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SimCentral™ Simulation Platform

Reporting Guide

Version 3.2
March 2019
© 2019 AVEVA Group plc and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

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Publication date: Monday, March 18, 2019
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To analyze and report proper variable specification, SimCent ral Simulation Platform makes use of
CSPARSE, a library of direct methods for sparse linear systems by Timothy Davis. CSPARSE is free
software and is distribut ed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
( as published by the Free Software Foundation.
The source code for CSPARSE is available at
SimCent ral Simulation Platform us es KLU as its linear equation solver. KLU is an open-source solver
package with a focus on solving sparse linear systems of equations. Timothy A. Davis distributes K LU as
part of the SuiteSparse software ( under the GNU Lesser General Public
License and a University of Florida copyright.
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Reporting Guide

Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 1 Reporting .............................................................................................................. 7
Creating and Managing a Report ............................................................................................... 7
Default Simulation ..................................................................................................................... 8
Default Snapshot ...................................................................................................................... 9
Adding, Viewing, or Modifying Cell Values .................................................................................. 9
Writing Excel Report Values to SimCentral Simulation Platform ................................................. 11
Running a SimCentral Simulation Plat form Scenario from an Excel Report ................................. 11
Understanding Excel Functions ................................................................................................ 11
Example: Create an Excel Report Template .............................................................................. 14
Step 1: Building a List of Model Instances ........................................................................... 15
Step 2: Creating the Report................................................................................................ 18

Appendix A Glossary of Terms .......................................................................................... 23

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In This Chapter
Creating and Managing a Report ..................................................................................................... 7
Default Simulation........................................................................................................................... 8
Default Snapshot ............................................................................................................................ 9
Adding, Viewing, or Modifying Cell Values ........................................................................................ 9
Writing Excel Report Values to SimCentral Simulation Platform ....................................................... 11
Running a SimCentral Simulation Plat form Scenario from an Excel Report ....................................... 11
Understanding Excel Functions ..................................................................................................... 11
Example: Create an Excel Report Template ................................................................................... 14

Creating and Managing a Report

To create an Excel report, you open any new or existing Microsoft Excel document and browse to the
SimCentral tab. The SimCentral tab is available in Excel if you chose to install the Excel Add -In when
you installed SimCentral Simulation Platform. If you wish to install the Add-In bec ause you did not select
it when you installed SimCentral Simulation Platform, modify your installation and select it.
The following table describes the buttons available on the SimCentral tab:

Label Purpose

Set Default simulation Sets the default simulation for the report by allowing you to select a
simulation from the Repository. See Default Simulation on page 8 for
more information.

Set Default Snapshot Sets the default Snapshot for the report by allowing you to select a
Snapshot from the Repository. See Def ault Snaps hot on page 9 for
more information.

UOM Sets the default UOM Slate for the report.

You can select any UOM Slate saved to the Repository. You cannot
use slates saved with the simulation.

Refresh Loads the latest simulation dat a.

Write Writes values from your report to a SimCentral Simulation Plat form
You can use the S CSetValue function to specify the values that you
want to write to the simulation. You cannot writ e values to a specific
Snapshot within the simulation. See Writing Excel Report Values to
SimCent ral Simulation Platform on page 11 for more information.

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Label Purpose

Run Runs the selected Scenario for the default simulation. See Running a
SimCent ral Simulation Platform Scenario from an Excel Report on
page 11 for more information.

Example: Setting the Default Simulation in an Excel Report

1. Click the SimCentral tab in Microsoft Excel.
2. Click the Set Default Simulation button.
A dialog box appears that allows you to select the default simulation for your report from the

3. Select the simulation that you want to set as the default for your report, and click Set As Default. You
can change the default simulation at any time.

Default Simulation
The default simulation is the SimCent ral Simulation Platform simulation that you associate with the Excel
report. If you do not include a simulation argument in the SimCentral Simulation Plat form Excel functions,
Excel uses the default simulation.
You can change the default simulation at any time. However, changing the default simulation may
change the data within your Excel report.
 An Excel report is associated with its default simulation.
 Set the default simulation.
 Change the default simulation.
 Run a scenario in the default simulation.
 Use the default simulation in a SimCentral Simulation Plat form Excel function.

8 Version 3.2
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Default Snapshot
The default snapshot is the snapshot in the default simulation that you associate with the Excel report. If
you do not include a snapshot argument in the SimCentral Simulation Plat form Excel functions, Excel
uses the default snapshot. Not e that you cannot set the default snapshot until you set the default
You can change the default snapshot at any time. However, changing the default snapshot may change
the data within your Excel report.
 The Excel report is associated with the default snapshot.
 Set the default snapshot.
 Change the default snapshot.
 Use the default snapshot in a SimCentral Simulation Plat form Excel function.

