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Rafaelo | Rafaelo619#2993 | UTC +2; 19:00 - 01:00 | Arthur The Divine |

Tiefling(Zariel) | Soldier | Chaotic Good | LVL 01 | Paladin 1 | Arthur is a

Tiefling Of Zariel Bloodline paladin who grew up under the protection of
Lathander,the deity of creativity in the temple of Eveningstar.He was one of the
best trained soldiers back then because the town needed strong people in order to
protect it from the bad forces that came in the whole country.Everyone who lived in
that temple have swore themselves to protect the temple with their lives in order
to protect their hometown.He has fought countless battles against dragons where he
succeeded with the help of the other people fighting with him but one day the
inevitable happened.An evil wizard opened a portal to another world and a Tarrasque
appeared before his eyes.He knew by that moment that everything were done for and
all that he fought for all these years came to an end so he was so desperate.Right
before his eyes,he saw a glimpse of light in the sky and Tarrasque was instantly
burnt to a crisp.He knew it was Lathander who helped him defeat the monstrosity and
he knew that what he stared with his eyes was a miracle.After all these events
happened, Arthur the First , the captain of the temple gave him the mighty symbol
of Lathander,telling him that what is the thing he desires the most?Arthur The
Divine answered him instantly telling him he wants to become stronger in order to
protect the people he cares for so he decided to have a long journey for
Neverwinter seeking answers in order for his dream to come true.After countless
days fighting monsters he arrived in Neverwinter so tired and exchausted that he
fainted.After some hours he was awake in a small house where he was taken care of.
| Lathander | - | 0 | 0 | - | 0 CP 0 SP 0 EP 10 GP 0 PP | Insignia of Rank,A piece
of banner,A set of common clothes,Playing card
set,Greatsword,Longbow,Javelin,Backpack,Bedroll, Messkit,Tinderbox,10 Torch,10
Rations(1 Day),Waterskin,Hempen Rope(50 feet),Chain Mail,Holy Symbol of Lathander |
Darkvision 60ft.,Hellish Resistance,Legacy of Avernus | Common,,Infernal, light
armor, medium armor, heavy armor, shields,simple weapons,martial weapons,gaming
set,vehicles(land) | 16 | 13 | 1d10+0 1/1 | 0 | 30 feet | 10 | Divine Sense 4/4,
Lay On Hands 5/5 | Greatsword 2 handed +5/2d6+3 slashing, Longbow +5/1d8+3
piercing, Javelin +5/1d6+3 piercing | 16(+3) | 10(+0) | 14(+2) | 8(-1) | 10(+0) |
16(+3) | +2 | +3 | +0 | +2 | -1
| +2 | +5 | 0 | 0 | -1 | +3(Prof.) | +3 | -1 | +2(Prof.) | +3(Prof.) | -1 |
0 | -1 | 0 | +3 | +5(Prof.) | -1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | CHA | 13 | +5 | Cantrip :
Thaumaturgy | Cantrip : Thaumaturgy | -

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