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SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes

Welcome to SimCentral Simulation Platform

March 2019
Welcome to SimCentral™ Simulation Platform 3.2, our next generation simulation environment.
If you experience any difficulty using SimCentral Simulation Platform, please let us know. The following
sections contain information which may help you avoid any problems.
Finally, we really want your feedback. If you are using SimCentral Simulation Platform, you are helping
us to make this a better product. We will work closely with you to understand what you want out of a
simulation product so that we can improve future versions of SimCentral Simulation Platform.

Version 3.2 1
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes Before You Start

Before You Start

Here are a few things to check before you install and start using SimCentral Simulation Platform:
1. Select the best installer for your computer and operating system
SimCentral Simulation Platform is a 64-bit software application with three installation types.
o Single-user Edition: A single-user edition of the Installer and software that installs SimCentral
Simulation Platform on your own computer for use with your own user account. You do not need
administrator privileges to install it. However, it relies on several software prerequisites. If you do
not have these prerequisites already installed, you will need administrator privileges and an
Internet connection to install them before you install SimCentral Simulation Platform.
Use the SimSci.SimCentral.SingleEditionSetup.exe file to install this version of SimCentral
Simulation Platform.
o All Users Edition: A single-user edition of the Installer and software that installs SimCentral
Simulation Platform for all user accounts on the machine from an elevated administrator account
(typically as an IT technician or other network administrator). Each user has their own unshared
Repository. You must have administrator privileges to use this installer.
Use the SimSci.SimCentral.SingleEditionSetupAllUsers.exe file to install this version of
SimCentral Simulation Platform.
You can install only one edition of SimCentral Simulation Platform on any Windows® 10,
Server 2016, 8.1, Server 2012 R2, or 7 SP1+ machine.
2. Get a license
In order to run SimCentral Simulation Platform, you need to purchase a license. You can obtain a
license through the AVEVA sales department, or by contacting The Simsci SimCentral Simulation Platform Installation Guide
has more information on the licensing software that SimCentral Simulation Platform supports.
3. Review the Installation Guide
There are specific steps that you must follow if you are installing SimCentral Simulation Platform for
the first time or upgrading from a previous release.
4. Launch SimCentral Simulation Platform Client
SimCentral Simulation Platform is easy to launch. We have added a shortcut to the desktop as well
as in the Windows Start Menu under the SIMSCI SimCentral folder.
5. What is "in the box"
SimCentral Simulation Platform contains Model Libraries for refinery steam, cooling water, and flare
systems. We have also included sample Simulations. These are easy to use, and can be imported
from the Examples folder within the My Simulations folder.
6. Go over the tutorial
We have included a tutorial within the Getting Started Guide distributed with the user documentation.
This will explain the basics of how to use SimCentral Simulation Platform.

2 Version 3.2
New Features SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes

New Features
We have worked hard to make some great additions to SimCentral Simulation Platform 3.2. Major
features for this release include:
• Easy Column Dynamics
The Column model now includes receiver and base holdup and default controls so that you can
transition from Process to Dynamics mode and run the simulation without explicitly modeling the
overhead and reboiler equipment.
• Column Stage Variables
Mini Inspector Groups now show variables in Column trays in collapsed form. This is especially
useful if you want to set the contact of a Column tray separately. You can expand the group, expand
the trays, and then individually edit tray details without using the full Properties Inspector.
• FlareLib PipeRig Performance
We have redesigned the rigorous pipe (PipeRig) model in the FlareLib Library for faster solutions
when you change the required rate from the Source model.
• LACT with EOS for the Vapor Phase (Gamma-Phi Method)
This thermo approach is well suited for chemical systems at medium pressures and it provides a
flexibility to handle the vapor phase with a more realistic model. We are testing first with the NRTL
method, but you can use this approach for any combination of LACT and EOS methods.
• Component Name Characters
Component names can now include special characters to support electrolyte component names
such as H+, OH-, and Na+.
• Visible User-added Components
The Fluid Editor can now show user-added components in the Component Browser. Also, you can
filter the components in the Component Browser by using their chemical abstract number (CAS).
• Trapezoidal Integrator for Water Hammer
We now provide a more accurate integrator for oscillatory systems than the implicit Euler integrator
so that you do not need to use such a small integration time step, which slows down the execution of
Transient Flow simulations.
• Mode Check Messages
This parameter option triggers messages on how to configure the model so that you can freely
change from Process mode to Fluid Flow mode to Dynamics mode and then back to Process mode
to complete the round trip.

