therapeutic protocols have variable rates of
their hosts. It comprises around 19 species,
success, some of them requiring high doses or
recognized worldwide. Morphologically, they
long periods of administration.
are characterized by a well-developed caudal,

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bursa, set off from the body, with long or involved in the life cycle. The adults inhabit
short spicules, with a vulva and an anus which within the pulmonary arteries and heart of the
is not placed terminally, and perianal papillae. canids. The females lay eggs that are
Definition. Angiostrongylosis is an emerging transported via the bloodstream to the lung
bio-helminthosis of dogs and other canids, capillaries where they develop and the first
expressed by respiratory and cardiovascular larvae L1 are released. These larvae penetrate
disorders. The disease is widespread, but in the walls of capillaries and alveoli, entering
Europe its incidence is higher in the southern into the lower level of the respiratory tree.
regions. It is caused by infection with Further, they move through the bronchioles,
Angiostrongylus vasorum. bronchi, and trachea to the pharynx where
Etiology. The genus is divided into two major they are swallowed and excreted in the
clades based on molecular differentiation. The environment by the feces. Thereafter, the first-
first clade includes A. cantonensis and A. larval stages from the environment
malaysiensis while the second contains A. contaminate their intermediate hosts, either by
costaricensis and A. vasorum157. The disease active penetration of the muscular foot, or by
is caused by Angiostrongylus vasorum which being ingested by the host when it feeds. A
is called "the French heartworm" in the United large number of genera are involved as IH:
Kingdom, because it was discovered in France Arion, Arionater, Deroceras, Limax, Helix,
at the begining of the 19th century. Biomphalaria, Bradybaena, Laevicaulus,
Morphology. The adults have a cylindrical, Prosoples, Achatina and Subulina224. Inside
slender, pinkish body, and the sizes are 14- the gastropod, the larvae molt twice and
16/0.25-0.42 mm in the case of males and 15- develop into infective L3 larvae, phenomenon
21/0.28-0.56 mm in the case of females. The influenced by several factors such as
aspect of the body is similar to that of temperature, host species and age368.
Haemonchus contortus, having a "barber Contamination of canids occurs by ingestion
pole" appearance because of the white of an infected intermediate or paratenic host.
reproductive tract that is intertwined with the The third larvae (L3) may leave the body of IH
red intestine58. The anterior end is simple, and then contamination is direct23. After
with an oral opening without labia. At the contamination, the L3 larvae penetrate the wall
posterior end, the males have a well- of intestines and migrate to the mesenteric
developed bursa, and two long spicules, while lymph nodes where they molt twice and
the vulva is placed in the posterior half of the develop into immature L5 adults. The juvenile
body. L5 will continue their migration via the portal
The first larval stage is cylindrical, coiled, system through the liver and caudal vena cava
rarely straight, with sizes ranging from 310 to to the right ventricle and pulmonary arteries,
400 μm long and 14 to 16 μm wide437. The tail where they develop into mature adults. The
is sharply pointed and has a distinct notch on prepatent period varies between 28 to 108
the dorsal surface and a secondary, much days58 and, once infected, an animal will
smaller indentation on the ventral side. The excrete larvae throughout its entire lifespan363.
larvae do not have a distinct cephalic knob on Epidemiology
their head344. Geographical distribution. The disease is
The life cycle is heteroxenous and indirect, spread in regions with a wet and mild climate,
involving an intermediate host, represented by favorable for IH development. It is widely
the terrestrial and aquatic snails or slugs. distributed in Europe, North and South
Unnecessary paratenic, or transport hosts, America and Africa. In Bavaria, Germany, a
such as frogs (Rana temporaria), may be prevalence of 7.4 % and 0.36% was recorded

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in dogs29,462. In other European countries, the migration routes, particularly in the lung.
prevalence in dogs was 4.0% in England338, Aberrant migrations of adult worms and
2.2% between 2003 and 2007, or 3.5% and larvae in the eye, brain, spinal cord, left
9.8% in Denmark528,563,540 and 1.1% in ventricle, femoral artery, intestine, liver,
Greece390. In foxes, the prevalence varied pancreas, skeletal muscle have been recorded.
between 5.0% in Hungary504 and 92.9% in Inoculated microbial flora may complicate the
Denmark540. In the Avalon peninsula of inflammations, causing pneumonia and
Newfoundland, Canada, the prevalence was bronchopneumonia.
7.92%, 16 of the 202 dogs being positive114. Clinical signs. The clinical signs vary greatly
Sources of contamination are the diseased from a subclinical form to a fatal condition,
foxes and dogs, or those with a latent form, on and it is possible for the signs to remain
the one hand, and the intermediate or unnoticed for months or years. The clinical
paratenic hosts, on the othe hand. symptoms are respiratory distress, dyspnea,
Susceptibility. Domestic dogs (Canis coagulopathies, edema, cardiac failure,
familiaris) and red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) are coughing, nasal discharge, gagging,
the most important and common definitive depression, ataxia, unilateral central blindness,
host for A. vasorum. The disease was also epileptic seizures, various cranial nerve
diagnosed in other species: crab-eating fox deficits, vestibular signs, proprioceptive
(Cerdocyoun thous), hoary fox (Dusicyon deficits, ataxia and paraplegia, subcutaneous
vetulus), wolf (Canis lupus), European badger hematomas, melena, haemoptysis, vomiting,
(Meles meles), European otter (Lutra lutra), anorexia, weight loss, stunted growth and
ferret (Mustela putorius), coyote (Canis reduction of exercise tolerance58,294,135,223.
latrans), domestic cat (Felis domesticus) and Pathology. The lesions are very diverse and
it was transmitted experimentally in the jackal consist in interstitial pneumonia, pulmonary
(Canis aureus), Nile rat (Arvicanthis hemorrhage, fibrosis and granulomas,
niloticus) and in the African desert fox hydrothorax, hemothorax, thrombotic
(Fennecus zerda)58,268. Responsiveness is endarteritis and occlusion of the pulmonary
increased in young canids. artery, hydropericardium, glomerulonephritis
Route of contamination: ingestion of with mild granulomas in the kidneys, ascites,
intermediate gastropod host containing L3 is haemorrhagic diatheses (petechiae,
the most important route of contamination. ecchymoses, hematomas and bleedings in
Ingestion of L3 liberated from the body of IH abdominal and thoracic cavities), subdural
is another possibility. Ingestion of paratenic hemorrhage, uveitis381,413,58.
hosts may intervene as a third way of Diagnosis. Clinically, the dominance of
contamination. cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders is
Resistance. This species is sensitive to indicative. The Baermann test is widely used
variations in ambient temperature. Thermal for fecal examination, being simple and rapid.
tolerance limits vary between -4oC and Because the shedding of larvae is intermittent,
+18oC268,59. samples from three consecutive days should
Pathogenesis. Immature adults exert an be tested. The first-larval stage can also be
inflammatory action which elicits a response highlighted by tracheal wash, bronchoalveolar
of the lung parenchyma consisting in foci of lavage, fine needle lung aspirates and by
interstitial pneumonia. Irritations of the routine urine analysis. Thoracic radiographs
arterial walls consist of coagulopathies. assess the severity of the infection but do not
Mechanical traumatic action is expressed by clarify the etiology. Necropsy allows
tissue destruction and hemorrhage on the highlighting of the lesions and adult parasites.

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Molecular techniques (PCR) and serology 3.13.2. Aelurostrongylosis in cats

(ELISA and Western blot analysis) have been The Aelurostrongylus genus belongs to the
used, with elevated sensitivity and specificity, family of Angiostrongylidae and is
to identify the parasites. characterized by a significantly reduced
Differential diagnosis includes: dirofilariosis caudal bursa as compared to the
- more serious circulatory symptoms and the Angiostrongylus genus, stout spicules and a
presence of microfilariae in the blood; vulva and anus not placed terminally. It
spirocercosis - esophageal and gastric comprises parasites of the lungs of felids,
disorders; filaroidosis - predominantly mustelids and rodents.
pulmonary disorders and the larvae may be Definition. It is a bio-helminthosis that affects
microscopically differentiated; heart failure mainly stray cats, espressed by a chronic
and pneumonia with a different etiology. respiratory syndrome, but it is
Treatment. Thiazole derivatives, sometimessubclinical. It is particularly
benzimidazole and avermectins are used. The prevalent in Europe and North America.
literature recommended the followingeffective Etiology. The disease is caused by
drugs: Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (the cat's
 levamisole at a dose rate of 7.5 mg/kg bw lungworm), a parasite of the bronchioles and
for 2 days, then 10 mg/kg for 2 days alveolar ducts of domestic cats. Other
expressed a 100% efficiency489; important species of the genus are A.
 fenbendazole, 50 mg/kg bw for 5–21 days falciformis which occurs in the lungs of
had an 80% efficacy103; badgers (Meles meles) in Europe and, A.
 ivermectin, 0.2 mg/kg sc, weekly, for 4 pridhami having the same habitat, in wild
weeks, healed all diseased animals70; mink (Mustella vison) in North America.
 milbemycin oxime, 0.5 mg/kg bw Morphology. Parasites have a cylindrical
weekly, four times, expressed a 93.75% body and measure between 4 to 7 mm long
efficacy114; (males) and 9 mm (females). At the posterior
 imidacloprid 10% associated with end, males have a small copulatory bursa
moxidectin 2.5%, 0.1 ml/kg, single topical without distinct lobes, but with visible rays.
dose, has shown an 85.1% efficacy579; Spicules measure from 100 to 130 μm and are
Control of the disease is based on sub-equal. The vulvar opening is placed in the
prophylactic anthelminthic treatment. posterior half of the body. Eggs are sub-
Environmental contamination may be avoided spherical and measure 80 x 70 μm. he sizes
by removing the dog’s feces, which also stops of L1 larvae range from 300 to 390 μm long
the lifecycle of A. vasorum. Removal of snails and 20 μm wide and have an undulating and
and slugs in recreational areas intended for notched tail with a dorsal spine484.
dogs by the use of molluscicides is not The life cycle is indirect, involving slug and
feasible, being risky for other components of snail species as intermediate hosts. In
the flora and fauna. Isolates of Duddingtonia addition, many paratenic hosts, represented by
flagrans, Monacrosporium thaumasium, M. rodents, frogs, lizards, snakes or birds, may be
sinense and Arthrobotrys robusta fungi, are involved. The adult parasites live in the lung,
efficient in the capture and destruction of A. located in the terminal respiratory
vasorum L1 in the environment76,77. Dog bronchioles, alveolar ducts and pulmonary
owners’ awareness and periodic Baermann alveoli. Oviparous females lay eggs that
tests in areas with a high risk of the disease embryonate and hatch in the lungs. The first-
may reduce its prevalence. stage larvae are liberated in the airways, and
pass out in feces. They penetrate IH

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(Agriolimax, Helminthoglypta, Helix, and Epidemiology

Acathina) and develop into the infective L3 Geographical distribution. The disease has a
stage following two successive molts. Cats are cosmopolitan distribution even if it is
infected by eating intermediate or, perhaps considered a sporadic disease. Data regarding
frequently, paratenic hosts. Endogenous its geographic prevalence is listed in table 13.
migration is incompletely known, but the Sources of contamination are the infected
larvae enter into the lining of the digestive animals that pollute the environment and the
tract at different levels (esophagus, stomach, intermediate and paratenic hosts, which infect
intestine). In 8 to 9 days pi, after two molts, the cats. Infected cats may produce eggs for
the adults are fully developed. The prepatent over one year, the peak occurring 60-120 days
period varies between 33 and 36 days, rarely postinfection430.
reaching 60 days. The lifespan of adult
parasites reaches 2 years.

Table 13. Geografical distribution of aelurostrongylosis

Country Region / period Prevalence (%) Author

Albania Tirana area / 2008-2009 50.0 Knaus et al., 2011
Argentina Buenos Aires / 2005 2.6 Sommerfelt et al., 2006
Christmas Island 25.0 Adams et al., 2008
Victoria, New South Wales 14.0 Coman et al., 1981
Brazil Cuiabá, Mato Grosso 1.37 Ramos et al., 2013
Colombia Quindío Province / 2008 0.82 Echeverry et al., 2012
Croatia Zagorje – Zagreb / 1990-1998 22.0 - 0.38 Grabarevic et al., 1999
2003–2007 5.6 Taubert et al., 2009
Lower Saxony / 2006-2007 1.0 Becker et al., 2012
2009-2011 6.6 Barutzki and Schaper, 2013
2003-2010 0.5 Barutzki and Schaper, 2011
Hungary western Hungary / 2011 14.5 Capári et al., 2013
Abruzzo, Marche, Apulia 17.6 Traversa et al., 2008a
central Italy 16.0 Iorio and Traversa, 2008
Marche, Abruzzo, Apulia / 2009-2010 8.54 Di Cesare et al., 2011
Pisa district, Tuscany / 2008-2010 1.2 Riggio et al., 2013
Milan / 2008-2010 2.9 Spada et al., 2013
Rome, Lazio region 18.3 Traversa et al., 2008b
Holland 2.6 Robben et al., 2004
Porto / 2003-2005 17.4 Payo-Puente et al., 2008
Lisbon / 2009-2011 12.4 Waap et al., 2013
Qatar Corniche, Al-Matar, Al-Sadd / 2005 7.5 Abu-Madi et al., 2007
Romania Transylvania / 2007-2009 5.6 Mircean et al., 2010
Spain North – Central 2.0 – 4.3 Miró et al., 2004
New York / 2006-2010 6.2 Lucio-Forster, Bowman, 2011
USA New York / 2009-2010 9.0 Gerdin et al., 2011
Alabama 18.5 Willard et al., 1988

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Susceptibility. Domestic cats (Felis catus) are adynamia, and even death are common
susceptible, the kittens being the most clinical signs.
sensitive. Infection is also diagnosed in wild Pathology. The parasite causes nodular
felid species such as the Siberian tiger pneumonia with greyish, raised subpleural
(Panthera tigris altaica), the Amur cat (Felis nodules, 1-10 mm in diameter, releasing a
bengalensis euptilurus), the Eurasian lynx milky exudate rich in eggs and larvae, when
(Lynx lynx) and the wildcat (Felis incised. The nodules may coalesce, causing
silvestris)218,518,519 (personal unpublished large foci and confluent areas of
data). consolidation99. These areas may calcify in
An outdoor lifestyle, the environment (rural or chronic infections. Other lesions are:
urban area), the presence of respiratory bronchiolitis and peribronchiolitis, frothy fluid
symptoms with a different etiology, and in the lumens of the trachea.
young age are risk factors which favor the Diagnosis. Clinically, the disease is suspected
disease, increasing the receptiveness of the in patients with pulmonary syndrome.
animal545,356. Microscopic methods (Baermann, sedi-
Route of contamination is oral, by eating mentation-flotation with zinc sulphate
infected intermediate or paratenic hosts. solution) allow the identification of the larvae
Resistance of the exogenous larvae is in feces based on morphological characters.
superposable over that of snails, IH, Necropsy reveals nodular pneumonia.
temperature being the limiting factor. The Other methods of diagnosis are: stereo-
optimal tolerance interval varies between 18.8 microscopic examination of bronchoalveolar
and 29.5°C when 50% of larvae of A. lavage (BAL) fluid, cytologic examination of
abstrusus reached the infective stage, while BAL, thoracic computed tomography,
only 17.8% developed at temperatures of 6.7– angiographic computed tomography, thoracic
22°C136. radiographs, histologic examination of lung
Pathogenesis. The inflammatory action tissue, serology (ELISA), molecular biology
exerted by the eggs shed in the bronchioles (PCR). The Baermann technique is considered
and the migration of the first stage larvae (L1) the most sensitive test for the detection of the
up the bronchial tree is expressed by lesions in A. abstrusus infection308.
the alveoli, bronchioles and local arteries541. Differential diagnosis includes afrigore
Inoculation of bacteria by the larvae in their pneumonia, tuberculosis, pleurisy and other
migration is evidenced in the case of cardiorespiratory nematodosis.
secondary pneumonia following gastro- Treatment is based on benzimidazole
intestinal salmonellosis26. Adults, by their derivatives and avermectines. The following
mechanical action, may cause an obstruction substances and commercial drugs are used:
of the bronchiolar lumen and compensatory  fenbendazole, a granulated formulation of
emphysema. 22.2% active substance, at a dose rate of 50
Clinical signs. Often, infection with A. mg/kg-bw/day, 3 days, caused a temporary
abstrusus is clinically unapparent. In its mild decrease in the number of A. abstrusus
form, respiratory symptoms may appear and larvae434;
disappear gradually or suddenly. However,  imidacloprid 10% / moxidectin 1%
cough, sneezing, mucopurulent nasal (Advocate®, Bayer) according to label
discharge, reddish sputum, dyspnoea, instructions, cause a 100% reduction of larval
tachypnea, open-mouthed abdominal counts543;
breathing, bronchial crackles, heart murmur,  emodepside 2.1% / Praziquantel 8.6%
loss of appetite, even anorexia, weight loss, spot-on (Profender®, Bayer), administered

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4. Strongyloidoidea respiratory and digestive disorders in young

animals, poorly maintained in terms of
The Strongyloidoidea superfamily is included
hygiene and food. It is a cosmopolitan disease,
in the Rhabditida order, Cephalobina suborder
spread around the globe, with an uneven
and is divided in three families, more or less:
distribution depending on the conditions and
Steinernematidae, Rhabdiasidae and
level of social life and the development of
Strongyloididae. The inclusion of two other
animal husbandry. The incidence of the
families, Panagrolaimidae and
disease in humans is higher in tropical areas,
Alloionematidae, in this superfamily, is
but in animals it is also frequent in temperate
controversial; there is also the version of the
superfamily Panagrolaimoidea as systematic
Etiology. The Strongyloides genus contains
taxa in which they are comprised.
approximately 50 species, widely prevalent,
It comprises parasites characterized
parasites of the gastrointestinal tract in
morphologically by a mouth opening without
mammals, birds, reptiles or amphibians56. The
processes of the lips, an amphidelphic and
most important species in veterinary medicine
didelphic reproductive apparatus in females
and a monorchic one in males, which have no
 S. stercoralis, parasitizing the intestine in
copulatory bursa. The cuticle has narrowly
humans, primates and dogs;
spaced striations. In terms of life cycle, they
 S. fülleborni, common species in
are parasites of insects and other animals
chimpanzees and baboons, may cause
characterized by the presence of the "Dauer"
infections in humans;
stage. This is an arrested development stage
 S. ransomi is an important parasite of
which develops as a response to harsh
piglets in tropical areas;
environmental conditions29,30.
 S. westeri, parasite of the small intestine
This taxon represents a group of nematodes,
in foals, zebra and, possibly, pigs;
zooparasites and zoopathogens, of which the
 S. papillosus, is the common species of
most important from a medical veterinary
large and small ruminants, but can be found in
point of view is the genus Strongyloides,
the gut of pigs, rabbits, and rats;
whose members cause strongyloidosis.
 S. myopotami, located in the gut of coypu,
Its name is derived from the Greek, in which
better known for the skin disorders it causes;
strongylos means round and eidos shape,
 S. martis, detected in the small intestine
which etymologically means round shape and
of mustelids, considered to be a synonym of S.
refers to the cylindrical body of parasites.
 S. ratti, a common nematode of the rat’s
4.1. Strongyloidosis in animals digestive tract;
The family Strongyloididae consists of  S. avium affects birds, domestic and wild
heterogonic parasites (a generation of fowls, localized in the caecum and small
parasites is followed by a free-living intestine;
generation). According to Anderson et al.1, the Morphology. Parasitism is only achieved by
family includes three genera: parthenogenetic females capable of mitotic
Parastrongyloides, Leipernema and reproduction, without males.
Strongyloides, the last comprising species that Morphologically, they have a small
are important to human and animal health. cylindrical body with lengths ranging between
Definition. The disease is a zoonosis caused 2 and 7 mm and 0.05-0.06 mm in diameter. At
by nematodes from the genus Strongyloides, the posterior end, it has a blunt-ended tail. At
which manifests itself clinically by skin, the anterior end, it has a very small buccal

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capsule, also called the stoma, whose Ambient temperature, around 20oC, variable
morphology is a criterium for species from species to species, is the limit of
identification. differentiated evolution. Below 20°C, mainly
The stoma of the Strongyloides genus, in the infective L3 larvae will develop, the cycle
apical view, can have four distinct forms being homogonic, and above 20oC,
depending on the name, number, size, shape preponderantly females will evolve. In
and attachment site of submarginal and/or immunologically intact animals, most of the
intra-stomal linguiform or verruciform larvae will develop into males. In previously
projections: simple, angular (S. martis), infected animals, which have an enhanced
complex (S. papillosus and S. myopotami), immune response, more larvae develop into
and simple but with esophageal teeth (S. free-living males than in naïve animals, for all
ransomi)50. Strongyloides species15,54.
The esophagus is observed through the Immunosuppression of the host reduces the
transparent cuticle. It is elongated, straight- proportion of larvae that develop into free-
sided (filariform) measuring 0.6-0.8 mm in living males20.
length, extended throughout the anterior third Environmental oxygenation and thickness of
of the body55,56. The vulvar opening is placed the feces layer also influence the way of
at approximately two thirds along the body exogenous development. Females develop
length, in the anteroposterior direction. The only under semiaerobic conditions in the thick
females do not contain male gonads and there smears or overlaid feces. If these conditions
are no male parasites. are lacking, the L1 larvae, initially hatched,
The females are ovoviviparous; the typical will become infective filariform L3 larvae19.
egg is oval-shaped, has a thin shell and is Intrinsec control of the pathway of the free-
embryonated when shed, measuring 40-60 x living stages is also realized by the two
20-36 μm in size. t contains a larva folded on classes of neurons placed on amphidia of
itself, with a "U-shaped" appearance. larvae, ASF and ASI, which act together3.
Life cycle. Members of the genus Parasitic females develop in the mucosal
Strongyloides have a particular life cycle in lining of the proximal part of the small
which parasitic parthenogenetic females and intestine in hosts where they feed on the tissue
environmental free stages, males and females, of the internal organs, which include the
succeed. The exogenous phase may evolve in intestines and the lungs. They lay
two ways: heterogonic, when free-living embryonated eggs which are passed in the
adults and sexual reproduction are developed, feces. In the external environment, the eggs
and homogonic, when direct infective L3 hatch and release the first-stage larvae (L1).
larvae are formed. Control of this They may develop into infective third-stage
differentiated exogenous evolution is achieved larvae (L3), below 20oC (homogonic cycle), or
by extrinsic factors, with particular reference into free-living males and females
to ambient temperature and oxygenation, or (heterogonic cycle), above 20oC.
by intrinsic factors, involving the immune The homogonic (or direct, or asexual)
status of the host and nervous system of the evolution consists in L1 molting twice via L2
larvae54. The eggs shed by parthenogenetic into the infective filariform L3 stage. The
females may evolve as males, females or heterogonic (or indirect, or sexual) cycle
infective L3 larvae. Exogenous temperature consists in three successive molts of L1,
influences the development of female progeny resulting in L2-L4 stages and, finally,
or infective L3 larvae while the immune status rhabditiform mature males (haploid) and
determines the evolution of male progeny. females (diploid), which represent the free-

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living adult generation. The males copulate  migration through the naso-frontal region
females and these will lay eggs which hatch (confirmed for S. ratti L3 larvae), from where
and release a new generation of L1. These they are presumably swallowed and reach the
larvae molt twice, turning into filariform intestine66;
infective L3 stages, i.e., contaminant elements.  transmammary contamination is favored
The L3 larvae leave the mass of feces in which by the dormancy state or arrested
they have evolved and move away. This development of L3 larvae. It presumably
behaviour enhances their chance to find a consists in stopping the migration through the
host. The majority of Strongyloides spp. beget mammary gland and the larvae will stay in
only one free-living generation; however, up hypobiosis until lactation. During lactation,
to nine generations are possible. the larvae re-activate and continue their
The animals become contaminated, through migration to the newborns. This stage is
multiple ways: percutaneously, perorally, evidenced in almost all species which affect
transmammarily (galactogenic), transplacen- domestic animals, S. ransomi, S. westeri, S.
tally or by autoinfection. The most common is papillosus, S. stercoralis, in S. fuelleborni of
the penetration of skin (percutaneously) by humans, several species affecting livestock
infective L3 larvae. and S. ratti, S. venezuelensis in
Multiple ways of internal migration are also rats2,25,32,36,52,61,69. Nevertheless, trans-
possible, varying from one species to another. mammary contamination is demonstrated in
The following have been confirmed: dog and foal;
 percutaneous contamination and lung  several authors proposed transplacental
migration through blood circulation in S. transmission in order to explain the early
stercoralis and the majority of Strongyloides infections in young newborn animals11,62. It is
species. The L3 larvae penetrate the blood demonstrated in pigs infected with S.
capillaries in the skin and migrate to the heart ransomi61;
through the posterior vena cava or hepatic  autoinfection is an interesting way of
portal system, right ventricle, pulmonary contamination in which eggs hatch and the
artery, lung parenchyma, alveoli, where they first-larval stage develops in the gut.
break their wall and go out into the respiratory Filariform L3 infective larvae develop in the
tree. They move up the trachea and pharynx intestine and later invade the intestinal
and will be swallowed, thus reaching the mucosa or perianal skin, and perform a lung
intestine; migration before establishing themselves in
 oral contamination is performed during the intestine;
feeding with milk or by fodder. The larvae During all these migrations, L3 molt once
pass through the mouth and penetrate the resulting in L4 and, finally, in mature females.
mucosal lining of the pharinx or esophagus The prepatent period is variable from one
(being destroyed by gastric secretions). They species to another, the interval ranging from 3
reach the lungs migrating through the to 17 days.
bloodstream. After that, via the bronchi, Epidemiology. Three major mechanisms are
trachea and pharynx, they are swallowed and involved in the epidemiology of infection.
reach the intestine; These include the existence of free-living
 migration through muscle tissue - is heterogonice stages that ensure the survival of
demonstrated in S. venezuelensis in rodents, non-parasitic forms for a while, multiple
where larvae were found in muscles after routes of contamination, and a very short
percutaneous infection65; prepatent period.

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Geographical distribution. In the context The data set out above demonstrates that the
mentioned above, Strongyloides spp infections species of the Strongyloides genus are spread
have a worldwide distribution. mainly in tropical and subtropical regions
Regarding the infection with S. ransomi, in characterized by warm weather and moisture.
Europe it has been diagnosed in former The sources of contamination are the
Czechoslovakia (0.7%)27, Romania (20% parasitized animals, sometimes humans,
breeding sows, 8-20% weaned piglets, 2.5-5% fodder and litter containing L3. Mechanisms
fatteners, personal unpublished data), but it of dissemination of the parasites amplify
was found to be lacking in piggeries in the during spring and autumn when the
Netherlands14. In the Nordic countries exogenous parasitic cycle occurs directly. The
(Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and amount of environmental pollution in infected
Sweden), the overall prevalence has recorded foals can reach 30.000 fecal EPG12,51, then it
low values, ranging from <0.1% to 3.5% in can decrease to under 17.000 EPG. Farming
boars and fatteners. The infection was not of young animals (piglets, lambs, calves) in
diagnosed in Finland, while Iceland is at the unsanitary shelters with wet floors stimulates
opposite end of the scale, with high values, the appearance and severe evolution of the
ranging between 4.4% and 11.8% in lactating disease.
sows and in weaners48. Susceptibility of animals depends on multiple
S. stercoralis is present in all tropical and intrinsic (species, sex, age, breed, pregnancy)
subtropical regions of the world but several and extrinsic (management, climate,
areas of low endemicity are spread in malnutrition, evolution of other diseases and
countries of Europe (Italy, France, Spain, parasite control program) factors49,5,69. The
Switzerland, and Poland), the United States, youth of all species, especially piglets, calves
Japan, and Australia. It can also occur in and foals, in the first months of life, is very
temperate climates. It is primarily spread in vulnerable. Males seem more susceptible than
areas rich in dogs, where humans and animals females, but data obtained worldwide,
frequently interact. In North America, it is especially in the case of horses, does not
found especially in large cities, but a high confirm this. The breed also plays a role in the
prevalence is also recorded in Asia, Africa, different levels of sensitivity to infection. S.
South America, and in parts of the former ransomi evolve more severely in the
Soviet Union47. Hampshires breed, intermediate for
S. papillosus is distributed worldwide, crossbreds, and least severely for Durocs24.
particularly in warm, humid areas. Routes of contamination are: percutaneous,
S. avium is spread in tropical and subtropical peroral, transmammary, transplacental and
areas, preferentially in Africa, recording a low autoinfection.
prevalence of 2% in Ghana43, 9.96% in Resistance. Temperature, humidity and direct
Kenia22, 1.1% in Uganda57, 11.1% in Nigeria6 sunlight are the environmental factors that
or 67.7% in roosters and 53.3% in hens, in have the most pronounced impact on the free
Malaysia44. forms of the Strongyloides genus. All these
S. westeri is spread throughout the world, factors have favorable individual values for
registering a prevalence of 1.5% in foals in each species, but several common features can
central Kentucky and Pakistan33,49, 7.2% in be differentiated.
horses and 12.34% in donkeys in Turkey68, The optimal temperature range in the case of
6.05% in the Sudano-Guinean climatic zone the exogenous development is between 23 and
of Cameroon28, 17.2% in North Gujarat, 25oC, when the hatching is done in 6-10
India42 or 20% in Southern Ethiopia40. hours, the development of the adult is

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completed in 42-48 hours, and infective organism and particularly on digestion and
filariform larvae appear after 68 hours. absorption, accentuating malabsorption.
Development is considerably slowed between Immunity. The immune mechanisms are
15 and 16oC. Hatching requires 24 hours; the intensely studied in infections with S.
development of adults requires 96 hours and stercoralis, the common species in humans
that of the infective larvae, 6 days. At least 20 and carnivores. The acquired resistance
hours were needed for the hatching of the first against filariform infective L3 stage is
egg between 10-11oC, 73 hours for the mediated by the B lymphocytes while
development of the first adults and 166 hours activated eosinophils stimulate T cells to
to the first occurrence of infective larvae. In develop antigen-specific immune responses.
contrast, at 40oC and above, there is no Eosinophils also operate as an antigen
evidence of any development of the presenting cells for the induction of the
exogenous stages9. Free-living males and primary and secondary Th2 immune
females prefer an ambient temperature of responses, indicating an essential role of these
around 30oC, while filariform infective L3 cells in the interface between innate and
develop better at 20oC41. acquired immune responses21.
In reference to humidity, the eggs do not Complex larval antigens determine the
develop below 87% relative humidity and formation of allergic, precipitating and
between 25 to 30oC. The eggs may survive for protective antibodies in animals. These induce
30 hours at 81% and for a maximum of 18 resistance to reinfection of the hosts. Trans-
hours at 73%. The larvae exhibit poor colostral immunity transfer is proved in S.
resistance to desiccation39. ransomi infections of piglets38. Vaccination of
Pathogenesis. The strength of the pathogenic pigs using infective and attenuated larvae is
effects exerted by larvae during migration or followed by a strong protective state caused
by female parasites in the intestines depends by the metabolic larval antigens37.
on the intensity of parasitism and the general Clinical signs. The disease evolves clinically
condition of the host. Three stages of parasitic expressed in lambs, piglets, young coypu,
aggression can be distinguished: invasive, rabbits, dogs, and only rarely in calves and
pulmonary, and intestinal. foals. The clinical pattern consists in a
The invasive stage caused by larvae in the succession of cutaneous manifestations,
skin and subcutaneous tissue consists in respiratory disorder and digestive symptoms
traumatic action, expressed by haemorrhages, correlated with larval migration and the
swelling and tissues damage. The inoculation development of females in the gut; however
action, with bacterial input, complicates the several particularities depending on the
pathogenic effects and causes local species have been recorded. Cutaneous
inflammation. In the pulmonary stage, the disorders consist in erythema, papules, itching
larvae traumatize lung tissue expressed by and dermatitis, which are transient, often not
lung infiltrates and wheezing. The observed. These are followed by transient
mechanical-traumatic action of juvenile or respiratory symptoms with cough, dyspnoea
adult females, during the intestinal phase, is and fever or feverish states. Finally, certain
expressed by sloughing of patches of mucosa digestive symptoms are expressed, namely: a
and ulcers. Chronic fibrous inflammations are capricious appetite, mucous, hemorrhagic,
caused by the females. Inoculation of bacteria smelly and blackish diarrhea, excessive
in the intestinal lesions can lead to septicemia weight loss, anemia and hypothrepsia. The
and death of the animal. Parasitic metabolic disease may come to a fatal end in 2-3 weeks
products have general toxic effects on the host

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or up to 2 months when animals become hemorrhagic enteritis, ulcers, bowel wall

cachectic, non reactive. edema and parasitic granulomas are caused by
Infection with S. papillosus starts with a the Strongyloides spp. parthenogenetic
dermatitis, which may evolve to foot rot in females.
sheep, followed by inconstant digestive In S. papillosus infections, the typical lesions
disorders. Intermittent diarrhea containing are: dermatitis, erosion of the intestinal
blood and mucus, loss of appetite, even mucosa, local haemorrhages and enteritis. S.
anorexia, and weight loss may occur. Sudden ransomi larvae cause dermatitis, hemorrhages
death following cardiac arrhythmias in the lungs, and the females cause petechial
(ventricular fibrillation preceded by sinus hemorrhages in the intestinal mucosa and
tachycardia) has been recorded in lambs and enteritis. S. avium females cause enteritis and
calves64,67. a thickening of the walls of the cecum with
S. westeri larvae cause, during their migration, the disappearance of the typical pasty cecal
skin irritation and dermatitis followed by contents, the cecal discharge being thin and
respiratory distress. Adult worms produce bloody. S. stercoralis infections are mostly
erosion of the intestinal mucosa with acute nonpathogenic, but in heavy infections there
diarrhea that may lead to weakness and may appear an extensive loss of the intestinal
emaciation. surface. The migrating larvae may also
In the initial stage of infection with S. damage the lung parenchyma. Infections with
ransomi, dermatitis appears and may resemble S. ratti and S. venezuelensis are associated
sarcoptic mange. The respiratory stage of with dermatitis and eosinophilic pneumonia,
migration is inexpressive, but the digestive without obvious intestinal damages.
phase is expressed by diarrhea, dehydration, Diagnosis. Epidemiological data (affecting
general unthriftiness, loss of weight, listless youth grown in precarious hygiene and
and dull animals, inappetence, adynamia and nutrition conditions) and the clinical exam
death with a high mortality rate, of around (the triad of digestive, skin and lung
50%. disorders) are indicative. The coproscopic
S. stercoralis causes loss of appetite, watery examination using ovoscopic (flotation tests)
or mucoid diarrhea, dysentery, dehydration, or larvoscopic (Baermann) methods is a
loss of weight, listlessness, weakness and method of certainty in the case of the
death. intestinal form. The diagnosis of dermatitis is
During infections with other species, which difficult due to the short period needed for
are important to veterinary medicine, there larval penetration and secondary infections.
may appear bloody diarrhea in birds infected For the accuracy of the necropsy, scrapes
with S. avium, local dermatitis in S. ratti, from the affected intestinal segments are
larval penetration and hyper-responsivity of sampled. These are examined under a
the airways and death in S. venezuelensis microscope or magnifying glass highlighting
infection. the adult parasites. Immunodiagnosis by
Pathology. The lesions, discrete in moderate different methods (IFI, ELISA) proves the
infections, may sometimes get worse, in that presence of specific antibodies.
there appear papules or sinuous haemorrhagic Differential diagnosis includes colibacillosis,
cords in the skin, dermatitis in the sub- salmonellosis, eimeriosis, cryptosporidiosis,
abdominal, perineum, sternum and limb other gastrointestinal helminthosis, viral
regions. Micro-haemorrhages or swelling and enteritis, specific or afrigore lung diseases,
exudate containing eosinophils may occur in scabies, drug dermatitis, allergy and eczema.
the lung, caused by larvae. Catarrhal or

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Treatment. Imidazothiazole and injection (ERI) showed an efficacy of over

benzimidazole derivatives, and avermectins 98%45;
are generally, effective against infections with S. stercoralis
Strongyloides spp. Particularly, the following  albendazole in a dose of 100 mg twice
have been tested for each species of daily for three days, prevents the subsequent
Strongyloides: development of infection in normal and
S. ransomi immunosuppressed dogs18;
 fenbendazole, 3 and 5 mg/kg of body  paraherquamide, an oxindole alkaloid
weight, respectively, on 3 successive days, metabolite of Penicillium paraherquei and P.
expressed different efficacy: 59% at 3 mg/kg charlesii, at a dose rate of 2.0 mg kg bw,
and 81% at the second dose59; single oral dose, expressed a good efficacy
 ivermectin, 100, or 500 microgram/kg of (91%)53;
body weight demonstrated 66% to 100%  ivermectin, 200 micrograms/kg of body
efficacy60; weight was 100% effective in removing adult
 doramectin, at the rate of 300 parasites from the intestinal tract of the
micrograms/kg bw was 99.9% and 100% experimentally infected dogs34;
effective in natural infections and 100% in  thiabendazole, once a day for 3
induced infections58,70; consecutive days at 50 mg/kg and
S. westeri fenbendazole, once a day for 3 days at 50
 ivermectin, 200 mcg per kg body weight, mg/kg removed adult parasites from dogs17,23;
injected intramuscularly, showed more than Control. General hygiene measures, ensuring
99% efficacy in foals31,35; the physiological comfort and improvement of
 ivermectin, 1.87% commercial paste qualitative and quantitative nutrition are
formulation at the dosage 0.2 mg ivermectin required.
per kg applied orally demonstrated a 99.2% Hygiene measures include: maintaining the
efficacy10; floors and bedding dry, removing feces, and
 moxidectin, 2% gel formulation at the applying current disinfection procedures. The
dosage of 0.4 mg moxidectin per kg bw, raising of young animals in cages (piglets),
applied orally was 100% effective10; indoors on a wire mesh floor (lambs), on a
S. papillosus steel mesh grate (calves), and in mesh cages
 fenbendazole and febantel, each at a dose (animal fur), is a technological barrier to
rate of 5 mg/kg bw in sheep and goats have invasion. Human safeguards are needed
reduced the worm count by 89%, and 85% against S. stercoralis infections, in kennels
respectively16; and in hunting dogs.
 ivermectin, 200 micrograms/kg of body Periodic deworming in infected units leads to
weight demonstrated a 99.8% efficacy in the disappearance of the disease. Controlled
sheep71; release capsule (CRC) pr boluses may be used
 ivermectin at 50 micrograms/kg bw has a in the case of ruminants as method for long-
97% efficacy in goats63; time control. A capsule based on ivermectin
 moxidectin, 0.2 mg/kg bodyweight, (IVOMEC® MaximizerTM CR Capsule for
orally, was only 76% effective against adult Sheep, Merial Ltd.) prevented the
parasites in lambs4; establishment of Strongyloides papillosus by
 mebendazole, 15.0 mg/kg bodyweight, >99% as compared with the untreated
orally, was 58% effective in lambs4; animals46. Tannins introduced in feed (18 g of
 eprinomectin 5%, 1.0 mg Acácia negra containing 18% of condensed
eprinomectin/kg, in an extended-release tannin/animal/week), for 12 weeks, cause the

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decrease of the fecal egg count throughout the oligospora. Vet Parasitol. 1998 Apr
experiment. This substance demonstrates an 30;76(4):321-5.
9. Cordi JM, Otto GF (1934) The effect of
antiparasitic effect, and therefore represents various temperatures on the eggs and larvae of
an alternative for worm control in sheep7. Strongyloides. Am J Epidemiol. 19(1):103-
Evasive grazing can be recommended in 114.
10. Costa AJ, Barbosa OF, Moraes FR, Acuña
ruminants as the only control measure of the
AH, Rocha UF, Soares VE, Paullilo AC,
S. papillosus infection, considering that the Sanches A (1998) Comparative efficacy
larvae emerge within 2 weeks on pasture and evaluation of moxidectin gel and ivermectin
their survival is short13. Nematophagous paste against internal parasites of equines in
Brazil. Vet Parasitol. 80(1):29-36.
fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora at a 11. Enigk K (1952) Pathogenität und Therapie des
concentration of 2000 conidia/g feces Strongyloidenbefalles der Haustiere.
eliminates more than 99% of infective larvae, Monatshefte für Praktische Tierheilkunde 4,
providing a practical biological control agent 97–112.
12. Enigk K, Dey-Hazra A, Batke J (1974) Zur
against S. papillosus8. Klinischen Bedeuteing und Behandlung des
galaktogen erworbenen Strongyloides. Befalls
der Fohlen. Dtsch Tierärztl Wochenschr.
13. Eysker M, Bakker N, Kooyman FN, Ploeger
References HW (2005) The possibilities and limitations of
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5. Ascaridoidea these accidental hosts the larvae exert

pathogenic effects, known as "visceral larva
This superfamily comprises some of the
largest polymyarian nematodes, parasites of
Definition. These diseases are geo-
the small intestine in most species of domestic
helminthoses caused by nematodes included
animals. From a morphological point of view,
in the Ascarididae family of the Ascaridida
they are characterized by a cylindrical, equally
order, which affect and determine morbidity
calibrated and whitish body. They have
especially in young mammals, evolving
variable sizes and the mouth opening is
subclinically in adults. Sometimes, these
surrounded by three lips. Biologically, they
diseases evolve as technopathy in large-scale
are characterized by a monoxenous life cycle,
farming systems. Adult parasites live in the
the embryonated egg representing the
small intestine and cause digestive,
contaminant element. Paratenic and transport
respiratory, nervous and general disorders.
hosts may intervene. Each species realizes a
They are more common in malnourished
particular migration, which is responsible for
animals and poor housing conditions.
the typical clinical signs of disease. The
Etiology. The family Ascarididae is divided
generic name of the disease caused is
into 4 subfamilies: Toxocarinae,
ascaridoidosis, but there are specific names,
Multicaecinae, Ascaridinae, and Angusticae-
depending on the species involved.
cinae4. Each subfamily comprises, in turn,
The new systematics of the superfamily,
several genera.
proposed by Fagerhholm24, involves splitting
The subfamily Toxocarinae includes 3 genera,
it into 4 families (Heterocheilidae,
the most important being Toxocara, which
Ascarididae, Anisakidae, Raphidascarididae),
contains parasites of terrestrial mammals. The
which is sustained by the molecular analysis
former Neoascaris was subjugated to
of Nadler57,58 and Nadler and Hudspeth59. This
Toxocara by Warren96 due to the fact that the
new classification eliminated two families
differences are not significant enough to
accepted by Anderson et al.4: the
warrant a separate genus. The subfamily
Crossophoridae and the Acanthocheilidae, and
Ascaridinae includes 5 genera, Parascaris,
proposed a new one: the Raphidascarididae.
Ascaris and Toxascaris being the most
Anyway, more than 50 genera are described in
important ones for domestic animals. These
this superfamily.
genera are represented by the following
parasite species in domestic animals:
5.1. Ascarididosis in mammals  Ascaris suum, develops in the small
The Ascarididae family is of interest to intestine of wild and domestic swine;
veterinary medicine because it contains the occasionally it is an incidental parasite of
genera and species that parasitize domestic sheep and cattle.
animals: Ascaris, Parascaris, Toxocara and  Parascaris equorum, is localized in in
Toxascaris. These parasites cause equines, in the small intestine, and only rarely
ascarididosis in mammals. They are in the stomach.
characterized by well-defined lips at the  Toxocara vitulorum (syn. Neoascaris),
anterior end, surrounding the oral opening, a occurs in the small intestine of cattle.
curved posterior end with two spicules on the  Toxocara canis and T. cati, parasitize in
small curvature, and a monoxenous life cycle. the small intestine of canids and cats, T. canis
Adult parasites have strong host specificity, also causing visceral larva migrans in other
while the larval stages have no specificity and species.
may develop in diverse mammalian hosts. In

