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OPTI 6101/8101 - PHYS 6210 Homework 2:

Seeing the potential in vectors

August 30, 2018; due September 6, 2018

1. (Problem 2.16) By use of the vector function v = cφ, where c is an arbitrary constant vector,
prove the following alternate versions of Gauss’ theorem and Stokes’ theorem:
(a) S φda = V ∇φdτ ,
(b) C φdr = S (da × ∇φ).

2. (Problem 2.19, with typo fixed) By making the substitution v = u∇w in Stokes’ theorem,
show that
∇u × ∇w · da = ( u∇w · dr − w∇u · dr).
S 2 C C

3. (Problem 2.24) Demonstrate that the divergence theorem is satisfied in a cube of unit side
with edges along the coordinate axes for the function

v = x2 x̂ + y 2 ŷ + z 2 ẑ.

4. (Problem 2.26) Demonstrate that Stokes’ theorem is satisfied for a square curve of unit side
with edges along the x and y coordinate axes, for the function

v = x2 yx̂ + yx2 ŷ.

5. Fixing one of the holes in our solenoidal field calculation! Assuming that
F · da = 0,

argue that ∇ · F = 0.

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