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Presentado por:

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje Sena “Cies”

Soldadura De Productos Metálicos (Platina)

19 De Abril del 2020

Actividad de Aprendizaje 12.

GFPI-F-019 V03
Identificar y diferenciar el uso correcto del pasado continuo frente al pasado simple.

3.3.21 Escriba las oraciones del punto 3.3.14 en pasado continuo:

1. She was thinking that Manuel is crazy

2. They were thinking what to say

3. She and her children were playing soccer every Monday.

4. She was washing her car

5. She was always winning the race.
6. Was does John playing soccer every day?

7. She was praying in church

8. Jake was sometimes going to the park to spend time with his family.

9. Do were studenting learn English?

10. Sorry, I was can't hear what you are saying because everyone speaking very loudly.

3.3.22 Un amigo acaba de regresar de sus vacaciones. Hágale preguntas sobre su viaje, según las
respuestas que él da:

Todd: How did your vacation go?

Katie: Great! I went to Italy with my family. It was so fun there! We met lots of really nice people and ate
really delicious food.

Todd: Where did they go, how did they pass it?

Katie: We stayed at a hotel on the beach so we woke up every day to the sunrise over the water. Each day
we swam in the ocean and took long walks on the beach. At night, we sat and watched the stars. We saw so
many stars!

Todd: did you meet algon on the beach?

Katie: Yes! One day, we found a wallet on the beach. We took it to the police department. We told the police
that someone lost their wallet. They took it and we left. The next day they called us, so we went back to the
police station.

Todd: Ooh! and what happened next?

Katie: They found the owner of the wallet and he wanted to meet us. He was so happy that he got his wallet
back, so he bought us a really nice bottle of wine.

GFPI-F-019 V03
Todd: Oh cool! You made a local friend?

Katie: Yes, we became friends and had dinner that night. The man’s name was Yuri. He told up all about the
town and gave us tips for our vacation. That night, he paid for the meal because he was happy we found his
wallet and got it back to him. We knew we would be friends forever!

Todd: Wow! What a great trip!

3.3.23 ¿Qué tanto entendió del diálogo? Responda las siguientes preguntas acerca del diálogo que acaba
de completar:

1) Who did she travel with? 

 a) friends

 b) family

2) What did she watch every day? 

 a) sunrise

 b) sunset

3) What did she find on the beach? 

 a) purse

 b) wallet

4) What did she do then? 

 a) go to the police

 b) call the police

3.3.24 Escriba los verbos entre paréntesis de la forma correcta (pasado simple o progresivo):

GFPI-F-019 V03
1. Jane was waid for me when I arrived.

2. “What were yo doing this time yesterday?” “I was asleep.”

3. “Were you going out last night?” “No, I was too tired.”

4. “Was Carol at the party last night?” “Yes, she was wearing a really nice dress.”

5. How fast was you driving when the accident happened?

6. John takes a photograph of me while I was not looking.

7. We were in a very difficult position. We did not know what to do.

8. I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last sees him, he was tring to find a job in London.

9. I was walking along the street when suddenly I heared footsteps behind me. Somebody followed me.
I was frightened and I started to run.

10. When I was young, I wanted to be a bus driver.

3.3.24 Escriba “when” o “while” según corresponda en cada oración:

1. While he was talking on the phone, I was watching TV.

2. He was cancelling his flight when we called him.

3. We were watching a movie when the screen went blank.

4. While she was packing the bags, I was looking for our passports.

5. I was paying attention to the news while my sister was listening to music!

3.4 Actividades de transferencia del conocimiento.

3.4.1 Para esta actividad debe leer el siguiente texto


Hi, my name is Sally. My family is small, there is my father, my mother, my sister Joanna and me. We live in
an apartment in a tall building. I help my family with the chores. I make my own bed. I set the table for dinner
while mom cooks. Every Tuesday my parents go shopping for food and I iron my clothes and my sister
Joanna dusts the furniture. My father waters the plants in the house. My mother cooks our meals and
sweeps the floor every night. My father also mops the floor.

