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Gerieral armory of England Scotland, Ire

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The General Armory first appeared in the year 1842, and -was most
favourably received. The long period that has since elapsed has, by the
acquisition of vast materia,ls, tended to the completion, and it is hoped to
the perfection of the original work. Founded on the Heralds' Visitations.
the County Histories, and the heraldic writings of Dugdale, Camden, Guillim,
Edmondson, Berry, and others, the present edition of the Armory is,
I venture to assert, the most comprehensive Collection of Arms ever brought
together, embracing, as it does, some 60,000 coats. The most minute
and watchful editing, rendered necessary by the technical nature of the
blazons, has been bestowed upon it. Every line required to be closely
examined, and each heraldic description to be correctly entered. Despite,
however, of this anxious attention, errors will doubtless be detected ; but
these will, it is meet with the reader's iudulgence.
confidently expected,
The work comprises the Armorial Bearings of the Noblemen and Gentlemen
of the British Empire, and the various Coats that are to be seen in churches
and family mansions, together with those traceable on Seals, Deeds, Wills,
.fl,nd Monumental remains.

History and genealogy, linked as they are with Heraldry, are illustrated
and in some instances explained, by the Science of Arms.
Heraldry arose with feudalism, attained its full growth in mediaeval
times, and now, in the 19th century, is prized by all who can show
honourable ancestry, or wish to found honourable famiUes.
Valuable as the assistance has been which I have derived from the
authorities who have written upon the subject, the result of my endeavours
would be incomplete were it not for the generous aid afforded me by many
distinguished friends.
To George Burnett, Lyon King of Arms, my deepest obligation is

due. With energy untu-ing, with Kberality unrestricted, and with kindness
unwearied, he has done for this book and for Scotland generally what has
never before been attempted. The heraldry of the historic kingdom over
which his jurisdiction extends is, thanks to his learning and ability, fully

and authoritatively given in this edition of the General Armory. My debt

and my acknowledgments are most cordially offered, to several
is also great,

members of the Heralds' College England. My old and esteemed friend


Sir AlbertWoods, Garter, head of tliat famous Corporation, has responded

courtesy and consideration to every question I have put
"with unfailing
to him; and Chester, Lancaster, and York Heralds, Mr. Murray Lane,
Mr. Cokayne, and General de Havilland, always so kind and obliging,
have eupphed most important information. And here I take occasion
to express the gratitude I especially feel to another member of the Heralds'
College, my accomplished friend Stephen Tucker, Rouge Croix. His skill
and great heraldic knowledge have, from the Glossary to the very end of
the Armory, amended and adorned the book. There is scarcely a page that
does not afford evidence of the value of his co-operation.
Outside of the Lyon Office and the Heralds' College numerous con-
tributorshave essentially aided me in the compilation of this volume.
John H. Glascott, J.P., of Killowen, co. Wexford, so well known as a
Genealogist and Herald, has, with indefatigable zeal and assiduous care;
watched the progress of the work from the very beginning. I have also to
return my warmest thanks to many others who have most kindly seconded
my endeavours, and particularly to Mr. H. Sydney Grazebrook, Barrister-
at-law, Captaia Alfred E. Lawson Lowe, of Highfield, Sir John Maclean,
F.S.A., Mr. Eobert Riddle Stodart, of the Lyon Office, Mr. Alfred W.
Morant, F.S.A., Mr. J. Paul Rylands, of Highfields, F.S.A., Mr. Tyssen-
Amherst, of Didlington Hall, Mr. Regiaald Stewart Boddington, Mr. H. A.
Johnston, of the Irish Bar, Rev. E. H. Mainwaring Sladen, M.A., Mr. George
D. Tomlinson, Mr. W. Smith ElHs, of Hydecroft, Rev. John Woodward,
George W. MarshaU, LL.D., F.S.A,, Mr. Charles J. O'Donel, of Dublin,
Barrister-at-law, Mr. James Greenstreet, Viscount Gort, Mr. E. P. Shiiley, of
Ettington Park, and Hon. ilobert C. Winthrop and Mi-. Thomas 0. Amory,
both of Boston, U.S.
Thus produced and thus largely increased, the Armory will, it is earnestly
hoped, become a book of general and satisfactory reference on the subject
of Heraldry and Arms, and form the sequel to my series of works iu elucida-
tion of the genealogy and history of the titled and untitled orders of th&
three Kingdoms.

, .. .. . ... .


HERALDRT . v-xxvii Kings of Arms viii-xxiv
Animals, Attitudes or Posi- Mantles xvii
tions of xii Marshalling . ix
Archbishop's Arms . X Motto . XV
Arms, Right to Bear. vii Quartering X
Badges xiii Seize Quartiers xxii
Banners sx Shield of Arms xi
Birds, Attitudes or Positions Standards XX
of xii Supporters xviii
Bishop's Arms X Visitations vii

Blazoning viii Wreaths xiii

Cadency, Marks of . xii

Chapeaux xvii GLOSSARY xxvui-xxxvi

Coronets xvii Appendages of the Shield . ,. xxxiii

Crests . •Yiii Charges in Heraldry xxxiv

Crowns xvii Colors . xxviii, xxix
Escutcheon of Pretence ix Coronets xxxiv
Fishes, Attitudes or Positions Crowns xxxiv
of .. xii Furs . xxviii
Hatchments . Metals. xxviii
Helmets xvii Ordinaries XXX
Heralds' Visitation vii Partition Lines xxix
Heralds xxiv Shield, Appendages of . . xxxiii

Impaling ix Sub-Ordinaries xxxi




Her Majesty the Queen xlix

The Prince of Wales 1

The Duke of Edinburgh a

The Duke of Connaught and Stratheam lii

The Duke of Cumberland . liii

The Duke of Cambridge liv

Princes and Princesses of the Blood Royal Iv

Arms of the different Monarchs since the Conquest Iv

Arms of Scotland Ix

Arms of Ireland Ixi

The Royal Tribes of Wales Ixi

Noble Tribes of Wales and Powys Ixiii

h %
. ,.
. . .


The Garter Ixvii

The Thistle Ixviii

St. Patrick Ixix

The Bath ]xx
Star of India Ixxi
St. Michael and St. George . Ixsii

THE GENERAL ARMORY, comprising in alphabetical order, the Armorial

Bearings of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the three Kingdoms, and
the various Coats to be seen in Churches and Family Mansions, on
Deeds and Wills, &c. . • . , . . 1-1153


MOTTOES in alphabetical order 1162-1185



Heealbet may be defined " the art of blazoning, assigning, and marslialling coat
armour," or more particularly " the art of arranging and explaining in proper terms
all that relates or appertains to the bearing of Arms, Crests, Badges, Quarterings,
and other hereditary marks of honour." The marshalhng of processions, the
conducting of public solemnities, the declaring of peace and war, come also within
the province of a herald's duties.
' The origin of badges and emblems may certainly be traced to the earliest times,

and the enthusiasm of some of the primitive writers on the subject has led them
to gravely assert that even Noah and Japhet had distinctive armorial bearings
But while it may be admitted that in the ancient world warlike nations bore on their
shields and standards distinguishing devices, it is not clear that our Heraldry can
in strictness be traced to a more remote period than the twelfth or, at furthest,
t)he eleventh century. Numerous tombs exist of persons of noble blood, who died
before the year 1000, yet there is not an instance known of one with a heraldic
bearing. The Pere Menestrier made a minute and extensive search through France,
Italy, Germany, and Flanders, and the most ancient Coat of Arms he was able to
discover was that upon the monumental effigy of a Count of Wasserburg, in the
church of St. Emeran, at Ratisbon the ensigns were " Per fess ar. and sa. a lion

rampant counterchanged " and the date 1010. Yet even here " there is good reason,

to believe," says the learned Frenchman, " that this tomb was restored some time'
after the Count's death by the Monks of the Abbey he had endowed."
Sir John Feme is of opinion that the science was borrowed from the Egyptians.
Sir George Mackenzie ascribes it to the age of Charlemagne, and says that it began
and grew with the feudal laws, but took its origin, perhaps, in the time of Jacob,
who, blessing his sons, gave them marks of distinction, which the twelve tribes
afterwards bore on their ensigns : but our old reliable friend, Guillim, will have it
— —
that Heraldry as a science in England cannot go back to an earlier epoch than
about the year 1200. For my own part, I consider that the registry of its birth may
be found among the archives of the Holy Wars, that its cradle was rocked by the
soldiers of the Cross, and that its maturity was attained in the chivalrous age of
However, at the trial of the celebrated controversy between Sir Richard Le Scrope
and Sir Robert Grosvenor, for the right to bear the arms "Az. a bend or," held
20th August, 1385, before the High Constable of England and Sir John de Multon,
Deputy to the Earl Marshal, and adjourned to 16th May, 1386, John of Gaunt, Dnko
of Lancaster, deposed that the said arms were of right the arms of Sir Richard
Le Scrope, and his ancestors at the time of the Conquest, and that in the French
wars, under Edward III., one Carminow of Cornwall, challenged Sir Richard
Le Scrope's right to the same, that the dispute having been referred to six
knights, they found that the said Carminow was descended of a lineage armed " Az.
a bend or," since the time of King Arthur, and that the said Sir Richard Le Scrope
was .descended of a right line of ancestors armed with the same arms since the
time of King William the Conqueror. Owen Glendower, the Welsh Prince, deposed
at the trial that the Grosvenors bore the same arma from the time of the
The -word Heraldry is derived from the German ^ttx, a host, an army—and >§eTb,
a champion and the term hlason, by which the science is denoted in French, English,

Itahan, and German, has most probably its origin in the German word SSIfljcrt, "to
hlow the horn." Whenever a new knight appeared at a Tournament, the herald
sounded the trumpet, and as the competitors attended with closed vizors, it was his
duty to explain the bearing of the shield or coat-armour belonging to each. Thus,
the knowledge of the various devices and symbols was called Seraldry, and as the
announcement was accompanied with sound of trumpet, it was termed "blazoning the
arms." The Germans transmitting the word to the French, it reached us after the
Norman Conquest.
At first, armorial bearings were probably like surnames, assumed by each warrior
at his free will and pleasure and, as his object would be to distinguish himself and

liis foUowers from others, his cognizance would be respected by the rest, either out of
an innate courtesy or a feeling of natural justice disposing men to recognize the right
of first occupation, or really from a positive sense of the inconvenience of being
identified or confounded with those to whom no common tie united them. Where,
however, remoteness of stations kept soldiers aloof, and extensive boundaries, and
difierent classes of enemies from without, subdivided the force of a kingdom into
many distinct bands and armies, opportunities of comparing and ascertaining what
ensigns had been already appropriated would be lost, and it well might happen, even
in the same country, that various famihes might be found unconsciously using the
same arms.
It has longbeen a matter of doubt when the bearing of coats of arms first
became hereditaiy. The Norman tiles engraved in Mr. Henniker's letter to the
Society of Antiquaries, were supposed to have fixed the date at the period of the
Norman Conquest, but Mr. Montagu very ably argues that it is not at all clear that
these tiles were of the same antiquity as " the Abbaye aux Hommes at Caen," in
which they were found ; indeed he seems to prove quite the contrary. Certain it is
that it was not until the Crusades that Heraldry came into general use. In the
History of Battell Abbey, Richard Lacy, Chief Justice temp. Henry II., is reported to
have blamed a mean subject for carryingaprivateseal, when that pertained, as he said,
to' the King and Nobility alone. Under Edward I., seals of some sort were so general,

that the Statute of Exon ordained the coroner's jury to certify with their respective
signets, and in the following reign they became very common, so that not only such
as bore arms used to seal, but others fashioned signets, taking the letters of then- own
names, flowers, knots, birds, beasts, &c. It was afterwards- enacted ly statute, that
every freeholder should have his proper seal of arms and he was either to appear at

the head court of the shire, or send his attorney with the said seal, and those who
omitted this duty were amerced or fined.
The earliest Heraldic document that has been handed down to us is a Roll of
Arms, made between the years 1240 and 1245. It contains the names and arms of
the Barons and Knights of the reign of Henry III., and affords incontrovertible
evidence of the fact that Heraldry was at that time reduced to a science. It is
curious, too, as indicating the changes that have taken place between a period
approximating so nearly to its origin and the present and invaluable, as offering

contemporary testimony of the exact bearings of the ancestors of some of our most
distinguished families. This important manuscript as well as three other similar
collections, " The Siege of A Roll of Arms, temp. Edward II.," and
Carlaverock," "
"A Roll of Arms, temp. Edward III.", were published by the late Sir Harris Nicolas,
accompanied by prefatory remarks and occasional notes.
" The Siege of Cablaveeock " is a poem descriptive of the Banners of the Peers
and Kjiights of the English army who were present at the siege of Carlaverock
Castle in Scotland, in February, 1301.
The Roll of Aems of the time of Edward II., made between the years 1308 and
1814, is divided into counties, and comprises the names and arms of about eleven


Irmidred and sixty persons. It still remains in tHe Cottonian Library, British
Mnsenm (CaUg. A. xviii.).
The Fourth Roll, te/mip. Edward III., appears to have been compiled between
the years 1337 and 1350. Its plan was most comprehenfeive, embracing the arms of
all the Peers and Knights in England, arranged ia the following order :

I. The King, the Earls, and the Barons,

n. The Knights nnder their respective counties.

III. The great Personages who lived in earlier times.
Besides these Rolls,
other collections of arms have been published, adding
much to OUT information on the subject. In these ancient rolls Heraldry first
assumes the appearance of a science, and it would seem that the rules by which it is
governed then existed.
The on the subject, whose work has descended to us, is Nicholas
earliest writer
Upton. His was composed in the reign of Henry V., and translated in that
of his successor, in the work well known to all admirers of the art as " The Boke of
St. Albans," With the decline of chivalry the study of Heraldry was neglected, and
the exaggerated dignity to which Perne, Mackenzie, and other enthusiasts endeavoured
to raise it, only gained for it contempt ; but a taste for the study of antiquities
generally has gradually revived and the use of Heraldry as a key to history and

biography is becoming evei^ day more and more acknowledged, not only in England,
but throughout Europe.


" Ensigns," says a learned writer, " were, in their first acceptation, taken up at
any gentleman's pleasure, yet hath that liberty for many ages been deny'd, and they,
by regal authority, made the rewards of merit or the gracious favours of princes."
In the reign of Henry V. the following proclamation issued, prohibiting the use
of heraldic ensigns to all who could not show an original and valid right, except those
" who had borne arms at Agincourt " " Quod nullus cujuscunque status, gradus seu

conditionis faerit, hujusmodi arma sive tunicas armorum in se sumat, nisi ipse jure
antecessorio vel ex donatione alioujus ad hos sufficientem potestatem habentis, ea
possideat aut possidere dobeat, et quod ipse arma sive tunicas illas ex cujus dono
obtinet, demonstrationis suae personis ad hoc per nos assignatis manifeste demonstret,
exceptis iUis qui nobiscum apud bellum de Agincourt arma portabant, &c." But,
despite the royal ordinance, a multiplicity of abuses found their way into aU matters
touching descent and arms, which called aloud for reformation, and gave rise, in the
early part of the sixteenth century, to the Hbealds' Visitations, documents of high
authority and value. Royal commissions were issued under the Great Seal to the two
Provincial Kings of Arms, Clarenceux and Norroy, authorising and commanding each,
by himself or his deputy, to visit the whole of his province as often as he should deem
it necessary, to summon before him aU those who bore or assumed to bear arms and

were styled esquires, to cause them to produce authority for bearing and using same,
" to peruse and take knowledge of all manner of coat armour, cognizances, crests,
and other like devices, with the notes of the descents, pedigrees, and marriages, of all
the nobility and gentry ttierein ; and also to reprove, control and make infamous by
proclamation, all such as unlawfully, and without just authority, usurped or took any
name or title of honour or dignity." In these documents are set forth the principal
hereditary achievements of the kingdom.
All persons who can deduce descent from an ancestor whose armorial ensigns have
been acknowledged in any one of the Visitations, are entitled to carry those arms by
right of inheritance. When, however, no such descent can be shown, the party must,
if it be possible, prove himself to be descended from some one whose right has been
admitted ; from a Grantee ; or, in fault of that proof, must become a Grantee himself.

These obseTvations apply more especially to the usage of arms in England.
In England and Wales, Arms are granted, under the authority of the Earl
Marshal, by Garter and one of the Provincial Kings, according to his jurisdic-
tion. In Scotland, Lyon King of Arms, and in Ireland, Ulster King of Arms,
have the sole power to grant or confirm Arms in their respective Kingdoms.
In consequence of the disturbed state of Ireland towards the close of the sixteenth
and nearly all through the seventeenth century, the very period when the English
Heralds made their Visitations, and admitted arms to aU who proved their right, it
was impossible to carry out Visitations in Ireland. In fact, there are only three Irish
Visitations remaining on record, viz., Dublin County, 1606 Dublin City, 1607 ;

Wexford County, 1618. To provide for this want of Visitation, Ulster King of
Arms has authority to give a Confirmation (with some slight heraldic difference to
indicate the fact of its being a Confirmation), to a claimant who can prove to his
satisfaction that he, the claimant, and his family have used for a certain number of
generations the said arms and crest.

Blazon, or Blason, is the proper technical description of Armorial Bearings,
according to the scientific rules of Heraldry. In blazoning a coat of arms, brevity
is to be studied, and tautology avoided, care being still taken to give a minute

description of every bearing, its position, place on the shield, tincture, &o. Though
the same metal, colour, or fur, may
occur more than once, the repetition of its name
should be scrupulously guarded against, by describing the charge, which happens
to be of a tincture already mentioned, as of the first, second, or third, according to
may hold in the blazon for example, the arms of
the relative position that tincture ;

Preston of Furness Abbey are, "Ar. two bars gu. on a canton of the second a
cinquefoU or." In this blazon the colour of the canton is described of the second,
to obviate the repetition of the word " gu." The next general rule to be observed
is to begin the blazon with the description of the field, its tincture or tinctures,
unless it is divided by any of the main partitions abeady treated, in which case the
descriptive blazon would begin as per fess, ]per pale, per saltire, &o. The principal
ordinary, if any, should next be described, with its tincture, &a. ; and then the
charges around it generally, giving the surcharges upon such ordinary, after those
between which it is borne the chief, canton, or any charge placed in a particular

point of the shield, with its surcharges, if any, being generally blazoned last.
If a coat consists of two tinctures only, it is blazoned, as in the arms of Lambton,
" Sa. a fess between three lambs pass. ar. which indicates that both the f ess and lambs
are of the tincture argent ; when the last-mentioned charge, or bearing, is of the same

tincture as that one named immediately before it, and yet cannot be included under
one word, it is necessary to describe it as "of the last:" thus, in the arms of
DoKMEE, " Az. ten billets, four, three, two and one, or, on a chief of the last a demi lion
ramp, issuant sa." Of the last is used to prevent a repetition of " or."
If there be two sets of charges of equal number on any parts of the shield, or
one set of charges on an ordinary between the same number of charges on the shield
the repetition of the number must be avoided, by describing the second set of charges
by the words " as many." Thus, in the arms of Wilmot, " Ar. on a fess gu.
between three eagles' heads erased sa. as moMy escallops or the words " as many "

prevent the repetition of the number " three " in this example.
When charges are borne without the interposition of the ordinaries, the exact
position they occupy on the shield—/esswai/s, or in fess, if in line across the
paleways, or in pale, if perpendicular, one over the other and hendways, or in

lend, if placed diagonally from the dexter chief to the sinister base, must bedescribod,
as well as the attitude and tinctures of such charges, e.g.


•' Maoteveeee (ArnclifEe, co. York). Sa. tiree greyhounds conrant in pale ar.
collared or:" m paZe signifying that the greyhounds are borne perpendicularly one
above the other.
When charges are three, whether with or without ordinaries, the usual way
they are borne is two in chief and one in base, and this is understood without being
mentioned but if they be not so placed, or exceed the number three, their position

must be specifically described, according to the preceding rule or if horizontal rows,;

of an equal or unequal number, their number, &c., must be stated. The last
the arms of Beotjnckeb will tend to elucidate, viz. : " Ar. six pellets in pale,
two, and one, a chief embattled sa.," implying that the six pellets are borne in
rows, three in the uppermost, two in.the second, and one in the lowest.

is defined by GuUlim and Mackenzie to be " the conjoining of
Marshalling arms
two or more coats in one shield," or, strictly speaking, the proper arrangement
in one shield, either by impaling or quartering, of two or more ensigns.
" Impaling " applies to the method of using the wife's arms, and is usually practised
by dividing the shield into two equal
and placing the husband's arms in the
dexter, with the wife's in the sinister. When
there happens to be a border round
one or both of them, the portion of the border where the two coats unite is omitted.
There are, however, two rules to be attended to :

No husband can impale his wife's arms with his own on a surcoat, ensign, or
banner, nor can a Knight of the Garter, or of any other Order, when surrounding
the shield with the motto of his knighthood, bear his wife's coat within it for, saith ;

Sandford, although the husband may give his equal half of her escutcheon, yet he
cannot share his temporary order of knighthood with her, except she be Sovereign
of the Order. This restriction is not allowed by Edmondson, who argues that there
is not a single article in all the Statutes of the Order, that debars the new-made
knight from continuing to impale, as he had done previously, his wife's arms. It has
always struck me that the churlish regulation of modern heraldry, which precludes
a knight from bearing his wife's arms within the ribbon or collar of his order, is an
anomaly. The wife of a knight shares the precedence, title, and dignity of her
husband. Why then should she be debarred participation in the heraldic bearings,
and the beautiful garter that encircles them ? This exclusion is not of ancient date.
The old Stall Plates of the Knights afibrd proof of the contrary, and gives several
instances of husband's and wife's arms impaled within the Garter. In the monu-
ment at Stanton Harcourt there is not only the Garter tied round Lady Harcourt's
left arm, but at the head of the tomb appear the bearings of her husband impaling
within a Grarter the lady's own arms.
If a man marries an heiress or co-heiress, instead of impaling his wife's arms
with his own he bears them on an escutcheon of peetencb in the centre or fess
point of his paternal coat, but he cannot so bear them during the Hfetime of his
wife's father. When a lady who is an heiress dies leaving her husband surviving,
lis right to bear her arms on an escutcheon of pretence ceases the right to bear ;

her arms descends to her issue to be borne as a quartering. man cannot bear his A
wife's arms as an impalement after her death: he must bear his arms as before
his marriage, otherwise there is no heraldic mode of showing that his wife is dead.
The case differs, however, as regards a widow whilst she remains such, she is

obliged to bear the arms of her deceased husband and I am inclined to think that a

widower should continue to impale or otherwise associate his late wife's arms with
his own if there was issue of the marriage. A husband whose wife is by descent
entitled to a shield of quarterings, may impale all tho qaartorings his wife is entitled

to ; but this is not usual.

— ;;

If a commoner marry the widow of a peer lie impales only the arms of his wife's
father, the lady on a subsequent marriage losing all right to any armorial bearings of
her former hnsband or hnsbands.
Edwaed III. appears to have been the first that quartered arms in England,
when, in right of his mother Isabella, daughter and heiress of Philip IV. of Prance,,
he assumed the arms, Az. semee-de-lis or, as a quartering on the national banner
and John Hastings, second Earl of Pembroke, was the first subject who imitated his
royal master's example, quartering, Az. six lioncels ramp, ar., ia right of his grand-
mother, Julian, daughter of Thomas de Leyburn, and heiress of William de Leyburne,
summoned to Parliament 1299.
is to show the descent of one family from heiresses
The intention of Quaeteeing
or co-heiresses of other houses, and to exhibit and perpetuate this representatisn.
Thus, the children of an heiress are entitled, at her death, to quarter with their
paternal coat her arms, as well as all quarterings which she may have inherited. It
must be borne mind that an heiress or co-heiress in Heraldry is, by the laws of
arms, a lady who is, by having no brother, or by her brother or brothers having died
without issue, a representative in blood of her father, and that thereby she transmits
to her descendants the right to quarter her family arms. The term " heiress " in
Heraldry does not apply to the succession to property: Andrew Lynn, Esq., of
Ballinamona, co. Waterford, disinherited his son, and bequeathed his estates to his
daughter Ann, the wife of Robert Carew, ancestor of Lord Garew her descendants ;

inherited the estates so bequeathed, but did not acquire a right to quarter the
arms of Lynn. In marshalling quarterings, the first, after the paternal arms,
is the shield pf the earliest heiress, which the bearer's direct ancestor in the
male liae has married, and then succeed any quarterings her descent may bring in
with the second heiress the same rule is followed, and so on, in chronological rotation,
to the end of the chapter.
When a daughter becomes heiress or co-heiress to her mother (also an heiress),
and not to her father, which happens when the father marries a' subsequent wife,
and has by her male issue, to represent him, she is entitled to bear the maternal coat
with the arms of her father on a canton, taking all the quarterings to which her
mother was, by descent, entitled. When married, she conveys the whole to be
borne on an escutcheon of pretence, and transmits them at her death to be borne as
quarterings by her descendants, the paternal canton on the first shield still indicating
the nature of the representation.
an heiress E.B., marry first E.G., and have a son R.G., and marry secondly
H.I., and have by her second husband an only child, a daughter, S.I., the son of
this lady S.I., viz., T.N., would quarter the arms of that second husband as well
as the arms of his grandmother E.B. This point has been thus settled by the
Heralds' College in London, but the question requires farther consideration and
iidjudication before it can be finally admitted.

The followiag sketch wiU illustrate the point :

A. B.=C. D.
P. G-., = E. B., = H. I.,
1st Husb. j
a dau. & 2nd Husb.

heir. |

1 i

E. Gr., S. I., = M. N.
a son. an only
T. If.,
a BOB, who claims to quarter
the arms of A. B.

An Aechbishop or a Br shop impales the arms of his See with his famUy arms.


'being, if I may so express it, married to the ciurcli, arms of tlie See on the

dexter side, and Ms family arms on the sinister, lout i£ he be married, he does not
carry his wife's arms on his shield. On his hatchment he uses two shields, the first on
the dexter side, viz., the arms of his See impaled with his own arms, surmounted with
a mitre, the second on the dexter, his own arms impaled with his wife's, in the same
way as knights of the different Orders.
If a man marry a widow, he impales her maiden arms. A widower entering on
a second marriage, marshals with his own the arms only of his second wife. He is
not, according to the laws of arms, entitled to continue the usage of his deceased
wife's ensigns.


According, to the received authorities, there are ten classes of arms :

1. Arms op Dominion, those borne by Sovereigns and annexed to the territories

they govern.
2.Arms of Peetension, used by Sovereigns who are not in possession of the-
dominions to which such arms belong, but who claim, or pretend a right to them.
Thus the Kings of England from' Edward III. to George III. quartered the arms of
3. Aems op Community, those of bishoprics, universities, cities, and other
corporate bodies.
4. Aems of Assumption, adopted without the.
grant of the Sovereign or of a
King-of-Arms, and used as a proper right. For instance, if a prince or nobleman be
taken prisoner in lawful war, the victor may hear the arms of the person so taken,,
and transmit them to his heirs.
5. Aems of Alll4NCB these : are adopted by families or private persons, and
are joined with their own heraldic bearings to denote
the alliance which they have

contracted by marriage. Arms of this description are impaled, or are borne in an

escutcheon of pretence by those who have married heiresses.

But the latter arrange-
not allowed until the death of the father of
ment (that of the separate escutcheon) is

the lady. ,
are specially granted
6. Aemsop Adoption are borne by a stranger in blood, and
applying for them to obtain certain moneys
by the Sovereign to empower the person
condition of his assuming the name and arms of th&
or estates bequeathed on the
Aems op Concession or Hono.ueablb Augmentation are
pecuhar marks ot if
of royal approbation.
honom- granted by the Sovereign for some act deserving
Pateenal and Heeeditaet are those transmitted from the first
8 Aems
possessor to his heirs the son being a
gentleman of second coat armour the grand- ;

great-grandson a gentleman of ancestry.

son a gentleman of blood and the ;

various forms, and is divided into nine integral parts ta

The Shield admits of
charges, but I shall only here
aUude to the relative
mark the position of the several
positions of the principal parts. 7 jvi, j
-j. j.t,

of the escutcheon opposite the left

Firsc, it is to be observed, that the side
right side, and that opposite to the right
of the person looking at it, is the dexter, or
the or left. The centre of the shield is called the fess point the top ;
hand, sinister,
top of the sinister side, the ---*-
the dexter side, the dexter chief; the f-^
its respective sides are called
The bottom of the shield is called the base, and
dexter and sinister 6ase. n j ,- j j „™
are called itnctoa., and are
The COLOUES common to shields and their bearings
five colours, viz or, gold -Tdent, s^^l
of seven difierent kinds; two metaLs and

purpure, purple and sable, black. Some writers

a^ure, blue gules,
red vert, green
; ;
on the science admit two additional, ta/ioney, or tenee, orange ; and sanguine, blood
colour but tbey are rarely to be met with in British Arms.

When natural objects are introduced into Heraldry, they are often represented in
their ordinary colours, and this is expressed by the term proper.
A shield is said to be quartered when it is divided into four equal parts by
Tiorizontal and perpendicular lines crossing the centre ; that at the top of the dexter
side is called the first quarter ; the top of the sinister side is called the second quarter ;

the third quarter is at the and the bottom of the sinister

bottom of the dexter side,
side is the fourth quarter. When the shield is divided into two equal parts by a
perpendicular line, it is called impaling the dexter being the man's side, the sinister

the woman's. Dividing the shield into two equal parts by a horizontal line is called
per fess.
Charges are the various figures depicted on shields, by which the bearers are
distinguished from one another.
All charges of Arms are either proper or common those charges are said to be ;

proper which by a certain property do particularly belong to the Art of Heraldry, and
are of ordinary use therein hence they are styled " Ordinaries " the common charges

are the representations of all the emblems which retain their own names in the blazon.

The principal Ordinaries are the Chief, the Pale, the Bend, the Fess, the Cross,
the Saltire, and the Chevron. The Sub-Ordinaries are the Border, the Orle, the —
Inescutcheon, the Quarter, the Canton, the Paile or Pall, the Gyron, the Pile, the
Plaunch, &c.
Differences, or Marks of Cadency, are the distinctions used to indicate the
various branches or cadets of one family. The eldest son (during the lifetime of his
father) bears a Label ; the second, a Crescent the third, a Mullet the fourth, ; ;

a Martlet the fifth, an Annulet the sixth, a Pleur-de-lis ; the seventh, a

; ;

Rose the eighth, a Cross-Moline the ninth, a double Quatrefoil.

; ;

The mode of using these marks of cadency, as practised by the Heralds' College,
London, and Ulster's Ofiice, Dublin, is to carry them down to the third generation.
There is no rule as to the colours of cadency marks except one, the label of three
points must not be argent except for the Royal Family but the same heraldic rule ;

applies to these marks as to ordinary heraldic charges, colour cannot lie on colour, or
metal on metal.
If a younger son, say a third son, who bears a mullet for difference, assume by
Royal Licence an additional surname, in addition to and after his own surname, and
the arms belonging to that assumed surname, which would consequently be borne in
the first quarter of his escutcheon, it is not necessary for him to continue the
mark of cadency, as the compound coat is sufficient to distinguish him from the
head of the family if, however, he wish to use the mark of cadency, it should bo

borne in the fess point of the compound coat.


When a lion or other beast of prey stands upright, with only one ear and one
eye seen, with the head in profile, he is termed rwmpant; when walking forward,
with one eye and ear seen, passant ; when sitting, sejant ; when lying down, coiichcmt.
If in any one of these positions the animal look full face, so that both eyes and
ears may be seen, the word guardant is annexed to passant, rampant, sejant, or
couchant, as the case may be and if he look back, the word reguardant. An

animal is salient when leaping forwards bendways and having both the hind legs in
the same position.
To griffins the term segreant is given, in place of rampant. Animals of the deer
kind have their positions otherwise blazoned. Thus, when lookiug full-faced, they


are said to he at gage; when standing, statant; when walking, trippings when
leaping forward, swinging; when running, courant; and when at rest on the ground,.
A horse when running is blazoned cov/rcmt, or m full speed; when leaping,
salient, cabre, or effray ;when rearing, foroene, but these three last terms are very
seldom met with.
Birds are blazoned, when standing with their wings down, close ; when preparing
to fly, rising; when flying, volant; when spread open, with both wiags stretched
out, and their breasts seen, displayed. The wings open and against each other are
called indorsed. Two wings conioined and expanded are caUe a vol. One wing is a
Fishes, when placed horizontally, are naiant ; when perpendicularly, Jiauricmt
when drawn in an wched form
a dolphin, they are emX)0wed.
Any heraldic figure placed on or apparently emanating from an ordinary or
other charge is called issuant. The term jessant is applied either to a general issuing
of one charge from another, as "a chevron jessant-de-lis," or to the common
device of a leopard's or lion's head "jessant-de-lis." A fish or amphibious creature
is described as naissa/nt from an ordinary when any portion of the body with the tail
is seen. A serpent placed horizontally is said to be gliding.


The Crest honour to none of the heraldic insignia. It was the emblem
yields in
that served, when the banner was
rent asunder, and the shield broken, as a rallying
point for the knight's followers, and a distinguishing mark of his own prowess. The
Crest, named by the French Gimier, from Gime, the top or apex, and by the ItaUans
Gimiero, originated in the necessity of distinguishing one chief from another, and
making him known in the battle-field and the tournament consequently, no crest is

ever allowed to a female. As early as the year 1101, a seal of Philip, Count of
Flanders, represents him with his crest but at that period, and for a century and a

half after, few of lesser degree than sovereigns and commanders in the wars ventured
to carry this mark of distinction. The first example of a crest upon the helmet
among English sovereigns occurs in the second great seal of Richard Coeur de Lion.
The helmet has several vertical openings in front, and upon the top is placed a
golden lion gaardant. The seal, too, of Roger de Quincy, Earl of Winchester, one of
the holy warriors of the reign of Henry III., exhibits on a cylindrical casque a
dragon as a device. After the institution, however, of the Garter, the knights of
that illustrious order adopted crests, and the practice soon became so general,
that these emblems were assumed indiscriminately, by all those who considered
themselves legally entitled to a coat armour.*
At their first adoption, crests were usually assumed from some charge in the
shield and thus, in very many ancient houses, we find the crest a mere emanation of

the arms. Little information remains to us of the crests borne by the early nobility
and the little we do possess we owe to and illuminated manu-
monumental effigies

.scripts. Froissart, in particular, affords many Nisbet and some

curious examples.
other writers contend that these heraldic ornaments might be changed according to
the good pleasure of the bearer, but this has long been forbidden by the Kings of
Arms. If crests be the distinguishing tokens by which families may be known (and
* The monument of Sir Oliver de Ingham, in Ingham church, BTorfolk, who lived temp. Edward
III., "affords," saysMeyrict, "one of the earliest specimens of the jousting helmet of his times, sur-
mounted by its crest ; and the sepulchral effigy of Sir John Harsiok is a remarkable example of
BngUsh armour towards the close of the reign of the second Kichard. The knight is represented
with his helmet on, over his coat of chained mail, so as to display the mode of wearing the crest and
the mantle."
tbis seeais most assuredly to be the intention of the deyicc), one might as well alter
a coat of arms as an hereditary crest. Still, however, circnmstances may arise in
which a change becomes desirable; but this should never be made on slight or
unimportant grounds. In early times, Thomas Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, Earl
Marshal of England, was, by the special concession of Richard II., allowed to carry
the crest of England —
"the lion passant guardant or;" and John Howard, in a
subsequent reign, having married the daughter and heiress of Mowbray, substituted
for the old crest of Howard, viz., " two wings, each charged with the family arms,"
the new but honourable cognizance of the golden lion.
No one is entitled to more than one crest unless he bears two surnames, or has
received the additional device by a specific grant. The Germans, indeed, have long
been accustomed to display in a row over their shields of arms the crests of all the
houses whose ensigns they quarter but their heraldry is peculiar, differing from that

of the other countries of Europe. In truth, the impropriety of the practice of

carrying more than one crest is remarkably striking, if we consider for a moment the
purpose for which these cognizances were first designed.
Originally crests were carved in light wood, or made of boiled leather passed
into a mould, in the form of some animal real or fictitious, and were fastened to the
helmet by the toecb or weeath, which was formed of two pieces of silk, " twisted
together by the lady who chose the bearer for her knight." The tinctures of the
wreath are always those of the principal metal and colour of the arms and it is a rule in

delineating the wreath (shown edgewise above the shield) that the first coil shall be
of the metal, and the last of the colour of which the achievement is constituted.
Such are the wreaths in general use. In depicting arms the wreath consists of six
twists when the crest is placed on a cap of maintenance, or on, or issuing out of a

ducal or other crown, the wreath is not borne. The colours and metals of Liveries are
governed by the tinctures of the wreath, or in its absence by the principal metal and
colour of the arms thus, if the principal metal of the arms be argent, the buttons

and lace of the livery is silver ; if or, they are gilt. The cloth is blue, red, black, or
green, according to the prevailing colour in the arms ; if the colour be red, the colour
of the livery may be modified to claret colour if the field of the arms be a metal,

and the charge an animal of its proper colour, and no other colour depicted in the
arms, the colour of the livery should follow as near as possible the proper colour of
the charge. The most usual colour used in such cases is brown.
Crests have sometimes, but very improperly, been confounded with " badsbs,"
altogether distinct devices, intended to distinguish the retainers of certain great
noblemen, and wrought or sewn upon the liveries with which they were supplied by
their lord. The badge appeared also emblazoned on the chief's standard or pennon, and
was much esteemed until the reign of Queen Elizabeth, when the last brilliant relics of

the feudal system the joust, the tournament, and all their accompanying parapher-
nalia —fell into disuse. Henry II. bore an escarhimele or ; and also introduced the
famous badge borne so constantly by his successors, of the broom sprig or Planta
Genistse (" II portait ung Gennett entre deux Plantes de Geneste ") and his son, ;

Richard I., on assumiag the title of King of Jerusalem, hoisted the banner of the
— —
Holy City the dormant lion of Judah the badge of David and Solomon. Edward I.
had a rose, stalk green and jpeials gold. Edward II. commemorated his Castilian
descent by the badge of a gold tower. Edward III. bore " silver clouds with rays
descending." Richard II. adopted the white hart,t the device of his mother, the
Fair Maid of Kent, and used besides a Wliite Falcon; and his successor, Henry IV.,

f "Among the few friends who attended Eichard II. after his capture by the Earl of Northum-
berland, was Jenico d'Artois, a Gtascoigne, that still wore the cognizance or device of his master, King
Eichard, that is to say, a white hart, and would put it away from him neither by persuasion nor
threats by reason whereof, when the Diike of Lancaster understood it, he caused him to he

committed to prison, within the Castle of Chester. This man was the last (as saith mine author) which
wore that device, which showed weU thereby his constant heart towards his master." —


introduced the red rose of Lancaster, wHch became ever after the badge of the
Lancastrians, as opposed to the white rose of Tork. He also had for cognizance the
antelope, as well as the silver swan of the De Bohnns. When he entered the
lists against Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, his caparisons were embroidered with

the antelope and swan. Henry of Agincourt carried a beacon and flenr-de-lis
crowned. " The white rose, en soleil," denotes the fourth Edward, and " the white
boar," the third Richard. Henry VI. had for badge a Panther, and also two ostrich
feathers in saltire, one silver, the other gold. His Queen, Margaret of Anjou
adopted a " daisy," in allusion to her name
" The daise a floure white and rede.
In French called la belle Margarete."

Henry VTI. carried " the red dragon " of Wales, and also the portcullis as well as the
red and white roses combined, emblematic of the union of the rival houses. " In the
marriage procession of Henry Tudor and Elizabeth of Tork,'' says an agreeable writer,
" each partizan of Lancaster gave his hand to a lady of the Tork party, holding a
"bouquet of two roses, red and white entwined and at the birth of Prince Henry,

the armorists composed a rose of two colours (the leaves alternating red and white),
as an emblematical offspring of the marriage. Horticulturists, too, forced nature
into an act of loyalty, and produced a party-coloured flower known to the present day
as the rose of Tork and Lancaster."
The same cognizances were used by Henry VIII. and Edward VI., the former
of whom displayed sometimes a greyhound courant and collared and at others, after

the seige of Boulogne, a white swan, the arms of that city. Queen Mary, before
her accession, adopted the red and white roses, but added a pomegranate, to show
her descent from Spain ; but, on assuming the sceptre, she took " Winged Time
drawing Truth out of a pit," with " Veritas temporis filia '' for motto. The badges
of Queen Elizabeth were the red and white roses, the fleur-de-lis, and the Irish harp,
aU ensigned by the royal crown, to which James I. added the Scottish thistle. Many
of the greater nobility followed the royal example Beauchamp had " the bear and

ragged staff;" FitzAJan, " the white horse of Arundel;" Vere, " the blue boar ; "
Percy, " the crescent and manacle " Stafford and Bourchier, " the knot."

The Motto is, according to Guillim, " a word, saying, or sentence which gentle-

men carry in a scroll under the arms, and sometimes over the crest." It had its
origin, most probably, in the " cri de guerre," or the watchword of the camp, and its
use can be traced to a remote period. Camden assigns the reign of Henry III. as the
date of the oldest motto he ever met with, that of WiUiam de Ferrers, Earl of Derby,
who encircled his shield with the legend, " Lege, lege " and the same antiquary

mentions the old seal of Sir Thomas Cavall, who bore for his arms a horse, and for
Tiis-motto, " Thomae credite, cum cemitis ejus equum." Other authorities, however,
Tefer to several cases, that of Trafford of Trafford in particular, and carry up the
mottoes to a much earlier epoch. Be may, their general usage may be
this as it
accurately dated, if not from an earlier period, certainly from the institution of the
Order of the Gtarter and after that celebrated event they became very general, and

daily gained in public favour. During the wars of Henry V., Henry VT., and
Henry VIII., innumerable mottoes graced the shields of the waniors of the time,
and in the courtly days of Queen Elizabeth devices were especially fashionable.
Mottoes may be taken, changed, or relinquished, when and as often as the bearer
thinks fit, and may be exactly the same as those of other persons. Still, however

the pride of ancestry wiU induce most men to retain, unaltered, the time-honoured
sentiment which, adopted in the first instance as the memorial of some noble action,
some memorable war-cry, or a record of some ancient family descent, has been handed
down from sire to son through a long series of generations.
" MontjoyeDenis " was the cri de guerre of the French kings, " St. Andrew "
of the Scottish monarchs, and " St. George for merry England," of the English.
" Dieu ayde au premier Chretien " rallied the Montmorencys and " Donglas
; a A !

Donglas " was not infrequently heard on the English borders, in answer to the

Percy " Esperance."

The same conceit, as in Heraldic Bearings, of accommodating the motto to the
name, has prevailed occasionally either in Norman-French or Latin thus we have :

" Mon Dieu est ma roche," for Roche, Lord Fermoy "Let Curzon holde what Curzon

helde," for Curzon; " Strike Dakyns, the devil's in the hempe," for Dakyns " Cavendo ;

tutus," for Cavendish; " Forte scutum salus ducum," for Portescne " Set on," for ;

Seton, Earl of Winton; "Ne vile velis," for Neville " Vero nihil verius," for Vere; and

" Ver non semper viret," for Vernon.

How admirably suited is " Pro magna charta " to the Premier Barony, Le Des-
pencer ; and how plaintive is the expressive motto adopted by the once regal
Courtenays of Powderham, after the loss of the Earldom of Devon, " Ubi lapsus !

quid feci?" The "Fuimus" of the Earl of Elgin tells that the Bruces were once
Bongs and the " Grom a loo " of the Geraldines recalls the time when an Act of

Parliament made it treason to repeat that famous war-cry.

Mottoes are also frequently allusive to the arms and crests, and very often
commemorative of some deed of chivalry. With reference to " the Hedgehog," the crest
of the Kyrles of Herefordshire, the family of " the Man of Ross," is the inscription
" Nil naoror ictus " (^I do not care for blows) ; the Gores, whose ensigns comprise the
cross crosslet, have " In hoc signo vinces." " Caen, Cressie, Calais," the motto of
the Radolyffes, commemorates the services of Sir John Radclyffe, Knt., of Ordsall,
at the seiges ofCaen and Calais, and at the battle of Cressy ; and " Boulogne et Cadiz,"
borne by the Heygate family, records the presence of their ancestor at those famous
" Geip Fast," the device of the Leslies, has remained unchanged since the time
of Margaret, Queen of Scotland, by whom it was given to Bartholomew Leslie, the
founder of the family, under the following circumstances In crossing a river,
: —
swollen by floods, the Queen was thrown from her horse, and in danger of being
drowned, when the knight, plunging into the stream, seized hold of the royal girdle,
and as he brought her with difiBculty towards the bank, she frequently exclaimed,
" Grip fast," words which she desired her preserver to retain for his motto, in
remembrance of this circumstance.
The traditionary origin of " Lamh dearg Erin " (the Red Hand of Ireland), the
motto of the O'Neills, is this : — In
an ancient expedition of some adventurers to
Ireland, their leader declared that whoever first touched the shore should possess the
territory which he reached. The ancestor of the O'Neills, Princes of Ulster, bent
upon obtaining the reward, and seeing another boat likely to land, cut his hand off
and threw it upon the coast.
Many mottoes are allusive either to a portion of the heraldic bearings, or to the
family surname. " Leoni non sagittis fido," I trust to the lion not to the arrows, is that
of the Egebtons, whose shield exhibits a lion between three pheons and the Maetins ;

use these singular words : " He who looks at Martin's ape, Martin's ape shall look at
him " having reference to their crest, of " an ape observing himself in a looking-

glass." The AiTONS of Kippo, a branch of Aiton, of that Ilk, adopted for motto,
" Et decerptse dabunt odorem," an elegant allusion to their crest of " a rose bough
ppr," and of their being an offshoot of the parent stem.
The generality of mottoes, however, are expressive of sentiments of piety, hope,
or determination.
Many of the most ancient houses in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, adopted for
their motto the slogan or war-cry of their sept, which was sometimes derived from the
name of the chieftain's feudal castle ; thus Colquhoun of Luss bears " Cnookelachan ; "
Fitz-Gerald of Loinster, " Crom a boo ; " and Hughss of Gwerclas, " Kymmer-yn-

Edeirnion." The descendants of Irisli families also adopted the war-cry of their
septs as mottoes thus O'Brien, " Lamh laidir an naohtar," The strong hand upper-

mbst, "Lamh dearg Erin," The red hand of Ireland; O'Hagan, " Buadh no bas,"
Victory or death; O'Donovan, " GrioUa ar a-namhnid a-bu," A man over his enemy
for ever; O'Crorman, " Tosach catha agns deineadh sAt," First in battle and fierce in
slaughter; O'Doinn, " Mnllach a-bu," The tops of the mountains for ever, &c., &c.
Mottoes not infrequently indicate the antiquity and derivation of the families by
whom they are borne. In " Loywl as thow fynds," we recognise the Saxon origin of
the Tempests of Tong, and in " Touts jours prest," the Norman ancestry of the
Talbots of Bashall: but this rule is far from being general: many families of Norman
origin used English mottoes at a very early period, as Darell of Calehill, " Trow to


Ceowns were not originally marks of sovereignty, but were bestowed on those
who gained a prize at the Olympic games, and at first were only bands or fillets, but
subsequently they assumed various forms according to the peculiar feat of valour the
persSn to whom they were granted performed.
The Ckowu, a distinctive badge of royalty, was anciently made open, but is

now closed at the top with four arches and is usually called the Imperial Grown.
That used at the coronation of the Sovereigns of England is made in imitation
of the Crown supposed to have been worn by Edward the Confessor. The present
imperial Crown has the rim adorned with four crosses pattee, and as many fleurs-de-lis
alternately.From each cross rises an arched diadem closed at the top under a
mound supporting a cross. The cap within the Crown is of purple velvet (heraldic-
ally represented crimson), and turned up with ermine.
See p. xlix.
The Coronet of the Peince of Wales
according to a warrant of Charles II,

dated 19 February, 1660, composed of a circle or fillet of gold, adorned with four
crosses pattee, and as many fleurs-de-lis alternately from the two centre crosses rises

an arched diadem, closed at the top under a mound supporting a cross, one arch only
from the centre cross appearing in the representation. The cap is of crimson velvet,
lined with white sarsnet, and turned up with ermine. The Prince of Wales also bears
as a badge a plume of three ostrich feathers, encircled by a coronet adorned with
crossesand fleurs-de-lis the motto peculiar to this badge being " Ich dien."

The CoEONET of the Peince s of the Blood Royal is similar to that of the Prince
of Wales, without the arched diadem. The cap is of crimson velvet, bordered with
ermine, with a tassel of gold.
The Peincesses bear a similar Coronet, but instead of the four crosses and as
many fleurs-de-lis, it is adorned with three strawberry leaves alternately, with a
similarnumber of fleurs-de-lis and crosses.
The Arms and Coronets of the Members of the Royal Family are always assigned
by the Sovereign to them individually.
The Coronet of a Duke is composed of a circlet of gold, chased as jewelled,
having raised on it eight golden strawberry leaves, five of which are seen in repre-
sentation. The capof crimson velvet, turned up ermine, thereon a golden tassel.

It is sometimes used as a charge in armorial bearings, when it is called a Ducal

Coronet, and is represented with only, three strawberry leaves, and without the rap,
tassel, or ermine.
The Coronet of a Maequess is a circlet of gold, chased as jewelled, charged
with four strawberry leaves and as many large pearls alternately when represented, ;

only two pearls and three leaves appear. The cap is similar to that of a Duke.
An Eael's Coronet is a circlet of gold, chased as jewelled, upon which rise eight
pyramidical points gold, each of which supports a large silver ball, the spaces between
the points being filled up at the bottom with strawberry leaves of gold, not rising
as high as the balls. Only five of the balls appear when heraldically displayed.
The cap is the same as the Duke's and Marquess's.
A Viscount's Coronet is a circlet of gold, chased as jewelled, supporting sixteen
sdver balls,seven of which appear in the representation.
The Coronet of a Baron is a plain circlet of gold, thereon six silver balls, four of
which are seen in the representation.
The two last-named Coronets have the crimson velvet cap with the tassel, and
the edging of ermine, the same as those of a Duke, Marquess, and Earl. See p. xxxiv.
The Coronet of a King of Aems is silver gilt, formed of a circle, upon which is
inscribed part of the first verse of the 51st Psalm, viz., "Miserere mei Deus secundum
magnam miserioordiam tuam " the rim is surmounted with sixteen leaves, in shape

resembling the oak leaf, every alternate one being somewhat higher than the rest,
nine of which appear in the profile view of it the cap is of crimson satin, closed at

the top by a gold tassel, and turned up with ermine. See p. xxxiv.
A crest-coronet or ducal coronet, on which, or issuing from which crests are
often borne, is composed of a circlet of gold chased and jewelled, having raised on it
four strawberry leaves, three of which appear in representation.
As the Crown of the Sovereign of England is not exactly similar to those borne
by other potentates, so most of the Coronets of foreign noblemen are different from
those of British peers.
Aechbishops and Bishops bear the arms of their Sees impaled with their own
family arms, without crest or motto, and with a mitre over the shield. The mitre of
both Archbishops and Bishops is (with the exception of the mitre of the Bishop of
Durham) exactly the same. It is a high golden cap, enriched with jewels, pointed
and divided at the top, with fringed pendants hanging from the lower part each top ;

issurmounted by a cross, the present usual form of which is that of a cross-pattee.

The mitre of the Bishop of Durham differs from, that of the other Prelates in being
encircled with a ducal coronet.
The Helmet, helme, casque, or, morion, varied in shape in different ages and
countries. See p. xxxiii.
The Mantle, Guillim informs us, was named from the French word " Manteau,"
and served as a protection (being spread over and pendent from the helmet) "to repel
the extremity of wet, cold, and heat, and withal to preserve the accoutrements from
rust." Guillim thus continues " Mantles, like other habits, have not escaped trans-

formation, but have passed through the forge of fanatical conceit, in so much as
(beside the bare name) there remaineth neither shape nor shadow of a mantle. But
as they are used in achievements, whether you call them mantles or flourishings, they
are evermore said in blazon to be doubled, that is, lined throughout with some one
of the furs."
The mantle is sometimes termed a Lamlrequin or Lamequm, The numerous
strips and cuts into which it is usually divided, are supposed to indicate that it has
been thus torn and hacked in the field of battle, and betokened a certain evidence of
The Chapeau (cap of maintenance or dignity) is of crimson velvet, lined with
ermine, turned up into points at the back. It was formerly a badge of high dignity,
and is now borne under the crest of several eminent families, instead of the wreath.

Suppoetees date from the fourteenth century. Menestrier and other authorities
ascribe their origin to a practice at the tournaments, and the ground on which they
base their opinions seems tenable enough. In those chivalrous pastimes no one was
suffered to participate but he who was of noble descent or warlike renown, and each

ciampion, to prove his title to tkose qualifications, exhibited Ms armorial sliield upon
the barriers and pavilions within the lists. Pages and esquires attended to watch
their masters' escutcheons, and to report the name and quality of any knight who
thought proper to challenge to the encounter. The chroniclers further relate, that on
these occasions the armour bearers, who were thus employed, assumed the most
grotesque, fantastic costume, enveloping themselves in the skins of lions or bears, and
• that hence arose the custom of using supporters. Of these masquerade characters,
several curious specimens may be found in the illuminated manuscripts of Froissart,
in the British Museum.
The appropriation of
supporters, as legitimate parts of armorial bearings, does
not appear to have been recognised in England earlier than the reign of Edward III.
An heraldic document, compiled by Cooke, Clarenceux, in 1672, indicates the various
changes the royal supporters underwent Edward III. adopted dexter, a lion rampant;

and sinister, Richard II. a lion and a stag Henry IV. an

a raven, both crowned ; ;

antelope and a swan Henry V. a lion and an antelope Henry VI. an antelope and
; ;

a leopard; Edward IV. a bull and a lion; Richard III. a lion and a boar; Henry VII.
a dragon and a greyhound Henry VIII. the same Edward VI. a lion and a dragon
; ;

Mary I., an eagle and a dragon and Queen Elizabeth the same as her brother Edward.

Ejng James I., on ascending the English throne, introduced the unicorn of Scotland,
and from that monarch's reign to our own times the lion and the unicorn have
remained the royal supporters.
The position of these external ornaments of the shield is, in genuine and ancient
Heraldry, always erect; and surely nothing can be more at variance with true
blazonry than the absurd attempt of some modern artists to display them in
picturesque attitudes. Thus the characteristics of a rude and contemporary era are
violently destroyed, and the vestiges of the graphic art confused or annihilated.
In England the right to bear supporters is confined to Peeks of the Realm,

THE Bath (G.C.B.) Bjughts Geand Cross of St. Michael and St. Geoegb

(G.C. St. M. St. G.) and to those Baronets and others (of which the number

is extremely limited) who may have obtained them by special grant. The prac-
tice of the Sovereigns of England granting Supporters to the Peers of each
degree, seems to have commenced in the reign of Henry VIII., as did that of
granting the like ornaments to the Knights of the Garter and Bath. Farther,
in addition to these, Supporters are assumed and borne, but without any legal
right, by the heirs apparent of and by all the
dukes, marquesses, and earls,
children of peers, to whom "Lord."
courtesy allows the prefix of In ancient
times, too, many eminent though unentitled families used these appurtenances
to their shields. Edmondson says, " It may be justly concluded that those who
used such additions to their shields, or on their shields, banners, or monuments,
or had them carved in stone or wood, or depicted on the glass windows of their
mansion, and in the churches, chapels, and religious houses of their foundation, as
perspicuous evidences and memorials of their having a possessory right to them, are
fully and absolutely well entitled to bear them, and that no one of their descendants
ever ought to alienate such supporters, or bear their arms without them." Among the
distinguished houses that use supporters under these circumstances, we may mention
those of Fulford of Great Fulford, Devon, Trevanion of Cornwall, Savage of Cheshire,
StaweU and Luttrell of Somersetshire, Hilton of Hilton, and Tichbome of Tichborne.
In Ireland, the heads of the difEerent septs assert their claim to them, but no registry
of supporters toan Irish chieftain appears in Ulster's Ofl&ce, in right of his chieftaincy
only,and without the honour of peerage, nor does any authority to bear them exist.
In Scotland, the right to supporters belongs to the representatives of minor barons
who had full baronial rights prior to 1587, and to the heads of a limited number of
important families, including the chiefs of the more considerable clans. Lyon may
also confer supporters e gratia-, a prerogative which, generally speaking, has been very
c 2
sparingly exercised. Nova Scotia baronets have, as sucli, no right to supporters,
though many of them bear them in respect of the baronial qualification.


The Banner is coeval with the introduction of Heraldry, and dates consequently
from the twelfth century. It was of nearly a square form, exhibiting the owner's
arms, and it served as the rallying point of the several divisions of which the army
was composed. To judge from the siege of Carlaverock, it would seem that early in
the fourteenth century there was a banner to every or thirty men-at-
arms, and that thus the battle array was marshalled. A-t that period the English

forces comprised the tenants in capite of the Crown, with their followers and it ;

appears that such tenants were entitled to lead their contingent under a banner of
their arms but the precise number of men so furnished, which conferred this

privilege, has not been ascertained. When the tenant in capite was unable to attend
in person, from illness or other cause, he nevertheless sent his quota of soldiers or
archers which the tenure of his lands enjoined, and his banner was committed to the
charge of a deputy of equal rank to his own. Thus, at Carlaverock, the Bishop of
Durham sent one handred and sixty of his men-at-arms, with his banner entrusted to
John de Hastings; and "the good Edmund, Lord d'Eyncourt," who could not
attend himself, sent " ses deux bons filz en son lieu mist," (his two brave sons
in his stead), and with them his banner of " blue, bUletee of gold with a dancette
over all."

The right
to bear a banner was confined to bannerets and persons of higher
rank. In 1361, Edward III. granted to Sir Gruy de Bryan two hundred marks a year
for having discreetly borne the king's banner at the siege of Calais in 1347 and ;

Thomas Strickland, the esquire who so gallantly sustained the banner of Henry V. at
Agincourt, urged the service as worthy of remuneration from Henry VI. In France,
so long as the chivalry of the old regime endured, and the observances derived from
St. Louis, Francis I., and Louis XIV. were respected, the custody of the Oriflamme
was hereditary and still in Scotland the representative of the great house of

Scrymgeour enjoys the honour of being banner-bearer to the sovereign. Ireland

claims a higher antiquity in the use of banners and standards than any other

European nation penetrating even beyond the Christian era. The office of
standard-bearer was hereditary in families, as, for instance, the O'Hanlons were
hereditary standard-bearers to the O'Neills, and the Mac AfEreys to the McGuires.
" Three lions rampant " were borne on the banner of O'Brien, and " the red hand "
was emblazoned on that of O'Neill. The different septs or clans rushed to battle with
their banners borne aloft, and uttering war-cries. That of O'Brien, Lamh laider a-hu!
"The strong hand for ever but after the Anglo-Norman period these war cries became
! '

Anglicised, as, for instance, "O'Neill a-hu!" " O'Donnell a-bu!" i.e., "O'Neill
for ever," " O'Donnell for ever." The great Anglo-Norman families followed the
example, by adopting similar war-cries. The Fitz-Geralds had " Crom a-bu!" the
Butlers of Ormonde, "Butler a-bu!" and the Burkes or De Burgos had " Glanriokard
a-hu " and " MaeWilKam a-bu ! "

The Standard was long and narrow, and split at the end. In the upper part
of the Enghsh standard appeared the Cross of St. George, the remainder being
charged with the motto, crest, or badge, but never with the arms. It is difficult to
determine the qualifications which constituted a right to a standard, but there is
reason to believe that no person under the rank of a knight could use one.
The length of the standards varied according to the rank of the bearer the ;

King's was from eight to nine yards in length that of a Duke seven yards of a

Marquess, six yards and a half; of an Earl, six yards of a Viscount, six yards and

a half; of a Baron five yards; of a Banneret, four yards and a half; and of a Knight,
four yards.
Two manuscripts in the British Museum, not older in date than the reign of
Henry VIII., afford the most authentic information as to the size of banners,
standards, and pennons. A. question having been recently raised as to what is the

proper flag any) to be hoisted over a private gentleman's mansion, and what the

correct armorial bearings to be displayed thereon, it appears there is not any

direct authority or rule on the subject, but it is understood that the flag (if allowed)
should display the arms of the possessor of the mansion only, and though the
banner of St. George has been sometimes used, and the Union Jack has been also
displayed, this seems to be an error, as no right exists for such.

How many are there who look on these heraldic decorations as mere general
emblems of mortality, indicating nothing more than that a death has lately occurred.
Tet we can, on making ourselves acquainted with the simple rules by which the
arrangement of several achievements is regulated, at once know what rank the
deceased held when living. If the hatchment be that of a lady, whether she was
unmarried, a wife, or widow if that of a gentleman, whether he was a bachelor, a

married man, or a widower.

To show how easily this information can be acquired, I will briefly state the
several distinctions.
On the morning of interment, a hatchment is placed on the front of the house
belonging to the deceased, and another over the vault or tomb after burial.
The funeral escutcheon of a haahelor, represents his paternal arms single, or
quartered with those to which he may be entitled, and accompanied with the helmet,
crest, and motto. The ground of the hatchment (the vacant canvas of each side of
the shield) is black.
For a maiden, her paternal arms are placed in a lozenge, single or quartered as
those of a bachelor, with no other ornament than a gold cord loosely knotted at the
top of the lozenge. The ground outside the shield is, like the former hatchment,
When a husband dies, leaving his wife surviving, the ground on the dexter side
of the hatchment (that is, the side of the escutcheon opposite the left hand of the
person looking at it) is black and that on the sinister side (opposite the right hand

of the spectator) is white. The arms in this case are impaled, that is, divided by a
perpendicular line down the centre of the shield those of the husband at the dexter

side being black, to indicate his death. The crest is placed over the shield, and
beneath it the family motto.
When 05 unfe dies, leaving her husband surviving, the ground of the hatchment

isblack on the side opposite to the right hand of the person looking at it at the ;

opposite side white. Their arms are displayed as in the preceding case, but without
crest or motto, and the shield appears suspended by a ribbon in a bow, and
ornamented with a cherub's head and wings.
The hatchments of ladies (except peeresses, who are entitled to a robe of estate)
are always without mantle, helmet, crest, or family motto, although funeral words and
sentences are sometimes introduced.
A widower's hatchment represents his arms with those of his wife in the same
manner as when living ; that impaled, or divided by a perpendicular line down
the centre of the shield. His crest and motto are also emblazoned, and all the
ground outside the escutcheon is black.
The hatchment of a widmv represents her arms impaled with those of her
3:xii HERALDJaY.

husband, and enclosed in a lozenge, having a bow of ribbon at the top, and ornamented
with a cherub's head and wings all the ground outside the shield being black.

For a man leaving a second ivife, the hatchment represents his arms (uot impaled)
on a black ground. On the dexter side, or that opposite the left hand of the
spectator, is placed, apartfrom the shield of the husband, a small funeral escutcheon,
on which his arms, with those of his first wife, are impaled all the ground at this ;

side of the hatchment being black, to indicate her decease. On the opposite side of
the hatchment, that is, facing the right hand of the person looking at it, another
small escutcheon is similarly placed apart from the husband's shield, and on it are dis-
played his arms impaled with those of his second wife the ground at the extreme ;

sinister side of the shield being white, to show that she survives him.
widower or a bachelor be the last of his family, a skull or death's head
If a
(heraldically termed a mort) is annexed to the escutcheon the arms, crest, and motto —
being displayed in the manner already described; and the hatchment of a maid or widow,
who is the last of her house, represents the arms in a lozenge, with a mort annexed.
The hatchments of Peers and Peeresses have their distinguishing coronets.
On the hatchments of Baronets a front-faced, open helmet is placed over the
shield, on some part of which is displayed the red hand.
The armorial bearings of Knights are surrounded with the insignia of their
respective orders, and surmounted with the front-faced open helmet, which is also
assigned to knights bachelors.
The hatchments of Archbishops and Bishops represent their arms impaled with
those of their See ; the latter being placed on the dexter side, that is, opposite
the left hand of the person who looks at it, consequently the opposite side is painted
black, that under the arms of the see being white.
The hatchment of the wife of an Archbishop or Bishop represents two shields ;

that to the left of the spectator displays the arms of the See impaling the
paternal coat, and surmounted by the mitre. The sinister shield (that to the
spectator's right) is suspended by a knot, bearing the prelate's family arms impaled
with those of his wife : the surface of the hatchment underneath the sinister shield
being black, to denote the lady's death.
The same rule is observed with respect to the hatchments of the wives of Knights
of the different orders, while those of Peeresses who have married commoners display
the arms of their dignity at the sinister side (that is, the side opposite the spectator's
right), apart from the heraldic bearings of their husbands.


If title be with us the test of position and precedence, the Seize Quartiers have
been considered in Continental Europe as the test of blood, or what is strictly
signified by the term " birth." It is the reverse of what is generally understood by
" a family tree," for there, the stream commencing with the earliest known ancestor,
flows down to the living generation; but in the " seize quartiers," beginning with
the the stream, dividing on the mother's and father's sides into two lines,
thence continues to ascend, ramifying into the several sources whence it derives the
vital current. Thus at a glance is displayed and analysed the heraldic componency of
the warm flood circulating beneath each blazoned breast, betraying any alloying
admixture that may exist, and may,
as in the pedigree of a race-horse (if I may
venture to use the simile), disentitle it to the character of "thorough- bred."
Increasing by a regular succession of reduplications in every generation, the range
of that of the great-great-grandfather displays a series of sixteen shields of arms,
the "seize quartiers " the generation beyond has thirty- two shields, that succeeding

it, and so on till in the thirtieth generation the series of names for that
generation alone would exceed the present estimated population of the whole globe
. .


In T
the above, the I'T^
t^« f-mdmdnals
total of
^^ °^'-^^ ^^ ^^^ descending step, is added to
blood is transmitted into the living man is
somethmg prodigious; consequently the number
ascending to the beginning of the
world would be utterly uncountable. In
this latter case it must be observed
the same individual must have figured
several times in different positions of relation-
ship, for otherwise m the generation
contemporaneous with the creation of man, the
broad array of progenitors would be totally
incompatible with the solitary Adam and
me, the fountain sources of all human blood.
The ancient chivaby of St. John of Jerusalem,
which bore successively the titles
of Knights of Rhodes and Knights of Malta,
was variously exacting in its require-

Wtfjvf "fi
Vertot, the histonan of the ^r^""
''""^ ''''^^''' '''^"-S admission to
Order, teUs us that the languages of
its links.
Provence, Auvergne,
and France were obliged to prove eight quarters,
or coats of arms, that is the genera-
tion of great-grandfathers and
great-grandmothers; Italy, only four quarters
or shields, ^.e., the grandfathers and
grandmothers ; but it was required that these
four quarters should belong to families
of a noblesse acknowledged for the pre-
ceding two Hundred years. Four quarters
was the number also required from the
language of Aragon and Castile, including
Portugal, but for German knights sixteen
quarters were necessary, that being the
number demanded by the Teutonic Order
from Its postulants. This is and was at aU
times considered a very rigorous ordeal
requiring often most laborious searches among
archives and sources difficult of access
as well as condemning numbers to
exclusion, for it is not alone in our days that
ruined gentle blood sought to establish
itself by union with merely plebeian
title availed nothmg.

The mode
of proceeding in drawing up
a pedigree of "Seize Quartiers," is as
and the progression is very simple, though
not generally understood : the
very words bemg famiharly comprehended
neither as to their verbal import, the
rarity of the possession of such a
pedigree, even among some of the most
tit ed families in the peerage,
its intrinsic genealogical value
abroad amid heraldic
*^^ ''"''^ ^""^ ^"^"''^ *""* °* *^' ''°^^^^ °* *^' ^^°°^ °* ^"^
First write down the name of
the postulant, then above his name those
of his
father and mother which form thus
two quarters the father's father and mother

tnen follow and the mother's father and

mother fill up the line of generation, ie.,
the grandfa hers and grandmothers.
Proceeding in the same way, we next mark
down the father and mother of each grandfather
and grandmother, which form the
line of great-grandfathers and
great-grandmothers, eight individuals, quarters
coats of arms and the succeeding
; line of fathers and mothers of each
father and great-grandmother,
constitute the series of the great-great-grandfathers
and great-great-grandmothers, or sixteen
quarters. This ramification, however is
best understood by a glance at the
foUowing diagram :

Eight paternal quarterings. Eight maternal


Line of great-great-grandfathers and great-
T 2 3 4^ e » 3
-^ L-M
•" m N-O P n
ii-pu ^=^
great-grandmothers. I I I

line of great-grandfathers and great-grand-

A =
C E=a I
J=L ,
-li a

Line of grandfathers and grandmothers . . A=E j =N

Line of father and mother I I

who combines in his person the blood of the sixteen
famihes, ai-rayed
m the uppermost hne, and displays sixteen
coats of arms in his
snieJd, as a postulant chivalry.m

I have thus endeavoured to explain the exact meaning of " Seize Quar-
tiers." By the universal consent of continental Europe, the sixteen quarters

have been considered the test of blood; they have at all times been the Sesame
which has opened the door of every presence-chamber of royalty, of every
high place at foreign courts, and of every rich and noble Chapter. Nevertheless,
according to our English notions, this test is rather, I think, one of curiosity than
real value for, compare the continental nobility, which very generally still possesses

it, with the British nobility, which very rarely does, and mark the difference
them. Our own aristocracy yields to none other in high breeding, honour, noble
daring, brilliancy of ancestry, talent, and simple, unostentatious grandeur of character,
and yet, comparatively speaking, few even among that elevated class can trace their
descent up to sixteen families on both sides entitled to armorial bearings or, at ;

least,in cases where this is practicable, many of the progenitors are of a very
secondary station, and belong to a gentry wholly without illustration. The proof of
value is its result and considering that the aristocracy of Britain may justly claim

superiority over the more exclusively well-bom aristocracy of the rest of Europe, I

cannot bring myself to believe that the test of " the Seize Quartiers " enters, neces-
sarily, into the composition of a first-rate English nobleman or gentlema.n. fhat
which is truly ennobling is a long line of gentle ancestors, either from father to son,
or through heiresses bringing the right of representation, combined with honourable
and appropriate alliances. Who would venture to dispute the nobility of birth of
the ducal representative of the Douglases and the Hamiltons, on the ground that an
alliance with a Ganning or a Beckford might perchance interfere with the perfection
of the Gei-man test of " the Seize Quartiers ?


The office of "
King of Arms " is of feudal origin, and was one of the attributes
of the pomp and
splendour annexed to feudal sovereignty. There is no trace of such
an institution anterior to the Norman invasion, which overturned the pre-existing
system in England, formed as it had been by a fusion of the usages of the ancient
Britons, Saxons, and Danes. Having so overturned it, the Normans introduced the
military and chivalrous code of feuds, with its homage, and fealty, and services. Sir
Henry Spelman is of opinion that the title of King of Arms was attributed to such
heraldic officers in England as belonged immediately to the person of the King's
majesty, while those who appertained to princes of the blood royal, or to the nobility,
were simply Heralds, Another learned author states that the title of '' King
stj led

of Heralds (of later times called King of Arnis) was given to that personage who
was the chief or principal officer presiding over the heralds of any kingdom, or. of
any particular province usually termed ,the marohes, or of any order of knighthood."
The primary duty of the English Kings of Arms and Heralds, at the time of
their establishment, corresponded with that of the Heralds of foreign princes they ;

carried and delivered all messages of importance to allies, enemies, and rebels, gave
solemn defiances and denunciations of war summoned cities, castles, &c., to sur-

render made propositions of peace, truce, and accommodation, and offered mercy

and pardon to rebellious subjects and insurgents. They had also the cognizance,
inspection, marshalling, and regulation of coats of armour, and the several marks of
distinction connected with them they received all foreign nobility and others coming

to England to perform feats of arms, and gave safe conduct to them from their
arrival to the time of their leaving the kingdom assisted at tilts, tournaments, and

feats of arms, and attended to the honour and reputation of military persons, and to
the safety, welfare, and defence of the King and his realms. They had also the
arrangement, order, and progress of legal combats; were likewise employed in
marshalling and conducting coronations, marriages, baptisms, funerals, interviews,
and other august assemblies, processions, pomps, and solemnities of the ancient

monarolis,and took care that tlie orders, rites, and ceremonies established for those
ceremonials were duly observed; and that the rules of precedence were strictly
adhered to.
The pride and ambition prompted them to imitate, and oftentimes
of the nobility
to vie with, their Monarchs and magnificence. Hence it is that we find
in state
the Heralds attending at the funeral rites and ceremonies of the nobility, as well as
at the celebration of their marriages, christenings, and other festivities, and practising
the same forms and grandeur as were observed at those of the royal family.
Noble and illustrious .descent having also been held in high esteem, strict
attention was paid to the observance of a just and exact distinction between the
different ranks or classes of the people. The ignoble never presumed, in those ancient
times, to arrogate a participation in the rights annexed to eminence of parentage, or
to claim honours to which their superiors alone were entitled. And the nobility and
gentry, cautieusly jealous of their dignity, avoided mixing with the vulgar, and were
sedulously careful for the preservation, on all public and solemn occasions, of that
purity of rank and precedence which was due by the feudal system to their birth
and station in life. Family arms being the general criterion which distinguished the
gentleman from the peasant, no persons were suffered to enter the lists to tourney, or
exercise any feats of arms, unless they could, to the satisfaction of the Kings of Arms,
prove themselves to be gentlemen of " Coat Armour." And the ancient gentry took
particular care to have their arms embroidered on their common- wearing over-coats,
and would not suffer any person of the lower class, although become rich, to use
such tokens of gentle birth and distinction; nay, so jealous were they of any
infringement of the armorial rights to which they were entitled, that whenever the
arms which they and their families had borne happened to be claimed by any other
gentlemen, they vindicated their rights in the military courts, and very often by duel.
Under those circumstances it became essential and was a necessary part of the duties
of Heralds, to draw out, with accuracy and exactness, the authentic genealogies of
noble families, and families of " gentle birth " to continue, and from time to time, to
add to and preserve their pedigrees in direct and collateral lines ;and to have a
perfect knowledge of all hereditary arms, ensigns, badges of honour, and the externa]
marks as well of personal as of family rank and distinction.
Some portion of the ancient duties of the Herald has become obsolete with the
decay of the feudal system, but enough remains to render the ofiice important and
useful. That branch of his labours connected with genealogy is valuable in the
highest degree. Genealogical tables and authentic pedigrees, regularly deduced,
contain memorials of past transactions and events, and from them chrohologers and
historians have drawn very considerable assistance they have operated to the deteo-

tion of frauds, forgeries, and impostures cleared up doubts and difficulties


established marriages ; supported and defended legitimacy and purity of blood

ascertained family alliances ;
proved and maintained affinity and consanguinity
vindicated and corroborated the titles of lands to their possessors and have been of

essential use in settling claims and rights of inheritance without litigation, by

furnishing effectual evidence. Such has been, and ever must be, the utility ot
genealogies, when they are framed with iutegrity and authenticated by evidence.
The HUEALDio AiTTHOEiTT Over England and Wales is delegated by the Crown to
the hereditary Eael Maeshal (the Duke of Norfolk), and three Kings of Arms,
Gaetek, Claeenceux, and Noeeot, who form, together with the Hbealds and
PtJESuiVANTS, the College of Arms. Of these, the principal is " Garter King of
Arms." In his Patent he is styled Principal King of English Arms, and Principal
Officer of Arms of the most noble Order of the Garter. To him immediately belongs,
inter alia, the adjustment of arms in England and "Wales, and likewise the power of
granting arms under the authority of the Earl Marshal, in conjunction with the
provincial Kings of Arms occording to their several jurisdictions, to persons qualified
to bear them. " Clarenceux King of Arms," so named from the Dukedom of

Clarence, bas jurisdiction over tlie south-east and. west parts of England; and
" Norroy King of Arms," the most ancient of the heraldic sovereigns in England

England north of the Trent. jHe is the North King

possesses as his province,
"Norroy." The Enghsh Heralds bear the designation of "Windsor," "Chester,"
"Somerset," "Lancaster," "York," and "Richmond," the Pdesuivants are known
by the names of " Rouge Dragon," " Rouge Croix," " Bluemantle," and " Portcullis."
The date of the creation of the historic and dignified office of GtAETEE King OE
Aems may be fixed with certainty to have May and
September, 1417.
been between
The first Garter was William Bruges, originally styled " Gnyenne King of Arms,"
and subsequently " Garteir Roy d'Armes des Anglois." By the constitution of King
Henry VIII., it was provided that Garter should be Sovereign within the College of
Arms above all the other officers, that he should have the correction of Arms, Crests,

Cognizances, and Devices, as well as the power and authority to grant Armorial
Bearings and that he should " walk in all places next to Our Sword, and no one

between them except the Constable and Marshal when they carry the batons of their
In addition. Garter King of Arms has various other duties of considerable
importance to perform, such as the regulation of precedence, the guidance of
Coronations, and State Ceremonials, the control and management of all matters
concerning the Order of the Garter, &o.
The Badge of Garter is of gold, having on both sides the Arms of St. George,
impaled vsdth those of the Sovereign, within the Garter and Motto, enamelled in
their proper colours, and ensigned with the royal crown. His sceptre is of silver
gilt, about two feet in length, the top being of gold, of four sides of equal height

but of unequal breadth. On the two larger sides are the Arms of St. George
impaling the" Sovereign's, and on the two lesser sides, the Arms of St. George,
surrounded by the Garter and Motto, the whole ensigned with an imperial crown.
The ancient office of Ltow KruG of Aems, long styled Loed Lton King of Aems,
the King of Arms of Scotland, is found occupying a very prominent position so far
back as 1371, the year of the coronation of Robert II., at Holyrood. He derives his
authority directly frona the Sovereign, and is entitled to wear an oval badge
suspended by a broad green ribbon. The Badge consists on the obverse of the effigy
of St. Ajidrew bearing his cross before him, with a thistle beneath, all enamelled in
the proper colours on an azure ground. The reverse contains the arms of Scotland
having in the lower parts of the Badge, a thistle, as on the other side the whole ;

surmounted with an Imperial Crown. Lyon is the chief Heraldic Officer of the
Order of the Thistle, and enjoys the same rights and privileges in Scotland as Garter
King of Arms does in England. The insignia of the Lyon Office are, " Argent, a

lion sejant full-faced gules, holding in the dexter paw a thistle slipped vert, and in
the sinister an escutcheon of the second, on a chief azure a St. Andrew's' cross of
the first."
In Iebland, Dlstee King of Aems has the sole heraldic jurisdiction, and has
under him Athlone Pursuivant: he is, ex-officio, Knight Attendant on the most
illustrious Order of St. Patrick.
The title of "Ulster King of Arms," was created in the reign of Edward VI.
But the office itself, under the designation of "Ireland King of Arms," had its origin
in more remote times, the first express mention of Ireland King of Arms being in the
sixth year of King Richard II., 1482 Pjoissart, vol. ii., calls him " Ghamndos le Boy

d' Irelande." A regular succession of officers by the title of " Ireland Ejag of Arms,"
continued from that time to the reign of King Edward IV., who promoted Thomas
Ashwell to that office.
This title of " Ireland," as Sir Henry Spelman and Sir James Ware say, was
afterwards, by Edward VI., altered into that of Ulster. That King himself, in his
journal, takes notice of it as follows

" Feb. There was a King of Arms made for
Ireland, whose name was Ulster, and his province was all Ireland." The patent

passed under the great seal of England, 1553, with an ample preamble, in testimony
of the necessityand dignity of the office, which was given to Bartholomew Butler,
York Herald. And a warrant bearing equal date with the patent was issued to Sir Ralph
Sadleir, Knt., of the King's Wardrobe, to deliver him " one coat of blue and crimson
velvet embroidered with the gold and silver upon the same with the King's Arms."
The Badge of " Ulster " is of gold, containing on one side the cross of St.
Patrick, or as it is described in the statutes, " The cross gules of the Order upon a
field argent, impaled with the Arms of the Realm of Ireland," and both encircled
with the Motto, " Quis Separabit," and the date of the institution of the Order,
MDCCLXXXIII. The reverse exhibits the Arms of the Office of Ulster, viz., " Or,
a cross gules, on a chief of the last a lion of England between a harp and portcullis, all
of the first," placed on a ground of green enamel, surrounded by a gold border with
shamrocks, surmounted by an Imperial Crown, and suspended by a sky blue ribband
from the neck.
The general precedence of Ulster King of Arms was affirmed by his Majesty King
"William IV. by royal warrant, dated at St. James's, 17th day of May, 1835, which
was issued for revising and making alterations in the statutes of the Order of St.
Patrick. After reciting that, by the Act of Union, Ireland became part and parcel of
the United Kingdom, and " our King of Arms of all Ireland has not had, since that
event, any specific place or precedence assigned to him among our Kings of Arms by
special ordinance or royal authority We do hereby direct and command that in all

ceremonials and assemblies Ulster King of Arms shall have place immediately after
the Lord Lyon, King of Arms of Scotland." Hence, the general precedence of the
Kings of Arms for Great Britain and Ireland stands arranged thus 1st. Garter King

of Arms of England ; 2nd. Lyon King of Arms of Scotland 3rd. Ulster King of

Arms of all Ireland 4th. Clarenceux King of Arms and 5th. Norroy King
; ;

of Arms.
The local precedence of Ulster King of Arms at the Irish Court was established
at the institution of the office in Ireland, and the place assigned him the head of the
officers of state, and next the person of the Viceroy. This order of precedence was
afterwards confirmed by successive Lords Lieutenants and Lords Justices. In an
ordinance of the Earls of Orrery and Muontrath, Lords Justices, dated at Dublin
Castle, 18th April, 1661, the programme of precedence of the officers of state at the
Irish Court was set forth in detail, and stated therein to have been " what had
formerly been used " by the " lords deputies or lords justices,'' and the place of tie
King of Arms was therein set forth as first in order, and next to the lords justices as
representatives of the sovereign.
The Duke of Bolton, by an ordinance dated at Dublin Castle, 17th day of
August, 1717, confirmed that order of precedence, and assigned the place of Ulster
King of Ai-ms to be next to the person of his Grace and after Ulster, the other

official personages of the Court.

By another order, of Lord Carteret, dated from "his Majesty's Castle of Dublin
the 29th day of October, 1724," the same roll of precedence was affirmed and ordered.
The last order upon the subject of the precedence of the person holding the office,
was the royal warrant of his Majesty King William IV., already mentioned.
Very considerable powers and duties, in addition to the due control and registra-
tion of arms and pedigrees, were from time to time conferred and imposed upon the
Ulster King of Arms, in matters of official proceedings and courtly duties, which he
regulates, whence the archives of his office present not only an interesting record of
the various ceremonials observed from time to time at the Irish Court, but are also
landmarks of genealogy, and consist not merely of genealogical materials and
references, but in great measure of genealogies of families, full, ample, and complete.


Tie Shield, or Esoutchbon,

Is the principal object whereon tlie emblems or charges of Heraldry are depicted. It varies much in
shape, but is depicted triangular, or, as it is technically called, " Heater-shaped," on the oldest
monuments, coins, and seals. The surface or space within the bounding lines of the shield is called
the Field,

'^A The Shield is divided into the following parts,

B C\ the chief, subdivided into A> ABC,
^ the dexter, or right hand chief point ; B, the middle chief point ; C, the sinister, or
left hand chief point ; D, the collar, or honour point j E, the heart, or fess point ; F,

G- H I J
*'^® nombril, or navel point ; and G- H
I, the base, subdivided into G-, the dexter base

^^sy-^ point H, the middle base point ; and I, the sinister base point.

The Shield is distinguished by certain heraldic colours called Tinctures, separated by division
lines, and charged with a variety of animals, real or fabulous, instruments, and other objects, which
themselves bear the designation of charges.
The Tinctures used in Heraldry are metals, colours, and furs.
To Sylvester Petra-Sancta, a celebrated Italian Herald, is assigned the invention of the lines and
points by which the tinctures are expressed.

The Metals are The FuBS are-

Or —
gold —
known in uncoloured
drawings and engravings by dots or •
i I
-^'"**'*« —a white field with black

Argent — silver — expressed by the Ermines —a black field with white

shield being plain.

The CoLOUES are

Azure — ^blue — depicted by horizontal '


•!• • \
Brminois^tb gold
field with black

^ Qules — red — depicted by perpen- Fean —a black

field with gold spots.
dicular lines.

_^ —
Vair composed originally of pieces
of fur, but now silver and blue, cut to
( —
Vert green— depicted by lines from Mf,
W^ resemble the fiower of the campanula,
the dexter chief to the sinister base.

LJ .-^j
and opposed
to each other in rows ;
of different tinctures, they are
specified and described vaire.

Sable —
black —
depicted by crosi [iSJyL^j) Counter Vair — differs from "vair"
* "*« _T Hues, horizontal and perpendicular. by having the bells or cups arranged
PpJ WM base against base, and poiat against

^ f
^urpwre — purple — depicted by
es from the sinister chief to the
— -^"^^^i Counter Potent — is composed

^J cter base.
1 1^ Ji
'l iMr i
of figures Uke crutches' heads.
. . .. —

The earliest representation of the indication of colour by engraved lines, in England, is on the
impression of a seal to the death warrant of Charles I.
The old Heralds used more minute distinctions the Arms of gentlemen, esquires, tnights, and

baronets, they blaaoned by tinctures those of the nobility by precious stones ; and those of emperors,

tings, and other sovereign princes, by planets.

Colours and Metals. Tinctures. Precious Stones. Planets. Names Abridged.

Yellow, or Gold . Or Topaz . Sol Or.

White, or Silver .. Argent . Pearl . Luna J A Ar.
Black Sable . Diamond Saturn \i S Sa.
Eed Gules . Euby . Mar s <? G Gu.
Blue Azure . Sapphire Jupiter % B Az.
Green Tert . Emerald Venus ? V Tert.
Purple Purpure Amethyst Mercury ? P Purp.
Tawney Tenne . Jacynth . Dragon's Head T Ten.
Murrey Sanguine Sardonix Dragon's Tail San. Sang.

The term Cotinferchanged {French, de I'un en I'autre) expresses that the field is of
two metal and colour, and that the charge upon it partakes of both, the
tinctures, —
charge, or part of the charge, being of metal, which hes upon the colour ; and the
charge, or part of the charge, being of colour, which lies upon the metal. " Transmu-
tation, or counterchanging," says Guillim, " is an intermixture of the several tinctures of
the shield and charge, occasioned by the apposition of some one or more lines of '

partition over the whole."

It is an inviolable rule of Heraldry, that metal shall never be placed upon metal, nor colour
upon colour ; that is if the field be of colour, the immediate charge must be of metal, and vice versd,
but numerous exceptions to this rule are found, not only in coals of a date anterior to the systematic
or scientific arrangement of Armorial Bearings, but in many of foreign origin.

Partition Lines are those that divide the field or charge ; and are always Eight or Straight
Lines, unless when otherwise described ; those that vary from the Eight Line are called




Embattled, or Crenell^e.




To these may be added, those of rarer occurrence. Champagne or LTrde, which resembles an

embattled hue with the battlements and indentures drawn to a point instead of being cut straight,
and Potentee, when the edge of the line resembles the heads of crutches.

Party* per Pale. The field, or charge, divided into two equal parts by a perpendicular

• This word, in the blazon of Arms, is generally omitted; per pale, per fess, &c. implying the division of the shield.


W\ Quarterly; the field, or charge, divided into four equal parts by two lines, one
perpendicular, the other horizontal.

Party per Fess; the field, or charge, divided into two equal parts by a horizontal line.

•i^^. Party per Bend; the field, or charge, divided into two equal parts, by a diagonal
^H line irom the dexter chief to the sinister base.

Party per Bend Sinister; the field, or charge, divided into two equal parts by a diagonal line
from the sinister chief to the dexter base.

Party per Chevron ; the field, or charge, divided into two equal parts by two lines
meeting pyramidically in the fess point, drawn from the dexter and sinister base.

Party per Saltire; the field, or charge, divided into four equal parts, by two diagonal
lines crossing each other.

Gyronny of Mght; the field divided into eight equal parts by four lines, two per
saltire, and two quarterly.

All charges of Ajms are either proper or common those charges are said to be proper which by a

certain property do particularly belong to the art of Heraldry, and are of ordinary use therein hence ;

they are styled ordinaries the common charges are the representations of all emblems which retain

" "
their own names in the blazon. The term here employed proper must not be confused with the
similar one (see Dictionary of Terms) which indicates that any heraldic charge in a shield, crest, or
supporter, is of its natural colour or nature.

The principal Ordinaries are

TTie Chief (called by French Heralds, «» Chef, signifying head, from the place it occupies
in the shield) is the whole upper part of the field, cut off' horizontally by a straight or any
other of the partition lines used in Heraldry, and should comprise a third part* of the

The Pale is formed by two lines drawn perpendicularly from the top to the base of the
escutcheon, comprising a third part of the field. " The I'rench," observes Mackenzie,
" say that soldiers of old carried pales of wood to encamp them, which they fixed in the
earth," and thus originated this heraldic bearing.

The Bend (Baltheus) is formed by two lines drawn diagonally from the dexter chief to
the sinister base, and comprises the third part of the shield. It represents a shoulder-
belt, or scarf.

The Chief and the other ordinaries which are mentioned as occupying a third part of the escutcheon, should, strictly
comprise that space; but in armorial drawings this rule is seldom adhered to.

The Bend Sinister is the same as tlie Bend, excepting that the lines are drawn from the
sinister chiei to the dexter base.

The Fess is formed by two horizontal lines drawn across the field, comprising the
centre third part of the escutcheon. It is emblematic of the military girdle worn round
71 the body over the armour.

The Bar is a diminutiye of the fess, and of the same form, containing one-fifth of the field, and
may be placed in any part of the escutcheon.

The Cross is composed of four lines, two parallel lines perpendicular, and two transverse,
not drawn throughout, but meeting by couples at right angles, near about the fess point.

The Saltire (the Cross of St. Andrew) is formed by four hues, two drawn from the
dexter chief towards the sinister base, and the others from the sinister chief towards the
dexter base, meeting in the middle by couples in acute angles, and resembHng two bends,
dexter and sinister, uniting or blending where they cross.

When charges are borne upon ordinaries, they are described " on a fess," " on a chevron," " on a
bend," &c., as the case may be. When chargep are placed in the position that ordinaries occupy, they
are blazoned as "in pale," or "in fess," or "in bend," &c., as the case may be.

^e Chevron (supposed by some writers to have been adopted from the bow of a war
saddle, which rose high in front) is formed by two parallel Knes drawn from the dexter
base, meeting pyramidioally, about the fess point, two other parallel lines drawn from the
sinister base.


The Border (French, Bordmre) was formerly a marlc of difference, to distinguish one
branch of a family from another. It surrounds the field, occupying one-fifth of it, and is
of an equal breadth at every part.

The Orle, is an inner border that does not touch the extremities of the shield, the field
being seen within and round it on both sides. It has the appearance of an escutcheon
voided, or, as it were, insulated. The Tressure is a diminutive of the Orle.

The Inescutcheon, is a small escutcheon, borne within the shield.

The QuaHer, is the space formed by two lines, the one drawn horizontally from the
side of the shield to the centre, and the other perpendicularly from the chief to meet it in
the same place, and occupies one-fourth part of the shield, as the term implies.

The Canton, derived from oantonn^e, cornered, is less than the Quarter, comprising only
the third part of the chief, and is formed, as the Quarter, by a perpendicular hne drawn
from the top of the shield, meeting another drawn horizontally from the side. The Canton
always occupies the dexter chief of the escutcheon, unless otherwise expressed.

g a Cheque, or Chequy,
lines perpendicularly
is used when the
and horizontally
tinctures, like a chess-board.
of square pieces.
field, or any armorial charge, is divided by transverse
into equal parts or squares alternately of different
ordinaries, chequy must consist of at least three ranges
— .


Billets. Billets are oblong figures. When they exceed ten, and are irregularly placed,
their number is not expressed in the blazon ; but the field or charge covered with them is
said to be biUettee.

The Paile, or Pall, is composed of the upper half of a saltire and halt a pale, the latter
issuing from the base point of the shield to the centre.

The Oyron, is of a triangular form, composed of two lines, one drawn diagonally from the
dexter chief angle of the shield, and the other horizontally from the dexter side, both meeting in the

The File (representing a pile used in the erection of miKtary bridges), should contain,
ifborne plain, one-third of the chief in breadth, and when charged, two-thirds it issues :

from the chief and tapers to a point, like a wedge, towards the base.

The Flwuneh, or Flanque, is made on each side of the shield, by the segment of a
circular superfices drawn from the corner of the chief to the base point.

The Lozenge, ia a parallelogram with equal sides, forming two acute and two obtuse

The Mascle, is a Lozenge perforated or voided, so that the field appears through the opening.

The Fusil (representing a kind of spindle used in spinning) resembles the lozenge in shape, but
issomewhat longer. The field or charge when divided by diagonal lines dexter and sinister, so as to
form fusils all over it, is denominated Fusily. There are two other well known, though not modernly
adopted, forms of the fusU, and more characteristic of the spiadle which they are intended to

The Soicndle, is of a circular form, Kke a piece of money, and assumes a different name according
to its tincture :

Bezant Yellow, or Oold.

Plate "White, or Silver.
Torteau Red.
Pomey Green, or Vert.
Hurt Blue, or Azure.
Ogress, or Pellet . Black, or Sable.
&olpe Purple.
Orange Tawney.
G-uze Sanguine.

For the origin or meaning of these charges, see them, respectively, in the Dictionary of Terms.

The Annulet, is a ring, the tincture of which must be expressed.

Lozengy, is when the field or any armorial charge is divided by diagonal lines trans-
versely, into equal parts or lozenges, alternately of dififerent tinctures.

The Fret, is composed of six pieces, viz., two long ones in saltire, extending, as a rule,
but not necessarily, to the extremity of the field, and four pieces conjoined in the centre
in the form of a mascle, interlaced or fretted by those in saltire.


The QauMe, is the representation of a drop of liquid, and assumes a different name according to
its tincture. Wlien yellow, it is called goutte, or gutte, d'or when white, goutte d'eau when red,
; ;

goutte de sang ; when blue, gouttS de larmes ; when green, goutte de vert Vf hen black, goutte de

poix. If a field, or charge, be covered with more drops than ten, it is termed goutte d'or, de larmes,
de poix, as the case may be.


The Selmet, Mantling, Wreath, Crest, Supporters, wad Motto.

The Helmet, Helme, Casque, or Morion, has varied in shape in diiferent ages and countries. The
most ancient form is the simplest, composed of iron, of a shape fitted to the head, and flat upon the
top, with an aperture for the light. This is styled the Norman Helmet, and appears on very old
seals, attached to the Gorget, a separate piece of armour which covered the neck. In the twelfth
centuty, a change was made to mark the rank, of the individual bearer.

The Selmet assigned to Kings and Princes of the Blood Hoyal, is full-faced, composed
of gold, with the beauvoir divided by six projecting bars, and lined with crimson.

The Helmet of the NobiUty is of steel, with five bars of gold : it is placed on the
shield inclining to a profile.

The Helmet of Knights and Saronets, is the full-faced steel helmet, with the visor
thrown back, and without bars.

The Helmet of Ksquires, always depicted in profile, is of steel, with the visor

Each of these Helmets is placed immediately above the escutcheon, and supports the wreath on
which is the crest.


Differences, or Maries of Cadency, are the distinctions used to indicate the various
branches or Cadets of one family. The eldest son during the lifetime of his father bears a Label
the second, a Crescent; the third, a Mullet the fourth, a Martlet ; the fifth, an Annulet ; the sixth,

a Fleur-de-lis ; the seventh, a Eose ; the eighth, a Cross moUne ; the ninth, a Double quatrefoil.


Crotons> Coronets, etc.

Duke's Coronet. Marquess's Coronet, Sari's Coronet. Viscount's Coronet,

Baron's Coronet. Ducal Coronet. Baron's Cap. King of Arms' Crown.

Naval Crown. Crown Vallery. Crown Pallisado. Eastern Crown, or Antique.

Celestial Crown. Mural Crown. Cap of Maintenance. Civic Crown.

Cijarges in ^eralDrg.

Annulet. Water bouget. Kose.

Mullet pierced. MiUrind, or Fer-de- Garland.
Pheon. moline. Garb (orWheatsheaf)
Chessrook. Gurges.

Escallop. CinquefoE. A Fish naiant. Battering Earn.

Petterloct. Quatrefoil. Fleur-de-lis. Portcullis.
Clarion, or Best. Trefoil slipped.
Hawk's Liire.

G-altrap. Bugle. Lion's head erased. Bear's head couped.

Delve. Stag trippant. Wolf's head erased. Leopard's face.
BiUet. A Lion's gamb erased. Boar's head couped.
An Eagle's head couped. Stag's head cabossed.

Eagle's head erased. Falcon close. TJnicom's head erased. A Fish embowed.
Falcon's head couped. Falcon rising. Bull's head couped. A Fish haorient.


Abased (ahaise) is applied to an ordinary borne a full-blown rose are, in Heraldry, called the
below its usual position. barbs, and thus blazoned, a rose gu. barbed and
Abatements, marks of degradation of coat armour, seeded ppr.
of which heraldic writers enumerate nine. Barnacles, instruments used by farriers to curb
Accolle (the same as gorged, which see). '
Accosted, side by side. Baron and femme (per) , impalement of the arms
Accrued, grown to maturity. of husband and wife.
Acorned, bearing acorns.
Addorsed, placed back to back.
Bars-Gemel, two bars or barrulets
Affrontee, full-faced.
placed parallel to each other, the
Aisle, winged.
the word G-emel being deriyed from
Alant, or aland, a mastiff dog with short ears. " GemelU," twins.
Allerion, an eagle without beak or feet.
Amethyst, a precious stone, formerly used to ex-
press purpure. Ba/rrulet, a diminutive of the bar.
Ancred, or anchored, applied to a cross, of which Ba/rry and barrvtly, describes the field or charge,
the four extremities resemble the flook of an divided by lines horizontal.
anchor. See under Crosses. BasilisJc. An heraldic monster, resembling in
Annulet, a ring. shape the wivern or cockatrice, but having, at
the end of its tail, the bead of a dragon.
Basnet (basinet), an old name for a helmet.
Antelope, the animal of that name.
Theheraldic antelope is represented Baton, derived from the French word baston,
staff or cudgel, and generally borne as a mark
somewhat differently as shown on
of Bastardy. It does not go from side to side
the annexed cut.
of the shield as the bend does ; but is couped
in the form of a truncheon.
Apfaume, the hand open, presenting the palm,
Battering-ram, an instruTnent used by the ancients
and the fingers and thumb at full length.
to beat down the walls of a besieged city. See
Argent, silyer or white.
p. xxxiv.
Armed. All birds which haye talons and bills
Battled arrondie, denotes that the battlement is
that aid them to seize and rend their prey, are
rounded at the top.
in blazon said to be armed when those weapons
Batthd;imbattled, one battlement upon another.
difEer in tincture from their bodies. But to
Beacon, a contrivance anciently used to warn
swans, wild geese, and other birds without
against the approach of an enemy, and to alai-m
talons, the word armed does not apply. They,
the country. It is represented as an iron grate
in like case, are termed beaked and membered.
or basket containing tire, on the top of a high
Beasts are also described as armed, when their
pole or pillar, against which a ladder is placed.
horns or hoofs are of another colour than their
Beaked. See Armed.
Bearing, appKcable to any single charge or
Arrache, same as Erased.
heraldic device.
Arrondie, made circular or round.
Belled, applied to the hawk, to which bells are
Assis, same as Sejant.
generally affixed.
Atchievement, a term used for a fully marshalled
Bend. See p. xxx.
coat, but generally for a funeral hatchment.
Bendlet, a diminutive of the Bend, of which it is
Attired, is applied to the horns of animals of the
half the size in breadth.
deer species, instead of armed, as they are
Bendy, describes a field or charge divided, dia-
supposed to wear their antlers not as weapons,
gonally, into four, six, eight, or more equal
but ornaments.
Attires, the horns of a buck.
Azure, blue.

Sailloni, applied to a lion holding a staff in his Bendy bordwe.

Salista, an engine to throw stones and darts, also
called a Swepe.
Sanded, encircled with a band or ribband. Bezant, the current coin of Byzantium, or Con-
Sar. See p. xxxi. stantinople—in English Heraldry, represented
Barbed, is deriyed from the French word " barbe." as round flat pieces of gold without impress.
The fire leaves which appear on the outside of Bezants, sem6 of bezants.
d! 2
Billets are oblong squares, by some supposed to Cherub, a celestial being, frequently
in Heraldry, as an infant's
head between
represent bricks, by otters letters. See p.
plural ot
xxxii. wings. This is a Hebrew word, the
JBillete,seme of billets. which is cherubim.
Chess-rook, a piece used in the game ot oness.
Bird-bolt, a small arrow witb a blunt bead.
Border, or iordure. See p. xxxi. See p. xiv.

Botonny, applied to a cross, whose extremities

reseinble tbe trefoil. See Grosses. Chevron. See p. X. Per chevron.
Bouget. See Water hougef. p. ix.
Bowed, embowed or arcbed.
Braced, same as interlaced.
Bretesse, imbattled, that has its battlements on
each side, one against the other.
Brimsey, a gad-fly. Chevronel, a diminutive of the chev-
Brassarts, and brassets, armour for the elbows ron, of which it is half the size.
and arms.
Bwrgonet, a sort of steel cap, formerly worn by
foot soldiers in battle. Chief. See p. xix.
Chimera, an imaginary figure, represented with
a maiden's face, a lion's mane and legs, a goat's
Cabossed, caboshed, caborsed, or trwnhed, signifies body, and a dragon's tail.
the head of any beast looking right forward, or Chough. See Cornish chough.
full-faced, with nothing of the neck seen. Cinquefoil, a grass of five leaves. See p. xiv.
Cabree, or effray, or saliant, terms applied to a Cvoic wreath, or crown, a garland composed of oak
horse rising on its hind feet. leaves and acorns. See p. xxxiv.
Cadency, ma/rlcs of. See p. xxxiii. Clarion, or claricord, the rest for a lance. See
Caltrap, or galtrap, or chevaltrap, an instrument p. xxxiv.
made of iron, which, in ancient time, was used Clenched, the hand shut.
in war to gall and wound the horses' feet, it Close, denotes the wings of a bird lying to the
having spikes so placed that whieheTcr way it body.
lay upon the ground one point would always be Closet, a diminutive of the bar.
uppermost. See p. xiy. Cockatrice, a monster with the wings
Calvary cross. See Cross. and legs of a fowl, and the tail of a 1

Canting arms, such as have any punning reference snake ; it differs from the wyvern f'

or allusion to the name of the bearer.

by having the head, comb, wattles, I

Canton. See p. xxxi. and spurs of a dung-hiU cock.

Cartouche, a variously formed and fancifully
fashioned oval, on which it was the custom of Combatant, fighting, or rampant face to face.
the old Heralds to depict the armorials of the Company, and company counter-company, describes
Popes and all churchmen, deeming the ordi- a border, pale, bend, or other ordinary made up,
nary shield aa inappropriate to their calling. the first of one row and the second of two rows
Cap of maintenance, or dignity, by the Prench of squares, consisting of metals and colours
called a chapeau, a head-gear of crimson yelyet alternately.
turned up with ermine. See p. xxxiy. Confronte, facing, or " respecting " each other.
Caparison, the furniture of a -trar-horse. Conjoined, joined together.
Carbuncle, or escarbuncle, a precious stone whose Conjoined in lure, is applied to two wings joined
lustre was vulgarly supposed not to be darkened together with their tips downwards.
by the night in Heraldry rays are a represen-
; Contaurne, applied to an animal in any position,
tation of this bearing. with its face to the sinister side of the es-
Casque, a helmet. cutcheon.
Castle, this bearing in heraldry is generally repre- Corded, an ordinary or charge bound with cords.
sented by two towers with a wall between Cornish chough, a bird of the raven species, com-
them, the wall being embattled and having a monly accounted the king of crows ; it is black,
gateway or entrance. A
castle with three with beak and legs of a reddish yellow.
towers is similar to the last, but has a third Coronet, the badge or cognizance of Princes and
tower similar to the other two appearing be- Peers. See pp. xvii. and xxxiv.
hind the gateway. Cotised, or cottised (]?rench, hande di-
Cat-a-mountain, a wild cat always drawn guard- minMre qui cotaye line a/utre bande) is i
ant. a diminutive of the bend, being one- ,

Catharine-wheel, an instrument of tortule with fourth of its breadth, and one-half of 1

iron teeth, called from St. Catharine, the virgin the width of the bendlet. They are \
having suffered upon it. generally borne in couples with
Centaw, or Sagittarius, an imaginary creature, half bend or charge between them. When there are
man and haU horse. two, they are then termed cattises, but when
Cercellee, or recercellee, applied to a cross curling borne on each side of the fess or bend, are
at the ends. usually blazoned a bend or fess cotised.
Chain-shot, bullets united with a chain. Cotton-hank, a skein of cotton yarn, in a bow or
Chamber piece, a short piece of ordnance without knot.
a gun carriage. See Morta/r. Couchant, applies to an animal lying down. See
Champagne, a line of partition. See p. xxix. Lion couchcmt.
Chapeau. See Cap of maintenance. Counter, changed.
Chaplet, a garland of flower and leaves. Counter cha/nged. See p. xxix.
Charged (French, charge), applicable to the field Couped, term used when the head or limb of an
or ordinaries bearing any device upon them. animal, or when any other charge is cut off by
Charges, the bearings and emblems of Heraldry. an even line.
Chausse, shod. Couple-close, a diminutive of the chevron, and
Chequy or cheeky. See p. xxxii. often borne with it as the cotise is borne with


the bend it contams one fourth of the chevron, Cubit- arm, an arm with the hand attached, couped

and is always borne in pairs, and should be at the elbow.

blazoned "a chev; betw. two couple-closee." Cuisses, the armour covering the thighs and knees.
Courant, running. Cygnet, a young swan.
Covert, a term applied to a. chief which has a
piece of hanging falling over its upper part, so Dancette (in Prench, danche and dentelle) is ap-
as not to hide, but only to be a covering to it. pKed to lines, of which the teeth or indents are
Coward, an animal is termed coward when drawn larger and wider than those of the line indented.
vrith its tail between its legs. See Partition lines, p. xxix.
Cramp, a piece of iron, turned up at each end, Debruised, signifies an ordinary or sub-ordinary
usually borne in pairs. placed over an animal or other charge. (See
Crampet, or hatterolle, the steel mounting at the
bottom of the scabbard. "DecTced. When the feathers of a bird are trimmed
Crescent. The crescent differs from the in- at the edges with a small Une of different tinc-
cescent and the decrescent, in having its horns ture from the rest of the body, they are said
turned towards the chief of the shield. to be decked of such colour or metal.
Crenelle. See Umbattled. Decrescent, a haU moon, having the horns towards
Crined, is used when the beard or hair differs in the sinister side of the shield.
tincture from the body. Defamed, an animal without a tail.
Cronel, the iron head of a tilting-spear. Degreed, or degraded, having degrees, or steps,
Crosier, the staff of a prelate. at the end.
Cross. See p. xixi. The principal forms of Dejected, a term in old blazon for anything thrown
crosses are, down, a&" A garb dejected."
Delve, one of the nine marks of " abatement," a
mark of disgrace for him who revokes a chal-
lenge, or goes from his word it resembles a ;

square turf or clod of earth. See p. xxxiv.

Demembre, or dismembered, is said of an animal
or other charge cut into pieces, which are set at
small distances from each other, but stiU pre-
cross moline. cross crosslet
serve the form of the figure.
cross croBslet. fitchee.
Demi, the half in Heraldry the head or top part
cross patonce. cross botonnee.
is always understood when no other is men-
cross pattee, or cross potent,
formee. cross pattee
Derrache, the same as demembre.
Despectant, a term applied to animals looking
Developed, unfurled, as colours flying.
Dimidiated, divided into two equal parts.
Disclosed, expanded, or expansed, terms given to
all tame fowl instead of displayed.

cross engrailed, cross raguly. Displayed, applied to any bird of prey

cross couped, or cross quarterpierced. vrith its wings expanded.
humettee. cross formee fitchee
cross potent, at the foot,
cross pomel. cross pattee flory. Distilling, letting blood.
Distinctions of houses. See Cadency.
Dornumt, sleeping.
Dove-tail, in form of the well-known wedges called
dove-tail. See Fartition lines, p. xxxix.

Dragon, an imaginary heraldic monster.

cross fimbriated, cross aiguis^e.
cross wavy, cross reeercellee.
cross formee. cross avellane.
cross flory. cross humettee. DrapeoM, a flag.
Drawing-iron, an instrument used by wire-
Ducal coronet, or Crest coronet, is composed of
four leaves, all of equal height above the rim.
See p. xxxiv.
Duciper, a cap of maintenance. See p. xxxiv.

Eastern crown, the crown formerly worn by the

cross patriarchal. cross calvary.
Jevrish kings. See p. xxxiv.
Eightfoil, an eight-leaved grass (JmitfoiV).
JElevated, applied to the wings of birds when open
and upright.
Embattled, or imbattled (French, cre-
nellee), th.e battlements of towers,/
churches, and houses one of the Knes 1

cross rayonnant. cross passion. of partition (which see, p. xxix.).l

When an ordinary is so marked on \
Crusily, when the field or charge is strewed over each side it is said tp be "embattled
with crosses. and counter-embattled."
Mmhowed (French, courhe), applicable to anything Feathered, is applied to arrows when the plume is
bent or bowed. of a different tincture to the shafts ; it is also
lEmbriied, bloody. c&WbA flighted.
Bnaluron, eight birds placed in the border. Fer-de-moline, the original name for the iron fixed
^Endorse, a diminutiye of the pale, of which it is in the centre of a millstone, serving to bear it
the fourth part. up and guide its motion ; by some it is com-
^Endorsed, same as Addorsed. monly called a millrind, and by others an ink-
Enfield, an imaginary heraldic animal, composed moline and inhe-de-moline.
of the head of a fox, the chest of an elephant, Fer-de-fourchette, a term given to all crosses and
the mane of a horse, the forelegs of an eagle, saltires whose extremities end with a forked
the body and hind legs of a greyhound, and the iron.
tail of a Hon. It is the crest of O'Kelly. Femau, or fermaile, the buckle of a belt.
Unfiled, a term applied to the head of an animal, Fess, one of the honourable ordinaries. See p.
or any other charge, pierced by the blade of a xxxi. Per fess. See p. xxx.
weapon. Fetterloclc. See p. xxxiv.
^Englishman's head, appHed in Welsh blazon as Feuil-de-scie, a pale, or fess, indented on one side
commemorative of some achieTement performed vrith small teeth like the edge of a saw. '

in the struggle against the English for Cambrian Field, is the whole surface of the escutcheon, or
independence. Thus the Lloyds of Plymog shield, upon which the charges, or bearings, are
deriTed, in common with the house of Tudor, depicted.
from Ednyfed Vychan, Lord of Brynfenigle, F^gwred, a term sometimes used in blazoning
who defeated the EngUsh army under Ean- charges depicted with human faces, as the sun,
dolph. Earl of Chester, and killed three of their crescents, bezants, &c.
commanders, bear to this day, Gru. a chev. erm. File. See Label.
betw. three Englishmen's heads in profile ppr. Fillet, a diminutive of the cliief.
JEngoule, a term given to all bends, crosses, sal- Fimbriated, bordered or hemmed with a different
tires, and other pieces, when their extremities tincture.
enter the mouths of animals Firme, applied to a cross pattee when it extends
Ungrailed, a line of partition. See p. xxix. to each side of the escutcheon.
Enhanced, denotes an ordinary placed higher than Fireball,a grenade, or bomb, with flames issuing
its usual place. See the coat of Byron, from the top.
Mwmanche, an heraldic sleeve. See Manch. Fire beacon. See Beacon.
JBnsigned, a charge having any other relative one Mtche, pointed at the end.
placed above it is said to be " ensigned " with Flanches, or fiamnches (see ante), divisions of the
such charge. shield, always on both sides, formed by the
Mwurney, a border charged with eight animals, segment of a circle drawn from the chief to the
Environn^, surrounded. base. See p. xxxii.
Enwrapped, folded round. Fleur-de-lis, the flower of the lily. The heraldic
EpoMlier, the armour on the shoulder. lUy differs from that of the garden in having
Equipped, applied to a horse when furnished with three leaves instead of five. See p. xiv.
all his trappings. Fleury, flurty, fioretty, or flory, flowered with
Eradicated, torn, or rooted up by the roots ap- ; fleurs-de-lis.
lied only to trees or plants. Flexed, bent, or bowed.
Erased, forcibly torn from the body a head, ; Flotamt, floating.
limb, or other object erased, has its severed Flower of the fag, another name for the fleur-de-
parts jagged. lis.
Erect, upright. Flourette, same as Fleury.
Ermine ~\ Foliated, leaved.
Erminois v Furs. See p. xiviii. Formee. See Fattee.
Ermines J Fountain, a roundle barry wavy of six ar. and az.
Escallop-shell, the pilgrims' badge in their ex- See p. xxxiv.
pedition to holy shrines. Fracted, broken.
Escarbtmcle, a precious stone, fancifully exag- Fraise,fraster, or fraze, the Scotch technical for
gerated in heraldic representation. See the " oinquefoil." The coat of Frazer is a " cant-
coat of Mandeville. ing " one so blazoned.
Escutcheon, points of. See p. xxviii. Fresne, rearing or standing on the hind legs.
Escutcheon of pretence, is the shield on which a Fret. See p. xxxii.
man carries the arms of his wife, if she be an Fretty, interlaced fiUets crossing the field or
heiress or co-heiress. It is borne in the centre charge lozenge ways.
of his own shield, and is usually of the same Fructed, bearing fruit.
shape. Fumant, emitting smoke.
Esquirre is a bearing similar to the gyron, but Fwchy, forked at the end.
dififers from it in that the gyron cannot extend Furnished, applied to a horse when bridled, sad-
beyond the fess point of the shield, while the dled, and completely caparisoned ; it is applica-
esquirre may extend all across. The well-known ble to other things, as the attires of a stag, &c.,
coat of Mortimer is an example of the Esquirre. furnished with six antlers.
Estoile, a star ; in heraldry it has six waving Furs. See p. xxviii.
points, which distinguishes it from the mullet, Fusil. See p. xxxii.
which has five straight ones. Fusilly. See p. xxxii.
Evett or lizard, a small animal in form like a
crocodile, used in the arms of the ancient Irish Gad-bee, a dun fly, or brinsey.
famihes ; it is generally depicted vert. Gads, plates of steel or iron.
Expanded, or expansed, the same as displayed. Galtrap. See Caltrap.
Gallies, ancient ships with oars also called lym-

Falchion, a kind of broadsword. phad. See Lymphai.

Fan, the instrument by which chaff is blown Gamb (from the French "jambe") the whole
away. foreleg of a lion or other beast ; if oouped or


erased near the middle joint, it is tlien only a Gun shot, or gun stone, a very ancient heraldic
paw. term for the roundle called ogress or pellet,
Oarh, a sheaf of any kind of grain but when
; which is invariably sable or black.
other than wheat, the kind must be expressed. Gurges. See Gorges.
Qardani, or guardani, front or fullfaced. See Outtee, or gutty, from the Latin gutta, a drop,
Gaze, as applied to beasts of chase. implies sprinkled and liquid drops, termed
Oarde-visure, the vizor of a helm et. gouttes, and varying in colour, as follow
Garland, a wreath of leaves or flowers. GuUee or guttee d' olive, represents drops
Garnished, ornamented. of oil of vert or green colour.
Garter, a, circular buckled ribband, generally Chuttee de larmes, sprinkled with tears, painted to
bearing the motto of some order of knight- represent water, or tears.
hood. Guttee de'eau, sprinkled with water, and so repre-
Gauntlet, an iron glove, or armour for the hand. sented.
Oattee d'or, drops of gold.
Guttee de poix, sprinkled with pitch, painted sable
Oaze, applied to a beast of chase when
or black.
looking full front. See Gardant, as
GuttSe de sang, sprinkled with blood, painted
applied to other animals in this
Guttee reversed, when the drops are placed con-
trary to their natural position.
Gem ring, a ring set with a diamond or other Ghizes, roundles of blood colour.
precious stone or gem. Gyron. See p. xxxii.
Gemel. See JBars gemel. Gyronmy, the division of the shield by cross and
Gillyflower, or Jvly flower, a species of carnation saltire, in parts from six to twelve.
of a blood-red colour.
Giron. See Gyron. Habergeon, a short coat of mail, consisting of a-

Girt, or girded, bound round with a band. jacket without sleeves.

Givers, or gringalee, crosses, saltires, or other Saiited, clothed, sometimes blazoned, vested.
figures, having serpents' heads at their ex- Salhert, a pole-axe.
tremities. Ralf-spear, a spear with a short handle.
Gliding, applied to snakes, serpents, adders, &c.,
when moving forward fessways.
Glory, a series of rays surrounding or issuing Harpy, a fabulous monster, represented
from a charge or ordinary. as a bird with a virgin's face, neck, and
Gohony, same as Company. breasts, and a vulture's body and legs.
Golden fleece. See Toison d'or.
Golpes, roundles of a purple colour.
Harpoon, a salmon or eel-spear. See arms of
Gonfarmon, a standard, banner, or ensign.
Gordian knot, represents a double orle of annu-
Harrow, the instrument used in husbandry.
lets linked to each other, and to one in the
Hart, a stag after its sixth year.
centre gyronwise.
Harvest-fly, a butterfly.
Gore, or gusset, an abatement of honour, consist-
Hatchment, or achievement, the bearings of a
ing of two curved Unes, one from the sinister
deceased person, usually placed on the front of
chief point, the other from the base middle
the house.
point, both meeting in an acute angle at the
Hauberk, a twbted coat of mail.
f ess point.
Haurient, or hamriant, applied to a fish when
Gorge, a term used by the old Heralds for a
erect or uprighti as if putting the head above
water to suck in the air.
Gorged, encircled round the throat.
Hausse, or enhanced, applied to a chevron or
-Gorges, a whirlpool. See p. xxxiv.
fesse when placed higher than their usual
Gorget, armour for the breast.
Goutte, a drop. '
See p. xxxiii., also Gnttee.
Hawk, OT falcon, the ordinary bird of prey.
Gradient, appUed to a tortoise when supposed to
Hawk's bells and jesses, the jesses are leather
be walking.
thongs with which the bells are fastened to the
Grappling-iron, an instrument used in naval
hawk's legs.
Hawk's hire, a, decoy used by falconers, com-
Greave, armour that protects the legs.
posed of two wings conjoiaed, with their tips
Orices, young wild boars.
downwards, joined with a line and ring. See
Orieoes, steps, or degrees, on which crosses are
p. xxxiv.
sometimes placed.
Heads, either of men, beasts, birds, &c., are com-

Griffin, or gryphon, an mon bearings in coat armour, and must have

their position expressed in the blazon ; in pro-
imaginary animal, the up"
file, or sidefaced affronte and guardant, when
per half that of an eagle,
and the lower half that of fullfaced ;and reguardant, when looking back-
wards. The term head, without any addition,
a lion.
impUes sidefaced, or in profile.
Griffln-male, the same as griffin without wings, HeaVme, or casque, a helmet.
but having large ears. Helmet. See p. xxxiii.
Grittie, a term for the field, composed equally of Hemp break, or hackle, an instrument formerly
metal and colour. used to break or bruise hemp. See arms of
Gtiardant. See Gardant. Hampson.
Guidon, or pennon, a flag. Herd, used to express a company or number of
Chtiure, or gringole, from guivris, a viper, or deer together.
serpent, applied to crosses, saltires, and other Hill, or hilloek, sometimes used in heraldry when
figures, when their extremities terminate with only one hill is used, but if more than one be
heads of serpents, &c. borne they are called hillocks or molehills.
Gules, the colour red. Hilted, refers to the handle of a sword.
Sind, female blazoned trippant.
stag, generally In pride, applied to a peacock, or turkey cock,
Sonour point.
See p. xxviii. when its tail is displayed.
Sood, the coif or hood, of a monk. Inter, between.
Hooded, is said of the human face when the head Interlaced, linked together.
dress is of a different tincture and of the ; Invected, a line of partition. See p. xxix.
hawk, or other bird of prey, when borne with Inverted, and conjoined, turned the wrong way.
a hood oyer the head, a covering used in Invexed, arched.
falconry. Ire, angry, exasperated.
Soofed, the particular tincture of the hoofs of Iron ring, a tool used by wire-drawers.
animals, when borne of tincture different from Issuant, rising or coming out of ; when an animal
the animal itself, must be expressed in the is blazoned as issuing or issuant, only the
blazon cloven footed animals are said to be
; upper half of such animal is depicted.
Horned, animaJs borne with horns are said to be Jagged, is said of the division of a field or outlines
horned of such a metal or colour when the of an ordinary which appear rough by being
horns differ in tincture from the animal itself, forcibly torn asunder.
or from the natural colour of such horns, but Jambe, same as gamb.
see as to this, Attired. Javelin, a short spear with a barbed point.
Hnit-foil. See lEightfoil.
Jellop, or jowlop, the comb of a cock, coclca-
Humet, or humette, applied to a fesse, chevron, trice, &c."
cross, or other ordinary, when out off or couped,
Jessant, shooting forth as vegetables spring forth ;
so that the extremities do not reach the sides
half the charge only is depicted when blazoned
of the shield.
Hv/nting-horn, cornet, or huglehorn, a common
bearing in coat armour, representing an ordi-
Jessant-de-lU, said of a fleur-de-lis
nary semicircular horn ; and when the baudreok
passing through a leopard's face,
or belt is of another colour, it should be ex-
through the mouth.
pressed as stringed of such a tincture.
Hurst, a group of trees.
HuHs, roundles of azure or blue. Jesses, the leather thongs that fasten the bells to
Hiirty, charged with hwts, or semee of hurts, the legs of a hawk
or falcon.
strewed with hurts without any regard to Joinant, same as Conjoined,
number. Jupon, a surcoat.
Husk, the upper part of the stalk from which the
gillyflower or pink blows not expressed
; it is
Kine, the plural of cow or calf.
unless borne contrary to its natural colour.
Hydra, a many-headed dragon. Knots, differently formed, are borne as badges by
the families of Bouchier, Bowen-Daore, Har-
rington, Heneage, Lacy, Stafford, Wake, &c.
Ibex, an imaginary animal, somewhat resembling Knowed. See Nowed.
the heraldic antelope, but with two straight
horns projecting from the forehead, serrated,
or edged like a saw. Label, or lambel, a piece of silk stuff, or linen,
Imbattled, or embattled (French bretesse, cre- with three pendants ; it is generally used as a
nelle), appUed to any ordinary when the Hne mark of cadency, but is a common charge or
forming it is embattled. B&e Lines, p. xxix. difference in ancient arms. See p. xxxiii.
Imbowed. See lEmbowed. Ladder, scaling, used in ancient and mediseval
Imbrued, or embrued, stained with blood, or warfare.
having drops of blood on it. Lambrequin, the mantling. See p. xviii.
Imbued, stained with blood. Langued, used when the tongues of animals are
Impaled and impaling. See Marshalling of Arms, to be described as of different tincture from
p. ix. their bodies.
Imperially crowned, denotes that the charge, crest, Larmes, Q-outtes de. See Gouttes.
or supporter to which it is applied, is crowned Lattice, tirlace, treilee, a kind of fret, where the
with a regal crown. pieces do not interlace each other, but are nailed
Incensed, when fire issues from the mouth of an together at the crossings.
animal it is blazoned incensed. Launce, a tilting-spear.
incensed, or incensan, applicable to the boars, Laurel, the emblem of victory and triumph.
panthers, &c., when borne in a furious angry Later, a cutter or ploughshare.
position, with fire issuing from their mouths Lead line, an instrument used by mariners to
and ears. sound the depth of the sea.
Increment, or increscent, used when the moon or Leash, a small thong of leather, with a button at
crescent is borne with the horns towards the the end, by which falconers (having run it
dexter side of the shield. through the varvels) hold the hawk fast upon
Indented, a line of partition. See p. xxix. the hand, after folding it several times round
Indian or Assyrian goat, resembles an EngKsh the finger. Leash is also applied to the line
goat, except that the horns are more bent, and which passes from the collar of a greyhound or
the ears are like those of a talbot. other dog it signifies moreover a baud to bind

Indorsed, or endorsed, placed back to back. See anything.

Addorsed, Legged, or membered, used when the legs of birds,
Inescuteheon, a small shield borne as a charge on &o., are to be blazoned of a different tincture to
another, or in its centre, indicating, as a rule, the body.
marriage with an heir or co-heir. Lentally, the same as Indented,
Inflamed, burning in flames. Leopard, the French heralds call the lion passant
Infula, a fillet or crown ; the tiara. guardant a leopard, and the royal Uons of Eng-
Ink moline. See Fer-de-moline. land were and are frequently so blazoned.
In lure, two wings conjoined and inverted, with Leopards' faces, so blazoned when no part of the
the tips downward, are said to be in lure. neck appears, and the position is guardant, or
full-faced j but when erased, or oouped at the I
Lopped, or snagged, out so as to show the thick-
neck, in profile, the word " head " is used in ness.
blazoning. Lozenge. See p. xxxii.
Level, an instrument used by masons. Lozenge, or lozengy. See p. xxxii.
I/ever, a name sometimes given to the cormorant. Lacy, an heraldic name for the fish called a pike.
Leveret, a young hare. Luna, the moon.
Lined, the iiiside lining of a mantle, garment, cap, Lnre, or lewre. See Samh's 1/are. Wings con-
&C., borne of a different tincture. It is also joined with their tips turned down are said to
appUed to chains as well as lines affixed to the be in hire.
collars of animals.
LympTiad, or galley, an ancient ship
Ijines of partition. See p. xxix.
with one mast, and propelled by
Lionel, or lioncel, a young lion.
oars. See' the quartering for the
Lion, demi. See Lions.
Lordship of Lome in the coat of
Lion dragon, the upper half a lion and the other
a dragon.
Lion of ^England, a, term sometimes used for a Maiden's Tiead, used in heraldry for the head and
Uon rampant guardant. neck of a woman couped below the breast, the
Lion poisson, or sea-lion, an imaginary ammal, re- head wreathed with roses, and crowned with an
sembling a lion in the upper half and a fish iu antique crown.
the lower, with webbed feet. Mail, a dress, or piece of defensire armour for
Lions, the body and arms, wrought in small close rings
called mails, linked together as if woven in
a loom, and represented like the scales of a
Mailed, clothed in mail.
Main, a hand.
MaintenoMce, cap of. See p. xxxiv.
rampant Mallard, a wild drake.
rampant. rampant
Mallet, a tool used by masons.
guardant. reguardaut.
Mwnacles, handcuffs.

Manch, or numncA, an old-fashioned

sleeve,with long hanging ends. See
the coat of Hastings, &c.

passant. passant issuant. Manchet, a cake of bread, not unUke a muffin.

guardant. Mandrake, a vegetable root.
Maned, said of a unicorn, horse, or other animal,
when the mane is of a different tincture to the
Mantelle, or cTiappe, used when the two upper
angles of the field are cut off by two lines
issuing f rem the middle chief point to either
side of the shield, forming two triangles of a
different tincture to the field, as if a mantle
combatant. couchant. coward.
were thrown over it and the ends drawn back.
Man-tiger, an imaginary monster, with a lion's
body, the head and face of an old man, and
horns on the head Kke an ox.
Ma/ntle, or lamhreguin, the name given to the
f oldage or great cloak whereon achievements are
painted. See p. xvui.
dormant. conjoined. Mannings, ornamented f oKage-work for the adorn-
ing of helmets in painting armorial bearings.
Marined, a term used for an animal with the
lower parts of the body like a fish.
Marine wolf, a seal.
Martlet, or merlion, a fabulous bird, of constant
adoption in armorials, shaped like a martin or
swallow, and always drawn without legs, with
short tufts of feathers instead, divided into two
demi lion.
parts, somewhat Hke an erasure, and forming,
Liston, the scroll or ribbon upon which the motto as it were, thighs. This is the distinctive mark
is inscribed.
of the fourth son.
Linm-d, or lezard, a beast somewhat hke a cat-a- Mascle. See p. xxxii.
mountain, with a short tail and long dark brown Masculy, covered with mascles.
hair spotted, to be found in Denmark and Masony, masgonne, or masoned, is when the field,
charge, or crest, is divided by lines in the nature
Sweden; it is borne as the crest and dexter
of a wall or building of stone.
supporter by the Skinners' Company of London.
MoMnche. See Manche.
tAlutfd. See ^vett.
Meinbered, signifies the beak Bnd legs of a bird,
when of a different tincture to the body.
Lodged, applied to the Stag, hart, &C., Merlion. See Martlet.
or beasts of chase, when at rest, or Mermaid, a fabulous creature, half woman and
lying on the ground. half fish, generally represented with a comb in
one hand and a mirror in the other.
; ;


Merman, an imaginary seaman. See Neptune. Muzxled, said of a bear or other animal whose
Mesle, mingled. mouth is banded or tied up to prevent its
Metals. See Tinctures, p. xxTiii. biting.
MillpicTc, an instrument used by millers and mill-
wrights in dressing millstones. Naiant, or natant, swimming j applied to fish
Millrind, the iron affixed to the centre of the when borne horizontally.
millstone, otherwise called a fer-de-moline. Naissant, rising, or coming out of ; appKeable to
Mitre, the cap of dignity borne over the arms of all hving things when represented as issuing out
a bishop or archbishop. of the middle of a f ess or other ordinary.
Modilion, cotoose, or scroll, the foKage ornament Narcissus, a flower consisting of six petals, each
of a pillar. resembling the leaf of the cinquefoil.
Moline. See Crosses. Naval crown. See Crowns, p. xxxiv.
Mort, a skull, or death's head, usually placed on Nebular, drawn waived, so as to represent clouds.
the hatchment of the last of a family. Nehule, or nebult/, a ]iae'oi partition. See p. xxix.
Moor cock, the male of the black game, or large Neptune, the ideal god of the sea ; generally de-
black grouse. picted with trident, &c.
Moor's head, the heraldic term for the head of a Nerved, said of leaves and plants, the fibres of
Negro man, in profile,, couped at the neck, which are borne of a different tincture from the
wreathed about the temples. other part.
Mooted, or moulted, used in the same sense as Newt, a small water animal of the lizard species
eradicated. called also an effet or eft.
Morion, an ancient steel cap or helmet. Nislee, or m/llee, slender, narrow, or reduced
Mome, or mortne (French, born dead, or still- almost to notliing.
born), a, lion rampant, without tongue, teeth, Nomiril, the navel point. See p. xxviii.
or claws. Nowed, tied in a knot ; said of a serpent, wivem,
Morse, a sea-lion. or other creature, whose bodies and tails are
Mortar, a piece of ordnance or chamber-piece. twisted Hke a knot.
Morticed, square pieces let one into the other. Naunce, the same as nehule.
Mortier, a cap of state.
Motto, a word, saying, or sentence adopted at Ogresses. See Pellets.
pleasure, and borne on a soroU under the coat Ombre, shadowed.
armour, and sometimes over the crest. Mottoes Onde, or unde, wavy.
occasionally allude to the name of the bearer ; Opinicus, a fictitious heraldic animal, with a lion's
thus, " De monte alto " is the motto of the body and an eagle's head and neck to the ;

family of De Monte Alto, Moutalt, or Maude body are affixed wings, and a short tail, like the
often to the bearings ; and more frequently are camel's.
short, quaint sentiments, according to the whim Oppresssed, the same as Deiruised.
or caprice of the person who first adopted Or, the tincture gold or yellow.
them, or in allusion to some particular actions Ordinary. See p. xxx.
or circumstances they are meant to perpetuate. Organ rest. See Sest.
See p. IT. ,
Orle. See p. xxxi.
Moulted, the same as Eradicated. Orle, bordered.
Mound, a corruption of the French word monde, Ounce, or lynx, the upper part of the body of
or Latin, mundus, the world a name given in
; this animal is of a tawney white, the lower part
heraldry to a ball or globe, encircled with a of an ash colour, and he is sprinkled aU over
horizontal band, enriched with diamonds and with irregular black marks.
precious stones, from the upper edge of which Over all (lieuch, Sur le tout), is when a charge
springs a semicircular band, enriched in Uke or ordinary is placed over other bearings.
manner, and having on the top a cross. The Surmounted, dehruised, and oppressed, nearly
mound forms part of the regalia of an emperor signify the same thing.
or king. Overt, applied to the wings of birds when open
Momnt, When the bottom or base of the shield for taking flight.
is represented green, as a field, and curved Owl, this bird is always drawn full-faced.
somewhat semiciroularly arched, it is then called
a Mount vert. Pack-saddle, a saddle for the conveyance of
Mountain-cat. See Cat-a-mountain._ packages (see coat of Hervey).
Mounted, a term appHed to a horse bearing a Pale, one of the ordinaries. See p. xxx.
rider. Pall, or paile, an arohiepiscopal vestment, made
Mounting, expresses that position in animals of of white lambs' wool ; formed in heraldry by
chase which rampant does in those of prey. half a pale issuing from the base, and meeting,
Mourned (morng), bluntedi or conjoined with, in the fess point, half a
Mullet, the rowel of a spur ; BngUsh heralds saltire, issuing from the dexter and sinister
make it of five straight points ; French heralds chief ; thus presenting the figure of the letter
of six ; when borne of six, eight, or more points, Y. See p. xxxii.
the number should be expressed in the blazon. Pallet, a diminution of the pale.
The best authorities consider when it haS more Palisado. See Crowns.
than five points it should be described as a Palisse, pily-paly ; that is, a division of the
star. m the form of piles, reaching from top to
Mullet-pierced, same as the mullet j but is per- bottom. They are meant to represent the pali-
forated in the centre, allowing the tincture upon sades before a fortification.
which it is borne to appear through it. Paly,s. field or charge is said to be paly when
Mu^aille, walledj or embattled and masoned. divided into any equal number of pieces
Mwral crown, See Crowns, p. ixxiv. alternate tinctures by perpendicular partition
Murrey, the colour sanguine. lines ; and the number of divisions
must be
Muschetors, or mushetours, the black tail of the named also, as paly of six, of eight, &c.
ermine, without the three spots or specks over Paly-bendy, is when the preceding divisions
it used in depicting ermine. again cut by diagonal partition lines.

Palmer's staff (^French, tm iotirdon) a pilgrim's Plate, a roundle arg. or white.

.staff. Playing tables, when used in heraldry, are de-
Panther, a wild animal, whose fierceness heralds picted as backgammon tables.
were wont to depict by drawing him with fire Plenitude, denotes the moon in her full, or full
issuing from his mouth and ears : his position moon.
in heraldry is generally guardant. Pli4, thesame as close, applied to a bird.
Papilone, is a field divided into variegated specks, Plough, an instrument used in husbandry.
Uke those on a butterfly, but ranged like the Ploughshare. That part of the plough which
scales of a fish. cuts the ground at the bottom of the furrow
Park pales, palings depicted close to each other, and raises the sod to the mould board.
with pointed tops. See the arms of the Borough Ploye, bowed and bent.
of Derby. Plummet, an instrument used by masons and
Partition lines. See p. xxix. others to prove perpendiculars.
Party, Per. The former of these two words Poing, the hand closed, in contradistinction to
should be omitted, as the latter imphes the " appaume."
same ; it is used to denote the particular man- Points of the escutcheon. See p. xxviii.
ner in which a shield, ordinary, or charge, is Pomegranate, a foreign fruit, in blazon it is neces-
divided by any of the partition lines as per — sary to add, slipped, leaved, or seeded, as it is
bend, per pale, &c. See p. xxix. always so represented in coat armour. See the
Pascaunt, or Pasguant, a term used for animals coat of Granger.
when grazing. Pomeis, roundles, when vert or green.
Paschal, or Soly Lamh, is a lamb passant ar. Pommel, the rounded knob at the extremity of the
carrying the banner of St. George. handle of a sword.
Passant, the heraldic term for beasts in a walking Popinjays, small green parrots, with red beaks
position. Ahon passant sa. on a bend ar. and and legs.
a field gu. is the armorial bearing of Davies Portant, a term used of a cross that is not erect,
of G-wysaney ; and its Kenwatine branches, but placed athwart the shield as if it were
Davies of Marrington, and Davies of Eton carried on a man's shoulder.
House. Portcullis, an engine formerly used in fortifying
Passant gua/rdant. A
beast walking, but with and defending the gateway of a city, town, or
the head affrontee or full-faced. cattle, before which it hung down by chains,
Passion cross, same as the Cross Calnary. and formed a barrier ; it resembles very much
Passant reguardant. Walking, but looking back. a harrow, the perpendicular bars being spiked.
Passant repassant, when animals are borne pas- Pose. See Statant.
sant contrariwise to the dexter and sinister. Pot. In armoury, a kind of head-piece or hat
Pattee- See Crosses. made of steel.
Pater noster, or nostre, a cross composed of beads. Potent, a crutch or walking stick. See also Furs.
Patonee. See Crosses. Patents, a line of division, which see.
Patriarchal. See Crosses. Pots, so termed in heraldry, are of iron with three
Pattes, the paws of any beast. legs.
Pavement, depicted Uke masonry. Pouldron, armour for the shoulder.
Pavilion, an oblong tent with a projecting Pounce, the talons of a bird of prey.
entrance. Powdered. A
term in heraldry, when the field,
Paw, the foot of a lion, bear, seal, &c., cut off or crest, or supporter, is promiscuously strewed
erased at the first joint. all over with miuor charges, such as mullets,
Pean, a fur. See p. xxviii. crescents, or fleurs-de-lis.The French term
Pearched, or perched, applied to birds when in a "Semee," has, however, been lately adopted
sitting posture upon a branch or other sub- by Enghsh heralds to express this.
stance. Prester John, a term obviously applied in error by
Peel, a tool used by baijers for drawing bread out the early heralds to describe the sitting figm-e
of the oven. of our Saviour in the arms of the See of
Pegastis, a fabulous horse with wings. Chichester.
Pelican. This bird is always represented with Pretence, escutcheon of. See Escutcheon.
her wings endorsed, neck embowed, and peck- Preying, a ravenous beast or bird standing on and
ing her breast, from which issue drops of blood. in a suitable position for devouring its prey.
Pellet, or ogresses, roundles, black or sable. Pride, in its, or their, applicable to a peacock,
Pelletty or pellettee. Semee of pellets. turkey cock, and other birds which spread
Penner and ink horn, as case for holding pens their tails in a circular form, and drop their
and ink. wings.
Permon, aflag of an oblong form. Proboscis. The trunk of an elephant.
Pennoncels, or pencils, small streamers or flags. Proper, apphcable to every animal, tree, vegetable,
Permy-ymrd penny, small coin. &c., when borne of their natural colour, and
Per. See Party per, p. xxix. abbreviated by the letters ppr^
Perforated, voided or pierced. Pwjled, trimmed, or ^a?-M>Ae(i, terms for the studs
Petronel, an ancient name for a pistol. and rims of armour being gold.
Pheon, the head of dart or arrow. Purflem, or pwrfled, signifies a border or embroi-
Phoenix, an imaginary bird, always drawn in dery of fur, shaped exactly like vair ; when of
flames. one row it is termed purflewed, when of two,
Pierced, signifies when any ordinary or charge is counter-purflewed, and when of three, vair.
perforated, so as to show the field under it. Pwrpure. Purple. See Tinctures, p. xxviii.
The form of the perforation should be expressed Python, a winged serpent.
— square, round, lozenge, &c,
(Quarter. See Ordinanes, p. xxxi.
Pike-staves, formidable instruments of destruction
used in warfare. Qfiarierings. See Marshalling, p. is.
Pile, one of the ordinaries. See p. ixxii. Quarterly. See p. xxx.
Pilgrim's scrip, a wallet or pouch. See the coat Quatrefoil, a four-leaved grass.
of Palmer. Queue, tail of an animal.


Quintain, a tilting post or block. Rose, this well known beautiful flower, always
Quiver of arrows, a case filled with, arrows. represented in coat armour as full blown,- with
Quise, a la, at the thigh (for a la cuisse) the petals or flower leaves expanded, seeded in
the middle and backed by five green barbs or
Sadiant, rai/onned, rayonnani, rayonnee, are terms leaves. When an heraldic rose is red it must
used to express any ordinary or charge edged be blazoned gu. not ppr. ; a rose is termed
with glittering rays, Hte those of the sun. barbed and seeded ppr. when the barbs are green
Mainbow, a semicircle of yarious colours arising and the seeds yellow.
from clouds. Roundles, are round figures of metal, flat but —
Magged staff, the bear and ragged staff, the badge when of colour, spherical they change their

or crest of the House of Leicester. names according to their tinctures, as when

Raguly, raguled, jagged or notched in an irregu- or, they are called bezant.
lar maner. See Lines of division. arg a plate.
Home, a French term for branched or attired. vert pomeis.
Rampant, animals standing erect on the hind azure .... hurt,
legs. A Uou ramp. sa. on a white field, was ogress, or pellet, when sable.
the armorial bearing of the Princes of Powys, torteaux gu.
aM is still borne by their descendants, the' golpes purple.
Hughes' of Grwerclas, Barons of Eymmer-yn- oranges tenne or tawney.
Edeimion. guzes sanguine, or mur-
Rampant sejant, is said of the lion when in a rey colour.
sitting position with the forelegs raised. Rousant, the same as rising, appUed to a bird.
Range, arranged in order. Rustre, a lozenge pierced round in the centre.
Raping, appUed to ravenous animals devouring
their prey.
Razed, the same as erased. Sable, black. See Tinctures, p. xxviii.
Rays. When depicted round the sun they should Sabre, a sword with a broad curved blade.
be sixteen in number ; when round an estoile Sacre, or salcer, a kind of falcon, with the head
line they must be drawn straight and waved grey, feet and legs bluish, and back dark brown.
alternately. Sagittarius, one of the signs of the Zodiac. Au
Rearing, a term appHed to a horse when standing imaginary creature, half man and half horse, in
on the hind legs with the fore legs raised. the act of shooting with a bow and arrow.
Rebated, when the top or point of a weapon is
broken off, or part of a cross cut off.
Salamander, an imaginary animal,
Rehotmdant, an ancient term for the tail of a Hon
feigned to be bred in fire it is ;
when turned up and bent in the form of a represented green, surrounded
letter S with the point outwards, the ancient
with flames.
way of depicting the tail was usually with the
point turned towards the back, unless blazoned
reboundant. Salient, the posture of an animal leaping on its
Rebus, in heraldry means such a coat, as by its prey.
charges alludes to the name of the bearer, as Salmon spear, the same as a harpoon.
Castles, for Castleton —
Salmons, for Salmon, &c. Saltant, applied to the squirrel, cat, weasel, rat,
Recereellee, a term applied to a cross similar to a &o., when springing forward.
cross molme, but with the ends turned more Saltire. See Ordinaries, p. xxxi.
round. Saltirewise, in the form or position of the saltire.
ReclinantfJaenAing backwards. Sanglier, a wild boar.
Reflected, or reflexed, curved or turned round aa Sanguine, murrey colour.
the chain or line from the coUar of a. beast Sanglant, bloody, torn off, or erased.
thrown over the back. SoMs, without.
Reguwrda/nt, looking behind or backwards. Sa/racen. See Savage.
Reindeer, as drawn in heraldry, is a stag with Saa-celled, cut through in the middle.
double attires. Satyral, a fictitious creature, with the tail of a
Remora, denotes a serpent. hou, tail and horns of an antelope, and the face
Removed, implies the ordinary has fallen, or be- of an old man.
come removed from its proper position. Scallop. See Escallop.
Rencontre, same as caboshed. Scalp, the skin of the forehead.
Rewoerse, when anything is set with its head Scarpe, a diminutive of the bend sinister, sup-
downwards, or contrary to its natural way, or posed to represent a shoulder-belt, or ofEcer's
turned upside down. scarf.
Rere mouse, a bat. Sceptre, a royal staff used at coronations, &c.
Respectamt, or respecting, applied to animals face Scintillant, sparkling.
to face. Scorpion, in shape somewhat resembling a cray-
Reserved, contrary to the usual Way and position. fish, and usually placed erect.
Rests, ctafions, or claricords. The rest for a lance ; Scrip. See Pilgrim's scrip.
by some authorities called musical instruments ; Scroll, whereon the motto is placed.
they bear resemblance to a fluted bracket. See Sea dog, shaped like a talbot, but with a tail like
p. xiv. a beaver, a scaUopod fin continued down the
Retorted. Serpents, wreathed one in another, or back from head to tail the whole body, legs,

asa fret, are said to be retorted. and tail, scaled, and the feet webbed.
Reversed, turned upside down. See coats of Sea horse, the fore part is like a horse with
Grendon and Newton. webbed feet, and the hinder ending in a fish's
Riband, or ribbon, one-eighth part of a bend, of taU.
which it is a diminutive. Seal. See Marine wolf.
Rising, when birds are in a position as if prepar- Sea the upper part of a lion's body termi-
ing to take flight. nating in a fish's tail.
Rompe, or rompu, broken. Sea mew, a sort of sea-gull.

Sea pie, a water fowl of a dark brown colour, Sruttle, a winnovring fan or basket.
head red, and the neck and wings white. Standard. All standards are split at the end.
Seax, a scimetar, with a semicireular notch hol- They are regulated in length according to the
lowed out of the back of the blade. degree of the bearer, and, dating from the
Seeded, applied to the seed of roses, lilies, &e., national ensign, are charged with his badges,
when borne of a tincture different to the flower crests, and motto, arranged on his livery colours.
itself. Staple, an iron fastening to a door.
Segreant, applied to a griffin when erect, with Star. See Mstoile.
wings endorsed. Starved, stripped of leaves, &o.
Syant, signifies sitting, as applied to the lion, &o. Statant, standing.
S^cmt addbrsed, when two animals are sitting Staves, walking-sticks used by palmers or pil-
back to back. grims.
Seme, or semee, strewed oyer. See Powdered. Staves of a carbuncle, the eight rays which issue
Seraph's head, a child's head between three pairs from its centre.
of wings, two in chief, two in f ess, and two in Steel caps, or morions, pieces of armour for the
base. head, of various shapes.
Serpent or snake is borne, coiled, and twisted in Stern, the hinder part of a ship, and which forms
Tarious forms, as torqued, i.e., erect; gliding, part of a naval crown.
i.e., creeping ; nowed, i.e., twisted into a knot, Still, or alembic, an utensil of the distillery.
&c., &c. Stilt, an instrument made to walk with, anciently
Serrated, indented, or cut like a saw. used for scaling castles, walls, &c.
Sexfoil, a grass or ilower with six leaves, in form Stirrup, of an ordinary saddle.
like the cinquefoU. Stock, the stump or trunk of a tree.
ShacTcle, a link of a fetter. Stole, part of the vestment of a priest.
Shaclc-holt, a fetter put on the wrists or ancles of Stringed, applied to a buglehorn, which is gener-
prisoners. ally borne with strings affixed thereto, tied in
Shafted, is used to denote that a spear-head has a a bow ; also applied to the harp, &c.
handle to it. Studded, adorned with studs.
Shake-forJc, is in form like the pall, but does not Stump, part of the stock or trunk of a tree.
touch the edges of the shield, and has a point Subverted, reversed, turned upside down.
at each end, in the same manner as the pile. Sufflue, rest or clarion.
See the coat of Cunningham. Sun, in heraldry is represented with a human
Shairibroughs, a kind of ship. face, environed in rays, and is termed a sun in
Shamrock, trefoil or three-leaTed grass, the emblem splendour, or full glory.
of Ireland. Super cha/rge, one figure charged or borne upon
Shapetoined, in a curved line. another.
Sheaf. See Oa/rb. Supporters. See p. xviii.
Sheldrake, a kind of duck. Surcoat, a loose, light, thin, taffety coat, formerly
Shield. See p. xxviii. worn by mihtary men over their armour.
Shinbones, bones of the human leg generally borne Surgeant, rising.
in saltire. Surmounted, where one charge is placed over
Shivered, broken or splintered. another.
Shoveller, a species of water-fowl. Surtout, or sur-le-touf, an escutcheon placed upon
Shuttle, an instrument used by weavers. the centre of a shield of arms is said to be
Side, a portion of the shield cut off by a per- surtout.
pendicular line. See coat of Grote. Swepe, the balista, an engine anciently used for
Sinister, the left. throwing stones into fortresses. It was formed
Sinister chief, the left side of the chief. like the machine brewers used to raise water out
Sinople, a French term for " vert," green. of wells, and therefore was named after their
Siren, a mermaid. contrivance.
Skein, a short sword or dagger. A
weapon used Swivel, two iron links, which turn on a bolt.
by the Irish. Sykes, a fountain. See coat of Sykes, &o.
Slashed, sleeves of garments but open lengthways, :«, a mermaid.
and the gashes filled with a puffing of another
Slag, slea, or reed, an instrument used by Tabard, the name given to the surcoats embroi-
weavers. dered with the Sovereign's arms, and worn by
Sledge, a sort of carriage without wheels, used in the heralds and pursuivants of arms upon great
husbandry. festivals and other public occasions.
Slipped, the stalk depicted so as torn from the Tabernacle, a tent or pavilion.
original stem. Talbot, a hunting dog, with thick
Soaring, flying aloft. snout and hanging ears, borne for
Soldering iron, a tool used by plumbers. crest by the Talbots of Bashall,
Spade iron, or shoeing of a spade. the senior line of the house of
Spancelled, or fettered, applied to a horse that Shrewsbury.
has the fore and hind legs fettered by fetter-
locks fastened to the ends of a stick. Talons, the claws of a bird.
Spea/r, an ancient weapon of warfare. Txrgant, torgant, or torqued, bending and re-
Sear-head imbrued, i.e., with the point bloody. bending like the letter S.
Spervers, tents. Target, a round buckler.
Sphinx, a, chimerical animal, said to have the Tasces, or tasses, that part of the armour which
body of a lion, the wings of an eagle, and the covers the thighs.
head and breasts of a woman. Tassel, an ornament pendant at the corners of
Spindle. See Fusil. cushions.
Spit, a spado. Tau, a cross nearly like a cross potent.
Splendour, a term for the sun when represented Teazel, the head or seed vessel of a species of
with a human face, and environed with rays. thistle.


Tenne, or tavmey, orange ooloui. Trevei, triangular.
TUe, the head. Trian aspect, showing three-fourth parts of the
Terras, the representation of a piece of ground at body.
the bottom of the base, and generally vert. Triyle, or treble a/rched, formed of three arches.
Thatch rake, an instrument used in thatching. Tricorporate, is said when the bodies of three ani-
Thistle, the emblematic plant of Scotland. mals are represented issuing from the dexter,
Threstle, three-legged stool. sinister, and base points of the escutchepn, and
Thunderbolt, in heraldry a. twisted bar in pale, meeting conjoined to one head in the centre.
inflamed at each end, sui-mounting two jagged Trident, a three-pronged barbed fork or spear.
darts in saltire betw. two wings expanded, with Trien, three.
streams of fire issuing from the centre. Trippant, applied to stags and other beasts of
Tiara, or triple crown, a cap or helmet of golden chase, as passant to beasts of prey, &c., repre-
cloth, from which hang two pendants, embroi- sented with one foot up as if on a trot.
dered and fringed at the end, semee of crosses Counter-tripping, is when two beasts are tripping,
of gold. The cap is inclosed by three mar- one passing one way and the other another.
quises' coronets, on the top is a mound of gold Triumphal crown, or ga/rland is composed of
with a cross of the same. laurel.
Tierce, a French word, implying that the shield
. Trononee, and demembree, signifies a cross or other
is divided into three equal parts of different bearing cut in pieces and dismembered, yet so
colours. as aU the pieces preserve and retain the form
Tiltingspear, a weapon used in tilts and tourna- of a cross, or whatever bearing it may be,
ments. although placed at a little distance from each
Timbre, signifies the helmet, when placed over other.
the arms in a complete achieTcment. True lovers' Icnot, a kind of double knot made with
Tincture. See p. xxviii. two bows on each side, interlacing each other,
Tirret, a modern name for manacles or handcuffs. and with two ends serpents are sometimes

Toad, this animal in coat armour is always repre- twisted in this form.
sented as if sitting in water, holdings up its Trunhed, or truncated, trees couped or cut off
head by some called the lordlings of frogs
: at the top, the branches lopped off, and separa-
their heads appearing above water like helmets. ted from the root.
Toison d'or, a term borrowed from the French, to Trundles, quills of gold thread, used by em-
express a golden ileece, or the holy lamb. broiderers.
Tomahawk, an Indian war axe. Trunk of a tree, is when the root of a tree is torn
Torn, an ancient name for a spinning-wheel. up and the top cut off.
Torqued, wreathed. Trussed, close, or complicated, applied, although
Torse, the wreath on which the crest is placed. unnecessarily, when birds are borne with their
Torteaux, a roundle of red colour. wings close to the body, which is always im-
Tortille, a French term for nowed, twisted, or phed unless the contrary is expressed.
wreathed. Tuberated, gibbous, knotted, or swelled out; as
Tourne, same as regua/rdami. the middle part of a serpent.
Tomer, tripled towered, when the word Tuft, a bunch of grass.
Tower only is used in blazon, it Tun, a large vessel for holding liquor, similar in
should be represented without the shape to a barrel.
three small towers or turrets issuing
Turned up, the lining turned up over the edge.
Turreted, is said of a wall or tower having small
from the battlements.
towers upon it.
Towered, or turrettei, having towers or turrets. Tusked, is said of the boar, tiger, elephant, &c.,
Transfixed, pierced through. when their tusks are borne of a different tinc-
Tramsfiuent, a term for water flowing through the ture to that of the body of the animal.
arches of a bridge. Tynes, a name given by heralds to the branches of
TransTn/uted, counterchanged. the horns of stags, bucks, &c.
Transpierced, pierced through.
Transposed, reversed or turned contrary to the
usual position. Tlmbraced. See Vambraced.
Traversed, turned to the sinister side of the shield. Umbrated, or adumbrated, shadowed.
Treflee ia said of a cross, the arms of which end JJmde, wavy.
in three semicircles, each representing the tre- Vnguled, applied to the hoof of the stag, hind,
foil or three-leaved grass, a bend treflee has horse, bull, &c., when of a different tincture to
trefoils issuing from the side. the body.
Trefoil, three-leaved grass. Unicorn, a beautiful suppositious animal with
Treille, or trellise, latticed. It differs from fretty, a long twisted horn out of its forehead, its
for the pieces do not interlace under and over, head and bodyhke a horse, but lias cloven feet,
but cross athwart each other, and are nailed at hair under the chin like a goat, tail like a lion,
the joints. and is of a bay colour, unless otherwise described.
Tressure, the diminutive of the orle, being half UnifoU, a single-leaved grass.
its size. Urchin, hedgehog.
Urdee. See Crosses and Lines, p. xxix.
Urinant, applicable to the dolphin or other fish,
Tressure flory when borne with the head downwards and the
tail erect, exactly in a contrary position to
Urvamt, or urwd, turned, or bowed upwards.
Tressure fi^ry cotmter flory, same as flory, but
that each alternate fleur-de-lis points to the
centre of the field.
Trevef, a tripod, or three-legged frame of iron, Fail^^,&e.}^™- Seep.xxviii.
used to set over the fii'e to support a pan or pot. Vallary Crown. See p. xxxiv.

Va/mhracej armour for the arm. Water, when borne should be painted to imitate
Yamlraced, applied when the arm ia wholly nature.
coTered with armour. Water bouget, a vessel to carry water.
Vamplate, a gauntlet or iron gloTe. Waterpot, a fontal-; called also a scatebra, out of
Vamplet, of a tilting-spear ; a broad pan of steel — —
which naiads river gods are represented as
formed like a funnel, placed on the lower part pouring the waters or rivers over which they
of the staff to protect the hand. preside.
Tarns, or wamays, an old kind of short hose to Wattled, a term applied to the gills of a cock,
the ankles only. when of different tinotvire from the body.
Vannet, the escallop when represented without Waved, the same as wavy or undee.
the ears. Waved sword, by some called improperly a flaming
Varvelled, when the jesses of a hawk hare rings sword.
at the ends. Wavy, or undSe, formed like waves ; a line of
VerbUe, a hunting-horn edged round with metal partition. See p. xxiz.
of different tinctures from the other part. Weare, or dam, in fess, is made with
Terdoy, a border charged with eight flowers, stakes and osier twigs wattled, or interwoven
leaves, fruit, or other regetables, as a border as a fence against water.
gules, Terdoy of oak leaves or. Wedge, or stone bill, a tool to split or rend tim-
Vert, green. See Tinctures, p. xxviii. ber with.
Verted, and reverted, same as Flexed and Heflexed, Weel, a device for catching fish.
&c. Welke, a, shell-fish.
Vervels, small rings to which the jesses of the Welt, or edge, a narrow kind of border to an or-
hawks are fastened. dinary or charge, sometimes improperly called
Verules, or ferrals, several rings, one within a fimbriation.
another, which have the same centre. Wervels. See Vervels.
Vested, habited, clothed. Wha/rrow-spindle, and old term of blazon for
View, the footing, treading, or track of a buck,
is " fusU."
and fallow dear.
all Whirlpool. See Gurges.
Vigilant, applied to a cat when in a position as if Wine-piercer, an instrument to tap or bore holes
on watch for prey. in wine casks.
Vizor, the part of a helmet which protects the face. Winged, having wings, or adorned with wings.
Volant, flying. Wings conjoined, are wings expanded, elevated,
Voided, signifies a cross, or other charge, which and united at the bottom. See I/ure.
has the middle cut so that the field is seen Winnowing-hasket, used for winnowing corn.
through it, and nothing but its outward hem Wood, in heraldry, a small group of trees growing
or hedge is left. on a mount, sometimes called a hurst.
Vorant (engoulant), devouring. Woodman, wild man or savage.
Vulned, wounded so that the blood appears IVool cards, instruments used for carding wool.
dropping. The pelican is ordinarily described Wound, roundles when purple. Same as Golpes.
as " vulning herself" to feed her young. Wreath, a garland, chaplet, or attire for the head.
The wreath upon which " the crest " is usually
borne is composed of two bands of silk inter-
woven or twisted together. See p. xiv.
Wreathed, having a wreath on the head or else-
Wales, Prince of, feathers.
where, or anything twisted in the form of a
Wyvern, an imaginary heraldic animal,
the wings and upper part resemble
JVallet, See Pilgrim's scrip. a dragon, the lower part resembling
Wastle cakes, round cakes of bread. that of an adder or snake ; it is
fVatching, better vigilant, for a cat watching to similar in form to the cockatrice, but
seize its prey. has the head of a dragon.
. ...


or .. . . gold, or yellow. d died.

ar. ... . argent, or silver, or white. m married.
az. . . . . azure, or blue. I bom.
gu . gules, or red. ^P sine prole, without issue.
vert. . . . green. d.v.p. . died Tit^ patris.
pm-p. . . pm-pure, or purple. betw. . between.
sa. ... . sable, or black. fun. ent. funeral entry.
erm. . . ermine. F.B.I. . funeral entry Ireland.
ppr. . . proper. Tisit. . visitation of a county by
oheT. . . cheTTon. a herald.
en^. . . engrailed. reg registered.
ramp. . rampant. ped pedigree.
pass. . . passant.



|ICT0RIA, By thk Grace of God of the United Kingdom

OF Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of
THE Faith, Empress of India.
Arms —
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. three lions pass, guard, in pale or, for England ;
2nd, a lion ramp, -within a double treissure flory counterflory gu., for Scotland ; 3rd, az.

a harp or, stringed ar., for Iebland the i^hole encircled with the Garter.

Grest Upon the royal helmet the imperial crown ppr., thereon statant guardant or, a
lion imperially crowaed also ppr.
Supporters —Dexter, a lion ramp, guard, or, crowned as the crest ; sinister, an imicorn
ar. armed, crined, and unguled.or, gorged with a coronet composed of crosses patt6e and
fleurs-de-lis, a chain aifixed thereto, passing between the fore-legs, and reflexed over the back,
of the last.

Crest of Scotland On an imperial crown ppr. a lion sejant aflrontSe gu. imperially
crowned or, holding in the dexter paw a sword, and in the sinister a sceptre erect, also ppr.

Crest of Ireland —On a wreath or and az. a tower triple-towered gold, from the gate a
hart springing ar.

Motto DiETT BT MON Droit, in the compartment below the shield ; with the Union rose,
shamrock, and thistle engrafted on the same stem.
Crown of England —A circle of gold, issuing therefrom four crosses patt6e and four

fleurs-de-lis, arranged alternately from the crosses pattfie arise two arched and golden

diadems, ornamented with pearls, closing at the top under a mound, surmounted by a cross
patt6e, also gold, the whole enriched with precious stones cap of crimson velvet, turned

up erm.
— — —
Badges 1. England The red and white rose united. 2. Scotland ^A thistle. 3. Ire-
land — —
^A harp or, the strings ar. 4. Ireland A shamrock leaf vert. 5. Wales —
A dragon
pass, wings elevated gu. upon a mount vert. All ensigned with the royal crown.
* * The arms of the three Eoyal Dynasties of Wales were
I. North Wales, Quarterly, or and gu. four lions pass, guard, counterchanged.

II. South Wales, Gu. a lion ramp, within a bordure indented or.

III. PowTS, Ar. a lion ramp. sa. (the Black Lion of Powys).


rpHE Most High, Most Puissant, and Most Illtjstriotts Prince ALBEET EDWARD,
-*- PEINCE OP WALES, Duke of Saxony, Duke op Cornwall and Eothsat,
Earl op Chbster, Carrick, and Dublin, Baron op Eenprew, and Lord op the Isles,
Great Steward of Scotland, K.G., K.P., K.T., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., &c., &c.

Arms —Quarterly, 1st and 4tli, gu. three lions pass, guard, in pale, or, England ; 2nd,
or, a lion ramp, within a double treasure flory and counterflory gu., Scotland ; 3rd, az. a
harp or, stringed ar., Ireland ; differenced by a label of three points ar. and in the centre of
the said royal arms an escutcheon of the arms of the august house of Saxony, viz., barry of
ten or and sa. a crown of rue in bend vert, for Saxe-Ooburg.

Crest —On the coronet of the Prince of Wales a lion statant guard, or, crowned with the
like coronet, and differenced with a label of three points ar.

Badge A plume of three ostrich feathers ar. enfiled by a coronet composed of fleurs-
de-lis and crosses pattle alternately, and motto, " Ich Dien," being the badge of H.E.H. as
Prince of Wales.

Supporters —Dexter, a lion guard, or, crowned with the Prince of Wales coronet, and
differenced by a label of three points ar. ; an unicorn ar. gorged with a coronet

composed of fleurs-de-lis and crosses patt6e, therefrom a chain reflexed over the back or,

differenced with a label of three points ar.

Motto— Ich Dien.



TTIS EoTAL Highness Prince Alfred Ernest Albert, Duke of Edinburgh, Earl
* * Earl of Ulster, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, Prince of
OF Kent, aud
the United Kingdom, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, K.G., KT.,
G.C.S.I., G.C.M.G., &c., &c.

Arms —The Eoyal Arms, differenced by a label of three points ar. the centre point
charged with St. George's Gross, and each of the other points with an anchor az. ; and in the
centre of the said royal arms, an escutcheon of the august house of Saxony, viz., barry of ten
or and sa. a crown of rue in bend vert.

Crest— On a coronet composed of crosses pattle and fleurs-de-lis a lion statant guard,
or, crowned with the like coronet, and differenced with a label of three points ar. charged
as in the arms.

Supporters —The Eoyal Supporters, differenced with the like coronet and label.

e 2


TTIS EoTAii HiQHNEss Peinob Arthur William Patrick Albert, BtrKE of Connaught
* * AND OF Stratheaen, AND Eael OF SUSSEX, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom,
Prince of the United Kingdom, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, K.G.,
K.T., K.P., G.C.M.G., &c.. &c,

Arms-^Tbe Eoyal Arms, diiFerenced by a label of three points ar., the centre point
charged with St. George's Cross, and each of the other points with a fleur-de-lis az. ; in the
centre of the said royal arms, an escocheon of the august house of Saxony, viz., barry of ten
or and sa. a crown of rue in bend verb.

Crest—On a coronet composed of crosses pattle and fieurs-de-lis, a lion statant guard,
or, crowned with the like coronet, and differenced with a label of three points ar. charged as
in the arms.

/SMjojoorfers— The Eoyal Supporters, differenced with the like coronet and label.


TTIS EoTAL Highness George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest AtTGUSTuS)

' '' Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale, in the Peerage of Great Britain, and Eael
OP Armagh, in the Peerage of Ireland, Prince of the United Kingdom, Duke of Bruns-
wick-Luneburg, Ex -King of Hanover, K.G., G.C.H., &c., &e.

Arms, Sc. —The Royal Arms of England, as borne by King George III., with the necessary
labels of distinction, viz., a label of three points ar. charged with a fleur-de-lis betw. two
crosses gu.


TTIS SoTAL Highness Prince George William Frederick Charles, Duke of Cam-
* * Earl of Tipperart, and Baron Culloden, in the Peerage of the United
Kingdom, Prince of the United Kingdom, KG., KP., G.C.B., G.C.H., G.C.S.I., Field
Marshal Commanding in Chief Her Majesty's Army, &c., &c.

Arms — The Eoyal Arms of England, as borne by King George III., with the necessary
labels of distinction, viz., a label of three points ar. charged on the centre point with a cross,

and on either side with two hearts in pale gu.


The Princes and Princesses of the Royal Blood hear Royal Arms,
the Crest, and Supporter
diferenced with the proper labels assigned to each distinctly.

Prince Leopold George Duncan Albert. A label of

three points ar., the centre point charged with St. George's
Cross, and each of the other points with a heart gu.

Victoria Adelaide Maria Louisa, Princess Eoyal,

Crown Princess of Germany. A similar label, charged in
the centre point with a rose, and in each of the other points
with a St. George's Cross gu.

Princess Alice Maud Mart, Princess Grand Duchess

— A
~m —J

T of Hesse. similar label, charged in the centre point with
3- rose gu. barbed vert, and in each of the other

am erm. spot sa.

points with

Princess Helena Augusta Victoria, Princess Chris-

h^-^^nA tian of Schleswig-Holstein. A

similar label, charged in the
centre point with St. George's Cross, and in each of the other
points with a rose gu.

A s~im: ^ Lome.
Princess Louise Caroline Alberta, Marchioness of
A similar label, charged in the centre point with
a rose, and in each of the other points with a billet gu.

Princess Beatrice Mart Victoria Fbodore. A simi-

~M~M~ lar label, charged in the centre point

of the other points with a rose gu.
with a heart, and in each

€-\}t arms

William I. (the Conqueror). Gu. two lions pass, guard, or. Much
controversy has arisen regarding leopards or lions, but the latter would
appear the more correct. John, the Monk of Harmonstier, in Tourain, a
contemporary writer, relates, that when Hbnrt I. selected Geoffrey
Plantagenet to be his son-in-law, " Clypeus Leonculos aureos imaginarios
habens coUo ejus suspenditur."

William II. (Eufus), second son of the Conqueror, The same Arms as those of his

Henrt I., third son of the Conqueror. Arms similar to those of his predecessor.

King Stephen. This Prince's Arms are differently described by some he :

is said to have borne the same Arms as his maternal grandfather, William

the Conqueror ; by others Gu. the bodies of three lions pass, the necks with
men's bodies or, in form of the sign of Sagittarius by a third, which is the

most correct, Gu. a Sagittarius ar. King Stephen is said to have adopted
the latter bearing from the great assistance afforded him by the archers, and
having entered the kingdom when the sun was in the sign Sagittarius.

Henry II; Gu. two lions pass, guard, or, previously to the King's
marriage with Eleanor of Aquitaine, when he adopted a third lion, for
Aquitaine. On the Great Seal no Arms appear, the concave side of the
shielding only exhibited. Henry II. appears to have been the first monarch
who used a badge, he first bore an escarbuncle of gold, an ancient mark of
of broom
his paternal House of Anjou, and afterwards introduced the sprig
plant, or Planta Genista, from which his surname, Plantaoenet,
was derived,
and which was a favourite badge with some of his descendants. He is also
said to have borne a jennet between two sprigs of broom.

Richard I. (Ccewr-de-Lion). Before the Crusade, Eichard's Great Seal shows but a moiety
of the shield (the dexter side) with a lion ramp, sinister, from which the inference is that he
then bore two lions combatant. After his exploits in the Holy Land, another Great Seal
bears the three lions, which henceforward became the hereditary bearings of the Kings and
Queens of England. This King bore as a badge a broom branch with the pods open, this
device appears on his first Great Seal he also used a crescent surmounted by a star. Having

defeated the French at Gisors, 1198, and his watchword there being " Dieu et mon droit," he
adopted it for his motto, and it continued the motto of nearly all his successors.

Kino John. Prior to his elevation to the throne, when Earl of Mortagne, in Normandy,
this Prince bore two
lions only after his accession he assumed the Arms of his predecessor.

King John used as a badge the crescent surmounted by a star, one of the badges of his prede-
cessor, Richard I.

Henry III. bore the same Arms as his father King John, and used the Planta Genista,
or broom slip, for his badge.

Edward I. bore the same Arms as his father, Henry III., and his grandfather. King
John ; his badge was, A rose slipped, the stalk vert, the petals or.
Edward II. bore the same as his three immediate predecessors ; his badge was a golden
tower, in allusion to the arms of his maternal grandfather, Ferdinand III., King of Castile.

Edward III. This Prince assumed the title of King of France, in sup-
posed right of his mother, Isabel, daughter of Philip IV., who became that
monarch's sole heiress, his three sons having died issueless. Quarterly, 1st
and 4th, France, az. semee-de lis or ; 2nd and 3rd, Enoland, gu. three
lions pass, guard, or. His favourite badge was " Sunbeams issuing from
clouds." Henry VIII. caused this cognizance to be represented on the
habits of Knights of the Garter, in memory of this sovereign, the founder
of the Order. A
Edward III. also bore, trunk or stump of a tree eradicated
and couped or.
Crest —
Upon a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a lion pass, guard, crowned
or. Edward III. was the first English King who bore a crest, which was continued by
succeeding monarchs to Edward VI. inclusive, on the Great Seal.
The Order of the Garter was instituted by King Edward, and the ribbon was generally
borne round the Royal Arms by his successors, although not introduced on the Great Seal before
the time of Henry VIII.

Richard II., son of the Black Prince. This monarch bore the same Arms upon the Great
seal as Edward III., but having chosen St. Edward the Confessor for his patron, he impaled
the Arms of the Confessor, Az. a cross patonce betw. five martlets or, with the Arms of France
and England, quarterly.
Richard was the first English King who used Supporters, namely, two angels beneath ;

the shield, a white hart couchant, gorged with a gold coronet, and chained under a tree a ;

device from the ensigns of his mother Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent, a white hind, which he
bore as a badge. He likewise used other badges, viz., A
peascod branch, with the cods open
and empty, The sun in splendour, and The eradicated stump of a tree couped or he also ;

used A white falcon. At a tournament held at Windsor, previous to his departure for Ireland,
forty knights and as many esquires were apparelled in green, with a white falcon for a badge.
The " Sunbeams issuing from clouds," the " Planta Genista," and the " White hart," appear
on the mantle and kirtle of his monumental effigy in Westminster Abbey. An ostrich ducally
gorged and chained, holding a passion nail in the bill and a " knot " are on the effigy of his
first Queen, Anne.

Henry IV. This Prince appears to have taken the Great Seal of his predecessor, the
second Richard, merely substituting his own name for that of the late King, and bearing the
same Arms, with England occasionally in the first quarter.

Supporters —
On the dexter side, a swan ar., gorged and lined or ; on the sinister, an ante-
lope ar. gorged and lined as the dexter.
Badge —A
" silver swan " was the principal cognizance of this King, derived from the
Bohuns, Earls of Hereford, his first wife being a daughter and co-heir of that House. Another of
his badges, " a white antelope," is said to have also had a connection with that house. Another
badge ascribed to him is a fox's tail, derived from his maternal ancestors, the house of
Lancaster. In a MS. entitled "Arms of the Pounders of the Order of the Garter," the
badge of Henry Plantagenet, Duke of Lancaster, represents a square tablet divided into two
by a perpendicular line down the centre, coloured white and blue, on the white appears a red
rose, and on the blue a fox's brush in its proper colours. The double SS was another device
of this King, the origin of which has not been accounted for. His second wife, Joane of
Navarre, used for a cognizance, an ermine collared and chained, with the motto, " tem- A

Henry V. Quarterly, France and England. The Arms of France

having been altered by the French King, hmiting the number of fleurs-de-
lis to three, Henry V. adopted the alteration.

Supporters (when Prince of Wales) Two swans, each holding in the
beak an ostrich feather and scroU ; after ascending the throne, he assumed
a dexter supporter, a lion. ramp, guard, crowned, the sinister being an
antelope, as that of his predecessor.

Badge Before his accession to the throne he used the silver swan of
«f^%i^=^ Henry IV., and afterwards a fire beacon. Over his tomb in Westminster
Abbey there is a representation of an antelope and a swan chained to a

Henry VI. Arms, same as predecessor.

Supporters Two antelopes ar. gorged with coronets, attired and chained or those :

appear over the porch of Eton College. A

tiger ramp, guard, or, sem6e of roundles alter-
nately sa. gu. az. and vert, with fire issuing from the mouth and ears, sometimes occurs as the
sinister supporter.
Badge— A. device of this King was a panther, another ascribed to him was two ostrich
feathers in saltire, one silver, the other gold. The ostrich feather was a favourite badge of the
descendants of Edward III., borne, sometimes one and sometimes three, the pen of the feathers
was fixed in a scroll ; the coronet as now borne by the Prince of Wales was added by
Edward VI. The badge of Henry VI.'s Queen, Margaret of Anjou, was a daisy, with the
motto, " Humble et loiall.

Edward IV. France and Enoland, quarterly.

Supporters —Dexter, a Hon ramp.tail passed between the legs and turned over
ar. the
the back (one of the supporters of the King, as Earl of March ; sinister, a buU sa., horned and
hooped or a white hart was likewise borne.

Badges —A
falcon ar. within a fetterlock closed or, as Duke of York.
dragon sejant sa. crowned or, as Earl of Ulster.
bull sa. horned and hoofed or, for the Honour of Clare or Clarence.
But his favourite device was the " rose en soleU," viz., a white rose surrounded with the
rays of the sun.
He also used a white hart attired, gorged with a coronet, and chained or, on a mount vert,
This badge Edward used in honour of Eichard II., it being that King's badge.

Edward V. France and England, quarterly.

Supporters —Dexter, a lion ar. (one of the supporters of the Earldom of March) ; sinister,

a hind ar.
Badges—Ths white rose of York, and the falcon within the fetterlock.

Eichard III. France and England, quarterly.

Supporters—Two boars ar. tusks and bristles or. The white boar was his cognizance.

Badge The boar, composed of silver, tusked and bristled gold, called by Shakespear,
" The bloody and usurping boar." At his coronation thirteen thousand were provided, made and
wrought upon fustian. The devi ce of his Queen, Lady Anne NesdUe, was a white boar chained
and muzzled gold, an ancient cognizance of the House of Warwick.

Henry VII. France and England, quarterly.

Supporters— Deyiter, a dragon gu. (the ensign of Cadwallader, the last King of the
Britons) ; sinister, a greyhound ar. collared gu.

Motto Dieu et mon droit.

Badges —A
red dragon, called the Dragon of Cadwallader, was the cognizance of this
King at first ; it is usually found in illuminations on a ground of white and green, the livery
colours of the House of Tudor. A
favourite device of this King was a portcullis gold, with the
motto, "Altera seeuritas ;" this was derived from the Beauforts. He also used the Tudor rose,
composed from the roses of York and Lancaster, viz., a rose quarterly ar. and gu., but it was
sometimes formed of two series of petals, the inner white, the outer red.

Henry VIII. Trance and Enqland, quarterly.

Supporters —The supporters in the beginning of this King's reign were the same as those
of Hbnrt VII. but he afterwards discontinued the greyhound, and used the following

instead — On the dexter side a lion guard, and crowned or, transposing the red dragon to the
Motto —Dieu mon et droit.
Badges —A red rose
the union roses, red and white ; a fleur-de-lis or ; a portcullis or.

He likewise used the red dragon, and a cook silver, combed and wattled red.
He was the first English monarch who encircled the Royal Arms with the Garter, sur-
mounted by the crown, upon the Great Seal. His Queens bore the following badges :

Kathebine of Arragon. a pomegranate, also a sheaf of arrows silver.

Anna Boleyn. A silver falcon.
Jane Seymour. A phoenix (since borne in the family crest by the Ducal House of
Anne of Olevbs. A black lion charged on the shoulder with an escarbuncle gold.
Katherine Parr. A maiden's head issuing from a TudOr rose.
No badge of Katherine Howard has been preserved.

Edward VI. his father, Henry VIII.

Arms, Supporters, and Motto, the same as
Badges —Before his accession
to the throne he bore the three ostrich feathers with the
Dens in a scroll he encircled the feathers with a coronet, as now borne by the Princes of

Wales. After his accession to the throne his device was the sun in splendour ppr.

Mary The Queen, after her marriage with Philip of Spain bore the King's Arms
(viz., the chief part quarterly of four pieces
fess, 1st, Castile and Leon, quarterly
: 2nd ;

Arragon, impaling Sicily ; 3rd, as the 2nd ; 4T;h, as the 1st. The base part of the
escutcheon, also quarterly of four pieces 1st, Austria modern ; 2nd, Burgundy modem ;

3rd, Burgundy ancient and 4th, Brabant ; over all an inescutcneon of Flanders and Tyrol

impaled) impaling France and England, quarterly.

Supporters Dexter, an eagle sinister, a lion ramp, crowned or.

Badges Queen Mary before her accession used both the red and white rose, and a
pomegranate, knit together, to show her descent from the House of Lancaster, York, and
Spain but on her accession. Winged Time drawing Truth out of a pit, with " Veritas

temporis filia," for motto, appears on her first Great Seal before marriage.
She also bore a sheaf of arrows silver, united with the Tudor rose, the arrows being
placed on a ground of green and blue.
The rose ensigned with the royal crown seem to have been another badge used by this

Queen Elizabeth. France and England, quarterly, encircled by the Garter.

Supporters Dexter, a lion ramp, guard, and crowned or ; sinister, the red dragon, as
borne by her father, Henry VIII

Badges This Queen's principal badge was a silver falcon, as her mother's, but she made
use of several heroical devices, but most commonly that of a sieve. The badge of Ireland, the
Irish harp, seems for the first time in this Queens' reign to have been placed on the Great

James I. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, France and England, quarterly 2nd, ;

or, a hon ramp, within a double tressure flory counterilory gu., for Scotland ;
3rd, az. a harp or, stringed ar., for Ireland.

Supporters Dexter, the English lion ramp, guard, crowned or ; sinister,
Lhe Scottish unicorn ar. gorged with the royal coronet and chained or.
Mottoes—^'' Beati paoifici ;" and, " Dieu et mon droit."

Badges The three badges of the roses, fleur-de-lis, and harp, and that of
^\==^%^=^ a thistle, for Scotland, all ensigned with the royal crown, were borne by
James I., and on his Great Seal appear banners of the arms of Cadwallader,
the last King of the Britons, viz., az. a cross patt6e fitchle or, and the Arms of King Edgar,

az. a cross patonce betw. four martlets or, to show his descent from the blood royal both of
Wales and England but his chief device was the dexter half of the Tudor rose joined to the

smister haH of the thistle the whole ensigned with the royal crown.

Chakles I. Arms, Crests, Supporters, and Badges, the same as those of his father,
James I.
On the Great Seal is represented the standard of St. George, viz., ar. a cross gu. supported
by the lion of England, and the standard of St. Andrew, being, az. a saltire ar.upheld by the
vmicorn of Scotland.

Charles II. This Monarch bore the same Arms, &c. as Charles I., and by Eoyal
warrant dated 9th Feb. in the 13th year of his reign, directed that in future the heir apparent
to the crown, for the time being, should use and bear a coronet composed of crosses and fleurs-
de-lis with one arch, and in the midst a ball and cross, as in the royal diadem and that his ;

brother. Jambs, Duke of York, the sons of the Sovereign, and the immediate sons and brothers
of his successors. Kings of Bu gland, should use coronets composed of crosses and fleurs-de-lis
only but that all their sons, respectively, having the title of Dukes, shall use coronets com-

posed of crosses and flowers, or leaves, such as are used in the coronets of Dukes not being of
the Blood Eoyal.

James II. This King used the same Arms, &c., as his brother, Charles II.

William III. and Mart II. Arms, &o. those of James I. with an
escutcheon of pretence, thereon the Arms of Nassau, viz., az. biUetty or, a lion
ramp. gold.
Motto —Je mainteindra.

C&e 33nion of tbe Ctoo EinffDoms.

Queen Anne on her accession bore the same arms as William III.,
without the escutcheon of pretence for Nassau, viz., 1st and 4th, France
and England, quarterly ; 2nd, Scotland.; 3rd, Ireland but after the ;

union with Scotland, Her Majesty bore, 1st and 4th, Knoland, impaling
Scotland; 2nd, France, 3rd,' Ireland.

George I. bore quarterly, 1st, England, impaling Scotland 2nd, ;

France 3rd, Ireland 4th, gu. two lions pass, guard, in pale or, for
; ;

Brunswick impaling or, sem6e of hearts gu. a lion ramp, az., for Lunbn-

BURGH on a point in point gu. a horse courant ar., for Saxony on the
; ;

centre of the fourth quarter an escutcheon gu charged with the crown of


Charlemagne or, as the Arch-Treasurer of the Holy Boman Empire.

George II. This Sovereign bore the same Arms, &o., as his father, George I.


George III. bore the shield the same as Gborsb the First, until
the union with Ireland, when the ensigns of France were abandoned,
and by His Majesty's Order in Council, dated 5 Nov. 1800, it was
ordered that the following should be the armorial bearings, standards,
badges, &c., of the United Kingdom :

4rms— Quarterly, 1st and 4th, England, viz., Gu. three lions pass,
guard, or 2nd, Scotland, Or, a lion ramp. gu. within a double tressure flory

counterflory of the last 3rd, Ireland, Az. a harp or, stringed ar. On an

escutcheon of pretence for His Majesty's Hanoverian Dominions, Gu. two

lions pass, guard, in pale or, for Brdnswick, impaling or, sem6e of hearts
gu. a lion ramp, az., for Lunbnbdrg on a point in point gu. a horse courant,

forSaxont; on an escutcheon gu. the crown of Charlemagne or, as Arch-Treasurer of the

Holy Roman Empire, the first escutcheon ensigned with an electoral bonnet.
Crest of England — On the Imperial crown ppr. a lion statant guard, or, imperially
crowned also ppr.

Badge of England —The Tudor rose slipped surmounted by the Imperial crown aU ppr.
Crest of Ireland — Oh a wreath or and az. a tower triple-towered or, from the gate a hart
springing ar. attired gold.
Badges of Ireland — A harp or, surmounted by the Imperial crown ppr. ; also a trefoil
slipped or shamrock vert, surmounted by the Imperial crown ppr.
Crest of —
Scotland On the Imperial crown ppr. a lion sejant afiront6e gu. Imperially
crowned or, holding in the dexter paw a sword and in the sinister a sceptre both erect and
also ppr.

Badge of Scotland —A thistle surmoimted by an Imperial crown aU ppr.

Badge of the United Kingdom The Tudor rose, shamrock, and thistle issuant from the
same stalk, the rose between the shamrock and thistle, surmounted by the Imperial crown,
aU ppr.
Badge of Wales— On a mount vert a dragon pass, wings elevated gu.
George IV. His Majesty bore the same Arms as his father, George III. bore
after 1st January, 1801.
William IV. His late Majesty bore the same Arms as his brother, George IV.

Queen Victoria bears the shield of George the Third as above

without the escutcheon of pretence of Hanover. Her Majesty also bears
the same Crests and Badges.

arms of ^cotlanD.

Or, a Hon ramp, within a double tressure flory counterflory gu.

Crest— A. lion sejant afi'rontSe, gu. Imperially crowned or, holding in
the dexter paw a sword erect, in the sinister a sceptre ppr.
Supporters—Tvfo unicorns ar. gorged with a royal coronet, and
charged or.

Mottoes— over the crest— In

impune laeessit.
defence ; under the arms —Nemo me

arm0 of 3ltelanD.

Az. a harp or, stringed ar.

Crest —Atower triple-towered or, from the gate a hart springing ar.
The Irish Bards were in early times the sacred musicians and historical
poets of their country hence originated the harp in the national arms.

King James I. was the first English monarch who quartered the ensigns of

Eopal Cribes of Wl^\z%,


Griffith ap Ctnan, Kiug of North Wales, .v.d. 1079 derived from


Anarawd, Bang of North Wales, eldest son of Ehodri Mawr, King of Wales,
A.D. 843: Founder of the I. Royal Tribe. Gu. three lions pass, in pale ar
armed az.

Owen Gwtnnedd, King of North Wales, eldest son of Griffith ap Cynau,

bore, Vert, three eagles displ. in fess or.

Llewelltn ap Griffith, Prince of North Wales, slain at Bualth on the

Wye, in 1272 derived from Owen Gwynedd bore, Quarterly, or and gii.
; ;

four lions pass, guard, counterchanged.


Ehts ap Tbwdwr Mawr, King of South Wales, A.D. 1077 derived from ;

Cadelh,King of South Wales, second son of Ehodri Mawr, Founder of the II.
Eoyal Tribe. Gu. a lion ramp, within a bordure indented or.

Bleddtn ap Ctnptn, King of Fo-wys, a.d. 1046, Founder of the III.

Eoyal Tribe ; derived from Mervya, King of Powys, third son of Bhodri
Mawr. Or, a lion ramp gu. armed and langaed az.
Meredith ap Bleddtn, Prince of Powys, son of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn,
bore, Ar. a lion ramp. sa.
Madoc, Prince of Powys-Padog, son of Meredith ap Bleddyn, Prince of
Powys, bore the same as his father.

Griffith Maelor, Lord of Bromfield in Powys, eldest son of Madoc ap

Meredith, Prince of Powys- Padog, bore, Paly of eight ar. and gu. over all a lion
ramp. sa.
Owen ap Griffith Vtchan, Lord of Glyndwyrdwy, the memorable
Owen Glendower, representative of Griffith Maelor, bore originally the arms
of Griffith Maelor; but on acquiring the sovereignty of Wales, assumed the
arms of Llewelyn ap Griffith, Prince of North Wales, as appears on his Privy
Seal, viz.. Quarterly, or and gu. four lions pass, counterchanged.
Owen Brogtnttn, Lord of Edeimion, Dinmael, and Abertanat, in Powys Fadog, son of
Madoc ap Meredith, Prince of Powys-Fadog, bore the same arms as his father and grandfather,
viz., Ar. a lion ramp. sa. armed and langued gu.

Ctnric Efelt,, Lord of Eglwys Egle in Bromfield, son of Madoc ap

Meredith, bore, Gu. on a bend ar. a lion pass. sa.

EiNiON Epell, Lord of CynUaeth in Deubighland, twin brother of

Cynric Efell, bore. Per fess sa. and ar. a lion ramp, counterchanged armed
and langued gu.
Owen Ctfelioc, Prince of Higher Powys, subsequently called, from of
son Gwenwynwyn, Powys-Wenwyuwyn, second son of Griffith, Lord of
Mawddwy CyfeiJioc, who was second sou of Meredith ap Bleddyn, bore the
arms of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, viz.. Or, a lion ramp. gu. armed and langued az.
Madoc Goch, Lord of Mawddy, in Merioneth, second son of Gwenwynwyn, Prince of
Powys- Wenwynwyn, bore the arms of his ancestor, Bleddyn ap Cynfyn.
John, Lord of Mawddwy, son of William (living 17 Edward I.), fourth son of Griffith,
Lord of Mawddwy (ancestor of the Princes of Powys-Wenwynwyn), second son of Meredith
ap Bleddyn, Prince of Powys, bore the arms of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn.
Cadwgan, Lord of Nannau, in Merioneth (for some time time associated in the
sovereignty of Powys with his elder brother, Meredith), younger son of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn,
King of Powys, bore, Or, a Hon ramp. az.


Ethbltstan Glodrtdd, Tributary Prince of Ferlys (the coimtry between

the Wye and the Severn), Founder of the IV. Eoyal Tribe. Quarterly, first and
fourth, az three boars' heads oabossed sa. ;second and third, per bend sinister,
ermine and erminois, over all a lion ramp, or, which latter was the coat of his
mother Ehingor, dau. and heir of Gronwy ap Tudor-Trevor, Lord of Whitting-
ton, CO. Salop.

Jestyn ap Gwrgakt, Tributary Prince of Glamorgan, Founder of the V.

Eoyal Tribe. Gu. three chevronels ar.
iHtoSle '^xlbts of 0onf) Male^ atttr i^otois;.

AwPA, AP Ctnddelw, Founder of the I. Noble Tribe. Gu. a chev. betw. three lioncels
ramp. or.


Llowarch, ap Bran, Founder of the II. Noble Tribe. Ai\ a chev. betw. three crows sa,
each holding in the bill an erm. spot.


GwElBYDD, AP Rhys Goes, Lord of Tal Ebohon, in Anglesey. Ar. on a bend sa. three
lions' heads cabossed of the first.


CiLMiN Teoed-Du. Quarterly; 1st and 4th, ar. an eagle displ. with two heads sa. ; 2nd and
3rd, ar. three ragged staffs gu. fired ppr. ; over all, upon an escutcheon of pretence ar. a
man's leg couped a-la-cuise sa.

CoLiWTN, AP Tagno, Lord of Efionydel, Founder of the V. Noble Tribe, Sa. a chev. betw.
three fleurs-de-lis ar.

Neptdd Haedd, Lord of Nant Conway, Founder of the VI. Noble Tribe. Ar. three spears'
heads embrued sa. pointed upwards.


Maelor Crwm, Lord of Llechwedd-Isaff and Creuddyn, in Carnarvon Ar. on a chev. sa.
three angels or.


Marcbttdd, AP Ctnan, Lord of Abergelleu, Pounder of the VIIL Noble Tribe. Gu. a
Saracen's head erased at the neck ppr. wreathed about the temples sa. and ar.


Hedd Molwtnoo, Lord of Uwch Aled, Founder of the IX. Koble Tribe. Sa. a hart jjass.
ar. attired or.

Bbaint Hir, Lord of Isdulas, Founder of the X. Noble Tribe. Vert a cross flory or.


Marchwbithian, Lord of Is-Aled, Founder of the XI. Noble Tribe. Gu. a lion ramp, ar
armed az.


Edwtn, Lord of Tegaingle, co. Flint, Founder of the XII. Noble Tribe, Ar. a cross flory
engr. sa. betw. four Cornish choughs ppr.' armed gu.


Ednowian Bendew, Lord of Tegaingle, a.d. 1079, Founder of the XIIL Noble Tribe. Ar.
a chev. betw. three boars' heads couped sa.


Efntdd ap Gwenllian, Founder of theXIV. Noble Tribe. Gu. a lion ramp. or. He
also quartered the arms of his mother Gwenllian, dau. and heir of Ehys ap Marchen,
viz., Az. a fess or, betw. three nags' heads erased ar.


Ednowain, ap Bradwen, Lord of Llys-Bradwen, in Merioneth, Foimder of the XV. Noble

Tribe. Gu. three snakes nowed in a triangular knot ar.
IBxitm ©triers of mi^moon.


Instituted by King Edward III. about August, 1348.



The Garter of dark-blue velvet, edged -with gold, bearing the motto in golden letters,
with buckle and pendant of gold richly chased. The garter is worn on the left leg below the

The Mantle of blue velvet, lined with white taffeta ; on the left breast the star

The Hood of crimson velvet.

The Stjrcgat likewise of crimson velvet lined with white taffeta.

The Hat of black velvet, lined *ith while taffeta ; a plume of white ostrich feathers,
in the centre of which a tuft of black heron's feathers, all fastened to the hat by a band of

The Collar, gold, consisting of twenty-six pieces, each in form of a garter, enamelled,
azure, and appended thereto,

The George, or figure of St. George on horseback, encountering the dragon. The George
is wornto the collar ; and the lesser George, pendant to a broad dark-blue ribbon over the
left shoulder.

The Star of eight points, silver, upon the centre of which the Cross of St. George, gules,
encircled with the garter.

Motto — Honi soit qui mal y pense. Ribbon of the Order — Garter blue.



Revived by King James II. in 1687. Re-established by Queen Anne, 31s* December, 1703.


The Star of this Order, wliicli is worn on the left side of the coat or cloak, consists of
a St. Andrew's Cross, of silver embroidery, with rays emanating from between the points of
the cross, in the centre of which is a thistle of green, heightened with gold, upon a field of
gold, surrounded by a circle of green, bearing the motto of the Order in golden characters.

The Badge, or Jewel, worn pendent to the collar, or to a dark green ribbon over the
leftshoulder and tied under the arm. It consists of a figure of St. Andrew, of gold enamelled,
with his gown green and the surcoat purple, bearing before him the cross, enamelled white,'
the whole surrounded by rays of gold in the form of a glory ; the cross and feet, resting upon
the ground, of enamelled, green.

The Collar is of Thistles, intermingled with sprigs of rue.

J^oHo—Nemo me impune lacessit. Ribbon of the Order— Gr&ea.



Instituted hy King Oeorge III., February 5th, 1783.


The Star— The Star of tte Order of Saint Patrick consists of the Cross of Saint
gules, on a field argent, charged with a trefoil as on the Badge, surrrounded by a
enameUed circle, containing the motto and date, and is encircled by four greater
and two
lesser rays of silver.

Patrick," say the

The Collau.— "The Collar of Our Most lUustrious Order of Saint
be of gold, and it shall be composed of Eoses and Harps
alternate tiea
statutes, "shall
white leaves
together with a knot of gold, and the said roses shall be enamelled alternately
within red, and red leaves within white and in the centre of the said Collar
shaU be an

Imperial Crown, surmounting a Harp of Gold, from which shall hang

« The Badge of our said Order ; and the said Badge shall be of gold, surmounted with
a wreath of Shamrock or Trefoil, within which shaU be a circle of Blue Enamel
the Motto of Our said Order in Letters of Gold, viz.,—Quis Separabit,
with the date
the Uross
MDccLxxxiii. being the year in which Our said Order was founded, and encircling
of St. Patrick, gides, surmounted with a trefoU vert, each of its leaves
charged with an
Imperial Crown or, upon a field argent."

Motto —Quis separabit. Ribbon— Sky-hlue.



Instituted in 1399. Revived in 1725. Enlarged in 1815 and 1847-

The Badge for the Military Classes of the Order is a gold Maltese cross, of eight
points, enamelled argent in the four angles, a lion passant guardant or in the centre, the
; ;

rose, thistle, and shamrock, issuant from a sceptre between three imperial crowns or, within a
circle gules ; thereon the motto of the Order, surrounded by two branches of laurel proper,
issuing from an escroU azure, inscribed loH Dien (I serve), in letters of gold. It is worn by
the grand crosses pendent from a red ribbon across the right shotdder, by the knights com-
manders from the neck, and by the companions from the button-hole.

The Collar is of gold (weight, thirty ounces Troy weight), and is composed of nine
imperial crowns, and eight roses, thistle, and shamrock, issuing from a sceptre, enamelled in
their proper colours, tied or linked together with seventeen gold knots, enamelled white,
having the badge of the Order pendent therefrom.

The Star of the Military Grand Crosses is formed of rays or flames of silver, thereon
a gold Maltese cross, and in the centre, within the motto, branches of laurel, issuant as in the

TheCivil Knights Grand Crosses retain the old badge and star of the Order. The
Star of silver, formed with eight points or rays, charged with three imperial crowns, proper,
upon a glory of silver rays, surrounded with a red circle, upon which is the motto of the
Order. Their badge is of gold, composed of a rose, thistle, and shamrock, issuing from a
sceptre between three imperial crowns, encircled by the motto. The civil knights com-
manders wear the same badge, of a smaller size, round the neck by a red ribbon, and the
civil companions the same, but of a still smaller size, from the button-hole, pendent from a
red ribbon.

The Star of the Knights Commanders is in the form of a cross-patt6e of silver,

having the same centre as the Grand Crosses, but without a gold Maltese cross thereon, The
star of the Civil Knights Commanders is of the same form and size, only omitting the laurel
wreath round the circle containing the motto and the escroll with the words "Ich dien"

Motto— 1x13, juncta in uno. Ribbon of the Order —Red.



Instituted by Her Majesty Queen, Victoria, February 2Zrd, 1861, and enlarged, March 28th, 1 866,

The Star Eaya of gold issuing from a centre, having thereon a star in diamonds,
resting upon a light blue enamelled circular ribbon, tied at the ends, inscribed with the motto
of the Order, viz. : —
" Hkaven's light our guide," also in diamonds.

The Collar. — Composed of the lotus of India, of palm branches, tied together, in
and of the united Red and White Eose. In the centre is an imperial crown all
saltier, ;

richly enamelled on gold, in their proper colours.

The Badge. —An onyx cameo of Her Majesty's effigy, set in a perforated and orna-
mented oval, containing the motto of the Order, " Heavei?s light oue guide," surmounted
by a, star all in diamonds. The Eibbon of the Order is sky-blue, having a narrow white
stripe towards either edge, and is worn from the right shoulder to the left side.

The Mantle. —Light blue satin, lined with white, and fastened with a cordon of white
sUk, with blue and silver tassels, on the left side a representation of the star of the Order.

—^Heaven's light guide.

Motto oiu:

Ribbon of Order— Sky-blue, with a narrow white

the stripe towards either edge.


Instituted ilth April, 1818, hy Letters Patent, under the Great Seal oj Great Britain, and
enlarged and extended 4th December, 1868, for the natural horn subjects of the Grovni of
the 'United Kingdom as may have held or shall hold high and confidential offices within
Her Majesty's colonial possessions. So.


The Stae of a Knight Grand Cross is composed of seven rays of silver, having a small
ray of gold between each of them, and over all the cross of St. George gules. In the centre is
a representation of the Archangel St. Michael encountering Satan, -within a blue circle,
inscribed with the motto, Aitspioium Melioris Mvi.

The Collar is formed alternately of lions of England, of Maltese crosses, and of the
ciphers S M and S G, having in the centre the imperial crown, over two winged lions, passant
guardant, each holding a book, and seven arrows. At the opposite end of the coUar are two
similar lions. The whole is of gold except the crosses, which are of white enamel, and it is
linked together by small gold chains.

The Badge is a gold cross of fourteen points of white enamel, edged with gold, having in
the centre, on one side, the Archangel St. Michael encountering Satan, and on the other, St.
George on horseback, encountering a dragon, with a blue circle, on which the motto of the
Order is inscribed. The Cross is surmounted by the imperial crown, and is worn by. the
Knights Grand Cross to the Collar, or to a wide Saxon-blue ribbon, with a scarlet stripe from
the right shoulder to the left side.

The Mantle is of Saxon-blue satin, lined with scarlet silk, tied with cordons of blue and
scarlet silk and gold, and has on the left side the star of a Knight Grand Cross.
The Chapeau is of blue satin, lined with scarlet, and surmounted with white and black
ostrich feathers.

The Knights Commanders wear the badge suspended to a narrower ribbon from the
neck, and have on their left side a star composed of four rays, with a small cross of eight
points in saltire, of silver, surmounted by the cross of St. George, gules, and having the same
centre as the Star of the Grand Crosses.

The Cavalieei and Companions wear the small cross of the Order from a stUl narrower
ribbon at the button-hole of their coats.

Motto —Auspicium Melioris Mvi. Ribbon oj the Orc?e>'— Saxon-blue, with a scarlet stripe.

ABAPAIVr (Sir John Abasau, Baron of Bererston, co. Abbot (Hartland, co. Devon, Vis. Devon, 1620; one of the
Gloucester; sununoned to Parliament temp. Edward I.)- heiresses m. Luttrell). Sa. a cross voided betw. four eagles
Ar. on a cross gu. five mullets or. In the ancient painted displ. or. Crest —A
grifBn sejant az. platt€e winged and
glass in Tidentaam churcli, Gloucestershire, the mallets are beaked or.
pierced of the field. The heiress of Abadam, vi. Tomlin Abbotsbury Abbey (Dorset). Az. three pair of keys
Huntley. two in chief and one in base or, each pair addorsed and con-
Abarle (1572). Or, three falcons ppr. Crest —A flute in joined in the rings wards in chief.
pale ppr. Abbott. At. a cross sa. fimbriated or, betw. four eagles
Abaroug-h, or Abaro^r (Dychet, co. Somerset). Sa. two displ. of —
the second. Crest ^A griffin sejant az. bezant€e.
swords in saltire ar. hetw. four fleurs-de-lis or, a bordure Abbs (Cleadon, co. Durham). Gu. a bend engr. or, betw.

erm. Crest A ferret ar. collared or, lined az. six lions ramp. ar. Crest — ^The sun in splendour. Motto—
Abbeford (Leicestershire). Erm. a chief gu. fretty or. Noli irritare leonem.
Crat —On a chapeau ppr. a water-bouget sa. Abbs (The Hall, Barrow Point Hill, Pinner, co. Middle-
Abbeball (Gloucestershire ; temp. Edward II. The place sex). Gu. on a fesse betw. three escallops ar. five fusils in
is now called Abenhall). Or, a fesse gu. —
fesse sa. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle's head
Abberbury, or Aberbnry (Oxfordshire and Suffolk). Or, with wings displ. ar. collared gold. Motto ^lu te Domine —
a fess —
embattled sa. Crest ^A hawk witli wings expanded, speravi.
resting its dexter claw upon a mount, ppr. Abby, Gu. five fusils in fesse betw. three escallops ar.
AbbertoxL. Ar. a chev. betw. three wolves^ heads erased sa. Crest—A cross crosslet az.
Abbetot. See D'Aeetot. Abden. Ar. three fleurs-de-lis sa. Crest —A swan's head
Abbetot (Warwickshire). Az. a chev. or, betw. three be- betw. two wings az.
zants. Chreat —
^A dexter hand, holding a cutlas in pale ppr. Abdy (Yorkshire, London, Felix Hall, co. Essex, and Chob-
hilted or. ham Place, co. Surrey, Bart.). Or, two chev. betw. three
Abbetot (Elmley Castle, co. Worcester). See D' Abbetot. trefoils sUpped sa. Crest —^An eagle's head erased ppr.
Abbey, Gu. five fusils conjoined in fesse, betw. three escal- beaked or.
lops ar. Crest—An eagle's head erased ppr. Abdy (Albyns, co. Essex, Bart.). Or, two chev. betw. three
Abbis, Abbes, or Abbs (Norfolk). Gu. a fesse lozengy trefoils shpped sa. (^est — ^AJi eagle's head couped ppr.
betw. three escallops ar. Crest —
^A spur az. leather sa. 3fo«o—Tenax et fidelis,
buckle of the first. Abdy (Moores, co. Essex, extinct baronet, a cadet, of Felix
Abbome. —
Az. a chev. or. Crest ^A dexter arm vested az. Hall). Same Arms.
cuffed or, in the hand ppr. a baton gu. tipped with gold. Abdy (Essex). Or, a chev. betw. three trefoils slipped sa.
Abbot. Erm. on a pale gu. three pears or. Crest-~~A demi Abeck or Habeck, Or, two bars vert. Crest Out of a —
unicorn erm. armed and numed ar. gorged with a collar, az. mural coronet an arm from the elbow vested az. cuff ar.
studded or. holding in the hand ppr. a muUet gu.
Abbot (Lord Mayor of London, 1638). Gu. a chev. betw. A'Beckett. See Beckett.

three pears pendent stalked or. Crest Out of a ducal coro- Abeinsherles (Suffolk). Gu. a bend crenell^e ar.
net a unicorn's head or, betw. two ostrich feathers ar. Abeleyn, Abeline, or Abeleiue. Ar. three fleurs-de-
Abbot {Saron Colchester). Gu. on a chev. betw. three pears lis aa. Crest —
^A peacock ppr.
or, as many crosses raguly az. within a tressure flory of the Abeliue. Ar. on a cross sa. five (another four) eagles displ.
second. CresU~0^xt of a ducal coronet or, a imicom's head of the field. Crea^—A sword in pale enfiled with a savage's
erm. maned and tufted of the first betw. six ostrich feathers head ppr.
ar. quilled gold. Sv.pport&r^~-On either side a unicorn erm. Abell (Essex). Ar. a fesse purp. betw. three boars' heads
maned hoofed and tufted or, gorged with a collar az. within couped gu. Crest —
An arm in armour embowed ppr. hold-
another gemel flory counter-flory gu. therefrom a chain ing a sword ar. hilted or, enfiled on the arm with a wreath
reflexed over the back gold and charged on the shoulder ar. and gu.
with a cross raguly of the third. Motto Deo patrise — Abell (co. Kent). Barry of four or and az. on a chief sa.
amicis. three plates.
Abbot {Baron Tenterden). Purp. a pile wavy vair^ gu. and Abell, or Abel (Kent and London). Ar. a saltire engr. az.
ar. in base two water bougets or, on a canton of the second —
(another gu.). Crest The same as Abell of Essex.

a crosier erect sa. Crest ^A fox pass. sa. charged on the Abell (Stapenhill, co. Derby. Visit. 1611). Ar. on a saltire
shoulder with a water bouget, per pale or and ar. Sup- engr. az. nine fleurs-de-lis of the field.
jjoricra—Dexter, adragon wings elevated vert, gorged with Abell. At. on a saltire engr. az. twelve fleura-de-lis or.
the collar of Lord Chief Justice, and charged on the wing Abell. Vert fretty ar. and a fesse gu.
with a water bouget or sinister, a pehcan wings elevated
; Abelon, or Abilon, asAsEiEYN. Crestr'^A mitre ppr.
or, beaked vulned and gorged with a collar of roses gu. stringed gu.

Motto ^Lahore. Abelyn, Abyleyue, or Aylin. Ar. three chess-rooks
Abbot (Shropshire). Ar. three shredding knives sa. sa.
Abbot (Lincolnshire). Ar. on a pale sa. betw. two ogresses, Abelyn. Ar. on a cross sa. an eagle displ. with two heads
a demi lion issuant from the base or. Crest A unicorn's — or. Crest —On a globe ppr. an eagle wings expanded and
head erased ar. attired and crined or, charged with a bar inverted gu.
gemel sa. Abelyne, Ar. in chief three chess-rooks sa. Crest —The
Abbot (Bellasis, co. York. Quartered by Webster of Flam- same as the last.
boro'). Ar. a chev. betw. three wolves' heads erased gu. Abenball (Abenhall, co. Gloucester). Or, a fesse gu.
Abbot. Erm. on a bend engr. sa. three crescents or. Crest — Abenball, or Ablehall (Gloucestershire). Gu. a fesso
A cubit arm erect vested az. cuffed erm. holding in the hand or. Crest —^Two branches of laurel issuing from the wreath
ppr. a crescent ar. chevronways vert.


Aber. Or, a fesse embattled az. Crest —A demi talbot Abemie, or Aberton. Az. a chev. or.
ramp. ar. ducallygorged gu. Aberton. Ar. a chev. betw. three bears' heads erased sa,
Aberbury. See Abbebbury. Aberton, or Aburton. Or, on a fesse gu. betw. three
Abercorn, Duke of. See Hamilton. mullets sa. a cross crosslet fltch^e of the first. Ci'est On a —
Abercoru. Ar, a chev. sa. betw. three mullete gu. human heart gu. an eagle's claw erased ppr.
Abercromby (of that Ilk, co. Banff). Ar. a chev. gu. Aberton, or Aburton. Or, on a fesse gu, betw. three
betw. three boars' heads erased az. Crest ^An oak tree — mullets pierced sa. as many crosses crosslet fitch^ ar. Crest
accrued on a mount ppr. Motto Tace. — — The same as the last.
Abercromby (Birkenbog, co. Banff, Bart., representative Abew, Ar. on a cross gu. five bezants.
since the 17th century of Abercromby of that Ilk). Ar. a Abe^w (Cornwall). Erm. on a cross gu. five annulets or.
chev. gu. betw. three boars' heads erased az. Crest A fal- — Abibson. Ar. a fesse botonn^e gu.
con rising belled ppr. —
Supporters Two greyhounds ar. Abingrdon (Abingdon, co. Cambridge, Whichenford, Brok-
collared gu. Mottoes —
Above the crest, Petit alta; under hampton, and Hindlip, co. Worcester: the heiresses were
the shield, Vive ut vivas. Mary, wife of Walter Compton, of Hartpury Francis, wife ;

Abercromby (TulUbody co. Clackmannan). Ar. a chev. of John Branthwaite and Elizabeth, m. to Francis Foimtain,

indent, gu. betw. three boars' heads erased az. armed and Esq.). Ar. on a bend gu. three eagles displ. or, beaked and
langued or, in the middle chief point a crescent vert. —
legged az. Crest An eagle close or.
Abercromby (Baron ^&ei*crom6y, representative of Aber- Abingdon, or Abili8i;on (Dowdeswcll, co. Gloucester,
cromby, of l*ulIibody). Ar. a fesse embattled gu. therefrom granted 1595, to Anthony Abinton, gentleman-usher to
issuant in chief a dexter arm embowed in armour ppr. Queen Elizabeth, Ad. MS. B. M., 14,295). Ar. on a bend gu.
garnished or, encircled by a wreath of laurel, the hand sup- three eagles displ. or, an annidet of the second. Crest ^A —
porting the French invincible standard, in bend sinister, also hand and arm, couped at the shoulder, in armour, garnished
ppr.; in base, a chev. indented gu. betw. three boars' heads or, embowed fesseways, holding in the hand an ancient mace,
erased az. Crest—-A bee volant ppr. Motto —
Vive ut vivas. handled sa. headed and studded gold, girt roimd the arm

Supporters Two greyhounds per fesse ar. and or, collared near the shoulder with a sash tied in a bow ar. fringed of
and lined gu. each charged on the shoulder with a thistle the first.
ppr. Abingrdon. Ar. a cross patonce betw. five martlets sa. (Baron Dunfermline, extinct). Ar. a fess Abing-don, Toism of (co. Berks. Confirmed to the borough
embattled gu. betw. in base the ancient family arms of Aber- in 1623). Vert a cross patonce or, between four crosses
cromby, viz., a chev. indent, gu. betw. three boars' heads patt^e ar.
erased az. and in chief issuing out of the battlements of the Abing-don, Earl of. See Bertie.
fess a dexter arm embowed in armour ppr. garnished or, Abing-er, Baron. See Scarlett.
the cubit part of the arm encircled by a wreath of laurel, Abington (Dorsetshire). Ar. on a bend cottised sa. three
and the hand grasping a French republican military flag, in eagles displ. of the field in the sinister chief point an escal-

bend sinister. Crest A bee erect ppr. Supporters Two — lop sa.
greyhounds per fess ar. and or, each plain collared with hue Abitot. See B'Abitot.
reflexed over the back gu. and suspended from the collar a Abland. Ar. on a bend sa. three pheons of the field.
shield az. charged with the Speaker's mace in pale gold, Able. two bars ar. in chief as many plates. CyesC—An
betw. the shield a thistle ppr. arm in armour embowed holding a sword all ppr.
Abercromby (Fetternier, a scion of Birkenbog, created in Ablehall. Or, a chief gu,
1685, Lord Glassfoord). Ar. a chev. engr. gu. betw. three Ablehall, or Abelball, Gu. a fesse or. Cre«— A lion's
boars' heads erased az. Crest —
A cross crosslet fitch^e or. head erased sa. betw. two wings or.

Motto In cruce salus. Ablehall, or AblesbaU (Warwickshire and Gloucester-
Abercromby (Glasshaugh). Ar, a chev. indented gu. betw. shire). Or, a fesse gu.
three boars' heads erased az.

Crest —
A bee volant ppr. Abnet (Staffordshire). Gu. an eagle displ. betw. three
Motto ^Vive ut vivas. pheons ar.
Abercromby (South CaroUna, 1778). Ar. on a chev. gu. Abney (Willesley, co. Derby). Ar. on a cross sa. five be-
betw. three boars' heads erased az. langued of the field an zants. This was the true coat of the family, and was borne

antique crown or. Crest A cross Calvary gu. Motto In — by Sir Thomas Abney, Knt., Lord Mayor of Ixindon, 1694
cruce salus. {Harleian MSS. 6076), but in consequence of the marriage,
Aberdare, Baron. See Bruce. circa 1400, of John de Abeney, with the co-heiress of Ing-
Aberdeen, Earl of. See Gordon. wardby of Willesley, moat of the Abney s, descendants thereof,
Aberdeen (Cainibulg). Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three mullets adopted for their hereditary arms the coat of Ingwardby,
or. Crest —A dexter hand holding up an annulet ppr. on chief gu. a lion passant ar. Le Neve's "Knights,"
viz., or,

Motto Intemerata Fides. gives as the arms of Sir Edward Abney, of Willesley,
Aberdeen, Town of, Gu. three towers triple towered knighted at Whitehall, 2 Aug. 1673, this latter coat.
within a double tressure flowered and counter-flowered arg. Abney (Measham Hall, co. Derby). Or, on a chief gu. alien

iSwpportcrs—Two leopards ppr. Motto ^Bon Accord. The pass. ar. Crest —
A demi lion ramp, or, a pellet betw. the
honourable augmentation of the double tressure was granted —
paws. Motto Fortiter et houeste.
as a recompense for the loyalty of the citizens of Aberdeen, Abney-Hastings. See Hastings.
in their services against the EngUsh. Abnott. Az. a smew, or white nun, ppr.
Aberdonr. Ar. three swords paleways in fesse ppr. sur- Abraball (Eaton Tregoz, Abrahall, and Ingeston, Hereford-
mounted by a bend gu. within a bordure az. Crest An — shire Johan, daughter and heir of Hugh Abrahall, Esq. m.
anchor and cable and a sword saltireways, all ppr. Motto — :

Walter Kyrle, Esq. of Walford Court, co. Hereford). Az.

Hinc spes effulget. three hedge-hogs (or porcupines) or. Crest— A hedge-hog
Aberdwell, or Abredrobell. Gu. a fesse betw. six ppr.

annulets ar. Crest A greyhound ar. running towards a Abraham (SwarthmoorHall, co. Lane.). Sa. a chev. betw.
tree vert. three estoiles ar. Crest —
A raven ppr.
Abergavenny, !Earl of. See Neville. Abraham (John Abraham, slain at Beggar's Bush, near
Aberherdour, Aberkirdor, or Aberkerdour. Az. Dublin, 1597, then secretary to Sir John Norreys, President
three swords in fesse paleways, points upward, hilted and of Munster). Per fess or and sa. on a bend three annulets
pomelled or, surmounted of a bend gu. Ci'est A sword in — allcounter-charged.
pale ppr. Motto —
Pro rege et patriS,. Abraham. Az. a sun or. Crest A sun or.—
Abemethy (of that Ilk, co. Fife ; Alexander Abernethy, Abrahams. Lozengy or and gu. on a chief sa. the sun in
dominuB de eodem, temp. Bobert I. left three daus. his his splendour or. Crest —
A cap of maintenance decorated

coheirs : Margaret, wife of John Stewart, Earl of Angus with a plume of ostrich feathers, all ppr. Another crest
Helen, m. to Norman Lindsay, of Crawford and Mary, m. ; The sun rising from a cloud ppr.
to Andrew Lesly, of Eothes). Or, a lion ramp. gu. sur- Abram (Abram, co. Lancaster; descended from Richard de
mounted of a ribbon sa. Edburgham, mentioned in the Testa de Nevill. John Abram,
Abemetby (Lord Saltoun). Quarterly : 1st and 4th, as the of Abram, temp. Henry V. left an only dau. m. to James
last; 2nd and 3rd, ar. three piles with points conjoined in Holt, of Grizzlehurst). Az. a sun or. Crest ^A sun or. —
base gu., for Wishart. Crest~~A parrot feeding on a bunch Abrell. Az. three boars pass. or.
of cherries ppr. —
Supporters Two falcons ppr. armed Abrey. Bendy of six erm. and gu. Orest A chevalier on —
jessed, and belled or. Motto —
Salus per Christum. horseback, at full speed, holding a broken spear all ppr.
Abernethy (Auchindoich). Quarterly, as Lord Saltoun, Abrincis {Earl of Chester). Az. a wolfs head erased ar.

within a bordure engr. az. Crest A parrot ppr. Motto In — Abrincis (Folkestone, co. Kent). Or, five chev. gu.
Cbristo salus. Abris. Gu. a chev. betw. three rowels ar.


Abriscotirt (Oxfordshire). Erm. (or vert) three bars hu- Ackers (Lancashire, and The Heath, Leintwardine, eo. Salop),
mettfie gu. (or or,) Cresi— A hare close among grass Ar. on a bend sa. three acorns or, husked vert. Crest — ^A
ppr. dove rising ppr. in the beak an acorn of the arms. Motto —
Abrol, or Aboril (Worcestershire). Per pale or and gu. La Liberty.
three roundles counterchanged. Crest —A lion's head vomit- Ackers (Prinknash Park, co. Gloucester). As of Lancashire.
ing flames ppr. Ackers (Moreton Hall, co. Chester). Ar. on a bend sa. three
Abrook. Or, a cross engr. per pale gu. and sa. a chief erm. acorns or, husked vert. —A dove
Crest rising in the beak
Crest —A wolfs head erased sa. an olive branch ppr. Motto —La Uberttf.
Abry (Glamorgan). Az. a chev. betw. three grifiBns' heads Ackerson, or Akers. Sa. a bend betw. three acorns or.
erased or. Crest —A doric column or.
Absall. At. a cross sa. Ackford. Ar. a horse's head sa. bridled or, issuing out of
Abyne. Erm. on a cross gu, five annulets or. water in base az. on a chief gu. a cross of the first. Crest —
Abys (Derbyshire). See Abbis, Norfolk. A horse's head, as in the arms.
Academy, Boyal Irish. Ar. a saltire gu. charged with Ackhurst. Ar. on a bend sa. three acorns or. Ci-est —

the imperial crown of England ppr. Crest Out of a pointed demi lion ar. holding in the dexter paw an acorn slipped
or Irish crown or, an etoile of eight points ar. charged with vert fructed or.
a cross gu. —
Supporters On the dexter a female figure Ackles. See Aclet.
representing Liberty, holding in her right hand a wand, Ackleward, or Acleward, Sa. a chev. betw. three
thereon a cap gu., on the sinister a figure of Minerva, hold- garbs or.
ing in her right hand a lance, and in the left a scroll. Motto Acklow. Quarterly, indented ar. and az.
— ^We will endeavour. Ackroyd, or Ackeroyd. Per saltire or and az. on a
Acadexay of the Muses. Ar. two bars wavy az., on a saltire betw. four fleurs-de-lis an annulet all oounter-
cluef of the second a music book open or, betw. two swords changed. Crest— A dog sleeping ppr.
in saltire, of the first, hilted and pommelled of the third. Ackworth (Suffolk). Ar. a griffin segreant (another, salient
(^est — A Sagittarius in full speed ppr. shooting with a bow
— per fesse and purp.) and soTnetimes sa. and az. armed or.
or, and arrow ar. Supporters ^Dexter, a satyr, sinister, a Crest —A head erased ppr.
merman with two tails, both ppr. Motto Nihil iuvita — Ackworth. Erm. on a chief indented gu. three coronets or.
Minerva. Adand (Colomb John, and Killerton, co. Devon, Bart.).
Acberts. Az. three fishes haurient two and one ar. —
Chequy ar. and sa. a fesse gu. Crest A man's hand couped
Accotts (Ireland). Or, on a cross quarter-pierced az. twenty at the wrist in a glove lying fesseways thereon a falcon
plates five in each quarter. perched all ppr. —
Motto Inebranlable.
Aceles (Cornwall). Or, four pallets sa. Acland (Fairfield, co. Somerset, and Newhouse, co. Devon,
Acgruillum.. Gu. three fleurs-de-hs ar. Crest A dexter — created a baronet 3 Oct. 1818). Arms as the last, borne
hand holding a hoUy-brauch ppr. quarterly with Palheb and Folleb.
Achamber (Suggerton). Az. a key in pale, ward upwards, Acland (Devonshire). Gu. a bend or, charged with three
betw. two mullets of six points or. trefoils vert betw. a lion ramp, in chief and three lozenges
Achannay, or Ahaunay (Sorbie, £n old family in Gallo- in base of the second.
way, the name of which is now written Hannat). Ar. three Acle (Devonshire). Gu. two lions pass, reguard. or. Crest —
roebucks' heads couped az. collared or, with a bell pendant An annulet or, stoned sa.
to the collar gu. Crest —
Out of a crescent a cross crosslet Acley, or Ackles. Or, three palets az.
fitch^e sa. Motto —
Per ardua ad alta. Aclome (Moreby, co. York). Gu. a maunch ar, within an
Achard (Berkshire). Or, a bend engr. sa. orle of cinquefoils of the last (another or). Crest A demi —
Achard (Berkshire). Gyronny of six ar. and gu. a label of lion holding a maunch ar.
five points az. Acock. Ar. a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest Out —
Achard (c6. Gloucester), Barry wavy of six ar. and gu. of a mural coronet a demi swan issuing ppr.
a label of five points az. Acozube (Granted 1574, to John Acombe, of Stratford-upon-
Achard. Or, a bend of five fusils sa. Avon). Erm. three lions pass, in fesse gu. Crest i^dexter —
Achart. Barry wavy of six ar. and gu. arm in armour embowed sa, garnished or, tied round with a
Achas (Leicestershire). Sa. three fleurs-de-lis ar. ribbon ar. and gu. in the hand a broken tilting spear.
Ache, Acche, or Achey (Devonshire). Sa. (another gu.) Acootes, or Acotes. Ar. on a cross quarterly pierced
two demi lions pass, guard, in pale or. az. twenty bezants placed by fives in saltire.
Achefield. Per chev. ar. and sa. three leopards* faces Acotes (Ireland). Az. a cross voided betw. four cinquefoils or.
counterchanged. Acotes (Caton Hall, co. York). Or, on a cross az. five
Achefield. Per chev. ar. and sa. in chief a label of three cinquefoils or.
points gu. in base three leopards' faces or. Acottes. Or, on a cross counterpierced az. twenty bezants
Acheley (London and Shropshire). See Atcheelet. five at —
each end in saltire. Crest ^A Hon ramp. gu. support-
Acheley. Gu. on a fesse engr. betw. three leopards' heads ing a standard az. charged with a saltire ar.
erased or, as many crosses crosslet fiLohfie sa. Crest — Acotts. Or, on a cross pierced az. four cinquefoils of the
griffin's head erased ppr. Crestr—Saiae as the last.
Acheley. Per pale gu. and or, a flear-de-lis counter- Acotts. Or, a cross pierced az. bezant^e.
changed. A'Court (Baron Beyte&hwry). Per fesse or, and paly of six
Acheney. Ar. five lozenges in saltire betw. four of the erminois and az,, in chief an eagle displ. sa., beaked and
lozenges gu. membered gu., charged on the body with two chevronels ar.
Acheltou, Gu. three falcons close ar. belled or. Crest —
An eagle displ. sa., charged with two chevronels or,
Acheson {Sari of Gosford). Ar. an eagle displ, with two beaked and legged gu., holding in the beak a lily slipped ppr.
heads beaked and membered or, on a chief vert two
sa. Supporters' —On either side an eagle, wings elevated sa., each
muUets of the tbird. Crest—A. cock gu. standing on a holding in the beak a lily slipped ppr. Motto —Grandescunt

trumpet or. Supporters ^Two leopards ppr. the sinister aucta lab ore.
reguard. both collared and chained or. Motto -Vigilantibus.— A'Court. Per fesse in chief az. an eagle displ. ar. in base,
Acheson. See Aitcheson. paly of six of the first and second. Crest —A lion's head
Achmuty (that Ilk, Fifeshire). Ar. a broken spear bend- reguard. gu.
ways betw. two mullets az. A'CoTirt-Holmes {Baron Heyteshury). See Holues.
Achmuty, or Auchmuty (Brianstown, co. Longford). Acre, or D*Acre. Gu. three escallops ar.
Ar, a broken spear bendwise betw. two spur rowels of six Acre (Westmorland). Gu. three fusils in fesse or, and in
points az. pierced of the field. Another coat Ar. two spur — chief as many escallops ar.
Towels in chief pierced of the field and a spear's head in Acre. Gu. three escallops betw. nine trefoils slipped, three

base az. Crest An arm embowed in armour holding a three two and one ar.
broken spear, the arm ppr. the lance az. JWotio—Dum spiro Acre. Gu. a fesse fusily betw. three escallops ar.
spero. Acre. Gu. three Ixjzenges or, in chief as many escallops ar.
Achym (Pelynt, co. Cornwall). Ar. sem& of cinquefoils a Acres. Gu. three trefoils slipped in fesse or, betw. as many
maunch gu, (monument in Bodmin church, 1639). Crest-— escallops ar.
A lion sejant or, collared and lined sa. and sojnetimes a demi Acres (Northumberland). Ar. a fesse betw. six fleurs-de-lis
lion ar. holding a maunch
gu. sa. Crest —An eagle displ. ppr. charged on the breast with
Achjrza (Trenake, Pelynt, Cornwall). Ar. a maunch within a torteau sa.
a bordure sa, charged with eight cinquefoils of the field. Acres. Or, a cross potent gu.
Crest —A crescent or. Acrit, or Acre (Westmorland). Az. on a cross or, (another
Ackelam. See Aclohe. ar.) four escallops gu.

3 B 2


Acton (Aldenham, co. Salop). Gu. two lions pass. ar. betw. chief armed all ppr. Crest —
A man's head affrontde

nine crosses croBslet fltchde or. Crest Within a wreath ar. couped at the neck ppr. Motto I*oyal au mort. —
and gu, a human leg and thigh in armour ppr. garnished or. Adair (Genoch, 1732). Ar. a lion rampant az. between three
couped and dropping blood. dexter hands appaum^e erected and couped gu. Crest —
Acton (Gatacre Park, co. Salop, the second branch of the man's head affronts couped ppr. distilling drops of blood,
Actons of Aldenham). Arms and Crest As Acton of — and fixed on the point of a sword erected in pale, also ppr.

Arte et marte and For-
Aldenham. hilted and pommeled or. Mottoes ;

Acton (Acton Scott, co. Salop). Arms and Crest—As Agtom titudine.
of Aldenham. Adair (Loughanmore, co. Antrim). Arms, &c. as the pre-
Acton, Dalberg {Baron Acton). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ceding.
gu. sem^e of cross crosslets fitch^e or, two lions pass, in pale Adam (Blair Adam, co. Kinross, 1815). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,*
ar., for Acton; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. six ar. a mullet az. pierced of the field betw. three cross crosslets
fleurs-de-lis three two and one ar. ; a chief dancett^e of fitch^e gu. 2nd and 3rd, ar. three arrows gu. the midmost

the last; 2nd and 3rd, or, a cross patonce gu., over all an paleways the other two saltireways, points downwards banded
escutcheon of the first thereon a tower of the second and together vert, accompanied with six trefoils slipped of the
chief dancett^e of the last. —
Supporters ^Two lions guard. last, two in chief two in fess and two in base, for Littlb-
ppr. each gorged with a chain or, and charged with a cross —
joHN. Crest ^A cross crosslet fitchde gu. surmounted of a
patonce gu. Crest —
A human leg and thigh in armour —
sword in saltire ppr. Motto Crux mihi grata quies.
couped and dropping blood all ppr. embellished or. Adam (Whiteslaid, co. Selkirk, 1731). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
Actcm (Cheshire). Gu. a fesse erm. in chief and in base a ar. three passion crosses gu.; 2nd and 3rd., or, a burning hill
lion pass. ar. betw. two crosses crosslet or. Crest— A demi az. in chief three ravens wings expanded ppr. a bordure
lion ramp, guard, ar. grasping a spear or, enfiled with a of the second charged with eight passion crosses of the
boar's head sa. couped gu. first. Crest —
A passion cross or, charged with a man's heart
Acton (Cheshire). Ar. a chev. gu. ppr. Motto —
In cruce salus.
Acton (Leicestershire). Quarterly, per fesse indented ar. Adam (Walden, co. Essex, assigned by Camden, Clarenceux
andaz. to Thomas Adam, Esq., 30 Sept. 1614). Vert on a cross or,
Acton (London). Quarterly, per fesse indented ar. and gu. an etoile sa. Crest—A talbot passant az. bezant^e collared ar.
in the first quarter a Cornish chough sa. Adam (London). Gu. on a bend or, three leopards' heads
Acton (Bipford). Ar. a fesse within a bord. engr. erm. vert.
Acton (Shropshire). Quarterly, per fesse indented ar. and Adam (Lincolnshire). Sa. three bars ar. in chief three
gu. in the first a bordure sa. mullets of the last.
Acton (Warwickshire). Gu. a fesse within a bordure erm. Adam (Christchurch, co. Hants). Ar. a crescent betw. three
Acton (Worcestershire. The Sutton branch terminated with crosses crosslet fitch€e gu. Crest —A
crescent as in the
an heiress, Joice Acton, m. to Sir Thomas Lucy, of Charle- arms.
cote, but its male representation vested in William Joseph Adam. Az. a ray of the sun issuing out of the dexter
AcTON, of Wolverton, Esq.). Gu. a fesse erm. within a bor- corner bendways ppr.
dure engr. of the second. Crest—An arm in armour em- Adami (Lord ap Adam temp. Edward I.). Ar. on a cross gu.
bowed ppr. holding in the hand a sword ar. hilt or, thereon five mullets or.
a boar's head couped sa. the neck distilling blood. Motto— Adam. Gu. five estoiles in cross (—•).
Yaillance avance Thomme. Adam (Bury St. Edmunds). Erm. on a cross gu. five muUeU
Acton (Bockleton, co. Worcester). Same as preceding with or.
a mullet for difference. Adam (London, 1590). Ar. on a cross gu. five estoiles or.
Acton (Acton Hall, Ombersley). Gu. a chev. betw. three Adams (London, 1598). Ar. on a cross gu. five mullets
cinquefoils ar. Visit. 1634, has the chev. or. (another five estoiles) or, quartering Sqotee, Ac. Crest Out —
Acton (Worcester). Gu. a fesse and bordure both engr. of a ducal coronet or, a demi lion affront^e arg. Anotlier
erm. in chief a chaplet ppr. crfist'— A lion saliant or.
Acton (granted to Sir Kobebt Acton, of Worcestershire, Adams (Paterchurch, co, Pembroke, a.d. 1422). Sa. ft
Knt., and to his nephew, Robert, " who at ye siege of BuUeyn —
martlet ar. Another coat Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. two
toke Mons. Honingcourt prisoner"), Gu. a fesse and bordure martlets ar. ; 2nd, sa. five martlets in saltire ar. ; 3rd, sa. a
engr. erm. on a canton or, a tree eradicated of the field. lion ramp, within a bordure engr. or. (See Lewis Dwhn's
Crest—An arm embowed in armour sa. garnished or, in the Visitation of Wales, a.d. 1591).
gauntlet a sword thereon impaled a boar's head erased of Adams (Holyland and Loveston, both co. Pembroke, de-
the first armed of the second. scended from Adams of Paterchurch). Quarterly, 1st and
Acton. Gu. a bordure engr. erm. 4th, ar. on a cross gu. five mullets or. ; 2nd and 3rd, sa. a
Acton. Per fesse indented ar. and az. Crest A pine tree — martlet ar. Crest —
^A martlet ar. Motto Certior in coelo —
leaved vert fructed or. domus.
Acton. Quarterly, per fesse indented ar. and gu. on a bend Adams (Drummer Grange, Hants, Thorpe, Surrey, and
az. three crosses fonnde fitch^e or. Chastleton, Oxon, descended from Adams of Loveston). Or
Acton. Gu. a cross or, within a bordure engr. erm. on a cross betw. four martlets sa. five mullets of the field.
Acton. Or, three bars vair. Crest — ^A martlet sa. holding in the beak a mullet or.

Acton (Cheshire, two distinct male branches of Hellesley). Motto —Cruce Duce.
Az. a chev. between three mullets or (another without Adams (London, a.d. 1682, from Broseley, Salop). Quarterly^
the chev.). 1st and 4th sa. a martlet ar,; 2nd, quarterly, ar. and sa. on<
Acton. Ar. three piles wavy gu. a cross gu. five mullets or. ; 3rd, per pale az. and sa. three
Acton (Gloucester). Gyronny of eight ar. and gu. fleur-de-lis or,oyer all a mullet for difference. Crest A —
Acton. The same ; adding in the second quarter a cross martlet ar.
patt£e ar- charged with five escallops gu. Adam.s (Middleton Hall, co. Carmarthen). Ar. on a cross
Acton. Gu. crusilde of crosses crosslet fitchde or, two lions gu. five mullets or. Oesi— Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi
pass. ar. —
lion afiront^e gu. Motto Aspire, persevere, and indulge not.
Acton. Quarterly, ar. and gu, in chief an annulet counter- Adam.s (Anstey, co. Warwick, formerly of Northamptonshire,
changed, on a bend az. three crosses pattde fitch^e or. now represented by Henet Cadwalladeb Adams, of
Acwell. Paly of six ar. and az. on a chief gu. a leopard Anstey Hall, Esq.). Vert on a cross or, an estoile sa. Crest

pass. or. —A talbot passant az. bezants collared ar. Motto —Sub-
Acwell. Paly of six ar.and az. a chief sa. cruce Veritas.
Acvorth (Suffolk). Ar. a griffin segreant per fesse vert Adams. —
Vert a cross or. Crest A griffin's head betw. two-
and az. armed or. wings endorsed vert charged on the breast with a cross or.
Acworth (The Hook, co. Herts). Erm. on a chief indented Adam.s. Vert on a cross or, a mullet gu,
gu. three coronets or. Motto— V'mcit qui patitur. Adams. Arg. on a cross gu. a mullet or,
Adair (Kinhilt, co. Wigton). Per bend or and sa. three Adams (Longdon, Salop a.d. 1584, 1623 and 1663). Quarterly,
dexter hands appamn^e couped and erect gu. Crest
— — 1st and 4th, erm. three cats pass. az. 2nd and 3rd, per ;

man's head couped and bloody ppr. Motto ^Loyal au morb. pale ar, and gu. a chevron between three bees counter-
Adair (Heatherton Park, co. Somerset). ArmSt &c., same as changed, for l^ASCOTT.
preceding- Adams, alias Tasker (London, descended from Doning-

Adaix (Baron Wavenei/). Arms ^Per bend or and ar. three ton, Salop). Erm. three cats pass, az., quartering Mascott^
dexter hands couped and erect gu. quartering Shafto. —
Tasker, &;c. Crest (a.d. 1584) Issuing out of a ducal coronet
Supporters —
Dexter a knight-banneret armed all ppr. a boar's head erect or. Ci'est (altered in a.d. 1590) A boar's-
liolding banneret of family arms displ. ; sinister, an Irish head ar. couped gu.


Adams (London, a.d. 1634, Norfolk, a.d. 1664, descended Adamson, Ar. three crosses crosslet fitch€e gu.
from Wem. Salop). Erm. three cats passant az. Crest
greyhound's head erased erm.
— A lion passant holding in the dexter paw a
cross crosslet
fitch^e gu.
Adams (Charwelton, co. Northampton, descended from Adamson (Graycroock, North Britain). Ar. a crescent gu.
William Adams, Esq. who purchased Charwelton Manor in betw. three crosses crosslet fitch€e az.
1360. The heiress, Anne, daughter of the Rev.
Selina Adamson (John Adamson, of Newcastle, Esq.), Ar. three
Fitzherbert Adams, LL.B. of Charwelton, m. George
Wharton Marriott, of the Middle Temple, Esq.). Erm. three
crosses crosslet fitchSe gu.
Crest —
A cross crosslet gu.
(Scotland). Ar. a star gu. betw. three crosses
cats-a-mountain in pale az. Crest— A greyhound's head crosslet fitch^e az.
erased erm.
Adams (Welton co. Northampton, a branch of Adams of
Adcock. Az. on a saltire ar. nine pellets. Crest
head issuing ar.
—A fox's

Charwelton). Same At'ms and Crest. Adan. Vert on a chev. ar. three pheons of the Geld.
Adams (Owston, Stainsby, East Hardwick and Camblesforth, Addelley. Gu. on a chev. or, three crosses bottony sa.
all in CO. York, a.d. 1665, granted 1612 by St. George). Gu. Addenbrooke (Wollaston Hall, co. Worcester, granted 20
a lion ramp, or, between three escallops ar. on a chief of April, 1795, to John Addenbrooke Addenbrooke, Esq. of
the last three pallets engr. sa. Crest —
A demi grifSn erm. Wollaston, high sheriff of Worcestershire, 1798. He was only
winged and beaked az. holding an escallop or. child of John Homfray ; assumed the surname and arms of
Adam.s (Cheaton and Kaynham, Salop, a.d. 1584, London, Addenbrooke, under the will of his kinsman, Edw. Adden-
1634). Erm. a fess vaire (in another place checquy) or and brooke, Esq. of Over Sapey, co. Hereford; m. in 1780, Eliza-
sa. between three roses gu. Crest —
A griffin's head erased beth, dau. of Michael Grazebrook, Esq. of Audnara, and was
erm. beaked gu. charged with a chevron chequy or and sa. father of the late Edw. Addenbrooke Addenbrooke, Esq.
Adams (Tydd St. Mary, co. Lincohi, 1559 and 1634). "Vert of Kingswinford House, co. Stafford, whose eldest son, the
a pale arg. between two gi-ifSns segreant or. Ci'est ^A — Eev. Edw. Addenbrooke, vicar of Smethwick, co. Stafford,
head couped gu. beaked az. between two wings or,
griffin's is the present representative of the family). Quarterly, az.
p«llet*e.Granted 1559, and confirmed 1562. and ar. a fesse wavy or, between three crescents counter-
Adamjs (Middle Temple, 1639). Sa. on a bend or,.betw. two —
changed. Crest On the banks of a river an otter party per

bezants three martlets of the field. Crest On a bezant a pale ar. and sa. and charged with two crescents counter-
demi eagle sa. changed.
Adam,s (Middlesex). Ar. on a bend az. (another, sa.) three Adderbury (Sussex). Or, a fesse embattled sa.
trefoils slipped or. Adderley (originally of Blakehagh, co. Stafford,
and sub-
Adam.s (Middlesex). Ar. a fesse betw. four martlets gu. sequently of Weddington, CO. Warwick, Coton, co. Stafford,

three and one. Crest ^An eagle volant reguardant. and Hams Hall, co. Warwick, confirmed by the Deputies of
Adams (St. Ives). Ar. on a chev. sa. three mullets or, Camden, Clarenceux, to Humfredus Adderley, of Widding-
pierced gu. ton or Weddington, co. Warwick, son of Hdmfredds Ad-
Adams (Wales). Az. a crescent betw. three mullets or. derlet, of the same, fourth son of Thomas Adderley, of
Adams. Quarterly, erm. and az. in the 2nd and 3rd an Blackhagh, co. Stafford, and fourth in descent from Henrt
eagle rising or. Adderley). Ar, on a bend az. three mascles of the field.
Adams. Barry of six or and az. a saltire gu. Crest—On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a stork ar.
Adams. Barry of six ar. and gu. over all a lion ramp. or. Adderley (Coton Hall, co. Stafford). Ar. on a bend az.
Adams, alias Apadam. (formerly of Charlton, co. Somerset, three lozenges of the field each charged with a pheon gu.
and afterwards of Fenne, co. Devon, recorded in the Visita- Visit, of Stafford, 1583.
tion of Devon, 1564). Or, a lion ramp. betw. six cross crosslets Adderley (Staffordshire). Ar. on a bend gu, betw. two
sa., quartering Gourket and others. lions' heads erasedsa. three crosses patt^e of the field.
Adams (Brompton, co. Kent, descended from Adams of Addice. Ar, three addices az. handles or.
Devonshire). Or, a lion ramp. betw. eight crosses crosslet Addington, or Adington (London). Per pale erm. and
fitch^e sa. all within a bordure engr. az. ermines a chev, counterchanged,
Adams (Bowdon, co. Devon, originally of Charlton Adam, Addlngrton. Per pale ei'm. and ermines on a chev. five
CO. Somerset). Or, sem^e of crosses crosslet fitch^e sa. a lozenges all counterchanged betw. three fleurs-de-lis or.
lion ramp. gu. within a bordure engr. of the second. Crest — Crest— A cat-a-moimtaiu sejant ppr. bezant^e supporting
A dexter arm in armour ppr. embowed, grasping a cross an escutcheon az. charged with a mace in pale or, ensigned
crosslet fitch^e sa. charged on the elbow with a torteau. with a regal crown ppr. within a bordure engr. ar.

Motto Libertas et natale solum. Addington (High Bickington, Devon, came from London
Adam.s (quartered by the late Sir William Adams Eawson, ietnp. Henry VIIl. The sisters and coheirs of Thomas
knt. of Putney, Surrey). Per fesse, az. and sa. on a pale Addington, Esq. who died in 1688, married Incledon, Docton,
betw. two mullets in chief ar. a mullet betw. two crescents and Willyams). Per pale ermine and ermines on a chev.

of the second. Crest On a mount vert an eagle, standing betw. three fleurs-de-lis four lozenges all counterchanged.
the reverse way and reguardant, wings expanded ppr., beak Crest-~A leopard sejant guardant ar. pellett^e.
and legs or, holding in the mouth a mullet sa., the sinister Addington ( Viscount Sldmouth). Per pale ermine and
claw resting on a crescent, reversed, gold. ermines a chev. charged with five lozenges counterchanged
Adamis (Fun. Entry Ireland, 1680). Or, semde of cross cross- betw. three fleurs-de-lis or. Crgsi— A cat-a-mountain sejant
lets and a lion ramp. sa. guardant ppr, bezant^e, his dexter fore paw resting on an
Adam.s (Fun. Ent. of John Adaus, son of Handall Adams, escutcheon az. charged with a mace erect surmounted with
Esq. of Ledwichtown co. Westmeath 1669). "Vert, a pallet a regal crown or, (in memory of the first lord having been
betw. two griffins segreant or. Speaker of the House of Commons) within a bordure engr.
Adams (Francis Ottiwell Adams, Esq., Secretary of Her ar. Supporters—Two stags, the dexter ermines, the sinister
Brittanic Majesty's Embassy at Paris). Az. on a fesse engr. ermine, each attired and gorged with a chain therefrom
betw. two cats-a-mountain passant guardant ar. a hke cat-a- —
pendant a key aU or. Motto Libertas sub rege pio.

mountain of the first. Crest ^A cat-a-mountain guardant Addison (Preston, co. Lancaster). Same Arms. Crest —
ar. collared az. resting the dexter fore paw on a terrestrial tower ar.

globe ppr. Motto Suaviter sed fortlter. Addison (Sudbury, and of Chilton). Erm. on a bend gu.
Adam,s (Northlands, co. Cavan). Gu. a heart between three three annulets ar. on a chief az. three etoiles of the third.
cross crosslets fitch^e or. Crest —
On a mount vert, a cross Crest—A unicorn's head erased ar. pierced through the neck
crosslet fitch^c or, charged with a bleeding heart gu. with an arrow and charged on the breast with three an-

Motto In cruce aalvis. nulets
Adams (granted to Thomas Adams, Esq. of Bath). Ar. a Addison (Joseph Addison, Secretary of State temp. Queen
cross engr. gu. quarterly pierced and charged with fou^ Anne). Erm. on a bend gu. three annulets or, a chief az.
mullets of the field and in the centre point a mullet of the charged with three leopards' heads of the third. Crest —
second and in dexter canton a battle-axe erect sa. Cre>st — unicorn's head erased transpierced by an arrow in bend
Out of a crown vaUery or, a demi lion affrontde ar. scm^e of sinister.
muUets gu. Addison. Erm. on a bend gu, three annulets or, on a chief
Adams (Tnos. Adams, Esq. of Nottingham, J.P.). Vert a vert as many leopards' faces of the third.
cross parted and fretty betw. two mullets in the 1st and 4th, Addison (Newark House, Maidstone, Kent), Sa. a bend erm.
and as many cinquefoils in the 2nd and 3rd quarters or. betw. two snakes nowed or, a chief ar. thereon three leopards*
Crest—A talbot sa. semde of cinquefoils or, resting the faces gu. Cresi —
A snake nowed as in the arms in front of a
dexter paw upon a mullet also or. demi eagle wings displ. sa, holding in the beak a snake en-
Adamsou (Westmorland). Vert on a cross or, an estoile sa. twined round the neck ppr. Jtfoiio—Addecet honeste vivere.
(^est^A talbot passant az. bezant^e collared or. .
Addison (Wednesbury, co. Stafford). Ar. a pile gu. three
annulets one and two counterchanged a chief of the second Adronkel. Ar. on a cross formSe gu. a mullet pierced or.

thereon three garbs or. Crest A demi unicorn couped ar. Adryan. Barry nebul^ ar. and sa. a chief chequy or and az.
armed hoofed and crined or, the sinister foot resting on an Adrypayn (Lincolnshire). Gu. a fesse hummettd ar.
inescutcheon gu. charged with a leopard's face gold. chief three griffins' heads erased or,
Addott. Per chev. gu. and ar. Adston. Ar a bend indented sa.
Addots. Per chev. gu. and ar. two squirrels in chief sejant Adston, or Adiston. Ar. a fesee gu. betw. three pellets.
cracking nuts or, and three piles in base vert. Adventurers (Merchant), or Hambrougrh Mer-
Addreston, or Aderston. Az. three martlets within a chants. (This society was incorporated 24 Edw. I., 1296,
bordure engr. ar. two and one. and obtained ample privileges, and a confirmntion of their
Addyes {Droitwich, co. Worcester). Ar. a chev. betw. three charter from Queen Elizabeth.) Barry nebulae of six ar.
crosses patt^e gu. and az. a chief quarterly gu. and or, on the 1st and 4th
Addyes, or Addis (Great Barr, co. Stafford, descended quarters a lion pass, guard, of the fourth; on the 2nd
from Sir Degobt Addis, Knt., who died 1521). as the Amu and 3rd, two roses gu. barbed vert. Crest A pegasus cur- —
last. rent with wings indorsed ar. Supporters Two pegasi ar. —
Adeane (Babraham, co. Cambridge). Vert on a chev. betw. with wings indorsed each charged on the wing with three rosea
three griffins' heads erased or, as many estoiles sa., quarter- in pale gu. Motto —
Dieu nous adventure donne bonne.
ing Jones, Bbtdoes, and CaANDOS. Crest—I^ griffin's head Adventurers (Ne-w), or French Merchants. Barry
collared betw. two wings. wavy of six ar. and az. a chief quarterly gu. and or, on the
Adeleigrh, or Audley. Gu. fretty or. 1st and 4th, a lion pass, guard, of the last; on the 2nd
Adeley. Or, three ravens in pale sa. and 3rd two roses gu. seeded or, barbed vert over all on an
Adelraare, alias Csesar. Gu. three roses ar. on a chief inescutcheon az. a sceptre in pale or. Crest— Two anchors
of the second as many roses of the first. Crest The sea — in saltire and a sceptre in pale all or. Supporters Two —
vert thereon a dolphin embowed ppr. pegasi ar. with wings indorsed or, maned and hoofed of the
Aderson. Lozengy az. and ar. a chief or. Crest — ^A cup last. JWo«o—Keddite cuique suum.
ar. therefrom three branches of laurel vert. . Adwood. Gu. a lion ramp, tail fourchfie nowed ar.
Aderton, or Alderton (Lancashire). Sa. three sword Ady (Kent and Southwark, granted 1615), Az. a fesse daun*
chapes or. Crest —A hand holding a scimetar ppr. cett6 betw. three cherubims' heads or, faces ar. Crest-—
Ad^er. Az. on afesse ar. three water bougets sa. Crest — On a mount vert a stag lodged ar. attired and ducally
A swan with wings endorsed reguard. ar. murally crowned crowned or.
gu. resting the foot upon an escallop shell or. Ady, or Adry, Gu. on a bend ar. three leopards' faces sa.
AJdey (Danjel Goodson Adex, of Merkyate Cell or Priory, Crest —
A leopard's face or, jessant a fleur-de-lis gu.
cor Hertford, Esq., descended from the Kentish family of the Ady, Adey, or Addey (Kent, London, and Hereford-
same name, formerly settled at Doddington, in that county, shire). Gu. on a bend ar. three leopards' faces vert langued
and representative of the branch domiciled for the last two of the field.
centuries at Combe, co. Gloucester). Ar. on a bend az. Adyer (Kent). Ar. a chev. daimcettd betw. three cherubims

three leopards' faces or. Crest A leopard's face or, jessant gu. Crest—-A cherub's head ppr.
a fleur-de-lis gu. Adyn (Dorchester). Ar. on a saltire gu. five lions saliant or.
Adingi^oxL. Ar. a fesse betw. three escallops sa. Crest —A lion's head ppr.
Adington. Sa. a bend ar. Adys (Herefordshire and London). Ar. a chev. couped
Adinstoim (that Ilk, co. Berwick). Ar. a cross engr. sa. betw. three crosses patted gu. Orest cock erm. (Vis.—A
cantoned with four crosses erosslet fitch^e gu. of London, 1633-4. Ilarl. MSS. 1476.)
Adis (Middlesex). Gu. a chev. betw. three crosses patt^e ar. Adzwood. Ar. three ravens' heads couped ppr.
Adkins. Erm. In chief two lions ramp. az. Crest ^A lion — Aertooroug-h, or Aerhurg, Or, an eagle's head with
ramp. gu. supporting a flagstaff and ropes ppr. flag ar. hounds' ears az.
charged with a cross gu. Affleck (Dalham Hall, co. Suffolk, Bart.). Ar. three bars sa.
Adlam (Manor House, Chew Magna, co. Somerset, con-- Crest —
An ear of wheat bearded ppr. Motto Pretiosum —
firmed to "William Adlam, Esq. of that place, J, P., F.S.A.). quod utile.
Az. seven rays issuing from the sun in the dexter canton Affleck, or Auchinleck (Glenbervie, Kincardineshire).
bendwise ppr. the centre ray betw. two etoiles in bend sinis- —
Ar. a cross embattled sa. Crest An eagle rising ppr.
ter ar. quartering ar. two bars engr. vert each charged Afordtoie (Afordby, co. Lincoln). Ar. a saltire engr, sa_


with a spear head or, betw. nine martlets gu., forMuoBE; Crest A horse's head erased sa. bridled or.
on an escutcheon of pretence ar. a chev. betw. three stags' Afton (Devonshire). Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three fieurs-
heads affrontde gu., for Pabeeb. —
d'ent A mount vert, de-lis sa.
thereon in front of rays of the sun an eagle ppr. gorged with African (Royal) Company (Incorporated 20 Jan-. 14

a collar sa. Motto ^Tyme provcth trvth. Charles II. 1662). Or, an elephant az. on his back a quad-
Adlaxn, Or, three mullets az. on a bordure of the last as rangular castle ar. masoned ppr. on the sinister tower a

many bezants in chief. Crest—A. hand gu. holding a lure or. flagstaff and banner gu. on the dexter coiner of the
Adlard. Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three wolves' heads erased banner a canton arg. charged with a cross gn. on the

sa. as many mullets of the field. Crest ^A cubit arm holding dexter corner of the escutcheon a canton quarterly of
in the hand a dagger erect aU ppr. —
France and England. Crest On a ducal coronet or. an
Adler (Haverstoke, co. Essex). Sa. two bends erm. on a anchor ei-ect sa. cabled of the first betw. two dragons'
canton ar. a lion ramp, of the first. Crest A demi eagle — wings expanded ar. each charged with a cross gu. Sup-
with wings displ. sa. charged on the breast with an etoile or. porters —
Two African blacks ppr. vested round the waist
Adley, or Adelley (Somersetshire). Gu. on a chev. or, with a skirt ar. pearls in their ears and round their necks
three crosises erosslet sa. banded round the temples or, thereon feathers erect of va-
Adliugton Ar. a cross flory sa.
(Cheshire). rious colours each holding in his exterior hand an urrow or,
Adlington (Adhngton, co. Lancaster, 156T, 1613, 1664). —
barbed and feathered ar. Motto ^Eegio floret patrocinio
Sa. a chey. betw. three antelopes' heads ar. attired or. commercium commercioque regnum.
Adlington (Holme Hale Hall, Norfolk). Sa. a chev. betw. Ag'ane. Per pale ar. and sa. a chev. erm. betw. six mart-

three goats' heads erased ar. Crest A goat's head as in the lets counterchanged of the field.

arms. Motto Per antiquam cartam. Ag-ar (Gowran Castle, co. Kilkenny). Az. a lion ramp. or.
Adlyn (London, 1590). Gu. nine martlets, three, three, two, Crest —A demi lion ramp. or.

and one, or. Crestt On a mount vert a martlet or. Agar {discount CUfden). Same Arms and Crest. Sup-
Adney. Az. a fesse dancett^e betw. thiee cherubs' heads porters—Two lions per fess or and az. collared and chained
ar. Crest —
An eagle's head holding in the beak an acorn, gu. J(fo«o—Spectemur agendo. The second Viscount CUf-
slipped and leaved ppr. den assumed the name and arms of Elijs, lohich see.
Adokes (Lancashire). Ar. a cross sn. in the first quarter a Agar {Lord Callan). The same Arms and Crest as Ackxt of
fleur-de-lis gul —
Gowran, Supporters Dexter a unicorn ar. homed maned
Adolphus (Sir Jacob Adolpdus, M.D,, Knt., Inspector- hoofed and tufted or sinister a white horse ppr. Motto—

general of Army Hospitals). Az. a knight's helmet with Via trita via tuta.
snake entwined round it betw. three lions' heads erased or. Agar (Countess of Brandon). Same Arms and Supporters.
Crest —
^A demi lion ramp, murally crowned holding a Agar {Earl of Normavton). Arma and Crest same as Agar
knight's helmet betw. the paws. of Gowran. A mullet for diff. Supporters—Two lions the
Adott. Per chev. gu. and paly of six vert and az. in chief dexter per bend and the sinister per bend-sinister or, and
two squirrels respecting each other cracking nuts or. az. collared and chained gu. each charged on the shoulder
Adrian. Gu. four escallops in cross cr, the top of each with a crescent. Motto—Vi& trita via tuta.
shell meeting in the centre point. Agar (Ireland, and Cranham Hall, co. Ese^x). Az. a lioa
; A


ramp. or. Crut —A demi lion ramp. or. Motto—Spectemur Aiken, or Aicken. Gu. a cross crosslet or, cantoned with
agendo. four bezants. —
Creat A fountain throwing up water ppr.
Agur-Hobartes. See Bobabtes. Aikenhead (of that ilk, Scotland). Ar. three acoms slipped
Agaxd (Lancashire), Ar. a chev. betw. three boars' heads vert. Crest~A demi savage holding in the right hand three
erased sa. langued gu. armed or. Crest ^A buglehom ar, — fmcted ppr. Jlfo«o—Eupto robore nati.
laurel sprigs
garnished or, stringed sa, Aikin (Liverpool). Ar. on a chev. az. betw. two cocks in
Ag^ixd (Lancashire). Ar. a cheY. (another engr.) gn. betw. chief and a buckle in base gu. a lion ramp, of the field
three boars' heads couped sa. Crest An ibex's head or, — crowned or (as maternally descended from the family of
charged with hurts maned tufted homed and collared az. Macdowal), Crest—An oak tree vert. Motto Sub robore —
Agaxd (Foston, co. Derby : the last male heir, Charles virtus.
Agard, Esq. d. temp. Charles II.; one of his coheiresses m. Aikman (Lodurn, afterwards Caimie, co. Forfar; William
John Stanhope, of Elvaston). Same Ai-ths as foregoing, ex- Aikman, the Painter, was representative of this family). Ar.
cept that the chev. is engr. a sinister hand holding an oaken batton paleways ppr. sur-
Agaxd (Sudbury, co. Derby). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. mounted of a bend engr. gu. Crest ^An oak tree ppr. —
three boars* heads couped sa. a fleur-de-lis or. —
Motto Sub robore virtus.
Agas (Wymondliam, co. Norfolk). Az. a fesse cottised crm. Ailard. Ar. two bars betw. nine martlets vert.
in chief three stags' heads cabossed or. Crest Moor's —A Aile, or Ayles. Chequy or and gu. a bend ar. Crest~A
head sa. wreathed about the temples ar. and gu. dexter arm embowed fist clenched ppr.
Agrayle, or Ayale. Or, three pallets sa. Adlesbury, STarctuess of. See BRncENELL-BBncE.
Airg^ssiz. Az. three savages' heads in profile ar. Ansa, ])Iarauess of. See Kennedy.
Agge (Overbury, co. JVorcester), Ar. a fess engr. sa. betw. Aime, or Aine. Az. a ship in full sail or, in the sea ppr.
three flenrs-de-lis gu. Crest —A pillar barry of four gu. and or winged ppr.
Ag^, or Agall. Go. a fesse cottised or, surmounted by Ainge (London). Az. a chev. erm. betw. three crosses patt€e
two sabres addorsed saltireways az. hilt and pomel of the ar. Crest —
A cross form^e fitch^e or, betw. two wings az.

second. Crest On a chapeaa ppr. a bull statant sa. Alnslie (Filton, co. Edinburgh, representative of Dolphing-
Agillon, Airillun, and Agilino. Gu. a fleur-de-lis ar. ton). Or, a cross, fiory gu. Crest —
On a chapeau a naked
Aginal (Cresseley). Ar. a lion ramp, reguard. gu. arm embowed grasping a scimitar ppr. Support&rs Two —
Agrlionby (AgUonby, co. Cumberland, Carlisle and Nunnery). knights in chain armour armed at all points, the dexter hav-
Arg. two bars and in chief three maxtlets sa. Crest ^A — ing the beaver of his helmet up and leaning on a shield or,
demi eagle displ. or. charged with a cross flory gu., the sinister capuched with a
Aglionby (BidsaU. Temple). Same as the preceding. skull cap holding a spear with a flowing pennon az. in
AgmozLdesliazii (Horseley, co. Surrey). Ar. on a chev. az. which in a canton ar. is the above-mentioned crest. Motto
between three boars' heads couped sa. langued or, five cinque- — ^Pro patria ssepe, pro rege semper.
foils of the last. Creit —A stag or. Ainslie (Bart. 1804). Or, a cross flory gu. charged with a
Ague'W (Lochnaw, co. Wigton, Bart.). Ar. a chev. between —
mullet ar. Crest A naked arm from the shoulder embowed
two cinquefoils in chief gu. and a saltier couped in base az. grasping a scimitar all ppr. Supporteis— Two chevaliers
Crest—Aja eagle issuant and reguard. ppr. Supporters — armed at all points ppr., the dexter leaning on a shield or,
Two heraldic tigers ppr. collared and chained or. Motto — charged with a cross flory gu., the sinister holding over his
Consilio, non impetu. —
shoulder a battleaxe ppr. Motto Pro rege et patria.
Agnew (Dalragle, co. Wigton). As Lochnaw within a Alnslie (Blackhill, Scotland). Or, across flory gu. a bordure
bordure engr. gu. Crest—An eagle reguard. ppr. Motto — az. —
Crest A pelican's head erased ppr. Motto Pietas —
Consilio non impetu. tutissima virtus.
Agnew (Vans - Aghkw, of Bambarroch, co. Wigton, Ainslie (Grizedale, Lancashire); Or, a cross flory sa. Crest —
as representative of Bambarroch, and Agnew
Vans of An eagle's head erased ppr. Motto — Pietas tutissima
of Sheuchau, a scion of Lochnaw). Quarterly, 1st and virtus.
4th, ar. a bend gu. 2nd and 3rd, ar. a chev. ensigned
; Ainsworth (Smitbills Hall, and of Moss Bank, co. Lane).
with a cross crosslet fitch^e sa. betw. in chief two cinque- —
Gu. three hattleaxes ar. Orest A man in armour holding
fo^B gu. and in base a saltire couped az. Crests 1st, a lion — —
a battleaxe ppr. Motto Spero meliora.
ramp, holding in the dexter paw a pair of balances ppr. Ains'worth (fomierly of Plessington, now of Showley, co.
2nd, an eagle issuant and reguard. ppr. Mottos—Be faithful, Lancashire). Az. three spades within a bordure or. Crest
for Vans Consilio non impetu, for Agnew.
— ^A man at arms fully armed affront^e holding a battleaxe
A^nev (Castlewige, co. Wigton). As Lochnaw within a over his right shoulder all ppr.
bordure ar. charged with fleurs-de-lis gu. Ains'wortli (Spotland, co. Lancashire). Gu. three battleaxeB
AgroUon, or Agnllun (Yorkshire). Gu. on a canton ar. ar. Crest —A
man at arms in complete armour holding in
a cross flory sa. his right hand arm extended a battleaxe all ppr.
Ag'on. Ar. a chev. between three martlets sa. Alpliant. Gu. three crescents ar.
Agras. Ar. a hind trippant gn. on a canton of the second Air. Ar. a chev, betw. three quatrefoils sa. Crest—The
three lozenges of the first. stump of an oak sprouting out new branches, ppr.
Agrrevell (Chesley). Or, a lion ramp, reguard. az. Crest Airay. Paly of six gu. and ar. in chief a mullet or.
— ^A bezant. Aird. Sa. on a chev. betw. three wolves' heads erased ar. a
Agruall. Gu. cmsul^ or, a lion ramp, guard, of the second. falcon's head couped of the first. Crest A cock ppr. —
Crest —A lion's face guard, betw. two wings ppr. —
Motto Vigilantia.
AgnilLlanis. Ar. a lion ramp, ermines armed sa. collared or. Aire. Az. three water bubbles ppr.
AiTtiillon. Sa. a lion ramp. erm. Crest—A pelican vulning Alrlie, Earl of. See Ogilvie.
herself ppr. Airmine. See Abmine.
Agruilliun, or Agnllxun. Gu. on a canton ar. a cross Airth. (Scotland: Sir William de Airth of that Ilk, mentioned
flory az. in Bagman's Boll as one of the great proprietors who swore
Agrwotth* Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three torteaux. Crest — fealty to Edward I., died without male issue. His eldest
A tortean. daughter and co-beir conveyed the estate of Airth, in
Ahlen. Per fesse ar, and az. a stock or trunk of a tree marriage, to Bobert Beoce, ancestor of the Bbuces of
couped and eradicated in bend or. Airth). Ar. a chief sa. Crest—A cock crowing ppr.
Ahrends. Ar. flve stalks of rye growing out of ground in Airy. Sa. a fesse or.

base vert. Crest An eagle ppr. Motto ^Post nubila Phoebus. — Aiscough, or Ayscogbe (of Stallingbro' and Eelsey, co.
Aicken (Fun. Ent. of David Aickbn, of Dublin, gent., died Line). Sa. a fesse or betw. three asses passant ar. Crest—
8 Sept. 1654). Barry of six ar. and az. on a chief of the last cross crosslet fitch^e az. Motto —In hoc signo vinces.
a cinquefoll or, betw. two bezants. Alsincoiirt. Ar. an eagle displ. with two heads gu. Crest
Aidgman. Sa. five plates on a chief or, a lion pass. gu. —^A demi eagle displ. with two heads.

between two thistles ppr. Ci-est A demi eagle or, charged Aiskell, Aiskill, and Askill. Erm. a chief embattled
on the breast with a thistle ppr. gu. Crest —
In the sea an anchor in pale ppr.
Aig'ler, or Ayler. Az. a cinqnefoil erm. pierced within Aislabie (Osgodby, Yorkshire, 1623). Gu. three lozenges
a bordure engr. or. Crest ^Two wings in lure. — conjoined in fesse ar. betw. as many lions' heads erased or.
Aigliton (Lancashire). Sa. three garbs or. Crest A snake — —
Crest ^A lion's head erased gu. gorged with tlu-ee lozenges
up ppr.
coiled conjoined in fesse ar.
Aigrles (Northumberl^ad and Northamptonshire). Sa. three Aitcbeson (Gosford, co. Edinburgh). Ar. a two-headed
ramp, (sometimes guard, or pass.)
lions ar. —^A
Crest eagle displ. sa. on a chief vert two spur rowels or.
hunting bom ppr. Aitcheson (Sydserfl*, Scotland). The same within a bordnre
Aiken. Ar. a cbev. betw. three cocks' heads la. invecked of the second. Motto Ane chast arbor. —


Aitcheson (Pittenweem Scotland, 1672). Or, a double- guard, ar. Ci'est—A lion ramp, guard, gu. supporting a
headed eagle displ. sa. on a chief vert a cross staff hetween long cross or.
two spur rowels gold. Crest—An astrolob ppr. Motto— Alanson, See Allanbon.
Observe. Albalanda (Nansavallon or Blanchland, in Kea, Cornw.
Aitcheson (Rochsolloch, co. Lanark). Ar. a double-headed whose heiress m. Boscawen). Gu. three bendlets arg.
eagle displ. sa. on a chief vert a crescent of the field Alham (Cornwall). Erm. on a cross gu. five bezants.
betw. two spur rowels or. Crest —A
cock ppr. Motto — Crest —^An urchin ppr.
Vigilantibus. Alhan. Erm. a crescent in the fesse point gu. Crest—
Aitcheson (Gen. Sir John Aitcheson, K.C.B., 1867). Ar. lion's head erased pierced in the breast with an arrow.
a double-headed eagle displ. sa. charged on the breast with Alhane, erm.
a garland of laurel or, a bordure embattled of the third, (This coat belonged to Albane, Earl of Britain, upon
on a chief also of the third a mural crown between two whom William the Conqueror conferred the earldom of

mullets of the fourth. Crest A cock standing on a trumpet Richmond, and honour of Middleham).
or. —
Motto Vigilantibus. Albang-e. Gu. a wolf saliant or.
Aitken (Saltcoats, co. Stirling, 1871). Ar. a chevron gu. Albany (London, Shropshire, and Bedfordshire). Ar. on a
between three cocks sa. Crest—An oak tree ppr. Motto — fesse betw. three cinquefoils gu. a greyhound pass, of the
Eobore et vigilantia. field. (Another, courant or). Crest—Ont of a ducal coronet
Aitkin, or Atkin. Or, a bend chequey gu. and ar. in chief gu. a demi dolphin hauriant or.
a talbot pass. sa. Crest—^A boat ppr. Albany (Shropshire. Francis Albany, of Fernehill and
Aito, or Atiito (Devonshire). Or, three Moors' heads in Whittington, Esq., sheriff, 1595). Ar. on a fesse betw. three
pro&le sa. two and one wreathed about the temples ar. and cinquefoils gu. a greyhound courant or.

pearls in their ears. Crest Out of a cloud an arm ppr. Albany. Or, two chev. and a bordure gu.
holding a sword erect ar. hilt or, on the blade a Moor's head Albany, or Daubigrny. Gu. an eagle displ. within a
as in the arms. bordure ar.
Akarys, Akers, Akeris, or Akyris. Ar. on a bend Albany. Or, a lion ramp. az.
acorns or, husked vert. Crest— A griffin's head gu.
sa. three Albaster. See Abblarteb.
Akaster. Ar. on a chev. sa. three acorns or. Crest— Albemarle, Earl of. See Keppel.
deml griffin or. Albemarle. Gu. a cross patonce vair.
Akeholt (Kent). Quarterly ar. and az. a bend compony Albemarle. Ar. a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased
counter compony or and gu. gu.
Akeland (Devonshire). Barry of eight ar. and sa. a pale Alberbnry. See Abbeebubt.
counterchanged and a fesse gu. Albert. Az. a griffin segreant or. Crest A demi savage —
Akeland (Devonshire). Ar. a pale sa. over all a fesse gu. wreathed about the middle with leaves, and over his shoulder
voided of the first cottised of the second. a sled-hammer, aU ppr.
Akeland, or Akelout (Gloucestershire). Ar. on a bend Alberton (Devonshire). Ar. two bars sa. betw. three
cottised gu. three mullets (another, martlets) or. ogresses within a bordure engr. of the second.
Akelham. (Yorkshire). Gu. a maunch betw. eight cinque- Alberton. Ar. a chev. betw. three bulls' heads erased sa.
foils in orle ar. —
Crest A pennon in bend gu. staff-headed sa. and tasseUed
Akelyot. Gu. a fesse dancett^e ar. betw. three battle- or.
axes or. Alberton (Plympton). Az. a talbot pass. ar. collared gu.
Akeney. Ar. a cross betw. four lions ramp. vert. Alberton. Ar. a chev. betw. three bears' heads erased sa.
Akeuhead (Northxmiberland, 1685). Per fesse or and ar. langued gu. muzzled or.
three acorns erect in base gu. and in chief a woodman with Albery (Wickiugham, co. Berks, 1590). Gu. a cross engr.
a club over his dexter shoulder wreathed round the middle betw. four stock doves ar. —
Crest A stock dove az. holding
all ppr. in its beak a branch, leaves and stalk vert fructed gu.
Akenhead (Otterington Hall, co. York). Ar. three acorns Albing-. Ar. three bendlets gu.
slipped vert. Crest —A
demi savage holding in his dexter Albini (Earl of Arundel). Gu. a lion ramp, or,
hand three laurel shps fructed ppr. Motto Rupto robore — Albominster (Cornwall). Ar. a chief az.
nati. Albon. Vert on a bend ar. three crosses formfie fitchde az.
Akenside. a chev. betw. three darts points upwards
Sa. Crest —A hull's head affront^e.
shafts —
broken ar. Crest An arrow ppr. Alon, or Albin. Ar. a tombstone gu.
Akenthorp (Akenthorp, co. Derby). Vert, a chev. betw. Albone. Ar. a lion unarmed gu.
three escallops or. Alborougrh. Gu. (or sa.) a fesse betw. six crosses cross-
Aker, or Acre. Gu. three fusils in fesse or, betw. as let ar.

many eec^ops ar. Crest ^A triangular harrow. Alborougrh, or Albroug-h. Ar. a fesse betw. three
Akerman, or Ackennan
(granted 20 May, 1761, to Isaac crosses crosslet fitch^e az.
Akerman, of I-ondon and Surrey). Quarterly per fesse in- Albrecht, or Albreg-ht. Gu. a fleur-de-lis or. Creit—A
dented first and fourth, gu. in chief a maunch ar. in base an dexter hand ppr. holding a fleur-de-lis or.
acorn sprig or, second and third or, three dragons' heads Albrizth, St. (a Dane, founder of the Minster of Hert-

couped of the first. Crest Out of a pahsado coronet or, an ford). Az. three chev. or, a label of as many points ar.
arm embowed habited gu. cuff ar. holding in the hand ppr. Alby. Paly of six or and sa.
an oak-branch leaved vert fructed gold. Alby, Gu. a fesse chequy or and az. betw. three fleurs-de-lis
Akeroyd (Foggathorpe, co. York). Az. a chev. erm. betw. gold.
three stags' heads erased ar. Albyn. Or, on a cross sa. five eaglets displ. ar. Crest—
A iT P.rg. See AcKARTs, and Achxbs. lion's gamb issuing sa. holding a spear or, at the top a fiag gu.
Akers (Kent ; and St. Christopher, St. Vincent, and other Alche. Or, two chev. sa.
islands of the West Indies). Quarterly, 1st an 4th, Douglas Alchom (Kent). Ar. a buck's head cabossed sa. and chief
of Baads; 2nd and 3rd, Akers. See Douglas of Baads. Indented of the second. Crest —A
human heart gu. ducally
Aket (Derbyshire). Ar. two bends gu. crowned or, betw. a pair of wings, ar.
Aket. Ar. on a fesse betw. two cottises gu. three fleurs- Alcock (Cheshire). Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three scythes
de-lis of the field. sa.
Akroyd (Bankfield, co. York. Edwaeh Akrotd, Esq. of Alcock (Badly, co. Suffolk). Ar. a chev. betw. three cocks'
Bankfield and Denton Park, co. York, M.P., J. P. and D.L., heads erased gu. beaked and wattled ar.
son of the late Jonathan Akroyd, Esq.) Az. a chev. and in Alcock (Sishop of Ely).. Ar a fesse betw. three cocks'
base a stag's head erased arg. on a chief of the last two heads erased sa. within a bordure gu. charged with eight
stags' heads erased of the field. —
Crest In front of a stag's crowns or.
head ppr. three spear heads sa. encircled by a wreath of oak, Alcock Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three scythes sa.

also ppr. Motto In veritate victoria. as many fleurs-de-lis or.
Crest^~Ov.t of a ducal coronet az.
Alaband. Sa. a dog couchant on a cushion or. a demi swan erm. wings expanded, and ducally crowned
Alan (Galloway). Az. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or. or.
Alan. Sa. a cross crosslet or. Alcock (Silvertoft, co. Northampton. Granted, 8 June,
Alan. Gu. ten mascles or. 1616). Gu. a fesse betw. three cocks' heads erased ar.
Alanby. Ar. a chev. engr. sa. beaked and crested or. Crest—A cock erm. beaked and
Alanhy. Ar. a chev. engr. within a bordure az. membered or.
Aland (Ireland). Az. a bend engr. ar. betw. two cottises or. Alcock. Ar. on a chev. betw. three cocks' heads erased sa.
Crest—A leopard pass. or. the two in chief respecting each other, an escallop shell or,
Alanson. Or, three pallets az. on a chief gu. a lion pass. in the middle chief point the letters a z. az.