Adding, Viewing, or Modifying Cell Values

Using the SCValue function, you can reference simulation values in your report. For detailed information
on the SimCentral Simulation Platform functions shipped with the Excel Add -In, refer to Understanding
Excel Functions on page 11.
You can reference the following SimCentral Simulation Platform values in a cell:
 Model
 Variable/Parameter
 Simulation
 Snapshot
To add, view, or modify a SCValue function in a cell:
1. Right -click the cell and select SimCentral Value Properties. The View Details For Acti ve Cell
dialog box appears.

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2. In each box, type the appropriate value in directly, click the cell reference picker to refer to
another cell that contains the value, or click the SimCent ral Simulation Platform picker to select
a value from a list generated from SimCentral Simulation Plat form, as shown below.

3. Observe that using the SimCentral Value Properties option ins erts the SCValue function into the
=SCValue(CWS1,P,"kPa",CWSim,Pro 3)
Example: Adding a Column Header and Referencing the Default simulation in a Report
1. Type Simulation into cell A1.
2. Type the following into cell A 2. See Understanding E xcel Functions on page 11 for more information.
The default simulation that you selected when you clicked the Set Default Simulation button

If you set a different default simulation, the new simulation automatically appears in any cell that
includes the SCDefSim function.

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Writing Excel Report Values to SimCentral Simulation

You can use the S CSetValue function to write values from your Excel report back to SimCentral
Simulation Plat form. For detailed information on the SimCentral Simulation Platform functions shippe d
with the Excel Add-In, refer to Understanding E xcel Functions on page 11.
To write a value back to SimCentral Simulation Platform:
1. In an empty cell, type the SCSetValue function and include the required arguments. For example,
type the following function:
=SCSetValue(100, "CWS1", "P", "kPa", "CWSim")
You can leave the simulation argument ("CWSim" in this example) blank to use the default
simulation. You can also set any argument to a cell reference instead of directly typing the value into
the function, for example, =SCSetValue(A1, A2, A3).
2. On the SimCentral tab, in the Data group, click Write.
The value that you wrote to SimCentral Simulation Platform appears in the cell that contains the
SCSetValue function.

Running a SimCentral Simulation Platform Scenario from an

Excel Report
You can run a Scenario from an Excel report by using the commands on the SimCentral tab. You can
run only Scenarios that are in the default simulation.
To run a Scenario:
1. On the SimCentral tab, in the Scenario group, in the list box, select the Scenario that you want to
2. Click Run.

Note: You can point to the badge below the Run button to view a tooltip that displays the run status
for the selected Scenario.

3. After the Scenario run complet es, in the Data group, click Refresh to view the updated dat a.

Understanding Excel Functions

You can embed SimCentral Simulation Plat form -specific functions in a cell to display information about
your simulation and its data. This section includes information on the SimCentral Simulation Platform
functions and arguments you can use when you create a SimCentral Simulation Plat form Excel report.

Excel Function Arguments Output

SCDefSim None Returns of name of the default simulation.

SCDefSnap None Returns the default snapshot.

SCDefUOMSlate None Retrieves the default UOM Slate selected on the ribbon.

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Excel Function Arguments Output

SCDynValue Time, Model, Returns dynamic results from a snapshot at a given time
Var/Par, UOM, for variables in the History. To add a variable to the
Sim, Snap History, make it a favorite in SimCentral Simulation
If the simulation name is blank, the software uses the
default simulation. If the snapshot name is blank, the
software uses the default snapshot.

SCMode Sim, Snap Returns the simulation mode of the specified simulation
and snapshot.
If the simulation name is blank, the software uses the
default simulation. If the snapshot name is blank, the
software returns the current mode of the simulation.

SCModelDesc Model, Sim Returns the description of a model. You can modify the
description for a model on the model's Property
Inspector, in the General area, in the De scription box.
If you set the Model argument to "Main", the function
returns the description of the Main flowsheet in the
simulation. You can modify the description for the Main
flowsheet on its Property Inspector, in the General area,
in the De scription box. You can open the Property
Inspector for the Main flows heet by right-clicking the
Main branch in the Simulation Manager and then clicking
Full Properties.
If the simulation name is blank, the software uses the
default simulation.
This function returns the model description as a single
line of text. If the model description extends beyond the
width of the cell, part of the model description may be
hidden. You may want to format the cell so that the text
wraps and you can see the full description of the model.