Version 3.2 3
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes New Features

• Copy and Paste

You can copy and paste from a Mini Inspector to another Mini Inspector or to Microsoft Excel and
• Excel Standard Report
We provide a Cooling Water Equipment Report so that you do not need to create your own. We are
starting with this cooling water report to gather user feedback. Based on your feedback, we plan to
extend the standard reports to include other commonly used reports such as process stream

For Simulation Builders

The following table lists the feature improvements made for Simulation Builders by product area.

Area Description

Copy and Paste You can now copy data from the Mini Inspector into another Mini Inspector or to
Microsoft Excel. You can also copy data from Excel back into a Mini Inspector.
This feature is very convenient for copying large composition vectors so that you
do not need to retype every value.
Please see Copying and Pasting between Excel and the Mini Inspector in the
SimCentral Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide for more information.

For Model Writers

The following table lists the feature improvements made for Model Writers by product area.

Area Description

Global You can now define enumerated parameters as global parameters.


Fluid State We have added fit-for-purpose fluid state submodels for the different thermo Fluid
Submodels Types, including Steam, Incompressible Liquid, and Compositional.
Previously, all of these Fluid Types used the same FluidState submodel.

4 Version 3.2
New Features SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes

The following table lists the feature improvements, by product area, made to the thermodynamic system
and calculations.

Area Description

LACT with EOS for You now have the flexibility to choose a more realistic model to characterize the
the Vapor Phase vapor phase other than Ideal Gas. In this approach, SimCentral Simulation
(Gamma-Phi Platform calculates the liquid properties from the activity coefficient (γ) models
Method) and calculates the vapor phase properties by using any equation of state model,
such as SRK, PR, SRKM, and PRM, which include fugacity (φ) calculations. You
can also use the Poynting correction factor in the equilibrium calculations for
Fluid Types that use one of the following LACT methods:
• Dortmund UNIFAC
• Wilson

Enthalpy The enthalpy calculations for LACT methods now include a departure term,
Calculations which computes the difference between the fluid in the real state of interest and
the hypothetical ideal gas state. The form of the departure term depends on the
Vapor Phase Equilibrium Method selection for the Fluid Type. By default, the
vapor phase equilibrium method is the ideal gas state, so the departure term
becomes zero.

Component The Component Browser can now show pure component from your custom data
Browser banks. You can now filter the components in the Component Browser based on
the data bank.

Component The Component Browser now shows the CAS numbers for pure components.
Browser You can now filter the components in the Component Browser based on their
CAS numbers.
Note: CAS Registry Numbers® are the intellectual property of the American
Chemical Society, and are used by SimCentral Simulation Platform with the
express permission of CAS.

VLLE We have made improvements to the VLLE calculations in Fluid Flow mode. You
may observe some convergence instabilities with azeotropic mixtures in VLLE in
Process mode.

Version 3.2 5
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes New Features

Standard Libraries
This section contains enhancement information on the standard Model Libraries that are installed in the
SimCentral Simulation Platform repository.

Control Library
The following table lists the feature improvements for Controls Library users.

Area Description

StreamChange We have moved the StreamChange and Wave models from the Process Library
and Wave to the Preview Library.
The StreamChange model serves to change the inlet properties of a stream by a
specified amplitude.
The Wave model represents a wave signal generator based on trigonometric
curves to produce sinusoidal, triangular, saw-toothed, or square outputs.
See Preview Library on page 11 for more information.