Alcock. Per piUe or and az. a chev. betw. three eagles displ. ALDEBFonn, of Salford). Ar. on a saltire az. a tiger's head
all counterchangea, on a chief gu. three lozenges enn. erased or.
Alcock. At. a fesse betw. three cocks* heads erased sa. Alderford, Or, a saltire az,
membered gu. Crest A cock.— Alderley, See Addeblet.
Alcock (William Alcock, Esq. Waterford, temp. Chasles Alderley (Alderley, co. Chester).
Ar. on a bend gu. betw.
II.). Gu. a fesse betw. three cocks' beads erased ar, combed two boars' heads couped three crosses patt& of the first
and wattled or. Crest —A
pomeis charged with a cross (or, in some). —A
mailed dexter arm embowed ppr,
patt^ or, —
thereon a cock sa. Motto Vigilate. grasping a cross-hitted sword ppr., hilt or, piercing or trans-
ALcock (Grange, co. Waterford, and Wilton, co. Wexford). fixing a boar's head sa.
Ar. a hea<^ erased sa. Crest On a
fesse betw, three cocks' — Alderley. Ar, un a chev. gu. betw. three boars' heads
pomeis charged with a cross pat^e or, a. cock sa. Motto — couped sa. three crosses crosslet or.
"Vigilate. Aldemam. Az. the sun in splendour ppr.
Alcock (Kilbritain Castle, co. Cork). Sa. a fesse betw. three Aldeme (Suffolk). Gu. three crosses crosslet or, a chief of
cocks* heads erased ar. combed and wattled or. Crest — the second.
cock ar. combed and wattled gu. spurred az. Motto ^Vigi- — Aldeme, Vert, a lion ramp, or, crowned gu.
lanter. Aldersey (London and Kent). Gu. on abend engr. ar. betw.
Alcocke (Eidge, co. Chester, 1449). Ar. a fesse az. betw. two cinquefoils of the second three leopards' faces vei-t.
three scythes sa. Crest —On a plume of feathers ar. a demi griffin gu.
Aldaine. Az. a pile or. Aldersey (Cheshire). Gu. on a bend betw. two cinquefoils
ATdam (Kent). Az. the sun in splendour or. or, three leopards' faces az.
Aldam, (Kent and Sussex). Az. a pile waved, issmng oni Aldersey (Aldersey, co. Chester). Gu. on a bend engr. ar,
of the dexter comer of the escutcheon headways or. betw. two cinquefoils or, three leopards' faces vert. Crest —
Aldam (Suffolk). Az. a bend wavy or. A demi griffin segreant gu. beaked and armed issuing from
AldazxL. Az. one ray of the sun issuing out of the dexter a plume of five ostrich feathers or.

corner of the escutcheon bendways or. Crest Out of a ducal Aldersey (London, IJer. Visit. 1568). Same Arms.
coronet a plxune of five ostrich feathers. Alderson (Chbistopheb Aldebson Aldebson, of Homerton,
Aldam (Frickley Hall, co. York). Per fesse az. and erm. in Middlesex, Esq., who, by sign manual 1812, changed his
the sinister chief and dexter base an eagle displ. or, in the patronymic Llotd for the name of Aldebson only). Ar.
dexter canton issuant towards the sinister base seven rays, three saracens' heads affront^e couped at the shoulders ppr.

the centre one gold the others ar. Crest Issuant from a wreathed about the temples of the first and sa. quartering
mount vert four ostrich feathers ar. conjoined at the points az. three boars' heads couped in pale or, for Lloyd. Cret-ts
by a mill-rind or. — ^A dove, holding in the beak an olive branch ppr., for
Aldam., or Alden. Gu. three crescents erm. (Another, Aldebson and a boar's head couped or, for Lloyd.

the same within a bordure engr. ar.) Alderson. Az. a chev. engr. erm. betw. three suns in
Aid ay. Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three griffins segreant of the —
splendour ppr. Crest Behind a mount vert, thereon a branch
second, those in chief respecting each other. of alder, the sun rising ppr.
Aldboroug-lL, Barl of. See Stbatfobd. Alderson. Ar. three chev. az. on each a cinquefoil of the
Aldboxougrli, or Aldebxirg-]! (Town of Suffolk. Granted field. Crest —A pillar ppr.
20 Oct. 1561). A ship of three masts in fuU sail, on the waves Alderton (Ipswich). Vert on a bend ar. three crescents sa.
of the sea, the mainsail charged with a lion rampant, and in the sinister chief point a mullet of the second. Crezt—
the sail on the foremast charged with the cross of St. George, crescent ar.
on the round top of each are four spears with their barbs Alderwlcke. Az. a pale or, betw. six cross crosslets of the
upwards. last.
Aldborough.. Gu. a chev. engr. betw. three escallops or. Aldewlnckle (confirmed 1584). Ar. a cross form^e gu.

Crest An escallop or, betw. two wings az. Crest—A wivem, wings endorsed and ducally crowned, vomit-
Aldborough, or Aldeburglie (Aldborongh, Yorkshire). ing fire.
Az. a fesse ar. betw. three crosses crosslet or. Crest —^An Alde'winckle. Gu. four lozenges ar. one, two, and one-
ibex pass. or. Crest—The same as above.
Aldborougrb. (in the great chamber of Harwood Castle, Aldewinckell. Erm. on a cross formSe gu. a mullet or.
A.D. 1584). Gu. a lion ramp. ar. charged on the shoulder Crest
—^The same as above.
with a fleur-de-lis az. Aldford (Aldford, and Alderley, co. Chester). Gu. fretty
Aldburgrli. Gu. a lion ramp. ar. charged on the breast erm.
with a fleur-de-lis az. Aldliam (Shrimpling, co. Norfolk). Or, two talbots pass. sa.
Aldbrig'b.t. Ar. a fesse betw. three crosses crosslet az. langued gu. betw. two flaunches of the second. Crest —
Aide (Kent). Erm. on a chief sa. two griffins combatant ar. talbot's head erased or, gorged with a collar sa. lined gu.
Crest —^A torteau. Aldliam (Suffolk). Or, a chev. gu. on a chief az. three
Aide. Ar. on a pale sa. betw. two ogresses, a demi lion mullets of the field.
ramp. or. Aldham (Kent). Az. a pile or.
Aldeburgrh. (Baron AldeburgJi^ summoned to Parliament, Aldliam, Az. a star of nine points or.
1371). Az. a fess ar. betw. three crosses crosslet or. Aldliam. Az. a sun or.
Aldelym. (Audlem, co. Chester, descended from Hugh Aldliam. Az. an etoile of sixteen points pierced or.
Traylebrw, lord of Audlem, temp. Wm. Conq.). Gu. three Aldhouse, Aldus, or Aldous (Suffolk). Ar. a chev.
boars* heads erased erm. betw. three birds rising gu. on a chief sa. three mullets of
Alden (Hertfordshire, and the Temple, London.By Camden, —
the first. Crest A bird rising of the arms.
Clarenceux, Sept. 1607). Gu. three crescents within a bor- AId in e. Gu. a saltire ar.

dure engr. erm. Crest Out of a ducal coronet per pale gu. Aldington (of that Ilk, Scotland). Ar. a Hon ramp. sa.
and sa. a demi lion or. betw. three escallops of the last.
Alden. Or, a bat's wing gu. surmounted of another ar. Aldirford. Ar, a saltire az. Crest A monkey's head ppr.—
Crest —Out of a coronet ar. two wings as in the arms. Aldjo. Ar. three human hearts conjoined at the points gu.
Alden. Gu. three crescents within a bordure engr. erm. in base a buck's head cabossed of the second %vithin a
(sometimes ar.). bordure az. Crest—A stump of an oak sprouting new
Alden, or Aldon. Gu. a mullet ar. betw. three crescents branches ppr.
erm. within a bordure engr. of the second. Crest —
Out of a Aldjoy (Scotland, came, it is said, originally from Italy:
ducal coronet or, a demi lion gu. Peteb Aldjoy obtained the lands of Easter Walkinshaw, by
Alder. Gu. three crescents erm. and bordure engr. ar. marrying, Marion Morton). Ar. three
in 1547, the heiress,

CreH A griffin's head gu. hearts gu. their points meeting in the centre, in base a
Alderbery. Ar. three bunches of alder berries ppr. martlet sa.
Alderbery. Or, a fesse embattled sa. Aldmen. Ar. three bars humett€e gu. betw. four martlets
Alderby. See Alberbdbv. in pale sa.
Alderford (Norfolk). Ar. a saltire az. Crest— A rat ppr. Aldred, Gu. a chev. (another engr.) betw. three griffins*
Alderford (Warwickshire). Ar. on a saltire az. betw. four —
heads erased ar. Oea£ ^An arm from the elbow in armour
griffins* heads erased erm. a leopard's face and four lozenges holding a cross crosslet fitch^ in pale.
or. Aldricli (Ipswich and Oxfordshire). Or, on a fesse vert a
Alderford (Warwickshire and Worcestershire, allowed bull pass. ar.
with three quarterings by the Deputies of Camden, Claren- Aldrich (Suffolk). Erm. on a chev. engr. ar. betw. three

ceux, to John Alderfobd, of Knightwick, co. Worcester, griffins' heads erased as many lozenges. Crest— A griffin
and Salford, co. Warwick, fourth in descent from John segreant.
A ;


Aldricli-(ClieaiD, co. Surrey). Ar. on a. fesse vert a bull

Alexander (City of Dubhn, Bart.). Per pale ar. and sa. a

pass, of the first. chev. and in base a crescent connterchanged, on a canton
Aldxid^e (Kingsclere, co. Hants, by grant, 1772). Ar. a az. a harp or, stringed of the first, in the sinister chief point
bOTclure az. bezantde on a dexter canton gyx. three swords —
a mullet of the last. CVe.?i A dexter arm embowed, holding
banvaya in pale of the first, hilt and pommels or, the points a dagger, all ppr. charged on the wrist with a mullet or.
to the dexter side. Crest—A phoenix in flames ppr. on the Motto —Per mure, per terras.
breast and each wing a bezant. Alexander (Dover, Kent). Barry of ten (another fourteen)
Aldridg:e. Vert on a fesse or, betw. three garbs of the ar. and az. (another gu.) a Uon ramp. gu. holding a battle-
second a crown enclosed by a mound and a bird az. two axe or.
leaves in saltire in the crown of the first. Crest A phoenix — Alexander (Scotland). Gu. a chev. betw. three talbots'
in fiames ppr. —
heads erased or. Ci'est A talbot ar. collared gu.
Aldrigrh.. Vert a chev. betw. three garbs or,over all a bend gu. Alexander (Francis Alexander, D.D., prebendary of Win-
Aldringtou. Sa. on three hawks' lures ar. as many annu- chester, son of John Alexander, of Hampshire, by Mary, ins
lets gu. Crest—A dexter hand holding a hawk's lure ppr. wife, sister of Thomas Belsonn, Bishop of Winchester). Az.
Aldrington. Sa. three hawks' lures, penned, stringed, a chev. betw. three talbots' heads erased ar. collared gu.
and ringed ar. Crest—The same as the last. —
Crest A talbot's head erased ar. collared gu.
Aldwell (Moyne, co.Tipperary). Per fesse nebulee ar. and Alexander (Auchmull, co. Aberdeen). Per pale ar. and
sa. in chief two lions ramp, of the second, and in base an sa. a chev. betw. two mullets in chief, and a crescent in base,

osprey wings displ. ppr. Crest An osprey, as in the arms, all counterchanged. Cj'est-A hand sustaining a pair of
resting the dexter claw on an escutcheon of the Boiler —
balances of equal scales ppr. Motto Quod tibi ne alteri.
arms, viz., or a chief indented az. Alexander (Kinglassie, Scotland). Quarterly: 1st and 4th,
AldTWOrth. (Bristol and Wiltshire). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. per pale ar. and sa. a chev. bruised at the top, and in base a
three boars' heads couped within an orle of eight crosses crescent counterchanged 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a cross engr.

crosslet fitchde az. hetw. four roses gu. a mullet of the field, for Attoun. Crest
Aid-worth (Newmarket, co. Cork, originally Stanlake, Berks: — A horse's head couped gu. bridled ar. JfoHo— Ducitur
Fun. Ent. of Sir Bighabd Aldwobth, of that place. Provost non trahitur.
Marshal of Munster, who d. 21 June, 1629.) Ar. a fesse Alexander (PitkeDy, co. Perth). Per pale engr. ar. and sa.
engr. betw. six billets gu. Crest— A dexter arm embowed a chev. and in base a crescent all counterchanged. d'est—
in armour the hand grasping a straight sword, all ppr. Two hands conjoined in fess ppr. Motto Ora et labora. —
Motto —Kec temere nee timide. Alexander (Knockhill, Scotland). Per pale ar. and sa,
Ald-wortb. Ar. crusilly fitch^e az, a chev. gu. betw. three a chevron and in base a crescent all counterchanged, a
boars' heads couped of the second. Crest —A torteau. mullet for difference.
Aleg-h. Vert a saltire betw. four eagles displ. or. Alexander (Boghall, co. Edinburgh). Per pale ar. and sa.
Alement. Gu. on a bend ar. betw. six fleurs-de-lis or, a a chev. betw. a writing pen fesseways in chief and a cre-
rose of the first. scent in base all counterchanged. Crest A hand holding —
Alen (St. Wolstan's, co. Kildare, originally of Cotteshall, co. —
a quill ppr. Motto Fidem servo.
Norfolk, confirmed to Sir John Alen, lord chancellor of Alexander (Boyd, 3rd son of Claud Alexander, of Bog-
Ireland, a.p. 1551, and borne by his grandnephew, Sir hall, 1784). As the last within a bordure per pale gu. and
Thomas Alen, Bart, of St. Wolstan's : the present represen- or. Same and Motto.
tative is Capt. Luke John Heney Alen). Ar. a chev. gu. Alexander (Ballochmyle, 1788). Per pale ar- and sa. a
betw. three torteaux each charged with a talbot pass, or, on chev. hetw. a fleur-de-lis in chief and a crescent in base all
a chief az. a lion pass. betw. two crescents erm. Crest — counterchanged, a bordure per pale gu. and or. Ci-est—Aa
demi heraldic tiger quarterly or and gu. gorged with a —
elephant pass. ppr. Motto Per mare per terras.
collar coimterchanged chained gold holding betw. the paws Alexander (Haughton, Scotland, M.D.,1772). Per pale sa.
a juilie flower of three branches ppr. i>fo((o— Fortis et fidelis. and or, a chev. and a chief of the last charged with three
Alen. Sa. three lozenges or. cushions all counterchanged. Crest —
A crested serpent
Alencantliorp. Ar. a fesse betw. three escallops gu. —
gliding ppr. Motto Ingenium vires superat.
Alresford. Gu. a fret engr. erm. Alexander (Glasgow, 1861). Per pale ar. and sa. a chev.
Aleston. Az. an escutcheon ar. Crest A lion pass, re- — and in base a crescent all counterchanged, in dexter chief a
guard, gu. ducally gorged and chained or. cross crosslet fltch^e gu., in sinister chief a galley sails
Alestry. Ar. on a bend az. three escutcheons of the first on furled or. Crest —
On a mount vert on otter pass. ppr.
each a chief of the second, a chief gu. Motto —Per mare per terras.
Alexander (of Menstrie, Earls of Stirlivg). Quarterly, 1st Alexander. Gu. a lion sejant on a chair, and holding in
and 4th, per pale ar. and sa. a chev. and in base a crescent, the paws a battle-axe ar.
all connterchanged ; 2nd and 3rd, or, a lymphad sa. saTls Alexander. Paly of six ar, and az. on a bend gu. three
furled and flags flying betw. three crosses crosslet fitchde gu. mullets of the first.

for Mac Donald. Crest —

A bear sejant, erect, ppr. Sup- Alexander. Az. on a mount ppr. a falcon with wings ex-'
porters — Dexter, an Indian with long hair, and a dart in his panded looking at an etoile ar.
right hand all ppr. having a circle of gold on his head with Alexander. Per pale ar. and sa. a chev. betw. two mullets
a plume of seven feathers or and az. and round his waist a in chief and a crescent in base all counterchanged.
like circle of feathers ; sinister, a mermaid with a comb and Alexander, or Sanderson (Durham). Paly of six ar.

mirror all ppr. Motto Per mare per terras. and az. on a bend sa. a sword or.
Alexander {£arl of Caledon). Per pale ar. and sa. a chev. Aleyn, Or, a chev. betw. three leopards' heads gu.
and in base a crescent connterchanged on a canton az. a Aleyn. Az. a buck's head cabossed ar. attired or.
harp or, stringed of the first. Crest —
An arm in armour Aleyne. Ar. three pellets, on a chief gu. a lion ramp.
embowed ppr. holding a sword of the last hilt and pommel guard, erm. betw. two anchors of the first.
or. —
Supporters Dexter, a mermaid holding a mirror ppr. Aleynslierls. Gu. a bend embattled counter-embattled ar.
sinister, an elephant ar. —
Motto Per mare per terras. Alfew, or Alfwyn. Ar. a fesse hetw. three boars' heads
Alexander (confirmed, with ten quarterings, to Henbt couped sa. armed or.
Alexandeb, Esq. of Forkhill, co. Armagh, D.L., fourth son Alfeyn. Gu. a fret erm.
of Nathaniel Alexander, Bishop of Heath (nephew of the Alford (Berkshire). Gu, six pears or, three and three, bar-
first Earl of Caledon), by Anne, his wife, dau. and, in her —
ways a chief of the second. Crest A boar's head ar. with
issue, heiress of the Bight Hon. Bichabd Jackson, of a broken spear handle thrust down the mouth or.
Coleraine). Per pale ar. and sa. a chev. betw. in chief an Alford (of Holt, CO. Denbigh, Fawley, co. Berks, and of
annulet and in base a crescent all connterchanged. Crest — Meux, CO. York, Sussex, and Hertfordshire, descended from
An arm in armour embowed the hand grasping a sword all Thomas Alford, of Holt, mentioned in the last visitation
ppr. on the elbow an annulet sa. —
Motto Per marc per of York, 1615). Gu. six pears or, three, two, and one, a
terras. chief of the second. —
Crest A boar's head ar. in his mouth
Alexander (Frowick House, Essex, and AhiUy, co. Done- three feathers of a pheasant's tail ppr.
gal). Per pale ar. and sa. a chev. and in base a crescent, Alford (Ipswich, co. Suffolk). Ar. a hind's head couped az.
all connterchanged. —
Crest An arm in ai-mour embowed collared or, betw. two hazel boughs vert fructed gold. Crest
ppr. holding a sword of the last hilt and pommel or. Motto — A hind's head ppr.
—Per mare per terras. Alford (Devon). Ar. two greyhounds courant in pale sa.
Alexander (Newtownlimavady, and Londonderry). Per Alford (Northamptonshire). Gu. fretty erm.
pale ar. and sa. a chev., and in base a crescent coimter- Alford (Suffolk). Ar. on a saltire az. hetw. four giiffins'
changed, on a canton az, a harp or, stringed of the first. heads erased gu. a lion pass. or.
Alexander (Sir Jerome). See j^llexandek. Alford. Gu. a cross moline ar.


Alfonnder (Kirkbj and Dedliam, co. Essex). Ar. on a AUan (Glen, co. Peebles, 1813). Ar. a pelican in
her piety,
cross az. betw. four birds sa. five nails or. Crest An arm — gu. on u cliief of the last three mullets of the first.
couped at the elbow and erect vested gu. cuffed ar. in the dexter arm bendways grasping a sabre ppr. iIib«o—Dirigat
hand ppr. three nails or, all betw. two winga also ar. Deus.
Alfray. Ar. on a chev. sa. a fleur-de-lis ar. Allan (Sauchnell, Scotland). Per bend indented ar.
and gu.
Alfred, Gyronny of four az. and gu. a cross botton^e, on in chief two crescents and in base a mullet
all counter-
the upper end a crown or, on the nether end a bezant. changed. Crest— A comet ppr. 3/otto—Luceo sed terreo.
Al&eton, or Alfrettou (the coheirs m. Latham and Cha- Allan (Rotterdam). Per bend wavy ar. and gu. in chief
worth). Az. two chev. or. crescent of the second, in base a stag's head
couped or,
Al&ey (Salehurst, Battel, and Fortsman's Catsfleld, Sussex, Crest—A cross crosslet gu. Motto— Mde et labore.
1591). Per fesse sa. and erm, a pale counterchanged, three AUan (Glasgow, 1870). Per bend indent, erm. and gu. in
ostrichs' necks erased ar. gorged with crowns and lines sinister chief a stag's head erased of the second attired or,,
or. Crest —An ostrich's head and neck betw. two ostrich in dexter base a crescent of the last. Ci-est-A talbot's head-
feathers ar. erased sa. JW"o«o—Spero.
Al&ey. Erm. on a chief indented sa. three swans' necks Allan-Fraser. See Fbaseb.
erased ar. gorged with a crown gu. and thereto chains Allanby (temp. Rich. II.). Ar. a chev. az. within a bordure'
aflBxed or. of the last,
Al&ey (GuUedge, in East Grinstead, co. Sussex). Ar. on a Allanson. Erm. on a fesse vert three eagles displ. sa..
chev. sa. a fleur-de-lis of the field. Crest—A demi eagle wings expanded. Jifotto— Virtute et
Alfrey. Ar. a fesse betw. three boars* heads couped sa. labore.
Alfrey (Sussex). Ar. on a chev. sa. three fleurs-de-lis of the Allanson. Az. an inescutcheon ar.
field. Allanson (Middleton Quemhow, co. York, originaUy of~
Al&oy. Party per fesse gu. and sa. three swans' heads Adhngton, co. Lancaster). Az. an inescutcheon ar. within
erased ar. crowned or. an orle of quatrefoils or, borne quarterly with Wade and
Alfwyn. See Alfew. NowELL, by the late Rev. Geobge Allanson, of Broughton,
Algar, or Alg-er. Or, an eagle displ. sa. membered gu. Crest—A demi griffin wings displ. erm. collared gemelle.
(A^ut—A greyhound's head sa. charged with four bezants. Allard. Ar. three bars gu. on a canton az. a leopard's
Algreo (confirmed to Henry James Algeo, Esq., Ballybrack, head or.
CO. Dublin, grandson Robert Algeo, Esq. of HoUymount,
of Allardice (of that Ilk).Ar. a fesse wavy gu. betw. three
CO. Leitrim). Ar. in chief three hearts in triangle gu. and boars* heads erased sa. Crest—A naked man from the
in base a martlet ea.
— Crtii —
The stump of a tree ppr. middle holding in the dexter hand a scimetar all ppr-
Motto ^Non deficit alter. —
Motto In the defence of the distressed.
Alg'ernon. Or, a lion ramp. az. maned gu. Allardice (Duninnald, co. Forfar). The same Arms within a
Algist. Gn. a saltire or. —
Crest Two arms from the bordure of the second. Crest—An ear of wheat and branch
shoulder in saltire vested gu. cuffed or, each holding in the of palm in saltire ppr. JfoKo—-Bene qui pacifice.
hand ppr. a scimetar ar. hilt of the second. Allaton, Allatton, or Alton, Gu. three chev. vair, oa
Algroe, or Alg'eo. Ar. two pallets gn. on a chief of the a chief ar. a lion psiss. guard, az.
last two mullets of the first. Crest— A bear ramp, sup- AUaunson (Durham). Ar. a fesse az. betw. two boara'
porting a baton. heads sa. couped gu. Crest—A pheon ar. in it a broken
Alherley (Shanklin, Isle of Wight). Or, on a bend az. staff-handle or.
three lozenges of the field. Crest —
On a chapeau gu. Allaunson (Huby, co. York, co. Essex, and London;
turned up erm. a stork ppr. Motto Pro patria. — Anthony Allaunson, of Huby, John Alladnson, of co.
AHcpck (Northamptonshire; confirmed, 1616). Gu. a fesse Essex, and Ricbabd and Chbistopheb Allaunson, both of
or, betw. three cocks' heads erased ar. combed and wattled London, temp. Queen Elizabeth, sons of Edwabd Allaunson,
gold. Crest —
A cock erm. combed and wattled or. who was son of Chbistopheb Allaunson, of co. Durham.
Alie, or Ally. Az. a pale erm. Crest— dexter hand X Visit. London. 1568). Ar. a fess az. betw. three boars* beads
holding up the sun ppr. —
couped sa. a martlet for diff. d-est A pheon ar. staff
Alington (Wymondley, co. Herts, and Horsheath, co. Cam- broken, handle or, charged with a martlet for diff.
bridge, Barons Alington). Sa. a bend engr. betw. eight AUa'way (Pencraig Court, co. Hereford). Per bend az. and
billets ar. Crest —A talbot pass.
ppr. bill'ettde or. Suppor- '
sa. three boars' heads couped bendways betw, two e^itoiles
ters—Two Motto— T>ieu est tout.
talbots ppr. billett^e or. ar. —
Crest ^Two anchors in saltire sa. thereon a dove hold-
Alington (of Swinhope, co. Lincoln, descended from Horse- ing in the beak a branch of olive ppr, JV/oifo—Dei dona
heath), Arjns and Crest—As Alington, of Wymondley. sum quod sum.
Alisl)ome. Az. a cross ar. Allaway.. See Sv.pjtleTnent.
Alison Az. a bear's head arg. muzzled gu. betw.
(Bart.). Allcard (Warrington, co. Lancaster, as borne t?y the late
in chief two fleurs-de-lis or, and in base a fir-tree eradicated Wm. Allcabd, Esq., J.P.). Quarterly, ar. and or, on a bend
of the last surmounted of a sword in bend. Orest—A hawk's nebulee az. three swans heads erased of the first, beaked gu.

head erased ppr. Motto ^Vincit Veritas. —
Crest A demi swan wings elevated ar. semee of mullets
Alison. Party per bend gn. and or, a fleur-de-lis (another, az. in the beak a bullrush ppr. —
Motto Semel et semper.
in bend sinister) counterchanged. Alleet (Fun. Entry, Ireland, 1659). Az. a fess cmbatUcd-
Aliston, or Aleston (co. Kent). Per pale gu. and vert an between three unicorns' heads erased ar. horned and maned
eagle displayed ar. beaked and legged or. Crest An — or. —
Crest A demi unicorn salient reguardant ar. horned
eagle's head ar. beaked and erased gu. and murally gorged and maned or.
az. Allen {Viscount Alien). Ar. two bars wavy az. on a chief or
Alliston (Tillingham, co. Essex, Visit. Essex, 1634). See the last, an etoile betw. two esc^ops or. Crest A bezant —
Aliston. charged with a talbot's head erased sa. Supporters Two —
Aljoy. See Aldjo. talbots sa. Motto —^Triumpho morte tam vita.
Alkingrton (Shropshire). Quarterly or and gu. an eagle Allen, or AUeyn (Cheshire, Suffolk,
and WUts), Per bend-
displ. sinister ar. and sa. six martlets counterchanged.
Alkins. Ar. three bars az. in chief three torteaux. Crest —Amartlet ar. winged and holding in the beak an-
Allaire (Guernsey). Gu. a chev. or, betw. three butterflies acorn or, leaved vert.
ar. —
Crest On a lily a butterfly volant ^pr. Allen (Dale Castle, co. Pembroke, whose heiress Eunob,.
Allan (Herefordshire and Staffordshire). Sa. a cross po- daughter of John Allen, of Dale Castle, Esq. m. in 177&
tent or. John Lloyd, of Foes-y-bleidiad and Mabws). Per bend
Allan (Blackwell Grange, and Blackwell Hall, co. Durham, rompu ar. and sa. six martlets counterchanged. Crest —
descended from the Allans of Buckenhall and Brockhouse, bird ar. holding in the beak an acorn or leaved vert. Motto
CO. Stafford, seated there temp. Edward III. and now re- —Amicitia sine fraude.
presented by UoBEBT Henby Allan, Esq., F.S.A. of Black- Allen (Cresselly, co. Pembroke, a younger branch of the
well and Barton). Sa. a cross potent quarter pierced or, Allens of Dale Castle, now represented by John Hensleigh-
charged with four guttes de sang, in chief two lions' heads —
Allen, of Cresselly, Esq.). Anns and Crest Same as Allen
erased of the second all within a bordure engr. erminois. of Dale Castle.
Quartering, Pe&ibeb.ton, Hinduabsh, Eillinghall, Herde- Allen (Dobothy Allen, day. of Patrick Allen, Esq., anff
WYK, Laubtoh, and Dodswobth, for the arms of which see wife of Adam Loftus, Viscount Lisburne). Ar. a chev. engr.
their respective naines. Crest—A demi lion ramp. ar. ducally gu. betw. three pellets each charged with a talbot pass, of the
crowned gu. holding in the dexter paw a cross potent or, fleld on a chief az. a lion pass. betw. two crescents of the first.
and supporting in the sinister paw a rudder of the second. Allen (Chelsea, 1563). Ar. a pale gu. surmounted with a
MoUO'—F oTtiter gerit crucem. chev. counterchanged charged with a cinqucfoil of tho


second. Crest-^A talbot's head erased per pale indented ar. Allen (William Feunelet Allen, Esq., J.P., Alderman of
and gu. collared and chained sa. the city of London). Per chev. gu. and erm. in chief two
Ji-llen (Errol, co. Perth). Per hend indented ar. and gu. in lions' heads erased or. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet of, a
chief three crescents two and one, in hase a mullet all —
horse's ^ad ar. Motto Sine labe decus.
counterchanged. Crest —An eagle rising ppr. 2foito— Allen (Rossal, co. Lancaster, to which family -belonged
Fortiter. Cardinal Allen, who d. 1594). Ar. three conies pass. sa.
-Allen (Stanton Woodhouse, Derhyshire, 1S86). Or, a fesse Allen (Huddersfield, Yorkshire). Sa. a fesse engr. erm. betw.
gu, betw. three oak leaves ppr. three talbots pass, or, collared gu.
-Allen (Derbyshire, London, and Staffordshire). Per chev. Allen (Perthshire, of Errol, in Carse of Gowrie). Per bend
gu. and erm. in chief two lions' heads erased or. Crest— Ont indented ar. and gu. in sinister chief three crescents, and in
of a ducal coronet or, a horse's head ar. dexter base a mullet, all counterchanged. Crest—Aa eagle,
.Alien (Devonshire). Barry of six ar. and gu. six mullets, rising, ppr.
three two and one or. Crest— A mullet gu. pierced or. Allen (William Allen, Esq. of Streatly, co. Berks, J.P., who
Allen (Essex). Or, on a chev. engr. az. three crescents of d. 1745). Ar. two bars az. over all an anchor or.
the first betw. as many pellets each charged with a grey- Allen (Sir William Allen, Lord Mayor of London, 1572).
hound current gold collared gu. Per fesse sa. and or, a pale engr. counterchanged three
Allen (Essex). Sa. on a chev. or, betw. three bezants charged talbots pass, of the second collared gu. CVesi— A talbot pass,
with as many talbots pass, of the first three crescents az. sa. collared gu. ears and chain or.
-Allen (Essex). Or, on a fesse vert three lions ramp, of the Allen (from brass tablet, St. Michael's church, Pembroke, to
field. the memory of Joshda Allen, grandfather of Ven. John
Allen (Grove, near Maidstone, co. Kent, 1610). Or, a chev. Allen, M.A., archdeacon of Salop and vicar of Rees, co.
betw. three bloodhounds pass. sa. collared of the first armed Salop). Per bend rompu ar. and sa. six martlets counter-

gu. Crest On a coronet or, lined erm. a bloodhound pass. changed.
sa. collared gold armed gu. Allen (allowed by Narbonne, Ulster, to Giles Allen,
.Allen (Kent). Per fesse sa. and or, a pale engr. counter- Mayor of Dublin, 1577, 6. in London, d. 1600). Ar. a chev.
changed and three talbots pass, or, collared gu. Crest — gu. betw. three torteaux, on each a lalbot pass, of the field
A talbot pass, or, collared gu. collared az. on a chief of the last a lion pass, cuard. of the
Allen (Kent). Or, a chev. betw. three bloodhounds upon the first, armed and langued of the second.
scent sa. Crest —On a mount vert poled round or, a hound Allen (Lyne Shany, Gavan, 1633, Eillowning, co. Tippe*
sa. collared of the last, rary, 1691, afterwards of Dublin). Gu. three plates, two and
.Allen (Hoyland, W. R. co. York). Or, three greyhounds one, each charged with a talbot pass, sa., on a chief or, an
pass. sa. two and one. Crest —A demi greyhound ramp. sa. anchor of the second betw. two lions pass, counterpass. of

holding in his dexter paw a crescent Motto—Diligenter
ar. the first. Crest—A demi tiger ramp. gu. Motto ^Virtus
et fidehter. auro prseferenda.
.Allen (Broughton, co. Lane. 1664). Erm. on a chev. betw. Allen (granted by St. George, Garter, to William Allen,
threel eopards' faces gu. a bezant. Crest —
Out of a coronet capt. of a company of foot). Gu. a castle triple-towered
a wolf's head erm. maned or. or, in base two swords saltierwise ppr. Crest —
Out of a ducal
.Allen (Brindley, co. Chester, granted by Sir Richard St. coronet or two swords or, falchions saltierwise all ppr.
George, 1613). Per bend sinister or and
sa. six martlets Allen. Or, on a chev. sa. three martlets ar. betw. as many
counterchanged. Crest —
A martlet or, wings elevated sa. ogresses, each charged with a talbot or, on a chief az. a
collared gu. demi lion ramp. betw. two dragons' heads erased of the
Allen (The Rhyd). Same as last. first.

Allen (City of Chester, 1697). Per bend sinister ar. and sa. Allen. Ar. on a chev. gu. three lozenges of the field, each

six martlets, counterchanged. Crest—A martlet rising .or charged with a cross crosslet sa.
winged sa. Allen. Gu. on a cross patt^e ar. five escallops az.
.Allen (Rathtimney,co.Wexford, Visit. CO. Wexford, 1618). Ar. Allen, Sa. a cross patonc^e or, fretty gu.
two bars a mullet betw. two crescents of the last.
sa. in chief Allen. Ar. three bars gu. over all as many towers triple-
Allen, or Alen (Alenscourt or St. Wolstan's). See Alen. towered two and one or.
Allen (Lancashire). Barry nebulde of six ar. and gu. a label Allen. Sa. a cross form^e or.
of three points az. Allen. Per chev. ar. and sa. six martlets counterchanged.
.Allen (Whetston, Leicestershire, Visit. Leicester, 19). Per Allen. Az. a fesse nebulee erm.
pale ar. and sa. a chev. betw. three talbots pass, collared or, Allen. Ar. a chev. betw. three roses gu.
all counterchanged. Allen. Sa. three lozenges or.
A-llen (London). Same arms (the talbots sejant). Crest — Allen. Ar. three lozenges sa.
demi griffin holding in the paws a branch vert fructed or. Allen, or Alleine. Or, a chev. betw. three leopards'
-Allen (Sheriff of London, 1620, Camden's Grants). Per fesse faces pu.
gu. and sa. a chev. rompu betw. three griffin's heads erased Allenson. Sa. a fesse erm. betw. three talbots pass, or,

erm. Crest A griffin's head erased per fesse erm. and gu. over all a sinister bendlet. Crest —A
talbot's head or, col-
.Allen (London). Per fesse gu. and sa. a chev. rompu, lared and ringed az. betw. two wings expanded of tiie last.
counterchanged. Allenson. Paly wavy of six or and az. on a chief gu. a lion
Allen (London). Per pale ar. and sa. a chev. engr. betw. pass, guard, or. Crest —A
demi lion ramp, guard, or, hold-
three talbots counterchanged. ing a cross gu.'

.Allen (London). Barry of six ar. and az. over all an Allenson, or Allanson (granted 1635 to Allanson, Lord
anchor in pale with two cables fixed to the ring noded and Mayor of York). Same Arms. Crest—On- a mount ppr. a
pendent or. lion ramp, guard, or, holding a long cross gu.
.Allen (London). Ar. a bend indented betw. a crescent and Allerton. Per chev. sa. and ar. in chief two barrulets of
mullet gu. the last.
-Allen (Suffollc and Sussex). Ar. two bars sa. in chief three Allerton. Ar. three (another two) bars sa. in chief three
mullets of the second. pellets within a bordure engr. of the second.
Allen, or AUeyn (Edward, Founder of Dulwich College, Allerton. Ar. two bars sa. in chief three pellets.
CO. Surrey, 6. in 1566, d. in 1626). See Alletn. Allerton. Ar. a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased sa.
-Allen (St. Wolstan's, co. Kildare). See Alen. —
Crest ^A lion's head collared.
-Allen (Capt. Fountaine Hogge-Allen, had royal license to Allerton. Per chev. sa. and or, three bars gemels ar. the
take the name and arms of Allen in addition, dated 1st July, bottom one passing behind the chev. point.
1857). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Allen per chev. engr. gu.
: Alles, or Allez (Guernsey). A chev. betw. three mullets
and or, two chevronels counterchanged, in chief two lions' in chiefand as many annulets in hase. Crest~^A thistle ppr.
heads couped of the second. 2nd and 3rd, Hogge ar. semee : Allesley (Warwickshire). Vert three chev. in base inter-
of acorns vert, three boars' heads erased, two and one, az. laced and a chief or.
Cre«fs— Allen the battlements of a tower ppr. therefrom
: Allesley. Ar. a hend az. in chief an annulet of the second.
issuing a horse's head per chev. engr. ar. and gu. Hogge : Allesley, Az. fretty ar. a chief of the last.
two spears in saltire in front of an oak tree, eradicated and Allestrey, (Turnditch, Alvaston, and Walton, co. Derby,
fructed, all ppr. Motto— QuercvLs glandifera arnica porcis. mentioned in deeds of the 1 3th century, and in the Visita-
A.llen. Or, three pellets, two and one, each charged with a tions of 1634 and 1662). Ar. a chief gu. over ail a bend az.
talbot pass, of the first; on a chief gu. a lion pass, guard, charged with three escutcheons or.

betw. two anchors ar. Crent A demi greyhound ramp, paly Allestrey. Ar. a bend az. betw. three escutcheons gu. each
of six ar. and sa. collared gu. holding betw. the paws a charged with a fesse of the first, a chief of the second.
crescent or. Allestry. Ar. a chief az. on a bend gu. thi-ee escutcheona
parted per fesse vert and ar. Crest —A
demi lion az. Allison. Sa. a fesse engr. betw. three talbots pass, ar
brandishing a scimetar ar. liilted or. Crest—An eagle's head erased ppr. Motto— Vincet Veritas
Allett (Iwood, CO. Somerset). Or, on a pale sa. betw. two Allison. Ar. an inescutcheon gu. Crest ~
A pheasant-
pellets a demi lion ramp. gold. Creat —A
unicorn's head ar. holding in the dexter foot a key, and in his beak an ear of
collared sa. barley ppr.
Allexander (Sir Jerome Allexandek, d. 25th July, 1670, Allison, Sa. a fesse engr. betw. three talbots pass. ar. sur-
F. £. 1.). Sa. achev. betw. three talbots^ heads erased ar. mounted by a bend sinister.
collared gu. AUix (Willoughby Hall, co. Lincoln, and Swaffham, Cam-
Allexander. See Alexander. bridgeshire, founded in England by Dr. Peter Alux, of
Alley. Az. a paie enn. betw. two lions ramp, of the second, Alencon, in Normandy). Ar. a wolfs head erased at the
ducally crowned or. —
Crest A lion's head caboBsed or, neck ppr. in the dexter chief point a mullet gu. Crest—A.
betw. two wings ppr. wolfs head erased, as in the arms.
Alley (Ireland). on a chief of the same three
Or, a cross gu. Albnack. See AwaiACK.
mullets of the d-est—Cnb of a ducal coronet or, a
field. Allott (South Kirkby, Yorkshire, granted 9 June, 1729). Or,
mullet gUi betw. two laurel branches vert. a fesse az. betw. four barrulets wavy of the last, on a canton
Alley. Gu. a cross ar. within a bordure invecked of the of the second two barrulets ar. charged with three swallowa
second. volant sa., viz. on the first two, second one, Crent—A
Alley. Gu. a cross engr. within a bordure ar. cubit arm erect vested or, charged with a fesse betw. four
Alley. Az. a pale erm. barrulets cuffed ar. holding in the hand ppr. a mullet gold.
Alleyn (Edward Alletn, Esq., Master of his Majesty's game Allott (Great Easton). Ar. a fesse double cotisert wavy
of bulls, bears, and mastire dogs, 1623, and Founder of the sa. —
C^est ^A dexter arm from the elbow vested gu. cuffed
College of Godsgift in Dulwiche). Ar. a chev. betw. three or, hand ppr. holding a mullet gold.

dnquefoDs gu. Crest An arm couped at the elbow and Allott (Hague Hall, co. York). Or, a plain fesse double-
erect, holding a human heart, the arm issuing out of flames cotised, wavy, az.; on a canton of the second two bars ar.
of fire, all ppr. charged with three swallows volant sa. Crest—A dexter-
AUeyn (Thaxted and Hatfield Peverlll, Essex, barts. created arm couped at the elbow habited or, charged with a fesse-
1629, extinct 1759). Crest—A demi
Sa. a cross potent or. double cotised wavy az. cuff ar. the hand ppr. holding a
paws a rudder of a vessel or.
lion az. holding in the mullet gold. il/oi(o—Fortiter et recte.
Alleyn (The Mote, co. Kent, and Greseley, co. Derby. Sir Allott (Lancashire and Lincolnshire). Ar, (another, or) on
John AUeyn, twice Lord Mayor of London, temp. Henry a bend sa, betw. two ogresses a demi lion of the field. Crest
Vin.). Arms, &c. as Alleyn of Hatfield and Thaxted, An arm couped at the shoulder emhowed ppr, vested gu.
quartered by Hlncks. and resting the elbow on a wreath holding a sword enfiled
Alleyn. See Allen (Cheshire). with a leopard's head.
Allesrne Per chev. gu. and erm., in chief two
(Bart.) Allott (Lord Mayor of London, 1591). Ar. on a pale sa.
lions' heads erased or. —
Crest Out of a ducal coronet a betw, two pellets a demi lion couped or,

horse's head ar. Motto ^Non tua te moveant, sed puhlica Allport (Cannock, Staffordshire). See Alport.
Tota ; or, Non tua te sed publica vota. All SotUs Colleg-e, of Oxford. Or, a chev. oetw. three
Alleyne (Hayesleigh, co. Essex). Or, on a fess vert three cinquefoils gu,
fleurs-de-lis of the first. Allsopp (Hindlip Hal], co. Worcester, Henbt Allsopp,
Alleyne. Per bend Ginister double dancett^ ar. and sa. Esq., J.P. and D.L.) Sa. three plovers rising ar. legged
six martlets counterchanged. and beaked gu., quartering ar, three bears passant ppr.
Allfirey (Wokefleld Park, Berks, Hemingford, co. Warwick). for —
Bearcroft. Crest A plover wings expanded or, beaked
Per fesse sa. and erm. a pale counterchanged three and legged gu. in its beak an ear of wheat gold. Motto —
ostrichs* heads erased, ar. gorged with crowns and lines Festina lente,
or. Crest —
An ostrich's head and neck gorged with a crown Allwent. Gu. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis erm.
as in the arms betw. two ostrichs' feathers ar. Allwortli (Devonshire). Ar. a fesse betw. six billets gu.
Allg'ood (Nunwick, Northumberland). Ar. a cross engr. Allwright, or Alwrig-ht. Gu. a bend or, and three-
gu. betw. four mullets az. on a chief or, three damask roses sinister bendletsar. the centre one surmounting the bend.
of the second seeded gold barbed vert. Crest ^Two arms — Crest —On a chapeau a greyhound statant all ppr.
emhowed in armour ppr. holding in the liands a human Allye (Tewkesbury, co. Az, a lion ramp. ar.
heart gu. inflamed or, charged with a tower triple towered Creet^A leopard's head betw. two wings sa,

arg. Motto ^Age omne bonum.
Allye (Dorsetshire), Or, a lion's head erased sa. on a chief
Allg'ood. Or, a leopard's head az. and two cocks gu. in pale —
embattled of the second three plates. Crest A stag's head
betw. as many flaunches sa. each charged with afleur-de-lis ar. erased per pale ar, and or, attired of the first gorged with
Allibone. Vert on a bend ar. three crosses form^e fitch^ a collar double embattled gu. charged with three escallops^

az. Crest ^A bull's head affronts. gold.
Allieson, or Allison. Party per cross quarterly ar. and Allym, or Audlym. Ar. three crabs erect sa.
go. a cross betw. four cinquefoils counterchanged. Crest Allyn* Per fesse gu. and sa. a chev, rompu betw, thrce-
— ^A demi savage wielding a scimetar ppr. grifSns' heads erased erm. on a canton ar. a cross potent
Allin (Blundeston and Somerleyton, co. Suffolk). Gu. a , betw. four crosses pattde az. Crest —A
tree eradicated vert

dnquefoil pierced or. Crest ^A snake coiled up and en- frucced with branches of berries gu.
vironed with flags (i.e. rushes) ppr. Allyn (Bampton, co. Devon). Per bend rompu ar, and sa.-
Anin (Bart.). Gu. three swords barwise ar. points to the six martlets and an annidet in the dexter chief point coun-
sinister side hilts and pomels or, betw. four (sometimes terchanged.

twelve) mullets of the third. Crest A sword erect ar. hilt Allyn (London). Az. a pale engr. erm.
and pomel or. Another Crest~On a Bible open a hand All yn, Ar. on a chev. gu. three lozenges of the first eacli
couped close holding a sword erect. charged with a cross crosslet sa.
Allin. Gu. three swords barwise ar. points to the sinister Allyn (William Alltn, of Aylmer, whose dau. and heiress
hilts and pomels or, betw. four mullets two in chief and two m. Gilbert, son and heir of Gilbert Gerrard, Lord Chan-
in base of the third. —
Crest ^A sword in pale point up- cellor of Ireland temp. Henry "VII., Beg. Ped. Ulster's office).
wards ppr. Ar. two bars nebulfe gu. in chief a label of three points sa,
Allin gham. Or, three lozenge buckles az. Crest A — Allyson (Pardsey Hall, co. Cumberland, Her. "Visit., 1615).
church environed with trees ppr. Ar. a fess, gu. betw. three birds fla. a border of the last.
Allingidg'e. Gu. a cross engr, or. Crest A castle triple — Allyn. See Alen.
towered ppr. on the sinister tower a flag displ. ar. charged Almack (Suffolk). Per bend ar. and sa. a cross potent
with a cross sa. —
coimterchanged. Crest On a tower sa, a flag az. with the
Anin gton (London). Or, a lion ramp, within a bordure word PAX ar. Jfo«o—Mack al sicker.

engr. az. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a buck's head Alman (Pevensey and Warbleton, co. Sussex, descended
ppr, attired of the first pierced through the neck with an from Eobert Alman, living 10 Edw. III. : the representation
arrow of the last barbed and flighted ar. vested in the families of Parnell and Meres), Per bend or
Allington (Timswell, co. Butland, Her. Visit. 1619). Sa. a and sa. a cross potent coimterchanged. Crest A leg in —
bend engr. betw. six billets ar. armour spurred or, couped in the middle of the thigh.
Allington (Horsheath, co. Cambridge). See Aungtok. Alman. Ar. an eagle displayed sa. armed or.
Alli son (described in the "Visitations as having been settled Almand. "Vair, on a fesse gu. three martlets or.
for five generations atTardsley Hall, co. Cambridge). Ar. a Almarade. Ar. a dragon segreant winged az.
fesse gu. betw. three blackbirds within a bordure of the Almard. Per pale indented ar. and gu. Crest A stag —
second. Crest — ^A peacock ppr. trippant ppr.


Almayne. Or, an eagle displ. sa. armed gu. Crest —On » Alspathe. Ar. a bend sa. cottised gu. within a bordure of
ducal coronet or, a cinquefoil gu. the third.
Aim ears, or Alzneers.
Ar. a long cross gu. on three Alstanton. Az. three sea-urchins (or hedgehog fish) erect
grieces or steps the upper one az. the second as the cross ar. Crest —
Out of a mural coronet or, an arm in armour

and the undermost sa. Crest A long cross recrossed on embowed' holding a dageer all ppr.
three steps ar. Alstoines. Az. ten etoiles or, four, three, two, and one.
Aim er, and Almor (John Almor, one of the Marshals of Alston (Elmdon Warwick). Az. ten estoiles or,
Hall, co.
^the Hall to Henry VII., derived from Efnydd ap Gwenllian). four, three, two, and one, on a chief ar. a crescent reversed
Az. a lion ramp, or, armed and langued gu. Crest—A pal- gu, between two boars' heads sa. Crest A demi eagle, —
mer's staff erect or. wings displayed or, on each wing a crescent reversed gu.
Almert. Gu. a cross vert. Motto—In altum.
Almig-er. Az. two hars or, betw. three helmets ar. Crest — Alston (Saxham Hall, Suffolk, and Odell, co. Beds, JSxtinct
On a ducal coronet ppr. a tiger sejant gu. Saronet). Az. ten estoiles
or, four, three, two, and one.
Almond. Ar. an almond slip fructed ppr. Crest Three — Crest —Outof a crescent ar. an etoile or. Motto Immotus. —
cinquefoils az. stalked and leaved vert. Alston (Edwardston, Suffolk, and Chelsea, Middlesex,
Almond. Az. two piles in point or, a canton erm. Crest — descended from a second son of the Alstons of Saxham
A terrestrial globe vert garnished and ensigned with a cross Hall; Sir Joseph Alston, of Chelsea, younger brother of Sir
patt^e or. Edward Alston, Knt., M.D., President of the College of
Almonder. Or, an almond slip fructed ppr. Physicians, was created a baronet in 1681). Same Arms as
Almont. Gu. a cross vair^. Alston of Odell.
. Almot Ar. a chev. betw. three escallops sa.
(Suffolk). Alston (Westertown, co. Dumbarton, 1792). Az. a unicorn's
Almot, Alneot, and Alnot. Quarterly, per pale in- head erased in chief ar. maned and homed or, and a cross
dented or and gu., in the 1st and 4th quarters five mascles moline of the second in base betw. ten stars, four, three,

conjunct in cross. Crest A thunderbolt ppr. —
two, and one, of the third. Crest A demi eagle rising ppr.
Alma. Gu. three stags' heads erased or. Ct'est—A stag's Motto —Sursum,
head as in the arms. Alston (John Alston, Banker, Glasgow, 1816). Az. ten
. Alneham. Az. five fusils in fesse or a hendlet gu. stars of six points, four, three, two,and one, or.. Crest —
Alnwick, or Alnwyk. Ar. a cross molinc sa. A demi eagle rising ppr. Motto-~-Jn altum.
Alnwick, or Almewake. Paly of six ar. and or, on a Alston (Craighead, co. Lanark, 1869). The same within a
chief gu. three crosses crosslet of the first. Creit On a — bordure ar. Same Crest and Motto.
chapeau a cock ppr. Alston (Stockbriggs, co. Lanark, 1872). Ax. ten stars of
Alors. Gu. a chev. hetw. three rowels ar. six points, four, three, two, and one or, a bordure of the last
Alpe (Gressenhall, co. Norfolk). Az. a fesse erm. betw. charged with three fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest ^A demi eagle —
three alpes ar, Crest—A bull's head erased sa. rising f '. on each wing a crescent reversed gu. Motto—In
Alplie (Hampshire). Ar. a Hon pass. betw. three boars' altum.
heads couped sa. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a Alston Stewart (Urrard, co. Perth, 1830). Coupe one,
hawk's head ar. parti two : 1st and 6th, az. ten stars, four, three, two, and
Alphen. Ar. a fesse betw. three boars* heads erased (some- one or, a bordure embattled gu., for Alston; 2nd, or, a fess
times cooped) sa. checquy ar. and az. surmounted of a hon ramp. gu. a
Alpliraliazn. Az. three eagles displ. betw. nine crosses bordure of the last ; Srd, az, three garbs or ; 4th, ar. a bend
crosslet or. az. charged with three buckles or; the last three quarterings
Alpin. Or, a fesse betw. three bullfinches ppr. for Stewart of Urrard ; 6th, gyronny of eight or and sa.,
Alfraxn (Cheshire). Az. three eagles displ. or. for Campbell.
Alfram. Az. crusily three eagles displ. or. Alstone. Az. ten etoiles or, on a chief ar. a, crescent
Alport (Cannock, co. Stafford quartered by Fletcher of
; reversed gu. betw. two boars' heads couped sa. Crest —
Dudley). Barry wavy of eight, ar. and az. on a bend gu. demi eagle with wings expanded and inverted ppr. on each
three mullets or. (^est —
A demi lion ramp, erminois col- wing a crescent reversed gu. Motto—In. altum.
lared with a mural crown gu. Alstowue. Gu. three searurchins in pale ar.
-Alport of Overton, Gu. six pears, three, two. and one, Alswin, or Alswyn (F. E. I. 1638). Ar. a fess betw.
and a chief or. three boars* heads couped sa.
Aired (Holderness, co. York). Gu. a chev. betw. three Alsworthy. Or, a chev. sa. betw. three trefoils slipped in
griffins' heads erased ar. armed or. Crest A griffin's head — chief vert and a mullet in base gu.
ppr. Alt (Loughborough, co. Leicester). Quarterly, gu. and ar.
Alrey. Ar. three escallop shells gu. two and one. within a bordure of annulets and crosses patt^e alternately
Alsacher, or Alsager (Cheshire). Az. three askers' (or counterchanged.
water lizards') heads couped or. Altaripa. Az. five fusils in fesse ar. a bendlet gu.
Alsarin, Az. an asker's (or water lizard's) head erased or. Altaripa (The dau. of John de Altaripa m. William
.Alshonier (Scotland). Gu. a chev. or, in base a cres- Sidney ; Sidney ped. by Cooke, Clarenceux), Ar, four lions
cent ar. pass, in bend gu. betw. two double cottises of the last.
.Alsop (Alsop, CO, Derby. Settled there about the time of Alten. Ar. a bend of lozenges and roses alternately dis-
the Conquest, and continued in an uninterrupted descent posed gu.
for nineteen or twenty generations). Sa, three doves rising Alten. Gu. three eagles' winga expanded or.
ar. legged and beaked gu. Crest —
Adove with wings ex- Alten. Ar. a ragged staff embowed to the sinister sa.
panded or, beaked and legged gu. holding in the beak an Alteripe. Az. five fusils in fesse ar. on the third a crescent
ear of wheat gold. gu,
.Alton (Nottingham). Or. on a chief vert a lion pass. ar. Altham (London and Essex). Paly of six erm. and az. on
Alsop (London, granted 1738). Az. three doves ppr. on a

canton or, a key erect sa. Crest A dove holding in the beak ing a ship's rudder sa,

a chief gu. a lion pass, guard, or. Crest A demi lion hold-

an ear of corn all ppr. in the dexter claw a key as in the Altham (Timbercombe, co. Somerset, exemplified to Wil-
canton. liam Sdrtees Cook, Esq., on his assuming the surname of his
.Alsop (Lord Mayor of London, 1752). Az. three doves or, maternal grandmother. Mart, dau. of Soger Altham, Esq.
on a canton ar. a key in pale gu, of Mark Hail, co. Essex, by royal licence in 1862). Quarterly,
.Alsope (Derbyshire). Per fesse or and erm. a pale coimter- 1st and 4th, paly of six erm. and az. on a chief gu. a Uon
changed three mullets sa. Crest A dove with an olive — pass, reguard. or, armed and langued gu., for Althak ;

branch in the beak ppr. 2nd and 3rd az. on a chev.

betw. three garbs or, as many
Alsoppe (London, 1797). Sa. on a bend betw. six doves fleurs-de-lis gu., for Cook.
Crests— lat, a demi lion or,
ar. legged gu. three pheons of the first. O'est A dove ar. — holding a ship's rudder sa., Altham; 2nd. Atalbot sejant
legged gu. betw. two ostrich feathers sa. sa collared or, reposing the dexter fore paw on an escut-
Alspach. Ar. a bend cottised within a bordure engr. in cheon ar. charged with an estoile az., Cook. Motto— Vto
the sinister comer a mtdlct pierced sa. Deo et catholica fide.
AJspatli (Ealph Peche temp. Edward II., m. Annoka, dau. Altham (Essex). Ar. a lion salient sa. Ocsi—The same as
and heir of Gerraiid db Alspath, grandson of William de the last.
Alspath, temp. Edward 1,, who was son of Walter, Lord of Althan, Per pale beviled az.and or.
Alspath, Dugdale). Ar. a bend sa. cotised gu. a mullet Althan, or Althaun. Gu. a fesse ar. Crest—A demi
for diff. archer shooting a bow ppr. clothed vert cap sa.
Alspath, or Alspach. Ar. a bend sa. cottised gu. Althonn. Gu. on a fesse ar. a Eoman A. Crest—A dexter
Crest —Two spears in saltire az. hand apaum€e ppr.


Altreuw. Per fesse gu. and ar. two hands couped and con- Amant, Or, a fret on a chief of the last three
joined chevronways counterchanKed. bezants.
Altrew, or Altme. Sa. two hands couped ahove the Ajnarle. Az. two bars within a bordure ar. guttfie-de-
wrist conjoined chevronways sleeved or, cuffed ar. sang.
Altringrham, Town of (Cheshire). Quarterly, gu. and Amarle, or Annarle. Ar. guttde-de-sang, three bars
or, in the first quarter a lion pass. ar. humelge az. Crest— A lion pass, or, resting the dexter paw
Alvanley, Baron. See Abden. on a mullet gu.
Alvanston. Ar. three crabs erect gu. Amary (Essex). Gu. a cross engr. ar. charged with five
Alvarde. Ar. on a saltire az. betw.
erased gu. a leopard's bead enclosed
four griffins' heads
by four lozenges or,
ciuquefoils of the field,
ing afTront€e ar. in the
d-est —A cat's head and neck issu-
mouth a rat sa.
pointing to the ends of the saltire. Amary. Gu. on a cross engr. ar. four cinquefoils of the
Alvares. Chequy ar. '^d gu. Crest —A demi lion ramp, field.
ppr. holding in the dext^ paw a mascle az. Amatyst. Ar. on a bend sa. three cinquefoils of the field.
.Alvas. See Alveb. AmbenLont. Erm. on a pile az. three fleurs-de-lis or.
Alverd, or Aliired (Ipswich). Ar. on a saltier az. betw. Amberg. Gyronny of six az. and or.
four griffins' heads erased gu. a leopard's head betw. four Ambers. Gu. a chev. betw. three rowels or.
lozenges or. —A
Crest mill-rinde or. Ambersam. Or, on a chev. betw. three boars' heads couped
Alverston (Dunmore). Az. a cross patonce betw. four sa. as many (another, five) cinquefoils of the first.
fleurs-de-lis or. Crest — A greyhound salient sa. Ambesace, and Amboraes. Or, three dice sa. (another,
Alvert. Ar. on a saltier
az. betw. four
eagle's head ppr.
gu.) each charged with an ace ar. Crest — Out of a ducal
erased gu. a leopard's or. coronet or a man's head in profile ppr.
charged with a saltier gu. Ambett. Gyronny of eight or and az, four annulets of the
Alverthorp. Sa. a cross patt^e or. first.

Alves, or Alvas. Ar. on a chev. az. hetw. three trefoils Ambler, and Anbler. Sa, on a fesse or, betw. three
shpped yert as many mullets of the field a bordure sa. pheons ar, alien pass, guard, gu. Crest —
Two dexter hands

Crat A garb or. j(fo«o— Deo favente. conjoined, sustaining a royal crown.
Alvey, or Allvey, Sa. a boar pass. or. Crest ^A plough — Ambler (Kirton -in -Holland, co. Lincoln). Sa. a cross
ppr. ermine in the dexter quarter a leopard's face ar.
AlTing'liam Abbey (co. Lincoln). Ar. three bars gu. Amboraes. See Ambesace.
over all a crozier in bend or. Amborrow, Anbury, or Anborow. Ar. a chev. sa.
Alway. Ar. a fesse betw. three lions ramp. sa. crowned or. betw. three bears' heads erased of the last muzzled or.
Alwaye (Streetley, co. Bed.). Or, a talbot pass. sa. on a Crest~-A bear's head as in the arms.
chief of the second three muUets of the first. Crest— A, Ambridg:e. Gu, two lions ramp, in pale ar. Crest—A cross
hind's head ar. hetw. two holly branches vert fructed with crosslet fitch^e in pale gu. surmounted by two swords in
berries gu. saltire ppr.
Alvell (Gloucestershire). Ar. a. pile sa. over all a chev. Ambrose (Lancashire). Or, three humets sa. charged with
counterchanged. as manyannulets ar,
Alwortb, or Aylwortb. (Oxfordshire). Or, a saltier Ambrose (Lancashire). Ar. three dice (by some called
engr. betw. twelve billets sa. billets) sa. each charged with a mullet of the field (another,
Alworthy. Or, on a chev. betw. three trefoils slipped sa. annulets or). €^est—A hand holding a billet ar.
three mullets of the field. Ambrose (Ambrose Hall, co. Dublin). Per fess or and sa.
Alwrig^lit. See Allwbight. three dice each charged with an annulet all counterchanged.
Alwjni (Devonshire). Two coats : first, ar. three lions pass, Ci'est—A pelican in her piety or, charged on the breast with
(another, ramp.) sa. fretty az.; second, per pale or and az. a shamrock ppr. Motto— In heaven is all my trust,
three eagles counterchanged. Amcotes (Astrop, co, Lincoln, granted 1548). Ar, a tower
Alwyn, or Aylwin (Canons in West Dean, Preston in —
betw, three covered cups az. Crest A squirrel sejant gu.
Eiderton, and Treyford, co. Sussex: the daus. and co- holding in the mouth a nut or.
heirs were Maby Alwin, wife of the Hon. Chabi^b Talbgt ; Amcotes (Writenby, co. Lincoln). The same, a crescent
and Elizabeth, m. to Sir William Mahnock, Bart.) Ar. a for diff,

fesse nebulae gu. betw. three lions ramp. sa. Crest— A lion's Amcots (Essex). Ar. a tower triple towered betw, three
gamb. erect and erased sa. enfiled with a mural crown or. covered cups az. Crest'— A squirrel pass. gu. holding in
Alwyn (Lord Mayor of London, 1499). Ar. a fesse nebulae the mouth a nut or.
az. betw. three lions ramp, guard, sa. Amcotts (Kettlethorpe, co. Lincoln, Bart.). Ar. a tower
Alwyn (London). Ar. a fesse wavy az. betw. three lions triple towered betw. three covered cups, two and one, az.
salient sa. Crest— A boar's head couped and erect arg. issuing out of
Alwyn. At. a fesse nebuMe az, betw. two lions pass. sa. the mouth an estoile or.
Alwyn. a chev. betw. thr^fi goats ar.
Sa. Amcotts (Hackthom, co. Lincoln.) See Cbaceoft-Am-
Alwyn, Or, a chev. betw. three goats pass. sa. COTTS.
Alwyne. Or, a chev. az. betw. three goats' heads of the Amenes and Annennell. Ar. a fesse betw. six annu-
fiecond attired of the first. lets gu.
Alye (Gloucestershire). Az. a lion ramp. ar. Crest ^A lion's — Ajnentom. Gu, a cross patonce ar. Ci-est—An antelope's
head cabossed betw. two wings sa. head ppr.
Alye (Edward Alte, of Tewkesbury, gent., at Visit, co. Amerance. Gu. four mascles in bend ar, betw, eight
Gloucester, 1623, and confirmed to his grandson, Bichabd —
crosses crosslet or. Crest A mascle ar.
Alte, citizen of London, by the Earl of Aylesbury, D.E. Mar- Amerdley. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. ducally gorged and chain
shall, 2 Nov. 1679). Az. a lion salient ar. Crest— refiexed or. Crest— A heart inflamed gu. winged or.
leopard's head or, betw. a pair of wings displayed sa. Amereditb. (Marston and Tamerton, co. Devon). Gu. a
Alye (co. Dorset, Visit. Dorset, 1623). Or, a talbot's head —
lion ramp, reguard, or. Crest A demi lion sa. ducally
erased sa. on a chief crenelle of the last three plates. Crest gorged and fined or.
—A stag's head erased per pale ar. and or, on the neck a fesse Ameredith (Devonshire). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. collared and
crenelld gu. charged with three escallops gold. chained or.
Alyn. Az, a fess nebuly erm. Amerex, or Americe. Paly wavy of six or and sa.
Alyne. Ar. three bars and betw. them as many towers gu. Crest — A torteau gu. charged with a talbot's head ar.
Alyson (Kent, 1583). Ar. a fesse az. betw. three boars' erased or,
heads couped sa. Crest —
A pheon ar. with part of the Amerie. Per pale dancett^e gu. and ar. (^est—A dexter
broken shaft in it, or. hand ppr. holdmg a fieur-de-lis in pale or.
Alyson. Ar. a fesse betw. three bears' heads couped sa. Amerie. Gu. a cross patonce vair (another, ar.). Crest —
armed gu. As the last.
Amade. Ar. an oak-branch acomed (or, fructed) ppr. Amerley. See Amdaule.
Amades (Plymouth, co. Devon.) Az. a chev. erm. betw. Amervile. Party per fess indented ar. and gu. three
three oaken slips acomed ppr, annulets counterchanged.
Amand, Or, fretty sa. on a chief of the second three Amervill. Party per fesse indented ar, and gu. three
bezants (another, three plates; and another, two mullets). annulets counterchanged.
Am and. Ar. a lion ramp, coward purp. Amery (John Amebt, Esq., F.S.A., J.P. and D.L. co. Wor-
Amand, Axnane, or Amarme.
Per pale ar. and sa. a cester, who claims to be descended from Amobt of Codring-
chev. erm. and ermines betw. six martlets counterchanged. ton). —
See Amobt. Motto ^Tu ne cede malis.
Ch'e^ —
^A pomegranate ppr. Ames. See A^ios.


Ames (granted to Henry Metcalfe Ames, Esq. ofLindon, co. Ammory (Oxfordshire). Az. on a bend or, three eaglets
Northumberland, and his descendants, and the descendants (sometimes gu.) armed gu.
displ. sa.
of Lionel Ame3, Esq., of the Hyde, co. Bedford). Ar. on a bend Amock. Erm. a chev. couped gu. Crest A man's head —
cottised between two annulets sa. a quatrefoil betw. two roses in profile ppr. vested gu. wreathed round the head ar.
of the field; quartering for Poole, per pale or and gu. a and sa.
saltier betw. two mascles in pale and in fesse as many Axaondeville (Wotton, in Wardall). Vair three palets gu.
leopards' faces jessant de lis, counterchanged, and for Met- Amondevill (Nottinghamshire). Az. a fret or.
CALF, per fesse or and sa. in chief two calves statant and in Am.orie (Lord d'Amorie, summoned to parliament, 1317).
base a dove volant counterchanged. Cresi— Arose ar. slipped Barry nebulae of six ar. and gu. a bend az.
and leaved ppr. in front thereof an annulet or. Ainory(HEATHcoAT-AMOBY, Knightshayes Court, co. Devon,
Am es (Cote House, Westbury-on-Trym, co. Somerset). Same Bart.). Quarterly : 1st and 4th, Amoey, viz., ar. two bars gu.
Arms, quartering Poole, Chadncey, &c. Motto Fama — on a bend engr. with plain cottises sa. two annulets of the
Candida rosa dulcior. field ; 2ad and 3rd, Heathcoat, vert, three piles one re-
Amest. Ar, three holly leaves harways the stalks towards versed in base betw. the others issuant from the chief each
the dexter ppr. charged with a pommeis thereon a cross of the 2nd. d'ests-—
Amh erst {Earl AmTierst, representative of an ancient Amoby: The battlements of a tower or, therefrom issuant
family seated in the 13th century at Amhurst, Pembury, a talbot's head az. charged with two annulets fessewise and
Kent, tPhence the name). Gu. three tilting speass two interlaced gold. Heathcoat: Upon a mount vert. betw.
and one erect or, points ar. Oi'est —
On a mount vert two roses springing from the same gu. stalked and leaved
three tilting spears or, headed ar., one in pale and two ppr. a pommeis charged with a cross or. Motto Amore —
in saltire environed with a chaplet of laurel vert. Sup- non vi.

porters ^Two Canadian war Indians, of a copper colour, Ajnory. Az. on a bend or, three eaglets displ. gu.
rings in their noses and ears, and bracelets on their arms Am.ory, or D'Amory (Codrington, co. Gloucester, Wor-
and wrists ar. cross-belts over their shoulders buff. To one cestershire Visit. 1634). Barry nebulae of six ar. and gu.
a powder-horn pendent, to the other a seal ping-knife each ; over all a bend engr. az. Crest— Out of a mural crown or, a
of their waists covered with a short apron gu., their gaiters talbot's head az. eared of the first.
az. seamed or, their legs fettered and fastened by a chain Amory (St. Ann's, near Bristol, co. Somerset, Bunratty
to the bracelet of the outer wrist ppr., the dexter Indian Castle, CO. Clare, and Boston, United States of America. The
holding in his exterior hand a battle-axe the sinister hold- Amokys of America are a family of considerable distinction;
ing in his exterior hand a tomahawk, thereon a scsdp all Thomas Amory, Esq. of Bunratty Castle, was Lord Palatine
ppr. itf"o((o— Constantia et Virtute. of South Carolina, under John Locke's charter, and his uncle,
Ajaherst, or Amlxurst (Amhurst, co. Kent, Didling- Jonathan Amory, Esq., also emigrated to South Carolina
ton Hall, CO. Norfolk, and Hackney, co. Middlesex, ex- about 1690, and became Advocate-General and Speaker of the
emplified, Coll. of Arms, to Williau - Amhubst Tyssek- House of Assembly there. His descendant is the present
Amhubst, Esq. of those places). Quarterly: Ist and 4th, Thomas C. Amory, Esq. of Boston, U.S.). Barry nebul&e of
as preceding, viz., gu. three tilting spears two and one six ar. and gu. a bend az. Crest— 0\xt of a mural crown or, a
erect or, points ar. for Amhubst, as representing Nicho- talbot's head az. eared of the first. Motto— Tu. ne cede malis.
las Amhurst, living at Judds, in Tudeley, temp. Queen Azuos or Potent counterpotent gu. and ar. a chev.
Elizabeth, one of the four sons of Thomas Amherst, of or. Crest— A square collegiate cap sa.
Amherst, and brother of John Amherst, ancestor of Earl Amphlett (Hadsor and Clent, co. Worcester, anciently of
Amherst ; 2nd, Daniel, per saltire ar. and or, two dexter Salwarpe, descended from William Amphlett, Lord of the
arms fessewise, couped in pale, vested gu. cuff az. the hand Manor of Hadsor tenip. James I. The Hadsor Une is repre-
ppr. holding a cross crosslet fitch^e erect of the third and as sented by Sir Bichard-Paul Amphlett, now of Wychbold
many lions ramp, in fesse, also of the third ; 3rd, Tysseh, Hall, CO. Worcester, one of the Barons of the Court of Ex-
or, on a chev. az. betw. three French marygolds slipped chequer; the Clent branch is represented by John Amph-
ppr. two lions pass, respecting each other of the first, lett, Esq. of Clent House). Ar. on a fesse betw. three
within a bordure compony ar. and of the second. Quartering lozenges az. a cinquefoil or. Crest —A dromedary ppr.
AUCHMUTY, EVEBING, WAYLAND, SyDNOB, MoBBIB, EABDE, Am.phlett (Rev. Charles Amphlett, Earlscombe, Worces-
Babisfobd, and Leach. Crests —
Amhurst: On a mount ter, who adopted the surname of Amphlett in lieu of his
vert three tilting spears, one in pale and two in saltire or, patronymic, Dunne). Erm. two barrulets az. in chief a
encircled by a wreath of laurel ppr. Daniel In front of
: cinquefoil sa. betw. two lozenges of the 2nd, and in h&se a
a shpped vert a dexter arm couped fesseways habited
trefoil cinquefoil of the 3rd. —
Crest On a mount vert, a dromedary
gu. cuffed az. the hand ppr. holding a cross-crosslet erect statant ppr. charged with three cinquefoils sa.
alsogu. Tyssen : A demi-lion rampant per fesse wavy or Amr as (Norfolk, originally Kent). Erm. on a bend sa. three
and az. ducally crowned gu. and holding in the paws an acorns or. Crest —A
stag's head erased gorged with a
escutcheon of the second charged with an estoile of the first. wreath tied in a bow.
Mottoes — Amhorst : Victoria concordi& crescit. Daniel : Amrenell. Ar. a fesse betw. six annulets gu.
Toujours pr6t. Tyssen :Post mortem virtus virescit. Amsden, or Amsdon. Ar. a chev. betw. three sinister
Amherst, or Amhurst (Pemhury Court Lodge, East A
wings gu. Crest— cross flory fitchfie or fleuny gu. betw.
Farleigh, Barnjett and Boxley Abbey, Kent, confirmed by two wings ppr.
Camden, May, 1607). Gu. three tilting spears two and one Amson (Chester). Ar. on two bars az. betw. three leopards'
erect or, points ar. Crest —
On a mount vert three tilt- faces in pale gu. six bezants. Crest—A cock blackbird ppr.
ing spears headed ar. environed with a chaplet of laurel betw. two ostrich feathers ar.
vert. Amuaule, and Amerley. Gu. a cross pattde vair.
Amias. Gu. three pallets sa. Amxindeville (Winthorpe, Nottingham). Az. a fret or.
Amicable Society (Incorporated by Boyal Charter of Amy (Cornwall). Gu. on a pile ar. three bears' heads couped
Queen Anne, 1706). Az. encircled by a snake or two hands sa. muzzled or.
conjoined in fesse couped above the wrist ppr. on a chief Amy (Jersey). Or, on a chief embattled sa. three annulets
embattled of the second an hour glass sa. betw. two wings ar. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet, a peacock's head ppr.

expanded of the field. Orest A snake nowed the head holding a sprig vert. Motto —Hostis honori invidia.
debruised towards the sinister thereon a dove ppr. beaked Amy (Botienne Castle, Cornwall). On an escutcheon three
and legged gu. from the beak an escroll with the motto bears' heads erased and muzzled. Monument in Minster
Prudens Simplicitas. Motto —
Beneath the arms, Esto Ch. ComwaU, 1656.
perpetua. Amy, on a chief embattled
Or, sa. three mullets ar. Crest-
Amidas (London). Az. a chev. erm. betw. three oakslips, Out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle's head holding in the
within a bordure engr. or (sometimes ar.). C^est A branch— beak a sprig ppr.
of oak ppr. acorned or. Amyand (London, Bart.).
Vert a chev. betw. three garbs
Amiel. Gu. six. escallops three and three arg. Cfrest — or. Crest —
A naked arm embowed ppr. holding in the hand
hunting horn unstrung sa. three ears of com bladed all or, (sometimes an arm em-
Amiel (Guadaloupe, Charleston, and Boston, 11.8. North, bowed vested or, holding in the hand ppr. three stalks of
America). Gu. six escallops three and three ar. Orest — wheat gold).
hunting horn unstrung sa. Amyas (Cambridgeshire). Ar. a fesse az. in chief a demi
Amitesly (Gloucestershire). Per pale or and ar. a fesse wavy lion ramp. gu.

gu, (sometimes four bars wavy). Crest A bezant charged Amyas (Essex). Ar. two bars gu. charged with three mullets
with a pale indented gu. or. Crest —A hind
ppr. collared gu.
Amler (John Amlee, of Ford, co. Salop, Esq., Sheriff, 1758). Amyas Ar. a boar's head couped sa. armed or,
Az. a fesse betw. three crescents ar, betw. three crosses crosslet (sometimes six crosses crosslet


fltch^e) of the second. Crest —A stag's head erased or, gorged Anderson (Edinburgh). Ar. a saltire engr. cantoned with
with a wreath ar. and sa. tied at the end. a mullet in chief two crescents in the flanks and a cross
Axnyas (Yorkshire). Ar. on a hend cottised sa. three roses crosslet fitchde in base gu. Motto Honest and fast. —
of the field. Anderson (Edinburgh). Ar. a saltire engr, sa. betw. a
Amyas. Sa, a chev. betw. three escallops ar. crescent in chief and three mullets pierced of the field, two in
Amyas. Gu. three pallets az. fesse and one in base gu. —
Crest An eagle holding in the
Amyatt (Southampton). Or, on a chief embattled sa. three dexter claw a twig of olive ppr. Motto— <^\xi honeste fortiter.
mullets of the fii-st. Crest — ^A ram pass. ar. Anderson (Glasgow). Ar. a saltire engr. cantoned with
Amys (Kssex). Ar. on two bars gu. three mullets of the two muUets in chief and base and as many crescents in the
first. Cre^t—A. hind pass. ar. collared gu. flanks gu. Crest—X cloud ppr. Motto-'R&ctQ quod honeste.
Anables. See Amnabell. Anderson (Stobcross, Scotland). Ar. a saltire engr. sa.
Anl)y, Andby, or Andelby. Gu. » fcsse betw. two betw. a crescent in chief and three mullets in fesse and base
chev. or. gu. a bordure 'quarterly of the second and third. MotLo —
Aucell. Gu. a bend masculy ar. Providentia.
Ancell. Gu. a bend lozengy or. Anderson (Tushilaw, co. Quarterly: Ist and
Selkirk, 1732).
Ancell, or Anscell (Cornwall). Gu. a saltire engr. ar. 4th, ar. a betw. two crescents in chief and
saltire engr. sa.
betw. four bezants. base and as many mullets in flank
gu. a bordure wavy of the
Anchitel (Dorsetshire). Or, a saltire raguly vert. last : 2nd and 3rd, az. three bucks' heads couped ar. attired
Ancketill (Shaftesbury, co. Dorset). Ar. a cross embattled or, for PoBTEous. Crest —
A sword in pale encircled with two
Tcrt. Crent — On a mount vert, an oak tree ppr. olive branches ppr. Motto —
^Pro bello vel pace.
Ancketill Ar. a saltire raguly vert.
(Dorsetshire). Crest— Anderson (London, 1794). Ar. a saltire engr. betw. four
The root of an oak tree erased, out of it a live branch muUets gu. in the dexter point of a chief az. a blazing comet
sprouting ppr. acomed or. ppr. Crest —
A phoenix in flames ppr. Motto Providentia.
Anderson (Newbiggin, Scotland, 1780). Ar. a chev. gu.

Ancketill co.Monaghan, descended from
(Ancketill's Grove,
the old Dorsetshire family). Ar. a saltire ragxily vert. Crest betw. three stars in £hief and a crescent in base az. Crest —
— An oak tree ppr. acomed or. Motto "Vade ad formicam. — —
A star az. Motto ^Nil conscire sibi.
Ancketill (Killyfaddy, co. Tyrone, descended from the old Anderson (Mayor of Liverpool, 1860). Gu. a saltire betw.
Dorsetshire family), Ar. a saltire raguly vert a martlet for three mullets in chief and flanks and a crescent in base ar.
difference. —
Cre^t An oak tree ppr. acomed or, and charged on a chief of the second a stag's head cabossed of the first
on the stem with a martlet of the last for difCerence. Motto — betw. two martlets sa. —
Crest An oak tree and equally
Vade ad formicam. pendent therefrom two weights ppr. Motto Pro Deo certo. —
Ancotes (Lincolnshire). Az. a castle betw. three covered Anderson (Sir James Anderson of Blairvadicji, co. Dum-
cups ar. barton, Lord Provost of Glasgow, 1862). Ar. a saltire engr.
Ancottes. Ar. three covered cups sa. on a chief gu. a castle betw. a mullet in chief and ii crescent in base gu. and in
betw. two lions pass. or. each flank a carpenter's axe az. on a chief of the last a fret
Ancram (Hill House, Frome, co. Somerset). Sa. a chev. of the first betw. two crescents or. Crest ^A stag lodged —
betw. three anchors erect or. Crest —An anchor erect sa. ppr. Motto —
^Recte quod honeste.
Motto —(Over the crest) Hold fast. Anderson (New South Wales, 1863). Or, on a bend engou-
Ancrengres. Ar. a cross gu. and a bprdure sa. lee of two dragons' heads vert, a lymphad with sail furled
And. Gu. a Boman & ar. and oars in action of the first. Crest— A yew tree ppr. Mottoea
Andboroug*!!. Az. a fesse betw. three crosses botton^e ar. —
Sic viret virtus. Ubi solum ibi ccelum.
(another, crosses crosslet). Anderson (James Alexb. Akdebson, capt. 14th regt. 1868).
Andby, Andy, or Andey (Devonshire), Ar. on a bend Ar. on a saltire engr. sa. betw. two mullets in chief and base,
cottised az. three roses or, barbed vert. Crest —On the stump and as many crescents in flank gu. a boar's head erased or.
of a tree a crane statant ppr. Cresit —
A crescent sa. Motto Gr.adatim. —
Andby or Andelby, and Anderby. Gu. on a bend Anderson (Sir Alexr. Anderson, Lord Provost of Aber-
or, three martlets sa. deen, 1872). Ar. a saltire engr. sa. betw. a crescent in chief
Andby, or Andly. Ar. a fesse oppressing three chev. gu. two mullets in flank and a boar's head erased gu. in base,
Crest —^A dexter hand ppr. holding a cross patt^e fitch^e in Crest—An oak tree ppr. JsfoWo— Stand sure.
pale gu. Anderson (London). Ar. a chev. betw. three crosses cer-
Andelby. Ar. a chev. sa. in chief three chess rooks of the celle^ sa. in chief a fleur-de-hs gu. Crest Out of a ducal —
second. Crest —An escutcheon gu. charged with a cross coronet ar. a hind's head or, pierced through the neck with
moline or. an arrow sa. feathered of the first.
Andelby. Ar. a fesse betw. two chev. gu. Anderson (confirmed to Anderson of Sudbury, Her. Vis.).
Andeley (Essex). Or, on a fesse betw. three coneys courant Sa. a chev. betw, three crosses flory ar.
sa, as many
martlets ar. Anderson (granted by Cooke, Clarenceux, to Edmund
Andemarle or Anbemarle (Dorsetshire). Gu. crusuly Anderson, of Ebury, co. Warwick). Sa. five estoiles ar.
or, on a bend of the r^econd a mascle ermines. Crest —A talbotpass. or.
Anderdon (Beech House, co. Hants). Sa. two single shackle- Anderson (Grace Dieu, co. Waterford). Quarterly 1st and :

bolts in chief, and a double one in base ar. Crest— A. dexter 4th, ar.a saltire engr. betw. two mullets gu. one in chief
arm embowed in armour ppr. garnished or, the hand apau- and one in base and in the flanks two boars' heads erased
m&B also ppr. az. 2nd and 3rd, gu. a chev. erra. betw. three estoiles ar.,

Anderley. Or, on a chief sa. three crescents ar. Crest — for Brewster. —
Crest An oak tree, ppr. Motto (Over the —
dolphin haurient, devoming a fish ppr. crest) (under the arms) Dum spiro spero.
Stand sure ;

Anderson-Pelham {Earl of Tarhorough). See Pelham. Anderson (Mill Hill, co. Middlesex, Lord Mayor of London
Anderson (Penley, co. Herts, bart., created 1643 ; extinct in 1798). Az. on a saltire erm. a sword and key saltireways
1699 the heiress, Euzabeth Anderson, m. Simon Harcourt, environed with a laurel wreath ppr. betw. three mullets and a

Esq. Clerk of the Crown). Ar. a chev. betw. three crosses crescent in base ar. Cresl —
^Three ostrich feathers encircled
crosslet (another, three crosses formde) sa. ^ Crest— A. water with a chain or, on the centre one a crescent.
spaniel pass. or. Anderson (Newcastle, co. Northumberland). Or, on a chev.
Anderson (Fermoy, co. Cork, bart, created 1812). Quarterly, gu, betw. three hawks* heads erased sa. as many acorns
or and ar. a saltire engr. per saltire gu. and sa. betw. a slipped ar. Crest —
An eagle's head erased ar. holding in
mullet pierced in chief two boars' heads erased respecting the beak paleways an arrow gu, headed and feathered or.
each other in fesse of the fourth and in base a trefoil slipped Anderson (The same coat with a canton of the third,

vert. Crest A tree ppr. surmounted by a SEiltire hiimett^e charged with three martlets of the fourth, was granted to
sa. Motto —Stand sure. Henry Anderson, of the town of Newcastle, gent., 3 Nov.
Anderson (Aberdeen). Ar. a saltire wavy betw, three 1 Edward VI.).
mullets in chief and flank and a crescent in base gu. Crest — Anderson (Erbury, co. Warwick). Sa. five estoiles in
A cross staff erect ppr. marked with the degrees of latitude. saltire ar.
-3fo«o—Per mare. Anderson. Gu. a saltire or, charged with a' other vert. i

Anderson (West Airderbreck). Ar. a saltire engr. betw. Anderson. At. a saltire engr. sa. betw. four mullets gu.
two mullets in chief and base gu. and as many boars' heads Anderson. Az, three martlets and a berdure engr. ar.
erased in the flanks az. Crest —^An oak tree ppr. Motto — Anderson, Gu. three trees eradicated ar.
Stand sure. Anderson (Jesmond House, Northumberland). The elder
Anderson (Dowhill). Ar. a saltire engr. sa. betw, a cres- branch of the family settled more than half a century ago in
cent in chief and three mullets in the flanks and base gu. all i
St, Petersburg). Per chev. nebulae az. and vert, a bugle
within a bordure az. Jfoffo—Provid'entia et industria. J
horn stringed betw. three bucks lodged or. Crest— XS-qqti a
17 c
A ; A


mount vert a wounded in the breast by an
stag lodged olive leaf slipped ppr. and charged on the breast with an
arrow and holding in his mouth an ear of wheat all ppr. escallop gu.
charged on the side with a bugle horn or. Motto—'Nil Andrews (Meridcn, co. Warwick). Ar. on a bend cottised
desperandum, auspice Deo. sa. three mullets of the first. C)-est —A demi lionaz. gorged
Anderson (Coxlodge, near Newcastle). Same as Anderson with a collar or, charged, with three mullets az.
of Jesmond House, John Andeeson of Coxlodge, Esq. having , Andrews (Shaw, Berltshire, created a bart. 19 Aug. 1766).
been younger brother of Thomas Anderson, Esq. Gu. a saltire ar. surmounted by another az. charged in the
Anderton (Anderton, co. Lancaster). Sa. three shacklcbolts centre with a bezant. Crei^t— Out of an eastern crown or, a
ar. two and one; quartering, az. a lion ramp, guard, ar. blackamoor's head coupod ppr. in the ear a pendant or.
and vert three bugle-horns ar. Crest— A stork ppr. Motto —Victrix fortuna; saplentia.
Anderton (Elderton). Ar. three water bougets sa. Andrews (Lathbury, co. Buckingham, cos. Norfolk and Suf-
Anderton (Birchley, co. Lancaster, 1664). As Andeeton folk). Ar. on a bend cottised sa. three mullets of the field.
of Anderton, with a canton or. Crest —A stag's head erased or.
Anderton (Lostock, co. Lancaster, 1664). As Andebton of Andrews (confirmed with four quarterings by the Depu-
Anderton, with a muUet or. ties of Camden, Clarenceux, to William Andrews of Meii-
Anderton (Euxton and Ince, co. Lancaster). Sa. three den, CO. Warwick, third in descent from William Andrews
shacklcbolts ar. quartering Inge. Crest A curlew ppr. — of Harbome, co. Warwick). Arms same as the preceding,

Motto We stoop not. Andrews (Barnes Hall, co. Worcester ; Longdon, and
Anderton (Haighton House, near Preston, Lancashire). Elderton, co. Warwick). Gu. a saltire or, surmounted by
Vert three hour glasses in bend ppr. betw. two bendlets ar. another vert.Crest— A Moor's head in profile, couped at

Crest Issuant out of a crescent vert a buck's head in the the shoulder and wreathed about the temples all ppr.
mouth an ear of wheat ppr. Andrews, or Andre^w {Charwelton, co. Northampton,
Anderton (Lancaster). Sa. three bugle-horns (or hatchets) Blisworth, &c.).The same as Andrews, Bart. Denton.
garnished ar. two and one. Crest A curlew ar. — Andrews (Durham). The same ArTns and a-est as An-
Andesley. Ar. two lions' gambs erased in saltire gu. dbews, Bart., Denton.
(another, sa.). Crest —A sword in bend ppr. surmounted by a Andrews (London, and Hampshire). Ar. on a chev. engr.
cross crosslet sa. betw. three quatrefoils slipped vert as many mullets or.
Andesley. Ar. two lions' gambs erased in saltire gu. on a Crest —
An arm erect habited vert cufi'ed ar. charged on the
quarter or canton of the second three purses or. sleeve with a quatrefoil or, in the hand ppr. a branch vert
Andla'W. Or, a saltire quarterly quartered ar. and gu. thereon three quatrefoils or.
Crest —An eagle's head sa. Andrews (Kimpton Park, co. Middlesex, granted 2 Sept.
Andover Town (Hampshire). Ar. on a moimt vert a lion 1704). Ar. on a bend wavy cottised betw. two hons ramp,
statant guard, gu. against a tree ppr. sa. crowned or, three estoiles of the first. Crest— On a naval
Andrade. Gu. three grif&ns' heads erased ar. Crest — coronet or, a dove volant with an olive branch in the beak
wolfs head or. all ppr.
Andrea, or St. Andrew. Gu. seven mascles, three Andrews Ar. on a bend engr. betw. two cottises
three and one conjoined or, in chief a label ar. Crest — sa. three mullets or. Crest —
A stag's head erased ar.
cinquefoil ar. Andrews Ar. on a bend engr. betw. two cottises
Andre, or Andree. Ar. two mullets in chief az. and a and as many lions ramp. sa. three mullets ar. Crest—
galley her oars in action in base sa. Crest — ^A millrind az. bird, wings expanded az. holding in the beak alaurel branch
Andrew (Backhould and Plymouth, Devonshire). Sa. a (another, an acorn) vert.
saltire ar. betw. four crosses crosslet or. Crest— A stag's Andrews (Suffolk). Ar. on a bend engr. sa. three mullets
head erased sa. attired or. of the field.
Andrew (Gloucestershire). Sa. a saltire engr. erm. on a Andrews. Ar. on a bend cottised sa. a mullet of the field.
chief or, three fleurs-de-lis of the field. Andrews (granted 1529 to Richard Andrews, of Synton,
Andrew (Clockmilne, Scotland). Ar. on a fesse sa. six CO. Worcester). Ar. on a chev. engr. gu. betw. three mulleta
lozenges pierced or, in base a crescent gu. and on a chief az. vert as many quatrefoUs or, pierced az. Crest— A grey-
three mullets of the field. Crest— A
dexter hand holding a hound's head couped per pale or and sa. on the neck a sal-

laurel branch ppr. Motto ^Virtute et fortuna. tire counterchanged betw. a pellet and a bezant.
Andrew (Nethertarvit, Scotland). Per bend ar. and az. Andrews (co. Hants, Visit. Hants, 1634). Same as the
three mullets counterchanged. Crest— star or. Motto—A preceding.
Give and forgive. Andrews. Per saltire gu. and or.
Andrew. Gu. three mascles in bend or, betw. two lions Andros. Ar. a chev. engr. gu. voided az. three quatre-
ramp. ar. foils betw. as many mullets sa. Crest— On a tower a lion
Andrew (granted 1334 by Guyon King of Arms, to Thomas ramp. sa.
Andeew and his brothers Kandolfe, Richard, William Andros (Guernsey). Gu. a saltire or, surmounted of ano-
James and Andrew). Gu. a saltire or, surmounted of an- ther vert on a chief ar. three mullets sa. Crest— A blacka-
other vert. moor's head couped at the shoulders and wreathed about
Andrew (confirmed 1476 by Holm, Clarenceux, to Thomas, —
the temples ppr. Motto Cnix et proesidium et decus.
son and heir of Richard Andeew, of co. Warwick, Gent.). Androwas. Ar. on a cross sa. five bezants.
Same as preceding. Androwey, or Andwey. Az. a lion ramp, guard, or,
Andrew (Fun. Ent. of Eight Rev. George Andrew, Bishop within an orle of ten cinquefoils ar.
of Ferns, 1635-1660). Gu. on a saltire or, surmounted by Anes (Ddnstan Anes, purveyor and merchant for the
another a saltire vert. Queen's Grocery, son of George Anes, of Valladolid, in
Andrewes (Doddington). Gu. a saltire voided or. Spain, Visit. London, 1568). Ar. lion ramp, guard, go.
Andrewes (London). Ar. a saltire az. on a cliief gu. three within an orle of torteaux.
mullets or. Anfrons. Vaire or and gu. on a canton of the second a
Andrewes (Bisbrooke, co. Rutland). Az. across erm. betw. mullet erm.
four fieurs-de-lis or. Crest— demi lion or, ducally crowned Ang-as, or Angres. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. Crest—An
ar. holding in the dexter paw a human heart gu. ostrich's head erased ar. holding in the beak a horse shoe ppr.
Andrewes (Suffolk). Ar. on a bend. engr. cottised sa. betw. Ang-e. Az. a chev. erm. betw. four crosses formic ar
two lions ramp, of the last, three mullets of the first. Crest — A cross form^e fitchtfe or, betw. two wings az.

Orest A stag's head erased ar. Ang-el, Angle, Aneg-all, or Anegal. Gu. a cinque-
Andrewes (St. Edmund's Bury, Suffolk and Wiltshire). Or, foil or, within an orle of eight crosses crosslet of the last.

on a bend engr. gu. cottised sa. charged with three mullets ar. Crest— On a chapeau a tower ppr.
Andrewes. Az. a saltire betw. four crosses form^e or. Ang'eldon (London). Az. sem^e of crosses crosslet fitch^e
Andrewes. Sa. three escutcheons ar. each charged with a or, a unicorn ar. (another, the unicorn or). Crest—A knot
lion ramp. gu. sa. betw. two wings or.
Andrewes. Ar. a cross gu., a martlet sa. for difference. Angell (London, originally from Lancashire). Or, three
Andrews (Bart., Denton). Gu. a saltire or, surmounted fusils in fesse az. over all a baston gu. Crest —
Out of a ducal
of another vert. Crest— A blackamoor's head in proflle coronet or, a demi pegasus ar. crined gu.
couped at the shoulders and wreathed about the temples Ang-ell (Charles Frederick Angell, Esq., Cambei-well,
all ppr. Surrey). Same Arms and Crest. Motto— Stare super vias
Andrews (granted to Biggs Andrews, Esq., Q.C., of the antiquas.
Middle Temple). Or, on a pile az. a dove ppr. in base on Angell (London, Camden's Grants). Or, five fusils in fesse
cither side a mullet of the second pierced of the field. az. over all a bendlet gu. Crest— On a mount vert a swaa
(^fest —
Upon a mount vert a dove holding in the beak an ar. ducally gorged or, beaked and legged gu.


Angell, or Aaegoll. Gu. a cinquefoil within an orle of Anncey. Quarterly, per fesse wavy or and gu. a bend
crosses crosslet or. counterchanged. Crest—On a mural coronet a stag sejant
Angrellis, or Angrles. a fleur-de-lis ar. Ci'est—A
Sa. ppr.
lion'B gamb erect holding a cro6B patt^ fitchde or. Anne (Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire), Ar. on a bend
Anger, Erm. on a chief az. three lozenges or. Cfrest—An sa. three martlets of the field (another, mullets).
woman's head couped at the breast face
Crest —
escarbuncle or. ppr. vested ar. hair
Angrer, or Angler (Kent). Erm. on a chief az. a lion dishevelled or.
ramp. or. Crest— A martlet flying over a castle rained in Anne (Frickley and BurghwalHs, co. York, descended from
the sinister tower ppr. Sir William db Anne, Constable of the Castle of Ticlcell,
Anger, or Atingrer (Yorkshire and Essex). Erm. a grifiin temp. Edward II.). Gil three bucks' heads cabossed ar.
segreant per fesse or and az. attired or. Crest —
A buck's head cabossed ar.
Angerstein (Weeting Hall, Norfolk, and Woodlands, Black- Anneles. Per saltire gu. and az, four annulets or. Crest —
heath, Kent, originally of St. Petersburg). Paly of eight az. A mermaid ppr. tail vert.
and or, a saltire ar. C^est—A lion's head erased gu. in the Annelsbie. Per pale or and ar. a hound gu. Crest—
mouth a quatrefoil vert. bezant or, charged with a pale indented gu.
Angerton. Ar. on a bend sa. three lozenges erm. Ann ering. Ar. on a chev. az. three bezants.
Angerville (Leicestei-shire). Gu. a cinquefoil or, within an Annering. Ar. a chev. engr. gu. betw. three mullets sa.
orle of eight bezants. Annesley (Annesley, co. Notts., Hedington, co. Oxford,
Angevile, or Angeville (Thethelthorpe, co. Lincoln). and Newport Pagnell, co. Bucks). Paly of six ar. and az. a
Ar. two bars gu. on a chief vert three bezants. Crest — bend gu. Crest—A Moor's head in profile couped ppr.
branch of three roses ar. leaved and stalked vert. wreathed about the temples ar, and az. Motto—Yirbatis
Angevyne (Lincolnshire). Ar. two bars gu. in chief three amore.
torteaux. Annesley (Viscount Valentia). Paly of six ar. and az.,
Angevyne (Lincolnshire). Ar. two bars gu. on a chief over all a bend, gu. Crest —
A Moor's head in profile,
vert, three bezants. couped ppr., wreathed about the temples ar. and az. Sup-
Angle (confirmed as a quartering to Sir John Kewton, Knt. porters —
Dexter, a Eoman knight in armour or, short
of Eichmond Castle, eo. Somerset, 1567). Or, four fusils sleeves and apron gu., face, arms, and legs bare, the last
fessewise az. over all a bend gu. sandalled, ar. on his head a helmet or cap, gold, on the top

Anglesey, l)Xarg.uess of. See Paget. thereof three feathers of the second, holding in his exterior
Anguish. (Norfolk; Edmund Angdish, Esq., of Moulton, in hand a shield, thereon a female head; sinister, a Moorish
that (^unty, m. Alice, daughter of Admiral Sir Thomas prince in armour or, short sleeves and apron gu., face,
Allin, Bart., of Somerleytown, in Suffolk, and thus ac- neck, arms and legs ppr., on the latter boots, gold, behind
quired that estate). Gu. a cinquefoil pierced or. Crest ^A — him a sheaf of arrows, ppr., fastened by a pink ribbon,
snake nowed ppr. hetw. two branches of fei;n vert. Motto — wreathed round the temples ar. and az., in his exterior
Anguis in herb^. _

hand a bow ppr. Motto Virtutis amore.
Anguisll. Ar. an orle gu. Annesley (Barl of Anglesey and Mowntnorris, and Saron
Angus. See Uufkaville, Eabls of. Altham, extinct.).-—^rm5, (}rest. Supporters and Motto the
Angy. Gyronny of twelve ar. and sa. charged with crosses same as Annesley, Viscount Valentia.
crosslet or. Annesley (Earl Annesley). Paly of six ar, and az. over
Anliault. Ar. a wine press gu. all a bend gu. Crest— A Moor's head in profile couped ppr.
Anhelet. Per saltire az. and gu. three annulets or, two and wreathed about the temples ar. and az. Supporteis Dexter —
one. Crest —A gem ring or, stoned gu. a Boman knight; sinister a Moorish prince habited ppr.
Anj ou. Az. semfe of fleurs-de-lis or, a bordure ar. —
Motto Virtutis amore.
Anjoxi. Gu. a chief ar. over all an escarbuncle of eight Annesley (Radulfhds Anneslev, of Kirkby Woodhouse,
staves nowed and flowered or. second son of Sir John de ANNEStBV, Zord of Annesley
Anke, or Ankey, Gu. two bars ar. in chief three annulets temp. Edward II.). Paly of six ar. and az. a bend
of the second. vair.
Anke, or Ankor. Erm. on a chief gu. three lozenges or. Annesley (Arley Castle, co. Stafford. Abthub, Ltttelton
Crest— A. bull's head erased gu. Annesley, Esq., son of Major-Gen. Norman Macleod, and
ATike tell. See Anckettll. nephew of the last Earl of Mountnorris). Quarterly : 1st
Anketell (Dorsetshire). See Ahceetill. and 4th, Anneslet, paly of six ar, and az. a bend gu. 2nd ;

Anketel (Anketel Grove, co. Monaghan). See Ancketill. and 3rd, Macleod, quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a castle triple
Ankyrsley. Or, two bars gu. betw. three martlets in pale towered and embattled ar, masoned sa. windows and porcli
sa. Crest —
A hunting horn sans strings vert vended ar. gu. 2nd and 3rd, gu. three legs armed ppr. conjoined in

Anlaby, or Hanlaby. Ar. a fesse betw. six fleurs-de-lis the centre at the upper parts of the thighs flexed, in tri-

sa. Crest On a mount an oak tree ppr. angle, spurred and garnished or, all within a bordure em-
Anleby, or Anselby (Eaton, co. York. Lansd. M.S. 865). —
battled of the last. Crests 1st, Anneslet, a Moor's head in
Ar. a chev. betw. three chess rooks sa. Crest—An aiTOvr in profile ppr. wreathed about the temples ar. and az. 2nd, ;

pale enfiled with a ducal coronet or. Macleod, a bull's head caboshed ppr. betw. two flags gu.
Anlet (Yorkshire). Per saltire gu. and az. four annulets in Mottoes— (Under the arms) Hie murus aheneus; (over the

cross ar. Crest On a rock a fire beacon ppr. Annesley crest) Virtutis amore; (over the Macleod crest)
Anlett. Az. three annulets or (another, ar,). Hold fast.
Anley. Vert three escallops ar. Crest A dexter arm — Annesley (Ballysax, co, Eildare, exempUfied under Boyal
band gloved holding a hawk's lure ppr. license, 1844, to Bichabd Jotnt, Esq. of Banagher, King's
Amners, or Anners (Cheshire). Gu. a chev. or, betw. three CO., on his taking the name and arms of Annesley under the
bezants. Crest— ^A lion's head erased ppr. will of his maternal xmcle, Charles Anneslet Esq., of
Annxers, or Anners (Cheshire). Gu. a chev. betw. three Ballysax). PaJy of six ar. and az. a bend gu. thereon a
mullets or. mullet or. for difference. Crest. —
A Moor's head couped in
Anketill (BallynekiU, co. Limerick, temp. Charles I.). Amis profile ppr,, wreathed about tlie temples ar. and az. and
and Crest same as Ancketill of Shaftesbury. Motto — —
charged with a mullet or. Motto Virtutis amore.
Eobor in cruce. Annesley. Paly of six ar. and az. a bend gobonated gu.
Ann. Gu. three bucks' heads erased ar. and or. (another, the bend vaire ar. and sa.).
Anna De (Farringdon). Ar. a saltire gu. on a chief of the Anness, and Anniss. Gu. a mullet ar.' and a chief or.
second three bezants. Crest —A bezant. Crest—A mascle or.
AnnaTaell, or Annables. Ar. two bars engr. gu. Crest — Anngell (Kent). Or, four fusils in fesse az. a bend gu.
A stag at gaze ppr. Crest^OxLt of a ducal coronet or, a demi pegasus ar.
Annaly, Lord. See White. Annois, Ar. three bendlets az.
Annand (Lord of Annandale). Ar. a saltire and a chief Annott, or Annat. Enu. two bars gu. in chief three
gu. hearts of the last, (^est —A boar pass. sa. transfixed with an
Annand (Auchterellon, co. Aberdeen). Ar. a chief and saltire arrow ppr.
gu. cantoned with two mascles, in the collar and base points Anns, Gu. on a bend cottised or, three popinjays vert.
az. Mid in the flanks a spot of erm. A
Crest— griffin segreant, Anny (Scotland). Or, a cross flory gu.
ppr. Supporters

Two griffins ppr. JIfo«o—Sperabo. Annyslay. See Anneslet.
Az. a fesse ar. betw. three crosses flory or. Anquetil (Jersey). Or, three leaves vert.
Anncell, or Anncell. Erm. on a fesse gu. three crosses Anscell, or Anstrell (Barford, co. Bedford). Gu. on a
eroBslet or. Crest —
A stag's head affrontde ducally gorged, saltire or, betw. four bezants as many mascles gu. C^vst —
ppr. A demi lion az. ducally gorged and lined or,
19 C 2


^nsdell. Paly of six
dexter hand ppr. holding a buckle or.
ar. and gu. a chief or. Crest — Anthony (Guernsey). Per pale and per chev. or gu. ana
erm. a cross tau ar.
Anseignes (Gloucestershire). Gu. three cinquefoils erm. Anthony (London). Ar. a leopard's head betw. two
Ansell. Gu. a bend fusilly or. d-est—A demi lion ppr. flaunches sa. each charged with a plate. Crest A goat's —
ducally gorged and chained or. head ar.
Ansell. Erm. on a fesse gu. three cresents or. Anthony London, 1568. Debick Anthony, son of
Anselme (Middlesex). Erm. on a canton sa. a fleur-de- William ANTnoNY, who was b. at Cologne in Germany, was
lis or. chief graver of the mint and seals to Edward VI. and Queens
Ansebne, or Aunselixie. Gu. on a saltire or, hetw. four Mary and Elizabeth). Ar. a leopard's head gu. betw. two
bezants a mascle of the field. flaunches sa. also a former coat, viz., ar. a leopard's head

Ansert. Or, a bend gobony az. and gu. C^-est A demi lion — gu. betw. two flaunches sa. on the dexter a rose on the sinis-
crowned with an imperial crown, wielding a sword wavy ppr. ter a mullet or, in chief a crescent for difference. Crest —
Ansiam, or Ansym. Ar. (another, or,) a fesse betw. six demi goat ppr. charged with a bezant armed and attired or.
martlets gu. Anthony. Gu. ten plates, four, three, two, and one. Crest
AnsingrJiam. Sa. a bend ar. — A goat's head or.
Ausley (John Ansley, Esq., Lord Mayor of London, ]808). Anthony, Gu. biUett^e and a lion ramp. or.
Paly of six or and gu. on a bend sa. three escallops of the Antick. Vert a parrot wings disclosed holding up the
first. left foot or.
Ansley (Colonel Ansley, of Otto House, North End, Ham- AntigTia, See of. Ar. a passion cross, gu., on the-
mersmith). The same Arras. Crest A blackamoor's head — dexter side a serpent erect and wavy vert, looking towards
in profile, couped at the shoulders ppr. gorged with a collar the sinister; and on the sinister side a dove holding in the
or, charged with three escallops. beak an olivebranch all ppr. on a chief of the second a

Anson (Sari of Lichfield). Ar. three bends cngr. gu. in the crosier in bend dexter surmounted by a key in bend
sinister chief, a crescent of the last. Crest 'Out of a ducal — sinister the ward upwards or, and in the centre chief point
coronet or, a spear-head ppr. Supporters Dexter a sea- — an imperial crown, ppr.
horse; sinister a lion both ppr. gorged with a collar gemel Antilupe. Ar. an heraldic antelope gu. tusked, horned,,
or. —
Motto Nil desperandum. maned, and hoofed or.
Anson (Birch Hall, co. Lancaster, Bart.). Ar. three bend- Anting-ham (Antingham, co. Norfolk; also in east window,
lets engr. gu. in the sinister chief a crescent of the second. north aisle, Bristol cathedral). Sa. a bend ar.
Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a spear erect ppr. Motto Antictnaries, Society of. Ar. on a cross gu. a regal!
— Nil desperandmn. crown ppr. Crest —
An antique Roman lamp or, over it,
Anstabotb. Barry of six ar. and gu. in chief three mart- Non extinguetur.
lets of the second. Antiquaries of Scotland, Society of. Az. the cross
Anstabotli, or Anstalboth.. Ar. two bars gu. in chief of St. Andrew ar. betw. an imperial crown in chief and a
three martlets of the second. thistle in base both ppr. all within a double tressure flory
Anstavill. Gu. fretty ar. a canton az. Cres*— A castle counterflory gu.
triple-towered a demi lion issuing from the top. Antisell. See Entwisle.
Anstead, Austed, or Antishead. Per fesse or and Anton (Stoatfield, co. Lancaster, London, and Ireland)..
ar. a fesse nebulae gu. d-est —
A cross formde or, charged Az. a fesse or, a bordure erm. Crest— Out of a mural
with five torteaux. coronet a lion's head ar.
Anstell. Gu. a saltire betw. four leopards' faces or. Antony, or Antonie (Suffolk). Ar. a leopard betw. two-
Anstell, Ar. on a cross sa. hetw. four torteaux a leopard's flaunches sa. Crest —
A goat's head gu.
face of the first a bordure of the second guttle d'or. Antrim, Sari of. See Mac Donnell.
Anstell, or Asnell (Cornwall). Gu. a saltire engr. ar. Antrobus (Antrobus Hall, Cheshire and Euthciford, co,

betw. four bezants. Crest A cross formde ar. guttiSe de Eoxburgh, Bart., 1815). Lpzengy or and az. on a pale gu.
poix. three estoiles of the first. Crest —
Issxung out of rays ppr.
Ajastie. Vert a pale betw. two griflSns segreant ar. Ci-est a unicorn's head couped ar. horned and maned or, gorged
—A leopard's face ppr. jessant-de-lis gu. with a wreath of laurel vert. Supporters— Tvfo white horses
Anstie, or Anstey. Ar. on a cross betw. four martlets ppr. Motto —
Dei memor, gratus amicis.
gu. five bezants. —A martlet
Crest or. Antrobus (confirmed by Camden, Clarenceux, Sept. 1604 to-
Ajistis (Cornwall). Ar. a cross raguly gu. betw. four birds Thomas Antbobds, one of the six clerks in Chancery), Same
az.legged of the second. —Out a ducal coronet
Crest of five ArTTis and Crest.
ostrich feathers ppr. Antrobus. Ar. three bitterns gu.
Anstis, or Anstice. Arms
the same. Crest A dexter — Antron, or De Antrenon. Ar. a chev. betw. three
arm vested per pale embattled holding in the hand a griffin's garbs sa.
bead erased. Ant"weisel. Sa. (sometimes, gu.) three mullets ar. Crest
Anston. Ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis sa. —An eagle with wings expanded and inverted ppr.
Anstruther (of that Ilk, co. Fife, hart. 1798, now repre- Ant'willey. Barry of eight ar. and gu. in chief a lion pass.,
sented by Sir W. C. J. Carmichael-Anstruther). Quarterly, guard, sa.
1st and 4th, ar. three piles sa., for Anstruther; 2nd and Antyng-ham. Sa.abendar. in dexterpointacrescentgu.
3rcl, a fess wreathed az. and gu., for Cabmichael. Crests
ar. Anvaile or Anvil. Gu. a smith's anvil ar.
—Two armour holding in the gauntlets a battle axe,
arras in Anvenell. Ar. a fesse betw. six annulets (another, mart-
all ppr., for Anstrdtheb; an armed arm erect holding a lets) gu.
broken spear ppr., for Cabmichael. Supporters Two fal- — Anvers (Cheshire). Gu. a chev. betw. three mullets of six
cons with wings expanded ppr. armed gu. jessed and belled points or. Crest — ^A branch with three roses ppr.
or. itfoHoes— Periissem ni periissem, for Anstrdtheb Tou- ; Anvers, or Anvery. Gu. a chev. or, betw. three bezants.
jours prest, for Cabmichael. Anvine. Ar. three playing tops sa. two and one (another (Balcaskie, co. Fife, bart. Ar. three 1694). adds a martlet gu.).
piles sa. Crest —
Two arms in armour holding in the gaunt- Anvory. Az. on a bend or, three eaglets sa. armed gu.
lets a battle axe ppr. JfoUo— Periissem ni periissem. Crest —
A dexter hand holding a holly branch ppr.
Anstruther (Airdrie, co. Fife). Ar. three pUes sa. within An'wick (London). Paly of six or and az. on a chief gu. a.
a bordure gu. Same Crest and Motto. cross crosslet ar. Crest— X dexter arm gu. the hand ppr.
Anstruther-Tlionison. See Thomson. holding a broken tilting spear or.
Anstey (Cambridgeshire and Cumberland). Or, » cross Anwicke. Ar. a cross calvary sa.
engr. betw. four martlets gu. Crest A martlet or. — Anwris. Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three plates.
Ansty (Cambridgeshire). Or, a cross quarter-pierced betw. Anwyl (Park and Bala, co. Merioneth). Vert three eagles-
four martlets gu. displ. in fesse or.
Ansty ^Cornwall). Or, a saltire engr. gu. betw. four mart- Apadam. Gu. five stars or.
lets sa. Apadam. See Abadam.
Ansty (Sussex). Or, a cross engr. gu. betw. four martlets Apeele. Ar, three bars gu. a canton erm. Crest—A fleur-
sa. de-lis or, betw. two wings ar.
Anstybath, Erm. on a chief indented gu. two mullets Apelby (Leicestershire). Az, six martlets or, three, two,
ar. and one. '

Answilty (Scotland). Ar. three piles meeting in point sa. Apelby (Shropshire). Az.six sea-gulls ar. three, two, and
Antlungham, Auting-ham, or Antingrbani (Lan- one. the dexter wing displ. the sinister close.'
cashire and Norfolk), Sa. a bend ar. Apelby, or Apleby (Shropshire and StafFordshire\ Az,
AjLtlling:liam. Sa. a bend ar., a crescent az. for diff, six martlets ar. three, two, and one.
Apelder£eld. Or, on a fesse gn. four fusils ar. Applegh. Vert an ape sejant holding up the paw braccil
ApelesbTiry, or Applesbury. Sa. a fesse emiattlea round the middle and chained to the
tetw. three cinqnefoils or. sinister side of the
escutcheon ar,
Apeltou, Appelton, and Appolton (Apleton, eo. Lan- Appleheim. Gu. two apples in pale, stalks connterposed
caster). Ar. a bear salient sa. crowned or.
or. .appleton. Az. three pine-apples erect ar.
Apelton, Apleby, and Apulby. Ar. on a bend sa. Appleton, or Apylton (Little Brook). Ar. a fesse engr.
three apples or.
(another, plain) sa. betw. three apples leaved
Ap-Bnion (Barcm ofMalpas, and slipped ppr.
co. Chester, temp. Henry II.). Appleton. Vert on a fesse engr. ar. three apples gu.
Gu. three pheons ar.
Appleton (Little Waldingaeld, co. Suffolk, now
Apenrlth (Ireland). Gn. on a fesse betw. three lozenges States of America).
of the Cnitcd
Ar. a fess sa. betw. three apples gu
or, each charged with a fleur-de-lis a demi rose crowned slipped and leaved vert, tt-est -An
elephant's head couped sa.
betw. two griffins segreant
all of the field.
tusked and eared or, round the trunk a serpent
Apesley (Surrey and Sussex). Ar. three bare gu. a canton entering the
mouth vert. Another Crest. Out of a ducal coronet or,
ermines. Crest— A fleur-de-lis or, betw. two wings ar. three
pine-apples vert the tops purfled gold.
Ap-Griffyn (Wales). Quarterly or and az. four lions pass. Appleton. Ar. a bear salient sa. on the shoulder a cinque-
goard. counterchanged.
foil of the first.
Ap-Harry, or Parry. Ar. a fesse betw. three lozenges Applewhaite
a bordure az.
(Suffolk). Gu. on a fesse ar. three pine-
apples sUpped vert in chief a sword barwise pointed to the
Ap-Howell (Gloucestershire, descended from Wales). Ar. sinister side ar. hilted or.
a lion ramp. sa. over all a fesse engr. gu. Oi-est—A cubit arm erect vested
holding in the hand an open book.
Ap-Hug-h (Fun. Ent. Ireland, of Capt. EiOE Ap-HnoH, Appleyard (Shotsham, co.Norfolk). Quarterly, 1st, az. a
1612). Az. a lion ramp. ar. armed and langued gu. and
chev. or, betw. three owls ar. 2nd, az. an
charged on the shoulder with a torteau. ; eagle displ. or
membered Speax; 3rd, vert, ten eagles ar. four,
gu., for
Apifer. Or, an escarbuncle sa. Crest—A hand holding a
three, two,
and one; 4th, gu. a chev. betw. three boar.s'
spiked club ppr.
heads couped ar. within a bordure engr.
Apiliard, Appleyard, or of the last, for
Az. a chev. betw. three owls ar. membered or.
(East Carlton, —
Whtte. Crest An owl ar.
— Appleyard (Dunstan, co. Norfolk, 1406). Az. a chev. or'
Crest ^A demitigej-, quarterly gu. and az. the tail of the
betw, three owls ar.
last tufted or, in the mouth a rose gu. stalked and leaved
Appleyard (Yorkshire). Az. on a chev. betw. three ow's
ar. a mullet gu.
Ap-John (Streatham, co. Surrey). Sa. a fesse or, betw. three Applock. Ar. an oak branch with three apples ppr.
heads ppr. couped at the shoulders about each
Appryand. Az. a boar ar. betw. ten trefoils slipped of the
neck a snake vert.
Apleby, Az. three harts sejant or. Appnlby. Ar. on a bend sa. three bezants.
Apleby, or Apulby. Ar. on a bend sa. three bezants. Appnlby. Ar. on a bend sa. three apples stalked and
Apledorfield. Erm. a bend gu. leaved or,
Aplegath, Ar. three apples slipped gu. Appuley, or Appnrley.
Aplegath, or Aplegarti (Eapley, co. Ar. a chev. betw. three pine-
Az. a Hants). apples gu.
chev. or, betw. three owls ar. in chief a fleur-de-lis
erm. Appulton. Vert, a chev. engr. betw. three apples ar.
Crest—A demi tiger gu. bezant^e armed and tufted or,
Apreece (Buckinghamshire and Huntingdonshire). Sa. three
charged with a bend gold.
Aplertfold. Or, on a fesse gu. three lozenges ar. —
pheons ar. Crest An otter ppr. coUared and lined
Apleton (Kent). Vert, a fesse engr. betw. three apples ar. Anot/m- Crest—A spear erect ar. over it this Motto
ut in ffitemum vivas.
Labora —
stalked gu.
Apleton, See Appleton,
Apreece (Washingly Hall, co. Huntingdon, hart.). Sa. three
spears' heads ar. guttle de sang. Crest—A spear's
Apleton. Ar. three leaves vert. head as
Apletre (Dodington, co. Oxford). Ar. on a fesse gu. three

in the arms. Motto Labora nt in astemum
lozenges vair.
Aprestby, or Apresby. Sa. a cross ar. in chief a cin-
Apletree (Egioake, co. Worcester).
lozenges vair.
Or, on afess gu. three Ap-Ehys Goch (Wales). Ar. on a bend sa. three Uons'
faces of the field.
Apletree (Basingstoke, co. Hants). Ar. on a fesse gu.
three lozenges or, quartering Edsseli.
Aprice (Herefordshire). Sa. on a chev. betw. three leopards'
heads ar. as many spears' heads of the flret, on a chief
Apletresend, or Appeltresend. Erm. a bend gu.
of the
Apleyard (Norwich and Yorkshire). Az. achev. or, A
second three cocks gu. Crest— cock with wings expanded
betw. gu. holding in the beak a rose ppr. leaved and stalked
three owls ar. a crescent for ditr.
Oresi- An owl ar vert.
Ap-JIadock, or Ap-Madoke (Wales).
three hawks' lures ar.
Sa. a chev. betw. Aprice (Wales). Sa. a cross patonce ar.
Apmenrioe Ap-Bice. Ar. on a fesse az. three boars' heads couped or,
(Wales). Paly of six or
three mullets ar.
and az. on a fesse gu. in chief a lion pass. gu. Crest —
A boar's head erect ar.
pellet* betw. two oak branches vert fructed or.
Ap-Meredith (Wales). Ar. a lion ramp. sa.
Apmeriche (Wales). Per pale gu. and sa. two Ap-Rice, Sa. three roses ar.

Apmenck griffins ar. Ap-Hice. Ar. three roses sa.

(Wales). Per pale sa. and gu. two ^-iffina com- Apris.
Datant ar. Gu. a chev. betw. three muUets (another, spur
rowels) ar.
Apothecaries' Company. Az. Apollo, the inventor of
physic ppr. his head radiant, holding Ap-Eoberts. Sa. a chev. betw. three mullets ar.
bow, and in his right an arrow
in his left hand a Apryce (Wiltshire). Sa. three crosses formSe ar.
or, supplanting a serpent
a-estr-A rhinoceros ppr. supported by two
Apsey. Vair a chev. ar. Crest—A dove with an oUve
unicorns or, branch in the beak volant over water all ppr.
Mmed^ and unguled ar. Motto-" Opiferque
per orbem Aspland (Abthue Pai.heb Aspland, of Wemeth Lodge
Appeley Gee Cross, Cheshire, and Lindsat Midsleton Aspland'
(Staffordshire). Az. six martlets or, twb, two,' of the Middle Temple, barrister-at-law, LL.D., sons
and two. of the
late Eev. Eobert Brook Aspland, M.A.). Az. three
Appenrioh. Gu. a fesse betw. three lozenges chevronels
or, each erminois betw. as many crescents in chief and a cross flory
charged with a fleur-de-Us gu.
in base ar. Crest— In front' of a ram's head couped sa.
Appleby (Leicestershire, Her. Visit., 1619). Az. six mart-
lets or, three,
armed or, three mascles interlaced fesswise ar. Motto—Ex.
two, and one. Crest—An apple or, stalked libertate Veritas.
and leaved vert.
Appleby Apsley, or Apesley (Apesly, co. Suffolk). Barry of six
(Laringtnn, co. York). Ar. a ship in full saU sa.
on waves ppr.
ar. and gu. a canton erm.
Appleby, Apsley (Sir Aieam Apslet, knighted in Ireland, S June,
Town of (Westmorland). Az. three lions pass. 1606). Same as the last, an annulet or, for difference
,8"ard. in pale or, dncally crowned of the
last. Apsley (Hospital, co. Limerick). Arms, same as the last.
(JoHJi AppuaBT, temp. Eich. II.) Az. six martlets Crest—A fleur-de-lis or, betw. two wings erect and conjoined
-Applederfield. Erm. a bend gn.
Appledore. Gn. a fesse nebulae ar. Apton. Ar. a chev. betw. three martlets sa.
Appleford. Ar. acinquefoil,'gu.andachicfvert. Apnlderfield (Devonshire). Sa. a cross or, voided
of the
Crest—A field.
oemi savage in the dexter hand a sword,
and in the sinister Apnlderfieia, or Appeldorfield.
a constable's baton ensigncd with a royal Or, on a fesse gu,
crown. four lozenges ar.


Apuldrefield (Cudham and ChaUock, co. Kent). Enn. a Arbuthnot. Az. a crescent betw. three stars ar. witliia
bend vaire or, and gu. an orle of eight frazes of the last.
Apuldrefi.elcl (Linsted, Kent). a cross voided or.
Sa. Arbutt. Gu. three flooks or flounders ar.
Apuldrefield by PhOpot in
(Apuldrefield, Kent; assigned Arcedeckne - Butler to James
(exemplified Henry
his "Visitation, 1619). Enn. a fesse vaire or and gu. Edward Butler, Hon. St. John Butlee, by
Esq., son of
Apuldrefield (Ottreply, in ChaUock, Kent). Erm. a bend Anna Maria his wife, only dau. and heiress of Walter
vaire or and gu. Crest— On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. Arcedeckne Burke, Esq., of Gortnamona, co. Galway, upon
a man's head in profile couped at the neck ppr. wearing a his taking by royal licence, 4 Nov., 1867, the additional
cap ar. fringed in front and back gu. name of Arcedeckne). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a chief
Apuldrefield (Stephen de Apdldeefield, temjp. Edw. I.). indented az. three escallops in bend coxmtcrchanged, a label
Or, on a fesse gu. four lozenges ar. on a crescent for difference, for Butler; 2ud and 3rd, ar.
Apuldrefield (Kent). Erm. a bend vaire or and gu. Oi-est three chevronels sa,, for Arcedeckne. Crests— 1st, out of a-
— On a chapeau a man's head in profile couped at the neck ducal coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers therefrom
"wearing a cap ar. fringed gu. a demi-falcon rising ar. a label on a crescent for difference,
Apulton (Lancashire). Ar. a bear pass. sa. muzzled or. for Bdtleh; 2nd, a cubit arm erect vested ar. charged with
Apulton. Ar. a fesse sa. betw. three pine-apples pendent three chevronels sa. the hand ppr. grasping a sword ar.
ahpped vert. pommel and hilt or, for Arcedeckne. Motto— TimoT Domini
Apulton, or Apulstone (Lancashire). Ar. three goats fons vitffi.

salient sa. Arcedeckne (Glevering HaU, co. Suffolk). Ar. three

Apultreseud. Or, on a fesse gu. three lozenges vair chev, gu. Crest— A dexter arm holding in the hand a sword,
(another, three mascles or). Arcedekne (Cornwall, summoned to Parliament as Barom
Aciuila. Or, an eagle close gu. le Arcedekne, 1321). Ar. three chevronels sa.
AcLuilis. Paly of six gu. and vair on a chief or, three Arcester (Gloucestershire). Ar. a chev. az, and label of
eagles displ. sa. three points gu. Crest —
On a bezant an escarbuncle sa.
AoLuitaiiL. Gu. a lion pass, guard, or, Archall (co. Salop). Ar. a bar. gemel sa.
Aquitar (London), Gu. an eagle displ. or, on a chief ar. a Archard (Grays, Kent), Or, a bend engr. sa.
mount vert thereon three pear trees ppr, fructed of the Archard (Kent). Erm, on a cross sa. a crescent or. Crest-

second. Crest A demi Hon ramp, or, murally cro^vned — Out of a ducal coronet a demi fish ppr.
az. holding in the dexter paw a laurel branch slipped Archard (Yorkshire). Or, five fusils in bend sa.
ppr. Archard. Ar. five fusils in cross sa.
Aquitten, or Aquillon. Gu. a fleur-de-lis ar. Archard. Or, a bend engr, sa.
Arabin (Beach Hill Park, co. Essex). Quarterly, 1st and Archas (Leicestershire). Sa. three fleurs-de-lis ar.
4th, az. in base an arm couped at the wrist lying fesswise Archat. Ar. on a bend cotised gu. three fleurs-de-lis or; a
holding a sword aU ppr. on the point thereof a crescent arg, bordure of the second.
hetw. two mullets in chief or, in the dexter base point a Archbold (See Pears -Ancii bold).
heart ppr. ; 2nd and 3rd, ar. an eagle displ. sa. ducally Archbold (Kilmacud, co, DubUn). Erm, a saltire and a.

crowned or. Ci^est An eagle's head erased betw. two wings chief giL Crest—A hon's head couped erm. guttle de sang.
sa. ducally crowned or. —
Motto ^Nec temere nee timide. Archbold (Worcestershire, "Visit, of London, 1634). Ar. a.
Arabia. Or, three vine leaves vert. Crest ^The sun rising — lion ramp. betw. six fleurs-de-lis sa. a crescent for difference.
behind a mountain ppr. Crest— A dove rising ar.
Aragand, or Aragnne. Ar. a fesse betw. three muUets Archby. Purp. a bend archy, or crenelle ar.
gu. Archdall, or Archdale (Castle Archdall, co. Fermanagh^
Arag^on. Paly of ten ar. and gu. and Trillic, co. Tyrone, originally of Norton Hall, co. Nor-
Arblaster, or Allebaster (Staffordshire and Essex). settled in Ireland temp. EUzabeth). Az. a chev. erm.

Erm. a cross-bow in pale gu. Crest —

^A feather in pale betw. three talbots pass. or. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet^
enfiled with a ducal coronet. AnotJier Crest Out of a ducal — or, an heraldic tiger's head ar. maned tufted and armed sa.
coronet a greyhound's head ar. collared or. Motto —Data fata secuta.
Arblaster (Longdon, co. Stafford, Visit. 1583). Erm. a cross Archdall (London, confinned by Cooke, Clarenceux). Az,
gu. stringed or. a chev. betw. three talbots pass. or.
Arbouin. Sa. a lion ramp. ar. Archdall (Grat-Archdall, granted to Henrt Archdall
Arbreth (Lancashire). Or, two bars vert. Gray, Esq. of Dcrryargan, co. Fermanagh, on assuming the
Arbroath, or Aberbrotlieck, Town of (Scotland). additional name of Archdall, under the will of Gen. Mer-
Ar. a portcullis gu. chains az. vvn Archdall of Castle Archdall, in said co., 1840). Az.
Arbuckle (Scotland). Gu. on a fesse ar. betw. three garba a chev. erm. betw. three talbots pass, or, all within a border
or, as manymullets az. C^-esi— ram ppr. A gobony ar. and sa. Crest— Oub of a ducal coronet gu. an
Arburtlinot (Findourie, Scotland). Az. a crescent betw. heraldic tiger's head ar. langued gu. tufted sa. Motto—
three stars within a bordure ar. Crest A peacock ppr. — Data fata secutus.
Motto —
Interna prcestant. Archdeacon (Cornwall). Ar. a chev. sa. Crest—A mart-
Arburthnot (Catherlan). Az. a crescent betw, three stars let flying oyer a tower ppr.
within a bordure ar. charged with eight cinquefoils of the Archdeacon (Cornwall, Devon, and Hertford). Ar. three
first. Crest —
'A peacock's head couped ppr. charged with a chev. sa.
mullet or. Motto —Sit laus Deo. Archdeacon, Sa. three chev. or.
Arburtlinot (Montrose, 1685). Az. a crescent betw. three Archdecon (Monkstown, co. Cork). Ar. three chevronels
stars ar. all withina bordure indented and quartered of the sa. Crest—A dexter cubit arm vested ar. and charged with

second and first. Crest A dove within an adder disposed three chevronels sa. the
hand grasping a sword both ppr,
orleways. Motto —
Innocue ac provide. Archdekin (registered by Hawkins, Ulster, 1776, as the
Arbuthnot {Viscount Arhxithnot). Az. a crescent betw. arms of Edward Archdekin, Esq., co. Kilkenny). Ar.

three stars ar. Crest ^A peacock's head couped ppr, beaked three chevronels ^ *.

or. —
Supporters Two dragons wings expanded and tails Archebold, or Archbold (Staffordshire). Ar. a lion
nowed vert vomiting flames of fire ppr. Motto Laus Deo. — ramp. betw. three (another, six) fleurs-de-lis sa. Crest—
Arbuthnot (Weymouth, 1685). Az. a crescent betw. three lion's head erased ar. collared gu.
stars ar. a bordure wavy of the last. Crest ^A ship under— Archer (Baron, of Umberslade, co, Warwick, extinct, 1778).
sail ppr. JfoMo— Fluctuo sed afBuo. Az. three arrows, two and one, points downwards or. C]-est
Arbuthnot (Dr. Jabhss Arbuthnot, grandson of 2nd Vis- —Out of a mural coronet gu. a dragon's head ar. Sup-
count Arbuthnot). Az. a crescent betw. three stars ar. porters^— Tv/o wiverns reguard. ar. murally gorged or. Motto
within a bordure crenelld or. C^-est —
A peacock's head —Sola bona quae honesta.
couped ppr. Mottoes— 'Dens me sustentat. Laus Deo. Archer (granted, 1597, by Lee, Clarenceux, to Andrew
Arbuthnot (Fiddes, co. Kincardine). Az. a crescent betw. Archer of Tamworth, and confirmed by the deputies of
three stars within an orle of eight frazes «r. Crent A pea- — Camden, Clarenceux, to Sir Symon Archer, knt. of Tam-

cock pass. ppr. Motto Tam interna quam externa. worth, twelfth in descent from John Archer, temp, Edward
Arbuthnot (Sir William Ajrbuthnot, Bart., Lord Provost IIL, who was fourth in descent from Rorert Saoittaeius
of Edinburgh in 1822). Az. a crescent betw. three mullets of Umberslade, temp. Henry II.) Az. three arrows or.
ar. within a bordiire or, charged with as many boars' heads Crest —
Out of a mural coronet gu. a dragon's head ar.
erased gu. Crest- —
A peacock's head ppr. Supporters — Archer (settled in co. Kilkenny since the reign of King
Dexter, a \vyvem with wings expanded and tail nowed vert John). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three pheons sa. three
spouting out fire; sinister, a greyhound ppr. collared gu. mullets or.
leashed or. Motto —
Innocent and true. Archer (Capt. J. H. Lawrence-Abchee, 1858). Per fess az.


and broad arrows in pale points downwards
ar. in chief three ducal coronet or, a plume of six ostrich feathers disposed
base a cross raguly gu. charged in the centre with a
or, in in two tiers of three each ar. Supporters— T-viO talbots,
of the third.
saltire Orest —
Out of a mural crown or, a the dexter, ar. collared gu. and thereon three arrows barwise
wivem's head gu. Jifo«o— Ueus salutem disponit. ar. ; the sinister, sa. collared ar,, and thereon three arrows
Archer (Cornwall), Sa. a chev. betw. three broad arrows —
barwise gu. Motto Patientia vinces.
ar. Ore»t —
On a qoiTer fuU of arrows lying fesseways a Arden, Baron. See Pebcival.
serpent zUl ppr. Arden (Park Hall, Warwickshire, and Longcroft, Stafford-
Archer Sa. a chev. engr. ar. betw.
(Trelaske, Cornwall). shire, allowed by the Deputies of Camden, Clarenceux, to
three pheona or. —A
quiver full of arrows ppr.
Crest IIOBEBT Abden, of Park Hall, co. Warwick, 15th in descent
Archer (Lincolnshire, granted 24 March 1684). Per pale gu. from SiwAED DB Arden, temp. Henry I., son of Turkill de
and az. three arrows or, barbed and feathered ar. Oreit — Warwick, and grandson of Alwyn, Earl of Warwick, temp.
dragon's head per pale gu. and az. with wings expanded, Edward the Confessor, and borne by his descendant Bev.
the sinister wing or, the dexter ar. issuing out of a mural H. C. Abden of Longcroft, co. Stafford. The Visit, of
crown per pale of the last and third. Warwick, 1619, states that the Abdens were " meerly Enghsh
Archer (Chelmsford, co. Essex). Az. a garb erect or, of the auncient bloudof the Saxons, and they were before
betw. two branches of laurel tied by a ribbon in base, on a the Conquest Lordes of Warwick.") Erm. a fesse cheouy or
chief embattled ar. three arrows, points downwards, betw. —
and az. Orest On a chapeau az. turned up erm. a wild boar
eight erm. spots, two and two, in pale sa. Crest griffin's —A pass. or. Motto — Quo me cunque vocat patria.
head erased ar. transpierced by a spear in bend sinister, Arden (Watford, co. Northampton, derived from Eustace de
point downwards, collared gu. charged with two crosses Abden, a scion of the Abdens of Warwickshire, John de
patt^ of the first, in the beak a slip of oak fructed ppr. Abdebne, grandson of Eustace, had a grant of the honor of
Archer (Essex). Erm. on a chief az. three lions ramp. or. Aldford, CO. Chester, temp. John, and was progenitor of the
Creat—A. bull's head erased gu. Abdens of Cheshire). Gu. a chief or, thereon a label of
Archer (alias De Boys, Essex). Erm. a cross sa. Two three points az.
Cresti —
First, a wivem ar. second, a leg couped at the thigh,
; Arden (Sunbury Park, Middlesex, and Bickmanswortli Park,
embowed at the knee, quarterly sa. and ar. spur and leather Herts). Erm. two barrulets compony or and az. in
or. chief three boars' heads erased of the last armed of the
Archer (BallysesMn, co. "Wexford). Aiins same as the pre- —
second langued gu. Crest A mount vert thereon a boar
ceding. Orest —Aduke's coronet ppr. Motto—Pro reli- pass, ar. semde de lis az. langued gu. and armed and
gione et patria. —
unguled or. Motto DoluSre dente lacessitii,
Archer (Theydon, co. Essex, granted 2 April, 1574). Erm. Arden (Blackden Hall, co. Chester). Erm. a fesse chequy
a cross sa. a crescent ar. for difference. or and az. Crest — On a chapeau gu. turned up erm, a boar
Archer (Highlow, co. Dublin). Erm. a cross sa. Oi-est— pass, or. Motto — Nihil obstavit bunti.
A wy vem ar. Arden (East Bumham, co. Bucks). Erm. two bars com-
Archer (Salop). Sa. a lion ramp. or. pony or, and gu. in chief three boars' heads erased of the
Archer. Or, five fusils in bend sa. last. Crest — A boar pass, or, semde of fleurs-de-lis gu. Motto
Archer. Az. three arrows in pale ar. — Doluere dente lacessiti.
Archer. Ar. three pheons gu. Arden. Or, three palets az. on a chief gu. as many
Archer. Sa. three pheons ar. lozenges ar.
Arches (Devonshire). Gu. three door arches ar. their capi- Arden (Cottesford and Kirtlington, co. Oxford, Her. Visit.)
and pedestals or (another, the arches or).
tals Erm. a fesse chequy or and az. —A
Crest boar pass,
Arches. Gu. three arches ar. two and one, masoned sa. quarterly or and az.
Arches (Grove, co. Nottingham). Erm. a chief az. Arden (Enston, co. Oxford, Her. Visit,). Same Arms. Crest
Arches. Gu. three arches or, two single and one double in — ^A lion's gamb. erased gu. holding a cross patt^e fitch^e.
base. Arden. Barry of eight or and az. a bordure gu.
Archest, Ar. a chev. az. Arden or Arderne (Bedfordshire and Warwickshire).
Archibald (Blackball, Scotland). Ar. on a bend az. betw. Gu. three crosses crosslet fitch^e or, on a chief of the second
two mullets of the second a crescent of the first. Cfrest ^A — a martlet of the first. —
Crest A plume of feathers az.
decrescent ar. Motto Ut reficiar. — charged with a martlet or.
Archibald (Cadet of Blackball). Ar. on a bend betw. two Arder, or Ardem. Erm. a fesse gu, charged with three
stars az. as many crescents of the first within a bordure cinquefoUs or (another, pierced).
engr. of the second. Crat —
^A branch of palm tree slipped Arderley. Ar. on a bend gu. betw. two lions' heads erased
ppr. Motto —
Ditat servata fides. sa. three crosses crosslet or.
Archibald (as granted to Sir Thomas Diceson Archibald, Arderne (Sutton in Priestbury, co. Chester, a branch of
Knt., one of the Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench, son Abdebne or Abden of Alvanley, now represented in the
of the late Hon, Samuel George Archibald, Master of the female line by Latham of Bradwall). Gu. three crosses
Bolls,Nova Scotia, and younger brother of Chables Dixon crosslet fitch€e and a chief or. Cre&t— Out of a ducal coronet
Abcbibald, Esq. of Busland Hall, co. Lancaster, originally ppr. a plume of three ostrich feathers gu. turned down or,
from Scotland, but settled for several generations at and surmounted by a similar plume. Another Crest Out of—
Coleraine, co. Londonderry, Ireland). Ar. on a bend az. a ducal coronet or, seven feathers ar. tipped gu.
betw. two estoiles of the last three crescents of the first all Arderne (Timperley co. Chester, the heiress m. Geo.Bbebe-
within a bordure invected sa. charged with three mullets, TON, of Ashley, circa 1580). Gu. six crosses crosslet fitch€e
or. Crest —
A palm branch shpped in bend ppr,, in front —
and a chief or. Crest Two plumes of ostrich feathers or,
thereof a moimt vert thereon an estoile or. Motto Palma — turned down gu. the second plume rising over the first, and
non sine pulvere. the whole issuing from a ducal coronet ppr.
Arcy, Sa. a fesse or. Arderne, Arden, or Ardren (Ireland). Per pale az.
Ard. SeeAiED. and gu. a lion ramp. ar. armed of the second.
Ardaff. Sa. a bar gemels betw. six mullets pierced ar. on a Arderne (Warwickshire). Erm. a fesse chequy or, and
chief or, three mullets of the first. Crest demi lion ar.—A az. Crest —
On a chapeau az. turned up erm. a bear pass. or.
gutt€e de sang holding in the paws a lily of three flowers az. Arderne (Staffordshire and Warwickshire). Same Arms^
slipped and leaved vert. field ar.
Ardag'h. Sa. two bamilets betw. six mullets ar. on a chief Arderne (Warwicltshiie). Ar. a fesse chequy or and az.
or, three martlets of the field. Crest —
A demi lion ramp, or, betw. three crescents gu. Crest—A. boar pass. or.
pellettee, holding three lifies ar. shpped and leaved vert. Arderne. Gu. three crosses patt^e fitch^e, and a chief or.
Motto —^Mea gloria fides. CVe5(— Out of a case or bandage or, a plume of feathers ar,
Ardagh (Dubhn, tem^. Charles T., Fun. Ent. Ireland). Sa. Arderne. Ar, a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet fitch^e
two bamilets betw. six mullets ar. on a chief or, three sa. a bordure engr. gobony of the field ^d the second.
martlets of the field. Arderne. Ar. three chev. az. within a bordure engr. gu.
Ardag'h, See of. Or, a cross gu. in each quarter a trefoil Arderne. Erm. on a fesse gu. three lozenges or.
slipped vert on a chief sa.a-key erect of the first. Arderne. Sa. three lions pass, or,
Ardall, or ArdoU (Essex), Ar. a chev. betw. three Arderne. Or, a chief az.
stars gn. Arderne. Or, sem6e of crosslets a lion ramp. sa.
Ardan. Party per pale az. and gu. a lion ramp. or. Arderne. Gu, three crosses botton^e fitch^e or.
Ardborougrh, Ardeboroug-h, and Ardbow. Ar. Arderne. Same Arinsj with a chief engr. or.
a chev. betw. three escallops gu. (another, sa.). Arderne. Erm. a chief chequy or and az.
Arden {Lord Aivanley^ extinct 1857), Gu, three crosses Arderne. Ar. a lion ramp, az, oppressed with a bend gu,
crosslet fitch^e fesseways and a chief or. Orest Out of a — Arderne. Vert a lion ramp, or, armed and langued gu.


Arderne. Vert a lion ramp,
crowned az.
or, sword, in the sinister a partizan, all ppr. Motto—Yiien
Ardes (Sharington, co. Bucks.)- Ar. a bend between six mihi panoplia.
mullets (another, martlets) sa. Cresi— Within a catharine- Arissel (Cornwall). Gu. » saltire engr. ar. betw. our
wheel Ga. ducally crowned or, a sun in splendour. bezants.
Ardes. The same as' above. Crest—A Catharine wheel or, Arkell, or Arkell. Gu. a fesse embattled counter-
pierced sa. ducally crowned of the first. embattled ar. Crest —A
griffin sejeant ar. holding in the
Ardesley. Ar. a fcsse fusil^e gu. in chief three bulls' dexter claw a garland of laurel vert.
heads couped sa. Arkinstall. (Cambridgeshire). Erm. a fesse betw. three
Ardingloii (Berkshire and Leicestershire). Az. two lions martlets sa. Crest —
On a mount vert a greyhound sejeant
pass. or. erm.
Ardixigi;on. Or, two lions pass. sa. Arkley (Dunninald, Forfarshire). Or, on a chev. az. a garb
Ardington, or Arthing:ton (Yorkshire). Or, a fesse of the, first in chief two stars gu. —
Crest A rose gu. barbed

betw. three escallops gu. Crest ^A dove and olive branch and seeded within two thistles disposed in orle ppr. 3Mto
ppr. . — Bene qui sedulo.
Ardiiig:ton. Ar. a fesse betw. three escallops sa. Arkroyd. See Ackeotd.

Ardis. Ar. a bend az. Crest A demi-Uon gu. in the Arkwright (Sutton Scarsdale, and Willersley, co. Derby,
sinister paw a rose or, leaved vert. Mark Hall, Essex, and Hampton Court, co. Hereford; granted
Ardley (London). Quarterly, per fesse indented ar. and gu. to Sir EicHAKD Aekweight, Knt. of Sutton Scarsdale, who
on a bend eugr. az. betw. two eagles displ. or, a fret of the d. 1792). Ar. on a mount vert a cotton tree fructed ppr. on
last enclosed by two doves ppr. a chief az. betw. two bezants an inescutcheon of the field
Ardoll. See Audalx.. —
charged with a bee volant ppr. Crest An eagle rising or,
Ardon (Essex). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three stars gu. in its beak an inescutcheon pendant by a ribbon gu. thereon
Ardonff and Ardonse (Essex). Ar. a chev. betw. three a hank of cotton ar, Jfoito—Multa tuli fecique.
stars gu. Arkybus. Ar. on a fesse engr. sa. three mascles or.
Ardyn (Kent). The same as Abdebne, StafiFord shire. Crest — A lion's head erased ar.
or Ardem. Or, a lion ramp, within an orle of
Arcl3^i3.} Arltag", Gu. a fesse vair, in chief a unicorn courant betw,
eight crosses crosslet sa. (another, the field ar. and an orle two mullets and a bordure engr. or.
of ten crosses crosslet sa.). Arlote, or Arlott. Gu. aleopard pass, guard, or, spotted
Ardys. Ar. a bend betw. six mullets sa. sa. Crest— On a chateau, a leopard pass, guard, with three
Are. Az. on a cross ar. five escallops gu. blades of rushes on each side, all ppr.
Areas. Sa. three fleurs-de-lis ar. Armagrh, Archbisliopric of. Az. an episcopal staff
Ares. Ar. a chev. sa. ar. ensigned with a cross patde or, surmoimted by a pall of
Arey. Gu. three birds or. the second, edged and fringed gold, charged with four
Arey. Sa. a fesse or. crosses form^e-fitch^e sa.
Arfane. Gu. a bend or, cottised ar. Armball. Erm. a bend compony ar. and sa.
Arfece, Arfois, or Arforce. Ar. three eastlea gu. Arme. Gu. a naked arm embowed barways ppr.
Crest —A scaling ladder az. Armeny. Az. a lion ramp. erm. (another, ar. crowned or.)
Arg-all (Much-Baddow and Low-Hall, co. Essex). Per fesse Armery Pavy ; who betrayed Calais). An escutcheon
ar. and vert a pale counterchanged three lions' heads reversed az. four mullets or, two and two.
erased gu. —A sphinx with wings
Crest expanded ppr. Armes. Or, on a bend az. three. hands clenched and
Another Crest —An arm embowed armour in ppr. supporting couped at the wrist of the first.
a battle-axe. Armesbiiry (Essex). Sa. two dexter arms conjoined in
Arg:all (Ireland). Same Arms and Cre?t. fesse ar. betw. three crosses crosslet or (another, the crosses
Ar^all (East Sutton). Same Arms and Crest. botonn^e fitch^e or). Crest — Two hands issuing from
Arg'all (Lancaster). Per fesse or and vert a pale counter- clouds ppr.
changed on the first and fourth quarters a lion's head Armesley. Paly of six ar. and az. over all a bendlet gu.
erased gu. on the second and third an acorn slipped gold. Armeston (Leicester). Sa. a chev. betw. three spears'
Argall, Arg-el, or Arglll. Per fesse or and sa. three heads ar. Crest —A dragon's head erased ppr.
palets counterchanged, as many lions' heads erased gu. Armeston (Burbage, co. Leicester, Her. Visit. 1619). Same
Crest —
A lion's head erased ppr. —
Arms, a crescent for dilf. Crest A dragon's head erased
Argall, or Argoiall. Or, a lion ramp, regard, az. veit scaled or, charged with a crescent of the same for diff.
Arg'all. Ar. a chev. betw. three martlets sa., Armestrong (Nottinghamshire). Gu. three armed arms
Argranor. Sa. a chevalier in full armour with halbert lying paleways ar.
ppr. Armestrong". Gu. three arms embowed armed erect
Argrent (John Aegent, of London, Doctor of Physic, temp. two and one ar.
Charles Gu. three covered cups and a chief ar.
I.). Armiger, or Armeier (North Creek, co. Norfolk). Az.
Argentine (Cambridge and Huntingdon, summoned to three helmets or, betw. two bars ar. Crest— On a ducal
Parliament, 1297). Gu. three covered cups ar. Ci-est — coronet or, a tiger sejant gu. crined and tufted gold.
demi lion gu. holding a covered cup. Gyles de Argen- Armiger (Suffolk). Az. a fesse cottised ar. betw. three
tine held the manor of Wymondeley, co. Cambridge, by close helmets or.
grand serjeantry, viz. to serve the King at his coronation Armiger. Erm. a griffin az. armed gu.
with a silver cup. Armiger, Per pale az. and or, a griffin segreant, counter-
Arg:entoii (Cambridge). Gu. sem^e of crosses crosslet, changed.
three cups covered ar. Armiue (Osgodby, co. Lincoln). Erm. a on saltire engr. gu.
Argrenton. Gu. three covered cups betw. nine crosses a chief of the second a lion pass, (another, guard.) or.
crosslet fitchde ar. —
Crest On a mount vert an ermine ppr.
Arg-entyne. Gu. a cross lozengy or, in the first quarter Armine {Baroness Beiasyse of Osgodby, 1674). Same Arm.
an eagle displ. ar. Arm.ine. Ar. three martlets sa.
Arg'les (Rev. Maesham Aegles, canon of Peterborough, Armistead. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. the points of spears az.
and Fbank Atkinson Aegles, Esq., of Eversley, Miln-
thorpe, Westmoreland, J. P., D.L., sons of late Capt. Geoegb
tasseled in the middle or. Crest —A
dexter arm in armour
embowed ppr. holding the butt end of a broken spear or.
Aegles, R.N.). Fer fees ar. and vert a pale counterchanged, —
Motto- Suivez raison.

three lions' heads erased gu. Crest ^A lion's head erased Armit, Armuet, or Armet. Az. three helmets close
gu. Motto—Pa.tTi3i non sibi. ar. a bordure or. Cresi—A demi lion ramp. gu. holding
Argnxn, or Argrune. Ar. a chev. betw. three mart- betw. the paws a helmet as in the arms. Motto— Yoxiis m
lets sa. Crest —
A hand erect issuing from a cloud holding arduis.
a book expanded ppr. Armitage (Ireland). Gu. a lion's head erased betw. three
Argyll, Duke of. See Caufbell. crosses-crosslet ar.
Argyll, See of. Az. two croziers in saltire or, and in Armitage (Milnsbridge House, co. ToT-k). Gu. a lion's
chief a mitre of the last. head erased betw. three cross crosslets ar. Crest— A. dexter
Ariel, or Ariell. Or, a comish chough ea. within an arm embowed couped at the shoulder habited or, cuffed ar.
orle of eight fieurs-de-lis az. Crest — ^An anchor cabled, and holding in the hand ppr. a staff gu. headed and pointed or.
Bword in saltire all ppr. —
Motto Semper paratus.
Aries (Ireland; granted by Roberts, Ulster, 1647, to Edwaed Armitage (Sir Elkanah Aemitage, of the Priory, Pen-
Aeies, capt. of a company of foot, who landed in Dubiin dleton, near Manchester). Gu. a lion's head erased within
28 March, 1647).
attired or. Ci^est
Vert three rams* heads cabossed
—A satyr holding in the dexter
hand a
an orle ar. betw. three crosses potent or. Crest
front of a dexter arm embowed vested gu. cuff ar. the hand
In —


grasping the blade of a sword in bend sinister, the point eradicated and broken at the top ppr. ; 2nd and 3rd, ar.
downwards, ppr. pomel and hilt or, an escocheon gold, three pallets az. Crest—An armed arm embowed. the hand
charged with a cross potent gu. grasping the broken trunk of an oak tree eradicated all ppr.
Arxnitag'e rOadnor, co. Hereford, and Coole, co. Louth; —
Motto Invictus maneo.
as borne by the late Whalet Abmitaoe, Esq., J.P., and his Armstrong- (Mount Heaton, King's Co.). See Macdonneli^
sons, the Kev. Beaithwaite Aumitage, and Abthdr J. P., of New Hall, co. Clare.
Aemitage, Esq., J.P., of Dadnor, claiming from the senior Armstrong (Eev. Benjamin John Armstbono, M.A., vicar
branch of the Abmitaols of Yorkshire). Gu. a lion's head of EastDereham, co. Norfolk). Gu. in pale three dexter
erased betw. three cross crosslete ar. Motto Fractum non — arms vambraced in armour ar. hands closed ppr. Crext An —
abjicio ensem. arm in armour, as in the Arms. Motto—Vi et arm is.
Armitagre (Milnsbridge House, co. York). Same Anns as Armstrong (Willow Bank, co. Clare). Gu. three arms in
Abmttage, Bart. —
armour vambraced hands ppr. Crest An arm vambraced.
Armitag-e (Keresford Hill, co. York, Visit, co. York, by ppr. Motto — In Deo robur mens.
Dugdale, 1665). Gu. a lion's head erased betw. three crosses Armstrong- (Ballycumber, Clara,
Ireland). Gu. three
bottonfe, and in chief a mullet ar. dext«r arms vambraced ar. hands ppr. Crest—A dexter
Annita^e (Egremont, co. Chester). Or, two piles isauant arm vambraced in armour ar. the hand ppr. Motto —
from the chief, and one from the base gu. those in chief Vi et armis.
charged with a cross crosslet, and that in base with a lion's Armstrong (Hemsworth, co. York). Same as Abmstbong

head erased ar. Crest An arm bendwise or, vested gu. of Ballycumber.
crusily and cuffed gold, holding a holly branch erect Armstrong- (Ballyard, King's Co.). Gu. three dexter arms
slipped and fructed ppr. Motto —
Fortiter et fideliter. vambraced ppr. the fists closed. Crest—An armed arm
Armitstead. (Geo. Ahuitstead, Ksqi, now resident at holding a broken tilting spear ppr.
Enrol Park, Perthshire, J.P. and D.L.. M.P. for Dundee). Armstrong (Termonfeehan, co. Louth). Per pale, gu.
Or, a chev. embattled sa. betw. three pheons gu. a border of and vert three dexter armed arms couped at the shoulders
the last. Crest —
A sinister and a dexter arm erabowed in
— and embowed the hands clenched ppr. Crest Out of a —
armour, each hand grasping a spear erect, ppr. Motto mural coronet or, an armed arm embowed the hand grasp-
Ever ready. —
ing an oak tree eradicated ppr. Motto Invictus maneo.
Arzoitstead (granted 1799 to the Rev. John Abhitstead, Armstrong (Mangerton, co. Roxburgh). Ar. three pallets
of Middlewich, Chester, and his descendants, and to
co. az.Crest— An arm from the shoulder armed ppr.
the other descendants of his grandfather, John Armit- Armstrong (Whittoch, co. Roxburgh). Ar. three pallets
stead, of Horton, co. York, gent.). Or, a chev. counter- sa. —
Crest An arm from the shoulder gu. Motto Invictus —
embattled sa. betw. three pheons az. two flaunches gu. each maneo.
charged with a tilting spear erect of the field headed ar. Armyn (Cornwall). Or, a chev. betw, three escallops az.

Crest A dexter and sinister arm embowed in armour, each Armyn. Gu. six roses ar. three, two, and one.
hand grasping a spear erect ppr. Armyne. See Abmine.
Armo. Quarterly, or and gu. in the 1st and 4th Armsrtage (Kirklees, co. York, hart.) Gu. a lion's head

quarter, a lozenge of the second. Crest Three passion nails —
erased betw. three crosses crosslet ar. Crest A dexter arm
ppr. one in pale and two in saltire. embowed couped at the shoulder vested or, cuff ar. holding
Armony. Gu. a bend ar. (another, erm.) betw. six be- in the hand ppr. a staff gu. garnished gold. Motto— Semper
zants. Crest —
^A stag. gu. pararus.
ATTnony. Az. a. bend erm. betw. six bezants. Crest — Armytage (London and Yorkshire). Ar. three crosses
staggu. —
botonn^e gu. CreU A demi lion ar. holding in the dexter
Armorer (London). Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three sinister paw a cross botonn^e gu.
gauntlets or, two palets betw. three half fleurs-de-lis split Armytage (Yorkshire). Az. a lion's head erased betw-
paleways. three crosses crosslet or.
Armorer (Sir Nicholas Abmobek, Knt., Ireland). Gu. a Arnais (France). Ar. a cross sa.
chev. betw. three dexter arms in armour embowed and Arnald, or Arnauld. Az. a chev. betw. three palm

couped ar. Crest ^A gauntlet bendwise holding the shaft of —
branches or. Cre^t A demi cat guard, ppr.
a tilting spear broken, all ppr. Arnalt. Gu. a stork in trian aspect to the sinister ar. on a
Arm.ory (Kerry, Ireland). Paly nebula of six ar. and gu. mount vert in base.
on a chief of the first a lion pass, guard, of the second. Arneford, or Arnford. Az. three bars or, a bordurc
Crest—An eagle's head or. erm.
Armour (Scotland). Ar. on a chev. az. betw. three arms Ameil (Scotland, 16th century). Ar. two serpents linked
in armour fesseways ppr. embowed of the second three together in pale az. betw. two mullets in fess gu.
mullets of the first. Crest —
A dexter hand holding an Ames (Cornwall). Vert five martlets ar. two, two, and one.
esquire's helmet, all ppr. Jlfo«o— Cassis tutissima virtus. Arnest (Devonshire). Ar. three holly leaves barways, two
Armourer. Barry of four counter-cscalloped ar. and gu. and one, the stalk towards the dexter part of the escutcheon
each scale nailed sa. ppr.
Armourers, Company of. (London, borne on the Arnest. Ar. a holly-leaf ppr.
Arnett, or Amott. Gyronny of
dexter side of the escutcheon, impaling on the sinister the
ensigns of the Braziers {refer to that Tzame"], with which chief ar. a galley the sails furled of the
eight ea. and or, on
first flags gu. Crest —a
company it is now Ar. on a chev. sa. a
incorporated). On a tower ppr. a flag displ. az.
gauntlet of the first betw. two pair of swords in saltire of Arneway, or Amaway, and Arnold (Buckingham-
the last, hilts and pomels or, on a chief of the second an shire). Ar. three escallops sa. Crest —
A crosier or.
oval shield of the field, charged with a cross gu. encircled, Arnewood (Hampshire). Erm. on abend betw. two cottises
with a carved shield of the third betw. two peers* helmets az. three lions pass. or. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet a
ppr. garnished gold. Crest— A demi man of arms armed ar. demi leopard.
open-faced, porfled or holding in his hand a mace of war. Arney (Chambury, co. Dorset), Ar. a fesse compony or,

Armstrech. Ar. an arm extended and couped, vested gu. and az. in chief three martlets gu. Crest —
On a mural
buttoned the whole length sa. crown or, three arrows through a human heart two in sal-
Armstrong (Parknowe, Scotland). Az. a fesse or, betw. tire and one in pale ar.
two arms armed couped at the shoulder ar. Crest— An Arnford. See Abnefobd.
arm issuing out of a cloud holding a dub ppr. Motto— Arnold (Devonshire). Sa. a chev. betw. three dolphins em-
Invicta labore. bowed ar. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet an antelope's
Armstrong- (Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire). Gu. head.
three dexter arms vambraced ar, hands ppr. Ciest — Arnold (Cromer, co. Norfolk and Ballesford, co. Suffolk).
dexter arm vambraced in armour, the hand ppr. Arms the same. Crest— A dolphin embowed ar.
Armstrong' (Sir Bichabd Abmstbong, knt. of Lincoln, col. Arnold (Gloucestershire, granted 1653). Gu. a chev. erm,
in the army, and C.B.). Anm, &c. as preceding, the hand betw. three pheons or.
of the crestholding a leg in armour couped at the thigh ppr. Arnold (Gloucestershire). Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three
Armstrong. Sa. three dexter arms conjoined at the escallop shells or.
shoulders and flexed in triangle or, turned up (or cuffed) ar. Arnold (Chilwick, co. Hertford). Gu. a chev. quarterly
the hands clenched ppr. erm. and ermines, betw. three pheons or. Crest— An eagle's
Armstrong-. Ar. three torteaux. head erased gu. gorged with a mural coronet ar. holding in
Armstrong (Bart, of Gallen Priory, King's Co.). Quar- the beak an acorn, slipped, leaved vert.
terly, 1st and 4th, ar. issuing from the a dexter
sinister side Arnold (Huntingdonshire). Sa. two lions pass. or.
arm habited gu. the hand grasping the trunk of an oak tree Arnold (London, granted 31 December, 1612). Gu. three


pheons ar. on a chief of tlie second a bar nebulae az. (h'e&t heads couped ar. Crest —
A talbot sejant ppr. resting the
—A demi tiger sa. bezant^e, maned and tufted or, holding a dexter paw upon a shield gu.
broad arrow shaft pu. feathers and pheon ar. Arsie. Az. a quarter or.
Arnold (Little Misseuden Abbey, co. Bucks). Same as pre- Arsnick. Ar. a chief indented sa.
cedini?. Arsycke. Ar. (another, or) a chief indented sa. Creit —
Arnold (Asbby Lodge, co. JNorthampton, descended from The same as Arsick.
Richard Ailnold, of Armswell, co. Dorset, Esq., d. 1595.) Art (Greenwich, Kent). Az. two piles bendwaya, the one
Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three pheons or, quartering Cope. dexter, the other sinister, each charged with an anchor sa,'
Crest'—A. demi leopard reguard. ppr. bezant^e holding a betw. three plates, one in chief and two in base.
pheon or. Moito—\it vivas vigila. Artas. Sa. three fleurs-de-lis or.
Arnold. Gu, a chev. betw. three pheons or. Arthawe, Sa. two flaunches ar. in chief a bar gemel of the
Arnold. Az. a lion ramp. ar. second.
Arnold. Gu. a chev. ermines betw. three pheons or. Crest Arth.ekill. Gu. six mullets pierced (another, martlets) ar.
—A demi tiger ar. peUett^e betw. the paws a fire-ball sa. three, two, and one.
Amot (of that Ilk, co, Fife, bart., 1629). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. Artlier. Erm. a cross sa. Cre^t —A mullet of six points gu.
two mullets in chief and a crescent in base gu. Arthington (Arthington, West Riding, Yorksliire). The
Arnot (Ferny, co. Fife, assumed the name of Balfour on same as Ardington.
marrying the dau. and heiress of the first Lord Balfour of Arthing'ton (Yorkshire). Sa. a fesse betw. three escallops
Burleigh). Az. a chev. betw. three mullets ar. ia crescent ar. Crest—A dove holding an olive branch ppr.
for diff. Arthington (Yorkshire). Or, a fesse betw. three escallops
Arnot (Balcormo, co. Fife). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three gu.
mullets gu. a bordure indented of the second. Motto — Artlioby, Sa. on a chief ar. three chess rooks of the first..
Speratum completum.
et Arthur (Bart, created 1841). Or, on a chev. az. betw. two
Arnot (East Rynd, co. Fife). As the last, the bordure clarions in chief gu. and a kangaroo sejant in base ppr.
charged with eight crescents of the field. Motto Cbm- — two swords the points upwards also ppr. points and hilta
pletur. of the first, on a chief of the third a horse courant ar.
Arnot (Arlary, co. Kinross, 1817). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. two Crest — In front of two swords in saltier ppr. pommels and
mullets in chief and a fret couped of four pieces in base hilts or, a pelican in her piety sa. the nest gold. Motto —
charged with as many hearts or, and in every interstice a Stet fortuna dom^is.
rose of the third. Oi-c&t—A. crescent or. Motto Speratum — Arthur (granted to John Arthur, Lord Mayor of Dublin, 3
etcompletum. Oct. 1606). Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three rests or, on each as
Arnott (Fermanagh). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. in chief two many hurts. Crest —A falcon volant ppr. jessed and belled
mullets and in base a crescent gu. Crest An arm erect in —
armour the hand grasping a dagger all ppr. Motto Spe- — Arthur (Springfield, co. Essex). Gu. a chev. betw. three
ratum et completum. rests (or clarions) or. Crest —
A pelican in her piety sa,
Arnoul. Gu. an anvil ar. standing in her nest or. (Her. Off. Essex, c. 21).
Arnulfe. Az. an anvil or. Arthur (Clopton, co. Somerset). The same Arms.
Arnway (Lincolnshire). Quarterly, az. and ar. a saltire Arthur (Wales). Sa. three cocks and a chief ar.
engr. counterchanged. Crest^A. crosier or. Arthur. Gu. a chev. betw. three clarions or. Crest—kn.
Arnway. Az. in chief a mullet betw. two crescents or, in eagle sa. in her nest or, feeding her young of the first, on
base a fish naiant ppr. her breast a crescent.
Arn-way. Ar. three escallops sa. Arthur. Sa. three chess rooks and a chief ar. (another,
Arnyston. Or, six lozenges sa. the chief or).
Arpe. Erm. on a bend betw. two crosses sa. three lozenges Arthur. Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three bowls or.
ar. Arthur. Sa. three wheels in chief ar. '

Arpin. Sa. a cross ancred ar. Crest —An arm in armour Arthur. Sa. three wheels ar. a chief or.
holding a holly branch, all ppr. Arthur (Shanakiel House, Cork). Gu. a chev. erm. betw.
Arquill. Per fesse or and vert a pale three lions' heads three rests or. Crest —
A falcon wings addorsed az. belled
erased and as many oalc slips all counterchanged. or. —
Motto Irapelle obstantia.
Arran, !Earl of. See Gore. Arthur (Ireland). Gu. a chev. betw. three Irish brogues
Arras (Buckinghamshire). Ar. on a cross sa. four fleurs-de- or. Crest A demi savage reguard. ppr.
lis or. Arthur (Glanomera, co. Clare : Settled there for many gene-
Arras. Ar. on a cross az. five fleurs-de-lis or. rations. In 1659, Edward Arthur was M.P. for Limerick,
Arras. Ar. on a cross az. Ave fleurs-de-lig or, a bordure and Thomas Arthur in 1585.) Gu. a chev. betw. three

engr. of the second. Crest On a tower gu. embattled or, a rests (or clarions) or, quartering the ensigns of the noble
hons head of the last. house of Ormonde; the present Mr. Arthdr's grandmother
Arras. Erm. a chev. sa. (another, gu.). having been heiress to the Butlers of Kilmoyler. Crest —
Arrat (of that Ilk, Scotland). Az. three crosses patt^e fitch^e falcon volant ppr. jessed and belled or.
or,two and one, and as many stars ar. one and two. Crest — Arthur (granted to Francis Robert Arthur, Esq. of.
A dexter hand holding a sword erected ppr. hilted and pom- Blackburn in Somerset, colony of Tasmania, and of Drayton
melled or. Motto —
Antiquam assero decus. Manor in CO. Dalhousie, colony of Victoria, Australia). Or,
Arrell. Or, a Cornish chough ppr. a bordure ar. charged on a chev. betw. three escocheons gu. each charged with a
with eight fleurs-de-lis az. clarion of the first as many quatrefoils also gold. Crest
Arrepon. Chequy or and az. on a fesse ar. three martlets —Upon the capital of an Ionic column ppr. a peUcan in her
piety sa. (theoiest ppr.) charged on the mng
with a quatra-
Arrowood, or Arwood
Gu. a saltire engr. or, between four bezants. Motto Teneo tenuere majores.
foil or. —
Ar. three conies Arthur (Leven Bank, Scotland, 1803). Sa. on a chief erm.
az. (another, three conies courant). Crest A savage, his — three cocks ppr. Crest— A pehcan feeding her young ppr.
club in the right hand resting on the wreath ppr. in a nest vert. Motto— Fa.Q. et spera.
Arrowsmyth (Huntingfield Hall, co. Suffolk). Gu. twi0^. Arthur (Jas. Arthur, K.G.H., deputy inspector general of
broad arrows in saltire or, feathered ar. betw. four lions' s' p< hospitals, 1837). Gu. on a chev. betw. two claricords in chief
heads erased and crowned of the second. Crest Seven —
and a gaUey sail furled and oars in action in base or, a tliistle
arrows ppr. enfiled with a ducal coronet or. ppr. Crest —
A pelican feeding her young ppr. ar. in a neat
Arrowsmyth. (Lancashire). Ar. five billets in fesse sa. vert. —
Motto Nil durum volenti.
betw. three pheons gu. Arthur (W. K. Arthur, Lord Provost of Glasgow, 1870). Ar-
Axsacke. Gu. a bend cottised or. a chev. betw. two mascles in chief and a cross crosslet fitch^e
Arsacke, or Arsake. Gu. a bend or, cottised ar.
Arscott (Norton in Launcels, Cornwall, and Annery,
in base gu., in middle chief a redbreast ppr. Crest A peli- —
co. can in her piety, fullfaced, wings elevated feeding her young
Devon). Per chev. az. and erm. in chief two buclcs' heads
cabossed or. Crest— A. demi man in a Turkish habit looking
in a nest all ppr. Motto —
Fac et spera.
Artillery Company (London). Ar. on a cross gu. alion
forward, in his dexter hand a scimetar held over his head, pass, guard, or, on a chief az. a portcullis of the third,
and the smister resting on a tiger's head, issuing out of the
betw. two ostrich feathers of the first. Crest A dexter —
arm in armour eml)0wed ppr. garnished or, holding in a
Arscott (originally of Holsworthy, and subsequently of gauntlet a trailing-pike or leading-staff ppr. tasselled gold,
Dunsland, Devon). Per chev. az. and erm. in chief twobucks' all betw. two dragons' wings expanded ar. each charged with,
heads cabossed or. a cross gu. Sii^j307-(er«— Dexter, a man ppr. his head
Arsick. Quarterly, gu. and or, on a bordure sa. eight bulls' and body in armour, his arms habited in buff, breeches gu.


stockings ar. shoes ppr. holding in his exterior hand a pike. Ascoum. Or, on a chief az. a lion ramp. ar.
Sinister, a man ppr. habited as the dexter, except the Ascue (Lincolnshire). Sa. a fesse betw. three asses ar.
armour on the body, this having a coat of buff ppr. over his Ascue (Lincohishire). Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three asses'"
left shoulder and under his right arm a belt strung with heads cjuped sa.
cartouches gn. in his sinister hand a musket erect, a resting Ascue. Gu. on a fesse engr. betw. three asses' heads couped"
staffand match-rope, and at his side a schimetar, all ppr. or, a cross patt^e and two martlets az,
Motto—Arma. pacis fulcra. Ascum. Ar. a chev. betw. three fieurs-de-lis sa. Crest— A..
Artked. Ar. on a fesse sa. three lozenges or. Cfrest — fleur-de-lis sa.
dexter arm from the shoulder couped and resting on the Asdale. Gu. a swan ar.
elbow ppr. holding a cross crosslet fitchfe in pale sa. Asea, Or, two bars gu. on each a shrimp naiant ar.
Arton. Or, on a chey. sa. five fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest — Aselocke, or Aslake (Suffolk). Az. a chev. erm. betw.
candlestick or. three Catharine wheels ar. Crest —A talbot'a head sa. guttle-
Artus. Sa. an eagle dose or. Cresi— An eagle's head, in d'eau.
the beak a quill ppr. Aserbuxn, See Asherdurn.
Arundel {Baron ATundel of Trerice; created 1664; extinct Asg'il. Az. three asses' heads erased ar.
1773). Quarterly, 1st and
swallows close,
4th, sa. six Asg-ile (London, 1761 afterwards of Fawley, co. Hants,

three, two, and one ar. Ct-est —

On a chapeau gu. turned up bart.). Per fesse ar. and vert a pale counterchanged in

erm. a swallow ar. Supporters Two panthers reguard. or,
spotted of various colours with fire issuing out of their
chief two hons' heads erased gu. Crest
endorsed ar. crined or. Motto— ^yxi oblitus commodi.

A sphinx wings
mouths and ears. Motto ^Nulli proeda. — Asb (Fun. Ent. of Robert Ash, of Naas, co. Kildare, d. 1608).
Anmdel (Harris-Arundel, Menedarva, and Treng^vainton, Gu. three mews ar. legged and beaked or, each holding in his'
Cornwall, and Ldfton Park, Devon), Sa. six swallows ar. beak an ash leaf slipped vert.
three, two, and one, quartering Habkis (for viMch see that Asb (Sheriff of Dublin, 1593, Visit. Dub. 1607). Arms same
WHne). Crest —
First, a stag's head ppr. horned or; second, as preceding, a crescent or, for diff.
on a chapeau sa. turned up erm. a martlet ar. Mottoes — Asb (Ash, temp. Elizabeth, Fun. Ent. of Sir Richard Bolton
De hinmdiue, and Nulli proeda. Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 1639, whose mother \fz.s dau. of
Arundel (Sir Wiluam Abundel, K.G., temp. Richard II., Richard Ash, Es^., of Ash). Az. a saltire ar. debruised by
son of Sir John Abundel, Marshal of England, by Eleanor a foss erm.
his wife, granddau. and heiress of Lord Maltbavers, and Asb. Or, three bars az. CreU —
^An old man's head sidefaced'
grandson of Richard Fitzalan, 5th Earl of Arundel^ by ppr. wreathed on the head and stringed or and az.
Lady Eleanor Plantagenet, his wife, dau. of Henry, J?arl of Asb. Or, a fesse az. depressed liy a saltire gu. Crest On a —
Lancaster: from Garter Plate remaining, the second stall rock a goose, wings endorsed ppr.
Sovereign's side). Quarterly: 1st and 4th, gu. a lion ramp. Asb (co. Warwick, granted by Dethick, Garter, confirmed
Fitzalan, 2nd and 3rd, sa. a fret or, for Maltravees.
or, for by St. George, Clarenceux, to Joseph Ash, of Coventry, son
Crest —Out
of a ducal coronet gu. turned up erm. a griffin's of Joseph Ash, and grandson of Hugh Ash, of the same)^
head beaked of the first.
ar. —
Ar. two chev, sa. Crest ^A cockatrice gu.
Arundel, Town
of (Sussex). Ar. a swallow volant in Asbafen. Ar. on a cross patriarchal gu. another or.
bend sinister sa. Asbaw (Lancashire). Or, on a chev. betw. three martlets-
Arundel, Earl of. See Fitzalan and Howard. vert, as many crosses crosslet fitch^e ar.
Arundell {Baron Arundell of Wardour). Sa. six swallows Asbaw. Ar. on a chev. betw. three martlets vert as many
ar. three, two, —
and one. Crest A wolf pass. ar. Sup- crosses patt^e fitch^e of the first.
porters —
Dexter, a lion guard, erminois ducally crowned Asbaw (Roger Ashaw, Esq. of Hill, co. Lancaster, 1 Edward
or; sinister, an owl ar, wings disclosed or, crowned as the IV. 1461,, Reg. Peds. Ulster's office). Vert on a chev. betw.
dexter. Motto— Deo date. three martlets or, a cross form^e fitchde of the field.
Arundell (Monckton-Arundell, Viscount Galway). Quar- Asbawe (Lancashire. Granted 1599). Arms as the last.
terly 1st and 4tb, sa. six swallows three, two, and one, ar.,
: Crest —Out of a ducal coronet or, an arm embowed habited'
for Arusdell; 2nd and 3rd, sa. on a chev. hetw. three with green leaves, holding in the hand a cross patt^e
martlets or, as many mullets of the field, for Monckton. fitch 6e ar.
CV'e«(s— Arundell, On a chapeau az. turned up erm. a Asbbee. Az. a chev. or, betw. three eagles displ. with two
swallow ar. Monckton, A martlet or. Supporters—Tv,'o —
heads ar. Crest An eagle displ. with two heads, as in the
unicorns erm. crined armed and unguled and each gorged arms. Motto —Be
just, and fear not.
with an Eastern diadem or. Motto Famam extendere — Asbberton. Per fesse ar. and sa. a greyhound and mule
factis. within a bordure engr. all counterchanged.
Arundell. Purp. two flanches, the dexter per fesse in Asbberton. Az. a talbot pass, or, collared gu. Crest On' —
chief chequy or and az. in base gu. a lion ramp, or, the a chapeau ppr. a communion cup or.
sinister per fesse in chief gu. a. lion ramp, or, in base Asbborne. Ar. on a fesse betw. three crescents gu. as
chequy or and az. many mullets or (another, the mullets ar).
Arundell. Gu. a lion ramp, or, armed and langued az. Asbborne, or TJsbburne (Ireland). Ar. on a bend sa.
Arundell. Az, a lion ramp, or, a bordure of the second. three towers triple-towered of the field. Crest —Atower'
Arundell. Barry of six or and az. a saltire gu. triple-towered ppr.
Arward, or Arwood. Ar. three hares current in pale az. Asbbrenbam. See Ashbttenham.
Arwennack. Ar. three mascles gu. Asbbridgre Monastery (Bucks). Gu. on an altar-tomb
Arwood. See Arbowood., a lamb pass, guard, ar. cai rying a banner of the last charged
Asbitter. Sa. a bittern ar. with a cross of the first, resting the dexter fore-foot on a
.Asbone. Erm. on a cross gu. five bezants. mound or.
Asbome. Gu. a fesse betw. six martlets ar. Crest ^A lion's — Asbbroke, or Asbbrook. Vaire ar. and sa. a chev. gu.
gamb erect holding a flag ar. charged with an eagle displ. Asbbrook, Viscount. See Flower.
sa. Asbburner (Ashbumer and India; Dalton-iu-Fumess, co^
Ascham (London). Gu. a fesse or, betw. three dolphins Lancaster). Ar. a fesse' (sometimes charged with three
naiant embowed ar. mullets of the field) betw. three crescents gu. quartering
Aschaw. Ar. a molehill in base sa. MoDLTON, &c. Crest— An. ash tree ppr. Motto—Actio-
Ascbe. Az. three pigeons (or doves) ar. two and one, beaked virtutis laus.
and membered gu. Asbburner (Fumess, Lancashire). Ar. on a fesse betw. three
Asche, Aschey, or Ascber. Or, a fesse az. over all a crescents gu. as —
mullets or. Crest An ash tree ppr.
saltire gu. Crest —A ship in full sail ppr. —
Motto Quicquid crescit in cinere perit.
Ascbeby. Ar. a lion sa. billettfe or. Asbburner (from a seal of William Ashbdrner, governor
Ascbeley. Quarterly ar, and gu. a bend sa. of Poonah, India, &. 1737). Ar. on a fesse betw. three cres-
Aschey, See Asche. cents gu. three mullets of the field. CVesi— An ash tree vert.
Ascley. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. charged on the shoulder with Asbburnbam {Earl of Ashburnham). Gu. a fesse betw.
a cinquefoil of the first a label of three points az. six mullets ar. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, an ash tree
Ascon. Ar. on a chief sa. three lozenges of the field. Crest ppr. Supporters —Two greyhounds sa. their faces, breasts,
— A mascle ar. and feet ar. collared —
and lined or. Motto Le roy et I'estat.
Ascot. Per chev. az. and or, in chief two bucks' heads of Asbburnbam (Broomham, co. Sussex, bart.). Anus and
the second. Crest as the last. Motto —Will God, and I shall.
Ascott. See Abscott. Asbburnbam (Hampshire). Gu. on a fesse betw. six
Ascougb. See Ayscough. mullets ar. a crescent sa. for diff.


^shburnham (Sussex and Suffolk). Gu. a fesse ar. betw. Asbenden (Ashenden. Kent). Ar. a lion ramp. gu. charged
six plates. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet ar. an ash tree on the shoulder with a bee or.
fructed ppr. Motto —
Will God, and I shq,ll. Asbenden. Ar. (another, or.) a lion ramp. gu. collared and
Ashburnham. Gu. a fesse betw. three mullets ar. chained or. Crest— A lion ramp, supporting an arrow in
Ashburuliaiu. Ar. on a fesse betw. three crescents gu. pale point downwards.
as many mullets or. Asbenden (Suffolk). Gu. a fesse betw. three mullets ar.

AslLburnbam, or Ashbrenham. Az. a fesse betw. Asbenburst (Beardhall, co. Derby, Visit. 1662). Or, a
three martlets ar. (another, the fesse or). Crest A griffin's — cockatrice tail nowed with a serpent's head sa. comb wattles
head ppr. collared ar. and head gu. in the beak a trefoil vert. Crest cockatrice —A
. Asliburton, Baron. See Baring. as in the Anns.
Asb-burton, To-wn of (Devonshire). A church with a Asberburne. Ar. a fesse betw. three crescents gu.
spire,on the dexter chief the sun in splendour, on the sinister AsberbTirn, or Asbburner (Cockermouth, co. Cumber-
a crescent at the dexter end of the church three ears of corn land). Ar. on a fesse betw. three crescents gu. as many

on one stalk, at the sinister end a saltire. mullets or. Crest —

An ash tree ppr. Jfo»o— Quicquid
Asbbury (Worcester). betw. three mullets ar.
Gu. a fesf?e crescit, in cinere perit.
A-Shbury. Per. chev. gu. and ar. in chief three martlets of Asberte. Gu. a cross engr. or, in the first quarter a fleur-

the last and in base on a moxind vert an ash tree ppr. fructed de-lis ar.

of the first. Crest —

A Hon's gamb. erased or, holding a spear

Asbeton (Hampton Court). Ar, » chev. betw. three chap-
pendant therefrom a flag ar. thereon a martlet gu. Motto lets gu.
iEIquitate ac diligentia. Asbeton (Great Lever and Whalley, co. Lancaster). Ar. on
Asbbury, See Ashbodrne. a mullet sa. an annulet of the field, in the dexter chief point
Asbby (Quenby Her. Visit. 1619, seated
Hall, co. Leicester, a crescent gu. —
Crest A boar's head couped ar. armed
there since the 13th century). Az. a chev. erm. betw. —
langued and bristled gu. Motto In Domino confido.
three leopards' faces or, quartering Ashley of Lowesby, Asbeton, or Assbeton (Assheton). Arjns the same.
BuRDET, ZoDCH, and Shdkbuegh. Crest Out of a mural — —
Crest ^A mower habited ar. and sa. paleways counter-
crown ar. a lion's face affront^e or. Another Crest— (Cam- changed the scythe ppr.
den's Grants, 1602). On a mural coronet ar. a leopard's Asbeton. See Ashton.
face or. Motto—Be just, and fear not. Asbets. Or, three pallets sa.
^sbby (Naseby, co. Northampton). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Asb£.eld (Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Warwick-
az. a chev. erm. betw. three leopards' faces or, for Asebt ; shire, confirmed by the Deputies of Camden, Clarenceux, to
2nd and 3rd, per pale az. and gu. three pheons in feaa Humphrey Ash, third in descent from John Ash of Hey-
betw. two lions pass, or, for Maddock. Quai'terings, Ashby, thorp). Ar. a trefoil slipped sa. between three mullets gu.
Shuckburgh, Carbonell, Napton, Lidenhall, Dyssent, Lunell, Crest —A wolf courant erm.
Hawten, and Waring. Cresis—-1st, out of a mural crown ar. Asbfield (Lancashire). Sa. a fesse betw. three flcurs-de-Us ar.
a lion's face affront^e or, Ashby; 2Ed, a demi lion couped Asbfield (Suffolk). The same as of Lancashire (another, the
or, fretty gu. holding in the dexter paw a dagger erect ar. fesse engr.)
pommel and hilt or, Maddock. Motto —Be just, and fear Asbfield (Sir Bobebt Ashfield, knighted in Christcburcb,
noc. Dublin, 24 Sept. 1598). Sa. a fess engr. betw. three fleurs-
,Asbby (Fun. Ent. Ireland). Sa. on a fess ar. 'a crescent de-lis ar.
of the field in chief three fleurs-de-lis of the second. Asbfi.eld (Suffolk). Gu. a fesse indented counter-indentecl,
A.sbby (Loseby, co. Leicester, Her. Visit. 1619). Ar. a lion two points at each end betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar.
ramp. sa. and a chief gu. Crest A ram's head attired or. — Asbfield (Sussex). Sa. a fesse engr. betw. two fleurs-de-lis
.Asbby (Leicestershire). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. billett^e or. ar. a crescent for diff.
Asbby (Leicestershire). Ar. a lion ramp, az, guttde d'or Asbfield (Yorkshire). Sa. a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis
(another, the lion gu.). and a bordure ar.
Asbby (Leicestershire). Az. a chev. betw. three spread Asbfield (Oxfordshire). Barry wavy of six ar. and sa.
eagles or. Crest —
An eagle close ar. ducaUy crowned or. Asbfield. Or, on a mount vert a Magellan goose, body sa.
Asbby (Middlesex). The same. head ar.
,Asbby. Az. a fesse betw. three martlets ar. Asbford, or Aysbford (Ayshford, co. Devon, and Corn-
Asbby. Per pale az. and gu. a chev. erm. betw. three wall; the last male heir, John Atshfokd, Esq. d. in 1688;
leopards' heads ar. the heiress m. Sanford, ancestor of William Ayshfokd San-
.Asbby. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. ford. Esq., of Nynehead, co. Somerset a branch of the :

Asbby. Gu. sem^e of nails ar. three stems of a flower vert. family settled at Wonwell, in Kingston, co. Devon, and is
.Asbcomb, or Lisbcomb (Berltshire, 1612). Or, a lion now represented by L. L. Ayshford Wise, Esq.). Ar. betw.
ramp, queu^e forchde gu. a chief az. Crest On a chapeau — two chev. sa. three ashen keys az. (another, the keys vert).
a demi eagle displ. sa. ducally crowned or. Crest —A Moor's head in profile sa. wrcached about the
Asbdotm, or Asbdowxi. Ar. a Uon ramp. gu. gorged temples ar. and issuing out of a chaplet of oak leaves vert.
with a collar or, charged with three ogresses. Crest — Asbford (Cornwall). Ar. a chev. betw. three bunches of
lion's head gu. collared or, and bezantde. ashen keys vert.
.Asbe, or Esbe (Sowton, Devonshire, settled there temp. Asbford. Ar. on a chev. couple-closed sa. three pineapples
Edward III.the last direct male heir, Henry Ashe, Esq. d.
in 1763). Ar. two chev. sa. Crest A cockatrice close or, — Asbford. Ar. betw. two chev. sa. three pines pendent vert.
legged and beaked gu. Asbford. Ar. three escallops vert, betw. two chev. sa.
Asbe, or Ssse (co. Devon, confirpied by Camden, Claren- Asbill. Per pale ar. and sa. three leopards in pale, counter-
ceux, December, 1613). Ar. two chev. sa. each charged cnangea.

with a trefoil slipped or. Crest A cockatrice ar. charged on Asbburst (Ashhurst, co. Lancaster). Gu. a cross betw.
the breast with a trefoil slipped gu. four fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest—A fox statant ppr. Motto—
Asbe. (Freshford, co. Somerset, Fifefield, Heytesbury, and Vincit qui patitur.
Langley Burrell, Wiltshire, and Ashgrove, co. Limerick, Asbbnrst (Waterstock, co. Oxford). Same Anns, Crest,
all descended from the Ashes of co. Devon). Same Arms, and Motto.
Crest, and Motto. '
Asbingrburst. Or, a cockatrice close pa. wattled and leggefl
Asbe (Ashfield, co. Meath). Ar. two chevronels sa. Crest — gu. tail nowed and ending with a serpent's head, in the
A cockatrice or, combed and wattled gu. Mottoes—Ahove mouth of the cockatrice a sprig vert. Crest A cockatrice, —
the shield " FiRht " ; Non nobis sed omnibus."
below '
' as in the Arms.
Asbe (Somersetshire). Ar. a fesse az. overall a saltire gu. Asbley. See Ashley Cooper {Earl of SJutftesiury).
Asbe. Or, a fesse az. over all a saltire gu. charged with a Asbley, or Astley (Devonshire). Quarterly, ar. and gu.
mullet of the field. a bend sa.
.Asbe. Az. three mews ar. beaked and membered gu. Asbley (Dorsetshire). Az. a cinquefoil pierced and a bor-
Asbfeld. See Ashfield. Oxon. dure engr. erm. Crest— ^A harpy ppr.
Asbeldaxn, or Asbelden (Essex). Erm. a. fesse dan- Asbley (Dorsetshire). Vert a cinquefoil erm. a borduro
cett^e gu. engr. ar.
Asbeley. Ar. on a pale engr. sa. three crescents or. Asbley (Ashley, co. Chester). Ancient ^rinji— Quarterly, ar.
Asbeley. See Ashlet. and on a bend gu. three mullets of the first. Later Arms
Asbelson, Ar. a lion ramp. gu. and a bend az. —Ar. two bars sa. a crescent of the first. Crest Abear'B —
Asbeuden. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. armed and langued az. bead muzzled ppr.
Crest— A. lion's gamb. erased gu. holding the hilt of a broken Asbley (Ashby Ledgers, co. Northampton). Az. a cinque-
sword ppr. foil and a border engr. erm. Crest A harpy ppr.—


Ashley, or Asheley (Dorsetshire). Sa. another az. on ar. and sa. the handle of his scythe or, the blade of the
a pale engr, ar. three crescents of the field. first.
Ashley (Ixtwcsby, co. Leicester). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. Ashton (Penketh, co. Lancaster, 1567, 1613 Ar. a chcv^
crowned or. betw. three mascles gu.
Ashley (London). Gu. three woolsacks ar. in chief a Ashton (Great Lever, co. Lancaster; allowed 1562 by
mullet or. Dalton, Norroy). Ar. on a mullet sa. an annulet of the
Ashley (London). Gu. on a fesse engi*. ar. betw. three field (sometimes a canton gu.) quartering Bakton, Midleton,
griffins' Jieads erased or, as many crosses formfe fltch^ of and Levee. In fess point a crescent charged with a cre-
the field. scent for diff. Crest— As Ashton of Chadderton, the mower
Ashley (Norfolk and Suffolk). Sa. a fesse engr. betw. three having upon his breast crescents as in the Ao'ms.
fleurs-de-lis (another, crescents) ar. Ashton (Shepley, co. Lancaster). Ar. a mullet sa. pierced
Ashley (Somersetshire). Ar. three bulls pass. sa. armed of the field. Crest —
A mower with his scythe, his face and
or. Crest— On a chapeau gu. turned up erm, a bull sa. hands ppr. his habit and cap counterchanged ar. and sa.
ducally gorged or. the handle of the scythe or, the blade ar. as in action.
Ashley. Sa. on a pale engr. ar. three crosses form^e gu. Ashton (Crofton, co. Lancaster). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar.
Ashley. Quarterly, ar. and gu. on a bend sa. three a chev. sa. betw. three mascles gu. ; 2nd and 3rd, ar. two
muUets of the first. bars sa.
Ashley. Gu. on a fesse engr. ar. betw. three griffins' heads Ashton, or Asheton (Crofton, co. Lancaster). Ar. a
erased or. as many crosses form^e sa. chev. betw. three chaplets gu. (another, the chev. sa.).
.Ashley. Ar. a lion ramp. gu.
Ashley. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. and a chief gu.
Crest —
Out of the clouds ppr. a demi angel with wings ex-
panded, vested ar. face and hands ppr. hair, wings, and
Ashlin. Or, three double scaling ladders sa. Crest fir —A girdle or.
tree ppr. Ashton (Penketh, co. Lancaster, derived from the marriage
Ashxaan (Lymmington, co. Wilts). Or, on a bend gu. of RicHABD Ashton with Margaret, dau. and heir of Kichard-
betw. two talbots' heads erased sa. three fleuirs-de-lis ar. Penketh. Thomas Ashton of Penketh suffered for
Ci-est A—hautboy in pale. his loyalty in 1646). Ar, a chev. gu. betw. three
Ashmell. See Asfinwall. mascles sa.
Ashmole Quarterly, sa. and or, in the
(Staffordshire). Ashton (Lancashire). Ar. a mullet sa. pierced erm. Cre.t
chief dexter quarter a fleur-de-lis of the second. Crest — — A boar's head couped ar.
greyhound courant sa. Ashton (Weston, co. Leicester). As Ashton or Asheton,.
.Afhmore (granted to Chables Abhmo&e, of Belfast, Esq., Cheshire, with a crescent for diff.
Lieut.-Col. 30th Foot). Ar. a lion ramp. ppr. betw. in Ashton (Spalding co. Lincoln, and London). Ar. a mullet
chief two stars of six points gu. and in base a trefoil vert.
Crest— A
star wavy of six points ar. betw. two branches of
pierced sa. in the dexter chief a fleur-de-lis gu. Crest Out —
of a mural coronet ar. a griffin's head gu. ducally gorged-'
laurel ppr. JfoWo—Cave adsum. and beaked or.
Ashmore (Ireland). Sa. three lions' heads erased or. Ashton (Ashton-under-Line, co. Lancaster, and Sheering,,
Crest — ^A demi eagle displ. with two heads or, each regally CO. Essex). The same, a crescent for diff,
crowned ppr. Ashton (Staffordshire). Ar. a, fesse sa. in chief three
Ashmore, Or, three lions' heads erased sa. lozenges of the second.
Ashoe. Or, a fesse az. in the chief dexter quarter a saltire Ashton (Suffolk). Ar. a fesse sa. in chief three fusils of the
gu. Crest — ^A hawk ppr. belled or. second.
Ashonden. See Asbendon. Ashton (Wiltshire and Yorkshire). Sa. a saltire ar.
Ashorp, or Arthorp. Ar. a chev. betw. tbree martlets Ashton. Ar. a chev. under it the dexter side of a demi.
gu- chev. both betw. three chaplets gu.
Ashow. Ar. on a chev. betw. three martlets vert, as many Ashton. Ar. two bars sa. over all a bend gu.
crosses form^ fitch^ of the first. Ashton (Lamorran, co. Cornwall). Ar. an ash tree ppr.
Ashpitel. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a chev. gu. betw. Issuing from a tun or.
three dragons' heads erased sa. ; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a full Ashton (Castleton, Stony Middleton, Hathersage, &c. co.-

moon gu. Crest ^A demi dragon erased sa. winged collared Derby, descended from the Ashtons of Lancashire: of the-
and clawed or. Motto— Omjoiak certa fac. Stony Middleton family was the learned Dr. Chables Ashton,
Ashpoole, A2, three chev. or. Master of Jesus' College, Cambridge). Ar. a mullet sa. a
Ashrid&e Monastery (Bucks). Gu. on an altar-tomb a —
crescent for diff. Ci-est A boar's head couped ar.
lamb pass, guard, ar. carrying a banner of the last charged Ashton (Killamarsh, co. Derby, descended from Sir John
with a cross of the first, resting the dexter forefoot on a Ashton, a natural son of Sir John Asbton, of Ashton-under-
mount or. Line). At. a mullet sa. a baton sinister gu. Crest—
Ashthorp. Ar. a chev. betw. three martlets sa. mower with his scythe, his face and hands ppr. his cap and
Ashtou Ar. on a mullet sa. a plate, in chief a
(Cheshire). habit counterchanged ar. and sa. the handle of the scythe
crescent of the second. Crest— A boar's head couped ar. or, the blade ar. as in action.
Ashton (granted by Boberts, Ulster, 1647, to Major MitEs Ashton (Thomas Ashton, M.D. of Manchester). Erm. a
AsBTON, descended of a noble and ancient family of that mullet betw. three her^dic tigers' heads erased sa. Crest —
name in co. Pal. Lancaster). Ar. an ash tree on a mount Upon a mount vert an heraldic tiger' ramp, or, gorged with
base all ppr. growing through a tun or, on a chief sa. a a coUar dancett^e, and holding betw. the paws a mullet sa.
mullet of the first. Crest —
A man armed cap-a-pie striking —
Motto ^Agere pro aliis.
with a scythe ppr. Motto —
Quid non resolutio. Ashton, or Assheton (quartered by Mitfoed as repre-
Ashton (Cheshire). Or, a mullet sa. senting a second son of Assheton of Middleton). Ar. a
Ashton, or Aston (Ashton, co. Chester). Per chev. sa. mullet pierced sa.
and ar. Ashton. Ar. a pile sa. over all a fesse engr. erm.
Ashton, or Asheton (Cheshire and Lancashire). Ar. a Ashton. Ar. a chev. betw. three roses gu.
mullet sa.
Crest —A boar's head couped ar. Motto —In Ashton. Ar. a rose and thistle conjoined paleways all ppr.
confido. AshtO'WH (I^ed). See Trench.
Ashton (Polefield Hall, Prestwich, Manchester. Howaeth Ashurst. See Ashhurst.
Ashton, Esq., J.P., capt. Duke of Lancaster's Own yeo- Ashnrst (Cheshire). Gu. a cross engr. or, in the chie.
manry). Same as last, quartering sa. a chev. ar. betw. dexter quarter a fleur-de-lis gold.
three plates, each charged with a cross patfe az. Ashurst (Lancaster). Gu. a cross engr. or, betw. four
Ashton (Clubcliffe, co. York). Barry of six ar. imd sa. a fleurs-de-lis ar.
bend gu. Ashurst (Lord Mayor of London). Gu. a cross betw. four
Ashton (Chables Ashton, Esq. of Maplewell Grange, co. jleurs-de-lis ar.
Leicester, M.A., F.E.G.S.). Arms, Crest, and Motto same Ashiirst. Gu. on a cross or, five fleurs-de-lis az. Crest—
as Ashton of Polefield. wolf pass. ppr.
Ashton and Woolton, co. Lancas-
(Hefferston, co. Chester Ashweed. Or, three squirrels gu.
ter, confirmed 1664).
Ar. a mullet sa. a canton gu. in chief Ashwood. Gu. a bend ar. in chief a griffin's head of
an annulet for Crest—A stag at gaze ar. attired and
diff. the last. Crest —
On a chapeau the sun all ppr.
unguled or, collared with a wreath vert. Ashworth (Ashworth, and Hall Carr, co. Lancaster, and
Ashton (Preston, co. Lancaster). Ar. a mullet pierced sa. Elland Bank, in Yorkshire represented by Eev. John

a canton gu. quartering Fleetwood of Penwortham. Heevei Ashworth, M.A.). Gu. a cross engr. couped oi',
Ashton (Chadderton, co. Lancaster, 1567). Ar. a mullet sa. betw. four fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest— On. a mount vert a fox
Crest—A mower with his scythe ppr. habited quarterly ppr. itfoWo—Appetitus rationi pareat.


Ashworth (Heyford-Warren, co. Oxford, allowed by Flower, (another adds a fleur-de-lis gu.). C}'est —A dragon's head
Norroy, and Glover, Somerset). Same Arms and Crest. couped or.
Ash^worth (1585). Gu. a cross engr. humett^e or, betw. Aspall (Suffolk). Az. a fesse betw. two chev. or.
four fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest —-As the last. Aspall (Suffolk). Az. three chev. or, a bordure ar. Crest

Asliwy, Gu. semde of crosses crosslet fitch^e or, a lion —A man's head bearded ppr. on his head a cap gu.
ramp. ar. Aspele, Aspelle, and Aspley. See Apslet.
Askaza. Gu. a fesse or, betw. three dolphins ar. Aspenell, or Aspandall. Vert, three asps in pale or.
Aske (Aske, eo. York). Or, three bars az. an annulet for Aspilon. Ar. a chev betw. three escallops sa.
diff. Ci-est —
An old man's head sidefaced ppr. wreathed Aspilou. Ar. on a chev. betw. three escallops sa. as many
boars' heads couped or.
about the temples or, and az. and tied with a bow of the
colours. Aspin (Buckinghamshire). Az. three chev. ar. betw. as
Aske (Chowbent, co. Lancaster). Barry of six ar. and az. many quatrefoils or. Crest —A dragon's head or, betw. two
Crest —As the last.
aspin branches ppr.
Aske (Aughton, co. York). Same as the preceding. (Preston, co. Lancaster). Or, a chev. betw. three
Aske Or, three bars az. a bordure engr. grijBBns' heads erased sa. Crest—A demi griffin erased sa.
gu. (sometimes the bordure plain). bealted, legged, and collared or. Motto —
^^gis fortissima
Aske (Yorkshire). Or, two (sometimes four) bars az. virtus.

Aske. Az. four lozenges ar. Aspinall. Ar. an aspin leaf ppr.
Askeazn, Askeliam, or Askham. Gu. a fesse betw. Aspine. Az. an aspin leaf or.
three dolphins or, (another, the dolphins ar). Crest — Aspiuwall (co. Lancaster, subsequently of Hale. Mart,

dolphin az. dau. and eventual heiress of Edwaed Aspinwall, Esq., m.

Askeby (Cheshire). Ar. a chev. engr. az. Isaac Green of Child wall, Esq.). Per pale gu. and az. a fcBse
Askeby. Or, three chevronels az. dancett^e erm.
Aske by. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. billct^e or. Aspinwall, Asbmell, and Asmall (Northumber-
Askeby, Az. a lion ramp, ar. betw. eight escallops or. land). Gu. two bars dancett^e or, a bordure sa.
Askeby, Asklaby, or Aslakeby. Az. a fesse betw. Aspley, Vaire ar. and sa. three bars gu. a canton erm.
three martlets ar. Crest —
A sun dial on a pedestal ppr. AspoUe. Erm. a saltire and a chief gu.
AspoU (Ireland). Ar. a cross gu. betw. four erm. spots sa,
Askeley. Erm. a chief engr. az.
Askeley, Askley, and Skaley. Ar. a chev. engr. az. a chief of the second.
(another, the field erra). Aspull. Az. a chev. or.
Askerby. Az. a fesse betw. three mullets ar. Assakar, or Assakur. Sa. a chev. engr. betw. three
Askerton. Or, a trefoil slipped vert. crescents ar.
Asketine (West Peckham, co. Kent). Or, on a chev. Assails. Gu. a saltire and a chief ar.
betw. three lions' gambs couped and erect sa. three cres- Asselock. Sa. a chev. erm: betw. three Catharine wheels
cents of the first. Crest— Two lions' gambs erect sa. sup- ar.

porting a crescent or. Assent. Ar. a chev. betw. three crescents gu, a bordure
Askew (Greymanes, co. Cumberland, afterwards of New- erm. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet a horse's head ar.
castle-upon-Tyne, and Eedheugh, co. Durham, and Pallius- bridled gu.
burn, CO. Northumberland). Sa. a fesse or, betw. three Assetborp. Ar. a chev. betw. three martlets sa.

asses pass. ar. maned and hoofed of the second. Crest— A. Assey (Beccles, co. Suffolk). Az. on a pale ar. betw. two
naked arm ppr. grasping a sword ar. hilt and pomel or, lionsramp, combattant or, a sword ppr. on a chief erm.
enfiled with a Saracen's head couped ppr. wreathed about an eastern crown betw. two leopards' faces gu. Crest —
the temples or and sa. blood issuing from the neck of the demi leopard ramp. ppr. crowned with an eastern crown gu.
first. Motto (over the point of the sword)— Fac et spera. and holding in his paws a sword erect.
Askew (Lord Mayor of London, 1533). Gu. on a fesse ar. Assbawe (Heath Charnook and Shaghe Hall, co. Lancas-
betw. three asses' heads couped or, as many mullets az. ter; the last heir male, Leonard Asshawe, sheriff 1620, d.
.Askew, or Askue
(London). Gu. on a fesse engr. ar. 1633, leaving two daus., of whom Elizabeth, heiress of
betw. three asses' heads couped or, a cross crosslet and two Shaghe, m. Peter Egerton, Esq.). Or, on a chev. betw,
stars az. Crest—An ass's head ppr. gorged with three bars three martlets vert as many crosses crosslet fitchde of the
or, betw. two wings or and ar. first.

.Askew. Ar. a fesse betw. three asses pass. sa. Assbawe, Erm. sem^e of cross crosslets sa. a chev. ermines
Askewe. Gu. a lion ramp, or, oppressed with a bend betw. three fer-de-molines of the second. On a chief of the
vert. last three erm. spots ar.
Askey. Erm. three escutcheons gu. Assil. Sa. an ass ar.
Askbam (1675). Gu. a fesse betw. three dolphins embowed Assbeton (originally, temp. Henry III., of Ashton-uuder-
ar. Lyne, co. Lancaster, now of Downham and Cuerdale, in
Askwitb. (Yorkshire). Sa. a fesse betw. three crosses cross- that county, represented by Ralph Assheton, of Downham
let ar. Crest —A mascle gu. and Cuerdale, Esq., M.P. for Clitheroe). Ar. a mullet sa.
Askwitb (eo. York. Lansd. MS. 856). Sa. a fesse betw. pierced of the field. —
Crest On a cap of maintenance, a
three asses pass, ar, mower, vested and capped quarterly, ar. and sa., the sleeves
Askyton (Lancashire), See Ashton, or Asheton, of Crofton. and Etocldngs counter changed, holding a scythe handled,
Aslaby (Spittle, co. York, Lansd. MS. 8e5). Az. a fesse or, the point of the blade towards the dexter. Motto Nee —
betw. three martlets ar. arrogo nee dubito.
.Aslabye (Yorkshire, Lansd. MS. 865). Gu. three cushions Assbeton (Chadderton, co. Lancaster, Edmund Assheton,
erm. tasselled or, a border invected of the third. second son of Sir Thomas Assheton of Assheton, m. Jo-
Aslack, Aslake, or Asloke (Holme, co. Norfolk). Sa. hanna, dau. of K.ICHAB.D RADCLiFFEof Caddcrton. The last
a chev. erm. betw. three Catharine wheels ar. Crest — heir male, the Rev. William Assheton, rector of Prestwick,
talbot's head sa. guttle d'eau. d. 25 Feb. 1731, leaving two daus. Catherine, m. Johh
.Aslakby, or Aslakeby. Gu. a fesse betw. three mart- Blaokburne, of Orford, Esq., and Doeotht, m. Darcy Leveb,
lets ar. Crest —A sun dial on a pedestal ppr. of Alkington, Esq.). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a mullet
.Aslactou (Aslacton, co. Nottingham. The heiress m. sa. 2nd and 3rd, gu. a cross crosslet or. Oi'est—A boar'fi

Ceanmer, temp. Henry VI.). Ar. five fusils conjoined in head couped or.
fesse gu. eachcharged with an escallop or. Crest— A moor Association, North American Colonial, Quar-
cock's head erased, sa. a ship of three mastson the sea, in full sail ppr.;
terly, 1st, ar.
Aslie. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. 2nd, on a mount a beaver, and in the distance a forest, all
.Aslin (London). Ar. a chev. crenellde az. betw. three roses ppr. 3rd, gu. a plough or; 4th, az. a garb or.
; On an
gu. stallced and leaved ppr. Crest —
A dcmi horse ppr. cscocheon in centre point ar. a trefoil slipped vert royal
A.slin, Aslyn, or Aislan. Or, on a chev. crennelltfe crowned of England ppr. Crest— An Irish wolf dog couchant
gu. three roses of the field slipped vert. Crest— An escut- ppr. Supporters— DextcT, an Irish peasant habited, jacket
cheon charged with a rose gu. az. trousers ar. his hat of straw, holding over his dexter
.Aslin, or Aslun, Or, a chev. betw. three lozenges gu. shoulder a felling axe ppr. ; sinister, a similar figure of an
Aslyn, Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three crosses crosslet Irishman holding in his left hand a reaping hook or sickle
fitchde az. as many lozenges of the field, each charged with ppr. Motto— M&gnnm vectigal industrlae.
a cross crosslet of the second. Assor. Ar. a fesse az. betw. two barrulets, each charged
Asuautes. Gu. two bars dancett€e or. with a plain barrulet or. and go.
Aspall (Suf^jllt and Northamptonshire). Az. three chev. or. Astable. Quarterly, vaire ar. and gu. a bordure engr. or-
Astbury (Astbury, co. Chester). Gu. a fesse betw. three land, grandson of Eobeet Aston, of Park Hall, uncle of the
martlets ar. Lord Aston of the House of Tixall, co. Stafford). Ar. a fosse
Astell (Everton, co. Bedford, Huntingtonshire and London). and in chief three lozenges sa. Crest —A
buU's head couped
Gu. a lion pass, per pole or and ar. betw. four crosses cross- or, armed ar. tipped sa. —
Motto In Papam cornua tendo.
let of the last. Orest —A cross crosslet or, entwined with a Aston. Per pale sa. and or, three etiirups counterchanged.
serpent vert. Motto—Sub cnice glorior. Aston. Ar. a bend dancett€e enhanced sa.
Astell (liCicestershire). Gu. crusily a lion pass, guard, ar. Aston (Cheshire). Ar. a chev. betw. three mascles gu.
and on a canton of the last an eagle displ. sa. on the breast Aston (Cornwall). Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three fleurs-de-
an escutcheon gold, charged with three bars az. lis sa.
Asten, or Austen. Ar. on a fesse betw. two chev. sa. Aston (Aston, co. Lancaster). See Aston, Cheshire.
three crosses or. Aston (Enfield, co, Middlesex, and co. Gloucester). Gu.
Asterby (Lincolnshire). Ar. a saltire engr. sa. Crest — lion ramp. ar. oppressed
with a bend vair.

An oak tree ppr. Aston (Northamptonshire). Sa. a saltire ar.

Asterley, Asterly, or Asterley. Sa. a bend betw. Aston (Staffordshire). Or, (another, ar.) on a chief az. a
three etoiles or. —An etoile
Crest betw. two wings ppr.
or, lion pass, of the field.
Astley (Astley, co. Warwick). Az. a cinquefoil pierced Aston (cos. Suffolk and Wilts;. Az. a bend cottised betw.

erm. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of seven six crosses crosslet or, another fitch^.
ostrich feathers gu. surmounted with another plume gold. Aston. Az. a bend ar. cottised or, betw. eight trefoils of the
Astley {Lord Astley, summoned to Parliament 1295, the 4th last.
lord d. temp. Henry V., leaving an only dau., m. to Lord Aston. Az. on a chief or, three lozenges sa. Crest A bull's —
Grey de Ruthyn), Same Arms. head or, homed per fesse sa. and ar. ATWther Crest ^A —
Astley {Saron Hastings), representative of the ancient house chapeau gu. turned up erm. on each side of the cap within
of Astley, of Hill Morton, and Melton Constable). Quarterly, the erm. a horn ppr.).
1st, az. a cinquefoil pierced erm. within a bordure engr. or, Aston. Ar. a chief undde sa.
forAsTEET; 2nd, ar. a lion ramp. gu. ducally crowned or, Aston. Az. a chief or, over all a lion ramp, of the second
for Constable 3rd,
; ar. two lions pass, gu., for Le (another, the tail double queued).
Stbange; 4th, or, a maunch gu., for Hastings. Crest Out — Aston. Ar. a chief az. over all a lion ramp. gu. (another,
of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five feathers ar. Sujp- within a bordure gobonated ar. and sa. charged with escol-
jim-ierg —
On either side a hon gu. ducally crowned and lops counterchanged.).
gorged with a collar or, therefrom pendant an escutcheon Aston. Or, a chief az.
of the arms of Hastings. —
Motto Justitiae tenax. Astorell (Huntingdonshire). Ar. on a bend gu. three
Astley (PatshuU, co. Stafford, extinct baronets, derived from escallops or.
Sir Thomas de Astlev, second son of Thomas, third Lord AstO"WTie. Gu. three sea urchins (or hedge-hog fish) in
Astley of Astley). Az. a cinquefoil pierced erm. Crest — pale ar.
Out of a ducal coronet ar. a plume of feathers gu. sur- Astroby. Sa. a bend betw. six estoiles or.
mounted with another plume or. Astroll. Az. an astrolabe or.
Astley (Everley, co. Wilts, bart,). Az. a cinquefoil pierced Astry (Wood-end, co. Bedford, and Henbury, and of cos. Lin-

erm. (^tst. On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a plume of coln and Huntingdon, descended from Sir Ralph Astrt,
seven ostrich feathers gu. —
Motto ^Fide sed cui vide. Lord Mayor of London), Barry wavy of six ar. and az. on
Astley (Essex). Same as the preceding. Crest —Onachapeau —
a chief gu, three bezants. Crest A stag's head erased gu.
a plume of feathers ar. banded gu. and environed with a
' attired or,
ducal coronet or. Astrye (Ralph Astrte, of Harlington, Beds, second son of
Astley (Staffordshire). Same as the preceding within a Sir Ralph Astetb, of co. Hertford), Barry wavy of six
bordure of the second. Crest—A seahorse couchant ducally ar, and az. on a chief gu. three bezants. Crest An ostrich. —
gorged. or, wings endorsed, in the beak a horse shoe (Harl. MSS.,
Astley, or Asteley (Staffordshire). Ar. a lion ramp. gu. 1095 and 1556),
armed and langued or. Ast'well. Gu. a cross betw. four crosses-crosslet fitch^e or.
Astley (Wolvey, co. Warwick). Az. u. cinqnefoil erm. Astm.cke (Bedfordshire). Ar, three crosses botonee sa.
betw .-three mullets or. Astwicke. Sa. a chev, engr. ar,
Astley (Wariviekshire). Ar. on a bend az. three griffins' Astwlcke, or Astwyke. Sa, a chev. engr. betw, three
heads erased of the field. crosses crosslet fitcb^ ar. (another, or.;
Astley (Warwick; confirmed by the deputies of Camden, As'well, or Ashwell. Per pale ar. and sa. three leopards^
Clarenceux, to Thomas Astlet, of Wolvey, co. Warwick, heads in pale counterchanged. Crest —On a chapeau a
grandson of George Astley of same, who was 4th in descent wheat sheaf ppr.
from Giles, son of Thomas Lord Astley, temp. Edward II. Ataster. Ar. on a chev. az. two acorns or.
which Lord Astley was 6th in descent from Philipds de Atbarow, or Atboroug-Ii. Sa. two swords in saltire
EsTLEGA, (CTi;j. Henry 11.), Az three cinquefoils erm. betw. four fleurs-de-lis or.
Astley (Ansley Park, co. Warwick ; confirmed with two Atchelay, or Atcbley (London). Gu. on a fesse engr.
quarterings as the arms of Astlet, Visit. Warwick). Az. a betw. three griffins' heads erased ar. as many crosses formee
cinquefoil pierced erm. —
Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a fitch^e sa,
plume of feathers ar. Motto— Fide sed cui fide. Atchele. Gu, on a fesse betw, three griffins' heads erased
Astley punkinfield Lodge, Cheshire). Same as Astley of or, as many crosses pattde fltch^e sa,
CO. Warwick. Atcberley (Marton, co, Salop, descended from Sir Roger
Astley. Az. a cinqnefoil erm. Crest Out of a ducal coro- — Atceeblet, Knt., Lord Mayor of London in 1511), Gu. on a
net or, a harpy ar. ducally gorged and crined of the first. fesse engr. ar. betw. three griffins' heads erased or, as
Astley. Gu. a wolf salient ar. within an orle of crosses many crosses patt^ fitchde sa. Crest A demi bustard, —
crosslet or. couped gu. wings elevated or, in the beak a lily ar. slipped
Astley. Az. a leopard pass. ar. within an orle of six crosses vert. —
Motto Spe posteri temporis.

crosslet or. Atcliff, or Atcliffe. Sa. three seapyes ppr. CreU ^A
Astley, Az. two leopards pass. ar. armed and langued az. cross crosslet ar.
Astley, Gu. a leopard ramp. ar. armed and langued az. Atclyffe (Kent), Az. three quatrefoils or, slipped vert,
within an orle of eight crosses crosslet or. Atclyffe. Az. three shovellers ar.
Astley. Gu. a lion ramp. ar. armed az. Atcomb (Devonshire). Sa. three marlions, sinister wings
Astley. Az. a lion pass, guard, ar. (sometimes the lion or, displ, ar.
and sometimes seinee of cross crosslets ar.). Ateste. —
Gu, a crosslet erm. Crest A Cornish chough ppr.
Astlow. Az. a chev. betw. three owls az. Atfield. Per chev, erm, and sa, (another ar. and sa.) in
Aston (lord Aston, of Forfar, title extinct or dormant, chief two dolphins of the second.
1835). Ar. a fesse sa. in chief three lozenges of thq last. At£.eld. Per chev. sa. and ar. in chief two dolphins
Crest—A bull's head couped sa. Supporters Two Eoman — hauriant respecting each other or. Crest — An arm embowed,
knights in armour ppr. their faces, hands, and knees bare. throwing an arrow in fesse.

Motto ^Numini et patriae asto. Atford (Devonshire). Gu. a castle ar, crowned or, in the
Aston (Aston, co. Chester, bart. Catherine Aston, even- port a cross fonntfe of the second,
tual heiress, m. the Hon. and Eev. John Hervey, D.D.). Per Atford (Surrey and Yorkshire). Gu. three (another, six)
chev. sa. and ar. Crest —
^An ass's head ppr. Motto Prest — pears or, a chief of the last,
d' accomphr. Atg-rove. Erm. on a chev. gu. three escallops ar.
Aston (confirmed, 1647, by Roberts, Ulster, to Sergeant- Athael (Sherborne). Sa. a chev. betw. three sinister hands
Mfy'or William Aston, of Col. Hungerford'a regi. in Ire- couped ar.



Athel (Northamptonshire). Ar. a chev. sa. guttle d'or. Atkinson (Newcastle). Gu. an eagle displ. ar.on a chief
Atliell, Or, a lion ramp. az. armed gu. on the shoulder a or,a rose betw. two martlets az. Crest —An eagle wings ex-
crescent of the third. Crest~A dog sleeping ppr. panded ar. beaked and legged gu.
Atliell. Ar. a lion ramp. az. armed gu. charged on the Atkinson (London), Same as the last.
shoulder with a crescent of the field (another, the crescent or). Atkinson (Cambridgeshire, granted 1624). Sa. a cross
Athell (Scotland), Or, three palets sa. Crest — ^A castle ar. flory ar, betw. four escallops or.
Crest —
A sea hon sejant ar.
masoned sa. holding in the dexter paw an escallop or.
Athelstou. Gyronny of four pieces az. and gu. a cross Atkinson (Stowell, co. Gloucester). Az. a cross patoncft
patonce or. betw, four lions ramp. ar.
Atlielston. Per saltire gu. and az. a cross flory or. Atkinson (Newcastle). Erm, on a fesse gu. betw, tlirefr
Athelston, or Athilston. Ar. a saltire az. betw. four pheons az, a lion pass, or. Crest — A pheon az.
crosses crosslet fitch^e gu. Atkinson (Newcastle). Ar. an eagle displ. with two heads
Atherley. Ar, on ahend betw. two lions' heads erased sa. sa.on a chief gu. a rose betw. two martlets or.

three crosses formde or. Crest A lion's head erased sa. Atkinson (Angerton, near Moi-peth, co. Northumberland),
Atherley (Derbyshire). Ar. on a bend az. three lozenges of Erm. on a fesse double cottised gu. betw. three pheons az, a
the field, each charged with a pheon gu. hon pa5s. betw. two roses ar. Crest On a mount betw. —
Atlierley. Ar. on a bend betw. two lions' heads erased sa. two roses stalked and leaved ppr, a pheon az. Motto~
three crosses formde or. Crest —
A lion's head erased sa. Crede Deo.
Atherton-Friary (Warwickshire). Or, three piles gu. a Atkinson (Mayor of Norwich, 1702). Ar. an eagle displ. sa.
canton erm. on a chief az. a cinquefoil betw. two martlets or.
Atherton (Atherton, co. Lancaster, 1664). Gu. three Atkinson (Morton, co. Nottingham. Her. Visit.). Or, au
sparrow hawks ar. Crest—A swan ar. Another Crest—On eagle displ. gu. beaked and membered az. on a chief of
a perch a hawk belled ppr. ' —
the last three bezants. C)'est ^A dcmi eagle wings displ. or,
Atherton (Lancashire). Ar. two bends and a bordure sa. collared sa.
Atherton, or Atterton (Lancashire). Gu. three Atkinson (Somersetshire). Az. a cross voided betw. four
sparrow-hawks ar. beaked, belled, and jessed or. Crest — lions ramp. or. Crest —An eagle wings expanded ar. beaked
A hawk ppr. legged and beaked or. Aiiother Crest A swan — and legged gu.
az. ducally gorged and lined or. Atkinson (Yorkshire and Northumberland). Erm. a fesse
Atherton (Atherton, co. York). Same Arms. Crest — betw. three pheons sa. d-est A pheon or. —
demi swan ar. beaked gu. enfiled with a ducal coronet or. Atkinson (Eehins and Ballylahan, co. Mayo). Erm. on a
Atherton. Ar. a bay horse, holding in his mouth a tulip fesse per pale gu. and vert three fleurs-de-lis ar, Crest—Aa.
slipped all ppr. eagle displ. with two heads ar. charged on the breast with
Atherton (Wm. Atherton, Esq., M.P. for Durham). Gu. y, —
a fleur-de-hs sa. Motto Est pii Deum et patriam diUgere.
bend engr. betw. three sparrow hawks close ar. Ci-est — Atkinson (granted to Richard Atkinson, Esq., Highfield
Upon a fountain a sparrow hawk close ppr. House, Rathgar, co. Dublin, Lord Mayor of Dublin, 1857 and
Atheson (Scotland). Ar. an eagle displ. with two heads sa. 1861). Erm, on a fess engr. betw. three pheons sa. a civic
Athlll. Ar. on a chev. sa. three pears or. Crest An — crown or. —
Crest On the battlements of a castle ar. flam-
arm embowed in armour holding a sword all ppr. —
mant ppr. a pheon or. Motto Esperanee en Dieu.
Athlone, Earl of. See Ginkell. Atkinson (granted 1604 to Capt. Roger Atkinson). Gu,
Athlo'we (Essex). Ar. on a chev. az. three lions ramp. or. on a bend cotised or, three helmets of the first. Crest—Jl
Athlumney, Lord. See Somerville. wolfs head erased sa.
Athole, Duke
of. See Murrat. Atkinson (Morland, co. 'Westmoreland, and Lee, Kent).
Athorpe (Dinnington, near Sheffield). Per pale nebul6e ar. Gu. an eagle displ. with two heads ar. on chief of the second
and az. two mullets in fesse counterchanged. Crest A fal- — —
three mullets of the first. Crest ^A falcon, wings expanded,
con ppr. beUed or, the dexter claw resting on an escutcheon Atkinson (Rampsbeck Lodge,co. Cumberland). Same
of the Arms. Arms^ &c, as preceding.
Atho'we (Brysley, co. Norfolk). Sa, a chev. betw. three Atkinson. Ar. a cross betw. four mullets pierced az,
carpenters' squares ar. Crest A bird ar. — Atkinson (Cangort, King's Co.). Or, an eagle displ. with
Ath^wat. Az. a lion ramp. ar. Crest A horse's head erm. — two heads az. beaked and legged gu, in chief a rose of the
issuing out of a plume of feathers gu. last seeded gold betw. two martlets sa. Crest—An eagle
Athy (Galway). Chequey gu. and ar. a chev. sa. Crest — displ, with two heads az. beaked and legged gu. Motto—

demi lion ar. AnotJier Orest A lion pass. or. Motto—Duel Deo et regi fidelis.
et non trahi. Atkinson. Gu, an eagle displ. with two heads ar. on a
Athy (John Athy, of Galway, temp. Charles I,). Chequey chief of the last three estoiles of the first,
ar. and gu. on a chev. of the last three estoiles or. Atkinstan. Erm. a fesse betw. three martlets sa.
Athyll. Sa. a chev. betw. three garbs or. C^-est— An arm Atkyns (Saperton Hall, co. Gloucester, granted by Barker,
inarmour embowed holding a sword all ppr. Garter, 1548). Ar. a cross sa. a tressure of a half fleur-de-
Atkins (Bristol and Somersetshire). Or, a cross quarterly hs betw. four mullets pierced of the second. Crest—On a
pierced flory and counterflory az. betw. four mullets sa. mount vert two greyhounds' heads endorsed ar, and sa, col-
Crest —Two hounds' heads endorsed, collar dovetailed per lared and ringed counterchanged. Motto—Yincit cum.
pale or and az. counterchanged erased gu. legibus arma,
Atkins (Buenabt-Atkins, Halsted Place, Seven Oaks, Atkyns (Totteridge, co. Herts). Arms, Crest, and JtfoHo-
Kent). See Buknabt. same as the last.
Atkins Fountain viUe, co. Cork, now represented by Auons-
( Atk3ms (Great Berkhampstead, co. Hertford, and afterwards
TDs Atheling a. M. Atkins, Esq., eldest son of the late T. ofClapham, co. Surrey, extinct barts, represented by Pitt
B. Atkins, Esq., and his wife Sdsanna Adgusta, dau. of Lord Rivers). Az. three bars ar. in chief as many bezants.
Col. NoTTAL Greene, of Kilmanahan Castle, co. Tipperary, Crest —
A stork ar. wings and tail sa, beaked and legged
J.P. and D.L.). Ar. a cross of half fleurs-de-lis betw. four gu. preying on a dragon vert.

mullets sa. pierced of the field. Crest A nag's head erased Atkyns (London). Ar. on a cross cottised flory sa. betw.
sa. bridled ar. —
Motto By the sword also. Honor et virtus.
; four mullets az. pierced of the field, five mullets or.
The Crest and Motto of the Gloucester family of Atktns Atkyns. Ar. a cross form^e az. flory or, betw. four mullets
have been used by some of the branches. —
of the second. Crest ^An arm embowed in armour ppr,
Atkins (Firville, co. Cork, now represented by the Misses holding in the gauntlet a cross form^e fitchee az. flory or.
Charlotte Elizabeth, and Henrietta Louisa Atkins, Atkyns (Yelverton, co. Norfolk). Ar. on a chev. sa. three
daus. and co-heirs of the late Rev. Philip Going Atkins- unicorns' heads erased of the field.
Going). Same as the elder line of Fountainville. One Atlay (Rt. Rev. James Atlat, Bishop of Hereford). See
generation only bore the arms of Atkyns of Yelverton, Atley,
Norfolk, Atlee (Sussex). Az. a lion ramp, ar, (sometimes tail
Atkins (Staffordshire and London, confirmed by Camden, forked). Crest —
^Two hons' heads addorse'e ppr.
Clarenceux, to Henry Atkins, of London, M.D.). Az. three Atley. Ar. a fesse betw. three crescents sa. Crest— On an
barrulets ar. in chief as many bezants. Crest —A pelican escutcheon ar. a pheon az.
ppr. preying on a wyvern vert. Atley, Atleys, or Atleigh. Gu. a cross crosslet eim,
Atkinson (Newark, co. Nottingham, granted 1663. Jasper At-Leese (Lees Court, co. Kent), Gu. a cross crosslet erm.
Atkinson, Esq., of the Mint, son of Henry William Atkin- Atloe, Or, a cross sa.
son, Esq., Provost of the Hon. Company of Moneyers). Erm. Atloe. Per pale indented sa. and ar.

on a fesse sa. tkree pheons ar. Crest ^A pheou or. Motto Atlow. Ar. a chev. betw, three carpenters' squares sa,
—Nil sine labore. Atlow. Ar. a chev. betw. three owls az.
Atmore. at. two bars vert. betw. six martlets gn. three, Atwood. Ar. a lion ramp. gu.
two, and one. Crest —
^A meimaid ppr. crined or, comb Atwood. Ar. a wolf saliant sa. collared of the first within a
and mirror of the last. bordure of the second.
Aton. Or, three covered cups go. Atwood. Ar. a wolf saliant sa. within a bordure engr. of
Aton, De {BaT(ms de AUm, summoned to Parliament in the second, charged with an entoire of eight bezants.
1324, in abeyance, temp. Edward III.)- Or, three bars az. Atwood (Northwick, co. Worcester). Ar. a wolf saliant sa.
on a canton ga. a cross patonce ar. between three torteaux, within a bordure of the second.
Atsea. Or, two bars wavy betw. three shrimps ga. Atwood. Gyronny of eight pieces ar. and or, a wolf
Atsley. Or, on a fesse az. three lions ramp, of the first. saliant sa.
Crat—A. leopard's head erased or, spotted sa. and ducally Atwood. Ar. a greyhound skipping in bend sa.
gorged gold. Atwood. Erm. three leopards' heads az.
Atslov (Downham, co. Essex). At. on a. fesse az. three Atwood. Ar. an oak tree erased vert, fructed or; on a
lions ramp, guard, or. chief az. three treefoils slipped of the third.
Atsoe. Barry wavy of six or and gu. Crest On a chapeau — Atwortb (Suffolk). Ar. a griffin segreant per fesse sa. and
a lion*s head erased gn. go.
Atsoe. Barry wavy of six ar. and gu. three shrimps or. Atwortll. Ar. a grifiSn segreant per fesse az. and sa.
Atsoe. Barmly or £md gu. three shrimps of the second Atwyll. Sa. a pile ar. over all a chev. counterchanged.
(another, of the first). Atwyne, Or, on a bend sa. three goats pass. ar. armed of
Atte Bre&ire Gu. an eagle displ. ar.
(of Kent). the first.

Atte Clmrch. (1431). Quarterly, ar. and sa. Aty, or Attye (Newington, co. Middlesex. Granted
Attehetlie. Gu. on a bend cotised ar. three birds sa. 1583). Az. a bend betw. two lions ramp. or. Crest An —
Atteleys. Gu. a cross crosslet erm. ermine pass. ppr.
Attelounde. Ar. two chev. humettee sa. Ci-est — ^A hound Aubemarle. Gu. a bend lozengy erm. betw. six crosses
conchant guard, ar. crosslet or. —
Crest An ear of wheat bladed, and a palm
Attemore. Ar. a fesse per fesse dancettee gn. and sa. betw. branch saltireways ppr.
three mallets az. Aubemarle. Gu. crusily or, a bend lozengy erm.
Attemore. Erm. a bend sa. Aubemarle. Gu. three fusils in bend erm. voided of the
Atterbury. Paly of eight or and sa. a chief vair. field, betw. six crosses crosslet or.
Atterljxiry (Dr. Fbamcib Atteebubt, Bishop of Eochester). Aubemarle. Gu. a bend lozengy betw. six crosses cross-
Paly of sis or and gu. a chief vair. let or.
Atthill (Brandiston Hall, Cawston, co. Norfolk). Ar. on a Aubemarle. Go. five lozenges in bend, erm. betw. six
chev. gu. three crescents or. Crists —
1st, a deml griflBn crosses crosslet or.
ramp.; 2nd, a falcon or, ducally gorged az. b^ed and Aubemarle. Gu. a cross patonce vair£.
leashed of the first. —
Mottoes ^Honorantes me honorabo; Aubemond, or Aubem.unde. Erm. a chief indented
and Uonte ^e alto. az. replenished with fleurs-de-lis or.
Atton. Or, a cross gu. (another, sa.). Aubemont, Aubemouut, or Aubemonde. Erm.
Atton. Gu. a cross pattee (another, botton^e) ar. Crest-^- on a pile az. three (another six) fleurs-de-lis or.
Oot of a duc^ coronet or, two lions' paws in saltire sa. Aubermiu, Az. a chev. or.
Attree (Fbedebice Wizxiah Town Attbee, lieut. B.E., Aubert. Quarterly, 1st, or, three talbots' heads erased at
eldest son of Bev. Fbancis Town Attbee, B.A., late In- the neck ppr. ; 2nd, paly of six ar. and az. a chief or; 3rd, ar.
cumbent of Middleton by Wirksworth, co. Derby). Per on a chev. sa. three roses of the first; 4th, ar. a lion ramp.
chev. or and vert, in chief two oak trees eradicated ppr. sa. debruised with a fesse gu. all betw. three mullets of six
and in base a cinquefoil of the first. Cre&t On a wreath of — points az. Orest —A
talbot pass. ppr. a broken collar betw.
the colours an oak tree and in front thereof a serpent his fore legs as if fallen from the neck, a line afBxed to the
nowed ppr. collar, and refiexing over the back, and passing betw. the
Attwood (Wolverley Court, Park'Attwood, and Perdiswell, hind legs, with a double bow at the end, all or. Motto —
Worcester, Visit. 1634). Gu. a lion ramp, double queued ar. Fide et fortitudine.
(Vat—As represented in a window in Wolverley Church, a Aubert (John Daniel Adbeet, Esq.). Per pale az. and gu.
swan's head issoing ^m
a coronet. a tilting spear in pale ppr. surmounted by an hauberk or
Attwood (Stoke Bishop, and Shlrehampton, co. Gloucester, —
coat of mail or.- Crett A tilting spear erect ppr. passing
Yisit. 1623). Gu. semee of acorns a lion ramp. ar. Crest — through an hauberk, as in the Arms. Motto ^Aides Dieu. —
A demi lady holding a bEdance and scales ppr. Aubertin (Yeulands, Banstead, co. Surrey). Az. on a fesse
Attwood (Bevere, co. Worcester). Same as preceding. or, betw. three plates in chief and a cross moline in base
Atty (Penley HaU, co. Flint, Ingon Grange, and Bagby, co.
— ar. an eagle displ. sa. Crest —
Two banners of the arms in
Warwick). Az, a bend betw. two lions ramp. or. Crest saltire. —
Motto Esto fideUs.
On —
a dacal coronet a fox pass. Motto ^Eamus guo ducit Aubervil (Suffolk). Per fesse dancettee az. and ar. two
fbrtona. annulets in chief and one in base counterchanged.
Attyngrham. fia. a bend ar. Aubery (Lord Mayor of London, 1339, 1340, and 1351). Or,
Atwater (Kent). Sa. a fesse voided (another, wavy) ar. a saltire az. betw. four grifi&ns' heads erased gu.
betw, three swans ppr. Aubery (Suffolk). The same, field ar.
Atwater. Vert a hon ramp, guard, with two bodies and Aubery, Aurrey, and Arobrey (Herefordshire). Gu.
one head or, within a bordure engr. ar. a fesse engr. ar.
Atwater. Vert two lions sejant with two bodies and one Aubigney. Gn. a fesse engr. ar.
head within a bordure engr. ar. Aubin, St. Ar. on a cross gu. betw. four erm. spots sa. five
Atwater. Barry wavy of six ar. and gn. three crevices bezants. —
Crest On a rock a Cornish chough ppr.
(another, three dolphins) or, two and one. Anbiu, St. (Cornwall). Or, on a cross sa. five bezants.
Atwater. Erm. on a chief gu. three roses or. Crest—^Tx a rock an eagle rising ar.
Atwell (Mamhead, co. Devon, Camden's grants, 1614). Ar. Aubley, or Aubly. Gu. a fesse betw. two chev. or.
a pile in pointsa. and a chev. counterchanged. Orest ^A lion — Crest —
^A dexter hand ppr. holding a cross patt€e fitch^e gu,
ramp, erminois holding in the paws an annulet or. in pale.
Atwell (Devonshire). Ar. three leopards' heads az. Aubrey (Lantrithyd Park, co. Glamorgan, hart.). Az. a
Atwell, or Atwill (Devonshire). Ar. a pile gu. a bor- chev. betw. three eagles' heads erased or. Crest .An eagle's —
dure engr. or. —
head erased or. Motto Solem fero.
Atwood (Bromfield, Essex). Ar. on a fesse raguly az. three Aubrey (Broom Hall, co. Salop). Arms and Crest the same.
fleurs-de-lis or. Crest —On a branch of a tree trunked lying Aubrey (Dorton House, Bucks. Chaeies Aubbet Bicketts,
fesseways or, a fleur-de-lis az. betw. two sprigs vert. Esq., was authorized by Eoyal Warrant, 7th March, 1874, to
Atwood (Broughton, co. Salop). Gu. a lion rsunp. double take the surname of Auebet only, and to bear quarterly the
queued ar. AuBBET and Bicketts arms in compliance with the will of
Atwood. Gu. a lion ramp. ar. —^An
Crest antelope's head his grand xmcle Sir John Aubeet, last bart.). Quarterly,
ppr. 1st and 4th, az. a chev. betw. three eagles' heads erased or,
Atwood (Suffolk). Gu. a lion ramp. betw. six acorns
ar. for AuBEEV : 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a chev. engr. betw. three
slipped or. Cre,i—A cubit arm in armour erect ar. holding qoatrefoils gu. an escallop of the field betw. two scimitars
in the hand ppr. a battle-axe. —
chevronwise ppr., for Bicketts. Crests Aubeey, an eagle's
Atwood. Gu. (another, sa.) the field replenished with acorns head erased or; Eicketts, issuant from a wreath of quatre-
or, a lion ramp. ar. foils gu. an arm embowed, vested ar. charged with two
Atwood, Gu. a lion ramp. erm. escallops also gu. the hand holding a scimitar ppr. Motto-'
Atwood. Gu. a lion ramp. gu^d. ar. Solem fero.
Aubrey (Clehonger, co. Hereford). Az. a chev. betw. three place. Visit. Middlesex, 1663, granted by Camden, Claren-
falcons* heads erased or. ceux). Or, a fess cotised betw. three conies sa. Crest—A
Aubyn, St, (Alfoxton, co. Somerset). See St. Albtn. martlet sa.
Aucher (of Saxon origin, originally of Losenham, and Audouin (East Hill, co. Wicklow, granted 1801 to Geobqe
afterwards of Otterden and BishopsbouTne, Kent, Taart.). AuDOUiN, Esq., of that place). Az. on a pale or, four
Enn, on a chief &z. three lions ramp, or, armed and langued bendlets sa. Crest—A stag's head erased ppr. Motto—

gu. Crest A Ijull's head erased gu. Chasse pour foi.
Auchinleck (Balnmnno, co. Perth). Ar. a cross counter- Audouin-Lamb. See Lamb.
embattled sa., said to be the arms of Balmanno, which the Audrin. Ar. on a cross gu. five lioncels ramp, or.
first Auchinleck of this family took on his marriage with the Audry (Wiltshire). Ar. on a bend betw. two cottises az.
heiress of BaJmanno of that Ilk. three cinquefoils of the field. Crest —A stag trippant ppr.
Aucliizileck (that Ilk, co. Angus). Ar. three bars sa. Audyn Ar. on a cross gu. five Uoncels
Crest— Aji ear of rye ppr. ^oi(o— Pretiosum quod utile. sahent or,a mullet gu. for diff. —
Crest A lion pass,
Auchinleck (Crevenagh House, co. Tyrone, and Shamrock crowned or, bearing on the shoulder a pascal banner dis-
Green, co. Fermanagh). Ar. a cross counter embattled sa. velloped ar. staff and cross gu. (some bear the lion ramp,
in the 1st quarter a bugle horn az. stringed and embellished per pale or and ar. holding up the banner).
or, and in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters an estoile gu. Crest Audyn (Dorchester). Ar. on a cross gu. five lioncels ramp,
—A wheat stalk bladed and eared all ppr. Jfo«o—Pretiosum or. —
Crest ^A lion pass, his tail extended or, bearing a
quod utile est. banner ar. charged with a cross gu.
Auchmenan. Ar. a chev. betw. two cinquefoils gu. in Aufferton. Az. two chev. or.
chief ajid a saltire couped in base az. AxifElrick. Gu. three legs armed ppr. conjoined in the
Auchmuty (that Ilk, eo. Fife). Ar. a broken spear bend- centre at the upper part of the thighs, fiexcd in a triagle
ways betw. two mullets az. garnished and spurred or. Crest—Two arms embowed and
Auchmuty (Brianstown," co. Longford, and Kilmore, co. erect in armour, holding in their hands a gem ring all ppr.
Eoscommon, a branch of the ancient Scottish family of Aufrere (Burnside, co. Westmoreland, and Foulsham Old
Auchmuty of that Ilk, co. Fife, which settled lit Ireland in Hall, CO. ITorfolk). Ar. a chev. gU. betw. in cluef two
the early part of the 17th century). Ar. the upper part of a bunches of grapes ppr. (purple and green leaves) and ia
broken spear bendwise betw. two spur-rowels (or mullets of base a lion ramp, of the second. Crest A Uon ramp. gu. —
six points pierced) az. Motto—rEsto quod esse videris.
Auchmuty (as above, a crescent for diff., quartered Auger (Bordeaux, Fi-ance, Arms confirmed in Ireland, and
by W. A. Ttssen Amhdest, Esq., of Didlington Hall, (see Crest granted 10 Feb. 1701, to Paul Augee, a refugee, with
Ajbhuest) as representative of Doecas Auchmott, sole some of his younger brothers, at the Revocation of the Edict
heir of Thomas Auchmuty, second son (who left issue) of of Nantes, tenth son of Paul Augee, of Bordeaux, merchant).
Thomas Auchmutv, Esq., of Erianstown, co. Longford, and Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. on a mount in base a Cupid shoot-
DoBCAS n^e Townley his wife. ing at a jay perched on a tree all ppr., on a canton az. issuing
Auchmuty (Gen. Sir Samuel Benjamin Auchmuty, K.C.B.). from the dexter chief point, rays of the sun or ; 2nd and 3rd,
Ar. the upper part of a broken spear bendways betw. two or, a stalk with three thistles betw. two palm branches in
mullets of six points az. pierced of the field. Crest An — saltire ppr. Crest— On a mount an oak tree thereon perched
arm embowed in armour ppr. holding the lower part of a a jay all ppr.
broken spear hendways az. Motto^'Duni spiro spero. Aug-hton [pevonshire). Ar. «. chev. engr. betw. three
Auchterlouy. See Ochteblont. fl.eurB-de-lis sa.
Auckland, Baron. See Eden. Augrhton (Hadlington, co. Lancaster). Sa. three garbs or.
Audhoroug-h. Az. a fesse ar. betw. three crosses cross- Auke. Gu. two bars ar. in chief three annulets of the last. ,

let or. Crest— An escallop or, betw. two wings az. Auld, Ar. on a mount vert, a tree pierced through in bend
Audlby, or Eudeby. Gu. on a bend or, (another, ar.) by a sword ppr. upon the point a crown. Crest ^A lion's —
three martlets sa. bead erased.
Audeley. Gu. a fret or, within a bordure ar. Crest~X Auld, or Aulde. Erm. on a chief gu. two griffins respect-
mullet of six points or, betw. two wings az.
— —
ing each other ar. Crest A cherub's head ppr. wings in
Audesley. Ar. two lions' paws erased in saltire gu. saltier. Motto ^Virtute e,t constantiS.
Audice. Ar. three hinds' ears gu. Auldis (Scotland 1826). Ar. three hearts conjoined in triangle
Audin. Ar. on a cross gu. five Uoncels ramp, or, in the by the points gu. in base a miillet sa. on a chief az. a saltier
first quarter an annulet. Crest —
A lion pass, or, in the of the first, surmounted of a deer's head cabossed and
dexter paw a banner gu. thereon a cross ar. —
counterchanged. Crest ^The trunk of an oak with a branch
Audlem (Audlem, co. Chester). See Aldblym. spurting forth on either side vert. Motto Non deficit —
Audley (Sir James Audley, K.G., one of the Founder alter.
Knights of the Garter). Gu. a fret or. Aule. Sa. three awls, points erect ar. hafts or.
Audley, Baron. See Touchet. Aules. Az. a chev. betw. three awls points reversed ar.

Audley, or Alditheley (Lord AudUy of Heleigh, sum- hafts or.

moned 15 May, 1321 ; the heiress, Joane, dan. of James, Aumerle. Per fesse az. and gu. three crescents ar. Crest
Lord Audley, temp. Edward III. m. Sir John Touchet, and —An arrow in pale ppr.
the grandson of this marriage. Sir John Touchet, was sum- Aumerle. Gu. a cross patonce vair (another, ar.),

moned as Baron Audley). Gu. a fret or. Orest—AB the last.

Audley (Lwd Audley of Walden, co. Essex, 1538, extinct Aumont (Guernsey). Ar. a chev. betw. seven martlets gn.
1544). Quarterly, per pale indented or and az. on a bend of four in chief and three in base.
the second betw. two eagles displ. gold a fret betw. two Auncell (Cornwall). Gu. a saltire engr. ar. betw. four
martlets of the last. Crest— On a chapeau g*. turned up bezants.
erm. a wyvem with wings endorsed, quarterly or and az. Auncell. Gu. five fusils in bend or.
Another Crest—The wyvem with wings endorsed ppr. Auncell. Or, a bend gu.
Audley (Beerchurch, co. Essex). Or, on a fesse az. betw. Auncell. Gu. a bend fusily ar.
three conies' heads couped sa. three martlets ar. Aundby. Ar. three chev. and a fesse gu.
Audley (Hugh Audley, co. Gloucester, temp. Edward II.). Aundelig:h. Barry of four sa. and ar. on a chief or, three
Gu. a fret of six pieces and a border or. crosses crosslet of the first. Crest-—A sceptre in pale or.
Audley. Gu. a fret or. Crest—A Saracen's head couped Aundy. Ar. on a bend cottised az. three roses or.
ppr. wreathed about the temples ar. and purp. Aune. Or, three birds betw. two cottises in bend sa.
Audley. Gu. a fret or, within a bordure ar. Aung:ate. Per bend embattled gu. and erm. Crest—On a
Audley. Gu. a fret or, within a bordure counter-compony torteau an estoile or.
ar. and vert. Aungell, or Angell. Or, a fesse lozengy az. over all a
Audley. Gu. a fret of eight or, a label az. bendlet gu.
Audley. Ar. six bears' paws erased in saltire, four in Aunger, or Anger. Erm. on a chief az. three mascles
chief and two in base sa. ar.
Audley. Gu. on a chev. or, three martlets sa. Aungier. Erm. a grifen segreant per fesse or and az-
Audley, or Audly (granted 1608). Or, a fesse cottised Crest—An escarbuncle or.
betw. three conies sa. Crest martlet sa.—A Aungier (Fun. Ent. of Sir Francis Aungiek, Master of the
Audley (ancient from MS. Arms Visit. Stafford, 1583.). Az. EoUs in Ireland, temp. James I.). Erm. a griffin segreant az.
three butterflies volant ar. armed gu. forelegs and claws or, quartering, gu. a boar pass,
Audley (Sutton, co. Kent. Hugh Audley, of the Inner or, armed and langued az.
Temple, d. s. p. 1662, son of John Audley, of the former Aungier (Earl <if Lon^ord, ext., 1704). Erm. a grifBn
eegreant az. armed and langned gn. beaked and forelegs and Autingrliaxa. See Antinghau.

daws or. Crest A griffin of the arms holding an escarbuncle Autrey (Hampshire). Az. a fesse fusily ar. in chief a label
or. —
Supporters ^Dexter a lion az. armed and langued gn. of five points or,
charged on the shoulder with an escarbuncle or, sinister a Autreyn (Sussex). Az. a fesse fusily ar. over all a bendlet
griffin az. armed and langued gu. beaked and forelegged or, ^•

wings addorsed erm. Motto Scio cui confido. Avan (Wales). Ar, on a bend gu. an annulet or (another,
AtLXisell. Paly ar. and az. a baston gu. three annulets).
Axueichier, or Aurticher. Or, in the dexter chief point Aveland, Lord.. See Heathcotb,
a Uon pass, in the sinister chief point and in base a dnque- Aveleirs (Suffolk). Ar. three escutcheons gu. two and one,
foil, ^ sa. Aveline (Windsor and Frogmore, co. Berks). Per pale az.
Aurelis. Gn. three cinquefoils ar. Crest —A demi youth and gu. three eagles displ. or. Crest —A lion's head erased
ppr. Tested ar. coat az. buttoned or. ar, holding in themouth paleways a sword ar, hilt and
Auriol (Iiondon and Brussels). Ar. on a mount vert a tree pom el or.
of the last} with two birds* nests pendent by strings gu. Aveling: (Wisbeach). Az. a griffin pass. ar. on a chief engr,
Creit An— eagle rising, right wing erect, left close. or, —
a cross crosslet fitchde of the field. Crest ^A griffin pass-
Ausbome. Sa. biUettee or, a griffin segreant of the last. or, winged and ducally gorged az. resting dexter foot on a
Auscot. Erm. a chev. gobony ar. and az. betw. three cross crosslet as in the Arms.
leopards' heads of the third. Aven, or Avery (Gloucestershire). Gu. three chev. ar.
Auste. Sa. three garbs or. Crest —A
garb ppr. Avenant (Shelsley-Walsh, co. Worcester, Visit. 1682-3).
Austell (SherifC of Cornwall, Edward III. and Henry IV.). Erm. on a pale gu. a cross form6e flory or, on a chief sa. a
At. a saltire raguly gu. billet ofthe third within a mascle betw. two escallops ar.
Austen (Tenterden, co. Kent, and Guildford co. Surrey). —
Crest A parrot's head erased vert betw. two wings expanded
Az. a chev. betw. three birds or. Crest —A
three-quarter per pale az. and gu. double collared or, in the beak of the
Bprea(l eagle, with three annulets on the breast. third, an ohve branch of the first.
Austen (Grovehurst and Broadford, co. Kent, from which Anenayne, or Avenar. Gu. a fesse betw. six annulets
family derives Austen of Hertfordshire and Hamp- ar. Crest —
A buck's head cabossed ppr.
shire, of which was Jane Austen, the novelist. Her Avene. Gu. a chev. ar,
brother, Edwabd Austen, Esq. inheriting the Godmersham Avenell (Netherhaddon, co. Derby. The co-heiress, temp.
estates, assumed the surname and arms of Enight). Or, King John, m. Veenon and Baesett). Gu. six annulets ar.
a chev. go. betw. three lions' gambs erect, erased sa. Avenell, or Avenett (Cambridgeshire). Ar. a fesse

armed of the second. Crest On. a rnvral crown or a stag betw. six annulets gu. Crest —
Out of a baron's coronet a
sejant ar. attired gold. band holding a scimetar ppr.
Atisten (Capel Manor, Horsmonden, Kent). Or, on a chev. Avenell (Gloucestershire). Ar, six annulets gu,
betw. three lions' gambs erect sa. as many plates. Avenell. Or, on a fesse gu. three crosses crosslet of the
Austen <Taywell, co. Kent, granted 20 April, 1603). The first.

same Arms and Crest. Avenell (Blackpool, parish of South Molton, co. Devon,
Austen (Norfolk). Az. a chev. or. quartered by Hdyshe, of Sand, Wtkes, of North Wykes, and
Austen (Norfolk). Az. a chev. ar. betw. three birds or. Holcohbe, who m. the daus. and co-heirs of John Avenell,
Austen. Ar. on a chev. gu. three lozenges or, each charged about 1450.) Ar. five fusils in fesse sa. betw. two cottises gu.
with a cross crosslet fitchee sa. Avenell (Loxbeare, co. Devon. Eleakob, dau. and heir of
Austen. Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three lions' gambs bendy John Avenell, ^n. Edwabu Hicbabds, who d. 5 Henry Vlll.
and erased sa. as many crescents or. ivq. p. m. BicHABDS seems to have adopted the Avenell
Austen. Ar. on a fesse betw. two chev. sa. three crosses Arms). Same Arms*
crosslet or. Avenet, or Avnett. Ar. on a fesse betw. eix annulets
Austen. Gu. a saltire engr. erm. betw. four plates. gu. three annulets of the first.Crest —
On a torteau a lion's
Austen co. Surrey).
(Shalford, Az. a, chev. ar. betw. head erased or.
three Cornish choughs or. Crest —
A falcon or, on a Aveney (Gloucestershire), The same as Aven-

leopard's head az. Motto ^Ne quid nimis. Avenon (Lord Mayor of London, 1569, Her. Visit. London,
Austill. Ar. a saltire raguly vert. 1568). Erm. on a pale gu. a cross fiory or, on a chief sa. a
Austin (Walpoole, co. Norfolk), Gu. a chev. betw. three billet of the third within a mascle betw. two escallops ar.
long crosses or. Crest —A parrot's head erased vert, wings expanded per pale
Austin (Surrey, Camden's Grants, 1611). Ar. on a chev. and gu. double collared or, holding in his beak of the third
betw. two chevs. sa. three crosses or. Crest —
A passion cross an olive branch of the first.
or, betw. two wings erect sa. Avenon, or Avenant (London.) Arms as Avenant, of
Austin (Camden's Grants). Or, a chev. gu. betw. three Shelsley.
lions' g^nbs erased and erect sa. —
Crest On a mural crown Avensly, or Anstey. Barry of six ar. and az. over all
or, a stag statant ar. a bendlet gu.
Austin. Gu. a chev. engr. erm. betw. three ducal coronets Avensly. The same with a bendlet compony and gu. ar.
or. Cfrest — ^A pascal lamb ar. Averance. Gu. crusily or, a bend of mascles erm.
Austin (Doddington Grove, co. Surrey). Gu. on a chev. Averance. Gu. five fusils in bend erm. betw, three crosses
ar. betw, three duc^ crowns or, as many crosses pattee of crosslet or.
the Crest
field. —
A ducal coronet or, thereon a pascal lamb Averell (co.' Gloucester, Smith's Ordinary). Az. a cross
ppr. Motto —
Crux nostra corona. erm. f^nry or, in dexter point a buck's head cabossed ar,
Alistin (The Et. Eev. William Pieeci Austin, D.D., first attired of the third.
Bishop of Guiana). Gn. on a chev. engr. betw, three passion Averill (Broadway, co. Worcester, settled there since 1602).
crosses or, as many lions' heads erased of the field. Crest Gu. a cross fleury erm, charged in chief with a buck's head
— ^A demi lion or, holding betw. the paws a passion cross gu. of the field. Crest—A buck's head, cabossed, as in the
and charged on the body with three fusils two and one az. Arms.
Austin-Gourlay. See Gouelat. Avering'. Or, five chev. az.
Austrey (Hartington, co. Bedford). Barry wavy of six ar. Avering'e. Ar. a cross gu. within a bordore sa. (another,
and az. on a chief gu. three bezants. Crest A demi ostrich— the bordnre engr.).
ar. wings gu. Avering:es. Ar. a cross gu. within a bordure sa. Crtstr^
Austrey (Sommerton, co. Huntingdon, and Yorkshire). A raven sa,
^nTwthesame. Crest—An ostrich's head erased ar. betw. Averinges (Folkstone). Or, five chev. gu.
two ostrich wings gu. in the beak a horseshoe sa. Avem (Warwickshire). Or, on a chev. sa. betw. three boars'
Austyn (Somersetshire). Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three heads erased of the second, armed and langued gu. a mullet
Uons' gambs bent and erased of the second, three bezants. ar. Crest—A horse's head erm.
Austyn (Cornwall). Ar. a fesse betw. six martlets gu. Avertliorp. Sa. a cross flory or.
Austyn, Az. a chev. betw. three birds or, beaked and Avery (Huwish, co. Somerset and Enfield, co. Middlesex).
legged gu. Gu. a fesse (sometimes a chev.) or, betw. three bezants. Crest
Austyn. Ar. on a fease betw. two chev. sa. three crosses —^Two lions' gambs or, supporting a bezant.
crosslet or. Avery (Fun. Ent. Ire., 1682). Sa, a chev. or, betw. three
Austyn. Az. a chev. betw. three falcons or, beaked and bezants.
legged gu.- Avery (Haddon, co. Derby). Ar. six annulets gu. three, two,
Austyn (John Aubtyk, of London, jeweller, le Neve's and one.
Knights.) Vert a chev. engr, erm. betw. three ducal coronets Avery, or Averey (Fillongley, co. Warwick, 1579.
or. Confirmed by Cooke, Clarenceux), Erm. on a pale engr. az.

35 D 3


three lions' heads couped or. Cresf—An ounce conchant ar. Aylesbxiry. Az. a cross ar. over all a label ga,
"bezantee ducally gorged or. Cresti — ^First, a staff erect raguly or ; second, u dragon's
Avery {Smith*s Ordifw,ry), Sa. a chev. or, hetw. three head or, gorged with three bars gu.
bezants. Crest —A
bezant betw. two lion's paws. Aylesbury (Aylesbury, co. Bucks, of whom was John
Avesnes. Bendy of six gn. and ar. DB Atlesbtjhy, sheriff in 1377 and 1381). Az. a cross ar.
Avesness. Bendy of six ar. and gu. Aylesbury (John Atlesburt, or Ailesburt, of Erdington,.
Avison, Az. three wheat sheaves or. Ch-e&t— ^A dexter CO. Warwick, whose dau. and heir m. Somervillb of Somer-
hand vested, cuffed, holding an anchor. ville Aston, same co. Said John was 5th in descent from
Avoumore, "Viscount, See Telverton. Walter de Aylesbort, tem-p, Edward I.). Ar. a cross az.
Awbene, Gu. six lozenges ar. three escallops in chief or. Aylesford, Earl of. See Finch.
Awbigney. Sa. three helmets ar. Aylesford. Gu. a fret engr. erm.
A^bmarle (Dorsetshire). Gu. five fusils in bend erm. Aylesworth (Kineton, co. Warwick, Visit. Warwick). Ar,.
betw. six crosses crosslet or. a fesse engr. betw. six billets three and three gu.
ATWljoni, Az. a pillar or column erect betw. two angels' Aylet, Az. three annulets ar.
wings elevated or. —
Crest A unicorn pass, or, gorged with Aylet (Howells, co, Essex). Gu. three annulets and a chief ar.,.
a ducal coronet and chained sa. as augmentation a canton or, charged with the rose of Eng-
A^vbre (Suffolk). Ar. a saltire betw. four grifBns' heads
erased sa.
land. Crest
ar. ——
An arm gu. holding a sword hilted or, blade
Motto ^Not in vain.
Awbrey (Chadenwich and Burton, co. Wilts). Bendy of Aylett (Braintree, co. Essex). Az. a fesse embattled betw.
eight erm. and gu. three unicorns' heads erased ar. crined and armed or. Crest
Awbrey. Ax. a chev. betw. three eagles' heads erased or. — A demi unicorn reguard. ar. crined and armed or.

Crest An eagle's head erased or. Ayleward (Norfolk). Per p^e sa. and ar. two fieurs-de-Iis
Awbrey, Gu. a fesse engr. erm. in p^e counterchanged. Orest — ^Betw. the horns of a cre-
Awdrey (Devonshire and Oxfordshire). Ar. on a hend scent or, a cross pattee ga.
cottised az. three roses or. Crest —
On a lion's gamh. ppr. Ayleward. Sa. a chev. betw. three garbs or.
a chev. or, charged with a mullet sa. Ayleway (Taunton, co. Gloucester). Az. a lion ramp, or,,

Awdry (Seend, co. Wilts). Ar. on a bend cottised az. three betw. three crosslets fitchee ar.
cinquefoils or. CVesf— Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's Aylewortli, Sa on a bend ar. three birds gu., on a chief
head az. Motto —NU sine deo. or, three reindeers' heads cabossed of the first
Awdry (Notton,co. Wilts, a branch of theAwDRTS of Seend). Ayleford. Gu. fretty erm. (another, or). Crest—A fire
Same Arms and Crest. betw. two branches of palm in orle both ppr.
Awg:er, or Ag-er (Kent and Gloucestershire). Erm. on Aylford, or Aynford. Gu. a fret engr. erm.
a chief az. a lion ramp. ar. Orest—Ii. bull's head erased gu. Ayliffe (London and Brinksworth, co. Wilts). Ar. on ;i
attired ar. chbv. engr. sa. betw. three stars gu. streaming on the dexter
Awin^. and gu. over all a lion ramp. ar.
Quarterly, vert side downwards in bend or, as many bucks' faces of the-
Crest —On a quatrefoU party per cross gu. and vert, a lion's field. Crest— OMt of a ducal coronet or, an oak tree ppr.
head on a wreath ar. fructed gold,
Awmack, or AUmack. Crest—A. tower ppr. Motto — Ayliffe (Skeres, co. Hants). Quarterly, gu. and sa. a lion
Cavendo Tutus. ramp. betw. three crosses pattee or, all within a bordure ar.
Awnsaxri. Ar. on a canton sa. a fleur-de-lis or. Crc»t An — charged with eight torteaux.
escallop shell or, betw. two palm branches vert. Aliffe. Quarterly, gu. and sa.
Awnsar, Ar. three talbots' heads erased gu. Aylmer (Lyons co. Eildare, settled in Ireland since the I2tli
Awood. Ar. an oak tree vert acorned or, on a chief az. century). Ar. a cross sa. betw. four Cornish choughs ppr.
three trefoils slipped of the third. Creit —A Cornish chough rising out of a ducal coronet all-
Awsthwaite (Awsthwaite, co. Cumberland, extinct temp. ppr. Motto —
Edward III. ; the heiress m. Stanley). Gu. two bars ar. in Aylmer (Donadea Castle, co. Kildare, hart., a branch of the
chief three mullets of six points pierced or. ancient house of Atlmee of Lyons). Ar. a cross sa. betw.
Allirston (London, Camden's grants, 1606). Ar. on a fess four Cornish choughs ppr. Crest—A Cornish chough rising
betw. two chevronels sa. three bezants each charged with a out of a ducal coronet all ppr. Motto Hallelujah. —
cross crosslet of the second. Crest —
A greyhound's head Aylmer (confirmed by Camden, Clarenceux, June 1647, to-
couped ar. gorged with a plain collar sa. charged with three Sir John Aylmer and Samuel Aylmer, of Hoglingtoo,
bezants. alias Nowden Hall, co. Essex). Ar. a cross betw. four sea-
Awstrey. The same as Austret. aylets sa. beaked and legged gu. Crest On a marquess's —
Awys. Ar. a chev. betw. three foxes' heads erased (another, coronet an aylet's head erased sa. beaked gu. betw. two
couped) gu. eagles' wings expanded gold.
Axall, or Aaceson. Gu. three axes ar. Aylmer (London). Or, on a cross engr, betw. four martlets
Axgrlfi&th.. Quarterly, gu. and or, four leopards' faces sa. five bezants within a bordure gobonated purp. and ar.
counterchanged. Aylmer, Ar. a fesse betw. three asses pass. gu.
Amtell, Az. three axes ar. handles or. {Lord Aylmer). Ar. a cross sa. betw. four Cornish,
Axton, Gu. a fesse erm. —
choughs ppr. d'est Out of a ducal coronet or, a Cornish
Ayala (Spain). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. two wolves pass. chough rising ppr. Supporters—Two sailoTstemp. George I-
in pale sa. within a bordure gu. charged with eight saltires affront^e ppr. habited az. the dexter holding a cross staff,

or; 2nd and 3rd, or, a four towered castle az., for Castile. sinister a lead-line, also ppr. Motto Steady. —
Ayburg-, Ar. two bars vert. (Walworth Castle, co. Durham, a branch of Aylmeb
Ayde. Or, a fesse counter embattled betw. three leopards' of Donadea). Same Arms, Crest, and Motto.
heads az. Ayloffe (Braxted Magna, Essex, and Framfield, co. Sussex,
Ayer, Az. three barks or. and also of Suffolk). Sa. a Hon ramp, collared gu. betw.
Ayer, Gu. three covered cups ar. three crosses form€e or. Crest —
A demi lion or, collared'
Ayer, or Ayre (Nottinghamshire). Gu. three doves close gu.
ar. beaked and membered or. Ayloffe (Kent and Wiltshire). Quarterly, gu. and sa. a lioa-
Ayerst. Ar. on a bend engr. az. a sun in chief or, and an ramp. betw. three crosses formee fitchee or, collared az.
eagle wings elevated of the field in base; in the sinister within a bordure pellettee.
chief point a cross flory gu. Ayloft. Ar. a fesse betw. three hens sa.
Ayest, Per pale or and gu, three roundles coimter- Aylward (ShankiU Castle, co. Kilkenny). Az. a fleur-fle-
changed. lis betw. in the dexter chief and sinister base an estoile, and
Ayg"le, Sa. three lions pass, guard, in pale ar. Crest — ^A in sinister chief and dexter base an increscent or. Crest-
bugle horn ar. Out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter arm embowed mailed,
Ayland, Sa. on an inescutcheon ar. a bend gu. the hand ppr. holding an anchor of the first.
Aylberton. Or, two bars betw. three ogresses within a Aylward (Suffolk). Ar. on a saltire az. betw. four griffins'
bordure engr. sa. heads erased gu. a leopard's face betw. four lozenges or.
Ayle. Or, three palets sa. Aylward. Ar. on a cross az. a leopard's face befcw. four
Aylemer. Ar. on a cross engr. ea. five bezants betw. four lozenges or.
sea aylets within a bordure gobonated az. and purp. Aylwarde, or Alwarde (Suffolk). Ar. a saltier az.
Aylemer, Ar. a cross betw. four eaglets close gu. betw. four griffins' heads erased gu.
Aylemer, Ar. a cross sa. betw. four daws ppr. Aylworth (Devonshire, Gloucestershire, and Kent). Ar. a
Ayleph (Fun. Ent. Ire., 1758). Sa, a lion ramp. betw. three
crosses formee or.
fesse engr. bet^v. six billets gu. Crest —
^An arm habited sa.
issuing out of rays or, in the hand ppr. a human skull ar.


Aylworth. Ar. on a fesse engr. cottiscd
(Somersetshire). Aytou. Barry of six or and az. on a canton gu. a cross
betw. six (another, three) billets gu. three infants' heads pattee ar. Crest —A band gauntleted holding a hawke's
conped at the shoulders of the first, crined or. Crest Aa — lure ppr.
the la«t. Ayton. Gu. a cross patonce ar.
Aylworth. (co. Essex). Az. a fleur-de-lis or, betw. three Aytoun (that Ilk, co. Berwick, the heiress
m. Geoege, son
bezants, of the Lord Home, and the male representation passed
Aylworth. (Tackley, co. Oxford, Her. Visit.). Ar. a chev. to Aytodnof Dunmure, co. Fife). Ar. a cross engr. betw.
engr. betw. six billets gu, four roses gu. Crest
— —
A hand pulling a rose ppr. Motto
Aylworth. Ar. on a fesse engr. betw. six. billets gu. a ^Decerptae dabunt odorem.
crescent of the first. Aytoun (Inchdaimie, co. Fife). The same, with a crescent
Aylworth. Sa. a chev. betw, three garbs or. ar. in fesse point for diff. Ci-est A rose gu. Motto— —
Ayucotes. Ar, three covered cups az. on a chief gu. a Virtute orta occidunt rarius.
tower or, betw. two lions pass, of the field. Crest — Aytoxm (Kinaldie. co. Fife). Ar. a cross engr. betw. four
covered cup or, between two wings sa, roses gu. a bordure of the second. Crest —A rose tree vert,
Ayncotts. Ar. three covered cups az. a chief gu. flowered gu. —
Motto Et decerptse dabunt odorem.
Ayncotts. At. a tower triple-towered az. betw. three Aytoun (Sii John Aytoun, of Kippo, Gentleman Usher of
covered cups, the lower part sa. the upper of the second. the Black Rod, temp. Charles II.). Ar, on a cross engr, betw.
Crest—A squirrel sejant gu. collared or. four roses gu. a baton sa. ensigned on the top with one of the
Ayucourt. Ar. a fesse dancett^e betw. ten billets sa. in lions of England. Crest and Motto as Attoon of Kinaldie.
chief a label of three points gu.
Ayucourt. Az. billettee, a fesse dancettee or.
Aynesford. Gu. a fret engr. erm.
Aynesford, or Alford. Gu. fretty erm. BAA (Bedfordshire, Harl. MSS. 1531, voL I.). Gu. a chev.
Aynesworth (Lancashire). Gu. three battle-axes ar. betw. three plates.
Crest—Two battle-axes in saltier ppr. Motto Courage — Baa, or Sao (Bedfordshire). Gu. a chev. betw. three
sans peur. mullets ar. (another, the mullets with six points pierced ar.).
Aynesworth. Az. three spades ar. (another, within a Baad, or Bad (Scotland). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a
bordure or). Crest —
As the last. galley ar. : 2nd and 3rd, or, a crescent sa. Crest —A dexter
Aynesworth. Ar. on a bend sa. three crescents of the first. hand ppr. holding a trident az.
Aynford. See Avlfobd. Baare, or Bare. Gu. three Hons ar.
Aynisworth. See Atneswoeth, Lancashire. Bahalake. Ar. on a chev. betw. three crosslets fitchee az-
Aynscoxub (Mayfield, Sussex, and Cowdon, Kent). Ar. a five bezants.
chev. betw. three fieurs-de-lis sa. Crest —
^A cubit arm erect, Babastre. Az. four fusils in pale or.
in the hand ppr. a fieur-de-lis sa. Babb, or Babe. Barry of six ar. and sa, on a canton of
Aynscourt. Ar. an imperial eagle displayed ga. the last, a leopard's face or. Crest A dexter hand erect—
Asmsley (Mdebay-Aynslei of Little Harle Tower, North- pointing with two fingers to the sun ppr.
umberland, andUnderdown, co. Hereford). Gu. on a bend Babbingi;on. Gu. three bezants (another, plates).
erm. betw, two quatrefoils or, three mullets of six points Babe (Castle DerTer,co. Louth). Az. three crescents, two
sa., quartering, for Mdbkay, az. three mullets and in chief an and one or. Crest —'On a mound a babe in swaddling
annulet ar. within a double tressure flory counterflory or. clothes all ppr.
Crest —A man in armour, holding in the dexter hand a BabehanL, or Babehaw (London). Sa. on a chev.
«word erect ppr. pomel and hilt or, on his breast a shield, betw. three wings ar. as many torteaux, each charged with,
thereon the arms of Avnslzt. Motto Forth fortxme and— a pheon or. Crest A — demi man ppr. wreathed on the head
fiU the fetters. with a knot gu. holding in his right hand a wing sa. guttee
Aynsworth. Sa. on a bend ar. three crescents of the field. d'or.
Ayot. "Vert on a chev. ar. three pheons sa. Babeham. Sa. on a chev.
betw. three wings ar. three

Aype. Erm. a bend gu. Crest An antelope pass. ar. torteaux, each charged with an eagle's head of the second.
collared sa. Babelake. Ar. on a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet
Ayr, Town of. Gu. a betw. a holy
castle triple-towered ar. fitchee az. three annulets of the first.
lamb with cross, staff, and banner of St. Andrew, on the Babepull. Az. a chev. betw. three (another, ten) crosses
dexter, and the head of St. John the Baptist in a charger on crosslet or.
the sinister, all ppr., in the base the sea az. Baber (Somersetshire and Middlesex). Ar. on a fesse go.
Ayre (Wotton, Devonshire). Gu. on a bend betw. six three hawks' heads erased of the first. Crest— On a mount
crosses formes fitchee ar. three mullets sa. vert a cock with wings expanded ar. comb, wattles, and legs
Ayre (Isle of Ely), Ar. on a chev. sa. three quatrefoils or. gu.
Ayre (Nottinghamshire). Gu. three martlets ar. membered Baber (Somersetshire and Oxfordshire). Ar. on a chev. sa.
or. Crest —
On a ducal coronet or, a wivem vert. betw. three ogresses, each charged with a martlet of the
Ayre. Ar. a bend az. betw. two mullets gu, first as many mascles or.
Ayre (Lincolnshire). Ar. on a chev. sa. three quatrefoils Babetote. Ei'm. on a chief or, three bendlets sa.
or. —
Crest A leg erect in armour per pale ar. and sa. Babington (East Brigford, co. Nottingham, and afterwards
couped at the thigh gu. knee-cap and spur or. Motto — by the marriage of an heiress, Dethick, co. Derby, also Chil-
Lseto acre florent. AiiotTier Motto—lAgbter than air. well and Rampton, co. Notts., and Eothley Temple, co. Lei-
Ayrmin (Lincolnshire). Ar. a saltire engr. and a chief gu. cester). Ar. ten torteaux, four, three, two, and one, in chief
Ajrrton. per cross gu. and or, in the first and fourth a label of three points az. Crest A demi bat displ. gu.—
quarter an escallop ar. (another a dragon's head betw. two dragons' wings gu. out of
Ayrton (Eight Hon. Acton Smeb Atbton, late Chief Com- his mouth a scroll). Motto Foy est tout. —
missioner of Works, son of Fbederick Atbton, Esq., of Bom- Babington (Sir William Babington of Kiddington, who
bay, by Julia his wife, only dau. and heir of Lient.-Col. was granted the Manor of Broadway on the dissolution of
Nugent). Per pale gu. and az. a fesse humettee erm. betw. Pershore Abbey, and Gebvaise Basington, Bishop of Wor-
three leopards' faces ar, quartering Nugent. Crest demi —A cester, 1597-1610), Same Arms.
lionramp. erm. holding a pennon per pale gu. and az. Babington (Lodley, co. Leicester, Dorset, and Stafford),

thereon a leopard's face or. Motto ^Pro aris et focis. At. ten torteaux, four, three, two and one. Crest ^A fox's —
Ayscough (Nutthall, co. Lincohi, Her. Visit.) Sa. a fesse head ppr.
betw, three asses pass. ar. Babrampore (The Mahaeajah Dikg Bijye Sing of Bab-
Ayscough. Sa. a fesse or, betw- three asses erm. Crest — BAUPORE). Ar. on a fess az. betw. in chief a sword in bend
An ass erm. surmounted by a matchlock in bend sinister and in base on a.
Ayscoug-h. See Askue, Newcastle. mount a tiger couchant all ppr. an Eastern crown betw. two
Ayscue (Lincolnshire). Ar. three asses heads' couped sa. —
stars of six points of the first. Crest On a trunk of a tree
Ayshcomb (Liford, Berkshire). Or, a lion ramp. gu. armed eradicated fesswise and sprouting to the dexter a falcon
and langued az. tail forked, a chief of the third. surmounted by a rainbow all ppr. Motto—Fides et justitia.
Aysildey, Ar. a lion ramp. gu. collared of the field, and Babthorp (co. York). Sa. a chev. or, betw. three crescents
charged on the shoulder with a mullet az. enn. Crest —^A cockatrice's head erased ar. beaked, combed,
Aysingcourt. Ar. an eagle displ. with two heads gu. and wattled or.
Crest —
^An eagle's head betw. two wings ppr. Babthorp (co.York). Sa. a chev. or, betw. three crescents ar,
Ayson (Essex and London). Ar. a mullet sa. in the dexter Babthorpe. Ar. on a chev. sa. five fleurs-de-lis of the field,
point a fleur-de-lis gu. Crest
tSnS&nlB head gu. ducally gorged or.

Out of a mural crown ar. a Babthorpe (formerly on glass, Worcester Cathedral). Sa-
A chev. betw. three crescents or.


