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Ulyanov, S.V., Yamafuji, К., Ulyanov, V.S., et al.


Computational Intelligence for Robust Control

Algorithms of Complex Dynamic Systems with
Minimum Entropy Production
Part 1: Simulation of Entropy- Like Dynamic Behavior and Lyapunov
S.V. Ulyanov*, К. Yamafuji**, V.S. Шуапог", 1. Kurawaki*,
Т. Hagiwara * and S.A. Panfilov *
*Research & Development Office ,
Yamaha Motor Europe N.V.,
Polo Didattico е di Ricerca di Crema, Via Bramante,
65-26013 СRЕМА (CR) - ltaly
**Mechanical and Control Eng. Dept.,
University of Electro-Communications,
1-5-1, Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan
[Received June 23, 1998, accepted December 1, 1998]

Our thermodynamic approach to the study and design such as computationa] intelligence (CI). Conventional basic
of robust optimal control processes in nonlinear (in gen- computing tools for CI include genetic algorithms (GAs),
eral global unstaЫe) dynamic systems used soft comput- fuzzy neural networks (FNNs ), fuzzy set theory, evolution
ing based оп genetic algorithms with а fitness function programming, and qualitative probabl]istic reasoning. Ap-
as minimum entropy production. Control objects were plication of CI to complex robotics motion control theory is
nonlinear dynamic systems involving essentially поп- divided into (1) the study of staЫe motion processes and (2)
linear stochastic differential equations. An algorithm unstaЫe motion processes of complex dynamic systems.
was developed for calculating entropy production rate In the first case, staЫe motion, we describe intelligent
in control object motion and in control systems. Part 1 control algorithm development and design (Fig.1). The fea-
discusses relation of the Lyapunov function (measure of ture of the given structure is the consideration of the control
stabllity) and the entropy production rate (physical object based оп fuzzy system theory as а Ыасk Ьох, and the
measure of controllabllity). This relation was used to study and optimization of input-output linguistic relations
describe the following qualitative properties and impor- using GA, FNN, and fuzzy control (FC) to describe the
tant relations: dynamic stabllity motion (Lyapunov func- changing law of PID-controller parameters with minimum
tion), Lyapunov exponent and Kolmogorov-Sinai control error. In small uncontrollaЫe (unobservaЫe) exter-
entropy, physical entropy production rates, and symme- nal excitation or small parameter ( or structure) change in
tries group representation in essentially nonlinear sys- control objects, such an approach ensures robust, staЫe con-
tems as coupled oscillator models. Results of computer trol.
simulation are presented for entropy-like dynamic be- In а global unstaЫe dynamic control object, such ap-
havior for typical benchmarks of dynamic systems such
proach (а presence robust), does not guarantee staЫe control
as Van der Pol, Duffing, and Holmes-Rand, and coupled in principle. For such unstaЫe dynamic contro] objects, we
oscillators. Parts 2 and 3 discuss the application of this
need а new intelligent robust algorithms based оп knowl-
approach to simulation of dynamic entropy-like behavior
edge about the movement of essentially лonlinear unstaЫe
and optimal benchmark control as а 2-link manipulator
in а robot for service use and nonlinear systems under
stochastic excitation.
GA FNNf----- FC
Keywords: Computational intelligence, Entropy production
rate, Lyapunov stabllity, Entropy-like dynamic behavior signal (у)
+ PID ,___*-Plant
1. lntroduction

The application of new knowledge-based control algo-

rithms in advanced control theory of dynamic robotics sys-
tems has necessitated the development of new calculation Fig. 1. AI Control (Designation in Text)

82 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence Vo1.3 No.2, 1999

Computational Intelligence for Robust Control Algorithms

SSCQ nonlinear nonholonomic (in general global unstaЫe) dy­

GA with Calculation of namic systems.
f = min tj§_ Entropy
х. u* dt Production
�= (dS, _ d,S)
2. Definition of Entropy Production Rate
dt dt dt

and Relation to Lyapunov Stabllity in
signal (у)+ (х) Nonlinear Closed Dissipative Dynamic

One objective of thermodynamics is to characterize states

Fig. 2. Self­Organization AI Control with Physical Measure
of Control Quality (Designation in Text) of macroscopic systems depending оп а limited number of
observaЫes. It is well estaЫished that large classes of dy­
namic systems present (under nonequilibrium conditions)
dynamic systems. An example is the new benchmark, the
complex behavior associated with Ьifurcation sometimes
robotic шпсусге." The general form of similar intelligent
culminating in deterministic chaos. Much work has been
robust control algorithms is shown in Fig.2. Figures.1 and
done in characterizing this complexity. А variety of quanti­
2 use the following designations: GA: genetic algorithm; f:
ties related to the dynamic, including entropy­like, have
GA fitness function; S: system entropy; Sc: controller еп­ been introduced and provide а rather successful description:
tropy; Si: controlled plant entropy; Е: еггог; u': optimal соп­ Lyapunov exponents, Kolmogorov­Sinai entropy, and Ыосk
trol signal; m(t): disturbance; FC: fuzzy controller; FNN: entropies are representative examples. Our objective was to
fuzzy neural network; FLCS: fuzzy logic classifier system; explore the possiЬility of introducing entropy production­
SSCQ: simulation system of control quality; К: global ор­ like quantities related directly to the dynamics of complex
timum solution of coefficient gain schedule (teaching sig­ systems and to assess their status for thermodynamic en­
nal); LPTR: lookup tаЫе of fuzzy rules; CGS: coefficient tropy production. This is achieved Ьу adopting probaЬilistic
gain schedule (k1, k2, kз). formulation.4)
This approach was firstly ргезептеа'" as а new physical
measure of control quality for complex nonlinear controlled Remark 1. In mechanics of continuous media, elasticity
objects described as nonlinear dissipative models. This theory, and general dynamic system theory used methods
physical measure of control quality is based оп the physical and models described as irreversiЫe in phenomenological
law of minimum entropy production in intelligent control thermodynamics.5­9) Different approaches are used.5­7,9) The
systems and in the dynamic behavior of complex control phenomenological thermodynamic approach to correctness
objects. The proЫem of the minimum entropy production analysis of differential equations developed firstб,7) and nec­
rate is equivalent to the proЫem of maximum released гпе­ essary conditions for physical realization of differential
chanical work as the optimal solution of corresponding equations as mathematical models for real dynamic systems
Hamilton­J асоЬi­ Bellman equations. The variational fixed­ were studied. The relation between the time rate of
end proЫem of maximum work W was shown to Ье equiva­ Lyapunov density and the time rate of excess availaЬility
lent to the variational fixed­end proЫem of minimum dissipation in phenomenological thermodynamics10) was
entropy production.3) Both optimum solutions аге equivalent then studied. The same proЫems from statistical thermody­
for dynamic control of complex systems and the principle namics11­14) are discussed.
of minimum of entropy production guarantees the maximum
released mechanical work with intelligent operations. This Remark 2. Relaxation processes were analyzed as а com­
physical measure of control quality was used as а GA fitness plex system descriЬing compound parts of mechanical (±)
function in optimal control design (Fig.2, Вох SSCQ). thermodynamic behavior in dynamic systems from pheno­
The introduction of physical criteria (minimum entropy menological thermodynamics15). Mechanical behavior of
production rate) guarantees the staЬility and robustness con­ dynamic systems was described Ьу the designated class of
trol of unstaЫe objects. This differs from the aforesaid de­ ordinary nonlinear differential equations. Thermodynamic
sign (Fig.1) in that intelligent global feedback in control is behavior was characterized Ьу entropy production and de­
used. The relation between control object staЬility termined directly from mechanical system motion. The re­
(Lyapunov function) and controllaЬility (entropy production lation between entropy production rate and Lyapunov
rate) is used. The basic feature of this is the necessity of function for closed nonlinear relaxation processes in dy­
model study for control objects and the calculation of the namic systems was introduced and its consequences dis­
entropy production rate through parameters of the developed cussed. s,9,15)
model. The integration of joint systems of equations ( equa­ Our purpose is to describe an application of the pheno­
tions of mechanical model motion and of the entropy pro­ menological thermodynamic approach7) for analyzing any
duction rate) еnаЫе the result to Ье used as the GA fitness class of dynamic systems described Ьу nonlinear dissipative
function as CI. Part 1 describes а general approach to en­ differential equations. We studied relations between the no­
tropy definition and calculations from the dynamic system tion of the Lyapunov function, entropy production rate, and
model movemeнt equation and presents results of entropy­ the physical realization of approximate mathematical mod­
like dynamic behavior modeling of typical benchmarks of els descriЬing irreversiЫe processes in closed nonlinear dy­
dynamic systems. namic systems.
Parts 2 and 3 introduce а thermodynamic approach to Thermodynamic criteria (positive entropy production
studying and designing robust optimal control processes for rate) as а physical measure for realizing а mathematical