PID You can now use the PID as a secondary speed controller in a cascade control

Cooling Water Library

The following table lists the feature improvements for CWLib Library users.

Area Description

Valve You can define your own characteristic valve curve along with the standard
characteristics. This new capability offers a flexibility to choose user-defined valve
characteristics for accurate valve sizing and dynamic simulation control.
To use your own valve curve, set the Characteristic parameter for the valve to
UserDefined. You can then set the Character.CurveType parameter to a
replaceable Curve Type. The default curve is the DefValve Curve Type in the
Submodels Library.

Excel Report You can now create heat and material lists and equipment summaries for cooling
water simulations in Microsoft Excel. To do this, open the CW Equipment.xltx file
in the ...\Examples\Standard Reports folder.

6 Version 3.2
New Features SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes

Flare Library
The following table lists the feature improvements for FlareLib Library users.

Area Description

PipeRig We have updated the PipeRig to improve the behavior and convergence in Fluid
Flow and Dynamics modes.
Simulations that use the PipeRig from previous versions of the FlareLib Library
may not solve when you import them into SimCentral Simulation Platform 3.2.
The PipeRig does not include heat transfer like in previous versions. We plan to
return the heat transfer functionality to the PipeRig in a future version.
See Known Issue 524655 in A Few Additional Things on page 14 for more

Pipe We have updated the ambient temperature variable, Tamb, within the Pipes to be
a global variable. This allows you to maintain the same ambient temperature
across the Pipes in the entire simulation.

Valve You can define your own characteristic valve curve along with the standard
characteristics. This new capability offers a flexibility to choose user-defined valve
characteristics for accurate valve sizing and dynamic simulation control.
To use your own valve curve, set the Characteristic parameter for the valve to
UserDefined. You can then set the Character.CurveType parameter to a
replaceable Curve Type. The default curve is the DefValve Curve Type in the
Submodels Library.

Examples We have temporarily removed the F5 – Cryogenic Depressuring example from the
Examples folder until we return the heat transfer functionality to the PipeRig

Version 3.2 7
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes New Features

Process Library
The following table lists the feature improvements for Process Library users.

Area Description

Column You can now simulate a Column directly in Fluid Flow and Dynamics mode
without "externalizing" the overhead and reboiler sections. That is, we now
support Columns with internal Condensers and Reboilers in all modes.
SimCentral Simulation Platform automatically sizes the Condenser and Reboiler
for a 5-minute residence time and idealizes the heat and cooling duties as direct
heat inputs.
This new option allows you to simulate the dynamics of columns in a conceptual
design stage. The simplified dynamics makes it much easier to change the
simulation mode when the details of the overhead and bottom arrangement are of
secondary importance.
However, to achieve the most accurate dynamic simulation results and for
detailed design purposes, you should still simulate columns with externalized
condenser and reboiler arrangements where you include each equipment on a
P&ID as a model on the Canvas.

Column You can select one of three internal control schemes for the Column so that it
responds to new setpoints in Fluid Flow and Dynamics modes and stabilizes on
process disturbances. The TotalCondenser and TotalReflux control schemes
go along with internal controllers that are connected to internal product valves.
This is explained in the model-specific help documentation. The ControlPorts
control scheme only adds an internal reflux valve, control ports for the condenser
and reboiler duties, and transmitter ports for the condenser and reboiler levels.
The ControlPorts scheme allows you to implement any control scheme by using
standard PID controllers.
Before you change the simulation mode, you should ensure that the following
aspects apply to facilitate the mode change:
• The Column is appropriately sized
• The pressure drop is not zero
• The InletPressure option is set to Balanced
When you use the TotalCondenser scheme, you should ensure that the following
additional aspects apply to facilitate the mode change:
• The Column's condenser includes a vent stream
• The condenser vapor fraction, VFcond, is equal to or greater than 0.01 (that
is, it should not be zero)
When you use the ControlPorts scheme, you should ensure that the following
additional aspects apply to facilitate the mode change:
• Connect PID controllers to the reboiler and condenser levels