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 Toxascaris leonina, lives in the gut of blunt posterior end. The eggs are subspherical
felids, sometimes canids. in shape, 80 to 90 μm in diameter, and the
 Baylisascaris procyonis, parasite of the shell is finely pitted (figure 27.4).
rabbit. Males of Toxocara canis (figure 26C)
Morphology. The species of the family measure 8 to 14 cm in length by 0.2 – 0.25
Ascarididae have a stout cylindrical body, mm in diameter, and females measure 10 to
equally calibrated, slightly sharp at the ends, 18 cm in length and 0.25 to 0.3 mm wide. The
whitish to pinkish in color. At the anterior body is pale pink, curved ventrally at the
end, the mouth opening is bounded by three anterior end and posseses cervical alae. The
lips. The posterior end of the male is curved, posterior end of the males is ornamented with
crutch-shaped and has two spicules and narrow and finger-like appendages, caudal
pericloacal papillae on the lower curvature. alae and two small winged spicules. The
The posterior end of the female is straight and vulvar opening is situated in the anterior
sharp. The sizes of ascarids vary from species quarter of the body. The eggs are subglobular
to species with a pronounced sexual with a variable diameter, between 75 to 85
dimorphism, the females being larger than the μm, and the surface of the shell is pitted
males. (figure 27.3).
A. suum (figure 26A) males measure 15 to 31 Adults of Toxocara cati (figure 26D) are very
cm long and 2 to 4 mm wide and the females similar to those of T. canis. They can be
20 to 49 cm long and 3 mm to 6 mm wide. differentiated by the aspect and sizes of the
The mouth is surrounded by three equally cervical alae in T. cati, which end abruptly
calibrated lips. The color of the cuticle is and are shorter and broader than those of T.
pinkish. The spicules are stout and measure canis. The spicules of T. cati are longer than
2.0 to 3.5 mm in length. The vulva is placed in those of T. canis. The length of the parasites
the anterior-to-middle part of the body. Eggs varies between 3 to 7 cm in males and 4 to 10
have a yellow-brownish thick shell with small cm in females. The males have the same
mammillated proteinaceous knobs arranged as appendages as T. canis. The eggs are smaller,
a coat that covers the exterior part of the shell. measuring 70 μm long and 65 μm wide, and
Eggs are oval-shaped and measure 50 to 80 the shell is more finely pitted (figure 27.5).
μm long by 40 to 60 μm wide. he eggs are Toxascaris leonina (figure 26E) is
not embryonated when passed (figure 27.1). morphologically similar to T. canis, but it is a
Parascaris equorum (figure 26B) has a stout bit smaller, the male measuring 2 to 7 cm in
body, being one of the largest ascarid species. length, and the female, 2 to 10 cm. The
The size of the male varies between 20 to 27 anterior end of T. leonina is straight and the
cm in length and 3 to 4 mm wide and that of spicules are wingless. Eggs are subglobular,
the female, from 35 to 40 cm in length by 5 75 to 85 μm long by 60 to 75 μm wide, and
mm wide. The lips are highly developed, their shell is nonpitted and smooth (figure
prominent, having the aspect of a cudgel at the 27.6).
anterior end. The eggs are brown, round, 90 to The female of Baylisascaris procyonis
100 μm in diameter and have an albuminous, measures 20 to 22 cm long and the male is 9
thick and slightly pitted shell, the granular to 11 cm long. Pericloacal roughened areas
content being condensed into the center of the are present at the posterior end of the male.
egg (figure 27.2). he egg is oval, brown, 63 to 88 μm in length
The size of Toxocara vitulorum is similar to and 50 to 70 μm wide, has a thick shell and
that of A. suum; it has a stout whitish body contains a single large, embryonic cell.
and semitransparent cuticle, small lips and

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eggs embryonate in proper ambient conditions

represented by variable temperature, between
28 and 30oC and 95 to 100% R.H. in all
species. Slightly acidic soil stimulates a
relatively rapid development of eggs99. The
first-larval stage remains inside the egg and
molt once resulting in the second larval stage,
that does not leave the egg. Thus, a
contaminant element represented by the
embryonated egg that contains the second
larval stage (L2) is developed. Animals
become infected by consuming embryonated
eggs. The eggs hatch and the larvae penetrate
into the intestinal wall. Further, the larvae
migrate differently, depending on the species.
In Ascaris suum and Parascaris equorum
infections, the larvae accomplish a lung–
tracheal migration. It consists in the
movement of the larvae to the liver via the
portal system, reaching the right ventricle,
pulmonary artery and lungs. The larvae leave
the bloodstream through the alveoli wall and
migrate up the trachea and pharynx. Here,
they are swallowed and return to the gut
where, following a final molt, they maturate.
The prepatent period varies between 42 to 56
days in A. suum and 72 to 115 in P. equorum.
Species of the genus Toxocara (T. canis, T.
cati and T. vitulorum) perform migrations
differentiated by the age and physiological
state of the animals.
In adult animals, the larvae perform a somatic
Figure 26. Morphology of ascarids: A. A. migration. The L2 larvae enter into the
suum; B. P. equorum; C. T. canis; D. T. cati; intestinal capillaries and follow the same route
E. T. leonina; a. anterior end; b. posterior end; as in the previous migration, up to the lung.
1. lips; 2. cervical alae; 3. spicules; They return in the left heart through
pulmonary veins and disseminate into the
The life cycle is homoxenous; it takes place body by the systemic circulation and remain
by alternating the parasitic stages with the in the same stage after arriving in the tissues.
exogenous phases. Adults develop in the small In pregnant bitches, the larvae pass the
intestine, particularly in the duodenum, where placental barrier and localize in the liver of
they feed on the intestinal chyme. They may fetuses until birth. Postpartum, the larvae
migrate erratically in the stomach, esophagus, continue their migration to the lung, trachea
bile duct and duct of Wirsung in heavy and intestine. This systemic migration
infections. The females lay eggs that are facilitates transplacental and transmammary
passed in the environment through feces. The contamination, considering that the larvae

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which migrate through the mammary gland Danish industrialized sow farms29. In
are transmitted to the newborns after birth. Romania, a variable prevalence was recorded
Paratenic and transport hosts may intervene in for A. suum infections, i.e., between 4 to 40%
the transmission of T. canis. in weaned pigs and 5 to 37.5% in fatteners,
In young animals, 5 to 6 weeks to 3 months of depending on the breeding system, i.e., large
age, the hatched larvae perform a lung– farm or household, respectively15.
tracheal migration. Worldwide, the infection was also diagnosed
T. cati has a completely different life cycle, in Tanzania (44.3%), Burkina Faso (40%),
meaning that transplacental infection does not Kenya (28.7%), Uganda (40%), Japan
occur and the larvae perform a lung-tracheal (14.7%), China (12.18%) and Korea
migration. (17.6%)31,41,50,64,65,90. This data demonstrates
The prepatent period is variable, between 30 that African countries continously record a
days in T. canis, 55 in T. cati and 70 in T. high prevalence, explainable, probably, by the
vitulorum. existence of moist and warm biotopes,
The eggs of T. leonina hatch in the gut, and favorable for the development of the eggs.
the larvae penetrate the wall of intestine where Parascaris equorum was identified in 22.4%
they remain for about 2 weeks. They return of the foals in central Kentucky in 2003 and
and mature in the lumen of the intestine, 39% in 200443,45, 0.9% of horses in Germany
performing a so called local migration. The between 1998-2002 and 11.3% over a 17-
prepatent period is 50 to 63 days. month period in an abattoir22,73, 12% in
The larvae molt twice on the migratory route working horses slaughtered for meat in
in the course of all these types of migration. Poland39 and in 5% of equines in the State of
The first molting usually occurs in the lung São Paulo, Brazil71. The prevalence of
(or wall of the intestine for T. leonina), and infection in donkeys was 51.1% and 16.2 %
the second in the lumen of the gut, followed horses in Ethiopia27, 23.3% in Mexico28,
by the development of mature adults. The 21.6% in working horses in Lesotho 95 and
lifespan of adult parasites varies between 9 12.2% in working horses in Urmia,
and 12 months. northwestern Iran92.
Epidemiology T. vitulorum occurs in regions located up to
Geographical distribution. All species 50o north and 40o south latitude93. Its
involved in the etiology of ascarididosis are prevalence varied between 0.0% in dairy
cosmopolitan species, widely prevalent among cattle and 1.8% in beef cattle from Costa
domestic and wild animals. The prevalence Rica34. In the periurban zone of Bamako,
varies depending on species and region. Mali, the prevalence of infection in calves
Infections with Ascaris suum were recorded in varied between 0.9 and 7.6% according to
the last ten years throughout Europe. The age97. The overall prevalence of infection was
prevalence was between 1.5%22 and 7% in 0.77% in creole Calves of Guadeloupe48. The
sows26 in Germany. In the Netherlands, the prevalence in calves in north central Florida
parasite was found in 50% of free-range differed according to age: 17.6% in calves less
farms, 72.7% of organic and 11.1% of than 3 months of age, 0.4% in calves 3-4
conventional farms, the fatteners being months of age and 0.9% in calves over 5
significantly more infected21. In England, the months old16. The same age-dependent
national monitoring program of A. suum variation was recorded in southern Punjab,
infections performed in abattoirs revealed a Pakistan, the prevalence being higher in
prevalence of around 4% between 2005 and calves (25.6%) than in adult cattle (8.1%), the
201083. A. suum was found in 76% of the differences also occuring in the case of

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buffalo: 35.4% in calves and 4.3% in adults5. sexual longevity and prolificacy of the
The mean prevalence of T. vitulorum in five females and differs from species to species.
provinces of northern Lao PDR was 25.5% in Egg-production in A. suum is extended for a
buffalo and 20.9% in cattle72. period of 55 weeks, registering a peak of 27
Toxocara canis is widely spread and recorded million eggs daily during the 14th week68.
different values of prevalence in dogs, Total egg output through feces during 24
worldwide: 2.2% or 6.1 % in Germany8,22, hours in P. equorum infection varied from
25.0% in Osaka Prefecture, Japan38, 12.4% in 2.690 to 1.115.40047. The egg count per T.
hunting dogs in Denmark2, 13.0% in central vitulorum female per day registered a mean
Italy77, 5% in Costa Rica86, 36.4% in dogs, in value of 110 000 ± 58 00078. T. canis females
the North West Bank, Palestine69, 15.5% in maintained in vitro conditions in an RPMI
Minas Gerais State (southeast Brazil)30, 6.2% 1640 medium have expressed a maximum
in a rural community of Yucatan, southern production of 16900 eggs/female/24 hours101.
Mexico80, 7.6% in dogs from Zambia66, The food and water that contain embryonated
20.62% in Western Pomerania, Poland94, eggs are the main sources of animal
75.7% in dogs in Tirana, Albania98, and contamination. The hair of adult dogs infected
26.9% in dogs in Romania55. with embryonated eggs at a rate of 36.2% may
Toxascaris leonina and Toxocara cati were be a source of contamination for puppies91. In
diagnosed in stray cats in the Lisbon species with systemic migration (bitch, cow),
Metropolitan Area, Portugal, scoring a pregnant females are sources of contamination
prevalence of 1.4% and 10.8%18. These for fetuses and newborns in the neonatal
species have recorded low values of period. The earthworms Lumbricus terrestris
prevalence, 0.2% for T. leonina and 0.8% may serve as paratenic hosts or even
respectively for T. cati, in feral cats from intermediate hosts for Ascaris suum, being the
urban and suburban districts of Qatar1. In source of animal contamination81.
private-household cats which visited Susceptibility. The youth from birth up to 5 or
veterinary clinics in Japan, the prevalence was 8 months, or 2 years in horses, is more
6.2% in T. cati and 0.2% in T. leonina responsive, in all species. The morbidity of
infections32. Both nematodes were also adults is lower. A number of factors increase
diagnosed in Finland, the prevalence recorded responsiveness: malnutrition, intercurrent
being 5.4% in T. cati and 0.2% T. leonina illness, physiological factors (pregnancy),
infections61. In the northern region of the Nile immunosuppression, etc. Neonatal exposure is
delta, Egypt, T. cati recorded a prevalence of an important risk factor for newborns, being
9.0% and T. leonina 5.0% in stray cats37. able to cause the increase of persistence and
The data presented above proves the global size of adult worm burden53. The keeping of
spread of infections due to ascarids, caused by horses on silvopasture has determined the
the great ecological plasticity of the highest prevalence of the ascarid eggs in
exogenous elements that are able to develop in feces25.
adverse environmental conditions. Route of contamination is oral by ingesting
Sources of contamination. The perpetuation embryonated eggs that contain the second
of the parasites in nature through the larval stage.
development of their perennial life cycle is Resistance. The increased resistance of the
ensured by the existence of two categories of eggs recognized by their ability to survive in
sources: those that pollute the environment unsuitable environmental conditions facilitates
and those which contaminate the animals. The the emergence of diseases, after several years,
environment pollution rate depends on the in the same foci. It is known that, in a

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favorable environment, the survival of the exerts an antiparasitic activity against egg
eggs lasts up to five years. There are also development62.
natural ecological factors or artificial elements Some species of fungi can inhibit the growth
in the environment that destroy the eggs. The of ascarid eggs. The mycelium of two fungal
majority of studies focus on highlighting the species, Metarhizium flavoviride and M.
resistance of A. suum eggs to the action of anisopliae, inhibits the development of eggs33.
various environmental factors. Low Trichoderma spp., Fusarium complex solani
temperature, between -10 and - 20 oC, slows and Acremonium spp. fungi exert an ovicidal
down the development of the eggs of A. suum activity on Toxocara canis eggs in the soil17.
and reduces their capacity to embryonate20. Pochonia chlamydosporia fungus negatively
The high hydrostatic pressure at a dose rate of influenced the development of T. vitulorum
241 megapascals (MPa) or more for 60 s eggs11.
inactivates the eggs of A. suum, which lose From an epidemiological point of view, the
their ability of embryogenesis82. Ensiling pathogenicity of the Toxocara larvae in
conditions do not destroy the eggs of A. suum humans should be considered, because
even if their viability is diminished12. The ingestion of embryonated eggs by humans
eggs of the same species were destroyed in cause visceral larva migrans, with multiple
biodrying compost, the high temperatures and clinical signs.
continuous drying being the major factors of Pathogenesis. Pathogenic mechanisms are
the inactivation13. The combined action of correlated with the evolutionary stage of the
urea, pH and temperature can inactivate the parasite. The larvae, during migration,
eggs of A. suum. High pH and 1% or 2% predominantly exert mechanical-traumatic,
addition of urea at 24oC inactivate the eggs allergic and inoculation actions. On the other
within 1 month67. Among disinfectants, the hand, large adults located in the small
quaternary ammonium salt has no effect on intestine perform preponderantly mechanical-
the A. suum eggs at 22oC at a 10-minute obstruction, spoliation, allergic and toxic
exposure; povidone-iodine at 100%, 50%, actions.
10%, and 1% has also no effect on the eggs at Traumatic action of the larvae consists in
22oC for 5, 15, 30, 60, or 120 minutes; phenol tissue destruction and hemorrhages in the liver
(5%) and cresol (3%) inactivated 100% the around the intralobular veins. In the lung they
eggs40. All eggs of A. suum are completely damage the blood vessels causing petechial
destroyed in 3 hours in anaerobic digestion hemorrhages. In the case of somatic
conditions at 55oC. The incubation at 37oC migration, these hemorrhagic lesions may
does not affect the survival of the eggs during appear in the brain, muscle and other organs
the first 48 hours. 10 days are needed for the in which the larvae migrate. Allergic action is
complete inactivation35. developed by the larvae, especially in re-
The elements of the flora and fauna of the infections, and consists in eosinophilic
aquatic environment exert different actions on granuloma formation, mainly in the lung.
the eggs of ascarids. Some species of algae Inoculation action is demonstrated for many
damage the eggs at early stages of bacterial infections (Salmonella spp.,
embryogenesis or in its late stages. Other Escherichia coli, and Streptococcus
species are neutral towards the development pneumoniae), amoebae in the liver,
of eggs. The season, through differences in pneumotropic viruses and fungi9.
gas exchange, influences the development of The mechanical action of the adults is due to
eggs. The lysozyme excreted by the mollusk the mobility of the ascarids, their large size;
massive infestations in some situations are

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reflected by a brutal mechanical action, with immunity can be induced by transmmamary

catarrhal enteritis, forming of large balls of transmission of the antibodies through the
parasites that cause obstructions, occlusions colostrum, and it has been demonstrated in
and blockage of the intestinal transit or, rarely, piglets and puppies60. Cross-resistance
perforation of the intestinal wall. Erratic between A. suum and Nippostrongylus
movements in the bile ducts, Wirsung duct, in brasiliensis infections was demonstrated in
the stomach or esophagus cause obstruction of mice23. It is experimentally proved that
their lumen and dyskinesia, respectively antigens obtained from the eggs of A. suum
jaundice and pancreatitis. The adults affect the induce a very good immune protection87.
resistance of the gut wall to the pressure and Clinical signs. The clinical signs are more
cause it to decrease significantly51. severe and polymorphous in young mammals
Spoliation is favored by the localization of the and attenuated, uncharacteristic in adult
adults in the small intestine, especially in the animals. They are dominated by the digestive
duodenum. They consume large amounts of symptoms preceded by respiratory signs.
substances from the intestinal content, Feverishness or fever meay appear in bacterial
selectively amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, superinfections. The nervous, metabolic and
vitamins (group B, C) and minerals, causing skin disorders may occur during the evolution
deficiency metabolic disorders (hypogly- of the diseases. Some particularities
cemia, rickets, hyperkeratosis). depending on species, age and the intensity of
The allergic action follows the hyper- parasitism have been recorded.
sensitivity of the organism caused by the The piglets and youth between 3 and 8 months
antigens of adults and is clinically expressed are predominantly affected by A. suum.
by urticaria, edema, haematological changes Respiratory signs occur 2 weeks pi, consisting
(eosinophilia), asthma and seizures. in an initially dry cough followed by a
Toxic effects are due to the metabolic productive cough. Superinfections aggravate
products, especially ascaron, a toxic peptone respiratory signs. The digestive symptoms
present in coelomic fluid, and other appear subsequently, with abdominal bloating,
endotoxins, released after death, and constipation alternating with diarrhea,
disintegration of ascarids. Some toxins bulimia, weight loss, stopped growth, anemia
neutralize the digestive ferments causing and rickets. In massive infections appear
disorders such as diarrhea, coprostasis and colics, jaundice and death consecutive to
malabsorption by alteration of membrane bowel obstruction. Nervous signs consist in
permeability36. The absorption of toxins from epileptic seizures, intra or post-prandial
the intestine induces blood circulation convulsions and often peri-umbilical itchy
disorders (hypotension, bradycardia), seizures, skin may appear. In adult pigs, the signs are
epileptic phenomena, alteration of frequently inconspicuous.
hematopoiesis, anemia, poikilocytosis and Parascaris equorum infection develops in the
anisocytosis. Some toxins have insulinotropic foal at the age of 3 to 12 months. Incubation
actions that aggravate hypoglycemia. varies between 12 and 20 days. The severe
Immunity. The infected host develops a pulmonary signs appear during spring and
strong immune response against parasite autumn. Subsequently, digestive disorders
antigens. Immuno-protective, para-immune occur: capricious appetite, diarrhea alternating
and allergic phenomena are involved. Post- with constipation, dense and dry feces covered
infection resistance demonstrates the by mucus, colic, sometimes pica, abdominal
intervention of innate immunity or acquired bloating, growth retardation and anemia. The
premunition immunity. Passive acquired skin lacks elasticity and horripilation occurs.

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Intestinal wall rupture may evolve with The "visceral larva migrans" can be detected
symptoms of peritonitis, and chronic rickets. in various animal species, but it is important
In adult horses the disease is benign or in human pathology.
inexpressive. Pathology. The lesions can be systematized in
Toxocara vitulorum infection affects calves two categories: caused by larvae during
from the neonatal period up to 8 months of migration and by adults, respectively, in the
age. The neonatal forms evolve in an acute intestine. The larvae cause damages with
and toxic manner, with severe depression, reduced severity at the first infection,
adynamia, profuse diarrhea, hypothermia and consisting in linear or petechial hemorrhages
death within 2 to 3 days. Digestive disorders and necrosis in the liver and lung. The lesions
evolve in the young animals: decreased are more severe in reinfection due to the
appetite, anorexia, polydipsia, bloating, allergic action and are represented by edema
diarrhea, and colic; they often occur after the of the intestinal mucosa, infiltrations in the
suckling period. The animals lose weight and mesenteric lymph nodes, bronchopneumonia,
their growth stagnates. lobular pneumonia, hepatitis followed by
Toxocariasis in dogs evolves from the cirrhosis, encephalosis with eosinophilic
neonatal period (at 2-4 weeks) until granuloma and pancreatitis.
adulthood. It may evolve severely, expressed Adult parasites cause catarrhal duodenitis and
by anorexia, dysgeusia, vomiting, abdominal jejunitis, intestinal obstruction, volvulus and
bloating, coprostasis, dysenteric diarrhea intestinal perforation with peritonitis, liver
(liquid faeces, yellowish, smelly), colic and cirrhosis, pancreatitis in erratic movements in
dehydration. Epileptic seizures and rabies-like the Wirsung duct and jaundice of the
symptoms can evolve, followed by normal connective tissue in the bile duct occlusion.
behavior. Pruritus and urticaria are present. Diagnosis. Intra vitam is difficult to achieve.
Malnutrition causes deficiency disorders such It may be suspected based on the respiratory
as rickets, hyperkeratosis, growth stagnation disorders in young animals kept in poor
and hypochromic anemia, favoring the conditions of hygiene and nutrition. The
development of other diseases (Carre disease, intestinal disease may sometimes be easily
infectious gastroenteritis). Respiratory signs diagnosed in dogs, cats or piglets when their
are rarely reported in dogs. In cats, the disease vomit contains adult ascarids or when adults
occurs after weaning, and is expressed by are spontaneously eliminated through feces.
predominantly digestive and general Identification of characteristic eggs in the
disorders, similar to those of the dog. feces using flotation techniques is a method of
The complications of ascarididosis may occur certainty (figure 27).
in mammals in massive infections with adult Necropsy allows the observation of the adult
parasites that cause subocclusion, obstruction parasites in the lesions in the intestinal lumen.
and intussusception, with serious disorders, Serological methods have been tested (indirect
pains and colic, especially in foals, calves and immunofluorescence, ELISA, indirect
puppies. Intestinal wall rupture and peritonitis hemagglutination test) in swine, carnivores
may evolve in foals. Obstruction of the bile using various allergenes obtained from eggs,
duct, biliary stasis and jaundice are relatively larvae or adults.
common in piglets. Bronchopneumonia Differential diagnosis includes broncho-
following bacterial and viral superinfection pneumonia with a different etiology, digestive
may evolve in all species. helminthosis, food poisoning, colics caused by
other factors.

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Figure 27. Eggs of ascarids species: 1. A. suum; 2. P. equorum; 3. T. canis;

4. T. vitulorum; 5. T. cati; 6. T. leonina;

Nervous syndromes need to be differentiated age in order to prevent the development of T.

from Aujeszky's disease and sodium chloride vitulorum adults, consecutive to transplacental
poisoning in pigs. Toxocarosis in dogs and or transmammary infections. The first
cats must be differentiated from rabies, anthelmintic treatment of foals is made at 3
toxoplasmosis, Carre disease, epilepsy. months of age and twice per year in adults,
Treatment. Imidazothiazole and during the spring 14 days before pasturing and
benzimidazole derivatives, avermectines and in autumn, 14 days after stabling. The puppies
the ancient piperazine salts are the drugs most and kittens are dewormed at 2 or 3 weeks of
widely used in animals. The doses and age against T. canis fetal contamination,
efficacy expressed by different active contamination which can also be acquired via
substances in natural and experimental the milk. Adult dogs and cats are treated
infections with ascarids are shown in table 14. quarterly.
Control. The complex preventive measures Deworming will be followed by mechanical
cover some general available actions, as well cleaning and disinfection by flaming or using
as other more specific actions. The first disinfectants applied at high temperature.
category includes the hygiene of the shelters, Among the disinfectants, cresol compounds
body and food. Specific measures refer to have an ovocidal effect at high
regular deworming of animals and concentrations .
disinfection of pens, paddocks and Destruction of the eggs in the environment by
maternities. artificial methods is virtually impossible.
Deworming differs by species. Anthelmintic They are characterized by a high viability in
treatments of pigs are performed at 5 to 6 days the environment, up to 4 years. However,
before new entries in the shelters and at 2 to 3 direct sunlight and dry soil will destroy the
months of age in piglets. The first deworming eggs in a few weeks.
of calves must be applied at 2 or 3 weeks of

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Rotation of pens, preferably every 10 days, that were not used previously by the adults,
and the access of the youth to new pastures will raise the degree of animal protection.

Table 14. Anthelmintics used in treatment of ascarididosis in mammals

dose rate (mg/kg bw)/efficacy (%)/author

substances T. canis, T. cati,
A. suum P. equorum T. vitulorum
T. leonina
200/99-10088 200-500/98-9984
dichlorvos 17.0/10049 20.0/10047
trichlorfon 40.0/1008
levamisole 8.0/97.949 7.5/97*/83**79
febantel 6.0/100*79
febantel-pyrantel- 15-5-5/
praziquantel 80-100 Tc Tl56
thiabendazole 44.0/10046 66.0/35*79
fenbendazole 3.0/92.4 10.0/80.044 5.0/8516
15/97.6 Tc/
oxibendazole 10.0/97.044
100 Tl70
oxfendazole 30.0/1003 10-50/10019 4.5/89**79
pyrantel pamoate 13.2/97.375
emodepside +
Tc, Tl76
0.3/100*/ 0.2/96.9 – 100
ivermectin 0.2/99.97
90.3**-94.4**10 7,42,100

moxidectin 1.25/98.389 0.4/10014 0.2/99.57

doramectin 0.3/10074 0.2/98.77
eprinomectin 0.5/1006
Tc, Tl52
spinosad +
milbemycin oxime
Tl, Tc85
SD – single dose; * efficacy against immature parasites; **
efficacy against mature parasites; Tc
Toxocara canis / T. cati; Tl Toxascaris leonina;

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6. Heterakoidea Definition. It is a cosmopolitan intestinal

helminthosis affecting wild and domestic
The superfamily Heterakoidea is included in
birds, causing disease and mortality in
the order Ascaridida and contains parasites of
chickens and a subclinical evolution in adults.
caecum in birds and the large intestine in
The disease is prevalent worldwide, the
mammals. In amphibians and reptiles they are
incidence in some regions ranging from
restricted to terrestrial feeders. The taxon is
between 5 or 10% to over 40%. Prevalence is
divided in three families: Ascaridiidae,
higher in chickens in traditional backyard
Heterakidae and Aspidoderidae, the first two
farms, but foci also occur in large industrial
being important to veterinary medicine. The
farms, in chickens kept on permanent litter.
family Ascaridiidae contains the genus
Etiology. The nematodes found in the small
Ascaridia, its members causing ascaridiosis in
intestine, members of the genus Ascaridia,
birds, and only rarely in mammals. The family
Heterakidae includes the subfamilies
 Ascaridia galli (syn. A. lineata, Heterakis
Spinicaudinae, Meteterakinae, parasites of
granulosa) affects domestic chickens,
reptiles and amphibians, and Heterakinae. The
guineafowl, turkeys, pigeons, ducks, geese,
genus Heterakis is included in the last
and game birds and it is found in the small
subfamily and contains parasites in birds and
intestine. It may migrate erratically in the
one species in mammals.
esophagus, crop, gizzard, body cavity, liver,
Heterakoids are characterized by small, well-
oviduct and egg10,51.
developed lips that surround the mouth
 A. dissimilis is reported in the lumen and
opening, an infundibular stoma and an
wall of the small intestine in turkeys.
esophagus divided into three parts. The male
 A. numidae (syn. H. numidae) is localized
has a circular pre-cloacal sucker and two
in the lumen of the small intestine,
spicules. The female is oviparous and lays
particularly in the jejunum, or the cecum in
unembryonated eggs. They are monoxenous
partridges (Alectoris genus) and guineafowl
parasites; contamination is performed by
(Numididae family), and has been identified
consuming embryonated eggs.
in plumed (Guttera plumifera), crested (G.
pucherani) and helmeted (Numida meleagris)
6.1. Ascaridiidae: ascaridiosis guineafowl.
in birds  A. columbae are found in the lumen of the
The family Ascaridiidae contains only one small intestine in pigeons and doves, but may
genus, Ascaridia. The species of this genus migrate erratically in the esophagus,
are common parasites of the small intestine of proventriculus, gizzard, liver, or body
fowls and have a cosmopolitan distribution. cavity71.
Morphologically, they are characterized by  A. compar are localized in the small
large and stout lips, club-shaped esophagus, intestine of grouse, pheasants, partridges, and
without a posterior bulb and with an absent quail.
anterior cuticular flange. They are Morphology. A. galli (figure 28) has an
monoxenous geo-helminths. The disease in elongated, cylindrical, large, thick, and
birds is called ascaridiosis according to whitish to yellowish, semitransparent cuticle
SNOAPAD and must be differentiated from of the body, tapering towards both ends. The
the infection with Ascaris suum, which is male measures 50 to 76 mm in length and
called ascariosis, the parasite belonging to 1.21 mm in width, while the female is 60 to
another superfamily. 116 mm long and 1.8 mm wide. At the
anterior end, the triangular mouth opening is

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delimited by three denticulate and unequally to the anus orifice. It is oval or circular and
calibrated lips, without an interlip. At the has a chitinous wall. The female has the
posterior end, the male has two narrow, fine, vulvar opening in the anterior part of body.
smooth, and membranous caudal alae or The females are oviparous. The eggs are oval-
cuticular membranes and 10 pairs of papillae. shaped, measuring 75 to 80/45 to 50 μm,
The spicules are narrow, unequally calibrated, unembryonated when laid and have a thick
and blunt at the ends. The male has a preanal shell.
sucker, placed in an anterior position relative

Figure 28. Ascaridia galli: a) anterior end; b) posterior end (male); c) egg;
1. lips; 2. preanal sucker; 3. caudal alae; 4. papillae; 5. anal orifice;

A. dissimilis is very similar to A. galli. The Life cycle. The species of Ascaridia are
male measures between 35 and 65 mm long monoxenous parasites. The adults live in the
and the female is 50 to 105 mm long. The specific intestinal segments and feed on
slender spicules have rounded ends and intestinal content. The unembryonated eggs
measure 1.3 to 2.2 mm long. Preanal papillae that are laid by the females are passed into the
are differently placed in relation to the preanal environment through feces. They embryonate
sucker, compared to A. galli. and the first-larval stage develop inside the
A. numidae is much smaller than A. galli. The eggs, in proper conditions of ambient
male measures 19 to 35 mm and the female 30 temperature, humidity, aeration, and
to 50 mm long. Two papillae are placed semiobscurity. The L1 stages molt once and
preanally and 2 adanally. The spicules are 3 remain in the eggs, which results in the
mm long and equal. embryonated eggs that contain L2, which is
The A. columbae male size varies between 50 the contaminating element.
and 70 mm long, and the female is 20 to 95 The birds become contaminated by ingesting
mm long. The male has a fourth pair of embryonated eggs. The infective eggs hatch in
ventral papillae placed adjacent to the anus, the intestinal tract (duodenum). Some larvae
and the spicules are long (1.2 to 1.9 mm) and penetrate the intestinal mucosa and molt to the
equal. The male of A. compar is 36 to 48 mm third-larval stage. This stage returns to the
long and the female 84 to 96 mm. intestinal lumen where they molt again in the
fourth-larvar stage, which mature into adults.

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The other larvae remain in the bowel lumen Many other studies demonstrate the wide
and mature after successive molts. Arrested spread of the ascaridiosis in birds, worldwide.
development of L3 larvae of A. galli may Sources of contamination are diverse and
develop during the life cycle, the antibodies of numerous, due to a broad specificity and the
the host being involved in the induction of this increased resistance of ascarids eggs. The
state19. The prepatent period varies between 1 most important are the diseased or clinically
and 3 months depending on the Ascaridia inapparent birds, dead birds and the visceral
species and the age of bird. The eggs develop mass that contain adult ascarids, accessible to
within 28 days at temperatures between 15 animal vectors. The droppings, litter,
and 16oC; their development takes 8 to 10 earthworms, grasshoppers, and other vectors
days between 30 and 33oC and 80% humidity, that can convey the eggs represent additional
and 10-12 days at 28oC. Earthworms and reservoirs. The environmental pollution in
grasshoppers may intervene as potential contaminated flocks is high due to the high
paratenic hosts. They ingest the eggs, which prolificacy of females, reaching 170.000 eggs
remain infective to chickens. per female. In normal environmental
Epidemiology conditions, about 50-60% of the eggs laid by a
Geographical distribution. Infection with female evolve, the remainder being destroyed.
different species of Ascaridia is spread A higher concentration of infected eggs is
worldwide; different levels of prevalence have consequently recorded, in the litter as
been recorded. compared with the ground. This may be
A. columbae has affected 1.8% of band-tailed explained by the higher (approximately 70
pigeons (Columba fasciata fasciata) examined times) stocking rates inside the poultry house
in Colorado, USA50. In wild doves (Columba and by the long period spent by the litters
livia) from the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, within the house compared to the run39.
infection with this species recorded a 8% Susceptibility. There are significant
prevalence11. A. columbae occurred also in differences in terms of the receptivity
26% of the white-winged doves (Zenaida behavior of birds to the infection. Various
asiatica asiatica) from Texas, USA14. stressors (overcrowding, thermal discomfort,
A. galli was most prevalent in domestic fowl thirst, immunosuppression and chronic
(Gallus domesticus) from Uganda diseases) accentuate susceptibility.
(Ssenyonga, 1982), Turkey (16%)30, India70, The chickens are, generally, more susceptible
Cameroon (51.6%)40, and in grey-breasted than adult birds. Among the adult birds, the
helmet guinea-fowl (Numida meleagris hens are more easily infected compared with
galeata) in Nigeria5. A. galli recorded a roosters. Within the species, differences of
variable prevalence, between 3.9 and 37.3% in breed and individual sensitivity are recorded.
commercial broiler chickens from Arkansas69. The breeds with a high production of eggs,
A. dissimilis was diagnosed in wild turkeys such as the Leghorn, are more susceptible to
from Kentucky and Tennessee (83%), infection than mixed breeds (Orpington,
Connecticut (52%), Arkansas, USA6,20,59. Rhode Island). It seems that this resistance is,
A. compar was found in 33.33% of rock actually, genetically induced53.
partridge (Alectoris graeca saxatilis) in the The undernourished bird populations with
Trentino province of Italy57. vitamin (vitamin A, B, B12), mineral and
A. numidae was identified in helmeted and protein deficiencies are exposed to infection.
crested guineafowls from Musina, Limpopo Fodders that contain 11% protein determine
Province, South Africa26. the increase of infection intensity and
prevalence compared to the chickens fed a

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diet containing 19% of protein. The addition ecological ones, temperature, humidity, pH
of vitamin B2 to the feed containing 11% and oxygenation. Age and anthelmintic
protein induced a low intensity and prevalence resistance are important among the intrinsic
of the infection24. factors.
An ascarid species related susceptibility is Generally, the eggs of Ascaridia spp. are
demonstrated. In A. galli infection, the considered highly resistant to environmental
chickens have manifested more severe clinical conditions. They may survive for several
signs and lesions than turkeys and guinea months in suitable conditions of moisture and
fowls, while in A. dissimilis the chickens are temperature.
resistant and the turkey’s very receptive21. The temperature is the most important factor
The breeding system is an important risk in terms of egg resistance. The eggs do not
factor in poultry farming. The A. galli develop for 42 days between 5°C and 10°C.
infection registered different prevalence rates Development occurs in 7 days at 30°C. The
depending on the poultry production systems: decrease of temperature determines a
63.8% in the free-range/organic systems, prolonged period of egg development, as
41.9% in the deep-litter systems, 5% in the follows: 25°C, 14-days; 20°C, 21-days and
battery cages, 37.5% in the backyard system, 15°C, 90-days. The lowest temperature
and was not identified in the broiler/parent favorable for the development of the eggs is
system54. 15°C. The upper limit of the temperature
The age of the birds is another risk factor that range at which the eggs may develop is above
affects sensitivity, the prevalence rate being 35°C68.
higher in growing chickens. In Morogoro, Around 95% of the eggs develop in 90%
Tanzania, A. galli was more prevalent in relative humidity; under 90% R.H., 97% of
growers (69%) than in adult (29%) free-range the eggs were completely developed; several
chickens36. The susceptibility of birds is not eggs survived in 70% R.H. after 16 days. At
influenced by the age and sex of the animals, 0% and 50% RH all eggs were dead68.
in the case of Ascaridia infections, other than A. galli eggs are very sensitive to detergents,
A. galli. No significant differences were found sodium n-octyl-sulfate and alkyl-aryl-
in the prevalence of A. columbae between sulfonates being the most active25.
adult (42.0%) and young pigeons (41.9%), or The eggs in the environment are sensitive to
males (46.7%) and females (38.2%)62. the action of plants. Different extracts inhibit
The season influences the evolution of the development of A. galli eggs. Dust, fresh
infections, the prevalence rate being higher in juice and extract of bishkatali (Polygonum
the autumn compared with the summer hydropiper), neem (Azadirachta indica) and
(Senlik et al., 2005). papaya (Carica papaya) impregnated in litter
Route of contamination is oral, through can be used for inhibition23.
ingestion of infective eggs. Consumption of Pathogenesis. Populations of worms act by
earthworms or grasshoppers is another way of complex mechanisms, causing intestinal
contamination for birds. disorders similar to infections in mammals.
Resistance. The dissemination and remanence The pathogenicity is due to mechanical
mechanisms of the foci of the disease are also interventions, inflammation, spoliation action,
conditioned by the resistance of eggs against toxic and inoculator effect. The mechanical
the interaction of ecological factors. The action is due to the large sizes of the parasites
factors involved in the survival of the eggs and consists in intestinal blockage. The
may be divided into two categories: extrinsic parasites may migrate erratically in the
and intrinsic. Extrinsic factors are the oviduct due to a less effective treatment,

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which does not kill the worms. Subsequent stage, paresis, pseudoparalysis of wings, pica,
inclusion in the egg may occur56. Local cachexia, and increased mortality can occur.
inflammation is due to the penetration and Egg production drops in laying hens.
development of larvae deep inside the Pathology. A. galli causes catarrhal or
intestinal mucosa. Local inflammation is due hemorrhagic enteritis, intestinal obstruction,
to the penetration and development of larvae atrophic thymus glands55. In pigeons, it is
deep inside the intestinal mucosa, but other responsible for liver microlesions: fatty
inflammatory processes, such as liver foci, degeneration and areas of coagulation necrosis
may be caused by the Ascaridia spp.45. The of the hepatic cells, mononuclear and
adults consume intestinal content and despoil polymorphonuclear cellular infiltrations in the
the hosts by significant amounts of necrotized areas. In the lung of pigeons,
carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus and hemorrhagic areas, congested blood vessels,
vitamins (A, B1). Consequently, the growth of and haemosiderosis are commonly found.
the animals is delayed, there occur rickets, Mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cellular
secondary hypotrepsy, a decrease in eggs infiltration developed in the peribronchiolar
production, all these favoring the emergence tissue and in the interalveolar septae. Necrosis
of other diseases. Parasitic toxins cause in the intestines, kidneys and myocardial cells
metabolic disturbances and thymus atrophy. are diagnosed2. A. dissimilis causes hepatic
The adults and larvae of Ascaridia spp. may granuloma in turkeys with the appearance of
inoculate bacteria (Salmonella enterica) or white foci44.
viruses (viral arthritis/tenosynovitis in Diagnosis. The clinical picture during
chickens - reovirus, encephalomyelitis virus - summer in chickens and autumn to winter in
pirocnavirus, avian infectious bronchitis virus adult birds is indicative. Identifying the eggs
- coronavirus)7,33. Despite its inoculation in feces using flotation tests has the
effect, A. galli demonstrate antibacterial disadvantage of possible confusion with eggs
properties, causing a frequency and a low of Heterakis spp. The egg of Ascaridia spp.
amount of microorganisms in the intestinal has convex sides, while the egg of Heterakis
content in A. galli infected hens49. spp. has slightly flat and parallel sides.
Immunity. Although it is a less studied field, Necropsy is a method of certainty and allows
the immune mechanisms identified in birds the observation of lesions and adult parasites
infected with Ascaridia spp. prove the in the intestinal lumen.
development of both types of immunity, i.e., Differential diagnosis includes other chronic
humoral and cellular. A. galli stimulates a gastrointestinal helminthosis and hypo-
strong antibody response. The IgG antibodies vitaminosis. In chickens it will be
are detected in blood and yolks for a period of differentiated from eimeriosis, trichomoniasis,
105 days postinfection38. The cell-mediated histomoniasis, and spirochaetosis.
immune mechanisms develop during Treatment. Highly-effective medications that
Ascaridia spp. infections37. include active ingredients of imidazothiazole,
Clinical signs. The disease evolves severely benzimidazoles and avermectins derivatives
in chickens, and subclinically, unapparently in are widely used:
adults. In heavy infections of the chickens the  fenbendazole, 5 to 10 mg/kg bw, was
symptoms consist in adynamia, misconduct, found to be >98% effective in the treatment of
decreased appetite, and diarrhea. Chickens turkey ascaridiosis73. At dose rates of 60.6
ppm and 30.3 ppm, the efficacy was 99.2 -
lose weight, stagnate in development, and
100% and 69.0 - 89.6%, respectively58. At 100
become anemic and emaciated. The disease mg/kg bw, it eliminated A. galli in 221 captive
persists and becomes chronic. In advanced birds of six orders and 38 different species32.

