SimCentral Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

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SimCentral™ Simulation Platform

Simulation Building Guide

Version 3.2
March 2019
© 2019 AVEVA Group plc and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, rec ording, or otherwise, without the prior written
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Although precaution has been taken in the preparation of this documentation, AVEVA assumes no
responsibility for errors or omissions. The information in this documentation is subject to change without
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documentation is furnished under a license agreement. This soft ware may be used or copied only in
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Publication date: Tuesday, March 26, 2019
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To analyze and report proper variable specification, SimCent ral Simulation Platform makes use of
CSPARSE, a library of direct methods for sparse linear systems by Timothy Davis. CSPARSE is free
software and is distribut ed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
( as published by the Free Software Foundation.
The source code for CSPARSE is available at
SimCent ral Simulation Platform us es KLU as its linear equation solver. KLU is an open-source solver
package with a focus on solving sparse linear systems of equations. Timothy A. Davis distributes K LU as
part of the SuiteSparse software ( under the GNU Lesser General Public
License and a University of Florida copyright.
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 1 Getting Started..................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 2 User Interface .................................................................................................... 11
Roles ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Filtering Capabilities by Role .............................................................................................. 13
Opening the Roles Manager......................................................................................... 13
Creating or Modifying a Role ........................................................................................ 13
Viewing a Hidden Model, Submodel or Port ........................................................................ 15
User Interface Badging ............................................................................................................ 16
Simulation and User Preferences ............................................................................................. 18
Monitoring the Solved Status of a Simulation ............................................................................ 18
Navigating the Canvas ............................................................................................................ 21
Printing the Canvas ................................................................................................................. 22
Floating, Docking and Hiding Windows ..................................................................................... 24
Showing and Hiding Model Libraries ........................................................................................ 26
Copying and Pasting Models or Shapes ................................................................................... 27
Connecting Models on the Simulation Canvas .......................................................................... 28
Filtering Variables and Parameters........................................................................................... 29
Adding a Variable Referenc e to the Canvas .............................................................................. 30
Creating a Flows heet Equation on the Canvas .......................................................................... 30
Modifying the Simulation Canvas Appearance .......................................................................... 31
Defining Global Parameters and Vari ables ................................................................................ 32
Finding an Object in the Flowsheet........................................................................................... 33
Managing the Default User Interface Layout and Appearance Preferences ................................. 33
Managing the Connector Appearance ...................................................................................... 33
Changing the Connector Ty pe ................................................................................................. 34
Managing the Variable Reference Appearance ......................................................................... 36
Managing the Flowsheet Equation Appearance on the Canvas .................................................. 36
Undoing and Redoing Simulation Changes ............................................................................... 37
Opening SimCentral TDM ........................................................................................................ 38

Repository ............................................................................................................................... 39
Basic Simulation Tasks ........................................................................................................... 40
Managing Simulations ....................................................................................................... 40

Version 3.2 5
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Contents

Importing and Exporting Simulations................................................................................... 41

Closing a Simulation.......................................................................................................... 41

Simulation Modes ................................................................................................................... 43

Process Mode......................................................................................................................... 43
Fluid Flow Mode ..................................................................................................................... 44
Dynamics Mode ...................................................................................................................... 44
Switching Between Modes ....................................................................................................... 44
Enabling or Disabling Automatic Solving (Auto Solve) ............................................................... 45
Changing the Speed of a Dynamics Run .................................................................................. 45
Resetting the Run Time to Zero ............................................................................................... 46

Simulation Manager ............................................................................................................... 47

Filtering Simulation Manager Results ....................................................................................... 48
Applying a Simulation Manager Quick Filter ........................................................................ 48
Showing and Hiding Changed Variable Specifications ............................................................... 49
Expanding Multi-Component Array Equations and Variables ...................................................... 50

Keyword View ......................................................................................................................... 53

Understanding How the Simulation Manager and Keyword View Work Together ......................... 54
Expanding and Modifying Variable A rrays ................................................................................. 55

Properties Inspector ............................................................................................................... 57

Opening the Properties Inspector ............................................................................................. 58
Filtering Variables and Parameters........................................................................................... 58
Sorting or Grouping Variables .................................................................................................. 59
Using Fluid Types ................................................................................................................... 61
Expanding and Modifying Variable A rrays ................................................................................. 62
Defining Favorite Variables and Parameters ............................................................................. 63
Defining Invariant Parameters and Variables ............................................................................ 63
Returning to Previously Specified Invariant Values .................................................................... 64
Changing the Tracking for Global Parameters and Variables ..................................................... 64

Messages Panel ..................................................................................................................... 67

Fluid Editor .............................................................................................................................. 69
Opening the Fluid Editor .......................................................................................................... 70
Configuring a Fluid Type.......................................................................................................... 70
Configuring Single-Component Fluid Types .............................................................................. 72
Configuring an Equation-bas ed Fluid Type ............................................................................... 72
Configuring an Isomeric Hydrogen Fluid Type ........................................................................... 75
Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That Uses an Equation of State .................................... 77
Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That Uses the NRTL, UNIQUA C, or Wilson Method ....... 79

6 Version 3.2
Contents SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That Uses the Dortmund UNIFA C Method ..................... 82
Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That Uses the Grayson -Streed or Improved Grayson-Streed
Method .................................................................................................................................. 85
Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That Uses the Regular Solution Model .......................... 87
Adding Components to a Compositional Fluid Type ................................................................... 90
Changes to the Enthalpy Basis and Reference State for Components ........................................ 91
Data Banks for a Fluid ............................................................................................................. 93
Component Picker .................................................................................................................. 96
Filtering Components in the Component Browser ...................................................................... 96
Copying a Fluid Type to a Simulation ....................................................................................... 97
Associating a New Icon with a Fluid Type ................................................................................. 98

Curve Editor ............................................................................................................................ 99

Opening the Curve Editor ...................................................................................................... 100
Defining Variables and Plotting Curve Points .......................................................................... 100
Scaling Curve Data ............................................................................................................... 101
Managing Points on the Curve Chart ...................................................................................... 101
Adding a Background Image to Help Accurately Replicat e a Curve .......................................... 103
Defining the Maximum and Minimum Curve Chart Axis Values ................................................. 107

Mini Inspector........................................................................................................................ 109

Working with the Mini Inspector.............................................................................................. 110
Copying and Pasting between Excel and the Mini Inspector ..................................................... 110

Trends .................................................................................................................................... 113

Managing Trends .................................................................................................................. 113
Configuring Trends................................................................................................................ 114

Profiles ................................................................................................................................... 117

Managing Profiles ................................................................................................................. 117
Configuring Profiles ............................................................................................................... 119

Tables..................................................................................................................................... 123
Managing Tables .................................................................................................................. 124

Groups.................................................................................................................................... 127
Sorting the Property Ins pector by Groups ............................................................................... 127

Units of Measure (UOM) and UOM Slates ....................................................................... 131

Opening the UOM Manager ................................................................................................... 132
Creating UOM Slates ............................................................................................................ 132
Sorting the UOM Manager ..................................................................................................... 134
Copying a UOM Slate............................................................................................................ 134
Deleting a UOM Slate............................................................................................................ 134

Version 3.2 7
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Contents

Specifying a Default UOM Slat e ............................................................................................. 135

Snapshots.............................................................................................................................. 137
Opening the Snapshot Manager............................................................................................. 138
Managing Snaps hots in the Snapshot Manager ...................................................................... 138
Specified Snapshot Values .................................................................................................... 140
Managing Snaps hots on the Ribbon ....................................................................................... 141

Scenario Manager ................................................................................................................ 143

Opening the Scenario Manager.............................................................................................. 144
Managing Scenarios ............................................................................................................. 144
Recording a Scenario ............................................................................................................ 145
Running a Scenario............................................................................................................... 146
Understanding Command Arguments ..................................................................................... 147

Optimization Sets ................................................................................................................. 149

Opening the Optimization Set Manager .................................................................................. 149
Managing Optimization Sets .................................................................................................. 150
Changing the Independent Status of a Variable in an Optimization Set ..................................... 151

External Data Manager ....................................................................................................... 153

Connecting to an OS Isoft PI Server ........................................................................................ 154
Managing Tag Collections ..................................................................................................... 156
Changing the Time Selection for a Tag Collection ................................................................... 160

History Manager ................................................................................................................... 163

Opening the History Manager ................................................................................................ 163
Managing the Collection of Data in the History Manager .......................................................... 164
Managing Historical Data in the Snapshot Manager ................................................................ 164

Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................................ 167

8 Version 3.2
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Getting Started
This section is intended to provide you with a high -level overview on using SimCentral Simulation
Platform to build Simulations. In refers to the various concepts and topics in this document.
For information on writing Model Types, refer to the Model Writing Guide.
Defining Your Role
Based on your role, you can begin writing models or building simulations. When you select a role, certain
elements will be filtered out of the UI. You can create a custom role or switch roles using the Role
Building Simulations
Simulations are saved to the Repository on page 39, where Model Library and UOM Slates are also
stored. The Repository can be stored on your local machine, or on a shared server. SimCentral
Simulation Plat form manages access to simulations in the Repository through a Repository Manager.
SimCent ral Simulation Platform includes three Simulation Modes on page 43: Proc ess Mode on page
43, Fluid Flow Mode on page 44 and Dynamics Mode on page 44. Process mode performs steady state
simulations to create and improve proc ess design, Fluid Flow mode is a steady state simulator that
models piping networks and Dynamics mode simulates system transients over time. You can create a
simulation in Process mode, for example, and switch it to Fluid Flow mode by changing the mode.
Understanding the Simulation Building Components
The Canvas is where you build a visual representation of your simulation. You can drag models onto the
Canvas, connect them using connectors and ports and add a trend and variable references to it.
The Simulation Manager is a hierarchical view of your simulation and the models contained within it. You
can use the Simulation Manager to view or add models, paramet ers, variables, equations, submodels,
connectors and ports of a flowsheet. The Keyword View allows you to view and edit objects selecte d in
the Simulation Manager. When you select a simulation object in the Simulation Manager, the Keyword
View displays a det ailed view of your selection; you can edit specific variables and parameter values.
The Properties Inspector on page 57 allows you quickly to view and edit models from the Canvas without
needing to open the Model Editor.
After you have built a simulation, you can add a Trends on page 113 to it. Trends plot the time history of
a variable in Dynamics Mode. You can manage trends in SimCentral Simulation Platform through the
Trend Manager. You can modify the look and feel of a trend and your changes will be automatically
saved and visible on the Trend Chart.

Version 3.2 9
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Getting Started

Simulation Building Workflow

The following diagram illustrates a plausible simulation building scenario.

10 Version 3.2
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

User Interface
About the User Interface
The SimCentral Simulation Platform user interfac e allows you to write models, build simulations, and
view results. The user interface is intuitive so that you can easily navigate it. As a result, the SimCentral
Simulation Plat form documentation does not include tasks that are easily understood through the user
The SimCentral Simulation Platform user interfac e is composed of several windows that you can dock,
undock, float or hide. You can change the layout of the windows and your preferences will aut omatically
be saved and displayed the next time you load SimCentral Simulation Platform.

The SimCentral Button allows you to create, import, open, rename, copy, delete, and export
The Application Ribbon contains tabs to help you invok e proc ess, fluid flow, and dynamics simulation
actions; set view preferences; and display the product help. You can switch between tabs at any time.
The Model Library is where Model Ty pes, Fluid Types, Curve Types, and Port Types are stored. It is
housed within a repository on a shared server or on your local machine. Multiple people can access and
save items in the Model Library in a shared repository.
The Model Editor is where you create and modify Model Types representing process equipment,
controls, and other mathematical relationships.
The Fluid Editor (not pictured) is where you modify Fluid Types representing the fluids used in your
The Port Editor (not pictured) is where you define how models are connected.
The Curve Editor (not pictured) is where you define and modify Curve Types, which establish
dependencies between variables.

Version 3.2 11
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide User Interface

The Mini Inspector (not pictured) is where you quickly view and modify variable specifications and
values on the Canvas.
Through the Canva s, you can build a process simulation composed of the model types in the Model
Library. You can zoom in to, out from, or pan the Canvas.
The Simulation Manager provides an hierarchical tree view of your simulation and the models
contained within it. You can expand items in the tree, specify variables, view the state of equations,
modify variable and parameter values, and more. The Simulation Manager can be modified for your role,
or filtered using custom filters.
The Snapshot Manager allows you to capture, rename, and delete Snapshots, provide a description,
and select a Snapshot to load to return to a previous state.
The Scenario Manager (not pictured) is where you script detailed scenarios so that you can perform a
simulation without manually executing the steps on your own.
The Hi story Manager (not pictured) is where you define the frequency and quantity of simulation data
that you want to save for historical reference.
Through the Keyword View, you can quickly view and edit data when you select a simulation object in
the Simulation Manager. The Key word View displays a detailed view of your selection.
The Propertie s Inspector allows you to quickly view and edit model data for models on the Canvas.
The Me ssages Panel displays a consolidated list of the error and warning messages on the Canvas.
The Status Bar displays server connectivity information, the product version and more.
The Create a new simulation tab (not pictured) contains a list of simulation templates that you use to
create a new simulation. This tab appears when you first open SimCent ral Simulation Platform, when
you create a new simulation by using the SimCentral Button, and when you create a new simulation by
clicking beside an existing simulation tab on the Canvas.

In This Chapter
Roles ........................................................................................................................................... 13
User Interface Badging.................................................................................................................. 16
Simulation and User Preferences ................................................................................................... 18
Monitoring the Solved Status of a Simulation .................................................................................. 18
Navigating the Canvas .................................................................................................................. 21
Printing the Canvas....................................................................................................................... 22
Floating, Docking and Hiding Windows........................................................................................... 24
Showing and Hiding Model Libraries .............................................................................................. 26
Copying and Pasting Models or Shapes ......................................................................................... 27
Connecting Models on the Simulation Canvas ................................................................................ 28
Filtering Variables and Parameters ................................................................................................ 29
Adding a Variable Referenc e to the Canvas ................................................................................... 30
Creating a Flows heet Equation on the Canvas ................................................................................ 30
Modifying the Simulation Canvas Appearance ................................................................................ 31
Defining Global Parameters and Variables ..................................................................................... 32
Finding an Object in the Flowsheet ................................................................................................ 33
Managing the Default User Interface Layout and Appearance Preferences ....................................... 33
Managing the Connector Appearance ............................................................................................ 33
Changing the Connector Ty pe ....................................................................................................... 34
Managing the Variable Reference Appearance ............................................................................... 36
Managing the Flowsheet Equation Appearance on the Canvas ........................................................ 36
Undoing and Redoing Simulation Changes ..................................................................................... 37
Opening SimCentral TDM ............................................................................................................. 38

12 Version 3.2
User Interface SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

This section describes how you can select a specific role and filter out content that is not relevant to you.

Filtering Capabilities by Role

SimCent ral Simulation Platform uses roles to hide unnecessary detail and capabilities that you will likely
not need. You can change your role selection, or remove role filtering at a later time, from the Start tab.
SimCent ral Simulation Platform comes with three built-in roles:
 No Role: For users who will be writing models and writing simulations.
 Simulation Building: For users who will be using existing Model Libraries to build and solve
 Model Writing: For users who will be creating or modifying Model Types in Model Libraries
To select a role:
Click the Start tab and select a different role from the Roles section. If you do not want to define a role,
you can select No Role.

If you select a task-specific role, the capabilities of SimCentral Simulation Platform outside of the role will
be filtered out.
When you create a role, it is saved in the <drive>:\ProgramData\SimSci\Custom directory, and will be
retained if you uninstall and reinstall SimCentral Simulation Platform.

Opening the Roles Manager

To display the Roles Manager:
1. Click the Start tab.

2. In the Roles group, click Create and modify Roles .

Creating or Modifying a Role

You can create or modify a role to hide unnecessary detail and capabilities you will likely not perform.
To create or modify a role:
1. Open the Roles Manager.

Version 3.2 13
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide User Interface

2. Click or select an existing role.

3. Enter the Name of the role.

4. Select the appropriat e check box to show the Process tab, Fluid Flow tab, or Dynamics tab in the
user interface.
5. Select the appropriat e check box to show editing options for Model Library help and properties.
6. Select the appropriat e check box to show hidden Model Types in the Library Manager.
7. Select the appropriat e check box to allow editing in the Model Library.
8. Select the appropriat e check box to display only favorites in your simulation.
9. Click the Sim Manager Filter list, and select Simulation Building, Model Writing, the name of a
previously saved filter, or Create Filter.
 If you select Simulation Building, Model Writing, or a previously saved filter, the settings for
the role will automatically be applied to the Simulation Manager view. You may then close the
Roles Manager.
 If you select Create Filter, refer to Creating a Quick Filter for a Role on page 14. After creating
your Quick Filter, select it from the Sim Manager Filter list for your new role.

Creating a Quick Filter for a Role

The Simulation Manager Quick Filter can be used to configure what is shown by the Simulation Manager,
based on your chosen role.

14 Version 3.2
User Interface SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

To create a new Quick Filter for a role:

1. From within the Roles Manager, click the drop-down field in the Sim Manager Filter column to which
you want to apply a filter and select Create Filter.... The Quick Filter dialog displays:

Note: If you do not see the options shown above, first select an existing Quick Filter from the
drop-down at the top of the Quick Filter dialog.

2. Define your filter:

a. Check a category's checkbox to include all items within that category, or uncheck to hide them.
b. To include or exclude specific items, expand a category by clicking the chevron (>) first. You may
then select individual items within that category for inclusion or exclusion.
c. You may also check the box marked Show/Hide All to display all item types regardless of other
selections/checkboxes, or uncheck it to rely on the individual selections below it.
3. Enter a name for this Quick Filter in the Save Quick Filter as: text box.
4. Click Save.
Your Quick Filter is now ready to be applied to the Simulation Manager based on the role from the Roles
Manager's Sim Manager Filter drop-down.

Viewing a Hidden Model, Submodel or Port

The Roles Manager allows you to show or hide a specific model, submodel, or port in the Model Library
that is marked as hidden in the Model Editor or Port Editor.
To view a hidden model, submodel or port:
1. Launch the Roles Manager from the application ribbon.

2. Select the role for which you want to view a model, submodel or port, and ensure that the
checkbox is checked.

Version 3.2 15
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide User Interface

User Interface Badging

To convey information in an intuitive way close to the source of the problem, SimCentral Simulation
Platform dynamically badges objects displayed on the us er interface.
As a rule of thumb, green badges signify a good, solvable state or default data, blue badges signify that
something has been set or touc hed by a user, yellow badges indicat e a warning state and red badges
mean that there is an error.
The following table lists the variety of badges used in SimCentral Simulation Platform, and what each
badge means.

Badge or
Where Found Applies To Description

Model Editor, Fluid Parameters, The item is OK.

Editor, Port Editor conditions,
variables, equations,
models, ports, and

Model Editor, Fluid Parameters, The item contains a problem.

Editor, Port Editor conditions, Hover over the badge for more
connections, information.
variables, equations,
models, ports, and

Simulation Manager Equations The equation is part of a system of

equations that is correctly
specified and can be solved.

Simulation Manager Equations The equation is part of a system of

equations that cannot be solved.
Hover over the badge to see more

Simulation Manager, Variables, Default data or action that may be

Properties Inspector, parameters overridden.
Keyword View
The badge is not displayed in the
Simulation Manager or Key word
View, but it is displayed in the
Property Inspector.

Simulation Manager, Variables, Required data must be supplied or

Properties Inspector, parameters, Canvas confirm the current value.
Mini Inspector,
You can also recover the value
from a snaps hot. If the variable is
invariant, you can use the recover
invariant data option from the
Snapshot Manager.

16 Version 3.2
User Interface SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Simulation Manager, Variables, User-supplied data is outside of

Properties Inspector, parameters, Canvas normal limits.
Keyword View,
simulation Canvas

Canvas, Simulation Models Equipment model refers to a

Manager Model Type that cannot be found.
The model can still be solved
unless the red " X" (not solved)
badge is displayed.

Simulation Manager, Variables, User-supplied data; entry

Properties Inspector, parameters satisfied.
Keyword View
The badge is not displayed in the
Simulation Manager or Key word
View, but it is displayed in the
Properties Inspector.

Properties Inspector, Equations, model The equation or model instance is

Simulation Manager, instances not solved.
Keyword View,
Canvas variable
references, Mini

Properties Inspector, Variable values The variable value is not solved.

Simulation Manager,
Keyword View,
Canvas variable
references, Mini

Simulation Manager, Variable No checkbox indicates that the

Keyword View, specification variable is calculated.
Properties Inspector,
A checkbox indicates that the
Mini Inspector
value of the variable is specified.

Simulation Manager, Variable A black checkbox background

Properties Inspector, specification indicates that you cannot change
Mini Inspector the Specified status for the
variable. For example, if the
variable is calculated, you cannot
change the variable to a specified
If you need to change the
Specified status for the variable, a
model writer must modify the
model so that you can change the

Version 3.2 17
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide User Interface

Simulation Manager, Variable The equipment model is either

Keyword View, specification overspecified or underspecified.
Properties Inspector, The red checkbox background
Mini Inspector indicates that this variable can be
checked (or unchecked) t o get you
closer to a properly-specified

Simulation Manager, Variable The blue and red box indicates

Keyword View, Specification that you have overidden the
Properties Inspector, variable and that it is also
Mini Inspector over/under specified.

Simulation Manager, Variable The blue checkbox background

Keyword View, specification indicates that you have changed
Properties Inspector, the specified or calculated status
Mini Inspector so that it is now different from the
original (default) setting defined in
the Model Editor.

Simulation and User Preferences

SimCent ral Simulation Platform supports user and simulation preferences.
You can change user preference s, such as the Canvas background or display theme, and keep the
preferences you select when you work with different simulations. When you change a user preference,
the change is automatically saved and will remain when you close and restart SimCentral Simulation
Simulation preferences, such as choosing to display model and connector labels, are saved on a
per-simulation basis; for example, if you choose to hide model labels on simulation A, but want to display
them on simulation B, each preference will be saved in the simulation to which it applies.

Monitoring the Solved Status of a Simulation

You can monitor that your simulation and its components are solved via the Simulation Manager and
Properties Inspector.
To check that a simulation is solved:
Refer to the Solution Status section of any of the SimCent ral Simulation Platform tabs other than the
Help tab to check if the simulation currently displayed on the Canvas is solved. This feature analyzes the
simulation as a whole to indicate the following, from left to right:
 The simulation's required data has been confirmed
 The simulation is properly specified
 The solution is solved

18 Version 3.2
User Interface SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

For example, the following indicates a solved simulation in which all three of these criteria are met:

While the following indicates an unsolved simulation in which none of the criteria are met:

To correct a simulation:
1. Refer to the Simulation Manager. When a simulation is unsolved, a red badge appears next to the
simulation, the main Flowsheet, and the Canvas object(s) responsible for the unsolved status. Hover
the mouse pointer over the badge for details.
The icon indicates that required data is not provided.
The icon indicates that the simulation is unsolved because it is not properly specified.
In the example below, the Flowsheet displays an unsolved status, indicating that the " Cont rolValve2"
Canvas object requires user input.