8 Version 3.2
New Features SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes

Area Description

Column The new Controls Group on the Mini Inspector provides access to the automated
PID controller setpoints and process variables implemented with the
TotalCondenser and TotalReflux control schemes.
You can also access the manual position of the internal valves in this Group,
which may not by connected to controller outputs for the ControlPorts control
scheme. In the case of total condensers, once in Fluid Flow or Dynamics mode,
you can close the internal vent valve (that is, set VoutValve.ManPos to zero),
which results in a typical total condenser operation.

Valve You can define your own characteristic valve curve along with the standard
characteristics. This new capability offers a flexibility to choose user-defined valve
characteristics for accurate valve sizing and dynamic simulation control.
To use your own valve curve, set the Characteristic parameter for the valve to
UserDefined. You can then set the Character.CurveType parameter to a
replaceable Curve Type. The default curve is the DefValve Curve Type in the
Submodels Library.

ModeCheck You can now set the global ModeCheck parameter from Process to AllModes to
receive guidance and diagnostic messages on how to take your simulation into
Fluid Flow and Dynamics mode. When you set this parameter to AllModes,
model-defined messages in the form of yellow badges appear on each model.
These messages suggest the changes that you can make to allow the model to
work in any mode. If you leave this parameter set to Process, these messages do
not appear. We recommend that you use the Process configuration when you
want to perform only process simulation.

Drum You can now specify the head volume on the Drum by specifying the new
Geometry.HeadRatio parameter, which represents the ratio of the head length to
the radius of the cylinder. For hemispherical heads, set the HeadRatio parameter
to 1. For standards 2:1 ellipsoid heads, set the HeadRatio parameter to 0.5. For
flat heads, set the HeadRatio parameter to 0.

HXPF and HXSW We have moved the HXPF and HXSW models from the Process Library to the
Preview Library. These models represent plate fin and spiral-wound heat
exchangers, respectively. See Preview Library on page 11 for more information.

HXAC and We have updated the ambient temperature variable, Tamb, within pipes and
PipeRig air-cooled heat exchangers to be a global variable. This allows you to maintain the
same ambient temperature in the entire simulation.

Stream The Components parameter for streams is now a global parameter that is set to
MoleFractions by default.
If you import a simulation that includes a stream with a specified Fc variable that
was not in mole fractions, you may experience problems after you perform any
action that triggers an update for the global parameters, such as changing the
ModeCheck parameter for any model instance on the Canvas. See Known Issue
549191 in A Few Additional Things on page 14 for more information on how you
can update your imported simulations so that you do not experience these

Version 3.2 9
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes New Features

Steam Library
The following table lists the feature improvements for SteamLib Library users.

Area Description

Valve You can define your own characteristic valve curve along with the standard
characteristics. This new capability offers a flexibility to choose user-defined valve
characteristics for accurate valve sizing and dynamic simulation control.
To use your own valve curve, set the Characteristic parameter for the valve to
UserDefined. You can then set the Character.CurveType parameter to a
replaceable Curve Type. The default curve is the DefValve Curve Type in the
Submodels Library.

ModeCheck You can now set the global ModeCheck parameter from Process to AllModes to
receive guidance and diagnostic messages on how to take your simulation into
Fluid Flow and Dynamics mode. When you set this parameter to AllModes,
model-defined messages in the form of yellow badges appear on each model.
These messages suggest the changes that you can make to allow the model to
work in any mode. If you leave this parameter set to Process, these messages do
not appear. We recommend that you use the Process configuration when you
want to perform only process simulation.

Custom Libraries
This section contains enhancement information on the custom Model Libraries shipped with SimCentral.
These Model Libraries are not in the installed repository, but you can import them from the Examples

Transient Flow Library

The following table lists the feature improvements for Transient Flow Library users. This library is not in
the installed repository, but you can import it from the Examples folder.