Vol.3 No.2, 1999 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence 83

Ulyanov, S.V., Yamafuji, К., Ulyanov, V.S., et al.

model (relaxation processes) аге introduced. These criteria from 1 to п we obtain the following equation:
indicate the need to put extra (thermodynamic) limitations
on parameters of differential equations and on qualitative
properties describlng dynamic evolution systems. We stud­
ied the correlation between conditions of physical realiza­ i = 1 i = 1 i= 1

tion and the notion of stabllity, and the correctness of

From Eqs. (4) and (5), it is follows that
mathematical models for irreversiЫe processes in а поп­
linear dissipative dynamic systems.
dV · · ·
Such study is very important to correctly analyzing dy­
namic evolution and stabllity motion of dynamic systems,7)-
Yt = - I sJ:(s1, , s,i) < о (6)
i= 1
9) and for describlng artificial life conditions for
micronanorobots.15) Introducing а physical background in The entropy production rate (for а closed system)
control processes is very important to designing optimal 11
control processes using soft computing based on GA with а
fitness function as minimum entropy production in the гпо­
dt = т L sJ;(s1, ... , Sп) > О. .
1 • • •
. . . . . . . . . (7)
i= 1
tion of а dynamic system and in the control process. 2)
From Eqs.(6) and (7), we oЬtain
2.1. Definition of Entropy-Like Dynamic Behavior of
Complex Nonlinear Systems dV 1 diS
Control objects аге described based оп classical mechan­ dt Т dt < о. . (8)
ics using two approaches ­ Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
equations. Thus, we obtain the general relation between the
For both approaches, we consider entropy production rate Lyapunov function (staЬility),16) the entropy production rate,
definition and calculation. and the full energy of а dynamic system. This relation is а
general one in the vibration theory of dynamic systems.
2.1.1. Lagrange' s Approach From Eq.(8), it follows that an infringement of thermo­
Consider Lagrangian equations dynamic criteria of physical realization on right side of Eq.(8)
result in the instabllity of dynamic system and vice versa.
(а�)­ аи+ a�i
t дqi дqi дqi
= пл. (1)
Example 1. Consider the dynamic system as

where L = К - И is а Lagrangian of the dynamic system q + ф(q) + cp(q, q) = О, ср(О, q) = cp(q, О) О. (9)
1� Gik(Mk According to thermodynamic criteria (7)
(1), К = � is kinetic energy, and И =
2i,k= 1

lL bi�iqk
is potential energy of а dynamic system, qi is а
For а particular case of Eq.(9)
i,k = 1
generalized coordinate.
d;S .. ·2
In linear algebra, operator А is defined such that q = As
•• •
q + Bq + w q = О,
т1 dt = Bqq Bq

ог qi = A11s1 + ... + Ai11S11 (i = 1, 2, ... , п) and т = �La\ sl; and coefficient В must Ье positive (В > О).
i= 1

For а dynamic system: q + Bt[qm + w2q = О, � �� =

�L ь: sJ. From Eq. (1) for а closed system, we obtain

j=l Bqn+lqm and for п = 1, т = 2, в> о, we have Bc/q2 > О. For
т = 2i it is necessary that п = 2i + 1; В > О, (i - 1, 2, ... , [).
�i + J;(�1, ... , w;si

+ = О, (i = 1, 2, ... , п) ... (2) Similar relations exist between the entropy production
rate and the correctness of dynamic systems.7'8)
Newton's Eq.(2) include additive nonconservative fric­
tion forces J;(�1, ... , �,i). Example 2. Entropy-Like Values and Criteria of Dynamic
Consider Lyapunov function V (for а', = 1 and Ь', = wJ) Accuracy in Nonlinear Automatic Control Systems (Accu-
as full energy (V = Е) racy ofLinear Approximation). Consider criteria of dynamic
11 11
accuracy in а nonlinear automatic control system described
1 � 1 � as nonlinear equations8\
v = 2�
�i + 2 � Щ�i
Т+ И= Е .... (3)
i= 1 i=]

Х1 = L aijXj + Ф(х1) + f(J); [fИI s Fo
Х1 = L aijXj' и�1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10)
i= 1 i= 1 j=l

After multiplication, Eq. (2) on �i

and summing index i and а linear approximation as

84 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence Vol.3 No.2, 1999

Computational Intelligence for Robust Control Algorithms

nongeometrical state function S: М -- R, entropy, such that:

Х1 2 aijXj + а1Х1 + f(t); !f{t)I s Fo, а10 s а1 s а20 дН .
1) - > О; and 2) Z1JdS = Sr � О. We not entirely recover
work put into the system because part of it is always wasted
Х1 = 2 aijXj, (i�l). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11)
Ьу friction. The expression of S satisfying the third principle
j 1

Tl дН
ofthermodynamics (S(m, О)= O)S(m, Т) = -dT. Vector
Excitation f(t) is а module-bounded function and for f(t) . о дt Т
= О the system (11) is asymptotically staЫe. Necessary and field Z = (Х, S) of а simple system is defined so that the two
sufficient conditions for linear approximation as Eq.(11) аге principles of thermodynamics are respected. We always use
described8) as entropy as the nongeometrical state variaЫe.
The first law for а closed simple system is reduced to
d;N _ d;L < Q, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12) . . 1
ZJdH = XJdH + TS. Hence S = -yXJdH (see, Eq. (8)).