3abth.orp. Gu. a, fret ar, Bacon (Major Cssab Bacon, Seafield, St. Anne, Isle of
Babthorp. Gu. fretty ar. on a canton barry of six ar. and Man). Same as Bacon, Bart, of Redgrave.
az. an orle of martlets of the first. Bacon. Gu. a bordure invecked ar. on a chief of the last two
Babthorp. Ar. fretty gu. on a canton tarry of eight gu. mullets pierced sa.
and or, a cross pattee of the last. Bacon (in the east window, north aisle, Bristol Cathedral).
Babthorp. Sa. five plates betw. two chev. and three Az. three boars pass, in paJe or.
lozenges ar. Bacon (exemplified 1829 to Eobebt M'Causland, Esq., son
Babtot (Byfold, CO. Hereford). Enn. on a chief az. three of DoMiNicK M'Causland, Esq., of Daisy Hill, co. London-
talbots' heads couped ar. derry, by Mart, his wife, dau. and heir of Rev. Benjamin-
Babwell, or Babbwell (co. Middlesex). Paly of six Bacon, D.D., on his taking the name of Bacon). Gu. a
ar.and az. over all an eagle displ. sa. armed or (another mullet or, on a chief erm. two mullets sa. Crest A boar —
adds a bend gu.). 0)-est~A gate or. pass. erm. charged on the side with a mullet or. Motto
Bacey. Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three plates. —Mediocria firma.
Bache (Stanton, co. Derby, Visit. Derby, 1662; the heiress Bacon (Twyhouse, co. Somerset). Ar. a fesse betw. three
m. Thoknhill). Or, a lion ramp, reguard. pean within a round buckles gu. Crest —A greyhotmd's head erased sa.
bordure bezantee. Crest—A. demi lion ramp, reguard. pean holding in the mouth a stag's foot or.
holding in the paw a bezant. Bacon (Suffolk). Gu. three trefoils pierced ar.
Bache (granted to Thomas Bache, Esq., of Coventry). Bacon (Suffolk)- Az. on a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis or^
Erm. a lion ramp, guard, sa. holding betw. the paws a wool- as many griffins* heads erased of the field.
pack ppr. within a bordure of the second charged with eight Bacon (Sutton Bennington. George Bacon, Esq., of Notting-
bezants, a chief wavy gu. thereon a bend engr. or, betw. ham). Vert a cross engr. ei-m. on a chief ar. a ducal
two roses ar. barbed and seeded ppr. Crest— On a mount coronet gu. betw. two mullets sa. Crest On a mount vert —
Tcrt a demi lion guard, sa. bezantee, gorged with a wreath of a boar ar. bristled and tusked or, semee of mullets sa. in the
oak or, holding betw. the paws a woolpack as in the Anns. mouth a ragged staff vert. ikfoWo— Mediocria firma.
Bache, or Batch (Thomas Bache, or Batch, sheriff of Bacon (Yorkshire). Gu. on a chief ar, two mullets with six
Worcester, temp. 5 Queen Anne, 1706). Or, a lion ramp, points sa. pierced or.
gu. within a border sa. bezantee. Bacon. Gu. three cinquefoils pierced ar, (another, erm.).
Baohecot. Or, on a bend engr. gu. three eagles displ of Bacon. Gu. a cross, engr. erm, on a chief vert two muUets
the first. or.
Bacheler (Aston Clinton, 1606). Or, a fesse betw, three Bacon. Ar. three boars* heads or.
dragons' heads couped and erected in bend sa. Crest-'A Baconsthorpe (temp. Edward III,, armorial window,
dragon's head erased or, vulned in the neck gu. manor of West Bursham, co. York). Az. three griffins'
Bacheler. Ar, a bend betw. three wings az. (another, sa), heads erased or, coUared sa.
Bacher, Gu. two bendlets, one or, the other ar.). Baconthorp. Az. three peacocks' (another, lapwings')
Back (William Back, Esq. M,D.). Per saltire ar. and gu. heads erased or.
a lion ramp, guard, or, on a chief wavy az. a woolpack of Baconthorpe. Ar. a cross engr. gu.
the first betw. two bezants. Crest— A griffin pass, per pale Bacton. Sa. three bars gemelles ar, on a canton of the-
gu. and erm. collared or, winged erminois, resting his dexter second a crescent of the first.
claw on a woolpack ar. Bac^wort. Or, on a saltire engr. sa. a mullet ar.
Back, Ar, an eagle recursant overture sa. Bacy. Gu. a chev. ar, betw. three bezants.
Backcombe (Devonshire). Ar. three bats displ. sa. Badam (monument to Thos. Badam in St. Endellion Church,.
Backhouse (Sunderland, co. Durham, and Killet, co. Cornwall, 1723), A chev. erm. betw. three bulls' heads.
Lancaster). Per saltire or and az. a saltire erm. Crest — Badby (North Okenden, co. Essex). Sa. a chev. engr. erm. .

An eagle vert wings closed preying on a snake ppr. Motto^- betw. three swans ar.
Confido in Deo. Badby (Suffolk). Sa. a chev. engr'. betw. three swans ar.
Backhouse (Middleton Lodge, co. York). Same as Back- Badby (London, 1383). Ar. a saltire betw. four rooks sa.
house of Sunderland. Crest—A sphinx pass, guard, ppr. wings endorsed.
Backhouse CVVhitridge, co. Cumberland, Visit. London, Badby. Ar, a saltire engr. gu. betw. four crows ppr.
1568). Arms and Crest same as Backhouse of Sxmderland. Badcock (St. Winow, co. Cornwall). Sa. a fesse betw-
Backhouse (Kent and London). Same as Backhouse of three cocks ar.
Sunderland. Badcock (Essex, and Kensington, co. Middlesex). Sa. on a
Backhouse Or, a saltire erm.
(Swallowfield, Berkshire). pale ar. three cocks gu. Crest —
^A stag lodged and guard,
Backhurst. Az. a
erm. saltire betw. two branches of laurel in orle, ppr.
Backome. Ar. a chev. betw. three bats gu. Badcock (Devonshire). Arms, the same. Crest A demi —
Backs (Trumpington, co. Cambridge). Erm. on a bend gu. cock gu.
three eagles displ, or. Badcock. Ar. two bars and in chief three cocks gu.
Back-well (Middlesex). Paly of six ar. and az. on a chief Badd (Cam es-Oy sells, co. Hants. Granted 2 Jan, 1626), Az,
gu. a lion pass. or. five fleurs-de-lis in saltire ar,
Backwell (London). Ar. on a chev. sa. three covered cups Badd (Fareham, co. Hants). Ar. five fleurs-de-lis in saltire
or. Crest—Oat of a mural crown or, a demi bull sa. az. Crest —A lion's head guard, erased ar. ducally crowned
Backwith. Sa. on a fesse betw. three billets in chief and az,
one in base ar. each charged with a mullet az. three fleurs- Baddeley, or Badley. Erminois, a bend sa.
de-Usof the first. Baddiford (Dartmouth, co. Devon). Erm. on a bend flory
Bacon (Redgi-ave, co. Suffolk, premier bart. descended from counter-flory sa. three eagles displ, or. Crest— An eagle'r
the Lord Keeper Bacon). Gu. on a chief ar. two mullets head or, crowned with a coronet flory sa. betw, two branches
pierced sa. Crest —A
boar pass, erm. Motto—Medlocna, of lilies ar. stalked and leaved vert.
firma. Badding-ton. Gu. three bezants.
Bacon {Fiscount St. Albans). Same .<4rms with acrescentfor Bade. Ar. six fleurs-de-lis in saltire az,
diff. Badel. Ar. a chev. engr, betw. three escallops az.
Bacon (Newton Cup, co. Durham, and Stewart Pile, co. Badeley (Suffolk, and Leigh Halls, co. Essex.) Gu. a chev.
Northumberland, granted 1752), Erm. a wild boar pass, az. betw. three boars' heads erased ar, Ci-est-A boar's head
bristledarmed and unguled or, langued gu. on a chief of couped at the neck ar.
the third two mullets of the fourth. Crest A demi wild — Baden. Ar. on a bend double cottised sa. three eagles displ.
hoar ramp, guard, az. bristled aimed and unguled or, or.
langued gu. holding in the mouth a tilting spear ar. stricken Badenock (Scotland). Or, three lions' heads erased gu.
in the shoulder and vulned ppr. Badesbury. Az. fretty ar. a fesse betw. two cottises gu.
Bacon (B aeons thorpe, co. Norfolk). Az. three hoars pmb. or. Badewe. Ar, on a bend cottised sa. three eagles of the field
Bacon (Ilarleston, co. Norfolk), Ar. a fieur-de-Iis betw, (another, the eagles or).
three boars pass. or. Crest—A demi boar erect or, armed Badford, or Badishford (Kent). Az. three eagles displ.
and bristled az. in bend betw. two cottises ar.
Bacon (Hesset, co. Norfolk, and co. Suffolk, the heiress Badger, or Bagehott (cos. Cambridge, Gloucester, and
m. Bacon of Friston). Ar. on a fesse engr, betw, three Leicester, allowed at Her. Visit, co. Gloucester to Badgeb,
escutcheons gu. as many mullets ar. pierced sa. Crest— or Badgehott, of Hall Place. Euzareth, dau. and heir of
talbot's head sa. erased gu. holding in the mouth a deer's Rowland Badghot, of Hanley Castle, m. Nathaniel
leg or. BosTocK, M.D., and d. 1682). Erm. on a bend gu. three
Bacon (Drinkston, co. Suffolk, and London, Visit. London, eagles or. Crest —
A hull's head cabossed sa. betw. the
1568). Same Arms and Crestj with a rnidlet for diff. attires a greyhound courant ar. collared gu.
Badger (Hanley Castle, co. Worcester. Montunental
Bpection at Hanley, to Maet, dan. of John
in- [Bagginton, orBagglugton. Or, a pile ai.
Wakemau, of Ba,ggs. Lozengy gu. and ar. on a chief of the second
Beckford, and late wife of Jobk, son of Bowund three
Badgeb). cmquefoils of the first. Crestr-A rose charged with a thistle
Erm. on a bend gu. three eagles displ. or.
Badger (Pool House, Hanley, co. Worcester). Or, a bailger Baghot (Prestberie, co. Gloucester, Visit.
ppr. Leicester, 1619)
Erm. on a bend gu. three eagles
Badger (Upton, co. Worcester). Or, a badger pass. az. stags head cabossed sa. betw.
displ. or. Crest-A
Badger. a badger pass. sa. Crest—A badger ppr.
Or, the attires a greyhound
courant ar. collared gu.
Badliam. Or, on a cross gu. five mullets of the first. Crest
—An eagle displ. with two heads, ar. charged on the breast ^' ""^'^'^^ ''''^- *''"^ martlets gu. as many
with a saltire gu. JlfoHo—Virtus astra petit.
Bagua,U (Kent). Barry of six or (another, erm.) and sa.
Badifforde. Az. on a bend cottised ar. three eagles displ. over
all a hon ramp. az. Crest—A dragon's head erased gu.
gorged with two bars or.
Badisford. Az. three eagles betw. two bendlets
displ. ar. Bagnall (Staffordshire and Wales). Erm. two bars
of the second. or, over
all a hon ramp. az. Crest—An antelope sejant ar. billettee
Badlaud. Ar. three spindles in fesse threaded or.
sa. ducaUy gorged, lined, armed,
Badlesmere (Baron Sadte/mere; summoned to Parliament and tufted or
1309) abeyance 1309). Ar. a fesse betw. two bars gemeUes
BagnaU (Sir Henbv Bagnam, of the Newry, co. Down,
kmghted at Christ Church, Dublin, 24 April,
gu. Crest— A lion's gamb. erased sa. holding a laurel 1579). Erm
branch two bars or, overaU a Uon ramp. az.
Tert. Crest—An heraldic
antelope sejant vert crined ducaUy
Badlesmere. Ar. a fesse and canton gu. gorged and chained or.
Badlesmere (Kent). Erm. a fesse betw. two
BagnaU (Wick and Worcester. After the Battle of Wor-
bars gemels cestoWttuAM Bagnall, of Upper Wick, who
gu. d. 21 Sept.
1652, aged 36, gave his horse to Charles
Badlesmere. Ar. a fesse double cottised gu. Majesty fled through St. Martin's Gate).
IL, on which His
Badley (Suffolk). Sa. a chev. engr. betw. three swans ar. or, over aU a lion ramp, double
Ermines two bars
Crest—A demi lion ramp. ar. charged with two bendlets az. queued vert. Crest—An
antelope sejant ar. billettle sa.
Badlowe. Per chev. erm. and sa. two greyhounds in full horns and taU or, collared
and chained of the same, chain reflexed
course, within a bordure of France. over the back
BaguaU (Staffordshire). Sa. an inescutcheon erm. charged
Sa. a fillet and a chev. humettee reversed ar. with a lion's head erased vert within
Badstone. Ar. three bats' wings displ. sa. an orle of eight
martlets or.
Baeshe (Stansted, co. Hertford, Visit. London, 1668).
Per Bagnall (Staffordshire). an inescutcheon erm. charged
chev. ar. and gu. in chief two cocks sa. in base
a saltire with a leopard's
or. an orle of martlets or.
face, within

Baett, or Batt.
BaguaU. Sa. an inescutcheon within an orle
of martlets
Sa. a fesse betw. three hands erect
Oresi —A demi lion or, gnttee de sang.
or. or.
Bagot (Lm-d Bagot, of Bagot's Bromley, co. Stafford)
BafCord (Nottinghamshire). Sa. three dancing bears or
* Erm. two chev. az. Oesi-Out ofa ducal coronet or, a
(another, a bordure, ar.).
goat s head ar. atUred of the SupporUrs—Tvo
Bafford (Yorkshire). Ar. a saltier sa. (another, adds a label
first. goats
and three points gu.).
ar. attired or. Mo«o—Antiquum obtinens.
Bafyn. Sa. an escutcheon erm.
Bagot (Staffordshire). Ar. two chev. az.
Bagot. Or, on a cross gu. five escaUops ar.
Bagaret. Erm. on a bend gu. three escallops or.
Bagot, or Bacot. Erm. on a bend gu.
Bagecroffc (Boxwell, co. Norfolk). Ar. a Uon ramp, three spread
sa eagles or.
armed or.
Bagot. Erm. a bend gu.
Bagecroft (Norfolk). Ar. a Hon sa.
Bageoroft. Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three eagles displ. sa.
tail queued. Bagot (William Bagot, Sheriff of Warwick and
iJagehott (Droitwich, co. Worcester). Or, on temp. Henry III., son of Eobeet Bagot, of Morton Bagot'
a bend gu temp. Henry I.). Ar. two chevronels az. '

three eagles displ. of the field. See

Bctlee of Droitwich Bagot (confirmed to Christophee Nevtlle Bagot,
Bageley, or Bagley. Or, three lozenges az. Esq of
Crest—On Aughrane Castle, co. Galway).
the top of a spear issuing a wiyern Erm. two chevronels az
a knot.
Sana legs taU nowed in m the dexter chief point a trefoil slipped vert.
of a ducal coronet or, a goat's head ermines
Bagenal. See Bagnaix. homed of the
Bagenald. Sa. a leopard's face betw. eight martlets
first. Motto —Antiquum obtinens.
orle or.
in Bagot (from glass in Worcester Cathedral). Ar. a chev gu
Bagenden. betw. three martlets sa. N.B.—This coat was for a time
Or, on a pale sa. three stars ofthe first. borne by Bagot of Bagots Bromley, co.
Bageuholt. Per saltier or and erm. a lion ramp, az Stafford, but the
Jiager. onginal bearings were resumed by Eichaed
Gu. a goat pass. ar. Bagot, who d.
Bager, and Baget (Cambridgeshire).
Bagesover (Salop).
See BAnoEE. Bagot (Castle Bagot, Dublin).
Ar. on a chev. gu. betw
Gu. a fesse betw. three birds ar.
J>agg (Plymouth, three martlets sa. as
many mullets or. Crest—As the last
CO. Devon, granted 1607).
of SIX counterchanged ar. and
Paly and bendy Bagshaw pelaridge, co. Derby). Ar. a bugle-horn
gu. on a chief or, three betw. three roses gu. seeded or. Crest—
cmquefods az. Cra^-Or, two wings
endorsed, the dexter
An arm couped at
gu. the other ar. charged with a the elbow and erect ppr. grasping a bugle-horn
sa. stringed
cinquefoU az vert.

on a chief or, three cmquefoils Bagshaw (South Okendon, co. Essex, and London).
Or a
az. Crest-Tvo wings Su. bugle-horn vert, stiinged gu. betw. three roses
and ar. a cmquefoU az. on the of the same
second barbed and seeded ppr. Crest—A bugle-hom
^"-"'^ ^^«°=' of Shipdam, Norfolk, by Bagshaw.
rfl'^i B^""*^ Ar. a bugle-hom sa. stringed vert, (another,
bet»;. three cmquefoils the same betw. three cinquefoils, gu.).
or. Orest~A demi griiHn erm. Bagshawe (Geeaves-Bagshawe,
holdmg a cmquefoil stalk and leaves Ford Hall, eo. Derby and
vert. Banner Cross, co. York). Or, a bugle-hom sa. betw.
*" Bicbakd Baggallat, Esq. three
l^llr^^J'''*'"*"* of roses gu., for Bagshawe; quartering Geeaves,
and subse-
i^f.^?'« ™'' "PP^'Tooti-g. «> Surrey, father of Sir quently. Child, Foxlowe, Moerav, Bdstaed,
iUCHABD BAGGAiiAY, Attorney-General, Clat, Elm-
1874). Per chev. ball, &c. Crests— 1st, A
gn. and az. on a chev. dexter cubit arm couped the
or, betw. three goats' heads
erased hand ppr. grasping a bugle-hom sa. stringed
flenrs-de-lis of the second. vert, for
head ""^J ar. charged Crest— goat's A Bagshawe; 2nd, Geeaves. ilftWo— Forma flos, fama
on the neck with three fleurs-de-lis fl'atus
Bagshaw (Inkberrow, CO. Worcester. From a gold seal pro-
-^"""-Stemmataqnidfaciunt. duced at the
Eaffff?^"^^'®'™'' Visit. 1682 but which were disaUowed).
^'greant erm. betw. three cinquefoils as Bagshawe.
»r «; ..
sword in
pale, supporting a garland of laurel
Bagshaw (Wormhill HaU, and the Oakes, in
Nori;on co
Derby, originaUy of Abney, in the same
(Stradsett Hal], co. Norfolk, co. and Eidee
^tff/ Lozengy paly
bart.). and FareweU, co. Stafford). Per pale erm. and
hom stnnged betw. three roses aU counterchangedabarbed
gu. bugle-
^Iti f,;betw. ^-
""* '*" fl^^^tes or, on a chief of the last an
annulet two cinquefoils of the second. Crest—A
pair and seeded ppr. Crest-A cubit dexter arm issuing out of
"' °™'' °' amulets gu. MottoStes the clouds the hand ppr. holding a
est™Deo^**°™^ bugle horn or, the
handle sa. within the strings a rose
Baggiley CBaggiley, co. Chester). Or, three lozenges az.
gu. iKoJio—Forma flos,
fama flatus.
.lifT' ™'^ "^^ ^- eJiai-gea with three lozenges and Bagshote. Erm. on a bend gu. three eagles displ.
attired or.
—An acorn slipped and leaved ppr. ar. Crest
Bag^e. Sa. a saltire or, betw. four fleurs-de-lis ar. — Baillie (Innishargy,
Ci'est Ireland). Az. nine stars, three, three,
On a chapeau, a pelican vulning herself all ppr. two and one ar. a bordure wavy or. Crest— A. star of eight
Bag-way. Ar. three orles gu. points ar. issuing from a cloud ppr. Motto Nil clarius —
Bag-way. Ar. an orle gu. within an orle of the last. astris.
Bagrivay. Ar. two orles in fesse gu. Baillie (William Baillie, of Rosehall, co. Sutherland, soa
BagTvell (BaUyloughane, Burgagery, and Marlfield, co, of Alexander Baillie of Dochfour, 1747). Az., nine stars,
Tipperary). Paly of six ar. and az. on a chief gu. a lion three, three, two and one. a bordure or, charged with
pass, of the first. Crest— Ont of a mural crown a demi bull, ten cinquefoils vert. Crest^A. cat sejant ppr. Motto—
all ppr. Motto —Tn fide et in hello fortis. Spero meliora.
Bagwell. See Pueefot-. Baillie (Gen. Sir Evan Baillie, Bart., 1812). Az. nine stars,
Bagrworth.. Ar. a chev. ermines betw, three boars' heads three, three, two and one, ar. Crest —A boar's head erased
couped sa. ppr. —
Supporters ^Two tigers ppr. each gorged with an
BagTirorth. Ar. a chev. gu. a bordure engr. sa. antique crown or, and thereto affixed a chain passing betw.
Bah.on. Az. a bend ar, cottised or. the forelegs and refiexed over the back of the last. Motto-^
Baigg-endens. Or, on the field.
pile sa. three etoiles of Ubi bene ibi patria.
Baikie (Tankemess, Ar. on a chev. gu. betw.
co. Orkney). Baillie (Monkton, co, Ayr, 1874). Az. nine stars three, three,
three flames of fire ppr. a lion ramp. betw. two stars of the two and one, or, a bordure engr. ar. Crest—An eagle reguar-
field. —
Orest A flame of flre ppr. Supporters—Two angels —
dant his wings raised ppr. Motto Libertas optima rerum.
ppr. Motto —Commodum non damnum. Baillie (Paignton, co. Devon, 1855). Az. nine stars of six
Balldon (Yorkshire). Ar. a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis points wavy three, three, two and one, or, a bordure of the
sa. last charged with two boars' heads erased in pale and two
Bailey (Norwich), Per pale az. and sa. a cross crosslet sal- hands holding daggers erect in fess aU ppr. Crest—A boar's
tirewise betw. four estoiles or. Crest —A cubit arm erect —
head couped ppr. Motto Quid clarius astris.
vested bendy of six az. andsa. cuffar. the hand ppr. holding Baillie (Balmeddiesyde, Scotland). Az. nine stars or, three,
a crosier and surmounted by an estoile both or. Motto —Deo three, two and one, a bordure ar. charged with eight cres-
duce. —
cents of the first. Orest A morning star ppr. Motto—^qx-
Bailey (Ightham Place, andNepicar House, co. Kent). Errai- titur in lucem.
nois a [Uon pass. sa. holding in the dexter paw a cross pattde Baillie (Jambs Baillie, descended of Littlegill, 1763). Az.
fitch^e gu. on a chief nebulee of the second a cross pattee, or. nine stars, three, three, two and one ar., a bordure indented
Crest — In front of a demi lion erminois holding in the dexter of the second charged with eight stars gu. Crest A hoar's —
paw a cross pattee fitchee gu. the trunk of a tree eradicated —
head erased ppr. Motto Quid clarius astris.
fesswiseand sprouting ppr. Ilotto — ^Nec temere nee timlde. Baillie (William Robeet Baillie, Edinburgh, 1858). Az.
Bailey. Erm. three bars wavy sa. Crest —A demi lady eight stars three, two, two and one, or, in fess point a stag's
holding on her dexter hand a tower, in her sinister a laurel head cabossed of the last, a bordure erm. Crest ^The —
branch vert. sun in his splendour ppr. Motto Clarior astris.—
Bailey (Bart, of Glanusk Park, co. Brecon). Ar. betw. two Bain (Tulloch, co. Aberdeen), Az. a wolfs head erased or.
bars, three annulets in fesse gu. all betw. as many martlets Crest— A dexter arm armed grasping a dirk ppr. ikToHo— Et
of the last. Crest —A griffin sejant ar. serade of annulets marte et arte.
gu. Motto — Libertas. Bain (Capt. Michael Bain, 1784). As. Tulloch, within a
Bailliache (Jersey). Az. a lion ramp, or, in chief a cres- bordure ar. Crest —
Adexter arm grasping a'dirk ppr. Motto
cent betw. two mullets of the last. Crest —A ship, ppr. —Et marte et arte.
Motto — ^Vive memor lethi, fugit liora. Bain (Pitcairlie, a cadet of Tulloch). The same, within a bor-
Bailie (Ringdufferin, co. Down). Az., nine stars, three, two, dure counter compony or and az. Same Crest and Motto.
and one, ar. Crest —A hand and dagger. Motto — Quid Bain (Findall, co. Perth). Az. a garb or, handed of the first
clarius astris. betw. three thistles ppr.
Bailiffe. Ar. on a bend betw. three martlets gu. three Bain (Sheriff Clerk of Berwick, 1680). The same within a bor-
plates. dure or. Crest—A hand holdiaig a scroll of paper ppr. Motto
Bailies (Yorkshire, granted 1578). Or, a fesse wavy az. — Virtute.
betw. two lions pass, guard, sa. Bain (Sheriff Clerk of Fife, 1672). Az. a garb or, banded of
Baillie (Kennedy-Baillie: exemplified, 1836, to Rev. James the first betw. three thistles of the second. Crest and
Eennedt-Bailx-xe, D.D., Rector of Ardtrea, Armagh, on his Motto same as last.
assuming by Royal License the additional name of Baillie). Bain (Lynton, Devon, 1871). Az. a wolfs head erased ar.a
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. nine etoiles three, three, two and bordure of the last. —
Crest A dexter hand ppr. holding a rose
one, for Baillie; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three —
gu. slipped and leaved vert. Motto Benedic nobis Domine.
cross-crosslets fitchee sa. within a double tressure flory Bailwall (Visit. Loudon, 1568). Sa. a chev. or, betw. three
counterflory of the second, for Kennedy. Crests — 1st, A daggers erect ar.
boar's head couped ar., for Baillie: 2nd, A dolphin naiant Bailward (Horsington, co. Somerset). Ar. a chev. betw.
az. Motto — Quid clarius astris. three bees volant in chief gu. and three torteaux in base.
Baillie -Hamiltou, See Hamilton. Crest — ^A bull's head couped ar.
Baillie (Hoperig, co. Haddington, and Lamington, co. Lan- Bally (Thomas Farmee Bailt, Esq. of Hall Place, co. Kent).
ark). Az. (in some early blazons, sa.) nine stars three, three, Or, on a fesse engr. betw. three nags'
heads erased az. as
two, and one, ar. Crest —A boar's head erased ppr. Motto — many fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest —A
goat's head erased az.
Quid clarius astris. v. Cochrane. —
bezantee horned or. Motto Vestigia nulla restrorsum.
Baillie (Jervieswoode, co. Lanark; the heiress m. Lord Bin- Bainard, Erm. a fesse betw. two chev. sa.
ning, and her 2nd son, who inherited Jervieswoode, took the Bainard. Sa. a fesse betw. two chev. ar.
name of Baillie his descendants eventually succeeded to the
: Bainbridgre. Az. three battle-axes or, staffs ar. Crest —
Earldom of Haddington). Sa. the sun in his splendour betw. An arm from the shoulder issuing from the sea, holding an
nine stars, three, two, and one, ar. Crest A crescent or. — anchor, all ppr.
Jfotio^BIajor virtus quam splendor. Bainbridg:e. Az. two battle-axes or, a bordure engr. of
Baillie (Walstoun, Scotland). Ar. the moon in her comple- the last.
ment betw. nine stars, three, two, three, and one, ar. Crest — Bain'bridg'e. Az. two battle-axes in pale ar. on a chief or,

A dove volant holding in her beak a branch of olive ppr. two mullets gu. pierced of the field.

Motto Patior et spero. Bainbrigg-, or Bambridg-e Ar. a chev.
Baillie (Mannerhall). As. Jervieswoode, a crescent ar. for embattled betw. three battle-axes sa. Crest On a mount —
difference. C)*e«(— A crescent or. Motto —Major virtus quam vert a goat sa. collared ar,
splendor. Bainbriggre (Lockington, co. Leicester). Ar. a chev.
Baillie (Cairnbroe, co. Lanark, 1780). Sa. the sun in his embattled betw. three battle-axes sa. Crest A goat sa, —
splendour betw. five stars two, two and one, ar. in middle horned and unguled ar. around his neck a collar of the
chief an eagle's head erased or. Crest On the point of a — same standing on a hill vert. These Arms were confirmed
sword erected ppr. hilted and pommeled or, a laurel wreath and the Crest granted in 1583, by Flower, Norroy, to William
fructuated of the first. ilifoKo— Perse veranti. Bainbeigge, of Lockington, descended from the ancient
Baillie (Polkemmet, co. Linlithgow, hart., 1823). Quarterly, family of the Baynbeigges, of the North.
1st and 4th, az. nine stars three, three, two, and one or, a Baine (Chester). Az. a fesse crenellee or, betw. three mart-
bordure coimter-nebuly ar. and sa, ; 2nd and 3rd, az. a lion lets ar.
ramp, and in chief three stars ar., Ikglis of Murdistown. Baines. Sa. two shank bones in cross ar. that in pale

Crest A star of eight points issuing out of a cloud ppr. surmounting the one In fesse. Crest A bone and paha —
Supporters—Two lions guard, ar. Motto— In caUgiue lucet. branch in saltire ppr.


Baines (BeU Hall, co. York). Crest—A cubit
Same Arms. Baker (Modbury, co. Devon). The same as Bakee, Bart.
arm erect holding in the hand a shank bone in bend sinister Upper Dunstable House.
ar. Baker, late Littlehales (Banston, co. Dorset, and
Baines (Peteonly, Scotland). Az, a wolfs head erased or. Ashcombe, co. Sussex, bart.).
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a
in chief a crescent ar. C}-est—A dexter hand holding a castle betw. two crosses patt^e in chief, and in base a key

dagger ppr. Motto Vel arte vel marte. erect sa. on a chief az. two keys also erect or, for Bakeb
Baiiifield. Paly of ten or and g\i. 2nd and 3rd, ar. on. a bend cottised sa. three cLnquefoils
Bainfrous. Paly of six, ar. and gu. or, a chief gu. charged with three arrows erect, points down-
Bainton. Erm. a bend fusilly gu. wards ppr., for Littlehales. Oests— 1st, Bakeb, A horse's
Baird (Auchmedden, co. Aberdeen, last of main line d. 1777, head erased ar. charged on the neck with a cross pattee
represented by Feaser of FindracJi as heir of line). Gu. a fitchee gu, in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert; 2nd,
boar pass. or. Crest—A griffin's head erased ppr. Motto — Littlehales, Betw. two wings elevated or, an armed arm
Dominus fecit, embowed ppr. garnished gold, the hand in a gauntlet, grasping
(Newbyth, co. Aberdeen, cadet of Auchmedden, hart,
Gu. a boar pass, or, a canton erm. charged with
an arrow entwined with an oUve branch ppr. Motto Finis
coronal opus.

a sword paleways ppr. Crest —A boar's head erased or. Baker (Wattisfield and Wrentham, Erm. on a
co. Suffolk).

Motto Vi et vlrtute. fesse engr. az. three fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest— A demi ostrich,
Baird (Saughton Edinburgh, bMt. 1696). The same
Hall, co, wings expanded, holding in its mouth a horseshoe.
Arms with a crescent or, surmounting the sword for diff. Baker (co. Kent). Ar. on a fesse nebulee betw. three keys
Same Crest and Motto. Sir James Gardenes Baikd was sa. a tower triple- towered of the first.
allowed, in 1845, to drop the crescent, having become repre- Baker (Chester), Sa. a griffin segreant erm. armed or.
sentative of Newbyth. Crest—The same a^ Bakeb of Shrewsbury, only the tilting
Baird (Newbyth, bart. 1809, cadet of Saughton Hall, as spear entire, and on the shaft a ring or,
recorded in London for Sir David Baibd of Femtower, co. Baiker (Whitburn, co. Durham). The same as Bakeb, May-
Perth, 1st bart, and G.C.B.). Gu. in chief within an in- field, Sussex.
crescent an etoile of eight points ar. (in allusion to the badge Baker (Elemore Hall, and Crook Hall, co. Durham). Quarterly,
of the Ottoman Order) in base a boar pass, or, on a canton 1st and 4th, erm. on a saltire engr. az. a maunch betw, four
erm. a sword erect hilted and pommeled or. First Crest — escallops or, on a chief sa. a lion pass, of the third, for
A mameluke mounted on horseback, holding in his dexter Bakeb; 2nd and 3rd, sa. a tower or, charged with a pea hen
hand a scymetar all ppr. Secorid Crest ^A boar's head — of the field within a bordure of the second, charged with ten
erased ppr. Supporters (personal to Sir David Baird) — cross crosslets, also of the field, for Toweb. Crests 1st, —
Dexter a grenadier in the uniform of the 50th regt. of foot Baker, A lion ramp, ar, charged on the shoulder with a
jpr., sinister the royal tiger of Tippoo Saltaun guard, vert, saltire az. and supporting betw. the pawn a shield of the
striped or, from the neck pendent by a ribbon an escutcheon last thereon a maunch or; 2nd, Toweb, A griffin pass, per
gu. charged with an etoile of eight points within an increscent pale or and erm. the dexter claw resting on a shield sa.
ar. and on an escrol under the escutcheon the word
" Seringapatam." Motto~Yi et virtute.
charged with a tower as in the Ar-ms. Motto Love and —
Baird (Fosso, co. Peebles). Az. on a fesse ar. a boar's head Baker (Monckwith, co. Essex). Barry of ten or and sa. a
couped gu, betw. three mullets in chief and a boar pass. bend gu.
in base ppr, Baker (Exeter). Erm. on a fesse super-engr. sa. three fleurs-
Baird (EUe, Fife, 1867). Per pale gu. and or, a boar pass, de-lis or.
counterchanged. Orest—A grifQn's head erased or. Motto— Baker (Sisinghurst, co. Kent). Az. three swans' heads erased
Dominus fecit. ar, beaked gu. Crest—A dexter arm naked ppr. holding a
Baird (Ury, co. Kincardine, 1867). Per pale engr. gu. and swan's head erased ar. beaked gu.
or, a boar pass, counterchanged. Same
Crest and Motto. Baker (Thomgrove, co. Worcester, and Lypeat Park, co.
Baird (Auchmedden, co, Aberdeen, Per pale invecked
1867). Gloucester), Az. on a fesse betw, three swans' heads erased
gu. and or, a boar pass, counterchanged. Same Crest and or, ducally gorged gu. as many cinquefoils pierced of the
Motto. last. Crest —A
swan's head erased or, ducally gorged gu.
3aird (Stichell, co. Roxburgh, 1865). Per pale indented gu. —
Motto Persevero.
and a boar pass, counterchanged. Same Crest and Motto.
or, Baker (Waresley, co. Worcester), Az. on a fesse engr. betw.
Baird (Matdbin Baird. Granted to Daniel Baibd Matubin, three swans' heads and necks erased or, ducally gorged and
Esq. of Newtownstewart, co.Tyrone, on his assuming, by Koyal beaked gu. as many cinquefoils of the last. Crest A naked —
Licence, the additional surname and arms of Baibd). Quar- dexter arm, embowed ppr, grasping a swan's head, and
terly, 1st and 4th, per fesse or and gu. a boar pass, ppr. ducally gorged as in the Arms.
betw. two crescents in chief of the second and a dagger erect Baker (Worcestershire and Gloucestershire. Thomas Johw
in base of the first, for Baird 2nd and 3rd, ar. a chev. betw.
; Llotd Bakeb, of Hardwicke Court, near Gloucester, sheriff
two martlets in chief gu. and a mount in base ppr., for of the county in 1824, son and heir of the late Rev.' William

Matuein, Crests 1st, A boar's head erased ppr, betw. two Llotd Bakee, of Stout's Hill, by Mart, his wife, dan. of the
branches of shamrocks vert, for Baird 2nd, a horse in full; Eev. John Llotd, of Ryton, in Durham, a descendant of
speed ar., for Matdbin. Motto~Yi et virtute, William Llotd, bishop of Worcester). Az. three swans'
Baimsfather, or Bamesfather (Scotland). Gu. three —
heads erased ar. ducally gorged or. Crest A naked dexter
chev. ar, each charged with as many mullets sa. Ci-est — arm ppr. holding a swan's head erased ar.
boar's head couped or. Baker (Kent). Az. on a fesse betw. three swans* heads
Bairstow. Erm. on a fesse betw. two cottises sa. three. erased and ducally gorged gu. as many cinquefoils
crescents ar.
Crest —
Out of a crescent a demi eagle displ. of the last.Crest —
An arm embowed, habited with green
(granted by Hawkins, Ulster, 1711, to Euseby hand ppr. a swan's head erased or.
leaves, in the
Baislet, Esq. of Eicketetown, co. Carlow), Vert on a plate Baker (Kent and Sussex, granted to Thomas Bakee, of
betw. three sheep couchant ppr. a sheep dog sejant sa. Battell, CO. Sussex, by Camden, Clarenceux, 1625). Ar. a

Crest An arm in armour embowed ppr, the hand holding a tower betw. three keys erect az. Crest —
A musk-rose
shepherd's crook pointed with the head of a bearded arrow branch, with buds, ah, ppr.(another, the roses ar, seeded or).
all ppr. Baker (Lincolnshire and Smallborough, co. Norfolk), Loz-
Baistard, or Basterd (Devonshire). Or, a chev. az, engy or and az. on acliief gu. three lions ramp. or. Crest-^
Bakepuce (Rutlandshire). Gu, two bars ar. in chief three A demi unicorn erased ar. armed and maned or.
horse shoes of the second (another, or). Baker (London, granted 1702). Ar. a saltire sa. on a chief
Bakepuce, or Bakepure. Az, a fesse vair€, or and gu. of the second, five escallops erm. three and two. Crest On —
betw. six crosses crosslet of the second. a mount vert, a tower ar. betw, two laurel branches ppr.
Baker (Loventor, co, Devon, bart,). Ar. on a saltire engr. Baker (Derby). Or, three piles one issuant from the chief
sa. five escallops of the first, on a chief of the second a lion and two from the base az, each charged with a swan's head
pass, of the field. Crest—A dexter arm embowed vested erased ar. Crest —
A dexter arm embowed in armour
az. cuff ar. holding in the hand ppr. an arrow of the last. grasping a caduceus in bend surmounting the truncheon of
Baker (Glaives and Hill Court, co. Worcester). Same Arms. a tilting spear in bend sinister sphutered, aU ppr. Motto^
Baker (Upper Dunstable House, co. Surrey, bart.). Ar. a Dum spiro spero.
saltire sa. charged with five escallops erminois, on a chief Baker (Northfield, co. Worcester, and London, confirmed by
az.a lion pass, of the third armed and langued gu. Crest — Reyley, Blue Mantle, 1646), Erm. a fesse engr. betw. three
A demi lion ramp, per fesse indented erminois and pean, horses' heads couped sa. Crest— A hand issuing out of
supporting in the paws an escallop ar. charged with an clouds ppr, holding a cross calvary sa. Motto Nemo sine —
ermine spot. Motto—Tidei coticula crux. cruce heatua.


Baber (Someraetslure). As Bakeb, of "Waresley, co. Wor- Baker (Elemore, co. Durham, Stanton, co. Northumber-
cester. land and Boulley, co. York, Henry John Baker, Esq.,
Baker (West Hay, co. Somerset). Az. on a fesse engr. assumed that name in place of Tower, in 1844, on succeeding
betw. three swans' necks erased or, gorged witli ducal to the estates of his maternal grandfather, George Baker,
coronets gu. as many cinquefoils of the last. Ch'est — Esq. of Elemore), Quarterly, 1st and 4th, erm. on a
dexter arm in mail, the under vest seen at the elhow vert saltire engr. az. a maunch betw. four escallops or, on a chief
the hand ppr. grasping a swan's neck as in the arms, sa. a lion pass, of the third, for Baker; 2nd and 3rd, sa.

teaked gu. '

a tower or, charged with a pheon of the field within a
Baker (as quartered hy Addison John Bakee Cresswell, of bordure of the second charged with ten crosses crosslet also
Cresswell, co. Northumberland, Esq., M.F.). Gu. a goat —
of the field, for Tower. Crests 1st, Bakee, a lion ramp,
statant ar. armed and crined betw. three saltires of the
or, ar. charged on the shoulder with a saltire az. and supporting

last. Crest—A goat's head erased ar. armed and crined or, betw. the paws a shield of the last, thereon a maunch or;
gorged with a collar gemel, and charged on the neck with 2nd, TowEE, a griffin pass, per pale or and erm. the dexter
a s^dtire gu. paw resting on a shield gu. charged with a tower as in the
Baker (Elemore, co. Durham, originally of Crook Hall, Arms. Motto —Love and dread.
founded by Sir Geoege Bakeb, Knt., Clerk of the Chancery Baker. Gu. on a cross patt^e or, five annulets sa.
of Durham, who d. in 1667). Ar. on a saltire az. five escal- Baker. A goat pass. ar. attired or.
lops of the first on a chief az. a lion pass. ar. Baker Erm. on a chief
(Aldesworth, co. Notts, Visit 1614).
Baker (Win gfield -Bakee, Orset Hall, co. Essex. William vert, two boars' heads couped or. Crest A boar's head—
WiNGFiELD, Master in Chancery, assumed the additional couped or.
name and arms of Bakee, 1849, on succeeding to the estates Bakering'. Chequy ar. and gu. a bend sa.
ofKicHARD Baker, Esq. of Orset Hall). Quarterly, 1st and Bakers, Company of (London). Gu. a balance betw, three
4th, ar, a greyhound courant betw. two bars, sa., for Bakee ;
garbs or, on a chief barry wavy of four ar. and az. an arm
2nd and 3rd, ar. a bend gu. betw. two cottises sa. with a embowed ppr. vested gu. cuffed or, issuing from clouds
crescent for diff., forWiNGFiELD. Crests— 1st, a cockatrice affixed to the upper part of the centre of the chief, of the
erm. combed and wattled gu., Bakee; 2nd, aeriffin pass. fifth, radiated of the last, betw. two anchors of the second,

vert, Wingfield. —
the hand supporting the balances. Crest On a wreath two
Baker (Benjamin Baker, of Miltown, Queen's Co., d. 21 arms embowed ppr. issuing out of clouds of the last vested
Feb. 1681, Fun. Ent. Ire.). Az. a fesse or, betw. three swans' gu. cuffed or, holding in their hands a chaplet of wheat of
heads erased ar. ducally gorged and beaked of the second. —
the last. Sup-porters Two stags ppr. attired or, each gorged
Crest —An eagle displ. sa. —
with a chaplet of the last. Motto Praise God for all.
Baker (Awsworth, co. Nottingham). Erm. on a chief vert. Bakers, Company of Bro'wn-Bakers (London, in-
two boars' heads couped or. corporated 1621). Vert a chev. quarterly or and gu. betw.
Baker (London and Worcestershire). Erm. a fesse engr. three garbs gold. The second on a chief, barry wavy of six,
betw. three horses' heads couped sa. Crest^A. hand issuing ar and az. an anchor lying fessways or, the beam and ring
out of the clouds ppr. holding a cross calvary aa. over it to the sinister, from the bottom of the chief a hand issuing

this motto, on a scroll Nemo sine cruce beatus. from clouds all ppr. holding a pair of scales which are oa
Baker (Walton, co. Norfolk). Or, on a fesse engr. betw. —
the chev. or. Crest An arm embowed vested quarterly or
three cinquefoils sa. ,as many swans' heads erEiscd of the and gu. cuff ar. holding erect in the hand ppr, a garb gold.
first. Crest— On. a chapeau az. turned up erm. a stag's bead Bakers, Company of (Exeter). Gu. a balance betw. three
cabossed or. garbs or, on a chief barry wavy of four ar. and az. a hand
Baker, alias Lloyd (Terington, co. Norfolk). Or, on a ppr, vested gu. cuffed or, issuing from clouds affixed to the
fesse wavy az. betw. three escallops sa. as many birds ar. tipper part of the chief, holding the balance. J/oiio— Praise
Baker (Northumberland). Ar. three bears' heads erased sa. God for all.

muzzled or, in chief three torteaux. Bakett. Ar. on a chev. betw. three mullets sa. an eagle
Baker (Radnorshire). Ar. on a fesse sa. three escallops of displ. or.
the first, in chief nine ears of wheat, in three bunches, Bakewell (BakeweU, co. Derby). Or, three magpies ppr.
two saltireways and one in pale gu. in base three swans' Bakisley, orBakysle. Ar. three crosses crosslet fitch^e
heads erased of the last, ducally gorged or. C)'est A hawk's — sa.
head ar, betw, two wings gu, holding in the beak three ears Balam (Walstoken, Marsland, Bewford-Hall, co. Norfolk, and
of wheat of the last. Barton, co. Suffolk). Sa, on a fesse betw. three etoiles ar, as
Baker (Sahsbury). The same as of Mayfield, Sussex. —
many pellets. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi
Baker (Shrewsbury). Sa. a griffin segreant (another, cock gu. wings displ. combed and wattled or. Anoth^ Crest —
reguard.) erm. ducally gorged or, beaked and membered A lion's head erased gu. collared and lined or, charged on
^u. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet an embowed dexter arm the neck with a cinquefoil ar,
vested or, and gauntlet of the same, holding a broken Balbimie (Scotland). Vert a fess chequy ar. and az. betw.
tilting spear in bend gold, without bur or vamplate, enfiled three cuirasses of the second, on a chief of the same three
with a garland vert. buckles of the first.
Baker (Wells, co. Somerset). Ar. on u fesse gu. three Balcarres, Earl of. See Lindsay.
falcons' heads erased of the field. Balcaskie (Scotland). Vert, on a chev. ar. three trefoil!
Baker (originally of Battel, co. Sussex). Ar. a tower betw. slipped of the field.

three keys erect sa. Crest On a tower sa. an arm embowed Balch (Robert EvERAED Balch of St. Audries, co. Somerset,
in mail, holding in the hand aflintstone all ppr. Esq., 1789). Barry of six or
and az. on a bend engr. gu. three
Baker. Ar, on a fesse engr. sa, fimbriated or, betw, two spear heads ar.
greyhounds courant of the second, three fleurs-de-lis of the Balchen (Admiral Sir John Balchen, Governor of Greenwich

third. Crest A greyhound's head erased ar. gorged with a Hospital temp. Geo. II.), Vert a crescent betw. eight estoiles
fesse engr. sa. fimbriated or, charged with three fleurs-de- —
in orle or. Crest An anchor erect, and from its cross-beam
lis of the last. a square banner pendant charged with three fieurs-de-lis in
Baker (Lismacue, co. Tipperary). Az. three swans' heads fesse.
erased ar. ducally gorged or. Crest— A dexter hand and Balden (Elsington, co, Norfolk). Per fesse indented gu. and
arm naked holding a swan's head erased ar. Motto Honos — vert three swans close ar, beaked or.
virtutis satelles. Balden. Ar. a cross betw. four martlets vert,
Baker (Fort William, co. Cork). Arms, Crest, and Motto, Baldero or Baldew. Per pale or and az. a saltire coun-
same as B&eee of Lismacue. terchanged.
Saker (London, confiroied by Cook, Clarenceux, to George Balderston (Vis. York, 16C6 quartered by Mitfoep

Bakee, of London, and to the descendants of his father, through Osbaldeston). Ar a lion ramp. purp.
Christophee Baker, of Tenterden, 1573). Or, a greyhound Balderstone (that Ilk, co. Linlithgow). Ar, a cross sa. in

courant betw. two, barssa. Crest A cockatrice erm. combed chief two crosses crosslet fitchde of the last. Crest —
Out of a
and wattled gu. cloud a dexter hand fessways ppr. holding a cross pattee
Baker (Feckenham, co. Worcester, Visit., 1682). Same Arms. fltchee az.
Baker (Bayfordbury, Herts). Per pale erm. and gu. a grey- Baldestone (Lancashire). Ar, a mascle sa. betw. three
lioimd courant betw. two bars invectcd, in chief two quatre- ogresses.
foils, and another in base, all counterchanged. Crest— Baldington. Ar. on a chev. sa. a plate betw, two roses
coeltatrice per fesse indented erminois and pean, combed of the field.
and wattled gu. gorged with a collar az. and in the beak a Baldington. Ar. on » chev. sa. betw. three pellets, as
quatrefoil slipped vert. —
Motto So run that you may many roses of the field.
obtain. I Baldock(Petham, co. Kent). Quarterly, erminois and erm.
an eagle displ. on a cMef engr. az. three
with two heads sa. Balfour (Trenahy, co. Orkney, as heir
male of Mountquhanny
escallops or. —
Orest On a mount vert a greyhound sejant, 1843), Ar. on a chev. sa. an otter's head erased of the field.
the dexter paw resting on an escallop ar. Crest—A dexter arm in armour erect, the hand holding a
Baldock (Cawston, co. Norfolk). Chequy or and gn. on a baton in bend gu. tipped ar. Supporters—Two otters ppr,
fesse az. three escallops ar. Crest —An eagle looking at the Motto-^ Fordward.
sun. Balfour (Femey, co. Fife, heir male of the 2nd Lord Balfour
Baldrey. Sa. on a chev. engr. betw. three grifGns segreant of Burleigh, paternally an Abnot 1808). Ar. on a chev, sa.
enn. as many martlets gu. an otter's head erased of the field. Crest and Motto as Lord-
Baldrick. Per pale ar. and az. a saltire counterchanged. Balfour of Burleigh.
Baldringrton. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. Balfour (Dunbog, co. Fife, 1779). Ar, on a chev. engr. sa.
Baldry (Lord Mayor of London, 1523). Sa. on a chev. engr. betw. three stars gu. an otter's head erased of the field, a-
betw. three demi griffins couped or, as many martlets gu. bordure gu. Crest—A tower ar. masoned sa. ensigned wilhi
Baldry. Sa. on a chev.betw. three demi griffins erm.
or, an otter's head erased of the last. iHo«o—Nil temere.
the uppermost respecting each other, as many martlets gu. Balfour (Grange, co. Fife). Ar. on a chev. sa. an otter'g
Baldwin or Saldwyn (Diddlebury, co. Salop). Ar. a —
head erased of the field. Crest A castle ar. on the battle-
saltire sa. CVesi— On a moimt vert a cockatrice ar. combed, ment a woman standing ppr. attired gu. holding in her
wattled, and beaded or, ducally gorged and lined of the last. hand an otter's head as in the Anns. Motto Nil temere. —
Baldwin (allowed by the Deputies of Camden, ClarenceuXf Balfour (Holland, 1782). Ar. on a chev. sa. an otter's head
to BiCHABD Eaij>win of Coventry, third son of William erased of the field, a bordure gu. Crest A tower ar. —
Baldwin of Essex. Her. Vis.). Ar a saltire sa. Crest— On masoned sa. ensigned with an otter's head erased of the last.
a mount vert a cockatrice ar. combed, wattled, and beaked —
Motto ^Nn temere.
or, ducally gorged and lined of the last. Balfour (Ballow, Fife). Sa. on a chev. or. an otter's head
Baldwin (Leyland, co. Lancaster). Same Amis, Crest erased of the field, in chief a label of three points gu,
—A cockatrice ppr. wattled, combed, and beaked or, ducally Balfour (Denmiln, Fife, bart., 1633). Or, on a chev. sa.

gorged and lined of the last. Motto Je n'oubUerai pas. betw. three trefoils slipped vert, an otter's head erased ar.
Baldwin (St. Maley, co. Cornwall). Gu. two bendlets and a Crest ^A —
crescent or. Motto God gives increase.
border ar. BalfoTir (Forret, co. Fife). Or, on a chev. sa. betw. two tre-
Baldwin (Wilton, Beaconsfield, co. Bucks). Ar. a chev. foils slipped vert, in chief and a lion rampant gu, in base an
ermines betw. three oak branches ppr. otter's head erased ar.
Baldwin (Huntingdonshire). Per pale az. and or, a fleur- Balfour (Eauderstown, co. Fife). Or, on a chev. sa. betw.
de-lis betw. three crescents counterchanged. two trefoils slipped vert in chief and a garb in base of the
Baldwin (Stede Hill, co. Kent). Gu. a griffin segreant or. last banded of the first an otter's head erased ar.
Crest—A lion ramp. az. holding in the paws a cross crosslet BalfouT( Lalethan), Sa., on a chev, ar. betw. three roses of
fitch^e or. the second an otter's head erased of the field,
Baldwin (Shropshire). Per pale ar. and sa. a lidn counter- Balfour (Cariston, co. Fife). Gu, on a chev. betw. two-
changed. otters' heads erased in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base or, an.
Baldwin (Elsich, and Stoke Castle, co. Salop, and Aqualate, otter's head erased of the field.
ayounger branch of Baldwtn, of Diddlebury now represented Balfour (Balbimie, co. Fife). Ar. on a chev. engr. betw. three
by William Lacon Childe, Esq., of Kinlet, whose father, the mullets sa. a seal's head erased of the first. Ci-est~A palm
late William Baldwin, Esq., changed h^ name to Childe). —
tree ppr. Motto Virtus ad aethera tendit.
Same as the preceding. Balfour (Telrig, co. Edinburgh, 1760). Ar. on a chev.
Baldwin (Aylesbury, co. Bucks, the family terminated in an indented sa. betw. a rose in chief gu. and a saltire in base az.
heiress who m. Packington). At. six oak leaves in pairs, an otter's head erased of the field. Crest—A dexter hand-
two in chief and one in base vert, stalks sa. their points holding an olive branch all ppr. Motto Adsit Deus. —
downwards, d-est —A squirrel sejant or. Balfour (Russia, 1842). The same .within a bordure gu.
Baldwin. Ar. a chev. ermines betw. three hazel sprigs vert. Same Crest and Motto.
Crest —A squirrel sejant or, holding a hazel sprig vert. Balfour Edmund Balfodb, Manchester, 1854). Ar. on
Bald'win (Dalton in Fumess, co, Lancaster. William John a chev. betw. three lions pass, gu, an otter's head
Atkinson Baldwin, Esq., son of Rev. John Baldwin, Fellow —
Crest A dexter hand and arm erect
Christ's Coll. Camb. by Elizabeth dau. of William Atkin-
son, Esq., of Dalton). Quarterly, let and 4th, or, a chev.
erased of the field.
holding in bend a branch of laurel slipped all ppr. Motto —
Adsit Deus.
ermines betw. three hazel sprigs vert., for Baldwin ; Balfour (Lord Balfour of Glenawley, co. Fermanagh, from
2nd and 3rd, per saltire az. and gu, an eagle displ. a Funeral Entry in Ulster's OfSce). Ar. on a chev, sa. an
with two heads erm. on a chief or, apheonbetw. twoestoiles otter's head erased of the field in base a rose gu. Crest —
sa,, for Atkinson. —
Crest A squirrel sejant or, holding a A mermaid holding in the dexter hand a swan's head
hazel sprig vert. MGtto-~-Yim vi repello. and neck erased and in the sinister an otter's head erased
Baldwyn. Bendy of six ar. and gu. a chief or. all ar. —
Supporters Dexter, an otter ar. armed and langued"
Bale (Carleton-Curlew, co. Leicester, bart,). Per pale vert gu. tail fretty of the last ; sinister a swan ppr.

and gu. an eagle displ. or. Crest A demi lion gu. sustain- Balgroill. Erm. an inescutcheon gu.
ing a broken spear or. BalgTiy (Aston Hall, and Derwent Hall, co, Dreby tormerly,
Bale. At. two bars gu, in chief as many mullets pierced sa. afterwards of Duffield). Or, three lozenges az. Cre^t A. —
Bale. Ar. three torteaux in fesse. bear pass. ppr. collared and chained or.
Bales (Norton, co. Northampton). Gu. a fesse betw. three Baliol (John de Baliol, the celebrated competitor for the-
crosses patt6e fitch^ or. Crest —A
lion sejant gu. his paw
resting on a cross pattde fitch^ in the foot or.
crown of Scotland). Gu. an orle ar. Crest A decrescent —
and an increscent ar.
Bales (Wilby, CO. Suffolk), Or, a lion pass, betw, three crosses Baliol. Sa. a chev. or, betw. three swords erect ar.
form^e sa. Crest— Oji a mount vert a lion sejant erm. An- Baliol College (Oxford). Gu. an orle ar.
other Crest—A tiger's head erased sa. armed or, gorged with Balkesham. Gu. three plates.
a fess wavy ar, Ball (Bickerton, co. Chester). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. armed and-
BalesnLore. Az. a lion ramp, within a bordure or. langued gu.
Baleton. Ar. a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis sa. Ball (Blofield, co. Norfolk, bart., extinct, 1874). Erm. a lion
Baley (Ireland). Az. on a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. ramp. sa. armed and langued gu. betw. two torteaux in chief
three martlets sa. and in base a hand-grc-nade exploding ppr. Crest Out of a —
Balfour (of that Ilk, Fife : m. Eobeet de Bethtjne
heiress naval crown a cubit arm erect in naval uniform grasping a-
in the I4th century), Ar. on a chev. sa. an otter's head hand grenade fired in cross all ppr.
erased of the field. Ball (Cheshire), Ar. a lion ramp, sa, holding in the dexter-
Balfour (Balgarvie and Burleigh, co. Fife : heiress m. Sir Jas. —
paw a fireball ppr. Crest Out of a ducal coronet a hand
Balfodb, of Mountquhanny, in the I5th century). Ar, on a and arm embowed, in mail grasping a fireball all ppr.
chev. sa. an otter's head erased of the field, in base a rose gu, Ball (Devonshire), Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three fireballs, ppr.
Balfour (Mountquhanny, co. Fife, LordBalfour of Burleigh, Ball (Bickerton and Chester, Staffordshire and Derbyshire).
1607). Originally ar. on a chev. sa. an otter's head erased of Gu. a man's leg erased at the thigh and erected paleways -

the field, in base a saltire couped of the second, afterwards the transfixed with a coulter ppr.
nndifferenced coatof BALFOUBof thatUk. C^e«(—A mermaid Ball (impaled by Hdmphbt Vincent, Esq., of Kinfare, co. Staf-
ppr. holding in her dexter hand an otter's head erased sa. ford in 1612 in right of his wife Isabell Ball), Sa. afess
in her sinister a swan's head also erased ppr. Supporters— engr, three dexter hands couped ar.
An otter and a swan both ppr. Motto—Omne solum forti Ball (Chester). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. holding in the dexter
patria. See Bbuce Lord Balfour of Burleigh. paw a ball inflamed ppr.


3aU (Boughton, Greenhall, and Irby, co. Chester; an ancient Balme, Wlieatley-Balme (Cote Wall, Hopton, co. York,
family originally seated at Tussingham, in the same county, and High Close, co. Westmoreland). Erm. on a chief
at which place they held lands before the time of Edward I.). indented sa. two trefoils slipped or. Crest— A trefoil slipped
Gu. a leg in pale, couped at the middle of the thigh in as in the Arms. Motto Fideliter. —
chief, the foot erased at the ancle ar. pierced through the Balnaves (Hallhill). Per fesse ar. and sa. a chev. counter-
calf with the coulter of a plough of the last, the leg embowed changed.
of the first. Crest—A cubit arm vested gu. cuff ar. grasping Baluaves (Cambody). Per fesse ar. and sa. a chev. betv.
in the hand a fireball ppr. three cinquefoils, all counterchanged. Crest

A hand hold- —
Ball (Lincoln's Inn, London). Az. on a cross or, pierced of ing a football ppr. MottO' -Hinc origo.
the field four galtraps of the first. Crest —A galtrap az. the Balsham. Ar. three palets and a bordure gu. charged
upward point bloody. with eight crowns or.
Ball (Scotto, CO. Norfolk), Ar. a lion pass. sa. Crest — ^A demi Balston (Springfield, near Maidstone, co. Kent). Ar. a fesse
lion ramp, guard, sa. —
betw. three fieurs-de-Iis sa. Crest A dove holding an olive
.Ball (Northamptonshire, granted 1613). Ar. a lion pass. sa. branch in beak all ppr. ilfoWo— J'espere.

on a chief of the second three mullets of the first. Crest — EalswiU. Az. an increscent or.
Out of clouds ppr. a demi lion ramp. sa. powdered with estoiles Baltliorp. Sa. five plates betw. two. chev. ar. in chief three
ar.holding a globe or. lozenges of the second.
Ball (Lancashire). Gu. a leg in pale, couped at the thigh Balthorp. Ar. a fret of six gu. on a quarter barruled of the
in chief, and erased at the ancle ar. pierced through the first and second, ten martlets, three, two, two, and three, sa.

calf with the coulter of a plough crooked at the point ar. (another, on the quarter a palm branch in bend sinister or,
Crest—A turtle dove ppr. within an orle of martlets sa).
Ball (Ballsgrove, near Drogheda). Sa. on a chev. or, betw. Balthorpe. Ar. on a chev. sa. five fleurs-de-lis of the field.
three 'grif&ns' heads erased ar. langued gu. beaked of the Baltlxorpe. Gu. a fret ar. on a canton harry of twelve w.
second three martlets of the field all within a bordure and gu. an orle of martlets sa.

gobony of the first and third. Crest A griffin's head erased Baltimore, Lord. See Calvert.
as in the Arms. Jlfoifo— Fulcrum dignitatis virtus. Balting-lass, Viscount. See Eustace.
Ball. Ar. a chev. betw. three fireballs sa. fired ppr. C7-est Baltrey. Quarterly, ar. and ermines (another, ar. and erm.)
— An arm erect or, in the hand a fireball, all ppr. in the 1st and 4th quarters a goat's head erased sa. C)-est
Ball, or Balle. Or, a fesse wavy az. betw. two lions pass. — Out of a mural coronet or, a goat's head erased, quarterly
guard, sa. ar. and ermines.
Ballantme (Crookdale, co. Cumberland). Ar. on a cross Balvaird (of that Ilk, co. Fife). Gu. a huntinghorn or,
betw. four mullets az. a sword ppr. pommelled and hilted or. stringed and garnished az. on a chief of the second three
See Dykes. mullets of the first.

Ballard (Horton, near Canterbury, and Wadhurst, co. Sus- Balvaird (chaplain to archbishop of St. Andrews, 1672).
sex). Sa. a griffin segreant erm. armed and gorged with a The same with the chief engr. for diff. Crest A hand hold-
— —
crown or, (another, without the crown). Crest A demi — ing a huntinghorn ppr. Motto ^Non omnibus dormio.
griffin with wings endorsed erm beaked and legged or. Balkwortb.e. Or, a
ramp, purpure collared ar.
Ballard (Evesham, co. Worcester). Sa. a griffin; segreant Balum. Ar. three bars dancettee and abase indented gu.

erm. Crest ^A griffin's head erased erm. Bamber (John Bauber, Esq., of Bamber Plall, co. Lancas-
Ballard (Greenwich, co. Kent, and Southwell, co. Notts, Visit. ter, temp, Charles I.). Ar. two chev. gu. betw. four fleurs-
Notts, 1614). Same Arms. de-lis sa. Cre&t —
A bull's head erased gu. attired or.
Ballard. Vert a mullet or, betw. three trefoils ar. —
Motto Fortis et egregius.
Balle (Devonshire). Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three pellets Bamlber (granted by Hawkins, Ulster, 1711, to Eichabd
an eagle displ. ar. Bamber, formerly a merchant of Dublin). Ar. two chev. gu.
Balle (Ireland). Az. a lion ramp. ar. betw. three fleurs-de-lis az. Ot-est —
A bull's head couped gu.
Balle. At. a lion pass. sa. Bambrouffli (Eendlesham, co. Suffolk and York). Ar. a
Balle (Mamhead, co. Devon, originally of Balle-Hayes in pheon sa. on a chief of the second a lion pass, of the first.
Axminster). Ar. a chev. betw. three fireballs gu. Crest — Crest —A skullcap ar.
An arm holding a fireball ppr. Baiabro-we (Yorkshire and Suffolk). Sa. onafesseor, betff.

Balleine (Jersey). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. armed and langued three pheons ar. as many fleurs-de-lis gu.
gu. Bamburg- (Yorkshire). The same Arms and Crest as Bam-
Ballentine (Crookdale). Ar. on a cross betw. four mullets BEO0GH of Rendlesham.This family had a grant of another
a sword erect of the first, hilt and pomel or. Crest —A demi a wolfs head erased vert bezantee.
crest, 1602, viz.,
griffin sa. wings endorsed erm. in the dexter claw a sword Bamburg*!!. Ar. on a chief sa. a lion pass, of the first.
erect, as in the Arms. Bamburgh. Ar. a fesse dancettee sa.
Ballet (Ireland). Or, three bars wavy gu. Bament. Ar. a chief indented sa.
Ballett (London, granted 24 Elizabeth, and Hatfield, co. Bamet, or Banet. Gu. a bordure sa. bezantee.
Essex). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. on a chief gu. three cinquefoils Bamfield. Or, on a bend gu. three mullets ar. Crest —A
or. Crest Out —of a mural coronet or, a demi eagle displ. lion's head erased sa. crowned or.
sa. Bamfield (Camden's Grants). Same as last, mullets pierced
Ballia*wle. Sa. a chev. or, betw. three swords erect ar. and in centre chief point an annulet sa., the Crest charged
'Ballidon (Derby, granted by Dugdale). Ar. two bars vert with an annulet or.
each charged with three crosses crosslet or. Crest~~A demi Bamfield, or Bauznfield (Cornwall and Devonshire).
lion vert crowned or, holding a cross crosslet as in the Arms. "Vert, on a bend mullets gu. Crest
or, three A lion statant —
Balling'all (Sir George Ballingall, F.R.S., Regius Pro- guard, holding in the dexter paw an anchor, the flukes rest-
fessor of Military Surgery in the University of Edinburgh). ing on the wreath.
Ar. betw. two bars vert, a dolphin naiant ppr. in chief a Bamfield, or Baumefield. Paly of six or and vert a

battering ram sa. Crest An eagle displ. with two heads bend gu.
embattled in pale or and gu. Motto Fortitudine et decore. — Bamfield, or Bawraefield. Or, on a chief gu. tliree tre-
BalloTV (Westminster, and Norwich). Az. an estoile of eight foils slipped of the first.
points or, betw. three keys erect ar. Crest—Two arms em- Bamford (Colton, co. Stafford. William Bamford, of
bowed habited sa. cuffs ar. the hands conjoined ppr. holding Rugeley, Esq.). Ar a fesse wavy betw. three crosses crosslet
an estoile of eight points or. fitchee gu. Crest—A lion's head erased ppr.
Bally (granted to William Ford Ballt, Esq., Bath, co. Bamford (Bamford, co. Lancaster ; Visit. 1613. Willum
Somerset. Fellow Roy. Coll. Surgeons Eng.). Per chev. ar. Bamford, of Bamford, Esq., was sheriff, 1787). Ar. a fesse
and az. in chief two acorns vert and in base a demi griffin of engr. gu.
the first. Crest —
Or, a mount vert in front of an oak tree Bamfortli (The High House, co. Derby). Ar. a fesse engr.
fructed ppr. two swords saltirewise also ppr. pomels and gu.
hnte or. Motto—Bakavov bevBpov ^aXkrjv. Bamme (Lord Mayor of London, 1390). Erm. on a chief in-
Balmakin Ar. three piles in point gu.
(Scotland). dented sa. an annulet or, betw. two trefoils slipped ar.
Balmanno (Scotland). Ar. a cross counter-embattled sa., orBaum. Erm. on a chief indented sa. three
Balmanuo (Glasgow, 1823). Ar. on a cross counter-embat- (another, two) crosses crosslet ar. Crest Out of a ducal
coronet a griflBn's head holding in the beak a key all ppr.

tled ea. within a bordure engr. of the second three turbots
fretted of the field. Crest— X dexter hand erect grasping a Bamme. Erm. on a chief indented sa. a trefoil slipped betw.
scimitar ppr. Motto—FortitiT.
two annulets ar.
Balme. Ar. three sprigs of baJm flowered ppr. Bampfield (Devonshire). Paly of eight or and vert, on a

U bend gu. three mullets ar.

; A


B8Jnpfi.eld. Ar. a cross inoUiie sa. Banester Ar. a cross patonce
(Prescot). in the dexter'
i ,

Bampfylde (Lord Poltimore). Or, on a tend gu. three chief point a fleshpot of the second.
nmllets ar. Crest —
^A lion's bead erased sa. ducally crowned Banester (Westminster). Gu. three chev. ar.
or. SupporterB —
On either side alion, reguard. sa. dacally Banester (Easington, co. York, confirmed 1578j. Ar.
crowned and gorged with a collar gemcUe or, therefrom cross flory sa. over all a label of five points gu.
pendent an escutcheon of the ^rms. i)fo«o—Delectare in Banester (Yorkshire). Ar. two dossers joinant in fesse,
Domino. betw, four fleurs-de-lis sa.
of the
Or, on &[ chief gu. three trefoils slipped Banester. Ar. on a cross patonce sa. a mullet. Crest
lobster or.

Ban, or Banne. Erm. a chief indented sa. Banester (of Darwen, co. Lancaster, 1567). Sa. two dossers
Banant. Erm. two bars gu. joined in fesse ar. on a chief gu. three fleurs-de-lis or. The
BaJiard. Sa. a fesse hetw. two chev. ar. ancient Arms were, Ar. a water bouget betw. four fleurs-de-
Banard, or Banyard (Stakey, co. Norfolk). Sa. on a lis sa.

fesse betw. three martlets of the first. Ot-est

two chev. or, — Banester (Preston co. Lancaster, 1664). Ar. a pair of
A lion's gamb erased a martlet or, for diff.
sa. dossers, or water bougets sa. on a chief of the second three
Bauaster (Bank, co. Iiancas^er ; see Catalogue of Knights of fleurs-de-lis of the field.
the Garter, and Visitations of La-neashire, annis 1567 and Banester. Ar. three fleurs-de-lis and a chief sa.
leiS.Harleian MSS. British Museum, Nos. 1549, 1437, 1158 Banester. Ar. a cross moline saltireways sa.
descended from Sir Tbo&ias Banasteb, Enlght of the Garter, Banester. Vert a maunch ar.
temp. Edward III. ; the Arvis now quartered by Parker of Banester. A
cross of four fusils sa.
Cuerden). Ar. a cross patonce sa. Crest A peacock set- — Banff, Town of (Scotland). Gu. the Virgin Mary holding-
ting ppr. the child Jesus in her arms or.
Banaster. Ar. two dossers joinant in fesse and chief three Banford, or Baumford (Donyngton, co. Lincoln). Ar^
fleurs-de-hs sa. a fesse engr. gu.
Banaster. See Baitbsteb. Bangrare. Ar. a fesse' dancettee betw. three escallops gu.
Banburgrlie. Ar. on a fesse sa. a lion pass, of the field. Bangreley. Or, three lozenges az.
Banbury (the Town Seal pertaining to the Bailiff, Aldermen, Bangrer. Or, a chev. betw. three leopards* faces gu. on a
and Burgesses of the town and borough of Banbury, Visit. chief sa. three plates charged with an erm. spot of the last.
Oxon). Abranchof atreewithfiowers and fruit, underneath Crest —
^A greyhound's head erased per fesse gu. and or.
the letters B. A. Bang-or, Viscount. See Ward.
Banbury. Ar. a cross formee betw. four mullets of six Bang-or (1451). Gu. a chev. betw. three leopards' heads or,,
points gu. a chief erm.
Banbury, or Bandbnry (Oxfordshire). Ar. a cross betw. Bangor, See of. Gu. a bend or, guttee-de-poix, betw. two
four mullets pierced gu. Crest— ^A falcon reguard. holding mullets pierced ar.
in the dexter claw a garland of laurel all ppr. Bangor, City of. Same as the last.
Banbury, Town of (Oxfordshire). Az. a sun in splendour Bangton. Gu. three crosses crosslet fltchee or, a chief of
or. the second.
Bancs (Lsndon and Callow, co. Berks). Az. two lion's gambs Banliam.. Az. a bend ar. cottised or.
chCTTonways or, supporting a crescent reversed ar. in chief Banister. Ar. two buckets suspended by an annulet sal-

two estoiles of the last. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a tireways sa. betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest torteau. —A
lion's paw holding a cross crosslet fitchee sa. Banke. Sa. a cross engr. or, betw. four fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest
Bancke (Lincolnshire). Sa. a mullet betw. two bars ar. — ^A griffin segreant, implumed ar. holding a cross formee
Bancks (Gloucestershire and Lancashire. John Bances, of fltchee gu.
Manchester, M.D.). Sa. across engr. or, betw. four fleurs- Banke, or Banck (London and Yorkshire). Sa. a cros s
de-lis ar. Crest —^A griffin segreant unplomed ar. holding a or, betw. four fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest —
On the stump of a tree-
cross forme fitchee gu. couped a stork close all ppr.
Bancroft (London, allowed by Camden, Clarenceux, to Banke. Sa. on a cross betw, four fleurs-de-lis ar, flve pellets.
BicHABn Bahcboft, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1604). Or, Banke. Or, a chev. gu. betw. three falcons' heads erased sa.
on a bend betw. six crosses crosslet az. three garbs gold. Banke. Gu. two lions* gambs erased or, supporting a cres-
Cfrest —
^A garb betw. two wings expanded or. cent in chief ar.
Bancroft. Or, on a chev. engr. hetw. three crosses pattee Bankes (Eevesby Abbey, co. Lincoln, borne by the late Sir
fitchee sa. two Uons ramp, reguard. combatant ar. Joseph Baneeb, Bart., and also, with the addition of " a can>
Band (Essex). Chequy ar. and sa. on a fesse gu. three trefoils ton or," by Metrick Bankes, Esq,, of Winstanley Hall, Lan-
slipped of the first. caster). Sa. a cross or, betw. four fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest Ou —
Band (Essex). Gu. three eagles displ. or, armed az. the stump of an oak tree couped, sprouting out new branches,
Band, Ga. three eagles* legs ^-lar-quise or. a stork statant ar. beaked or, ducally gorged gu. Motto —
Band. Gu. three wings pendant or. Nullius in verba.
Band (Wookey House, co. Somerset). Gn. three eagles displ. Bankes (London, Visit, 1568). Sa on a cross or, betw. four
or, on a chief three leopards* heads. Crest —
^An eagle rising fieurs-de-lis ar, five ogresses.
or. Motto —
Dieu est mon aide. Bankes (Cojfe Castle, and Kingston hall, co. Dorset). Sa, a
Bandcourt. Yert a fesse or. cross engr, erm. betw. four fleurs-de-lis or. Crest ^AMoor's- —
Bandebury. Ar. a cross patonce gn. hetw. four mullets of head full faced, couped at the shoulders ppr. on the bead a
the second. cap of maintenance gu. turned up erm, adorned with a
Bondenell (Netherbury). 6n a fesse betw. an eagle displ. crescent, issuant therefrom a fleur-de-lis or. Motto ^Velle —
in chief, and three escallops in base ar. Crest —A griffin vult quod Deus.
statant pgr. Bankes (Winstanley, co. Lancaster). Sa. a cross or, betw.
Bandinel (the late Eev. Bulkei-et Bandinel, D.D., four fleurs-de-lis ar. a canton of the second, Oresi—On the-
Bodlet's Libranan). Or, in the dexter chief a round shield, stump of a tree ppr. a stork ar. beaked and duc^y gorged
charged with a knight in full career, spear in rest ar. Crest or.
— A helmet close, crested with a plume of feathers, ppr. Banks (Aylesford, co, Kent). Sa. on a cross ar. betw. four
Bandinel pean of Jersey, 1620). Gules a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis or, five pheons az. Crest —On a mount vert a
escallops or, on a chief of the first an eagle displ. of the stag statant homed and unguled or, behind a tree ppr.
second. Crest —
A griffin statant ppr. Baxiks. Sa. on a cross betw. three fleurs-de-hs or, five arches
Bandon, Earl of. See Bernard. of the field within the arch on the centre point a fleur-de-lis
Bane. Sa. two leg bones in cross ar. of the last. Crest —
On a mount vert a Corinthian column
Bane. Per saltire ar. and az. lying fesseways ppr. thereon a stork az. beaked and legged
Banent. Or, a lion sa. tail forked overall abend gobonated. gu. the dexter claw resting on a fleur-de-lis or. Mottc —
Banent. Sa. a lion ramp. or. Ferseverando.
Banester (Cheshire). Ar. a cross sarcelly sa. (another, mo- Banks (London). Sa. on a cross or, betw. four fleurs-de-lis
line). ar, flve pellets. Crest — ^An armed arm ar, garnished or, out
Banester (Lancashire). Ar. three chev. gu. of clouds ppr, the hand holding a falchion ar. hilt and pomcl
Banester (Lancashire and Surrey). Ar. a cross flory sa. or, on the falchion a chaplet vert.
Orest~—A peacock ppr. Banks (Yorkshire). Sa a cross betw. four fleurs-de-lis or,
Banester (Leicestershire and Staffordshire). Ar. » cross (another, ar). Crest—~Aa eagle's head couped ar. Ano'Jie^'
patonce sa- within a hordure gu. bezantee. Crest A pea- — Crest —A dragon ramp. ar. on a mount vert supporting a
cock ppr. pitting gorged with a collar gu. charged with three cross pattee or.
bezants. Banks (Geobce Banes, of Leeds, Esq,). Sa. on a croEs


three pellets in fesse in the first and fourtli quarters a
; gorged with a bar gemelle or, dexter ear gu. the sinister ar
fleur-de-lis, and in the second and third an eagle's head the wings purfled or.

erased of the second. Crest An eagle's head erased sa. Baraby (Lincoln). Ar two bars sa. bordure gu.
betw. two fleurs-de-lis ar. Barantine (Essex). Ar. three chev. gu. a label az.
3annatyne (Kames, Bute, 1672). Gu. a chev. ar. betw. Barantine. Or, a lion ramp, doubled queued sa. semee of

three mullets or. Crest ^A demi griffin holding in his dexter fleurs-de-lis or.

paw a sword erect ppr. Supporters Two angels ppr. habited Barantine. Sa. six eaglets displ. ar. three, two and one.
az. winged or. —
Motto Nee cito nee tarde. Barantyne, Barentine or Barentyne (Buckingham-
Bannatyne (Kames, Bute, 1795, paternally Mc. Leod). shire and Oxfordshire). Sa. (another, az.) three eagles displ.
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, as the last; 2nd and 3rd, az. a castle ar.
triple towered and embattled ar. masoned sa. windows and Baratty. Erm. three cinquefoils az. Crest An eagle re- —
portcullis shut gu. in dexter chief point a star or, for guard, wings expanded holding in the dexter claw a
McLeod. Crest, Supporters, and Motto— As the last, with sword all ppr.

additional Motto Murus aheneus. Barbam. Ar. three bears pass. sa. muzzled or.
Bannatyne (ICellie, Scotland). Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three Barban, or Barbon. Ar. on a fesse gu. three leopards'
mullets or, a bordure of the second. Crest— A. griffin's head faces of the field (another, the fesse humettee). Crest —

erased ppr. Motto Nee cito nee tarde. leopard'shead and neck ppr.
Bannatyne (Corebouse, Scotland). Ar. a cross betw. four Barber (Hertfordshire). two chev. betw. three fleurs-de-
mullets az. Crest —
A demi griffin holding in the dexter paw lisgu. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head per
and beak a sword erect ppr. Siotto — ^Nec cito nee tarde. pale ar. and gu.
-Bannatyne (Newhall, Scotland). Ar. on a cross az. betw. Barber (Lord Mayor of London, 1733). Erm. a chev., betw.
four mullets gu. a crescent or. Crest —A demi griffin holding three fleurs-de-lis gu.
in the dexter paw a sword in fesse ppr. Motto —^Dum spiro Barber (East Smithfield). Sa. a fesse or, fretty gu. betw,
spero. three bulls' heads trunked ar. armed of the second.
Banne. Erm, on a chief indented sa. two moorcocks ar. Barber (Suffolk). Or, two chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu.
3anner (London). Per pale erm. and or, a fleur-de-Hs coun- Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet gu, a bull's head ar.
terchanged, on a canton az. a lion pass. ar. Crest An — Barber (London, Camden's grants). Or, two chevronels gu.
armed arm embowed, holding in the hand ppr. a banner in chief three fleurs-de-lis of the last. Crest— On a mural
gu. charged with a fleur-de-lis or, fringe and staff ar. Motto coronet gu. a bull's head erased ar.
— Nil sine Numine. Barber. Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three round buckles or.
Barber. Or, on a bend sinister az. a mullet of the field.
Banner. Erm. a chief dancettee sa.
Bannerman (Waterton, co. Aberdeen). Or, on a fess az. Barber, or Barbery. Or. on two chev. gu. three fleurs-
three mascles gu. betw. as many boars' heads couped of the de-hs of the fleld.
second. Barberrie. Ar. three eagles* heads erased az. Crest —
Bannerman (Elsick, co. Kincardine, hart., 1682). Gu. a dexter hand holding an arrow point downwards all ppr.
banner displ. ar. thereon a canton az. charged with a St. —
Motto Suivez raison.

Andrew's cross of thesecond. Crest ^A demi man in armour, Barbers, Com.pany of (London). Quarterly, Ist and
holding in the dexter hand a sword ppr. Supporters ^Two — 4th, sa. a chev. betw. three fleams ar. ; 2nd and 3rd, per
men in armour ppr. Motto Pro patriS. — pale ar. and vert, a spatula in pale az. surmounted of a
^Bannermann (Rev. Eobeet Bannerman, parson of Newton rose gu. charged with another of the flrst, the first rose
1681-9). The same within a bordure ar. charged with four regally crowned ppr. betw. the four quarters of a cross
buckles az. and as many holly leaves vert alternately. of St. George gu. charged with a lion pass, guard, or.
Crest— A demi priest praying and habited ppr. Motto — Crest —
An opinicus with wings indorsed or. Supporters-
Hebc preestet militia. Two lynxes ppr. spotted of various colours, both ducally
Bannerman (Henrt Campbell - Bannerman, of Hunton collared and chained ar. Motto —
^De proescientia Dei.
Court, CO. Kent, M.P. 1872). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per Barber-Surgeons, Company of (Exeter). Quarterly,
pale gu. and sa. a banner displ. bendways ar. thereon a sa. and ar. over all on a cross gu. a lion pass, guard, or,
canton az. charged with a saltire of the second, for on the 1st and 4th quarters a chev. betw. three fleams
Bannerman 2nd and ; 3rd, gyronny of eight or and sa. on ar., on the 2nd and 3rd quarters a rose gu. seeded or,

a chief engr. ar. a lymphad sails furled and oars in action barbed vert, regally crowned ppr. Motto De prcescientia —
betw. two hunting horns stringed all of the second, for Dei.

Campbell of Stracathro. Crests A demi man in armour l^arbeson (Aldemey). Az, on a chev. betw. two mullets in

ppr., for Bannerman

bell. Mottoes
a boar's head erased ppr., for Camp-


Patriae fidelis, for Bannerman : Ne obUvis-

Crest —and a branch
of olive in base or, three gutt^s de poix.
or, in front of a mount vert thereon
caris, for Campbell. an olive tree ppr. on the dexter side thereof a Uon gu. ramp,
Bannerton (Kenton, co. Salop). Or, a fesse betw. three lions to the sinister. —
Motto Semper fidelis.
ramp. gu. Barbey, or Barrey. Gu. three bars gobonated ar. and
Banneston. Az. a fesse dancettee erm. betw. three crosses sa.
crosslet Btchee or. Barbon (London). Ar. on a fesse engr. gu. three leopards'
Bannett (Suffolk). Ar. a chief dancettee sa. heads or. Crest —A leopard's head issuing ar. spotted sa.
Banning (London, 1583). Ar. two bars sa. each charged Barbony, Erm. a fesse gu,
with as many escallops or. Crest On a mount vert an — Barbor (Stamford, co. Lincoln, London, and Bury St.

ostrich ar. holding in the mouth a key or. Edmunds). Ar. two chevronels betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu.
Banning. Erm. on a chief indented sa. two true-lovers' in the centre chief point a cinquefoil of the last. Crestr—
knots ar. Out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head ar, charged on
Banning--Grreaves. See Greaves. the neck with a cinquefoil gu.
Bannister. Gu. three chev. ar. Crest —An arm in armour Barbor. Barry of ten or and az. on a saltire of the first, a
couped fessways ppr. holding a scimitar ar. in pale enfiled fleur-de-lis of the second. —
Crest On a staflf raguly fesse-
with a boar's head couped also ppr. ways an eagle displ. with two heads az. the heads ducally
Bannister (Guonchall, co. Leicester, "Visit. 1619). Ar. a crowned or, the inside of the wings, and legs gold.
cross flory sa. within a boi'der gu. bezantee. Crest — Barbor (Fremington, co. Devon, originally of Upcot, co.
peacock ppr. sejant gorged with a collar gu. charged with Somerset). Ar. two chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu.
three bezants. Barbour (Staffordshire). Gu. three mullets ar. within a
Bannyers. Sa. on a fesse betw. two chev. or, three Cornish bordure erm. (another adds a canton or). —^A
Crest passion
chpughs ppr. cross on three grieces gu. Motto —NiMlo nisi cruce.
Banprey (Weele, co. Norfolk). Vert a lion ramp, or, tail Barbour (Bolesworth Castle, Ar, a saltire gu.
co. Chester).
forked oppressed with a bend gu. betw. a garb in chief two escallops in fesse and another in
Bant. Ar. on a chief indented sa. a plate betw. two bezants. base az. Crest and Motto, same as the preceding.
Bant (Cornwall). Ar. a chev. betw. three erm. spots sa. Barbour (Muldearg, co. Ross, 1672). Ar, a St. Andrew's
Bantry, lEarl of. See White. cross betw. a garb in chief two escallops in the flanks and
Banyard (I-Iexal, Suffolk). Sa. a fesse betw. two chev. ar. —
another in base gu. Motto ^Nihilo nisi cruce.
Bapisford (Visit. Kent, 1619; quiirtered thro' Evening by Barby (Ireland). Or, a lion ramp. gu. charged with a fesse
Amhdrst). Gu. a fess betw. three lions' heads erased ar. of the field.
Baps. Barry wavy of six ar. and gu, Barchaud. Ar. two bars az. on a chief of the last a
Bapthorpe. Gu. a fret and canton ar. golden fleece pendent betw. two miUrinds erect or. Cr&t
Baptist-BroTvne (Italy). Or, a bull pass. gu. attired of — A dove ar, winged or, beaked legged and collared gu.
the first. Crest —
A dragon's head betw. a pair of wings sa. charged on the breast with a crescent of the last in ita


moutli an olive brancli vert resting its dexter foot on a Bardeaux. Per pale az. and ar. a. fesse counterchangcd
millrind erect az. each part bordured.
Barclay (Surrey and Suffolk). Ax. a chev. and in chief Barden. Ar. a fesse betw. three crescents az.
three crosses patt^e ar. Crest —
Amitreppr. Motto Incruce — Barden. Ar. three swords conjoined in point gu.
spero. Bardesey, Bardesley, or Bardsey (Lancashire). Ar.
Barclay (Collemie, co. Fife). Az. a chev. hetw. three two bars gu. on a canton of the second a maunch of the first,
crosses pattde ar. Bardeston. Gu. a saltire engr. ar.
Barclay (Touch, co. Stirling). Az. a chev. or, betw. three Bardevile, or BardeniU (Middlesex). Ar. a cross gu.
crosses patt^e ar. a hordure cheque of the second and first. Bardewell. Gu. three bars gemelles or, a canton erm.
JIfoiio— Crux salutem confert. Bardfield. Ar. on a bend az. three fleurs-de-lis or, within
Barclay (Pierston, hart., 1668). Az. a chev. betw. three a bordure erm.
crosses pattee or. Creet —A Bword in pale ar. hilted and Bardin. Vert (another, gu.) three dolphins naiant ar.
pomeled or. Motto— Crvx Christi nostra corona. Bardis (Oxfordshire). Ar. a tiger pass, reguard. gazing in
Barclay (Mathers and Az. a chev.
tJry, co. Kincardine). a mirror all ppr.
ar. in chief three crosses pattee of the last (or, as recorded in Bardis (from a stained glass window, being the Arms of De
1725, az. three crosses patt€e in chief ar.). Crest A mitre — Babdis Prebendary of Howe, co. Oxford). Or, five fusils
or (as recorded 1725, a dove with an olive branch in its conjoined in bend gu. a border compony ar. and sa.
mouth ppr.). Mottoes— O-^qt the Crest, Cedant arma; below Bardney. Ar. an eagle displ. az. beaked and legged gu.
the Arms, In hoc vince. Bardolf (Norfolk). Or, three cinquefoils az.
Barclay-Allardice (Ury and Allardice, co. Kincardine. Bardolfe, or Bardolph (Hdgh Babdolf was summoned
The heir of the line claims the Earldoms of Airth, Stratheraef to parliament 27 Edward I.). Az. three cinquefoils or-
and Menteath). Quarterly, Ist and 4Ch, az. a chev. ar. in chief —
Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a dragon's head also gold
three crosses pati^e of the last, for Babclat ; 2nd and 3rd, with wings expanded gn.
or, a fesse wavy gu. betw. three boars' heads erased sa., for Bardolfe. Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three crosses pattee fitchee

Allabdice. Crests A mitre or, for Babclat; a naked arm ar.
holding in the hand a scymetar ppr.^ for Allabdice. Mottoes Bardolph (Devonshire). Quarterly, gu. and ar. in the
—In cruce spero, for Babclat In the defence of the dis-
; quarter an eagle displ. or, over all an inescutcheon az.
tressed, for Allabdice. charged with three cinquefoils pierced of the third.
Barclay (ABTHna Kett Babclat, Esq. of Bury HJll, co. Bardolph (London). Az. a mascle betw. three cinquefoils
Surrey, became representative of Mathebs on death of Robt. or. Crest—^ut of a mural coronet gu. a dragon's head
Babclat- Allabdice of Urie, 1858). Az. a chev. ar. in chief betw. two wings of the last each charged with a mascle or.
three crosses pattfe of the last. —A mitre

affrontee Bardolph (Norfolk). Gu. an eagle ayrant or.
with tassels flotant upwards or. Supporters ^Two savages Bardolph (Norfolk). Gu. three cinquefoils ar. (another, or).
wreathed round the loins with oak and holding a club in the Bardsey (Bardsey-in-Fumess, co. Lancaster; the last heir

exterior hand ppr. Motto ^In cruce spero. male, Nicholas Babdsey d. temp. Charles I., leaving two
Barclay (Johmton). Az. a chev. betw. three crosses pattee daus., DoBOTHT m. Akdebton, of Clayton, and Elizabeth
ar. a bordure indented of the last. —
Crest ^The sun shining m. Lancelot Salkeld, of Whitehall). Ar. two bars gu. on a
out of a cloud ppr. Motto —
Servabit me semper Jehova. canton a maunch of the first.
Barclay (Balmakewan). Az. a chev. engr. betw. three Bardwell (Norfolk). Gu. a goat salient (or pass.) ar,
crosses pattee ar. a bordure indented of the last. Crest — attired or.

cross pattee or. Motto Sola cruce salus. BardTvell. Ar. a hart sa. attired or.
Barclay (Towie, co. Aberdeen). Az. a chev. or, betw. Bardwell, or Bardvellyn. Gu. three bars gemelles
two crosses pattee in chief and a lozenge voided in base a quarter ar.
ar. Bare. Az. two dolphins hauriant or.
Barclay (Sir Eobebt Babclay, K.C.B., descended of Towie, Bare. Gu. three livns ramp. ar.
1816). Az. a chev. or, betw. three crosses pattee ar. on a Bare. Ar. two endorses, as many barrulets gu.
chief of the second an elephant ppr. and on it the word Barecroft. Paly of six ar. and gu.

"Assaye." Crest A dexter hand holding a sword ppr. Barefoot. Gu. on a fesse vert, three men's feet couped ar.
tailted and pommelled or. —
Motto ^Aut agere aut mori. Barefoot. 6n. two lion's paws couped under the knees, the
Barclay (Sweden, 1839). Az. a chev. or, betw. three claws endorsed or.
crosses patt^ ar. a bordure gyronny of eight of the second Barexuaine. Gu. a dexter hand, barways ar.
and sa. Crest— A passion cross gu. surmounted of a celestial Barendes. Gn. two bars or, on a chief ar. two bucks' beads
crown or. Motto —Crux Christi solamen offert. cabossed of the second.
Barclay (Leyton, Essex. Joseph Guknet Babclat, Esq., Barent. Ar. a chief sa.
of Leyton, descended from Eobebt Babclat of Urie, co. Kin- Barentine (Lord Mayor of London, 1398 and 1408). Sa.
cardine, the Apologist of the Quakers). Quarterly, 1st and an annulet betw. three eagles displ. ar.
4th, Babclat, of Mathers, viz., az. a chev. and in chief Barentine. Sa. three eagles displ. ar. armed gu. Crest —
three crosses pattee ar. : 2nd, ar.'three bars gemelles sa. in An eagle displ. ar. betw. the attires and scalp of a stag or.
chief as many lions ramp, of the second; 3rd, ar. a cross Baret. Gu. on a chief indented ar. three escallops of the
engr. gu. Crest —A
mitre ppr. Mottoes—Over the Crest : first (another, within a bordure az.).
In cruce spero; under the Arms: In hac vince. Bareth (co. Galway, Smith's OrdiTiari/). Az. a fess lozengy
Barclay. Az. a bend erm. betw. six ealtires ar. all within gu. Oesi— A lozenge gu.
a bordure of the second. Crest—A demi griffin regnard. az. Baretrey. Ar. on a mount in base a branched tree vert.
supporting a flag in pale charged with a crescent. Barett. Gu. a chief indented ar.
Barcley, orBarkele (Devonshire). Ar. a trevet sa. Barett. Ar. a cross gu. five ducks of the field. Crest-—
Barcroft (Barcroft, co. Lancaster, 1664). Ar. a lion ramp. A demi leopard guard, ppr.
sa. Barett. Ar. a bend az. betw. three lozenge buckles gn.
Barcroft (confirmed to Henbt Babcboft, Esq., of The Glen, tongues in fesse an annulet for diff.
CO. Armagh, only son of the late Joseph Babcboft, of Barett. Az. a fesse dancett^e or, in chief three mullets
Liflbum, CO. Antrim, descended from the family of Babcboft, pierced ar.
of Noyna, co. Lancaster). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. in the Bareu, or Barew. Or, a saltire couped az. attached to
dexter chief point a trefoil slipped vert. Crest ^A demi bear— —
each end three roundles gu. Crest ^A holly branch vert.
ramp. gu. muzzled and charged on the shoulder with a Barewashe (Kent). Gu. a lion ramp, or, tail queued.
trefoil slipped or. Barfoot (Midlington Place, co. Hants). Ar. a chev. gu,
Barcroft (Meer Green, co. Worcester). Sa. on a chev. —
betw. three pellets. Crest A stag statant, dncally gorged.
betw. three wolves' heads erased ar. a mullet betw. two Barfoot, or Barford. Same Arm^. Crest Out of a ducal —
crescents gu. Crest— wolf ramp. gu. coronet or, an arm in armour, holding a sword in bend
Bard (Caversfield, co. Bucks). Sa. on a chev. betw. ten sinister, all ppr.
martlets ar. five pellets. Crest hon's
erect or, grasping a horse's leg erased sa.
—A gamb couped and Barford.
Gu. a fret of six engr. erm.
(Bifrons, Patricksboume and Eastry Court, co.
Bard (North Kelsey, co. Lincoln). Ar. on a chev. betw. Kent, granted by Camden, Clarenceux, 1611 ; the heiress m-
eight martlets sa. five plates. Toubnat). Or, on a pale gu. a sword erect ar. pomel and
Bard (Middlesex). Sa. on a chev. betw. ten martlets ar. five hilt gold a chi^ef az. charged with three bezants. Cre^ —
pellets. On a mount vert a pheon, point dtwnwards gu. betw. two
Bard ( Viscount Bellamount; granted by Harvey, Clareuceux, laurel branches of the first.
16 March, 1562). Same Arms. Barham (Staines, co. Middlesex, and Canterbury, co. Kent}.
Bard. Ar. three lions ramp. gu. Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three bears pass. sa. muzzled or. a


two martlets of the fourth. Crest A stork
fleur-de-lis betw. — muzzled or, in chief as many torteaux. Crest A bpar'» —
among buHrushes all ppr. head erased per pale or and az. muzzled of the first betw.
Barham (Kent). Or, three bears pass. sa. muzzled gu. two wings the dexter az. the sinister gold.
Barham. Gu. a fease betw. six martlets or. Barker (Norfolk). Or, a chev. az. fretty of the first betw.
Barham, or Braham (Suffolk and Surrey). Sa. a cross three hurts, on a chief sa. a hound pass. ar. betw. two
flory or. Crest— A wolfs head ar. mullets of the field.
Baring* (Larkbeer, co. Devon). Az, a fesse or, in chief a Barker (Hambleton and Lyndon, co. Rutland, of which was-
bear'shead ppr. muzzled and ringed gold. Crest A mullet — Sir Abbl Babkeb, created a bart. in 1664. The late Samuel

erminois betw. two wings ar. Motto Probitate et labore. Babkeb, of Lyndon, Esq., sherifi" of Eutlandshire, in 1815,
Baringr (Sari of NoriKbrook). Same Arms^ Crest, and Motto. left at his decease two daus. his co-heirs). Per fesse
Supporters —
On either side a bear ppr. muzzled and charged nebulae sa. and or, three martlets counterchanged. Crest —
on the shoulder with a portcullis or. A bear sejant ppr.
Baring: (Lord Ashburton). Same Arms and Crest. Sup- Barker (Woolerton, cos. Salop and Worcester). Az. five'
porters —On either side a bear ppr. muzzled, collared, escallops in cross or. Crest —On a rock ar. a hawk close or.
and chained or, each charged on the shoulder with a cross Barker (South Leverton, co. Nottingham). Ar. three piles in
pattee fitchee of the last. Motto— WirtxiB in arduis. point vert over all a chev. gu.
Baringr. Arms, as the last. Crest —A dexter arm in Barker (Chbistopheb Babkeb, Garter King of Arms, temp..
armour holding a galtrap, all ppr. Henry and 4th, ar. three bears' heads
VIII.). Quarterly, 1st
Baring-ham. Gu. a maunch erm. erased gu. muzzled or, in chief three torteaux; 2nd and 3rcl,
Baring:liani. Per pale (another, indented) ar. and sa. for Caelyle, ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three ravens ppr. as
Baring^on. Or, a chief gu. over all a bend az. —
many estoiles or. Crest A bear's head erased gu. muzzled
Barkdery. Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three crosses crosslet or. or.
Barke. Az. a chev. betw. three crescents or. Crest ^An — Barker (Haughmond, co. Salop. Rowland Babkeb, of
arm from the shoulder issuant holding a spade ppr. Haughmond, was sheriff, 1585, and Walter Barker served
Barke. Or, three larks ppr. in 1621. The eventual heiress, Alice, dau. of John Babkeb,
Barkeley (Okenbury, co. Cornwall). Sa. a fesse erm. Esq., m. Sir Thomas Leigh, ancestor of the Leighs, of
betw. three cinquefoils ar. Crest —On a mount verb a stag Stoneleigh). Gu. a fesse componfie or and az. betw. six
lodged ppr. annulets of the second.
Barkeley (Eobert Baekelet, Dean of Clogher, in 1635: Barker (granted to Thomas Babker, Esq., of Eoslyn Hall^
from a Funeral Entry in Ulster's office). Ar. a chev. gu. Sydney, New South Wales). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per chev-
betw. three mullets az. gu. and ar. in chief three escallops of the last and in base a
Barkeley, Quarterly, indented ar. and az. a bend gu. bear sejant sa. muzzled or, for Babkeb; 2nd and 3r3, az.
Barkexnan (London, granted 1611). Paly of six ar. and an eagle displ. within an orle of four estoiles and as many
gu. a chev. or. Crest—Tvo arms embowed in armour or, annulets alternately all or, for Schdldbam. Crest A bear —
holding in the hands ppr. a bundle of arrows ar. tied with a sejant sa. muzzled and gorged with a collar gemels or,
string gu. holding in the paws an escutcheon gu. charged with an
Barkenhead. Gu. three ducal coronets or, on a chief ar. escallop ar.
as many laurel leaves vert. Barker, alias Gery (Wallerton, co. Salop, Visit. London^
Barker (Booking Hall, co. Essex, and Kilcooley Abbey, co. 1568). Az. two bars ar. in chief a griffin's head erased or,
Tipperary, descended from Alderman "Wm. Barker, youngest betw. two pheons of the last.
son of Sir Bobeet Babeeb, K.B., of Grimston Hall, Suffolk; Barker (Geoboe Babkeb, Esq., J.P., Caston and Shipdham,
Sir Wm. Babeeb, the 3rd. bart. of Booking Hall, left a son, CO. Norfolk). Ar. three bears' heads, erased gu. muzzled
William at (whose decease, in 1818, the title expired) and or,a chief of the second. Crest—A bear's head erased sa.
two daus., of whom the elder, Mabt, m. Chambbe Bbabazon muzzled or.
PoNsoNBY, and was grandmother of William Ponsonby- Barker (Chester; confirmed by St. George, Norroy, 16S8).
Babkeb, Esq. of Kilcooley Abbey). Per fesse nebulae az. Gu. a fesse chequy ar. and az. in chief three annulets
and sa. three martlets or, a canton erm. quartering Pon- or. Crest —
On a lure gu. tassel and string or, a falcon
soMBY. Crests —1st, a bear sejant or, collared sa., for rising ar.
Babkeb; 2nd, out of a ducal coronet az. three arrows one Barker (ofHolbeach, co. Lincoln). Az. a lion ramp. ar.
and two in saltire points downwards, enveloped with a snake within an orle of eight fleurs-de-lis or. Cres(— Issuant from
in pale ppr., for Ponsonby. a ducal coronet or, a griffin's head ppr. Motto— TiAe sed
Barker (allowed by the Deputies of Camden, Clarenceux, cui vide.
to Eichabd Babkeb, of Coventry, fifth son of Williasi Barker (Fairford Park, co. Gloucester). Az. five escallops
Babeeb, CO. Berks, who was grandson of Thomas Babkeb, of in cross or, quartering Raymond. Crest —on a rock ar.
Wokingham, Her. Vis.). Per chev. engr. or and sa. a lion a hawk close or, for Babkeb 2nd, out of a mural crown a

ramp, counterchanged. Crest ^A demi Moor ppr, in dexter demi-eagle displ. — ;

Motto ^Virtus tutissima cassis.

hand an arrow or, feathered and headed ar. on his sinister Barker (Shropshire). Per saltire erm. and az. on a bordure
arm a shield of the first, on his shoulder a sash gu. gu. eight annulets or.
Barker (Over and Vale Eoyal, co. Chester, confirmed 1638). Barker (Ipswich, co. Suffolk). Per fesse nebulae az. and sa.
Gu. a fesse chequy ar. and az. in chief three annulets or. three martlets or, a canton erm. Crest ^A greyhound —
Crest — ^A falcon ar. standing on a hawk's lure gu. stringed sejant ar. gorged with a collar and ring, to the last a line or,
or. the line held from him with his dexter foot. Aytother Crest
Barker (Hurst, cos. Berks, Essex, and Warwick). Per chev. —A bear sejant or, collared sa.
engr. or and sa. a lion ramp, counterchanged. Crest — Barker (Grimston Hall, co. Suffolk; settled at Ipswich from
naked boy ppr. holding an arrow. a remote period, created bart. in 1622, extinct 1766). Per
Barker (Berks). Arms, the same. Crest A demi Moor — fesse nebulae vert and sa. three martlets or,, a canton erm.
ppr. in his dexter hand an arrow or, feathered and head ar. Barker (Billesdon, co. Suffolk). Gu. a fesse chequy or and.
on his sinister arm. a shield or, on his shoulder a sash gu. az. betw. six annulets of the second.
Barker (Croboy and Stirling, co. Meath, confirmed to Barker (Suffolk). Or, a bend betw. six billets sa.
William Olivee Babkeb, M.D., of Dunboyne, co. Meath, Barker (Yorkshire). Ar. three bears' heads erased sa. ia
and of Dublin). Per chev engr. or and sa. a lion ramp, chief three torteaux.
counterchanged in the dexter chief point a crescent of the Barker. Gu. on a cross pattee or, five annulets sa.
second. Crest —
A demi Moor ppr. over his left shoulder a Barker. Per fesse or and sa. a lion ramp, counterchanged.
sash gu. in his dexter hand an arrow or, feathered and Barker. Or, a lion ramp, sa.
headed ar. and on his sinister arm a sliield gold charged Barker. Ar. three larks ppr.

with a crescent sa. Motto Mors potior macula. Barker (Albrighton HaU, Wolverhampton, co. Stafford).
Barker (Buckinghamshire). Or, on a fesse indented az. Az. five escallops in cross or. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet
three fieurs-de-lis of the field, (another, the fesse vert). or, an eagle displ. sa. beaked and legged gu.
Crest— A turtle dove ppr. in the beak a rose gu. stalked and BarkeroUes. Az. a chev. betw. three crescents or.
leaved vert. Barkeston. Ar. a fesse sa. cottised gu. betw. three fleurs-
Barker (Bockenhall, co. Essex). Erm. on a fesse sa. three de-lis az.
fleurs-de-lis or. Crest —
An ostrich's head erased or, holding Barkeswortb. Chequy ar. and gu. on a bend az. three
in the beak a horseshoe ar. lions of the first. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet two arms
Barker (Kent, Middlesex, and Surrey). Barry of ten or and (dexter and sinister) vested and embowed, each holding an
sa. over all a bend gu. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, an ostrich feather.
eagle displ. sa. beaked and legged gu. Barkey (registered 1700, as the arms of Anthony Babket,
Barker (Hewbury). Ar. three bears' heads erased gu. of Dublin, Merchant, descended from a family of that name


atBremen in Germany). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three lions' Barlo (Essex). Erm. three bars wavy sa.
gambs erased sa. those in chief each pointing to the outer Barlo. Erm. three bars dancett^e gu.

edge of the shield. Oreat A lion's gamb couped sa. hetw. Barlouerlie, or Barlowe (Lancashire). Sa an eagls
two ostrich feathers the dexter ar. the sinister sa. displ. with two necks ar. armed or.

Sarkhaxa (London, granted 1611 to Edwabd Babebau, Barlow (Barlow, co. Lancaster; derived from Sir Bogeb
Alderman of London, afterwards as Sir Edwabd Babkhau, Bablow, of Barlow, temp. Edward 1. The representative,
Knt., Lord Mayor in 1621 ; Camden, Clarenceux, 1611). Thouas Bablow, of Barlow, was aged 46 in 1664, and had
At. three pales gu. over all a chev. or. Greet ^Two arms — then issue male). Sa. an eagle displ. with two heads ar.
embowed in armour ppr. holding a sheaf of five arrows membered or, standing on the limb of a tree raguled and
gold, feathered ar. and tied with a ribbon gu. J/otto—Dili- —
trunked fesseways of the second. Crest An eagle displ.
gentia fortuna mater. with two heads as in the Arms. Another Crest—Tyro eagles*
Barkliaiu (Waynflete, co. Lincoln, and South Acre, co. heads conjoined erased ar.
Norfolk, extinct baronets). The same. Barlow (Slehetch, co. Pembroke, hart, extinct). Ar. on a
Barking' Abbey (Essex). Az. three roses tw« and one in chev. engr. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee sa. two lions
base or, in chief as many lilies ar. stalked and leaved vert pass, counterpass. of the first. Crest —
A demi lion ar,
all within a bordure gu. charged with eight plates. holding a cross crosslet fltchee sa.
Barkisland (Barkisland, Halifax granted by B. St. George,
Barlow (Calcutta, East Indies, hart). Ar. on a chev. engr. gu.
1612, and confirmed by Sir W. Segar, Garter, 1632). Per betw. three crosses crosslet fitchde az. two lions pass counter-
pale sa. and gu. on a bend or, three martlets of the first. pass, supporting an eastern crown or. Crest—Ovit of an
Barklett (Fun. Ent. Ire., 1664). Quarterly per fesse in- Eastern crown or, a demi lion ar. supporting in the paws a
dented or and gu. four crescents connterchanged. cross crosslet as in the Arms.
BarkLey (Visit, co. Cornwall, 1620). Sa. a fess enn. hetw. Barlow (Fir Grove, co. Surrey, hart.). Ar. on a chev.
three cinquefoils ar. engr. gu. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee az. two lions
Barkley. Quarterly, indented or and az. a bend gu. pass, counterpass. supporting an eastern crown or, in the
BarkLey. Chequy gu. and erm. on a bend az. three billets centre chief point a branch of olive and another of palm in
or. saltire ppr. —
Crest Issuing out of an eastern crown or, a
Barkly. (Visit. Rutland, 1618) Gu. a chev. betw. ten demi lion ar. the paws supporting a cross crosslet fitchee
cinquefoils ar. az. betw. (on the dexter side) a branch of olive and (on the


Baiksteade (Tower of London, 1654). Erm. on a chief sa. sinister) another of palm ppr. Supporters On either side
three ducal coronets or. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet or,

an angel ppr. vested ar. zoned and on the head an eastern

an arm in armour, embowed ppr. grasping a sword ar. hilt crown or, the dexter holding in the exterior hand a balance
and pomel gold. gold and in the other a book ppr. the sinister bearing in the
Barkston. (Yorkshire). Ar. a fesse double cottiaed gu. exterior hand an olive branch and in the other an cscrol
betw. three fleurs-de-hs az. —
ppr. Motto Sis plus in primis ; over the crest : Dilige
Barksworth (Thermanby, co. York). Ar. a saltire sa. pacem.
over all a label of three points gu. Barlow (formerly of Dublin). Sa. two chevronels or, over
Barkworth. Chequy or and gu. a bend az. all an eagle displ. with two heads ar. grasping in his talons
Barkworth (Geoboe Babkwoeth, of Wyton, Esq., E. B. co. —
a billet raguly of the second. Crest Issuant from a billet
York). Chequy or and gu. on a bend az. three lions ramp. xaguly vert a demi eagle without wings per pale ar. and or,
ar. Crest —A demi lion ramp. ar. Motto —Esto quod esse and charged on the breast with two chevronels sa.
videiis. Barlow (allowed by Camden, Clarenceux, to Williah
Barkworse. Chequy gn. and ar. on a bend az. three lions Bablow, D.D., Bishop of Bochester, 1608-13). Same Arms,
lamp, of the second. a fleur-de-lis for diff.
Barkyn, or Barkin. Ar. a sword in bend gu. point down- Barlow (Upton House, near Manchester). Bendy of eight
wards, betw. two cottises dancett^ sa. ar. and vert, an eagle displ. with two heads sa. the claws
Baiiace, Barlacey, or Barlow. Gu. three piles ar. resting on a miUrind in base fesseways or, in each beak an
Barlande. Gu. a chev. betw. three boars* heads erased ar. ear of barley slipped ppr. Crest— A gauntletted hand bend-
muzzled sa. Crest— A.\ioQ ramp. gu. supporting a garb ppr. wise ppr. grasping two eagles' heads conjoined and erased
Barlaunclie, Barlew, or Barlow (Lancashire). Sa. —
at the neck sa. Motto ^En foi prest.
displ. ar. armed or, perched on a ragged staff, of
an eagle Barlow (Bramfield, co. Chester). Barry wavy of six ar. an^
the second. sa. on a chief gu. flory or, a canton erm.
Barlay (Barlay and Bamsfield Woodhouse, co. Derby). f3ru. Barlow (Sheffield). Sa. two bars enn. on a chief indented
on a chev. betw. three eagles displ. ar. as many crosses cross- per pale or and ar. an eagle displ. of the first. Crest —
let of the first. Mercury's cap or, wings ar. thereon an eagle's head erased
Barlay. Per fesse the chief part quarterly, indented per ppr. gorged with a collar erm.
fesse or and enn. the base ar. charged with two squires Barlow. Gn. a demi eagle erased with two heads sans
(cantons voided) sa. wings ar.
Barle. Per fesse wavy ar. and barry nndde of four az. Barlow. Ar. on a chev. engr. betw. three crosses patonce
and or. fitchee sa. two lions combatant of the first.
Barlet. Quarterly, per fesse indented ar. and gu. four Barlow (Edwabd Bablow, of Bath, M.D.). Sa. an eagle
crescents coxmterchanged. displ. with two heads ar. standing on the limb of a tree
Barley (Derbyshire). Ar. three hounds sa. a chief per pale raguly and trunked fesseways or, charged on the breast with
erm. and gu. —
a cross fitchee pattee gu. Crest ^Two eagles* heads erased
Barley (Derbyshire). Ar. on abend gu. three garbs or.
Barley (Albury, Herts). Erm. three bars wavy sa. Crest — Barlow. Gu. on a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee
A boards head erased or, discharging from his mouth a or, two demi lions pass, respecting each other sa. Crest —
quatrefoil az. demi lion ramp, guard, ar. gorged with a collar gu. thereon
Barley. Ar. three bars wavya chief per pale erm. and
sa. three bezants holding betw. the paws a cross moline gu.
gu. Crebt ^A— demi stag per pale.. and.. charged with charged with a bezant.
three bars wavy counterchanged. Barlow^ (Eundall Bablow, Archbishop of Tuam, 1634).
Barley. Erm. three bars sa. Fun. Ent. Ire.). Sa. on an eagle displ. ar. membered gu.
Barley. Barry wavy of six ar. and sa. on a chief gu. a standing on the limb of a tree raguly and trunked of the
fleur-^e-lis or, a quarter in chief erm. (another, without second a cross form^e fitchee of the field.
tile fleur-de-lis). Barlow (James Bablow, Lord Mayor of Dublin, 1715).
Barley. Ar. three bars wavy az. a chief gu. on a canton Same Arms as preceding. Crest—An eagle's head with two
erm. a mullet of the second. Crest— A. boar's head or, beards erased ar. membered or.
tusked az. on the breast a mullet. Bamaby (Colchester, co. Essex). Ar. on a fesse flory
Barley. Gu. on a chev. betw. nine crosses crossletfitch&ar. counterflory vert. hetw. three boars' heads couped sa. two
three fleurs-de-lis of the field. trefoils slipped erminois. —
Crest ^A demi greyhound gu.
Barley John Baeiet, Esq., of
(Elizabeth, dau. and heir of collared and ringed holding a branch of laurel vert.
Woddersome, m. Bobebt Madlevebee: Mauleverer Bamaby (Salop). on a lion ramp. sa. three escallops af.
Lancaster, 1591.) Gu. on a chev. ar, betw. three eagles Crest —
A leopard couchant sa.
displ, or, as many crosses crosslet sa. Bamaby (Yorkshire). Or, on a lion ramp. sa. three es-
Barliff, Bariff, or Beriff (Lincolnshire and Northamp- callops ar. within an orle of mullets az.
tonshire). The same as Babbiff, Northamptonshire. Barnaby. Per fesse nebulee or and sa. three boars' heads
Barlizx^ham (Essex). Ar. on a cross gu. fire fleurs-de- couped, counterchanged, (^est—A boar's head erased per
luor. fesse nebulee sa. and or.
Barnaby, See Bdenabt. Barnardiston (Great Coates, co. Lincoln). The same with
Barnaby. Per pale wavy ar. and vert three boars' heads —
due diff. Crest A stork or, among rushes ppr.
erased counterchanged. Barnatt (co. Kent, Visit. London, 1568). Ar. a saltire betw,
Barnaby. Ar. on a cross gu. five crescents of the field on a four leopards' faces sa.
chief ae. three hezants. Bamaveile. Gu. a cross or.
Bamaby. Erm. a fesse gu. Barnby (Towthorp, co. York). Ar. a chev. betw. three
Barnaby, or Barnarly. Quarterly, ar. and gu. a cross bears' heads couped sa. muzzled or.
counterchanged. Barnby (Barnby and Midhope, co. York). Or, a lion ramp,
Bamack (Northamptonshire). Ar. a horse barnacle sa. sa. hun;; about with escallop shells ar.
Bamack. Ar. a fesse betw. three horse barnacles gu. Barne (Essex). Az. two lions pass. ar.
Barnack. Ar. a bend gu. Orest A boar's head sa. — Barne (Sotterley
and Dunwich, co. Suffolk).
4th, az. three leopards* heads ar.
Quarterly, Ist
2nd and 3rd, ar. a
muzzled or, betw. two wings of the last. ;

Barnacle. Ar. three geese two and one sa. chev. az. betw. three Cornish choughs sa. Cj-cst—An eagle
Bamake (Leicestershire). Ar a fesse betw. three pair of displ.

barnacles sa. Barne (granted to GEORns Baene, Esq. of Tiverton, co.

Barnake (Northamptonshire). Ar. three pair of barnacles Devon), Per pale az. and gu. betw. six bezants paleways,
sa. —
three leopards' faces in pale or. Orest In front of an oak
Barnake (Yorkshire). Gu. three lions ramp, ar, tree ppr. growing out of a mount vert an eagle wings displ.
Barnake, Ar. two barnacles in pale sa. sa. charged on the body and each wing with a bezant resting

Barnake. Erm. a fesse gu. the dexter claw on a leopard's face or. Motto Avorum —
Barnake. Erm. a bend gn. honori.
Barnake. Erm. on a bend gu. a cinquefoil (another, three) Barne (London
Visit. London, 1568). Ar. on a chev. engr.

or. Cornish choughs sa. three trefoils or.

az. betw. three
Barnam. Sa. a cross betw. four crescents ar. Barne. Per pale barry of eight or and az. counterchanged.
Barnard (Essex). Az. a fesse betw. three dolphins naiant Barne (London). Az. three leopards pass, or (another, ar.),
ar, Barne (London). Az. two lions pass, guard, in pale ar.
Barnard (Essex). Az. on a fesse ar. three dolphins gu. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet on a mount vert a stag ppr.
a bordure engr. of the last. Barneby (Hereford). Ar. a lion pass, guard, gu. betw.
Barnard (Hampshire). Sa. two greyhounds endorsed ar. three escallops az.
Barnard (Kent). Vert on a cross or, five mullets sa. Barneby. Az. two bars crenellee or.
Barnard (Kent). Vert on a chief or, two mullets gu. Barneby (Brockhampton, co. Hereford). Sa. a lion pass,
Barnard (Lincolnshire). Ar. a bend fusily purp. betw. six guard, betw. three escallops ar. Ci-est—A lion couchant
fleurs-de-lis az. Crest —A dragon's head erased ar. collared guard, sa. Motto Virtute non vi. —
and lined or, gorged with three bars gu. Barneby-Lutley. See Lxjtley.
Barnard (London). Ar. on abend az. three escallops of the Barnehouse (quartered by EonsE, co. Devon: Sir Anthony
first. Crest—An escallop shell ar. Rouse m. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Sodthcotb and co-
Barnard (Pirton, co. Oxford Visit, co. Notts 1614). Same heir of her mother Grace, sister and heir of Nicholas


Arms. Crest A demi lion ramp. ar. holding in the paws a Baenehodse, of Marche, co. Devon, Visit. 1620). Gu. two
snake az. charged on the shoulder with a mullet within an wings displ. conjoined in lure ar.
annulet for diff. Barnebouse. Or, two wings inverted and conjoined gu. a
Barnard, or Bernard (Yorkshire, Norfolk, and Pirton, crescent for diff. (Her. OfC. Essex, c. 21.)

CO.Oxford confirmed to Abell Bebnaed, of the latter place,

Barnels. Az. three greyhounds courant in pale ar. collared
descended from the Beenabds of Enderby, co. York, Cam- or.
den's grants). Same Arms, in the sinister chief a mullet in Barned (exemplified to Iseael Lewis, Esq., of Gloucester-
an annulet for diff. Crest—A. demi lion ar. charged on the terrace, Regent's Park, upon his assuming by Royal Licence,
shoulder with a mullet within an anntdet holdmg in the paws 24 July, 1858, the surname of BabneI) in addition to and
a snake entwined az. after that of Lewis). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. two leopards'
Barnard (Lord Mayor of London, 1738). Ar. a bear ramp, faces jessant-de-iis in pale ar. betw. as many flaunches erm.,
sa. muzzled or. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi for Baened 2nd and 3rd, per saltire or and vert four oak

bear ramp. sa. muzzled or. leaves counterchanged, for Lewis. Crests —
First a female in
Barnard (Somersetshire and Gloucestershire). Erm. on a a sitting attitude vested az. and holding in the right hand
bend gu. three cinquefoils or. a sickle ppr., Babned second, upon the trunk of a tree

Barnard (granted to Benjamin Babnabd, of Ham, co. fessewise and eradicated ppr. a gryphon segreant or, holding
Surrey, Esq.). Barry of six or and ar. a bear ramp. sa. in the dexter claw a trefoil vert., Lewis. Motto—Bemgno
muzzled gold. CVesi— Out of a mount vert a demi bear sa. numine.
muzzled charged on the shoulder with a cross pattee fitch6e Barneis, or Barners. Quarterly, or and vert.
and the sinister paw resting on a cross crosslet or. Barner. Per pale ar. and az. a fesse counterchanged.
Barnard (granted to Joseph Babnabd, Esq., of Notcliffe Barner. Gu. a barnacle-goose ar.
House, Tewkesbury, co. Gloucester). Or, a bear ramp. sa. Bamerly. Quaiterly, ar. and gu. a cross quarterly counter-

within two flaunches vair. Crest A demi bear ramp. sa. changed.
Bem6 of annulets or, and holding betw. the paws a buckle Barners. See Barneis.
of the last. Motto —Ex concordia victorias spes. Barnes (Berkshire). Ar. two bars betw. six mascles, three
Barnard (Cave Castle, Howden, co. York). Quarterly, Ist two, and one, sa. Crest —
^A demi unicorn erm. horned,
and and 4th, ar. a bear ramp. sa. muzzled
4th, quarterly, 1st collared and lined or.
or, for Barnaed 2nd and 3rd per, pale or and az. a saltier
; Barnes, or Bernes (Cambridgeshire). Sa. two bars
counterchanged surmounted by asaltieret, forBoLDEEo; 2ud embattled or, in chief three bezants. Crest —A leopard pasB.

and 3rd, gu. a sword in bend ar., for Gee. Crests—A. bear ar. spotted sa, collared and lined or.
afi in the Arms, for Babnabd; a greyhound courant, for Barnes (Durham). Quarterly, or and vert on a fesse sa,

BoLDEBO. Motto Festina lente. — three estoiles ar.

Barnard. Sa. two greyhounds endorsed ar. betw. as many Barnes (John Barnes, Esq., of Bunker's Hill, Cumberland).
bucks' heads cabossed or. QuaYterly, or and vert, on a fesse sa. three estoiles of the
Barnard. Vair on a chief gu. two mullets pierced or. field. —An
Crest estoile pierced or. Motto—Neo timide nee
Barnard. Ar. on a bend az. three escallops or. temere.
Barnard. Gu. a lion pass, guard, or. Barnes (Lancashire, 1584). The same as of Durham with
Barnard. Gu. three lions ramp. or. —
the estoiles of the first. Crest ^An estoile pierced or.
Barnard. See Supplement. Barnes (Lord Mayor of London, 1370 and 1371). Quarterly,
Barnard (Thomas Babnabd, Esq., of Bartlow House, Linton, az. andgu. a cross ar. inthe first and second a crossbottonee
CO. Cambridge). Same as Babnabd, Lord Mayor of London. or.
Barnarder. Per pale ar. and or, three palets couped gu. Barnes (London). Quarterly, az. and gu. a cross betw. four
Barnarder. Per fess ar. and or, three palets couped in crosses crosslet or.
fesse gu. Barnes (London, 1614). Az. two lions pass, guard, ar.
Bamardes. Az. a fess ar, within a bordure engr. or. Crest— Out of clouds ppr. issuing rays pale-ways or, an arm
Barnardeston Az. a fess daacettee ar. erect habited of the last holding in the hand ppr. a broken
Barnardiston (Ketton, co. Suffolk). Az. a fess dancett^e sword, ar. hilt gold.
erm. betw. six crosses crosslet ar. Crest An ass's head ar. — Barnes (Katheeike dau. of Anthont Barnes m. John Bab-
Barnardiston (The Byes, co. >Suffolk). Same as Babnae- RiNGTON, CO. Essex, livJng in 1400). Quarterly, or and vert
DI6T0N of Ketton. in first quarter a crescent gu.
. ;


Barnes. Az. a pheon ar. betw. three leopards' faces or. Bamewall (Ireland). Gu. a saltire engr. ar. betw. four
Crest— A demi savage wreathed about the bead and middle plates.
holding a club in pale fdl ppr. Bamewell, or Bamawelle (Stamford, co. Lincoln,
Barnes. Paly of Bix erm. and az. on a chief gu. a lion pass. 1560). Gu. a saltire embattled betw. four crescents ar.
or. Crest —A demi lion or. Crest — A boar's head erased ar, gorged with a collar em-
Barnes. Az. three leopards' heads ar. Crest— On a mount battled gu. charged with three bezants, in front a double
vert a falcon wings expanded ar. ducally gorged beaked and ring or, (another bears a wolfs head, collared as before).
legged or. Bamewell (Cransley, confirmed by Camden, Clarenceux).
Barnes. Az. on a bend ar. betw. two estoiles or, a bear pass, Same Arms, a mullet for diff. Crest —A
wolfs head erased
sa. esfeoiled or. seizing a man ppr. on a chief ar. three roses ar. gorged with a collar ragulee gu. charged with three
gu. radiated or. bezants in front a double ring.
Barnes. Az. on a fesse betw. three sheldrakes ar. as many Bamewell. Ar. a saltire gu. betw. four fleurs-de-lis sa.
roses gu. Barney (Kent). Az. three leopards' faces ar,
Barnes. Ar. two bars crenelle sa. in chief three pellets. Bamey (Kent). Erm. on a bend gu. three lions ramp.
Barnes (granted to Richabd Knowles Babnes, Esq., Captain guard, or.
K.N.). Gu. a tower surmounting two swords in saltire points Barney (Park Hall, Per pale gu. and az.
co. Norfolk).
downwards ar.pomels and hilts or, betw. two horses' heads cross engr. erm. O-est —A
plume of feathers of two rows,
erased in fesse of the second on a chief of the last upon a in the bottom four, in the top three, az. and gu.
mur^ crown az. a bezant thereon perched a vulture rising Barney, or Bemey (Norfolk). Quarterly, az. and gu. a
betw. two elephants statant ppr. Crest —
On an embattlement cross erm. Crest —A garb or.
gu. a wivem az. gorged with a collar gemel or, the wings Barney, Per pale az. and gu. a cross engr. erm.
elevated of the last guttee de sang. Bamey. Az. two leopards ar. langued and armed gu.
Barnes (Pemberton-Babnes, Haveringham att Bower, co. Bameyes. Az. three greyhounds in full course ar.
Essex). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a bear in bend sa. betw. Barneys. Az. three lions' heads ar.
two bendlets az. on a chief of the lasc a rose of the first barbed Barneys. Az. three greyhounds pass. ar. collared or.
and seeded ppr. betw. two estoiles or, a canton erm. for diff., Bam£.eld (Newport, co. Salop, and of Devonshire). Or, on
for Babnes ;2nd and 3rd, az. on a chev. erm. betw. in a bend gu. three mullets ar. an annulet sa. for diff. Crest —
chief two ears of wheat sUpped or, and in base a dove rising A lion's head erased sa. ducally crowned gu.
ppr. three griffins' heads erased of the third, for Pembebton. Barnbani (Southwick Hants, Hollingboume and Boughton
Crestn— 1st: Upon a rock a leopard pass. ppr. semee of Monchelsey, Kent, extinct bart). Sa, a cross engr. betw.
estoiles and a cross crosslet sa. for diff., Babnes ; 2nd four crescents ar- Crest —
Adragon's head ar.pelletteebetw.
Upon the trunk of an oak tree eradicated and sprouting four dragons' wings sa. bezant^e.
towards the dexter ppr. a griffin pass, or, guttle de poix. Bam ham. Ar. a cross engr. betw. four crescents gu.
.BfoWo—Mutare vel timere spemo. Crest — ^A crescent gu. betw. two laurel branches in orle ppr,
Barnes. Az. two Uons pass. ar. BambanL. Gu. a millrind in bend betw. two martlets ar.
Barnes (Brookside, Manchester). Per fesse or and az. a mill- Barnlioiise (Devonshire). Sa. a pair of wings inverted
rind fesseways betw. two lions pass, all counterchanged. and coiuoined ar.
Crest— A cubit arm issuant from rocks ppr. habited cheeky ar Barnliowse (Devonshire). Ar. two wings inverted and
and az. cuff ar. the hand grasping a broken sword ppr. and conjoined gu,
issuant from the rock behind the arm rays of the sun or. Baming'liam. Per pale or and sa.

Motto Deus noster refugium Bamingrliazn. Per pale indented ar. and sa.
Bamesdale (1604). Per saltire ar. and or, four eagles Bams (Glasgow, 1770). Or a fesse az. betw. three arrows
displ. sa. Crest —
A crane's head ar. beaked gu. issuing out point downwards gu. Crest —A
garb ppr. banded gu. Motto
of raya or. — Peace and plenty.
3amesly and Surrey, granted 1597). Sa. a
(Staffordshire Bams (Col. Jas. Stevbnson-Babnbs, of Kirkbill, C.B., 1813).
cross betw. four roses ar. a mullet for diff. Crest An — Quarterly, 1st and 4tb, as the last; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a chev.
old man's head couped at the breast full-faced ppr. charged betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. on a chief of the second three mul-
with a mullet for diff. lets of the first, for Stevenson ; a chief of augmentation az,
^ameston. Az. a fesse dancettee ar. charged with the representation of the curtain of a fortifica-
Bamett. Sa. a saltire or. tion, and above it the word *'St. Sebastian," a canton ar.
Barnett. Gu. a lion pass, guard, and a chief or. charged with representations of the gold cross presented to
:Bamett (Charles Babnett, Esq., of Stratton Park, co. Bed- Col. Stevenson Babns, and of the Portuguese order of the
ford, son and heir of the late Major-Gen. Chaeles Babnett, Tower and Sword, pendent from their ppr. ribbons. Crest —
by Haeeiett bis wife, dau. of Admiral Sir Kichabd King, A garb ppr, banded gu., for Babns; a dexter hand issuing
Bart. General Babnett was elder brother of James Bar-
; out of a cloud, liolding a laurel garland all ppr., for Steven-
KETT, Esq., of Lombard-street, banker). Or, a saltire sa. in son and for a crest of augmentation a dexter arm in armour,

chief a leopard's face of the second. Crest—A fleur-de-lis ar. issuing from a broken battlement, the hand holding a
-Barnet, or Barnett (Easingwold, co. Tork, and Black- banner inscribed "St. Sebastian." Supporters Dexter, a —
heath, CO. Kent, really and properly Babbt, being mater- soldier of the 1st or Boyal Scots fully accoutred siniiJter, a ;

nally descended from a family of that name, settled in horse ar. fully comparisoned, both ppr. Mottos Peace and —
London (St. Dunstan's in the West), about 1709. The family plenty, for Babns ; Caelum non Solum, for Stevensgn,
assmned their present surname without any change of arms, Bamsdall (assigned by Camden, Clarenceux, to William
about 1756. The eldest branch now bears the name of Babnepale, 1604). Per saltire or and ar. four eagles displ.
"Batley "). Ar. three bars gemellee gu. —
in cross sa. Crest Issuant from rays of the sun or, an eagles*
Bamevelt. Ar. a field and river pj)r. on the field a buck head and neck ar. beaked gu.

gu. drinking in the river. Crest ^A demi buck gu. Bamsley. Gu. a cross betw. four roses or, leaved vert.
Bamewall (Crickstown Castle, co. Meath, bart.). Erm. a Crest— A dragon pass. ar. charged on the breast with a rose
bordure engr. gu, 6Ve«(—From a plume of five ostrich gu.
feathers or, gu,, ar., vert, and az., a falcon rising of the last. Bamsley (Alkmanton, co- Derby), Sa. a cross betw. four
Motto —Malo mori quam foedari. roses slipped ar.
Barnewall {VUcount Kingsland, dormant 1833). Erm. a Barnstaple, Town of (Devonshire). Gu. a castle towered

bordure engr. gu. Crest A plume of five feathers or, gu., and domed ar. masoned on the dome a flag.
az., vert, and ar., thereon a falcon with wings disclosed of Barnstaple, Town (Arms of the Mayor, Aldermen,

the last. Supporters Dexter, a griffin ar. ; sinister, a lion and Burgesses of the borough of Barnstaple, co. Devon,
gu. J/oHo—Malo mori quam fcedari. Visit, 1620). Gu. a castle triple towered ar. Legend or Motto
Bamewall {Baron Trimleston). Arms &c. same as pre- — Sigillum, Burgi, Parochiee, BarnestapoUe.
ceding. a griffin ar. beaked and
Sif.pportert—Dexter Barnstaple, Town of. (The seals of the Mayor, Alder-
winged or; sinister a lion gu. armed and langued az. both men, and Burgesses of the borough of Barnstaple. Visit.
collared gold. 2Iotto —
Malo mori quam foedari. Devon, 1620.) Ist, A bridge with a cross, an eagle dis-
Bamewall (Meadstown and Bloomsbury, co. Meath). Same played with a church above it. Legend— Sigillum, Longi,
as Babne^vall, of Crickstown. Pontis VillJe, BamestapohEB 2nd, A swan.
; Legend —
Bamewall (Essex). Az. a saltire engr. or, betw. four Commune Burgi et Parochiae.
crescents ar. Barnstaple Priory (Devonshire). Gu. a. bend or, ia
Bamewall (Ireland).a saltire engr. betw. four
Az. chief a label of three points ar.
crescents ar. Crest—An arm from the elbow vested and Barnston (CreweHill, formerly of Churton, co. Chester,
holding a martlet betw. two branches of laurel in orle. there seated temp. Bichard II,). Az. a fesse dancettee erm.
Bamewall (Ireland). Ar. a saltire engr.bctw. fleur-de-lis sa. betw. six crosses crosslet or.
61 fi2
Sam-well (Lord of the Manors of Mileham and Beeston, co. Barr (Worcester, Az. an eagle displ. ar. surmounted
Norfolk). Gu. a saltire embattled betw. four crescents ar. of a fesse sa. charged with two mullets or. Crest—'A lion's
Cresi—A wolfs head erased ar. collared gu. studded and headerased gu. gorged with acollaror. Motto Fortitudine.. —
chained or. Motto —
Loyal au mort. Barrall. Barry of ten ar, and sa.
Bam-well (granted in 1826 to the late Frederick Henrt Barran (Nicholas Babban, Alderman, and twice Lord
Barnwell^ Esq., of Bury St. Edmunds, upon his taking the Mayor of Dublin, temp.James I, and Charles I., Fun. Ent.
additional name and arms of Turnob). Quarterly, 1st and Ire.). Ar, three griffins' heads erased gu, and a border
4th. gu, a saltire embattled hetw. four crescents ar. 2nd and ; gobony of the field and sa.
3rd, enn. on a cross sa. a fret ar. betw. two fleurs-de-lis in Barrantine. Sa. six eagles displ. ar.
pale or, and two fers-de-mouUn in fesse of the third. Crests Barratt Ar. three lozenge buckles in bend gu. CresS—
^Ist: A wolfs head erased ar. collared gu. studded and A galley, her oars in saltire sa. flags gu.
chained or; 2nd: A lion pass, guard, ar. holding in his Barre. Paly of six ar. and sa. four bars gu.
dexter paw a fer-de-moulin sa. and charged on the side Barre. Gu. three bars gobonated ar. and sa,

with a fret gu. Motto ^Malo mori quam foedari. Barre, or Barrey. Ar. a chev. betw. three bears' heads
Barnwell (Norfolk and Suffolk). Gu. a saltire raguly betw. couped sa.muzzled and collared or,
four crescents ar. Crest —
A wolfs head erased ar. gorged Barre, or Barrey. Gu. a bend vaire betw. six escallops
with a collar, embattled, counter-embattled gu. chaii>ed or, ar.
the collar charged with three bezants or, on a mount vert a Barre. See Barret.
lion pass, guard, ar. holding in his dexter paw a millrlnd. Barre, or Barry. Ar. a fesse gu. betw. six fleurs-de-lis
Bam-well (Ireland). See Barnewell. sa.
Barnwell (Suffolk). Per pale sa. and az. a fesse dancett^e Barreau Az. a squirrel erect ar. armed sa. Oresf
ar. —
A dexter hand in armour ppr. holding a passion cross ar.
Barnewell (Northamptonshire). Per pale sa. and az. a —
Motto In hoc signo vinces.
fesse dancettee or, hetw, three crosses crosslet fitchee of Barrel! (Herefordshire). Erm. on a chief az. a talbot's head
the third. in the dexter point couped az. eared gu. Crest—A talbot's
Baroby. Sa. two swords in saltire ar. hilted and pommelled , head couped ar, eared gu.
or, betw. four fleurs-de-lis of the last. Crest A squirrel — Barren (Kochester, co. Kent). Erm. on a chief az. three
sejant gu. charged with a chev. or, cracking a nut ppr. talbots' heads erased ar.
Baron (Ireland). See Barron. Barrell (Bochester, co. Kent). Erm. on a chief sa. throe
Baron (Devonshire). Ar. a chev. betw. three human hearts talbots' heads erased of the first.
sa. Barreukton (Leicestershire). Ar. a lion ramp, double
Baron (Bradwell and Skirmby, eo. Essex). Gu. a chev. erm. queued sa.

hetween three garbs or. Crest A garb vert, eared or. Barrett (Cambridge). Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three bears
Baron (Essex and London). Sa. in chief two estoiles, in pass. sa. muzzled or. Crest —
A griffin segreant reguard. or,
base a martlet, ar. within a bordure engr. or. beak, legs, and wings gu.
Baron by Camden to Edward Babon alias
(exemplified Barrett (Dorsetshire, and Ealing,
co. Middlesex). Sa. a
Barnes, of London, son of Richard Babon, of the same chev. betw. three hawks' heads or.
place, and grandson of Peter Babon, Esq,, of Saffron Barrett (Bellhouse, Aveley, co. Essex). Ar. and gu. barry
"Walden, co. Essex, Serjeant-at-law). Az. two hons pass, of four counterchanged. Crest —A
hydra with seven heads-

guard, in pale ar. Crest Out of clouds ppr, issuing rays wings endorsed vert scaled or.
paleways or, an arm erect habited of the last, holding in the Barrett (Essex). Per pale ar. and gu. four bars counter--
hand ppr. a broken sword ar. hilt gold. changed (another, of Kent, six).
Baron (Cornwall). Sa. in fesse three talbots' heads erased Barrett (Winsole, co. Leicester, Visit. 1619). Per pale ar,
ar. Crest —A talbot's head couped or. and gu. a fesse counterchanged.
Baron (Kinnaird, Scotland). Or, a chev. sa. betw. three Barrett (Herefordshire). Gu. on a chief indented ar. three
martlets gu, within a double tressure flory counterflory of
the last.
escallops of the field (another, sa). Crest —
A lion ramp, or,
holding betw. his fore feet an escallop sa.
Baron (Preston, Scotland). Ar, a chev. betw. three martlets Barrett (Milton House, co. Berks). Gu. on a chief indented
sa. Crest — —
A demi eagle displ. sa. Motto ^Alteripse amicus. ar. three escallops of the first quartering Belsour. Ci-cst —
Baron (Wemme), Sa, an inke mohne erm. A wyvem wings erect or, collared and chained az. Motto —
Baron. Ar. two bars on a canton two lions pass. ppr. Honor virtus probitas.
Crest —A demi lion ramp, ppr. Barrett (Ireland). Per pale ar. and gu. twelve barrulets
Baron. Ar. two bars sa. betw. nine mascles of the second, counterchanged.
three, three, and three. Crest —A demi unicorn erm. armed Barrett (Lee Priory, co. Kent). Or, on a chev. betw. three
sa. crined collared and chained or. mullets sa. as many lions pass, guard, ar. (sometimes or).
Baron. Gu, a chev, or, fretty az. betw. three garbs of the Crest—A lion eouchant ar. the dexter paw resting upon a
second. mullet sa.
Baron. Or, a bull pass. gu. Barrett (Perry Court, co. Kent). Ar. a fesae dancettee gu.
Baron. Ar. three estoiles gu. within a bordure engr. sa. in chief three mullets sa.
Baron, Barne (Aldborough, co. Essex, allowed by
alias Barrett (London, 1383). Gu. a chief indented ar. a bordure
Cooke, Clarenceux, and Visit. London, 1568). Per fess az. az.
and gu. two lions pass, guard, ar. collared counterchanged. Barrett (London, granted 1773). Az. two barrulets or, betw,
Baron (William Babon d. 2 Nov. 1678, Fun. Ent., Ire.) three doves ppr.
A2, two lions pass. ar. Barrett (Castle Barrett, co. Cork, granted 1689). Per pale
Baron. Gu. fretty ar. on a chev. az. three garbs or. and gu. harry of seven coimterchanged a canton of the-
Baron. Ar. two bars betw. six mascles sa. three, two, and second charged with a rose imperially ensigned or. Crest —
one. A heart or, betw. two wings conjoined sa. semee of etoiles
Baron. Erm. three bends gu. a label of as many points az.
Baronby. Sa. a chev, betw, three boars' heads couped ar.
gold. Motto —
In uprightness God will support us.
Barrett-Lennard, Bart. See Lennard.
Baronby, or Baroug-hby. Az, a chev. betw, three Barrett (Shortney, co. Nottingham). Gu. on a fesse cottised
bfears' heads erased (another, couped) ar. betw. three spear heads ar. as many mullets of the field.
Baronsdale (London). Per saltire or and ar. four eagles Crest —
^A nag's head erased per pale gu. and az, gorged with
displ, az. Crest —
Out of an antique crown or, a stork's head two bars ar.
ar, beaked gu. Barrett (Suffolk). Ar. a bend az. betw. three square buckles
Baroug"!!, or Barrow. Sa. two swords in saltire ar. —
gu. Crest ^A helmet ar. garnished and plumed with feathers
hilted or, betw. four fleurs-de-lis of the first. Crest lion —A or. AnotJier Crest— A demi greyhound ar. collared and lined
pass, az. resting his dexter paw on a ball or, sa.
Barowe. Ar. a pheon sa. Barrett (Suffolk). Ar. on a bend az. betw. three lozenge
Barr (France). Az. a sinister bend ar. betw. two stars of the buckles the tongues fessewaya gu. an annulet or.
last. Barrett (Suffolk). Ar. a fesse betw. three mullets sa.
Barr. Or, a fedse indented erm, betw. three pomegranates Barrett (Warwickshire). Or, a chev. engr. gu. betw. three
leaved ppr; Crest —
An arm couped at the shoulder, vested bears' heads aa. muzzled or. Crest—A griffin segreant
g^. resting the elbow on the wreath, the hand towards the reguard. gu. wings elevated or.
sinister, holding a bow ppr. Barrett (Tregarden, or Tregarne, co. Cornwall). Same-
Barr, or Barry (Scotland). Az. an eagle displ. ar. sur- Arms, field ar.
mounted by a fesse (another, a bar sa. charged with two —— --WW
Barrett (Fun.
\i Ent. ±ic,/.
uu. AULiu. Ire.). Az. on a,
a cue
j\.£i. vu. chev. ar. betw. three
mullets of the second), HliTlTlfid
trefoils slipped Prm fhroo
erm. lions vamn
three 1inno ramp, an
Barrett. Az. a fesse indented in chief three mullets ar. five annulets or. Crest-—A. hoar pass. az. on a cap of main-
Barrett (Ireland). Ar. two pallets gu. tenance ppr.
Barrett (Ireland). Az. a feose nebulee and In chief three Barron (Glenview and Killoen, co. Waterford). The same.
mullets ar. —
Motto Aadaces fortuna juvat.
Barrett. Sa. three falcons' heads erased or. Barron (Glenanna and Barroncourt, co. Waterford). Erm.
Barrett. Or, a cross sa. over all a bendlet gu, on a Baltire gu. five annulets or. Cresfi 1st A boar pass. — :

Barrett. Gu. on a saltire or, five swans sa. az. ;2nd: A demi lion ramp. ar. langued gu.
Barrett. Per p^e ar. and gu. a fesse counterchansed. Barron (exemplified to Sir Heney Winston Babbon, Bart.,
Barrett. Gu. on a chief indented ar. three martlets sa. of Bellevue, co. Waterford). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, erm.
Barrett. Az. on a chief indented ar. three escallops sa. on a saltire gu. a cross pattee betw. four annulets ar. ; 2nd
Barrett. Gu. on a chief indented or» three escallops sa. and 3rd, per pale gu. and az. a lion ramp, guard, supporting
Barrett. Ar. a fesse sa. in chief three mullets of the second. an oak-tree eradicated ar. Crests —
1st: A boar pass. az.
Barrett. Az. a fesse dancettee or, in chief three mullets ar. armed and crined or, langued gu. charged with a cross pattee
Barrett. Ar. a fesse hetw. three estoiles gu. of the second 2nd A demi Uon ramp. ar. langued gu.
; :

Barrett. Per fesse indented ar. and gu. a hordure az. —

Motto Audaces fortuna jUvat.
Barrette. Sa. a chev. ar. hetw. three hawks' heads erased Barrow (Cambridge). Gu. on a chief ar. three lions' heads
or. —
erased sa. Crest An ostrich's head erased ar. holding in
Barrey (Tollaston, co. Notts, Visit. 1614). Ar. three bars the beak a key or.
embattled gu. Barrow (Kent). Sa. a fesse erm. betw. two fleurs-de-lis in
Barriff (Northamptonshire). Vert (another, az.) on a chev. chief, and a hind trippant in base or.
engr. ar. betw. three trefoils slipped pean as many lions Barrow (Shlpdham, co. Norfolk). Sa. two swords in saltire

ramp. sa. CrcBt On a mount vert a heaver pass. ppr. ar. betw. four fleurs-de-lis or, within a bordure gobonated
gorged with a plain collar and ring or. of the last and gu.
Barriff. Az. on a chev. engr. ar. betw. three trefoils slipped Barrow (Winthorpe, co. Norfolk, granted 1506). Sa. two
erm. as many lions ramp. sa. armed and langued gu. swords in saltire, ar. betw. four fleurs-de-lis or, within a
Barringrston. Or, a cross crosslet purp. on a chief of the bordure gobony of the second and per pure (another, ar. and
second a lion pass, guard, of the first. purp.). Crest—A. deer's head couped ar.
Barring'ston. Sa. six eagles displ. ar three two and one. Barrow (Pottersbury or Petterspury, co. Northampton).
Barrington (Barrington Hall, co. Essex, ext. bart.). Ar. Ar. three torteaux, each charged with a fleur-de-lis or, on
three chev. gu. a label of as many points az. Crest ^A — a chief az. abuglehom gold betw. two pheons of the field.
hermit's bust with a cowl vested paly ar. and gu. Motto — Crest —
A demi boar ramp, or, charged with three billets
TJng durant ma vie. betw. two bendlets ea. This coat is in Harl. MS. 1422,
BarrizLgton (Cullinagh, Queen's County, descended from attributed to "Barro Fluckersbrook, co.
of Flotcbrook," i.e.

John, younger brother of Sir Feancis Bakrikgton, first Chester. It occurs among arms granted
betw. tenvp. H, 5,
baronet of Essex. Of this family was the late Sir Jonah and H. 8. "out of an old booke late belonging to Ralphe
Babbington, formerly Judge of the Court of Admiralty in Brooke, but now in ye custody of Sr. Edw. Dering, knt.
Ireland). Arias, &c., same as Babbington, of Barrington and bart., 1618."— "Ye creast tenvp. H. 8. of Xtopher
HaU. Barker, G." In another hand "T. H. vii." (The Arms of
Barrliigi;on {Vi&count BarHngton). Ar. three chevronels Barrow of Fluckersbrook were quartered by Sneyd of co.

gu. a label of as many points az. Crest A hermit's bust in Staff.)
profile vested and having on the head a cowl paly ar. and Barrow (Suffolk). Sa. two swords in and
saltire ar. hilts

gu. Supporters ^Two griffins their wings elevated or, each pomels or, betw. four fleurs-de-lis within a bordure of the
gorged with a label of three points az. J1fb££o-—Honesta third (another, the bordure ar.). Crest — A hind's head ar,
quam splendida. Barro'W (Wiltshire and Suffolk). Sa. two swords in saltire
BarrizLgrtou (granted to John Babbington, Esq., of Glen- ar. pomels and gold betw. four fleurs-de-lis or.
car, CO. Dublin, Lord Mayor of Dublin, 1865, afterwards Sir Barrow (Col. Bobebt Baebow, a Parliamentary officer serv-
John Barrington, Knt.). Ar. three chevronels gu. in base a ing in Ireland, 1649). Sa. two swords in saltire ar. betw.
civic crown ppr. on a chief of the second a castle of the first four fleurs-de-lis or. Crest —
Out of a mural crown or, a
flammant (being one of the castles in the Arms of the city of dove holding an olive branch ppr.
Dublin). Crest —
A mural crown ppr. out of which a her- Barrow (granted to Alfeed Babeow, of London, gent.).
mit's bust in profile vested paly ar. and gu. and having on Quarterly, sa. and gu. two swords in saltire, ppr. pomels and
the head a cowl also paly ar. and gu. Motto —
Honesta quam hilts or, betw. two fleurs-de-lis in fess of the last. Crest —
splendida. Issuant out of clouds, a dexter arm embowed in armour
Barrington (Somerset). Ar, a lion ramp. sa. flory or. ppr. garnished or, the hand also ppr. holding a buglehom
Barringiion. Ar. a Hon ramp, double queued sa. on the sa. stringed vert, above the hand a flcur-de-fis gold.
shoulder a fleur-de-lis or. Barrow (granted to Simon Babbow, Esq., of Lansdown
Barrington. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. semee of fleurs-de-lis or, Grove, Bath). Per saltire or and erminois, on a saltire az.
crowned of the same. betw. a caduceus in chief and a pine-apple in base ppr, two
Barringi;on (City of Limerick, bart.).
Ar. three chevronels swords in saltire ar. pomels and hilts gold. Crest ^A demi —
gu. a label of three points vert a canton of the same bear sa. semee of fleurs-de-lis ar. muzzled or, holding in the
charged with a trefoil or. Crest—OmX, of a crown vallery or, dexter paw an
arrow, point downwards ppr.
a hermit's bust with a cowl vested paly ar. and gu. Motto Barrow (Eingwood Hall, co. Derby). Per pale indented sa.
— ^Ung durant ma vie. and two swords in saltire ppr. pommels and hilts or, betw.
-Barringrton (Leix, Queen's Co.). Ar. three chevronels gu. four fleurs-de-lis two in pale and two in fess ar. Crest On a —
in chief a label of three points az. —
Crest ^A hermit's head perch ppr. a squirrel sejant or, collared and chained cracking
couped below the shoulders ppr. vested paly of six gu. and a nut all ppr.
or, the cowl thrown back. Barrow (Ulverstone, co. Lancaster, bart.). Sa. two swordc
Barritt (Jamaica). Az. on a chev. erm. betw. three in saltire points upwards ar., pommels and hilts or, betw.
griffins' heads erased or, two serpents in saltire as part of a three fleurs-de-Hs one in chief and two in flaunch and an
caduceus ppr; CVeat—A talbot's head per fesse ar. and erm. anchor erect in base of the last. Crest On a mount vert a —
collared or, eared sa. squirrel sejant cracking a nut all ppr. charged on the
Barrokes. Ar. a fesse betw. three chess rooks sa. shoulder with an anchor. Motto Parum sufficit. —
Barrokes. Erm. a chief quartered or and gu. in the first Barrow (from the Banqueting Eoom, Ironmongers' Hall).
a chess rook sa. Az. in chief dexter an increscent sinister a decrescent and
Barron. Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three garbs or. Crest An — in base a mullet or.
eagle reguard. with wings expanded, holding in its dexter Barrow, Lozengy or and az. a griffin saliant erm.
claw a sword. Barrow. Chequy az. and or, an eagle displ. ar.
Barron. Ar. a chev. betw. three hearts sa. Barrow. Sa. a hind's head couped ar.
Barron. Erm. three hendlets gu. over all a label of as Barro'wby (London). Sa. a scimetar surmounting a sword
many points ar. in saltire ar. hilts and pommels or, hetw. four fleurs-de-lis
Barron. Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three garbs or, a fret of the last.
az. Barrowcourt (co. Somerset, Camden's Grants). Sa. a
Barron, or Baron (originally Fitzgeealu, Baron of dolphin naiant betw. three crosses crosslet or. d'est Out —
Bumchurch. Ldke Babon, alias Fitzgebald, of Killisk, of a wreath of laurel vert a demi bull ramp. or.
CO.Wexford, d. 6 April, 1637, Fun. Ent. Ire.) Erm. on a Barrowe. Ar. on a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet sa.
saltire gu. five annulets or. Crest —
A boar pass. az.
BariKm (Craig Barron, co. Waterford). Erm. on a saltire gu.
two hons pass, counterpass. of the first. Crest A dc«iv —
lion ramp. ar. holding a cross crosslet fitch6c sa.
BarrowmaiL (Scotland). Ar. on a chev. gu. tetw. three Barterowe. Quarterly, ar. and sa. In the second and third
martlets sa. Cfrest —A demi huntsman firing a gun ppr. a tower triple-towered of the first.
Barrows (Hayley, near Stourbridge). Ar. three torteaux Bartey. Ar. three battering rams az.
each charged with a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief az. a bugle Barthelet (granted by Hawley, Clarenceux, 1 Sept.,

gold hetw. two pheons of the field. Crest A demi boar — 3 Edw. VI. to Thomas Baethelot, Esq., ofLondon, the
and counterflory ar,
ramp, or, charged with three billets betw. two bendlets sa. king's printer). Az. on a chev. flory
Mo«o—Agendo gnaviter. betw, three doves of the last as many trefoils vert, d-est—
Barry (Ireland, descended from David de Barhie, who Out of a ducal coronet ar, two serpents endorsed az, sealed
accompanied Robert Fitz-Stephen to the conquest of Ireland, or, their tails coming up in saltire under their throats, the
and landed at Banne, co. Wexford, 1st May, 1170). Ar. ends entering into their ears, langued and armed gu.
three bars gemels gu. Bartholomew. Ar, a chev. engr. betw. three lions ramp.
Barry {Viscount Suttevant, David de Babrt, descended
from the above David de Babbie, Lord Justice of Ireland, Bartliolom.e'W, or Bartolomew (Rochester). Or, three
1267. "A rich noble baron," had free warren in all his goats' heads erased sa. Crest— A demi goat ar. gorged with
lands as lord of Buttevant, 1273. William Babbt sat in a chaplet of laurel vert.
Parliament 1490, as Viscount Buttevant^ and Premier Vis- Bartholomew (Glasgow, 1869). Or, on a fess gu. betw.
count; title dormant since 1824). Ar. three bars gemels. gu. three goats' heads erased sa. two crosses crosslet fitchee of
Crest— Out of a castle with two towers, ar. a wolfs head sa. —
the field. Crest A demi goat sahant sa. gorged with a
Suppm-ters—Two wolves ducally gorged and chained or. wreath of laurel ppr. Motto —Ad alta.

Motto Boutez en avant. Bartholomew (Wallington, Sa. a bend erm.
co. Norfolk).
Barry (Barl of Bm-rymore). David, Viscount Buttevant, was betw. two goats' heads erased couped ar. armed and bearded
so created, 1628; extinct 1824). ArmSt Crest and Supporters or.
same as Viscount Buttevant. Mottoes On Patent of crea- — Bartleme. Or, a chev. party per chev. engr. ar. and gu.
tion as Earl: God's providence is my inheritance. In Records betw, three lions ramp. sa.
Ul8ter*s O^ffice: Domino fides immobilis. Bartlet (Gloucester). Quarterly, per fesse indented az. and
Barry (Lord Santry. Descended of the same stock as the gu. four crescents counterchanged,
foregoing, created 1661; extinct 1751). Barry of six ar. and Bartlet (Kent). Ar. a chev, betw. three martlets sa.
gu, Cresi— Out of a ducal coronet or, a wolfs head erased Bartlet (Kent). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three Cornish choughs

—^Regi legi

gu. collared gold. Supportei-s Two wolves ar. guttee de ppr-
sang collared az. Motto fidelis. Bartlet (London). Az. on a chev, flory betw. three doves
Barry (Lemlara, co. Cork). Arms, &c., same as the Earl of ar. charged with as many trefoils slipped vert pierced or.
Barry more. Crest— 0\xt of a ducal coronet or, two demi dragons, without
Barry (Ballyclough, co. Cork). Anns^ &c., same as Babet- wings vert tied back to back with a cord az. issuing from
MOBE. the middle of the coronet, passing under their throats, and
Barry (Alderman, and at one time Lord Mayor of Dublin, meeting above their heads in two hows.
from the funeral entry of his wife, d. 21st Sept. 1667). Bartlet (co. Sussex). Sa. three sinister gauntlets ar.*

Barry of six ar. and gu. Bartlet. Sa. on a chev. flory counterflory betw. three
Barry (Smith-Baert, of Foaty, co. Cork, granted to John doves ar. as many trefoils slipped ppr.
Smith-Barbt, Esq., of that place, 1822, to his brother James Bartlet. Quarterly, per pale indented ar. and gu. a crescent
Smith-Babrt, and his sisters, Caeoline-AugCsta, Narcissa, counterchanged,
and LoDiSA Smith-Babry). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, ar. three Bartlett (Weston in Branscombe, co. Devon, settled at
bars gemels gu., for Barbt 2nd and 3rd, each quarterly, 1st Hole in that shire since the early part of the 16th century).

and 4th, gu. on a chev. or, betw. three bezants as many Ar, two bars betw. three cinquefoilS sa. Crest A demi —
crosses pattee fitchee sa. 2nd and 3rd, az. a fess ar. betw.
; griffin sa, collared gemelle ar. holding a cinquefoil of the
three porcupines or. Crest— A. castle ar. issuant from the second,
battlements thereof a wolfs head sa. JIfoHo—Boutez en Bartlett (Marldon and Ludbrook House, Devon), Per fesse
avant. indented ar. and gu. four crescents counterchanged.
Barry (Winscot, co. Devon). Gu. three bars voided ar. Bartlett (from St. Martin's Church, Oxford, the Arms of
Barry (Devon). Gu. three bars chequy ar. and az. BicHABD Bartlett, Visit. Oxon). Az. three annulets (or
Barry (Eynesham, co. Oxford, Visit. Oxon). Az. two lions crescents) ar.
pass, guard, or. Crest — A lion's head erased gu. collared Bartley. Ar. three bars gu. Crest—A lion pass, tail
or. Jlfotio— Fortitudine. extended ppr.
Barry (Vincent Babbt, Esq., of Thame, co. Oxford). Per Bartley (Scotland). Per pale, first, az. an inescutcheon sa.

pale az. and gu. two lions pass, guard, or. bordured second, ar. a cross flory dimideated.
ar. ;

Barry. Az. two lions pass, or Bartolozzi. Ar. an eagle displ. sa. resting each claw on a
Barry. Gu. three bars componee ar. and az. column with capitals and bases az. Crest On a mount a —
Barry. Ar. three bars embattled gu. poplar tree all ppr. Motto (over) —
Lahore et prudentiS,
Barry (Tollerton, co, Nottingham). Gu. three bars em- Barton (Buckinghamshire). Ar. a chief ermines on a canton
battled ar, Ci'fis* —
On a bar fessewise gu. charged with three gu. an owl of the fleld.
roses or, the battlements of a tower farsonned of the £rst. Barton (Cheshire). Ar. three bears' heads couped gu.
Motto—A. rege et victoria. Barton (Scotland). Gu. three shell-snails or.
Bairy (reversal, co. Nottingham ; the heiress m. Green- Barton (Scotland). Az. a fesse betw. three squirrels' head*
haloh). Barry of six ar. and gu. a label of three points ar. or.
Barry (Roclaveston Manor, near Nottingham). Gu. three Barton (Edinburgh, 1672). Ar. an anchor in pale az. placed

bars embattled ar. Crest ^The battlements of a tower in the sea ppr. betw. two mullets of the second all within a
farsonned ppr. upon a fesse bar gu. charged with three roses bordure vert.' Crest—A raven rising ppr. Motto —Hi»
or. Motto—A rege et victoria. securitas.
Barry (quartered by Bayley, of Stockton-on-Tees). Barry Barton (Kent). Az. a fesse betw. three bucks' heads
of six ar. and gu, on a canton vair a htunan head ppr. couped erm (another, or). Crest An owl ppr. —
Crest —
A griffin's head erased per bend sinister vair and ar. Barton (Barton Hall, co. Lancaster). Ar. three boars'
on a plain collar gu. two mullets or. heads couped (another, erased) gu. Crest —
A boar's head
Barry, See Otteb-Baeby. couped gu.
Barrye (Devonshire). Ar, two bars, and in chief a cre- Barton (Grove, co. Tipperary), Ar. a rose betw. three

scent gu. Cre&t ^A wolfs head sa. charged with a crescent boars' heads erased gu. Crest —
A boar's head gu. M<itio —
or. Quod ero spero. Ancient Motto— Y\s fortibus arma.
Barsane (Edinburgh). Ar. in a sea in base ppr. an anchor Barton (Clonelly, co, Fermanagh, The Waterfoot, co. Fer-
az. between two mullets in fesse of the last. Crest — ^A raven managh, Glendalough House, co. Wicklow, and Greenfort,
rising ppr, CO. Donegal). Arms and Crest same as preceding.
Barsliam (Collcirk, co. Norfolk). Per pale or. and gu. a Barton (Straffan House, Ar. a rose gu. seeded
co, Kildare),
chief or. or, barbed vert betw. three hoars' heads erased ppr. Crat
Barsliam (Norfolk). Per pale gu. and ar. a chief or. — A hoar's head erased ppr. Motto Fide et fortitudine. —
Crest — A garb in fesse, Barton (Smithills, co. Lancaster). Az. a fesse betw. three
Barshazn. Per pale ar, and gu. a chief or. bucks' heads cabossed or (another, the bucks' neaas ar.}.
Barston (Norfolk). Quarterly ar. and sa. over all an eagle Crest— An acorn or, leaved vert.
displ. gu. Barton (Lancashire). Erm. a fesse engr. ga.
Barston. Ar. three spiked clubs sa, Barton (Lord Mayor of London, 1416 and 1430). Erm. on a
Bartilot. See Babtlott. saltire sa. an annulet or, voided of the first.


Barton (Stapleton Park, co. York, and Swinton, co. Barwls (Iselekirk, co. Cimiberland). Ar. a chev. betw. three
Lancaster). Az. on a fesse betw. three bucks^ heads bears' heads couped sa. A
muzzled or. Crest— hand issuing
cabossed or, a martlet gu. betw. two acorns, leaved ppr. in bend, cutting an ostrich feather with a scimetar ia

Onst An acorn or, leaved vert. Jl/o^io—Crescitur cultu. saltire.
Baxton (Didlestoo, co. Salop). Ar. a bend double cottised Barwis. Ar. a bend az. cottised gu.
sa. Barworth. Ar. a saltire sa.
Barton (Threxton HouBe, co. Norfolk). Enn. on a fesse gu. Barwyke. Az. a cross engr. voided of the field.
three annulets or. Creat—A griffin's head erased ppr. Bary (St. Brixe, Visit. Lond. 1568). Gu. three boars' heads ar.
Motto— FoTtis est Veritas. Bary, De (Weston Hall, co. Warwick). Gu. three barbels'
Barton (Holme, co. Kottingham). Az. on a fesse betw. heads couped two and one ppr. Crest—A star of six point*
three bucks' heads cabossed or, a mullet sa. Crest ^An — betw. two wings elevated. Motto (of Haywabd, adopted
acorn or, stalked and leaved vert. by Mr. Db Bakt)— Fidus Deo et regi.
Barton (Newton, co. York). Ar. on a fesse betw. six fleurs- Barynton. Az. a lion ramp, double queued sa. charged
de-Us sa. three fleurs-de-lis of the first. with five fieurs-de-lis or.
Barton (Whereby, co. York). Erm. on a fesse ga. three Barzey (Shrewsbury). Ar. two bars gu. on a canton of the
annulets or. last a maunch or. Crest —
A squirrel sejant ppr. cracking a.
Barton. Erm. on a canton gu. an owl
ar. Crest An owl — nut or,
ar. ducally gorged or. Bascellly. Ar. five fusils in fesse gu. in chief three grey-
Barton. Erm. on a fesse sa. three annulets or. Crest— hounds' heads erased of the last. CVcrf—A torteau charged,
dragon's head couped or, crowned of the same. with a pale indented or.
Barton. Erm. on a fesse gu. three annulets, in the middle Basebroke. Az. in fesse three mullets betw. two bars or.
one a cross pattee or. Crest —
A wolf's head erased or. Basentsme. Az. three fieur-de-lis ar.
Barton. Erm.' on a canton sa. an owl ar. (another, the Basentyne. Gu. a fesse dancettee ar.
canton gu. the owl or). Basevlle. Gu. an escutcheon within an orle of eight rosev
Barton. Per fesse erm. and ar. on a canton gu. an owl or. or.
Barton. Erm. on a canton gu. a mai-tlet or. Basford (Grange, co. Derby). Az. three eagles displ. betw-
Barton. Az. two bars ar. a chief erm. two bendlets ar.
Barton. Az. a fesse betw. three squirrels* heads or. Basford. Gu. a lion ramp. erm.
Barton. Ar. three boars' heads erased at the neck gu. Basford (Nottinghamshire). Sa. three bears salient or.
langued or. Basford. Gu. three finned or winged syrens ar.
Barton. Ar. on a ssdtire sa. a roundle of masonry, charged Basliam. Or, three palets gu.
vrith an erm. spot. Basham, Sa. a crescent ar.
Barton. Gu. a fesse indented ar. Baslie (Hertfordshire). Per chev. ar. and gu. in chief two
Barton. Enn. on a bend gu. three annulets or. moor hens sa. combed and legged gu, in base a saltire ar.
Bartram (Cumberland). Gu. an orle or (another, adds a Crest —
A griffin segreant, per pale ar. and sa. gorged with a
label of three points of the second). plain collar counterchanged, holding in the beak a broken
Bartram (Visit, co. Notts. 1614). Or, a lion ramp. vert. spear.
Bartram (Newcastle, 1433). Or, an orle az. Baslie (Herefordshire). Per chev. or and gu. two martlets
Bartram.. Or, a Uon pass. vert. in chief and a cross in base counterchanged. Ci'est Aa —
Bartram. Az. an eagle displ. or. the last.
Bartron. Ar. an escutcheon az. Baslxe. Per chev. ar. and sa. three towers, triple towered,
Barttelot (Stopham, Sussex, bart.). Sa. three sinister counterchanged.
gloves pendent ar. tasselled or, with the following quarter- Basliett. Or, a lion ramp. gu. a bordure sa. bezantee.
ings ;— Stopham Quarterly, per fesse indented ar. and gu.
:;s. Az. a cross voided, and a bend or.
four crescents counterchanged. Lewknob Az. three : Basile (Fun. Ent. Ire., 1652). Ar. three pellets.
chevronels ar. D'Gyley: Gu. three bucks' heads cabossed Basily (Eadcliffe-upon-Trent, co. Nottingham). Ar. a fesse
ar. Tbegoz: Az. two bars gemel in chief a Hon pass, guard, dancettee betw. ten billets gu.
or. Camoys : Or, on a chief gu. three plates. Walton : Basing: (Kent). Az. a cross crusily, voided or, a bend gu.
Ar. three hawks' heads erased sa. Syheston : Ar. an eagle Basing (London, 1214). Or, six eagles displ. sa. three, two,
with two heads displ. sa. Smvth : Ar. an unicorn's head and one, a canton erm.
erased gu. on a chief wavy az. three lozenges or. Crests-^ Basing'. Erm. a bordure sa.
Ist : A swan couchant ar. wings endorsed ar. ; 2nd : A castle Basing. Or, five eagles displ. sa. armed gu. u canton
with three turrets sa. Motto Mature. — ermines.
Barug-h, or Barg-h (originally of Yorkshire, taking its Basing. Az. a cross crosslet recoursie ar.
name from a village called Barugh, in tbe North Eiding, Basinge. Ar. a chev. az, on a chief of the second two
now represented by John Barugh of the city of London, mullets pierced of the field, quartered by Colton. Monu-
merchant). Gu. a fesse vair betw. three mullets ar. ment in Minster Ch. Com. 1703.
Bamne. Ar. a chev. betw. three human hearts sa. Basinges (Sir William pe Basinges, Roll of Arms, temp.
Barway. Ar. a barnacle in bend sa. Edward II.) Az. a cross recerle voided or, and a bend gu.
Barwell. Ar. three martlets sa, betw. two bars gu. Crest Basinges. Az. a cross moline or, over all a bend gu.
—A demi lady holding in her dexter hand a garland of Basingliold, or Baseinghold. Ar. a saltire bot-
laurel ppr. tonee az.
Barwell (Witham). Az. on a bend or, three mullets of the Basingwerke Abbey. Ar. on a cross engr. vert, five
field. Crest —A greyhound's head erased ar. collared or. mullets or.
Barwell (Norwich). Ar. an antelope saliant. Crest —An Basire, or Basier. Gu. three bars wavy ar. in chief a
antelope's head erased ar. attired or. —
mullet of six points of the second. Crest A hand holding a
Barwell. Erm. on a chief az. a talbot'e head couped ar. buckle or,
collared gu. Baskcomb (Chiselhurst, co. Kent). Gu. a chev. betw.
Barwell. Gu. a goat climant ar. attired or. three cinquefoils erm, Cre&t—A talbot's head couped gu.
Barwell. Ar. four barralets az. over all a griffin segreant charged on the neck with a cinquefoil erm. Motto Forti —
or. et fideli nihil difficile.
Barwick (Northumberland). Or, three bears' heads erased Basker. Or, a cross gu. bezantee.
sa. muzzled ar. Crest —On a mount vert a stag or, attired Basker. Or, on a cross engr. sa. twenty-two bezants.
sa. Baskervile (Cheshire). Ar. three hurts.
Barwick (Westhorp, co. Suffolk). Ar. three bears* heads Baskervile (Gloucestershire). Ar. on a chev. az. (another,
erased az. muzzled or. gu.) betw. three hurts, as many crosses crosslet or.
Baxwick (Sutton, co. York). Ar, three bears' heads couped Baskervile (Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, and Hertford-
sa. muzzled gu. shire). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three torteaux.
Barwick. Az. a cross engr.voided of the field.
or, Baskervile (Herefordshire and Warwickshire). Ar. achev*
Barwicke (Essex, 1592). Ar. three bears' heads erased sa. gu. betw. three hurts, —
d'est A wolfs head erased ar.
muzzled or. Crest—An escarbuncle, the centre az. the holding in the mouth an arrow, the feathers upwards.
rays ar. —
Another Crest A lion's head pierced through the mouth
Barwicke. Ar. a fleur-de-lis gu. beiw. three bears' heads —
with a spear. Another Crest A garb of rosemary ppr.
erased sa. muzzled or. Baskervile (confirmed as the Arms of Baseebvile, of
Barwls (Langrigg Hall, co. Cumberland). Ar. a chev. Cudworth, Her. Vis.). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three hurts.
betw. three bears' heads couped sa. muzzled or. Crest— Baskervile* Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three hurts as many
bear muzzled. Motto—Bear and forbear. mullets or.


Baskervile. Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three hurts as many Basset {Baron'>ss Basset). wavy gu. Sup'
Or, three bars
fleurs-de-lis. porters —Two uniforns ar. armed maned hoofed and col-
BaskervUl. Ar. a chev. p;u. betw. three trivets or. lared or, pendent from the collar of each an escutcheon of
Baskervill. Ar. a chev. ax. betw. three torteaux. the Arms. Motto— ^ro rege et populo.
BaskerviUe (Erdisley Castle, co. Hereford, of Norman Basset (formerly of Heanton Court, and TJmberleigh, now of
origin, settled in Herefordshire soon after the Conquest). Watermouth, near Iirracoinbe, co. Devon). Quarterly, Ist
Ar. a chev. gu. betw, three hurts. Crest— A wolfs head and 4th, barry wavy of six or and gu., for Basset; 2nd and
erased ar. holding in its mouth a broken spear, staff or, head 3rd, az. a ship with two masts or, the sails trussed up and
ar. imbrued gu. ilfoito—Spero ut fid^lis. hoisted to the yards ar. adorned with flags charged with the
BaskerviUe (Goodrest, co. Warwick, Kyre Park, co. cross of England on a chief of the second three cinquefoils
Hereford, and Aberedow, co. Radnor). Same as Baskbr- pierced gu., for Davie. Crests— 1st: An unicorn's head
viLLE, of Erdisley. couped ar. mane beard and horn or, on the neck two bars
BaskerviUe (Mtnors-Baskerville, of Clyro Court, co. indented gu., for Basset ; 2nd On a mount vert a Iamb

Radnor, descended from Baskerville, of Erdisley). Same pass. ar. in the mouth a sprig of cinquefoil or, slipped vert,
Arms, Crest, and Motto : the Pedigree, ArmSt and Quarterings for Davie.
are duly registered in the College of Arms, London. Basset (Lord Mayor of London, 1475). Gu. three helmets
BaskerviUe (Crowsley Park, co. Oxford). Same as Erdisley. and garnishing or.
ar. vizors
Baskervile (Old Withington, co. Chester). Same Arms. Basset. Or, three piles meeting in the base of the escut-
Crest —A forester vested vert edged or, holding over his cheon sa. a canton erm. (another, vair). Crest-^A boar's
dexter shoulder a crossbow of the last and with the other head erm armed or.
hand in a leash a hound pass. ar. Basset. Erm. on a canton gu. a mullet or.
Basket (Isle of Wight and co. Dorset). Az. a chev. erm. Basset. Ar. on a fesse gu. three crosslets or.
betw. three leopards' faces or. Crest— A demi lion or. Basset. Ar. three pallets gu a border az. bezantee.
Basket-makers, Company of (London). Az. three Bassett (Fun. Ent. Ulster's Office of Edward Basset, Esq.,
cross baskets in pale ar. betw. a prime and an iron on the of Fletborowe, co. Notts, d. 18 January, 1635). Or, three
dexter and a cutting knife and an outsticker on the sinister piles meeting in the base of the escutcheon gu. a canton
of the second. (The prime and cutting knife are in chief vaire ar. and aa.
and the iron and outsticker in base.) Crest Within a — Bassett (North Luffenham, co. Rutland, Visit. 1618). Or,
wreath a child rocked at the head by a girl and at the feet three piles meeting in base gu. on a canton ar. three bars
by a boy both vested all ppr. —
Motto Let us love one wavy az.
another. Bassett (Sapcotts, co. Notts, Visit. 1614). Or, three piles
Baskiu (Ord. Scotland, 1672). Gu. a fesse vaire. Crest— meeting in base gu. on a canton ar. two bars nebulee sa.
sword and stalk of wheat in saltire ppr. the last depressed by Bassett (Cornwall). Ar. three bars dancettee, gu. Crest—
the iirst. ilfo«o—Armis et diligentia. A horse's head erased.
Baslingtliorp. Ar. a chev. gu. a chief indented sa. Bassett (Langley, co. Derby). Or, three piles meeting in
Basnett (The Cloughs, near Newcastle-under-Lyne). Ar. a the base of the escutcheon gu. a canton ar. charged with a
chev. gu. betw. three helmets close ppr. —
Crest An arm griffin segreant sa. (another, adds a canton charged with
embowed in armour ppr. holding a cutlass. two lions pass. gu.). Crest—Ovit of a ducal coronet or, a
Basned (Hawkswell, and Coventry, co. Warwick, Oaking- boar's head gu.
ham, CO. Berks, Somerset, Notts, and London, descended Bassett (Devonshire). Paly of eight or and gu. a canton
from Lawrence Basset, alias Bassnett, of Barnton, co. vair,
Chester, living 27, Henry "VIII., 1535). Arms and Crest Bassett (Essex). Ar. on a chev. betw. three bugle horns
same as the preceding. sa. five crosses crosslet of the field.
Baspoole (Beston, co. Norfolk). Ar. a chev. embattled betw. Bassett (Gloucestershire). Erm. (another, ar.) on a chief
three lions ramp. sa. —
Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a indented gu. three estoiles (another escallops, another
stag's head erm. attired or, wreathed about the neck ar. mullets) or.
and and tied behind with two bows.
sa. Bassett (Leicestershire). Barry wavy of six ar, and gu.
BascLuer (isle of Wight). Per bend or and ar. a lion ramp. (another adds a canton of the second).
az. on a chief gu. a cross pattee fitchee betw. two estoiles of Bassett (Somersetshire). Erm. a canton gu.

the second. Crest A grifiBn's head or, issuing from a mural Bassett (Staffordshire). Or, three piles gu. a canton vair.
crown gu. Bassett (Beauprg, co. Glamorgan). Ar. a chev. betw.

Bass. Sa. a bordure ar. Crest Out of ducal coronet two three bugle horns stringed sa. (another, the chev. az.).
wings ppr, Crest— A stag's head cabossed betw. the attires a cross
Bass (Curzon St., Mayfair). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three fitchee at the foot ar. PIotto—Gv/eW angau na chywilydd.
greyhounds* heads erased sa. each ducally gorged and Bassett, Barry nebulee of six or and gu. (another, ar. and
chained or, as many cross crosslets of the last. Crest Out — gu).
of a mural crown gu. masoned ar. a demi greyhound issuant Bassett. Ar. three mullets gu. on u. chief of the second
holding in the mouth a rose betw. two leaves all ppr. as many escallops or.
Bassack (Stepney, co. Middlesex). Az. three piles wavy in Bassett. Paly of eight or and gu. a canton vert.
point or, on a chief of the first as many maseles of the Bassett. Paly of six or and gu. a bordure az. bezantee.
second. Bassett. Or, three piles gu. on a canton sa. a lion ramp. ar.
Bassano (London, Essex, Derbyshire, and Staffordshire, a Bassett (Newport). Or, three piles gu. on a canton ar. a
family of Italian origin). Per chev. vert and ar. in chief grifiin segreant vert. Crest— 0\xt of a ducal coronet or, a
three silkworm moths and in base a laurel tree counter- boar's head gu.
changed. Crest— A silkworm moth ppr. (Glover's " Derby- Bassett (Sir Robert Bassett, knighted at Dublin Castle,
shire." The same^rms and Crat as on a monument to one 15 July, 1599). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, barry dancettee of
of the family in Lichfield Cathedral.) ar. and gu. ; 2nd, vaire three bars gu. 3rd, gu. a saltire

Basse. Gu. a chev. Crest— A demi

ar. betw. three plates. vaire.
lion gu. resting his paw on an oval shield in cartouch or, Bassett. Erm. a
chief dancettee gu.
charged with a fleur-de-lis az. Bassett. Or, three piles meeting in the base of the
Basseuden, Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three mullets or, as escutcheon sa. within a bordure az. bezantee (another adds,
many mascles az. over all a bend gu.).
Bassentine. Az. three fleurs-de-lis or. Bassett. Barry of six az, and ar. on a chief of the second
Basset (Northamptonshire, Staffordshire, Gloucestershire, three chaplets of the first.
Leicestershire, Cornwall, and Devonshire. Lord Basset of Bassett. Sa. three fleurs-de-lis ar. (another, or.).
Weldon). Or, three piles gu. within a bordure sa. bezantee. Bassett. Bendy gu. and or, a canton erm.
The Lords Bassett of Sapcote; Ar. two bars undee sa. The Bassett. Gu. on a bend ar. three escallops sa.
Bassets of Cornwall and Devon Or, three bars wavy gu.
: Bassett. Or, three palets gu. a quarter barry ncbuWe ar.
Basset (lord Bassett of Drayton. Ralph, lord Basieit of and az.
Drayton, K.G. temp. Edward III., elected in the room of Bassett. Or, three piles gu. on a canton ar. alien ramp.Ba.
Lionel, Duke of Clarence: his Garter plate remains in the Bassiug-. Az. a cross engr. or, surmounted by a bend gu.
sixth stall on the Sovereign's side). Or, three piles the points Bassing-borne (Badingham, co. Cambridge). Gyronnyof
meeting in base gu. a quarter erm. Crest—Oxxt of a ducal twelve or. and gu.
coronet or, a boar's head az. tusked of the first. Bassing-borne (Cambridgeshire). Gyronny of eight vair^
Basset (Tehidy Park, co. Cornwall). Barry wavy of six or and gu.

and gu. (another, or and az.). Crest A unicorn's head Bassing-borne (Cambridgeshire). Gyronny of twelve ga,
couped ar. Motto— Vxo rege et populo. and vair^.


Bassingrborne (Herefordshire). Gyronny of eight or Batell. Gu. a griffin segreant or.
and gu.. Batezuan (Viscount Bateman and Baron Oalmore, created
Bassing'bome (co. Lincoln). Gyronny of twelve or andaz. 1725, extinct 1802). Or, on a fess sa. betw. three Muscovy
Bassingrborne. Gyronny of sixteen ar. and gu. ducks ppr. a rose of the field. Crest A duck's head and —
Sassmg-borne. Gyronny of eight ar. and gu. (another, crest betw. two wings ppr. Supporters Two hons ar. —
ar.and az. another, or and
; az. ; another, gu. and vair). gorged with plain collars sa. each charged with a rose betw.
Cr«(—Out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head gu. ducally two fleurs-de-lis or, chained gold. Motto—iHec prece nee
crowned of the first. pretio,
Bassin^bome. Gyronny of twelve vair and gu. Batetnan, Baron. See Hanburt.
and gu. ; another, gu. and vert).
(another, ar. Bateman (Hartington Hall, and Breadsall Mount, co. Derby).
Bassiugdou. Erm. on a saltire engr. az. five fleurs-de-lis Or, three crescents issuant from each an estoile of six points
or. gu. a canton az. Crest—A crescent and estoile as in the
Bassingres. over all a bend gu.
Az. a cross engr. or, Arms betw. two eagle's wings or. Motto Sidus adsit —
Crest—Three roses gu. stalked and leaved vert issuing from ami cum.
the wreath. Bateman (Essex). Sa. six lions couchant coward ar. three,
Bassin^es. Az. a cross moline quarterly, pierced or. two, and one.
Bassing'es. Gu. an inescutcheon within an orle of cinque- Bateman (Essex). Az. a chev. embattled or, betw. three
foils ar. pierced of the field. martlets ar. a crescent for diff.
Bassingrford. Az. a bezant. Bateman (London), Or, on a fesse sa. betw. three Muscovy
BassizLg"weeke, or Bassingrwerke (Cheshire). Ar. a ducks ppr. a rose of the first. —
Crest A Muscovy duck's
cross engr. vert. head couped betw. two wings expanded ppr.
Bassy^ Quarterly, per fesse indented sa. and ar. Bateman (Middleton by Yoidgrave, co. Derby, descended
Bassnet. Az. a chev. betw. three helmets close or. from Wm. Bateman, of South Winfield, hving in 1298). Or,
Bastable. Gu. on a bend ar. three trefoils slipped vert. three crescents, each surmounted by an estoile gu. Crest —
Crest —A griffin's head couped gu. betw. two. wings erect or. A crescent and estoile as in the Ai-ms betw. two eagle's
Motto —Regardez mort. wings or.
Bastard (Aslington, co. Norfolk). Ar. on a bend betw. Bateman (Biddulph Grange and Knypersley Hall, co,
three fleurs-de-lis sa. as many boars' heads couped or. Stafford), Az. on a fesse embattled betw. three crescents,

Crest An elephant's head per chev. or and sa. eared of the issuant from each an estoile ar. the chemical character of
second. ,
Mars sa. —
Crest A tower ar. issuant therefrom a demi
Bastard (Cornwall). Ar. three bucks' heads ppr. eagle wiogs elevated sa. charged on the breast with the
Bastard (Kitley and Bu^kland Court, both co. Devon). Or, chemical character of Mars or, in the beak a wreath of
a chev. az. Crest —A
dexter arm embowed in plate armour oak ppr.
ppr. garnished or, the elbow towards the sinister, the hand Bateman (Jones-B axeman, Pentre Mawr, co. Denbigh.
in a gauntlet grasping a sword also ppr., pomel and hilt John Jones-Bateman, Esq., of that place). Or, a lion
gold in bend sinister the point downwards. Motto Pax — ramp, az. Crest —A lion's head az,
potior bello. Bateman (London). Or, three crescents, betw. the horns
Bastard (Charlton Marshall, co. Dorset). Or, a chev. az. of each a star gu.
Crest —A griffin's head collared and armed or. Bateman (Oak Park, co. Kerry). Or, on a chev. betw.
Basteed. Ar. two bars az. in chief three chaplets gu. three escallops gu. an ostrich feather ar. Crest—A pheasant
Baston. Ar. three bats' wings sa. ppr. Motto —
Nee pretio nee prece.
Baston. Quarterly, per fesse indented or and az. Bateman (Bartholey, co. Monmouth; a branch of Bateman
Bastoyle (Essex). Or, (another, ar.) a cross sa. charged of Oak Park), Same Arms^ &c.
with five mullets of the field. Bateman (Whitechapel, co, Middlesex). Az. a fesse nebulce
Bat, or Batt (Berkshire and Yorkshire). Sa. a fesse engr. betw. three crescents each having an estoile issuing from
ar. betw. three dexter hands couped at the wrist or. betw. their horns or. Ci'est— Out of a mural coronet ar. an
Batberge. Sa. fifteen bezants, five, four, three, two, and eagle rising with a small garland in the beak ppr,
one. Bateman (How Hall, co. Norfolk). Or, three estoiles issuing;
Batchelor (EasingwoW, co. York, now extinct in the male out of as many crescents gu.
line, and represented through the female by Chables John Bateman (Norfolk). Sa. a crescent within a bordure engr.
Batley, Esq., of the Inner Temple, London, and of Trinity erm.
College, Cambridge). Ar. a bend betw. three wings az. Bateman (Suffolk). Sa. three crescents two and one erm.
Batchelor (Horstead, co. Norfolk, as in Norwich Cathedral). within a bordure engr. ar. (another, or),
Ar, on a bend vert. betw. three single wings az. as many Bateman. Per fesse indented sa. and ar, three demi eagles
fleurs-de-lis or. displ. couped and counterchanged.
Batchworth.. Gu. a chev. ar, within a bordure engr. sa. Bateman (Feedc, Bateman, Esq., M.D., Norwich. Mr.
Bate (Yorkshire, 1565). Sa. a fesse engr. ar. betw. three Bateman was elected physician to the Norfolk and Norwich
dexter hands couped bendways or. Crest—A stag's head ar. Hospital, 1864, and justice of the peace for the city 1870, and
attired or, erased gu. vulned
through the neck with an arrow sheriff for the city of Norwich 1872-3. His father, John
gold, featheredand headed of the first. Bateman, was sheriff of the city of Norwich 1837). Sa. three
Bate. Sa. a fesse engr. ar. betw. three dexter hands crescents erm. within a bordure engr. ar. Crest —

bendwise or. Crest A stag's head erased pierced through crescent. Motto —
Principiis obsta.
the neck with an arrow. Bateman. Or, three estoiles gu. the one in the base issuant
Bate (Little Chester, co. Derby), Sa. a fesse ar. betw. three out of a crescent of the second. Crest —
An increscent ar.
dexter hands palms upwards bendwise or Crest A cross — betw. two wings the dexter also ar. sinister gu.
patt^e. Bateman. Sa. an orle engr. ar. betw. three crescents erm.
Bate (Foston, co. Derby). Same as Bate, of Little Chester, Bateman. Ar. on a bend. sa. three hurts within a
but with the fesse engrailed. bordure gu.
Bate (Ashby de la Zouch, co. Leicester, descended fromBxT^, Bateman. Sa. six Uons couchant or, three, two, and one;
of Little Chester). Sa. a fesse ar. betw. three dexter hands Bateman. Or, on a chev. betw. three escallops gu. an
bendwise or. Crest— A dexter hand apaumfie. ostrich feather ar.
Bate (Ashby de la Zouch). Sa. a fesse ar. betw. three dexter Bateman-Cbampain. See Champain.
hands palms upwards bendwise or. Crest—A dexter hand Bateman-Hanbury. See Hanbdet.
apaum^. Batered. Or, a chev. az.
Bate. At. on a fesse gu. betw, three cinquefoils of the Baterell. Chequy or and gu. a chev. az.
second, as many fleurs-de-lis erm. Crest ^A bull's head — Baterton, or Beckertpn, Ar. on a chev, sa. three
couped erm, armed or. broad arrow-heads of the field.
Bate. Sa. a fesse ar. betw. two dexter hands or. Bates (Lincolnshire), Ar. on a fesse betw. three cinquefoils
Bate. Sa. a fesse betw. three dexter hands (another, couped gu. a fleur-de-lis erm.
bendways) ar. Bates (Norfolk), Sa. on a fesse ar. betw. three dexter hands
Bate. Sa, a fesse and in chief two dexter hands or. couped bendways or, five mullets of the field.
Bate. Or, three bats sa. Bates (granted to William B, Bates, of Liverpool,
Bate (Charles Spence-Batb, Esq., Mulgrave Place, merchant), Az, on a fesse dancettee betw. three dexter
Plymouth), Sa. a fesse engrailed ar. betw. three dexter hands couped bendways or, as many fleurs-de-lis of the field,
hands couped bendways or. Crest A stag's head erased — —
Crest On a mount vert a savage wreathed about the waist
with oak and holding in the dexter hand three arrows con-
pierced through the neck with an arrow ppr. Jfofto-rPieu
et ma main droite. joined, two in fidltire and one in pale points upwards £01 ppr.
Bates (Milboume Northumberland). Sa. a fesse engr.
Hall, Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. two bars erm. in chief three
betw. three dexter hands couped at the wrist headways ar. crosses form^e or, for Bathdrst 2nd and 3rd, gu. on a bend.

Crest —
A naked man holding in the hand a willow-wand ppr. ar, three trefoils slipped vert, for Hervet. Crests—lai^
JlfoMo— 'Etmanu et corde. Bathdrst a dexter arm embowed, habited in mail, holding

Bates (Widsingham, eo. Durham), Per fesse indented or in the hand ppr. a club with spikes or. 2nd, Hervet a leo- :

and vert on a tend az. three lions pass, of the first. Crest — pard sa. hezantee collared and lined or, hojding in the dexter
An arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a sword —
paw a trefoil slipped vert. Mottoes For Bathdrst: Tien ta
point to dexter all ppr. Motto —
Ernst und trew. foy. ForHEEVEY: Je n'oublieray jamais.
Bates. Ar. on a fesse betw. three cinquefoils gu. three Bathurst (Richmond, Scutterskelf, Clintz, and Arkendale,
fleurs-de-lis erm. Crest —
'A stag's head couped pierced with CO. York). Same as Lord Bathurst.
an arrow all ppr. ikfo/(o— Lahore et virtute. Bathurst (Lydney Park, co. Gloucester). Arms, Crest a.Tii
Bates (Henry William Bates, Esq., of Denton, co. Sussex, Motto, as Zord Bathurst.
great grandson of John Bates, of Beaconsfield, co. Bucks, Bathurst (Leachlade, eo. Gloucester, bart., a younger
alderman of the city of London). Sa. a fesse betw. three branch of the ennobled family, extinct barts.). Az. two

hands ar. Crest An arm in armour embowed, in the hand bars in chief three crosses formee or. Crest On a mount—
a truncheon. Motto— ^lamx et corde. vert a bay horse stataut.
Bates (George Bates, Esq., of Gothorsley House, near Stour- Bathurst (Hampshire, Kent, and London). Sa. two bar&
bridge). Sa. a fesse engr. betw. three dexter hands erased erm. in chief three crosses formee or. Crest A dexter arm —
at the wrist bendways ar. Orest A stag's head erased —
— embowed, habited in mail holding in the hand ppr. a club
transfixed by an arrow ppr. Motto ^Fert palmam mereat. with spikes or.
Bates (Numby, eo. York). Sa. a fesse engr. betw. three Bathurst (Isle of Wight, confirmed by Camden, Clarenceux,,
dexter hands couped ar. July, 1616). The same, with an annulet betw. the bars or.
Bates (Yorkshire). Sa. a fesse betw. three dexter hands Crest —The same as above with an annulet on the arm or.

appaume ar. Crest A demi lion ramp, holding in the Batifford. Ar. two crescents gu. a canton sa. charged with
dexter paw a thistle and in the sinister a fleur-de-lis ppr. a crescent or,
Bates. Sa. a fesse betw. two dexter hands couped or. Orest BatiscQiube. Ar. a chev. betw. three bats displ. sa.

^A lion's head erased gu. Batishall (East Wyke, in South Towton, co. Devon). Az.
Batesbury (Herefordshire). Gu. a fesse Tair betw. three a cross crosslet saltireways betw. four owls ar,
goats' heads erased ar. Batisford. Ar. three crescents gu. on a canton sa. »
Batescozn'be (Burport, co. Dorset). Ar. a chev. betw. crescent or.
three bats sa. Batley (Yorkshire). Ar. three torteaux a chief gu. Crest-
Batesou (Belvoir Park and Moira Park, both co. Down, A demi lion ramp. gu. holding betw. the paws a bezant.
bart.). Ar. three bats' wings sa. on a chief gu. a lion Batley, Battley, Battaley or Batteley. Ar. a
pass. or. Crest —A wing sa. Motto ^Nocte volamus.
bat's — pale vert in chief two crescents of the second, and in base
Bath, Marquess of. See Thynne. another of the first. Oldest— A
castle double-towered weeda
Bath, City of (Somersetshire). Per fesse embattled az. and growing round the sinister tower ppr.
gu. the base masoned sa. with crosses bottonn^e of the last, Batman. Az. on a bend ar. cottised or, betw. six Uons^
i.e., loopholes as in fortifications, in chief two bars wavy ar. ramp, of the third three torteaux.
over all in pale a sword of the last hilt and pome! or, on the Batnymersh. Gu. a cross pattee crenellee at the ends ar»
blade a key. Crest—-A dexter arm in armour holding in the hand ppr. a
Bath and Wells, See of. Az. a saltier quarterly, baton sa. tipped ar,
quartered or and ar. These are the arms of Wells only, Bato'wer. Erm. a saltire engr. gu.
the see in fact, though having a double name, being but Batson. Ar. three bats' wings sa. on a chief gu. a lioa
one bishopric of which the seat is at Wells. The Arms of pass, guard, or. Crest —
A lion pass, guard, ar,
Bath, however, are az. two keys indorsed in bend sinister,
: Batson (granted 24 December, 1702). Ar. three bats' wings
the upper ar. the lower or, enfiled with a sword in bend erect sa. two and one on a chief gu. a lion pass, guard, ar.
dexter. Crest —A bat's wing erect ar,
Bath Abbey Gu. two keys in bend
(Somersetshire). Batt (Lord Mayor of London, 1240). Sa. a chev. betw. three
sinister addorsed and conjoined in the bows or, interlaced dexter hands couped ar.
with a crosier in bend dexter ar. Batt (Hackney, co. Middlesex). Ar. a cross engr. betw.
Bath Priory (Somersetshire). Gu. two keys in bend four bats,displ. sa. Crssf— A wolf pass. ppr.
sinister addorsed and conjoined in the bows or, interlaced Batt (Purdysburn, co. Down, and Ozier Hill, co, Wexforfl).
with a sword in bend dexter ar. hilt and pomel of the Ar. a cross sa. charged with three escallops in pale or,.
second. betw. four bats of second. Crest—A crescent ar. charged
Bath, Or, a chev. engr. betw. three wolves' beads erased with an escallop gu. Motto—YiTtntc et valore.
ga. Orest —A wolfs head sa. holding in the mouth a rose Batt (Berkshire and Yorkshire). Sa. a fesse engr. ar. betw.
slipped ppr. three dexter hands couped at the wrist or. Crest—A demi
Bath, or Bathe (Ireland). Gu. a cross betw. four lions lion or, guttee de sang, holding betw. the paws a millrind sa.
pass, guard, ar, (another, ramp, guard, ar.). banded or. Motto —Dominus a dcxtris.
Bath (Athcarne Castle, co. Meath). Gu. a cross betw. four Batt (Kensington, co, Middlesex; granted 21 June, 1717).
lions ramp. ar. Creat —A
lion ramp. ar. supporting in the Sa. a fesse erm. betw. three dexter hands erect ar. Crest—
paws a sword of the first, pomel and hilt or. A demi lion guttle de sang, holding betw. the paws a
Bath (Knighrstown, co. Meath). See De Bathe. marshal's staff paleways or, tipped at the ends sa,
Bath (granted to Henrt James Bath, Esq., of Alltyferm, co. Batt. Ar. a cross engr. betw, four bats displ. sa,
Carmarthen, J. P., High Sheriff co. Glanmorgan, 1869, and Battayll, or Battaille. Purp. a griffin segreant within
his brothers, Edward and Charles Bath). Gu. a chev. paly a bordure engr. or. Cresf— Out of an antique crown or,.
of six ar, and or, betw. three plates on a chief of the third, a dexter arm ppr, holding a cross crosslet fitchee in pale gu.
three wolves* heads erased sa. CreU A wolfs head erased— Battefordj or Batesford. Ar. two crescents gu. »
sa. collared vair, holding in the mouth a rose gu. shpped and canton sa.

leaved ppr. Motto Habere et dispertire. Battell. Gu, a griffin segreant ar. armed az. within a
Bathe (quartered by Holland, Duke of Exeter, Visit. Devon, bordure engr. or.
1620). Erm. a bend gu. Battell. Gu. a griffin segreant or.
Bather. Az. three wolves' heads erased ar, Crest^A Batten (Upcerne, co. Dorset), Quarterly: 1st and 4tli,
falcon close ppr. belled or. Motto^TJt vivas vigila. az. a chev. erm betw. three anchors ppr. 2nd and 3rd, gu. a

Bather (Brace Meole, or Meole Brace, eo. Salop ; as borne saltire or, betw. four fleurs-de-lis of the second, quartering
by the Venerable Epwabd Bather, M.A., Archdeacon of Drake n-nd Ashe. Orvst—The trunk of an oak-tree couped
Salop). Az. three wivems' heads erased or. Crest —A hawk at the top, issuing from towards tl'e top two branches all

clonic ppr. belled and jessed or. ppr. The family also use a sea-lion erect holding in lii»

Bathgate. Az. three suns in splendour or. Crent A bee — paws an anchor all ppr.

volant ppr. Motto Vive ut vivas. Batten (Devonshire). Ar. three battle-axes az.
Bathor (Hungary). Az. three fang-teeth in fesse or. Batten. Az. three battle-axes ppr. headed ar. handle
Bathurst {Earl Bathivrst). Sa. two bars erm. in chief garnished or.
three crosses pattee or. Oi'est —
A dexter arm embowed Batten. Az. three battle-axes ar. Crest— A hand couped
habited in mail holding in the hand all ppr. a spiked club or. in fesse charged with an eye.
Sni porter B—TvfO stags ar. each gorged with a bar gemel Batten. Ar. a chev. sa betw. three battle-axes az.

ermines. Motto Tien ta foy. Batterslby (assigned by Camden, Clarenceux, 1605; borne
Bathurst (Hervey-Bathcbst, Clarendon Park, Wilts^ bart.). by Robert Battersbt, Esq., M.D., of Ashgrove and Lislin,
CO. Cavan, and by Geouge Battebbbt, Q.C, Judge of the Bawde (Essex). Gu. three eagles displ. or.
Provincial Court of Dublin). Or, a saltire paly of twelve Bawde (Lancashire). Gu. three chev. two ar. and one or,
erm. and gu. a crescent in chief sa. Or'st A ram pass. — Bawde (Lincolnshire). Gu. two chev. ar.
erm. armed and unguled or. Motto—Ante honorem est Bawde. Gu. three chev. the first or, second and third ar.
humilitas. Bavrde. Gu. three lions ramp. ar.
Battle (Wadflworth and Wannsworth, eo. Tork). Sa. a chev. Bawde. Gu. three marlions' wings or.
betw. three goats ar. each goat charged with two pellets, on Bawden. Az. a chev. betw. three griflfihs' heads, couped or,
a chief of the last a demi woodman with a club erect ppr. each transfixed with a dagger, the blade ppr. pomel gold.
betw. two cinquefoils gu. CVesi —A stork with a fish in the Bawdewyn, or Bawdwen. Ar. a bend lozengy botiv,
beak aU ppr. Aiuither Crest —A
lungflsher ppr. ducally six lions ramp. sa. Crest- —
A sceptre in pale or.
gorged and chained or, in his mouth a fish ar. Bawdingi;on (Gloucestershire). Ar. on a fesse engr. gu.
Battine (granted to Williau Battinb, Colonel of Artillery betw. three birds volant az. as many bezants, each charged
in the Bengal establishment). Ar. a lion ramp. ppr. holding with a lion's head erased sa.
betw. the paws an Eastern crown
or, betw. three battle-axes Bawdrick (Nottinghamshire, Knt,, temp. Edward I., Visit.
sa., a chief gu. thereon a fieldpiece mounted on a carriage of Notts, 1569). Sa. a chev. ar. surmounted by another gu.
the Eecond betw. two towers of the first, that on the dexter Bawdriffe. Az, a peUcan displ. or, wounded to the breast,
snperinscribed " Hatrass," and that on the sinister " Bhurt- Bawdrip. Gu. three swans ar.
pore," in letters of gold. —A demi Bengal artilleryman,
Crest Bawrip. Gu. on a fesse ar. two lions pass. az. over all a
habited, holding in bis dexterhand a flagstaff ppr. therefrom pale per saltire ar. and sa. in the dexter chief two escallops^
flowing towards the sinister a banner gu. inscribed " Bhurt- in the sinister base a cross crosslet fitch6e of the second, in
pore " in letters of gold. the sinister chief two crosses crosslet, in the dexter base
Battlscombe. See Bettiscombe. one escallop of the last.
Battishill (Westwicke, co. Devon). Az. a cross crosslet in Bawdwen. Or, a cross patonce gu. between four lozenges-
saltire or, betw. four owls ar. beaked and legged gold. vert.
(another, the owls or). Bawdwln. Sa. a bend betw. six billets ar.
Battle-Abbey Ar. on a cross gu. a mitre or,
(Sussex). Bawdwln (Shropshire). Ar. a saltire sa.
betw. two regal crowns in pale and two mounds in fcsse of Bawd wy 11. Or, a fesse betw. three water bougets gu.
the last. Bawdwyn. Az. a star of sixteen points or.
Batty. a fesse betw. three dexter hands ar.
Sa. Bawing-ham, or Bawning-ham (Norfolk). Ar. on a
Battyn. Az. a saltire betw. four fleurs-de-lis or. bend gu. cottised az. three escallops of the field.
Batril. Fnrp. a grif&n segreant or. Bawle. Ar. a lion pass, reguard. sa. betw. nine crossletij-
Baty. Sa- a chev. betw. three bulls pass. ar. cliarged with gu. Ci-est—An arm embowed, vested gu. cuffed or, holding
two pellets purp. on a chief or, a demi woodman with a club in the hand a laurel branch vert.
betw. two cinquefoils gu. Bawne. Or,a cross az.
Batyford (Suffolk}. Ar. on a chev. betw. three crosses Bawne. Erm. on a chief indented ar. two trefoils slipped sa.
botton^e sa. as many fleurs-de-lis of the first. Bawre. Sa. a cross flory ar.
Bauceyn. (Her. Visit.). Ar. two bars und^e gu. and a Bawlre (Cambridgeshire). Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three-
quarter sa. lions' heads erased gu. as many fleurs-de-lis of the first.
Baude. Or, a lion ramp. gu. charged witli three chev. ar, Crest-^A lion's head erased gu.
Baudut. Sa. a fess dancett^e betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. Bawi^re (Yorkshire). Quarterly, gu. and erm., in the first
Baudwyn. Ar. a chief indented sa. and fourth quarters a goat's head erased ar.
Baugrll (Gloucestershire). Gu. a fesse vair betw. three Baxbe. Barry of six, erm. and gu.
mullets ar. Crtst —On a ducal coronet or, a talhot sejant Baxmont (Devonshire). Barry of six, vair and gu.
sa. Baxted (Essex). Quarterly, ar. and gu. on a bend sa. thrcc-
Baugh (Visit. Oxford). Gu. a fess vair betw. three mullets eagles displ. or.
ar. —
Oreat On a ducal coronet or, a talbot sejant sa. Baxter (Cromer, co. Norfolk), Quarterly, sa. and gu., three
Banniford, or Baunford (Donington, Lincolnshire). bucks' heads couped at the neck or.
Ar. a fesse engr. cfu. Cresf—On a chapeau a serpent Baxter (Stannow, co. Norfolk). Gu. a wivern pass, or, with
nowed. wings expanded tail nowed, on a chief of the second three
Baunfeld. Vert (another, az.) on a bend or, three mullets spear heads az. Crest —
^A lion's gamb erased or, holding a
pierced gu. spear sa. headed ar. near the head two strings and tassels-
Bauufi.eld. Paly of six ar. and vert a bend gu. gold.
Bauzon. Or, a lion ramp, guard.' gu. Baxter (Norfolk). Ar. on a pale sa. three bezants within a
Bavand (Cheshire). Erm. two bars and in chief two boars' bordure of the second (another, the bordure engr.).
heads gu. Crest—A boar's head or, pierced in the mouth Baxter (Northumberland). Gu. on a bend ar. four eagles
with an arrow ar. displ. vert.
Bavant (Chester, 1638). Erminois two bars gu. in chief as Baxter (Kincaldrum, co. Forfar, 1855, now home by W. E.
many boars' heads couped sa. Crest— On a chapeau gu. Baxter, Esq., M.P.). Erm. on a chev. engr. betw. three'
turned up erm. a boar's head couped sa. armed and mullets gu. as many garbs or. Crest —A
lion pass, guard,
langued gu. sa. —
Motto Vincit Veritas.
Bavant. Erm. two bars gu. Baxter (Kilmaron, co. Fife, bart., 1863). The same within
Bavant. Enn. two bars gu. charged with six mullets a bordure gu. Same Oi-est and Motto.
pierced or. Baxter (Yorkshire). Ar. on a bend az. three estoiles of the-
Bavent (Norfolk). Ar. a chev. gu. within a bordure field (another, or).
(another, engr.) sa. charged with an entoire of bezants. Baxter (Guienne, King of Arms, Visit, co. Notts. 1614).-
Crest—A sheaf of six arrows saltireways sa. feathered ar. Erm on a chev. gu. three bezants.
headed and banded gu.
or. Baxter. Or, six eaglets displ. three, two, and one ppr.
Bavent. Ar. a lion ramp. go. crowned or (another, adds Baxter. Az. a cross betw. four lions sejant guard, or.
on the shoulder a fleur-de-hs or). Baxter. Ar. four windmill sails conjoined in saltire sa.
Bavent. Or, a lion ramp. sa. double queued over all a Baxter. Vert, three squirrels sejant ar.
bend gobonated ar. and gu. Baxter (Atherstone, co. Warwick). Az. a chev. betw, three-
Bavent {LordBavrnt, summoned to Parliament 1313, title in falcons belled and jessed or. Crest — A falcon as in the Anns.-
abeyance since 1370). Ar. a chief indented sa. —
Motto Virtute non verbis.
Bavent. Ar. on a chief indented sa. three bezants. Baxter (quartered by Cokatne). Or, three bats betw. two
Baverstock (Alton and Windsor). Az. a fret or, on a chief flaunches sa.
of the second three fusils vair. Baxters, Company of
(Edinburgh). Az. on a chief
Bavesor. Ar. a lion ramp. jru. tail forked. wavy or, charged with two bars wavy of the field, a dexter
Baw, or Bawood. Ar. on a bend cottised sa. three eagles hand issuing from a cloud ppr. suspending a balance and
displ. or. scales, Letween three garbs of the second, two and one.
Bawd. Gu. three chev. ar. Bay. Az. two bars betw. seven crosses crosslet, three, three,
Bawdry. Ar. a saltire betw. four rooks sa. and one or, within a bordure engr. gu.
Bawde (Curringham, co. Essex, and Bedfordshire). Gu. Bay. Quarterly or and az. on a bend of the second three
three chev. ar. Crest—A satyr's head in profile sa. with fleurs-de-lis of the first.
wings to the side of the head or, the tongue hanging out of Bay. Ar. three maples sa.
his mouth gu. Bayard. Az. a chev. betw. three escallops or.
Bawde (Essex). Gu. three eagles' legs erased, talons in chief Baybeford. Ar. «, bear salient sa. muzzled, collared, and
or. chained or.


Bayee (Buckinghamshire). Ar. on a chev. sa. five hezants. Bayly (London). Gu. a fesse vair betw. two mullets of six
Bayden (Cheshire). Vert a cross patonce (another across points in chief, and a heart in base or. Crest An arti —
moUne) or. couped at the elbow and erect, habited gu. charged with a
Baye. Paly of six or and gu. on a chief of tho last three fesse vair, the cuff ar. holding in the hand ppr. a mullet of
escallops of the first. six points or.
Bayeu. Gu. a lion ramp. ar. surmounted hy a crosier or. Bayly (Major Sir Henry Bayly, K.H., second son of Zachaat
C}est~-A poplar tree vert. Bayly, Esq., of Bideford, by his wife, the youngest dau. of
Bayfield (Bayfield). wavy erm.
Sa. three bars L. Clutterbdck, Esq., of Newark Park, co. Gloucester!.
Bayford. Sa. a fesse vaire or and az. hetw. three leopards' Or, on a fesse engr. betw. three nags' heads erased az. as
heads of the second. Oi-est An owl ar. — —
many fleurs-de-lis gold. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or a
Bayhouse (Lincolnshire). Gu. two bars ar. in chief, three nag's head ar.
escallops of the second. Bayly. Ar. a chev. ermines hetw. three mullets gu,
Bayhouse. Gu. three palets or, on a chief of the second (another, martlets).
three escallops of the first. Bayly. Ar. three torteaux, two and one.
Bayland (Suffolk). Az. a saltirc engr. or. Bayman. Gu. a chev. betw. three bulls' heads ar.
Bayldon {Bayldon, co. York). Ar. a fesse between three Bayznan. Or, on a cross sa. five bulls' heads ar.
fleurs-de-lis gu. (another, sa.). Ba3rzuoud. Barry of six ar. and az.
Bayle. Az. a sword ar. betw. three Catherine wheels or. Baymont (Devonshire). Barry of six vair and gu.
Baylee, Bailie, or Bailey. Ar. on a fesse betw. three Baymy, Ar. three fieurs-de-lis sa.

martlets gu. a bezant. Crest A demi lady holding in her Baymyn. Erm. on a chief indented sa. three fleurs-de-lis
dexter hand a tower, and in her sinister a branch of laurel. ar.
Bayler. Gu. three piles ar. Baynar, or Bainer. Sa. a chev. or.
Bayles. Gu. a fesse ar. betw. three mullets in chief, and as Baynard (Stukey, co. Norfolk). Sa. on a fesse betw. two
many martlets in base of the second. chev. or, three birds of the fleld beaked and legged gu.
Bayleur. Gu. a saltire vair. —A
Crest bear's paw erased sa. charged with a martlet or.
Bayeux (Sempringham, co. Lincoln, circa. 1139). Barry Baynard (Norfolk). Sa. a chev. erm.
of six gu. and ar. Baynard (Blagdon, co. Somerset), Sa, a fesse betw. two
Bayley (Thomas Butterworth Baylet, Esq., of Hope Hall, chev. or. Crest—A demi unicorn ramp, or, armed ppr.
Sheriff of Lancashire, 1768). Ar. on a fesse hetw. three crined sa.
martlets gu. as many plates. Baynard, or Baynyard (Suffolk). Ar. a chev. betw.
Bayley (Oxfordshire). Gu. three martlets or, a chief vair. three birds sa.
Bayley (formerly of Chesterton, co. Huntingdon, bart.). Baynard. Or, a chev. sa. onachiefgu. three annulets gold.
Quarterly, gu. and erminois on a fesse az. three martlets or, Baynard. Or, a fesse betw. two chev. sa.
hetw. in the first and fourth quarters alion ramp. ar. Crest — Baynard. Gu. three chev. erm. (another adds a label of
On a mount vert behind a wall ar. a lion ramp, also ar. three points or).
Bayley (Hoddesdon, co. Herts, 1634). Ar. three torteaux Baynard. Sa. a chev. or, a chief per fess of the first and

two and one, a chief gu. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, second.
a nag's head ar. Baynard. Sa. a fesse or, in base a chev. of the second.
Bayley (London). Gu. a fesse vair, in chief a bezant, Baynbridge. Ar. on a bend gu. three crosses forra^e of
charged with an anchor sa. betw. two estoiles in base the field.

three martlets ar. Crest A dexter arm erabowed habited Baynbridge. Az. two halberts in pale or.
.13. on the arm a fesse vair the hand ppr. supporting a Baynbridgre. See Buckeridgb.
staff or. Baynbrig-ge. Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three Coralsli
Bayley (Middle Temple). Sa. a chev. between three human choughs of the last, as many stags' heads cabossed of the
hearts or. Crest — A demi lion guard, or, holding in the paw a field. CreH —A
stag's head erased ar. attired or.
branch vert. Baynbry (Yorkshire). Az. two pole-axes or, headed ar,
Bayley. Ar. on a fesse betw. three martlets gu. as many on a chief of the second two mullets of the first pierced gu.
plates (another, bezants). —
Crest A griffin sejant erm. wings Bayne (Lancashire). Vert on a chev. embattled or, betw,
and fore legs or, three martlets ar. as many cinquefoils gu. Cresfr—An
Bayley. Az. nine estoiles ar. three, three, and three. Crest estoile or.
— head erased ppr.
^A boar's Bayne See Bain.
Bayley. Gu. a chev. engr. erm. betw. three martlets ar, Bayne. Az. a chev. embattled or.
Bayley (Northallerton, co. York, previously of Easingwold, Baynes (Harefield Place, co. Middlesex, hart.). Sa. a
in that county, and originally from the South of England shin-bone in fesse, surmounted of another in pale ar. on
home by Charles John Batley, Esq., London, late of a canton of the last a vulture ppr. Crest A cubit arm —
Trinity College, Cambridge). Ar. on a fesse hetw. three vested az. cuffed erminois the band holding a jaw-bone
martlets gu. three bezants, quartering Barry (formerly the ar. —
Supporters On either side a savage wreathed about
patronymic of the family). Crest —A
griffin sejant erm. the head and waist holding a club over his exterior
wings and fore legs or. shoulder, all ppr. —
Motto Furor arma.ministrat.
Baylie. Az. three doves rising ar. legged gn, and crowned Baynes (Cumberland, Essex, and London). Sa. a shin-bone
with ducal coronets or. surmounted by another in fesse ar. Crest—An. arm
in pale,
Bayliff, or Bayliffe. Ar. on a chev. gu. three martlets «*uped vested az. holding in the band ppr. a jaw-bone ar.
or, between as many human hearts of the second. Baynes (Cheshire), Az. a chev. embattled or, betw, three
Baylis (London; granted 2 June, 1725). Or, on a cross az. martlets ar.
five estoiles ar. betw. four erm. spots sa. Crest A demi — Baynes (Cheshire). Az. on a chev. embattled or, betw.
antelope ppr. gorged with a collar buckled or. three martlets ar. as many cinquefoils sa. (another, llie
Baylis (co. Gloucester; granted 1755). Erm. a chev. az. cinquefoils gu.).
hetw. two hay trees eradicated and fructed in chief ppr. Baynes (London). Per bend or and az. three roundles in
and in base a lamb ar. resting the dexter foot on a roll pale counterchanged.
.of scarlet cloth. Crest— Out of an eastern coronet or, Baynes (co. Salop, Visit, co. Leicester, 1619). Same Arm.
'Charged on the band with an auricula flower a bay tree Baynfield (Devonshire). Or, on a bend gu. three mulletB ar.
fructed all ppr. Baynham (Gloucestershire, 1631). Gu. on a chev. betw.
!Bayley, alias Godeman (Ireland). Gu. on a cross ar. three bulls' heads cabossed ar. an estoile sa. Cresi—Out of
five greyhounds' heads erased sa. in the first quarter a a mural coronet gu. a bull's head ar.
covered cup of the second. Baynham (Herefordshire, 1588). Vert, a cross moline or.

Bayloffe (Northumberland). Ar. an orle gu. n label of Crest —A beaver ppr.

three points sa. Baynham (Kent and Gloucestershire). Gu. a chev. betw.
Bayly (Plas Newydd, Anglesey, hart. ; now represented in three bulls' heads cabossed ar. armed or. Crest A bull's —
the male line, by the Marquess of Anglesey). Az. nine head couped at the neck or.
estoiles, three, three, two, and one, ar. Crest A boar's — Baynham (Sir Edward Baynham, knighted '
' on the Sandes,"

head erased ppr. Motto Quid clarius astris. Dublin, 24 Sept. 1599). Same ArTns and Crest.
iBayly (Ballyarthur, co, Wicklow, descended from Lambart Baynham (Herefordshire). Vert a cross moHne betw. four
Bayly, 3rd son of Sir Edward Bayly, first bart. of Plas crosses crosslet fitch^e or.
Newydd, co. Anglesey). Same Arms, Crest, and Motto. Baynham. Sa. three mullets ar.
tBayly (Bristol). Or, on a fesse engr. hetw. three nags' Baynham. Gu. three chev. erm.
beads erased az. as many fieurs-de-lis gold. Crest—A goat's Bayning Viscount Bayning,
( of Sudbury, co. Suffolk^. Or,

bead az. bezant^e attired or, two bars sa. on each as many escallops of the first.


tayning:, Baron. See Powlett. Beale (Herefordshire and Northamptonshire). Ar. a chev.^
layntou (Wiltshire). Sa. a bend lozengy ar. Crest ^A — betw. three pheons sa. the two in chief lying fesseways-
griffin's head erased sa. point to point.
taynton. Ar. on a fesse betw. three crescents gu. a lion Beale (London). Sa. on a chev. betw. three griffins' heads
pass, of the field. —
erased ar. three estoiles gu. Crest A unicorn's head erased-
JayntTin-itolt (Bromham, co. Wilts, extinct bart., repre- or, sem€e d'estoiles gu.
sented by the families of Caswell, of Sacombe^ and Stakkey, Beale (Southampton). Ar. three torteaux.
of Spye Park). Sa. a bend lozengy ar. C^est ^A griffin's — Beale (Surrey). Sa. on a chev. betw. three griffins' heads
head erased sa. beaked or. erased or, as many mullets of the field. Crest imicom'e —A
Sayon (Cheshire). Erm. two bars wavy gu. in chief three head sa. erased gu. armed and crined or.
boars' heads couped sa. Beale (Heath House, co. Salop). Sa, on a chev. or, betw.
Sayons (Lincohishire and Essex). Ax. three lions ramp, three griffins' heads erased ar. as many estoiles gu. Crest —
pnrp. A unicorn's head erased ar. charged on the neck with three
Bayoxis, or Bayos. Paly of six or and gu. on a chief of estoiles gu.
the second an escallop shell of the first (another, three Beale (Maidstone Court, and Farningham, Kent, ext. bart.).
escallops or). Orest —A horse at full speed, holding in his Sa. on a chev. or, betw. three griffins' heads erased ar. as
mouth a spear head ppr. —
many estoiles gu. Crest ^A unicorn's head erased or, semee-
Bayouse (Lincolnshire). Gu. two bars. ar. in chief three of estoiles gu.
escallops of the last. Beal, or Beall. Sa. on a chev. betw. three wolves' heads
Bayouse. Barry of six ar. and gu. erased ar. Crest —A demi wolf sa. sustaining a half spear
Bayousse (Huntingdonshiie). Ar. a lion ramp. purp. in pale tasselled ppr.
Bayre. Gu. three bars gobonated ar. and sa. Bealieu (" Roll of Northern Arms " tem-p. Richabd IL, give-
Bayrford. Ar. a bear saliant sa. muzzled, collared, and the Ai~(iis of William Bealied). At. a chev. dancettee betw.
chained or. three birds' heads sa.
Bays. Gu. two lions pass, guard, in pale or. Bealing". Ar. a cross betw. four crosses crosslet fitchee.
Bayi^haw. Gu. three arrows ar. points downwards. Beall, or Beal. Sa. a chev. betw. three wolves' heads'
Bayton. Az. an escallop shell or.

erased or, as many cinquefoils of the field. Crest
demi wolf ramp, holding a spear head tasselled in pale ppr.

Bazeley, or Bazley. Az. three fieurs-de-lis ar. Crest
A hand holding a chapeau betw. two branches of laurel in Beallsford. Or, acinquefoil pierced sa.
orle, all ppr. Beamisb (confirmed to Eichabd Pioott Beashsh, Esq., of
Bazett. Gu. a lamb ar. on a canton of the last three piles sa. Ashbourne, co. Cork, son and heir of Eichaed Beamish, Esq.,
Basdlie. Per pale indented sa. and ar. a fesse wavy of Sans Souci, and grandson of Willlam Beamish, of Beau-

connterchanged. Crest A crow sa. Motto —
Be not wanting. mont House, same co.). Ar. a lion ramp. betw. three trefoils
Bazin (London). Ar. an escutcheon erm. slipped gu. —
Crest A demi Uon ramp. gu. charged on the
Bazingwerk Abbey (co. Flint). Ar. on a cross engr. shoulder with a trefoil slipped or. Motto Virtus insignit —
vert five mullets or. audentes.
Bazley (Tolmers, co. Hertford, and Hatherop, co. Gloucester, Beamisb (Ditchley, formerly of Willsgrove, both co. Cork)-
bart.). Per pale az. and sa. a bee volant or, betw. three Same as preceding.
fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest —^A cubit arm a
ppr. charged with Beamont. Vair three bars gu.
bee volant or, the hand holding a chapeau gu. turned up Beamont (of Warrington, co. Lancaster. Willlim Bea-
erm. the whole betw. two branches of oak vert. Motto — mont, Esq., Oxford Hall). Az. semee of fleurs-de-lis and
Finem respice. a Uon ramp. or. —
Crest On a cap of maintenance gu.
Beach (Hices-Beacb of Beveraton, co. Gloucester, bart.). turned up erm, a lion pass. ppr.
Quarterly, Island 4th, vaire ar.andgu. a canton az. charged Beanbras, or Beaubras. Baruly or and az.
with a pUe or, for Beach; 2nd and 3rd, gu. a fesse wavy, betw. Beanbulk. Or (another, ar.), on a fesse sa. three bezants.-
three fleura-de-lis or, for Hices. Oesta— 1st: Ademilion, Beancastle. Sa. a fesse ar.
ramp. ar. ducally gorged or, holding in the paws an Beane. Gu. three bean-pods pendent or. Crest A lion —
escutcheon az. charged with a pile or, for Beacb 2nd A ; : ramp, holding betw. the paws a plumb-rule sa.
buck's head couped at the neck or, gorged with a wreath BeaneveiU, or Beavill. Az. a chief or.
of laurel ppr., for Hicks. JfoHo—Tout en bon heure. Beanford, or Beauford (Lancashire). Per pale ar. and
Beacb (Oakley Hall, co. Hants, and Keevil House, co. Wilts), az, on a bend gu. a lion pass, guard, or. (another, three
Arnis and Crest same as the preceding, quartering Hicks and lions).
WiTHEB. Motto—Tout en ban heure. Beanley, or Beawley. Or, <* chev. gu. betw. three
Beacbcroft (granted 12 Nov. 1717). Bendy of six ar. and torteaux.
gu. three stags' heads cabossed or. Crest A beech tree — BeaiLvill. Az. a chief ar.
ppr. behind six park pales ar. Beanvill. Sa. a chev. betw. three mullets pierced ar.
Beacbcroft (Lord Mayor of London, 1712). The same. Bear croft (Worcestershire). Sa. on a chev. betw. threes
Beacber (Lord Mayor of London, 1720). Quarterly, 1st and bears' heads erased ar. three swans close of the first.
4th, vair ar. and gu. on a canton or, a buck's head Bearcroft. Ar. three bears pass. sa. muzzled or.
cabossed ; 2nd and 3rd, az. a chev. betw. three lions pass. ar. Beard (Beard Hall, co. Derby). Az. a chev. ar. betw. three

Crest Out of a ducal coronet a demi lion ramp. ppr. trefoils slipped or.
Beacon, or Becon, Quarterly, or and sa. four leopards' Beard (Beard Hall, co. Derby ; the heiresses m. Ashenhuest,
heads counterchanged. Holt, and Yeavelet). Ar. three men's heads couped sa.-
Beadle (South Ella, co. York). Gu. a chev. betw. three within a bordure az.
escallops ar. all within a border engr. of the last. Crest — Beard (North Kells, co, Lincoln). Sa. on a chev. betw.^
A stag's head erased or, attired and ducally gorged gu. ten martlets ar. five ogresses. —
Crest A lion's gamb couped
Beadon (Gotten House, eo. Somerset). Quarterly, 1st, az. or, grasping a horse's leg erased above the knee sa.
a chev. betw. three martlets or ; 2nd, sa. three lions with Beard (Aberton and Cowfold, co. Sussex). Erm. on a
human faces pass. ar. 3rd, ar. a lion ramp, double queued gu.
; quarter sa. a saltire or, charged with five fleurs-de-lis gu.
on a canton az. five fleurs-de-lis or; 4th, az. six annulets, —
Crest On a chapeau gu. turned up erm., a tiger couchant or,,
three, two, and one, or. —
Crest A lion with a human face tufted maned and armed sa.
pass. or. Motto —
Esse qjiam videre. Beard. Ar. three men's heads couped ppr,
Beadnell (Cynhinfa, co. Montgomery). Per fesse go. and Beardoe (Manchester). Barry of four sa. and ar. on a chief
az. a fesse ar. surmounted by another of the second, charged of the last three annulets of the first. Crest A demi bear' —
with a buckle of the third, all betw. in chief a rosary and in holding in the dexter paw a bundle of six arrows saltirewise
base three bells of the last. Crent^A greyhound's head ppr. headed or, flighted ar.
ppr. erased gu. gorged with a string of beads, and pendent Beare (Beare, Huntsham, and Morebath, co. Devon). Ar.
therefrom a bell ar. Motto— "Nee timide nee temere. three bears' heads sa. muzzled or. Crest ^A bear's head sa. —
Bear. Ar. a chev. betw. three crosses formee sa. muzzled or. Motto —Bear and forbear.
Beag:ban (confirmed by Carney, iJlsler, 1659, to Peter Beare (Milverton, co. Somerset, descended from a younger
Beaghah, Esq., of Dunluce, co. Antrim). Ar. a chev. gu. sou of Beabe, of Morebath). Same Arras and Crest.
within a bordure sa. bezantee. Crest— k bezant betw. two Beare. Ar. a bear salient sa. a canton gu. Crest garh- —A
wings paly sa. and gu. per fesse connterchanged. lying fessewise or, thereon a crow feeding sa.
Beake (Dorsetshire). Barry wavy of six ar. and sa. on a Beare, or Beere (Kent, 1586). Ar. a bear ramp. sa.

canton of the second a leopard's head or. Crest ^An ostrich's and canton gu. Crest —On a garb lying fesseways or, a
head ar. in his beak a horse shoe or. raven sa.
Beake (Maidstone, co. Kent). Gu. a cross flory erm. Beare (Sir John Beabe, Ent., Serjeant-at-Law in Ireland,
A ;


knightca at Dublin, 19 August, 1615; a, 8 May, 1617, Fun. Parliament, 1363). Barony passed eventually to St. Jonir,
Ent. Ire.). Same as the preceding. created Lord St. Jokrij of Bletaho, 1559). Gu. a fess betw*
Beare (Killigarth, and Bryn, co. Cornwall; the heiress m. six martlets or, a mullet for diff.
Beville). Ar. a bear saliant sa, Beauchamp {Lord Beauchamp of St. Amand, summoned to
Beare. Ar. a bear in pale saliant sa. armed gu. a canton erm. Parliament, 1449, in abeyance since 1508). Amu, same as
Beare. Or, three bears' heads coupedsa. muzzled or. the preceding, wiih a bordure ar.
Bearecroft (Worcestershire). Ar. on a chev. three mullets Beaucham.p {Lord. Beaucliam'p of Kidderminster, created
sa. 1387 ; extinct 1420). Arms, same as Lord BeaurJuxmp of
Beareford, Ar. a bear sa. Fowick.
Bearsley. Or, a bend betw. six martlets sa. Beauchamp (Holt, co. Worcestershire). Gu. a feese betw.
Bearsley (Oporto, granted to Job Bearsley, of Coventry, in six billets or. Crest —Aswan's head and neck ar. beaked gu
1730). Ar. a bear's head ppr. holding a bunch of grapes in betw. a pair of wings sa.
its mouth, betw. three torteaux a chief gu. Beauchamp (Newlandand Powick, co. Worcester, exempli-
Bearton (quartered by William Pole, Esq., of Calcombe, John Beauchamp, of Powick, gent., descended
fied 1568, to
CO. Devon, Visit. 1620). Ar. a chev. betw. three bucks' heads from Beadchamp, of Holt). Gu. a fesse betw. six billets or,
cabossed gu. a canton erm. Crest —
A tiger statant or, vulned iu the
Bearwell. Sa. a hand barrow betw. nine roses or. shoulder ppr.
Beasley (Dublin, granted 1820, to Thomas Beasley, Esq., of Beauchamp (Proctoe-Beadchamp, Langley Park, co.
Dublin, son of Thomas Beasley, of the same place, merchant). Norfolk, ban.). Quarterly: 1st and 4th, ar. a chev. sa.
Per pale ar. andgii. a chev. betw. three roundles, each charged betw. three martlets gu., for Peoctoe 2nd and 3rd, gu. a

"with a trefoil slipped, all counterchanged. Cre,si A demi — fesse betw six billets, three and three barways or, a canton
leopard ppr. holding betw. his -paws a plate charged with erm., for Beauchamp. Crest— On. a mount vert a pied
a trefoil slipped vert. Motto —Labor omnia viucit. greyhound sejant ppr. collared or. ilfo^io— Toujours fidfele.
Beasley, Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three plates. Crc&t A demi — Beauchamp (Binnerton, afterwards of Trefyn, and sub-
leopard holding in the dexter paw a sprig of laurel. sequently of Fengreep iu Gwennap, co. Cornwall. Arms,
Beast. Gu. three bars gemellesor. same as Beauchamp of Hache.
Beath. Gu. a dexter hand fesseways holding a rapier erect, Beaucham.p (Buckinghamshire). Vair, a label of three
on the point a boar's head ppr. Crest A dragon's head — points within a bordure gu.
couped ppr. Motto —Fortuna virtute. Beaucham.p (Fifield, co, Essex). Or, a lion ramp. sa.
Beathall. Ar. three boars' head couped gu. within a bor- crowned gu. pearled of the second.
dure sa. Beauchamp (Essex). Ar. (another, or) a lion ramp. sa.
3eath.ell. The same with the bordure engr. sa. CrenU crowned gu.
— 1st: On a ducal coronet a
boar's head couped; 2nd: Beaucham.p (Cumberland). Ar. on a bend gu. three
An eagle
betw. two wings displ. az., on the neck an estoile or. plates.
Beaton (Scotland). See Bethune. Beauchamp (Bedford). Gu. a fret or (another, fretty).
Beatson (Kilrie, co. Fife). Gu. a chev. betw. three spear- Beaucham.p. Gu. a fesse betw. six pears or.
Leads points upwards ar. —
Crmt A bee volant en arriere Beauchamp. Gu. a fesse betw. three crosses crosslet or.

ppr. Motto Cum prudentia sedulus. Beauchamp. Or, a fesse gu.
Beatsou (Glasmont). The same, the chev. charged with a Beauchamp, Sa. (another, with a chev. betw.) three lions'
mullet gu. for diff. Same Grtst and Motto. heads erased ar. crowned or.
Beatson (Contell, co. Fife). Or, a saltire vair. Crest— Beauchamp. Sa. a chev. or, betw. three lions* heads
bridge of three arches ar. Motto Pro patria. — erased ar.
Seattle (James Beattie, LL.D., co. Aberdeen, 1782). Ar. a Beaucham.p (Somerset). Gu. a bend ar. (another, vair).
pale sa. surmounted of a sword az. hilt and pomel or, betw. Beauchamp, Ar. a chev. betw. three crescents sa.
two keys wards outward of the third in fesse, in chief two Beauchamp. Gu. a fesse betw. six mullets or.
mascles gu. and another in base of the fourth. Crest A star — Beauchamp. "Vair a label gu. (another, or) in chief a

issuing from a crescent or. Motto Lumen cceleste sequamur. mullet pierced az.
Beau. Masonry ar. a chief az. charged with a demi lion Beauchamp. Vair on a inescutcheon ar. a chief gu.
issuant of the field. Beauchampe {Baron of Bedford). Quarterly, oraudgu.s
Beauchaxnp, Earl. See Lygon. bend sa.
JBeaiicliainp (Elmley Castle, co. Worcester, founded inEng- Beauchampe (Cornwall and Worcester). Gu. a fesse or,
land by Henry de Beadchamp, one of the companions of another coat vair.
"William the Conqueror. His descendant William de (Essex). Or, a lion pass, guard, sa. crownetl i

Beaochamp, of Elmley Castle became in 1268 Earl of War- gu.

wick as heir to his mother, Isabel de Mauduit, sister Beauchampe (Essex). Gu. a fesse betw. six trefoils

and heiress of William de Madduit, Earl of Warwick. slipped or.

Thomas de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick^ was one of the (Gloucestershire). Gu. a fesse betw. six
Founder Knights of the Garter. Henry de Beauchamp, Earl martlets or. (another, with a border ar.).
of Warwick, was created, 5th April, 1444, Duke of Warwick^ (Gloucestershire and Warwickshire). Gu, a
xmd d. 11th June, 1445, when the Dukedom expired. Lady fesse betw. six crosses crosslet or (another, with a border
Anne de Beadchamp, sister and eventually heiress of the —
of the second). Crest In a coronet gu. a swan's neck ar.
Duke, m. Richard Neville, "the King Maker," afterwards billed of the first.
Earl of Warwick). Gu. a fess betw. six crosses crosslet or. Beauchampe. Quarterly or and gu. (sometimes per fess
(The original coat was simply gu. a fess or the crosses cross-
; —
indented) a bend of the second. Crest A plume of feathers
let were added on the marriage with the heiress of Madduit). or.
Cr^sf—Out of a ducal coronet or, a swan's head iju. Sv,p~ Beauchampe. Ar. on u. chief indented aa. three mullets
pffrters—On the seal of Richard de Beauchamp, who died of the field.

1439, the shield is supported by two bears. The cognisance Barry of six ar. and az.
of the Earls of Warwick was a bear supporting a ragged staff. Beauchampe. Gu. a fesse or, in chief three mullets of
3eauchaTnp (John Lord Beauchamp of Warwick^ younger the second.
son of Guy, Earl of Warwick, one of the Founder Knights Beauchampe. Gu. a fesse or, betw, six bezants.
of the Garter, and the bearer of the Royal Standard at Beauchastle, Sa. a fesse ar.
Cressy). The same Arms, with a mullet for diff. Beauchatt. Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three cats' heads
Beauclianip {Lord Bergavenny. Sir William Beauchamp, guard, gu. Cj-cs(— A cat's head erased guard, gu.
Lord Bergavenny, K.G., temp. Edward HI., summoned to Beauchrey. Or, three lions' heads couped sa.
Parliament, 1392-1408, 4th son of Thomas, Earl of Warwick; Beaucler (Suffolk). Or, a lion ramp. gu. gorged with a
his barony was carried by his granddau. to the Nevills, crown ar.
and is now borne by the Marquess of Abergavenny. His heir Beauclerk {Buke of St. Albans). Quarterly, let and 4tli,
general is Maey-Frances-Elizabeth, Baroficss Le Despenser, France and England quarterly 2nd, Scotland 3rd, Ireland
; ;

VUconntess Falmouth). The same Arms, the fess charged over all a sinister baton gu. charged with three roses ar.
with a mullet for diff.
Beauchamp {Lord Beauchamp, of Fowicic, created 1447

seeded and barbed ppr. Crest On a chapeau gu. turned up
erm, alionstatant guard, or, ducally crowned per palear.

extinct 1496). Gu, a fess betw. six martlets or. and of the first gorged with a collar of the last, charged
Beauchamp (Lord Beauchamp, of HacJie, co. Somerset, with three roses also ar. barbed and seeded ppr. SupporUrs
summoned to Parliament, 1299, in abeyance since 1360). — Dexter, an antelope ar. armed and imguled or; sinister,
Vair. a greyhound ar. each gorged with a collar as the Creit^
Beaucham.p {Lord BeaiMhamp, of Bletsho, summoned to Jtfoffo— Auspicium melioris aevi.


3eauclerk {Ardglass Castle, co. Down). Arms^ Crest and Beaumont (Coleorton co. Leicester, bart., created 1619,
Motto^ same as the Dake of Si Albans.
3eaucoiiib (Cornwall, quartered by Teelawht). Ar. a
extinct 1702). Same Arms and 0>-est. Motto
Erectus non —
fesse sa. betw. three bats' wings displ. gii. /Beaumont (Gracedien, co. Leicester, bart., created 1627,
.Beaucray. Ar. three lions' heads erased sa. extinct 1702, descended from Thomas, younger brother of
Beaufais. Gu. a ealtlre betw. four crosses crosslet fitch^e ar. Sir John Beaumont, of Coleorton, slain at Towton in 1461
Beaufelde. Gu. a fleur-de-lis erm. of this family was the celebrated dramatist, Fbancis Beau-
Beaufey. Ar. a chev. betw. three crosses formee sa. uoNT, brother of Sir John Beadmont, of Gracedieu, bart.
Beaufitz, or Beavis. Quarterly, per fesse indented ar. A younger branch of the Gracedieu line was Beaumont
and az. of Barrow, co. Derby). Arms, &c., same as Beaumont of
Beaufire the Divinity School, Visit. Oxford). Ar. on a
(in Coleorton.
bend sa. three cinquefoils of the field. Beaumont (Barrow-upon-Trent, co. Derby): Ar^ns and
Beaiiford. Ar. a fesse engr. gu. Motto, same as Beaduont of Coleorton. Oes(--0n a chapeau
Beaiiford. Per fesse ar. and gu. three roundles counter- gu. turned up erm. a lion pass. or.
changed. Beaumont (Whitley, co. York, bart., created 162B, extinct
Beauford. Per pale ar. and az. on a bend gu. three lions 1631, derived from Sir William de Bellomont, heir to his
pass, guard, or (another, adds alahelof three points az. and brother. Sir Richard, 26 Edward I.). Gu, a lion ramp. ar.
bezantee). langued and armed az. within an orle of crescents of the
Beaufort of Soinerset. John de Beadfoet, eldest of
{J>u,ke —
second. Crest A bull's head erased quarterly, ar, and gu.
the legitimatedsons of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, was jVfo«o—Fide sed cm vide.
created Earl of Somerset, 1397, Marquis of Dorset same Beaumont (Stoughton Grange, co. Leicester, bart., created
year and elected a Knight of the Garter, 1396; his plate is 1660). Arms, Crest, and Motto^ same as Beaumont of
still in his stall, the 13th on the Sovereign's side. The 3rd Coleorton.
Earl was created Duke of Somerset, 1423; extinct 1471), Beaumont (Buckland, co. Surrey). Arms, &c., same as
Before legitimation :Per pale ar. and az. on a bend gu. the preceding.
three lions pass, guard, or, a label of three points of France. Beaumont (Bretton Hall, formerly of the Oaks, in Darton,
After legitimation: Quarterly, France and England within CO. York). Arms, as Beaumont of Whitley,
a border gobony ar. and az. Creit —
On a chapeau gu, Beaumont (Leicester and Beaumont Hall, co. Suffolk). Az.
turned up erm. the lion of England gorged with a collar a lion ramp. betw. ten armed and langued
fleurs-de-lis or,
gobony as the border of the Arms. gu. Crest — surmounted
^An elephant with a tower triple
^Beaufort {Dulce of Exeter). Quarterly, France and England towered ar. garnished or, Anotft^ Crest A lion pass. or.—
within a bordure gobony ar. and az. flowered or. Beaumont (Devonshire). Barry of six. vair and gu.
Beaufort, Duke of. See Somerset. —
(another, gu. and vair). Crest A heron or storls, with
3eatLfoy, Beaufc or Beawfo (confirmed with fifteen wings expanded ar.
quarterings by the Deputies of Camden, Clarenceux, to Beaumont {Lord FolkingJiam). Az. florettde a lion ramp.
Thomas Beaufo of Guyscliff, son of Sir Tbomas Beaufo of or, a bendlet compon^e ar. and gu.
Edmondescort, co. Warwick, and ninth in descent from Beaumont, or Beaumond (Sir Thomas Beaumont, of
BoGER Beaufo, of Bereford, co. Oxford, Her. Vis.). Erm. on Bedworth, co. Warwick, Her. Vis.). Az. semde of fleurs-de-

a bend az. three cinquefoils or. Crest ^A tree vert, on a lis alien ramp. or.

ribbon round the stem, the Motto, Sub tegmine fagi. Beaumont (Yorkshire). Barry of six erm. and gu,
JBeaxifoy, Ar. on a chev. sa. three crosses pattee or. Beaumont. Ar. a lion. ramp. gu.
Beaufrie. Az. three helmets with barred fronts ar. Beaumont. The same, with a label of three points az.
-Beauley (of the South). Per bend embattled and enhanced each charged with two bezants.
gu. and ar. Beaumont, Az. a lion ramp, or, armed of the field.
^eaulieu-Abbey (Hampshire). Gu. a crosier in pale or, Beaumont. Az. a lion ramp. ar. (another, or), a bend
enfiled wiih a regal crown of the last, all within a bordure gobonated of the last and gu. (another, erm. and gu.).
sa. billettee of the second. Beaumont. Lozengy or and az. within a bordure gu.
Beaulieu. Ar. a chev. indented betw. three birds' heads platee.
couped sa. Beaumont. Gu. three bars or.
Seatunan (Hyde Park, co. Wexford, and Furnace, co. Beaumont. Gu. a cinquefoil erm. (another, pierced).
Kildare, as borne by Melchioe Chbistophee Baduam, who Beaupel. Gu. a bend vair (another, cottised) betw. six
came to Ireland from Bohemia). Per pale dimidiated escallops ar.
ar. dexter on a mount vert an oak-tree ppr. sinister,; BeaupelL Gu. a bend vair, cottised ar.
a knight in complete armour holding a sword erect Beaupeny (Somersetshire). Ar. a chev. sa. in cliief two
in his right hand all ppr. Crest—A cubit dexter arm in crosses formee, and in base a saltire of the second.
armour holding a sword all ppr. Motto Fortiter. — Beaupere (Cornwall). Vert a lion ramp, or, depressed by a
3eai2inaris. Or, a fesse az. bend gu.
.Beatunaris, Town of (Ule of Anglesey). The seal, which Beaupere. Ar. a bend gobony of three iiz. and or, on the
is very ancient, represents a ship with one mast, the sail first and last a cross pattee of the second.
furled; on the sinister side of the mast is a castle, on the Beauple. Gu. a bend vair cottised or.
dexter a shield charged with three lions pass, guard, Beaupre (Wells).Vert a lion ramp, double queued or, ii

Beaumes (Huntingdonshire). Az. six garbs or. ga

Beaumeys, or Beymeys. Ar. on a cross az. five garbs or. Beaupre. Ar. on a bend az, a fesse betw. six crosses cross-
-Beaumond. Az. a buck's head betw. three arrows or, Arms of St, Omer
let or, (being the in the bend) quartered
feathered and headed ar. by Fodntaine, High Brigge.
Beaumond. Az. a buck's head cahossed or, attired gu. Beaupre. Ar, on a bend az. a. fesse betw. two crosses
betw. the horns three arrows in the scalp or. crosslet or.
-Beauzaond. Az. a fesse betw. three leopards' heads or. Beaupree. Vert a lion ramp, or, over all a baton az.
Beaumond, Soe Beadmont. Beauraln. Az. a cross ancree or. Crest A lion's head —
Beaumont (Lord BeaumorU, summoned to Parliament, erased ar. pellettee.
1309, fell into abeyance, 1507, terminated in favour of Miles Beausy. Ar. a chev. betw. three eagles displ. gu.
Thouas Stapleton, late Lord Beaumont, 1840; the Anns Beauty. Az. three lillies stalks slipv<?d PP*"*
were borne by John, Lord Beawnont, K.G.,tem.p. 'Richard Beauvais. Ar. on a cross sa. five escallops or.
II.) Az. semee of fleurs-de-lis a lion ramp, or, quartering Beauvalle, Baron, See Lamb.
az. three garbs or, for Comtn. Crest— On a chapeau az. Beauvill. Az. a chief or.
doubled erm. a lion statant or. Beauvoir (London, originally of Guernsey). Ar. a chev.
Beaumont (Lord Beaumont)i See Stapleton. betw. three cinquefoils gu. Crest—K demi dragon with
Beaumont ( discount Broumont, John, 6th Lord Beaumont^ wings endorsed ppr.
was so created 12 Feb. 1440, being the first person advanced Beauvois. Ar. three lions pass, gimrd. or.
to that dignity in England, extinct 1507). Same Arms. Beauvois. Az. three garbs close topped or.
Beaumont {Viscount Beaumont, of Swords, co. Dublin, Beauvois. Or, a cross betw. four keys gu.
created 1622, extinct 1 702). Az. semee of fleurs-de-lis, and a Beavan. Az. a dove ar. beaked and legged gu. betw. three
lion ramp. or. Crest —
On a chapeau az, cliarged with three —
gem rings or. Crest On a mount vert a dove hovering, in

fleurs-de-lis or, turned up erm. a lion pass. gold. 8u;p- the beak a gem ring. Motto Semper virtute constans.
jjorier.t—Two lions or, collared az. the collar on the dexter Beavan. See Bevan.
charged M'ith three torteauz, that on the sinister with as Beaver, Ar. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils gu. Cres^t —
many plates. leopard ppr.


Beaver (granted to Hugh Bbaveb, Esq., of the Temple, Becber (Wrixon-Bechee, Ballygiblin, co. Cork, bart.). Vaire
near Manchester). Or, a fesse az. betw. three lions ramp. ar. and gu. on a canton or, a stag's head couped sa. quarterly
in chief gu. and a beaver pass, in base ppr. Crest— A mount —
with Wbison^. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi lion
vert, thereon, in front of three *rrows, one in pale and two erm., gorged with a plain coDar vair. Motto— his viyit qui
in saltire, Lhe pheons downwards, a beaver pass. ppr. bene.
Beavill (Huntingdonshire). Sa.'a chev. betw. three mullets Becber (Kent). Vair on a canton or, a buck's head
pierced ar. cabossed sa.
Beavill, Or, a chief ar. Becber. Sa. a fretty or.
Beavis (Devonshire, traceable in that county to the reign of Becbetou Az. three irons or digging spades or.
Henry IV.). Az. three close helmets ar, garnished or. Beobeton (Becheton, Cheshire). Az. three spade irons (or
€h-€St—A pheon ar. heads) or.
Beaw. Ar. masoned sa. on a chief az. a demi lion issuing Becbington. Az. three spades erect two and one or.
or. Becborn. Az. a chief indented ar.
Beawrfice. Az. three close helmets or (another, ar). Becbton. Az. three escutcheons or.
BeavrG.ce. Az. three crosses sarcelly ar. Becicomb. Ar. a fesse sa. betw. three bats' wings displ.
Beawfi.ce. Ar. a fesse betw. three lozenges az. gu-
Beavrfo. See Beaufot. Beck (London, hart.). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, or, a black-
Beawford (Warwickshire). Ar, on a bend sa. three cinque- bird sa. 2nd and 3rd, sa. a mullet of six points or.
; Crest
foils of the field. —A raven ppr, betw. two wings or.
Bea"Vtrfoy. Erm. on a bend az. three cinquefoils pierced or. Beck (Yorkshire). Gu. a cross sarcelly erm.
Beavrfoy, or Beaufy, Ar. a chev. betw. three eagles Beck, Az. three codfishes naiant in pale or.
displ. gu. Beck, or Bee (Pleasley, co. Derby the nieces and co-heirs

Bea'wfrenB. Paly of six or and gu. of Anthont Bec, Bishop of Durham, who held lands in
Bea"wfret. Az. three head-pieces reversed ar. Derbyshire, m. Haecodrt and Willoughbt). Gu. a cross
Beawlot. Ar. on a bend three buckles of the field.
sa. moline erm.
Beawpell. Gu. a bend vair betw. six escallops or. Beck, or Bec. Gu. a cross patonce ar. C]'est On a —
Beawpell. Gu. a bend vair. chapeau gu. turned up erm. a lion's head erased of the first.
Beawpell, Gu. a bend vair cottised ar. Beck (co. Carnarvon). Gu, on a cross moline ar. five
Beawslim. Paly wavy of six ar. and sa. on a chief of the —
mullets sa. Crest On a mount vert a pelican ar. vulning
last three crescents of the first. herself gu.
Beawson, Ar. on a chev, sa. three crosses fonnoe or. Beck (Creeting St, Mary, and Needham Market, co. Suffolk).
Beawsted. Gu. a goat saliant ar. armed or. Or, two bars dancettee sa. surmounted by the fasces in pale
Bebb (HoEATio Bebb, Esq., of Donnington Grove, co. ppr. a chief az. thereon three annulets ar. Crest—A
Berks, who assumed that surname in place of Lawkell by peacock's head erased or, holding in the beak a serpent
Toyal license 3 June, 1850). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. on a entwined about the neck ppr. between two wings az. each
fess embattled or, betw. three crescents ar. two cross cross- charged with three bezants. Motto— TJmtaXe fortior.
lets gu. a canton erm. for diff., for Bebb; 2nd and 3rd, Beck (Axcoce-Beck, of Esthwaite Lodge). Ar. on a fesse
az, two bars betw. two fleurs-de-lis in chief, and a crescent dancettee az. betw. two cocks' heads erased gu. in chief and
in base or, a crescent for diff., for Lawrell. Crests — a blackbird ppr. in base an annidet betw. two crosses potent
1st, an esqidre's helmet ppr. resting in a crescent gu. the or. C)-est —
A cross potent or, perched thereon a blackbird
helmet charged with a cross crosslet of the second for dis- ppr. holdmg in his beak an annulet of the first. Motto—
tinction, for Bebb; 2nd, out of an eastern crown or, a Animum rege.
cubit arm erect vested sa. cuffed erm. the hand holding a Beckard (Cambridgeshire). Ar. a, cross gu. betw. four
wreath of laurel ppr,, for Lawrell. Mottoes Over second— eagles displ. az.
Crest : Per vim et virtutem under the Ai^ttls : Premium
; Beckard. Or, a saltire gu. betw. four eagles displ, vert. .

virtutis honor. Beckberie (Hill Wotton, co. Warwick). Az. an eagle displ.
Beberbort (Cornwall). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three tor- or.
teaux. Becke (Berkshire and Lincolnshire). Or, two bars dancettfe
Sebingiioii (Bebington, co. Chester). Sa. three stags* sa.on a chief az. three annulets ar. Crest A peacock's —
heads cabossed ar. Crest —Out of a coronet a demi eagle head erased or, gorged with two bars dancettee sa. betw.
displ. sa. bezant^e. two wings az. each charged with three bezants paleways
Bee, or Beke (summoned to Parliament as Lord Bzc, of (another, a hare's head).
Eresby, 1295). Gu. a cross moline ar. Beckenbam (Fun. Ent. Ire., 1607). Ar. a chev. betw.
Bee. See Beck. three bucks' heads cabossed gu.
Becarde. Ar. three cushions gu, tasselled or. Beckensaw. Sa. a cross pattde ar. in sinister chief an
Becbam (Yorkshire). Gu. a fesse or. escallop shell.
Becbaxnpe. Ar. on a bend gu. three annulets or. Becker (London). Ar. a chev. az. betw. twd trefoils sUppefl
Becbburg:. Sa. three beading knives in pale, the hafts in chief vertand a chaplet in base ppr.
contrary posed. Becering: Chequy ar. and gu. a bend sa.
Becbe (summoned to Parliament, 1342). Vaire ar. and gu. (another, az.). Crest —
A crow perched upon an 'oak tree.
Becbe (Berkshire). Ar. on a bend gu. three bucks' heads Beckering: (Tuxford, co. Nottingham). Chequy ar. and
cabossed or. Crest —
An arm vested or, cuffed gu., the hand gu. a bend sa.
ppr. holding an escarbuncle of the last. BeckeriiLg', Chequy or and gu. a bend sa.
Becbe. Or, on a bend gu. three bucks* heads cabossed of Beckering:. Lozengy or and gu.
the first. Beckering*. Chequy ar. and gu. on a chev. sa. three
Becbe* Gu. three lions pass. ar. billett^e sa. escallops or.
Becbe. Ar. on a bend gu, three lions' heads couped or. Beckering", or Beaering. Quarterly, ar. andgu. a bend
Becbe, Gu. three lions pass. ar. oa a bend sa. as many sa.
bucks' heads cabossed or. Beckerolles. Az. a chev. betw. three crescents or.
Becbe. Gu. three bulls' heads or. Becket (Cartuther, co. Cornwall). Sa. a sem^e of crosses
Becbe. Az. three shovellers or, membered gu. crosslet fitch^e or, afesse betw. three bears' heads couped of
Becbe. Vaire, ar. and gu. the second. Crest —
^A Cornish chough sa. wings expanded'
Becbe. Vaire ar. and gu. a bend sa. beaked and legged gu. ducally gorged or.
Becbe, Vaire ar. and gu. on a canton of the first a martlet Becket (Cornwall). Gu. a fesse erm. betw. three boars'"
sa. heads couped or.
Becbe, Ar, four bars nebulae gu. on a canton of the second Becket (Ireland). Per chev. or and gu. three lions' heads
a garb of the first, —
erased counterchanged. Crest ^A Cornish chough ppr.
Becbee, Vaire ar. and gu. on a canton of the second a Becket (Norfolk). Ar. on a chief gu. three cinquefoils of
covered cup or. the field (another, roses ar. barbed vert).
Becber, or Beacb (Bedfordshire and Kent). Vaire ar. Becket. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. betw three pheons sa.
and gu. on a canton or, a buck's head cabossed sa. Crest — Becket. Or, a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased gu.
Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi lion ar. Another Crest — Becket. Erm. a chief paly az. and ar.
demi lion ar. enfiled round the body with a ducal coronet or. Beckett (Somerby Park, co. Lincoln, hart.). Gu. a fesa?
Becber (Chancellor House, Tunbridge Wells, co. Kent). betw. three boars' heads couped erminois. Crest A —
Vaire ar. and gu. on a canton or, a buck's head cabossed of boar's head couped or, pierced by a cross patt^e fitchSe erect

the second. Crest A demi lion ramp. gu. the body en- sa. —
Motto Prodesse Civibus.
circled with a ducal coronet or, Beckett (granted by St. George, Ulster, to William Beckett


Bandle Becket, of Cheshire,
Esq., Barrister-at-lAw, son of Beckwell, or Bekewell. Ar. on a chief sa. three boars'
in England, whose family came origtnEdly from co. Wilts, heads or.
1677). Per chev. or and gu. three lions' beads erased Beckwith (Aldborough and Thurcroft, Yorkshire, and
counterchanged. Crest— A Cornish chough ppr. Tremdon, co. Durham). Ar. a chev. betw. three hinds'
leckett (granted by Browne, Garter, 1777, to Olives —
heads erased gu. Crest ^An antelope ppr. in the mouth a
BscEETT, Esq., Queen's Square, London, son of Thouas —
branch vert. Motto Joir en bien.
Beckett, and grandson of Ouvee Beckett, of Park Side, Beckwith. (Yorkshire). Ar, a chev. gu. fretty or, betw.
CO. liEUieaster, gent.). Erminois on a chev. betw. three lions' three hinds' heads erased of the second on a chief gu. a
heads erased gu. a fleur-de-lis and two annulets or. Crest — saltire (both engr.) betw, two roses in pale and as many demi
A dexter arm emhowed in armour about the elbow a fleurs-de-lis joined to the dexter and sinister sides gold.
wreath or and az. in the hand ppr. a baton gold. —
Crest A stag's head quarterly per fesse indented or and az.
Beckett (.Wiltshire). Or, on a chev. betw. three lions' heads Beckwith. Ar. a chev. gu. charged with three roses of the
erased gu. a fleur-de-lis betw. two annulets of the field. field. Crest —
^A dove, in the beak three ears of wheat all ppr.
Orest—A Cornish chough ppr. Beck^th, or Beckworth (Yorkshire). Sa. on a chev.
Beckett. At. on a fesse or, three cinqaefoils gu. betw. as betw. three griffins' heads erased or, a boar's head couped
Toanj ostrichs' heads erased and ducally gorged of the betw. two pheons gu. —
Crest An eagle's head or, depressed

second. Crest An ostrich's head erased as in the Arms. with two bends vert, winged one ar, the other sa.beaked gu.
Beckett. Or, a chev. betw. three leopards' heads gu. Beconsall. Sa. three crescents therefrom issuant as many
Beckett. At. three Cornish choughs sa. beaked andlegged mullets ar,
gu. Beconsall, or Beconsaw (Beconsall, co. Lancaster). Sa.
Beckett (Bamsley, Quarterly, per cross, 1st and
co. York). a cross formee ar. in the sinister quarter an escallop or.
4th, gu. a crescenta fesse erminois betw. three boars*
ar. Becouthorp. Az. three peacocks* heads erased or.
heads couped or ; 3rd and 4th, erminois on a fesse wavy gu. BeccLuet (London). Ar. a cross pattee fitchee betw. three
three lions ramp. ar. Crest —
A boar's head couped or, martlets gu.
pierced by a cross patt^ fitch^ erect sa. Jlfof£o—Prodesse Becquet. Sa. crusilly fitchee or, a fesse betw. three boars*
dvibns. heads couped of the second. Crest —A
falcon ducally gorged
Beckford (Fontlull, co. Wilts, descended from Col. Petes —
rising sa. Motto Celeritas.
Bbcepobd, lieut.-GoT. of Jamaica, who d. 1710, and repre- Becton. —
Az. three spade irons or. Crest ^A demi heraldic
sented by the late Wiujah Beckfobp, Esq., the author of tiger ducally gorged and chained holding betw. the paws a
"Caliph Vathek," only child and heir of Alderman William mullet of six points.
Beckfobd, Lord Mayor of London, 1762 and 1769). Per pale Beddoes (Cheney, Longville, co. Salop). Quarterly, 1st and
gu. and on a chev. ar. betw. three martlets or, an eagle
az. 4th, gu. a lion ramp, regnard. or. ; 2nd and "Sid, ar. three
displ. sa.within a bordure of the fourth charged with a double boars' heads, two and one couped sa.
treasure, flory and counterflory of the first. Cresti —
1st : A Bedell (Dorsetshire and Huntingdonshire). Sa. on a fesse
heron's head erased or, gorged with a collarflory counterflory betw. three saltires ar. a covered cup betw. two mullets az.
go. in the beak a fish ar. ; 2nd : Issuant out of a ducal coronet Bedell (Bumford, CO. Essex). Sa. on a fesse betw. three
or, an oak tree fructed ppr. the stem penetrated transversely saltires ar. an escallop shell betw. two mullets az. (another,
byati^me-sawalsoppr. inscribed with the word "Through," three mullets gu. on a fesse). Crest An arm couped at —
differenced by a shield pendent &om a branch of the tree, the elbow and erect in armour ppr., the hand grasping a
charged mth the Arms of Latimeb. Motto De Dieu tout.— cutlass on the blade all ppr.
Beckford (Basing Park, co. Hants). Same as Beckfobd, of Bedell (Huntingdonshire). Gu. a chev. engr. betw. three
FonthiU, without the hordure. escallops ar.
Beckford. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three trefoils slipped vert. Bedell (Hamerton, co. Huntingdon, hart.). The same.
Beckford. Az. a chev. betw three martlets or. Crest —Out of a palisado crown a buck's bead or, attired az.
Beckham (Leicestershire). Chequy or and az. a fret enn. Bedell. Gu. a chev, betw, three escallops ar. Crest —As the
Beckhani. Chequy or and sa, a fesse erm. Crest — last.
horse's head ar. pierced through the net*, with a broken Bedell. Sa. on a fesse betw. three saltires ar. an escallop
tilting spear or, and holding in the mouth the top of the betw, two mullets of the first. Crest—A stag's head couped
spear embraed gu. gu. the attires or, branches az. betw. the attires a thistle of
Beckmgr. Quarterly, or and gu. a bend sa. the second, stalked and leaved vert.
Beckingliaill (Berkshire and Essex). Ar. two bars ga. on Bedell. See Besle and Bedolfe.
a canton of the second a cinquefoil of the first. Bedewell. Per saltire lozengy or, gu. and erm.
Beckingham (Tolshnnt, Beckingham, co. Essex). Sa. a Bedew^ell, or Bedwell. Gyronny of four erm. and
fesse crenellee erm. batw. three escallop shells ar. Crest ^A — lozengy or and gu. Crest— On a rock a fort in flames ppr.
demi griffin sa. holding in his dexter claw a cutlass ar. hilt Bedford, Duke of. See Russell.
and pomel or. Bedford, Sari of. See Couci.
Beckin^liaiii (co. Norfolk). Ar. a fesse crenellee (another, Bedford (monmnent of Richabd Bedfobd in the parish
embattled counter-embattled) betw. three escallops sa. church of Chyner, Visit, Oxford), Gu. three helmet-s ar.
Crat —A demi griffin ar. legs and back sa. wings endorsed gu. Bedford (Henloe, co. Bedford, and London). Ar. three
holding in his dexter claw a cutlass ar, hilt or. lions* gambs couped (another, erased) and erect within a
BeckinghanL. Ar. a chev. betw. three bucks' faces gu. bordure engr. sa. Crest A — demi lion sa. ducally crowned
BeckingrlLani. Barry of eight gu. and ar. on a c^mton of or, holding betw. the paws a sphere or.
the first a cinqnefoil of the second. Bedford (Durham). Per pale az. and sa, a bend or.
Beckingijoii, Ar. on a fesse az. a mitre with labels ex- Bedford. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. two quatrefoils in chief
panded or, betw. three bucks' heads cabossed gu. in«hief and —
and in base a trefoil slipped vert. Crest ^A demi lion ramp.
in base as many pheons sa. couped ppr. holding in the dexter paw a trefoil slipped vert.
Beckley, or Bistley. Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three Bedford. Per pale az. and g^u. a bend or. Crest ^A han^ —
ravens sa. beaked and legged ga. ppr. holding a sphere erect or.
Beckley, Beckly, or Bickley (Devonshire). Ar. a chev. Bedford. Ar. a lion's gamh couped within a bordure engr
engr. betw. three martlets sa. Cre^t—Betw. two wings or,
acrosspatteegu. Bedford. Quarterly, or and gu. a bend of the second.
Beckznan (London). Per fesse dancett^e or and ar. a lion Bedford. Quarterly, ar. and gu. a bend engr. of the second.
ramp. az. in chief a pellet betw. two crosses crosslet gu. and Bedford. Per pale ar. and gu. a bend az,
in base a cross crosslet of the last betw. two pellets. Crest-^ Bedford (Sutton Coldfield, co. Warwick; Eev. Williasi
An ostrich's head couped ar. gorged with a fesse dancettee BiLANv Bedford, of that place), Ar. within a bordure
sa. betw. two palm branches ppr. engr. three bear's paws erased sa., quartering with Bilafd
Beckmore. Ar. on a bend sa. three pheons or, pointing to —
and Fbeeman. CreJtt A demi lion ramp. sa. murally
the dexter chief. crowned or, holding betw. his paws a bezant. Motto^Am-
BecksweU, or Bekyswell alias Skordicll (BekysweH, mum fortuna sequatur.
CO. Norfolk).
Quarterly, ar. and erm. a bend az., over all a Bedford (Pendrea, co. Cornwall). Ar. three lions' gambs
a crescent for diff.
cross gu., —
couped and a border engr. sa. Crest An eagle rising from
BecktoU. Erm. a chief paly sa. and or. an anchor ar. 3fo(io—Verite sans peur.
£eckt0ll. Az. three spade irons or. Bedford, Townof (Bedfordshire). An eagle displ.
B^jktott, Erm, on a chief sa. four pales or. looking to the sinister with wings inverted gu. ducally
Beckwell. Paly of six ar. and gu. on a chief of the second crowned or, on the eagle a large castle surmounted by two
a lion pass, guard, or. more one above the other ar.
BeckweU. Ar, three eagles displ. sa. Bedicke. Az. a chev. or, betw. three demi lions of the last.
65 P


Bedingfeld (Oxburgh, co. Norfolk, bart.). Erm. an eaffle Beesley. Ar. three torteaux and a chief gu. Crest— Out
displ. gu. Crest —
A derai eagle wings expanded gu. of a mural coronet two branches of palm in saltire surmount-

Motto Despicio terrena solem contemplor. ing a spear in pale.
Bedingrfeld (Bedingfeld, co. Suffolk, and Ditchingham, co. Beeston. Vert a lion ramp, ar. crowned or.
Norfolk). Arms and Crest same as the preceding. Motto— Beeston. Vert a lion ramp. ar. crowned and armed gu.
Aquila non capit muscas. Beeston (Beeston Castle, co. Chester). Ar. a bend betw.
Beding:field. Erm. an eagle displ. gu. Crest A iinicorn's
head erased sa. the horn wreathed or and ar.
— six bees sa. Crest— On a mount vert a castle or, issuing
therefrom an arm embowed armed ppr. garnished gold
Bedle, or Bedell (London). Gu. on a chev. betw. three brandishing a sword also ppr. hilt likewise gold.
escallops ar. a fleur-de-lis of the first, all within a bordure Beeston (Okeham, Rutlandshire and Possbrook, co. Hants).

of the second. Crest A stag's head erased or, attired and Arms same as Beeston of Cheshire.
ducally gorged gu. Beeston. Ar. a bend betw. six butterflies volant sa.
Bedzaan. Gu. three humets erm. Beetley (Attleburgh). Ar. a chev. embattled betw. three
Bedo. Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three mullets aa. Crest— griffins' heads erased sa.
boar's head couped and erect gu. Bever. Ar. three beavers' tails gu.
Bedolfe, or Bedell (Staffordshire, and Bedolph's Hall, co. Beevor (Heckmondwicke,co. York). Per pale or and ar.
Essex). Ar. a fesse rompu betw. three crosses crosslet on a chief indented sa. three lions ramp, of the first. Crest
fitchee sa. Crest—An arm embowed habited az. in the hand —A beaver pass. ppr. Mctto—Ni] desperandum.
ppr. a sword ar. hilt and pomel or, pierced into the side of a Beevor (Hethel, co. Norfolk, hart.). Per pale or and ar. on
squirrel sejant reguard. gold, the side of the squirrel guttle a chief indented sa. three lions ramp, of tlie first. Crest—
de sang. A beaver pass. ppr. Motto—Sua.Yiter in modo, fortiter in re,
Bedon, or Bedo (Putney, co. Surrey). Ar. three boars'* Befils. Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three plates.
heads couped sa. Cresi— A boar's head couped and erect gu. Beg-ax'd, or Bignard (Norfolk). Or, on a cross gu. five
Beduley (Staffordshire). Az. a bend betw. six crosses escallops ar.
crosslet or. Beg-f3m, Quarterly per fesse indented gu. and or, in the
Bedwell (Camden's Grants). Per saltire chequy or and gu. quarter a lion pass. ar.

and erm. Beg-g, or Beg". Lozengy or and az. on a chev. ar. three
Bedwin, Grreat, Town of (Wiltshire). Az. a tower torteaux. Crest—A cross crosslet fitchee, betw, two branches
domed ar. Crest —A griffin pass. or. of palm in orle ppr.
Bedyll, sa. and or, a pale counterchanged three
Per fesse Begg: (WaltebBkoo, of Barranstame, co. DubUn, d. 6 Jan.
mullets pierced of the last. 1635, Fun. Ent. Ire.). Or, a cross formee betw. three cres-
Bee (Horslow, CO. Lincoln). Quarterly, or and gu. on a bend cents purpure. C)-est —A
hand fesswise couped at the
sa. three fleurs-de-lis ar. wrist ppr. holding a cross formee fitchee purpure.
Bee (Basingstoke, co. Hants). Az. a chev. betw. three bees Beg-g:, or Becke (Ireland). Ar. the text A. betvr. three
volant or. —
Crest A dragon's head or, pierced through crescents gu.
with an arrow gu. flighted and pheoned, ar. Beg:g-e (Ireland). Or, a cross pattee betw. three crescents go,
Bee (1617. Edward Bee, Sheriff of Dublin, temp, James I., Begrirle, or Begyrle. Az. a fesse betw. three boare'
Fun. Ent. Ire.). Az. on afess wavy betw. three scorpions' heads couped or.
heads erased ar. three cinquefoils of the field. Beig-hton (Wirksworth, co. Derby). Sa. on abenfl ar. agrey-
Bee. Gu. three bars gemelles or. hound courant of the first betw. two stags' head cabossed of
Beebee (VVilley Court). Az. a chev. betw. three bees volaht the second. —
Crest A greyhound erm. collared or, issuing
or. Crest— A beehive ppr. Motto—Se defendendo. out of a mural crown of the second.
Beeby, Az. three eagles displ. or. Crest A mullet or. — —
Beilhy. Or, a saltier gu. Motto Labor omnia vincit.
Beech. Vaire ar. and gu. on a canton of the second a Beime, or O'Beirne (Connaught). Ar. an oak tree era-
garb or. dicated ppr. in base a lizard vert and in dexter base point a
Beech.. Vaire ar. and gu. on a canton of the first a saltire couped gu. on a chief az. a sun in splendour or, and a
martlet sa. crescent of the field. Crest —A
dexter arm in armour
Beech (Brandon Lodge, co. Warwick, and Shawe, co. embowed, the hand grasping a sword, all ppr.
Stafford). Ar. on a benrt gu. three bucks' heads cabossed or. Beirne. See O'Beiene.

Crest A stag's head cabossed or. Motto Sub tegmine fagi. — Belsin. Quarterly per fesse indented gu. and or, in the
Beecher (granted 6 Oct. 1574). Vaire ar. and gu. on a firstquarter a hon pass, guard, ar.
canton or^ a stag's head cabossed vert. Beist, or Biest (Salop, 1586). Gu. three bundles of arrows
Beecher (London, Visit. London, 1568). Vaire ar. and gu, on or, feathered and headed ar, tied in the middle with a string
a canton or, a stag's head cabossed sa. Crest A demi lion — of the last, three in each bundle, viz. two in saltire and one
erased ar. girded round the waist with a ducal coronet or. in pale, points downwards. Crest —A sinister arm couped
Beechey, or Beechy. Vert a chev. betw. three trefoils above the elbow habited sa. cuff ar. hand ppr. holding a
slipped ar. Ci-est —A hurt. stringed bow also ppr.
Beechton. Az. three shovels ar. Beiston. Vert a lion ramp, or, crowned gu. in an orle of
Seeckman (London, originally from Flanders). Gu. a fleurs-de-lis of the second. Crest —A human heart gn.
griffin segreant or, holding betw. the paws an esquire's witbin a fetlock sa.
helmet ar. Beivill. Ar. a chev. gu. over all a bend az.
Seecroft (Bishop Wearmouth, co. Durham). Per cross Bekard. Ar. a saltire gu. betw. four eagles displ. vert
vert and ar. in the 2nd and 3rd quarter an annulet gu. armed gu.
Crest —^Two arms, dexter and sinister, in armour ppr. erect Beke. See Becee.
imd embowed, holding betw. the fingers an annulet gu. Beke (Dorchester, Visit. Dorset, 1623). Quarterly, 1st and
Beedhaxn (Ashfield, Kimbolton, co. Huntingdon). Az. on a 4th, barry of six ar. and sa. on a canton gu. a lion's head
chev. engr. erm. betw. three birds ar. beaked and legged cabossed or; 2nd, vert three boars' heads couped ar. ; 3rd,
gu. as many human hearts of the last. Crest On a mural — gu. a fesse betw. three crescents ar.
crown ppr. a bird wings expanded ar. beaked and legged Beke (Durham). Gu. a cross moline ar. Crest —Out of a
gu. resting its claw on an escutcheon of the second charged ducal coronet gu. two horns erm.
with a human heart of the third. Motto God be in my — Bee (Norfolk). Gu. a cross moline betw. four wolves'
bede. heads erased (another, nags' heads) or. Crest—A dragon's
BeegTLel, or Begnye. Sa, an inescutcheon within an head erased or, collared vaire.
orle of eight martlets or. Beke. Gu. a cross erm. Crest— In. a ducal coronet a boar's
Beeke, or Beach. Gu. a cross moline voided ar. Crest — heud and neck.
Out of a ducal coronet gu. two bull's horns erm. Beke. Gu. a cross sarcelly ar.
Beekenshall (Lancashire). Ar. a chev. and a half sa. Bekell. Or, a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased gu,
betw. three chaplets of roses gu. Bekenham. See Beckinghau.
Beekenshall (Lancashire). Sa. a cross pattee ar. in the Beket. Or, a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased gu.
sinister chief pointan escallop of the second. Crest An — Beketot. Erm. a chief paly of eight sa. and or.
armerect couped below the elbow ppr. holding a garland gu. Bekett. Or, on a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased gu.
Beer (Visit, co. Cornwall). Ar. a bear sahent sa. a fleur-de-lis of the first.
Beere (Funeral Certificate of Edwaed Dbeke, of Dartford, Bekett. Sa. a fesse betw. three boars' heads couped or,
CO. Kent, d, 10March, 3 Charles I.). Ar. a bear saUent sa. semee of crosslets fitchee of the second. C^-exf— Within a
a canton erm. wreath or and vert, garnished with laurel leaves of the
Bees. Gu. an eagle recursant volant in bend wings overture second, a falcon rising ar. legged and beaked gu. and ducally
or. gorged or.


