II Partial-Homework #2

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Universidad Tecnológica de Honduras

English IV
Master Mayra Guadalupe Jacome Ruiz

Student: Josue Alexander Moreno

Account number: 201710030187

II Partial-Homework #2
Deadline: 04 of November 2020
Jessica was an intelligent and outgoing girl, she liked

to imagine many things and even invented things that were not here, she was not afraid
of anything or the risks that could arise, for her those risks were her own experience to
be able to survive in this world. She was also a good girl, she was considerate of
everyone and even animals, for her plants and animals had the same life as all human
beings and they also had the right to be in this world. He said that in all this life there
was a beginning and an end, that all of us knew the beginning, but not the end, it was
easy to say that we began tasks and could finish them at any time, but our life could not
be predicted easily, no we knew when it was going to end or where it was going to end,
she made many people reflect on the way they lived. Jessica used to keep many
memories of her travels and suggested to others to do the same, since those memories
would be very precious to each one, she avoided at all costs losing those memories, her
most precious photos taken by her favorite camera. She admitted that some things were
luxurious but that the most luxurious thing for her was her own family, she really
enjoyed spending time with her family since they were Jessica's love, she liked it a lot
and she used to tell me about her fascinating stories that began with a "that day"; I really
liked hearing those stories because I was sick so I couldn't go on trips like she did. At
first, I hated her and even envied her, but little by little she gained my confidence that
we became best friends, I couldn't stop her since she always visited me every day,
sometimes she helped me practice in the piano as it was the only thing that made me
happy, apart from its interesting stories.

Jessica was a girl loved and loved by all, she had a different perspective of how life
was, she took it the same; She was an equal person, but as a person also had her
problems, sometimes she hated staying home alone and disliked certain foods,
sometimes she denied the fact of continuing to live, despite being considered a star, not
all stars stay shining forever. Nobody knew the problems she was going through more
than just me, she was my best friend, but nobody could help her. Jessica in the end had
to leave this life, she left first without me; I thought that I would do it first but it was not
like that, apparently she had a tumor in her brain and it was too late to realize it, at last
she left this world, but I know that now she is shining like a star.

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