where VN and VL аге Lyapunov functions for nonlinear and The second law imposes S � О. То satisfy this inequality,
linear systems corresponding. From the relation of Eq. (8)
we adopt Onsager's hypothesis Ьу setting S = }лs(Х, Х),
and Eq. (12) follows
where Лs(Х, Х) is а positive semidefinite symmetric (s)
df/ - diн < 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13) quadratic form. Consequently, we have XJdH = - Лs(Х, Х).
We postulate that field Х is defined Ьу dH = - Л(Х), where
Eq.(13) describlng the entropy-like criteria of dynamic Л: М -- (TM)g is Ьilinear оп ТМ. А vector field of Т(т, I)M
accuracy in linear approximation ( 46) of nonlinear automat- is given Ьу а couple Х = (Х1, хо) , where Х1 Е: ТтМ and хо
ic control (10) means that the entropy production rate in
linear approximation must Ье less than in а corresponding Е: R. [Decomposition df = df + дf dT is used and therefore
nonlinear system.
This approach was used7'8) to describe sensitivity and Jf.xo.]
XJdf = X1Jdf + А Ьilinear form Л always is decou-
invariant conditions in nonlinear automatic dynamic control
connected with the study of proЫems as excitation ассшпц- pled in а sum of а symmetric antisymmetric form, i.e., Л =
lations and stabllity оп the part of generalized coordinates Лs + Ла, and17)
of dynamic systems.
. 1
S = уА(Х,Х)
2.1.2. Hamilton's Approach (Sympletic Geometry)
This approach unifies classical mechanics and thermody- 1 1
= т{Аs(Х, Х) + Ла(Х, Х)} = yAiX, Х). . . . (14)
namics. From mathematics, one postulate that the set of all
states of а thermodynamic system is а differentiaЫe mani-
fold М and of the finite dimension. The evolution of the Equation S = fлs(X, Х) and dH = - Л(Х) define com-
closed dynamic system is defined Ьу semiflow П'Е, х М --
pletely vector field Z that correspond to the two principles.
М generated Ьу vector field Z(e) =
:tU(t, e)l1=0, е Е: М. The In the field of sympletic mechanics, where state space is
reduced to the submanifold, we know that vector field Х is
vector field does not depend explicitly оп time, which
means that the system is autonomous, or equivalently, is defined Ьу dH = -Q(X), where Q(X) is а sympletic 2-
form.18'19) From this, the discussed model appears as а gen-
closed. The dynamic system must satisfy the two principles
of thermodynamics. There exists energy state function Н: М eralization of mechanics. The symmetric form, absent in
mechanics, is introduced to account for dissipation. If the
-- R, such that ZJdH = О, where J is the operator of the
simple system is not isolated, vector field Х1 is simply de-
inner product. This only restates the conservation of energy
fined Ьу dh = -Л(Х) + W1, where Wr is work defined Ьу а
principle. In the atlas of manifold М аге coordinate systems
in which state functions divide naturally in two classes: differential 1-form as W1: R х м -- т·м. Work Wr is only
geometrical and nongeometrical state functions. То the first produced Ьу а change in system geometrical state variaЫes;
class belongs, for example, а state function such as the this leads us to impose an essential restriction оп w: 't/x? Е:
position or velocity of а point particle, and the second con- R, (О, xo)Jw = О. First principle Z1JdH = XtJdH + TS =
tains, for example, the energy or the temperature of the . · 1 1
XrJw1 + Qi consequently g1ves S = 1Лs(Х, Х) + TQ1. If Q1
system. The essential difference between thermodynamic
mechanical systems is that the latter is fully described with- = О, i.e., if the system is adiabatically closed, then we re-
out using nongeometrical state functions. The system is sim-
cover S � О. Quantity }лs(Х, Х) is called the internal irre-
ple if, for each choice of special coordinate systems, the
class of its nongeometrical state functions contains only one versibllity of the system. А dissipative mechanical system
element.17) We choose temperature as the unique is defined Ьу manifold М = т*N, where N is the configura-
nongeometrical state variaЫe and study systems with posi- tion manifold.
tive temperature Т, hence М = М х R+ = {т, Т}, Т > О. For Energy (Hamiltonian) and Ьilinear form Л are given
simple systems, only one nongeometrical state variaЫe is as7,17):
needed to describe all nongeometrical internal phenomena.
The second principle of thermodynamics is formulated Н(q, р, S) = К(р) + U(q, S) ;
as follows: if the system is adiabatically closed, there is Л(q, р, S) = Q(p) + Лs(q, р, S), . . . . . . . . (15)

Vol.3 No.2, 1999 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence 85

Ulyanov, S.V., Yamafuji, К., Ulyanov, V.S., et al.

where К(р) is kinetic energy, U(q, S) is internal energy conical coordinates and moments. In а single region of con-
(thermostatic energy) of the same system but in constrained nected stochasticity xs are independent of х and the integral
equilibrium, Q(p) is the sympletic form оп т*м,17) and Лs(q, =
р, S) is а positive semidefined symmetric Ьilinear form op-
over dµ simply yields h
2 Л+ . In general, KS-entropy

erating only оп vectors of +:н.

presents the mean of entropy production over the basin of
an attractor. KS entropy h provides а measure of the rate of
Example 3. Damped harmonic oscillator: М = М хR = R2 loss of information in predicting the future course of the
х R = {(q, р), S} with
trajectory and а dynamic system is said to Ье chaotic if h is
!k(S)q2 positive definite.
Н(q,р, S) = };;/ + + f(S), For dynamic system х = F(x), where (х, F) are vectors in
Л(q, р, S) = dq л dp + Лs(q, S)dqdp, n-dimensional space Rп, in the neighborhood of given point

where т > О is mass, k(S) is the spring constant, f(S) is хо, we write х = хо + 6х, where :t6x = М(хо)6х, Ми(хо) =
purely thermal energy and Л5(q, S) � О is цпегргегео as the
friction coefficient. With notion Z = (q, р, S), equation dH дF
- -/ . We construct orthogonal system ( ео,1 ео,2 ... , ео") at
дХj Х=Хо

= -Л5(Х) gives
point хо. The n-th Lyapunov exponent in R is defined as 11

;tdp 11

+ k(S)qdq pdq + qdp - Лs(q, s)qdq, . 1 er л er2 л ... л е1п
лi , where opera-
= -
follows: l1m-Iog 1 2 п =
1 --- оо t ео л ео л ... л ео
q = ;!, р = -Л (q, s);f- k(S)q. The equation

from which 5
tion л presents а generalization of а vector product upon
higher dimensional vector space. According to Liouville's
for the entropy productюn rate, S. = 71 .Лs (Х, . re d uced
У) , зв i_/e;
theorem, л е; л ... л е�1/ = divF(xr)/e; л е; л ... л е7/.
diS 1 . дt
to - d= -2-Лs(q, S)p � О and eqшvalent to Eq.(7).
t т т Integration of this expression gives

1 1
. 1
l1m-log е} л е; л . . . л е71 = l1m-J
. 1 divF(xs)ds = pdivfdГ
1 2 п
1 --- оо t ео л ео л ... л ео t --- оо t O

3. Relations Between Entropy Production and, for а nonconservative dynamic system, the entropy
Rate, Deterministic Chaos, and
= fpdivFdГ, where density function
production rate is20)
Lyapunov Function
р fulfills Liouville's equation. Thus �� = fpdivFdГ =
From Eqs.(7) and (8), we сап define а production entropy
rate at the expense of irreversiЫe processes through an ас-
2 лi =
2 лt +
2 л-; , and for the entropy production
cordingl y selected Lyapunov function. The well-defined i= 1 i = 1 i= 1
functions (wdfs) from а Lyapunov function is also known
� '\ +
as Lyapunov functions.16) Between these wdfs, we must . . .d е system diS
·ь1 е process шs1
rate d ue to пrevers1 dt = LJ /1.i •
choose the wdf that satisfies basic thermodynamic relations i= 1
(8). The entropy production rate is а single-value function lt is plausiЫe that the rate at which information about the
of dynamic system parameters and Eq. (8) lets us pick cor- system is lost equals the average sum of positive Lyapunov
responding function V from the set of Lyapunov functions.
For every differential asymptotic staЫe system (in exponents: h = fр 2 лtdµ, where р(х) is the invariant den-
Lyapunov sentence) there is а Lyapunov шпспоп'" and

d; = (d;).
i= 1
from Eq.(8) it follows that а production entropy rate caused
Ьу an irreversiЫe process in the system also exists. sity of the attractor. Thus, h = fр dµ In most