Bekewell. Ar. a fesse betw. three eagles displ. sa. Belgrave (Preston Hall, co. Rutland, a branch of Belobave
Bekins. Ar. a bend engr. sa. a label of three points gu. of North Kilworth, represented by the Rev. William
Bekinton. Ar. on a fesse betw. three bucks' header Belgrave, M.A., of Preston Hall, near Uppingham). Same
cabossed in chief az. and as many pheons in base gu. an Arms and Crest as Belgrave of North Kilworth.
annulet or. Belhaven, Baron. See Hauilton,
Bekxninster. Az. a lion pass, guard, or. Belhouse (Aveley, co. Essex), Ar. three lions ramp. gu.
Belasyse {Earls of FatLconberg and Sarons Belasyse^ of two and one, betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee of the last,
Worlaby, co. Lincoln (see Bellasyse). Ar. a chev. gu. one and two.
betw. three fleurs-de-lis az. Belhouse (Essex and Devon). Ar. three lions ramp. gu.
Belbiu. Sa. on a cross ar. five lions ramp, of the first. Belhouse (Essex). Erm. three lions ramp. gu. (another
Belcher (William Belcher, of Guilsborough, co. North- adds a bordure engr. sa,).
ampton, fourth in descentfrom Hugh Belchek, co. Staflfurd, Belhouse. Az. on a chev. or, betw. three bells ar. an eagle
Her. Vis.). Paly of six or and gu. a chief vair. Crest — displ. betw. two Uons ramp. gu. all within a bordure erm.
greyhound's head erm. gorged with a collar gu. rimmed —
Crest A squirrel sejant per pale ar. and az. tailed or, the
and ringed or. fore feet against an oak branch, acorned gold, leaved vert.
Belcher (Staffordshire and Warwickshire). Same Arms Belhouse. Or, a saltire gu.
and Crest. Belhouse. Or, a saltire lozengy gu. and ar. (another, gu.
Belcher (registered to James Belcheb, secretary to the and vair).
Lords Justices of Ireland, 1724). Same At^is. Motto Loyal — Belhouse. Gu. a saltire voided or, betw. four lozenges
an mort. vair.
Belcher. Or, three pallets gu. a chief VEdr. Crest — Belhouse. Ar. on a saltire gu. five bezants.
greyhound's head erased arm. collared or, eared az. Beliald (Thorpe, co. Northampton). Per chev. ar. and prx-
Belcher (Northamptonshire). Per chev, indented az. and biUettee counterchanged. Crest — ^A lion's head couped gu.
or, in chief two martlets of the second. Crest— A. demi billettee ar.
hawk or, with wings expanded sa. Belier. Vair or and sa.
Belcher. Paly of six or and gu. on a chev. ar. three Belingr (Mulhuddart, co. Dublin, Fun. Ent., Ire., 1599), Ar.
martlets sa. on a cross betw. four crosses botonee fitchee gu. a crescent
Beldam (Bangers, Eoyston, co. Cambridge, anciently de of the field,

Belle Dame, Seigneur de Ingreville, granted by letters of Beling-ay. Ar. a rose gu. within an orle of six crosses
noblesse, Nov. 1662, to Lewis de Belle Dame, marechal crosslet fitchee of the last.
de eamp, "a cause de service"). Az. a chev. or, betw. in Belingre (Sir Henet Belinge, of Killussy, knighted in camp,
chief two estoiles, and in base a lion ramp. ar. Crest—A. lion Ireland, 23 July, 1615). Ar. a cross betw. four crosskis
ramp. ar. It appears that the earlier Arvis of the family fitchee gu.
were: or, a cross az. charged with another cross ar. Belism.o. Az. a lion ramp, within a bordure or (another,
Beldam- Johns. See Johns. the lion's tail foii^ed).
Bele. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three spear heads sa. the dexter Belitha (London and Kingston, co. Surrey). Ar. a chev. sn.
and sinister inclining to tbe middle chief point. guttle d'or, cottised gu. betw. three fleurs-de-lis of the
Beler (Mentrey). Gu. a lion ramp. or. second.
Beler (Eye-Kettleby, co. Leicester). Per pale gu. and sa. Belke (Copesham Sole). Gu. a chev. betw. three leopards^
alien ramp. ar. faces ar.
Belesey, or Belester. Sa. a saltire or, a label of three Belkem.ore. Gu. a bend ar.
points gu. Belking*. Az. three eagles displ. in bend hetw. two bendlels
Belet (quartered by Deake of Otterton and Ash, Chkistiak, ar.
dau. and heir of John Billett, m. John Draee, Esq. of Belkmore. Gu. a bend engr. ar. a bordure of the last.
Otterton, Visit. Devon, 1620). Ar. on a chief gu. three Bel^nappe (Warwickshire). Az.threeeagles in bend betw.
cinquefoils of the first. two cottises ar.
Belet. Ar. a fesse gu. in the dexter chief point a weasel Bell Fermanagh, granted 1819to Henby Nugent
(Belview, co.
pass, ppr. Bell, Esq., and the descendants of his grandfather, Walter
Belett. Sa. an eagle displ. or, on a chief gu. three bezants. Bell, of Gortadrate, co. Fermanagh). Az. a fesse erm. betw.
Belett. Or, on a chief az. two cinquefoils of the field. three bells or. Crest— On a ducal coronet or, a falcon rising
Belew (Lancashire). Sa. fretty or, on a chev. az. three ppr. collared gu. belled gold.
lions' beads erased of the second. Bell (Overton, co. York). Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three
Belew (Warwickshire). Az. three eagles displ. in bend betw. bezants, a cross pattee fitchee, on either side a mullet az.
two cottises ar. pierced of the second.
Beleyre. Vaire sa. and or. Bell (Bourne Park, Kent). Sa. on a chev. betw. three bells
Belfeild (Clegg, co. Lancaster). Erm. on a chief gu. a ar., as many lions' heads erased gu. Crest—A lion's head
label of five points ar. erased.
Belfeld. The same, with a label of three points ar. Bell (Thirsk Hall, co. York). Per chev, az. and sa. a chev.
Belfield (London and Hertford). Erm. a mullet gu. on a engr. with plain cottises betw. three bells ar. Motto —
chief of the last a label of five points ar. Crat A demi — Inopem me copia fecit.
heraldic tiger ramp, erm. armed and tufted or, pierced Bell (Woolsington Hall, Northumberland). Sa. a fesse erm.
through the body with the broken staff of a flag, the flag —
betw. three bells ar. (^est A hawk close ppr. belled or.
hanging betw. the fore legs, per fesse wavy ar. and az. Bell (Sunderland, co. Durham). Sa. a chev. erm. betw.
Belfield (Malmaius, co. Gloucester). Erm. a mullet gu. on a —
three church bells ar. Crest A hawk close ppr. beaked and
chief of the last a label of three points ar. Crest ^A demi — belled or.
heraldic tiger ramp. erm. pierced through the body with Bell (Berkshire and Buckinghamshire). Sa. three church
a spear staff broken ppr. the flag hanging betw. the fore bells ar. two and one and three estoiles or, one and two
paws, per fesse wavy ar. and az. Motto Ubi amor ibi — —
Crest A hawk with wings expanded ar. beaked and belled
or, with a string flotant from the bells gu.
Belfield (Lincolnshire). Erm. a chief sa. Bell (Essex). Erm. on a chief sa. an escallop shell betw.
Belfile. Or, a file gu, with three bells pendent az, clappers sa. two bells ar. Crest—A talbot pass. erm.
Beliord. Sa. a fesse barry wavy of six ar. and az. betw. Bell (Essex). Erm, on a chief sa. three church bells ar.
three hawks' bells of the second. Bell (Gloucestershire). Ar. on a chev. betw. three hawks'
Belford. Erm. a mullet az. on a chief gu. a label of five bells gu. two bars gemelles of the first, on a chief of the
points ar. second a hawk's lure betw. two martlets of the field. Crest —
Belfraee, or Belfarge (Scotland). Ar. a cross moline An arm emhowed vested gu. holding in the hand ppr. a
aa betw. four torteaux. Crest-On a ducal coronet a hawk
. battle-axe staff gu. head ar.
belled, all ppr. Bell (Jamaica). Az, a fesse engr, betw. three bells or.
Belgrave (Belgrave). Ar. a cross patt^ fitchSe sa. Crest —Astag's head erased gu. attired ar. Motto Fulget —
Belgrave (Coukfield, co. Suffolk). Ar. on a cross sa. five virtus.
fleurs-de-lis of the field. Crest— 0\A of a ducal coronet afleur- Bell (London). Az. on a chev. ar. betw. three lions' heads
de-liB. Motto—^iev apKTTCveiv. erased or, gorged with a collar of the first charged with
Belgrave (North Kilworth and Belgrave, Leicestershire). three bezants, as many church bells of the field ornamented
Gu. a chev. erm, betw. three mascles ar. Crest A ram's — of the third.
head ar. Bell (Haughley, co. Suffolk). Ar. two chev. engr. vert each
Belgrave (Leicestetshire). Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three charged with three trefoils slipped or, betw. three talbots"
mascles erm. heads erased gu, (another, the chev. engr.).
67 F 2


Bell (Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, who died 1577). Harvey, quarter the Arms of Harvey Per pale az. aird gu^ :

Sa. a fesse erm. betw. three church hells ar. on a bend erminois three trefoils vert and Ltbbe Erm, a ; :

Bell (London). ArTns, the same. Crest A human heart — bend betw. two lions ramp. gu. The descendants of General
betw. two wings. Motto— Forward, kind heart. John Bellasis quarter Hutchins Or on a fesse per pale az.

Bell (Newcastle). Atms, the same. Crest A hawk close — and sa. betw, three crosses potence of the third, three-
ppr, beaked and belled or. Motto Perseverantia.— escallops erminois; and Stephens: Per. chev. az. and ar.
Bell (Spencer-Bell exemphfiedto James Bell, Esq., of Fawe a chev. counterchancred, in chief two demi eagles displ. or.
Park, CO. Cumberland, on his assuming, by Boyal Licence, the Bellasis (Yorkshire). Ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-
additional name and arms of his wife, the only dau. of lis gu, Crent —A lion couchant guard, az.
Jeeemiah Spencer, Esq., of South Lodge, Cockermouth, and Bellasis (Yorkshire). See Belasyse.
eventually sole heiress of her brother). Quarterly, 1st and Bellasyse, or Belasyse (Durham and Yorkshire: Sir
4th, erm. on a chief sa. an escallop betw. two church bells ar., Thomas Belasyse, chief of this ancient family temp. Charles
for Bell 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, ar. and gu. in the second
I,,and one of his Majesty's devoted adherents, was created
and third quarters a fret ar. over all on a bend sa. three escal- Baron Fauconberg in 1627. The daus. and heirs of the last

lops of the first, for Spencer. Crests 1st: A beaver statant £arl Fauconberg were Charlotte, m. to Thomas Edward
erm., Bell; 2nd: Out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin's head Wynn, Esq.; Anne, wife of Sir George Wombwell, Bart.;
ar. collared gu. betw. two wings expanded of the second. Elizabeth, m. first to Bernard Howard, Esq., and secondly,

Motto Spencer, Dieu defend le droit. to the 2nd Earl of Lucan^ and Harriet. The Lords-
Bell (Northumberland and Cumberland). Gn. on a chief ar. Belasyse of "Worlaby. co Lincoln, were a younger branch
three churchbells sa. of the Fauconberg line). Ar. a chev, gu. betw. three fleurs-
Bell (Westmorland and Cumberland). Sa. a chev. betw. de-lis az. Crest —
A hon couchant guard, az. Supporters-^-
three churchbells ar. Dexter, a buck holding in his mouth a branch of oak
Bell (Kirkconnel, co. Dumfries). Az. three bells or. fructed all ppr. sinister, a unicorn az. armed crested and

Bell (Provosthaugh, co. Dumfries). Az. a fesse betw. three imgxiled or Motto— Bonne et belle assez.
bells or. Crest—A roe feeding ppr. JIfoWo—Signum pacis Belicham'ber, or Bellscliamber. Sa. three hawks'"
amor. hells or.
Bell (Ealing, 1782). Az. a fesse engr. betw. three bells or. Belleland, or Biland Abbey (Yorkshire). Gu. a lion
Crest—A stag's head ppr. attired or. Motto Signum pacis — ramp, or, surmounted with a crosier in bend sinister ar.
amor. (another, quarterly gu. and ar. a crosier in bend dexter or.)..
Bell (Fortoun, co. Haddington, 1855). Or, betw. three bells Bellely. Ar. a bull pass. sa.
az. an oak tree eradicated vert surmounted of a fesse of the Bellanx. Vair two chev. gu.
second, charged with a star of six points betw. two crescents Bellenden (Auchinoule, co. Edinburgh. Lord Sellcnden of
of the field. Crest —
A stag's head erased ppr. ' Motto — Broughton, 1661). Gu. a hart's head couped attired wiih
Ardenter amo. ten tynes betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee or, within a
Bell (Beaupre Hall, co. Norfollc; descended from Sir Kobeet double tressure of the last. Crest A hart's head couped—
Bell, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, and Speaker of the betw. the attires a cross crosslet fitchee or. 8ujyport&r&~
House of flommons, who died on circuit at Leominster, co. Dexter, a lady holding in her right hand a sword erect sa.
Hereford, 25th July, 1577). Sa. a fesse erm. betw. three pair of scales pendent sinister, a lady holding in her hand a

bells ar. quartering, ar. on a bend az. three crosses crosslet branch of palm all ppr. Motto Sic itur ad astra. —
or, for Beaupre. Seller (Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire). Per palegii,-
Bell (Yorkshire). Sa. on a chev. betw. three church bells ar. and sa. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or.
as many lions* heads couped gu. Bellerby. Or, a saltire betw. four eagles displ. gu.
Bell. Gu. a fesse erm. betw. three church hells ar. Crest — Bellere. Paly gu. and sa. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or,.

A falcon close, belled or. Motto Prend moi tel que je suis. —
Crest A spur rowel az.
Bell. Az. a fesse erminois cottised or, in chief two martlets Sellers (Criche, co. Derby). Per pale gu. and sa, a Uoa
of the last. Crest— On a rock ppr. a martlet erminois. ramp. ar.
Bell. Sa. a fesse erm. betw. three mascles (another, martlets) Sellers. Per pale indented gu. and az. a lion ramp. ar.
ar. Bellers. Per pale gu. and sa. a lion ramp. ar. crowneci or.
Bell. Az. a fesse betw. three church bells or. Sellers. Per pale gu. and az. a lion ramp. erm. crowned or
Bell. Sa. a fesse erm. betw. three church bells or. (another adds a label or).
Bell. Per chev. gu. and or, a crescent counterchanged. Bellesby (Lincolnshire). Ar. a chev. hetw. three demt
Bella Aqua (Kirklington, co. Nottingham). Sa. fretty or. lozenges sa.
Bella (Great Paxton, co. Huntingdon; granted 1602). Ar. Bellesby. Sa. a cross or.
three pellets, and a chief engr. sa. Bellesey, or Belesey. Sa. a saltire or, over all a
Bellaber. Az. a hend double cottised ar. betw. six mart- label gu.
lets or. Sellessine. Az. a lion ramp. or.
Bellairs (Deeping Fen, co. Lincoln). Per pale gu. and sa. Bellet, or Bellot (Moreton, co. Chester, created baronet
a lion ramp. ar. Crest —A lion's gamb erased gu. Motto— 1663). Ar. on a chief gu, three cinquefoils of the field.
Tn cruce mea fides. Crest —A fox's head erased sa.
Bellam, Ballam, and Bellome. Sa. on a fesse hetw. Bellet. Ar. a fesse gu. in chief a greyhound of the second
three estoiles ar. as many pellets. C)'est Out of a ducal — (another, the greyhound purp. collared gu,).
coronet or, a cock's head betw. two wiogsgu. combed and Bellet. Ar. on a chief gu. two cinquefoils of the field.
wattled or. Bellet. At. a fesse gu. in chief a rat of the last.
Bellamy (Lord Mayor of London, 1735). Or, on a cross az, Bellett (Norfolk and Wiltshire). Ar. on a chief sa. tliree
five crescents of the field. cinquefoils of the field. C^'esf —An arm couped at the elbow
Bellamy (Middlesex). Ax. (another, vert) on a bend betw. and erect in armour ppr. holding in the gauntlet a baton or^
two cottises or, three crescents gu, tipped at each end sa.
Bellamy. Sa. on a fesse or, cottised ar. three crescents Belle-w (Devon). Sa. fretty or. Crest-Aa. arm embowed
az. Crest —
An arm couped habited sa. cuffed ar. holding in habited the hand ppr. grasping a chahce pouring water {hllf
the hand ppr. a sceptre or, on the top a crescent ar. eau in allusion to the name, Bella Aqua or Bellew) into a
Bellamont, Earl of. See Coote. basin also ppr. Motto —
^Tout d'en haut.
Bellarneys. Per pale gu. and az. a lion ramp. ar. Belle^w (Ireland, an Anglo-Norman family). Sa. fretty ot-.
crowned or. Crest —An arm embowed in armour holding a sword all ppr-
Bellars (Robert Bellabs, Esq., of New Lodge, Berk- Motto—Tout d'en haut.
hampstead, co. Herts), Per pale gu. and sa. a lion ramp. ^eHew {Lord Bellew of Buleekj'Belleyfatown, co. Louth, created
ar. Crest —
A lion's gamb ppr. a Baron, 1686; extinct 1770). Arm^, Crest and Motto ss^me
Bellas. Ar. a chev. gu, betw. two fleurs-de-lis in chief and as the preceding. Supporters— Dexter, a leopard or, guttle

an eagle displ. in base az. Crest A stag's head erased per de sang langued gu. murally gorged az. sinister, a wolf ;

fesse indented ar. and gu. attired or, holding in the mouth a az. ducally gorged or.
fleur-de-lis az. Bellew (Baron Bellew, of Barmeath, co. Louth). Arms,
Bellases, or Bellasies (temp. Henry IV.) Or, on a bend Crest and Motto, same as the preceding. Supporters-
gu. three lozenges vair. Dexter, a leopard or, gorged with a mural crown az.
Bellasis (Marton, co. Westmorland). Ar. a chev. betw. sinister, a wolf az. gorged with a ducal coronet or. Motto
three fleurs-de-lis az. in chief a tent ppr, lined gu. — ^Tout d'en haut.
Crest— A mount vert, thereon a lion couchant guard, az. Bellew (Mount Bellew, co. Galway, bart.). Same Arms, Crest
in front of a tent ppr. lined pu. The descendants of the and Motto as Bellew of Ireland, a crescent for diff.
Bev. George Bellasis, D.D., by his first wife, Margaret Bellew (Geattak-Bellew exemplified to Thouas Abtutib.
"Bellew Esq., of Mount Bellew, co. Galway, on his assuming Belliston (Cheshire and Devonshire). Or, on a bend gu.
"by Royal Licence, 1859, the prefix surname of Gbattan, and three crosses moline ar.
now borne by his son Sir Henry Cheistopiter Grattan- Belliston. Or, on a bend gu. six anchors in cross ar.
Beli^w, Bart., of Mount Bellew). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. Bellocampo. See Beauchamp.
fretty or, a crescent ar. for diff., for Bellew Xnd and 3rd,; Bellomont (Earts of Leicester, created 1103; extinct 1204).
per saltire sa. and erm. a lion ramp, or, for Grattan. Gu. a cinquefoil pierced erm.
Crests—lst: An arm embowed in armour ppr. charged with a Bellomont (quartered by Vernon of Clontarf Castle, co.
crescent or, for diff., and grasping in the hand a sword Dublin). Gu. a cinquefoil erm.
also ppr. pommel and hilt or, for Bellew ; 2nd A dove ppr. : Ballot (Moreton, co. Chester). See Bellett.
holding in the dexter claw a sceptre gold, and standing on a Bellot (Corsham, co. Wilts, and Bochym, co. Cornwall, a

barrel or, for Gbattan. Motto Tout d'en haut. branch of the Bellots of Moreton the heiress m. Hawkins :

Belle"W (Cheshire). Erm. on a chief gu. three escallops ar. of Trewinnard and Hele of Exeter). Arins and Crest— See
BelleTV. Erm. on a chev. gu. three escallops ar. (another, Bellot of Moreton,
three mullets). Bellow (Chester). Erm. on a chev. gu. three escallops ar.
Bellew. Sa. a fret couped or, over all a label of three points Bellow (Ireland). Erm. on a fess gu. three escallops ar.
gu. CVesi— A bear pass. sa. Bellowes (Lancashire). Sa. fretty or, on a chev. az. three
Eellew. See Belew. lions' heads erased of the second.
Sellford. Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three roses gu. seeded Bellwell. Paly of ten ar. and az. on a chief gu. a lion
or, harbed vert, a wolfs head erased of the fourth. pass, guard, of the first.

BelUioiLse (Essex). Ar. semee of crosses crosslet sa. three Belmer. Or. a lion ramp. gu. tail forked collared ar.
lions nunp. gu. Belmore, Earl of. See Corrt.
Bellhouse. Or, a saltire lozengy vert. Beloe (Eev. William Beloe, B.D., F.S.A., Eector of All
.Belli (of which family is William Hallows Belli, Esq., of Hallows, Prebendary of Lincoln, &c,, the translator of
Courtlands, co. Surrey, son of the late John Belli, Esq., Herodotus). Ar. fretty sa. the field semee of leaves of laurel
by Elizabeth Stuart, his wife, sister of Sir Charles ppr. all within a bordure az. charged with nine mullets of
Cockeeell, Bart., grandfather of the present Sir Charles six points or. Crest —
An ancient Greek lyre or, the chords ar.
Fitzgerald Rosbout Kdshoot, Bart., and of Samdel Pepts the band gu. garnished gold. Motto ^Vita etpectore puro. —
Cockebell, Esq., whose son Richard Howe Cockeeell, Belper, Lord. SeeSTBUTT.
Commander, B.N., by his wife Theresa, afterwards Countess Belscot. Az, fretty or, within a bordure engr. of the
of Eglinton, was father of Ann a Theresa, Countess of Shrews- second.
bury and Talbot and of Frederica, wife of the Hon. William: Belsham. Sa. a crescent ar.
H. J. North, only son and heir of the Right Hon. Baroness Belsches (that Ilk). Paly of six or and gu. a chief vair.
North). Or, on a chev. az. betw. three Moors' heads couped at Crest —A greyhoimd's head couped ar. collared az. Motto—
theneck and fessway sin chief, and a rose gu. in base, a mullet Fulget virtus intaminata.
of eight points of the field betw. two roses ar. Crest~-On Belsches (Tofts, co. Berwick). Or, three pallets gu. a chief
the battlements of a tower gu. a lion ramp. erm. holding in vair. —
Crest A trunk of oak eradicated sprouting out leavea
the dexter fore-paw a sword erect ppr. pomel and hilt or, the ppr. Motto-—Eevirescit.
dexter hind paw resting on a galtrap of the last. Motto — Belsches- Wisheart (Sir John, Bart., representative of
Per acuta Belli. Belsches of that Ilk and heir of line of Wisheart of Pitarrow,
Bellin^ay. Ar. a rose within an orle of crosses crosslet 1778). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, paly of six or and gu. a
fitcbee gu. chief vaire, for Belsches; 2nd, ar. three piles conjoined in
Bellinger (Visit, co. Notts., 1614). Ar. a rose betw. six base gu., for Wisheart 3rd, or, abend gu. surmounted pf a

crosses crosslet fitchee gu. fess chequy ar. and az. in chief a crescent of the last, for
Bellinger (Walter Bellinger, Ireland King of Arms: —
Stuart of Fettercaim. Crest On a chapeau a trunk of an
Smith's Ordmary records that this coat was granted by oak-tree eradicated sprouting out branches with leaves ppr.
Bellinger with the addition of five bezants on the saltire to Supporters —A
buck with a branch of oak in his mouth ppr.
John Barrett, Esq., of Hertfordshire, as by a patent in and a horse az. furnished gu. Mottoes Eevirescit, and —
French, dated at Facomberg, in Picardy, 13 July, 1475, Fulget.
appears). Ar. a saltire engr. sa. betw. four roses gu. Belsches (Invermay). See Hepbukn-Belscheb.
Bellingford (Blackford, co. Norfolk). Sa. two halberts in Belside. Barry of eight ar. and sa. a canton of the first.
saltire ar. Belsom. Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three greyhounds' heads
Bellingham (Northumberland and Westmorland, founded erased ermines.
by Alan db Bellihgham temp. Conquestoris Sir Henry ; Belson. Per pale gu. and sa. on a chev. (sometimes engr.)
Bellingham, of HDsington in Westmorland, was created a or, betw. three greyhoimds' heads erased ar. collared gold,
Baronet in 1620, but the title expired with his son in 1650), as many hurts. Crest —
A hand holding a key in bend sinister.
Ar, three buglehorns sa. stringed and garnished or. Crest Belson. Sa. a chev. betw. three greyhounds' heads erased
—Astag's head erased az. attired or. erm.
Bellingkam (Ireland). Sa. three buglehorns ar. stringed Belsted (Norfolk). Barry of six ar. and sa. a quarter or.
or. Crest—A. stag's head erased sa. charged with a fleur-de- Crest —A seax az. hilt or.
lis or, attired of the last. Belsted. Barry of six ar. and sa. a canton per pale or and ar.
Bellingham (Castle-BeUingham, Ireland, bart., descended (another, or and sa.).
from the Bellihghahs of livens, near Kendal, co. West- Belt (Bossall Hall, co. York). Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three
morland). Ar. three buglehorns sa. stringed and garnished bezants a cross pattee fitchee of the first betw. two mullets
or. Crest —
A buck's head couped or. Motto Amicus amico. — az. quartering Wallis, co. York, Pegge, co. Derby, Strelly,
The ancient motto over the buck's head was " Ainsi il est." CO. Notts, and Bdrnell, co. Notts. Crest On a mount vert —
Bellingham (Brumby, co, Lincoln, and Sussex). Ar. three a cross pattee fitchee gu.

buglehorns sa. garnished or. Crest A stag's head ar. attired Beltmaine. Ar. a demi belt fixed in fesse az. buckled
or, gorged with a chaplet vert. edged and garnished or.
Bellingham (Lincolnshire and Yorkshire). Or, a bugle- Beltoft (Lincolnshire). Ar. a fret and chief az. Crest— Ont

horn sa. garnished ar. Crest A buck's head couped ar. on of a ducal coronet a hand holding a sword ppr.
a branch twisted or and az. leaved vert. —
Beltoft. Same Arms. Crest A cock sa. beaked combed and
Bellingham (Orston St. George, co. Wiltshire). Ar. on a wattled gu.
pile betw. two buglehorns sa. stringed or, two boars' heads Beltoft. Ar. a fret az. on a chief of the last three pheons or.
couped in chief of the second and io base a rose gu. stalked and Beltoft. Ar. fretty and a chief vert.
leaved vert. Crest—K demi buck ar. supporting a banner Beltoft. Ar. fretty engr. a chief az.
of the Arms. Beltoft. Az. a chief or.
Bellingham. Barry of six ar. and gu. on a quarter az. a Beltoft. Ar. three chev. braced aa. a chief of the last.
lion pass. or. Belton. Gu. a chev. betw. six martlets ar.
Bellingham. Or, a crown sa. garnished gold. Belton. Ar. on a bend sa. three hawks' bells or.
Bellingham. Ar. three crowns sa. garnished gold. Belvale. Or, ten billets sa. four, three, two, and one. Crest
Bellingham. Ar. a chev. betw. three bucks' heads gu. — ^Two arms in armour embowed, holding a heart inflamed
attired or. ppr.
Bellingham. Ar. three bendlets gu, on a canton of the Belvale. Ar. a greyhound pass. sa.
second a lion ramp, of the first. Belvale. Ar. a helmet sa.
Bellingham. Ar. a saltire engr. sa. betw. four roses ga. Belville. Gyronny of twelve vair and gu.
Bellingham. Ar. on a cross engr. sa. betw. four roses gu. Belvoir, or Bever (Leicestershire). Az. a catharinc
five bezants. wheel or.
Selward (of Malpas, co. Chester, temp. Henry I.). Gu. three Benet (from a window in the church of Chipping Norton, co..

pheons ar. Oxford, Visit. Oxon). Sa. three lillies ar.

Selwel. Paly of eight ar. and az. a chief ga, Benett (St. Andrew's, Lyme Begis). Gu. three demi lions-
Selvrood, Gu. three galtraps ar. ramp, ar. a crescent for diff. Crest^Out of a mural crown
Belyn, (Cheshire). Ar. on a cross sa. five lions ramp, of the or, a lion's head ar.
field. Oi'est —A
unicorn's head erased ar. armed or, and Benett (Fareham, co. Hants, whose last direct male heir, the
charged on the neck with four hars gu. late Sir Wm. Benett, of Fareham, knt. d. s.p. m. 1813). Ar.
Belyn. Ar. a lion pass. hetw. three bulls' heads couped gu. a cross betw. four demi lions ramp, couped gu. Qrest-^
Belyng, Ar. a leopard's face betw. three fleurs-de-lis sa. A demi lion ramp, couped gu. holding betw. the paws a
Belyre. Vair or and gu. bezant.
Bemeler (Suffolk). Or, a lion ramp. gu. collared ar. Benett (Norton Bavant and Westbury, co. Wilts). Gu. three
Bemeler. Or, a lion ramp, double queued gu. demi lions ramp. ar. a mullet or, in the centre for diff.
Bemeley. Per bend dancettde sa. and ar. in the sinister Orest —Out of a mural crown or, a lion's head issuaut ar.
chief a cross moline of the last. charged with a mullet or.
Bexues. Quarterly, or and gu. Benett. See Stanford.
Ben (Surrey). Ar. a fesse dancett^e gu. Benett (Staffordshire. W. Benett, Mayor of Chester, 1652,
Ben, or Benne (Newport-Cranley, co. Surrey, Recorder of monument at Brickhill). Ar. two bars gu. within a bordure
London). Ar. a fesse dancett^e gu. betw. three lions ramp. sa. engr. sa. (another, gu.). Orest —A
horse's head ar.

Cfi-est A tiger pass. erm. ducally gorged or. Benett (Gowersland). Az. three goats' heads couped, each
Bena&h. See Walsh. armed with four horns sa.
Benbow (Newport, co. Salop). Sa. two string-hows endorsed BeneviU, or Benevile (Devonshire). Ar. three ogresses,
in pale or, garnished gu. betw. two bundles of arrows in each charged with a bendlet of the field.
fesse, three in each, of the second, barbed and headed ar. Benevlll. Az, a chief or,

banded of the third. Orest A harpy close or, face ppr. her Benezt (Jersey). Ar. a chev. betw. two roses slipped ia
head wreathed with a chaplet of flowers gu. chief and a heart in base gu.
Benbury, or Bendbury (London). Ar. on a fesse gu. a Benfield (Middlesex), Az. on a chev. betw. three pears or^
rose betw. two crosses crosslet fitch^e of the first. three roses gu.
Benbury, or Bendbury. Ar. on a fesse betw. two roses Benfitz. Ar. a fesse betw. three lozenges az.
gu. barbed vert, two crosses crosslet fitch^e of the first. Benflet. Per pale or and gu. three bends sa.
Bence (Thornton Hall, Suffolk). Ar. on a cross betw. four Beng:e. Or, thiee mullets az. on a canton gu. a dagger in
frets gu. a castle of the first. Ot-est—A tower or, charged pale ar. hiltedof the first. Ct-est —An eagle displ. ppr.

with a fret gu. JiTotto Virtus castellum meum. Beng-er (Kent). Or. a cross vert over all a bendlet gu.
Orest—A cockatrice, per pale or and vert with wings
Bench, (co. Lancaster). Ar. a chev. betw. three mullets sa.
Ci^est—A demi bird with wings displ. sa. expanded counterchanged.
Bencher. Or, a lion ramp, guard, gu. collared ar. Bengrham. See Bingham and Benhah.
Bencher. Ar. on a bend az. three chev. or. Beng'OTig'h (granted to Georoe Bengough, Esq., of the
Bender, Bencleder, or Benyeler. Ar. a lion ramp. Ridge, near Wotton-under-Edge, co. Gloucester). Ar. three
double queued gu. collared or. Crest A — stag's head lions' head erased sa. each charged with an erm. spot or, on
cabossed, betw. the attires a buglehorn strung. a chief indented of the second three crosses patt^e of the first.
Bendall (Middlesex, granted 1692). Bendy wavy of six Orest —
Two crosses pattee ar. thereon resting a lion's head
erm. and az. on a canton gu. an estoile or. Orest A demi — erased sa. charged with an erm. spot. Motto Per acuta belli. —
lion with two tails az. holding an anchor ppr. Benhall (Eobeet Benhall, temp. Richard II.). Sa. a bend
Bendall. Or, a bend sinister gu. and a bend dexter az. and two waved cottises ar.
Bendish (Cambridgeshire). Sa. a chev. or, betw. three Bfenhall, Ar. a cross sarcelly gu. and a bend az.
garbs ar. Benhan, or Beng-liam. Erm. a fesse dancettee sa.
Bendish (Cambridgeshire). Sa. a cross betw. four lions Crest—-A chart ppr.
ramp. or. Benington (Essex). Ar. on a chev. betw. three escallops
Bendish. (Steeple Bumstead, co. Essex, and Barrington, co. gu. as many leopards' faces or,
Cambridge, extinct barts.). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three Benisted (Benington, co. Hertford). Ar. three bars gemelle»

rams' heads erased az. Crent Out of a ducal coronet or, a gu._
talbot's head. —
Motto TTtraque Pallade. Benjamen. Or, onasaltire quarterly pierced sa.fiveannulete
Bendish {Topesfield Hall, co. Suffolk, descended from the counterchanged. Crest—On a chapeau a flame of fire all ppr.
Steeple Bxmistead branch, and merged in D'Oylet, of Over- Benkham. Or, a saltire quarterly, quartered ar. and gu.
bury Hall, CO. Suffolk). Ar. a chev. betw. three rams' heads Benley. Ar. a fesse betw. three garbs sa. Crest— sand A
erased az. a crescent for diff. glass gu.
Bendish (Essex). Ar. a chev. oppressed by a fesse gu. betw. Benley. Sa. a fesse betw. three garbs ar.
six escallops sa. Benley, Bentley, or Binley, Ar. two bars and a
Bendish (Essex). on a chev. sa. betw. three escallops
Or, canton sa.
ar. betw. three goats*heads erased az. Benn (Lord Mayor
of London, 1747). Ar. a fesse dancettee
Bendish. Or, a chev. sa. betw. three goats^ heads erased az. betw. three lions ramp, gu,
Bendish. Ar. a chev. betw. three ravens' heads erased sa. Benn (Ireland). Same ArmSf lions sa.
Bendlise. Or, a rose-leaf in bend sinister vert. Benn. Ar. a chev. gu.
Bendlowes (Essex). Quarterly, per fease indented gu. and Benn. Same Arms within a bordure sa. bezantee.
or, on a bend of the second a cinquefoil betw. two martlets Benn-Walsh {Baron Ormathwaite). See Walsh.
az. Crest —
A centaur with his bow and arrow, all or. Bennall. See Benhall.
Bendmaine. Ar. a bend az. Benndew (Wales). Ar. a. chev. betw. three boars' heafls
Bendon. Ar. three roses sa. couped sa.
Bendtelly. Ar. on a bend az. three annulets or. Benn© See Ben.
Bendy (Kingswinfbrd, Stafford, an old family there). Ar. Benne (Yeoman of the Crown to Henry VII. and Henry VIH.,
two bars az. each charged with three martlets. Visit.London, 1568). Ar. a fess dancettee gu. betw. three
Bendyshe. See Bendish, Bart. dragons' heads erased vert. Oldest —
A tiger statant erm-
Bene. Ar. on a bend counter-embattled az. betw. three ducally gorged and tufted or.
stirrups sa. three roses of the field, on a chief of the second Bennet (ii'ari of Tankerville^ representative of Bennet,
three bucks' heads cabossed or. Crest —
A buck's head Dawley, co. Middlesex). Gu. a bezant betw. three demi
erased per pale, embattled . . holding in the mouth a rose lions ramp. ar. Orest—A double scalingladder or. AnotUv
slipped ppr. flowered with three roses ar. Orest~0ut of a mural crown or, a lion's head gu. on the neck
Bene. Ar. three demi lions ramp. gu. a bezant. Supporters— Tvio lions ar. ducally crowAed or,
Beneffh, or Bennette, Sa. betw. three garbs or, two each charged on the shoulder with a torteau. Motto— ^&
shepherds' crooks in saltire of the second. bon vouloir servir le roy.
Benenden (Henby db Benenden, who held the manor of Bennet (Bechampton, co. Berks, founded by Sir Thomas
Bewenden, co. Kent, in knight's service by a whole knight's Bennet, Lord Mayor of London in 1603, younger brother of
fee, temp. Edward I. and II.). Az. a scorpion in bend or. Richard Bennet, ancestor of the Earls of TankervilU)'
Benenden (quartered by Sir John Mooee. Knt., of Croghan, Same Arms and Orest.
Kings Co. 1633, ancestor of the Marquis of Drogheda, Fun. Bennet (Morden, co. Surrey, and Babraham, co. Cambridge,
Ent. Ire.). Same Arms. younger branches of Bennet). Same Arms and Orest.
Benereston. Az. billettee or^ a cross moline ar. Bennet (London). Gu. a chev. betw. three demi lions ar.
Benet (Berkshire). Ar. three denu lions ramp, gu^ —
Crest On a mount vert a martin ppr.


Bennet (London, by grant, 24 June, 1633). Sa. a chev. Bennett (New Boss, co. Wexford).
Ar. a cheT. betw. three
erminois betw. three demi lions ramp, or, erased gu. armed lions' heads erased gu.
and langued of the same. Bennett (DubUn). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. two bars
Bennet (Newcastle, co. Northumherland). Az. on a fesse gu. within a bordure engr. sa. ; 2nd and 3rd, az. three
or, betw. three demi lions ramp. ar. a cannon dismounted sa. plates. Crest —
^An arm couped at the elbow, holding in the
betw. two roondles per pale or and gu. Crest On a wreath — hand, a thistle, all ppr.
Bennett, alias Fite
a tower triple-towered. (Knockbillingsby, co. Limerick and
Bennet (Bougham Hall, co. Suffolk, and London). Gu. three CO. Wilts). Quarterly, ar and or, an eagle displ. with two
demi lions ramp, couped ar. in the centre point a bezant. heads gu. Crest— On a whelk shell
or, a bird sa. beaked and
Crest— In a moral crown or, a lion's head couped of the legged gu.
. first, charged on the neck with a bezant. Motto—'Bene Bennett (Fun. Ent. of Mrs. Bennett, buried in St. Michan's
tenax. Church, Dublin, 10 March, 1666). Ar. two bars and a border
Bennet (Thorpe Place, co. Surrey). Arims and Crest same engr. gu.
Eennet, of Boagbam. Motto Dux vitae ratio.
as — Bennett, Jackson-, (granted to John Chables Jackson,
Bennet (Kirtlinge). Arms and Crest same as the preceding. West India regt., on assuming the additional
late lieut. 1st
Motto —
Bene tenax. surname and arms of Bennett). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
Bennet (Steeple-Ashton, co. "Wilts, granted 1700). Party gu. a bezant betw. three demi lions ramp, or, for Bennett;
per fesse crenellee gu. and ar. a pale and three demi lions 2nd and 3rd, ar. a lion pass. gu. on a chief engr. of the
ramp, counterchanged crowned or. Crest —
A demi lion second three battleaxes erect of the first, for Jackson.

ramp. ar. crowned or, supporting a tower ppr. Crests 1st Out of a mural coronet or, a demi lion ramp. ar.

Bennet (Abington, co. Cambridge). Ar. a bull pass. sa. holding betw. the paws a bezant, for Bennett 2nd : An arm ;

armed or. embowed in armour the hand grasping a battleaxe all ppr.
Bennet (Leicestershire). Or, on a bend betw. six boars' the arm charged with a mullet gu., for Jackson. Motto —
heads az. a demi lion betw. two fleurs-de-lis of the field. Serve the king.
Bennet (Devonshire). Or, three demi lions ramp. gu. Bennet (Scotland). Gu. a cross patt^e or, betw. three
Bennet {Devonshire and Shropshire). Per bend dancettee mullets ar.
ar. and sa. a bend betw. two martlets couuterchanged. Bennet (Grubbet, co. Eosburgh, hart., 1670). Gu. on a
Bennet (Boston, co. Lincoln). Gu. on a bend ar. three chev. betw. three stars ar. a cross Calvary gu. Crest —
towers triple-towered sa. hand issuing out of a cloud, holding forth a cross patt^e
Bennet (Norfolk). Erm. an inescutcheon, gu. over all a fitchee. —
Motto Benedictus qui toilet crucem. Anothtr

bend engr. sa. Crest Two dolphins entwined, erect on their —
Motto Pie et fortiter.
tails, saltireways, one or, the other ar. Bennet (Scotland. Sir George Bennet, Bart., in Poland in
Bennet (Somersetshire). Quarterly, ar. and sa. a fesse per 1671).Gu. on a chev. betw. three stars ar. as many crosses
pale gu. and or, within a bordure az. charged with an entoire patt^e of the
first. —
Crest A demi lion issuing out of the
of ogresses. wreath, and holding in the dexter paw a cross pattee gu,
Bennet. Sa. a chev. erminois betw. nine ears of wheat, tied Bennette. Sa. betw. three garbs or, two shepherd's crooks
in three parcels, or. Crest— A
ship in full sail ppr. in saltire of the second.
Bennet. Gu. three demi lions pass, in pale ar. crowned or. Benneys, or Bennoys. Az. three oat sheaves or.
Bennett (Visit, co. Cornwall, 1620). Gu. three demi lions Bennice (John Bennice, Alderman and Lord Mayor of
ramp, couped ar. Dublin, temp. Jamos I., Fun. Ent. Ire.). Per and
Bennett (Cbudleigh, co. Devon, Visit. Devon, 1620). Sa. a ar. three garbs coimter changed.
chev. engr. erminois betw. three ears of wheat or. Bennie, Benzie, Binnie, or Benny
(Scotland). Ar. a
Bennett (Finsbury). Gu. a bezant betw. three demi lions bend. sa. betw. a cinquefoil in chief gu. and a sword in pale
ramp, couped or. Crest —
^A demi lion ramp, couped or, hold- az. bladed or. Crest —
A horse's head bridled. Motto —
ing in the
paw a bezant. Virtute et opere.
Bennett (Sir Thomas Bennett, Lord Mayor of London, Benningr (Willesden, Middlesex, Visit. 1663). Or, a chev.
Camden's Grants). Gu. a bezant betw. three demi lions betw. three goats' heads erased sa.

ramp, couped ar. Crest Out of a mural crown or, a lion's
head couped gu. charged with a bezant.
Benning^lianL (Ireland). Ar. a chev. between three garbs
sa. Cre>^t —
A horse at full speed, with the point of a broken
Bennett {ffranted by Dalton, Norroy, to John Bennett, spear in bis mouth.
Esq., of Newcastle-on-Tyne, the "Queen's Master of the Benning-worth. Gu. five lozenges in cross or.
Ordnance of the North Parts," 6 Dec, 3 Elizabeth, 1560). Bennis (Clare and Limerick, Ireland). Az. three oat
Az. on a fesse or, betw. three demi lions ar. a cannon of the sheaves or.
field betw. two pellets. Crest— A castle or, with fire flaming Bennis (Dublin). Per fess or, and az. three garbs counter-
therefrom ppr. charged with three pellets. changed. Crest— A
dexter hand couped at the wrist lyinf
Bennett. Chequy ar. and gu. on a chief az, three mullets fesswise and grasping a reaping hook all ppr.
of the first. Bennison. Ar. a willow tree vert.
Bennett Eichard Bennett,
(Bedstone, co. Salop, granted to Bennitt (Stourton Hall, co. Worcester). Az. on a chev. or,
Esq., of WiUaston Hall, co. Chester, 1626). Ar. five pallets betw, three martlets in chief and one in base ar. three
sa. and a chief gu. quartering or, a lion pass, guard, sa. —
annulets of the fields. Crest Upon amount vert a horse's
Crest —
On a mount vert a greyhound pass, or, collared gu. head couped ar. pierced through the neck by an arrow in

studded ar. Motto De bon vouloir servir le roy. bend sinister point downwards ppr. Motto Irrevocabile. —
Bennett (Faringdon, co. Berks). Gu. a bezant betw. Benolt. Ar. a chev. engr. sa. betw. three pellets on a chief
three demi lions ramp. ar. Crest— A lion's head charged A
az.a lion pass, guard, or. Crest— stag current ppr.

with a bezant. Mutto De bon vouloirservir le roi. Bensley (Marylebone. The late Sir William Benslet,
Bennett. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three torteaux. Bart., who d. s.p. in 1809),' Sa. on a fesse erm. betw. three
Bennett. Ar. three church bells sa. edged or, clappers mulleta of the last a bombshell bursting ppr. Crest —
of the field, dexter hand holding up a plume of ostrich feathers.
Bennett (Surrey and Berkshire).
Quarterly, or and ar. an Benson. Ar, on a chev. sa. three crosses form^e or. Crest —
eagle displ. gu. —
Out of a mural crown or, a lion's
head gu. charged on the neck with a bezant.
The sun surrounded by a rainbow, each end issuing out of
clouds aU ppr.
Bennett (Pyt House, co. Wilts a very ancient family, of Benson. Ar. on a chev. between three goats pass. sa. as

which a pedigree of thirteen descents is lecorded in the many escallop shells of the first. Crest —A talbot's head
College of Arms. The estate of Pyt House is now possessed erased ar. crowned with a ducal coronet, or.
by Mr. Fane Benett-Stanfoed, a descendant maternally of Benson (Baron Bingley, extinct). See Supplement.
the original family, his ancestor, William Benett, Esq., of Benson (Edwd. White Benson, D.D., IstBp. of Truro). Ar.
Norton Bevant, having m., 1686, Patientia, sister of Col. a quatrefoil betw. two trefoils slipped in bend sa. betw. double
Thomas Bennett, of Pyt House, secretary to Prince Rupert). cotises gu. Crest —
A bear's head erased per pale ar.and gu.
Per pale ar. and or, an eagle displ. gu. Crest On a whelk— collared and muzzled of the second, and holding in the mouth
as in —
the arms. Motto Fay bien crain rien.
shell or, a Cornish chough ppr. beak and legs gu. Motto— a trefoil slipped
Mibi consuUt Deus. Benson (granted to Tbouab Stabling Benson, Esq., of North
Bennett <Salisbury). Same as Bennett of Pyt House. Cray Place, co. Kent). Ar. on a chev. cotised betw. two
Bennett (Laleston, CO. Glamorgan). Ar. three goats' heads trefoils in chief and a bear's head erased in base sa. collared
and muzzled or, a sun in splendour betw. two crosses crosslet
erased sa. barbed and double armed or, langued gu. quarter-
ing Gbobe. Cret-t —
A goat's head, as in the Arms. Motto-~ of the last. Ch-est

^The sim rising from clouds ppr. in front

Aut nxmquam teates, aut perficc. a demi lion gu. charged on the shoulder with a trefoil ar. the
sinisterpaw resting on an escutcheon az. thereon a bear's Middlesex, and of the city of London, merchant; also of
head erased of the third collared and muzzled also gu. Hersey, Hadleigh, and Boxford, co, Suffolk and of Scar- ;

Jl:fot(o—Opes parlt industria. borough, CO. York). Or, on a bend cottised sa. a lion's face
Benson (Bayshrown, 1546, and Hawkshead, co. Lancaster). betw, two ehaplets of oak of the field. Crest —
A talbotpass.
Quarterly, enn. and or, a hehd engr. gu. surmounted by ar. supporting with the dexter forepaw an inescutcheou of
another plain ar. charged with three trefoils sa. Crest — the Arms.
a bear's head erased ar. muzzled, gorged with a collar, and Bentley-Innes. See Innes.
pendent therefrom an escutcheoa az. cbarged with a trefoil Bentley (Eshald House, Oulton). Or, three bendlets sa.
or. —
Motto Si DeuE, quis contra. Bentley (Brentwood, Essex). Ar. on a bend sa. three
Benson (granted to Eobert Benson, of Lodge Lane, wolves pass. or. Crest— A wolf ramp. erm. ducally collared
Walton, Liverpool, co, Lancaster). Same Arms and Crest. or.
Benson (granted by Hawkins, Ulster, 1714, to William Bentley (Birch House, near Bolton). Arms and Crest—Ai
Benson, gent of the city of Dublin, son and heir of Thomas
, Bentlet, of Brentwood. Motto— "Benigno numine.
Benson, late of Dovenby, co. Cumberland, "long since Bentley (Derbyshire and Staffordshire). Or, three bends sa.
deceased," descended from a family of considerable antiquity Crest—A spaniel dog pass, ar.
in those parts), Az. a chev. betw. six cinquefoils or. Crest— Bentley (West House, Rotherham, and Finningley Park,
A bear's head couped ppr. muzzled and collared with a Yorkshire), Same Arms and Crest. Motto —
Vive ut vivas.
chaplet of cinquefoils or. Bentley. Sa. three bends ar.
Benson (Lutwyche Hall, co. Salop). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Bentley. Ar. a fesse betw. three garbs sa.
ar. on a cbief wavy az. a hand and arm couped supporting on Bentley (co. York). Ar. a chev. betw. three martlets sa.
a dagger the scales of justice or, in base a ship in the waves Bentley (Dublin, descended from co. York). Same Arms,
of the sea ppr., for Benson; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a bend. engr. Bentley. See Benley.
betw. two fleurs-de-lis sa., for Lewin. Crest A horse pass, — Benton (Wiltshire). Sa. five fusils in bend ar. Crest—On
caparisoned ppr. on the breast a shield ar. Motto Leges — a mount vert a lamb carrying a flag az.
arma tenent sanctas. Benton. Sa. (another, az.) a bend ar.
Benson (granted to Moses Benson, Esq., merchant, Liver- Benton. Sa. six fusils in bend ar. Crest~~A grifBn's head
pool). Ar. a frigate or ship in full sail the anion ensign erased ar,
flying all ppr., on a chief wavy az. a military officer's Benton. Ar. a saltire engr. sa.
dexter hand ppr. couped below the cuff or, the coat gu., Benton. Chequy or and az.
holding a sword erect of the first, hilt gold, bearing the Benton. Or, a lion ramp. az. fretty ar.
scales of justice betw. two pine apples erect of the second Benvlll (Cornwall). Ar. three pellets, on each a bend of
leaved vert. —
Crest A mihtary long-tailed chesnut horse the field,
and bridled ppr., saddle
richly saddled, caparisoned, bitted, Benvill. Az, a chief or.
and trapping or, suspended by a ribbon round
cloth az. girth Benvill. Ar. a bend sa. betw. three ogresses.
the horse's neck a shield ar. charged with a pine-apple ppr. Benvill. Gu. three lozenges ar. on each a bendlet

Motto Leges arma tenent sanctas commercia leges. Crest —A demi swan rising ppr.

Bensted. Ar. on a fess sa. a saltire betw. two martlets or. Benville (Huntingdonshire). Sa. a chev. betw. three
Bensted. Ar. three bars cottised gu. mullets pierced ar.
Bensted, Benst, or Sense. Gu. three bars gemeUes Benwell (Oxford and London, 1765), Ar. six pellets, three,
or (another, the bars ar.). Crest —
A sea lion holding a two, and one. Crest— A garb or, entwined by a serpent ppr.
cross patonce. the head issuing through the ears of corn to the sinister.
Bensted, or Bensteed. Gu, a goat saliant ar. armed or. Beny (Ciunberland). Az. a cross betw. four lions ramp. or.
Bensted, or Bettslied. Sa. three lozenges in fesse Beny. Ar. a chev. betw. three goats' heads erased sa.
betw. as many bucks' heads cabossed ar. attired or. Benyngiion (Benyngton, co. Lincoln). Gu. a lion ramp.
Bent. Az. on a fesse or, betw. six bezants, three torteaux. or, collared ar.
Crest —
A demi lion az. holding betw. the paws a bezant. Benyngton. Sa. a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased

Motto Nee temere, nee timide. or. Ci-est —A lion's head erased ar. semee of torteaux gu.
Bent (Wrexham Lodge, co. Bucks, originally from co. and ducally crowned or.
Devon), Per pale az. and gu, on a fesse engr. or, betw. Benyng-ton. Sa. three greyhounds in fuU course ar. col-
Bix bezants, a lion's head erased of the second betw. two lared or.
annulets of the first. Crest —
A derai lion ramp, per fesse Benyngijon. Per pale or and sa. (another, ar.) a cross
az. and gu. gorged with a collar indented and holding betw. engr. counterchanged.
the paws a bull's head cabossed or. Motto —
Tutamen Deus. Benyon (Esmondum, co, Sussex). Vaire, ar. and sa. on a
Bent. Gu. a fret or. chief or, three mullets of the second. Crest— On. a mount
Bentall (Bentall, co. Salop). Or, a lion ramp, double vert a griffin sejant ar.
queued az. ducally crowned gu. Crest — On a ducal coronet Benyon (Englefield, co. Berks. Richard Fellowes, Esq.,
or, a leopard ar, spotted sa. assumed the name and arms of Benton, 1854). Vairg,
Benteley. Ar. on a bend az. three annulets or. sa. and or, on a chief wavy of the last, an Eastern crown
Benten. Ar. three saltires engr. sa, betw. two mullets gu., quartering Fellowes. Crests— 1st: A
Bentham. Quarterly, ar. and gu. a cross flory counter- griffin sejant gorged with an Eastern crown gu. holding in
changed; in the 1st and 4th quarters a rose of the second the beak a Guernsey lily ppr. 2nd : A hon's head erased
seeded or, barbed vert, in the 2nd and 3rd a sun or. Crest — ;

and murally crowned ar. charged with a fesse dancett^c

On a and ar. a sun or, betw.
cross fiory fitchee, quarterly gu. erm. Motto —
Vincam vel moriar.
two wings expanded of the second, each charged with a Benyon, See Winsok-Benton.
rose as in the Anns. Benyon (Geddy Hall, co. Essex). Vert on a chief ar. three
BentlLam. Ar. a bend betw. two cinquefoils sa, mullets pierced gu.
Bentick. Ar. in an orle a chev. sa. Crest— A. chevalier Benyon (Crowther-Benton, exemplified to Captain
standing beside a horse with hold of the bridle ppr, Richard William Barnardiston Crowther, of the Ifit
'Bentinck. (Duke of Portland). Quarterly: Ist and 4th, grand Regiment of Foot (Royal Scots), upon his assuming the name
quarters quarterly, 1st and 4th, aa. a cross-moline ar., for
: of Benton, in addition to and after that of Ceowther, by
Bentinck; 2nd and 3rd, sa. three stags' heads cabossed ar. Royal hcence, dated 21 November, 1874, having succeeded to
attired or, for Cavendish. 2nd and 3rd grand quarters, or, the Carshalton estates, Middlesex). Per pale wavy az. and
on a bend az. a star of six points betw. two crescents gu. on a bend betw. two cottises or, three crosses crosslet vert,
gold, within a bordure engr. gu., for Scott. First Crest — in the centre chief point a rose of the second. Crest—A lion
Out of a ducal coronet gold two arms eounter-erabowed ramp. ar. semge of crosses crosslet vert, charged on the
vested gu. on the hands gloves or, each holding an ostrich shoulder with a rose gu, leaved of the second, and holding
feather ar., for Bentinck. —
Second Crest A snake nowed betw. the paws an escutcheon of the first, thereon a grey-
ppr., for Cavendish. Supporters—Two lions, double queued, hound's head erased pean.

the dexter or, the sinister sa. Motto ^Craignez honte. Beopell, or BerpeU (Cornwall). Gu, a bend vair betw.
Bentinck (Terrington St, Clement, co. Norfolk). Az. a six escallops ar.
cross moline ar. Crest —
Out of a marquess's coronet ppr. Beram (Ireland). Ar. a fesse sa. betw. six pellets, three in
two arms counter-embowed vested gu. on the hands gloves chief and three in base fesaways.
or, each holding an ostrich feather ar. Beraston (Aldenham, co, Hertford, granted 1606). Quar-
Bentlet. Per pale or and ar. three bends sa. terly, ar. and sa, over all on a bend cottised gu. three crosses
Bentley (Horsley, co. Derby). Or, three bends and a formee or.
cross crosslet sa. Berblakes, or Berbloke. Ar. four staves raguly, in
Bentley (granted to James Benti£t, of Higbbury-place, co. saltire gu. within a bordure az.
A ; ;


Berbling'e (Kent).
Ar. three fleurs-de-lis sa. az. pierced through the neck with a broken spear or,
Berblock (London). Ar. four staves raguly in saltire gu.. the broken point ar. thrust through the upper jaw, for
vithin a bordure az. charged with eight hezants. Crest — Bebesfoed. 2nd A stag's head cabossed ppr. attired or.

gauntlet lying fesseways ppr. garnished or, lined gu. hold- between the horns a crucifix of the last, thereon the
ing erect the lower part of a spear of the second. resemblance of Jesus ppr., for La Poeb. Supporters ^Two —
Berbrome. Or, a cross flory sa. angels ppr. vested ar. crined and winged or, each holding
BerchaxiL, or BeclieztL (Brabant). Ar. three pales gu. in the exterior hand a sword erect, also ppr. pommel and
Berclie. Gu. a chev. betw ..-three eagles* heads erased ar. hilt gold. —
Motto ^Nil nisi cruce.
Berchett, or Berkett. Sa. a fesse dancett^e betw. three Beresford {Baron J)ecies). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, ar.
eagles* displ. or. crucilly fitchee, three fieurs-de-lis within a bordure engr. sa.
Berd. Ar. on a bend sa. three crosses tau of the field. 2nd and 3rd, ar. a chief indented sa,, a mullet for diff.
Berden. Ar. an eagle displ. az. membered gu. Crest — A dragon's head erased az. transfixed in the neck with
Berdesey, Berdsey, and Berdesley, Ar. two bars a broken spear or, the broken off point ar. thrust through
gu. on a canton of the second, a maunch of the field. the upper jaw. Supporters—Two angels ppr. habited in white
Berdeston (Norfolk). Gu. a saltire engr. or (another, ar.). robes, winged and crined or, each holding in the exterior
Berdzaore, or Beardmore. Per fesse ar. and gu. on hand extended a sword erect ar. pommel and hilt gold, each
tiie first a chev. sa. and on the second another or. Crest — charged on the breast with a mullet for diff. Motto Nil —
On a mitre sa. sem^e of crosses patt^e ar. a chev. of the nisi cruce.
last. Beresford (Learmount, co. Londonderry). Quarterly, 1st
Berdsey. Ar. two bars gu. a canton of the last. and 4th, ar. crucilly-fitchee, three fleurs-de-lis within a bor-
Berdston. Gu. a saltire engr. ar. dure engr. sa., for Beeesfobd; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a chief
Berdwell. Ar. three bars gemelles gu. a canton erm. indented sa., for La Poee. Ci-est—A dragon's head
Bere (Morebath, co. Devon). Ar. three bears' heads, sa. erased ar. pierced through the neck with a broken spear
muzzled or. Motto —Bear and forbear. or, point also ar. thrust through the upper jaw. Motto— JUil
Bere (Skilgate, co. Somerset). Same as the preceding. nisi cruce.
Bere (Kent, and Oakenham, co. Berks). Ar. a bear sa. and a Beresford (Masst-Bebesfokd, exemplified to Rev. Johk
canton gu. Crest —On a garb lying barways or, a bird sa. Maunsell Masst, of Bama, co. Limerick, and St. Hubert's,
Ajwther Crest —A tiger sejant az. bezantee maned and tufted Lisnaskea, co. Cavan, Rector of Kinowley, and Euily Sarah,
or. his wife, elder dau. and senior co-heiress of the late Rev. John
Bere. Per pale sa. and ar. three bears in pale pass, counter- Isaac Beeesfobd, on their assuming by royal licence the
chimged muzzled gu. additionalsumame and arms of Bebesfoed). Quarterly, 1st and
Bere. Az. crusilly ar. three boars' heads couped of the last. 4th, ar. crucilly fitchee three fleurs-de-lis within a bordure
Bere. Az. three boars* heads couped ar. betw. nine crosslets engr. sa. a canton erminois, for Beeesfobd ; 2nd and 3rd. ar.
or. on a ch%v. betw. three lozenges sa. alien pass, or, a martlet
Bare. See Beabe. for diff., for Massy. Crests— 1st : A dragon's head erased
Berefford (Visit. Rutland, 1618), Ar. on a chev. az. three az. charged with a crescent or, and pierced through the
crosses paitee or. neck with a broken spear, the point thrust through the
Bereford (the Arms of Edhdnd de Bebefobd, d. 28 Edward «pper jaw gold, on an escroU above the dragon's head the
I., 1299, third in descent from Gadlt de Berefokd, temp. Motto : Nil nisi cruce, for Bebesfoed. 2nd : Out of a ducal
Henry III., Dttgdale). Ar. crusilly fitchee three fleurs-de-lis coronet or, a bull's head gu. armed sa. charged with a mart-
sa. let gold, for Masst. —
Motto Pro Ubertate patria.
Bereford (Rutlandshire and Leicestershire). Ar. crusilly Beresford {Viscount Beresford, extinct 1854). ArTtis,
fitchee three fleurs-de-lis sa. (another, six crosses crosslet Vrest^ and Motto, granted to Sir William Cabe Beeesfobd,
fitchee). K.B., 1 July, 1811). Ar. sem€e of crosses crosslet fitchee,
Bereford (Staffordshire). Or, three fieurs-de-Iis sa. Crest— three fleurs-de-hs sa. within a border wavy pean. Crest —
An ostrich's head betw. two palm branches. Issuant from a mural crown or, a dragon's head per fess
Bereford. Ar. three fleurs-de-lis betw. seven crosslets wavy az. and gu. the lower part of the neck transfixed by a
fitchee sa. within, a bordure engr. gu. broken spear, in the mouth the remaining part of the spear
Bereford. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three ogresses. point upwards gold. Supporters — Two angels ppr. winged
Bereford. Ar. semee of fleurs-de-lis sa. and crined or, vested ar. each holding in the exterior hand
Bereford. Sa. five fusils in bend ar. a sword of the last, pomels and hilts gold, and charged on
Bereford, or Borefeld. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three the breast with three fleurs-de-lis az. —
Motto Nil nisi
pellets. cruce.
Beregney. Gu. a fesse betw. six crosses crosslet erm. Beresford (Beresfobd-Peibse, Bart., Bagnall, co. Water-
Berehazn. Ar. three bears sa. muzzled or. ford). Ar. semee of crosses crosslet, three fleurs-de-lis sa.
Bereland, or Beerland. Gu. a chev. betw. three bears' —
within a border wavy ermines. Crest Out of a mural crown
heads erased ar. muzzled sa. or, a dragon's bead per fess wavy az. and gu. the lower part
Bereley. Az. a chev. betw. three leopards or. of the neck transfixed by a broken spear in the mouth, the
Berenden. Gu. on a bend ar. three roses sa. remaining part of the spear point upwards gold. Motto —
Berendon. Ar. three roses sa. Nil nisi cruce.
Berendon. Sa. on a bend ar. three cinquefoils of the first. Beresford (Pack-Bebesfobd, Finagh Lodge, co. Carlow
Bereng. Or, a cross az. over all abend gu. exempUfied to Denkis William Pace, Esq., on his assuming
Berenger, See Beringe. by royal Ucence the additional name of Bebesfoed, 1854).
Berenger. Quarterly, or and az. on a bend gu. three Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. crucilly fltchee three fleurs-
fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest— On a mount a tree vert. de-lis sa. within a bordure wavy pean, for Bebesfoed;
Berenger. Or, a cross az. over all a bend gu. 2nd and 3rd quarterly, sa. and erm., in the 1st quarter
Berengham. Az. a bend engr. or. a sword in bend sinister ar. encircled by a wreath of
Berens (Kevington, co. Kent). Ar. on a mount vert a bear the last; in the 4th, a cinquefoil of the third pendent
pass. sa. Cre$t —A demi bear sahant sa. from a crimson ribbon bordered blue, in the centre
Berens (Spratton Grange, co. Northampton). Per bend gu. chief a representation of the golden cross and clasps
and or, a bend az, betw. in chief a swan looking to the presented to Major-General Pack, by His filajesty George
dexter betw. two mullets, and in base another swan looking III., in testimony of his royal approbation of the signal
to the sinister betw. as many mullets all counterchanged. valour displayed by the said Major-General Pack in divers
Cregt—A demi bear erect, holding betw. the paws a sword actions with the enemy in the Peninsula of Spain. Crests
all ppr. Motto—DQViB protector meus. — 1st., Beeesfobd : Issuant from a mural crown or, a
Bereseth.. Ar. three bears' heads erased sa. muzzled gu. dragon's head per fess wavy ar. and gu. the lower part of the
Orest—A. griffin's
head erased ppr. collared or. neck transfixed by a broken spear, in the mouth the remain-
Beresford (Beresford, co. Stafford, Bentley, Newton ing part of the spear the point upwards or ; 2nd, Pace : A
Grange, and Alsop, co. Derby, Otford and Squerres, Kent). mural crown ar. issuing therefrom a lion's head gu. gorged
Ar. a bear salient sa. armed gu. muzzled, collared, and —
with a wreath or. Motto Nil nisi cruce.
chained or. Crest— A. dragon's head erased az. pierced Beresford-Drummond. See Dbdhuond.
through the neck with a broken spear or, the broken point Beresford (St. Mary's Church, Visit. Oxford). Gu. a fess
ar. thrust through the upper jaw, betw. six pears or.
Beresford (Marquess of WaterforcO- Quarterly, 1st and Beresford. Az. a lion ramp. ar. guttee de sang.
4th, ar. crudUy fitchee, three fleurs-de-lis within a bordure Berested, or Beresets. Ar. three bears* heads erased
engr. sa., for Bebesfoed 2nd and 3rd, ar. a chief indented
sa. muzzled gu.
sa., for La Poeb. Crests— Ist: A dragon's head erased Bere\7. Purp. a chev. ar. betw. three garbs or^ banded az.
Berew, or Berson. Ar. three bears' heads couped sa. Berlston. Sa. six martlets or.
muzzled or. Berjugden. Vert a chev. erm. betw. three griffins* heads
Berewashe. Gu. a lion ramp. or. erased or.
Berewood, head couped gu. muzzled ar.
Or, a bear's Berkae (Germany). Or, a cross ragul^e sa.
Berewyke. Ar. a bear's head erased sa. muzzled or. Berkedon. Gu. a bend fusilly ar.
BerfS.e. Ar. three battering rams ppr. armed and ribbed Berkeley (anno 1219). Gu. a bend sinister ar.
or, headed az. Berkeley (anno 1243), Gu, a chev. ar.
Berford. Gu. a lion ramp. erm. Berkeley (anno 1330). Gu. a chev. betw. ten crosses
Berford. Sa. a bend masculy ar. pattSe ar.
Berford. Ar. a ehev. gu. betw. three pellets. Berkeley {Earl of Berkeley). Gu. a chev. betw. ten crosses
Bergaigne (France, 1 Feb. 1631). Gu. a lion ramp, holding pattee, and four in base ar.
six in chief Crest A mitre —
in the dexter paw a sword erect ar. Crest A derai lion — gu. labelled and garnished or, charged with a chev. and
holding a sword ar. crosses patt6e as in the arms. Supporters Two lions or, —
Berg-avenny, Lord. See Marquis of Abergavenny/. the sinister ducally crowned gu. collared and chained golcl.
Berg's. Az. a fesse counter compony gu. and ar. —
Motto Dieu avec nous.
Berger. Az. an cattle displ. or, debriused by a fesse ar. Berkeley (Marquis of Serkehy, Sir William de Berkeley,
charged with three erm. spota sa. Crest —
A lion's paw 7th Lord Berkeley, ancestor of the Earls of Berkeley, was so
erased sa. holding a dagger ppr. created 28 Jan. 1489, d. s. -p. 14 Keb. 1491). Same Arms, &c.
Berg-ne (Coupland-Bergne exemplified to Eicham> Coup-
; Berkeley (Uley and Stoke Glffard, co. Gloucester). Ga. a
LA.MD, Esq., upon hisassumingby royal licence the additional chev. or, betw. ten crosses pattee ar.
name and arms of Bergnb). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, three Berkeley {Lord Berkeley of Stratton, descended from the pre-
bars engr. az. on a bend gu. a rose betw. two escallops of the ceding, created 1653, extinct 1773). Gu, a chev. erm. betw.
first, for Codpland; 2nd and 3rd, az. a lion pass. ar. on a —
ten crosses pattee ar. Crest A unicorn pass. gu. Supporters
chief nebulee of the last a fleur-de-lis betw. two mullets of — Two savages with clubs over their shoulders and wreathed

the first, for Bergne. Crests Couplani) A swan, wings
: about the temples and loins with ivy all ppr. Motto Fauca —
addorsed ar. semee of escallops gu. and resting the dexter suspexi paueiora dexpexi.
leg on an escallop also gu.; Bergnb: A demi lion gu. gorged Berkeley {Earl of Falmouth. Charles Berkeley, nephew
with a collar gemel or, holding in the dexter paw two arrows of the 1st Lord Berkeley of Stratton, was so created 1664,
saltirewise, points downwards ppr., and resting the sinister d. s. p. 1665). Gu, a chev. betw. ten crosses pattee ar. alabel

paw on a fleur-de-lis az. Motto iEciuo adeste aniino. of three points.
Berham (Kent). Ar. three bears pass. sa. armed gu. Berkeley (Lord Botetourt. Nabbonne Berkeley, a descen-
muzzled or. dant of Berkeley, Lord Berkeley of Stratton, was summoned
Berham (Lancashire). Ar. a chev. betw. three boars pass. in this barony 1764, d. 8, p. 1766.) See Botetourt, Lord
sa. Botetourt. Same Ai^ns as last.
Berhome. Ar. a bend gu. a chief indented az, Berkeley (Beverstone, co. Gloucester). Gu. a chev. betw.
Beridg-e. Ar. a saltire engr. betw. four escallops (another, ten crosses pattee and a bordure ar.
escutcheons) sa.
Berkeley (Bruton, Co. Somerset, bart., created 1660, extinct,
Berie (Ashwell, co. Rutland, Visit. 1618), Erm. on a bend descended from Stoke-Giffard). Same Anns.
engr. or, betw. two cotises gu. three fleurs-de-lis az. Berkeley (Wymonaham, co. Leicester, bart., created 1611,
Beriffe (Colchester, co. Essex). Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. six extinct). Same Arms.
a lion pass, or.
trefoils, slipped vert, Crest — Out of a mural Berkeley (Spetchley, co. Worcester, descended from Sir
coronet gu. a demi fion ramp, or, ducally crowned gu. hold- Robert Berkeley, Judge of the Court of King's Bench,
ing in the dexter paw a trefoil, slipped vert, temp. Charles I. a cadet of the Lords Berkeley), Gu. achev.
Beriffe (Essex), Az. on a chev. engr. ar. betw. three trefoils ar. betw. ten crosses pattee of the second. Crest A bear's —
slipped erm. as many lions ramp. sa. Crest —
In grass vert head couped ar. muzzled gu. —
Motto Dieu avec nous.
a beaver pass, ppr, collared or. Berkeley (Cotheridge, co. Worcester, a cadet of the noble
Beriffe, Az. on a chev. engr. ar. befcw. three lions ramp. bouse of Berkeley). Same as Berkeley of Spetchley.
of the second, three trefoils slipped sa. Berkeley (Thornbury, co, Gloucester). Gu. on a chev.
Berill (London). Sa. on a chev. engr. betw, three towers ar. betw. ten crosses pattee ar. a crescent sa.
as many fleurs-de-lis gu, Berkeley (Mangotsfield. co. Gloucester). Gu. on a chev.
Berindon, or Bering-don. Vert a chev. erm. betw, betw. ten crosses pattee ar. a crescent az.
three heads erased ar. (another, or).
griffins' Berkeley (Bradley, co. Gloucester). Gu. on a^ chev. or,
Bering*. Chequy ar. and gu. a bend chequy az. and or. betw, ten crosses pattee ar. a crescent sa. charged with
Bering-btirgrh,. Or, a seal's foot erect and erased ppr. another crescent or.
Beringxlon. See Berindon, Berkeley (Gilbert Berkeley, Bishop of Bath, 1554 to
Bering-er (Bucks and Hants). Or, a cross vert on a 1569), Gu. on a chev, betw. ten crosses patt6e ar. a rose of
bend gu. three fleurs-de-Us of the first. Oi-est—A. stem of a the field.
holly tree raguled and trunked fessways, sprouting out a Berkeley, Gu. on a chev. betw. ten crosses pattee ar.
branch and fructed all ppr,
in pale, leaved three fleurs-de-lis sa.
Beringrer, or Boranger. Or, a cross vert and bend gu. Berkeley. Gu. a chev. betw. ten crosses pattfie ar. a
Beringes. Lozengy or and gu. mullet sa.
Bering:haia (Worcester). Az, a bend or. d^est A cross — Berkeley, Gu. a chev. betw. ten roses ar.
moline az. Berkeley, See Supplewent.
Beringham. Per pale indented ar. and az. two spear Berkeley (Arlingham, co. Gloucester). Gu. a chev. betw.
heads counterchanged. Crest— An arm in armour embowed three crosses crosslet or.
holding a spiked club ppr, Berkeley (Dursley and Doddington, co, Gloucester). Az.
Beringham. Ar. on a bend gu. cottised sa. three escallops or. three lions pass, guard, or (another, ar. a fess betw. three
Beringham. Az. a bend engr. or (another, ar.). martlets sa.).
Beringham. Sa. a pile ar, over all a chev, counterchanged. Berkeley (quartered by Coplestone, of Buckland Mona-
Berings. Lozengy gu. and or. chorum, Visit. Devon, 1620). Ar. a trivet sa.
Beringiion (Winsley, co. Hereford, seated at that place Berkenb.ead. Gu. three ducal crowns or, on a chief of the
since the time of Edward IIL, when a Berington of Shrop- second as many laurel leaves ppr. Crei^t-Ovt of a ducal
shire m. the heiress of Rowland de Winsley). Sa. three coronet a hand holding a sheaf of arrows, points downwatdSi
greyhounds courant ar. collared gu. within a bordure all ppr,
of the last. Crest— A greyhound's head couped ar. gorged Berkerolls. Az. a chev. or, betw. three crescents ar.
with a collar gu. Berkhamstead, Town of (Hertfordshire). Or, a castle
Beringrton (Uttle Malvern Court, co. Worcester). Same embattled triple-towered and domed az. on each dome a
Armsj a crescent for diff. banner ar. charged with a cross gu. all within a bordure sa.
Beringi;on (Leicestershire). Ar. a lion ramp, tail fourch^e bezantee,
sa. charged on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis or. Berkhead (Crestwhite, co. Cumberland). Sa. a chev. ar.
Seringrton. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. ducally crowned or, betw. three garbs or. Crest~A goat's head erased per fesse

within a bordure engr. az. bezant<Se. Crest A lion sejant or and gu. attired sa.
crowned. Berkhead, or Berkenhead, Sa. three garbs or, within
Beringiion. Per pale ar. and sa. a cross engr. counter- a bordure ar. (another, the bordure or). Crest— A goat
changed. saliant ar. attired or, resting the dexter paw on a garb of
Berington (Staffordshire). Az. three greyhounds courant the last.

in pale ar. collared gu. Berkins. Sa. three quarts ar.

Berkley. Az. two lions pass, or, the top broken off and sails furled, all ppr. Crest— On a
Serkley. Gu. a chev. erm. betw. ten crosses pattee ar. mount vert a boar pass. betw. two branches of laurel.

Orett A unicom pass. g,\x. armed and crined or. —
Supporters ^Two young tritons, each blowing a conch shell.-
Berkley. Gu- a cbev. betw. tencinquefoils (another, crosses —
Motto Periissemus nisi periissemtis.
I»tt«e) ar. Cfrest —
A bear's head couped ar. muzzled gu. Bermy (Lincolnshire). Ar. three bends gn. and a chief of
Berkrall, or BerkroUs (Gloucestershire). Az. a cher. the last.
betw. three crescents or. Berm.yngham.. Az. a bend engr. or, over all a label of
Berkwell. Ar. a fesse betw. three eagles displ. sa. five points gu.
Berkyn. Ar. a fesse az. and a label of three points gu. Bern. Ar. a chev. betw. three negroes' heads conped sa.
B^lang^lutni. Or, on a cross gu. five fleurs-de-hs of the Bemacke. Ar. a fesse betw. three barnacles sa.
first. Bemak (Leicestershire, temp. Edward II-). Ar. a fesse betw.
Berley (Ireland). Az. a cher. betw. three leopards' faces three barnacles sa.
or. Bemake (Leicestershire), Ar. three horse barnacles sa.
Berley. Gu. three muQets or, a quarter eim. (another, Bemake (Visit, co. Notts, 1614). Erm. a fesse gu.
a canton erm.). Bemake. Erm. a bend gu.
Berley. Ar. a chief sa. over all three tilting spears, erect, —
Bemall. Vair, three chev. gu. Crest ^A demi lion ramp, gn.-
coonterchanged. Bernard (£arl of Bandon). Ar. on a bend az. three es-
Berley (John Beslet, temp. Bichard II.). Gu. two mullets scallops of the field. Crest—A demi lion ar. holding a snake
or, a quarter erm. —
ppr. Supporters Dexter, a stag; sinister, an imicom, both
Berliiiire. Erm. on a cross gu. five fleurs-de-lis of the field. ar. each dacally gorged and chained or. Motto—Yirtus
Berling'eT. Ar. three annulets, two and one, conjoined to probata florebit (as used by the Ear], but the m- 'tto recorded
a fourth in the centre by a fillet sa. in the OfiBce of Arms is. Virtus probata florescit).
BerlixLgrliain (Essex). Gu. three bears ar. Bernard (Palace Anne, co. Cork). Ar. a bend az. chp-rged
Berling-hanL. Gu. three bars ar. with three escallop shells of the first. Crest— A demi Hon
Berliaghain. Or, on a cross gu. fire fieors-de-lis of the ar. holding betw. his paws a snake ppr. ilotto Virtus- —
field. probata florescit.
Bennincliam. Per pale dancett^ or £uid gu. a chief az. Bernard (Abington, co. Northants). At. a bear ramp, sa.-
BennizLean. Per pale or and gu. '
muzzled or.
Benoingh am {Lord Bermingham, summoned to Parlia-
. Bernard (Huntingdon, hart., created 1662, extinct 1789).
ment I Edward III., 1326, and borne by Edwaed Beehing- Same Arms.
HAM, temp. Henry VII. eighth in descent from William Bernard (Nettleham, co. Lincoln, and Nether-Winchendon,
Berminghaji, who was slain at the battle of Evesham. CO. Bucks, also of Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, and Huntingdon-
DugdaU). Per pale indented ar. and sa. shire). Ar. a bear ramp. sa. muzzled or. Crett—X demi
Bermingliaxii (Lord Athenry and Earl of Louth). Per bear muzzled and collared or. Motto—Bear and forbear,
pale indented or and gcu Ci'est—kia. heraldic antelope's Bernard (Essex). Gu. three fishes within a bordure'
head erased ar. maned and attired or. Supporters ^Two — indented ar.
heraldic antelopes ar. attired, maned, tufted, nnguled, Bernard, Az. three figures of seven or, two and one.
collared, and chained or. Bemard-Morland, Baronet. SeeMoBLAso.
Benningham (Carrick, Ireland). Per pale indented ar. Bemardeston, or Bemeston. Az. a fesse indeate(r
and az. two spear heads in fesse counterchanged (another erm. betw. six crosses patt^e fitchee ar,
bears two pheons). Bemardiston. See Babnabdiston.
Bermi Ti gh am (Ireland). Per pale indented gu. and or, Bemardiston. Az. a fesse dancettee erm. betw. sis
within a bordure az. (another, vert). crosses crosslet ar.
Benaingham (Eilrath. Madbice BEBHiNcnAH, of that Bemas (Suffolk). Ar. a fesse embattled counter-embattled
place, d. 6 March, 1619, leaving by Gnss, his wife, dau. (another, crenellee) within a bordure sa.
of.CoBHAC McCkiGBLAK of Ballinaclogher, King's County, Bembach. Gn. three fishes, conjoined at their tails ia
issue four sons, Fun. Ent. Ire.). Per pale indented or and triangle or, heads sa.
go. in dexter chief point a trefoil slipped sa. all within a Bembrey (Worcestershire). Ar. a lion pass, guard, betw.-
bordure of the last. three escallops sa.
Benningliani, or Bremingliazn (Parsonstown, co. Berne. Quarterly, gu. and az. a cross engr. ar.
Kildare, Fun. Ent. Ire.). Per pale indented or and gu. in Bemeck. Or, a bear sejant sa.
dexter chief point a mullet of the second charged with Bemer, Or. three crescents az.
another a bordure az.
ar. all within Berners (Barojiess Bemers^ created by writ of summons,
Bermingham (Ireland). Gu. five bendlets or. 1459). See Wilson and Tybwditt.
Bermingliaiu barony of Screen, co. Meath,
{Corballis, Bemers (Woolverstone Park, co. Suffolk). Quarterly, or and
Smith's Ordinary). Per pale dancettee or and gu. a border vert. Crest —A
monkey ppr. environed about the loins and
az. verdoy of fleurs-de-lis of the second. Crest ^An owl — —
hned or. Motto Del fugo I avola ; I escaped from the fire.
erm. crowned or. Berners (Tharfield, co. Hertford). Quarterly, or and vert.-
Bermingham {Lord of Thremwe). Per pale indented or —
Crest ^A monkey ppr. environed about the loins and lined or.
and gu. a border az. Berners. Quarterly, vert and or, in the centre a mullet sa.
Bermingham. (Ireland). Ar. on a bend gu. betw. two a label for diff.
cottises az. three escallops or. Bemeston. Gu, a cross moline or, in the dexter quarter a
BemLingham. See Macgeobge. mullet pierced ar.
Bermingham (Norfolk). Ar. on a bend cottised gu. three Bemeston. Gu. a cross moline ar.
scallops or. Bemevilles, Ar. a cross moline gu.
Bermingham (Norfolk). Ar. on a bend gu. cottised sa. Bemey (Park Hall, Norfolk, bart.). Quarterly: gu. and az^
three escallops or. —
over all a cross engr. erm. Crest A plume of six ostrich
Bermingham (Warwickshire). Per pale indented ar. and —
feathers alternately az. and gn. Motto Nil temere, neque
sa. Cre^ —Two lions' gambs in saltire sa. timore.
Bermingham. Per pale indented or and gu. a bordure Bemey (Morton HaU, co. Norfolk). Per pale gu. and az. a
az. (another, vert platee). cross engr. erm. —
Crest Out of a ducal coronet of five
Bermingham- BarT7 bendy or and gu. leaves as many ostrich feathers alternate ar. and az.
Bermingham. Per pale indented sa. and ar. Bemey. Ar. a chev. betw. three dexter hands, couped sa.
Bermingham. Per pale indented or and gu. a chief az. Bemey. Ar. a fesse az. betw. three escutcheons vert.
Bermingham. Gu. three owls ar. Bemey. Ar. a fesse betw. three escutcheons vert.
Bermingham. Gu. a millrind in bend betw. two martlets Bemey. Az. a cross engr. erm. in the first quarter a cres-
ar. (another, the field sa.). cent ar.
Bermingham, Az. a bend fusilly (another, lozengy) or. Bern bam, or Bemtham (Norfolk). Sa. a cross betw^
Bermingham. Gu. five bendlets or. four crescents ar.
Bermly, or Bermely. Or, three bars and two pales sa. Bemham (Kent). Sa. a cross engr. betw. four crescents ar.
Bermondsey Abbey (Sorrey)i Per pale gu. and az. a Bemham. Sa. a ^ross ar.
lion pass, guard, or, holding in his dexter paw erect a Bemham. Sa. three lions ramp. ar.
crosier, enfiled with a mitre of the last, all within a bordure Bemham (Kent). Gu. a chev. betw. three bulls',
ar. charged with eight B's sa. (another coat, per pale gu. cabossed ar.
and az. within a bordure ar.). Bemheim. Ar. a fleur-de-lis, on the top three grass spircp,
Bermudas Company, a ship at sea betw. two rocks, each containing seven piles gu. Crest—A fleur-de-lis, as in
on the dexter side the main mast and mizen mast only seen, the arms.


3ernliiilm (GlencJie, Scotland). Ar. a fesse az. betw. a Bersanter, or Bersawter. Ar. three boars' heads
mullet inter two crosses crosslet fitchee in chief gu. a crescent sanglant sa.
in base of the last. Bersanter, or Berswater. Ar. three boars' heads
Berning-ham (Norfolk). Ar. on a bend gu. cottised az. erased gu.
another sa. three escallops or. Bersham. Gu. on a bend ar. three crosses formee sa.
Bernington, or Beryngton. Per pale ar. and sa. a Bersicli. Ar. a perch az.
cross engr. counterchanged. Bersis. a lion ramp. gu. within a bordure sa. bezant€e.
Bems (Soham, co. Cambridge). Ar, two bars embattled sa. Berston. Az. three butterflies volant ar.
in chief three pellets. Ci-est —An ounce ar. collared and Bertb.on (Walthamstow, co. Essex, formerly of France,
chained or. whence they emigrated on the Revocation of the Edict of
Beroxny (Cumberland). Masculy ar. and sa. Nantz to Portugal, from which country they came to Eng-
Eerou, and. Berrn (Lincolnshire). Ar. three bends gu. land). Ar. a chev. and in chief three mullets gu., in base
Beron, Ar. a bend enhanced gu. an erm. spot ppr.
-Beronden. Gu. on a bend ar. three roses sa. Bertie (Earl of Lindsey). 1st and 4th, ar. three batter-
Berondon (Northumberland). Sa. three roses ar. Cresf— ing rams barways in pale ppr. headed and garnished az.;
A unicorn ramp. ppr. 2nd and 3rd, sa. a shattered castle triple towered ar. Crest
Berondon (Staffordshire). Gu. on a bend ar, three cincLuo- — A Saracen's head couped at the breast ppr. ducally
foils sa. crowned or, being the crest of the Barons Willoughbyi
Berondon, Ar. three roses sa. The crest of Bertie is apine-treeppr. Supporters Dexter, —
BerondO"wne (Cumberland). Gu. a bend hetw. three roses a pilgrim or friar vested in russet with his crutch and rosary,
ar. seeded sa. or ; sinister, a savage man wreathed about the temples and
Berondowne (Northumberland). Gu. three roses ar. waist with ivy. Motto —
Loyaut6 m'obhge.
Bero-we, or Berewe (Gloucestershire). Ar. three bears' Bertie (Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven, the fourth Earl of
heads couped at the neck sa. muzzled or, a chief az. Crest Linddsey: was so created 1715; extinct 1809). Same ArTtis.
—A seahorse's head erased sa. bezant^e, maned and fined or. Bertie {Earl of Abingdon). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar.
Berre (Sir Benjamin Beere, knighted at Dublin Castle, 19, three battering rams, barways in pale ppr., headed and
Nov. 1600). Vert a cross bottonee or. garnished az. ; 2nd and 3rd, sa. a shattered castle, triple-
Berrin^ton (Pant-y-Goitre, Abergavenny, co. Monmouth). —
towered ar. Crest A Saracen's head couped at the breast
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. three greyhounds courant ar. ppr. ducally crowned or, charged on the chest with a fret az.
2nd and 3rd, az. awolf saliantar. for Davies, descended from
, —
Sv,pporters Dexter, a friar vested in russet grey with a
Lydwal Gloff, fifth son of Rodri Mawr, a Prince of the 9th crutch, rosary, &c., all ppr. ; sinister, a savage ppr.,
century. Oi-est —
An estoile gu. wreathed about the temples and waist with leaves vert, each
Berrington (City of Chester, 1664). Sa. three garbs within supporter charged on the breast with a fret az, Motto-^
a bordure ar. Virtus ariete fortior.
Serring-ton (Sergeant-Major George Bereikgton, of co. Bertie (Nether Hall, Dedham, Essex, extinct hart., created
Devon, temp. Charles I., Fun. Ent. Ire.). Az. three bugle 9 December, 1812). The same Arms within a bordure of the
horns stringed or, last. C)-est —
A man's head affrontee, couped at the shoulders
Berroys, or Berrois. Ar. a bend az. cottised gu. ppr. ducally crowned or, charged on the breast with a sinister
Berry (Catton, co. Norfolk, extinct bart., created 14 Nov. bendlet wavy, gobony ar. and az. —
Motto Loyaulte me
1806). Erm. on a fesse engr. az. three fleurs-de-lis or, in oblige.
chief two branches of palm iu-saltire vert, in base a sphinx Bertleys (Cheshire). Ar. on a chev. betw. three crosses

couchant ppr. Crest ^Betw. two wings elevaLed erm. an crosslet, fitchee az. as many fleurs-de-lis of the field. Crest —
eagle's head couped at the neck ppr. gorged with an eastern A lion ramp. az. holding a tree erased at the root ppr.
crown or, in thebeak a palm branch vert. Motto Per — Berton. Or, a chev sa.
ardua. Berton. Erm. on a saltire sa. a rose or.
Berry (Berrinkerber). Barry of ten or and gu. Berton. Erm. a saltire pierced sa.
Berry (Burly, co. Devon). Erm. on a bend engr. sa. three Bertout. Or, three piles (jpales in Edmondson) gu. on a
fleurs-de-hs or. canton sa. a lion pass. ar.
Berry (Berry Narbor, East Leigh, Lobb, <fec., co. Devon, Bertoy (Norfolk). Erm. on a fesse gu. three annulets or.
Balph de Bdry, possessed Bury Narbor, temp. Henry III.; Bestall. Ar. on a fesse betw. three annulets gu. a bee
the heiress of the elder branch, which continued at Berry erect volant or. Crest —A bee erect and volant ppr.
Narbor till the death of Thomas Berrie, in 1708, m. Francis Motto — Utile dulci.
KiBKHAM, Esq.). Gu. three bars or. Crest A griflfin's — Bertram (Lord of Botkall). Or, an orle az.
head erased per pale indented ar. and gu. Bertram (Lords JBertram, of Mitford, co. Northumberland,
Berry (Molland, co. Devon, a younger branch of Berry, of summoned to Parliament 1264, abeyance temp. Edward III.).
Berry Narbor, of which was Sir John Berry, the eminent Az. an escutcheon or.
naval officer of the reign of William III. Thomas Berbt, Esq., Bertram. Or, an inescutcheon az. Crest —
A bull's- head
of Credition, descended from this line). Arms, &c., as last. erased and ducally gorged.
Berry, or Berrey (Teddington, co. Bedford). Sa. a chev. Bertram. Gu. semee of cross crosslets an orle or.
engr. or, betw. three plates, each charged with a cross Bertram (GrafFord, Jersey). Az. an eagle displ. or.
pattee gu. Crest —A demi Hon ar.
Berry (exemplified to James W^m. Middleton Berry, Esq., of Bertram (Grouville, Jersey). Or, an orle az. Crest A.. —
Ballynegall, co. Westmeath, 1848). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, demi lion holding betw. its
paws a shield of the Arms.
gu, three bars or, a trefoil vert for diff., for Berrt; 2nd Bertram, Gu. a fesse or.
and 3rd, ar. a lion ramp, gu, debruised by a bend az. charged Bertram. Ar. sem^e of crosslets within a bordure gu.
with three escallops or. for Gibbons. Crests 1st: A griffin's — Bertram (Nisbet, co. Roxburgh, 1752). Gu. on an escut-
head and neck per pale indented gu. and ar. charged with a cheon or, betw. eight crosses pattee ar. an anvil ppr, Cfrest —
trefoilcounterchanged for difF., for Berrt 2nd A demi ; : Issuing out of an antique crown or, a ram^s head ppr.
lion ramp. az. holding in his paws an escallop or. Motto — —
Motto J'avance.
Nihil sine labore. Bertand. Az. a stag tripping or, a. chief ar. C-est X —
Berry (Penzance, co. Cornwall). Erm. on a bend engr. az. hand holding a pistol ppr.
three fleurs-de-lis or. Beruen, Berven, and Berwen. Ar. a lion ramp sa.
Berry (Tayfield, formerly Wester Bogie, co. Fife). Quarterly, within a bordure engr. of the second.
1st and 4th, vert; a cross crosslet ar. ; 2nd and 3rd, per pale Berum. Or, three bird bolts gu. nooked and pointed or, a
ar. and sa. on a chaplet four mullets counterchanged, for label gu.

Naibne, of Sandford, Crest A demi hon ramp. gu. holding Berun. Ar. three bends enhanced gu.
in his dexter paw a cross crosslet fitchee az. Motto — Barvers (Essex). Ar. two bars embattled counter-
L'esperance me coraforte. embattled sa.
Berry. Ar. a chev. betw. three horses' heads gu. Berwell. Az. a bend betw. three mullets or.
Berry, or Bury
(Bury, co. Lancaster). Sa. a chev. or, Berwick, Baron. See Hill.
betw. three plates, each charged with across pattee gu. Berwick (Durham). Ar. three bears' heads erased sa.
Berry (Oxfordshire). Vert a cross crosslet or. muzzled gu.
Berry. Ar. a barberry branch fructedppr. Berwick (Kent). Ar. a bear's head erased gu. muzzled or.
Berry. Quarterly, erm. and az. in the second and third
quarter an eagle volant or,
Berwick (Lancashire).
of wheat in saltire ppr.
The same Arms. Crest —Two ears

Berryman (Devonshire). Ar. a chev. betw. three horses Berwick, Town of (Northumberland). Ar. on a mount
f ass. sa. Credit —A
horse's head erased sa. a bear standing against a tree, all ppr., the bear collared.
and chained or, in fesse two escutcheons, on each the anns |
ppr. flowered purp. Crest—A. demi lion affrontee, in eacl^
of France and England, quarterly, on a chief of the first paw a slip of columbine, flowered purp.
a king crowned and hahited of the second, holding in his Besselles. Erm. three torteaux.
dexter paw a mound and in the sinister a sceptre, hoth gold. Besset(Worcestershire). Az. bezantee.
Berwis. Ar. a hend az. cottised gu. Bessom. Or, a cross lozengy ar. and sa.
Serwoug-hdon, or Berwau^den. Ar. six cinque- Bessome. Or, five fusils in cross four az. the middle ono
foils, three, two, and one sa. ar.
Berwyck (Bulcote, Nottingham; the coheirs m.
co. Bessum. Or, a cross sa. fretty (another, lozengy) ar.
OniHOSELLs and Staonton, temp. Queen Elizabeth). Ar. Bessyngr (Staffordshire). Az. three rests or.
three bears' heads erased sa., muzzled or. Best (Park House, co. Kent). Sa. two crosses crosslet fitchew
Berwyke. Ar. a bear's head (another, three hears^ heads) in chief and a cinquefoil in base or. Cre-U —
An ostrich ar.
erased sa. issuing out of a mural crown, in the beak a cross crosslet
Bery, or Barry (Winscot and Bendon, co. Devon). Barry fitchee, or.
of six ar. and gu. Crest —A wolfs head erased sa. Best {Lm'd Wifnford). Sa. a cinquefoil within an orle of
Bery (Colleton, co. Devon). £rm. on a bend engr. az. three crosses crosslet or, on a canton of the last a portcullis of
fleurs-de-lis or. the first. CresV~0\xt, of a ducal coronet or, a demi-
Bery (Devonshire). At. two bars gu. ostrich rising ar. in its beak a cross crosslet fitchee gold,
Bery pevonshire). Ar. a cross betw. four martlets within gorged with a plain collar and pendent therefrom a port-
abordure, allsa. cullis sa. Supporters —^Two eagles reguard. wings elevated,
Bery (Utterbury, co. Lincoln). Vert a cross crosslet or. each standing on a Bomau fasces, all ppr. —
Motto Libertas-
Bery (Norfolk). Per chev. sa. and erm. in chief two lions in legibus.
ramp. or. Best (Kent). Per pale ar. and sa. a cross patonce counter-
Bery (Worlingham, co. Suffolk). Erm. on a bend engr. az. changed, and in dexter chief a rose gu.
three fleurs-de-lis or, each charged with an annulet sa. Best (London). Erm. three bucks' heads erased gu. armed
Bsry (Ashwell, co. Bntland, and Eston, co. Lincoln, Visit. or. Crfst —
A peacock with wings elevated or, holding ia
CO. Leicester, 1619). Erm. on a bend engr. az. three fleurs- the beak a serpent reflexed over the neck ar.
de-lis or. Best. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three sheaves of arrows, two i:»
Bery (Queenborow, co. Leicester). Same ArmSf with a saltire, and one in pale of the last. Crest— ^. griffin's heatl
crescent for diff. erased aa.
Berj , fia. a chev. hetw. three hats ar. Best (Elmswell and Little Driffield, co. York). Gu. a
Bery. Sa. a chev. betw. three annulets, gobony ar. and az. Saracen's head couped at the neck ppr. navally crowned or,
Bery. Quarterly, erm. and az. (another, gu. and erm.). betw. eight lions* gambs chevronways in pairs, paws inwards
Bery, Quarterly, erm. and az. in the sinister chief and of the last. Crest —A
cubit arm vested gu. cuff or, holding a
dexter base two falcons volant or. faulchion ppr.
Bery. Barry of six go. and or (another, or and gu.). Best. See De Best.
Bery, Erm, on a chief indented sa. two lions ramp. or. Best (Boxley, co. Kent). Sa. in chief two cross crosslcts
Bery, Ar. on a bend az. three Uons' heads erased or. fitchee and in base a cinquefoil pierced ar. Crest —A
Beryn. Ar. three crosses fonn€e fitch^e sa. ostrich ar. issuing out of a mural crown in the beak a cross
Berg'e (Devon, Croscombe and Chittlehampton, Visit. Devon crosslet fitchee or. —
Motto Sola cruce.
1620). Or, three bars gu. Best (Chilston and Wierton, Kent). Sa. two cross crosslcts
Besaynt, or Besanit. Quarterly, per fesse indented gu. fitchee in chief, and a cinquefoil pierced in base or, a
and or, in the chief quarter a leopard ar. martlet for diff. Crest —
Out of a mural crown or, a demi
Beseley (Lancashire and Yorkshire). Ar. three torteaux ostrich ar. holding in the beak a cross crosslet fitchee of the

a chief gu. Crest An arm in armour embowed, couped at first.
the shoulder, resting on the elbow, holding a club, all ppr. Best (Fun. Ent. Ire. 1652). Ar. a fess gu. betw. three-
Beseley (Yorkshire). The same Arins. Crest A castle — leopards' faces in chief and as many martlets in base. sa.
triple-towered ar. on the centre tower a standard floating to Best (William Best, Esq., of Park House, co. Kilkenny, d.
the sinister sa. charged with a saltire of the first. II July, 1640, second sou of Bichard Best, Esq., of
Beseley. Ar. three torteaux. Crest —
Out of a mural Bybrooke, co. Kent., Fun. Ent. Ire.). Sa. a cinquefoil betw.
coronet two branches of palm in saltire, surmounted by a eight cross crosslet fitch€e or, a crescent for diff.
spear in pale ppr. Best (Compton, co. Surrey). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three
Besels, or Besiles (Besels Leigh, co. Berks. Of this sheaves of arrows, two in saltire and one in pale of the last.
£unily was Feteb Besels, of Leigh, Sheriff 1409. The last Best CSedgley, Bilston, and Wednesbury, co. Stafford, and
heir male, Williah Beseis, Esq., d. 1516, leaving a ddu. Elmley Lovet, co. Worcester). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw.
Elizabeth, m. Edhcnd Fettiplace). Same Arms. two martlets in chief sa. and a book closed in base ppr.
Besenten. Ar, a crescent betw. three saltires engr. three phecns or.
hummetee sa. Best (Lonlon and Kent). Per chev. nebulee erm. and'
Besford, or Bosford. Gu. a fesse betw. six pears or. ermines, three stags' heads erased or. Crest —
Out of a
Beshe. Or, four bends az. a canton ermines. ducal coronet gu. a demi peacock, with wings displ. or,-
Besiles. Az. ten bezants, four, three, two and one. Crest—' holding in the beak a snake ppr. entwined round the body.
A hand issuing holding a bunch of grapes, all ppr. Best (Worcestershire). Sa. a cinquefoil betw. eight crosses
BesiU, or Besills. Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three plates. crosslet or. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet an ostrich's head
BesiUs (Yorkshire). Ar. three annulets within a bordure betw. two wings ar. in the beak a cross crosslet or.
gu. Crest —See Besiles. Best. Sa. a Uon ramp. ar. on a bordure or, eight cinquefoils
Besills (Worcestershire). The same as Besiles. az.
Besills. Erm. three annulets gu. Bestar. Vert a bull ar. armed and unguled or.
Besills. Ar. three torteaux a bordure gu. Beste (Middleton Quemhow, Richmond, co. York). Gu. a
Bailie. At. (another, erm.) three torteaux. chev. ar. betw. nine arrows or, three, three, and three, eaeh
Besinge. Or, three clarions (or rests) ar. parcel two in saltire and one in pale, barbed and banded of
Besing^on. Az. a quatrefoil ar. —
the second. Crest- ^An archer's arm embowed gu. holding a
Besingiion, Az. a cinquefoU ar. (another, or). bow in pale, and resting on the wreath ppr. strung az.
Beslane. Ar. a saltire az. Beste (Donnington, co. Berks). Gu. a Saracen's head couped
Besley. Quarterly, or and sa. a bend gu. Crest A lion — at the neck ppr. navally crowned or, betw. eight lions*^
ramp, holding betw. the paws a ducal coronet. gambs chevronways in pairs paws inwards of the second.
Benny. Quarterly, per fesse indented gu. and or, in the Crest— A. cubit arm vested gu. cuff ar. a faulchion ppr.
first quarter alien pass, guard, ar. —
Motto- Optimus est qui optime facit.
Benny, or Besyn. Ar. on a bend engr. gu. three lions Beste (Digbi-Beste, Botleigh Grange, co. Hants, and Abbots-
pass, of the field. ham Court, CO. Devon). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a chev.
Besom. Or, a cross lozengy az. (another, sa.). ;
gu. betw. three sheafs of arrows, two in saltier and one in
Besom, or Besym (Cnmberl^d), Lozengy sa. and ar. pale sa. barbed and banded of the second, for Beste; 2nd,
(another, ar. and sa.). az. ar., for Digbt 3rd, ar. a fess sa. over all a
a fleur-de-lis ;

Besome. Or. five fusils in cross az. lienramp, gu., for Whittingham. Crsst—\st: An archer's
Bess. Az. nine billets ar. four, three, and two, within a bor- arm gu. holding a bow in pale strung or, Beste; 2nd: An
dure gu. ostrich ar. holding in the beak a horse shoe or, Digbt.
Bessboron&h, Earl See Pohsonbt.
of. —
Motto Solo Deo gloria.
Besse. Gu. the limb of a tree with two leaves in bend ar. Bested. Gyronny of eight sa. and erm.
Bessell. Ar. two columbine slips, crossed and drooping Bestick. Gu. six bezants, three, two, and one, on chief or.
. A


a lion pass. az. CreRt A. demi-Uon ramp.
the paws a bezant. Motto—In Deo salus;
az. holding betw. three boars pass. sa. armed or, quartered, with az, a stag
trippant erm. attired or, a chief of the last, for Wallistow,
"Bestland. Gu. nine arrows, three, three, and three, i.e., of Ruislip, CO. Middlesex. Crest— Oat of a ducal coronet or,
each parcel having two in saltire and one in pale or, barbed an eliphant's head ar.
ar. a chief dancettee erm. Betham (as borne by Sir William Betham, Ulster King of
-Besney (Hertfordshire). Per pale sa. and gu. a lion ramp, Arms). Or, three fleurs-de-lis az.
Crest Out of a ducal —
guard, ar. crowned or. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet a coronet or, an elephant's head gu. trunked ar. tusked gold.
demi griffin ar. Motto —Per ardua surgam.
Bestou, or Beeston (Yorkshire). Sa. a bend betw. six Bethell (Herefordshire and Yorkshire). Ar. on a chev.
crosses cro^slet fitehee or. betw. three boars' heads couped sa. an estoile or. Crest— An
Beston (lieston, co. Chester). Ar. a bend betw. six bees sa. eagle's head couped betw. a pair of wings displ. az. cliargel
(h'est — On
a m-^unt vert a castle issuant therefrom an arm on the necli with an estoile or.
armed or, grasping a sword sir. pommel and hilt gold. Bethell {Lord Westburi/). Ar. on a chev. engr. az. betw.
Bestou. Ar. a bend gu. betw. six fleurs-de-lis vert. three boars' heads couped sa. an estoile, or; all within a
Beston. Sa. on a bend ar. betw. six crosses crosslet or, bordure of the third. Crest —
Out of a crown vallery
three eagles displ. gu. Crest —
A demi talbot holding in the or, an eagle's head sa. betw. two wings az. and charged
mouth an arrow. on the breast with an estoile, as in the arms. Supporters
Beston. Gu on a bend ar. three crosses formee Ga. — On either side an eagle, wings addorsed az, ducally
Beston. Sa. sem^e of crosses crosslet or, on a bend ar. crowned, collared, and charged on the breast with aa
three eagles displ. gu. estoile or. Motto— Ap Ithel.
3eston. Vert a lion ramp. ar. crowned gu. Bethell (Rise, co. York). Ar. on a chev. betw. three boars'
Bestorike. Ar. on a saltire gu. five estoiles or. Crest— heads couped sa. an estoile or. Cre5(— Out of a duaal
demi talbot holding in the mouth an arrow. coronet or, a boar's head couped sa.
Bestow. Ar. a bend betw. three gadflies volant sa. Crest— Bethell (Ellerton, co. Tork). Ar. on a chev. betw. three
A crescent ar. boars' heads, couped sa. an estoile of six points of the field.
Bestro^w, or Bestroe. Ar. on a bendsa. betw. two fleurs- Crest —A head betw. two wings displ. az. charged
de-lis of the second, three boars' heads couped or. Crest— An on the body with an estoile of six points or.
elephant's head erased per chev. or and sa. armed of the Bethel! (London). Gu, a chev. betw. three boars' heads
second. couped ar.
Bestwilde, and Best-wold. Per saltire gu. and erm. Bethell, or Bythell (Winchester). Ar, on a chev. betw.
.Besville. Quarterly, per fesse indented gu. and or, in the three boars' heads couped sa. a crescent or. Crest Out of —
quarter a lion pass,
first guard, or. Crest dragon's head —A a ducal coronet or, a boar's head and neck ar. Another
erased cu. Crest— On a ducal coronet or, a boar's head couped sa.
Beswick (Kent). Gu. six bezants, three, two, and one, on a Bethome (Adwell, co. Oxford, Visit. Oxon). Enn. a chev.
chief or, a Uon pass. az. armed and langued of the first. betw. three boars pass. sa. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet
Beswick (London). Gu. ten bezants, four, three, two, and an elephant's head couped ar.
one, on a chief or, a Hon pass. sa. Crest demi lion or, —A Bethouse. Or, a saltire gu, bezantee.
holding a bezant (another, Beswick, Beswick, co. Kent, Bethum. Ar. a chief indented az. over all a bend gu.
the lion ppr. double queued). Bethnne (Balfour, co. Fife, originally from France, but o(^
Beswick. Gu. three plates. importance in Scotlannd from a very early period of this :

.Beswick (Gristhorpe, ten bezants, four,

co. York). Gru. family was the celebrated Cardinal Bethdnk, Ardhbishopof
three, two, and one, on a chief ar. a lion pass, guard, az. Glasgow, assassinated in 1545. Confirmed 1837, but without
Crest— A demi lion or, holding betw. the paws a bezant. the supporters, to the issue of the heiress, wife of Col
Beswicke. Gu. six bezants, a chief or. John Drinkwater). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a fesse
Beswycke (Pike House, co. Lancaster, originally of Beswicke, betw. three mascles or, for Bethone; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a
in Manchester). Gu. three bezants a fesse in chief or. Crest chev. sa. charged with an otter's head erased of the first, for
—A demi lion ramp. gu. holding in the dexter paw a bezant. Balfodr. Oes(— An otter's head erased ar. Supporters —
Besyn. Quarterly, engr. gu. and or, in the first quarter a Two otters ppr. Motto—DehonnaiTe.
lion pass. ar. Bethnne (Bandon). The same within a bordure or. Ci'est—
Betairh, (Ireland). Or, on a pale vert three plates on each An otter s head couped ar. ilfoWo—-Debonnaire,

an erm. spot sa. Crest Two anchors in saltire. Bethune (Nethertarvit). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. on a
Betag-h (Fun. Ent. Ire., 1679). Ar. on a chev. betw. three fesse betw, three lozenges or, a bethune leaf slipped vert;
estoiles sa, a mullet of the field, a chief gu. Crest—A camel's 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a chev. sa. an
otter's head erased of the
head erased ar. bridled gu. first. Crest —A physician's quadrangular cap sa, Motto-^
Betall. Or, a fesse gu. betw. three torteaux. Resolutia cauta.
Betall. Ar. a fesse gu. in chief two torteaux. Bethune (Blebo, co. Fife). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a
Betaville (London, 1283). Purp. a griffin sejant or. fesse chequy or and gu. betw. three lozenges of the second, for
Betayne. Gu. a saltire betw. four fleurs-de-lis or. Bethune 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a chev, sa. an otter's head

Betcliton (Betchton, co. Chester). Az. three spades or. erased ofthe first, for Balfoor. CV-fisf— An otter ar. Motto^
Beteler. Bendy of ten ar. and gu. Debonnaire.
Beteley. Gu. a fesse ar. betw. three plates. Bethune (Kilconquhar, co. Fife, bart, 1836), Quarterly, 1st
BetenliaizL, or Betnam (Kent). Ar. a saltire engr. betw. and 4th, az. a fesse betw, three lozenges or 2nd and 3rd, ar. ;

four bears' heads erased sa. muzzled or. Crest A bear's — a chev. sa. charged with an otter's head erased of the first,
head erased sa. muzzled and billett^e or. all within a bordure embattled or. Crest An otter's head —
Betenson (Devonshire, Kent, Surrey, Essex, and London). erased ar. Motto, over the crest
Bethune (Great Berwick,
Ar. a fesse gu. in chief a'liou pass, within a bordure engr. co. Salop). two
Ar. pales sa. each
erm. Crest—A griffin's head couped ppr, charged with three crosslets fitch^e or. Crest

lion —A demi
Betenson (Kent). Or, a fesse gu. within a bordure engr. ramp. Motto ^Nunquara non paratus.
az. Crest^A lion's head erased sa. collared ar. Motto — Beton. Ar. a fesse gu. in chief a lion pass. sa.
Qui sera sera. Beton. Az. a bend betw. six mullets or, pierced gu,
.Beterley. Ar. a fesse gu. in chief three torteaux. Beton. Ar. a bend lozengy sa. (another adds alabel of three
Betewell. Per saltire erm. and lozengy or and az. per pale points gu.).
counterchanged Betray. Sa. fretfcy or. Crest— An arm embowed habited
Setewell. (Gyronny of eight erm. and bendy lozengy or gu. cuff, ar, holding in the hand ppr. a torbeau.
and gu. Betray. Erm. on a chev, gu. three escallops or.
BetfiLeld (Glege, co. Lancaster). Per fesse gu. and erm. a Betshorne. Ar. on a saltire engr. gu. five estoiles or.
label of five points ar. Betside^ or Bested (Devonshire). Az, three lozenges in
Betliam (Betham, co. Westmoreland, Sir Thomas Bethah, fesse ar. betw. as many bucks' heads or.
Knt., M.P. for that co., 30 Edward I. to 4 Edward JI.). Beston (Cheshire). Ar. a fesse betw. six bees sa.
Lozengy ar. and sa. Betsworth. Az. a lion ramp, per fesse or and ar. (S-crf—
Betham (Buckinghamshire, confirmed by the Deputies of Out of a tower ar. a demi lion or, ducally crowned az. hold-
Camden, Clarenceux, to William Betham of Bowington, ing a battle-axe ar,
grandson of Nicholas Betham, co. Bucks, Her, Vis.). Erm. Bettenson (Seven Oaks, co. Kent). Ar. a fesse gu. in chief
a chev. betw. three boars pass. sa. armed or. Crest Out of — a lion pass, guard, sa. all within a bordure engr. erm.
a ducal coronet or, an elephant's head ar. Crest —A lion's head sa. collared ar. iVoiio— Qui sera sera.
Betham (Lancashire). Or, a chief indented az. and bend gu. Bettenson (Wimbledon). The same as Betenson, Devon-
Betham (Howington, co. Warwick). Erm. a chcr. betw, shire.
A , A


Bettes (Hampshire). Sa. on a bend or, cottised ar. three Bevell (Huntingdonshire). Gu. a chev. or, betw. three
cinqaefoUs sa. Ch'est — Out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's bezants.
headar. Bevell. Or, two chev. and a canton gu,
Bettes (Korfolk). Sa. on abend ar. cottised or, three cinque- Bevenott, or Beverett. Quarterly, ar. and az. a cross
foils pierced gu. counterchanged of the field.
Bettes. Sa. on a bend
three cinquefoils ga. all within a
ar. Sevens (Edwabd Bevens, Keeper of the Council Chamber,
bordure engr. or. Oesi— Out of a ducal coronet or, a buck's Dublin, d. 1st March, 1633, Fun. Ent. Ire.). Az. a garb or,
head gu. attired gold, gorged with a collar ar. charged with
three cinquefoils of the second.
on a chief ar. three mullets gu. Crest —A cubit arm erect
vested az. hand ppr. grasping a garb or,
Betteswortb. (Tyning, co. Sussex). Az. a lion ramp, per Bever (Hammersmith, co. Middlesex). Az, a Catharine
fesse or and ar. Credit —
On the stump of a tree vert a lion wheel or.
sejant per fesse or and ar. holding in the dexter paw a Bevercot. Quarterly, ar. and az. a cross counterchanged
battle-axe gu. headed of the third. AnotJier Crest— Out of a (another adds a label of three points gu.).
tower ar. a demi Hon ramp, per fesse or and ar. crowned az. Bevercotts (Visit, co. Notts., 1614). Ar. a cross patonce az.
holding in his paws a battle-axe, handle or, headed ar. Bevercoiirt. Ar. a cross patonce (another, flory) az.
Bettie (Scotland). Az. an eagle displ. ar. debruised by a Beverecbe. Per pale gu. and vert a lion ramp. ar.
fesse sa. charged with two muUets of the second. Beverebam (Ireland). Gu. on a bend betw, two lions ramp.
Bettie, or Betty. Erm. three hearts gu. Crest A goat's — ar, as many pellets. Crest —
Out of a coronet or, an armed
head erased and collared ppr. arm holding a sword ppr.
Bettescombe, or Battiscomb (Vere's Wotton, co. Beveridgre (Kent, Chichester, and Normandy). Vert in
Dorset). Ar. a chev. betw. three bats sa.
— Crest An olive — point harry wavy of six ar. and az. two beavers ramp, com-
branch ppr. Motto ^Non oranis moriam. —
batant or. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi beaver
Betton. Gu. a pile ar. in the dexter chief a crescent or. ppr.
Betton (Great Berwick, co. Salop). Ar. two pales sa. each Beveridgre. Per pale gu. and vert a lion ramp. ar.
charged with three crosses crosslet fitchee or, quartering Beveridg-e (Scotland). Vert a lion ramp. ar. Crest—Omz
Beicht, &c. —
Crest A demi lion ramp, ducally crowned. of a ducal coronet or, a demi beaver ppr.
Jtfofto—Nunquam non paratus. Beverley (Bedfordshire). Ar. a fesse dancettee, betw.
Betts. Sa. on a bend ar. three cinctuefoils gu. Crest — three leopards' heads sa.
leopard pass, guard, ppr. Beverley (Comw£dl). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three torteanx.
Betts (Wortham, co. Suffolk). Sa. on a bend ar. three Beverley. Barry of six sa. and or, on an inescutcheon gu.
dnquefoils gu. all within a bordure engr. of the second. three bars erm. on a chief of the second two pales of the
Crest —Out of a ducal coronet or, a buck's head gu. attired first.
gold. Beverley. Gu. three bars erm.
Betts (Preston Hall, co. Kent). Sa. on a bend betw. two Beverley. Or, two bars sa. in chief as many pales of the
bendlets indented ar. an annulet betw. two cinquefoils of second an inescutcheon gu.
the first. Crest—Out of the battlements of a tower ppr. a Beverley. Or, an inescutchon and three bars sa. in chief
stag's head ar. charged with a cinquefoilsa. Motto Ostendo — six palets of the second,
non ostento. Beverley. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three ogresses.
Bettwell. Ar. a fesse betw. three eagles displ. sa. Beverley. Ar. a chief bevile vert.
Betty. Or, a betony-leaf ppr. Beverley. Erm. a rose ku.
Bettyston. Or, on a bend gu. three crosses moline ar. Beverley- Per bend sinister indented sa. and or, in chief a
Betxuie. Or, a hon sa. a Ubel of fire points gu. cross sarcelly of the second.
Bettme. Ar. a fesse gu. and in chief a Uon pass. sa. Beverley. Quarterly, ar. and gu. a rose counterchanged
Betwill. Gu. a demi wolf ppr. issuing to the sinister, his barbed vert.
feet erected, each side of his head ar. Beverley. Quarterly, ar. and gu. a cross quarterly,
Benchampe. Ar. on a chief indented sa. three mullets of counterchanged
the first. Beverley (Dublin. Arms confirmed and
Crest granted by
Beucray. Ar. three lions' heads couped sa. Daniel Molyneux, Ulster, 2 James T.). Sa. on a chev. betw.
Beuflet. Per pale or and gu. three bends sa. three wolves' heads erased ar. as many ogresses. Crest On —
Beufo. Erm. on a bend az. three cinquefoils or. Crest— A a mount ppr. a wolf pass. ar. vulned with a dart sa.
beech tree, and a saw through it, ppr. Beverley, Earl of. See Percy.
Benley. Erm. on a canton gu. an orle ar. Beverley Town of (Yorkshire). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
Beuly (Beuly-Hally). Ar. a sinister hand couped ppr. or, an eagle displ. az. ; 2nd and 3rd, ar. three bars wavy
Benxis. Erm. on a chev. sa two lions pass, respectant az. on a chief of the last a castor-beaver with his head
or. turned, biting the castor all or.
Bettrle. Or, a chev; sa. betw. three bezants. Beverley (Beverley, co. York). Erm, a chev. sa. on a chief
Beury, or Bewyr, Sa. a chev. betw. three greyhounds' of the second three bulls' heads cabossed ar. Ci-est —
heads erased ar. bull's head erased ar. Motto— TTbi libertas ibi patria.
Beuzevill. Ar. a fesse sa. betw. three cinquefoUs vert. Beverley (Yorkshire). Ar. a chev. sa. on a chief of the
Crest —
A Uon's head ppr. semt^e of plates. second three bulls' heads cabossed of the first.
Bevan (South Wales). See Beavan. Beverley (Yorkshire). Erm. a rose gu. barbed and seeded
Bevan (granted 1695 to William Bevan, Esq., of Pen-y-Coed, ppr.
CO. Carmarthen, high sheriff of that shire, and his brothers Beverley (Yorkshire). Ar. on a bend betw. two unicorns'
Theophilob Bevan and Thomas Bevan, D.D.). Az. a dove heads erased az. three fusils of the field.
ar. beaked and legged gu. betw. three annulets or, each Beverley (Selby, co. York, Visit. 1612, Harl. MS., 1487).
enriched with a ruby ppr. Chrest —
A mount vert thereon an
eagle rising ppr. holding in the beak an annuletj as in the
Erm. a chev. sa. on a chief of the second, three bulls' heads
cabossed ar. armed or.
arms. Motto—Semper virtute constans. Beverley-Abbey (Yorkshire). Ar. a crosier in pale aa.
Bevan (Ashted, co. Surrey, granted 1774 to Thomas Bevan, enfiled with a crown ppr. all within a bordure sa. bezant^e.
Esq., of that place, son and heir of Richard Bevan, of Car- Beverley. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three pales.
marthen, gent.), Az. a dove ppr. on a chief erm. three Beverly. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three hurts.
annulets or, each enriched with a ruby. Crest —
On a mural Bevers (Hogsdon). Erm. a rose gu. barbed and seeded ppr,
crown ar. a grifiBn pass, or, gorged with an eastern coronet Bevers (Hogsdon). Ar. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils gu.
gu. —
Crest A demi wivem vert armed en.'-
Bevan (Fosbury, Wilts, and Trent Park, Middlesex, as con- Bevers (Norfolk and Oxon; Edward Bevers, of Broad-
-finned toBobeet Coopek Lee Bevan, Esq., of Fosbury and street, Oxford, surgeon). Per pale or and az. on a chief
Trent Park). Erm. a bull pass. betw. three annidets gu. indented sa, three lions ramp, of the first. Crest ^A beaver —
quartering, az. three bars engr. or, a bend lozengy ar. and sejant ppr. Motto— E.t finem spero.

gu,, for Lee. Crest A griffin pass, or, semde of annulets gu. Beversham (Holbrook Hall, co. Suffolk). Gu. a fer-de-
holding in dexter claw two annulets interlaced also gu. moline pierced betw, two martlets ar. Crest Out of a tower —

Motto Dens praesidium. ar, a demi lion ramp, gu.
Bevans or Beavins, Gu. three pair of wings conjoined Beversham (granted to Lieut.-Col. John Beversham, 1685).
displ. ar. two and one. Crest —
A weaver's shuttle in pale Quarterly, 1st and 4th, same as preceding 2nd and 3rd, az. ;

threaded ppr. on a chev. betw. two lions ramp. ar. three pellets. Crest
BeveiUe (Huntingdonshire). Erm. a bull pass. gu. —
Same as preceding. Motto Magna vi sed fidelL
Beveley. Ar. a bull gu. armed or. Crest ^A bull's head — Beversham. Gu. a fer-dc-moUne pierced betw. two mart^
8a. ducally crowned or. lets in fesse ar.



Beverston. Az. semfie of billets or, a cross moline ar. Bewpell (Cornwall). Gu, a bend vair cottised ar. betw.
Beverstone. Ar. on a saltire gu. five estoiles or. six escallops of the second.
Bevertote, or Bevertourt. Ar. a cross flowered az. a Bewpell. Gu. a bend vairebetw. three eagles displ. ar.
label of the last. Bewpre. Same as Beaupree.
BeTile (Suffolk). Quarterly, or and gu. Crest A dove — Bewris, or Bewrys. Erm. on a chev. sa. two lions
volant with an olive branch in the beak ppr. pass, —
combatant or. Crest A lion's head charged with two
Bevile. Gu. achev. or, betw. three bezants. CrestS&me chev. sa. and ducally crowned or.
as last. Bewrye (CoUaton, co. Devon). Erm. on a bend engr. az.
Bevile. Sa. a chev. betw. three mullets pierced ar. three fleurs-de-lis or.
Bevill. Sa. a carpenter's square or. Bewshin. Paly of six wavy ar. and sa. on a chief of the
Bevill. Ar. a bull pass. gu. armed or. Crest—A griffin second, three crescents of the first. Crest —
Out of a ducal
pass, or, collared sa. coronet or, a lion's paw holding a palm branch ppr.
Bevill. Erm. a bull pass. gu. Crest —A griffin pass. gu. Bewsou. Ar. on a chev, betw. three goats' heads sa. as
Bevill (Gwarnack, co. Cornwall; John Bevill, of Gwarnact, many escallops of the field,
was Sheriff, 1381). Ar. a bull pass. gu. armed and tripped or. Bewyke. Gu. on a bend ar. three boars' heads couped sa.
Bevill Wobth, of Worth, co. Devon, Thomas
(quartered by Bexhull, or BexuU. Or, a lion ramp. az. fretty ar.
Worth, of that m. Isabel, dau. of Humphry Bevill,
place, Bexley, Baron. See Vansittart.
of Wolston. Devon, 1620). Ar. a bull pass. gu.
Visit. Bexwell. Ar. six annulets sa. three, two, and one (another,
Seville (Killegarth). Ar. a bull pass. gu. armed and unguled with a bordure engr. gu.).
or. Crest —A Mo«o— Futurum invisible.
griffin or. Bexwell. Ar. six ogresses, three, two, and one (another,
Beville, Bevan, or Bavin (Cornwall). Ar. a bull pass. adds a bordure gu.).
gu. Crest —A griffin pass. or. Beyard. Erm. a chev. betw. three eagles displ. ga.
Bevis. Gu. a saltire ar. a chief indented, point en point, of Crest~On a tower ar. windows and door sa. a lion ramp, gu,
the second and first. Beyerley, or Byerley. Or, a cross crosslet gu.
Bevis. Az. three esquires' helmets ppr. garnished or. Beyfeard, Sa. six martlets or, three, two, and one.
C)'est —A pheon az. Beyfrand. Sa. six martlets ar. three, two, and one.
Bew. Ar. two lions pass, guard, sa. on a chief of the Beykle. Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three birds sa. Cresi—
second three covered cups or. Crest~~A peacock's head cross pattdegu. betw. two wings or.
couped and erect ppr. Beyman. Or, on a cross sa. five bull's heads ar.
Bewdley, Towti of (Worcestershire). Ar. an anchor in Beynard. Or, a fesse betw. three chev. sa.
pale az. the ring or, the anchor surmounted with a fetter- Beynclere (Suffolk), Or, a lion ramp. gu. collared ar,
lock of the second, within the fetterlock on the dexter side (another, tail forked).
of the anchor a sword erect of the last hilt and pomel or, Beynham, or Eynon (Grove, co. -Herts, granted by
on the sinister Bide of the anchor a rose gu. Cooke, Clarenceux, 1588. Harl. M.S., 1422). Vert, a cross
BewelLam, or Bevircham. Gu. ft-etty ar. Crest — mohne or. Crest —
A beaver ppr.
hand issuing from the wreath pruning a vine ppr. Beynon (Carshalton, co. Surrey). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
Beweliaiu. Sa. a chev. or, betw. three lions' heads erased per pale wavy az. and gu. on a bend cottised or, three
ar. crosses crosslet vert, for Beynon2nd and 3rd, ar. a griffin

Bewelle. Or, a chev. betw. three torteaux. segreant pean a canton sa. charged with a millriad or, for
Bewes. Ar. a lion ramp, gorged with a ducal coronet or, in Batlet. Crests~lst: A lion ramp ar. sem^e of crosses
chief three martlets. Crest—On a chapeau a pegasus with crosslet vert, holding betw. the fore paws an escutcheon
a branch in the mouth ppr. of the first, charged with a griffin's head erased pean, for
Beives (St. Neots, Cornwall). Ar. a lion ramp, tail nowed Beynon; 2nd: A griffin's head erased pean, in the beak a
gu. gorged with an eastern coronet or, in chief three millrind, or, for Batley.
falcons ppr. Crest— On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. Beynon (Trewem, co. Pembroke), Or, a lion ramp. sa.
a pegasus rearing on his hind legs of a bay colour mane —
betw. eight roses gu. Crest A lion ramp. sa. Mottoes —
and tail sa. winged or, in the mouth a sprig of laurel. Nihil utile quod non honestum, and Heb Dduw heb ddim,
Bewes (Beaumont, near Plymouth). Same Arms and C}-est. a DUw a digon.
JfoMo—Major ab adversis. Beysiss, or Bestis, Or, a lion ramp. gu. within a bor-
Be^wfice. Quarterly, indented ar. and az. dure sa. bezant^e.
Bewfice. Az. three helmets ar. Bes3mburg'li. Or, a canton, indented in the bottom gu.
Bewfo (Visit. Butland, 1618). Erm, on a bend az. three Bezome. Lozengy (another, fusilly) ar. and sa.
cinquefoils or. Bibelles, or Bibles, and Bibbeswortli (Hertford-
Bewiford. Gu. a chief ar. shire). Az. three eagles displ. or.
Bevfort. Per fesse ar. and gu. in chief three torteaux, in Biblesworth.. Sa, six eagles displ. ar.
base a plate. Biblesworth. Az. six nails or.
Beivfoy. Ar. a chev. gu. betw, three eagles displ. vert. Bice (granted to Bobbrt Bice, Sheriff of Dublin, 1569, by
Be"wfront. Paly of six or and gu. Narbonne, Ulster), Per saltier or and az. two roses gu.
BeAvicke Newcastle, and Close House, co.
(Bewicke, slipped and leaved vert in pale and as many fleurs-de-lis of
Northumberland). Ar. five lozenges in fesse gu. each —
the first in fesse. Crest A falcon preying on a partridge,
charged with a mullet of the first, betw. three bears' heads all ppr.

erased sa. muzzled or. Crest A goat's head erased ar. Biche (Berks). Ar. on a bend gu. three bucks' heads or.
gorged with a mural coronet gu. Motto In coelo quies. — Biche. Vaire ar. and gu. on a canton of the second a garb or.
Bewicke (Hallaton, co. Leicester, descended from Calverly Biching^eld. Sa. a lion pass, ar,
Bewicke, Esq., of Hallaton, high sheriff, co. Leicester, 1762, Bickerdyke (Famham, co. York. Elizabeth, dau, and
2nd son of Calverly Bewicke, Esq., of Close House). Arms heiress of Thomas Bickerdyke, of that place, m. Bobbet
and Crest same as the preceding. Harvey, Esq., 6th Inniskilling dragoons, cousin of Harvey,
Be wie. Or, three barrulets gu. over all a saltire of the last. of Killiane, co Wexford). Or, on a saltier gu. betw. four
Bewike. Per bend or and gu. billettee and three boars' eagles vert, a cinquefoil ar.
heads counterchanged. Bickering-. Chequy ar. and gu.
Bewike. Per bend gu. and az, on a bend ar. three boars' Bickerstaffe (Kent and Lancashire). Sa. a cross crosslet
heads couped sa, Crest—The sun surmounted of a unicorn ramp, ppr,
Bewley (Kent). Ar. » chev. betw. three eagles* heads Bickerstath (Bickerstath, co. Lancaster). Ar, on a cross
erased sa. patonce sa. (another, az.) five mullets or.
Bewley (London, 1245). Quarterly, ar. and gu. a cross Bickersteth (Lord Langdale). Ar. a cross flory sa. charged
counterchanged. with four mullets or, on a chief az. three roses of the third.
Bewley (Suffolk). Gu. a fesse betw. three roses ar. Crest— Crest — A dexter arm embowed in armour ppr. garnished or,
An ibex's head or, issuing out of the centre of a rose gu, about the elbow a wreath of oak vert, in the hand a roll of
barbed vert. —
paper ppr. Supporters Dexter, a female figure represent-
Bewley. Or, three bars sa. and in chief two pales of the ing "Fortitude" vested gold, the zone and sandals ga.
second, ab ineseutcheon gu. mantle az. her anterior arm resting on a Tuscan column ppr,;
Bewley (Hesketh and Caldbecfc, co. Cumberland, Dinton's sinister, a female figure representing "Prudence" vested
M.S. Hist. Cumb.). Ar. a chev. betw. three choughs' heads az.,' zone, mantle, and sandals gu., in the exterior hand a

erased sa. mirror entwined by a, serpent, all ppr. Motto Suum —

Bewley. Ar. a chev. betw. three choughs' heads (another, cuique,
hawks') erased sa. beaked gu, Bickerton (Bickerton, co. Chester, 1330), Ar. on a chev.
Bewmarris. Or, a fesse az. sa. three pheons of the field.


Sickerton (Essex, and Beby, co._ Leicester). Same Arms. heir, Charles Bidgood, Esq., of Eockbeare, d. in 1813 hia
Orest —A martlet or, Bister, Dorothy, m. John RoseDkewe, Esq., of Grange). Ar.

Bickerton (confirmed to Thouas Bickerton, of Wicksford, on a chief engr. az. a tortoise or. Crest—A dexter hand erect
CO. Warwick, grandson of Thouas Bigeeston, of Beby, co. in armour or, holding an adder ppr.
Leicester, Her. Vis.). Same Arms. Bidgood (Henrt Fisher Bidgood, formerly Stone, of Eock-
Bickerton (TTpwood, co. Huntingdon, bart., extinct, 1832). beare Court, CO. Devon, Esq., by royal sign manual, 5 Nov.
Sa. on a chev. or, three pheons of the first ; on a canton of 1822, assumed the surname and arms of Bidgood). The same
augmentation (granted to Bear- Admiral SirBicHARD Biceeb- Arms as Bidgood of Exeter, with a canton erm. for distinc-
Tov, Bart.) gu. a mullet and increscent fesseways (in allusion tion and the same Crest, charged with a cross crosslet gu.

to the Ottoman order) within a bordure embattled or. C^est Bidlake (Bidlake, in Bridestowe, co. Devon, settled there in
—A dexter arm in armour embowed holding a dagger, 1454 the co-heirs m. Herring and Hiern), Gu. a fesse betw,

all ppr. ; and as an augmentation, suspended from the

arm an escutcheon gu. charged with a mullet and increscent

three pigeons ar. Crest
foil all ppr.
cock holding in the beak a tre-

or. Bidon. Gu. a quarter erm. charged with a lion ramp. az.
Bickerton (that Ilk, and Lufness, Scotland). Ar. an eagle Crest —
^A lion ramp. betw. two wings.
displ. gu. beaked and membered sa. Bidon (Lavendon Castle, co. Bucks), Chequy ar. and gu. on
Bickford (Dunsland, co. Devon ; the heiress Mart, dau. of a fesse az. three round buckles or.
Georgb Bickford, Esq. of Dunslapd, m. the Rev. Williau Bidwell (Devonshire). Per saltire or and gu. four roundles,
HoLT^ND CoHAu, of Coham and Upcott Avcnel). Ar.achev. each charged with a martlet all counterchanged. Crest —
engr. betw. three martlets sa. A hand in fesse couped holding a curling stone.
Bickley (Bickleigb, co. Devon, and Sussex, Cambridge, Mid- Bidwell, or Bydewell. Arms and Crest, as the last.
dlesex, and Norfolk Sir Francis Bicklet, of Attleborough,
; Bidwell (Thetford, and East Dereham, co. Norfolk). Arms,
in the last-named shire, was created a baronet in 1661). Ar. same as the last. Crest— A martlet sa.
a chev. embattled counter-embattled betw. three griffins' Bigrberle. Gu. an eagle displ. ar. membered or.
heads erased sa. each charged with a plate. Cfrest A hind's — Big-bury (Bigbury, co. Devon; the heiresses m. Champer-
head ppr. collared ar. HowNE and Durnford). Az. an eagle displ. or. Crest—
Bickley (Chidham, co. Sussex). Or, a chev. crenellee betw. hand holding a leg in armour couped-above the knee and
three griffins* heads erased sa. spurred ppr.
Bickley. Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three martlets sa. Bigrbury (Essex). Same Arms.
Bicknall, or Bicknell. Erm. on a chief gu. a cherub's Bigreware. Or, a fesse gu. betw. six lozenges az.

head. Crest An angel in a praying posture betw. two Big-g (Lenchwick, co. Worcester; bart., created 1620, extinct).
branches of laurel in orle. Ar. on a fesse betw. three martlets sa. as many annulets or.
Bicknell (Spring Garden Terrace). Ar. two bars gu. over Crest —
An arm embowed vested couped at the shoulder
all a lion ramp, of the first. Crest —
A dragon's head vert holding a serpent ppr., the tail twisted round the arm.
collared couped at the neck. "Bigg (Iping, CO Sussex, and Amwood, co. Hants). Erm. on
BicknoU. Erm. two bars or, over all a lion ramp. az. a fesse engr. betw. three martlets sa. as many annulets or.
Crest— A dragon's head erased vert. Crest —
An eagle's head couped ppr. ducally crowned or, betw.
Bicknor. Ar. a chief az. two wings elevated ppr.
Bicknor. Ar. on a bend gu. six lions ramp. or. Bigg: (The Moate, co. Kent), Ar. on a fesse engr. betw, three
Bicknor, Bickenor, or Bykenore. Ar. on a chev. —
martlets sa. three annulets or. Crest A cockatrice'^s head
ramp, of the first. Crest A pheon erm.
az. three lions — turretted or, wings erect az.
Bicksbery. Ar. a fcsse cottised sa. Big:^. Ar. a fesse az. betw. three martlets sa. Ci'est Out —
Bickton (Cornwall). Az. a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis in of a mural coronet seven Lochaber axes ppr.
chief and as many annulets in base or. Big's:, or Biggre (Eedgemell and Stambourne, co. Essex,
Bickworth. Vair a chief erm. and Benton, and Brinkley, co. Northimiberland). Erm. on
Bidall. Ar. a cross sa. in the first quarter an annulet of the a fesse engr. sa. three annulets betw. as many martlets
second. of the second. Crest —
^A cockatrice's head couped beaked
Biddeford, Town. of. There is no armorial ensign, but and crowned or, wings displ. vert.
the corporation seal represents a bridge consisting of one Biggr (Benendon, co. Kent, and Haines Hill, co. Berks, and
large arch and two demi arches, thrown over a river ; on Chilton Follyatt, co. Wilts). Per pale erm. and az. a lion pass,
the river a single-masted vessel, one half of which appears guard, or, within a bordure engr. gu. charged with eight
to have passed through the bridge, but with the mast and fleurs-de-lis of the third. Crest— A rhinoceros ppr.
round top on the other side. Biggar (Woolmet, co. Edinburgh). Ar. a bend az. betw.
Bidden, Biddle, or Biddelle. Ar. three double three mullets gu. Crest —
A pelican's head couped ppr.
brackets sa, Gvst~A demi heraldic tiger ramp. gu. ducally Motto —Giving and forgiving.
gorged or. Biggar (Edinburgh). Ar. a bend embattled az. betw. three
Biddulph (Biddulph, co. Staflford, confirmed with three mullets gu. Same Crest and Motto.
quarterings by the deputy of Flower, Norroy, 1583, to Bigrgar (Reg. in Ulster's Ofdce). Ar. a bend ragulee az.
Francis Biddulph, Esq. of Biddulph, third in descent from —
betw. three mullets gu. Crest A demi pelican sa. vulning
EicHABD BiDDDLPH, and eighth from KoGER Biddulph, temp. herself ppr.
Edward I., grandson of Henry Biddulph, of Biddulph, co. Bigg (Linden). See Bigg, of the Moate.
Stafford, Her. Vis.). Vert an eagle displ. ar. armed and Big'g'es (Straggle thorp, co. Lincoln). Gu. a fesse erm. betw.
hmgued gu. Cye«i—A wolf sejant reguard. ar. vulned on the three talbots pass. ar. each having in the mouth a bird-bolt
ahoulder gn. —
Motto Subliniiora petamus. or.
Biddulph (Elmhurst, co Stafford, Westcombc, co. Kent, and Bi^gS (Harry Biggs, Esq., of Stockton, co. Wilts, High
Birdingbury, co. Warwick, bart., descended from Biddulph Sheriff of that shire in 1812, son and heir of Henry Biggs,
of Biddulph. Same Arms and Crest. Esq., of Little Langford). Per pale erm. and ar. a lion
Biddulph (Ledbury and Burghill, co. Hereford). Arms, pass, within a bordure engr. gu. the latter charged with a
Crest, and Motto, as Biddulph, of Biddulph. fleur-de-lis or. Crest-^A leopard's face ppr.
Biddulph (Amroth Castle, co. Pembroke). Arms, &c., as Biggs (London). Per pale erm. and ar. a lion pass. gu.
Bidddlph of Biddulph. crowned or, within a bordure engr. of the third charged
Biddulph (Wright-Biddclph, Burton Park, co. Sussex). with eight fleurs-de-lis of the fourth. Crest —A
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, vert an eagle displ. ar., for Biddulph
face gu. Another Crest— lamb couchant ar.
2nd and 3rd, az. two bars ar. and in chief a leopard's face Big^s (Worcestershire). Ar. on a fesse betw. three ravens
or, for Wright; quartering, Goring, Compton, and Camots. sa. as many annulets of the field.
Crests—lat: A wolf salient ar. 2nd: Out of a ducal coronet
; Biggs. Ar, on a fesse betw. three martlets sa. as many
or, adragon's head ppr. annulets or.
Biddulph (Chirk Castle, co. Denbigh). Quarterly, 1st Big-gs (York and Eotherham). Erm. on a fess engr^ betw.
and 4th, vert, an eagle displ. ar. armed and langued gu. many annulets or.
three martlets sa, as
for Bidddlph 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a bend vert three wolves
; Bightine. Purp. a chev. couched sinister or.
heads erased of the field, for Mtddelton. Crests—A wolf Bighton (Derbyshire). Ar. on a bend gu. betw. two stags^
salient ar. charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped headacabossed sa. a greyhound courant of the field.
vert, for Biddulph; out of a ducal coronet or, a bloody Bi^land (Bigland Hall, co. Lancaster). Az. two ears of
hand, ppr., for Myddelton. Motto— Jn veritate triumpUo. —
big-wheat or. Crest Alien pass, reguard. gu. holding in

Bide. Or, on a pale engr. az. three anchors of the first. his forepaw an ear of big-wheat as in the arms. Mottoes
Bideford. Barry wavy of six az. and ar. a chief or. Above the crest: Gratitude; below the shield: Spes labor
Bidgood (Exeter, co. Devon, granted 1690; the last male I lavffi.

81 Or


Bignell Erm. a lion ramp. gu. on
(Salisbury and London). Henry V. John Drake, of Exmouth). Ar. on a chief gu. three

a chief an ear of tig-wheat couped and bladed or, hetw.

az. cinquefoils of the field. Crest hand and arm couped
two estoiles ar.
Crest —
A wivern gu. wings elevated and at the elbow, in armour ppr. in the gauntlet a baton or.
endorsed or, resting the dexter foot on an anchor of the Billet (Norfolk). Ar. a fesse gu. in chief a greyhound pass.
last. sa. (another, purp.).
Big-od {Earl of Norfolk, created 1135 ; extinct 1305). Or, a Billet (IrelaJid). Az. fifteen bezants, five, four, three, two,
cross gu. and one.
Bigfoe (Phiup Bigoe, Esq., of Newtown, King's co. temp. Billing' (Billinge, co. Lancaster), Ar. a cross (another,
Charles II., Fun. Ent. Ire.). Az. on a chev. betw. two voided) betw. four crosses crosslet fitch^e gu. d-est An —
mullets in chief and a ferret pass, in base ar. a mullet betw. arm couped at the shoulder, resting the elbow on the
two ferrets pass. gu. wreath, and holding a spear in pale.
Bigrot. Or, a cross sarcelly gu. Ores'. A martlet sa. — Billing' (Dedington, co. Oxford, Visit. Oxon). Ar. a cross
Big:ot. Per pale vert and or, a cross moline sa. (another, voided betw. twelve crosses crosslet fitchde gu. Crest, as
gu.). the last.
Bigott. Or, a cross gu. (another, adds a label of five points Billing. Gu. a chev. betw. three goats, ar.
az.) Billing', or Billinge, Or, on a bend sa. three bucks'
Bigrott. Vert a lion ramp. or. —
heads erased of the first. Crest A buck pass. ppr.
Big:sby (Stowmarket, co. Suffolk and Amovale, co. Notts). Billing'don. Ar. on a saltire engr. sa. a fleur-de-lis or,
Az. an eagle displ. or, armed gu. Crest An eagle as in the— Billingrdon, or Billington. At. on a saltire engr. sa.

arms. Motto Ad astra; Nitamur semper ad optima. (another, az.) five fleurs-de-lis or.
Big'^yaies. Vair a chief gu. Billing'er. Billettee counter biUett^e gu. and ar.
BigTware. Or, a fesse gu. betw. three lozenges az. (another, Billinger. Az. a rose in base or.
six). Billingford (Norfolk and Suffolk). Sa. two wood biUi,
Big"wod. Ar. on a chief sa. two crescents or. indorsed, in saltire ar.
Bigrwood. Ar. on a chief gu. three (another, two) crescents Billing'Iiam. Az. three ducal crowns or, insides sa.
of the field. Crest —
A hand erect issuing from a cloud, and Billing:h.ain. Ar. on a saltire five fleurs-de-lis or.
holding a club in bend sinister, Crest —A lion ramp, double queued or.
Bilbie (Nottinghamshire). Sa. a saltire or. Billingliam, or Byrlangham. Ar. on a cross engr.
Bildyne (SufEolk). Per fesse indented gu. and vert three gu. five fleurs-de-Us or.
ducks ar. Billinghurst (Newport, Isle of Wight), Az. three eagles
Bilech Abbey (Essex). Ar. six fleurs-de-lis az. three, two, displ. or, betw. nine crosses crosslet fitchfie ar. Crest^An
and one. eagle displ. or, holding in the beak a cross crosslet fitch^e
Bilerbeit. Gu. a boy's face couped below the shoulders ar.
betw. two demi pillars ar. Billinghurst (Surrey). Vert on a fesse ar. betw. two
Bilesby (Bylesby, co. Lincoln). Ar. a chev. betw. three woodbills saltireways in chief and another erect in base of
demi lozenges couped per pale sa. Orest A lion's head — the last, a human heart betw. two roses gu. barbed ppr..
erased ar. —
seeded or. Crest Issuing from a human heart a braach
Bileston. Ar. on abend sa.three martlets of the field. of roses ppr.
Bilk (Coperham, co. Kent). Gu. a chev. betw. three leopards' Billing:s (Bedfordshire). Gu. a cross betw, four crosses
faces ar. crosslet fitch^e ar. Orest —An arm embowed vested holding
Bilkston. Ar. on a bend sa. three mullets of the field. a covered cup.
Bill. Ar. a stork ppr. holding in the dexter foot an ancient Billingrsley (London). Gu. a fleur-de-lis or, a canton of the
battle-axe, handle gu. top az. —
Crest ^A stork's head erased second. Crest— On a mount vert a leopard couchant or^
ppr. spotted sa.
Bill. Erm. two woodbills sa. with long handles ppr. in Billingsley (Shropshire). Ar. a cross sa. voided of the fielfl,
saltire, on a chief az. a pale or, charged with a rose gu. betw. five estoiles in cross betw. four lions ramp, of the second.
two pelicans' heads erased at the neck ar. Crest —As the last.
Bill (Saltash, co. Cornwall). Az. three griffins' heads erased Billingsley (Customer for the Queen's Custom for

ar. Strangers. Visit. London, 1568). Same Arms.

Bill (William Bill, D.D., Dean of Westminster, and almoner Billingsley (Edwabd Billingslet, son of Fbancis Bil-
to Queen Elizabeth his niece, the heiress of his elder
: lingsley, Esq., of Astley Abbotts, co. Salop, temp. Charles
brother, Thomas Bill, of Ashwell, co. Hertford, m. James II., Fun. Ent. Ire.). Gu. on a cross betw. four Uons ramp.
Hatdock, of Greywell). Or, a fret sa. within a bordure ar. a cross of the field charged with five mullets of the
engr. az. on a canton ar. five martlets in saltire of the second. second.
Bill (Charles Hobsfall Bill, Esq.). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Billington (confirmed 1696 to Sir William Billington,
erm. two battle-axes aaltireways ppr. on a chief az. betw. Lo»d Mayor of Dublin). Quarterly, az. and gu. on a saltire
two pelicans' heads erased ar. vulning themselves, a pale of engr. or, five fleurs-de-lis sa. Crest—Out of a mural crown
the same charged with a rose gu., for Bill; 2nd and 3rd, sa. a sun in splendour or.
gu. a bezant betw. three horses' heads erased ar. reined az., Bilney (Norfolk). Ar. an eagle displ, verb. Crest—A.
for Hobsfall. Orest —
A pelican's head erased ar. vulning demi griffin ar. holding betw. the paws a buckle sa.
itself. Bilsdon (London). Az. a bend voided or.
Bill Erm. two bill hooks in saltier
(Farley Hall, co. Stafford). Bilsdon. Az. four bendlets or. Crest—A ram's head
ppr. a pallet or, charged with a rose gu. betw.
on a chief az. couped or.
two pelicans' heads erased ar. Crest —
A pelican's head Bilson (Hampshire). Gu. a double rose, the inside gu. the
erased ar. Motto— Omne solum patria. other ar. and a pomegranate or, seeded ppr. both stalked
Billaxxx (Billam and Wales, co. York). Gu, three bows ppr. and leaved vert, and coiy oined in pale. Crest -A buglehorn —
Orest-^A dexter arm grasping an arrow ppr. Motto — or, stringed ar. and tasselled gold.
Azincourt. Bilson (Hampshire). Ar. a pomegranate slipped ppr.
Billcliffe (Turganby, co. Kent). Az. a bend nebulae or, Bilton (Sussex). Ar. on a chev. az. three fleurs-de-lis or,
betw. six fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest—A. naked arm ppr. couped Bilton. Paly of four or and gu. a bend sa.
at the elbow and erect holding a battle-axe also ppr. Bincester. Gu. a chief crenellde ar.
Billedge. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three holly leaves vert. Binckes, Bincks, or Binks. Or, a crescent az. within
Blllemore. Ar. a bend gu. a bordure engr. az. an orle of eight martlets gu. Crest —A column winged gu.
Billerberg". Ar. three stone billets carved gu. Binde. Ar. two bars sa. on each three martlets or.
Billers (Lord Mayor of London, 1734). Per pale gu. and sa. Binder. Az. the head of an avosetta ppr.

a lion ramp. ar. crowned or. Orest A snail in its shell ppr. Bindlosse (Berwick, co. Lancaster and Westmoreland; the
Billesby. Ar. a chev. betw. three stone bills sa. dau. and heiress of Sir Robebt Bindlosse, of Berwick Hall,
Billesdon (Lord Mayor of London, 1483). Az. a bend Bart., m. Wm. Standish, Esq., of Standish). Quarterly, per
cottised or, in the sinister chief an eagle's head erased of fesse indented or and gu. on a bend az. a cinquefoU betw-
the second. two martlets of the first. Crest— A demi horse ar. ducfdly
BiUesley. Ar. a bull pass. gu. B;orged az.
Billestou. Az. two bendlets or, in the sinister chief a Bindlosse. Quarterly, per fesse indented gu. and or, on a
griffin's head erased of the second. bend of the second a cinquefoil betw. two ducks az. Christ
Billesworth. (Herefordshire). Ar. three eagles displ. az. —A demi horse ar. ducaUy gorged az. Supporters Dexter, —
Billes'worth. Az. three eagles displ. or. Crest ^A — a grifGn sinister, an eagle. Motto ^Per.

squirrel sejant cracking a nut ppr. collared or. Bindon (Ireland). Paly of eight or and gu. Oi-est~0a »
Billet (Ashe, co. Devon. The elder dau. and co-heir m. temp^ mount vert, a bull pass, ar


Bindon (Cloony, co. Clare). Ar. three roses sa. Crest — Oa Bipsham (Billinge, co. Lancaster).Ar. a rose and thistle
a mount vert a bull Motto Stet non timeat. — slipped conjoined in" pale both ppr.
Bluet Gu. on a chief or, three crosses crosslet
(Jersey). Biram. Ar. three hedgehogs sa.
fitchee az. Crest —
A woman couped at the knees habited Biraston. Az. a fesse dancettee erm. betw. six crosslets
mediBBvally betw. the attires of a stag all ppr. Motto Je le — form^e fitchee ar.
Tueil. Birbeck. Ar. a fesse chequy or and sa. betw. three lions'
Bing: Quarterly, sa. and or, in the dexter chief
(Kent). hearts erased gu.
quarter a lion ramp, guard, of the last. Crest A demi — Birch. (Birch, Lancashire, also of Lincolnshire and London,
pegasus reguard. winged or, holding in pale a flag gu. Visit. Lancaster, 1664). Az. three fleurs-de-lis or. d-est —
Bin^e. Quarterly,, sa. and or, four lions ramp, counter- A fleur-de-lis ar. entwined by a serpent ppr.
changed. Birch (Birch, co. Lancaster). Ar. a chev, betw. three
Siugrer (Hougham, co. Kent). Or, a cross vert surmounted mullets sa.
by a bendlet gu. Birch (Staffordshire, and Wrotham, co. Norfolk). Az. three
Bing-eware. Or, a fesse gu. betw. four lozenges az. fleurs-de-lis and a canton ar. Crest— A fleur-de-lis ar.
Bing'IiaiXL (Blnghams-Melcombe, co. Dorset, a family of entwined by a serpent ppr. il/o«o— PrudentiS, simplicitate.
Saxon origin, originally of Sutton Bingham, co. Somerset). Birch (Openshaw and Ardwick, co. Lancaster, 1664). As
Quarterly, 1st, az. a bend cottised betw. six crosses pattee or, BiBCH of Birch, with a canton or.
for BiNGHAH; 2nd, erm. a lion ramp. gu. crowned or, for Birch (granted to William Jarvis Birch, Esq., of Croydon,
Tckbervill; 3rd, az. three arrows erect or, for Chaldecott; CO. Surrey). Or, on a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis az. as
4th, per bend ar. and sa. four lozenges in bend betw. six many crosses clechees of the field, a chief gu. thereon two
fleurs-de-lis, all counterchanged, for Potengee. Crest On — staves of .ffisculapiiis in saltire or, entwined by a serpent ppr.

a rock ppr. an eagle rising or. Motto Spes mea Christus. Crest— An eagle rising az. holding in the dexter claw a,
Bing:haizi (The Vines, Rochester, co. Kent). Arm^^ &c., banner flowing to the dexter gu., thereon three crosses
same as Binohau, of Blnghams-Melcombe. clechees two, and one, as in the arms, staff, point, and tassels
3mg:]iazxi {Earl of Lucan). Az. a bend cottised betw. gold.
six crosses patt€e or. —
Crest On a mount vert a falcon Birch (Birch Hall). Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three griffins'
rising wings expanded ppr. armed membered and belled or. heads erased of the last as many lozenges az. on a chief
Sv/pporttrs —
^Two wolves az. plain collared Mid chained or. crenellee or, three birch branches vert. Crest—A hare
Motto —Spes mea Christus. courant sa. collared or.
Bingrham. (BInghain Castle, co. Mayo). As Lucan. Birch (Gamstone, co. Hereford, descended from Birch of
Biug'hazil {Lord Clanmorris). Az. a bend cottised betw. Birch Hall;. Same Arms.
six crosses pattee or, quartering Tdrbeeville and Shaen. Birch (The Hasles, co. Lancaster, hart,). Az. three fleurs-
Ci-est—A rock thereon an eagle rising all ppr. Supporters de-lis ar. on a chief of the last three mullets sa. Crest —
— —
Two lions ppr. Motto Spes mea Christus. A mount vert thereon a hare sa. collared ar. Motto —
!Binh.azn (registered 170S to Henrt Binghau, Esq., eon of Libertas.
Charles Bingham and Mary Anne his wife, heiress of Birch (granted to George Birch, of Kilkenny, Alderman,
Henry Blennerhasset, Esq., co. Fermanagh). Quarterly, Aug. 12, 1691). Az. on a chev. betw. three griffins' heads ar,
1st and 4tb, az abend plain cottised betw. six crosses patt^ —
as many lozenges of the first. Crest A grifBn's head erased
or, for Binghau; 2nd and 3rd, gu. a fess erm. betw. three holding in the mouth a birch branch ppr. and charged on
dolphins naiant ar., for Blennerhasset. Ct^est On a mound — the shoulder with a lozenge sa.
vert an eagle rising ppr. Birchensha^v. Ar. a pegasus gu.
Bing:h£iin (Hertfordshire). Vert a cross moline or. Birchenshaw, or Birkenshaw (Lancashire). Ar. a
Bing-ham (Kent. Visit, co. Notts. 1614). Or, on a fesse fesse cottised gu. in chief three mullets of the last.
gu. three water bougets ar. Birches. Or, three birch twigs sa.
Bing'liaxn.. Or, a fesse gu. betw. three water bougets sa. Birchet (Rye, co. Sussex). Sa. a fesse dancettee betw. three
Bingiiam (Nottinghamshire). Or, on a fesse gu. three —
eagles displ. or. Crest A tiger sejant vert ducally gorged
water bougets erm. and maned or.
.Bin^haziL (Nottinghamshire). Or, on a fesse betw. three Birchall (Bowden Hall, co. Gloucester). Ar. on a chev-
mullets gu. as many water bougets ar. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee sa. as many fleurs-de-lis
-Bing-liam. (Bingham, Car Colston, and Watnall Chaworth, —
of the field. Crest A lion ramp. az. supporting a tree vert-
CO. Nottingham). Or, on a fesse gu. three water bougets ar. Motto — Quaere verum.
Biu^lianL. Per pale ar. and sa. a lion ramp, or, armed gu. Birchill (Birchill, co. Chester). Ar. on a chev. betw. three
(another, the lion crowned or). crosses crosslet fitchee sa. as many fleurs-de-lisof the field.
Brngham, or Bengrham. Az. a fesse dancettee ar. (}rest —A lion ramp. a tree vert.
az. supporting
Bingrler or Bing-ley (Sir John Binoler, Knt,, a Privy Birchills, or Birchells. Same Arms.
Councillor in Ireland, d. 15 April, 1638, Fun. Ent. Ire.). Ar. Birckicht. Ar. on a mount a tree vert.
two bars aa. on a canton of the last a pheon of the first. Bircnt (Scotland). Gu. a chev. engr. betw. three cinquefoils
-Bing-ley (Flintshire and Middlesex, 1605). Ar. two bars sa. ar.
on a canton of the second a pheon of the first. Crest ^A — Bird, anciently Byrde (Broxton, co. Chester, anciently
pheon ar. betw. two wings or, behind the pheon and wings of Charlton in Malpas). Ar. a cross flory betw, four martlets

a pellet. Another Crest On an escutcheon sa. a pheon ar. gu. a canton az. (Ancient, 44 Edward III., Az. a bend ar.

betw. two wings of the last. cottised erm. betw. six martlets or.) Crest ^A martlet gu.
.Bingley (Blyth, Nottinghamshire, Visit. Ar. two 1614). Bird (Drybridge, co. Hereford, descended from the Bybdes of
bars sa. on a canton of the seconda pheon of the first, Broxton, co. Chester). Same ArmSj on the canton a
charged with an annulet gu. Crest-~On a pellet a cross mullet of five points or, a crescent for diff. Same Crest.
form^e ar. charged with an annulet gu. betw. two wings —
Motto Cruce spes mea.
or. Bird (Bavid Bdrd, son of David Bird, "Ye Old," ap Evan,
.Bingley (Yorkshire).
Ar. three trefoils in bend sa. betw. AP Llewellyn, ap Kenerick, ap Bhiallon, "A Noble man^
two cottises gu. Crest— A bear's head erased ar. muzzled of whom divers gentlemen in Maelors are descended.") Erm.
and collared gu. studded and ringed or. a lion ramp. sa.
Bingrware. Or, a fesse gu. betw. six lozenges az. Bird (William Bird, Hackney, co. Middlesex, and London,
Binningr (of that Ilk, Scotland). Ar. on a bend engr. sa. a merchant, son of Richard Bird, Alderman and Mayor of
mullet of the first. Chester, and grandson of Thomas Bird, Alderman and J.P,
Binnm^ (Easter Binning. One of this family is said to of the same city. Visit. Middlesex, 1663). Ar. a cross flory
have, temp. David II,, gone in a waggon, covered with hay, betw. four martlets gu. on a canton az. a crescent. Crest —
and surprised and taken from the English the castle of A martlet rising gu.
Linlithgow). Ar. pn a bend engr. sa. a waggon of the field. Bird (Denston, co. Suffolk). Ar, a cross formee flory betw.
Binning- (Carlourehaugh, Scotland, 1672). Ar. on a bend —
four martlets gu. a canton vert. Crest In a crown ar. a^
engr. sa. awaggon of the field. Crwi— A horse's head fur- greyhound's head couped or.
nished for a waggon ppr. Motto —
Virtute doloque.
Binning (Wallifoord, Scotland). Ar. on a bend engr. sa. a
Bird (Bread-street, London, and Coventry, co. Warwick).
Ar. a cross moline vert betw. four martlets gu. a chief dove-
waggon or, within a bordure of the second. Crest—A demi tailed az. Crest —
A greyhound's head vert erased gu.
horse furnished for a waggon ppr. Motto Christo duce — gorged with a dovetailed collar or.
feliciter. Bird (Derbyshire). Gu. a chev. embattled ar. Crest On a —
Binns. a blackamoor's head couped sa.
Or, Crest— mount vert a stump of a tree couped and erased, thereon a
mortar mounted ppr. falcon volant all ppr.
Bipont. Gu. ten annulets or, four, three, two, and one. Bird (Westminster, descended from Shropshire; granted 16
83 Q 2
September, 1723). Az. a lion pass, guard, and ducally and charged at the shoulder with a millrind, also ap
crowned or, betw. three turtle doves rousant ar. each hold- —
Motto Omni liber metu.
ing in the beak a trefoil slipped gold. Orest A ringdove — Birley. Ar. a fesse engr. betw. three trefoils sUpped gu.
ppr. resting the right foot on a rose or. Birling-liam. Or, on a cross gu. five fieurs-de-Us of the
Bird. Vert, three bucks' heads ppr. field.

Bird (1606). Quarterly, ar. and sa. in the first quarter an Birling-ham. Ar. on a, cross purp. (another, gu.) five
eagle displ. of the second. C)-eit —
On a dolphin ppr. an fleurs-de-lis or.
eagle or, wings expanded. (Norfolk), Ar. on a bend gu. cottised sa,
Bird (Penrith, whose ancestry is traceable to the year 1295, three escallops or. Crest —^Two paws
lions' in saltire sa.
Visit. Cumberland, 1615. The family possessed for a time Birmiug-liaixL. Az. a bend fusilly or.
Brougham Hall, since regained by the Bboughams). Ar. Birming-liaiii. Per pale indented ar. and az. two spear
on a chev. engr. gu. betw. three lions ramp sa. as many heads counterchanged.
fleurs-de-lis or. Birming'b.ain. Az. a bend lozengy or.
Bird (Cotterelston, co. Dublin, Visit. Dublin, 1607). Ar. on a Birn, or Brin (Ireland). Ar. guttde de sang, a lion pass,
cross flory betw. four martlets gu. a mullet or,' on a canton guard, gu. Crest —
A dexter hand couped gu.
az. a cinquefoil of the third. Birnard. Ar. on a bend az. three escallops of the first.
Birde (Yowley, co. Chester and London, customer outward Birnell (Oxfordshire). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. (another, az.)
to the Queen, Visit. London, 1568). Per pale or and ar. an guttee d'or.
eagle displ. sa. Crest— A. grifl&n's head erased, bendy of six Birnell (Lincolnshire). Ar. a lion ramp. az.
sa. and ar, Birne (Muragh Bibne, of Kiltenay, co. Wicklow, whose
Birdmanston. Ar. seven mascles conjoined, three, three, dau., Dgbotht, was wife first of Tdblagh MacTbadgh,
and one, sa. secondly of James Walsh, of Balaunely, co. Dublin, and d.
Birford (Fun. Ent. Ire., 1608). Ar. alion ramp. gu. 7th September, 1623, Fun. Ent. Ire). Ar. a fesse betw. three
Blrliornston. Ar. three bears' heads couped betw. six dexter hands apaumde sa.
crosses crosslet fitchee fpi. Birnie (Broomhill, Scotland). Gu. a fesse ar. betw, a bow.
Birkbeck (Cumberland). Ar. a fesse counter-compony or and arrow in full draught in chief and three men's legs
and az. betw. three lions' heads erased gu. couped at the thighs in fesse paleways of the second in base.
Birkbeck (Rev. William John Bibkbeck, of Settle, co. Crest —
^A lion's head erased ppr. Motto Sapere aude —
York). Ar. a fesse chequy or and sa. betw. three lions' incipe.

heads erased gu. Oesi A bow erect entwined with a branch Birnie (Saline, Scotland ; Sir Andeew Bibnie, of Saline, one
of birch all ppr. of the senators of the College of Justice), As Bboomhill,
Birkbeke Ar. a fesse chequy or and sa.
(Westmor eland). with the addition on the fesse of a lion's head erased sa.
betw. two lions' heads erased in chief, and in base a boar's Orest —
A dexter hand ppr. holding an anchor erected or,
head erased gu. Crest— A nut branch, vert, fructed, or. environed with clouds ppr. Motto Arcus artes astra. —
Birkby, or Buckby. Or, three garbs sa, Orest— On. a Birning:hanL. Az. a bend engr. ar.
chapeau gu. turned up erm. a garb or, banded ar. Birom Ar. a chev. betw. three urchins sa.
Birkehover (Lancashire). Sa. three garbs or, a bordure —
Crest -An urchin as the arms.
engr. of the last. Birom (Hulland and Ashbume-green). Ar. on a chev.
Birken (Yorkshire). Ar. a fesse az. and a label of three betw. three urchins sa. three plates.
points gu. Biron, Gu. three bends ar. (another adds a label az.).
Birkeixhead Priory (Cheshire). Quarterly, gu. and or, Biron (Colwick, co. Notts, Visit. 1614). Ar. a bendlet,
in the first quarter a lion pass, ar., in pale a crozier of the enhanced gu.
last head turned to the sinister. Biron (Fun. Ent. Ire., 1679). Same Ai-ms.
Birkeuliead (Backford, co. Chester). Sa. three garbs or, Birrel, or Birrell. Ar. three torteaux a bordure vert and
a bordure ar. Crest—A goat saliant ar. attired or, resting a chief erm. Crest — An arm in armour embowed wielding
its fore on a garb.
foot a scimetar all ppr. '

Birkenhead. Gu. three ducal crowns or, on a chief of the Birsin, or Basin. Sa. three floats in pale ar.
last as many bay leaves vert. Crest —
Out of a ducal Birsty (Birchenstey, co, Sussex, and Hever, co. Kent). Gu.
coronet or, an arm embowed ppr. holding three arrows a fesse embattled erm. betw. three dexter gauntlets or.
gold. Birt (Fun. Ent. Ire., 1616). Ar. a fess sa.
Birkenliead, or Birket. Vert a bordure ar. pellett^e, Birt. Az. a birt fish ppr.
surmounted of another engr. gu. Birt. Ar. two chev. paly of six or andjaz. (another, az. and
Birkes, Sa. three garbs or, on a chief ar. as many bezants. or).
Crest— An ear of wheat and palm branch in saltire ppr. Birte Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three bugle-
Birket (Birket House, co. Chester). Sa. three garbs or, a hoxns stringed sa. three crosses crosslet fitchee of the first.
bordure ar. pellettde. Crest— A ram's head erased ar. Crest —A
dexter arm fesseways embowed issuing out of a
Birket. Sa. three garbs or, within a bordure (another, doud in the sinister and holding a garland of laurel all
engr.) ar. Crest~On a hand couped at the wrist an eagle ppr.
rising ppr. Birtles, or Blrcliells. Gu. three parrots reguard.
Birkin. Az. three cypress sprigs or. wings disclosed ar.
Birkyn. Ar. a fesse gu. in chief a label of five points of the Birtles (Birtles, co. Chester). Ar. on a chev. betw. three
second. crosses crosslet az. as many fleurs-de-lis of the field. Orest
Birlang-haxu. Or, a fesse gu. betw. three torteaux. — A lion ramp. az. on the sinister side of a tree vert.
Birle (Essex, 1578). Ar. three torteaux and a chief erm. Birton. Paly of six or and gu. a bend sa. gutte d'eau.
Orest —^An arm couped at the shoulder fesseways, habited ar. Birton, or Brinton. Sa. a chev. betw. three martlets
cuff sa. holding in the hand ppr. a cross form^e fitchee or, or.
on the arm three torteaux, Birtwesill (Huncothall, co. Lancaster, 1567 and 1664). Sa.
Birley (Kirkham and Staind, co. Lancaster). Vert three a chev, erm. betw. three weasils ar. Crest —A dolphin
boars' heads couped ar. armed or. Crest —
A demi boar ppr. (or turbot) ppr.
armed, hoofed, and bristled or, and gorged with a chain of Bisclioff (Leeds and London, originally ofBasle, Switzerland,
the last, supporting a thistle ppr. as granted by the Emperor Rudolph at Prague to Euseliius
Birley (Halliwell Hall, co. Lancaster). Sa, on a fesse Bischoff, of Basle). Ar. on a pile sa. a crozier erect or,
engr. betw. three boars' heads, couped ar. a raascle betw. Orest —A crozier erect or, betw, two wings of an imperial
two crosses crosslet of the field. 'Crest A demi boar — eagle, the dexter ar. the sinister sa.
ramp. sa. collared and chained or, and charged on the neck Biscoe (exemplified to William Eable Ttndale, Esq., of
with a fer de moline ar. holding in his paws a thistle ppr. Holton Park, co. Oxford, upon his assuming the name of
leaved and stalked vert. Biscoe, in lieu of that of Ttndalb, 6th July, 1866). 1st and
Birley (Hugh Biblet, Esq., M.P. for Manchester). Sa. on 4th, paly of six or and vert three greyhounds current in pale
a fesse engr. betw. three boars'* heads couped ar. a erm. each gorged with a collar gold, for Biscoe; 2nd and

mascle betw. two crosslets of the field. Crest A demi boar 3rd Ar. on a fesse gu. betw, three garbs sa. a martlet or, for

ramp. sa. collared ar. chain reflected over back or, Tyndale, Crest— On a mount vert in front of an oak tree
supporting a branch of wild teazle ppr., charged on the a greyhound current ppr. collared or, seizing a hare, also
sho^dde^ with a mlllrind ar. Motto— Omni liber metu. ppr. Motto —
Confide non confunda.
Birley (Moss-Lee, co. Pal. Lancaster). Sa. on a fess. engr. Biscoe (Kingillie, co. Inverness). Ar. three greyhounds
Letw. three boars' heads couped ar. a mascle betw. two cross courant in pale sa. Crest — ^A greyhound courant sa. seizing
crosslets of the field, Crett —
A demi boar sa. collared ar. a hare or.
*hain reflexed overthe backer, supporting a branch of wUd Bisenham (Kent). Ar. a saltire engr. sa, pierced lozengy


of the field betw. four bears* heads erased of the second Biss. Per saltire or and az. in chief, and in ba£e a rose gu,
mozzled or. leaved and stalked vert in fesse two fieurs-de-lis gold. Crest—
Bisett. Gu. on a bend ar. three escallops sa. An eagle preying on a partridge all ppr.
Bish.. Or, a chev. betw. three roses gn. Bisse (Ireland; granted 25 May, 1637). Sa. three escallops
Bish fSTAPLETON BisH. Founder of Exeter College, Oxford). in pale ar. a canton erm. and a crescent for diff. or. Crest —
Ar. two bendlets wavy gn. within a bordure Ba. entoyreof On a mount vert two snakes or, interlaced respecting each
keys endorsed and united in the rings or. other.
Bish (Thomas Bish, Esq., M.P. for Leominster, 1833). Erm. Bisse (Teouas Chaloneb Bisse Challoneb, Esq.,of Portnall
two bars, each charged with two crosses pattee or, within a Park, CO. Surrey, son and heir of the late Kev. Thomas
bordure en^. sa. charged with roses and escallops alternately Bisse, by Katharine Townsend, his wife d. s. p. 1872,
ar. on a canton of the last six bees volant ppr. having bequeathed Portnall Park to his brother-in-law,
Bishbery, or Bistoury. Ar. a bar betw. two gemels sa. fiev, Henet Jebome Aogdstine Fane De Salis). Same
Bishe (Edward Bisbe, Esq., of Burstow, co. Surrey, and Arms as the preceding, quarterly with Challoneb. Crests
Lincoln's Inn, Camden's Grants). Erm. on a chief em- — First, Challoneb second,
; Bisse, as preceding.
battled gu. three leopard's faces ar., quartering. Per saltier Bisselby (Berkshire). Gu. a chev, ar, betw. three crosses
or and az. two roses in pale gu. and as many fleurs-de-lis in or.
fess of the first. Crest —
On a mural crown or, a sword Bissell. Gu. on a bend ar. three escallops sa. Crest—
erect ar. pommel and hilt of the first, the blade impaling a demi eagle with wings displ. sa. charged on the neck witti
leopard's face gu. an escallop shell or.
Blsher. Vaire ar. and gu. on a canton or, a buck's head Bisset (That Ilk and Beaufort, Scotland). Az. a bend ar.
cabossed sa. Bisset (Lessendrum, co. Aberdeen). Originally az. on a bend
Bishop (Anthony Bishop, Oihill, co.Warwick, grandson of ar. three mullets gu. ; afterwards, az. a bend ar.
Geobge Bishop of the same place,and son of John Bishop, Bisset (Fenwick-Bisset, of Lessendrum, 1870). Quarterly,
of Brayles, Har. MSS.). Ar. on a bend gu. cottised sa. three Ist and 4th, az. a bend ar. ; 2nd and 3rd, per fess gu. and ar.
bezants. six martlets couuterchanged, for Fenwick. Crests ^The —
Bishop (Dorsetshire and Somersetshire), Ar. on a bend trunk of an oak tree sprouting afresh ppr., for Bisset; A
cottised gu. three bezants. Crest — ^An eagle's head erased phcenix in flames gorged with a mural crown ppr., for
party per fesse or and gu. beaked of the last. FtNwicK. Mottoes— AbBcissa, virescit, for Bisset: Pent ut
Bishop (Norfolk). Same Ai-ms. vivat, for Fenwice,
Bishop (Evesham, co. Worcester). Ar. on a bend gu. Bisset (Thomas, of Glenalbert, commissary of Dunkeld, 1767).
cottised sa. three bezants. Crest—Out of a mural crown ar. Az. abend ar. a bordure engr. gu. Crest ^The tmnk oJ a —
a griffin's beaked or.
head sa. decayed tree shooting from the root ppr. Motto Keviresco. —
Bishop (Crediton, co. Devon). Gu. three lozenges ar. each Bisset (Yorkshire). Ar. three torteaux, a chief gu.
charged with a pheon sa. Bisset (Worcestershire). Az. ten bezants, four, three, two^
Bishop (Devonshire. Visit. 1562). Gu. three lozenges ar. and one.
each charged with an eagle displ. of the field. Bisset (Worcestershire). Az. three bezants.
Bishop (Chalcombe, Dorset). Same Arms. Bisset. Az. a bezant.
Bishop. See Btshoppe. Bisset, Bisside, or Beseid. Gyronny of eight sa. and
Bishop. Ar. on a bend gu. betw. two demi lions ramp. sa. erm.
three lozenges vair. Bisset. Gyronny of ten sa. and enn.
Bishophery (Henbt, fentp. Eich. II.). Ar. a fesse cottised Bisset. Az. on a bend or, three escallops gu.
sa. Bisset (Darlington, co. Durham). Az. a bend ar. a bordure
Bishoppe (Bristol, co. Somerset). Erm. on a bend cottised engr. gu.
gu. three bezants. Crest —
A griffin sejant ar. resting the Bissett (quartered by Edwabd Lebbight, Blakeshall, co
dexter claw on an escutcheon also ar. Worcester, as one of the heirs general of Manseads Bvssett
Bishops-Castle, Town of (Shropshire, the common or Bissett, a Baron, Sewer to Henry I., Visit. London, 1568).
sesU). A castle domed on the castle in chief, I and
; in R Az. six bezants three, two, and one.
base, 1609. Bissett. Az. on a bend within a bordure creneU^e ar. a^
Bishopston, or Bishopsdon (confirmed in the lineage mascle gu. in the dexter chief a martlet of the second.
of Catesby as the Arrns of Bishopston. Sir William Crest

^The stump of a tree ppr. Motto Abscissa virescit.—
Catesbt 771. Phillippa, dau. and co-heir of William db Bisshe (Esses). Or, a chev. betw. three roses gu. Crest —
Bishopsdon, temp. Hemy V., who was eighth in descent A hind trippant ar.
from Fbedebick de Bishopsdon, temp. King Stephen. Her. Bisshop. See Bishop.
Vis.). Bendy of six or and sa. a canton erm. Bisshopp (borne by the late Baroness de la ZoucliSy of
Bishopton (Warwickshire). Bendy of six ar. and sa. a Earringworth see Cdbzon, Lord de la Zouche). Quarterly,

canton enn. 1st, ar. on a bend cottised gu. three bezants, for Bisshopp ;
Bishopton (Warwickshire). Az. three bulls pass, or, a 2nd, az. three swans^ heads erased ar., for Hedges; 3rd,
canton erm. (another, the bulls ar.). per fesse or and gu. a pale couuterchanged, three Comish
Bishopton (Warwickshire). Az. three beehives ar. a choughs ppr., for Tate 4th, gu. ten bezants, four, three,
canton erm.

two, and one, a canton erm., for Zouche. Supporters —

Bishopton. Bendy of ten or and sa. Two falcons wings displ. and inverted ar. beaked, membered,
Bishopton. Az. three spindles of silk or, a canton erm. and belled, or.
Bishton. Ar. a bend wavy sa. between six bees or. Crest — Bisshopp (Parham, co. Sussex, hart. extinctl871). Ar. ona
Out of a castle triple-towered an arm in armour embowed all bend cottised gu. three bezants. Crest On a ducal coronet —
ppr. grasping a dagger also ppr. hilted or. or, a griffin sejant, ar. resting the dexter claw on an
Bishton. Per pale ar. and gu. two lions combatant counter- —
escutcheon of the last. Motto Pro Deo et ecclesia.
changed, Bisshop (Bramdean House, co. Hants, descended from
Bishton. Ar. a bend wavy betw. six bees sa. JoBN Bysshof, Esq., of Burford, co. Oxford, and Tilling-
Bishworth (Yorkshire). Ar. a cross crosslet sa. ton Court, co. Hereford, temp. 1497, grandson of John
Biskhery, or Biskehury. Ar. a bar betw. two gemels Btsshop, and of Agnes Bdrquilon, his wife, the neice and
sa. heiress of Alice, wife of Ma.lcdlin de la Mabe, who d.
Biskell. Quarterly, or and gu. over all a bend of the last. 28 June, 1400, seised of part of Kidderminster Manor,
Bisley, or Bistley. Ar. a chev. engr. sa. betw. three CO. Worcester. This branch of the family has been settled
Comish choughs, ppr, in the co. of Hants since 1635, and were formerly possessed
Bispham (Lancashire). Gu. a chev. betw. three lions* of the Manor of South Wamborough in that county, and of
heads erased ar. on a canton or, a rose of the first barbed large estetes at Frensham, co. Surrey, and Holway and

and seeded of the second. Crest On a cfaapeau gu. turned Inpark, co. Dorset). Ar. on a bend cottised gu. three
up erm. a lion pass. ar. resting the dexter paw on an bezants. Quartering, Baskebville, Milbobne, Exnesfoed,
escutcheon of the first. Fdbnival. "Veedon, Lovetot, and Blackett. Crests—
Bispham (Bispham, co. Lancaster; granted 1613). Sa- a 1st An eagle's head erased per fesse or and gu. beaked of the

saltire betw. four bucks' heads cabossed erminois. last; 2nd On a ducal coronet or, a griffin sejant ar. resting

Bispham (Billing, co Lancaster; granted 1640). Gu. a the dexter claw on an escutcheon also ar. Motto Pro —
chev. embattled betw. three lions' heads erased ar. Deo et ecclesi^.
Biss (co. Durham, and co. Somerset). Sa. three escallops in Bisshop (Hawkley, co. Hants). Same as Bisshop of Bramdean
pale ar. —
Crest On a mount vert two serpents interlaced House.
«rect respecting each other ppr. Mottoes over the — Bissland, Bilsland, or Bullsland (Renfrewshire).
Crest : Ayez prudence ; under the Arms : Nil conscire sibi. At. on a fesse a£. betw. three bulls' heads fesseways couped


sa. three mascles of the field. Crebt —A bull's head. Motto Black (Westminster). Ar. a chev. sa. in chief three mullets
— Certum pete finem. and in base a crescent gu.
Bisson (Lieut. -Baillt, of Jersey, 1875). Or, on a mount Black. Az. a lion ramp. ar. on a chief of the last three
vert a holly-bush ppr., a bordure sa. entoyre of eight muUets gu. Crest— A dexter arm in armour embowed, hold-
mullets of six points pierced of the first. Ci-est A blackbird— ing in the hand a scimetar all ppr.
ppr. Jtfoiio— Florescit vulnere Tirtus. Blackadder (that Ilk., Berwick). Az. on a chev. ar. three
Bisson (Capt. V. S. de C. Bisson, of Kormandc Lodge, roses gu.
Fulham, Royal Jersey Militia). Or, on a mount vert, a Blackadder (Tulliallan bart., 1626, the heiress m.
holly bush ppr. debruised of a fesse sa. charged with three Oliphant, of Condie). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, three
mullets pierced of the first, the whole within a bordure crescents gu., for Edmoetdston 2nd and 3rd, az. on a chev.

of the third charged with eight mullets pierced gold. ar. three roses gu., for Blackadder.
Quartering, DnMABzsQ, de Bagot, Payn, Lahbalestieb, Blackburne-Maze. See Maze.
Messekvt and Falle. Crest—A blackbird ppr. Motto — Blackball (Devonshire; granted 1599). Paly of six or and
Bis dat qui cito dat. sa. on a chief gu. three bezants. Crest—A tiger's head

Bist (Bapchild, co. Kent). Vair. erased ar. issuing out of rays or.
Biston {Belton. co. Lincoln, Visit. London, 1568). Sa. on a Blackbom (Sussex). Az. a fret. erm. over all a lion ramp,
bend betw. six crosses crosslet fitchee or, a mullet of the or, crowned gu.

field surmounted by a fleur-de-lis of the second. Blackborne (Lancashire and Yorkshire). Ar. a fesse wavy
Bitlesden Abbey (Buckinghamshire). Ar. two bars gu. betw. three mullets sa.
a canton of the last. Blakborne, or Blackeborne (Yorkshire). Ar. on a
Bitley. Az. three pepper pods sa. pale sa. three antelopes' heads erased of the field attired or.
Bittenneck, or Bitterer. Gu. three bitterns ar. Crest— Out of a cloud shedding forth rays an arm from the
Bitterley (Cowdrey, co. Sussex). Or, a fesse gu. in chief elbow erect, vested gu. holding a broken sword of the
three torteaux. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet a hand vested, last.
Blackborne. Ar. on a pale sa. three goats' heads erased or.
holding the sun all ppr.
Bitterley. Or, a fesse gu. in chief three cinquefoils of the Blackborne. Ar. a fesse nebulde betw. three mullets sa.
second. Blackborne. Ar. a fesse nebulde sa. betw. two mullets in
Bitterley. Or, on a fesse gu. three cinquefoils of the first. chief of the last, and one in base az.
Bitten, or Button. Erm. a fesse gu. Blackborne. Ar. a bend sa..
Bitten (confirmed as a quartering to Sir John Newton, Knt., Blackborne. Gu. a lion ramp, chequy ar. and sa.
of Richmond Castle, co. Somerset, 1567). Same Arms. Blackbou^rn. Vert a chev. erm, betw. three ducal
Blaauw (Beechland, co. Sussex). Az. a human foot coronets or.
couped ar. on a canton or, an anchor gu. Ci-est—A demi Blackburn. Gu. a lion ramp, chequy erm. and sa. ducally
lion ramp. ar. Motto —Festina lente. —
cruwned or. Crest An arm couped at the shoulder resting
Blabey, or Blabley (co. Leicester). Paly of six or and the elbow on the wreath, holding a bombshell fired ppr.
az. a canton gu. Blackburn. Ar. ona palesa. three antelopes' heada erased
Blabley (Devonshire, 1599). Paly of six or and sa. on a of the field. Crest —
^An antelope's head ar.

chief gu. three bezants. Crest ^A tiger's head erased ar. Blackburne (Richmond, co. York, 1787). Ar, a fesse
issuing out of rays or. nebulee betw. three mullets sa. C}'est —
A horse's head
Blacden. Ar. a fesse betw. three trefoils slipped sa. couped ar.
Blacliford, liOrd. See Rogers. Blackburne (Orford and Hale, co. Lancaster). Ar. a fesse
Blachford (London and Dorsetshire; granted 1629). Barry uebulde betw. three mullets sa., quartering Nuebis, Levee,
wavy of six or and gu. on a chief of the second three AsHTON, Green, Aspenwall, Ireland, Hott, Hesketh,
plates, —
with a mullet for diff. Crest A demi swan rising Holland, Columbebs, Walton, Merton, Bebbington,
ar. guttfe sa. handfoed, praers, bibkenhead, hoghesly, done, klngs-
Blachford (Lord Mayor of London, 1750). Barry wavy LET, and Stretch. Ci^est —
A cock ppr. standing upon a
of six or and gu. on a chief az. three pheons of the trumpet or.
first. Crest—A demi swan rising, wings expanded ar. Blackburne-M!aze. See Maze.
guttee d'az. Blackdon (Blackdon, co. Devon. Visit. 1620). Az. three
Blachford (granted to William BeneyBlachpobd, Esq., of trefoils slipped ar. on a chief indented gu. two annulets
Ham, CO. Surrey).Barry wavy of six, or and gu. on a or.
chief az. three pheons of the first, a bordure wavy erm. Blackden (Visit, co. Notts, 16U). Erm. three hons ramp-

Crest A demi swan erased ar. guttee-de-larmes, gorged gu. a bordure engr. sa.
with an Eastern crown or, wings elevated bendy wavy of the Black (Suffolk and Essex), Per pale gu. and sa. on a bentl
second and gu. or, three mullets 9f the second. Oes(— Ahand fesseways
Black (Gilbert Black, Dean of Guild of Aberdeen, 1672). couped ppr.
Ar. a saltire sa. betw. a mullet in chief and a crescent in base Blacke (Ireland). Ar, a fret gu. over all a fesse sa.
gu. a chief of the second. Crest—A demi lion ppr. Motto Blackenden. Az, three trefoils ar. on a chief indented or^
-Non crux sed lux. two annulets gu.
Black (Wigtown, 1850). Ar. a saltire and chief sa. the Blackenham, or Blakenham (Suffolk). Az. crusilly
latter charged with a passion cross betw. two pelicans in two bars or.
their piety or, in bj^e a mullet gu. Crest —
A star or, rising Blacker (Buckinghamshire, Old Samm), Az. a chev. erm.

out of a cloud ppr. Motto Spes lucis aetemse. betw. three Moors' heads in profile couped sa. Crea(—Two
Black (Craigmaddie, co. Stirling, 1863). Ar. a saltire sa. lions' heads erased, collared, and endorsed.
betw. three martlets in chief and flank and a crescent in base Blacker. Ar. a chev, erm. betw. three Moors' heads in
gu., on a chief of the second three roses or. Crest A demi — profile, couped at the neck sa. wreathed about the head ar..
lion ramp. ppr. gorged with a collar or. Motto—"Non crux —
and az. Crest A nag's head couped az, bridled or.
sed lux. Blacker (Carrick Blacker, co. Armagh). Ar. guttle de
Black (Glasgow, 1863). Ar. a saltire sa. betw. three martlets sang, a Danish warrior armed with a battle-axe in the
in chief and flank, and a crescent in base, gu. on a chief of dexter and a sword in the sinister hand, all ppr. Crest—
the second as many pheons points downwards or. Crest — Anciently, a Danish battle-axe ; latterly, the same, supported

kangaroo sejant ppr. Motto Via crucis via lucis. by an arm
in armour ppr. Motto —
Pro Deo, et rege.
Black (granted to Charles Chbistopheb Black, Esq., of (Woodbrook, co. Wexford). Same Arms, Crestr
the Inner Temple). Or, a lion ramp. gu. in chief a mullet and Motto, with a crescent for diff.
of six points az. betw. two boars' heads couped of the second. Blacker (granted 1821 to Valentine Blacker, Quarter-
Crest —
A mount vert thereon a cat guard, ppr. holding betw. Master-General Madras army). Ar. on a mount vert a
the paws an inescutcheon az. charged with a boar's head warrior in complete armour in the act of advancingtowards
erased or. the right and brandishing in his dexter hand a battle-axe
Black (Denniston, Scotland). Vert three boars' heads ppr., from his shoulder a mantle flowing gu. Crest —
erased or. dexter armed arm embowed ppr., hand gauntleted and
Black (Temple, Scotland). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. two mullets grasping a battle-axe ppr. Motto —
Pro Deo et rege.
in chief and a crescent in base gu. Blacker (granted 1613). Or, a chev. pean betw. three
Black. Erm. a pile indented sa. bezant^e, betw. a lion^s men's heads in profile ppr, crined sa.
paw erased in chief and base gu. over all a bend vert. Crest Blackerby (Suffolk). Gyronny of eight ar. and sa.
— An arm embowed vested, purfled at the shoulder, the part Blackerby (London and Shakerland Hall, co. Suffolk;
above the elbow in fesse, the hand in pale, Jiolding a branch granted 10 June. 1664). Gyronny of eight or and sa. ona
of palm ppr. canton az. a mullet of the first.

Bli A TiUli IxJIilNJliliAij AiCmUltl. Bli A

Blacket. Sa. a bend betw. six crosses crosslet fitcbee betw. three hammers ar. handled of the second, ducally
or. —
crowned of the last. Crest On a mount vert, a phoenix with
Blacket. Az. a bend betw. three crosses crosslet fitcbee or. wings endorsed ppr. firing herself with the sunbeams of the
Blacket (from Tackley Cbureh, co. Oxford, Arms of Sir last. —
Motto ^By hammer and hand, all arts do stand.
John Blacket, Ent., Visit. Oxon.) Ga. three battle-axes —
Ancient Motto As God will, so be it.
or. Blackstock (Scotland). Ar. three trunks of trees, couped
Blackett (Wylam, co. Northumberland). Ar. on a chev. under and above sa.
betw. three mullets pierced sa. as many escallops of the Blackstock. Ar. three staved branches slipped sa.
first. Crest —
A hawk's bead erased ppr. Motto Nous — Blackstone (Castle Priory, WaUingford, co. Berks). Ar.
travaillerons en Tesprance. two bars gu. in chief three cocks of the second. Crest —
Blackett (Matfen Hall, co. Northumberland, bart., a branch cock or.
of Blackett of Wylam). Same Arms, Crest, and Motto as Blackball (London). Ar. a greyhound courant sa. on a
the last. chief indented of the second, three bezants. Crest—A
Blackett (Somersetshire). Ga. a chev. betw. two bezants dexter hand gauntleted, holding a pheon all ppr.
in chief and a grifBn's head erased in base or. Blackwall (Blackwall, in the Peak, co. Derby, there seated
Blackett. Ar. a cbev. sa. betw. three mullets az. in the time of Henry III.). Ar. a greyhound in full course
Blackford. See Blachfobd. sa. collared chequy or and gu., on a chief dancettee of the
Blackfriars Friary (Canterbuiy). Az. on a cross ar. —
second three bezants. Crest ^Two arms embowed, habited
betw. four mitres labelled or, a text R surmounted with the in mail ppr. hands ar. holding betw. them by the nose and
letter S sa. ear a greyhound's head couped sa. collared chequy or and
Blackhall (Totness, co. Devon. Visit. Devon, 1620). Paly gu. Another Crest —^A griffin's head erased sa. beaked and
of six or and sa. on a chief gu. three bezants quartering eared or, charged on the neck with a bar gemelle ar. and a
Cliffe. Crest —A tiger's head erased ar. issuing out of trefoil slipped erm.
rays or. Blackwall-Evans (Idridgehay, co. Derby). Quarterly,
Blackball (Exeter). Ar. a greyhound courant sa. on a 1st and 4tb, ar. a chev. betw. three boars' heads couped sa.,
chief indented of the last three bezants. for Evans; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a greyhound courant sa.
Blackliall (that ilk, co. Aberdeen). Gu. a hand issuing out collared chequy or and gu. on a chief indented of the
of the sinister flank and thereon afalcon perching and hooded —
second three bezants, for Blacewall. Crests Ist: On a
or, on a chief ar. three mullets az. —
Crest ^An annulet or, ducal coronet or, a boar's head erased fessways gu., Evans ;

stoned vert. 2nd: Two arms embowed habited in mail ppr. holding a
Blackball. Gn. in fesse a dexter band conped and thereon greyhound's head couped at the neck sa. collared chequy or
a hooded falcon perched or, on a chief ar. three mullets of and gu., Blackwali,.
the first. Black'wall (confirmed to John Blackwall, Esq., in the
Blackie (John Biackte, Lord Provost of Glasgow, 1866). year 1764). Ar. a greyhound courant sa. collared chequy
Ar. on a fesse az. three crescents or, in chief a red breast or and gu. on a chief indented of the second three bezants.
ppr. CVesf—A wolfs head erased ppr. Motto Virtute et — —
Crest A greyhound's head couped sa. collared chequy or
fidelitate. and gu. betw. two arms embowed, habited in mail ppr.
Blackler (London). Fa1y of six sa. and or, on a chief of Black'well (Ampney Park, co. Gloucester). Ar. a grey-
the first three bezants. hound courant sa. on a chief dancettee of the last, three
Blackler. Paly or and sa. on a chief gu. three bezants. bezants. —
Crest ^Two arms embowed, in scale armour
Blackley or Blakey (Blackley Hall, co. Lancaster). Gu. hands ppr. holding up a greyhound's head couped at the
a chev. vair betw. three crosses crosslet fitcbee or. Crest—^ neck gu. collared sa.
A dragon's head vert ducally gorged or- Blackwell (Sprouston Hall, co, Norfolk). Paly of six ar.
Blacklock (Scotland). Ar. three square padlocks sa. and az. on a chief gu. a lion pass, guard, or, £dl within a
Blackley. Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three leopards' faces bordure erm. Crest —A swan's head and neck erased ar.
or. ducally gorged or.
Blackman (London, and East Indies). Erm. three lions Blackwell. Paly of sis ar. and az. on a chief gu. a lion
ramp, within a bordure or. Crest A griffin erm.— pass, guard, or.
Blackmister. Sa. a fret ar. Blackwell. Ar. a greyhound in full course sa. on a chief
Blackmonster, or Blancliniister, Ar. a fret gu. of the second three bezants.
Blackmore (Bishops Nympton, co. Devon, Visit. 1620). Blackwill. Ar. three trefoils slipped sa. on a chief of the
Or, on a fesse betw. three Moors' heads in profile couped sa. last a lion ramp, of the first. —A
Crest demi lion holding

as many crescents ar. Crest ^A Moor's head in profile erased in the paws an anchor ppr.
at the neck sa. gorged or. Blackwood (Pitreavie, co. Fife). Az. a fess or, in chief a
Blackmore (Kev. Richabd Blackmobe, rector of Donhead crescent ar. betw. two mullets of the second, and in base a
St. Mary, near Shaftesbury). Same as the preceding. mascle of the third,
Blackmore (Milton Bank, Laughame, co. Carmarthen). Blackwood, Hamilton-Temple- (Sari of Dufferin).
Same as the preceding: Dr. Blacehobe, of Milton Bank, Quarterly: 1st and 4th, Blackwood, az. a fess or, in
being son of the Rev. Richabd Blackhobe, chief a crescent ar. betw. two mullets of the second, and in
Blackmore (granted 18 November, 1651). Or, a fesse sa. base a mascle of the third; 2nd, Temple, quarterly, Ist
betw. three Moors' heads erased ppr. Crest ^An arm em- — and 4th, or, an eagle displ. sa., 2nd and 3rd, ar. two bars
bowed in armour ppr. garnished or, supporting a standard sa. each charged with three martlets or; 3rd, Hamilton
banner of the last, staff of the first, point ar. {Earl of ClayArassill), gu. three cinquefoils pierced erm., on
Blackm.ore (London, granted 1706). Or, a chev. embattled —
a chief or, a lion pass, of the field. Crests 1st, Blackwood,
betw, three Moors' heads couped sa. Crest —
Out of a mural on a cap of maintenance gu. turned up erm. a crescent ar.;
coronet or, a dexter arm m
armour ppr. purfled or. 2n(l, Temple, on a ducal coronet or, a martlet gold; Srd,
Blackmore. Ar. a fesse dancettee, betw. three Moors' HA&nLTON {Earl of Clo/flhrassiU), a demi-antelope affronte
heads in profile, and couped sa. Cre«(— Out of a mural erm. attired and imguled or, holding betw. his hoofs a heart
coronet an arm embowed in armourppr. garnished or. —
gu. Supporters ^Dexter, a lion gu. armed and langued az.
Blackmore. Or, a fesse sa. betw. three Moors' heads gorged with a tressure flory-counterflory or; sinister, an

erased ppr. Crest A demi griffin segreant erm. heraldic tiger erm. gorged with a like tressure, gu.
Blacknall (Eaton, co. Notts, Visit. 1614). Per bend az. and Blackwood (Bart., descended from a younger son of Sir
or, an eagle counterchanged.
displ. John Blackwood, Bart., by his wife Dorcas, Baroness Duf-
BlackneU (Warwickshire and Berkshire). Per bend or ferin and Clandeboye). Az. a fesse or, in chief a crescent
(another, ar.) and az. an eagle displ. counteTcbanged. Crest ar. betw. two mullets of the second, and in base a mascle
—^An arm embowed, vested gu. cuff ar, holding in the hand of the field. Crest —
On a cap of maintenance gu. turned
ppr. four feathers per pale of the second and gu. —
up erm. a crescent ar. Motto Per vias rectas.
Blackney (Norfolk). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three leopards' Blackwood (Robebt Blackwood, Dean of Guild of Edin-

heads or. Cre-t A harpy guard, ppr. burgh, 1705). Ar. a saltire sa. on a chief of the second
Blackney (Ireland; Fun. Ent. Ire.). Gu. a chev. betw. three oak leaves ppr., in the collar point a mascle gu.
three leopards' faces ar. —
Crent ^Rays or beams of the sun ppr. Motto Per vias—
Blacknoll. Per bend az. and or, an eagle displ. counter- rectas.
chanired. Bladen Bladen, Secretary to the Duke of Grafton,
Blacksham.e. Gu, on a bend erm. betw. two plates three Lord Justice of Ireland, 1715). Gu. three chevronels ar.
trefoils slipped vert. Crest—An acorn or, stalked and leaved Cre'^t—On a ducal coronet a griffin pass, wings extended or,
vert. —
holding in his mouth an arrow ppr. Motto Spe et labore.
Blacksmitlis, Company of (London). Sa. a chev. or, Bladen (Glastonbury, co. Somerset). Ga. three chev. ar.


C^esi—A greyhound's head erased ppr. Motto— Tov^ouvs betw. three torteaux a martlet of the field beaked andmem-
fidele. bered gu. Crest— A garb ppr. Motto Nee temere, aec —
Bladen (Fun. Ent. of Alderman Bladen, of Dublin, d. timide.
1 Aug. 1663). Or, three raascles in fess fleury gu. on a Blair (France). The same as of Balthayock ; the chev.
canton az. a chev. of the first. wavy for diff. Crest— A garb or. Motto Virtute tutus. —
Blades (John Blades, Esq., of Broxwell Hall, co. Surrey, Blair (Inchyra, co. Perth, a cadet of Balthayock). The
sheriff of London, 1812-13). Az. two swords in saltire ar. same the chev. embattled for diff.

pommels aad hilts or, surmounted of the Eoman fasces Blair (Milgerholme, co. Ayr). Ar. on a saltire betw. two
paleways of the last axe-headed of the second interlaced crescents in the flanques, and a garb in base sa. five mascles
with a double-chain collar gold; on a chief erm. a bee of the first. Motto— God be my guide.
volant, betw. two star pagodas ppr. Crest A demi tiger — Blair (Overdurdie). The same as of Balthayock, with the
ramp, guard, couped, supporting with the paws a staff erect chev. invecked for diflf.
ppr. therefrom a banner flowing to the sinister az. fringed Blair (Watton Grove, Surrey, 1815). As Balthayock,
gold charged with two swords, fasces and collar as in the within a bordure gu. Crest —
A dove with wings expanded
arms, from the neck, pendent by a blue ribbon, a star holding in his beak an olive branch ppr. Motto— ViitMtQ
pagoda, also ppr. tutus,
Blades (Yorkshire). Verfc a saltire betw. four pheons ar. Blair (Edinburgh, 1849). Ar. a cross betw. four mascles sa.
Crest —
A talbot's head erased sa. a bordure gu. Crest —A dove rising ppr. Motto—Yirtute
Blades, Sa. three crescents ar. tutus.
Bladlow. Per chev. sa. and erm. two greyhounds in full Blair (William Henry Stopford Blaib, a lieut-colonel).
course counterchanged. Quarterly, 1st andBlair, viz. ar. a chev. sa.
Bladlow. Per chev. ar. and sa. two greyhounds in full betw. three torteaux (a canton or, for distinction) ; 2nd and
course cormterchanged. 3rd, Stopford. Crests —
1st, Blair: A dove, wings expanded

Bladlow. Per chev. ar. and sa. in chief two greyhounds ppr. (charged on the breast with a torteaux for distinction);
respecting each other of the first, within a bordure az. 2nd, Stopford A wyvern, wings displ. vert.

charged with eight fleurs-de-lis or. Blair-Warren. See Warren. '

Bladmost. Ar. a fretgu. Blair, Hunter- (Blairquham, co. Ayr, bart.). Quarterly,
Bladwell (Suffolk). Per pale ar. and gu. a lion ramp. sa. 1st, ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three bugles vert garnished of

Crest —
A demi lion per pale indented ar. and gu. the second an annulet or, for Hunter; 2nd, ar. on a chev.
Blaen. Vair a crescent gu. gu. betw. three cross crosslets fitch^e sa. three fleurs-de-lis,
Blag'don, or Blackdeu (Ashford). Ar. three trefoils all within a double tressure flory-counterflory or, fOr
slipped vert on a chief indented two roundles, Kennedy of Culzean; 3rd, ar. on a saltier sa. nine mascles
Blag'don (Blagdon, Devon). Az. three trefoils slipped ar. of the field, and in chief a star of eight points g;u.,forBLAiE;
on a chief indented or, two annulets gu. 4th, ar. a shakefork sa. and in chief a rose gu., for Conning-
Blag'don (Boddington Manor House, near Cheltenham). —
HAME of Brownhill. Supporters Dexter, a dog of chase

Same Arms. Crest A lion ramp, bearing a cross. salient ar. ; sinister, an antelope springing ppr. gorged with
Blag:e (Kent). Ar. three bends engr, sa. over all a scarpe an open crown, and a chain hanging thereat or. Crest —
gu. stag's head cabossed ppr. Motto VigUantia robur—
Blag-e. Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three mullets or. Ch-est On — voluptas.
a broken tilting spear or, a lion pass. ar. crowned of the Blake (Ireland, founded by Eichard Blake, who came to
first. Ireland with Prince John, 1185, afterwards King John, and
Blage. Ar. a pile issuing out of the chief az. charged with got grants of land in cos. Galway and Mayo). Ar. a fret gu.
three martlets or. Crest —
On a chapeau gu. turned up Crest — A leopard pass. ppr.
erm. a martlet ar. Blake (Baron WctUscourt, representative of the Blakes of
Blag'g^e (Kent). Ar. a bend engr. sa. betw. two cottises per Ardfry). Ar. a fret gu. Crest —
A leopard pass. ppr.
bend sa. and gu. the outer edge engr. Supporters —
On the dexter side a leopard, on the sinister an
Blag-gre (Kent). Ar. two bends engr. sa. a baton gu. antelope, both collared and chained or. Motto Virtus sola —
Blagrave (Calcot and Watchfield, Berkshire). Or, on a nobilitat.
bend sa. three legs in armour, couped at the thigh, and Blake (Menlough, co. Galway, bart., registered to Sir

erased at the ankle ppr. Crest —

An oak tree eradicated Thomas Blake, of Galway, 1st bart.). Ar. a fret gu. over
vert. a fess erm. Crest— A monkey statant ar. charged on the
Blagrave. Or, on a bend sa. three shambroughs ar. shoulder with a mullet sa.
Crest — A falcon ppr. Blake (Menlough, co. Galway, bart., descended from Sir
BlagTOve (Heney Blagrove, Esq., of Abshott, co. Hants). Valentine Blake Fitzwalter Fitzthomas, Mayor of
Or, on a bend betw. two boars' heads erased sa. three Galway in 1611 and 1630, created a baronet of Ireland in

greaves of the field. Crest A cocoa tree fructed ppr. there- 1622). Ar. a fret gu. Crest—A cat pass, guard, ppr. Motto
from pendent by a chain, gold, an inescatcheon gu. charged —Virtus sola nobilitat.
with a greave as in the arms. Blake (Furbough, co. Galway. The same Arms and Motto
Blague (Hollinger, CO, Sufi'olk, originally of Kent; Colonel as Baron Wallscodbt. Crest —
A mountain cat pass.
Thomas Blague, Groom of the Bedchamber to Kings guard, ppr.
Charles I. and Charles II., left four daus. his co-heirs, of Blake (Kiltullagh and Frenchfort, co. Galway). Same Arm,
whom the eldest, Henrietta-Makia, m. Sir Thomas Yar- &c.
EUEGH, Kut., of Balne Hall and Snaith and the youngest,; Blake (Merlinstown, co. Mayo). Same Arms^ &c,
Margaret, wedded Sydney, the celebrated ^arl of Godol- Blake (co. Galway.. Smith's Ordijiari/). Same Arms. Crest
2)7iin). Ar. two bends engr. gu. —On a tower ar. a fret gu.
Blair (Blair, CO. Ayr. ; heiress m. a son of Scott, of Malleny, Blake (granted to Robert Blake Blake, Esq., of Knockmoy,
from whom the present family, the heir male is the Barl of CO. Galway, on changing his name from Foster, 1847).
DuTidonald) Ar. on a saltire sa. nine mascles of the first.
. —
Same Arms. Crest A leopard pass, guard, ppr. Motto—
Crest —
A stag lodged ppr. Motto Amo probos. — Virtus sola nobilitat.
Blair (Avontoun, co. Linlithgow, as borne by Henry Blake (Leyhinch, co. Galway). Same ^riiis, &c.
Temple Blair, Esq., of that place). Arms, same as Blair, Blake (Ballyglunnin Park, co. Galway). Same ArmSj &c.
of Blair, within a bordure gu, a crescent for diff. Blake (Langham, co. Suffolk, bart.). Same Arins. Crestr-
Blair (Adamton, co. Ayr; descended from Sir John Blair, A leopard pass. ppr.
2nd son of James Blair, of Blair; the heiress m. Maxwell, Blake (Cregg Castle, co. Galway). Same Arins, &c.
of Monreith). Ar. on a saltire engr. sa. five mascles of the Blake (Henvyle, co. Galway). Same Arms, &c.
first, Blake (Windfield, co. Galway). Same Ami-i, &.c.
Blair (The Carse). Ar. on a bend sa. three mascles of the Blake (Balhnafad, co. Mayo). Same ArmSj &c.
first. Blake {Tower Hill, co. Mayo). Same Arms, &c.
Blair (Dunsky). See Hunter-Blair. Blake (Twisel House, co. Durham, bart.). Ar. a chev. betw.
Blair (Balthayock, co. Perth). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three three garbs sa. on a canton az. a fret or. Crest—A martlet
torteaux. Crest —A
dove with her wings expanded ppr. ar.charged on the breast with a fret gu.

Motto Virtute tutus. Blake (Essex). Ar. a pale sa. over all a bend gu. charged
Blair (Balmill, a younger son of Balthayock). Ar. a chev. —
with three martlets or. Crest A dragon's head erased ar-
sa. betw. three torteaux, all within a bordure of the second. pellettee.
Crest —
A Roman head, ppr. Motto Facies quahs mens — Blake (Swaffham, co. Norfolk). Erm. on a pale engr. sa.
talis. bezantee betw. two lions' paws erect and erased gu. a mullet
Blair (Lethcnty, a scion of Balthayock), Ar. on a chev. sa. ar. over all a bend vert.


Blake (Wimbotsbam, Enn. a pile embattled,
co. Norfolk). Blaket. Or, on a chev. betw. three mullets sa. as many
counter-embattled sa. bezontee betw. two lions' paws erect eagles displ. of the field.
and erased gu. over all a bend vert. Blaket. Ar. on a chev. betw. three mullets sa. an eagle
Blake (Horstead, Norfolk, formerly of Bunwell and Scottow, displ. or.
in tbe same co.). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a chev. betw. Blake'way (Shrewsbury). Ar. on a. bend engr. sa. three
three garbs sa. within a bordure of the second, charged bezants.
with eight fleurs-de-lis of the field 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a Blakey (Huntingfield, co. Suffolk). Gu. a chev. vair betw.


fesseengr. as. betw. three plain cottises gu. three escallops two. chevs. and three crosses crosslet fitches or. Crest
of the field. Crest —
On a morion ppr. a martlet ar. Motto — A dragon's head couped at the neck vert, gorged with a
Bene praeparatum pectus. crown ar.
Blake (Jex-Blaee, Swantou Abbott, co. Norfolk). Same Blakie, or Blackie (Scotland), Ar. on a fesse az.
Arvis. Crest of Jex —A
horse's head ar. erased gu. holding three crescents or, in chief two lions' heads erased gu.
in. bis mouth a broken tilting spear of the first headed gold. Crest —A wolfs head erased ppr. Motto — Virtute et
Motto —Bene praeparatxun pectus. fidelitate.
Blake (Wiltshire). Ar. a chev. betw. three garbs sa. Crtit — Blaking-ham (Suffolk). Az. two bars or, betw. seven
On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a martlet ar. crosses crosslet of the second.
Blake ;"Visit. co. Cornwall, 1620). Same ArwA. Blakiston (Blakiston, co. Durham. "Few families of
Blake (as borne by the celebrated Admiral Blake, who was private gentry," says Surtees, "have spread more wide, or
I), at Bridgewatcr in 1599, and d. in 1657). Same Arms flourished fairer than Blakiston; but all its branches, Gib-
and Crest. side, Newton Hall, Old Malton, Seaton, and Thornton Hall,
Blake. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three torteaux. Crest — have perished like the original stock "). Ar. two bars and,
bear's head sa. gorged with a collar ar. holding in the mouth in cliief three cocks gu. d-est A cock gu.—
ahon's gamb erased or. Blakiston (London, bart.). Ar. two bars gu. in chief three
Blake. Per chev. az. and ar. in chief two cinquefoils of the cocks of the last. Crest —A
cock gu. Motto Doe well, and —
second, and in base a bat displ. of the first. doubt not.
Blake. Per chev. az. and ar. two cinquefoils in chief or, and Blaknys (Norfolk). The same as Blakingham, Suffolk.
one in base sa. Blakwell. Ar. a greyhound courant sa. collared or, on a
Blake. Sa. a chev. betw. three garbs or. chief indented of the second, three bezants.
Blake. Az. three garbs or. Blamester. Ar. a fret gu.
Blake, or Bleak. Ar. three sleeves erect sa. Blamnoster. Gu. billety or, a hon ramp, of the last, a.
Blakely (Thorpe Hamlet, co. Norfolk). Ar. a lion ramp. gu. label of three points gobonated az. and vert.
semee of treloils or, within a bordure dovetailed of the Blamore (co. Gloucester, descended from Bleamibe, West-
second; quartering, az. a fesse betw. two unicorns heads moreland, Visit. Gloucester, and Harl. MSS.). Ar. an
erased in chief and a cross patt6e in base or, for Rix. Crest — inescutcheon gu. surmounted of another or, charged with a
A imicorn pass. az. guttee d'or, and ducally gorged ar. —
lion ramp, of the second. Crest A tiger sejant vert collared
resting the dexter paw on an escutcheon or, charged with a and chained or.

pale vair. MotLo AHons Dieu ayde. Blamore. Or, on a fesse gu. betw. three Moors' heads
Blakemore (the Leys, co. Monmouth, as borne by Ricbakd in profile erased sa. three crescents of the first.
Blakeuobe, Esq., of that place, M.P.). Or, on a fesse betw. Blamscliill. Ar. a fesse wavy az. in chief three piles
three Moors' heads in profile couped sa. as many crescents issuing from the chief gu.
ar. Crest —
A Moor's head in profile sa. round the neck a Blanchard (Wiltshire and Somersetshire), Gu. a chev. or,

chaplet of roses or, leaved vert. Motto Pro Deo, pro Rege, in chief two bezants in base a griffin's head erased of the
pro patria et lege. second. Crest —
On the point of a sword in pale a
Blakeney {Lord Blakemy, as exemplified to Gen. Sir Wil- mullet.
liam Blakenet, K.B., created a Peer of Ireland, 1756, title Blancliard. (Grimsargh flail, co. Lancaster). Gu. a chev.
extinct, 1761). Sa. a chev. enn. betw. three leopards' or,betw. in chief two bezants, and in base a griflQn's head
faces or. Crest —
Out of clouds ppr. an arm erect vested erased of tbe second. Crest —
On a chapeau an arm cmbowed
az. the hand grasping a sword, both also ppr. Sup- clad in armour holding a battle-axe.
^j^orters —
^Dexter, a soldier of the 27th foot affronte in full Blancharden (Kent). Az. a fesse nebulee and engr.

uniform and accoutrements, his right hand brandishing betw. three lions' heads erased ar. collared gu. Crest —
a sword, all ppr.; sinister, a leopard guard, ppr. murally spur sa. and erased at the thigh, from which issue four

crowned gu. and semee of bomb shells fired, and resting his ostrich feathers, two and two, counterchanged or and
dexter hind paw on a bomb shell, also fired ppr. Motto — az,
Auxilium meum ab aJto. Blanchfront. Erm. on an inescutcheon, the Arms of
Blakeney (Mount Blakeney, co. Limerick). Arms, Crest, MoBTiMER, viz, harry of six az. and or. an inescutcheon ar.
and Motto, same as Lord Blakeney. on a chief of the first two pallets betw. as many gyrons of
Blakeney. Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three leopards' heads the second.
or. Crest —
An arm erect couped at the elbow vested gu. Blancbiront. Same Arms within a bordure erm. and
cuffed ar. holding in the hand a sword ppr. hilt and pomel ar.
or. —
Motto Auxilium meum ab alto. Blanchfield (Blanchfieldstown, co. Kilkenny), Per pale
Blakeney (Abbert Castle, Blakeney, co. Galway). Sa. a indented gu. and erm. —
Crest An arm erect vested per pale
chev. erm. betw. three leopards' faces or. CVesi— Out of a indented gu. and erm. the hand ppr. holding a sword ar.
ducal coronet or, an arm erect couped at the elbow vested pommel and hilt or.
gu. cuffed ar. in the hand a sword ppr. hilt and pommel (George Blanchfield, of Blanchfieldstown, co.
gold. Motto —
^Auxilium meum ab alto. Kilkenny, (emjp. James T., Fun, Ent. Ire.). Per pale indented
Blakeney, or Blakney. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three erm. and gu. in sinister chief a crescent ar.
leopards' heads sa. Blancllfi.eld (Edmond Blanchfield, of Crosse, co. Tip-
Blakenhall, or BlacknoU. Per bend or and az. an perary, d. Nov. 1633, Fun. Ent. Ire.). Per pale indented
eagle displ. counterchanged. Crest —A
hand fesseways ppr. erm. and gu. in dexter chief a crescent of the last.
issuing out of a cloud az. holding a plume of six feathers, Blanch. Gu. a cinquefoil pierced erm. Crest—A leopard's
two, two, and two, ar. and gu. all counterchanged. head guard, erased or.
Blaker (Salisbury, 1613). Or, a chev. pean betw. three men's Blanchminster (Cornwall), Ar, three bendlets sa. over
heads in profile couped ppr. crined sa. Crest A demi horse — all a chev. erm.
6a. ducally gorged or. Blancliniinster. Az. a bend or, surmounted of another
Blaker (Portslade, co. Sussex, granted 19 February, 1616, gu, charged with three mullets of tbe second.
the late representative 'of the family, Nathaniel Blaker, Blanchmonster (Devon, quartered by Coplestone, of
Esq., of Portslade, d. in 1815, leaving seven sons and Buckland Monachorum, Visit. 1620). Ar. a fret gu.
several daughters). Ar. a chev. erm. betw. three Moors' Blanck (Guilford, co. Surrey, Lord Mayor of London, Visit.
heads in profile, couped ppr. crined or. Crest^A horse's London). Per fess sa. and erm. a pale counterchanged, three
head aa. bridled and mancd or. —
demi lions ramp. or. Crest A dragon's head couped vert,
Blaket (Buckinghamshire). Gu. a chev. vert (another, collared and chained ar. holding in the mouth a firebrand of
vair). the last flamed ppr.
Blaket (Gloucestershire). Az. a bend betw. three crosses Blanckfront, or Blamekfront. Erm. an inescutcheon
crosslet (another, six) fitchfie or. ar.
Blaket (cos. Gloucester, Notts, and Hereford. Visit. Blanckfront. Az. two bars or, an inescutcheon ar. on a
Notts, 1614). Az. a bend cottised betw. six: crosses crosslet chief of the second two pellets betw. as many gyrons of the
fitcbee or. first



Blanckley (Captain Edward Blanckley, B.N., Her Blanton (Lancashire). Ar. a bend sa.
Maiesty's Ship Pylades, 1841). Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three Blanton (Lancashire). Ar. on a bend sa. three lions ramp,
greyhounds' heads erased sa. collared and ringed of the (another, guard.) of the field.
second. —
Crest A faulchion erect blade ppr. hilt and pom- Blantyre, Baron. See Stdart.
mel or, pierced through, a leopard's face ppr. Motto Pro — Blaqxiiere Erm. a lion ramp. sa.
(lo^'d de Blaquiere).
Rege et Lege. charged on the shoulder with an estoile ar. Crest—A. garb
Bland (London, granted 10 May, 1563). Gu. on a chev. ar. or. Supporters —
Dexter, a lion sa. collared and chained or,
betw. three crosses crosslet or, as many cinquefoils az. charged on the shoulder with an estoile ar. sinister, a tiger

Bland (London and Yorkshire). Erm. (another, ar.) on a ppr. ducally gorged and chained or. Motto—Tians k la
bend sa. three pheons or. Crest A cock gu. — verity.
Bland (Goldington, co. Notts, Visit. 1614). Ar, on a bend Blaq.uiere. Ar. six crescents sa. three, two, and one.
sa. three pheons or, a martlet for difF. Crest Out of a — Blare. Sa. three (another, six) crescents ar.
ducal coronet or, a leopard's head ppr Blare. Sa. crusilly three crescents ar.
Bland (Kippax Park, co. York, anciently seated at Blanda Blarne. Vair, a crescent gu.
Gill, in that oounty, and raised to the degree of baronet in Blatchford (Osborne, Isle of Wight). Az. two bars wavy
1642, title extinct 1756, represented by Thomas Davison or, on a chief of thelast three pheons of the first. Crest—
Bland, Esq.). Ar. on a bend sa. three pheons of the field. A swan's head and neck erased sa. betw. two wings ar,
Orest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head ppr. Motto — Blathwayt (Dyrham Park, co, Gloucester ; derived from
Sperate et virite fortes. the marriage of William Blathwayt, Esq., M.P. for Bath,
Bland (Surrey; granted to Natfianiel Bland, Esq., of in 1690, Secretary at War, with Mary, only dau. and heir of
Eandairs Park, near Leatherhead, co. Surrey). Erm. on a John Wynteb, Esq., of Dyrham and Hinton; and now repre-
bend sa. cottised gu. three pheons or. Crest A cock gu. — sented by George William Blathwayt, Esq.,. of Dyrham
beaked, legged, and wattled or, charged on the breast with a Park). Or, two bends engr. sa. Crest —
On a rock ppr. an
pheon of the last. eagle rising ar. wings az. Motto —
Virtute et veritate.
Bland (confirmed to James Franklin Bland, Esq., of Derry- Blanmester. Gu. a hon salient or, within an orle of the
quin Castle, co. Kerry). Erm. on a bend sa. three pheons second a label of three points gobonated ar. and vert.
or, in the sinister chief point a cinquefoil vert. Crest — Crest —
A demi savage holding a club over his shoulder, all
cock ppr. charged on the breast witha pheon or. Motto — ppr.
Eloquentia sagitta. Bla'W (Castlehill, Scotland). Ar. a saltire az. on a chief gn.
Bland (Blandsfort, Queen's Co.). Ar, on a bend sa. three three escutcheons or. Orest —
^An armed hand holding a
pheons or, in the sinister chief point a crescent gu. Oi-est — sword in pale ppr.
Out of a ducal coronet a lion's head ppr. charged with a Blaxland (London). Vert, a fesse betw. three falcons*
crescent gu. Motto— Q,u.o fata vocant. heads erased erm.
Bland (Abbeyville, co. Antrim). Ar. on a bend sa. three Blaxton (Sussex). Ar. two barmlets and in chief tMee
pheons or, in the sinister chiefpoint a crescent gu. Crest — cocks gu.
Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head ppr. charged with a Blaxton. Ar. two bars sa. in chief three cocks gu.
crescent gu. Motto —
Quo fata vocant. Blaydes. Or, a chev. betw. three crescents az. Crest —
Bland. Lozengy, or and sa. thistle vert fiowered gu.
Bland. Sa. three pales engr. or. Blaydes, or Blades (Ranby Hall, co. Notts, and High
Bland. Ar. three ewers (or pots). PauU and Beverley, co. York). Vert, a saltire betw. four
Bland. Gu. three ewers ar. pheons ar. on a chief or, a lion pass. gu. Crest—A talbot's
Blandford (Dorsetshire). Barry of six or and gu. on a —
head erased sa. Motto Pro Deo, rege, et patriS.
chief of the last three plates. Crest —A
dexter hand holding Blayds. Az. a chev. erm. in base a sword ar, hilt and
a pistol ppr. pommel or, on a chief of the third a pale gu. charged with a
Blandford (Bishop of 'Worcester, 1665-71). Per chev. sa. garb of the fourth betw. two leopards' faces gold. Crest —
in chief three crosses pattee of the second. demi leopard salient ppr. holding a sword, as in the arms.
Blandson. Per pale gu. and az. three annulets or, two and Blayds (Oulton House, co. York). Same Anns, &c.
one, a chief of the last fretty sa. Blayne (Berkshire). Gu. a chev. or, and a chief erm. Crest
Blandvile, or Blandville. Or, three garba az. — A greyhound's head ar. collared az.
Blandy (Letcombe Bassettand Reading, co. Berks. Granted Blayney (Lord Blayney, presumed to have become extinct
to John Ulandy, only son and heir of John Blandy, of 18 Jan. 1874, on death of Cadwallader Davis, 12th Lord
Letcomb Bassett, co. Berks he d. s. p. Now used by a
; Blayney). Sa. three nags' heads erased ar. Orest A nag's —
branch of the same family, settled at Reading, in the county head couped ar. bridled gu. on the forehead a piece of
of Berks). Or, three urns sa. with flames issuing ppr. C)-est armour with a projecting spike ppr. Supporters Two —
— ^A demi lionreguard. gu. holding betw. the paws an urn horses sa. bridled, saddled, and hoofed, or. Motto Integra —
sa. with flames issuing ppr. Motto Ex uma resurgam. — mens augustissima possessio.
Blane (Blanefield, co. Ayr, and Culverlands, co. Berks, Blayney (Cregynnog, derived from Ysgrithog Prince of
bart., 1812). Ar. on a fesse sa. betw. an anchor erect in chief, Powys: the heiress, neice of Arthur Blayney, Esq., of
entwined by a serpent ppr. and in base a rose gu. a crescent Cregynnog m. Charles Hanbury, Esq.). Arms as Lord,
betw. two mullets of the field. Crest A sword erect ppr. — Blayney.
hilt and pomel or. —
Motto Paritur pax hello. Blayney (London). Sa. a trefoil or, betw. three horses*
Blanearn (Scotland). Az. on a chev. ar a buckle of the heads erased ar. Crest —A horse's head couped ar, in complete
first betw. two mullets gu, in base a heron devouring a armour ppr. bridle az.
salmon of the second. Blayney (Keynsham, co. Hereford). 1st and 4th, ar. three
Blaney (Herefordshire). Sa. three nags' heads erased ar. boars' heads couped sa. armed gu. 2nd and 3rd, gu. a
Crest —
A nag's head couped ar. maned and tufted sa. bridled lion —
ramp, reguard. or. Crest A fox pass. ar.

gu. Blayney (Evesham, co. Worcester, descended from Blayney,

Blaney. Sa. three horse shoes ar. of Keynsham). Arms as the preceding, quartering Withers,
Blanford. Ar. on a chief az. three martlets or. —
of Trubshaw. Motto Non nobis solum.
Blank (London, 1572). Per fesse sa. and erm. a pale counter- Blayney (Montgomeryshire). Per pale or and gu two
changed three demi lions ramp. or. Crest —Adragon's lions endorsed cotmterchanged.
head erased >ert, collared and chained ar. holding in the Bleaks (Ireland). Az. three salmon hauriant fessways ar.
mouth a firebrand ppr. quartering, Blomney.
Blanke. Ar. on a fesse az. three hawks' bells or. Bleamire, or Bleaymire (Reagill and Clifton, co. West-
Blankele, or Blankell. Barry of six gu. and ar. as morland, and Penrith, co. Cumberland). Ar. a. fion ramp,
many ogresses, three, two, and one. within an orle (another, a bordure) gu". Orest—k tiger sejant
Blankenbury. Ar. three stags' horns in fesse sa. gu. collared and chained or.
Blankensop (Cumberland). Gu. an annxdet or, a bordure Bleas ^Chester, 1671, and co. Lancaster). Ar. a saltirebetff.
engr. ar. four crescents sa. on a chief az. a garb betw. two martlets
Blankensop (Northumberland). Ar. a fesse betw. three or.
garbs sa. Blechenden (Kent). Az. a fesse crenellee ar. (another, tHe
Blankensop, or Blenkensop (Cumberland). Gu. six fesse erm.) betw. three lions' heads erased or, collared gu.
annulets or, three, two, and one, within a bordure engr. ar, Bleckett. Ar. a fesse wavy betw. six crosses crosslet gu.
Blannester. Gu. a lion ramp. ar. billettee sa. a label Bleddyn-Broadspeare {Lm-d of Llanhowell). Ar. ona
gobonated az. and vert. cross gu. five mullets or.
Blanson, Per saltire az. and gu. three annulets or, on a Bleddyn-ap-Cynfyn (King of Powys, and, by usurpation,
chief ar. a fretsa. of North and South Wales, founder of the III Royal Trite of


"Wales, seventh in descent from, and heir of Mervyn, King Blessone. Sa. a bend. betw. six t-rosses crosslet fitchee or*
of Powys, third son of Uhodri Mawr, King ot Wales: Cr<ist —A martlet ar. of a russet colour.
descendants —
1st, the Princes of Powys-Fadoc 2ncl, Griffith ; Bleton. Ar. on a bend ar. three crosses formee gu.
Maelor, Lord of Bromfield; 3rd, Owen Brogyntyn, Lord of Bletsho (Winington, co. Bedford). Or, on bend sa. betw.
Edeimion, Dinmail, and Abertanat; 4th, Cynric Efell, Lord three escallops az. as many garbs of the first, all within a
of Eglwys Egle; 5tb, Einion Efell, Lord of Cynllaeth; 6th, bordure gu. Crest —
A wolfs head or, semee of hurts, and
The Princes of Poivys Wenwynwyn 7th, lorwerth Goch,
; gorged with a mural collar az.
Lord of Mochmont; 8th, CadwRan, Lord of Kannau, in Bleverhasset. See Bleneehassett.
Merioneth 9th Rhywallon-ap-Cynfyn).
; Or, a lion ramp. Blewet (Cornwall). Or, on a chief gu. three plates.
gu. armed and langued or. Blewet (Gloucestershire, and Grenham, co. Somerset). Ar,
Bledlow (London). Per chev. ar. and purp. in chief two (another, or) a chev. betw. three eagles displ. vert. Cre&t —
lions ramp, combatant sa. and in base three crosses pattde, A mort head ppr.
two and one, of the first, all within a hordure az. charged Blewet (Hampshire). Or, an imperial eagle gu.

with eight fleurs-de-lis or. Ci-cst In the sea an anchor Blewet (Lincolnshire). Ar. a fesse gu. in chief three-
ppr. lozenges of the second (another, sa.).
Bledlow (London). Per chev. az. a»d erm, in ch5ef two Blewet. Or, six eagles displ. gu.
foxes pass. ar. within a hordure of the first, charged with Blewet. Gu. on a chief ar. three lozenges (another, fusil8>
eight fleuTs-de-lis or. sa.

Bledrie (Ap. Cadifor Vawr, Lord of Elaed, co. Carmarthen). Blewett. Or, a chev. betw. six. eagles displ. vert.
Ar three bulls' heads cabossed sa. Blewett, or Bluett. Gu. an eagle displ. with two-
Blemhill (Cheshire). Enn. three mascles gu. heads gu.
Blencko (Sussex). Az. on a bend ar. three chaplets vert. Blewit (Holcombe Eegis, co. Devon, Visit. 1620), Or, a
Blenco. Sa. on a bend ar. three chaplets gu. chev. betw. three eagles displ. vert. Crest A squirrel —
Blencow. Gu. a quarter ar. sejant or, in his paws an acom vert fructed of the first.
Blencowe (John Fitz Adam de Blencowe, co. Cumberland, Blewitt (Llantarnan Abbey, co. Monmouth). See under
temp. Kichard II.). Gu. a quarter ar. MOBQAN.
Blencowe (Little Blencowe, co. Cumberland, and Thoby Blick, or Blicke. Erm. on a fesse sa. three leopards'
Priory, co. Essex). Az. a bend ar. charged with three faces ar. Crest— A hawk's lure.
chaplets of roses gu. quartering gu. a canton ar. 0}-est Blig:h (Earl of Barrdey). Az, a griffin segreant or, armed
— On a sword pointed downwards a human heart pierced and langued gu. betw. three crescents ar. Crest— A griffin's
through betw. two wings. Jkfoiio— Quorsum vivere mori, —
head erased or. Supporterf> Two griffin's wings expanded
mori vita. or, ducally collared and chained az. ilfo(fo— Finem respice.-
Blencowe (Marston St. Lawrence, co. Northampton). Gu. Bligh (Visit, co. Cornwall, 162C). Az. a griffin segreant or,
a canton ar., quartering, sa. a stag trippant erm. and a chief armed gu. betw. six crescents ar.
or, for Waleston. Crest —A sword in pale ar. hilt or, enfiled Blig-he. Az. a griffin segreant or, betw. three crescents
with a human heart gu. all betw. two wings expanded ar. ar. Ci'est —
A dexter arm or and az. couped at the elbow,
Afotto— Quorsum vivere mori, mori vita. holding a battle-axe of the second and first.
Blencowe (North Lodge, Lewes, co. Sussex). Az. a human Blike (Dublin, ante 1637, Fun. Ent. Ire.). Sa. on a chev.
foot couped ar. on a canton or, an anchor gu. betw. three leopards' faces ar. a crescent az. within a bordure
Blencowe <Hooke, co. Sussex). Same Ai^rns, &c. invected of the second.
Bleney, or Blawney (Herefordshire). Gu. a chev. or, Blinchull (Cheshire). Erm. three mascles in fesse gu.
and chief erm. Blinckarne, or Blincarne (Boston and Chiselhurst,
Blenkinsopp (Hoppyland Park, co. Durham, and Hum- CO. Kent, granted by Walker, Garter, Visit. Middlesex^
bleton Hall, co. Northumberland, esq.). Quarterly, 1st Thosias Blincarne, of London, was grandson of George
and 4th, ^. a fesse betw. three garbs or, for Blenkin- Blinkaeke, servant to Queen Elizabeth). Gu. oji a cross
sopp; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. afe^se betw. engr. voided or, a crown imperial of the last. Crest A- —
six crosses crosslet fitchee sa., for Latton, or Leaton 2nd, ; demi lion holding a cross engr. gu.
and 3rd, sa. three swords in fesse ar two with their points in Blincoe. Sa. a sword in pale, point through a heart ppr.
base, and the middle one in chief, for Rawlins. Cfrests 1st — Bliss. Gu. a bend vair6, betw. two fleurs-de-lis or. C^est—
A lion ramp, or, for Blenkinsopp 2nd: Out of a mural
; An arm from the elbow, holding a bundle of four arrows,.
coronet two wings expanded ar. each charged with a cross points downwards.
crOBslet fitchee sa,, for Leaton. Bliss, or Blisse (Market Harborough, co. Leicester,
Blenkinsopp, or Blankensopp (quartered by the borne by the late Rev. Phillip Bliss, D.C.L., Registrar of
CooLsoNs, of Blenkinsopp Castle, co. Northumberland). Ar. the University of Oxford). Ar. on a bend cottised az. three
a fesse betw. three garbs sa. garbs, or. Crest —A garb or.
Blenman (Croscombe, co. Somerset; Jonathan Blenman Bliss (The Temple, London), Gu. on a bend engr. ar, betw.
was Attorney-General and Judge of the Admiralty at Barba- two fleurs-de-lis or, four escocheons az. Crest —A dexter
does in the last century). Per chev. invected az. and ar, in cubit arm erect holding by the lower limb a cross gu. couped
chief ihree Inzenges of the second, in base a bee volant ppr. fleury or. Motto —Virtus sola felicitas.
Crexl—A dcKierann couped at the elbow, habited sa. ruffled Bliss (Rev. William Bliss). Hskme Arms und Crest. Ilotto —
ar. and adurned with a diamond button at the wrist, holding Quod severis metes.
in the hand a parchment roll ppr. '
Bllth. Ar. two lions pass, reguard. sa.
Blenerhasset (John de Bleneehasbet, co. Cumberland, Blithe, or Blythe Hawkeswell, and of Blithe, John

temp. Richard II.). Gu. three dolphins ar. Blithe, of Hawkeswell, d. 1626, seventh in descent from-
Blennerhassett (Blennerhassett, and Flimby
Carlisle, Simon de Blithe, of same place, in the parish of Coleshill,
Hall, CO. Cumberland, the parent stock of the Blenneehas- 30 Edward I. 1301, Dugdale). Ar. on a fess sa. three
SETT8, settled in various parts of England and Ireland). Gu. escallops or.
a chev. erm. betw. three dolphins embowed az. Blithe (London, Ser. Coll. London).
1575. Erm. on a-
Blennerhassett (Ballyseedy, co. Kerry, a
branch of the fesse gu. three lions —
ramp. or. Crest A Uon sejant gu.
Cumberland house, settled in Ireland (ewip. Queen Ehzabeth. Blithe (London). Or, a chev. betw, three lions ramp, ea^
The two chief families of the name are the Blennerhassetts Crest— On a tower ar. a lion of the first.
of Ballyseedy, and the Blennerhassetts of Blennerville). Blithe (Lincolnshire), Or, a chev, betw. three lions ramp^
Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three dolphins embowed ar. Ci-est — sa. Crest— A tower, on the battlements a lion pass. ar.

A wolf sejant ppr. Motto Fortes fortuna juvat. Blithe (Derby). Erm. three bucks' heads erased ppr.
Blennerhassett (Blennerville, co. Kerry, "hart, descended Crest— A peacock or, holding in the beak a serpent reflexed
from Ballyseedy). Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three dolphins over the neck ppr.
embowed ar. Crest^A wolf sejant ppr. Motto—FortGB Blithfleld. Ar. a chief gu. in base a bar indented sa.
fortuna juvat. Blithman (London). Vert, on a fesse betw. three bears-
Blennerhassett (Lowdham, co. Suffolk, temp. Edward III.). saliant ar. as many fieurs-de-Iis of the field. Crest A demi —
Same Arms. bear ar. muzzled gu. holding betw. the paws a battle-axe of
Blesby, or Blesbie (Blesbie, co. Lincoln). Ar. a fesse the last.
engr. betw. three mullets sa. Crest — A griffin's head erased Blitun. Ar, on a fesse az. three lioncels pass, or, betWr
or. eight biUits, four three, and one, of the third.
Bleset, or Blesset. Paly of six or and az. on a chief gu. Blizard. Or, betw. two flanches sa. each charged with a
a fesse daucettee ar. —An eagle
Crest displ. ppr. lion ramp, endorsed of the first three fleurs-de-lis in chief
Bleson. Az. three greyhounds* heads erased ar. collared az. Crest —A fleur-de-lis az.
and ringed or. Blizard, or Blizzard. Ar. a chov. sa. in chief three


crosses moline az. Crest— A lady's arm erect, and round displ. sa. Crest —
^A Saracen's head ppr. Supporters—Tw^
the wrist a bracelet. lions guard, tails coward or,
'.Blobery, or Blobury. Ar. on a cross az. five roses or. Blondell (London). Per pale erm. and sa. a chev. counter
-Blobold (Mendham, co. Suffolk). Or, on a chief indented changed.
gu. two gauntlets of the field. Orest—Two lions' gambs Blondell. Ar. a chev. betw. three eagles displ. gu
erect and erased in saltire, the dexter uppermost hetw. (another, vert). Crest —A dexter hand holding a battle-axe,
two demi spears or. all ppr.
Blocase (St-otlaml). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. a bordure az. Blondesden, or Blondeston. Ar. a saltire gu. frettj
Block (granted to Samuel Eichard Block, of the city of or, betw. four escallops ofthe second.
London, and of Kentish Town, co. Middlesex, merchant). Blondeston (Blondeston, co. Suffolk, and Oortnall, co.
Ar. on a chev. az. betw. two falcons in chief ppr. belled or, Notts, Visit. Notts 1569 and 1614). Ar. six cross crossleta
and amount vert, thereon the stump of an oak tree sprouting fitchee sa. a chief vair.
out a branch to the sinister also ppr., in base three roses of Blondevill. Az. three garbs or. Crest —A Cornish chough
the field, barbed of the fourth, and seeded gold. Crest — ppr.
mount vert thereon an eagle, wings elevated ppr., seizing Blondy. Lozengy, or and sa.
with the dexter claw an owl ar. Blonhill. Erm. three mascles in fegse gu.
-Blockborne. Ar. a bend gobony sa. and or, a cross gu. Blonkenbam. Az. cmsilly two bars or.
Bloe. Gu. on a chief ar. three lozenges sa. Blonveill. Ar. four fusils in fesse gu.
Bloen, or Bloer (Cornwall), Sa. a saltire engr. ar. Blonvill. Ar. three lozenges in fesse gu. betw. as many
-Bloer (London). Ar. a chev. vert betw. three pomeis. cinquefoils az.
Ci-est —
A cubit arm vested vert, holding in the hand ppr. a Blood. Or, three bucks lodged ppr. Crest—A buck's heafl
pomei. erased ppr. attired or, holding in the mouth an arrow gold.
Blofeld. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three trefoils az. Crest — Blood. Gu. a knife ar. haft or.
Three ostrich feathers two ar. the middle one az. Blood (Ireland). Quarterly, ar. and az.' in each quarter a
.Blo£.eld (Hoverton House, co. Norfolk). Sa. a chev. ar. quatrefoil counterchanged. Crest —A talbot's head sa,
betw. three fleurs-de-lrs or. Crest— Three ostrich feathers ar. collared or.

Motto Domino quid reddam. Bloodman. Ar. a fesse betw. three mullets, the handles
Blois (Cockfield Hall, co. Suffolk, bart.)- Gu. a bend vair reversed gu.
betw. two fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest —
A gauntlet ppr. holding a Blood-worth. Ar. three bars sa. in chief three torte^ux,
fleur-de-lis ar. Motto—Je me fie en Dieu, all —
within a bordure erm. Crest A dexter hand feaseways
Blois (William de Blois, Barl of Montaigne, son of King couped gu. holding a cross crosslet fitchee in pale sa.
Stephen). Gu. three pallets vair., on a chief an eagle displ. Bloom, Az. a dexter hand couped at the wrist ar. Crest—
of the first. A cubit arm erect habited az. cuff ar. holding in the hand
Blome (Seven Oaks, co. Kent). Vert, a greyhound conrant ppr. some slips of broom, stalked vert, blossomed or.
in bend, ar. collared gu. studded or. Crest A peacock's tail— Bloomfield (Lord Bloomfield). Ar, three lozenges con-
erect or. joined in fesse gu. betw, as many cinquefoils az. on a canton
Blome (Cobham, co. Essex, and Abergwilly, co. Car- of the last, a plume of three ostrich feathers of the field
raai-then). The same. issuing through the rim of a royal coronet or. Ore&t Out —
^lomefield (Attleborough, co. Norfolk, hart). Sa. on a of a mural crown or, charged with two cinquefoils, in fesse,
chev. ar. a branch of laurel betw. two bombshells fired az., a bull's head ppr. —
Supporters On either side a horse
ppr., on a canton or, a spear-head embrued ppr. Crest— reguard. ar., their tails flowing between their hind legs,
Issuant from a mural crown ar. a demi heraldic tiger az. each gorged with a chaplet of oak ppr. the dexter charged

armed and tufted or, collared also ar. and holding a sword on the breast with an escocheon gu., thereon a plume of
broken in the middle ppr. feathers, as on the canton in the shield ; and the sinister
31ozaefi.eld. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three trefoils vert. with an escocheon or, charged with a grenade sa., fired ppr.

Crest Two wings extended ppr, —
Motto Fortes fortima juvat.
31oinefi.eld (registered to Kev. Lzonabd Blomefield, of BloonLfi.eld (Kithroe, co. Tipperary, Smith's Ordinary). Ar,
Belmont, Bath). Sa. three branches of broom betw. two three fusils in fess betw, as many cinquefoils gu. Crest-—A.
chevronels or, a canton of the last, thereon a spear head az. bull's head erased sa. horned and langued or. Motto—Fortei
imbrued gu. Crest —
A demi heraldic tiger az. tufted and fortuna juvat.
crined or, in the mouth a branch of broom as in the arms, Bloore. Or, three lion-goats' heads ppr.
holding in the paws a sword erect, broken at the point ppr,, Bloore. Vert, a serpent bowed, embowed, debruised, the
pomel and hilt gold. Motto —Pro aris et focis. head erect, the tail torqued or.
Bloiner (Cowley, co, Gloucester). Ar. a lion ramp. gu. Blosse, (Ltnch Blosse, Castle Carra, co. Mayo, hart.). Az. a
Blomer, or Bloomer (Hagthorp, co. Gloucester, London, chev. betw. three trefoils slipped or. Crest—A lynx pass,
and 'Warwickshire). Gu. an inescutcheon ar. charged with coward ar. —
Motto Nee temere nee timide.
a lion ramp, of the first within a bordure or (another, with- Bloss (Ipswich, CO. Suffolk). Gu. three dragons pass, in pale
out the bordure). Ci-est —A tiger sejant ducally
vert, —
erm. a crescent for diff. Crest A demi angel holding in the
gorged, lined, tufted, and crined or. Of Gloucestershire, dexter hand a griffin's head erased.
.the crest gu. Blosse (Stratford, Bow, co. Middlesex, and Ipswich, co. (London). Ar. a lion ramp, within a bordure gu. Suffolk, Visit. Middlesex, 1663). Gu. three dragons pass. in.
Crest —
A tiger sejant vert ducally gorged and chain reflexed pale or, another ar.
over the back or. Blossett. Paly of six or and az. a chief gu. (Warwickshire). Gu. a fesse or, betw. six martlets Blossom. Az. three wivenis displ. erm.
ar. Blossome. Gu. three lizards erm. Crest Out of a ducal —, or Bloomfield. Az. a lion pass, guard, ar. coronet a hand holding a swan's head and neck erased.
—^Two wings extended
Crest ppr. Blossome, or Blossum. Gu. three dragons pafiS. in
.Blom£.eld (Suffollt). Quarterly, per fesse indented ar. and pale erm. Crest —
A ram pass. ppr.
az.a bend gu. —A
Crest lozenge gu. betw. two wings Blott, Az. a fesse sa.
erect, sometimes without the lozenge. Another Crest — Bloud. Sa. a comb ar. on a lotik of golden hair,
demi tiger ramp, ar, holding in his paws a broken sword, Bloumfield (Essex). Ar. three lozenges in fesse betff.a*
Blomefield. Sa. on a chev. or, three branches, on a many cinquefoils gu.
canton of the second a broken spear head sa. Crest — Blound, Lozengy or and sa.
demi wolf az. holding erect a cross hilted sword, broken in Bloundell, See Blondell.
half ppr. Motto —
Pro aris et focis. Bloundeville, Az. three garbs or.
Blom.h.ull (Cheshire). Erm. three mascles gu. Blounfeld, or Broumfield. Ar. three fusils in fesse
Blom.mart. Gu. three piles einister bendways ar. Crest gu. betw. as many cinquefoils az.
— An arm couped and embowed, resting the elbow on a Blount, or Blond (confirmed as the Anns of Blount or
wreath, holding a sword in pale, enfiled with a savage's head Blond, of Warwick, HarL MSS), Barry nebulae of six orandsa.
couped. Blount. See Ceoke.
"Blomney (Ireland). Sa. a chev. betw. three leopards' faces Blount (Soddington, CO. Worcester, bart.). Barry nebulae of
ar. —
six or and sa. Crest An armed foot in the sun ppr. Motto—
'Blond. See Blodnt. Lux tua, via mca.
Blond. Fusilly or and sa. ^loxmt {Lord Blount: summoned to Parliament 1326). SafflC
Blond, Le (Ireland). Ar. three towers gu. Crest On a — Arms.
chapeau turned up erm. a game cock ppr.
gri. Blount {Lord Blount; summoned to Parliament 1340). Sam6
.Blondel (Guernsey). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three eagles Anns.


Blount (Lord Movntjoy and Earl of Dev(mshire, extinct Bloyon. Ar. a saltire engr. sa.
1606). Same Arms. Bloys (Ipswich, co. Suffolk). Sa. a bend vair, betw. two
Blount {Lord Mowntjoy, of Thurveston, and Earl of New- fleurs-de-lis or,
jwri, extinct 1681). Same Arms^ within a bordure gobony Bloys. Gu. a canton ar.
ar. and gu. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a crescent Bloys. Gu. a Sagittarius ar. his bow and shaft sa.

gold. Sup'porters Two knights in complete armour ppr. Bludder, or Bluther (London). Or, on a bend az. three
collared, belted, and pomels and hilts of swords or. cinquefoils of the first. —
Crest A demi lion's head erased,-
Slonnt (Maple- Durham, co. Oxford). Same Arms as pierced through the neck with a broken spear ar.
B1.0UNT, of Soddington, quartering the ensigns of Ayala, Bludder (Lincolnshire and Middlesex, confirmed by Camden
Castile, and Beaucbamp. —
Crest A wolf pass. sa. betw. two Clarenceux). Or, a pale az. betw. two bucks tripping ppr.
cornets out of a ducal coronet or, also an armed foot in the —
Crest A lion's head erased ar. pierced through the neck

aun ppr. with the Motto ^Lux tua via mea. with the blade of a sword of the last, the wound gu.
Blount (Orleton, eo. Hereford). Barry nebulee of six ar. Bludder (Mile End Green, co. Middlesex, confirmed by
and sa. in chief eight pellets. Crest— Ov and sa. a cross in Camden, Clarenceux, 1600). Gu. a dexter arm in armour'
the sun. Motto —Mors crucis mea salus, couped vambraced or, hand ppr. Crest Same as the last. —
Blount (Grendon, co. Hereford). Same Arjuis. Bludworth (Lord Mayor of London, 1666). Ar. three bars
Blount, or Blunt (Essex). Quarterly, ar. and gu. on a sa. in chief as many torteaux, within a bordure erm.

bend sa. three eagles displ. or. Bludwortll. Ar. three bars gu. in chief as many torteaux,
Blount (Gloucester). Ar. two bars az. over all an escar- all within a bordure erm. Ch-est—A naked arm embowed
buni-'le gu. nowed or. ppr. guttde de sang, holding a wreath of laurel ppr.
Blount (Titienhanger, co. Herts). Barry nebulee of eight Bluet (Hoi combe- Kegis, co. Devon). Or, a chev. betw. three
or and sa. eagles displ. vert. Crest —A fox sejant or, in his paw an-
Blount. The same. Crest—A. sun or, charged with a acom vert, fructed gold.
gauntlet sa. Bluet (Hampshire). Or, an eagle displ. with two necks gu.
Blount (London and Gloucester). Ar. two bars az. over aU (another, az.) armed ar.
an escarbuncle of eight rays or. Crest A sea lion erm. — Bluet (Harlerston, co. Lincoln). Ar. a fesse sa. in chier
ducally crowned or. three lozenges gu.
Blount (Staffordshire). Barry nebulee 'of six or and sa. Bluett (Colan, co. Cornwall, a branch of Bluet, of Holcombe
within a bordure gobonated of the same. Regis). Same Arms.
Blount (Staffordshire). The same, the bordure gobonated Bluett. Ar. on a chief gu. three plates.
ar. and az. Bluett (Devonshire). Sa. on a chief ar. three lozenges of
Blount (Warwickshire). Gu. a fess betw. six martlets ar. the field.

(another, the fesse or). Blu£.eld. Per fesse gu. and sa. a fesse indented on the-
Bloxmt. Two coats; 1st: Or, a. castle az.: 2nd, harry under part ar. Crest— A. demi greyhound wounded on the

nebulee of six or and sa. Crest ^A bull's head sa. behind breast with an arrow ppr.
the rays of the sun or. Blu£.eld (Staffordshire). Per fesse indented ar. and sa. st
Blount (Wadeley, co. Salop, Visit. London, 1568). Barry chief gu.
nebulae of six or Mid sa. Crest— A.Mon pass. gii. crowned Blumenliall (Inq. Post Mort. 43 Henry III. 1259, quartered
or by the co-heiresses of Ifstones, co. Stafford). Erm. three
Blount. Ar. two bars az. over all an escarbuncle of eight mascles gu.
rays gu. poinmettee and florett^e or. Blxunhill (Cheshire). Erm. three mascles fessewaysgu.twa-
Blount. Bany imdy of six or and sa. and one.
Blount. Quarterly, ar. and gu. Blumworth. two bends gu. in chief three torteaux.
Blount. Quarterly, or and gu. on a bend sa. three eagles Blund. Lozengy or and sa.
displ. ar. Blundell (Ince Blimdell, co. Lancaster, and Cardington, co.
Blount. Gu. a fesse betw. six mullets ar. Bedford, the latter branch raised to the degree of Baronet of
Blount. Or, a lion ramp. gu. Ireland in 1620, and to the Peerage of that kingdom in 720). 1

"Xlount. Az. a saltire engr. or. Az. ten billets, four, three, two, and one, and a canton or,-
Blount. Vair€ or and az. charged with a raven ppr. Crest A squirrel sejant gu, —
Blount. Chequy ar. and gu. a bend az. collared and holding a nut or.
Blount, or Blunt. Or, a tower triple-towered az. Blundell {Viscoimt Blundell, extinct 1756). Same Arms.
Blount. Gu. on a fesse betw. six martlets ar. a crescent az. Crest —
^An arm in armour embowed, the hand holding a

Crest In a crescent az. two swans' necks reversed ar. the scimetar, all ppr. Supporters— Dexter, a lion reguard. ppr.
one over the other, holding each an annulet in the mouth crowned with an Eastern crown or sinister, an Irish wolf dog

reguard. brown and white. Motto —

Unus et idem ferar.
Blouyle Per pale ar. and gu. a lion ramp,
(SufTolk). Blundell. Ar. an eagle (another, three eagles) displ. gu.

counterchanged. Crest A demi lion ramp, per pale indented Blundell. Quarterly, per fesse indented or and az. a bend
ar. and gu. gu.
Blow. Sa. a saltire betw. four pomeis. Blundell. Per pale erm. and sa. a chev. counterchanged.
Blow (Eev. John Blow, Kector of Godmanham Rectory, Blundell (Harlington, co. Bedford). Gu. a, chev. or, betw.-
CO. York). At. a saltire sa. betw. four torteaux. Crest — three unicorns' heads couped ar.
Two wings conjoined ar. Blundell (Crosby, co. Lancaster). Sa. ten billets ar. Crest—
Blower. Or, on a chev. betw. three balls vert a crescent A demi hon ramp. sa. in the paws a tau fitchee erect ar.
gold. Oe«(—Out of a mural coronet or, a demi eagle displ. Blundell (Blundell, co. Lancaster, 1567). Ar. a chev. betw.
yert woimded in the breast with an arrow gold feathered three eagles displ. gu.
ar. Blundell (Crosbie co. Lancaster, Nicholas Bldndbll of
Blower. Or, an eagle displ. with two heads gu. that place, 3 Henry IV. 1401, Ulster's office). Ar. a chev. gu.
Blowfield. Az. a chev. ar. surmounted by another or, all betw. three eagles displ. vert.
betw. three trefoils slipped of the second. Blundell{Preston, CO. Lancaster, 1664). Az. ten billetsor, on
Blozaxn (Bloxam, co. Oxford, and Eugby, co. Warwick). a canton ar. a squirrel sejant gu. Oi-est —As Blundell of
Sa. a fesse dancettee betw. three wivems' heads erased ar. Ince Blundell.
Crestr—Axi anchor in bend sinister cabled az.
or, Blundell (R. Hollinshead Blundell, Esq., of Deysbrook,
Bloxam (Geobge Fbedzeick Bloxam, Esq., Chester Square, West Derby, co. Lancaster). Lozengy erminois and sa. on
Pimlico). Ar. a saltire vert. Crest —
^An anchor in bend a bend wavy gu. three billets ar. quarterly with Hollin-
sinister with cable. shead (fm' which see that name). Crest—A. mount, thereon
Bloxam, or Bloxham, Ar. a saltire vert. Creai— a squirrel sejant.
shuttle az.- Blundell (Ireland). Gu. two pallets ar.
Bloxsome (The Kangers, co. Gloucester). Per pale or and Blunden (Bishop's Castle, co. Salop). Ar. a lion pass. sa.
sa. a fe38e dancettee voided betw. three wyvems' heads (another, pass, guard.). Crest—A. demi griffin or, gorged
erased, all counterchanged^ Crest —A
wyvem's head erased with a fesse erm.
or, transfixed by a spear head in pale sa. JfoMt^^Non timere Blunden (Ireland). Ar. a lion pass. sa. in the dexter paw
sed fortiter. a trefoil —
sUpped vert. Crest On the point of a spear a
Bloyne, Sa. a cross engr. ar. dolphin naiant ppr.
Bloyne, Bloyan, Bloyhaw, and Bloywe. Ar. a Blunden (Castle Blunden, co. Ejlkenny, bart.). 1st and
saltire sa. betw. four torteaux. 4th, ar. ten billets, four, three, two, and one, sa.; 2nd and
Bloyon (Cornwall). Gu. a cross engr. ar. 3rd, or, a lion pass, guard, per pale gu. and sa. Cre-^ts 1st: —
Bloyon (ComwaUJ. Gu. or sa. a saltire engr. ar. A demi lion ramp, per fesse sa, and ar. armed and langued
gu. 2ncl A griffin se^roant vert, armed, winged, and beaked Board (Farley House, Westerham). Arms, as the pre-


—Cedainus aiiiari. ceding. Crest— An antelope statant or. Motto Perforatns. —

31uxLder. Per pale erm. and sa. a chev. engr. counter- Boardman. Ar. a chev. vert bordered gu. Crest A lioa —
changed. sejant, collared and Uned or.
Blundeston (HallouEhton, co. Nottingham). Ar. six crosses Boardman (granted to William Doardman, Esq., of
crosslet fitchge sa. three, two, and one, a chief vair. Crest — Farrington House, Penwortham, co. Lancaster). Gu. on a
A wolf pass. ar. pile betw. two stags' heads cabossed or, a stag's head
BlundeviU. Quarterly, per fesse indented or and az. '.abossed of the field. Crest—A stag's head sa. erased gu,
(another, ar. and az.) a bend gu. crusily and horned or.
BlundevUle (Randle, Earl of Chester). Az. three garbs or, Boardman. Per pale indented erm. and sa. on a chev,
Blundey, or Blumuile. Lozengy ' or and sa. betw. three horses pass, two lozenges all counterchanged.
Blunsou. Parted per saltire az. and gu. four annulets in Boarne. Erm. on a bend az. three lions ramp. or.
cross or, fretty sa. Boase (Cornwall). Ar. on a chev. engr. gu. five bezants
Blunstone, or Blundestone (Suffolk). Ar. six crosses betw. an anchor in base and two birds in chief with wings
crosslet fitch^e sa. three, two, and one, a chief vaire of the erect. Crei^t-A deml lion charged with three bezants on
first and gu. Crest— The sun rising ppr. Motto— ^o^t nubes the shoulder and a star on the hip, holding in the fore paws
lux. five arrows, four in saltire and one in fesse upon the top.
-BlTiiit (London, Clery and Wallop House, co. Hants, and Boatfield. Ar. a Hon ramp. gu. debruised by a saltire sa.
Croydon, Barry nebulee of six or and
co. Surrey, bart.). Crest —Five arrows sa. enfiled with a ducal coronet or.
sa. C^'est— The sun in glory charged on the centre with Boaton. Ar. on abend sa. three martlets or.
an eye issuing tears, all ppr. Motto Inter lachrymas — Bobart (Brunswick). Ar. an oak branch slipped vert
mi cat. fructed or.
Blixnt (Kempshott, co. Hants). Arms, &c., as the preceding. Bobkiug*. Ar. a bend nebulee betw. ten crosses crosslet
Blunts, or Blonte. Quarterly, ar. and az. on a bend sa. gu.
three eagles displ. of the first. Bocars. Paly of six or and az. a fess ar.
Bluworth, or Blurproth, Ar. two bars gu. in chief Bocie. Gu. a chev. or, betw. three plates.
three torteaux. Bock. Gyronny of sixteen gu. and or, an orle counter-
Blyke (Herefordshire, London, and Salop). Sa. a chev. changed. Crest—A hawk's leg and wing conjoined, the fli-st

betw. three leopards' heads ar. belled and jessed, all ppr.
Blyznhall. Erm. three mascles in fesse gu. Bocken, or Borcken, Gu. an arrow, on each side where
-Blyth (Scotland). Ar. on a fesse betw. three crescents gu. the feather should be three ostrich feathers ar. the barb
as many garbs or. erected or.
-Blsrtli (William D'Urbin Bltth, Esq., J.P., Weasenham Bockenham, or Bokenham, Az. a, cross patt^e,
Hall, CO. Norfolk). Erm. three stags trippant gu. attired or. chequy or, and of the first.

Crest— A stag's head erased gu. attired or, gorged with a Bockerell, or Bokerell (Lord Mayor of London, 1232
chaplet vert. and 1237 inclusive). Sa. two bucks pass. ar. the field be-
31yth (Eurnham, co. Norfolk). Krm. three bucks trippant zantde.
gu. attired or. Crest~h buck's head erased gu. attired or. Socket. Ar. a cross gu. surmounted by two bars az. Crat
Motto— In Veritas ^'^cto^ia. —A horse's head in profile betw. two wings endorsed.
-Blythe (Bodmyn, co. Cornwall). Az. a griffin segreant or, Beckett. Sa. semde of crosses crosslet titehee or, a fesse

betw. three crescents ar. Crest A griffin's head erased or. betw. three boars' heads erased of the last. Crest— On a

Another Crest An arm embowed and erect, habited per wreath entwined with laurel vert a falcon with wings ex-
pale or and az. cuff ar. holding in the hand ppr. a battle- tended and ducally gorged or, beak and legs gu.
axe, staff of the second, headed of the third. Bockham. Chequy ar. and sa. a fesse erm.
Blythe (Norton, co. Derby. William Blythe, of Norton, Bocking* (Bucknam Ar. a fesse wavy
Castle, co. Suffolk).
father of John Blythe, Bishop of Salisbury, and of Geffrey betw. six crosses crosslet fitchee gu.
Bltthe, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, had a grant of Boking- (Suffolk). Ar. a bend engr. betw. six crosses cross-
these Arms, temp. Henry "VII.). Erm. three roebucks trip- let gu.

pant ppr. Crest A roebuck's head erased gu. attired or, Booking*. Ar. a fesse betw. six crosses crosslet gu.
gorged with a chaplet vert. Becking. Ar. a fesse nebulee sa. betw. six crosses crosslet
Blythe (Burchet, co. Derby). Same Arms. —
gu. Crest Onachapeaugu. turned uperm. a leopard pass,
Blythe (Lincolnshire). Or, a lion ramp. gu. ppr.

Blythe (Lincolnshire). Ar. a chev. betw. three lions sa. Booking:. Ar. a bend wavy betw. eight crosses crosslet gn.
Blythe (Lincolnshire). Az. on a fesse ar. a buck in full Booking*. Per pale ar. and sa. a fesse wavy counterchangefl.
course gu. Booking*, or Bockkiuge. Ar. a bend betw. six crosses
Blythe (Yorkshire). Ar. a hart trippant gu, Cres(— In a crosslet gu.
wreath erm. and gu. a roebuck's head erased of the last, Bookingham (Suffolk). Or, a lion ramp. gu. on a bend az.
attired or, gorged with a chaplet vert. three bezants. —
Crest On a chapeau a lion statant guard,
Bljrthe (Yorkshire). Erm. three bucks gu. attired or, a collared and crowned with a ducal coronet.
chief az. Cresf —A
buck's head erased and attired or, col- Booking-ham. Ar. three bendlets in chief gu.
lared az. Bockingham. Gu. across bottonn6e or.
Blythe (Blythe, co. Warwick). Ar. on a. fesse sa. three Bookland. Vair on a chief . two crescents.
, . Crest
escallops or. {J)ugdale^s Warwickshire.) —A bull's head erased ar. ducally gorged sa.
Blythe (Whitley, co. Salop. Francis Tdbne& Blythe, Esq., Booklande. Ar. a chev. sa. fretty or, betw. three lions
sheriff 1755). Same Arms. ramp. gu. Ci'est —
^A hawk close reguard. ar. beaked and
Blythe. Ar. three goats pass. gu. two and one, a chief az. belled or.
Blythe. Per fesse ar. and az. in chief three crescents of Booklande, or Bokeland (Scotland). Ar. an eagle
the second. displ. sa.beaked and legged or (another, legged gu.).
Blythfi.eld. Per fesse indented or and sa. a chief gu. Bookley. Vert three chev. ar. on a canton az. a saltire of
Blythfield. Per fesse ar. and az. three piles counter- —
the second. Crest ^The sun shining on a deml eagle with
changed. two heads in fiamesf ppr.
Blythman (Essex). Vert, on a fesse betw. three lions Bockwell, or Bokewell. Ar. three boars' heads sa.
ramp. ar. as many fleurs-de-hs gu. a chief of the second.
Boade. two chev. betw. six escallops ar. two, three, and
Sa. Bockwill, or Beokwill. Ar. on a chief sa. three boars'
one. Crest— A ram's head, gorged with a fesse indented sa. heads erased or.
charged with three escallops ar. Bock-wit. Per fesse ar. and or, a deml griffin issuant gu.
Beadle. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three mullets sa. and the sun rays eclipsed.
Boak. Or, a pale gu. in chief two frets, and in base another Bocland (Bucldand, co. Hertford). Ar. an eagle displ. sa.
counterchanged. Crest— A beacon fired ppr. armed and beaked or.
Boaler. Gu. a fesse quarterly ar. and sa. betw. six croBses Booton (Kent). Az. on a chief indented or, three torteaux.
crosslet fitchee of the second. Boddam (Enfield, co. Middlesex). Gu. on a cross or, five
Boaler. Gu. five fusils in fesse, quartered ar. and sa. betw. mullets sa. Crest —A
stag trippant ppr.
six crosses flory of the second. Boddam (Kirkhngton Park, co. Notts.). Gu. on a cross or,
Boar. Vert a boar or. five mullets sa. Crest —
^A stag trippant, ppr.
Board and Linfield). Per fesse gu.
(Bordhill, co. Sussex, Boddie, or Body (Essex).Ar. on a fesse az. three peli-
and az. an escutcheon within an orle of martlets ar. Crest— cans or. vulning their breasts gu., on a canton ar.two stavci
A stag erm. raguly in saltire of the fourth charged with a ducal coronet
; —


goltL Cretf — On the middle of a staff ragoly gn. a ducal Bodmin Monastery (Cornwall). Or, on achev. az. betw.
coronet or. three lions' heads erased purp. as many annulets of the
Soddingi^xi. Sa. on a chief ar. semee of crosses crosslet first.

fitchee gu. ademi lion issuant of the last. Crest —Ademi Bodmin, Town of (Cornwall), has no armorial ensign;
lion ramp. go. holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet the seal, which is very ancient, represents a king crowned
fitchee ar. and sceptered sitting under a Guthic canopy.
Bode (Feversham, co. Kent). Sa. two chev. betw. three Bodocksh.ead (Devonshire). Sa. three lozenges in fesse ar.
escallops ar. —A greyhoxmd's head couped
Crej-t ar. gorged betw. as many stags' heads cabossed or.
with a collar and ring sa. charged with three escallops of the Bodrig:an, or Bodru^an (Bodrigan, in Gorrans, co.
first. Cornwall extinct in the male Une, by the death uf Otho,

Bodelley. Ar. a onquefoil gu. hetw. two bars sa. thereon son of Sir Otes Bodrugan, about 1331 the heiress m. Trb-

three square buctles of the first. vabthian, of Trevarthian). Ar. three bendlets gu. Crest —
Bodelsgrate Gu. (another, az.) two lions pass.
(Cornwall). A dexter hand erect, tied round the wrist with a ribbon.
ar. crowned or. Cre^A —
A horse's head erased ar. Bodulg-ate (Bodulgate, co. Cornwall, a co-heiress m. Bos-
Boden (Worsley, co. Lancaster). Quarterly gu. and vair, in CAsaocx). Az. two Uons pass, guard, ar.
the first quarter a lion pass. ar. Creit—A. stork's head Bodwlda. Sa. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest —
erased ar. betw. two lilies ppr. Motto ^Diligentia et vigi- — A dexter arm in armour embowed holding a fleur-de-lis or.
lantia. Body. Or, an eagle in full aspect gu. standing on a perch,
Boden (granted to Mabshall Bodek, of Burton Crescent, issuing out of the sinister side ar.
Pancras, co. Middlesex, gent.). Gu. on a bend rayonated,
St. Bodyam. Gyronny of eigbt gu. and sa. three demi men
betw. two eagles displ. or, three roses of the field. Crest — couped below the navel ar. crowned with a chaplet within
An eagle rising or, charged on the breast with a rose as in the two bordures or, charged with eight crosses pattee fltchfe
arms, and perched upon four mascles conjoined, in fesse gn. sa.
Boden (The Friary, co. Derby). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three Bodyam, or Bodyliam. Ar. on a fesse dancettee sa. six
teazles ppr. Crest —A swan sejant ppr. Motto — Contra bezants.
andentior. Bodyar (Cornwall). Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three cinquefoils
Boden (Ednaston Hall, co. Derby). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. or.
three teasels ppr. Crest —
A swan, wings extended, ppr. Bodyham. Ar. on a bend indented az. a bendlet or. Crest —

Motto. Contra audentior. A pegasus at speed, wings indorsed and ducally gorged.
Bodendine (Bellinerthorpe, CO. Rutland. Visit. 1618). Az. Bodyham. The same, within a bordure gu.
a fess betw. three chess rooks or. Bodyham. Gyronny of eight gu. and sa. three mandrakes
Bodenfield. Ar. a Uon ramp. sa. within an orle of eight ar. (another, or.).
CTOsses pattee of the second.Crest ^An eaglets head erased — Boerley, or Bnrley (Bromcroft Castie, co. Salop). Vert
betw. two wings ar. and ducally crowned or. three boars* heads couped close ar.
Bodenham (Bodenham, Byford, Monington-Stradley, Dew- Boevey (Ceawlet-Boevet, Flaxley Abbey, co. Gloucester,
church, and Eotherwas, co. Hereford). Az. a fesse betw. bart.). 1st and 4th, enninois on a fesse az. betw.
tiiree chess rooks or. Crest —
A dragon's head erased sa. three cranes ppr. a saltier betw. twp crosses crosslet
Bodeniiazn (Biddenden, co. Kent, and Byal, co. Holland, a fitchee or, for Csawi^t; 2nd and 3rd, on achief erm. abend
brancli ol the Bodbnhams, of Herefordshire, the heiress . m gu. charged with three guttes-d'or betw. two martlets sa,,
Thouas Bubbell, of Dowsby). Same Arms and Cre.>e as for BoEVBT. The family have the following quarterings
preceding. 1st: Erm. on a saltier gu. a crescent or, for Llotd, of
BodeTiTiani (Ireland). Or, a lion ramp. gu. n. bordure Cors-y-Gedol ; 2nd; Ar. six lioncels ramp, three, two, and
gobony ar. and az. one, a crescent sa. for diff., for Savage, of Broadway;
Bodenham, or Bodeham. Ar. on a cross gu. five 3rd: Ar. three bears' heads couped sa. muzzled or, a
mullets or. chief az., for Babeow, of Highgrove. Crest On a mount —
Bodexingrham, or BodringiK>n. Ar. three bends gu. vert a crane ppr. collared, beaked, and holding in the
Boderingrbam., or Bodrlngton (Cornwall). The same, dexter foot a saltier or. Motto —
Esse quam videri.
within a bordure engr. sa, Bo^irey. Ar. a chev. betw. three annulets sa.
Bodliam. Ar. a bend chequy or and az. (another, or Bog:. Gu. on a chev. ar. three stars sa.
and sa. within a bordure engr. gu.). Bog: (Bumhouse, Scotland). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. two
Bod ham
. Ar. a fesse dancettee sa. on each point a bezant. cinquefoils in chief and a buck's head in base sa.
Bodlcote, or Bodycoat (London). Vert, on a bend ar. Bogran (Devonshire and Cornwall : the heiress of Bogan m.
cottised or, three tigers' heads ppr. Crest ^A weaver's — Vyvtak, of Treleage). Sa. a cockatrice displ. ar. crested,
shuttle az. in pale threaded ar. membered, and jalloped gu.
Bodiham. Or, a lion ramp. gu. within a bordure componee Boger (Eduund Bogee, Esq., Capt. E,N.). Or, a bend
ar. and az. vairfi ar. and gu. cottised az. betw. two towers of the last
Bodiugton. Sa. on a chief ar. a demi lion ramp. betw. six on a canton of the same an anchor in bend sinister of the
crosses crosslet fitch^ gu. Crest
Ecimetar ppr.
—A lion's paw grasping a first,surmounted of a sword in saltire ppr. Crest On a —
tower or, charged with two lozenges in fess vaire ar. and gn.
Bodkin (co. Galway). Erm. a saltier gn. on the nombril a a dove with an ohve branch in its beak, all ppr.
leopard's fece or.
Bodkin, alias Greraldine
Cre&t —A leopard's face or. Bog-g-, Sogge, or Le Bowgre. Or, on a fesse sa. three
(co. Galway). Same Anns water-bougets ar.
ani Crest. Bog-g (Lincoln. Granted 12 March, 1602, to Humbhbet Bogg,
Bodkin (Patrick Bodkih, Mayor of Galway, temp. Charles of Sutterin, co. Lincoln). Or, on a fesse sa. three water-

Same Arms. —
bougets ar. Crest A bat displ. ar. armed or.
Az. three
bodkins ar. halves or.
tailors' Bogrge (Scotland). Gu. a chev. betw. two roses in chief and
Bodleig'h. Sa. a goat
ramp. ar. armed or. a boar's head erased in base ar.
Bodley, or Bodleg*}! rOunscombe, in Crediton, co. Devon Bogrg*. Ar. a fret sa. on each point a cross crosslet fitchee of
Sir Thouas Bodily, founder of the Bodleian Library, was of the first.
a younger branch of the family). Ar. five martlets saltire- Boggre, or Bugrg*. Or, fretty sa. charged at each inter-
ways sa. on a chief az. three ducal crowns or. CVe«£— On a lacing with a crosslet fitch& ar.
ball (rather clouds) az. encircled with rays or, a ducal Boggris, or Bo^gs. Per chev. gu. and ar. three crescents
coronet of the second. —
counterchanged. Crest ^A sail of a ship ppr.
Bodley (Streatham, co. Surrey, granted by Camden, Boghey (Whitemore, co. Stafford, Harl M.S., 1988, fol. 386).
Clarenceux, Oct. I, 1609, to John Bodlet, of that place). Az. three stags' heads caboshed sa.
Erm. on two bars sa. three round buckles or, two and one. Bogrle (Daldowie, Scotland, 1736). Or, a chev. vaire betw.
Crests— bull's head or, two roses in chief gu. and a ship in full sail in base ppr. Crest

Ar. martlets sa. two, two, and one, a chief az.
five —A primrose stalked and leaved ppr. thereon a bee feeding;
Ontt ^A demi wolf holding betw. the paws a ducal coronet, sa. Motto —
E labore dulcedo.
all ppr. Bogle (Hamilton's Farm, co. Ayr, 1740). Or, on a chev. az,
Bodley. Ar. five martlets in saltire sa. betw. two roses in chief and an anchor palewaya in baee gu.
Bodley. Gu. five martlets ar. on a chief indented or,
three —
three bezants. Crest A ship in full sail ppr. J/o(to— Spe
az. meliori vehor.
Bodley (Sir Josias BoDter, knighted at Eeban, co. Kildare, Bogle (Shettlestone, co. Lanark, 1806). Or, on a chev. az.
21 March, 1604). Ar. five martlets in saltire sa. on a chief betw. two roses in chief and a demi lion ramp, in base a cross
ax. three crowns or. crosslet fi^chee, issuing out of a crescent of the first betw.
Bodley. Az. a fesse ar. fretted of the field. two bezants. Crest and Motto as the last.