Area Description

Dynamic Settings You can turn on the new Trapezoidal integrator by doing the following:
1. Drag a Dynamic Settings model onto the flowsheet.
2. Set the value of the Integration Method parameter in the Dynamic Settings
from 0 to 1 to change from the Implicit Euler integrator to the Trapezoidal
The Trapezoidal integrator gives a much more accurate response at a greater
integration time step than the Implicit Euler integrator so that your pressure surge
and water hammer simulations run much faster with appropriate accuracy.

10 Version 3.2
New Features SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes

Preview Library
The following table lists the feature improvements for the new Preview Library. This library is not in the
installed repository, but you can import it from the Examples folder.

Area Description

Parallel Steam You can now preview a model for multiple steam turbines in parallel, ParTurb,
Turbines which allows you to select the number of parallel turbines. The power calculations
for its separate turbine paths are identical to the SteamLib Turbine model.
You can turn on or turn off individual turbines depending on the steam balance
operating conditions. ParTurb works in Fluid Flow mode and Dynamics mode.
You currently cannot connect controllers to ParTurb.

HXPF The HXPF model is a plate fin heat exchanger with up to 10 hot sides and 10 cold
sides. Each side exchanges heat with a common metal wall. You can split the
HXPF into a number of smaller elements to achieve a very close temperature
We previously released the HXPF model in the 3.1 version of SimCentral
Simulation Platform as an experimental model in the Process Library.

HXSW The HXSW model is a spiral-wound coil heat exchanger found in LNG
applications. It contains up to 3 hot tube sides and a common cold side on the
shell. Each hot side includes a tube wall and exchanges heat with the common
cold-side fluid. You can split the HXSW into a number of smaller elements to
achieve a very close temperature approach.
We previously released the HXSW model in the 3.1 version of SimCentral
Simulation Platform as an experimental model in the Process Library.

StreamChange The StreamChange model serves to change the inlet properties of a stream, such
as the temperature or pressure, by a specified amplitude.
We previously released the StreamChange model in the 3.1 version of SimCentral
Simulation Platform as an experimental model in the Controls Library.

Wave The Wave model represents an oscillatory signal generator. The output signal
follows wave functions of the sinusoidal, triangular, saw-toothed, and square type.
You can specify the upper and lower values of the curve.
We previously released the Wave model in the 3.1 version of SimCentral
Simulation Platform as an experimental model in the Controls Library.

There are no new training exercises included in this release. The training exercises are available upon

Version 3.2 11
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes Fixed Defects

Fixed Defects
The following table lists the defects that we have fixed since the previous release.

Area Description

All Libraries 545865 Submodel variables do not track the minimum and maximum
pressure and temperature.

Canvas 547982, The Snap to Grid option while resizing stopped working after
548121 upgrading to 3.1.1.

Excel 538555 Excel shows #Values for all the valid formulas while retrieving the
data if the model name includes the "." special character.

External Data 548119 The column names and titles in the OSI PI Tag Collection Editor are

Flare Library 541096 Enlarger conditions are not triggered until you close and reopen the

Infrastructure 545527 An array equation fails to expand in the presence of an iterator.

Optimization 544018 Optimization gives a false success message when it abandons the
solution run due to singularity.

Process Library 533807 The Column does not solve when there is no liquid product.

Process Library 533979 A nonequilibrium Drum does not solve for air or when you change to
a two-phase fluid until you go back to the equilibrium configuration.

Process Library 538646 A custom drum model (with model errors) is not square after
switching between modes until you close and reopen the

Process Library 541679 The Mixer fails to solve at P = 1 kPa because the minimum value of
the Mixer holdup variable, Mt, is too large.

Process Library 544259 If you change the model type of the HXSC model, the model is not
square unless you close and reopen the simulation.

Steam Library 549388 A steam balance simulation has equations that can no longer be

VLLE 546774 Convergence problem with the LLE calculation.

