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TO DO LIST for Social Skills


1. When addressing a group of people (ordinary NPCs) to convince them to take an action. For
example; persuading people to join your cause, regain the loyalty of some companions, leading
a military campaign, or alliance is generally going to be Leadership.
Difficulty: the highest Discipline rank among the opposing group.
2. Give orders, specially to make an NPC do something that can be prejudicial for him (physical,
social, interests, inner nature...). People often tend to use Coercion for this kind of thing, but in
reality, if you want an officer used to command and be obeyed, Leadership is the skill that will
allow you to make people do thing without coercing them. Difficulty or setback dice depends
on the order or command given. For example; disguise like a Storm Trooper (Deception check),
then go give orders to one or more storm trooper (Leadership check), as if you were their leader,
make them serve you in something or even make them fight for you while you are watching
sitting on your back. Extra “Success” on a leadership check may be used to extend the target’s
support for additional tours (if in combat) or for additional scenes (if during role play).
“Advantage” symbols can be used to affect additional targets after the first one.

3. Neutralize the effects of fear in your companions. For example; when facing a dreadful enemy,
all the PCs make a fear check to maintain their stance in front of the source of fear. If they fail
in their fear check, they may tend to run away or they may get paralyzed for a number of rounds.
A fine orator can use leadership skill to decrease or cancel the effect of fear. Every Success
symbol works to decrease the effect of fear one round less, and every Advantage symbol can be
used to choose another ally after the first one.

4. Use Leadership to see how organized and disciplined the party is. For example; it might be
used (in addition to Survival) to keep the party from straying off the course or eating all their
food on the first night. Or when setting up an ambush, to determine how efficiently they can do
it. Basically, anything that requires discipline and fortitude on a mass scale. Another example,
you can neutralize the negative effects derived from dire situations or environmental conditions
in time of crisis.

5. Corrupt Ideologically and make others apostatize their cause. For example, the party need to
have a clearance to enter into a planetary system protected by an ideological group (e.g. empire,
rebellion, etc.). But the party doesn’t fit the requirements to have a clearance. A politic can use
their leadership skill to corrupt ideological views of the clearance officer at the other side of the
communication line and make him betray his own responsibilities saying things like "Aren’t
you tired of being pushed around by the Empire?! The moment to act is now!". Difficulty:
Daunting + 1 for each rim towards inward from outer rim. (There might be modifications like
if you know the person’s ethical weakness or if you have something to negotiate, you can
downgrade the difficulty according to your success in a premise negotiation check etc.)

6. Fire Discipline: (During a spaceship combat) The crewmember forgoes fighting to analyze the
opponents’ tactics and direct his fellows to greater accuracy with their weapons fire. If
successful, the next crewmember firing a weapon aboard the ship can add a bonus die to his
check. Each additional “two-success” grants this to an additional crewmember. In addition,
he/she can spend 3-Advantage symbol to allow every hit from shipboard weapons to inflict 1
system strain on their target as well as regular damage until the beginning of his next turn as the
carefully timed shots pummel shields and overload systems. (Table 7-7, Page 237, Corebook).

7. Feel free to be creative using Leadership for situations such as convincing or leading a group,
discipline and effectiveness of the party, encouraging or discouraging people, and generally
acting as having a superior social status. Even for things which are not ruled in the book, you
can use this leadership skill as long as you give a reasonable description of your act and as long
as you perform a role play suitable for the situation.


1. Mediator. You can stop things get violent by making a charm check against the opponents’
cool rank. Example:
There are 3 Stormtroopers who have been tasked with taking the Wookiee in your party in for
questioning. The Stormtroopers come in to the cantina, show guns that say "Hey, we're willing to get
violent if necessary" ... and demand the Wookiee surrender. The Wookiee essentially says "screw that"
and grabs for his bowcaster. The Politico quickly steps between the Wookiee and the Stormtroopers and
says "Hey, guys ... we don't want this to get messy. Maybe you gun down my Wookiee friend here and
get him in for questioning ... but maybe he wounds or even kills one of you first. And maybe some of
the innocent civilians surrounding us get caught in the crossfire. Bad idea. I get that you're just doing
your job ... but why don't you lower your weapons, act a little less threatening, and let me talk it over
with the big guy, eh?" Then you roll for charm check against the discipline rank of the troopers. If your
role play have a suitable dramatical effect for the situation, you can also have a bonus die or even
downgrade the difficulty of your check within the GM’s discretion.
2. Persuading through flattery, flirting and grace against opponent’s cool rank. When the desired
outcome is directly opposed to the target’s interests, an additional difficulty die may be added.
Extra success on a charm check may be used to extend the target’s support for additional scenes.
Advantages may be spent to affect unexpected subjects beyond the original target. These may
be bystanders or others not directly involved in the scene. With a triumph, if reasonable
according to the scene, you can have the target as a long-term companion who assists the party.
With a fine role play performance, you can upgrade once or even more depending on the
performance. Example:
You need to get past a security guard: "Hi there, nice day isn't it? I got married on a day like this...not
that that turned out so well, so maybe it's not a nice day after all, har har har. So what's it like working
security for these guys, good benefits? No? Bummer. I tell ya, they don't know how to prioritize. All
the credits float to the top, but what's the point if someone can just walk in the back door? So you're
looking fit and trim, how come you're not a stormtrooper or something? What's that? Bad back? Me
too! Well, not my back, my knee. Busted it when I was a kid, now I can't bend it all the way, see?
Tried to join up but couldn't pass the physical. Well, nice talking to ya. Gotta head home and see the
old vibroaxe...uh, I mean my husband, har har. I...wait...damn! I left my badge upstairs. Crap! All
those forms and that crazy replacement fee...what? Really? Thanks man, I won't be a minute..."

