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1 / Bioenergetics Dr : Badr Eid / 0563598199 Ugady sh Asie cB Ugaainy gi Ugilen ) Fale) sf Ws ph C gama y% UMA veal gill ode (capt eS cll gn gy Mead SFY) MSs iy I Qlige gl se Dr :Badr Eid Transformation of Ene ** Bioenergetics: Study of the transformation of energy in living organisms. (How energy is transformed in cells, tissues and organs ) ** Th ii (involving the formation and breaking of chemical bonds in the molecules found in cells). * Energy: latins: Capacity to do work. = tytissi ; Energy (in physics) Energy in living organism can exist ina variety of forms. such as electrical , | May be mechanical, chemical, thermal. Or nuclear. and | Kinetic or Potential eneray can be transformed from one form to another. is potential energy stored in chemical bonds . It is referred to the way the atoms are connected (how they are held together) EXA IPLES : Organic molecules such as the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins have structures that make them especially rich in chemical energy * tai Aa: is released when a chemical reaction takes place. 2 / Bioenergetics Dr : Badr Eid / 0563598199 * The Unit of Energy in Nutriti Calorie ( cal. ) jecause one calorie is a tiny unit of energy that it is not very practical for measuring the energy content of food - Instead, people the energy is expressed usually in food in kilocalories.( Kcal.) One kilocalorie (kcal) equals 1000 calories kilocalories ( Keal.) | 3) : is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water Exergonic Reaction Endergonic Reaction * Metabolic reaction is that releases * Metabolic reaction is that requires eneray eneray ii * absorbing free energy and store it . * Examples : Catabolic reactions * Examples : Anabolic reactions Metabolism Metabolism is the sum of the chemical reactions (Catabolism and Anabolism) that take place within the cell of the body 3 / Bioenergetics Dr: Badr Eid / 0563598199 ** involves: Catabolic reactions Anabolic reactions break down large, complex molecules to | use ATP energy to build ( synthesizing ) provide energy and srraller molecules. _| larger biorralecules provide eneray use_eneray exergonic reactions (Oxidation) endergonie reactions CyH205 +60, SX. 6.00, +6H,0 + 686 kcal exergonic glucose polysaccharide glycolysis, Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation bene orien CO) +H,0 + heat endeigonic * Energy Coupling: the transfer of energy from exergonie reactions fe drive endergonic reactions and vice versa ATP (adenosine triphosphate) * ATP: = d juss! : Adenosine Tri-Phesphate - is the molecule that orgenisms produce that steras ucable energy for cell uca. - Stored form of energy in the cells - Energy currency of the cell . ~ Enorgy carrion . - syle ; - Nucleotide with unstable phosphate bonds Avil: ATP consists of : + Adenine, = Ribose, = Chain of three phosphate a nitrogenous base a five-carbon sugar, groups (POs?) 4 / Bioenergetics some energy Gamma phosphate little bit alot of energy energy © etic ideology Dr: Badr Eid / 0569598199 Alpha Phosphate 5 / Bioenergetics Dr: Badr Eid / 0563598199 ATP/ADP cycle ™ Formation of ATP: ao: cells extract the chemical energy from various nutrient molecules like Lipids. carbehydrates and proteins, ond use the chemical energy 40 build-up ATP. - a a6: addition of a phosphate group to ADP with the energy from food ~ by joining Pi to ADP. - requires the input energy.( 7.3 keal i 30.5kJ) Aull cae ues: @ exergonic reactions ADP + P;, + 7.3KCal/molt > ATP (Hydrolysis). a great amount of usable ergy is released and the ATP molecule converted to ADP (Adenosine di Phosphate) 1. The hydrolysis of ATP to ADP releases 7.3 kcal (30.5 kJ/mole). ATP Hee ADP + P; + 7.3,.KCaby mot ApP = + 20-5 topo lakes 30.5 kd 17.3 keal Wylie Wb ghis ADP + P, 9S ATP syia dy Laie -: gf Bary endergonic reactions. cdickil cil ed ling Energy released in exergonic reactions used to drive endergonic reactions. ling ATP powers cellular work\by soupling exergonic reactions to endergonic reactions ATP used to drive endergonic reactions. RECYCLABLE: The ADP can become ATP again with the addition of a phosphate group with the energy from food “ATP/ADP cycle”. ( cobtgiao Ll) Said ated Aauatl oda 4 het iba!

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