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Draft Copy of Memorandum to be sent to GM HRM by the units on 8 th September,

2020 (In the letter pad of Respective unit)

The General Manager,

Human Resources Management &
PSD, UCO Bank,
Head Office

Dear Sir,

Sub: Matters concerning our Members- Management's muted response & Our concern

In terms of the decision of the meeting of Leaders of Affiliated State units of AIUCBEF -
meeting held on 30 th August, 2020- We , as affiliate unit would like to convey our anguish
and plain over the Management's muted response to many issues, pertaining to our
members, duly taken up with HO from time to time by our Federation. We are deeply
disappointed to be reported that the under mentioned communications sent by our
Federation in the last several months, particularly during this period of Pandemic, remain
unresponded, not to talk of any meaningful steps in redressing the GRIEVANCES of our
members in particular and workman staff in general.

1. HO GM HRM 81/2017-20. DT 02/09/20 : On boarding process of Newly Joined POs

2. HO GM HRM 80/2017-20. DT 24/08/20 : On Request Transfers - HRMS
3. HO GM HRM 79/2017-20. DT 07/08/20. : On Request Transfers - HRMS
4. HO GM HRM 78/2017-20. DT 06/07/20 : On arbitrary decision to change designation
of Clerical Staff as Relationship Executives.
5. HO GM HRM 77/2017-20. DT 28/06/20 :. On Rotational Transfers
6. HO GM HRM 76/2017-20. DT 17/06/20. : On Punishment imposed after retirement
7. HO GM HRM 75/2017-20. DT 20/05//20.:. On Treatment of absence of employees due
to Lockdown
8. HO GM HRM 74/2017-20. DT 12/05/20. :. On Recruitment Policy
9. HO GM HRM 73/2017-20. DT 08/05/20:. On Business Continuity Plan - Hardship
faced by employees.
10. HO GM HRM 72/2017-20. DT 20/02/20. :. On GR meetings at Zonal Level
11. HO GM HRM 71/2017-20. DT 06/02/20 : On non- response to various communications
sent by Federation

Through the above communications, our Federation had been raising certain issues -
violations ofpolicies, requesttransfersparticularlyinvolvinginterstate, acutemanpower shortage, issues discussed in the last
GR meeting but absence further action on them,
hardshipbeingfacedbytheemployeesduetoLockdown,issuesthathavecomeupduring thisperiod(Covid-
Dailywagersetc.MeetingalsonotedwithconcernovertheManagement's approach(?)
complaints of violations of policies,
filing up of vacant Functional
allowance posts,relieving of employees, payment of functional allowance
as per PPA, social leave to employeeswhoareunabletoattendtoofficeduetoshutdownofpublictransportduring
lock down, exemption of pregnant women employees during this Pandemic,
reimbursementoftravelexpensestoemployeeswhohadtodependonprivatetransport during this period,
payment of minimum wages to LBY agents, periodical GR meetings
bothatApexandZonallevel.It is however unfortunate that administration has chosen to
keep silent and avoided any response and, absence of meaningful steps to address these
concerns, compel us to feel that the Management has tuned itself to ignore the
Recognised Representative Union. Such non-responsive attitude is neither healthy nor
would help achieving the desired goal for the Institution. When the top administration
believes in the Slogan of ONE TEAM ONE DREAM and expect the employees to play their
due role , regardless of the situation, which is engulfed with fear and anxiety, cannot
afford to remain silent to the sufferings and concerns of the employees. Employees
rightfully expect the Administration to redress their GRIEVANCES timely. Delay or denial,
naturally has generated discontentment and frustration among them.

Having exhausted all available means and having exercised patience and restraint for
long, the meeting has to come to a painful conclusion that AIUCBEF is left with no
option except to seek recourse to organisational means. As part of various
organisational programmes, we are sending this communication, in yet another
manifestation of our faith in resolution of various issues through mutual discussions.

We hope and trust that at least this attempt of our organisation will be respected and
appreciated and Management comes forward to take steps to address all our
concerns and avoid unrest in the Industrial Relations Front.

Looking forward to your considered

response. Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

General Secretary

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