12 Version 3.2
Fixed Defects SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes

Area Description

VLLE 548290 A fluid with trace components in VLLE does not give an expected

VLWE 545839 VLWE separators that contain styrene water will not solve in Fluid
Flow mode.

Workflow 544157 An incorrect use of submodel array variables in equations does not
produce error badges in the Model Editor, but an application error
occurs and you will see the "An item with same key has already
been added" message when you instantiate that model.

Version 3.2 13
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes A Few Additional Things

A Few Additional Things

There are a few things that we want you to know about before you start SimCentral Simulation Platform.
There are many items in this new product that we are still working on improving. If you come across
these items or others, please let us know. We are working hard to improve the SimCentral Simulation
Platform experience.
The following table lists known issues at the time of release.

Area Description Workaround (if applicable)

Install N/A First-time users who do not have Review the SimSci SimCentral
prerequisites installed must have Simulation Platform Installation
administrator privileges to install Guide. You may need help from
the system prerequisites: an administrator to install the
prerequisites on some systems.
• Microsoft .NET Framework
• Visual Studio Tools for Office
(VSTO) 2010
• SafeNet USB drivers

Install 503725 When you try to install the Please see

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7
prerequisite on a computer that s/help/4020302/the-net-framewor
runs Windows 7 Service Pack 1 k-4-7-installation-is-blocked-on-wi
(SP1), Windows Server 2008 R2 ndows-7-windows-ser for more
SP1, or Windows Server information.
2012, the setup is blocked and
cannot continue.

Install N/A The SimCentral Excel add-in tab Install the SimCentral Excel
is sometimes not installed. This Add-in form the Excel Options
is often a result of not verifying window in Excel. See the Known
certificates for Visual Studio Issues section in the SimSci
Tools for Office due to internet SimCentral Simulation Platform
access limitations. Installation Guide for detailed
installation instructions.

Install N/A On some server-class OSs, you Please see

may encounter an "Installation is
forbidden by system policy" us/windows/forum/windows_xp-se
message during the installation. curity/this-installation-is-forbidden
This is a design feature for -by-system-policy/ac1986be-a063
server-class machines. -4b7b-834f-8fa56a8c0d04 for
more information.

14 Version 3.2
A Few Additional Things SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes

Area Description Workaround (if applicable)

Startup 516631 A yellow smile emoji appears Review the .NET Framework
when you launch SimCentral January 2018 Monthly Rollup
Simulation Platform. This may be Known Issue KB4074906 -
caused by a Microsoft security "TypeInitializationException" or
patch applicable to .NET "FileFormatException" error in
Framework 4.7.1 installed on WPF applications.
either Windows 7 or Windows
Server 2008 R2.

Startup 540118, The following message may For Windows 7 SP1 users, in the
542175 appear when you try to start installation package, in the
SimCentral Simulation Platform Prerequisites folder, in the
on some Windows 7 systems: Win7SP1MSUpdate folder, open
"SimCentral.Server.ConsoleServ the
iceHost.exe System Error. The Windows6.1-KB2999226-x64.msu
program can't start because file to apply the KB2999226
api-ms-win-crt-runtime-I1-1-0.dll Microsoft Update.
is missing from your computer.
You must have Administrator
Try reinstalling the program to fix
privileges to install this
this problem."
prerequisite. You must restart your
machine after you install the
update. Please see the
SimCentral Simulation Platform
Installation Guide for more

Excel N/A SimCentral Excel Add-In ribbon Start the SimCentral Simulation
actions result in a "Not able to Platform client so that SimCentral
connect to the SimCentral Excel add-in can connect to its
Server" message. server.

Excel 515696 Excel values may display #Value Start the SimCentral Simulation
or 0 when you first open an Excel Platform Client UI before you open
report in Microsoft Excel 2016 if Excel.
the Excel report was saved in an
Refresh the data in the Excel
earlier version of Excel.