3.1. Relations Between Entropy Production Rate, Deter- cases, л' s are independent of х, so
ministic Chaos, Lyapunov Exponent, and Kolmo-
gorov-Sinai Entropy
Classical mechanics is said to Ье chaotic ( or irregular) if
2 лt fpdµ 2 лt
i= 1 i= 1
and h - d�· .. (16)
adjacent trajectories in а given region of phase space diverge
exponentially.19) The largest Lyapunov number л describes Remark 3. There is а close relationship between entropy
the asymptotic rate of exponential separation d(t) between production of nonequilibrium thermodynamics and КS en-
two initially close trajectories at distance d(O): л = tropy of dynamic system theory.20) We have the entropy
1.1m -11 п--.
d(t) А uшversa
. . t h at 1s
1 quant1ty . measure d sto- production rate due to irreversiЫe processes inside the sys-

d(OJ-+ о, t d(O)
(-+ 00 n
chasticity is Kolmogorov-Sinai (KS) entropy h, defined in tem (а role of Ьifurcation) =
2 лt , where лt is k-th
the general case of more than one region of connected sto- k=l
chasticity G19): h = fjI
Л+(x)Jdµ, where dµ is an element positive Lyapunov exponent. For КS entropy with а differ-
entiaЫe map of а finite-dimensional manifold and an er-
of the invariant volume (measure) in G, and х stands for godic measure with а compact support Ruelle19) it is shown

86 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence Vol.3 No.2, 1999

Ulyanov, S.V., Yamafuji, К., Ulyanov, V.S., et al.

Ьу а reservoir is expressed as

(- ур + s(t)) dx = ( dt + VU(x)) dx = d(� + И(х)) .

d 2

. . (27)
In the large у limit, we set ?r = О, equiyalent to у = 1 to

Integrating in Eq. (27), terms of the first sum twice Ьу dQ = dE. Note that heat dQ absorbed Ьу the system from
parts the reservoir is given Ьу dQ = dE, i.e., mechanical released
work is equivalent to heat absorbed from the reservoir.25)
f(l + р )_i__(Fip) d:t = fр дFi d-c . This relation is used Ьу calculation of the entropy produc-
J' др, др, tion rate in complex dissipative mechanical systems.
Consider Maxwell-Boltzman nonisotropic distribution 3.2.2. Entropy Production Rate and Lie Symmetries of
Рх .ъ: Pz
{ 2 2 2 } Nonlinear Dynamics
Р = g(x, у, z, t)exp - 2mk8T- 2тkвТ - 2mk8T In the study of nonlinear dissipative dynamics, it is im-
portant to determine under what conditions а given dynamic
with g(x, у, z, t) as self-consistent charge density and the system is integraЫe. Three techniques are widely used,
exponential function descriЬing the distribution of the inco- namely Painleve analysis, Lie symmetries analysis, and а
herent рап of kinetic particle energy. The coherent part of direct method of finding involutive integrals of motions.
kinetic energy is eliminated because it does not cause terms Among these, group theoretical methods are specifically
of the second sum of Eq. (27) evaluated to significant. Given the nature of the symmetry vector field,
one can also write integrals of motion for dynamic systems.
J (1 + lnp) --(Dip,
др 2
2 т The study of generalized Lie symmetries of nonlinear
т t)p) d-c =
ToiJDijp dт;.
др.др, Hamiltonian systems gives integraЫe parameters and inte-
In summary, the change of entropy caused Ьу а Mark- grals of motion, and also separaЫe coordinates if they exist.
The existence of symmetry for differential equations leads
ovian process is expressed as an FPK-equation coefficient
аs2з) to а reduced order in ordinary differential equations or dif-
ference equations and to а particular solution in partial dif-
ferential equations.
For the set of first-order coupled nonlinear ordinary dif-
ferential equations of motion as Fi(Xj, Xj) = О, i = 1, 2, ... , N;
3 3 j = 1, 2, ... , М, invariance study under one-parameter infini-
de51 "\"" (дFi\ and diS1 = "\"" m(Dii). tesimal point transformations of the form
where dt = kв L.J др/ dt L.J Т,,
i = 1 i= 1 Xi = Xi + EYJit, xJ ,
Т = t + E�(t, xJ , = 1, 2, ... , М. . . . . . . (33)
Example 5. Consider the example of а simple yet nonlinear
dynamic system in the presence of noise The corresponding infinitesimal generator is

х = ух - х
+ s(t) . . (29) д д
V = �(t, xJ- + YJ(t, хд - , . . . . . . . . . . (34)
дt дхi
In the noiseless limit and for у < О, system (29) admits а
staЫe single fixed point whose Lyapunov exponent is л = We take � = О without loss of generality. The evolution-
у. This fixed point becomes repelling for у> О. In this range, ary vector field takes one form
two new simultaneously staЫe branches, х = ±Уу, emerge
from х = О. Lyapunov exponents associated with these new V = YJ/t, xi) - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (35)
attractors аге л = -2у. In а weak noise limit and long time дхi
limit, Eqs. (24) and (25) аге ехргеээес" as For the study of Lie symmetries of the set of coupled
ordinary differential equations of the first order, vve must
L лi + O(Dij) , . . . . . . . . . . . . . (30) know first prolongation Р�1) of vector field V. 26)
The associated first extended operator is
i = 1

(1) д . д
Pr V = 11i - + 'Yli - ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . (36)
дхi дхi
i= 1
where Y}i = DtYJ, i = 1, 2, and Dt is the total differeпtjal
i.e., the flow and production of information entropy cancel
operator of а one-parameter symmetry group26) for system
each other.
Fi(xj, Xj) = О, whenever Eq.(36) is satisfied
Remark 5. Consider а simple system
: '
= р; = - ур - VU(x) + s(t), ..... (32)
Substituting the specific equation of motion Fi = О in
where у is the friction constant. Work done оп the system Eq.(37) and solving it consistently, we get Lie symmetries 'Yli·

88 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence Vol.3 No.2, 1999

Computational Intelligence for Robust Control Algorithms

Remark 6. The second and higher prolongation of vector one integral of motion and hence are integraЫe. Choice а
field V does not lead to nonsymmetries for the equation of : :2
motion. For example, the second prolongation = and у = - of the Holmes-Rand nonlinear oscillator

а · д .. а .. d211i belongs to the above category.26)