Version 3.2 19
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide User Interface

2. Open the Properties Inspector on the responsible Canvas object(s) to correct the variable(s)
responsible for the status. Variables responsible for causing an unsolved status due to improper
specification will display a red background in their checkboxes. In this case, you may want to add a
checkbox to Q, to DP, or possibly both. Knowing what to check depends on your understanding of
the problem you are trying to solve.

Note: The S column indicates the (user) specified, or automatically calculat ed, status of a variable. If
checked, the variable is user-specified. If unchecked, the variable is calculated by SimCentral
Simulation Plat form.

3. Correct the indic ated item(s ) by specifying appropriat e values.

4. Once you have corrected the item(s) responsible for the unsolved status, the red badges are
removed from the Simulation Manager and the Properties Ins pector.

20 Version 3.2
User Interface SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

A solved simulation displays as follows in the Simulation Manager:

Navigating the Canvas

You can zoom in to, out from, and pan the Canvas.
To navigate the Canvas using the Canvas controls:
1. Open or create a new simulation.
2. Locate the Canvas cont rols on the right -hand side of the Canvas pane.

3. Click Zoom-In or Zoom -Out to increase or dec rease the size of the Canvas, click Pan
to navigate the Canvas, or click Reset to reset the Canvas to its default orientation.
To navigate the Canvas using the Overview:
1. Open or create a new simulation.

2. Locate the Overview bar in the lower right corner of the Canvas.

3. Click the arrow to open the Overview. You will see a small view of the entire simulation. The
blue rectangle indicates the portion that is visible in the Canvas window.
4. Drag the blue rectangle to navigate the Canvas.
5. Drag one of the corners of the blue rectangle to increase or decrease the size of the Canvas.

Version 3.2 21
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide User Interface

6. Click the arrow to close the Overview.

When you close a simulation, your Canvas orient ation settings will not be saved.

Printing the Canvas

You can print the Canvas, which you can then share with others who may not have access to your
SimCent ral Simulation Platform repository. You can also use the print features to export the Canvas as a
.pdf file. To do this, you should change the printer to a PDF print er, for example, the Micros oft Print to
PDF printer that is included with Windows 10 op erating systems.
You can use a number of different settings and paper sizes to make the printed Canvas image more

Acti vity Directions

Printing the canvas On the Start tab, in the Printing group, click Print
options . The Print Options dialog box
appears. Click Print.

Viewing the page breaks On the Start tab, in the Printing group, click Page
break . Boxes appear on the Canvas that
indicate what each page will contain when you print
the Canvas.

22 Version 3.2
User Interface SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Acti vity Directions

Changing the page orientation On the Start tab, in the Printing group, select either
Portrait or Landscape.

Changing the page size On the Start tab, in the Printing group, in the list
box, select a standard paper size.

Changing the page scaling On the Start tab, in the Printing group, move the
Page Scale slider to adjust the scaling of the
Canvas compared to the page size. We recommend
that you view the page breaks on the Canvas when
you adjust the scaling.

Viewing the print preview On the Start tab, in the Printing group, click Print
options . The Print Options dialog box
appears. The Print Preview pane contains a
preview of the print job.

Applying a stretch option On the Start tab, in the Printing group, click Print
options . The Print Options dialog box
appears. In the Print Stretch list, select one of the
following stretch options:
 None: Do not resize the Canvas image.
 Fill: Resize the Canvas image so that it fits
on a single page and entirely fills the page.
This may distort the image.
 Uniform : Lock the aspect ratio, resize the
Canvas image so that it fits on a single
page, and center the image on the page.
 UniformToFill: Lock the aspect ratio and
resize the Canvas image so that it fits on a
single page and entirely fills the page. If the
image does not have the same dimensions
as the page, SimCentral Simulation
Platform clips the image.

Changing the printer On the Start tab, in the Printing group, click Print
options . The Print Options dialog box
appears. Click Advanced. The Print dialog box
appears. In the Printer section, in the Name list,
select the printer that you want to use, and then click

Version 3.2 23
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide User Interface

Acti vity Directions

Printing more than one copy On the Start tab, in the Printing group, click Print
options . The Print Options dialog box
appears. Click Advanced. The Print dialog box
appears. In the Copies section, in the Number of
copies box, type or select the number of copies that
you want to print, and then click OK.

Floating, Docking and Hiding Windows

You can modify the layout of the SimCentral Simulation Plat form application windows to fit your
To modify the layout of the SimCentral Simulation Platform application windows:
1. Click the Window Position chevron button in the application window you want to float, dock or

24 Version 3.2
User Interface SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

2. If you select Floating, the application window will detach from the parent SimCentral Simulation
Platform client window.

Version 3.2 25
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide User Interface

3. If you select Dockable, when you move the detached application window, you will be presented with
several dock locations:

4. To dock the application window, drag and drop it onto one of the dock locations.

5. If you select Auto Hide, when the application window is not selected, it will be aut omatically nested
into the location in which it is docked. To display the application window, hover over its location.
6. If you select Hide, the window will be hidden.

Showing and Hiding Model Libraries

You can show or hide Model Libraries in your simulation. This allows you to quickly access the libraries
that you use most often and hide libraries that you rarely use. Typically, you should use as few lib raries
as possible for a single simulation.
26 Version 3.2
User Interface SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Note that if all the models in the Model Library are hidden from simulation builders, you cannot show the
Model Library when you are working under the Simulation Building role. See Hiding a Model or Port for
more information.
To show or hide Model Libraries:
1. On the Model Library pane, right-click the tab for a Model Library, and then click Show/Hide
Library. The Show/Hide Library dialog box appears.
2. Select or clear the Show check box for the appropriate Model Library.

Copying and Pasting Models or Shapes

You can select multiple models or shapes on the Canvas or Simulation Manager and copy and paste
The following rules apply when you copy and paste on the Canvas or Simulation Manager:
 All attributes and values are copied from the originating model, including the description,
parameter/ variable values, specifications, formatting, etc.
 Copied objects can be pasted multiple times
 Copied objects can be pasted into a different simulation
 You can use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V to perform copy and paste operations
 You can use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y to undo or redo the copy and paste operation.
To copy and paste a model or shape on the Canvas:
1. Right -click a single model or shape, or select multiple objects by clicking and dragging along the
2. Select Copy.

3. Right -click blank space on the Canvas and select Paste.

The model or shape will be pasted, and you can create connections to other objects.

Version 3.2 27
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide User Interface

Connecting Models on the Simulation Canvas

You can use connectors to connect models on the Canvas. You can also add models to a pre-existing
stream, provided that they have exactly one input and one output port (single or multiple) and that the
output ports match the connection type.
To connect models using connectors:
1. Browse to the Canvas.
2. Hover over a model.
The available ports will be highlighted.

3. Hover over an available port.

A targeting animation appears over the port.

4. Click and hold the port. While continuing to hold the mouse button, drag the end of the model
connector to the target model.
As you move the mouse over the target model, the available ports appear and are highlight ed.
5. Hover over the target port. A targeting animation appears over the port.

6. Release the mouse button to complete the connection.

After you have connected two models on the Canvas, you can reposition them and the connector will
shift with them.
To temporarily disconnect a model connector from a model:
 Click once on the connector to select it and then drag the desired end away from the model.

28 Version 3.2
User Interface SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

To connect a model to a pre-existing stream:

1. Click and drag a model onto a pre-existing stream.

2. Drop the model.

The existing stream becomes the inlet stream, and a stream is added from the newly inserted model to
the original destination.

Filtering Variables and Parameters

You can filter s pecific parameters and variables in the Properties Inspector or K eyword View to include or
exclude information when you are building a simulation. When you set a filter, the filter is saved and
automatically loaded when you launch SimCentral Simulation Plat form.
The following filter operat ors are supported by SimCentral Simulation Plat form: Equals, Not Equals, Less
than, Less than or equal to, Greater than, Greater than or equal to, Contains, Does not cont ain, Lik e
(wildc ards), Not lik e (wildcards), Match (regular expression), Does not match (regular expression), Starts
with, Does not start with, Ends with and Does not end with.
To set a filter:
1. Display the Properties Inspector or Keyword View, depending on where you want to filter a variable
or parameter. If you want to filter a variable or parameter in the Properties Inspector, expand the
Parameters or Variables section.

2. Click the On/Off Filter icon . A set of filters will display for each of the columns in the section or
view that contains the data set you are working with.
3. Click the filter icon directly underneath the column you want to filter and select a filter from the list that
displays. When you set a filter, the appropriate icon assigned to the filter will appear underneath the
column; for example, if you select Equals, will display. You can set individual filt ers on multiple

Version 3.2 29
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4. Click the filter chevron and select a filter criterion option from the list that displays. If you select
Custom, you can creat e custom, more granular filters to help filt er in or out the data you want to
display, such as the ability to add conditions, groups, etc. The options in the filter drop-down differ
depending on the type of filter you selected in step 3.

5. Click OK to set a custom filter.

The data in the columns will be filtered bas ed on the defined criteria.

Adding a Variable Reference to the Canvas

A Variable Reference is a reference to a variable that displays its value on the Canvas.
To add a variable reference to the Canvas, perform one of the following:
 Drag and drop a Variable Reference from the Model Library pane and type the name of an existing
 Drag and drop a Variable Reference from the Simulation Manager
 Drag and drop a Variable Reference from the Keyword View
 Drag and drop a Variable Reference from the Properties Inspector
After you have added the Variable Referenc e to the Canvas, you can modify its value and display units.

Note s: If a target variable is unavailable, the variable reference will display "N/A". Variable referenc es
also support array elements and parameters.

Creating a Flowsheet Equation on the Canvas

Flowsheet equations are equations that you add to your simulation to account for an additional
specification or requirement that you want to impose on the simulation.
For example, if you want to define a 5°F approach temperature on one side of a heat exchanger, you can
add the following equation to the Canvas:
HX1.Tto - HX2.Tsi = 5/1.8
You must specify the flowsheet equations in internal units of measure.

30 Version 3.2
User Interface SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

For each flowsheet equation that you add to your simulation, you must change one variable in the
simulation from specified to calculated. This ensures that your simulation remains square.
When you create a flowsheet equation, it automatically appears on the Canvas in its own movable box.
You can rename the flowsheet equation and define its formula within this box.
To create a flowsheet equation:
1. On the Model Library, on the Tool s tab, drag an Equation onto the Canvas.
Alternatively, in the Simulation Manager, right-click the Main flowsheet and then click Add Equation.
2. Rename the flowsheet equation if desired and define its formula.

Modifying the Simulation Canvas Appearance

The Edit/View tab provides options for modifying the appearanc e of the Canvas. This section outlines
the capabilities of showing or hiding model and connector labels, showing or hiding grids and guides,
changing the color of the Canvas and of Canvas objects, changing the color and st yle of connectors, and
changing the fonts used by Canvas objects and connectors.

Edit/View Tab Section Purpose

Color and Style Change the color of the Canvas and of Canvas
Change the color and style of connectors.

Format Text Change the fonts used by Canvas objects and


Grids and Guides Show or hide grids, rulers, and guides and choose
to "snap" items to the grid.

Show Show or hide the Simulation Manager, Keyword

View, Mini Inspector on page 109, Model Library,
Messages Panel on page 67, and Status Bar.

Data Entry Enables colored borders for dat a entry fields in

the Simulation Manager, Keyword View and
Properties Inspector.
Improper values (for ex ample, values that are not
square, or are out-of-bounds) are surrounded with
a yellow border.
Required input values that you have not
confirmed or changed are surrounded with a red

Labels Show or hide model and connector labels. Lock

the position of the model and connector labels.

Canvas Various options for navigating the Canvas. See

Navigating the Simulation Canvas for more

Version 3.2 31
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Example: Aligning Canvas Objects with Grids and Guides

Grids and guides help with the alignment of objects in your simulation.
1. Within the Grids and Guides group:
2. Check the box labeled Rulers to display ruler markings on the ax es of the Canvas.
3. Check the box labeled Grid Line s to display a grid underlay in the Canvas.
4. Check the box labeled Snap to Grid to make simulation objects snap to grid lines automatically
when moved. This function works whet her or not Grid Line s are enabled.
5. Check the box labeled Guide Line to display a red line when a simulation object being moved is
aligned vertically or horizontally with an adjacent simulation object. This function requires the Snap
to Grid function.

The selected changes are applied to the Canvas.

Defining Global Parameters and Variables

A global parameter or variable is a paramet er or variable that has the same value for all model instances
on the Canvas. For example, if you define the ambient temperature, Tamb, as a global parameter, you
can update its value for one model instance and SimCent ral Simulation Platform applies that change to
all model instances on the Canvas that contain the Tamb parameter.
Only Model Editors can define a parameter or variable as a global parameter or variable. However,
Simulation Builders can turn on or turn off the tracking for a global parameter or variable for any model
instance on the Canvas. For example, if you define the pipe size as a global variable, you can choose
whet her a Pipe on the Canvas tracks and uses the value of this global pipe size or maintains its own
value for the pipe size separate from the global pipe size.

On the Mini Inspector and the Properties Inspector, the Global badge appears next to global
parameters and variables. The color of this badge indicates the tracking status of t he global parameter or
variable for the associated model instance. If the bad ge is colored, the model instance tracks and uses
the global value. If the badge is blank, the model instance maintains its own value separate from the
global value.
You can turn on or turn off the tracking for a global parameter or variable by using the P roperties
Inspector for a model instance. Pleas e see Changing the Track ing for Global Parameters and Variables
on page 64 in the SimSci SimCent ral Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide for more
If you have more than one Model Type that contains a parameter or variable that you want to define as a
global parameter or variable, you should define that parameter or variable as a global parameter or
variable in all the Model Types. Otherwise, the global parameter or variable won't track across to the
model instances that are based on a Model Type that does not include the global definition for that
parameter or variable.
Currently, you can define only Real and Enumerat ed parameters as global parameters.
To define a parameter as an Global parameter:
1. Ensure that the Model Writing role is selected. See SimCentral Roles.
2. Open the Model Editor for the desired Model Type.

32 Version 3.2
User Interface SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

3. Expand the Parameters section.

4. Click the Global icon to flag the parameter as a global parameter.

To define a variable as a Global variable:
1. Ensure that the Model Writing role is selected. See SimCentral Roles.
2. Open the Model Editor for the desired Model Type.
3. Expand the Variables section.

4. Click the Global icon to flag the variable as a global variable.

Finding an Object in the Flowsheet

You can use the search box at the upper right corner of the canvas to find an object in the flowsheet. This
allows you to quickly locate objects of interest in large models.
To find an object in the flowsheet:
1. Press Ctrl+F. A search box appears in the upper right corner of the canvas.
2. In the search box, type a portion of the name of the object, and then press Enter.
3. On the canvas, SimCentral Simulation Platform selects the first object that meets the search criteria.

4. Click Next to select the next object that meets the search criteria.

5. Click Previous to select the previous object that meets the search criteria.

Managing the Default User Interface Layout and Appearance

You can save changes you mak e to the user interface layout and your appearance preferences, revert
back to your last saved lay out and preference selections and reset to the SimCentral Simulation Platform
defaults by clicking the appropriate button in the Layout section on the Edi t/View ribbon menu.

Function Label Purpose

Factory Restore the default SimCentral Simulation

Platform application window lay out and
appearance preferences.

Restore Restore to the last saved application window

layout and appearance preferences.

Save Save the application window lay out and

appearance preferences.

Managing the Connector Appearance

You can change the appearance of the connectors (streams) on the Canvas.

Version 3.2 33
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Acti vity Directions

Changing connector routing to a straight line Right -click the connector (stream). On the
Connectors submenu, on the Routing submenu,
click Straight-Line. The connector now appears
as a single angled straight line.

Hiding the labels for connectors On the Edit/View tab, in the Labels group, clear
the Connectors check box.

Changing the arrow position for a connector Right -click the connector (stream). On the
Connectors submenu, on the Direction Arrow
submenu, click Center to make the direction
arrows appear at the center of the lines for the
connector; click End to make a single direction
arrow appear at the end of the connector.

Changing the Connector Type

Connectors in a simulation can use either a basic connector that displays a limited number of properties
or a connection model. A connection model is a SimCentral Simulation Plat form model that you can use
as a connector. It appears the same as a basic connector (a line) on the Canvas, but it has all the
variables and the full functionality of that model. The names of these connector models correspond to the
SimCent ral Simulation Platform models that they include.
The default connection model that a simulation uses depends on the simulation template that you use to
create the simulation. You cannot use a connector model if its model library is hidden. The following table
lists the connection models by simulation templat e.

Simulation Template Default Connection Model Available Connection Models

Process Process.Stream Basic connector


Steam StreamLib.Stream Basic connector

SteamLib. Recycle

Flare Basic connector Basic connector


Cooling Water CWLib.Pipe Basic connector


34 Version 3.2
User Interface SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Simulation Template Default Connection Model Available Connection Models

All Libraries Basic connector Basic connector

SteamLib. Recycle

The following table lists the actions that you can perform with connection models.

Acti vity Directions

Changing the default connector model for the In the Canvas area, right -click the tab for the
simulation simulation, and then click Connection Model s.
The Connection Model s dialog box appears. In
the Models list for each port, select the connector
model t hat you want to use for that port connection.

Showing connector models On the Canvas, right-click a connector or a

selection that includes one or more connectors. If
the selection includes a connector model, on the
Connection Model s submenu, the Show Model
submenu appears. In this submenu, click the
connector model that you want to show. The
associated model appears on the Canvas and
SimCent ral Simulation Platform creates basic
connectors on either side of the model.
If your selection does not include a connector
model, you cannot see the Show Model submenu.

Hiding connector models On the Canvas, select one or more models.

Right -click the selection. If you can use any of the
models in the selection as a connector model, on
the Connection Models submenu, the Hide
Model submenu appears. In this submenu, click
the connector type that you want to hide.
SimCent ral Simulation Platform converts the
model and its two basic connectors to a single
connector model.
If your selection does not include a model that you
can use as a connector model, you cannot see the
Hide Model submenu.

Version 3.2 35
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide User Interface

Acti vity Directions

Converting a basic connector to a connection On the Canvas, select one or more connectors.
model Right -click the selection. If the selection includes a
basic connector, on the Connection Model s
submenu, the Make Model submenu appears. In
this submenu, click the connector type to which
you want to convert all of the basic connectors in
the selection.
If your selection does not include a basic
connector, you cannot see the Make Model

Converting a connection model to a basic On the Canvas, select one or more connectors.
connector Right -click the selection. If the selection includes a
connection model, on the Connection Model s
submenu, the Remove Model submenu appears.
In this submenu, click the connector type that you
want to convert to basic connectors.
If your selection does not include a connector
model, you cannot see the Remove Model

Managing the Variable Reference Appearance

You can change the appearance of the variable references on the Canvas.

Acti vity Directions

Hiding the name for variable references Right -click the variable reference. On the Variable
References submenu, uncheck Show Name to
hide the name.
You can always hover the mouse over the variable
reference to see the name and description
displayed in a tooltip.

Hiding the display units for variable references Right -click the variable reference. On the Variable
References submenu, uncheck Show Units to
hide the display units.

Showing the specification status for the variable Right -click the variable reference. On the Variable
References submenu, check Show Specification
to display the specification status check box for the
variable. You can change the specification status
by clearing or selecting this check box.

Managing the Flowsheet Equation Appearance on the Canvas

You can change the appearance of the flowsheet equations on the Canvas.

36 Version 3.2
User Interface SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Acti vity Directions

Hiding the name for a flowsheet equation Right -click the flowsheet equation. On the
Equations submenu, uncheck Show Name to
hide the name.

Hiding the formula for a flowsheet equation Right -click the flowsheet equation. On the
Equations submenu, uncheck Show Formula to
hide the formula.

Undoing and Redoing Simulation Changes

You can undo and redo certain actions taken on the Canvas, in the Simulation Manager, Keyword View
and Properties Inspector, such as adding a Model to or deleting a Model from the Canvas. You can also
undo or redo changes made from the View/Edit menu that are saved wit h the simulation, such as
changing the color of icons and streams. When you hover over the Undo or Redo buttons, you will see a
list of up to five a changes that you can undo or redo in the form of tool-tips.
More specifically, you can undo/redo the following:
 Specifying variables
 Setting variable and parameter values
 Setting variable and parameter units of measure (UOM)
 Adding or deleting models
 Adding or deleting variables, parameters and Equations
 Adding or deleting connections
 Adding or deleting variable references
 Transitioning between Simulation Modes
 Moving the location of a model on the Canvas

Note s: When running a simulation in Dynamics Mode, you cannot undo or redo an action. You can only
undo or redo an action in Dynamics Mode when the simulation is paused or stopped. If you make a
change to a Library Model Type, the redo "stack" will be cleared.

Button Purpose

Undo Undo a change to a simulation.

You can also press CTRL+ Z to undo an action.

Redo Redo an action that has been undone from the

Process, Fluid Flow, or Dynamics tabs.
You can also press CTRL+Y to redo an action.
Example: Undoing a Specification Value Change
1. Import the Turbine Example simulation from ..\Mysimulations. At this stage Undo and Redo
buttons are in disabled state as no changes have been made yet.
2. Double-click Feed1 in the Simulation Manager and note that the W, P and T variables are specified
in the Keyword View. Navigate to the Simulation Manager and observe that W, P and T are specified.

Version 3.2 37
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3. Observe that W is specified as 1 kg/s. Now change the value of W to 2 and obs erve that F and Q are
4. Click the Undo button in the application ribbon.
5. Observe that W is once again 1 kg/s and F and Q are recalculated.

Opening SimCentral TDM

SimCent ral TDM is thermodynamic soft ware that you can us e to view and manage the thermodynamic
data that SimCentral Simulation Platform uses for its thermodynamic calculations. You can open
SimCent ral TDM directly from the SimCent ral Simulation Platform UI or independently from the Windows
Start menu. Changes that you make to your thermodynamic data in SimCentral TDM are immediately
available in SimCentral Simulation Plat form.
To open SimCentral TDM from SimCentral Simulation Platform:
 On the Advanced tab, in the Thermo Data group, click Launch the Thermo Data Manager (TDM).

The SimCentral TDM UI appears.

To open SimCentral TDM from the Windows Start menu:
 On the Start menu, under the list of all programs, under SimSci SimCentral, select SimSci
SimCentral TDM.
The SimCentral TDM UI appears.

38 Version 3.2
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

About the Repository
The Repository is where simulations, Model Libraries, and UOM Slates are stored. The Repository can
be stored on your local machine, or on a shared server. SimCentral Simulation Platform manages access
to the Repository's simulations through a Repository Manager. The information housed in the Repository
is current and always accessible by you and those working within the same Repository.

 The Repository stores simulations, Model Libraries and UOM Slates
 Multiple users may access a shared Repository
 You can access the Repository Manager by clicking the SimCentral Button on the A pplication
 Changes you make to a simulation, Model Library or UOM Slate are automatically persisted to the
 You can work with another person on the same simulation at the same time
 You can export simulations from the Repository and share them with other users on different
 Create, open, delete and rename a simulation
 Import and export a simulation

In This Chapter
Basic Simulation Tasks ................................................................................................................. 40

Version 3.2 39
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Repository

Basic Simulation Tasks

The tasks listed in this section refer to the SimCentral button in the application ribbon. To avoid
unnecessary repetition, an image of the icon will not be displayed each time the SimCentral button is

Managing Simulations
This section describes a variety of simulation actions within the Repository Manager. These functions
are available via the SimCentral Button in the Application Ribbon.