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Excel Function Arguments Output

SCModelList ModelTy pe, Index, Returns the name of a model instance from a list of model
Sim instances for the specified Model Type.
The Index argument must be an integer value. This
value determines the name of the model instance that the
function returns. For ex ample, if you set the Index
argument to 4, the function returns the name of the fourth
model instance in the list of model instances o f the
specified Model Type.
If you leave the ModelType argument blank, the
software returns the indicat ed model instance from the
list of all model instances in the simulation.
You can set the ModelType argument to a generic
search string, such as Pipe or HX. The list of model
instances includes all the model instances that are based
on Model Types that include the search sting in their
name. For example, if you set the ModelType argument
to Pipe, the list includes all model instances in the
simulation that are based on the following Model Types:
 CWLib.Pipe
 FlareLib.Pipe
 FlareLib.PipeRig
 Process.Pipe
 Process.PipeRig
 SteamLib.Pipe
 SteamLib.PipeRig
You can include the library name in the search string to
limit the list of model instances to only those model
instances that are based on Model Types in the specified
library. For example, if you set the ModelType argument
to FlareLib.Pipe, the list includes all model instances
in the simulation that are based on FlareLib.Pipe and
If the simulation name is blank, the software uses the
default simulation.
The list of model instances is always in alphabetical

SCModelState Model, Sim Returns the solved status of the model.

If the simulation name is blank, the software uses the
default simulation.

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Excel Function Arguments Output

SCSetValue Value, Model, Sets the value of a specified variable or parameter.

Var/Par, UOM,
If the simulation name is blank, the software uses the
default simulation.

SCSnapDesc Sim, Snap Returns the description of a specified snapshot.

If the simulation name is blank, the software uses the
default simulation. If the snapshot name is blank, the
software returns the description of the default snapshot.

SCSolState Sim, Snap Returns the simulation solved status.

If the simulation name is blank, the software uses the
default simulation. If the snapshot name is blank, the
software returns the solved status of the simulation.

SCUOM Model, Var/Par, Returns the UOM associated with the variable or
UOM Slate, Sim parameter.
If the UOM Slat e is blank, the software uses the default
UOM Slate.

SCValue Model, Var/Par, Returns the value of a variable or paramet er.

UOM, Sim, Snap
If the simulation name is blank, the software uses the
default simulation. If the snapshot name is blank, the
software uses the default snapshot.

Example: Dragging a Formula to Populate an Excel Range

To populate an Excel range:
1. Enter the names of the models that you want as column headings.
2. Enter the names of variables as row headings.
3. Enter your formula in the parent cell, for ex ample, =SCVALUE(C$4,$A5,$B5,$C$1).
4. Click the border of the cell and drag either horizontally or vert ically to the cells to which you want to
apply the formula.
The formula in the parent cell will be applied to the cells included in the range.

Example: Create an Excel Report Template

This is a very simple example in which we use the following Excel functions to create a report template:

14 Version 3.2
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 SCModelList: We use this SimCentral Excel function to build a list of models that are available in the
 SCValue: We use this SimCentral Excel function to load the specific data that we are interested in.
This example us es the F1 - Flare Relief and F3 - Flare Relief wit h Mixed Fluids example simulations to
demonstrate how you can use an Excel report template to quickly view data for different simulations. We
use the default simulation in all SimCentral Excel functions so that we can quickly switch between
simulations. Before you attempt this example, you should import the F1 - Flare Relief and F3 - Flare
Relief wit h Mixed Fluids example simulations into SimCentral Simulation Platform.

Step 1: Building a List of Model Instances

In this example, we focus only on the Flare library and we create a list of models instances for each
Model Type in the Flare library. However, you can create additional lists of model instances for any
Model Type in any Model Library based on your needs.

Tip: Due to the large number of Model Types in each Model Library, you may want to create separate
worksheets for each Model Library that you work with. You can reuse these worksheets in your various
SimCent ral Excel reports.

