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Use Case Name : Add Apartment ID:1 Priority:High

Actor:: Owner
Description: Owner specifies the apartment information. The system processes the information, updates the database and notifies
the owner.
Trigger:The owner has a need to add the apartment.
Type: x External  Temporal
Preconditions: The database is updated and is online.
The Owner has an account with the system
Normal Course:

1. Owner enters the account information.

2. System verifies the owners’ credentials (Exception 1)
3. System displays the home page
4. Owner submits the apartment information by selecting add apartment
5. System verifies that information does not exist in the database and is complete (Exception 2)
6. System asks for confirmation of submission. (Alternative Course 1)
7. System saves apartment information in the database
8. System sends a notification to the owner via email.,

Alternative Courses:

1. Owner declines the confirmation (occurs at step 6)

1. System displays the last filled form.
2. System starts normal course from step 4.
Post Conditions: 1. The apartment entry should be immediately made available online.
2. The notification is sent to the owner.


1. The credentials do not match (occurs at step 2)

1.1 Systems displays the error “Invalid login info”
1.2 System requests the owner to reenter information and continues with step 1 of normal course.
2. The information exists in the database.
2.1 Systems displays the error “Information already exists”
2.2 System gives owner option to reenter info or exit.
2.2.1 Owner chooses to reenter information System starts normal course from step 3
2.2.2 Owner Chooses to exist the system System logs the owner out.
Use Case Name : Delete Apartment ID:2 Priority:High

Actor:: Owner
Description: Owner request for apt deletion. The system verifies the deletion request, updates the database and notifies the owner
for successful deletion.
Trigger:The apartment is not available for rent
Type: x External  Temporal
Preconditions: The database is updated and online
The Owner has an account with the system
The system has an apartment listing uploaded by the owner
Normal Course:

1. Owner enters the account information.

2. System verifies the owners’ credentials (Exception 1)
3. System displays the home page.
4. Owner requests to delete the apartment.
5. System asks for confirmation of deletion. (Alternative Course 1)
6. System deletes the apartment information in the database
7. System sends a notification deletion to the owner via email.,

Alternative Courses:

1. Owner declines the confirmation (occurs at step 5)

1.1 System displays the home page.
1.2 System starts normal course from step 3.
Post Conditions: 1. The apartment entry should be immediately deleted from the database.
2 The notification is sent to the owner for successful deletion.


3 The credentials do not match (occurs at step 2)

a. Systems displays the error “Invalid login info”
b. System requests the owner to reenter information and continues with step 1 of normal course.
Use Case Name : Search Apartment ID:3 Priority:High

Actor:: Student
Description:Student specifies the search criteria. The system displays the filtered search results .
Trigger:The wants to rent an apartment
Type: x External  Temporal
Preconditions: The database is updated and online
There is at least one apartment in the system to search.
The student has a log in with the system
Normal Course:
1. Student enters the account information.
2. System verifies the students’ credentials (Exception 1)
3. System displays all apartments available for rent.
4. Student enters the search criteria
5. System displays apartments based on the search criteria (Exception 2)
6. Student logs out of the system

Alternative Courses:

Post Conditions: 1. The

4 The notification is sent to the owner for successful deletion.


5 The credentials do not match (occurs at step 2)

a. Systems displays the error “Invalid login info”
b. System requests the owner to reenter information and continues with step 1 of normal course.

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