Function Label Purpose

New Opens the Create a new simulation tab. Click a

simulation template to creat e a new simulation
with a default name. You may rename a new
simulation by typing over any place the name

Click beside an existing simulation tab on the

Canvas, and then click the simulation template
that you want to use for the new simulation.
Note that when you first open SimCentral
Simulation Plat form, the Create a new
simulation tab already appears on the Canvas.

Open Opens the selected simulation.

When you open a simulation, all calculated
variables are reset to the unsolved state and the
simulation is marked as unsolved.

Right -click and select Open Simulation.

Copy Creates a copy of the selected simulation. This is

saved in the Repository under a default name
which you may later rename.

Delet e Delet es the selected simulation from the


Rename Allows you to enter a new name for the selected


Note: Since the Repository you are working in may be accessible by a number of users, it is important to
ensure that you do not delete a simulation whic h other users have open or need without first notifying

Example: Renaming a Simulation

1. Click the SimCentral Button in the Application Ribbon.

40 Version 3.2
Repository SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

2. Select the simulation you want to rename.

3. Click the Rename button, enter the new name of the simulation, and press Enter.
You can also rename a simulation by clicking the simulation tab at the top of the Canvas, modifying the
Name field in the Keyword View, or renaming the parent node in the Simulation Manager hierarchy.
When you rename a simulation, the new name will automatically be visible in the Repository Manager.
As a result, it is important to communicat e the new name to other users contributing to the simulation.

Importing and Exporting Simulations

This section describes importing and exporting simulations. Both options are available via the
SimCent ral Button on the Applic ation Ribbon.

Function Label Purpose

Import Imports a previously export ed simulation by

choosing the appropriate file from a file brows er.

Right -click the button and select Import

When you import a simulation, all calculated
variables are reset to the unsolved state and the
simulation is marked as unsolved.

Export Exports the selected simulation to the location

specified from a file browser. Includes Snapshot
information included with the simulation.

Example: Exporting a simulation

1. Click the SimCentral Button in the Application Ribbon.
2. Select the simulation that you want to export.
3. Click Export.
4. Browse to the location where you want to export the simulation file.
5. Click Save to export the selected simulation.
The simulation will be exported from the Repository.

Closing a Simulation
To close a simulation:
 Right -click the simulation tab and select Close Simulation from the context menu.

Version 3.2 41
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 Hover over the simulation tab and click the " X" that displays.
The simulation will close.

42 Version 3.2
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Simulation Modes
About Simulation Modes
SimCent ral Simulation Platform includes three built-in Simulation Modes for solving different types of
simulation problems that have been traditionally addressed by separate programs.

The three Simulation Modes included in SimCent ral Simulation Platform are:

 Process Mode on page 43: A steady state Simulation Mode used for creating heat and mat erial

 Fluid Flow Mode on page 44: A steady state Simulation Mode used to rate a piping or equipment

 Dynamics Mode on page 44: A mode which can evaluat e the process dynamics given a piping
or equipment design and control system
When you build a simulation, you can quickly toggle between Process, Fluid Flow and Dynamics Mode
by selecting the mode y ou desire in the application ribbon on the Process, Fluid Flow and Dynamics tabs,
respectively. When you create a new simulation, Process Mode is selected.
When you switch Simulation modes, the variable specific ation in your Simulation will automatically
change based on the default settings for each mode for each Model Type, as defined by the Model
Library. A snapshot will also automatically be taken when you switch between modes.
The different Simulation Modes also include options relevant to the mode selected; for example, the
ability to automatically solve in Process Mode and go-to steady state in Dynamics Mode.

In This Chapter
Process Mode .............................................................................................................................. 43
Fluid Flow Mode ........................................................................................................................... 44
Dynamics Mode............................................................................................................................ 44
Switching Between Modes............................................................................................................. 44
Enabling or Disabling Automatic Solving (Auto Solve) ..................................................................... 45
Changing the Speed of a Dynamics Run ........................................................................................ 45
Resetting the Run Time to Zero ..................................................................................................... 46

Process Mode
About Process Mode
Process mode performs steady state simulations to create and improve process design; it is designed to
help you perform mass and energy balanc e calculations. You can switch to Process mode on -the-fly by
selecting Process under the Mode section on the Application Ribbon. When you work in Process mode,
the variable specification of equipment in your simulation will change according to the definition for each
Model Type.
 Switch between simulation modes

Version 3.2 43
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Simulation Modes

 Auto solve can be set to manual if solution time is slow, allowing you to mak e multiple changes
 Variable specifications switch along with the simulation mode, based on how they are configured for
each Model Type
 Automatically calculate the size of an equipment in Process mode and then specify that size in Fluid
Flow mode.

Fluid Flow Mode

About Fluid Flow Mode
Fluid Flow mode is a steady state simulator that models piping net works. You can switch to Fluid Flow
mode on-the-fly by selecting Fluid Flow under the Mode section on the Application Ribbon. When you
switch to Fluid Flow mode, the variable specification of equipment in your simulation will change
according to the definition for each Model Type.
 Create fluid flow simulations
 Switch fluid flow simulations to dynamic simulations
 Auto solve can be set to manual if solution time is slow, allowing you to mak e multiple changes
 Variable specifications switch along with the simulation mode, based on how they are configured for
each Model Type
 Automatically calculate the size of an equipment in Fluid Flow mode and then specify that value in
Process mode

Dynamics Mode
About Dynamics Mode
Dynamics mode simulates system transients over time. You can switch to Dynamics Mode on -t he-fly by
selecting Dynamics in the Mode group on the Application Ribbon. When you switch to Dynamics mode,
the variable specification of equipment in your simulation will change according to the definition for each
Model Type.
 Run simulations continuously, or advance by a single step
 Change the time step to suit your needs
 Reset the run time to zero to clear the history data
 Run simulations in real time or run them as fast as possible
 Solve dy namic simulations to their final steady state at once
 Variable specifications switch along with the simulation mode, based on how they are configured for
each Model Type
 Run or pause a dynamic simulation
 Solve a dynamic simulation to its final steady state

Switching Between Modes

You can quickly toggle between simulation modes.

44 Version 3.2
Simulation Modes SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

To switch between Simulation Modes:

1. Browse to the Mode group on the Application Ribbon.

2. Click the mode that you want to switch to. When you switch to a new simulation mode, a snapshot
will automatically be taken if the simulation is solved.
The Mode tab in the Application Ribbon will change to the mode you select.

Enabling or Disabling Automatic Solving (Auto Solve)

By default, when you create a new process or fluid flow simulation, Auto Solve is enabled. Enabling Auto
Solve allows SimCentral Simulation Platform to "solve" configuration changes when sufficient
information is visible.
To enable or disable Auto Solve:
 On the Proce ss tab or the Fluid Flow tab, in the Solve group, click the slider button shown in the
following figure.

When Auto appears, Auto Solve is enabled

When Manual appears, Auto Solve is disabled, and you must click the Solve button .

Changing the Speed of a Dynamics Run

When your switch your simulation to Dynamics mode, the simulation is in a paused state. You can use
the following options to run your simulation in Dynamics mode:
 Run the simulation continuously
 Advance the solution by a single time step
 Solve the simulation to steady state

Note: Typically, you advanc e the solution by a single time step as an analysis aid to debug simulations.

When you run the simulation continuously, you can run the simulation in real time or as fast as possible.
When you run the simulation in real time, the simulation proceeds as wall-clock time and reflects the true
response time of the plant or process. When you run the simulation as fast as possible, the simulation
proceeds quickly and allows you to gather more analysis data in a shorter amount of time.

Acti vity Directions

Specifying a time step On the Dynamics tab, in the Speed group, in the Step
list, type the value and select the unit of measure that
you want to use for the time step.

Version 3.2 45
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Simulation Modes

Acti vity Directions

Specifying the run-time option On the Dynamics tab, in the Speed group, click the
slider button shown in the following figure.

When Fast appears, the Dynamics simulation runs as

fast as possible. When Real appears, the Dynamics
simulation runs in real time.

Resetting the Run Time to Zero

In Dynamics mode, you can reset the run time to zero. This deletes all the history data for the Trends and
sets the t variable to zero for the simulation.
To reset the run time to zero:

 On the Dynamics tab, in the Run/Step group, click Reset .

46 Version 3.2
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Simulation Manager
About the Simulation Manager
The Simulation Manager is a hierarchical view of your simulation and the models contained within it. You
can expand items in the tree, specify variables and enter values, view the state of equations, modify
variable and parameter values, and add Trends. When you make a change in the Simulation Manager,
the change is automatically reflected in the other application views and on the simulation Canvas.

 Roles apply predefined filters to the Simulation Manager for Simulation Builders and Model Writers
 You can filter what you see to reduce clutter or show only a specific Model Type
 You can s elect items in the Simulation Manager's tree and change variable and parameter values for
the selected item in the Key word View
 Changes you make in the Simulation Manager are automatically reflected in the other application
views and on the Canvas
 View or add models, parameters, variables, equations, submodels, connectors and ports of a
 Change variable and parameter values
 View the variable specification status
 View the status of an equation in Model Writing mode
 Add a Trend

Note: Access to the above actions is dependent on the role selected.

Version 3.2 47
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Simulation Manager

In This Chapter
Filtering Simulation Manager Results ............................................................................................. 48
Showing and Hiding Changed Variable Specifications ..................................................................... 49
Expanding Multi-Component Array Equations and Variables............................................................ 50

Filtering Simulation Manager Results

You can filter the Simulation Manager to include or exclude the following items:
 Models (fluids, models and submodels)
 Connections
 Parameters (model and Flowsheet)
 Variables (model, Flowsheet and connection)
 Equations (model, Flowsheet and connection)
 Trends
You can also load previously saved filters, or create new filters.

Applying a Simulation Manager Quick Filter

You can filter out information by role or create a quick filter to filter out specific components.
To apply a quick filter:
1. Display the Simulation Manager.

2. Click the On/Off Filter button. The Quick Filter window appears, listing types of items dis played
in the Simulation Manager.

3. From here, you may do one or more of the following.

48 Version 3.2
Simulation Manager SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

a. Select a saved filt er from the drop-down menu at the top of the Quick Filter window. The default
filter is defined by the role.
b. Check a category's checkbox to include all items within that category, or uncheck to hide them.
c. To include or exclude specific items, expand a category by clicking the chevron ( > ) first. You
may then select individual items within that category for inclusion or exclusion.
d. You may also check the box marked Show/Hide All to display all item types regardless of other
selections/checkboxes, or uncheck it to rely on the individual selections below it.
4. If y ou wish to use this filter again, ent er a name in the Save Quick Filter as: text box, and click Save.
Your quick filter is now ready for selection from the drop -down list of saved filters.
When you create a filter, it is saved in the <drive>:\ProgramData\SimSci\Custom directory, and will be
retained if you uninstall and reinstall SimCentral Simulation Platform.

Showing and Hiding Changed Variable Specifications

You can choose to show or hide changed variable specifications in the Properties Inspector.
To show/ hide changed variable specifications:
1. Browse to the Simulation Manager.
2. Right -click the Main flowsheet and select Changed Specifications.

If you have overridden a variable specification, it will be displayed in the list of variables.

Version 3.2 49
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Simulation Manager

3. To show all variables, click the Show/Hide overridden specifications button .

Expanding Multi-Component Array Equations and Variables

When you add a Fluid Type to a simulation, array variables and equations are dynamically created on the
SimCent ral Simulation Platform server and the Simulation Manager refreshes with the new equations.
Expanding an array equation
You can expand an equation array in the Simulation Manager.
1. Browse to the Simulation Manager.
2. Expand an array equation by clicking the chevron (>) beside it.

The required data or solved badge of the array equation is displayed beside the equation in the
Simulation Manager.
Looking at the example above, the equation requires data before it can be solved. Equations created
by a model are read-only. If you create a custom equation, you can edit it. Hover over the badge to
display a tooltip that describes the problem.

50 Version 3.2
Simulation Manager SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Expanding a variable array and modifying its elements in the Keyword View
You can expand a variable array in the Simulation Manager and view and modify its elements in the
Keyword View.
1. Expand the Simulation Manager and click the model that contains the array variables.
2. Expand the variable array by clicking the chevron (>) beside it. In the example below, the variable
arrays are z and M.

The Key word View will display the variable array elements. You can modify the value and units of the
array in the Keyword View and rename the array in the Model Editor.

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Keyword View
About the Keyword View
The Key word View allows you quickly to view and edit objects selected in the Simulation Manager. When
you select a simulation object in the Simulation Manager, the Keyword View displays a detailed view of
your selection; you can edit specific variables and parameter values.

 Displays a detailed view of the simulation object you select in the Simulation Manager
 You can ent er parameter and specified variable values
 You can change variable specification status
 You can view favorite variables if they have been defined as favorites in the Model Editor
 Changes you make in the Key word View are automatically reflected in the ot her application views
 Sort and group variables and parameters
 Filter variables and parameters

In This Chapter
Understanding How the Simulation Manager and Keyword View Work Together ............................... 54
Expanding and Modifying Variable A rrays ...................................................................................... 55

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SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Keyword View

Understanding How the Simulation Manager and Keyword

View Work Together
This topic explains how the Simulation Manager and Key word View work together.
Selecting Objects in the Simulation Manager
The Simulation Manager provides a hierarchic al organization of open simulations and the objects they
contain. Before selecting an item within a simulation, expand it by clicking the chevron (>) next to the
simulation's name. The variables and parameters of the selected model appear in the Keyword View.
Example: Two simulations ("Sim 1" and "CWSim") are open within SimCentral Simulation Platform. The
"CWSim" simulation is expanded, and the Heat Exchanger object "HX1" is selected.

54 Version 3.2
Keyword View SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

With the Heat Exchanger object "HX1" selected as per the example above, the Key word View displays
the following information:

You may then modify the variables and parameters of the selected model.

Note: When a variable's checkbox is checked, the value is specified by the user. When unchecked, it is
calculated by SimCentral Simulation Platform.

Expanding and Modifying Variable Arrays

You can expand a modify a variable array in the Keyword View.
1. Expand the Simulation Manager and click the model that contains the array variables.
2. Locate and review the variables in the Keyword View.
3. Select the variable array in the Key word View and expand it by clicking the chevron (>) beside it.
The Keyword View will display the variable array elements. You can modify the value and units of the
array in the Keyword View and rename the array in the Model Editor.

Version 3.2 55
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Properties Inspector
About the Properties Inspector
The Properties Inspector allows you quickly to view and edit models from the Canvas. You can also use
the Properties Inspector to sort or group variables and filter variables and parameters. You can access
the Property Inspector by right-clicking a model on the Canvas, or by right-clicking a Flowsheet or model
on the Simulation Manager and selecting Full Properties.

 You can view models and change their parameter values, and variable specifications and values
 You can open the Properties Inspector multiple times and view the properties of more than one
model at a time
 Changes you make in the Properties Inspector are automatically reflected in the other application
views (like the Simulation Manager and Keyword View) and on the Canvas
 Open more than one Properties Inspector window at a time
 Sort variables and paramet ers by clicking their column heading
 Group variables and parameters by moving column headings to the Group box

In This Chapter
Opening the Properties Inspector................................................................................................... 58
Filtering Variables and Parameters ................................................................................................ 58
Sorting or Grouping Variables ........................................................................................................ 59
Using Fluid Types ......................................................................................................................... 61
Expanding and Modifying Variable A rrays ...................................................................................... 62
Defining Favorite Variables and Parameters ................................................................................... 63
Defining Invariant Parameters and Variables .................................................................................. 63
Returning to Previously Specified Invariant Values .......................................................................... 64
Changing the Tracking for Global Parameters and Variables ........................................................... 64

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Opening the Properties Inspector

You can open the Properties Inspector to view and change model instance parameters and variables.
You can open Properties Inspector windows for different models at the same time.
To open the Properties Inspector:
 Right -click a model on the Canvas or Simulation Manager and select Full Properties. If you want to
open an additional Properties Inspector window, repeat this step on anot her model.

To edit model properties:

 If you want to change general model info, a parameter, or a variable, expand the General,
Parameters, or Variables sections, respectively.
Changes will automatically be reflected on the Canvas, Simulation Manager and Key word Views.

Filtering Variables and Parameters

You can filter s pecific parameters and variables in the Properties Inspector or K eyword View to include or
exclude information when you are building a simulation. When you set a filter, the filter is saved and
automatically loaded when you launch SimCentral Simulation Plat form.
The following filter operat ors are supported by SimCentral Simulation Plat form: Equals, Not Equals, Less
than, Less than or equal to, Greater than, Greater than or equal to, Contains, Does not cont ain, Lik e
(wildc ards), Not lik e (wildcards), Match (regular expression), Does not match (regular expression), Starts
with, Does not start with, Ends with and Does not end with.
To set a filter:
1. Display the Properties Inspector or Keyword View, depending on where you want to filter a variable
or parameter. If you want to filter a variable or parameter in the Properties Insp ector, expand the
Parameters or Variables section.

2. Click the On/Off Filter icon . A set of filters will display for each of the columns in the section or
view that contains the data set you are working with.

58 Version 3.2
Properties Inspector SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

3. Click the filter icon directly underneath the column you want to filter and select a filter from the list that
displays. When you set a filter, the appropriate icon assigned to the filter will appear underneath the
column; for example, if you select Equals, will display. You can set individual filt ers on multiple

4. Click the filter chevron and select a filter criterion option from the list that displays. If you select
Custom, you can creat e custom, more granular filters to help filt er in or out the data you want to
display, such as the ability to add conditions, groups, etc. The options in the filter drop-down differ
depending on the type of filter you selected in step 3.

5. Click OK to set a custom filter.

The data in the columns will be filtered bas ed on the defined criteria.

Sorting or Grouping Variables

You can sort the P roperties Inspector's output by clicking a column heading; for example, you c an sort by
name, value, or unit of measure.
The Properties Inspector also contains the following special columns, listed left -to-right as they appear in
the UI, on which you can click to sort variables:
 - Sort by required variables
 - Sort by invariant variables
 - Sort by variables that are outside their min and max bounds
 - Sort by variables at their default value
 - Sort by variables whose value has been set by the user
 - Sort by unsolved variables
 S - Sort or group by specified or calculated variables
In addition, you may group the output by the entries for a desired field (column header).
To sort by Variable:
1. Open the Properties Inspector.

Version 3.2 59
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Properties Inspector

2. Expand the Variables section.

3. To sort by specified or calculat ed variables, click on the appropriate column header; for ex ample, S
(sort or group by specified or calculated variables). When you hover over each column header, a
tooltip will display with information on what each column means.
To group or ungroup by variable:
1. Click the gray bar that appears immediately below a section heading, for ex ample, Variables. This
will open the Group Box - a section to which column headings are dragged to group data. The Group
Box reads "group by area" and "Drag a field here to group by that field" when no grouping is in place.
When a grouping is in place, the Group Box contains the label of a field (column heading) by which
the list is currently grouped. In the following example, the Variables section is already grouped by

60 Version 3.2
Properties Inspector SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

2. Drag the desired column heading into the Group Box. In the following example, grouping by Units is
added to the existing grouping by Model.

3. The display changes to represent a primary grouping by model, and a secondary grouping by Units.
You can sort by either field by clicking its entry in the Group Box.

4. To un-group, drag the undesired item anywhere outside of the Group Box.

Using Fluid Types

Fluid Ty pes identify the thermodynamic behavior used by models in a simulation. SimCentral Simulation
Platform provides predefined Thermo Types to associate with the Fluid Type that you create:
 CarbonDioxide: Models steam by using Span and Wagner for supercritical C O2 systems
 Composi tional: Models a multi-component system by using the SRK or PR thermodynamic
 IdealGas: Models gases by using ideal gas equations

Version 3.2 61
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Properties Inspector

 IncompressibleLiquid: Models simple liquids in the form of a simple thermodynamics fluid

 IsomericHydrogen: Models mixtures of ortho- and para-hydrogen
 Steam: Models steam by using the IF97 steam tables
Method 1: To assign fluids to models:
1. Open the Property Inspector for the desired model.
2. Expand the Parameters section and locate the FluidType parameter.
3. Click the Value drop-down t o select the desired Fluid Type, as shown in t he following figure. You can
also select the Fluid Type from the Simulation Manager or Keyword View.

The Fluid State is shown in the Properties Inspector. Additionally, the Fluid Type selected here will
automatically propagate to models connected downstream.
In addition to manually assigning a Fluid Type to a model, you can automatically assign a Fluid Type
to the source model.
Method 2: To automatically assign a Fluid Type to the source model:
1. Browse to the Fluids Model Library that contains the Fluid Ty pe that you want.
2. Drag the Fluid Type on top of the source model on the Canvas.

The Fluid Ty pe will be assigned to the model and visible when you launc h the Properties Inspector.

Expanding and Modifying Variable Arrays

You can expand a variable array in the Properties Inspector and view and modify its elements.
1. Open the Propertie s Inspector.

62 Version 3.2
Properties Inspector SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

2. Expand the Variables section.

3. Expand the variable array by clicking the chevron (>) beside it. In the example below, the variable
array is M.

The Properties Inspector will display the variable array elements. You can modify the value and units
of the array in the Keyword View and rename the array in the Model Editor.

Defining Favorite Variables and Parameters

While in the Model Writing role, you can identify certain parameters and variables to be available as
"favorites" to Simulation Builders. When you switch to the Simulation Building role, you will only see the
favorites you define when you edit or view models in the Simulation Manager, Property Inspector, Mini
Inspector, Keyword View or Canvas. In the Properties Inspector, you can also turn favorites off to see all
variables and parameters. You can then customize the list of favorites for that model.
To define a favorite:
1. Ensure that the Model Writing role is selected. See SimCentral Roles.
2. Load the Model Editor for the desired Model Type.
3. Expand the Variables section.

4. Click the Favorite icon to flag the variable for Simulation Builders.

Defining Invariant Parameters and Variables

While in the Model Writing role, you can identify certain parameters and variables as invariant
parameters and variables, respectively. Invariant parameters and variables do not change values or
badging when you revert the simulation to a snapshot that you captured. Note that this applies to both
model writers and simulation builders.
Typically, parameters and variables that do not change with operating conditions are good candidates for
invariant parameters and variables. For example, the length of a pipe does not change with operating
conditions. You may want to define the length of a pipe as an invariant variable. Conversely, the flow
through a pipe and the pressure in the pipe depend on operating conditions and should not be invariant

Version 3.2 63
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Properties Inspector

Note that the solver changes the values of calculat ed variables even if you identify them as invariant
variables. If a Model Type has connections with any invariant parameters or variables, SimCentral
Simulation Plat form treats all parameters and variables in the connection as invari ant paramet ers and
To define a parameter as an invariant parameter:
1. Ensure that the Model Writing role is selected. See SimCentral Roles.
2. Load the Model Editor for the desired Model Type.
3. Expand the Parameters section.

