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Consider a square rigid body mounted on a linear elastic spring and a linear damper.

The system is submerged in lateral fluid flow as shown in Figure 2. The fluid density is
ρ, the side length of the square body is D and an expression for the aerodynamic
coefficient Cy are given in the figure. The mass m, the structural damping c, the stiffness
k and two fluid velocities V1 and V2 are given, respectively, as
m = 0.5 kg,
c = 0.06 N/(m s),
k = 1.1 N/m,
V1 = 0.6 m/s and
V2 = 1.6 m/s.
Calculate the critical velocity Vcrit and compute the maximum amplitudes Ymax of the
structural oscillations induced by the fluid flow at velocities V1 and V2 , respectively.
Ignore the added mass effect.

In order to do this, write a Matlab script which simulates the behaviour of the coupled
system. Alternatively you can use any other suitable programming or scripting
language. You can use the trapezoidal rule for the integration of time and the Newton
procedure to resolve the nonlinearity arising from the fluid force. Alternatively you may
use the 'ode45' or similar matlab commands. Run your simulations long enough with a
sufficiently small time step and use the Matlab command 'max' to determine the
amplitude of the oscillations with sufficient accuracy. Before you submit any answers,
you can use the following tests to validate your results:
 The long term response of the system must be independent of the magnitude of
the initial perturbation.
 If the fluid velocity is smaller than Vcrit, the oscillations following an initial
perturbation must be damped out.
 The frequency of any structural oscillations must be approximately equal to the
natural frequency of the spring-mass system.
 The solutions must converge as the time step size is reduced.
Figure 2.

You must submit the answers for this question before 28-02-2021 23:59:59.
Vcrit [m/s] 0/1
Ymax ( V1 ) [m] 0/2
Ymax ( V2 ) [m] 0/2
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