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Idioms and Sayings About Transport

Idiom / Saying Explanation

To be in the same boat.

For example:
To be in the same situation (usually
She's always complaining that she unpleasant) as other people.
has too much work, but we're all in
the same boat.

To have a face like the back end of

a bus.

For example:
To be really ugly.

"Quasimodo has a face like the back

end of a bus, but he is really nice."

Test drive.

To drive a car that you are

For example:
considering buying, in order to see if
you like it.
"I took it out for a test drive before I
bought it."

Flight of fancy.

For example:
An idea which shows a lot of
imagination but which is not practical.
"Clean nuclear fuel is a real flight of

Take flight. To run away.

For example:

"The children took flight when they

say the farmer."

Top flight.

For example:
To be at the highest level in a job or
"David Beckham is a top flight

Hit and run.

This idiom describes a road accident
For example: in which the driver who caused the
accident drives away without helping
"The police are hunting a hit and run the other people involved and without
driver." telling the police.

End of the line.

For example:
The point where it is no longer
"This project has struggled on (tem-se possible to continue with a process
esforçado, tem lutado, tem resistido/aguentado) or activity.
for as long as it could, but it's
reached the end of the line now."

Port of call.

For example: A place where you stop for a short

time, especially on a journey.
"Where's our next port of call?"
Any port in a storm.

For example:
If you are in a difficult situation you
will go anywhere for help.
"I didn't want to stay with my mother,
but any port in a storm."

Go off the rails.

to start behaving in a way that is not

For example:
generally acceptable, especially
dishonestly or illegally: 
"Prince Harry has really gone off the
rails recently."

The end of the road.

For example:
The point where it is no longer
possible to continue with a process
"We will have to give up on this
or activity.
project, it's reached the end of the

To hit the road.

For example:
To leave a place or begin a journey.
"I must be going, I need to hit the
road to catch my train."

Middle of the road (MOR).
This idiom describes a person,
organization, opinion or type of
For example:
entertainment that is not extreme and
is acceptable to or liked by most
"He only likes MOR music."

One for the road. To have one last an alcoholic drink

For example:
just before leaving.
"Do you fancy one for the road
before you go?"

Road hog.

For example:
Someone who drives so that other
vehicles cannot go past.
"I have never liked his driving, he is
such a road hog."

The road to hell is paved with good said to emphasize that you must not
intentions. simply intend to behave well but you
must act according to your intentions,
No example necessary. because you will have problems or
be punished if you do not.
Shape up or ship out.
Said to tell someone that they must
improve their performance or
No example necessary.
behaviour or they will have to leave.

To be just the ticket.

For example:-
Used to describe that something is
exactly what is needed.
"If you want to improve your English,
this website is just the ticket."

Travel light. To go on a journey without taking a

lot of things with you.
For example:

"I always travel light when I go to



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