4. Click the Invariant icon to flag the parameter as an invariant parameter.

To define a variable as an invariant variable:
1. Ensure that the Model Writing role is selected. See SimCentral Roles.
2. Load the Model Editor for the desired Model Type.
3. Expand the Variables section.

4. Click the Invariant icon to flag the variable as an invariant variable.

Returning to Previously Specified Invariant Values

In some cases, you may want to return the invariant values in a simulation to those in a snapshot. For
example, you temporarily changed some invariant Pipe lengths to see the impact on the simulation and
you now want to change the Pipe lengt hs back to their previous values.
The Snapshot Manager provides a Special option to control whether SimCentral Simulation Platform
overrides the values for invariant parameters and variables with the values in the snapshot.
To override the invariant values with the snapshot values:
1. Open the Snapshot Manager.
2. Select the snapshot to which you want to revert the simulation.
3. Click Special.
4. Select the Invariant Values check box.
5. Click Load.

Changing the Tracking for Global Parameters and Variables

A global parameter or variable is a paramet er or variable that has the same value for all model instances
on the Canvas. For example, if you define the ambient temperature, Tamb, as a global parameter, you
can update its value for one model instance and SimCent ral Simulation Platform applies that change to
all model instances on the Canvas that contain the Tamb parameter.
Only Model Editors can define a parameter or variable as a global parameter or variable. However,
Simulation Builders can turn on or turn off the tracking for a global parameter or variable for any model
instance on the Canvas. For example, if you define the pipe size as a global variable, you can choose
whet her a Pipe on the Canvas tracks and uses the value of this global pipe size or maintains its own
value for the pipe size separate from the global pipe size.

64 Version 3.2
Properties Inspector SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

On the Mini Inspector and the Properties Inspector, the Global badge appears next to global
parameters and variables. The color of this badge indicates the tracking status of t he global parameter or
variable for the associated model instance. If the badge is colored, the model instance tracks and uses
the global value. If the badge is blank, the model instance maintains its own value separate from the
global value.
You can turn on or turn off the tracking for a global parameter or variable only by using the Properties
To change the tracking for a global parameter:
1. Open the Properties Inspector for the model instance that contains the global parameter.
2. Expand the Parameters section.

3. Press and hold Shift and then click the Global badge for the global parameter.
The Global badge changes to indicate the new tracking status for the global parameter.
To change the tracking for a global variable:
1. Open the Properties Inspector for the model instance that contains the global variable.
2. Expand the Variables section.

3. Press and hold Shift and then click the Global badge for the global variable.
The Global badge changes to indicate the new tracking status for the global variable.

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Messages Panel
About the Messages Panel
The Messages Panel allows you to quickly view all the messages that appear on the Canvas. It displays
both error and warning messages. You can use the Messages Panel to quickly address the warnings
and errors in your simulation.

 Messages are grouped by the first line of their message text
 Both error and warning messages appear in the Message Panel
 Float or dock the Message Panel
 Double-click a message to center the corresponding model instance on the Canvas
 On the Edit/View tab, in the Show group, clear t he Me ssage s check box to hide the Message P anel
 On the Edit/View tab, in the Show group, select the Me ssages check box to display the Message

Version 3.2 67
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Fluid Editor
About the Fluid Editor
The Fluid Editor is where you modify Fluid Types representing the fluids used in your environment. A
Fluid Ty pe describes the thermodynamic behavior assigned to model instances in a simulation. You can
copy and then modify Fluid Types or create new custom Fluid Types. Each Fluid Type uses a specified
fundamental Thermo Type. The Thermo Type defines the equations or external DLLs that SimCentral
Simulation Plat form us es to solve for fluid properties. It also determines the paramet ers, starting values,
methods, and components that are available for t he Fluid Type. A fter you select the Thermo Type for the
Fluid Type, you can modify the parameters, starting values, methods, and components for the Fluid
Type. You can save a Fluid Type to a Model Library stored in the Repository or to the simulation-specific
Model Library.

 There are multiple fluid categories for simple fluids, compositional fluids, and special fluids, such as
supercritical carbon dioxide and isomeric hydrogen.
 You can create a new Fluid Type, or modify an existing SimSci Fluid Type to make changes so it fits
your specific requirements
 Compositional fluids can include library components or petro components, which are characterized
by molecular weight, boiling point, and specific gravity
 Changes you make to a Fluid Type are aut omatically saved
 Fluid Types are stored in Model Libraries or with a simulation
 Fluid Types for a simulation must be placed in the simulation -specific Model Library
 Specify the Thermo Type
 For ideal, compressible, and incompressible fluids, define the parameters and starting conditions for
the Fluid Type
 For compositional fluids, define the starting conditions, methods, phases, and components for the
Fluid Type
 Import an icon file and associate it with a Fluid Type
 Report the thermodynamic calculation warnings

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SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Fluid Editor

 Copy a Fluid Type to the simulation -specific Model Library.

In This Chapter
Opening the Fluid Editor................................................................................................................ 70
Configuring a Fluid Type ............................................................................................................... 70
Configuring Single-Component Fluid Types .................................................................................... 72
Configuring an Equation-bas ed Fluid Type ..................................................................................... 72
Configuring an Isomeric Hydrogen Fluid Type ................................................................................. 75
Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That Uses an Equation of State .......................................... 77
Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That Uses the NRTL, UNIQUA C, or W ilson Method ............. 79
Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That Uses the Dortmund UNIFA C Method ........................... 82
Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That Uses the Grayson -Streed or Improved Grayson-Streed
Method......................................................................................................................................... 85
Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That Uses the Regular Solution Model ................................ 87
Adding Components to a Compositional Fluid Type ........................................................................ 90
Changes to the Enthalpy Basis and Reference State for Components .............................................. 91
Data Banks for a Fluid................................................................................................................... 93
Component Picker ........................................................................................................................ 96
Filtering Components in the Component Browser ............................................................................ 96
Copying a Fluid Type to a Simulation ............................................................................................. 97
Associating a New Icon with a Fluid Type ....................................................................................... 98

Opening the Fluid Editor

To open a Fluid Type:
1. Browse to the Model Library.
2. Right -click a Fluid Type and select Edit.
The Fluid Editor will display.

Configuring a Fluid Type

You can set a Fluid Type's thermo type, parameters, starting values, methods, and components in the
Fluid Editor.
To configure a Fluid Type:
1. Open the Fluid Editor for the Fluid Type.
2. Expand the General section.

3. Enter or modify the Fluid Type name and De scription, if desired. If you change the Fluid Type, you
rename the fluid.
70 Version 3.2
Fluid Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

4. Select the Thermo Type so the Fluid Type knows what fluid state equations or thermodynamic
options to use.
The following table defines the different Thermo Types.

Thermo Type Modeled with Purpose

BlackOil Equations Refinery fluids

See Configuring an Equation-based Fluid Type
on page 72 for more information on configuring
Fluid Types of this Thermo Type.

CarbonDioxide External code Supercritical CO2 bas ed on Span-Wagner

See Configuring Single-Component Fluid Types
on page 72 for more information on configuring
Fluid Types of this Thermo Type.

Compositional External code General component mixtures

See one of the following topics for more
information on configuring Fluid Types of this
Thermo Type:
 Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That
Uses an Equation of State on page 77
 Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That
Uses the NRTL, UNIQUAC, or Wilson
Method on page 79
 Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That
Uses the Dortmund UNIFAC Method on
page 82
 Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That
Uses the Grayson-Streed or Improved
Grayson-Streed Met hod on page 85
 Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That
Uses the Regul ar S olution Model on page 87

FlareGas Equations Flare gases

See Configuring an Equation-based Fluid Type
on page 72 for more information on configuring
Fluid Types of this Thermo Type.

IdealGas Equations Ideal gas es

See Configuring an Equation-based Fluid Type
on page 72 for more information on configuring
Fluid Types of this Thermo Type.

IncompressibleLiquid Equations Simple liquids

See Configuring an Equation-based Fluid Type
on page 72 for more information on configuring
Fluid Types of this Thermo Type.

Version 3.2 71
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Fluid Editor

Thermo Type Modeled with Purpose

IsomericHydrogen External code Mixtures of ortho- and para-hydrogen

See Configuring an Isomeric Hydrogen Fluid
Type on page 75 for more information on
configuring Fluid Types of this Thermo Type.

Steam External code IF97 steam tables

See Configuring Single-Component Fluid Types
on page 72 for more information on configuring
Fluid Types of this Thermo Type.

1. Click Hide in Model Library based on Role if you want to hide the Fluid Type from Simulation
Builders in the Model Library.
For information on referencing a Fluid Type in the Model Editor, refer to Adding Multiple
Thermodynamics Components to a Model.

Configuring Single-Component Fluid Types

These Fluid Types use either CarbonDioxide or Steam as their Thermo Type.
To configure a single-component Fluid Type:
1. Open the Fluid Editor for the Fluid Type.
2. Expand the S tarting Values section and enter the Initial value, Minimum value, and Maximum
value for the Pre ssure and Temperature.

Configuring an Equation-based Fluid Type

These Fluid Types use one of the following Thermo Types:
 BlackOil
 FlareGas
 IdealGas
 IncompressibleLiquid

72 Version 3.2
Fluid Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

They use internal equations to calculate their thermodynamic properties and do not need any external
code or software to perform calculations.
To configure a Fluid Type:
1. Open the Fluid Editor for the Fluid Type.
2. Expand the S tarting Values section and enter the starting data.
For BlackOil fluids, enter the Pre ssure, Temperature, GOR, and Water Cut.

For FlareGas, IdealGas, and Incompre ssibleLiquid fluids, and enter the Initial value, Minimum
value, and Maximum value for the Pre ssure and Temperature.

3. Expand the Parameters section and enter the values for your fluid.

Version 3.2 73
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Fluid Editor

The defaults values for BlackOil fluids appear in the following figure.

The default value for FlareGas fluids is a CpCv value of 1.4.

The default values for IdealGas fluids are the properties for air.

74 Version 3.2
Fluid Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

The default values for IncompressibleLiquid fluids are the properties for water.

Configuring an Isomeric Hydrogen Fluid Type

These Fluid Types use I somericHydrogen as their ThermoType.
To configure an isomeric hydrogen Fluid Type:
1. Open the Fluid Editor for the Fluid Type.
2. Expand the S tarting Values section and enter the Initial value, Minimum value, and Maximum
value for the Pre ssure and Temperature.

Version 3.2 75
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Fluid Editor

3. Expand the Component Li st and Component Brow ser sections, which allow you to define what
your fluid is composed of.

4. In the Component Li st section, in the Add Library Component list, select the thermodynamic data
bank that contains the components that you want to add.
The default data bank is System:SIMS CI, which is the standard dat a bank in the default
thermodynamic library that comes along with the SimCentral Simulation Platf orm install. You can
also choose a data bank in a custom library that you have created and registered by using SimSci
SimCent ral TDM or by using the PPDXImport utility. See Thermodynamic Libraries in the SimSci
SimCent ral Simulation Platform Thermodynamics Reference Guide for more information.
The Component Brow ser section does not update based on the thermodynamic library that you
select. It shows only the components in the System:SIMSCI data bank.

5. For pure components, in the Component Brow ser section, click to add a component to the list.
Alternatively, if you know the library name of the component that you want to add, in the Component
List section, in the Add Library Component box, type the name and then press Enter. If you
selected a custom data bank in Step 4, this is the only way to add a component from that data ban k
to the fluid.

Note: You can filter the components in the Component Brow ser section by name, formula, or
property. See Filtering Components in the Component Brows er on page 96 for more information.

6. For petro components, in the Component Li st section, click Add Petro Component . Enter
values for at least two of the properties that characterize the component, NBP, Gravity, and MW.
SimCent ral Simulation Platform changes the name of the component based on the NBP value.
7. Optionally, rename the components. If you rename a component, you may want to update the name
if you decide to change the component later.

76 Version 3.2
Fluid Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

8. Set the Starting Composition of each component that you want to use when y ou first place a model
that uses the fluid in a simulation or when you first add the fluid to an existing model on the Canvas.
Note that there are no units of measure for these values. When you add the fluid to a model,
SimCent ral Simulation Platform us es the default units of measure for the model wit hout converting
these values.
The Sum of Starting Compositions displays the sum of all the Starting Composition values. We
recommend that you set the starting compositions such that this value is 1.

Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That Uses an

Equation of State
These Fluid Types use Compositional as their Thermo Type.
SimCent ral Simulation Platform provides standard data in its default library for most calculations. In
many plac es throughout the configuration proc ess, you can specify custom thermodynamic dat a that you
want to use to supplement the SimCentral Simulation Platform data banks for the thermodynamic
calculations. See Data Bank s for a Fluid on page 93 for more information.
To configure a Fluid Type:
1. Open the Fluid Editor for the Fluid Type.
2. Expand the S tarting Values section and enter the Initial value, Minimum value, and Maximum
value for the Pre ssure and Temperature.

3. Expand the Methods section.

4. In the System list, select one of the following equations of state, which SimCentral Simulation
Platform uses to model the system and perform all thermodynamic calculations:
 Soave-Redlich-Kwong (S RK)
 Peng-Robinson (PR)
 SRK-Modified Panag.-Reid (SRKM)
 PR-Modi fied Panag.-Reid (PRM)

Version 3.2 77
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Fluid Editor

See the SimCentral Simulation Platform Thermodynamic Reference Guide for more information on
the differences between the equations of state.

5. If you want to use custom data banks of binary interaction data, in the Binary Interaction Banks
area, click Expand and add the custom data banks that you want to use.
6. In the Alpha Selection list, select the type of alpha calculation that you want to use.
If you select Acentric Factor Formulation, SimCent ral Simulation Platform uses the alpha
correlation from the SRK equation of state. If you select Alpha Databanks, SimCentral Simulation
Platform uses a different alpha correlation for each c omponent that depends on the alpha data in the
data banks that you add to the Alpha Data Banks box.
7. If you select Alpha Databanks in the Alpha Selection list and you want to use custom data banks of
alpha correlation data, in the Alpha Data Banks area, click Expand and add the custom data banks
that you want to use.

Warning: If you use a custom ALPHA data bank, you should also use a binary interaction data bank
that contains adjusted binary interaction parameters that correspond to the alpha data in your
custom ALPHA data bank.

8. In the Pha se s list, select the phases that you want the thermody namic calculation system to model;
for example, if you are modeling a flare process and liquids will not be present, select Vapor Only.
9. If you set the Phase s list to Liquid Only, Vapor/Liquid (VLE), Vapor/Liquid/Water (VLWE) (Beta
Version), or Vapor/Liquid1/Liquid2 (VLLE), in the Liquid Density list, select the method that you
want to use for the liquid density calculations.

 If you set the Liquid Densi ty option to Rackett, the Rackett Data Banks area appears. If you
want to use custom data banks of Rackett data, in the Rackett Data Banks area, click Expand
and add the custom data banks that you want to use.
 If you set the Liquid Density option to COSTALD, the COSTALD Data Banks area appears. If
you want to use custom data banks of COS TA LD data, in the COSTALD Data Banks area, click
Expand and add the custom data banks that you want to use.

78 Version 3.2
Fluid Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

10. If you set the Phase s list to Vapor/Liquid/Water (VLWE) (Beta Version), the Water Solubility
Option list appears and indicat es the correlation that SimCentral Simulation Platform uses to
calculate the water solubility (that is, the composition fraction of water) in the hydrocarbon liquid
phase. Currently, you cannot change the correlation.

11. By default, SimCentral Simulation Platform uses its own data bank of pure components and pure
component data. If you want to override the properties in the default dat a bank with thos e in a c ustom
data bank, in the Pure Component Property Override Data Bank box, type the name of the
custom data bank that contains the property data that should be overwritten.

Note: This custom data bank should contain only the components of int erest an d only data for the
property values that you want to override.

12. If you want to view the warnings from the SimCentral TDM system, select the Report
Thermodynamic Calculation Warnings check box.
13. Add components to the Fluid Type and specify any required data. See Adding Components to a
Compositional Fluid Type on page 90 for more information.

Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That Uses the NRTL,

UNIQUAC, or Wilson Method
These Fluid Types use Compositional as their Thermo Type.
SimCent ral Simulation Platform provides standard data in its default library for most calculations. In
many plac es throughout the configuration proc ess, you can speci fy custom thermodynamic dat a that you
want to use to supplement the SimCentral Simulation Platform data banks for the thermodynamic
calculations. See Data Bank s for a Fluid on page 93 for more information.
To configure a Fluid Type:
1. Open the Fluid Editor for the Fluid Type.
2. Expand the S tarting Values section and enter the Initial value, Minimum value, and Maximum
value for the Pre ssure and Temperature.

3. Expand the Methods section.

Version 3.2 79
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Fluid Editor

4. In the System list, select one of the following methods, which SimCentral Simulation Platform uses
to model the system and perform all thermodynamic calculations:
 Non-Random Two-Liquid (NRTL)
 Universal Quasi-Chemical (UNIQUAC)
 Wilson

5. If you want to use custom data banks of binary interaction data, in the Binary Interaction Banks
area, click Expand and add the custom data banks that you want to use.
6. Select the Use Azeotrope Fill check box to estimate missing VLE and LLE int eraction parameters
by regressing azeotropic data from a data bank to provide binary interaction data. Otherwis e, clear
the check box.
7. If you want to use custom data banks of azeotropic data, in the Azeotrope Data Banks area, click
Expand and add the custom data banks that you want to use.
The Azeotrope Data Banks area is available only when the Use Azeotrope Fill check box is
8. Select the Use Henry's Law check box to calculate the fugacity of supercritical gasses by using
Henry's Law. Otherwise, clear the check box.
The Henry's Solute column appears in the Component Li st section when you select the Use
Henry's Law check box. You must select the check box in this column for each component that you
want to use as a solute component. SimCentral Simulation Platform aut omatically designates
components with c ritical temperatures less than 400 K as solut e c omponents. Please see the SimSci
SimCent ral Thermodynamics Reference Guide for more information on Henry's Law.

80 Version 3.2
Fluid Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

9. By default, SimCentral Simulation Platform uses its own data bank of Henry's Law parameters and
coefficients. If you want to use different data banks, in the Henry's Law Data Banks area, click
Expand and add the custom data banks that you want to use.
The Henry's Law Data Banks area is available only when the Use Henry's Law check box is
10. In the Enthalpy Route list, select System to use the system enthalpy basis and reference state for
all components in the Fluid Type or select Custom to specify your own ent halpy basis and reference
state for each component.
The Enthalpy Ba si s, Ref T, Ref H, and Pha se Ch T columns appear in the Component Li st
section when you select Custom. You can us e these columns to change the ent halpy calculation
route and reference state for each component. See Changes to the Enthalpy Basis and Reference
State for Components on page 91 and Enthalpy Calculations for LACT Methods in the SimSci
SimCent ral Simulation Platform Thermodynamic Ref erence Guide for more information.

11. Select the Include Heat of Mixing (Excess Enthalpy) in Liquid Enthalpy Calculations check box
to calculate the heat of mixing when SimCentral Simulation Platform performs the liquid enthalpy
12. Select the Use Poynting Correction check box to include the Poynting correction factor in the
equilibrium calculations.
13. Select the Include Activity Coeffi cient Variables in Fluid State check box to add variables for the
activity coefficients to the Fluid State model. You can then view the calculated values for the activity
coefficients or us e them in other areas of the Simulation.
This check box is available only when you set the Phase s list to Liquid Only, Vapor/Liquid (VLE),
Vapor/Liquid/Water (VLWE) (Beta Version), or Vapor/Liquid1/Liquid2 (VLLE).
14. If you set the Phase s list to Vapor/Liquid (VLE), Vapor/Liquid/Water (VLWE) (Beta Version), or
Vapor/Liquid1/Liquid2 (VLLE), in the Vapor Phase Equilibrium Method list, select the method
that you want SimCent ral Simulation Platform to use when it calculates the vapor phase equilibrium
15. In the Pha se s list, select the phases that you want the thermody namic calculation system to model;
for example, if you are modeling a flare process and liquids will not be present, select Vapor Only.
16. If you set the Phase s list to Liquid Only, Vapor/Liquid (VLE), Vapor/Liquid/Water (VLWE) (Beta
Version), or Vapor/Liquid1/Liquid2 (VLLE), in the Liquid Density list, select the method that you
want to use for the liquid density calculations.

 If you set the Liquid Densi ty option to Rackett, the Rackett Data Banks area appears. If you
want to use custom data banks of Rackett data, in the Rackett Data Banks area, click Expand
and add the custom data banks that you want to use.

Version 3.2 81
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Fluid Editor

 If you set the Liquid Density option to COSTALD, the COSTALD Data Banks area appears. If
you want to use custom data banks of COS TA LD data, in the COSTALD Data Banks area, click
Expand and add the custom data banks that you want to use.
17. If you set the Phase s list to Vapor/Liquid/Water (VLWE) (Beta Version), the Water Solubility
Option list appears and indicat es the correlation that SimCentral Simulat ion Platform uses to
calculate the water solubility (that is, the composition fraction of water) in the hydrocarbon liquid
phase. Currently, you cannot change the correlation.

18. By default, SimCentral Simulation Platform uuses its own data bank of pure components and pure
component data. If you want to override the properties in the default dat a bank with those in a c ustom
data bank, in the Pure Component Property Override Data Bank box, type the name of the
custom data bank that contains the property data that should be overwritten.

Note: This custom data bank should contain only the components of int erest and only data for the
property values that you want to override.

19. If you want to view the warnings from the SimCentral TDM system, select the Report
Thermodynamic Calculation Warnings check box.
20. Add components to the Fluid Type and specify any required data. See Adding Components to a
Compositional Fluid Type on page 90 for more information.

Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That Uses the

Dortmund UNIFAC Method
These Fluid Types use Compositional as their Thermo Type.
SimCent ral Simulation Platform provides standard data in its default library for most calculations. In
many plac es throughout the configuration proc ess, you can specify custom thermodynamic dat a that you
want to use to supplement the SimCentral Simulation Platform data banks for the thermodynamic
calculations. See Data Bank s for a Fluid on page 93 for more information.
To configure a Fluid Type:
1. Open the Fluid Editor for the Fluid Type.

82 Version 3.2
Fluid Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

2. Expand the S tarting Values section and enter the Initial value, Minimum value, and Maximum
value for the Pre ssure and Temperature.

3. Expand the Methods section.

4. In the System list, select Dortmund UNIFAC.

5. If you want to use custom data banks of binary interaction data, in the Group Information Banks
area, click Expand and add the custom data banks that you want to use.
6. Select the Use Henry's Law check box to calculate the fugacity of supercritical gasses by using
Henry's Law. Otherwise, clear the check box.