1. Sally makes her bed. a. True b. False

GFPI-F-019 V03
2. Every Thursday, Sally’s parents go shopping for food. a. True b. False

3. What does Sally do when her parents go shopping for food?

he irons his clothes

4. What is the meaning of “dust”? a. Lavar b. Sacudir c. Aspirar

5. A Sally’s father’s chore is:

a. To set the table for dinner

b. To mop the roofs
c. None

3.4.2 Prepare una conversación en Inglés en la que se presente en una entrevista aplicando preguntas de
información personal (Role-play). De esta forma pondremos en práctica habilidades comunicativas básicas
(presentarse, compartir información personal, preguntar y responder). A continuación encontrará un banco
de preguntas con el que podrá enfocar su presentación:

What's your name? Are you married?

- My name is Anderson Davis - No
Where are you from? What is your marital status?
- From cucuta - free Union
What's your last name / family name? What do you do? / What's your Job?
- My last names are Llerena Diaz - I'm a welding assistant
What's your first name? Where do you work?
- Anderson - I work at CMI
Where do you live? Do you like your job?
- I live in Maria Paz - Yes, it is very nice
What's your address? Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend?
- Av 12 # 10n-65 - Yes, my wife
What's your telephone number? Do you have any children?
- my phone number is 320 210 5605. - yes, two a girl and a boy
What's your email address? Do you live with your parents?
- my email is - No
How old are you? What type of music do you like?
- I am 23 years old - I like the vallenato
When / Where were you born?
- I was born on January 11, 1997

Ambiente Requerido: Ambiente convencional.

Materiales: Marcadores, fotocopias


GFPI-F-019 V03
Evidencias de Aprendizaje Criterios de Evaluación Técnicas e Instrumentos de

Evidencias de Conocimiento :

Identifica los pronombres personales, Interpreta un texto sencillo y Técnica: Prueba Escrita
adjetivos y sustantivos posesivos. puede construir un mapa
conceptual basado en el mismo. Instrumentos: Cuestionario
Conjuga el verbo to be en presente y
en pasado. Estructura adecuadamente una
opinión sobre un tema conocido
Elabora y responde preguntas en los de su especialidad.
tiempos simple y progresivo del
presente y el pasado. Plantea y responde preguntas
sobre sí mismo.
Aplica la estructura there is y there
are para descripciones generales con
el uso de las preposiciones in, on, at.

Evidencia de Producto:

Escribe diálogos empleando el uso de Escribe y/o presenta Técnica: Valoración de Producto
los distintos temas gramaticales descripciones de sí mismo, su
trabajados durante la formación. profesión y su entorno. Instrumento: Lista de Chequeo

Plantea y responde preguntas

sobre sí mismo.

Elabora resúmenes cortos

sobre textos sencillos, y con
contenido técnico.
Evidencias de Desempeño:

Sostiene un diálogo de presentación

Interpreta un texto sencillo y
personal. Técnica: Valoración de Producto
puede construir un mapa
conceptual basado en el mismo.
Instrumento: Lista de Chequeo
Pronuncia adecuadamente el
vocabulario y modismos básicos
del idioma.

Sostiene conversaciones con

vocabulario básico y técnico

Estructura adecuadamente una

opinión sobre un tema conocido
GFPI-F-019 V03
de su especialidad.


 Presente Simple: Tiempo verbal que hace referencia a las acciones que se realizan
 Presente Progresivo: Tiempo verbal que se emplea para hablar de acciones que se llevan a cabo
en un momento determinado del presente.
 Pasado Simple: Tiempo verbal el cual describe una acción que empezó y terminó en el pasado.
 Pasado Progresivo: Tiempo verbal que se utiliza para hablar de acciones que se estuvieron
realizando en un momento determinado del pasado.



 English Grammar in Use

 Side by Side




Nombre Cargo Dependencia Fecha

Autor SANDRA LILIANA ALBARRACÍN Instructor Centro CIES 2 de Mayo del 2019
(es) PARDO

8. CONTROL DE CAMBIOS (diligenciar únicamente si realiza ajustes a la guía)

Nombre Cargo Dependencia Fecha Razón del

Autor (es)

GFPI-F-019 V03

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