3. Taunt the Enemy. During a combat, seduce the enemy to make them lose concentration and
control. Charm check against opponent’s cool. Every additional success beyond the first, give
the target an additional setback die. Every advantage may be spent to affect an additional target.
If a triumph occurs, the opponent shoots one of his own allies at his next attack.
1. Find Merchant. When you want to purchase something legal, you make a negotiation check to
see if you can make necessary commercial connections to find the item in question. The
difficulty of the check depends on the rarity of the item and on the region in which you are
looking for it (Page 150, Corebook). [Note: If the item you looking for is illegal, then the
research check should be made by Streetwise, instead of negotiation]. For example, if you want
to find a merchant who sell medpac, the difficulty for your research check is the rarity of the
medpac (2), plus the modifier of the region that you are present at the moment (such as -2 for
Core worlds, 0 for Colonies, +2 for Outer Rim, etc.).

2. Negotiate with the Merchant. Once you find the merchant, now you negotiate the price with

Calculation of buying price: Base Cost of the item x Rarity Difference+ the result of the
negotiation check.
- 1 Success gives the players 10% of discount
- 2 Success gives the players 25% of discount
- 3 Success gives the players 50% of discount
- Any additional Success adds 5% per Success
- Triumph means the vendor becomes a regular. Meaning, the players will have an upgrade for
their negotiation checks in all future trades with this vendor.
-Trading with the same vendor with whom you have acquaintance, you get your negotiation
checks bonus or setback dice according to your relationship whit him.

Calculation of selling price: First Offer + the result of the negotiation check.
- 1 Success gives the players 25% more of the first offer.
- 2 Success gives the players 50% more of the first offer.
- 3 Success gives the players 75% more of the first offer.
- Any additional Success adds 5% per Success

First Offer: One quarter of the (Base Cost of the item x Rarity Difference).

A Trade Example: You bought 100 units of medpac in Chandrilla. Rarity of medpac is 2.
Rarity Modifier of Chandrilla is -1. So, the rarity difference in total is 2-1=1. Medpac’s base
cost in the corebook is 400 credits, we multiply this cost with the rarity difference, which is one.
So the final result is 400 credits. Also you get 2 success in your negotiation check, which gives
you 25% discount, so you bought one unit of medpack for 300 credits, and 30000 credits in total
for 100 units of medpac. Then you travel to Outer Rim which has +2 rarity modifier and sell the
medpacs there. Medpack’s rarity is 2, we add +2 modifier of the Outer Rim to this, and we get
4 Rarity difference. We multiply 400 (the base cost) with 4 (rarity difference) = 1600 credits for
a unit of medpac as the value of the item in outer rim. But while selling an item the first offer
that the vendors will give you is one quarter of the main value of the item. One quarter of 1600
is 400 credits for a unit of medpac, and 40000 credits for 100 units of medpac. And while
negotiating you get 1 success, which gives you 25% more of the first offer. So, you sold it for
50000 credits. At the end, your profit from this trade is 20000 credits for you bought it 30000
in a Secondary Core World, and sold it for 50000 in a Outer Rim system.

Note: This trade system explained above works the same for illegal black market products, but
now that the rarity of black market items are too high, the multiplying value and therefore the
outcome profit of the trade is incredibly high as well. Black Market trades can be done by
Streetwise checks.

3. Social Combat for profit. Simply put, offer something in return of something. Then make a
negotiation check, if succeed, you may even raise the stake in your demands according to
number of success you got. With 1 Success, reconcile in the middle between your offer and the
offer of the opponent. With 2 Success, between your offer and the middle. With 3 Success, your
offer is accepted by the opponent. With every additional success, put new demands onto the
table. Besides, when successful, 3 advantage symbols may be used to have this person as a long-
term contact with whom your future interactions will have an upgrade for your negotiation
checks. If a triumph occurs, you may be sure the loyalty of the opponent in whatever intrigue
you two are into. For every disadvantage symbol, the final deal decreases from the middle offer
downwards. If a despair occurs, the deal is off and he will reveal your identity to the authorities.

4. Bribe. Make a negotiation check against the discipline rank of the opponent. If you succeed in
your check, your attempt of bribing works. The price you need to pay is determined according
to this formula: d100 x number of disadvantage symbols that you got from your check.
Every additional success from your check decrease the price %10. And every advantage symbol
can be spent to bribe an additional target.

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