Version 3.2 83
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Fluid Editor

The Henry's Solute column appears in the Component Li st section when you select the Use
Henry's Law check box. You must select the check box in this column for each component that you
want to use as a solute component. SimCentral Simulation Platform aut omatically designates
components with c ritical temperatures less than 400 K as solut e components. Please see the SimSci
SimCent ral Thermodynamics Reference Guide for more information on Henry's Law.
7. By default, SimCentral Simulation Platform uses its own data bank of Henry's Law parameters and
coefficients. If you want to use different data banks, in the Henry's Law Data Banks area, click
Expand and add the custom data banks that you want to use.
The Henry's Law Data Banks area is available only when the Use Henry's Law check box is
8. In the Enthalpy Route list, select System to use the system enthalpy basis and reference state for
all components in the Fluid Type or select Custom to specify your own ent halpy basis and reference
state for each component.
The Enthalpy Ba si s, Ref T, Ref H, and Pha se Ch T columns appear in the Component Li st
section when you select Custom. You can us e these columns to change the ent halpy calculation
route and reference state for each component. See Changes to the Enthalpy Basis and Reference
State for Components on page 91 and Enthalpy Calculations for LACT Methods in the SimSci
SimCent ral Simulation Platform Thermodynamic Ref erence Guide for more information.

9. Select the Include Heat of Mixing (Excess Enthalpy) in Liquid Enthalpy Calculations check box
to calculate the heat of mixing when SimCentral Simulation Platform performs the liquid ent halpy
10. Select the Use Poynting Correction check box to include the Poynting correction factor in the
equilibrium calculations.
11. Select the Include Activity Coeffi cient Variables in Fluid State check box to add variables for the
activity coefficients to the Fluid State model. You can then view the calculated values for the activity
coefficients or us e them in other areas of the Simulation.
This check box is available only when you set the Phase s list to Liquid Only, Vapor/Liquid (VLE),
Vapor/Liquid/Water (VLWE) (Beta Version), or Vapor/Liquid1/Liquid2 (VLLE).
12. If you set the Phase s list to Vapor/Liquid (VLE), Vapor/Liquid/Water (VLWE) (Beta Version), or
Vapor/Liquid1/Liquid2 (VLLE), in the Vapor Phase Equilibrium Method list, select the method
that you want SimCent ral Simulation Platform to use when it calculates the vapor phase equilibrium
13. In the Pha se s list, select the phases that you want the thermody namic calculation system to model;
for example, if you are modeling a flare process and liquids will not be present, select Vapor Only.

84 Version 3.2
Fluid Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

14. If you set the Phase s list to Liquid Only, Vapor/Liquid (VLE), Vapor/Liquid/Water (VLWE) (Beta
Version), or Vapor/Liquid1/Liquid2 (VLLE), in the Liquid Density list, select the method that you
want to use for the liquid density calculations.

 If you set the Liquid Density list to Rackett, the Rackett Data Banks area appears. If you want
to use custom data banks of Rackett data, in the Rackett Data Banks area, click Expand and
add the custom data banks that you want to use.
 If you set the Liquid Density list to COSTALD, the COSTALD Data Banks area appears. If you
want to use custom dat a banks of COS TA LD data, in the COSTALD Data Banks area, click
Expand and add the custom data banks that you want to use.
15. If you set the Phase s list to Vapor/Liquid/Water (VLWE) (Beta Version), the Water Solubility
Option list appears and indicat es the correlation that SimCentral Simulation Platform uses to
calculate the water solubility (that is, the composition fraction of water) in the hydrocarbon liquid
phase. Currently, you cannot change the correlation.

16. By default, SimCentral Simulation Platform uses its own data bank of pure components and pure
component data. If you want to override the properties in the default dat a bank with those in a c ustom
data bank, in the Pure Component Property Override Data Bank box, type the name of the
custom data bank that contains the property data that should be overwritten.

Note: This custom data bank should contain only the components of int erest and only data for the
property values that you want to override.

17. If you want to view the warnings from the SimCentral TDM system, select the Report
Thermodynamic Calculation Warnings check box.
18. Add components to the Fluid Type and specify any required data. See Adding Components to a
Compositional Fluid Type on page 90 for more information.

Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That Uses the

Grayson-Streed or Improved Grayson-Streed Method
These Fluid Types use Compositional as their Thermo Type.
SimCent ral Simulation Platform provides standard data in its default library for most calculations. In
many plac es throughout the configuration proc ess, you can specify custom thermodynamic dat a that you
want to use to supplement the SimCentral Simulation Platform data banks for the thermodynamic
calculations. See Data Bank s for a Fluid on page 93 for more information.
To configure a Fluid Type:
1. Open the Fluid Editor for the Fluid Type.

Version 3.2 85
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Fluid Editor

2. Expand the S tarting Values section and enter the Initial value, Minimum value, and Maximum
value for the Pre ssure and Temperature.

3. Expand the Methods section.

4. In the System list, select either Grayson-Streed or Improved Grayson-S treed.

5. In the Pha se s list, select the phases that you want the thermody namic calculation system to model;
for example, if you are modeling a flare process and liquids will not be present, select Vapor Only.
6. If you set the Phase s list to Liquid Only, Vapor/Liquid (VLE), Vapor/Liquid/Water (VLWE) (Beta
Version), or Vapor/Liquid1/Liquid2 (VLLE), in the Liquid Density list, select the method that you
want to use for the liquid density calculations.

86 Version 3.2
Fluid Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

 If you set the Liquid Density list to Rackett, the Rackett Data Banks area appears. If you want
to use custom data banks of Rackett data, in the Rackett Data Banks area, click Expand and
add the custom data banks that you want to use.
 If you set the Liquid Density list to COSTALD, the COSTALD Data Banks area appears. If you
want to use custom dat a banks of COS TA LD data, in the COSTALD Data Banks area, click
Expand and add the custom data banks that you want to use.
7. If you set the Phase s list to Vapor/Liquid/Water (VLWE) (Beta Version), the Water Solubility
Option list appears and indicat es the correlation that SimCentral Simulation Platform uses to
calculate the water solubility (that is, the composition fraction of water) in the hydrocarbon liquid
phase. Currently, you cannot change the correlation.

8. By default, SimCentral Simulation Platform uses its own data bank of p ure components and pure
component data. If you want to override the properties in the default dat a bank with those in a c ustom
data bank, in the Pure Component Property Override Data Bank box, type the name of the
custom data bank that contains the property data that should be overwritten.

Note: This custom data bank should contain only the components of int erest and only data for the
property values that you want to override.

9. If you want to view the warnings from the SimCentral TDM system, select the Report
Thermodynamic Calculation Warnings check box.
10. Add components to the Fluid Type and specify any required data. See Adding Components to a
Compositional Fluid Type on page 90 for more information.

Configuring a Compositional Fluid Type That Uses the

Regular Solution Model
These Fluid Types use Compositional as their Thermo Type.
SimCent ral Simulation Platform provides standard data in its default library for most calculations. In
many plac es throughout the configuration proc ess, you can specify custom thermodynamic dat a that you
want to use to supplement the SimCentral Simulation Platform data banks for the thermodynamic
calculations. See Data Bank s for a Fluid on page 93 for more information.
To configure a Fluid Type:
1. Open the Fluid Editor for the Fluid Type.

Version 3.2 87
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Fluid Editor

2. Expand the S tarting Values section and enter the Initial value, Minimum value, and Maximum
value for the Pre ssure and Temperature.

3. Expand the Methods section.

4. In the System list, select Regular Solution Model.

5. In the Enthalpy Route list, select System to use the system enthalpy basis and reference state for
all components in the Fluid Type or select Custom to specify your own ent halpy basis and reference
state for each component.

88 Version 3.2
Fluid Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

The Enthalpy Ba si s, Ref T, Ref H, and Pha se Ch T columns appear in the Component Li st
section when you select Custom. You can us e these columns to change the ent halpy calculation
route and reference state for each component. See Changes to the Enthalpy Basis and Reference
State for Components on page 91 and Enthalpy Calculations for LACT Methods in the SimSci
SimCent ral Simulation Platform Thermodynamic Ref erence Guide for more information.

6. Select the Include Heat of Mixing (Excess Enthalpy) in Liquid Enthalpy Calculations check box
to calculate the heat of mixing when SimCentral Simulation Platform performs the liquid enthalpy
7. Select the Use Poynting Correction check box to include the Poynting correction factor in the
equilibrium calculations.
8. In the Pha se s list, select the phases that you want the thermody namic calculation system t o model;
for example, if you are modeling a flare process and liquids will not be present, select Vapor Only.
9. If you set the Phase s list to Liquid Only, Vapor/Liquid (VLE), Vapor/Liquid/Water (VLWE) (Beta
Version), or Vapor/Liquid1/Liquid2 (VLLE), in the Liquid Density list, select the method that you
want to use for the liquid density calculations.

 If you set the Liquid Density list to Rackett, the Rackett Data Banks area appears. If you want
to use custom data banks of Rackett data, in the Rackett Data Banks area, click Expand and
add the custom data banks that you want to use.
 If you set the Liquid Density list to COSTALD, the COSTALD Data Banks area appears. If you
want to use custom dat a banks of COS TA LD data, in the COSTALD Data Banks area, click
Expand and add the custom data banks that you want to use.
10. If you set the Phase s list to Vapor/Liquid/Water (VLWE) (Beta Version), the Water Solubility
Option list appears and indicat es the correlation that SimCentral Simulation Platform uses to
calculate the water solubility (that is, the composition fraction of water) in the hydrocarbon liquid
phase. Currently, you cannot change the correlation.

11. By default, SimCentral Simulation Platform uses its own data bank of pure components and pure
component data. If you want to override the properties in the default dat a bank with thos e in a c ustom
data bank, in the Pure Component Property Override Data Bank box, type the name of the
custom data bank that contains the property data that should be overwritten.

Version 3.2 89
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Fluid Editor

Note: This custom data bank should contain only the components of int erest an d only data for the
property values that you want to override.

12. If you want to view the warnings from the SimCentral TDM system, select the Report
Thermodynamic Calculation Warnings check box.
13. Add components to the Fluid Type and specify any required data. See Adding Components to a
Compositional Fluid Type on page 90 for more information.

Adding Components to a Compositional Fluid Type

To add components to a Compositional Fluid Type:
1. Expand the Component Li st and Component Brow ser sections, which allow you to define what
your fluid is composed of.

2. If you know the library name of a pure component that you want to add to the Fluid Type, in the
Component Li st section, do the following:
a. In the Add Library Component list, select the thermodynamic data bank that contains the pure
components that you want to add.
The default data bank is System:SIMS CI, which is the standard dat a bank in the default
thermodynamic library that comes along with the SimCentral Simulation Platform install.
b. In the Add Library Component box, type the name and then press Enter.

90 Version 3.2
Fluid Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

3. If you do not know the library name of a pure component that you want to add to the Fluid Type, in the
Component Brow ser section, locate the pure component in the list and click to add a
component to the Fluid Type.

Note: You can filter the components in the Component Brow ser section by data bank, name,
formula, or property. See Filtering Components in the Component Browser on page 96 for more

4. For petro components, in the Component Li st section, click Add Petro Component . Enter
values for at least two of the properties that characterize the component: NBP, Gravity, and MW.
SimCent ral Simulation Platform changes the name of the component based on the NBP value.
5. If desired, rename t he components. If you rename a component, you may want to updat e the name if
you later decide to change the component properties.
6. If you are using Henry's Law for calculations (that is, you select the Use Henry's Law check box in
the Methods section), in the Henry's Solute column, select the check box for each component that
you want to use as a solute component. SimCentral Simulation Platform automatically selects the
check boxes for components with critical temperat ures less than 400 K.
The Use Henry's Law check box is available only for Fluid Types that use the NRTL, UNIQUAC,
Dortmund UNIFA C, or Wilson methods.
7. If y ou are using a custom enthalpy route (t hat is, you select Custom in the Enthalpy Route list in the
Methods section), do the following for each component:
a. In the Enthalpy Ba si s column, select the ent halpy basis that you want to use.
b. In the Ref T column, ent er the reference temperature that you want to use.
c. In the Ref H column, enter the change in enthalpy from the system reference state to the
reference state that you specify in the Ref T and Enthalpy Ba si s columns.
d. In the Pha se Ch T column, enter the temperature at which the component changes phases to
the supercritical region, Tc.
The Enthalpy Route list is not available for Fluid Types that use the Grayson-Streed or Improved
Grayson-Streed met hods.
See Changes to the Enthalpy Basis and Reference State for Components on page 91 for more
8. Set the Starting Composition of each component that you want to use when y ou first place a model
that uses the fluid in a simulation or when you first add the fluid to an existing model on the Canvas.
There are no units of measure for these values. When you add the fluid to a model, SimCentral
Simulation Platform uses the default units of measure for the model without converting these values.
The Sum of Starting Compositions displays the sum of all the Starting Composition values. We
recommend that you set the starting compositions such that this value is 1.

Changes to the Enthalpy Basis and Reference State for

For Compositional Fluids that use one of the LACT methods, in the Methods area, in the Enthalpy
Route list, you can select Custom to enable the following controls in the Component Li st section:
 In the Enthalpy Ba si s list, you can change the enthalpy calculation rout e for the component. You
can choose from one of the following options:
o System: SimCentral Simulation Platform uses the system reference state and the system
calculation route for the enthalpy calculations.

Version 3.2 91
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Fluid Editor

o Ideal Gas: SimCentral Simulation Plat form uses a user -specified reference state and the ideal
gas calculation route for the ent halpy calculations.
o Sat. Liquid: SimCentral Simulation Plat form uses a user -specified reference state and the
saturated liquid calculation route for the ent halpy calculations.
See Enthalpy Calculations for LA CT Methods in the SimSci SimCent ral Simulation Platform
Thermodynamic Reference Guide for more information on the differences in the enthalpy calculation
 In the Ref T box, you can enter the reference temperature that you want to use for the enthalpy
 In the Ref H box, you can enter the reference enthalpy that you want to use for the component. This
value should be the c hange between the system reference ent halpy and the enthalpy at the specified
enthalpy basis and reference temperat ure. The system reference enthalpy is the ideal gas formation
at 25°C. Therefore, if you select Sat. Liquid for the Enthalpy Basi s or set the Ref T value to any
value other than 298.15 K (25°C), you must updat e the Ref H value to account for the change in the
reference enthalpy.
You can use the following equation to calculate the Ref H value when you select Sat. Liquid for the
Enthalpy Ba si s:

RefH  H F  IG, 25C   H vap  25C    cL T  dT


25 C

Tref is the Ref T value.
For example, if you select Sat. Liquid for the Enthalpy Ba si s and set the Ref T value to 298.15 K
(25°C), you should set the Ref H value to the difference bet ween the ideal gas heat of formation at
25°C and the latent heat of vaporization at 25°C.

RefH  H F  IG,25C  H vap  25C

If you select Sat. Liquid for the Enthalpy Ba si s and set the Ref T value to 273.15 K (0°C), you
should set the Ref H value to the difference bet ween the ideal gas heat of formation at 25°C and the
latent heat of vaporization at 25°C minus the enthalpy change between the enthalpy of the liquid at
0°C and the enthalpy of the liquid at 25°C.
25 C
RefH  H F  IG, 25C   H vap  25C    cL T  dT
0 C

You can use the following equation to calculate the Ref H value when you select Ideal Gas for the
Enthalpy Ba si s:

RefH  H F  IG, 25C    T  dT   dep H V Tref 

25 C IG

dep HV is the departure function that computes the difference bet ween the enthalpy of the real gas
and the enthalpy in the ideal gas state. See Departure Function in the SimSci SimCentral Simulation
Platform Thermodynamic Reference Guide for more information
For example, if you select Ideal Gas for the Enthalpy Ba si s and set the Ref T value to 273.15 K
(0°C), you should set the Ref H value to difference between the the ideal gas heat of formation at
25°C and the enthalpy change bet ween the vapor at 0°C and the vapor at 25°C.
25 C
RefH  H F  IG, 25C    cIG T  dT   dep H V  0C 
0 C

92 Version 3.2
Fluid Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

If you select Ideal Gas for the Enthalpy Ba si s and set the Ref T value to 298.15 K (25°C), there is
no change from the system reference enthalpy and you should set the Ref H value to the ideal gas
heat of formation at 25°C.

RefH  H F  IG,25C
 In the Pha se Ch T box, you can enter the temperature at which the phases transition during the
enthalpy calculations. In this case, SimCentral Simulation Platform modifies its enthalpy calculations
so that it uses only the latent heat of vaporization at the phase-change temperature when it needs to
calculate the ent halpy of a phase transition. Ty pically, you specify a phas e-change temperature if
you have low confidence in your correlation for the latent heat of vaporization, but a high confidence
in the value of that correlation at the phase -change temperature.
If you leave this value blank or set it to zero, the soft ware uses the system temperature as the
phase-change temperature.
See Enthalpy Calculations for LA CT Methods in the SimSci SimCent ral Simulation Platform
Thermodynamic Ref erence Guide for more information on how the calculations change when you
specify a phase-change temperature.
You can obt ain the values for the heat of formation, latent heat of vaporiz ation, and departure function
from SimCentral TDM if you do not have data readily available for these values.

Data Banks for a Fluid

In many places throughout the Fluid Editor for Compositional Fluids, you can specify custom
thermodynamic data that you want to use to supplement the SimCentral Simulation Platform data banks
for the thermody namic calculations. This custom thermodynamic data exists in data banks in custom
libraries that you have created from SimCentral TDM.

Version 3.2 93
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Fluid Editor

Except for the pure component data bank selection, you will see an Expand button to the right of a list of
the data banks that the Fluid currently uses for the related t hermodynamic data. The order of the data
banks in this list is also the order in which SimCentral Simulation Plat form searches the data banks for
data. When SimCent ral Simulation Platform finds the requested data in a data bank, it stops searching
and does not consider any data in s ubsequent dat a banks. We recommend that you add data banks with
the latest or most relevant data to the top of the list.

94 Version 3.2
Fluid Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

When you click the Expand button, the Expand button changes to the Collapse button and a set of
commands and a list of available data banks appears. You can use the two lists and commands to add
data banks to the Fluid, remove dat a banks from the Fluid, and change the search order of the data

For the pure component data banks, SimCentral Simulation Platform loads data for each pure
component from the dat a bank that you specified when y ou added the component to the Fluid. The Bank
column in the Component Li st section of the Fluid Editor shows the data bank that SimCentral
Simulation Plat form uses for each component. You can also supply a custom data bank that contains
data that will override those values. To do this, first create a custom data bank that contains the
components of interest and ent er data for only the property values that you want to override for these
components. Then, in the Methods area, in the Pure Component Property Override Data Bank box,
enter t he name of t hat dat a bank in a <library>:<bank> format, where <library> is the name of the
library file and <bank> is the name of the data bank within that library file. The library file must be located
in the %userprofile %\My Thermo Data folder.
Please see the SimSci SimCentral Simulation Platform Thermodynamic Reference Guide for more
information regarding the creation and management of these custom libraries and data banks.

Version 3.2 95
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Fluid Editor

Component Picker
The Component Picker is a set of expandable configuration sections within the Fluid Editor that you can
use to browse the components in the standard SimCentral Simulation Plat form component library. You
can also access components in data banks in custom thermodynamic libraries that you have created and
registered in SimSci SimCentral TDM. You can then add those components to your fluid. You can use
the Component Picker only when the Thermo Type for your fluid is Compositional or
When you are in the Simulation Building role, you cannot add components to fluids in the repository
model libraries; you can still add components to fluids in the simulation-s pecific model library.
 The Component Picker is comprised of the Component Li st and Component Brow ser sections in
the Fluid Editor
 The Component Picker is available only for Composi tional and I somericHydrogen fluids
 View all the components that are available in the SimCentral Simulation Plat form component library
 Filter components by data bank, name, chemical formula, or property
 Add components from the component list
 Add components by using their library name
 Add components from either the standard component library or the data banks in custom
thermodynamic libraries

Filtering Components in the Component Browser

You can access the Component Brow ser section only for Compostional and I somericHydrogen
fluids. This section lists all the c omponents in the SimCentral Simulation Platform component library. The
list is long and comprehensive. You can sort the list by any of the column headers in this section, but you
may still find it cumbersome to search for specific components. You may find it easier to filter the
components based on the criteria that you are int erested in. You can filter the components based on
 Data bank
 Full component name
 Library name (an eight-character alias for the component name)
 Chemical formula
 CAS number
 Normal boiling point (in Kelvin)
 Molecular weight (in g/mol)
You can filter components on more than one of the preceding criteria.
To filter components:
1. If you want to filter components by their data bank, in the Bank list, select the data bank that you
want to view.
2. The default data bank is System:SIMS CI, which is the standard pure component data bank in the
default thermodynamic library that comes along with the SimCentral Simulation Platform install. You
can select All to view both the standard data bank and all your custom data banks.

96 Version 3.2
Fluid Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

3. If you want to filter components by their full component name, in the Full Component Name column,
in the text box, type a text string. SimCentral Simulation Platform shows only the components that
contain this text string. If desired, select the Leading checkbox and SimCentral Simulation Platform
shows only the components with names that start with the text string.
4. If you want to filter components by their library name, in the Library Name column, in the text box,
type a text string. SimCentral Simulation Plat form shows only the components that contain this text
string. If desired, select the Leading checkbox and SimCent ral Simulation Platform shows only the
components with names that start with the text string.

Note: A single component may have multiple library names. However, if you search for this
component under any criteria other than the library name, you will see only one of the library names.
For example, difluoromethane has three library names, R32, HFC32, and FREON32. If you searc h
for difluoromethane by using the text box under the Full Component Name column, you will see
only the component listing with a library name of R32. The actual library component is the same for
all the library names. The library name affects only the text that appears under the Name column
when you add the component to the Component Li st section and you can change that text at any

5. If you want to filter components by their chemical formula, in the Formula column, in the text box,
type a text string. SimCentral Simulation Plat form shows only the components that contain this text
string. If desired, select the Leading checkbox and SimCent ral Simulation Platform shows only the
components with formulas that start with the text string.
6. If you want to filter components by their CAS number, in the CAS Number column, in the text box,
type a text string. SimCentral Simulation Plat form shows only the components with CAS numbers
that contain this text string. If desired, select the Leading checkbox and SimCentral Simulation
Platform shows only the components with CAS numbers that start with the text string.
Note: CAS Registry Numbers are the int ellectual property of the American Chemical Society, and
are used by SimCentral Simulation Plat form with the express permission of CAS.

7. If you want to filter components by their normal boiling point, in the NBP - K column, in the first text
box, type the starting point of the normal boiling point range that you want to search under. In the
second text box, type the end point of the normal boiling point range.
Note that you can include only the starting point or only the end point to filter out all components with
a normal boiling point that is greater or lesser than the temperat ure in the text box, respectively.
8. If you want to filter components by their molecular weight, in the MW column, in the first text box, type
the starting point of the molecular weight range that you want to search under. In the second text
box, type the end point of the molecular weight range.
Note that you can include only the starting point or only the end point to filter out all components with
a molecular weight that is greater or lesser than the value in the text box, respectively.

Copying a Fluid Type to a Simulation

Since Fluid Types must be customized for a specific simulation, they must be saved with that simulation.
Simulation Builders must copy the Fluid Type from a shared Repository Model Library to the
simulation-s pecific Model Library so that it can be customized, imported and exported with that
To copy a Fluid Type to a simulation:
1. Browse to the Model Library that contains the Fluid Type you want to copy.
2. Click the Fluid Type and drag and drop it onto the simulation-specific Model Library.
The Fluid Ty pe will be copied to the simulation-specific Model Library.