Bogley. Az. a saltire voided betw. four speara' heads

or, BokenhanL. Az. a cross flory compony or, and of the
ar. Crest — A cross sa. on three grieces gu. first.
Bog-ner. per pale ar. and az. a ferris (or steel for striking Bokenham. Az. (another, vert) a cross patonce chequy ar.
fire) counterchanged. and gu.
BogTie. Ar. a chev. gu. in chief two cinquefoils az. and in Bokenham. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. Crest—A lion ramp, as
base a boar's head couped and erect of ,the last. in the arms.
Bohezxi (London). Sa. three horseshoes ar. two and one. Bokenton, or Cokln^ton. Gu. three cocks ar.
Crest—A. horseshoe ar. betw. two elephants' trunlis, per fesse Boketon (descended from Alexander de Boketon, temp.
of the first and sa. King John, fifth in descent from whom is stated to have
Bohun {Earls of Hereford, Essex, and Northampton. been Sir Henry Greene, son of Thomas de Boketon, Chief
HuMPHBT, Gth Earl of Hereford, was elected Knight of the Justice, temp. Edward III., and d. 1369). Az. three bucks
Garter, 1365, in place of Sir Miles de Stapleton, one of the trippant or.
original Knights his Garter Plate remains in his Stall, the
; Boking" (Boking, co. Suffolk). Ar. a fesse wavy betw. three
flth on the Sovereign's side). Az. a bend ar. betw. two crosses potent fitchee gu. Crest —A
man's head couped at
cottises and six hons ramp. or. d'est—On a chapeau gu. the shoulders ar. hair vert.
turned up erm. a lion statant guard, and crowned or. Bokle. Sa. a chev. betw. three buckles ar.
Bohun (Lord BoMin, of Midhurst, summoned to Parliament, Boksyed. Sa. on a chief vert, a buck's head cabossed ar.
1363). Or, a cross az. Boland (Devonshire). Az. three bird bolts or. Crest— 0\A
Bohun, or Boone (Lincoln). Az. on a bend ar. cottised of a ducal coronet or, an arm from the elbow, holding a
or, betw. six lions ramp, gold, three escallops gu. Crest — bunch of three arrows in bend sinister all ppr.
Out of a ducal coronet gu. a cup. ar, betw. two elephants' Bolbeck. Vert, a lion ramp. ar. Crest— lion sejant, A
tusks or. supporting with his dexter paw a broken lance, all ppr.
Bohun, or Boun (Coundon, co. Warwiclc. Kalph Boun, of Bolbroke. Ar. a fesse wavy betw. three helmets sa.
Blakewell, co. Derby, was living tertvp. Henry VI. thirteenth ; Bolckow (registered to Henry William Ferdinand
in descent from him was Ralph Boon, of Coventry and BoLCKow, Esq., M.P., for Middlesbrough, naturalized by
Coundon, living temp. Queen Ehzabeth, and fourth from Act of Parliament, son of the late Heinrich Bolceow, of
Ealph, was another Balph Boon, whose eldest dau. Varchow, in Mecklenburg). Gu. on a fesse betw. eighteen
SosANNA, m. Gilbert, second son of Gilbert Clabke, of acorns ar. a boar courant az. Crest —A boar pass. az. in
Ohilcote, CQ. Derby, Dugdale). Arms same as the preceding. front of seven acorns or, leaved and stalked ppr. Motto-^
Bohun (Tressingfield, co. Suffolk). Gu. a crescent erm. Suscipere et finire.
within an orle of eight martlets or. Crest —
On a chapeau a Bolcole. Ar. on a chev. engr. az. betw. two heads bulls'
quatrefoil pierced erm. in the centre a bezant. erased sa. armed or, in chief, and an anchor in base of the
Bohun (Midhurst, co. Sussex). Or, a cross az. third, three estoiles or. Crest —
A demi reindeer ppr. collared,
Bohun. Ar. on a bend gu. voided of the field, betw. six traced, and charged on the shoulder with an estoile gu.
honcels az. three stars sa. Bold (Bold, CO. Lancaster, and Upton, Cheshire). Ar. a
Bohun. Az. a bend ar. cottised or. griffln segreant sa. beaked and leggod or. Crest—A griffin
Bohun. Az. on a bend ar. cottised or, betw. six lions ramp. as in the arms, also out of a ducal coronet gu. a griffin's
of the third, three mullets gu. (another, sa.). head sa. wings displ. or.
Bohun (Carlisle). Or, three bars gu. Bold. Sa. a griffin pass, ar.
Bohun, Az. a bend ar. cottised, betw. six lions ramp. or. Bold. Ar. a tiger pass. sa.
Bohun (in the East Window, Bristol Cathedral). Az. a bend Bold. Ar. two chev. gu. on a canton of the second a cross
ar. cottised or, betw. six demi lions ramp, of the last. patonce or.
Bohun (Salop, Visit. London, 1568). Az. on a bend betw. Bold. Ar. five fusils in fesse sa.
two cottises ar. three escallops gu. Bold, or Bolde. Quarterly, IsC and 4th, three chev. gu.f
Boileau (Chester). Gu. three garbs ar. Crest A heart — 2nd and 3rd, sa. a cross ar.
inflamed ppr. Bolden (Hyning, co. Lancaster). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or,
Boileau (Norfolk, fromEtienne, Erance/Barons de Castlenau on a fesse gu, three fleurs-de-hs of the field 2nd and 3rd, ;

and St. Croix, of the province of Languedoc). Az. a castle per fesse dancettee gu. and vert three swans or. Crests— \si:
triple-towered or, in base a crescent of the second. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a tiger's headar.; 2nd: Aswan
A pelican in her piety ppr. charged on the breast with a or. —
Motto Pour bien desirer.
saltire couped gu. the nest resting on a foreign coronet. Boldero (Whitehouse, Rattlesden, co. Suffolk, descended

Motto De tout mon cceur. from Edward Boldero, Esq., of Fornham St. Martin, co.
Boileau (Tacolnestone Hall, co. Norfolk, bart.). Az. a tower Suffolk, 1501). Per pale or and az. a saltire counterchanged.
triple- towered or, masoned in base a crescent gold.
sa. Crest-~~A greyhound sejant. Motto Audax ero. —

Crest A pehcan in her piety ppr. charged on the breast Boldero, or Bolderovre. Az. on a chev. betw. three
with a saltire couped gu., the nest resting on a coronet. lions' heads erased ar. three martlets gu. Crest A pomeia. —

Motto ^De tout mon coeur. Bolders. Per pale or and az. a saltire pierced of the field,,
Bois. Ar. two bars gu. a canton of the last. Crest— A stag's all counterchanged. Crest —
A greyhound courant ar. collared
head ar. attired gu. betw. the attires a mormd or. or.
Bois (Brecknockshire). Gu. a stag statant ar. collared and Boldersalt. Or, a demi bordure purp. and a saltire az.
chained or. Bolding'ton. Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three pellets as
Bois. Ar. out of the dexter base side, a pile, fleeted and many roses of the first.
reflected sa. Boldis^ate. Gu. two lions pass, guard, ar. crowned or.
Boivile (Stokerston, co. Leicester). Gu. a fesse or, betw. Boldorne, or Boldron. Per pale or and az. a saltire
three saltires ar. counterchanged. Crest —A greyhound courant gu. collared
Bokard. Ar. a saltire gu. betw. four eagles displ. vert. or.
Bokefield. Az. a cross chequy ar. and gu. Boldrowe (Suffolk). Per pale ar. and az. a saltire counter-
Bokeham. Chequy or and sa. a fesse erra. changed, on a chief of the first three leop:irds' heads ca-
Bokeland. Sa. on a chev. ar. three mullets pierced of the bossed of the second. Crest—A. lion's gamb. ar. grasping a
first, a canton or, charged with a lion pass, guard, gu. Crest saltire az.
— ^An eagle's head couped gu. the wings chequy or and Bolds (Trerddot, Wales). Gu. a chev. betw. three lions

vert. ramp. or.

Bokeland. Gu. two lions ramp. ar. a canton or, fretty sa. Boldsworth. Erm. on a chev. gu. three escallops ar.
Bokeland. Ar. a fease gu. oppressed with two dolphins Boles. See Bowles.
hauriant, embowed respectant or. Bolebec (Buckinghamshire). Vert, a lion ramp. ar. vuhied
Bokeland. Ar. an eagle displ. reguard. sa. armed or. in the shoulder.

Crest A lion ramp, holding betw. his paws a pair of scales Boleche, Boloch, and Boleig-h. Ar. on v. chev. sa.

ppr. betw. three torteaux as many bezants.

Bokell. Sa. a chev. betw. three bucks pass. or. Boletley (Cornwall). Sa. a goat salient ar. attired or.
Bokelley (Cornwall). Sa. a goat ar. armed or. Boleyn (Lord Mayor of London, 1457). Quarterly: 1st and
Bokelton (Kent). Barry of ten gu. and or. 4th, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three bulls' heads couped sa. ; 2nd
Bokemynster. Ar. semee of fleurs-de-lis and a lion ramp. and 3rd, sa. three mullets or, and a chief dancettee erm.
sa. Boleyne ( Viscount Rockford, Earl of d-monde and W^^ ,

Bokenham (Lincoln). Ar. a fretty az. shire, extinct, 1538). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three bulls'

Bokenham (Norfolk). Ar. a fret az. betw. four crescents of heads armed or.
the second. Crest —
^Three mullets, one and two. Boleyn. Ar. a lion pass, sa, crowned or, betw. three bulls'

Bokenham. Ar. a fret betw. four crescents gu* beads couped of the second, attired gold.
A .


hound courant ar. Crest ^An escallop reyersed or. Motto Bolourd, Sa. a butterfly volant ar. 0}'est— Out of a ducal
— Deus nobis tasec otia fecit. coronet or, a demi eagle gu.
BoUialth. Sa. a chev. ar. a canton arm. Bolowre. Sa. a harvest fly in pale volant en arriere ar.
BoUxalth. Sa. a chev. and canton erro. Crest From the — Bolron (Cheshire). Ar. a bend fusilly betw. three hammers
top of a tower issuing from the wreath an arm embowed sa.
holding a spear in fesse. Bolron. Ar, a bend betw. five lozenges in chief and three
BoUl&ltll. Ar. a chev. sa. and canton erm. hammers in base sa. —
Crest An arm couped at the shoulder,
Boligh (Lansallos, co. Cornwall: the heiress m. Kellio). resting the elbow on the wreath, and holding a sword in.
Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three torteaux as many bezants. pale enfiled with a savage's head.
Boline. Ar. three bars indented gu. Bolron. Ar, a bend lozengy betw. six hammers with claws
BoliiL?l>roke, Viscount. See St. John. sa. Crest —
A dove volant sa.
Boling^on. Sa. a chev. betw. three crescents or. Bolron. Ar. a bend betw. three lozenges in chief and as
Bolitho (Trengwainton, Penzance, co. Cornwall). Erm. on a many mattocks in base sa.
plain chev. betw. two chevronels engr. and three fleurs-de-lis Bolron. Ar. a bend betw. six lozenges in chief and three
sa. five bezants. Crest —
In front of a fern-brake a cubit arm pickaxes in base sa.
and hand erect ppr. vested az. charged with three bezants Bolstrode. See Bdlstbode.
cnfled ar. the hand holding a fleur-de-lis sa. Motto —Re Bolstrode. Ar, a feese dancettee sa. in chief three pellets.
Den. Bolt, or Bonlt. Or, on a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet
Bolkwort by Beroe, of Croscombe, Visit. Devon,
(quartered fitchee gu. a lion pass, guard, of the field. Crest heron —A
1620). Sa. a hand lying fessways within a border engr. (or stork) ppr.
ar. Boltby, or Bolteby (Northumberland). Ar. on a fesse
Bolkiug:. Ar. a fesse wavy betw. six crosses crosslet sa. three garbs or.
Bolter. Vert a bend betw. two bird bolts bendways or, points
Bolland (Clapham, co. Surrey). Gu. on a fesse erm, betw. downwards. Crest—'A lion's head erased sa. imperially
three bezants as many pegs sa. Crett—Axi eagle's head crowned or.

erased ppr. gorged with a collar erm. holding in the beak a Bolter. (South Creake, co. Norfolk. "W. Consitt Boulteb,
peg as in the arms. F.S.A.). Vert, a bend betw. two arrow shafts feathered,
Bollard (Henbv Bollabd, d, 19 Feb. 1661, Fun. Ent. Ire.). couped at the head and garnished with a ring or.
Ar. three torteaux, each charged with an estoile of the field, Bolter. Ar. on a chev. gu. three dead men's skulls of the
BoUardt (John Bollabdt, of Antwerp, Merchant, whose field.

dau. Abigail, m. Bidglt Hatfield, Lord Mayor of Dublin, Boltesham (Northumberland). Gu. three bird bolts ar.
1656). Ar. three hurts, each charged with an estoUe or, Boltesham. Gu. three plates.
quartering az. an eagle rising Teguard. or, for Canvtlle. Bolton, Baron. See Powlett.
—A griffin's head erased ar. Bolton (Lancashire and Yorkshire). Ar. on a chev. gu.
Bollby (South Tyndale, co. Northumberland, 10 Edward I.). three lions pass, guard, or (another, ar.). C}-est ^A buck's —
Ar. on a fesse sa. three garbs or. head erased ar. attired or, gorged with a chaplet vert,
BoUe, alias Belles (Bolle Hall, and Hough, co. Lincoln; pierced through the neck with an arrow of the second.
Scampton,bart., extinct 1714; and of Thorpe Hall). Az. out Bolton (Rev. Thomas Ahblee Bolton, of Wakefield, York-
of three cups or, as many boars' heads couped ar. Crest — shire). Same as the preceding.

A demi boar wounded in the breast with a broken spear. Bolton (Bective Abbey, co. Meath, formerly of Brazeel,
BoUe, alias Belles ("Worthin, co, Suffolk, granted 1528). CO. Dublin) Or, on a chev. gu. three lions couchantar.

At. a chev. gu. betw. three mullets sa. on a chief az. a lion's Crest — ^A hawk ar. belled or.

head erased betw. two lozenges or. Bolton (The Island, co. Wexford). Same as Bolton, of

Bollen. Ar. a chev. gu. betw, three bulls' heads couped Bective Abbey.
sa. Crest —
^A talbot gu. collared and leashed or. Bolton (Tullydonnell, co. Louth). Same as Bolton, of
Boiler. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three bulls' heads cabossed Bective Abbey.
sa. Bolton (Bolton HiU, co. Pembroke. Granted by Dethick,
Boiler (Devonshire). Erm. on a chief az. three bolts ar. Garter, 5 July, 1555). Ar. on a bendgu. three lions' heads
Boiler. Gu. three poppy boUes on their stalks in fesse cftboshed of the field betw. two fleurs-de-Us az. Crest —
or. hind's head per pale indented ar. and az. holding in his
Boilers. Sa. a maunch or. mouth a broad arrow or, feathered and headed ar.
Boilers (Visit. Butland, 1618). Per pale gu. and sa. a lion Bolton vFaithlegg, co. Waterford. From the Seal attached to
ramp. ar. the will of Capt. Thomas Bolton, 1662). Arms same as above.
BoUey. Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three torteaux as many Crest —
A stag's head per pale indented ar and az. holding in
bezants. the mouth a broad arrow or, feathered and headed ar.
Bolleyn, or Bollens. Or, fretty sa. on a chief of the Bolton (Mount Bolton, descended from Faithlegg, co. Water-
second three plates. Crest—Tvo branches of thorn disposed ford). Same Arms. Crest —
A buck's head erased, attired
in orle ppr. or, gorged with a chaplet vert pierced through the neck
Boiling- (Bev. Edwabd James Bollino, of Darcy Lever, co.

with an arrow of the second. Motto ^Vi et virtute.
Lancaster). Sa. an escutcheon erm. within an orle of eight Bolton (Curraghduff and Brook Lodge, co. Waterford).
martlets ar. Same as Bolton, of Faithlegg.
Boiling-, Bollinge, or Boling'. Same Aryns. Bolton (Fun. Ent. of Pbteb Bolton, Provost Marshall of
Bollingri)roke, Sa. a chev. betw. three pillars or, Leinster; d. 1604). Ar. on a chev. gu. three lions pass. or.
Bollingbroke. Az. a fesse ar. betw. three lions ramp. or. Bolton (Woodbridge, co. Suffolk. Granted 26 Aug., 1615).

Cresl In the front of a hat az. turned up ar. three feathers Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. a falcon close ar. beaked and.
belled or; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three wolves' heads
erased or,
of the last.
Bollinge. Sa. eight martlets in orle ar. a trefoil slipped in the centre. Crest —A
falcon close ar.

charged on the breast with a trefoil sUpped vert, beaked and

Bollingrford. Sa. two swords in saltire ar,
Bollord, or BoUoure. Sa. a hornet ar.
Bollocke. Gu. a chev betw. three bulls' heads erased ar.
belled or.
Bolton (Bolton, co. Lancaster). Sa. a hawk,
Crest — »

armed or. hawk belled ar.

Bolton (Lord Mayor of London, 1667). Same Arins.
Bollys. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three mullete
the second a lion's head erased betw. two lozenges or.
sa. on a chief of
Bolton. Az. three bird bolts or. Crest —A bolt gu. in a tun
Bolmer. Gu. billettee a ]ion ramp. or. or.
Bolnas. Gu. a fesse erm. Bolton (Boyland, co. Norfolk, a.d. 1563). Ar. on a bend gu.
Bolnas. Erm. a fesse gu. three lions' heads of the field.
Bolney (Bolney, Sussex, 1541). Or, in chief two mullets, in Bolton. Ar. on a chev. gu. three leopards' heads of the field
base a crescent gu. Grest —A
skeleton's head couped at Bolton. Ar. on a bend gu. three leopards' faces or.
the shoulders ppr. holding in the mouth a firebrand or, Bolton (Yorkshire). Ar. three door bolts gu.
Bolton (Seijeant Bolton, d. 1787). Aa. three arrows in pale
flammant at both ends ppr.
Bolney (Suffolk). Ar. in chief two mullets in base a crescent

fesseways or, points to the dexter. Crest A tun erect ppr._
transpierced by an arrow fesseways or.
Bolney. Gu. two mullets (another, of six points) in chief and Bolton. Ar. a chev. gu.
a crescent in base or. Bolton. Ar. a fesse sa. betw. three pellets.
Bolton (Cranwich, co. Norfolk. Granted 1803). Sa. on a
Bolney. Quarterly, ar, and gu.
Bolour. mount in base vert, a falcon erm, beak and bells or, in the
Ar. three butterdies in pale sa.
moutli a trefoil slipped of the second. Creit On a mount — Bond (Holwood, co. ComwaU, a branch
Thomas Bomd,
of BoSD, of Earth,
Esq., of East Looe).
Tert a falcon as in the arms. represented by the late
Bolton, or Boultou. Ar. on a chev. gu. a lion's head or. Same Arms.
Bond (Earth Saltash, co. Cornwall). Ar. on a chev.
Cre&t —
A horse courant, saddled and bridled.
three bezants.
Crest—K demi pegasus az. winged and

Bolton. Sa. on a chev. engr. hetw. three bird bolts or, as

many lions couchant gu. a canton ar. thereon a sword erect semde of estoiles or.

within a wreath of laurels on the dexter and cypress on the

Bond (Sir George Bond, Lord Mayor of London, 1587, second

word "Moodkee," sa.

the son of William Bond, of West Buckland, co. Somerset,'who
sinister, and inscribed above
was descended from Bond, of Cornwall from Sir Geoegs
Crest —On a mount vert a hawk rising sa. belled and charged

descended Sir Thomas Bond, created a hart, by Charles II.).

on the breast with two bird bolts in saltier or. Crat—Oa. a mount
Same Arms, a crescent gu. for diff.
Bolton-Massey. See Masset.
Ar. a falcon close sa. vert a lion sejant ar.
Bolton (Oarbrook, co. Stirling, 1870). and az. on a chief
armed, jessed, and belled or, on a chief of the second
three Bond (London). Barry wavy of six ar.

Industria sa. two leopards pass, of the first betw. as many anchors
bezants. Crest— K falcon, as in the arms. JkZoifo—
et virtute.
Bolton Priory Gu. a cross patonce vair.
Bond (Newland, co. Gloucester; Eleanoe, only dau. and heir
bendlets George Bond, Esq., of Newland, m. in 1809,
of the, late
Bolton. Or, a lion pass, guard, sa. betw. two
Iltyd NiooLi, Esq., of the Ham). Ar. on a chev. sa. seven
Bolton. Ar. a lion ramp. az. fretty of the field.
Boltshiam (Devonshire). Ar. three bolts in pale gu
Bond (Cawbery co. Hereford, and Eedbrook, co. Gloucester).
Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three demi lions couped gu. as many
Bolytent. Or, a saltire engr. sa.
Borne. Ar. on a bend az. three fleurs-de-lis or.

bugle horns stringed or. Crest A demi lion.
Bomeon. Ar. on a fesse betw. three crescents gu. a lion
Bond (Walford, co. Hereford, and Newland, co. Gloucester.
EicHAED Bond was sheriff, co. Hereford, 1722; the heiress
pass, of the first.
Same Arms.
m. Gabriel Hanger, first Lord CoUraine).
Bomeon. Sa. a fesse (another, a bend) fusilly ar.
Bomliay, See of. Sa. a key in bend sinister surmounted Bond (Thorpe, co. Surrey). Ar. two bendlets sa. in sinister
chief a cross crosslet of the last.
crosier in saltier betw. two eastern crowns in pale or.
by a
Bomford. See Jessop.
Bond (Ireland). —
Same ArTns. Crest An ostrich's head
Exemplified in 1837 to Isaac betw. two branches of palm in orle.
Bomford (Noeth-Bomeord.
Bond (Coolamber, co. Longford; granted by Fortesoue,
NoETH, Esq., of Ferrans, co. Meath, on his assuming the
Bomfoed). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Ulster, 1794). Ar. on a chev. gu. three annulets or. Crest—
additional surname of
az. on a fess erm. three crosses crosslet fltch^e gu., for
A lion sejant ar.
Bond (McGeodoh Bond, Drumsill, co. Armagh, exemplified
BoHFOED ; 2nd and 3rd, per pale or and az. a lion pass,
toWalter McGeodgh, Esq., on his taking the additional
betw. three fleurs-de-Us counterchanged, for Noeth. Crests
the dexter name and arms of Bond, by Royal Licence, 2nd Deo. 1824).
Ist: An eagle displ. per pale az. and gu. in
A Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, on a chev. gu. three annulets ar.
claw a dagger ppr., for Bomfoed (see next entry); 2nd:
for Bond ; 2nd and 3rd, per bend sa. and or, three leopards'
wyvem's head erased vert langued gu. coUared and chained
faces,two and one, counterchanged, for McGeoogh. Creitl
or. Motto—yfir tutus et fidelis.

Bomford (Noeth-Bomford). The Crest of Bomfoed in the —1st A lion sejant ar. charged on the shoulder with an

annulet sa.; 2nd: A dexter embowed arm, the hand graspinn

preceding grant having been discovered to be erroneous, a
a scymitar in the act of striking, all ppr. Motto—'Semo me
Confirmation was issued, 1867, to JohnNoeth Bomfoed, Esq.,
impune lacessit.
latecapt.29thregt., eldest son of the aforesaid Isaac Noeth
Bomford—A grifdn Bonde (Coventry, co. Warwick; confirmed as the Arm of
Bomfoed, of the following Crest, for
Bond, of Ward End. John Bond, of Coventry, co. War-
segreant ar. charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet Thomas
wick, living temp. Henry VII. was grandfather of
fitchde gu.
Bond, of Ward End, whose dau. m. Edward KiNAEmsLsl,
Bomford (Lancashire). Ar. two bars gu. Bond, of Polesworth, descends from
wavy issuing Esq. Joseph A. Esq.,
Bomler (Eipple, co. Kent). Ar. three piles
this family. Her. Vis.). Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three
from the dexter comer of the shield gu. a chief sa.
as many estoiles or, on a chief gu. three cinquefoiles of the
Bomsted. Az. a fesse erm. betw. two chev. or.
field. Crest—X demi griffin gu. bezantee holding
in the beak
Bomsted, Bomsteed, or Bonysted (Essex). Az. a
seeded or.
two chev. or. a twig vert,
fesse betw.
Bonde Nicholas Sonde, Pres. Magd. Coll. Oxon, (emji.
Bomvilers, or Bonvylers. Ar. a bend betw. eight
Queen EUzabeth). Sa. a fesse or. Cresl-An old man's head
billets sa.
in profile ppr. hair sa.
Bon (Essex). Erm a chief indented sa.
Bondivile, or Bonvile (Sponton, co. York). Sa. six
Bon, Le (Farneaux, Normandy). Ar. a chev. betw. three
quatrefoils sUpped gu. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, mullets pierced ar. three, two, and one.
Bondler. Ar. two Cornish choughs in pale ppr.
s plume of ostrich feathers ar. Afotto— Confldo.
Bonam (Hampshire). Gu. a chev. wavy betw. three crosses
Bondy. Or, a bend, and two bendlets enhanced vert.
formee fitch^e ar.
Bone, or Bonn (Norfolk). Or, a cross az.

Bonamy (Guernsey). Ar. a chev. betw. three sinister hands Bone, or Boon. Ar. on a band az. three fleurs-de-lis or.

gu. Crest A plume of three feathers or.
Crest—A sword and key in saltire ppr.
Bonefat. Ar. on a bend gu. three Catherine wheels or.
Bonar (Keltic, co. Perth). Ar. a saltire az.
Bonar (Eossie, co. Perth). Ar. a saltire az. in base a crescent Bonefeld. Ar. a chev. betw. three quinces lying fesseways
Ar. a saltier az. betw. a Bonefield. Az. a chev. betw. three bears pass. gu.
Bonar (Doctor of Medicine, 1672).
mullet in chief and a crescent in base gu. Crest A dexter — Bonebam, or Bonliam.
crosses crosslet fitchee ar.
Sa. a fess wavy betw.
Orest—A pheon in
pale point
hand with an eye on the palm, holding a heart bleeding ppr.
Motto — ^Prsestat tuto quam cito.
Ar. a saltire
downwards, with part of the broken shaft.
Bonekill (Scotland). Ar. a chev. vert betw. three martleti
Bonar (Kimmerghame, co. Berwick, 1824).

az. on a chief sa. three escallops or. Crest —A sword erect gu. within a bordure of the last. O-est— A demi man

in pale ppr. hilted and pommeled or. Motto—Denique armour brandishing a sword, all ppr.
Bonel (Dutfield, co. Derby, originally from Flanders;
only dau. and heir of the late Thomas Poetee Bonell, Esq.,
. ,

Bonar (Chiselhurst, Ar. a saltire az. withm

co. Kent, 1812). of
of DufBeld, m. Sir Charles Henry Colvile). Or, semee
a bordure gu. on a chief of the second a man's arm
from the dexter habited of the first, holding a
shoulder of crosses crosslet and a lion ramp, sa. Crest A demi
hoa —
mutton ppr. to a lion pass. or. Crest —
A sword erect, the ramp. sa.

blade ppr. hilt and pomel or. Motto—^Denique ccelum. Bonell (Sheldon, co. Warwick). Or, semee of crosses cross-
letand a lion ramp. az. armed gu., charged on the breast
Bonavile, or Bonvile. Or, a bend sa.
with an annulet of the first.
Bontonit. Purp. a saltire or.
Bond, or Bonde. Sa. a fesse or. Bonery. Ar. on abend sa. three rocks of the field.
Bond (Isle of Purbeck, represented by Eev.
co. Dorset, Bonesby. Sa. a fesse vair betw. three water bougets or.
Nathasiel Bond, of Creech Grange). Quarterly, 1st and
Bonett. Chequy or and gu. a chief az.
Bonett, or Bonott. Chequy ar. and gu. on a chief az.
4th, sa. a fesse or ; 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a chev. sa. three
bezants. Creat —
(Modem) A
deml pegasus az. winged and two mullets with six points pierced of the first.
Bonevile. Gu. a lozenge flory ar. charged with a *«"»
semfe of estoiles or. (Ancient) A
demi lion sejant sa. bezants.
(Visit. Dorset, 1623). An eagle rising sa. charged with a sa.

fesse or. Motto ^Non —

sufficit orbis. Bonfield. Az. a chev. betw. three pears or.



Bonfoy, or Bunfoy (Hease, co. Middlesex). Az. on a —^An arm from the elbow in armour in fesse holding a cros*
cross ar. a human heart gu. Crest—An arm couped and crosslet fitchee az.
erect in armour ppr. holding in the gauntlet a cross calvary Bonney. Ar. five escallops in cross az. Crest— A square
gu. Motto—'E.n bonne foy. padlock ppr,
Song'aiii. Az. three garbs or. Bonney (Heney EIate Bonnet, D.D., Archdeacon of Bed-
Bong'ey (London, 1239). Az. a lion pass, or, betw. three ford, Thomas Kate Bonnet, D.D., Archdeacon of Leicester,
bezants. and their uncle, John Adgustds Bonnet, Esq., of London).
3ong:b.eo2l. Ar. achev. betw. three crosses botonnee fitch^e Ar. on a bend az. three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest — A martlet ppr.
sa. Bonniman. Ar. a savage shooting an arrow from a bow
Bonglisroii, Ar. on a bend sa. three martlets of the field. gu. Crest—A spur betw. two wings ppr.
Bong'illon. Quarterly, or and gu., in the let and 4th, a Bonny. Az. three pair of compasses or, pointed sa.
bend sa. in the 2nd and 3rd, three bezants.
; Bonnington (Barrowcote, co. Derby). Sa. a chev. betw.
Eonliam (bart.). Sa. a chev.
nebulde betw. three crosses three roses or.
pattee fitchee, at the foot ar. on a canton of the last a Bonsall (Fronfraith, co. Cardigan, Aberystwith, and
squirrel sejant gu. Cresi^Upon a rock a mermaid, holding Llanwrin, co. Montgomeiy). Ar. on a fesse gu. three
in the dexter hand a wreath of coral, and in the sinister a chrystals a bordure erm. Ci'cst —
^A dexter hand grasping a
mirrorppr. Motto —
Esse quam videri. crosslet gu. Motto Pro patriS.—
3oiLhaxa (Petersfield, co. Hants). Gu. a chev. betw. three Bousliaw. At. three rose leaves slipped vert. Ci-est ^A —
crosses crosslet fitchee ar. Crest A dragon's head ar.— dexter hand issuing from a cloud fesseways holding a sword
guttee de sang. in pale, on the point thereof a garland of laurel all ppr.
Bonlxani (Wiltshire). Gu, a fesse wavy betw. three crosses —
Motto Mente manuque.
form^e fitch^ ar. (another, of Essex, fitchee in the foot). Bonsor (London and Polesden, co. Surrey). Per fesse az.

Crest The stump of a tree lying fesseways, sprouting and ar. a pale counterchanged, three lions' heads erased or,
branches, ensigned with a fleur-de-lis. on a chief indented erminois three roses gu. barbed and
Bonliaxa (Orsett House, co. Essex; descended from the —
seeded ppr. Crest A staff raguly fesseways or, thereon a
BoNHAMS of Valence of this family were General Pinbon
; wolf pass. sa. collared and chain reflexed over the back gold,
BoNHAH, of Great Warley Place, and his brother, Henry the dexter paw resting on a rose, as in the arms.
BoNHAM, Esq., of Portland Place). Gu. a chev. engr. betw. Bonteine (Mildovan). Ar. a bend engr. gu. betw, three
three crosses form^e fitchee ar. Crest A mermaid ppr. — —
bunting birds ppr. Crest An armillary sphere ppr. Motto —
Jforto—Esse quam videri. Soli Deo gloria,
Bonitlioii (Bonithon, co. Cornwall). Ar. a chev. betw. three Bontevillen (Northumberland). Ar. a fesse betw, three
fleurs-de-lis sa. crescents gu,
Bonkyl Berwick ; the heiress m. Sir John
(that Ilk, co. Bontien. Ar.abendengr. gn. betw. three Cornish choughs
Stewart, brother of the 5th Stewabt, of Scotland). Or, a ppr. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle rising purp.
chev. vert betw. three buckles az., otherwise sa. three Bontine (Ardoch, co. Dumbarton). Ar. a bend gu. betw-
buckles or. three bunting birds ppr. Crest —A
bunting bird standing on
Bonn, or Bonn (Northamptonshire). Az. on a bend ar. a garb all ppr. Motto— Co'piose et opportune.
three mullets pierced gu. Bontine (Sir James Bontine, as representative of Ardoch^
Bonnatre (granted to John Bonnatbe, gent., by Hawkestow, 1813). Same Arms. Crest — —
A demi eagle issuing out of a
CHarenceux, 1 April, 20 Henry VI., 1441). Per pale or and az. ducal coronet ppr. Supporters' ^Two lions ramp. ppr.
on a chev. embattled counter-embattled betw. three hons, Motto—Copiose et opportune.
a Cornish chough, all counterchanged, and a border erm. Bontine (Bontinehall, 1680). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three
Bonnell (London, granted 1691). Ar. a cross gu. quarterly, bunting birds ppr. Motto —Plena dabitDeus vela.
pierced ; nine crosses, three, three, and three counterchanged. Bontine (Kilbryde, co. Perth). Ar. three bunting birds
CreA—K demi lion erased or, pellett^e, his tail forked and ppr., on a chief az. a sword in fess of the first, hilted and
paws a spear of the third,
interlaced, supporting in the pommeled or,
Bonnell (Maet Ann Habvet Bonnkll, of PelUng Place, Bonton. Or, a lion ramp, double queued az. Crest—An
Old Windsor, co. Berks). Ar. a cross gu. quarterly pierced arm from the elbow holding a miUrind.
nine crosses crosslet, three, three, and three coimter- Bonus, or Bonest Vert two bars gemeUes
changed (the first quarter erm. for distinction). —
three roses ar. Crest A talbot's head couped ar.
Bonnell (Norfolk). Or, a lion ramp. betw. eight crosses Bonvile (Chewton and Modbury, co. Devon). Sa. six
crosslet az. Crest— ^A lion ramp, or, holding betw. the fore mullets or, three, two, and one.
paws a cross crosslet az. Bonvile (Loi-d Bonvile. Sxunmoned to Parliament, 1449),
Bonnell David Bonnei-i-, son of
(Isleworth, co. 3Iiddlesex ; Sa. six mullets ar. pierced gu.
David Bonnell, of the city of Norwich, Visit. Middlesex, Bonvile (Devonshire). Or. on a bend sa. three mullets ar,
1663), semee of crosses crosslet and a lion ramp. az.
Or, (another, or.) Crest —
^A stag's head ppr.
Cre^t —
A lion ramp, or, holding betw. the paws a cross Bonvile. Ar. a chief or.
crosslet and charged on the shoulder with an annulet both Bonvile (Norfolk). Or, a lion ramp, in an orle of eight
az. crosses crosslet az.
Bonnell (granted by Carney, Ulster, to James Bonnell, Bonvile. Or, abendsa.
M.A., Account.-Gen, of Bevenue, Ireland, 1691). Or, a lion Bonvile. Or. on a bend sa. a. mullet of six points or
ramp. betw. seven cross crosslets az, on a chief bendy wavy (another, ar.).
of six ar. sa. a wyvem tail extended vert.
and Crest — Bonvill. Ar. on a bend sa. six mullets of the field.
demi lion az. holding betw. the paws a cross crosslet fitchde Bonville (Ireland). and or.
Per pale ar.
or. —
Motto ^Terris peregrinus et hospes. Bonwick (Surrey). and sa. on a chief gu. two
Chequy ar.
Bonner (Somersetshire). Gu. a crescent erm. within an orle estoilles gold, a crescent for diff. Crest A lion's head —
of martlets or. erased gu. charged with an estoile or, a crescent for diff.
Bonner (Lincolnshire). Quarterly, gu. and sa. a cross pattee Bonychon (Cornwall). Ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-
quarterly, arm. and or, on a chief of the last a demi rose, lis sa.

streaming rays, betw. two pelicans vulning themselves of the Bonyface. Ar. a fret engr. sa.
Crest—A. talbot's head ar. collared az. studded, edged,
first. Bonyf^ce, or Bonsrfys. Ar. a fesse betw. three lozenges
and ringed or. 3fo£(o— Semper fidehs. az.
Bonner. Erm. a chief indented sa. Bonyfant. Sa. three infants' heads coupedatthe shoulders
Bonner (Oxfordshire, 1574). Paly of six or and gu. on a ppr. crined or.
chief az, three lions —
ramp. gold. Ci-est ^A talbot's head ar, Bonys. Erm. three bows ppr.
collared az. studded edged, and ringed or. Bonytham. Ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis sa.
Bonnet (London, late of France granted 1751), Ar. on a
Boodam. Per pale sa. and erm. an eagle displ, or. Crest~~
chev. sa. cottised gu. three bezants, in chief two mullets of An estoile of eight rays or.
the second, pierced of the third, in base a hurt charged with Boode (Essex). Sa. two chev. betw. twelve escallops ar. six,
a fleur-de-Us or. Crest— A unicorn's head couped vert, pur- three, and three.
fled and crined or. Motto—"B-Bxa. bonitas. Boode. Vert a lion's head erased betw. three garbs or, a
Bonnet-Makers, Company of (Edinburgh). Ar. a mullet ar. for diff.
fesse betw. three bonnets az. impaling or, a chev. gu. betw. Boode. Ar. a limb of a tree raguled and trunked, with a
three woolpacks ppr, leaf stalked and pendent on each side vert.
Bonnett (Fun. Ent. Ire.). Chequy ar. and gu. on a chief Boodle. Or, five piles, three issuing from the chief, and two
az. three mullets of the first.

from the base az. Crest A horse's head, the neck trans-
Bonnett. Or, a lion ramp. gu. within a bordure sa. Crest pierced with a spear in bend ppr.
H 2


Booke (London). Ar. on a diet. gu. betw. three bucks* boars* head erect and erased sa. armed or, in the mouth a
heads sa. an annulet of the first. spear head ar.
Booker (LonOon, from Woodhouse, co. Nottingham). Or, an Booth (Berkshire). Ar. three boars' heads erect and erased
eagle displ. vert, ducally gorged of the first, beaked and sa. armed or. Creat —A porcupine's head erased.
membered gu. within a bordure az. charged with three Booth (Twemlow, co, Chester).Ar, three boars'
heads erect
fleurs-de-lis gold. Orest —
A swan ppr. collared and lined az- and erased sa. Crest lion pass,—A per pale wavy
ar. and
Booker (Velindra House, co. Glamorgan). Arins, the same. erm. charged on the shoulder with a cotton hank ppr.

Crest~A demi eagle displayed. Motto Ad coelum tendit. Booth (Herefordshire). Ar. three boars' heads erect andi
Booker (granted to Josias Booker, Jun., Esq., of Demerara, erased sa. langued gu. Crest A lion pass. ar.—
West Indies, Lieut.-Col. Demerara Militia, eldest son of Booth (Glendon Hall, co. Northampton). Same Arms,
JosiAS Booker, of Poplar-grove, Allerton, near Liverpool). quartering those of Llotd, of Liverpool (afterwards of
Or, within a bordure az. charged with four fleurs-de-lis and Welcombe), and Wilkinson, of London. Crest A Hon pass, —
four mullets alternately ofthe first an eagle displ. vert gorged ar. Jj'ji(o— Quod ero spero.

with an annulet gold. Crest On a mount vert a swan ppr. Booth (GoRE-BooTH, Lissadell, co. Sligo, bart.). Quarterly, 1st
collared and lined and cliarged on the breast with a fleur-de- and 4th, ar. three boars' heads couped sa., for Booth; 2nd
lis az. Motto—Deo non fortunS. and 3rd, gu. a fesse betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee or
Booker, or Boocher (London). The same, but with eight for Gore. Crests —
1st: A lion pass, ar.; 2nd A wolf ramp, :

fleurs-de-lis. ar. —
Mottoes Genti sequus utriqae. Above the Booth Crest
Booker (borne as an impalement by Thomas Cosby, Esq., —Quod ero spero. ^Above the Gore Crest — In hoc signo
of Vicarstown, Queen's Co. (&. 1742), in right of his wife, vinces.
Frances Bookeb). Ar. an eagle displayed vert crowned or, Booth (Booth, CO. Lancaster, 1664). Ar. on a fease gu..
within a border az. charged with eight fleurs-de-lis of the betw. tiiree boars' heads erased sa. as many towers or.
third. Booth (Barton, co. Lancaster). Ancient Arms Ar. a cliev^ —
Bookey (Ardenode, co. Kildare, formerly of Carnew, co. engr. sa. on a canton of the last a mullet or. Later Arms
Wicklow, granted 1815). Gu. a fess or, betw. three bucks' Ar. three boars' heads erect and erased sa.
heads couped ar. attired of the second in chief and in base Booth (Orford, near Warrington, co. Lancaster. This family
two roses of the third seeded and barbed vert. Crest From— was seated at irford for many generations, it is now extinct,

a morion az. a buck's head couped ppr. Motto—TenSi.x et and represented by Eylands of Warrington). Ar, three-
fid us. boars' heads erect and erased sa. armed or, with a mullet
Bookey. Gu. on a bend ar. three martlets sa. within a bor- for diff. Crest —A lion pass. ar.

dure of the second. Crest A dove volant ar. holding a sprig Booth (Cheshire). Az. three boars' heads couped ar. armed'
vert. or, the middlemost on a sword of the second, pomel and
Boolde, or Bould, Ar. two chev. gu. on a canton of the hilt of the third. Crest —
A hon pass. ar.
second across urossletof the first. Booth (Mollington, co, Chester). As Booth of Barton, co..
Boole, or Boyle (Balbumy). Az. three stags' horns ar. Lancaster. Orest —
A figure of St. Catherine ppr. vested
Boon, or Boone. Az. on a bend ar. cottised or, betw. two vert, crowned with a ducal coronet within a nimbus, and
lions ramp, of the second three escallops gu. Crest— A. hand crined or, holding in her dexter hand a wheel or, and in her
holding a sheaf of arrows points downwards ppr. sinister a sword, the point downwards ppr. hilted or.
Boonfoy. Az. on a cross ar. a man's heart gu. Booth (Derbyshire). Same Arms, with a mullet for diff.
Boor, or Bore. Gu. aboar pass. ar. —
Crest A demi St. Catharine ppr. couped at the knees, habited
Boord, Borde, or Board (Cuckfield and Lingfield, co. ar. crowned or, in the dexter hand a Catharine wheel, in the-
Sussex. Visit. Sussex, 1662). Borne by Sir Stephen sinister a sword, the point downwards.
BooRD, Knt., of Cuckfield, who d. 1630, and by Andrew Booth (Old Durham). Same Aj^ttis, an annulet for diff.
BoRD, a celebrated physician temp. Henry VIII., and now by Booth (Salford, co. Lancaster). Sa. three boars' heads
Thomas William Boobd, Esq., F.S.A., of London). Per erect and erased or, a crescent gold for diff. Crest—Two
fesse gu. and az. an inescutcheon within an orle of martlets laurel branches vert, orleways, thereon a lion pass. ar.
ar. Crest —
A goat statant erm. horned or. Motto—"Non mihi, sed Deo et regi.
Boorde, or Bourde (Suffolk). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. Booth (granted by Segar). Ar. three boars' heads couped
three lions ramp. sa. sa. Crest —A boar's head couped sa.
Boorman (granted to Thomas Hugh Booeman, Esq., of Booth. Sa. a cockatrice ar.
East Peckham, co. Kent). Ar. on a bend engr. gu. betw. Booth. Ar. a tun gu. betw. three boars' heads erased and'
two hop-vines vnth poles ppr. growing out of mounts vert erect sa.
three stags' heads cabossed or. Crest —
A bee volant, betw. Booth. Barry of six az. and ar. a bend gobouated or
two oak branches fructed ppr. and gu.
Boorne (Devonshire). Ar. a fesse az. betw. two lions pass, Booth. Ar. three horseshoes and six crosses crosslet.

guard, gu. fitchee sa.

Boorne. Ar. a chev. chequy or and gu. betw. three lions Booth. Ar. a boar's head erect and erased sa.

ramp. sa. Crest Out of a ducal coronet a stag's head or. Booth. Vaire ar. and gu. in chief a mullet sa.
Boorne. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three lions ramp. sa. Booth Haworth-Booth, of Hollbank House^
Boorne. Ar. a chev. cottised gu. betw. three lions ramp. and Eowlston Hall, co. York, J.P., D.L., assumed the namt
Ga. and arms of Booth by Royal Licence, 1869). Quarterly,
Boorne (Battle, co. Sussex).
Or, three squirrels sejant ppr. 1st and 4th, ar. three boars* heads erect and erased sa.,
a chief gu. in the dexter corner a cross pattee of the field. Booth 2nd and 3rd, az. a bend betw, two stags' heads
Crest stag's head erased gu. attired and guttee ar.

couped or, Ha worth. Crests 1st: A St. Catherine, robed
Boorne (1577). Az. tyvo lions pass. ar. and crowned as a queen, kneeling in prayer, in the dexter
Boors. Erm. three bendlets gu. Crest — An eel naiant az. hand a Catherine wheel, in the sinister a sword, the point
Boot. Ar. a boot sa. top turned down or, soled gu. downwards. 2nd A stag's head gu. attired or, gorged with a

Boote. Ar. three boots sa. tops or. laurel wreath ar. Motto Quod ero spero.—
Boote. Ar. three boots sa. turned down gu. Boothhy (Broadlow Ash, co. Derby, bart.). Ar, on a
Boote. Ar. two Dutch boots, the soles erect, embowed at canton gu. a lion's gamb erased and erect or. Crest— A-
the knees and endorsed sa. issuant out of a pile in base vert lion's gamb erased and erect or. Motto Mors Christi mors —
spurred or. mortis mihi.
Boote (Add. MS. Brit. Museum, 14,833). Ar. a chev. betw. Bootle. Sa. three mural crowns ar. Orest—A leopard
three lions pass, gu. couchant or, spotted gu.
Booth. (Barton, co. Lancaster, and Dunham Massey, co. Bootle - Wilbraham {Baron Sheluiersdale). See Wx>
Chester, descended from William de Booth, living in 1275). BRA HAM.
Ar. three boars' heads erect and erased sa. langued gu. Crest Booty (Suffolk.) At. a lion's head erased sa. Crest-'On a
—A lion pass. ar. —
Supporters Two boars sa. bristled and mount vert a hand ppr. couped at the wrist holding a sfford
xmguled —
Motto Quod ero spero.
or. ar. hilt or.
Booth.. Vair^ ar. and gu. a bendlet sa. Bor (City of Dublin, formerly of Utrecht, Holland). Per
Booth (Portland Place, London, bart.), Ar, on a chev. betw. fesse gu. and or, in chief a bend betw. six fleurs-de-lis ar. in

three boars' heads couped and erect sa. an estoile of the field. base a saltire engr. sa. Oe.s«—Two wings endorsed gu. and
Crest —A lion pass. ar. gorged with a bar gemelle, and hold- or, on the former a fleur-de-lis of the last. Motto— Bicvi
ing in the dexter paw a chaplet of laurel vert. Motto Deus— iris florebit.
a^juvat nos. Boran, or Borran (an Alderman of Dublin), Ar, a chev.
Booth (Clayton Hall, co. Stafford). Arrns^ &c., as preceding. betw. three giiffins* heads erased gu. within a border
Booth (Killingham, co. Lincoln), Same Arms, Orest— compony of the first and second.


BoraTd* Paly of six or and az. over all a fesse ar. Cornwall. Crest —
^A wolf pass, reguard. ar. struck in the
Boraston and Hertfordshire, 1606).
(Worcestershire shoulder with an arrow or, which he holds in his mouth.
Quarterly, ar. and
on a bend cottised gu. three crosses
sa. Borlase (confirmed to Kev. Wilijah Borlase, Vicar of
formee fitchee or. —
CreU Out of a mural coronet sa. a Zennor, co. Cornwall, by Barker, Garter, temp. Henry
griffin's head or, gorged with a fesse betw. two eemelles VIII.). Arms and Crest same as preceding. Motto —^Te
digna sequere.
Bordeleys, Bordeley, or Bordeloys (Cambride:e- Borlase
fihire). Erm. on a chief gu. a lion pass, guard, or. Crest —
— Homeck,
Motto ^Te digna sequere.
co. Cornwall). Same Arms and

An Indian goat saliant, in the mouth a branch of trefoil. Borle. Per pale indented or and sa.
Bore. Az. three boars' heads or. Borlemat. Gu. an inescutcheon betw. three martlets ar.
Boreaston. See Bokaston. Borley Erm. three talbots pass. sa.
Borefeild. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three pellets. Borley. Barry of six sa. and or, on a chief of the second
Boreliazxi, or Borham. Ar. three boars' heads couped two pellets of the first, on an inescutcheon gu. three bars
sa. Crest— Oa a muriJ. coronet ppr. a serpent nowed erm.
Tcrt. Borlton. Per fesse indented sa, and ar. six fleurs-de-lis
Boreham. (The Moxmt, Haverhill). Arms and Crest as the counterchanged.
preceding, quartering barry of six az. and gu. a lion ramp. Borman (Devonshire and Somersetshire). Erm. on a bend
erm. cottised sa. three boars' heads couped or. Crest ^A bull's —
Borehed. Sa. a boar's head, couped at the neck ar. armed head erased or, attired sa.
and langued or. Borman. Ar. a chev. betw. three horses pass. sa.
Borelxont (Hampshire). Ar. a fesse betw, six. martlets gu. Borman. Gu. a chev. sa. betw. three lions' heads erased
(^est—Oa a mural coronet ppr. a serpent nowed vert. ar.
Borehxuit. Or, three boars' heads couped sa. Borminghall. Sa. three butterflies ar. Crest — ^A wolfs
Borelands. See Boslands. head erased gu.
Boreley, or Borseley (Wiltshire). Vert, three boars' Bornam.. bend betw. two crosses crosslet sa.
Or, a
heads, couped ar. Crest—A. rock, in the cleft of which is a Bornat (Scotland). Ar. a naked man ppr. holding a sword
Cornish chough. with both hands, to cut a tree growing out of a mount vert,
Borell. See BcBSEtt.. on a chief az. a crescent betw. two stars of the first.
Boreni^er. Or, a cross vert, over all a bend gu. Borne (Kent). Erm. on a bend az. three lions pass, guard.
Boreston, or Borreston. Quarterly, ar. and sa. on a or. Crest —A lion sejant or, collared az. resting his dexter
bend cottised gu. three crosses pattee fitchee or. Ci'est — paw on a pellet.
parrot vert breasted gu. Borne (Kent). Erm. on a bend gu. three lions reguard. or.
Borewaslie (Ireland). Gu. a lion or, armed az. tail Borne (London and Berkshire). Ar. a chev. betw. three lions
forked. ramp. gu. (another, the lions sa.) a chief erm.
Borford (Staffordshire). Or, a fleurs-de-lis sa. Borne (Worcestershire). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three
Borford. Erm. on a canton sa. a cinquefoil or. lions ramp. sa. as many mascles or.
Borgat, Burgat, or Borgace (Suffolk). Paly of six ar. Borne. Gu. a lion or, within a bordure engr. of the second.
and sa. (another, or and sa.). Borne. Ar. a chev. sa. surmounted of another erm. betw.
Borge, or Borges (Suffolk). Lozengy gu. and vair. three chaplets of roses gu. seeded or.
Borgentyn. Ar. alien ramp. sa. Borne. Erm. a bend az.
Borges, or Borgges (Kent). Ar. a fesse chequy, or and Borne. Gu. a lion ramp. or.
gu. in chief three crosses crosslet fitchee of the third. Borne. Az. six legs couped per thigh ar. three, two, and
Borglidon. Ar. three cinquefoils sa. within a bordure one (another adds a bordure engr. or).
engr. of the last. Borneliam. Or, a maunch az.
Borgb.ill (Salop). Paly of six ar. and az, a bend gu. Borodaile. Sa. on a bend ar. three fleurs-de-lis az. in chief
Borgillon, or Borgillone. Quarterly, or and gu. in a plate. Crest —A dragon's head erased ppr.
the second and third quarters an annulet of the first, over all Boron. Or, a bull pass. gu. Crest —A dragon's head and
a bend sa. wings sa. collared or.
Borgilon, or Bonrgilon (Worcestershire). Quarterly, Borough. (Baseldou Park, co. Berks, bart.). Or, in base a
or and gu. on a bend sa. three annulets of the first. dolphin naiant in waves of the sea ppr. on a chief az. three
Borgiton. Quarterly, or and gu. on a bend sa. a mullet or, .mullets ar. Crest —
^Three plates surmounted by a plume of
pierced of the third. five ostrich feathers ar. Motto Suivez moi. —
Borgoine. Az. a talbot pass. ar. Cres^—A marigold, on Borough, (Limerick, granted 1813). Same as preceding.
the top a bee. Borough (Norham, co. Devon, and Kent). Az. a bend wavy
Borgon. Az. a talbot pass. ar. in chief a mullet or, pierced ar. betw. two fleurs-de-lis erm (another, or). Crest pair —A
sa. of wings in dorso erm.
Borhont, or Borham. Or, three boars' heads couped sa. Borough (Devonshire). Ar. on a fesse dancettee sa. three
Crest— On a mural coronet ppr. a serpent nowed vert. bezants (another, the fesse plain).
Borkawell, or Borkavell. Ar. a fret az. Borough (Devonshire). Erm. a falcon's head erased az-
Borknoge. Ar. a bend engr. betw. three crosses crosslet beaked or, betw. three fleurs-de-lis of the second.
fitchee gu. Borough (Sandwich, co. Kent). Or, on a cross gu. five
Borlacy (London, "Visit. London, 1568). Or, three pales sa. mullets pierced of the field. Crest— k dove standing on a
fretty of the field. Crest —
A stag's head erased ppr., holding snake, all ppr.
in the mouth a ribband, with the Motto Spes mea Deua — Borough (Borough, co. Leicester). Gu. the stem and trunk
thereon. of a tree eradicated, and couped in pale, sprouting out
Borland (the late Jaues Borland, Esq., lll.l>., Inspector- two branches ar.
General of Army Hospitals, 1800-1857). Barry of six ar. and Borough (Chetwynd Park, co. Stafford, and Egmond, co.
sa. a boar ramp. ppr. Crest —A
broken tilting spear ppr. Salop). Gu. the stem and trunk of a tree eradicated and
Motto—Press through. couped in pale sprouting two branches or, quartering az. a
Borlands (Thomas Boblandb, Bailie of Portsburgh, 1673). fesse or, betw. three talbots heads erased ar., for Bdrton;
Barry of six ar. and gu. a boar ramp. az. Crest—A. broken and sa. three horseshoes, and a label of three points in chief
lance ppr. AfoKo—Press through. ar., for Smitheson. Crest —
An eagle reguard. wings expanded
Borlase (Cornwall, originally of Borlase, in the parish of St. ppr. the dexter claw supporting a circular shield thereon
Wenn). Erm. on a bend sa. two hands and arms issuing out —
a gorgon's head. Motto Virtute et Eobcre.
ofthedouds at the elbows all ppr. rending a horseshoe or. Borough (St. Breward, Cornwall ; Monument at St. Bre-
Crest—k boar's head couped at the neck, bendy of four or ward, 1728). A chev.
betw. three fleurs-de-lis.
and sa. eared gu. betw. two roses of the last, stalked and Borough (Ireland). Or, a cross gu. (another, adds a lion
leaved vert. pass, of the second).
Borlase. The same.
Ci'est —A
boars' head couped at the Borough, alias Stockden. The same.
neck, bendy of six or and sa. in his mouth a rose per pale Borough (Lincolnshire, and Bichmond, co. York). Ar. on a
gu. and of the second leaved vert. saltire sa. five swans of the field. Crest— A swan's head and
Borlase (Bockmer, co. Bucks; descended from Edward, 2nd neck ar. beaked gu.
son of Waltee Boblasb, and the heiress of Treluddra. Sir Borough. Sa. two swords in saltire ar. betw. four fieurs-
John Boklase, of Brockmer, was created a baronet in 1642, de-lis or.
as was his descendant and representatiTe, the late Admiral Borough. Per chev. ax. and erm. two chev. sa. betw. three
£ir John Boslase Wabben, E.B.). The same Arras as of chaplets giL.



Boroxig'h (SMpdenham, co. Norfolk). Gu. two swords in expanded or, vulmng herself ppr. Motto— ^Ex vulnere
saltire ar. hilts ana pomels
betw. four fleurs-de-lis of the
or, sal us.
tMrd, within a bordure gobonated of the second and purp. Borthwick Ar. a crescent betw. three
(Stow, Scotland).
Boroug-h. Quarterly, or and az. a bend gu. cinquefoils sa. within a bordure erm. Crest A dexter —
Borough, or Burg-h. Az. three fleurs-de-lis erm. Crest hand couped apaum^e, with an eye in the middle ppv.
—A falcon rising erm. billed or, ducally gorged of the last. Motto —
Mente manuque.
Boroug-h. See Bdebough, and Bdbbowe. Borth'wick (Crookston, co. Edinburgh). Ar. a crescent
Borough (Chetwynd Park, co. Surrey). See Boeeow of betw. three cinquefoils sa. Crest —
An eagle displ. sa.
Derby. with a saltire ar. on his breast. Motto Fide et spe.—
Borowdeu. Ar. two cinquefoils sa. Borth'wick (Jas. Boetbwick, Marshal of Court of Vice
Borowe. Ar. a chev. erm. fimbriated sa. betw. three Admiralty, Bombay, 1808). Ar. three cinquefoils sa. a
chaplets of flowers gu. —
bordure engr. of the last. Crest A savage's bead couped
Borradaile, Borrodaile, or Boradaile. Or, three ppr. Motto —
Qui conducit.
water-bougets in pale sa. betw. two torteaux a chief vert. Borton Ar. on a fess. gu. three annulets of the field.
Crest —
Out of a tower a demi greyhound holding betw. the Borton (Stapleford). Ar. on a chev. engr. betw. three boars'

heads couped sa. a plate. Crest A boar's head couped or,
fore paws a branch of laurel.
Borrell (Isleworth, Middlesex, and Suffolk Gilbert Boeeeli.,
; in the mouth a branch of laurel vert.
of Isleworth, son of Hdmpheet Boeeell, co. Suffolk. Visit. Borton. Sa. a chev. betw. three owls ar. ducally crowned or.

Midcllesex, 1663). Erm. in dexter chief point a talbot's Bortram. Gu. a fesse or.
head couped az. Bortraux. Or, a lion vert.
Borrer (Hurst Pierpoint, co. Sussex, descended from William Bortreaux, Chequy gu. and or, a bend vair.
BoEBER, of Rasper, in that co., who m. in 1693, Sarah Borwick (Borwick, co. Lancaster). Ar. three beara' heads
Smith, of Hurst Pierpoint). Az. a lion ramp, erminois erased az. muzzled or.
holding an auger (Borer) ppr., in his dexter paw a chey. ar., Bory (Bury, co. Lancaster; derived from Adam de Bdrt, who
charged with three inesuocheons of the field, the centre held a knight's fee in Bury. temp. Henry III.). Sa. a cliev, -

hearing a white rose seeded and pointed ppr. Quartering, ar. betw. three plates, each charged with a cross patt^e gu,
Haedeess, HeAingood, Fitz-Barnaed, and Luct. Crest — Bosam (Visit, co. Notts, 1569 and 1614). Ar. three bird
A buck's head ppr. erased, fretty ar, holding an auger ppr. bolts gu.
in his mouth. Motto —
Fide et caritatc laboro. Bosanquet (Forest House, co. Essex ; and Dingestow
Borrett (Inner Temple, and Westminster). Ermines three Court, CO. Monmouth, Founded in England at the time of
boars' heads erect and erased or. Crest —
A boar's head and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, by David Bosanqdet,
neck erased, of a sandy colour, bristled or, laying hold of a second son of Pieeee Bosanqdet, of Ltmel, in Languedoc).
broken spear which is thrust through the neck, gold. Or, on a mount vert a tree ppr. on a chief gu. a crescent
Borron (Warrington, co. Lancaster, Visit. Lancaster, betw. two mullets ar. quartering the ensigns of Ddksteb
Dugdale, 1665). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a bull pass. gu. and Gabdnee. —
Crest A demi lion ramp, couped gu.
2nd and 3rd, or, three piles in point vert. Bosanquet (Bock, co. Northumberland). Same Arms and
Borron (Seafield-Tower, Ardrossan, 1868).Or, a bull pass, Crest.
gu., on a chief of the last two pikes' heads couped of the Bosanquet (Broxbournbury, co. Hertford). Same Arms and
first. Crest— A. paschal lamb ppr. —
Motto Per tela per C}-est.

hostes impavidi. Bosanquet (Osidge, co. Herts). Same Arms and Crest.

Borrow (Derbyshire, granted 1702). Ar. on a mount in Bosarde. Ar. a fesse betw. three bugle horns unstrung sa.
base the trunk of an oak tree, sprouting out two branches Bosavarne (Visit, co. Cornwall, 1620). Per pale nebulte
ppr., with the shield of Pallas hanging thereon or, fastened ar. and az.

by a belt gu. Crest An eagle reguard. with wings expanded, Bosca'wen Viscount Falmouth). Erm. a rose gu. barbed
standing on a mount ppr. supporting with the dexter foot and seeded ppr.

Crest —A falcon close ppr. belled or. Sap-

the like shield as in the arms. porters —Two sea lions erect on the tails ar. guttee delarmcs.
Borrowes (Bart, of Gillto^vn, co. Kildare. Granted by Motto—PaXieuce passe science.
Eoberts, Ulster, to Sir Eeasmus BoEaowEa, Bart.). Or, on Bosca'wen (Comptroller of the Household to George I., 1718).

a cross gu. (the red cross of De Burgh), five mullets ar. Erm. a red rose ppr.
on a canton of the second a hon pass, of the third. Crest Bosca'wen (Cornwall). Erm. a rose gu. barbed The
—A lion sejant ar. ducally crowned or. Motto— Non vi original Crest —A falcon close ppr. (This family have since
virtute. borne a bear pass. gu. armed and membered or, which is
Borrowman (Scotland). Ar. a chev. betw, three martlets the Crest of Albalanda.)
gu, within a bordure of the last. Crest —
A demi man in Boschall, or BosthaU. Sa. a chev. ar. and canton croi.
armour brandisliing a sword all ppr. (another, the canton ar.).
Bors, or Borsey, Barry of six, or and sa. an inescutcheon Boscoan. Vert a bull ar. attired and unguled or, on a chief
erm. erm. a rose gu.
Borse, or Borsey. Erm. two bars and a canton gu. Boscoe. Az. three pillars ar. out of each a tuft of grass or,

Borselle. Ar. a fesse az. d'esi Over the stump of an oak Bosclen (Bosden). Ar. a fess betw. three Eoman S sa.
tree an eagle volant ppr. Bosdon. Ar. a fesse sa. betw. three fish hooks of the
Borselle. Sa. a fesse ar. second,
Borsont (Hampshire). Ar a fesse betw. six martlets gu. Bosevile. Ar. a fesse lozengy gu.
Borsting'. Quarterly, ar. and gu. oa a bend az. three Bosevile. Ar. a fesse engr. gu. in chief three mullets sa.
lions'heads erased or. Bosewell. Ar. five fusils in bend gu. in chief three mullet*
Borston. Az. two besoms in saltire or. Crest A dagger — of the second.
in pale ppr. pomellsd or. Bosford, or Besford. Gu. a fesse betw. six pears or.
Borthwick {Lord JJortkwich). Ar. three cinquefoils sa. Bosgrave. Ar. on a cross engr. sa. a griffin segreant of tl'.c
Supporters—Two angels ppr. winged or. Crest A Moor's — first. Crest —
A boar's head erased ar, betw. two oak branches

head couped ppr. Motto Qui conducit. vert fructed or.
Borth'wick (Gordonshall, Scotland). Ar. an eagle's head Boshey. Per fesse embattled ar. and erm. in chief three

erased betw. three cinquefoils sa. Creat A withered rose- leopards' faces gu.
bush sprouting out anew from the root. Motto ^Virtus — Boshey, or Boshe. Erm. on a chief embattled gu. three
post fata. leopards' faces or.
Bro-wme-Borthwick (Hope Park, Mid Lothian). Az. a Bosiu. Ar. two elephants' trunks reflexed endorsed gobony
chev. ar. betw. two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a cinquefoil in or and gu. fixed upon a hairy scalp with two ears sa.
hase or. Crest— A cubit arm ppr. grasping a fleur-de-lis or. BosistO'W, or Bosustowe (Bosistow, co. Cornwall). Az.

Motto Delectat et ornat. three escallops vair.
Borth'wick (Hartside, Scotland), Ar. three cinquefoils sa. Boslett (Fun. Ent, Ire., 1657). Az. a chev. erm. betw. three
with a crescent of the second, surmounted of another or, in leopards' faces or.

the centre. Crest ^A hart's head erased gu. attired or, Bosley Ar. on a fesse engr. betw. three

devouring a serpent. Motto Ccelitus datum. cinquefoUs sa, three fleurs-de-lis of the field.
Borthwick (Mayshiels, Scotland). Ar. a hart gu. betw. Boslingljhorp, or Boselingiihorp (Lincolnshire). Ar,

three cinquefoils sa. Ci'est An eagle rising ppr. Motto — a chev. gu. and chief indented sa.
Nee deerit opera dextra. Bosney, Town of (Cornwall). The seal represents a
Borthwick (Muirhouse, Scotland). Ar. three cinquefoils embattled and domed and
castle with three towers, joinei

sa. in the centre a crescent of the second, surmounted by to each other by a circular wall, all on a mount ; in tl*^

another of the first. Crest —

A pelican with the wings base, water.
: '


Bosome (Cornwall). Az. three bird bolts ar. a leash passing betw. the forelegs and refiexed over the back
Bosome (Norfolk). Gu. three bird bolts ar. —
gu. Motto Vraye foi.
Bosoun. Ar. three torteaux. Boswell (BoBEBT Boswell, Lyon Depute, 1773). Quarterly,
Bossan (Visit. Oxen). Gu. three bird bolts ar. 1st, 2nd, and 4th grand quarters as the last, 3rd grand
Bossan (quartered by Throgmoeton, of Chastletown. Visit. quarter, az. a bend betw. three pelicans in their piety ar.
Oxford). Gu. three bird bolts feathered ar. Crest—A falcon ppr. hooded and belied or. Motto Vrave —
Bossard (Ireland).Az. three covered cups ar. foi.
Bostake (Elton, co. Chester. Helena, dau. of William Boswell (Balmuto, as confirmed, 1875, to the heir of line of
BosTAEE, of that place, m. Nicholas Maistebson, Esq., co. the later family, a cadet of Auchinleck). Quarterly, Jst and
Chester; their son, Thomas Maistebeon, fell at Floddea 4th, ar. on a fesse sa. three cinquefoils of the field ; 2nd and
Field). Sa. a chev. voided ar. betw. three goldfinches ppr. 3rd or, a lion ramp. gu. surmotmted of a ribbon sa., for
beaked and legged gu. Abebnetht, all within a bordure engr. sa. Crest A falcon —
Bossu. Gu. a cinquefoil erm. ppr. hooded gu. jessed and beUed or. Motto —Vraye foi.
Bostall. Sa. a cher. ar. and a canton erm. Boswell, or Bos^rall (Blackadder, co: Berwick, 1784; the
Bostock (Bostock, CO. Chester). Sa. a fesse hnmmette ar. heiress m. 1847, Sir G. A. F. Houston, Bart.). Quarterly, ist

Orat On the stump of a tree eradicated ar. a bear's bead and 4th, ar. on a fesa sa. betw. two thistles in chief ppr. and

erased sa. muzzled or. AnotTier Crext An antelope or. a garb in base gu. banded or, three cinquefoils of the field;
Bostock (Abingdon, co. Berks). Quarterly, 1st and 4tb, sa. a 2nd and 3rd, or, a lion ramp. gu. surmoimted of a ribbon
helmet ar. 2nd and 3rd, sa. a fessc humettee ar. Crest
— sa., Abebnetht.
for Crest —
A dexter hand grasping a
An antelope ar. attired or. scymetar ppr. Motto — Fortiter.
Bostock (Shropshire). Sa. a helmet or. Crest—A martlet ar. Boswell (Yorkshire). Ar. five fusils in fesse, and three
Boston, Baron. See Iebt.

boars' heads in chief, erased sa. Crest —
Out of a wood ppr.
Boston. Vert a lion ramp. ar. crowned or. Crest ^A a bull pass. ar.
horse's head in armour ppr. Boswell. Ar. a fesse engr. gu. in chief three mullets sa.
Boston. Ar. three bats' wings sa. Boswell. Ar. five fusils in fesse gu. in chief three griffins*
Boston, Town of (Lincolnshire). Sa. three ducal crowns heads erased sa.
in pale or. —
Crest On a woolpack a ram couchant ar. sup- Boswell (Ballycurry, co. Wicklow. John Boswell, of that
porting two mermaids ppr. ducally crowned or. place, d. 1681 ; he was son of Balfh Boswell, a captain in
Bostrey. Quarterly,ar. and gu. on a bend sa. three the army in Ireland, younger son of Ealph Bosvile, Esq., of
bezants. Bradbourne, co. Kent, Clerk of Wards and Liveries, temp.
Bosuilly, Ar. five fusils in fesse gn. in chief three grey- Queen Elizabeth, ninth in descent from Sir John Bosvile,
hounds* heads erased sa. Knt., of Erdesley, co. York, d. 1234). Ar. five fusils in fess
Bosom (Windley, co. Norfolk). Ar. three boars' heads couped gu. in chief three bears' heads erased sa. muzzled or.
az. Crest— A talbot's head erased ar. eared and ducally Bosworth.
Gu. a cross vair betw. four annulets ar. Crest
crowned or. —
^A Uly ppr. slipped and leaved.
Bosustow (Visit. CO. Cornwall, 1620, and Ear. MSS. 890). Bosworth. Or, a lion ramp. gu. collared ar.
Az. three escallops ar. Botatort (Norfolk). Or, a saltire engr. sa. (another adds a
Bosvile (granted 10 June, 1638). Ar. five fasils in fesse gu. label of three points gu.). Creat Out of a mural coronet —
each charged with a martlet or, in chief three bears' heads six spears in saltire ppr.
erased sa. muzzled of the field. Botatort, or Botetourt. Or, three bends az. a canton ar.
Bosrile. Ar. on a chev. az. three mullets or. Botelan, or Boteland. Gu. two bars erm.
Bosvile (Yorkshire). Ar. five fusils in fesse gu. in chief Boteler (lord £oteler of Warington, summoned to Parlia-
three bears' heads sa. Crest —
An ox issuing from a knot of ment 1295). Az. a bend betw. six garbs or.
trees ppr. Motto —
Intento in Deum animo. On the Crest Boteler (Lord Boteler of Wemme and Oversley, summoned to
and the family name this epigram was written in the time of Farhament 1308). Gu. a fess compony or and sa. betw. six
Elizabeth crosses pattee ar.
"Dii tibi dent, Bosvile, boves villasque Radulphi, Boteler (Bramfield, co. Hertford, sprung from the Botelees,
Nee vilia careatbosve, vel illabove," Barons of Wemme and Oversley). Gu. a fesse counter-
Bosvile (Ireland). Ar. ^ve fusils in fesse gu. in chief three compony ar. and sa. betw, six crosses pattee fitchee ar.
calves' heads erased sa. Crest—A bull ar. issuing out of a (Some branches of this family bear six crosses crosslet
wood ppr. instead of crosses pattee fitchee, but the above are the arms
Bosvile (Thomas Bosvile, temp. Eichard II.). Ar. a fusil registered in the College of Arms for Sir John Boteleb, who
gu. betw. three cross crosslets sa. was created Baron Boteler of BraraHeld, 20 September, 4
Bosvill (Wormsworth, co. York). Ar. five fusils in fesse gu. Car. I,, and left six daus. his co-heirs, of whom Helen m.
in chief three mullets sa. a crescent fordiff. Sir John Pbake, of Ashe, co. Devon, Knt.)
Bosvill, Ar. five fusils in fesse gu. and in chief three leaves Boteler (Eastry, co. Kent). Ar. three escutcheons sa. each
slipped sa. charged with a covered cup or, Cre&t A covered cup or, —
Bosvill. Ar. five fusUs in fesse gu. in'chief three martlets betw. a pair of wings endorsed, the dexter ar. sinister az.
sa. Boteler (Kyrtons, co, Bedford; granted 8 May, 1585). Ar.
Bosvill. Ar. five fasils in fesse gu. in chief three escallops a fesse chequy ar. and az. betw. six crosses crosslet sa.
sa. Boteler (Bedfordshire). Gu. a fesse counter - compony
Bosville-Macdonald (Barm Macdmmld.) See Mac- (another, chequy) ar. and sa. betw. six crosses formee fitchee
DONALD. or (another, of Gloucestershire, the crosses ar.).
BosuUe, or Bosvllle. Ar. on a bend az. three mullets or Boteler (Coventry). Az. a fesse betw. three cups, covered or.
(another, the mullets of six points). Boteler {Lm-d Le Boteler. Sir Thomas Le Boteleb, ancestor
Boswall, Houston-. See Houston. of the Lords Duriboyne, 3rd son of Theobald Le Boteleb,
Boswell (Balmuto, co. Fife). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. on ancestor of the Jhtkes, Marquises, and Barls of Ormo7id€f was
afess sa. three cinquefoils of the field; 2nd and 3rd, or, a summoned to Parliament in Ireland as a peer in 1324). Or,
lion ramp, gu. surmoimted of a ribbon sa., for Abebnetht. a chief indented az. over all on a bend sa. three escallops ar.

Crest A falcon ppr. hooded gu. jessed and belled or. Motto Boteler (Essex). Ar. on a bend gu. three lozenges erm.
— Vraye foi. Boteler (Woodhall, co. Hertford). Gu. a fesse chequy or
Boswell (Dowcn). Quarterly, as Balmuto, within a hordure and sa. betw. six crosses pattee ar. Crest —^Anarm embowed
indented gu. Motto—I hope for better. in armour holding a sword ppr.
Boswell (Glasmount). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. on a fess Boteler (Teston, co. Kent, bart., extinct 1772). Ar. on a
invecked sa. three cinquefoils of the first; 2nd and 3rd, or, a chief sa. three covered cups or.
lion ramp, gu. surmounted of a ribbon sa., for Abebnetht. Boteler (Lancashire). Gu. a bend betw. three covered cups

Motto Nothing venture nothing have. or,
Boswell (Auchinlecfc, a cadet of Balmuto, hart. 1821. Boteler, or Botler (Bewsey, co. Lancaster, derived from
Baronetcy extinct; ^tttw recorded 1809). Quarterly, 1st and BoBEBT de Pincebna, SO Called from the office held under
4th, grand quarters, ar. on a fess sa. three cinquefoils of the Bandolph, Barl of Chester, 1158. His descendant, Almeni
field on a canton az. a ship at anchor, her sails furled within Pincebna, temp. Henry III., m. Beatbix, dau. and coheir of
the Boyal treasure or; 2nd grand quarter, counterquartered, Matthew Villabs, Lord of Warrington, from which alliance
Ist and 4th, ar. a lion ramp, az,, 2nd and 3rd, or, a saltire sprang the eminent family of Boteleb, of Bewsey, Edwabd
and chief gu., 3rd grand quarter, ar. three bars sa., for BuTi^B, the last heir male, sold the estate to the Ibelands,
AucHiNLECE. C^est—A falcon ppr. hooded gu. jessed and of Hale). Az, a bend betw. six covered cups or. Crest ^A —
belled or. Supporters —
Two greyhounds ppr. collared sa. each, imlcom sahent ar. armed or, tied round the neck with a
sash of the last.
collar charged with three cinquefoils ar. and thereto afBxed

. A


Boteler (Leicestershire). Gu. semee crosses crosslet or, a Botliell. Ar. three towers triple-towered az.
fesse compon^e ar. and sa. Bothnell. Or, on a bend sa. three mullets ar.
Boteler (London). Az. a chev. ar. betw, three standing Bothomsell (Sir Nicholas Bothomsell, Knt., temp. Edward
cups or. III., Visit. CO. Notts, 1569). Or, on a bend sa. three mullets ar.
Boteler (Shropshire). Gu. a fesse chequy or and sa. betw. Bothnor. Ar. an escarbuncle, staves florettee sa,
ten (another, six) crosses crosslet or. Bothwell {Lord Az. on a chev. tjetw.
Boteler (Suffolk). Ar. three covered cups in bend betw. two three trefoils slipped or, a crescent gn. Crest A naked boy —
cotises sa. , pulling down the top of a green pine tree ppr. Supporterti—
Boteler. Ar. a fesse betw. three escallops sa. Dexter, a spaniel collared gu. ; sinister, a goshawk ppr.
Boteler. Go. two bars erm. beaked jessed and belled or. —Obdura
Motto adversus
Boteler. Gu. a fesse betw. three covered cups ar, urgentia.
Boteler. Az. on a bend ar. three martlets gu. Botb-well (Foord). The same, without the crescent.
Boteler. Gu. a fesse chequy ar. and sa. three crosses Boting'IiaiD. (Cornwall). Ar. three bendlets gu.
'fleuree of the second. Botleshazn (Northumberland). Gu. three bird bolts in
Boteler. Gu. a fesse chequy ar. and sa. in chief two mullets pale ar.
of the second. Botou. At. a pale wavy sa.
Boteler. Gu. a fesse compony ar. and sa. betw. six crosses Botreaulx, or Botreux (Devonshire). Chequy or and
crosslet fitchee ar. gu. on a chev. az. three horseshoes ar. Crest A dove stand- —
Boteler. Az. a chev. betw. three cups covered or. ing on a hill ppr.
Boteler. Or, a chief indented az. within a bordure engr. gu. Botreaux (Cokermouth, co, Cumberland). Ar. three toads
Boteler. Or, on a chief indented az. three cups covered of erect sa. Crest —
A dove standing on a hill ppr.
the first. Botreaux. Ar. a griffin segreant az. Cre&i A man hold- —
Boteler. Erm. a saltire engr. gu. ing a flail, the handle part ar. the other or, legs of the first
Boteler, Ar. on a bend gu. three chev. or. coat gu. cap ppr.
Boteler, Az. on a fesse ar. betw. three cups covered or, as Botrell (Shropshire). Chequy or and gu. on a chev. of the
many birds sa. second three fleurs-de-lis of the first.
Boteler. Ar. three boars, two and one sa. and as many Botreux (Cornwall). Ar. a griffin segreant gu. armed az.
crosses patt^e in pale gu. CVesi—Two branches of laurel in saltire ppr.
Boteler. See Bdtleb. Botreux. Or, a lion ramp. vert.
Botelford (Suffolk). Gu. three horses' heads couped in pale Botreux. Paly wavy of six or and gu.
ar. betw. two flaunches erm. Botring-am. Ar. a bendlet gu.
Boterel. Gu. seven bezants, on a canton ar. a cinquefoil sa. Botriug:liazii (Devonshire). Ar. three bendlets gu.
Boterell (Cornwall). Chequy or and gu. on a chev. az. Botring-haxn. Ar. an eagle displ. vert membered gn.
three horseshoes of the first. crowned or.
Boterells (Devonshire). Chequy or and gu. a chev. az. Bott (Staffordshire). Or, a chev. erm. betw. three mullets
Boterells. Chequy or and gu. on a chev, az. three fleurs- sa. pierced of the field. Cresi On a —
glove a falcon ppr,
de-lis of the first. Botteley, Botilly, or Botley. Ar. a chev. chequy aa,

Botereulx. Cbequy or and gu. a bend az. and or, in chief three fieurs-de-Us of the second. Crest —h.

Botereux. Chequy or and gu. on a chev. az. three horse- boar's head and neck sa. ducally gorged or.
shoes ar. Bottell. Ar. a fesse betw. three escallops sa. —An
Boterford (Devonshire). Ar. (another, or) on a bend sa. escallop shell az.
three butterflies of the field. Botterell. Gu. ten bezants, four, three, two, and one, on a
Boterford (Devonshire). Ar. on a bend sa. three watcr- canton ar. an annulet pierced sa.
bougets of the field. Botterell. Gu. nine bezants, three, three, two, and one, on
Boterwike. Ar. on a bend sa. (another, az., another, vert.) a canton ar. a cinquefoil sa.
three butterflies or (another, of the field). Botterell, or Botriell. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. and chief gu.
Boterwike. Ar. on a bend vert three water-bougets of Botterell (Edwaed Botterell, Esq., of the Heath, co.

the field. Crest A hawlt holding in the dexter claw an ear Salop, sheriff, 1768).Ar. a chief gu. over all a lion ramp. sa.
of wheat ppr. Bottomley (Wade House, Halifax, co. York). Or, on a pile
Botesg-ist or Botsgist. Gu. two lions pass. ar. crowned or.
, gu. betw. two bees volant in base ppr. a lion ramp, of the field.
Botesliain. Gu. three plates. Oesi— Upon a mount vert an Angola goat in front of a palm
Boteshed. Sa. three lozenges in fesse ar. betw. as many tree ppr. resting the dexter foot upon an escutcheon gu.
bucks' heads cabossed or. Crest^A. stag's head ar. charged with a shuttle palewise or. Moi^o—Fideli certa
Botetourt. Or, a saltire engr. sa. Crest Out of a mural — merces.
coronet six spears in saltire ppr. Bottle-Makers and Horners Company of (London).
Botetourt {Lord Botetourt^ summoned to Parliament, 1308). Ar. on a chev. betw. three leather bottles sa. as many bugle
Same Arms. horns stringed of the first.
Botevile, alias Thynne (Salop), Barry of ten or and Bottrell (Essex). Chequy or and gu. a chev. az.
sa. Crest —A reindeer or. Bottrells, or Botrell (Shropshire). Chequy or and gu.
Botfi-t. on a fesse vert three lozenges, betw. as many
Sa. on a chev. az. three fieurs-de-lis of the first.
harts' heads couped at the shoulder ar. Bottry (Suffolk). Az.on a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet
Botfield (Gaenett-Botfield, Decker Hill, co. Salop, ex- fitchee or, as many boars' heads couped gu.
emplified to Rev. William Bibhton Gaenett, 30 Oct., 1863, Bouche. Or, on a cross sa. five escallops ar. Cres(—
on assuming the additional name and arms of Botfield). Saracen's head couped at the shoulders, and full faced ppr.
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, harry of twelve per pale embattled wreathed round the temples ar. and sa.
or and az. counterchanged on a canton sa. a stag's attires Boucher (Salisbury). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three leopards
affixed to the scalp of the first, for Botfielu; 2nd and pass, guard, or. Crest —
A greyhound sejant ar. collared and
3rd, bendy of four gu. and sa. a lion ramp. ar. crowned lined or.
or, and a border indented of the last, for Garnett. Crests— Boucher. Arms and Crest as Bodchiee, London. Motto—
Ist Upon a rock a stag at gaze holding in the mouth an
: Nod vi sed voluutate.
arrow fessewise all ppr., Botfield; 2nd: A demi lion ar. Boucherett (Willingham, co. Lincoln, of French extraction).
crowned or, gorged with a plain collar vair, and holding Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a cock or, armed and crested, for
betw. the paws a lozenge gu. charged with a bee or. Motto BonOHEEETx; 2nd and 3rd, sa. a fesse or, betw. three asses
— ^The Lord will provide. pass, ar., for Ayscougue. Crest —
A cockatrice or. Motto —
Bothall. Or, an orle az. Prima voce salutat
Botham (Yorkshire). Ar. six pellets. Bouchier (Essex). Sa. three lions pass. or.
Botlitoy (Friday Hill, co. Essex, and Tottenham, co. Middle- Bouchler (Little Stainbridge, co. Essex). Sa. three leopards
sex, Visit. Middlesex, 1663). Ar. ona cantonsa. aUon'sgamb pass, in pale or, spotted of the field. Crest —A greyhound
erased in pale or. sejant ar. ducally gorged or.
Bothe. Sa. a cockatrice or, combed gu. Bouchler (London, originally from Holland). Ar. on*
Botb.e. Ar. three horseshoes iu fesse betw. six crosslets mount a tree, on the top au owl ppr. in chief two mullets gn.
patt^e fltchee sa. Crest —An owl ppr.
Botliell, or Botell (Essex). Gu. a chev. betw. three Bouchier (Barnesley, CO. Gloucester). Ar.achev. betw.tbree
combs ar. Crest A marigold ppr.— martlets or.
Bothell. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three (another, two) blue Boudier (Jersey). Or, on a pale az. a crescent ar. betw.
bottles ppr. stalked vert. two mullets of the first. Ortsi —A crescent az. MotU>^-
Bothell. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three garbs az. Dieu CL la religion.
Sougre (Thurcaston, co. Leicester. Visit. 1619). Or, on a Bould, or Bold (Upton, co. Chester. Fun. Ent. Ire., 1634),
fesse 8a. three water bougets ar. Cfest A bat displ. ar. — Ar. a griflfin pass. sa. and a crescent gu. in dexter chief.
Bou^han (Lincoln). Az. on a bend ar. cotised or, three Boulderson (Devonshire). Ar. a cross az. in each of the
torteaux. chief quarters a cross crosslet fitchee of the last.
Boughan, or Boug-hon. Sa. three garbs or. Boule, alias Bold (Ireland), Ar. a griffin pass. sa.
Boug'he (Gloucester). Gu. a fesse vair betw. three Bouler. Sa. a maunch or.
mullets ar. Bouling*. Sa. an inescutcheon erm. in an orle of martlets
Bou&bey (Aqualate, co. Stafford, bart.). Quarterly, 1st and ar. Crest —A garb or.
a cross wavy erminois betw. four plates, each charged
4th, sa. Bonlkeley. Ar. on a fesse ga. three mullets of the first in
with an arrow in bend dexter of the first, for Fletcher 2nd ; chief two boars' heads couped sa.
and 3rd, ar. three bueks^ heads erased andaffronte, ermines, Boull. Az. on a bend or, three chess rooks gu.
for BoDGHET. Crests— Fi^cBEB.: A plate charged with a Boultbee, or Boultbie. Az. a chev. betw. three garbs
pheon per pale erm. and sa. Bodghet Out of an Eastern : or. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet a demi boar ppr.
crown gold the points alternate or and ar. a buck*shead erm. Boulter (granted 1720 to Dr. Hugh Boulter, Bishop of
attired and eollared of the first. Motto Nee quaerere nee — Bristol, afterwards Loid Primate of Ireland). Quarterly,
spemere honorem. az. and erm. in the first quarter a dove ppr. and in the last
Boug"h,ey (Colton, co. Stafford). Ar. three stags' heads a bird bolt in pale or, feathered ar. Creit ^Two bird bolts —
cabossed sa. Crest —
An angel in a praying posture betw. in saltire, and thereon a dove rising ppr.
two branches of laurel in orle ppr. Boulton (Burston, co. Norfolk). Gu. on a bend engr. ar.
Bouglltell (Bodmyn, co. Cornwall, granted 1606). Per three leopards' faces of the field.
pale gu. and sa. an estoile of eight points issuing from a Boulton now of Moulton,
(originally of Stixwold, co. Lincoln,
crescent or. in the same the present representative is the Rev.
shire :

Boug-hton, or Broag-hton (confirmed by the deputies Anthony Bodlton, rector of Preston Capes, co. Northamp-
of Camden, Clarenceux, with three quarterings to Heney ton). Az. three bird bolts or, ''quartering the ensign of
BouGHTON, of Coughton, fifth in descent from Richard FoESTER {which Turnie s€e\. Orest^-A. bird bolt in a tun.
BoDGBTON, Sheriff, co. Warwick, d. 3 Richard III., 1485, who Motto — Dux vitae ratio.
was sixth in descent from Robert de Boveton, Dugdale and BoTllton (Norfolk and Yorkshire). Ar. on a bend engr. gu.
Her. MSS.). Sa. three crescents or. Crest A hon's head — three leopards' faces of the field. Crest —
On a holly bush.
couped or. vert fructed of the second a hawk rising ppr.
Bou^hton (confirmed as the Arms of Boughton, of Lawford, Boulton (Soho, near Birmingham borne by Matthew ;

in the Cavendish pedigree. Edward Boughton, fourth in Boulton, Esq., High Sheriff of co. Stafford). Az. on a bend
descent from Richard Bodghton, Sheriff of Warwick and or, cottised ar. betw. two fleurs-de-lis of the second, a bolt
Leicester, had a dau. and co-heir, Elizabeth, second wife of betw. two leopards' faces of the field. Crest hind's head—A
William, first Lord Cavendish^ ancestors of the Dukes of erased per pale az. and or, in the mouth an arrow (or bird
Devonshire. Qu. CoU. MSS. and Her. Vis.}. Attjis and bolt) in bend point downwards . . . Motto Faire sum —
Crest same as preceding. devoir.
BoilgrlltoxL (confirmed as the Arms of Boughton. Her. Boulton (Forebridge Villa, co. Stafford). Per fess or and
Vis.). Arms and Crest same as preceding with another vert two hawks in pale counterchanged. Orest On a fer-de- —
Crest—A stork's head ar. beaked gu. holding therein a snake mouUn a hawk pierced with an arrow. Motto Mens —
ppr. conscia recti.
BougrlltoxL (RousE-BouGHTON, Lawford Hall, co. Warwick, Boulton (Gibbon Grove, co. Surrey). Sa. a hawk ar, on a
bart.). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. two bars indented ar., for canton or, a garb gu. quartering az. a chev. betw. two
Bouse; 2nd, ar. on a chev. betw. three trefoils slipped sa. as fleurs-de-lis in chief and a crab in base or. Ci-est ^A hawk —
many bucks' heads cabossed or, on a chief gu. a goat pass, of ar. collared, legged, and belled gu. the wings expanded, the
the field, for Boughton, of Loughton ; 3rd, sa. three crescents dexter foot supporting a shield az. charged with a fleur-de-
or, Boughton. Crests —
Roose The bust of a man ppr., hair,
: lis or.
beard, and whiskers sa., the head surrounded and crossed Boultoun (Suffolk). Ar. on a chev. gu. a leopard's face of
by a riband knotted at the top, and the ends flowing from the field.
either temple, ar. Boughton A stork's head erased chev-
: Bourn, or Bo'wne. Or, a cross az.
ronny of four sa. and ar. in the beak or, a snake ppr. Motto Bourne. Ea. a chev. per pale ar. and or, betw. three griffins'
—Omne bonum Dei donum. ~ heads erased of the second.
Boug-Iitoa (Essex, 1595). Ar. a chev. erm. betw. three Boun. Gu. a crescent erm. betw. eight martlets in orle or,
crosses form6e fitch^e sa. Bounceter. Erm. a saltire engr. gu.
Boug-hton (Kent). Gu. a fesse betw. three goats' heads Bound. Az. three daggers paleways ar. hilts and pcmels or.
erased ar. attired or. Creat— On the top of a tower a lion ramp.
Boug-hton (Kent). Ar. a fesse dancettee (another, indented) Bound (Mayor of Bristol, 1708). Ar. a fesse engr. gu. betw.
betw. three crosses crosslec or. three martlets sa.
Boug:hton (Kent). Ar. a fesse dancettee betw. three crosses Boun. See Bohun.
crosslet fitchee sa. Bounn, or Boun. Ar. on an inescutcheon gu. a crescent
Boughton (Warwick). Gu. on a fesse betw. three goats' of the within an orle of martlets of the second.
first, Crest
heads erased ar. attired or, as many fleurs-de-lis az. —A sword and key in saltire ppr.
Boughton (Yorkshire). Ar. on a bend s^. three martlets of Bounton (Scotland). Ar. three bunting birds ppr. on a
the field. chief az. a sword barways of the first, hilt and pomel or.
Boughton (Edward Boughton, Esq., of Causton, co. Bourcher (Worcestershire, granted 1587). Sa. a chev. erm,
Warwick, of whose daus. DIary, m. Sir John Crosby, Knt., —
betw. three leopards or. Crest On a mount vert a grey-
of Tulley Glass, co. Down, d. 14 Jan., 1639; and Elizabeth hound ar. ducally gorged and lined or.
m- Sir William Cavendish, created Barl of Devonshire, Bouxchier (Essex). Ar. a cross engr. gu. betw. four water
2 Aug., 16181. Ar. on a chev, betw. three crosses crosslet bougets sa.
fitchfe sa. three bucks' heads cabossed or, on a chief gu. a Bourchier (Baron Sourchier, and Earl of Ewe and SsseXt
goat lodged of the field. summoned Parliament 1342. John, 2nd Lord Bourchier^
Boughton, Ar. on a chev. betw. three crosses fitchSe sa. as was K.G., temp. Richard II. Earldom extinct 1539, barony
many bucks' heads cabossed or. in abeyance 1646). Ar. a cross engr. gu, betw. four water
Boughton. Ar. a chev. sa. charged with three bucks' heads bougets sa. Crest —
A man's head in profile ppr. ducally
cabossed or, on a chief gu. a goat trippant of the field, crowned or, with a pointed cap gu.
Boughton. Ar. a chev. couped (another, indented) betw. Bourchier (Essex). Sa. three leopards pass, in pale or, at

three crosses bottonee fitchee sa. crescent for diff.

Boughton. Sa. three owls ar. beaked and legged or. Bourchier (confirmed by Camden, Clarenceux, to Sir James
Bouie (Scotland). Or, a saltire and cross gu. Bourchier, Knt., 1610). Sa. three leopards statant or. Crest
Bouile. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three torteaux. A greyhound saliant or.
Boulhy, or Bo^wlby. Sa. three hinds' heads erased ar. Bourchier (Essex and London). Sa. a chev. erm. betw.
Crest —
Two branches of thorn in orle. three leopards pass. or. Crest —A greyhound sejant ar,
Boulcott (Herefordshire and Brecon, quartered by Hughes, ducally gorged or.
of Tregunter). Sa, a bend betw. six baldcoots or. Boxirchier. Ar. on a cross engr. gu. betw. four ogresses a
Bould (Lancashire). Ar. a chev, oppressed by a bend gu. on label az. fieury or.
a canton of the last a cross pattfe or. Bourchier (Kent), Ar. a cross engr. gu. betw. four water
Bould (Lancashire). Ar. a griffin segreant sa. within a bougets sa. within a bordure gobonated or and of the second
bordure gu. (another charges it with seven bezants).


BonrcMer (London). Sa. a chev.

betw. three wolves or.
erra. Bourlynet. Gu. three escutcheons ar. each charged with
Bourcllier (Bamesley, co. Gloucester). Az. a chev. betw. as many martlets sa.
three martlets or. Bourne (London). Ar. on a chev. engr. gu. betw. three
BoTirckland. Per bend in point to the sinister az. and lions ramp. sa. three mascles or. Crc^t —
An arm erect
or. issuing out of clouds ppr. vested or, cuff ar. in the hand ppr,
Bourden. Az. three hautboys two and one, betw. as many a pheon sa. held by the point.
crosses crosslet or, one and two. Crest —A
bunch of grapes Bourne (London, 1570). Az. two lions pass, in pale ar.
fructed ppr. Bourne (Chesterton, co. Oxford). Ar. on a mount vert^
Bourdznan. Sa. on a bend cottiscd ar. three mascles of the standing on four bars wavy in base of the first, and az. a
first. tower triple towered gu. on a chief of the fourth a sun betw,
Bourdon (Scotland). Az. a mound or, crossed gu. betw. —
two estoiles or. Crest A pegasus courant with wings
two bourdon staves (i.e., battle-axes) paleways ppr. d-est — endorsed gu. semfie d'estoiles or, holding in the mouth arose
A Uon ramp. ar. holding a battle-axe ppr. of the first stalked and leaved vert, seeded gold.
Bourgreois. Gu. a bend or and chief ar. Bourne (Hilderstone Hall, co. Staiford). Ar. on a mount
Bourgres (Westport, co. Dorset, Camden's Grants, 1614). vert, and in base barry wavy of four of the field and az, a
Ar. a fesse az. fretty or, in chief three mascles of the thin], castle triple towered gu. two fiaunches of the last, on a chief
all within a bordure az. bezantee. —
Crest A camel's head nebuly of the third the sun in splendour betw. two estoiles
erased ppr. bezantee. of the first. Crest —On a moxmt vert a pegasus saliantper
Bourg-Jidan. Ar. three cinquefoils sa. fesse or and gu. charged on the body with two fountains
Boiirg-hope (Ireland). Paly of six ar. and sa. on a bend gu. ppr. in the mouth a trefoil sUpped vert. Motto Hsec omnia —
three escallops of the first. transeunt.
Bourg:b.ope. Ar. on a chev. az. three fleurs-de-lis or. Bourne (Wells, co. Somerset). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three
Bourg-ilon. See Borgilon. lions ramp. sa. a chief ermines. Crest —
A demi tiger ar.
Borg-ronge. Az. a talbot pass. ar. maned, tufted, and armed sa. gorged with a collar ermines.
Bourke. See Bokke. Bourne (Testwood House, Hants, quartered by the Right
Bourke {Viscount Bourke, of Mayo. MacWilltam Bodeke, Hon. William Stdrges-Bouene, son of the late Rev. John
descended from De Bukgh, Lord of Connaught, created Stcrges, LL.D,, Chancellor of the Diocese of Winchester, by
Viscount Bourse of Mayo, 1628 dormant since 1767). Per
; Jddith his wife, youngest dau. of Richard Bourne, Esq., of
fess or and erm. a cross gu. in the 1st quarter a lion ramp, and Acton Hall, co. Worcester, and grandson of the Rev. John
in the 2nd a dexter hand couped at the wrist both sa. Crest — Stdrges, by Margajiet his wife, sister of Robert Lowth,
On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a lion sejant ar. ducally Bishop of London). Ar. a chev. gu. betw, three lions ramp. sa.
gorged or, and langued of the first. Supporters Dexter, a — Bourne (Wyersdale and Stalmine, co. Lancaster). Ar. a
harpy guard, wings and lion's body or, human face, neck, chev. sa. guttee d'eau betw. in chief two lions ramp, andia
heart and hair ppr. armed gu. ; sinister, a man in armour base an heraldic tiger also ramp. gu. Crest— An heraldic
to the middle of his thighs, sword ppr. in belt gu. about his tiger sejant or, guttle de sang resting the dexter paw on a
neck a square white band, sandals sa. bands of the first, in the —
cross pattee gu. Motto Esse quam videri.
exterior one a battle-axe also ppr. Motto —
Audaces fortuna Bourne (Hackinsall, co. Lancaster). Ar. a chev. sa. guttle
juvat. d'eau betw. in chief two lions ramp, and in base an heraldic
Bourke (Earl of Mayo: the Moneycrower branch of the family tiger also ramp. gu. Crest —
An ^ heraldic tiger sejant or,
of the Viscount Bourke, of Mayo). Per fesse or and erm. a guttee de sang resting the dexter paw on a cross pattee gu.
cross gu. in the Istquarteralionramp., andin the2ndahand JIfoWo— Semper vigilans.
erect couped at the wrist both sa. Crest —
A cat-a-mountain Bourne. Gu. a crescent erm.
sejant guard, ppr. collared and chained or. Supporters — Bourne, Ar. on a chev. gu. three lions ramp. or.
Two chevaliers in complete armour, each holding in the Bourne. Erm. a bend az.
exterior hand a pole-axe ppr. Motto —
A cruce salus. Bourne. Quarterly, sa. and ar. four leopards' heads counter-
Bourke (Castlebar, Tyiawley, Ardnaree, Carrowkeel, co. changed on a chief or, three fleurs-de-lis az.
Mayo). Arms and Crest same as Lord Bourke, of Mayo. Bournell. Barry of six az. and ar. a bend gu.
Bourke (Lord Castle Connell). Or, a cross gu. in the 1st quarter Bournett. Or, three bars gu.
a dexter band couped at the wrist sa. Crest A cat-o'- — Boursault (France). Ar. three rosebuds gu. leaved vert.
mountain sejant guard, ppr. collared and chained or. Bourtetort (Norfolk). Same as Botatort.

Supporters Two cats-o'-mountain guard, ppr. collared and Bourtynet (Tournay). Gu. an inescutcheon betw. three
chained or. martlets ar. (another, or).
Bourke {Lord Brittas). Or, a cross gu. in the first quarter, Bousfield. Gu. three chevs. interlaced or, in chief alien's
a dexter hand couped at the wrist sa. Crest A cat-o'- — head erased ar. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet an eagle's
mountain sejant guard, ppr. collared and chained or, chain head ppr.
reflected over back. —
Supporters Two cats-o' -mountain Boustead. Vert, on a cross betw. four cinquefoils ar. arose
guard, ppr. collared and chained or. Motto Vinctus sed — of the first. Crest— On a lion's head erased a chapeau, all ppr.
non victus. Boutcher (Emmanuel Boutcher, Esq.). Sa. two chevronels
Bourke (BalUntober, co. Mayo). Per fess or, and erm. a betw, as many leopards statant in chief and a fleur-de-lis
cross gu. in the first quarter a lion ramp, and in the second in base or. Crest— A greyhound sejant ar. collared with
a dexter hand couped at the wrist sa. Crest On a chapeau — line reflexed over the back or, semee of estoiles sa. and
gu. turned up erm. a lion sejant ar. resting the dexter paw upon a, water bouget, also sa.
Bourke (Lorient, in Brittany, confirmed to Capt. Richard Motto — Be fast.
Boueke, of that place, by Hawkins, Ulster, 1778). Same Boutell, as Bottell.
Artns and Crest. Boutetoret, or Boutetort (Norfolk). Erm. a saltire

Bourke (Dromsally, co. Limerick, name changed to De engr. gu.

Btiegho, created a hart, of Ireland, 1785). Or, a cross gu. Boutetort. Or, a saltire (another, engr.) sa.
in the first quarter a Jion ramp. sa. d-est^A cat-a- Bouth. Ar. three boars' heads erect and erased sa.
mount sejant guard, ppr. collared and chainel or. Motto — BoutviUen (Cumberland). Ar. a crescent gu.
A cruce salus. Bouverie, De(Brabant, 1396). Gu. a bend vaire.
Bourke (Thornfields. co. Limerick; descended fromSiOHAEo Bouverie(PLEVDELL-BouvERiE, Earl of Radnor). Quarterly,
Bourke, Esq., of Drumsally, same co., ancestor of Sir 1st and 4th, per fesse or and ar. an eagle displ. with two
EicHARD DE BuEGHo, Bart., of Castle Connell). Or, a cross heads sa., on the breast an escutcheon gu. charged with a
gu. in the quarter a lion ramp. sa. Crest A cat-a-
first — bend vair (being the ancient arms of Bouverie, confirmed
mountain, sejant guard, ppr. collared and chained or. Motto and allowed to be thus borne by royal sign-manual in 1798)
— A cruce salus. 2nd and 3rd, ar. a bend gu. gutte d'eau betw. two ravens
Bourke (St. Andrew's, Holbom, co. Middlesex granted ;
sa., a -chief chequy or, and of the last, for Pleydell.
1757). Ar. a cross gu. in the dexter chief and sinister base Crest —A demi eagle with two heads displ. sa. ducally gorged
quarters, a lion ramp, of the second ; in the sinister chief an or, on the breast a cross crosslet ar. Supportej'S —
On either
eagle displ. m ith two heads sa. in the dexter base a dexter
; side an eagle reguard. wings elevated sa. gorged witli
hand couped at the wrist of the second. Crest A Hon — a ducal coronet or, charged on the breast with a cross
couchant guard, the tail issuing from betw. the hind legs
— crosslet ar. —
Motto Patria cara carior libertas.
or, charged on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis az. Motto Bouverie -Campbell. See Campbell.
Chacun le sien. Bouverie, Des. Per fesse or and ar. an eagle displ. witb
Bourke (Turlough, co. Mayo Waltee Bodeke, of this line,
; two heads sa. Crest—A_ demi eagle displ. with two heads
who defended Cremona, d. high in the service of France, in sa. gorged with a ducal coronet or, and charged on the
1715). Arms and Crest same as Lord Bourke, of Mayo. breast with a cross crosslet ar.
A ; A ;-


Soxivier. abend
vair^ of the first and purp. betw. two
Or, Bowell, or Bowells (Rushall, co, Stafford). Ar. a lion*
cottises gu. —
Crest An eagle with wings expanded ppr. ramp, within a bordure engr. sa.
Bovell. Ar. a lion ramp, within a bordurn engr. sa. Bowell, Quarterly, ar. and sa.
Bover (Cheshire). Ar. on a saltire betw. four goats' heads Bo-wen (Kittle Hill, and Swansea, co. Glamorgan). Az. a-

couped sa. five fleurs-de-lis or. Crest A goat's head couped stag ar. with an arrow stuck in the back and attired or.
sa. horned and charged on the neck with a fleur-de-lis or. Crest— A
stag standing vulned in the back with an arrow
Bovey (Wordon Abbey, co. Bedford, and Stow, co. Cam- ppr.
bridge; granted 1712). Vert, two bows bent paleways in Bowen (London), Sa. on a chev. embattled ar. betw. three
fesse and three arrows conjoined in base, one in pale and fieurs-de-lis or,two lions pass, counter-pass. gu.
two in saltire, and a chief embattled all sa. Crest — Bowen (Oxfordshire).Az. a lion ramp, within an orle of
lion's paw erect and erased per fesse or .and gu. holding a roses or. Crest— An arm couped at the elbow and erect
bow of the second stringed of the first. habited sa. cuff. erm. holding in the hand ppr. a chaplet of
Bovile (Suffolk). Quarterly, or and sa. Crest A demi — laurel vert.
holding in the hand a crucifix.
friar BoTven, or Ap 0>vein (John Thomas Ap Owein,
Bovile. Or, a chev. gu. betw. three (another, nine) tor- Balliadams, Ireland). Sa. a chev. betw, three spears' heads
teaux. ar. points guttee de aang, a crescent for diff.
Bovile. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. (another, adds a bordure engr. Bo-wen, or Ap Owein (Eobert Ap John Ap Thomas Ap-
of the second). OwEiN, son of the preceding, first bore the arms of Griffith
Bovile. Ar. a chief or. Gower, Lord of Ynysdderne, South Wales). Ar. on amount
Bovile. Gu. a bend bovilled or. vert a stag lodged gu. attired or, holding in his mouth a
Bovill (Sir William Botill, appointed Lord Chief Justice trefoil slipped of thesecond.
of the Court of Common Pleas 1866). Quarterly, or and Bo-wen (Ballyadams, Queen's co.). Ar. on a motmt vert a
sa. A
Crest— bull pass, quarterly sa. and or. stag lodged gu. attired and unguled or, in the mouth a
Bovy (Warwickshire). "Vert, three bows strung ar. trefoil slipped of the second. Crest— On a mount vert in
Bovyll. Quarterly, ar. and sa. Crest —A buU pass, front of an oak tree ppr. accrued or, a stag as in the arms.
quarterly, sa. and or. Bo-wen (John Bowen, of Waterstown. co. Meath, tenip^
Bowater (allowed in 1844 to Sir Edwaed Bowateb, of James I,, Fun. Ent. Ire,). Ar. on a mount vert a stag
Hampton Court, co. Middlesex, Knight of the Hanoverian lodged gu. attired and unguled or, in the mouth a trefoil
Guelphi* Order, Major General in the army, &c., &c.). Ar. slipped of the second, in dexter chief a crescent sa,
an inescocheon sa. charged with a crescent of the field, an Bowen (Milford, co. Mayo, granted 1812). Gu. a stag
orle of martlets gn. trippaat ar. pierced in the back with an avrow, and attired-
Bowater (London, Her. Coll. London). Same Arms, or. Crest —A
falcon close ppr. belled or. Motto Esse —
Crest —
Out of clouds a rainbow, all ppr. quam videri.
Bowbridg-e. Bendy of six champaine purp. and ar. Bcwen (Drogheda). Per pale ar. and gu, a stag lodged-
Bowceg-ault. Ar. an imperial eagle sa. cotmttTchanged, holding in his mouth a trefoil slipped vert.
Bowcher (Lincolnshire). Sa. a chev, or, betw. three lamps Crt'it —
A demi lion ramp, holding in his paws a flag of Sc,
ar. fire ppr. —
George, all ppr. Motto In hoc signo vinces.
Bowcher. Az. three water hougets or. Bo-wen (confirmed to Cbables Habtfole Bowen, Esq., of
Bowcher. Or, on a fesse gu. betw. three pellets a lion pass, Courtwood, Queen's co.). Quarterly, 1st, ar. on a mount vert
guard, ar. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi pelican a stag sejant gu. attired or, in the mouth a trefoil slipped ppr.
TUlniug herself ar. a crescent az. for diff., for Bowen 2nd, sa, a chev. becw. three

Bowdeu (Bowden, co. Chester), Quarterly, sa, and or, in spears' heads embowed ar., for Bowen, ancient; 3rd, sa, a
tile dexter chief quarter a lion pass, of the setond (another, fesse erm. betw. three boars' heads couped or, for Jones 4th. •

ar.). Crest—h. bezant charged with a lion's head erased gu. quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. a chev. embattled ar. on a chief
and collared. of the second, a tortcau betw. two lions' heads erased sa.
Bo'wderL (Oxfordshire). Quarterly, gu. and ar. in the first 2nd and 3rd, erm. a fess nebulee az, betw. three stags' heads
quarter a lion pass, guard, or, —
cabossed sa., for Hartpole. Crest On a mount vert a stag
Bowdeu. Ar. three teazels slipped ppr. sejant as in the arms, in the mouth a trefoil slipped ppr. a-
Bowden (granted to Richard Catlow Bowden, Esq., of crescent or, for diff. Motto—"Vhtxxs vincit invidiam.
Stroud Green, Croydon, co. Surrey). Quarterly, sa. and or, Bowen (Llyngwalr, co. Pembroke). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,,
in the 1st quarter a lion pass, guard., and in the 4th az. a lion ramp, or, betw. eight bezants 2nd, gu. a chev-

quarter a tilting-spear surmounting a battle-axe in saltire or, betw, two knots in chief, and a lion ramp. or. m base
of the second. —
Crest In front of a tilting-spear and a —
3rd, az. a hawk ppr. Crest A lion ramp, or, holding in the
battle-axe in saltire, as in the arms, a heron's head erased —
paws a knot, aa in the arms. Motto Audacesfortuna juvat.
sa. Bowen (Troedyraur, co. Cardigan). Same as preceding.
Bowden. Ar, a chev. sa. betw. three teazels slipped ppr. Bow-en. Gu. on a chief or, a lion pass. sa.
Bowdich (Bowdich, co. Dorset), Ar. a fesse wavy betw. Bo-wen, Vert a stag's head and neck couped ppr. (S'csi—
three bows paleways gu, stringed or. Crest Seven arrows — —
A stag tripping ppr. Motto Cautus a futuro.
or, barbed and feathered ar. six in saltire and one in pale, Bowen. Ar. a stag sejant gu. attired or, in the mouth %
Bowdler (Fun, Ent. Ire., 1661). Or, a maunch gu, on a trefoil slipped ppr.
chief of the last three arrow shafts or, feathered ppr. Bowen (Troedyraur, co. Cardigan, possessed of estates in that
Bowdless (Shropshire), Ar. two ravens in pale sa. county time immemorial). Gu. a lion ramp, reguard. or.
Bowdon. Quarterly, sa. and or, in the first quarter a lion —
Crest A nag's head bridled.
pass, guard, ar. Crest—On a chapeau a fox sejant. Bo-wer, or Booer (London). Barry of six or and sa. as-
Bowdon. Quarterly, sa. and ar, in the first quarter a lion many escutcheons erm. three, two, and one. Crest —
pass, guard, of the second. wolf's head erased erm.
Bowden (Souihgate and Beightonfields, co. Derby). Bo-wer (Dorsetshire and Wiltshire), Az. on a saltire or,
Quarterly, Ist and 4th, quarterly, sa, and or, in the first five trefoils slipped vert.
quarter a lion pass. ar. langued gu., for Bowdon ; 2nd, gu. Bo-wer (Kinnettles, Scotland), Vert two bows in full bend
a bordure erm. ; 3rd, ar, on a chev, gu. five bezants, for paleways ppr. stringed ar. betw. three sheaves of arrows,
Ebdeswick, Crests 1st: —
A heron's head erased ppr., two in chief and one in base of the second. Crest~A dexter
beaked and charged on the neck with three ermine spots, sa. and sinister arm shooting an arrow from a bow ppr. Motto
2nd: Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi eagle displ, ppr. —Ad raetam.
Jforto— Vanus est honor. Bo-wer. Or, a bend vair betw. two cottises sa. Ci'est—^
Bo'wdon (Bdtler-Bowdek, Pleasington Hall, co. Lancaster). A demi Moor ppr. holding a drawn bow and aiTow or.
Quarterly, Ist and 4th, quarterly, sa. and or, in the 1st Bower. Sa. a cinquefoil erm, in chief three talbots' heads'
quarter a lion pass. erm. langued gu., for Eowdon 2nd and ;
erased or.
3rd, az. a chev. betw. three covered cups or, in the centre Bo-wer (Welham and Scorton, co. York, resident at an early
chief point a cross crosslet of the last, for Botlee. Greats — period at Bridlington, in the East Riding of that shire), Sa. a
Ist : A
heron's head erased ppr. beaked and charged on the human leg couped at the thigh, transpierced above the knee
neck with three ermine spots sa., for Bowdon ; 2nd : A covered by a broken spear, in bend ppr. on a canton ar. a tower gu..
cup or, charged with an ermine spot sa. for diff., for Butleb, Ch'est —
A human leg transpierced as in the arms. Motto —
Motto —Vanns est honor. quam videri.
Bowell (Berry Court, co. Hants; granted 13 Dec. 1662). Bower (Iwem House, co. Dorset). Sa. three talbots' heads-
Per and gu. a lion ramp, within a bordure all
fesse ar. couped in chief ar. langued gu, in the middle point a cinque-

counterchanged. Crest ^A lion's head erased bari^ of six foil erm. Crest— A talbot's head ar. JJifoifo— Hope well and*
ar. and gu. have well.


3ower St. Clair.See St. Claie. Bo-wie (Scotland). See Macdonald-Bowie.
-Bower (Broxholme, co. York). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a Bowker. Ar. a bendlet betw. two eagles displ. az. Crest-^
human leg couped at the thigh, and pierced bendwise by a On a tower a Uon ramp.
broken tilting-spear or, a chief ar. thereon betw. two castles Bowland (Essex and London). Sa. an eagle displ. ar.
sa. a pale of the first, charged with a rose of the second, for —
beaked and legged gu. Crest Out of a ducal coronet a
Bower; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a chev engr. gu., for Chivehs. hand and arm couped at the elbow, in armour or, holding a

Crest On a mount vert a quiver az. garnished or, and filled Bword ar. pommel gold. Anotliei' Crest The hand grasp- —
with arrows ppr. in saltire with a bow unstrung, also ppr. ing a laurel branch vert, with the sword.
3ower (Oxenfield, co. Durham, Visit. 1615). Gu. a human Bo'wland. Quarterly,. 1st and 4th, sa. an eagle displ. ar,
leg couped at the thigh or, vulned and transfixed by a spear armed gu. 2nd and 3rd, ar. two chev. sa. Crest Out of a
; —
broken chevron wise the point downwards to the sinister ppr. ducal coronet or, a hand holding a sword ppr., hilt,
on a canton az. surmounted by the dexter half of the spear Ac, or. "Gifte of ye crest to Richard Bowland, Esq.
the arch of a bridge embattled of the third thereon a castle by Cooke, Clarenceux, a.d. 1573. Har. MS. 1069."

triple-towered of the second. OreBt A human leg couped at Bowland (London). Sa. two flaunches or, three eagles
the thigh ppr., charged above the knee with a plate. displ. counterchanged,
Bower. Vert a garb banded and bowed in the head ppr. Bowland. Sa. an eagle displ. ar. betw. four bezants, each
Bower, or Boure. Sa. a cross pattee ar. charged with a cross crosslet fitch^e of the first, betw, two
Bowerbauk. Ar. two torteaux betw. three mullets in flaunches of the second, each charged with an eagle displ.

fesse az. Crest A demi savage ppr. wreathed about the head of the first. Crest —
Two demi ducks with wings displ.
and middle with leaves vert. respecting each other, the dexter ar. the sinister sa. beaked
Bowerman, or BoTvreman (Devonshire and Wiltshire). or,
Erm. on a bend cottised sa. three boars' heads couped or. Bowley. Az. three mullets or. Crest — ^A Catharine wheel
Crest— A goat's head erased or, the horns twisted gold and or.
aa. Another Crest—A. bull's head erased or, the horns Bowie. Ar. a chev. betw. three bitterns' heads erased sa
twisted gold and sa. Crest— A demi bittern reguard.
3owers (Chichester). Per pale az. and gu. a dove ar. Bowler (Bowler, co. Wilts). Ar. two birds in pale sa. beaked
beaked and membered or, on a chief of the third two lions and legged gu.

pass. sa. Crest A lion pass. ar. collared and chained or, Bowler. Ar. on a fesse chequy or and gu. betw. three
holding in the dexter paw a bow, bent gold, stringed of the crosses crosslet sa. as many annulets. Crest —A boar's head
first. couped per pale az. and gu. bezanttSe.
Bowers (Essex). Erm. on a chief indented sa. three Bowler. Gu. a fesse chequy or and sa. betw. two crosses
(another, two) Uons ramp. or. pattee of the second.
Bowers. Erm. abend gu. Bowler, Ar. two bends gu. a chief sa.
JBowert, or Bowet. Sa. a cross flory ar. Bowles (Herefordshire and Herts). Ar. on a chev. betw.
Bowerton. Or, on a cross az. five fleurs-de-lis of the field. three boars* heads sa. as many escallop shells or, within a
Bowes-Lyon {Earl oj Strathmore). See Lyon. —
bordure vert bezant^e. Crest On a ducal coronet or, a
jBowes (confirmed as the .^j-ms of Botes of Atherstone, co, boar's head couped sa. betw. two wings gu. billett^e of the
Warwick, Her. Vis.). Three longbows bent in pale gu. first.

^owes {Lord Bowes of Cloydyon, co. Meath). Erm. three Bowles (RosHouT-BowLES, BaroTi Northwick). Sa. two lions

bows bent and stringed in pale sa. Crest A demi lion ramp, pass, within a bordure engr. or.
— Crest A lion —
gu. armed and langued az. holding in the dexter paw five pass, guard, ar. Supporters ^Two angels ppr. winged and

arrows points downwards ppr. Supporters Two archers or crined or, habited ar. sem6e of fieurs-de-Us and mullets goW,
bowmen completely equipped vested vert cuffed collared and round the waist sashes az., holding in their exterior hands
turned up gu. breeches and belted or, hose ar. shoes sa. palm branches vert. Motto Par, ternis suppar.—
slung on the back of each a quiver with arrows ppr., in ex- Bowles (Myddleton House, Waltham Cross, co. Herts). Per
terior hands a bow of the fifth padded and stringed of the pale indented gu. and az. three standing bowls ar. out of
second. Motto — Quaerere verum. each a boar's head or. Crest —A
demi boar ramp, erminois
3owes (London). Erm. three bows bent in fesse gu. stringed wounded in the breast by an arrow or, headed ar. Motto—
sa. on a chief az. a swan ppr. betw. two leopards' heads or. Ut tihi sic alteri.
Bowes (Bradley Hall, co. Durham). Erm. three bows Bowles House, Berkshire).
(Milton Az. three standing
strung in pale gu. quartering the ensigns of Teayne, De la bowls out of each a boar's head or. Crest— A. demi boar

Hat, Dawden, Conybes of Boulby, Fitz Hugh, Gret, by a dart ppr.

az, pierced in the left shoulder
CoNYEBS of South Cowton, and Aske (which names see). Bowles (Herts). Ar. a chev. betw. three boars' heads &a.
Crest —
A sheaf of arrows or, bound in a girdle az. sur- on a chief of the second as many escallops or, within a
mounted with the motto, Sans variance et mon droit. Motto bordure vert (another, az.) bezantde. Crest—On a ducal
— In multis, in maguis, in bonis expertus. coronet a boar's head ar. betw. two wings gu. in the mouth
Bowes (Streatham, co. Durham). Same.4r»is, &c., as the a bezant.
preceding. Bowles, or Bowldes (Herts and Herefordshire), Ar. on
Bowes (Durham and Yorkshire). Brm. three long bows bent a chev. betw. three boars' heads sa. armed or, as many
in palegu. stringed or. Crest —
Five arrows, four in saltire escallops of the third.
and one in pale or, feathered and headed ar. tied in the Bowles (Gosberkirk, Lincolnshire). Az. three standing

middle with a string az. AnotJier Crest Two bundles of bowls ar. out of each a boar's head or. Crest A demi boar —
arrows saltireways, flighted and headed ppr. banded gu. az. armed, hoofed, and bristled or, pierced through the chest
Bowes (Lord Mayor of London, 1545). Erm. three bows with an arrow gold, headed ar.
in pale gu. on a chief az. a swan ar. holding in the beak Bowles (Milton Hill, Abingdon. Thomas Bowles, Esq., of
a dish with a covered cup in it, betw. two leopards' heads that place). Same as preceding.
or. Bo'wles (Bremhill, co. Wilts). Az. in chief the sun in
Bowes. Erm. three bows gu. stringed sa. on a chief az. a splendour ar. in base a crescent or. Crest Out of a ducal —
swan ar. holding a gem ring in the beak of the fourth, betw. coronet a griffin's head erased or.

two leopards' heads of the same. Crest A demi leopard Bowles (Enfield,
co. Middlesex). A chev. betw. three
ramp, guard, gu. holding a bundle of arrows feathered ar. standing bowls ar. out of each a boar's head or. Crest —
headed or, banded vert. demi boar az. pierced in the sinister shoulder by an arroff
Bowes-Lygron. See Lygon. or. Motto— Vt tibi sic alteri.
Bowes. Erm. three longbows bent, in pale gu. Bowles (Inner Temple, London; granted 1796). Per pale
Bowes. Ar. on a bend az. three griffins' heads erased of the indented gu. and az. three cups ar. in each a boar's head
field. erect or. Crest —
A demi boar erect erminois the sinister
Bowes. Gu. two wings inverted and conjoined or. shoulder pierced with an arrow ar. Motto—Vt tibi sic
Bowet, orBewet (Yorkshire). Ar. three reindeers' heads alteri.
cabossed sa. Crest— On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a Bowles (London, Her Off. MS. Vincent, No. 154). Az. three
leopard ar. ducally gorged or. cups or, out of each a boar's head erect ar. Crest A buck's —
Bowett (Lincolnshire and Norfolk). The same. head ar. attired or.
Bowett (Visit, co. Notts, 1569 and 1614). Sa. three bucks' Bowles (London).Sa. within three standing cups or, aa
heads cabossed ar. many boars' heads ar. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a
Bowglien, Bowlien, or Bowheyn, Sa. three garbs or. griffin's head sa. beaked or, betw. t^vo wings of the last.

Bowlian. Az. three garbs or, banded gu. Bowles, Booles, or Bolles (Suffolk and Staffordshire). Az, on a bend ar. betw. three lions or, a lozenge Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three mullets sa. on a chief of the

third a lion's head erased and two lozenges or.



Bowles. At. on a cbev. betw. tbres boars' heads ga. as Bowstock. Ar. two ragged staves couped at the ends-
many escallops or, Tvithin a bordure of the second bezantee. embowed one to the other sa.
Bowles (Sir Hugo Lb Bowles,
Ent., servant to Henry III.)' Bowthby. Ar. on a canton sa. a lion's gamb. erased ia
Or, three beacons sa. enflamed ppr. bend of the first.
Bowles (Asion, CO. Oxford). Az. out of three cups or, as Bowtlieby. The same, with lions' gambs or.
many boars* heads —
couped ar. d-est ^A demi boar wounded Bow^on. Sa. three crescents or.
in breast with a broken spear. Bowtort (Visit, co. Notts, 1569 and 1614). Or, a saltire-
Bowles, or Boles. Gu. two wings displ. or. engr. sa.
Bowleton (Norfolk). Enn. a saltire gu. "Bovryer (Denham Court, Bucks, and Eadley, Berks, hart,
Bowling'. Sa. an escutcheon erm. within an orle of eigbt the pedigree of the Bowtebs is traced by Sir William Dug-
martlets ar. dale up to Aldred Bowtee, temp. Henry I,). Or, a bend
Bowman (Hethleton, co. Dorset). Or, a chev. betw. three vair cottised gu., quartering Kntperslet, Geosvekoii,

bows bent in pale gu. Crest On a staff raguled, couped, Venables, Stonhodse, Beett, &c. C}'est A falcon rising —
and erect ar. a quiver (or case) of arrows gu. the heads of ar. belled or. Sometimes is used for crest, a demi man
the first buckled on the staff with a belt sa. ppr. shootine: with a how and arrow ar. the arrow tipped^
Bowman (Wissingset, co. Norfolk). Ar. three bird bolts or. Motto —Contentment passe richesse.
gu. headed or,and feathered of the first. Oreat A sword — Bowyer (Lincoln, 1576). The same Arms. Crest— Out of
and pommel or, on each side of the blade a
erect ar. hilt the top of a castle gu. a demi griffin issuant or.
demi annulet indented on the outside gold, the half on tbe Bowyer (London). The same Arms. Crest An eagle with —
dexter near the point, the other near the bilt. wings endorsed or, beaked and legged sa.
Bowman (Ashenyards, Scotland, 1767). Or. a chev. betw. BoTvyer {Lord Mayor of London, 1543). Vert on a chev.
two bows braced in chief gu. and a shakefork in base sa. betw. three lions' heads erased or, as many trefoils, slipped,
Crest —
^A quiver of arrows in pale ppr. ilfoi/o-—Sublimia of the field ; on a chief harry wavy az. and ar. an anchor'
cures. betw. two frets of the second.
Bowm,an (Scotland, 1805). Or, a chev. gu. betw. three Bo*wyer. The same Attiis. Crest ^An eagle's head erased —
bent bows with arrows drawn to the head ppr. Crest — ar. holding in the mouth an anchor gu. by the middle of the-
quiver full of arrows suspended from the trunk of an oak shank, fluke downwards.
tree couped at the top, all ppr. Motto —
^Numine et arcu. Bowyer (Camberwell, co. Surrey). Or, a bend vair, cottised
Bo^rman. Ar. two bows gu. strung or, one within the sa. (another, gu.). Crest —
On a ducal coronet or, a tiger^
other in saltire. sejant ar.
Bowman. Ar. a pale champaine vert. Bowyer (Charlwood, co. Surrey and London). The same
Bowman, alias Boyman. Ar. a boy's head ppr. crined Arms. Crest—An arm couped at the elbow, and erect,
or, couped below the shoulders clothed gu. garnished gold. habited gu. charged with three bends and cuffed or, holding
Bown. Az. on a cross or, a rose gu. stalked and leaved in the hand ppr. a dragon's head erased.
vert. Crest —
A hand holding an inescutcheon charged with Bowyer (Knipersley, co. Stafford: hart., extinct 1701; the-
a rose. heiresses of the last bart.. Sir William Bowteb, of Kniper-
Bownas. Az. a bend cottised or. Crest— Out of a ducal sley, were Maet, ra. to Charles Adoebley, Esq., of Hams
coronet a sceptre environed with two serpents betw. as many Hall; DoROTHV, m. to Sir Thomas Geeslet, Bart. Jane,- ;

wings ppr. m. to Leftdrch Oldfield, Esq.; and Anne, m. 1st, to Sir

Bownas. Ar. on a fesse engr. az. betw. three lozenges gu. a John Bellot, Bart., and 2ndly, to Eowlanj) Port, Esq.).
lion ramp, or, betw. —
two bezants. Crest On a mount vert a Ar. a lion ramp, betw. three crosses crosslet fitchfe gu.
swan, wings displayed erm. each charged with a lozenge gu. (another, the lion sa.). Crest —
Out of a tower gu. a demi;
in the mouth an arrow ppr. dragon ramp. or.
Bownder (granted by St. George, Ulster, to Col. Bowndeb, Bowyer. Ar. a lion ramp. betw. three crosses crosslet gu.
of CO. Limerick, 1664). Gn. a Hon ramp, or, guttee de sang —
on a canton az. a garb or. Crest On a moimt vert a tower
on a chief embattled ar. three pellets. C^est A demi lion — triple-towered gu. therein a demi dragon or.
ramp, or, guttee de sang holding in dexter paw a sword ppr. Bowyer (Ireland, Fun. Ent. 1678). Ar. a lion ramp,
pommel and hilt of the first, impaling a mural crown gold. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee gu. Crest— A tower ar.
Bowne, or Bowyn. Az. a cross or. Crest On the top of — issuant from the top a demi dragon gu.
a tower issuing from the wreath an eagle wings indorsed, BoTTyer. Az. on a saltire ar, (another or), five trefoils-
holding in the beak an acorn slipped and leaved vert. shpped vert.
Bowne (Herts). Az. on a bend ar. cottised or, betw. six Bowyer-Smijth, Bart. SeeSrajTH.
lions ramp, of the last a mascle gu. Bowyers, Company of (London). Sa. on a cbev. betw.
Bowne. Gu. a cinquefoil erm. within an orle of martlets or. three floats or, as many midlets of the first. Crest—Three-
Bowne. Gu. a crescent erm. within an orle of martlets or. long bows interlaced, one erect and two in saltire gu.
Bowne. Gu. three crescents ar. Bowze, or Bouze. Ar. on an inescutcheon within an:
Bownes. Ar. a fesse betw. three fusils az. Ore«(—An oak orle of martlets gu. a crescent of the fleld.
tree ppr. thereon pendent an escutcheon ga. Box. Az. a Uon pass, guard, ar. betw. three griffins' heads,
Bownys. Ar. a fesse betw. three lozenges az. —
erased or. Crest A demi griffin or, winged ar. holding in
Bowood. Ar. three bulls statant sa. the claw a flrehall ppr.
Bowre (Dunhead, St. Andrew's, co. Dorset). Sa. three Box (Oxford). Az. a lion pass. betw. three griffins' heads,
talbots' heads erased in chief ar. Crest —
A talbot's head sa. erased or. —
Crest An arm couped at the elbow, lyine
Bowres. Erm. on a chief indented gu. two lions ramp or. fe-sseways, habited gu. cuffed ar, holding erect in the hand
Bowring. Per pale az. and sa. three chev. or. Crest— A. ppr. a branch of box vert, at the elbow another branch of
parrot vert feeding on a bunch of berries ppr. box erect, of the last,
Bowring (Claremont, Exeter). Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three Box (Rydewell). Gu. three trefoils or.
lions ramp, or. Crest —
A demi lion ramp. or. Motto — Box (Sussex). Or, a bend az. betw. six lions ramp. gu.
Onward. Box. Az. a lion pass. ar. guttee de sang betw. three griffins*
Bowrm,ell. Barry of six az. and ar. a bend gu. beads erased or. Crest —-A demi griffin or, winged az. the
Bowme. Gu.a lion ramp, within a bordure engr. or. first feather gold, holding betw. the claws a fireball of th
Bows (London). Erm. three bows bent in fesse gu. stringed first, flames gu.
sa. on a chief az. a swan opr. betw. two leopards' heads or. Box. Gu. a buck's head cabossed or.
Bows. Erm. three long bows paleways in fesse gu. Box. Gu. a bend ar. betw. six lions ramp. or.
Bowser (Stone, co. Gloucester; confirmed by Camden, Box. Or, six Uons ramp. gu. three, two, and one, over all a
Clarenceux, 1606). Erm. a cross chequy or and gu. betw. bend ar.
four water bougets of the last. Crest— demi talbot couped Boxe (London, Visit. London, 1568). Az. a lion pass. ar.
gu. guttee d'or, gorged with a collar or and az. betw. three griffins' heads erased or.
Bowser (Kent). Ar. a cross engr. ^. betw. four water Boxell, or Boxall. Gu. a chev. erm. Crest An eagle's- —
bougets sa. within a bordure counterchanged or and of the leg erased in fesse holding a feather in pale.
second. BoxIluU, or Boxmell (Sussex), Or, a Uon ramp. az.
Bowser, or Bowsare (Langley Marsh, co. Bucks). chev. A fretty ar. Crest —Two anchors in saltire az.
within a bordure quarterly componee, impaling quarterly two Boxley-Abtoey (Kent). Ar. five lozenges conjoined in
lions conjoined under one head, their tails nowed and erect. bend sinister gu. on a canton of the last a crosier in pale or,
Bowssar (Gloucester, 1606). Erm. a cross chequy or and Boxsted. Gyronny of eight ar. and gu. a bend sa. bezantee.
gu. betw. four water bougets of the third. Crest— demi A Crest — A hand issuing from the wreath, pulHng a thistle.
talbot gu. gorged with a collar chequy or and az. charged Boxsted (Essex). Quarterly, ar. and gu. on a bend sa. threfr
on the body with three guttes d'or. eagles displ. or.



Bozsted. Quarterly, ar. and gu. on abend sa. five bezantfis. —
Mottoes Under the Arms: Candor dat virlbus alas; and
Boxsted. Quarterly, gu. and ar. on a bend sa. four bezantes. over the 1st Crest: Confido.
Boxull. Or, a lion ramp. az. fretty ar. Boyd (Pinkill). Az. a fesse chequy ar. and gu. in base a
Boxwell. Ar. six annulets sa. within a bordure engr. gu. cross moline or. Orest —
^A cross moline sa. Motto —
Boxworth {Cambridgeshire). Gu. a lion ramp, or, collared Prudentia me sustinet.
of the field. Boyd (Trochrig). Az. a fesse chequy ar. and gu. betw. two
.Boxworth. (Cambridgeshire). Or, a lion ramp, guard, gu. crosses crosslet fitchee in chief, and as many stars in base
collared ar. of the second. Crest —A sun dial or. Motto —Eternitatem
Boxwrey. Same Ai-ms. cogita.
Boy. At. two bars and a canton sa. Boyd (David Boyd, bailie of Edinburgh, 1672). Az. a
^oyare (John Botare, servant to Eichabd Bancroft, chequy ar. and gu. betw. two barrulets of the second.
Archbishop of Canterbury, Camden's Grants). Ar. a lion Crest—A star of five points or. Motto ^Virtus nobilitat. —
ramp. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee gu. on a canton Boyd (John Boyd, baihe of Edinburgh, 1672). Az. a fess
az. a garb or. Crest— Out of a castle gu. a demi dragon or. chequy ar. and gu. betw. three roses in chief, and a crescent
-Boyce, or Boyse. Ar. on a bend sa. three cinquefoils in base of the second. Orest— A hand pointing with two
or Orest —A star of six points or, within a crescent ar. fingers to the sun in his splendour ppr. Motto— GonMo.
-Boycott (Boycott, Hinton, and Eudge, co. Salop. The present Boyd (Capt. James Waddel-Boyd, formerly Waddel, 1858).
represenWive of this family is Miss Emma Boycott, of Az. a fess chequy ar. and gu. betw. two buckles in chief of
Budge and co-heir of the late Thomas
Hall, the eldest dau. the second, and in base a saltire couped chequy or, and of the
Boycott, Esq., of Budge. The only one of the dans, and third. Crest —
^A dexter hand pointing upwards with the
co-heirs of the said Thomas Boycott, who left issue, was thumb and two fingers ppr. Motto Confido, —
LoDsiA Mary Catherine, the youngest, who married Boyd (Major James George Hay-Boyd, formerly Hay, of
Andrew Wight, Esq., of Ormiston, N.B., by whom she had Towneud, co. Ayr, 1865). Az. a fess chequy ar. and gu.
issue an only surviving child, Cathcart Boycott Wight, betw. three inescutcheons of the second. Crest —As tha
Esq., of Ormiston, heir to the Eudge estates, who m. Lizzie, last. —
Motto Confidimus.
youngest dau. of Geoege Grazebrook, Esq., of Pedmore, Boyd (Eoslare, Wexford descended from the Boyds, of
co. ;

near Stourbridge, co. Worcester, and has issue. The original Kilmarnock, and more immediately from Higatt Boyd, Esq.,
grant of Atttis to Silvancs Boycott, of Hinton, and his to whom his cousin, John Highgate, Esq., of Eoslare,
brother Francis Boycott, of Buildwas, is at Eudge Hall, bequeathed his estates by will, dated 1677). Arvis, &c., as
It is dated 21st March, 1663, and was made by Sir Edward Boyd, of Kilmarnock.
Bysshe, Knt., Clarenceux. The Amis and Crest are thus Boyd (Danson, co. Kent, bart.). Az, a fesse chequy or and
blazoned in the grant. " Upon a cheife ar. in a field gu. gu. in chief three mullets of the second, in base a crescent
three granadoes ppr. And for the Orest, an armed arme gold. Crest —
Three ostrich feathers sa. Motto— Contdo.
(embowed) ppr. issuing out of a crowne murall (gu.) casting Boydell (Dodlestou and Grappenhall, co. Chester. In temp.

a granado." Motto Pro Eege et rehgione. Edward III., Joane, sister and co-heiress of William
iBoycott (Morse-Boycott. ExempUfied to John Hall Boydell, of Dodlcsion, m. Sir John Daniel, and their
MoESE-BoYcoTT, Esq., of Sennowe Lodge, co. Norfolk, and dau. and heiress, Nicolaa, m. Sir Geoffrey Warbdbton,
of Sennoweville, Bushey, Herts, only son of the late John and their dau. and heiress, Margaret, m. Alan de
Morse, Esq., of Sprowston Hall and Bagthorpe, Norfolk, and EixTON, who d. s. p, ; Margaret d. 1382, leaving
Abbots Wooton, co. Dorset, High Sheriff of Norfolk 1807, by Margaret, dau. of Sir Thomas Danyers, and wife of
Elizabeth Anne his wife, only dau. of Gen. HALL,of Wratting John Savage, her next of kin and heir. Temp. Edward
Park, CO. Cambridge, upon his assuming by royal licence, III., Margaret, sister of the above-named Joane, m.

1844, the surname of Boycott in addition to, and after that Owen Voyl, a Welshman, and their grandson took the
of Morse, and the Artns of Boycott quarterly with those name of Boydell. The co-heiress of this family, temp.
of Morse). Quarterly: 1st and 4th, paly of six or and gu. Henry IV., m. a younger son of Eeddish, of Reddish, co.
on a chief engr. erm. three fire-balls ppr., for Boycott; Lancester. In 1550, Maud, dau. and heiress of Thomas
2nd and 3rd, per pale ar. and sa. two chevronela ISetw, Eeddish, of Catterich, in Grappenhall, and of Dodleston,
three mullets pierced all counterchanged, for Morse. Crests was wife of James Merbcry, Esq., of Merbury, co. Chester).
— 1st : Issuing from a mural coronet ar. a dexter arm Vert a cross patonce or, also ar, on a fesse engr. (sometimes
vambraced, the fist clenched ppr. from the little finger plain) vert three mullets or (sometimes two mullets) and
pendant by a thong gu. an escutcheon also ar. charged with (vert) a cross clechee betw. four mullets (or). Crest —
a fire-ball ppr., for Boycott; 2nd A demi man in complett
: Saracen's head couped ppr. thereon a cap gu. turned up
armour ppr. garnished or, his helmet surmounted by a plume erm. the end hanging down with a bell attached to it or.
of three ostrich feathers az., on his breast a crossbelt sa. in Boydell. Ar. on a fesse az. three mullets or, pierced sa.
dexter hand a halbert ppr., for Morse. Motto Deo non — Boydell. Ar. on a fesse engr. az. three mullets of the field,
armis fido. Boydell (Pulcroft, co. Chester; descended from Johk db
"Boyd (Kilmarnock, co. Ayr, X,ord Boyd and Earl of Kilmar- Boydell, temp. Edward III., younger son of Boydell, of
nock, attainted 1746, and now tepresented by the Earl of Dodleston). Vert a chev. or, betw. three crosses patonce of
Erroll). Az. a fease chequy ar. and gu. Crest A dexter — the second.
hand erect, pointing with the thumb and two fingers ppr. Boyes. Sa. on a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased or,

Supporters Two squirrels ppr. Motto Confide. — three towers of the field on a chief barry of six wavy of the
Boyd (Portincross, co. Ayr a cadet of Kilmarnock : the
; and ar. an anchor betw. two frets of the second.

heiress, Grizel, dau. of Egbert Boyd, of Portincross, m. Crest—A lady's arm from the elbow erect enfiled with a
Alexander Fullarton, Esq., of Kilmichael, in Arran, and bracelet sa.
died in 1722, leaving issue). Arms, as Kilmarnock, within Boyes (Scotland). Ar. a saltire and chief az. Crest—A dog
a bordure ar. sejant ppr. JIfoMo—Attendez vous.
3oyd (Pitcon, co. Ayr; descended from Thomas, 2nd son of Boyes (Claybrooke, co, Leicester), Ar. two bars gu. on
Alexander Botd, of Kilmarnock). The same Aiins, with a canton of the last a lion pass, of the field.

a bordure or. Crest A hand couped, pointing with one Boyes. Erm. two bars and a canton gu.
finger to the heavens ppr. Motto— S^es mea in Coelis. Boyes. Sa. fretty inescutcheon gu.
Boyd (Ballymacool, co. Donegal descended from the noble
; Boyes. Ar. a cliev. sa. betw. three acorns ppr. another gu.
Scottisli family of Kilmarnock, now represented by John Boyland (Norfolk and Suffolk). Az. a saltire engr. or.
Eobert Boyd, Esq., of Ballymacool). Arms, Crest, &c., as Boyland (Suffolk). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a lion ramp.
Boyd, Earl of KilTnamock. ar. a bend gu, ; 2nd and 3rd, sa. an eagle displ. ar.
Soyd (EocBFORT Boyd. Exemplified in 1867 to Geoege Boyland (Suffolk). Ar. an eagle displ. sa. membered gu.
AuGUSTDB Boyd Esq., of MiddletonPark, co. Westmeath, only Boyland. Gu. three saltorels ar, two and one.
son of Abraham Boyd, Esq., Q-C, by Jane, dau. and eventual Boyland. Sa. an eagle displ. ar. armed gu.
sole heiress of Eev. James McKat, of Dromore, co. Down, Boyle (Earl of Glasgow), Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, on an
and relict of George Eochfort, 2nd Earl of Belvidere on eagle displ. witli two heads gu, as a coat of augmentation,
his assuming by royal licence the additional surname and 2nd and 3rd, per bend embattled ar. and gU., for BoylB;
arms of Eochfort). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a fess over all an escutcheon or, charged with three bucks' honifl
chequy ar. and gu. betw. three crescents of the second, for gu. for the paternal coat of Boyle of Kelburn. [The present
Boyd 2nd and 3rd, az. a lion ramp. ar. in cliief two robin (6th) earl bears quarterly, 1st and 4th, grand quarters

redbreasts ppr., for Eochfort. C}-ests 1st —

Out of a ducal
: counter-quartered, the above quartered coat and escutcheon
coronet or, a hand erect, with the third and fourth fingers of pretence 2nd, grand quarter : ar, on a saltire sa. an

iolded ppr., for Boyd 2nd On a mural crown or, a robin

; : annulet or, stoned az., for Maxwell of Pollok 3rd, grand ;

redbreast ppr. charged with a cross pattee gold, for Eochfort. quarter counter-quartered 1st and 4th, gu. a fess chcqny



ar. and Lindsay 2nd, or, a lion ramp. gu. debroised
az., for ; Boys (Buckinghamshire and Kent). Ar. a chev, within a
by a ribbon be., for Adernethy; 3rd, gu. a fess erm., for bordure sa. bezantee.
Crawfobd 4th, grand quarter counter-quartered 1st and
; : Boys (Betshanger, co. Kent). Or, a griffin segreant per fesse
4th, or, a chev. chequy sa. and ar. betw. three water bougets az. and sa. within a bordure gu. Crest A demi lion ar, —
of the second, for Boss 2nd, gu. three crescents ar. a bor-
; ducally crowned or.
dure of the second charged with eight roses of the first, for Boys (Fredvill, co. Kent). The same.
Melville; 3rd, ar. a fess gu. betw. three hunting horns sa. Boys (Hawkhurst, co. Kent). The same.
stringed of the second, for Fobbesteb.] Oresi ^An eagle — Boys (Kent). Or, a griffin segreant sa. within a bordure gn.
displ. with two heads, per pale ar. embattled ar. and gu. Crest —On a chapeau az. turned up erm. a demi lion ar.
Supporters —
On the dexter side a savage ppr., wreathed crowned or.
about the temples and loins vert, holding in the dexter hand Boys Or, a griffin segreant per fesse az. andsa.
a branch of laurel ppr.; on the sinister, a lion per pale within a bordure gu. charged with crosses formee, intermixed
embattled ar. and gu. JfoHo— Dominus providebit. with acorns of the field. Crest—A demi dog gobonated sa.
Boyle {Shewalton, co. Ayr). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, or, an and or, holding an oak branch leaved and fructed gold.
eagle displ. with two heads gu. ; 2nd and 3rd, per bend em- Boys (Lincoln). Ar. two bars and a canton gu. Orest—A.
battled ar. and gu.; over all an escutcheon or, charged stag's head couped ar. attired gu. betw. them a mound and
with three stags' horns erect gu., two and one. Crest — cross or.
An eagle displ. with two heads per pale embattled ar. and Boys (Hoston, co. Norfolk). Ar. two bars and a canton (or
gu. Motto —
Dominus providebit. quarter) gu. over aU a bend sa. Crest—An owl ar. ducally
Boyle (Earl of Cork and Orrejy). Per bend creneUee ar. and crowned or, sitting in a holly bush vert.
gu. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head per pale Boys, or Boyas (London). Paly of six or and gu. on a chief
ereneUee ar. and gu. Supporters Two lions per pale — of the second three escallops of the first.
crenell^e, the dexter gu. and ar,, the sinister ar. and gu. Boys (Usebume). Barry of six gu. and or, on a chief in-
.itfbiio— God's providence is my inheritance. dented sa. three escallops of the second.
SoylQ (Viscount Shannon. Hon. Fbancis Botle, 6th son of Boys (Somersetshire). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three trees
the first Earl of Cork, was so created 1660; extinct 1740). erased vert as many bezants.
Same Arms, &c. Boys (Suffolk). Erm. across sa. (another, gu.)
Boyle ( Viscount Blessington. MnBKOUOH Boyle, nephew of Boys. Ar. a chev, sa. betw. three acorns gu.
the first JSarl of Cork, was bo created 1678; extinct 1732). Boys. Sa. guttee d'eau.
Same Arms, &c. Boys, Ar. fretty gu.
Boyle {Sari of Burlington, Bichabd, second Earl of Cork, Boys. Gu. a tree eradicated or.
was so created in the Peerage of England, 1674; extinct Boys. Sa. a wheel ar. betw. three gutt&s of the second.
1753). Same Arms, &c. Boys. Ar. on a chev. sa. three bezants a bordure of
Boyle {Earl of Sliannon). Per bend crenellee ar. and gu. a the second bezant€e.
crescent for diff. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's Boys (quartered by the descendants of Richard Forsixe, of
head erased per pale crenellee ar. and gu. Supporters Two — Kilgreege, co. DubUn, temp. Richard II. and Henry IV., who
lions per pale crenellee, the dexter gu. and ar., sinister ar. m. Alice, dau. and heir of Thomas Boys, of Boyseton. Visit.

and gu. Mottoes ^Yivlt post funera virtus ; and Spectemur Dublin, 1607). Ar. on a mount a tree vert supported by two
agendo. lions ramp, combatant gu.
Boyle (Middlesex). Per bend crenellee ar. and gu. Crest— Boyse (Ireland). Ar. on a mound in base ppr. two lions
Oat of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head erased per pale ramp, combatant gu. supporting an oak tree growing there-
crenellee ar. and gn. from vert.
Boyle (Hay Castle, co. Hereford). Same Arms and Crest, a Boyse (co. Waterford). Gu. from the base a withered tree or.
cinquefoil for diff. Boyse. Or, a griffin segreant sa. within a bordure gu. Crest
Boyle (Kentish Town, co. Middlesex ; granted 24 Jan., 1569). — A buck's head erased attired gu
Per bend crenellee gu. and ar. Boysheley. Erm. on a chief gu. three leopards' faces or.
Boyle. Per fease crenellee gu. and ar. Boysill, or Boyshill. Ar. on a fesse engr. betw. three
Boyle, or O'Boyle (an ancient Milesian famUy). Or, an cinquefoils sa. as many fleurs-de-lis or.
oak tree eradicated vert. Crest^A. human heart gu. betw. Bo3rton (granted 1829 to Rev. Charles Boyton, M.A.,
a cross and sword in saltlre ppr. F.T.C.D., of afamily long seated in co. Tipperary). Quarterly,
Boyley (Buckinghamshire). Ar. u, chev. sa. u. bordure or and az. three mullets pierced, two in chief and one in base
of the last bezant^e. —
counterchanged. Crest A falcon close ppr. holding in the
Boylston. Gu. six crosses crosslet fitchee ar., three, two, beak a spur or, feathered sa. Motto— Per damna per
and one ; on a chief or, three pellets. csedes.
Boymen, Boynam, Bonhaxn, or Boynan. Or, on Boyton (Walden, co. Essex). Az. on a fesse dancettee
a cross sa. fire bulls' heads cabossed ar. Crest The trunk — (another, wavy) betw. six crosses crosslet fitchee or, three
of a tree lying in fesse ensigned with a fleur-de-lis betw. the escallops gu.
branches. Boyton (Boyton End, co. Norfolk). Same Arms ; the escallops
Boymen. Or, on a cross sa. five bulls' heads ar. on a chief sa.
gu. a goat of the third. Bojrton (Sussex). Az. six escallops or, three, two, and one.
Boyne, Viscount. See Hamilton. Boyton. Sa. a fesse betw. three ostriches ar. (another,
BoyneU (Rutlandshire). Gu. a fesse or, betw. three herons) membered
saltorels ar. Boyton. Quarterly, Ist and 4th, ar. a boar's head couped
Boynell. Or, four bendlets sa. sa. ; 2nd and
3rd, or, fretty gu.
Boynell (Ireland). Gu. a chev. betw. three unicorns' Boyton. Ar. a fesse sa. fretty ar.
heads erased ar. Boyton (James Boyton, of Kilcosty, co. Tipperary). Gu.
Boynell, or BoyviUe. Gu. four bendlets ar. Crest— three crescents or (another, three mullets pierced).
boy pulling a branch from a tree. Boyton, or Boytonne. Az. an escallop or (another, ar,).
Boynley (Eutlandshire).
Boynton (Barmston, co.
Ar. three saltorels gu. Crest —A
crow transfixed with an arrow, wings expanded ppr.
Tork, bart.). Or, a fesse betw. Boyvell, or Boywell (Visit, co. Notts, 1569 and 1614).
three crescents gu. ; the fesse was formerly charged with a Gu. a fesse or, betw. three saltires ar.
lion pass. or. Crest —
^A goat pass. sa. guttee d'eau, beard, Boyvill (Northamptonshire and Rutlandshire). Gu. three
horns, and hoofs, or. Motto — II tempo passa. crosses huniett^e ar.
Boynton, or Bonyton (Suffolk). Az. six escallops or, Boyvill (Suffolk). Quarterly, or and sa, (sometimes in the
three, two, and one. 1st quarter a lion pass. gu.).
Bojniton (Yorkshire). Gu. «. fesse betw. three crescents Boyvill, Sa. a chief or.
or. Boyvill. Gu. three bendlets ar.
Boynton. Or, on a fesse betw. three crescents gu. a lion Bo3rvill, Ar. a chev. betw. three bulls' heads cabossed ar.
pass, of the first. Cret.t~OTi a cinquefoil gu. a talbot's head Boyville. Gu. four bendlets ar.
erased sa. guttle d'or. BoyviUe, De. Az. an eagle displ. with two heads or.
Boynton. Anns, the same. Crest—k. goat pass. sa. attired Crest —
A demi eagle displ. with two heads or.
or, ducally gorged ar. Boywarke, Or, a Uon ramp. gu. collared ar.
Boynton, or Bonton. Or, a lion ramp. az. Boyzell. Ar. three torteaux. A —
head sa. in
Crest talbot's
Boyon. Or, a bull pass. gu. the mouth a stag's horn or.
Boypsted (Essex). Quarterly, ar. and gu. on a bend sa. foiur Bo3rzle (Lincolnshire). Same Arms and Crest.
bezants. Bozom, Bozon, or Boznn, Az. (another, gu.) thr^
Boys (BuckinghamBhire). Ar. on a chev. sa. five bezants. bird-bolts ar. garnished or.
Braban, or Brabant. Ar. on a fesse humett^e az. three going). The same Ai^ms, with the exception of the chief,
leopards' heads or. the same Crest.
Brabant (Devonshire). Ar. on a fesse gu. three leopards' Brace (the ensigns of the other descendants of the late
faces or (another of the field). Francis Brace, father of Sir Edward Brace). The same
Brabant. Ar. on a fesse humettee gu. three roses of the —
Arms, without the chief. Crest A dexter arm embowed in
field. Crest —A rose gu. slipped and leaved vert, and a chain armour, the hand grasping a sword ppr. pomel and
lance point or, in saltire. hilt or, attached to the blade a flag az. charged with an
Brabant. Ar. on a fesse humettee gu. three roses ar. over anchor gold.
all a bend sa. Bracebridgre (co. Warwick, descended from Peter de
Brabant. Ar. on a fesse humettee gu. a leopard's head or. Eracebrigge, of Bracebrigg, co. Lincoln, and afterwards of
Brabant. Ar. a fesse humettee gu. in chief three leopards* Kingsbury, co. Warwick, who m. Amicia, granddau, and
faces of the second. ultimately heiress of TurchiU de Arden, Earl of Warwick,
Brabant. Or, three pales gu. who in right of his second wife Leverunia, inherited from
Brabant. Ar. on a fesse humettee gu. three leopards' faces Leofric, third Earl of Mercia, about forty-eight towns in
or, over all a ribbon ea. Warwickshire, together with Kingsbury, the ancient resi-
Brabant. Or, a lion ramp. az. dence of Bertulphus, King of Mercia in 800, and subse-
Brabantine (granted 1670). Vert a fesse ar. on a canton quently of other Saxon earls before the Norman Conquest.
or, a rose gu. Orest —
A dog pass. ar. collared or, thereon Confirmed by the deputies of Camden, Clarenceux, Har.
three leopards^ heads sa. MSS., Her. Vis., and Qu. Coll. MS. The male hneal des-
Brabazon (Spropton, co. Leicester. Visit. 1619. Jane, cendants of this family were Charles Holte Bracebridqe,
dau. and heiress of John Beabazon, the great grandson of Esq., of Atherstone Hall, co. Warwick, chief representative
RoGEE Brabazon, of Spropton, m. William Woodford, of the family, who received a quit rent of ±40 a year
temp. Edward II.). Gu. on a bend ar. three martlets of the from Kingsbury and his cousin, Henry Walter Bbace-

field. ebidgb, of Chetwode Priory, co. Buckingham, and of More-

Brabazon (Earl Mmih). Gu. on a bend or, three mart-
of ville House, near Warwick). Vaire, ar. and sa, a fesse gu.
lets sa. Cre-tt —
On a mount vert a falcon rising or, helled Crest —
A staff (erased) raguly ar. Another Crest (Har. MSS.>
gold. Supporters —Two wyvems or, winged and membered —On a mount vert a wolf pass. ppr. Motto~Be as God will,
gu., collared and chained gold. Motto—Yota, vita mea. Bracebridg-e, or Brasbridge (Lincolnshire). Valra
Brabazon (Bath House, co. Louth descended from the ; —
fesse gu. Orest A stump of a tree ppr. raguled or.
Hon. Sir Anthony Bbabazon, Knt., of Callistown, third Bracebridg-e (Suffolk). Same Arms and Crest.
son of the 1st Lord Brabazon, of Ardee). Arins, Crest, and Bracebrldge. Ar. a fesse gu.cottised wavysa.
Motto, same as the Earl of Meath, Bracebridgre. Vair^ ar. and sa. a bend gu.
Brabazon (Brabazon Park, co. Mayo). Quarterly, 1st and Bracebridge. Ar. across flory gu.
4th, gn. on a bend or, three martlets sa. a fleur-de-lis ar. for Bracebridge. Barry nebulae of six, ar. and sa. a fesse gu.
diff., for Brabazon; 2nd and 3rd, ar. guttee de poix, on a Bracebnry, Or, a cross az.
fesse sa. three towers of the first, for Higoins. Crest —On a Braceg-irdlo (Bracegirdle Green, co. Chester). Az. two

mount vert a falcon rising helled or, charged with a fleur- chev. arched, couched, and fretted ar. Crest ^Two augers
de-lis az. —
Motto Vota vita mea. erect and endorsed, conjoined with a girdle gu.
Brabazon (Momington, co. Meath). Gu. on a bend or, Bracer. Gu. six annulets embraced, two, two, and two, or.

three martlets sa. Orest On a mount vert a falcon rising Bracester. Ar. on a hend gu. three martlets or. Crest-^
or, belled gold. —
Motto Vota vita mea. On a cloud a mullet of six points.
Brabazon (William John Brabazon, Esq., of Trinity Bracey (co. Yarmouth). Sa. two bends braced betv. two
College, Cambridge). Gu. on a bend or, three martlets sa. dexter arms, habited ar. the hands apaume6 ppr.

Crest On a mount vert a falcon rising or. Bracey, or Brassy, Sa. a bend betw. two dexter hands
Brabazon (Colthitkst-Brabazon. Exemplified in 1845 to ar. —
Orest A unicorn sejant resting the dexter paw against
Nicholas Colthurst, Esq., of Danesfort, co. Kerry, on an oak tree ppr.
assuming the name of Bbabazon). Gu. on a bend per bend Bracbin. Gu. a fesse chequy or and az. betw. three
Grand ar. three martlets sa., for Brabazon; 2nd and 3rd, lozenges gold.
ar. on a fess betw, three colts courant sa. as many trefoils Bracken. Gu.frettyar.semfee of plates. CVfisi—A catharine
or,a crescent for diff., for Colthuest. Crest On a mount — wheel.
vert a falcon rising or, charged on the breast with a Brackenbury (Sellaby, co. Durham). Ar. three chev.

cross crosslet gu. Motto ^Vota vita mea. interlaced in base sa. Crest—An oak tree vert, under which
Brabazon (Moore-Brabazon. Exemplified to Major John a lion guard, couchant sa. Motto —^Sans reculer jamais.
Aethdr Henry Moore, on taking the additional name of Brackenbury (Scremby Hall, co. Lincoln). Same Arm,
Bbabazon by Royal Licence, dated 13 March, 1868). Gu. on Crest, and Motto.
a bend or, three martlets sa. a crescent for diff. Crest On — Brackenbury (Skendleby Hoi^e, co. Lincoln). Same
a mount vert afalcon helled, rising or. Motto Vota vita mea. — Arms, Crest, and Motto.
Brabazon. Gu. on a bend or (another, ar.) three mullets az. Brackenbury. Ar. three chev. interlaced az. Orestr-A.
(or sa.). savage's head couped ppr.
Brabazon, or Srabasson. Gu. on a bend or, three Brackenby (Visit. London, 1568). Sa. fretty or.
Cornish choughs ppr. Brackenridg-e (exemplified 1846, to George Charles
Brabon, or Brabourne (London and Devonshire, 2 May, Bbackenridge, Esq., of Ashfield Park, co. Tyrone, on
1629, Her. Coll. London). Ar. on a fesse humettee gu. assuming the name of Brackenbidge, in lieu of that of
three leopards' faces or. Crest —A mewed hawk ppr. armed Trimble). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. three roses ar. barbed
az. jessed and helled or. vert seeded or, a pile of the last, charged with a rose gu.
Brabonch, or Brnbonch,. Or, billettee a lion ramp. sa. also barbed of the third and seeded of the fourth, for
Brabyn rDocker and AVhittington, co. Lancaster, 1664). Bbackenridge 2nd and 3rd, per fesse ar. and or, a bull's

At. on a fesse humettee gu. three leopards' faces or. head caboshed sa., for Trimble. Crests A pile gu. charged—
Bracays, or Brakes. Chequy or and az. on a fesse gu. with a rose, as in the arms, betw. two wings az. Motto—
three lions ramp. ar. Crest —
A leopard ramp, guard, ppr. Virtute et industria.
Brace (Worcestershire). Sa. a bend betw. two hands and Brackesby. Ar. two bars nebulae sa. on a canton gu. a
arms couped at the elbows ar. habited in mail ppr. Crest — —
midlet pierced or. Crest A boar's head and neck coupect
An arm embowed habited in mail holding in the hand all ppr, gu. bristled or.
a sword ar. hilt or. Brackhaw, Sa. three lozenges in fesse ar. betw. as many
Brace. Sa. a hend ar. betw. three dexter hands couped ppr. —
bucks' heads cabossed ppr. Crest A buck's head couped ppi'-
Brace (Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Brace, K.C.B.). Or, Brackingtou. Quarterly, per fesse indented ar. and gu.
within two bendlets az. betw. a lion ramp, and a scaling four annulets counterchanged.
ladder three rams pass, sa., a chief wavy thereon upon a Brackley, or Blakley, Chequy, erm. and gu, on a bend
neck of land projecting into the sea a fortified circular light- az. three mullets or.
house with a red flag flying towards the sinister, all ppr., Brackley, Town of (Northamptonshire). Quarterly, let

being intended to represent that part of the works defending and 4th, the coat of Egerton; viz., ar. a lion ramp. gu.
the town and port of Algiers, to which H.M.S. Impregnable, betw. three pheons sa. 2nd and 3rd, the coat of Stanlbt

commanded by Sir Edward Brace, was opposed in the viz., ar. on a bend az. three stags' heads cabossed or. Tvo
memorable battle of the 27th August, 1816. Crest Out of a — —
Crests 1st :That of Egerton, viz., a lion ramp, g"-
naval crown or, a dexter arm embowed in chain armour, the supporting an arrow ppr. barbed and plumed ar,; 2nfl,
hand holding the flag of the kingdom of Holland in the That of Stanley, viz, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm.
year 1808, all ppr. an eagle with wings indorsed or, standing on a child ppr-
Brace (Francis Brace, Esq., capt. B.N., nephew of the fore- '
swaddled gu. branded ar.


Brackton. Az. three mullets or, a chief indented erm. Bbaddyll ; 2nd : A unicorn's head ppr. charged with two
Bracllffe, or Brearcliffe. Ar. three crosses crosslet
a chief indented gu.
sa. palets az. over all
toy mesme.
an anchor or, for Gale. Motto —Cognoies
Braconbridg". Ar. a cross patMe voided gu. Bradeller. Or, a
fesse gu. betw. three buckles vert.
Bracy. Quarterly, per fess indented ar. and sa. in the Bradenbam (Kent). Az. a fesse or, betw. three chess
second quarter a swan ppr. rooks ar.
Bracy. Quarterly, per fesse indented sa. and ar. Bradesley. Az. a chev. betw. three martlets or.
Bracy. Gu. a fesse in chief, two mullets pierced ar. Bradesley. Per pale or and sa. a chev. betw. three
Bracy. Gu. a fesse ar. in chief, two mullets with six point or. escallops, all counterchanged.
Bracy. Ar. on a chief gu. three mullets of the first. Bradeston, or Bradstone. Ar. on a canton gu. a cross
Brad (Wrongle, co. Lincoln). 'Gu. three garbs ar. within a or. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet two lions' paws in saltire.
hordure engr. of the second. Bradeston {Lord Bradeston; summoned to Parliament 1322).
Bradlaerry (Lichfield, Visit. London, 1568). Sa. a chev. Ar. on a canton gu. a rose or, barbed vert.
erm. hetw. three covered buckles ar. Crest —
A demi dove Bradeston. Gu. five lozenges (another, fusils) in pale ar.
ar. fretfcy gu. holding in the beiOt a slip of barbery vert, Bradeston. Ar. a. bend lozengy (another, five fusils) in
fructed of the first. bend gu.
Bradl3ome, or Bradburne (Derbyshire). Ar. three Bradeston. Ar. a pile indented gu.
palets az. a chief gu. Bradestone. Ar. a cross gu. surmounted by a cross or.
Bradlsome. Ar. on a bend gu. three mullets or, Bradfeld. Az. a cross compony or and of the first betw.
Bradboume (Derbyshire). Ar. on a bend gu. cottised sa. four mullets of the second.
three mullets pierced or. Brad&eld (Norfolk). Same Ar-ms. Crest —^An arm from the
Bradboume. Ar. three palets az. on a chief gu. as many elbow erect holding two branches of palm in orle.
crosses crosslet fitchee or. Bradfield (Norfolk). Az. a cross chequy or, and of the
Bradbridg, Bredbridg-e, or Brodbridge. Az. a first betw. four annulets of the second.

pheon ar. —
Crest A leopard's head erased ar. pellett^e, Brad£.eld. Ar. on a bend az. three fleurs-de-lis or.
ducj^y gorged or, betw. two spears ppr. headed of the first, Bradfoot, Bradfute, or Braidfoot. Ar. three
Bradbridgr* Per fesse sa. and az. a fesse dancettde ar. himting horns sa. garnished or, strung gu. Crest —A demi
Bradburne (Bradbiirne and London). Ar. on a bend gu. griffin or, armed gu.
three mullets or. Crest —
A pine tree vert fructed ppr. Bradford, Earl of. See Beidgeman.
Bradbume. Per pale gu. and or, six horseshoes counter- Bradford (Cheshire and Devonshire). Sa. a cross engr. ar.
changed. Bradford (Yorkshire). Ar. a woirs head erased betw.
Bradbury (AuGnsTosBEATTBBADBUET, Esq., of Edinburgh). —
three buglehoms sa. Crest A peacock's head ppr., in the
Ar. in base on a mount vert, a tiger pass. ppr. on a chief of mouth a snake entwined round the neck vert.

the second, two tigers dormant also ppr. Crest Betw. two ears Bradford (Gen. Sir Thomas Beadfoed, G.C.B., Arms and
of wheat or, a sword erect point downwards ppr. pendent Crest as the preceding. Motto Fier et sage. —
from the hilt by a chain or, an escocheon ar. charged with a Bradford (Yorkshire). Ar. a chev. betw. three buglehorns
heart gu. ilfo(£o—Amicitia cum virtute. sa.
Bradbury (Essex and Suffolk). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three Bradford (Yorkshire). Ar. on a fesse sa. three stags' heads
round buckles ar. the tongues hanging downwards. Crest — erased (another, couped) or.
A boar's head erect betw. two ostrich feathers ppr. Bradford (Wiltshire). Same Arms. Crest — ^A stag's head
Bradbury (Lancashire). Sa. two chevronels or, betw. four erased or.
buckles, three in chief and one in base ar. Crest A demi— Bradford. Or, on a fesse sa. three goats' heads erased of
wood-pigeon ar. the body fretty gu. and each wing charged the field.

with a buckle ar. Motto ^quitas actionum regula. Bradford. Ar. a cross gu. betw. four mullets az.

Bradbury (Derbyshire and London). Sa. a chev. erm. Bradford. Gu. a lion ramp. erm.
betw. three buckles ar. a fleur-de-lis or, for diff. Crest— Bradgrate (Leicester). Ar. a mascle bendways betw. two
demi dove, volant ar. fretty gu. holding in the beak a slip of lions pass, guard, gu. Crest —
An arm in armour ppr. banded
barberry vert, fructed gu. with a ribbon vert couped below the elbow bendways, the
Bradby. Ar. a saltire betw. four millrinds sa. Crest— hand also ppr. grasping the upper part of a brokenlance gu.
serpent half erect and nowed, holding in the mouth a point downward ar.
garland of laurel ppr. Bradgres Ar. a fesse chequy or and gu. in chief
Bradby. Ar. a saltire engr. betw. four martlets sa. (another, three crosses botton^e of the third.
the saltire gu.). BradhuU. ^ee Bbaddyll.
Braddeler. Az. a bend invecked or. Bradie (Scotland), Ar. a chev. gu.
Bradden. Ar. a bend engr. sa. Bradley (Bethom, co. Lancaster). Sa. a fesse engr. and in
Braddene, Braden, and Bradens (Butlarid and Nor- chief a mullet betw. two crosses form^e fitchee ar.
thumberland). Sa. a bend engr. ar. Bradley (London, originally of Bradley, co, Lancaster).
Braddick (Boughton Mount, Boughton Monchelsey, Kent). Sa. a fesse engr. ar. in chief a mullet betw. two crosses
Or, on a chev. vert, betw. in chief two lions' heads erased formee fitchee of the last, all within a bordure engr. of
az. and in base a fox courant ppr. a stag's head cabossed the same. Crest —
A boar's head couped gu, (being the crest
betw. two wreaths of oak gold. Crest—A horse pass. ar. of Barton, assumed on the marriage with an heiress of that
resting its fore leg on an escutcheon vert, charged with a family).
stag's head cabossed, or. Bradley (Warwickshire). Ar. a fesse humettde and engr.
Braddock. Sa. a bend engr. ar. in the sinister chief an betw. three crosses formee fitchee sa.
eagle displ. or. Bradley (Worcestershire, John Bbadley, of Stourbridge^
Braddocke (Abbaston, co. Warwick). Ar. a greyhound Irorunarsh). Ar, a fesse gu. betw. three round buckles vert.
courant, withina bordure engr. sa. —
Crest A greyhound statant. Motto —
Vigilans et audax.
Braddon (Elacklands, co. Devon, Treglfth, co. Cornwall, Bradley (Swinford, co. Worcester). Or, a fesse vert betw.
and Skisdon Lodge, Cornwall), Sa. a bend fusilly ar. three buckles gu.
Motto—Aut mors aut libertas. Bradley, or Bradeley. Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three
Braddyll (Braddyll, co. Lancaster, descended from Thomas boars' heads couped or. —
Crest A boar sa. bristled and
DE Beadhdll, Lord of Bradhull, co. Lancaster, temp. King hoofed or, gorged wilh a garland vert,
John). Ar. a cross vert, a bend compony erm. and az. Bradley, Sa. a fesse engr. betw. three crosses formee
Crest—A. brock ppr. fitchee ar. all within a bordure, also engr. of the last.
Braddyll, or BradhuU (Brockholes, co. Lancaster, 1567). Bradley, Or, a fesse gu. betw. three buckles az.

Same Arms. Crat A badger pass. or. Motto Cognoies — Bradley (Eobekt Greene Bradley, Esq.. barrister-at-law,
toy mesme. Slyne House, Bolton-by-the-Sands, co. Lancaster). Sa. a
BraddyU. Gu. on a chief ar. two swords in saltire az. fesse engr. in chief a mullet betw. two crosses fornjee fitchde
Crest—Aa anchor in pale surmounted by a fleur-de-iis. ar.
BraddyU (Thoiias Kicumond Gale Braddyll, Esq., of Bradley (of Bradley, co. Lancaster, 1567). Sa. a fesse ar. in
Conishead Priory, co. Lancaster), Quarterly, 1st, ar. a chief a mullet or, betw. two crosses pattee fitchee of the
cross lozengy vert, over all a bend chequy erm. and az., for second, the whole within a bordure engr. of the last.
Braddyll; 2ud, ar. a fesse az. charged with an anchor Bradley (Gore Court, co. Kent, exempUfied to Andrew
betw. two lions' heads or, betw. three saltircs of the second, Hawes Dyne, Esq., on his assuming by sign manual, in
for Gale; 3rd, gu. two bars gemelles and a chief or, for 1800, the name of Beadley). Quarterly, 1st and 4tb,
EicBuoND 4th, ar, a fesse chequy or and gu. betw. three
sa. a fesse engr. ar. in chief a mullet betw. two crosses
garbs sa., for Vadx, Crests— Ut: A badger pass, or, for I
formee fitchee, all within a bordure also engr. of the last,
113 I


for Bbadlbt 2nd and 3rd, ar. two bars gemelles betw. three
; ar. three mullets betw. two bends sa. ; 2iid and 3rd, vert a
escallops gu., for Dyne. Crests— 1st: A dexter arm embowed chev. or.
in armour holding a battle-axe. all ppr., for Bradley 2ud ; Bradshaw (Arms of Thomas Bradshaw, in AUhallowes
An heraldic antelope's head erased, armed and maned or, Church, Visit. Oxford). Gu. two bends ar.
langued gu., for Dyne. Bradshaw (Barton Blount, co. Derby). Ar. two bendlets
Bradley (confirmed by the Deputies of Camden, Clarenceux, betw. as many martlets sa. Crest —
A hart gu. standing
to Francis Bradley, of Coventry, grandson of William under a vine branch vert. Motto Qui vit content tient —
Bradley, go. York, Her. Vis.)- Gu- a chey. ar. betw. three assez.
boars' heads couped or. Bradshaw. Erm. on a chief az. three caps of mainte-
Bradley. Ar. a fesse az. betw. three belt buckles gu. nance.
Crest— A. nightingale in a thorn branch ppr. Bradshaw. Ar. three mullets of six points pierced
Bradley. Gu. a chev. betw. three boars' heads erect and sa. betw. two bendlets of the last.
couped or. Bradston, or Bradeston (Bradeston, Stinchcorabe, and
Bradley. Ar. a chev. sa. Winterborne, co. Gloucester). Ar. on a canton gu. a rose
Bradley (confirmed to William Bradley, by Ulster, 30 or, barbed ppr. Crest-~OvA of a ducal coronet or, a boar's
April, 1608). Ar. on a fesse engr. gu. betw. three crosses head sa.
formee fitchee sa. three martlets or. —
Crest A martlet or, Bradston. Ar. a pile gu.
holding in the beak a cross formee fitchee sa. Bradston. Ar. a pale fusilly sa.
Bradling:. Sa. on a pale ar. three mascles, two and one of Bradstou. Ar. on a canton gu. a cinquefoU pierced or.

the field. Crest An arm in armour couped at the shoulder Bradston, or Bradeston. Or, (another, ar.) a chev.
and embowed, resting the elbow on the wreath, holding a betw. three boars' heads couped sa.
sword ppr. Bradstone. Sa. a chev. betw. three boars' heads couped
Bradxnan. Ar. a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet palt€e ar.
fitchee sa. Bradstreet (Stacumnie, co. Kildare, bart.). Ar. a grey-
Bradnell (Lancashire). Ar a cross crosslet crossed sa. hound pass. gu. on a chief sa. three crescents or. Crest—
Braduey. Or, a fesse raguly (another, humetee raguly) An arm in armour embowed the hand grasping a flcymitar
betw. three crosses formee fitchee sa. Crest A hawk ppr.— all ppr. Motto—YiTbixte et non vi.
belled and jessed or. Bradstreet (Ireland). Gyronny of six gu, and or, on each
Bradnox. Ar. two chevs. gu. on a chief of the last three a crescent counterchanged. Crest —A unicorn's head betw.
cinquefoils of the first. two branches of laurel in orle.
Bradsey (Yorkshire). Ar. two bars gu. on a canton of the Bradwarden. Barry of six ermines and erm.
second a maunch of the first. Bradwarden, or Bradwarder. Barry of siS sa. and
Bradsey, or Bradsay. Per fesse ar. and sa. a pale erm.Crest— A demi otter ramp.
betw. three bears' heads, erased and muzzled, all counter- Bradwardin. Barry of six sa. and STm. nine guttes ar.
chane:ed. Crest —
A demi greyhound collared. three, three, and three.
Bradslxaigh, or Bradsliaw (Haigh, co. Lancaster, Bradwardsm. Barry of six sa. and erm. guttle d'or.
descended from Sir John Bradshaw, of Bradshaw, a Saxon Bradway (Potsclip, co. Gloucester). Ar. a chev. betw.
living at the Conquest; the chief of this ancient and dis- three bunches of grapes ppr. Crest —On a crown ppr. a
tinguished race at the period of the civil wars was Sir greyhound sejant erect.
EoGER Bbadshaigh, of Haigh, a gallant and devoted Bradwell (Cheshire). Az. two bars ar. in chief as many
cavalier, createda baronet in 1679, extinct, circa 1786). Ar. plates. Crest —A rock ppr.
two bendlets betw. three martlets sa. Crest On a mount — Brady (Ireland). Sa. in the dexter chief point a sun, in tho
vert a stag at gaze ppr. under a vine vert, fructed gu. Motto sinisterbase a hand pointing thereto ppr. Crest— A chemb.
—Qui vit content tient assez. Brady (Ireland). Ar. a dexter arm couped below the elbow
Bradshaigrh, or Bradsha"W (co. Limerick and co. in pale erect vested gu. the hand apaumee ppr. in chief a
Tipperary). Same ArTtis, Crest, and Motto. mullet sa.
Bradsliaw (Windley, co. Derby, derived from Beadshaw of Brady, G-eale-Brady (exemphfled 1841 to Benjamin
Bradshaw). Same Arms, &c. Geale, Esq., of Mount Geale, co. Kilkenny, on assuming
Bradshaw (Milecross, co, Down, formerly of Lancaster). the additional name of Brady). Quarterly, l8tand4th, ar.
Ar. three trefoils slipped ppr. within two bendlets sa. all a dexter cubit arm in pale apaumee ppr. vested gu., and in
betw. as many martlets gu. Crest— On a mount vert a chief a mullet sa., for Brady; 2nd and 3rd, az. on a feas
buck statant beneath an oak tree ppr. Motto—Dgtis mihi betw. three saltiers or, an anchor sa. betw. two lions' heads
spes et tutamen. erased of the field langued gu., for Geale. Crests— l6t: A
Bradshaw (Belper, afterwards Holbrook, and Barton Hall, cherub's head and neck ppr. betw. two wings or, for Bbadt;
co.Derby). Ar. two bends betw. as many martlets sa. Crest — 2nd An unicorn's head and neck or, charged with an anchor

A hart gu. under a vine branch vert. —

Geale, Motto Claritate dextrli.
sa., for
Bradshaw (Knowle, Guildford, co. Surrey). Same Arms and Brady (exemplified 1841 to William Stewart Richardson
Crest. Motto— Ayec ce que je tiens, je suis content. Brady, Esq., of Oaklands, co. Tyrone, on assuming the
Bradshaw (Moorham, co. Leicester, Visit. 1619). Same name of Brady). Arms same as 1st and 4th quarters offore-
Anns. going. C)'est and Motto the same.
Bradshaw (Marple, co. Chester, and Bradshaw Hall, co. Brady, or McBrady (Tonymore Castle, co. Cavan, con-
Lancaster: of this family was the celebrated President firmed by Hawkins, Ulster, 1766, to James Bebnabd
Bradshaw; its representation now vests inthelsHERwooDs). McBradt, Baron of the Holy Eoman Empire, Knight of the
Same Arms, an annulet gu., for diff. Crest —A
stag »j gaze Military Order of Maria Theresa, of Bohemia, and marshal in
under a vine tree fructed, aU ppr. Her Majesty's Army). Sa. in dexter chief a sun in splendour
Bradshaw (Buckinghamshire, 1506). Ar. two bars gu. betw. or, pointing thereto in sinister base a dexter hand ppr.
nine hons pass, guard, or. Crest— A cherubim ppr. wings or. Motto Claritate dextrS. —
Bradshaw (Kent and Lancashire). Ar. two bends sa. Brady (granted to John Brady, Esq., of Ely, co. Cambridge,
(another, with a crescent in the dexter chief betw. the M.P. for CO. Leitrim, J.P., D.L., son of Tobias Beady, Esq.,
bends gu.). of Cavan). Sa. a sun in splendour or, in the dexter chief
Bradshaw (Darcy-Lever, co. Lancaster). Ar. two bendlets point, and a hand ppr. pointing thereto in the sinister base.
sa. Crest~Oii a mount a stag ducally gorged, standing —
Crest A cherubim ppr. winged or. Motto ^In Deo fides. —
under a vineall ppr. —
Motto Non nobis solum nati ftdmus. Brady (Hugh Brady, Bishop of Meath, temp. Queen Eliza-
Bradshaw (Shropshire). Sa. two bendlets raguly betw. as beth). Az. a saltier engr. or, betw. four doves ar. on a chief
many hawks ar. belled of the second, on a chief of the last a gu. three dishes, each holding a boar's head couped of the
pale az. betw. two fleurs-de-lis of the first, on the pale a second.
cross patonce or. Crest—A wolfs head erased ar. collared Brady (Rt. Hon. Sir Mazieee Brady, Bart., P.O., Vice-
and lined. Chancellor of the Queen's University, and a Commissioner of
Bradshaw. Sa. two bends betw. three hawks' bells ar. National education, at one time Lord Chancellor of Ireland-
Bradshaw. Az. two bars ar. on a chief or, a fleur-de-lis 2nd son of Francis Tempest Brady, Esq., of Willow Park,
betw. two roses gu. CO. Dublin). Az. a saltire engr. or, betw. four martletB ar.
Bradshaw (Thomas Bradshaw, Esq., J. P., Judge of the on a chief gu. three dishes, each holding a boar's head couped
County Courts, Northumberland, as they appear to a deed of the second. —
A martlet or, charged on the breast
of the reign of James I.). Ar. two bends sa. Crest Astag — with a trefoil slipped vert. Motto— Yincit pericula virtuB.
trippant under an oak tree, all ppr. Jlfoito— Dieu et mon Brady (Cambridgeshire). Az. two bars or. CV«M)n a
devoir. mount vert a griffin sejant or, beaked gu.
Bradshaw (Eisby, co. York, 1671). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Brady. Az. two bars or, in chief three lions ramp, of ^^'^

second. CreH — On a mount vert a grifiBa sejant or, beaked Braith'waite (Stock Park, co. Lancaster, and Stackley, co.
sa. supporting with the dexter claw an escutcheon ar. Leicester). Same Arms and Crest, with a mullet for diff.
3rae (granted to Thomas Bbae, Esq., of Bengal). Quarterly, Braithvait (Catterick, co. York). Same Arins and Crest.
az. and erm. a bend or, theron three cocoa nut trees era- Braith'wait (co. Westmoreland). Same Arms and Crest.
dicated ppr. Crest —
Upon a mount vert an eagle rising ppr. Brakeley. Clhequy erm. and. gu. on a bend az. three
crowned with an Eastern crown or, charged on the breast billets or.
with a hurt, and on each wing with a fleur-de-lis az. Brakeley, or Brakley. Sa. two bars vair^ ar, and vert.
3rafi.eld. Gu. three escallops ar. betw. two bends vair. Brakonhnry (Durham). Ar. fretty sa,
3ragdoii, or Bragden (Visit. London, 1568). Ar. a lion Brakenhury (Kent). Or, fretty sa,on a canton gu. a bird
pass. az. betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest ^A boar issuant — of the first.

out of a rock ppr. Brakentree (Essex). Ar. on a cross engr. sa. fire estoileB
Brage (Essex and London). Or, a chev. betw. three bulls or.
sa. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet per pale ar. and or, a bull's Brakentree (Somersetshire). Erm. on a cross engr. sa.
head sa. armed gold. five mullets ar. (another, five estoiles or),
iBragg" (Somersetshire). Ar. a chev. vert betw. three bulls Braksdall. Az. a chev. or, betw, three sheaves of arrows

pass. gu. Crest A lion's head erased ar. collared vaird or ppr. feathered and banded gu. Crest —A
sheaf of arrows, as

and az. Anotlier Crest A bull pass. gu. in the arms.
Bragge (Sadborough in Thorncombe, co. Devon, residing Brakyn (Chesterton, Cambridgeshire). Ar. five martlets in
there since the reign of Elizabeth). Same ArTiis, Ac. cross sa. Crest —A
hawk's head erased ar. ducally gorged or.
Bragge. Ar. a chev. betw. three oxen paas. sa. Crest— Out Brakyn (Cambridgeshire). Gu. a fesse chequy ar. and az.
of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head sa, betw. three lozenges or, each charged with a martlet of the
-Bragge (West Clandon, co. Surrey). Or, a chev. gu. betw. field.

three bulls pass. sa. Crest —

Out of a ducal coronet or, a Brak3m. Az. three mullets or, a chief indented erm.
hull's bead sa. Brakjni. Gu. a fesse compony ar. and az, betw. three
.Bragge, or Braig: (Nether Auquhorsk, Scotland). Sa. lozenges or, on each a martlet sa. Crest A whale's head —
two bars engr. betw. as many towers triple-towered in chief erect ar. charged with a bend. betw. two bendlets az. thereon
ar. and three crescents in base or. Motto Fidelis et con- — three lozenges or, all betw. two cinquefoils of the last, stalk.
Etans. and leaved vert.
3ragge (Scotland). The same ^rma. Crest —A hand holding Bralford. Quarterly, per fesse, indented or and az.
a sword. —
Motto Honorat mors. Bralford, or Brailsford. Or, a cinquefoil sa.
.Brahaxn (London and Finchley). Ar. a ealtire betw. four Bralforth (Derbyshire). Ar, a cinquefoil pierced sa.
holly leaves vert within a bordure of the last on a chief az. Bramah, Bramars, Bramarasse, or Bramariss.
a lyre betw. two talbots' heads erased or. Crest— A bar Or, a fesse az,
dancettee ar. thereon a phoenix erm. wings az. fire ppr. in Brambert. Ar. on a bend sa, three rakes of the field.
mouth a lyre or.
the Bramhley. Ar. three hramblings ppr. a chief gu.
Braham (New Windsor, Berks, "Visit, co. Notts, 1569 and Brambnd. Ar. three annulets and a canton az.
1614). Sa. a cross patonce or. Crest —Out of a ducal Brames (Kent). Sa. on a chief ar. a demi lion ramp. gu.
coronet or, a plume of feathers sa. Brametost. Per pale gu. and sa. a lion ramp. betw. ten
3raliani (Bucks), Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three talbots' crosses crosslet fitchee or.
heads erased or, as many mtUlets sa. Crest —^A cubit arm Bramford (Lincolnshire and Yorkshire). Ar. a fesse gu.
erect vested bendy wavy of four az. and gu. holding in the Bramhall (granted by Segar, Norroy, to John Bramhali.,
hand ppr. a fish ar. Alderman of Pontefract, co. York, 1602). Sa. a lion ramp.
.Braham. Per fesse az. and or, a cross moline counter- or. Crest —A lion pass, or,
changed. Same Crest as Bucks. Bramhall (granted by Segar, Garter, 1628, to John Bram-
BraKam (Braham, co. Cumberland). Gu. a chev. betw. hall, of Bipon, CO. York, eldest son of Petee Bramhall,
three fishes erect ar. and grandson of John Bramhall, of Pontefract in the same
Braham. (Lancashire). Az. a cross moline or. CO., descended from the ancient family of Bramhall, of
Braham (granted 10 June, 1646). Sa. a cross or. Bramhall, co. Chester). Same Arms and Crest. Motto —
Braham.. Per pale ar. and sa. a cross patonce counter- Sanguine Christe tno.
changed. Bramhall (Cheshire and London confirmed 21 Nov. 1'628).

3raibef. (John de Bbaibef, roll of temp. Edward I.) Gu. Same Arms. Crest—A lion pass, or, on the shoulder a
a bend fusily or, a label of five points ar. crescent upon a crescent for diff.
Braid. Az. a lion's head" erased ar. Crest A deml lion gu. — Bramhall (Archbishop Bramhall, native of Pontefract).
^raidwood. Ar. on a chev. gu. three crosses crosslet of the Same Arms. A crescent for diff., impaling Hawlet, vert a
field, in base an oak tree growing out of a mount vert. saltire engr. ar.

Crest—An oak tree vert. Motto ^Vigueur de dessus. Bramhall (Rev. John Bramhall, Vicar of Terrington St
Braikenridge (Geobge Weare Beaikenridge, Esq., of John, and Hural Dean of Lynn, Marshland). Arms and
Broomwell House, co. Somerset). Vert a thistle stalked Crest same as preceding. Motto—Vevsta. et proesta.
and leaved betw. three beehives or. Crest A beehive or, — Brampton (Mary, dan. of Sir Nicholas Brampton, of the
betw, two rose branches ppr. Motto Bello ac pace — town of Caermarthen, m. temp. Henry V., Geoffeei
paratus. Martin, of Waterford). Or, two lions pass, gu.
Brailsford(Brailsford and Senior, co. Derby). Or, a cinque- Brampton. Az. three round buckles or,
foil sa. Brampton (Letton, co. Norfolk), Gu. a fesse ar. in chief
Brailsford (Barkwith House, Wragby, and Toft Hill, co, three bezants (another, three plates),
Lincoln). Or, a cinquefoil sa. on a chief indented erm. two Brampton (Attlehorough, co, Norfolk). Same Arms, a
pommes, each charged with a cross ar. Crest A unicorn's — mullet sa. for diff. Crest— Out of a mural coronet a talbot's
head ar. erased gu. armed and maned or, entwined by a head gu, eared ar.
serpent ppr. and charged on the neck with a pomme, and Brampton (Brampton, co. Norfolk). Gu, a saltire betw.
thereon a cross, as in the arms. Motto—In Jehovah fides four crosses crosslet fitchee ar. Crest —
On a tiger ar. a
mea. naked man astride ppr. wreathed about the temples of the
Braimor fEdrone, Scotland). Or, a fesse erm. betw. three first and gu. Another Crest —A lion ramp, or.

dragons' heads epased .... Crest An arm in armour — Brampton (Norfolk and Suffolk). Gu. alion ramp, with
eabowed throwing a pheon, hafted. two tails erm.
Brain. At. three piles, two issuing from the chief, and one Brampton. Az. two lions pass, or, armed and langued
from the base vert on a canton sa. a lion's head erased or. gu-
Crest —A hurt charged with a talbot's head erased or. Bram.pton. Az, a lion ramp. or.
Brainch, or Branch. Ar, a chev. betw. three mullets az. Brampton. At. a bend dancettee az.
Braine, or Brayne (Gloucestershire). Ar. on a pale gu. Brampton. Gu. on a fesse ar. three annulets sa. in chief
three leopards' heads of the field. Crest— A leopard's head ar. three plates.
Braint Hir {Lord of IsduloLs, founder of the X Noble Tribe Brampton. Gu. a lion ramp. erm.
of North Wales and Powys; from whom descended the Brampton. Gu. five escallops or, three and two.
Vadghans of Pont-y-gwyddoJ, whose representation devolved Brampton. Ar. a cross gu. within a bordure az.
on the GiFFORDs, of Nerquis). Vert a cross flory or. Bramshoot, or Bramshott. Ar. fesse gu. .i on a
Brainthwyt (Ringwood, co. Hants), Or, two bends engr. sa. the second a crescent or.
canton of
Braithwaite (High Wray, co. Lancaster). Gu. on a chev. Bramshow. Or, two bars and a canton gu.
ar. three crosses crosslet fitch^e sa. Crest A greyhound — Bram.son, or Branson, Gyrouny of six ar. and az.

An arm from the elbow holding a scorpion erect, ppr,
couchant ar. collared and chained gu. Creit
115 I 2


Sraxuston (Skreens, co. Essex). Or, on a fesse sa. three human heart ppr. from either side a wing expanded ar..
plates. Crest—A. lion sejant or, gorged with a collar sa. surmounted of a long cross and olive branch in saltire, also*
charged with three plates. ppr. above the heart a crown of five points or, beneath the-
Braxustoxx (Lord Mayor of London, Visit. London, 1568). roses this Motto —
^Wer. gutes. u. boses nit. kan. ertragan
Same Arms. Crest—A tun fesswaya or, thereon a raven sa. Wirt. kein. grose. chre. erjagen.- —He who cannot suffer
holding in the heak a carnation branch ppr. good and evil shall not gain high honours. Second Crest-~&,
Bramston (Hall Place, or Oakley Hall, co. Hants, a branch demi phoenix issuing from flames ppr.
of the BRAMBT0N8 of SkrecDs). Same Arms, <&c. Brander (Surrey). Gu. a burning bush ppr. betw. three-
Bramston. Az. three crosses patonce ar. lions ramp. ar. and two roses in fesse of the last. Crest, or
Brazaston. Quarterly, gu. and vert, a dove volant hetw. —
badge, as above. Second Crest. A dove reguard. holding in
three round buckles or. the beak an olive branch ppr.
Bramtot. Per pale gu. and sa. a lion ramp. ar. within an Brander (Pitgaveny House, co. Elgin, 1777, confirmed 1854
orle of crosses crosslet fitchee or. to the heiress. See Ddnbah-Beasder). Gu. a flaming buaU
Bramwell. Ar. three pelicans' heads erased az. vulning on the top of a mount ppr. betw. three lions ramp. ar. in

themselves gu. Crest Out of a ducal coronet two hons' —
the flanks two roses of the last. C^est A dove holding a
gambs in saltire ppr. branch of laurel in its beak, both ppr. Motto Silentio —
Branagran, Braugran, or Brangrhau (Ireland. Stmon et spe.
Beanagan, d. 1610, Fun. Ent. Ire.). Per pale gu. and or, Brandeston. Or, three bars gu, surmounted by a benflt
a dexter hand erased bctw, three cross molines all counter- az. Crest —A dexter hand couped lying fesseways gu.
changed. Brandford (London, late of Barbadoes). Az. on a chev.
Branas, Barons of. See Crogen, BAnoifs of. betw. two eagles rising in chief, and a lion pass, in base or,,
Brauas (Branas-yn-Edeirnion, co. Merioneth). Same ArmSj three sprigs of oak fmcted vert. Crest —
An eagle rising or,,
as HoGHEs of Grwerclas. holding in the beak a sprig of oak, as in the arms.
Brancey. Barry of twelve ar. and az. Brandishfi.eld. Ar. three cups sa. adorned with coronets or.
Branch (quartered by Sir William Pole, of Coleombe, Brandling- (Gosforth, Northumberland). Gu. a crosB
CO. Devon, Visit. 1620). Ar. achev. az. betw. three pears patonce ar. in the chief point an escallop shell of the seconcl*
pendant gu. Crest— A stump of an oak tree couped and erased from the
Branch., Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three mullets gu. top issuing flames of fire from the sinister a sprig with one
Branche, or Braxinch. Gu. a leopard's head jessant- —
acorn and leaves all ppr. Motto Fide et virtute.
de-lis or. Brandling:. Gu. a cross flory, and an escallopin thedexter
Branch, or Branche* Erm. a fret gu. corner ar.
Branche (Westmoreland). Ar. three bars and a canton sa. Brandon, Duke of. See Hamilton.
Branche. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. armed az. oppressed with a Brandon (Chamberlain of London). Ar. two bars gu. a
bend sa. (another charges the bend with three cinquefoils of lion ramp, double queued or, pellettee. Crest— A lion's head

the field). Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a cock's head az. erased ar. charged with two bars gu. on each three bezants.
combed gu. holding a branch vert. Brandon (London). Or, four palets gu. on a canton sa. a
Branche (Norfolk, Visit. London, 1568). Same Arms. hon ramp, of the field.
C)-est —Out of a ducal coronet or, a cockatrice's head az. Brandon (Suffolk). Sa. two lions' gambs per saltire betff,
beaked of the first, combed and wattled gu. as many lions' heads all erased ar.
Branchesley, and Branchley. Az. a cross potent Brandon (Suffolk). Barry of ten ar. and gu. a lion ramp,
(another, engr.) or. or, ducally crowned per pale of the flrst and second. Crest—
Brancker (Bispham Hall and Liverpool, co. Lancaster). A lion's head erased or, guttfis sa. ducally crowned per fesse
Ar. six pellets, two, two, and two, on a chief embattled sa. a ar. and gu.
lozenge of the first charged with a cross patee gu. Crest — Brandon {J}ulce of Suffolk. Charles Brandon, E.G., was
A cubit arm vested sa. cufEed ar. hand ppr. holding a lozenge so created 1514, tn. the Princess Mart, dau. of Henry VII.,
of the first. extinct 1551). Same Ai*r)is.
Brand {Baron Sacre). Per bend sinister ©rm. and ermines a Brandon. Ar. four bars gu. a lion ramp, or, ducally
lion ramp. or. —On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a
Crest crowned per pale of the second and third.
wyvem sa. Supporters —Dexter a wolf ar. gorged with a Brandon. Barry of twelve ar. and gu. a hon ramp. ar.
spiked collar with line reflexed over the back or; sinister, Brandon (Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Robert WxNFyLn, or
a bull gu. armed ducally gorged and line reflexed over the WiNGFiELD, m. Sir William Brandon, Knt., living temp.

back, or. Motto Pour bien desirer. Henry VI. Sidney Ped. by Cooke, Clarenceux). Barry of
Brand (Holbonij London). Az. two swords in saltire ar. ten ar. and gu. a hon ramp, or, ducally crowned per pale of
hilts in base or, within a bordure engr. of the last pellettee. the second and first.

Crest A leopard's head and neck erased guard, quarterly Brandon. Gu. two lions' paws erased in saltire or.
ar. and or, semee of roundles of three colours sa. vert and Brandon. Sa. flve fusils in bend or.
gu. Brandram (London) Az. a pile wavy erm. betw, two bees
Brand (Gray's Inn, and Suffolk, 1616). Az. two swordls in volant or. Crest—A lamb pass. ar. charged with a pile
saltire ar. hilted in base or, a bordure engr. of the last. wavy betw. two fer-de-mouhnessa. on the pile a bee volant or
Crest —Out of a ducal coronet or, a leopard's (or lion's) head Brandreith (Stafford). Vair a lion ramp. or.
guard, ar. semee of roundles of various colours. Brandreth (Weeford, co. Stafford. By patent, 10 Nov.,
Brand (Moulsey, co, Surrey, 1591). Or, a chev. betw. three 1623). Sa. a cross of five mascles or. Crest—An Agnus Dei
dexter hands couped at the wrist sa. Crest —
Out of a ducal couchant ar. <

coronet or, a cockatrice's head gu. betw. two wings ppr. Brandreth. (Lees and Stulach, co. Chester, descended
Brand (Sir Thoibas Brand, Gentleman Usher of the Green from a second son of Brandreth, of Weeford: home
Eod, and Gentleman Usher Daily Waiter to King George I.). by Joseph Pilkington Brandreth, of Liverpool, M.D.).
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. two batons or, ensigned on the As Brandreth, of Weeford.
top with the unicorn of Scotland 2nfl, and 3rd, or, on a
; Brandreth (Houghton House, co. Bedford). Quarteriy, 1st
bend sa. three mascles ar. a cliief az. charged with as many and 4th, per pale and per chev. ar. and sa. two chevronels
stars of the third. Ci^est —
A vol with a baton, as in the arms, engr. betw. three escallops counterchanged, for Brandbeth;
in pale. Motto Advance.— 2nd and 3rd, gu. on a bend ar. betw. two spurs or, with
Brand (Baberton, Scotland). Ar. on a bend sa. three mascles leathers of the second, a dexter hand gauntleted holding a
of the first, on a chief of the second, as many spur rowels tilting spear ppr., for Gibbs. —
Crests An escallop ar. ia
or. Crest —Two proboscides couped,
of elephants in pale, front thereof a sword erect point downwards ppr, for
flexed and reflexed ar. ; that on the dexter charged with Brandreth. A gauntlet fesswise ppr. thereon a mallei
three mascles, the sinister with as many spur rowels sa. pierced or, for Gibbs. Motto— Nunquam non paratus.

Motto Ay forward. Brandrope, or Barnthorpe. Az. on a chev. betw.
Brand. Vert a griffin pass, and a chief or. three swans ar. as many cinquefoils gu.
Brand (Wherstead and Woodbridge, co. Suffolk). Vert a Brandsby. Sa. a saltire ar. betw. four mullets or.
chev. crenellee or, betw. three dolphins embowed ar. Crest Brandt. Gu. the stem of a tree couped at both ends in bend
— Two snakes coiled verD, and a dexter arm in armour or. Crest — A stag rising out of a bush ppr.
embowed, holding in the hand a truncheon or stafl', iired at Brandwood (Durham). Erm. two pales vaire or andaz.
both ends. on a chief of thelast a bezant betw as many yew trees of
Brander (Somerford Grange, co. Hants). Quarterly, 1st —
the sctiond. Orest A yew tree ppr.
and, az. flames of fire ppr. ; 2nd and 3rd, az. a saltire BranfiU (Uprainster Hall, co. Essex). Or, on a bend gu.
huraett^e or. Fh^it Crest^ or badge, encircled by sixteen three mullets ar. quartering Atlett, viz., g». tl^''^^
full blown roses alternately red, blue, pink, and yellow — annulets and a chief ar, on a canton or, a rose of England


ppr. —A naked arm holding a sword, rising out of a Bratt (Staffordshire). Ar. on a chev. az. three bezants.
cloud ppr. Motto —Not in vain. Crest— Two greyhounds' heads erased, collared and endorsed
Branfill (Essex). Or, on a bend gu. three mullets ar. ppr.
Crest—A lion's head erased. Brattle. Or, a boar pass. gu. Orest—A battle-axe in front
Brang-or, Gu. an angel standing erect with hands conjoined of a laurel and myrtle branch in saltire, all ppr.
and elevated on the breast, habited in a long robe, girt ar. Bratton (Somersetshire). Ar. a fesse engr. gu. betw. three
wings displ. or. mullets sa.
Branis (Scotland). Ar. three dock leaves vert. Bratton. Sa. a lion ramp. ar.
Branketree, Brankfrey, Branktroy, or Brank- Bratui, Ar. three fusils pointed or, in point triangular gu.
etoy (Essex). Ar. on a cross cngr. sa. five estoiles or. Braunck. Gu. a leopard's head or, jessant-de-lis ar. CreU
Branketry (Somersetshire). Erm. on a cross engr. sa. — Out of a ducal coronet a demi lion ramp, pierced in the
five estoiles or. breast with an arrow.
Branling. Or, a chev. betw. three escallops gu. Brauncke. Per pale ar. and sa. aleopard's head or, jessant-
Brans. Barry of twelve or and az. de-lis counterchanged.
Bransby, or Brasley (Kent). Ar. a chev. betw. three Braunde (Suffolk, granted 10 March, 1610). Vert, a griflBn
swans' necks erased sa. pass, segreant, and a chief or.
Bransby (Shottisham, Ar. on a bend cottised
co. Norfolk), Braiindistone (William de Bsaundistonb. co. Chester,
sa. betw. two fleurs-de-lis gu. a lion pass, guard, or. 1560). A pale fusily.
Branscomb. See Bronscomb. Brauneck. Gyronny of four, champaigne or, wavy ar. and
Branson, or Brannson. Per pale and per chev. counter- gu.

changed ar. aod sa. Cre&t An arm from the elbow erect Braunspatb. Ar. three bars sa. a canton of the last.
holding a scorpion ppr. Braunspatk. Ar. three bars sa. on a canton gu. a saltire
Branson (Kev. H. J. Branson, rector of Armthorpe, near of the first.
Doncaster). Gyronny of eight pieces az. and or. Crest — Braunston. Gu. a cross pomettee voided or.
lion sejant or, gorged with a collar sa. charged with three Brauz. Or, six barrulets az.
plates. Motto —
Duni spno spero. Braveing: (Wiltshire).Gu. two bends wavy, one ar. the
Branshatb, Bramspatli, Branspetb, or Brans- other or. Crest—A. demi talbot gu. guttee d'or, ducally
pauclie.Ar. three bars and a canton sa. crowned ar.
Branston (Derbyshire). Ar. on a fesse sa. three bezants. Bra"WTnse. Gu. two bars ar. in chief three escallops of the
Branston. Quarterly, gu. and vert, four buckles or. last.
Brant. Gu. a fesse indented ar. and a chief or. Cre&t — BrawTie (London and ; confirmed by Camden,
lion pass. or. Clarenceux, to Sir Hugh Brawne, Knt., 1604). An three
Brantesley, or Brantsley. Ar. on a bend engr. gu. bars sa. on a canton or, a dragon's bead erased of the second.
three Uons ramp. or. —
Crest Out of a mural crown or, a dragon's head sa.
Brantk-waite, or Braitkwaite (London, 1582). Or, Braivne, Ar. three bars sa. on a canton gu. a saltire of the

two bends engr. sa. Crest On a rock ppr. an eagle rising ar. field.
Brantingkam (Devonshire). Sa. a fesse subcrenelle betw. Bray, or Braye (Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Glouces
three Catharine wheels or. Crest —An oak tree ppr. tershire, Surrey, <&:., Ac, descended from William de
Branton. Sa. a cross ar. betw. four mullets or, abordure gu. Bkay, a witness, in 1088, to the charter of Battell Abbey
Brantree (Brantree, co. Essex). Ar. on a cross engr. sa. The senior hne were the Lords Braye; the second, the
five estoiles or, Brays, of Shere, co. Surrey the third, the Brays, of

Brantwart. Or, two bars engr. sa. Barrington, co. Gloucester), Quarterly, ist and 4th, ar. a
Brancwayte. Or, on a bend sa. three lions pass, guard. chev. betw. three eagles' legs sa. erased a-la-cuisse, their
of the Crcs(—On a rock ppr. an
field. eagle rising ar. talons gu. ; 2nd and 3rd, vair three bends go. Crest —A
Brany. See Brine. flax-breaker or.
Braose (lord Braoae, of Gower, summoned to Parliament Bray (Stene, co. Northampton). Same Arnes. Sir Reginald
1299). Az. semeeof cross crosslets, a lion ramp, or, anned Bray, of Stene, Knt, Banneret, is stated by Brydges, in
and langued gu. his History of Northamptonshire, to have borne in his Arjns
Braose (Lm-d Braose, summoned to Parliament 1342). a thorn with a crown in the middle, in memory, it is
Same Arms. supposed, of his finding the crown of King Richard in a hush
Bras-de-Fer (Baillt, of Jersey, 1378). Gu. an eagle in Bosworth Field.
displ. or. Crest—An eagle displ. sa. Braye {Baroness Braye). See OtwAy-Cave.
Brasbridg'e. See Bracebbidge. Bray (Northumberland and Lincoln's Inn, 1787). Gu. three
Brasett. Quarterly, per fesse indented sa. and ar,, in the bends vair.
first quarter a stork or. Bray (Oxfordshire). Quarterly, ar. and az. on a bend £u.
Brasham. Or, on a chief az. a lion pass, guard, of the field. three fleurs-de-Us or.
Brasham. Per fesse az. and or, a lion pass, guard, gu. Bray Ar. a chev. betw. three eagles*
(Visit, co. Notts, 1614).
Brasier (Londonderry, granted 24 May, 1665). Quarterly, legs erased a,-la-cuisse sa. Crcs(— An ounce ppr.
armed gu.
perfesse indented or and sa. four cinquefoils counterchanged. Bray. Erm. a cross form^e throughout gu. Cresl A hand —
Crest —
A demi lion ramp, per pale or and sa. Motto — erect vested az. holding in the hand ppr. a chaplet gu.
Amor patriae. Bray. Gu. on a chev. or, betw. three heads in profile couped
Brasier, or Brazier, Gu. a bend or, betw. three annulets ar, as many crosses pattte fitchee of the first on a chief of

ar, Cred —A dove holding in its bill an olive branch. the third three eagles' legs erased at the thinh sa.
Brassey. Vert on a fesse betw, three mullets pierced in Bray. Ar. a chev. betw. three parrots' legs erased sa. within
chief and one in base or, two others of the field. Crest— a bordure engr. gu.
A hand throwing a dart ppr. Bray. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three ogresses within a bordure
Brassey (Thomas Braebet, Esq., of Bulkeley Grange, co. engr. gu.
Chester,and Normanhurst, co. Sussex, M.P., Henry Artiidr Bray (Visit, co. Cornwall 1620). Quarterly, ar. and az. on a
Brassey, Esq., M.P., of Preston Hall, Kent, and Albert bend gu. three fleurs-de-hs or.
Brassey, Esq., Lord of the Manor of Heythrop, co. Oxford). Bray (Cecil Nicholas Bray, Esq., of Langford Hill, Cornwall,
Quarterly, per fesse indented sa. and ar. in first quarter a J. P.). Ar. three oak trees vert acorned or. Crest—OvX oi

mallard of the last. Crest A mallard ppr. Motto Arduis — a ducal coronet az. a griffin's head erm. beaked or.
metu nunquam.
Bffipe Bray (Treswithan, Cornwall. Monument; in lllogan Church,
Brassy. Ar. on a chief gu. two mullets of the field. 1683). Same Arms,
Brassy. Gu. a fesse or, in chief two mullets ar. Bray. Erm. a hon ramp. gu. crowned or.
Brassy. Quarterly, per fesse indented sa. and ar. Bray. Az. on a fess or, betw. three grifBns' heads erased ar.
Brassy. SeeBEACBi. beaked of the second three covered cups gu.
Brasye (Cornwall). Quarterly, per fess indented ar. and sa. Bray. Ar. a chev. betw. three parrots (or popinjays), sa.
(another, sa. and ar.). within a bordure engr. gu.
Ar. a saltire flory az. betw. four bears pass. sa. Bray. Ar. a chev. betw. two pots sa. within a boidmc engr.
Brathwayte (Westminster, 1591). Gu. on a chev. ar. gu.
three crosses crosslet fitchee sa. Crest —A greyhound Bray. Ar. on a chief gu. alion pass. or.
couchant ar. collared and lined gu., the collar studded and Bray. Erm. a cross form6e gu.
ringed or. Bray. Barry of six or and vert.
Bratost. Ar. semee-de-lis, a lion ramp. az. Bray. Quarterly, ar, andaz.
Bratrens (Scotland). Sa. a fesse betw. three piles in chief Braybeck. Gu. five (another six) fusils in bend op.
and a crescent in base. Braybeefe. Gu. a bend. engr. or.


Brayboeuf (co. Hants, as qtrartered by Whithed). At. holding in his exterior hand a sword as in the crest. Motto-
three bulls pass. sa. —We are one.
Braybroke (BuckinghamsTiire). Ar. seven mascles con- Breacoiirt. Paly of six ar. and gu. a bend erm.
junct, three, three, and one, gu. Breach. Az. an escutcheon within an orle of eight crosses-
Braybroke (London, temp. King John). Ar. seven mascles crosslet fitchee ar. —
Crest Anescarbuncle gu.
conjunct az. three, three, and one. Breaoli (Cirencester). Gu. a chev. betw. three bugle-horns
Braybroke (Suffolk). Ar. seven mascles az. three, three, stringed or. Crest—An antelope sejant ppr.
and one, betw. the first and second rows two roses gu. Breadalbane,£]arlandMarcLuessof. SeeCAUPBELu.
Crest —
^A maiden's head ppr. hair or, with a garland of Breade (co. Sussex, the dau. of Bebade, of that co., m.
violets and leaves round her head. Nicholas AncHEE, of Losenham, co. Kent, temp. Edward
Braybrooke, Baron. See Neville. III.). Gu. a hon ramp, double queued ar. a border vert
Braybrooke (Thomas Bbatbrooee, temp. Eichard II.). Ar. sem^eof escallops or.
six lozenges gu. Breadfield. Az. a stag's head erased or.
Braye. Ar. on a chev. betw. three grifBns' heads erased Breake. Gu. a dragon volant ar.
gu. an escallop or. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a Breaker. Ar. a fesse gu. betw. six estoiles sa.
plume of five feathers^ three ar. two az., on the top of the Breakspear (Langley, co. Hertford, and Middlesex). Vert
plume a griffin's head go. eight spears in saltire or, the four in bend dexter, sur-
Braye. Vert three bendlets ai. mounted of the four in sinister.
Brayer, or Brayor. Az. a chev. ar. betw. three fleurs- Breame (London). Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three talbots'"
de-lis or. heads erased or, as many mullets sa. Crest A hand and —
Brayfield Az. a cross chequy ar. and gu.
(Norfolk). arm. couped at the elbow erect, habited bendy of six or and
Brayfield. Gu. three escallops ar. betw. two bends vair. az. cuff of the first, the hand grasping a fish, all ppr. Motto
Brayldocke. Ar. seven mascles three, three, and one, a — God is my defender.
bordure gu. Breame. Az. three breames or.
Brayle. Or, two barnacles extended ppr. Breames (Bridge, co. Kent). Sa. on a chief ar. a demi lion
Braylefe. Ar. a cinquefoil pierced sa. ramp. gu.
Braylesford, or Braylford (Derbyshire). Or, a cinque- Breant (temp. Henry III.). Gu. a cinquefoil ar. Crest—
foil sa. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet or, a stag's head demi griffin reguard. holding a flag charged with a saltire.
affrontee ppr. Brearey, or Breary (Brearey, Mensington, and Middle-
Braylesford. Ar. on a bend sa. three cinquefoils or. thorpe, CO. York: the heiress of the senior Hue, Mary,
Braylford. Ar. two bends az. on a canton sa. a chess rook dau. of John Brearet, or Beeaehaugh, Esq., of Scough, m..
or. the Hon. Chaeles Fairfax). At. a cross potent gu.
Braylford. Ar. two bars sa. on a canton of the second a betw. four torteaux a canton az. —
Crest The bust of a
chess rook or. nun couped at the shoulders affrontee, veiled ppr. [A tradi-
Braylford. Ar. five mascles in saltire sa. tion records that this crest was granted to the family for
Braylford, or Brayleford. Quarterly, perfesse indented having defended Byland Abbey ; certain it is that part if not
or and az. the whole of the Middlethorpe estate was formerly possessed
Braylie, or Brulye. Erm. on a bend gu. three chev. or. —
by that monastery.} Motto Jesus seul bun et bel.
Braylston, Sa. six mullets or, three, two, and one. Brearley (London. James Brearlev, of London, son
Brajnne. Ar. on a pale gu. three leopards' heads of the of Richard Beeaelet, of Morla, co. Lancaster, Camden,
field. Clarenceux, March 1615). Ar. a cross potent gu. in the
Brayn, or Brayne. Az. a chev. embattled betw. three dexter point a fieur-de-hs of the second. Crest—A cross
martlets or. potent fitehee gu. betw. two wines ar.
Brayne (Aston, in Mondrem, co. Chester, temp. King John). Breavel (St. Breavel and Goldcliffe, co. Monmouth). Ar. oa
Or, an inescoeheon az. (sometimes an orle). a bend sa. three pheons of the field, points embrued.
Brayne (Gloucestershire). Az. on a fesse betw. three bugle- Breawse. Az. sem^e of crosses crosslet or, a lion ramp,
horns stringed ar. a hemp hackle gu. crowned with an antique crown of the second. Crest—
Brayne. Az. (another, sa.) a cross moline or. Crest From — human heart gu. transfixed with a sword ppr. in bend
behind amount vert the sun rising ppr. sinister,
Brayne (co. Gloucester). Az. on a cross or, a sprig of oak Brebroke. Ar. seven mascles gu. three, three, and one^
slipped ppr. betw. twelve roses sa.
Braysfield. Ar. three fleiirs-de-lis betw. nine cross cross- Breche. Ar. a chev. betw. three mullets sa. Crest—Oui of
lets sa. a cup ar. three roses stalked and leaved ppr.
Braytoffc (Braytoft, co. Lincoln). Per pale ar. and az. two Brechin, Lordship of. (Scotland). Or, three piles itt
lioDS ramp, counterchanged. point gu.
Braytoft (Lincolnshire). Az. crusilly (another, crosses Brechin (as of Scotland). Or, a representation of the
bottonee) a hon ramp. ar. Oi'est —A demi lion ramp. gu. Trinity ppr. otherwise, or, three piles in point gu.
crusily ar. Breckdon. Gu. five fusils in bend ar.
Braytoft ^Lincolnshire)^ Ar. a leopard ramp, guard, az. Brecke. Ar. two bars, and in chief as many pales az. on att
Braytoft. Ar. a lion ramp, within an orle of crosses crosslet inescutcheon or, two bars sa.
fitcbee az. Brecknock (Wales). Barry of ten (another twelve) ar. and
Braytoft. Ar. a lion ramp. az. armed gu. gu. an orle of ten martlets sa.
Brayton. Az. two chev. betw. as many mullets or. Brecknock, or Brecknoy. Ar. a chev. betw. three
(another, three mullets ar.), lions' (another, bears') gambs erased
sa. Crest—An Mm
Brayton. Ar. a cross gu. fretty or. from the elbow erect issuing from clouds holding an anchor
Brazenose Collegre, Oxford. The eacocheon divided in pale.
into three parts paleways the centre ar., thereon an escocheon Brecon, or Brecknock, Town of. A mantle or
charged with the Arms of the see of Lincoln, ensigned with parjament robe of estate az. Uned erm. the collar tied with
a mitre, all ppr., the dexter side ar. a chev. sa. betw, three a string and tasselled attached or.
roses gu. seeded or, barbed vert (being the Ar/ns of the Bredeate, or Bredg-ar (Kent). Ar. abend az. fretty of
founder, William Smith), on the sinister side the Arms of the field betw. two lions pass, guard, gu.
Sir RicHABD SuTTMi, of Presbury, Chester, Knt., who Bredham (Kent). Ar. a bend (another, two bendlets) sa,
finished the College, viz., quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a chev. Breding:hurst (Surrey). Az. on a fesse indented ar. three
betw. three bugle-horns, stringed sa^ 2nd and 3rd, ar. a mullets gu.
chev. betw. three crosses crosslet sa. Bredleshaw (Yorkshire). Ar. two bars gemeUes az. in
Braziers, Company of (incorporated withtheAEMouEEBs, chief three mullets gu.
see that name). Az. on a chev. or, betw. two ewers (i.e., Bredman (Bedfordshire). Ar. on a cross sa. five lozenges
beakers) in chief and a three-legged pot with two handles in erm.
base of the second, three roses gu. seeded or, barbed vert. Brednell (London). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three didappera-

Crest A demi man in armour, couped at the middle of the az. a crescent or, charged with a mullet sa.
thighs all ppr. garnished or, the beaver up, on his head a Bred'wardine (Brecknockshire). Or, two hons couchant
plume of three feathers, two ar. and one gu., round his waist a gu.
sash of the last, fringed of the second, holding in his dexter Bred-well (Suffolk). Gu. a goat saliant ar. attired or.
hand a sword erect of the first, hilt and pommel or. Sup- Bredwell (Suffolk). Ar. on a bend engr. sa. three goats*

porters Two men ppr. in complete armour, the dexter of the heads couped of the field, attired or.
first garnished or, the sinister all of the last, on their heads Bree. Gu. a pile erm. betw. two dexter hands apaumee
plumes e£ feathers, round their waists a sash, and each —
couped ar. Crest A hand couped in fesse.


Sree, or Bray (as bome by
the Bev. William Bbee, Brencbley (John db Bbenchley, of Brenchley, co. Kent,
M.A., Bector of Allesley, co. Warwick). Ar. a chev. betw. temp. Edward III.). Gu. a cross engr. erm.
three eagles^ legs erased &-la-cuisse sa. armed gu. Orest — Brencbley (Sir William BRENCiiLiiT, Justice of the Common
hempbreaker or. Pleas, second son of the preceding). Az. a cross potent or.
Breedon (Bere Court, near Pangboum, co. Berks, Brenchley (John Brenchlet, Lord of the Manor of
exemplified to the Bev. Johh Stuonds, on his taking the Benenden, Henry VI., brother of the preceding). Gu. a croES
surname and arms of Breedon In 1783). Gu. a lion ramp. hotonnee or.
ar. within an orle of eight passion (or calvary) naih or. Brencbley. Gu. three crosses engr. or.
Crest — ^A demi lion ramp, couped ar. holding in the dexter Brende (Norfolk). Ar. on a chev. betw. three sinister hands
paw a cross pattee fi.tchee at the foot gu. couped sa. as many spear heads of the field. Crest— A Hon
Breedon (Croton, co. Northampton). Gu. a lion ramp. ar. ramp, guard, ar.
betw. eight nails or. Crest— deml lion ar. holding a cross Brende (Suffolk). Same Arms. Crest—The fore part of a
patt^e fitch^e gu. lion gu. blended to the hind part of a dragon sejant vert.
Breek. Per fesse gu. and ar. on a chev. betw. three Brendesley (Brendesley, co. Notts. Visit. 1614). I'er pale
roses of eight leaves, all counterchanged, a fleurs-de-lia or. or and sa. a chev. betw. three escallops counterchanged.
Crest —
^A demi lion ppr. Motto Firmus maneo. — Brendfyerd. Sa. three antelope's heads couped ar. attired
Breen (Kerry, Ireland, Henrt Hegabt Bbeen, F.S.A., or.
Administrator of the Government of the Island of St. Lucia). Brendfyld. Az. » cross chequy ar. and gu. betw. four
Or, a dexter hand conped at the wrist gu. on a chief of the mullets or.
last a mullet betw. two crescents ar. Crest ^Two arms in — Brendon. Vert three martlets ar. Crest An eagle displ. —
armour embowed and interlaced ppr. in the dexter hand a Brandt. Ar. a stag's attire fixed to the scalp or.
sword also ppr., and in the sinister hand a Passion cross gu. Brenecrosse. Gu. a saltire engr. couped ar.
Motto— ComnAc AD ce^nc. Breners. Or, two bars gu. over all a lion ramp. ar.
Breerely (London, and Marla^d, co. Lancaster; granted Brenbam, or Burbam. Sa. a cross betw. four ores
19 March 1615). Same as Bbearlet. cents ar.
Breerton (Mapas). Ar. two bars sa. the first charged with Erenley, or Brenlee (from the seal of Lawrence de
a crescent ar. in dexter chief an annulet gu. Brenlee, of Kent, 1365). Gu. a griffin segreant or. Ci^est
Brees, or Breeze. Az. a wolf ramp. ar. Crest A stag — — A demi griffin.
standing at gaze or. Brenling-bam (Bishop of Exeter, in the Hall of University
Breeton. Az. three spade irons or. Crest— A naked arm College. Visit. Oxford). Sa. a fess embattled counter em-
embowed ppr. holding a wreath of laurel vert. battled betw. three Katharine wheels or.
Bregge (Kent). Gu. an eagle displ. ar. Brenne. Ar. a fesse dancettee betw, three leopards' faces sa.
Brehon, alias Judg-e Kilkenny; an ancient Irish
(co. Brenne. Ar. a chev. betw. three sinister hands sa.
family). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three escallops ar. Brenock (Orcherstown, co. Tipperary. James Brenock of
Brekia (Cumberland). Gu. a fesse chequy ar. and az. betw.' that place, whose dau., Margabst, m. Abraham, son of
three lozenges of the second, each, charged vdth a martlet Edward Filming, brother of Christopher, 14th Lord Slam),
Ar. a chev. betw. three lions' gambs erased above the
Breknor, or Bretnor, Barry of ten ar. and gu. eight knee and erect sa.

martlets in orle sa. Brenon, or O'Brenon (Ulster and Connaught). Ar. a

Brember (Lord Mayor of London, 1377, 1383, 1384, and lion ramp. two dexter hands couped at the wvist
az. in chief
1385). At. three annulets sa. on a canton of the second a —
gu. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or. a plume of five ostrich
mullet of the field. feathers az. and of the first alternately,
Brember (London). Ar. three (another, two) annulets and Brens. Barry of six ar. gu. and az.
a canton az. Crest—Two arms in armour embowed holding Brent (Dorsetshire). Gu. seven griffins segreant ar.
a battle-axe all ppr. Brent (Gloucestershire, Kent, and Somersetshire). Gu. a
Brember (London). Az. three annulets ar. on a canton of —
wivern pass. ar. Crest A dragon's head betw. two wings
the last a mullet gu. expanded ar.
Brem.en. Ar. three trumpets gu. Brent (Kent). Gu. a wivern sejant (another, displ.) the tail

Bremer James John Gordon Bkemer, E.C.B. and

(Sir nowed ar.
K.C.H., of the Priory, near Plymouth). Erm. three Brent (Oxfordshire, Patent 1613). Gu. a wivern ar. charged
breams haurient, two and one, ppr., on a chief wavy az. two on the breast with three spots of erm. one and two. Crest —
tridents in saltire encircled by a naval crown or, the rim A wivem's head betw. two wihgs ar. charged on the breast
inscribed "Le Weser." Crest —
Out of a naval crown or, as in the arms.
Brent (Dane John Grove, Canterbury, co. Kent, descended
sails ar. a dexter cubit arm in armour, the hand in a gaunt-
let of the first, grasping a sword ppr. pomel and hilt gold from BoBERT de Brent, Knt. of Cossington, co. Somerset,
betw. two branches of oak of the last, the arm charged with who d. a.d. 1309). Gu. a wivern ar.
an anchor erect sa. Motto —A la verite. Brent. Az. a bend betw. two lions ramp. ar. Crest—A lion
Bremer. Ar. a phiire of six feathers alternately gu. and or. ramp.
Bremham, or Breham. Sa. a cross betw. four crescents Bretisle. Ar. two lions pass, guard, gu. debruised by a.
ar. bend vert, charged with three eagles displ. or.
Bremm.ore (Wiltshire). Or, a fesse sa. hetw. three Brentisle, Brentisley, or Brentsley. Ar. on a
crescents az. bend engr. gu. three lions ramp, of the field.
Bremjier. Erm. a chev. hetw. three dexter hands az. Brenton. Gu. a Uon ramp. betw. three martlets ar. on
Orest —
A cock's head erased. a canton or, the stern of a ship of the line ppr. Crest— Out
of a naval crown or, the ri* or circle inscribed with the
Brem-ond. Ar. a lion ramp. az.
Bremshell, Breshent, or Bremsbett. Ar. a fesse word Spartari, a swan ar. guttee de sang. Jklolto Go —
gu. on a canton of the second a crescent of the first. through.
Bren. Ar. a chev. betw. three dexter hands couped at the Brenton (Herefordshire). Ar. a. chev. gu. betw. three
wrist sa. martlets sa.
Brenan, or O'Brenan (Cloneen and Moneenroe, co. Brenton. Ar. two bars gu. on a canton of the second a
Kilkenny, chief of his name). Gu. two lions ramp, com- cross of the first. Crest— A
demi savage affrontee hand-
batant supporting a garb or, in chief two swords in saltier, cufl'ed ppr.

and one in fesse ppr. Crest An arm in armour embowed Brentyne. Az. three eagles displ. ar. armed or.
the haad grasping a dagger, all ppr. Motto Sub hoc signo — Breregbly. Ar. a cross hotonnee gu.
vinces. Brereboug:b. Ar. a cross potent gu. betw. three ogresses.
Brenan (confirmed by Sir Chichester Fortescue, Ulster, Brerebouse (Norfolk). Erm. a lion ramp. gu.
John O'Beekan, Esq., of Malaga, in Spain, of the family
to Brerely. Ar. a cross potent (another, pattd) gu.
of Cloonen).Same Arms, Crestj and Motto. Breres (Chorley, co. Lancaster). Erm. on a canton az. a
Breanan, or O'Breanon. Same ATrms and Crest, falcon volant or. Cre><t—A nag's head erminois. y
Motto — ^Virtute et operibus.
Brereto. Az. a cross engr. ar.

Brenan (Ireland). See O'Beennan. Brereton (Brereton, co. Chester). Ar. two bars sa. Crest
Brenchesley, or Brencbley. Az. a cross patonce or. Out of a ducal coronet a bear's head ppr.
Crest —
Within an annulet or, an escutcheon az. charged Brereton (Lord Brereton, created 1624 Lord Brereton, of
Leighlin, co. Carlow, extinct 1722). Same Arms. CreU —
with a cross patonce cold.
Brencbley Out of a ducal coronet or, a bear's head couped sa. muzzled
(Maidstone, co. Kent). Az. a cross patonce
engr. or. Crest— A dexter hand and arm couped near the gold. Swpportera —
^Dexter a bear sa. armed and muzzled

elbow erect, holding a laurel branch aU ppr. gu. sinister a greyhound ar. collared az. armed gu.



Brereton (Malpoa, Eccleston, Wetenhall, Tatton, Honford, Crest —A lion's gamb erased az. charged with a chev. or,
WolTesacre, and Barrell, co. Chester, and Borasham or betw. three billets ar.
Hurras, co. Denbigh; this last line descended from Breton (Long Itchington and Tamworth, co. Warwick,
William Breeeton, a younger son of the first Eandle represented by C. D. Breton, Esq., of Fillongley, co.
Brereton, of Malpas, acquii-ed the Denhighshire estate by Warwick, Capt. John Breton, was M..P. for Tamworth, 1585).
m. with Katiirine, dau. and heir of Thomas de Weild, of Arms and Crest same as the preceding.
Bdesas, and became extinct at the decease, 1798, of Owen Breton (Lincolnshire). Same Arms, the mullets pierced
Salusitoet Brereton, Esq.). Arms, &c., as Brereton, of gu.
Brereton. Breton (Winchingham, co. Norfolk). Quarterly, per fesse
Brereton (Honford, co. Chester, bart, extinct 1673). Ar. two indented ar. and gu. a mullet for diff. Crest—A demi talbot
bars sa. over all a cross formee flory gu. Crest Out — gu. eared, collared, and lined or, holding in his feet the line
of a ducal coronet or, a bear's head ppr. charged with, a coiled up.
crescent in chief and a cross crosslet in base fordifE., and Breton (Essex and Suffolk). Quarterly or and gu. abordure
with an additional Crest, viz., a griffin with wings elevated az.
gu. standing on a chapeau gu. turned up or. Breton, or Bretton (Northamptonshire). Ar. a fesse
Brereton (Brinton, co. Norfolli). Same Anns. Crest— A. dancettge gu. in chief three boars' heads couped sa. armed

bear ppr. muzzled or. Motto Opitulante Deo. or. Crest —
On a mural coronet gu. a boar's head couped sa.
Brereton (Devonshire). Ar. fretty gu. on a chief or, crusily Breton. Az. a tun in fesse ar. over it a scroll of the second
of the second a lion ramp, of the last. inscribed BRE,
Brereton. ^r. hetw. two bars sa. a cross patonce of the Breton. Ar. two talbots pass, (another, statant) gu.
second, charged with five bezants. Crest —
On a chapeau az. Breton. Or, fretty sa. a chief of the second.
turned up erm. a dragon with wings expanded gu. Breton. Quarterly, sa. and ar. on the first a lion pass.
Brereton (Staffordshire and Cheshire). The same Arms, &c. guard, or.
Brereton. Ar. three eagles displ. gu. Breton. Quarterly, ar. and sa. two lions and as many
Brerlegh.. Ar. a cross bottonee gu. mullets counterchanged. Crest —A
wolf paly of eight or and
Brerwood or Brierwood (Cheshu-e). Erm. two pales az.
vaire or and az. on » chief of the last a bezant hetw. two Breton. Quarterly, ar, and sa. on the 1st a lion ramp, of
garbs of the second. Crest— Two swords in saltire gu. pomels the second.
and hilts or, enfiled with an earl's coronet ppr. Breton. Quarterly, or and gu. a bordure engr, az,
Brerwood. Erm. two palets vair, on a chief ar. a torteaus Breton. Ar. a lion pass. sa.
betw. two garbs gu. Breton. Az. a bend or, betw. six escallops ar.
Bresby (Penrith, co. Cumberland). Barry nebtdee of six Breton. Az. a bend betw. six martlets or.
ar. and sa. on a fesse gu. five guttes de larmes. Breton. Az. a bend ar. fretty gu. betw. six mullets or
Brescett. Az. a bend brettessed or, (another, the mullets of six points).
Brescy. Ar. a bend engr. az. fimbriated or. Breton. Ar. a chev. betw. three door staples gu.
Brescy, or Brassy (Wistaston, co. Chester). Quarterly, Breton. Or, a cross crosslet az.
per fesse indented sa. and ar. in the first quarter a mallard Breton. Lozengy or and sa. a chief of the second.
of the second. Breton. Ar. a bend betw. six mullets gu.
Bresingliani. Sa. two eagles' wings elevated and con- Breton. Ar. a chev. betw. three escallops gu.

joined or (another, ar.^ Crest On a chapeau ppr. a demi Bretoron. Az. on a bend betw. six mullets or, a boars'
hon ramp, guard, or. gamb couped at the knee sa,
Bressey. See Brasset. Bretoste. Az. a lion ramp, sans tail, within an orle of
Brest (Kent). Sa. a cinquefoil betw. an orle of crosses crosses moUne ar.
crosslet or. Bretrook. Ar. three swords meeting in base az. hilts in
Brest. Gu. three bundles of arrows, three in each ar. chief vert. —
Crest A horse saddled and bridled at fall
feathered and banded or. Crest—An arm ppr. vested sa. speed,
holding in the hand a bow ar. Brett, or Britt (Brecknockshire). Per chev. embattled
Breston (Herefordshire). Erm. on » fesse barruled sa. gu, and or. three cinquefoils counterchanged,
three crescents or. Brett (Cornwall). Ar. two chev. az. on each as many pales
Bretaig-ne. Chequy or and az. a canton erm. within a or.
bordure gu. charged with eight Uons pass, guard, of the Brett (Devonshire). Ar. fretty gu. on a chief or, semfeof
fi.rst. crosses crosslet fitehde of the second, a lion ramp, of the
Bretarg-h. (Bretargh, co. Lancaster). Ar. a fret gu. on a last.
chief or, a lion pass, of the second. Crest A lion's paw — Brett (Devonshire and Kent). Or, a lion ramp, within an

holding an ostrich's feather. Motto Fari quse sentient. orle of crosses crosslet fltchee gu. Crest —A lion pass. gu.
Bretarg*]!, Ar. a fret gu. on a chief or, a lion pass. betw. Brett (Whitstanton, co. Devon, Visit. London, 1568). Ar.
two crosses crosslet sa. semee of cross a lion ramp. gu.
crosslets fltchee
Bretayne. Erm. a canton chequy or and az. within a bor- Brett (Wivcrton, co. Nottingham, Visit. 1569 and 1614). Gu.
dure gu. charged with eighb lions pass, guard, of the a fesse dancettee betw. ten billets or, four in chief, three^
second. two, and one in base.
Bretby. Chequy ar. and az. Brett (Wapinthorne, co. Essex). Same Anns.
Bretell. Ar. on a bend sa. three escallops or. Brett Wakes, Colne, co. Essex). Same Arms.
(Tisters, Crest
Bretewell. Gu. six crosses crosslet fltchee ar. three, two, —A garb. —
Motto Velis id quod possis.
and one. Brett (Gloucestershire and Leicestershire). Same Arms.
Bretlierton (Hey, co. Lancaster, 1664). Sa, a cross flory Crest— On. a tower ar. a man's head ppr.
raguly sa. Brett (Ireland). Gu. a bend betw. six martlets ar. Crest—
Bretherton (Rainhill, co. Lancaster). Per chev. engr. sa. A crane reguard. wings endorsed, resting Lhe dexter foot on
and ar. in chief two lions pass, and in base a cross moline a stone.
counterchanged. (This coat is borne on an escutcheon of Brett (Sir William Brett, K.C.M.G., Denbigh House,
pretence by the Maechesa Stapleton Bretherton. See CO. Kent), Or, a lion ramp. betw. nine cross crosslets
Stapleton.) fitchee gu.
Bretingham. Erm. a pile az. Brett (Kent), Az. five cinquefoils in saltire ar. Crest—
Bretland (Bretland Edge, co. York, Hollingworth and griffin's head betw. two wings expanded az. beaked or.
ThorncUffe, co, Chester). Ar. a hawthorn tree erased vert Brett (Kent). Or, a lion ramp, guard, betw. five crosses
flowered gu, crosslet fitchee gu.
Bretofts (Visit, co. Notts, 1569 and 1614). Az. scm^e of Brett Rotherham). Az. billett^e or, a fesse ar.
cross crosslets and a lion ramp. ar. Brett (Rotherby, co. Leicester, Visit. 1619). Gu. a fesse
Breton (Cambridgeshire). Ar. two bars sa. a label of three indented betw. six billets or.
points gu. Brett (Leicestershire). Gu. a fesse dancettee betw. eight
Breton (Essex). Az. two chev. or. billets or, four and four (another, twelve billets).
Breton (Essex). Same Arms, a mullet sa. for diff. Brett (London). Ar. crusilly fitchee gu. a lion ramp, of the
Crest —
On a lion's gamb az. a- chev. or, charged with a second.
mullet sa. Brett (Somersetshire)- Ar. a lion ramp, betw. five (another,
Breton (Haxstead, co. Essex). Same Arms, with in chief as nine) crosses crosslet fitchee gu.
many mullets of the second. Brett Ar. on a chev. az. three bezants.
Breton (Leicestershire, London, Island of Jersey, and Crest— A lion's gamb and erased ar. grasping a wolf*
StafCordshire). Az. a bend betw. six mullets pierced or. head erased ppr. (another, a dragon's vert).


Brett. Az. B6mee of crossee crosslet ar. a lion ramp. or. chev. ar. betw. three pair of barley garbs in saltire or, three
Crest—A lion pass. or. —
tuns sa. hooped of the third. CreU A demi Moorish woman
Brett. Or, a lion ramp, within an orle of crosses crosslet gu. couped at the knees ppr. her hair dishevelled or, habited sa.
C^est —A lion pass, gu. frettee ar. her arms extended, holding in each hand three
Brett. Ar. on a bend gu. nine billets, five and four of the ears of barley of the second. Motto— In God is all our trust.
first. Brewers, Corporation of (Dubhn). Per chev. az. and
Br6tt. Ar. a lion ramp, gu, charged on the shoulder with a or, in chief a maltster's shovel betw. two garbs and in base a
trefoil slipped or., betw. eight (another, ten) crosses cvosslet —
tun, all counterchanged. Crest A castle with three towers
fitchee of the second. or. Supporters— I>exteT, a female figure representing
Brett. Az. flory ar. a Hon ramp, reguard. of the second on harvest ; sinister, a like figure representing plenty. Motto —
the shoulder a mullet, over all a bend gu. In God is all our trust.
Brett (Hon. Sir William Baliol Brett, one of the Justices Brewes (Buckinghamshire). Ar. seme^ of crosses crosslet
of the Court of Common Pleas). Quarterly, Istand 4th, or, a lion ramp. gu. crowned or,
crusily fltchte gu. a lion ramp, of the seconti, for Brett; Brewes (Gloucestershire). Or, sem^e of crosses crosslet a
2nd, per pale or and gu. three leopards' faces coimterchanged, lion ramp. sa.
for WiLFORD ; 3rd, az. three bears' heads couped ar. muzzled Brewes (Visit, co. Notts, 1569 and 1614). Az. semfie of
gu., for Forbes. Crest —
A lion pass. gu. crosses crosslet or, a lion ramp, charged on the shoulder
Brett. Gu. a griffin segreant ar. with a fieur-de-lis gu.
Brett. Or, three piles az. Brewes. Erm. a cross lozengy gu.
Brett. Ar. crusilly fitchee gu. a lion ramp, of the second Brewes. Az. a lion ramp. betw. seven crosslets fitch^
(on his shoulder an estoile) armed and langued or. ar.
Brett, Sa. a fesse ar, betw. three escallops or. Brewes. Gu, three chev. and a mullet in the dexter
Brett (Ocle Court, near Hereford). Ar. a lion ramp. betw. corner or, within a bordure engr. az.
ten crosses crosslet fituhde gu. Crest On a cap of main- — Brewes. Az. three bars voire erm. and gu.
tenance turned up erm. a lion pass. gu. Brewes. Barry of six erm. gu. and az.
Brett. Gu. in chief a lion pass, guard, (another, reguard.) or. Brewes. Gu. a saltire betw. four crosses crosslet or.
Brett (South Maperton). Ar. a lion pass, reguard. gu. Brewin, Ar. a chev. engr. sa. betw. three trefoils slipped
Brett. Gu. a bend betw. six martlets or. vert. —
Crest Two eagles' wings endorsed ppr. sem^e of
Brett. Gu. in chief a lion ranjp. or. trefoils slipped vert.
Brettell (Dudley, and Bretell Lane). Gu. a chev. vair Brewin (Loughborough, co. Leicester). Quarterly, or and
betw. three eagles displ. or. az.,a cross moline, in chief two mullets, pierced, all counter-
Brettell (Burnay, Az. two chevronels betw. in
co. Salop). —
changed. Cre4 An unicorn pass. ar. armed, maned, and
chief two easiles displ. and in base a crescent or. Crest — tufted or, collared and charged on the body with three
demi eagle displ. az. upon a millrind or, in the beak an ear of mullets, pierced, in fesse az.
com gold. Brewis. Gu. a saltire ar. a chief indented poiot in point of
Brettell-Vaughau (N.B.—These arms are founded upon the and second.

those of Wilmer, from which family these Brettells are Brewley. Erm. on a bend betw. two lions' heads erased gu.
maternally descended). Az. two chev. in chief, two eagles three chev. or. Cre.^t —
A lion ramp. ppr. semee of plates
displ. and in base a crescent, all or. Crest Upon a millrind — holding in the paws a shield erm. thereon a bend gu..
or, a demi eagle displ. az. in the beak an ear of corn gold. charged with three chev. or.
Brettell (llamsey Rill, near Halesowen, and ^install, near Brewn. Ar. an eagle displ. sa.
Bromsgrove, being the Arms of Henzey, a French refizgee Brewne (Sowton Okenden, co. Essex). Az. a cross moline or.
family, borne liy the Bretelm since the marriage of John Brews, or Brewis. Ar. a cross masculy gu. C^-es(— Out
Brettell, who d. 1783, with Anne, dau. and eventually of a ducal coronet or, a cock's head ppr.
heiress of Padl Henzey, of Amblecote). Gu. three acorns Brewse, or Brewer (Wagford, co. Buckingham). Az.
or. Crest —
A fire bolt and fire ball or. JlfoUo— Seigneur sem^e of crosslets a lion ramp. or.
je te prie garde ma vie. Brewse, or Brewes (Huntingdonshire). Az. a saltire and
Brettland (temp. Henry VI.). Gu. a cross pattee or, betw. chief or.
four escallops ar. Brewse (Norfolk, temp. Edward IH.). Erm. (another, ar.)
Bretton Oxon). Ar. two hounds paleways gu.
(Visit. a lion ramp. gu. tail forked.

Brettridg-e (entered Vis. Bucks, 1 634, as the Arvis of Mr. Brewse (Suffolk), Ar. sem^e of crosslets, and a lion ramp.
Henry Brettridge, of Gaer, in the said county). Sa. on a gu. crowned or.
bend or, betw. two cinquefoils ar. three boars' heads erased Brewse. Ar. a cross engr. or.
of the first, muzzled of the third. Crest An arm holding — Brewse. Az. crusily and a lion ramp, crowned or. Crest
a sword ppr. pomolled and hilted or. —A Uon pass. az.
Brettridge (Capt. Boger Brettridge, of Castle Magner, Brewse. Quarterly, indented sa. and ar.
whose wife, Janb Hambt, d. 1 October, 1683, Fun., Ent., Ire.). Brewse. Or, a fesse and chief gu.
Sa. on a bend betw. two cinquefoils or, three bears' heads Brew^se. Gu. a saltire ar. (another, or). Crest A demi —
erased of the field, muzzled of the second. Hercules clothed with a skin, holding over the shoulder a
Bretvill. Gu. a raft or float removed or. club ppr.
Breuse. Az. crusily or, a lion of the last, on his shoulder a Brewse. Gu, a saltire engr. ar. and chief indented point
fieur-de-Us gu. in point of the first and second.
Breviter. Ar. on a cross quarter pierced az. four fleurs-de- Brewse. Ar. an inescutcheon, within a double tressure
lis or. flory countei-flory, gu.
Brewas, or Bre'wase* Or, two chevs. (another, three) Brewse, or Brewes. Chequy or and az. an inescutcheon
gu. within a bordure engr. az. ar. charged with a bend gu.
Brewdnell. Ar. a bend cottised gu. betw. six crosses Brewsiere (Middlesex). Sa. three antelopes.' heads erased
crosslet fitchde sa. Crest—From an old castle in ruins a ar. armed or,
martlet rising sa. Brewsted. Sa. a fesse erm: betw. three estoiles ar. Crest
Brewer, or Bruer (Devonshire). Gu. two bends wavy, — A leopard's head and neck erased az.

the first ar. the second or. Cre$t —A mermaid with mirror Brewster (Northamptonshire). Az. a chev. erm. betw.
and comb ppr. three estoiles ar. Crest—A leopard's head erased sa.
Brewer, or Bruer (Kent).Gu. two bends wavy or, a (another, az.) bezant^e.
canton vair. Crest— Out of a mural coronet a hand and Brewster (Withfield, co. Essex). The same Arms. Crest—
arm couped at the elbow, habited gu. billettee or, holding in A demi lion, holding in his dexter paw a club over his
the hand ppr. a battle-axe ar. shoulder.
Brewer (London and Somersetshire. Her Coll. London). Brewster (Greenstead Hall, and Ashford Lodge, co. Essex,

Gu. two bends wavy or, a chief vair, a mullet for diff. granted by Harvey, Clarenceux, to Homphrey Brewster,
ft-est—A syren (charged with a mullet for diff.) her human Esq., of Eashware, co. Suffolk, 1561). Sa. a chev. betw.
part ppr. her tail scaled or and gu. divided by parallel lines —
three stars ar. Crest A beaver's head erased sa. Motto —
wavy. Verite soyez ma garde.
Brewer (Bermondsey, and Norfolk). The same, without Brewster (Suffolk). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three estoiles
the mullet. ar. —
Crest ^A bear's head erased az.

Brewer. Ar. a lion ramp, tail forch^e gu. Brewster (city of Dublin, settled in Ireland, temp. Charles
Brewercott, Ar. a cross patonce vert, over all a label of II., granted 1814). Gu. on a chev. erm. three trefoils
three points gu. shpped vert betw. as many estoiles ar. Crest A wolf's —
Brewers, Company of (London and Exeter). Gu. on a head couped gu. the neck charged with a trefoil slipped or.
A k


and pierced through with an arrow sa. barbed and feathered with leaves vert, and holding in the dexter hand a slip of
ar. Motto —
Probitas cum fortitudine. oak of the last.
on a chief of the second
Sre'wster (French-Brewsteb : exemplified to Robeet Bricus. Sa. three garbs or, a-

Abraham French, Esq., Lieutenant Ist Dragoon Guards, talbofs head erased betw. two billets gu.
on his assuming by royal licence, 1874, the additional sur- Brid (London). Ar. on a fesse gu, betn". three birds a rose
name and arms of Brewster, in compliance with the testa- —
betw. two fleurs-de-lis or. Crest An eagle's head, bendy
mentary injunction of his maternal grandfather, Right Hon. of eight ar. and sa. ducally gorged or.
Abraham Brewster, Lord Chancelloroflreland, 1867 to 1868). Bridall (Middlesex; granted 21 June, 1669). Az. three
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. on a chev. engr. erm. betw. three estoiles betw. four bendlets ar. Crest —
^A lion's gamb erased

estoiles ar. a trefoil slipped vert, for Brewster 2nd and 3rd, ;
az. armed gu. holding a demi lance broken ar. headed or.
erm. a chev. sa. a martlet for diff., for French. Crests-^ Bridde. Ar. a cross formee (another, flory) betw. four
1st: A leopard's head erased az. bezante, in the mouth a mullets gu.
trefoil slipped vert, for Brewster 2nd A dolphin naiant :
Bridde. The same, adding a canton az.


ppr., for French. Motto Verity soyez ma garde. Bride. Ar. a fesse betw. three martlets sa. on a canton gu.
Srews'ward, or Srewsyard. Sa. three antelopes' heads a cross pattee of the fleld, ft-eaf— Two eagles' heads erased
couped or. and endorsed ppr.
Bre"wys. Gu. a saltire ar. a chief indented, point in point, Brideport (Somersetshire). Ar. a bend betw. six roses gu^
of the first and second. Brideshall (Lincolnshire). Ar. two bars gemelles az,
Brey. Ar. on a chief gu. a lion pass, guard, or. Cnst — betw. three mullets gu.
hill ppr. Motto By degrees. — Bridg-e (Bosbury, co. Hereford, and Essex). Ar. a chief gu,
Breydon (Blackhouse). Or, a chev. gu. betw. three over all a bend engr. sa. Crest—Ty/o wings endorsed ar. on
martlets sa. each a chev. engr. sa. charged with a chaplet or.
Breyley. Ar. a cross gu. Bridgre (Bosbury, co. Hereford). Az. a chief gu. over all a
Breyston. Sa. six martlets or. bend engr. sa. charged in the dexter point with a chaplet or.
Breze. Gu. three mullets or. —
Crest As the last.
Brlce (Lancashire and London, 1456). Ar. fretty gu. over all Bridg-e (Lancashire). Ar. a bend sa. and a chief of thfr
a cross of the first, all within a bordure sa. charged with second (another, gu.).
eight cinquefoils of the field. Bridge (Kingsbarns, Scotland). Gu. a bridge of one arch ar.
Brice (Packham House, co. Hants, granted 1573). Sa. a masoned sa. with streams transfluent ppr.
griffin pass. or. Cre&t —A lion's head erased erm. pierced Bridge. Ar. three owls sa.
through the neck with an arrow or, headed and feathered ar. Bridge (Dorsetshire). Or, a bend engr. sa. charged with a

Motto Da gloriam Deo. chaplet of oak of the field, on a chief az. a bridge of three
Brice (Lord Mayor of London, 1485). The same, with the arches embattled, and at each end a tower ppr. Crest—
cinquefoils or. chaplet of oak or, betw. two wings elevated sa. each charged
Brlce (John Brice, Lord Mayor of Dublin, d. 19 Sept., 1620, with a bridge of one arch embattled and turreted as in the
Fun. Ent. Ire.). Ar. on a cross gu. a castle triple-towered arms.
of the first betw. four frets of the second. Brid^eman (Norfolk). Sa. ten annulets, four, three, two,,
Brice, See Brdce. and one ar. on a chief of the last a hon pass, of the field.
Brice Sa. a grifBn pass. or.
(Somersetshire). Crest — Crest—A trefoil shpped vert.
lion'shead erased erm. pierced through with an arrow or, Bridgeman {Earl of Bradford). ten plates, four, three,
feathered and headed ar. two, and one, on a chief ar. a hon pass,
of the first. Crest —
Brice (Ireland. Sir Hugh Bbice, Knt.). Ar. fretty gu. over A demi lion ramp. ar. holding betw. the paws a wreath of
all a cross of the last a border sa. Crest —A demi fleur-de- laurel ppr. —
Supporters Two leopards guard, gu. semee of
lis ar. plates. —
Motto Nee temere nee timide.
Bricher (Essex). Or, a saltire betw. four lionp ramp. sa. Bridgeman (Shropshire). The same Arms. Crest—A fox
Brickdale (Somersetshire and Gloucestershire, originally of sejant ppr.
Brickdale, co. Lancaster). Az. a chev. betw. three sheaves Bridgen (Lord Mayor of London, 1764). Az. a bridge of
of five arrows or, flighted and pheoned ar. pointed and three arches, embattled at top, in fesse ar. masoned aa.

banded gu. Crest 1st: A sheaf of arrows as in tlie arms; —
betw. three sea lions pass. or. Crest A demi mariner ppr.
2nd Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi lion ramp, supporting
: habited in russet, round the waist a sash, and on the head
a spear ppr. thereon a standard az. fringed and tasselled gold, a cap gu., in the dexter hand a sphere held out or, the
charged with a sheaf of five arrows as in the arms. Motto — sinister arm resting on an anchor of the last.
Fide et fortitudine. Bridger (Warminghurst, co, Sussex, the heiress, Mary, dau.
Bricked (Cheshire). Sa. three garbs or, within a bordure ar. of Sir John Bridger, of Combe, knt., vi. Sir George
(another, theboruure, or). Shiffneb, Bart.). Ar. a chev. engr. sa. betw. three crabs
Bricken. Ar. three hills az. —
gu. Cre^t Out of a ducal coronet or, a crab gu.
Brickenden (Inkpen, co. Berks). Parted per chev. ar. and Bridger (Buckingham House, Sussex). Same Ai-ms. Crest
gu. three roses counterchanged on a chief indented of the — A crab, as in the arms,
second three crescents of the first. Crest A demi wivern — Bridger, or Briger (Gloucestershire, and Combe, co.
vert. Sussex). Ar. a chev. engr. sa. (another, az.) betw. three sea
Bricket. Ar. three talbots' heads erased gu. on a chief sa. crabs gu. Crest— A dragon's head transfixed with the top
three garbs or. of a spear, in bend sinister.
Bricket, Brickheat, or Bryket (Cheshire). Sa. three Bridges (Baron Fitswalter, extinct). Az. three water-bougetB
garbs or, within a bordure engr. ar. or, within a bordure erm. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a
Srickhurst (Lincolnshire). Sa. on a fesse or, betw. three Moor's head in profile ppr., wreathed about the temples ar,
lions ramp. ar. as many crescents . Crest Out of a . . — and gold, gorged with a collar of the first, pendent therefrom
mural coronet or, a tiger's head and neck ar. —
a cross-pattee of the third. Supporters On the dexter side
Brickill. Ar, on a mount in base vert a brick kiln of four a bull sa. homed, hoofed, maned, ducally gorged, and line
stories gu. flamant and fumant on the second and top stories reflexed over the back ar. on the sinister side a lilte bull
ppr. —
semee of plates. Motto Je garderay.
Bricklayers and Tilers, Company or (London). Bridges (Goodnestone, co. Kent, bart.). Same Arms, Ci'estj
Az. a chev. or, in chief a fleur-de-hs ar. betw. two brick and Motto.
axes, palewise of the second, in base a bundle of laths of the Bridges. Gu. a chev. betw. three griffins' heads erased ar.

last. Crest —A dexter arm embowed vested per pale or and Crest — On a tower ppr, a hawk's wings displ. of the last.

az. cuffed ar. holding in the hand ppr. a brick axe gold. Bridges (borne by Capt. George H. Bridges, A.D.C, Wood-
Motto — In God is all our trust. side, Portishead, Somersetshire). Same Arms, ana Crest,
Brickleton. Ar. on a chev. betw. three leopards' heads sa. on an escutcheon of pretence, French (De Breyrie),
as many mullets or. Bridges (Chillingford and Badow, co. Essex, granted 1562).
Brickley. Ar. a chev. betw. three martlets sa. a chief At. three escutcheons gu. each charged with a bend vaire
engr. vert. of the first and sa. betw. two roses or. Crest—A boar pass,
Brickley. Ar. three wall stones in pale or. ar. pierced through the neck with a broken spear, headed of
Brickman. Gu. a trowel ar. handle or, and a brick axe of the flrst, and embrued gu.
the second. Bridges (Gloucester). Ar. on a cross sa. a leopard's head
Brickman. Ar. three tubs gu. or. Crest —
A man's head ppr. sidefaced, couped below the
Bricks. Ar. a rose betw. three bricks gu. shoulder, vested paly of six, ar. and gu. semee of roundles
Brick"WOod. Ar. a pale chequy az. and or. Crest A demi — counterchanged wreathed round the temples of the last
savage affront^e ppr. wreathed about the head and middle andaz.


"Bridges Ar. oa a cross sa. a leopard's face
(EdinbnrKli), Brige. Ar. three owls sa. beaked and legged or.
of the first on a canton or, a lion ramp. ga. Crest A demi — Brigensha'W. Or, a fesse embattled coimter-embattled'
lion ga. Motto—Maiatien le droit. ermines, betw. two lions pass. az.
Bridgres (Lord Mayor of London, 1520). Ar. on a cross sa. Brigford. Gu, three martlets betw. two bars ar.
a leopard's head or, a mullet for diff. Brigge (West Leake, co. Nottingham; derived from a
Bridgres (Norfolk). Or, three bars ga. a canton sa. common ancestor with the Willoughbts, of Wollaton, and-
Bridges. Gu. three bars gemelles or, a canton ar. the BiNGHAMS, of Bingham, in the same county). Or, on a
Bridges. Az. fretty ar. a chief or, fesse gu. three water bougets ar. over all abend az.
Bridg'es. Erm. a cross pean. Briggerake. Or, two eagle's legs issuant from the sinister,
Brid&ewater. Ar. an eagle displ. sa, on a chief az. three barways gu.
fleurs-de-lis or. demi stag or, attired sa.
Cfrest—A. Brigges (Westmoreland). Ar. a fleur-de-lis betw. three
Bridge'^ater. an eagle displ. ar. a chief of the last.
Sa. inescutcheons gu. each charged with a bend of the field.
Bridge-water, Town
of (Somersetshire). Gu. a castle Ci-est —
A fox ppr.
with three towers ar. the dexter and sinister tower domed, Brigges. Ar. three escutcheons gu. on each a bend vair
the castle standing on a bridge in base over a river, all' ppr., betw. two cinquefoils or, all within a bordure engr. az.
on the dexter side of the centre tower an estoile, and on the bezantee,
sinister a fleur-de-lis, both or. The corporation seal is very Briggs (Halifax and Birstwith Hall, co. York). Ar. a
ancient, and represents a castle surmounted by two others bend vair betw. three escutcheons sa. each charged with a-
flaced pyramidically and embattled. The castle stands on a pheon of the field, a bordure engr, gu. bezantee. Crest—-A.
bridge of Gothic work, with water imdemeath on each ; mount vert, thereon, in front of a lion pass, erm, the dexter
side of the first castle a domed tower surmounted with a ball, paw resting upon a pheon sa. a laurel branch erect ppr.
the grand entrance portcuUied at the top, and against the Motto —Fortiter et fideliter.
door a man's head couped close in chief, on the dexter side Briggs (Cathermgton House, co. Hants), Ar. on an inscut-
an estoile, on the sinister a fleur-de-lis. cheon gu. a bend vair betw. two cinquefoils or, a border
Bridgham. Ar. a saltire engr. az. engr. az. bezantee. —
Crest On a stump of a tree eradicated
Bridghouse, Ar. on a square tower issuant out of the or, sprouting vert a pelican of the first vulning herself ppr.-
base, surmounted by an open port (or arch) joined to two Briggs (Yorkshire). Same Amis.
towers gu. the roof quadrangular, or divided into four gable Briggs (Haaghton, co. Salop, originally of Saul, co. Norfolk.
ends az. Sir MoBETON Brigges, of Haughton, was created a baronet
Bridgxnan (Castle Bromwich, co. Warwick). Sa. ten In 1641, extinct 1767). Gu. three bars gemelles or, a canton.
plates, fonr three, two, and one, on a chief ar. a lion pass. —
erm, Ci'est As preceding. Motto Virtus est Dei. —
ermines. Crest —A demi lion ramp. ar. holding betw. the Briggs (Bart, of Briggs-DayreD, Island ol Barbados, created-
paws a garland of laurel ppr. 1871). Ar. three bars gemelles az. on a canton of the last, a
Bridgman. Az. ten bezants, on a chief ar. a lion pass. sa. bridge of the first. —
Crest Upon the stump of a tree erased
Bridgxnan. Ar. ten pellets, on a chief su. a lion pass, of and couped, and charged with a trefoil ppr. a pelican vulning
the first. herself wings elevated ar. Mottoes —
Under the Atttis: N&-
Bridgmore. Gu. a wall extended in fesse, arched, inarched, traverse par le pont ; over the Crest : Virtus est Dei.
on the top a tower, battled, with a round roof betw. two Briggs (Brecknockshire). Ar, three esutcheons gu. each-
other turrets of the same. charged with a bend of the fleld. Crest An arm vam- —
Bridgnortli, To^wn of (Shropshire). Az. a castle ar. a braced, and hand holding a bow and arrow ppr.
canton of the last. The seal represents a castle only. Briggs (London and Shropshire). Ar. three inescutcheons

Bridgstock. Crest Araven sa. holdingin the dexterpaw gu. each charged with a bend vair. Crest— On the stump-
an escallop. of a tree, erased and couped or, sprouting two new branches
Bridgwater, To-wn of (Somerset). Ar. an arch of a vert, a pelican gold, vulning her breast gu.
bridge, extended and triple-towered gu. in base water with Briggs (Haughton, co. Salop), Gu. three (another, two>-
three ships therein, all ppr. bars gemelles or, on a canton sa, a crescent of the second.
Bridled (Devonshire). Ar. a bridle or. —
Crest ^An arm embowed, covered with leaves vert, holding
Bridlehall, BridleshaU, or Bridleshav (Lincohi in the hand ppr. a bow gu. strung sa. and an arrow ar.
and Lancashire). Ar. two bars gemelles az. in chief three Briggs. Quarterly, or and gu. a canton sa.
mullets gu, Briggs, or Brigg. Ar. three owls sa.
Bridleshate. Ar. two bars az. in chief three mullets gu. Brighazn (Cannon End, co. Oxford. Thouas BbighaH'.
Bridlington Priory (Yorkshire). Per pale sa. and ar. was patentee for the Stannaries in Cornwall under Queen
three Roman B's counterchanged, two and one. Elizabeth. Visit. Oxon). Ar. a fleur-de-lis within an orle
Bridzoanston (Dorsetshire). Ar. seven lozenges sa. three, ol martlets sa.
three, and one. Brigham (Cumberland). Same Arms.
Bridmanston. Ar. six lozenges gu. Brigliam, or Briggam (Yorkshire), Same Arms^
Bridmanstreete. Ar. seven mascles conjunct sa. Crest —A boar's head
bendways, couped sa.
Bridon (Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk). Ar. three hawks' Brigham Ar. a fesse sa. betw. three trefoils^
heads erased sa. a bordure engr. az. bezantee. Crest — slipped gu, (another, of the second). Crest On a cloud a —
hawk's head erased sa. charged with three bezants, one and crescent betw. two branches of palm in orle.
two. Brigham (Yorkshire). Ar, a saltire engr. vert, (another,
Bridport, Viscount. See Hood. sa.).
Bridport, Tovm. of (Dorsetshire). Gu. a castle with two Brigham (Yorkshire). Ar. a fesse betw. three trefoils

towers ar. over each a fleur-de-lis or, in chief a lion pass. slipped gu.
guard, crowned of the last, the base barry wavy of eight Brigham. Az. a chev. betw. three lions ramp. or.
of the second and az. Brigham (Foxley House, co. Chester, formerly of Brigham).
Bridvill. Quarterly, ar. and gu. in the first quarter a —
Ar. a saltier engr. vert. Cj'est Out of a ducal coronet a
falcon's head couped of the last. —
plume of feathers. Motto In cruce salus.
Brien (granted by Carney, XJlster, 1684 to James Beien, Brighlen. Per chev. indented ar. and gu.
Esq.). Gu. three lions pass, two and one or. Crest ^Two — Brighley, Or, a chief Indented gu.
lions' gambs couped and erect gu. armed az. supporting a Brighley. Gu. a chief indented ar.
sword ppr. pomel and hilt or. Brighouse (Bilby, co. Nottingham). Az. on a fesse betw.
Brien (Ireland). Sa. three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest— Betw. three lions ramp, or, as many crescents of the field, in chief'
the horns of a crescent or, a cross pattee gu, a trefoil slipped ar. for diff.
Brierly (Mopley Hall, co. Chester). Ar. a cross potent gu. Brighouse (Lincolnshire). Sa. on a fesse betw. three lions
Crest —A cross potent fitchee gu. betw. two wings, ar. ramp, or, as many crescents of the fleld. Crest Out of a —
Brierly (London, granted 1625). Arms and Crest same as mural coronet or, a tiger's head ar.

the preceding, a fleur-de-lis for diff. Bright (Cheshire), Az. three mullets pierced (another
Brierly, Ar. a cross crosslet gu. (another, sa,). —
adds a chief indented or). Crest A demi griffin holding in
Briers (Bedfordshire). Az. a chev. flory counterfiory erm. the dexter claw a mullet sa.
betw. three mullets pierced ar. —
Crest A demi leopard Bright (London, Visit. London, 1568). Sa. on a bend betw.
ramp, guard, erased az. gorged with a collar ar. charged three mullets ar. as many cross crosslets fitchee of the
with three mullets, pierced, gu. field.

Briett. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three roses gu. on a chief of Bright (Brockbury, and Colwall, co. Hereford, and Ham-
the last a rose of the first. Green, CO. Somerset, descended from the Rev. Heney"
Brig. Crest —An arm in armour embowed, holding a dagger Bbigbt, of Brockbury, canon of Worcester, 1619, grandson
ppr. of Nathaniel Bbigbt, of Worcester, who d. 1564). Az. ar


fesse wavy erminois in chief three crescents ar. Orest— Brindley (Willenhall, Kinver, Ac, co. Stafford), Same
A derai lion ramp, holding a battle-axe headed gu. Motto Arms.
—Post tenebras lucem. Brindley (Union Hall, co. Stafford). Per chev. gu. and az.
.Bright (Bury St. Edmund's, co. Suffolk, granted 1G15). Sa. within two chevronels erm. betw. as many swans in chief
a fesse r.r. betw. three escallops or. Orest— A. dragon's head and a lion ramp, in base ar. three escallops or. Crest— Ojx
gu. vomiting flames of fire ppr. collared and lined or. a mount vert, a demi Uon reguard. erm. in the mouth a sprig
bright (Carbrook and Badsworth, co. York. Sir John of oak, the dexter paw holding an olive branch ppr., the
Bright, of Carbrook, the well-known Parliamentary com- sinister paw resting on an escutcheon az. charged with two
mander, was created a baronet in 1660. His dau. and heir, chevronels or.
Cathekine, m. Sir Henry Liddeli., Bart., of Ravensworth Brindley, Gu. a griffin segreant ar. Crest A wivern —
Castle). Per pale az. and gu. a bend or, betw. a mullet in holding in the beak a hand ppr.
chief ar., and another in base of the third. Crest ^The sun — Brine. Ar. on a chev. az. five estoiles or, in chief six gutties
in splendour issuing from a cloud ar. de sang, four and two. Crest —
^Two swords in saltire ppr.
Brig-lit (Bannercross, EL'clesall). Same Arms. Crest Amass — surmounted by a cross crosslet fitchee gu.
of clouds, and thereupon a sun issuant all ppr. Bringhorne (Fenshaw, co. Kent). Sa. a pile or, over all a
Bright (Harrow Weald, co. Middlesex). Per pale az. and gu, fesse counterchanged. CreU-~On a wolfs head erased sa. a

a bend or, betw. two mullets, ar. Crest A mass of clouds, pile or.
and therefrona a sun issuant, all ppr. Motto Clarior e — Bringfipld. Az. three pears or.
tenebris. Bringham (Devonshire). Ar. a pile sa. over all a chev.
.Bright (Ireland). Per pale az. and or, a bend betw. two counterchanged.
mullets, all counteichanged. Crest —A
hand erect ppr. Bringham. Or, on a fesse gu. three water-bougets ar.
vesbed sa. issuing from a cloud, shedding forth rays, and Bringham. Az. a bend engr. (another, lozengy) or.
holding a mort'e head of the first. Bringham.. Or, a maunch vert.
Brighttoridge (Buckinghamshire). Sa. on a bend or, Bringhoke (Terrington, co. Norfolk). Paly of four az. ajid
betw. two cinquefoils ar. three boars' heads erased of the gu. over all a fesse dancettee betw. three bulls' heads
first, muzzled of the second. erased or.
. Brighteley (Devonshire). Ar. a chev. indented gu. Bringhurst (Leicestershire). Az. two bars erm. In chief
Brightly. Ar. a cross crosslet gu. three escallops or. Crest—An arm embowed, habited in
Erightraan, or Briztman (Paris Garden, co. Surrey). mail ar. holding in the hand ppr. a spike club sa. spikes or.

Az. a chev. betw. three lions ramp. ar. (another, or). Crest — Bringhurst ^Ireland). Sa. a cross compony counter compony
A dexter arm embowed in armour ppr. garnished or, holding or and gu. betw. four leopards' fdces of the second. Crest—
in the gauntlet a sword ar. hilt of the second, tied round the A dragon's head erased ar. gorged with a collar compony or
arm, with a sash of the last and purp. the arm issuing out of and gu.
Tays gold. Brinhill (Ireland). Ar. a tree vert.
.Brightmere, or Brightmore* Gu. a chev. betw, three Brlukesborne (Berkshire). Gu. a griffin segreant or, over
swans' heads erased (another couped) ar. all a bend erm. a chief chequy of the second and first.
-Brightridge (Oxfordshire). Sa. on a bend betw, two Brinkhurst. Gu. a lion ramp. ar. ducally crowned or,
cinquefoils or. three bears' heads erased of the first, muzzled holding in each fore paw a bezant. Crest A demi lion as —
ar. a crescent for diff. in the arms.
. Brightrixton, or Britixten (Essex, Her. Coll., London). Brinkley (confirmed to Kichard Graves Brinklet, Esq.,
Ar. three boars' heads betw. seven crosses crosslet fitchee gu. of Ardagh' and Portland, co. Sligo, grandson of Et. Rev.
. Brightwalton. Sa. on a bend ar. three crosses crosslet John Brinklet, Bishop of Cloyne, and to the other
fitchee gu. descendants of his said grandfather). Az. a cross potent
. Brightiwen (Thomas Brightwen, Esq., of the Grove, engr. in chief three estoiles or. Crest —
On and above a
Great Stanmore). Same as Brightman or Britzman. cross potent engr. an estoile all or. Motto Mutabimur. —
Motto —Dominus illuminatio mea. Brinklo-w, or Bringlo^w. Per pale
and gu. barry of
"Brigid Vert, on a cross ar. nine estoiles sa.
(Ireland). four, each charged with a leopai'd's face and fleur-de-lis, all
Orest —
Out of a cloud ppr. an estoile of eight rays. —
counterchanged. Crest A demi lion or, supporting a flam-
Brigrake. Ar. three griffins in fesse gn. ing sword gu, hilt gold.
. Brigvield (impaled by .Toun Madleverer, grandson of Sir Brinklo-w, or Bringlo (Ireland). Az. the sun in splendour
KiCHARD Madleverer, who came to England with William I., ar. on a chief indented or, an eagle displ. sa.
and was Master of the Forests, Parks, and Chases, north of Brinley (Berkshire). Az. a lion saliant or.
the Trent). Gu. six billets, three, two, and qne, ar. each Brinley, Erm. on a bend gu. three chev. or.
charged with an erm. spot sa. Brins. Gu. a lion pass, guard, erm. Cre^t A talbot's head —
. Brikes. Or, a chev. betw. three ravens' heads erased sa. collared and swallowing a bird with wings expanded.
Brikes. Ar. a chev. betw. three boars' heads erased sa. Brinsdon. Sa. six lozenges in bend ar. betw. three
Briket (Lancashire). Sa. three garbs within a bordure engr. escallops or.
or, (another, ar.). Brinsley. See Brindesley.
BrDiet. Ar. three talbots' heads erased gu. on a chief sa. aa £rinte (Ireland). Or, a cross engr. and a border gu.
many garbs or. Briuton (William Brinton, Esq., Brook-street, Grosvenor-
. Briket, or Buket. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three leopards' square, London). Per pale ar. and gu. a Uon salient double
heads of the second. queued betw. three annulets counterchanged. Crest In —
Brim. Gu. a fesse or, betw. six martlets ar. front of a saltire gu. a beacon sa. fired ppr.
. Brimer (Scotland). Or, a fesse engr. erm. betw. three Brinton. Ar. a chev. betw. three martlets sa.
dragons' heads erased gu. Brinton. Gu. a lion ramp. ar. tail forked.
, Brimfield, or Brimfold. Gu. three lions pass. ar. Brinton. Gu. a lion ramp, tail forchee or (another, erm.).
, Brimpton (Brimpton, co. Berks). Gu. five escallops ar. two, Brinton. Sa. five fusils in bend ar,
two, and one. Brion. Sa. a lion ramp, or, a chief of the last.
Brin (Cheshire). Ar. an eagle imperial sa. Briquett (Enston, Oxon). Ar. a fess engr. betw. three
Briuckman (Monk-Bretton, Yorkshire, hart., assumed by lions' heads erased gu.
royal Ucence, 1842, the surname of Brinckman, in lieu of Brisac. Gu. three swords in pairle, hilts meeting in the
his patronymic, Broadhead). Ar. three hills az. quartering centre ar. Crest —An ai«n embowed ppr. vested gu. holding

Broadhead. Crest A pair of wings quarterly, ar. and az. a covered cup or.

Motto Perseverando. Brisbane (Bishoptowu, co. Renfrew). Sa. a chev. chequyor
Brind. Ar. on a chev. betw. three hands couped and bend- and gu. betw. three cushions of the second. Orest A stork's —
ways sinister sa. as many spears' heads of the first. head erased, holding in his beak a serpent nowed ppr.
Brindale. Gu. a grifiin segreant ar. Motto —Debit otia Deus.
Brindesley. Per pale or and sa. a chev. betw. three Brisbane (John Brisbane, Judge Advocate to H.M. Navy,
escallops, all counte re hanged. 1672). The same Arms within a bordure vaire. Crest—
Brindesley, Brindsley, or Brinsley (Brinsley, co. serpent wreathed about an anchor in pale ppr. Motto —
Nottingham). Ancient u4rnis— Quarterly, or and sa., a chev. Animum prudentia firmat.
quarterly, betw. three escallops all counterchanged. Ar-ins Brisbane (Dr. Matthew Brisbane, 1672). The same Amis

granted in 1569 Per pale or and sa., a chev. betw. three within a bordure chequy ar. —
and sa. Oi-est A hillock, sem^e
escaJlops counterchanged. —
Orest An escallop per pale or of ants ppr. Motto — Virtuti damnosa quies.
and sa. Brisbane descended of Bishoptown, 1793). As
"Brindley (Wistaston, co. Chester), Per pale or andsa. a Bishoptown, within a bordure gii. Crest—Aa Bishoptown,
chev, betw. three escallops counterchanged. Jl/oi£o— Certamine suramo.


Brisbane (paternally Shaw, borne by the late Sir Thomas of Andrew Collteb, Esq., late of Famham, co. Surrey, by
Makdougall Brisbane, Bart., G.C.B., &c., &c., of Brisbane Priestley, his wife, sister of John William Bristow, Ksq. .

and Makerstoun). Quarterly, 1st and 4tli, sa. a char, chequy late of Beddington, co. Surrey, upon his assuming by royal
or and gu. betw. three cushions of the second, in the collar licence, 15 Jan. 1859, the surname and arms of Bristow in-
point a representation of one of the gold medals conferred addition to those of Collyeb). Quarterly, 1st and 4th
on General Sir Thomas Brisbane, by his late Majesty, for Bristow, erm. on a fesse sa. betw. two cottises compony
Brisbane; 2nd and 3rd, az. a Hon ramp. ar. crowned with az., and of the last a sun in splendour betw. two crescents
an antique crown or, anhed and langued gu. within a or; 2nd and Srd, Collyer, gu. on a chev. engr. betw. three
bordure of the second, charged with six fraisers of the boars* heads erased or, as many pallets sa., each charged
first, for Makdoogal, Crests— 1st: A stork's head erased, with an oak leaf of the second.' Crests— 1st, Bristow: A
holding in her beak a. serpent wavy ppr., for Brisbane ; crescent or, therefrom issuant a phoenix ppr. charged on
2nd: A lion issuing guard, ppr. holding in his dexter paw each wing with a cross crosslet az. 2nd, Collter A boar's
: :

a cross crosslet fitchee gu., for Maksougal. Supporters head erased or, guttee de sang, in the mouth a stafl" raguly
— Two talbots ppr. Mottoes— OynT the Brisbane Crest, —
bendwise gu. Motto ^Avance.
Certamine summo over the Macdougal Crest Fear God.
; — Bristow, or Burstow (Surrey). Gu. three falcons ar.
Brisbon, or Brisbozie. Ar. on a chev. sa. three mart- also quarterly or and az., in the first and fourth a rose gu.,
lets or. Crest —
On a chapeau a lion ramp, sustaining an in the second and third a fieur-de-lis of the first.
arrow, point downwards. Bristo'we (Beesthorpe Hall, co. Notts, and Twyford, co.
Brisco (Crofton Hall, Cumberland, hart.). Ar. three grey- Derby). Erm. on a fesse cottised sa. three crescents or.
hounds courant in pale sa. Crest —A greyhound courant sa. —
Crest Out of a crescent or, a demi eagle displ. az. Motto —
seizing a hare ppr. Vigilantibus non dormientibus.
Brisco {Coghurst, co. Sussex). Same Arrns and Crest. Bristowe (Broxmore Park, Wilts). Same Arms, Ci-estj
Motto —Grata sume manu. and Motto.
Briscoe Cl'^ckdean, Northleach, England; Rirerdale, co. Bristow (Ayot St. Lawrence, and Little Bibbesworth, co.
Westmeath, and Tinvane, co. Tipperary). Same Arms and Herts, descended from the Burstows or Bristows, of
d'est. Motto of Bbibco, of Tinvane Post virtutem curro. — Burstow, in Surrey, and more immediately from Nicholas
Briscoe (Ireland). Ar. a fesse sa. betw. two greyhoimds Bristow, of Ayot St. Lawrence, Clerk of the Jewels to

courant of the second. Ch~est A Saracen's head afirontee Henry VIII.). Same Arms.
issuing ppr. Britain. Sa. three garbs or.
Brise. Sa. a chev. betw. three escallops ar. a bordure engr. Britain, or Briton (Lord Mayor of London, 1294 to 1297
or. inclusive). Az. two chev. or, in chief as many martlets ar.
Brise (Buggles-Bbise, Spain's Hall, co. Essex, and Clare, Britaine (Lord Mayor of London, 1326). Gu. a saltire
CO. Suffolk; exemplified to John Boggles, Esq., on betw. four fleurs-de-lis or.
his assuming by royal name of Brise).
license, 1827, the Britanny, Duke of (John, 4th Duhe of Brittany', K.G.j
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per chev. engr. gu. and ar. three temp. Edward III., m. Lady Mary Plantagznet, the
roses counterchanged, for Ruggles 2nd and 3rd, lozengy
; Sovereign's daughter). Chequy or and az. a bordure gu.
gu. and ar. within a bordure sa. fleury of eight quatre- powdered with lioncels pass, guard, of the first a canton erm.
foilsa cross of the second, for Bribe. Crests A tower or — Britayne. Chequy or and az. a tower triple towered erm.
castle or,transQxed with four darts in saltier and infiamed port displ. sa. within a bordure gu. charged with eight
ppr., for Euggles An alligator ramp., for Bribe. Motto
; leopards pass, of the first.
— Struggle. Britayne. Chequy or and az. a canton erm. within a bor-
Bliskyt (Ireland). Per pale ar. and vert, on a chief az. dure gu. charged with eight lions pass, guard, of the first.
three crosses patt^e or, quartering, ar. a lion ramp, az., for Britby, Gu. a fesse (another, indented) betw. ten billets ar.
Bbus and,; or, a bend wavy sa. Britley. Sa. two lions pass, guard, ar. Crest— On a
Brislay, Or, on a fesse engr. gu. betw. three cock phea- chapeau a demi lion holding in the dexter paw a mullet.
sants of the second, crested and jelloped of the first, as Britley. Az. a lion ramp, guard, or.
many crosses formee ar. each charged with five peUets. Briton, Britain, or Britton. Paly of six or and gu.
Crest—A cock pheasant ppr. standing among small flowers —
a bend sa. guttee d' eau. Crest Out of a naval coronet a
az. leaved vert. demi mermaid, holding in the dexter hand a purse, and in
Brissing'lLani. Ar. two bends engr. gu. betw. three her sinister a comb ppr.
mullets sa. Britt, Britee, or Britiza (Devonshire). Sa. a fesse ar.
Bristed. Az. a fesse engr. betw. three crosses crosslet ar. (another, or) betw. three escallops or.
CVese—A dexter hand holding up a spur ppr. Britte. Ar. a chev. compony az. and or.
Bristxnere. Gu. a chev. betw. three swans' necks erased Britten. Per pale az. and or, a chev. ar. in chief two
ar. roundels, and in base a crescent counterchanged. Crest—
Bristol, Marauess of. See Hervey. An ear of wheat and a palm branch in saltier ppr.
Bristol, City of. Gu, on the sinister side a castle with Britten (Kenswick, co. Worcester). Az. a bend betw. six
two towers domed, on each a pennon, all ar., the castle mullets pierced or. Crest —A
wolf pass. ppr. JIfoWo— Cassis
on a mount, in the sinister base vert the dexter base barry tutissima virtus.
wavy of six ar. and az., thereon a ship with three masts, Britton. Quarterly, per fesse indented ar. and sa. in the
sailing from behind the castle or, the fore and main masts first quarter a mullet of the last.

in sight sa. on each two sails of the second. Crest— On a Britton, Ar. a cross crosslet az.
wreath two arms embowed and interlaced in saltire issuing Brittridge (Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex, and Sutton
from clouds, all ppr. in the dexter a snake vert, in the Hah, CO. Essex). Sa. on a bend betw. two cinquefoils ar.
sinister a pair of scales (or balance) or. Supporters— Iwo three boars' heads erased of the field.
unicorns sejant or, on a mount vert maned and armed sa. Britu2:ton, Ar. seme^ of crosses crosslet, three boars' heads
JJfoi(o—Virtute et industria. gu.
Bristol Merchaiits Adventurers, Society of. Britwell (Britwell, co. Bucks). Gu. a fesse nebulce or.

