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Unit 1 Notes

“Experimenting” vocabulary
A. control group-that part of your experiment that you consider “normal”.
You’ll compare your experimental groups to this to see if there’s any
B. Experimental Group-will be the questionable aspect of your experiment
-the item you’re trying to research
C. Controlling your variables-there will be only 1 difference between the
control group and the experimental group. All other variables will be kept
the same.
D. Sample size-Larger #’s of individuals in a group are best so that any
“defective” ones don’t have as much influence on your experiment.
E. Repeating the experiment-At least 3 times is best
I. The Concept of “Belief”
A. What is belief?
1. intrinsic (from inside you)
2. Important to you
3. A part of you
4. Often a “gut” reaction
5. Changeable-you may modify or change your beliefs during your
6. Sometimes referred to as a “theory”
II. The concept of “scientific theory”
A. What is a scientific theory?
1. a scientific theory is based on an overwhelming number of
experiment and data, carried out over a long period of time
• peer review-before publishing anything, a “rough draft” must be
reviewed by international experts in that field
2. It is supported (agreed to) by the vast majority of the scientific
3. If enough evidence contradicts it, the scientific community rejects
the scientific theory in favor of a better alternative
III. Acids/Bases
A. H20-1 molecule of water
B. Components:
1. H+ (hydrogen ion)
2. OH- (hydroxide ion
a. Acids: [H+] > [OH-]
b. Neutral: [H+] = [OH-]
c. Base: [H+] < [OH-]
IV. BioHistory
A. Andreas Vasilius
1. 1543-published first guide to human body
2. 1546-1547 – wrote new treatments of syphilis and emphysema
3. proved that Galen’s (Roman) theories were wrong and based on
4. discovered:
a. sternum has 3 parts
b. nerve stem from brain, not heart
c. nerves not hollow
B. Francis Bacon
1. felt philosophy needed a purpose and a method to achieve that
2. came up with the scientific method
3. discovered Earth revolves around Sun
C. Robert Hooke
1. invented early prototype of respirator
2. invented equation for elasticity-Hooke’s Law
3. called cells “cells”
4. published book with all his findings and drawings – Micrographia
5. discovered wood could petrify into stone
6. discovered cells in cork
a. used compound microscope
D. Carolus Linnaaeus
1. became naturalist
2. called “father of taxonomy”
3. believed his job was to classify plants
4. helped classify animal species
5. started binoimial naming class-species
6. gave us a way to logically look at things
E. Joseph Priestly
1. discovered oxygen
2. isolated and characterized nine gases
F. Theodore Schwan and Matthias Schlieden
1. discovered cell membranes
2. both plant and animal cells composed of old nucleus
3. invented cell theory-all cells come from pre-existing cells
4. discovered:
a. cell is a unit of structure
1. distinct entity
b. spontaneous generation is incorrect

G. Charles Darwin
1. realized all life descended from common ancestors-natural
2. supported theory with fossilized evidence
3. noticed similarity in fossils between different species and
hypothesized about how that happened
H. Luis Pasteur
1. further experiments in spontaneous generation
2. invented pasteurization-how to get rid of some bacteria
a. figured out what temperature to heat milk to kill bacteria
without burning the milk
3. produced first vaccine for rabies
I. Gregor Mendel
1. “father of modern genetics”
2. studied pea plants
3. cultivated and tested 29 plants
4. came up with Mendel’s laws of inheritance
J. Emil Fischer
1. Lock and Key Method-figured how enzymes work
a. key-enzymes
b. lock-what it is working upon
c. together make biochemical reaction
K. Thomas Hunt Morgan
1. followed research of Gregor Mendel
2. first to use fruit flies as experimental animals
3. found mutations are cross-bred and can be passed on by cross-
4. wrote 21 books, 370 scientific papers
5. first to figure out sex-linked traits
L. Raymond Dart
1. first discoverer of human-like organism
2. theory-ape to man
M. Alexander Fleming
1. 1928-discovered penicillin
2. March 7-published it
3. Knowledge of biology saved around 200 million lives
N. George Washington Carver
1. “the Plant Doctor”
2. first African-American on the faculty of Teskinki
3. developed theory of crop rotation
4. discovered how to use peanuts
O. Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin
1. Franklin took a picture using x-ray diffraction
a. suggested helix-shape of DNA
2. Wilkins crated first correct model of DNA
3. Found possible to produce threads from DNA
P. Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase
1. Hershey-is genetic information passed through protein or DNA?
2. Found there is DNA in bacteria
3. Blender experiment
a. DNA is in phages
4. used viruses to infect bacteria
a. DNA labeled phosphorous
b. Protein labeled sulfurous
Q. Francis Creek and James Watson
1. worked on DNA
2. believed found “secret of life”
3. double helix
a. 2-way direction (of DNA)
R. Rachel Carson
1. wrote Silent Spring
a. beginning of environmental movement
Melvin Calvin
1. created Calvin Cycle
a. traced cycle of photosynthesis
b. figured that sunlight works on chlorophyll in plant
S. Antonin Leewenhoek
1. made over 500 microscopes
2. microscopes up to 200X
3. discovered protozoa

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