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Lesson Plan

Form: 3rd B grade Date:

Topic: Round Up
Time allowed: 45 min.
Type of the lesson: Lesson of systematization and revision of knowledge
Specific Competence Indicators:
Spoken Interaction: 2.5. Producing simple isolated sentences to briefly describe people’s possessions, using simple
words and expressions, syntactic structures and grammar forms that have been practiced.
Reading: 3.4.Understanding the general meaning of a simple short text.
Listening: 1.5. Understanding the general meaning of simple sentences which present people’s possessions. Sentences
are pronounced slowly and clearly.
Pupils will be able :
O1: to speak about the daily activity; O4: to use the comparison of adjectives;
O2: to list the pieces of clothes;
O3: to talk about cleaning a room;
Resources: Pupil’s book IIIrd-grade, PPt, flashcards, pictures,.

Skills: listening, reading, speaking, writing.

Classroom interaction: classwork, group work.

Teaching techniques and methods: warm-up activity, Brainstorming, role-play, reading

Possible problems: the students may not have the necessary language skills to answer the teacher’s questions; the teacher must help
them out and encourage them in their attempts to use the language.
Stage of the Teachers activity Pupils activity Time Methods,
lesson forms of work
Evocation T greets pupils and puts some ordinary questions: 1’
How do you feel today? What date is it today? Ps greet teacher and then answer to the questions. 3-4’ Conversation
How can you describe the weather outside? Ps. read their homework and correct each other when
T checks the homework . necessary
T asks Ps to remind what did they study during Brainstorm
Module V. Ps try to remind and say what they studied; the routines
The T announces the revision lesson specifying the activity; how to compare things; to talk about cleaning
aims: the Ss will revise their knowledge about a room.
comparison degree; daily activities, Present Continuous
The T writes the title of the lesson and date on the BB; Ps write the date in their copy-book.
the Ss write the title and date, as well, and pay
Meaning T uses a PPt for rise the Ps ‘ attention.
realization There are some pictures and pupils must name what Ps are told to identify the actions from the pictures. PPt
activities are the characters doing. 2-3’ Individual work
Then T demands Ps to use the expressions in sentences Ps write down sentences.
using the Present Continuous Tense.
Then teacher shows some pictures with objects of Ps describe the pictures using the comparison. 5-7’ Conversation
different shapes and forms.
Then teacher show an another picture where is Pupils talk about how the room must be cleaned.
presented a messy room the teacher’s task is to talk
about how to clean up the room.
Then T asks Ps what clothes we must wear in winter. Ps name a list of clothes then go and write them at BB.
Reflection The T hands a worksheet with a text that have pictures The Ps complete the worksheet. 5’
and the Ps have to substitute the pictures with the Writing

Extension Teacher puts a questions to Ps : What have we Ps say what did they do and what did they learnt 5’ Conversation
learnt at the lesson. then write down the hometask.
Then gives the homework: To revise the vocabulary
of the module V
Exercise 1. Substitute the pictures with words:

John up at 7 o’clock in the morning. First he his bed. Then he goes to the bathroom and

his face. After that he , he eats cornflakes with milk. He his

teeth. Then his coat and school with his classmate, Alice. At 830 he the lessons.

Exercise 1. Substitute the pictures with words:

John up at 7 o’clock in the morning. First he his bed. Then he goes to the bathroom and

his face. After that he , he eats cornflakes with milk. He his

teeth. Then his coat and school with his classmate, Alice. At 830 he the lessons.
Winter Clothes Items

Socks scarf cap

Gloves trousers jacket


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