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Peabody’s Paradox: Balancing Patient Care and

Medical Education in a Pandemic
Stephen W. Russell, MD, FACP Paul O’Rourke, MD, MPH
Neera Ahuja, MD Sanjay V. Desai, MD, FACP
Anand Patel, MD Brian T. Garibaldi, MD, MEHP, FACP

ne global response to help control the patients in 2003 recalled ‘‘disenchantment of altered
spread of the COVID-19 pandemic from job descriptions’’ and ‘‘stripped enthusiasm for
the SARS-CoV-2 virus is social distancing. clinical responsibilities, including bedside teaching.’’5
An unintended consequence of social distancing is a Fear permeated the thoughts of medical residents in
disruption of medical education. As hospital systems Saudi Arabia in 2015, as 85% of trainees who
limit contact with patients to ‘‘essential personnel,’’ a interacted with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
subtle message undermines the role medical students (MERS) patients worried about becoming ill.6 Even
and residents play in supporting patients. Medical an infectious disease fellow working in an Ebola clinic
educators and trainees worldwide are adapting in Monrovia in 2015 faced ‘‘fear of contracting and
teaching strategies to the present pandemic. The importing the disease.’’7 With the pandemic of
challenge to maintain a safe and effective learning COVID-19, medical educators should anticipate
environment in a pandemic seems daunting. learners’ anxieties of training during an outbreak,
Yet medical educators have been here before. The prepare for alternative forms of teaching, and address
1918 influenza pandemic forced medical students to residents’ well-being.
adapt to a new training environment. While experi- Our collective experience at 5 academic medical
enced physicians served overseas in World War I, centers heightens our awareness of this suboptimal
trainees assumed new responsibilities. In Philadel- learning environment. Our consortium runs the
phia, ‘‘fourth-year students were assigned the job of Graduate Medical Education Laboratory study, sup-
interns’’ while ‘‘the third-year students were to act as ported by the American Medical Association, to
nurses.’’1 A medical educator in Boston, Dr. Francis identify factors in the training environment that
W. Peabody, contracted influenza on a trans-Atlantic impact well-being and clinical skills.8 The presence
voyage before returning home to a city and a medical of COVID-19 is creating new and unanticipated
system ravaged by pandemic illness.2 In reflecting on factors that are already influencing the training
his career a decade later in his opus, ‘‘The Care of the environment.9,10 By viewing the emergence of these
Patient,’’ in which he famously wrote that ‘‘the secret educational challenges through the lens of well-
of the care of the patient is in caring for the patient,’’3 established clinical teaching models, programs can
Peabody also described the challenges for medical
optimize graduate medical education and maintain a
education. Trainees, he wrote, ‘‘encounter many
focus on well-being.11 We present 4 strategies for
situations which they had not been led to anticipate
addressing challenges of medical education during an
and which they are not prepared to meet effectively.’’3
outbreak—informed by historical lessons (TABLE 1)—
Then, as now, the twin aims of patient care and
and illustrate 4 specific examples of implementing
resident education seem opposed to one another in a
educational innovations during the COVID-19 pan-
pandemic. How are educators—and learners—going
demic (TABLE 2).
to negotiate what could readily be called ‘‘Peabody’s
Understandably, outbreaks foster fear among train- Strategy 1: Clearly Communicate Learning
ees. Among pediatric and medicine residents working Goals
with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Historically, outbreaks alter learning goals by chang-
patients in New York during the 1980s, nearly half ing residents’ educational opportunities. New team
reported concerns of acquiring the disease.4 Emer- structures and quarantining of health care workers
gency medicine residents in Toronto, Canada, caring redistributes traditional work responsibilities. Infec-
for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) tion control measures can separate physicians and
patients. The absence of clear communication and the
DOI: presence of residents’ safety concerns can crowd out

264 Journal of Graduate Medical Education, June 2020


Historical Strategies to Address Education During an Outbreak

Precedents Spanish Flu HIV/AIDS SARS MERS Ebolaa

Educational Learning Learning goals Learning and retaining Self-directed learning Learners physically
challenges environment altered due to new information decreased due to distanced from
altered due to learners’ fear for blunted due to learner stress, faculty and
lack of oversight personal safely or learners unclear patients limits
of clinically questioning underestimating the communication of feedback in a very
experienced ethical obligations public health threat, plans for high-risk
clinicians regarding clinical misunderstanding maintaining environment
care PPE benefits resident safety
Educational Learners adapt to Learning goals Retention of updated Improved remote Learning how to
strategies a new learning clarified by information learning through provide
environment by consolidating improved from transparent continuous
a willingness to care, creating new attending ‘‘Command supervision and
assume new care models for physicians modeling Center’’ mentoring, even
responsibilities affected patients PPE use and communications with physical
professionalism and online distancing, offering
resources a model for quality
training and
feedback in high-
risk environments
Abbreviation: PPE, personal protective equipment.
US residents were not (and would not) be expected to care for suspected or confirmed cases of viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola. This isolated
model in West Africa, however, demonstrates another historical example of a successful strategies to address education during an outbreak.

effective learning. Amid similar challenges, clinical might feel they have to choose between personal
researchers in Birmingham, Alabama, established an safety and patient concerns.
AIDS Clinic in 1987 with a mission for ‘‘patient care, Internal medicine program directors at the Univer-
social service support, medical provider education, sity of Alabama at Birmingham promoted under-
community outreach, and research.’’12 This central standing by adopting daily e-mail communication
location for affected patients clarified clinical and with residents to share key hospital metrics. More
learning goals. understanding came through a virtual Town Hall,
Recently, general surgery residents at the University where several COVID-19 positive residents, infected
of Washington addressed this by deconstructing their early in the outbreak, shared their experiences with
workflow to build 3 larger parallel teams. This their peers, giving a face to the fear, uncertainty, and
supported social distancing, protected resident work- hope of the outbreak (Lisa Willett, MD, oral
force, and maintained education and patient care.13 communication, April 10, 2020).