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 ivermectin, 0.3 mg/kg bw, broad caudal alae equipped with long, narrow
subcutaneously, was 90 and 95% effective papillae. It mainly includes parasites of birds,
against immature and adult worms, and, rarely, mammals3. The subfamily
includes three genera of which the most
 piperazine dihydrochloride, 64, 100 and
200 mg/kg was 86%, 60% and 100% effective important one is Heterakis, which contains
against immature A. galli43. A higher dose of parasitic species on ground-feeding birds,
500 mg/kg bw had a 61-83% efficacy in older especially Galliformes, and some species in
chickens52. mammals. The members of this genus cause
 pyrantel tartrate at dose rates of 50, 75, the disease called heterakiosis.
100 and 125 mg/kg bw showed a 43.9, 82.1, Definition. Heterakiosis is a geohelminthosis
92.8 and 99.1% efficacy on the third stage
spreaded throughout the world that affects
larvae of Ascaridia galli47. A reduced dose of
15 mg/kg bw was 18 to 100% effective in Galliformes, rarely Anseriformes. It evolves
chickens treated at 10, 20, 30 and 40 days pi. in all poultry farming systems as well as in
At a dose rate of 25 mg/kg, it was 14-44, 100, intensive units. The disease evolves as state of
100 and 99-63% effective48. latent parasitism or it manifests itself
 tetramisol, 40 mg/kg bw reached 89- clinically in chickens, showing severe
100% efficacy in young as well as older symptoms in pheasant chicks. It is caused by
worms of the genus Heterakis, being involved
 metriphonate, 50 mg/kg bw had no effect
against A. galii in chickens52. in the development of histomoniasis in broiler
 levamisole at a dose rate of 16 mg/kg bw turkeys.
in the drinking water was not shown to be Etiology. The species involved belong to the
highly efficacious, varying between 54 to genus Heterakis and are characterized by an
86%72. unequal body, pointed at the posterior end.
Control. Management is important in the
Ontogenesis is typical, monoxenous. The
control of the disease. Technological
species are:
measures are important. Chickens should be
 Heterakis gallinae (syn. H. gallinarum), a
separated from adult birds. Optimal conditions
cecal nematode of poultry (in ground feeders),
of microclimate, food hygiene, floors and
mainly chickens, turkeys, but also in ducks,
litter should be ensured Pens should be well
geese, grouse, guinea fowl, partridges,
cleaned and drained, rotated and deep, and the
pheasants, quail, turkeys and other wild
litter must be kept dry. Droppings should be
Passeriformes; it is spread worldwide;
removed from bird houses and chemo-
 H. isolonche in the ceca of pheasants,
prophylaxis must be applied. Disinfection will
quail, turkeys, grouse, prairie chickens, and
be performed periodically or at the end of
each technological process after depopulation
 H. dispar in the ceca of ducks and geese;
of the halls, according to the principle "all in,
it is relatively nonpathogenic;
all out".
Among species involved in mammals, Smales
mentions H. spumosa and H. fieldingi in the
6.2. Heterakidae: heterakiosis colon and caecum of rodent species64.
in birds Morphology. H. gallinae has a cylindrical
The family Heterakidae is morphologically body, slightly unequally calibrated, tapered
characterized by a mouth opening surrounded and sharpened at the posterior end, threadlike
by rounded lips not connected by interlabial in females, and slightly curved dorsally. The
lobes. The esophagus is short and stout and male measures 7 to 13 mm long and the
has a tri-valved posterior bulb. It includes the female is 10-15 mm long. At the anterior end,
subfamily Heterakinae, whose members have the mouth opening is surrounded by three

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small, equally calibrated lips. The esophagus contains the second larval stage. Bird
has a well-developed terminal bulb. Two contamination is achieved by ingestion of
narrow, lateral, smooth membranes are infective eggs through fodder and water.
extended along almost the entire length of the In the upper intestine, the eggs hatch and
body. The posterior end of males ends in a larvae reach the ceca. They burrow into the
subulate point and they have two large lateral cecal mucosa where they molt and, at 12 days
caudal alae, equipped with 12 pairs of postinfection, return to the lumen, where they
pedunculated caudal papillae. The preanal transform into adults that live free, not fixed
sucker is well-developed and the spicules are on the lining. The prepatent period varies
unequal, the right one being larger (0.85–2.8 between 25 and 30 days.
mm long) than the left one (9 0.3–1.1 mm Earthworms may intervene as paratenic hosts
long), which has a curved tip. The posterior which consume the eggs of Heterakis spp.
end of the females is long, narrow and One of the first records of the phenomenon in
pointed, and the vulva is situated slightly literature refers to the earthworm dung,
posterior to the middle of the body. The eggs probably Helodrilus parvus60. The eggs may,
are oval-shaped, very similar with those of the in turn, serve as carriers for the protozoan
A. galli, but with almost parallel sides, thick Histomonas meleagridis15.
shell, unembryonated when deposited, and Epidemiology
measure 63 to 75 per 36 to 50 μm. Geographical distribution. Heterakiosis has a
H. isolonche is similar to H. gallinarum, but universal spread, its prevalence depending on
noticeable differences occur in the spicules. the conditions in which the birds are kept, on
The size of the male varies between 5.9 and the high density in paddocks and birds houses,
15 mm in length, and the female is 9 to 12 on humidity, season, species, movements of
mm long. At the posterior end, the male has a wild birds and, not least, parasitic
preanal sucker measuring 70 to 150 μm in environmental pollution.
diameter, and the symmetrical spicules are The prevalence was 24.0% in free range
long (generally 1.4–1.9 mm) and equal. The chickens in subtropical humid areas, in
eggs are 65 to 75 by 37 to 46 μm. Jammu, India27. In coastal areas of South
H. dispar is a bit larger than the previous Africa, characterized by the same subtropical
species but similar in appearance, except for climate, the prevalence was higher, ranging
the spicules. The male measures 7 to 18 mm between 80 and 94.4%41. In a temperate
in length and has a large preanal sucker; its Mediterranean climate characterized by warm
spicules are short and equal. The female size and humid summers and cool and damp
varies between 16 and 23 mm in length. The winters, represented by the Samsun region in
eggs are 59–62/39–41 μm. Turkey, the prevalence was 29% in
Life cycle. A biphasic life cycle is performed: scavenging chickens30. In semi-arid areas of
a parasitic phase with larval and adult forms, Kenya, the prevalence in local scavenging
and an exogenous one, in which the chickens was 22.8%42. In the hot and dry
embryogenesis develops. Adult parasites live climate of Jordan, the disease recorded a
in their specific biotopes represented by the 33.0% prevalence in local scavenging
ceca of birds and feed on intestinal content. chickens1. In chickens originating from
Oviparous females lay eggs that are passed in comercial farms in Morocco, the prevalence
the environment through feces. was slightly reduced, namely 10%17. In
Embryogenesis consists in the development of commercial broiler chickens in northwest
the first-larval stage inside the egg and the Arkansas, H. gallinarum was found only in
first molt of L1 resulting in infective egg that

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two companies (1.9 and 7.5% prevalence) of extreme temperatures, or other organisms34.
the 119 examined69. The resistance of eggs in different biotypes
High levels of prevalence are also recorded in depends on the interaction of ecological
pheasant throughout the world: 37.25% in factors and may reach a year, even 4 years.
Eastern Europe (Poland and Romania)67, The eggs survive for 6 months at 4oC and,
between 78 and 100% in Britain9, and 84.1% during the winter on the ground covered by
in pheasantries in Germany13. snow, they remain viable until the following
The information presented above spring35. They are resistant to conventional
demonstrates that infection with Heterakis disinfectants.
spp. is more prevalent in pheasant than in Pathogenesis. Pathogenesis is dominated by
poultry. High prevalences are recorded in the mechanical and irritating-inflammatory
warm and humid areas, more so in free range effects, which are more pronounced in the
chickens than in commercial chickens. entero-parietal stage of larvae. These consist
Sources of contamination are the infected in a thickening of the walls, mucosal
birds that eliminate eggs and pollute the petechiae and the development of nodules in
environment. Although the prolificacy of the mucosa and submucosa. Hepatic
females is not great (around 617–621 EPG), granuloma may appear in chickens, and
heavy parasitism, with dozens of individuals verrucous lesions develop in pheasants. The
per bird (79.2±66), increases the great importance of these cecal worms is
environmental pollution index . The major represented by the carrier role of the eggs for
sources of infection for poultry are infective Histomonas meleagridis that cause the
eggs dispersed in the litters. These eggs are blackhead in turkeys.
consumed via food or water. Earthworms, as H. isolonche is highly pathogenic for
paratenic hosts, may intervene mainly in the pheasants causing a mortality rate that
contamination of pheasants. Grasshoppers and exceeds 50%. Inflammatory action determines
flies could transfer eggs of H. gallinarum lymphocyte infiltration and the formation of
mechanically12. On the other hand, the eggs of nodules in the cecal wall, composed of
Heterakis spp. are sources of contamination granulomata and fibrous hyperplastic tissue16.
with Histomonas meleagridis in chickens. The nodules may coalesce to form a thickened
Susceptibility. The highest level of wall.
vulnerability occurs in pheasants, followed by H. dispar is considered nonpathogenic.
chickens, web-footed birds (Anseriformes) Clinical signs. The disease evolves
being more resistant. Within the same species, chronically in adult fowls and web-footed
the chickens infected for the first time are birds, without noticeable symptoms. In
more sensitive, the disease evolving clinically, pheasants, especially chickens, the serious
with a high morbidity rate. Re-infected young disease progresses with increased mortality.
birds are more resistant than birds infected for The clinical picture in this species is
the first time. characterized by decreased appetite, greenish
Route of contamination is oral, through the diarrhea, growth stagnation, weakness, anemia
consumption of eggs or earthworms with food and increased mortality, if left untreated.
or water. Pathology. H. gallinae causes in pheasants
Resistance. The eggs of H. gallinae can diffuse typhlitis with congestion, petechial
survive in the ground for many years, hemorrhages, and a thickening of the mucosa.
especially on well-grassed ground. Areas of Mucosal and submucosal cecal nodules and
land with dense vegetation provide a better hepatic granulomas develop in severe cases.
protection of the eggs against desiccation, In chickens, it produces catarrhal or

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hemorrhagic typhlitis and a thickening of the  Ivermectin 0.5 mg kg bw pour-on showed

cecal wall. an efficacy rate of 59.14, 87.87, 97.65 and
H. isolonche causes in pheasants verrucous 99.57% in 1, 7, 21 and 28 days post
typhlitis. Whitish nodules, miliary or pea
 Albendazole, 10 mg/kg bw, 2 consecutive
grain size, give a crateriform aspect to the days, expressed a 100% efficacy22.
cecal mucosa. It can also cause the  Albendazole 10 mg/kg bw, levamisole 30
development of a neoplastic process18. mg/kg bw and oxfendazole 7.5 mg/kg bw, all
Diagnosis. Clinically, it is difficult to be tested in the H. gallinae infection of peafowl
confirmed. A coproscopic examination and (Pavo cristatus), expressed a variable but high
necropsy will be performed. Microscopically, efficacy, ranging between 95.6% for
albendazole, 97.3% in levamisole and 98.88%
the eggs will be detected using direct or
in oxfendazole4.
flotation methods in the patent period. It is As a modern alternative therapy, various types
possible to confuse the eggs of Heterakis spp. of plant extracts are tested in terms of their
with Ascaridia spp. eggs. The narrower eggs, anthelmintic activity.
having almost parallel sides, are Heterakis,  A natural plant extract named Parazitol,
while the convex sides are typical for containing thymus (Thymi herba), 0.05
Ascaridia. g/capsule (cps), propolis tincture 0.0005
Necropsy allows one to view adult parasites in g/cps, garlic (Alii sativi bulbus) 0.11 g/cps and
the cecal lumen and in the lesions. The aloe (Aloe vera) 0.03 g/cps, showed a
crushing of the whitish nodules, or mucosal moderate efficacy of 36% against H.
scrapings and microscopic examination allow
 The ethanol extract of the root bark of
the identification of numerous larvae, eggs Millettia pachycarpa at a concentration of 80
and adults. mg/ml caused destruction of the
The differential diagnosis will follow the morphological structure, severe distortion in
evolution of histomoniasis, eimeriosis, the cuticular organization throughout the
trichomoniasis or capillariosis, associated or body, collapse of the lips, contraction of the
body, prominent folding of the cuticle at the
not with heterakiosis. These diseases may
cephalic region and extensive disintegration of
worsen and complicate the lesions, and, the cuticle at the posterior end of H. gallinae.
consequently, the symptoms. All these alterations are unsuitable for the
Treatment. In the therapy of the disease, survival of parasites31.
conventional medications are used, consisting  Crude aqueous extract of Artemisia
of benzimidazole derivatives or avermectins, herba-alba reduced the egg output of H.
or modern alternative therapies. In the first gallinarum by 97.78% and the worm burden
by 96.07%, being one of the most efficacious
category, the following demoinstrated an
plant extracts against the nematode61.
increased effectiveness: Control. The measures available in the
 Flubendazole, 30 ppm achieved an control of ascaridiosis in birds are also valid
overall efficacy of 99.2% against H.
in the casse of this nematodosis. In addition,
gallinarum65. The removal rate of
fenbendazole for H. gallinarum varies the pens should be cleaned so as to obtain
between 78.6% at a dose rate of 15 ppm, for 3 improper conditions for the maintenance of
days, and 100% at 120 ppm for 3 days and 45 earthworm populations. Control of the
ppm for 6 days46. At doses of 80 ppm for 3 infection with H. gallinarum is only required
days and 48 or 30 ppm for 5 days, it showed a when histomonosis is a major problem. It is
100% efficacy against H. gallinarum74. An based on maintaining proper hygiene
even larger dose of this substance, of 100 ppm
conditions. It is necessary to segregate the
for 4 days, reduced natural infection with
Heterakis spp. by more than 90%29. species of birds from each other, to remove
and dispose the litters from houses of poultry.

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 Cheilospirura (Acuaria) hamulosa

7.1. Acuarioidea
inhabits the gizzard in galliforms: turkey,
Superfamily Acuarioidea contains small to
pheasant, quail grouse and guinea fowl.
medium-sized nematodes that inhabit the
 Dispharynx nasuta is localized in
upper alimentary tract mainly of birds, mainly
proventriculus in turkey, pheasant, partridge,
waterfowl, several species being involved in
quail, guinea fowl, grouse and pigeon.
mammals. Superfamily contains a single
 Echinuria uncinata parasitizes in
family recognized, the Acuariidae.
esophagus, proventriculus, gizzard, and small
Morphologically, they are easily recognizable,
intestine in duck and goose.
due to the cordons that extend from, or are
Morphology. C. hamulosa has a cylindrical,
restricted at the cephalic extremity, having
stout, equal calibrated and whitish body,
various aspects and associated ornaments
abruptly tapered at the anterior end. Male
which extend posteriorly from the oral
measures between 8.81 and 19.0 mm length
and 0.27-0.31 mm maximum width; size of
Biologically, all acuarioids females are
female varies from 9.76 to 25.0 mm length
ovoviviparous, laying embryonated eggs that
and maximum width between 0.27 and 0.54
contain first-stage larva. The life cycle is
diheteroxenous, differentiating the two
At the anterior end, the mouth is bounded by
general patterns of transmission, one in
two large triangular lateral lips. The worm
aquatic and the other in terrestrial
has, at the anterior end, four waved cuticular
cordons that extend posteriorly at least two-
thirds the length of the body, without
7.1. Acuariidae: acuariidosis in anastomosing or recurring anteriorly.
waterfowl The posterior end of the male is tightly coiled
Family Acuariidae is divided into 3 and has two wide caudal alae and two unequal
subfamilies (Acuariinae, Seuratiinae and and dissimilar spicules. The left one is slender
Schistorophinae) and number approximately and measures between 1.48–1.74 mm length.
40 genera and 300 species. The diseases The right is much smaller than previous,
caused by the members of the family are curved being only 0.22–0.26 mm long. Ten
called acuariidosis. pairs of papillae surround the cloacal orifice,
Genera Acuaria, Dispharynx and Echinuria, having a specific layout: three pairs are pre-
are some of the most important from family. cloacal situated, two pairs are ad-cloacal and
The diseases produced by the species included five pairs are post-cloacal placed.
in these genera are named acuariosis Posterior end of the female is pointed, and
dispharyngosis and echinuriosis, being vulvar opening is situated near the middle of
important for veterinary medicine. the body, posteriorly. The eggs are oval-
Definition. Acuariidoses are digestive shaped, thin shell, 40x27 μm being
biohelminthoses with seasonal evolution embryonated when laid.
during the summer, that affect gallinaceous Dispharynx nasuta has a cylindrical and stout
birds, waterfowl and pigeons. The diseases body varying between 3.6 and 6.4 mm long
evolve frequently subclinically or are and 0.14-0.30 mm width the male, and 3.26 to
manifested in young birds. 7.84 mm length x 0.25-0.60 mm width, the
Etiology. A large number of species are female.
involved in the causation of disease, but the At the anterior end, the mouth is delimited by
most important are: two pseudolabia, each equipped with one pair
of large cephalic papillae and one discreet

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amphid. The buccal capsule is short, and the Life cycle is indirect, diheteroxenous, realized
cuticle surrounding it is transversely striated. through intermediate hosts. Adult worms live
It has four wavy and convoluted cuticular in their habitats where females lay
cordons that originate at dorsal and ventral embryonated eggs. The eggs are eliminated in
sides of the mouth opening (the base of lips). the environment through feces. Intermediate
Cordons extend posteriorly to the posterior hosts ingest the eggs; grasshoppers
segment of muscular esophagus; then (Conocephalus), weevils (Oxydema,
anteriorly recurrent a short distance18,19. Sitophilus), beetles (Tenebroides, Tribolium),
Posterior end of the male is coiled; it presents and sandhoppers (Orchestia) are IH for C.
two well-developed caudal alae and a bluntly hamulosa, crustaceans (pill-bug,
rounded terminal end. Nine pairs of papillae Armadillidium vulgare and the sow-bug,
surround the anal orifice, 5 being postanal and Porcellio scaber) are involved in D. nasuta
four preanal. The spicules are unequal; the development and water fleas (Daphnia) are
largest is slender and curved, measuring 0.4 utilized by E. uncinata18. The eggs hatch and
mm length; the other is short, 0.15 mm long larvae will penetrate the tissues of IH (muscle,
and canoe-shaped (navicular). hemocoel) where they develop becoming
Posterior end of the female is short and infective, following two molts.
tapered, and vulvar opening is placed in the Birds ingest infected arthropod and become
fifth segment of the body, posteriorly. Eggs contaminated. In piscivorous birds that do not
are ellipsoid, thick shelled, 33-40x17-26 μm prey such small intermediate hosts,
and embryonated when laid. amphibians and fish intervene as paratenic
Echinuria uncinata has a slender body, hosts. They consume arthropods and the
whitish, attenuated at extremities. The male is larvae encapsulate in their digestive system
8-12.7 mm long and 0.3-0.5 mm wide; female retaining their viability and infectivity for the
is 12-18.5 mm length and 0.7-0.9 mm final hosts.
wide16,18. The third-stage larvae released from IH
Anterior end is round, and the cuticle is fine penetrate the mucosa of specific or adjacent
transverse striated and has four rows of (proventriculus for those that develop in
spines. The mouth opening is bounded by two gizzard) habitats. The larvae mature and
pseudolabia, each equipped with two cephalic become adults after two molts. Prepatent
papillae. Two pairs of cordons originate in the period varies between 30 and 50 days.
basis of pseudolabia and extend antero- Epidemiology
posterior being not recurrent but anastomosed Geographical distribution. All species are
posteriorly. worldwide spread recording different
Posterior end of the male is curved ventrally prevalences. In the state of Rio de Janeiro,
and shows 9 pairs of pedunculated papillae, Brasil, C. hamulosa prevalence in the
five arranged post-cloacal and four pre- pheasants was 14.3%; in chickens this value
cloacal. The tip of the tail has a button-like was 26.7%7. In India, the same species had
process; the spicules are unequal, dissimilar; 1.6% prevalence in backyard chickens in
the right is wider and shorter (205-250 μm) subtropical and humid zone of Jammu and
than the left one (550-725 μm) which is 3.5% in the indigenous chicken of Kashmir
slender and bell-shaped proximally. Valley9,14. In chicken farms, in the Gharb
Posterior end of the female is conical, short, region—Morocco, two acuarioids species
and its tip is rounded. The eggs are oval- were found: C. hamulosa (2.7%) and D.
shaped 28–37x17–23 μm being embryonated nasuta (5.3)8. In scavenger chickens in
when laid. Amhara region, Ethiopia, Dispharynx spiralis

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(syn. D. nasuta), another acuarioids species formed by parasites. Irritative-inflammatory

from the same genus, was more prevalent action is due to the striations and cuticular
(2.62%) than C. hamulosa (0.75%)6. In spines that produce catarrhal inflammations
chicken in the Van region, Turkey, only D. and edema of affected mucosa and
nasuta was identified (1%)12. In rural hypertrophic processes during chronic
scavenging poultry, in Tanzania, D. nasuta evolution. Parasites have hematophagous
has recorded 0% and 2.7% prevalence during nutrition exerting a spoliation action
the wet season and dry season, respectively, expressed by anemia, weight loss and
while the prevalence of C. hamulosa was emaciation. The intensity of parasitism
8.3% and 19.3%13. E. uncinata was identified determines the severity of pathogenic actions.
in different wild waterfowl species: green- Low infections with C. hamulosa cause little
winged teal, Anas crecca, from southwest damage; in heavy infections, the wall of the
Texas (1%)4, Anser indicus in the Lodz gizzard may be severe affected. D. nasuta
Zoological Garden, Poland20, in Laysan ducks may cause serious damages to the wall of
(Anas laysanensis) in Hawaii17 and in proventriculus due to the combined
waterfowl at Delta, Manitoba2. mechanical and inflammatory actions that
Sources of contamination are the infected consist in thickening and macerating of the
birds, intermediate and paratenic hosts. wall. E. uncinata inoculate bacteria into the
Susceptibility. A large number of domestic nodules formed in the wall of proventriculus.
and wild species of birds are susceptible to Clinical signs. Generally, the infections may
infection. Young birds are most receptive. evolve subclinical a long time, but when
Involvement of a high number of wild birds parasitism in young fowls is massive, pale
species increases the risk of transmission of comb and wattles, growth stagnation,
infections and rate of the diffusion of the weakness, and diarrhea may appear. The
diseases. Infection with D. nasuta is identified mortality may vary between 15 and 90% in
in 51 species of wild birds belonging to 9 chicken flocks after 4 to 8 weeks of evolution.
orders: Galliformes (14), Passeriformes (25), C. hamulosa is, generally, nonpathogenic and
Columbiformes (3), Piciformes (3), Grui- does not cause clinical signs despite the severe
formes (2), Charadriiformes Psittaciformes, lesions produced by worms11,14.
Cuculiformes and Coraciiformes, each with D. nasuta is responsible for gradually
one species. Infection with E. uncinata is droopiness and reduced activity of birds,
reported in 67 species belonging to 2 orders: retarded development in chickens and weight
Anseriformes (66) and Charadriiformes (1)5. loss in adults despite the voracious appetite.
Route of contamination is oral, by ingestion Massive infections are exhibited by anorexia,
of intermediate or paratenic hosts. emaciation and death.
Resistance. Resistance of eggs is not very E. uncinata infections in goslings and
well known because they are consumed by ducklings may rarely evolve directly with
intermediate hosts. It is estimated that their mortality, without previous clinical signs.
survival does not exceed 2-3 months, Chronic form is expressed by listless,
depending on environmental conditions in discoloring, untidy feathers, inability to flight,
which they are exposed. Dry substrate and the sternal decubitus position, weakness,
direct action of solar radiation have the awkward gait, with crossed legs, diminished
strongest adverse effects. appetite, lameness, difficulty in breathing,
Pathogenesis. Parasites act mechanically dysphagia with retching or choking when
obstructive, local, with narrowing of the attempts to feed, emaciation and finally
lumen of proventriculus due to nodules cachexia and death.

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Pathology. C. hamulosa causes hemorrhages, Aquatic IH that intervene in the life cycle of
nodular inflammation of the gizzard lining, E. uncinata are almost impossible to be
with soft nodules that enclose parasites. controlled, thus, reduction of birds exposure
Nodules may transform in ulcers, and mucosa has the same effect.
and koilin become thickened. Periodical deworming of birds in the area
D. nasuta produces ulcerative proventriculitis, where the disease evolves, followed by
multifocal petechial hemorrhages in the manure collecting and bio-thermal
vicinity of worms, thickening, and maceration sterilization contribute to control of diseases.
of proventriculus wall and the parasites are It is envisaged the interruption of biological
almost completely covered by the proliferated circuits of parasites in nature by confining
tissue. Proventricular glands are edematous, animals to runs on bare ground and stopping
infiltrated and finally destroyed. the birds to graze or to access polluted
E. uncinata determine nodular pro- pastures or pools.
ventriculitis; in chronic form nodules may be
transformed in abscesses. Sometimes, nodules
become granulomas.
Diagnosis. Right diagnosis presumes the References
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scavenging poultry in Tanzania in relation to Acuarioidea: Acuariidae), in passerine birds
season and climate. J Helminthol. 71(3):233- from the Area de Conservacion Guanacaste,
40. Costa Rica. J Parasitol. 90(5):1133-8.
14. Salam ST, Mir MS, Shahnaz S, Khan RA 20. Zuchowska E (1997) [Helminth fauna
(2009) Prevalence and the associated lesions Anseriformes (Aves) in the Lodz Zoological
of Cheilospirura (Acuaria) hamulosa in the Garden].[Article in Polish]. Wiad Parazytol.

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8. Habronematoidea 13 mm length and the female is 10-20 mm

long. At the anterior end has a well-developed
Superfamily Habronematoidea includes
buccal capsule. It is funnel-shaped, thickened
parasites in birds, mammals and fish, some of
anteriorly and devoid by teeth. At the
them very important of economically point of
proximal opening, the capsule is delimited by
view. Morphologically are recognizable based
two unlobed lips (pseudolabia) equipped with
on the presence of narrow pseudolabia and
sensory papillae. Two cervical lateral alae are
median lips. Biologically, are biohelminths
present. The posterior end of the male is
having heteroxenous life cycle and paratenesis
twisted and spiralled; anal orifice is delimited
may occur in certain groups. Superfamily is
by 6 pairs of pedunculated papillae. The
divided into four families: Habronematidae,
spicules are unequal, the left one being longer
Hedruridae, Tetrameridae and Cystidicolidae2.
than the right. The ovoviviparous female has
the vulvar opening in the middle of the body.
8.1. Habronematidae: H. muscae is a bit larger than previous
habronemosis in horses species, the male measuring 8-14 mm length
Family Habronematidae contains three and the female 13-35 mm. The body is
subfamilies: Habronematinae, Histiocepha- yellowish to orange in colour. At the anterior
linae and Parabronematinae. Its members are end shows a cylindrical buccal capsule
characterized by not globular and/or spiralled sometimes equipped with internal teeth, large
body, not inflated at the posterior end, and trilobed or entire lips (pseudolabia) provided
moderately sexual dimorphism. Pseudolabia with papillae, and interlabia that are shields of
are well-developed, large, cover median lips cuticle which overlap dorsally and ventrally
and show eight papillae on median lips. on pseudolabia. An unilateral cervical alae is
Family contains parasites of birds and present. The male has wide alae at the
mammals3. The diseases caused by the family posterior end, a variable number of pairs of
members are, generically called papillae, pre- and postanal and two unequal
habronematidoses. One of the most important and dissimilar spicules. The tail has a twisted-
in mammals is habronemosis of horses, spiral shape. Posterior end of the female is
produced by the members of genus cone-shaped and vulvar orifice is placed in the
Habronema. middle region of the body. The female is
Definition. It is a chronic biohelminthosis that ovoviviparous and lays embryonated eggs.
affects equines, clinically characterized by H. microstoma (Naem, 2007) has a cylindrical
gastric, cutaneous, conjunctival and body, whitish, slightly narrowed at the
respiratory disorders, with seasonal anterior end. The female is 15.5 to 25.5 mm
contamination during the summer, at pasture. long and 193.0 μm wide and the male
Etiology. The disease is caused by the measures 16.5–22.0 mm long and 145.0 μm
following species: wide. At the anterior end has a single lateral
Draschia megastoma, genus Draschia, is a alae. The mouth is surrounded by two bilobed
common parasite of the stomach in horses, lips, and numerous papillae are present. The
inhabiting especially into the fundus area. posterior end of the male is spirally twisted,
Genus Habronema represented by following and the spicules are unequal calibrated. Six
species: Habronema muscae and H. pairs of papillae surround the anal orifice.
microstoma (syn. H. majus), all localized into Vulvar opening is located in the middle of the
the stomach. body.
Morphology. D. megastoma has a medium- Life cycle. Life cycle is indirect,
sized and whitish body. The male measure 7- diheteroxenous. Adult parasites live in their

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specific habitat, the stomach of horses and Eurasia, America, Australia and Africa, as are
females lay embryonated eggs. The eggs hatch shown in table 15.
during intestinal transit or immediately after Sources of contamination consist of horses
elimination through faeces. First-stage larvae with gastric habronemosis, which release
are ingested by IH represented by the larval embryonated eggs, and muscids, IH that
stages of flies. A wide range of species may transmit the disease. The infection rate in flies
intervene: Musca domestica, M. tempestiva, may reach 16.2%, the males being more
M. vicinina, M. humilis, M. lusoria, M. infected (26.2%) than females (8.7%). The
terraereginae, M. ventrosa, Muscina origin of flies is importantly regarding the rate
stabulans, Stomoxys calcitrans, Lyperosia of infection the flies trapped outside the
viritans, Pseudopyrellia spp. and Sarcophaga shelters being more infected (20.9%) than
spp. The larvae penetrate the hemocoel of inside the buildings (1.1%). The burden of
insects and their metamorphosis is parasites carried by the flies is generally, low,
synchronized with insects’ development. the maximum number of larvae per fly being
Infective stages L3 are developed following 2927.
two molts. The third stage will migrate to the Susceptibility. The horse is more responsive
head of insects and will be transmitted to a than the donkey, within the family Equidae.
new horse when muscids feed on moist The working animals, with skin wounds are
surfaces, such as nostrils or mouth, but eyes more susceptible within the species than other
area or wounded skin may be, also, sites of categories (recreational horse, horse of
larval transfer. The larvae that are deposited exhibition). The animals kept on pasture
around the muzzle are swallowed and migrate represent another category of horses highly
to the stomach where become adults after two exposed to contamination. Transmission of
successive molts. The larvae that reach the disease inside the building is possible, but
eye or moist skin will not finalize their difficult to achieve, the activity of muscids
development but provoke an inflammatory being enhanced to pasture. Increasing the
syndrome called cutaneous habronemosis or density of muscids population is a risk factor.
summer sores. This may cause the death of Route of contamination in habronemosis is
larvae or the larvae may enter into the blood particular. It is not a transcutaneous
capillaries and migrate to the lungs where contamination itself and also, no oral. It may
cause pulmonal habronemosis. The larvae be expressed as a transfer of the Habronema
may, also, reach the lung entering through the larvae during feeding of flies into moist areas
nostrils and migrating backward. Here, they of the body. The sites of larval penetration
can cause another condition, pulmonary or into the body, following this transfer, are very
lung habronemosis. Erratically migration of diverse: oral, conjunctival, ocular or aerial.
the larvae through the brain, with Resistance of nonparasitic forms is directly
development of an adult female, is registered influenced by temperature and humidity of
in a mare18. fecal mass, reaching 30 days in summer
Epidemiology conditions. At temperatures between 25-30°C
Geographical distribution. Generally, the the larvae survive 6 to 7 days. At 5°C, in vitro,
disease has a low incidence being reported they remain viable for 28 days. Infective L3
during the summer as cutaneous larvae are very sensitive to dryness and die in
habronemosis, and in autumn and winter as a few minutes on dry substrates, outside the
gastric form. body of IH. The larvae survive longer and
It is worldwide distributed, recording different cause diseases on moist substrates such as
values of prevalence in many countries of

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Table 15. Prevalence of habronemosis in horses

continent country species identified prevalence% author

Morocco H. muscae, H. majus 95.8; 75.6 Pandey et al., 1981
Africa Ethiopia D. megastoma, H. muscae 100; 100 Getachew et al., 2010
Cameroon Habronema spp. 2.99 Lem et al., 2012
South Pereira and Vianna,
Brazil H. muscae 5
America 2006
Habronema spp. immature, 24;
North United States,
H. muscae, 38; Lyons et al., 1983
America Kentucky
D. megastoma immature, adult 13; 62
Mfitilodze and
Queensland D. megastoma, H. muscae 39; 43
Hutchinson, 1989
D. megastoma, H. muscae, 5; 13;
Australia Victoria Bucknell et al., 1995
H. majus 2
Dunsmore and Jue
Perth D. megastoma, H. muscae 66.2; 35.3
Sue, 1985
Al Anazi and
Saudi Arabia H. muscae, K. megastoma 22.2; 4.4
Alyousif, 2011
United Arab Schuster and
H. muscae 36.7
Emirates Sivakumar, 2013
Poland H. majus, H. muscae 16; 8 Gawor, 1995
Sweden H. muscae 1.1 Höglund et al., 1997
Borgsteede and van
Europe The Netherlands Habronema spp. 4.3
Beek, 1998
H. majus, H. muscae, 8; 26.5;
Germany Rehbein et al., 2013
Habronema spp. 5.5

horse lips, skin wounds, conjunctival and pulmonary disorders caused by the larvae and
pituitary mucosa19. gastric symptoms produced by the adult
Pathogenesis. Major pathogenic action of parasites.
habronematids is the irritative-inflammatory Conjunctival habronemiasis is expressed by
which consists in congestion, petechiae, ulcers visible granulomas disseminated on
and disseminated nodules in the skin, gastric conjunctival mucosa, associated with
mucosa, lung parenchyma or conjunctival epiphora, photophobia, and squinting. The
mucosa. Gastric nodules gradually increase in larvae are visible, occurring on the eyelids,
size, become spongy, cavitary and areolated itself, on the third eyelid or on the
structures the worms living protected in conjunctiva.
created cavities. Gastric nodules reach the size Cutaneous habronemosis is called also
of a hen's egg and acts mechanically, summer sores or jack sores, swamp cancer,
obstructing the pyloric sphincter or causing bursati and granular dermatitis. Commonly
gastric wall rupture. Inoculation action is affected areas include legs (cannon, stifle),
prominent in pulmonary nodules that are penis, preputial sheath, eyes, neck and dorsal
superinfected and transformed into abscesses. sides, and any open skin wounds. It is
Clinical signs. The clinical picture is manifested by granulomas and excoriations on
polymorphic, depending by evolutionary form the skin being caused by infective larvae that
and intensity of parasitism. The disease is penetrate wounded skin. Lesions are itchy or
expressed by cutaneous, conjunctival and painful, so the animals bite themselves; the

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scratching may be intense, the wounds bleed granulation tissue, skin hyperplasia, and
or suppurate, skin swells and ulcers are festering wounds in cutaneous form;
developed. Wounds heal as advancing to the  nodular and purulent bronchitis,
winter. Dysuria may appear in stallions or pulmonary abscesses in the lung;
geldings which present wounds on the penis,  nodular gastritis, granulomatous masses
but sex and age do not influence the evolution in the stomach mucosa, pyloric stenosis or
of disease, all horses being susceptible to obstruction and stomach wall perforation in
infection. Skin disease has a recurrent gastric habronemosis;
character; the wounds appear during the Diagnosis. Clinical examination may guide
summer, attenuate in winter and worsen in the the diagnosis; nodules, pruritus, itching,
next summer. wounds, and greasy granulomas are
Pulmonary habronemosis is commonly indicative. Identification of eggs or larvae in
asymptomatic; rarely the animals express feces using flotation tests or larvoscopic
cough and/or abundant nasal discharge. method allows an undoubted diagnosis.
Gastric habronemosis evolves subclinically Biopsy or skin scrapings are required to reveal
or is expressed by digestive disorders during larvae in lesions, allowing a definitive
autumn or winter. The animals show diagnosis. Pulmonary habronemosis is
capricious appetite, sometimes pica, diagnosable only through necropsy.
polydipsia, feverish, constipation alternating Differential diagnosis. Gastric form includes
with diarrhea and colic syndrome due to the other helminthoses, gasterophilosis and colic
pyloric obstruction and severe stomach syndrome with another etiology. Cutaneous
indigestion. habronemosis needs differential diagnosis by
Pathology. Lesions correlates with the ulcers from trypanosomosis, parafilariosis and
clinical form and parasitic stage involved. cutaneous wounds (harness). Pulmonary
Depending of the clinical evolution, are habronemosis must be differentiated by
revealed: glanders, lung granulomas caused by larval
 granulomatous conjunctivitis and keratitis stages of Dyctiocaulus arnfieldi, Parascaris
in ocular habronemosis; equorum and Strongyloides westeri.
 nodular, granulomatous and ulcerative
dermatitis, tracks of necrotic debris,

Table 16. Active substances tested in therapy of habronemosis

group active substance dose rate (mg/kg bw) efficacy (%)/author

organophosphate dichlorvos 31 025
oxibendazole 5, 10, 15, 20 021
oxfendazole 10 96-9914
cambendazole 20 9716
0.2 sc 8612
ivermectin 0.2 im 1008
0.2, paste 99.67
0.3-0.4 gel 9928
moxidectin 0.4, paste 1004
0.4, paste 99.57

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Treatment. Habronemosis therapies tested 9. Dunsmore JD, Jue Sue LP (1985) Prevalence
are shown in table 16. and epidemiology of the major gastrointestinal
parasites of horses in Perth, Western Australia.
Control. Three measures are essential in Equine Vet J. 17(3):208-13.
controlling the disease: 10. Gawor JJ (1995) The prevalence and
 Periodical deworming of animals. abundance of internal parasites in working
Quarterly frequency is indicated. Ivermectin horses autopsied in Poland. Vet Parasitol.
and moxidectin are recommended due to their 58(1-2):99-108.
11. Getachew M, Trawford A, Feseha G, Reid
high therapeutical efficacy. SWJ (2010) Gastrointestinal parasites of
 Fly Control. Fly repellents, fly strips, fly working donkeys of Ethiopia. Trop Anim
collar and topical solutions, especially those Health Prod. 42(1):27–33.
that cover the belly are useful. Fans mounted 12. Herd RP, Donham JC (1981) Efficacy of
on the doors of stables will prevent the access ivermectin against cutaneous Draschia and
of flies in building. Habronema infection (summer sores) in
Topical Wound Care. Treatment of the open horses. Am J Vet Res. 42(11):1953-5.
wounds discourages the flies to land and to 13. Höglund J, Ljungström BL, Nilsson O,
release the larvae into the tissue, protecting Lundquist H, Osterman E, Uggla A (1997)
Occurrence of Gasterophilus intestinalis and
the animals. some parasitic nematodes of horses in
Sweden. Acta Vet Scand. 38(2):157-65.
14. Kingsbury PA, Reid JF (1981) Anthelmintic
activity of paste and drench formulations of
References oxfendazole in horses. Vet Rec. 109(18):404-
1. Al Anazi AD, Alyousif MS (2011) Prevalence
15. Lem MF, Vincent KP, Pone JW, Joseph T
of non-strongyle gastrointestinal parasites of
(2012) Prevalence and intensity of gastro-
horses in Riyadh region of Saudi Arabia.
intestinal helminths in horses in the Sudano-
Saudi J Biol Sci. 18(3):299-303.
Guinean climatic zone of Cameroon. Trop
2. Anderson RC (2000) Nematode Parasites Of
Parasitol. 2(1):45-8.
Vertebrates. Their Development and
16. Louw JP, Meyer S, Schröder J (1980) A
Transmission, 2nd Edition. CABI Publishing,
critical efficacy test of cambendazole in
Wallingford, UK, 650 pp.
equids: the use of the geometric means to
3. Anderson RC, Chabaud AG, Willmott S
assess efficacy. J S Afr Vet Assoc. 51(4):259-
(2009) Keys to the nematode parasites of
vertebrates. Archival Volume. CAB
17. Lyons ET, Tolliver SC, Drudge JH, Swerczek
International. 463 p.
TW, Crowe MW (1983) Parasites in Kentucky
4. Bauer C, Cirak VY, Hermosilla C, Okoro H
Thoroughbreds at necropsy: emphasis on
(1998) Efficacy of a 2 per cent moxidectin gel
stomach worms and tapeworms. Am J Vet Res.
against gastrointestinal parasites of ponies. Vet
Rec. 143(20):558-61.
18. Mayhew IG, Lichtenfels JR, Greiner EC,
5. Borgsteede FH, van Beek G (1998) Parasites
MacKay RJ, Enloe CW (1982) Migration of a
of stomach and small intestine of 70 horses
spiruroid nematode through the brain of a
slaughtered in The Netherlands. Vet Q.
horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 180(11):1306-11.
19. Mfitilodze MW, Hutchinson GW (1989)
6. Bucknell DG, Gasser RB, Beveridge I (1995)
Prevalence and intensity of non-strongyle
The prevalence and epidemiology of
intestinal parasites of horses in northern
gastrointestinal parasites of horses in Victoria,
Queensland. Aust Vet J. 66(1):23-6.
Australia. Int J Parasitol. 25(6):711-24.
20. Naem S (2007) The comparative morphology
7. Costa AJ, Barbosa OF, Moraes FR, Acuña
of three equine habronematid nematodes:
AH, Rocha UF, Soares VE, Paullilo AC,
SEM observations. Parasitol Res.
Sanches A (1998) Comparative efficacy
evaluation of moxidectin gel and ivermectin
21. Nawalinski T, Theodorides VJ (1976) Critical
paste against internal parasites of equines in
tests with oxibendazole against gastro-
Brazil. Vet Parasitol. 80(1):29-36.
intestinal parasites of ponies. Am J Vet Res.
8. DiPietro JA, Todd KS, Lock TF, McPherron
TA (1982) Anthelmintic efficacy of
22. Pandey VS, Ouhelli H, Elkhalfane A (1981)
ivermectin given intramuscularly in horses.
Epidemiological observations on stomach
Am J Vet Res. 43(1):145-8.

