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1917: Real vs.


How historically accurate are WWI movies? We’ll be looking at clips of 1917 and a few other
films that show what WWI was like. You’ll be comparing what the film shows with primary
sources. You will write a historical analysis of the similarities and differences (or the historic
accuracies and inaccuracies) of the film’s depiction of World War I.

Hint: Read the questions below before you watch the videos!

Primary Sources Movie Clips

Trench Photos/Readings Powerpoint with Videos

WWI Trenches
American, British, German and many more soldiers had to dig trenches as they fought
WWI. The armies had different styles when they dug their trenches. Watch the video
clips, look at the photos, and read the first hand accounts to understand what the
differences were in the German and British trenches.

Best Trenches, why?:

Worst Trenches, why?:

List 3 similarities and 3 differences the Allied and German trenches had:



When reading the first hand accounts and looking at the photographs of trenches, how
realistic do you find the film’s depiction of trenches? List three examples from the
primary sources that you see in the film.
WWI Camp Life in the Trenches
American, British, German and many more soldiers had to live in the trenches as they
fought WWI. Oftentimes they’d be stuck there for days. Watch the video clips, look at
the photos, and read the first hand accounts to understand what living in the trenches
was like.

Was the film accurate in showing trench life?

Find three health problems soldiers faced living in the trenches:


Do you see any of the health problems in the film clips? If so, list the problems you see.

WWI Clothes, Weapons, & Technology

American, British, German all had different types of weapons they used in WWI. Some
were more effective than others. Watch the video clips, look at the photos, and read the
first hand accounts to understand what kind of weapons were used by each army.

List at least three examples of how the films were accurate in showing WWI clothes and
WWI Fighting - No Man’s Land
WWI is famous for something called No Man’s Land. Watch the video clips, look at the
photos, and read the first hand accounts to understand what No Man’s Land was like.

What is No Man’s Land?

How accurate was the film depiction of No Man’s Land? List three examples.

Why was No Man’s Land so dangerous? Give me 3 specific examples of why this area was

WWI Fighting - Gas Attacks

WWI is famous for the chemical weapons the German’s and Allied forces used. Watch
the video clips, look at the photos, and read the first hand accounts to understand what
these chemical attacks were like.

How accurate are the soldiers reactions to gas attacks? What are they trying to put on?

How did the WWI armies spread the chemical weapons to their enemies? Use the videos and
primary sources to find how they did it.

What kinds of chemicals were used in gas attacks? List them.

Film Analysis
How historically accurate was 1917? Use evidence both from the film as well as the primary
sources you looked at. Give the film a grade of historical accuracy and defend your opinion.
Answers should be written in complete sentences and this answer should be at minimum 5
sentences long. You must use evidence to defend your historical accuracy grade.

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