Strategy 2: Promote Understanding and Strategy 3: Advocate Self-Directed Learning

Residents experiencing pandemic stress might focus
Outbreaks can affect a resident’s understanding of
less on learning. During the 2015 MERS outbreak in
new information. During the 2003 SARS outbreak in
Saudi Arabia, exhaustion and fear affected the
Toronto compliance with safety protocols among
discipline needed for remote learning. Still, all
pediatric emergency residents was affected by their
learners benefited from a new hospital-wide commu-
perception of the public health threat—rather than
the science behind infection control measures.14 nication structure. An intensive care unit (ICU)
Recognizing this knowledge gap, attending physicians ‘‘Command Center,’’ attended by the department
caring for SARS patients noted opportunities to chair, met twice daily, provided digital education on
improve residents’ clinical understanding through the hospital intranet, and encouraged team feedback,
role modeling effective behaviors. Discussions with which improved learning.16
residents ‘‘explicitly and early in the training process’’ Presently, urology residents at Cleveland Clinic
improved personal safety and patient needs.15 Akron General, accustomed to high-volume in-
Currently, hospitals that are balancing an influx of patient consults, reduced their inpatient teams and
infected COVID-19 patients have experienced shift- triaged urgent consults with attending physician
ing protocols and inadequate supplies of personal oversight, learning to prioritize evaluations while
protective equipment (PPE) to meet the demand. maintaining clinical excellence.17 Many online re-
When responding to acute patient needs, residents sources support remote learning.18–20

Journal of Graduate Medical Education, June 2020 265


Implementing Educational Innovations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Educational Innovations Challenge General Solutions Specific Strategies Online Resources

Clearly communicate learning How to minimize viral exposure General Surgery (University of Parallel Working Groups: Critical care resources for ICU and
goals: outbreaks alter learning and protect surgical resident Washington): Inpatient, operative, and clinical hospitalists: Society of Critical
goals by changing educational workforce? Deconstruct workflow to larger care teams Care Medicine (
opportunities parallel teams 1-week rotations each
Promote understanding and How to help residents understand Internal Medicine (University of Transparent Town Halls: Podcasts for internal medicine: The

Journal of Graduate Medical Education, June 2020

retention: outbreaks can affect the impact of local disease Alabama at Birmingham): Virtual meeting where COVID-19 Curbsiders (www.thecurbsiders.
understanding of new transmission prior to Early adoption of daily positive residents shared com)
information widespread testing? communication and virtual experiences Podcasts for narrative medicine:
meetings to address residents’ Daily e-mails for hospital specific The Nocturnists (www.
concerns metrics
Advocate self-directed learning: How to adhere to social General Urology (Cleveland Clinic Triage Urgent Consults: Clinical problem solving: HumanDx
outbreak stress decreases focus distancing educating remotely Akron): Prioritize consults to urgent (
on learning and providing excellent patient Redistribute workflow for versus outpatient Virtual Morning Report (www.
care? consults and redesign academic Schedule daily remote learning
curricula sessions
Continue to provide feedback and How to continue clinical oversight Allergy and Immunology (Rush Virtual Allergy Clinic: Patient Communication Resources:
evaluation: outbreaks physically of fellows by faculty in a University, Chicago): Fellow and patient use video VitalTalk (
separate learners telemedicine environment? Use a shared virtual space to telehealth visit
allow precepting Faculty joins the virtual visit
remotely to precept

Strategy 4: Continue to Provide Evaluation adapting for a rare opportunity. PLoS Curr. 2016;8:pii:
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19. Breu AC. Why is a cow? Curiosity, tweetorials, and the Alabama at Birmingham; Neera Ahuja, MD, is Clinical Professor
return to why. N Engl J Med. 2019;381(12):1097–1098. of Medicine, Stanford University; Anand Patel, MD, is a Fellow in
Hematology/Oncology, University of Chicago; Paul O’Rourke,
doi:10.1056/NEJMp1906790. MD, MPH, is Assistant Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins
20. Chatterjee S, Desai S, Manesh R, Sun J, Nundy S, Bayview Medical Center; Sanjay V. Desai, MD, FACP, is Associate
Wright SM. Assessment of a simulated case-based Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University; and Brian T.
Garibaldi, MD, MEHP, FACP, is Associate Professor of Medicine,
measurement of physician diagnostic performance.
Johns Hopkins University.
JAMA Netw Open. 2019;2(1):e187006. doi:10.1001/
This publication was prepared with financial support from the
American Medical Association (AMA). The content reflects the
21. Codispoti C, Bandi S, Moy J, Mahdavina M. Running a views of the Executive Committee of the Graduate Medical
virtual allergy division and training program in the time Education Laboratory Study Group and does not purport to
of COVID-19 pandemic [published online ahead of reflect the views of AMA or any member of the Accelerating
Change in Medical Education Consortium.
print March 31, 2020]. J Allergy Clin Immunol. doi:10.
The authors would like to thank Jeremy Greene, MD, PhD, and
Margaret Wood Balch, MA, for their help with the historical
aspects of this manuscript.
Corresponding author: Stephen W. Russell, MD, FACP, University
Stephen W. Russell, MD, FACP, is Associate Professor of of Alabama at Birmingham, 1808 7th Avenue South, Birmingham,
Medicine & Pediatrics, Department of Medicine, University of AL 35233, 205.934.7700,

268 Journal of Graduate Medical Education, June 2020

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