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worms of horses in Morocco. J Helminthol. domestica for the diagnosis of gastric

55(3):155-60. habronemosis and examining the anthelmintic
23. Pereira JR, Vianna SS (2006) Gastrointestinal efficacy of moxidectin. Vet Parasitol. doi:
parasitic worms in equines in the Paraíba 10.1016/j.vetpar.2013.06.015.
Valley, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Vet 27. Schuster RK, Sivakumar S, Kinne J, Babiker
Parasitol. 140(3-4):289-95. H, Traversa D, Buzzell GR (2010) Cutaneous
24. Rehbein S, Visser M, Winter R (2013) and pulmonal habronemosis transmitted by
Prevalence, intensity and seasonality of Musca domestica in a stable in the United
gastrointestinal parasites in abattoir horses in Arab Emirates. Vet Parasitol. 174(1-2):170-4.
Germany. Parasitol Res. 112(1):407-13. 28. Xiao L, Herd RP, Majewski GA (1994)
25. Reinecke RK, Loots LJ, Reinecke PM (1980) Comparative efficacy of moxidectin and
The anthelmintic activity and toxicity of 2,2- ivermectin against hypobiotic and encysted
dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate (dichlorvos) cyathostomes and other equine parasites. Vet
in equines. J S Afr Vet Assoc. 51(1):21-4. Parasitol. 53(1-2):83-90.
26. Schuster RK, Sivakumar S (2013) A
xenodiagnostic method using Musca

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9. Filarioidea Fistulous Withers) and connective tissues in

the distal limbs.
Filariids worms are nematodes that belong to
the superfamily Filarioidea, Order Spirurida.
This superfamily includes 2 families, Cervical onchocercosis in horses
Filariidae (two subfamilies, five genera) and (Neck threadworms, fistulous withers)
Onchocercidae (8 subfamilies, 80 genera)2. Definition. It is a summer parasitosis in
More recently, subfamily Setariinae, formerly equines with chronic evolution, rarely acute,
included in family Onchocercidae, was raised characterized by inflammation of the cervical
in rank being considered a family, according ligament and withers. The evolution of disease
to Myers et al.104. can sometimes be discrete or even unapparent.
Etiology. The disease is caused by
Onchocerca cervicalis, found deep in the
9.1. Onchocercidae: connective tissues of the nuchal ligament.
onchocercidosis in animals Morphology. The parasites have a whitish
Family Onchocercidae contains about 70-8o body, long, threadlike and coiled. The sexual
genera organized in 7 subfamilies, formerly dimorphism is pronounced; the female
Setariinae subfamily being accepted as family. measures about 30 cm length while the male,
Subfamilies Dirofilariinae and Onchocercinae smaller, is only 6 or 7 cm long. The cuticle is
are important for veterinary medicine because thick, transversally striated and shows
they include parasitic species in domestic spiralled thickenings. At the anterior end, the
mammals and poultry. The other families mouth is lacked the lips or prominent papillae
(Oswaldofilariinae, Icosiellinae, Waltonelli- in both sexes. In females, the vulvar opening
nae, Splendidofilariinae and the Lemdaninae) is situated at about 500 μm distance from the
contain parasites to amphibians, reptiles, wild anterior end. The posterior end of males is
birds and several species in mammals. coiled, without caudal alae. The anal orifice is
They are parasites of all tissues, organs and surrounded by at least 5 papillae, and the
systems in the body of definitive hosts, but spicules are unequal calibrated, the left one
each species has a preferred site. Larval stage, being larger than the right, measuring between
called microfilariae, lives and circulates 320 to 360 μm. Microfilariae are filiform, 207
through the blood of the definitive host, to 240 μm long, not sheathed.
facilitating the takeover by its hematophagous Life cycle. is diheteroxenous. The adults
vector host. Many species of hematophagous inhabit in the connective tissues of the
arthropods are involved as vectors in the cervical (nuchal) ligament where feed on host
biology of onchocercids, fleas, mosquitoes, tissues. The viviparous females produce
blackflies, horse flies, lice, ticks and other larvae (microfilariae) which enter the
mites. circulatory system and travel to the skin. They
agglomerate into the blood capillaries, in the
9.1.1. Onchocercidosis in horses dermis and epidermis, and here are ingested
Onchocercoses of horses are biohelminthoses by their intermediate hosts, Culicoides
that evolve during the summer, sporadically or (midges, C. nubeculosus, C. variipennis, C.
endemically, determined by nematodes of the victoriae, C. obsoletus and C. parroti)76,84,102
genus Onchocerca. The diseases manifest and/or Simulium (black flies) during their
clinically polymorphic due to different feeding. The larvae develop in their body,
locations of the parasites in the connective moulting twice, and migrate to the mouthparts
tissues of the nuchal ligament (Horse of insects as the third-infective larval stage
(L3). During of a new feeding, the dipterans

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transmit the infection to another horse. In the nodules that calcify over time, increasing the
new host, infective larvae migrate to their consistency of the ligament.
specific habitat, mature and will reproduce at Parasites can transmit and inoculate various
6 months pi. bacterial agents. There is a link between
Epidemiology Brucella abortus and equine fistulous withers
Geographical distribution. The disease is where Onchocerca spp is involved25. Pyogenic
cosmopolitan, with incidence during the flora may be also transferred by worms,
summer. It is diagnosed in horses, in Brazil, complicating the pathological processes
the prevalence of microfilariae being 17.9% causing septicemia, phlegmon of withers,
and 16.6% of adult92, in southeastern and necrosis of ligament and spinous process with
midwestern United States recording a 51.4% fistulization. Poor hygiene especially in the
prevalence for cutaneous microfilariasis27, in region of withers, nutrition deficiencies and
the eastern United States (61%)86, in Gulf exploitation using improper harnesses
Coast area (76%) and Louisiana (82.4%)77. accentuate the pathogenicity of parasite.
It is not a major disease in temperate countries Clinical signs. The clinical sign most
due to the specific habitats of intermediate commonly seen in onchocercosis, or equine
hosts characterized by moisture, water nuchal disease, is fistulous withers112. Poll evil
vegetation, damp soil and elevated (a painful condition in equids that consists in
temperature. During the winter, the isotherm an inflamed bursa at the anterior end of the
of 10oC is considered the lower limit for neck, between vertebrae and the nuchal
survival and continuous activities of ligament) may be present. Despite the high
mosquitoes during the winter98. prevalence of infection in horses, in many
Sources of contamination are diseased areas, both symptoms may be rarely seen.
horses, which are the source of infection for Microfilariae of O. cervicalis are incriminated
vectors. Intermediate / vector hosts, in turn, in pruriginous dermatitis, periodic ophthalmia
are sources of infection for healthy horses. and some lesions of eyes, as keratitis and
Susceptibility. Receptivity, it seems that iriditis, but numerous other microfilariae may
increases with age, the prevalence being be involved. Cutaneous onchocercosis or
higher in horses over 6 years of age, summer dermatitis caused by dermal
comparing to those between 1 to 5 years of migration of O. cervicalis microfilariae is
age. The prevalence of infection related to age called also summer mange or allergic
groups was 10% in horses less than one year dermatitis in horses.
old, 28% in horses one to five years old, 48% Pathology. Mild infections are expressed
between six to 15 years old, and 90% in lesional through mineralization (ossification)
horses over 16 years old127. in the nuchal ligament, caseous and calcified
Route of contamination is transcutaneous foci surrounding the dead parasites, tissue
through the biting of the intermediate hosts. hyperemia, roughened surface of the
Resistance of the parasites is conditioned by supraspinous bursa, fibrous nodules,
the resistance of dipterans. gelatinous mass in areolar connective tissue or
Pathogenesis. Pathogenic actions are induced liquefactive necrosis around viable worms,
by the complex activities of adult parasites discolouration and hyaline degeneration of
and microfilariae. They act local, mechanic adjacent ligaments.
and irritative-inflammatory, on cervical The severe lesions are developed in massive
ligament, causing diffuse swelling in the infections: necrosis of the nuchal ligaments,
region of the withers. Microfilariae produce partial rupture of ligament and developing of
seroma at the site of infection, extensive

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calcification of disintegrated worms, necrosis  Ivermectin, paste or injectable

and cavitation of the nuchal ligament. formulation, at a dose rate of 0.2 mg/kg bw
Histopathologically, microfilariae cause per os, acts against microfilariae in the skin
and blood circulation causing the
perivascular mononuclear dermatitis and
disappearance or pronounced reduction in
eosinophilic dermatitis. The adult worms are their number, at varying intervals of time
situated in tunnels, into the ligament, being post-treatment45,63,78,117. It has no efficacy
associated with areas of calcium deposition against adult worms.
between the elastic bundles and eosinophils,  Moxidectin in single doses of 0.3, 0.4, or
macrophages, epithelioid, giant and plasma 0.5 mg/kg bw has expressed a 100% efficacy
cells infiltrations in connective tissue. in eliminating microfilariae of O. cervicalis
from skin biopsies99.
Foreign-body reactions are developed around
 Moxidectin 2% oral gel and ivermectin
dead worms or parts of their bodies. 2% oral paste, both products designed to treat
Diagnosis. Clinically, fistulous withers is horses, were equally 100% effective against
diagnosed without difficulty, but clarification O. cervicalis microfilariae90.
of the etiology can be problematic due to the Control. Control actions against mosquitoes
multiple causes involved. Microscopic should be applied in endemic areas. The
examination will clarify the etiology. horses must be protected by keeping into the
Skin biopsy of the affected areas is done, in shelters during the middle of the day when
order to detect microfilariae. Samples are insects fly around the flocks on pastures. As
dilacerated in saline and then leave few hours such, nocturnal grazing is practiced.
(6) at 37°C. Then are examined under a Screening tests and periodic external
microscope using a low power objective treatments using insecticides should be
(10x). considered. Collars impregnated with
Skin scrapings are done in order to identify insecticides are useful. Hygiene of the skin is
microfilariae during migratory phase through very important, and skin traumas must be
the skin. The scraping must be lightly and the avoided. Surgical intervention must be
tissue fluids expressed are transferred and realized in severe cases of fistulous withers.
examined in wet mounts.
Differential diagnosis of fistulous withers is Onchocercosis of tendons
difficulty due to low opportunities of Definition. It is a summer parasitosis rarely
detecting the adult parasites within nuchal diagnosed in equines characterized by
ligament. Cutaneous form is mistaken for asymptomatic evolution or tenosynovitis
urticaria or allergic dermatitis caused by localized in the suspensory ligament of
hematophagous arthropod. The biopsy can fetlock, and tendons of the flexor muscles of
differentiate these diseases. the limbs.
Treatment. The usable management and Etiology. The disease is caused by O.
medication depend by clinic form. The reticulata, which locates into the connective
anthelmintic treatment is enough in tissues in the distal limbs.
uncomplicated onchocercosis. If phlegmons, Morphology. The male measures 15-27 cm
fistulous withers or septicemia, had been length and the female is 40 to 70 cm long. The
developed, the surgery is mandatory, body is cylindric, slender, threadlike and
associated with antibiotic, sulfonamide or whitish. The cuticle is thick and presents
corticosteroids therapy. transverse striations and spiralled thickenings
There are numerous treatments which that may be interrupted at the lateral fields. It
expressed a high efficacy of avermectins is similar with O. cervicalis, without lip-like
against O. cervicalis: structure, at the anterior end. At the posterior

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end, the males is strongly curved, flattened signs. Agglomerations of parasites form
and has two narrow alae and two unequal nodules on the surface of tendons. These
calibrated spicules, the left one being longer nodules diminish and disappear after 5 - 6
and measuring 248-294 μm. Asymmetrically months, or will transform in parasitic fibroids
arranged papillae surround the anal opening. followed by calcification. However, the
The posterior end of the female is bluntly hypertrophy of ligament persists. Inoculation
conical, and the vulva is anteriorly placed, action is remarkable.
postoesophageal. The length of microfilariae Clinical signs. Diseased animals present
varies between 330 and 370 μm. painful and rough swelling of metacarpal,
Life cycle. Parasites develop into the ligament and tendon regions during the warm
suspensory ligament of the fetlock, the flexor season. Locomotor ataxia, severe lameness,
tendons and their sheath in horses, asses, arthritis and periarthritis, occur. In the septic
mules. The larvae disperse into the synovial complications, purulent collections are
fluid of the joint, tendon sheaths, dermal formed. These can open spontaneously or can
lymph and blood capillaries near the site of complicate by phlegmon of the limb and
adult worms. Intermediate hosts (Culicoides become chronic with fistulization. Fragments
spp. - Culicoides nubeculosus) feed and take of parasites may be seen into the pus.
over microfilariae which develop in their body Microfilariae are responsible for cutaneous
becoming infective. During a new feeding, the disorders, so called summer itching, in the
mosquitoes inoculate microfilariae to a new lower regions of the body, sides of abdomen,
host. The optimal temperature for thorax, linea alba and limbs.
development is 25°C when the larvae reach Diagnosis. Clinically, it is difficult to
the infectivity in 25 days. Prepatent period determine. Microscopic examination of lymph
varies between 12 and 18 months and the or skin fragments collected by biopsy, from
patent period lasts few years2. the affected regions, reveal the presence of
Epidemiology microfilariae in infected animals, thus being
Geographical distribution. The disease is confirmed onchocercal etiology.
prevalent in those areas that ensure optimal Differential diagnosis. Cutaneous form must
conditions for development of Culicoides spp. differentiate by other skin diseases: mange,
In Queensland, Australia, the prevalence of lice, ringworm, and allergic dermatitis.
infection was 79.8%119. In Southern Darfur Locations in musculoskeletal structures,
State, western Sudan, the prevalence was tendons, ligaments, adjacent connective tissue
0.7% from September 1998 to August 1999 42. must be differentiated by to the injuries,
In the Urmia area of Iran, the prevalence was cutaneous habronemiasis, sarcoid, pythiosis,
3.7% between December 2006 to November keloid scars, and excessive granulation tissue.
200741. Treatment is based on avermectins associated
The other aspects of epidemiology, sources of with symptomatic therapy.
contamination, susceptibility, route of Control is similar to that described in cervical
contamination, and resistance are similar to onchocercosis.
those described to cervical onchocercosis.
Pathogenesis and pathology. The parasites 9.1.2. Onchocercidosis of cattle
act mechanical and irritative-inflammatory on Definition. It is a chronic parasitosis that
the tissue in which they are located. They evolves during summer, affecting cattle. It is
produce irritation of the nerves causing pain caused by species of the genus Onchocerca
and lameness, but usually the infection which have different locations in the body of
evolves subclinical, without macroscopic

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the definitive hosts and varied geographical striated. The cuticular ridges become more
spread. and thicker to the middle of the body and
Etiology. The species involved are: disappear before the tail of the worm that is
 Onchocerca gutturosa (syn. O. lienalis, blunt. Sizes described by Taylor et al.141 vary
Eichler, 1973a) located in ligamentum nuchae, between 2 and 6 cm long in males and females
gastrosplenic ligament and connective tissue are longer than 60 cm. Microfilariae are
adjacent to these ligaments. unsheathed, and their length vary between
 Onchocerca dukei is localized in muscle 186-264 μm.
connective tissue. O. gibsoni (240-280 μm) has larger
 Onchocerca gibsoni, found in connective microfilariae than O. gutturosa (186-264
tissue μm)13.
 Onchocerca ochengi has, as specific Life cycle. Adults develop in specific habitats
habitat, the scrotum, the udder and connective in cattle and microfilaria, in peripheral blood
tissue. vessels, with greater frequency in the auricular
Morphology. The worms are encased in dense region. Intermediate hosts, Simulidae (S.
connective tissue; it is very difficult to collect ornatum) ingest the larvae from blood
intact worms, so that, almost all studies are capillaries during feeding133. Bain4,
done on parts of the parasites, their complete considered that O. gutturosa in transmitted by
length being partially unknown. Culicoides nubeculosus that has another
O. gutturosa. The most typical feeding behaviour and sites, different by S.
morphologically feature is the presence of a ornatum. O. gutturosa, which develop in
guttural dilation at the anterior end, near the Simulium spp., was also transmitted by
nerve ring, in both sexes. The body of Culicoides spp., in Japan136. This feature is
parasites is cylindrical, whitish, slightly wavy also considered as criterium of differentiation
and filiform. between O. gutturosa and O. lienalis,
The males measure 27 to 45 cm length40, or previously considered as synonyms36.
20-33 mm33 and 78-163 μm wide, being Development of infective stages (L3) requires
smaller than females. The anterior end of the between 14 and 25 days. The optimal growth
male is tapered, without transverse striations, temperature is 23°C when the larvae become
and the mouth is simple and terminal infective in 13 to 15 days37. Hematogenous
surrounded by small papillae. The posterior contamination occurs during a new feeding of
end of the male is coiled, ventrally curved and IH on healthy cattle. Inoculated larvae travel
blunt ended. The cuticle is thin, and its to specific habitat where they mature.
thicknesses are prominent in the middle part Epidemiology
of the body. At the posterior end, the male has Geographical distribution. The disease is
two unequal spicules, the left one being longer spread in geographic areas where the
than the right. Both spicules are slightly intermediate hosts develop.
arched. The anal orifice is surrounded by In Africa, is reported from Cameroon
papillae. (85%)146, Sudan39, Ethiopia43, Kenya and
The length of the female is more than 46 cm Somalia23, Nigeria (40%)109, Uganda15,
length (maximum length of a fragment Ghana140, and Tanzania103.
collected intact from females) and 229-370 In Europe, infection with O. gutturosa was
μm diameter. El-Sinnary40 shows that the found in South-East England (58%) in
length varies between 20 and 59.5 cm and the slaughtered cattle38, in north Wales94, in
females are between 28 and 46 cm according Germany, transmitted by both vectors, S.
to Eberhard33. The anterior end is transverse ornatum and C. nubeculosus30, in Poland28.

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In United States, the infection with O. tendinitis, lateral collateral and nuchal
gutturosa is present in Minnesota cattle116, ligament inflammations. Connective tissue
Florida and Georgia44. that surround cervical ligament is edematous,
Sources of contamination are the infected rarely hemorrhagic and contains adult
animals and intermediate hosts. The parasites that can sometimes form rough
microfilariae of O. gutturosa agglomerate in nodules. Content of the nodules is liquid,
the skin of definitive hosts in the central area gray, formed by necrotic tissue and portions
of the umbilicus or head skin, where of destroyed worms. Calcification processes
intermediate hosts preponderantly feed. The of parasites and nodules often occur.
intermediate hosts (S. ornatum) may ingest Histologically, micro galleries caused by the
between 1 and 331 microfilariae with a mean parasites are bounded by histiocytes,
of 18.9 per fly37. lymphocytes, eosinophils and fibrous tissue.
Susceptibility. Rate of infection with O. Eosinophils may be seen sometimes on the
gutturosa differs between age groups, adult cuticles of worms, and partial or complete
cattle being more infected than young calcifications, other times.
animals. In subtropical areas, the disease Diagnosis. Accurate diagnosis is based on
recorded high prevalence than temperate skin biopsy method. Portions of skin were
regions due to the richness of biotopes obtained from the ventral abdomen. The tissue
favourable to IH development. is dissociated in saline and examined under a
Route of contamination is transcutaneous via microscope. Microfilariae are revealed in
intermediate host bites. infected animals.
Resistance of parasites is conditioned and Differential diagnosis includes mycobacterial
superimposed to those of intermediate hosts. It infection (tuberculosis) especially in
is shown that ambient temperature influences mineralized lesions of onchocercosis31. Other
the behavior of microfilariae into the skin of diseases of which must to differentiate are
the definitive host. The seasonal variations of mange, lice, setariosis, parafilariosis and rare
some factors suggest that microfilariae are localizations of Echinococcus spp. in tendons,
only available for ingestion during the period ligaments and associated tissues.
of vector activity. When the ambient Treatment. The new tendency aims to
temperature decreases and intermediate hosts inactivate bacteria of the genus Wolbachia,
disappear, the microfilariae migrate into the endosymbionts of filariids, due to the
deeper regions of the skin of cattle37. resistance to avermectins developed by the
Pathogenesis. The pathogenesis is similar to worms in recent years. These bacteria
that described in onchocercosis of horses. The essentially intervene in worm reproduction
parasites act mechanically by compressing the affecting the fertility, development, survival
surrounding tissue, irritative-inflammatory, and development of parasite pathogenicity.
toxic and inoculatory. Doxycycline administered for 4 to 8 weeks
Clinical signs depend on the species involved destroys endosymbiotic bacteria. This will
and location. Phlegmon of the withers, painful affect for long-term the fertility of parasites
tenosynovitis of the stifle that causes lameness causing sterility. Moreover, the adult parasites
and hypertrophy of the limb muscle may age and die67,68,75,142.
occur. Control of disease aims the vectors control
Pathology. Microfilariae produce nodular and animals chemoprophylaxis140. Vectors
dermatitis in corporal regions that register control consist in the destruction of larval
high densities of larvae (the skin of the ventral stages of arthropods (Culicoides and
midline). Adults determine chronic periostitis, Simulium), intermediate hosts, which develop

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into the water. So, aerial dispersion of two unequal spicules. The left one is curved,
larvicides express good results even it is tapered and measures 160 to 203 μm long and
expensive. the right only 75 to 94 μm.
Chemoprophylaxis aims the reduction of The anterior end of the female is rounded and
circulating microfilariae. About 5000 shows the vulvar orifice located at about 1
molecules have been screened, and mm distance from the anterior end. The
approximately 100 were selected for cuticle has small ridges, which become taller
improvements. Finally, only 6 compounds in the posterior direction. The tail end is blunt
were optimized, emodepside being one of and present transverse striations of the cuticle.
them. All these compounds are effective Microfilariae are straight, unsheathed and
microfilaricide in some filariids species. measure 98 to 118 mm long by 5–7 mm wide.
Moxidectin is another drug that expressed a Life cycle. The life cycle of Onchocerca sp.
high microfilarial efficacy. from the dog is not completely known. It may
be similar to those of other Onchocerca
9.1.3. Onchocercosis in dogs species, being an indirect cycle. It involves
Definition. It is a recently accepted disease, blackflies (Simulium spp.) and/or midges
specifically, in the last 15 years, consecutive (Culicoides spp.) as intermediate hosts. The
to reporting of an increasingly number of dogs prepatent period may last several months and
which had ocular manifestations associated the patency several years124.
with observation of parasites, easily removed, Epidemiology
from the surface of the conjunctiva. Geographical distribution. Since was the first
Etiology. It is suspected that the disease is time described, the disease was recorded only
caused by Onchocerca lupi originally in 64 dogs, until 2008, originating in
described from the wolf (Canis lupus)122. Southwestern United States (Arizona,
Species originating in dog resemble California, Utah), central and southern Europe
morphologic with O. lupi, and, molecularly, (Hungary, Germany, Switzerland, Greece and
the two species from canids have an unique Portugal) and a wolf from Gruziya130.
nucleotide sequence within the genus34,25, 131. Sources of contamination. Generally,
Moreover, the host range is similar and very diseased dogs, or those with unapparent
narrow in both species124. However, it is not forms, are the source of spreading the disease
fully confirmed that the disease in dogs is via infected arthropods. The insects are, in
caused by O. lupi. As such, we refer to species turn, source of contamination for healthy
as Onchocerca sp. dogs.
Morphology (according to Egyed et al.34, and Susceptibility. It is believed that Onchocerca
Komnenou et al.79). Parasites have a white, sp. affects only canids. The disease is already
slender, thread-like and fragile body. The described in dogs and wolves, but it is very
male measures between 43 and 50 mm length probably that the wild reservoir, represented
by 0.1-0.2 mm diameter. The females were by jackals, coyotes, maybe foxes, plays an
not yet completely collected; thus, the longer important role in epidemiology of infection.
fragments preserved measure 100–165 mm The age influences the susceptibility, the most
and the maximum diameter found varies sensitive group being represented by adult
between 0.2 and 0.4 mm. dogs, around 5.3 years149.
The anterior end of the male is rounded. The Route of contamination is transcutaneous.
cuticle is thick and shows faint transverse Resistance of parasites is correlated with
striations. At the posterior end, the male has survival of intermediate hosts.
papillae which surround the anal orifice and

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Pathogenesis. The parasites act mostly ophthalmic diseases of the dog need to be
irritative-inflammatory upon conjunctiva and included here.
surrounding tissues. They also can inoculate Treatment. There are no bibliographic
bacteria that complicate the lesions. references about drug therapy of the disease
Clinical signs. There is only one case in the only method applied so far consisting of
literature expressed as dermatitis and the surgical removal of the nodules containing
subcutaneous nodules protruding into the the worms79. It is likely that antibiotic therapy,
tracheal lumen, dyspnoea, asphyxia, and death which aims the endosymbiotic bacteria
of the dog114. Wolbachia, having a role in homeostasis of
The rest of the dogs expressed an ocular form parasites, induces disappearance of infection
characterized by an acute evolution with consecutively to female infertility, aging and
conjunctival congestion, ocular discharge, death of worms.
hyperlacrimation, periorbital swelling, Control. Control methods are still unknown.
photophobia, granulomatous formations on Insect repellents may protect the dogs against
the conjunctiva, localized or generalized the attacks of the vectors.
corneal oedema and exophthalmos65,126,149.
Pathology. The lesions that accompany the 9.1.4. Dirofilariosis in dogs
acute form are conjunctivitis, corneal ulcer, Definition. A series of filariids belonging to
granuloma or cyst formation around the the family Onchocercidae parasitize in
worms, blepharitis, anterior or posterior domestic and wild carnivores in Europe. They
uveitis, protrusion of the nictitating cause important diseases, some severe,
membrane58,135,149. locating in the various body regions. The
Diagnosis. Clinical signs and gross lesions are females are ovoviviparous and lay the first-
indicative, but the rarity of disease makes the larval stage, known as microfilariae which is
few doctors, even ophthalmologists, to think located in the blood (e.g. Dirofilaria,
about this diagnosis. Laboratory diagnosis Acanthocheilonema) or the skin (e.g.
aims to identify the adults or/and larvae in the Cercopithifilaria)2,100.
lesions or blood. Etiology.2,53:
Morphological identification of adult parasites  Dirofilaria immitis, located in the
is relatively easy, based on the ridged pulmonary arteries and right heart144;
appearance of the cuticle, whitish and filiform  Dirofilaria repens develops into the
body. It is, however, difficult to observes and subcutaneous connective tissue100;
 Acanthocheilonema (Syn. Dipetalonema)
collects the parasites which are frequently
reconditum, parasite in subcutaneous
confused with fragments of gauze used in connective tissue and muscle fascia132;
surgery.  Acanthocheilonema dracunculoides
Identification of microfilariae is based on localized into the peritoneal cavity;
superficial skin biopsy (“skin snip technique”)  Cercopithifilaria (syn. Acanthocheilo-
made from the skin of the head and abdominal nema) grasii inhabits subcutaneous
region where the larvae accumulate in high connective tissue;
Morphology. Generally, filariids worms are
long nematodes with a relatively small
Differential diagnosis. There are no data
diameter and a pronounced sexual
regarding differential diagnostic of canine
dimorphism, the males being often much
onchocercosis due to the recently discovery of
smaller than females100.
the disease, and low number of cases
At the anterior end, the mouth opening is not
registered. However, majority of the
surrounded by lips and continues directly with
the esophagus that is divided into two

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segments, muscular, placed anteriorly, and same segments as previous species. Vulvar
posterior glandular. Cephalic papillae are well opening is situated at 1.4 to 1.9 mm behind
developed. The females have the vulvar the anterior end29.
opening situated into the anterior third of the Posterior end is rounded, slightly curved
body in the majority of species2,100. ventrally in females and spiralled in males.
Dirofilaria immitis is a slender, long and The male has two well-developed lateral alae
threadlike nematode; the females measure and asymmetrical pre and postanal papillae,
between 250 and 310 mm length and 1 to 1.3 ventrally situated. Spicules are unequal, the
mm wide, and males are 120 to 200 mm long left being more developed29,91.
and 0.7 to 0.9 mm in diameter (Manfredi et Microfilariae measure 290-360 μm length and
al., 2007). The cuticle is generally smooth, 5-8 μm width. he anterior end is rounded,
with fine transverse striations. The posterior and the tail is thin and sharp, curved as an
end of the males shows parallel ridges with umbrella handle29,91.
variable length46,143. Acanthocheilonema reconditum is a relatively
The anterior end is thin and rounded; the small-sized nematode, the females measuring
mouth opening is circular, terminal situated. It 17 to 32 mm length and 13 mm the males
is surrounded by 4 pairs of small cephalic (Stansfield, 1991). Microfilariae measure 250-
papillae, situated into the median plane, and 280 μm length and 4-5 μm width. heir body
two large lateral papillae. The mouth is curved; anterior end is blunt and has a
continues with the esophagus that is divided cephalic hook. The posterior end is commonly
into a muscular segment and glandular one curved87,132,137.
without a clear separation between the two. Life cycle. The life cycle is diheteroxenous
The vulvar orifice opens near the esophageal- and consists of five stages, which develop in
intestinal junction46. vertebrates definitive hosts, and in
The posterior end is smooth and rounded in hematophagous arthropods that act as an
females; it is spiralled in males and has two intermediate host and vector50.
lateral narrow alae, and ventral, pre, para and Dirofilaria immitis typical definitive host is
postanal papillae. Spicules are unequal the domestic dog (Canis familiaris), but it
calibrated and gubernaculum absent91. seems that all members of the genus Canis
Microfilariae vary between 290 and 330 μm can develop patent infections being the wild
length and 5 to 7 μm width. Cephalic reservoirs. Felids, including domestic cats,
extremity is tapered, and the tail is straight, may develop infections, but as the fox, tend to
sharp-pointed91. do not become reservoirs95. Infection has been
Dirofilaria repens is a relatively small reported in mustelids, bears, panda bears,
nematode. Adult females have 100 to 170 mm seals, sea lions, coati (Nasua nasua), rabbits,
length and 4.6 to 6.5 mm width and males are horses, primates, humans, infections being are
smaller than females, measuring 50 to 70 mm nonpatents91,95.
length and 3.7 to 4.5 mm wide91. Dirofilaria repens parasitizes the
The cuticle has longitudinal striations and subcutaneous connective tissue in dogs (Canis
ridges and fine transverse striations, their familiaris). It was reported in cats, common
maximum thickness ranging between 0.028 genet (Genetta genetta), lions, foxes and
and 0.035 mm in males and 0.047 to 0.060 humans2. Although the parasites usually do
mm in females17,29. not reach the adult stage in humans, at least
Anterior end and mouth opening are rounded, three microfilaraemia cases have been
and oral aperture is surrounded by six pairs of reported in Europe50.
papillae. The esophagus is divided into the

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Adult parasites are localized in different dracunculoides is transmitted by ticks

organs and tissues of the host, the (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) or flies
microfilariae being present in the blood (Hippobosca longipennis) .
(Dirofilaria, Acanthocheilonema) or skin Cercopithifilaria grasii is transmitted by the
(Cercopithifilaria). During feeding, hemato- tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus, becoming
phagous arthropods (mosquitos) take over the infective in their body in about 30 days14.
larvae through the blood. In their body, the Epidemiology. General interest on canine
larval stages grow and develop up to stage 3 filarioidoses tended to focus only on
(L3), which is infective2. During of new Dirofilaria immitis infection due to increased
feedings, mosquitoes transfer the larvae to the pathogenicity, and hence, its importance in
new host through the bite site16. veterinary medicine26.
Microfilariae of D. immitis were found to be Cardio-pulmonary dirofilariosis. D. immitis
able to develop to the infective stage (L3) in is spread in all continents. In Europe
more than 70 species of mosquitoes, but few heartworm disease is diagnosed more
of them are considered as major vectors72. D. frequently in the southern part of the
repens has, as an intermediate host, continent, in Italy, Spain, Portugal and France.
mosquitoes of Aedes, Anopheles, Culex, The areas with the highest prevalence are
Mansonoides and Armigeres genera91. The situated along the Po valley in northern Italy.
larvae reach also, the infective stages, in There are reports from Turkey, Greece and
Haematopota variegata, a tabanid species, in some Eastern European countries. Cases have
experimental conditions24. been diagnosed in dogs, in northern countries
D. immitis larvae remain at least 3 days at the such as Austria, Germany, Norway, but they
inoculation site where moult becoming the were either imported from Mediterranean
fourth-larval stage, L4. They undertake areas, either have traveled with owners in
massive migrations through the subcutaneous such areas. A possible local case was
tissue and muscle. The fourth moulting takes diagnosed in Switzerland51.
place at 50-58 days post-infection, becoming Transmission of D. immitis in Europe: areas
L5, immature adults83. After the last moulting, and periods of risk. In temperate areas, the
immature nematodes migrate from muscle, climate controls and imposes seasonal
probably via the venous circulation, to the transmission of D. immitis. The rate of larval
pulmonary arteries, reached at 85-120 days pi. development in IH body, the number of vector
Here, they grow and mature, reaching the generations per year and transmission of D.
maximum length at 6 months pi2,12,81. immitis are conditioned by the presence and
Prepatent period varies between 6 and 9 abundance of vectors and temperature49,50,53.
months2,147. The risk period is variable, being longer in the
The L3 larvae of D. repens develop into the southern and eastern Europe53. In northern,
subcutaneous connective tissue; they do not east and southeast Europe, the risk of
perform long migrations. The larvae moult transmission is present in May, along the
twice and become mature adults91. They are to Adriatic Sea (Albania, Croatia), in Greece,
be found more frequently in the trunk, rarely south and southeastern areas in Bulgaria,
in the head and limbs147. Prepatent period is Romania and in Ukraine. The risk of
27 to 34 weeks2,147. transmission of infection increases
Acanthocheilonema reconditum develops, up significantly in Germany, Poland and
to the infective stage, into the fat cells in fleas northeast until July, reaches the peak in
(Ctenocephalides canis, C. felis, Pulex August and begins to declines in September.
irritans) or lice (Heterodoxus spiniger)2,106. A. The risk remains high in Greece, Bulgaria and

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along the Adriatic Sea during October and The species was reported in dogs in Iran118,
confines to southern Greece in November49. Brazil1 and Chile87. A human case with
Dynamics of infestation with Dirofilaria subconjunctival location of the parasite has
immitis in dogs in Europe. The dynamics of been registered in Australia71. The prevalence
the spatial distribution of D. immitis in has an increasing trend for this species53 being
European countries is characterized by two registered different values in Europe: 16.5%
trends: the increasing of the prevalence in in Campania26, 1.4% in the city of Naples120 in
most endemic areas and advancing of southern Italy, 3.7% in the Baix Llobregat,
distribution areas to the north and east. Thus, Spain3 and 8% to beagle dogs in Greece115.
the previously free regions have become Acanthocheilonema dracunculoides is spread
endemic areas after 2002101. in Africa and Europe. It is frequent in Spain
Factors that have contributed to the spread of and Portugal2, with prevalence of 2.7% in the
the parasite in the free areas are the climate Baix Llobregat, Spain3.
change and movement of dogs across the Cercopithfilaria grasii is found in Europe and
continent. The propagation of parasites is Africa2. It was reported in Italy14.
virtually assured when are introduced into Route of contamination is transcutaneous
new geographical areas by the presence of through the bites of intermediate hosts.
susceptible vectors and favorable thermal Resistance. Resistance of larval stages is
conditions. The transport networks, the conditioned by the survival of intermediate
commerce and insecticide resistance of hosts that is influenced by the climate factors,
intermediate hosts also facilitated the the temperature and humidity being the most
spread50,51. important.
Cutaneous filarioidosis. Dirofilaria repens is Pathogenesis. Pathogenic effects induced in
found in Europe, Africa and Asia91. The the host organism are well known in
species has returned recently to the attention cardiovascular infection and less in the other.
of researchers due to its increased zoonotic Parasites adults and microfilariae act upon
potential, a high number of human cases being their hosts on multiple ways.
reported (372 cases in 25 countries during Irritative-inflammatory action is the most
1995-2000). For this reason, the infection is important. It is reflected on blood vessels
considered an emerging zoonosis113. Although causing endarteritis, endocarditis, platelet
the thermal conditions necessary for the adhesion and extravasation of fluid in the
development are similar, D. repens seems to perivascular space. Under the influence of
spread faster than D. immits in the north and platelet growth factors, smooth muscle cells
north-east of Europe. In areas where both proliferate and migrate from tunica media to
species are present, D. repens has a higher intima; in this way, the lumen and arterial
prevalence50,113. Outbreaks of the disease were compliance are reduced. Reduction of arterial
recorded in the period 1995-2000 in Belgium, compliance and blood vessel diameter have,
Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy, Romania, as a consequence, the pulmonary
Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, hypertension, an increased left ventricular
Ukraine and Hungary113. In addition to these afterload and right heart dilatation, so called
countries where were also confirmed human pulmonary heart disease or "cor
cases, the presence of parasites in dogs was pulmonale" .
recorded in: Czech Republic134, Croatia32,150 Spoliation is due to their haematophagous
and Germany64. nutrition that causes anemia. Mechanical
Acanthocheilonema reconditum is spread in action consists in obstruction of the right
Europe, Africa, India and North America2. ventricle and pulmonary artery, and fragments

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of dead parasites may cause embolism in the alopecia, rarely hyperkeratosis, crusts,
pulmonary capillaries and coronary arteries nodules, acanthosis, eczema, pyoderma and
with severe circulatory consequences. The edema137.
toxic action is induced by the metabolic Acanthocheilonema reconditum is not
products and endotoxins; they affect vascular associated with clinical signs. In massive
permeability and general metabolism. infections cutaneous signs, as pruritus and
Parasitic antigens induce specific antibody dermatitis associated to emaciation were
development. A large number of parasites are recorded9.
destroyed after treatments and large amounts Acanthocheilonema dracunculoides, in a
of antigens are released into the blood similar way as A. reconditum, do not causes
circulation, triggering anaphylactic clinical signs in the majority of infected dogs.
phenomena. Microfilaremia may be associated with
In D. repens infections, pathogenic effects are pruritus, erythema, alopecia or ulcerative
caused by the presence of microfilariae in the lesions of the skin. Some dogs present ataxia
capillaries, movement of adults into the and incoordination, probably due to erratic
connective tissue, under the skin, allergic migrations and compressions on nerves 10.
reactions to microfilariae and L3-L5 larvae and Massive infections were sometimes associated
toxins released by parasites138,139. with pleural effusion, dyspnea and
Clinical signs. cyanosis123.
Dirofilaria immitis, heartworm disease. The Pathology. Although the name "heartworm
majority of affected dogs do not show clinical disease" suggests a primary cardiac
signs for long periods (months even years). implication, the first lesions occur in the
Signs appear gradual and may debut with pulmonary arteries and lung parenchyma60,144.
chronic cough, followed by dyspnea, The lesions, often chronic, are characterized
weakness and sometimes faintness after by the presence of parasites up to 50
exercise. Rales in the diaphragmatic lobes are individuals in the form of a ball in the right
noted at auscultation. Distension of jugular ventricle and pulmonary artery. They are
venous and retrograde venous pulse, associated by ventricular dilatation,
splenomegaly, hepatomegaly and ascites, poor endocarditis and myocarditis, pulmonary
appetite and weight loss develop as the endarteritis with with thrombi in which the
cardiac insufficiency occurs12,144. The dogs parasites may be observed. Pulmonary
may present acute dyspnoea, fever and congestion and infarcts in the appropriate
hemoptysis when a large numbers of parasites areas of thrombosis and bronchopneumonia
die, due to the thromboembolism12,144. may be observed following stasis.
Sometimes, the parasites express erratically Microfilariae have a minor pathogenetic role,
migrations with ectopic locations, in eyes, but can sometimes be associated with
different arteries or veins than the punctiform hemorrhages in the encephalon
pulmonary20,85,128. Some dogs develop and spinal cord, liver and splenomegaly,
hypersensitivity60. ascites, pneumonia, proliferative
The clinical picture of cutaneous glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis and
filarioidosis. Signs occur mainly in summer fibrosis20,60.
and autumn due to the increased number of Diagnosis. Epidemiological data associated
microfilariae. These are recurrent during the with symptoms have indicative value.
first 2 to 3 years, and then become Identification of the larvae in blood is the
permanent138,139. The signs include pruritus, diagnosis of certainty.
erythema, papules, focal or multifocal

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Demonstration of microfilariae in peripheral immunofluorescence, and indirect hemagglu-

blood can be achieved by several means: fresh tination test using microfilarial antigens.
blood examination directly between the slide Treatment. Treatment of heartworm disease
and coverslide, fixed and stained smears, caused by D. immitis has two distinct aims,
modified Knott's technique for microfilaria or namely microfilaricidal and preventive
filter technique for microfilaria. The lack of therapy and adulticidal treatment.
microfilariae does not exclude a prepatent Microfilaricidal treatment is applied to the
infection. Microfilaremia does not correlate dogs to which an antigen test was positive,
with the number of adults; generally, high demonstrating the existence of circulating
microfilaremia in dogs signifies carriers of a microfilariae. At this category, a monthly
small number of adult parasites52. macrolide administration aims to prevent
Thoracic radiography has been used in the further infection, reduce circulating
past as a method of diagnosis, being now microfilariae, and kill all larvae which are not
replaced by serological methods. However, it yet susceptible to adulticide therapy. Adverse
is a useful tool that provides information reactions are possible so that these dogs
about the severity of the changes induced by should be kept under observation. Emergency
parasites. treatment for adverse reactions is based on
Echocardiography and electrocardiography anti-inflammatory corticosteroids with or
were also used in order to reveal the without antihistamines. Dexamethasone at a
alterations of cardiac functions. dose rate of 0.25 mg/kg intravenously and
Histochemical staining of microfilariae based diphenhydramine, 2 mg/kg intramuscularly, or
on alkaline phosphatase activity is very prednisolone, 1 mg/kg, orally 1 hour before
specific but expensive method and requires and 6 hours after administration of the first
experienced staff52. dose of prevention can be used12.
Several commercial ELISA and Due to the anthelmintic resistance
immunochromatographic kits for the detection phenomenon that installs relatively quickly in
of circulating antigens produced by adult macrocyclic lactones48, it is very important to
females of D. immitis are developed. The preserve their effectiveness against Dirofilaria
presence of males is not detectable by this larvae.
method. Antigens can be detected at 5 to 6.5 Adulticidal treatment aims to kill the worms
months after infection. Elimination of the and to prevent additional damage to the
antigens after the death of parasite is rapid; cardiopulmonary system. Although there are
therefore these tests can be used to evaluate many studies that demonstrate the adulticide
the success of treatment52. effect of some combinations of antibiotics,
PCR methods are sensitive and very accurate anthelmintics and symptomatic therapy, the
but are expensive, require more time and only drug approved in United States for this
specialized laboratories52. Recently, there purpose is the organoarsenic compound
have been developed tests to detect the melarsomine dihydrochloride (Immiticide).
simultaneous reactions of several species of Two doses of 2.5 mg/kg bw intramuscularly
filariids82,121. administered every 24 hours for two
Differential diagnosis includes spirocercosis, treatments expresses great efficacy, more than
angiostrongylosis, filaroidosis, cardio- 96%. Repeating of the two-dose therapy in 4
pulmonary syndrome with other causes, months will increase the efficacy to 99%12.
hepatitis, (non-) specific dermatitis, Despite that melarsomine is the single drug
leishmaniosis. Currently used laboratory approved in the therapy of D. immitis
methods are angiography, indirect infection, there are some other combinations

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that have expressed an adulticide efficacy microfilariae in infected animals can be

increased. realized using:
The combination of doxycycline at a dose rate  Milbemycin D at doses varying between
of 10 mg/kg (once daily) for 30 days and 1 and 5 mg/kg bw inhibits the embryonic
ivermectin–pyrantel, 6g/kg of ivermectin and development of microfilariae but may cause
adverse effects in dogs125.
5mg/kg of pyrantel every 15 days for 180
 Moxidectin tablets given monthly for 5
days is adulticide in dogs with D. immitis. The consecutive months during the risk season
efficacy of therapy reaches 85.7% against prevent the heartworm infection in dogs, the
adults and 100% against microfilariae, the results of testing for microfilariae and
treatment being well-tolerated59. circulating adult female antigens being
Combination of ivermectin at a dose rate of 6 negative in all experimentally treated dogs54.
 Imidacloprid/moxidectin topical solution
μg/kg per os, weekly, with doxycycline, 10
administered according to the package leaflet
mg/kg/day orally from weeks 0–6, 10–12, 16–
had a 100% preventive efficacy in a controlled
18, 22–26 and 28–34 has demonstrated a laboratory study against D. immitis, in dogs8.
significantly and faster decrease of circulating  Selamectin, a single topical application, at
microfilariae and a higher adulticidal activity. the recommended dosage and treatment
The efficacy was 92.6% against adult males interval, revealed a 100% efficacy in
and 69% against females, the average preventing the development of D. immitis in
efficiency being 78.26%7. dogs and cats96.
The control of mosquito in the environment
An important goal of adulticide therapy is to
by regular disinsections has a major beneficial
eliminate bacteria of the genus Wolbachia.
effect on the transmission of mosquito-borne
These are endosymbiont in Dirofilaria genus
diseases, including dirofilariosis.
and have a role in nematode biology. It locates
Wildlife is an important component that may
in the hypodermis, the ovaries, the oocytes
acts as a reservoir. Some carnivores, as
and embryos in the female uterus5,19,80.
coyotes in United States, make difficult
Elimination of bacteria by antibiotics can be
heartworms eradication due to their spreading,
effective adulticide and microfilaricidal by
almost universal, in rural, suburban, even
inhibition of larval moulting or blocking
urban areas12.
embryogenesis and female sterility6,55.
The worms may be surgical removed using
flexible alligator forceps. 9.2. Setariidae: setariosis in
Supplemental therapy consists of cardiotonic, horses and cattle
vitamin therapy, corticosteroids, aspirin The family includes approximately 43 species
(antithrombotic agents), antibiotics located normally in the abdominal cavity of
(doxycycline), antihistamines, diuretics and domestic and wild mammals, artiodactyls,
recovery diet. equines and hyracoids. Normally, these
Control. D. immitis infection control, targets parasites do not produce clinical
three major components: chemoprophylaxis, manifestations in the abdominal localizations.
control of the vectors in the environment and There are some species with particular
wildlife. locations (e.g. in the eye) when clinical signs
Despite there are several excellent products to depend on the affected organ. The diseases are
protect de companion animals, the method is called setariosis.
not suitable for long-term due to the Definition. It is a biohelminthosis that often
difficulties to apply the treatment in dogs evolves without clinical manifestations
without the owner and in wildlife. Control of affecting the equines, cattle and rarely other
ruminants. It is caused by nematodes of the