Version 3.2 15
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes A Few Additional Things

Area Description Workaround (if applicable)

Excel 533802 Excel provides misleading data Identify any variables that have
when it retrieves variables from changed names by temporarily
snapshots when the variables changing the SimCentral Excel
have been renamed in the function values so that they
simulation. request data for variable values in
the simulation rather than the
variable values stored in the
snapshot. That is, temporarily
remove the default snapshot and
any specified snapshots from your
SimCentral Excel functions. If the
returned values remain the same,
the variables have not changed
If you find any variables that have
changed names, update the
snapshots in your simulation so
that they include the correct

FlareLib and 505731 PipeRig models with the Change the Segmentation
Process Library, PipeInAir and parameter to EqualLength.
PipeRig EqualPressureDrop
configuration find solver failures
when the outlet phase changes
from vapor to two-phase flow.

FlareLib and 502095 Specifying an entire zm or z array Use the parameter

Process Library results in an unsolved simulation. Source.CompBasis to manage the
Source.M[ ] array so that the units
of measure are mass-based or
mole-based. At least one zm and z
array value should be calculated.

Licenses N/A The SimCentral Simulation Upgrade the USB drivers by

Platform license configuration running the Sentinel Protection
does not provide diagnostics if Installer 7.6.8.msi file provided in
USB license drivers are not the SimCentral Simulation
current, but the license failure Platform installation package. You
message continues. need administrator privileges to
install the latest USB drivers.

16 Version 3.2
A Few Additional Things SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes

Area Description Workaround (if applicable)

Licenses 492121 The SimSci Licensing Use the license feature under the
Management Tool distributed SimCentral Simulation Platform
with previous SimSci products Help tab to correct licensing on a
does not recognize SimCentral case-by-case basis. Contact
Simulation Platform and may not SimSci Technical Support for the
update SimCentral Simulation most recent version of License
Platform licensing as expected. Management Tools.

Model Writing 525175 When a custom model is named Do not name custom models
Main, you cannot move that Main.
model on the Canvas.

Model Writing 525175 When you create a custom Use unique names for simulations
model that has the same name and custom models.
as a simulation that contains
instances of that custom model,
an application error occurs.

Process Library, 549865 Columns configured with an Model the Column without a
Column internal Condenser and Reboiler Condenser (that is, leave the
may have difficulty solving when Condenser parameter set to
you set the Setup parameter to None) and condense the
Configure with VLLE fluids. overheads with a three-phase
Separator on the Canvas. Both the
Column and the Separator can
use the same VLLE fluid and you
do not need to use a Fluid

Thermodynamics, 525124 Recently deleted components In TDM, select a databank other

TDM reappear while adding new than the one you are working with.
components to a TDM user The "This databank has been
databank. modified. Do you want to save it?"
message appears. Click Yes.
Then resume working on your

Thermodynamics, 540266 When you plot or evaluate Verify the data in the SimCentral
TDM Correlation 47 in TDM with the Simulation Platform UI.
temperature in K and the
pressure in Pa, the displayed
values for vapor pressure are
1000x too large.

Thermodynamics, 513612, Selecting phases (Vapor Online, Evaluate the possibility of

Phase Definitions 517092, Liquid Only, VLE, VLWE, VLLE) additional or reduced phases by
519425, that are inconsistent with the independent means.
519771 component slate may report
wrong answers without warning.

Version 3.2 17
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes A Few Additional Things

Area Description Workaround (if applicable)

Thermodynamics, 512684, The solver may not converge or Evaluate the possibility of
VLWE 515482, finds a false solution without additional liquid phases by
516229, warning for component systems independent means.
519127 that may have two liquid phases,
especially in Fluid Flow or
Dynamics mode.

Thermodynamics, 516291 While in Dynamics mode, the Avoid Dynamics mode or

VLLE solver finds an incorrect solution re-initialize the flash at the
when going from all vapor to transition point based on specific
conditions where liquid phases conditions.
will form or vice-versa.