Barry wavy of eight ar. andaz, on a bend or, a dragon pass, Brit"well, or Brig-litwell (Buckinghamshire). Ar. on a
with wings indorsed, and tail extended vert, on a chief gu. cross sa. five lozenges or.
a lion pass, guard, of the third betw. two bezants. Crest — Britwesill. Sa. a fesse eim betw. three weasels courant
In a ducal coronet or, a main-mast of the last with pennon ar. Crest —A salmon naiant ppr. (another, aturbot
Go. two bends wavy or.

flying ar. charged with a cross gu. on the round top a man
; Briwere {tem'p. Henry II.).
in armour ppr., on his dexter arm a truncheon his sinister Bri:ston (Devonshire and Cornwall). Erm. on a canton sa.
hand supporting a carved shield of the second from the ; a horse's head couped ar. with bit and reins gu. Crest —
round top six pike staves, three on each side the man issuing A demi horse ramp. ar.

bendways of the first ; the rigging from the round top to the Broad. Ar. a pale sa. in fesse three lozenges counter-

coronet sa. Supporters The dexter, a mermaid in the sea, changed. Crest—A. demi savage holding in the dexter hand
aU ppr. crined or, the middle fins at the joining of the bodies three arrows, and pointing with the sinister to an imperial
of the last, holding in her sinister hand a mirror of the first, crown.
and supporting with her dexter hand an anchor of the Broadtoent (Warrington, co. Lancashire). Per pale erm.
second, cabled ppr., the sinister supporter, a winged satyr —
and az. a fesse wavy gu. Crest A pheon, the staff broken,
ppr. standing on a mount vert, winged and legged or, hold- with blood at the point, all ppr. Jkfo^o— Quondam his
ing in his sinister hand a scythe, the blade in base, all ppr. vicimus armis.

Hotto Indocilis pauperiem pati. Broadbent, or Brodbent (Camden's grants, 1601, John
Bristo'W (Collter-Bbistow, Crawley, Hants exemplified :
Brodbent, Esq., of Stapleford, co. Notts). - Same as
to William Collteb, Esq., of Crawley, Hants, eldest son preceding.
; A


3roade (Stanier-Poilip-Bboade, Fenton Vivian, co. Staf- or. Crest— A Moor's head couped at the shoulders radiated
ford ;exemplified to John Stanier, Esq., upon his assuming as the sun or.
ty royal license, the additional names of Philip and BaoAD). Brocas (from the official seal of William Brogas, Esq., of
Quarterly: 1st and 4th, gu. on a fesse engr. betw. Beaurepaire, High Sheriff co. Hants, 4 Henry V., 1416).
three mullets of six points or, a bear's head couped of the Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. a lion ramp, guard, or 2nd and ;

field, for Broade; 2nd and 3rd, or, on a pile az. ten escallops, 3rd, sa. two lions pass, guard, or, for Roches.
ar. four, three, two, and one, for Stanier. Crests Broade — : Brocas (Lord Mayor of London, 1730). Same Arms.
On a mount vert a bear's head erect or, transfixed by an Brocliwei Ysgrritliog* (Prince of Powys). Sa. three
arrow fessewise ppr. Stanier: In front of a griffin's head
; nags' heads erased ar.
erased ppr. three escallops or. Mottoes —
Pro Deo et Eege Brock, or Brocke (Upton, co. Chester). Gu. on a chief

Pietate fortior. ar. a lion pass, (another, pass, guard.) of the field. Crest
iBroadmead (Milverton, Enmore Park, and Olands, co. A demi Uon ramp. gu. in the dexter paw a dart or, feathered
Somerset). Ar. in base upon a mount a stag lodged ppr. a of the first.
chief az. thereon three acorns slipped or. Crest A fret az. — Brock (Cheshire, granted 3 Sept., 1580). Sa. a fesse
thereon a stag's head erased holding in the mouth an acorn humettee, betw. three bears' heads erased ar.
slipped ppr. Motto—Sem-per fidelis. Brock (Saltwood, co. Kent). Ar. on a bend sa, a lure or.
.Broadliead. Gu. on a bend ar. three cinquefoils of the Brock (Guernsey). Gu. a fleur-de-lis ar., on a chief of the
field, over all a fesse enhanced or. Crest On a chapeau a — second a lion pass, guard, of the first. Crest An escallop —
garb ppr. or.
.Broadhurst. Gu. a fesse ar. surmounted by a chev. az. Brock (granted to Sir Isaac Brock, of Guernsey, 15 Feb.,
Crest —A mermaid holding iu the dexter hand a dagger 1813). Gu. an eagle displ. or, on a chief embattled ar. a
ppr. lion pass, guard, of the field. Crest —
Out of a mural crown
3road]iurst. Az. of eight pieces, raguly or.
fretty ar. a demi Canadian Indian, the dexter hand supportmg
Crest — A hon's head couped ppr. collared vaire ar. and gu. a tomahawk erect ppr. Motto Canada. —
Supporters —
-BroadliTirst (Foston Hall, co. Derby). Quarterly, az. and Dexter, a grenadier of the 49th regiment of foot ; sinister, a
or, fretty, raguly counterchanged. Crest— swan erm. A soldier of the same, both armed and habited ppr.
swimming in water ppr. charged on the breast with an Brock. Az. a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief ar. a lion pass,
estoile sa. wings expanded or, fretty, raguly az. Motto — guard, gu. Crest— Aa escallop or.
Sapere et tacere. Brock. Ar. on a chev. engr. betw. three boars* heads
-Broadley (London). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. two eagles' couped sa. an. annulet or.
heads erased in chief of the last, and an anchor in base az. Brock. Ar. three brocks ppr.
three bezants all within a bordure of the third. Crest — Brock. Chequy ar. and sa.

stag's head erased ppr. Motto Non immemor beneficii. Brock (Cldtton-Brogk, Pensax Court, co. "Worcester.
:Broadley (Kirk Ella, near Hull, and Ferriby, co. York). Thomas Henry Clutton-Brock, Esq., of Pensax, was son
Or, a chev. chequy erm. and gu. betw. three crosses pattee of Col. Thomas Clotton, Worcester Militia, who took the
fitchee, at the foot sa., quartering Jahrett. Crest Within — additional name and arms of Brock in 1809). Quarterly, let
a chaplet of roses ppr. a cross pattee fitchee as in the arms. and 4th, gu., three trefoils, slipped, or; on a chief, ar., a lion,

Motto Honor post funera vivit. pass, guard, of the field, for Brock; 2nd and 3rd, ar,, a
3roadley (Hareison-Broadley. Welton, co, York ; exem- chev. erm. between three annulets gu,, for Clijtton.
plified to William Henrt Harrison, Esq., upon his assuming Crest —
A demi lion, guard., gu., on the body a chev. or,
by royal license. 1865, the additional name of Broadley. charged with three trefoils slipped vert holding betw. his
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Broadley, as last; 2nd and 3rd, paws an arrow gold, barbed and feathered ar., for Brock;
az. a bend vaire ar. and gu. betw. three demi lions ramp. an owl on a myrtle branch, ppr., for Glutton. Motto—
or. Crents —
1st, Broadley, a cross pattde fitchee sa. within Virescit vulnete virtus.
a chaplet of roses gu., 2nd Harrison. Motto— B.onor post Brockas. or Brokas (Hampshire). Sa. a hon ramp,
funera vivit. guard, or. Crest —A lion sejant, holding in the dexter paw
Broadnax. The same as Bkodnax. a cross pattee fitchee, and resting the sinister on a pyramid.
Broadoke (Suffolk). Or, on bend engr. erm. two crescents Brockas. Or, a lion ramp, (another, a ramp, guard.) sa.
gu. tail forked.
Broadrick (Hamphall Stubbs, co. York). Erminois two Brockdon (Brockdon, co. Devon). Pef chev. ar. and gu. a
bars wavy gu. on a chief az. an estoile of the first betw. two chev. betw. three lions ramp, counterchanged. Crest —

spears' heads, points upwards ar. Crest A spear's head ar. stag's head erased per chev. ar. and gu. attired or.
consanguined and within a chaplet of oak fructed all ppr. Brocke. Gu. on a lozenge or, a chev. az.
Motto— Decens et honestum. Brockedou. As Brockdon.
Broadrip (Dover, co. Kentj. Per chev. or and az. in chief Brockesby (Leicestershire). Barry nebulee ar. and sa. a
two eaglesdispl. and in base a fleur-de-lis counterchanged. canton gu. (another, on the canton, an annulet or).
Broadstone. Ar. on a canton gu. a rose of the first. Brockest. Sa. ahon ramp. ar. crowned or.

Crest In a cloud a crescent, the whole betw. two palm Brocket (Brocket Hall, co. Hertford). Or, a cross patonce
branches. sa. —
Crest A stag lodged sa. ducally gorged and Uned or.
Broadwood. Erm. two and gu. on a
pallets, vaire ar. Brocket, or Brockett (Hertfordshire, (emp. Henry VI.).
chief az. an annulet betw. two yew trees or, a crescent for Or, a cross flory sa.
diff. Crest— A yew tree leaved and eradicated or, on the Brocket (Sir John Brocket, knighted in Ireland Sept. 599).
trunk thereof an annulet of the last, transfixed by three Same Arms, quartering second gu. on a saltier ar. a

arrows, one in fesse, the others in saltire, gold. Mott(^^ torteau; third ar. a lion ramp az. fourth ar^, on a pile aa. a

Semper virens. griffin pass, of the field.

Broad-wood (Lyne, co. Surrey, 1824). Erm. two pallets Brocket rstains Hall, co. Essex. Staines-Brackett
vaire ar. and gu. on a chief az. an annulet betw. two pine Brocket, Esq., son of Staines Chamberlaine, Esq., of the
trees eradicated or.Crest —
A pine tree eradicated, fructed Eyes, by Mary his wife, dau, and heir of William Brocket,
ppr- surmounted by three arrows, two in saltier, points Esq., who assumed the name and arms of his maternal
downwards, and one in fesse, point towards the dexter side, ancestors). Or, a cross patonce, sa. Crest A stag lodged —
also ppr. encircled around the stock by an annulet or. sa., ducally gorged and fined, or.
Motto —Semper virens. Brocket. Or, a cross engr. sa. Crest—A brocket or young
Broad-wood (Holmbush, co. Sussex). ArTns as last, the deer lodged ppr.
chief vert. Crest —
A fir tree ppr. charged with nine cones Brocket. Or, a cross patonce sa- Ci-est—A stag's head
gu. the trunk eradicated ppr. Motto —
Semper virens. erased, pierced with an arrow through the neck.
Broase. Az. semee of crosses crosslet a lion ramp, or, Brockball. Gu. a cross per fesse, or and ar.
armed and langued gu. Brockhill, or Brock
(Kent). Gu. a cross betw. twelve
Broatliam. Az. a cross engr, ar. ^another, or). crosses crosslet fitchee or. Crest— On a mount vert a badger
Brobach.. Or, an annulet beset with three boat hooks, in sa.
triangle sa. Brockhill, or Brocklmll (Aldington, co. Kent). Gu.
Brobrach. Ar. three feathers in pale, each bending from across engr. ar. betw. twelve crosses crosslet or.
the other in the tops gu. shafts (or qiaills) or. Brockliill • Gu. a cross betw. twelve crosses crosslet ar.
Brobroug-h. Ar. a slip of three leaves vert. Brockhill. Gu. a cross engr. betw. twelve crosses crosslet
Broc. Ar. a badger pass. sa. fitchee ar.
Broc (Eanolph de Broc, Vincent MSS. Coll. of Arms). Brockhill, or Bockhill. Gu. a cross engr. ar.
Gu. on a chief ar. a lion pass, of the first. Brockhole (Lancashire). Ar, a chev. between three broclti
Brocas (Beaurepayre, co. Hants). Sa. a lion ramp, guard.
Brockbole. At. three bars paes. sa. betw. three mullets az. tt horse saliant ppr. Crest and
Brcckliole. Ar. a chev. between three bears pass. sa. Motto as Brodie of Brodie.
Brockhole, or Brockole (Brockole, co. Lancaster). Ar. Brodie (Boxford, co. Suffolk, bart.). Az. on a chev. betw.
three badgers sa.
Brokholes. Erm. a. chev. betw. three boars^ heads sa.
three mullets ar. three civic wreaths vert. Crest A dexter
cubit arm erect holding a civic wreath, as in the arms, with

Orest —
A fret ar. three arrows, one in fesse and two in saltier, points towards
Brockholes (Clauffhton Hall, co. Lancaster). Quarterly, the dexter, ar. Motto — Unite.
1st and 4th, ar. a chev. betw. three brocks or badgers, Brodles. Erm. on a chief gu. a lion ramp, or.
pass, sa., for Brockholes ; 2nd, ar. a chief vaire or and Brodnax (Kent and Cheshire). Or, two chev. gu. on a chief
gu., over all a bend sa., for Fitzherbert; 3rd, ar. on a
bend aa. three garbs or, for Hesketh. Crest ^A brock or —
of the second three cinquefoils ar. Crest Out of a mural
coronet a demi eagle or, wings gu. gorged with a collar of

badger pass. az. the second, charged with three cinquefoils ar.
BrockhuTst (London). Sa. a. lion ramp, reguard. or, Brodnell. Erm. on a chev. gu. an escallop or, betw. two
ducally crowned of the last. others ar.
Brocklmrst (Sheldon, co. Warwick). Gu. a cross or betw. Brodockshaw. Sa. three lozenges in fesse, betw. as many
twelve billets ar.
stags' heads cabossed ar. Crest —
A stag's head ar.
(Suffolk). Ar. a fesse und^e betw. six crosses Brodrepp (South Maperton, co. Dorset). Gu. a cross ar.
crosslet gu. betw. four swans ppr.
Brockle. Lozengy or and gu. a chief az. Brodrick {Viscount Midleton). Ar. on a chief vert,
Brocklehiirst (Hurdsfield, co. Chester). Ar, a chev. sa. two spears' heads erect of the field, the points embrued gu.
betw. three brucks ppr. Crest brock ppr. Motto——A Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a spear ar. embrued gu,
Veritas me dirigil. Supporters—Two men in complete armour, each holding in
Brocklesby. Gu. three lapwings or, on a chief of the last his exterior hand a spear embrued as the crest, all ppr.
three crosses crosslet of the first. —
Motto A cuspide corona.
Brockley (Lord Mayor of London, 1433). Chequy or and Brodrick. Ar. an elephant's head erased gu.
vert, a chief ar. Brodway (Portslip, co. Gloucester; granted 9 Jan., 1661).
Brockman (Beachborough, co. Kent., granted 1606). Or, a Ar. on a chev. betw. three pine apples vert, as many cres-
cross form^e fltchSe sa.
on a chief of the second three fleurs- cents or.
de-lis of the first. Crest —
On a sword erect ar. hilt and Brog-den. Gu, fretty ar. a chief or. Crest— Out of a ducal
pomel or, a stag's head cabossedppr. attired of the second; coronet or, a hand ppr. holding a rose gu. slipped and leaved
the blade through the head, and bloody at the point. vert.
Brockman (Kent). Per bend embattled ar. and sa. two Brog-den (Lightburne House, co. Lancaster). Arms and
martlets counterchanged. Crest same as preceding. ^o«o— Constans et fidelis.
Brockman. Per fesse indented or and az. three martlets Brog-g" (Scotland). Sa. two barrulets ar. betw. five towers,
Brockton. Vert, a grifBn segreant or.
two in chief and three in base or. Crest A dexter hand —
holding a sword ppr. Motto— Bonorat mors.
Brockwell. Sa. three estoiles or. Brograve (Hamels, co. Hertford, Lancashire, and London).
Brocton (Salop). Ar. on a saltire engr. gu. five fleurs-de- Ar. three lions pass, guard, in pale gu. Crest An eagle —
hs Crest— A hand holding a ducal coronet capped and
or. displ. with two heads erm. each ducally crowned or. Motto
betw. two branches of laurel in orle ppr.
tasselled, — Finis dat esse.
Brocton. Vert, a griffin segreant, within a bordure or. Brograve, Burg-rave, or Borou&hgrave (Norfolk,
Brocton. Gu. a chev. betw. three bears pass, or (another, Northants, and Warwickshire). The same.
within a bordure ar.). Broke (Madeley Court, co. Salop). Chequy ar. and sa.
Brodbent (Stapleford, co. Nottingham; granted in 1641). Crest —
A brock or badger.
Per pale erm. and az. a fesse wavy gu. Crest^A pheon Broke (Cheshire). Or, a cross per pale gu. and sa.
ar. the point gutt^ de sang the staff broken near the head Broke. Az. three mortars and pestles or.
or. Broke, Brokeley, or Brook. Lozengy or and gu. ^
Brodbridg'e. Az. a fesse dancettee ar. chief az.
Brodbrig'g:e (Sussex). Az. a broad arrow, head ar. the top Broke (William Broke, Doctor of Laws this coat is given :

of the middle part or. from the Cloister of All Souls' College, in Visit. Oxford).
Brodden (Northampton). Ar. a bend engr. sa. Vert on a fesse wavy betw. two scrolls ar., on the one in
Broderers, Com.pany of. See Embeoidekers. chief the letters iSBSgllg, and on the one in base the letters
Broderip, Brodrepp, Brodribb. Gu. three swans ^ ilfil. four fishes ppr.
dose ar. Crest —In a cap or, three roses gu. slipped and Broke-Middleton, Bart, See Middleton.
leaved vert. Brokebole, or Broklxole, Ar. «, chev. betw. twelve
Broderip (Francis Broderip, Esq., of Gower-street, Bedford crosses crosslet gu.
square). Gu. a cross couped or, betw. four barnacle fowls Brokelsbey (Lincolnshire). Gu. three birds or, on a chief
ar. —
Crest A demi griffin salient. of the second three crosslets of the first. Crest — A brock
Broderip (Cppington Manor, Bridgewater). As last. ppr.
Broderley, Ar. a chief or, bordured az. Brokeman (Kent). Per bend ar. and sa. a bend raguly
Brodfield. Az. a cross chequy or and of the first, betw. betw. two martlets, all coimterchauged.
four mullets of the second. Brokencross. Az. a cross patt^e fitchee disjoined or.
Brodhurst (Staffordshire). Az. fretty of eight pieces Brokenstaffe. Ar. two bends, the one at the top and the
raguly or, other at the bottom, splintered gu.
Brodie (Brodie, co. Moray, deriving from Malcolm, Thane Broker (Kent). Gu. on a chev. ar. three talbots pass. sa.
of Brodie, temp. Alexander III.). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. Broker (Okely, co. Northampton). Or, on a fesse az. three
three mullets az. Crest —A
right hand holding a bunch of escallops of the first. Crest —
A demi sea-horse or.
arrows all ppr. —
Supporters Two savages wreathed about Brokesby (Shollesley, co. Leicester. Visit, 1619). Ar. two
the head and middle with laurel, each holding a club resting bars nebulee gu. on a canton of the last a mullet pierced or.
against his shoulder ppr. Motto Unite. — C)-est —
A boar's head couped at the neck gu. bristled or.
Brodie (Spynie co. Elgin, 1753, ayounger son, whose grand- Brokesby (Melton Mowbray, co. Leicester). Barry nebulfe
son succeeded to Brodie). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three of six ar. and sa. a canton gu. Crest —
A boar's head couped
mullets az. the sun in splendour ppr. Same Crest and gu.
Motto. Brokesbome, Gu. six eagles displ. ar. three, two, and one.
Brodie (Lethen, co. Elgin). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three Broket. Or, on a pile az. a griflBn pass. ar.

mullets az. a lymphad. Crest ^As Brodie of Brodie. Motto Brokhampton. Gu. a fesse betw. six msiscles or.
—Be mindful to unite. Brockhampton (Brockhampton). Gu. three lozenges or.
Brodie (Miltown, co. Elgin). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three Brokbole. Ar. a chev. betw. three wolves' heads erased sa.
mullets az. a lion ramp, of the first. Crest and Motto as Brokliull. Gu. a cross engr. ar. betw. twelve crosses cross-
Brodie of Brodie. let fitchee or,
Brodie (Mayne, co. Elg^n, 1753). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. Brokkas (Scotland). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. within a bordure
three mullets az. a hart's head cabossed or. Crest and az.
Motto as Brodie of Brodie. Broklash. Az. a hurt, and label of three points gu.
Brodie (Capt. David Brodie, second son of, Muiresk, co. Brokley (London). Lozengy or and gu. a chief ar.
Elgin,1753). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three mullets az. an Brokxuale. Az. chev. disjoint or broken in the head or.
anchor ppr. Crest and Motto as Brodie of Brodie. Brokrose. Gu. a fesse, the middle removed or debruiscd
Brodie (Sosthom, Cheshire, 1753). Ar. on a chev, gu.



BroUlole. Vair a bend gu. Brom.hall (Levington, co. Bedford). Sa. a lion ramp, or.
Broznag-e (granted by Roberta, Ulster, to Captain Thomas Crest —A demi lion or, holding betw. the paws a cross cross-
Bromage, of CO. Worcester, 1647). Gu. a chev. embattled let fitchee sa.
or, betw. three esquires* helmets ppr. d-est Out of a — \
Brom.h.aU, Az. a lion ramp, or, tail forked. Crest~~A lion
ducal coronet a dexter arm in armour embowed, the hand pass. or.
holding a scymitar, all ppr. Motto Deus dux certus. — Brom.hall. Erm. on a chief az. a demi lion ramp. or.
Bromall. Ar. three Bacchus' faces couped at the shoulders Bromliead (Thurlby Hall, co. Lincoln, bart.). Az. on a
ppr. vested gu. Crest —
A Bacchus* face, as in the arms. bend. ar. betw. two leopards' faces or. a mural crown gu,
Bromborouirli. Sa. a chev. ar. betw. three hands erect, betw, two fleurs-de-hs sa. Crcut —
Out of a mural crown gu.
couped at the wrist, of the second. Crest Out of a ducal — a unicorn's head ar. horned or, in the mouth a rose gu.
coronet or, a cubit arm az. cuff ar. hand ppr. holding an —
slipped and leaved ppr. Motto Concordia res crescunt.
oak branch also ppr. fructed gold. Bromliill. Or, two bends az. on a chief of the last, two
Bromby (Yorkshire). Quarterly, per fesse indented gu. and martlets of the first.
or, Cj-es(— Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi lion ramp. ar. Brombolme-Priory (Norfolk). Ar. a cross voided aa.
sustaining in the paws a standard sa. flag gu. charged with double cottised of the last, all within a bordure or.
a lion pass, guard, of the first. Brom.ilow. Gu. a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased or.
Brozne (confirmed with a quartering by the Deputies of Crest—A demi lion ramp, holding in the dexter paw a cross
Camden, Clarenceux, to Ralph Bboom, of the Woodlows, co. crosslet fitchee.
"Warwick, ninth in descent from William Beome, of Bromle. church bells gu.
Or, three
same co., Her. Vis.). Sa. on a chev. ar. three bunches Brom.le. two rakes in pale ar,
of broom vert, seeded or. Crest —
An arm embowed vested Brom.ley (Holt Castle, and Upton-on-Sevem, co, Worcester.
holding in the hand ppr. a bunch of broom, as on the shield. Visit. 1634 and 1682; founded by Geoffbet db Bromleigh,
Brome (Calveton, co. Notts, Visit. 1569 and 1614). Same who m. Philippa Bagod, niece and co-heiress of Philip de
Arms. Crest—A cock ar. wings elevated az. beaked, combed, BuBWABDESLET, and who, it is asserted {Harl. MSS.)
legged and wattled gu. assumed for his coat of arras that of Bdbwabdesley, viz.:
Brome (Halton, co. Oxford). Same Arms within a bordure per fess indented gu. and or. Sir Henby Bromley, son of

of the second. Crest An arm couped at the elbow and Lord Chancellor Beomlet, was seated at Holt Castle, temp.
erect, vested bendy wavy of six or and gu. holding in the Queen Elizabeth). Quarterly, per fess indented gul and or.
band ppr. a bunch of broom plants seeded gold. Crest —A pheasant sitting ppr.
Brome (Shropshire, Herts, and Kent; originally seated at Brom.ley (Abberley, co. Worcester; a brancb of Bromley,
Brome, in the first-named co.). Az. a sinister hand erect in of Holt). Same Arms and Crest,
pale, couped at the wrist ar. Crest —
An armed arm vested Brom.ley (Baron Mont/oH, extinct 1851), Quarterly, per
gu. turned up ar. holding in the hand ppr. a slip of broom pale dovetail gu. and or. Crest —A demi lion ramp, sa, issuing
vert, flowered or. Motto —
^Domine dirige nos. out of a mural crown or, holding a standard vert, charged
Brom.e (Baddesley CUnton, co. Warwick, a branch of the with a griffin pass, of the second, staff ppr. headed ar.
Bbomes, of Shropshire the heiress, Constantla Bbome, m.
; Supporters— On the dexter a unicorn, cream coloured,
Sir Edwabd Febhebs, Knt.). Same Arms. ducally gorged and chained or ; on the sinister a horse ar.
Brom,e (Broom Hall, cos. Suffolk and Norfolk). Erm. pellettee, gorged with a collar dovetailed az. thereon thi'ee
(another ar.) a cliief indented gu. —
lozenges or. Motto Nou inferiora seeutus.
Brom,e. Ar. a chev. betw. three besoms gu. Bromley (East St»ke, Notts, bart.).
Per fess indented gu,
Brome. Ar. three broom branches vert. and Crest—A pheasant sitting ppr. Motto— PensQZ fort.
Brome. Per fesse indented erm. and gu. Bromley (Cheshire, Warwickshire, Staffordshire, and
Bromeall. Az. a Uon ramp, double queued or. Crest — Yorkshire). Quarterly, per fesse indented gu. and or, an
demi lion ramp, double queued ppr. escutcheon ar. charged with a griffin segreant vert. Crest—
Brom.eliaU. Ar. a chev. betw. three crosses formee fitch^e Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi lion ar. supporting a
(another, crosses crosslet fitchee) sa. banner gu. charged with a lion pass, gold, staff of the
Bromell. Sa. a lion ramp. or. Crest— demi eagle displ. A last.
with two heads, each crowned with a ducal coronet. Brom.ley (Barkesford). Quarterly, per fess indented gu. and
Bromere, or Br onune- Abbey (Hampshire). Gu. a or, in the first a cross crosslet fitchee ar.
sword in pale ar. hilt and pomel or, surmounted of two keys Brom.ley. See Davenport.
in saltire, the dexter of the last, the sinister of the second. Bromley (Hampton, co. Chester). Quarterly, per fesse
Brom.estalke. Gu. a chief ar. over all an escarbimcle or. indented gu. and or. Ci-est —A phe^ant cock ppr.
Bromeswike, and Bromeswey. Gu. two lions Bromley (Shropshire). Same Arms. Crest—A lion's gamU
pass. or. erect ar.
Bromewich, or Bomwiclx (Gloucestershire, Hereford- Bromley (Herald to King Eichard HI.). Erm. three
shire, and Hertfordshire). Ar. (another, or) a lion ramp. sa. escutcheons sa. two and one.
guttle d'or. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a imicorn's Bromley. Sa. three wool combs ar.
head sa. (anotljer, guttee d'or). Bromley. Gu. a griffin or.
Bromfaling:. Ar. a horse statant sa. Brom.ley. Ar. a chev. within a bordure az, bezantde,
Bromfileld. (Essex). Ar. three fusils in fesse betw. as many Bromley. Ar. on a chev. gu. five bezants within a bordure
cinquefoils gu. engr. of the secoud (another, sa.). (Kent). Sa. on a chev. ar. three broom sprigs Bromley. Erm. three ancient inescutcheons ermines.
vert, on a canton or, a spear's head az. embrucd gu. Crest Bromleygh, or Bromley. Sa. three wool comba or,
—A demi tiger az. armed and tufted or, holding erect a teeth ar.
broken sword ar. hilted of the second. Bromjuell. Gu. a trefoil leaf, the stalk embowed at the
Bromfield (Lincolnshire). Gu. three ^lions pass, guard, ar. end, and fixed to a twig slipped, lying fesseways or.
Bromfield (Lord Mayor of London, 1637). Az. a lion Brommen. Gu. three trefoils, the stalks embowed at the
pass. or. end, and fixed to a twig slipped, lying fesseways ar.
Bromfi.eld (Staffordshire, Her. Coll. London). Az. a lion Brom-pton (^Norfolk). Az. a lion ramp. erm.
pass, guard, or, Cj-est —
A lion pass, guard, or, gorged Brompton. Gu. on a saltire betw. four crosses crosslet
with a wreath of the first and az. fitchee ar.

a torteau. Crest A lion ramp. or.
Bromfield. Az. a chev. betw, throe bears or. Or, on a bend sa, betw. two lions pass, gu.
Bromfield. Or, on a bend gu. three mullets ar. three escallops ar.
Brom.field. Ar. three lions pass, in pale sa. Brompton. Or, a chev. vert betw. three griffins' pass. gu.
Broiofleete. Sa. on a bend flory, counterflory or, armed of the second.
three hurts. Brompton. Or, a chev. betw. three griffins segreant
Brom.flet (Lancashire). Gu. three lions pass, gnard. in vert.

pale ar. Crest On a chapeau sa. turned up ar. a wivern Bromskall. Or, a chev. gu. on a canton sa. a man's head,
verc ducally crowned or. full faced, crowned of the first.
Bromfiete. Sa. a bend flory counterflory or. Crest In a — Bromsop, Bronbop, or Brong-liope (Buckinghamshire
ducal coronet or, a wolfs head gu. and Berkshire). Ar. on a chev. az. three fleurs-de-Us or.
Bromflete {Baron of Vesey; summoned to Parliament, Bromton. Or, two lions pass. gu. depressed by a bend sa.
1449). Same Arms. thereon three escallops ar. Ar. a bend countei'flory gu. Bromwiob. Or, a lion ramp. sa. guttle d'or. Cresi— Oat
Brom.fiett. Gu. a cross fleuronn^e ar. of a ducal coronet or, a unicorn's head sa. guttee d'or.
Bromhall (Bramhall and Dukinfield, co. Chester), Sa. a Brom-wicb, Ar. a chev. betw. three towers triple-
lion ramp, or. towered sa.
Bromwich. Ar. three hawks' lures sa. Brooke (Armitage Bridge, near Huddersfield). Ar. a cross
Brozn.'wich.. Ar. a chev. betw. three hawks' Inres sa. nebulee per pale gu. and sa. in 1st and 4th quarter a boar's
Bromwich.. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. guttle d'or. —
head erased sa. Ci'est A sword erect ar. hilt or, thereon two
Bromwlcli. Gu. a lion ramp. or. serpents entwined respecting each other ppr. in front a
Brom.'wich.. Or, six lions ramp. sa. three, two, and one. boar's head erased sa. Motto—Est uec astu.
Bromwyck. Or^ a lion ramp. sa. Brooke. Az. a wolf ramp. ar. on a chief dancettee of tho
Bron, or Brond. Quarterly, ar. and sa. four leopards' last a cross gu. betw. two escallops az.
crosslet fitchee
heads counterchanged. Crest —A head erased
griffin's charged with a fesse
. . .

Brona. Az. a chev. hetw. three ducal coronets or. dancettee and in base a crosslet fitchee gu.
Bronchan, or Broug-han (Camhridgeshire). Ar. a cock Brooke (Chester and Bryn, Beaumaris, co. Anglesey, bart.).
gu. crested and jelloped or. Arm,s as Brooke of Norton. Crest A man in armour, in —
Brond, or Brouude (London, 1204, and Edwardston, co. the right hand a spear, and on the left arm a shield all ppr,
Suffolk, 10 March, 1610, Camden's Grants, Patent 1612). Brooke (Lubnam, co. Leicester, Visit. 1619), As Brooke
Vert a griffin pass, and chief or. Crest A demi griffin or,— of Norton, a crescent for diff. Crest A brock or badger —
holding a battle-axe embowed, handle gu. head ar. charged on the flank with a crescent for diff.
Brond (Eoxford, eo. Suffolk). Ar. on a fesse betw. three Brooke (De Capell-Brooke, Oakley, co. Northampton,
dnqnefoils pierced sa. as many antelopes' heads erased or hart.). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, on a fesse az. three
(another, the heads ar.). escallops of the field 2nd and 3rd, or, an anchor az. on a

Brond. Quarterly, or and sa. in the first Quarter a leopard's chief of the second, three arming-buckles of the first. Crest
face of the second. —A demi sea-horse ar. finned and maned or. JfoKo— Spes
Brond. Quarterly, or and sa. in the second quarter a mea Deus.
leopard's head of the first. Brooke (Weston, co. Buckingham). Or, on a fesse engr. az.
Brone. Quarterly, sa, and az. four leopards' faces counter- —
three escallops of the field. Crest Out of a coronet or, six
changed. ostrich feathers in a plume, one of the last, the other sa.
Bronex (Kent). Or, two chev. gu. on a canton of the second counterchanged.
five plates. Brooke, or Brook (Bucldngham, confirmed 1605). Ar. on '

Bronham (Derbyshire). Sa. six plates, two, two, and two. a bend a lure lined and ringed of the first, a chief of the
Bronkby (Lancaster). Az. a cross moline betw. four mart- second. Crest —
A lure with the line formed into a bow-knot
lets sa. betw. two wings all ppr.
Bronker Middlesex. Thomas Bbonkeb, Esq.,
(Littleton, co. Brooke (Calais). Ar. on a cross engr. per pale gu. and az.
of that place, grandson of Hugh Bronkeb, Esq., of Sun- five bezants.
dridge, CO. Kent. Visit, Middlesex, 1663). Barry of eight Brooke (Devonshire). Ar. on a chev. gu. a lure, the tassel
or and az. an orleof martlets of the first. CVest— A talbot waved or.
pass. gu. under the dexter paw a garland of flowers ppr. Brooke (Whitchurch, co. Hants). Chequy or and az. on a
Bronker. See BrouNEEa. bend gu. a Hon pass, of the first. Crest— A. demi lion ramp,
Bronnse (Gloucestershire). Or, crusily sa. a lion ramp, of erased or.
the second. Brooke (London). Ar. on a bend sa. a hawk's lure or.
BronsGOmb, or Branscomb. Or, on a chev. sa. betw. Brooke (London). Fusily or and gu. a chief sa.
two keys paJeways in chief, and a sword in base of the Brooke (Dodsworth, co. York, of which family was John
second three cinquefoils of the first. Cnst ^A lion reguard. — Charles Brooke, F.S.A., Somerset Herald, 1790). Erm. on
ducally gorged and chained. a bend sa. a hawk's lure or, the line and ring ar., a
Bronscombe. Or, on a chev. sa. three roses betw. two crescent for diff. Crest —
A goafs head erased sa. homed
keys in chief and a dagger in base ar. and bearded or,
Bronton. Ar. on a chief gu. three escallops or. Brooke (Sir Calistenes Brooke, of Sutton, co. Kent,
Bronton. Ar. on a bend gu. three martlets or. Knighted in Ireland 8 May 1597). Gu. on a chev. ar. a lion
Brony (Suffolk). Ar. a chief indented gu. ramp. sa. ducally crowned or, in dexter chief a martlet of
Brooe. Ar. on a chev. gu. three roses of the field. the last.
Brooe. Gu. on a chev. ar. three roses of the field. Brooke {Lord Cobham, Sir Edward Brooke, great grandson
Brook. See Bboke, and Brooke. of Joane, only dau. of John Lord Cobham was summoned to
Brook (granted to Bichabd Beoos, Esq., of London). Parliament 1445-60 : title, attainted temp. James I.). Same
Quarterly, az. and gu. a cross engr, per pale or and ar. in without the martlet.
the Ist and 4th quarters a leopard's face, and in the 2nd and Brooke (Staffordshire). Chequy ar. and sa. Crest —A crane
8rd a chaplet of gold. Crest —A
mount vert thereon in front - or.

of an oak tree a brock pass. ppr. the dexter fore paw resting Brooke (Ufford Place, co. Suffolk). Gu. on a chev. ar. a
on a chaplet, as in the arms. lion ramp. sa. crowned or, armed and langued of the first.

Brookbank. Ar. a fesse wavy az. within a bordure sa. Crest — On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a wing of the first,

Brooke, Earl. See Gbeville. charged with a chev. ar. thereon a lion ramp. sa. crowned or.
Brooke (Norton Priory, co. Chester, bart.). Or, a cross engr. Brooke (Nacton, co. Suffolk). Or, a cross raguly per pale
per pale gu. and sa. ft-es«— brock or badger ppr. Motto gu. and sa.
— Faste without fraude. Brooke (Suffolk). Per bend sa. and ar. three eagles displ.

Brooke (Edward Brooke, Esq., of Caenwood Towers, High- counterchanged.

gate, J.P. and D.L.). Same Arms and Crest. Motto Vis — Brooke (York Herald, 1592). Or, a cross engr. per pale gu.
and sa. on a chief of the second a lion pass, guard, of the
tinita fortior.
Brooke (Brooke Hill, co. Donegal, granted 1808). Same first.

Arrm and Crest. Motto —Gloria finis. Brooke (Sir James Brooke, K.C.B., Bajah of Sarawak,
Brooke (granted 1830 to Thomas Brooke, of Lough Esk, co. Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Labuan). Or, a cross
Donegal, on assuming that name instead of Young). Same engr. per cross indented az. and sa. in the first quarter an
as preceding. estoile of the second. Crest—On an eastern crown a brock
Brooke (Mere, co. Chester, deriving from Sir Peter Brooke, ppr. ducally gorged or. Jlfo((o— Dum spiro spero.
Knt., of Mere, M.P. for Cheshire, 8 Charles II., youngest son Brooke (co. York). Per pale or and gu. a cross engr.
ofTnouAs Brooke, Esq., of Norton), .(irma—As Brooke, counterchanged, a crescent for diff. Crest— A sword erect
of Norton, quarterly with Langfobd. Cresi— As Brooke ar. hilt or, thereon two serpents entwined and respecting
of Norton. Motto — Vis unita fortior. each other ppr. round the hilt. Motto—'Non est mortalo
quod op to.
Brooke (Colebrooke, co. Fermanagh, bart.). As Brooke of
Norton. Brooke (Taney Hill House, co. Dublin, and of Drom-
Brooke (Horton, co. Gloucester). Or, a cross engr. per pale avana). As Brooke, of Norton. Motto—E^ fonte perenni.
and sa. Crest—A badger ppr. pass. -Motto—De mieux Brooke (Handfordj Church 'Minshull, co. Chester). Ab
pense en Mieulx.
je Brooke, of Norton. Motto —Pro avita fide.

Brooke (Haughton, Shiflfnal, co. Salop): Quarterly, 1st and Brooke (Sibton Park, co. Suffolk), As Brooke, of Norton,
chequy and sa. on a canton vert a brock pass, ppr., Crest—A sword erect ar. hilt or, with two serpents respect-
for Brooke
2nd and 3rd, az. a chev. engr. betw. three
ing each other entwined roimd it ppr. Motto Est nee astu. —
escallops erm., for Townsend. Crest A brock pass. ppr.— Brooke. Ar. on a cross engr. quarterly gu. and az. five
-ftToMo—Virtus est Dei. bezants, in the dexter chief quarter and sinister base a
Brooke Gu. on a chev. ar. a lion spear's head' sa., in the sinister chief quarter and dexter
(Horringer, co. Suffolk).

ramp. sa. Crest On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a wing base a stag's head cabossed of the last. Crest An Indian —
ppr. charged with a chev. ar. thereon a lion ramp. sa. Motto goat's head bendy of six gu. and az. erased per fesse or

— Honos cui honos. eared and armed of the last.



Brooke, or Brook (allowed by Camden, Clarenceux, to slipped vert. Crest —A
cockatrice ar. winged az. beaked,
William Brooke, of the Inner Temple). Gu. on a chief ar. legged, combed, and wattled gu.
a Hon pass, guard, of the first. Crest—A demi lion gu. Broome (Herefordshire, granted in 1670). Sa. on a chev.
holding in the two paws a broad arrow or, feathered and or, three slips of broom vert. Crest —A
demi eagle or, wings
headed ar. sa. in the beak a sUp of broom vert.
Brooke. Chequy ar. and sa. on a chief or, a, brock pass, Broon. Az. across ar. fretty gu. Ci-est—A branch of holly
ppr. Crest—A stork or. and a cross crosslet fitch^e in saltire.
Brooke. Ar. a chief vair6 or and vert. Crest— Oa a ducal Broone. Per fesse indented gu. and erm.
coronet a cock ppr. combed and wattled gu. Bross. Ar. three trees vert.
Brooke. Chequy or and gu. a chief az. Broster (Chester). Sa. three antelope's heads couped or.
Brooke. Chequy ar. and sa. a chief or. Crest —
A dexter hand ppr. vested barry of five ar. and gu.
Brooke. Chequy ar. and sa. on a chief or, a stag pass, holding a palm branch vert,
ppr. Brote. Gu. on a bend ar. six mullets of the field.
Brooke. Per bend ar. and sa. three cinquefoils counter- Brothall. Ar. three boars in pale sa.
changed. Brothers. Per pale gu. and sa, on a fesse betw. three
Brooke. Gu. on achev. three lions ramp. sa.
or, grifl&ns' heads erased or, as many lozenges ermines. Crest
Brooke. Ar. on afesse dancettee sa. three bezants. — .A demi greyhound sa. holding in the paws a dart gu.
Brooke. Ar. on a cross per pale gu. and sa. an inescutcbeon feathered ar.
of the first. Brotherton. See Plantagenet, Sari of Norfolk.
Brooke. Sa. a cross engr. or, Brotherton Thomas Wm. Brotherton, C.B.. of
Brooke. Ar. three gauntlets gu. Stubbings House, Maidenhead). Sa. a cross raguly fiory
Brooke. Gu. on a chev. ar. a lion ramp. sa. crowned or. ar.; quartering, ar. three herons sa. Crests 1st: An —
Brooke. Ar. semee of fleurs-de-lis sa. eagle displ, ppr. 2nd A bear's head erased at the neck
; :

Brooke. Gu. three fleurs-de-lis or, on a chief ar. a lion pass, ar. holding in the mouth an arrow or, pheoned and feathered
guard. of the first.
Brooke. Ar. on a cross wavy party per pale gu. and sa. Brotherton. Gu. three lions pass, guard, or, a label of
flve escallops or. five (another, three) points ar. Crest —A hand holding a
Brooke (London, 1601). Gu. on a chev. ar. a lion ramp, club in pale ppr.
sa. Brotherton. Gu. three lions pass, guard, per pale barry
Brookes. See Ebooes. or and ar. a label of three points of the last.
Brookes (Tetbury, co. Gloucester). Arms as Brooke, of Broug-h (Windy-yates, Leek). Ar. on a saltire sa. five swans
Norton. of the first. Crest A swan ppr. —
Brookesby (Kilvington, co. Nottingham). Barry nebulae Broug-h (Ireland). Or, a cross gu.

of six ar. and sa. a canton gu. Crest A boar's head erect Broug-h (Lincolnshire). Az. three fleurs-de-lis erm. within
and erased gu. langued az. tusked ar. a bordure or. Crest~A lion sejant collared and lined or.
Brookesby Barry
(Staplesford, co. Leicester, Visit. 1619). Brough (Scotland). Az. a fesse betw. three fieurs~de-lis or.
nebulae of six ar. and gu. on a canton of the second a Crest — A buffalo's head sa.

mullet or. Crest A boar's head couped gu. bristled or. Brough. Ar. on a fesse indented sa. (another, dancettee
Brookhnrst. Sa. a lion ramp, guard, or. gu.) three bezants.
Brooking'. Sa. on a fesse or, betw. three crescents ar. a Broug'h. Ar. on a saltire sa. five swans of the first.
cinquefoil gu. Crest —
^A sword in pale enfiled with a savage's Brougrh, Ar. on a fesse sa. five bezants.
head couped ppr. Brotig'h. Az. flory and fretty (another, fretty and flory) or.
Broo]£iug' (originally from Devonshire). Ar. a fesse wavy Brou^h. Gu. seven mascles conjxmct vaire.
per pale az. and gu. betw. in chief and in base a trefoil Brongh (Lincolnshire). Ar. on a saltire sa. five swans
slipped vert and two crosses crosslet of the third. Crest— ppr.
An escallop or, suimounted by a crescent az. Motto Crux — Broug'ham (Lord Brougham). Gu. a chev. betw. three
fidei calcar. luces hauriant ar. Crest —A hand and arm in annour hold-
Brookxnan. Ar. four fleurs-de-lis in saltire, saltireways, ing a lucy ar. on the elbow a rose gu. Sujpporfers—Dexter
their heads outwards gu. Crest —
A crane holding in the aUonvert armed and langued gu. collared with a Vans
dexter claw a stone. collar chequy or, and of the second, sinister a white hart
Brooks (WhaJley House, co. Lancaster, formerly of Whalley, antlers and hoofs or, in his mouth arose gu. barbed !md


near Blackburn, in the same co.). Gu. on a chief ar. a ^seeded vert. Motto ^Pro rege lege grege.
lion pass, guard, of the first. Crest —
A demi lion holding Broug-ham (Ireland). Per pale ar. and gu. a dexter hand
betw. the paws an arrow ppr. Motto Finem respice. — couped at the wrist betw. three cross molines, all counter-
Brooks (Flitwick Manor, co. Bedford). Or, a cross per pale changed.
gu. and sa. Crest — On a mural crown an otter ppr. Motto Brougham, Broug-han, Bronhan, and Brouchan
— ^Ut amnis vita labitur. (Wales). Ar. a cock gu. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet gu.
Brooks (Forest of Glen-Tanar, co. Aberdeen, and Barlow Hall, a dexter band brandishing a sword ppr.
CO. Lancaster). Ar. three bars wavy az. over all a cross Bronghard. Ar. a cock gu. armed crested and jelloped
flory erm. in chief a foimtain. —
Crest A demi lion ramp, or.
vert charged on the shoulder with a fountain and holding Broughton. See Boughton.
betw. the paws an anchor. Motto Finem respice. — Broughton (Broughton, co. Stafford, hart.). Ar. two bars
Brooks, or Brookes (Scotland). Sa. three escallops or. gu. on a canton of the second a cross of the field. Crest—
Crest —
A beaver pass. JIfo«o— Perse verando. sea-dog's head gu. erased and finned ar.
Brooks (granted to Maurice Brooks, Esq., Lord Mayor of Broughton (Lowdham, co. Nottingham, and Tunstall Hall,
the city of Dublin, 1874). Az. on a cross engr. ar. a civic crown Shropshire, As Beodghton, Bart.
vert, in the first quarter a trefoil slipped or. Crest— On a Broughton (Wichingham, co Berks). Or, on a fesse az.
mount vert a badger pass. ppr. the dexter fore paw resting three escallops ar. Crest— Ont of a ducal coronet or, a
on a civic crown, as in the arms. Motto ^Respice aspice — boar's head sa. bristled of the first, gorged with a collar az.
prospice. charged with three escallops gu
Brooksbank (Eland, Halifax, co. York). Az. two bars Broug:hton (Devonshire). Ar. on a chev. betw. three
wavy within a bordure or. Crest
ar. —A hart's head couped crosses pomelle sa. as many bucks' heads cabossed or, on a
ppr. attired or, gorged with two bars wavy az. chief of the second a goat pass, of the first.
Brooksbank. Vert, on a fesse wavy betw. two pheons in Broughton (Essex). Ar. achev. betw. three ^mullets go.
chief and a buglehorn in base ar. stringed gu. three fieurs- Crest— Aa eagle's head erased sa. holding a snake ar, on the
de-lis ofthe first. Crest —
A stag statant ppr. attired or, breast two chev. of the last.
gorged with a collar dancettee vert, therefrom pendent an Broug-hton (from Fun. Ent, of Major Bichard Beouohtob.
escutcheon or, charged with a rose gu. Ireland, d. 25 Feb. 1677). Ar. a hon ramp. sa.
Brooksby. Barry wavy of six ar. and sa. a canton gu. Broughton (Escroyd, co. Chester, and of the city of
Broom (The Priory, Orpington, co. Kent). "Vert on a chev. Chester, 1584). Erm. a lion ramp. sa. charged with a
ar. three broom branches ppr. Crest —
^An arm erect vested crescent ar.
gu. cuffed ar. the hand holding a broom branch ppr. Broughton (Warbrightesley, co. Devon, Visit. 1620). Ar.
Broome (Ludlow, co. Salop; the co-heiress in. Gtll, of a chev. betw. three mullets gu. an annulet az.
Wraysbury). Az. a hand erect betw. three broom slips all Broug'hton (Lancashire). Ar. two bars and a canton gn-
ppr. Broughton (Henley, co. Salop). Ar. two bars gu. on a
Broome (Caunton, co. Nottingham, originally of Broome canton of the first a saltire of the second. Ci-est ^A talbot —
Hall, CO. York). Sa. on a chev. ar. three sprigs of broom I pass. gu.
A A ;


Brouglltoii (Shropshire). Sa. three owls ar. d-est —An eared or, charged on the neck with a bar gemelle and a
owl ar. charged on the hreast with three snakes in fret trefoil, as in the arms. —
Motto Si sit prudentia.
vert. Brown (Ilnchbeck, Holland, co. Lincoln; granted June,
Broug'Iltoil {Shropshire). Sa. a chev. betw. three owls ar. 1632). Ar. on a fesse wavy betw. three lions' gambs erased
Broughton (Shropshire). Az. a cross engr. or. C^-est- — bendways sa. armed gu. as many swans' heads erased ppr.
talbot pass. gu. beaked of the third.
Broug'lltoii (Somerset). Sa. a chev. or, betw. three bucks' Brown. Ar. a fesse betw. three mullets, sa. Crest—
heads cabossed ar. Orcst—On a mount vert a spaniel dog stork's head couped at the neck, nowed ppr. betw. two
couchant erm- wings ar.
Broug:lxton, Ar. on a chief gu. three escallops of the Brown, or Browne (London and Norwich). Gu. crusilly
field. ar. on a bend erm. three eagles displ. of the first.
Broug^liton. Ar. two bars gu. on a canton sa. a cross engr. Brown (Blackburn, co. Berwick). Sa. a dagger in bend
of the field. ppr. and in chief a boar's head erased ar. Crest A vine —
Broug:IitOzi. Ar. two bars gu. on a canton of the last a tree ppr. Jlfo«o— Proemium virtutis honor.
charged with an annulet az.
cross engr. of the field Brown (granted to James Beown, Esq., of Harehill's Grove,
Brongrhton. Gu. a chev. betw. three bears pass. or. CO. York, and William Williams Beown, Esq., of Chapel
Broug-liton. Ar. a cock gu. beaked and legged or. AUerton, near Leeds, sons of James Brown, Esq. of Leeds,
Broug'lltoii. Ar. on a bend sa. three martlets or. by Anne his wife, daughter and heir of Samdel Williams,
Broug']itoxi. Az. a cross engr. ar. Esq.). Ar. on a bend ea. cottised az. betw. two six-pointed
Broughton (Visit. Oxon.). Gu. a cross engr. ar. mullets pierced sa, three lions ramp, of the field quartering
Broughton. Gu. guttee d'eau a buck's head ar. —
Williams. Crest A demi lion ramp, erased or, betw. two
Broughton, or Browton. Sa. a guttee d'eau a buck's elephants' trunks, ppr. Motto —
Persevera Deoque confide.
head cabossed ar. Brown (Richmond Hill, co. Lancaster, bart.). Gu. a chev.
Brougrlltou, or Browtou. Az. a buck's head cabossed or, betw. two bears' paws erased in chief ar. and four hands
ar. conjoined in saltire in base of the second, on a chief engr.
Broiiker. Ar. a fesse gu. betw. six estoiles sa. gold, A
an eagle displ. sa. Cresf— bear's paw erect, and
Bxoxiiu£eld, or Bloun£eld. Ar. three fusils in fesse erased ar. issuant out of a wreath of oak vert and holding a
gu. betw. as many cinquefoils az. sinister hand ppr. Motto —
Est concordia fratrum.
Broun (Colstoun, bart.). See Beown. Brown or Broun (Colstoun co. Haddington, bart., 1686.
Broun (Johnstonbum). See Beown. In 1718 Coulston went to the heiress, whose granddau. and
Broun. Gu. a bend erm. on a chief ar. three torteanx. heir was the late Marchioness of Dalhousie, and the baronetcy
Brouncker (Rombold-Week, co. Sussex, and Brokedish, co. to the Thomydike branch). Gu. a chev. betw. three fleurs-
Norfolk, and Ireland). Ar. six two, and one,
pellets, three, de Us or. Crest— A. lion ramp, holding in his dexter paw a
a chief embattled sa. Ci-est —An arm
in armour embowed, fleur-de-lis or. —
Motto Floreat majestas.
holding in the gauntlet a sword, all ppr. Brown (Rev. Richaed, cadet of Thomydike, 1763, who
Brouncker (Boveridge, co. Dorset). Ar. six pellets, three, afterwards inherited the Coulston baronetcy). Gu. on a
two, and one, a chief embattled sa. thereon a lozenge fesse- chev. ar. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or, a crescent of the first
ways of the field charged with a cross pattee of the second, betw. two mullets az. a bordure of the last. Crest— A. dexter
betw. two crescents of the first. Crest —
Out of battlements hand holding a Bible expanded ppr. Motto—Deus evehit
sa. a dexter cubit arm vested ar. charged with two bendlets pios.
wavy of the first, in the hand ppr. a lozenge in pale charged Brown (Long Itchington, Warwickshire, cadet of Colstoun,
with a cross pattee as in the arms. Motto ©utg. — 1742). Gu. on a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or, a thistle
Brotmker (Sir Henet Beounkek, of "West Ham, co. Essex, —
ppr., a bordure wavy of the second. Crest An eagle reguard,
Lord President of Munster, knighted at Drogheda, 24 Sept. holding in his dexter talon a fleur-de-lis or. Motto Labor —
1597, d. June, 1607, buried at St. Mary's, Cork, Fun. Ent. omnia vincit.
Ire.). Ar. six pellets in pale three and three, on a chief Brown (Copenhagen, 1755). Gu. three fleurs-de-lis or, on
embattled sa. a lozenge fessways of the field. Motto Loyal — a chief of the second three human hearts of the first. Great
au mnrt. A dexter hand holding a sword all ppr. Motto La vertu —
Brounker {Lord Brounher). Same Arms. est la seule noblesse.
Brounker. Barry of six ar. and gu. fifteen fleurs-de-lis, Brown (Newhall, co. Edinburgh). Gu. on a chev. betw.
three fleurs-de-lis or, a garb vert banded az. Crest —
three, three, three, three, two, and one, all counterchanged.

Onst A lion's paw erased ppr. holding a bezant, ship in the sea flring the signal for sailing all ppr. Motto —
Brounlee. Gyronny of twelve, gu. and or, in the centre a. Deus adesto.
cinquefoil sa. Crest —
A demi peacock issuing ppr. Brown (Ellieston, co. Roxburgh). Gu. on a chev. betw.
three fleurs-de-lis or, a crescent of the first betw. three
Brounville (Suffolk). Gu. a saltire engr. ar. betw. four
cinquefoils or. martlets az., a bordure wavy ar. Crest— A. lion ramp. ppr.
Brow. Ar. on a chev. gu. three roses of the first. —
Motto Spero.
Brow, or Browe (Herts). Gu. on a chev. ar. three roses Brown (Alderman Anthony Beown, Esq., Lord Mayov
of the field. of London). Per fesse indented or and gu. in base a
Browell, Per fesse sa. and or, a pale counterchanged, on griffin pass, of the first, a chief erm. Crest —A
hawk ppr.
the three fusils of the second.
first —
Crest ^A dexter hand belled or, standing on a bird's leg erased a-la-quise, and
holding a scimetar ppr. conjoined to a wing, all gu. —
Motto Nil sine causS..
Browet (Hereford). Ar. a cross botonnee fitch^e sa. Brovni (Petee Beown, Esq., of Woodplumpton, St. Michael,
Browghe. Per fesse ar, and vert, a pale counterchanged, Lancaster). Ar. on a bend nebid^e betw. two muUcts
three conies issuant out of these burrows of the first.
of six points sa. three lions pass, of the field. Crest A.

BroweMU, or Broughall (Ireland). Paly of six ar. and lion's gamb erased or, fretty, and holding a mullet of six
sa.on a bend gu. three escallops or. points sa.
Browker (London and Southwark). Barry of eight or and Brown (London. Visit. London 1568). Az. a chev. betw.
sa. asmany martlets of the first, three, two, two, and one. three escallops or, within a border engr. gu.
Crest-^A. talbot pass. gu. supporting with the dexter foot a Bro-wn (Hingingside, descended of Fordell). The same,
chaplet vert. with the chev. invecked for diff.
Brown (Chab. Beown Coenish-Beown, Esq., of Sandford co, Brown (Bonnyton, Scotland). Or, on a chev. betw. three
Derby, took name and arms of Beown in addition, 14th Oct., fleurs-de-lis az. a bezant. Crest—A. ship under saU ppr.
1863). 1st and 4th, or, a chev. gu. surmounted by another Motto— Ca.Tite et sedulo.
erminois betw. two escallops in chief of the second and in Brown (Carslaith, Scotland). Or, a chev. betw. three fleurs-
base a rose also of the second, barbed £Uid seeded ppr., de-Us sa.
Beown; 2nd and 3rd, az. a chev. dovetailed betw. in chief Bro^wn (Hartrigg, Scotland). Erm. on a chief az. three
two roses and in base an escallop ar., Coenish Crests ;
— fleurs-de-lis ar.
Beown A demi man ppr. wreathed roimd the temples or
: Brown or Broun (Gorgymill, co. Edinburgh, now John-
and gu. charged on the body with five escallops saltireways stonbum, CO. Haddington). Az. a fesse vair^ betw. three
gold, and in the dexter hand a battle axe ppr. Cobnish fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest— X rose gu. slipped and barbed ppr.

; :

TIpon a ragged staff or, a Cornish chough wings expanded, Motto Armat et ornat.

ppr. Motto Deus pascit corvos. BroTRm (Midmar, co. Aberdeen ; Fordell, co. Perth
Brown (Woodsmore, co. Herts). Sa. three lions pass. betw. Finmount, co. Fife; Greenknowe, co. Sterling.
two bendlets ar. and as many trefoils slipped erm. Crest — Bkown, who fell at the battle of Falkirk, 1298, was grand-
A buck's head sa. attired or, issuing from a crown paly father of Sir John, sheriff of Aberdeenshire, 1328 his son ;

gold. Another Crist ^A griffin's head erased sa. beaked and John, of Midmar, was ancestor of Geoboe, Bishop of
131 s 2
A ; A .


T)unTteld, 1484-1514, -who granted Tordell to his brother Brown (Lea Castle, co. "Worcester, John Bbown, Esq.,
EicHABD by charter, 19 July, 1493. Major-General Sir John of that place, high sheriff of the county in 1833). Az.
liauwN, of Fordell, who represented the co. Perth in Parlia- on a fesse ar. betw. three martlets in chief, and the Roman
ment, d. 1651, and Ms estate was sequestrated. His only fasces erect, surmounting two swords in saltire, and en-
surviving child, by Mabt, dau. and heir of Colonel Sir tircled by a chaplet in base or, three chess rooks sa. Crest
James Scott, of Kossie, co. Fife, Antonia, heiress of —A demi eagle displ. with two heads az. charged on the
Eossie, m. Alex. Donlop, of Dunlop, co. Ayr, and is repre- breast with the fasces, swords, and chaplet, as in the arms,
sented by Lieut.-Col. Sir William Agnew AVallace, Brown-Bortliwick (Rev. Eobeet Bbown-Borthwick
Bart. the third Brown of Fordell acquired Finmont and
: London, 1868). Az. on a chev. ar. betw. two fleurs-de-hs in
settled it on his younger son David in 1588, by whose chief and a mascle in base or, three cinquefoils sa. Crest—
descendant, Geoeoe Brown, this estate was sold about A hand ppr. holding a fleur-de-lis or. il^oiio—Delectat et
1710; his younger brother, Mr. John Bbown, minister of omat.
Abercorn 1700-43, was great grandfather of David Beown, Brown-Crilpin (Sedbury Park, co. York). Quarterly, 1st
of Greenlmowe, whose grandson is the Kev. James Cassels and 4th, gu. on a chev. erm. between three lions' gamba
Beown, A.M., Hulme, Watefield, co. Chester). Arms borne erased and erect ar. three escallops of the field, a chief of
by the Bishop of Dunlceld Sa. a chev. betw. three fleurs-
: the third charged with an eagle displ. betw. two escallops
de-lis ar. ; Fordell, az. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or sa. 2nd and 3rd, or, a boar ramp. sa. the whole within a

Finmount, added a crescent on the chev. for diff., which

sa. border erm. Crests— 1st A lion's gamb erased ar. armed

is still carried by the family, with a demi lion ppr. holding and charged with a bar gemel gu. the paw holding two
in his dexterpaw a fleur-de-Hs or, for (7res(, and the Motto eagles' wings conjoined sa. 2nd An arm embowed in armour
; ;

Floreat majestas. the hand grasping a branch of laurel all ppr.

BrO"Wii (Horn and Westhom, co. Perth and Forfar, de- Brown-Morison, See Mobison.
scended of Fordell, Lyon, Beg., 1672). Az. a chev. wavy Brown (Dantzic, bart. 1699, title extinct). As Horn, the
betw. three fleurs-de-lis or. Geokge Bbown, of Horn, which chev. charged with a thistle slipped vert for difl. Crest—A.
was in the possession of the family towards the end of the —
dolphin naiant ppr. Motto Virtus dedit cura servabit.
sixteenth century, d. s. p. m. about 1760. Brown (Unthank Hall, Northumberland). Per pale sa.
Bro'wn (Hangingside, Scotland, 1672). Ar^ a chev. invected and gu. on a bend, engr. with plain double cottises betw..
betw. three fleurs-de-lis or. two escallops ar. three hons pass, guard, of the first.
Bro'TOH (Dolphington, co. Lanark). Or, a chev. engr. betw. Crest —
Two escallops or, thereon resting an eagle, displ.

three fleurs-de-lis sa. d-est A dolphin naiaut ppr. Motto — vert, in the beak a cross crosslet fitchfie gold. Motto—
Labor omnia vincit. Suivez raison.
Brown (Edinburgh, 1680: the son married the heiress of Brown (now Teotter, of Horton Place, Epsom), lat and
Colstoun). Aa. a chev. chequy ar. and gu. between three 4th, Teotteb 2nd and 3rd, Bbown. Az. a chev. chequy ar.

fleurs-de-lis or. Crest —

^A dexter hand holding forth a and sa. betw. three fleurs-de-lis of the second. Orest —

book ppr. Motto Delectat et omat.
closed lionramp. gu. armed and langued az. holding in the right
Brown (Balquham, Scotland). Gu. a chev. betw. three —
paw a fleur-de-hs ar. Motto Fortitudine et fidelitate.
fleurs-de-lis or. Brown (Sir John Beown, Knt., of Endchffe Hall, Sheffield,
Brown (Waterhaughs, co. Ayr, 1806). Quarterly, 1st and D.L., and J.P.). Ar. two barrulets betw. a mullet in cliief
4th, gu. on a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or, a ship sails and a representation of a Bbown's conical spiral spring (as
furled sa., a bordure of the second 2nd and 3rd, gyronny
; invented by the grantee) in base sa. Crest—A lion sejant ppr..
of eight wavy erm. and gu., for Campbell. Crest A demi — charged with two barrulets sa. and supporting with the
lion ppr. holding in his dexter paw a fleur-de-lis or. Motto dexter paw an escocheon ar. thereon a bee volant also ppr.
—Tandem licet eero. Motto —Nee sorte nee fato. ,

Brown (Eccles, 1808). Quarterly, 1st, gu. a sword fessways Brown (William Candleb-Bbown, Esq., of Aghenuire,
betw. three fleurs-de-lis or, for Bbown ;2nd, az. three fishes Callan, co. Kilkenny: Royal license to take the arms of
counter-salient ar., for Fobeman;
3rd, vert, a lion ramp, Bbown only, and the name of Brown in addition, dated 16'
ar., for Home; a ship linder sail or, in the
4th, az. dexter July, 1857). Gu. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-hs erminois,
canton a crescent of the last on a chief ar. three boars' a canton ar. thereon a cross crosslet sa. Crest ^A demi lion —

heads erased sa. Crest A lion ramp. ppr. Motto —Famse ramp. gu. holding betw. the paws a fleur-de-lis as in the-
studiosus honestffi. arms, and charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet ar.
Bro-wn (Fobsith-Bbown, of Whitsome-K'ewton, 1856). —
Motto Gaudeo.
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. on a chev. betw. three fleurs-de- Brown (Horbling, co. Lincoln). Ar. two lions pass, in pale
lis or, a roundle betw. two mtdlets sa., for Bbown ; 2nd and sa.
3rd, ar. on a chev. engr. gu. betw. two griffins segreant in Brown ^Burton Hall, co. Devon). See Bbowne.
chief az. armed and membered sa. and in base a fleur-de- Bro-wne (Gbaveb-Bbo-r nb, Morley Hall, co. Norfolk).
lis of the second a garb. betw. two crescents or, for Fobstth. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a bend az. a canton erm. 2nd ;

Crests ^An eagle rising reguard. ppr., holding in his dexter and 3rd, per chev. nebulee ar. and az. three tilting spears
talon a fleur-de-lis or, for Bbown A demi griffin az. issuant
; two and one points upwards counterchanged. Crests— 1st:
out of an antique crown or, for Fobsvth. Mottoes Labor — On an escallop ar. a cross mohne gu. betw. four torteaus.
omnia vincit, for Bbown Instaurator ruiuse, for Fokstth.
; 2nd A demi talbot ramp. ar. peUettee holding a tilting

Brown (Sir Geobge, G.C.B., 1860). Gu. on a chev. betw. spear erect or.
three fleurs-de-lis or, a mural crown of the first, all within a Browne (Frampton, co. Dorset). Ar. on a chev. sa.A betw.
bordure embattled of the second. Crest An eagle displ. — three herons az. as many escallops or. Crest 'hare —
vert crowned with a mural crown or, and on the breast a courant or.
garland of laurel of the last. 3/oi(o-— Suivez moi. Browne (Viscount Montagu; derived from Sir Anthony
Brown (A. J. Dennistoon-Brown, of Balloch Castle, co. Bbowne, K.B. at the coronation of Richard II.; the heiress
Dumbarton, 1864). Per pale gu. and az. a chev. betw. m. PoTNTz). Sa. three lions pass, in bend betw. two double
three fleurs-de-lis or, on a canton ar. a bend sa. Crest — cottises ar. Crest— An eagle displ. vert. Supporters ^Two- —
lion ramp. ppr. holding in his dexter forepaw a cross wolves ar. with each a plain collar and chain or. Motto—
crosslet fitchee gu., and in his sinister a fleur-de-lis or. Suivez raison.
Motto —Vitam impendere vero. Browne (Lord Kilmaine. See Bbowne of the Nealc).
Bro^wn (Ashley, co. Edinburgh, 1866). Per chev. gu. and Sa. three lions pass, in bend betw. two double cottises-
sa. a chev. betw. two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a cushion in ar., a crescent for diff. Crest —
An eagle displ. vert. Sv-p-

base or. Crest A Hon ramp. sa. holding in his dexter fore- porters-Two Uons reguard. ar. ducally crowned, plain
paw a fleur-de-lis or. Motto— FloTSSit majestas. collared and chained or. Motto Suivez raison. —
Brewn (Horton-place, Surrey, 1869). Az. a chev. chequy ar. Browne (Marquess of Sligo). Sa. three lions pass, in bend
andsa. betw. three fleurs-de-Us of the second. Crest A lion — ar. betw. two double cottises of the last. Crest—An eayl&
xamp. gu. holding in his dexter forepaw a fleur-de-lis ar. displ. vert. ^M^iporiers— Dexter a talbot ppr., gorged witUa
Jlf^o((o— Fortitudine et fidelitate. baron's coronet sinister a horse ar. Motto—^myez raison.-

Brown. Sa. three lions in bend betw. twobendlets ar. Browne (Totteridge, co. Hertford, afterwards of Crofts, co.
Brown. Gu. agrifBn segreant or, a chief indented erm. Lincoln : granted 24 April, 1561, by Dalton, Norroy, to-
Brown, alias "Weare. Per chev. gu. and sa. three hinds "Valentine Bbowne, Esq., of those places, one of the Auditors
or. Orest —On a lure a falcon rising ppr. of Her Majesty's Exchequer, and previously Commissioner in
Brown (Rev. Feedeeick Bbown, Fern Bank, co. Kent). Ireland and Scotland for Edward VI. and Mary 1.). Ar. three^
Same Arins and Crest. martlets in pale sa. betw. two flaunches of the last, on each
3rown (Norton, co. Gloucester). Or, on a fesse gu. three A
a lion pass, of the field. Crest— dragon's head couped ar.-
chess TOokB of the field, in chief three mallards sa. betw. two wings expanded sa. guttde counterchanged.


Browne (Sari of Kenmare). Ar. three martlets in pale sa. of Galway, m. Mary, dan. of Josr; Brown, and sister of Sir
betw. two flatmches of the last on each a lion pMS. guard, of Dominic Brown, Knt.). Ar. on a bend cottised sa. three
the first. Crest —
A dragon's head couped ar. betw. two wings lions pass, of the first.
expanded sa. guttle counterchanged. Supporters Two — Browne (co. Galway, Small's Ordinary). Or, an eagle displ.
lynxes ar. guttle de poix, both plain collared and chained with two necks sa. Crest—Two eagles' heads couped con-
or. Motto —
Loyal en tout. joined sa.
Browne (Hospital, co. Limerick. The Funeral Entry of Sir Browne (Galway, from the Fun. Ent. of Margaret, wife of
Thouas Beowne, knt., of Hospitall, who died in 1640, records Sir Peter French, of Galway, Knt., and dau. of Alderman
that ho was third son of Sir Valentine Browne, Knt,, of Geoffrey Browne, of same place, d. 1631). Ar. an eagle
Crofts, CO. Lincoln, by Thomasine, his second wife, sister of displ. sa.
Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper of England temp. Queen Browne (Kilskeagh, co. Galway). Ar. an eagle displ. sa.
Elizabeth. His descendants were the Brownes of the Crest— -A griffin's head erased sa. Motto— Fovtiier et
Hospital, who terminated in an heiress, Helen, dau. of fideliter,
Thomas Browne, of Hospital, who m. her kinsman, Nicholas, Browne (Coolam, Annaghmore, Newtown, Ardskea, Cooloo,
Becond Viscount Kenmare, the representative of the senior and Moyne, co. G^way). Ar. an eagle displ. with two heads
line of the same family). Ar. three martlets in pale sa. sa. Crest — —
A griffin's head erased ar. Motto Fortiter et
betw. two flaunches of the last, each charged with a lion fideliter.
pass, of the field, a martlet for diff. Browne (Lord Orenmore, Castle MacGarrett, co. Mayo, and
Browne (Beechworth Castle, co. Surrey; a branch of Vis- Carrabrowne, co. Galway). Barry ofeightorandaz, an eagle
count Montagu's family). As Browne, Lord Montagu. displ. with two heads sa. surrounded byanorlc of martlets gu.
Browne (bart., Westminster created 11 March, 1732). Gu.
; quartering Monok and Prendergast. Crest of Browne —
a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or. Ci-est A demi lion — A griffin's head erased ppr. —
Supporters Dexter, a knight in
ramp. gu. holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-hs, as in the chain armour ppr. holding in the exterior hand a battle-axe,
arms. Motto— Ga.udeo. and on the other arm a shield gu. charged with two lions pass,
Browne (Weymouth, co. Dorset). Sa. three lions pass, guard, or; sinister, alike knight, the armour covered by a
betw. two bendlets ar. in the sinister chief point a trefoil of surcoat ar,, and hanging from the sinister arm a shield ar.,
the last. Crest— grifSn's head erased sa. beaked or. charged with an eagle as in the arms. Motto Fortiter et —
Browne (Suffolli). Gu. a chev. betw. three hons' gambs. ar. fideliter. (These were the armorial bearings assigned to Rt.
on a chief of the last an eagle displ. sa. membcred or, aU Hon. DOMiNicK Browne, M.P., of Castle MacGarrett, on his
within a bordure az. Crest —
^A lion's gamb erased and erect being created a Peer of Ireland in 1836. The present Lord
gu. holding a ring ar. Oranmore, as the husband of Christiana Guthrie, is
Browne (Norwich, confirmed to Robert Browne, 20 Oct., obliged, by a provision in the entail of the Guthrie estates,
1581, by Cooke, Clarenceux). Sa. three cranes ar. Crest to use, bear, and constantly retain the surname, arms, and
—Out of a ducal coronet a crane's claw all ppr. designation of Guthrie of the Mount, as his proper and only
Browne (granted, to SirHDcn Browne, by Camden, Claren- surname, arms, and designation. See Guthrie).
ceux, 26 June, 1604). Ar. three bars sa. on a canton or, Browne (Naas, co. Kildare. John Browne, Esq.,
a head erased of the second. d-est—Out of a mural
tiger's of the Nasse, d. 18 Dec. 1680, Fun. Ent. Ire.). Gu. a chev.
coronet or, a tiger's head sa. erm. betw. three lions' gambs erased and erect ar.
Browne (Clare, exemplified in 1866 to Windham Beadt, Esq., Browne (Brownestown, co. Kildare, and Backweston, co,
17th Foot, second son of the late Luke Brady, Esq., of Dublin Fun, Ent. of Patrick Browne, of Irishtown, co.

BrookTille, co. Clare, on his changing his name by royal Dublin, d. 1625, 2nd sou of John Brown, of Carlow, who was
Ucence from Brady to Browne). Ar. on a bend engr. betw. 2nd son of Patrick Browne, of Backweston). Per pale ar.
two double cottises plain sa. three eagles displ. with two and sa. an eagle displ. with two heads, charged on the
heads of the first, in the sinister chief point a pellet. Crest breast with a trefoil sUpped all counterchanged, a mullet
—An eagle displ. with two heads per pale ar. and saT; the gu. for diff,

dexter wing charged with a pellet and the sinister with a Browne (John Browne, Esq., of Castle Browne, co. Kildare,

plate. Motto—
^Nec timeo nee spemo. See Suppiement, temp. Charles I.). Sa.a chev. betw. three cranes ar.
Browne (granted in 1815 to Major-Gen. Sir George Sack- Crest—A tiger az. maned, tufted, and armed or. Motto—
ville Browne, K.C.B., grandson of Edward Browne, Mayor Qui non ciconia tigris.
of Cork). Gu. a chev. betw. three lions' gambs, erect and Browne (Camus and Clanmorris, co. Limerick, an Anglo-
erased or, on a chief gemelle ar. an eagle displ. sa. Crest — Norman family). Per pale ar. and sa. an eagle displ. with
On an eastern crown or, an eagle displ. with two heads sa. two heads armed and beaked gu. Crest An armed arm. —

Motto Hoc age. —
holding a sword ppr. Motto Fidem servabo genusque.
Browne (Ireland, confirmed, 1614, to Stephen Browne, of Browne (allowed to Count George Browne, of the Holy
BaUyrennell, co. Down, brother of John Browne, of Bradley, Eoman Empire, General-in-Chief in Russia, Governor-
CO. Derby), Erm. on a fess embattled counter embattled sa. General of livonia. Knight of St. Anne, &c., son of George
three escallops ar. CreA-(— Out of a mural crown gu. a stork's Browne, Esq., of Camus, co. Limerick, by Honora, dau. of
head and neck erm. beaked az. Edmond de Lacy, Esq., of RathcahiD, same co., and grand-
Browne (Ireland; Fun, Ent., 1673). Ar. a pellet betw. son of Thomas Browne, Esq., of Camus, who certified his
two bendlets sa., quartering Wentworth. pedigree to Preston, Ulster, 1638). Arms, &e., same as
Browne (Dublin. From Fun. Ent. of Alderman Edward Browne, of Camus.
GouGHjOfDublin, d. 1631,whose first wife was Margaret, dau. Brcwne (allowed 1724 to Ulysses Browne, Count of the
of William Browne, Sheriff of Dublin). Per pale ar. and or, Holy Eoman Empire, and George Browne, Count of the
an eagle displ. with two heads sa. Holy Roman Empire, afterwards Field-Marshal in the
Browne (Dublin. Fun. Ent. of Michael Browne, d. Austrian service. Knight of St. Anne, &c., the two eldest
1632, at one time Sheriff of Dublin). Ar. an eagle displ. sons of George Browne, of the Spanish service, and grand-
with two heads sa. charged on the breast with a trefoil son of Ulick or Ulysses Bbtowne, a yoimger son of William
slipped of the field. Browne, Esq., of Camus). Arms, Crest, and Motto same as
Browne (High Sheriff of Dublin, d. 1652, Fun. Ent. Ire.). Browne, of Camus, with the due marks of difl".
Erm. a chief gu. Browne (Rathbane, co. Limerick, granted 1851 to Rev.
Browne (Thomas Browne, Esq., Dublin, Fun. Ent. Ire. Peter William Browne, of Rathbone, Incumbent of
1665), Sa.a chev. betw. three storks ar. Blackrod, Bolton, Lancaster). Ar. three lions pass. gu.
Brown betw. two bendlets sa. Oresi—Rising from a marquis's
(Thomas Brown, temp. Kichard II., Fun. Ent. Ire.).
Sa. a chev. betw. cranes or. coronet ppr. an eagle displ. gu. winged and membered or.
Browne (Johnston, co. Dublin, bart,). Sa. three lions pass. ilfo«o—Suivez raison.
in bend, betw. two double cottises ar. a mullet for diff. Browne (The Neale, co. Mayo, Baronet of Nova Scotia,
Crest—An eagle displ. vert. Motto— Conduct is fate. allowed by Hawkins, Ulster, 1777, and registered in the
Browne (Kishock, co. Dublin, created a Baronet of Ireland, Lyon Office, Edinburgh). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Browne;
20 March, 1621 from the Fun. Ent. of Sir Sylvester sa. three lions pass, in bend betw. two double cottises ar.

Browne, 2nd bart., and of Margaret, wife of Garratt 2nd and 3rd, Dodwell. Ar. two bars per pale indented gu.
ToDNG, of Dublin, and dau. of Sir Eichard Browne, 1st bart.

and az. in chief three hurts. Crest An eagle displ. vert.
d. 1624). Per pale ar. and sa. an eagle displ. with two heads —
Mottoes Mxmit haec altera vincit, suivez raison. Supporter.
charged on the breast with a trefoil slipped all counter- Dexter, a unicorn ar. homed, maned, tufted, and ducally
changed. gorged or; sinister, a savage man ppr. wreathed about the
Browne (Sir Richard Browne, of Dublin). Per pale ar. and head and loins vert.
Bro^wne co. Tyrone). Erm. a chev. az.
(Aughentaine Castle,
an eagle displ. with two heads counterchanged.
Browne (Galway, temp. Queen Elizabeth, Michael KirwAn, betw. two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a cinquefoil in base s;v.
Crest —An eagle displ. with two heads vert charged on each three escallops of the Crest-^A demi man sa,.
wing with a Motto Suivez raison.
fleur-de-lis or. — wreathed about the temples, holding in the dexter hand a.
Browne (Braeffey, Kaheens, and Ellistown, co. Mayo). hammer or.
Sa. three lions pass, in bend hetw. two douhle cottises Browne (Devonshire). Gu. a chev. erm. couple closed or,
ar. Crest —
An eagle displ. vert. Motto Suivez raison. — betw. three escallops of the second.
Browne (Browne Hall, co. Mayo). Same Arms. (Devonshire). Gu. a chev, betw. three lions'
Browne {Knox-Browne, exemplified to Hebvet Browne, gambs erect and erased within a bordure ar.
Esq., younger, of Aughentaine Castle, co. Tyrone, late Capt. Browne (Devonshire). Ar. on a chev. hetw. three sinister
12th Lancers, on assuming the additional prefix surname hands couped sa. as many spears' heads of the field,
and arms of Knox). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, erm. a chev. az. Browne (Godmanstow, co, Dorset). Ar. on a chev. sa.
hetw. two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a cinquefoil in base sa., betw. three cranes az. as many escallops or. Crest On a —
for Browne 2nd and 3rd, gu. within a bordure engr a
mount vert, a hare courant ar.
falcon with wings expanded or, charged on the breast with Browne (Beaconsfield, co. Bucks, Visit. London, 1568). Ar.
a pheon sa. on a canton of the second a fess chequy ar. a chev. betw. three cranes sa. Crest—An heraldic tiger az.

and az., for Knox. Crests 1st An eagle displ. with two
tufted or.
heads vert, charged on each wing with a fleur-de-lis or, for Browne (Bishop Auckland, co. Durham). Sa. three mulleta-
Browne; 2nd: A falcon on a perch close ppr. charged on ar. Orest—A sword in pale, embrued ppr.
the breast with a pheon sa., for Knox. Motto Suivez — Browne (Weald Hall, co. Essex, oV which was Sir Weston
raison: and on a scroll over the second crest, Moveo et Browne, temp. Henry VIII. The chief and crest are aug-
proficio. mentations granted for valour at Grenada, temp. Ferdinand
Browne-Lecky. See Lecky. and Isabella). Gu. a chev. betw. three lions' gambs erect
Browne (Mulrankin, co. Wexford). Ar. an eagle clispl, and ei;ased ar, on a chief of the second an eagle displ. sa.
with two heads sa. armed and beaked gu. Crest—A Btag'a armed and crowned or. Crest —An eagle of Sicily displ^
head erased ar. attired or, guttee de sang. with two heads sa.
Browne (allowed 1724, to Edward Browne, then domiciled Browne (Browne's Hill, co. Carlow). Gu. a chev. betw.
in France, son of Andrew Browne, the 5th son of Edward three lions' gambs, erect and erased ar., a bordure of the-
Browne, Mayor of Waterford, 1698, descended from Browne, second, on a chief of the same an eagle displ. sa. armed and
of Clanmorris). Ar. an eagle displ. sa. membered gu., a crowned or, quartering Clayton ar. a cross engr. sa. betw.

crescent for difF. four torteaux. Crest— An eagle displ. with two heads sa.
Browne (Fun. Ent., Ulster's oflice). Ar. on a pile gu. three Motto —
Fortiter et fideliter.
martlets of the fi.eld. Browne (Essex). Gu. a chev. betw. three lions' gambs.
Browne (from the Fun. Ent. of James Browne. Cursitor and erect and erased ar. a chief and bordure of the second.
one of the Six Clerks of the Court of Chancery in Ireland, Browne (Essex). Gu, a chev. erm. betw. three lions' gamba-
d. 1634). Ar. on a pile gu. three martlets of the field. erased ar.
Brow^ne (from the Fun. Ent. of William Browne, Deputy Browne (Essex). Ar. a chev. cottised gu. hetw. three
Eeceiver under the Vice-Treasurer of the Revenue in lions ramp. sa.
Ireland, d. 1623). Gu. two chevronels ar. betw. three Browne (Essex). Sa. a bend erm. on a chief ar. three-
escallops or. torteaux.
Browne (Fun. Ent., Ulster's office, 1673). Ar. a pellet betw. Browne (Harwood, co. Hereford). Ar. on a chev. betw,
two bendlets sa. three mullets pierced sa. as many escallops of the first.

Browne (Everton, near 'Liverpool). Erm. a chev. engr. az. Orest — A demi griffin vert, winged and legged or.
betw. two fleurs-de-lis in chief, and in base a cinquefoil sa. Browne (Walcott, co. Northampton). Az. three escallops or^
Crest — An eagle displ. with two heads per pale az. and gu. a border indented gu.
wings or, each wing charged with a fleur-de-lis sa. Browne (Islington). Or, on a chev. engr. barry wavy of
Browne (Ludlow, co. Salop, confirmed 1614, Camden's eight ar. and az. betw. three cranes of the last- Ch'est—A
Grants). Erm. on a fess embattled counter-embattled sa. crane az. beaked and legged or, the crown of the head gu.

three escallops ar. Crest Out of a mural crown gu. a stork's in the beak an ear of wheat gold.
head and neck couped erm. beaked az. Bro'wne (Canterbury, co. Kent). Sa. three tigers pass, in
Browne (Orthwaite Hall, and Woodhall, in the parish of bend betw. two double cottises ar.
Caldbecke and Tallantire Hall, co. Ciunberland). Ar. three Browne (Canterbury, co. Kent). Ar. a bend sa. on a canton
martlets in pale sa. hetw. two flaunches of the second, each az. a fleur-de-lis of the field.
charged with a lion pass. or. Crest A griffin's head vert,— Browne (Horton-Kenby, co. Kent). Az. a chev. hetw. three

hetw. two wings. Motto Traducere eevum leniter. escallops or.
Browne (Bronwylfa, near St. Asaph). Sa. three lions pass, Browne (Brenchly, co. Kent). Gu. a griffin pass, or, a chief
in bend ar. hetw. two double cottises of the last. Crest An — of the second. Orest —A vulture ppr. wings endorsed, dis-
eagle displ. vert. Motto —
Spectemur agendo. pluming a mallard's wings.
Browne (Bucks), Sa. a chev. betw. three cranes ar. Crest Browne (Deptford, co. Kent). Or, a chief sa,
—A tiger az. maned, tufted, and armed or. Browne (Kent). Sa. three lions pass, in bend betw. two
Browne (Nether-Legh, co. Chester). Ar. two bendlets betw. cottises ar. in chief a griffin's head erased of the second.
as many
mullets sa. Browne (Kent). Sa. betw. two bendlets engr. three lions
Bro'wne (Chester, claims to have anciently held lands in that pass. ar.
CO. by knight's service of a silver horseshoe to the Browne (Kent). Per pale indented ar. and or, a chev.
Sovereign when he passed over the land : represented by betw. three escallops gu.
Rev. George Osborne Browne, M.A., vicar of Shire Oaks, Browne (Kent). Ar. on a fesse embattled counter embattled.
CO. Notts, and chaplain to the Sari of Lucan). Sa. a lion sa. three escallops of the first.
ramp. ar. over all a bendlet compony or and az. Crest ^A — Browne (Kent and London). Ar. on a chev. betw. three
demi hon ramp. ar. Motto— In te Deus speravi. demi griffins, erased gu. as many towers triple towered of
Browne (Cheshire). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. a bend gohonated the first.
gu. and of the first. Browne (Lancashire). Ar. on a bend double cottised sa.
Bro'wne Ar. an eagle displ. sa.
(Cheshire). three spread eagles of the first. Crest—An eagle displ. ar.
Browne (Bodmin, Cornwall, used by Geo. Browne, of on the wings two bars sa.
Bodmin, Attorney, in the middle of the last century. Browne (Brynsop, co. Lancaster). Ar. two bends sa. in
Quartered by Collins). Or, three garbs az. base an ogress.
Browne (Marsh Hall, co. Derby, 1582). Ar. on a chev. gu. Browne (Winslow, co. Leicester). Or, a saltire engr. az
three roses of the field. Crest —
A lion ramp. ar. ducally betw. four butterflies volant gu. Orest —
A boar's head
crowned or, supporting a tilting spear ppr. headed of erased sa. pierced through the neck with a broken spear or,
the first. headed ar.
Browne (Writtle, co. Essex). Same Arms. Crest—A breast- Browne (Hungry Bentley, co. Derby). Same Arms, field
plate or, leathered sa. buckled gold issuant above a plume of erm. Crest —Out of a mural crown gu. a stork's hefid enn.
feathers ar. and gu, Browne (granted 1659). Or, on a bend gu. cottised sa.
Browne (Snelston, co. Sa. three lions pass, in bend
Derby). three mullets of the flrst. Crest — ^A mullet sa. betw. two
betw. two cottises ar. in chief a trefoil shpped erm. Crest-' stags' horns of the same.
A griffin's head erased vert, eared, beaked and collared or, Browne (Leicestershire), Gu. a, bend fusilly ar. in the-
charged on the neck with a trefoil slipped erm. sinister comer a martlet or.
Browne (Derby). Sa, betw. two cottises a hon pass. ar. in Browne (Lincolnshire). Ar. two lions pass. sa.
the sinister chief a trefoil, slipped erm. Browne (Lord Mayor of London, 1438 and 1448). Ar. two
Browne (Devonshire). Gu. a chev. erm. cottised or, betw. chev. sa. on a canton erm. an annulet of the second.


Browne (Lord Mayor of London, 1480, ancestor of the Browne (Walsingham, co. Norfolk, granted to Thomas
Bbownis of Wtacot). Az. a chev. betw. three escallops, Beowne, 1632, by St. George, Clarenceux). Erm. a chief or.
within a hordure engr. or.
Browne (Lord Mayor of London, 1507). Per pale indented
Crest —On a chapeau a
crane. Motto — Pietate,
Browne (Porland, co. Norfolk, granted by Camden, Claren-
or and ar. a chev, hetw. three escallops gu. ceux, 1612). Sa. three cross crosslets fitchee or, in chief
Browne (Lord Mayor of London, 1513). The same as 1480, two in base, points meeting betw. three fieurs-de-lis, all
the hordure engr. gu. Crest —
On a mount vert three anchor stocks sa, two in saltiro
Browne (Lord Mayor of London, 1661). Ar. on a chev. and one in pale through a crown ar,
hetw. three griffins' heads erased gu. as many castles of the Browne (Walcot, co. Northampton). Az. a chev. or, betw.
first. three escallops of the second.
Browne, or Brown (Burton Hall, Kingskerswell, as home Browne (Newark, co. Nottingham). Per bend gu. and sa.
by Heecoles E. Bbown, Esq., of that place). Arms same as three leopards' heads or, on a chev. engr. ar. as many
the preceding.

Crest— A
griffin's head, as in the arms.
Motto Probitas Veritas honos.
escallops az. Crest —
A cock-pheasant az, combed and
beaked gu, gorged with a plain collar or.
Browne (London, granted 28 Feb. 1615). Gu. on a chev. Browne (Nottinghamshire). Per pale gu, and or, on a chev.
betw. three leopards' heads cabossed ar. as many escallops engr. per pale ar, and az, three escallops betw. as many

az. Crest A cubit arm vested gu,, turned up ar. holding in leopards* heads all counterchanged.
the hand ppr. a sword erect of the last, hilted or, enfiled Bro-wne (Oxfordshire), Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three
with a leopard's head of the second. brooms sa.
Browne (Isaac Hawkins Bkowne, Esq.), Quarterly, 1st and Browne (Shropshire). Erm, on a fesse crenellee sa, three
erm. on a fesse embattled counter embattled sa. three
4th, escallops ar. Crest—Out of a mural crown gu. a stork's
escallops or, forBbowne; 2nd and 3rd, or, on a chev. betw. head erm.
three roses az. as many escallops of the first on a chief pale Bro^wne (Staffordshire). Or, on a chev. gu. betw, three
gu. and sa. a dragon pass, with wings addorsed erm. for cranes az. as many trefoils slipped ar.

Hawkins. Crest Out of a mural coronet gu. a crane's head Browne (Leyson, co. Suffolk, granted 1480). Per bend ar.
erased erm. charged on the neck with an escallop az.

Motto ^Verum atque decens.
and sa. three mascles in bend counterchanged. Crest ^A —
demi stork with wings expanded ppr. the neck nowed.
Browne (London). Sa.alion ramp, ar, abend gobony gu, Browne (Suffolk). Per pale sa. and ar. three mascles
and of the second within a bordure of the last. Ci-est—A bee- counterchanged.
hive beset with bees diversely volant ppr. Motto Virtus et — Browne (Suffolk and Lincoln, 1860), Sa. three mallets ar,
industria. two and one,
Browne (London), Az. a griffin pass, or, a chief indented Browne (Warwickshire). Ar, on a bend betw. two cottiscs
per fesse of the second and erm. az. three water bougets or.
Browne (London). Gu. a grifBn pass, or, a chief indented Browne CWestmlnster). Gu. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-
per fesse erm. and of the second. lis or. Crest —A demi lion holding in the dexter paw a
Browne (London). Gu. a chev. hetw. three escallops or. fleur-de-lis or.
Browne (London), Sa. a chev. embattled betw. three swans Browne (Monkton Farleigh, Wilts, originally of Chapel
ar. Allerton, co. York). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, erm. a chev,
Browne. Ar. two chev. sa. in chief an annulet of the or, cottised betw. three roses gu., for Bbowne 2nd, ar. a lion ;

second. pass, reguard. sa., for Smyth; 3rd, az. on a bend ar. three
Browne (London), Ar. two chev. sa. on a canton erm. an gillyflowers ppr., for Wade, Crest —
A demi eagle displ. or,
annulet of the second. surmounted by two palm branches in saltier ppr. Motto—
Browne (London, descended from Angus, in Scotland). Az. Suivez raison.
on a chev. wavy betw, three fieurs-de-lis or, a thistle slipped Browne (Yorkshire). Ar. on a bend cottised sa. three lions
vert, ramp, of the field.
Browne (London). Az. a chev. betw. three escallops or. Browne (John Browne, Serjeant Painter to Henry VIII.),
Browne (London and Herefordshire). Per pale ar. and or, Ar. on a fesse embattled and coimter embattled, sa. three
a chev. betw. three escallops gu. escallops of the first, on a canton quarterly gu. and az. a
Browne (London and Norwich). See Beown. leopard's head or. Crest —
^A stork's head, holding in the beak
Browne (Mathew Bbowne, London his dau. Margaret, was
: an acorn, slipped vert fructed or, betw. two wing's expanded
wife of JohnHackett, Esq., of Kil Edmond, co. Tipperary, az. each charged with an escallop of the second,
who died 1639, Fun. Ent. Ire.), Erm. on a fesse embattled Browne. Erm, two bars sa. on a chief of the last three
counter embattled sa. three escallops ar. caltraps or. —
Crest An arm couped at the elbow and erect
Browne (Greenford, co, Middlesex, 1614). The same as vested az, caS erm. holding in* the hand ppr. a caltrap or.
Beown, co. Salop, Browne. Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three cinquefoils erm.
Browne (Stepney, Middlesex, and Dorsetshire, Visit, Middle- as many hurts. C^est —
An eagle's head erased ar. in the
sex, 1663). Sa. on a chev. betw. three storks ar. as many mouth an arrow ppr,
escallops of the field. Crest —A
tiger pass, ppr, Browne. Ar. two bends sa. betw, as many mullets of the
Browne (Middlesex). Ar. three bucks trippant ppr. Crest last. Crest —
A lion sejant sa. resting the dexter paw on a
—A buck's head erased ppr. attired or. shield ar. charged with a mullet of the first.
Browne (Bromhall, co. Norfolk). Erm. a chief indented gu. Browne. Ar. on a chev. betw. three mullets pierced sa,
Bl^owne William Browne, of that place,
(Elsing, co. Korfolk, as many escallops of the first. Crest —A demi griffin vert,
jwre uxoris,was second son of Sir Anthony Beowne, of wings elevated or.
Cowdray, co. Sussex). AnnSf Crestj and Motto^ the same as Browne. Gu. a chev. betw, three lions' gambs ar. within a
Viscount Montagu. bordure erm. —
Crest A bear's paw couped and erect or,
Browne (borne by Kichabd Chaei^s Beowne, Esq., J.P., grasping a falchion ar.
Elsing Hall, co. Norfolk, and exemplified, 27 Feb. 1845, to Browne (The Woodlands, co. Salop, descended from Ralph
BiCHARD Eaton, Rector of Elsing, co. Norfolk, [eldest son Beowne, living at Caughley, same co., temp. George I.), Sa.
and heir of Ricbaed Eaton, afterwards Bichaed Beowne, three lions pass, in bend betw. two double cottises ar. a tre-
late Rector of Elsing aforesaid, by Feances, his wife, only foil for diff
surviving child and heir of Thomas Bebnet, Esq., late of Browne (Wylde-Bbowne, Caughley Hall, in the parish of
King's Lynn, in the co. of Norfolk, who, in compliance Harrow, co. Salop : Ralph Bbowne-Wtlde took the name of
with an injunction contained in the last will and testa- Bbowne pursuant to the will of Jane, widow of Edward
ment of late of Elsing aforesaid, widow
Maet Geeene, Bbowne, of Caughley, by Act of Parliament, 28 George III.,
and Thouas Geeene, Esq., of the same place, and
relict of 1788). Sa. within two bendlets or, betw. as many martlets
dau. and heir of Thomas Beowne, Esq., Lord of the Manor ar. three lions pass, guard, of the second. Crest —A griffin's

of Elsing aforesaid, assumed the surname and arms of head erased per pale gu. and sa. gorged with a collar or,

Bbowne only). Sa. three lions pass, in bend betw. two double charged with two trefoils slipped vert.

cottiaes ar. Crest —^An eagle displ. vert. Motto —Suivez Browne. Or, on a chev, betw. three cranes az. a bezant.
raison. Crest—A crane's head and neck erased az. ducally gorged or,
Browne (Diss co. Norfolk, granted by Barker, Garter, holding in the beak a bezant.
1594). Per chev. or and az. in chief three estoiles of the Browne. Gu. a chev. betw. three lions' gambs erect and
last, in base a cockatrice (another, a wyvern) of the first. erased, within a bordure engr. ar. on a chief ol the last an

Crest An arm erect vested bendy or and az. the hand ppr. eagle displ. sa. Crest—A lion's gamb. erased and erect gu.
holding a fetterlock gu. holding a wing ar.
Browne (Norfolk). Ar. two pellets in bend hetw. as many Browne (Bishops Cannings, co. Wilts). Erm. a chev. cotised
bendlets sa. or, betw. three roses gu. Motto Suivez raison. —


Browne. on a chief three lions pass. hetw. two bendlets
Sa. orle of martlets sa. Crest —On a chapeau gu. turned up
engr. ar. Crest— A griffin's head erased or, erm. a greyhound statant or.
Browne. Ar. a fesse betw. three mallets sa. Crest~A Brownlow (
Vlscoimt Ti/rconnel). Same Arms and Crest.
stork's head couped at the neck, nowed ppr. betw. two Supporters—Two lions reguard. ar. plain collared gu. in each
wings ar. collar a ring or.
Browne. Sa. two mullets ar. Crest^A sword erect Brownrig, or Brownrigg. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. gut-
embraed at the point gu. tee d'or, betw. three crescents of the second. Crest —A lion
Browne. Gu. achev. betw. three lions* gambs erect and ramp, holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis ppr.
erased, within a bordure ar. on a chief of the last an eagle Brownrigg (Bart.). Ar. a lion ramp, guard, sa. grasping
displ. sa. in the dexter paw a sword pommel and hilt or, the blade
BrowTie. Ar. on a bend az. three escallops or. entwined by a serpent ppr. betw. three crescents gu. and ;

Browne. Sa. three lions pass. betw. two bars gemelles ar. as an honourable augmentation (granted by King Gbobqe
a crescent or. IV., 23 March 1822), a chief embattled vert, thereon a re-
Browne. Ar. a chev. sa. hetw. three roses az. stalks slipped presentation of the sceptre of the King of Kandy or, and the
and barbed vert. banner of the said king, being gu., within a bordure, with a
Browne. Per fesse indented ar. and or, a chev. betw. three ray of the sun issuing from each angle, a lion pass, gold,
escallops gu. holding a sword ppr., in saltire, the i^'hole ensigned with a
Browne. Gu. a saltire vaire betw. four ealtraps or. representation of the crown of the Kingdom of Kandy, also
Browne. Ar. a chev. sa. fretty or, betw. three roses gu. ppr. Crestk —
1st (of honourable augmentation) A demi- :

slipped vert. Kandian ppr., the body vested ar. and belted or, cap of the
Browne. Erm. on a chief ar. three torteaux. second, in the dexter hand a sword, and in the sinister a re-
Browne. Erm. a chief indented per pale gu. and or. ,presentation of the Kandian crown, also ppr. 2nd A mural :

Browne. Or, a chev. engr. barry wavy of six ar. and az. crown or, thereon a sword erect, entwined by a serpent ppr.
Browne. Per bend lozengy counterchanged ar. and sa. Motto. —^Virtute et sapientia.
Browne. Sa. alien ramp. ar. pellettee. Brownrigg, Ar. a lion ramp, guard, sa. between three
Browne. Az. a lion ramp. or. crescents gu. Crest —
A sword erect in pale environed with
Browne. Az. a lion ramp, guttee de sang. a snake all ppr.
Browne. Per bend sa. and ar. three mascles counter- Brownshin. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three bulls' heads
changed. couped of the second.
Bro'wne. Quarterly, gu. and az. a leopard's face or, Brownsword. Vert a sword in bend ar. hilt and pomel
Browne. Ar. a chev. betw. three cranes gu. or, betw. two ducal coronets of the last, on a chief of the
Bro'Wne. Erm. a chief per pale indented or and gu. second three ealtraps gu. Crest— A pegasus ppr.
Browne. Erm. on a bend gu. three lions ramp. or. Browse (co. Devon). Az. three garbs or, banded gu.
Browne. Sa. three lions pass. betw. two bendlets engr. Browte. Sa, two bars erm. betw. six cinquefoils ar. three,
ar. two, and one.
Browne. Sa. a Hon saliant within a bordure ar. depressed Broxborne.- Gu. six eagles displ. with two necks or,
with a baton gobonated or, and gu. armed and one,
ar. three, two,
Browne. Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three leopards' heads BroxiLOlme Ar. on a chev. az. betw. three
within a bordure or. boars' heads couped of the second, -five bezants. Crest A
Browne. Quarterly, az. and gu. four leopards' heads or. hear standing against an elm tree all ppr.
Bro'Wne. Quarterly, or and sa. four leopards' heads coun- Brox.ton (Fun. Ent. Ire., 1657). Ar. a lion ramp, tail re-
terchanged. flexed over the head sa.
Browne. Sa. three square hammers ar. Crest A pewit — Broxton (Broxton, Colchester, temp, Edward III.). Or,
ar. in her nest or. a cross pattee fitchee sa.
Browne. Az. three woodbine leaves ar. Broy. Erm. a lion ramp. purp. crowned or.
Browne. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three roses gu. seeded az. Broyn. Sa, a saltire betw. four leopards' heads or. Crest —
stalked and leaved vert. Two lions' paws sa. holding up a shield ar.
Browne. Gu. at the four corners of an escutcheon ar. as Broyne (Kent). Az. a cross sarcelly or.
many fleurs-de-lis of the last. Broyne. Ar. an eagle displ. sa.
Browne. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three roses az. stalked, Bruant. Erm. two bars gu,
slipped, and barbed vert. Brubouche. Or, semee of billets a lion sa.
Browne. Per pale gu. and sa. three leopards' heads or. Bruce (Brddenell-Bbuce, Matquess of Aylesbury). Quar-
Brownell (Derby, 1682). Erm. on a chev. cottised sa. three terly, 1stand 4th, or, a saltire and chief gu. on a canton
escallops ar. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet a triple plume ar, a lion ramp, az, 2nd and 3rd, ar. a chev. gu. betw.

of feathers, five, four, and three. three morions (steel caps) az. Ci'ests—lst: A seahorse
Brownell near Sheflaeld). Arms, same as
(Cliffe Field, ar, ; ; —
2nd A lion pass. az. Supporters Two savages ppr,
Brownell of Derby. Crest—Aa escallop ar. wreathed round the loins and temples vert, each supporting
Browneshaugh. Ar. three mitus' heads (of the pheasant in the exterior hand a flag, thereon the first quarter of the
kind) ppr. arms. JfoHo— Fuimus.
Browneshin. Ar. a chev. hetw. three bulls' heads ca- Bruce {Earl of Elgin and Kincardim). Or, a saltire and
bossed sa. chief gu. on a canton ar. a lion ramp, az. Crest—A lion
Browneslane. Az. a fesse betw. three adders' tongue statant az. Supporters—Ty/o savages ppr. wreathed about
leaves or. the head and middle with laurel vert. Motto Fuimus. —
Brownfield (Barlaston Hall, co. Stafford). Gu. a chev. Bruce {Lord Abei-dare). Or, a saltire and chief gu. the last
engr. ar. hetw. two stags' heads erased in chief of the last and —
charged with a martlet of the field. C)-est A cubit arm in

a cross patt^e fitchee in base or. Crest A lion pass. ar. armour in bend grasping a sceptre -ppr. 5iippor(era—Two
semee of pheons gu. supporting with the dexter paw a cross lions collared, pendant from the collar of the dexter an

pattee fitchee or. Jfotio Laborant numen adest. escutcheon of the arms of Knight, and from the collar of
Browning (Cambridge). Az. a lion ramp, or, billettee gu. the sinister an escutcheon of the arms of Brdce. Mottoes-'
Browning (Cowley, co. Gloucester). Barry wavy of six ar. Above the crest, Fuimus; under the arms, Ofnerna ofnc
and az. Crest—
A sinister arm from the elbow issuing from angau.
a cloud in the dexter, holding the hand above a serpent's Bruce (HovELL-THURLow-CaMMiNG-BRUCE; Saron Tkurlow).
head, erect from the middle, and looking toward the sinister Quarterly, 1st, Bedce: Or, a saltire gu. on a chief of
ppr. the last in sinister canton a mullet of the first, charged
Browning:. The same adding an orle
; of martlets sa. with a crescent of the second; 2nd, Cdiuming: Az.
Browning-. Barry und^e ar. and az. three garbs or; 3rd, Thurlow: ar. on a chev. cottised
Browning. Az. three bars wavy arl sa. three portcullises with chains and rings of the first;
Brownlow, Earl. See Cusr. 4th, Hovell: Or, a cross sa. Crests— 1st, Bruce:
Brownlow (Lord Zurgan). Per pale or and ar. an es- On a cap of maintenance ppr, a dexter arm in armour
cutcheon within an orle of martlets sa. Crest—On a chapeau from the shoulder, resting on the elbow, also ppr.,
az. turned up erm, a greyhound statant gu. Supporters- the hand holding a sceptre erect or. Motto over, Fuimus;
Dexter, a greyhound ar. gorged with a wreath of shamrocks, 2nd, Cdmming ; A
lion ramp, or, holding in the dexter fore-
vert; sinister, a Highland soldier in his uniform with his paw a dagger Motto over, Courage 3rd, TitorloW A
ppr.. ; :

firelock, all ppr. Motto— Esse quam videri, raven ppr. gorged with a chain and pendent a portcullis
Brownlow (Belton, co. Lincoln, and London; the heiress ar,, Motto over, Justitiae soror fides; 4th, Hovell A grey- :

Annie, dau. of Sir William Brownlow, 4th bart, of Humby, hound couchanc or, collared and line reflexed over the
m. Sir Richard Cust, Bart,). Or, an inescutcheon within an back sa., Motto over, Quo fata vocant. Supporters-'On
— ;:


either side a greyhound or, collared and lined reflexed over otherwise Bruce, of Castle Chichester, in that co. on his
the hack sa. changing his name from Bbice to Bboce). Or, a saltire
Sruce (Kennet, now Lord Balfour of Burleigh). Quarterly, and chief gu. a mullet in the dexter canton of the first.
1st and 4th, ar. on a chev. sa. an otter's head erased of the —
Crest A cubit arm holding a scimitar ppr. Motto Do
first; 2nd and 3rd, or, a saltire in chief gu. the latter well, doubt nought.

charged with a mullet ar. Crest A mermaid holding in her Bruce. Barry of six valre ar. gu. and az.
right hand an otter's head, and in her left hand a swan's Bruce. Vaii-e erm. and gu. three bars az.

head, aU ppr. Supporters Dexter an otter ppr. sinister, a ; Bruce, or Brewis. Gu. a saltire and chief or-

swan or. Motto Omni solum forti patria. Bruch (Bruch, near Warrington, co. Lancashire). Ar. a
Bruce (Airth and Stenhouse. co. Stirling, hart., 1629). Or, chev. betw. three mullets sa. Crest —
A demi eagle displ. sa.
a saltire and chief gu., in the dexter chief point a shield ar. Brucherley. Ar. a canton in base vert.

and chief sa. Crest On a cap of maintenance a dexter arm Bruchesley. Gu. three crosses engr. ar.
armed from the shoulder resting on the elbow, and holding Brucken. Per fesse sa. and ar. three standing lamps
in the hand a sceptre, all ppr, Sapporters (gi'anted 1801) counterchanged.
Dexter, a chevalier in complete armour, having plumes of Bruckshaw or Bruckshow. Ar. a chev. hetw. three
feathers on his helmet, and bearing in his right hand a crosses mohne gu. Crest— A sea chart ppr.
sceptre as the Crest, all ppr., sinister a lion az. on his head Brudenall, or Brudenell. Ar. a chev. hetw. three
the crown of King Robert II., gorged with that of King
— steel caps sa. Crest —
A battle-axe in pale, surmounted by a
David, and chained with an antique chain or. Mottoes branch of and a branch of rue, in saltire ppr.
Fuimus and Do well and doubt not.
; Brudenell {Barl of Cardigan). Ar. a chev. gu. betw.
Bruce (Newton and Cowden, a cadet of Airth, represented three morions az. the points of the caps to the sinister side.
by Hon. "W. H. Broce Ogilvt, as heir of line). Ar. a saltire
gu. and chief embattled of the last. Crest ^An eagle's head—
Crest—A sea-horse ar. Supporters —
Dexter a buck ppr.
holding in the mouth an arrow betw. the antlers a cross
ppr. Motto —Spes mea superne. patt^e fitch^e or, sinister a horse ppr. Motto En grace —
Bruce (Downhill, co. Derry, Ireland, hart., 1804, a cadet of affie.
Newton). Or, on a saltire gu. a harp ar. a chief of the Brudenell (Stanton Wyvile, co. Leicester and Northampton
second on a canton ar. a lion ramp. az. Crest lion —A shire). Ar. a chev. gu. hetw. three steel caps az. the points
pass. az. holding in his dexter paw a trefoil slipped vert. of the caps to the dexter side. Crests 1st: An arm —
Motto—-Fmrnxis. embowed, covered with leaves vert, in the hand ppr. a
Bruce (Newtownards, co. Down, granted 1804). Arms, Crest, spiked club or, slung to the arm with aline of the last;
and Motto same as preceding. 2nd: A talbot ar. ducaUy gorged gu. ; 3rd: A sea-horse ar.
Bruce (Kinnaird and Boseisle). See Cdbcuing Bruce. Brudenell. Ar. a chev. gu, betw. three chaplets az.
Bruce (Earlshall). Or, a saltire and chief gu. the latter brudenell, or Brudnell. Ar. a chev. gu. becw. three
charged with a fleur-de-lis or. chapeaus az. turned up erm.
Bruce (Wester Abden, co. Fife). Or, a saltire gu. on a chief Brudenell. Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three steel caps az.
of the last three fleurs-de-hs of the first. an escallop or.
Bruce (Grangehill, co. Fife, asrepresentedof Earlshall, 1816). Brudenell. Ar. a bend cottised gu. hetw. six crosslets sa.
Or, a saltire and chief gu. the latter charged with a fleur-de- Brudenell, or Bruddenell. Ar. a bend cottised gu,
Ife of the field. Crest —A horse's head erased ar. bridled betw. six crosses crosslet fitch^e sa.
gu. Supportej-s —Two savages ppr., wreathed head and Brudislier. Ar. three bucks* heads sa.
middle with laurel vert. —
Mottoes ^Be true Fuimus.
: Bruen (Stapleford, co. Chester). Ar. an eagle displ. sa.
Bruce (Col. Walter Hamilton Ttndaxl Brdce, of Crest— A fisherman per pale ar. and sa. each several article
Grangehill and Falkland, 1873). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, of dress counterchanged, in the right hand a fisherman's
a saltire and chief gu. the latter charged with a fleur-de-lis staff, in the sinister a landing net thrown over the shoulder
of the field; 2nd, ar. afesse cottised sa. hetw. three garbs or.
of the last, for Tyndall; 3rd, gu. a cross potent fitchee or, Bruen (Torven, co. Chester), an ea^Ie displ. ar.
betw. three cinquefoils ar,, for Hasiilton. Crest — ^A Bnier. Gu. two bars wavy or. Crest —
A mermaid ppr.
horse's head erased sa. bridled gu. Motto Fuimus. — Bruere (as home by George Brdere, Esq., M.P. for Great
Bruce (Mowanes, Shetland). Quarterly, ist and 4th, or, a sal- Marlow, 1710-28). Gu. two bends wavy or. Crest Out of a —
tire eugr. gu. on a chief of the second a mullet of the first mural crown a hand and arm couped at the elbow, habited
2nd and 3rd, gu. a Hon ramp. ar. Crest A dexter hand — gu. billitee or, cuffed ar. the hand ppr. holding a battle-axe of
erect, holding a heart ppr. —
Motto Omnia vincit amor. the third.
Bruce (Kinloch). Ar. a saltire and chief gu. in dexter chief Bruere (Ashted, co. Surrey, granted by Heard, Garter, 1803,
a mullet of the field, a bordure indented of the second. to William Bruere, Esq., grandson of the foregoing George

Crest—X star or. Motto Ad summa virtus. Bbuebe). Vert two bends wavy erm. on a canton or, five
Bruce (Garvel), Or, a saltire gu. on a chief embattled of the —
torteaux. Crest A mural crown per pale ar. and or, there-
second a mullet ar. —
Crest A hand holding a sword ppr. from issuing a cubit arm vested gu. cuff of the first, in the

Motto Venture forward. hand a halbert in bend sinister ppr.
Bruce (Urie. Shetland). Or, on a saltire gu. a mullet of the Bruers. Or, a lion gu. tail forked.
first charged with a crescent ^of the second, a chief of the Bruers. Or, a lion ramp, and canton gu.
second. Bruerton. Ar. two bars sa.
Bruce (Pittarthie, descended from StanstiU, Caithness). Or, Bruges (Sudley Castle, Ar, on a cross sa. a
co. Gloucester).
a hetw. two spur' rowels in fesse gu. a chief of the
saltire leopard's head or. Ci-est —
A Saracen's head in profile,
second. Crest —A
horse's head couped and fui-nished ppr. couped at the shoulders ppr. habited ar. powdered with
Motto—True. torteaux, and wreathed about the temples of the second and
Bruce (Skelton, Yorkshire). Ar. a lion ramp. az. sa.
Bruce (Clackmanan, Scotland. Direct male line ended Brugres. Gu, two garbs ar. betw. as many flaunches erm.
1772 ; present heir of line, Hon. W. H. Bboce Ogilvy). In Bruges. Az. seven mascles or, on a canton gu. a lion pass.
the 16th century: Or, a saltire and chief gu. the latter guard, of the second.
charged with a mullet ar. in dexter chief. Afterwards Bruges {Earl of Wincltester). Az. ten mascles or, on a
Or, a saltire and chief gu. canton gu. a Hon pass, guard, of the second.
Bruce (Balcaskie and Kinross, hart., 1668, descended from Bruges (Seend, co, Wilts. William Heald Ludlow
Blairhall, a cadet of Clackmanan). Or, a saltire gu. and Bruges, Esq., of that place, formerly M.P, for Bath, assumed
chief wavy of the last. Crest—The sun going down ppr. his latter surname in upon inheriting the
1835, estate of his

Supporters Two cranes reguard. ppr. Motlo Irrevocabile. — maternal great-uncle, Thomas Bruges, Esq.,
of Seend).
Bruce (the Right Hon. Sir James Lewis Knight-Bruce, Ar, a cross ermines quarterly pierced of the field, in the
of Eoehampton Priory, Surrey, first Vice-Chancellor of centre point a leopard's face sa,, for Bruges; quartering
England, and afterwards Lord Justice of AppeEil). Quar- —
Ludlow. Crent An anchor erect sa, charged with a saltier
terly, Ist and 4th, or, a saltire gu. on a chief of the second a or, entwined by the cable ppr. Motto Omne solum forti —
martlet of the field, for Bruce; 2nd and 3rd, paly of six ar. patria.
and az. on a canton of the second a spur with rowel down- Bruges (London, 1612, Camden's Grants). Ar. on a cross
wards, leathered or., for Knight. Crests 1st : cubit arm — A ermines a leopard's face or, quartering gu, sem6e of quatre-
in armour in bend grasping a sceptre all ppr., for Bruce; foils andfretty ar. a canton erm. Crest —
An anchor, the head
2nd: On a spur lying fesseways or, a hawk, wings elevated downwards sa. stock or. Motto (across the shaft of the
ppr., for Knight.
Motto Fuimus. — anchor) — ^Mihi coelum portus,
Bruce (formerly Bbice, granted in 1831, to Edward Bruce, Bruget. Az. ten mascles, three, three, three, and one or.
Ssq., of Eilroot, co. Antrim, descended from Bobert Brice, a canton gu. charged with a lion pass, gorged of the second.



Cfrest —Out of a ducal coronet or, a swan's head and neck Brussell. Ar. a lion ramp, az. a chief gu. Crest A lion's; —
two wings ar.
"betw. head erased gu.
Brugford. Gu. three martlets betw, two bars ar. Brussell, Ar. a chief or, over all a lion ramp. az. depressed
Bnigges. Or, a cross sa. by two cottises gu.
Bruggford (granted 29 Aug. 1415). Gu. three falcons in Brute, or Bruit. Chcquy sa. and ar. a bend gu.
fesse ar. memhered or. Bruton, or Brutyn (Exeter). Per pale gu. and az. a
Bmliani. Sa. a cross betw. four crescents ar. fesse betw. two chev. ar. (another, saand gu.). C)-est A —
Brixin, or Bruen. Ar. an eagle displ. sa. armed gu. demi wolf ducally crowned holding betw. the paws a mulle
Crest —
A man ar. with a crutch in the right hand or, and ppr.
a basket at his back of the last, on a staff of the second. Bruton, Quarterly, or and gu. a bordure engr. az.
Bruin. Az. a lion ramp. ar. guttle de sang. Bruton. Or, (another ar.). three eagles displ. gu. armed
Bruin. Quarterly, gu. and az. four estoiles or. az.
Bruley, Brulye, or Bruly. Erm. on a bend gu. three Bruton Briory (Somersetshire). Gu. in a maunch erm.
chevs. or. a hand ppr. holding erect a fleur-de-lis or. Another Coai—
Brumbert, At. on abend sa. three rakes of the field. Or, a cross engr. sa.
Brumfield. Or, on a bend gu. three mullets ar. d-est — Bruvere. Gu. two bars wavy or.
pheon az. Bruyer, or Bruyeres. Or, a lion ramp. sa. tail forked..
Brumfi.eld. Ar. three lions pass, in pale sa. Crest —A bear's paw erased.
Brumliaia (Leicestershire). Or, a martlet vert. Bruyin (Essex and Surrey). Az. across sarcellee (ormolimf
Brumkerd, Erm. three lozenge buckles tongues in fesse or. Crest —A goat ar. attired or.
az. Ch-est —
A mermaid with comb and glass all ppr. Bruyin. Quarterly, gu. and az. four estoiles or.
Brumsted. Ar. on a bend betw. two crosses form^e Bruyin, or Bruyn. Az. a lion ramp, ar, billettee gu.
fitchee gu. three mullets of the first. Crest A demi grifBn — Bruyn (Shropshire). Ar. an eagle displ. sa. charged on the
ar. wings expanded or, holding in the dexter claw a cross breast with a fleur-de-lis or.
formee fitchee gu. Bruyn (Ireland). Or, three trefoils slipped az. on a chief of
Brun (Cheshire). Ar. an eagle displ. gu. the last a buck pass, of the first.
Brun (Kent, and Dorsetshire). Az. a millrind or. Crest — Bruyn. Az. a cross engr. or.
A stag lodged sa. Bru3nie (Sheriff of Southampton, 26 Henry VI., 1447). Az.
Brun (Lancashire). Az. a cross moline or. a cross moUne or. Crest —On a chapeau gu. an ibex of the
Brun.. Az. a lion ramp. or.
billettee same.
Brun. Closettee of twenty ar. and az. Bruyne. Quarterly, gu. and az. in chief two suns or.
Brun. Az. a lion ramp. ar. charged with a cross crosslet Bruzead. ^Ar. a chev. betw. three roundles az. within a
bordure of the last, charged with as many fleurs-de-lis or.
Brune (Essex and Dorsetshire). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. Crest —-A cat sejant sa-
a cross moline or ; 2nd and 'ird, lozengy gu. and erm. Bryan {Lord Sryan, borne by Sir Gut de Bryan, summoned
Brune (Sir Henrt Becne, Knt.
temp. Henry VII.). Az. a to Parliament 1350, K.G. temp. Edward III., elected in the
cross moline or, quartering, lozengy erm. and gu. place of Sir John Chandos, one of the Founder Knights).
Brune. Az. a cross engr. or. Or, three piles conjoined in base az. Cresi— On a chapeau
Bruneck. Ar. two lions pass, guard, sa. C^-esi— An eagle's gu. turned up erm., a hunting horn sa. garnished or.
head erased sa. Bryan (Bedfordshire). Or, three piles meeting near in the-
Brunet. Or, a lion ramp. gu. within a bordure embattled base, vert within a bordure az. bezantee.
sa. Oi-est —
A cockatrice displ. gu. Bryan (Cheshire and Cornwall). Erm. alien ramp. gu. over
Bruufold. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. all a bend sa. bezantde.
Brunham. Gu. a chev. ar. fretty sa. betw. three lions' Bryan (Devonshire and Gloucestershire). Ar. three pilesaz.
heads (another, erased) of the second. Bryan (William Bryan, Deputy TTlster King-of-Arms, 1766).
Bruning-, Bruen, or Bruining- (Wiltshire). Gu. two —
Ar. three piles gu. Crest Out of clouds a naked arm.
hends wavy, the upper one ar. the other or. Crest— A demi embowed, the hand grasping a dagger, aU ppr. Motto—
lion double queued gu. guttee d'eau ducally crowned ar. Nee avarus nee profusus,
Bruningre (Derbyshire). Gu. two bends wavy ar. Bryan (Scarr, co. Wexford). Ar. three piles gu. Crest—
Brunsfield (Scotland). Or, five pine tree apples in cross Saracen's head erased at the neck sa.
—A demi chevalier, brandishing a sword, ppr. Bryan (Leicestershire and Wrothara, co. Kent). Or, three
gu. Crest all
Brunsell (Bingham, co. Nottingham). Or, a fesse counter- piles az. a canton erm. Crest — On a garb, lying fesseways,
embattled betw. three roses gu. Crest — Uon's gamb erased
^A a bird.
and ereut or, holding a rose ar. stalked and leaved vert. Bryan (Bolingbroke, co. Lincoln). Or, three piles meeting
Brunstaugh. Ar. three razorbills' heads couped sa. near in the base, az. within a bordure engr. erm. — Crest
Brunt. Ar. an infuld (cap) embowed at the end gu. turned greyhound courant, reguard. erm, collared or.
up in form of a chapeau and engr. with a button and tassel Bryan. Ar. three piles wavy vtsrt, within a bordure az. an
on the top or. annulet or.
Brunton. Or, three eagles displ. gu. Crest beacon —A Bryan. Ar. three piles vert.
with flames of firu ppr. Motto— Fa,^ mentis incendium Bryan. Or, three piles az. on a canton paly of six ar. and
gloris. of the second abend gu. charged with three eagles displ, of
Brunton. Or, a garb betw. three eagles displ. gu. Crest the field.
—A beacon with flames of fire ppr. Motto, over the Crest Bryan, Or, two lions ramp, endorsed gu.
—Lux et salus. Bryan. Erm. a lion ramp. gu. crowned or, within a bordure
Brunwin (Park House, Bradwell, borne by
Essex, as bezantee.
MiLBouRNE Peter Carter Bbonwin, Esq., of Park House, Bryan. Az. on a chev. or, three crescents gu, in chief a
Bradwell, near Coggeshall, Essex, Lord of the Manor, and dolphin ar,
patron of the living of Bradwell, eldest son of the late Rev. Bryan. Az. on a chev. ar. three crescents gu. in chief a
Martin John Bbunwin, whose mother, Anne Brunwin, dolphin naiant of the second.
eldest surviving child of Milbourne Carter, Esq., of Brain- Bryan. Az. on a chev. or, three crescents of the first, in
tree, came into possession of the estate of Bradwell, with its chief a dolphin naiant ar.
ancient Hall, so long the seat of the old family of Maxet, at Bryan. Quarterly, or and az. on a bend gu. three handcufTs^
the decease of her brother's widow, 23 Feb. 1819). Gu. a cross of the first.
I>atonce or, on a chief ar. three buckles of the first. Crest — Bryan (Jenkinstown, co. Kilkenny, granted to James Beyen,
A lion's head erased or, frettee sa. of Bawnmore, Kilkenny, 1684). Gu. three lions pass, two and
Brusard, or Browsserd. Sa. three antelopes' heads —
one or. Crest ^A sword erect ppr. pommel and hilt or, hetw
couped ar. armed or. two lions gambs couped erect gu. Motto— Fortis et fidelis.
Bruse Ar. a Hon ramp. az.
(Kent). Bryan. Or, three piles az. —On a chapeau gu.
Crest turned
Bruse (Noriolk). Ar, a Hon ramp, tail knotted betw. ten up erm. a buglehorn or, tipped and garnished sa. sans
crosses crosslet gu. Crest—A Saracen's head sidefaced ppr. strings.
wreathed about the temples ar. and gu. Bryan (granted to Loftds Anthony Beyan, Esq., of Upton
Bruse. Az. a lion ramp. betw. ten crosses crosslet or. Crest and Bormount, co. Wexford). Erm. alien ramp, gu, crownefl
— Out of a ducal coronet gu. a lion's head or. or, betw. two cinquefoils in chief and a fleur-de-lis in has*
Brusell. Or, a lion ramp. az. oppressed with two bendlets az. a canton of the second charged with three bars dancettee
ar. Ci'est— On a mural crown ppr. a lion ramp. gu. collared
Brushford (Devonshire), Sa. a cross flory ar. gemelle or, and charged on the shoulder with a cinqi
Bruss. Erm. a lion ramp, doable queued and nowed go. ar. Jlfo((o— Ferro mca recupero.


Bryane. Gu. four water bouffets ar. Brykett, Ar. a fesse engr. betw. three lions' heaclff
Bryanson. Gyronny of eight az. and or (another, az. erased gu.
and ar.)- Brykhed. Ar. three talbots' heads erased gu. on a chief
Bryant. Az. on a cross or, a dnquefoil betw. four lozengea sa. three garbs or.
gu. Crest —
^A flag az. charged with a saltire ar. Bryme (Cumberland). Az. alien ramp. ar. guttle de sang.
Bryce (Bowton, Scotland). Gu. a saltire betw. two mullets Brsrmer (Westertoun, Scotland). Or, a fesse erm, betw.
in chief and base or, and another in each flank ar. on a chief
of the second a lion pass, guard, of the first. Out of —
three dragons' heads erased gu. Crest —
A dexter hand hold-
Orest ing in the gauntlet a pheon ppr. Motto— Fer tela, per hostes.
a cloud in the sinister a dexter hand holding a pair of scales Brymes. Sa. three garbs or, on a chief of the second a
iJl ppr. —
Motto Fiat justitia. greyhound's head erased betw. two billets gu.
Bryce. Lozengy gu. and ar. a cross of the last. Creit — Brympton, or Brampton. Or, a chev. vert betw.
griffin's head erased or.
Bryce. Lozenf-y gu. and ar. a cross of the last, all within a
three griffins pass. ga. armed of the second. Crest Out
of a ducal coronet ppr. a lion's paw charged with a bezant.

bordure az. charged with eight cinquefoils of the second. Brymshawe. Ar. a griffin saliant sa.
Bryceson. Gu. a saltire betw. four mullets of eight points, Brymstone. Ar. on a fesse sa. three mullets or.
pierced or. Brymton. Gu. six escallops or.
Bryche (cq. Lancaster). Gu. a chev. betw. three mullets Bryn (co. Lancaster; Alan le Betn occurs in the "Testa
ar. de Nevill; " the 'eventual heiress, Joanna Brtn. m. temp.
Bryclie. Ar. a chev. betw, three mullets sa. Edward III., William Gerard, and several of their descen-
Brydall Az. three estoiles in bend double
(Middlesex). dants adopted the Brtn arms as a Gerrard coat). Az. a
cottised CreBt
ar. —
A lion's gamb erect and erased az. lion ramp. erm. crowned or.
holding a broken lance ar. headed or. Bryn. Gu. semde of nails or, a lion ramp. ar.
Bryden (Lenelhouse, co. Berwick). Ar. three hawks' heads Bryn. Ar. an eagle displ. sa.
erased ppr. within a bordure engr. az., charged with eight Brjrne. Az. a lion ramp, or, billettee gu.
bezants. Orest—A. hawk's head erased ppr. charged with Bryne, or Brany (Smith's Ordinary). Ar. a lion ramp,
three bezants, one and two. Motto —Keep watch. gu. armed and langued az. on a chief or, two dexter hands
Brydgres, or Brugres (Cobberley and Sudeley, co. Glou- couped of the second.
cester). Ar. on a cross sa. a leopard's face or. Crest— The Brynhill. Ar. a tree eradicated ppr.
bust of an old man side-faced ppr. wreathed about the Brynne. Az. a lion ramp, ar. guttee de sang.
temples ar. and az. vested paly of the second and gu. and Brynker (Brynker, co. Carnarvon, derived from Owen
eem^e of roundles counterchanged, on his head a cap or, GwYNEDD, Prince of North Wales). The same Arvis as
lined with white fur. Owen Gwynedd.
Brydges {Duke of Cliaiidos). Same Arms, quartering ar. Brynse. Gu. in chief a lion pass, guard, erm.
a pile issuing from the chief gu., for Chandos. Crest — ^The Brynton. Gu. a lion double queued ar.
same as the last. Supporters —Two otters ar. Motto — Bryonyon, Gyronny of ten ar. and az.
Maintien le droit. Bryse. Gu. a chev, betw. three swans close ar.
Brydg'es (Denton Court, co. Kent, bart.). Ar. a cross Brysilly. Or, on a fesse engr. gu. betw. three pheasants
sa. charged in the centre with a leopard's face betw. two
pheons in pale the points towards each other and piercing
purp. as many crosses pattee ar, pellettfie. C^'est —
pheasant as in the arms.
the face or, in the first quarter a lion ramp, gu. holding in Bryson (Craigton), Gu. a saltire betw. two spur rowels in
the paws a pheon the point downwards of the second. fesse, a spear head in chief ar. and a crescent in base or.
Crest —
The bust of a man the head ppr. hair and beard sa. Ch-est— A hand holding a horn ppr. Motto Vivit post —
vest ar. collar gu., cap or, band and tassel of the third the funera virtus.
cap and vest charged each with a pheon point downwards —
Bryson. The same Arms. Crest A ship under sail. Motto
of- the first. —
Motto Maintien le droit. — God with my right.
Brydg'es (Bosbury, co. Hereford). Ar. a cross sa. charged Brytayne. Chequy or and az. a canton erm. within a
with a leopard's face or, a martlet for diff. these arms ; bordure gu. charged with eight lions pass, guard, of the firs)
are in the cloisters of "Westminster Abbey and Wells Brytt. Sa. a fesse ar. betw. three escallops or,
Cathedral. At the College of Arms, however, is an ancient Brynricke. Gu. a lion pass, guard, erm.
and different bearing assigned to Bbigge, or Bridgb, of Buband. Sa. a fleur-de-lis ar.
Bosbury, viz., Ar. a bend engr. sa. charged at the dexter Buband. Sa. three fleurs-de-lis ar. (another, or).
point with a chaplet or not adopted by the family gene-
; Butob (Carlisle). Per pale or and erm. on a bend gu. three
rally. imicoms' heads erased ar. crined and attired ol the first-
Brydges (a monk of the Abbey of Gloucester). Ar. on a Crest" On a mount vert, a unicorn sejant ar. crined and armett
cross az. a lion's head of the field, in the dexter chief gold, reposing the dexter foot on a shield per pale or and erm
point a fir apple gu, Bubst€^> Az. a fesse betw. two chev. or.
Brydges, Jones-Brydgres (Boultibrook, co. Radnor, Buccleuch, Duke of. See Scott.
bart.). Ar. a chief gu., over all a bend engr. sa. charged on Bucey. Or, three water-bougets az.
the chief point with a chaplet or. —
Oreat ^Two wings addorsed Buch (John de Graillt, Captal de Buch, K.G., 1364). Or,,
ar. each charged with a bend engr. sa. on the exterior bend —
on a cross su. five escallops ar. Crest A man's head in
in the chief pointa chaplet or. Crest of Augmentation On a — profile with asses' ears.
cnsbion gu., garnished and tasselled or, a representation of Cliequy or and az. a fesse erm.
the royal crown of Persia ppr. Supporters Dexter, a lion — Buchan, Sari of. See Erskine.
ppr. gorged with an Eastern crown vert. ; sinister, a wyvern Buchan (Auchmacoy, co. Aberdeen). Ar, three lions' heads-
ppr-) gorged with an Eastern crown or. These supporters erased sa., quartering Hamilton, of Bargeny {q.v.). Crest—
were granted by royal warrant in 1810. Motto— DeuB pascifc The sun shining on a sunflower, full blown ppr- Supporters
corvos. — Dexter, a heron with an eel in its bill all ppr. sinister, :

Bryen, or Brian. Ar. three piles wavy vert, within a an antelope ar. collared gu., the collar charged with thre&
bordure az. bezant^e. Crests Ist: — A
beacon flamant or; cinquefoils erm. Motto— Non inferiora secutus,
2nd An heraldic tiger courant az. bezantee.
: Buchan (Col. John BncHAN, 1690). Ar. a garb az. banded
Bryen (Bawnemore). See Bryan, of Jenkinstown. or, betw. three lions' heads erased sa. a bordure crenelle of
Bryerlegh. Ar. a cross botonn^e or. —
the second. Crest A lion holding in his dexter paw a twig
Bryers (Walton, co. Lancaster, 1664). Ar. three swans sa. of olive ppr. Motto— Tortior quo mitior.
or ermines on a canton gu. a falcon volant or. Ct-est — Buchan (John Buchan, Advocate, 1720). Az., a lion's head
nag's head erm. erased betw. three garbs or, a bordure ol the last. Ci-est^—-
Bryger. Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three crabs gu. —
A sunflower ppr. Motto Non inferiora secutus.
Brygge, or Briggs (Norfolk). Gu. three bars gemelles Buchan (Robert Buchan, Edinburgh, 1835). Ar. a chev. gu.
or, a canton sa. charged with three bezants betw. three lions' heads erased
Bryggs. Ar, three bars and a canton gu. sa. Crest and Motto, as Auchmacoy.
Brykeis. Sa. three garbs or, on a chief of the last a talbot's Buchan (Fordtce-Buchan, of Kelloe, co, Eoxburgh, 1856).
head erased betw. two billets gu, Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a garb az. banded or, betw. three
Brykes. Ar. a chev. betw. three falcons' heads erased sa. lions' heads erased sa. on a chief erm. a lion ramp, gu., for
Oreet—A wolfs head erased, woimded with an arrow ppr. Bdchan; 2nd and 3rd, gu. a dagger in pale ppr. pomt
Brykes, or Byrkes. Sa. three garbs or, on a chief ar. a upwards betw. three bears' heads couped or, for Fordyce, of
talbot's head erased betw. two billets gu.
, Crest ^A wolfs — —
Ayton. Crests ^The sun shining on a sunflower, full blown
head erased per pale or and az. in the mouth an arrow of all ppr., for Buchan; A camel's head couped ppr., for
the first, feathered gu. FoRDYCE, JWoiio—Non inferiora secutus.


Suclianan (Buchanan, Scotland, a family of great antiquity Bucher. Per fcsse sa. and or, a tree couped and eradicated
in the shire of Stirling, Macodm de Boquiianan, chief of counterchanged.
the clan, heing recorded in Bagman's Roll, as one of those Bucher. Quarterly or and gu. a canton erm. and bordure
who swore fealty to Edward in 1296. John, the 22nd Laird, sa. bezantee.
sold the estate of Buchanan to the Marquess oj Montrose in Bucheston. Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three bucks' heads
1680, and d. in two years after, without male issue). Or, a cabossed sa.
lion ramp. sa. within a double tressure flory counterflory gu. Buck (Wisbeach, co Cambridge). Gu. a fesse counter-
Crest— A hand holding up a duc^ cap purp. hned erm. compony or and az. betw. six crosses crosslet ar. placed
tufted on the top with a rose gu. within two branches of saltireways.
laurel, disposed orleways ppr. Supporte^-s— Two falcons ppr. Buck (Winterbourne, co. Gloucester; granted 17th Jnly

armed ar. jessed and belled gu. Motto Clarior hinc honos. 1645). Per fesse nebulec ar. and sa. three bucks' attires
Buchanan (Leny, co. Stirling). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, flxed to the scalp, counterchanged, on a canton az. a
Buchanan of that Ilk, 2nd and 3rd, sa, on a chev. ar. betw. covered cup or.
three bears' heads of the second muzzled gu. a cinquefoil Buck (Gloucestershire). Per fesse wa\'y ar. and sa. three
of the first, for Lent. bucks' attires fixed to the scalp, counterchanged. Crest—
BxLchanan (Mochastel, co. Stirling, 1672). Quarterly, as buck's attire ar. fixed to the scalp or.
above, within a bordure counter compony ar. and gu. Crest Buck (Hampshire). Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three bucks'
— —
A lion's paw erased ppr. Motto Juvabitur audax. heads, erased gu. attired or, as many mullets of the last on
Buclianan (Drumpellier, co. Lanark). Quarterly, 1st and a chief gold a rose of the third betw. two trefoils slipped
4th, as Buchanan, of that Ilk, 2nd and 3rd, sa. on a chev. vert. Ci-est —
A dexter arm in armour ppr. garnished and
betw. three bears' heads erased ar. muzzled gu. a cinquefoil embowed or, holding in the hand ppr. a broad scymitar ar.
of the first, charged with a crescent of the second. Crest — hilt cold.
As Buchanan of that Ilk. Motto Audaccs juvo. — Buck (Hamby Grange, co. Lincoln, bart., extinct). Lozengy
Buclianan (Pathick, son to Duncan Buchanan, of Miltown, bendy of eight or and az. a canton erm. (another, without
1672). As Buchanan of that Ilk, within a bordure gu. the canton). Ci-est —
A Saracen's head in profile ppr., with

charged with eight crescents ai*. Crest ^A rose slipped gu. cap or, wreathed about the temples of the first and az, two
Motto— T>acituY hinc honos. bars gemelles round the neck gold, the shoulders habited of
Buchanan (John Buchanan, Chirurgeon, bailie of Stirling, the third.
1672). Per bend or and sa. a lion ramp, within a double Buck (Lincolnshire). Lozengy bendy of eight or and az. a
tressure flory counterflory all counterchanged. Crest — canton erm, and bordure gu. Ci'est —
A portcullis az.
hand pointing a lance in bend ppr. Motto Secundo euro. — garnished and chained or.
Buchanan (Ballat). As Buchanan of that Ilk, within a Buck (Lincolnshire). Paly bendy or and az. a canton erm.

bovdnre engr. gu. Crest A dexter hand holding a dagger Crest— A portcullis az. chained or.

in pale ppr. Motto Sanguine inscribam. Buck (Denholme, co. York, and Glenarbeth, co. Cardigan).
Buchanan (Arden). Or, a lion ramp. sa. in his dexter Anns a.n.d Crest same as preceding. Motto— Yide et forti-
fovepiiw a dagger ppr. within a double tressure fiory, couutor- tudine.
flory of the second, all within a bordure gu. Crest — Buck (Worcestershire). Per fesse nebulae ar. and sa. three
dexter hand grasping a seimetar ppr. JlZbffo— Audaciter. bucks' attires fixed to the scalp, all counterchanged. Oldest—
Buchanan (Ardoch, co. Dambarton). The s.ime witli the A buck's attire fixed to the scalp sa.
bov'lure inveckcd. Crest— Two hands grasping a two handed Buck. Lozengy or and sa. a bend gobony of the first and
sword ppr. Motto— Clariora seqiior. az. a canton efm. Crest —A buck's head couped ppr.
Buchanan (Ardenconncl. co. Dumbarton). Or, a lion Buck. Quarterly, gu. and vert, a buck betw. three pheoDB
rainp. sa. betw. two otters' heads erased in chief ppr. and ar.aU within a bordure engr. or.
a cinquefoil in base of the second, all within a double Buck, Per chev. crenehee ar. and sa. three bucks* attiien
tressure flory counterflory of the last. Ci-eU An armed— fixed to the scalp, and counterchanged. Crest— 'Betvr. a
dexter hand ppr. holdhig a ducal cap purpure turned up buck's attire fixed to the scalp, a Hon ramp, holding over
enii. Moito —Nunqnam victus. the left shoulder a battle-axe, all ppr.
Buchanan (Shandon, co. Dumbarton, 1863). Or, a lion Buck. See Dauntesey.
ramp. sa. surmounted by a fess gu. charged with three Buckbond. Sa. three eagles displ. or.
mulletE of the field, all within a double tressure flory Bucke (Cambridgeshire). Vert, a bend betw, two bucks
conntcrfioi-j' of the second. Crest —
As Buchanan of that trippant erm. Crest —A
buck at gaze erm. standing against
Ilk. —
Moito Audaces juvo. an olive tree vert.
Buchanan (John Buchanan, Glasgow, 1868). As Buchanan Bucke (Kent). Ar. on a bend az, cotised wavy sa. three
of that Ilk, within a bordure engr. per pale az. and or. Crest mullets or. —
Crest An arm embowed, in armour ppr.
—An eagle rising ppr. J^o(io— Audax omnia pei-peti. garnished or, holding a cutlass ar. hilted gold.
Buchanan (Wm. Choss-Buchanan, of Auchintorlie, co. Bucke (Kent). Ar. on a bend az. cotised wavy sa. three
Dumbarton, 1867). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, oi-, a Hon ramp, martlets or.
sa. holding in the dexter forepaw a cinquefoil erm. within a Buckeley, or Bulkley (Hampshire and Ireland). Sa. a
double tressure flory counterflory of the second, 2nd and chev. betw. three bulls' heads cabossed ar.
3rd, ar. a raven'^ wings endorsed ppr, betw. four crosses Buckerell (Devonshire). Sa. bezautee, a buck (another,
crosslet fitch^e gu., one, two, and one, for Cross. C}-e3t — two bucks) in full course ar.
cubit arm erect ppr. holding a sword also ppr. hilted and Buckeridg-e (Highgate, co. Middlesex). Or, two paleta
pomeled or. and five crosses crosslet fitchee in saltire sa. Crest—A stag
Buchanan (Drumakill, co. Stirling). Or, a lion ramp, sa. courant ppr.
holding in the dexter paw a man's heart ppr. all within a Buckeridgre' (Bishop of Rochester, Camden's Grante).
double tressure flory counterflory of the second. Crest — Same Arms and Crest.
dexter hand holding a sword. Motto— God with my right. Buckeridg:e (Baysbeidge-Buckeeidge, Grantches';er, co.
Buchanan (Drumhead, Scotland, a cadet of Drumakill). Cambridge). —
Same Anng. Crest A dexter arm erect
Or, a lion ramp. sa. holding in the dexter paw an arrow, couped at the elbow habited per pale indented az. and vert.
and in the sinister a bow, all ppr. within a double tressure charged with three bars erminois holding in the gauntlet
flory counterflory of the second. —
Crest A sinister hand ppr. a cross crosslet fitchee sa.

holding a bent bow or. Motto ^Par sit fortuna labori. Bucket. Or, three piles meeting in base gu. (another
Buchanan (Sound, Scotland). The same as of Buchanan, adds a bordure sjz.). Ci^esi —
^A lily and holly branch in
with a crescent for diflF. Crest— A
lion's paw erect and saltire ppr.
erased ppr. Motto —
Nobilis est ira leouis. Bucket. Ar. a chev. (sometimes az.) betw. three lions'
Buchannan (Whitby, 1872). As Buchanan of that Ilk, heads erased gu.
within a bordure invecked per pale gu. and ar. charged with Bucketon. Ar. three bars gemelles a canton sa,
eight crescents counterchanged. Crest —
As Buchanan of Buckett. Ar. a chev. betw. three leopards' faces gu,

that Ilk. Motto Audaces juvo. Buckfestre-Atabey (Devonshire). Sa. a crosier in pale
Buche (Wiltshire). Ar. on a fesse gu. betw, three boars' or, enfiled with a buck's head cabossed, ar.
heads sa, a fleur-de-lis betw. two eagles displ. or. Buckfi.eld. Gu. three fieurs-de-lis erm.
Buche. Sa. a chev. betw. three boars' heads ar. Crest — Buckfield, or Buckfeld. Gu. a fleur-de-lis erm,
Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi boar sa. pierced in the Buckfould. Per chev. ar. and sa. three bucks' heads
neck with an arrow, all ppr.
.Buche. Sa. a chev. between three bows ar.

counterchanged, attired or. Crest A buck ppr. attirefl or,
in a field vert, paled all round of the first.
3ucher (Middlesex). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three talbots Buckham. Checiuy or and az. a fesse erm.
pass. or. Buckhill. Gu. out of a coronet or, a demi swan sans
A '


Tings ar. from the mouth a scroll compassing the neck in charged with a bull's head cabossed of the field. Crest —
form of a rein sa. Out of a fern-brake ppr. a bull's head sa.
Buckhull, or Buckshall (Sussex). Or,' a lion ramp. Buckley (New Hall, co. Wilts). Sa. a chev. betw. three
az. fretty ar. bulls' heads cabossed ar. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet
Buckhurst, Lord. See Sackville, Earl Delawarr. or, a bull's head ar. armed of the first. Motto —
Nee temere-
Buckilele. Or, alion ramp, tail forchee az. nee timide.
Buckill. Or, a hon ramp, double queued az. fretty ar. Buckley (Kent). Sa. a chev. betw, three bucks' heads ca-
Bucking (Essex). Ar. a fesso raguly betw. six crosses —
bossed ar. Crest A demi griffin rising ppr,
crosslet ru. Buckley. Sa. on a chev, betw. three bulls' heads cabossed
Biickingh.ain,, Town of. Per pale gu. and sa. a swan ar. as many mullets gu.
ffith wings expanded ar. ducally gorged and chained or. Buckley. Sa. a chev. betw. three bucks pass. ar.
Buckinghain, Duke of. See Grenville. Buckley. Lozengy or and sa.
Buckingliaiu (Lord Mayor of London, 1705). Or, a lion Buckley, or Buckby. Ar. on a chief dancettee gu, a-
ramp. gu. debruised by a bend az. charged with three bezant betw. two lions' heads cabossed or.
bezants. Crest —
A, lion ramp. gu. Buckley (Badminton, co. Gloucester). Sa. two chevronels
Bucking'liain (London; granted 15 Dec. 1708). Erm. on betw. three bulls' heads cabossed ar. a border erm. Crest —
a bend wavy az. betw. two lions ramp. gu. three bezants. bull's head erased sa. ducally gorged or, in the mouth a flag-
Crest —
On a chapeau az. turned up erm. a demi swan, wings staff bend (vise ppr. therefrom pendant a white banner
expanded ppr. membered or, gorged with a ducal coronet charged with a cross pattee gu. Motto-^6<X soli Deo,
gu. Buckley (Buckley, co. Lancaster, 1664). Sa, a chev. betw.
Buckingham. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. three bulls' heads cabossed ar. Creat— A bull's head erased
Buckiug-lianishire, Sari of.
See Hobart. ar,
Bucklaud Ar, three lions ramp, a
(Langley, co. Bucks). Buckley (Castle Gorvod and Pen-y-vai, co. Cannarthen,
canton gn. fretty or. Crest— On a mount vert a stag lodged. and Brook Furlong, co. Warwick). Sa. on a chev. betw^
Buckland (Devonshire). Ar. a fesse sa. fretty or, betw. three buUa' heads cabossed ar, as many mullets gu. quarter-
three lions ramp. gu. ing Child, Wedge, and Eoe, which see. Cresi— A griffin's
Buckland, or Buckle (Somersetshire). Gu. thi'ee lions head gu. betw. two wings of the last bezantee. Motto —
ramp. ar. on a canton sa. a fret or. Crest —On a chapeau Nee timere nee timide.
gu. turned up erm. a talhot sejant or. Buckmaster (Devonshire, Lincolnshire, and Northam])-
Buckland (seal of Walter Bdckland, Esq., of Clerken- tonshire). Ar. a hon ramp. betw. seven fieurs-de-fis sa.
well, CO, Middlesex, on a deed of 14 Nov., 14 Queen Ehza- two, two, two, and one. Crest —
A demi lion sa. holding in
beth). Per fess nehulee ar. and gu. a fess voided sa. betw. the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis or, and charged on the shoulder
three bucks pass, counterchanged. with three annulets conjoined, gold.
Buckland (Somersetshire). Per fesse wavy ar. and gu. two Buckmate. Gu. a crescent betw. three mullets or.
cotiscs and three bucks pass, counterchanged, two and one, Buckminster (Peterborough; granted 24 March, 1578)..
attired or. Ar. semee of fleurs-de-lis, a lion ramp. sa.
Buckland. Ar. an eagle displ. sa. legged or. Buckminster (Leicestershire). Ar. a lion ramp, betw,
Buckland. Ar. on a fesse gu. a dolphin embowed of the eight billets sa.
(another erm.),
field Buckminster (Northamptonshire). Ar. semee d'estoilcs-
Buckland, Or, on a fesse gu. a dolphin naiant ar. sa, a lion ramp, of the last. Crest —
A demi lion double
Buckland. Ar. on a pile gu. a label of five points of the queued sa. holding a battle-axe or, headed ar.
field. Bucknall (Oxhey, co. Hertford). Or, two chev. gu. betw. ^

Buckland. Gu, a lion ramp. ar. on a canton sa. a fret or. three bucks' heads cabossed sa. Crest—A buck's head-
Buckland. Ar. three lions ramp. gu. a quarter sa. fretty cabossed sa.
or. Bucknell (Crowcombe, co. Somerset). The same.
Buckle (New and Rogate Lodge, co.
Hall, co. Haddington, Bucknell, or Bucknel, Sa. on a canton or, a mullet of
Sussex, esq., formerly ofBurgh, Westmorland). Sa. a chev, —
the first. Crest ^A dexter hand issuing from a cloud fesse-
betw. three chaplets ar. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, ways, holding a ball ppr.

a demi ounce ar. Motto ^Nil temere tenta, nil timide. —
Buckner, Sa. three fieurs-de-lis or. Crest A fleurs-de-lis-
Buckle (Norton House, co. Sussex). Same as the preceding. gu. an adder entwined rmmd it and issuing from the centre
Buckle, or Buckel (London). Sa. a chev. betw. three leaf ppr.
bulls' heads couped ar. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet a Bucknole. Gu. a crescent betw. three mullets or.
bull's head ar. Buckridge (Thomas Bdckbidge, of Dublin, d. 17 Dec. 168Q,.
Buckle (London), Sa. a chev. betw. three buckles ar. Fun. Ent. Ire.).Ar. two pallets and five cross crosslets
Buckle (Warwickshire). Ar. a fesse vaire or, and az. betw. fitchee in saltire sa.
three doves ppr. bearing in their beaks a branch vert. Bucks (Fun. Ent. Ire. 1652). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three-
Buckle, See Buckland. bucks' heads cabossed sa. an annulet or.
Buckler (Cumner, co. Berks). Sa. on a fesse or, three an- Buckside. Sa. two bucks in full course or (another, pass,
nulets ar. betw. as many greyhounds' heads erased of the ar. attired gold).
third. Buckside. Sa. two bucks courant ar.
Buckler, or Bucler (Causeway, co. Dorset, granted by Bucksied. Sa. bezantee two bucks pass, ar,
Christopher Barker, Garter, to Sir Walter Buckler of that Buckston (Bradbome, co. Derby). Sa. two bars ar. betw.
place, 1544). Sa. on a fesse betw, three dragons' heads which three mullets of the second on a canton also of the-
erased or, as many estoiles of eight points of the field. Crest —
second a bucktrippant of the field. Crest A pelican or,
—A dragon's head couped sa. guttee d'or, collared with vulning herself gu. Jfoiio— Fructimi habet charitas.
two bars gemelles of the last. —
Motto Fidelis usque ad Buckston. See Buxton.
mortem. Buckth.orpe (Sir Henbt Buckthobpe, whose dau. and heir
Buckler (Charles A. Buckler, Esq., Hereford-square, m. Sir KoGER Silver, living ieinp. Edward IV.). Ar. two
London). Same Anns, &c. bars sa. in chief three muUets gu.
Buckler, Bokeler, or Bucler (Fairford, co. Gloucester, Bucktb.oug'ht (Somersetshire). Erm- a chev. sa. betw^
Boreham, co, Wilts, and Cumnor, co. Berks). Same as three leopards' faces gu.
Buckler, of Causeway. Buckton (Hull, CO. York). Ar. three bars sa. on a cantoir
Buckley (Woolcombe Hall, co. Dorset, andMinesteed Lodge, of the second a crescent of the first. Crest— As the preced-
CO. Hants). ArmSj Crestj and Motto^ those of Bulkdei/ of ing.
Eaton. Buckton. Sa. on a chief vert, a buck's head cabossed ar.
Buckley (Bart, of Dinas Mawddwy, co. Merioneth). Sa. a Buckton (BeUingham, co. Northumberland). Ar. a goat
chev. indented betw. three shields ar. each charged with, a saliant sa. and chief vert. Crest—A. goat's head erased, per
bull's head caboshed of the first, all within a bordure v/avy fesse indented ar. and sa. attired or.
of thefirst. Crest —
On a mount in front of a bull's head sa. Buckton. Sa. on a chief vert a buck lodged ar. attired or.-
Buckton (John De Buckton, terfip. Richard II.). Ar. a goat
two fern branches ppr. over all a bendlet sinister wavy or.

Motto Nee temere nee timide. salient sa. the head and beard armed vert.
Buckley (Cheshire). Sa. a chev. betw. three bulls' heads Buckton. Sa. a hart's head couped ar. a chief vert
cabossed (another, couped) ar. Crest—A. grifiBn's head gu. (another, or).
betw. two wings of the last, bezantee. Buckton. Sa. on a chief (another, a chev.) vert three
Buckley (Edmund Buckley, Esq., of Grotton Hall, Saddle- bucks' heads cabossed ar.
worth, CO. York, formerly M.P, for Newcastle-under-Lyme). Buckton (Brome, co. Suffolk. Visit, co. Notts, 1569). Sa^
Sa. a. chev. indented betw. three escutcheons ar. each three bars gemelles and a canton ar.
AA ^a


Suckton. Ar. three Tjars gemelleB sa. on a canton of the —
gemelles and a canton ar. Crest A demi shark, issuing
last a crescent of the field. from the wreath swallowing a negro ppr,
Suckwell (London). Sa. bezantle two bucks in full course Buketon, or Buckton. Sa. three bars gemelles ar. on a
in pale ar. attired or. canton of the second a crescent of the first.
Suckwist. Ar. two demi buclts courant, conjoined gu. Buketon, or Buckton. Ar. a. goat saliant sa. and a
Buckworth (Cockley Cley Hall, co. Norfolk). Quarterly, chief vert.
1st and 4th, sa. a chev. betw. three cross crosslets fitch^e Buketooth) or Bucktooth. Lozengy or and sa.
ar,; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a lion ramp. gu. on a chief sa. three Bukeyl, or Bukeleel. Or, a lion ramp, az, fretty ar,
escallop shells of the first. Ch-ent —
A demi hon ramp. ar. Bukhill. Gu. a chev, betw. three buckles or. Crest^A.
holding in dexter paw a cross crosslet fi.tch6e gu. talbot's head ar,
Buckworth-Herne-Soame, Bart. See Soame. Bukleg'b. Ar. on a pale gu. a mascle buckle or.
Buckwortb. (Sheen, near Richmond, co. Surrey, since of Bulbeck (Essex). Vert, a lion ramp. ar. armed and langued
Broxboume, co. Herts, hart.). Sa. a chev. betw. three gu. Crest—A lion's head reguard. ppr.
crosses crosslet fitchee ar. —
Crest A man's head full faced, Bulbeck (Essex). Vert, a lion ramp. ar. valued on the
armed with a helmet, the beaver open, all ppr. shoulder gu.
Buck'worth (Fun. Ent. Ire.). Sa. a lion ramp, guard, per Bulbeck (Kingston; granted 24 April, 1559). Ar. three
fess orand erm. bars wavy az. over all a Uon ramp, of the first.
Buck"Wortli (London and Hertfordshire). Ar. two chev. Bulbeck. Ar. a lion ramp. vert. Crest—A hand holding a
betw. three bucks' heads cabossed sa. letter sealed ppr.
Budall (Hampshire). Ar. a cross moline gu. Bulcock. Az. on a canton ar. a lion pass, guard, gu. Crest
Budd (Willesley, co. Devon). Az. a fesse dancettfie, in chief a —A lion's head gu. within a chain in orle, issuing or.
bow bent in fesse, and three arrows., two in saltire and one Bulfin (granted to Pateick Bclfin, Esq., of Wordtown
in pale, tied with a ribbon in base, all or. Crest— A. hurt House, Rathfarnham, co. Dublin, J.P., Lord Mayor of the
charged with a star of seven points or. city of Dublin, 1871, 2nd son of Edward Bdlfin, of Derrin-
Budd. Vair on a chev. gu. three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest— lough, King's co.). Bendy of six or and vert on a chief
A dragon's head, the neck transfixed with a spear head. —
erm. a civic crown of the second. Crest A demi lion ramp.
Budds. Or, six mascles az. Crest A ram — pass. ar. or, holding in the dexter paw a civic crown as in the arme,
Budeley. Ar. three crescents gu. and charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped vert.
Budgre (Toftingall, Scotland the heiress m. Dr. Stewaet
; —
Motto Vincit Veritas.
Thbeipland, of Fingask). Ar. a lion pass. az. Ci-est — Bulg-er, or Boulg-er (Dean of Ossory, d. June, 1627, Fun.
dexter hand holding a dagger ppr. Motto—Stncta, parata Ent, Ire,). Sa, a buU's head couped ar. langued gu. on a
neci. chief or, three trefoils slipped az.
Budg'eu. Per pale vert and ar. a chev. erm. in chief three Bulimore. Erm. a lion xamp. sa. Crest—A demi lion
crescents all counterchanged. Crest —A lion's paw sa. hold- ramp, sa.
ang a spear tasselled, in bend sinister. Bulkaleeli Or, a lion ramp. az. tail forked. Crest —Out
Buduell. Ar. a bend cotised gu. betw. six crosses of the of a ducal coronet or, a head
bull's ar. armed gold.
second. Bulkeley (Bulkeley, co. Chester). Sa. a chev. betw. three
Budoxhed, or Budorshide (Bodick, co. Cornwall). Sa. bulls' heads cabossed ar.
three lozenges in fesse betw. as many stags' heads cabossed Bulkeley (Eaton, co. Chester, Parwich, co.- Derby, and
ar. —
Crest A stag's head erased ar. Stanlow, co, Stafford). Sa, two chevronels betw, three bulls'
Bud"Wortli. Sa. three garbs or. Oldest A sinister arm — heads cabossed ar. This coat was allowed' by the College
couped ppr. vested az. holding towards the sinister a bent of Arms during the existence of the senior male lines, but
"bow of the first, at a subsequent period the family returned to the more
Bud^wortb. (Greensted Hall, co, Essex). Gu. a bend or, ancient bearing of BoLKELEY, of Bulkeley. Crest Out of a —
"betw, two lions ramp. ar. Ci'est—A wolfs head erased ppr. ducal coronet or, a bull's head ar, armed of the first. Motto

Motto Beowulf. —Nee temere, nee timide.
Buenby. Ar. two bars In chief a lion pass. gu. Bulkeley (Viscount Bulkeley^ of, Cashel). ..^riits same as
Buers. Erm. on a chief indented sa. two lioncels ramp, or. Bdlkeley, of Bulkeley. Crest and Motto same as last.
Buerdsell (Brasenose College Chapel Cloister). Two thigh Supporters— Two bulls ar. armed and unguled or, collared
bones in saltire tied together in fesse by a flowing ribbon, dancettee gu.
•no tinctures. Bulkeley, WiUiams-Bulkeley (Penrhyn, co. Carnar-
Bugrg" (Leicestershire). Or, on a fesse sa. three roundles ar. von, hart,). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. a chev, betw. three
"Bixgg (Northamptonshire). Or, on a fesse sa. three water bulls'heads cabossed ar. a canton erm., Bdlkeley; 2n(l
'bougets ar, and 3rd, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three Saracens' heads couped
Bug:g' (Sutterton, co. Lincoln, Camden's Grants, 1602), Same at the shoulders ppr., Williams. Crests— Out of a ducal
Arms. Crest—A bat statant affrontfie, wings expanded or. ; coronet or, a bull's head ar. horned or, charged with a chev,
Bug's:. Az. three water bougets or, two and one. sa., for Bulkeley; A stag's head cabossed ar., for Williams.
Bugrg*. Ar. on a fret sa. five crosses crosslet fitchee of the Motto —Nee temere nee timide.
field. Bulkeley-Wynn {Baron Newhorough). See Wyns,
Bug-gre (Harlow, CO. Essex). Az. three water bougcta or, 'Bulkeley. Sa. three bulls' heads couped ar. Crest^-A
within a bordure erm. —
Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head couped per pale sa. and ar. attired of the last.
Moor's head in profile sa, wreathed of the first and az. Bulkley (Staffordshire). Sa. three chevronels ar. betw. as
Bug'g'e (Scotland). Ar. a lion ramp. vert. many goats' heads erased of the last.
Bugge. Az. three bezants within a hordure erm. Bulkley (Wiltshire). Sa. three bulls' heads cabossed ar.
Bug'g'e. Az. three water bougets or, two and one, within a Crest— A bull's head erased per pale ar. and sa.
bordure ar. guttee de poix, Bulkyn (Otham, co. Kent, certified 3 April, 1644). Or,'

Bug'g'e. Or, fretty sa, on each joint a cross crosslet fitchee chev. betw. three close helmets az.
of the first. Bull (Brecon). Or, a crescent betw. three bull's heads
Bug-g-in, or Bug:g:ans, Or, an eagle displ, sa, d-est ^A — cabossed gu.
doric column ar. entwined with laurel vert. Bull (Ongar, co. Essex). Or, a bull's head cabossed gu-
Bugrglne (Kent and London; granted 20 April, 1578). Sa. Crest —
A bull's head cabossed gu. horned or, betw. two
a cockatrice displ. ar. crested, membered, and jelloped gu. wings of the last.
(another, crowned, crested, and jelloped or). Crest — Bull (Lord Mayor of London, 1774). Ar. a bull's head erased sa.
cockatrice, as in the arms. armed on a chief of the second three escallops of the field.
Bug:g:ine. Az. an antelope pass. ar. attired, tufted, and Bull (London). Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three bulls' heads

unguled sa. Crest An antelope sejant ar. armed, tufted, couped of the second as many roses of the first. C^-eaf On —
and unguled sa, a wreath a cloud ppr. thereon a celestial sphere az. re-
Bug'od. Ar. two bends engr. gu. betw. three mullets sa, plenished with the circles or, and beautified with the zodiac,
Bukell. Ar. two lions ramp. gu. a quarter sa. charged with inscribed with the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer.
a fret or. Motto—^o\ mi, re, fa.
Buken. Ar. a fesse az. a label of three points gii. Bull (London). Ar. on a canton sa. a lion's head erased or.
Bukenliam-Priory (co. Norfolk). Ar, three escallop shells Crest — A lion's head erased sa. ducally crowned or.
two and one, Bxill (Kinghurst Hall, co. Warwick, Visit, Warwick, 1682).
Bukenham, or Bokenham (Norfolk). Ar, alien ramp. Gu, a dexter arm in armour couped in fess ppr. the hand
gu, over all a bend az, charged with three bezants. grasping a sword erect ar. pomell and hilt or. C^'M* —
Bukesliill (Sussex). The same as Bdkell. bull' pass. sa. armed or, in the mouth a scroll inscribed God
Buketon. or Euckton (Yorkshire). Sa. eight bars is cortues.
' '


BuQ (London, Yorkshire, and Hockwold, co. Norfolk). Az. BuUer, Mannmeham-BuUer (Dilhom
three bulls' heads erased ar. attired or, betw. as many Hall, co. Staf-
ford, hart.). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. on a cross
annulets in fesse of the last. Orest —
A bull's head erased quarterly pierced of the field four eagles
displ. of the first
sa. charged with six annulets or, one, two, and three. forBoLLER; 2nd and 3rd, sa. a fesse erm.
Bull (Oxfordshire). Or, three bulls' heads cabossed gu. in chief three
gryphons' heads erased or, for Manningham.
Crat^A. bull's head cabossed betw. two wings or. Saracen's head couped ppr., for Bollee
Crests— Ul A
; 2nd Out of a ducal
Bull (granted by Carney, Ulster, to Sastoel Bdll, Esq., coronet gu. a talbot's head or, coUared

also gu. therefrom a

1685). Per fess or and sa. three bulls' heads counterchanged. line terminating in a knot sa., for
Crest —A bull's head affront^e Manninoham. Mottoes—
couped gu. murally crowned AquUa non capit muscas, and 'Xuv aptaTtidv.
BuU Ar. a bull sa. armed and hoofed or.
See Elpbinstone.
Bull. Ar. three bulls' heads cabossed sa. Crest— &. bull's
Gu. three masoles or. Crest— A
heart in flames
head and neck erased sa.
Bulleyne. Same as Edllatn.
Bull. Ar. three Moors' heads in profile sa. wreathed about
Bullhead. Ar. the horns of a bull fixed to the scalp with
the foreheads ar. and vert and tied.
two ears sa.
Bull. Ar. three Saracens' heads in profile, couped ppr. with
Bulling. an inescutcheon within an orle of martlets ar.
wreaths about their heads ar. and az.
Bull. Ar. three Saracens' heads cabossed az. caps and
Bulliug-ham (Lincoln). Az. an eagle displ. ar. in the beak
a sprig vert on a chief or, a rose betw. two crosses
beards sa. crosslet.
gu. eras -An escallop ar. betw. two palm branches vert.
Bullayn. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three bulls' heads couped
Bullivant. Erm. a tower sa. on a chief gu. three fleurs-
de-lis or. Crest—A demi lion or, charged on the breast with
Bulbeck. Vert a lion ramp. ar. wounded gu.
a fleur-de-lis vert, and holding in the gambs
Bullbrooke (Drinkston, co. Suffolk). Sa. a a tower sa.
fesse wavy Bullock (Brecon). Erm. a chief gu.
betw. two helmets ar.
Bullock (Arborfleld, co. Berks). Gu. a chev. erm. betw
BuUein, or Boleu. Ar. a chev. betw. three balls' heads
three bulls' heads cabossed ar. armed or.
couped sa. Ci-est-Five
Lochaber axes, handles or, blades ppr., bound with an
Bulleu. See Boleyni;. escarf
gu. tassels or.
Bullen (Brecon). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three bulls' heads
Bullock (Faulkborne Hall, Essex). Arms and Crest, same
couped at the neck ppr.
as BoLtooK of Arborfleld. Motto—mi consdre sibi
Bullen (Stickford, co. Lincoln). Ar. fretty sa. on a chief of
Bullock, or BuUoke
the second three plates. Crest —
^A bull's head couped sa.
Gu. a chev. betw. three
heads cabossed ar. armed or. Crest— Five battle-axes
armed or.
staves or, heads sa. tied with a line and
Bulleu. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three bulls' heads sa. bowknot gu'
armed ArMther Orest— Five bills az. tied together or.
Bullock (Hampshire). Gu. a chev. betw. three bulls' heads
Ar. a chev. az. betw. three bulls' heads cabossed
cabossed ar. Cmt-Five pole-axes ppr.
sa. encircled by
^ a band
Bullen (Admiral Sir Chasles Bolles, K.C.B., K.C.H.).
Erm". on a chev. az. betw. three bulls' heads erased
BuUock (London, 1600). Per chev. gu. and erm.
in chief
sa. two two buUs' heads cabossed ar. Crest— Oa a
swords ar. pomels and hilts or, surmounted by a wreath mount vert a '
beehive or, thereon a bee displ. ppr.
vert, in the centre chief point the representation
of the ) Bullock (Norton, and Harley, co. Derby). Erm
"Trafalgar Medal." Or«s<— Out of a mural coronet a
a chief gu. a label of flve points or. C-es!—
head or, charged with an anchor sa. betw. two wings. Seven arrows
SIX in saltire and one in base, gu. feathered
Motto—'^ rege et victoria. and headed ar
enflled with a mural crown of the last.
Bullen, TatcheU-BuUen (Marshwood, co. Dorset). Bullock (Ashford). Sa. two swords in saltire betw. four
Quarterly, 1stand 4th, erm. on a chev. az. betw. three bulla' fieurs-de-lis or.
heads erased sa. two swords ppr. pommels and hilts or, the
Bullock (North Coker House, co. Somerset).
Gu. on a
points saltierways, encircled by a wreath of laurel,
gold, for chev. betw. three bulls' heads cabossed ar.
BoLLEN 2nd and 3rd, az. a cross nebuly or, in the 1st and armed or
another chev. erm. charged with as many
4th_ quarters a Uou ramp, and in the 2nd and annulets az'
3rd a cross Crest—On a mount vert, five black bills erect banded
patee ar., for Tatchell. (S-cs(s—B0L1.EN out of with a
a naval
wreath of ohve ppr. therefrom pendant an escutcheon
crown or, the sails ar. a bull's head of the first, charged az.
charged with a cross ci-osslet or.
on the neck -with an anchor sa. betw. two wings
az., Bullock. Ar. a sea bull's head couped sa.
Tatchell: on a mount vert in front of an oak tree, fructed
Bullock. Ar. three bulls' heads gu.
ppr. a bow and arrow in saltire or, surmounted
by a lion's Bullock. Gu. a chev. betw. three bulls' heads ar.
face gu. Motto—&. rege et victoria. Bullock (Shipdham, co. Norfolk). Arms, same as Bdliock
Bullen (Symes-Bdllen, exempUfied to John Bdhen-Simes, of Arborfleld, quarterly with Beenev, Towmshend,
Esq., 16th regiment, upon his taking the name Baidock
of Bdlien, and Fleweltn. '

m addition to and after that of Symes by royal licence). Bulman (Northumberland).

Epn. on a chev. az. betw. three bulls' heads erased Gu. three bars wavy ar. on a
sa. two chief or, an annulet betw. two bulls' heads
swords ppr. pomels and hUts or, the pomts cabossed sa.
saltireways through each of their nostrils an annulet of the last.
encircled by a wreath of laurel gold. Crest
crown gold, the saUs ar. a bull's head
ft-es<— Out of a naval —On a mount vert, a bull pass. ar. the dexter foot on a
or, charged on the roundle az.
neck with an anchor sa. betw. two wings
rege et victoria.
az. Motto A. Bulmau, or Bullman. Sa. three bars wavy ar. on a
BuUer (Ullesdon, co. Somerset, Shillingham, and Morval,
chief gu. a bull pass. or. Crest
bull'shead ppr. Motto— Fro patri£.

Out of a ducal coronet a
CO. Cornwall). Sa. on a cross ar. quarter-pierced of the
field, four eagles displayed
Bulmer, or Bullmer (Essex and Yorkshire). Gu.
of the first. Crest—A. Moor's
head couped ppr. wreathed about
a lion ramp, of the
billettee or, last. Crest— A bull pass!
the temples ar. and az. gu. armed and unguled or.
—Aquila non capit muscas.
Bulmer {Lard Bulmer, summoned to Parliament, 1342).
BnUer (Downes, co. Devon). Same Arms and Crest. Motto Gu. a Hon ramp. betw. twelve billets or.
—Aquila non capit muscas. Bulmer (Norfolk). Sa. on a bend ar. cottised.erm. three
Buller (Trenant Park, co. Cornwall). Sa. on a cross ar.
escallops gu. (another, sa.).
pierced of the field, four eagles displ.
of the first, in the first Bulmer. Gu. a lion ramp, per fesse or and ar. within an
quarter an arm embowed issuing out
of a ducal coronet or, orle of billets of the second. dest-A demi
the hand grasping a trident. bull ramp. gu.
Crests—\st: An eagle mounted armed or, thereon an escallop betw. two
on a rock supporting a banner. billets in pale of
2nd : A Saracen's head ppr. the last.
JMotto—Aquila non captat muscas.
Buller (Erie Hall, co. Devon). Same as the preceding.
Bulmer. Gu. a lion ramp, or, billettee of the first.
JSUUer (Pelynt and Lanreath, co. ComwaU). Bulmer. Gu. a Uon salient, within an orle o' biUets or
Same as the Bulmer, or Bullmer. Ar. billettee gu. a lion ramp, of
the last.
^*'*® (^^'^ Churston). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, Bulmer. Gu. a lion ramp, or, billettee sa.
R^^'' sa. on
BULLEE, a cross ar. quarterly pierced of the field four Bulstrode (cos. Buckingham, Worcester, and Bedford, Col-
eagles displ. of the first;
2nd and 3rd, Yaede, ar. a chev. lege of Arms, D. 14, c. 26). Sa. a stag's head cabossed
gn. betw. three water ar.
bougets. Crest— A. Saracen's head attired or, betw. the attires a cross pattSe fltchee of
couped ppr. the third,
S'iipporJei-s— Dexter an ostrich ppr. in the through the nostrils an arrow of the last feathered of the
beak a horseshoe or ; sinister,
an eagle sa. J/otfo—Aquila second. Crest— A bull's head and neck betw. two
oon capit muscas, wings ex-
panded gu. attired ar. (another, the wings ar.).
; A


Bult. Gyronny of eight, az. and or, a cinquefoil gu. Crest the first fringed of the second, and tharged with a crosa
— ^An arm in armour, couped, embowetl, and resting the

flory or.
elbow on the wreath ppr. with a sash tied at the shoulder gu. Bund (Upper Wick, co. Worcester, as borne by the family
and holding a club of the first. for centuries). Gu. three eagles' legs erased a-la-quise or,
Bultell, or Bulteel (Somersetshire). Az. three bulls' —
two and one. Crest An eagle's head erased, or.
heads couped ar. Crest— A bull's head gu. betw. two Bund, "Willis-Bund. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. three
wings or. eagles' legs erased a-la-quise two and one or, for Bunu 2ncl ;

Btilteel (Pamflete and Lyneham, co. Devon), Ar. a bend and 3rd, per fess gu. and ar. three lions ramp, counterchanged
betw. fourteen billets gu. Crest —Out of a ducal crown gu. within a border erm,, for Willis, d-ests —
1st: An eagle's
a pair of wings ar. billetteo of the first. head erased ppr., Bund 2nd Two lions' gambs erased ppr.
; :

Bulwer (Heydon, co. Norfolk, founded by Tdrold de supporting an escutcheon ar.

Dalling, enfeoffed of the lordships of Wood Dallino and Bundrish. Per pale or and az. a fesse ar.
Btnham, by Peter de Valoins, who held those lands from Bunevile. Ar. on a bend sa, three mullets of the field.
the Conqueror). Gu, on a chev. betw, three eagles reguard, Bunford. Quarterly, gu. and erm, a bend or. Crest— Oi\t
or, as many cinquefoila sa. Crest —
A horned wolfs head of a ducal coronet a demi lion gu.
erased erm. crined and armed or. Motto—Adyeisis major, Bung-all, orBongrhole, Gu. three augers ar. handles or.
par secundis. Bungrey (Kent, Dorking, Surrey, and Norfolk, 1588). Az,
Bulvsrer-Lytton (Baron Lytto-n). See Lttton. —
a lion pass, or, betw. three bezants. Cresl An eagle with
Bul"wer (Quebec House, East Dereham, co. Norfolk). Ar))is, wings endorsed ar. standing on a laurel branch vert,
&ic,, as Bdlwer, of Heydon. fructed or.
Bul"Work. Az. a cross potence, rebated on the head of the Bunhill. Crest—A bear's paw erased sa. holding a ros&
sinister sides, rccoursie, or. slipped and leaved ppr.

BiilTVOrtli. Crest A stag's head erased ppr. Buning-hill. Sa. three gad-bees volant en arriere ar.
Bume. Gu, a male serpent ppr. Bunkell, Bunell, or Bunekill (Scotland). Ar. on a.

Bumsted (Suffolk). Ar. on a bend betw. two crosses bend sa. three buckles or.
formee fitchee gu. three mullets of the field. Crest— Q\x.t of Bunn. Ar. on three grieces sa. gu. and az, a cross calvary
a cloud a dexter hand erect, pointing to a star, all ppr. —
of the third, in chief two crescents gu. Crest ^An ostrich's
Bunbury (Stanney Hall, co. Chester, bart.), Ar, on a bend head ar. collared gu. betw. two palm branches vert.
sa. three chess rooks of the field. Crest Two swords — Bunnell. Gu. three increscents ar. d'est On a ducal —
saltierwise passing through the mouth of a leopard's face or, coronet a Cornish chough rising ppr.

the blades ppr. hilted gold. Motto Firmum in vita nihil Bunney, Bunny(Yorkshire and co. Durham). Ar. a
and Esse quam videri, .chev. betw. three goats' heads erased sa. Crest—A goat's
Bunbury (Marlston House, co. Berks). Ar)ns^ Crest, and head erased sa. attired or, on the sinister horn two annulets-
Motto same as Bunbubt, Bavt., of Bunbury and Stanny. conjoined of the last.
Bunbuxy (Ballyseskin, co. Wexford, a branch of Stanney). Bunny (Speen HiB, Berks). Same Arms and Crest as tlie
Same Artm, preceding.
Bunbury (Moyle, co. Carlow). Erm. a chess rook betw. Bunsam, or Bozom. Az. three bird bolts, of as many
two leopards' faces in bend betw. two bendlets sa. Crest-~ points, or.
Two swords saltierwise through the mouth of a leopard's Bunten, or Bunting-. See Bontine,

face or. Motto Firmum in vita nihil, Bunting-, Parted per cross or and gu. three birds counter-
Bunbury, Mc Clint ock-Bunbury (exemplified 1846, —
changed. C}'est A hand issuing from a cloud erect, holdiiig
to William Bunbubt McCltntock, F^q,, of Manor Highgate, two branches of laurel in orle.
Commander B.N,, on his assuming by royal licence the addi- Bujiting:e (Norfolk). Or, an escallop sa. on a chief wavy
tional name and arms of Bukbdbt, in compliance with the of the second, three dolphins einbowed of the first.
testamentary injunction of his maternal uncle, Thomas Bunting-e. Ar. a chev. purp. betw. three buntings az.
Bdnbuey, of Lisnevagh and Moyle, co. Carlow, M,P.). Bunting-ford (Ireland). Ar. on a fess. eugr. az. three
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar, on a bend sa. three chess- plates.
rooks of the field, for Bunbury; 2nd and 3rd, per pale gu. Buntin. Sa. three hounds pass. ar. Crest On a ducal —
and az. a chev. erm. betw. three escallops ar,, for coronet a talbot pass, collared and lined.

McClintock. Crests ist Two swords in saltire ar. hilted
: Buntou. Sa. three sinister hands ar.
or, pierced through a leopard's face of the last 2nd A ; : Bunworth. Erm. on a bend cottised sa. three church bellj
lion pass. ppr. Motto — 'Vis unita fortior, ar.
Bunbury,. Ricliardson-Bunbury (Castle Hill, co. Burard. Az. a lion pass. betw. three estoiles ar. Crest On —
Tyrone, bart). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, erm. a chess rook betw. a ducal coronet an estoile of eight points ppr.
.two leopards' faces in bend betw, two bendlets sa., for Burbage. Sa. on a, chev, engr. betw. three boars' heads
Bunbury 2nd and 3rd, az, ona fesse ar, betw. an ancient ship,
; couped ar. as many billets of the field. Crest ^A bpar'a —
the sails furled in chief, and in base a saltier a bull's head head, erased ar. betw. two branches vert.
couped or, for Richardson. Crests Bunbury —
In front of : Burbidge, Az, a boar pass. or. Crest ^Between the —
a tree ppr, on a mount vert a leopard's head paly of six attires of a stag, attached to the scalp or, a boar's head
ar, and sa. transfixed by two arrows in saltire also ppr. and erased sa,
BiCHARDsoN A lion ramp, erm. in the mouth a trefoil
: —
Burbridge. Erm. a boar pass. sa. Ci-est Out of a ducal
slipped vert, betw, the forepaws a torteau charged with coronet az, two arms embowed vested gu. gloved or, in each

a cross crosslet or. Motto Virtus paret robur. an ostrich's feather ar.
Bunbury, Tig-he-Bunbury (gi-anted to Daniel Tighe, Burbyche (Middlesex and Hertford) Sa. a chev. engr. or,
Esq., of Kossana, co, Wicklow, on assuming the additional guttee de sang, betw. three boars' heads, couped ar. Crest—
surname and arms of Bunbury), Quarterly, ist and 4th, ar. A
boar's head and neck erased' ar. bristled or, betw. two
on a bend sa. three chess rooks of the field, in the sinister acorn branches vert, fructed of the second.
chiefpoint a mulletgu,, for Bunbury; 2nd and 3rd, per chev Burcetre. Ar. three lions' heads erased sa. Crest—
embattled ar. and sa. nine cross crosslets, five in chief and comet star ppr,
four in base counterchanged, for Tighe, Crests 1st: Two — Burcetur. Ar. three bears' heads erased sa.
swords saltirewise passing through the mouth of a leopard's —
Burch. Crest An eagle with wings expanded gu.
face, all ppr,, for Bunbury 2nd A wolfs head erased ppr.
; : Burchall (Broadfield Court, near Leominster, co. Hereford).
gorged with a collar az. thereon a cross crosslet or, betw. Ar, on a chev. az, betw. three crosses crosslet fitchfie sa. as
two bezants, for Tighe, Jlfoiiiocs— Firmum in vita nihil, many fieurs-de-lis, or. Crest —A
lion ramp, az, supporting a
Bunbury and Summum nee metuam diem nee optem,
; tree, vert,
Tighe. Burchall, or Burcliell. Ar, three mullets in chief gu.
Bunbury, or Baunbury. Ar. a cross potent betw. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet, two hands, dexter and sinister,
four mullets pierced gu, saltireways, each brandishing a scymitar, edges outward,
Bunce (Kent and London). Az. on a fesse betw. three all ppr.
boars ar, as many eagles of the field. Crest— A demi Burchar (London, and Essex). Sa, a chev. erm. betw. three
boar az. pierced through the neck with a broken spear gu. leopards pass. or. Crest — A greyhound sejant ar. ducally
headed ar. gorged or.
Bunckill. Sa, three buckles or. Burche, or Burshe (Devonshire). Sa. a fesse betff.

Buncombe (Gothurst, co. Somerset). Sa. a fret. betw. three birch leaves ar.
four crescents ar, the horns of each turned towards the fret. Burche. Quarterly, or and az.
Crest —A demi lion gu. charfj;ed on the shoulder with a Burchenshaw. Ar. a wivern holding up the dexter foot

vater-bouget ar, supporting a spear thereon a banner of vert.

Burchett. Chequy gu. and ar. Crest—A winged spur and guardian on behalf of her only sou, Augustus Edward
ppr. DE Butts, authorizing him, the said Augustus Edwabd De
Biurckliead. Sa. three garbs or, within a hordure ar. Butts, to take and use the surname of Bobdon, instead of
Ci'esi —
^A goat ramp. ar. armed or, holding betw. the fore- that of De Butts). Quarterly, 1st, and 4th, per fesse az. and
paws a garb of the last. or, a pale with three trumpets two and one, and as many
Burd, or Byrde (London). Ar. on a fesse betw. three crosses crosslet all counterchanged for Bubdon; 2nd and 3rd,
martlets gu. a rose betw. two fleurs-de-lis, or. Ch-est An — gu. on a fesse engr. betw. two salmons naiant ar. a like salmon
eagle's head erased, bendy of eight ar. and sa., ducally of the field, for De Butts. C^e«(s— Bubdon : An eagle
gorged or. rising reguard. or, each wing charged with a cross crosslet
Burd. Ar. a cross betw. four martlets gu. az. holding in the dexter claw a trumpet gold. De Butts :
Burdeaits. Ar. two bars sa. in chief three anniQets of the "Upon three annulets interlaced gu. a stork ar. beaked,
second. legged and collared gu., in the beak a salmon ppr. Motto —
Burdeaux. Paly of six or and gu. a chief erm. Honor virtutis.
Bnrdeloys (Cambrictgeshire, and Norfolk). Erm. a chief Burdon (Walter Bubdon, temp. Richard II.). Az. semee
gu. of cross crosslets, and three bourdons (pilgrim staves) or.
Bxirdelys. Erm. on a chief gu. a lion pass, guard, or. Burden (Castle Eden, co. Durham). Az. three pilgrims'
Burden (Gosberkirk, co. I^coln). Ar. three pilgrims' staves or, the field crusily of the second. Crest —A lion
staves in fesse gu. pomellcd or. ramp, standing on the sinister hind foot, supporting himself
Burden. Ar. on a bend sa. five (another, three) bezants. by a pilgrim's staff or.
Cfrest — heart transfixed with a sword in bend sinister.
^A Burdon (Nottinghamshire and Cumberland). Az. three
Burden. Az. three pilgrims' staves or, the field crusily of palmers' staves or.
the second. Burdon, or Bourdon. Az. three hautboys and as many
Borden. Ar. three pilgrims' staves gn. crosses crosslet or. Crest —A gilliflower or.
Burdenbroke. Ar. a tower betw. three martlets az. Crest Burdon. Or, three pilgiims' staves az,
—A boar's head erased gu. Burdon. Ar. three pilgrims' staves gu.

Burdenbroke. Crest ^An otter's head, erased close sa. Burdon (Sir John Bubdon, Knt., temp. Edward I. Visit.
Burdenell. Erm. a chev. gu. betw. three caps of mainten- CO. Notts, 1614). Gu. three pilgrims' staves meeting in base
ance az. ar.
Burdenshaw (Sir Bobebt Bdbbensbaw, Ent., Comptroller Burdon. Az. three coronets in pale or, betw. four crosses
of the Musters of Ireland, d. 8 Dec, 1622. Fun. Ent. crosslet fitch^e ar.
Ire.). Erm. a pegasus pass. gu. Burdon. Az. two horns endorsed or, betw. four crosses
Burdenshaw, or Birclienshaw (Ralph Bibchen- crosslet fitch6e ar.
BHAw was Comptroller of the Musters of His Majesty's Horse Burdon. Gu. three bourdons ar.
in Ireluid, 1606). Ar. sem^e of estoUes and a pegasus pass. Burdus (Middlesex). Sa. two bars betw. three annulets in
chief,and a fleur-de-lis in base or. Cj'est An clcplKint —
Burdenshaw, or Bourchinshaw. Ar. a. pegasus erm. on a mount vert, and under a tree ppr.
pass, and a border engr. gu. Burdwan. See TTdhebaj.
Burder (John Bubdeb, Esq., the representative of an ancient Bure. Or, a bend az, betw. six annufets gu. Crest ^An —
family which held lands in Huntingdonshire from a very eagle ppr.
remote period). Az. a chev. ar betw. two garbs in Bureau. Az. a chev. potent, counter-potent, or and gu.
chief or, and a spaniel pass, in base ppr. in the centre chief betw. three ewers, with handles, of the second.
point a cross crosslet fitchde of the second. Crest — ^A mount Bur ell (Burell, Cornwall: as in St. Stephen, near Saltash.
vert, thereon in front of an oak tree a stag lodged reguard. Visit. CO. Cornwall, 1620). Barruly of six ar. and sa. on a
ppr. attired and hoofed or, suspended from the neck by a chief gu. three leopards' faces or.
line a bugle of the last. Motto—'hahoi omnia vincit. Bures, or Bowers (Norfolk and Suffolk). Per chev. in-
Bxirdett (Burthwaite, co. York ; since of Acomb, near York, dented sa. and erm. in chief two lions ramp. or.
bart.). Faly of six ar. and sa. on a bend gu. three martlets Bures (Somersetshire). Erm. on a chief indented az. two
or. Crest—On a tower ar. a martlet with wings displ. or. lions ramp, or*

Burdet (formerly Pbichabd, of Osgodby, E. R. co. York, who Bures. Erm. on a chief dancett^e sa. two lions ramp. or.
assumed, 31 July, 1780, the name and arms of Bubdet). Bures. Erm. on a chief az. three lions ramp. or.
Ann$ and Orest^ as the preceding. Bures. Or, a lion ramp, double queued sa. oppressed with
Burdett (Shrubhurst, co. Surrey). Az. two bars or, a bend gu.

on each three martlets gu. Crest Gu. a lion's head erased Bures. Az. six lions ramp. ar. three, two, and one, within
aa., langued gu. a bordure or, a canton erm.
Burdett (Bramcote, co. Warwick, Formark, co. Derby, and Bures. Sa. a bend vaire or and gu. betw. eight garbs of the
Eamsbury, co. Wilts, bart.). Az. two bars or, each charged second.
with three martlets gu. Crest —
^A lion's head erased sa. Bures. Ar. on a bend sa. three dolphins naiant or.
longaed gu. Buret. Or, a lion ramp. vert.
Burdett, or Bordet (Leicestershire). Az. two bars ar. Burevash (Kent). Gu. a lion ramp, double queued or, de-
Burdett (Huncote, co. Leicester. Visit. 1619). Az. two bruised by a bend az.
bars charged with three martlets gu. Burey. Vert, a cross crosslet or.
Burdett (Kowell). Ar. on a bend gu. three martlets of the Burfield. Paly of six ar. and sa. (another, adds a bend gu.).
Burfoot (London). Or, a garb, vert betw. three fleurs-de-

Burdett (Warwickshire and Yorkshire). Az. two bars or, lis sa. Crest —
^An eastern crown, thereon a pineapple leaved
each charged with three martlets gu. Crest ^A lion's head — and crowned, all or. The crown of the pineapple is formed
erased (another, conped) sa. by the leaves which grow from the top.
Burdett. Arms the same. Cresfs— 1st: A lion's head Burford. Quarterly, az. and gu. a cross or, in the first and
couped sa. ; 2nd : A
thistle ppr. second quarters a crosslet ar.
Burford. Quarterly, gu. and az. » cross or, in chief
Burdett-Coutts (Baroness Bobdett-Coutts) See Codtts.
Burdett. Ar. on a bend sa. three bezants. two crosses crosslet fitchee ar.
Burdett. Or, two bars az. Burford (Killeigh, co. Dublin). Ar. three bears' heads
Burdett. Az. two bars ar. erased sa! muzzled or.
Burford (John Boefoed, Esq., of Kilroy, co. Meath, d. 9
Burdett. Az. two bars and as many mullets in chief or.
Burdett (Ireland). Az. two bars or, on the first two mart- April, 1633. Fun. Ent. Ire.). Ar. a chev. betw. three bears'
lets sa. heads erased sa. muzzled or.
Burdett (Ballymany and Ballywalter, co. Kildare). Az. BuTgate (Staffordshire). Paly of six ar. and sa.
two bars or, a crescent for diff. Crest—A tower with a bird Burgate (Suffolk). Paly of ten ar. and sa.
rising from the top. Burgate. Ar. a chev. betw. three boars' heads couped gu.
Burdett (Hunstanton, King's County). Same as preceding. Burgaw. Gu. three bends ar. in pale or.
Burdett. Az. two bars or, a bend gu. Burgayne. Gu. on a fesse betw. six crosses crosslet ar. a.
Burdett. cross crosslet of the first.
Az, two bars or, on the first bar three martlets
Burge. Gu. a cross or. Crest —^An olive branch ppr.
Burdeux. Or, a greyhound courant gu. collared sa. Burgedon. Ar. three cinquefoils sa.
Burdon (exemplified by virtue of a royal licence, dated 29 Burgehill. Ar. a bend gu. over all four (another, three)
March, 1871, to Mrs. Hannah Geoboina Elizabeth D'Aude- pales sa.
EEBT, wife of Alfeed D'Addebeet, Esq., of Newcastle-upon- Burgeis. Vert, a fesse gu. fretty or, betw. three birds ar.

Tyne, CO. Northumberland, widow of Aogostus Db Butts, beaked and legged gu.
Burgrerah, or Burwash. Gu. a lion ramp, or, tail Burgh (Earl of Kent, 1226). Gu. seven lozenges vair, three,
forchee. three, and one.
Burg-ersh (from Newelm Church, co. Oxford, Visit. Oxon). Burgh (lord Burgh or Borough^ of Gainsborough, sum-
Ar. a chief gu. over all a lion ramp, queue forchee or. moned to Parliament, 1487). Az. three fleurs-de-lis erm.
Burg-es (Visit. Cornwall, 1620). Chequy gu. and or, on a Burg-h (Earl of Ulster), See Bdbke.
chief ar. three crosses crosslet az. Burgh (Marquis of Cianricarde, t&c). See Bdrke.
Burg-es (Westport, co. Dorset; granted 11 April, 1614). Ar. Burgh (Earl of St. Albam). The 4th Earl of Clanri-
a fesse lozengy or and az. in chief three mascles of the third, carde was so created 1624, extinct 1628). See Marquess of
within a bordure of the same hezant^e. Clanricarde.
Btirgres (Westham, co. Essex). Ar. on a cross sa. a leopard's Burgh (Devonshire). Ar. an eagle imperial gu. membered
face or. Crest—A Saracen's head in profile ppr. wreathed vert.
about the temples ar. and sa. habited over the shoulders of Burg'h (Staffordshire). Ar. on a saltire sa. five swans ppr.
the first in stripes paleways, thereon torteaux. Burgh. Az. three fleurs-de-lis erm. Crest—A falcon rising
Burg'es (Leicestershire). Ar. on a bend betw. six crosses erm. belled or, ducally gorged of the last.
crosslet gu. three lozenges of the field. Burgh. Gu. three fleurs-de-lis erm.
Burg'es (Crendon, co. Lincoln, granted 1631). Ar. a fesse Burg'h. Ar. on a fesse sa. three plates (another, three
chequy or and sa. in chief three crosses flory of the last. bezants).
Crest—^n a mural crown chequy or and sa. a round buckle Burgh. Ar. on a fesse dancett^e sa. three bezants (another
of the first, the tongue erect in pale. adds a label of three points gu.).
Burg'es (Beauport, Sussex). Per fesse ar. and erm. a fesse Burgh. Or, a cross pattee gu.
az. fretty or, a bordure of the third bezantee, on a canton gu. Burgh. Or, on a cross gu. five mullets ar.
a bend of the first, charged with a baton of Knight Marshal Burg'h. Ar. a chev. ermines cotised sa. betw. three ehaplets
ppr. Crest— camel's head ppr. bezantee erased gu. gu.
Burg'es. Chequy ar. and gu. on a chief or, three crosses Burg'h. Lozengy gu. and vair.

boton6e az. Crest A lion ramp. gu. holding in the dexter Burg'h. Or, three bucks' heads sa. attired ar.
paw an annulet enclosing a fleur-de-lis ar. Burgrhall. Paly or and sa., a bend gu.
Bulges (Ballymore, co. Westmeath, 1736, afterwards of Burghay (Whitmore, co. Stafford). Ar. three stags' heads
Dublin). Ar. a fesse lozengy or and gu. in chief three cabossed sa. (Harl. MSS. 1938, fol. 41).
mascles of the last, all within a bordure of the same Burghdon. Ar. three cinquefoils sa. (another adds a bor-
bezantee. Crest —
A camel's head couped gu. bezantee. dure engr. sa.).
Burgres (Parkanaur, co. Tyrone, and Thorpe Hall and East Burghe. Ar. on a saltire sa. five ducks of the field, mem-
Ham, CO. Essex, confirmed to John Yn'eb Buboes, Esq., J, P. bered gu.
and D.L., HighSherifE co. Tyrone, 1829, sonandheir of John Burghepa. —
Ar. a chev. az. Crest Afriar's head sidefaced
Henry Bubges, Esq., of Wood Park, co. Armagh, by ppr. couped at the shoulders habited grey.
Makianne, his wife, dau. and co-heir of Sir Richard Burghepp, or Burghopp. Ar. on a chev. az. three
Johnston, Bart). Quarterly, 1st and Ith, or, a fesse chequy fleurs-de-lis or.
ar. and az., in chief two cross crosslets gu. and in base Burg-hersh (Devonshire and Norfolk). Gu. a lion ramp.
a covered cup of the last, for Bdbges ; 2nd, paly of eight or —
double queued or. Crest In a mural crown gu. a demi lion
and gu. all within a bordure of the first pellettee, for" double queued ar.
Lloyd 3rd, ar. a saltire sa., on a chief gu. three cushions
; Burg:hersh (Lord Burghersh, summoned to Parhament
or, for Johnston. Crests —
A dove rising ar. beaked and 1303). Same Arms.
membered gu. in its beak a palm-branch ppr., for Bueges ;
Burghes. Gu. on a chief ar. an eagle dlspl. sa.
A lion ramp. gu. langued az., in the dexter paw an annulet BurghiU (Brecon, and Bungay, co. Suffolk). Palyofsixar.
enclosing a fleur-de-hs ar., for Lloyd. Motto-~-Tace aut and sa. over all a bend gu. Crest —
A lion's head erased ar.
face. BurghiU (Ireland). Paly of six ar. and sa. on a bend gu.
Burgas. Vert a fesse or, fretty gu. betw. three doves ar. three escallops or.
membered of the third. Btirghill (Lichfield). Paly of six ar. and sa. on a bend gu.
Burgas. Ar. on a bend sa. three plates. a mitre or.
Surges. Lozengy gu. and vair. BurghiU (Yorkshire). Az. a chev. ar. betw. three martlets
Burges. Quarterly or and az. a bend gu. or.
Burgess (Bodegeois, of Champagne, in Picardy, one of BurghiU. Paly of six ar. and sa. on a bend gu. a Saxon
whom, BoBiN DE BoDBGEois, of Gamachc, in Picardy, a crown or. Crest —A lion's head ar. crowned with a Saxon
protestant refugee, settled at Canterbury, 1593, and is now crown or.
represented by Major G. J. Bdrqess, East Mascalls, co. BurghiU. Paly of six or and az. over all a fesse gu.
Kent). Az. a fesse betw. a crescent in chief and a rose in Burghly, or Burgly. Az. three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest

base, all ar. —

.Crest A fleur-de-lis or. Motto—Le bon —A winged greyhound sejant.
temps viendra. Burght. Ar. on a saltire sa. three bars wavy or.
Burgett (Lincoln's Inn). Ar. a castle triple-towered, a chain Burghton (John De Borghton, Sheriff of Lancashire, 1
extending in a festoon from the extremities and crossing the Edward III.). Abendlet wavy cotised in sinister chief an
portal, all ppr. estoile.
Burgh (Drumkeen, co. Limerick ; derived from a common Bxirgrh'weU. Ar. on a bend gu. three martlets or, all within
progenitor with the House of Clanricaede). Or, a cross gu. a bordure of the second.

Crest A cat-a-mountain sejant ppr. with collar and chain Burgilton (Norfolk). Quarterly, or and gu. on a tend fla.

reflexed over the hack or. Motto—A cruee salus. two plates.
Burgh. (Bert, co. Kildare. Lord Dowries, extinct 1864). Burg'in. Per and gu. three escallops
fesse indented or
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a cross gu., for Bdeqh ; 2nd and counterchanged. Crest-~A sword and key in saltire.
3rd, ar. three pales wavy gu., for Downes. Crests— Ist : A Burgris. Ar. a fesse lozengy or and az. betw. three mascles
cat-a-mountain sejant ppr. with collar and chain reflexed of the third a bordure of the last bezantee. Crest— A camel's
over the back or, for Bdegh ; 2nd: A wolfs head erased ppr. head ppr.
charged on the neck with a mullet or., for Downes. Sup- Burgo (Earl of Cornwall. Eobeet De Bdbgo or De Mobb-
porters — ^Dexter, a lion guard, ppr. ducally gorged and TON was created Earl of Coj-nwaU by William I. His son,
chained, and charged on the shoulder with a portcullis or; the 2nd earl, forfeited the earldom temp. Henry I. He left
sinister, a knight in complete armour, his right hand sup- two sons, from the elder of whom, Adelm, descends the
porting a spear, on his left arm a shield of the arms of noble House of Bdeeb or De Buegh, Marquises and EwrU

BuBQH. Motto A cruce salus. of Clanricarde., &c.). Erm. a chief indented gu.
Burgh (Old Town, co. Kildare; represented by Et. Hon. Burgoigue (Cambridgeshire and Devonshire). Az. a
"Walteb Hdssey Bdegh, Lord Chief Baron of the Court of hound pass, ar. Crest—An antelope sejant ar. attired, tufted
Exchequer in Ireland, descended from Dromke^n, co. and maned sa.
Limerick). As Bdbgh of Dromkeen, quarterly with HdBsey. Burgroigua. Az. a talbot pass, or (another, ar.).
Burgrh, Hussey-de Burgh (Donore, co. Eildare; Burgom, or Burg-oyne (Oxfordshire). Az. a hound
descended from Et. Eev. Eichabd Buegh, or Bueee, Lord —
courant ar. Crest On a ducal coronet or, a Hon pass. gU'
Bishop of Ardagh, 1692, who was the representative of the Burgou (Longstanton, co. Hereford). Az. a hound pass.

Drumkeen branch of the House of De Burgh). Or, a cross ar. Crest —A tiger sejant ar. maned and tufted sa.
gu., quartering Hussey. —
Crests A cat-armountain sejant Bur gonyou. Quarterly, or and gu. on a bend sa. a mullet ar,
guard, ppr. collared and chained or, for Bdegh ; A hind Burgower. Ar. on a mount vert a castle sa.
pass. ar. on a mount vert, and under a tree ppr,, for Hdssby, Burg'oyn. Gu, a wolf pass, or, on -a chief crenell6 ar-

Motto— A cruce salus. three martlets az.

: ' A


BUTg'Oyn. Az. a talbot pass. ar. collared gu. lined or, at Burke (Marble Hill, co. Galway, bart.). Erminois a cross
the end of the line a knot. gu. in the dexter canton a lion ramp. sa. Creat—A cat-a-
Burgoyne (Sutton Park, co. Bedford, bart.). Gu. a chev. mountain sejant guard, ppr. collared and chained or. Motto
or, hetw. three talbots ar. on a chief embattled of the —Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy.
last as many martlets az. —
Crest ^A talbot sejant or, ears Burke (Mac Williau Eiobtee, a powerful sept of the House
sa. and plain collared gu. of Clankicabde). Or, a cross gu. in the dexter canton a
Bure:oyiie. Az. a chev. betw. three estoiles or, on a chief lion ramp. sa.
crenell^e ar. as many fleuTS-de-lis of the first. Burke (Bichabd Bdeke, of Borris, co. Tipperary, called
Burgnlion, or Burg-ouyon. Quarterly, or and gu. a Mac Waltee O'Leagh). Or, a cross gu.
bend sa. in the second and third quarters three annulets ar. Burke (Ower, formerly Castle Hacket, co. Galway, descended
Burliall. Paly of ten ar. and sa. a bend gu from Sir Redmond de Buegh, son of Sir William de Boegb,
Burliaiii. Gu. a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased ar. called The Grey, ancestor of the House of Claneicaede).
Burham. Gu. a cross betw. four crescents ar. Or, a cross gu. in the dexter canton a lion ramp. sa. Crest
BurlieU. Or, three pallets az. a fesse gu. — ^A chained cat, sejant guard, ppr. —
Motto Un roy, une
Biirhope. Ar. on a chev. az. three fleurs-de-lis eft". foy, ime loy.
Burie. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, erm. a bend gu. 2nd and ; Burke (Ballydugan, co. Galway, formerly of Ballintober, co.
3rd, az. a falcon volant belled or. Eoscomimon). Or, a cross gu. in the dexter canton a lion
Burke Bckgh De Bcrgh, or Bueke, an Anglo
(Ireland. ramp. sa. Crest —
^A cat-a-mountain sejeant guard, ppr.
Nonnan family, established in Ireland, temp. Henry II. by collared and chained or. Motto—Vn roy, une foy, une loy.
William Fitz Adelm De Bdboh: the senior branch, the Burke (St. Clerans, co. Galway, descended from John Bueke,
De Bdkghs, Earls of Ulster, terminated in an heiress, Esq., of iBsercleran, same co.). Or, a cross gu. in the
EuzABETH, wife of Lionel, J>uke of Clarence). Or, a cross dexter canton a; lion ramp. sa. Crest—A cat-a-mountain
gu. in the dexter canton a lion ramp. sa. Crest —
A cat- sejant ppr. collared and chained or. Motto Ung Dieu, —
a-mountain sejant guard, ppr. collared and chained or. ung loy, ung foy.
Motto— Vng roy, ung foy, ung loy. Burke (Kllcornan and Greenfield, co. Galway, descended
Burke, or De BTirg-h {Barl of UUter. Waltee De from the second Earl of Clanricarde : the last Cheistophek
BoBGH, Lord of Connaught, brother of Williau De Bdegh, BoEKE, Esq., of Kilcoman, d. in 1763, leaving three daus.
ancestor of the Marquess of Clanricarde became Earl of Mabcella, m. to Nicholas Beddington, Esq. Sarah, wife ;

UUter, jure uxoris, Maude, dau. of Hugh De Lacie, Earl of of Thomas Beddington, Esq.; and Maegaeet, in. to
Ulster, at the death of his father-in-law, 1241). Or, a cross Edmund Dowell, Esq.). Arms^ Crest, and Motto, as Bobee,
Burke (Earl of Clanricarde, Viscouvt Burke, Baron Bun- Burke (Derrymacloghny, co. Galway, descended from
htllin, ifec, chief of the House of Bueke, anciently De BicKAED Oge de Boegb, third son of Ulice Bueke, of
Busoh). Or, a cross gu. in the dexter canton a lion Clanricarde, who d. in 1467).Same Arjns, &c.

Kunp. sa. Crest ^A cat-a-mountain sejant guard, ppr. col- Burke (Tablet to the memory of Right Hon. Edmund
lared and chained or. Supporters
collared and chained or. Motto ——
Two cats guard, ppr.
^Ung roy, ung foy, ung
Bueke, and hatchment in Beaconsfield church, Bucks, the
place of his interment). Or, a cross gu. in the dexter
loy. quarter a lion ramp, sa., impaliag Nugent. Crest —
Burke, now De Burgh-Caiiiiiiie {Marquess and Earl cat-a-mountain sejant ppr. collared and chained or.
of Clanricarde). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. three Moors' Burke (Haviland Bdbke, exemplified 1818 to Thomas
heads couped in profile ppr. wreathed round the temples William Aston Haviland, Esq., grandnephew and heir
ar. and az., for Canning ; 2nd and 3rd, or, a cross gu. in the of the Bt. Hon. Edmund Bueke, on his taking the surname
dexter canton a lion ramp, sa., for De Bdegh. Crests —
1st and arms of Bdbke). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Bueke, or, a
A demi lion ramp.charged with three trefoils vert hold-
ar. cross gu. in the dexter canton a dexter hand couped at the
ing in the dexter paw an arrow pheoned and flighted ppr. wrist sa. ; 2nd and 3rd, Haviland, ar. three castles triple-
shaft or, for Canning; 2nd: A cat-a-mountain sejant guard. towered sa. portcuUised gu. Crest—For Bueke only A :

ppr. collared and chained or, for De Bdbgh. Supptyrt&rs — cat sejant ppr. collared and chain reflexed over the back or.
Two cats guard, ppr. collared and chained or. Motto—Vng —
Motto Vinctus sed non victus.
roy, ung foy, ung loy. Btirke (The Gaul Bueke, formerly of Gaulstown Castle, co.
Burke (Lord Leitrim. John Bueke, Esq., of Meelick Castle, Eilkenny, claiming descent from the Red Earl of Ulstei' .-

CO. Galway, was so created 1583, and d. s. p. same year). Ar7m taken from the keystone of the arch of the gateway at
Arms, same as Clanricarde. Gaulstown Castle, the seat of the last chieftain of this sept,
Burke (Clongowna and Elm Hall, co. Tipperary, descended Waltee Gaul Bubee, of Gaulstown, who d. 1642, aged 67,
from Bdbee, of Meehck, as confirmed in the Office of descended from John Fitzwaltee de Buego, of Gaulstown
Arms, Dublin, to Petee Bdeee, seijeant-at-law, grandson Castle, Vice-Chamberlain to Edward I.), Quarterly, or and
of Petee Bdeke, Esq., J.P., of Ehn Hall, and his descen- —
vair a cross gu. Crest A demi lion ramp, az, holding a
dants and the other descendants of his aforesaid grandfather). cross or.
Or, a cross gu. in the 1st and 4th quarters a lion ramp, Burken (London). Ar. a bar az.
sa. Crest —
^A cat-armouatain sejant guard, ppr. collared Burkett. Az. a chev. betw. three garbs ar. Crest— A garb
and chained or, on the breast a cross gold. Motto One — or. Motto —
Impendam expendar.
king, one faith, one law. Burkiu (Burlingham, co. Norfolk). Ar. a fesse gu. (some-
Burke (Sir Beenaed Bubee, C.B., LL.D., Ulster, King of times, az.).
Arms). Same Arms and Crest. Motto—Vng roy, ung foy, Burkitt. Gu. three mullets or. Crest—A dexter arm
ung loy. embowed, brandishing a club ppr.
Burke {Baron Tyaquin and Viscoura Galway, extinct 1691; Bxirkton (Norfolk). Ar. three bars voided sa.
confirmed by Carney, Ulster). Or, a cross gu. in the dexter Burktou (Brome, co. Suffolk). Ar. three bars voided sa. on
canton a lion ramp. sa. a mullet for diff. Crest— A cat-a- a canton of the last a crescent gu.
mountain sejant erm. charged on the breast with a mullet sa. Burland. Sa. a chev. betw. three burling irons ar.
Supporters —
Dexter, a griffin az. ducally gorged and beaked Burland. Erm. on a chief embattled gu. three cinquefoils
or, armed gu. sinister, a lion sa. ducally gorged or, armed
; ar. Crest —Ademi savage brandishing a scimetar ppr.
eu. Burleig'h. Paly of six ar. and gu. on a chief also paly six
Burke (Lord Bophin or Boffeene. The Hon. John Bdeee, crescents all counterchanged. Crest —
^A stag's head erased gu.

second son of the seventh Earl of Clanncarde, creation Burleig'h. (Kent). Quarterly, or and sa.
fish April, 1689; arms confirmed by Carney, Ulster). Or, a Burleigh (Carrigfergus, co. Antrim). Vert three boars'
cross gu. in dexter canton a lion ramp. sa. a crescent for difP. —
heads couped ar. armed or. Crest A demi boar ppr. armed,
Crest —
A cat-a-mountain sejant ar. charged on the breast hoofed, and bristled, or, and gorged with a chain of the last,
with a crescent sa. —
Supporters ^Two lions quarterly, or supporting a thistle ppr.

and gu. Motto Altiora petenda. Buxler, Gu. three burling irons ar.
Buxke (Ghnsk, co. Galway, bart.). Or, a cross gu. in the Burleton, or Burlton (Wyken Hall, co. Leicester).

dexter canton a lion ramp. sa. Crest Out of a ducal coronet Quarterly, or and gu. a bend sa. charged with two plates ar.
or, a plume of five ostrich feathers ar. Motto— In hoc Crest —
^A garb.
^gno vinces. Burley (Leicestershire and V^iltshire). Vert, three boars'
Burke (Knocknagur, co. Galway, descended from Biceaed, heads couped ar. armed or. C^est —A
demi boar ppr. armed,
fourth son of Sir John Bdeke, 4th bart. of GUnsk). Or, a hoofed, and bristled or, and gorged with a chain of tl:e
cross gu. in the dexter canton a lion ramp. sa. Crest Out—
of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers ar.
last, supporting a thistle ppr.
Burley (Devon). Ar. a chief sa., three lances counter-
Motto— In hoc signo vinces. changed.
147 L 2
A •


Burley {Sir Simon, Sir Richaed and Sir John Bublet, all Burnaby (Langford Hall, co. Stafford). Same as the pre
K.Gs., temp. Richard II.). Barry of six sa. and or, on a ceding.
chief of the last two pallets of the first, an ineacutcheon gu. Burnaby (Evington, co. Leicester). Same as preceding.
charged with three bars erm. Burnaby (Broughton Hall, co. Oxford, hart.). Ar. tw»
Burley (Shropshire). Paly of six sa. and or, on a chief of bars gu. in chief a lion pass, guard, per pale of the second
the second two pallets of the first, an inescutcheon barry of —
and vert. Crest Out of naval crown, a demi lion ramp,
six g\i. and erm. guard, or, in the dexter paw a staff ppr. thereon a flag gu.
Buxley. Sa. three bars or, a chief of the last charged with Motto—'?ro rege.
two pellets, on an inescutcheon erm. three bars gu. Burnaby (Devonshire). Az. two bars counterembattled
Burley, Paly of six ar. and az. over all three bars gu. erm.
Burley. Or, three bars sa. a chief paly erm. and gu. Burnanx (Lincolnshire). Or, a maunch vert.
Burley. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. debruised with a fesse chequy Burnaxu. Gu. a chev. or, betw. three lions* heads erased
or and az. ar.
Burley. Per fesse embattled sa. and ar. three lances Burnam. Ar. a bend sa. betw. two crosses crosslet of the
cotmterchanged. second.
Burley. Ar. three tilting spears in pale sa. embrued gu. a Burnavill, or Burnavile. Gu. a rose or.

chief of the second. Burnaville, Ar. on a cross sa. a mullet of six points of
Burley, alias Hylde. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. armed gu. the first.

debruised by a fesse chequy or and az. Burnawike, or Burnawick, Gu. acrossformee or,
Burley (John Bdrlet, Sheiiff, co. Salop, 1409). Vert, three Burnby, or Burneby (Devonshire). Ar. two bars
boars' heads couped ar. crenellee ermines.
Burley (Ireland). Erm. four bars gu. a border gobony ar. Burnby (Norlands, Kensington, co. Middlesex). The same.
and sa. Burnby. Ar. two bars gu. a lion pass, guard, of the
Burley. Erm. a bend gu. three chev. or. second. Crest— On. a mount a stag rising from under a tree
Burley, Quarterly, ar. and sa. all ppr.

Burley. Gu. two bars gobonated ar. and az. Burnebury (Cornwall). Gu. a chev. ar.
Burling-er, Gu. three burling-irons ar. Burnell (Ireland and Essex). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. overall a
Burlington, Earl of. See Cavendish. baton gu.
Burlinson (Bishop-Wearmouth, co. Durham). Per fesse, Burnell Ar. a lion ramp. sa. over all a bend gu.
a fesse wavy gu. chief part vert, a lion ramp, or, the base charged with three escallops or, (another, of the field).
per pale, the dexter side vaire, the sinister sa. three roses ar. Burnell (London). Sa. on a bend ar. three escallops of the
Cfrest—A demi lion, holding betw. the paws a rose ar. barbed first. Crest —A greyhound sejant ar.

vert, Burnell (Holgate, co. Salop). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. crowned
Burlton. C^est —A dexter and sinister arm vested, holding or, within a bordure az.
up a cross crosslet fitchee. Burnell {Lord Burnell, summoned to Parliament 1311)'

Burly Bdrlt, of Depeden, co. Suffolk,

(granted to Thomas Same Amis.
4 April, 1597). Az. a chev. betw. three spears' heads eradi- Burnell {Lord Burnell, of Holgate, co. Salop, summoned to
cated or. Qrest—A. squirrel sejant, supporting a ragged Parliament 1350). Same Arms.
staff or. Burnell. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. crowned or, debruised by a
Burlyn. Sa, two chev. or. baton gu. all within a bordure az. Crest A hon's gamb —
Burlz (Suffolk, 1597). Az. a chev. betw. three spears' heads, erased sa. grasping a bunch of roses gu. stalked and leaved
broken from the staff, or. —
CrQ&t A squirrel sejant, sup- vert.
porting a ragged staff or. Burnell. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. crowned or.
Burnxan. Paly of six ar. and sa. a chief wavy az. Crest — Burnell. Az. a hon ramp, guard, ar. guttee de sang, ancl
A demi peacock az. ducally crowned or.
Burman (Stratford-on-Avon, co. Warwick). Az. a ducal Burnell. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. debruised by a bendlet gu.
coronet or, betw. three seals' heads erased ar. two and one. Burnell. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. on a bendlet gu. three'
Burznester. Crest —A cross pattee az. within six mullets escallops or.
disposed orleways or. Burnell (Castle Knock, co. Dublin). Same Arm the
Burmey. Crest —A dexter hand ppr. holding an anchor escaUops of the field.
erect or, environed with clouds ar. —
Motto Arcus artcs Burnell. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. a label of five points gu.
astra. Biirnell. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. ducally crowned or, within a
Burn (Orton H^l, co. Westmorelancl). Vert, a chev. erm. bordure az. bezantee.
betw. three lions ramp, or, on a chief of the second three BuJi'nell. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. crowned or, langued and
fountains a bordure wavy ar. CVesi—A demi tiger erm. armed gu. within a bordure az.
holding betw. the paws a fountain, as in the arms. Burnell. Ar. a bend crenellde sa. betw. six ogresses.
Burn (granted to Henet John Bdbn, Esq., of Somerset-street, Burnell. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three Cornish choughs ppr.
Portman-square). Or, on a bend az, betw. two bugle horns Burnell (Wynkborne, co. Notts, Visit. 1569 and 1614). Per
stringed sa. a buckle betw. two estoiles of the first. Crest fesse indented or and ar. a lion ramp. sa. within a bordure
— A cubit arm vested or, charged with a bend, as in the gu. charged with eight bezants. Crest —
A Uon's gamb sa.
arms, the hand ppr. grasping a bugle horn sa. round the holding a bunch of violets ppr.
wrist a wreath of oak ppr. Burnell, Peg-ge-Burnell (Winkburn, co. Notts, ana
Burn (Lisbon, from Scotland, 1737). Or, two spur rowels in Beauchieff Abbey, co. Derby, exemplified to Beouohton
chief, and a hunting horn in base, sa. Crest—A hand ppr. Benjamin Stead, Esq., in 1836, upon his assuming by royal
holding a cross crosslet fitchee az. Motto^-yincit Veritas. licence the name and arms of Pegge Btjenell, in compliance
Burn (Ooldoch, co. Perth). Or, a crescent betw. two spur with the will of his maternal uncle Petek Pegqe-BdrneIiL,
rowels in chief, and a hunting horn in base sa. Crest—Two Esq., of Winkburn). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per fesse in-

daggers in saltire ppr. Motto Tendit ad astra fides. dented or and ar. a lion ramp. sa. a bordure gu. charged with
Bum. Gu. three bezants. Crest—A heart gu. eight plates, for Buenell 2nd and 3rd, ar. a chev. betir.

Btim, or Burne (Ireland). Sa. three bezants. Crest — three wedges sa., for Pegge. Crests A hon's gamb erect —
roundle az. and erased sa., in the paw a bunch of violets ppr., for
Bum (co. Wexford. Smith's Ordmary). Gu. a chev. erm. Bdenell The &un rising in splendour, the rays alternately

betw. three dexter hands ar. Crest—A wolfs head erased ppr. sa., or, and ar., for Pegge. Jfoiio— Caritas fructum habet.
Burn. Quarterly, ar. and sa. in each quarter a lion's face Burnell (Stanmore Magna, co. Middlesex. John Bdeneli,
counterchanged, on a chief of the first three fleurs-de-Us gu. of that place, great grandson of Thomas Bdenell, of Dover,
Bum. Ar. on a bend sa. three buckles or. CO. Kent, Visit. Middlesex, 1663). Sa. on a bend ar. three
Burnaby. Burneby, or Barnaby (Watford, co. escaUops of the field.
Northampton; confirmed by the deputies 'of Camden, Burnell (Ireland). Sa. three wedges meeting at the points
Oarenceux, to Hdmpheey Burnaby, of Waver, co. Warwick, in the base ar. in chief three crescents of the last.
third son of Kichaed Buenaby, of Watford, seventh in Btirnell (Rothwell, in the West Biding of Yorkshire). Per
descent from Kobeet Buenaby, of the same place). Ar. fesse indented or and ar. a lion ramp. sa. within a bordure
two bars gu, in chief a lion pass, guard, of the second. gu. platee.

Crest A demi man sa. in the dexter hand a branch of Burnell, Burnill, or Byrnell. Ar. a lion ramp. az.
columbine flowers ppr. round the neck a rope or, with the guttee d'or.
end hanging down on the sinister side. Motto Pro Bege. — Burnell, De. Ar. a lion ramp, double queued az. guttle
Surnaby (Baggrave Hall, co. Leicester). Same Arms and crowned or.
Crest and Motto as Bobnaby, of Watford, Burnes (granted by H.M. William IV. to James BowtWj
. 148
K.H., F.R.S., Phyeician-General of Bombay, and Sir Bumham
(from the armorial window at the Manor of West
Alexandeh Bdbnes, C.B., his brother, for distinguished Barsham, co. Norfolk). Ghequy or and az., on a crescent ar,
ferrices in India their, grandfather was cousin-german of
; a mullet sa.
Bdbns, the poet). Erm. on a bend az., an escutcheon or, Burnliaui. Gu. thtee leopards' heads in bend or, betw. two
charged with a crook and buglehom ealtireways in chief and lions* heads erased ar.
a, hollybush in base ppr., on a chief gu. the White Horse of Buxnliani. The same within a bordure gohony ar. and az,
Hanover ppr. betw. two eastern crowns or. Crests 1st: — Bumham. Abbey
(Buckinghamshire). Or, on a chief ar
Out of a mural crown per pale vert, and gu., the rim three lozenges gu.
inscribed Cabool in 'letters ar., a demi eagle displ. or, trans- Burning-ham (Froyle, co. Hants). Gu. a. millriiid bend-
fixed by ajavehn in bend sinisterppr.; 2nd: Out of an eastern ways ar. betw. two martlets in pale or.
crown or, an oak tree shivered renewing its fohage ppr. Burnley Borough (co. Lancaster). Or, a chev. engr,
Motto Ob — patriam vulnera passi. gu. betw. in chief two fusils, and in base a lion ramp. sa. a
Burnes. Erm. a bend az. chief wavy of the last, thereon a dexter hand erect couped
Buxness (Grove House, Essex, 1873). Or, on a fess az. at the wrist ar. betw. two bees volant of the first. C>est —
betw. two spur rowels in chief and a hunting horn stringed On a mount vert a stork ar. beaked and membered gu. hold-
sa. in base a water bouget of the field. Crest A demi —
ing in the dexter foot a stone, and in the beak a cotton flower

Pegasus sa. winged or. Motto Perseverantia vincit. slipped both ppr. Motto —
Pretiumque et causa laboris.
Bnmett (Leys, cos. Aberdeen and Kincardine, settled there Bumman
(Devonshire). Erm. on a bend cottised sa. three
from 1324, bart. of Nova Scotia, 1626). Ar. three holly —
hoars' heads couped ar. Crest A bull's head erased or,
leaves in chief vert and a hunting horn in base sa., gar- horned gobony or and sa.
nished and stringed gu. Ci'est —
A dexter hand with a Burns-XiindO'W (See Lindow).

pruning knife pruning a vine tree ppr. Motto ^Virescit Burns (Bloomhall, co. Dumbarton, 1856). Ar. on a chev.
vulnere virtus. Supporters— On either side a Highlander az. betw. two spur rowels in chief and a himting horn in
in a hunting garb holding in bis exterior hand a bow and base sa., three fleurs-de-lis of the field. Crest— A hand hold-
a greyhound all ppr. ing a hunting horn ppr. Motto E^ er ready. —
Burnett (Craigmyle and Kemnay, co. Aberdeen, descended Bumshed, or Btirnishide. Ar. three bendlets gu. on
from the immediate younger brother of the first hart, of a canton of the second a lion pass, (another, ramp.) of the
Leys). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Burnett, of Leys; 2nd and first.

Srd, az. three garbs or, for Craigmyle. Crest —

A dexter Bumside (Whitlaw, Scotland). Sa. a chev. or, betw. three
hand holding a branch of palm ppr. Motto Quae vernant — boars' heads couped ar. lying fesseways. Crest A crescent —
crescimt. ar. JfoMo— Gradatim plena.
Burnett (Lyon King of Arms). The same, with a mullet Burport (Somersetshire). Ar. a bend betw. six roses gu.
fia. in the centre of the quarters for diff. Same Crest and Burr (Aldermaston Court, co. Berks). Erm. on a mount
Motto. vert, issuing from park pahngs with gate ppr. a hon ramp,
Burnett (Sir Thos. Bubnett, of Crimond, and his brother or, holding in the dexter paw a scimitar all ppr. on a chief

Gilbert Bdenett, Bishop of Salisbury, nephews of the first —

indented sa. two lions ramp. ar. Crest Out of a mural
bart. of Leys). As Bobnett, of I^ys, with a mullet az. in crown inscribed with the word " Ternate," a Malay holding
the fess point for diff. Crest —
^A dexter hand with a sword in his dexter hand the colours of Ternate all ppr. granted in
cutting through a vine branch leaved and fructuated ppr. commemoration of the capture in 1801 of that island, the
ifot(o—Virescit vulnere virtus. chief of the Malaccas, by the late Lieut.-Gen. Daniel Bcbb,
Burnett (Shethocksley, co. Aberdeen, 17th century). As —
H.E.I.C.S. Motto ^Virtus verus honos.
Leys, with a falcon volant ppr. in fess point for diff. Crest Burr. Or, a cross aiguise voided az. Cre«(— A lion's head
and MottOj as Leys. ppr. collared or.
Burnett (Warrieston, co. Edinburgh, 1672). As Leys, within Burr (Ramsay, Dover Court, and Wrabness, co. Essex).
a bordure indented vert. Oart— A holly branch ppr. Motto Erm. a chief indented sa. two Uons ramp.
—Virtute cresco. Burra. Erm. a chev. engr. az. betw. three chapletsof roses
Burnett (Inverleith, co. Edinburgh, 1672). As Warrieston, ppr. a chief vert fretty ar. Crest —
In front of a gryphon's
with a crescent vert in fess point. Same Crest and Motto. head erased sa. semee of annulets or, a fret of the last.
Burnett (Dalladies, co. Kincardine, now represented by Burrard (Walhampton, Hants, hart.). Az. a lion pass. ar.
Bubnett Stuaet, of Dens). As Leys, within a bordure betw. two estoiles in chief and a cross crosslet fitchfie in
counter-compony vert and ar. Ci'est —A
branch of holly base of the second, on a chief or, two lions ramp, respecting
slipped ppr. Motto—'Nec fluctu nee flatu. each other gu., supporting a sinister hand couped of the
Burnett (Kirkhill, co. Aberdeen, represented by Sir Alex- last. Crest— A naval crown or, tberefrom issuing a cubit
ANDEB Banhebman, Bart, of Elsick, as heir of line). Ar. a arm erect ppr. charged with a cross patt^e gu,, the hand
battle-axe in pale ppr. betw. two holly leaves in chief vert, grasping a trident in bend sinister, point downwards, gold.
and a hunting-horn in base of the last garnished and Supporters— {gTa.nted by royal warrant, 1839, to descend
stringed gu. d'est —
A boar's head erased az. Motto — with the baronetcy) on either side a lion reguard. ar.
Quidni pro sodali. standing upon an anchor ppr., supporting a trident erect or,
Burnett (Aberdeen, 1672). As Leys, with a billet az. in the fess gorged with a naval crown therefrom a chain, reflcxed over
point for diff. Crest- A
hand with a cutlass cutting through the back az. Jtfoiio—Persevere.

a vine branch ppr. Motto ^Virescit vulnere virtus. Burrard (Lymington, co. Hants, bart.). Per fesse embattled
Burnett (Bumetland, afterwards Bams, co. Peebles). Ar. gu. and az. a lion pass, erminois betw. three mullets of six
three holly leaves vert, a chief az. Crest A dexter hand —— points or, on a canton ar. a sword erect ppr. Crest— Out of
with a knife pnming a vine tree ppr. Motto ^Virescit vul- a mural crown per pale or and ar. an arm embowed, sur-
nere virtus. rounded with a wreath of laurel, the hand grasping a sword
Burnett (Alexander Bdenett, Archbishop of St. Andrew's, all ppr.
1679-1684). As Buenett of Bams, with a cross pat^e gu. in Burre. Ar. an in^cutcheon gu.
feas point for diff. Motto —Non est mortale quod opto. Burrell (Milfield and Brome Park, co. Northumberland).
Burnett (Edinburgh, 1672). Ar. threeholly leaves vert, a chief Or, a betw. four leaves vert, on a chief az. a lion's
saltire gu.

embattled az. Crest A vine branch slipped ppr. Motto — head erased betw. two battle-axes ppr. Crest An armed — —
Tandem fit surculus arbor. arm ppr. holding a bunch of burdock, vert. Motto
Burnett (Morden Hall, co. Kent, 1812). Per saltire vert and Adhjereo.
Burrell (Baron Gwydyr). Quarterly, 1st, vert three plain
gu., a sword erect, the point upwards ppr., pommel and hilt
>or, and from the blade pendent a buglehom stringed of the shields ar.; 2nd, or, fretty az. ; 3rd, ar. three battering
last on a chief embattled erminois three leaves of the bumet rams barways in pale ppr., headed and garnished az. ; 4th,
irose also ppr. CVeat —On a mural crown or, a mount vert, those of Owen Gwynedd, Prince of North Wales ; vert three
dIspL in fesse or. Crests 1st:— A
naked arm
thereon a vine tree ppr. fructed or, on the sinister an arm eagles,
issuing from a doud, in the hand a knife pruning the vine embowed ppr. holding a branch of laurel, vert ; 2nd : A
also ppr. Motto —
Virescit vulnere virtus. Saracen's head couped

and affronte ppr. ducally crowned or.
Burnett (Ireland). Gu. three bezants. Crest—A. holy lamb Supporters Dexter, a pilgrim or friar, vested in russet with
his crutch and rosary, or ; sinister, a savage, wreathed
reguard. ar, holding the standard of St. Patrick ppr.
Bumevile (Suffolk). Gu. a saltire engr. ar. betw. four about the temples and waist with ivy all ppr. Motto —
dnquefoils or. Animus non deficit aequus.

Bumevile. Burrell (Woodland, co. Devon). Barry of six ar. and sa.
Gu, a saltire engr. or, betw. four cinquefoils ar,
Bumham Sa. a cross betw. four crescents ar.
leopards' heads or.
on a chief gu. three
Bumham.. Gu. a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased, or. Burrell (Valentine House, co. Essex, bart.). Vert three
Crest—A leopard's head erased ppr. plain shields two and one ar., each having a bordur©

. A


engr. or. Crest A naked arm em))Owed ppr., the band Burstowe. Quarterly, or and and 4th a rose
az. in the 1st
grasping a sprig of laurel vert. Motto— S}xh libertate gu. in the 2nd and 3rd a fleur-de-lis of the first.
quietem. Burt. Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three buglehorns sa.
Burrell (Beckenham, co. Kent, a younger branch of the stringed of the second, as many crosses crosslet fitchee or.
BcB&ELLS, of Holmsted, co. Sussex). Vert, three escutcheons A
Crest— bugleborn as in the arms.
ar. each with a bordure engr. or. Orest ^An arm embowed — Btirt (Maiden Earleigh, co. Berks). Ar. on a chev. betw.
ppr. holding a branch of laurel vert. three buglehorns sa. stringed gu. as many crosses crosslet
Surrell (Northumberland). Sa. a chev. betw. three mullets of the field.
ar. Burt (Tullacke, Fun. Ent. Ire., 1622). Ar. a fesse sa.
Surrell (Dowsby, co. Lincoln). ArmSf as Bobkell, of Burt, or Birt (Candell-Marsh, co. Devon). Ar. on a chev.
Northumberland. gu. betw. three buglehorns stringed sa. as many crosses
Surren Dunstan's-in-the-East, London; originally of
(St. crosslet fitchee of the field.
Keading, in Berkshire). ArTnSy as used at funerals of the Burtcliaell (Brandendale, co. Kilkenny, granted to David
family in the latter part of the 17th century, and in the Bdbtchaell, 1833). Per pale az. and gu. on a chev, tetw,
pedigree and arms recorded by Mr. Anthony Bdkeen, of three cross crossleta or, three quatrefoils of the first. Ci'ent
London, at the Visitation to that city in 1687. Paly of six —On a mount vert a lion ramp sa. supporting on the sinister
ar. and gu. on a chief sa. three lozenges or. side an oak tree ppr. Motto —
Quo fata vocant.
Burridge (Tiverton, co. Devon, and of Lillesden, Hawk- Burte (co. Bucks, Agnes, dan. and heir of Tuomab Buete, of
hurst, CO. Kent). Az. three dolphins naiant, embowed ar. Shabington, m. William Tipping, of Merton, co. Oxford
on a chief or, three rudders sa. Crest A demi mariner ppr. — Visit. Oxford). Ar. two. chev. gobonee az. and or.
his waistcoat gu. cap. az neckcloth ar. supporting a rudder sa.
. Burthogrg'e (Devonshire). Ar. three bars gemelles az. on
Burridg-e (Halden, co. Kent). Or, a chev. gu. betw. three —
a chief sa. a wolf pass. or. Ci'est A demi wolf or, gorged
lions ramp. sa. with a bar gemelle az.
Burrish. Per fesse gu. and ar. over all a lion ramp . double Burton (Falde Hall, co. Stafford, Lindley and Bedworth, co.
queued or. Crest— Oat of a tower per pale, ar. and gu. a Leicester, and Dronfield, co. Derby). Az. a fesse betw. three
demi lion ramp, double queued or. talbots' heads erased or. Crests —
1st A beacon ar. burning

Burrou. See Bobbon. ppr. standing upon a mount vert ; 2nd : A cypress tree ppr.
Burrougll (Suffolk). Ar. two chev. vert betw. three on a ducal coronet or; 3rd : A serpent winged, with legs az.
chaplets gu. scaled ar. standing on a ducal crown. Motto Lux vitee. —
Burrougli (Alton Priors, co. Wilts). Gu. the stem and Anciently, the family bore for Arms, " Az. semee of estoiles
trunk of a tree eradicated and couped in pale, sprouting out a crescent ar., and for Crest, a serpent winged with legs az.
two branches or. scaled ar. standing on a crqwn or."
Burroug-li, or Borough (Lincolnshire). Az. three fleurs- Burton (Lancelot AncHEB-BuaTON, Esq., of Woodlands,
de-lis erm. —
Crest An eagle with wings expanded erra. near Emsworth, co. Hants). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per
Burroughes (Burliugham Hall and Long Stratton, co. fesse sa. and ar. a pale counterchanged, three owls, two and
Norfolk). Ar. two chevronels betw. three chaplets vert. one, of the second, ducally crowned or, and as many ermine

Crest A grifilns bead erased ar. charged with two chevs. spots, one and two, of the first, for Burton 2nd and 3rd,


vert. Motto Animo et fide. per pale az. and gu. two chevronels ar. betw. three arrows,
BurroTig-lis (Ramsey, Orkney, N.B.). Gu. the stump of a the pheons downwards or, for Archeb. Crests 1st: On —
laurel tree eradicated and sprouted ppr. Crest — A lion pass. a mount vert, an owl, ducally crowned as in the arms,
gu. Motto —
Audaces fortuna juvat. holding in the dexter claw a rose gu. slipped of the firet, for
Burroug-lis (Castle Bagsbaw, co. Cavan, bart.). Gu. the Burton 2nd : A dragon's head erased gu. gorged with a

stump a laurel tree eradicated ppr. on a chief or, an

of crown vair, and in the mouth an arrow, pheon downwards
eastern crown of the field, betw. two annulets az. Ct'est— or. —
Motto Amicus vitae solatium.
On an eastern crown or, a lion pass. gu. Motto Audaces — Burton (Sir Richaed Burton, of Sackets Hill House, St.
fortuna juvat. Peter's, Isle of Thanet). Sa. on a chev. betw. three owls ar.
Burrow (Port-Glasgow, 1773). Az. a fesse indented ar. ducally crowned or, a mural crown gu. betw. two. wreaths

betw. three bezants. Crest ^Alion pass, guard, ar. Motto — of laurel vert. Crest —
A beacon or, fired ppr. surmounted
Deus nobis h£u otia fecit. by two branches of laurel in saltire vert. Motto Vigilans. —
Burrov. Az. three fleurs-de-lis erm. Crest A falcon erm. — Burton (London, 1507). Erm. a fesse sa. a chief chequy or
with wings expanded. and of the second.
Burrowe, or Borougli (Suffolk). Or, on a cross gu. Burton (Roydsmill, ShefBeld, of Bramley Hall, and Wadsley).
five mullets ar. Az. a crescent ar. within an orle of estoiles and a bordure
Burro-wes, or Burrows. Or, on a cross gu. five mullets or.
ar. on a canton of the second a Hon pass, of the first. Crest Burton (Chester). Or, on a cross pierced az. four fieurs-de-li?
—A lion sejant ar. ducally crowned or of the field.
Burrowes (Stradone, co. Cavan). Or, on a cross gu. five Burton (Tolethorp, co. Rutland, Stockerston, co. Leicester,
mullets ar. in each chief quarter a hon pass. sa. ducally extinct bart.). Sa. a chev. betw. three owls ar. crowned
crowned and langued gu. Crest A — lion sejant guard, sa. or. Crest —An owl as in the arms.

ducally crowned or, langued gu. Motto vi sed Burton (Coventry). Az. a fesse betw. three talbots' heads
virtute. I
erased ar. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet or, a tree vert.
Burrowes. Az. abend wavy betw. three fleurs-de-lis erm. Burton (Hotham Hall, co. York). Az. a fesse erm. betw.
Crest —Two wings endorsed erm

three talbots' heads erased ar. Crest ^A beacon ar. fired —

Burrows. Az. three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest An eagle, — ppr. ladder or.
wings displ. erm. ducally gorged or. Burton (Inglethorp, co. Derby, 24 Elizabeth). Sa. a fesse
Burrs. Or, in chief two boars* heads erased sa. Crest—
demi antelope collared.
nebuUee betw. three cinquefoils ar. Crest On a mount —
vert a tower ar. triple towered or.
Burry. Quarterly, erm. and gu. Burton (Derbyshire). Ar. a chev. betw. three boars' heads
Burscougrh-Priory (Lancashire). Per fesse indented, couped sa. armed or. Crest— A tower triple towered ar.
and in chief two crosiers betw. three annulets. Burton (Stapleforth, co. Notts, Visit. London, 1568). Ar.
Bursb.. Sa. a fesse betw. three leaves ar. on a chev. engr. betw. three boars' heads couped sa. a
Bursh.ell (Devonshire). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three water bezant. Crest— A boar's head couped or, holding in tho
bougets sa. mouth a branch vert.
Burslam, or Burslem. Az. on a chief ar. three bendlets Burton (Derbyshire, 1646). Az. a crescent within an orle
gu. Crest — and mortar.
^A pestle of estoiles ar. all within a bordure or. Crest On a ducal —
Burslem. Ar. ten escallops, four» three, two, and one sa. coronet or, a wivern with wings endorsed az. collared gold.
Bursted. Gu. on a fesse betw. six annulets ar. three Burton (Derbyshire). The same Artns, without the bordure,
muUets sa. Crest —A wivern gu. and the same Crest.
Bursted. Gu. on a fesse or, betw. six annulets ar. three Burton (Devonshire). Or, on a cross quarter pierced az.
mullets pierced of the first. four fieurs-de-lis of the first.
Burston Quarterly, gu. and ar. on a bend of the
(Kent). Burton (Devonshire). Per pale gu. and az. a fesse betff.
second three boars' heads erased of the first. two chevronels ar.
Burston (Norfolk). Quarterly, ar. and aa. a baton in bend Burton (Essex, 1570). Quarterly, gu. and ar. four escallops
Burston. Gu. a ebev. ar. betw. three camels* beads erased
falcon volant or.
Crest — On the top of a ruined castle ar. a
of the second, collared and hned or. Buxton, or Bourton (Ireland). Ar. on a chief indented
Burstowe. Gu. three falcons ar. sa. three escallops of the field.
A ,


Burton (Kynsley, 1530). Ar. a bend wavy sa. Burton, or Barton. Ar. three boars* heads couped sa.
Burtoii (Lindley, co. LeiccBter). Sa. tbree bars and a tusked or.
canton ar. Burton, or Byrton. Paly of six or and gu. on abend sa.
Burton (Somereby, co. XJncoln), Sa. three owls crowned or, three boars pass. ar.
holding in one claw raised, a golden star. Crest A crowned — Burton. Quarterly, gu. and az. a cross flory or.

owl or, holding a star. Motto Cari Deo nihil carent. Burton. Or, on a cross patt^e az. five fleurs-de-lis of
Burton (London). Az. a crescent ar. iVithin an orle of the first.
mullets pierced or (another, adds a bordure of the last). Burton (Eastbourne, co. Sussex). As Bdeton, of Essex.
Burton (Acton, co. Middlesex). Az. semee d'estoiles ar. Burton. Per cross gu. and ar. four escallops counterchanged.
a crescent within a bordure of the last. Burton. Or, on a cross anchored sa. five fleurs-de-lis of
Burton (Oxfordshire). Or, a bend az. the first.
Burton (Shropshire). Purp. a cross engr. or, betw. four Burton. Sa. a saltire engr. ar. a chief of the second.
rosea ar. barbed vert, a crescent for diff. CreBt — ^A Burton-upon-Trent, Town
of. Barry wavy of six ar.
gauntlet ppr. and az. on a chief gu. an eagle displ. betw. two fieure-de-lis or.
Burton (Longner, co. Salop). Party per pale az. and Burton Abbey (Burton-upon-Trent, co. Leicester). Or,
purpure a cross engr. or, betw. four roses ar. Crest — on a cross engr. az. five mullets pierced ar,
dexter gauntlet ppr. couped at the wrist. Motto Dominus — Burton-Lazer-Hospital (Leicestershire), Gu. a lion
proTidebit. ramp. ar. a cross gu.
impaling ar.
Burton (Shropshire). Quarterly, az. and gu. a cross engr. Burtt, or Burt, Ar. three bars az. Crest —A dcmi
or, betw, four roses ar. leopard guard, supporting an anchor ppr.
Burton (Kensley, co. York). Sa. three owls ar. Burun. Az. three bends sinister gu.
Burton (Yorkshire). Arms, as Bubton, of Longner. Crest Burwasch, or Burwasli. Gu. a cross ar. betw. iout
— ^Adexter gauntlet ppr. shewing the inside of the hand. lions ramp. or. Crest — ^The helm of a ship ppr.
Burton (FoUacton, co. Carlow, hart.). Per pale az. and Burwash. (Kent). Gu. a Hon ramp, or, tail forked (another,
pnrp. a cross engr. or, betw. four roses ar. Crest—Kin. a with a label of three points az.).
ducal coronet a dexter gauntlet, the palm inwards all ppr. Burwaslie. Or, a hon ramp. gu. tail forked.
ilfotto—Dens providebit. Burwell (Wrigley, co. Essex). Sa. on a chev. engr, betw.
Burton (Buncraggy, co. Glare, Ireland). As Huston, of three towers triple towered ar. as many fleurs-de-lis gu.
Longner. Burwell (Woodbridge, co. Suffolk). Or, a chev. erm. betw.
Burton (Burton Hall, co. Carlow). Arms., Crest and Motto, three bur leaves ppr. a crescent for diff. Crest A lion's —
as Bdkton, of Follacton. gamb erect and erased or, grasping three bur leaves vert.
Burton (Carrigaholt Castle, co. Clare). Same as BiniTON, of Burwell. Paly of six, ar. and sa. on a bend or, a teal's
PoUacton. head erased az.
Burton (confirmed to Alfred Bdbtow, Esq., M.R.C.S.E., at Burwell, Ai\ a lion ramp. sa. ducally crowned or, charged
one time Physician to His Excellency, the Lord Lieutenant of with eight roundles az.
Ireland). Per pale gu. and az. on a fesse betw: three talbots' Burweton. Ar. three cinquefoils sa.
heads erased or, as many crescents of the first. Crest—An Burwicke. Per bend sinister ar. and gu. amartletcounter-
embattled wall ppr. charged with a crescent gu. thereon a changed.
beacon ar. fired ppr. Motto Lux vitse. — Bury {Earl of CMrlevllle. Extinct 1875). Quarterly, 1st
Burton (Lyndsey, co. Lincoln). Az. a fesse betw. three and 4th, vert a cross crosslet or, for Bdry 2nd and 3rd, az. ;

lions' heads erased or. on a chief indented or, three mullets gu. pierced of the
Buxi;on (Yorkshire). Or, a bend wavy sa. Crest — ^An arm second, a crescent for diff., for Moobe. Crests— I&U A
couped at the elbow, habited per pale ar. and gu. cufF
erect, boar's head couped at the shoidder or, and pierced with a
of the first, in the hand ppr. a walking staff of the second, spear gutte de sang issuing from the wound through the
headed, rimmed, and ferruled or. neck from behind, for Bdbt 2nd Out of a ducal coronet
; :

Burton. Az. a fesse engr. erm. betw. three talbots' heads or, a Moor's head couped at the shoulders ppr., wreathed

erased or. Crest On a mount vert, a fire-beacon ppr. round the temples or and az., for Moore. Supj^orte/rs —
Burton. Sa. a chev. or, betw. three owls ar. crowned of Two Moorish chiefs habited ppr., the head of each encircled
the second. Oreat —
An owl ar. crowned or. with a wreath or and az,, and each holding in the exterior

Burton (Bramston, co. Rutland, Visit. 1618). Same Arms, hand a dart also ppr. Motto ^Virtus sub cruce crescit.
with a mullet for diff. Bury (Little-Island, co. Cork, and Curraghbridge, co.
Burton. Sa.a goat ramp. ar. limerick). Vert a cross crosslet or. Crest A hoar's head —
Burton. Ar. on a fesse indented sa. three escallops of couped at the neck or, tusked ar. langued gu. transfixed
the first. through the neck by a spear ppr.
Burton. Barry of six ar. and erm. on a bend gu. three Bury (Coleton and Doniton, co. Devon). Erm. on a bend
escallops or. az. three fleurs-de-lis or.
Buxton. Az. semee d'estoiles a crescent ar. Bury (Devonshire). Barry of eight, gu. and ar.
Burton. Or, a cross betw. four fleurs-de-lis az. Bury (granted to Sir Thomas Bort, Knt.). Erm. on a bend
Burton. Sa. a chev. betw. three owls ar. az. a bezant betw. two fleurs-de-lis or. Crest—A tiger's

Burton. Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three boars' heads couped sa. head erased erm. crined sa. gorged with a collar az. charged
Burton. Barry of ten ar. and gu. over all a bend sa. with a bezant, betw. two fleurs-de-lis or.
Burton. Sa. three greyhounds courant or. (another, pass. Bury (St. Leonards, co. Essex). Or, three bars gu. Crest—
ar.). A griffin's head erased per pale or and gu. JfoWo—Festinu
Burton. Ar. a chev. betw. three crosses botonn6e gu. lente.
Burton-Phillipson. See Fhillipson. Bury, or Marshall (confirmed by the Deputies of Camden
Burton (Cherry Burton, co. York. David Bobinson, Esq., of Clarenceux, to William Bury, of Burton, co. Warwick,
that place, assumed in 1828 the name of Bdbton in com- third in descent from John Bubt, or Mabshall, of Barton-
pliance with the will of his maternal great uncle David on-the-Heath, same co. Her. Vis.). Ar. a chev. sa. betw.
Bdrton Fowleb, Esq., of Cherry Burton). Quarterly, Ist three squirrels cracking nuts ppr.
and 4th, per fesse erminois and az. two barrulets engr. Bury (Linwood Grange, co. Lincoln, and of Bath). Erm. on
betw. three talbota' heads; 2nd and Srd, vert a chev. erm. a bend engr. az. plain cottised gu. three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest
betw. two cinquefoils pierced in chief and a stag trippant in —A demi dragon ar. wings, ears, and claws sa.
base or, a bordure engr. of the last. Crests ^A mount — Bury, Boroug*]! of. See Sv/p:pler(ieat'
vert, thereon upon a perch or, a parrot also vert, the dexter Bury. Ar. live queues d' ermines in saltire sa.
claw resting on an escallop ar., holding in the beak a cherry Bury. Ar. on a bend az. three leopards' faces or.
stalked :— and, A mount vert, thereon a stag reguard. or, Bury. Sa. a chev. betw. three annulets componee ar. and
the dexter forepaw resting on a cinquefoil pierced, as in az.
the arms. Bury- Ar. a saltire betw. four martlets within a bordure sa.
Burton. £nn. a fesse sa. a chief chequy or and of the Bury. Ar. a cross hetw. four martlets sa. a bordure of the
second. last.
Bury. Sa. a chev. ar. betw. three hatbands wreathed of the
Burton. Gu. a chev. betw. three boars' heads couped or.
Burton. Sa. a fesse nebulee betw. three cinquefoils ar. second and az.
Burton. Az. a cross engr. or, betw. four roses ar. barbed vert. Bury, or Burry. Quarterly, erm. and az.
Burton, Paly of six or and gu. on a bend sa. three Burye (Bedford, 1566). Sa. a chev. engr. or, betw. three
trefoils ar. plates, each charged with a cross patt^e gu.
Burton. Burye (Devonshire). Erm. on a bend engr. az. three fleurs-
Gu. on a cross ar. five fleurs-de-Us or.
Burton. Sa.a saltire engr. ar. a chief of the last. de-lis or.

Btirye (Suffolk). Erm. on a bend engr. gu. three fleurs-de- Bushell (Newton Bushell). Ar. a chev. betw. three water
lis or, each charged with as many pellets. bougets sa.
BtUT^ie. Paly of six or and gu., on a chief sa. three Bushell, or Busshell (Cheshire). The -same Arm.
lozenges of the first. Crest —A cherubim's head betw. two wings ppr.
Burys. Quarterly gu. and erm. Bushell. See Bdssell.
Burys, or Buris. Ar. on a bend az. three leopards' Bushell (Warwickshire). Sa. a chev. hetw. three water
heads erased or. bougets ar. Crest—An arm from the elbow in armour
Bury St. Edmunds, Town of (Suffolk). Az. three holding a caltrap.
pairs of arrows in saltire or, each pair enfiled with a ducal Bushnan (granted 13 Nov. 1783, to Joseph Busehan, Esq,,

coronet of the last. Crest A wolf sejant ppr. holding hetw. of London, son of James Bushnan, late of Stratford, co.
his fore paws the head of a man, couped at the shoulders of Essex, deceased, who m. Mart Elizabeth, sole dau. and
the last, ducally crowned or. heir of John Hills, Esq., formerly of Chelsea, London, and
Bury St. Edmunds Abbey (Suffolk). Az. three ducal of the Isle of Sheppy, co. Kent, by Maet, his wife, sole dau.
crowns, two and one, or, each pierced with two arrows in and heir Samoel Lloyd, of Cynfell, co. Merioneth). Ar.
saltire of the last. a chev. pean betw. three hollen bushes fructed, ppr.
Busebridgre (Echingham, co. Essex). Erm. six roses gu. Crest —An arm couped above the elbow emhowed and

three, two, and one. Crest An arm erect in mail, holding vested sa. cuffed ar. in the hand a roll of parchment ppr.
in the hand a cutlass all ppr. Bushnell. Ar. five fusils in fesse gu. in chief three
Busbury, or Bushborne. Ar. on a fesse cottised sa. mullets sa. Crest —
On a ducal coronet a wivern, sans feet.
three escallops of the field. Bushorne. Ar. on a fesse cotised sa. three escallops or.
Busby (Addiugton). Or, three arrows sa. headed and Bushrudd (Dorsetshire). Ar. a fesse gu, betw. three
bai'bedar. on a chief of the second as many mullets of the battle-axes sa. Crest —A tiger's head ar. crined and tufted
field. —
Crest ^A stag's head ar. er&,sed gu. pierced through sa. collared gu.

the hack of the neck with an arrow as in the arms. Bushy, or Bushey (temp. Henry VII. and Henry VIII.).
Busby (Uttoxeter, CO. Stafford. Visit. Rutland, 1618). Same Ar. three bars sa. Crest —
A boar's head erased sa.
Arms. Busiard (Suffolk). Or, an eagle displ. gu, within an orle of
Busby, Gu. on a bend ar. betw. six bezants three fleurs- torteaux-
de-hs az. Busk (borne by Sir Kichaed Do Busc, at the battle of
Busclie, or Bush. Ar. out of a mount in base, a forest Eosbecq, fought 27 Nov, 1382; when he was knighted by
of trees vert. Crest—The trunk of a tree shooting out Charles VI. of France, since borne by his descendants of
new branches ppr. and pendent therefrom an escutcheon whom Jacob, Hans Busk, 6. 1688, grandson of Nicholas do
ar. Busk, Marquis de Fresney^ Ambassador from France to
Busfeild (TJpwood, co. York)- Quarterly, Ist and 4th, sa. a Sweden, settled in England 1712, and was naturalized by Act
chev. hetw. three fleurs-de-lis or ; 2nd and 3rd, gu. an of Parliament, 9 George I.). Ar. an oak tree ppr. the shield
eagle displ. with two heads or, on a chief of the last a rose supported on the sinister side by a griffin gu. Crest ^A stag —
of the first betw. two martlets, sa,, for Atkinson. Crest— trippant ppr. AfottoSn&viteT eed fortiter.
1st An arm in armour erect ppr. holding in the hand a fleur-
Busk (Yorkshire). Ar. a fess erm. betw. three trees vert.
de-lis or, Busfield; 2nd: An eagle's head erased. Motto — Busk (Foul's Grove, co. Middlesex). Ar, three trees, ppr.
Media tutissinius ibis. Crest — —
A stag reguard, ppr. Motto Suaviter sed fortiter.
Buab. (Paul Bush, first Bishop of Bristol, 1542-54, granted Buske. Ar. a saltire betw. four antique crowns sa. Crest —
by Barker, Garter). Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three boars Out of a ducal coronet or, a fish's head az.
pass. sa. arose hetw. two eagles displ. or. Buskin. Or, a chev. betw. three helmets az.
Bush. (Dylton, co. Wilts, granted by Barker, Garter, to John Buskyn. Ar. on a bend gu. three stags' heads couped or.
Bush, brother of Paul, Bishop of Bristol). Ar. on a fesse Busll (Worksop, co. Nottingham, temp. WilUam I.). Gu. a
betw. three boars pass. sa. a fleur-de-lis betw. two eagles bezant.
displ. or. —
Crest A goat's head erased ar. armed or. Bussard. Az, three covered cups ar,
Busham (Baroby, co. Lincoln). Ar. three hirdbolts gu. Bussell, or Bushell (confirmed with two quarterings by
headed and feathered or. the deputies of Camden, Clarenceux, to Thomas Bdssell,
Bushbure (co. Stafford). Ar. on a fesse cottised sa. three eleventh in descent from Richard de la Bussell, Lord of
escallops of the field. Brodmerston, Her. Vis.). Ar. a chev, betw. three water
Bushbury. Ar. a fesse cottised sa. in chief three escallops —
bougets sa. Crest A cherubim's head betw. two wings . .
of the second. Busserarde, The same as Busiaed.
Bushby (Cumberland), Vair on a fesse gu. five cloves ar. Bussets, or Bustes. Az. a bend ar.

Cred A crow picking ppr. Bussett. Ar. three buglehorns vert (another, sa.).
Bushby (Henleaze, Norbiton, co. Surrey). Vair, on a chief Bussey (Lincoln and Cambridgeshire), Barry of six ar.
gu. five passion crosses ar. Crest —
Upon a mount vert a —
and sa. Crest A sea dragon, sans wings or legs, the tail
stag's head erased ppr. guttee de sang, transfixed through the turned up, and at the end another head all harry ar. andsa.
neck by an arrow bendwise, point towai'ds the dexter, also Bussey. Ar. three bars sa,

ppr. Motto Fructu non foliis. Busswe, or Bussu (Leicestershire). Gu. a cinquefoil
Bushe (formerly Daylwyn, co. Carmarthen, the name erm.
changed to Bushb when the family removed to England icmj). Bussy. Or. three water bougets az,
Henry Vlllj. Az. a wolf ramp. ar. collared and chained Bussy. Sa. an inescutcheon ar. within an orlc of cinque-
or, in chief three crosses pattee fitchee of the second. foils ofthe second.
Crest —A goat's head ar. attired sa. a crescent for diff. Bussy (Hetherhouse, co. Lincoln, 1637, Fun. Ent. Ire.).
Motto —Hope me encourageth. Sa. two bars ar.
Bushe (Wiltshire). Ar, on a fesse gu. betw. three boars Bust. Sa. a cross moline cantoned with four lions ramp- ar.
pass. sa. a fleur-de-lis betw. two eagles displ. or. Bustard (Devonshire). Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three
Bushe, or Busse (Heather, co, Lincoln). Ar. three ogresses, as many bustards or.
bars sa. Crest —
A sea wolf paly wavy of ten ar. and sa. Bustard (Orsett, co. Essex). The same, within a bordure
Bushe (Glencairne Abbey, co, Waterford, formerly of engr. sa. (another, az.).
Kilfane, co. Kilkenny, of which family was Charles Kendal Bustard. Same as of Devonshire. Crest—A bustard's head
Bushe, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland). Quarterly, 1st and ar. betw.two wings gu, betw. the neck and wings aa many
4th, az. a wolf ramp. ar. collared and chained or, in chief ears of wheat erect or.
three crosses pattee fitchee of the second: 2nd and 3rd, Bustard (Visit. Oxford). Sa. on a fess betw. three bustards
harry of six ar. and az. a bend compony or and gu. Crest — or, as many cross crosslets of the field.
A goat's head couped ar. attired or. Motto —Moderata Bustard. Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three pellets, as many
durant. birds or, within a bordure engr. gold. Cred—Aa the pre-
Bushe (granted in 1845 to Cdakles Bushe, Esq., of ceding.
Kingstown, co. Dublin). Per pale. az. and sa., a wolf Bustard. Ar. a fesse betw. three bustards gu.
ramp. ar. ducally gorged and chained or, in chief three Busteed. Lozengy ar. and gu. a chev. az. Crest'-A^
crosses formee fitchee* of —
the last. Crest A goat's head eagle rising ppr.
erased per fess ar. and az. —
armed or. Motto ^Nil metuens Bustin. Ar. a saltire az. Crest —An escallop betw. two
superavi. branches of palm ppr.
Bushel! (Myerscough Cottage, co. Lancaster). Gu. on a Busts. Ar. a bend az.
chev. erm. hetw. three water bougets ar. three hurts. Busts. Az. a bend ar.
Crest— A. water bouget betw. two wings ar. each charged Busts, or Buset. Or, a bend az.
with a hurt. Motto —Dnm spiro spcro. Busvarffus (Buavargus, co. Cornwall, Her. Visit. 1620).



Ar. on a fesse az. three bezants betw. two chev. gu. Crest— charged on breast with a cross ar., this being one of the
A coniisli chough ppr. supporters of the Countess' paternal family.
Butcher. Or, alion pass. gu. betw. three estoiles of the Butler {Earl of Kilkenny/, now Viscount Mountgarrett). Or,
last. C-rest — ^A lion pass, gu. holding in the dexter paw a a chief indented az. a crescent for diff. 0>-est, Supporters
crescent ar. and Motto, same as Marquess of Oi-monde.
Butcher (registered to Robert BnTCHEE, Esq., Cork, Butler (Earl of Carrick and Viscount Ikerrin). Or, a chief
Samdel Botcher, D.D., Bishop of Meath, Richard George indented az. a crescent for diff. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet
Botcher, Esq., M.D., late President of the Royal College or, a plume of five ostrich feathers ar. therefrom issuant a
of Surgeons, Ireland, Arthur. Butcher, Col. Royal Marines,
and John Barlow Butcher, Capt. Royal Marines, sons of
falcon rising of the last. Supporters Dexter, a falcon,—
wings mverted ar. beaked and membered or sinister, a male ;

Samuel Butcher, Admiral B.N., by Elizabetb, his wife, griflfin, sans wings ar. beaked, rayed, collared, and chained

dau. of RicHAni> T. Herbert, Esq., of Cahirnane, of the or. —

Motto Soyez ferme.
family of Muckruss. Admiral Butcher was grandson of Butler (Lord Dunhoyne). Or, a chief indented az. three
Robert Butcher, of Ickleford, Herts, Lord of the Manor of escallops in bend counterchanged. Crest— OvX of a ducal
Ravensden, co. Bedford, and High Sheriff of that co. 1761, coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers, therefrom issuant
to whom the original grant was made by the Heralds' Col- a demi falcon rising, all ar. Supporters Dexter, a lion —
lege, London). Vert an elephant ar. Crest ^A branch of — guard, ar.; sinister, a horse sa. mane, tail, and hoofs or.
a cotton tree, fructed, ppr. Motto B6 steady. — —
Motto Timor Domini fons vitse.
Butchers, Company of (London). Az. two slaughter- Butler ( Viscount Galmoye). Quarterly, 1st, or, a chief in-
axes indorsed in saltire ar. handled or, betw. three bulls' dented az. 2nd, gu. three covered cups or 3rd, ar. a lion
; ;

lieads couped of the second, armed of the tliird, viz., two in ramp. gu. armed and langued az. on a' chief of the second
fesse and one in base, on a chief ar. a boar's head couped gu. a swan of the first betw. two annulets or 4th, erm. a saltire

betw. two block-brushes, (i.e., bunches of knee holly) vert. gu. all within a bordure engr. vert. Crest A falcon ppr. —
Crest —
On a wreath, a flying bull ar. wings indorsed or, displ. and rising out of a plume of feathers ar. Supporters
armed and hoofed of the last, over the head a small circle of — Dexter, a lion gu. sinister, a wolf saliant ppr. both collared

glory ppr. —Two

Swp;poi-teTS flying bidls' ar. winged, —
and chained or. Motto Comme je trouve.
armed, and hoofed over each
or, head a small circle of Butler {Baron of Cahir and Earl of Glengall). Narbonne,
glory ppr. Motto —Omnia subjecisti sub pedibus, oves et Ulster, granted and confirmed to Sir Theobald Butlee,
boves. Baron of Cahir, 30 Nov. 1583, a coat of six quarterings,
Butchers, Company of (Exeter). Same Arms^ Motto, the first of which was " Ar. a cross graded gu. with the

and Supporters. picture of Christ crucified, or." Subsequently Molyneux,

Butchers, Corporation of Dublin (granted by Carney, Ulster, very properly re-adjusted the bearings of the Lords
Ulster, 1657). Gu. two butchers' falling axes in saltier ar. Cahir, and confirmed to them and their descendants the
betw. a
bull's head couped and a garb or, in pale and two following arms Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a chief indented

boars'heads couped in fesse of the second, an escutcheon of az. on a canton ar. a cross on three degrees or greeces gu.,
pretence or, charged with a portcullis sa. Crest A cubit — thereon Christ crucified or 2nd and 3rd, gu. three covered

arm erect vested ar. hand ppr. gi"asping a butcher's falling cups or. The canton was added " As an auffmentation
axe or. Supporters—Two bulls or Moito ^Vitae mors — :

achieved by service in the Holy Land by the ancestors of

nobis. —
this family." Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five
Bute, Marquess of. See Stuabt. ostrich feathers ar. thereon a falcon rising of the last.
Buteret, or Buterlye. Or, a fesse gu. betw. three —
Supporters Dexter, a falcon ar. beaked membered and
torteaux jessed or : sinister, a male griffin sans wings ar. beaked,
Butfery. Or, three horseshoes sa. rayed, collared, and chained or. Motto God be my guide. —
Buthall. Ar. three chev. sa. on each an annulet or. Crest — Butler (Queen's co., exemplified to Piers Butler, Esq., and
A wivem charged on the breast with a hand couped
ppr., Mart, his wife, only dau. of Theobald Mandeville, Esq.,
at the wrist gu. of Clonmell, 4 May, 1759). Arms, same as Galmoye, impal-
Buther (Staplehurst). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three terriers ing for Mandeville, quarterly, or and gu., an escarbuncle
ar. sa, C}-est — Out of a plume of feathers ar. a falcon rising ppr,
Butle. a chev. betw. three combs ar.
Sa. Butler (Fun. Ent. Ire. of Sir Stephen Butler, Knt., of
Butler kingdom by Theobold
(Ireland, established in that Belturbet, co. Cavan, second son of George Butler, Esq., of
Walter, Chief Butler of Ireland, temp. Henry II.). Stanfold, co. Beds, and ancestor of the Earl of Lanesborough,
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a chief indented az. 2nd and ; d. 1638). Ar. three covered cups in bend betw. two bendlets
3rd, gu three covered cups or. Crest Out of a ducal — —
engr. sa. d-est A demi cockatrice displ. vert, wings ele-
coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers ar. therefrom vated ar. combed, beaked, and ducally gorged or.
issuant a falcon rising of the last. Butler-Danvers (Earl oj Lanesborotigk). Quarterly, 1st
Butler (Earl and Marquess of Onnonde). Quarterly, 1st, or, and 4th, gu. a chev. wavy betw. three mullets of six points
a chief indented az. 2nd, gu. three covered cups or; Srd, ar.
; radiant or, pierced az., for Danvers 2ad and 3rd, ar. three

a lion sa. on a chief gu. a swan, wings expanded of the first, covered cups in bend betw. two bendlets engr. sa., for
betw. two annulets or 4th, erm. a saltire gu. Crest
; Out of a — Butler. Crests 1st: — A
wyvem, wings elevated and tail
ducal coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers ar. there- nowed or, the dexter paw supporting a shield ar. thereon a
from issuant a falcon rising of the last. Supporters Dexter, — bend gu. charged with three martlets or, for Danvers 2nd: ;

a falcon with wings expanded ar. beaked and membered or a demi-cockatrice, couped vert, wings elevated ar. comb,
sinister, a male griffin sans wings ar. beaked, rayed, col- beak, wattles, and ducally gorged or, Buti^r. Supporters
lared, and chained or. —
Motto Comme je trouve. — Dexter, a cockatrice vert, wings elevated ar. comb, beak,
Butler (i)ufce of -Ormonde. James, 12th Earl of Ormonde, wattles, and ducally gorged or; sinister, a wyvem vert,
was raised to a Dukedom in Ireland, 1661, and in England, gorged with a plain collar and chain or. Motto Liberty —
1682. Extinct). Same Arms, Crest, Motto, and Supxiorte^'s. toute entifere.
Butler {Earl of Ari-an, Lord Richard Butler, second son Butler (Garryhundon, co. Carlow, bavt.). Or, a chief
of James, first Buke of Orvwnde, was so created 1662, and indented az. a martlet for diff. Crest Out of a ducal —
d. 8. p. m. 1685). Arms, Crest, and Motto Same as the
House of Ormonde. Supporters- Two griffins az. winged,
— '
coronet or,
falcon rising ar.
a plume of
Motto ostrich feathers, therefrom
—Comme je trouve.

legged, and beaked, or. i

Butler (Bartholomew Butler, Ulster King of Arms,
Butler {Earl of Gowran, Lord John Butler, 3rd son of appointed 1552, previously York Herald). Sa. a saltire betw.
James, 1st I>uke of Ormonde, was so created 1676, d.s.p. four covered cups or.
1677). Same Arms and Crest as the House of Ormonde, a Butler (Knocklofty, co. Tipperary, Fun. Ent. of James
mullet for diff. Swji;portcr«—Dexter, a falcon, wings ex- Butler, Esq, of Knockloughtie, d. 17 April, 1630, buried in
panded ar. beaked and membered or; sinister, a lion ar. the Abbey of Clonmell). Or, a chief indented az. on a
Butler {Earl of Wiltshire: Baron Butler, of Weston; canton gu. a cross calvary on three degrees, thereon the
Viscourt Butler, of TnWyo'Q^ieMm.; Earl of Brecknock). Cadets effigy of ojir Saviour crucified, all or, a martlet for diff.
of Ormond bore the arms of the parent house, differenced iButXer (Shanballyduff, co. Tipperary. Funeral certificate
by the respective marks of cadency. of Thomas Uge Butler of that place, d. 8th May, 1635).
Butler (Fun. Ent. of Anne, CowrUess of Ossory, first wife of Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a chief indented az. ; 2nd and 3rd,
James, Earl of Ossory, afterwards second Buke of Onnonde, gu. three covered cups or, all within a border ar. Crest —
and dau. of Lawrence Hyde, Earl of Rochester, 1684). Or, Same as the House of Ormonde. Motto— 'Non inferiora
a chief indented az. —
Supporters Dexter, a falcon, wings sequenda.
addorsed ar. beaked, legged, and belled or, sinister, an Butler (granted 1705, to William Butler, Esq., natural son
eagle sa. beaked, legged, belled, and ducally crowned or, of James Butler, Buke of Ormonde). Same Arms as the


Duiceo/Ormondef over all a bar sinister, compony ar! and az. Butler (confirmed by Hawkins, Ulster, 1750, to Johm.
Crest —
A male giiffin segreant ar. armed, beaked, collared, Baptist Butlee, of Rochelle, in France, grandson of Joes

and chained or. Motto Je ferai bien. Butlee, Esq., who emigrated to that place 1615, descended
Butler. (Kilgosand). Or, tbree covered cups gu. abordure from an ancient family of the name in cos. Galway and.
of the last bezantee. Mayo). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a fesse indented az. 2nd.