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genus Setaria, which develops in the serous or specific habitat. Viviparous females eliminate
in different organs. microfilariae that enter into the bloodstream,
Etiology. It is produced by: circulate through blood vessels and can be
Setaria equina, affect horses, parasitizing in found in peripheral blood. Intermediate hosts
the peritoneal and rarely pleural cavity, in the intervene and ingest microfilariae. The IH for
lung, testis, the anterior chamber of the eye, S. equina are mosquitoes from Aedes genus;
and the larvae in the blood. other Setaria species may be transmitted by
Setaria labiatopapillosa (syn. S. cervi61; syn. other vectors such as Stomoxis calcitrans for
S. altaica2) develops in the peritoneal cavity, S. cervi of cattle, or Anopheles mosquitoes for
rarely in other organs in cattle. S. labiatopapillosa. These IH ingest the larvae
Morphology. which develop in the thoracic muscles of IH.
S. equina has a long, filiform, and white body Microfilariae moult twice in the body of IH,
with transversely striated cuticle. The male finally resulting infective L3 larval stage.
measures between 50 and 65 mm length and Infective larvae migrate in the mouthparts of
the female is 110-130 mm long. mosquitoes and infect a new, healthy animal
At the anterior end, the mouth is surrounded when mosquitoes feed. The inoculated larvae
by a modified chitinoid peribuccal crown, migrate to their habitat and and mature after 2
with the appearance of a ring that contains moults. The prepatent varies period between 8
four projecting lips and 4 hornlike cephalic and 10 months.
spines around the lips. The esophagus is An important biological feature consists in the
divided into a muscular part, anteriorly lack of Wolbachia sp. endosymbiont from the
situated, and posterior glandular part. structure Setaria equina (hypodermal cords or
The posterior end of the male gradually thins, reproductive tissues). This fact suggests that
and the tail ends spiralled. It has two narrow Setaria species are not dependent on
and small caudal alae, two very small caudal Wolbachia sp. for survival21.
appendages near the terminal end of the tail, Epidemiology
and papillae around the anal orifice. The Geographical distribution. Infection is
spicules are unequal calibrated and dissimilar. worldwide spread, wherever intermediate
The left one is larger (610-640 μm) than the hosts find favorable biotopes to their
right (280-290 μm) and looks as a tube with a development, respectively, moisture and heat.
membranous distal portion while the right one Infection is diagnosed in horses in Hungary
is irregularly shaped, stout and short. (9.2%)69, in Turkish equines (15%)110, in
The female has the vulvar opening in the donkeys from South Africa (71.4%)93 or in
cervical region. At the posterior end, it has working donkeys of Ethiopia (85.7%)56.
two very small lateral appendages and the tail Sources of contamination are infected horses
ends bluntly. They are viviparous and and cattle, and intermediate hosts which
eliminate sheathed microfilariae, measuring transfer the parasites from diseased to healthy
250 x 7 μm. animals.
Setaria labiatopapillosa is similar to the Susceptibility. All animals, horses or cattle,
previous species, but it has eight peribuccal kept on pasture are exposed to infection. The
papillae, each equipped with one thornlike disease is most commonly diagnosed in adult
structure, at the anterior end. The tail of the animals.
female contains small caudal papillae, with Route of contamination is transcutaneous
thorns. through intermediate hosts bites.
Life cycle. The life cycle is indirect, Resistance of parasites is conditioned by the
diheteroxenous. Adult parasites live in their survival of intermediate hosts. This is

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influenced by temperature and humidity. location and difficulty of diagnosis. In ocular

These factors also influence the development form, the surgery, symptomatic and
of larvae into the IH body. At 18.0-25.5°C, anthelmintic medications are recommended.
the larvae need at least 15 days to become Ivermectin at a dose rate of 0.5 mg/kg, a
infective. The period will be longer when the single intramuscularly treatment, has induced
temperature is below or above these limits. a reduction of 88% in the number of live
Pathogenesis, clinical signs and pathology. worms, and surviving worms have expressed a
S. equina is a nonpathogenic worm in the reduced mobility78.
peritoneal cavity location. It may exert a Control. Control is not attempted due to the
slightly irritative action responsible for non-pathogenicity of the parasites. Insecticidal
fibrinous peritonitis that is rarely observed. prophylaxis of all animals kept on pasture
S. labiatopapillosa is also nonpathogenic in during the risk period may have a protective
temperate areas, but in warm regions may effect against IH invasion.
invade the spinal canal of small ruminants and
cause cerebrospinal meningitis, paralysis and 9.3. Filariidae: filariidosis
death. Family Filariidae includes small to medium-
Both species may migrate erratically, intra sized subcutaneous parasites of mammals. It is
ocular, in immature stages. The infection divided into two subfamilies, Filariinae and
occurs when mosquitoes feed around eyes and the Stephanofilariinae. Typical morphological
inoculate the infective larvae there. They character of the family is the presence of the
migrate in the aqueous humor of the eye. vulva at the anterior end, facilitating the
Striated cuticle and movements of the worms elimination of eggs or larvae. Members of the
act locally, irritative-inflammatory73. They family have dipteran intermediate hosts and
cause lacrimation, poor vision, conjunctivitis, cause cutaneous lesions. The diseases are
photophobia, cloudiness of the cornea and generically called filariidosis.
finally, the corneal opacity.
Diagnosis. Clinical diagnosis is impractical,
9.3.1 Parafilariosis:
due to the asymptomatic parasitism, intra-
Summer bleeding in horses
cavitary location being a surprise of necropsy.
Definition. Parafilariosis is a vector-borne
Localization into the eye, expressed by
nematodosis of horses and cattle expressed,
photophobia, lacrimation, conjunctival
during the summer, by focal hemorrhages on
keratoses, and blindness is easily confirmed
the skin, called also summer bleeding disease,
by observing of the parasites that actively
bloody sweat or verminous nodules.
move in aqueous humor.
Etiology. The disease is caused by parasites
Microscopic examination of the blood smears
belonging to the family Filariidae, subfamily
allows to identifying of microfilariae, but it is
Filariinae, genus Parafilaria: P.
not a common practice, the exam being
multipapillosa, in subcutaneous and
intermuscular connective tissue of horses, and
Mobile parasites on serous surface, without
P. bovicola in subcutaneous and intramuscular
visible lesions, are incidentally revealed at
tissues of cattle.
Morphology. P. multipapillosa. The parasites
Differential diagnosis includes other
are long, thread-like and whitish; male
bacterial, parasitic, and traumatic
measure approximately 30 mm length and
female is 40 to 60 mm long. The anterior end
Treatment. The treatment is unjustified due
is rounded, and the cuticle of the cervical
to lack of pathogenicities in peritoneal
region has circular protuberances arranged in

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13 to 15 rings. Esophagus is undivided. The inside. The females prick and penetrate the
posterior end of the male is rounded and short, skin creating the "hole of eggs shedding".
fitted with many papillae that surround the The maximum longevity of P. bovicola adult
anal opening. Spicules are unequal calibrated parasites may reach 372 days108.
and dissimilar. The left one measures 680 to Epidemiology
750 μm length, and the right is accentuated Geographical distribution. Infections with
shorter than the right, measuring only 130-140 Parafilaria spp. are worldwide spread. P.
μm length. Female has the vulva placed near multipapillosa is recorded in various parts of
to mouth; posterior end is blunt. Females are the world, including South America, Africa
ovoviviparous and lay embryonated eggs, and Eurasia2. P. bovicola is spread in Africa,
oval-shaped, thin shell, measuring 55/30 μm. Asia and several European countries
P. bovicola female is 5 to 6 cm long and 500 respectively, Germany62, the Netherlands11,
μm wide and the male is 2.5 to 3 cm long. Sweden89, Italy47, France and Belgium18,88.
Life cycle is indirect, diheteroxenous. The The disease is characterized by a seasonal
mammals, horses and cattle, are definitive evolution. In European temperate climate, the
hosts in which the parasites live into the infection evolves in spring and summer while,
subcutaneous and inter- and/or intramuscular in tropical warm and moist areas, it is
connective tissues in the regions of thorax, diagnosed preponderantly after the rainy
shoulders, withers in horses, donkey, mule, season.
and cattle. The females pierce the skin and Sources of contamination are infected
create a small hole necessary for eggs animals and intermediate hosts. It is estimated
releasing. After copulation, the females lay that one infected animal will act as a source of
embryonated eggs that are liberated into the infection for many other animals. Chirico22
drops of blood. The eggs hatch rapidly and the showed that approximately 0.6% of Musca
first-larval stages (microfilariae) are released. autumnalis contain P. bovicola larvae.
Intermediate hosts intervene and ingest these Susceptibility. All horses and large ruminant,
microfilariae during their feeding. Many members of the subfamily Bovinae (cattle,
species of licking flies are involved as IH and buffalo), kept on the pastures, are sensitive to
vectors around the world, depending by the infection.
species of Parafilaria. Intermediate hosts of Route of contamination. Intraconjunctival
P. multipapillosa are the horn flies route is typical, when insects feed by licking.
(Haematobia irritans and H. atripalpis)2,66. P. This type of prehension, the licking,
bovicola is transmitted by species included in characteristic to these intermediate hosts,
genus Musca: Musca lusoria, M. xanthomelas eliminates transcutaneous contamination.
and M. nevelli in Southern Africa and Musca Resistance. The survival of the parasite is
autumnalis (the face fly) in Europe. The conditioned by the intermediate host’s
larvae moult twice, into the intermediate resistance. This is influenced by mean annual
host’s body, and will become infective in 11 temperature, rainfall, frost, and altitude. P.
to 20 days, according to temperature. bovicola larvae may survive in Musca
Infective larvae (L3) are transmitted to healthy autumnalis, which serve as overwintering
animals during a new feeding episode of IH. reservoirs22.
The larvae are liberated through mouthparts of Pathogenesis. Adult gravid females exert a
flies on wounds or ocular secretions. They local mechanical action, consisting in the
migrate under the skin and will develop into piercing of the intact skin, in order to create a
adults after 5 to 7 months and two molts. hole to eliminate eggs. The worms act, also,
Mature worms produce nodules and copulate irritative-inflammatory on the tissues inside

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the nodules causing rupture of capillaries, if the worms lack. Microscopically,

hemorrhagic exudates and skin necrosis. Open embryonated eggs or microfilariae may be
skin lesions may create sites of penetration for observed in stained smears or exudates.
bacterial agents, which complicate the lesions, Serodiagnosis using ELISA technique has
causing phlegmons. high specificity and sensitivity.
Preferred areas for location of the parasites are Differential diagnosis in live animals includes
dorsal and lateral aspects of the body where injuries caused by Onchocerca spp.,
are observed up to 74.4% of bleeding Habronema spp., biting insects and ticks,
points107. thorns and other sharp objects. In carcasses,
Clinical signs. Clinical signs are the lesions that resemble bruises must be
characteristic. Small, painful nodules (1.2 to differentiated of trauma.
1.5 cm diameter and 0.7 cm in depth) develop Treatment. Majority of treatments were
on the skin before the penetration. After the developed to use in cattle.
penetration, the nodules become large (4x1  Old treatments in cattle, based on
cm), swollen, and hemorrhagic. Bleeding levamisole hydrochloride and nitroxynil (at a
points at the sites of piercing of females are dose rate of 20 mg/kg bw, 2 times at 3 day
intervals) gave promising results, causing the
visible, at the surface of nodules, and a trickle
reduction of lesions and lesion area by 76%
of blood flows on the skin. The hair and skin by levamisole and by 93% by the latter
around the points become matted and streaked compound145.
with blood, attracting more flies to feed.  Nitroxynil at a dose rate of 20 mg/kg bw
The nodules are located preferentially on the administered once, subcutaneous injection,
neck, withers, and back in horses. In bovines, reduced the number of bleeding points by
the sites of infection predominate on the 97.8%148.
 Ivermectin at 0.2 mg/kg bw,
withers, shoulders, thorax and less on the
subcutaneous injection caused complete
rump and loins. disappearance of symptoms at 7 days post-
Pathology. In acute evolution, the lesions treatment97.
have an opaque yellow-green appearance and  Ivermectin, 0.2 mg/kg bw, subcutaneous
consist in subcutaneous oedema and injection reduced the lesion area and mean
petechiae, resembling bruises. mass of damaged tissue trimmed from the
Chronically, the lesions reach a gelatinous carcasses by 83.3% and 89.9%,
greenish-yellow and dirty brown appearance.
Control. Vector control is an important action
A characteristic metallic, unpleasant odour is
that may prevent contamination. Insecticides
felt in chronic evolution.
and permethrin–impregnated collar for horses
In severe forms, the underlying muscles can
or ear tags in large ruminants are useful to
be involved, and the discoloration may extend
control the fly vector.
into the inter- and intramuscular tissues, the
lesions being, also, found in mediastinal, sub-
pleural, and peri-renal tissues.
The carcasses have to be trimmed in
slaughterhouses causing additional economic
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with Dirofilaria (Nochtiella) repens mg/kg live mass in the treatment of
infestation and concurrent tick-borne Parafilaria bovicola infestations in cattle. J S
transmitted diseases. Vet Dermatol. 13:267- Afr Vet Assoc. 1982 Jun;53(2):91-4.
274. 149. Zarfoss MK, Dubielzig RR, Eberhard ML,
139. Tarello W (1999) La dirofilariose sous- Schmidt KS (2005) Canine ocular
cutanee à Dirofilaria (Nochtiella) repens chez onchocerciasis in the United States: two new
le chien. Rev Med Vet. 150:691-702. cases and a review of the literature. Vet
140. Taylor MJ, Awadzi K, Basáñez MG, Ophthalmol. 8:51–57.
Biritwum N, Boakye D, Boatin B, Bockarie 150. Zivicnjak T, Martinkovic F, Beck R (2006)
M, Churcher TS, Debrah A, Edwards G, “Dirofilariosis in Croatia, spread and public
Hoerauf A, Mand S, Matthews G, Osei- health impact”. in “5th Croatian Congress on
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10. Thelazioidea  Thelazia callipaeda, or “oriental

eyeworm” is the common species of canids
Superfamily Thelazioidea is divided into three
and felids, but it is reported also in rodents
families, Thelaziidae, Pneumo-spiruridae and
and humans, being spread in Europe, ex-
Rhabdochonidae. It contains parasites of
USSR and Far East countries.
birds, mammals, fish and primates, the eye
 Thelazia californiensis, parasite in dogs,
worms included being the most studied
other carnivores and wild ruminants is found
in Mexico and United States.
Morphology. General morphology of
10.1. Thelaziidae: thelaziosis thelaziids consists in a thin, cylindrical,
Family Thelaziidae comprises two filiform and whitish body. The length of
subfamilies, Thelaziinae and Oxyspirurinae males varies between 6 and 26 mm and
that number about 7 genera. Genus Thelazia is female is 10 to 20 mm long and 0,2-0,4 mm
most important, the species which belong to it width.
causing thelaziosis, an important parasitosis, At the anterior end, the cuticle is transversely
in cattle, horses, canids and, rarely, humans. ringed, showing coarse striations (figure 29).
Definition. It is an endemic biohelminthosis,
evolving during the warm season,
characterized by conjunctivitis, commonly
affecting cattle, horses rarely sheep or other
animals. It is caused by nematodes of the
genus Thelazia which are parasites of the
Etiology. Several species are worldwide
distributed, affecting domestic and wild
ruminants, horses and canids. Parasites inhabit
the orbits, conjunctival sac, under the lids, the
lachrymal glands and ducts and nictitating
membrane. May be differentiated parasite
species only in ruminant, species that affect
ruminants and horses, respectively species
prevalent in canids, but which can develop in Figure 29. Thelazia spp.: anterior end -
ruminants and other host species. transverse striations
 Thelazia gulosa affects domestic and wild
ruminants in Europe, North America, They have a buccal capsule, well-developed
Australia and Asia. but short, thick-walled and unarmed; its
 Thelazia skrjabini is found in domestic anterior edge turns back to the posterior of the
and wild ruminants originating in Europe, body and is cutted in six festoons. The mouth
North America, Asia and Australia. opening is hexagonal and the lips lack.
 Thelazia rhodesi, parasite of domestic Posterior end of the male is short, the alae
and wild ruminants, and horses, spread in lack, but shows numerous papillae that
Europe, North and South America, Asia and surround the anal opening; the spicules are
Africa. unequal. Posterior end of the female is round,
 Thelazia lacrymalis is identified in blunt and vulva is anterior situated.
equids, domestic and wild ruminants from Life cycle. The life cycle is indirect,
Europe and North and South America. diheteroxenous involving, as intermediate
hosts, several species of flies. Adult parasites

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inhabit the orbit and their adjacent: nictitating continuous decline during the last 40 years
membrane and under the eyelids, conjunctiva due to the extensively use of avermectins
and conjunctival sacs, lachrymal glands and (ivermectin, doramectin, moxidectin and
excretory ducts. They are secretophagous eprinomectin) as endectocide treatments24.
parasites, consuming lachrymal secretions. These drugs, especially their residues, impair
The females are viviparous and eliminate the development of Musca spp. in the dung of
first-stage larvae, which move into the treated cattle causing the general reduction of
lachrymal secretions. Secretophagous non- flies’ population6. Consecutively, the
biting flies feed on secretions and ingest these prevalence of infections decreases.
larvae. Several species of flies intervene as IH In horses, Thelazia sp. is rarely reported; in
for each Thelazia spp.22: Kentucky, the prevalence was 31.25% (5 of
 T. gulosa: Musca domestica, M. 16)13. T. lacrimalis was found in 3.1% of
autumnalis, M. larvipara, M. vitripennis, M. horses slaughtered at the Linköping abattoir in
osiris and M. amica; central Sweden9.
 T. skrjabini: M. autumnalis, M. herveia,
T. callipaeda is prevalent in dogs, cats, and
M. osiris and M. amica;
 T. rhodesi: M. domestica, M. autumnalis, humans in the former Soviet Union and in
M. convexifrons, M. larvipara, M. countries of the Far East (Japan, China,
crassirostris, M. herveia and M. sorbens; Korea, Indonesia, India, Myanmar, Thailand,
 T. lacrymalis: M. autumnalis and M. and Taiwan19. It was also reported in France
osiris; and Germany3,5,8, southern Switzerland14,
 T. callipaeda: Amiota okadaia and A. Portugal in cats and dogs23,25, Spain16,
 T. californiensis: Fannia benjamini and
F. canicularis; Sources of contamination. Two major
The first-stage larva undergo a development sources of contamination can be
process to the third-stage larvae (L3) through differentiated: infected animals, mainly those
two successive molts, into the intermediate kept on pastures and the flies, intermediate
host body, in hemocoel and fat body of the hosts. The intensity of parasitism per fly is
female and the testes of the male where variable between 115 and 151 larvae17 and the
encapsulate. When intermediate hosts feed, prevalence of infection in the fly populations
the larvae migrate to the labella of flies and is variable between 3.21% in M. larvipara and
are transferred to the definitive hosts in 4.46% in M. autumnalis, the species involved
lachrymal secretions. Following inoculation, being T. rhodesi and T. gulosa20. Regarding T.
the worms reach adulthood in the orbit in callipaeda, the farm and military dogs are the
approximately 1 month. main reservoir hosts19.
Epidemiology Susceptibility. Adult animals are more
Geographical distribution. In cattle, it is susceptible than calves, foals and puppies.
generally considered that T. gulosa and T. This fact is explainable by the absence of a
skrjabini are spread mainly in the New World protective immune response following
while T. rhodesi is particularly common in the multiple infections during their life, re-
Old World7. The disease is reported in the last infections and accumulation phenomenon,
10 years, in Dagestan (38%), the species correlated with the long lifespan of Thelazia
involved being T. rhodesi, T. gulosa, and T. adults, exceeding one year.
skrjabini26. In Italy, T. gulosa and T. skrjabini The dogs, rabbits, cats and monkeys are
have been recently identified in autochthonous proven their susceptibility as definitive host of
cattle in Apulia and Sardinia7. In England, T. callipaeda in experimental infections while
thelaziosis of cattle has registered a goats and sheep are not responsive.

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Route of contamination consists in Pathology. Lesions develop gradually.

inoculation of infective larvae (L3) by the Initially, catarrhal and petechial conjunctivitis
intermediate hosts into the orbit area occurs followed by keratitis, chronic follicular
(conjunctival mucosa). conjunctivitis, ulcers and corneal opacity.
Seasonal evolution during the summer, in Relation between high morbidity of
temperate regions, is characterized by thelaziosis and incidence of ocular
increasing of morbidity rate from June to epithelioma in cattle must be verified.
September, directly correlated with increasing Diagnosis. Clinical diagnosis is easy during
of activity and density of fly populations. patent phase. It is based on symptoms and
There are multiple ways of transmission under with the slightly visualization of adult
grazing conditions, on pastures near forests, parasites in the conjunctival sac. Collecting of
with favorable biotopes (manure, organic lachrymal secretion and its microscopic
matter) for development of fly larvae. examination to observe the larvae is necessary
Horizontal diffusion of outbreaks is realized in the early stages of the disease.
through intermediate hosts, which are also Differential diagnosis includes bovine
vectors and by displacement of infected cattle. keratitis by Moraxella bovis (pinkeye),
Resistance of larval stages in the environment traumatic lesions, setariosis.
is reduced; survival does not exceed several Treatment. Thelaziosis is the only
hours. nematodosis that benefits from topical
Pathogenesis. Aggression of adults and larvae treatment due to the parasites locations, at the
is exercised locally and depends on the external part of eye in contact with air.
intensity and duration of parasitism. The Therapy is based on the combined use of
parasites act by complex mechanisms: specific drugs with antibiotics, anti-
mechanical, irritative-inflammatory, inocula- inflammatory and cicatrizants. Applications
tory and toxic. Mechanical action is due to are made in the form of eye washes or
movements of worms and is correlated with ointments. Useful substances are in table 17
inflammation caused by transverse coarse Control. An integrated protocol is needed to
striations. Inflammation of the conjunctiva control eyeworm disease in animals. This
and cornea occurs initially, followed by local involves control of the fly vector and
bleeding, lachrymal duct obstruction, periodical deworming of animals. Control of
erosions, even ulcers, parasites being easily the vectors is based on the use of ear tags,
visible. Parasites favor the engraftment of preventive collars or periodical spraying of
bacteria, rickettsiae and other infectious animals. Ointments with pour-on application
pathogens, complicating inflammatory may be used for a prolonged efficacy.
processes. Periodical deworming of animals, better
Clinical signs. Incubation period lasts 3 to 5 quarterly, aims to protect animals against
days. Clinical evolution debuts with epiphora, adults development; avermectins are useful.
photophobia, congestion, local swelling,
ocular secretions and pruritus around the eye.
Eye discharge becomes purulent after 1 or 2
weeks and corneal ulcers occur, with
unilateral ophthalmia, even panophthalmia.
Local signs are accompanied by general
symptoms, decreased appetite, weight loss,
decreased milk production and slow
movements of animals with severe forms.

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Table 17. Active substances used in the treatment of thelaziosis

dose rate efficacy

species active substance author
(mg/kg bw) (%)
dog 0.5/5 96.8
Motta et al., 2012
cat 0.2/5 80.0
tetramisole 15 100 Čorba et al., 1969
levamisole 10% sol, 6-10 drops 100 Salifu et al., 1990
0.5 pour-on 95.3 Marley et al., 1999
cattle doramectin
0.2 sc 100 Kannedy and Phillips, 1993
0.5 pour-on 100 Kennedy et al., 1994
0.2 sc 100 Kennedy, 1992

References skrjabini, in experimentally infected cattle.

Vet Parasitol. 45(1-2):127-31.
1. Anderson RC (2000) Nematode Parasites Of 11. Kennedy MJ, Phillips FE (1993) Efficacy of
Vertebrates. Their Development and doramectin against eyeworms (Thelazia spp.)
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Wallingford, UK, 650 pp. Vet Parasitol. 49(1):61-6.
2. Caron Y, Premont J, Losson B, Grauwels M 12. Kennedy MJ, Holste JE, Jacobsen JA (1994)
(2013) Thelazia callipaeda ocular infection in The efficacy of ivermectin (pour-on) against
two dogs in Belgium. J Small Anim Pract. the eyeworms, Thelazia gulosa and Thelazia
54(4):205-8. skrjabini in naturally infected cattle. Vet
3. Chermette R, Guillot J, Bussiéras J (2004) Parasitol. 55(3):263-6.
Canine ocular thelaziosis in Europe. Vet Rec. 13. Lyons ET, Tolliver SC, Collins SS (2006)
154(8):248. Prevalence of large endoparasites at necropsy
4. Čorba J, Scales , Froyd G (1969) he effect in horses infected with Population B small
of dl-tetramisole * on Thelazia rhodesii strongyles in a herd established in Kentucky in
(eyeworm) in cattle. Trop Anim Health Prod. 1966. Parasitol Res. 2006 Jul;99(2):114-8.
1(1):19-22. Epub 2006 Mar 1.
5. Dorchies P, Chaudieu G, Siméon LA, Cazalot 14. Malacrida F, Hegglin D, Bacciarini L, Otranto
G, Cantacessi C, Otranto D (2007) First D, Nägeli F, Nägeli C, Bernasconi C, Scheu
reports of autochthonous eyeworm infection U, Balli A, Marenco M, Togni L, Deplazes P,
by Thelazia callipaeda (Spirurida, Schnyder M (2008) Emergence of canine
Thelaziidae) in dogs and cat from France. Vet ocular Thelaziosis caused by Thelazia
Parasitol. 149(3-4):294-7. callipaeda in southern Switzerland. Vet
6. Floate KD, Spooner RW, Colwell DD (2001) Parasitol. 157(3-4):321-7.
Larvicidal activity of endectocide against pest 15. Marley SE, Illyes EF, Keller DS, Meinert TR,
flies in the dung of treated cattle. Med Vet Logan NB, Hendrickx MO, Conder GA
Entomol. 15:117-120. (1999) Efficacy of topically administered
7. Giangaspero A, Traversa D, Otranto D (2004) doramectin against eyeworms, lungworms,
[Ecology of Thelazia spp. in cattle and their and gastrointestinal nematodes of cattle. Am J
vectors in Italy].[Article in Italian]. Vet Res. 60(6):665-8.
Parassitologia. 46(1-2):257-9. 16. Miró G, Montoya A, Hernández L, Dado D,
8. Hermosilla C, Herrmann B, Bauer C (2004) Vázquez MV, Benito M, Villagrasa M, Brianti
First case of Thelazia callipaeda infection in a E, Otranto D (2011) Thelazia callipaeda:
dog in Germany. Vet Rec. 154(18):568-9. infection in dogs: a new parasite for Spain.
9. Höglund J, Ljungström BL, Nilsson O, Parasit Vectors. 4:148. doi: 10.1186/1756-
Lundquist H, Osterman E, Uggla A (1997) 3305-4-148.
Occurrence of Gasterophilus intestinalis and 17. Moolenbeek WJ, Surgeoner GA (1980)
some parasitic nematodes of horses in Southern Ontario survey of eyeworms,
Sweden. Acta Vet Scand. 38(2):157-65. Thelazia gulosa and Thelazia lacrymalis in
10. Kennedy MJ (1992) The efficacy of cattle and larvae of Thelazia spp. in the face
ivermectin against the eyeworm, Thelazia fly, Musca autumnalis. Can Vet J. 21(2):50-2.

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18. Motta B, Schnyder M, Basano FS, Nägeli F, 22. Skrjabin KI, Sobolov AA, Ivashkin VM
Nägeli C, Schiessl B, Mallia E, Lia RP, (1971) Essentials of nematodology, Vol.16-
Dantas-Torres F, Otranto D (2012) Spirurata of animals and man and the diseases
Therapeutic efficacy of milbemycin caused by them, part 4, Thelazioidea. Israel
oxime/praziquantel oral formulation Program for Translations, ISBN 978-
(Milbemax®) against Thelazia callipaeda in 0706511796, Jerusalem, Israel.
naturally infested dogs and cats. Parasit 23. Soares C, Sousa SR, Anastácio S, Matias MG,
Vectors. 5:85. doi: 10.1186/1756-3305-5-85. Marquês I, Mascarenhas S, Vieira MJ, de
19. Naem S (2011). Thelazia Species and Carvalho LM, Otranto D (2013) Feline
Conjunctivitis, Conjunctivitis - A Complex thelaziosis caused by Thelazia callipaeda in
and Multifaceted Disorder, Prof. Zdenek Portugal. Vet Parasitol. 196(3-4):528-31.
Pelikan (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-750-5, 24. Tweedle DM, Fox MT, Gibbons LM, Tennant
InTech. Available from: KV (2005) Change in the prevalence of Thelazia species in bovine eyes in England.
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F, Giangaspero A (2003) Molecular MS, Cardoso L, Otranto D (2012) First report
epidemiological survey on the vectors of of canine ocular thelaziosis by Thelazia
Thelazia gulosa, Thelazia rhodesi and callipaeda in Portugal. Parasit Vectors. 5:124.
Thelazia skrjabini (Spirurida: Thelaziidae). doi: 10.1186/1756-3305-5-124.
Parasitology. 127(Pt 4):365-73. 26. Zubairova MM, Ataev AM (2010) [Fauna and
21. Salifu DA, Haruna ES, Makinde AA, Ajayi distribution of nematodes from the suborders
ST (1990) A case report of Thelazia infection spirurata and filariata parasitizing cattle in
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43(2):197-8. 44(6):525-30

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11. Spiruroidea Gongylonema verrucosum develops in the

mucosa and submucosa of rumen in sheep,
Superfamily Spiruroidea contains four
goats, cattle and zebu, in India, USA and
families (Gongylonematidae, Spiruridae,
South Africa.
Spirocercidae and Hartertiidae) with 21
Gongylonema ingluvicola inhabit in the crop,
genera, parasites predominantly in birds and
esophagus, and proventriculus of gallinaceous
mammals2. Spiruroids are, generally, parasites
birds (chickens, turkeys, pheasants, partridges
of the upper digestive tract, and
and quail), worldwide.
preponderantly affect the stomach and
Gongylonema neoplasticum is found in
esophagus. They are biohelminths, arthropods
esophagus and stomach in rodents and
being involved in their life cycle.
lagomorphs, worldwide.
Morphology. G. pulchrum has a cylindrical
11.1. Gongylonematidae: body, whitish, slender, and equal calibrated.
gongylonemosis in animals The length of male reach up to 62 mm and
Family comprises about 34 species included female is up to 145 mm (figure 30).
in a single genus, Gongylonema that has some The anterior end is rounded and slightly
synonymy: Gongylomene, Gongylonemoides, tapered. The mouth opening is delimited by
Misonunus, Myzomimus or Progongylonema. small, inconspicuous lips. The cuticle shows
The worms are characterized by large several distinctive, longitudinal and irregular
verruciform thickenings that cover the cuticle, rows of large, round or oval, verruciform
especially to the anterior end of the body. thickenings called also cuticular bosses.
These are arranged in several longitudinal and Cuticular cervical alae, well-developed, are
parallel rows and continuously are reduced in present.
thickness toward the posterior end. At the posterior end, the male has two unequal
Members of the family are parasites of the caudal alae which determine an asymmetric
mucosa into the anterior segments of digestive appearance to the tail. The spicules are also
duct (esophagus). The disease caused is called unequal, the right one being longer (84 μm to
gongylonemosis. 180 μm long) than the left one (4 μm to 23 μm
Definition. Gongylonema spp. infection long). A variable number of pedunculate
evolves chronic, asymptomatic, dallying usual papillae surround the anal orifice, being pre-
as a parasitism condition, not as a disease. The or post-anal situated. Vulva is opened towards
parasites occupy the esophagus and other the tail of the female. The eggs are
anterior segments of digestive ducts in embryonated when are laid and measure 50-
herbivorous, swine and poultry. Infection is a 70x25-35 μm.
surprise of necropsy or slaughter, being The male of G. ingluvicola measures 17 to 20
diagnosed only after the death of animals. mm long by 224 to 250 μmwidth and the
Etiology. Several species are important in female is 32 to 55 mm long by 320 to 490 μm
domestic animals: width.
Gongylonema pulchrum is a common species At the anterior end present a shield-like
of anterior segments of digestive system markings region and two cervical alae. The
(tongue, esophagus, stomach and rarely markings are scattered near the head but
rumen) in a large variety of animal hosts: posteriorly are arranged in numerous
cattle, horses, sheep, goats, camels, cervids, longitudinal, almost parallel rows. The
pigs, bears, squirrels, rabbits, and and thickness of markings is continuous reduced
primates, including humans, worldwide. to posterior.

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intermediate hosts, comprising cockroaches,

mealworms, and fleas. In their body, the eggs
hatch and first-stage larvae undergo an
evolution process, reaching infective-stage L3
after two successive molts. Definitive hosts
become infected by ingestion of intermediate
hosts that contain the third-stage larvae. It is
not very well-known the route by what the
larvae reach the wall of the esophagus. They
are probably released from intermediate hosts
in the stomach, penetrate blood vessel and
back to the esophagus through circulation.
Another possibility consists in the crawl back
into the esophagus.
Geographical distribution. Gongylonema spp.
infection is spread across the globe. G.
pulchrum was identified in wildlife
throughout the world. The infection was found
Figure 30. Gongylonema spp.:
in jackals (Canis aureus, 4%) from Serbia11,
a) anterior end; b) posterior end (male);
wild boars (Sus scrofa) from Turkey (11%)61,
1. verruciform thickenings; 2. caudal alae;
Sherman's fox squirrel (Sciurus niger
3. spicules
shermani) in Florida (2%)12, black bears
(Ursus americanus) from Pennsylvania
At the posterior end, the male has two
(33.1%)26, cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus
asymmetric, and narrow caudal alae, a
floridanus) in the Southeastern United States
variable number of papillae and two unequal
(1%)4 and many other species in the world.
spicules: the left one is long almost as the
It was found in large and small ruminants and
body, measuring 17–19 mm length and 7-9
pigs. In cattle, its prevalence varied depending
μm width and the right one is 10–12 mm long
by the altitude: 45% in plains, 22% in
and 15–20 μm wide. Vulvar opening is
submontane, and 10% in mountain zone from
situated posterior. The eggs measure 58x35
Dagestan66; in Japan was 18.4% between
December 1986 and June 198730. In hair goats
Life cycle. is indirect, diheteroxenous. Adult
from the Sanliurfa region, Turkey, the
parasites reside in their habitat. After
prevalence was 32.53%1. In ruminants kept in
copulation, ovoviviparous females lay
captivity, in India, the prevalence was 11.76%
embryonated eggs that contain first-stage
in nilgai and 20.2% in giraffe10. G. pulchrum
larva. The eggs are passed through feces in the
was found in 60% of axis deer (Axis axis) and
environment. They are ingested by
100% of feral swine (Sus scrofa) examined in
intermediate hosts represented by
Hawaii38. Feral swine represents a high
coprophagous beetles (dung beetle) or
sensitive category all around the world, the
cockroaches. Genera Aphodius, Onthophagus,
prevalence of infection being 77% in
Blatella and other intervene in the biology of
Cumberland Island53.
G. pulchrum and small cockroach Blatella
G. ingluvicola was the most spread nematode
germanica or the beetle Copris minutus in
in free-range chickens from South Africa, the
development of G. ingluvicola. G.
prevalence varying between 43.3 and 86.7%43.
neoplasticum has a diversified group of

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In free-range chickens in Zimbabwe the represents an adaptation to the esophageal

species was the most prevalent in young peristalsis needed to prevent the rupture of the
(28%) and adult (56%) birds54. In young parasite when the food bolus passes. Then, the
scavenging chickens in Ghana the prevalence parasite elongates becoming straight due to
recorded was 62%57. In Tanzania, prevalence the enlargement of esophagus.
was influenced by season, being 6.3% during The development of larvae and adult rarely
the wet season and 17.7% in the dry season55. causes micro-haemorrhages, and esophageal
The species was discovered in northern and crop mucosal edema due to the irritative-
bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) in northern inflammatory action exerted. Migration of the
Florida, United States, the prevalence being adult female during egg laying may be
1.3%13. expressed by mechanical damage. Esophagitis
G. neoplasticum was recovered from black rat is associated with the presence of the “stitch
(Rattus rattus) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia worm” on the mucosa, being a pathognomonic
registering different prevalence, between lesion. G. neoplasticum in domestic rats is
0.7% and 17.5%41,52. In Central Taiwan, the reported to induce neoplastic tumors.
prevalence in the same species was 14.3%65. Clinical signs. Gongylonema spp. infection
Sources of contamination are the infected does not develop symptoms. In heavy
animals with asymptomatic parasitism. These infections may evolve dysphagia, especially
pollute the environment with eggs. esophageal dysphagia, and sensitivity of
Intermediate hosts are the second source that esophageal region.
contaminates healthy animals. The level of Diagnosis. Usually, the disease is evidenced
infection in dung beetle populations is at necropsy. The eggs may be confused with
variable, but it seems to be lower due to the those of Strongyloides spp., strongyls
complexity of Gongylonema spp. life cycle. In (embryonic phase) or spirurids, in pigs.
Copris lunaris beetles the infection rate was Differential diagnosis in severe infections
2.2% in Iran42. includes esophageal dysphagia with another
Susceptibility. Ruminants appear to be more etiology.
susceptible than other domestic species. This Treatment. There is no specific treatment.
may be due to grazing which favors contact of Benzimidazole derivatives are less effective,
definitive hosts with beetles and cockroaches. or totally ineffective. Levamisole as a single
Route of contamination is oral by dose of 8 mg/kg, mebendazole at 70 mg/kg for
consumption of infected intermediate hosts. 3 days, subcutaneously injected ivermectin as
Resistance. The eggs survive minimum 4 a single dose of 0.2 mg/kg and thiabendazole
months at temperatures between 6.6°C and at 100 mg/kg for 3 days demonstrated a
37.7°C and 37% of the entire period of moderate or low efficacy of 63.2%, 22.8%
exposure consisted in cold and freezing and 25.8%, respectively while thiabendazole
temperature; at room temperature, 22° to did not express any efficacy29.
24°C, all eggs survived and remained Control. Prevention of infection is difficult
infective at least 4 months. The third-stage due to the intermediate hosts, beetles and
larva survives in water for over 30 days when cockroaches, which are highly mobile
emerges accidentally from intermediate arthropods, spreading the infection at the long
hosts30. distances.
Pathogenesis and pathology. Gongylonema
spp. is not highly pathogenic nematodes. G.
pulchrum is embedded into the esophageal
mucosa, in a spiralled shape. This aspect

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11.2. Spirocercidae: lay embryonated eggs that are passed through

the gastrointestinal tract in the environment.
spirocercidosis in dogs The eggs may be eliminated in the vomitus.
The Spirocercidae comprises three
Coprophagous beetles (genera Akis, Copris,
subfamilies: Spirocercinae, Ascaropsinae and
Geotrupes, Gymnopleurus, Scarabaeus,
Mastophorinae. The family is characterized by
Atenchus, and others) intervene as
hexagonal mouth opening and buccal cavity
intermediate hosts. After ingestion, the eggs
armed with teeth. Subfamily Spirocercinae
hatch and release the first-stage larvae (L1)
has lips weakly developed and contains genus
that encyst within the tissues (mainly on the
Spirocerca that comprises parasites of
tracheal tube) and molt twice, becoming the
third-stage larvae, L3, which is infective stage.
Members of the family cause diseases called
Paratenic hosts may intervene, consuming the
generically spirocercidosis, while members of
intermediate hosts. In their body, larval stages
the genus produce spirocercosis.
re-encyst again especially in the esophagus,
Definition. Spirocercosis is a chronic
stomach, mesentery, subcutis, wall of the
biohelminthosis caused by the nematode from
crop, thoracic muscles or other organs.
Spirocerca genus that affect mammals but is
Numerous species of amphibians, reptiles,
typical in canids, expressed by a variety of
birds, even small mammals (rodents,
clinical forms: digestive, respiratory and
hedgehogs, rabbits) are involved. The larvae
may also be transferred from one paratenic
Etiology. The disease is caused by Spirocerca
host to another, the larvae being re-encysted
lupi, parasitizing in canids, preponderantly
each time.
dog, fox and wolf. The specific habitat is the
The final host becomes infected by ingestion
wall of the esophagus, stomach and thoracic
of an intermediate or paratenic host that
aorta where they live embedded in nodules.
contains infective larvae. The third-stage larva
Morphology. Spirocerca lupi has a stout,
is released in the stomach, penetrates its wall
cylindrical and coiled body, bright pink to red
and migrates through the wall of coronary,
colored. The male measures 3 to 5.4 cm
gastric, gastro-epiploic and celiac arteries to
length and the female is 5.4 to 8 cm long. At
the aorta. Here pass through the connective
the anterior end has a short buccal capsule,
tissue to the wall of the esophagus where
well-developed, expanded anteriorly, thick-
adults become. During all these migrations,
walled and the mouth opening is delimited by
the larvae molt twice before reaching the adult
six rudimentary lips (or two, trilobed).
Posterior end of male shows two lateral
Erratically migrations in the lung, trachea,
narrow alae, six pairs of pre- and post-cloacal
kidney and urinary bladder or subcutaneous
papillae and several unpaired, and two
tissue may develop. The prepatent period
unequal spicules; the left measures 2.45-2.8
varies between five and six months.
mm length and the right is 0.47-0.75 mm.
Recently, a new bacterial symbiont,
The vulvar orifice is situated in the anterior
Comamonas sp. (Brukholderiales: Comamo-
region of the body. The eggs are embryonated
nadaceae) was found in the larval-stage of the
when are laid, cylindrical-shaped, thick shell,
S. lupi, localized in the gut epithelial cells of
and measure 30-37x11-15 μm.
the nematode larvae. It is not yet clarified its
Life cycle. Life cycle is indirect,
role in nematode biology, but its existence
diheteroxenous, involving intermediate and
may open modern approaches in the control of
paratenic hosts. The adults live entwined
within the esophageal or gastric nodules and
feed on blood. After copulation, the females
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Epidemiology parasites in nature; they maintain the viability

Geographical distribution. Spirocerca lupi is and infectivity of larvae for a long period.
a nematode with a worldwide distribution in The prevalence of infection with larval stages
warm climates where intermediate hosts in intermediate hosts is variable and is
benefit of optimal climatic conditions for their influenced by a variety of factors. The origin
development. The infection is reported in of dung beetles, rural or urban, determine a
Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South higher prevalence in arthropods collected
America. from urban areas (13.5%) than in rural areas
In Europe, the disease is reported in foxes (2.3%); all the infected dung beetles exhibited
from Sicily the prevalence recorded being a preference for omnivore (pig and dog)
9.16%18, in the raccoon (Procyon lotor) dung17. Sizes of the dung beetles, and
(8.8%) and wolves (11.5%) from Poland56,63 consequently, the mouth size influence the
and in dogs from Greece (10% and 0.4%)22,47. ability of the arthropods to serve as
In Africa, the disease was diagnosed in stray intermediate hosts for S. lupi. The prerequisite
dogs from Durban and Coast (5.4%) and Free is the size of the mouth which needs to allow
State Province (13%) South Africa40,44, Gabon the passage of food particle larger than the
(25.3%)14, Ethiopia (7%)67, Morocco average size of eggs16.
(54.5%) , Sierra Leone (3.5%)23, Kenya
Susceptibility. Canids show the higher
(78%)8 and Ghana (18%)5. sensitivity. Among canids, dog and wolf are
In North America, infection is reported in most susceptible to infection. The breed
stray dogs from Mexico (4.5%)9, but old influences the sensitivity, being higher in trace
reports have confirmed evolution of S. lupi in hunting dogs (21%), than in scent hunting
United State15. dogs (5%) and household pets (0%)47. Large
In Central and South America, the disease was breeds are more sensitive to infection than
found in dogs, in Brazil (1.9%)49 and Jamaica small dogs; age, sex or season, do not
(6%)59. influence the susceptibility35.
In Asia, S. lupi was identified in dogs from Route of contamination is oral, ingesting
Iraq (15%)64, Iran (19.04% and 6%)20,50 and infected intermediate or paratenic hosts.
Thailand (17.8%)24. Resistance of the eggs in ambient conditions
All these presented reports demonstrate the is incomplete known because they are
cosmopolitan spreading of S. lupi. It is not consumed by intermediate hosts; further
excluded the presence of infection in other exogenous evolution depends by the survival
countries or regions than those mentioned. rate of the dung beetles.
Sources of contamination are the definitive, Pathogenesis and pathology. Pathogenic
intermediate and paratenic hosts which mechanisms are complex and incompletely
intervene in different ways, in the circuit of understood. Parasites act locally, irritative-
parasite in nature. inflammatory and mechanic. They cause sites
Definitive hosts act as environmental of the bacterial superinfection of the lesions
pollutants through the eggs scattered in faeces. caused by parasites. Toxins resulted from
The lifespan of adults may reach 2 years, and parasites metabolism or death act locally and
the prolificacy of the female is up to 3 million generally aggravating the disease. Parasites
eggs per day6, the intensity of parasitism being are responsible for neoplastic transformation
2100 epg60. Intermediate hosts are sources of of different tissues. The lesions are
infection for the final hosts. Paratenic hosts polymorphic and divided into two groups:
are important in the dissemination of the lesions caused by larval migration and

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damage produced by adults in their specific The other symptoms that accompany the
habitat. evolution of spirocercosis are classifiable in
Larvae cause inflammations (endocarditis, digestive (repeated attempts to swallow -
interstitial nephritis, mediastinitis, pleuritis, odynophagia), respiratory (dyspnea, retching,
pneumomediastinitis, peripheral lymphadeno- abnormal respiratory sounds - muffled
pathy, diskospondylitis and spondylosis of the breathing sounds), neurological (seizures,
thoracic vertebrae, septic polyarthritis), aortic areflexia of the limbs, bilateral rotary
lesions (elastic degeneration and muscle nystagmus, mydriatic pupils), musculoskeletal
fibrosis or mineralization resulting permanent (lameness, abnormal gait, ataxia),
scars and aneurysms in the thoracic aorta, cardiovascular and lymphatic disorders
local thrombosis, metaplastic ossification of (hemopericardium, congestive heart failure,
the aorta), necrosis (salivary gland necrosis, anterior vena cava syndrome, swollen distal
sialoadenosis, hind limb muscular necrosis), limbs, generalised lymphadenopathy) and
hypertrophic osteopathy, haemorrhages and other signs (subcutaneous nodules, fever,
other secondary lesions (pyothorax, abdominal distension and dehydration).
hemothorax, hemopericardium, secondary Clinical pathology consists in leukocytosis
megaoesophagus, pleural effusion, lung lobes (82%) and microcytic hypochromic anemia
atelectasis). (30%) that are the most common
Adults cause produce nodules disseminated in hematological abnormalities. Normocytic,
esophagus, stomach, intestine, mediastinum, normochromic or hypochromic and non
lumbar fascia, rectum, trachea, interdigital regenerative anemia, thrombocytopenia,
tissue, lung, thymus, diaphragm, heart, hyperproteinemia, and increased alkaline
kidney, urinary bladder and subcutis. These phosphatase and creatine kinase activities are
nodules measure from <1 to >4 cm in other signs.
diameter and contain usually between three Diagnosis. The useful methods in
and six worms. Tumor lesions occurring in spirocercosis diagnosis are:
spirocercosis (cauliflower-like esophageal  Faecal flotation reveals the eggs passed
sarcoma, osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma) are through feces. The sugar flotation technique is
caused by adults. Gastro-oesophageal more sensitive in than are the dilution
intussusception and oesophageal obstruction
 Clinical pathology reveals mild anaemia
or perforations are reported following the that is present in about 50% of cases.
development of these tumors in the  Serology - Indirect immunofluorescent
esophagus. assay has 100% sensitivity and 80%
Clinical signs. The clinical picture os specificity.
spirocercosis is highly polymorphic, but  Diagnostic imaging by radiography,
several symptoms are the most common, computed tomography and ultrasonography
reveal the presence of tumor in esophagus or
recording significant percentages;
in other organs.
regurgitation (20 - 94%), lethargy and  Endoscopy (esophagoscopy) is more
depression (59%), vomiting (46%), pyrexia sensitive than radiography and allows to
and decreased appetite or anorexia (41% perform biopsies from esophageal masses.
each), weight loss (27 - 35%), melena, sub- Endoscopy is the most sensitive diagnostic
mandibular swelling and pale mucous method, its efficacy being 100%, followed by
membranes (29% each), hypersalivation fecal flotation (80%), radiography (53%) and
(24%), coughing (18 - 21%), neurological clinical pathology (53% anemia, 54% elevated
signs (paraparesis, paraplegia, hyporeflexia) creatine kinase activity)37.
and hematemesis (18% each)19,27,35,37,39,45.

