Course Outline Communication Systems

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Course Syllabus for ECE 4363

1. Department: Electronics and Communication

2. Title: Communication Systems

Credits: 3.0 (3 Lectures)

3. Course Designation as Elective or Required: Required

4. Prerequisite(s): ECE 2142 Probability and stochastic process

5. Instructor Details
Syed Baqar Hussain
Office timings: Tuesday 9am-12pm
Wednesday 1pm-4pm

6. Textbook(s) and/or Other Required Material:

Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems
By: B.P. Lathi, 3rd edition
Recommended. J. G. Proakis. Contemporary Communication Systems using
MATLAB, 2nd edition

7. Course Objective:

• To provide a comprehensive survey of communication system techniques and

technologies with emphasis on analog communication.
• To provide a context for undertaking advanced subjects in this area, especially
digital communications.
• To introduce performance evaluation of analog signals in presence of noise.
• To provide exposure to relevant computing techniques in this area.

8. Student Learning Outcomes: After successfully completing the course

with a grade of C (2.0/4.0) or better, the student should be able to do the

• Able to appreciate role of different communication techniques with a proper

global context.
• Able to measure analytically average voltage/current, energy and power of a
signal expressed graphically or mathematically.
• Able to characterize signals as energy signals or power signals.
• Understand the meaning and importance of correlation and correlation coefficient.
• Able to demonstrate understanding of vector-view of signals.
• Able to apply correlation formulae for signals and their vector counterpart.
• Describe and able to determine the orthogonality between signals.
• Describe the relation between time-autocorrelation of power signals and their
power-spectral-density (PSD).
• Describe the relation between time-autocorrelation of energy signals and their
energy-spectral-density (ESD).
• Able to explain and apply the character of an ideal channel with the help of its
frequency response and impulse response.
• Able to describe and apply the impact of non-linear channel on the input signal.
• Able to describe amplitude modulation mathematically and graphically in time
and frequency domains.
• Able to characterize amplitude modulation with the help of parameters such as
modulation index, sideband power and modulation efficiency.
• Able to evaluate modulation index, sideband power and modulation efficiency
and explain the significance of obtained results.
• Able to demonstrate understanding of few modulation and demodulation
techniques with the help of low level block diagram.
• Able to explain and compare various variants of AM such as Standard AM. DSB-
SC, SSB and VSB.
• Able to demonstrate understanding of coherent and non-coherent demodulation
and associated trade-offs.
• Able to draw and explain carrier recovery techniques with the help of block
• Able to appreciate the impact of digital signals on amplitude modulated carrier.
• Able to explain benefit of using orthogonal carriers as in case of QAM.
• Able to explain every part of a super-heterodyne receiver on block diagram level.
• Understand and evaluate the image frequency of a particular channel.
• Able to describe frequency and phase modulations mathematically and
graphically in time and frequency domains.
• Able to explain linkage between phase modulation and frequency modulation.
• Able to evaluate modulation index and frequency deviation.
• Able to evaluate the spectrum of frequency modulated signal with the help of
Bessel function table.
• Able to evaluate the bandwidth of FM signal.
• Able to explain design of narrow-band and wide-band FM transmitters on block
diagram levels.
• Able to compare and contrast AM and NBFM techniques.
• Able to explain few FM demodulation techniques.
• Able to evaluate performance of AM and FM in presence of noise.
9. Topic Covered

Lecture Topic Sub-Topic Reading Assignments

Introduction Introduction, Ch # 1,
Typical Communication system Ch # 2,
1,2 Explanation, By B.P. Lathi
Introduction to signals,
Classification of signals,
Some Useful Signal Operation, Quiz-1
review of trigonometric fourier
series and fourier series of
unipolar and bipolar square wave,
impulse train. Concept of
orthogonality and correlation
Fourier Fourier Transform And Transform Ch # 3
Transform of some useful Application, By B.P. Lathi
3,4 Properties of Fourier Transform Assignment-1
And their Application

Signal Signal Through Liner System, Ch # 3

through Frequency Response, By B.P Lathi
5,6,7 linear system Signal energy and energy Spectral
Density Quiz-2
Signal power and Power spectral
Amplitude Introduction, Base band & carrier Ch # 4
8 Modulation communication, DSB-SC By B.P. Lathi Assignment-2
modulation, Tone Modulation
Modulator Of Difference Types, Ch # 4
9 Frequency mixing & Conversion By B.P. Lathi Quiz-3
Ordinary Amplitude Modulation, Ch # 4
10,11 Sideband & carrier power, By B.P. Lathi
Generation of AM signal,
Demodulation Of AM Signal
12 Problem of Ch # , Quadrature Ch # 4
Amplitude Modulation, By B.P. Lathi
13,14 AM-SSB, Generation of SSB, Ch # 4
Demodulation Of SSB, AM-VSB By B.P. Lathi
Carrier Acquisition, Ch # 4
15 Phase Locked Loop Carrier By B.P. Lathi
Acquisition in DSB-SC, In SSB-
16 FDM, Super heterodyne, Ch # 4
AM Receiver By B.P. Lathi
17 Problem & review of Ch# 4 & 4.9 Ch # 4 Quiz-4
article reading assignment By B.P. Lathi
Angle Introduction, Concept of Ch # 5
18 Modulation instantaneous frequency, By B.P. Lathi
Frequency & Phase modulation,
Power of angle modulated wave
19 Bandwidth of angle modulation Ch # 5
waves, Problems By B.P. Lathi

Generation of FM waves, indirect Ch # 5

20,21 method, direct method, By B.P. Lathi
Demodulation of FM waves
22 Band Pass limiter, Practical Ch # 5
frequency demodulation By B.P. Lathi
23 Information an angle modulation Ch # 5
system, interference due to By B.P. Lathi
channel noise, Pre-emphasis &
De-emphasis Fm receiver
Review & problem,
24 Frequency Division Multiplexing
Telephone Hierarchy
Binary Sampling theorem Complete & Ch # 6
25,26 communicati related problem B.P. Lathi
27 Pulse code modulation, Delta
modulation & DPCM
PAM.PWM,PPM techniques Quiz-5
28 Time Division Multiplexing,
Bandwidth Requirements for TQM
29,30,31 Behavior of Baseband systems, Amplitude Ch #12
,32 analog modulated systems, Pulse B.P. Lathi
systems in modulated modulation, Optimum
the presence Preemphasis-Deemphasis systems
of noise

Sir Athar Haneef (EE Department)

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