Version 3.2 97
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Fluid Editor

Associating a New Icon with a Fluid Type

You can associate an icon wit h a Model Type, Fluid Type or Port Type. The icon is used only in the Model
Library. The icon that you want to associate must be in the form of an Extensible Application Mark up
(XAML) file. Many software applications on the market let you create XAML icon files or convert
traditional icons to XAML.
To associate an icon:
1. From the editor you are in, expand the Icon section.

2. Click Select Icon.

3. Select an XAML file.
The icon will be visible in the Icon section.

98 Version 3.2
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Curve Editor
About the Curve Editor
The Curve Editor allows you to create independent and dependent variables that you can use for a
head-flow curve or efficiency-flow curve to provide x-axis and y-axis information required for a pump
performance curve. A curve is tabular data with interpolations bet ween the points defined. The
independent variable(s) that you define are on the horizontal axis; for example, flow. The dependent
variable(s) that you define are plotted on the chart; for example, head or efficiency.

 Independent variables are included on the horizontal axis
 Dependent variables are plotted on the chart
 Create independent variables
 Create dependent variables
 Add a background image to help accurately replicate a typical curve

In This Chapter
Opening the Curve Editor ............................................................................................................ 100
Defining Variables and Plotting Curve Points ................................................................................ 100
Scaling Curve Data ..................................................................................................................... 101
Managing Points on the Curve Chart ............................................................................................ 101
Adding a Background Image to Help Accurately Replicat e a Curve ................................................ 103
Defining the Maximum and Minimum Curve Chart Axis Values ...................................................... 107

Version 3.2 99
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Curve Editor

Opening the Curve Editor

To open the Curve Editor:
1. Browse to the Model Library.
2. Right -click a Curve Type and select Edit.
The Curve Editor appears.

Defining Variables and Plotting Curve Points

You can define variables in the curve editor to provide x -axis and y-axis information required for a pump
performance curve. A curve is tabular data with interpolations bet ween the x and y points you define.
To define variables:
1. Open an existing curve or create a new one.
2. Expand the Variables section.
3. Change the name of the default independent variable (Var1), and select its Type. By default, the
independent variable is already added when you create a new curve.
The Uni ts column displays the internal UOM for the Type that you define. SimCentral Simulation
Platform converts all values of the specified Type to this UOM when it performs calculations. You
cannot change this UOM.
4. Enter a De scription for the independent variable.
5. Change the name of the default dependent variable (V ar2), and select its Type. By default, the
dependent variable is already added when you create a new curve.
6. To add anot her dependent variable, click the Add Dependent Variable (+) button. Change the
name of the new dependent variable, and select its Type.
The Uni ts column displays the internal UOM for the Type that you define. SimCentral Simulation
Platform converts all values of the specified Type to this UOM when it performs calculations. You
cannot change this UOM.
7. Select the Interpolation type for each dependent variable.
8. Enter a De scription for each dependent variable.
To plot curve points:
1. Open an existing curve or create a new one.
2. Expand the Curves section.
3. In the Curve list, select the dependent variable for which you want to enter curve data.
4. In the data table, in the UOM list for each variable, select the UOM for the point data that you want to
The UOM list contains UOMs that are specific to the Type that you defined for the variable. A UOM
list does not appear for dimensionless variables.
5. To add more point data to the curve, click the Add Curve Point (+) button.
6. Enter curve point dat a for the independent and dependent variables.
The curve data appears on the curve chart.

100 Version 3.2

Curve Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Scaling Curve Data

As most compressors have similar characteristics, you can enter a "generic" curve in the Curve E ditor so
that you can scale it to actual process conditions in a specific simulation.
To scale curve data:
1. Open the Curve Editor for the Curve Type.
2. Enter or import a non-scaled curve.
3. Expand the General section, and select the Scaled Curve data check box.

The tabular curve data in the Curve s section is defined as scaled curve dat a.
4. Expand the Variables section and change the Type of your variables to one of the dimensionless
UOM types.
5. Expand the Curves section and update the point data for your curves as necessary to reflect
dimensionless data.
To perform scaling in the model in which you want to use a scaled c urve, you c an specify a condition with
expression CurveType.IsScale or CurveType.Scaled = true. You can use these conditions to
turn on additional variables and equations to perform the scaling, such as CurveState.x =
Flow/FlowRef. The Pump model in the CWLib library contains conditions and equations that
demonstrate how to use a scaled curve in a model.

Managing Points on the Curve Chart

You can move existing points already plotted on the curve chart, add new points directly to the curve
chart, and remove points directly from the curve chart if you have already defined dependent and
independent variables in the Curve Editor.
To manage a curve point already plotted on the curve chart:
1. Open the Curve Editor for the Curve Type.

Version 3.2 101

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Curve Editor

2. Click an existing point and drag it to the location that you desire on the curve chart.

3. Browse to the Curves section, and notice that the curve variable data was automatically updat ed
based on the new locati on of the point.

To add a curve point directly from the curve chart:

1. Open the Curve Editor for the Curve Type.
2. Expand the Curves section.
3. Locate where you want to add a new curve point, press Ctrl, and then click the curve chart.
4. In the data table, notice that SimCentral Simulation Plat form automatically adds the curve variable
data for the new point.
To remove a curve point directly from the curve chart:
1. Open the Curve Editor for the Curve Type.
2. Expand the Curves section.
3. On the curve chart, locate the curve point that you want to remove, press Ctrl, and then click it.

102 Version 3.2

Curve Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

4. In the data table, notice that SimCentral Simulation Platform removed the curve variable data for that

Adding a Background Image to Help Accurately Replicate a

You can add a curve chart background image to help you accurately replicate a predefined curve; for
example, you could use the image included in the procedure below to replicate the points required for a
typical cooling water pump.
To add a background image to the curve chart:
1. Open the Curve Editor for the Curve Type.
2. Expand the Curves section.
3. Select Define Image in the curve chart pane.

4. Click Import image to fill the chart background .

Version 3.2 103

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Curve Editor

5. Select an image and click OK. The image appears in the curve chart.

6. Expand and move the blue box to encompass the area of the image that you want to appear as the
background for the curve chart.

104 Version 3.2

Curve Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

We recommend that you move the edges of the box so that they fall on grid lines in the image. This
allows you to quickly define the minimum and maximum values for the axes.

Version 3.2 105

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Curve Editor

7. In the boxes to the right of the curve chart and below the curve chart, type the minimum and
maximum values of the y-axis and x-axis, respectively. Unless you plan to enter scaled data for the
curve, these values should be the same as the values from the background image.

8. Select Define Curve.

106 Version 3.2

Curve Editor SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

The selected image now appears as the curve chart background. You can add curve data points on
top of the background.

Defining the Maximum and Minimum Curve Chart Axis Values

When you use add a background image to your curve chart, you can define the maximum and minimum
curve chart x-axis and y-axis values.
To define the x-axis and y-axis values:
1. Open the Curve Editor for the Curve Type.
2. Select Define Image in the curve chart pane.

Version 3.2 107

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Curve Editor

3. The left and bottom sides of the c urve chart will have a maximum or minimum value field for the axes.
Define the maximum and minimum values for each axis. After you define the values, press Enter to
apply your changes directly to the chart.

When you select Define Curve, the new maximum and minimum values that you set will appear on
the chart.

108 Version 3.2

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Mini Inspector
About the Mini Inspector
When you hover your mouse over a model on the Canvas, the Mini Inspector displays variables you have
marked as "favorites" in the Model Editor. You can also open the Mini Inspector by double -clicking a
model on the Canvas or by right -clicking the model and then clicking Mini Properties. From the Mini
Inspector, you can change the model's variable specification status, value, and UOM and the changes
will take effect immediately.

 You can display the Mini Ins pector by hovering over a model on the Canvas, double-clicking the
model, or right-clicking the model and then clicking Mini Properties
 You can choose to hide or display the Mini Ins pector
 Changes you make are aut omatically saved
 Hover over a model on the Canvas to display the Mini Ins pector
 Double-click a model on the Canvas to display the Mini Inspector
 Right -click a model on the Canvas and then click Mini Properties to display the Mini Inspector
 Change the variable specification status, value, and UOM

In This Chapter
Working with the Mini Inspector ................................................................................................... 110
Copying and Pasting between Excel and the Mini Inspector .......................................................... 110

Version 3.2 109

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Mini Inspector

Working with the Mini Inspector

You can display the Mini Ins pector by merely hovering over a model on the Canvas.

When the Mini Inspector dialog displays, you can change the model's variable specification status, value
and UOM. You can also drag a variable onto a variable reference or Trend on the Canvas, and the
variable reference or Trend will reflect the variable.
You can hide the Mini Inspector from the Edit/View tab.

Copying and Pasting between Excel and the Mini Inspector

You can copy an array of cell values from Microsoft Excel and paste them into the Mini Inspector. The c ell
values must be aligned vertically in Excel to copy all the values into the Mini Inspector. You can copy only
numerical values from Excel into the values of variables or Real parameters in the Mini Inspector.
You can c opy values from the Mini Inspector by using commands on the right -click menu and paste them
into Excel. You can copy and paste the follow types of information for your selected variables and
 Only the values of the variables and parameters
 All the information that you see on the Mini Inspector, including the specification status, name, value,
and UOM of the variables and parameters
To copy and paste values from Excel into the Mini Inspector:
1. In Excel, select a set of vertically aligned cells of numerical values.
These values should appear in the same column in Excel. Your selection does not need to be
sequential. SimCentral Simulation Plat form will include the same number of rows between the
values as there are in Excel when it pastes the values into the Mini Inspector. A collapsed array of
variables in the Mini Inspector counts as a single row. If you want to paste a value into one of the
variables in the array, you must expand it in the Mini Inspector.
2. Copy the selection by doing one of the following:
 Press Ctrl+C.
 Right -click the selection, and then click Copy.
3. In SimCentral Simulation Platform, open the Mini Inspector that contains the values that you want to
4. Select the variable or Real parameter that corresponds to the first cell in the selection t hat you copied
from Excel.
5. Paste the values from Excel into the Mini Inspector by doing one of the following:
 Press Ctrl+V.
 Right -click the selected variable or Real parameter, and then click Paste Values.
SimCent ral Simulation Platform overwrites the values for the variables and Real parameters with the
values that you copied from Excel.

110 Version 3.2

Mini Inspector SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

To copy and paste values from the Mini Inspector into Excel:
1. On the Mini Inspector, select the rows that you want to copy.
To select consecutive rows, do one of the following:

 Drag the selection box for the first row in your desired selection onto the last row in your
desired selection.

 Press and hold Shift, click the selection box for the first row in your desired selection, and
then click the selection box for the last row in your desired selection.

To select nonconsecutive rows, press and hold Ctrl, and then click the selection box for all the
rows in your desired selection.
2. Do one of the following:
 Right -click the selection, and then click Copy Values.
 Press Ctrl+C.
3. In Excel, select the first cell that you want to paste the values into.
4. Do one of the following:

 Right -click the selected cell, and then click Keep Text Only under Paste Options.
 Press Ctrl+V.
The copied values appear in a vertical array starting at the selected cell.
To copy and paste all information from the Mini Inspector into Excel:
1. On the Mini Inspector, select the rows that you want to copy.
To select consecutive rows, do one of the following:

 Drag the selection box for the first row in your desired selection onto the last row in your
desired selection.

 Press and hold Shift, click the selection box for the first row in your desired selection, and
then click the selection box for the last row in your desired selection.

To select nonconsecutive rows, press and hold Ctrl, and then click the selection box for all the
rows in your desired selection.
2. Right -click the selection, and then click Copy All.
3. In Excel, select the first cell that you want to paste the information into.
4. Do one of the following:

 Right -click the selected cell, and then click Keep Text Only under Paste Options.
 Press Ctrl+V.
A table of the copied rows appears, which includes the specification status, name, value, and UOM
for all the selected variables and parameters. The first cell in the table displays the name of the
model instance that you copied the info rmation from.

Version 3.2 111

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

About Trends
Trends display the time history of a variable in Dynamics Mode. You can modify the look-and-feel of a
Trend and your changes will be automatically saved and visible on the Trend.
 Similar to models, when you creat e a new Trend, it appears both on the Canvas and in the
Simulation Manager
 A Trend can contain any variables used in the simulation
 The Trend automatically updat es when you make any changes to its variables or configuration
 You can delete a Trend from the Canvas without deleting it from the Simulation Manager
 You can use the Simulation Manger to create multiple instances of the same Trend on the Canvas
 Create a new Trend by dragging one from the Tools Model Library onto the Canvas
 Add another instance of an existing Trend to the Canvas by using the Simulation Manager
 Add variables to the Trend
 Configure the Trend variables, colors, and y-axes
 Configure a Trend's appearance, such as the time span, the grid, and the x -axis format

In This Chapter
Managing Trends ........................................................................................................................ 113
Configuring Trends ..................................................................................................................... 114

Managing Trends
This section describes creating, renaming, copying, and deleting Trends.

Acti vity Directions

Creating a Trend On the Model Library, on the Tool s tab, drag a

Trend ont o the Canvas to automatically create a
new Trend.
After you create the Trend, it appears in the
Simulation Manager as Trend1 if it is the first Trend
to be added to the simulation.

Opening a Trend On the Canvas, double-click the Trend to view it.

Alternatively, in the Simulation Manager, right-click
the Trend, and then click View.

Version 3.2 113

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Trends

Opening the configuration area for a Trend On the Canvas or the Simulation Manager,
right-click the Trend, and then click Full
Properties. The Trend appears with an expanded
configuration area.
Alternatively, open the Trend and click the
expansion button at the lower right corner of
the Trend to expand the configuration area.

Copying and pasting a Trend In the Simulation Manager, right -click the Trend
and then click Copy. Right-click the Main flowsheet
for your simulation and then click Paste.
Alternatively, on the Canvas, right-click the Trend
and then click Copy. Right -click the Canvas and
then click Paste.This creat es a new Trend on the
Canvas and in the Simulation Manager, not
another instance of the copied Trend on the

Renaming a Trend In the Simulation Manager, click the Trend's name,

enter a new name, and press Enter.
Alternatively, on the Canvas, double-click the
name of the Trend, type a new name, and then
press Enter.

Creating another instance of an existing Trend on Drag the Trend from the Simulation Manager onto
the Canvas the Canvas.

Deleting a Trend In the Simulation Manager, right -click the Trend,

and then click Delete.
Alternatively, on the Canvas, right-click the Trend,
and then click Delete. Click Delete All to delete the
corresponding Trend and all of its instances on the

Deleting an instance of a Trend from the Canvas On the Canvas, right-click the Trend, and then click
Delete. Click Just Thi s to delet e only this instance
of the Trend on the Canvas. The Trend still exists in
the Simulation Manager and all the other instances
of the Trend on the Canvas remain unchanged.

Configuring Trends
You can configure a Trend so that it contains the variables that you want and displays them in a manner
that fits your requirements.
To configure a Trend:
1. After you create a Trend, right -click the Trend on the Canvas or Simulation Manager and select Full

114 Version 3.2

Trends SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

The Trend appears with an expanded configuration area.

2. To add a variable, click or drag a variable from the Simulation Manager, Keyword View, or
Properties Inspector onto the list of variables.

3. If you clicked , an empty variable placeholder (Select) appears under the Name column in the
Variables section. Click the variable plac eholder under the Name column and type the name of the
variable that you want to add. A drop -down list appears as you type to help you quickly find and
select the variable.

4. Click the Units list if you want to change the UOM in which the variable appears. The UOM selection
applies to only this Trend and does not affect other places where the variable appears.
5. Select the Axis of the variable, either left (L) or right (R).
6. Choose the Color.

Version 3.2 115

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Trends

7. After you add a variable, expand the Axes section to configure the left and right y-axis of the chart.

8. If you want to automatically allocate the minimum and maximum values for the left or right y -axis,
select the Auto check box for that axis.
9. If you did not select the Auto check box, enter the Min and Max values for the variables on that axis.
To configure a Trend's appearance:
1. On the Trend's configuration area, expand the Configure section.

2. Enter the Title of the Trend.

3. Enter the Time Span of the Trend, which is the interval of time for which the Trend displays data.
4. Select the Time Span unit of measure.
5. Enter the Time Grid of the Trend, which is the spacing of the grid lines. The Time Span and the
Time Grid have the same unit of measure.
6. In the X-Axi s Format list, select the time format in which data appears on the chart.
7. Select the location of the Trend Legend.
8. If you prefer a background color ot her than the default, in the Background list, select the desired
9. If you want to change the color of the vertical grid lines on the Trend, in the Grid Line Color list,
select the desired color.
10. If you want to change the style of the vertical grid lines on the Trend, in the Grid Line Style list, select
the desired line style.

116 Version 3.2

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

About Profiles
A Profile displays vector data, such as a temperat ure profile in a distillation column as a function of stage
number. You can display multiple profile curves on the same Profile. You can modify the look and feel of
a Profile and your changes will be automatically saved and visible on the Profile.
 Similar to models, when you creat e a new Profile, it appears both on the Canvas and in the
Simulation Manager
 A Profile contains and displays profile curves
 A profile curve is a combination of scalar and array variables used in the simulation
 The Profile automatically updat es when you make any changes to the profile curves or the
 You can delete a Profile from the Canvas without deleting it from the Simulation Manager
 You can use the Simulation Manger to create multiple instances o f the same Profile on the Canvas
 Create a new Profile by dragging one from the Tools Model Library onto the Canvas
 Add another instance of an existing Profile to the Canvas by using the Simulation Manager
 Add profile curves to the Profile
 Add variables to a profile curve
 Configure the profile curves, colors, and y-axes
 Configure a Profile's appearance, such as the grid and the location of the legend

In This Chapter
Managing Profiles ....................................................................................................................... 117
Configuring Profiles..................................................................................................................... 119

Managing Profiles
This section describes creating, renaming, copying, and deleting Profiles.

Version 3.2 117

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Profiles

Acti vity Directions

Creating a Profile On the Model Library, on the Tool s tab, drag a

Profile onto the Canvas to automatically create a
new P rofile.
After you create the Profile, it appears in the
Simulation Manager as Profile1 if it is the first
Profile to be added to the simulation.

Opening a Profile On the Canvas, double-click the Profile to view it.

Alternatively, in the Simulation Manager, right-click
the Profile, and then click View.

Opening the configuration area for a Profile On the Canvas or the Simulation Manager,
right-click the Profile, and then click Full
Properties. The Profile appears with an expanded
configuration area.
Alternatively, open the Profile and then click the
expansion button at the lower right corner of
the Profile to expand the configuration area.

Copying and pasting a Profile In the Simulation Manager, right -click the Profile
and then click Copy. Right-click the Main flowsheet
for your simulation and then click Paste.
Alternatively, on the Canvas, right-click the Profile
and then click Copy. Right -click the Canvas and
then click Paste.This creat es a new Profile on the
Canvas and in the Simulation Manager, not
another instance of the copied Profile on the

Renaming a Profile In the Simulation Manager, click the Profile's name,

enter a new name, and press Enter.
Alternatively, on the Canvas, double-click the
name of the Profile, type a new name, and then
press Enter.

Creating another instance of an existing Profile on Drag the Profile from the Simulation Manager onto
the Canvas the Canvas.

Deleting a Profile In the Simulation Manager, right -click the Profile,

and then click Delete.
Alternatively, on the Canvas, right-click the Profile,
and then click Delete. Click Delete All to delete the
corresponding Profile and all of its instances on the

118 Version 3.2

Profiles SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Deleting an instance of a Profile from the Canvas On the Canvas, right-click the Profile, and then
click Delete. Click Just Thi s to delete only this
instance of the Profile on the Canvas. The Profile
still exists in the Simulation Manage r and all the
other instances of the Profile on the Canvas remain

Configuring Profiles
You can configure a Profile so that it contains the variables that you want and displays them in a manner
that fits your requirements.
To configure a Profile:
1. After you create a Profile, right-click the Profile on the Canvas or Simulation Manager and select Full
The Profile appears with an expanded configuration area.

Version 3.2 119

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Profiles

2. A newly created Profile always contains a profile curve named Profile 1. A name placeholder
(Change me) appears under the Label column for this profile curve. Click the name placeholder and
type the name that you want to use for this profile curve.
A profile curve consists of one or more simulation variables. The simulation variables can be scalar
or array variables. The software appends the simulation variables to the profile curve as you add
them to the list of simulation variables.

3. To add a profile curve, click on the Profiles bar.

4. If you clicked on the Profile s bar, an empty profile curve appears in the Profiles section. Click
the name placeholder and type the name that you want to use for the profile curve.

5. To add a simulation variable to a profile curve, click on the bar for that profile curve or drag a
variable from the Simulation Manager, Keyword View, Mini Inspector, or Properties Inspector onto
the list of simulation variables.
Alternatively, you can drag a variable onto the Profile's icon on the Canvas to add it to the first profile
curve in the Profile.

6. If you clicked , an empty variable placeholder (Select) appears under the Name column in the
Profiles section. Click the variable placeholder under the Name column and type the name of the
variable that you want to add. A drop -down list appears as you type to help you quickly find and
select the variable.

7. Click the Units list if you want to change the UOM in which the profile curve appears. The UOM
selection applies to only this profile curve and does not affect other places where its corresponding
simulation variables appear.
8. Select the Axis of the profile curve, either left (L) or right (R).
9. Choose the Color.

120 Version 3.2

Profiles SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

10. After you add a profile curve, expand the Axes section to configure the left and right y-axis of the

11. If you want to automatically allocate the minimum and maximum values for the left or right y -axis,
select the Auto check box for that axis.
12. If you did not select the Auto check box, enter the Min and Max values for the profile curves on that
13. If you want to flip the x-axis and the y-axis values for the profile curves on the left y-axis or the right
y-axis, select the Flip checkbox for that axis.
To configure a Profile's appearance:
1. On the Profile's configuration area, expand the Configure section.

2. Enter the Title of the Profile.

3. In the Grid Size box, type the number of array indexes between each grid line on the axis that
displays the array index counter. By default, the array indexes appear on the x -axis.
You may want to increase the Grid Size value when you add large vector variables to your profile
curves. For example, if you set the Grid Size to 1 and you add a vector variable from a 50 -tray
column to any profile curve in the Profile, all 50 trays appear as grid lines, which may be visually
unmanageable. In t his case, you can set the Grid Size to 10 so that only every tenth tray appears for
a total of 5 grid lines on the Profile.
4. If you want to change the color of the vertical grid lines on the Profile, in the Grid Line Color list,
select the desired color.
5. If you want to change the style of the vertical grid lines on the Profile, in the Grid Line Style list,
select the desired line style.
6. If you prefer a background color ot her than the default, in the Background list, select the desired
7. Select the location of the Profile's Legend.