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Differential diagnosis includes heartworm, Chemotherapeutic treatment refers to anti-

esophageal or gastric neoplasms, neoplastic therapy. Doxorubicin was
angiostrongylosis, filaroidosis and various prescribed as adjuvant, but no conclusions
cardiopathies. were reached regarding the efficacy.
Treatment. The treatment involves medical Carboplatin and doxorubicin, mono- or
treatment, and surgical and chemotherapeutic combined therapies, have improved survival
treatment. Medical treatment consists in the in dogs. Osteosarcoma respond well to
use of modern and highly efficient drugs. treatment whereas fibrosarcomas are
Good results are obtained using avermectins: resistant58,62.
 milbemycin oxime at a dose rate of 0.5 Control. Sanitation measures in the paddock
mg/kg PO on days 0, 7 and 28 and then and shelters, disposal of faeces, bio-thermal
monthly (a total of 6 times) has caused a inactivation of manure and residues to prevent
remarkable reduction in granulomas48.
contamination of IH, combating the stray dogs
 milbemycin oxime, a single dose of 0.5
mg/kg bw is 79.8% effective in preventing the and preventing dogs from hunting, scavenging
development of S. lupi in the esophagus. The and eating uncooked viscera, performing
efficacy increase at 100% when the doses periodic rodents control and sanitary and
were repeated at 14- or 28-day intervals28. parasitological control of canine populations
 milbemycin oxime, 11.5mg/kg bw on can reduce the incidence of disease. Control
days 0, 7 and 28 and then monthly stopped of coprophagous beetles or paratenic hosts is
shedding S. lupi eggs after 3-44 days25.
not feasible due to the variety and ubiquity of
 doramectin, 0.5 mg/kg bw, administered
orally once daily for 42 days is effective in the these hosts in an endemic area.
elimination of S. lupi, the nodules Chemoprophylaxis may be applied with:
disappearing totally in 65% of dogs at 42 days Monthly spot-on administration of a
after treatment34. combination of imidacloprid 10%/moxidectin
 doramectin, 0.4 mg/kg bw 2.5% (2.5 mg moxidectin/kg bw) (Advocate®
subcutaneously, at 2 weeks intervals, followed for dogs) in puppies starting at the age of 2 to
by monthly injections until the disappearance
4 months. This protocol has expressed a
of the esophageal granulomas has produced
completely disappearance of the nodules in preventive efficacy of 94.7%33.
six of the seven (85.7%) dogs between day 35 Doramectin at a dose rate of 0.4 mg/kg bw on
and day 544 post-initial treatment32. 3 occasions, 30 days apart did not entirely
 doramectin at a dosage of 0.2 mg/kg bw prevent spirocercosis in dog. It causes the
sc at 14-day intervals, three treatments, has reduction of the clinical signs, delaying and
induced disappearance of symptoms in 6
reducing egg output31.
weeks after treatment in 85.7% of dogs and
the esophageal nodules had completely
resolved in 57.1% of dogs. Repeating the
treatment with 0.5 mg/kg bw po daily for an
additional 6 weeks has caused complete References
resolution of the nodules in all dogs7.
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season and climate. J Helminthol. 71(3):233- infections in wild and captive wolves, Canis
40. lupus L., in Poland. J Helminthol. 84(4):415-
56. opiołek M, Szczęsna-Staśkiewicz J, 9.
Bartoszewicz M, Okarma H, Smalec B, 64. Tarish JH, Al-Saqur IM, Al-Abbassy SN,
Zalewski A (2011) Helminth parasites of an Kadhim FS (1986) The prevalence of parasitic
introduced invasive carnivore species, the helminths in stray dogs in the Baghdad area,
raccoon (Procyon lotor L.), from the Warta Iraq. Ann Trop Med Parasitol. 80(3):329-31.
Mouth National Park (Poland). J Parasitol. 65. Tung KC, Hsiao FC, Yang CH, Chou CC, Lee
97(2):357-60. WM, Wang KS, Lai CH (2009) Surveillance
57. Poulsen J, Permin A, Hindsbo O, Yelifari L, of endoparasitic infections and the first report
Nansen P, Bloch P (2002) Prevalence and of Physaloptera sp. and Sarcocystis spp. in
distribution of gastro-intestinal helminths and farm rodents and shrews in central Taiwan. J
haemoparasites in young scavenging chickens Vet Med Sci. 71(1):43-7.
in upper eastern region of Ghana, West Africa. 66. Zubairova MM, Ataev AM (2010) [Fauna and
Prev Vet Med. 45(3-4):237-45. distribution of nematodes from the suborders
58. Ranen E, Lavy E, Aizenberg I, Perl S, Harrus spirurata and filariata parasitizing cattle in
S (2004) Spirocercosis-associated esophageal Dagestan, from the perspective of vertical
sarcomas in dogs. A retrospective study of 17 zoning].[Article in Russian]. Parazitologiia.
cases (1997-2003). Vet Parasitol. 119(2- 44(6):525-30.
3):209-21. 67. Yacob HT, Ayele T, Fikru R, Basu AK (2007)
59. Robinson RD, Thompson DL, Lindo JF Gastrointestinal nematodes in dogs from
(1989) A survey of intestinal helminths of Debre Zeit, Ethiopia. Vet Parasitol.
well-cared-for dogs in Jamaica, and their 148(2):144-8.
potential public health significance. J
Helminthol. 63(1):32-8.

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12. Oxyuroidea disease, evolving in horses of all ages,

throughout the year.
The Oxyuroidea superfamily is the only lower
Etiology. The disease is caused by Oxyuris
taxon contained by the order Oxyurida. It
equi, which is called the equine pinworm, of
contains round worms called oxyurids or
the Oxyuris genus.
pinworms which are normally parasites in the
Morphology. Adult worms have a stout,
large intestine (cecum and colon) of
cylindrical body, whitish, unequally
vertebrates and, rarely, in invertebrates. The
calibrated, thickened at the anterior end and
superfamily is divided into three families:
thinned at the tail. They exhibit a pronounced
Pharyngodonidae, Heteroxynematidae, and
sexual dimorphism, the female being much
larger than the male. The male size varies
between 1 and 3 cm in length, and the female
12.1. Oxyuridae: oxyuridosis is 5 to 15 cm long, the tail being long, thread-
The Oxyuridae family is the most important or whiplike, measuring approximately two-
one to veterinary medicine because it contains thirds of the body length. At the anterior end,
two genera, Oxyuris and Pasalurus, they have a relatively short and broad stoma
responsible for important diseases in domestic and a hexagonal mouth opening delimited by
animals, namely oxyurosis, in horses, and two lateral lips. On each lip, two suckerlike
passalurosis in rabbits. The species Enterobius papillae are present. The rudimentary buccal
vermicularis, which is included in the genus capsule is short and armed with three bristles-
Enterobius, causes enterobiosis in humans. like teeth at the bottom. The esophagus is
The members of the family are characterized expanded anteriorly and posteriorly and has a
by a cylindrical body, slightly or prominently posterior bulb equipped with a valvular
unequally calibrated, with variable sizes. It is apparatus. At the posterior end, the male has
equipped with non-pedunculate amphids at the two short caudal alae, supported by two large
anterior end, an enlargement of the posterior pair of papillae, situated preanally and
pharynx, a genital cone without sclerotized postanally. It has a single, needlelike, long
supporting structures and irregular in shape at spicule, measuring more than 120 microns,
the posterior end of males. The family and the gubernaculum is absent. The female
comprises parasites of mammals, sometimes has the vulvar opening placed on the anterior
of birds1. part of the body, at a distance of 7 to 10 mm
Biologically, the members of Oxyuroidea from the anterior end.
superfamily are geohelminths with a strictly The eggs are unembryonated when laid and
monoxenous life cycle. The gravid females the shell is double and thin. Their sizes vary
have the capacity to migrate to the anus of the between 85 to 95 μm in length and 40 to 45
hosts, in order to lay and deposit the eggs in μm wide. he eggs are asymmetric, having a
the perianal region, where they are embedded slight "D" shape, and present a pseudo-
in a substance that hardens on contact with air, operculum at the sharpened pole.
to form crusts. Life cycle. The life cycle is monoxenous,
direct. It consists in the alternation of the
12.1.1. Oxyuriosis in horses enteral-parasitical and exogenous phases.
Definition. It is an intestinal, chronic, and Adult parasites live free, unattached, in the
benign nematodosis that affects equines large intestine (colon, cecum) in equines
caused by nematodes of the family Oxyuridae, (horse, mule, donkey, zebra) and feed on
expressed by anal itching and depilations at intestinal content and microorganisms
the base of the tail. It is a cosmopolitan (ciliates)3. After copulation, the gravid

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females move down to the anus of the Sources of contamination. Infected equines
definitive host. They lay eggs in clumps are the sources of soil pollution. Pollutant
enclosed in a grey gelatinous substance, a potential is not well defined, but
sticky film similar to dried egg albumin that approximately 8.000 to 60.000 eggs were
hardens on contact with air, on the perineal found around the anus of an animal7.
skin. After they lay all the eggs, the females Susceptibility. Receptivity of hosts is not well
are eliminated through the anus and die. Some known, but epidemiological observations
of the clumps fall on the ground where the reveal that parasitism is more common in
eggs embryonate. The process consists in the adult animals. Other different opinions sustain
development of the first-larval stage that that younger horses are generally more
remains inside the egg and follows two molts, susceptible than adult horses. Susceptibility is
resulting in the infective element that is the influenced by the keeping system of horses.
embryonated egg which contains the L3 larval The horses kept on farms had a lower
stage. Contamination is done by ingestion of prevalence of O. equi infection and, generally,
embryonated eggs on contaminated litter or many other helminth species, compared to
forage. The eggs hatch in the gut and L3 larvae horses kept in silvopasture conditions.
migrate to the large intestine and burrow into Silvopasturing exposes the horses to
the lining. Here, they molt to the L4 larval contaminated grasslands, to the lack of quality
stage, which finally moult to immature adults. fodders and control of their health status22.
The prepatent period is variable, between 4 Route of contamination is oral, by ingestion
and 5 months. of infective eggs through fodder and water.
Epidemiology Resistance. Eggs have a variable resistance,
Geographical distribution. Oxyuriosis is a between 9 and 10 weeks to 6 months
worldwide prevalent disease that records a depending on ambient conditions, dry habitats
variable prevalence throughout the world, in being more favorable.
different equine species. In Europe, the Pathogenesis. Pinworm action is moderate,
prevalence was 1.2% in the Netherlands40, sometimes barely perceptible. The fourth-
0.7% in Germany between 1984 and 199119 stage larva, burrowed in the lining of the large
and 36% in working horses in Poland25. In intestine, pricks the mucosa to feed, exerting a
North and South America, the disease reduced irritative-inflammatory action,
recorded a prevalence of 78% immature and expressed by mucosal erosions. The adult
40% mature O. equi in Kentucky over a 28- females cause a double, i.e., mechanical and
year period48, 90% in equines, in the Paraíba irritating, action, due to their up and down
Valley, State of São Paulo, Brazil42 it was movements in the bowel in order to lay eggs.
also found in horses from the biosphere This causes an inflammation and irritation in
reserve La Sierra Madre de Chiapas", the perianal region, expressed by depilation
México28. areas, erythema, itching, and crusts. Toxins
The infection with O. equi was identified in released by the death of females may intensify
26% of horses in northern Queensland and 7% the local pruritus. The perianal area, rubbed as
in Victoria, Australia39,10. In Africa, a consequence of local pruritus, may be
oxyuriosis affected 2% of donkeys in inoculated by bacteria, which complicates the
Ethiopia27, 6.2% of working horses in lesions.
Lesotho49 and 16.94% of horses in Clinical signs. Oxyuriosis is expressed by
Cameroon35. In Asia, it was recorded in 22.6% several typical symptoms, which give a high
of the working horses in Iran47. indicative value to the clinical exam. Rubbing
the base of the tail against solid objects, the

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presence of a whitish crust that surrounds the tape that touches the skin surrounding the anal
anus, continuous and moderate itching in the area is used. Next, this piece is taped to a
posterior area of the body, a dull hair coat, microscope slide and examined, the eggs
depilation, broken hair over the tail head, and being easily observed through the tape.
unsightly areas of broken hairs are the Differential diagnosis includes a large
characteristic clinical signs of the disease. number of diseases of varied natures: mange
Several general symptoms are associated, (chorioptic, sarcoptic and psoroptic), lice
such as restlessness, interrupted feeding and (chewing and sucking), ringworm
loss of condition,. (dermatophytosis, especially microsporosis),
Pathology. Intense itching causes onchocercosis, insect hypersensitivity
erythematous and hemorrhagic dermatitis and (Culicoides, horse-fly-Tabanidae, mosquito),
wounds in the perianal region. The movement food hypersensitivity, atopy, equine coital
of females in the bowel can cause catarrhal exanthema and trauma.
colitis and proctitis, which becomes Treatment. Current therapy is based on
hyperplastic in its chronic form. White broad-spectrum anthelmintic, benzimidazole
females, 10-15 cm long, can be seen on the and avermectin derivatives, which act better in
rectal mucosa during defecation, due to the the state of polyparasitism. The drugs tested,
prolapse of the rectum. which showed a high efficacy, are shown in
Diagnosis. Clinical signs have an increased table 18.
indicative value. Hair bristles and Control. A full program of surveillance and
erythematous areas that surround the base of control of pinworm infection involves three
the tail and perianal crusts are typical for major objectives: hygiene, chemoprophylaxis
oxyuriosis. Confirmation is obtained by the and biological control. Hygiene refers to
so-called “scotch tape test”. he eggs are frequent change of litter and keeping it clean,
rarely eliminated through feces into keeping the floor of the shelter dry, food and
environment. Because of this reason, flotation water uncontaminated with eggs and even
tests are useless. A piece of clear adhesive body hygiene by daily grooming.

Table 18. Active substances used in therapy of the pinworm infection in horses

group active substance dose rate (mg/kg bw) efficacy/author

organophosphate trichlorfon 40 - 100.0 96-100.012
nicotinic agonists pyrantel pamoate 13.2 paste 91.243
thiabendazole 44.0 - 88.0 100.038
cambendazole 10.0 - 20.0 po 100.013
parbendazole 2.5 100.037
benzimidazole oxibendazole 5, 10, or 15.0 100.033
derivatives mebendazole 8.8
100.0 adults 11
fenbendazole 5.0
95.0-100.0 L4
albendazole 2.5 - 5.0
oxfendazole 10.0 - 50.0 100.015
0.2 mg/kg bw paste 96.043
avermectines 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5 im >97.034
moxidectin 0.2, 0.3 or 0.4 gel io 91.0-100.036

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Chemoprophylaxis targets periodical asymmetrical, "D"-shaped due to a flat side,

deworming, which has the highest protective measure 95-103x43 μm and are pseudo
efficacy if done quarterly. The same operculated at the thinned pole and
medications described under therapy can be unembryonated when laid. The eggs undergo
used. Biological control involves the use of a fast initial development through the
nematophagous fungi, which affect the intestinal transit, so that they are embryonated
viability of eggs. They destroy the eggs during when they pass in the environment through
the passage through the digestive tract, due to feces.
the development of their morphological Life cycle. The parasites inhabit the cecum
elements in feces, surrounding the eggs. and colon of lagomorphs, especially those
Several species of fungi have been tested included in the Leporidae family. European
(Duddingtonia flagrans, Monacrosporium hares (Lepus europaeus), snowshoe hares
thaumasium)8, but the best results were (Lepus americanus), jackrabbits (Lepus spp.)
demonstrated by Pochonia chlamydosporia, and European rabbits or common rabbits
whose mycelial mass causes destruction of the (Oryctolagus cuniculus) are the most common
eggs9. hosts for pinworms. After copulation, the
oviparous females lay unembryonated eggs
12.1.2. Passalurosis in rabbits which develop rapidly in the posterior part of
Definition. It is a common intestinal the large intestine and rectum, thus appearing
geohelminthosis occurring in the family in feces as embryonated eggs, in the gastrula
Leporidae (rabbits and hares), evolving as a stage26. According to another opinion, females
state of unapparent parasitism or benign are ovoviviparous and lay embryonated eggs
clinical manifestations. that contain the first-larval stage. The first-
Etiology. The disease is caused by Passalurus larval stage molts twice inside the egg and
ambiguus, genus Passalurus, family thus infective eggs result6. Regardless of their
Oxyuridae. stage of development when laid and of the
Morphology. Parasites are characterized by a habitat where they become infective, it is
cylindrical body, unequally calibrated, generally accepted that the eggs are already
thickened anterior and thinned posterior, infected when they are disposed through the
measuring 3.8 to 5 mm in length x 200 to 460 feces.
μm wide, the male, and 5.3 to 11 mm length x The animals become contaminated by
410 to 590 μm wide, the female. At the ingestion of infective eggs or by autoinfection.
anterior end, the lips are not apparent, and the The third larval stage burrows and develops
pharinx contains three small denticles. The into the mucous layer and glandular crypts in
esophagus has two dilatations, a prebulbar the mucosa of the small intestine, colon and
swelling and a distinct bulb. At the posterior cecum. The larvae molt twice and develop
end, the male has a tapered tail that ends in a immature adults, which become adults
long spike, and two caudal alae, posteriorly following a new molt. The prepatent period
extended to the origin of the spicule. The alae varies between 56 and 64 days.
are supported by a pair of papillae. Epidemiology
Additionally, there are four pairs of papillae Geographical distribution. The disease is
that surround the cloaca and a short spicule. distributed worldwide, being common in
The posterior end in females is more many rabbitries and hunted rabbits. The
elongated and has prominent annular prevalence has recorded different values in the
thickenings. The vulvar opening is situated United States, namely 17% in the southeast2
anteriorly, post-esophagus. Eggs are and 11.7% in the northeast50, in cottontail

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rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus). In continental Resistance. The eggs have an increased

Europe, the disease was diagnosed in 13.11% resistance to dehydration during their
of feral rabbits from the Leipzig region29 and development.
4.8%, between 1998 and 2002, in wild rabbit Pathogenesis, clinical signs and lesions.
(Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Germany18, 71.8% Pathogenicity of P. ambiguus is reduced;
in wild rabbit in Dunas de Mira, Portugal17 adverse effects on the host are not recorded
and 12.16 % in European brown hare (Lepus even in infections with thousands of
europaeus) in southwestern Slovakia14. In individuals32. Larvae which penetrate the
insular Europe, infection was found in 51.3% mucosa can carry bacteria, exerting an
of wild rabbits in the Azores, 43.9% in the inoculation action. Loss of condition and poor
Canaries and 83.3% in the Madeira Islands, reproduction are described as clinical signs of
Macaronesia archipelago, 47% on Tenerife, infection16. Granulomatous appendicitis and
Canary Islands20,21, 14.2% in wild rabbit in lymphadenitis are reported in the literature23.
eastern Scotland4, 0.5% in mountain hare Diagnosis. Clinically, diagnosis is impossible
(Lepus timidus) and 54% in wild rabbit in due to its asymptomatic evolution, more as a
Aberdeenshire, Scotland5. In Asia, the disease state of parasitism than as a disease. Necropsy
is evidenced in 10% of wild rabbit in East- allows the identification of reduced lesions
Azerbaijan Province, Iran24. and the observation of parasites in the large
Sources of contamination are represented by intestine, free in the lumen. Copromicroscopic
the fodders polluted with infective eggs and exam using flotation test is a diagnosis of
feces that contain these eggs when they are certainty. The FLOTAC technique is one of
eliminated. The coprophagy habit contributes the best copromicroscopic methods for
to contamination, realizing a self- identifying P. ambiguus in feces45.
contamination. Differential diagnosis includes trichuriosis
Infected animals pollute the environment; the and trichostrongylidosis.
rate of pollution depends on the season and Treatment. The following substances are
host age, but there were no differences used, with good results:
between sexes. Adult rabbits during non- Fenbendazole, 50 ppm in the food for 5 days,
breeding season pollute the environment in eliminated all immature and adult pinworms16.
the highest degree31. The use of ivermectin is questionable;
Susceptibility. Young rabbits are, generally, Richardson44 recommended it, at a dose rate
more receptive than adults. The rearing of 0.4 mg/kg bw, as an efficient drug against
conditions, such as mothers with their round worms in rabbits while Sovell and
offspring on deep litter, in boxes cleaned Holmes46 considered that ivermectin had no
weekly or on slatted floor, weaned youth in effect on numbers of Passalurus sp.
cages with slatted floor, do not influence the Piperazine adipate, at a dose rate of 200
susceptibility and spreading of infection, the mg/kg po, repeated in 14 days, is highly
prevalence varying between 14.1% and effective against P. ambiguus30.
27.5%, depending on the farm41. Control. Removal of the eggs directly in the
Sex does not influence susceptibility, either: infective stage induces a high transmissibility
infection showed relatively equal values in to passalurosis. The best control is
females (74.6%) and males (70.0%)17. accomplished by the use of farming systems
Route of contamination is oral, by ingestion that strictly prevent the introduction of the
of infective eggs, by food or feces parasite into the colony. These husbandry
(coprophagy). practices are associated with the hygiene
measures of the shelters, kennels and

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Biodiversity and distribution of helminths and Kowalska D (2009) [Dynamics of
protozoa in naturally infected horses from the endoparasite infections in rabbits at different
biosphere reserve La Sierra Madre de rearing regimes].[Article in Polish]. Wiad
Chiapas", México. Vet Parasitol. 170(3- Parazytol. 55(2):173-7.
4):268-77. 42. Pereira JR, Vianna SS (2006) Gastrointestinal
29. Haupt W, Hartung J (1984) [Endoparasite parasitic worms in equines in the Paraíba
infestation of the stomach and intestinal tract Valley, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Vet
of feral rabbits from the Leipzig Parasitol. 140(3-4):289-95.
region].[Article in German]. Angew Parasitol. 43. Reinemeyer CR, Prado JC, Nichols EC,
25(2):65-71. Marchiondo AA (2010) Efficacy of pyrantel
30. Hillyer EV, Quesenberry KE (1997) Ferrets, pamoate and ivermectin paste formulations
Rabbits, and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and against naturally acquired Oxyuris equi
Surgery with Veterinary Consult Access. W.B. infections in horses. Vet Parasitol. 171(1-
Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 432 p. 2):106-10.
31. Hobbs RP, Twigg LE, Elliot AD, Wheeler AG 44. Richardson VCG (2000) Rabbits. Health,
(1999) Factors influencing the fecal egg and Husbandry, and Diseases. Blackwell Science,
oocyst counts of parasites of wild European Oxford. 178 p.
rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.) in Southern 45. Rinaldi L, Russo T, Schioppi M, Pennacchio
Western Australia. J Parasitol. 85(5):796-802. S, Cringoli G (2007) Passalurus ambiguus:
32. Hofing GL, Kraus AL (1994) Arthropod and new insights into copromicroscopic diagnosis
helminth parasites. In: Manning, P.J., Ringler,

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and circadian rhythm of egg excretion. critical tests of activity of parasiticides over a
Parasitol Res. 101(3):557-61. 28-year period (1956-1983) in Kentucky. Vet
46. Sovell JR, Holmes JC (1996) Efficacy of Parasitol. 23(3-4):273-84.
ivermectin against nematodes infecting field 49. Upjohn MM, Shipton K, Lerotholi T, Attwood
populations of snowshoe hares (Lepus G, Verheyen KL (2010) Coprological
americanus) in Yukon, Canada. J Wildl Dis. prevalence and intensity of helminth infection
32:23–30. in working horses in Lesotho. Trop Anim
47. Tavassoli M, Dalir-Naghadeh B, Esmaeili- Health Prod. 42(8):1655-61.
Sani S (2010) Prevalence of gastrointestinal 50. Wiggins JP, Cosgrove M, Rothenbacher H
parasites in working horses. Pol J Vet Sci. (1980) Gastrointestinal parasites of the eastern
13(2):319-24. cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) in central
48. Tolliver SC, Lyons ET, Drudge JH (1987) Pennsylvania. J Wildl Dis. 16(4):541-4.
Prevalence of internal parasites in horses in

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 Physocephalus sexalatus parasitizes on

13. Gnathostomatoidea the epithelium of gastric mucosa in pigs,
Gnathostomatoids are nematodes rarely in ruminants and rabbit.
characterized by well-developed pseudolabia  Simondsia paradoxa develops on gastric
and enlarged and spinous anterior end. The mucosa in swine. Females penetrate the
superfamily comprises one family, mucosa and channels of gastric glands and
Gnathostomatidae, divided into two produce nodules.
 Gnathostoma hispidum infects gastric
subfamilies: Spiroxinae and Gnatho-
mucosa of pig, boar, sheep and many other
stomatinae. Only one genus occurs in vertebrate animals including humans. Larvae
mammals, the others containing parasites of can migrate to the liver and other organs.
lower vertebrates1,2. Morphology. Nematodes belonging to both
families are characterized by an equally
13.1. Gnathostomatidae: calibrated body, moderate sizes, ranging
between 6 and 45 mm length. At the anterior
gnathostomosis in pigs
end, the worms have the mouth opening
Family Gnathostomatidae contains genus
delimited by lips. At the posterior end, the
Gnathostoma that includes nematodes from
males present two cuticular dilations with
stomachs of carnivorous mammals. Its
several papillae and two unequal spicules. The
members are characterized by the presence of
female is ovoviviparous. The eggs are
two well-developed lateral lips and an inflated
ellipsoidal and possess a thin and bilayered
head, separated from the rest of the body by a
shell. The sizes of the eggs are variable,
constriction. Species of the genus
between 28-74/12-42 μm and they are
Gnathostoma are widespread.
Ascarops strongylina's mouth vestibule has
13.1.1. Gastric spiruridoses of pigs two small lips and transversely striated
(gnathostomosis, ascaropsosis,
cuticle. The male is 10 to 15 mm long, and the
physocephalosis, simondsiosis)
female has 15-22 mm long and 0.4 mm width.
Generically called gastric spiruridosis, this
The posterior end of the male is curved and
disease involves a group of species belonging
has two asymmetrical caudal alae, the right
to suborder Spirurina, but from diverse
being about twice wider than the left one. The
families. Thus, the individually, the diseases
male has four caudal, pedunculate and long
are ascaropsosis, physocephalosis,
pairs of papillae; three pairs are situated
simondsiosis, gnathostomosis.
preanal and the fourth is adanal. The spicules
Definition. Regardless of the name used, they
are unequal; the left is longer and thinner,
are biohelminthoses with chronic evolution in
slender and the right one is short, thick and
swine, expressed by digestive and general
blunt. The vulvar opening is placed at the
disorders. The disease occurs in pigs raised in
middle of the body; posterior the female has
household system.
caudal alae but less developed comparing to
Etiology. The disease is caused by the worms
male. The eggs have thick shell and measure
belonging to suborder Spirurina. Two families
34-40/18-20 μm.
are involved: Spirocercidae and
The male of Physocephalus sexalatus
Gnathostomatidae, and four genera, Ascarops,
measures 6-13/0.3 mm and the female is 13-
Physocephalus, Simondsia belonging to the
22 long and 0.4 mm wide. The cuticle has a
first, and Gnathostoma, from the second
slight dilation near the pharynx. At the
family. The species are:
posterior end, the male has two caudal alae
 Ascarops strongylina, inhabits the
stomach in pigs and wild boar. and two long and unequal spicules. The eggs
measure 31-39/15-17 μm.

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Simondsia paradoxa: the male is 12-15 mm mature. Prepatent period varies between 30
long, and the female has 15 mm length. At the and 50 days and the patency is over a year7,21.
anterior end, the mouth is armed with two Epidemiology
teeth, one of them situated dorsally, and the Geographical distribution. Gastric
other is placed ventrally. The posterior end is spiruridoses of pigs are worldwide spread, but
coiled in male and saccular in female. there are few data on their prevalence in
Elliptical eggs measure 20 to 29 μm. domestic pigs, all species being frequently
Gnathostoma hispidum has the body covered reported in wild boar. The species A.
with spines and is red in the anterior half of strongylina, P. sexalatus and G. hispidum are
the body and yellowish-gray to posterior. The reported in domestic pigs, in India4,22, Kenia
male measures between 20 and 25 mm length (A. strongylina, 1.7% and P. sexalatus,
and 1 to 2 mm wide and the female is 20 to 45 0.9%)13, Ghana (A. strongylina, 8.1%)15 and
mm long and 2.5 mm wide. At the anterior South Africa (A. strongylina, 11.5%)10. In
end has a bulb armed with 9-12 rows of Australia, S. paradoxa is reported in feral pigs
hooks. The male has two long, unequal (7.84%)20.
spicules; the female's vulva is situated in the In wild boars these spirurids are identified in
middle of the body. Eggs have thick shell, a Romania (A. strongylina, 6% and P.
protrusion to a pole, and measure 70-75/39-42 sexalatus, 2%)6, Spain (A. strongylina, 11.1
μm. and 87%, P. sexalatus, 6 and 22.2%, and S.
Life cycle. Life cycle is diheteroxenous; paradoxa, 22.2%)9,12, France (A. strongylina
coprophagous beetles intervene as and P. sexalatus in 97% of the animals)11,
intermediate hosts. Adults live in their habitat Croatia (P. sexalatus, 25.5-40% and A.
and eliminate embryonated eggs that reach the strongylina, 40-57.5%)16,17, Germany (P.
soil and water through faeces. The eggs of sexalatus)3. The infections are identified in
spirocercids (Ascarops, Physocephalus, and United State: P. sexalatus (8-10%) in
Simondsia) are ingested by their intermediate Texas5,18 and P. sexalatus (13 %) and A.
hosts, Aphodius, Ontophagus, Geotrupes, strongylina (6 %) in Georgia14. In Asia, A.
Gymnopleurus and Scarabaeus beetles. The strongylina and P. sexalatus (each 56%) were
eggs hatch and the larvae molt twice found in Iran8, Japan19.
becoming infective L3 larvae. Sources of contamination. The infected pigs
The eggs of Gnathostoma hispidum develop and their droppings scattered in areas with
in the aquatic environment and hatch in about specific biotopes, as marshes, where
a week, depending by the temperature. The intermediate hosts are spread, are the sources
first-stage larvae are ingested by intermediate of environmental pollution. The fecal eggs
hosts, cyclopoid copepods (Cyclops). In their count is not known. Fertile period of the
body, the larvae molt twice becoming females extends over several months.
infective. Paratenic hosts, such as fish, Dispersal of eggs in various biotopes is
amphibians, and rodents may intervene. They possible by transporting of manure on
ingest the copepods and the larvae re-encyst in grassland, by wastewater used to irrigate lands
muscle, liver, in their body. Definitive hosts for forage. The sources of contamination of
become infected through ingestion of the animal are intermediate and paratenic
intermediate or paratenic hosts. The larvae are hosts.
released into the stomach and migrate to the Susceptibility. Young animals are the most
liver, arterial walls, gastric wall and then vulnerable. Pigs are contaminated by
reach the gastric mucosa. The larvae molt ingestion of intermediate hosts, specific to
twice during these migrations, and finally each parasite. Mice and rats may intervene as

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paratenic hosts, transmitting the disease in and ulcerated. The nodules contain parasites,
pigs. Adult parasites are found over 4 months and open usually into the stomach or
of age, the number of parasites increasing sometimes in the abdominal cavity. Purulent
with the age of the animals. Wild boars are peritonitis and death occur in this situation.
more susceptible to infection even than Hyperplastic gastritis with the presence of
backyard pigs due to their increased parasites in the stomach lumen develops in
opportunities to consume intermediate or chronic form. Free worms or embedded in
paratenic hosts. mucosa are easily evidenced in stomach.
Route of contamination is oral, through Histologically, areas of necrosis of the mucosa
consumption of food and water that contain are bounded by eosinophils.
intermediate or paratenic hosts. Diagnosis can be done corroborating
Resistance of the eggs in the environment is epidemiological data, clinical signs and is
unknown; they are consumed by intermediate confirmed by the identification of eggs in the
hosts, and survival of larval forms depends on feces. Clinical exam is indicative, the
the resistance of their hosts. symptoms being common with other
Pathogenesis. Migratory larvae through the gastrointestinal helminthoses. Positive
hepatic artery lumen, the vascular walls in diagnosis consists in revealing of the eggs in
liver parenchyma exert an irritative- feces using flotation methods.
inflammatory action. They cause The necropsy allows to observe catarrhal,
microlesions, micro-hemorrhages and sinuous hemorrhagic, nodular or proliferative gastritis,
necrotic tracts in the liver and other organs. and of the nematodes into the stomach.
Inoculation effect consists in secondary Sometimes, the nodules ulcerate and gastric
superinfection. Microbleeds, sero- mucosa is edematous. Nodules contain a
hemorrhagic and nodular inflammations in greenish-yellowish or purulent mass and
traumatized gastric mucosa are produced. parasites in different developmental stages.
Toxic, spoliatory and allergic actions are Differential diagnosis includes ascariosis,
significant. hyostrongylosis (may develop associated),
Clinical signs. The disease evolves specific or toxic gastritis.
subclinical in low infections, but in massive Treatment. Benzimidazoles, imidazo-
infections the animals show inappetence, thiazoles and avermectins derivatives are
vomiting, excessive thirst, adynamia, useful. Good results are obtained with:
sensitivity in the abdomen, constipation  Ivermectin at a dose rate of 2.4 ppm in
alternating with diarrhea, growth retardation, food, ad libitum 7 days, had a 100% efficacy
animals lose their weight and become anemic against A. strongylina, P. sexalatus and S.
even death.
 Doramectin, 0.3 mg/kg bw given
Pathology. The larvae into the blood vessels intramuscularly has expressed a 99.5%
and liver parenchyma initially cause efficacy against A. strongylina23.
parenchymal and necrotic hepatitis and Benzimidazole derivatives have high efficacy
nodular cirrhosis when the disease becomes in swine nematodoses, without a special
chronic. Adults in the stomach determine testing against gastric spiruridoses. It is likely
catarrhal, hemorrhagic or nodular gastritis to have the same efficacy as high as in other
(nodules, the size of a hemp seed). The nematodosis (ascariosis).
mucosa in the fundus region is reddened and Control. The control of the diseases aims
swollen or covered with easily removable prophylactic treatment of pigs in endemic
pseudo-membranes. Underneath pseudo- areas, destruction of intermediate hosts
membranes, the tissues are intense reddened (coprophagous beetles), avoidance of feeding

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the pigs with uncooked fish, preventing of 10. Horak IG (1978) Parasites of domestic and
access of the pigs in areas around fisheries wild animals in South Africa. VIII. Helminths
in pigs kept under semi-intensive conditions.
stations. The animals will be maintained in Onderstepoort J Vet Res. 45:49-53.
sanitized shelters; the diet will be balanced 11. Humbert JF, Henry C (1989) Studies on the
regarding the quantity and quality of fodders. prevalence and the transmission of lung and
stomach nematodes of the wild boar (Sus
The weak animals will be removed from the
scrofa) in France. J Wildlife Dis. 25(3):335-
flock. Two chemoprophylactic treatments 341.
must be applied per year, in all animals, in the 12. Muela N, Hernandez-De-Lujan S, Ferre I
spring and autumn, in endemic areas. In (2001) Helminths of Wild Boar in Spain, J
Wildlife Dis. 37(4):840–843.
young animals, first treatment must be applied 13. Nganga CJ, Karanja DN, Mutune MN (2008)
immediately after weaning, and in adult pigs The prevalence of gastrointestinal helminth
kept at pasture, autumn, after entering in infections in pigs in Kenya. J Trop An Health
stabulation. Periodically disinfection must be Prod. 40(5):331-334.
14. Pence DB, Warren RJ, Ford CR (1988)
done after mechanical cleaning of the shelters. Visceral helminth communities of an insular
population of feral swine. J Wildlife Dis.
15. Permin A, Yelifari L, Bloch P, Steenhard N,
Hansen N, Nansen P (1999) Parasites in cross-
References bred pigs in the Upper East region of Ghana.
1. Anderson RC (2000) Nematode Parasites Of Vet Parasitol. 87(1):63-71.
Vertebrates. Their Development and 16. Rajkovic-Janje R, Manojlovic L, Gojmerac T
Transmission, 2nd Edition. CABI Publishing, (2004) In-feed 0.6% ivermectin formulation
Wallingford, UK, 650 pp. for treatment of wild boar in the Moslavina
2. Anderson RC, Chabaud AG, Willmott S hunting ground in Croatia. Eur J Wildl Res.
(2009) Keys to the nematode parasites of 50:41–43.
vertebrates. Archival Volume. CAB 17. Rajkovi-Janje R, Bosnic S, Rimac D,
International. 463 pp. Dragicevic P, Bara Vinkovic B (2002)
3. Barutzki D, Schoierer R, Gothe R (1991) Prevalence of helminths in wild boar from
[Helminth infections in wild boars kept in hunting grounds in eastern Croatia. Z
enclosures in southern Germany: severity of Jagdwiss. 48:261-270.
infections and fecal intensity].[In German]. 18. Shender LA, Botzler RG, George TL (2002)
Tierarztl Prax. 19(6):644-8. Analysis of serum and whole blood values in
4. orthakur S , Rahmani S, Sarma  (2007) relation to helminth and ectoparasite
Prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in infections of feral pigs in Texas. J Wildlife
pigs in Aizawl, J Vet Parasit. 21(2):173-174. Dis. 38(2):385–394.
5. Coombs DW, Springer MD (1974) Parasites 19. Shoho C, Machida M (1979) Nematode
of feral pig x european wild boar hybrids in Parasites of Wild Boar from Iriomote Island,
southern Texas. J Wildlife Dis. 10:436-441. Japan. Bull Natn Sci Mus. Ser. A (Zool.).
6. Cucoranu D (2010) [Study of gastrointestinal 5(4):235-247.
nematodes in pigs in Mures county].[In 20. Spratt DM, Pavlov PM (1996) Simondsia
Romanian]. PhD Thesis. Cluj Napoca. paradoxa: newly recorded nematode parasite
7. Dunn AM (1978) Veterinary helminthology. 21. from feral pigs in Australia. Aus Vet J.
William Heinemann Medical Books. London. 74(5):394-395.
323 pp. 22. Tudor G (1964) Gnathostoma hispidum in
8. Eslami A, Farsad-Hamdi S (1992) Helminth RPR, Rev Zoot Med Vet Buc. 14(5):82-91.
Parasites of Wild Boar, Sus scrofa, in Iran. J 23. Yadav AK, Tandon V (1989) Nematode
Wildlife Dis. 28(2):316-318. parasite infections of domestic pigs in a sub-
9. Fernandez-De-Mera IG, Gortazar C, Vicente tropical and high-rainfall area of India. Vet
J, Hoffle U, Fierro Y (2004) Efficacy of an in- Parasitol. 31(2):133-139.
feed preparation of ivermectin against 24. Yazwinski TA, Tucker C, Featherston H,
helminths in the European wild boar. Johnson Z, Wood-Huels N (1997)
Parasitol Res. 92:133–136. Endectocidal efficacies of doramectin in
naturally parasitized pigs. Vet Parasitol. 70(1-

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 wide geographical spread;

14. Trichinelloidea
 large number, between 100 and 300
The Trichinelloidea superfamily is included in
species affected, heterothermic animals,
the Enoplea class, Trichinellida order. It is
warm-blooded mammals, reptiles, fish and
divided into three families and five
subfamilies, but some of these taxa were
 severe clinical expression, even fatal to
elevated in rank. Thus, it is currently accepted
humans, in conditions of natural and
that this superfamily contains five families:
asymptomatic evolution in animals;
Capillariidae, Cystoopsidae, Trichinellidae,
Trichosomoididae, and Trichuridae. The
A new structure of the genus Trichinella is
Trichinellidae, responsible for trichinellosis in
proposed based on biological, biochemical
animals and humans, Capillariidae, which
and molecular characters140,160,161,159,154,108,102.
causes capillariosis, and Trichuridae, which
Within it, 12 gene pools are delimited. They
causes trichocephalosis, are the main families
are numbered from T1 to T12 or without this
important to veterinary medicine.
encoding, corresponding to well-defined
Trichinella species or genotypes of uncertain
14.1. Trichinellidae: taxonomic status: T1 - Trichinella spiralis
trichinellosis in animals sensu strictu Owen, 1835; T2 - Trichinella
The Trichinellidae family is characterized nativa Britov and Boev, 1972; T3 -
from a morphological point of view by a very Trichinella britovi Pozio et al., 1992; T4 -
small body, ranging between 1 and 4 mm in Trichinella pseudospiralis Garkavi, 1972; T5
length, slightly unequally calibrated, the - Trichinella murrelli Pozio et al., 2000; T6 -
posterior end being a bit wider than the genotype with uncertain status; T7 -
anterior end. The females are viviparous and Trichinella nelsoni Britov and Boev, 1972; T8
the life cycle is special, so-called autoxenous, - genotype with uncertain status; T9 -
when all stages of its life cycle occur in the genotype with uncertain status; T10 -
same host individual. The family comprises a Trichinella papuae Pozio et al., 1999; T11 -
single genus, Trichinella. The disease caused Trichinella zimbabwensis Pozio et al., 2002
by the members of this family is called and T12 - Trichinella patagoniensis
trichinellosis. Krivokapich et al., 2012.
Definition. Trichinellosis is a cosmopolitan  T. spiralis is characterized by a
parasitic zoonosis that affects humans and cosmopolitan distribution in temperate
over 100 species of domestic and wild regions of the northern hemisphere. The
mammals, and some bird species. It is caused domestic pig has the highest sensitivity
by nematodes of the family Trichinellidae related to this species87. It may also affect
which affect animals of all ages. It is other mammals: dog, cat, fox, wolf, coyote,
characterized by a symptomatic evolution in wild boar, bear, mouse, rat, including
animals and severe clinical expression, man8,88,140,141.
sometimes fatal to humans. In humans, the  T. pseudospiralis has a cosmopolitan
serious clinical forms are caused by intestinal distribution in wild birds and mammals, but
development of parasites and migratory larval apparently its host is normally the spelled
forms. Infection with Trichinella spp. has raccoon (Procyon lotor)66. It was identified in
several essential features, namely: the U.S., Europe, Africa, Australia (Tasmania)
 zooantroponotic character, or and in equatorial Asia. It was extended to the
transmissibility of disease from animals to northern hemisphere from southern Asia by
humans by ingestion of infected meat; migratory birds44,219,220.

