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Estudio de caso “La importancia de aprender un idioma

Alexander Bustos Chango

Daniela Cárdenas Rubiano

Herlein A Chanci López

José G Saldarriaga Villadiego


Adriana M Vargas Jaimes

Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje “SENA”

Tecnólogo Negocios Internacionales Ficha 2193547


Estudio de caso “La importancia de aprender un idioma

¿Qué problema de comunicación encontró entre las dos partes?

The problem that I see with this communications is that both the interviewer and the

interviewees. Use only one lenguaje and it is important for them to understand each other.

¿La información dada por los locutores fue correcta? Justifique su respuesta

The information that the announcers gave was incorrect, they didn’t know what were

talking about. The members of group London Inspeccion were answering the quetions and

they just said similar words in spanish, distorting the conversation.

Enumere otras situaciones similares que conozca

● Interviews

● At school or university while we practice

● On the nStreet when encounter a tourist

● when we’re phoning to someone to ask or question for a product.

● when we're watching tv

● when we're going to the teathre

¿Que concluye de esta situación?

Our conclusion is: not only must we adapt to a single language in this case Spanish, it is

also important to know one or more languages beforehand, why and for what; why in case
of travelling to another country for communication or if a foreign tourist asks you for help

from some address or some place can provide it.. In case of applying for a job, your resume

would reflect a second, third or fourth language would not be bad, and the presentation on

the resume would look more striking.

source of information

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