Р; V = 11i - + 11i - +. 11i -.- ., 11i = dt2 , The Lyapunov function for system (38) is described as V
дх, дх, дхi
1·2 1 4 1 2 .
i = 1, 2, .... = х +и(х), where и= х - ух. The entropy productюn
2 4 2
Acting оп system Е, = О leads to invariance conditions . system motюn . diS = ( а + R1д2).х2. Е q. (38) 1s
. 1s .
. wпtten
rate ш dt
•• • аи . .
as х + ( а + Вх2 )х + - = О and, after mult1plyшg the left
the same as the right side of Eq.(37). А similar results holds part of this equation on .х, we oЬtain (х + ( а + Вх2).х + аи).х
for higher prolongations. 26) ах
dV dV ... аи.
= О. The value - dcalculated as - d= хх + -х and after а
Example 6: Holmes-Rand Nonlinear Oscillator. t t ах
Consider an application of staЬility analysis based оп the simple algebraic transformation we oЬtain
relation between entropy production and the Lyapunov
function to а benchmark as а Holmes-Rand oscillator dV
. . . . . . . . . . (43)
х + ( а + Вх ).х - ух + х 2 3
= О , . . . . . . . . . (38)

where а, В, and у аге parameters. System (38) closely re- where Т is а normalization factor.
semЫes the Duffing-van der Pol class of nonlinear oscilla- An analysis of relations in Eqs.( 41 )-( 43) shows that spe-
tors. Rewriting Eq.(38) into а set of two first-order cific symmetries of Eq.(38) for а = _± and у = - 32 with
equations, we get в в
dynamic vector field ( 40) produce maximum staЫe non-
.х = у, у = - (а + (3х2 )у + ух - х3 • • • • • • (39) equilibrium states with minimum production entropy.2)
The invariance requirement under infinitesimal transfor- For В= О from Eq. (38), we obtain the equation of motion
mation (37) is written as of the force-free Duffing oscillator and for exactly the same
parametric choice 2а2 = 9у the Panlevean property holds2'26)
�1 = 112 , �2 = ( - 2Вху + у - 3х2) - 112( а + f3x2) . for this equation. In this case26) integral of motion / =
An ansatz for 111 and 112 аге polynomials in variaЫe у to ехр{4 at }) [х· 2 + 2 ахх· + 1 х4 + 2 а 2х2 ]. The relatюn
. .
have а nontrivial set of Lie vector fields:
3 3 2 9
� q.( 43) is true with the Lyapunov function as for the Hol-
111 = а1 + a2)l + азу2 ; 112 = Ь1 + b2)l + Ьзу2 , . diS ·2
mes- Rand osc1llator and dt = ах .
where а, and bi, i = 1, 2, 3, аге functions of t and х alone. Eqs.(8) and ( 43) describe а generalized relation between
We get а four-parameter symmetry group26) where asso- Lyapunov functions V ( qualitative measure of mechanical
ciated vector fields and the dynamic vector field diS(
. ) an d an entropy pro d uctюn ..
motюn dt quant1tat1ve meas-
Х = у-
ах 4)в
д - [( Вх 2 + - у + хз + 2х -а . . . . . ( 40)
ау �3 ] ure of thermodynamic behavior). For а= -1, В = 1, у= -1
and without nonlinear term х3, we obtain the result for the
аге associated with Eq.(38). From Eq.( 40), it follows that Van der Pol oscillator.27)
dynamic system (38) has specific symmetries for а = and 3.2.3. Entropy Production Rate and Symmetries of Sto-
chastic Dynamics
у = - 32. Integral of motion / for Eq.(38) for choice а = For the n-dimensional dynamic system admitting an n-
в linearity independent Lie symmetry vector field, the prob-
- 3 .
4 an d а= --1s aЬility density function is found analytically in terms of
в в 2
these symmetries. For dynamic systems with а vector field
having constant divergence and а first integral, the prob-
I - exp[(З/l))t][X + ix' }х] + (41) aЬility density function is written in term of these. The en-
tropy production rate is calculated analytically for these
and we end up with а first-order inhomogeneous Abel's
systems. ) In general, the form for dynamic system = f (х, xi
equation: t)(i = 1, 2, ... , п ), х Е: G and associated probaЬility density
function р(х, t). Liouville's theorem is
. 1 3 1 ехр[ - (3)
х + -Вх + -х
3 в = / й t] . . . . . . . . . ( 42)
jJ а
(- + LF) р(х, t)Q = О, . . . . . . . . . . . . (44)
The Holmes-Rand nonlinear oscillator does not pass the дt
Painleve' test because it admits а movaЫe algebraic branch
point. It has been pointed out that· there exist second-order where Q = v'Jg[dx1 л dx2 л ... л dx', g = det(gij) and л stands
systems that аге non-Painlevean but nevertheless possess for the exterior product, LF is the Lie derivative, F = /(х,

Vol.3 No.2, 1999 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence 89

Ulyanov, S.V., Yamafuji, К., Ulyanov, V.S., et al.

t)�. This leads to а partial differential equation

дх� ах, = b(xt, t) dt + 2 gr(X 1,
t) 0
dw; ,

др т др . Х10 = С, tE:.l = [to, Т) (50)

- + f - + pdivF = О (т = 1, 2, ... , п) .. (45)
дt дхт
where Wt = (w;)�= 1 is an m­dimensional standard Wiener
Dynamic system ( 44) is invariant under the Lie group Ьу process. Ref.29) defined differential operators оп U Ьу дt =
the symmetry vector field (infinitesimal generator): п п
д . д . /. д
- , Хо = � Ь 1-,
Х, = ]' g�-. It also defined function у
. ., д д дt � д� . �i
Х 1, 2, ... , п)' ... (46)
11 дхi + -r(x, t) дt
= (i = i= 1 t =1
= ф(х, t) as а transformation from И х I - И. Function ф
is а symmetry transformation for stochastic dynamic system
if infinitesimal 11 i'(x, t) and -r(x, t) satisfy the system of
(50) if the function satisfies
partial differential equations
Ь( ф(х, t), t) = ( дr + Хо)Ф(х, t),
= LF11i, 11i(x, t) = 11i'(x, t) - -r(x, t)f i(x, t) . gr(ф(x, t), t) = Х,.ф(х, t) . . . . . . . . . . . . . (51)

......................... (47) For stochastic differential Stratonovich equations and

Eq.(51), we have the following differential equation describ­
д:i ing process Yr = ф(х1, t) as
Vector field Х = 11\х, t) is called evolutionary герге­
sentation28) of the symmetry vector field given in Eq.( 46).
If the dynamic system given Ьу (44) admits an n­linearly
dyr = ( дr + Хо)Ф(х, t) dt + 2 Xrф(xt, t) 0 dw;
independent symmetry vector field having evolutionary гер­ т

resentation of form Х1 = 11t(x, t), ... , Хп = 11�'(х, t)�; (i1, ... , = b(yi, t) dt + 2 gr(yt, t) 0 dw;· , . . . . . . (52)
дх" r=1

iп = 1, 2, ... , п) then Liouville measure µ(G) = f GСГ

р(х, where Xt is а diffusion process governed Ьу Eq.(50). This
means а stochastic dynamic system described Ьу Eq.(44) is
t)Q is written with probabllity density function р(х, t) =
invariant under transformation satisfying Eq. (51). Such а
transformation is called а symmetry.
1Х1 J Х2 J ... J ХпQ I and n­linearly independent divergence­ If у = ф(х, t, а) is а local one­parameter transformation
free symmetry vector field Х enjoys commutator relations28)
generated Ьу differential operator У= � f i(x, t)� on И, f
[Aj, xk] =
2 cJkx, (j, k, z = о, 1, 2, ... , п - 1) (48) �
i = 1
j< l< k
= (f i)l7 = 1 is an Rn ­valued smooth function, а is а parameter
where cjk аге structure constants. If one of the first integrals on J = (-ао, ао), ф(х, у, О) = х then one­parameter transfor­
mation у is а symmetry transformation of stochastic dy­
for system ( 44) is known and given Ьу I(x, t), then р(х, t) =
namic system (50), if operator У satisfies
IIj, t)IJ is also а probability density function. If
1Х1 J Х2 ... ХпQ I [д1 +Хо, У] = О, [Xr, YJ = О (r = 1, 2, ... , т),
the vector field has constant divergence and а first integral, ......................... (53)
the PDF is written as р(х, t) = IJ(x, t)lexp{­at}, where а =
where [·;] denotes а Lie bracket. Eqs. (53) are equivalent
дfт to
­­ is а constant.
The entropy production гаге is written
(д, +X )f; °J/a�;b\ XJ; - -j,/a:jg;

(д )
S· =
-t d= -J дt
дf т
-+LFplnpQ =Jp-.