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 T. nelsoni is widespread in Europe and larvae do not form cysts in the muscles, being
Africa, below the parallel of 40° north similar to T. pseudospiralis155.
latitude186,187,188. Wild canids (foxes in  T. zimbabwensis was detected in farm
Europe, jackals in Africa), hyenas and wild crocodiles (Crocodilus niloticus) in
cats are reservoirs of parasites158. Wild pigs Zimbabwe and Ethiopia, in wild crocodiles in
(warthog) can be parasitized. It is resistant to Mozambique, and monitor lizards in
high temperatures, compared to other Zimbabwe. The larvae do not form cysts in
genotypes, as a result of adaptation to the the muscles parasitized153.
tropical climate.  T. patagoiensis was recently identified.
 T. nativa is characterized by a Holarctic
From a biological point of view, it is more
distribution, in the entire northern hemisphere, similar to T. britovi and T. murrelli. It is
above of 60° latitude. The southern boundary widespread in the Neotropical region102.
is represented by the average January The species are grouped in two clades: the
isotherm of - 5°C186,187,188,157,156. Wild encapsulated clade containing six species and
mammals are the natural hosts of this species: three genotypes of undetermined taxonomic
canids (wolves, foxes), bears (polar bear), and status and the non-encapsulated clade, three
mustelids. Pinnipeds (fin-footed mammals: species belonging to this clade (T.
walrus, seal) are also hosts for this species. pseudospiralis, T. papuae and T.
Cetaceans may be parasitized. It is more zimbabwensis).
resistant to freezing than other species, Morphology. The parasites present a
surviving for at least 72 hours. pronounced sexual dimorphism. The male
 T. britovi is relatively common in wild measures 1 to 1.6 mm in length / 30-40 μm
carnivores, being identified in a wide variety wide and the female 2 to 4 mm / 60 to 70 μm.
of hosts, namely in sylvatic canids and cats, At the anterior end, both sexes have the mouth
bear, boar, horse, domestic swine and humans. opening, which is punctiform, equipped with a
In Romania it is diagnosed in wolf (Canis retractile buccal stylet. At the posterior end,
lupus), Euriasian lynx (Lynx lynx), and the male lacks spicules and spicular sheaths,
European wild cat (Felis silvestris)17. It has but presents two lateral alae and two finger-
low infectivity to rats and moderate in pigs. like copulatory appendages between the alae.
Geographical spread is similar to T. spiralis, it The cloacal opening is placed between the
being a species of temperate regions. appendages, being transversely opened. It also
 T. murrelli is widespread in the temperate has two pairs of papillae, the ventral being
Neartic region of the U.S. (Connecticut, hemispherical, and a dorsal cone. The female
Georgia, Illinois, Indiana and Pennsylvania). is slightly thickened at the posterior end. The
The northern boundary of the area of vulvar orifice is situated on the ventral side, in
distribution is represented by the isothermal the anterior fifth of the body, toward the
average of January - 6°C, while the southern middle of the esophagus, with an oval and
boundary is not determined. It is diagnosed in cleft appearance.
black bear (Ursus americanus), common The final stage of endogenous development in
raccoon (Procyon lotor), coyote (Canis the encapsulated species is represented by the
latrans), fox (Vulpes vulpes), other wild perilarval and adventitial cystic reaction. The
carnivores (Mustela vison, Felis rufus) and cyst is a complex structure that houses the
horse160. coiled muscular larva within the cyst. Three
 T. papuae was found in wild boar in an components are distinguished, structurally, in
isolated region of Papua New Guinea. Its Trichinella cyst: nurse cell, the capsule and
geographic distribution is still unknown. The pericystic vasculature network. The classic

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form of T. spiralis cyst is fusiform, with two untypical biotopes, to which they are not
knobs of fat at both poles that give them the adapted, will die.
appearance of a lemon. The length of the cysts The muscle encystation phase initially
ranges from 300 to 850 μm, with a mean of consists in the transformation of the myocyte
730 μm and a width of 200 to 380 μm, and an into a nurse cell that has an altered structure,
average of 295 μm. he average length / and, subsequently, in the development of the
width ratio is 2.47, demonstrating the fusiform cyst around the larva in about 6-7 weeks.
appearance of the cyst. The sizes and shapes The chronobiology of the extra-intestinal
of the cysts, however, depend on the stages is characterized by the presence of
anatomical region of origin of the muscle larvae in the bloodstream in 7 to 12 days pi.
parasitized and host animal species. Their access to the muscle masses happens in
Life cycle 8 to 12 days pi and the curving process of the
The biology of the parasites of the genus larvae at 18-20 days pi. Then the larvae also
Trichinella is complex and involves gain the ability to infect new hosts. The
successive stages completed entirely in the development and encystation of larvae
parasitized hosts. This feature gives the happens between 21 and 45 days pi. The
biological cycle an autoxenous character. The process of calcification of cysts is initiated at
first-larval stage (L1) is localized in the nurse 5-6 months pi and lasts 15 to 16 months.
cell, which is a modified myocyte; adult Epidemiology.
parasites live in the columnar epithelium, in Geographical distribution. Trichinella
the small intestine; the newborn larva or infection is referenced to a variable number,
embryo is a free stage migrating through between 150-300, species of mammals, birds
lymphatic-hematogenous circulation49. and reptiles.
The cycle starts with the ingestion of Infection is diagnosed in Europe mainly in
contamination sources that contain Trichinella sylvatic fauna in countries such as France, in
larvae or cysts. It is followed by a short fox194; Lithuania in wild boar9; Netherlands in
gastric phase in which these fragments are wild boar and fox96; Slovakia in wild boar and
digested, liberating the larvae. Released larvae fox54; Sweden in fox36 and Bulgaria in fox,
move to the intestine. Endogenous biology in badger, wild cat, wolf, bear, jackal, wild boar
Trichinella spp. is initiated, following the and mustelids105. Infection in pigs is absent in
penetration of larvae into the small intestine. the Czech Republic and Slovakia54,
Two phases are distinguished: the enteral Belgium62, Austria, Denmark and the
phase, which occurs within the small intestine, Netherlands96.
and the parenteral phase, which includes In Africa, trichinosis is diagnosed in Egypt in
larval migration and development in the pigs (1.691%), stray dogs and rodents (20.9%
muscle niche. - 41.9%)116,129,138, in South Africa in the Nile
The enteral phase starts with the penetration crocodile (38.5%, Crocodylus niloticus)107, in
of the mucosal cells by the larvae, without the Zimbabwe and Mozambique in the Nile
destruction of the epithelial cells. The larvae monitor lizards (Varanus niloticus - 17.6%)
mature into adults, and the females lay larvae and crocodile, respectively (20%)152.
after copulation. In North America, the infection is diagnosed
The larval migration phase consists in the in the U.S. in pigs, the maximum prevalence
dissemination of the larvae through circulation of 0.33% being revealed in 1970223. Sylvatic
throughout the body. The larvae that reach the trichinosis is the main focus of the North
muscles will encyst. Those which reach American continent. In Canada, Trichinella
spp is prevalent in terrestrial and aquatic

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mammals, where the identified species were between the two foci is possible through rats
T. nativa, T. murrelli and the genotype that determine the perennial feature of the
Trichinella T67,8. In Mexico, the prevalence of disease, by cannibalism. The consumption of
trichinellosis in pigs ranged between 0 and 6% game meat also intervenes in the transfer of
in 1986 to 1999145. infection between the two foci. Coprophagous
The infection is diagnosed in South America and necrophagous beetles are important
in synanthropic and wild animals in because the larvae remain viable about 5 to 8
Argentina8, in Chile, where the infection rate days in their body. They are sources for
of pigs decreased from 0.017% in 1991 to carnivores, rodents and insectivorous
0004% between 1998 and 2000179, and in animals 43,44,59,128
Bolivia, where antibodies were detected in the Susceptibility is influenced by multiple risk
sera of domestic pigs in different regions25. factors. They are systematized in intrinsic
In Asia, the infestation is widespread in (species, the health of the individual) and
Afghanistan104, China114, rare in India178, Iran, extrinsic factors (breeding system, nutritional
in sylvatic fauna77, in Japan in fox, dog behavior, infective dose, animal behavior in
raccoon, bear and dog86, in South Korea, experimental infestations).
Laos, Malaysia, Syria, Thailand, Vietnam, The carnivores (dog, cat, fox, wolf, mustelids,
Uzbekistan and Turkey151. white bear, seal, and walrus), omnivores (pig,
Sources of contamination are represented, on wild boar, and bear), rodents, and humans are
the one hand, by synanthropic animals such as naturally susceptible. The infection is
the pig, rat, dog, cat, coypu and, recently, achievable, under experimental conditions, in
equines, and, on the other hand, by the species with native receptivity, but also in
sylvatic foci, where foxes, badgers, boars, and those considered unresponsive. In the second
bears play an essential role. The consumption category are included the herbivores (horse,
of viscera, slaughterhouse products or corpses ruminants), rodents (guinea pig, hamster,
that contain Trichinella cysts or infective rabbit), fish and birds.
larvae is another source of contamination. Another issue recorded in recent years is the
Pigs become infected by eating various expansion of natural receptivity in species
sources of parasites: live or dead rodents, considered until recently free from trichinosis.
protein soups and slaughterhouse waste The horse, a species among whose members
unsterilized by heat, and as a result of were detected infected individuals in Belgium
cannibalism (consumption of tails and ears). (0.9%) and Poland (0.53%) by ELISA, is
Contamination in ruminants is possible representative in this sense18,221.
through the consumption of infected meat. Route of contamination: The ussual route of
These species accept meat in their diet in contamination is oral, by ingestion of
cases of malnutrition and pica syndrome as Trichinella cysts through the above mentioned
demonstrated in ruminants44. Sources of sources. Transplacental and transmammary
contamination in horses are the crushed grains routes are possible due to the small size of the
and vegetable flours contaminated with migrating larvae40,43. Experimental infection
ground rodent bodies59. can be achieved parenterally, intraperitoneally
Two foci are defined in the epidemiology of and intravenously in mice, rectally, nasally or
the disease: synanthropic, in which the intratracheally in rabbit118,124.
sources of parasites are the domestic animals Resistance of parasites depends on the
(pig, rat, dog, cat, and coypu) and sylvatic, in evolutionary stage of the parasite and the
which the fox, badger, boar and bear are environmental conditions related to the action
important. Dissemination of the infection of destructive factors.

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Adults in the intestine have a variable intestinal enzymes decreases, glucose

resistance, dependent on sex. The males die absorption diminishes, and the ratio of blood -
and are lysed immediately after fertilization, fatty acids changes, in the sense that the
and the females survive 5 to 6 weeks fixed in unsaturated ones increase while the saturated
intestinal crypts44. ones decrease201,34. Toxins produced by adult
The larvae encysted in muscles have a parasites are eliminated through the kidneys,
resistance of up to 50 years in live animals. causing glomerulonephritis, tubular nephritis
The larvae retain their infectivity for up to 3 with hyaline cylinders in the tubular lumen, a
weeks in bodies kept in putrefaction at room decrease of the filtration capacity of the
temperature. The larvae removed through kidney, and the initial increase in serum levels
recently infected animals remain viable for up of urea and creatinine166. The inoculation
to 15 days and in the body of arthropod effect is discreet due to the penetration of
insects, they survive for 5-8 days128. T. mucosal lymphoid formations - Peyer plates,
spiralis larvae encapsulated in muscles do not Lieberkuhn glands, and lymphoid follicles -
survive for more than 48 hours in freezing where the defense against infectious
conditions, at -32 ° C192. The influence of pathogens is well organized60. The
physical (heat, cold, X-rays, ultraviolet and immunogenic effect induces an immediate
gamma radiation) and chemical agents response consisting in the rapid or gradual
(sodium chloride solution, sucrose, glucose, expulsion of adult parasites from the gut as a
glycerol, alcohol) depends on the size of the consequence of the host’s immune response91.
pieces of meat, and the intensity and duration The larval migration phase is accompanied
of their action. by prominent irritating-inflammatory, toxic
Pathogenesis. Pathogenic mechanisms are and immunogenic effects60. Irritating-
well known in human and laboratory animal inflammatory action is exerted on the
infections, but to a lesser extent in natural lymphatic and blood capillaries, causing
trichinosis, in animals in which the evolution vascular injury, injury of myocytes (muscle
is subclinical15,24,58. injury) and internal organs (organ
Pathogenicity of Trichinella spp. is exercised damage)117,163. Vascular lesions are reflected
differently under natural conditions, in the physiology of capillaries and the
depending on the evolutionary stage of the biochemical and haematological composition
parasite. The adults cause a bowel syndrome of blood. In the capillaries, a capillaropathy
because of their enterotropism. Migratory or expressed by spasm of vessels and stasis, is
encysted larvae produce a muscular evidenced31. Biochemical, hypoproteinemia,
syndrome, following the previous one, due to hypoglycemia, increased ascorbinaemia,
their muscle tropism60. Three phases are decreased serum cholinesterase activity,
distinguished in trichinellosis pathogenesis, changes in fatty acid and haematological
correlated with parasite life cycle phases58,117: changes, leukocytosis, eosinocytosis,
the intestinal phase; the larval migration decreased hemoglobin, hematocrit and mean
phase; and the muscle location phase. corpuscular volume are the changes that
During the intestinal phase, the adults exert accompany this phase46,47,171,203. The lesions
mechanical-irritating, toxic, inoculation, and during the migration through muscle tissue
immunogenic effects in the small intestine44,60. consist of myolysis and focal lymphocytes
The mechanical-irritating effect is expressed and eosinophilic granulocyte infiltration in
by mucosal inflammation, villous fusion and guinea pigs and rats. Among organs, the liver,
destruction of a large area of absorption. As a kidneys, brain, lungs, adrenals, and other
result, malabsorption occurs, the activity of organs are affected204. The toxic effect is

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interrelated with the irritating-inflammatory Besides the pathogenic mechanisms exerted

action. The migration of the larvae determines by the evolutionary stages of the parasite
exo-and endo-toxin dissemination throughout during the invasion, a number of side effects
the body. This will cause hepatic steatosis and of Trichinella spp. are experimentally
lipid dystrophy of the kidney accompanied by demonstrated. Although T. spiralis is a
glomerular, tubular and interstitial nephritis147. parasite that exhibits an oncogenic effect26,112,
The immune response induced by the larvae the role of T. spiralis and T. pseudospiralis as
during migration consists in stimulation of B an inhibitor of tumor growth has also been
and T cells from the mesenteric lymph nodes. demonstrated197. It also occurs in the rejection
They induce degranulation of mast cells, of skin allografts4.
increasing the eosinophils number and the Immunity. The antigenic complexity of
secretion of IgE and IgG. These Trichinella spp induces varied immune
immunoglobulins will intervene in the responses in parasitized organisms, but a
antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity natural immunity also occurs.
phenomenon27. Natural or innate immunity - Trichinella spp.
The muscle location phase consists in parasitize diverse hosts, mostly warm-blooded
multiple pathogenic actions exert by encysted mammals. The Poikilothermic species are
larvae: irritating-inflammatory, toxic and considered to have an innate resistance to
antigenic60. Irritating action is responsible Trichinella invasion, although it succeeds in
for inflammation of the muscle fiber. It causes experimental conditions117.
muscle mass hypertrophy, myorexis (muscle Non-specific immunity - Ancylostomidae
rupture) and myolysis, granular degeneration infections in hamster cause cross reaction with
of the fibers, lymphocyte and histiocyte Trichinella spp. It consists in the delay and
infiltration, loss of the transverse striations of reduction of physical and fecundity
the fibers, disappearance of myofilaments, the development of females. Rapid expulsion of
sarcoplasm becomes granular, the size of the adults in the gut is also delayed14. Eimeria
nucleus and nucleoli of myocytes increases spp. infection in mice does not prevent
but that of the mitochondria decreases, and the infection with Trichinella spp.175.
rough endoplasmic reticulum prolife- Acquired immunity can be active or passive.
rates61,65,84,106,110,195. Toxic action manifests Active immunity can be post-infectious or
itself locally and generally. Local, exo and post-vaccination. It is induced on the first
endotoxins of Trichinella spp. are responsible infection, and it is not subsequent to a state of
for muscle fiber degeneration and intracellular premunition. Repeated reinfection provides a
metabolic disorders with delayed stimulation better protection against Trichinella spp. Post-
of the activity of adenosine mono-tri- vaccination immunity is demonstrated by
phosphatase (MATP) and a decrease of the numerous studies in pig, rat, mouse, using as
respiratory control index216. Generally, it is vaccine L3 larvae of T. nativa or excretory-
responsible for hyperthermia and edemas that secretory antigens (ES)22,73,191222.
accompany the disease reactions60. Passive immunity is proven by transmammary
The antigenic effect is not surprising transfer from an infected mother to the
considering the intimacy of the relationship newborn. The level and duration of immunity
between parasite and host. It is believed that depends on multiple factors, some of them
the immune response of the hosts in this phase exerting a suppressor effect - corticosteroids,
is reduced in intensity because encysted larvae malnutrition, stressors53,55.
are protected from the host’s immune Immunity in trichinellosis is humoral- or cell
defense44,50. mediated.

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Humoral immunity parasites and excretory secretory or metabolic

During the development of trichinellosis, IgG antigens (ES). The somatic Ag serve as
and IgM levels are high and have an increased complement activation, with a maximum
avidity to the somatic antigens of T. spiralis capacity of Ag originating from newborn
while the level of IgE is lower 91,207. larvae. ES Ag secretion is achieved by
Cellular immunity stichocytes that contain secretory granules.
The cells directly involved in damaging the Common Ag of Trichinella and other
parasites are neutrophil granulocytes and helminths are identified (T. spiralis and
eosinophils. The latter have an important role Fasciola hepatica)174. This phenomenon may
in the immunopathology of trichinellosis. play an essential role in interspecific
They act on larvae through the Ig and a protection.
complement system. The C36 fragment of the Clinical signs. Natural infections in animals
complement binds to the parasite and are not expressed clinically. This requires the
subsequently to the eosinophils. The assessment of the presence of larvae in the body
eosinophils will increase their production of as "Trichinella infection" rather than
oxygen radicals and release eosinophilic "trichinellosis"72.
cationic protein (ECP), major basic protein Two clinical forms evolve in experimental
(MBP) and peroxidase which will damage the infections in pigs after several days of
parasite. Binding of eosinophils can be done incubation: intestinal and muscular. Symptoms
via IgE and IgM. Eosinophils intervene, include diarrhea, prostration, loss of appetite,
likewise, locall, at the intestinal level in rapid abdominal pain, abdominal wall contracted,
or gradual expulsion of adult parasites through painful on palpation followed by general
an antibody-dependent cell-mediated symptoms, contractions and muscle pain,
cytotoxicity (ADCC) mechanism. Eosinophils bruxism, difficult mastication, impaired
are fixed on parasites covered by IgG that are locomotion, slow and stiff movement, feverish
generated by the B lymphocytes under the state, polydipsia.
influence of parasite antigens. Once fixed, Dogs develop nonspecific symptoms: vomiting,
PBM that adversely affect adult parasites will diarrhea, anorexia, fever, agitation,
be released198. neuromuscular symptoms and lethargy 143,167
Two elements, antibodies (Ab) and antigens Humans are more dramatically affected, the
(Ag), are involved into the immune infection being characterized by abdominal
mechanisms. pain, diarrhea or constipation, vomiting,
Antibodies are serum proteins. They are malaise, fever, diffuse myalgia, periorbital and /
synthesized by B-lymphocytes. or facial edema, conjunctivitis, headache, rash,
Biochemically, they are gamma globulin and difficulty in swallowing or opening the mouth,
are divided into five classes: IgA, IgM, IgE, insomnia, weight loss, coryza, hoarseness,
IgG and IgD. They form the Ag-Ab complex bronchitis, haemorrhages at the base of
binding to the Ag. IgA occurs in the gut, being fingernails and / or retina, visual disturbances
involved in the phenomenon of rapid and paralysis of the eye's muscles33.
expulsion of adult parasites from the gut. IgM Pathology. The lesions do not reach in animals
and IgE are responsible for cytopathological the level of severity that the changes in humans
modifications with alteration of somatic and reach. They refer to the effect of larvae in
germ cells of adult parasites, prior to intestine and muscular stages.
expulsion44. Intestinal lesions consist in acute catarrhal
Trichinella antigens are of two types: somatic enteritis, intestinal mucosal edema, petechiae
antigens, present in the tissue extract of and the presence of Trichinella adults. In

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muscles are evidenced acute myositis affecting after slaughter. Two important factors that
the highly active muscle mass. influence the sensitivity of these methods are:
Histologically, the intestinal form is sample size and predilection sites (table 19).
characterized by the metamorphosis of Indirect methods (precipitation reaction with
cylindrical cells in goblet cells, epithelial cell extracts of muscle, xenodiagnosis) have limited
desquamation in rows, microbleeds and application, being used mostly for experimental
superficial necrosis of villi, glandular structure purposes, but in some circumstances they can
destruction and dilation of lymphatic spaces. complete the trichineloscopy.
In muscle location, dissolved muscle myofibers,
mononuclear and polymorphonuclear Table 19. Predilection sites of Trichinella spp.
infiltrations, angiogenesis, hypertrophy of larvae in animals87,142
myonuclei, myotube formation, mitosis, muscle
bundles rounded and separated from other Species Site of choice
bundles, the disappearance of A, I and Z bands Domestic pig diaphragm, tongue, masseter
of the sarcomeres, an increase of the Horse tongue, masseter, diaphragm
endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex, Wild boar tongue, diaphragm
decreased glycogen and mitochondria relocation Bear tongue, masseter, diaphragm
have been described98. Walrus tongue
Oncogenic action of Trichinella spp consists in tongue, eye muscles,
forelimb muscles
the involvement in various tumor diseases:
Raccoon dog diaphragm, forelimb muscles
squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth26, lingual
Sheep tongue, masseter, diaphragm
carcinoma35, cancer of the larynx190.
Differential diagnosis includes muscle
Current methods of diagnosis are very diverse
cysticercosis caused by larval forms of Taenia
and can be classified depending on the moment
solium in humans, sarcocystiosis,
of their practicing in diagnostic methods applied
toxoplasmosis, echinococcosis localized in the
intra-vitam and post-mortem, respectively.
muscles and other migratory larvae of
Intra-vitam methods include clinical and
parasitic nematodes (Ascaris suum,
experimental diagnosis. In animals, it is almost
Strongyloides ransomi) or saprophytic and
impossible to diagnose trichinellosis based on
distomum musculorum suis (DMS),
symptoms. Experimental diagnosis is achieved
mesocercaria of Alaria alata, parasitic
in the laboratory by indirect methods
trematode in domestic and wild carnivores.
(haematological examination, reactions of
Trichinella cysts are partially or fully
precipitation, flocculation, agglutination,
calcified, will be decalcified.
immunofluorescence, complement fixation,
agar-gel double diffusion - Ouchterlony, ELISA
The therapy of trichinellosis in animals and
and intradermal reaction) and direct exams
humans is based on the use of broad-spectrum
(coprology, observation of migrating larvae,
anthelmintics associated with symptomatic
therapy, especially in human medicine. Three
Post-mortem diagnostic aims to detect
important elements influence their use: the high
Trichinella infection after slaughter of the
effectiveness against adults of Trichinella,
animals. It is achieved by direct and indirect
which cannot be detected by the intra-vitam
methods. Direct methods include
diagnosis, high efficiency against larval
trichineloscopy and artificial gastric digestion.
migration phase, which is difficult to diagnose,
Identification of Trichinella cysts and larvae is
and efficacy decreases when larvae are encysted
achieved from fragments of muscles sampled
in the muscle, in chronic the form. The

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effectiveness depends on the chemical nature of member states, it is mandatory under EU

the drug, dosage, repeatability and association Zoonoses Directive, 2003/99/EC. Legislation in
with immunomodulatory medications or Europe and other countries around the world
capsule lithic compounds. Three groups of requires the accurate diagnosis of trichinellosis
active substances stand out: benzimidazole by direct methods, namely trichineloscopy and
derivatives, imidazothiazole and avermectins. artificial gastric digestion.
Among the benzimidazole derivatives, In case of detection of infected carcasses, the
albendazole, at a dose rate of 10-15 mg/kg bw, legislation requires complete confiscation and
3 doses, showed an efficiency between 94.2 to inactivation. In intensive pig units,
98.6% in pigs130. Mebendazole, 6.25 mg/kg bw slaughterhouses, meat processing units, and
administered two hours pi removes between 95 rendering plants, a control of rodents will be
to 100% of adult parasites; at a dose rate of 50 conducted periodically, associated with
mg/kg bw for 5 consecutive days during the collection and destruction of corpses. Stray dogs
invasive phase, it reduced by 96% the number and cats, species that are connecting elements
of larvae recovered at 45 days pi126. between wildlife and domestic animals, must be
Flubendazole at a dose rate of 20 mg/kg controlled.
bw/day, 10 doses at intervals of 48 hours, Prevention of Trichinella infection in humans is
associated with hyaluronidase induced based on three main approaches: (i) consumer
maximum efficiency71. At a dose of 8 mg/kg bw education about the risk posed by consumption
administered in the feed, for 8 consecutive days, of raw or undercooked meat and meat products,
it had an efficacy rate of 100% against the adult regardless of its origin (domestic: pig, horse; or
stage of T. spiralis in pigs. At a dose rate of 31 wild: wild boar, bear, walrus, crocodile), if it
mg/kg bw administered for 14 days, the efficacy was not properly tested for the presence of
was 72.35%. Higher doses of 62 mg/kg bw Trichinella larvae, (ii) raising of the pigs (the
induced a high efficiency of 87.77% against the most important source of contamination for
larvae122. Oxfendazole and oxibendazole are humans) in the industrial system, with modern
also used, but they need high doses to show shelters, under strict veterinary control, and use
good effectiveness90. of certified feed (iii) control of all susceptible
Of the imidazothiazole derivatives, levamisole animals (domestic and wild) by a standardized
was less effective than benzimidazoles and method of gastric digestion at slaughter or after
avermectins against Trichinella spp. The dose hunting72.
of 7.5 mg/kg bw had an efficiency of 4.83% Chemoprevention and immunoprophylaxis,
and 3.57% against parasite adults and larvae although they have demonstrated good results
respectively, during migration193. that support their applicability, are only
Ivermectin, at a dose rate of 0.2 mg/kg bw, experimental.
showed an efficiency of 94.99% and 83.85%
against the adults and larvae on migration in 14.2. Capillariidae: capillariosis
experimental trichinellosis in rats193. The systematics of capillarid nematodes has
Doramectin at a dose of 0.3 mg / kg i.m. is been the subject of multiple classifications
100% effective against the adult parasites in the and reorganisations. They were originally
gut, or 66.6% against the larvae in migration classified as subfamily Capillarinae, part of
and causes a 30% reduction in the number of the family Trichuridae. Roberts and Janovy173
viable larvae68. refer to capillarids as family Capillaridae.
Control. In many European countries, Anderson6 considers it as a subfamily
trichinellosis was declared a disease that included in the family Trichuridae. Thus, two
requires monitoring and for European Union main directions are differentiated in the

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systematics of capilarids: the subfamily Hepaticola Hall, 1916; Eucoleus Dujardin,

Capillarinae, part of the family Trichuridae or 1845 and Thominx Dujardin, 1845. The last
the family Capillaridae, included in the two names are the most common in current
superfamily Trichocephalloidea. The structure etiology.
of this group (whether subfamily or family) Definition. It is a nematodosis produced by
has changed, in turn, extensively, the number species localized in the crop and esophagus
of genera included varying around 24. There with chronic evolution which manifests itself
are about 300 species of capillarids, their through dilated crops, fluid from the mouth
classification being one of the most difficult in and mouth lesions, emaciation and possible
the Nematoda. Regardless of the accepted death.
classification and the number of genera or Etiology. The disease is caused by two
species existing in capillarids, they are species, Capillaria annulata and C. contorta.
parasites in a wide range of hosts, from fishes Both species are reported in the mucosa and
to mammals and birds. The species are highly submucosa of the oropharynx, esophagus and
diverse morphologically, widely distributed; crop of chickens, grouse, guinea fowl,
almost all are oviparous and have a mono or partridges, pheasants, quail, turkeys and
heteroxenous life cycle. ducks.
The members of this taxon are responsible for The classic and recognized names can now be
various diseases in animals and humans, replaced by other synonyms, such as Eucoleus
caused by different localisations of parasites annulatus and E. contortus or Thominx
in the digestive tract and accessory glands, in annulata and T. contorta. We still use
the respiratory or excretory system. From a traditional names, with the Capillaria name of
medical veterinary point of view, several the genus, due to many taxonomic difficulties
entities are important, namely: and multiple names assigned for the same
 Digestive capillariosis in birds with two species.
different locations, crop and esophageal, and Morphology. C. annulata (figure 31) has a
intestinal, respectively. cylindrical, threadlike, slender body. The male
 Bladder and urinary capillariosis in measures 10 to 26 mm in length by 52 to 74
carnivores. μm wide and the female is 25 to 60 mm in
 Tracheobronchial capillariosis in length by 77 to 120 μm wide. At the anterior
carnivores. end, both sexes present a cuticular bulbous
swelling and an unadorned mouth. The males
14.2.1. Capillariosis in birds possess avery long spicule, measuring 1.12
Capillarids or hairworms are nematode mm to 1.63 mm, which slides through a
parasitic worms of Galliformes, Anseriformes, cuticular sheath, at the posterior end.
Passeriformes and many other species of The vulva is placed opposite the terminal end
domestic, wild and game birds belonging to a of the esophagus. Eggs are oval-shaped,
large number of taxa. measure 55 to 65 by 26 to 28 μm and have
characteristic opercula at both poles. Crop and esophageal C. contorta has a slender, filiform,
capillariosis progressively thicker posteriorly and spirally
The disease is caused by the members of the rolled body. The males vary from 8 to 17 mm
Capillaria genus that has many synonyms, as long by 60 to 70 wide and the females
follows: Trichosoma Rudolphi, 1819; measure between 15 and 60 mm long by 140
Trichosomum Creplin, 1839; Calodium to 180 wide.
Dujardin, 1845; Liniscus Dujardin, 1845;

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(Eisenia, Lumbricus, Allolobophora), which

ingest the eggs. The eggs develop in their
body into infective eggs that contain L2. The
contamination of the birds is done by
ingestion of eggs or earthworms containing
infective eggs. After ingestion by the birds,
the larvae penetrate the mucosa of a typical
biotope and mature into adults following two
molts. The prepatent period varies between 45
and 54 days in C. contorta and 16-25 days in
C. annulata.
Geographical distribution. The disease is
distributed worldwide and records different
values or prevalence, depending on various
factors. C. annulata was found in 2.0 and
4.3% of rural scavenging poultry in Tanzania
during wet and dry season, respectively, while
C. contorta recorded 9.0% and 1.0%. No
Figure 31. Capillaria annulata morphology:
correlation was found between season and
a) anterior end; b) posterior end; c) egg;
prevalence150. In free-range chickens from the
1. cuticular bulbous; 2. spicular sheath;
KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa, no
3. spicule
significant difference was observed in the sex
distribution for C. annulata and C. contorta,
The dorsal cephalic cuticular swelling found
but a significant difference was identified in
in previous species is absent in C. contorta. At
the intensity of infection of both males and
the posterior end, the males have two terminal
females. In the case of C. obsignata and C.
laterodorsal prominences. The spicule is
annulata, the prevalence rate and number
slender, transparent, measures about 800 μm
were higher in females than in males139. C.
in length, being shorter than the C. annulata
contorta was more prevalent (64.7%) than C.
spicule, not more than one-tenth of the body
annulata (17.6%) in pheasants in Samsun,
length. The spicule sheath is unarmed and
Turkey76. Capillaria spp. infections are also
nonstriated, but it has numerous fine, hairlike
diagnosed in Romania in pheasant (43.75%)67
processes on its surface.
and capercaille (60%) (personal unpublished
Life cycle. Adult parasites are localized in the
mucosa of the anterior segments of the
Sources of contamination are represented by
digestive tract, mouth, pharynx, esophagus
various species of birds, including some of the
and crop. Oviparous females lay
wildlife. On the other hand, earthworms
unembryonated eggs. These are eliminated
directly intervene in the food web of the birds,
through the feces in the external environment.
contributing to the perennial character of
Exogenous evolution is direct in C. contorta
and indirect in C. annulata. The direct cycle
Susceptibility. The chickens (Gallus gallus
consists in embryogenesis and molting of the
domesticus), especially young birds, have a
first-larval stage inside the egg, resulting in an
higher degree of vulnerability. However,
infective egg that contains the L2 larva. The
infection with C. annulata is more prevalent
indirect evolution consists in the intervention
of the intermediate hosts, earthworms

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in adults (10%) compared to growers (1%) in rate being high (often in pheasant and
free-range chickens in Tanzania120. partridge).
The technological purpose of the birds, laying Pathology. The crop wall is thickened and the
hens or broilers, associated with the breeding mucosa exfoliated, covered by a flocculent
system are important factors in their exudate. The parasites cause catarrhal
susceptibility to infection. With reard to egg- esophagitis and ingluviitis, which become
laying chickens, the free-range and yarding pseudomembranous, hemorrhagic or necrotic
systems are the most suitable for in their severe forms. Parasites penetrate into
contamination compared with battery and the submucosa where they form sinuous
furnished cage systems. In meat-producing galleries. The crop often contains a viscous
chickens, the indoor system offers a high level and hemorrhagic liquid, with a fetid odor. In
of protection to broilers, compared to free- the chronic form, the esophageal and
range and organic farms. proventriculus mucosa are thickened, rough,
Route of contamination is oral by ingestion folded lengthwise, with areas of necrosis
of embryonated eggs or infected earthworms. where the parasites can be seen. C. contorta
Resistance of the eggs lasts up to a year in often evolves severely causing diphtheritic
common environmental conditions. The eggs membranes in the oral cavity and esophagus
survive at temperature as low as - 15oC of blue jays (Cyanocitta cristata)79.
during the winter. Direct sunlight, the dryness Diagnosis. The positivity of the coproscopic
and freeze / thaw alternation, destroy the eggs examination correlated with the symptoms is
in a range varying from several days to of certainty in live birds. Scraping the lining
several weeks. Eggs survive for several of the esophagus or stomach during necropsy
months in feces and irrigated pastures100. is required in order to observe the adult
Pathogenesis. Parasites exercise a remarkable parasites.
inflammatory action in their characteristic Differential diagnosis includes pharyngeal
biotope. It consists of a thickening of the wall trichomonosis, crop indigestion by other
of the crop, an enlargement of the glands and, causes, hypovitaminosis B1.
in heavy infections; the mucosal surface can Treatment. Benzimidazoles and
be sloughing. The action of inoculation, imidazothiazole derivatives or avermectins are
although of low intensity, can be expressed by used.
a maceration of the crop lining, which  Levamisole at a dose rate of 2 mg/100 g
becomes rough. bw administered subcutaneously or
Clinical signs. The general condition of tetramisole, 3 g/10 liters drinking water, were
infected birds is severely affected, especially effective against pheasant and quail
in young birds up to 4 months of age. capillariosis144.
Diminished appetite, repeated and painful  Mebendazole at a dose rate of 120 mg/kg
swallowing, neck extension, lethargy, anemia, bw in the feed for 14 days was higly effective
weakness and emaciation may develop. The against Capillaria spp.148.
crop is empty, full of gas or indigestion may  Ivermectin, 0.2 mg/kg bw, intramuscular,
set in as a result of an overloading of the crop. caused the disappearance of capillarid eggs
In this case, only the crop is impaired, without and a complete clinical recovery in captive
affecting the esophagus. Birds show falcons205.
torticollis, frequent movements of the head. Control. Measures are intended to ensure
Gradually anemia, weakness and low-lying proper hygienic, nutritional and sheltering
occur. Evolution can be fatal, the mortality conditions, cleaning and storage of litter and
manure for bio-thermal-sterilization in all

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breeding systems. Control depends on the life C. bursata is found in the mucosa of the small
cycle of the species and management of the intestine in chicken, turkey, goose, and
units. In species with a direct life cycle, pheasant.
contaminated litter must be removed and C. anatis is a parasite of the cecum,
destroyed. For control of a species with an sometimes located in the small intestine.
indirect cycle, earthworms should be Morphology.
destroyed, and birds should be moved to clean The sizes of the 4 species localized in the
ground. Chemoprophylaxis can be applied; intestine, namely the length of the males and
Hygromycin-B, mixed in food, at an their spicules and the length of females and
approximate rate of 48 g/100 kg of feed, size of their eggs and other morphological
controls the disease83. features are shown in table 20.
C. obsignata has a fine, threadlike and slender Intestinal capillariosis body. At the posterior end of males, the
Definition. It is an enteritis and typhlitis cloacal opening is placed almost terminally
affecting chickens, web-footed birds, pigeons, and two very small bursal lobes
and other groups, determined by the location interconnected by a membrane are present.
of the Capillaria species in the small intestine The vulva is situated near the esophagus-
and cecum. It manifests itself by digestive intestine junction and is prominent. C.
disorders, malnutrition and anemia. caudinflata male has a small caudal bursa
Etiology. Several species are involved in this supported by two T-shaped processes at the
form of capillariosis: posterior end. C. bursata is the largest
Capillaria obsignata (syn. Baruscapillaria intestinal species; the caudal bursa is round,
obsignata, C. columbae) is common in the supported by 4 projections.
small intestine in chickens, turkeys, pigeons, C. anatis has a filiform body; the posterior
guinea fowl, quail and geese. end of the male has two lobes but no caudal
C. caudinflata (syn. Aonchotheca caudinflata) alae.
affects chickens, turkeys, pheasants, Life cycle. Life cycle is direct in C. obsignata
partridges, guinea fowl, grouse, pigeons, infection, indirect in C. caudinflata and C.
quail, ducks and geese. It is located in the bursata, and unknown in C. anatis. The direct
mucosa of the small intestine.