For simplicity and quicker data loading, the list of models that we build in this example only includes up to
20 model instances of each Model Type in the Flare library. The more SimCentral Excel functions that
you include in your report, the longer the data takes to update when you switch the default simulation. If
the simulations that you plan to use with a particular report template include more than 20 instances of a
Model Type, you can expand the list as needed. However, you may want to be selective about the lists
that you expand so that the time the software takes to update your data does not become
To build a list of model instances:
1. Open a new SimCentral Excel report (that is, open a new Excel workbook with the SimCentral Excel
Add-in enabled).
2. Rename Sheet 1 to Flare Models.
3. On the SimCentral tab, in the Simulation group, click Set Default. The Set Default Simulation
dialog box appears.
4. In the list of simulations, select F1 -Flare Relief, and then click Set Default.
5. In A1 and B1, type Simulation and =SCDefSim(), respectively, to show the default simulation
you are currently working with. Format A1 and B1 as desired.
6. Create a list of index values by doing the following:
a. In A3, type Index.
b. Select Row 3 and change the formatting to distinguish the heading row.
c. In A4, type 1.
d. In A5, type 2.

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e. Select A4 to A5 and drag the lower right corner of t he selection to A23 to create a list of 1 through

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7. In B3 to P3, type the names of the main Model Types in the Flare library.

Tip: Model Types in different Model Libraries can have the same name but a different set of
variables and parameters. To ensure that your list of model instances only include model instances
that have the same set of variables and parameters, use the library -specific model name when you
specify the ModelType argument for the SCModelList function.

8. In B4, type =SCModelList(B$3,$A4).

9. Select B4 and drag the lower right corner of the cell across to P4. Cells B4 to P4 should still be
selected. Drag the lower right corner of the selection down to P23.
The list populates with the model instances in the default simulation. If the specified model instance
does not exist, the cell value appears as #N/A. You can set up conditional formatting to more easily
see the cells that contain model names instead of
To set up conditional formatting for cells that contain model names:
1. Select B4 to P23.
2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Conditional Formatting, and then click New Rule. The
New Formatting Rule dialog box appears.
3. In the Select a Rule Type list, select Format only cells that contain.
4. In the Edit the Rule Description area:
a. In the first list, select Cell Value.
b. In the second list, select not equal to.

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c. In the last box, type ="#N/A".

d. Click Format and select a formatting that will highlight the cells with model names.
5. Click OK.
The model names now appear more clearly.

Step 2: Creating the Report

For simplicity, we will create a report only for the following variables for all the Pipes in a Flare simulation:
 Inlet pressure (P1)
 Outlet pressure (P 2)
 Inlet temperature (T1)
 Outlet temperature (T2)
 Length (L)
 Diameter (D)
 Schedule (Sch)
We use the list of model instances that we built in Step 1 (see "Step 1: Building a List of Model Instances"
on page 15) to create a dynamic report that will updat e with the appropriate data when we change the
default simulation.

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To create the report:

1. On Sheet 2, in A1 through B5, set up the default information for your Excel report.
The following table shows these cell values:


1 Simulation =SCDefSim()

2 Snapshot =SCDefSnap()

3 UOM Slate =SCDefUOMSlat e()

4 Mode =SCMode("",B2)

5 Solution Status =SCSolState("",B2)

2. Select Rows 7 through 9 and change the formatting to distinguish the heading row.
3. In A7, type Pipe.
4. In B7 to H7, type the variable name for each variable of interest.
5. In B8 to H8, type descriptions for each variable.
6. In B9 to H9, type the UOMs that you want to use for each variable.

7. In A10, type =IF(CELL("type", 'Flare Models'!E4) = "l", 'Flare Models'!E4, "") .

8. Select A10 and drag the lower right corner of the cell down to A29.
The names of the Pipes in the current default simulation (F1 - Flare Relief) should appear in cells
A10 through A21.

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9. In B10, type =IF($A10<>"",SCValue($A10,B$7,B$9),"").

10. Select B10 and drag the lower right corner of the cell across to H10. Cells B4 to P4 should still be
selected. Drag the lower right corner of the selection down to H29.
The values for each variable for all of the pipes should appear.

11. Change the default simulation to the F3 - Flare Relief with Mixed Fluids simulation to verify that your
report template is working properly.

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The report now shows values for all the pipes in the F3 - Flare Relief with Mixed Fluids simulation.