(i = 1,,i', r = 1, т)

Operator У satisfying (53) and (54) is а symmetry opera­
The entropy production rate in symmetries and first in­ tor of Eq.(44) and has similar properties for description of
tegrals is expressed as the entropy production rate in symmetries vector fields.

4. Definitions and Simulation Results of En-

tropy-Like Behavior of Benchmarks as
Typical Dynamic Systems

Consider а general case of а stochastic dynamic Stra­ Вох SSCQ in self­organized AI control (Fig.2) for cal­
tonovich system defined оп some domain И in Euclidian culating the entropy production rate in control objcct and
space Rn as in control systems. We cite as an example benclш,arks of

90 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence Vol.3 No.2, 1999

Computational Intelligence for Robust Control Algorithms

entropy production calculation for coupled nonlinear oscil- 2. Duffing Oscillator Model
lator models described Ьу ordinary nonlinear differential
equations of motion.
Х +х-х +х3 = 0
Entropy Production
4.1. Definition of Entropy Production Rates of Bench-
dS 1­2
The thermodynamic model representation of dynamic dt = r
equations of motion for а control object (Plant) in а general 3. Holmes-Rand (Duffing-Van der Pol) Oscillator Model
form as closed and ореп dynamic systems is developed in
Ref.2). Based оп this, the analysis оп Plant's postural sta­ х+(х2-1).х-х+х3 = о
Ьility control is done and results of computer simulation is
Entropy Production
Let us introduce results of entropy production calculation
and dynamic behavior for typical systems as
1. Van der Poll Oscillator Model
4. Duffing Oscillator Model with parametric excitation
х+(х2-1).х+х = О of dissipative force
Entropy Production х + k(l +Asinwt).x ­ х + х3 = О
dS Entropy Production

: �\'\ !,
1, ·�­­
' �·

Fig. 3. Simulation results of entropy­like behavior for Holmes­Rand oscillator. а: Free motion with initial states хо = 0.5; хо = 0.2;
Ь: phase portrait; с: temporal entropy­like behavior (entropy production rate); d: 3D simulation entropy­like behavior .

. :\
.. /
... \ /

" 1
/� 1
1,.1 '.
••• 1 \


Fig. 4. Simulation results of entropy­like behavior for Holmes­Rand oscillator with syпimetrics ­ а = 41в, у = ­ 4!в2: а: free motion
with initial states хо = 0.5; 0 = 0.2; Ь: phase portrait; с: temporal entropy­like behavior (entropy production гаге); d: 3D simulation
entropy­like behavior.

Vol.3 No.2, 1999 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence 91

Ulyanov, S.V., Yamafuji, К., Ulyanov, V.S., et al.

dS k( .
А sшcot write final results as follows:
- = -
dt т1+ х

�� + (.х2 + х2 _ 1 ).х2 + (у2 + у2 _ 1 )у2 О. . . (58)

Also consider the Lyapunov function as
·2 ·2 2 2 ( )2
V = (� +L+�+L+ ах-у ) О From Eq .(58), it follows
2 2 2 2 2 > ' ... (55)
In this case, dV _""' diS
LJ dt. ............ (59)
= хх +У.У+ хх +У.У+ а(хх -ху - ух+ уу), (56)
i = 1 /
From Eq.(59), we get the law оп additive properties of
The dynamic system with Lyapunov function (55) is а entropy production in dynamic systems.
system of two coupled nonlinear oscillators as In а more complex case as

{.х•• + (.х2·2 + х22 - 1 )х• + х + а(х - у) � о. .... (57)

у + (у + у - 1 )у + у + а(у - х) = О
Mter multiplication оп and у in both equations of sys­
tem (57) and after simple algebraic transformations, we we have


Х2 15




� А J 4 10 lD 30 .цt
"° '° ro
ео ао 1111

а t, Time ь Xl с t, Time




­10 ­20
dS dS

е f

Fig. 5. Entropy analysis of staЬility of nonlinear parametric dissipative Duffing oscillator: а: temporal behavior of oscillatoг with
initial states хо = ­1.75, хо = ­1; А= 5; оэ = 0.1; Ь: the phase portrait; с: temporal entropy­like behavior with local unstablc statcs;
d: power distribution; е: 3D simulation of entropy­like behavior with опе unstaЫe state; f: 3D simulation of entropy­likc bchavior
with п unstaЫe states.

92 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence Vol.3 No.2, 1999

Computational Intelligence for Robust Control Algorithms

(i2 + х 1).х + х + а(х + у - z)

о motion together with the equation for the entropy production
{ху++ (у2 -

+ у2 - l)y +у+ а(у - х + z) = О.

rate is shown in Fig.3, where the system is in local unstaЫe
z + (z2 + z2 - 1 )z + z + a(z - х + у) = О equilibrium states. Figure 4 shows the result of Holmes-
Rand oscillator behavior with symmetries. In Fig.4c, the
1 diS. d1S oscillator with symmetries ( а = -1, у = � ) produces less
and -
= Т, dt' dt т/х-
1 : 2 2 \�. d2S
+ х - 1 JA ' dt � �
i= 1 entropy according to symmetries analysis of the Holmes-
1 ·2 ·2 dзS 1 -� �2 Rand oscillator. Figure 5 shows simulation results of en-
(у + У - l)y ; dt = Тз
(z- + г: - l)z-, for three coupled
tropy-like behavior in dynamic systems with parametric
nonlinear oscillators. excitation. Periodic solutions and Ьifurcation behavior in а
parametrically damped Duffing equation in terms of Floquet
theory were studied.30) At the staЬility boundary of solutions
4.2. Simulation of Entropy-Like Behavior of Complex
Dynamic Systems. х = ±1, х = О, а common feature is that one of the eigenval-
- Dynamic systems with опе DOF: Consider the bench- ues of stationary solutions is always -1 and Ьifurcation is
mark of а dynamic system as а Van der Pol oscillator. The rather rich along the boundary. Dynamics differ and аге
result of integration of а differential equation for mechanical interesting as parameters аге valued to cross different seg-

ню .....----т-----.-----.-----.-----, 1>0

r г-;
\ --r-- .......__

"" r--
1\ � ) ��
\ \ / /
\ у 1/
\ / \ /
-з ее \
\. ' /

х х -з.ее
v х
о о. !1 о.ю· , ,. о 1.1. •.. о 2.> 2 О 2., •

а ь с
\. . �t'\
v� t\J
/ \ г-,
, ...
{ 1 1\

""'-- ,__ '

, �
1\ \
dX/dt � ,. о
е.во -о :.� -е.эе -е.ее о. о о .• о о о .• 1

d е f
dX/dtl.70 ,_
,,/ <,
:/ \
/ v", \
// \ \
r- "-1'
v .....-- rx-........ "r--

\ 1 /\ r--. 1--. [..../

х х
- ,._/

о lci

, .. 1 0 ' . 1ki l. •
. 2 о 2
о '
g h
dY/; ,--.--------,-----,----т-----..-�dY/dt](,O / 1/ r--... ..... !'-..

/ / i\ '\
/ /v \
./ / \
./v::. / i\ \
( ( \ l

\ \ -� 1 )
\ \ / L--

\ \ / /

' '\... ' "-., L... v/

v у
4.00 -J.>O -J.00 -2.>О -2.00 -1.>О -1 00 -0.>О О 1О О <i 1 1О 1 "1

Fig. 6. Temporal behavior of mechanical motion of two coupled van der Pol oscillators: а-с: phase portraits (х, у); d-f· velocity phase
portraits (х, у); g-1: phase portraits (х, х); j-l: phase portraits (у, у).