Butler, Arcedeckne-Butler. See Abcedeckne. and 3rd, gu. three covered cups or. Crest, the same as the
Butler. Per chev, or and gu. three covered cup3 counter- House of Ormonde. JIfoiio— Depressus extoUor.
changed a chief indented az. Butler (Fun. Ent. of Lieut. Henby Thobton, 1628, whoso
Butler (Kilcash, co. Tipperary, descended from Hon. wife was Ellen, dau. of Thomas Butler). Or, on a chief
RiCHAED Butler, brother of James, Duke of Ormonde, from indented az. three covered cups of the field, a border gu.
a Fun. Ent., 1687). Or, a chief indented az. Butler (Ireland). Az. a lion ramp, or, holding betw. the
Butler (Ballyraggett, co. Kilkenny, descended from Edwaed paws an opened cup gold inside gu.
BnLTEE, youngest eon of Edmund, 4th Viscount Mount Butler (confirmed to Humphry Butlee Esq., only son of
Garrett). Or, a chief indented az. Hon. John Butlee, by Mabgaeet, his wife, dau. and heiress
Butler (Nodstown, Tipperary, descended from the House of of John Druey, Esq., by Fortescue, Ulster, 1790). Ar. three
Obmonde, Fun, Ent. Ire. 1633). Or, a chief indented az. a covered cups in bend betw. two bendlets engr. sa. quarter-
martlet sa. for diff. ing Druby, ar, a border gu. on a chief vert a cross tau or
Butler (Clonekeragh, Barons of the Zaire, co. AVexford, betw. two mullets of the first. —
Crest A demi cockatrice-
descended from Pieece Butleb, Baron of the Kaire, second rising vert wings expanded ar. combed, wattled, and ducaUy
son of the 1st Viscount Mountgarrett, Visit. Wexford, 1618). gorged or.
The same Arms and Orest as the house of Ormonde. Butler (granted to Babtuolomew Butleb, Esq., by Hawkins
Butler (Wexford). Or, three covered cups gu. a chief Ulster, 17<i4). Ar. an eagle volant reguard, gu. Ci-esf—
indented az. lamb statant erm.
Butler (Waterford). Gu. three covered cups or, a bordure Butler (granted, 1833, to Charles Butlee, M.D., of the-
of the last, semee of fleurs-de-Us of the first. city of Dublin). Az. two chevronels betw. three covered
Sutler (Lesmaleyne, co. Tipperary, Sir James Butler, of cups or, on a canton ar. a club entwined with a serpeut
that place, was knighted at St. Patrick's, Dublin, 22 Jan. ascending it, and surmounted by a royal crown all ppr.
1597). Or, a chief indented az. a mullet for diff. Crest— OmX of a mural coronet or, a plume of five ostrich
Butler (Cranna, co. Tipperary, descended from the 7th feathers ar. a phoeuix issuant, wings expanded az. holding
Barl of Ormonde, allowed by Hawkins, Ulster, 1781, to in his beak a trefoil gold. —
Motto Esse quam videri.
Teeesa, wife of General Orlandini, and dau. of John Toby Butler (Kirkland, co. Lancaster, 1567). Az. a chev. betw.
Butler, Esq., of Cranna). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, or, a three covered cups or. Crest —A horse pass. ar. pelletee-
chief indented az.; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three covered cups sa. furnished or. —
Motto ^Beneficii memor.
or. Bulter (Rawcliffe, co. Lancaster, 1664, derived from Kichabd-
Butler (TuUow, co. Carlow, from the Fun. Ent. of Tiegb Butlee, younger son of Pinceena, of Bewsey, to whom
Lord Upper Ossory, 1627, whose wife was Joan, dau. of Sir Theobald Waltee granted the whole of Out Kawcliffe, 9'
Edmund Butleb, Knt., of TuUow). Or, a chief indented az. Edward I.). Same Arms. Crest—A. covered cup or.
a crescent for diff. Butler, or Botteler (Cambridgeshire, 1575). Ar. threo'
Butler (Callan, co. Kilkenny, Fun. Ent. Ire. 1628). Quarterly, covered cups in bend betw. two cotises engr. sa. Crest— h.
1st and 4th, or, a chief indented az. ; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three cockatrice's head vert ducally gorged, combed, and wattled,
covered cups or, a crescent for diff. or, betw. two wings ar.
Butler (Dangan, co, Kilkenny). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, Butler (Cheshire and Lancashire). Az. a chev. ar. betw.
a chief indented az.; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three covered cups —
three cups covered or. Crest ^A horse pass, or, pellettee-
or. and bridled sa.
Butler (allowed by Hawkins, Ulster, 1752, to Kiohaed Butler (Handley, co. Derby; granted July, 1606). Ar.
Butleb, Esq., of St. MaJo, in Brittany, descended from the three covered cups sa. betw. seven crosses crosslet fitchee
house of Polestown). Quarterly, Isfc and 4th, or, a chief —
gu. C^est An arm embowed habited az. cuff ar. holding m,
indented az. ; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three covered cups or. the hand a bunch of grapes both ppr.
Crest —The same as the House of Obmonde. Butler (Bishop-Auckland, co. Durham). Az. a chev. betw..
Butler (Ballyneal, co. Waterford, allowed by Hawkins, three covered cups or, a crescent for diff.
Ulster, 1733, to Thomas Butler, of Seville in Spain, "a Butler, or Botoler (Essex). Ar. on a bend gu. three
celebrated trader," descended from Pierce Butlee, 5th son chev. erm.
of Theobald, 4th Butleb, of Ireland, and brother of Butler (Exeter; granted 1 March, 1670). Az, three covered,
Edmund, Barl of Carrick Mac Gi^ffin, the father of the 1st cups or, a chief of the last on a canton ar. a cross gu.
Barl of Ormonde). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a chief Crest —
A lion's gamb erased gu. holding a covered cup
indented az.; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three covered cups or, on a or.
martlet sa. a mullet or, for diff. Crest and Motto as the Butler (granted to Philip Butlee, Esq., of Gattalunga, co.
House of Obmonde. Adelaide, South Australia, J. P.). Ar. three covered cups,
Butler (Widdington, co. Tipperary, from the Fun. Ent. of two and one, gu., on a chief az. a fieece betw. two cross cross-
Thomas Butlee, son and heir of John Butleb, second son lets or. Crest —A horse statant ar. charged on the body with
of Edmund, Lord Swnboyne, 1640). Or, on a chief indented a pale az. thereon a cross crosslet or, and holding in the
az. three escallops of the first, a crescent for difif. mouth a quatrefoU slipped gu. Motto —Deo duce Christo
Butler (allowed, by Hawkins, Ulster, to James Butleb,
1735, luce.
captain in the French service, and Knight of the Military Butler (Hales, co. Lancaster, and Edmonton, co. Middlesex.
Order of St. Louis, then residing at Havre de Grace, in Sir Nicholas Butlee, Knt., of these places, was a Privy
Normandy, fourth in descent from Theobald Butleb, 3rd Councillor, and Commissioner of the Customs, temp. James
son of James, Lord Dunboyne). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a II,). Az. three covered cups or.
chief indented az.; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three covered cups or, Butler, Fowler-Butler (Barton Hall, and Pendeford, co,

a crescent for diff. Crest Out of a plume of five ostrich Stafford,represented by Capt. Robebt Hbney Fowleh-
feathers ar. a falcon issuant, wings expanded of the last, BuTLER, only surviving son of the late Richard Fowleb-
beaked or, a crescent for diff. Motto Comme je trouve, — BuTLER, Esq., of Barton, by his 2nd wife, Eliza, dau. of
Butler (Priestown, co. Meath, descended from the House of EoBEBT Faux, of Cliff House, co. Leicester). Quarterly, 1st
Dunbotne). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, on a chief indented and 4th, sa. on a pile or, three covered cups of the field, the
az. eight escallops of the first; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three whole within a bordure of the second, for Butlee 2nd and


covered cups or. (?^es^— Out of a ducal coronet or, a plume 3rd, FowLEE, as Fowleb of Pendeford. Crest 1st: A cup
of five ostrich feathers ar. therefrom issuant a falcon, rising covered gold surmounting two palm branches in saltire vert

of the last. Motto Timor Domini fons vitae. betw. two wings quarterly, or and sa., for Butlee; 2nd: A
Butler (Ballyline, co. Clare, descended from the House of cubit arm vested az. holding in the hand ppr. a lure vert
Ddnbotne). Arms, Crest, and Motto, same as Lord feathered ar. fined or, twisted round the arm.
Dunhoyne, with the proper mark of cadency. Butler (Kent). Gyronny of eight sa. and ar. a covered cup
Butler (Glovernia, allowed by Hawkins, Ulster, 1721). or, betw. two talbots' heads erased and counterchanged^
Mabgaeet Butlee, wife of Simon, 4th son of Simon, 5th collared of the third.
Lord Slatie). Gu, a fesse counter compony ar. and sa. betw. Butler, or Boteler (Kent). Sa. three covered cups or»
three crosses pattce of the second. within a bordure of the last. Crest —A covered cup or,
Butler (Clonbough, afterwards of Germany, allowed by betw. two wings, the dexter gold, the sinister az.
Hawkins, Ulster, 17S2). Arms, Creity and Motto, same as Butler (Lancashire). Gu. on a bend ar. three covered cupfl
the House of Ormonde.
Batler (Cotes, co. Lincoln). Or, on a chev.
betw. threesa. Butshead. Sa. three fusils in fesse betw. as many bucks'
demi lions pass, guard, gu. crowned of the second, as many heads sa.
covered cups of the field. Butt (granted to George Medd Bdtt, Esq., of Tavistock
Butler (London). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. a chev. hetw. Square, co. Middlesex). Az. two chev. engr. betw. four
three covered cups or; 2nd and 3rd, or, a lion az. a crescent estoiles, three in chief and one in base or. Orest— A horse's-
for diff. Crest—An eagle with wings endorsed, in the dex- head couped sa. semee of estoiles or, the mane plaited ppr.
ter claw a branch of grape vine all ppr. on the head a skull plate gold with two feq,ther8 az.
Butlex (London). Ar. on a fesse chequy gu. and of the Butt. Ar. two torteaux in chief and a mullet in base gu. a
first, betw. six crosses botonnee sa. three annulets or. chief nebulee az. Crest —
A lion holding in the dexter paw
Butler (Middlesex). Az. a chev. ar. betw. three covered cups a spear broken.
or. Crest —
A greyhound sejant or, coUared gu. the collar Butt (Dublin; confirmed to Isaac Bdtt, Esq., LL.D., M.P.
ringed gold. for CO. Limerick, only son of the Rev. Robert Bdtt, of
Butler (Somersetshire). Ar. three boars pass, in pale "
Stranorlar, co. Donegal, and grandson of Isaac Butt, of Adarc,.
sa. CO. Limerick). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. on a chev. engr.
Butler (Suffolk). Ar. a bend sa. cotised gu. betw. three betw. three estoiles or, a trefoil vert betw. two lozenges of tha
covered cups of the second. field, for Butt; 2nd, or, three bars az. on a canton gu. a lion's-
Butler (Amberley Castle, and Warminghurst Park, co. head erased ar,, for Cox; 3rd, ar. an eagle displ. and in;
Sussex, descended from the Bouse of Obuonde, the daus. chief betw, two pellets a cross crosslet fitchee sa., for Ramsay
and co-heirs of the last James Butleb, Esq., of Warming- (the cross crosslet being adopted in commemoration of a
hurst Park, were Ann-Jemiha, wife of the Rev. Roger descent through the Ramsats from the family of O'Donnell).
Clouoh, Canon of St. Asaph, and Patet, m. to Richard Orest — A horse's head erased ar. charged on the neck with a
Clough, Esq.). Az. three covered cups or. Crest— bent A trefoil vert, on the head and mane plaited or, a plume of three-
arm az. holding a covered cup or. ostrich feathers of the first. —
Motto Possunt quia posse-
Butler (Sussex). Ar. three covered cups in bend sa. betw. videntur.
two cotises gu, Butteler. Ar. three boars in pale sa.
Butler (Sussex), Ar. a chev. betw. three gimlets az. Butter (Gormack, Scotland). Ar. a cross sa. betw. four
handles or, human hearts ppr. —
Crest ^Two hands issuing out of a
Butler (Bewsey, Baron oj Warrington^ co. Lancaster). Az. cloud drawing an arrow in a bow all ppr. Motto — Diriget.
a bend betw. six covered cups or, quartering ar. a lion ramp. Deus.

gu. Orest ^A unicorn saliant ar. armed or, tied round the Butter (Dr William Butter, cadet of Gormack, 1767).
neck with a scarf gold. AnotJier Orest— The unicorn on a Ar. a cross sa. charged in the honour point with a lozenge-
mount vert. or, betw. four hearts ppr., that in the dexter canton ensignedi
Butler-Bowdon (Pleasington Hall, co. Lancaster). Quar- with an imperial crown of the third. Crest—Two hands-
terly : and 4th, quarterly sa. and or, in the first quarter
1st issuing out of a cloud shooting an arrow from a bow sa.
a lion pass. erm. langued gu., Bowson 2nd and 3rd, az. a
; stringed or. Jffotioea—Diriget Deus, and Virtuti omnia
chev. betw. three covered cups or, in the centre chief point parent.
across crosslet of the last, Butler. Crests 1st: A heron's — Butter. Ar. a cross patouce sa. betw. four hearts ppr.
head erased ppr., beaked and charged on the neck with three Butter. Ar. a cross potent az. betw. four hearts gu.
ermine spots sa. 2nd A covered cup or, charged with an Butter. Barry of ten, vert and ar. a chev. gu. Crest^A.
ermine spot, sa. Motto

^Vanus est honor. camel's head couped ppr.
Batler (Wales). Az. on a fesse ar. betw. three covered cups Butterfield (Welch's Bentley, cos. Hants, and Hertford).
or, a Cornish chough (another, three) ppr. Gu. a griffin pass. ar. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a
Butler (Kirkland, co. Haddington, 1677). Perfessenffr. az. dragon's head, wings elevated vert.

and gu. three covered cups or. Orest A cup without a cover Butterfield (Clapham, co. Surrey ; granted 1754), Gu. a
or. —
Motto Sapienter uti bonum. griffin pass, wings elevated ar. on a canton indented or, a'
Butler. Gu. a fesse chequy ar. and sa. betw. six crosses butterfly volant az. Crest —
A demi dragon with wings-
crosslet of the second. Crest —
An arm embowed in armour, elevated ar. issuing from a ducal coronet or, on each wing
in the gaimtlet a sword, all ppr. a butterfly volant az.
Butler. Az. a chev. erm. cottised ar. betw. three falcons or. Butterfleld. Gu. a griffin segreant or.
Crest—A ram statant ar. armed and hoofed or, collared gu. Butter£.eld. Or, on a bend az. three bees volant ar.
pendent thereto a bell of the second. Butterfly. Az. a harvest-fly volant ar.
Butler. Az. a bend cottised betw. six covered cups or. Butterford. Or, on a bend sa. three butterflies volant ar.
Crest —
^A covered cup or, banded round sa. and a ball on the Butterlet. Or, a fesse gu. betw. tbree torteaux.
top also gu. Butterwike. Ar. on a bend vert (another, az.) three-
Butler, Ar. two bars sa. in chief three round buckles az. butterflies volant or.
Orest—Two arms embowed in armour ppr., purfled or, hold- Butterworth. (Joseph Henrt Botterwobth, Esq.). Gu,
ing in the hand also ppr. a round buckle gold. on a chev. betw. two Uons ramp, in chief and in base an
BuUer. Or, two bars sa. on a chief of the second a billet eagle displ. with two heads or, three cross crosslets az.
betw. as many base esquires of the first, an inescutcheon Crest —
An eagle or, wings elevated erminois, the dexter claw
also of the second charged with a fesse and chief erm. resting on an escocheon az. charged with a cross crosslet
Butler. Gu. crusily pattde ar. a fesse of the last. gold. Motto — ^Per ardua Deo favente.
Butler. Ar.a chev. az. betw, three wine piercers of the last, Butterworth (Belfield, co, Lancaster, 1664). Ar. a. Uon-
screws or. couchant az. betw. four ducal coronets gu.
Butler. Sa. crusily ar. in chief two cinquefoils erm. and in Butterworth, Sa. a cross engr. betw. four plumbs ar-
base a covered cup or. Crest —
A sphere resting on a cloud ppr.

Butler (Visit. Leicester, 1619). Gu. a fesse counter-compony Butterworth (Scotland). Crest ^A hand issuing from a.
ar. and sa. betw. six crosses form^e fitchee of the second. cloud in fesse pointing to a serpent nowed, and head erect
Butler (Lord Mayor of London, 1515). Ar. on a fesse com- all ppr.
ponS ar.and gu. betw. six crosses crosslet of the second, Buttery (Northamptonshire). Sa, a lion ramp, and a chief
three annulets or. or. Orest — A tiger pass ar, tufted and maned or, supporting-
Butler (Hawthtdl, co. York, and Okeham, co. Rutland. with the dexter foot an escutcheon.
Visit, 1618). Same Arms, with only three crosses. Buttery, or Buttry. Ar, a Hon ramp. sa. on a chief
Butler. Ar. a fesse counter-compony or and sa. in chief crenell^e gu. three lozenges or.
two mullets gu. Buttetoft. Erm. a saltire engr. sa.

Butler. Ar. on a chief indented sa. three covered cups or. Buttevant, or Bonifant. Ar. on «, bend gu. three
Butler. Sa. three covered pots with handles ar. Catherine wheels or.
Butler. Gu. a cross masculy ar- Buttevelyn (Northamptonshire. Derived from William-
Butler. Gu. a fesse chequy ar. and sa. Butteveltn, founder of Pipewell Abbey, 1143), Ar, three-,
Butler. Gu. three bends ar. crescents gu.
Butler. Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three tigers reguard. of the Buttol. Or,an inescutcheon az.
second. Buttolf. Or,an orle az.
Butler Priory (co. Suffolk), Or, a chief indented az. over Button (Chester). Az. a cross botonnee or.
all in bend a crosier the staff gu. the crook of the first. Button (Glamorganshire). Ar. a chev. betw. three tuns
Butnor. Or, on a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased gu.
as many bezants.
Button (Alton, co. Wilts). Erm, a fesse gu. Crest — On-
Butriug-ham. Ar. three bends sa. each side of a chapeau gu, turned up erm. a horn or, waved
Buts. Ar. a bend az. like that of an ox.

A ; .


-Button (seal attached to a deed dated 25tli Aug. 1355, of for his ^
Motto— gwik tn eebyn t byb—The truth against
Mathew de Botton, who was executed for killing forty- the world.
eight head of deer in Kingswood). Same Anm
and Crest. Byam (Selworthy, co. Somerset). Vert, two branches of
Button (Wiltshire). Az. three lions ramp, or, a chief ar. laurel in saltire betw. four pheons or. Crest—A wolf pass,
Crest —
A wivem erect on the tail sa. or, collared and lined veri;.
Button, or Budden(granted 10th Dec. 1690). Erm a Byard, Erm. three Uons ramp. sa.
fesBc gu. betw. three crosses botonnee az Crest A buirs — Byass (Robert Nicholl Byass, Esq., of Daylesford House,
head ppr. charged with a cross botonnee or. CO. Worcester, J. P.). Ar. three wings bendwise az. in chief
-Button. Or, on a fesse engr. betw. three crosses crosslet two escocheons of the last, each charged with a fleur-de-lis
vert, a Catharine wheel betw. two horse shoes ar. of the fii'st. Crest —
^Betw. two wings az. a wing ar. charged
Button, Erm. a chief gu. with an escocheon as in the arms. Motto By assiduity. —
Button, Az. a tun or. Byatt (granted 10 Sept. 1730, to RrcHAnn Btatt, Esq., of
Button. Az. a chev. erm. cottised ar. betw. three falcons Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk, son of Rev. William Byatt
or. Crest —A
ram statant ar. armed and hoofed or, collared of Bergholt, in same co.). Paly of four or and gu. on a
gu. pendent thereto a bell of the second. chief az. a garb of the first betw. two escallops ar, Orest^-
Buttord (Norfolk). Az. a cross botonnee or. Out of an eastern crown or, a dove rising ppr.
Buttord (Norfolk). Erm. a saltire compony counter- Bydale. Or, a cross sa. in the first quarter an annulet of
compony, or and gu. the last.
Buttord. Or, a saltire engr. (another, plain) sa. Bydall. Ar. a cross sa. in the first quarter an annulet of
Buttrisch. Az. three butteris in fesse, handles erect ar. the second.
Buttry Ar. on a chev. betw. three crosses pattee
(Suffolk). Byde (Ware Park, co. Hertford). Or, on a pile engr. az. three
fitchee gu. as many boars' heads couped or. —
anchors of the field. Crest ^An arm erect ppr. habited az.
-Buttry, Ar. on a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchde cuff ar. holding an anchor sa. fluke or.
gu. as many boars' heads couped or. Byde (granted in 1669). Az. a fesse dancettee betw. three
Butts (Norfolk). Gu. on a chev. betw. three estoiles or, as —
anchors or. d-est A demi griffin az. armed and winged or,

many lozenges of the field. Crest A horse's head ar. on holding a garb of the last.
the head a plume of three feathers or and of the first, the Bydewell, or Bidwell. Per saltire or and gu. four
face and mane covered with armour gold, bridled of the roundles, each charged ^vith a martlet, all counterchanged.
last. Crest — ^A hand couped at the wrist in fesse, holding a curling
.Butts Az. on a chev. betw. three estoiles or, as
(Norfolk). stone.
many lozenges gu. on a sinister quarter per pale ar. and az. Bydgoode. Ar. three mullets sa. betw. two bendlets engr.
two lions' gambs erased in saltire counterchanged. Crest —
mane, plaited of the fourth and gold
horse's head, sorrel Bye. Az. three bees volant en arriere ar. (another, or).
on the head a skull-plate, with two feathers of the second Crest—Two oak branches in saltire ppr.
and first. Bye. Quarterly, or and az. on a bend of the second thrco
Butts (Essex). Same Arms. fleurs-de-lis of the first.
Butts (Norfolk). Erm. a chev. betw. three mullets, pierced, Byeing-. Quarterly, or and az. Crest —An angel pointing
gu. upwards ppr.
3utts (Dorking, co. Surrey). Ar. a saltire engr. gu. betw. Byer, or Byers (Northamptonshire). Sa. on a chev.
four erm. spots sa. on a chief of the second three fishes betw. three pheons ar. a griffin's head erased betw. two

haurient of the first. Crest A naked arm couped at the mullets of the field. Crest —A
griffin's head per pale gu. and

elbow, and erect ppi, grasping a fish ar. az. charged on the neck with a pheon ar.
Butts. Sa. a cross or (another, ar.) betw. four plates. Byerley, or Byorley (Yorkshire). Or, a cross crosBlet
JButvillain, Butwillazn, or BontviUain (cos. North- gu. Crest —^Two lions' gambs ppr. holding a cross crosslet

ampton and Northumberland). Ar. three crescents gu. or.

Butvillaiu, and Butvillan, Sa. two chev. ar. Byers, or Byres. Az. a chev. ar. betw. three martlets
JSusJiull (Sir Alan Bcxhull, K.G. temp. Edward III., volant or.
elected in the room of Ralph, Sari of Stafford, one of the Byes, or Bsmes, Az. a falcon volant or.
Founder Knights). Or, a hon ramp. az. fretty ar. Crest — Byes, or Bise (Ireland; granted by Narbonne, Ulster).

A Saracen's head ppr. crowned or. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per saltier ar. and az. in pale two
3uxton, or Buckston (Buxton, and afterwards of Bras- roses slipped gu. and in fess as many fleurs-de-lis or.
•sington, co. Derby). Sa. two bars ar. on a canton of the Byest (Shropshire). Gu. three bundles of as many arrows,
second a buck of the first, attired or. Crest— A. pelican or, each tied together ar.
with wings expanding, vulning her breast gu. B3rfceley. Quarterly, or and sa. a bend gu.
.Buxton, or Buckston (Bradborne, co. Derby). Same Byfeild. Sa. Ave bezants in saltire.
Arms, &c. Byfel. Ar. three torteaux.
Buxton (Youlgrave, co. Derby, a branch of Buxton, of Bjrfeld, or Byfi.eld (London). Sa. five bezants in saltire
Brassingt^n). Same Arms, &c. a chief or (another, ar.). Crest— A cross crosslet fitchee sa,

3uxton (Shadwell Court, co. Norfolk, bart). First Coat — betw. two palm branches vert. Aiiotfier Crest— An antelope
Ar. a lion ramp. sa. tail elevated and raised over the pass. ppr. collared or.
,head. Second Coat —
Sa. two bars ar., on a canton of the Byfford (Herefordshire). Az. an eagle displ. ar. and a

second a buck of the first attired or. Oi-ests A buck's head chief or. Crest —A
lion's gamb erect or, grasping an eagle's
gu. and,
; A
pelican or. Motto —
^Whatsoever thy hand findeth leg erased at the thigh sa.
to do, do it with thy might. Byfield (London). Az. five bezants in saltire a chief or.
'.Buxton (Bellfield, co. Dorset, and Bunton, co. Norfolk, Crest —A man's head bearded, affrontee ppr. on the head a
bart). At, a lion ramp, tail elevated and turned over the chapeau.
head sa. betw. two mullets of the second. Another Coat — Bsrfield, Ar. on a fesse engr. betw. three escallops sa. as
Sa. two bars ar. on a canton of the second, a buck of the many annulets of the field
first attired or. Crest —
A buck's head couped gu., attired Byfleet (Cambridgeshire). Az. two swords in saltire ar.
or, gorged with a collftr of the last, therefrom pendent an betw, four fleurs-de-lis or. —
Crest A Saracen's head ppr.
escutcheon ar., charged with an African's head sa. Sup- full faced, bound round the temples with a ribbon ar. tied
porters —
^Dexter an African sa. wreathed about the head and in a bow knot on the sinister side.
loins vert, sinister a buck gu. attired or. Motto Do, it with— Byford, or Bayford. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three bay
thy might. —
leaves vert. Crest An owl ar.
"Buyshall, or BuisliaU. Sa. three lozenges ar. a chief Bygan (Yorkshire). Ar. a fesse gu. -betw. six lozenges az.
of the second. —
Crest An ermine ppr.
3y (Shemfold Park, co. Sussex). Az. on a bend or, three Bygr'bery (Devonshire). Az. an eagle ayant or, armed gu-
fleurs-de-lis of the field. Crest —A demi
lion or, holding in Crest —Ahand holding a leg in armour, couped above the
the paws a fleur-de-lis as in the arms. knee and spurred all ppr.
Byam (Antigua and Westwood, Hants, Visit. Somerset Byg-od, or Bygrode (Seakelthorp, co. York). Or, on a
1623). Ar. three dragons' heads erased vert, in the mouth cross gu. five escallops ar. Crest —
On a chapeau ar»
of each a dexter hand couped gu. dropping blood ppr. charged with two bars az. turned up gu. a dolphin emboffcd
Crests —
iBt: A squirrel pass, or, collared and chained vert; and devouiing the cap or.
2nd: A dragon's head erased ppr. in the mouth a Bygod, or Bygot, Ar. a cross engr. sa. charged with
dexter hand couped gu. dropping blood. JIfoWo— Claris five escallops of the field.
dextera factis. One of the family, Edwabd Byam, Esq., Bygonds. Ar. on a chev. gu. two crescents of the field.
younger brother of the Bev. Bichasd Bubou Btam, bore Bygonds. Ar. on a chief gu. three crescents or.


Bygot. Per pale or and vert, a lion ramp. gu. — Byrchet (Kent). Or,
Crest on a chev. indented sa. three eagles-
Seven arrows or, six in saltire and one in pale. displ. of the field.
Bygot. Or, on a cross engr. gu. five escallops of the first. Byrd, or Byre (co. Northampton). Sa. on a chev. betw;
Byirley. Or, a cross crosslet ga. C^-eat— A lion's gamb three pheons ar. a wolfs head erased betw. two mullets
holding up a liuman heart all ppr.
the field,
Bykeley (Devonshire). At. a ehev. engr. betw. three Byrd (Broxton, co. Chester, temp. Eichard
II.). Az. a bend
martlets sa. ar. cottised erm. betw. six martlets
Bykeley. Ar. a ehev. engr. betw. three ducal coronets sa. Byrde (Tewley, co. York). Per pale or and ar. an ea-le-
Bykeley. Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three cronels sa. displ. sa.
Bykexmore (Kent). Ar. a fesse betw. three lions ramp. az. Byrde (Roydon, co. Kent). Vert three stags' heads cabossed
Bykenor, or Bicknor. Ar. a chief az. Ct-est An ante- — or,a canton erm. Crest—A stag's head cabossed ar. betw.
lope's head gu. armed ar. the attires or, a bird of the last.
Byles. Per bend sinister, embattled or and ga. Oldest — Byrde (Lincohishire). Ar. on a chev. engr. gu. betw. throe
Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head per bend embattled lions ramp. sa. as many fleurs-de-lis or. Crest~A deml
ar. and gu. lion aa. guttee de sang,
Bylesdon (London). Az. two bendlets or. Byrde (Staffordshire). Ar. u cross moline betw. four martlets-
Bylesdon. Ar. two bars gemelles and a bend gu. gu. a canton az.
ByUngdon. Ar. on a saltire engr. couped az. five fleurs- Byrde. Ar. (another, per pale or and ar.) an eagle displ. sa.
de-lis or. Crest— On a dolphin embowed ppr. an eagle with wings,
Byll (Clymslands, CO. Cornwall. Her. Visit. 1620). Az. three endorsed or.
heads erased ar. beaked or.
griffins' Byrde. Quarterly, ar. and sa. in the first quarter an eaglc
Bylling'. Ar. a cross voided betw. four crosses crosslet gu. displ. of tbe second.
Byllingr^S. Gu. a cross betw. four crosses crosslet ar. Byres (Tonley, co. Aberdeen). Az. a chev.
bered gu.
Ar. an eagle displ, az. beaked and
—Out of a tower a demi griffin sa.
mem- martlets volant or.
Marte suo tutus.
—A cock reguard.
betw. three-
Motto —
Bynchestree (Robebt Db Btnchestbee, temp. Bichard Byrken, Byrkin, or Byrkyn. Ar. a fesse az. (another,
II.). Gu. a chief embattled ar. adds a label of three points gu.).
Bsmcliworth.. Gu. (another, sa.) five lozenges in cross or. Byland Abbey. Gu. a lion ramp. ar. depressed in bend-
Byncks. Ar. three bars humettee sa. sinister with a palmer's staff or.
Bynde (Sussex). Ar. two bars gu. (another, or, the bars Byrmyncham. Per pale indented ar. and sa. Crest—
charged with three martlets of the field;.
ea,ch cap per pale indented ar. and sa. betw. two wings expanded or.
Bsme. Sa. six mullets three and three or, and in base a Byrnand (Knaresborough: the heiress, Anne Bthnand, m.
crescent ar. Crest —
A hind reguard. or, collared gu. rest- 1st, Feancis Tkappes, Esq. 2ndly, "Wm. Blount, Esq.
; and ;

ing the foot upon a ball sa. 3rd, Sir John Egerton). Az. on a bend ar. three escallops-
Byney Cambridgeshire). Az. a cross betw. four lions of the first.
ramp. or. Byrnande (Yorkshire). Ar. on a bend az. three escallops
Byug {Viscou-nt Torrington). Quarterly, sa. and ar., in of the field.
the 1st quarter a lion, ramp, of the second. Crest An — Byrne. See O'Bybnb.
heraldic antelope statant enn. homed, tusked, maned, and Byrne (Timogue, Queen's County, and Cabinteely, co. Dublin

hoofed, or. Supporters Dexter, an heraldic antelope erm. an Irish sept, in the province of Leinster Fiach Mac Hugh :

homed, tusked, maned and hoofed, or, standing on a ship O'Byme, chief of the name, temp. Ehzabeth, held a high
gun ppr. ; sinister, a sea-horae ppr. on a like gun. Motto— command at the battle of Glendalough, in which the English,-
Tuebor. under the Lord Deputy Grey, were defeated : the present
^yng (Earl of Straffoi'd). Quarterly, sa. and ar., in the head of the senior line of the family, the Byrnes of Timogue,
1st quarter a lion ramp, of the second, over all in bend is Lord de Tabley: the Byrnes of Cabinteely, the second
sinister, a representation of the colours of the 31st regi- branch, are represented by "William Richabd O'Byrne, Esq.,
ment. Crests —1st : An heraldic antelope statant erm. of Cabinteely, M.P., co. Wicklow). Gu. a chev. betv7. three
homed, tusked, maned, and hoofed, or. 2nd : Out of a mural dexter hands couped at the wrists ar. Crest A mermaid^ —
crown, an arm embowed grasping the colours of the 31st in the dexter hand a mirror, in the sinister a comb, all ppr.-
regiment, and pendent from the wrist by a riband the gold Motto —Certavi et vici.
cross presented by royal command for Lord Strafford's Byrne (Lisnawilly and Eossmakea, co. Louth). Gu. on a
gallant achievements, and on an escroll the word "Mou- chev. betw. three dexter hands couped ar. a muUeb az. Crest
guerre." —
Supporters Dexter, an heraldic antelope enn. —A mermaid holding in the dexter hand a mirror, and in
attired and crined or ; sinister, a lion ar. —
Motto Tuebor. the sinister a comb all ppr., and charged with an escallop gu.
Byngre. Ar. on a fesse gu., three bezants in chief a bucli; Jfoifo— Certavi et vici.
courant sa. in base as many butterflies az. B3?Toni (Byrom, co. Lancaster; John Byrom was living
. Byngesmead. Barry of six or and az. on a bend ar. three there teirtp. Edward IV. His descendant, Henby Bybom, .

escallops go. Major of Foot, for Charles I., fell at the battle of Keynton,
Byngley (Broughton, co. Flint; sometime of Ireland. 1642, leaving a son, Samuel Bybom, living at the Visit.
Certified by St. George, Norroy). Ar. two bars sa. on a 1664). At. a chev. betw. three hedgehogs sa. Crest —
canton of the last a pheou of the first. Crest —
^A pellet hedgehog sa.
charged with a pheon ar. betw. two wings erect or. Byrom (Salford, co. Lancaster; a younger branch of Bybom, -

Byng'ley, or Bynley. Ar. two bars az. (another, gu.) a of Byrom. Six descents are registered in the Visit. 1613).-

canton of the second. Crest ^A harp or. Same^rms, iScc, differenced by a crescent on the chev. in-
Byntone. Ar. an eagle displ. sa. on a chief vert, three the arms and on the crest.
roses of the field. Byrom (Kersal, co. Lancaster ; a younger branch of Bybom,
Byiit worth. Az. five lions ramp, in saltire or. of Byrom, of whom was the celebrated John Bybom, the
Byntworth,. Gu. five hons in cross or. Poet, who d. 1763), Same Arins^ &c.
Byrch (co. Bedford). Gu. on a chev. betw. three griffins' Byrom (Kersal Cell, co. Lancaster and Culver, co. Devon.
heads erased ar. as many lozenges az. on a chief embattled Edward, 2nd son of Edward Vigor Fox, Esq., took the-
of the second, three birch branches vert. Crest —A
hare name and arms of Bybom only by royal license, 29 Dec^-
courant sa. collared or. 1870, under the will of Eleanoba Athebton). Ar. a chev.
Byrch. (co. Essex). Same Arms. Crest—A. squirrel sejant betw. three hedgehogs sa. a canton az., for distinction, in
bendy wavy of six or and az., holding a birch branch vert. the centre chief point, a cross crosslet of the last. Crest —
A-mther Crest —On a mount a tree vert. A hedgehog sa. charged for distinction with a cross crosslet ar.
Byrch (co. Stafford). Ar. three fieurs-de-lis az. Motto—Araid a tons points.
Byrch (cos. Sussex and Kent). Az. on a chev. ar. betw. three Byrom (London). Ar. a chev. erm. betw. three hedgehogs
fieurs-de-hs or, a cross clechee gu. on a chief of the last a sa.
portcullis chained of the second. Crest —
An eagle rising Byrom. Bendy of six ar. and gu. (another, adds a label of
ppr., holding in the dexter talon a banner az. charged with as many points az,).
a cross clechee or, the staff, point and tassels of the last. Byron {Lord Byron). Ar. three bendlets enhanced gu.
Byrche. Or, a chev. wavy betw. three eagles displ. az. Crest —A
mermaid with her comb and mirror, all ppr;
Byrche, Az. a lion ramp, ar. armed gu. —
Supporters Two horses, chestnut colour. Motto Crede —
Byrche. Ar. on a fesse dancett^e sa. three bezants. Byron.
Byrchet, or Birket (co. Kent, and Bye, co. Sussex). Sa. a Byron (Clayton, co. Lancaster, 1507). Same Arms.
fesse dancettee betw. three eagles displ. or. Ci-est—A. tiger Byron (Bayford, co. Herts, and Coulsden, co. Surrey)..
vert, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Same Arrns, the field being erm. d-est-A mermaid ppr.,.



holding in the dexter hand an escutcheon of the Arms, sus- Cabron. Per fesse ar. and sa. six crosses (another,
pended hy a ribbon az., in the sinister hand a mirror. crosslets) botonnee counterchanged.
Byron (Ayton, North Riding, co. York). Quarterly, 1st and Carbon. Sa. (another, gu.) a chev. ar. betw. throe
4th, ar. three bendletsenhanced gu., for Byron; 2nd and lozenges of the second, each charged with an erm spot.
3rd, az. three standishes ar., for STANDisn. Crest — Caceil. Ar. three bars sa. in chief as many martlets of the
mermaid with her comb and mirror, all ppr^ JlfoiJo— Crede last.
Byron. Caceyll. Ar. on three bars sa. as many martlets of the
Byrou. See BinoN. first.

Byrt, or Bjrrtt. Ar, on a chev. gu. bctw. three bugle Cachehors (Staveley Woodthorpe, co. Derby). Ar, a chev.
horns stringed sa. as many crosses crosslet fitchde of the field. betw. three crosses crosslet sa. an annulet for difl.
Byrton. Paly of six or and gu. a bend sa, guttee d'eau. Cachemayde. Or, a fess betw. three demi lions pass.
Byrton. Paly of six or and gu. on a bend sa. three water- az.
bougets (another, as many boars' heads) ar. Caddell Ar, a stag's head cabossed and a
Byrton, Ar. a chev. gu. in' chief two crosses crosslet of mullet betw. the horns sa. in base three round buckles az.
the last. two and one.
ByrtTsrysell (Amcote Hall, co. Lancaster). Sa. a chev. erm. Caddell, or Cadwell (Fun. Ent. of John Caddell, of
betw. three weasels pass. ar. Crest A dolphin ppr. — Norton, a lawyer, buried at Swordes, co. Dublin, 20 Jan.
Bysell (Worcestershire). Az. ten bezants, four, three, two, 1603). Ar. a fret gu. over all a fesse ei-mines.
and one. Caddell. Ar. a cross engr. vert in the first quarter a stag's
Bysett. Az. three annulets or, head cabossed gu.
.Byshe. Or, a chev. betw. three roses gu. Crest-~On a Caddey. Ar. three piles engr. meeting in base sa. each
chapeau gu. turned up erm. a demi lion or. charged with a cross pattee fitchee or. Crest-~A pile
3yslie. Same Arms. Crest —A mule pass. ar. charged with a cross pattee fitchee or.
JByshoppe (granted 1st AprU, 1608, to Thomas Btshoppe, Caddy. Ar. three piles meeting in point gu. on a chief of
Lord Mayor of Dublin). Gu. three lozenges or, each the last as many garbs or. Crest —
A cross crosslet vert.
charged with an eagle displ. of the field. C^'est An eagle — Cade (Derbyshire). Ar. a fesse az. betw, two lions pass,
displ. gu. —
guard, gu. Cfrest A demi lion ramp. gu.
,Bysley (York Herald, temp. Henry VIII.). Ar. a chev. Cade. At. on a fesse az, betw. two lions pass, guard, gii.
invecked sa. betw. three ravens ppr. each charged on the shoulder with a bezant, a tower tripli;
,Bysse (Batcombe, co. Somerset; certified by Cooke, Claren- towered betw. as many fleurs-de-Us or. Crest A demi lion —
ceux, 1580). Sa. three escallops in pale ar. ramp, gu. charged on the shoulder with a bezant, holding
.Bysse. —
Arms. Crest On a mount vert, two snakes
SaxcLB in the dexter gamb a fleur-de-lis or.
interwoven ahd erect, respecting each other or. Cade (Romford, co. Essex), Ar. three piles engr, meeting in
3ysse (granted by Preston, Ulster, 1637, to Eobert Btsse, point sa.
Esq., of Pilletstown, co. Dubhn, second son of Robert Cade (Greenwich, co. Kent). Erm. three piles issuing out
Bysse, of Dublin, who was only son of Arthur Bysse, who of a chief engr. sa. Crest —A
demi cockatrice ga. winged
Was bom in the co. Somerset, descended of an ancient and or, combed of the first.
.worthy family, then and afterwards settled in Dublin). Cade (co. Suffolk). Same ArTns.
.Same Arrm, a canton erm. for diff. Crest On a hillock — Cadell, or Caddell. Ar. a stag's head couped in chief
vert, two snakes interlaced or intwined respecting each gu. in base three oval buckles tongues in fesse az. within a

other ppr. Motto ^Bis vincit qui se vincit. bordure of the second. Crest —A
stag's head ppr. Motto —
.3y5sett. Az. on a bend cottised or, three escallops of Vigilantia non cadet.
the first. Cadell (Thouas Caddell, Alderman of London, Sheriff
^yssett. See Bissett. 1801). Ar. a cross engr. vert, in the quarter a stag's
.Byssliopbery. Ar. a fess cottised sa. —
head cabossed. Orest A stag's head couped sa. collared
^ystley. Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three birds sa. beaked ar. pendent from the collar an escutcheon of the arms.
and legged gu. Crest— A. cross pattee gu. betw. two wings —
Motto ^Deo duce.
or. Cadenet. Az. a winged bull ramp. or.
^Srthesea (Week House, co. Wilts, and Freshford, co. Cader (Scotland). Az. a stag's head erased ar, on a chief
Somerset), Ar. on a chev. engr. sa. betw. three crabs, the of the last a buckle betw. two mullets of the first.
claws towards the dexter gu. the Roman fasces erect sur-
; Cader (Scotland). Or, a stag's bead cabossed sa. betw. the
mounting two swords in saltire and encircled by a chaplet or. horns a mullet of the last.
Crest —
An eagle displ. ar. on the breast the Roman fasces Cadicott (East Whiteway, co, Dorset). Az. three arrows
erect surmounting two swords in saltire and encircled by a or. Crest—~A demi ape ppr. (sometimes, a dexter hand
chaplet ppr., each wing charged with a cross crosslet fitch^e per fesse gu. and ar. holding a battle-axe ppr,).

gu. Motto Mutare vel timere sperno. Cadivor "Vawr (lord of £loed, co. Carmarthen). Ar. a
Bytton (Dorsetshire). Erm. afesse gu. lion ramp, guard, sa.
Bytton. Gu. a saltire betw. four fleurs-de-lis or. Cadiho (Dunsland, co. Devon: the heiress m. Dabbbnon).
Bytton. Paly of six or and gu. on a bend sa. three water- Ar. three piles in point wavy sa.
bougets ar. Cadiman (Norfolk and London: granted 1633). Az. two
Bsrtton. Quarterly, ar, and sa. in the first quarter an eagle's bars dancett^e erm. betw. six fleurs-de-lis or, three, two,
head erased gu. beaked or. —
and one. Crest A rock ppr. surmounted by a fleur-de-lis
Bytton, Or, fretty, az. or.
Bywater, Erm, a pale sa. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet Cadivor ap Dyfnwal {Lord of Castel Hmel, derived
a hand in armour, holding a scimetar all ppr. from Tudwall Gloff, fifth son of Shodri Mawr, Kmg of
Wales). Descendants—I. The Owens of Glansevern; ii.
Owens of Llan Dulas in. Lloyds of Llanlyr iv. Lloyds
; ;

ofWernwylyg; v. Lloyds of Milfield, barts.; vi. Lloyd of

Foes-y-Bleiddied vii. Lloyds of Pound, co. Devon).
; Sa.
three scaling ladders and betw. the two uppermost a spear's
CABBELIi, or CABELL (Cromer, co. Norfolk). Vert head ar. its point imbrued ppr. on a chief gu, a tower
fretty ar. over all a fess gu. Crest —An arm in armour triple-towered of the second.
embowed, the hand grasping a sword all ppr. Aiiother Cadivor ap Crwaethvoed {lord of Cardigan hcoe^'
Crest —A square padlock or. Jli/o«o— Impavide. Or, a lion ramp, reguard. sa.
Cabell (Buckfaatleigh, co. Devon. Visit. 1620). Same Arins. Cadman (Cowley, co. Derby). Or, three columbine buds
Caber. Ar. on a bend gu. three muUets of the field. vert. Crest— A stork's head royally crowned ppr.
Caborne. Sa. two chev. or, betw. three fusils ar. each Cadman (Westbourne House and Underwood House, near
charged with a martlet of the field. Sheflield). Same Arm^.
Caborne, or Cabourne. Sa. a chev, ar. voided gu. Cadmer. Az. an eagle
displ. with two heads ar.
betw. three lozenges of the second, each charged with a Oadogan {Earl Cadogan). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, gu. a
Cornish chough ppr. lion ramp, reguard. ar. 2nd and 3rd, ar. three boars' heads

Cabot (of St. Trinity, Jersey). Or, three chabots haurient couped sa. Crest—Oat of a ducal coronet or, a dragon's

gu. Crest An escallop or. —
head vert. Supporters Dexter, a Uon reguard. or, gorged
Cabourne, or Cabron (Thrasthrop, co. Lincoln). Sa. with a collar gemel flory counterflory gu. sinister, an ;

two chev. ar. betw. three lozenges of the second each eagle, wings elevated sa. beaked membered and navally
charged with a martlet of the first. Crest— Out of a ducal crowned or, gorged with a ribband ar. flmbricaced gu. pen-
coronet or, a lozenge ar. charged with a martlet sa. dent therefrom a representation of the cross of the Imperial


Anstriao military order of Maria Theresa, which Hia Cailib, a herald). Sa. a chev. betw. three towers or, issuing
Majesty the Emperor of Aiistria was pleased to confer upon from each a demi lion ramp. ar.
George, lord Oakley., afterwards 3rd Earl of Cadogan, in Caillard (Wingfield House, Wilts). Ar. a chev. sa. betw.
the year 1814, for his distinguished services (in co-operation three quails ppr. Crest—A quail ppr. Motto ^Aide toi —
with the Imperial troops) on the coast of the Adriatic. Dieu t'aidera.
Motto— (^m invidet minor est. Cailli (lord Cailli. Sir Thomas de Cailli, of Biilcenham
Cadogan (Fun. Ent. of Major Cadooan, buried in Christ's Castle, was summoned to Parliament 1309 to 1311, and
Church, Dublin, 19 March, 1660). Or, a lion ramp. az. d. s. Ar. four hendlets gu.
quartering ar. three boars^ heads couped sa. tusked or.
Cadwell. See Caddell.
Caine, or Cain. Sa. a phoenix ar. Crest A demi
antelope per fesse az. and ar. collared and armed or.

Cadwell (Cantys-in-Dunton, Essex). Ar. a cross formee Caines, or Kaynes (Tareut Kaynston). Az. a bend wavy
fitch6e betw. eight mullets az. cotiscd ar.
Cadwelleder, or Cadwallader Mary's Church,
(in St. Caio (Geoffrey de Caio, gent., who d. 1456, from arms in
Oxford. Visit. Oxon). Az. a cross pattee fitehecr. Brampton Church, Oxford. Visit. Oxon). Sa.
. chev. .A
Cad"Wg"aii {Lord oj J/annau, in Merioneth, younger son of or, betw. three castles ar. each having a demi lion issuant
Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, King of Powye, for some time asso- of the second.
ciated in the sovereignty of Powys with his elder brother, Caird. Ar. a lion ramp. az. in chief three torteaux. Crest —
Meredith ap Bleddyn, Prince of Powys. Cadwoan took A demi friar issuing in the hand a staff in pale.
a most distinguished part in the events of the period, and Cairleon, or Castell. See Castelo.
is dignified by Camden with the title of the renowned Caimcross (Balmashaner). Az. a stag's head erased ar,
Briton. —
Descendants i. The early barons of Nannau; attired or, betw. the attires a cross crosslet of the last.
u. The Nanneys of Nannau ; iii. Nanneys of Maes-y-Pandy Crest —
A dagger erect ppr. Motto Certamine parta. —
IV. Llwyds of Cwm Bychan v. Llwtds of Caerwys
; vi. ; Cairncross (Colmsley, Scotland), Ar. a stag's head erased,
VAUGHANSof Nannau, barts.; vii. Vadghan of Kug and betw. the attii'es a cross crosslet fitchee, smrmounted on the
Hengwrt; viu. Vaughanb of Dolymelynllyn). Or, a lion top with a mullet gu. —
Motto Becte faciendo neminem
ramp. az. timeo.
Cady (Great EUringham, co. Norfolk, granted by Cooke, Cairnes. Ar. three martlets ea.
Clarenceux, 1 Oct. 1575). Ar. on three piles in point engr. Caimes (Donoghmore and KiUyfaddy, co. Donegal, and
sa. as many crosses pattee fitchee or. Crett A merlin ppr. — Monaghan, Ireland ; descended from Cairnes, of Ordchar-
chained tasselled and helled or. town. North Britain, settled in Ireland temp. James I.;
'Cadye, or Kadye (co. Gloucester). Ar. three piles engr. Sir Alexander Cairnes, of Monaghan, was created a
gu. all meeting in the base point. Cre^t On a mount vert — baronet in 1708 ; title extinct 1743). Ar. three martlets gu.
a cockatrice ar. combed and wattled gu. ducally gorged and within a bordure or.
chained or. Cairnes (Etterton). Gu. three martlets or, within a bordure
'Caerleon (quartered by Sir Williau Cecil, Zord BurgMey). of the lass.
Sa. a plate betw. three towers triple-towered, ar. ports displ. Gaimie (Scotland). Ar. a rock issuing from the base sa. in
of the field. —
chief two martlets gu. Crest On a cinquefoil vert a martlet
Oaermarden, or Haermerdin Priory (Wales). Az. statant sa. Motto —Ad alta.
sn eagle with wings endorsed standing on a branch of laurel Cairns (Cairns, Scotland).Gu. three martlets or.
all or. Cairns (Orchardtown, Scotland). Gu. three martlets within
'Caesar (Bennington Place, co. Herts foimded in England by
; a bordure or.
CfSAB Adeluabe, an Italian, physician to Queens Mary and Cairns. Gu. an anchor betw. three martlets or. Crest —A
Elizabeth, and father of Sir Juuns C^bsab, Master of the palm Afoiio—Virtus ad jethera tendlt.
tree ppr.
Bolls; ancestor of the Cssabs of Bennington Place, and Cairns. Ar. three martlets az. on a chief gu. an acorn
of the CfSABs of Hyde Hall). Gu. three roses ar. on a chief —
betw. two mullets or. Crest A bell az. Motto Sub spe. —
of the second as many roses of the first. Crest —A dolphin Caithness, Sari of. See Sinclair.
embowed ppr, in the sea vert. Caithness. Az. a galley in full sail or, sails and pennons ar,,
'Caesar (Sir Julius Cesas, Chancellor of the Exchequer, at Cains, Colleg:e. See Gonville.
the Visitation of London, 1568). Quartering, Ar. two bars Cakefield. Sa. a fleur-de-Us erm.
sa. on achief of the last two swans of the first ; and Gu. three Calamount (Cornwall). Ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-
crescents ar. lis gu. Crest —
An antelope's head erased erm. armed ar.
Cagan (Devonshire). Ar. seven lozenges gu. three, three, Calandrine. Az. a saltire or, in chief an eagle displ. ar.
and one. Crest^A demi eagle displ. ar. in the beak a scroll with this
'Cagan. Gu. six lozenges ar. three, two, and one. —
Motto Sursum.
Cage (Kent). Per pale gu. and az. a saltire or. Crest— Calbreath (Scotland). Bendy of six ar. and az. on a chief
stag pass. erm. attired or, charged on the shoulder with an sa. three crosses pattee or.
amiulet gu. Calhroke. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. surmounted by a fesse or,
Cage (Sir John Cage, Knt., of Langstone, co. Cambridge, charged with three crosses pattee fitchee sa.
1593, grandson of Anthony Cage, of London, Salter). Same Calby (impaled on the Fun. Ent. of Lieut. Tibel or Tireell,
Arms. buried in St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, 1653). Ar. a chev,
'Cage (Lincoln's Inn; confirmed 1 March, 1624). Same Arms, betw. three escallops gu.
with a chief erm. Calcame. Or, on a fesse engr. sa. betw. three Cornish
'Cage (Loughstow, CO. Cambridge). Per pale ar. and gu. a choughs ppr. a garb betw. two crosses crosslet fitchee of
saltire or, in the first quarter three bulls' heads couped the field.
at the neck sa. Calcot. See Caldecot.
Cahane, or O'Cahane (Ireland). Gu. three fishes Calcote, or Caldecott (Morant's Essex). Gu. on a chev.
haurient ar. Great —
An arm embowed, holding a sword ar. three dolphins haurient sa.
ppr_. Calcott. Sa. a saltire engr. betw. four crosses crosslet or.
Cahill. Gyronny of six ar. and vert, as many fleurs-de-lis Calcraft (Kent). Per fesse ar. and erm, three lions pass.
counterchanged. Crest— ^A lion's paw holding a scimitar guard, in pale sa. Orest —A
greyhound courant sa. charged
ppr. with a cross prosslet or.
Cahill. See O'Cahill. Calcraft (Ancaster Hall, co. Lincoln). Per fesse ar. and
Cahill (confirmed co Michael Cahill, Esq., J.P., of Bally- erm. three lions pass, guard, sa. Crest A greyhound —
conra, co. Kilkenny). Az. on waves of the sea in base a courant sa. charged with a cross crosslet or.
whale naiant ppr. in chief a trefoil slipped or. Crest An — Calcraft (Ingress, Kent, and Rempston, co. Dorset, granted
anchor erect entwined with a cable ppr. out of the dexter 8 Dec. 1770). Same Arms, within a bordure wavy az. Creit
fluke an oak branch also ppr. Motto ^In Dommo confido.— A greyhound courant sa. collared and ringed ar. on the
Cahxui, or Gahn
(Sweden, 1781). Ar. a cross sa. in the body a palet wavy or.
dexter chief point a lion ramp. gu. Crest —A stag's head Calcutta, See of. Gu. a crosier in bend or, headed ar.
erased ppr. Motto— Si je puis. surmounted of an open book ppr. on a chief indented erm.
Cahurta (Visit. Devon, 1580 and 1620). Ar. two bars sa. in two palm branches in saltier vert, surmounted of a mitre
chief a demi griffin Issuant of the last. Crest —
A stag erm. gold.
attired or. Caldebeck. Ar. on a chev. betw. three crows sa. as
Caignes. See Kaynes. cinquefoila of the first.

Callis (on a shield of Laton on a plate in St. Dunstan's Church, Caldecot (cos. Cambridge, Norfolk, and Suffolk). Per
Fleet Street, London, Henry Leigh, citizen and draper of pale or and az. on a chief gu. chree leopards' faces of the
London, who d. 9 April, 1568, m. for 1st wife, Isabel, dau. of first.



Caldecot (Norfolk). Per pale or and az. on a cliief gu. Crest —Out an eastern crown or, a demi lion gu. holding
three lozenges crm. in the dexter paw a sword ppr. pomel and hilt gold, support-
Caldecot, or Calcot (Willscot, co. Oxford, the heiress ing betw. the paws two flag staves in bend sinister the one
m. Chambees, of Petton, co. Salop. "Visit. Oxon). Per pale being that of the union flag of Great Britain, surmounting
or and gu. on a chief ar. three swans sa. Crest A demi — the other with the stafC broken, being a flag swallow-tailed
male tiger or, tufted, maned, and attired with two straight vert semfe of mullets ar. Motto Virtus et Spes. —
horns sa., horns wreathed of the first and last. —
Supporters On the dexter a grey horse supporting in bend
Caldecot. Ar. a fesse crenellee gu. betw. three ravens sa. a flag swallow-tailed vert semee of mullets ar., the staff
Caldecot, or Oaldicot. Per pale or and az. a chief gu. broken ppr, ; on the sinister a royal tiger of Tippoo Sultan
Caldecote (Caldecote, co. Chester). Ar. a fesse az. fretty vert striped ducally gorged and chained or, supporting in
or, —
betw. three cinquefoils gu. Crest An ostrich ppr. bend sinister a flag swallow-tailed vert semee of mullets ar.
Caldecott (Rugby Lodge, co. Warwick, originally of Abing- Caldwell (London and Worcestershire). Az. a cross formte
don, CO. Berks, and subsequently of Barrow and Whitewell, fitch^e betw ten estoiles or. Crest A cock's head betw. —
CO. Rutland, and of Calthorpe, co. Leicester). Quarterly, two wings expanded ar. combed and wattled gu, holding in
1st and 4th, ar, a fesse az. fretty or, betw. three cinquefoils the beak a cross form€e fitchee or.
gu. ; 2nd, ar. three bends sa. ; 3rd, gu. a chev. betw. three Caldwell (Upton Warren, co. Gloucester, and co. Leicester,
leopards' faces ar. Crest —
A demi lion ramp. gu. charged Visit. Leicester 1619), Same Arms. Quartering ar. on a
on the shoulder with a cinquefoil ar. (sometimes, an ostrich fess dancettee sa. three whales' heads erect and erased or.

ppr.). Motto In utrumque paratus. Crest —
A cock's head ar. (sometimes, or) beaked, combed
Calder (of that ilk, co. Nairn, Thane of Cawdor. In the and wattled gu. betw. two wings expanded sa. in the beak a
16th century the heiress m. Sir John Campbell, son of the cross pattee fitchee or.
2nd £arl of Argyll, and was ancestor of the Saris of Cawdor). Caldwell (Gloucester, Har. MSS., 1566). Gu. three crosses
Or, a buck's head cabossed sa. attired gu. Crest A swan — patt^e fitchee or.
ppr. crowned or. Caldwell (granted 4 March, 1846, to Sir Henry John
Calder (Asloime). Same Arms. Caldwell, Bart., of the city of Quebec, North America).
Calder (Lynegar, co. Caithness). Or, a buck's head erased Az. three tops of wells in masonry, two and one or. Crest
attired with ten tynes sa. within four stars and as many —Out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter cubit arm in pale-

crescents alternately disposed orleways az. Ci-est A stag's ppr. grasping a cross calvary gu. Motto Sapere aude. —

head cabossed sa. Motto Vigilans non cadet. Caldwell (Staffordshire), Ar. on a fesse dancettee az,
Calder (Muirtown, hart. 1686). As Caldeb, of that Ilk. three fishes' (ling's) heads erased or.
Ci'est —
A swan naiant in a lake with bulrushes therein all Caldwell. Ar. on a fesse dancettee sa. three lions' heads-

ppr. Motto Vigilans non cadet. erased or.
Calder Al)bey (Cumberland). Ar. three escutcheons, two Caldwell (New Grange, co. Meath). Or, in chief three
Mid one, the first in the dexter chief quarter, or, a fesse piles sa. each charged with a fountain ppr., in base four
betw. two chev. gu. ; the 2nd, gu. three lucies haurient ar. bars wavy alternately gu. and vert, quartering Abdy.-
the 3rd, sa. a fret ar. Crest —A demi lion grasping a broken scimetar all ppr.
Calderwood (Pittedy, Scotland). Ar. a palm tree growing Motto —Ense libertatem petit inimieo tyrannis.
out of a mount in base ppr, surmounted of a saltire gu. on a Calbot (Norfolk). Az, a chev. betw. three crosses or.
chief az. three mullets of the first. Crest —
A hand holding Crest —A greyhound courant az, coUared and ringed or.

a branch of palm ppr. Motto Veritas premitur, non Calel)ot (Norfolk). Az. a saltire betw. four crosses formed'
opprimitur. or,
Calderwood (Pilton, co. Edinburgh). The same with the Caledon, Earl of. See Alexander.
saltire invected. Jfoiio— "Veritas non opprimitur. Caley. See Caylet and Calley,
Calderwood (Scotland, 1736). Erm. on a saltire gu. betw, Calfe. Ar. three calves pass. gu.
four palm branches vert, five mascles ar. Crest—A phoenix Calfe (Ireland). Ar. a fesse sa. betw. three calves pass gu.
in flames ppr. Motto —^Virtus sibi prEemium. Calfield. Or, three towers triple-towered gu.
Calderwood. Or, a saltire az. on a chief of the last three Oalfts. Ar. three cinquefoils gu. betw. six crosses crosslet
stars of the first, —
d-est A beehive with bees volant ppr. sa.
Caldewell. Ar. on a fesse dancettee sa. three conger eels' Calibut. Az. a chev. betw. three crosses couped or. Creit
heads erased and erect of the first. —A stag's head at gaze, issuing az.
Caldron. Ar. a chev. betw. three martlets sa. on a chief of Calimie. Erm. a fesse cottised within a bordure sa.

the last as many crosses crosslet or. Crest A dexter hand Calkin. Ar. a pile gu.
holding a palm branch slipped ppr. Call (Whiteford, co. Cornwall, hart.) Gu. three trumpets
Caldwall (Alston, co. Stafford, confirmed to Ealph Cald- fessewise, in pale, ar. Crest —A demi lion ramp, holding
WALL, of that place, by Wriothesley, Garter, and Benolte, in the paws a trumpet, as in the arms, jlfoito— Gratamanu.
Clarenceux). Ar. on a fess dancettee betw. three lozenges Callagrhan, or O'Callagrhan (Ireland). Ar. on a
longways gu. as many whales' heads erect and erased or. mount in base a wolf issuing from the dexter out of a wood,
Crest—A cock's head ar. beaked, combed, and wattled gu, all ppr. Crest —
A nalced arm embowed, holding in the hand
betw. two wings expanded sa. holding in the beak a cross a sword, with a snake entwined round the blade, the head
pattee fitch^e or. towards the hand, all ppr.
Caldwell (Caldwell, Scotland). Ar. three piles issuing Callan. See O'Callan,
from the chief sa, and in base four bars waved gu. and Callander, or Callender. Sa. three mullets in cliief

vert. or. Crest—^Two elephants' probosces, endorsed, per fesse

Caldwell (Col.Hugh Caldwell, 1838). Same Arms, the gu. and or.
piles charged with as many hunting horns or. Cresi— Issuing Callarde. Gyronny of six ar. and sa.
out of a mural crown or, a dexter arm in armour the hand Callarde, or Calliard (Norfolk). Gyronny of six, or

holding a sword in bend aU ppr. Motto Fac et spera. and sa. (another, ar. and sa.) three negroes' heads couped
Caldwell (Linley Wood, co. Stafford). Quarterly, 1st and ppr. Crest —A demi lion aa, supporting a double si^aling
4th, per pale sa. and vert, a stag's head couped ar, in chief ladder or.
three cold wells ppr., for Caldwell; 2nd and 3rd, ar. two Callard (Callard in Burrington, co. Devon. Visit. 1620;
bars az. on a canton gu, a gauntlet grasping a broken sword also of Tavistock, Winkley, and Ford, near Axminster).
ppr. hilt and pomel gold, for Stamford. Crest —
A lion Same Arms and Crest.
couchant ar. gorged with two bars, the upper sa. the lower Callander (that ilk, co. Stirling the heiress who m. Sir
Tert holding betw. the paws a cold well ppr. Motto —

"William Livingston, ancestor of the Saris of Linlithgow

facere, experiri. atid Callendar, of Mayners, became representative). Sa. a
Caldwell (Newbery, co. Berks). Paly wavy of six or and bend betw. six billets or.
sa.on a chev. gu. three griffins' heads erased of the first. Callander (G. W. Livingstone Campbell Callendab, of
Caldwell (Sir James Lillyman Caldwell, G.C.B.; Craigforth, co. Stirling, and Ardkinglas, co, Argyle). Quar-
a Lieut,-Gen. in the Indian army and Chief Engi- terly: 1st sa. abend chequy or and gu. betff.
grand quarter,
neer of the Madras Presidency). Or, three piles meeting six billets of the second, for Callendab; 2nd grand quarter,
in the centre fesse point sa., in base barry wavy alternately counter-quartered, 1st and 4th, az. a deer's head cabossed
gu. of the field and vert surmounted by a portcullis of the or, 2nd and 3rd, gu. three legs in armour ppr. garnished
second. On the centre pile suspended by a ribband, orange, and spurred or, flexed and conjoined in triangle at the upper
a representation of the medal presented to Sir J. L. Cald- part of the thigh, all for Mackenzie of Grandvale; 3rd
well, in commemoration of his services at the storming of grand quarter, counter quartered, 1st and 4th, ar. three
Seringapatam, with the word " Seringapatam " underneath. gilMeflowers gu. within a double tressure flory counterflory
Gold, the whole within a bordure embattled of the third. vert, 2nd and 3rd, sa. a bend betw. six billets or, in ^^
centre of the quarters a crescent gu., all within a bordure 4th, chequy or and a fess erm., for Calthbop 2nd and
az. ;

compony ^. and ar., for Livinostone ; 4th grand qiiarter, 3rd, harry of eight or and az. a hend ar., for Stanhoe.
gjTonny of eight sa. and a hordure of the second, for
or, Crest—A. salamander or, in fiames ppr. Jlfo((o—Victrix for-
Campbell. Crest — ^A dexter hand ppr. holding a biUet or. tunse sapientia,
Motto — I mean well. Calthrop (Calthorp Hall, co. Norfolk).Same Amis. Crest
Callander (Kincardine). a bend cheqny ar. and gu.
Sa. —On a mount vert a hawk close beaked and helled or.
betw. six billets of the second. Crest A band holding a — Calthrop (Gosberton, co. Lincoln). Same Anns^ Crest, and
billet ppr. Jfo«o— I mean well. Motto.
Callander (Ireland). Sa. a bend chequy or and gu. Calthrop, or Cartharp, Or, a bend az.
betw. six billets of the second. Crest— A cubit arm Caltoft (Essex and Lincolnshire). Ar three cinquefoils gu.
erect ppr. holding a billet ; oyer the crest this Motto ^I mean — on each five bezants.
well. Caltoft. Ar. sem^e of crosses crosslet gu. a crescent betw.
Calles (Lincohishire). Ar. three roses in. fesse gu. betw. six three cinquefoils of the last.
crosses crosslet sa. Caltoft Gu. three roses
(Lincolnshire). ar. Crest —A rose
Calley, Caley, or Caylley (Burderop, co. Wilts, gu. betw. two laurel branches vert.
originally from Norfolk). Quarterly ar. and sa. on a bend Caltoft (Lincolnshire). Or, three cinquefoils pierced gu.
gn. three mullets of the first. Crest —A demi lion ramp. ar. Caltoft. Sa. crusily ar. three cinquefoils of the last.
charged with a bend gu. thereon three mullets of the first Caltoft, or Caltest. Ar. an inescutcheon within an orle
holding a battle-axe, handle of the second, head ar. Motto — of martlets sa.
Calhde et honeste. Caltoft. Ar. an orle betw. eight cinquefoils in orle sa.
Galleys. Sa. two bars erm. in chief three annulets or. Caltoft (quartered by Lord Viscount CTiaworth, extinct
Calliling', or Cayling*. Gyronny of eight sa. and erm. 1699. Alice, dau. and heir of Sir John Caltoft, m. Sir
Callis. Gu. three towers ar. on each a demi lion ramp. or. William Chawobtb, living 21 Eichard II., 1397. Visit.

Crest Out of a ducal coronet a cockatrice^s head betw. two Notts). Ar. an inescutcheon within an orle of ten cinquefoils
wings, all ppr. sa.
Callis. Ar. on a bend sa. three cinquefoils or. Calton (Babram, co. Cambridge granted 25 June, 1567).

Callore. Per pale indented or and gu. a bull pass, counter- Az. a bend engr. betw. three tuns or, on each an owl ar.

changed. Crest On a ducal coronet a sheaf of arrows, and Crest —
^A boar pass. ar.
a serpent entwining them. Calton (Catsworthf co. Huntingdon). Az. a lion ramp.
Callore. Same Arms within a bordure bezantee. —
reguard. ar. crowned or. Crest ^A talhot pass, ar, collared
Callow. Ax. on a chev. betw. three leopards' faces sa. as and hned or.
many annulets of the field. Crest^On a ducal coronet a Calton (Calton, in Bakewell and Edensor, co. Derby, men-
peacock ppr. tioned in the list of gentry temp. Henry VI.). Sa. a saltire
Callow (Justice of Conunon Fleas, 1487). Same Arrns. engr. betw. four crosses crosslet or. (another, the crosses
Callow. Or, a boar's head erased sa. in base a cinquefoil fitchee). Crest — ^A boar pass, ar.
Calton (Milton, co. Bucks). Same as the preceding.
CaUrey, or Calney. Or, a fesse betw. two chev. sa. Caltrum, see Galtr3an (Irelnud).
Callwell (Scotland, Smith's Ordinary). Gu. a fesse wavy Calts (co. Lincoln). Ar. three roses gu. betw. nine crosses
ar. betw. three fountains. Crest —
^A hand erect ppr. holding crosslet sa.
a cross oatt^e fitchee £^. Calts. Sa. three cinquefoils betw. nine crosses crosslet ar.
Calmady (Langdon Hall and Wembiuy, co. Devon. Visit. Calveley (Calveley, co. Chester ; represented by the

1620, originally of Calmady, in ComwaU). Az. a chev. betw. Davenports of Capesthome and Calveley). Ar. a fesse gu.
three pears or, quartering the ensigns of Stbode, Hobeton, betw. three calves sa. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a
Gates, Penwaeme, Cavil, Nicks, Codbtenay, Shimton, calf s head sa.
Gateb, Waldo, Potteb, Fdbslanb, Pollexfen, &c. Crest — Calveley (Lea, co. Chester, a yotmger branch of Calvelei
A pegasus sa. hoofed and collared or. Motto Si mill fron- — of Calveley). Same as the preceding.
descit Tirga metallo. Calverey. Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three calves pass. sa.
Calmady (quartered by Thouas Peowze, vintner and Calverley (Calverley, co. York). Sa. an inescutcheon
citizen ofLondon, grandson of Cheistopher Prowze, of within an orle of owls ar. Crest— A
homed owl. Another
Cbagford, co. ComwaU. Visit. London, 1568). Same Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a calf s head erect sa.

Arms. Calverley (Oulton Hall, co. York). Same Arms and Crest.
Calne, or Cawne, Borougrh. of (Wiltshire). Sa. a Calverley (The Broad, co. Sussex, and Ewell Castle, Epsom,
tower towered and domed ar. betw. two feathers of the last, CO. Surrey, descended from EDMnND, third son of Walteb
each feather in an escroll or. Calveblet, of Calverley). Same Arms and Crest. Motto —
Calrow (originally of Adlington, co. Chester, afterwards of Ex caligine Veritas,
Walton Lodge, near Preston, co. Lancaster), Az. on a fesse Calverley (Cockerham, co. Lancaster, 1613). Sa. an
ar. a beehive surrounded by bees volant in chief on a mill inescocheon ar. gutt6e de poix, within an orle of owls ar.
wheel in base or, a hank of cotton of the field betw. two roses Crest —
A homed owl guttee de poix.
gu. barbed and seeded ppr. Crest ^A beehive, thereon — Calverley (co. Devon). Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three calves
perched a dove, wings elevated, holding in the beak a sprig pass. sa.
of ohve all ppr. Motto Industria. — Calvert (quartered by Sir HaebtVebnet, Bart., of Claydon
House, Bucks). Paly of six, erminois and pean, a bend engr.
CaLston. Ar. a bar gu. in chief two lions ramp, of the last.
Calstou. Az. three mullets or, within a bordure ar. Crest — coimterchanged. Crest —
Out of a mural coronet ar. two
The moon in her complement. spears erect, therefrom two pennons flowing towards the
Caltes (Lincolnshire). Ar. three roses in fesse gu. betw. six dexter, one erminois, the other pean.
crosses crosslet sa. Calvert (co. Lancaster). Sa. on an inescutcheon within an
Calthorp (Norfolk). Az. a lion ramp, or, a baton erm. orle of owls ar. three guttes of the field. Crest—An owl ar.
Calthorp (Kent). Chequy ar. and az. a cross of the second, guttee sa. (another, the inescutcheon guttee sa.).
fretty of the first. Calvert {Lord Baltimm-e, extinct 1771). Paly of six or and
Calthorp Erm. a maunch gu. sa. a bend counterchanged. Crest— 0\x% of a ducal coronet
(Orthonby, co. Norfolk).
or, two staves with pennons flying
to the dexter side, the
Calthorp Chables Calthoep, Attorney-General for
dexter gold, the sinister sa. Suii^porters—Tv/o leopards
Ireland, and afterwards a Justice of the Common Pleas;
knighted 1604). Chequy or and az. a fesse erm. —
guard, or. Motto Fatti masghii parole femine.
Calthorpe {Barm Caithorpe). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Cal- Calvert (Albury Hall, Herts, Hunsdon HaU Place, Bexley,
TBobfe: chequy or and az. a fesse erm.; 2nd and 3rd, Kent, and Ockley Court, Surrey). Same Arms aud Crest.
GoDOH Gu. on a fesse ar. betw. three boars* heads couped
Calvey. Sa. a fesse betw. two chev. ar.
or, a lion pass. az. (hest —
^A boar's head couped at the Calwodley, or Cadwoodley (Calwodley, co. Devon,
Abundel). Az. a lure
neck az. bristled and tusked or, betw. two woodmen with the heiress, tem:p. Henry VIIL, m.
dubs over their shoulders, all ppr. Supptyrters On either — on a fesse gu. three bezants. CVesfr-An antelope pass, per
aide a wild man ppr., his hair and beard sa. wreathed about pale gu. and or, armed of the last.
the head and waist with oak leaves vert, fructed or, the Calyhut- Az. a chev. betw. three crosses or.
exterior hand holding a club erect gold. Motto Gradu — Calzier (Calzier, Scotland). Sa. a cross pattee fitchee or.
Cam. Paly of six ar. and az. Crest ^A dove betw. two —
diverso via una.
Calthorpe. Az. a lion ramp, or, depressed by a bend sa. branches of laurel in orle.

with an erm. spot ar. at top. Camarthen, or Carmarthen (co. Kent). Az. a fesse
and betw. three bears' gamba erased or, armed gu.
Calthrop (Stanhoe Hall, co. Norfolk). Quarterly, Ist


Camas. Ar. on a chev. engr. gn. three crosses crosslet, —
France, all ppr. Crest 1st : (of honourable augmentation,
couped of the first. granted to Col. Cameron, 20 May, 1815) A demi Highlander
Caxaayle. Gu. three lozenges ar. of the 92nd regiment, wading through water, holding in
Caiabeeres, or Chambers (co. Westmoreland). Vert, a the dexter hand a sword, and in the sinister a banner,
cross enn. on a chief or, a snake nowed ppr. thereon the number " 92" within a wreath of laurel; 2u(l:
Cambell (Woodford and Clayhall, co. Essex, descended from Out of a mural crown or, a dexter arm embowed in armour,
Sir Thomas Campbell, Lord Mayor of London in 1609). Sa. the hand grasping a sword, all ppr. Supporters— On either
on a fesse hetw. three lions' heads erased or, as many side a Highlander, in the uniform of the 92nd regiment,
ogresses. Orei>t —
A bear's head couped per fesse or and az. holding in the exterior hand a musket all ppr. Mottoes —
muzzled gu. Over the first crest: Arriverette; over the second Protege :

Cam.ber (Tilbury, co. Essex). Sa. three bends raguly ar. et patria ; under the arms : Maya.
on a chief of the second as many Saxon crowns of the first. Cameron (Lakefield, co. Inverness). Ar. three bars gu.
Crest—A Saxon crown per pale sa. and ar. betw, two wings, within a bordure engr. az. Crest — A dexter hand grasping
expanded, counterchanged. a sword ppr. Motto —Pro rege et patria.
Gam.berley (Kent). Ar. two bars sa. on a canton or, a Cameron (Worcester borne by the descendants of Thomas

fleur-dfl-Iis gu. Cameron, M.D., of Worcester, d. 1777, eon of Rev. John

Cam.berton, or Gam.bretou. Sa. three helmets or. Cameron, Minister of Callendar, N.B., claiming descent
Cambird. Erm. on a bend az. three leopards' heads or. from Lochiel). Ar. three bars gu. a border az. Crest—A.
Camborn, alias Paynter (Cornwall). See Patnter. dexter arm in armour embowed grasping a sword all ppr.
Cam.brey. Ar. three boars' haads couped sa. Camery. Or, a bend sa. cottised ar. betw. two boars' heads
Cam.bridg:e (London). Az. a cross pattee betw. four swans couped of the second.
ar. Camfield, or Camfyld (Norfolk). Ar. a fret engr. sa.
Cam.bridg'e. Ar. on a pile gu. betw. six crosses formee sa. —
Crest Out of a tower a demi lady ppr.
a cross patonce of the field, Camfield. Ar. fretty sa.
OstiTikbTidge, To'wn of. Gu. on a fesse arched three Camfield. Ar. a fret engr. sa. on a canton of the last a
towers or, all masoned sa. in chief a fleur-de-lis betw. two lure of the first.
Toses of the second, in base a river ppr. thereon three Camm. Or, a cross engr. gu. in the first quarter a crescent
vessels, each with one mast and yard arm of the third. of the last. —
Crest A cross gu. charged with a crescent or.

Crest On a mount vert a quadrangular castle with four Camm,el. Ar. a chev. betw. three camels sa.
towers, domed, in front two ports all or, masoned sa. Camm.ell (Norton Hall, co. Derby, and Ditcham Park

Supporters Two seahorses ppr. finned and maned or. Hall). See Supplement.
Cam.bridg:e. Az. a cross patonce betw. four ducks ar. Camoys (temp. Henry III. Sir Thomas de Camots, of
Cam.bridire* Sa. two bars humett^e ar. Broadwater, co. Surrey, distmguished at Agincourt, was
Cam.bridg'e (quartered by Skelington, of Skelington, co. summoned to parliament, 7 Richard II. as Baron Carnoys,
Leicester. Visit. Leicester, 1619). Sa. three garbs or. a title now held by his descendant, the present Lord Camoys).
Cam.brid^e, or Gam.brigre. Per pale ar. and sa. a, Ar. on a chief gu. three plates.
saltire engr. counterchanged. Crest — ^A Uon pass, guard. Camoys, Baron. See Stonob.
ppr. Camoys (Devonshire). Gu. a cross erm.
Cambridg-e, Pickard-Cambridge (Bloxworth House, Camoys. Or, on a chief gu. three bezants.
CO. Dorset). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, on a pile gu. betw. six Camoys, or Camays. Or, a fret gu. on a chief of the
trefoils sUpped sa. a cross crosslet of the field, for Cambkidoe ; second three bezants. Crest —^A lion's head erased az, in
2nd and 3rd, gyronny of eight az. and ar. within a bordure the mouth a trefoil slipped vert.
erm. on a canton gu. a fleur-de-hs or, for Pickaed. Crests Camp. See Camfe.
~-lst, Cambridge: A grlf&n's head erased sa. semee of Campain. Ar. a fesse sa.
trefoils, in the mouth a cross botony fitchee, all or; Campbell (Lochow : oldest Arm^). Gyronny of eight ar.

2nd, PicKABD A lion sejant ar. charged on the shoulder

: and sa.
with an erm. spot, and gorged with a collar gemelles sa., Caxnpbell (Duke of Argyll). Quarterly, let and 4th, gyronny
supporting with the dexter fore paw an escutcheon gu. of eight or and sa.. for Campbell; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a
charged with a fleur-de-lis within a bordure or. Motto~* lymphad, her sails furled and oars in action, all sa. flag and
Esse quam videri. —
pennants flying gu., for Lorn. Crest A boar's head couped
Cam-bridge. Per pale sa. and harry of six, ar. and of or, over the crest this motto, Ne obliviscaris. Supporters-
the first. —
Two lions guard, gu. Motto Vix ea nostro voco. Note.
Cambruen. Gu. a saltire vair. — Behind the arms are two honourable badges in saltire, viz.,
Cam.burg:. Paly of six or and az. on a fesse gu. three Ist, a baton gu. semee of thistles or, ensigned with imperial
mullets or. crowns ppr., thereon the crest of Scotland, i.e. a lion sejant
Camden, Harauess of. See Pratt. guard, gu. crowned with the like imperial crown, having in
Camden (William Camden, the author of "Britannia"), the dexter paw a sword ppr. hilted and pomelled or., in the
Az. a fesse engr. betw. six crosses crosslet fitchee or. sinister a sceptre of the last. The other badge is a sword
Cam.den. Or, a fesse engr. betw. six crosses crosslet fitchee ppr. hilt and pomel or. The two badges are borne for
sa. Crest —On a pile or, six estoiles gu. Hereditary Great Master of the King's Household, and
Camden. Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three torteaux. Crest — Justice-General of Argyllshire.
cross pattee per pale sa. and erm. betw. two wings counter- Campbell (Glenorchy, Earl and Marquess of SreadaUxm,
changed. Marquisate, extinct 1862). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,- gyronny
Camdoy. Or, a bend sa. hetw. three hoars* heads gu. of eight or and sa., for Campbell; 2nd, or, a fesse chequy
Camdoy. Ar. a bend cottised gu. betw. three boars' heads ar. and az.,, for Stewart ; 3rd ar. a lymphad, her sails furled
and erased sa.
erect and oars in action all sa., for I^rn. Crest—A. boar's head <

Camel (Bury Pomeroy, co. Devon). Sa. (another, az.) a erased ppr. Supporters —^Two stags ppr. attired and uhguled
camel pass. ar. Crest—A camel's head. or. Motto— ^Follow me.
Camel, or Cannyll. Az. a falcon volant or. Campbell (Lochnell, the latest cadet of Argyll). Quarterly,
Camell (Shapwick, co. Dorset, Katherine, dau. and heir of 1st and gyronny of eight or and sa., for Campbell;
John Camell, of that place, m. Edmoni> Weston, Esq., of 2nd, ar. a boar's head az. ; 3rd, lrf)RN, as above. Crest —
Boston, CO. Lincoln, temp. Henry VII.). Ar. three camels sa. dexter hand holding a lance bendways ppr. Supporters—
Camelford (Cornwall). Ar. a camel passing through a Dexter, a lion guard, ppr. ; sinister, a swan ppr. Motto^
ford of water all ppr. Audaces juvo.
Cam.erey, or Camery, Or, a bend betw. three boars' Campbell (Cawdor, 1672). Quarterly, 1st, ar. a hart's
heads couped sa. armed of the field. head cabossed sa. attired gu., for Calder; 2nd, gyronny of
Cameron (Lochiel, chief of the clan Cameron : arms given eight or and sa., for Campbell 3rd, ar. a lymphad oars in
as^recorded, 1795). Gu. two bars or. Crest ^A sheaf of — ;

action sa., for Lobh; 4th, or, on a fess az. three buckles of
five arrows tied with a band gu. Supporters—Two savages the field. Crest—A swan ppr. crowned or. Supporters—A-
wreathed head and middle with oak, each holding in his lion guard, gu., and a hart ppr. Motto— Be mindful.
exterior hand a Lochaber axe ppr. Mottoes Above the — Campbell (£arl Cawdor). Quarterly, 1st, or, a hart's
crest: Unite; under the arms: Pro rege etpatria. head cabossed sa. attired gu., for Caldeb; 2nd, gyronny of
Cameron (Fassifem, co. Argyll, bart., 1817). Gu. three eight or and sa., for Campbell; 3rd, ar. a lymphad oars in
bars or, on a bend erm. a sphinx betw. the Badge of the action sa., for Lorn 4th, per fesa az. and gu. a cross or,

Portuguese Order of the Tower and Sword and the Gold for Loet. Crest —
A swan ppr. Supporters—A Uon guard.
Medal presented to Col. Cameron by the Grand Seignieur, oa gu. and a hart ppr. itfoffoes^Candidus cantahit moheOBi
a chief embattled a representatioa of the town of Aire, in and, Be mindful.


Campbell (Moy, co. Elgin). Quarterly, as Cawdor, 1672, bearing a banner az. charged with a fesse gu. inscribed
within a bordure engr. or. Cfrest
all A swan rising and — " Talavera," in gold. Motto—Without fear.
crowned ppr. Motto—'Be ever mindful. Cam.pbell (Glenlyon, co. Perth, represented by Fbancis
Campbell (John Hooke Campbell, of Bangeston, Lyon, Garden Campbell, of Troup and Glenlyon, as heir of line).
King of Arms, 1754-1756). Quarterly, 1st, Caldbe; 2nd, Quarterly, as Earl of Breadalbane, in the centre of the
Campbell; 8rd, Lobn all as- in the last 4th, quarterly, sa.
: ; quarters a man's heart gu. crowned or. Crest A demi lion —
and ar. a cross counterquartered betw. four escallops all ppr. with a collar gyronny of eight or and sa., and holding
connterchanged, for Hooee. Crest A swan gorged with a — in his dexter paw a heart crowned as in the arms. Motto —
ducal coronet ppr. Supporters —Two lions, gu. Motto— Be QuEe recta sequer,
mindful. Cam.pbell (General Sir Abghibald Campbell, G.C.B,,
Campbell (Ardchattan ; a cadet of Cawdor). Quarterly, 1st Bart., 1831, grandfather of present Sir Aechibald Ava
and 4th, Campbell ; 2nd, Caldeb; 3rd, liOBN, all within a Campbell). Same Arms; on a chief ar. a mount vert
bordure gu. charged with eight crescents ar. Orest — inscribed **Ava" in letters of gold, thereon a Burmese
swan with wings elevated ar., on his head an pastern crown stockade ppr. betw. a representation of the gold cross and
(Supporters— Dexter, a stag reguard. sa. attired gu. and
or. clasp conferred on him for his services in the Peninsular
gorged with a ducal coronet or; sinister, a lion guard, gu. War, on the dexter pendent from a ribbon gu. fimbriated
gorged with a mural crown or. Motto Be mindful. — az,, and on the sinister pendent from a ribbon az. the badge
Cam.pbell (Ottar, descended of Thomas, second son of 1st of the Portuguese Order of the Tower and Sword. Elrst
Sari of Argyll). Gyronny of eight erm. and sa. Crest— Oreat-On a mount vert a Burmese warrior on horseback
hand in pale holding a dirt erect ppr. Motto—"Pro patria armed and accoutred ppr. Second Crest Issuing.from an —
semper. eastern crown or, a demi lion ppr. supporting with hi.i
Campbell (Smiddygreen, descended from Ottar). Gyronny dexter paw a man's heart gu. crowned or. JfoHo— Perse-
of eighterm. and sa., on the last four stars ar. verantia victor.
Cam.pbell (Mochaster, co. Perth, cadet of Glenorchy, Cam.pbell (Lawers, co. Perth, descended from a son by his
whose descendant succeeded as 4th Barl and 1st Marq-uess of fourth marriage of the first Laird of Glenorchy. The repre-
Breadalbane), Quarterly, as Sari of Sreadalbane, within a sentative m. the heiress of Loudoun and was made Earl of

bordure invecked sa. Crest A boar's head erased chequy Loudoun in 1633, Lawers went for a time to a younger
or and sa. Motto —
Sequor, branch of whom was Sir James Campbell, of Lawers, Lyon
Campbell (Glenfalloch, co. Perth, cadet of Glenorchy, whose King of Arms under Cromwell). Gyronny of eight or anil
descendant succeeded as 6th Earl of Bivadalbane). Quarterly, sa. a bordure vair. Crest —
A boar's head erected and erased
as Earl of Breadalbane, with a hunting horn sa. garnished or. Motto— Fa.c et spera.
gu. in the centre of the quarters. Crest A man's heart
— — Campbell (Clathick, descended from Lawers, represented
transpierced with a dart ppr. Motto ^Thus farr. by CoLQDHODN, of Killermount, as heir of line). As La webs,
Campbell {Lochdochart, co. Perth, cadet of Glenorchy). a crescent ar. in fess point for difE. Same Cre&t and Motto.
Quarterly, Ist, 2nd, and 3rd, as Earl of Breadalbane : 4th, Campbell (Aberuchill, co. Perth, hart,, cadet of Lawers).
or, alien ramp, gu,, for M'Intosh. Orest boar's head —A Quarterly, as Earl of Breadalbane, all wfthin a bordure erm.

erased ppr. Motto Eecta sequor. A
Crest— Uon guard, gu. crowned with laurel, in his dexter
Campbell (Auchlyne, cadet of Glenorchy). Quarterly, 1st, paw a sword ppr. hilted and pommelled or, and in his
2nd, and 4th, as Sari qf Breadalbane: 3rd, per fess ar. and sinister a dag or Highland pistol ppr. Supporters Two ——
vert three unicorns* heads couped sa. and ar. guttle gu. all bloodhounds guard, ppr. collared and leashed or. Motto
armed or, for Goodlet. Sequitur victoria forteis.
Campbell (Monzie, co. cadet ff Glenorchy).
Perth, Campbell (Park, cadet of Lawers). Gyronny of eight or
Quarterly, as Sari of Breadalbane, with a mullet or, in the and sa. a bordure engr. az. charged with eight buckles of
centre of the quarters. Motto—FoUovf me. the first. —
Crest A boar's head erected and erased or,
Campbell (Finnall, co. Perth, 1700, cadeb of Monzie, oi langued az. Motto— V&c
et spera.
which it became the representative). Quarterly, as Earl of Cazupbell Lanark, cadet of Park). Gyronny of
(Possil, co,

Breadalbane, en surtout the arms of the Scots African nnd eight or in chief a mullet counterchanged a bordure
and sa,

Indian Company, viz., Az. a St. Andrew's cross cantoned embattled az. charged with eight buckles of the first. Crest
betw. a ship in fvill SEiil in chief, a Peruvian sheep in base, a and Motto as Park.
camel pass, in the dexter flank both loaded, and an elephant Campbell (Colgrain, co. Dumbarton). Gyronny of eight
in the sinister flank with a tower on his back aU ppr. or and sa. in chief a mullet counterchanged a bordui-e
Creit —
A soldier in armour from the middle upwards, embattled vert charged with eight buckles of the first.
brandishing a drawn sword in his r^ht hand all ppr., and Same Crest and Motto.
sustaining on his left arm a shield az. charged with a Campbell (Auchinbreck, co. Argyll, hart., 1628). Gyronny
unicorn's head couped ar. homed and maned or. Sup- of eight or and sa. a bordure compony erm and vert. Crebt

porters —
Dexter, a naked Indian wreathed round the middle —A dexter hand holding a spur or. Motto— Forget not.
"With linen, holding in his dexter hand a bow bent, with a Cam.pbell (Craigic, co. Ayr). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
quiver of arrows hanging at his back ppr. sinister, a ;
gyronny of eight or and sii.; 2nd, ar. a horse's head and
Spaniard in his proper habit ppr. Motto— Q,md non pro neck couped sa. bridled gu.; 3rd, ar. a fesse gu., the
patria, above the crest; and, Qua panditur orbis, on a com- whole within a bordure compony vert and purp. Crest—A.
partment in which is represented the sun rising ppr. dexter hand and arm couped at the elbow erect ppr. holdinc;
Ciampbell (Barcaldine, co. Argyll). Quarterly, as Earl of —
a spur or. Motto Forget me not,
Breadalbane, within a bordure vair, Orest A man in the — Campbell (Ardkinglas, co. Argyll, early cadet of Lochow,
Highland garb holding in his dexter hand a dirk ppr. bart., 1679, represented by Callander of Craigforth and
JfoHo^Paratus sum. Ardkinglas as heir of line the heir-male understood to be

Campbell (Barcaldine and Glenure, hart, 1831). Quarterly, Campbell of Peaton). Gyronny of eight sa. and or, a
Ist, gyronny of eight or and sa., on a canton ar. a bend sa. bordure of the second. Crest—A galley oars in action ppr.
betw. a unicorn's head in chief and a cross crosslet fitchee —
Motto Set on.
in base gu. 2nd, or, a fess chequy az. and ar., forSxEWABT;
Campbell (Lix, co. Argyll, cadet of Ardkinglas). Gyronny
of eight sa. and ar. a bordure engr. quarterly
or and az.
3rd, ar. alymphad sails furled and oars in action sa., for
charged with eight buckles counterchanged.
Loek; 4th, gyronny of eight or and sa., on a canton gu. two
bars or, all within a bordure quarterly or and sa. Orest — boar's head couped ppr. Jl^otto— Deo volente.
(Ardentinny, co. ArgyU, cadet of Ardkinglas).
man in the Highland garb holding in his dexter hand a clay- Campbell
more and on his sinister arm a target all ppr. Supporters — Gyronny of eight sa. and or, a bordure of the first charged
A leopard and a stag both ppr. Motto ^Paratus sum. — with eight crescents of the second. Crest—
Tvfo oars of a

Campbell-Davis. See Davis. gaUey in saltire ppr. Jl/otto—Terra mare fide.

•Campbell (Achalader, hart. 1815, recorded for Sir Alexanteb Campbell (Auchawillig, cadet of Ardentinny). Gyronny
of eight sa. and or, a bordure of
the second charged with
Campbell, 1st bart., now represented by his heir of line.
Alexandee Cocebobn -Campbell, Bart.). Quarterly, as
Sir eight crescents of the first. Cmt—
Two oars of a galley in
Earl of Breadalbane, on a chief ar. the representation of a saltire ppr. Jtfotto—Armis et fide.
' rock Buperinscribed "Gibraltar," betw. the silver medal Campbell (Inellan and Dunoon, co. Argyll, cadet of
presented him by the Government of India for Seringapatam, Auchawillig). Gyronny of eight sa. and or, a bordure engi-.
of the fii'st.
pendent by a ribbon gu., and the gold medal for Talavera. of the second charged with eight crescents
' —
Supporteri ^Dexter, a grenadier of the 74th Foot habited Crest—Two oars of a galley in saltire ppr. Motto—Yis ci
I' ^nd accoutred ppr. bearing a banner ar. charged with a fides.
Campbell (Philip Arthub Plbtdell Bodverie C4mpbell,
S fesse gu. inscribed "Seringapatam," in gold; sinister, a
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ffrand quartern
grenadier of the 7th Fusiliers habited and accoutred ppr., of Dunoon, 1869).

A .


as the 2nd and 3rd, grand quartera couuterquartered,
last; gyronny of eight or and sa. ; 2nd, ar. a galley oars in action
1st and and ar. an eagle displ. with two
4th, per fesse or sa. surmounted of a boar's head erased or 3rd, az. a tower ar.

heads on the hreast an inescutcheon gu. charged with a

sa., masoned sa. all within a bordure erm.- Cres(— Issuing out
heud vair, for Bodvebie 2nd and 3rd, ar. a bend sa. guttee
; of the top of a tower two arms drawing an arrow in a bow
d'eau betw. two crows sa. a chief chequy or and of the all ppr. Motto— kgite pro viribua.
third, for Pletdell. (Crests —
Two care of a galley in Campbell (Dunstaffnage, co. Argyll, bart., 1836). Quarterly
saltire ppr., for Campbell; a demi eagle displ. with two 1st, az. ar. masoned sa. standing on a
a castle triple-towered
heads sa. ducally gorged or, and charged on the breast with rock ppr., doors and windows gu., on the top of the middle
a cross crosslet ar.. for Bouverie. Mottoes Vis et fides, for — tower a cock, and on each of the others an eagle or 2Qd ;

Campbell Patria cara carior libertas, for Bouvebie.

gyronny of eight or and sa.; 3rd, or, a fesse chequy az. and
Oaxapbell (Skipness, cadet of Ardentinny). Gyronny of ar. 4th, gu. a boar's head cabossed or, betw. a crescent and

eight sa. and or, a bordure indented of the first charged with a spur-rowel ar. in fess. Crest—Aa. anchor in pale az.
eight crescents of the second. Crest ^Two oars of a galley — Motto —Vigilando

in saltire ppr. Motto Terra mare fide. Cam.pbell (Loudoun, co. Ayr, hereditary sheriffs of Ayr»
Campbell (Shawfield and Islay). Gyronny of eight or and Lord Campbell^ of Loudoun, 1601). Gyronny of eight erm,
sa. a bordure engr. of the first charged with eight crescents and gu.
of the second. Crest —A
griflBn erected holding the sun Cam.pbell (Mrl of Loudotm, 1633. The 1st earl was Sir
within his forepaws ppr. Supporters—Two lions reguard. John Campbell, of Lawers, husband of the heiress of

ppr. Motto Fidus amicus- Loudoun). Gyronny of eight erm. and gu. Or s( An —
Gauipbell {Blythswood, co. Kenfrew). Quarterly, 1st and eagle with two necks displ, gu. in a fiame of fire ppr.
4th, gyronny of eight or and sa., each charged with a tre- —
Supporters Dexter, an armed man bearing a pick on his
counterchanged 2nd and 3rd, ar. a lymphad
foil slipped shoulder ppr. ; sinister, a lady richly attired with a signet
sa. Crest —A

ship at anchor ppr. Jtfoiio—Vincit labor. ,

letter in her sinister hand ppr. Motto 1 byde my tyme. —
Campbell (Carrick). Gyronny of eight sa. and or, a bor- Cam.pbell (Cessnock, co.Ayr; cadet of Loudoun). Gyronny
dure invecked of the first charged with eight crescents of of eight or and sa. a bordure gu. charged with eight escallops
the second. Motto— Set on. of the first, a canton gyronny of eight erm. and gu. Crest—
Campbell (Barhreck, co. Argyll, from a younger son of —
A phcenix's head erased or. Motto Constanter et prudenter.
Sir Colin Campbell, of Lochow, King Eobert Bruce's Campbell (Purves Hall, co. Berwick, bart., 1665, borne by
nephew). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gyrour ^ of eight or and Sir Hugh Hume-Campbell, Bart.). Quarterly, 1st grand
sa. ; 2nd, ar. a broad sword in bend gu. hilted sa.; 3rd, ar. quarter, 1st and a lion ramp. ar. 2nd and 3rd, ar.
4th, vert, ;

a castle triple towered sa. on an escutcheon of pretence sa.

; three popinjays vert. 2nd grand quarter, gyronny of
a boar's head erased or, a crescent ar. in chief. Crest — eight or and sa. within a bordure gu. charged with eight
lion's head affrontee ppr. Motto I hear in mind. — escallops of the first, a canton gyronny of eight of the third
Campbell (Hallyards, co. Perth, cadet of Barbreck). and erm. 3rd grand quarter, az. on a fesse betw. three
Quarterly, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and escutcheon of pretence, as the mascles ar. as many cinquefoils of the first. 4th grand
last; 4th, ar. a ship in full sail ppr. in a sea undy vert, all quarter, quarterly, 1st and 4th, three piles engr. az., 2nd
within a bordure ar. Crest and Motto, as Barhreck. and 3rd, ar. a cross engr. az. over all en surtout, an
Cam.pbell (Succoth, bart. 1808). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, inescutcheon ar. charged with an orange, slipped and
gyronny of eight engr. or and sa. ; 2nd and 3rd, az. a lion imperially crowned all ppr. —
Crest A dexter arm issuing
ramp. ar. within a bordure compony of the second and first, from a heart, and grasping a scimitar all ppr. Supporters-
for Wallace. Crest —A
camel's head couped ppr. Sup- Two lions ramp, reguard. ar. Mottoes : over the crest-
porters —A lion guard, and a savage wreathed head and True to the end under the arms— Fides probata coronat.


middle with oak leaves, both ppr. Motto ^Lahore et Campbell (Glassnock, co. Ayr). Gyronny of eight or and
perseverantia. sa. a bordure engr. gu. charged with eight escallops of the
Campbell (Craignish, co, Argyll). A shield gyronny of first. —
Crest A phoenix's head couped ppr. itfoito— ConBtana
eight or and sa. suspended from the mast of a lymphad sa. et prudens.
Cnst —A boar's head erased ppr. Motto Fit via vi. — Campbell (Auchmannoch, co. Ayr, 1844). Gyronny of
Campbell (Inverneil, co. Argyll, bart. 1818, title extinct on eight erm. and gu. in middle chief a covered cup or, in base
death of first bart.). As Craignish, with a bordure az. a hunting horn stringed of the last ; a canton, quarterly,
Crest — A hoar's head erased ppr. Motto Fit via vi. — 1st and 4th, ar. on a fesse az. three stars of the second; 2nd
Campbell-Mclver{Lergahonzie and Asknish, co.Argyll). and 3rd, az. three garbs or, a crescent erm. in chief. Cre&i —
Quarterly, Ist and 4th, grand quartATs, quarterly, 1st and A two-headed eagle displ. gu. in a fiame of fire or. Motto —
4th, gyronny of eight or and sa. -nd, ar. a dexter hand , I hyde my tyme.
couped in fesse grasping a dagger in pale gu. ; 3rd, ar. a Campbell (Catrine, Ayr, 1854). The same, within a
lymphad sails furled and oars in action sa. ; 2nd and 3rd, bordure or. Same
and Motto. Crest
grand quarters, quarterly or and gu. a bend sa., for McIveb. Campbell ^Skeldon, co. Ayr). Gyronny of eight erm. and
Crest —
^A boar*s head couped or. Supporters Two leopards — gu. a bordure chequy or and sa. CreRt ^The wings of an —
guard, ppr. collared az. with chains thereto affixed passing eagle conjoined ppr. Motto —
Ulterius et melius.
betw. their forelegs and refiexed over their backs or. Motto Cam.pbell (Barbieston, co. Ayr). Gyronny of eight erm.
—Nunquam ohliviscar. and gu. a bordure wavy vert. Crest A hand and arm —
Campbell (Duchernan, co. Argyll, and Quoycrook, co. holding a dagger with the sun above in his splendour, all
Caithness, represented by Dr. P. C. Campbell, principal of ppr. Motto —
Honore et armis.
Aberdeen University). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, grand Cam.pbell (Netherplace, co. Ayr). Gyronny of eight erm.
quarters, as in the last; 2nd and 3rd, grand quarters and gu. on each gyron a bezant. Crest A hand issuant —
quarterly or and gu. on a bend sa. three cross crosslets ar. from a cloud holding a signe^; letter ppr. itfoMo—Optime
Crest and Motto, as the last. Additional motto below the quod opportune.
shield —
^Per crucem ad lucem. Campbell (Waterhaughs, co. Ayr), Gyronny of eight
Cam.pbell (Capt. John Campbell, Madras N.I., descended waved erm. and gu. Motto —Tandem licet sero-
of denary, co. Perth, a cadet of Lergahonzie, 1873). Campbell (Skerrington, co. Ayr, as recorded 1750). Quar-
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gyronny of eight or and sa. 2nd ; terly, 1st, gyronny of eight or and sa. ; 2nd, az. three cross
and 3rd, quarterly or and gu. a bend sa., all within a crosslets fitchee issuant out of as many crescents ar., for
bordure ar. charged with six crosses moline az. Crest — Cathcaet: 3rd, az. three boars' heads erased ar. betw. a
dexter hand couped in fesse grasping a dagger gu. Motto — lance issuing out of the dexter and a Lochaher axe issuing
I forget not. out of the sinister base both erect in pale of the second; 4th,
Campbell (Ballochyle, co. Argyll). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gyronny of eight erm, and gu. Crest—A. dexter hand and
gyronny of eight or and sa.^ 2nd and 3rd, quarterly or and arm in armour holding a garland of laurel all ppr. Mottoex
gu. a leopard's face ppr. Crest —A boar's head'couped ppr. —Campi fere prsemia belli, and Wisdom's beginning is
Motto — not forget.
I will God's fear.
Campbell (Inverawe, co. Argyll). Gyronny of eight or and Campbell (Gargunnock, co. Stirling). Gyronny of eigM
sa. a bordure wavy az. charged with eight salmon naiant ar. erm. and gu. each of the last charged with a bee volant en
Crest —A hart's head ppr. arriere ar. Oest— A stork ppr. Motto Eefero. —
Cam.pbell (Glenfeochan, co. Argyll). Gyronny of eight or Campbell (Balgairsho, co. Forfar). Gyronny of eight enn.

and sa. in the

dexter chief point a boar's head erased of the and gu. a bordure engr. of the second, charged with eight
second, and in the sinister base a salmon naiant az. Crest — crescents ar.Crest—A.n. eagle displ. with two heads gu.
A stag's head ppr. Mottoes—T&.a.x bu mhiann dom; and issuingout of a flame of fire ppr. Motto—i^^^ ^^
Fortitudine et prudentia. opportune.
Campbell (Duutroou, co, Argyll), Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Campbell {Baron Stratheden and Campbell). Gyronny of
AA ;


eight or and within a hordure engr, quarterly or and
sa. Canbroke, or Canbrook. Ar. a chev, betw. three con-
&z. charged with eight buckles counterchanged. Crest — gers' lieads erased gu,
hoar's head erased gyronny of eight or and sa. Supporters, Cancefield (Cancefield, co. Lancaster). Or, three bars gu.
as Lord Stratfieden —
On either side a buck ar. attired and a canton erm.
hoofed or, that on the dexter gorged with a collar compony Cancelor, or Cancellor. Lozengy or and sa. Crest— ^An
gu. and of the second, therefrom pendent an escutcheon arm couped at the shoulder resting on the elbow supporting
gyronny of eight or and sa., and that on the sinister gorged a flag displ. az. charged with a crescent ar.
with a collar therefrom pendent an escutcheon gold, charged Candall. Or, a cross vert,
with three chaplets of laurel, two and one, ppr. Supporters, Candeler (Hampshire), Chequy or and gu. on a bend engr.
as Lord Campbell —
On either side a lion guard, gu., that on sa. three hons pass, guard, of the first.
the dexter gorged with a collar or, pendent therefrom an Candeler (Visit. London, 1568). Ar. three pellets in bend
escocheon az. charged with a saltire ar., and that on the cofctised sa. betw. two pellets. Crest— A goat's head couped
sinister gorged with a wreath of shamrocks ppr. pendent sa. attired ar.
therefrom an escutcheon or and gu. Motto Audacter et — Candell (co. Wexford). Ar. afretgu. overall on a fess ea.
aperte. three estoiles or (another, estoiles ar.).
Cazapbell (Baron on a fess gu. a mural crown
Clyde). Or, Candish (Suffolk). Ar. three piles wavy, two in chief
of the field. Crest —
On a mur^ crown a swan ea. Supporters —
and one in base gu. Crest An ostrich's head az, gorged
—A soldier of the 42nd Foot and a soldier of the 93rd Foot, with a collar sa. rimmed or, and charged with three bezants.
each habited, accoutred, and holding in the exterior band a Candish. Sa, three crosses botton^e fitchee or.

musket ppr. Motto ^Be mindful. Candisbe (co. Chester). Or, a lion ramp. gu. tail forked.
Campbell (Carrickboy, Ireland, hart.). Quarterly, 1st and Candisbe (Suffolk). Sa. a chev. or, betw. three cups un-
4th, gyronny of eight sa. and or, on a canton az. a bear's covered (another, covered) ar. Crest— A wolf's head couped
head couped ar. muzzled gu. 2nd and 3rd, ar. a lymphad
; az. collared or.
sailed' furled and oars in action sa. Crest —
On the points of Candisbe. Gu. three piles wavy ar. Same Crest.
an eastern crown a boar's head couped or. Motto Ne — Candisbe. Sa, three crosses crosslet or (another, the
oblivisearis. crosses fitchee),
Camplsell (Tillechewan, co, Dumbarton). Gyronny of eight Oandler (Suffolk). Erm. on a fesse engr. sa. three fishes*
or and sa. on a chief invecked ar. a lymphad sails furled, heads ar. collared gu. Crest —An eagle rising reguard.
and oars in action hetw. two hunting-horns stringed all of ppr.
the second. Crest —
^A boar's head erased ppr. Motto ISe — Candler (exemphfied Sept. 1838, to William Helsham, Esq.,
oblivisearis. of Edlkenny, on his assuming by royal licence the surname
Campbell (Stracathrow, co. Forfar). The same, with the chief and arms of Candlee only). Quarterly, or and az. per fess
engr. for diff. Same Crest and Motto. Indented in the first quarter a canton gu. Crest An angel —
Campbell-Bannerman (Hunton Court). See Banner- affronte habited az. girded and winged or, holding in the
MAN. dexter hand a flaming sword ppr., and in the sinister a
Campbell (Culreath, 1835). Gyronny of eight or and sa. on palm branch vert. Motto —Ad mortem fidelis,
a bordure embattled vert three elephants' heads erased ar. Candray. Ar. a fesse gu. in chief three torteaux.
Crest —
A boar's head couped or. Candrey. Gu. ten billets or, four, three, two, and one.
Campbell (Cammo, co. Edinburgh). Gyronny of eight or Cane. Sa. abend or, betw. three bezants. —A human
and sa. on a chief az. a lymphad sails furled, and oars heart gu. charged with a cinquefoil or.
in action betw. two mullets of the first. Crest hoar's—A Canes. Or, on a chief gu. two plates.
head erased sa. Motto Follow me— Caney. Az. three hons pass, in pale ar.
Caxnpe (London). Sa. a chev. hetw. three griffins' heads Ganeys. Gu. a cross erm.
erased or (another, ar.). Crest —
^A griffin's head erased Canfi.eld (co. York), Sa. a fret engr. and in the dexter chief
ducally gorged, and holding in the mouth a branch of laurel corner a cinquefoil ar.
all ppr. Oanfield. Ar. fretty sa.
CamperdoiKm, Earl of. See Duhcah. Canbam. Gu, a cross lozengy erm. betw. four pelicans'
Camperney, or Caxupney. Ar. a bend masculy gu. —
heads erased or. Crest Two palm branches in orle ppr.
Campidon. Per fesse or and az. the head, neck, and Canb.anser. Sa. an eagle's leg in pale erased a la quise ar.
shoulders of a woman, in fuU front ppr. crowned with an armed gu.
antique crown of the first. Canbey. Ar. on a bend gu. three magpies ppr.
Campion (Witham, co. Essex, and London). Ar. a chev. Caiikepene. Gu. six plates, three, two, and one.
betw. three talbots' heads erased sa. Crest —
Out of a ducal Cankrien (Hull). Erm. a saltire az. in chief arose and in
coronet or, a talbot's head sa. base a fleur-de-lis, in each flank a lion ramp, facing the ex-
Campion, or Campyon (London). Ar. on a chief gu. terior of the shield gu Crest— A demi lion ramp, holding
an eagle displ. or. Crest—A turkey in pride ppr. comb and betw. the paws a plummet.
wattle gu. Cann (Crompton Greenfield, co. Gloucester, hart., extinct,
Campion (Danny, co. Sussex). Same Arms and Crest. descended from William Cann, Mayor of Bristol, in 1648,
Campion (London). Az. fretty of eight enn. on a canton who bore az. fretty ar. a fesse gu. his eldestson. Sir Eobeet

or,a fleur-de-lis gu. Cann, created a baronet in 1662, had an addition to his
Campleshon. Ar. a fesse az. fretty or, hetw. a lion pass, arms from Sir Edward Walker, Garter, viz. three leopards*
in chief and three crosses crosslet fitchee in base gu. faces or, on the fesse). Az. fretty ar, on a fesse gu.
Camplin. Az. three arrows barbed and feathered on a —
three leopards' faces or. Crest Out of a mural coronet or,
chief or, three blackamoors' heads ppr. a plume of five ostrich feathers ar.
Camus. Gu. a pelican in her piety ar. on a chief az. a Cann (Skoolding-Cann, Gilston, co. Herts, exemplified
fleur-de-lis or. to John Frederick Skotjlding, Esq., on his taking the
Camvile, or Cam.vllle (co. Warwick. Elizabeth, dan. additional surname of Cann by royal licence, 29 Nov. 1866).
and heiress of Galfbiddb Camville, great grandson of Ist and 4th, gu. fretty ar. on a fesse of the last, a rose betw.
William De Camville, Lord of Seckivgdon and Arrow, m, two leopards' faces of the first, for Cann, 2nd and 3rd, per
KoBEET BuEDETT, who d. 1533. Visit, Warwick). Az. three chev. ar. and az, in chief two towers sa. and in base a
lions pass, in pale ar. ship under sail of the first, for Skoulding. Crests 1st, Cann : —
Camvile. Az, three lions ramp, (another, pass, in pale) ar. Out of the battlements of a tower ppr. a rose gu, slipped and
Crest—-On a mount a leopard sejant ppr. leaved ppr. betw, four feathers gu. and ar, and ar, and gu.
Camvile. Vert, an eagle displ. (another, with two heads) 2nd, Skoulding: An owl ar. collared sa. holding in the
or. dexter claw a thistle slipped ppr. Motto— Ferimus licitia.
Camvill. Gu. three fusils ar. Cann (Cornwall). Gu, a cross ar. Crest— Betw. two wings
Camville (Lord Camville, Geoffbet Db Camville was conjoined a cross crosslet fitchee.
summoned to Parliament 1295 to 1307, in abeyance since Cann, Gu, a cross engr. or.
1311). Vert three lions pass. ar. armed and langued gu. Cann. Az. fretty ar, a fesse gu. Crest— 0}xt of a mural
Camville (Stafltordslure). Az. three lions pass, guard, or. coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers ar.
Canary Company (incorporated in 1664). Ar. a cross Canne. Ar, on a chev, gu. two couple closes or.
gu. on a chief az. a lion pass, guard, or, betw. two hunches Canneton. Ar. seven cannets sa. three, three, and one.
of grapes erect, stalked and leaved of the last. Crest— Canning: (Foxcote, co. Warwick. A very ancient family of
mountain as representing the Peak of Teneriffe ppr. Suppor- which the noble families of Canning, Gabvagh, and Stbat*

ters Two falcons with wings endorsed or, belled of the last. FORD De Bedcliffe are junior branches. Allowed by
Canbroke. Ar. a chev. betw. three boars' heads couped Brooke, York Herald). Ar, three negroes' heads sidefaced,
gu- couped at the neck ppr. wreathed about the temples of the
A . k


first and sa. Crest—A demi lion ramp. ar. holding in the leopards' faces jessant-de-lis or. Crest—A leopard's face
dexter paw a battle-axe
ppr. gu. jessant-de-lis or.
Cannings (Foxcote, co. Warwick, and Hartpury, co. Glou- CantelO'W (Ireland). Ar. three wolves' heads couped aa.
cester ; the senior heiress and representative Mabia, Crest —A demi bull per pale or and az.
elder dau. of Bobeet Canning, Esq., of Foxcote, m. CanteloTC*, or Cantelupe (co. Salop). Gu. a bend betw.
1848, Patrick Robert Gordon, Esq., Capt. 78th High- three fleurs-de-lis ar. (another, or).
landers, who assumed by royal hcence the additional sur- Cantelow, or Cantelupe. Erm. on a chev. gu. three-
name and arms of Canning). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Cann- leopards' heads jessant-de-lis or.
ing, ar. three negroes' heads couped ppr. wreathed about Cantelow. Erm. a chev. gu.
the temples of the first and sa. and for distinction a cross Cantelow, or Cantelupe. Az. a bend erm. betw. three
crosslet in chief of the last. 2nd and 3rd, az. on a chev. leopards' heads or, jessant-de-lis gu.
erm. betw. three boars* heads erased or, a stag's head erased Cantelupe (Sir William de Cantelupe,
Knt., ef Aston

gu. Crests 1st, Canning A demi lion ramp. ar. holding
: Cantelupe, co. Warwick, sheriff of Worcester, temp. King
in the dexter paw a battle-axe ppr. ; 2nd, Gobdon A : John). Gu. three fleurs-de-lis or.
stag's head erased ppr. —
Motto Dum vigilo tutus; over Cantelupe. Az. a fesse gu. betw. three leopards* heads
the Crest, By dand. jessant-de-lis or.
Canning: {Earl Canning, extinct 1862). Quarterly, 1st and Cantelupe (Bishop of Worcester, 1230-66). Az. three
4th, ar. three Moors' heads couped in profile ppr., wreathed leopards' heads inverted jessant-de-lis or
round the temples of the first and az. 2nd, gu. three spear
5 Canterbury, Viscount. See Manners-Sdtton.
heads paleways in fess ar. 3rd, gu. a goat saUent or. Crest
; — Canterbury, Archbisliopric of. Az. an episcopal
demi lion ramp. ar. charged with three trefoils vert, holding staff in pale or, ensigned with a cross pattee ar. sur-
in the dexter paw an arrow pheoned and flighted ppr. shaft or. mounted of a pall of the last charged with four crosses

iiupporters ^Dexter, alien ar. charged on the shoulder with formee-fitchee sa. edged and fringed, gold.
three trefoils sUpped vert, and holding in the sinister paw an Canterbury, City of (Kent). Ar. three Cornish choughs
arrow point downwards sinister, a cormorant, holding in its
; ppr., two and one, on a chief gu. a lion pass, guard, or.
beak a branch of layer all ppr. Motto—Ne cede malis Cantlieti . Gu, a chev. (another, erm.) betw. three pheons ar.
sed contra. Canthorpe. Or, (another, ar.) a fesse betw. three escallop
Canning: (Baron Garvagh). Quarterly of six, 1st and 6th, shells gu.
ar. three Moors' heads in profile, couped ppr., wreathed Canthorpe. Ar. a fesse betw. three cstoiles ar.
about the temples of the first and az., for Canning; 2nd, Cantillon (Ballyheige, co. Kerry, Ireland). Az. a lion
gu. three spear heads erect in fesse ar., for Salmon ; ramp, betw. two arrows in pale of the second, points in
3rd, sa. a goat sahent ar., for Marshall; 4th, bendy ar. —
base ar. Crest A dexter arm embowed ppr., holding a dart
and az. a bordure gu., for Newburgh ; 5th, per pale ar. or, feathered ar.
and sa. a fesse nebuly betw. three griffins' heads erased Cantillon (Antoine Stlvain de Cantillon, Saron de
within a bordure engr. aU counterchanged, for Spencer. Ballylieige, in France, Lieut.-Col. Chevalier, of St. Louis).
Crests —
1st : A demi lion ramp, erm., holding in his paws a Same Arms and Crest. Motto —Fortis in bello.
battle axe ppr. ; 2nd : A demi griffin segreant sa. beaked and Cantillon (Richard Cantillon, of Paris, Biinker, 1710,
legged or; 3rd: A demi lion ramp, ar., holding in hia dexter descended from co. Kerry, whose dau. Henrietta in. first,
paw an arrow pointing downwards or, feathered ar. Sup- 1743, William Howard, 3rd Sari of Stafford ; and 2nd,.

porters Dexter, a griffin reguard. wings expanded az. 1769, Bobekt Maxwell, 1st Sari of Farnham). Same as
guttee d'or, beaked and legged of the last ; sinister, an the last.
eagle reguard. wings expanded sa. beaked and legged or. Cantilupe (Ilkeston). Gu. a fesse vair betw. three fleurs-

Motto Ne cede malis sed contra. de-hs or.
Canning: {Viscou-nt Stratford de RedcUffe). Quarterly, 1st Cantilupe {Lord Cantilupe, William de Cantilupk,
and 4th, ar. three Moors' heads couped in profile ppr. wreathed summoned to Parliament 1299 to 1308, extinct in 1390).
round the temples of the first and az. ; 2nd, gu. three Gu. three leopards' heads inverted jessant-de-lis or.
spear heads palewise in fesse ar. ; 3rd, gu. a goat salient or. Cantis (Canterbury). Sa. on a chev. or, betw. three stags'

Crest A demi lion ramp. ar. charged with three trefoils heads cabossed ar. as many covered cups gu. Crest—
vert, holding in the dexter paw an arrow point downwards. hart's head erased ppr. attired or, gorged with a collar ar.
Sv/pporters —
Two lions ar. collared or, on the shoulder of charged with three roses gu. barbed and seeded ppr.
each a shield, charged with three trefoils. Motto Ne cede — Cantlowe (Ireland). Ar three foxes' heads couped sa.
malis sed contra. langued gu.
Canning-, De
Bxirg:li-Canning' {Marguess of Clanri- Cantoke. Gu. a cross flory ar, betw. four roses or.
carde). SeeBuRXE. Canton (Ireland). Or (another, sa.) on a chief az. a lion
Canning's. Ar. on a chief gu. three plates pass, of the field, armed gu. Crest —
On a chapeau ppr a ,

Cannock (co. Lincoln). Erm. a fret gu. on a chief of the boar pass, per pale ar. and vert.

second three annulets ar. Crest ^A demi buck couped ar. Canton (co. Kent). Ar. a Hon pass, in fesse sa. betw.
attired and ducally gorged or, one foot resting on the three dolphins gu. —
Crest On a chapeau a lion's head
wreath. erased ppr.
Cannon (co. Pembroke; granted February 1614). Gu. on Canton (co. Leicester), Barry of four ar. and gu. on a

a bend ar. double cottised or, a pellet. Crest ^A cannon sa. chief of the second three mullets of the first.
mounted on a carriage or. Cantrell (Monsall, co. Lancaster, and Bury, co. Suffolk).
Cannon (Scotland). Gu. a two-handed sword in bend Ar. a pelican in her piety, in her nest sa. Crest —A tower
sinister, betw. three mullets ar. Crest —
Out of a, crescent ar. ar. port sa. Motto —Proprio vos sanguine pasco.
a buckle az. Cantwell (Ireland). Gu. five annulets and a canton erm.
Cannys (co. Devon). Gu. a cross erm. Crest —
A dexter hand ppr., holding up an annulet or.
Canon. Ar. on a chev. engr. betw. three crosses pattee sa. Cantwell (allowed by Hawkins, Ulster, 1776, to Andrew
as many martlets of the first. Samuel Michael Cantwell, an officer in the French
Canon (Fun. Ent. of Frances, dau. of Thomas Canon, buried service descended from William Cantwell, Esq., of
at. St. Audeons, Dublin, 13 June, 1675). Gu. on a bend ar. MoUartay, co. Tipperary, living 1319;, Same Amis. Crest
betw. two double cottises or, three pellets. — A leopard's head couped ppr,
Canran (Ireland). Ar. three hurts, each charged with as Canvill (quartered by Abigal, dau. of John Bollaedt, of
many chevronels of the fi.eld. Antwerp, merchant, m, 17 Oct., 1638, Kidglet Hatfield,
Cansey. Sa. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. Lord Mayor of Dublin 1656, and d. 9 Oct., 1656, FuniEnt..
Cansliaza. Ar. a saltire sa. Ire.). Az. a pelican reguard. or,
Canston. Ar. on a bend sa. three crosses crosslet fltch€e Canzler (granted to Peter Canzler, citizen and apothecary
or, (another, ar.). of Burghansen, in Lower Bavaria, by the Emperor Ferdinand.
Canston. Ar. three bendlets sa. III., April, 1647). Per fesse ar. and gu. a hart ramp, ppr-
Cansure. Az. an eagle displ. barry of eight ar. and gu. holding in the mouth a branch of a tree vert. Ctest —
Cant (Scotland). Ar. a bend engr. betw. two crescents sa. A hart as in the arms betw. two ele'phants* tusks gU'
Cant (Drybumford, co. Haddington). Ar. a bend engr. and ar.
betw. a crescent and a star of eight points in chief and a Cany, Vair, three bars gu.
— —
mullet in base sa. Crest A dove ppr. Motto Aliis reposita. Canys (co. Devon). Gu. a cross erm.
Cantell (Ireland). Gu. a star of eight points within an orle Caovan, See O'Caomhan.
of five annulets or, a canton erm. Capdoys. Gu. a cinquefoil ar. guttee de poix.
Cantelo, or Cantelup, Az. three fleurs^e-lis or. Cape. Gu. a lion ramp. betw. three escallops ar. » • .

Q^ntelow (co. Hereford). Gu. a fesse rair betw. three on a chief erm. a sword and branch of oak crossing cacb
other in saltire ppr. Crat—A lion pasB. gu. holding a sword Caps (co. Cornwall). Ar. a chev. sa. hetw. three Moors' head*
ppr. hilt and pomel or. ppr.
Oapel (JLord Mayor of London, 1503). 6n. a lion ramp. Caps. At. on a bend cottised az. three bezants.
hetw. three crosses croaslet fitchee or. —
Crest A demi lion Caps. Sa. on a bend cottised or, three pellets.
or, holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet fitchee gu. Capsal, or Capsall, Ar. a cross sa. Crest^A castle
Capel {Bart of £ssex). Same Arms and Crest. Supporters triple towered ppr. on the centre tower a flag gu. charged
—Two lions or, ducaUy crowned gu. Motto— Fide et fortitu- with a cross or. Avather Crest—A hand holding a military
dine. Gash ppr.
Capel (London). Same Arms. Crest — ^An anchor gu.hezantee Carant, or Carante (cos. Essex and Wilts). Ar. on a
ringed or. torteau three chev. az.
Oapel (Presbury, co. Gloucester). Chequy or and az. on a Carant (Essex). Ar. three hurts, each charged with as many
fease gu. three lozeuges ar. Crest A plume of ostrich — chev. gu.
feathers, the middle one ar. the others or. Caraunt. Ar. three torteaux, on each as many chev. az.
Capel (Stroud, co. Gloucester). Same as the last, excepting Carbery, Baron. SeeEvANs-FBEKB.
that the fesse is or, and the lozenges az. Carbery (John Cabbebt, Esq., of Kilbride, Smith's OrdU
Capell (How Capell, co. Hereford). Chequy or and az. on a nary). Az. a lion pass, guard, and in chief two estoiles ar.
fesse gu. three mascles ar. Crest —A
plume of three ostrich Crest —
A wyvern's head erased gu.
two ar. and one gu.
feathers, Carbew (co. Norfolk). Gu. a cross ar. a bordure or.
Capel {The Grove, co. Gloucester). Same Arms and Crest. Carbill. Ar. on a chev. betw. three crowns sa. as many
Motto—Sic vita humana. estoiles or.
Capell (Kent). Sa. a chev. counter-embattled ar. Carblen. Az. a fleur-de-lis and a chief ar.
Capell (co. Hereford), Gu. a cross ar. betw. four lozenges Carbonell (London, and Caen, Normandy; granted 1694).
vaire. Per fesse, gu. and az. three plates. Crest^A demi lion az.
Capell (co. Hereford). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three torteaux- crowned gu. on the shoulder three plates.
Capell. Vert, fretty ar. (another, has a fesse or). Carbonell (co. Norfolk). Gu. a cross ar. a bordure engr.
Capell. Sa. three plates in bend betw. two cottises or. or.
Capell. Sa. on a bend betw. two cottises or, three pellets. Carbonell (co. Suffolk). Gu. a cross ar. fretty sa.
Capelen. See Chaplain. Carbonell (Woodbury, co. Devon). Gu. a cross ar. a bordure
CapenllUTSt (quartered by Pole, co. Devon. John Pull, or. Crest—A sword in bend ppr.
of Pull, CO. Chester, m. Johanna, dau. of TnouAB Cafen- Carbonell (quartered by Wingfield, of Tickencote, co.
HUBST. Visit. Devon 1620). Gu. three cocks ar. Rutland. Sir Thomas Wingfield, m. Mabgabet, widow of
ClipenhxLrst. Gu. a chev. betw. three cocks ar. William Cabbonell, and dau. and heir of William
Capenliurst. Ar. three cocks sa. armed, crested, and BoviLL, ante 1378, Visit, co. Butland). Gu. a cross ar. a
jelloped or. border engr. or,
Capenlmrst (Capenhurst, a male branch of Frodsbah, Carbonell. Sa. three swords in pale, two points downwards
of Frodsham). Gu. a chev. betw. three capons ar. and one upwards, ar. pomelled or.
Capenhurst (Wyrrat). Same Arms, colours transposed. Carboyl. Az. three tilting spears hendways or.
Capenhurst. Ar. three capons sa. Carcey. Vair, three bars gu.
Caperou (Scotton, co. York, of Norman extraction, the Oarcy. Barry of six erm. and gu. Crest — ^A lion's paw
Richabd de Capebon,
heiress of the family, Alice, dau. of erased sa. holding a letter ppr.
of Scotton, m. Henbv de Scbiven, and her dau. and heiress, Card (Gray's Inn). Erm. a demi lion ramp, erased az.
Johanna de Scbiven, m., 1357, William de Slingsbt, of collared or, thereon three torteaux. —
Crest Out of a cloud
Studley, aud brought Scotton unto that family ; the arms are a hand holding a letter ppr.
on the Slinosby shield in the Chapel at Seaglethorp, co. Card, or Calrd. Erm. a demi lion couped az. collared or.
York). Sa. a chev. betw. three lozenges ar. each lozenge Crest —
A demi lion ramp.
charged with an erm. spot (another, chev. gu.). Cardale (William Cabdale, of Dudley, a.d. 1670). Az. a
Capes. Crest—A cross flory fitchee gu. flowered or. chev. ar. betw. three linnets ppr. [CardueUs, a linnet, diet.
Caples. Or, a cross moline sa. qd. Carduorum semine paseatur.] Crest —A
linnet ppr.
Capon. Sa. a chev. betw. three mullets or. Crest A demi — —
Motto Studendo et contemplando indefessus. The family
lion gu. of Cardonnay (varied from Chardonneret Carduelis) Seigneur
Capoun. Gu. three birds a border engr. ar. de Courtieres, &c., generaht^ de Kouen, maintained their
Capp. Sa. three spurs or. —A winged spur or.
Crest right to the same charges on a field gu. in 1668. Vide
Cappe (Uncolnshire). Gu. a fesse dancettfe ar. in chief Nobiliaire de Norraandie, Cardonnay.
three caps of the last. Cardale. Or, a chev. per pale az. and gu. betw. three
Capper (Chester). Ar. three caps sa. banded or. Cornish choughs ppr.
Capper (Lincoln's Inn, and Bushey, co. Hereford). Or, on CardeiU. Or, a cross formee gu.
a chev. gu. three roses ar. a canton of the second. Crest— Cardell (Ireland). Ar. a fret couped gu.
A ram's head couped. . . . Cardelyon, or Cardelon. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three
Capper (Ashurst, co. Kent). Az. a chev. engr. erm. betw. crosses crosslet fitchee sa.
two bees volant in chief, and a beehive in base or, on a chief Cardemen. Ar. on a chief sa. a lion pass, of the first.
of the last as many bucks^ heads cabossed sa. quartering Cardemen. Paly of six ar. and gu. on a chief az. a lion
Skallwood; viz., chequy ar. and sa. on a bend erminois pass, guard, or,
three billets az. Crest —A
dexter arm embowed, vested az. Carden, or Oawarden (Garden ; extinct temp. Edward
cuffed erminois, the hand grasping a staff in bend sinister ppr. III. the heiress m. Lechb). Sa. a sling betw. two pheons
thereon hoisted a banner of the first, fringed and charged ar. Crest —A wolfs head erased sa. pierced with an arrow
with a bee volant or. ar. ,

Capper (Birmingham, cos, Warwick, and Stafford). Same Carden (Hodiford, co.Kent, ahranchofthe Cheshire family).
ArTTLS. Same Arms.
Capps (Martham, co. Norfolk). Az. on a fesse betw. three Carden (Templemore, co. Tipperary, bart.). Ar. a mascle
antelopes pass, or, as many escallops gu. CresP^A demi —
gu. betw. three pheons sa. Crest ^A pheon sa. Motto—
antelope eejant or. Fide et amore.
Capps. Ar. on a chev. betw. three trefoils slipped sa. an Carden (Bamane, co. Tipperary, descended from a common
escallop of the first. ancestor with the harts, of Templemore). Same Arms, Crest,
Capps (Kent). The same, without the escallop. and Motto.
Cappus (Kent). At. a chev. betw. three trefoils slipped Cardeton. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three crosses crosslet
sa. fitchee sa.
Capron (Stoke Doyle and Southwick Hall, co. Northampton). Cardew. Per fesse or and sa. in base three bezants.
Quarterly, Ist and 4th, per chev. gu. and az. on a chev. (}j.^gt Out of a ducal coronet a plume of four feathers.
engr, ar. betw. two lions combatant in chief erminois and a Cardife (Ireland). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. three Moors*
cross fiory in base or, three mullets sa., for Capbon ; 2nd heads couped sa. ; 2nd and 3rd, sa. three water-bougets or^
and 3rd, sa. on a chev. betw. three lozenges ar. each (or ar.)
lozenge charged with an erm. spot, another chev. gu., Cardiff. See Kebdiffe.
Capbon (ancient). Crest—A cross flory or, in front of a Cardiffe (Fun. Ent. Ire. 1596). Ar. three blackamoors'
demi man affronts in armour ppr. garnished gold holding heads couped sa., quartering Kirkton.

in the dexter hand an arrow, the barb downwards also ppr. Cardiff, Townof (Glamorganshire). Gu. three chev. or.
the sinister hand resting on the cross. Mottoes ^Above the — Cardiffe (Ireland). Ar. a chev. betw. three door staples
crest, Vigilate et orate under the arms, Sub cruce salua.
; sa. Crest ^A —
gillifiower, slipped and leaved ppr.

Oardiffe. Az. a fesse or, betw. six martlets ar. Ci-est—A mainmast, the round top set off with palisadoes or
Cardiffe. Az. a fesse betw. six martlets or. Ci*fis<—On a a lion issuing thereout sa. Supporters—Dexter, a lion sa.;
chapeau gu. turned up or, a martlet sa. sinister, an antelope gu. JkToWo— J'esp^re bien.
Cardigran, Earl of. See Brddenell. Carew {Sari of Totness. Sir George Carew was created
Cardigan, Town of. No Arms. Corporation seal repre- Saron Carew of Clopton 1605, and Earl of Totness 1625;
sents an antique castle triple towered and embattled, on d. 8. p. 1629). Same Arms. Crest —A
lion pass. sa. Sup-
reverse a ship under sail. —
porters Two heraldic antelopes gu. crined, attired, and
Cardig-an, or Cardican (Wales). Quarterly, ar. and hoofed or. Mottoes— ^n esp6rance je vis; and Felice chi
erm. a bend gu. puo.
Cardimew, or Cardinden. Ar. on a chief sa. a lion Garew (Haccombe, co. Devon, hart.). Arms and Crest, same
pass. or. as Carew, of Carew Castle. Supporters Two heraldic —
Cardin, or Garden. Ar. on a bend gu. three lions' heads antelopes gu. armed and unguled ar. Motto—NH consciri
erased or. Cres.t — ^A wolf statant sa. in the mouth an arrow sibi.
paleways ppr. Carew (Antony, Cornwall; hart., extinct 1748). As Cabew
Gardinall (Essex). Sa. a fesse engr. betw. three door of Carew Castle.
hinges ar. Crest —A dromedary ppr. Carew (Pole-Carbw, now of Antony, Cornwall). 1st and
Gardinall (Hadley, co. Suffolk). Same Arms. 4th, Carew, as the preceding 2nd and 3rd, Pole, az. sem^e-

Gardinglon. Sa. three woolcombs or, teeth outwards. de-lis a lion ramp. ar. Crests —
let, as Carew of Carew
Crest —A bull pass, per fesse sa. and ar. Castle; 2nd, Pole, a lion's gamb. gu, armed or.
Gardingi;on. Ar. a fesse embattled and coimter embattled Carew (Beddington, co. Surrey, a distinguished branch of
sa. fretty or, betw. three lions pass. gu. the great House of Carew Anne, dau. and heir of Sir

Gardinis (Scotland). Ar. a chev engr. gu. Nicholas Carew, K.G., of Beddington, m. Sir Nicholas
Cardmaker, or Oardemaker (Essex). Per fesse gu. Throckmorton, Knt., of Pauler's Perry, and the descendants
and ar. (another ar. and gu.) a pale counterchanged, three of this marriage assumed the surname, and were raised to
greyhounds' heads of the second, collared of the first. the degree of baronet, 1715, title extinct, 1762). ArmSi&c,
Cardmakers, Gompany of (London). Gu. on a cross as Carew of Carew Castle.
ar. betw. the four ace cards ppr. (viz. the ace of hearts and Carew. See Hallowell-Cabew.
diamonds in chief, the ace of clubs and spades in base), a Carew (Garryvoe, co. Cork; Sir Eobert Carew, son of
lion pass, guard, of the first. Crest —
On a wreath an armed Robert Carew, Esq., of Garryvoe, temp. Charles I., is stated
arm erect, holding in the hand an ace of hearts all ppr. to have been descended from Adam Mountgomeby de

Supporters ^Two men in armour complete ppr. garnished Carew, the first of the name settled in Ireland. Fuo. Ent.,
or, on each a sash gu. Ulster's Offl,ce). Same Arms as Carew. of Carew Castle,
Cardmene, or Gardmewe, Ar. on a chief sa. a lion with a mullet for diff., quartering, quarterly ar. and gu., for
pass, of the first. —
ToiTE. Orest An heraldic antelope pass. az. corned, maaed,
Gardon. Sa. a cross bow in bend betw. two pheons ar. tufted and unguled or.
Gardonnel (Chirton, co. Northumberland; granted 1773). Carew (Castle Boro, co. Wexford; Saron Carew). Quarterly,
Ar, two chev. betw. three trefoils slipped vert. Crest ^A — three Uoncels pass, sa, 2nd, per pale gu. and erm. a
1st, or, ;

goldfinch ppr. on the breast a trefoil vert. counterchanged; 3rd, ar. three eagles displ. gu,
Gardonnel, Tie. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, same as last. ducally crowned or; 4th, quarterly, ar. and gu. Oresf— An
2nd and 3rd, ermines on a chief or, three griffins segreant heraldic antelope pass. sa. crined and corned or. Supportert
sa. Crest — —
Same as last. Motto L'esperance me console. — On either side an heraldic antelope gu. corned and criaed
Cardos. Ar. on a chev. az. three eagles displ. or. or. —
Motto Nil admirari.
Gardozo (granted to Samuel Ndnez Cardozo, of Hackney, Carew (Ballinamona, co. Waterford, descended from Thomas
merchant). Sa. five bezants in saltire a chief indented ar. Carew, yoimger brother of Shafland Carew, Esq., of Castle
thereon three stalks of tobacco, each consisting of three Boro, CO. Wexford, ancestor of Lord Carew). Arms, Crest,

leaves ppr. Crest A demi savage affrontee ppr. holding in and Motto same as Lord Carew.
his dexter hand a stalk of tobacco, as in the arms, and his Carew (Woodenstown, co. Tipperary, descended from Ltsn
sinister hand resting on a triangle gold. Carew, younger brother of Bobebt Carew, Esq., of Castle
Gardwell. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three maidens' heads Boro, CO. Wexford, ancestor of Lord Carew). Arms, Orest,
erased ppr. ducally crowned or. Crest —
A knight in com- and Motto, same as Lord Carew.
plete armour ppr. vizor up, on the top thereof a plume of Garew (cos. Surrey, Gloucester, and Kent). Ar. three lions
feathers gu. in his dexter hand a battle-axe of the first. pass, in pale sa. armed and langued gu.
Gardwell {Viscount CardwelL). Ar. a chev. sa. in base a Carew (Kent). The same, within a bordure chequy or and
maiden's head erased ppr. ducally crowned or, on a chief of sa. (another, the bordure gobony).
the second two maidens' heads erased ppr. ducally crowned Carew, Gu. on a chev. betw. three cinquefoils or, as many
or. d-est —
A man in armour holding in the dexter hand a estoiles of the first.
war mace all ppr. charged on the breast with a cross patt^e Carewell, Sa. three chev. ar.
gu. Supporters—On either side a man in armour holding in Carewell. Ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu.
the exterior hand a battle-axe all ppr., charged on the breast Carey (Guernsey, descended from the Cabys, or Careys, of
with a cross pattee gu. Mottoes Agissez honn^tement;— Devon). Ar. on a bend sa. three roses of the field. Crests—
and VaiUant et veiUant. 1st: Aswan ar. wings endorsed; 2nd: A horse's head and
Gareill. Ar. three bars betw. as many martlets sa. neck bendy of six ar. and sa. armed with a shield plate, ajid
Carell. Sa. three bends ar. in chief a castle of the bridled or.
second. Crest—A sword in pale surmounted by two crosses Carey (Baily of Guernsey, 1875). Same Arms, a crescent sa.
crosslet fitch^e in saltire. for diff. Crest— A. swan rising ppr. Motto—Sine maculS.
Garera. Gu. a chev. betw. three escallops ar. Carey, Gu. a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased or, on a
Garesville. Ar. three bars gemels sa. chief per fesse nebulee ar. and az. a pale of the last, charged
Careewell. Or, fretty gii. a fesse erm. with a pelican close of the third, vulning her breast of the
Oareswell. Ar. two bars gemelles sa. (another, three field. —
Crest A wolf pass, reguard. per pale ar. and gu.
bars). holding in the mouth a rose branch flowered of the second,
Gareswell. Sa. three bars gemelles ar. leaved and stalked vert.
Garett. Or, on a chief indented sa. three roses ar. Garfrae (Edinburgh). Az. three bars ar. on the upper bar
Carew (Carew Castle, co. Pembroke, Haccombe, co. Devon, three crescents of the first. Crest A tower embattled ar.—
Antony, co. Cornwall, &c. of Anglo-Saxon origin, des-
; —
Motto Fortis in fide.
cended, in common with the Lords Windsore, the Fitzgeralds Carg-ill (Scotland). Erm. a saltire gu.
Fitzmaurices of Ireland, and several Welsh families derived Carhill. Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three Cornish choughs
from Osborne Fitzgerald, Lord of Ynysymaengwyn, from ppr. as many estoiles or.
Walter Fitz Otho, Castellan of Windsor, son of Otho, the Garigres. Ar. on a bend sa. three birds of the first.
Saxon, temp. Edward the Confessor. Sir Nicholas Carew, Garig-s. Ar. a bend az. betw. three choughs ppr.
Knt., who d. in 1449, left five sons : 1, Thomas (Sir), ancestor Carig-s. Ar. a bend gu. betw. three magpies ppr.
of George Carew, Barl of Totness ; 2, Nicholas, of Haccombe, Carill (London). Ar. two bars sa. in chief three martlets of
from whom derived the Carews of Haccombe, barts. 3, ; the last.
Hugh, who d. s. p.', 4, Alexander, of Antony, co. Cornwall, Caringijon, or Smyth (co. Warwick. Visit. Warwick
ancestor of the Carews of Antony, extinct baronets, and of and Leicester, confirmed by the Deputies of Camden, Claren-
the late Bight Hon. Beoinald Pole-Carew; 5, Williau ceux, to Francis Smyth, of Wooton, grandson of Sh: John
(Sir), ancestor of the Carews of Crowcombe, co. Somerset). Suyth, and 5th in descent from John Cabrington, or
Or, three Uoncels pass, in pale sa. armed and langued gu. Smith, d. 1446, who was 5th in descent from Sir Michaei
Cabeington, Standard Bearer to Richard I., and d. in the Carlill (Cumberland and Westmorland). Or, a cross flory
Holy Land). Ar. a cross gu. hetw. four peacocks az. gu. in the dexter chief a rose of the last. Crest An arm —

Cr^t A peacock's head erased az. ducally gorged or. embowed in armour holding in the hand all ppr. a spear ar.
Carington (^Lord Carrmgton). Or, a chev. cottised Carlill (Kent and Cumberland). Or, a cross flory gu.
betw. three demi griffins, the two in chief respectant each —
Crest A dexter arm embowed in armour or, garnished gu.
other sa. a mullet for diff. gu. Crest— An elephant's head holding in the hand ppr. a baton gold.
erased or, eared gu. charged on the neck with three fleurs- Carlill (London, 1383). Or, on a cross engr. gu. betw. two
de-liz, two and one az. —
Biipporters ^Two griffins sa. wings roses dexter bendways and as many griffizis' heads erased
devated or, the dexter charged with three fleurs-de-lis sinister bendways of the second, five martlets of the first.
palewise gold, the sinister with three trefoils slipped pale- Carlill, or Carlyle (Northumberland). Ar. on a chev. sa.

wise of the last. Motto Tenax et fidelis. betw. three Cornish choughs ppr. as many estoiles or.
Carkeridgre (Godmasham, co. Kent). Ar. on a fesse engr. Carlill. Or, across patonce gu. in the dexter chief a rose
sa. three cinquefoils or. of the second.
Carkettle Az. on a hend or, betw. three
(Scotland). Carlisle, Earl of. See Howabd.
covered cups of the as many hoars* heads erased gu.
last, Carlisle, City of (Cumberland). Vert the base wavy of
Carkettle Ar. on a bend betw. two mullets gu.
(Scotland). six ar. and az. thereon a castle hetw. two roses or, on a chief
three crescents of the first. Crest —
A griffin's head erased gu. a lion pass, guard, of the fourth.
ppr. Carlisle, See of. Ar. on a cross sa. a mitre labelled or.
Carkhazn. (Fun. Ent. of Dr. Cabehah, surgeon to a regiment Carlisle Priory (Cumberland). Ar. on a cross sa. a mitre
in Dublin, d. 24 March, 1677). Ar. three lions ramp, and a with labels or.
bordure gu. Carlitou. Erm. on a fesse gu. three castles triple-towered
Carkike (London, granted 10 Dec. 1530). Sa. a bend engr. or.
cotised or, over all a label of three points ar. Carlnx3niake. Sa. a fesse or, betw. three boars' heads
Carkile (London). Sa. a bend invected betw. two cotises erased and six crosses crosslet fitch^ of the second.
or, over all a label of three points. Carlos or Careless (granted 21 May, 1658, to Col.
Carle. Az. three pomegranates or, seeded gu. William Carlos or Cabeless, of Broomhall, co. Stafford).
Carle. Gu. a chev. betw. three ducks rising ar. Or,on a mount in base an oak tree vert over on a fesse
Carleill (Sewerby, co. York). Ar. on a chev. sa. hetw. gu. three regal crowns of the field. Crest A sword ar. —
three Cornish choughs ppr. beaked and legged gu. as many hiltand pomel or, and a sceptre of the last in saltire, enfiled
mullets of six points or. Crest —
^A Moor's head in profile, with a civic crown vert. Jfo«o—Subditus fidelis Begis et
couped at the shoulders ppr. salus Begni.
Carlell, or Carlyle (co. Stafford). Or, a cross formee Carlow (Holbeach). Ar. on a chev. betw. three leopards'
heads many annulets of the first.
sa. as
Carlesse. At. on a bend sa. three cinquefoils pierced or. Carlowe, or Carlo'W (Wales). Az. three spears in bend
Carleston. Or, on a chev. vert three eagles displ, of the or, headed ar.
field. Carlnyake, or Carluynake (Cornwall). Sa. three
Carleton (Brightwell and Holcombe,
Baron co. Oxford, boars' heads in fesse betw. six crosses crosslet fitchee or.
Carleton and Viscount Dorchester, created baron 1626^ and Carlyle {Lord Dumfries the
Carlyle, of Torthorwald, co. ;

viscount 1628, extinct 1837, see Lowndes Stone, of Bright- heiress m. Sir Jaues Douglas, of Farkhead, and the title
well). Ar. on a bend sa. three mascles of the first. Cre&t — was re-granted to her son in 1609, See Bdeke's Extinct and
Out of a ducal coronet an unicorn's head crined ar. armed Do'rmant Peerage). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. a cross fiory
barry or and sa. Supporters —
Dexter, an unicorn sa. or, for Caeltle 2nd and 3rd, or, a cross gu. for Cobsbie,

crined and hoofed ar. armed barry sa. and ar. sinister, a ; en surtout, az. a saltire ar., for which was afterwards sub-
leopard ppr. stituted, ar. a man's heart gu. on a chief az., three stars of
Carleton ( Viscount Carleton, of Clare, co. Tipperary, extinct —
the field, for Douglas. Crest Two dragons' necks and
1825). Same Arms. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, an —
heads addorse vert. Supporters On either side a peacock
unicorn's head ar. homed and maned
Supporters gold. — in its pride ppr. Motto Humilitate.—
Two leopards guard, spotted ppr. each collared dancettee Carlyle (Limekilns, 1736). Or, a cross flory gu. in dexter
az. —
Motto Quaerere verum. —
chief a crescent of the last. Crest ^A dexter arm holding a
Carleton (Clare, co. Tipperary, and Greenfield, co, writing pen ppr. Motto —
Cork). Ar. on a bend sa. three mascles of the field, Carlyle. See Caelill, Northumberland.
ft-crt— Out of a ducal coronet or, an unicorn's head ar. the Carlyon (Tregrehau, co. Cornwall). Sa. a plate betw. three
horn twisted of the first and second. Motto Nunquam non — castles ar. each charged with a cross crosslet gu. quarter-
paratus. ing Hawkins, Scobell, Tbedenham, Tikeel, Killiowe,
Carleton (Surrey, Bedfordshire, linton, Cambridgeshire, Ents, Gwavas, Pomeeot, and Hookee. Crest—A. demi lion
and London). Arms same as Viscount Carleton. Crest — ramp. gu. ducally crowned or, collared ar. holding betw.
Out of or, an unicorn's head sa. the horn
a dncal coronet —
his paws a bezant. Motto Turns tutissima virtus.
and second.
twisted of the first Carlyon. Gu. a chev. enhanced ar. Crest In the sea a —
Carleton fWeting, co. Norfolk). Or, a lion ramp. gu. pillar ppr.
Carleton (Carleton, near Penrith, Cumberland). Erm. on a Carlyon (co. Cornwall). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. two cross
bend sa. three pheons ar. —
Crest A dexter arm embowed crosslets fitchee in chief and a castle in base sa.
ppr. vested to the elbow gu. doubled erm. holding in the Carmalt (Langrigg, co. Cumberland, granted 1740). Vert
hand a javelin ar. a dragon sejant with wings expanded betw. three escallops
Carleton {Baron Dorchester). Erm. on a bend sa. three or. —
Crest A dragon's head erased per pale vert and or,
pheons ar. —
Cre«t ^A dexter arm embowed and naked to the gorged with a collar charged with three escallops counter-
elbow, shirt folded above the elbow ar. and vested over gu. changed.
the hand grasping an arrow in bend sinister, point down- Carmarthen, or Camarden (Chiselhurst, co. Kent,
wards ppr. Supporter»~-1!vfo beavers ppr. the dexter gorged and London). Az. a fesse betw. three lions' gambs erect
with a mural coronet, the sinister with a naval coronet, and erased or. Crest—A. lion's gamb as in the arms.
both or. JIfoHo— Quondam his vicimus armis. Carmartlien, Town of. The seal represents a castle with
Carleton (Market Hill, co. Fermanagh). Erm. on a bend sa. a tower at each end, the middle of the castle surmounted

three pheons ar. Crest A dexter arm embowed, holding an with another tower the castle arched in base from the

arrow ppr. the ann naked to the elbow, the shirt folded dexter tower to the sinister, within the arch a lion couchant
above it ar. and vested above it gu. guard., on the two outside towers a Cornish chough.
Carlfe (Kent). Or, a fesse betw. three horses courant sa. Carmen, Company of (London). The same Arms as
Crett — ^A ram ar. attired or, in fiames of fire ppr. the City of London.
Carlhaw, Carlhow, or Charlliow. Az. three spears Carmicliael (that Ilk and Hyndford, co. Lanark: Lord
bendways or, headed ar. Carmichael and Earl of Hyndford, titles extinct since 1787.
Carlife (London). Or, on a cross engr. hetw. four roses gu. The heir of line and owner of the estates is Sir W. C. J. Cab-
five martlets of the first. Crest—A martlet or, holding in uicHAEL Anstbutbee, Bart.). Ar. a fess wreathed az. and
the beak a sprig of two rosea gu. leaved and stalked vert. —
gu. Crest A dexter hand and arm in armour erect hold-

Carliell, or Carlisle (Kirkhampton, co. Cumberland). ing a broken spear ppr. Supporters ^Dexter, a knight
Or, a cross flory gu. armed at all points holding in his right hand a marischal's
Carlil (Northumberland). ramp, baton ppr. sinister, a war horse ar. furnished gu. Motto
Ar. a cross betw. four lions ;

gu.^ — Toujours prest.

See Gibsow-
CarlUes. Or, on a chev. betw. three birds sa. as many Carmichael (Skirling, co. Peebles, hart.).
estoiles or. Caemichael.
; A


OamiichaeV Balmedie). Ar. a fess wreathed az. and gu. Came (Ewenny, Glamorgan. The heiress m. Tdbbee-
a bordure of the second. villb). Arms, as Caene, of Nash.
CarnLicliael (Nutwood," Surrey, bart. 1821, representative Came (Dimlands, co. Glamorgan). Arms, &c., same as
of Balmedie). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, as the last; 2nd and Cabne, of Nash.
3rd, ar. a burning cup betw. three chess rooks in fess or, a Carne (St. Donats Castle, Bridgend). Arms and Or^st as
bordure of the last, for Smyth, of Athenry. Crest and Motto Cabne, of Nash. Motto En toute loyal. —

as Marl of Hyndjovd. Supporters Dexter, a chevalier in Came. Or, three lions pass. sa.
complete armour holding in his dexter hand a spear ppr, Carnegie (Kinnaird, co. Forfar, Earl of Sout?iesk). Or, an
sinister, a horse ar. furnished gu. eagle displ. az. beaked and membered gu. charged on the-
Garxnichael (James Cakmichael, of Ballinblea, second breast with a covered cup of the field. Orest—A thunder-
brother to Balmedie, 1672). Ar. a fess wreathed az. and bolt ppr. Motto —
Dread God. Supporters—Two greyhounilB
gu. a bordure the second charged with eight crescents of ppr. collared gu.
the first. Crest—A woman's head attired ppr. Motto— Carneg'ie co. Forfar, a cadet line vphich
Fortune helps the forward. eventually succeeded to the representation of Kinnaird, and
Oarmichael (Little Blackburn, 1672). Ar. a fess wreathed of the Earldom of Southesk). Per pale or and ar. an eagle
az. and gu. a bordure counter compony of the second and displ. az. beaked and membered gu. Crest A demi eagle —
first. Motto— Fro me ipso et aliis. displ. as in the arms. —
Motto Video alta sequorque.
Carmicliael (granted 1868, to John Cabmichael Mc- Carnegrie (Sari of Northesk, as borne by the first six earls).
OsTBicH, of the city of Cork, merchant, on his assuming Quarterly, Ist and 4th, or, an eagle displ. az. beaked and
by royal license the surname of Cakmichael in lieu of membered sd. ; 2nd and 3rd,
Crest— ar. a pale gu.
McOsTKiCH). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Cabmichael, ar. a leopard's head fullfaced ppr. sans tache.Motto —Tache
fess tortille az. and gu. betw. three crosses pat6e of the Carneg'ie (Earl of Northesk, as now borne). Or, an eagle
third; 2nd and 3rd, McOstbich, per fess gu. and az. three displ. sa. armed and membered gu. and as an honourable
fishes haurient ar. betw. eight cross crosslets fitchee of the augmentation, charged on the breast with a naval crown
third. Cresii —Cabmichael: Issuing from a mural
Ist, gold, over the eagle the word "Trafalgar." Crests— l^i:
crown a dexter arm in armour embowed the hand holding The stem of a naval line-of-battle ship on fire ppr. 2nd: Out ;

a broken spear all ppr., the arm charged with a cross patee of a naval crown or, a demi leopard ppr. Supporters—Tv/o
gu. ; 2nd, McOstbich Out of a mural crown ppr. an
: leopards reguard. ppr. each supporting abanner ar. charged
ostrich's head az. holding in the beak a horse shoe or, with a cross of St. George, and thereon inscribed Britannia
and charged on the neck with a cross crosslet fitch^c of the Victrix, staff ppr. chains round their necks, from which is
last. JtfoMo— To ujours prest. suspended on the breast the medal of merit. Jfoi(o—Tache
Carmichael. tiee Febball. sans tache. f,

Oarmick (Eniver, co. Mayo, Fun. Ent. of Michael Cab- Carnegie (Finhaven, co. Forfar, from James, second son of
HicE of that place, d. Dec. 1635, son of Debmot Cabmicb, the 2nd Sari of Northesk). The quartered coat of the Earls
of Learn, in the same co., second son of James Cabmice, of of Northesk, within a bordure per pale gu. and ar. charged
Callan, co. Kilkenny, son of Kichabd Cabmick, of same with eight escallops counterchanged. Orest ^A leopard's —
place). Ar. on a bend sa. three escallops of the field. head full faced ppr. Motto Tache sans tache. —
Carminow (Carminow, eo. Cornwall; the younger branches Carnegie (Kinfauns, co. Perth, descended from Alexandeb,
of this family were the Cabminows of Boconnoc, the Cae- fourth son of the 2nd Earl of Northesk, and now represented
MiNOWs of FentongoUan, the Cabminows of Resprin, in St. by Baroness Gray, as heir of line). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
Winnow, the CABMrNows of Trenowth, the Cabminows of the quartered coat of the Earls of Northesk within a bordure
Polmawgan, &c.). Az. a bend or. Crest ^A dolphin em- — per pale gu. and ar. charged with eight escallops counter-
bowed or. In the great Scrope and Grosvenor controversy changed; 2nd and 3rd, per fess ar. and sa. on a chev.
temp. Richard 11. respecting the bearing of this coat, it was counterchanged betw. two torteanx in chief, and a plate in
deposed by one of the witnesses that the same arms had base a fleur-de-lis of the third, for Blaib. Crest A leopard —
been long borne by Carminowe, and was aDowed by the from the shoulder with a collar gu. charged with escallops
Sari of Northampton^ when the matter was brought before ar.
him in France. Carnegie (Craigo, co. Forfar). Or, an eagle displ. az.
Carminow, Carmyno'w, or Carminaw (Cornwall). beaked and membered gu. charged on the breast with a
Az. a bend or, a chief of the last. Crest— A dolphin naiant book of the first. Crest A star ppr. —
Motto—Ales aspicit
or. astra.
Oamuuack (Cornwall). Ar. semee de crosses crosslet sa. Carnegie (Leuchland, co. Forfar). Or, an eagle displ. az.

a fesse az. betw. three boars' heads of the second. holding in his dexter talon a rose slipped in pale ppr.
Carual)y. Ar. two bars az. in chief three hurts. Crest — Carnegie (Ballindarg, representative of Gallery, co. Forfar,
lion's head in
pale, issuing sa. charged with a chev. ar. 1740). Or, an eagle displ. az. beaked and membered gu.
Camac. Quarterly, ar. and az. two swords in saltire ppr. holding in the dexter talon a thistle of the last. Crest ^A —
hilts and pomels or, betw. four midlets, one, two, and one, dexter arm vambraced ppr. holding an escutcheon az.
counterchanged. Ci^est —
On a crescent per pale gu. and charged with a St. Andrew's cross ar. Motto Loyal in —
erm. a sword ppr. hilt and pomel or, point upwards. adversity.
Camac, Rivett-(Derby, bart.). Quarterly, ar. and az. Carnegie (Newgate). Or, an eagle displ. az. in chief a
two swords in saltier ppr. betw. three mullets, one in chief buckla betw. two annulets of the second. Crest ^Two —
and two in fesse, and a crescent in base counterchanged, dexter hands gauntletted issuing out of a cloud conjoined, i

quartering Bivett, Orests—A sword erect, pommel and and supporting a flaming heart ppr. Motto ^Annis et —
hilt or, issuing frpm a crescent erm. the internal part gu., animis.
for Cabnac ; an arm erect couped at the elbow per pale ar. Carnegie (Major-General Nicholas Cabnegie, H.EI.C.S,,
and sa. in the hand ppr. a broken sword of the first, hilt 1815). Or, an eagle displ. az. beaked and memhered gu.

and pommel gold, for Rivett. Motto Sic itur ad astra. within a bordure engr. of the second. Crest ^A demi eagle —
Carnarvon, Earl of. See Hebbebt. displ. az. beaked gu. looking to a star or. Motto Video —
Carnarvon, Town
of. Three eagles displ. in fesse. alta sequorque.
Camcross (granted 15 Nov. 1814, to Joseph Hugh Cabn- Carnegy (John Allan Cabnegt, third son of James
CBosa, Lieut-Col. R.A.). Az. a buck's head erased ar. Cabnegt, of Prince of Wales' Island, 1826). Or, an eagle
attired or, pendent from a crimson ribbon bordered blue, in displ. az. armed and membered gu. surmounted on the
the centre chief a representation of the golden cross, breast with a star of eight points ar. a bordure engr. of the
presented to him by King George III., for the signal third, charged with eight bezants. Crest— A demi leopard
intrepidity displayed by him in the Peninsular AVar. ppr. Motto—Ta,c\ie sans tache.
Also to William Cabncboss, only surviving brother of Carnegy 3 November, 1830, to John Alun
Joseph Hugh Cabncboss: betw. the attires of the stag as Cabnegt, Esq., 92nd Regiment). Or, an eagle displ. az.
aforesaid, and in place of the said gold cross a saltire ar. beaked and membered gu. within a double tressure flory

surmounted of another gu. Crest A dagger erect ar. hilted counterflory of the second. Crests— \at: A lion pass. ppr.
and pommelled or, betw. two branches of laurel ppr. Motto holding in his dexter fore-paw a banner az. charged with a
—Certamine parta. saltire ar. ; 2nd : A demi leopard ppr. Motto —Tache sans
Came (Nash, Glamorgan). Gu. a pelican on her nest
co. tache.
with wings displ. or, feeding her young and vulning herself CarneU (Ireland). A cross engr. ar. in the first quarter a

ppr. Crest A pelican displ. with two heads sa. issuing crescent of the last.
from a ducal coronet ppr. Mottoes Above the shield, — Carnell (Kent). Ar. a bend sinister cotised sa. on a canton o'
"En tout loyal," under the anas, "Fy ngobaith sydd yn the last a castle of the first.
nuw." OameU (Yorkshire). Ar. three bends wavy sa. on a canton


of the last a tower triple-towered of the first. Crest-'Au. Carpenter (Fun. Ent. of Capt. Philip Cabpenteb, princi*
arm erabowed in armour holding a sword all ppr. pal Serjeant at arms of Ireland, d. 1675). Same Amis.
Carnell. Ar. three bends sa. on a canton of the second a Carpenter (Ireland, Fun. Ent. of John CabpenTeb, d. 2
castle of the first. March, 1655, aged 70 years, buried at St. David's Church,
Carnell fee. Warwick, Har. MSS.). Or, three chevrons vert. Naas, CO. Kildare). Same Arms, the plates charged with a
CarxLerd (Suffolk). Az. a fesse betw. two chev. or. cross crosslet aa. Crest—An alligator ppr.
Canxes (Scotland). Gu. three martlets within a hordure or. Carpenter (granted 1661). The same Arms. Crest—A>
Camesh, or Garnesli (Suffolk). Ar. a chev. az. betw. church ppr.
three escallops sa. Carpenter (London, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire, and
Carney. Ar. a chev. betw. three buslehorns stringed sa. Kent). Paly of six ar, and gu. on a chev. az. three crosses
Crest~A swan's head and neck erased, in the bill an crosslet or. Crest —A
sphere or, in a frame sa.
annulet. Carpenter (London). Az, two bars or, in chief three
Carney (Fun. Ent. of Lettice, dan. of Edwabd, son of crosses crosslet of the second. C}'est—A stag's head ar. with
BicHABD, son of BicHABD Carney, and wife of Hugh Bid- two wings endorsed az.
gate, Councillor at Law, buried at St. Werbureh, Dublin, Carpenter (Somersetshire; granted 1663). Vert an escal-
11 July, 1671, and confirmed by St. George, Ulster, to Sir lop shell ar. betw. two palets or. Orest—A snail pass, ppr.-
BiCBABD Cabney, Athloue, afterwards Ulster). Ar. three the shell ar.
lions ramp. gu. on a chief az. a sphere betw. two pheons or. Carpenter (Cohham, co. Surrey and Sussex granted 4
Orest— A gauntletted hand lying fessways holding a sword March, 1663). Ar. a greyhound pass, and a chief sa. Crest

erect all ppr. A greyhound's head erased per fesse sa. and ar.
Carney (Cashell, co. Tipperary;
Fun. Ent., Ellen, wife of Carpenter. Or, an eagle displ. sa. Crest— A dexter arnv
Edwabd Cabney, Ar. three lions ramp. gu.
d. 8 Jan., 1658). embowed in armour holding in the hand ppr. a hammer or.
on a chief of the last a gauntletted hand couped at the Carpenter. Per pale or and az. an eagle displ. counter-
wrist, holding a dagger betw. two pheons all or, quartering —
changed. Crest An arm in armour erect and embowed
per pale or and sa. three hons' gamhs erased barways grasping a passion nail all ppr.
counterchanged. Orest—A gauntletted hand lying fessways Carpenter. Per pale indented az. and sa. three eagles
holding a sword erect all or. displ. or. Crest-~A falcon with wings expanded ar. beaked^
Carney ^Killmallock, co. Cork). Ar. a lion ramp. gu. legged, and belled or.
armed and langued az, on a chief gu. three pheons or. Carpenter. Az. two Hons ramp, combatant or.
Crest—A gauntletted hand ar. holding a sword ppr. Motto Carpenter (Worcestershire). Piily of six az. and gu.
^^emper fideUs. Crest— A coApy sejant ar.
Caxnick. Ar. a fess dancettee betw. three eagles displ. gu. Carpenter Per pale vert and gu. a bend erm.
Carnie. Erm. a chev. betw. three hunting horns strung sa. Carpenters, Company of (London). Ar. a chev. engr.
Great —A hand fessways issuing from a cloud, and pointing to betw. three pairs of compasses, expanded at the points sa.
a crosier in pale all ppr. Carr (Bristol), Gu. on a chev. ar. three estoiles sa, in chief-
Camon. Per pale ar. and gu. four piles wavy conjoined in a martlet or, charged with a crescent sa. Crest A stag's —
base counterchanged. head ar. attired or, gorged with two bars gu. betw, the bars
Camsew (originally of Camsew in Mabe, co. Cornwall, a martlet as in the arms.
afterwards of St. Kew; the heiresses m. Peideadx and Carr- (Tewkesbury, co. Gloucester). Ar. on a bend betw.
GoDOLPHiN. Visit. 1620. The family of Thouas, on purchas- three Cornish choughs sa. as many leopards' heads of the;
ing the barton of Carnsew, adopted the name and arms of field.
Cabnsew). Sa. a goat pass. ar. attired, bearded, and un- Carr (Sleaford, co. Lincoln, and Lancashire). Gu. on a
goled or. Crest— A hound pass, reguard. ppr, chev. or, three estoiles sa. Crest— A stag's head ar. charged
Camus (Astwitt, co. Westmoreland). Quarterly, ar. and with two bars gemelles gu. attired or.
sa. on a bend gu. three martlets of the first. Carr (borne by the Bev. Edmund Cabe, rector of Quatt, co.
Camus. Sa. a chev. engr. betw. three eagles displ. ar. on Stafford, a descendant of the old border family of the name).-
a chief or, a hon pass, of the field. Gu. on a chev. ar. three mullets sa. pierced. Orest —
Caxnwath, Earl of. See Dalzell. stag's head erased ppr. Motto —
Tout droit.
Caron (Eiltinfanghin, co. Westmeath, derived from the Carr, or Carre (Northumberland), Gu. on a chev. ar,
house of O^Neill through a fourth son). Ar, a lion ramp. three estoiles sa. Crest —A
stag's head erased ppr. (another,,
EUid in chief two dexter hands couped at the wrist gu. couped).
Carongres. Bendy of six ar. and az. two leopards pass. or. Carr (Beccles, co. Suffolk, and Enfield, co. Middlesex: John
Carong-es. Bendy of six az. and ar, a sword in fesse of the Caeb, Esq., of those places d. s. p., when his sister Eleanob,
last, hilt and pomel or, betw. two lions counterpass. gold. wife of Abthub Walford, Esq., became his heiress). Sa.
Caroone (Surrey). Ar. a bend sinister az. semee of fleurs- on a chev. betw. three mullets ot six points or, as many like;
de-lis in dexter bendways or. mullets of the field.
Carpendale (confirmed to Bev. Maxwell Gabfendale, Carr (Scotland). Gu. on a chev. ar. three mullets sa,
Sector of Tamlaght, diocese of Armagh second son of Bev. Carr, or Carre (York and Bristol). Same Arma.
Thomas Cabfendale, by Jane, his wife, dau. of John Max- Carr. Ar. on a bend sa. three boars' heads erased or, in^
well, D,D., Archdeacon of Clogher). Az. two bars betw. base a Cornish chough ppr. d^est-A lion's head erased or.-
in chief three cross crosslets and in base a crescent, all or. Carr. Gu. on a chev, ar, betw. three bucks' heads erased

Crest A hawk's head erased ppr. charged with a cross or, as many mullets of the field. Crest —
A dexter arm erect
crosslet of the arms. —
Motto Data fata secutus. couped below the wrist ppr. holduig a dagger ar. hilt and-
Carpenter (Earl of Tyrconnel, extinct 1853, descended pomel or,
from an ancient Herefordshire family). Paly of six ar. and Carr. Gu. a chev. ar. charged with three mullets of the

gu. on a chev. az. three crosses crosslet or. Crest A globe in the chief quarter a lion pass. or.
in a frame, all or. Supporters—Ty/o horses per fesse em- Carr. Ar. on a chev. sa, three roses of the field.
battled ar. and gu. Motto —
Per acuta belli. Carr (Newcastle, an old Northumbrian family). Or, on a
bend betw. three Cornish choughs sa. as many Uons' heads:
Carpenter. (exemplified to Hon. Walteb Cecil Talbot, of
Kiplin, CO. York, second son of Henby John Chetwynd, erased of the field. Crest —A
lion's head erased or. Motto
eighteenth Sari of Slirewshury^ Waterford, Wexford, and —Est nulla fallacia.
Talbot, by Lady Sabah Elizabeth Bebebfobd, his wife, dau. Carr (Cocken, co. Durham). Gu. on a chev. ar. three-
of Henbt, second Marquis of Waterford, and his wife. Lady estoiles sa. Same Crest and Motto.
Susan Caepenteb, only dau. and heir of Geobge, second Sari Carr (Ireland;, Gu, on a chev. betw. three pheons ar, as^
of Tyrconnelj upon his assuming the name of Cabpenter many estoiles sa.
instead of that of Talbot, by royal licence, 1868, in com- Carr (Ireland, certified with the two quarteriugs of Cabpen'
pliance with the provisions of the wiU of Sabah, Countess of TEB and Welsh, by Betham, Ulster, to Bev. Thomas Carr,
Tyrcmmel, widow of John Delaval, last Sari of TpxoTi- of Aghadoe, descended from Sir George Cabb, clerk of the
ml). Paly of six ar. and gu. on a chev. az. three crosses council of Munster, who was son of William Care, Esq., of
crosslet or, and (for distinction) a canton erm. Crest — Southey Hall, co. York). Az. a chev. betw, three estoiles
globe in a frame or, charged (for distinction) with a cross ar. Crest —
An estoile ar. Motto. Fida clavo, —
crosslet az. —
Motto Per acuta belli.
Carpenter (Barbadoes, formerly in Ireland granted by
Carr (Fun. Ent. of Uesula, dau. of Thomas Cabb, son of Sir
Geobge Cabb, co. York, d, 26 May, 1675), Same Arms, &c.

Boberts, "Dlater, 1646). Paly of six ar, and gu. on a chev. Carr (Stackhouse in Giggleswick, co, York). Gu. on a chev.
8a. three plates, each charged with a cross pattee of the engr. ar. three mullets sa.
second. Crest —
^A deml lion ramp. gu. holding betw. the Carr (on the monument of Dame Bbidget Case, co. York,

paws a cross pattee vert. Motto ^Audaces fortuna juvat. 1621). Gu. on a chev. ar. three mullets sa.



Oarr (Viscouvit Somerset and Sari of RocJiester^ created Carriugrton (Carrington, co. Chester ; the chief line became
Viscount 1611, and Earl 1613, d. t. p. m. 1645). Gu. on a extinct temp. Elizabeth ; the junior branches were the
chev. ar. three mullets sa. in the dexter chief a lion pass, Cabbinotons of Devonshire and the Carrinotons of Mia-
guard, or. Swjsporters— Dexter, a lion guard, gu. ; sinister, a senden Abbey, co. Bucks). Sa. on a bend ar, three lozenges
Btag or, attired and hoofed ar, Cfrest —
A stag's head erased of the field. Crest —A
unicorn's head ar. armed and crested
or, attired ar. Motto —Probitas sibi ipsi securitas. or.
CJarr (Bishopwearmouth, orginally from Newcastle). Quar- Carriug'ton, Barou. See Cakington.
terly, Ist and Garb, of Newcastle; 2nd and 3rd, gu.
4tb, as Carrington (Sponton, co. York). Gu. a fesse betw, three
on a mount vert a swan ar. memhered, collared, and chained cart wheels or.
or, for Dale. Crest— k. lion's head couped or. Carrington (Warwickshire). Ar. a cross gu, betw. four
<3arr. See Ker. peacocks az. Crest—A. peacock's head erased ppr. ducally
Carrack. Or, a fesse dancettee betw. three talbots pass. sa. gorged or.
'Oarrant (co. Somerset). Ar. three hurts each charged Carringrton (Field Head, Sheffield, co. York).
Ar, on a
with as many chev. or. Crest —
A bull's head cabossed per bend two horse shoes of the second a
az. cottised sa. betw.
pale gu. and ar. armed counterchanged. unicorn's head erased or, betw. two bezants. Crest Three —
Carre (Scotland). Gu. on a chev. ar. three mullets of the horse shoes or, thereon a unicorn's head. Motto Ferro non, —
first, in the sinister chief a crescent of the second. Crest—A. gladio.
stag's head erased ppr. JfoMo—Tout droit. CarricLue, or Earrick. Sa. three cinquefoils or.
Carre (Worcester). Ar. on a bend sa. betw. three Cornish Carrol, or Carroll. Ar. a cross crosslet sa. Cm(—
choughs ppr. as many leopards' faces of the field. bear's head sa. muzzledor, betw. two wings of the last.
Carre (Riddell-Cabee, Cavers). Gu. on a chev. ar. Carroll. See O'Cabboll.
three stars of the field, all within a bordure chequy of the Carroll (confirmed to Coote Alexander Carroll, Esq., of
second and first, quartering ar. a chev. gu, betw. three Ashford, co. Wicklow). Ar, two lions combatant gu. sup-
ears of rye slipped and bladed ppr., for Eiddell. Crest — porting a sword erect in pale ppr. in the dexter chief point a
stag's head erased ppr. with ten tynes or. ilfoMo— Tout cross flory sa. Orest —
On the stump of a tree a falcon rising
droit. belled ppr. charged on the breast with a cross flory sa.
Carre (Guernsey). Chequy ar. and az. on a chev. gu. three

Motto — Flecti non frangi.
mullets or, a chief erm. charged with a lion pass. sa. Crest Carroll (Ballyuure, co. Wicklow). Ar. two lions combatant
A demi lion erased ermines collared or, holding a spear with gu. supporting a sword of the first, hilted and pommelled or.
a banner of the arms minus the chief. Crest —
On the stump of an oak sprouting new branches ppr.
Cfarreg" (formerly of Carreg, now of Cefnmine, &c., co. Car- a hawk of the last, belled or. Motto—Itl fide et in hello
narvon). Az. a chev. betw. three dolphins haurient ar. the forte.
back, &QS, head, and tail or. Carroll Fun. Ent. of Elizabeth Leqge, d. 17 Sept.,
Carrel (Jersey). Erm. three lozenges (carreaux) az. 1613, wife of Sir James Cabboll, Knt., Lord Mayor of
Carrell (London). Ar. on a cross engr. gu. betw. two roses, Dublin). Sa. two lions ramp, combatant or, supporting a
one in the dexter chief point, and one in the base <?Jnipter sword ppr., pomell and hilt gold.
point, and as many griffins' heads erased in the other points, Carron, or Caron (Scotland). Gu. a chief or. Crest^k
of the second five martlets or. camel's head per fesse ar. and az.
Carrell (London). Gu. six martlets, three, two, and one, ar. Carron. Gu. a chev. betw. three escallops ar.
'Carrell, or Carril (Sussex and Kent). Ar. on a bend sa. Carrone. Ar. a bend az. semee of fleurs-de-lis or.
a rose betw. two griffins' heads erased or, within a bordure Carro^we (William Cabbowe, Citizen and Draper of London,
engr. az. Crest —A
lion's head erased vertj winged ar. and grandson of William. Cabbowe, of Abridge, co. Essex, gent.,
sa. on the neck two bends or. descended from a yoimger son of the House of Cahew.
•Carrell. The same without the bordure. Visit. London, 1568). Or, three lioncels pass, in pale sa., a
Carrell (Harting, and Warnham, co. Sussex). See Cabbill. —
border of the last. Orest A mainmast broken, the ronnd
Carrell. Per bend ar. and sa. on a canton gu. a lion ramp, top set off with palisadoes or, headed ar. a lion issuant
guard, or, within a bordure coimterchanged. thereout sa. collared first and second.
per pale of the
Carrell. Bendy ar. and sa. on a canton of the second a Carruthers (Howmains, Scotland). Gu. two chev. engr,
castle of the first. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest— A seraphim volant ppr.
'Carrell. Gu. a lion ramp. ar. within a bordure engr. and —
Motto PromptuB et fidelis.
gobony ar. and sa. Carrutliers (Steward Depute of Annandale, 1672). The
Carrell (Ireland), Barry of six sa. and ar. on a chief of the same Arras, within a bordure ar. Cre&t A seraphin stand- —
last three martlets of the first. —
ing, vested ppr. Motto ParatAs et fidelis.
'Carrell. Or, a cross patonce gu. Canithers-Wade. See Wade.
Carrett, or Caret. Or, on a chief indented sa. three Carsacke, or Carselacke. Ar. a bull's head erased sa.
roses ar. armed or.
Carreus (Scotland). Gu. three martlets ar. within a bordure Carse (Sir Maek Carse, of Fordelcarse, Scotland). Ar, on
or. a saltire vert, betw. four crosses crosslet fitchee gu. five
Carrick, Earl of, See Butleb. crescents of the field. —
Crest A crescent surmounted of a
'Carrick, or Carrack (co. Gloucester). Or, a fesse dan- cross crosslet fitchee or. —
Motto ^Nil fatalia terrent.
cettee betw. three talbots pass. sa. Crest—An ostrich ar. Carse (Cockpen, eo. Edinburgh). Ar. on a saltire vert betw.
beaked and legged or, holding in the mouth a broken spear four cross crosslets gu. as many crescents or.
of the last, headed of the first. Carsen (Bokelly, Sheriff of Cornwall, temp. Henry VI.).
'Carrick. Or, a chev. gu, Sa, a goat ar. attired or.
Carrick. Sa. three roses ar, leaved vert. Carset, or Careyset (Devonshire). Gu. a bend or, betw.
Carrick. Erm. on a chev, sa. betw. three roses gu. stalked six bezants.
and leaved vert as many escallops or. Crest—An. ostrich ppr, Carsey, or Carse (Lincolnshire). Per saltire az. and or,

Jkfoifo— Garde bien. a fesse gu.

Carrid^e (London). Sa. on a pile ar. a spear hook of the Carsey (Dykelborough, co. Norfolk). Gu, a bend engr. ar.
field. Crest —
On a mount vert a spear hook sa. —
betw. six bezants. Crest A hand and arm couped at the
Carrier (Wirksworth, co. Derby the co-heiresses m. Anson,
; elbow and erect, vested az. purfled and cuffed ar. holding in
Fabeeb, and Gent). Sa. a bend betw. three spears' heads the hand a bunch of gillyfiowers, all ppr.
or. Carsist, Gu. a bend ar. betw. three bezants.
Carrier (Gosport, co. Hants). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three Carslake (Devonshire). Ar. a bull's head (another, three)
crosses crosslet ar. Oesi—Out of a ducal coronet or, a erased sa,
dragon's head vert. Carslake (Harston, co. Devon; the heiress m. Wood). Ar.
Carrill (Sussex and Surrey; Sir John Cabtll, of Warnham, a mullet sa. betw. three trefoils vert, the slips of the trefoils
Serjeant-at-Law to Henry VIII.; from his first marriage in chief pointing to the mullet.
descended the CABEiLtsofTangleyPark, co, Surrey, and the Carson (Reg. Fed. Ulster's Office). Erm. a bend counter
Carrills of Bentons, co. Sussex ; and from his second mar- compony ar. and sa.
riage the Careills of Harting). Ar. three bars sa, in chief Carson (Spinfield, co. Bucks), Ar. a chev. betw. three
as many martlets of the last. Crest—On a mount vert a stag crescents gu. Crest— An elephant's head erased trunk
lodged, reguard. ar elevated ppr. JfoWo—Virtute et valore.
'Carriugton (Cheshire). Ar. oa a bend sa. three lozenges Carstairs (Kilconquhar, co. Fife, afterwards Bbucb
of the field. Caestaibs, Az. a chev. ar. betw. three
of BaJchrystie).
Carrington, or Carrynton. Same Arms, Cr«t— Out primroses, slipped ppr., quartered (1766) with, or, a salth'B
of a ducal coronet or, a unicorn's bead sa. and chief wavy of the last, for Brdce, of Kinross. Creii"'
The sun darting its rays on a sxinflower ppr. Motto—Te Crest —A a nut ppr. on a branch
squirrel sejant gu. cracking
splendente. of laurel springing up before him vert. Sitpporters—Two
CarBtairs (Woodlmrst, co. Huntingdon, 1810). Az. on a stags winged gu. attired ppr.
chev. ar. betw. three sunflowurs slipped ppr. as many Carteret (Jersey; Lieut.-Col. Malet be Carteret).
hackles of the field. Crest and Motto as the last. Quarterly, Ist and 4th, gu. four fusils conjoined in fesse ar.,
Carstake (Devonshire). Ar. a mullet betw. three trefoils for DE Carteret; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three round buckles or,
sUpped vert. for Malet. Cresi— On a mound vert, a squirrel sejant crack-
Carstella'w (Scotland). Sa. on a fesse gu. a crescent betw. —
ing a nut ppr. Motto Loyal devoir. Supportms ^used by
two mullets or. the Seigneurs de St. Ouen, impressed on the seals of Public
Carston. Or, on a bend sa. three crosses crosslet ar. Deeds of the Bailwick of Jersey, during the seventeenth and
Garswell (Each Arundell, co. Devon; the heiress m. Lano- eighteenth centuries, when the Seigneurs de St. Ouen were
VOBTB's). Sa. a bend or. the Bailiffs or Chief Magistrates)— Two winged deer gu,
Oarswell (Staffordshire). Sa. three bars gemelles ar. langued az.
Carswell. Ar. two bars gcmels sa. Carterick. Ar. on a fesse engr. sa. three cinquefoils of
Oarswell. Or, fretty gu. a fesse erm. the field.
Oarswell. Az. fretty ar. a fesse gu. Carthew (granted 4 Aug., 1823, to James Carthew, Esq.,,
Oart (London, and Dunstable, co. Bedford). Ar. a aaltire of Dubhn). Az. on a chev. engr. betw. three leopards'
gu. betw. four palm trees, erased vert. faces jessant-de-lis or, as many trefoils slipped vert. Crest
Cart. Ar. a stag's head cabossed, betw. the horns an estoile —A dragon's head erased az. langued gu., charged on the
gn. Ci"fi«(— A stag's head, holding in the mouth a serpent neck with a trefoil slipped or.
ppr. Carthew. Or, a chev. gu. betw. three falcons ppr. Crest
Cart. Sa. a stag's head cabossed or, an estoile for diflF. —A falcon rising gorged with a ducal coronet and. belled ppr.
Cartarike. Ar. on a fesse engr. sa. three roses of the Carthew. Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three ducks az. Same-
field. Crest.
Carter fEobertstown and Eathnally, co. Meath ; registered Carthew (Woodbridge Abbey, co. Suffolk). Or, a chev. sa.-
to Thomas Cabter, Esq., Serjeant at Arms, father of the betw. three murrs ppr. Crests 1st —
A murr ppr. ducally :

Bight Hon. Thomas Caeteb, Master of the Kolls of Ireland). gorged 2nd : A falcon rising ducally gorged and belled
Ar. two hons ramp, combatant sa. Oesi— On a mural

ppr. Mottoes —
"Bedhoh fyr ha heb drok," and "Aymez
crown or, charged with three hurts, a talbot pass. ar. loyaulte."

Motto ^Victrix patientia duris. Carthew (Canaleggy, co. Cornwall : the heiress m. Tanner).
Carter (Watlingtoo Park, co. Oxford). Ar. two lions com- Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three ducks ppr. Crest A duck ppr. —
batant sa. quartering Shaen (O'Ferrall, of Annaly), viz., Carthew. See Yorstoun.
vert a lion —
ramp. or. Crest On a mural crown or, a tal- Carthorp (quartered by Buleelet, on u. monument at-
bot pass. ar. charged with three buckles az. Motto Sub — Wickhamford). Or, a bend az.
libertate quietem. Carthuze. Gu. a bend ar. betw. six billets of the second.
Carter Columb, co. Cornwall, originally from Stafford-
(St. Cartier (Guernsey). . . . A chev. betw. three quater-
shire. Visit. 1620). Az. two lions ramp, combatant or. foils pierced. . . .

Crest —
A lion's head erased ar. Another Crest On a mural — Cartiug'ton. Gu. a fesse betw. three catharine wheels or.
coronet sa. a talbot pass. ar. Cartledgre (Woodthorpe, co. Nottingham; granted to-
Carter (Cold Aston and Sevenhampton, co. Gloucester). Eebecca, widow of the late William Cabtledge, Esq., of
Same Arms. Woodthorpe). Az. a saltire engr. or, betw. two estoiles, one^
Carter (Kent). Quarterly, ar. and az. a cross counter- in chief and the other in base, and as many cart-wheels in
changed, a bordure sa. Crest —
A dexter arm in armour, either flaunch of the last.
embowed ppr. holding in the hand a roll of paper. Cartmele, Cartmail, or Kertinele(formeTly of Kert-
Carter (London; granted 1612). Ar. a chev. betw. three mell Priory, co. Lancaster). Per pale or and i crc, a lion
carfr-wheels vert. Crest —
On a mount vert, a greyhound ramp. gu.
Cartuther (Cartuther, co. Cornwall ; the co-heirs ra. Haling
sejant ar. sustaining a shield of the last, charged with a cart-
wheel vert. and. Becket). Ar. a fesse az. betw. three estoiles of six,
Carter (London). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three fishes points sa.
haurlent ar. Cartwrig-ht (Nottinghamshire and Northamptonshire;
Carter. Az. a cross flory, in the first quarter a mullet ar. Hugh Cartwright, hving temp. Henry VII,, had three sons
on a chief gu. three round buckles or. Crest ^A talbot'a — — 1. Hdgh, of Norwell, ancestor of the Cartwrights, of

head ar. charged with a mullet gu. Norwell and Mamham, whose late representative, John
Carter (Massington). Gu. a cross flory or, on a chief az. Cartwright, Esq., so well known as Major Cartwright, d,
three round buckles of the second. Crest —A talbot's head in 1824. II. Roland, ancestor of Cartwright, ofAynho,

ar. CO. Northampton: and, III. Edmund, of Ossington).
Carter (co. York). Sa. a talbot pass, or, in chief three a fesse betw. three fireballs sa, fired ppr. Crest A wolfs —

round buckles ar. Crest Out of a mural coronet ar. a demi head erased or, pierced through the neck with a spear ar.

monkey ppr. Motto ^Defend the fold.
Carter (Letrington, York, 1666). Az. a talbot pass. betw.
co. Cartwright Mamham, and Ixworth Abbey,
(Norwell and
three round buckles or. Crest—A lion's head erased or, Same Arms, &c.
fretty sa. CartTurright (Aynho, co. Northampton). Same Arms, &c,
Carter (granted to Emma, wife of Chkistopheb. Holdsworth CartTvrig'ht (South Wheatley, co. Nottingham). Ar. twa-
Dawson, Esq., of Weston, co. York, dau. of William Elm- chevronels betw. three lions ramp. gu.
ball Carter, Esq., and co-heiress of her brother, William Cartwright (granted to William Cartwright, Esq., of
Vavasour Carter, Esq., of Weston). Per pale ar. and sa. Brimley House, West Teignmouth, co. Devon). Sa. a chev.
a talbot pass, counterchanged, on a chief engr. gu. three engr. betw. four Catherine wheels, three in chief and one in
buckles or. base ar. Crest— 0\xt of a chaplet of roses gu. a dexter arm
Carter. Ar. on a chev. betw. three Catharine wheels sa. as embowed in armour, the hand ppr., holding a Catherine
many clnquefoils of the first. wheel also gu.
Carter. two hons ramp, combatant or.
Sa. Cartwrig-ht (Derby), Per chev. or and az. three pelicans
Carter (Banbury, co. Worcester). Az. a talbot pass, or, counterchanged, vulning themselves ppr,
armed and langued gu. betw. two fermaux of the second. Cartwrig-ht (Washbome, co. Gloucester; granted 15
Carter (Fun. Ent. of Jambs Browne, a Six Clerk in Chan- James I.). Or, a fesse embattled betw. three cart-wheels sa.
cery, d. 16 May, 1634, whose wife was Margaret, dau. of Cartwright (London). Same Arms, a martlet for diff.
Eev. John Carter, Kector of Killacan, co. Westmeath). Crest— A. griflfin's head erased or, pierced through with a
Sa. a cross lozengy ar. betw. four quatrefoils pierced or. lance broken in the middle, vulned gu,
Carteret, Baron. See Thtnne. Cartwright (Scotland). Az. a comet in the dexter chief
Carteret (Hawnes, co. Bedford, Ba/rom Carteret and Earls points, rays streaming in bend or.
of Granville^ extinct 1776). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, gu. four Cartwright. Ar. on a fesse az. two catharine wheels of
fusils in fess ar., for Cabtaret ; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three the first. Crest—A lion's head ar. charged on the neck with
clarions or. Crest—On a branch of a tree a squirrel sejant a catharine wheel sa.
cracking a chestnut all ppr. Sux):porteTS Two winged deer — Cartwrig-ht.
the field.
Ar. on a fesse engr. sa. three roses of
gu, attired of the same. Motto— LoysX devoir.
Carteret. Gu. three clarions or. Cart^wright-Enery. See Enery.
Carteret (Guernsey). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, gu. four fusils Cartwright (exemplified to Eev. Robert Cobb, Rector of
ar. ; 2nd and 3rd, az. nine billets, three, three, two, and one. Twaite-St.-Mary, and Ellingham, co. Norfolk, upon his

taking the name of Cahtwright in the place of that of Cobb, Cart, Knt. of Cockington, fell at the battle of Tewkesbury in
by royal license, 25 Oct., 1865). 1st and 4th, or, a fesse gu. 1471, leaving by Elizabeth, his first wife, a son, Robert
hetw. three shields sa. each charged with a bomb shell or, ancestor of Cart of Cockington, Clovelly, Marldon, Torr
fired ppr., for Cabtwright; 2nd and 3rd, ar. achev. betw. Abbey, and Follaton; and by Alice, his second wife, another
three cocks, for Cobb. Crests—lst, Caktweight : A wolfs son, Thomas, of Chilton Foliot, co. Wilts, from whom derived
head or, erased gu. transpierced by a broken tilting spear the Lords Falkland and Hunsdon). Ar, on a bend sa. three
saltirewise ppr. ; 2nd, Cobb : Out of a ducal coronet a demi roses of the field. Crest —
A swan ppr. Motto Virtute —
tiger ar. Motto —
Fuimus. excerptaR.
"Cartwrig'h.t (Ireland ; Fun. Ent. of Jeffrey Cabtwright, Cary (Viscount Falkland). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. on a
of St. Patrick-street, Dublin, d. Feb., 1636). Per fess bend sa. three roses of the field, barbed and seeded ppr., for
embattled sa. and or, three Catherine wheels counterchanged Cart; 2ud, sa. two bars nebulae erm., for Spencer of
a crescent for diff. Spencecombe 3rd, France and England, quarterly, within

Oarus (Kendal], co. Westmorland). Az. on a chev. betw. a bordure compony ar. and az. Crest A swan, wings —
nine cinquefoils ar. three mullets gu. Crest An eagle — —
elevated ppr. Supporters ^Dexter, an unicorn ar. armed,
wings expanded sa. beaked and legged or, charged on the maned, tufted, and hoofed or; sinister, a lion guard, ppr.,
breast with a cinquefoil ar. ducally crowned and gorged with a plain collar or. Motto
Carus (Asthwaite, co. Lancaster, 1667). Same Arms, with In ucroque fidelis.
ten cinquefoils. Crest— Same. Gary (Lord Hunsdon and Earl of Dover; created baron 1559;
Cams (Fun. Ent., impalement of James Janns, Mayor of earl 1628; extinct 1765). Arms axiA Oldest same as FUcount
Dublin, 1593, d. 1620; m., for his third wife, Mart, dau. of Falkland^ with a crescent for diff. Suppoi-ters—Dexter, a
Kobeet Cabus, of CO. Westmorland). Ar. on a chev. sa. ram or, spotted gu, and az. armed, ducally gorged and
betw. nine cinquefoils pierced az. as many mullets or. chained or; sinister, a male griffin ar., collared and chained
Carvsll. Quarterly, or and vert, in the first and fourth or. —
Mottor Comme je trove,
quarter a tower triple-towered sa. Cary (Lord Cary of Leppington and Earl of Monmouth;
-Carvell. Ar. three bendlets sa. on a canton of the last a created 1626; extinct 1661). Som&Arms. Supporters—Two
tower triple-towered of the first. bulls ar. attired, hoofed, and membered or, collared sa.
Carvell. Gu. a chev. betw. three leopards' faces or. —
charged with three roses ar. Crest A swan wings elevated
CarveneH. Ar. fretty gu. on a chief per fess of the first ar., beaked and legged gu., a crescent surmounted with a
and az. three leopards' heads of the second in chief and in mullet, also gu., for diff. Motto— Come je trovve (Comme
base as many crosses patt^e of the first. je trouve).
'Garvenell. Ar. fretty gu. on a chief per fess of the first Cary (Devonshire). Gu. a chev. betw. three swans ar.
and az. in chief three leopards* heads of the second, and in Cary (Fun. Ent. of Alice, wife of John Cart, of Dublin, '

base as many crosses crosslet of the first. d. 26 March, 1618). Ar. on a bend sa. three rosea of
>Caiveny (co. Warwick). Gu. a fesse erm. betw. two chev. the first seed6d or, barbed vert a border of the second
or. bezantee.
Carver. See Middleton, of Leam. Cary (London confirmed 1612). Sa. on a chev. betw. three

'Carver. Ar. on a chev. sa. a fleur-de-lis or. Ci'est Out of — griffins'heads erased or, as many estoiles gu.
a ducal coronet or, a Saracen's head couped at the Cary (London and Bristol). Ar. on a bend sa. three roses of
shoulders ppr. the first, on a canton of the second, an anchor or.
Carver. Or, on a chev. sa. a fieur-de-lis accompanied by Cary (London). Ar. on a bend engr. sa. three roses of the
two stags' heads cabossed betw. three crosses entraUed of field, in the sinister chief an anchor of the second. Crest—
the second. A swan ppr. wings erect, on the breast a rose sa.
«Carvetb. {Carveth, Mewdon, and Cowsawse, co. Cornwall). Cary (White Castle, co. Donegal). Arms and Cfrest^
Ar. a chev. (sometimes, eugr.) betw. three talbots pass. same as Carts of Cockington, Clovelly, &c. Motto—SinQ
sa. macule.
Carvick (Wyke, W. E. co. York, and Moat Mount, Highwood Cary Fun. Ent. of Cleopatra Cart, d. 28 March,
Hill, Middlesex). Or, a fesse dancettee betw. three talbots Christopher Dempsie, Knt.). Same Arms,
1628, wife of Sir
pass. sa. —
Crest An ostrich ar. beaked and legged or, with a crescent for diff., all within a border gobony or
holding in the mouth a broken spear of the last, headed of and az.
the first. Crest —Be steadfast. Caryer (Canterbury; granted 29 June, 10 James I.). Az. a
fOarvile (Berwick-upon-Tweed). Ar. three bends sa. (and pelican betw. eight fleurs-de-lis ar. vulning herself gu.
for services in Scotland) on a canton vert, a castle ar. on Crest —
A dove, wings elevated ar. membered gu. bearing
fire ppr. Crest —
An arm embowed in armourppr. garnished an olive branch ppr. all within a circle of glory, rayonn^e
or, holding in the hand ppr. a sword ar. hilt and pomel gold. or.

Motto Sola virtus triumphat. Caryfit. Gu. abend ar. betw. six bezants.
Carvill. Gu. a chev. or, betw. three leopards' heads ar. Carygoes. Ar. a bend gu. betw. three magpies ppr,
Crest— A goat pass. sa. attired or. Caryll. Ar. three bars sa, on the uppermost two, and oa
•Carwardine (Carwardine, co. Hertford). Sa, a hand bow the lower one martlet of the first.
in bend betw. two pheons ar. Crest —
A wolf pass. ar. in Caryset. See Carsett, Devonshire.
the mouth an arrow sa. embrued gu. Carysfort, Earl of. See Probt.
•Carwardine (St. John's, co. Worcester. Visit. Worcester, Casamajor, Casamayor, or Casamayorga (Pot-
1682-3). Same Arms. terells, co,Hertford, founded in England by Don Luiz Caba-
'Carwardine (sons of late Eev. Thomas Carwardine, MAJOR, a Spanish merchant, born in Navarre, who settled at
Vicar of Earls Colney, co. Essex, descended from Sir Bristol, 1695. The late James Archibald Casauajor, 6.
Thomas Carwardine, Master of the Bevels to Henry VIII.). 1787, E.I.C.S., EesidentatMysoreandTravancore, had three
Sa. a long bow bent in bend ppr. betw. two pheons ar. daus. his co-heirs, Jane, m. 1844, William- Willocghby,
Quartering, Holgatb, Wall, Andrews, and Harlakenden. Sri Earlof Enniskillen ; MART,,m, 1839, StbphanBam, Esq.,
Crest —
A wolf pass, holding in the mouth an arrow the ofEamsfort; and Elizabeth, m. 1841, Robert Wm. Gausses,
point embrued all ppr. JfoWo— On in the right. Esq., of Brookmans Park, Herts). Quarterly, 1st and 4tti,
'CarweU (Norfolk). Ar. a fesse betw. three fieurs-de-lis gu. sa. a lion ramp. ar. langued gu. 2nd and 3rd, chequy or

fCarwell. Ar. a fesse engr. az. betw. three fleurs-de-lis —

and az. a crescent sa. Crest A lion ramp. sa.
gu. Caslaet, or Casbot. Or, a fret gu. on a canton of the
iCarwell, or Carvele. Gu. a chev. or, betw. three second a lion pass, of the first.
leopards' heads ar. (another, or). Crest —A
leopard's head Casbet, or Castoot. Or, a fret gu. within a bordure engr.
guard, erased. sa.
<!arwell, or Carewell. Sa. three chev. ar. Casberd (Middle Temple, London). Per pale az. and gn. a
Oarwitham (Carwytham, co. Cornwall, and Paunston, co. fessnebulee ar. betw. three lions' heads erased or.
Devon. Visit. Devon, 1620). Ar. a fleur-de-lis gu. a bordure Casborne (Newhouse, Pakenham, co. Suffolk). Gu. a lion
engr. of the second. pass, or, gorged with a ducal crown of the first betw. three
Carwithen. Same Arms. annulets of the second. Crest—A lion pass, or, gorged with
Carwood (Scotland, 16th century). Per fesse sa. and ar. a ducal coronet gu. Motto Puro de fonte.—
on the first a demi man holding in his dexter hand a Case, or Casse. Barry of six ar. and vert, over all a lion
sword paleways, and in the sinister a carpenter's axe all ramp, gu. —
Crest On a globe betw. two wings a dove
ppr., and in base the branch of an oak tree acorned rising all ppr.
vert. Case and Bed Hazels, co. Lancaster, and Thingwall,
(Ince ;

vCary (Devonshire descended from Adam de Karrt, Lord

; Hall, near Liverpool).
Ar. on a bend engr. gu. cotised sa,
of Castle Karry, co. Somerset, living in 1198 Sir William ; three round buckles or, guartering Ools and Clayton
Crest—X cnbifc arm habited erm. cuff ar., holding in the head and neck erased or, langued gu. Motto—Juvant arra

hand ppr. a round buckle or. Motto Distantia jungit. parentum.
!!ase (Hayton, co. Lancaster, 1664). Same At'ma and Crest. Cassat. Az. a castle or.
3ase (Barwick). Ar. three bars vert, over all a lion ramp, Casse (Leicester, descended from co. Gloucester). Az. a
gu. Crest—A dexter cubit arm erect, in armour or, holding chev. betw. three eagles' heads erased or, C^est Out of a —
in the gauntlet a sword ar. hilt and pomel gold, round the ducal coronet or, a demi eagle displ. ppr.
arm a Bcarf, the bow ar. and gu. Casse. See Casset, co. Gloucester.
3ase (Powick, CO. Gloucester). Monument in Powiek Church Cassell, or Cassel. Lozengy gu. and ar. nine crescents
to RicHABD Case, High Sheriff of Worcester, 1761, whose in saltire, alternately counterchanged Crest A hawk . —
mother was dau. and heiress of Richard Jesson). Ar. a reguard. supporting with the dexter claw a garland of laurel
chey. betw. three griffins' heads erased gu. quartering az. a vert.
fess embattled or, betw. three cocks' heads erased ar. for Cassels (Greenknowe, co. Stirling, 1864). Ar. a chev. gu.
Jegson. betw. two cross crosslets fitchee in chief and a key fessways
Uasebome (Caseborne, co. Kent). Sa. two chev. betw. wards downwards in base sa. Crest A dolphin naiant or. —
three martlets or. —
Motto A vise la fin.
^asexxLent (confirmed to Thouas Casement, Esq., of Bailee Cassey (Deerhurst, co. Gloucester). Ar. a chev. betw. three
House, CO. Antrim). Erm. a lion ramp, guard, ppr. charged falcons' heads erased gu. beaked or. Crest Out of a ducal —
with a mullet gu., and holding in the paws a sword erect coronet two branches of laurel in orle ppr.
also ppr., pommel and hilt gold, encircled round the point Cassey (an ancient and honourable family, as appears by
with a wreath vert ; on a chief embattled gu. a tower ar. their arms in the windows of Worcester Cathedral, Har.
betw. two elephants' heads erased or. Crest Out of a — MSS. 1043). Ar. on a bend gu. three buckles or (sometimes
mural crown gu. a demi tiger ramp, guard, ppr. charged annulets).
with a mullet of the first, and crowned with' an eastern Casshe. Ar. on a chev. sa. three fountains.
crown or, holding in the paws a sword erect ppr., pommel Cassidy. . . t^vo chev. on a canton. a lion ...


and hilt gold, the point encircled with a wreath vert. Motto pass. ^A spear broken in three pieces, two in saltire,

—Dum spiro spero. and the head in pale ppr. banded gu. Another C)-est— An
Casement (granted 17 April, 1826, to Col. William Case- arm holding a short sword or dagger with a snake entwined
MEST, C.B., and his wife Anne, natural dau. of Lieut.-Gen. ppr. Motto —Firm and faithful.
Sir George Sackville Browne, K.C.B.). Erm. a lion ram^. Cassidy (Glenbrook, Magherafelt, co. Londonderry). Per
guard, ppr., holding in the sinister paw a sword also ppr. chev. ar. and gu. two lions ramp, in chief, and a boar pass,
pommel and hilt gold, passing through a leaf of laurel vert, in base counterchanged. Crest —
A spear broken into three
on a chief embattled per pale gu. and az. a tower ar. betw. pieces two in saltire and the head in pale ppr., banded
two elephants' heads erased or. Crest —
Out of a mural crown gu. A-nother Crest was " a caduceus," perhaps referring to

per pale gu. and az., a demi leopard guard, ppr. crowned Mercury and the ancient healing arts of the family. Motto
with an eastern crown or, holding a sword passing through a Frangas non flectes.
wreath as in the arms ; and to his said wife the arms follow- Cassie. Az. a bend betw. three crows' heads erased ar.
ing for Browne : gu. a chev. betw. three lions' gambs, erect Crest —A hind's head.
and erased or, on a chief embattled ar. an eagle displ. sa., Cassill, Cassilby, or Cassyll. Gu. a lozenge flory
E^l within a bordure wavy erminois. at the points or.
Casey (Ireland). Ar. a chev. betw. three eagles' heads Cassill, Gu. three fusils crowned or.
erased gu. Crest —
^A hand fesseways issuing from a cloud, Cassou (Blaenyddol, Festiniog, co. Merioneth, originally
lifting a garb. from MiUom, co. Cumberland, and afterwards of Frith Hall,
Casey, or Casie (Baheny, co. Dublin). Az. a chev. betw. in that county). Ar. three chev, and a canton gu. on each

three eagles' heads erased or. Crest Out of a ducal coronet chev. a mullet of the field. Crest From a tower, a dove
or, a demi eagle displ. ppr. Motto ^Per varies casus. rising az. —
Motto Prosequor alls.

Cashall. Chequy or and gu. a chief erm. CassozL. See Suith-Casson.

Cashel, See of. Gu. two keys in saltire, wards upwards Cassy, or Casle (co. Gloucester). Ar. a chev. betw.
or. three heads erased gu.

Cashell. Gu. a lion pass. ar. Orest—A lion ramp, support- Cassy. Ar. on a bend gu. three roxmd buckles or, tongues
ing a plumb rule ar, pendent. Crest—An eagle displ. with two heads vert.
Cashine (Groan, Queen's County, Ireland ; granted 25 July, Cassy. Ar. on a bend gu. three roses or.
1628). Or, three piles gu.on a chief of the second a hon Cassy. Az. a chev. betw. three griffins' heads erased or.
pass. ar. Crest — ^An arm holding a sword in an oak bush, Cassyll. Gu. a lozenge flory or.
all ppr. Castel. Quarterly, gu. and ar. in the first a tower of the
Cashire (Norfolk). Gu. a chev. engr. erm. on a chief or, second.
three fleurs-de-lis sa.
Casteleyut. Or, three castles triple-towered sa.
easier, or Cazier (London; descended from Flanders). Castelford (Essex). Az. a chev. betw. three castles ar.
Az. a chev. betw. three swans ar. beaked and membered sa. Castelford. Ar. on a fesse gu. three castles or.
Casley (originally Chastelai of France). Gu. a castle with Castelhill, or CasteUmll. Az. on a chev. betw. three
two towers or, embattled and masoned sa. Crest A lion — lozenges (another, fusils) or, as many mullets pierced gu,
ramp. ppr. langued and armed gu. Motto Mao mori quam — (another, sa.).
on a quarter of the
foedari. Castell (Berkshire). Gu. two bars ar.

Caslyworth, or Castellyn. Gu. on a bend ar. three second a castle sa.

Castell (East Hatley, co, Cambridge). Az. on a bend ar.
castles sa.
Casneto (Coventry). Az. sem^e d'estoUesor, two lions pass. three towers triple-towered sa. purfled or. Crest ^A tower —
in pale of the second. as in the arms.
Cason (Steeple Morden, co. Cambridge, and Hertfordshire). Castell (Stephen Peebott, Lord of lystynton, temp.
Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three horses' heads erased gu. Crest — Edward I,, m. Mablex Castell, dau. and heiress of the
A cubit arm vested purp. cuffed ar. in the hand a firelock, Lord of Castellton, co. Pembroke). Sa. three castles triple-
all ppr. towered ar.).
Cass (Hackney, co. Middlesex). Ar. on a chev. sa. cottlsed Castell Cambridge). Ar. three towers triple-towered
gu. three fountains ppr. —A
pair of scales ppr.
Crest gu.
Crest—A tower ar. flammant in the top ppr.
(cos. Cumberland, Warwick, and Devon). Same
Cass (Little Grove, Hertford). Per chev. or and erm. on a
chev. sa. betw. two eagles' heads erased gu. in chief, and a Arms-
garb of the first in base, a harrow gold betw. two fountains. Castell (Ireland, confirmed 1647 by Roberts, Ulster, to
Crest —
^An eagle's head erased gu. charged on the neck with James Castell (descended from an ancient family of that
a fountain, in the beak three ears of wheat, or. Motto — name in co. Cambridge), colonel of the first regiment sent
XTbique patriam reminisci. by the Parliament against the Irish rebels, lauded in Dublin
Cass, alias Tale (King of the North part of Munster, 28 March, 1647). Or, on a pale sa. betw. six ogresses, a
ancestor of the Septs of Dal-glais and Glantaile, Beg. Ped. tower triple-towered ar. Crest— On a tower triple-towered
TTlster's Office). Az. a chev. betw. three griffins' heads ar. an arm armed and erect, in the band an ogress, all ppr.
erased or. —
Motto Arx mea Dens.
Cassan (granted I Aug. 1830, to Kev. Stephen Htde Castell (confirmed 1647 by Roberts, Ulster, to Alexander
Cabban, Mere Vicarage, Wilts, descended from a family Castell, brother of the preceding, lieut. in the same
formally seated at Sheffield, Queen's Co., and originally of regiment). Same Arms and Crest, Motto ^Deo non arce —
French descent). Ar. three oaks eradicated, two and one, spes.
vert. Crest —
Issuant from an earl's coronet, ppr. a boar's Castell. Gu. three bars vair.

Castell. Gu. a castle triple-towered ar. on the base a lion crosslet or, a castle ar. masoned sa. Crest— Out of a mural
pass. sa. quartered by Molesworth, bart. crown ar. a demi griffin segreant sans ailes
or, holding in
Casteller, Casteler, or Castler. Ar. a fesse engr. the talon a cross crosslet fitch^e.
betw, three Catherine wheels sa. Castlemaine, Baron. See Handcoce.
Castelline (co. Dorset). Sa. three castles ar. Castlenxau (Formerly of Hinton St. Mary, afterwards of
Castelline. Gu. on a bend or, three castles sa. Wimborne, co. Dorset). Vert on a fesse or, betw. three
Castelock (Faversham, co. Kent; granted 10 Aug. 1614). —
goats pass. ppr. three towers sa. Crest A demi man in
Gu. semee of crosses
crosslet or, a castle ar. armour, holding in his dexter hand a dagger all ppr., and
Castleton (Surrey), Az. on a bend ar. three adders in his sinister a key or. Motto —Without God castles are

embowed of the field. Crest A demi dragon wings ex- nothing.
panded gu. Castleman (Coberley, co. Gloucester). Az. on a mount
Oastelyn. Sa. a cross engr. ar. in base vert a tower triple-towered or. Crest A man in —
Castle-Rising, Tomtii of (Norfolk). No Arms. Cor- armour couped at the knees, in his dexter hand a flag of
poration Seal is a castle with three towers domed, on each a defiance displ. over his head, his sinister hand on the.pomel
pennon in the front, over the gateway a square latticed of his sword, all ppr.
window. Castlemarten (Ireland). Gu. three castles triple-towered
Castelyn (Visit. London, 1568). Sa. on a chev. or, betw. ar.
three castles, therefrom issuing as many demi hons ar. Castle- Stuart, Earl of. See Stuabt.
three anchors az. quartering or, on a mount vert an eagle Castleton (Suffolk, Surrey, and Lincolnshire). Az. on a
displ. sa. bend or, three adders nowed vert. —A
Crest dragon's head
Castelyn. The same, within a bordure or, charged with betw, two wings expanded gu.
eight towers gu. Castleton, or Castleton (Suffolk). Az. on a bend or^
Castelyon (co. Lincoln). Gu. in the dexter chief and three lampreys of the field.
sinister base a tower triple towered, and in the sinister chief Castlyn. Az. on a bend or, three castles sa. Crest~A
and dexter base a lion ramp. or. C^-est— On a tower a lion tower ppr. on the top a flag gu.
pass. or. Castlyn. Gu. on a bend ar. (another, or) three castles of
Caster (Norfolk). Ar. three bars gemelles gu. Crest— ^A the fleld.
savage standing on a serpent ppr. Caston (Cambridge and Suffolk). Ar. on a bend sa. three
Caster (Norfolk). Sa. an eagle displ. harry of six ar. and gu. crosses crosslet fltchee of the field.
Caster (Norfolk). Gu. a chev. betw. three eagles displ. ar. Caston (Norfolk). Gu. a chev. betw. three eagles diapl. ar.
Caster. Az. an eagle displ. ar. charged on the body with an Caston. Az. a fesse wavy (another, nebulee) erra. betw.
escutcheon gu. thereon a leopard's face or. three crosses formee fitchee or. Crest— A lion's paw erased
Caster. Gu. a chev. betw. three buckles or. sa. holding up a cross pattee fitchee in pale erm.
Caster. Sa. a lion ramp, barry of eight ar. and gu. Caston. Gu. three eagles displ. ar.
Casterton. Ar. four lozenges gu. each charged with an Caston. Ar. a chev. betw. three wolves' heads erased gu.
annulet or. Castor. Sa. an eagle displ. barry of ten ar. and gu.
Castile, King-dozn of. Gu. a castle triple-towered or. Castre (Norfolk). Same Arms.
Castile (quartered by Thomas Mabbuby, citizen and haber- Castre. Ar. an eagle displ. barry ar. and gu.
dasher, of London. Visit. London, 1568). Ar. a four Castjrwortb.. Gu. on a bend or, three towers sa.
towered castle az. Cas'wall (Alfbed Caswall, Esq., of the Inner Temple).
Castillon (Benham Valence, and Woodspene, co. Berks). Arms and Crestf as Caswell, of Hampton Court, quartering
Gu. a lion ramp, and a castle in the dexter point, ar. Crest TowNE, Pryob, Whiting, and Clabke. Motto—JSon multa
— ^A lion's head erased guard, ducally crowned. sed multum.
Castillon (Italy). Gu. out of a tower ar. a demi lion ramp, ^Cas'well (Hampton Court, co. Middlesex. Visit. London).
or, a canton of the second.
Ar. three bars gemelles sa. C^-gsf— A dexter arm couped at
Castillon. Gu. two towers triple-towered dexter bendways, the shoulder in mail, holding in the hand ppr. a cross crosslet
and as many lions ramp, sinister bendways or. fitchee or.
Castin-worth, Chastelyn, or Cliestline (arms of Casy (Impalement Fun. Ent. of John Asbe, of St. John's, co.
Sir GiLBEBT Chastelyn, in a window of Hadsor Church, Meath, d. 29 April, 1636, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas
CO. Worcester). Gu. on a bend ar. three towers sa. (also Casy, Esq., co. Chester). Ar. on a bend engr. gu. cottised
another ar.) on a bend gu. three lions pass, guard, or. sa. three buckles or.
Castle (London). Az. on a bend ar. three castles sa. Crest — Casye (Warwickshire). Ar. on a bend gu. three buckles or.
A dexter arm couped and embowed fesseways ppr. vested Casye, Az, a chev. ar. betw. three bitterns' heads erased or.
gu. cuffed or, holding a pennon of the second charged with Catcher (Lincolnshire). Az. a chev. betw. six escallops ar.
a bee volant of the third, staff of the first. in chief three and two, in base one.
Castle (Cleve Court, co. Somerset, formerly Hatherleigh, co. Catcher. Per fesse sa. and gu. an eagle displ. enn. ducally
Devon). Arm£ and Crest same as the precedmg. Motto — —
gorged or. Crest Out of a ducal coronet ppr. a demi leopard
Haec manus ob patriam* ar. coUared and lined or.
Castle (Nicholas Castle, of Raveningham, Sheriff of Nor- Catchmaid (St. Briavels). Or, a. fesse betw. three demi
folk, 1433). Ar. three castles triple-towered gu. a dragon's lions pass. az.
head couped at the neck gu. Catchmay (Buxmear and Troy, co. Monmouth). Ar. on a
Castle. Ar. a tower triple-towered sa. chev. gu. betw. three demi lions ramp. az. as many bugles
Castle. Ar. two chevronels betw. three castles gu. or. Crest —
A demi lion issuant az. gorged with a coronet or.
Castle-Acre, or Estacre-Monastery (Norfolk). Catchpole. Or, two cubit arms issuing from the dexter
Ar. a cross chequy or and az. betw. twelve crosses crosslet and sinister base points, habited gu. and grasping the pole
£tchee sa. or head of a hart cabossed in fesse sa. with a raven percbed
Castlecomb. Per pale sa, and az. on a saltire betw. three thereupon betw. three horns ppr.
towers ar. bursting with flames ppr., one in chief, two in Categ-ny, Gu. three garbs ar.
fesse, and in base as many tilting spears, in saltire or, Categrny, Gu. three bars ar.
headed of the third five moorcocks of the first, combed and Cateline (Sir Robert Cateline, Chief Justice of the

wattled gu. Crest An arm embowed at the elbow in armour Queen's Bench, 1559-74). Per chev. az. and or, threelions
garnished or, holding in the hand a pistol, all ppr. pass, guard, counterchanged on a chief ar. a rose tetw.
Castlecomb. Ar. a fret gu. on a canton of the second a two fleurs-de-lis gu.
lion pass. or. Catelline. Sa. a cross engr. ar. on a bordure of the la^t
Castle-Coote, Lord, See Coote. eight towers of the first.
Castleford (Wypershall, co. York). Per fesse ea. and Catenham. Gu. three bars dancett^ erm.
barry wavy of eight ar. and az. over all a square castle Catenis, Catenys, or Catnes. Sa. two bars or, on a
towered at each corner of the second. chief of the last an eagle displ. of the first.
Castleford. Ar. a chev. betw. three castles gu. Cater (TJffington, co. Berks, Kerbie, co. Leicester, and
Castleford. Sa. a castle in perspective, with four towers London. Visit. Leicester, 1619). Erm. on a pile gu. a lion
turreted ar. standing in water wavy az. and ar. pass, guard, or. Crest —
A lion's head erased barry of six or
CastleliiU, or Castleh.yll. See Castelhill. and az.
CastlelLO'W (granted to William Castlehow, Esq.). Az. Cater (London, Leicestershire, Berkshire, and Huntingdon-
on a mount vert a castle ppr. in chief three passion crosses shire, 1582). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three salmons haurient
or. —
Crest A castle ppr. therefrom issuant a lion az. ar. C}-est —
A demi griffin ar. beaked and legged gu.
supporting a passion cross or. Cater (London). Sa. a chev, erm. betw. three piles ^'
Oastlelock (Feversham, co. Kent). Gu. 8em6e of crosses Crest—A demi griffin gu.


Caterall (Catherall, co. Lancaster). Az. three masoles or. couped at the neck and reguard. ar. ducally collared and
CVe«i —A cat pass. or. jinotJier Crest — ^A cat pass, guard, ppr. lined or.
Caterall (Horton, co. Chester, temp. Edward I.). Az. a Catlin (Cent). Same Arms, without the chief. Ci-eat —
lion pass. betw. three mascles or. Ci-est —
On a cbapeau az. lion sejant guard, or, betw. two wings endorsed barry of
turned up erm. a cat pass. ppr. six of the first and az.
Caterall (Lancashire). Ar. a griffin segreant gu. heaked Catlin (Fun. Ent. of the wife of Nathaniel Catlin, Recorder
and legged or. of the city of Dubhn, 28 July, 1625). Per chev. az. and or,
Caterall (Milton). £rm. on a fesse gu. three annulets ar. three lions pass, guard, counterchanged on a chief of the
Caterall ^Holdemess, co. York). Sa. three mascles ar. second a crescent gu.
Caterall, or Catterall (West Witton, co. York). Az. Catlin (Lord Chief Justice, temp. Elizabeth). Per chev. az.
three mascles or, over all a bend gu. and or, three lions pass, guard, counterchanged on a chief
Cateryke. Ar. on a fesse engr. gu. three quatrefoils of ar. a rose gu. betw. two fleurs-de-lis of the last. Crest—
the first. demi leopard ramp, guard, ar. pellettee ducally gorged verfc
Cateryke. Ar. on a fesse engr. sa. three cinquefolls of betw. two wings of the last.
the first. Catling (Needham Hall, Isle of Ely). Same Anns, within
Catesbury (Hertfordshire). Gu. a fesse vaird or and az. —
a bordure ar. C^est A lion's head erased ar. collared and
CatestoTiry (Leicestershire). Same ArinSt the fess betw. lined or.
three goats' heads ar. Caton. Sa. a bendbetw. three owls ar.
Catesby (Hardmead, co. Bucks). Ar. two lions pass. sa. Caton (Binbrook, co. Lincoln, and Carr House, Howden, co.
crowned or. Crest —A
lion pass. sa. crowned or. York, originally of Thorpe Abbots, co. Norfolk; the name,
Catesby (confirmed by the Deputies of Camden, Clarenceux, previously to 1599, was spelled Catton). Per fesse gu, and
to SirWilliam Catesbt, of Lapwortb, ninth in descent from az. two cats-a-mountain pass, guard, in pale ar. pellettee, on
John Catesbt, also confirmed to Booeb se Catesbt, of —
a canton or, a cross crosslet fitchee sa. Crest Issuant from
Newenham, eleventh in descent from William de Catesbt, a castle with two towers ar. charged with three crosses
Lord of Catesby, Visit. Warwick. Har. MSS.). Same ^r?7w. a Saracen's head affrontee ppr.
crosslet fitchee in fesse sa.
ftiMt—An antelope's head couped at the nedk ar. betw. the wreathed round the temples or and gu, ikToiio— Cautus
attires two battle axes erect or. metuit foveam lupus. (A more ancient Crest Issuant from a

Catesby (Whiston, co. Northampton, Visit. Northants). ducal coronet or, a saracen's head affrontee ppr. wreathed
Same Arms: Crest —A
leopard pass, guard, ar. pellettee round the temples or and gu.)
(another, a lion pass, guard, sa. crowned or). Cator, or Cattor (Visit. Oxon). Erm. on a pile gu. a lion
Catesby (Seaton, co. Rutland, Sir John Catesbt, Justice of pass, guard, or. Crest —
A lion's head erased or, collared
the Common Pleas, had two sons. Sir Hdmphet, from whom with a bar gemel az,
Catesbt, of Whiston, Northants and Easby, who m. Anne, Cator (Beckenham, Kent, and Woodbastwick Hall, co.
dau. of John Seaton, of Seaton, co. Rutland, ancestor of Norfolk). Arms and Crest same as preceding. Motto —
the family seated there. Visit, co. Rutland). Same jjr7n« and Nihil sine labore.
Crest. Catricke. Sa. a chev. betw. three cats pass, guard, ar,
Catesby (Althorpe-Hinton and Ashby-Legers, co. North- Catryke. Ar. on a fesse engr. sa. three quatrefoils or.
ampton). Same Arms. Crest —An antelope's head couped Catson, or Causton. Gu. a chev. betw. three eagles
two battle axes erect ppr.
ar. betw. the attires or, displ. ar.
Cateshall, or Cateshull. Az. on a chev. betw. three Catsznellagre. Gu. two lions pass, guard, or, Crest—The
many mullets gu.
lozenges or, as attires of a stag or. Motto—Ne supra.
Catesnelboge. Gu. two lions pass, guard, in p^e or. Catt. Ar. three cats pass, guard, in pale sa.
Crest— An. anchor sa. Catt. Ar. two cats pass. gu. (another, sa.).
Cathame. Vert, a cinquefoU ar. on a chief az. a cat Catte. Ar. a lion pass, guard, gu.
coucbant of the second. Gattelen. See Catltn.
Cathcart {Barl Cathcart). Az. three crosses crosslet fitchee Cattell (Scotland). Ar. fretty sa.
issuing out of as many crescents ar. Crest dexter hand—A Catterall (Crooke, co. Lancaster). Az. three mascles or.
couped above the wrist and erect ppr. grasping a crescent as Crest —A cat pass, guard, ar.
in the arms. Supporters^-^Yio parrots ppr. Motto—\ hope Oattesby. Ar. a lion ramp, guard, gu.
to speed. Cattle (Lancashire). Gu. three escallop shells or, on a chief
Cathcart (Carleton, co. Ayr, bart., 1703). Az. a human ar. —
a wolf pass. sa. Crest A wolfs head az.
heart or, betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee, issoing out of Catton (RoBEBT Catton, Prior of Norwich, I5I9. Arms
as many crescents ar. Crest —
^A dexter hand holding up a in the church of St. Thomas Without, Oxford. Visit. Oxon).
heart royally crowned all ppr. Motto —
By faith we are —
Ar. a cross sa. Crest On a tun a dog sejant.
saved. Catton. Gu. two cats pass, guard, ar.
Cathcart (Carbiston, co. Ayr.). The same Arms, with the Catton. Sa. a bend engr. or, betw. three owls ar.
heart in the collar point enaigned with an imperial crown ppr. Catton. Sa. a bend or, betw. three owls ar. membered of
Cathcart (Knockdolian, co. Ayr). Az. three cross crossleta the second. Crest —
A horned owl ar.
fltch^e issuing out of as many crescents ar. in chief a man's Catton, Az. a bend engr. or, betw. three tuns lying fesse-
heart gu. ensigued with an imperial crown ppr. Crest ^A — ways of the last, on each an owl or.
dexter hand couped at the wrist issuing out of a wreath CattySE'e, CatifF, or Catife. Az. a chev. betw. three
holding up a crescent ar. Motto —
I hope to speed. crescents or.
Catherike. Ar. a chev. betw. three cats pass. sa. Catworth (Lord Mayor of London, 1443). Erm. three piles
Cathemes, Catharens, or Catherenes (Clyfton, co. sa. on a canton ar. a fleur-de-lis az.
Warwick, and Middlesex, 15 Nov., 1572). Or, on a pale az. Catworth. Or, three piles sa. on a canton of the flrst a
an eagle displ. of the field. Crest—A griffin or, pellettee. fleur-de-lis az.
Cathems, or Catheryns (confirmed 1574, by Cooke, Catzius. Ar. arose gu. seeded or, barbed vert. Crest An —
Clarenceux, to Hdmphbet Catbebtns, of New Inn, co. Middle- estoile or, withina garland of laurel vert.
sex, as the ancient arms of Thomas Cathebns, of Clyfton, Caudecott (quartered by Newton, alias Cbadock, and
CO. Wal-wick). Same Arms^ as the preceding. Orest~A confirmed with other quarterings 1567, to Sir John Newton^
griffin statant or, guttee sa. of Richmond Castle, co. Somerset). Sa, on a chev. betw.
Catherstone (Devonshire). Ar. on a fesse sa. betw. three three trees eradicated or, an eagle displ. of the field.
lures gu. as many leopards' heads of the field. Cauell. Gu. three sails ar.
Cathery, Sa. two boars' heads erased in fess ar. Crest— Caughton (Sheffield : arms from the Fell Monument, in the
boar's head couped sa. holding in the mouth three arrows. Parish Church). Quarterly, per fess indented or and ar.
Catheryke, or Catryke. Sa. a chev. betw, three cats ar. Canldwell Ar. on a fesse dancettee az.
Cathie (Scotland). Crest ^A — stag's head couped ppr. betw. three lozenges lying fesseways gu. as many pikes'
cock's head couped ar,
Cathrall (Lincolnshire). Az. three fusils ar. heads couped and erect or. Crest
Cathrope. Or, a bend az.
Crest—On a mount a stag combed and wattled gu. betw. two wings expanded sa. hold-
ing in his beak a cross pattee fitchee or.
Catisby (Warwickshire). Same Arms as Catesbt, of Whiston, Caulers. Ar. three fleurs-de-lis betw. as many towers gu.
adding a bordure engr. gu. Cauley (Cowley). Ar. on a chev. sa. three leopards' heads
Catley, or Cattley. Gu. six escallops ar. Crest— jessant-de-lis of the first. —
Crest From a plume of three
hand erect holding a sealed letter ppr. ostrichs' feathers issuing from the wreath an eagle rising ppr.
Catlin, or Catlyn (Bedfordshire, and Rand, co. North- Caulfeild {Earl of CJtarlemont). Barry of ten ar. and gu. oa
ampton). Per chev. az. and or, three lions pass, guard, in a canton of the second a lion pass, guard, or. Crest —
pale counterchanged a chief ar. Crest —
A leopard's head dragon's head erased gu, gorged with a bar gemelle ar.
177 N


Supporters Two dragons gu. wing:s endorsed sa. each of the third pellettee ; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a chev. betw. three
gorged with a bar gemelle ar. Motto Deo duce ferro — cocks' heads gu. Crest —
A greyhound courant az. Motto—
comitante. Cave.
Caulfeild (Drumcairne, co. Tyrone). Arms, ft'esf, and Cave, Browne-Cave (Stanford, co. Northampton, hart.).
MottOf as the £arl of Charlemont. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az, fretty ar. ; 2nd and 3rd, az. a
Caulfeild (Raheenduff, Queen's County, a younger branch chev. betw. three escallops or. Crests —
1st: A greyhound
of the noble house of Chaelemont). Arms, Crest, and courant sa., to which on an escroU proceeding from liis
Motto, same as Earl of Charlemont. mouth the word "Gardez," for motto; 2nd: A stork ppr.
Caulfeild (Benown, co. Roscommon, and of Donamon beaked and membered or.
Castle,, same co.).
Arms, &c., as Earl of CJiarlenwnt. Cave Az. fretty of eight pieces ar. on a
Caulx (Nottinghamshire). Per chev. or and gu. three fesse or, a greyhound in
full course sa. within a bordure of

human hearts counterchanged. the third pellettee. Ci'est— Out of a. flower ar. -stalked and
Caulx (Bradborne and Brampton, co. Derby; the co- leaved vert, a greyhound's head per pale erm. and ermines.
heiresses m. Ash and Baoulet). As the preceding. Cave (Baroness Braye). Az. fretty ar. Sup-porters—'£^f/Q
Caulx. Per chev. or and gu. three bucks counterchanged. lions ramp, guard, or, winged vair.
Caundiou. Ar. a fcsse betw. three torteaux. Cave (Stamford, co. Lincoln, and Bargrave, co. Leicester).
Caundis. Or, a lion gu. tail forked (another, the lion Same Arms. Crest^A greyhoimd courant ar.
coward). Cresi— Out of an antique crown or, a lion's head Cave. Same Arms. Crest —A greyhound sa. collared or.
gu- Motto — Cave Deus videt.
Caundrey. Gu. ten billets, four, three, two, and one, or. Cave (Yorkshire), Az. fretty ar. afesse gu.
Cauuter (Eev. Hobart Gaunter, B.D.). Barry of six or Cave. Az. fretty ar. a chief gu.
and gu. thirteen bezants counterchanged, three, two, three, Cave. Barry of six or and az. on a bend engr, sa, cottiaed
two, and three. Crest— A
naked arm erect, couped at the gu, three escallop shells of the first.
elbow holding a branch ppr, Jfoiio— Quam non torret Cave (Belmont, Mill HUI, Queensberry House, Bichmond,
hyems. Surrey). Or, fretty slz. a cross moline and a bordure nebnly
Caunton (quartered by Markham, of Markham : the dau. gu., on a chief of the last two greyhounds' heads erased of
and heiress of Sir John Cadnton, m. Bobbrt Markham, of —
the first. Crest A greyhound sejant or, pelletee resting
Markham, and was mother of John Markhau, Lord Chief the dexter leg on a cross moUne gu. Motto Cave Deua —
Justice of England. Visit. Notts). Ar. a chev. betw. three videt.
griffins' heads erased sa. Cavel, or Xiocavel. Gu. three rolls of parchment ppr,
Cauntwell (Ireland). G-u. six annulets or, a canton erm. (another, sails). Crests—A imicorn sejant ar.
Caurler. Az. three plates. Cavell (Cornwall, Visit. 1620; the co-heirs m. Vivian and
Caus. Or, two crows in pale sa, Oi-est —A cinquefoil per Hoee). Erm, a calf pass. gu. Hals says that the Cavells
pale az. and ar. bore also " az. three sails of a ship ar." in commemoration
Causey (Hyngham). Ar. a griffin segreant sa. of one of the family having been an admiral in the reign
Causland. Ar. two stars and a crescent in base sa. a chief of Henry VI.
chequy of the first and second. Cavenag"!!. Per pale ar. and gu. a lion ramp. betw.
Caustou (Causton, co. Essex). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three —
three crescents counterchanged. Crest ^Two dexter hands
wolves' heads erased gu. Crest —
A cubit arm erect habited issuing from clouds, and grasping the stump of an oak tree,
gu. charged with two bends wavy sa. cuff. ar. holding in the sprouting anew, ppr.
hand ppr. a round buckle or. Cavenagli, or Cavanag-h. (Ireland). Sa. on a fesse or,

Causton. Arms, the same. Crest A wolPs head erased or. a mullet pierced betw. two hunting horns of the field.
Caustou (Oxted, go. Surrey). Per pale gu. and az. a —
Crest ^A stag lodged betw, two branches of laurel vert.
leopard ramp, with a lion's tail ar. collared per pale of the Cavenag-h. See Eavanagh.
second and first. Crest —
A demi leopard ar. with a lion's Cavendish (Cavendish-Overhall, co, Suffolk). Sa. three
tail collared per pale az. and gu. bucks^ heads cabossed ar.
Caustou (Robert de Causton, Sheriff of Norfolk, 1S35). Cavendish (Buke of Devonshire). Sa. three bucks' heads
Gu. a chev. betw. three eagles displ. ar. cabossed ar. Crest—A serpent nowed ppr. Supporters-
Causton. Ar. on a bend sa. three crosses crosslet fitchee of Two bucks ppr.. each wreathed round the neck with a cbaplct
the field. of roses alternately ar. andaz. Jfo((o— Cavendo tutus.
Causton. Bendy of six ar. and sa. Cavendish {Duke of Newcastle, William Cavendish,
Causton. Ar. a bend betw. six crosses crosslet sa. nephew of the 1st ^Lrl of Devonshire, was so created 1664,
Cautlow (London), Erm. on a chev. sa. three leopards' extinct 1691). Same Arms as the Dvi,ke of Devonshire, with a
heads jessant-de-lis or. crescent for diff. Crest— A serpent nowed ppr. Suppw^s
Cauty. Ar. in chief two lions ramp. sa. Cresi—A Catharine —Dexter, a bull or, ducally crowned gu. ; sinister, a lion ramp,
wheel az. guard, gu. crlned and ducally crowned or. Motto Cavendo —
Cavaler (London and Yorkshire; granted by Sir Thomas tutus.
Wriothesley, Garter, and Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux, to Cavendish {Baron CkesJiam). Arms, Crest, and Motto—
ANTHOwy Cavaler, of Loudon, 10 June, 1554). Gu. a Same as Duke of Devonshire, Supporters —
Dexter, a back
Pegasus saliant ar. winged and maned or, charged with a ppr. gorged with a cbaplet of roses ar. and az. ; sinister, a
rose of the field, within a hordure gobony of the second. greyhound ar, gorged with a plain collar gu. thereon three
Crest —^A horse's head sa. maned, bridled, and armed or, buckles or.
on his head a plume of three feathers, the first ar. the Cavendish (Baron Waterpark). Quarterly, Ist anfl 4tli,

second gold, the third gu. sa. three bucks' heads cabossed ar, attired or, within a
Cavalier. Az. a Pegasus ramp, or, on his breast a cinque- bordure of the second, for Cavenpish 2nd and 3rd, ar. two
foil gu. within a bordure gobonated ar. and vert. Crest — bendlets,

the upper sa., the lower gu,, for Bkadbhaw.

horse's head couped sa. armed and bridled or, on his head a Crest — On a ducal coronet or, a snake nowed ppr. Sup'
plume of feathers ar, and gu. on his forehead a spike of the porters—Ivo stags, the dexter per fesse indented gu, and
last. sa., the sinister ppr. gorged with a chaplet of roses alter-
Cavall. Krm. a calf gu. Crest —A naked figure holding a nately ar. and az. both attired and unguled, or. Motto—
palm tree ppr. Cavendo tutus.
Cavan, Earl of. See Lambart. Cavendish (Chyknell, co. Salop). Same ArTns, Crest, and
Cavanag^h. (Ireland). SeeKAVANAcH, Ar. a lion pass, and Motto as last.
in base two crescents gu. Cavendish (Grimstead, co, Sussex). Ar, three piles wavy
Cavanag'h.. Az. a lion pass. betw. three crescents ar. gu. the middle one reversed. Crest —
A wolfs head or,
Crest —Out of a crescent ar. a garb or. collared gu.
Cavanagh (Fun. Ent. of John Cavanagit, d. in Dublin 8 Cavendish (Andbew Cavendish, Sheriff of Norfolk, 1384).

Oct., 1682). Ar. six annulets sa. three, two, and one, on a Sa. three crosses botonee fitchee or, two and one.
chief az. three mullets of the first. Cavenham. Ar. a saltire sa.
Cave (Brentry, co. Gloucester). Sa. fretty ar, on a fesse Caver (quartered by Flower, of Langer, co. Notts. Visit.

or, a greyhound courant of the field, within a bordure of the Ar. on a chev. sa. a fleur-de-lis or.
third pellettee, quartering Oliver and Cox. Crest— A. grey- Cavemer. Or, a cross voided gu.
hound courant sa., on an escroU proceeding from his mouth Caversham, Caiirsham, or Cauersham. At. a
the word Cave. saltire sa.
Cave (Cleve Hill, co. Gloucester, and Sidbury Manor, co. Caverwell. Az. fretty ar. a fesse gu,
Devon). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, az, fretty of eight pieces Oaverswell (Cavebswell, co. Stafford, of whom were Sir

ar. on a fesse or, a greyhound courant sa. within a bordure William be Caveeeswkll^ Sheriff in 1261, and Sir Williak
A A:


DE Caversweli, who built Caverswell Castle, temp. Edward Caylne, or Calle Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. two
II.). At. fretty az, over all a fesse gu. chev. of the second, three escallop shells of the first.
CavUl. Ar. a fesse engr. flory on each end gu. Caylowe. Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three leopards' heads of
Ga'W (Scotland). Ar. a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet the second, as many annulets of the first.
sa. Ci-est—A. stag's head holding in the mouth a serpent Caylway (Hampshire). Ar. on two glaziers' snippers in
ppr. saltire sa. four pears or, (another, adds a bordure engr. gu.).
Ca'vardeu Chester, and Ridware, co.
(Cawarden, co. Cayly, Gu. four bends ar.
Stafford). Sa. (or gu.) a sling or haud-bow, betw. two Cayly, or Cayle (Norfolk). Chequy ar. and sa. a fosse
broad arrows ar, erm. Crest —A mascle vert.
Cawdor, Sari. See Caufbeli.. Caymesle, or Caymesley. Chequy ar. and sa. a canton
Cawdor. Crest—A sheaf of arrows sa. shods and feathers erm.
or, banded gu. Camys (Devonshire). Gu. a cross erm,
Caw^dry. Ar. a fesse gu. in chief three torteaux. Cayne, Az. an eagle displ. ar.
Cawle (Bucktcn, CO. Norfolk). Ar. on a fesse betw. two Caynes. Vair three bars gu.
chev. gu. three escallop shells of the field. Caysterton. Or, (another, ar.) four lozenges in fess gii.
Cawley (Staffordshire), Gu. three bends engr. or. on each an annulet of the field.
Cawley (Wu. Cawley, Esq., of Bumbleswick, co. Sussex, Caythorpe (quartered by Sir Rogee Atscodgh, of Luttall,
M.P- for Chichester, b. in 1604). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. J.P. CO. Notts, temp. Queen Elizabeth. Visit. Notts). Or,
three swans' heads, erased at the neck ar. a bend az.
Cawne. Gu. across engr. or. Cazalet. Az. in chief a castle with two towers ar. in base a
Cawnton (Kent). The same as Canton. boar pass. or.
Cawod, or Cawood. Chequy ar. and sa. a chief or. Cazenove. Sa. two crescents in chief, and a cinquefoil in
Cawood (Cawoodball, co. Lincoln). Ar. on a bend vert base or. Crest —A sword in pale az. hilted or.
three acorns or. Cecil (Barl and Marquess of Exeter). Barry of ten ar. and
Cawood. Ar. three bends sa. az. over all six escutcheons sa. three, two, and one, each
Cawood (Cawood, co. York). Per chev. embattled sa. and charged with a lion raap. of the first. Crest A garb or, —
ar. three harts* heads cabossed within a bordure per fesse all supported by two hons, the dexter ar. the sinister az. Sup-
counterchanged, the bordure charged with ten trefoils. porters — —
^Two Uons erm. Motto Cor unum, via una.
Cawoodley, or Cawodley (Cawodley and Studley, co. Cecil (Marquess and Earl of Salisbury). Amis same, with a
Devon. Visit. 1620). Az. two wings conjoined ar. over all —
crescent for diff. Crest Six arrows in saltier or, barbed
on a fesse gu. three bezants. Crest —
A hawk's leg az. and fiighted ar. girt together wth a belt gu. buckled and
belled or, joined to the knee, in chief a wing ar. garnished gold, over the arrows a morion cap ppr. Sup-
Cawnpy. Or, a bend masculy gu. porters —
^Two lions erm. Motto Sero sed serio. —
Cawson (London). Az. a lion ramp. betw. three trefoils Cecill. Sa. three bends ar,
slipped ar. Crest— 0\it of a ducal coronet or, a imicom's Cecill, or Cessell. Sa. three chev, ar.
head ar. ducally gorged, lined, and ringed sa. Cecill, or Cecyll, Sa. two chev. ar.
Cawsse. Sa. a chev. or, betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. Ceely (St. Ives, co. Cornwall. Visit. 1620). Az. a chev. or,
Cawstou. Bendy of sis. ar. and sa. —
betw. three mullets ar. Crest A tiger sejant ar.
Gawston. Sa. three bends ar. Ceiferwast. Ar. three bars gemelles az,
Cawthome (Yorkshire). Ar. on a saltire sa. five crosses Ceily, Celey, or Cely, Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three

patonce or. Crest An arm embowed ppr. holding a cross eagles displ. sa. as many annulets or. Crest An arm in —
patonce or. armour holding a pheon point upwards, all ppr.
Cawthome. Ar. a chev. betw. three ravens sa. C^est — Ceiadall, Cendall, Cendalle, or Ceudall. Ar. a
raven ppr. cross vert.
Cawthome (Lincolnshire). Ar. a chev. betw. three Celny, Sa. a bend or.
ravens sa. on a chief of the last as many crosses cros&let of Celsden. Az. a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis or.
the first. CelsozL. Sa. on a pale betw. two palets or, three escutcheons
Cawton. At. a lion pass, paly of six or and sa. betw. three
dolphins naiant gu. on each dolphin as many bezants, all Cely (Barking, co. Essex). Az. on a chev. betw. three bucks
within a double tressure flory counterflory purp. Crest — trippant ar. as many fleurs-de-lis of the field.
dromedary sa. bezantee. Cely (co. Kent). Ar. eleven eyes sa. three, two, three, two.
Cay (Charlton Hall, co. Northnmberland ; originally Cat, or —
and one. Crest A dexter hand with the two first fingeis
Key, a border family of antiquity). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, erected ....
vert a rose ar. betw. two bars or ; 2nd, az. a label of three Cely (Essex). Az, a chev. betw. three mullets or. Crest—
points ar. over all a bend or; 3rd, ar. a chev. betw. three bundle of quills ppr.
wolves^ heads erased gu. and gorged with ducal coronets, Cely, Ceely, or Ceily (Havering, co. Essex). Gu. a lion
for WooLFF, of Bredlington. Crest —
A royal eagle gorged

ramp, or, betw. two flaunches and a gussett in base erm.
with a collar and banner vert bearing a rose ar. Motto Celynyn {Baron of Llwydiarth, in Powys. Descendants
Sit sine spina. 1st, of Bhandir, Caergai, and Myvod ; 2nd, Lloyd, v\
Cay (Bishopwearmonth, co. Durham). Ar. a bend sinister Flinnant and Dolobran; 3rd, Davies, of Dyffryn). Sa. a hc-
sa. in chief an annulet gu. in base a head erased
griffin's goat ar. attired and unguled or.
of the second, holding in his beak a key
az. impaling the Cenino. Az. a salamander or, in a flame ppr. Crest- i\\\
arms of Vidlee, viz., ar. three wolves' beads couped sa. escallop betw. two palm branches ppr.
Crest— A griflfin's head as in the arms. Motto— F3.tria, cara, Centerton. Gu. a fesse betw. three leopards' faces or.
carior libertas. Cercy. Ar. a saltire sa. on a chief az. three cinquefoils or.
Cay. Az. a bend or, debmised by a label of three points ar. Geme {L<yrd of Melcombe, co, Dorset, temp. Eichard I., and
Crest —A hawk ppr. and flotant behind him a pennon vert. of Draycote-Cerne, same co. temp. Henry III., Richard
Az. a
tied round the neck and charged with the arms. Ceene, last Lord of Draycote, d. 8 Henry VI., 1427).
Cayle, or Keyle (Cornwall), Quarterly, embattled ar. horse'shead couped or.
and sa. « Geme (Malcombe Horsey). Per fesse ar. and gu. a lion
<3ayle. Quarterly, ar. and sa. on a bend gu. three mullets ramp, counterchanged within a bordure or.
of the first. Geme Monastery (Dorsetshire). Az. a cross engr, or,
Cayley (Brompton, co. York, hart. According to Sir W. betw. four lillies ar.
Dngdale's sketch, with crest, in his Visitation of the co, Ceronen. Gu. fretty ar.
York, 1666). Quarterly, ar. and sa. a bend gu. charged with Cervington, or Servington (Devonshire; extinct in
three mullets of the first. Crest— A demi lion ramp, or, the male line temp. Elizabeth; the co-heirs m. Cbokeb ami
charged with a bend gu. thereon three mullets ar. in the Saveet). Erm. on a chev. az. three bucks' heads cabosBeU
paws a battle-axe az. handle of the second, with an orna- Crest—A tun (or barrel) or, out of the bunghole five

mental tuft on it, gold. Mottoes 1st: Nul q'um "Only — or.
roses of the last, stalked and leaved vert.

one " (God). 2nd : Per lucem ac tenebras mea sidera san- Cesir. Ar. on a bend gu. three leopards' faces or.
guine surgent. Cessfoord. Per fesse guu and ar. in chief a cross of tlic
Cayley (Wydale House, co. York). Same as the preceding. second, in base a horse's head couped sa,
Cayley, or Cayly (Norfolk). Chequy or and gu. a bend Cesthaza, or Gesthin. Az. an eagle displ. or, armed ar.
(or a fesse) erm. (another, or). Cesyr. Ar. on a bend purp. three leopards' faces or.
Caylifl, Az. a chev. betw. three crescents or. Gewer (Surrey). Gu. a chev. betw. in chief two fleurs-de-
Cayling-. Gyronny of eight erm. and sa. lis, and in base a rose ar.

Ceyley. See Catlet. Chadwick (confirmed to Edward Marion Cbadwick, Esq.
Chabeners. Az. three lozenges
&r, a chief indented gu. of Toronto, Canada, grandson of John Craven CnAnwicK,
Ghabnor (Mousley, co. Herts). Chequy ar. and gu. on a Esq., of Ballinard, co. Limerick). Per pale gu. and sa,
chief az. three cinquefoils or. CVfisi— A pheon or. within an orle of eight martlets ar., an escutcheon of the
Chabnor (Herefordshire). Gn. on a chief ar. three martlets third charged with a cross of the first, and in the first
Ba. Crest —A pheon or. quarter thereof a crescent of the second. Crest A martlet —
Ghabot (France). Or, three chabots gu. (There is a sea ar. holding in its bill a white lily slipped and leaved ppr.,
fish called a chahot.) borne fessways, the flower to the sinister, iIfo«ocs—Toujours
Chace of Robekt Chace remaining in the Library of
(Arms pret; and (over the crest) In candore decus.
Balioll College, Oxford. Visit.Oxon). Ar. a chev. bctw. Chadwick, Cooper-Chadwick (exemplified to Eichakd
three talbots' heads erased gu. Cooper, Esq., of Killenure Castle, co. Tipperary, who
Ghace (Chesham, co. Bucks). Gtt. four crosses flory, two and assumed, by royal licence, 1855, the additional surname and
two ar. on a canton or, a lion pass. az. arms of Chadwick on his marriage with Katherine, elder
Gbace. Gu. four crosses potence ar. two and two, on a dau. and co-heiress of William Chadwick, Esq., of Ballinard,

canton or, a lion pass. az. Crest A lion ramp, or, holding CO. Tipperary). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, Chadwick, or, au
- inescutcheon gu. charged with a lily leaved and slipped ppr.
hetw. his feet a cross potence gu.
Gb.ace. Gu. six crosses pattee, three, two, and one, ar. on a within an orle of martlets sa. 2nd and 3rd, Cooper, per pale

canton or, a lion pass, az. indented ar. and sa. three bulls pass, counterchanged, a
Chachenaayd. Ar. on a chev. gu. hetw. three demi lions —
canton az. Crests 1st, Chadwick : A martlet sa. charged
ramp. az. as many crescents or. on the breast with a crescent ar., holding in the bill a lily
Ghackers. Quarterly, or and purp. stemmed and slipped ppr. 2nd, Cooper On a mount vert a
; :

Gliacombe, or Anaf (Leicestershire). Or, a chief and bull pass, per pale ar. and sa. gorged with a collar dancettes
bend gu. az.
Ghad (Thursford, co. Norfolk, extinct bart.j. Per pale gu. Chadworth (London). Ar. on a. bend sa. three trefoils
and ar. a cross potent quadrated, in the 1st and 4th quarters, slipped of the field.
a rose; in the 2nd and 3rd, across pattt^all counterchanged. Chadworth, or Chaworth. Or, a fesse betw. three

Crest A falcon, wings expanded ppr., beaked, legged, and martlets sa.
membered or, resting the dexter claw on a cross potent, as Chaffers (granted to Jeremiah Chaffers, Esq., of Liverpool).
in the arms. Az. on a bend invected ar. betw. three crescents eacit
Cbad (exemplified to Joseph Stonehewer Scott, Esq., on his surmounted by a mullet of eight points or, as many chaf-
assuming, by royal licence, 27 Nov., 1855, the additional sur- finches ppr. Crest —
On a mural crown gu. charged with
name and arms of his maternal great-uncle, Sir Charles three mullets of eight points or, a chaffinch ppr.
Chad, Bart., of Thursford and Finckney). Same as pre- Chaffln, or Chafiu (Chetle, co. Dorset). Gu. a talbot
ceding, quartering Scott. pass. or. Crest —A talbot or.
Ghad (Lichfield). Per pale gu. and ar. a cross potent and Ghaf&n, or Saffin (Somersetshire). Az. three estoiles of
quadrat betw. four crosses patt6e, all counterchanged. eight points, each issuing from a crescent or. Crest—Ors.
Ghadborn (Barton House, co. Gloucester). Ar. a griflSn mural crown a mullet of eight plain rays or.
segreant. Crest —A demi griffin. Chaffin CWarminster, co. Wilts). Gu. a talbot pass, or, a
Gb.addock. See Chadock. chief erm.
Gbader. Ar. three fieurs-de-lls gu. Chaffy. Gu. a griffin segreant or, on a chief erm. three
Gliaderton (Lancashire). Ar. a griflSn segreant gu. (another lozenges az. Crest—A peacock in pride ppr.
adds a bordure sa. platee). Crest —A griffin's head couped gu. Chafy (Sherborne, co. Dorset, Stoke-Sub-Hamdon, co. Somer-
Cbaderton (Lancashire and Yorkshire). Gu. a cross potence set,and Winscot, co. Devon). Az. a fesse lozengy ar.
or (another, with a bordure sa. platee). Chafy (Bouse Lench Court, co. Worcester). Per pale gu.
Cfbadertou. Gu. a cross crosslet crossed or. and az. a griffin segreant ar. on a chief engr. erm. thnV
Gliadioke. Gu. an inescutcheon within two orles ar. —
lozenges of the second. Crest On a mount betw. two palin
Chadock (Chadock, co. Lancaster). Gu. an inescutcheon branches vert, a peacock in its pride ppr.
charged with a plain cross of the field, within an orle of
ar. Ghaig'neau (Ireland). Sa. three lions' heads erased or,
martlets of the second. Crest —
A martlet ar. Ci-est —A lion's head erased gu.
Chadwell. Ar. a fesse dancett^ az. Crest—Out of a ducal Chain. Barry of six az. and ar.
coronet a dexter hand holding by the neck a swan's head Chaiston (Scotland). Gu. two halberts paleways surmounted
erased ppr.
all by a fesse chequy . . in chief a mullet,'well. Or, a fesse lozengy az. in chief a mullet gu. Chaldecotte (Quarleston). Az. three arrows paleways or..'wick (Chadwick, co. Lancaster). The eventual heiress, Chaleners (Yorkshire). Az. three mascles or, a chief in-
Sarah Chadwick, of Chadwick, d. unvi. in 1722). Gu. an dented gu.
inescutcheon within an orle of martlets ar. (>esf— lily A ^Chalkhill (Middlesex). Cheveronny of six gu. and nr.
ar. stalked and leaved vert. (another, gu. three chev. ar.). Crest —
Out of a ducal coronot'wlck (Healey, co. Lancaster ; Mavesyn-Kidware, co. or, a horse's head ermines, maned gold.
Stafford, and New Hall, co. Warwick descended from Jordan
; Challen (Shopwhyke and Shermanbury Park, co. Subscx; the
Chadwyk, second son of John de Chadwyk, of Chadwyk; heiress, Mary Challen, vi. John Miller, Esq.). Sa. a
the Healey estate was acquired by the marriage, in 1483, of chev. engr. or, betw. three cherubs' heads of the last.
John CnADWTKE, with Alice, eldest dan. and coheir of Adau Crest —
A demi horse salient. ilfoWo— Gloria Deo.
Okbden). Same Ai-ms. Crests — and
1st: A lily ar. stalked Challen (Shermanbury Park, co. Sussex; a younger branch
leaved vert 2nd A talbot's head gu, having the arms of
; : of Challen, of Shopwhyke : represented by the Rev. Jo^^f
Handsacre (erm. three cronels gu.) on the collar, and Gratwick Challen, D.D., of Shermanbury, son and heir of
pierced through the neck with an arrow. Motto 5tans — John Challen, Esq., who was son of Stephen Challen,
<;ura rege. Esq., of Selsey, and grandson of Eichard Challen, gent.,
Chadwick (Mavesyn Kidware,
co. Stafford ; quartered by on whose monument, now removed, in the church of Doing,
Chadwick, of Healey, Mavesyn Rid ware, and New Hall; were the arms of Challoner). Arrns^ &c., as the preceding.
Coll. of Arms MSS.). Ar. a bordure gu. charged with eight Challeng-e (Gloucestershire). Az. on a bend or, tlirec

martlets of the field.

cinquefoils of the first. O-est —An eagle's head sa.
(Swinton Hall, co. Lancaster, now of Pudleston Ghallenor (Kenwardes, in Lindfield, co. Sussex). Az. a
Court, CO. Hereford; claiming descent from Chadwick, of
Chadwick). Gu. an inescutcheon or, within an orle of martlets
chev. ar. betw. three mascles or. Crest A wolf statant —
regnard. ar. pierced through the shoulder by a broken spear
ar. all within a bordure engr. of the second, charged with or, the upper part in his mouth, the lower resting on tlie
eight crosses crosslet sa. Crest^-ln front of two crosses wjeath.
crosslet fitchee in saltire, the flower and stem of a white lily, Challers. Ar. a fesse betw. two chev. sa.
slipped ppr. Motto —
In candore decus. Challers. Ar. a fesse betw. three annulets gu.
Chadwick, or Chadock (Cornwall). Gu. on an inescut- Challeston. Ar. a chev. vair, betw. three eagles displ.
cheon within an orle of martlets ar. a cross of the first. vert.
Crest — On a ducal coronet or, a martlet. Challice {Smith's Ordinary). Ar. on a fess betw. three
Chadwick (Cornwall). Gu. an orle of martlets or, on a annulets gu. as many lozenges of the first.
canton an inescutcheon of the first.
ar. Challis. Vert, betw. two bars engr. ar. three bezants.
Chadwick (High Bank, co. Lancaster). Per pale az. and Challis (Lord Mayor of London). Az. a bend betw. foil'
gu. an inescutcheon erm. within an orle of fleurs-de-lis and mullets ar. a chief chequy of the first and last.

martlets alternately ar. Crest In front of a lily, stalked Challou. Or, a bend gu. Crest- —A mermaid holding in li^r
and leaved ppr., a martlet ar. Motto—Jyeo fldens proficio. dexter hand a mirror ppr.


Glialloiier (Bibse-Chalianeb, Portnall Park, co. Surrey). and Middlesex).' Ar. a chev. az. betw. three trefoils gu.
See BissE. Ci'est— A bear pass. sa. muzzled, lined, and collared or.
Challouer (Fun. Ent. of Robeet Challonter, of Dublin Chamber (Derbyshire). Ar. a fesse chequy or and az. betw.
d. Feb. 1598). Az. a chev. bctw. three mascles or, a crescent three lions' heads erased sa.
for diff. Chamber (Visit. Notts, borne by John Chauber, SherifE of
Challouer. Ar. on a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu. Newcastle, in 1437). Gu. a chev. betw. throe cinquefoils or.
another fleurs-de-lis or. Crest —
Out of a chaplet of roses gu. leaved vert, a grey-
Clialloner (Durham). Same as Chalonee, of Guisborough. hound's head ar. gorged with a belt az. buckled and studded
Challons (Devonshire. Visit. 1620). Gu. two bars betw. or, from the belt in front a chain and ring of the last.
eight martlets three, two, and three, ar. Chamber (Gaddesby, co. Leicester, confirmed 3 March,
Challons (Burgundy, France ; IUaeia Theresa Challons, 1581). Same Arms.
of the ancient family of De Challons, of that place, vi. Chamber (Warwickshire). Or, three tigers' heads erased
1 July, 1750, Charles Hubert O'Hara, Esq., Col. in the sa. (another, wivems' heads).
regiment of Ladoga, in the service of llussia, son of Chamber, or Chambers, Ar. a chev. erm, fimbriated
EoDEKicK O'Haba, Esq., of Bally Hara, co. Sligo. Ulster's sa. betw. three chamber pieces of the last, fired ppr. Crest —
OflBce). Gu. a bend or, on a chief az. a lion ramp. or. A demi eagle displ. per pale sa. and ar., the heads im-
Challows. Gu. two bars betw. nine martlets ar. crowned or.
Chalmers (Balnacraig, co. Aberdeen). Ar. a demi lion ramp, Chamber. Erm. a fesse chequy (another, compony) or
issuing out of a fesse gu. with a fleur-de-lis in base of the and az.
last. —
Crest An eagle rising ppr. Jfo(£o— Spero. Chamber. Quarterly, ar. and az, (another, or and az.) a
Chalmers (Cults, co. Aberdeen). As Balnacraig. Crest — chev. counterchanged.
A lion's head erased sa. Jfoiio—Avanccz. Chamber. Or, a cross betw. four martlets vert.
Chalm.ers (Ashentrees). The same within a bordure sa. Chamber. Ar. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils gu.
Crest — A sinister hand holding up a pair of scales ppr. Chamber. Ar. on a chief indented gu. a lion pass. or.

Motto Lux mihi laurus. Chaznber. Sa. three goats courant ar. within a bordure
Chalmers, or Chambers {Baron Tartas, in France, engr. of the last.
1672). The same within a bordure gu. Ci-est —
A falcon Chamberlain (London, created a bart., 1828). Gu. within
belled ppr. Motto —
Non preeda sed victoria. an orle ar. charged with eight mullets az. an aimillary
Chalmers (Larbert, co. Stirling). Ar. a demi lion ramp, sphere or. Ci-est—An. eagle displ. ppr., the dexter claw
issuing out of a fess waved gu. bctw. two mullets in chief —
resting on an armillary sphere or. Motto Spes et fides.

and a fleur-de-lis in base az. Crest A falcon rising jessed Chamberlaine. Erm. on a chev. gu. three garbs or.

and belled ppr. Motto Promptus et fidelis. Crest —
A bear's head erased ar.
Chalmers <Sir J. M. Chalmers, of Leith Mount, co. Chamberlaine. Erm. on a pale sa. three leopards' heads or.
Edinburgh, K.C.B., 1815). Ar. on a fess vert a sword pale- Chamberlayn (Cambridge). Ar. fretty sa. on a chief of
ways ppr. in chief a lion ramp. gu. issuing from the fess, in —
the second three plates. Crest An ass's head erased ppr.
base a fleur-de-lis az. —
Crest -On a mount vert an eagle ducally gorged or.
rising ppr., holding in his dexter talon a sword ppr. Motto Chamberlayn (London). Gu. an escutcheon ar. within an
—SpCTO. orle of cinquefoils or. Cnst —Out of a mural coronet gu. a
Chalmers (Gadgirth, co. Ayr). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. demi lion ramp, or, holding in his dexter paw a key ar.
a mullet ar.; 2nd, or, a fesse chequy az. and ar. 3rd, ar.; Chamberlayn (London). Sa. a chev. betw. three
on a fesse az. three mallets of the field. Crest~A demi lion mullets erm.
holdinK in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis gu. Motto Quid — Chamberlayn (Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cambridge). Or,

non Deo juvante. fretty sa. on a chief of the second three bezants. Crest
Chalmers (Waterside). Quarterly, as Gadgirth, within a An ass's head erased ar. ducally gorged or.
bordure indented or. Motto —
Victrix fortuna sapientiae. Chamberlayn (Yorlcshire). Ar. a chev. betw. three cinque-
Chalmers (Kildonnan). Quarterly, as Gadgirth, within a foils sa>.

bordure ar. Crest ——

A demi lion holding in his dexter paw Chamberlayn (Yorkshire). Ar. a chev. oottised bctw.
a sabre ppr. Motto ^Non temere. three escallops sa.
Chabners (Aldbar Castle, co. Forfar). Ar. a demi lion Chamberlayn. Az. a chev. cottised betw. three escallops
ramp, issuing out of a fesse gu, with a fleur-de-lis in base of or. Crest —^An ass'shead couped ar.

the last. Crest ^An eagle rising ppr. Motto —
Spero. Chamberlayn.
Gu. three escallops or.
Ar. a fret sa. on a chief of the second
Chalou. Gu. two bars ar.
Chaloner (Steeple Clayton, co. Bucks: founded by Sir three chess-rooks of the field.
Thomas Chaloneb, a celebrated writer and soldier, who Chamberlayn. Or, an eagle displ. vert, armed of the last.
was knighted by the Protector Somerset, at Musselburgh). Chamberlayn (Worcester), Ar. an eagle displ. gu,
Ar. a cross potence ragulcd sa. betw. four ComiGh choughs armed or.
ppr. Chamberlayn. Gu, two keys in saltire or-
Chaloner (Guisborough, co. York, bart., extinct, of ancient Chamberlayn. Ar. a chev. betw. three ravens' (another,
Welsh descent : Sir Thomas Chaloner, of Guisborough, co. eagles') legs erased sa,
York, son of Sir Thomas Chaloner, of London, d. in 1613, Chamberlasm. Or, on a bend gu, three lozenges vair,
leaving with other issue, William, created a baronet in Chamberla3m. Erm. on a chief indented az. two cronells or.
1620, d. s. p. in 1640). Sa. a chev. betw. three cherubims' Chamberlayn. Or, a chev. bctw. three leopards' faces gu,
heads or. Crest—A demi sea wolf ramp. or. Chamberlayne (John Chambeblayne, temp. Bichard II.,
Chaloner (Guisborough, descended from Ilev. Edward descended from the Comtes de Tankervillt, founded in
Chaloner, D.D., Chaplain to Charles I., brother of Sir England by John de Tankekville, Chamberlain to Henry I.,
William Chaloner, Bart,}. Same Aiins and Ci-est. who assumed his surname from his office). Gu. a fesse betw.
Chaloner (Cambridgeshire). Ar. a fesse betw. three three escallops or.
annulets gu. Chamberlayne (Sherborne, co. Oxford, Jons Cijambee-
Chaloner (Fulham, co. Middlesex). Gu. on a chief ar. two layne, the last of that place, temp. James L, left two daus.,
mullets sa. a label az. his coheirs, viz., Mary, m. 1st Sir Thomas Gage, Bart., of
Chaloner (Yorkshire). Az. three mascles or, a chief Firle, co. Sussex, and 2nd Sir William Goring, Bart., of
indented gu. Burton, in same co. ; Elizabeth, m. John, 8th Lord
Chaloner. Ar. two bars vert, over all a lion ramp. gu. Abei-gavmny. Gu. a chev. betw. three escallops or. Crest —
Chaloner (Alderman of Dublin, 1560). Ar. on a fess wavy Out of a ducal coronet or, an ass's head ar.
az. betw. three lions' heads erased gu. as many mascles or. Chamberlayne (Astley, co. Warwick, confirmed with a
Chaloner (Kingsfort, co, Meath). Same as Chaloner, of quartering by the Deputies of Camden, Clarenceux, to Joun
Guisborough, Chamberlatne, Esq., J.P., of Astley, great grandson of
Chalons (Devonshire). Gu. two bars betw. six (another Edward Chamberlayne, Esq., of Sherborne, co, Oxford).
eight) martlets, three, two, and one, ar. Gu, an inescutcheon ar. within an orle of eight mullets or.
Chalons (Devonshire). Gu. two bars ar, Crest— Out of a ducal coronet gu. the head of an ass ar.
Chalons (Sussex). Az. two chev. ar. betw. three fusils or. Cham.berlayne (Presbury, co. Gloucester, and Thoroldby,
Chalons. Or, two bars gu. (another, vert) betw. nine CO. York). Quarterly, Ist aiul 4th, gu. an inescutcheon in
martlete of the second, three, three, and tJiree. an orle of mullets ar. ; 2nd and 3rd, gu. a chev. betw. three
Chalun, Or, two bora gu. escallops or. Orest-'Oui of a ducal coronet or, an ass's head
Cham. Barry of six az. and ar. ppr. Motto —Prodesse quam conspici.
Chambelyn. Ar. an eagle displ. go. armed or. Chamberlayne (Prince Thorpe, co. Warwick, descended
Chamber (Wolsticaatle, co. Cornwall, Hacton, co. Essex, from Sir Thomas Chamberlayne, of Prince Thorpe and
: AA


Presbiiry, a distinguished diplomatist temp. Henry VIII. and placed transverse of the escutcheon of the second, fired ppr.
Elizabeth. Same Arms and Creat. Motto—-ProdessQ quam Crest — ^An ass's head erased, ar.
conspici. Chambers (Worcester ; monument in the cathedral there
Chamberlayne (Cranbury Park, and Weston Grove, co. to William Chambers, d. 1616). Gu. a chev. betw. three
Hants, descended from a young- branch of the ancient House cinquefoils or.
of Chambbblatne. Same Arms and Creat. Motto Mors — Chambers (Hafod, co. Cardigan). Same .4rms. Orest —
potior maculfl. bear pass.
Ciiamberlayue (Wickham, Oxford, descended from
co. Chambers (Upton on Severn, co. Worcester, afterwards o(
Presbury, created a bart. 1642, extinct 1776), Same Arms^ Little Marcell, co. Hereford). Sa. a cross couped erm. betw.
and Crest. Motto- Virtuti —
nihil invium. four falcons rising or, quartering vert a chev. or, betw. three
Chamberlayne (Mangerabury and Oddington, co. Glou- plates, for Pollen. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a
cester). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. a cbev. betw. three demi eagle displ. gu. winged of the first.
escallops ar. 2nd and 3rd, gu. on a fesse engr. ar. betw.
; Cham.bers (granted to Robert J. Chambers, Esq., of
three heads erased or, as many crosses patt^e fitchde
griffins' Keppel Street). Gu. on a chev. betw. three cinquefoils or, as
sa. Crests :—Out of a ducal coronet an ass's head 2nd
1st ;

— —
many Eastern crowns az. Crest On a mount vert a bear
A lion's head erased, charged with three trefoils. Motto pass. ppr. muzzled and gorged with an Eastern crown, from
Virtute nihil invium. the muzzle a chain pendent and reflexed over the back all or.
Chamberlayne (Newton Harcourt, co. Leicester. Visit. Chambers. Sa. a cross couped erm. betw. four martlets
Leicester 1619). Gu, a chev. betw. three escallops or. rising or. Crest —
On a ducal coronet or, a demi eagle displ.
Cbamberlayne (Chamberlaynestown, and Athboy, co. gu. wings gold.
Meath, living there temp. Edward IV., descended from the Chambers. Ar. a fesse gu, in chief a demi lion ramp, sa,
CovMts of Tankerville, now represented by Tankeeville in base a fleur-de-Hs of the second. Crest—A lion's head
Chambeblaine, Esq., of Dublin, grandson of Tankebville erased ar.
Chamberlaine. Justice of the Court of King's Bench, Ireland. Chambers. Ar. a fesse compony az. and or, betw, three
Visit. CO. Dublin, 1619). Gu. a chev. engr. or, betw, three lions' heads erased sa. within a bordure gu. charged with
escallops ar. Crest —A Pegasus. eight escallops ar.
Chamberlayne (Lancaster). Sa. a stag's head cabossed Chambers (Gatesby, co. Leicester ; Richard Chambers was
within an orle of escallops ar. of that place, temp. Edward IV. Visit, Leicester, 1619),
Chamberlayne (Lincoln). Gu. a fesse cngr. ar. betw. three Erm. a fesse chequy or and gu. Ci'est— Out of a duc^
escallops or. coronet or, three holly leaves vert.
Chamberlayne. Gu. a cross or, a label of France. Chambers. Az. a chev. betw. three leopards' faces ar.
Chamberlen (Hugh Chamberlen, M.D,, court physician, Chambers. Ar. three chev. sa.
temp, James II. and Queen Anne, descended from the same Chambers (Kilmainham, Fun. Ent. of Thomas Chambers^
ancestry as the Cbambeblaynes, of Gloucestershire). Gu. keeper of His Majesty's House of Kilmaine, d. September,
an inescutcheon betw. eight cinquefoils ar. Crest A dexter — 1596). Erm. an eagle displ. with two necks erm. over all a
arm couped and embowed holding up a grenade fired, all fesse chequy or and az.
ppr, Chambers (confirmed 1647 by Roberts, Ulster, to William
Chamberlin (London). Erm. on a pale sa. three leopards' Chambers, first captain in Colonel James Castle's regiment,
faces or. Cv-es(— Out of a Saxon coronet an ostrich in the descended from a noble and ancient family of the name in
beak a key. CO. Norfolk). Az. a dexter naked arm embowed, couped at
Chamberlyn. Quarterly, gu. and or. the shoulder, holding a red rose with stalk and leaves ppr.
Chamberlsm. Ar. a hov. betw. three leopards' heads gu. d'est —
A greyhound's head erased ar. coUared sa. garnished

Chambernon (Devonshire). Gu. crusily or, a saltire vair. or. —

Motto ^Vivam te laudare (Deus).
Cham-bers (Derbyshire). Erm. three quadrats gu. on a Chambers (Killoyne, co. Mayo. 1724, descended from
chief of the second a chamber piece or. Chambers, of Great Plomer, Herts). Ar. on a chev. az.
Chambers (formerly Chief Justice of Bengal, supposed to betw, three cinquefoils gu. a mullet of the field. O'est—A
derive from the Chambers, of Cleadon, co. Durham. Visit. bear pass. ppr. muzzled, collared, and chained or.
Essex, 1634). Gu, a chev. betw. three cinquefoils or. Orest Cham.bers (Balmorary, Scotland). As Chalmers.
— A bear pass. sa. muzzled, collared, and chained or. Chambers (Glenormiston, co. Peebles, 1863). Or, on a fesse
Chambers (Hanover, Jamaica, granted 1771), Ar. a negro wavy az. a fleur-de-lis of the first, in chief a demi lion
cutting with a bill a sugar cane ppr. on a chief az. two pine- issuant sa. holding in his dexter paw a sword ppr. Crest—
apples or, leaved and crowned of the last. Crest An arm — —
falcon rising belled ppr. Motto Facta non verba.
in armour embowed ppr. charged with a cross couped gu. Cham.bir. Quarterly ar. and az. a chev. counterchanged.
holding in the hand ppr. a sciraetar ar. hilt anil pomel or. Chamblayn. Gu. on a chev. or, betw. three escallops of
Chambers (Bredgar House, co. Kent, descended from the second a tower sa.
Abraham Chambers, d. 1694, possessed of the estate of the Chambley, or Ohambly. Gu. three escallops or. Crest
Marshes, in the parish of Selling, in that co.>. Gu. a chev, —Above a globe a ship ppr,
or, betw. three cinquefoils. Crest —
^A bear pass. sa. muzzled Cham.bleyil. Or, on a bend gu. three lozenges vair.
find chained or. Cham-bcwe. Paly of six or and az. on a fesse gu, three
Chambers (George Chambers, Esq., of Pitton, co. Salop, mullets ar,
who m. Jddith, dau. and sole heir of Walter Calcott, Chambre (Lincoln's Inn Fields, London). Or, across ermines
Esq., of "Wilscott, co. Oxford. Visit. Oxon). Az. an armed betw. four martlets az. on a chief of the last a serpent betw.
arm embowed issuing from the sinister or, holding a rose ar. two roses of thefirst, d-est —
^A cock gu. holding three ears
slipped and leaved vert. of wheat or.
Chambers (Stratton Awdley, co. Oxford). Az. an armed Cham.bre fPetton, co. Salop). Az. an armed arm embowed
arm couped at the shoulder in fesse or, in the hand ppr. a or, issuing from the sinister holding a red rose slipped and
rose gu. leaved and stalked vert. Crest A greyhound's— leaved ppr.
head erased ar. round his neck a belt az. buckled or. Chambre (Ireland, descended from Chambre of Petton).
Chambers (London and Barkway, co. Herts). Ar. a chev. —
Arms, as Chambre of Petton. Crest A greyhound's head
az. betw. three trefoils slipped gu. Crest —
A bear pass. ppr. erased ar. collared az. therefrom a cord knotted and termi-
collared and chained or. —
nated by a ring or. Motto Tutamen pulchris.'
Chambers (London, granted 1723), Erm, three copper Chambre (Spratton, Northamptonshire). Gu. a chev. betw.
cakes ppr. on a chief gu. a chamber or. Crest — three cinquefoils or.
"Within a mountain vert a man working in a copper mine Chambre (John Chambre, of Thurgaton, Sheriff of Norfolk,
holding a pick-axe elevated ppr. his cap, shirt, drawers, and 1435). Az. a key in pale betw. two mullets of six points
hose ar. shoes sa. the planet Venus rising behind the moun- fesswise or.
tain or. Chambre (Halhead Hall, and Kendal, co, Westmoreland).
Chambers (London). Ar. a chev. betw. three trefoils Or, a cross ermines betw. four martlets risins sa. on a
slipped gu. chief (the arms of the city of Milan) az. a snake in pale,
Chambers (Wilts). Sa. a cross voided erm. betw. four coronee devouring a child ppr. betw. two roses gu. Crest—
martlets or, A cock gu. holding in his dexter claws three wheat ears or.

Chaxabers (Boxley, co. York). Ar. a fesse betw. three Motto— En Dieu est tout.
squirrels sejant sa. Chambre {Oulston, co. York. 1666), Or, a cross crminefl
Chambers (Longdon and Chambers Court, co. "Worcester; betw. four birds az. on a chief of thelast a serpent crowneo
Robert la Chamber held lands there 1345, and Robert
i>e devouring a woman or, betw. two roses gu.
Chambers, or Att-Chambeb, held the same lands 1428). Ar. Chamburg-h. Paly of six or and az, on a fesse gu. tli^ee
a chev-sa, surmounted of another erm. betw- three chambers ,
mullets of the first.


