Table 1: Standardization of HCL Solution

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Data Tables

Table 1: Standardization of HCl solution

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Concentration of 0.1444 mol/L 0.1444 mol/L 0.1444 mol/L
NaOH solution
Volume of NaOH 25.7 ml 29.4 ml 25.1 ml
Moles of NaOH 0.0026 mol 0.0026 mol 0.0026 mol

Moles of HCl 0.0026 mol 0.0026 mol 0.0026 mol

Volume of HCl 0.0100 L 0.0100 L 0.0100 L

Concentration of 0.2600 mol/L 0.2600 mol/L 0.2600 mol/L

HCl solution

Average concentration of HCl solution 0.2600 mol/L

Table 2: Analysis of an Antacid Tablet
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Mass of antacid 1.286 4g 1.3118 1.2882
Volume of HCl to 0.0352 L 0.0352 L 0.0352 L
be neutralized
Concentration of 0.1444 mol/L 0.1444 mol/L 0.1444 mol/L
Concentration of 0.2600 mol/L 0.2600 mol/L 0.2600 mol/L
Volume of NaOH 0.0102 L 0.0157 L 0.0108 L
to neutralize
excess HCl
Moles of NaOH 0.0015 mol 0.0023 mol 0.0015 mol
to neutralize
excess acid (HCl)
Moles of excess 0.0015 mol 0.0023 mol 0.0015 mol
Volume of excess 0.0058 L 0.0088 L 0.0058 L
HCl neutralized
Volume of HCl 0.0293 L 0.0264 L 0.0293 L
neutralized by
Moles of HCl to 0.0091 mol 0.0091 mol 0.0091 mol
be neutralized
Moles of HCl 0.0076 mol 0.0068 mol 0.0076 mol
neutralized by
Density of HCl 1.00 g/ml 1.00 g/ml 1.00 g/ml
Mass of HCl 0.2770 g 0.2479 g 0.2770 g
Neutralization 0.2153 0.1890 0.2150

Concentration of HCL solution:

1. 0.0026mol /0.0100L = 0.2600 mol/L

Moles of NaOH to neutralize excess acid (HCl):

1. 0.0102 L x 0.1444 mol/L = 0.0015 mol

2. 0.0157 L x 0.1444 mol/L = 0.0023 mol

3. 0.0108 L x 0.1444 mol/L = 0.0015 mol

Volume of excess HCl neutralized:

1. 0.0015 mol / 0.2600 mol/L = 0.0058 L

2. 0.0157 L / 0.2600 mol/L = 0.0088 L

3. 0.0015 mol / 0.2600 mol/L = 0.0058 L

Volume of HCl neutralized by tablet:

1. 0.0352 L - 0.0058 L = 0.0293 L

2. 0.0352 L - 0.0088 L = 0.0264 L

3. 0.0352 L - 0.0058 L = 0.0293 L

Moles of HCl to be neutralized (total):

1. 0.0352 L x 0.2600 mol/L= 0.0091 mol

2. 0.0352 L x 0.2600 mol/L= 0.0091 mol

3. 0.0352 L x 0.2600 mol/L=0.0091 mol

Moles of HCl neutralized by tablet:

1. 0.0091 mol - 0.0015 mol = 0.0076 mol

2. 0.0091 mol - 0.0023 mol = 0.0068 mol

3. 0.0091 mol - 0.0015 mol = 0.0076 mol

Mass of HCl neutralized:

1. 0.0076 mol x 36.45 g/mol = 0.2770 g

2. 0.0068 mol x 36.45 g/mol = 0.2479 g

3. 0.0076 mol x 36.45 g/mol = 0.2770 g

Neutralization strength:

1. 0.2770 g/1.2864g

2. 0.2479 g/

3. 0.2770 g/

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