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Glossary of Terms
The following terms are used in SimCentral, the product documentation, or the online help.
Application Ribbon
A horizontal ribbon that contains tabs to invoke P rocess, Fluid Flow and Dynamics simulation actions; set
simulation view preferences; and display the product help.
Auto Solve
The automatic solution of portions of a simulation when sufficient information is available.
A symbol next to a SimCentral object that describes its s tate to the user. For ex ample, in the P roperties
Inspector and Simulation Manager, objects like model instances, variables, and equations have badges
to indicate an error status with tooltips that describe the nature of the error.
Calculated Variable
A variable with a value that is not specified by the user and with its specification box unchecked. The
solver determines the value of calculated variables.
The graphical representation of the Flowsheet on which models are placed and connected to build a
The computer us ed to run the user interfac e and that connects to the server computer.
An object defined by the Model Writer within the Model Editor which evaluates a boolean expression
composed of parameters. When conditions are used in a simulation, they describe the variables,
equations, and submodels that are used by the model instance based on parameter selections made by
the Simulation Builder.
An object that provides the numeric al equivalence of variables that it connects. Connections between
model Instances wit h the same Port Type define variable streams that represent the material flowing
between the models. See Variable Connections and Paramet er Connections.
Connection Model
A library model that looks like a connector on the Canvas. Typical connection models are Pipes and

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The graphical representation of a connection on the Canvas.
Descriptive text provided by the Model Writer for models and their parameters, variables, and equations,
or by the Simulation Builder for model i nstances placed on the Canvas. Descriptions can normally be
viewed by mouse-over tooltips.
Dynamic Attribute
A variable attribute for a Dynamic simulation. Possible values are state variables, operated on by the
der() function, and time-derivative variables creat ed by the der() operator.
Dynamics Mode
A Simulation Mode that solves both algebraic and time -derivative equations over successive integration
time steps.
See Model Editor, Port Editor, and Fluid Editor.
Enumerated Parameter
A type of parameter wit h text-based options that are selectable by the Simulation Builder.
An object that describes the mathematical relationship of variables and real parameters. Model Writers
add equations to Model Types through the Model Editor. Simulation Builders may also create
Flowsheet-level equations using the Simulation Manager.
An object defined by the Model Writer within the Model Editor that defines an external DLL in which
variable relationships reside.
Fluid Editor
A configuration editor used by Simulation B uilders to modify the fluids used by a simulation.
Fluid Flow Mode
A pressure-driven steady state Simulation Mode. Fluid Flow Mode is defined by the collection of variable
specifications which typically invoke a simultaneous net work solution.
Fluid State (Instance)
An instance of a Fluid State submodel whose variables represent the thermodynami c state of that fluid
instance through values such as temperature, pressure, and enthalpy.
Fluid State (Model Type)
A Model Type that represents fluid behavior. Used as a submodel in process equipment Model Ty pes.
Fluid Type
A Fluid Type describes the thermodynamic behavior assigned to model instances in a simulation.

24 Version 3.2
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Free Variable
See Calc ulated Variable.
Visible, equally-s paced vertical and horizontal lines on the Canvas that can be used to align objects.
Group Box
An area within the Roles Manager, Properties Inspector, and editors to which columns are dragged to
group data. When empty, the Group Box reads "group by area" and "Drag a field here to group by that
Guide Lines
A vertical or horizontal line that appears on the simulation Canvas when a model instance being moved
is adjacent to another. Used to help align model instances with one another.
History Manager
An editor that allows you t o define the frequency and quantity of simulation dat a that you want to save for
historical reference.
The graphical symbol that defines the appearance of all Model Types, Port Types, and Fluid Types on
the Canvas.
Integer Parameter
A Parameter that contains integer values. Integer parameters, such as the number of ports, are used to
configure models.
Invariant Attribute
A Variable and Parameter attribute that indicates the value does not change when you revert a
simulation to an earlier snapshot.
Keyword View
The detailed information pane of the Simulation Manager, which allows modification of a selected object.
See Model Library.
See Simulation Manager, UOM Manager, Snapshot Manager, and Role Manager.
The solution mode of a simulation that includes a collection of predefined variable specifications and, in
some cases, special solvers.

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Model Editor
The configuration editor used by Model Writers to define Model Types.
Model (Instance)
The mathematical relations hips defined by a Model Type composed of paramet ers, variables, and
equations that define a specific unit operation, such as a valve or pump that exists within a Flowsheet.
Model Library
A collection of Model Types, Fluid Types, Curve Types, and Port Types residing in the Repository, or a
single simulation-specific Model Library residing with a simulation.
Model Library (Display)
A UI component that displays Model Libraries, shapes, and referenc es that can be dragged onto the
A paramet er that contains integer values. Integer parameters can be used to configure a model, such as
defining how many ports it has.
The act of writing a Model Type.
Not Solved Variable Attribute
A Variable attribute that indicates that the variable is invalid, stale, or otherwise incorrect and should not
be used. Not solved variables are indic ated in grey strike-through text.
An object that repres ents the static values of a simulation. Model Writers can add parameters using the
Model Editor and Simulation Builders can add parameters through the Simulation Mana ger. See Real
Parameter, Enumerated Parameter, Integer Parameter and Fluid Type.
Parameter Connection
A parameter connection is defined in the Model Editor to directionally transfer parameter values through
port connections. Parameter connections of a special parameter type called FluidTy pe are used to
transfer fluid information to connected models.
Parameter Connection
A way of connecting parameters across ports and submodels to trans fer parameter values, such as Fluid
Port Editor
The configuration editor used by Model Writers to define Port Ty pes.
Port Type
A defined collection of variables that define the stream connection information bet ween model instances
connected by identical Port Types.
Process Mode
Process Mode performs steady state simulations to create and improve process design
An object which graphically displays scalar and vector data.