Vol.3 No.2, 1999 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence 93

Ulyanov, S.V., Yamafuji, К., Ulyanov, V.S., et al.

ments of this boundary. Numerical results shows that а pe­ produce the stationary entropy production rate and а change
riod­two solution arises via period­douЫing Ьifurcations at of the frequency of parametric excitation brings up local
А= 5.385. The regions of various types of motions heavily instaЬility. А similar effect is described for equations as
overlap, indicating the coexistence of multiple attractors. In
overlapped regions, at one parameter point, the system is •• . • .3 1
х + ( а1 зшон )х + а2х ,
(cosQt ­ х) 2
attracted in different orЬits, depending оп initial preparation.
At parameters оэ = 1.45 and А = 5.38 + 8.5, there аге five
attractors. In addition to the pair of stationary solutions, where со = 0.04 and Q = \1'231) for dynamic path planning
there exists а pair of single­well period­one solutions and а � moЬile robot in nonstationary obstacle environments.
symmetric period­two solution. Boundaries of basins of со­ - The dynamic systems of two-coupled nonlinear oscilla-
existing attractors clearly form fractals.30) As 2.1 s со s 2.49, tors: А system of two­coupled Van der Pol oscillators show­
system motion after instaЬility is Ье larger­scale cross­well ing multistaЫe behavior for some control parameters is
chaos via intermittency; at the critical point, one eigenvalue studied.32) It is fairly well estaЫished that the dynamics of
of stationary solutions is still ­1. However, as оэ s 2.1, very simple physical systems аге quite complex if sufficient
system behavior becomes period­douЫe Ьifurcation after nonlinearity is present. Model equations of two­coupled
stationary solutions lose staЬility (Fig.5). Strange attractors Van der Pol oscillators are as follows:

� . �

[L 'V ­ ­
­ ·- ,,_ 1
­ ,v·- а-

'1 1
IV 1

11 1
­всо ­800
v v v v,, v v s
'°"' 1000 t25.00


S2 S2 S2
",о t­­­t­­­­­t­­­+­­+­­+­­,f­­+c:­­­iг­+­t nooo
(' /\

/ 1, l f
s 1

11 1 'f "
/\ Иv v'y1
( '
v '
,0�000 <>ОО ,000 »ОО &ООО"°" 10.00 1'00 00.00
,000 "00 &ООО"°"· 1000. 1'00 I0.00 8'00 "..S' "''f,)00
1,000 1) 00 6000 м� 00 1 ООО ,,�оо PCIOO U500 190

/ (/ �: r-; k7"
r ­
\/ \. \/ \. '­ /
J.. \. \ '1,. 1\. \ 1 1/._._
г­, ,\ \'\. \ / \'

\� \ <; l т-ы \ ' /


Т­,) \
'" ,....,.
\ \ / \ \ 1 \ \ /
\ \ \ \ 1
\ \ \ \ \ 1 /
\ \ \ \ 1
\ \ \ \ '\. \,

­э ое
' .._,v dSl/dt
,.оо _,,., ­•оо ­ � '. :­­,,
­200 200 -1.Ю ­0,0 ООО 0.,0 2.00 о

g h
dSl/dt:: dSI/�:

' ' ' \.

" ' '
[',.. 1\. 1\. 1\.

(\ { \ (\ { \ (\ {\ dS21cn:: r ,\ f'I � { \ ,i<,21m:: ,... ,... ,...
1 1 \ /" \ \
' \ \
1 {'{ {'{

11..1 1 /,.\ _\
\ Г\ \

1 1
1,.. \..­.!. ­ l!r i - 4­ ,­,1._

1 I н� � r \\ r r\ r
ll 11 ll 11 11
\\ r r \\
11 ' 11"
'/ 1/ 1 '/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 11 11 '/

/ / / 1 1 1 11 /111
v, 11 VJ // V/1
1 v -
\ �1
1 ,r
1 1
� /1
/ -1
/J 11� г /
\ J /
\ \/ /
\л \ / \ л \
/ \� х / /
­­..,, "\..,/ ....,
S2 :::
� 'V
- 'V - 'V \, "V S2 52
'° 00 1000

т n о

Fig. 7. Simulation results of temporal entropy­like behavior of two coupled Van der Pol oscillators: а - с - the phase portraits (S­dS/dt);
d-f' phase portraits (S1.S2); g-I: phase portraits ( dS1/dt ­ dSz/dt); j-l: phase portraits (S1­dS1/dt); т-о: phase portraits (S2­dSz/dt).

94 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence Vol.3 No.2, 1999

Computational Intelligence for Robust Control Algorithms

"х dXkt .

\\ ;;

11 у
i1 1 1,

' '
1 1 \ 1 11
\ •\\ ,'. __, ___ '
\\1,\[_ 1, ·:::г�)_у·: -�---
W '
1� :,; \

:.1, Tme у

а ь с


I dt

Tme Tme
d е

Fig. 8. Simulation results of temporal entropy-like behavior of nonlinear dynamic system (62): а: temporal behavior of mechanical
motion (В,=В2=0.3; W1=1.5; w2=4; k=4; l=0.5) with initial states хо= 1; уо = О; хо = уо = О; Ь: phase portrait (х, х); с: phase portrait
(у, у); d: temporal behavior of entropy production rates; е: temporal behavior of entropy production.

" dXkt d"(kJ.

•••••• .fl

а с

s.z____:_ .

S, Tme
----l--- .. .
......_ __

d е

Fig. 9. Simulation results of temporal entropy-like behavior of nonlinear dynamic system (62): а: temporal behavior of mechanical
motion (В1=В2=0.3; w1=1.5; w2=4; k=4; l=0.5) with initial states хо = 1; уо = О; хо = уо = О; М=5; Ь: phase portrait (х, х); с: phase
portrait (у, у); d: temporal behavior of entropy production rates; е: temporal behavior of entropy production; f: random disturbance
U(t) with а = 0.5; а� = 2; оэ = 1.

{x+([x+�y]-s1)x+(x+By) о linear oscillators; and one moderately nonlinear and the

у+ ([у+ ах] - s2).X +(у+ ах) = о' . . . . . (6О) other quite so. For system ( 60), the characteristic polyno-
mial is explicitly expressed32) as
where а, В, I;1, and 2 аге parameters. The coupling co�id-
ered is interpreted as а perturbation of oscillator amplitu'cle Л4 - + s2)л3 + (2 + S1S2)л3
through а signal proportional to the amplitude of the other. - (s1 + s2)Л + (1 - аВ) = о' . . . . . . . . (61)
In general, three cases ( coupling in three regimes) соп-
sisting of values for 1;1, 1;2 = (0.1,1); (1,1); and (1,2) . For anct ctepencts only оп three parameters (s1 + sz, s1 sz, anct
first case (0.1, 1), опе oscillator is almost sinusoidal and аВ) anct invariant цпсег transformations (s1 - sz, а - В).
other moderately nonlinear; two exactly moderately поп- If аВ = 1, the manifold of equilibrium points is found to Ье

Vol.3 No.2, 1999 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence 95

Ulyanov, S.V., Yamafuji, К., Ulyanov, V.S., et al.

