Function Notation and Evaluation

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Function Notation and Evaluation
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Function Notation:  

Function notation is the way a function is

written. It is meant to be a precise way of giving information about the
function without a rather lengthy written explanation.

The most popular function notation is f (x)

which is read "f of x".
This is NOT the multiplication of f times x..

Traditionally, functions are referred to by single letter names, such as f, g,

h and so on.
Any letter(s), however, may be used to name a function. Examples:

The f (x) notation is another way of representing the y-value in a

function, y = f (x). 
The y-axis may even be labeled as the f (x) axis, when graphing. 
Ordered pairs may be written as (x, f (x)), instead of (x, y).

Note: The notation   f : X → Y tells us that the function's name is "f " and its ordered pairs are
formed by an element x from the set X, and by an element y from the set Y.     
(The arrow → is read "is mapped to".) 

Advantages of function notation: Equivalent Notations!

1 it allows for individual function names to avoid confusion as y = 3x + 2
to which function is being examined. 
. Names have different letters, such as f (x) and g (x). 
The graphing calculator does distinctive function naming with Y1, Y2, ... f (x) = 3x + 2
2 it quickly identifies the independent variable in a problem. f (x) = {(x,y) | y = 3x + 2}
f (x) = x + 2b + c, where the variable is "x". (the vertical bar is read "such that")
3 it quickly states which element of the function is to be (the bar arrow means the element
examined. Find f (2) when f (x) = 3x, is the same as saying, "x is mapped/matched to 3x + 2")
. "Find y when x = 2, for y = 3x."

Evaluating Functions:

To evaluate a function, substitute the input (the given number or

expression) for the function's variable (place holder, x). 
Replace the x with the number or expression.
1 Given the function f (x) = 3x - 5, find f (4). 
Solution: Substitute 4 into the function in place of x.        f (4) = 3(4) - 5 = 7.
This answer can be thought of as the ordered pair (4,7).
The answer may also be referred to as the image of 4 under f (x).
2 Find the value of h (b) = 3b2 - 2b + 1 when b = -3. 
Solution: Substitute -3 into the function in place of b.       h (-3) = 3(-3)2 - 2(-3) + 1 = 34.
3 Find g (2w) when g (x) = x2 - 2x + 1. 
Solution: When substituting expressions, like 2w, into a function, using parentheses will
help prevent algebraic errors. For this problem, use (2w).
      g (2w) = (2w)2 - 2(2w) + 1 = 4w2- 4w +1 (Note: the answer is in terms of w.)
4 Given f (x) = 2x2 + 4x - 3, find f (2a + 3).
Solution: Be sure to use parentheses!  Did you multiply?
Be careful - more algebra work is needed here.
f (2a + 3) = 2(2a + 3)2 + 4(2a + 3) - 3
           = 2(4a2 + 12a + 9) + 8a + 12 - 3
            = 8a2 + 24a + 18 + 8a + 12 - 3
            = 8a2 + 32a + 27

5 Given f (x) = x2 - x - 4. If f (k) = 8, what is the value of k?

Solution: Set the function rule equal to 8 and solve for k.
x2 - x - 4 = 8
x2 - x - 12 = 0
(x - 4)(x + 3) = 0  The value of k can be either 4 or -3.
x - 4 = 0;   x + 3 = 0
x = 4;   x = -3

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