26 Version 3.2
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Properties Inspector
A model instance property view accessed through the Canvas or Simulation Manager that allows
Simulation Builders to inspect and configure model instances.
Quick Filter
A disposable Simulation Manager filter created for the immediat e search of an object in the Simulation
Manager. Save it if you want to use it again.
Real Parameter
A parameter that contains real numerical values (not integers or enumerations) and is defined using
Variable Types. Real parameters can be used in equations, but are treated as a fix ed value. A typical real
parameter could be Pi with the value 3.14159.
The storage location of simulations, Model Libraries, and Variable Types on the server to which all
SimCent ral users of that server have access.
Repository Manager
The UI component that displays simulations in the Repository.
Required Variable Attribute
A variable attribute for which a Simulation Builder must provide a numerical value.
Reset Snapshot
A function that resets only the calculated values of a previously captured Snapshot. The variable
specifications and real parameters of the simulation being reset are not changed.
Revert Snapshot
A function that reverts the variable specifications, both specified and calculated variable values, and real
parameter values of a previously captured Snapshots.
A set of controls at the top of the UI where common user operations are grouped.
Your role wit hin SimCentral. You can select Model Writing, which is the creation and modification of
Model Types, or Simulation Building, which is the use of existing Model Types within a simulation.
Additional roles may be defined in the Role Manager.
Roles Manager
A manager used to modify default roles and add new roles.
Scenario Manager
An editor that allows you to manually script, automatically record and run simulation actions.
Set By User Variable Attribute
A Variable attribute that is set when the Simulation Builder enters a value for a specified variable.

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Primitive drawing objects, such as squares or circles, that can be dragged from the Shapes Model
Library to the Canvas.
SimCentral Button

The SimCentral Button contains options to create, import, open, rename, copy, delete, and export
SimCentral Server
The computer us ed to host the solver and the Repository.
A collection of Flowsheets and their connected model instanc es that define a process.
Simulation Building
The act of building a simulation using existing Model Types.
Simulation Canvas
See Canvas.
Simulation Manager
A hierarchical view of a simulation that allows the Simulation B uilder to explore and modify the simulation
and its objects.
The collection of simulation dat a saved with the simulation that defines the variable specifications,
variable values, and real parameter values. A Snapshot is used to reset or revert a simulation state as it
existed at the point that it was saved.
Snapshot Manager
The UI component that lets you manage existing simulations and capture new ones.
The soft ware component that solves the mathematical relationships of a simulation.
Specified Variable
A variable with a value specified by the Simulation Builder and with its specification box checked. The
solver does not change the value of specified variables.
State Variable
A Variable with the dynamic attribut e "State Value," whose value is calculated by the evaluation and
integration of its time derivative.
Status Bar
The single line display at the bottom of the user interface which provides system status information.
A Submodel is a model which is part of another model, such as a Fluid State submodel. Typically,
submodels are defined so that they can be reused across many different models.

28 Version 3.2
Glossary of Terms SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Reporting Guide

A collection of text, background, and highlighting colors that can be selected per user preference.
Themes include Dark, Light, and Windows.
Thermo Type
The implementation that SimCentral uses to determine the Fluid State's properties, such as SimSci
Thermodynamics, an external DLL, or a named set of Equations in the Fluid State Submodel.
An object which graphically displays the time-dependent behavior of a variable during a dynamic
See Model Types, Variable Types, Port Types, and Fluid Types.
UOM Categories
A sortable grouping of relat ed Variable Types for the purpose of updating their display UOM in a UOM
UOM Manager
A manager used to create and manage UOM Slates.
UOM Slate
A collection of UOM settings for all Variable Types, typically representative of a specific count ry or
industry. SI is a standard UOM Slate which comes with SimCentral.

Version 3.2 29

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