Version 3.2 121

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

About Tables
Tables display model variables and parameters for streams and equipment models. They all ow you to
consolidate information from across the Canvas into a single, easily managed view.
 A Table can include data for any model instance on the Canvas
 A single Table can include model instances of different model types
 A Table can include parameter values, specified variable values, and calculated variable values
 The model instances appear as the column headers and the variable and parameter names appear
as the row headers
 Changes that you make to the specified variables in the Table are automatically reflected in the
 You cannot change the values of calculated variables by using the Table
 You cannot change the values of parameters by using the Table unless they are Integer or Real
 Each model type has a preconfigured list of variables and parameters that automatically appear in
the Table when you add a model instance of that model type to that Table
 You can manually configure the Table to display only the variables and paramet ers that you are
interested in
 Create a blank Table from the Model Library
 Create a Table for a model instance or for all model instances of model type
 Add a model instance to a Table
 Add all model instances of a model type to a Table
 Remove a model instance from a Table
 Add a variable or parameter to a Table
 Remove a variable or parameter from a Table
 Reorder the columns or rows of a Table
 Change specified variable values from the Table
 Add a title to a Table

In This Chapter
Managing Tables ........................................................................................................................ 124

Version 3.2 123

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Tables

Managing Tables
This section describes how to create a Table, add data to an existing Table, and configure a Table.

Acti vity Directions

Creating a blank Table On the Model Library, on the Tool s tab, drag a Table ont o the

Creating a Table for a Single Model On the Canvas, right-click the model instance that you want to
Instance use to create the Table. On the Table submenu, on the Add
<ModelName> submenu, click <Create New Table>.

Creating a Table for All Model On the Canvas, right-click one of the model instances of the
Instances of a Model Type model type that you want to use to create the Table. On the
Table submenu, on the Add all <ModelType> submenu, click
<Create New Table>.

Adding a Model Instance to a Table On the Canvas, right-click the model instance that you want to
add to the Table. On the Table submenu, on the Add
<ModelName> submenu, click the desired Table.
Right -click the Table, and then click Full Properties.
Right -click a column heading and then click Add. A new column
appears to the right of the selected column. In the column
header of the new column, type the name of the model instance
that you want to add to the table.
Right -click the Table, and then click Full Properties. Select a
column header. On the toolbar at the upper right corner of the
Table, click Add after selected column . A new column
appears to the right of the selected column. In the column
header of the new column, type the name of the model instance
that you want to add to the table.

Adding All Model Instances of a On the Canvas, right-click one of the model instances that you
Model Type to a Table want to add to the Table. On the Table submenu, on the Add
all <ModelType> submenu, click the desired Table.

124 Version 3.2

Tables SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Adding a Variable or Parameter to a Right -click the Table, and then click Full Properties.
Table Right -click a row heading and then click Add. A new row
appears after the selected row. In the row header of the new
row, type the name of the variable or paramet er that you want to
add to the table.
Right -click the Table, and then click Full Properties. Select a
row header. On the toolbar at the upper right corner of the
Table, click Add below selected row . A new row appears
after the selected row. In the row header for the new row, type
the name of the variable or parameter that you want to add to
the Table.

Moving Columns in the Table Right -click the Table, and then click Full Properties. Select the
column header of the column that you want to move. On the
toolbar at the upper right corner of the Table, click one of the
following commands to move the column:

 Move First

 Move Left

 Move Right

 Move Last

Moving Rows in the Table Right -click the Table, and then click Full Properties. Select the
row header of the row that you want to move. On the toolbar at
the upper right corner of the Table, click one of the following
commands to move the row:

 Move First

 Move Up

 Move Down

 Move Last

Changing Specified Variables in the On the Table, double-click the cell value that you want to
Table change. Type t he new value and then press Enter. The variable
value in the simulation automatically updates when you change
the value in the table.
You cannot change the values for c alculated varia bles. You can
change the values for paramet ers only if they are Integer or
Real parameters.

Adding a Title to the Table On the Table, click the down arrow button at the lower right
corner of the Table, to expand the Configure area. In the Title
box, type the title of the Table and press Enter. The title
appears above the column headers.
The title is not the same as the Table name. If you want to
change the name of the Table, follow the standard renaming
procedure on the Canvas.

Version 3.2 125

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Tables

126 Version 3.2

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

About Groups
A Group is a collection of related variables and parameters. Groups appear on the Mini Inspector and
provide a way for you to organize the variables and parameters within the Mini Inspector so that you can
quickly locate the variables and parameters that you are most interested in.
 The order in which the Groups appear on the Mini Ins pector is the same as the order in which the
Groups appear on the Model Editor
 Only Model Writers can create and configure Groups
 Model Writers can add both variables and parameters to a Group
 If a model does not contain Groups, you will see a flat list of the favorite variables and parameters on
the Mini Inspector
 If a model contains Groups, on the Mini Inspector, you will see a collapsible and expandable section
for each Group and the variables and parameters appear under their associated Groups
 Many models in the standard Model Libraries include a default set of Groups
 The Property Inspector sorts variables and parameters by Groups only if you sort the view based on
the Group value
 Create a Group
 Rename a Group
 Reorder the Groups
 Add a variable to a Group
 Add a parameter to a Group
 Delet e a Group
 Sort the Property Inspector by Groups

In This Chapter
Sorting the Property Ins pector by Groups ..................................................................................... 127

Sorting the Property Inspector by Groups

The Property Inspector does not automatically sort the variables and parameters by Groups as the Mini
Inspector does. However, you can mimic the view in the Mini Inspector by sorting the view based on the
Group value.
To sort the parameters in the Property Inspector by Groups:
1. On the Property Inspector, expand the Parameters area.

Version 3.2 127

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Groups

2. Drag the Group column onto the gray filter bar, whic h expands to show the list of columns by which
SimCent ral Simulation Platform sorts the parameters.

3. On the filt er bar, drag the Model item onto the table of parameters.

The parameters are now sorted based on only the Groups.

To sort the variables in the Property Inspector by Groups:

1. On the Property Inspector, expand the Variables area.

128 Version 3.2

Groups SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

2. Drag the Group column onto the gray filter bar, whic h expands to show the list of columns by which
SimCent ral Simulation Platform sorts the variables.

3. On the filt er bar, drag the Model item onto the table of variables.

The variables are now sort ed based on only the Groups.

Version 3.2 129

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Units of Measure (UOM) and UOM Slates
About UOM and UOM Slates
A Units of Meas ure (UOM) Slate is a collection of UOMs that are us ed for numerical display within the
user interface. Each UOM Slat e defines a default UOM to be used for each Variable Ty pe. You can
create, modify, copy and delete UOM Slates. Furt hermore, you can select the preferred UOM Slat e to
use while you are working on a simulation, and the change will be reflected in the numeric values
displayed in SimCentral Simulation Plat form.

 Variable Types:
o E very Variable and Real Parameter in SimCentral Simulation Platform is associated with a
Variable Type, such as Pressure, Temperature and Mass Flow
o E very Variable Type has a permanent internal UOM
 Displays:
o You can change a UOM in the Properties Inspector or Simulation Manager
o When you change a UOM for a specific model's variable, that variable is a always shown in that
UOM, except for Variable References and Trends
o Variable References and ports will follow the variable's UOM until it is manually changed by the
user. After a manual change, it allows independent UOM selection
 Slates:
o A UOM Slate is a collection UOM defaults for the Variable Types
o SimCent ral Simulation Platform provides you with two UOM Slates, SI and US Refining, but you
can add more
o When you define UOM Slates, Variable Types are organized by category for easier navigation
 Add, modify, copy and delete UOM Slates in the UOM Manager
 Select a specific UOM Slate to be us ed for numeric display in your simulation by clicking the Units of
Measure drop-down on the Edi t/View tab of the Application Ribbon
 Select a default UOM Slate that SimCentral Simulation Platform uses for all newly created

Version 3.2 131

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Units of Measure (UOM) and UOM Slates

 Save UOM Slates to the Repository to share with other users, or you can save them with a specific

In This Chapter
Opening the UOM Manager......................................................................................................... 132
Creating UOM Slates .................................................................................................................. 132
Sorting the UOM Manager........................................................................................................... 134
Copying a UOM Slate ................................................................................................................. 134
Deleting a UOM Slate ................................................................................................................. 134
Specifying a Default UOM Slat e................................................................................................... 135

Opening the UOM Manager

You can open the UOM Manager and work with existing, or create new, UOM Slates.
To open the UOM Manager:
 On the Start tab, in the UOM group, click the Manager button.

The UOM Slates window appears:

From the UOM Manager, you can create, copy, delete and modify existing UOM Slates.

Creating UOM Slates

You can create or modify a UOM Slate and apply it to your simulation.

132 Version 3.2

Units of Measure (UOM) and UOM Slates SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

To create a UOM Slate:

1. Open the UOM Manager.
2. Click the Slate drop-down arrow.
3. On the Create Slate submenu, click Repository if you want to save the UOM Slat e to the
Repository, or click the name of your simulation if you want only your simulation to use the UOM

To modify an existing UOM Slate:

1. Open the UOM Manager.
2. Click the Slate drop-down arrow.
3. On the Open Slate submenu, select the UOM Slate.
4. Enter a De scription for the UOM Slat e.
5. If you want to change the display unit of a specific Variable Type, click the associated row in the
Di splay Unit column and select a new unit.

Version 3.2 133

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Units of Measure (UOM) and UOM Slates

When you create a new UOM Slate, it is automatically saved and you can select it from the UOM Slate
list on the Start tab. For the multi-node edition of SimCentral Simulation Platform, the new UOM Slate is
saved in the <drive>:\ProgramData\SimSci\Custom directory. For the single-node edition of
SimCent ral Simulation Platform, it is saved in the %LocalAppData %\SimSci\SimCentral\Custom
The UOM Slates are retained if you uninstall and reinstall SimCentral Simulation Platform.

Sorting the UOM Manager

You can sort the UOM Manager to group similar types of information.
To sort the UOM manager:
1. Open the UOM Manager.
2. Load a UOM Slate.
3. Click a column header to group by Variable Type, Dis play Unit or Category.

Copying a UOM Slate

You can create a new UOM Slate and copy the complete specification (for each Variable Type) from an
existing UOM State to it.
To copy a UOM Slate:
1. Open the UOM Manager.
2. Create a new UOM Slate, or open an existing one.
3. Click the Slate drop-down, click Copy Slate From, and then click the UOM Slate from which you
want to copy the complete UOM specification.
The display units for each Variable Type will be copied to the new UOM Slate.

Deleting a UOM Slate

You can delete a UOM Slate from the Repository or your simulation.
To delete a UOM Slate:
1. Open the UOM Manager.
2. Click Open Slate and open the UOM Slate you want to delete.
3. Click the Slate drop-down, and then click Delete Slate.
4. Click Yes on the prompt that displays.
The UOM Slate will be deleted.

134 Version 3.2

Units of Measure (UOM) and UOM Slates SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Specifying a Default UOM Slate

You can set a default UOM slate for SimCentral Simulation Platform. When you create a new simulation,
the simulation automatically uses the default UOM slate. You can specify any existing UOM slate as the
default UOM slate. If you change the default UOM slate, the change does not apply to any existing
simulations. If you delete the UOM slate that you have specified as the default, SimCentral Simulation
Platform automatically sets the default UOM slate to No Slate.
To specify a default UOM slate:
1. Close any open simulations.
2. On the Start tab, in the UOM group, in the list of UOM slates, select the UOM slate that you want to
use as the default.

Note: When a simulation is open, the value that appears in this list box is the UOM slate that t he
simulation uses. It is not the default UOM slate.

Version 3.2 135

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

About Snapshots
A snapshot is an archive of the state of the simulation at a previous solution. It contains all variable and
real parameter values and the variables' specification status. It can also include history data from
Dynamics runs. SimCentral Simulation Platform allows you to creat e snapshots so that you can return
your simulation to a previous solution. For example, if you are planning to modify a simulation by adding
new equipment models or equations, saving a snapshot of your simulation will help you to return to a
previous solution.
You can create a new snapshot or return to a previous one from the Application Ribbon or through the
Snapshot Manager. You can use the Snaps hot Manager to add a description to a snapshot, rename a
snapshot, delete a snapshot and more. When you create a snapshot, it is saved with the sim ulation.

 You can create multiple snapshots and ret urn to a specific one
 You can create a snaps hot from the Application Ribbon or manage a snapshot in the Snapshot
 When you switch bet ween simulation modes, a snapshot is automatically taken
 All variable and real parameter data is saved with each snapshot
 History data is not saved by default, but you can include history data when you capture a snaps hot
from the Snapshot Manager
 When you restore a snapshot, you determine what data to load by clicking Re set, Revert, Invariant,
or Special
 Snapshot information is saved with the simulation.
 The Snapshots group on the Proce ss, Fluid Flow, and Dynamics tab displays the snapshot that
you last loaded.
 Create, rename, and delete a snapshot
 Create, rename, and delete a snapshot that includes history data
 Return to a specific snapshot that you capt ured

Version 3.2 137

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Snapshots

In This Chapter
Opening the Snapshot Manager .................................................................................................. 138
Managing Snaps hots in the Snapshot Manager ............................................................................ 138
Specified Snapshot Values .......................................................................................................... 140
Managing Snaps hots on the Ribbon ............................................................................................. 141

Opening the Snapshot Manager

To open the Snapshot Manager:
1. Click any of the Simulation Mode tabs; for example, Proce ss.
2. On the ribbon, in the Snapshots group, click Manager.

The Snapshot Manager appears.

Managing Snapshots in the Snapshot Manager

The Snapshot Manager allows you to capture, reset, revert, rename and delete snapshots, provide a
description, and choose simulation snapshot-specific settings to load if you choose to return to a
previous state. The Snapshot Manager is accessible from each of the Mode tabs.

Button Purpose

Capt ure a snapshot. Includes real paramet er

values, variable specifications and variable

Capt ure a snapshot and include the history data.

Snap wit h History
Includes real parameter values, variable
specifications, variable values, and any history
data within Trends.
When you include the history data in a snapshot,
the file size of the simulation increases and may
affect performance if your snapshot includes a
large number of Trends or a large amount of
history data.
The Hi story column in the list of snapshots
displays the reset icon for each snapshot that
contains history data.

Reset Load only calculated values to the selected

When you reset a snapshot, all calculated
variables are reset to the unsolved state and the
simulation is marked as unsolved.

138 Version 3.2

Snapshots SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Button Purpose

Revert Load all data in the selected snapshot.

When you revert a snapshot, all calculated
variables are reset to the unsolved state and the
simulation is marked as unsolved.

Invariant Load only the invariant data in the selected


Special Load or omit specific snapshot values. See

Specified Snapshot Values on page 140 for more

Flush Flush all the history dat a for the Trends in the
selected snapshot.
The Hi story column in the list of snapshots
displays the reset icon for each snapshot that
contains history data. After you flush the history
data, you can use the Hi story column to verify
that your snapshot no longer contains history

Delet e Delet e the selected snapshot.

Example: Selecting Snapshot Values to Load

You can load or omit specific snapshot values when you revert to a snapshot.
1. Open the Snapshot Manager.
2. Select a snapshot.
3. Click Special. A list of options appears. See Specified Snapshot Values on page 140 for more

4. Select the check boxes for the values that you want to load, and then click Load. The list of options
disappears and the snapshot loads.

Version 3.2 139

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Snapshots

Specified Snapshot Values

You can customize the snapshot values that are updat ed when you revert to a snapshot. The following
figure shows the available snapshot value options.

The following table defines the available snapshot value options.

Option Description

Variable Calculated Values This option determines whether the snapshot values for the
(Revert and Res et) calculated variables override the current values in the
simulation. If you select this option, the snapshot values
override the current values for all the calculated variables. This
option applies when revert or reset the simulation.

Variable Specified Values This option determines whether the snapshot values for the
(Revert) specified variables override the current values in the simulation.
If you select this option, the snapshot values override the
current values for all the specified variables. Note that the
snapshot values for invariant variables do not override the
current values unless you also select the Invariant Values
check box.

Invariant Values This option determines whether the snapshot values for
invariant parameters and variables override the current values
in the simulation. If you select this option, the snapshot values
override t he current values for all parameters and variables that
you specify as invariant.

Variable Specification Status This option determines whether the snapshot values for the
(Revert) variables' Specified status override the current values in the
simulation. If you select this option, the snapshot values
override the current values for the Specified status for all the

140 Version 3.2

Snapshots SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Option Description

Variable State Values This option determines whether the snapshot values for the
state variables (see "State Variable" on page 172) override the
current values in the simulation. If you select this option, the
snapshot values override the current values for all the state
variables. Note that a state variable is a variable whose value is
calculated by the evaluation and integration of its time
You can set this option only in Dynamics mode.

Real Parameter Values This option determines whether the snapshot values for the
Real parameters override t he current values in the simulation. If
you select this option, the snapshot values override the current
values for all the real parameters. Note that the snapshot
values for invariant parameters do not override the current
values unless you also select the Invariant Values check box.

History Data This option determines whether the snapshot values for the
historical data that is stored in the Trends overrides the current
values in the simulation. If y ou select this option, the Trend data
in the snapshot overrides the current Trend data in the
You can set this option only in Dynamics mode.

Managing Snapshots on the Ribbon

You can create and reset snapshots by using commands in the Snapshots group on the Application
Ribbon, on the Proce ss, Fluid Flow, and Dynamics tabs. In addition to the commands, the name of the
snapshot that you last loaded for the simulation appears in the Snapshots group.

Button Purpose

Snap Capt ure the simulation specifications and values.

Revert Revert values and specification status to the last

snapshot that you took in the mode.
When you revert a snapshot, all calculated
variables are reset to the unsolved state and the
simulation is marked as unsolved.

Manager Open the Snapshot Manager to manage

snapshots that you have captured.

Version 3.2 141

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Scenario Manager
About the Scenario Manager
The Scenario Manager allows you to script detailed scenarios so that you can perform a simulation
without manually executing the steps on your own. You store your scenarios as part of the simulation, or
within the simulation Repository.

 Script detailed simulation scenarios
 Execute operational steps automatically
 Record simulation steps and save them as a scenario
 Scenarios can save the simulation results as snapshots
 Store scenarios as part of a simulation or the Repository
 Add, modify, and delete scenario command attributes
 Specify and unspecify variable status values
 Save a snapshot
 Revert and reset to snapshot values
 Export history through the History Manager

In This Chapter
Opening the Scenario Manager ................................................................................................... 144
Managing Scenarios ................................................................................................................... 144
Recording a Scenario.................................................................................................................. 145
Running a Scenario .................................................................................................................... 146
Understanding Command Arguments........................................................................................... 147

Version 3.2 143

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Scenario Manager

Opening the Scenario Manager

To open the Scenario Manager:
 On the Proce ss, Fluid Fluid, or Dynamics tab, in the Scenarios group, click the Manager button.

The Scenario Manager appears.

Managing Scenarios
This section describes creating, editing, copying, and deleting scenarios in the Scenario Manager.

Activity Directions

Creating a Scenario
Click Add Scenario .

Editing a Scenario Select a scenario, and click Edit.

Copying a Scenario Select a scenario, and click Copy.

Deleting a Scenario Select a scenario, and click Delete.

Example: Setting Variables, Solving and Saving Snapshots

In this example, the feed temperature will be modified in steps so that you can observe its affect on the
power output of a Turbine model. After each step, the simulation will be solved and a snapshot will be

Note s: This example uses the U2 - Steam Turbine example simulation. You can import the simulation
from the <drive>:\Users\<username>\My Simulations\ Examples directory. Refer to Understanding
Command Arguments on page 147 for information on the commands used in this example.

1. Create a new scenario.

2. Expand the Configuration section and add a new configuration.

3. Enter VARIABLE as the Command.
4. Enter SET in the Argument 1 column.
5. Select Feed1.T in the Argument 2 column.
6. Enter 500 in the Argument 3 column.
7. Select K in the Argument 4 column.

8. Add a new configuration.

9. Enter SOLVE as the Command.

10. Add a new configuration.

11. Enter SNAPSHOT as the Command.
12. Enter SAVE in the Argument 1 column.
13. Click Run to execute your scenario.

144 Version 3.2

Scenario Manager SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Repeat steps 2-12 above for each subsequent step at declining intervals at which you want to solve your
simulation and save a snapshot; for example, 450 K, 400 K, etc. For repeatable comm ands such as
solving your simulation and saving snapshots, consider creating another scenario that you reference
through the S CENA RIO command and entering the name of the scenario as the first argument.

Recording a Scenario
You can create a scenario by recording simulation actions so that you do not have to enter them
manually in the Scenario Manager.
To record a scenario:
1. Open the Scenario Manager.
2. Create a new scenario, as discussed in Managing Scenarios on page 144, or edit an existing one.

3. Press the Record button.

Version 3.2 145

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Scenario Manager

4. Complete the simulation actions you want to record in the Scenario Editor; for example, specify or
unspecify a variable, or set or change a variable value. The actions you complete will be recorded in
the Scenario Editor and automatically saved with the sc enario you are editing.

5. Press Stop to finish recording.

Running a Scenario
You can run a scenario that you have previously recorded in order to save you from having to manually
execute simulation actions. You can run a scenario from the Dynamics tab on the ribbon, from the
Scenario Manager, or from the Scenario Editor.
To run a scenario from the Dynamics tab:
1. On the Dynamics tab, in the Scenarios group, in the list of scenarios, select the scenario that you
want to run.

2. Click Run Scenario .

SimCent ral Simulation Platform ex ecutes the actions defined in the scenario.
To run a scenario from the Scenario Manager:
1. Open the Scenario Manager.
2. Select the scenario that you want to run, and then click Run.
SimCent ral Simulation Platform ex ecutes the actions defined in the scenario.
To run a scenario from the Scenario Editor:
1. Open the Scenario Manager.
2. Edit a scenario.

146 Version 3.2

Scenario Manager SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

3. Click Run.

SimCent ral Simulation Platform ex ecutes the actions defined in the scenario.

Understanding Command Arguments

You can execute the following command arguments to script detailed simulation scenarios.

Command Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 Argument 4 Argument 5 Argument 6

variable set <variable <variable <uom>

name> description>
Note that this
argument is

specify <variable

ramp <variable <value> <uom> <time> <uom[time]

name> >

calculate <variable

parameter set <parameter <value> <uom>

Note that this
argument is
optional if the
parameter is

snapshot revert

Version 3.2 147

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Scenario Manager

Command Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 Argument 4 Argument 5 Argument 6



scenario <scenario

solver auto



run until <value> <uom[time]>

for <value> <uom[time]>


steps <value>

mode process



148 Version 3.2

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Optimization Sets
About Optimization Sets
An Optimization Set contains the objective function, bound options, and independent variables that
define a flowsheet optimization problem. You can manage Optimization Sets in SimCentral Simulation
Platform through the Optimization Set Manager.
 An Optimization Set contains all the information that you need to maximize or minimize a defined
 The objective function is defined by the value of a single variable that you choose
 Each Optimization Set must contain at least one independent, specified variable that the SimCentral
Simulation Plat form solver will free up and calculate for the optimization
 You can create multiple Optimization Sets
 You can provide upper and lower bounds for the variables in the Optimization Set
 Create an Optimization Set from the Optimization Set Manager
 Select an objective variable
 Define whether SimCentral Simulation Plat form minimizes or maximizes the chosen variable
 Add variables to or remove variables from an Optimization Set
 Add upper and lower bound values to the variables in an Optimization Set
 Copy an Optimization Set and then edit it to save time when creating similar Optimization Sets
 Run an Optimization Set to maximize or minimize the chosen variable
 Delet e an Optimization Set

In This Chapter
Opening the Optimization Set Manager ........................................................................................ 149
Managing Optimization Sets ........................................................................................................ 150
Changing the Independent Status of a Variable in an Optimization Set ........................................... 151

Opening the Optimization Set Manager

To open the Optimization Set Manager:
 On the Proce ss or Fluid Flow tab, in the Optimization group, click Open Optimization Set

The Optimization Set Manager appears.