Table 20. Morphometry of Capillaria spp. of birds

Characteristic C. obsignata C. bursata C. caudinflata C. anatis

 Size
 Length (mm) 7–13 9–18 11–20 8–15
 Spicules (mm) 1.1–1.5 0.7–1.2 1.1–1.6 0.7–1.9
 Lateral caudal alae - + + -
 Spicule sheath Spines No spines Minute spines No spine
 Size
 Length (mm) 10–18 12–25 16–35 11–28
 Eggs (μm) 44–46/22–29 47–58/20–24 51–62/22–24 46–67/22–29
 Vulvar appendage None Semicircular Pronounced None

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cycle consists in the environmental an accentuated contamination of the birds in

embryogenesis of eggs, in 3 days at 35°C, industrial systems.
extended to 13 days at 20°C, with ingestion of Sources of contamination include infective
embryonated eggs as the way of eggs in monoxenous species and earthworms
contamination, the hatching and maturation of in species that have an indirect cycle.
larvae in the intestine following a local Susceptibility. Laying hens and young
penetration of the lining. The indirect cycle chickens over 30 - 40 days of age are the most
involves earthworms (Allolobophora susceptible. Susceptibility does not seem to be
caliginosa or Eisenia foetida), intermediate influenced by the breeding technology in
hosts. The infective eggs develop in their monoxenous capillarids. C. obsignata was
body and contamination of the birds is identified the following types of geese
achieved through consumption of the farming systems: in halls with deep litter
earthworms. The larvae liberated from their without a run, and in the case of grass runs
body burrow in the intestinal mucosa and adjacent to a body of water, respectively10.
mature following successive molts (the third Route of contamination. Contamination
and fourth molts). The prepatent period ranges occurs orally by means of feed and water that
from 20 to 24 days in both types of cycles. contain infective eggs, or by ingestion of
Epidemiology intermediate hosts.
Geographical distribution is worldwide, in all Resistance. The rate of development of C.
intestinal species. Both major intestinal obsignata eggs is influenced mainly by
capilarid species (C. caudinflata and C. temperature. At 4°C, no development
obsignata) were identified in broiler geese in occurred, while at 20°C, embryogenesis is
former Czechoslovakia, recording a complete in 13 days. Up to 35°C, the eggs
prevalence of 0.2%, and 7.7%, respectively30. embryonate in 5 to 72 hours, but above 37°C,
The intestinal species have recorded high the eggs are aborted at the morula stage. At -
prevalence rates in pheasants, in Turkey: C. 8°C, all unembryonated eggs are destroyed in
bursata (35.3%), C. caudinflata (23.5%) and 10 days, and their upper lethal temperature
C. obsignata (5.9%)76. The prevalence of varies between 35° and 41°C. Embryonated
these species in the free-range/organic and eggs were killed at - 3.5°C after 7 days,
backyard systems in Denmark was high: C. survive a short period when exposed to 45°C
obsignata (53.6% and 50.0%), C. anatis and are inactivated at 50°C in 10 minutes. At
(31.9% and 56.3%) and C. caudinflata (1.5%, room temperature, unembryonated eggs will
and 6.3%). In the deep-litter and the normally develop in an atmosphere of 100%
broiler/parent systems only C. obsignata relative humidity. 75% R.H. is not suitable to
(51.6% and 1.6%) was found, while in battery complete embryogenesis and the viability of
cages capillarid infections were absent149. In eggs declines to 50% R.H and they are
local scavenging chickens, in northern Jordan, inactivated in 10 days. Both unembryonated
C. obsignata recorded a 0.5% prevalence1. and embryonated eggs are rapidly destroyed
The data presented above demonstrates a high in ultra violet light in the case of a water layer
prevalence of infections with monoxenous whose depth is 90 cm, after a 5 minute-
species of Capillaria in chickens in intensive exposure to irradiation. A 15-minutes
breeding systems, as compared to scavenging exposure inactivates more than 95% of the
chickens. This is due to the high density of eggs215.
chickens in their houses and heavily Pathogenesis. The parasites act locally
contaminated litter. Both reasons contribute to exerting an inflammatory action, which
consists in a thickening of the wall of the

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small intestine and cecum, catarrh of the esophageal form may be used in intestinal
mucosa and local haemorrhages. C. obsignata, capillariosis.
and, probably, all Capillaria species, are Control. Preventive measures are the same as
thigmokinetic nematodes that exert a in esophageal capillariosis.
mechanical action upon the intestinal mucosa.
The touch stimuli, represented by the bowel 14.2.2. Capillariosis in carnivores
peristalsis, cause a change in the velocity of Capillariosis in carnivores is rarely reported
linear or angular movement of Capillaria, and is more prevalent in wild animals. The
resulting in a considerable villar detachment. disease has a sporadical evolution expressed
The toxic action consists in wing and leg by two entities: bladder and urinary syndrome
pseudoparalysis and astasia. or tracheobronchial capillariosis.
Clinical signs. Birds infected with intestinal
capillarids tend to huddle, may be emaciated, Bladder and urinary
develop diarrhea with watery and brownish capillariosis
feces that contain mucus and mucous portions, Definition. It is a disease caused by the
loss of appetite or capricious appetite, even development of a nematode in the urinary
anorexia, polydipsia, low feed efficiency, system of domestic and wild carnivores, and
decreased egg production and sometimes is expressed by difficult, painful and frequent
death. urination. Although the disease only occurs
The disease signs of the disease in pigeons are sporadically in domestic animals, infection is
a low flight performance and a disrupted cosmopolitan in distribution, the most
mating and laying rate, weakness and anemia. susceptible domestic animal being the hunting
The strong infestation is fatal after 6 to 10 dog.
days. Etiology. The disease is produced by:
Pathology. The lesions consist in catarrhal  Capillaria plica (syn. Pearsonema plica),
and hemorrhagic (ecchymosis, linear hemo- which is located in the urinary bladder of
rrhages) enteritis and typhlitis, exudate in the canids, felids and mustelids.
upper intestine, a thickening and swelling of  Capillaria (syn. Pearsonema) feliscati is
the the intestinal wall, necrotic foci scattered a parasite of the urinary bladder of the cat.
on the intestinal mucosa, anemic mucosae and Morphology. (figure 32) The adults have a
emaciated dead bodies. long, slender, thin, whitish and transversely
Diagnosis is based on microscopic striated body. The male measures 1.3 to 3 cm
examination of feces in order to identify eggs long, and the female is 3 to 6 cm in length. At
of Capillaria spp. The necropsy allows the posterior end, the male has a long spicule
observation of adult worms in the lumen of and the spicular sheath is smooth, lacking
the small intestine or cecum and the lesions spines. The egg is oval-shaped, has bipolar
caused by them. The clinical examination of plugs and measures 60 / 30 μm.
birds is valueless. Life cycle. C. plica is a bio-helminth that has a
Differential diagnosis includes histomonosis, heteroxenous, indirect life cycle. Adults live
trichomonosis, eimeriosis, spirochaetosis and embedded within the mucosa of the urinary
other intestinal helminthosis or other enteritis. bladder in canids (dogs, foxes, wolves, diverse
Treatment. Fenbendazole at a dose rate of 30 mustelids, raccoon dogs and raccoon) and
or 60 ppm resulted in an efficacy rate of felids (domestic and wild cats). The females
almost 100% against natural C. obsignata94. lay eggs that pass through urine in the
The therapies described for thre crop- environment. The eggs are ingested by
earthworms, intermediate hosts (Lumbricus

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terrestris and L. rubellus), hatch in their Germany20, 80.5% in Denmark in the same
intestine and the larvae burrow through the species176, 52% in red foxes in Hungary199 and
wall of the intestine into the connective tissue. 13,3% in wolf, 28% in wildcats in Romania
The definitive hosts are contaminated by (personal unpublished data). The disease is
ingestion of earthworms. The larvae liberated also diagnosed in domestic and wild cats in
from earthworms burrow in the mucosa of the Germany, Japan64,183,184 and in the stone
intestine of carnivores and molt twice. The martens (Martes foina) of Tyrol214. These data
third larval stage penetrates the capillaries of demonstrates that the disease is most
the intestinal wall and migrates through the prevalent in foxes, worldwide
portal circulation, to the liver, heart, and lung, Sources of contamination are infected
and is disseminated via the general circulation carnivores that pollute the environment and
to the kidney. They penetrate the renal earthworms (IH) that induce disease in
glomeruli, tubules, pelvis, and ureter and carnivores (DH).
mature in the bladder. The prepatent period Susceptibility. Receptivity is high in wild
varies from 58 to 63 days. canids (fox, raccoon), compared to felids or
domestic carnivores. This is explainable by
the accidental or non-accidental presence of
earthworms in the diet of these species. Breed,
sex or age, do not exert any influence in terms
of susceptibility, even if older carnivores are
considered more infected carriers185.
Route of contamination is oral, through
ingestion of earthworms that contain infective
Resistance of the eggs in the environment is
conditioned by the survival of the earthworms
Pathogenesis. The evolution of urinary
capillariosis is accompanied by low
pathogenic effects. This is due to the
superficial location of the parasites, at the
mucosal surface, where they move freely
Figure 32. Capillaria plica morphology:
within the urine in the bladder218. Other
a) posterior end, female; b) posterior end,
sources say that adults live embedded in the
male; 1, spicular sheath; 2, spicule;
mucosal epithelium where they exercise an
inflammatory action and that they can spread
to the ureters and renal pelvis32.
Geographical distribution. The disease has a
In heavy infections, parasites can exert an
worldwide distribution, and wild animals are
obstructive mechanical action that consists in
considered the primary hosts. High rates of
the blockage of the ureteral lumen and
prevalence are reported globally: 93.3% and
clinically in the post-renal syndrome. The
11.3% in foxes and raccoon dogs,
inflammatory action consists in the dilation of
respectively, in Lithuania28, 23.5% in wild
blood vessels in the bladder wall, bladder
foxes in the Netherlands19, 64% in raccoon
mucosa discoloration and cystitis.
(Procyon lotor) in Western Kentucky and
Clinical signs. The disease progresses
43% in North-Central Arkansas37,169, 53% in
insidiously, subclinically, but it is aggravated
red foxes in Norway48, 78% in Southern
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by bacterial superinfection. Urinary Morphology. The adults have a long, thin,

disturbances, dysuria, haematuria, pain in the whitish, filamentous and slightly spiral body.
kidney area can occur. The male measures between 1.5 and 2.5 cm in
Pathology. Adults of Capillaria plica are length and females are 2 to 4 cm long. At the
identified in the bladder, and catarrhal cystitis posterior end, the male has a rudimentary
with a slight effusion on the mucosal surface caudal bursa consisting of two lateral caudal
is visible. lobes. The spicule slides through a spiny
Diagnosis. Diagnosis is done by the sheath. The vulva, in the female, is located
examination of urine sediment where the eggs near the posterior end of the esophagus. The
are observed. They must be differentiated, in eggs are barrel-shaped, 60-70 μm long x 30-
dogs, from the eggs of Dioctophyme renale, 40 μm wide and have asymmetric plugs at
which are embryonated when laid, and whose both poles. The shell is granular and striated,
shell has a sculptured appearance. Symptoms having net-like ornamentations that consist in
are indicative and necropsy reveals lesions a network of anastomosing ridges and bridges,
and adults parasites. and slightly green.
Differential diagnosis includes diocto- Life cycle. The life cycle is direct. Adults
phymosis, kidney stone and other diseases that inhabit the epithelium of the bronchioles,
affect the kidney in carnivores. bronchi, and trachea, sometimes in the nasal
Treatment. The drugs used, with good cavity and frontal sinus. At these locations,
results, are: their body is threaded through the epithelial
 Ivermectin 0.2 mg/kg, subcutaneous surface. Eggs are eliminated in the
injection, one dose, repeat if needed, environment through feces or sputum. In the
determines complete parasitologic and clinical proper biotope with adequate moisture and
temperature values, the eggs embryonate in 20
 Fenbendazole 25 mg/kg bw or 50 mg/kg
be, per os, for 12 to 14 days is effective to 40 days, resulting in the second larval
against C. plica causing the disappearance of stage, L2, which remains in the egg.
symptoms and removal of eggs in urine213. Contamination is done by ingestion of
Control. Keeping the animals away from soil infective eggs through contaminated food and
surfaces and earthworms, prohibiting contact water. Larvae migrate hematogenously from
with areas frequented by wild animals, the intestine and reach the lung parenchyma
sanitation, exclusion of intermediate hosts and where they penetrate the wall of the alveoli
keeping the animals (especially foxes) on wire and move up to the air passages. The
mesh floors, are applicable measures which prepatent period is between 3 to 5 weeks.
have shown good results32. Epidemiology
Geographical distribution. Generally, the Tracheobronchial disease is distributed throughout the world,
capillariosis recording different values of prevalence. The
Definition. It is a sporadic nematodosis red fox (Vulpes vulpes) seems to be the most
affecting domestic and wild carnivores, and it affected species. Eucoleus aerophilus was
manifests itself through a nasal and found in foxes, in the Netherlands, (46.8%)19,
pharyngeal syndrome. United Kingdom (0.2%)168, Hungary (66%)199,
Etiology. The disease is caused by Capillaria Norway (88%)48, Denmark (74.1%)176 and
aerophila, also called Trichosoma aerophilus, Romania (46%)70.
Thominx aerophila, or Eucoleus aerophilus, Other domestic and wild carnivores are also
which is a name that’s been recently accepted sensitive to E. aerophilus infection. The
and is being currently used. prevalence in stray cats was 1.4%, in northern

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Italy196, 5.8% in dogs and 3.1% in household mouthed breathing, loss of appetite and
cats in Romania134,135, 4% in coyotes from the sometimes feverish states, adynamia and loss
southwestern United States137 and 43% in weight may be observed. The animal becomes
raccoons (Procyon lotor) from north-central emaciated, anemic and has a rough, dirty coat.
Arkansas169. The infection with E. aerophilus Pathology. The lesions caused by adult
is found in hedgehog, the prevalence varying parasites are catarrhal tracheobronchitis,
between 15.1% and 40.7% in wild hedgehogs pulmonary edema, hemorrhages on tracheal
and hedgehogs in human care in Germany12. mucosa and lung parenchyma, broncho-
Sources of contamination are represented, on pneumonia. All stages, larvae, adults, and
the one hand, by the diseased animals as eggs, may be observed in histologic sections
environmental pollution sources, with of affected tissues.
unembryonated eggs, and, on the other hand, Diagnosis. Diagnosis is done intra-vitam by
by the feed and water that contain coproscopic examination, using flotation
embryonated eggs, as sources of animal methods, or rhinoscopy, identifying
infection. characteristic eggs. Necropsy allows the
Susceptibility. The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is observation of lesions (necrotic and catarrhal
the most responsive species, and young rhinotracheitis and bronchitis). Parasites may
animals are the most vulnerable within the be observed by scraping the mucosa,
species. Dozens of other species of canids, suspending the scraped material in a saline
felids and mustelids, are susceptible. Wild solution, in the Petri dish, and doing a
species are more exposed to risk factors microscopic examination against a black
(environmental pollution, consumption of background.
food from the ground, water contaminated Differential diagnosis includes crenosomosis
with eggs) than domestic species. and filaroidosis.
Route of contamination is oral by Treatment. Several modern therapies
consumption of food and water with demonstrated a good rate of efficacy against
embryonated eggs. E. aerophilus infection.
Resistance and embryogenesis of eggs are  Imidacloprid 10% and moxidectin 1%
both influenced mainly by temperature and spot-on combination (Advocate®, Bayer
humidity. The maturation of the eggs does not Animal Health) administered once showed a
99.79% reduction of fecal egg counts 211.
occur after more than 15 days at a temperature
 Fenbendazole at a dose rate of 50 mg/kg
of 20 ± 1 °C and 80 – 85 % relative bw, per os, every 24 hours, for 10 days,
humidity212. resolved clinical signs of E. aerophilus
Pathogenesis. Adult parasites exert in their infection29.
habitat an inflammatory action that consists in Control. Sanitation measures represent the
rhinotracheitis and bronchitis. Inoculation best choice in the prevention of this geo-
action is caused by secondary bacterial helminthosis. Catteries, kennels, shelters,
infections. Severe broncho-pneumonia is pens, runs, and any other shelter for
developed through a combination of the two carnivores must be kept clean. Shaded soil
actions. and poorly drained areas where eggs develop
Clinical signs. The disease evolves after an very well must be avoided by the animals.
incubation of about 10 days, with a chronic Cages with wire mesh floor should be used in
respiratory syndrome, aggravated in young farms for fur foxes r. Periodic deworming of
carnivores, until the age of 18-24 months. animals ensures their protection against lung
Nasal discharge, snoring, coughing, wheezing, nematodes.
a whistling noise, severe dyspnea with open-

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14.3. Trichuridae: trichuriosis Etiology. The genus Trichocephalus includes

more than 60 to 70 species, which infect the
in animals large intestine of their host. The most
The Trichuridae family, part of
common species in veterinary parasitology
Trichinelloidea superfamily, includes the
subfamily Trichurinae, which contains one
 Trichocephalus discolor parasitize in
genus, Trichuris. The popular name cattle;
"whipworm" is derived from the shape of the  T. ovis infect the caecum of wild and
parasites that have an unequally calibrated small domestic ruminants (sheep, cattle,
body, being thinner at the anterior half and camels, cervids, giraffes, antelope and
thicker at the posterior, simulating a whip porcupines);
 T. suis is a parasite of swine, but
handle. The current name of the genus is
infections can be established in humans13,101;
Trichuris, and it is the first name assigned to  T. vulpis located within the cecum and the
the genus by Roederer, in 1761. Therefore, colon in domestic and wild carnivores;
this is the validated and accepted name. An  T. campanula parasitize the cecum and
inadvertence is found by comparing the name colon in felids;
assigned and recognized with the morphology  T. myocastoris in the large intestine of
of the parasite. coypu;
 T. leporis in domestic and wild rabbits;
"Tricho" is a prefix designating hair, derived
Morphology. The anterior part of the body is
from the Greek thrix, trichos, meaning hair.
long (about 2/3 of the body), slender and thin,
"Oura" is a suffix that originated from ancient
while the posterior end is blunt and rounded in
Greek, signifying “tail.” "Cephalus" is a suffix
both sexes. The posterior thickened part of the
meaning head, and its etymology derives from
male's body is curled dorsally. The spicule
Greek, kephale, head. In other words,
slides through a protrusible sheath that has a
"Trichuris" means thin as the hair shaft, at the
smooth or spiny external surface. The vulva is
tail (posterior end, “hair tail”). Actually, the
located in the posterior part of the body, near
inequality of the body of the parasites
the junction with the esophageal portion. The
included in this genus consists in a thinned
eggs are elongated, lemon-shaped, with a
anterior end and a much thickened posterior
thick shell and bi-polar opercula (figure 33).
end. Lack of good microscopes has allowed
The sizes of several species are showed in
the assignation of a misnomer that reflects the
table 21.
morphology of parasites incorrectly. From this
point of view, richocephalus (“hair head”) is
the correct name.
Definition. The disease is a chronic geo-
helminthosis that affects different species of
mammals, commonly with a subclinical
evolution, caused by nematodes of the genus
Trichocephalus. This genus comprises several
species of nematodes, commonly known as
whipworms, which species parasitize many Figure 33. Trichocephalus spp.: egg
domestic animals including ruminants,
carnivores and swine.

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Table 21. Morphometry of several Trichocephalus spp.

species T. discolor T. ovis T. myocastoris

(Knight, (Kuchai T. suis T. vulpis T. leporis (Baruš et al.,
particulars 1971) et al., 2013) 1975)
Total male 55-74 46-80 50 19-21 27.8-39.7
length female 51-65 35-78 60-80 17.4-20.9 30.2-45.2
Max. Width
0.50-1.01 0.55 0.65
(post) (♂+♀)
Min. Width
0.12-0.19 0.5 0.19-0.31
(ant) (♂+♀)
Spicule 1.7-2.3 4-6.9 1.6-3.2 2.9-4.5
Egg Size (μm) 55-67x26-36 70-80x30-45 60x25 90x40 60-65x29 50-65x24-30

Life cycle. The cycle is monoxenous, direct. small intestine and migrate to the large
Adult parasites are localized in the large intestine, where the adults will develop. The
intestine, mainly in the cecum. They initial development of larvae in the small
penetrate, with their cephalic end, deep into intestine is contradicted by recent studies,
the lining and submucosa of the cecum and which argue that hatched larvae migrate
colon. They induce, in this habitat, the quickly to the large intestine where they
formation of a syncytium of epithelial origin invade the mucosal epithelium and, through
and feed on blood obtained from the four successive molts, develop into adults6.
syncitium. The females lay unembryonated The prepatent period varies greatly, between
eggs after copulation. The eggs are eliminated 41 and 135 days, depending on the species.
in the environment, through the feces. Under Life span of adults does not exceed 6 months.
favorable temperature conditions varying Epidemiology
between 28 and 32oC, at a relative humidity of Geographical distribution. The infections
100%, in aerated and shady soils, the process with Trichocephalus spp. in animals have a
of embryogenesis takes place, covering a cosmopolitan distribution, with different rates
period of around 10 days, and the larvae of prevalence. T. discolor is less prevalent and
remain inside the egg. Below this temperature, abundant among helminths of the
up to 10°C, ontogenesis expands, reaching 3 gastrointestinal tract of young cattle in
to 4 months or even a year. No larval molting northwest Germany95. Infection recorded a
process is recorded inside the eggs. high prevalence (73.3%) in 12-month-old
Contamination occurs by ingestion of bulls from Schleswig-Holstein Land164. T. ovis
infective eggs, with feed or water. The eggs was diagnosed in 1.8% of sheep and 3.6% of
hatch in the small intestine and the larvae goats from Papua New Guinea99 and 5.8% of
penetrate the mucosa where they develop for sheep in the northern region of Nile Delta,
about 10 days. The molting of larvae during Egypt92. The prevalence was 21.6% in small
this period is controversial. Miller131 argues ruminants in southern Ethiopia2 and 19.0% in
"no moulting of the larvae was observed from goats from the Kashmir valley, India206. The
the first to the 10th day of development," infection is evidenced in many other African
while more recent studies show that four and Asian countries, demonstrating the lack of
successive molts are performed in the course a disease control program. T. suis occurs in
of the adults’ development6. Regardless of the 7% of free range pigs from Busia District,
existence of the molting processes, the larvae Kenya85 and 10.13% in pigs in Chongqing,
emerge, after 10 days, from the lining of the China109. In Danish industrialized sow farms,

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T. suis was rarely diagnosed, only in a very eggs in the environment. Soil type,
few instances78. The infection registered a particularly its salinity, and direct sunlight
relative high prevalence (24.8%) in pigs also influence in some degree the eggs’
slaughtered in Osaka, Japan 125. The infection survival. High temperatures accelerate the rate
was found only in household and semi- of the embryogenesis of eggs while low
intensive farms in Romania, in adult pigs, temperatures delay and inhibit their
breeding sows and boars, during the autumn development. Embryogenesis of T. suis eggs
and winter. The prevalence varied between 20 runs optimally in 11 days at temperatures
and 60%45. Regarding infections with T. between 30 and 34oC. The development of
vulpis, the literature comprises numerous the eggs requires about two months between
papers that reveal the global distribution of the 22 and 24oC, and at temperatures ranging
disease and its level of prevalence. The between 6 and 24oC, only 10% of eggs
prevalence was 8.0% in stray dogs captured in embryonate, in about 7 months3. Eggs of T.
Osaka Prefecture, Japan93, and 26.19% in suis, in shaded areas with high humidity, at
dogs from rural areas in the Lobos District, thermal changes between 6 and 20oC, remain
Buenos Aires province, Argentina51 and 3.3% viable 5 to 6 years80. They survive freezing at
in owned dogs from central Italy170. -20°C for several months. Eggs of T. vulpis
Sources of contamination. The reservoir of and T. suis are not destroyed by the
infection is composed of diseased or carrier mesothermic aerobic sludge digestion, but
animals that eliminate unembryonated eggs about 11% of the eggs are destroyed by the
through feces. The amount of pollution can be anaerobic digestion16. Regarding the effect of
high in some species. The prevalence may ionizing radiation, a dose of 480 kRad
reach 25% of the flock in pig farms, and the destroyed about 97% of the undeveloped eggs
fecal egg count exceeds 200 to 300 EPG. Such of T. suis57.
situations are also possible in kennels, where Pathogenesis. Parasites exert a mechanical
the daily average of egg output reaches a and inflammatory action, due to continuous
mean of 2035 EPG. The ratio of males to pricking of the mucosa. As a result, small
females in T. vulpis infection is 1:2 and the necrotic areas of the cecum and anterior third
fecal egg output is greater in lighter than in of the large intestine will develop. The toxic
more intense infections133. action, caused by the by-products of the
Susceptibility. Canids and pigs are more parasite, consists in interference with
vulnerable than ruminants. Young animals, haemoglobin production, or erythrocyte
before and after weaning, are, generally, more destruction and, subsequently, anemia.
sensitive within the species, but there is no Secondary bacterial infections (inoculation
evidence of age resistance to T. vulpis in adult action) will cause the transformation of
dogs 132. Undernourished populations, main- necroses into abscesses and the development
tained in unsanitary housing, in an of ulcers. Spoliation due to hematophagous
immunosuppressed and parasitical state, have nutrition action is questionable. Lee and
an increased sensitivity. Recently, it has been Wright111 have demonstrated that T. muris
demonstrated that deep-litter may not be a risk penetrate the mucosa of the large intestine
factor for T. suis transmission within the with the anterior end and induce the formation
pens127. of a syncytium of epithelial cells. This
Route of contamination is oral, through food syncytium is used as a food source. It is likely
and water polluted with infective eggs. that this observation is applicable to all
Resistance. Temperature and humidity are species of the genus so it can be said that
factors that greatly influence the resistance of nutrition in the Trichocephalus genus is

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histiophagous. In this context, anemia caused accompanied by numerous parasites fixed in

by Trichocephalus spp. is due to the toxic the mucosa or free in the intestinal lumen.
action and not to thed spoliation effect. Differential diagnosis in pigs includes
Clinical signs. The clinical picture, insidious salmonellosis, hemorrhagic bowel syndrome,
and uncharacteristic, is expressed in young swine dysentery (Brachyspira
animals, in massive infestations, by digestive hyodysenteriae), porcine proliferative
disorders. There are symptoms common to all enteropathy (Lawsonia intracellularis),
affected species, while some particularities are intestinal parasites including Eimeria spp.,
species-dependent. General symptoms are loss trichomonosis, A. suum, O. dentatum, and
of weight, growth retardation, watery other causes of colitis (eg, Brachyspira
hemorrhagic diarrhea, but more frequently pilisicoli). In the other species of
constipation is present, anemia, emaciation, Trichocephalus will be made by other
nausea, vomiting, and anorexia. Particularly, intestinal helminthosis, hypothrepsic
T. suis induces dehydration, incoordination syndrome and anemia due to other causes.
and convulsions (hysterical and epileptiform). Treatment. Therapy is based on the use of an
T. ovis is considered less pathogenic in cattle, active substance included in benzimidazole
and it is rarely considered as a severe derivatives or avermectins groups or
pathogen of sheep; in heavy infections of associations between different anthelmintics
lambs it causes diarrhea and, occasionally, substances and insecticides. Effective
flecks of blood may appear in the feces. In therapies against infections with
calves infected with T. discolor recumbency Trichocephalus spp are shown in table 22.
and oral ulceration are described63. T. vulpis is Control. Control of Trichocephalus spp.
responsible for unthriftiness, abdominal pain infection is achieved through a general
and dysentery. program that differs from one species to
Pathology. The general lesional picture another. Several directions may be defined,
consists in catarrhal to hemorrhagic typhlitis available for all species, namely: increasing of
and colitis, or hyperplastic in the case of a farm animals species in systems that protect
chronic evolution. In heavy infections with T. them against contamination, implementation
discolor, in calves, subcutaneous edema, of common measures of hygiene and regular
diffuse edema of the colon with hundreds of chemoprophylaxis. Because of the high
adult Trichuris discolor in the cecum and resistance of eggs on pasture, reaching up to 6
colon are described. T. suis causes catarrhal to years, the animals may have to be moved to
mucohemorrhagic enteritis (dysentery), biologically unpolluted pastures in order to
anemia, hemorrhagic necrosis and edema of avoid their contamination. The floor into the
the cecal mucosa, ulceration of the intestinal stables, winter stables, kennels, shelters, pens,
mucosal lining and the development of runs must be kept dry because the eggs are
fibrinonecrotic membranes. In T. vulpis susceptible to desiccation. Allowing the direct
infection, typical hyperplastic typhlitis is action of sunlight on surfaces and a good
produced. Histology consists in enterocyte drainage of floor are the best options. Wire
destruction, capillary erosion and multifocal mesh floors are useful to prevent
necrotizing colitis. contamination of the piglets, calves and
Diagnosis, clinically is impossible. lambs. A quarterly deworming program,
Coproscopic methods are used to identify the during a year, will ensure a complete
presence of characteristic eggs. Typhlitis and protection of animals.
colitis can be observed at necropsy,

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Table 22. Active substances used in trichurosis therapy in animals

species dose rate

T. discolor T. ovis T. suis T. vulpis
substances mg/kg bw
trichlorfon 48.5 po 100115
dichlorvos 43 99.9121
5 (cattle) po;
febantel 6 and 12 (lamb) 6941 0119 10039
15 (dog)
mebendazole 22x3 days 10075
42 5
oxfendazole 2.25, 4.5, 6.75; 30 (pig) ≥ 99.4 100
oxibendazole 15 95.7146
albendazole 7.5 poor efficacy
1.5x5 days (pig)
flubendazole 10023 100162
220x3 days (dog)
5 (ruminants)
fenbendazole 3x3 days (pig) > 92210 99.8121 98-100172
50x3 (dog)
1.6/day, 100 days; 0.3
ivermectin ≥ 99165 100136
abamectin 0.2, sc > 9989
0.2, sc (ruminants)
moxidectin 0.75, sc (pig) 100217 8338 93.5200 67.521
0.17 (dog)
doramectin 0.2, sc; 0.3 (pig) 92.356 10052 > 99177
eprinomectin 1.0 ERI ≥9482
derquantel/ 2
≥ 97113
abamectin 0.2
moxidectin / 0.2
triclabendazole 10
0.5 96 81
milbemycin oxime
1.0 98.6
milbemycin oxime 0.5 - 1
/ spinosad 30 - 60
milbemycin oxime/ 0.5
lufenuron 10
pyrantel /
oxantel / 5 / 20 / 5
emodepside /
1/5 >99180
po - per os; sc - injected subcutaneously; ERI - extended-release injection

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203. Şuteu , opa O (1986) Modificări ale acizilor Dynamics of rat muscle mitochondria
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histopatologice în trichineloza experimentală la injectable against experimental infections of
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205. Tarello W (2008) Efficacy of ivermectin gastrointestinal infections in calves. Vet
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220. Zarlenga DS, Aschenbrenner RA, Lichtenfels Orvieto, Italy, abs. 164.
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multiple ribosomal gene repeats within States, 1966-70. HSMHA Health Rep. 86:937-

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15. Dioctophymatoidea Etiology. The pathogenic agent is D. renale,

genus Dioctophyme, family
Superfamily Dioctophymatoidea is part of the
order Dioctophymatida, class Enoplea.
Morphology. D. renale is one of the largest
It is characterized by a modified tail of male,
nematode important for veterinary
that is transformed into a ventral sucker,
parasitology of domestic animals. It is called
cylindrical well-developed oesophagus
also the giant kidney worm due to the length
without stichosome and a single female
of females which reach 100-103 cm and 6 to
genital tract (monodelphic)1.
12 mm wide, while the male is much lower,
Based on molecular analysis it is
just around 35 cm long and 3 to 5 mm wide.
demonstrated that superfamily
The sizes are variable, depending by the hosts
Dioctophymatoidea is monophyletic and
being smaller in mustelids, only 28 to 60 cm
includes two families: Soboliphymatidae and
length for females and 11 to 30 cm for males.
Dioctophymatidae. Family Soboliphymatidae
They have a cylindrical body, equal
contains one genus, Soboliphyme that is
calibrated, bright red and spiralled with thin
composed of 9 species. The
and ridged cuticle. At the anterior end, the
Dioctophymatidae is divided into two
mouth is hexagonal and its opening is lacked
subfamilies, Dioctophymatinae and
by lips but is surrounded by 12 papillae
Eustrongylinae. The Dioctophymatinae
arranged in two circles, an inner and an outer
includes the monotypic genus Dioctophyme
circle. At the posterior end, the male has a
which contains the species D. renale. The
muscular, bell-shaped copulatory bursa
second subfamily, Eustrongylinae is divided
without rays, and a single spicule. The tail of
into two genera, Eustrongylides that is
the female is tapered and blunt at terminal
composed of 11 species and Hystrichis which
end, and the vulvar opening is situated near
consists of at least 6 species2,18.
the terminal end of oesophagus, posteriorly.
The egg is oval-shaped, elliptical, yellowish,
15.1. Dioctophymatidae: unembryonated when is laid but containing
dioctophymatidosis of carnivores two blastomeres, and has a thick, pitted and
Family Dioctophymatidae is, morphologically brownish shell containing mucoid cap knobs
characterized by the absence of muscular to each pole. The surface of the shell is
cephalic sucker, vulvar opening placed in covered by funnel-shaped pits, except at the
anterior third part of the body, near ends. t measures about 74 μm long by 47 μm
oesophagus. It contains one species, D. wide.
renale, a very large nematode, parasite of Life cycle. D. renale is a bio-helminth with a
kidney and peritoneal cavity in carnivores, di-heteroxenous life cycle. The adults are
especially families Mustelidae, Canidae, located into the renal pelvis (right kidney), but
Procyonidae, and Felidae. It can affect also may extend to the ureters and urethra, and
organisms belonging to other groups of feed on blood and dead cells. The secondary
animals. The disease caused by D. renale is and more rarely locations are represented by
called dioctophymosis. the kidney parenchyma, subcutaneous and/or
Definition. It is a parasitic zoonosis that abdominal cavity. In these habitats, the male
evolves sporadically caused by the copulate the female which lays eggs. They are
development of the parasites in the renal eliminated in the environment through urine.
pelvis, ureters, possibly in the liver, and in the The eggs embryonate in soft, warm, well-
peritoneal and pleural cavity. oxygenated water and are ingested by
intermediate hosts, aquatic oligochaetes. First-

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stage larva (L1) hatches from the egg in the (1.21%)6, Minnesota (27%)26, New York
foregut of annelids, penetrates into the body (3.8%)22 and in marten from Ontario (2.0%)33.
tissues and molts into the second-larval stage. Sources of contamination. The primary
These oligochaetes are ingested by fish that sources are infected carnivores, which passed
are considered secondary intermediate the eggs through urine, polluting the aquatic
hosts5,25. Other authors consider the fish as environment. Secondary sources are
paratenic host21. Paratenic hosts as frogs and intermediate and paratenic hosts (aquatic
salamander may be also involved29,12. The annelids, fish, and amphibians) that
studies of Woodhead39 have demonstrated contaminate the carnivores.
unequivocally that fish are intermediate hosts. Susceptibility. All the animals that consume
In their mesenteries, the second-larval stage infected sources are susceptible to infection,
encysts and molts into the third-larval stage, regardless of gender or their age. Definitive
meaning an evolution process that happens host species in which the infection is reported,
only in intermediate hosts. The L3 larva molts, are shown in table 23.
within a cocoon into the fourth-larval stage Route of contamination is oral by ingestion
which is infective to definitive hosts. of infected intermediate or paratenic hosts.
It is certain that the definitive hosts become Resistance. Data on egg survival in the
infected through consumption of fish that environment are not known because they are
contains L4. The larvae pass through the consumed by intermediate hosts.
intestine and reach the kidney. In renal pelvis, Pathogenesis. Adult parasites located in
the larvae moult and become adults. The cycle specific habitats exert pathogenic complex
lasts about one year, the prepatent period action, mechanic, inflammation, spoliation
being 4 months. and inoculation, due to their size, erratically
Epidemiology migrations erratic and nutrition. Mechanic
Geographical distribution. The infection is action is due to the length of parasites that
worldwide prevalent, but the most numerous reach 100 cm. It consists in compression
epidemiological data regarding the spread of atrophy of the renal tissues, medulla and
disease in carnivores originating in Brazil. It cortex, which continuously thins out until a
is very likely that richness in aquatic biotopes thin capsular foil remains. In severe cases can
of Amazon basin favors the particular lead to the complete disappearance of the
dissemination of infection in this country. The kidney. Erratically migrations in the
prevalence recorded was 3.57% in dogs from abdominal cavity associated with the eggs
Municipality of Cachoeiro do Itapemirim in laying act irritative-inflammatory upon the
the State of Espírito Santo30 and was organs from cavity. Hepatic and phrenic
identified also in the states of Parana28, São serositis, mononuclear cell infiltration, edema
Paulo10 and Rio de Janeiro37. In the same and haemorrhages, are caused.
country, the disease is diagnosed in definitive Haematophagous nutrition and increased need
hosts as cats36, capuchin monkey16, crab- for food correlated with the size of the
eating fox32, ring-tailed coatis27, maned wolf7 parasite induce anemia. Migrations of larvae
and toads (Chaunus ictericus), as paratenic from the intestine into the kidney and
hosts29. Infection in dog is also reported in subsequent peritoneal cavity may carry
Turkey11. Family Mustelidae is another pathogenic bacteria that worsen the processes.
important group of definitive hosts. The
infection is reported in mink from Manitoba

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Table 23. Definitive hosts of D. renale

order family species author

Carnivora Canidae Canis lupus familiaris McNeill et al., 1984
Canis lupus McNeill et al., 1984
Chrysocyon brachyurus Kumar et al., 1972;
Cerdocyon thous Duarte et al., 2013
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Lamina and Brack, 1966
Vulpes fulva Ribeiro et al., 2009
Speothos venaticus Hernández-Camacho et al., 2011
Karmanova, 1968
Mace, 1976
Ursidae unidentified Hutyra, 1946
Mustelidae Mustela vison, Martes americana, Mech and Tracy, 2001;
Galictis cuja, Lutra spp., Seville and Addison, 1995;
Martes spp., Mustela itatsi Barros et al., 1990
Karmanova, 1968
Mace, 1976
Felidae Felis catus Verocai et al., 2009
Procyonidae Procyon lotor, Nasua nasua Milanelo et al., 2009
Phocidae Phoca vitulina; Hoffman et al., 2004
P. caspica Popov and Taikov, 1985
Primates Cebidae Cebus apella Ishizaki et al., 2010
Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Tokiwa et al., 2011

Clinical signs. frequent located in the renal pelvis, spiralled,

Clinical manifestations are typical of a kidney bright red.
suffering. Numerous studies reveal the In erratically migration, in the abdominal
evolution of states of prostration, fever, cavity, a chronic peritonitis is developed. The
hematuria, abdominal discomfort on cavity contains a dirty brown-greenish,
palpation, pain in the kidney area and reduced odorless, fibrinous exudate. The omentum is
body condition score. The urine is matted and adhered to liver, spleen, pancreas
characterized by a cloudy reddish appearance, or intestine. The mesenteric lymph nodes are
an alkaline pH of 8.0, specific gravity of 1.040 enlarged and pigmented. Fibrous scars are
and increased proteinuria and hematuria. developed on spleen and liver38. Edema,
Urinary sediment is abundant and contains congestion, hemorrhage, atelectasis,
many rod-shaped bacterial cells, leukocytes, emphysema, and thromboembolism are
struvite crystals, erythrocyte and other identified in the lung. Hepatic and phrenic
structures. Clinical haematology has serositis, mononucleated cell infiltrates in the
evidenced neutrophilia, toxic granulation in lung and the presence of the eggs inside the
neutrophils and lymphopenia, suggesting center-lobular veins, auricular cavities, and
acute inflammations10,37. superficial venous bed of the heart are
Pathology. The kidney is enlarged, irregular revealed at histopathological exam21.
in shape, reduced in volume, atrophied. Diagnosis. Clinic examination is indicative.
Cortex and medulla are destroyed, appearing Various disturbances occur, hematuria,
in transverse section as a thinned foil (renal dysuria, sensitivity of kidney area to
capsule only remains), until to totally palpation, behavioral alterations and seizures.
disappearance of kidney. The worms are Microscopic examination of urine sediment

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allows identification of eggs but only in the Morphology. H. tricolor has a tricolor
presence of females in the kidney ducts. appearance: the cuticle is white; the digestive
Irregular surface of the kidney, thickened and tract is dark reddish and other tissues are red.
fibrous capsule, destroyed parenchyma that At the anterior end, the mouth opening is
appears as vesicles and the presence of the bounded by six papillae. The cuticle is
coiled parasites, migrated into the ureters are transversely striated and has thorns that can
relevant for diagnosis. sometimes cover the whole body. The male
Differential diagnosis includes nephrosis and measures 25 mm length and the female is 40
chronic nephritis with another etiology amd length and 0.8 mm wide. Eggs are oval,
bladder capillariosis, caused by Capillaria elongated and truncated to pole, with a thick
plica. Microscopic examination of urine crust, and small knobs, unembryonated when
reveals the eggs that differ, having knobs as are laid, measuring 85-90/40-46 μm.
caps at poles. E. tubifex measure 56.6 to 86.8 mm length and
Treatment. There is no medication. Surgery 0.97 to 1.07 mm width the male, and 65.0 to
consists into the removal of the affected 120.0 mm length with a maximum width of
kidney, usually the right. 1.65 to 4.3mm, the female. It is a large
Control. It is forbidden to feed animals with nematode, with rose beige, spindle-shaped
raw or improperly cooked intermediate and/or body gradually widening to middle part. The
paratenic hosts (fish, amphibians). cuticle is semi-transparent, thicker to the
Consumption of water containing crayfish or posterior end, transverse striated at the
infected annelids is dangerous and must be anterior end and smooth in the middle of the
avoided. body. At the anterior end, the mouth opening
is triangular, hexagonal or round shaped,
15.2. Histrichiosis and lacking lips, but bounded by 12 cephalic
eustrongylidosis of the web- circumoral papillae arranged in two concentric
circles. At the posterior end, the male has a
footed birds
bell-shaped copulatory bursa, lacking rays,
Definition. Members of the family
long spicule, about 9.2 mm and thick walled 9.
Dioctophymatidae affect domestic and
Eggs are similar to those of previous species,
sylvatic web-footed birds. The disease evolves
but a bit smaller than H. tricolor eggs,
as proventriculitis expressed by digestive and
measuring 65-75/45 μm.
general symptoms, chronically or
Life cycle. Life cycle is diheteroxenous.
asymptomatically sometimes. It is caused by
Females lay eggs that are passed in the feces.
nematodes of the genera Histrichis and
The eggs embryonate in 20 to 30 days, in
optimal conditions of temperature and
Etiology. Species of family Dioctophymidae
humidity, and the first-larval stage remains
have a cylindrical body. Males are equipped at
inside the eggs. Eggs are ingested by IH
the posterior end with a cup-shaped
which differ depending the species:
copulatory bursa, without rays and a spicule.
earthworms from Oligochaeta class
Females are oviparous and monodelphic.
(Allolobophora and Criodrilis genera) for H.
Species involved are Histrichis tricolor,
tricolor, and aquatic annelids (Limnodrilus,
which parasitize proventriculus, (glandular
Tubifex tubifex) for E. tubifex. In their body,
stomach), sometimes gizzard and esophagus
infective larvae are developed. Paratenic hosts
and Eustrongylides tubifex localized in the
such as fish may intervene, in their body, the
small intestine, both in domestic and wild
larvae being re-encysted. Transmission
palmipeds, especially in ducks.
between hosts involves predatorism1.

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Contamination is done by ingestion of IH or Histologically, giant cell, histiocytes and

paratenic hosts that contain infective larvae. fibroblasts are adjacent to parasites.
Larvae are released in the stomach and Clinical signs. Infection is expressed by
develop in 1-2 months, becoming adults. The digestive disorders, loss of appetite, ingluvial
longevity of adults reaches 40 to 60 days. indigestion, weight loss, adynamia,
Epidemiology maldigestion and diarrhea. In Eustrongylides
Geographical distribution. The infections spp. infections of wild waterfowls, pale
evolve during the summer, in areas bordering mucous membranes, ataxia, depression,
lakes and deltas. The disease is widespread, emaciation, and lethargy may evolve34. The
but the prevalence is less studied. The eggs laying is decreased, and cachexia is
prevalence of H. tricolor was 58% in developed in adult birds. The mortality of
shorebirds from the Chihuahua desert in young birds is high. Infestations of adult birds
Texas and Mexico4. The prevalence of E. evolve inapparently or asymptomatically.
tubifex varied between 41.7% in male great Diagnosis. Eggs of parasites are detected by
cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) and 50% coproscopic examination of feces (eggtester,
in female cormorants from Lake Biwa, Japan8. flotation methods) in live poultry. The
The occurrence of E. tubifex is reported in necropsy is commonly used as diagnosis
double-crested cormorant (P. auritus), black- method in geese and ducks because allows
crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), identifying of the parasites in the gizzard and
mallard (A. platyrhynchos), ring-necked of the nodular lesions caused.
pheasant (P. colchicus) and herring gull Differential diagnosis includes amido-
(Larus argentatus) collected in the western- stomosis and other digestive helminths.
basin region of Lake Erie, United State1. Treatment. As the disease is usually
Sources of contamination are wild and diagnosed post-mortem after die-offs in wild
domestic waterfowl, diseased or with birds the treatment is not done, lacking the
inapparent forms, fish and oligochaetes as information on the efficacy of modern
paratenic of intermediate hosts. anthelminthic. It is considered useful to
Susceptibility of birds is not well known, but experience the treatment of amidostomosis.
the ducks seem to be more responsive. On the other hand, mortality of large numbers
Route of contamination is oral, ingesting of nematodes within the host might do more
infected paratenic or intermediate hosts. harm than good34.
Resistance of the eggs in suitable biotypes can Control. The set of measures in domestic
reach 2 years. flocks of geese and ducks concern:
Pathogenesis and Pathology. Larvae and sanitization in shelters and paddocks and
adult worms penetrate the lining of manure collection and storage for sterilization.
proventriculus and gizzard, exerting an Destruction method of paratenic and
inflammation. They penetrate the mucosa, intermediate hosts are inapplicable.
causing its perforations, and pull out, in the
lumen, their anterior end in another area of
mucosa. Thus, the worms are positioned with
both ends outside the lining, and the middle
part of the body is deepened in the mucosa.
They cause nodular proventriculitis,
thickening and fibrosis of the wall and
necrosis. Hyperplastic processes lead to the
narrowing of the gastric lumen.

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