а line in R4, =у= О, х = -Ву. For this special comЬination 5. Conclusions
of coupling parameters, many infinitely new equilibrium
points арреаг, and is а nonstandard feature of model equa­
tions studied. If аВ < О, dynamics become richer in all cases Relations between the notion of the Lyapunov function
studied. We concentrate mainly оп the аВ < О region of the (staЬility conditions), entropy production (thermodynamic
coupling parameter plane. The computation mode to clarify behavior), and the physical realization ·of approximate
the attraction basins' structure for Eq.(60) concentrates mathematical models descriЬing irreversiЫe relaxation
mainly оп two comЬinations of control parameters, called processes in closed nonlinear dissipative dynamic systems
Case А and Case В.32) Case А corresponds to �1, �2 = 1.0, were studied. Thermodynamic criteria (positive entropy pro­
а= [0.2, 0.7], В= ­1.75 while Case В corresponds to �1 ;;­ duction rate) as а physical measure for realizing а mathe­
matical model descriЬing relaxation processes is introduced.
1.0, �2 = 2.0, а = [0.96, 1.0955], В = ­0.75. Several attrac­
These criteria indicate the necessity of putting extra (ther­
tors coexist in both cases, giving rise to а nontrivial structure
modynamic) limitations on parameters of differential equa­
of corresponding attraction basins. The main difference is tions and on symmetries properties descriЬing the evolution
that while, in Case А, symmetric asymmetric attractors со­ of nonlinear dynamic systems. А similar relation between
exist for some range of control parameter а, in Case В, only Lyapunov functions and an entropy production rate in open
asymmetric attractors аге found for а > 0.98. Another dif­ dissipative dynamic systems with entropy structure ex­
ference is that, in Case А, all attractors are chaotic, while change in Parts 2 and 3 were also studied.
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tocl1astic moclels," Physical Review, 57Е-2, 1403-1409, Kazuo Yamafuji
26) M.S. Vclaп апсl М. Laksl1manan, "Lie symmetries and infinite-di- Professor, Dr., Department of Mechanical and Con-
trol Engineering, University of Electro-Communi-
Sergei V. Ulyanov
Affiliation: 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan
cientific Consultant, УАМАНА MOTOR Brief Вiographical Нistory:
EUROPE N.V. R&D OFFICE 1973- Graduated from Graduate Course of Engineering, University of To-
kyo, Dr. of Engineering, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi Uni-
1974- Associate Professor
Address: 1988- Professor, Department of Mechanical and control Engineering, Uni-
Polo Diddattico с cli l�iccrcн di СRЕМА, Via Bramante, 65-26013 СRЕМА versity of Electro-Communications
1995-1997 Deirector of Cooperative Research Center of University of Elec-
(CR) - ltaly
tro- Communications
Brief Biographical History:
1975- Central lпstitL1lc о!' Building Constructions Main Works:
1983- Central lпstitL1lc о! Biomedical Engineering • "Studies оп the Flow of Cross-Flow lmpellers (lst and 2nd Report),"
1992- Institute о!' Рпуысогеспшса! ProЫems Bulletin of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 18-123, 1018-
1994- Institutc for Problcms in Mechanics 1025/18-125, 1425-1431, (1975).
1995- Univer ity or Ыссгго-Согпггшшсатюпв • "Design and simultion of control systems of an inverted pendulum,"
1998- УАМАНА Motor Со. Ltd. Robotica, 6-2, 235-242, (1988).
Main Works: • "Study of а MoЬile Robot Which сап Shifr from ine Horizontal Bar to
• "Fuzzy Moclcls or lntclligent Industrial Controllers and Control systems, Another Using Vibratory Excitation," JSME Int. J., 35-3 (С), 456-461,
Pts 1,2,3," Jourпal of computer and Systems Sciences International, (1992).
33-1, 123-144, (1994); 33-2, 94-108, 117-136, (1995). • "Design and Control of an All-Direction Steering-Type MoЬile Robot,"
• "Expert Fuzzy-Neuro Controller Design for Wall Climbing Robot for lnt. J. of Robotics research, 12-5, 411-419, (1993).
Decoпtamiпнtioп of Nuclear-Power Station," J. of Robotics and Mecha- • ''Postural StaЬility of а Human Riding а Unicycle and Its Emulation Ьу
tronics, 7-1, 75-85, (1995). а Robot," IEEE Trans. оп Robotics and Automation, 13-5, 709-720,
• "Development of lntelligent MoЬile Robots for Service Use and MoЬile (1997).
Automatioп Systems lncluding Wall ClimЬing Robots," International • "Soft computing for the intelligent robust control of а robotic unicycle
Journal of Intellignet Mechatronics, 1-3, 111-143, (1995) with а new physical measure for mechanical controllaЬility," Soft Com-
• "Soft computing for the intelligent control of а robot unicycle based on puting (Springer), 2-2, 73-88, (1998).
а new physical measure for mechanical controllaЬility," Soft Comput- Membership in Learned Societies:
ing, 2-2, 73-88, (1998). • The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME)
Membership in Learned Societies: • The Japan Society for Precision Engineering (JSME)
• Russian Society to Fuzzy Systems (RSFS) • The Robotic Society of Japan (RSJ)
• The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) • The Hydraulics and Pneumatics Society of Japan, et а!.

Vol.3 No.2, 1999 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence 97

Ulyanov, S.V., Yamafuji, К., Ulyanov, V.S., et al.

Name: Name:
Victor S. Ulyanov 1. Kurawaki

Affiliation: Affiliation:
Doctor Course Student, Department of Mechanical Supervisor, Senior Engineer, УАМАНА MOTOR
and Control Engineering, University of Electro­ EUROPE N.V. R&D OFFICE

Address: Address:
1­5­1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182­8585, Japan Polo Diddattico е di Ricerca di CREMA, Via Bramante, 65­26013 СRЕМА
Brief Biographical Нistory: (CR) ­ ltaly
1994­ Graduated Moscow State Universiti of Geodesy and Cartography Brief Biographical Нistory:
1995­ Research Engineer, Institute for ЯroЫems in mechanics, Russia 1978­ Kyoto University, BS degree
Academy of Science 1978­ УАМАНА Motor Со., Ltd.
1996­ University of Electro­Communications, Ph.D. Course Student. 1982­ University of California at Davis, MS degree in Engineering;
• ''Intelligent robust control of а robotic unicycle based оп а new physical Main Works:
measure for mechanical controllability," Advanced Robotics, 12­4, 455­ • Man­machine Systems
481, (1998). Membership in Learned Societies:
Membership in Learned Societies: • The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME)
• The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) • Robotics Society of J арап

Name: Name:
Т. Hagiwara S.A. Panfilov

Affiliation: Affiliation:
Senior Engineer, Automotive operations, Assistant Research, УАМАНА моток EUROPE

Address: Address:
45­685, Tomizuka­cho, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 432­8002, Japan Polo Diddattico е di Ricerca di CREMA, Via Bramante, 65­26013 СRЕМА
Brief Biographical Нistory: (CR) ­ ltaly
1973­ Tokyo lnstitute of Technology Brief Biographical Нistory:
1975­ УАМАНА Motor Со., Ltd. 1993­ Student, Moscow State Institute of Radiotechnics, Electronics and
1989­ Hydraulic Systems operations Automatics (State Technical University)
1994­ Automotive operations 1998­ Assistant Research, УАМАНА Motor Со. Ltd.
Main Works: 1999­ Assistant Research, УАМАНА моток EUROPE N.V. R&D OF­
• Development of electronics controlled suspension system FICE
Main Works:
• Soft Computing Applications

98 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence Vol.3 No.2, 1999

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