Version 3.2 149

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Optimization Sets

Managing Optimization Sets

This section describes creating, editing, copying, running, and deleting Optimization Sets.

Acti vity Directions

Creating an Optimization Set On the Optimization Set Manager, click Add Optimization

Set .

Editing an Optimization Set On the Optimization Set Manager, select an Optimization Set,
and click Edit. The Optimization Set Editor appears.

Specifying the type of objective On the Optimization Set Editor, expand the Objective
function to use for an Function area. Select Maximize or Minimize.
Optimization Set

Specifying the goal of the On the Optimization Set Editor, expand the Objective
optimization for an Optimization Function area. In the box, type the name of the variable that
Set represents the objective function (for example, HX1. Duty). A
list of available variables appears as you type.

Adding a variable to an On the Optimization Set Editor, expand the Variables area.
Optimization Set Click Add Variable . A new row appears in the list of
variables. In the Name column for the new row, type the name
of the variable t hat you want to add. A list of available variables
appears as you type.
Alternatively, drag a variable from any open Property Inspector
onto the list of variables in the Optimization Set Editor.
You can add bot h specified and calculated variables to an
Optimization Set.
The SimCent ral Simulation Plat form solver modifies the values
of the variables in the Optimization Set to maximize or
minimize the objective function. At least one variable in the
Optimization Set should affect the objective function when you
change the value of that variable.

Adding upper and lower bounds On the Optimization Set Editor, expand the Variables area. In
to variables in an Optimization the Lower Bound column, ent er the minimum value to which
Set the solver can adjust the associated variable. In the Upper
Bound column, enter the maximum value to which the solver
can adjust the associated variable.
If the value of the variable is outside of the bounds, an error
badge appears for that variable.

Deleting a variable from an On the Optimization Set Editor, expand the Variables area.
Optimization Set Select the variable, and click Delete Variable .
Alternatively, select the variable and press Delete.

150 Version 3.2

Optimization Sets SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Acti vity Directions

Running an Optimization Set On the Optimization Set Manager, select an Optimization Set,
and click Run.
Alternatively, on the Optimization Set Editor for the
Optimization Set, click Run.
On the Proce ss or Fluid Flow tabs, in the Optimization
group, select an Optimization Set in the list, and then click Run
the selected optimization set .

Copying an Optimization Set On the Optimization Set Manager, select an Optimization Set,
and click Copy.

Deleting an Optimization Set On the Optimization Set Manager, select an Optimization Set,
and click Delete.

Changing the Independent Status of a Variable in an

Optimization Set
A well-posed simulation will have a locally unique solution if it has the same number of equations and
calculated variables. However, if the simulation has more calculated variables than equations, there are
an infinite number of solutions from which an Optimizer can choose the "best" one (for example, the one
that maximizes profit). We call these extra variables "Independent" or "Independent and calculat ed."
You can use the Independent flag on the Optimization Set Editor to define the Independents.
SimCent ral Simulation Platform automatically sets specified variables as Independents when you add
them to the Optimization Set. You can change the Independent status for any specified variable in the
Optimization S et. When the variable is an Independent, SimCentral Simulation Plat form manipulates this
ordinarily-specified variable to help achieve the desired optimization.
You should not set calculated variables as Independents. If you do, an error badge appears that
indicates the discrepancy.
The specified and calculated status for variables may change based on the simulation mode. You may
need to change the variables that you set as Independents based on the simulation mode or create
similar Optimization Sets with different Independents for each simulation mode. For example, by default,
the mass flow, W, of a Source is specified in Process mode and calculated in Fluid Flow mode. If you set
W as an Independent in an Optimization Set, you can run the Optimization Set in Process mode but a
warning appears if you try to run the Optimization Set in Fluid Flow mode.
To change the independent status of a variable in an Optimization Set:
1. Open the Optimization Set Manage r.
2. Select the Optimization Set that contains the variable that you want to change, and then click Edit.
The Optimization Set Editor appears.
3. Expand the Variables section if it is not already visible.

4. In the Independent flag column, click the flag icon for the variable.
A colored flag icon indicates that the ordinarily-specified variable is an Independent for an
optimization run.

Version 3.2 151

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Optimization Sets

A white flag icon indic ates that the variable should behave as it does outside of an optimization run.
For example, if the variable is calculated in the current simulation mode, it remains calculated in the
optimization run. If it is specified in the current simulation mode, it remains specified during the
optimization run.

152 Version 3.2

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

External Data Manager
The External Dat a Manager allows you to interfac e with tag data in external databases. It contains tag
collections. Each tag collection connects to a single external database. Currently, SimCentral Simulation
Platform supports only OSIsoft PI databases. Please see the OS Isoft PI documentation for more
information on how to install and configure your PI dat abases.
After you add tags to a tag collection, you can then map those tags to model variables within SimCentral
Simulation Plat form.

 The External Dat a Manager contains tag collections.
 The Tag Collection Editor allows you to connect to an external database and add tags to the tag
 The Time Selection Editor allows you to specify the time window for the data that you want to read
from the external database and to apply the data from the external database to the associated model
 SimCent ral Simulation Platform us es the time-weighted average of the data in the time window when
it imports the tag data. If the external database does not contain any dat a for a tag within the
specified time window, the tag value is N/A.
 Create and edit a tag collection.
 Connect to an OS Isoft PI database.
 Add tags to a tag collection.
 Search tags in the external database.
 Map tags to SimCentral Simulation Plat form model variables.
 Change the time selection for a tag collection.

Version 3.2 153

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide External Data Manager

 Apply values from an external database to SimCentral Simulation Platform model variables.

In This Chapter
Connecting to an OS Isoft PI Server.............................................................................................. 154
Managing Tag Collections ........................................................................................................... 156
Changing the Time Selection for a Tag Collection ......................................................................... 160

Connecting to an OSIsoft PI Server

You must have the P I Soft ware Development Kit (SDK) installed on the same mac hine in which you
installed SimCentral Simulation Platform to successfully connect to an OS Isoft PI server, and therefore
to the OSIsoft PI dat abases.
The PI S DK uses Windows authentication to connect to the PI servers.
To connect to an OSIsoft PI server:
1. Install the PI S DK on the same machine in which you installed SimCentral Simulation Plat form.
Please see the OS Isoft PI SDK doc ument ation for more information on how to i nstall the PI SDK.
2. Open any SimCentral Simulation Platform simulation.
3. Open the External Data Manager.

4. Create a new tag collection.

154 Version 3.2

External Data Manager SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

5. Select the tag collection and then click Edit Tags. The Tag Collection Editor appears.

6. In the General area, in the Provider list, ensure that you see OSIPI. This verifies that you can
connect to an OS Isoft PI server.
7. In the Server box, type the name of the OS Isoft PI server that you want to connect to.

Version 3.2 155

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide External Data Manager

8. Click Search or Check all tags to establish a connection to the server. The Server badge
indicates the connection status.

Managing Tag Collections

On the External Dat a Manager, you can create, rename, and delete tag collections. On the Tag
Collection Editor, you can connect a tag collection to an external database, add tags to the t ag collection,
and map the tags to SimCentral Simulation Platform model variables.

Acti vity Directions

Opening the External Data On the Process, Fluid Flow, or Dynamics tab, in the External
Data group, click Open External Data manager .

Creating a Tag Collection

On the External Dat a Manager, click Add tag collection

Opening the Tag Collection On the External Dat a Manager, select the tag collection that
Editor you want to modify and then click Edit Tags.

Connecting a Tag Collection to On the Tag Collection Editor, in the Provider list, select the
an External Database type of database that you want to connect to. Currently,
SimCent ral Simulation Platform can connect to OSIsoft PI
databases only. In the Server list, type the name of the
database that you want to connect to.

Adding a Tag to the Tag If you know the server name of the tag, in the Tags
Collection Configuration area, click Add Tag Mapping . A new line
appears in the tag list. Click the Tag Name column on the new
line and type the server name of the tag. Click Check all tags
to verify that the tag is present on the server.
Alternatively, you can search for a tag and add it from the Tags
Brow ser area.

Searching for a Tag On the Tag Collection Editor, in the Tags Brow ser area, in the
Contains box, type a search string, and then click Search. A
list of tags that contain the search string appears. Click next
to a tag to add it to the tag collection. The added tag appears in
the Tags Configuration area.

156 Version 3.2

External Data Manager SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Acti vity Directions

Mapping a Tag to a Model On the Tag Collection Editor, in the Tags Configuration area,
Variable click the Model variable column for the tag that you want to
map. Type t he name of the model variable that you want to map
to the tag. A list of model variables in the simulation appears as
you type.

Applying Tag Values to On the External Dat a Manager, select the tag collection and
SimCent ral Simulation Platform then click Edit Time. The Time Selection Editor appears. Click
Model Variables Preview to view the time-weighted average of the tag values in
the specified time window. Click Apply to overwrite the model
variable values with the tag values.
If you do not see a value for a tag (N/A), you can change the
time selection until you find a valid tag value. See Changing the
Time Selection for a Tag Collection on page 160 for more

Example: Adding a Tag to a Tag Collection and Mapping It to a Model Variable

1. Open the External Data Manager.

Version 3.2 157

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide External Data Manager

2. Select the tag collection that you want to add the t ag to, and then click Edit Tags. The Tag Collection
Editor appears.

3. In the Tags Brow ser area, in t he Contains box, type a text string that appears in the name of the tag
that you want to add. For this example, we type CC2 to searc h for all tags related to the CC2 unit.

158 Version 3.2

External Data Manager SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

4. Click Search. A list of tags that match the search criteria appears.

5. Click next to a tag to add it to the tag collection. The added tag appears in the Tags
Configuration area. For this example, we add the CC2:PRES tag.

6. In the Tags Configuration area, click the Model variable column for the newly added tag. Type the
name of a model variable that has the same dimension as the tag. A list of available model variables
appears as you type. For this example, CC2:PRES represents a pressure variable, so we map it to
the pressure variable in the SRC1 unit, SRC1.P.

7. In the Units column that follows the Model variable column, select the UOM for the model variable
so that is uses the same UOM as the tag. For t his example, the UOM for the model variable does not
match the UOM for the tag, so we change the UOM for the model variable to kPa, the UOM for the

8. Click Check all tags to ensure that the tag mapping is valid.

Version 3.2 159

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide External Data Manager

Changing the Time Selection for a Tag Collection

To change the time selection for a tag collection:
1. Open the External Data Manager.

2. Select the tag collection that you want to modify, and then click Edit Time. The Time Selection Editor

3. In the Time Selection area, in the Start Date & Time box, type the date and time that you want to
use as the start of the data collection. You can use the drop-down menu to select the date from a
calendar view.

160 Version 3.2

External Data Manager SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

4. In the Time Span box, type the value of the time span and then select the units of measure for the
time span. You can set the value to a negative number. This indicates that the time span will
encompass data going backwards in time from the specified start date and time.
5. In the Preview and Apply area, click Preview to view the time-weighted average of the data for the
new time selection. If SimCentral Simulation Plat form cannot find a value for the tag wit hin the
specified time selection, the value will be N/A.
6. Click Apply to overwrite the model variable values with the tag values.

Version 3.2 161

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

History Manager
The History Manager allows you to define the frequency and quantity of simulation dat a that you want to
save for historical reference. The data is saved as part of a snapshot, and you can access and manage
the data furt her in the Snapshot Manager.
By default, the History Manager is configured with settings that are appropriate for most scenarios. If you
change the settings in the History Manager, the changes are applied to the active simulation but will not
affect other simulations saved in the Repository. Recent data is saved at shorter time intervals, while
older data is saved at longer time intervals. By changing the number of defining "points" in each
collection, you define how much data will be saved in eac h collection as well.

 Save and manage historical simulation data
 Only variables you favorite are saved
 Data is saved as snapshots
 Simulation data is only captured for a finite period in time
 Define the granularity of data to save
 Define the frequency on which to save data

In This Chapter
Opening the History Manager ...................................................................................................... 163
Managing the Collection of Data in the History Manager ................................................................ 164
Managing Historical Data in the Snapshot Manager ...................................................................... 164

Opening the History Manager

To open the History Manager:
1. Browse to the application ribbon and click the Dynamics tab.

Version 3.2 163

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide History Manager

2. Click the Manager button.

The History Manager will display.

Managing the Collection of Data in the History Manager

You can manage the intervals in which data is collected and the granularity of the data to collect in the
History Manager.
To manage the collection of data:
1. Open the History Manager.

The three collections (Fast, Medium and Slow) allow you to specify the frequency and granularity of
the data you want to collect.
2. Define the Multiple of integration time step dt that the data will be saved.
3. Define the number of Points to be saved by the collection.
When a simulation runs, the historical simulation data can be saved to snapshots which are accessible
from the Snapshot Manager. See Managing Historical Data in the Snaps hot Manager on page 164 for
more inform ation.

Managing Historical Data in the Snapshot Manager

Since historical data is saved to snaps hots, the Snapshot Manager allows you to "restore" all historical
data associated with a specific snapshot.
To restore historical data saved in a snapshot:
1. Open the Snapshot Manager.
2. Select the snapshot in which the historical data resides.

164 Version 3.2

History Manager SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

3. Click the Special drop-down button.

4. Check Hi story Data.

5. Click Load.
Historical dat a, like a trend of variables, will be available in the snapshot you load.

Version 3.2 165

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Glossary of Terms
The following terms are used in SimCentral, the product documentation, or the online help.
Application Ribbon
A horizontal ribbon that contains tabs to invoke P rocess, Fluid Flow and Dynamics simulation actions; set
simulation view preferences; and display the product help.
Auto Solve
The automatic solution of portions of a simulation when sufficient information is available.
A symbol next to a SimCentral object that describes its state to the user. For ex ample, in the P roperties
Inspector and Simulation Manager, objects like model instances, variables, and equations have badges
to indicate an error status with tooltips that describe the nature of the error.
Calculated Variable
A variable with a value that is not specified by the user and with its specification box unchecked. The
solver determines the value of calculated variables.
The graphical representation of the Flowsheet on which models are placed and connected to build a
The computer us ed to run the user interfac e and that connects to the server computer.
An object defined by the Model Writer within the Model Editor which evaluates a boolean expression
composed of parameters. When conditions are used in a simulation, they describe the variables,
equations, and submodels that are used by the model instance based on parameter selections made by
the Simulation Builder.
An object that provides the numeric al equivalence of variabl es that it connects. Connections between
model Instances wit h the same Port Type define variable streams that represent the material flowing
between the models. See Variable Connections and Paramet er Connections.
Connection Model
A library model that looks like a connector on the Canvas. Typical connection models are Pipes and

Version 3.2 167

SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Glossary of Terms

The graphical representation of a connection on the Canvas.
Descriptive text provided by the Model Writer for models and their parameters, variables, and equations,
or by the Simulation Builder for model instances placed on the Canvas. Descriptions can normally be
viewed by mouse-over tooltips.
Dynamic Attribute
A variable attribute for a Dynamic simulation. Possible values are state variables, operated on by the
der() function, and time-derivative variables creat ed by the der() operator.
Dynamics Mode
A Simulation Mode that solves both algebraic and time-derivative equations over successive integration
time steps.
See Model Editor, Port Editor, and Fluid Editor.
Enumerated Parameter
A type of parameter wit h text-based options that are selectable by the Simulation Builder.
An object that describes the mathematical relationship of variables and real parameters. Model Writers
add equations to Model Types through the Model Edito r. Simulation Builders may also create
Flowsheet-level equations using the Simulation Manager.
An object defined by the Model Writer within the Model Editor that defines an external DLL in which
variable relationships reside.
Fluid Editor
A configuration editor used by Simulation B uilders to modify the fluids used by a simulation.
Fluid Flow Mode
A pressure-driven steady state Simulation Mode. Fluid Flow Mode is defined by the collection of variable
specifications which typically invoke a simultaneous net work solution.
Fluid State (Instance)
An instance of a Fluid State submodel whose variables represent the thermodynamic state of that fluid
instance through values such as temperatu re, pressure, and enthalpy.
Fluid State (Model Type)
A Model Type that represents fluid behavior. Used as a submodel in process equipment Model Ty pes.
Fluid Type
A Fluid Type describes the thermodynamic behavior assigned to model instances in a simulation.

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Glossary of Terms SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Free Variable
See Calc ulated Variable.
Visible, equally-s paced vertical and horizontal lines on the Canvas that can be used to align objects.
Group Box
An area within the Roles Manager, Properties Inspector, and editors to which columns are dragged to
group data. When empty, the Group Box reads "group by area" and "Drag a field here to group by that
Guide Lines
A vertical or horizontal line that appears on the simulation Canvas when a model instance being moved
is adjacent to another. Used to help align model instances with one another.
History Manager
An editor that allows you t o define the frequency and quantity of simulation dat a that you want to save for
historical reference.
The graphical symbol that defines the appearance of all Model Types, Port Types, and Fluid Types on
the Canvas.
Integer Parameter
A Parameter that contains integer values. Integer parameters, such as the number of ports, are used to
configure models.
Invariant Attribute
A Variable and Parameter attribute that indicates the value does not change when you revert a
simulation to an earlier snapshot.
Keyword View
The detailed information pane of the Simulation Manager, which allows modification of a selected object.
See Model Library.
See Simulation Manager, UOM Manager, Snapshot Manager, and Role Manager.
The solution mode of a simulation that includes a collection of predefined variable specifications and, in
some cases, special solvers.

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Model Editor
The configuration editor used by Model Writers to define Model Types.
Model (Instance)
The mathematical relations hips defined by a Model Type composed of paramet ers, variables, and
equations that define a specific unit operation, such as a valve or pump that exists within a Flowsheet.
Model Library
A collection of Model Types, Fluid Types, Curve Types, and Port Types residing in the Repository, or a
single simulation-specific Model Library residing with a simulation.
Model Library (Display)
A UI component that displays Model Libraries, shapes, and referenc es that can be dragged onto the
A paramet er that contains integer values. Integer parameters can be used to configure a model, such as
defining how many ports it has.
The act of writing a Model Type.
Not Solved Variable Attribute
A Variable attribute that indicates that the variable is invalid, stale, or otherwise incorrect and should not
be used. Not solved variables are indic ated in grey strike-through text.
An object that repres ents the static values of a simulation. Model Writers can add parameters using the
Model Editor and Simulation Builders can add parameters through the Simulation Manager. See Real
Parameter, Enumerated Parameter, Integer Parameter and Fluid Type.
Parameter Connection
A parameter connection is defined in the Model Editor to directionally transfer parameter values through
port connections. Parameter connections of a special parameter type called FluidTy pe are used to
transfer fluid information to connected models.
Parameter Connection
A way of connecting parameters across ports and submodels to trans fer parameter values, such as Fluid
Port Editor
The configuration editor used by Model Writers to define Port Ty pes.
Port Type
A defined collection of variables that define the stream connection information bet ween model instances
connected by identical Port Types.
Process Mode
Process Mode performs steady state simulations to create and improve proces s design
An object which graphically displays scalar and vector data.

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Glossary of Terms SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

Properties Inspector
A model instance property view accessed through the Canvas or Simulation Manager that allows
Simulation Builders to inspect and configure model instances.
Quick Filter
A disposable Simulation Manager filter created for the immediat e search of an object in the Simulation
Manager. Save it if you want to use it again.
Real Parameter
A parameter that contains real numerical values (not integers or enumerations) and is defined using
Variable Types. Real parameters can be used in equations, but are treated as a fix ed value. A typical real
parameter could be Pi with the value 3.14159.
The storage location of simulations, Model Libraries, and Variable Types on the server to which all
SimCent ral users of that server have access.
Repository Manager
The UI component that displays simulations in the Repository.
Required Variable Attribute
A variable attribute for which a Simulation Builder must provide a numerical value.
Reset Snapshot
A function that resets only the calculated values of a previously captured Snapshot. The variable
specifications and real parameters of the simulation being reset are not changed.
Revert Snapshot
A function that reverts the variable specifications, both specified and calculated variable values, and real
parameter values of a previously captured Snapshots.
A set of controls at the top of the UI where common user operations are grouped.
Your role wit hin SimCentral. You can select Model Writing, which is the creation and modification of
Model Types, or Simulation Building, which is the use of existing Model Types within a simulation.
Additional roles may be defined in the Role Manager.
Roles Manager
A manager used to modify default roles and add new roles.
Scenario Manager
An editor that allows you to manually script, automatically record and run simulation actions.
Set By User Variable Attribute
A Variable attribute that is set when the Simulation Builder enters a value for a specified variable.

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SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide Glossary of Terms

Primitive drawing objects, such as squares or circles, that can be dragged from the Shapes Model
Library to the Canvas.
SimCentral Button

The SimCentral Button contains options to create, import, open, rename, copy, delete, and export
SimCentral Server
The computer us ed to host the solver and the Repository.
A collection of Flowsheets and their connected model instanc es that define a process.
Simulation Building
The act of building a simulation using existing Model Types.
Simulation Canvas
See Canvas.
Simulation Manager
A hierarchical view of a simulation that allows the Simulation B uilder to explore and modify the simulation
and its objects.
The collection of simulation dat a saved with the simulation that defines the variable specifications,
variable values, and real parameter values. A Snapshot is used to reset or revert a simulation state as it
existed at the point that it was saved.
Snapshot Manager
The UI component that lets you manage existing simulations and capture new ones.
The soft ware component that solves the mathematical relationships of a simulation.
Specified Variable
A variable with a value specified by the Simulation Builder and with its specification box checked. The
solver does not change the value of specified variables.
State Variable
A Variable with the dynamic attribut e "State Value," whose value is calculated by the evaluation and
integration of its time derivative.
Status Bar
The single line display at the bottom of the user interface which provides system status information.
A Submodel is a model which is part of another model, such as a Fluid State submodel. Typically,
submodels are defined so that they can be reused across many different models.

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Glossary of Terms SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide

A collection of text, background, and highlighting colors that can be selected per user preference.
Themes include Dark, Light, and Windows.
Thermo Type
The implementation that SimCentral uses to determine the Fluid State's properties, such as SimSci
Thermodynamics, an external DLL, or a named set of Equations in the Fluid State Submodel.
An object which graphically displays the time-dependent behavior of a variable during a dynamic
See Model Types, Variable Types, Port Types, and Fluid Types.
UOM Categories
A sortable grouping of relat ed Variable Types for the purpose of updating their display UOM in a UOM
UOM Manager
A manager used to create and manage UOM Slates.
UOM Slate
A collection of UOM settings for all Variable Types, typically representative of a specific count ry or
industry. SI is a standard UOM Slate which comes with SimCentral.

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