Thermodynamics, 539165 The VLLE flash calculations for In this release, VLLE is specifically
VLLE systems that contain petroleum intended for chemical systems
components may predict that use library components and
incorrect phases. LACT methods. You should
independently review the VLLE
predictions for systems with
petroleum components that use
equation of state methods.

18 Version 3.2
A Few Additional Things SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes

The following table lists issues you may encounter when you open simulations in SimCentral Simulation
Platform 3.2 that were built in previous versions.

Area Tracking Description Workaround (if applicable)


Controls Library and 550031 You will see a missing model To work around this issue, replace
Process Library types message when you import the missing Model Types with
simulations from SimCentral those in the Preview Library:
Simulation Platform 3.1.1 that
1. Import the Preview Library
use any of the following Model
from the Examples folder.
2. Open the imported simulation
• Controls.StreamChange
with the missing Model Types.
• Controls.Wave 3. Press and hold Ctrl and then
• Process.HXPF drag the Model Types from the
Preview Library onto the
• Process.HXSW corresponding model
We have moved these Model instances on the Canvas.
Types to the Preview Library.

FlareLib Library, 524655 Simulations that contain To work around this issue:
PipeRig PipeRigs that you built by using
1. Before you import the
previous versions of the FlareLib
simulation, open the Model
Library (such as the 3.1 version)
Editor for the PipeRig in the
may not solve when you import
FlareLib Library and change
them by using the 3.2 version of
the default value for the Setup
the FlareLib Library. This is due
parameter from Solve to
problems with the state
2. Import the simulation.
3. Reopen the Model Editor for
the PipeRig and change the
default value for the Setup
parameter back to Solve.
4. Update any Snapshots for
your simulation once it is

Process Library, 544385, Some simulations that contain In some cases, you can revert to
Column 544384 Columns that you built by using an existing snapshot to solve the
previous versions of the Process simulation again. If the simulation
Library (such as the 3.1 version) still fails to solve after you revert to
fail to solve when you import the snapshot, set the Setup
them by using the 3.2 version of parameter for the column back to
the Process Library. Configure and gradually solve the
Column again. Ideally, specify the
RefluxRatio and BoilupRatio
variables since specifications that
relate to the product temperature
or compositions are infeasible in
Configure mode.

Version 3.2 19
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Release Notes A Few Additional Things

Area Tracking Description Workaround (if applicable)


Process Library, N/A We have changed the Simple Set the PressureDrop parameter
Column selection for the PressureDrop to Constant.
parameter in the Column to
Constant. When you import
simulations that contain Columns
from SimCentral Simulation
Platform 3.1 or earlier, a yellow
badge appears on Columns that
use the Simple selection for the
PressureDrop parameter. The
message for this badge indicates
that you should change the
selection to Constant. This
change does not affect the
Column solution.

Process Library, 549191 When you import a simulation Change the selection for the
Streams from a previous version of global Components parameter in
SimCentral Simulation Platform your imported simulation so that it
and that simulation contains a matches the UOMs in which you
stream with a specified Fc specified the Fc variables. For
variable that was not in mole example, if you specified the Fc
fractions, the Fc variables may variables in kmol/h, set the
disappear from the model Components parameter to
instance if you perform any MoleRates.
action that triggers an update of
the global parameters, such as
changing the ModeCheck
parameter for any model
instance on the Canvas. The Fc
variables do not disappear until
you close and reopen the
simulation. When you reopen the
simulation, the missing Fc
variables make the simulation
unsquare and the simulation will
not solve.
This issue occurs because the
Components parameter for the
streams is now a global
parameter with a default value of
MoleFractions. SimCentral
Simulation Platform applies this
new global default value to the
Components parameter in all the
streams in your imported
simulation, which may cause a
discrepancy between the UOM in
which you specified the Fc
variable and the UOM that
SimCentral Simulation Platform

20 Version 3.2

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