Cliamcom'be. Ar. on a cross az. fire mullets of the first. Cham.pa2ie. Yert a fesse counter-embattled or, betw.
Chaxnersley. Gu. a bend betw. six escallops or. three trefoils slipped erm.
Chaxnes. Gu. a chief indented erm. Az. a lion ramp, or, holding in the dexter
Chamford (Ireland). Gu. a bugletaom betw. tliree mullets paw a hind's leg erased at the first joint ar.
ar. Champanty, Champaine, or Champaigne (Thurls-
Chamier. Az. on a fesse or, betw. three roses ar. a human ton, CO. Leicester). Or, fretty sa.
heart ga. Champasm (Leicester). Or, fretty sa. on each joint a
Chamier (Montelimart and Montauban, in France, after- crosslet fitchee of the first.
wards Madras, Epsom, and London: John Des Champs, Champayne (Kent). Or, three hounds pass. gu.
Member of Council, Madras, assumed by Eoyal Licence Champayne. Ar. three bars nebulee gu. (another, harry
1780, the surname and arms of Chamier, in compliance nebulee of six ar. and gu.).
with the will of his maternal uncle Antbont Chauieb, Esq., Champeine. Ar. a fesse sa.
of Epsom, M.P., Under Secretary of State). Az. on a fess Champer. Per pale ar. and gu. a bend counterchanged.
or, betw. three roses one and two ar. barbed and seeded Gu. a saltire vair betw. twelve crosses
ppr., a human heart gu. betw. two branches in saltire, the patt^ fitchee or. CVesi— A lion's head erased ar. semee of
one of palm the other of cypress, also ppr. Ci-est A cubit — pellets and ducally crowned or.
arm in bend vested az. charged with five fieurs-de-lis in Champemon. Gu. a saltire vair betw. four
crosses pattee
saltire or, cuffed erm, in the hand a scroll, and thereon an fitcheeor (another, twelve crosses formee fitchee or
open book ppr. garnished gold. The arms without the another, twelve crosses bottoneeor; another, quartered by
branches in saltire were borne by the family of Chamier Willodghbt, at Welland, co. Worcester, twelve billets or).
previous to the registration of the said arms in the College Cham.pernon. Gu. a saltire vair betw. sixteen bezants.
of Arms, London, on which occasion the branches of palm Champernowne (Chst Champernowne, co. Devon,
and cypress were by way of distinction placed on either side and formerly Bees, Ferrers, and Modbury, same co. The
of the heart in allusion to the death of Daniel Chamieb, members sent to Parliament by the county of Cornwall
Minister of the Gospel, who was slain in the bastion of having been William de Campo Arnulphi, and Reginald
Faillas whilst assisting in the defence of the Protestant city BeviUe ; the heiress of this, the senior branch of one of the
of Montauban against the forces of Louis XIII. most distinguished families in England, Elizabeth, only
Chazuier (borne by Henhy Chamieb, Esq., late member of dau. of Sir William Champernowne, of Clist, knt,, m. 1st,
the Government of Madras, sometime of Dublin, third son of William Polglas, and 2ndly, John Cergeaux). Gu. a saltire
JoBN Des Champs, who took the surname of Chamieb 1780), vair betw. twelve billets or. Oldest —
A swan sitting ppr.
^rnw—Same as last. Ci'est (granted to Henbt Chamieb, holding in the beak a horseshoe or.

Esq.) 'Jut of a French noble coronet ppr. a cubit arm in Champemo'wiie (Dartington, co. Devon, a branch of
bend vested az. charged with five fieurs-de-lis in saltire or, Modbury. Visit. Devon 1620). Arms, &c., as Champer-
cuff erm. in the hand a scroll and thereon an open book ppr. nowne of Clist, a crescent for diff.
garnished gold. Champernowne (Calcott, near Cricklade, co. Wilts
Chamley (allowed by Betham Ulster, to Geobge Chamlet, descended from Champernowne of Devon). Gu. a saltire
Esq. of the Civil Office, Dublin Castle, 1820). Per chev. az. vair betw. twelve crosses formee fitchee or. Crest—-A
and gu. in chief two helmets ar. garnished or, and in base a demi lion ar. holding a cross formee fitchee or.
garb of the last. Cresi—A demi griffin segreant erm. beaked Champejme (Champeynein DufBeld, co. Derby: the co-
and winged or, holding betw. the claws a helmet, as in heirs m. FoDCBEB and Daundelin). Or, fretty sa.
the Arms. Motto —
Cassis tutissima virtus. Champeyon. Ar. a sword in pale sa. within an orle of
Chamlin. See O'Hamlin. trefoils sUpped ermines.
phamon, or Chamoiid. Gu. alien ramp. ar. within a Champion (Berkshire and Essex). Ar. three trefoils
bordure gobonated of the second and or. slipped sa. Crest —
An arm embowed and erect in armour
Chamond, or Chaumoud (Trenworth-Chamond, and ppr. garnished or, holding in the gauntlet a chaplet of laurel
afterwards for several descents, of Launcells, co. Cornwall, vert.
Visit. 1620). Ar. a chev. betw. three fieurs-de-lis gu. Crest Champion (London). The same.
—A griifin sejant or. Champion (Essex). Sa. three trefoils slipped ar.
Chamond (co. Somerset). Paly of six ar. and az. a fesse gu. Champion (London). Or, on a fesse gu. betw. three trefoils
Chamond. Ar. a chev. battelly betw. three ravens' legs slippedpean an eagle displ. of the first within a bordure
erased sa. engr. az. charged with eight bezants. Crest —
An arm erect
Chamondby (Wilts). Or, on a cross vert five mullets of vested ar. cuff gu. holding in the hand ppr. a chaplet vert.
the field. Champion (Sir Richard Champion, Knt., Lord Mayor of
Chaxnotui. Ar. a chev. crenellee betw. three falcons' heads London, 1565. Visit, London, 1568). Or, on a fesse gu.
erased sa. betw. three trefoils slipped ermines an eagle displ. of the field
Champ. Ar. a fesse betw. three mascles gu. Crest~A stag within a bordure engr. of the second bezantde. Cre'it—Aa
ppr. aim erect couped at the elbow vested gu. charged with three
ChampagnS (Portarlington, Ireland). Josias de Cham- bars or, holding in the hand ppr. a rose branch of the last.
pagne, of Saintouge, in France, left his native country at Champion. Ar. a chev. betw. three escallops az.
the revocation of the edict of Nantes, and settled in Ireland. Champion. Ar. two bars nebulee gu.
His son, Major Josias Champagne, m. Lady Jane Forbes, Champion (London). Or, two wings conjoined and ex-
and was father of the Very Rev. Arthur de llobillard Cham- panded sa. betw. three trefoils slipped erminea on a chief
pagne, Dean of Clonmacnoise, who left at his decease, with gu. an eagle displ. ar.
four sons, of whom the youngest. General Sir Josias Cham- Champneis, or Champney(TJfculum and Yamscombe,
pagne, d. Jan. 31, 1840, six daus. viz., Jane, m. to Henry, CO. Devon. Visit. 1620). Ar. a Uon ramp. gu. a border
Earl of Uxbridge; Letitia, m. to George Stepney, Esq.; engr. sa.
Mary-Anne, m. to Sir Charles Des Voeux, Bart. Deborah, ; Chaxnpley (the Crescent, Scarborough). Gu. three escal-
m. to the Rev. Samuel Close, of Elm Park Elizabeth and ; lops or.
Harriet, m. to Sir Erasmus Dixon Borrows, Bart.). Az. a Champnes (Tamescombe). Ar. a lion ramp. gu. within a
lizard extended in pale ar. betw. three mullets, two and one, bordure engr. sa.
or, in chief a ducal coronet of the last. Champney (Devonshire). Ar. two fusils in pale (another,
Champagne. Or, frctty of six pieces sa. on each joint a in fesse) gu.
cross crosslet fitchee of the field. Champney (Devonshire). Ar. a lion ramp. gu.
Champaigne (quartered by Hdset, of Shapwick and Stour- Champney (London). Sa. a chev. or, betw. three crosses
payne, co. Dorset). Ar. a fess sa. erm. Crest—A leopard's head erased guard, or, ducally
Champaigne. Or, a fret sa. gorged sa.
Champaigne. Ar. a chief gu. Cham.pney. Ar. three bars wavy gu. (anotlier, the bars
Champaigne, Champain, or Champigme. Erm. plain). Crest—A lion's gamh erased supporting a torteau gu.
a bend az. and a chief gu. Champney. Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three crosses voided of
Champain, Bateman-Champain (Halton Park, co, the same.
Lancaster). Sa. fretly or, three pieces one way and five Champney. Sa. a chev. betw. three crosses engr. erm.
the other on a chief ar. a demi Uon ramp, issuant gu. Orest Champney. Gu. a fesse ar. betw. three crosses lorm^e

—A demi lion ramp, guard, gu. ^ engr. erm.
Champaine (Kent). Ar. three bars wavy gu. Champney. Per pale ar. and sa. a lion ramp, within a
Champaine (quartered by Torvile, of Thurlaston and bordure per pale gu. and or.
Normanton, co. Leicester. Visit. Leicester, 1619.) Vaire ar. Champney. Az. a lion ramp, or (another, ar.).
and Ba. a canton gu. Champney. Barry nebulee of six ar. and gu. a bend az>


Cliampney. Verta fesse crenellee ar. bctw. three trefoils Channesley, Gu. a bend betw. three escallops or.
erm. Chanon, or Canon. Ar. on a chev, gu. two couple
Champneys (Orchardley, co. Somerset, bart., extinct). closes or.
Per pale or and sa. within a bordure engr. counterchanged a Chanry. Ar, two bars gu,
lion ramp. gu. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a sword Chanserire. Az. an eagle displ. barry of eight ar. and gu,
erect gii. betw. two wings expanded ar. Motto Pro patria — Chanseul. Sa. three eagles displ. ar.
non timidus perire. Chanticler (Cornwall). Az, three cocks ar.
Champneys (Puddle Town, co. Dorset). Per pale ar. and Chantmarle. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three blackbirds ppr.
sa. a lion ramp, guard, gu. within a bordure engr. counter- Chantrell (quartered by Docton, of Docton, co. Devon;
changed. Crests 1st —
A demi man sidefaced ppr. wreathed
: John Doketon m. Agnes, dau. and heir of Chantrell fej?ip,
about the head ar. and sa. vested gu. sleeves or, cuffs of the Henry VIIL Visit. Devon, 1620). Ar. three hounds pass. sa.
third holding in the dexter hand a gem ring, gold, stone az.; Chantrell. Ar. a chev. betw. three hounds pass. sa.
2nd: On a dacal coronet or, a sword erect gu. betw. two Chantrell, or Chauntrell (Woodley, co. Berks,
wings expanded ar. Elizabeth, dau. and co-heir of Robert Chantrell, Esq.,
Champneys (Kent). Per pale ar. and sa. a lion ramp, of Foxton, m. Edward Willoughby, Esq., of Grendon, co.
guard, per pale gu. and or. Notts, temp. Henry Vlll. Visit. Notts), Az. a pehcan in
Champneys (Hall Place and Ostenhanger, co. Kent; her nest vulning herself ar.
descended from Sir John Champneys, Knt., Lord Mayor of Chantrell (Ockingham). Ar. a pelican in her nest vulning
London in 1534, who purchased Hall Place. The heiress of herself sa. the nest or. Ci-est —
A tower ar. in the gate a
Ostenhanger, m. in 1767, JohnByrte, orBoRT, of Boley Hill, boar's head sa.
Eochester). Per pale ar. and sa, within a bordure engr. Chantry, Sa. guttee d,e larme a lion ramp. ar. Crest —
counterchanged a lion ramp. gu. Crest—A demi Moor side- lion ramp. gu. supporting a pillar sa.
faced, habited or, cuffs, cape, and ornaments on the Chanu (Willaston, co. Chester). Lozengy, a bend fretty.
shoulders gu. wreathed about the temples of the two last, Chanwrit. Barry of ten ar. and gu. a bordure sa. charged
holding in the dexter hand a gold ring with a sapphire stone with ten martlets of the first.

set therein. Chape, Chappe, or Chappes (Norfollc). Gu. a fesse

Chanard, or Channard. Barry of six or and gu. wavy betw. six billets ar. Crest — A dexter hand gauntleted,
Chance (Birmingham, registered. College of Arms). Gu. a holding a pheon point upwards ppr.
saltire vair betw. two fleurs-de-lis in pale and as many towers Chapan (Martin, Hussingtree, co. Worcester). Ar. two
in fcsse ar. —
Crest A demi lion ramp. gu. semee of annulets —
bars az. Crest A hawk rising ppr.
or, betw. the paws a sword erect entwined by a wreath of Chapell, or Chappell (Cambridgeshire). Per fesse ar.
oak ppr. Motto—Deo non fortuna. and vert, a chaplet betw. four escallop shells, counter-
Chancellor (ShicldhiU, co. Lanark). Or, a lion ramp. sa. changed.
on a chief gu. three mullets of the first, d'est An eagle — Chapell. Gu. three chaplets or.
displ. sa. Motto— Que je surmonte. Chapell (registered in Ireland 20 Oct., 1686, to KiCHAnii
Chancellour. Ar. on a canton sa. a saltire of the field. Chapell, Esq., Deputy-Auditor-General)- Or, an anchor
Chancey (Essex, and Porton, co. Norfolk). Gu. a cross sa. betw. two chaplets in fess vert. Crest —
A demi lion
botonnde or, on a chief az. a lion pass, of the second. ramp, vert, holding in the dexter paw a chaplet or.
Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a griflln's head and wings Chaplau (Scotland). Gu. on a fesse nebulee ar. betw. six
endorsed bendy gu. and az. beaked of the first. billets or, a rose slipped of the first. —
Motto Labor omnia
Chancey, or Channsy (Essex). 0;-, achev. betw. three vincit.
eagle=! displ. gu. Chaplin, or Chapelin (London, and Stoneham, co.
Chancey, or Chauncey (Sawbr id ge worth, co. Herts). Hants; granted 1593). Erm. on a chief indented az. three
Gu. a cross patonce ar. on a chief az. a lion pass. or. griffins' heads, erased or. CVeai—Agi'iffln's headerased ar.
Crest—Oat of a ducal coronet or, a grifBn's head gu. charged ducally gorged or.
with a pale az. betw. two wings displ. of the last the inward Chaplin (Blankney, co. Lincoln, descended from Sir
part of the wings of the second. Kr-ANcis Chaplin, Lord Mayor of London in 1677). Erm.
Chancey, or Chanceys (Edgcott, co. Northampton; on a chief indented vert, three griffins' heads erased or,
granted 23 November, 1546). Or, three (another, four) quartering the arms and quarterings of Sir John Hausy,
chev. engr. gu. Cre-nt —
An arm erect vested ar. enfiled as displ. on the knight's monument in Tathwell Church,
with a ducal coronet or, holding in the hand ppr. a battle-axe CO. Lincoln, viz., 2nd, az. three esquires' helmets or; 3r(l,
staff gu. headed of the first. per pale or and gu. three mullets counterchanged; 4th, ar.
Chancey. Ar. a chev. betw. three annulets gTi. a cross invected gu. in the first quarter an annulet of the
Chancey. See Chauncy. second; 5th, or, a chev. betw. ten cross crosslets sa, six and
Chandler (London). Ar. two bendlets sa. betw. five pellets four. —
Crest ^A griffin's head erased or, murally gorged
in saltire. Crest —A bull's head sa. attired ar. vert,
Chandler (London). Chequy ar. and gu. on a bend sa. three Chaplin (Tathwell Hall, co, Lincoln, a branch of the
lions pass. or. Blankney family). Arjns, Quarterings^ and Crest same as
Chandler, or Chaundler. Az. y, chev. ar. betw. three those of Chapmn, of Blankney.
mascles or. Chaplin (Weston, co. Northampton). Gu. three covered
Chandos (Cambridgeshire). Eftn. a pile gu. cups betw. eight crosses crosslet fitchee ar.
Chandos {temp. Richard II.). Gu. a puise fitchee ar. Chaplin. Gu. a fesse nebulde or, betw. six billets ar.
Chandos (Sir John Chandos one of the founder Knights of Chapman (Cambridgeshire). Per chev. ar. and gu. a
Che Order of the Garter, his plate remains the eleventh on crescent counterchanged a canton of the second. Crest —
the Sovereign's side). Ar. a pile gu. Crest—A man's head dMcter arm in armour couped and erect, holding in the hand
ppr. wreathed about the temples ar. a lance all ppr.
Chandos {Baron Chaiulosy summoned to Parliament 1357). Chapman (Stretton, co. Gloucester). Same Arms.
Or, a pile gu. Crest —An old man's head sidefaced ppr. hair Chapman (Ireland). Same Ai^is.
grey, on the forehead a wreath. Chapman (Thringston, co. Leicester). Same Arms. Crest
Chandos. Ar. a pile gu. Crest —In a ducal coronet or, a —An arm embowed in armour, holding in the hand a
dragon's head sa. broken lance bendwise, upon the point a wreath all ppr.
Chandoys, orChandoz (Cheshire). Or, a lion ramp. gu. Chapman (Cambridgeshire). Per chev. ar. and gu. a
tail forked. crescent counterchanged, on a chief of the second a unicorn's
Chandoz (Cornwall). Or, on a pile betw. six stars gu. three head couped betw. two leopards' faces .or. Crest A falcon —
estoiles of the field. ar. beaked and legged gu. supporting a garb or.
Chane (Scotland). Av. three branches of bay, banded vert, Chapman (London). The same Arms, d-est—Out of a
betw. as many crescents gu. crescent per pale or and gu. an unicorn's head also gu.
Chanenet, Chaven, or Chavenot. Paly of six ar, maned, horned, and guttee of the first.
and a fesse gu.
az. Chapman (Lincoln; granted 6 March, 1704). Per chev.
Chanflere. Sa. a cross flory or, betw. twelve billets of the ar. and az. a crescent betw. two leopards' heads in pale
second. counterchanged. Crest —
A fleur-de-lis or, betw. two olive
Chanleys, Erm. on a fesse gu. three lozenges of the field. branches vert.
Channell (quartered by Sir Eogee, Ayscough, Knt., of Chapman (Rainthorp Hall, co. Norfolk). Per chev. ar.
Nuttall, J.P.. CO. Notts, temp. Queen Elizabeth. Visit. |
and gu a crescent betw. two leopards' faces in pale counter-
Gu. two chevs. and a border or.
Notts). changed, on a canton or, three trefoils of the second, all
Channelley (Buckinghamsliii-e). Az. a fcsse, indented, within a bordure gu. and gold, charged with bezaata aud
betw. three martlets or, t«rteaux.


Chapman (London). Vert five plates in saltire. chief two roses gu, barbed vert in baso an eagle close of tha
Chapman (London and Yorksliire). Perchev. ar. and gu. second. Crest —A
dove ppr.
a crescent counterchanjied. Orest —A buck's head per Charent. Paly of six ar, and az. a fesse gu.
chev. ar. and gu. Charilton. Or, a chev. engr. sa. betw. three bucks* heads
Chapman (Highbury Park, co. Middlesex). The same cabossed vert within a bordure az.
Armtt. Crest —
A dexter arm cmbowed in armour, holding Charington. Gu. on a bend or, voided sa, three swans ar.
in the hand ppr. a broken tilting spear also ppr. enfiled with Charingworth, Vert on a chev. ar. three pheons sa.
a chaplet of laurel vert. —
Crest A naked arm embowed holding a cutlass, all ppr.
Chapman (Hanging Aston, co. Worcester). Same Arms. Chark (London; granted 21 January, 1604). Sa. on a
Chapman (Scotland). Vert a saltire engr. betw. four pale ar. a Greek upsilon (^) gu.
boars' heads, erased ar. Charlemont, Earl of. See Cadlfeild.
Chapman (Scotland). Vert a saltire engr. and in chief a Charleners. Az. three mascles or, a chief indented gu.
boar's head erased ar. Charles (Bridgenhall). Erm. on a chief gu. five fusils of
Chapman (Yorkshire). The same Arms as of Cambridge, the field.
adding a bordure gu. Charles (Tavistock, co. Devon). Erm. (another, ar.) on a
Chapman (Yorkshire). Per chev. ar. and gu. u. cross chief wavy gu. an eagle displ. or. Crest—A. demi eagle
counterchanced. ^ with two heads per pale or and erm.
Chapman (Edwaed Chapsian, of Eesprin, co. Cornwall, Charles (Devonshire). Barry nebulee of eight or and sa.
grandson of Edwakd Chapman, of Hankford, co. Devon, Charles (London). Erm. on a chief gu. five lozenges in
was living at Visit. 1620). Per chev, ar, and gu. a crescent fosse of the field. d-est—A icmi wolf erm. holding a hal-

counterchanged. Crest An arm embowed, habited in mail hert ar. tasselled or.
ppr. cuffed ar. holding in the hand ppr. a broken tilting Charles (Norfolk). Erm. on a chief gu. three mascles
spear or, enfiled with a chaplet vert. (another, lozenges) of the first
Chapman. Vert a saltire engr, betw. four sangliers" Charles (Stratford, co. Warwick, and Norfolk, confirmed
heads erased ar. by Cooke, Clarenceux, to Richard Charles, of London, son
Chapman. Per chev. and gu. in chief three leopards'
ar. of Richard Charles, Esq., of Stratford-upon-Avon). Erm.
faces of the second, in base a crescent or. nn a chief gu. five lozenges in fesse of the' field. Crest—
Chapman. Per chev. ar. and gu. a crescent betw. three demi griffin erm. holding a spear gu.
leopards* faces counterchanged. Charles (Ireland). Per fesse wavy gu. and 3rm. in chief
Chapman. Per chev. ar. and gu. in chief three demi lions an eagle displ. ar.
of the second, in base a crescent of the first. Charles (Rev. James Charles, Scotland, 1870). Or, on a Per chev, ar. and gu. in chief a leopard's face bend betw. an eagle displ. in chief and a boar's head coupcd
of the second on a canton or, three trefoils slipped per pale
; in base sa. five fusils ^r. Crest —^An eagle, as in the arms.
gu. and az. all within a bordure gobonated ar. and az.
Chapman (Whitby, co. York, Woodford, co. Essex, and

Motto Virtus auget honores.
Charles. See St. Michell, Baron ofRehan.
London). Per chev. erm. and gu. a crescent counterchanged Charles. Ar. on a chief wavy gu. an eagle displ. or.
in chief three annulets of the second. Crest —
Two spears' Charles. Erm. on a chief gu. four lozenges of the first.
heads in saltire in front of a dexter arm embowed in armour Charles, or Chareles. Ar. on a bend sa. three cinque-
the hand gauntletted and grasping a broken tilting spear foils or.
all ppr. enfiled with an annulet or. Motto Crescit sub — Charless. Gu. a chief erm.
pondere virtus. Charleston. Ar. on a chev. vert three eagles displ. or,
Chapman. Per chev. ru. and ar, three leopards' faces Charleston, or Charlton. Ar. a chev. betw. three
counterchanged within a bordure of the second on a canton' eagles displ. vert.
or, three trefoils slipped gu. Charlesworth. Ar. a code gu. Cre5(— Out of a ducal
Chapman. Per fesse ar. and gu. a mascle counterchanged. coronet a cock's head all ppr.
Chapman (Killua Castle, co. SVestmeath, bart.). Same as Charlesworth (granted to Joseph Charlesworth, Esq.,
CuapmaN, of Thringston. ^/oiio —Crescit sub pondere of Lofthouse House, co. York). Erm. a chev. az. fretty or,
virtus. betw. ia chief two eagles iispl. sa. and in base a mascle of
Chapman. The same Arms. Crest— A. buck's head cabossed the second. —
Crest A demi eagle sa. the wings elevated
sa, attired or, betw. the attires two arrows in saltire gold, fretty or, in the beak a mascle of the last. Motto Justitia —
feathered ar. et virtus.
Chapman (granted, in 1573, to John Chapman, of London). Charlet (Hill and Moor, formerly of Cleeve Priory, co.
Per chev. ar. and gu. in chief three leopards' faces of the Worcester). Or, a lion ramp, vert within a bordure engr.
second and in base a crescent or. Crest An heralcTlc ante- — az.
lope'shead erased sa. horned, armed, and maned or, pierced Charleton (Guissons, co. Sussex). Erm. on a bend sa.
in the neck with an arrow gold headed ar. embrued gu. three pheons ar. Crest —
An arm embowed habited couped
Chapman John Chapman, of West Hampnett, Sussex,
(Sir at the elbow gu. cuffed erm. holding in the hand ppr. a
1634). Per chev. gu. and ar. a crescent counterchanged, a broad arrow.
canton erm. Charleton. Az. three swans ar.
Chapoin. Per bend sinister ar. and sa. Charleton. Ar. a chev. engr. Ijetw. three griffins' heads
Chappell (London). Or, an anchor in pale sa. Crest-~krL erased sa.
arm vested. . holding a viper ppr. passing through a Charleton. Az. a chev. or, betw, three swans ar.
cup of an orbicular figure. Charleton (I-Iesleyside, co. Northumberland; descended
Chappell. Same Arms, a fieur-de-lis ar. for diff. from Adam de Charleton. lord of the manor of Charlton,
Chappellen. Per saltire or and gu. four water- bougets in Tyndale, co. Northumberland, a.d. 1303; Sir Edward
counterchanged. Charleton, of Hesleyside, great-great-grandson of Edward
Chaps. Ar. a fesse dancettee betw. three crosses crosekt Charleton, of Charleton Tower, in Tyndale, and of Helsey-
fitchee gu. side, near Bellingham, was created a baronet in 1645). Or,
Charbrone. Or, on a chev. engr. betw. three eagles displ. a lion ramp. gu.
gu. as many plates. Charlett. See Charlet.
Charcedon. Az. a chev. betw. three swans ar, membered Charlett (Hanley Court, co. Worcester). Gu. a lion ramp,
gu. within a bordure engr. ar.
Chard, Quarterly, or and gu. over aU a label of five points Charlett, Newport-Charlett (the late James Wakeman
az. Newport assumed the additional name and arms of Charlett
Chard (registered to William Wheaton Cuabd, Esq., of in 1821, on the death of his cousin Richard Bourne
Pathe House, co. Somerset). A.r. on a chev. az. betw. two Charlett, Esq., of Elmley Castle, co. Worcester, High
partridges ppr. in chief and in base a greyhound courant sa. Sheriff, 1785). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. a lion ramp.
a garb betw. two buglehorns stringed or. Crest— An. eagle wichin a border engr. ar., for Charlett; 2nd and 3rd,
rising ar. the dexter claw resting on an escutcheon az. ar, a fesse betw. three crescents sa., for Newport. Crests—
charged with a buglehorn stringed or, gorged with a collar 1st: A stag's head or, for Charlett 2nd: A fleur-de-lis or,

gemelle sa. and holding in the beak an oak branch slipped for Newport.
ppr. —
Motto Nil despcrandum. Charleville, Earl of. See Bdrt.
Chardelow (Spracling, co. Norfolk). Ar. a chev. betw. Charlewood. Or, a chev. betw. three trefoils slipped az.
three crosses crosslet fitchee az. Crest —
An arrow in pale enfiled with a ducal coronet, all ppr.
Chardelowe, or Shardalowe. Ar, a chev. gu, betw. Charley, or Oharnley. Az. a tend betw. three hawks'
three crosses botonnee sa. lures or. Crest —
A griffin pass, holding in the dexter claw
Chardin (Bcniey Park, co. Leicester). Ar. a chev. az. in a buckle.


Charley (confirmed to John Stodppe Cdaeley, Esq., of Charnells (Leicestershire). Az. a saltire engr. or, a Iabe^
Finaghy House, co. Antrim, and of the Island of Aranmorc. gu.
CO. Donegal). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three corn hlue Charnells (Snarkeston, co. Leicester; Visit. Leicester,
bottles slipped ppr. a mullet or. Oesf—- On a chapeau gu. 1619). Az. a cross engr. or. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet
turned up erm. a falcon's head erased ar. charged with a a demi plover or puet or, wings displ. ar.
cinquefoil of the first, in the heak a corn blue bottle as in Charnells (confirmed by the Deputies of Camden, Claren-
the arms. Motto —
Justus esto et non metue. ceux, to Sir William Charnells, Knt., of Elmsthorp, co.
Charley (Seymour Hill, co. Antrim). Same as preceding. Warwick, great grandson of Sir Nicholas Charnells, of
Charley-Priory (Leicestershire). Az. a saltire or, betw. same place). Same Arms and Crest.
two ducal coronets in pale, and as many mitres, with labels Charnells (Warwickshire). Ar. a cross engr. gu.
in fesse of the last. Charnells (Leicestershire). Gu. two chev. within a bor-
Charlis (quartered by Whadrlon, of Plymouth. Visit. Devon, dure or.
1620). Ar. a chev. sa. guttle d'eau. Charnells (Worcester, at Bracy, Macclesfield). Az. across
Charlston (Essex). Ar. on a cross vert five eagles displ. engr. or, in the first quarter a mullet for diff.
or (another, three eagles displ. of the field). C7-eit Out of — Charnels (Leicestershire). Az. a fesse erm. betw. three
a ducal coronet or, a demi eagle displ. sa. in the beak a chev. or.
heartsease flower ppr. Charney. Gu. three inescutcheons ar. Crest On a rook —
Charlston (Essex). Ar. on a chev. vert three eagles displ. a dove holding an olive branch in its beak ppr.
of the field (another, sa.). Charney. Gu. three escallops ar.
Charlston. Ar. a chev. betw. three eagles displ. vert. Charner. Gu. three escutcheons ar. one rebated in the-
Charlton (Powys Castle, co. Montgomery), Or, a lion sinister point.
ramp, gu. Charnfield, or Sharnfield. Az. an eagle displ. or,
Charlton (Apley Castle, and
Wytheford Hall, co. armed sa. crowned gu.
Salop. EoBERT Charlston, of Apley. was grandson of Charnocke (Charoocke, co. Lancaster, seated there as early
William Knightlet, a younger son of the house of as the reign of King John. The representation of the
Fawsey, Northamptonshire, by Anne de Charleton, his family of Charnocke, of Charnocke, eventually vested in
wife, sister and heiress of Thomas de Chableton, of Apley, SosANNA, dau. and sole surviving heiress of Peter Brooke,
grandson of Alan de Charleton, who, in 1327, had licence Esq., of Astley, co. Lancaster, who was great-grandson of
to embattle his manor houses of Apley and Withyford, Eichard Brooke (second son of Sir Uichard Brooke, Knt.,
which last, together with Aston Aer, he obtained in of Mere) by Margaret, his wife, dau. and heiress of Robert
marriage with Margery, the heiress of Hugh Fitz-Aeb). Charnocke, Esq., of Charnocke and Astley Susanna, the ;

Or, a hon ramp. gu. a sinister canton, quarterly, 1st and Brooke and Charnocke, in. 1st, Thomas Townley
heiress of
4th, gu. ten bezants, four, three, two, and one, forZoucn; Parker, Esq., of Cuerden, and 2ndly, Sir Henry Philif
2nd and 3rd, az. on a mount vert a lion pass, guard, or, for HoGHTON, Bart., of Hoghton Tower). Ar. on a bend sa.

Fitz-Aer. Crest Out of an Eastern coronet or, a tiger's three crosses crosslet of the first. Crest —A lapwing ppr.
head and neck affrontee gu. —
Motto Soyez content.
Charlton (Ludford, co. Hereford, and Witton, co. Salop, Charnocke, or Chernocke (Hulcot, co. Bedfordr
bart. extinct, 1784). Or, a lion ramp. gu. Crest — descended from the ancient family of Charnocke, of Char-
leopard's face gu. nocke Sir John Charnock of Hulcot, was created a baronet

Charlton (Lechmere - Charlton, Hanley Castle, co. in 1661 Charlotte Hervey, grandneice and heiress of Sir

Worcester, and Ludford, co. Hereford; Nicholas Lechmere, ViLLiERS Chernocke, the last baronet m. the Kev. -Edward
Esq., son ofEdmond Lechmere, Esq., of Handley Castle, by Orlebar Smith). Same Arms and Crest.
Elizabeth, his wife, sister and sole heiress, of Sir Francis Charnocke (Layland, co. Lancaster, 1567). As CnARHOCKE,
Charlton, 4th and last bart. of Ludford, assumed by royal of Charnocke, with a mullet sa. in sinister chief, and the
licence, 1785, the name and arms of Charlton), Quarterly, lapwing in the crest charged with a pierced mullet ar.
1st and 4th, or, a hon ramp, gu., for Charlton; 2nd and for diff.
3rd, gu. a fesse or, in chief two pelicans vulning themselves Charnock (Cheshire). Sa. on a bend ar. three crescents of
of the last, for —
Lechmere. Cresta 1st A leopard's head : the field.
affrontee gu.,Charlton; 2nd, in a ducal coronet or, a Charnock. Ar. on a bend sa. three crosses form^e flory of
pelican vulning herself ppr., Lechmere. the field. Cresi— A dove ppr.
Char let on-Iiechmere (Lea Hall, co. Northumberland). Charpentier. Az. a bend chequy gu. and or, betw. two
A^-ms and Crest as Charlton, of Ludford. —
unicorns pass. ar. Crest A dexter hand ppr. holding up a
Charlton (Chilwell, co. Nottingham, resident about the fleur-de-lis gu.
middle of the fifteenth century, in St. Austin's parish, Charon, or Charrone. Gu. a chev. betw. three
Watling-street, London, and subsequently seated at Sandi- escallops ar.
acre, co. Derby, whence they removed to Chilwell the ; Charonys. Or, a fesse betw, six annulets gu.
present representative is Thomas BRonoHTON Charlton, Esq., Charter House, or Sutton's Hospital. Or, on a
of Chilwell, CO. Nottingham). Az. on a chev. or, betw. three chev. gu. betw. three annulets of the second as many
swans ar. as many cinquefoils gu, quartering Sharpe, Stret, crescents of the first.
Dannet, Welles, and Orton. irest (granted by Richard Charter. Erm. two torteaux a chief az. Crest An ass —
St. George, Norroy, to Thomas Charlton, Esq., in 1612; pass. ppr.
the coat of arms had long been borne by his ancestors) .A — Charter (Bishop's Lydiard, co. Somerset). Per pale az. and
swan's head and neck erased ar. beaked gu. gorged with a ar. a bend engr. betw. two escallops all counterchanged.
chaplet vert. Motto —
Stabit conscius «qui. Crest~ln front of a cubit arm, vested az. cuff ar., the hand
Charlton (Fun. Ent. of Captain Edward Charleton, born holding a scroll entwined by a branch of myrtle all ppr., an
at Hockhope, co. Northumberland; served at Tangiers, escallop ar. Motto— liion sine jure.
and d. at Callan, co. Kilkenny, 23 March, 1685). Or, a lion Charon (Fun. Ent. Ire., 1617). Or, three lions pass, in pale
ramp. gu. armed andlanguedaz. on a canton ar. a cross of the sa. a crescent for diff.
second a fleur-de-lis for diff. Charreys. Ar. a fesse betv/. three annulets gu.
Charlton. Az. a chev. betw. six swans ar. membered gu. Charrington. Crest —A dexter arm issuing out of a cloud
Charlton (Nicholas, son of Thomas Charlton, m. Alice, pointing to a star all ppr.
dau. of Henry Handlt, of Bramcott, co. Notts. Visit. Notts). Charron. Sa. three water bougets ar.
Az. a chev. or, betw. three swans ar. Charteray. Ar. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils gu.
Charnell (Warwickshire, and Muston, co. Leicester). Az. a Charteris (Kinfauns, co. Perth). Ar. a fess az. within a

cross engr. or. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi double tressure flory counterflory gu. Crest A stork'ft —
eagle diapl. AnotJier Crest —
A peacock close or. head ppr.
Charnell (Fun. Ent. of John Charnell, a London merchant, Charteris (Amesfield, co. Haddington; the heiress jb. the 4th
d. in Dublin 11 Aug., 1624). Same Arms, a mullet for difl". Harl of Wemyss, as recorded, 1672). Ar. a fess az. Orest —
Charnell (Warwickshire and Staffordshire). Gu. a fesse An arm issuing out of a cloud, holding a sword aloft ppr.
betw. two. chev. erm. —
Motto Non gladio, sed gratia.
Charnell. Az. a cross engr. ar. in the first quarter a Charteris, "Wemyss-Charteris-Dougrlas (Sari qf
crescent for diff. Wemyss). See Wemyss.
Charnell. Ar. a fesse ermines betw. two chev. gu. Chartman, or Chartnam. Per chev. ar. and gu. three
Charnells (Snareston, co. Leicester). Gu. a fesse erm. crosses crosslet (another, botonny) counterchanged. CVest—
betw. two chev. or. Two arms in armour, vambraced, wielding a battle axe all ppr.
Charnells (Leicestershire). Vert a fesse erm. betw. two Chartsey (Kent). Az. a bend betw. three hawks' head-
chev. or. erased ar.
Chartsey, or Chersey. Az. a bend betw. three falcons* ppr. attired or, pierced through the back of the necic
heads erased ar. armed and beaked or. Crest A wolf — with an arrow also ppr. gorged with a ducal coronet gold,

pass. Ba. devouring a fish of the second. and charged on the neck with a cross crosslet gu. 2nd, ;

ClLase, or Cliaiisey. Gu. four crosses patonce two and Smith: Out of a crown vallery or, a unicorn's head az. armed,
two ar. on a canton or, a lion pass. az. Crest A griffin's — crined, and tufted of the first and charged with a crescent
head erased, holding in the beak a key. of the same. JfoWo— Loyal "k mort.
Cliase (Much Hadham, Herts). Same Arms, crosses flory. Chatterton (Cambridgeshire). Gu. a cross potent or.
Crest —A lion nunp. sa. holding betw. the paws a cross flory Crest —
A demi griffin gu. beaked, legged, and winged or.
or. Chatterton (impaled by William Howell, Esq., of
Chase. Gu. four crosses crosslet, two and two, or, on a Eynsham, co. Oxford, whose first wife was Elizabeth
canton of the same a lion pass. az. Chatterton. Visit. Oxon). Ar. a griffin ramp. gu. a border
Chasey (Somersetshire). Gu. a griffin segreant or, on a engr. az.
chief erm. three fusils sa. Chatterton. See Chaderton.
Chaslion. Gu. three fusils in fesse erm. Chatting:. Sa. a fesse or, in chief three mullets pierced of
Chassens, or Chansens. Sa. three eagles displ. or. the last. —
A human heart gu. pierced through with a
Chassens. Gu. three eagles displ. ar. sword in bend sinister, point downwards ppr.
Chassereau. Gu. a cher. hetw. three lions' heads erased Chattock (quartered by Perct, co. Dorset. Visit. Dorset^
or. Crest— A. demi chevalier brandishing a sword ppr, 1565). Or, a fesse gu. betw. three gads ppr.
Chasteleyne, or Le Chesteleyne. Or, three castles Chattock (Cornelius Chattock, Esq., of King's Norton, co.
triple-towered sa. Worcester, son of John Chattock, Esq., of Haye House
Ohastellai (France). Gu. a castle with two towers or, Castle, Bromwich, co. Warwick, where the family has been
embattled and masoned sa. adorned with four fans ar. seated for many generations). Gu. an inescutcheon ar.
Chastelian. Ar. a fesse Indented flory counterflory sa. charged with a plain cross of the field within an orle of
Chastelion, or Chastelin. Ar. a fesse dancettee

sa. martlets of the second. Crest —
On a ducal coronet or, a
the points flory. Oi-est A fleur-de-lis or.
. martlet gu.
Chastelion (France). Gu. three palets vair on a chief or, a Chatto (Fotts-Chatto, exemplified to William John Potts,
martlet sa. Esq., Carlton House Terrace, and Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex,
Chastell. Gu. two bars ar. on a canton of the last a tower upon his taking the additional name of Chatto by royal
triple-towered sa. licence, 27 July, 1864). 1st and 4th. az. a bend engr. ar.
Chastellayue (Essex). Az. a fesse or. betw. two castles or, for Chatto ; 2nd and 3rd, gu. two bars
Chastelon. Ar. a fesse dancettee and in base a fleur-de-lis indented in chief as many fleurs-de-lis or, a bend vair, for
sa. Crest— On the point of a sword in pale a maunch. Potts. Crests —1st, Chatto: A castle or, charged with a
Chastelon. Sa. a lion pass. ar. crowned or, betw. six fleur-de-lis az. and surmounted with a cinquefoil also az.;
crosses crosslet of the second. 2nd, PoTTs: A
leopard sejant ppr. gorged with a collar
Chastelper. Gu. a lion pass. ar. on a chief or, a, tower fleury counterfleury therefrom a line reflexed over the back
triple-towered az. and resting the dexter paw on a fleur-de-lis all gu.' Motto
Chastelyn. See Cabtinworth. —Omnibus amicus.
Chastillon (impaled with Valence on the seal of Hart de Chaucer (Geoffrey Chaucer, of Woodstock, the father of
SETMPonL, Countess of Pembrohe^ 1347, foundress of Pembroke English Poetry). Per pale ar. and gu. a bend counterchanged.
College, Oxford). Gu. three pallets vair on a chief or a Crest —
A tortoise pass. ppr.
label az. Chaucer (London). The same.
ChastUon. or Chastyon. Gu. three lozenges in Chaucer. The same Arms. Crest— Tvfo lions' paws ar.
fesse erm. and gu, supporting a shield, parted per pale counterchanged.
Chatcher, or Catcher (London). See Catcher. Chaucer (Suffolk). Ar. on a chief gu. a hon ramp, of
Chateaubriand (St. Kfartin, Jersey). Gu. semde-de-lis or. the field.
Motto— 3& seme Tor. Chaucer (formerly of Cateshill, in the parish of Broms-
Chatelon. Sa. a lion pass, guard, crowned or, betw. eight grove, CO. Worcester). Sa. a chev. betw, three anchors
crosslets ar. or.
Chater (Chasthall, co. York). Az. a chev. erm. betw. three Chaucomhe (Warwickshire, represented by the Segraves
annulets ar. on a chief or, as many martlets gu. Sa. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or.
and Berkelets).
Chater (rorkshire). Per bend indented az. and ar. three Chaucomhe. Or, on a chev. vert five mullets ar.
cinquefoils counterchanged. Crest An ass pass. ppr. — Chaucombe. Barry of ten ar. and gu. eight martlets in
Amiher Crest—^ demi lion double queued. orle sa.
Chaterton. Per chev. sa. and gu. three goats' heads Chaufi.ere. Sa. semee of billets or, a cross flory of the-
erased ar. armed or, within a bordure engr. of the third. second.
Chaterton. Per chev. sa. and ar. a goat's head erased and
- Chaulas. Or, a moimd sa. banded ar. and ensigned with a
coimterchanged. cross pattee gu.
Chatfield. Ar. a griffin segreant sa. on a chief purp. three Chaulx. Gu. a cross pattee ar.a chief or.
escallops of the field. —
Crest An heraldic antelope's head Chaumbe^ or Chamber. Quarterly, ar. and az. a chev.
erased ar. ducally gorged or. Another Crest A demi Moor — counterchanged.
Bhooting an arrow from a bow, withja quiver at his back all Chaumpvent. Paly of six ar. and az. a fesse gu.
ppr. Chaun. Ar. on a chev. gu. two chev. or.
Chatham. (Lancashire). Sa. a cross flory ar. Chaunceller. Ermines on a quarter ar. a saltire engr. sa.-
Chatte. Gu. a key in bend ar. Chaunceler (Brafferton, co. Durham). Or, three parro-
Chatteris. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three fleurs-de-lis sa. on quets vert.
a chief az. three bezants. Ci-est On a mount vert a — Chauncy (William de Chaunct, Baron of Shiopenbeke,
pheasant ppr. in its mouth a fleur-de-lis or, and resting the temp. Richard II.). Gu. a cross pattee ar. on a chief or, a
dexter foot on a bezant. Motto —Libertas. leopard pass. az.
Chattersett. Az. an inescutcheon within an orle of Chauncy (Northamptonshire). Or, three chev. engr. gu.
martlets or. Chauncy. Az. three wolves pass, in pale betw. two'
Chatterton (Castle JIahon, co. Cork, bart.). Or, a lion's flaimehes or, each charged with an anchor sa.
head erased az. betw. three mullets gu. Crest—An antelope's Chauncy. Ar. a chev. gu. within a bordure sa. bezantee.
head erased ar. transpierced with an arrow from the back of Chauncy. Or, two chev. gu. within a bordure sa. bezantee.-
the neck. Motto Loyal & mort. — Chauncy (Green End, Little Munden, co. Hertford). Gu.
Chatterton (Smith-Chatterton. Exemplified 1874 to a cross patonce ar. on a chief or, a lion pass. az. quartering-
WiLLiAu Peters Smith, Esq., of Belmont, Kaheny, co. Dub- Chancy, ancient. Crest—Ont of a ducal coronet or, a
lin and Maria Frances, his wife, only surviving dau. of Rev.
; griffin's head gu. charged with a pale vert betw. two wings
BiORARD DicESON of Vermont, co. Limerick, Rector of Kil- of the same, the inside gu.
teedy, same co., by Anna, his wife, eldest dau. of Sir James Chauncy. Gu. a cross patonce ar. on a chief or, a lion*
Chatterton, Bart., of Castle Mahon, co. Cork, on their pass, guard, az. Crest —
A dexter hand striking with a-
assuming by royal licence the additional surname and arms dagger all ppr,
of Chatterton). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Chatterton or, : Chaundler. Chequy ar. and gu. on a bend engr. sa. three-

a lion's head erased az. betw. three mullets gu. in the centre lions pass, or. Crest —A pelican in her piety sa. nest vert.
chief point a cross crosslet of the last ; 2nd and 3rd, Smith : Chaundoz. Or, on a pile gu. betw. six estoiles of the last
ar. on a bend betw. two unicorns* heads erased az. armed, as many of the first.
crined, and tufted or, a crescent betw. two lozenges of the Chaunstor (Somersetshire). Sa. a cross moline betw,
last. Crests —
iBt, Chatterton: An antelope's head erased twelve billets or.
Chaunterell. Ar. three talbots pass. sa. Cheape (Rossie, Scotland). Ar. three ears of wheat slipped
"Gh.aurauii. Ar. out of a mount in base a tree growing vert. Crest —
A garb or, banded vert. Motto Ditat virtus. —
vert thereon a dove rising ppr. Chec£:land (Hawkswick, St. Alban's). Or, on a pile betw.
^Cbaures. Barry of ten (another, sixteen) ar. and gu. an two annulets in base gu. ten cinquefoils, four, three, two,
orle of martlets sa. and one, of the field; impaling for Taylor, per pale az.
Chaury (Lord Mayor of London, 1494). Ar. on a chev. sa. and sa. three clievronels ar. betw. as many unicorns pass. or.
betw. three birds az. as many annulets or. Crest —
Two cubit arms erect ppr. holding two annulets in-
Chaury, Gu. three palets chequy or and az. on a chief of terlaced sa. each arm charged with a cinquefoil gu. Motto
the second as many martlets of the first. — Omne bonum Dei donum.
Chausvile. Sa. three eagles or. Checkley (from a monument in Alwalton Church, Hunts,
Chavent. Paly of six az. and ar. a fesse or. 1680). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three cinquefoils gu.
Chawcer, or Chawcers. Gu. throe Catherine wheels Cheeky, Ar. a chev. az.
or. Crest —
A tortoise pass. ppr. Chedder. Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three escallops ar.
'diawcers. Gu. three mill-wheels or. Crest— On a chapeau gu. turned up ar. a lion pass, guard.
Ch.a'orcom.'be (Wiltshire). Or, on a cross vert five mullets az. ducally crowned ppr.
ar. (another, one mullet). Cheddiugiioxi. Az. on a chev. ar. betw. three plates
'•Chawdrey. Ar. a fesse gu. in chief three torteaux. (another, bezants) as many crosses crosslet sa.
ChaTrells. Az. two chev. or. Cheder. Sa. a chev. betw. three martlets ar.
Ch.a'wlas. Or, a mound sa. environed with a circle ar. and Cheder, or Chedder. Sa. a chev. betw. three escallops
ensigned with a cross avellane gu. ar. Crest-^As Chadder.
Cha-wmond. Ar. a chev. betw. three fleuvs-de-lis gu. Chediocke. Gu. on an inescutcheon betw. eight martlets
Chawner (Newton Manor House, near Alton, co. Hants, in orle ar. a cross of the field.
and of Muslane, co. Derby). Sa. a chev. betw. three Chedertou. Gu. a. cross potent crossed or.

cherubins' heads or. Crest A sea wolfs head erased ppr. Chedioke, or Chidioke (Westbury, co. Wilts), Sa. on a
Motto — ^Nil desperandum. chev. betw. three talbots' heads erased ar. as many fleurs-
Chawney (London). Or, on a chev. sa. betw. three birds de-lis of the first ivithin a bordure engr. of the second.
az. membered gu. as many martlets of the field. Chedle (Chedle, or Cheadle, co. Chester; the heiress m.
-Chawney (Yorlishire). Gu. a cross patonce ar. on a chief Bulkelet). Ar. a fesse dancettee gu.
or, a lion pass. az. Chedleworth (Devonshire). Or, on a, chev. gu. three
Chawning:. See Chevening. martlets ar.
'Cha'worth. (Alfreton, co. Derby). Az. two chev. or. Chedworth (Devonshire). Gu. achev. betw. three martlets
'Chawortb. (Kempsford, co. Gloucester). Same as Cha- ar. Crest —
A demi lion ramp, guard, az. holding in the
woETH, of Alfreton. dexter paw a battle-axe ppr.
Cliawortll (Annesley, co. Nottingham). Barry of sixteen Chedworth. Az. a chev. betw. three wolves' heads erased
ar. and gu. an orle of martlets sa. Crest— A castle ppr. on or. Crest —
A wolfs head sa. collared or.
the battlements a plume of five ostrich feathers ar. Chedworth, Az. a chev. betw. three gi'cyhounds' heads
^Cliawortli (Feudal Barons. Pain de Chawobth was one of erased or.
the Barons Marchers 2 Henry III., 1217). Barry of ten or Chedworth (John Chedworth, Bishop of Lincoln, 1452-71.
and gu. an orle of martlets sa. Anns, in the Hall of University College, Oxford, Visit.
'diaworth. {Lord Chaworth. Thomab de Chawobth was Oxon), Az. a chev. betw. three foxes' heads erased or.
summoned to Parliament^ 1299, but the summons was not Cheecke (London, 1616). Ar. three crescents gu.
continued to any of his descendents). Az. two chevs. or. Cheek (Abingdon, co. Berks). Ar. three cmquefoils, per
•Chaworth ( Viscount Chaworth, extinct, 1699. Heir General pale vert and gu.
the Earl of Meath). Barry of ten ar. and gu. three martlete Cheek (Sir John Cheke, or Cheek, Knt., preceptor to Edward
sa. Crest —
An arm in armour embowed, the hand holding VI., ancestor of Cheek, of Evesham, co. Worcester). Ar,

an arrow all ppr. Supporters Two dragons erm. three crescents gu. Crest —A
crescent issuant from the
^lChaworth. Ar. four bars gu. a bend sa. horns a cross pattee fitch^e gu. (Sir John Cheek adopted
Chaworth. Barry of ten (another, eight) ar. and gu. an this crest, relinquishing his former one, a leopard sejant
orle of martlets sa. (another, vert). collared and chained.)
Chaworth, or Chawers. Az. two chev. ar. (another, Cheek, or-Cheeke(Motstone, Isle of Wight). Same as
or.). Cheecke.
•-Chawrey. Or, on a chev. sa. betw. three birds az. bealced Cheeke, or Cheke (Burton, co. Somerset, and Suffolk).
ahd legged gu. as many annulets of the first. Crest— An 'Erm. on a chief sa. three lozenges (another, fusils) or.
arm erect couped at the elbow vested per pale sa. and ar. Crest —
A sword paleways, ensigned with a cross pattee.
holding in the hand ppr. a covered cup or. Cheeke. Arms the same. d-est-On a chapeau a lion
^.Chawrey. Ar. two bars gu. betw. nine guttees, three, pass. ppr.
three, and three, az. Cheeke (SuffolTc). Ar. a fesse vaire or and gu. betw. three
'Chawry (Kent). Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three birds gu. —
water-bougets az. Crest Out of a naval coronet or, a demi
(another, az.) as many
annulets or. mermaid with comb and mirror ppr.
Chawryn. Paly of six gu. and compony ar. and sa. on a Cheeke, or Cheke (Suffolk). Or, a cock gu. beaked aa.
chief or, three martlets of the firgt. Cheeke. Gu. a cock ar.
'Chawser (borne by Theobald Chawser. whose dau. lii. Cheeke. Az. a fesse vaire gu. and or, betw. three hurts.
SirBryan de Stanton, Lord of Stanton, co. Notts, temxi. Cheere (Passworth Hall, co. Cambridge). Quarterly,
Edward the Confessor. Visit. Notts). Per pale or and gu. erminois andgu.; in the first quarter an escallop sa. over
a bend counterchanged. all a label of five points az. Ci-est —
A talbot pass. az. col-
'Chawsy (Lincolnshire). Ar. a chev. gu. within a bordure lared or, resting his fore paw on an escallop of the last.

sa. bezantee. Cheere (Westminster; granted 30 July, 1766). Quarterly,

Chasrfcor (Butterby, Durham granted by William Flower,
; erminois and gu. over all a label of five points az. Crest—A
Norroy). Per fesse dancettee ar. and az. three cinqucfoils talbot pass. az. collared and ringed or. Motto Praemium —

counterchanged. Crest A stag's head lozengy ar. and az. virtutis honor.
Chas^tor (Croft, Yorkshire, ban.;. Per bend dancettee ar. Cheese (Huntington, co. Hereford). Az. alion ramp, or,
and az. four quatrefoils, two and two, counterchanged. quarterly with Watkins, viz., gu. a chev. betw. three spears'
Cj'gaC— A buck's head couped lozengy ar. and sa. attired —
heads embrued ar. Ch'eat A lion'S head erased or.
or, in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert, il/oao— Fortune le Cheesman (Kent). Per chev. embattled sa. and ar. three
vent. mullets counterchanged, all within a bordure engr. erm.
•Xlhaytor (Spennithome Per bend dancettee
Hall, co. York). Cheeszuan, or Cheeseznan. Per fesse embattled ar.
ar. and two in chief and one in base
az. three cinquefoils, and three mullets pierced counterchanged.
sa. O'sst —A-

counterchanged, quartering the ensigns of Clervaux. dexter hand holding up a royal crown ppr.

Crests 1st: A stag's head erased lozengy ar. and az. the Cheevely. Gu. a cock ar.
dexter horn of the first, the sinister of the second 2nd, ; Cheffield (Rutlandshire). Gu. a fesse betw. six fleurs-de-
Clbrvaux. Us or. Crest— An arm in armour couped resting on the
•Cheales. Gu. three eagles displ. or, ducally crowned and elbow and holding a sword all ppr.

armed ar. Crest An eagle's head erased or, ducally Cheffield. Barry nebulee of six ar. and sa.
crowned ar. Cheffinch, or Chiffinch (confirmed 16 July, 1670). Or,
''Cheape (Thomas Cheape, Consul at Madeira, 1713). Ar. on on a chief embattled gu. three leopards* faces ar.
a chev. gu. betw. three stalks of wheat ppr. a rose of the Cheike (Essex). Ar. a cock gu. armed, crested, and jellopeii
field. Crest —
A garb or, banded gu. Motto— "Ditixt virtus.


Chein, Clieizie, or CMen. Ax. a cross flory or. Ci-eit Cheney (Up-Ottery, co. Devon, temp. Edward IV.). Gu^
— On a ctaapeau two lions supporting a garb ppr. four fusils in fess ar. each charged with an escallop sa.
Cheiuey. Chequy or and az. a fesse gu. fretty erm. Cheney (Wollaton, Cheshire). Chequy or and az. a fcssj
Chelde'wortb. (Devonshire). Ar. a chev. betw. three gu. fretty of the first.
martlets gu. Cheney. Ar. a fesse betw. four martlets, three in chief and
Cheldon (Suffolk). Az. a cross or. one in base, gu.
Cheliswortli* Gu. a chev. betw. three bucks' heads ca- Cheney (Peckham, of Oxford, impaled Cheney, in the Crown
bossed or. Inn, Aylesbury. Visit. Oxon). Same as last, with fess fretty
Clxellery. Ar. a whirlpool gu. erm. quartering gu. a lion ramp. sa.
Chelley. Ar. a bend nebulee cottised gu. Crest ^A leg in — Cheney. Az. a cross flory ar.
armour couped below the knee and spurred all ppr. Cheney. Quarterly, ar, and sa. a bend lozengy gu.
Chelley. Ar. on a bend cotised gu. a bendlet of the field. Cheney (quartered by Haebottell, of Eglington, co-
Cbellory. Ar. a bend wavy gu. betw. two bendlets of the Butland, descended from Eogee Haeeottall, Lord df
last. Harbottall, temp. Henry I. Visit. Eutland). Gu. five
diellton. Ar. on a bend az. three fleurs-de-lis. fusils conjo ined in fess ar. each charged with an escallop
ChelstuxL Sa. a fesse engr. betw. three garbs
(Droxford). sa.
ar. Crest —
A greyhound courant ar. Cheney. See Chetney.
Cheltenliani. Az. two bars or, in chief three crescents Chenie. Gu. a fesse erm. betw. two chev. or.
ar. Crest—A demi eagle displ. ppr. Chenouth (descended from John Tbevelisick, co. Cornwall,
Clielton, or Chilton. Ar. a chev. go. who gave to his youngest son John a piece of land, whereon
ChezneU. Faly of six ar. and az. on a chief or, three mul- he built a new house called in Cornish language Cbixoweth,
lets gu. whose descendants were always called Chinodth, the elder
Chexnere. Az. on a fesse or, betw. three roses ar. seeded line afterwards failed, and their lands came to this younger
and barbed ppr. a human heart gu. Ci-est A Peer's helmet — branch, who still continued their adopted surname. Visit..
or. 1630). Sa. on a fess or, three Cornish choughs' heads ppr.
Chexuorton. Or, on a bend gu. three goats ar. attired of Chenston. Ar. a bend gu.
the field. Cheny (Seaton, co. Rutland. Visit. Rutland). Chequy ar,
Chendon, or Chenedon. Or, a lion ramp. aa. crowned and az. a fess gu. fretty or, quartering ar. a lion ramp. gu.
ar. Chenydoyt, or Cheyndutt (Buckinghamshire). Az.
Chenduit (Buckinghamshire). Az. a chev. or, a label gu- a chev. or.
Chenduit. Gu. a lion ramp, guard, ar. betw. six acorns or. Cheoke, or Chook (Berkshire). Ar. three cinquefoils az,
Chenduit (Bodannan, Cornwall). Gu. four lozenges con- pierced gu.
joined in fess ar. each charged with an escallop sa. Cheoke. Ar. three cinquefoiis per pale az. and gu. Crest —
Chendut. Az. a chev. or, a label of three points gu. A bird's head sa
Ghene. Az. three crosses crosslet fitch^e ar. Chepstow, At. alion ramp. gu. within a bordure of the
Chenell. Paly of six ar. and az. on a chev. or, three mart- second, charged with eight crosses crosslet or. Cresi An —
lets gu. Crest —
An arm ppr. vested sa. cuffed or, holding arm in armour, vambraced az. studded and garnished or,,
up a covered cup ar. holding a sword ppr.
Chenerton, or Chinerton (Cornwall). Ar. on a mount Chepstow. Or, three scaling ladders bendways gu. each
in base vert a castle triple-towered and portcullis sa. end touching the edge of the shield.
Chenevix (Ireland, 1755. Philip Chenevzx, Esq., of a ChecLuer. Chequy ar. and az.
timily of that name in Picardy, France). Az. a cross ar. Cherbeot (Toumay). Per pale or and gu. on a fesse ar,
betw., in the Ist and 2nd quarters a fleur-de-lis, and in tlie three escallops az.
3rd and 4th, an escallop or. C}-e9t —
A hand erect grasping Cherhoume. Ar. two swords in saltire sa.
a sword ppr. bilted and pomelled and piercing a fleurHle- Cherbron. Ar. on a chev. betw. three eagles displ. gu. as
lis or. many plates. —
Crest ^A lion's gamb erect gu. holding a
Chene'w, or Ch.eyno'W. Ar. a chev. gu. charged with griffin's head, erased or.
two chcvs. turned up erm. couchant dexter and sinister or. Cheretsy. Az. a fesse betw. three eagles' heads erased ar.
Cheney. Erm. on a bend sa. three martlets or. Chering-ton (co. Essex). Ar. a chev. betw. three rams*^
Cheney (Sherland. in the Isle of Sheppey. Lord CJteney ; heads erased sa.
summoned Az. sixlions
to Parliament 1487, extinct 1496). Cheriton, or Cheryton. Ar. a chev. betw. three rams'
ramp. ar. a canton erm. These were the arms of Shes- heads erased gu. attired or.
i>AND and adopted by the Cheneys, on the marriage with the Cheritson. Or, on a bend gu. three goats pass. ar. aitireJ.
heiress. The original coat of Cheney was, erm. on a bend of the field.

sa.three martlets, or. Crest —

^A bull's scalp ar. (Tradition Cherley. Ar. a chev. betw. three blue bottles az. slipped
records that this crest was granted by Henry VII. to vert. Crest — A cross patonce, betw. two stalks of wheat or,
Sir John, afterwards Baron Cheney, K.G., in remem- leaved ppr.
brance of his having, on the field of Bosworth, after a Cherleton {Lord CJierleton, of Powys; John de Chekleton-
personal encounter with King Bichard, cut the skull and was summoned to Parliament 1313, he m. Hawts Gadaen,.
boms off the hide of an ox which chanced to be near, and dau, and heir of Owen ap Griffith, Prince of Powys Wenwyn-
fixed them upon his head to supply the loss of the upper part wyn, by whom he got Powys Castle and assumed her arms,
of his helmet. Supporters —
^Two greyhounds. titlein abeyance since 1422). Or, a lion ramp, gu,
Cheney {Lord Cheniey, of Toddington, Sir Hekbt Cheney, Chemly (Fun. Ent. Ire. 1G57). Erm, a chev. betw. three
Ent., of Toddington, was summoned to Parliament 1572, cinquefoiis pierced gu.
d. 8. p. 1587). Erm. on a bend sa. three martlets or. Crest Chemoke (Chester). Sa. on a bend ar. three crescents of
—Abulias scalp or, homed ar. Supporter's Two hinds az. — the first.

spotted or and ar. collared and chained gold. Motto Le — Cherry (London). Ar. a chev. engr. ctw. three annulets
mieulx que je puis. gu. Crest— A demi lionar. holding out in the paw a gem
Cheney (Hollywood, co. Kildare, registered as a quartering ring or, enriched with a precious stone ppr. the collet in
to the issue of Bev. Bichabd Johnston, Sector of Kilmore, pale.
CO. Armagh, whose mother, Sophia Cheney, was dau. and Cherry (London 1604). Ar. on a chev. engr. betw. three-
heiress of Geobge Cheney, Esq., of Hollywood). Az. six

annulets gu. a fleur-de-lys, for diff. Crest ^A demi lion ar.
lions ramp, three, two, and one, armed and langucd gu. a holding an annulet gu.
canton erm. thereon a bull's scalp ppr. Ch«Ty (Shottesbrouke, co. Berks, aftenvards of Danford
Cheney (Yoxall, co. Stafford, and Monyash, co. Derby). and Burghfield, co. Berks, and of Buckland, co. Hereford).
Arms and Crest, as Cheney of Sherland. Motto Fato — Arms and Crest as the preceding. Motto Cheiis I'espoir. —
prudentia major. i
Cherry (Fun. Knt. of Edwaed Chebby, d. 4 June, 1614, his
Cheney (Higham, co. Kent, and Warblington, co. Sussex). wife was Lettice, dau. of Sir Francis Aunguieb, Knt,,.
Same as Cheney of Sherland. Master of the Rolls, ancestor of the extinct Lords Lon^ord),
Cheney (Badger Hall, co. Salop). Arms and Crest, as Az. on a fess engr. ar. betw. three annulets or, a fleur-de-lis

Cheney, of Sherland. Motto Fato prudentia major.
Cheney {Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, 1562-79). Ar. on
of the
(London). Ar. a wolf salient gu. holding in the-
a chev. az. a coney pass. betw. two fishes hauricnt of the mouth a fish ppr.
first on a chief chequy of the first and second a pale of the Cherth. Sa. on a fesse engr. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. a&
last charged with a rose or. many escallops gu.
Crheney (Chesham Boys, co. Bucks). Chequy or and az. a Chertsey-Monastery (Suri-ey). Per pale, or and ar. two
f«se gu- fretted ar. keys addorsed and conjoined at the bows in bend sinister^
the upper gu. the under az. interlaced with a Bword in bend within a bordure engr. gu. bezantSe. Creit~~A ram's head
dexter of the second, hilted and pomelled of the first. couped ar. armed or.
dhei"wood. Erm. on a chev. sa. hctw. three ogresses a Chester (Chicheley, Bucks, bart., created 1619 extinct ;

mullet of six points, pierced of the field. 1769 ; descended from Sir William ChestiiR, Lord Mayor of
Clierwood, or Sherwood. Erm. three pellets, on each London, 1560). Same Arms^ &c.
amuUet pierced ar. Crest—A. unicorn's head or, hetw. two Chester (Chicheley, Bucks exemplified to Charles Bagot,

laurel branches vert. Esq., on his taking the name and arms of Chester in com-
Clierybroiid, Gu. two swords in saltire or. pliance of the win of his first cousin^ Sir Charles Bagot
Cheryton. Ar. a chev. betw. three goats' heads erased gu. Chester, Bart.). Same Arms^ quartering Bagot.
Chesbroug-h,. Gu. three crosses pattee in fesse ar. betw. Chester. Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three buckles lozengy or.
as many water bougets or. Crest— A. demi lion ramp. ga. Chester {Earls Palatine ; Hugh Ldpds): Az. a wolf s head
holding betw. the paws a cross pattee or. erased ar. (Richard, his son) Gu. a wolfs head erased ar.

Chesby (Yorkshire). Ar. two bends gu. a canton erm. within an orle of cross crosslets or. (Gernons) Or, a lion :

Cliesedoxi (Dorsetshire). Ar. on a chev. sa. an eagle displ. ramp. gu. (Meschines) Az. six garbs or, three, two, and

or, betw. two martlets of the field. one (another, az. three garbs or),
Cheselborne (Dorsetshire). Az. a chev. betw. three Chester (Lee, co. Essex; granted Feb., 1639). Ar. on a fesse
eagles' heads, erased or. gu, three cutlasses erect of the first, hilts or.
CJiBselden, or Cliesselden. Ar. a chev. betw. three Chester (Upley, co, Essex), Or, on a fesse gu, three cut-
chisels sa. lasses ar. pommelled of the field. Crest~A cutlass ar. hilt
jOheseldon (Holcombe, eo. Devon), Or, on a chev. gu. and pomel or, environed with two branches of laurel vert.
three martlets ar. Chester (Amesbury, co, Gloucester), Gu, a lion pass. erin.
Clieseldon (Dorsetshire). Ar. on a chev. sa. three martlets betw. three hawks' lures ar. Crest— A lion's paw erased
of the field. supporting a broken sword.
Oheseldon, or Cheseldyne (Chippisham, co. Rutland). Chester, City of. Gu. three lions pass, gliard. in pale or,
Ar. a chev. betw. three crosses moline gu. Crest A talbot — being the arms of England dimidiated, and impaling the
ar. spotted sa. collared and lined or (another, the talbot arras of Randolph db Meschines, Earl of Chester, viz. Az. :

couchant). three garbs, two and one, also dimidiated. According to the
*Clieselton, or Clieselden (Uppingham, co. Leicester. rules of dimidiation the exact half only of the coat is taken,
Visit. Leicester, 1619). . . A chev. betw. three crosses and therefore only one garb in chief and half a garb iu base
moline . . . Creit —A dog couchant
collared and lined, are seen in the arms
of Chester.
line reflexed over bade,and nowed. Chester, See of. Gu, three mitres labelled or.
'Ghesham (Lancashire; quartered by PENiSTONof Bampton, Chester (quartered by Harington, Xm-ds Harrington, and
CO. Oxford. Visit. Oxon). Vert on an inescutcheon ar. a Harrington, Bart,, of Eidlington, co. Rutland. Visit. Rut-
stag's head cabossed gu. Crest A falcon with wings ex- — land). Az. three garbs or.

panded ppr. Anotlier Crest Out of a ducal coronet a lion's Chesterfi.eld, £arl of. See Stanhope.
gamh erect or. Chesterfield. Az. afesse dancettee or, iu chief three fleurs-
Oii.esh.aia (Cheaham Boys; Elizabeth, dau. and heir of de-lis of the second. Crest —
On a chapeau a greyhound
Sir John Chesham, Knt., m. Sir Thomas Cheney, Knt., of statant ppr.
Cheney, Bucks, living temp. Henry II. HarL MSS.y 5181). ; Chesterfield. Az. a fesse indented betw. three fleurs-de-

Same as last. lis or.

Chesham. Chectuy ar. on a canton gu. a chess
and vert, Chesterfield, Town of (co. Derby). . . On a fees . .

rook of the first. Crest Two arms embowed, holding a chess a lozenge . . .

castle or. Chesterznau (Wiltshire and Oxfordshire). Or, a griffia

Chesham. Vert, a buck's head cabossed ar. attired or, ramp, with wings displ. gu. within a bordure sa. bezantae.

within a bordure of the second. Crest— A demi griffin, Jlfoiio— Semper fideUs.
Cheshire (Dublin ; granted in Ireland, 1618 ; Henry Chester-Priory (Cheshire). Sa, three mitres labelled or,

Cheshire, some time Sheriff of Dublin, d. 5 Oct., 1622, Fun. two and one.
Ent. Ire.). Az. on a bend betw. two arrows ar. three fusils Chesterton. Ar. a pile sa, and chev. counterchanged.

gu. Crest A leopard's head ar. jessant three roses gu. Crest—A head erased.
leaved vert. Chestlet. Per fesse ar, and az. a tower betw. four escallops
Cheshxill. Vaire ar. and gu. on a bend sa. three escallops counterchanged,
or. Chestlin. Ar. on a bend battled counter-embattled gu.
Chesildon. Or, on a bend gu. three martlets ar. three castles of the first.

Cheslin (London). Gu. on a bend embattled ar. three Chestlyer. Gu. a lion pass, or, on a chief sa. a tower ar.

towers triple-towered sa. Crest— A. tower ar. Cheston (Mydethall, co. Suffolk). Gu, three bars wavy,
Cheslin (London). Ar. on a bend embattled, counter- party per barry wavy or and erm. over all a saltire of tlic
embattled gu. three towers triple-towered of the field. Crest first. Crest—A dexter gauntlet fesseways ppr, holding a
—A fleur-de-lis per pale vert and az. sword erect ar, hilt or, on the blade a man's head ppr. couped
Chesxnan (Middlesex). Per fesse embattled ar. and sa. issuing drops of blood at the neck, with an escroU behind the
three mullets counterchanged. Crest As Ciieeseman. — sword with this Motto Ex merito. —
Chesne (France). Az. an oak tree fructed ppr. Cheston (Mildenhail, co. Suffolk). Same Arms, &c.
Chesseldou. Ar. a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet gu. Chester (Gloucestershire). Gu. a lion pass. betw. three
Chessells (Scotland). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. betw. three tassels ar. Crest —
A lion's gamb erased, holding a broken
mullets su, sword.
Chessendon. Ar. on a chev. gu. three martlets of the first. Chesull, Barry wavy of six ar. and gu. on a bend sa. three

Chesshyre (Litt!e Easton, co. Essex). Gu. two lions' gambs escallops or.
chevronways betw. three hawks' lures or. Crest—A hawk's Cheswell. Gyronny of sixteen gu. and erm.
lure purp, feathered or. Chesworth (Suffolk). Per pale gu. and ar. a pale engr.
Ohestell. Per fesse ar. and az, a castle betw. four escal- (another, plain) or.
lops counterchanged. Chesw^orth. Gu. a pile or.
Chester (Royston, co, Cambridge, and Cockenhatch, co. Chetelton (quartered by Bromley of Holt Castle, co. Wor-
Herts, originally, at a very remote period, settled in Derby- cester, in right of the marriage of William Bbohlbt, of
shire ; Sir Robert Chester, one of the gentlemen of the Privy Badington, with Annabella, sister and, heiress of William
Chamber to Henry VIII. obtained a grant of the Monastery DE Chetelton temp. Edward III.). Ar. on a chev. gu. three
of Royston from that monarch). Erm. on a chief sa. a griffin bezants, a border engr. of the second.
pass. ar. —
A demi griffin ramp. erm. beak, talons, and
Crent Chethain (Hdmphret Chetham, of Clayton, co, Lancaster,
eyes ppr. Jfoi^o— Vincit qui patitur. the Manchester benefactor). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a
^Chester (Bush Hall, co. Hertford a branch of the Chbstebs; gryphon segreant gu. within a bordure sa. bezant^e; 2ni!,
of Cockenhatch, of which was Sir Robert Chester, Knt., ar. a chev. gu. betw. three fleams or 3rd, gu. a cross ;

Master of the Ceremonies to the Queen). Same Arms^ Crest, potent or. Oreatr-A demi gryphon gu. charged with a
and Motto. potent gu. Motto —
Quod tuum tene.
'Chester (Blabie, co. Leicester, descended from an uncle of Chetham (Mellor Hall, co. Derby; descended from JwiM
the Robert Chester, of Royston, Visit. Leicester,
first Sir Chetham, Esq., who purchased the estate in 1686 his grea^ ;

1619). Same Arms. Crest A dragon pass. ar. — grandson, Thomas Chetham, Esq., of Mellor Hall, 7tt. Jij
Chester (Sir William Chester, Lord Mayor of London, 1770, Anne, elder dau, of Edwaed Strode, of Soutbli"'
1560. Visit. London), Per pale ar. and sa. a chev. engr, House, CO. Somerset, and was father of Thomas Chbti!A>i
betw. three rams' heads erased, homed or, all counterchanged Strode, Esq., of Southhill, whod. s.p. in 1827; EicdauD
Chethau Stbode, Esq., who succeeded his brother at South- Chevall (Hercfordshire and Hertfordshire). Az. threo
hil], Sir Edward Chetham, C.B., K.C.H., and Col. John horses' heads couped ar. bridled gu.
Chetham). Arms, as first quarter of Chetham of Clayton. Chevall London, 1560; Eatherine, dau. of Henry
CrcMt —The same. Chevall, of London, draper, m. Thomas Gares, of same,
-Chethaxa (Cheshire). Sa. u. griffin aegreaut, wings displ. gent.). Or, three nags' heads couped sa. bridled ar.
or, a bordure gu. hezantee. Chevallier (Aspal, co. Suffolk). Ar. on a cross gu. five
•Chetham (Ash, co. Derby). Ar. a chev. gu. hetw. three escallops of the field. Crest —
A lion's head erased ar.
fleams or. langued gu. Jfo«o— Fidei coticula crux.
-Chetham (Fun, Ent. of Thomas Chetham, of Nuthurst, co. Chevening: (Chevening, co. Kent). Vert, an eagle displ.
Lancaster and Hacketstown, co. Dublin, d. 6 Dec, 1624). ar, beaked and armed gu.
Az. a chev. betw. three fleames or. Chever, or Chener. Gu. three bucks ar.
Chettle (Wall House, co. Worcester, Thomas Cheatle, of Chevercot. Sa. on a bend or, three bucks trippant gu.
Worcester, gent., paid a fine to avoid knighthood ac the Cheverell, or Sacheverell (Dorsetshire. The famous
coronation of Charles I. Thomas Chetle of Wall House, Dr. Henry Sacheverell was a member of this family.
was sheriff of the co., 1710. Anne Chetle, the heiress of Harl. MSS., 1542, and Nichols's Leicestershire). Same as
the family, m. Thomas Rdssell, Esq., of Powick, ancestor of Sachevebele of Morley, viz. : Ar. on a saltire az. five
Lord Hampton, who now represents the family. Visit. water bougets or, with a chief gu.
Worcester, 1682—3). Ar. a fess dancettee gu. Cheverell (Wiltshire). Ar. three lions pass, in pale sa.
Chetle (city of Wighorn). Ar. a fess dancettee and in chief Cheverell, or Cheverall (Wiltshire). Ar. three lions
a crescent gu, ramp. sa.
Ghethum (Suffolk). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three fleams sa. Cheverell. Ar. a chief az.
Creit—A. grifiin pass, reguard. ar. with wings endorsed or, Cheverell. Ar. on a saltire az. five bezants.
charged on the shoulder with a crescent gu. Cheverell, or Cheverill, Ar. on a saltire az. five water-
'Chetmnll. Per chev. or and az. in chief three mullets of —
bougets of the field. Crest Two dexter hands conjoined,
the second in base a garb of the first. supporting a sword in pale all ppr.
Chettle (Suffolk)- Az. a hind pass. ar. Crest On a rock a — Cheverill. Gu. a cross betff. two lozenges in base or,
wivem, wings endorsed ppr. and in chief as many goats' heads erased ar. attired of the
Chettle. Or, three spiders az. second.
Chettleton, Chetelton, or Chetiltou. Ar. on a Cheveron, or Cheverton. Gu. two chev. erm.
chev. gu. five bezants all within a bordure engr. of the Cheveroyle, Cheveroll, or Cheveryll. Ar. three
second. lions pass. sa.
Chettoke (Dickleborough). Az. a bull pass. or. Chevers (Ballyhaly, co. Wexford, founded in Ireland by one
Chetwode (Oakley, co. Stafford, hart. ; since also of of thecompanions of Stbongeow, at the invasion of Ireland,
Chetwode and Ogden, co. Berks, and Whitley, co. Chester). 1172. Geoffrey Fil Milo Chevees was party to a deed,
Quarterly, ar. and gu. four crosses pattee counterchanged. 26 Edward I., 1296. Walter Chevers, Esq,, of Ballyhaly,
Oresi— Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi lion issuant gu. was chief of the family and Commissioner for co. Meath, 3
Mottn —Corona mea Christus, Edward IV., 1463, Fun. Ent. Ire., Keg. Peds., UlsLer's
Chetwode (Ansley Hall, co. Warwick). The same ArmR, OfBce). Gu. three goats salient ar. crined and hoofed or.
quartering the ensigns of Ludfoed, viz,—Az. on a chev. Chevers (Macetown, co. Meath, John Chevers, descended
betw. three boars' heads couped or, as many fleurs-de-lis gu., from Ballhaly, was transplanted to Connaught by Oliver
and for distinction, a canton erm. Crests—-\st : The same as Cromwell, petitioned Charles II., as chief of his family, to
foregoing; 2nd, for Lddford: Ahead couped erm. in
boar's be restored to his lands, which had been granted to his
the mouth a cross pattee gu, the head charged with an ancestor, by Henry II,, obtained a " Decree of Innocence,"
escallop sa., for distinction. 1667, and got a grant of lands in the barony of Killyan, co.
Chetwode Wilm-ot-Chetwode (exemplified 1839, to Galway). Same Arms. Crest-~A. demi goat salient ar.
Edward Wilmot, Esq., of Woodbrook, Queen's co., on his collared gu. crined and hoofed or. Motto— "En Dieu est
assuming by royal licence, the additional surname and arms ma foi.
of Chetwode). Quarterly, 1st, quarterly, ar. and gu. four Chevers {Viscount Mount-leinster. Edwaed Chevers, Esq.,
crosses formee counterchanged an annulet az. for diff., for of Hacetown, co, Meath, was so created by James II., after
Chetwode; 2nd, or, three crescents gu., two and one, for his abdication, d. s. p. in France). Same Arms.
Wahull 3rd, sa. on a fess or, betw. three eagles' heads erased
; Chevers (Killigan, co. Galway, Michael John Chevers,
ar. as many escallops gu. a mullet for diff., for Wilmot 4th, ; Esq., descended from John Chevers, Esq., of Killigan,
vert, alien ramp, and in chief three estoiles or, for O'Moee brother of Viscount Mount-Leinster, now male representa-
or More. Creati —
1st Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi lion
: tive and chief of the House of Chevers). Same Armsj
ramp, gu,, for Chetwode 2nd Out of a crescent gu., a demi
; : Crest and Motto, as Chevers of Macetown.
man-tiger ramp. ar. corned and unguled or, for Wahdll ;
Chevers (Drogheda, Newtown Limavady, &c., Norsian
3rd An eagle's head erased sa. holding in the beak an
: Chevers, Esq., M.D., Calcutta, descended from Jerome
escallop gu., for Wilmot. —
Motto Corona mea Christus. Chevees, younger brother of John Chbvebs, Esq., of
Chetwood (Buckinghamshire). Quarterly, ar. and gu. a Macetown, chief of his name temp. Charles II.). Same
cross formee counterchanged. Crest Out of a ducal — Arms, &c.
coronet or, a demi lion gu. Chevers (Monkstown, co. Dublin, descended from Henet
Chetwood (Buckinghamshire). Ar a cross formee gu. Chevers, brother of Cheistophee Chevees, Esq., of Mace-
Chetwood, Ar. a lion ramp. gu. town, d. 1640, Fun. Ent. Ire.). Same Arms, Ac, with a
Chetwyn. Ar. on a cross engr. sa. five mullets or. crescent for diff.
Chetwyn, Az. a chev. betw. three mullets pierced or. Chevers, or Chouers. Gu. a chev. betw. two goats in
Chetwyn. Az. a crescent betw, three mullets or, chief respecting each other in base saliant ar
and one
Chetwyn. Ar. two chev. gu, Crest —
An arm in armour embowed couped at the shoulder,
Chetwynd {Viscount Cheiwynd). Az. a chev. betw, three the part above the elbow in fess, the hand in pale, holding
mullets or. Crest— A. goat's head erased ar. attired or. a helmet close all ppr.

Supporters ^Two unicorn's ar. each gorged with a chaplet of Cheverston. Or, on a bend gu. three water-bougets ar.
Toses gu. barbed and seeded ppr,, thereto affixed, reflexed Cheverston. Or, on a bend gu. three plates.
over the back, a line of roses, as around the neck. Motto— Cheverston, Ar. a bend gu.
Frobitas verus honos. Cheverston. Ar. on a mount in base vert, a castle triple-
Chetwynd (Grendon, co. Warwick, hart.). Quarterly, Ist towered and portcullis sa.
and 4th, az. a chev. betw. three mullets or; 2nd and 3rd, ar. Chew (Bedfordshire and London; granted 16 Sept., 1703).

two chev. gu. Crest A goafs head erased ar. armed or. Az. a Catharine wheel
or, betw. two griffins' heads erased ar.

Motto Quod Deus vult flat. Crest griffin sejant ar, gutt«e de sang, beaked, legged,
reposing his dexter foot on a Catharine
Chetwynd-Talbot {Barl of Shrewsbury) See Talbot. . and winged sa.
Chetwynde (Shropshire). The same as ViscourU Chetwynd, wheel gu.
the mullets being pierced. Cheydock. Ar. a cross engr. sa. within a bordure of the
Cheureuse. Ar. a cross gu. betw. four eagles displ. az. last ; in the first quarter an annulet of the first.
Crfl«i—An eagle displ. or, winged ar. Cheyndut. Az. a chain in pale or, a label of three points
Cheuston, Ar. (another, or) a bend az. gu.
Chevalier, or ChevalHer (Jersey, and Aspall, Suffolk). Cheymew. Gu. a chev. ar. on a chief az. three leopards*
Az. a unicorn's head erased ar, on a chief of the last, three faces or,
sinister wings sa. Crests—A. chevalier from the middle, in Cheyn.dnitt. Ar. on a bend az. three cronels reversed
full armour, brandishing a scimetar all ppr.



Cheyndute. Gu. a lion salient reguard. ar. within an Cheyre, or Cheire. Quarterly, or and gu.
orle of acorns or. Chibborne (Essex). Per pale ar. and gu. on a chev. betw.
slipped or.
Gu. a lion coward ar. semce of acorns three gauntlets three roses all counterchangcd. Oreat An —
ostrich's head.
Cheyne (Chelaca, co. Middlesex). See Cheney. Chibnall (Filmersham, co. Bedford, Astwood, co. Bucking-
Cheyne. Chequy or and az. a fesse gu. fretty or. Crest — ham, and CO. Northampton). Az. two lions pass, guard, or,
A buck's head erased. —
betw. as many flaunches erm. Crest A dragon's head
Cheyne. (Straloch, co. Aberdeen). Gu. a bend hetw. six erased sa. ducally gorged and lined or. Another Crest —
crosses crosslet fitches ar. Crest —A Capuchin's cape ppr. A wolf's head.
Motto —Fear God. Chich. Az. three lions ramp, within a bordure ar.
Cheyne, See Chein. Chich-Priory (Essex). Or three ducal coronets gu. two-
Cheyne (VUcount Newhaven, Scotland, extinct 1738). and one.
Quarterly, 1st, chequy or and az. afess fretty ar., for Cheyne ;
Chiche (In Sarsdons House, co. Oxford. Visit. Oxford). Az-
2nd, or, a lion ramp, per fees gu. and sa., for Lovet 3rd, : three lions ramp. ar. (another, or).
vert, an escutcheon or, charged with a stag's head Chichele (borne by the eminent prelate of the reigns of
cabossed gu., for Cheshau ; 4th, az. crusilly of cross Henry IV., V., and VI. Henry Chichele, Archbishop of
crosslets or, a lion ramp, of the second ducally crowned ppr. Canterbury, and his brother. Sir Robert Chtchele, Lord
Crest —An ibex's head and neck gorged with a collar with one Mayor of London 1411 and 1421. He was born at Higham
link of a chain affixed thereto. Supporters —Dexter, a Ferrers, co. Northampton, in 1362, the eldest son of Thomas-
lion or, powdered with cross crosslets az. and crowned with Chichele. of that place, and d. in 1443, having erected and
a ducal crown ppr. sinister, an ibex ppr. gorged with a
; endowed a few years before, the College of All Souls,.
collar, a chain thereto affixed passing betw. his fore legs and Oxford. The archbishep had one sister m. into the Tookb
reflexed over his back or. Motto —
Estimatione nixa. family, and two brothers, Sir Eobert Chichele, Knt.,
Cheyne (Innerugie, co. Aberdeen, ended in heirs female in Lord Mayor of London in 1411 and 1421, and Willuse
the 14th century). Az. a bend betw. six crosslets fitchde Chichele, also a citizen of London, and sherifi in 1411).
ar. Or, a chev. betw. three cinquefoils, gu.
Cheyne (Esselmont, co. Aberdeen). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Chichele, or Chichley (Wimple, co. Cambridge, de-
as Innerugie; 2nd and 3rd, ar. three edock leaves slipped scended from Henry, a younger son of John Chichele,
vert, foi —
Marshall. Ci-est ^A cross pattee fitcliee ar. Motto second son of William Chichele, youngest brother of the
—Patientia vincit Archbishop. The heiress of the Chicheles, of Wimpole,
Cheyne (Dr. George Cheyne, 1720). Az. a bend betw. six the only dau. of Eichard Chichele, LL.D., m. Chbistophee
crosses crosslet fitchee ar. a bordure erm. Ci'est and Motto Griffiths, Esq., of Padworth, co. Berks). As the preceding.
as the last. Crest— A tiger pass. ar. holding in his mouth a man's leg,
Cheyne (Ireland). Gu. four fusils in fess conjoined ar. each couped at the thigh ppr. the foot downwards.
charged with an escallop of the field. Chicheley (Cambridgeshire). Or, a chev. betw. three
Cheynel. Faly of six ar. and az. on a chief or, three trefoils slippedgu.
martlets gu. Chicheley. Ar. a chev. betw. three goats' heads eraserl
Cheynell. Paly of six ar. and az. on a bend or, three az. attired or, charged with as many lozenges of the third,
martlets gu. on a chief sa. a lion pass, guard, erm.
CheyneU. Paly of six ar. and az. Chicheley. Or. three cinquefoils gu.
Cheynell. Paly of six az. and or, on a chief of the second Chichester (Raleigh, co. Devon, hart.). Chequy or and
three martlets gu. —
gu. a chief vair. Crest A heron rising with an eel in the
Cheynell, or Chevill. Paly of eight ar. and az: on a —
beak ppr. Motto Firm en foi.
chief or, three martlets gu. Chichester {lord Belfast, Sir Arthur Chichestep., Lord
Cheyney (Bedfordshire). Sa. six martlets or, three, two, Deputy of Ireland 1604, second son of Sir John Chichesteb,
and one, a canton of the second. Crest bull's scalp sa.—A Knt. of Raleigh, was raised to the Peerage of Ireland 1612,
attired or. d. s. p. 1624, leaving his estates to his brother. Sir Edwari>
Cheyney (Kent, and Woodley, co, Berks). Same Anns and Chichester, ancestor of the Marquess of Bonegall, &c., &c.).
Crest as Cheney, Lord ChemT/, of Toddington, Chequy or and gu. a chief vair a crescent for difF. Ch'est —
Cheyney (co. Bedford). Az. six lions ramp. ar. three and A heron ppr. wings expanded, holding in the beak a snake
three. also ppr. —
Supporters Two wolves gu. ducally gorged and
CheyTiey (co. Berks). Az. a hound pass. betw. three chained or. Jlf o(io— Honor sequitur fugientem; and
crescents or. Invitum sequitur Honor.
Cheyney (Buckinghamshire). Ar. a fesse gu. in chief Chichester {Marquess and Earl of Bonegall). Quarterly,

three martlets of the second. Crest A bear's head erased 1st and 4th, chequy or and gu. a chief vair, for Chichester;
gu. environed round the neck twice with a chain, passing 2nd and 3rd, az. fretty ar., for Etchingham. Crest —
also through the mouth ar. at the end a ring or. heron ppr. wings expanded holding in its bealc a snake ar.
Cheyney (co. Berks). Same Arms, Iiead or. Su-pporters —
Two wolves gu. ducally gorged and
Cheyney (Drayton, co. Buckingham). Chequy or and az. a chained or. J:foi(o—Invitum sequitur honor; or, Honor
bend gu. See Cheney.
fretty erm. sequitur fugientem.
Cheyney (co. Cambridge). Quarterly, ar. and sa. a bend Chichester {Lord Templemore). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
lozengy gu. (another, five lozenges in bend gu.). Crest — chequy or and gu. a chief vair, for Chichester; 2nd and
cap or, turned up az. on each side a feather erect ppr. 3rd, az. fretty ar., for Etchingham. Crest—k heron ppr.
Cheyney (Cornwall). Quarterly, ar. and gu. five fusils in wings expanded holding in its beak a snake ar., head or.
bend sa. —
Supporters ^Dexter, a wolf gu. ducally gorged and aline
Cheyney (Pincourt, co. Devon). Gu. five (another, four) reflexed over the backer; sinister, an heraldic tiger sa.
fusils in fesse ar. on each an escallop sa. ducally crowned or. Motto —
Invitum sequitur honor.
Chejmey (co. Somerset). Barry wavy az. and ar. three Chichester (Greencastle, co. Donegal, hart, extinct 1847).
crescents or. '
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, chequy or and gu. a chief vair; 2nd
Cheyney. Quarterly, ar. and sa. on a bend gu. three and 3rd, per fesse, the chief ar. and the base representing
lozenges or (another, ar.). waves of the sea, in chief a dexter hand couped at the wrist
Cheyney. Gu. a fret of eight or, a label erm. —
gu. in base a salmon naiant in fesse ppr. Crest ^Aheroa
Cheyney. Gu. three pales vair, on a chief or, three rising holding in the beak a snake ppr.
martlets of the field. Chichester O'Neill. See O'Neill, Lord.
Cheyney. Erm. on a bendgu. three martlets or. Chichester (Arlington Court, co. Devon, bart.). Quarterly,
Cheyney. Ar. a bend betw. six martlets sa. 1st, chequy or and gu. a chief vair; 2nd, harry of four gu.
Cheyney. Az. a fesse wavy betw. three crescents and or, six trefoils slipped three and three ar., on a chief of
(another, martlets) or. the second a greyhound courant sa. 3rd, quarterly, per

Cheyney. Az. a cross flowered or. fess indented ar. and gu. four crescents counterchanged;
Cheyney CCheshire). Lozengy ar. (another, or) and az. a 4th, ar. two bendlets wavy sa. C^-est —
^A heron rising witli
bend gu. fretty or. an eel in" his beak all ppr. Motto—Tyrm en foi.
Cheyney. Chequy or and az. on a fesse gu. three lozenges Chiche ster-Na&le (Calverleigh Court, co. Devon). See
ar. Nagle.
Cheyney. Az. two chev. or. Chichester (Hall, co. a younger branch of the
Devon ;

Cheyney, or De Castinets. Az. semee de estoiles, Chichesters, of Raleigh, deriving from Richard (the third
two lions pass. or. son of Richard de Chichester, of that place), who m.
Cheyney. See Cheney. Thomasine, dau. and heir of Simom Hall, of Hall, and thus


acquired tbat estate). Same Arms, Sec, as Chichester, of Child (London and Worcestershire granted 28 Jan. 1700).

Baleigb. Gu. a chev. engr. erm. betw. three eagles close ar.~each
Cllicliester (John Hopton Russbli. Chichester, Esq., of gorged with a ducal coronet or. Crest —
On a rock ppr. an
Wimpole-street and Lincoln's-inn). Chequy or and gu. a eagle rising, with wings endorsed ar. gorged with a ducal
cKief vair, for Chichester, quarterinff^ sa. a chev. betw. coronet or, holding in the beak an adder ppr.
three roses ar. barbed vert, for Hopton. Crests ^A heron — Child (Northwich). Gu. a fesse erm. betw. three doves ar.
derouring a snake a^ ppr., for Chichester; 2ncl, out of a Crest^A dove wings open ar. with a snake twining about
ducal coronet or, a demi griffin ramp, ppr., for Hopton. her neck and body or.
ilfotto—Invitum sequitur honor. Child (London, and Newton, co. Northampton). Vert, two
Chichester (Devonshire). Ar. on a canton sa. a standing bars engr. ar. betw. three leopards' heads or. Crest—
cup covered of the field (another, the field erm.). leopard's head or, betw. two laurel branches ppr.
Chichester (Lord Mayor of London, 1369). Erm. on a Child. Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three eagles perched or.
cbev. sa. a covered cup ar. Child (quartered by Skefington, of Skcfington, co. Leicester.
Chichester, Barl of. See Felhau. Visit. Leicester, 1619). Erm. on a chief indented gu. three
Chichester, See of. Az. a Presbyter John sitting on a escallops or.
tombstone, in his left hand a mound his right extended all Child-Villiers {Earl of Jersey). See Villiees.
or, with a lineu mitre on his head and in his mouth a sword Child (Hooee-Child, exemplified to Albert Theodore
ppr. HooKE, Esq., of Finchley New Koad, co. Middlesex, upon
Chichester, City of (Sussex). Ar. guttee de poix on a his taking by royal licence, 1872, the name of Child, in
chief indented gu. a lion pass, guard, or. addition to and after that of Hooke). Quarterly, 1st and
Chickerin Ar. on a chev. vert, three cockerells
(Norwich). 4th, per pale gu. and sa. on a chev. invected ar. betw. two
of the first, membered gu. eagles close in chief, and a leopard's face in base of the last
Chickles. Az. three lions ramp, within a bordure ar. three frets of the first, for Child ; 2nd and 3rd, or, a cross
Chidcroft. Ar. three escallops gu. parted and fretty in the first and fourth quarters an
Chiderlegrh (Cornwall and Devonshire). Or, on a chev. az. escallop, and in the second and third quarters a fleur-de-lis
betw. three cormorants' heads erased sa. as many acorns all az., for Hooke. Crests —
Child : Upon a fret gu. an
slipped of the field. ^ eagle, wings elevated ar. entwined round the neck by a
Chidhille (Cheshire). Ar. a fesse dancettee gu. serpent ppr. each wing charged with a trefoil slipped also
Chidiock (Dorset). Gu. an inescutcheon betw. eight gu. ; Hook : Upon a mount betw. two ears of wheat stalked
martlets in orle ar. and leaved or, an escallop az. Jlioffo^-Imitari quam
Chidley, or Chidelly (Devonshire). Erm. three lions invidere.
ramp. gu. Childe (Kinlet, co. Salop; descended from Sir William
Chiefly. Crest— A lion's head erased or.
Gu. a cock ar. Childe, Knt., Master in Chancery, through his great-grand-
Chiesly (Eersewell, Scotland). Gu. a chev. voided betw. daughter Kathebine, dau. and co-heir of Williau Lacon

three cinquefoils or. Crest ^An eagle displ. ppr. Mottt^^ Childe, Esq., of Kinlet, who m. Chaeles Baldwin, Esq., of
Credo et videbo. Aqualate, M.P., whose son, William Baldwin, assumed the
Chiesly (Dairy, Scotland). Ar. three roses slipped gu. name and arms of bis maternal ancestors). Quarterly, 1st
stalked vert. Crest —A rose as in the Arms, Motto~- and 4th, gu. a cbev. erm. betw. three eagles close ar., for
Fragrat post funera virtus. Childe 2nd, quarterly, per fesse indented erm and az., for

Chilhome, or Chilboume (Essex). Per pale ar. and Lacon 3rd, ar. a saltire sa., for Baldwin. CresV^An eagle

gu. on a chev. engr. betw. three gauntlets, as many with wings expanded ar. enveloped round the neck with a
cinquefoils, all counterchanged. Crest A hawk's head — snake ppr.
erased az. in the beak a ring or, to which hangs a spur Childe. See Fembertoh.
rowel (or estoile) of the last. Childe (Northwick, co. Worcester- Visit. Worcester, 1634.
Chilcot. See Comyn, of Isleworth. William Childe, of Northwick, d. 1633 : he was son of
Chilcot. Or, on a pile betw. two lions ramp. gu. three William Childe, of Pensay, sheriff of the county, 1598, and

wheatsheaves ppr. Crest ^Two wheatsheaves in saltire. grandson of William Childe, sheriff of the same county,
Chilcott, or Chilcote. Ar. five mullets in saltire sa. 1585). Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three eagles close ar. Crest —
Oesf—Out of a ducal coronet a mount, thereon a stag An eagle, wings expanded ar. enveloped aroimd the neck
statant guard, ppr. and body with a snake ppr.
Child {Earl of Tylney^ extinct 1784). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Childers (Cantley, co. York; descended from Hrrcn
gu. a chev. erm. betw. three eaglets close ar. ; 2nd and 3rd, Childeks, of Carr House, co. York, Mayor of Doncaster in
ar. on a bend az. three escallops of the field. Cre%t ^An — 1604). Ar. a cross humettee betw. four buckles, tongues
eagle wings expanded ar. entwined around the neck with a erect gu. —
Crest A cubit arm erect habited in chain
snake, whose tail is waved over his back all ppr. Sup- armour, and holding in the gauntlet ppr. a buckle erect, as

porters Two eagles reguard. ar. each with a snake entwined in the arms.
round the neck as in the Crest. —
Motto Imitari quam Childroy. Or, on a bend az. three martlets of the field.
invidere. Chillam (Ireland; Fun. Ent. of James Sedoravs, of
Child (Taxley, co. Hants and Middlesex). Same Arms. Dublin, d. 29 July, 1629, whose wife was Eleanor, dau. of
Crest —An eagle with wings expanded ar. enveloped round Eobekt Chillam, Esq., of Gafiiiey, co. Meath). Az. a chev.
the neck with a snake, which he holds in the beak ppr. or, betw. three lucies haurient ar.

Motto Imitari quam invidere. Chilly. Gu. semee of erm. spots three fleurs-de-lis or.
Child (Bigelly House, co. Pembroke ; descended, it is pre- Chibnick (Ragdon, co. Salop). Vert, three lions ramp,
sumed, from a younger son of the formerly ennobled House —
guard, or. C)-est ^A lion sejant guard, or, supporting witLi
of Tylnet, and now represented by James Mark Phillips his dexter paw an escutcheon vert.
Child, Esq., of Bigelly House). Arms and Crest same as the Chilton (Wye, co. Kent, and Cadiz, Spain). Ar. a chev. gu.

Sari of Tylney. Motto Imitari quam invidere. within a bordure gobonated or and az. Crest ^A griffin —
ChUd (Newfield and Stallington Hall, co. Stafford, bart.). pass. sa. bezantee.
Gu. a chev. nebulee erminois betw. three eagles close ar. in Chilton. Lozengy or and az. an eagle displ. erm. armed of
the centre chief point a mullet of six points or. Crest—An the first.
eagle wings elevated ar. entwined round the neck a snake Chilton. —
Ar. a chev. vert. Crest A boar*s head couped a t
ppr. holding in the beak a cross crosslet fitchee, and each the neck or, in the mouth two roses, one ar. the other gu.
wing cbarged with a mullet of six points gu. Motto — leaved and stalked vert.
Imitari quam invidere. Chilton. Az. on a chev. ar. three mullets pierced sa.
Child (Lambeth and Streatham, co. Surrey). Gu. on a chev. within abordure of the second.
engr. erm. betw. three eagles ppr. a serpent nowed betw. Chilton. Ar. a chev. gu.

two ears of big wheat also ppr. Crest An eagle's wings Chilworth, or Childworth (Devonshire). Or, on a

expanded betw. two ears of big wheat, and holding in the chev. gu. three martlets ar. Crest ^A boar's head andneck
beak a serpent entwined round the neck, aU ppr. erased sa. ducally gorged or.
Child (Surat, East Indies, and DerviU, co. Essex, bart., Chilworth. Ar. a fesse betw. three bucks' heads couped
created 1684; extinct 1753). Vert, two bars engr. betw. sa- (another, gu. and the chev. charged with a rose of the

three leopards' faces or. Crest A leopard's face or, betw. two field).
laurel branches ppr. J/oifo— Spes aht. Chimston, or Chymerstone. Or, on a bend gu. three
Child (Langley-Bury, co. Hertford). Az. a fesse embattled water bougets ar.
erm. betw. three eagles close or. Crest—An eagle with Chiner (Worcestershire). Ar. a chev. engr. gu.
wings expanded erm. holding in the beak a trefoil slipped Chiney. Az. three crosses crosslet fitchee ar. Crest—Ansirm
vert. in armour embowed, gauntleted, holding a sabre, all ppr.

193 O
Cbinkerlin (Scotland). Gu. a chev. or, betw. three with a pennon gu. on which are the same arms. Motto— ^i
6scallop8 of the same. et virtute.
Chinn (Hampton Park, co. Gloucester). Barry of six vair Cbisbolm (Edinburgh, 1672). Gu. a boar's head couped
and gu. or, a bordure nebuly of the second. Ci-est A boar's paw —
Chinuery (Flintfield, Cork, hart.
co. Arms confirmed erected ppr. JtfoWo— Vis et virtus.
1799; title extinct 1868. Heiress of line, Mrs. Haldane- Cbisbolm (Comar The Chisholm, Erchless Castle, co.

Chinnery, only child of Sir Nicholas, the last hart. heir ; Inverness). Gu. a boar's head erased ar. C're.^i— A dexter
male, Bicqabd St. Leqek Brodbick Chimnebt, Esq.). Az. hand holding a dagger erect ppr., on the point a boar's head
a chev. erm. betw. three lions ramp, or, armed and langued couped gu. Supporters—Tlwo savages wreathed head and
gu. on a canton vert a harp of the third, stringed ar. Crest middle with laurel, with clubs over their shoulders ppr.
— On a globe or, an eagle rising ppr. collared gold. Mottoes —
Vi aut virtute, and above the crest, Feros ferio.
Chinston. Or, on a bend gu. three guttes (another, water Cbisbull (Essex) Quarterly, ar. and gu. a cross pattec
bougets) ar. counterchanged.
Ohipcliase, and Chiphase. Ar. a chev. betw. three Cbislett (Kent). Per fess ar. and az. a castle betw. four
plain crosses gu. Orest —
A demi eagle, holding in the escallops counterchanged.
dexter claw a laurel branch ppr. Cbisnall. Ar, three crosses botonnee gu. within a bordure
Chipeubam, or CMpnam. Sa. two chev. ar. in chief of the last.
as many lions combatant or. Cbissell, or Chussell. Ar. three bars nebuMe gu. on a
Chipmau. Sa. two lions pass, and counterpass. betw. as hend sa. as many mullets or, —
CreH Three chisels ar.
many chev. ar. handles or, two in saltire, the handles downward, and one in
Chipman (Bristol). Ar. a bend betw. six estoiles gu. pale, the handleupwards.
Orest —
A leopard sejant ar. murally crowned gu. Cbiswell (London; granted 13 April, 1714). Ar. two bars
Chipmanden. Gu. a chev. vair, betw. three escallops ar. nebulae gu. over all on a bend engr. sa. a rose betw. as many
Chipmerden, Or, a chev. sa. betw. three columbines az. mullets or. Crest-~A. dove with wings displ. ar. beaked and
CMpuam (Herefordshire). Gu. a chev. betw. three legged gu. standing on a bezant, and holding in the beak a
dolphins embowed ar. —
Crest A dexter and sinister arm laurel branch vert.
shooting an arrow from a bow ppr. Obiswell (granted to Muilman of Debben Hall, co. Essex,
Cbippeudale (Leicestershire). Az. two lion's gambs issuing who by sign manual dated 10 Dec. 1773, took the names and
out of the base of the escutcheon, and forming a chev. ar. arms of Fbench-Chiswell). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, as the
betw. the gambs a fleur-de-lis or. Crest ^A lion's gamb— last 2nd and 3rd, per pale ar. and az. on the dexter side two

erect ar. holding a fleur-de-lis or. palets sa. over all abend or, for Fremch. Crest As the last. —
Chippendall (London). Az. sem6e de lis or, the centre Obiswortb. Gu. a pale engr, or.
one sustained by two lions' gambs erased ar. impaling Akmi- Cbiswortb. Ar. a pale engr. gu.

TAOE, of Ireland. Crest A lion's gamb erased, holding a Cbiswortb, Per pale gu. and az. a pale engr. or.
fleur-de-hs or. Cbittercrofte, or Cbitecroft. Ar, a bend engr. gu.
Chippenbam, Town of (Wiltshire). Ar. a tree of three Cbitting:e (Suffolk). Quarterly, ar. and az. on a bendgu.
large branches vert, betw. two escutcheons, viz., that on the betw. two talbots' heads erased of the first, three quatrefoils
dexter az. ten billets ar. in chief a label of five points of the of the same.
last, the sinister escutcheon or, three legs in armour ppr. Cbittinge (Chester). Quarterly, ar. and az. on a bend gu.
garnished or, couped at the middle of the thigh two and one, three quatrefoils of the first. Crest —
A talbot's head erased

on each a spur of the last. Motto Unity and loyalty. ar.
Cbippenbam, or Cbipmau(Herefordshire). Gu. on a Cbittock, or Obittocke. Az. a bull pass. ar. Cr^t-~
chev. betw. three dolphins embowed, their tails in their An antelope trippant ppr.

mouths, ar. an erm. spot sa. Crest A triton or merman CMttoke (Suffolk). Ar. a bull pass. az. Ci-e&t —A demi
ppr. habited in armour, helmet or, over his shoulder a sash stag ppr. attired or.
ar., holding In the dexter hand a pennon, thereon the word Obitty (Lord Mayor of London, 1760). Gh. a chev. erm. in
Jesus. chief three talbots' heads erased or. Crest —
A talbot's head
Cbipper. Gu. three escutcheons or. couped or.
Cbippingdale (Craven, co. York ; Humberston, co. Leices- Cbitwin (liondon). Gu. a chev. betw. three estoiles or.
ter; and Blackenhall, co. Stafford. Visit. Leicester, 1619). Cblt'wood. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. Crest On a mount vert —
Az. sem^e of fleurs-de-lis or, two lions' gambs erect and a crow ppr.
erased ar. Crest—A. hon's gamb erect ar. erased gu. grasp- Cbiverisden. Or, on a bend gu. three chevs. erm.
ing a fleur-de-lis or. Cbivers. Ar. three cmquefoils gu. and a gyron issuing
Chippingr-Wicombe, Town of (co. Buckingham). Sa. —
from the dexter side in chief az. Crest A comet star, tail
a swan with wings close gorged and chained or.
ar. ducally towards the sinister ppr.
Cbirbrond, or Cbiribrond. Gu. two swords in saltire Cbivers (Wiltshire). Ar, a chev. engr. gu.
ar. hilts and pomels or. Crest —
A winged heart ppr. Cbiverton (Kerris, in St. Paul, co. Cornwall; theheiresB
Gbircbman (co. Salop; quartered by Coefield of Chatwell 111. Tbeween). Ar. on a mount in base vert a tower triple-
Hall; BicHABD Cobfield in. in 1530 the dau, and heir of towered sa.
Chibchman, of Cardington). Ar. two bars sa. in chief as Cbiverton (Trehunsey in Quithiock. Visit. 1690: of this
many palets of the last. line was Richabd Chiveblon, Lord Mayor of London in
Cbiruside (that Ilk, and East Nisbet, Scotland). Ar. three 1658). Same Arms.
women's heads couped sa. attired az. Cboare (Lincolnshire). Barry of twelve ar. and gu. thfee
Cbiscott (Kent). Fer pale ar and az. in dexter chief a castle martlets sa. Crest —
On the top of a tower ar. port sa. a roff
gu. of feathers or.
Cbiseldine. Ar. a chev. betw. three crosses moline gu. Cboke (Abingdon). Gu, three bars wavy ar. Crest Out —
Crest —A talbot couchant ar. spotted sa. eared and collared of a ducal coronet or, a demi stork displ. ar. beaked gu.
gu. chained or, the end terminating in a bow-knot. Cboke (Avington, co. Berks; Sir Fbancis Choke, of Aving-
Cbisenball, or Obisenal (Lancashire). Ar. three ton, knighted in 1643, grandson of Richabd Choke, by the
crosses crosslet botonnee fitchee within a bordure (sometimes heiress of the Covektbts of Avington). Ar. three cinque-

engr.) gu. Crest A griffin segreant gu. foils per pale gu. and az. Crest —A
stork's head ppr.
dbisenball (Chisenhall, co. Lancaster). Arms, the same. beaked gu.
Crest— k. griffin pass. gu. beaked and legged ar, collared and Cboke (Berkshire). Ar. three cinquefoils gu. each charged
lined also ar. the collar charged with three crosses crosslet with a hurt.
of the first. Cboke. Gu. three bars wavy within a bordure ar.
Obisball. Ar. on a cross engr. sa. five mullets of the field. Cboke. Ar. three crescents gu. (another, cinquefoils gn. {
Cbisbobn (that Ilk, and Stirches, co. Roxburgh). Gu. a another, same az. ; another, within a bordure gu.).
> boar's head and neck couped ar. quartered, 1853, with or,
; Cbollet. Ar. a cross gu. betw. four keys paleways az,
on a bend az. a mullet ar. betw. two crescents of the first, a Cbolmeley (Easton Hall and Norton Place, co. Lincoln,
bordure of the second charged with as many cTCScents in bart.). Gu. two esquires' helmets in chief ppr. and a garb
chief and a mullet in base of the former, for Scott. Crest — in base or. Crest — A garb or.
A dexter arm in armour embowed from the shoulder, the Cbolmeley (Cheshire). Gu. two helmets in chief ar. and
hand holding a scymetar in bend all ppr. Sup-porters — a garb in base or.
Dexter, a knight in armour of the 15th century armed at all Cbolmeley, or Cholmondeley. Gu. a fleur-de-lis or,
points, and having the beaver up and leanmg
of his helmet issuing from the top of a crescent erm. betw. two helmetB
on a shield charged with the family arms sinister, a knight
; in chief and in base a garb of the second. Cr€3{—A royal
in armour, as the former, his left hand holding a lance ppr. helmet or.


Cholmeley (tome by
Bogeu Cholmelet, Lord Chief
Sir antique shield per pale erminois and erm. : Lear: A demi
Baron of the Exchequer, founder, temp. Queen Elizabeth, unicorn erminois, suppoi'ting a staff raguly gu.
of the free grammar school, Highgate, illegitimate son of Cholwich. Per pale sa. and ar. three chev. counter-
SirRrcHARD Cholmelet, Lieutenant of the Tower). Gu. a —
changed. Crest A lion's gamb erect and erased sa. sup-
Bword in fesse (alluding to the sword of justice) betw. a porting an ancient carved shield per pale or and ar.
helmet in chief and two garbs in base or. CholwiU, or Choi vile (Devonshire; granted 1613). Ar.
Cholmeley (Cheshire). Gu. three helmets ar. (another, on a bend az. three arrows or, feathered and headed of the
or). first, their heads towards the chief. Crest A linnet ppr. —
Cholmley (Whitby and Roxby, co. York, created a bart. Chooke, or Coot, Az, on a chev. ar. betw. three cinque-
1641, extinct 1688 descended from Roberc, younger son of
: foilserm. two lions combatant ppr. Crest An ibex's head —
Hugh de Cholmondeley, deputy sergeant of Cheshire temp. erased ar. crowned on the neck gu. double horned or.
Edward I. Sir Hugh Cholmley, of Whitby, bart., chief of Chopin. Ar. a chev. az. betw. three pheasants (cocks) vert,
this distinguished family, at the outbreak of the civil war beak and legged gu.
enrolled himself under tlie royal banner, and rendered great Chorley (Cheshire and Lancashire). Sa. a stag lodged ar.
service to the cause of Charles I., especially by his memo- Chorley (Chorley, co. Lancaster, and Leek, Stafford). Ar.
rable defence of Scarborough Castle. The eventual heiress, a chev. gu. betw. three blue bottles, slipped, ppr. Ci-est—
Mart, only dau. of Sir Hugh Cholmley, the last baronet, m. On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a hawk's head erased ar.
Nathaniel Cholmlet, Esq., of London, and from this mar- Chorley. Ar. three three-pronged forks, points upward, two
riage descends maternally Ohomley, late Strickland, and one sa.
bart.), Gu. two helmets in chi^f ppr. garnished or, in base Chorley. Ar. three trees eradicated vert.
a garb of the last. Crest— A garb or. Chorlott. Az. a chev. or, betw. three crescents ap-
Cholmley (Bransby, eo. York; descended from Roger, Chorlton. Or, three piles and a canton ermines.
second son of Sir Richard Cholmley, of Roxby and Whitby, Choug'h, or Clowes. Sa. on a chev. betw. three uni-
knighted at Leith in 1544). Same Arrrm and Crest, with a corns' heads erased ar. as many trefoils vert. Crest— A demi
fleur-de-lis or, in a crescent erm. for diff. lion ramp. sa. collared ar. holding in the paws a halbert in
Cholmley (Whitby, and Hildenley, co. York, exempli- pale or.
fied in 1865, to Sir George Strickland, 7th bart., of Choug-hton. Ar. three swords, barways, points to the
Boynton, upon his assuming by royal licence the name dexter sa.
of Cholmlet instead of that of Strickland, and the Arms Chowgrhton (Kent). Or, three swords in fesse az.
of Cholmlet and Wentworth quarterly. Sir William Chowne (Fairland, co. Kent). Sa. three thatcher's hooks
Strickland, the 6th bart., m. Henrietta, dau. and co-heir in fesse ar. Crest —A gauntlet ar. holding a broad arrow
of Nathaniel Cholmley, Esq., of Whitby). Quarterly, 1st sa. feathered of the first.

and 4tb, gu. in chief two esquires* helmets in base a garb Chowne (The Prospect Park, near Keading, co. Berks, borne
or, betw. the helmets a fleur-de-lis of the last issuant from by the General Chowne, of that place).
late Sa. three
a crescent erm., for Cholmlet; 2nd and 3rd, sa. a chev. thatchers^ hooks in pale ar., quartering or, on a bend cotised
betw. three leopards' faces or, for Wentworth. €h-est — betw. two garbs az. a mitre of the field, on a canton gu. a
full fronted helmet with bars ar. thereon a garb or. Motto rose ar., for Tilson. Ci'ests —
1st a cubit arm erect in

—A la volonte de Dieu. armour holding in the gauntlet ppr. a broad arrow sa.
Cholmley (Ryple, co. Worcester; granted 1599). Gu. in feathered ar., for Chowne; 2nd: a dexter arm embowed
chief two helmets ar. in base a garb or, on a fleur-de-lis of habited ar. charged on the elbowwith a garb sa. grasping in
the last a crescent for diff. Crest —A helmet ar. the hand ppr. a crozier gu. feruled or, for Tilson.
Cholmley, or Cholmeley (Yorkshire). Gu. a chev. ar. Chowne (Fair Lawne, co. Kent). Sa. three attires of a stag
betw. three helmets of the second. in pale ar.
Cholmley. Gu. a crescent erm. betw. a helmet and a garb Chowrey. Ar. two bars gu. betw. nine guttees az. three,
in pale or. three, and three.
Chobnly. The same Arms as CholUeley, Cheshire. Crest Cho'wthton. Or, three swords barways az. hilted sa. pom-
—A demi griflBn segreant holding a helmet. i}ielled gu. two pointing to the sinister and one to the dexter
Cholmondeley (Marquess of Cholmondeley). Gu. in chief side of the escutcheon.
two helmets in profile ar. and in base a garb or. Crest — Chrebreg'Ot (Tournay). Or, three pales gu.
demi griffin segreant sa., beaked, winged, and membered Chrishope. a fret or, betw. eight crescents ar.
or, holding betw. the claws a helmet as in the arms. Sup- Crest —A head muzzled.
porters — ^Dexter, a griffin sa., beaked, winged, and mem- Chrisop, or Xirsop. Ar. on a chev. sa. five horseshoes
bered or, langued gu.; sinister, a wolf gold, gorged with a of the field. Crest~Aa antelope pass. ppr. collared and
collar vair, armed and langued gu. Motto — Cassis tutissima chained or. Motto—Mens con&cia. recti.
virtus. Christall (Aberdeen). Or, a cross calvary upon thrro
Chohnondeley {Baron Selamere). Gu. two esquires' hel- grieces gu. betw. two thistles in fesse ppr. Crest —A tir

mets in chief ppr. in base a garb or. Crest A demi griffin — tree ppr. Motto —Per angusta ad augusta.
segreant sa. beaked, membered, or, ducally gorged and Christ Church CoUeg-e (Oxford). Sa.on a cross en^r.
wings elevated, or, holding betw. the claws a helmet as in a lion pass. gu. betw. four leopards'
ar. heads az. on a chief
the arms. Supporters —
On either side a griffin sa. beaked, or,a rose of the third, seeded of the fifth, barbed vert betw.
membered, wings elevated, ducally gorged, and chain re- two Cornish choughs ppr.
flexed over the back or. Motto —
Cassis tutissima virtus. Christ Church Friory (Canterbury). Az. on a cross ar.
Cholmondeley (Earl of Leinster. Extinct, 1659). Gu.two a text X
surmounted with the letter I sa.
helmets ppr., garnished or, in chief and a garb of the last in Christ Church (London). Az. the representation of the
base. Crest —
A demi griffin ramp. sa. holding betw. the Trinity ar, being expressed by four plates, two in chief, one
daws a helmet ppr. garnished or. Supporters—TvfO griffins in the middle point, and one in base, conjoined to each
aa., armed and langued gu. other by an orle and a pall ar., on the centre plate is tl\e
Cholmondley (Holford, co. Chester, granted by Dugdale, word "Deus," on the dexter chief plate "Pater," on the
Norroy, circa 1666). Gu. two helmets in chief and a garb in sinister "Filius," and on the plate in the base the words
base a border engr. all ar.
" Sanctus Spiritus," on the three parts of the pall the word
Cholwell, or Cholwill (Lodesford, co. Devon, confirmed " est," and on each part of the orle the words "non est."
28 Nov. 1613), Ar. on abend sa. three arrows or, feathered Christ College (Cambridge). Quarterly, France and
of the first, heads towards the chief. Crest—A leopard's England, within a bordure gobony ar, and az.
face az. Christenshow (quartered by Thomas Dennis, Esa.., o"
Cholwich (Cholwich, in Holberton, formerly and afterwards Menhenist, co. CornwaU. Her. "Visit. 1620). Ar. on a chev.
of Oldstone in Blackaweon, and Farringdon House, co. betw, three birds' heads erased sa. as many acorns or.
Devon: the uo-heirs of Thomas Cholwich, Esq., of Oldstone, Christian. Or, a cross crosslet sa. Crest A Uon guard —
m. Lear, Fowell, and Cholwich). Per pale or and ar. three e^ant on its bind legs holding in its dexter paw a cross and
chev. sa. over all a file of as many lambeaux gu. extending resting its sinister on a pyramid sa.

to the sides of the shield. Crest A fox's head couped sa. Christian (Unerigg Hall, eo. Cumberland, descended from
Cholwich, Lear-Cholwich (exemplified to Thomas Wm, the ancient family of M'Christen, of the Isle of Man, who
Lear, of Teignmouth, co. Devon, on taking the additional for several generations have been dempsters or judges of
name of CuoLTticH, 1835). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per pale that island; the name appears to have been first written.
erminois and erm. three chevronels sa. in chief a label of Christian about the year 1600). Az. a chev. humettC-c
three points gu., for Cholwich; 2nd and 3rd, az. a fesse betw. three covered cups or. Crest —A unicorn's head erasctl
raguly betw. three unicorns' heads erased erminois, for Leab. ar. collared and aimed or.
Ci'ests —Cholwich : A lion's gamb erased sa. sunporting an Christian, Ar. a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet gu.
195 O 2


Crest— The figure of Hope ppr. habited in a robe ar. leaning bart., wife of Eveltw, 2nd Duke of Kmgaton, was the well
on an anchor or. known Dutchess of Kingston, convicted of bigamy by the
Christie. Ar. a saltire befcw. four mullets sa. Crest— House of Lords, 1776). Erm, three hons ramp. gu. Ci-est
branch of laurel ppr. A savage man ppr,, in the dexter hand a staff clubbed and
Christie. Ar. a chev. betw. three wells sa. (another, gu.)- spiked or, with a buglehorn hung over the left shoulder and
Civst —A phoenix's head in flames of Are ppr. wreathed about the loins and temples vert. Supportej-s
Christie (Aberdeen, 1672). Or, a saltire indented betw. Two savage men, as depicted in the crest.
four mullets sa. Chudleig-h (Ireland, a branch of the Cbudi^iqhs of
Christie (Balbuchlic, 53cotland), Or, a saltire engr. betw. Devon). Same Arms, &c., as Chodleioh, of Ashton.

four mullets sa. Crest A holly stump leaved and fructed Chudworth. Or, a fesse betw. three martlets sa.
ppr. Motto— Sit vita nomini eongrua. Chun. Vert, on a chief ar. three palets gu. Crest A boar—
Christie (Craigtoun, Scotland). Or, a saltire invecked pass, reguard. seizing with his mouth an arrow stuck in his

betw. four mullets sa. Crest A holly branch withered with shoulder, all ppr.
leaves sprouting out ppr. Motto —
Sic viresco. Chim. Vair, three palets gu.
Christie (Durie, Fife). Or, a saltire betw. two stars in Church, or Churche (Earls Colne, co. Essex). Gu. a
flank sa. in chief a deiniUon couped at the joints gu. and in fesse or, in chief three sinister gauntlets ppr. Crest— An
base a cross pattee of th« last. Crest— A
hand holding a arm erect in armour ppr. garnished ur, holding a baton of
letter ppr. Motto—Fro rege. the last.
Christie (Bedlay, co. Lanark, 1855). Or, a saltire indented Church (borne by Henbt Church, Esq., K.N., and Rev.
betw. four mullets sa. (m a chief of the last three crescents WiLUAM Chdech, of Hampton, co. Middlesex). Gu. a
ar. Crest —A branch of holly ahpped and fructed ppr. crosier reversed in bend sinister, surmounted by a swoi-d in
JfoUo—Sic viresco. bend dexter ppr. on a chief ar. a thistle leaved also ppr.
Christie (Edale, co. Derby, 1866). Or, a saltire wavy betw. Crest —
A hand holding a sword erect betw. two branches of
four mullets pierced sa. —
Crest A withered holly branch laurel, entwined round the blade, all ppr. Over the crest the
sprouting out leaves ppr. Motto Sic viresco. — word— Virtute.
Christie (Lowden and Glengarg, co. Perth, 1874). Gu, a Church (granted 1822 to Sir Eichard CnnRCH, C.B„ K.H.
saltire engr. ar. betw- four mulled or, en surtout, or a fesse Ac), Az. a lion ramp, or, over all on a bend erm. three
barry wavy of four gu. and vert betw. three talbots' heads —
dexter gauntlets clenche ppr. C}-est A demi lion ramp, or
erased of the second, for Piftup. —
Crest A withered holly brandishing in his dexter paw a battle-axe ppr. and resting
branch sprouting out leaves ppr. Motto Sic viresco. — his sinister paw on a cross gu.
Christie (Preston Deanery, co. Northampton). Az. a lamb Church (Ffrwdgrech, St, David's, co. Brecon, exemplified to
pass. ppr. the dexter leg supporting in bend sinister a banner Samdel Church Philips, Esq., on his assuming the name
ar. staff or, on a chief of the last a tower with two turrets of Church, instead of Philips, by royal licence, dated
betw. two gabions of the second. Crest —
A brown bear pass. 5 May, 1869). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. on a pDe gu. a
muzzled the chain reflexed over the shoulder or, on the back chev. of the field charged with three roses of the second
a bezant charged with a cross sa., the dexter paw resting on barbed and seeded ppr. betw. as many greyhounds' heads
an escutcheon per pale, of the last and gu. Motto Integer — erased of the first, for Church; 2nd and 3rd, sa, alien
vitse. ramp. betw. four mascles saltirewise or, for Phillips,
Christison (Sir Robebt Chbistison, Bart., M.D., 1864). Or, —
Crests 1st, Church : In front of a passion cross gu, a pelican
a chev. sii. —
betw. three laurel leaves ppr. Crest A passion in her piety ar. the wing charged with a rose also gu. barbed
cross gu. on three grieces ppr. Motto —
Vitam dirigit. and seeded ppr. ; 2na, Philips: Alien ramp, resuarcl. sa,
Christmas <Essex). Gu. on a fesse or, betw. three conies semi of pheons, and holding betw. the paws a mascle or.
ar. a crescent az. betw. two martlets sa. —
Motto Vulnera eeclesiae liberorum vita.
Christmas (London). Gu. on a fesse raguly ar. three Church (Tunstall, co. Salop, 1747). Ar. a fesse engr. betw,

martlets sa. a canton erm. Crest An arm embowed ppr. three greyhounds' heads erased sa. collared or.
habited or, covered with leaves vert supporting a staff Churchar (Slingfield, co. Sussex). Chequy ar. and sa. on
couped and raguly ar. a bend gu. three lions' heads erased or. Crest—A tiger
Christm,as. Gu. on a fesse betw. three conies ar. as many pass. ar. tufted and maned or.
mullets sa. Churche (Essex). Ar. on a fesse engr. betw. three grey-
Christmas, or Christmas?. Gu. on a fesse or. betw. hounds' heads erased sa, collared or, as many trefoils
three hares ar. a crescent betw. two martlets of the first. —
slipped of the last. Crest A demi greyhound sa. gorged
Crest —
An arm charged with two bars, one or, the other gu., with a collar or, charged with three lozenges gu. holding a
holding in the hand ppr. a double branch of roses flowered trefoil of the second.
of the second leaved vert. Churche (Betton, co. Salop). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw.
Christopher (London). Per chev. wavy az. and erminois a three greyhounds* heads erased sa. as many bezants.
chart of Chesterfield's Inlet betw. two estoiles in chief ar. Crest—A greyhound's head erased erm. collared and ringed
and on a mount in base vert a beaver pass. ppr. Crest— Two or.
arms embowed vested az. the hands ppr. supporting an Churchey (Breconshire). Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three
anchor erect sa. cable ar. greyhounds' heads erased sa. collared or, as many trefoils
Christopher. Ar, a ch,ev. sa. betw. three pineapples —
slipped of the last. Crest A greyhound's head erased and
vert, in chief a torteau. —
Crest A stag's head cabossed collared as in the arms, in the mouth a trefoil slipped
ppr. gu.
Christopher. Ar. r chev. betw. three pineapples gu. Churchill (settled in cos. Devon, Somerset, and Dorset,
leaved vert, during the reigns of King John, Henry III., and Edward I.
Christ opher-Kishet-Hamilt on. See Hamilton. Visit. CO. Devon, 1620). Sa. a lion ramp, ar, debruised with
Chritchley (granted 1314 to James Chritchlet, of a bendlet gu.
Grangebegg, co. Kildare). Per pale or and ar. a chev. az. Churchill (Churchill, co, Dorset, descended from co.
betw. two cinquefoils in chief gu. and in base a trefoil slipped Devon; Sir John Churchill, knighted at Whitehall, 12
vert. Ci'est—A. lion ramp, per fesse embattled gu. and az. Aug. 1670. Visit. Dorset by Sir Edward Bysse le JSm's

Motto Honesta quam splendida. Knights). Same Arms.

Christy (Apuldrefleld, co. Kent), Or, on a saltire invecked Churchill (Spencer-Churchill, Duhe of Marlhrn'ovgh).
sa. betw. four mullets pierced az. a saltier erm. Crest^X Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. a lion ramp. ar. on a canton of
moimt vert, thereon the stump of a holly tree sprouting the last a cross gu., for Churchill; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly
betw. four branches of fern, all ppr. Motto Sic viresco. — ar. and gu., in the second and third quarters a fret or, over
Chrystie. Ar. a chev. betw. three wells sa. Crest — all on a bend sa. three escallops of the first, for Spencer;
lion's paw erased holding a dagger ppr. and, as an honourable augmentation, in chief an escutcheon
Chrystie-Miller (Graigen tinny). See MiLtEB. ar. charged with the cross of St. George gu. and thereon aa
Chubbe (Dorsetshire). Az. a cross or, betw. four bezants. escutcheon of the arms of France: viz., az. three fleuis-dc-

Crest A demi lion az. holding a bezant. lisor; the whole arms borne upon an imperial eagle, as a
Chudleig-h (Ashton, co. Devon, bart,, created 1622, extinct Prince of the Holy Roman Empire; above the arms a
1745, Visit. Devon, 1620 a family of long continuance in

princely coronet. Ct^est, of Chuechill A lion couchant
that county, which flourished for several generations at guard, ar. supporting with the dexter paw a banner gu-
Broad Cleft, frequently serving the ofEce of sheriff in the charged with a dexter hand apaumee of the first, staff or.
reigns of Eichard II,, Henry VI,, and Henry VII.
estate of Ashton was acquired early in the fourteenth
The Crest, of Spenceb —Out of a ducal or, a griffin's head betw.
two wings expanded ar. gorged with a bar genielle, and
century by the m. of John Chitdleioh with Thomasine, dau. armed gu. ^wp^oriers— Dexter, a griffin per fesse ar.aud
of Bichabd Fitous. Elizabeth Chcdleigh, sister of the 5th or; sinister, a wyvcrn ar. wings expanded, both collared ana


chained sa. each collar charged with three escallops, also two wings each charged with a mullet giu, for Wiggett.
ar. Supporters (borne by ihe present Duke)—Two wyvems —
Motto Fortune de guerre.
gu. Motto^Fiel pero desdichado. Chute (Sir Geobge Chewte. or Chute, of Stockwell, co.
Chtirchill, Baron. See Spenceb. Surrey knighted by Sir Abthub Chichester, Lord Deputy

dnirchill (Churchill-Henbury, co. Dorset, and Somerset- of Ireland, 14 Oct., 1608). Gu. three swords in pale, pointo
shire). Sa. a hon ramp. ar. debruised with a bendlet gu. to the dexter ppr., pomels and hilts or, within an orle of
Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi lion ramp. ar. —
mullets of the last. Crest A hand gauntleted lying fesswaya
ChTircMll. Sa. a lion ramp. ar. on a canton of the second holding a broken sword all ppr.

a cross gu. Crest A lion couchant guard, ar. holding a Chute (Tullygarron, co. Kerry, and Chute Hall, came co.).
banner of the last charged with a hand erect gu. Arms and Crest, as Chute of Surrenden, co. Kent. Motto —
Churchill (Colleton, and Alderholt Park). Sa. a lion ramp, Fortune de guerre.
ar. debruised with a bendlet gu. Ci'est —
^A demi hon ramp. Chynedon. Ar. three escallops gu.
ar. issuant out of a ducal coronet or. Chyner. Ar. a cher. engr. gu. Crest—Aa antelope's head
Churchill (granted to Chatham Hobace Chdechill, erased erm.
Colonel in the army). Sa. a Uon ramp. ar. holding betw. Chynon. Ar. a chev. embattled betw. three ravens* heads
the paws a mural crown or, a canton enn. thereon pendent sa.
by a ribband gu. fimbriated az. a representation of the Chynoweth. Sa. on a fesse or, three griffins' heads erased
sUver medal presented to the said Chatham Horace KU.
Churchill, for his services at the Battle of Waterloo, sub- Chynston, or Chyneryston, Or, on a bend gu. three
inscribed Waterloo, in letters sa. Crest— A lion couchant goats ar.
guard, ar. holding a flag-staff erect, entwined with a branch Chyrfold. Ar. a bend az, betw. two cotises sa.
of laurel ppr. flowing from the staff to the sinister a banner ChysuaL Ar. a cross crosslet fitch^e within a bordure gu.
swallow-tailed gu. charged with an Eastern crown or. Chyusvon. Or, a bend az. guttle d'eau.
Churchman (London). Barry of four sa. and ar. on a chief Chyver, Ar. a chev. engr. gu.
of the second two pales of the first. Crest— On a garb lying Cidderowe. Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three eagles displ.
fesseways or, a cock ar. beaked, legged, and wattled gu. sa. five annulets or. Crest —Out ofa tower ar. a demi lion
Churchman, or Chirchman (Shropshire). Ar. two ramp. sa.
many pales of the second. Crest Out of
bars sa. in chief as — Cikdelees. Per pale indented ar. and go.
a ducal coronet a demi lion ramp. ar.
or, Cinsallag'h (an ancient Milesian family inhabiting the
Churchman. two bars, and asjmany palets in chief ar.
Sa. district called Hy-Cinsallagh, co. Wexford, descended from
Churchward (Dimond Chubchwabo, exempHfied to Rer. Enna Cinsalla<sh, illegitimate son of Debuot McMubogh,
Kabcds-DihondDiuond-Chdbchwabd, of Totness, Vicar of last King of Leinster, and brother of Donel Gaomhanagh.
Northam, Bldeford, co. Devon). Gu. on a fess ar. a fleur-de- the ancestor of the Kavanaghs). Ar. a fesse gu. betw. two
lis betw. two lozeAges of the first in chief a stag trippant of garbs in chief of the second and a, lion pass, in base sa.
the second. Crest —
Issuant from three lozenges in feas con- Crest- A lion's head erased ppr.
joined gu. each charged with a fleur-de-lis or, a buck's head Cinsallag-h. See Kinsallagh.
couped ppr. Motto— Suaviter in modo. Cipriani (London). Or, an eagle displ. sa. crowned gu.
Churchyard. Ar. a chev. betw. three horses* heads erased within a bordure az. charged with three fleurs-de-lis in chief
sa. bridled or. —
of the first. Crest An eagle displ. as in the arms.
Churles. Ar. on a bend sa. three cinquefoils or. Ciprus. Barry of twelve ar. and az. over all a lion ramp,
Churley (Kent). Paly of sii or and az. a canton enn. gu.
Churton (Shropshire). Ar. a chev. betw. three rams' heads Circester (Warwickshire). At. a chev. az. a label gu.
erased gu. attired or. Crest —
Out of a mural coronet ppr. a Cirencester Atohey (Gloucestershire). Ar. on a chev.
demi lion ramp. gu. holding in the paw a sword ppr. pomel gu. three rams* beads affrontee of the fleld attired or. This
and hilt gold. Motto—Avaacez. abbey had two other coats, viz., Ist: Gu. on a chev. ar.
Churton (Wtutchurch, co. Salop ; and Mdrannedd, co. Flint). three rams' heads couped and affrontee sa. attired or, in the
Erm. two chevronels gu. betw. four rams' heads erased dexter chief quarter two lions pass, guard, of the last; 2nd:
three in chief and one in base sa. armed or. Crest Out of — Faly of six or and gu. in bend a crozier ar. all within a bor-
the battlements of a tower ppr. a demi Uon gu. gorged with dure az. bezantee.
a collar gemel or, holding in the dexter paw a sword also Gizelley (Barking, co. Essex). Az. on a chev. betw. three
ppr. and resting the sinister paw on an escutcheon enn. stags trippant ar. as many fleurs-de-lis of the first.
charged with a ram's head erased sa. armed gold., MottO'^- Glabrock, or Cleybroke (Kent and Middlesex). Ar. a
Avancez. cross patt^e gu. Cresi— Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi
Chute (cos. Somerset, Kent, and Hants; descended from ostrich ar. with wings displ. erm. holding in the mouth a
Alkundbb Chcte, Lord of the manor of Taunton in 1268. horseshoe sa.
The chief line, the CanTEs of the Vine, of which was Clack (Herefordshire, and Wallingford, co. Berks ; granted
Challoneb Chute, Speaker of Bichard Cromwell's House of 13 Nov. 1768). Gu. an eagle dispL erm. within a bordure
Commons, preserved a male succession until 1776, the period —
engr. erminois. Crest ^Ademi eagle or, winged erm.
of the decease of John Chute, Esq., when the property Glag'ett (Kent and London). Erm. on a
fesse sa. three
devolved on Thomas Lobe, Esq., great-grandson through his pheons or. Crest —An head erased erm. ducally
mother of Challoneb Chute, Esq., of the Vine). Gu. three crowned betw. two wings sa.
swords barways, the points towards the dexter ppr. pomels Clamberlow. Quarterly, gu. and or, in the dexter quarter

and hilts or. Crest ^A dexter cubit arm in armour, the four lozenges in cross ar.
hand in a gauntlet grasping a broken sword in bend sinister Clamhow, or Clanebowe /Somersetshire). Paly of
ppr. pomel and hilt or. Motto —
Fortune de guerre. six or and az. on a fesse gu. three mullets with six points of
'Chute (Surrenden, co. Kent created a bart. 1684 extinct
; ; the first.
1721 descended from Philip Chute, of Appledore, Standard Clamond (Lansells, co. Cornwall). Ar. a chev. betw. three


Bearer to Henry VIII., who obtained, in recompense for fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest ^A grifBn seJMit or.
his gallant services at the siege of Boidogne, an augmenta- Clanhrasil, Baron. See Joceltn.
iiion to bis armorial bearings). Gu. semee of mullets or, Clancarty, Sari of. See Tbench.
three swords barways ppr. the middle-most encountering the Clancy (Ireland; the sept of McGlancha, or Clancy, of
other tnro ; a canton per fesse ar. and vert, thereon a lion of Dartry, co. flionaghan, was of Milesian origin). Ar. two hons

England. Crest Same as Chdte, co. Somerset. pass, guard, in pale gu. Crest —
A hand couped at the wrist
Chute, "Wig-gett-Ohute (The Vine, co. Hants, and erect, holding a sword impaling a boar's head couped all ppr.
Pickenham Hall, co. Norfolk; exemplified to William Ltdb Cland, or Clande (Essex). Ar. on a bend gu. three
Wiggett, Esq., on his assuming the additional name of escallops or.
'Chdte by royal licence in 1827, when he succeeded to the Clanxuorris, Baron. See Bingham.
•estates of Eev. Thomas Vebe Chute, the son of Thomas Clanny (Bishop Wearmouth, co. Durham). Ar. two liona
1-OBB, who had previously assumed the same name). Quar- pass, guard, in pale gu. quartering Mitchell, Crest —
terly, 1st and 4th, gu. three swords barways, the points hand gauntleted holding a dagger in pale, on the point
towards the dexter ppr., pomels and hilts or, for Ceute; thereof a woirs head couped close distilling drops of blood
2nd and 3rd, erm. three mullets, two and one, az. pierced ppr.
€U. on a chief wavy sa. u dove reguard. ppr., for Wiggett,
; Clanrlcarde, Iffarquess of. See Bdbee and Dk
Crests —
Ist: A dexter cubit arm in armour, the hand in a Bubgh.
gauntlet, grasping a broken sword in bend sinister ppr, ClanwiUiam, Sari of. See Meade.
pommel and hilt or, for Chdte; 2nd: A griphon's head Clapcott (Winterbom Abbas). Az. on a chev. or, betw.
couped sa., holding in the beak an ear of wheat ppr. betw. three herons ar. as many hurts.


Clapcott. Same Arms. Crest~ A hnciCa head couped sa. Monarchy). Barry of ten ar. and az. on a canton sa. i
armed or. ram's head couped of the first, armed with four horns or
Clapeham. Ar. on a bend sa. three covered cups of the Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a ram's head as in th(
and in sinister chief a quatrefoil slipped of the second.
field, arms.
ClaphanL (London and Northampton). Ar. on a bend az. Clarg:eis (Middlesex). The same, the ram's head erased ol

cotised gu. six fleurs-de-lis or, two, two, and two. €h-est — the first, &c.
lion ramp. sa. collared ar. holding a sword of the last, bilt Clarg-es (Sir Thomas Clabges, of London. Smith'-s Ordi-

or. nary). Az. a fleur-de-lis or, a border of the last verdy of

Glapham (Burley Grange, co. York). Ar. on a bend az. roses gu.
six fleurs-de-lis or, two, two, and two. Crest— A lion ramp. Glaridgre. Vaire, gu. and ar.

sa. Clarina, Baron. See Masset.

GlaphaziL (Warwickshire and Yorkshire, confirmed by the Clark (confirmed 1819 to William Clabk, Esq., of Steeple,
Deputies of Camden, Clarenceux, to JohnClapham, Esq., of CO. Antrim). Az. on abend betw. two crosses patee fitchee
Warwick, grandson of Thomas Clapham, co.
Willinghall, co. or, a torteau betw. two trefoils slipped vert. Crest A boar's —
York). Ar. on a bend sa. six fleuvs-de-lis or, two and two. head erased sa. transfixed through the jaws with a broken
Crest—A lion ramp. sa. holding in his dexter paw a sword spear ppr. Motto—1^ on eget jacuUs.
ar. pomel and hilt or. Clark. Or, a bend engr. az.
Clapham (Barnstaple, CO. Devon. Visit. 1620). Ar. on a Clark (Bridwell, in Halberton, co. Devon). Ar. on a bend
bend az. six fleurs-de-Hs or, two, two, and two. Crest — gu. betw. three pellets as many swans ppr.
lion ramp. sa. holding in his dexter paw a sword ar. hilt Clark (Buckland Tout Saints, co. Devon). Erm. a lion ramp,
and pomel or. az. on a chief sa. a leopard's face ar. betw. two crosses
Clapliam. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three gimlets sa. (another, crosslet or. Crest~A demi lion gu. collared or, on the
the chev. gu.). shoulder an estoile ar. in the paw a baton sa. Motto-
Clapham. Ar. on a chev. gu. a wine broach (or piercer) Victor mortalis est.
of the first. Clark (Bellsfield, Trowbridge, and Cumberland, Bradford,.
Glapp. Vaire gu. and ar. a quarter az. charged with the Wilts). Or on a bend betw, two crosses mohne gu. three

sun or. Crest A pike naiant ppr. swans ar. Crest —
A swan ar. ducally gorged and with
Clappeson. Or, a lion ramp. sa. betw. three parsley leaves chain reflexed over the back or, charged on the wings with
vert. an estoile gu. and resting the right foot on a cross moliue
Glare, iEarl of. See Fitzoibbon. also gu.
Clare (Earls of Hereford and Gtoucesterf and Lords of Clare, Clark (Bishop Wearmouth, co. Durham). Ar, on a bend
extinct 1313). Or, three chevs. gu. engr. gu. three swans ppr. Ci^est —
A swan ppr. reposing
Glare (commonly called Stbokgbow, Sari of Femlroke, his dexter foot on an ogress.
extinct 1176). Arms same as preceding, with a label of five Clark-TSTardla-w. See Wabdlaw.
points az. Clark (Werk, co. Northumberland). Ar. on a chev. betw.
Clare (co. Gloucester). Or, three chev. gu. three dragons' heads erased az. as many roses or. Crest—
Clare (co. Leicester). Same Arms within a bordure az. A dragon's head as in the arms. Motto Fortitude. —
bezant^e. Clark (Belford, co. Northumberland). Erm. on a chev.
Clare (Shropshire, confirmed to Symon Clake, of Croome embattled counterembattled betw. three dragons' heads
Dabitot, CO. Worcester, by Hervey, Clarenceux, 1^62). Or, erased az. a chaplet betw. two roses or. Crest A dragon's —
three chev. gu. within a bordure engr. az. Crest ^A stag's — head erased az. guttee d'or with a collar embattled coun-
head, cabossed gu. attired ppr. terembattled, arrondie, and charged on the neck with three
Clare (Caldwell Hall, Kidderminster, borne by Sir Ralph annulets interlaced gold. Motto— Yorlitudo.
Claeb, created a Knight of the Bath at the coronation of Clark (Tal-y-garn, co. Glamorgan). Gu. a fieur-de-lis' or,
Charles I. Visit. AVorcester, 1682-3). Same Amis and and a canton erm. Cre^t —A lion ramp, or, supporting a
Crest. shield gu. charged with a cross erm. placed upon a saltire
Glare (co. Pembroke). Ar. on a chief az. three crosses or, over the head "Try and Tryste." Motto—l^on major
pattee fitchge of the field. alio, non minor.
Glare. Az. a bend and chief indented or. Clark (Sir James Clark, Bart., M.D., of St. George's, Hanover
Glare. Erm. on a chev. sa. betw. three leopards' heads az. Square, First Physician in Ordinary to Her Majesty). Gu.
as many roses ar. a fesse chequy ar. and az. betw. two crescents in chief and
Clare. Or, a quarter gu. a lion pass, guard, in base or. Crest A rock therefrom —
Glare (Robert Clake, of Dublin Fun. Ent. ; of his wife Joan, rising a falcon ppr. belled or, and resting the dexter claw on
dau. of Edwaed Seable, of Abstain Hall, co. Herts, d. 20 —
a ducal coronet of the last. Motto Amat Victoria curam.
June, 1639). Or. three chevronels ermines. Clark (confirmed to James Johnston Clabk, Esq., of
Glare Hall (Cambridge). Ar three chevs. gu., for Clabe ; Largantogher House, Maghera, co. Londonderry). Gu,
impaling or, a cross ga., for Bevis, all within a bordure sa. three swords erect in pale ppr. hilts and pomels or, a canton
guttee d'or. ar. charged with a trefoil vert. Crest Out of a mural —
Clare, or Clarence (Honour of). Per chev. gu. and az. crown an arm embowed in armour, the hand holding a
two lions ramp, combatant or. dagger all ppr., the arm charged with a trefoil vert. Molto
Glarel. Gu. six martlets or. — Virtute et labore.
Glarell (Tickhill, afterwards of Aldwark, Yorkshire). Gu. Clark (John Clark, M.D., K.H., J 824). Sa. a mullet
six martlets ar. three, two, and one. of six points pierced or, within a bordure ar. charged with
Clareuaulx (Yorkshire). Sa. a saltire or, a mullet in chief three cross crosslets fitchee of the field. Crest— mullet of A
ar. six points ar. —
Motto Animo et scientiS.
Clarence (John de Clabenoe, natural son of the i)«te of Clark (Towebs-Clabk, of Wester Mofl'at, co. Lanark, 1867).
Per chev. gu. and az. in chief two lions com-
ClareTice). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a fess chequy ar. and sa. bet^r.
batant base a fleur-de-lis of the last.
or, in three crescents of the second, for Clabk; 2nd and 3rd, per
Clarence, Duke of. See Plantagenet. pale or and ar. on a bend az. three mullets of the first a
Clarendon, £!arl of. See Villiebs. —
bordure gu., for Towers. Crests A dexter hand holding
Clarendon. Or, on a bend sa. three ostrich feathers ar. bendways a scymitar ppr. hilted and pommelled or, for
passing through as many scrolls of the field (another, the Clabk; a tower or, masoned sa., for Towebs. Mottoei—
scrolls ar.). Fortiter, for Clabk Turris fortis mihi Deus, for Towebs.

Clarendon. Or, on abendsa. three ostrich feathers, pale- Clark (Achareidh, co. Nairn;. Gu. a bear sejantar. muzzled^
ways, ar. collared, and chained ppr. betw. three mullets, two and one,
Claret. Az. a rainbow in fesse ppr. betw. two estoiles in of the second. Crest— A bear, muzzle, collar, and chain, as
chief, and the sun in base, or. in the arms, holding a battle-axe erect ppr. Motto San* —
Clarevanx (Sir Richabd Clabevaux, temp, Edward IV.). chanirer; (over the crest), Dan ni h-andan.
Sa. a saltire or. Clark (Speddoch, co. Dumfries). Quarterly, 1st and 4tli,
Clargre. Barry of ten ar. and az. on a canton sa. a ram's riLABK, sa. an estoile pierced or, within a bordure of tlie
head couped of the first, having two straight and two bent last charged with three cross crosslets fitchee of the flrst,
horns or. Crest— A ram's head, as in the arms. 2nd 3rd, Gilchbist, az. the sun in splendour betw. two
Clarg-es (St.
Martin's-in-the-Fields, co. Middlesex, bart., crosses attee fitchee in chief and a mullet in base ar.
since of Aston, near Stevenage, co. Hertford, and Bitchfield Crest— WithL"^ a serpent in circle an estoile of the
Hall, CO Lincoln, extinct 1834. Anne sister of Sir Thomas, Motto—AxiSmo *it; amentia.
Clabges, Knt., father of the first bart., was wife of Gen. Berks, descended from John Clarke,
Clarke (Ardingtt"'^'
MoscK, afterwards J)uke qf Albemarle, the restorer of the of Inkpen, who aj^'^Pears in a list of Berkshire gentry


12 Henry VI. present representative Colonel Somerset-
: ramp, of the quartering erm. on a bend gu. three

MOLTNEUZ Wibehan-Clabke. Ar. on a fesse betw. three annulets or, on a chief az. three leopards' heads affronts
(sometimes sis.) crosses pattee &a. three plates. Crest >A — erased of the third. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a
cross pattee or, betw. a pair of wings erect expanded az. demi bull ramp. erm. homed of the first. Motto Esperance —

Motto Ahsit ut glorier nisi in cruce. en Dieu.
Claxke (Duke's Bridge House, Bungay Boyscott, co. Suffolk). Clarke (Hampshire). Ar. three escallops in pale betw. two
At. on abend gu. betw. three torteaux as many swans ppr. flaunches az. guttee d'or, on a chief of the second a bull's
Crest — ^A swan ppr. bead couped of the third, betw. two martlets of the
Clarke (Enfield; the dau.and co-heir of tbe late Dr. Joseph first.

Clabke m. Metmott). Ar. on a bend gu. betw. three pellets Clarke (Shrewsbury). Az. three escallops in pale or, betw
as many swans ppr. a canton sinister az. charged with a two flaunches erm. on a chief ar. three lions ramp, guard.
demi ram mounting ar. armed or, betw. two fleurs-deTlis in of the field. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, an arm
chief of the last on it a dexter baton ar. armed of the first.

Clarke (Bridwell House, co. Devon; Tremlett, co. Somer- Clarke. Or, three escallops in pale az. betw. two flaunches
set). Ar. on a bend gu. betw. three pellets as many swans of the last guttee d'or, on a chief of the second a bull's head
ppr. Chrest —
A lark rising holding in the beak an ear of erased, betw.two pewits (or doves) of the first.

wheat ppr. Motto Carpe diem. Clarke (London). Sa. on a bend engr. ar. three lozenges of
Clarke (Northamptonshire). Ar. on a bend gu. betw. three the first. Crest —A
talbot's head or, gorged with a fesse
ogresses as many swans ppr. —
Crest A lark with wings engr. az. charged with three lozenges gold.
expanded ppr. holding in the beak an ear of wheat or. Clarke (London). Sa. on a pale ar. the letter gn. Crest Y
Clarke (Spaldington, co. York). Az. three escallops in pale —On a plate ar. the letter Y
gu. over it a scroll with this
ar. betw. two flaunches erm. Motto —Ata ri^c grtvrjg.
Clarke (Dunham Lodge, Norfolk, bart.). Ar. on a bend Clarke (London). Ar. on a bend engr. az. a cross crosslet
cotlsed gu. betw. three annulets ea. as many swans of the fitchee or. Crest —A demi lion ramp, or, holding a cross
first. Cre3t —
A mount vert thereon a lark wings elevated crosslet fitchee az.
or, in the beak an ear of wheat ppr. the dexter claw resting Clarke (London). Gu. two bars ar. in chief three cinque-
on an annulet as in the arms. foils of the last. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi
Clarke (Shirland, co. Nottingham, bart.). Gu. three swords bull erm., armed, &c., or.
erect in pale ar. hilts or. Crest— A
hand couped at the Clarke (London). Per fesse ar. and gu. a pale counter-
wrist ppr. holding a sword as in the arms. changed, three greyhounds' heads erased of the second.
Clarke (Bedfordshire). Per chev. az. and ar. in chief three Clarke (Middlesex). Gu. three bars vert, in chief as many
leopards* heads or, in base an eagle displ. gu. Orest-^A goat plates.
sahent ar. attired or, against a pine tree ppr. Clarke (Werk, co. Northumberland). See Clark.
Clarke (Dundon, co. Buckingham). Per chev. az. and ar. Clarke (Sir John Clarke, of Stamford, Sheriff of North-
three eagles displ. cotmterchanged in chief a leopard's face amptonshire, temp. Henry VIII.). Az. fretty ar.
or. Crest —
^A goat ar. attired or, salient against a tree vert. Clarke (Oxfordshire augmentation granted for taking

Clarke (SnailweD, co. Cambridge, created bart. 1698, ex- prisoner Lewis D'Oleans, 5 Henry VIII., 1513). Ar. on
tinct 1806). Or, on a bend engr. az. a mullet ar. Crest— a bend gu. betw. three pellets as many swans ppr. for aug-
talbot'shead erased or. mentation a canton sinister az. thereon a demi ram mounting
Clarke (Hyde Hall, co. Chester, as borne by tbe descen- of the first, armed or, betw. two fleurs-de-lis of the last,
dants of George Clarke, Esq., Lieut.-Govemor of New York over all a dexter baton of the second. C}-est A ram's —
(son of George Clarke, of Swanswick, co. Somerset), who head ar. attired.
m. Anne, dau. and heir of Edward Htde, Esq., of Hyde Clarke (Sandford). Az. two bars or, on a chief of the last
Hall). Az. three escallops in pale or, betw. two flaunches three escallops sa.
erm. quartering the Arms of Htde. Crests Ist : —
pheon A Clarke (co. Somerset and London). Or, two bars az. in
ppr. ; 2nd : An eagle with wings expanded sa. beaked and chief three escallops gu. Crest An arm embowed in —
membered or. armour ppr. holding in the gauntlet an arrow or, headed
Clarke (Somersall, afterwards of Chilcote and Sutton, co. and feathered ar.
Derby : the male heir, Godfrey Bagnall Clarke, Esq.,
last Clarke (co. Hereford). Gu. two bars ar. in chief three
and heir m. Job Habt Price, Esq., who
d. in 1786, his sister escallops or. Crest —
An escallop quarterly gu. and or.
took the name of Clarke, and left an only dau. Amne, m. to Clarke (co. Somerset). Per chev. or and gu. three lions'
Walter, ist Marquess of Ormonde). Az. three escallops heads erased counterchanged.
or, betw. two flaunches erm. Crest —
In a gem ring or, set Clarke (cos. Somerset and Devon). Sa. three plates.
with a diamond sa. a pheon ar. I
Clarke (KetUeston, co. Suffolk; confirmed 20 Jan., 1559).
Clarke (co. Gloucester, and London, 1586). Or, two bars Ar. a chev. betw. three griffins' heads erased sa. en a chief
az. in chief three escallops of the second. CVest—Out of a of the last three mascles of the first. Crest Ar. elephant's —
ducal coronet or, a demi lion ppr. head, quarterly, gu. and or.
Clarke (co. Hereford. Her. Coll.). Ar. a cihev. betw. three Clarke (Ipswich, co. Suffolk). Or, two bars az. over all a
lions ramp. vert. Crest —
^A lion ramp, vert, holding a nag's head erased ar. in chief three escallops gu. —
pen ar. nag's head erased sa.
Clarke (co. Essex). Ar. on a fesse sa. betw. two chevs. of Clarke (Ipswich, co. Suffolk). Erm. on a bend engr. sa.
the second three crosses crosslet fitchee or. —A grey-
Crest three conger eels' heads erased ar. collared with a bar gemel
hound sejant sa. gu Crest —A conger eel's head erased and erect gu. collared
Clarke (Bridgar, co. Kent). Erm. three pales wavy sa. with a bar gemel or.
Crest —A fleur-de-lis per pale ar. and sa. Clarke (East Bareholt, co. Suffolk), Or, two chev. gu. a
Clarke (Ford, cos. Kent and Essex). Or, on a bend engr. canton of the last charged with an escallop of the field.
az. —
a cinquefoil of the first. Crest A greyhound's head Clarke (co. Suffolk). Gu. an inescutcheon betw. four lions
couped or, charged on tbe neck with a cinquefoil az. ramp, ar.
Clarke (Kent). Gu. on a fesse engr. or, betw. three cinque- Clarke (co. Northampton). Per pale gu. and or, a bend and
foils erm. two swans' necks erased sa. beaked gu. on their —
border counterchanged. Cre^t Out of a mural coronet ar.
necks three guttees d'argentfesseways. a cubit arm in armour, holding a scimetar ppr. hilted
Clarke (Kingsdown House, co. Kent). Az. a chev. ar. or.
betw. three swana ppr. Crest —A
demi griffin ar. issuing Clarke (Ashgate and Norton Hall, co. Derby). Gu. a bear

from flames ppr. Motto In medio tutissimus. ramp, ar. collared of the field betw, three mullets of
— the
Clarke (Kent; granted 1621). Barry of four vert and gu. second. Crest ^A bear ramp. az. collared and chained sa.

three plates. Crest A unicorn's head erased ar. crined and holding a battle-axe gu.
armed or, gorged with a collar gu. charged with three Clarke (Elm Bank, Leatherhead, co. Surrey). Gu. a bear
plates. ramp. erm. gorged with an eastern crown or, betw. three
Clarke (Kent). Erm. on a fesse gu. three bezants. —
mullets pierced ar. Crest A bear, as in the arms, gorged
Clarke (Kent). Sa. two pales wavy erm. with a naval crown or, line reflexed over the back gu.
Clarke (Handsworth, co. Stafford, formerly of Lincolnshire). supporting a battle-axe erect ppr. Motto Moenibus crede —
Erm. on a fesse gu. three bezants on a canton of the second ligneis.
a stag's head cabossed ar. Crest— A sinister wing or. Clarke (Norfolk). Or, on a bend engr. az. a, mullet 6i.
Clarke (Creeton, Lincoln, 1640). Gu. a saltire engr. betw. Crest —An eagle's leg gu. joined to a wing or.
three horses' heads couped one in chief and two in fesse or. Clarke (Welton-place, co. Northampton; John Plomeb,
Clarke (Summer HiU, co. Lancaster). Az. three escallops in assumed by Act of Parliament, 15 George, III., the name
pale or and two flaunches erm. on a chief ar. three lions and arms of Clarke, on inheriting the estates of his maternal


ancestors), Ar. on a bend gu. betw. three torteaux as many and sprouting, on each a Urk perched ppr., the wings
swans ar. Crest— A swan rising ar. ducally gorged and expanded, holding in the beak two wheat ears or.
chained or. Clarke (granted 10 March, 1806, to the heirs general of
Clarke (Ockley, co. Surrey). Per fesse ar. and az. on a William Clarke, Esq.," of Summer Island, co. Armagh,
fesse 6a. betw. three crosses patt€e in chief of the last, and exemplified 13 March, 1806, to Walter O'Donnell, Esq.,

a heron in baae of the first, three plates. Crest On a ducal of Summer Island, on his assuming, by royal licence, the
coronet or, a cross pattee of the last, betw. two phoenix name and arms of Clarke). Or, on a bend az. betw. three
wings expanded sa. —
torteaux as many swans ppr. Civst A demi ram erminoie.
Clarke (Salford, co. Warwict. See Woodchdech. These —
Motto Vir gregis.
arms were confirmed as a quartering by the Deputies of Clarkeson (co. Notts). Vert a stag trippant or (another,
Camden, Clarenceux, to Sir Simon Clabze, lOth in descent ppr.).
from Clarke Woodchdbch, who m. Sdsaw, dau. and heir of Clarkesone (Scotland). Ar. a vert betw. two

Henet Clarke). Gu. three swords in pale ar. Crest— crescents in the flanks gu. and a crosslet fitchee in base sa.
fleur-de-lis per pale ar. and sa. Clarkesonn. Ar. on a bend betw. two trefoils sa. three
Clarke (Westminster, co. Middlesex, and Yorkshire). Or, lozenges of the first. —
Crest A hand and arm couped

on a bend engr. az. an escallop ar. Crest A demi griffin, below the elbow in coat of mall ppr. holding in the hand
wings endorsed or, gorged with a collar engr. az. erect a sword ar. hilt and pomel sa. on the blade a pennon
Clarke (Yorkshire). Ar. on a bend engr. az. a cross crosslet flotant gu.
or. Crest —A demi lion or, holding in the dexter paw a Clarkson (Kenton, co. Nottingham. Visit. Notts). Ar, on
cross crosslet fitchee az. a bend engr. sa. three annulets or.
Clarke (Knedlington, co. York). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. Clary. Gu. three chev. or, a label of five points over all, in
three wolves' heads erased az. as many roses of the field, on chief az.

a canton sa. a lion's head erased or. Crest On a chapeau Clary. See O'Clart.
az. turned up erm. two wings expanded out of a ducal Clasby. Gu. a fesse betw. three rosea ar. (another, three
coi'onet, betw. them the word *' Elmer" in Saxon characters. cinquefoils ar.).

Motto ^Thetime will come. Claude. Barry wavy of six or and az. Crest —A demi
Clarke (Yorkshire). Or, a bend engr. az. unicorn ramp, collared ppr.
Clarke. Or, a cross raguly betw. four trefoils slipped vert. Claude. Vaire or and az.
Crest— A peacock's head erased ppr. in the beak a trefoil Claus. Az. EL chief erm. Crest —On the point of a sword in
slipped vert. pale a cross pattfie.
Clarke. a fesse ermines betw. three trefoils slipped
Or, Clavedon. Ar. three escallops gu. Crest—A pelican
vert. Crests —
A demi lion ramp. or. vulning herself ppr.
Clarke. Ar. a chev. betw tliree eagles' heads erased sa. Clavel, Clavell, or ClaviUe (co. Dorset, 1623). Ar.
on a chief of the second as many mascles of the first. on a chev. sa. three caps of maintenance ar. Crest—
Clarke. Quarterly, ar. and vert, a cross counterchanged. buck's head erased, and pierced betw. the horns by an
Clarke. Erm. the field replenished with trefoils slipped sa. arrow.
a fesse gu. Claver (Buckinghamshire). Sa. a bar gemel or, betw. three
Clarke. Ar. three ogresses. towers triple-towered ar. Crest—A lion's gamb couped and
Clarke. Ar. three ravens sa. erect or, holding a key sa,
Clarke. Sa. three fieurs-de-lis betw. seven crosses crosslet Claver. Quarterly, or and gu. a bend engr. sa.
ar. Claver. Sa. a fesse or, betw. three towers triple-towered
Clarke (Berks: granted to John Cb£EK[e:r Clabee, Esq., ar.
of Waste Court, Abingdon, co. Berks, M.P. for Abingdon, Clavering: (Baron Clavering, Robert Fitz Rooeb, son of
and J.P. for that borough, eldest sou of Bobebt Roger Fitz John feudal Baron of Warkworth and Clavering,
Clarke, Esq., of St. Giies's-in-the-Wood, co. Devon, assumed by the King's direction (Edward II.) the name of
by Graciana, his wife, dau. of John Ckeembr, of Clavering at the siege of Kaerlaverock, and was sum-
Exbourne, co. Devon, and to the other descendants of the moned to Parliament I295-131I. Barony passed to his
aforesaid Robert Clarke, his father). Vert on a bend dau. Eve, who m. Ist, Ralph UFroBD, 2nd Thosus de
ermine cottised or, betw. three crosses pattee ar. as many AuDLET, and 3rd, Robert Benhalt). Quarterly, or and

swans of the third. Crest In front of a mount overgrown gu. over all a bend sa.
with clover, a lark rising ppr. charged on the breast with a Clavering (Axwell Park, co. Durham, bart. also of White- ;

cross pattge ar., and in the beak an ear of wheat or. Motto house and Greencroft, in the same county; descended from
— Carpe diem. Sir Alan Clavering, younger son of Robert Ftrz Boqeb
Clarke- Jervoise, Bart. See Jervoise. Clavering, Baron Clavering). Quarterly, or and gu. a
Clarke-Tliomhill. See Thornhill, —
bend sa. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi lion
Clarke, or Clarkes. Sa. three tenter-hooks ar. ramp. az. (sometimes sa.).
Clarke (Sir William Clarke, knighted by Sir William Clavering: (Essex). Same Arms, the bend charged with
BossELL, Lord Deputy of Ireland, on a hill near Ennis- three mullets ar.
killen, 1 Sept. 1594). Gu. on a bend ar. three swans Clavering: (Callaly Castle, co. Northumberland). Same
sa. on a sinister canton per bend or and az. a demi goat —
Arms as Baron Clavering. Crest A cherub's head with
ramp. betw. two fleurs-de-lis all counterchanged. wings erect. Motto— Ad coelos volans.
Clarke (Ireland). Az. on abend engr. ar. three torteaux. Olavesley Sa. a chev. per pale ar. and or,
(co. Somerset).
Clarke (Cresses Green House, co. Cork, and Rossmore, same betw. three bulls' heads cabossed of the second, armed of
co.,bart. SeeTBAVERS). Ar. on a bend cottised gu. an eastern the third.
crown or, betw. two swans ppr, the whole within a bordure Clavill (quartered by Beaee, or Bebe, of Huntsham and
vert. Crest —
Out of an eastern crown gu. a demi dragon, Frankmarsh, co. Devon. Visit. 1620). Sa. three-keys ar.
wings elevated or. Motto— Const&ntia. et fidelitate. ClaviUe (Devonshire).Or, three keys gu.
Clarke (Ireland granted 1648). Erm. on a fesse betw. three
Clavill (co. Dorset). Vair a chief gu.
griffins' heads erased gu. as many bezants. Crest~A sea- Claxson (Eastgate House and Wotton Lodge, Gloucester).
horse vert. Gu. a fesse engr. paly erm. and or, betw. two porcupines in
Clarke (granted by St. George, Ulster, to Samuel Clarke, chief, and in base a stag lodged ar. attired and hoofed of the
Attorney-General to James, Duke of York, afterwards third. Crest —
A mount vert, thereon a stag lodged as in
James II. ; descended from the Clarkes, of Willoughby, co. the arms, the dexter forefoot supporting an escutcheon gu.
Warwick, 25 April, 1667). Ar. on a bend gu. ,betw. three charged with a porcupine ar.
pellets as many swans of the first, for augmentation, on Claxton (Cheshire). Gu. a chev. engr. betw. three harts
a sinister canton of the second a lion pass, guard, or, trippant ar. attired or.
betw. two flaunches er[n. Claxton (cos. Durham, Norfolk, York, and Kirton, co.
Clarke (Ireland, 1717, Simon Clarke, of Dublin, son of Notts. Visit. Notts). Gu. a chev. betw, three hedgehoga
John Clarke, of lloan, co. Meath). Gu. a saltire betw. ar. Crest—On a ducal coronet or, a hedgehog, as in the
four horses' heads erased or. Crest —
A horse's head erased Arms.
or, charged with a cross pattee gu. Claxton (CO. Suffolk). Gu. a fesse ar. betw. two hedgehogs
Clarke (granted 4 June, 1804, to William Clarke, Esq., of of the second, one in base, and one in the dexter quarter in
the city of Cork, son of Sylvester Clarke, who was chief; the sinister quarter, barry of tenar. and az. on a
second son of William Clarke, an officer in the army canton of the first three martlets ar. Crest—A hedgehog
of William III.) Ar. on a bend gu. cottised az. betw. sa. bezantee.
three pellets two swans of the first an antique crown or Claxton. Gu. on a fesse betw. three hedgehogs ar. a heart
betw. Crest— Oa the stump of a tree couped, eradicated, of the first.


Olazton. Gu. a chev. engr, ar. betw. three bucks Bpring- Clayton (Bamside, co. Lancaster). Ar. on u, bend sa.
ing of the Gecond, attired or. three roses or, a crescent for diff.
Clay (London). Per pale vert and sa. a lion ramp. erm. Clayton (co. Stafford. Quartered by Sir Bichabd Byhon,
betw. three escallops ar. Crest —
^A lion's head per pale vert of Byron and Clayton, co. Lancaster, ancestor of Lord
and sa. charged with an escallop ar. Byron. Visit. Notts). Ar. on a bend az. three annulets or,
Clay. Ar. three wolves sa. two in chief combatant, one in in sinister chief a cross crosslet fitchee sa.
base pass. Clayton (Harwood Parva, co. Lancaster, and Bushbury, co.
Clay (Fulwell Lodge, co. Middlesex, bart.). Ar. a chev. Staiford ; the heir m. Gbosvenos, of Bushbury). Ar. a bend
engr. paly sa.and or, betw. three trefoils of the second. sa. betw. three mullets gu.
Crest —
Two wings ar. each charged with a chev. engr. betw. Clayton (Thouas Clayton, M.D., King's Professor of
three trefoils slipped sa. Motto^Per orbem. Physic, Head Master of Pembroke College, d. 10 July, 1647,
Clay (Fiercedeld, co. Monmouth). Ar. a chev. engr. sa. Quillvm). Sa. an owl and chief indented ar.
betw. three trefoils of the second. Crest Two wings ar. — Clayton, or Cleyton (Sheffield). Ar. a cross sa. on a
Afoiio— Clarior virtus honoribus.
displ. canton gu. a fleur-de-lis of the first.
Claydon (Ashdowne, co. Essex, and London). Ar. a fesse Clayton. Gu. a fesse indented ar. betw. three owls' heads
dancettee sa. betw. three escallops gu. Crest A demi hon — erased of the second.
ramp. az. vulned on the shoulder gu. murally crowned ar. Clasrton. Chequy gu. and or, two chev. ^a.
holding in the paws a cross flory fitchee of the second. Clayton. Per pale az. and vert, a lion ramp. or.
Claydon. Ar. a cross betw. four pellets. Crest An arm — Clayton-East, Bart. See East.
in armour brandishing a sword ppr. Jfoiio— Probitatem Cleare (Stokesby, co. Norfolk). Ar. on a fesse az. three:
quam divitias. martlets or.
Claye, or Cley (Cryche, co. Derby). a chev. engr. Cleare, or Glere. Ar. a fesse az. in the dexter point a
betw. three trefoils sUpped sa. Ci-est —^TwoAt.wings expanded lion pass. gu.
ar. semee of trefoils slipped sa. Cleare, or Clere. Ar. a fesse az. on a canton gu. a lion
Claye, or Cley (Tells, co. Salop). Per fesse vert and sa. pass, of the first.

a lion ramp. erm. betw. three escallops ar. Crest Same as — Cleare (Fun. Ent. of James Cleare, buried at St. Audeons,
Clay, London. Dublin, 1 Feb. 1675). Az. the sun in splendour or.
Clayfl^eld. Gu. a pale or, five roundles in saltire counter- Cleare (Fun. Ent. of Kathsibine Cleabe, wife of Sir

changed. Crest A blackamoor^s head couped sa. • Thomas Mastebson, Knt., of Ferns, buried at Kilkenny,
Clayhills (Innergowrie, Scotland). Per bend sanguine and 30 Jan. 1596). Ar. on a fess az. three eagles displ. or.
vert, two greyhounds courant bendways ar. Orest An arm — Clearg:es. Or, three fieurs-dc-lis az. within a bordure ar.
holding an imperial crown ppr. Motto —
Corde et animo. '
charged with three roses gu.
Clayle. Ar. three martlets gu. Cleather (St. Cleather, Cornwall, and Cherton, co. Wilts,
Clayll, or Claryll. Ar. six martlets gu. granted temp. Edwabd I.). Az. a chev. betw, three daggers
Claymond. Ar. three hurts betw. six cross crosslets fltchce with waved blades, the points to the base ar. Crest —
gu- cubit arm vambraced, holding erect a dagger as in the
Claypoll. Erm. on a chief or, two bends az. arms.
Clayton (Marden, co. Surrey, bart.). Ar. a cross sa. betw. Cleather. Per saltire ar. and sa. three palets counter-
four pellets. Oreat—A leopard's gamb erased and erect ar. changed. Crest —A sandglass winged ppr.
grasping a pellet. Mottoes —^Virtus in actione consistit, Cleaver. Or, a chev. ermines betw. three cords erased at
and Quid leone fortius, each end and tied in knots vert. Crest An arm erect —
Clayton (Hedgerley Park, co. Bucks). Same ArmSj Crest, couped at the elbow, vested ar. holding in the hand ppr. a
and Mottoes. chaplet of thorns \ ert.
Clayton (Lord Mayor of London, 1680). Same ArmSj &c. Cleaver. Sa. two bars or, betw. three towers ar. Crest —
Clajrton (Newcastle). The same Arms, the cross engr. A lion's gamb couped or, grasping a key sa.
Clayton (Adiington, co. Lancaster, extinct bart. Hen- Cleborne (Kellerby, co. York). Ar. three chev. interlaced
EiETTA, dau. and heiress of Sir Righabd Clayton, m. Gen. in base sa. a chief of the last.
BoBERT Browne, second son of Eobert Bbowne, Esq., of Clebnry. Ar. a chev. betw. three stags sa.
Browne's Hill, co. Carlow, and her son now enjoys the Clece. Az. a wolf saliant ar.
estates). Ar. a cross engr. sa. betw. four torteaux. Crest — Clederow. Sa. on a chev. betw. three eagles displ. with
dexter arm embowed, the hand grasping a dagger, the point two necks ar. five annulets gu.
to the dexter, all ar. Motto— Frobita,tem quam divitias. Cledero'W. Az. on a bend betv. three martlets or, as many
Clajrton (Crooke, co. Lancaster, 1664). Same Arms. Crest martlets of the field.
— An arm embowed vested sa. holding a sword point down- Cledero'W. Gu. on a bend or, three mullets az.
wards ppr. Clederow. Gu. a saltire engr. or.
Clayton (Thelwall, co. Chester). Modern Arms, 8&me as Clederow. Az. (another, gu.) three covered cups or.
last. Ancient Anns — Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar.; 2nd and Cleere St. Az. the sun in splendour ppr.
3rd, gu.a fret or, in the first quarter a mullet sa. Crest— Cleevaulx. Or, a saltire gu.
naked arm embowed, holding a dagger, all ppr. Cleeve. Ar. on a fesse betw. three foxes' heads erased sa.
Clayton (Norfolk), Az. a cross engr. sa, betw. four tor- —
as many mullets or. Crest A fox's head erased sa.

teaux. Crest A unicorn couchant ar. maned, armed, and Clegrat (Kent). Erm. on a fesse sa. three pheons or. Crest
ungule«i or, under the dexter foot a bezant. — An eagle's head erm. ducally crowned and beaked or^
Clajrton (Norwich; Rev. William Eat Clayton, whose betw. two wings sa.
only child, Mary-Anra-Rat, m. in 1836, the Eev. Abthde Clegrg" (Allerton, co. Lancaster). Sa. on a fesse betw. two
LopTOS, A.M., Sector of Fincham, co. Norfolk, second son of lions pass, counterpass. ar. a mullet of the first pierced of
the late General Loftus, by the Lady Elizabeth, his the second. Crest —
An eagle rising ar.
second wife, dau. of Geobge, first Marqiiess Townshend). Clegrg' (Little Clegg, co. Lancaster). Sa. a compound cross,
Same Arms and Cr^t. the upper and lower arms.being cross crosslets fitchee, the
Clayton (Lostock Hall, Leyl^d, co. Lancaster). Same side arms being plain crosses, all conjoined in the centre
Arms, the cross charged with a lion pass. or. Crest — betw. four acorns ar. Crest —
A griffin's head couped.
dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet JIfoMo— Qui potest capere capiat.
grasping a sword in bend sinister, ttie point downwards ppr. Olegrhorn (Scotland). Per pale indented sa. and ar. on the
pomel and hilt or, pendent from the wrist by a ribband an last a mullet of the first. Ci-est —A dexter hand issuing
esentc'ieon gold, charged with a griffin's head erased az. from a cloud in the sinister, holding a branch of laurel, all
Clayton (Enfield Old Park, co. Middlesex, originally of ppr. 3/<)t(o— Insperata floruit.
Yoikshire; derived immediately from John Clayton, of Clegrhorn (Spain, originally of Scotland). Per fesse ar. and
London, Merchant, who resided at Forty Hill, Enfield. His az. three martlets counterchanged. Crest An arm in —
only son, Samdel Clayton, Esq., 6. in 1690, purchased in armour embowed, throwing a dart ppr. JI/o((o— Sublimia,
1735, Enfield Old Park). Ar, a saltire betw. four martlets petimus.
gu. Crest —
^A dove with an olive branch in its bill all ppr. Cleiveland (The Lowe, Lindridge, co. "Worcester; Eev.

Motto Quod sors fert ferimus. William Cleiveland. Eector of All Saints, Worcester, m.
Clayton (Kettlewell, co. Essex). Same Arms. 1725, Elizabeth, dau. and heiress of Joshua Lowe, Esq.,
Clayton (Little Harwood, and Lentworth, co. Lancaster). their son Bev. William Cleiveland, inherited the Lowo
Ar. on a bend sa, eotised gu. three roses or. estate). Per chev. sa. and erm. a chev. engr. counter-
Clayton (Doneraile, co. Cork. Fun. Ent. of John Clayton, changed. C^«e—The head and neck of a white fishing eagle
of that place, gent., son of John Clayton, Esq., of Thelwall, erased ppr.
CO. Chester, d. 1 July, 1637). Same Arms, Cleland (that Ilk, co. Lanark). Az. a hare saliant ar. with


a bunting horn vert, garnished gn. banging about the neck. Clenedon (co. Wilts). Ar. three escallops gu. within a
Crest— A falcon standing on a sinister hand glove ppr. bordure engr, sa.

Supporters ^Two greyhounds ppr. Mottoes—'Non sihi; and Clenehond. Per chev. engr. sa. and erm.
VoT sport. Clener. Ar. three covered cups sa.
Cleland (Faskine, Scotland). The same, with the addition Clent Worcester quartered by Fountaine. Visit. Wor-
(co. ;

of a chief ar. charged with a sword fesseways az. hilt and cester, 1634). Ar. a fesse wavy betw. tliree Uons' gambs
pomelor. —
Crest A falcon rising ppr. Motto Sipouvois.— erased and bendways sa. Crest— Two hons' gambs, erect'
Cleland (Edinburgh, 1672). Az. a hare saliant guard, ar. sa. holding a chaplet vert, flowered or.
with a hunting horn hanging about the neck vert, garnished Clephan (Carslogie, Scotland). Ar. a lion ramp. gu. on the
gu. within a bordure counter compony of the second and —
head a helmet az. Crest A dexter hand holding a helmet
first. Crest —
A buclc standing at gaze ppr. Crest—Ne cadam ppr. Motto —
TJt sim paratior.
in insidias. Clephane (Gen. William Douglas Clrphane, of Carslogie,
Clellaud (Barbadoes, 1692). Az. a hare saliant ar. with a m. the dan. and heir of Maclean, of Torloisk. Their dau.
hunting horn round the neck vert, garnished gu. within a and heir m. the 2nd Marquis of North i.mjtton). Quarterly,
bordure wavy of the second, charged with three crescents 1st and 4th, ar. a lion ramp, gu., in the dexter chief point

and as many roses of the last. Crest A rose gu. barbed an esquire's helmet az. 2nd and Snl, ar. a heart gu. regally

and stalked vert. Motto Fragrat delectat et sanat. crowned ppr. within a bordure az. charged with eight '

Clemell. Az. a naked arm embowed a maunch hanging buckles or,on a chief of the fourth three mullets of the'
from the shoulder, holding in the hand a baton all ppr. first, for Douglas, of Kirkness. Cre^t and Motlo, at; the last.
Clement (Chardstock, co. Dorset, and Plymouth, co. Devon. —
Supporters Two unicorns ar. horned, hoofed, and maned sa.
Visit. Devon, 1620). Ar. two bends wavy gu. on a chief of Clepole (Narborough, co. Notts). Or, a chev. az. betw.

the last, three estoiles or. Crest On a mount vert a griffin three hurts. Crest —A fleur-de-lis enflled with a ducal
sejant or. coronet or.
Clement (Kent). Ar. two bends wavy sa. on a chief gu. Clepsey. Gu. a fesse betw. three lozenges ar.
three leopards' faces or. Clerbeck. Erm. three bars gu. each charged with as many
Clement. Ar. two bends wavy sa. betw, as many leopards' crosses pattee or.
faces gu. within a bordure of the third. Clere (Ormsby, co. Norfolk). Ar. on a fesse az. three eagles
Clement. Ar. two bends wavy sa. on a chief gu. three displ. or. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of
leopards' faces or, all within a bordure gobony of the first ostrich feathers ar. AnotJier Crest —
The sun or, betw. two
and az. wings az. on each a crescent gold.
Clement (Kent). Erm. three garbs gu. within a bordure sa. Clere (Kilkenny, Fun. Ent. of Kathebine Glebe, wife of Sir
bezantee, a canton of the arms of Longvill. Thomas Masteeson, Knt, of Ferns Castle, co. Wexford.
Clement (Norfolk). Gu. three garbs ar. within a bordure She d. 1596). Arms same as last.
sa. bezantee. Crest~A lion pass. ar. guttle de sang. Clere (Kilbury, CO. Tipperary: the heiress. Mart Glebe, m.
Clement. Paly of six ar. and az. a fesse gu. Sir William Pabsons, 4th bart. of Birr Castle, King's Co.).
Clement. Ar. three bars nebulee and a bend sa. on a chief Same as last.
sru. as many leopards' faces or. Clere (London, Haggerstone, co. Middlesex, and Barking, co,
Clement. Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three portcullises or. Essex; claiming descent from the ancient Norfolk family
Clement (Lower Clapton, co, Middlesex). Per fesse indented of Glebe, a branch of which became seated at Kilbury, co, ;

ar. and gu. three garbs counter changed, all within a bordure Tipperary). Ar. on a fess engr. az. three eagles displ. or, and
sa.charged with ten crosses crosslet of the first. Crest — —
in chief a trefoil ppr. Crest Out of an antique liish crown
sang gorged with a collar and charged
lion pass. ar. guttee de or, five ostrich feathers ar. —
3Iotto Virtute non verbis.
on the body with two crosses crosslet in fesse gu. Clere (Cornwall). Per pale az. and or, a sun (another, three
Clement (Fun. Ent. of Abraham Clement, d. at Killenacrat, suns) counterchanged.
CO. Cavan, 5 April, 1677). Ar. two bends wavy sa. on a Clere. Gu. three pears or. Crest —A camel's head ducally
chief gu. three bezants. gorged ppr. bridled gu.
Clements {Earl of Leitrim). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. two Clere. Ar. a cross betw. four estoiles gu.
bends wavy sa. on a chief gu. three bezants, for Clements ; Clere. Az. a wolf salient ar.
2nd and 3rd, per pale indented or and gu., for Bebmingham. Clergymen's Widows and Children (The Society

Great A hawk ppr. Supporters —
Dexter, a buck ppr., in its for the Relief of. Granted by Dui:dale, Garter, and St.
mouth a trefoil; sinister, a buck ppr. plain collared or. George, Clarenceux, 1684). Lozengy ar. and sa. on a chief
Motto — Patriis virtutibus. purpuve a cross pattee or, betw. two books open of the first
Clem.ents (Ashfield Lodge, co. Cavan). Same Arms, Crest garnished and clasped of the fourth. Crest A female —
and Motto, without Bbrmingham quartering. figure, the emblem of charity, standing on a wreath vested
Clements (LncAs-CLEMSNTs, granted 23 July, 1823, to in a loose garment sa., head, breast, hands, and feet, ppr.
Theophilds Edwabd Lucas, Esq., of Rathenny, co. Cavan, hair dishevelled or, accompanied with thiee naked boys,
on his assuming by royal licence the additional surname and one on the dexter side and one in each arm of the second
arms of Clements). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar.two bendlets crined of the third.
wavy sa. on a chief gu. three bezants, for Clements 2nd ; Clerk (Fennycuick, co. Edinburgh, bart. 1679). Or, a fesse
and 3rd, ar. a fess betw six annulets gu., for Locas. Crests chequy az. and ar. betw, two crescents in chief gu. and a
—1st: A hawk close ppr. belled and jessed or; 2nd: A demi boar's head couped in base sa. Crest A demi huntsman —
gryjlion ar. beaked and membered or. Motto—Paiviis vir- winding a horn ppr. over it this Motto Free for a blast.—
tutibus. —
Supporters The dexter, a savage, wreathed about the head
Clementson. Ar. onaehev. az. three wheat sheaves or. and middle with oak, in the dexter hand a bow with quiver
Great —
An arm from the elbow ppr. vested paly gu. and or, of arrows slung over the shoulders and the skin of a wild
cuff counterc handed, holding a palm branch ppr. beast hanging behind the back all ppr. the sinister, a ;

Clemsby (Leicestershire). Ar. a Hon ramp. purp. crowned Druid priest with flowing beard ppr. vested and hooded ar.
or. Crest—'A tower ppr. holding in the sinister hand a branch of oalt acorned ppr.
Clench, or Clynch. (Ireland, and Bridgenorth, co. Salop). —
Motto Amat victoria cuvam.
Gu. a saltire or, in chief an annulet of the last. Clerk (Mavis Bank). As Pennycuick within a bordure gu.
Clench. (Harksted, co. Suffolk). Gu. six annulets or, conjoined charged with eight bezants. Crest— As of Pennycuick.
in pairs, two pairs in chief, and one in base, a chief of the —
Motto Amat victoria curam.
second (another, without the chief). Crest— Ont of a Saxon Clerk (Bralaccan, co. Argyll, 1754). Or, a fess chequy
crown or, (on the verge of the crown this Motto ^Tien le — az. and ar. betw. three boars' heads sa. Crest— A dexter
Droit) an arm erect, couped at the elbow, vested gu. cuEfed hand couped at the elbow brandishing a broad sword all
ar. holding in the hand ppr. a club vert, spiked of the first.
Clench. Az. a bend vair double cottised or. Crest—
ppr. Motto —
Fortiter ubique.
Clerk (James Hamilton Clebk, Lieut. R.N,, 1778). Cfu.a
reindeer's head cabosseU ppr. fess chequy ar. and az. in chief a crescent of the second
Clench. Gu. a bend indented point in point ar. and sa. betw. two cinquefoils erm. and in base a dnquefoil of the
cottised or. last betw. two crescents of the second. Crest—An oak tree
Gu. (another, az.) a bend nebulee ar. cottised or.
Sa. a fesse dancett^e (anpther, indented) betw.
fructed ppr. Motto —
In robore decus.
Clerk (Norwich). Or, a fesse chequy az. and ar. betw, three
three bugle horns or. Crest— A stag's head ppr. betw. the crescents in chief gu. and a boar's head couped sa. betff,
attires a cross pattee ar. two mullets of the fourth in base, all within a bordure engr.
Clendon. Or, a lion ramp, sa. (another, az.) crowned gu. of the fifth. Crest —
A demi forester ppr. on the breasta
Clenedon (co. Somerset. Vielt, Devon, 1620). Erm. three star ar. —
Motto Amat victoria curam.
escallops gu. Clerk (Edmonton, co. Middlesex; Pelix Clebk, son «
A -


HiTMPHBET Ci^EBE, by ELIZABETH, dau. and heiress of Isaac Cleure. Ar. a covered cup sa.
Manning, of London, and grandson of James Clerk, of Cleve. See Clive, Huxley, co. Cliester.
Kendal, co. Westmoreland, descended out of the co. York. Clave, or Clive (London and Colney Hatch, co. Middle-
Visit. Middlesex, 1663). Or, on a bend engr. az. an escal- sex). Same Arms and CVeai as Cuve, of Styche, the fesse
lop ar. quartering for Manning, gu. three crosses botonee in the arms betw three wolves' heads erased sa.
or. Orent —
A demi griffin or, gorged with a fess engr. az. Cleve, or Clive 'Walford, co. Salop). Same Arms. Cresf
Gierke (Hitcham, co. Buckingham, bart.). Ar. on a bend \ —A wolfs head erased per pale dancettee ar. and sa.
gu. betw. three pellets is many swans of the field, on a Cleve. Ar, an escarbuncle sa.
sinister ciinton az. a demi ram salient of the first and in Cleve. Az. an escarbuncle of eight rays or, over all an
chief two fleurs-de-lis or, over all a baton trunked. Crest — escutcheon sa.
A ram's head couped ppr. Cleveden. ramp, gu. crowned az.
Or, a lion
Gierke (granted 25 May, 1761). Chequy ar. and az. two Clevedou 'Essex). Or, a lion ramp. az. crowned gu.
chev. gu. on a canton or, an anchor sa, Orest—0^xt of a Clevedon. Or, a lion ramp, crowned sa.
naval coronet or, a Moor's head ppr. Clevedon (quartered by Hillersden, of Memland, co.-
Gierke (John Clerk, Auditor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Devon. Visit. 1620). Ar. three escallops gu. a border sa.
temp. Henry VII. Visit. Hunts, 1618). Barry of four gu. Clevehoxmd. Per chev. engr. sa. and erm.
and vert three plates, two and one. Cleveland, Dnke of- See Vane.
Gierke (Dudley, co. Worcester, luartercd by Kuding, of Cleveland. Per chev. sa. and erm. a chev. engr, counter-
Westcoates, co. Leicester), Same as the preceding, quar- —
changed. Crest A demi old man ppr. habited az. having
tering Watercroft. on a cap gu. rurned up with a hair front, holding in the
Gierke (certified by St. George, Clarenceux, 1633, to dexter hand a spear headed ar. on the top of which is fixed
Hdmphbey Clekke, of Edmonton, co. Middlesex, gent.). a line ppr. passing behind him, and coiled up in the sinister
Or, on a bend engr. az. an escallop ar. Crest A demi — hand.
griffinwings endorsed or, gorged with a collar engr. az. Cleveley. Ar. two chev. sa. each charged with five horse-
Gierke (Ford, co. Kent. Philipott's Visit. Kent, 1619). Or, nails or.
on a bend engr. az. a cinquefoil of the first. Crest A grey- — Clever (co. Hertford, 1684). Or, three bars az. in chief three
hound's head or, charged on the neck with a cinquefoil az. mascles sa. on a canton of the last a fesse ar.
Gierke. Or, two bars az. on a chief of the last three escallops Clever, or Clevere. Ar. a covered cup sa.
of the first. Crest —
In clouds ppr. a hand ar. holding a Cleverill. Gu. a cross betw. two fusils in chief or, and
branch vert. as many bucKs' heads erased ar. armed of the second in base.
Gierke (Westholme, co. Somerset). Or, a fesse chequy az. Clevland (Tapley, co. Devon). Az. a hare salient or,
and ar. betw. two crescents in chief gu. and a boar's head collared gu. to the collar a buglehorn pendent sa. Crest —
couped in base sa. all within a bordure of the second. Crest cubit arm erect, vested az. cuffed ar. holding in the hand

and Mottoes A demi huntsman winding a horn ppr., over ppr. a dagger of the second, hilt and pomel or. Motto~-
it "Free for a blast:" below arms, '* Amat victoria Audaces juvat.
curam." Clew, or Clewe. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three nails sa.
Gierke (Burford, co. Somerset). Same as the preceding. Cleybrooke (Nasch Court, in Thanet, co. Kent;. Ar. a.

Gierke. Or, on a bend angr. az. a muUet pierced ar. cross formee gu.
Crest —
On a partridge ppr. an eagle's leg gu. winged at the Cleypool, or Claypoole. Or, a chev. az. betw. three
thigh or. torteaux, a bordure engr. vert.
Gierke. Or, two bars az. in chief three escallops ju. Crest Cleyro. Gu. a saltire engr. or.
—An arm holding an arrow ar. feathered or. Clibborn. Ar. a chev. voided betw. three wolves' heads sa.
Gierke. Az. a fesse or, on a chief of the last three escallops on a chief of the an escallop betw. two round buckles of
gu- the field. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet a wolfs head sa.
Gierke. Gu. a saltire betw. four boars' heads couped or, Motto — Virtus vincit invidiam.
Gierke. Gu. a saltire (another, engr.) betw. four horses' Clibborn (Moaie Castle, co. Westmeath). Same Arms,
heads couped or. Crest, and Motto.
Gierke. Quarterly, Ist and 4th, gu. a saltire betw. four Cliburne (Clibume, co. Westmorland). Ar. three chev..
boars' heads or; 2nd and 3rd, az. a chev. oetw. three .interlaced in base sa. a chief of the last.
leopards' heads ar. Cliderow. Sa. on a chev. betw. three eagles displ. ar. five
Gierke. Erm. a fesse gu. betw. ten trefoils slipped sa. annulets gu.
Gierke. Or, on two bars gu. three bezants. Clidero"we (Cheshire). Or, a saltire engr. gu.
Gierke. Sa. three plates. Cliderowe (co. Kent). Ar. three covered cups and a-
Gierke. Or, a cross raguly betw. four trefoils slipped vert. bordure engr. sa.
Crest —
^An eagle's head erased ar. in the beak a branch of Cliderowe. Gu. on a bend ar. three mullets of the first.
laurel vert. Cliderowe. Sa. three leopards' faces or, jessant-de-lis
Glerksou (Kirkiton and Mansfield Woodhouse, co. Notting- ar.
ham). At. on a bend engr. sa. ihree annulets or. Crest — Clifden, Viscount. See Aqar-Ellis.
A hand and arm clad in complete armour lying fesseways Cli£fe (COS. York, Devon, and Essex). Ar. three popinjays
ppr. couped below the elbow gu. grasping in the gauntlet a vert. Crest —An archer ppr. coat vert, shooting an arrow
sword erect ar. hilt and pomel or, on the blade i split from a bow of the first.
pennon of the second flotant towards the sinister. Cliffe. See Clive, £arl of Powis.
Glenuont. Gu. the field replenished with trefoils, two Cliffe (confirmed to Anthony Cliffe, Esq., of Bellevue, co.-

dolphins endorsed ar. Crest A savage ppr. wreathed about Wexford; descended from John Cliffe, of Westminster,
the head and middle with leaves vert and standing on a who accompanied Cromwell's army to Ireland, 1649, and
serpent of the last. obtained extensive grants of land there). Erm. on a fess
Glermont. Gu, two pikes haurient in pale betw. nine tre- betw. three wolves' heads erased sa, a trefoil betw. two-
foils slipped or. —
Crest A polecat ppr. mullets or. CVfisi— A wolf s head erased quarterly per pals
indented or and sa. Motto— In cruce glorior.
Glermont, Baron. See Fortescue.
Clerowe. Gu. a saltire engr. or. Cliffe (Witley, co. Salop^ and Matherne, co. Hereford Alait ;

Clervaux (Croft, co. York, descended from Sir Hamond de Cliffe, Esq., of Witley, was sheriff of Worcester, 1691). Ar,
Clervadlx, temp. Conquest, and represented by Chattor). on a fesse betw. three griffins' heads erased sa. as many
Sa. a saltire or, C^'es(—An eagle displ. (sometimes a heron) mullets of the field (7r£8i—Two lions' paws in saltire, erased^

PPT. each holding a seax (a knife or dagger) in pale ppr.

Clervaux, or Clervaxilx (1267). Or, a saltire sa. Cliffon. Ar. three bendlets gu.
Caery. See O'Cleey. Clifford. Chequy or ana az. a fesse (or bendletj gu. The-
Clesby (Clesby, co. York). Ar. three bends engr. gu, a Cliffords of Bobbing Court, co. Kent, bore chequy or and
canton ermines. sa. a fesse and bordure gu. on the fesse a crescent ar.,
Clesby (co. York). Gu. a fesse ar. in chief two plates. which ccat they q,uartered with Sav.\ge: these Arms of
Crest —A deer pass. ppr. Clifford are on the roof of the cloisters of Canterbury
Clesby, Same Arms. —^An
Crest gu,
ensign ppr. coat Cathedral, and in St. Margaret's Church, in that city,
holding a baimer of the last. impaled with Savage. The first Lord Clifford bore chequy
Clesby (co. York). Gu. two bends ar. a canton erm. or and az. a bendlet gu. which the elder line kept as
Clesby. Gu. a fesse betw. three fusils (another, lozenges; long as it continued. A second son turned the bendlet
another, cinquefoils) ar, into a bend, and placed on it three lioncels pass, or ; from
Clespesby (Clespesby). Quarterly, ar, and 8a. on a bend him the Cliffords of Frampton descend. Kogbb Clifford.
gu, three mullets pierced of the first, son of Walter the first, for the bendlet took a fess« gi'.
; »


which was borne by the Saris of Cumherlandj and others of Clifton (London, Herts and Middlesex), Sa. on a bend
that branch. ar. three mullets gu. in the sinister chief a fleur-de-lis or.
>CUf£oTd{Earlof Cfumberlandf created 1525, extinct 1643). Clifton (Harrington, co. Somerset). Sa. a lion ramp, betw,
Chequy or and az. a fess gu. Orest— Out of a ducal coronet eight einquefoils and a trefoil in chief slipped ar.
or, a wyvern risinff gu. Supporters —Dexter, a wyvern gu. Clifton (co, York). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. armed gu. withia
sinister, a monkey ppr. chained or. Motto — Desormais. an orle of eight einquefoils of the second.
-Clifford (Sir Lewis Cliffobd, K.G., temp. Kichard II., Clifton (Sheriff of Norfolk, temp. Henry VI.). Sa. semSe of
younger son of Robert, Lord Clifford). Cliequy or-and az. einquefoils and a lion ramp, or, within a bordure sa. verdoy
a less gu. a border of the last. of trefoils ar.
Clifi-ord {Baron Clijford of Chudleigh). Chequy or and az. Clifton. Sa. a lion ramp. ar. langued and armed gu, within

a fesse gu. Oi-est -Out of a ducal coronet or, a wyvern a bordure of the second, charged with eight trefoils, slipped
rising gu. Supporters —
Two wyverns purpure. Motto — of the field,

Semper paratus. Clifton (arms in awindow in Dorchester Church, co. Oxford.

Clifford (bart. extinct). Chequy or and az. on a chief ar. a Visit. Oxon). Sa. a lion ramp, ar, debruised by a bend
mullet of the second. Crest— A leopard guard, holding in
the dexter paw a spear erect, all ppr. Motto ^Virtus mille — Clifton. Ar. a lion ramp. az. armed gu.
scuta. Clifton. Gu. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or,
"Clifford (Perristone, Hereford), Chequy or and az. a
co. Clifton. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three roses gu.
fesse gu., quartering Morgan of Tredegar. Crest ^AgriflBn — Clifton. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three einquefoils gu.

segreant sa. Motto Semper paratus. Clifton. The same, within a bordure gobonated or and as.
Clifford (co. Hereford). Same Arms, the fess charged with Clifton. Gu. five bendlets ar.
three einquefoils ar. Clifton. Gu. billettee a lion ramp. ar.
Clifford (Bishop of Worcester, 1401-7). Chequy or and az. Clifton. Ar. a lion ramp, az, debruised with a bendlet or.
on a fess gu. a mitre stringed ar. a border of the second. Clifton (quartered by Bromley, in Harl. MS., 1507). Ar.
Clifford (Kent). Chequy or and az. a fesse and bend gu. on a fesse sa. betw. six fleurs-de-lis gu., three cross crosslets
'Clifford (Kent). Chequy or and az. a fesse gu. within a or.
bordure engr. of the third, bezant^e. Clinch. Vert, a lion ramp. ar. Crest —On a hand, couped
Clifford (co. Somerset). Chequy or and az. a bend gu. in fesse and gauntleted, an eagle rising ppr.

Clifford (Frampton, co. Gloucester). Chequy az. and or, on Clinch (Ireland). Or, three lozenges sa,
abend gu. three lions pass, of the second. Crest—Ahand Clindan. Or, on a bend sa. three crescents of the field,
ppr. holding a fleur-de-lis or. Motto —
Dulcis amor patrise. Clindan, or Clindon. Or, a lion ramp. sa. crowned
'Clifford. Gu. a chev. betw. three talbots' beads erased or. gu.
Crent —
A talbot's head erased gu. eared or. Clings. Sa. six lions ramp. ar. three, two, and one.
Clifford, Chequy or and az. a fesse sa. Clinkscales. Ar. two lances in saltire sa. pennons gu.
Clifford. Chequy or and az. on a fesse ar. three bendlets surmounted by an esquire's helmet az. Crest—A dexter
gu. arm embowed in mail, and holding a sword ppr. Motto
'Clifford. Chequy or and az. a bendlet gu. —Mann forti.
-Clifford. Chequy or and az. on a fesse gu. three leopards' Clint (London). Gu. a chev. betw. three garbs or.
fai-es of the first. Clinton {Earl of Huntingdon. Sir William db Clintoh
Clifford. Chequy, or and az. on a chief gu. three leopards' was summoned to Parliament 1330, and created Earl </
faces ar. Huntingdon 1337 earldom extinct, 1354). Ar. six cross

'Clifford. Or, (another, ar.) three eagles displ. gu. mem- crosslets fitchee sa. three, two, and one, on a chief az. two
bered az. mullets or, pierced gu.
Clifford, Az. three chain shot or. Clinton, Pelham-Clinton {Duke of Newcattle-undee-
Clifford. Barry of six ar. and sa. Lyme). Quarterly, and 4th, ar., six cross crosslets
Clifford-Constable, Bart. See Constable. fitchee sa., three, two, and one, on a chief az., two mullets
'Clifton (Clifton and Lytham Hall, co. Lancaster; descended or, pierced gu., for Clinton; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, 1st
from WiLLiAM de Clifton, one of the collectors of the aids and 4th, az. three pelicans ar. vulned ppr., forFsLHAH; 2Dd
for the county of Lancaster temp. Henry III., and now and 3rd, az. two demi belts with buckles ar. erect, the buckles
represented by John Talbot Clifton, Esq., of Clifton, and in chief as an honorary augmentation, in memory of Sir
Lytham Sir Thomas Clifton, of Westby and Clifton, was
: John Pelham taking John, King of France, prisoner.
created a bart. 1642, and d. s. p. m., 1694). Crest A dexter — Crests — 1st, out of a ducal coronet gu. a plume of five
armembowed in armour holding a sword, aU ppr. Motto — ostriches^ feathers ar. banded with a line laid chevronways
Mortem aut triumphum. az., for Clinton 2nd, a peacock in pride ppr., for Pblhau.

'Clifton (Chfton Hall, co. Nottingham, bart. Title dormant Supporters—Tyio greyhounds ar., collared and lined gu.
since 1869). Sa. a lion ramp, within an orle of einquefoils Motto —Loyaulte n'a honte,
ar. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet gu., a demi peacock, per Clinton, Baron. SeeTBEFosis.
pale ar. and sa., the wings expanded, counterchanged. Clinton (Welwyn, co. Herts), Ar,'six crosses crosslet fit-
Jl/oiio—Tenez le drott. chde three two and one, on a chief az. two mullets
^Clifton (Clifton Hall, co. Notts; exemplified to Robert —
pierced or. Crest Out of a ducal coronet gu. five ostrich
Henry Markham, Esq., on assuming, by royal licence dated feathers ar. banded by a ribbon az.
6 Aug , 1849, the name of Clifton instead of Markham). Clinton (co. Warwick). Paly of six or and az,, a fesse erm.
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. a lion ramp, within an orle of and a canton of the first.
einquefoils ar., for Clifton; 2nd and 3rd, az. on a chief Clinton (co. Warwick; arms of Sir John de Clinton, of
erminois a demi lion issuant betw. two crosses pattee gu., for Coleshill, iemp. Edward HI., fifth in descent from Obbobn
Markham. (7reste— Clifton Out of a ducal coronet gu. a
: DE Clinton, temp. Henry II,, nephew of Geoffrey m
'demi peacock per pale ar. and sa. Markham A lion sejant
; : Clinton, a Norman; Johanna, dau. and heir of said Sir
guard, winged or, with a glory round the head ar. semee of John, ra. Sir John de Moontfokd, 27 Edward HI., 1352).
crosses pattee gu., and supporting an ox yoke gold. Motto— Ar. on a chev. az. two fleurs-de-lis or.
Tenez le droit. Clinton (co. Warwick. Arms of John de Clinton, of Max-
Clifton (Lord Clifton; John de Clifton was summoned to toke, nephew of Sir John de Clinton, of Coleshill). Ar. on
Parliament 1376-88; title in abeyance). Chequy or and gu. a chief az. two mullets or, pierced gu,
over all a bend erm. Clinton (Wiltshire). Ar. achiefaz.
Clifton (Bokenham, co. Norfolk). Same Arms^ on the bend Clinton. Ar. on a chief az. two mullets of six points or,

a fleur-de-lis sa. for diff. pierced of the first.

Clifton (Toftrey, co. Norfolk), Same Arms, on the bend a Clinton. Paly of six or and az. a chief erm.

mullet sa. for diff. Clinton. Sa. on a bend ar. three mullets pierced gu.
Clifton <Che6hire). Az. on a bend ar. three mullets pierced Clinton. Or, three piles az. a canton erm.
gu. Clinton. Chequy or and az. a chief erm.
Clifton (Hodstock). Ar. a lion saliant, tail forked sa. Clinton (also borne by Lacy. See Lacy of Ireland). Ar.
Clifton (Kent). on a bend ar. three mullets gu,
Sa. fess gu,

Clifton. The same Arms. Crest An arm lying fesseways Clinton, or Clynton (Lecale in Ulster). Ar. six croSB

vested az. holding in the band ppr, a hawk ar. crosslets fitchee sa. three, two, and one, on a chief az- three
Clifton (cos. Lancaster and York), Ar, on a bend sa. three crescents of the first.

mullets of the first. Crest An arm embowed in armour ppr. Clinton (Dowdetown, co. Louth; Maroeet, dau.ofTeoMAi
garnished or, holding in the gauntlet a sword ar. hilt Clinton, of that place m. James Cbelie, of the Newry.
gold. Fun. Ent. Ire., 1618). Ar. six cross crosflleta fitchee, tlireei
A '


two, and one, sa. on a chief az. three mullets of the first, a Gloglier, See of.
Az. a bishop in pontifical robes Ecated~>
border gobonny gu., and of the third. on his chair of state, and leaning towards tiic sinister, his
nintou, or ClyntoXL (Ireland). Same Arms. left hand supporting a crozier, his right pointing to the-

Jlipsham. Az. two chev. betw. three cinquefoils or. dezter chief, all or, the feet upon a, cushion gu. tasscled
Ortst —
A boar's head couped sa. Motto Fortiter. — gold.
JUsald. Barry nebulee of six ar. and gu. on a bend sa. Clogstoun (London, from Kirkcudbright, 1813). Or, on a
three escallops or. bend gu. a ram pass. ar. on a canton erm. a demi savage
/Usdon. Or, a lion ramp, sa., armed and crowned gu. ppr. holding a club vert upright in his right hand and in his
!!lisdozi. Ar. three eagles displ. gu. lefta chain fastened to a belt az. encircling his body. Ct-est
Dlissolas. Or, a pale gu. betw. two lions ramp. sa. —On a mount ppr. a hawk rising also ppr. belled and
)llissoxi. Gu. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or. crowned with an antique crown or, and charged on the
31ist (Clist and Hennock, co. Devon ; the heiress m. Tre- breast with a rose gu. Motto —
Turris mihi fortis Deus.
menet). Ar three piles in point wavy az. Cloke (Kent). Per pale az. and gu. three griffins' header.
iilitheroe, Town
of (Lancashire). Az. on a mount vert erased or. Crest —A demi bear ramp. sa.
a castle embattled, with three towers domed, on each a Cloliver. Or, on a chief sa. three piles ar. each charged
pennon, all or. with a bezant.
lilitliero'W (Lord Mayor of London, 1635). At. on a ehev. Clonbrock, Baron. See Dillon.
gu. betw. three eagles displ. sa. five annulets or. Crest Out — Cloncnrry, Baron. See Lawless.
of a tower ar. a demi lion ramp. sa. Clonfert, See of. Az. two croziers in saltire or.
Tlitherow (Boston House, co. Middlesex). Same Arms and Clonmel, Earl of. See Scorr.
Crest. Cloos (granted to Rev. Nicholas Cloos, architect of King's
CHitherow (certified 1779). Same ArrnSj a crescent for Coll., Camb., by Henry VI.). Ar. on a chev. sa. three
diff. Crext—-Out of a tower or, a demi Hon ramp, issuing sa. passion nails of the first on a chief of the second three
charged on the shoulder with a crescent for diff. roses of the field.

Olitherow (Salesbury, co. Lancaster). Gu.asaltireengr. or. Cloptou Warwick, confirmed in the pedigree of Caeew,
Cliton. Gu. a fesse indented point in point, sa. and ar. as the arms of Clopton, Sir George Carew, Lord QLoptOTif.
betw. three owls' heads erased of the third. and Earl of Totjiess, m. Joyce, dau. and heir of William
Cliton. Gu. six crowns flory or. Clopton, Esq., of Clopton, who d. 34 Elizabeth, 1591,
Olitron Gu. in chief three mullets ar. and in
(Scotland). the sixth in descent from John Cocksfield, who assumed
base a boar's head erased or. the name of Clopton, temp. Henry VII., being fourth in
CliTe (Huxley, Cheshire). Ar. on a fesse sa. three mullets descent from Sir Walter de Cocksfield, called the Marshal
or. Qrest—A. griffin pass. ar. ducally gorged gu. Knight, who purchased the Manor of Clopton from James
Clive (Siycbe, co. Salop, Lord CLive). Ar. on a fesse sa. Clopton, 4 Edward I., 1275. Visit. Warwick). Per pale or
three mullets or. Crest —
^A griffin pass. ar. ducally gorged and gu. a cross patt^e counterchanged.
gu. Supporters —
^Dexter, an elephant ar. sinister, a leopard
; Clopton (cos. Bedford and Hereford). Gu. a fesse erm..
guard, ppr. ducally gorged gu. Jlfo«(^-— Audacter et sincerfe. betw. six mascles or.
CUve, Wiudsor-CUve {Baron Windsor). Quarterly, 1st Clopton (Lord Mayor of London, 1441). Same Arms.
imd 4th, ar. on a fesse sa. three mullets or 2nd and 3rd, Clopton (Clopton, co. Suffolk, 1586). Sa. a bend erm. betw.
gu. a saltire ar. betw. twelve cross crosslets or. Crests

— two cotises dancettee or. Crest —Awolfs head per pale or

1st, a griffin pass. ar. ducidly gorged gu.; 2nd, a buck's head and az.
affrontetS couped at the neck ar. attired or. Supporters— Clopton (co. Somerset).Ar. » chev. betw. three eagles
Two unicorns ar. armed, maned, tufted, and unguled or. displ. az.a mullet or.
Motto-'Je me fie en Dieu. Clopton Warwick). Paly of six (another, four) or and,,
Clive (Wormbridge, co. Hereford, descended from Edwabd az. over all a lion ramp, counterchanged.
Clive, younger brother of Bobeet Clivs, Esq., of Styche, Clopton (Lord Mayor of London, 1491). Same Amis.
the grandfather of the first Lord CLive). Same Arms as Clopton. Az. a bend ar. cottised indented or.

Clivb of Styche. Orest On a moimt vert a griffin with Clopton. Gu. a bend or, betw. six pears erect of the-
wings endorsed ar. ducally collared gu. second, leaved vert.
Clive (Whitfield, co. Hereford). Same Arms as last. Crest — Clopton, or Clotton. Ar. two bars gu. fretty or.
A griffin pass. ar. ducally gorged gu. JI/b££o—Audacter et Clopton. Or, a chev. az,
sincerfe. Clopton. Gu. a fesse betw. six pears or.
Clive. See Herbert, £arl of Powis. Clopton (London). Per pale or and gu.
CUve. See Cliffe. Glosby. Gu. a feese ar. in chief two plates.
Clive, or Cleeve (London). Ar, on a fesse betw. three Close. Vert a chev. ar. betw. three garbs or. Crest —
wolves' heads erased sa. as many mullets or. Crest —
^A horse's garb, as in the arms.
head sa. betw. two wings ar. Close, or Closs. Same Arras. Crest—A boar sa. treading'
Clivedon. Or, a lion ramp. sa. ducally crowned ar. among weeds vert.
Clivedon. Ar. three escallops gu. Close (Drumbanaghcr, formerly of Elm Park, co. Armagh,,
Cloahe. Gu. on a chev. betw. three pairs of wheat sheaves originally from Yorkshire, granted 1812). Az. on a chev.
saltireways ar. as many butts sa. Crest—Out of a plume of ar. betw. three mullets or, two buglehorns ppr. stringed gu.
ostrich feathers an eagle rising, all ppr. with a stirrup iron in the centre rest ppr. quartering Max-
Clobbs (quartered by Holte, of Stoke Lyne, co. Oxford. well. Crest—OMX- of an eastern crown or, a demi lion ramp,
Visit. Oxon). Gu. on a chev. betw. three salmon ar. as many vert holding a battle-axe headed ar. Motto Fortis et —
martlets sa. on a chief indented of the second three escal- fidelis.
lops of the first. Close Babby Close, third son of Maxwell Close, of
Clobery (Bradston, co. Devon, resident at that place for Elm Park, created a hart., 1812, extinct 1813). Same Arms,
eleven generations before Visit. 1620 ; the heiress m. Gltn). Crest, and Motto.
At. a chev. betw. three bats displ. sa. Crest An antelope's — Close (Leeds, Manchester, and Nottingham. The late John
head erased ar. attired or. Close, of Manchester, m. Mart, dau. and sole heiress of
Clockmakers, Company of
(London). Sa. a clock Matthew Bylancb, of Wigan and Liverpool). Vert a
the four pillars thereof erected on four lions, and on each chev. ar. betw. two bezants, each charged in chief with
capital a globe with a cross and in the midst an imperial a cross pattee gu. and in base a garb or, quartering gu. a
crown, all or. Crest —
A sphere or. Supporters ^The — rye sheaf or, pierced in pale by a lance ar. betw. two ficurs-
figures of a naked old man holding a scythe and an hour de-lis of the second in fesse, for Rylance, of Wigan. Crest
glass, representing Time, and of an emperor in robes crowned — A garb or, pierced transversely by a spear ppr. headed ar.

holding a sceptre. Motto ^Tempus rerum imperator. Mottor—CloMSVLB mox excelsior.
Clode. Gu, four lozenges pierced ar. one, two, and one, in Close (Nicholas Close, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry,
chief a label of three points of the second. Crest— A demi 1452). Az. on a chev, or, betw. three falcons close ar. as
lion holding a lozenge, as in the arms. many roses gu.
Clodshall (Saltley, co. Warwick Bichard de Clodshall
Clotliworkers Company (London. Arms granted 1530.
was living temp. Edward III. ; the heiress, Elizabeth, dau. Crest and Supporters, 1587). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. two
of Bichard Clodshall, grandson of the preceding, m. hauettes in chief ar. and a teasel in base or. Crest—On a
BoBERT Abden Dogdale). Gu. nine estoiles three three mount vert a ram or. Supporters —
Two griflBns or,
and three lietw. two bars gemel wavy or. pellettee.
Cloeshall (Pedmore, co, Worcester. Arms from the church Clotworthy (Clotworthy, co. Devon. Visit. 1620.) Az. a
window at Pedmore). Gu. six estoiles betw. two bars Travy chev. erm. betw. three chaplets or. Crest —A
stag's head
gcmels or. erased sa. attired and charged on the neck with two mullets-


in pale ar. pierced through the neck with an arrow or, Cluer Ar. a standing cup, covered sa.
feather and head of the second, vuhied gu. Clulow (Echingham, co. Sussex). Az. f retty ar. a lion rarao.
'Clotworthy (Ireland). Same Arms. Crest—A. boar pass. or. erm. collared gu. supporting a pillar of stone ppr. Cred^
Clough (Thorp Stapleton, co. York, granted 1612). Sa. a A mount vert, thereon a demi lion az. fretty ar. collared or
humettee erm. bctw. three leopards' heads ar. Crest
fesse — holding in the dexter paw an olive branch vert, and
A demi lion ramp. erm. holding a battle-axe handled sa. supporting with the sinister paw a pillar, aa in the Aj-ns.
headed ar. Clun. Az. a chief ar.
Cloug:h (Clifton House, co. York). Same Arms and Crest. CluzL. Per fesse az. and ar.
CloTigh (Minsterly, co. York). Gu. three pine apples ar. a Clun, Cluue, or Clouu. Ar. a chief az. Crest— A wolf
martlet for diff. collared and lined, holding in the dexter paw a trefoil
Cloilg"h, (Plas Clough, CO. Denbigh, and Minydon, co. Car- ppr.
narvon, founded by Sir Richard Clodgh, Knt., fifth son of Clun, or Cloun, Same Arms. Crest— A chevalier in
Richard Clough, commonly called "Hen" or "the Old," armour, with a baton in his hand, ppr.
who became an eminent merchant in London, and was part- Clunes (Scotland). Az. a pheon ar. betw. three bonis of a
ner of the celebrated Sir Thomas Gresham he d. in 1570). ; stag or.
Quarterly of six, 1st, az. a greyhound's head couped betw. Clusius. Ar. a lion ramp. verb.
three masules ar., for Clough 2nd, or, a lion pass.
; Clutterbuck (Lippiat, co.. Gloucester). Az. a lion ramp,
crowned az. on a chief ar. the Jerusalem cross betw. four ar. in chief three escallops of the second. Crest— Oat of a
crosses crosslet gu, and on each side a sword ppr. ducal coronet, a hand holding a rose, shpped and leaved,
handled gold, the augmentation coat given to Sir Richard all ppr.
Clodgh, Knt., on his return from a pilgrimage to the Holy Clutterbuck (Eastington, co. Gloucester, descended from
Land; 3rd, per chev. or and sa. three panthers' heads Richard Cldtterbook, Esq., of Kings Stanley, d. 1591);
erased, counterchanged, for Smith 4th, ar. a chev. betw.
Same Arms. Crest-'A buck statant ar. betw. two laurel
three boars' heads sa., for Powell; 5th, per pale or and az. branches ppr.
on a chief gu. three leopards' heads erased of the first, for Clutterbuck (London, Sir Thomas Clutterbuck, Mer-
Caldecot; 6th, az. three covered cups or, for Butler. chant, Consul at Leghorn, son of Josias Cldttebbdck, of
Crests —
1st A demi lion ramp. az. holding in the dexter paw
: Bristol,and grandson of William Cldtteebuck, Esq., of
a sword ar. pomel and hilt or, for Clodqh; 2nd: AA arm Eastington, was knighted at Whitehall 4 Aug. 1669, and was
embowed, habited az. rufBes of pointed lace ar. holding in nominated a knight of the Royal Oak : Le Neve's Knights).-
the hand ppr. a covered cup or, for Bdtler. MottoSiQ& Same Arms, &c.
macule macla. Clutterbuck (Bristol, Sir William Clutterbock, second

Cloug-h. (Estyn, Wales). Az. a fox's head couped betw. son of JosiAS CLnTTERBDCK, of the same place, was Mayor
three mascles ar., for Clough; quartering sa. a hart of Bristol, and was knighted 27 Nov. 1683 Le Neve's :

trippant ar. attired or, for Llotd. Crests 1st: A demi — Knights). Same Arms^ &c.
lion ramp, az. holding in the dexter paw a sword erect ar. Clutterbuck (Warkworth, co. Northumberland, de-
pomel and hilt or, for Clodgh 2nd, a hart pass. ar. attired
; scended from John Cluttekbuck, Esq., of Newcastle-
or, in the mouth a snake vert, for Lloyd. Motto Sine — upon-Tyne, second son of Richard CLnTTERBUCK. Esq., of
macule, macla. Eastington, co. Gloucester). Same Arms and Crest
Clouile (Margaret Clodile to. Nicholas Barrington, Clutterbuck (Newark Park, Ozleworth, Gloucester, de-
(eflijj. Edward HI. Sidney Fed., by Cooke, Clarenceux). scended from Eastington). Same Arms and Crest.
Ar. three chev. sa. each charged with as many nails or. Clutterbuck (Hardenhuish House, co. Wilts). Same Arm
Cloun. —
Ar. a chief az. Crest A wolf collared and lined, and Crest.
holding in the dexter paw a trefoil all ppr. Clutterbuck (Ireland ; a branch of Clutterbuck, ot East-
Clove (Wiltshire). Or, a camel pass. betw. three cloves ington, established in Ireland by Major Samuel Clotteb-
sa. Crest— A. camel's head couped or. BUCK, grandson of Thomas Cldttebbuck, D.D., Archdeacon
Clovel, or Clovell. Ar. two chev. sa. on each five nails of Winchester, son of Samuel, third son of Clutterboce
or. Crest —
A bull pass. gu. of Eastington. Same Arms and Crest.
Cloverley (Cloverley, co. Salop, lord of that manor, temp. Clutterbuck (Secretary to Lord Carteret, Lord Lieute-
Henry IV.). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three cyanus flowers nant of Ireland 1724). Arms same as Cldtterbdck of Lip-
slipped ppr. piat. Cresi —
A stag sejant gu. betw. two palm branches ppr.
Clovile, Clovell, Clovyle, or Clonvyle (West Han- Clutterbuck (Stanmore, co. Middlesex). Ar. a lion ramp.
field, CO. Essex). Ar. two (anothe^, three) chev. sa. each gu. in chief three escallops sa. Same Cresi as Eastington.
charged with five nails or. Crest An ostrich ar. in his — Clutton (Cheshire, originally of Glutton, afterwards of

mouth a scroll, with this Motto All is in God. Anotlier Nantwich, and of Chorlton, near Malpas). Ar. a chev.
Crest —
A demi ostrich ar. with wings expanded, in his beak ermines, cottised sa. betw. three annulets gu. Crest—
a nail or. cock or.
Clow. Per fesse ar. and sa. three greyhounds' heads erased, Clutton. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three annulets gu, Crest-
counterchanged, collared, and ringed gu. On a mount the stump of a tree, thereon an owl all ppr.
Clowes (cos. Warwick and Stafford; confirmed 28 Oct. 1576). Clybery. Per pale gu. and sa. a fesse dancettde ar. in
Az. on a chev. engr. betw. three unicorns' heads erased or, chief two (another, three) fleurs-de-Hs of the last,
as many crescents gu. Crest- A demi lion vert, ducally Clybury, Ar. a chev. betw. three bats sa.
crowned or, holding a battle-axe of the last, headed ar. Clyderow. Gu. on abend ar. three mullets az.
Clowes (originally of Sutton, near Macclesfield, subsequently Clyderow. Gu. a saltire or.
of Whiteley and Langley, co. Chester, and of Delaford, co. Clyderowe, Ar. three covered cups sa. within a bordure
Bucks). Same Arms and Crest. engr. of the second.
Clowes (Broughton HaU, co. Lancaster, Woodhouse Eaves, Clyderowe, or Clethero'w. Sa. a leopard's face or,
CO. Leicester, Burton Court, co. Hereford, Cotgrave Place, jessant-de-hs ar. Crest—A. Roman soldier in complete
00. Notts, &c.). Same Arms and Crest. armour, with spear all ppr.
'Clowes (London). Same Arms. Crest A demi lion ar. — Clyderowe. Gu. on a bend or, three martlets az.
ducally crowned or, holding a battle-axe also ar. staff gold. Clyderowe. Or, a saltire engr. gu.
'Clowfield. Ar. two bars sa. in chief three escutcheons of Clyderoyce, Or, onabendaz. three martlets of thefielil.

the second. Clyff. Ar. a fesse betw. three popinjays vert, beaked ami
Cloyne, See of. Az. a mitre labelled or, betw. three —
legged gu. Crest Two lions' paws in saltire erased, each I

crosses pattee fi.tch6e ar. holding a seax in pale ppr. ^

Cludde and Orleton, co. Salop; since the 3rd

(Cluddeley, Clyfton. Sa. a lion ramp, within an orle of cinquefoilfl ar.
Edward III., when that estate was acquired in marriage with Clynam. Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three eagles displ. sa.
the heiress of Orletou, and has ever since been the chief Clynbow. Per pale or and az. a fesse gu.
place of residence). Quarterly, 1st, ar. a bend double cottised Clynde. Or, a lion ramp. sa. armed gu.
sa. ;2nd, erm. a fret sa. 3rd, az. on a bend sa. three mart-
; Clsmdon. Or, on a bend sa. three crescents ar.
lets of the field; 4th, per fess sa. and ar. six fleurs-de-lis, Clynduke. Az. a chev. ar.
three, two, and one, counterchanged. Crest— A hawk ppr. Clynedon, or Clifton (co. Northampton). Ar. three
belled or, preying on a grey rabbit, vulned in the head gu. escallops gu.
'Cludde (Arnold, co. Notts. Visit. Notts, 1614). Same Clynke. Barry of eight gu. and ar.
Arms and Crest, a mullet for diff. Clynke, or Cluyke. Barry of twelve gu. and az. over all
-Clued, or Clud (cos. Salop and Ar. a bend betw.
Notts). a cock or, crested and jelloped of the flrst.
four t'ottises sa. Crest—^A bull's head, per chev. gu. and Clyut (CO. Gloucester). Az. on a saltire ar. betw. four gailts
erm. or, a decrescent gu.
ynton (CO. Down). Ar. a lion ramp. gu. over all on a fess Cobb (NewBomney; descended from Benjamin Cons, Esq.,
iz. three mullets of the field. of that place, who was second son of Robert Cobb, son of
yplesby, or Clypsby (Norfolk). Quarterly, ar. and Robert Cobb, of Reculver). Ai-vis, &c., as Cobb, of Cobb's
;a. on a bend gu. three mullets of the first. Crest— bull A Court.
pass. sa. plattee. Cobb
(Reculver, co. Kent). Same Arms and Crest as the
[ypsby, or Clypsley (Norfolk). Quarterly, ar. and sa. preceding.
on a bend gu. three mullets pierced or. Crest ^The same. — Cobb (Snettisham). Per chev. sa. and ar. in chief two sea-
Lyssell. Erm. on a chief gu. a lion pass. or. cobs respecting each other, and in base a herring naiant or.
Lyton. Gu. a fesse per fesse indented ea. and ar, betw. Cobb (Adderbury, co. Oxford; William Cobb, of Sandring-
three owls' heads erased of the last. ham, CO. Norfolk, living 17 Richard JI., 1393, his descendant,
lyton (Fapon, Scotland). Gu. six ancient naval crowns or. Sir William Cobb, Knt., was of Adderbury, 1634. Visit.
lyvedon. Or, a lion ramp. az. crowned gu. Oxon). Sa. a chev. hetw. three fishes naiant ar. a chief or.
oacll (granted by Camden, Clarenceux, 2 June, 1606, to —
Crest An elephant pass. or. Jifo/io—Virtutis stemmata.
Sir Thomas Coacb, of London). Or, a snake curling and Cobb (Oxfordshire). Per chev. gu. and sa. in chief two
erect on his tail in pale sa. Crest—A gauntlet erect or, the shovellers, and in base a fish naiant ar. Crest An elephant—
hand clenched, from the fingers drops of blood gu. pass. or.
oach (London; granted 2 Feb. 1606). Same Arms. Crest Cobb (monument of Susan, wife of Edmund Cobb, of Snet-
—A stag sejant gu. attired or, betw. two laurel branches tisham, ob. 1733. Visit. Oxon). Sa. two swans in chief
vert. ppr. respecting each other, and in base a herring naiant or.
loachmakers and Coach - Harness - Makers, Cobb (Yarmouth). Per chev. gu. and sa. in chief two ducts
Company of ^London). Ab. a chev. betw. three respectant and in base a herring naiant ar. Crest A duck's —
coaches or. Crest — Clouds
ppr. thereon the figure of head erased or, holding in its beak a herring cob ar.
Phoebus driving the chariot of the sun or, drawn by four Cobb (Peterbridge, Burnham-Norton, co. Norfolk). Per
horses ar. harnessed, reined, and bridled of the second. chev. gu. and sa. two swans in chief and in base a fish or.
Supporters —
^Two horses ar. harnessed and bridled sa. Crest— A swan's head or, holding in the beak a fish ar.
studded or, ganiished gu. housings az. fringed and purfled Cobb, or Cobbis (Norfolk). Per chev. gu. and sa. in chief
of the third, each horse adorned on the head with a plume two teals ar. in base a fish or.
of four feathers of the following colours, viz. or, ar., az., and Cobb (Adderbury, co. Oxford, and Sandringham, co. Norfolk,
gu. J/oHo—Surfiit nubila Phcebus. bart., extinct 1762). Sa. a chev. betw. three dolphins
[!oade. See Code. —
embowed naiant ar. a chief or. Cfrest An elephant or.
Lioakley. Erm. on a chief sa. alion's head erased betw. two Cobb (Wisbeach). Gu. a chev. sa. in chief two ducks res-
eagles displ. or. Crest— A lion pass, or, in the dexter paw pectant, in base a fish naiant ar.
an eagle's leg erased gu. Cobb {Ulster^s Office). Per chev. gu. and ar. in chief two
Doane (Scotland). Sa. a pile engr. issuing from the chief teal respecting each other and in base a salmon naiant
or. Crest—A lily ppr. allcounterchanged.
Coape. Gu. on a canton ar. a rose of the first. Crest-^A Cobbe (Swaraton, Hants, confirmed by Cooke, Clarenceux,
dexter hand holding a sword in pale ppr. to Thomas Cobbe,Esq., of Swaraton, as " the armes of his
Coape (DufBeld, co. Derby). Ar. on a chev. az. betw. three auncestors." Visit. Hants, 1575). Gu. a fess or, in chief
roses gu. stalked and leaved vert as many fleurs-de-hs of the —
two swans close ar. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a
field. Crcsf— A fleur-de-lis ar. pelican's head ar. vulning herself gu.
Coape (Famagh, in Duffield). Ar. on a fesse embattled Cobbe (confirmed to Charles Cobbe, Esq., Newbridge, co.
betw. three roses gu. shpped ppr. as many fleurs-dfi-hs of Dublin, great grandson of Charles Cobbe, Archbishop of
the field. Dubhn, a younger son of Thomas Cobbe, Esq., of Northing-
Coare (originally of France). Gu. a chev. betw. two roses ton, Hants, of the Swaraton line). Gu. a fesse ar. in chief
in chief ar. barbed vert seeded or, and a fleur-de-lis in base —
two swans of the last. Crest Out of a ducal coronet gu.

of the second. a pelican's head and neck vulning itself ppr. Mottoes
Coates. Or, voided of the field, bezantee.
a cross az. Moriens cano; (above the crest) In sanguine vita.
Coates. Gu. three boars pass. ar. Crest A swan's head — Cobbe (quartered by Paowz, of Chagford, co. Devon.
betw. two wings ar. Visit. 1520). Per chev. gu. and sa. two shovellers in chief
Coates (Whitton, co. Radnor). Gu. a greyhound statant ar. and a fish naiant in base or.
within an orle of roses ar. —
Orest Upon, a mount vert a Cobbes (Bury, co. Suffolk). Ar. a chev. betw. three cocks gu.
greyhound couchant ar. collared and lined or, resting the Cobbett (Edmonton, co. Middlesex). Ar. a chev. humett^e
dexter paw on a rose gu. Motto —
Est voluntas Dei. gu. betw. three birds sa. in their beaks a sprig of laurel
Coats, or Cotes (Yorkshire and Shropshire). Quarterly, vert. —A bird rising or, pellettee, in his beak a laurel
1st and 4th, erm., 2nd and 3rd, paly of six or and sa. Crest sprig vert-

A cock ppr. combed, wattled, and legged gu. Cobbile. Per pale indented or and ar. a chev. gu.
Coates (confirmed 1859 to James Coates, Esq., of Eastwood, Cobbold. Sa. a cross pattee throughout ar. charged with
CO. Down, son of Eev. Edwaed Coates, and grandson of four torteaux. Crest—A thunderbolt ppr.
James Coates, of Abbey Shrule, co. Longford), Quarterly, Cobbold (Ipswich). Or, a chev. sa. betw. three holly leaves
latand 4th, erm. 2nd and 3rd, paly of six ar. and az. in vert, on a chief of the second a Uon pass, guard, betw. two

the centre chief point a mullet gu. Crest On a mount — fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest— A lion pass, guard, or. Motto —
vert a cock ppr. combed, wattled, and legged gu. and Rebus Angustis fortis.

charged with a mullet of the last. Motto —

Vigilans et audax. Cobbold (The Holy-Wells, co. Suffolk). Same Arms and
Coats (London).Per pale or and az. two dolphins erect Crest.
on a chief sa. a covered cup of the first
counterchanged, Cobbyll, or Cobhall (Devonshire). Ar. three fleurs-de-
betw. two dovecotes ar. Crest—An arm couped below the lis gu.
elbow erect vested, paly of six or and az. cuff ar. holding a Cobeliam. Ar. a lion ramp, chequy or and az.
covered cup as in the arms. Cobell (Ballignoth, Scotland). Gu. a cross crosslet fitchee
Coats (Glasgow, 1763). Ar. a stag's head erased gu. betw. or,on a chief ar. two mullets sa.
the horns a pheon az. all betw. three coots ppr. Crest — Cobham (^Lord Cobham of Kent; Henry de Cobham vas
An anchor ppr. Motto—Be firm. sxmimoned to Parliament 1313-39, passed to the Brookes).
Coats (Sir Peter Coats, Knt., 1869). Or, a stag's head Gu. on a chev. or, three hons ramp. sa.
erased gu. betw. the attires a pheon az. all betw. three Cobham {Lord Cobham; Sir Reginald de Cobham, Lord

mascles sa. Crest A hand holding a helmet ppr. Motto Cobham, K.G., Ump. Edward III., elected in the room of
Knights, 1352). Gu.
—Quo paratior. Sir Thomas Wale, one of the Founder
Coats (Ferguslie, co. Renfrew, 1869). The same within a on a chev. or, three estoiles sa. Crest— A Saracen's head
bordure sa. Same Crest and Motto. ppr. wreathed about the temples or and gu.
Coatsworth. (Newcastle). Ar. three bars gu. Cobham, or De Cobham (Kent). The same Ar^m.
Cobb (Bedfordshire). Gu. a chev. wavy betw. three fishes Crest— An old man's head, sidefaced, couped at the shouldeis
naiant ar. on a chief of the last two shovellers sa. beaked ppr. with a cap gu. turned up ar. fretty sa. buttoned on the
and legged or. top or.
Cobb. Same Arms, with three shovellers in chief. Crest — Cobham, Lord. See Brooke.
A shoveller sa. beaked and legged or. Cobham. Gu. a chev. betw. three lions ramp. or.

Cobb (Cobb's Court, co. Kent, temp. Edward II. and Cobham. (Blackbury). Gu. on a chev. or, three eagles
Aldington, same county). Ar. a chev. betw. three cocks displ. sa.
gu. combs and wattles or. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, Cobham (Sterborough and Cobham, co. Kent). Gu. on a
a demi leopard ramp. ppr. chev. or, three estoiles sa.


Gobham {Cobham, co. Berks). Same Ai-ins. on a chief az. three boars' heads erased of the field, for
Cobham (Kent). Gu. on a chev. or, three estoiles vert. —
LocKHEABT. Crests lat: A horse trotting ppr. 2nd: Out of; borne by Sir Henktde Cobham, "le uncle" a naval crown or, a dexter arm embowed, clothed az., cuffed
Charles' Roll, temp. Henry IH.). Gu. a cross betw. twelve ar., the hand holding in bend a flag of the last, and thereon
fleurs-de-lis or. a plain cross gu.-with the word. '
St. Domingo.' 3. A boar's
Cobham (Kent). Gu. on a chev. or, (another, &t.) tbree head erased or. Motto —^Virtute et labore.
fleurs-de-lis az. Cochrane (Ochiltree, Ar, a chev. gu, betw.
Scotland). ,

Cobham (Bishop of Worcester, 1317-28). Same Ai-ma. three boars' heads erased az. a bordure of the second. Crest
Cobham. (Kent ; borne with a label az., by Stephen, son of — A horse pass. ar. Motto Virtute —
eb labore.
Sir Henbt de Cobham. Holl of Arms, temp. Edward II.). Cochrane (Waterside). As Ochiltree, with a crescent or in
Gu. a cross ar. middle chief for diff. Same CreH and Motto.
Cobham (Shinfield Grange, co. Berks). Gu. on a chev. engr. Cochran (Ashkirk, co. Roxburgh, 1813). Ar. on a chev.
betw. three cinquefoils or, as many lions ramp. sa. C}'est — gu. a boar's head couped of the first betw. two boars' heads
A man's head sidefaced, couped at the shoulders ppr., with a erased, in chief and in base a mullet betw. two cross cross-
cap g:u. turned up ar. fretty sa., buttoned at the top or. lets fitchee az., all within a bordure engr. of the last charged

Motto Concordia. with three mascles of the first. Orgaf—A horse pass. ar.
Gobham. Gu. on a chev. ar. a lion ramp. sa. crowned or. Motto —Armis et industria.
Cobham. Gu. on a chev. or, three mullets az. Cochran (Barbachlaw, co, Edinburgh). Ar. a boar's head
Cobham (Thoma§ Cobham, temp. Kichard II.). Erm. three erased, and in chief three mullets disposed chevromvays, az.
crescents (another, cinquefoils) gu. each charged with a Crest —A spear's head and garb in saltire ppr. Motto^
bezant. Armis et industria.
Cobham. Gu. on a chev. ar. three -crescents of the field. Cochran (Dumbreck, co. Aberdeen). Erm. on a chief gii. a
Gobham. Gu. on a chev. or, three cinquefoils pierced az. stag'shead erased or, betw. two mullets ar, Oi-est A stajj —
Gobham.. Gu. on a chev. or, three cinquefoils vert. standing at gaze ppr. attired gu. Jfoiio—Vigilant! salus.
Gobham.. Gu. a cross ar. betw. twenty crosses crosslet or. Cochran (Rochsoles, co. Lanark). Ar. a boar's head erased,
Cobham. Gu. on a chev. or, three crosses crosslet sa. and in chief a crescent betw. two mullets disposed chevron-
Gobham. Gu. on a chev. or, three martlets sa. ways az.
Gobham.. Or, four piles wavy coiyoined in base gu. Cochran (Balfour, co. Aberdeen, 1875). Quarterly, lat and
Cobham.. Gu. on a chev. or, three crescents sa. ft'M(— 4th, ar.on a chief gu. a boar's head erased betw, two mullets
hind's head ar. within a pallisado crown or. or; 2nd and 3rd, az, a cross patee ar, betw. three boars' heads
Cobiston CDevonsliire). Or, a chev. betw. three griffins' erased or, a bordure of the last charged with three mtiUets
heads erased sa. gu,, for Gordon. Crest —
^A black horse pass, ppr. Motto-^
Oobleg'h Devon, 16th century). Gyronny of six gu.
(co. Virtute et labore.
and sa. on a bend engr. ar. betw. two swans ppr., three hurts. Cock, or Cocks (Bodmin, co. Cornwall). Lozengy ar. and
Cobleig'h. Quarterly, gu. and sa. in the second and third gu. on a fesse of the first three cocks of the second.
quarters a bird, the former holding in its beak a cross pattee Cock, or Cocke (Newcastle). Az. a plate betw, three
fltchee, the latter a cross crosslet fitchee ar. over all on a cocks ar, combed and wattled gu. Crest A cock, as in the —

bend engr. or, three hurts. Crest A cock's head erased gu. arms.
combed, wattled, and guttee or, holding in the beak a laurel Cock, Cocke, or Koke
(Broxboume, co. Hereford, con-
branch ar. firmed by the deputies of Camden, Clarenceux, to Thomas
Cobley, Coblegh, and Coblei&h. Gyronny of eight, Cocke, of Monk's Kirby, co. Warwick, grandson of Joan
sa. and gu. on a bend engr. or, betw. two swans ar, three Cocke, of the former place). Quarterly, gu. and ar. Crest
pellets. Crest —An arm in armour embowed couped and ^An ostrich, holding in the beak a horseshoe ar.
resting on the elbow, holding a sceptre all ppr. Cock (London; IVIaroabet, dan. of Williaai Cock, of that
Cobley (borne by the late Major-General Thomas Goblet, of place, m. Matthew Dale, a judge in Guildhall, in 1612.
Coblefka, near Odessa, Russia, Knight of St. George, Knight Visit. London). Same ArmSj a crescent for diff.
Grand Cross of St. Anne, whose only surviving child and Cock (Scotland). Ar. a cock gu. on a chief az. a crescent
heir, m. Philip, Marquis Fauluccif of Forli, in Italy. betw. two stars of the first.
General Cobley was born at Dodbrook, co. Devon, the Cock. Ar. on a chev. az. two roses of the first, CrcBt—Oa
son of £ev. Benjamin Coblet, of Ide, co. Devon, Rector the stump of a tree ppr. a cock gu.
of Dodbrook, who was lineally descended from John Cock. Ar. a chev. az. betw. three mullets iu chief, and &
Coblet, of Cobley, in South Moulton, temp. Edward IV.). cock in base gu.
Gyronny of eight gu. and sa, on a bend engr. or, betw. two Cock. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three wolves' heads erased gu.
swans, each holding in its beak a cross crosslet fitchee ar. Cock. Ar. a bend az. in chief an oak leaf of the last.
three hurts. Crest —
A swan's neck with two heads ppr. guttde Cock. Ar. a chev. betw. three falcons' heads erased, withia
de poix, in each beak a cross crosslet fitchee ar. a bordure engr. sa.
Coboleche, or Coblig-h. Same Arms. Crest —A cock's Cock, or Cocks. Gu. three cocks ar. armed, crested, aad
head erased gu. combed, wattled, and guttee or, holding in jelloped or.
the beak two leaves ar. Cock (Helston), Same Anns.
Gobyn, Cobben, Cobbin, Cobenn, or Coblyn. Cock (Plymouth). Az. a chev. betw. three mullets ar.
Vert, a griffin segreant or, (another, ar.). Crest —A lion Cock, or Cocks. Ar. a cock gu. armed, crested, and
pass, guard, standing on a wheat sheaf fesseways. jelloped or.
Coche, or Cochey, Gu. an eagle displ. barry of six, or Cockayne. See Cokatne,
and vert. Cockayne, or Cokayne (Cockayne Hatley, Astwick;
Coche. Gu, an eagle displ. barry of twelve or and az. Cardington and Souldrop, co, Beds; Twywell, cu. Northants,
Cocher. Barry of ten ar. and sa. over all a lion ramp. or. Soham, co. Cambridge ; and Hinxwortii and Ickleford, co.
Crest —
A lion couchant erm. Herts now represented by Marian Charlotte Emily, only

Cochet. Az. a bend ar. Crest —A talbot pass, sa, spotted ar. dau. and heiress of the late Thomas Cockayne, Esq. of
Cochey. Az. on a fesse betw. three bxills' heads erased ar. Ickleford, and wife of Hon. Frederick Dodlet Ktdeb, third
collared or, five crosses crosslet fitcbee sa. son of the 1st Sari of Han-oiohy). This family descends
Cochrane (Earl of Dundonald). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, from John Cokatne, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, 1401,
ar.a chev. gu. betw, three boars' heads erased az,, for younger son of Sir John Cokatne. of Ashbourne, co. Derby,
Cochhane; 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a saltire sa. nine lozenges of by Cecilia Treton, his wife. Visit, co. Beds, 1634, and 1639,
the field, for Blaib. Ci-est^A horse pass. or. Sup2:>orters — and CO. Northants, 1681). Ar. three cocks gu. armed,
Two greyhounds ar. collared or, leashed gu. Motto Virtute — crested, and jelloped sa. Crest —
A cock's head couped gu.
et labore. beaked, crested, and jelloped sa,
Cochrane (Alex. Ddndab-Eoss-Wisheart-Baillie-Coch- Cockayne, or Cokeyne (Dorsetshire). Bendy of six gu.
KANE, of Lamington, M.P., recorded 1837). Quarterly, 1st and erm.
and 4th, grand quarters, counterquartered, 1st and 4th, ar. Cockayne (Derby, co. Derby ; assumed and borne by the
a chev. gu. betw. three boars' heads erased az. on a chief of Lord Mayor of London, 1751, HeyliiCs- Help to Bngl^
the second a sphinx couchant or, for Cochbane; 2nd and History^ 1773). Erm. three cocks, gu.
3rd, ar. on a saltire sa. nine lozenges of the field, for Blair; Cockhorne. Ar. a fret of six sa. a chief gu.
2nd, grand quarter, az. nine stars, three, three, two, and Cockbryer. Ar. three cocks gu.
one ar,, for Baillie; 3rd, grand quarter, ar. three piles in Cockburn, or Cockborne (Cockburn, Scotland). Ar.

point gu., for Wisueaet; 4th, grand quarter, counter- three cocks gu. Crest—A. cock crowing. JIjfo(io—Accendit
quartered, 1st and 4th, gu. three lions ramp, ar., for Ross; cantu.
2nd and 3rd, ar. a man's heart ppr. within a fetterlock sa. Cockburu (Langton, bart., 1627, present repreBentative


Bight Hon. Sir Alexander J. £. Cocebubn, Bart., Lord Chief Cockerell. Or, (another, ar.) a cross betw. four cocks gu.
Justice of England). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. three cocks

Crest —A lion's face betw. two wings ppr.
ga.y for CocEBURN 2nd and 3rd, gu. six mascles or, three,
; Cockerell (Sheriff of London, 1861-2). Same Arms. Crest
two, and one, for Vipoht. Oi'eU

A coclc crowing ppr. Sup-

—A cock gu.
portei'S ^Two lions gu. the dexter guard. Jib«o—Accendit Cockerell. Same Arms. Crest —A Roman fasces or lictor's
cantu. rod ppr.
Cockbum (Admiral Sir George Cocsburn, G.C.B., brother Cockerell. Ar. on a fesse sa. three lions ramp, of the first.
of the late Sir Jahes Cockburn, Bart., of Langton). Quar- Cockerell (quartered by Bdrt, of Culham, co. Oxford. Jane,
terly, ar. and gu. on the first and fourth quarters, three cocks dau. of John Cockerell, m. Thomas Pynchpole, of Man-
of the last in the second and third six mascles or, three, two,
; dey, CO. Essex, their great granddau., Jane, dau. of John
and one, over all a cross erm. surmounted of another of the Pynchpole, m. Edmond Burt, Esq., of Hampton Pogle.
second, charged with a naval crown, gold, betw. a ship, sails Visit. Oxon). Ar, a bend betw. four escallops sa. '

furled, in chief two towers triple towered in fesse and a Cockeringijon, or Cockeritli. Ar. on a cross sa. a

lymphad in base, all ppr. Crests 1st Out of a naval crown
: mullet or.
or, two arms embowed, the dexter vested az. holding a pike Cockes, or Coke (Northey, co. Gloucester, and Hertford-
erect ppr. and the sinister habited gu. supporting the upper shire). Gu. fretty ar. on a fesse sa. three cocks of the
part of a musket with a bayonet fixed, also ppr. and over ; second.
this crest, in an escrol, the " Ita;" 2nd A cock ppr. and over
: Cockes, or Cokes. Per chev. ar. and gu. three cocks'
it, Vigilans et audax. —
Supporters On either side a lion gu. heads erased and counterchanged. Crest A hand holding —
the dexter gufu-d. supporting a staff ppr. with a forked a lion's paw, erased ppr.
pennon, and the sinister a square banner, both of the first. Cockes (Eode, co. Somerset). Gu. a spur leather and buckle
CockbuTU (Bysland, and that Ilk, co. Berwick, bart. 1628}. or, on a chief ar. three cocks' heads erased of the field,
Ar. a man's heart ppr. betw. three cocks gu. Crest A cock — combed and wattled gold.

crowing ppr. Motto ^Vigilans et audax. Oocket Ar. on a fesse betw. three estoiles
(co. Hertford).
Cockbum (Orraiston, co. Haddington). Ar. a fesse chequy a demi lion ramp. betw. two fleurs-de-lis sa. Crest —
az. and of the field betw. three cocks gu. Crest—A cock gu. man's head, couped below the shoulders and sidefaccd ppr.
JtfoKo— In dubiis constans. habited vert, the collar or, on the head a cap bendy wavy of
Cockbum (Clerkington, co. Haddington). Ar. a crescent the last and az. turned up, indented sa.
az. betw. three cocks gu. Cocket (cos. Norfolk and Suffolk). Per bend ar. and sa.
Cockbum (Skirhng and Stonyfieet). Ar. a spear head ppr. three fleurs-de-lis counterchanged. Crest —
^As the last.
betw. three cocks gu. Crest'—A dexter arm holding abroken Cocket (Hampton, co. Suffolk). Same Arms^ within a border
lance in bend ppr. Motto —
^Press through. also counterchanged.
Cockbum (Henderland). Ar. a mullet az. betw. three Cocket. Or, a chev. betw. three cocks sa. armed gu. within
cocks gu. a bordure gobonated ar. and of the second.
Cockbum (Newhall). Ar. a mascle az. betw. three cocks Cockett (Hadsor and Droitwich, co. Worcester, formerly of
gu- Ampton, CO. Suffolk the Worcester property came to the

Cockbum (Thomas Cocrburn, of Eowchester, deputy family by the marriage of Edward Cockett, with Anne,
keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland, 1779). Quarterly, 1st dau; and co-heiress of Thomas Froxmohe. Visit. Worcester,
and 4th, ar. a pen in pale surmoimted of an imperial crown 1634). Per bend ar. and sa. three fieurs-de-lis in bend
ppr. betw. two cocks in chief and a lion's head erased in counterchanged. Crest —A
man's hand in profile couped
base gu. ; 2nd and 3rd, gu. six mascles, three, two, and one, below the shoulders ppr. on the head upon a wreath ar.
for ViPONT. Crest— A
cock ppr. Motto Vigilans et audax. — and sa. a cap bendy wavy or and az.
See Stothert. Cockfield (cos. Essex and Warwick). Paly of four, or and
Cocke (Sandbridge, co. Essex). Sa. three bends ar. az. a lion ramp, counterchanged. Ci-est —
An eagle, perched
Cocke. Ar. a bend wavy sa. betw. three cocks gu. a canton upon the stump of a tree, wings endorsed all ppr.
barry wavy of six or and az. Crest —
^A dexter hand couped Cockfi.eld (co. Kent). Az. a cross betw. four cocks or.
holding a dagger in pale, all ppr. Oockfi.eld (co. Norfolk). Gu. a cross betw, four cocks ar.
Cocke, or Coke (Hampshire). Same Arms. The canton Cockfield. At. three cocks gu.
charged with a swan ppr. Cockfield (co. Suffolk). Ar. a saltire engr. sa. a label gu.
Cocke (Scotland). Ar. on a chief az. two roses of the first. Oockhaxn. Ar. a lion ramp, lozengy or and az.

Crest ^A lion's paw holding a sceptre in pale all ppr. Cockle (Scotland). Gu. three cocks ar.
Cocke (Hertfordshire). Per fesse gu. and ar. Cockingtou (Devonshire). Ar. a chev. betw. three cocks
Cocke (Lancashire and Cornwall). Ar. a chev. engr. gu.
betw. three eagles' heads erased sa. on a canton az. an anchor Cockington. Or, a chev, az. betw. three cocks gu.
or. Cockle, or OokyU. Gu. (another, sa.) on a chev. ar.
Cocke (Plymouth, borne by Captain William Cocke, a native three ogresses, a chief of the second. Crest talbot pass. —A
of that place, killed in the engagement with the Spanish gu. collared ar.
Armada. Visit. Devon, 1620). Same Arms. A crescent for Oockmau. Ar. three gamecocks gu. crested and wattled
diff. sa. Crest —A
demi eagle displ. sa.
Cocke. Sa. on a chev. or, three cinquefoils of the first, on Cockram. Ar. on a bend sa. betw. two fleurs-de-lis az.
a chief ar. as many columbines az. three leopards' faces or. Crest —
Issuing out of clouds a
Cocke. Vaird, or and vert a bend erm. cubit arm, holding up an anchor erect, fluke upward, all
Cocke (co. Worcester). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three cocks' ppr;
heads erased gu. Cockram (co. Devon). Ar. on a bend sa. three leopards'
Cocker (Croft, co. Lincoln). Ar. four bars sa. over all a faces of the field.
lion ramp. or. Crest —A
lion couchant guard, erm. Cockram (Newton). Gu. a cock standing on the back of a
Cocker (Crompton, co. Lancaster). Same Armsj with five ram ar. —
Crest A tree, ppr.
bars. Cocks (Earl Somers). Sa. a chev. betw. three stags' attires
Cocker, or Cockes. Per chev. gu. and ar. three cocks' ar. {Earl Somers is entitled to quarter the arms of Somers,
heads counterchanged. viz., Vert a fesse indented erm.) Crest— On a mount ppr.
Cockerain, or Cockerham (Hillersdon and Collumpton, a stag lodged reguard. ar. attired sa. Supporter's On each —
CO. Devon, and Purbeck, co. Dorset. Visit. Devon, 1620). side a lion erm. gorged with a collar indented vert. MoUo

At. on a bend sa. three leopards' faces or. Crest ^A cubit — Prodesse quam conspici.
arm erect holding in the hand ppr. an anchor erect sa. Cocks (Dumbleton, co. Gloucester, bart.; extinct 1765).
Cockerell (Seizincote, co. Gloucester, bart.. Sir Charles Same ArTns.
Coceerell was so created 1809; his son and successor Cocks (granted to Katheeine, Countess of Stamfoi'd and
assumed the name of Rdshout). Or, betw. two flaunches Warrington, dau. of Henry Cocks, Esq.). Per pale or and
gu. a leopard's face az. within a wreath of laurel and betw. gu. a quatrefoil betw. three escocheons all counterchanged.

two game cocks in pale ppr. Crest ^Within a crescent az. a Cocks (cos. Gloucester and Suffolk). Sa. a chev. betw. three
tiger's face ppr. orientally crowned or. Supporters-^TvfO stags' attires, fixed to the scalps, ar. Crest— On a mount
angels, their vests sem6e of fleurs-de-lis, the hand next the vert a stag lodged ar. attired sa. (another, the stag reguard.)-
shield supporting a pennon, the dexter charged with a sun Cocks (CO. Dorset). Gu. fretty ar. on a fesse of the last three
in splendour, the sinister semee of estoiles and charged with cocks of the first.
a crescent, the exterior hands extended and supporting a Cocks. Ar. a chev. betw. three stags' attires, fixed to the
Persian pheasant. scalps, az.
Cockerell (Hampshire and Guernsey). Same Arms, the Cocksey (Ireland). Gu. on a bend ar. three roses of the
flaunches each charged with a fleur-de-lis or. first (another, three trefoils slipped vert).
209 P


Cocksey (co. Worcester). Sa. a cross ana abordure engr. I Codford. Ar. on a chev. az. betw. three wings sa. flvd
or. bezants.
Cocksoy (co. Worcester). Az. a. cross ar. a bordure engr. Codford, or Codeford. Ar. on a chev. az. betw. three
gu. wings gu. five plates.
Cocksey. At. on a bend sa.
betw. two mullets of the Codham. Erm. an eagle displ. gu. armed az.
second, three cinquefoils or, all within a bordure gu. Codinton. Gu. a cross counter-compony or and az. Crest
bezantee. Crest— A tiger's head, couped sa. charged on the On a chapeau an eagle, wings expanded and inverted all ppr.
neck with a cinquefoil betw. two bars or. Codlew, or Cudlew. Or, three serpents erect wavy sa.
Cocksey, Cookesey, or Cooksey. Ar. on a bend az. Codling. Gu. on a quarter (another, a canton) ar. a bend
cottised, dancett6e, gu. three cinquefoils or. Crest On a — sa. charged with three eagles displ. or.
garb, lying in fesse, a cock ppr. Codnam. Erm. an eagle displ. gu. charged on the breast
Cocksfield (Sir Waltee Cocksfield, who purchased with a fleur-de-lis or.
Clopton from James Clopton, 4 Edward I. See Clopton). Codon, or Codun Ar. a chev. gu. in base a
Paly of four or and az. a lion ramp, counterchanged. crescent of the last, on a chief az. three bezants.
Cockshall, or Coyshall (co. Essex). Ar. a cross betw. Codringijon (Codrington, co. Gloucester). Ar. a fesse
four escallops sa. embattled sa. betw. three lions pass. gu. Crest— Oxit of a
Cockshall. Sa. a cross betw. four escallops ar. ducal coronet or, a dragon's head gu. betw. two wings
Cocksliutt (co. Hertford). Gu. six guttees ar. three, two, chequy or and az.
and one, on a chief of the second a griffin segreant sa. Codring-ton (Wroughton, co. Wilts). Ar. a fesse embattled
Crest —
A demi griffin ar. collared gu. guttee of the first. counter-embattled sa. fretty gu. betw. three lions pass, of
Cockshutt (Lancashire and Shropshire). Gu. guttee ar. on —
the second. Crest A dragon's head gu. betw. two wings
a chief or, a grifQn pass. sa. Crest A demi griffin sa. — chequy or and az. issuing out of a ducal coronet of the
Cocksou. Per pale ar. and gu. two legs, couped at the —
second. Motto Immersabilis est vera virtus.
thigh, counterchanged, spurs or. Codrington (bart., created 1721). Ar. a fesse embattled
Cockson (Yorkshire). Gu. a fess raguly betw. three demi counter- embattled sa. fretty gu. betw. three lioncels pass,
lions pass, guard, ar. ducally crowned or. Crest A demi — of the last. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet a dragon's head
lion ramp, or, supporting a staff raguly ar. couped gu. betw. two dragons' wings chequy or and az.
Cocktree (Devonshire). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three cocks Motlo—YaltnB in hostem.
sa. Codrington (Bethell-Codeington, Dodington Park, co.
Cockvllle. Ar. a cross betw. four cocks gu. Gloucester, bart., created 1876). Ar. a fesse embattled
Cockwald, or Cockerwald. Or, on a fesse gu. three counter-embattled sa. fretty gu. betw. three lions pass, of
lions ramp, of the field. the last. Crest —Adragon's head couped gu. betw. two
CockTsrorthy, or Cookworthy. Ar. a chev. az. (dragons') wings chequy or and az.
(another, sa.; another, engr. sa.) betw. three cocks gu. Codrington (Admiral Sir Edwaed Codeington, G.C.B,, &c.,
Crest —A cock gu. &c.). Ar. a fesse embattled and counter-embattled gu. betw.
Cock^wortliy (quartered by Teevilian, of Yamescombe, co. three lions pass. sa. in chief a naval coronet or, sails ar.
Devon, John Teevilian, m. Avice, dau. and heir of Nicholas therefrom pendent a white ribbon with blue fillet with the
CocKwoBTBiB, Esq. Visit. Devon, 1620). Ar. a chev. sa. gold medal of Trafalgar, the word Teafalgar underneath in
betw. three cocks gu. —
black letters. Crest Out of a naval coronet or (sails white),
Cod. Sa. a chev. betw. three cods, naiant, ar. inscribed on the band in black letters Navaein, the three
Codd, or Codde (Cornwall). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three naval flags of the allied powers in that action, viz., Eussia
Cornish choughs ppr. Crest —
A square fort, with four (ar.a saltire az.), England (the union jack), and France
towers ppr. (white flag), staffs ppr. Supporters —
On the dexter a sailor,
Codd, Coad, Coode, or Codde (Cornwall). Ar. a sustaining in his right hand a cutlass; sinister, a maiane
chev. gu. betw. three cocks sa. armed, crested, and jelloped —
resting on his firelock all ppr. Motto Vultus in hostem.
of the second. Crest —
A hawk's leg erased, belled, ppr. Codrington (Bridgewater ; Eev. Eichaed Chute Codeing-
Codd, or Codde (Cornwall). Same Arms. Crest^A seapie ton, of Barley Hill, Chard, co. Somerset). Ar. a fess sa.
ppr. betw. three lions pass. gu. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet
Codd (Pelicans, co. Kent). Ar. a fesse embattled sa. betw. or, a dragon's head betw. two wings gu. Motto—Yexa.
three pellets. virtus immersabilis.
Codd {Visit. Wexford, 1618. Mabtin Codd, Esq., of Castle- Codrington. Gu. a cross lozengy az. and or.
town and Kathaspeck, Wexford, descended from
J. P. co. Cos, or Coo (Norfolk). Ar. three piles wavy gu.
one of the knights who accompanied the Earl of Pembroke, —
Coe. Same Arms. Crest Two swords in saltire ppr.
Strongbow, to the invasion of Ireland, 1172), Az. a chev. surmounted by a cross crosslet fitchee sa.
or,betw. five bezants, two in chief and three in base. Coe, or Coo (Norfolk). Ar. three piles wavy gu. betw.
Codd (James Codd, Esq., of Ballyumphane, co. Wexford, twelve martlets sa. Orest—An armed arm embowed holding
1635). Az. a chev. or, betw. three bezants in chief and as a chaplet.

many in base. Crest ^A lion's head, erased, holding in the Coe, or Coo. Vaireand gu. over all three piles
mouth a sinister hand ppr. conjoined in base of the first, each charged with a bird sa.
Codd (co. Wexford). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. five pellets, four Coesvelt. Per pale az. and gu. two lions ramp, combatant
in chief and one in base. ar. on a chief of the last a rock issuant from the sea all ppr.
Codd {Kensington, Middlesex). Per pale ar. and or, a fesse

Crest —
A demi lion ramp. gu. behind and above the latter a
embattled az. betw. six pellets, three and three. Crest demi hind salient iissuant az.
On a mount vert a lion ramp. ar. pelletee, gorged with a Coeton (Coeton, co. Salop). Ar. a fesse engr. sa. betw.
mural crown gu. holding betw. the forepaws an annulet or, three mullets gu.
the dexter hind paw resting on a pellet. Coets (London). Per pale or and az. two dolphins counter-
Codenor. Barry of six, ar. and az. changed on a chief sa. a covered cup betw. two dovecotes
Coddingrton, or Codington (Ireland Fun. Ent. of ; of the first.
William Codington, Esq., of Holme Patrick, co. Dubhn, Coey (granted to Sir Edwaed Coet, Mayor of Belfast, 1861).
High Sheriff of the co. 1657, descended of an ancient family Ar. per pale in the dexter half an oak tree eradicated ppr.
of that name in England, certified by Carney, Ulster, 1656). in the sinister, a fish naiant on waves of the sea also ppr.,
Gu. a cross or, fretty az. betw. four trefoils slipped of the a chief az. charged with a greyhound courant of the first.
second. Crest —
A wolf's head erased or, charged with a Crest— In front of a flag-staff ppr., the flag ar. charged witli
trefoil slipped ppr. a sinister hand gu. a greyhound as in the arms. Motto—
Coddington (Oldbridge, co. Meath, descended from Holme Droit et avant.
Patrick). Same Arms and Crest. Motto— ^Nec metuas uec Cof&eld. Ar. a saltire sa. Crest—On a cross fiory fitchee
optes. gu. betw. two wings or, a crescent of the last.
Code, or Coade (Gidley Castle, co. Devon, and Morval Coffin (Portledge, co. Devon, temp. William I. Visit.
and St. AiMtell, co. Cornwall). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three Devon, 1620). Az.semee of crosses crosslet or, three bezants.
Cornish choughs. Coffin, Pine-Coffin (Portledge, co. Devon). Same Arm,
CodenhanL. Erm. an eagle displ. gu. beaked and legged quartering Pine, Downe, Kelwat, Ilcombe, Winslade, BibT)
az. in chief —
a fleur-de-lis or. Crest A lion's head erased or, HoNDESMOEE, Appleton, Godld, Penfound, and Pepvs.
langued az. charged on the neck with three trefoils slipped Crests —
1st: A martlet az. charged on the breast with tffO
vert. bezants a mullet for diff. 2nd: A pine tree ppr. Motto—

Codering. Gu. three lions ramp. ar. crowned or. In tempestate floresco, for Pine.
Codey (Great Ellingham). Ar. three piles engr. sa. on each Coffin (Magdelaine Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence, afterwards
a cross pattee fitch€e or. of Titley Court, co. Hereford, bart., extinct). Az. semee of
•crosses crosslet or, two batons in saltire encircled with feathers ar. two cross-crosslets fltch6e in saltire az. Moitt>—
laurel branches goldbetw. three plates. Cre'-.t —On the stem Fuimus et sub Deo erimus.
of a ship or, a pigeon, wiijgs endorsed ar. in the beak a sprig Cohen. Or, a lion ramp, gu. Crest — ^A bear's head coupcd
of laurel vert. JfcfoKo— Exstant recte factis prosmia. sa. muzzled gu.
Coffin (Portland, co. Dorset). Ar. a chev. betw. three Cohen (granted to Samuel Cohbm, Esq., of Park Place,
mullets pierced sa. Brixton). Or, two chevronels az. betw. two griflans segreant
CofBji (Somersetshire). Gu. two bars embattled ar. in chief gu. and in base on a mount vert an oak tree ppr.
Go£Qii (Somersetshire). Az. three bezants and five crosses Crest —
A demi lion issuant barry of eight ar. and gu. in the
crosslet or. dexter paw an acorn slipped ppr.
Coffy (Ireland, 1684 Eev. Thomas Coffy, of Lynally, King's
; Coin. Or, Crest— Two wings expanded.
a pelican az.
CO.). Vert, a fesserm. betw. three coons or Irish cups or. Cokain, Cokayne, or Cockayne (Ashbourne, co.
Crest—A man riding on a dolphin ppr. Motto ^Non — Derby, temp. Stephen, 1150, Ballidon and HerthuU, co.
providentia sed victoria. Derby, Pooley in Polesworth, co. Warwick, and Calton, co.
Coffyn. Az. four bezants within five crosses crosslet or. Stafford. Visit. Derby, 1611. The representative in the 17th
Crest —A bird or, betw. two ciuquefoils ar. stalked and century was Sir Aston Cokatne, the poet, who alienated
leaved vert the whole of the family estates, and whose daus. and co-
Cofi.eld, or Coofleld. Gu. a fleur-de-lis erm. heirs m. Henslow and Toevilb). Ar. three cocks gu. armed,
Cofton. See Chaleton. crested, and jelloped sa. —
N.B. The Amis of Heethdll
Cog:a,ii (Ireland, descended from Richard de Cooan, living (from whom the family derived the Warwickshire and other
temp. King John). Gu. three oak leaves ar. estates, viz.) ar. two bars vert, were generally quartered
Cogan (granted to the Right Hon. William Henry Foed with the above and sometimes even borne as the only coat.
CoGAM, of Tinode, co. Wicklow, M.P., co. Kildare). Az. Crest-^A cock's head erased gu., beaked, crested, and jel-
three o^
leaves ar. on a chief or, a cross bottony gu. Crest loped sa. (sometimes borne " couped." The crest borne in
— A talbot pass. ppr. collared and chained or, charged on

the visitation of 1662, was a "cock gu." as in the arms).

the shoulder with a cross bottony as in the arms. Motto Motto "£n bonespoyr," and "ATribulacione."
Constans fidei. Cokayne (Rushton, co. Northampton, Etenesthorpe, co.
Cogran (Chard, co. Somerset). Gu. three aspin leaves ar. Leicester, &;c.. Lord Mayor of London, 1619; descended
Cogau {He^\ Off. London). Gu. three laurel leaves ar. from Sir John Cokatne, of Ashbourne, co. Derby, temp.
in chief a mullet of six points or. Crest lion's head —A Henry VI., and Isabel, dau. of Sir Hugh Shieley, Knt.).
erased gu. semee de mullets of six points or. Arms — —
As the preceding. Crest A cock's head erased gu.,
-Cogau (Oxford ; borne by Thomas Cogan, of that town, gent., beaked, crested, and jelloped sa.
d. 1588, grandson of Cogan, Mayor of Bristol, whose wife Cokayne, or Cockayne (Viscounts Cullen, in Ireland,
was Vaughan, of Wales. Visit. Oxon). Gu. three laurel 164:2 to 1810 ; descended from Sir William Cokatne, above-
leaves ar. named). Arms and Crest as the preceding. Supporters-"
Cog"an. Lozengy ar. and gu. Dexter, a lion guard, party per fesse or and ar.; sinister,
Cogan. Ar. three aspln leaves gu. (another, shpped ar.). an ostrich ar. holding in his beak a horseshoe ppr. Motto
'Coegan, or Cogan. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. three — Virtus in arduis.
laurel leaves ar. in chief an estoile or ; 2nd and 3rd, paly of Cokayne (Lancaster Herald, 1870, whose mother, the Hon.
six or and az. on a chief of the last a griffin pass. ar. Crest Maey Anne Adams, was one of the co-heirs of the Cokatnes
—A talbot pass, collared and lined. Motto —Constans fidei. of Rushton, CO. Northampton, fiscounts Cullen). ArmSf
Cogger. Gu. on a pale erm. two lions* heads erased sa. Crestj and Motto, as the preceding.
Crest—An arm in armour embowed holding a club ppr. Cokayne. Per pale ar. and sa. a fesse nebulee counter-
-CoggesliaU (Milton and Bengali, co. Suffolk). Ar. a cross changed.
Crest—A stag lodged sa. attired or.
betw. four escallops sa. Coke {Earl of Leicester and Baron Lovel, created Saron 1728,
Coggs (London). Sa. on a bend betw. three cogs of a mill- and Barl 1744, extinct 1759). Per pale gu. and az. three
wheel or, as many elm leaves vert. Crest Out of a mural — eagles displ. ar. Supporters— Two ostriches, each gorged
coronet az. a griffin's head or, charged with a cog sa. with a ducal coronet party per pale az. and gu. and a line
Coghill (Coghill, CO. York, and Bletchington, co. Oxford; thereto of the last. Crest— On a chapeau gu. turned up erm.
Sir Thomas Coghill, Knt., of that place, was High Sheriff an ostrich with a horseshoe in his beak ar. Jfolio— Prudens
of the CO. 1633. Visit. Oxon). Gu. on a chev. ar. three qui patiens.
pellets a chief sa. —
Crest A cock, wings expanded erm, Coke (Holkham, co. Norfolk, Earl of Leicester, created

Coghill (Sir John Coghill, Master in Chancery in Ireland, 1837). Per pale gu. and az. three eagles displ. ar. Crest
descended from co. York, certified by Carney, Ulster, 1686). On a chapeau az. turned up erm. an ostrich ar. holding in
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, erm. a chev. betw. three cocks his mouth a horseshoe or. Supporters —
On either side an
gu. 2nd and 3rd, gu. on a chev. ar. three pellets, a chief
; ostrich ar. the dexter gorged with a ducal coronet per pale
indented of the second. Cresi— On a mount vert a cock gu. gu. and az. line reflexed over the back of the first; the
charged with a bezant. sinister gorged with a like coronet per pale az. and gu. and
Coghill (Coghill, CO. York, and Glan Barrahane, co. Cork, line reflexed over the back also az. Motto—'Ptn&ens qui
bart.). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, erm. a chev. betw. three patiens.
coclts gu., for Coghill; 2nd and 3rd, or, on a chief indented Coke (Trusley, Brookhill Hall, and Melbourne,
co. Derby,
az. three fleurs-de-lis of the field a canton erm., for Ceamee. and of Lemore, co. Hereford). Gu. three crescents and a
Crest —
On a mount vert a cock wings expanded or, ducally canton or. Crest— The sun in splendour or. Motto ^Non —
crowned gu. Motto—'Non dormit qui custodit. aliunde pendere.
Coghlan (John Coghlan, of Kilcolgan, King's Co. in 1654). Coke (Tregasa, co. Cornwall). Ar. on a bend cottised sa.
Gu. three lions pass, guard, in pale ar. three cats or.
Coghlan (granted to Sir William Marcus Coghlan, K.C.B., Coke. Ar. a bend and annulet in the sinister comer az.
sometime Political Eesident and Commandant at Aden). Coke. Az. three cocks ar. crested or.
Per fess gu. and az. three lions pass, guard, ar. on a canton Coke. Quarterly, gu. and ar.
erm. an anchor in bend dexter sa., surmounted by a sword Coke. Erm. on a bend cottised sa, three leopards pass, or,
in bend sinister point upwards ppr. Crest Out of an Irish — in the sinister corner a label of as many points over a
crown or, an arm embowed in armour ppr. charged with a
. crescent ar.
bomb fired ea. the hand grasping a scimetar, both also ppr. Cokefield (Buckinghamshire). Az. a cross betw. four fet-

Motto Fortis in arduis. terlocks or.
Coghlan (granted to Lieut.-Gen. IIogek Coghlan). Per Cokefield (Norfolk and Suffolk). Ar. a saltire sa.
pale embattled gu. and ar. three lioncels pass, counter- Cokefield (Suffolk). Az. a cross chequy ar. and gu.
changed, crowned or. Crest —
In a ducal coronet or, a mount
vert thereon a tower ar. issuant therefrOm an arm embowed
Cokefield. Gu. two fleurs-de-lis in fesse erm.
Cokefield. Ar. a saltire (another, engr.) sa. betw. four
in armour, the hand grasping a scimetar ppr. Motto — crescents gu.
Unione minima vigent. Cokefield, or Cuckfield. Gu. a fleur-de-lis erm.
Coghlan, or Coghlen. Gu. two lions pass, counter Cokefind. Gu. a fleur-de-lis or.

pass. ar. Crest —A fret or. Cokefull. Ar, a cross betw. four escallops sa.
Ar. a lion ramp, chequy or and vert (another,
Coghull (Coghull, CO. Chester). Ar. a cross fieury sa. Cokeham.
Cognose (Northumberland). Gu. a fesse and three fusils az. and or) armed gu.
in chief ar. Cokeham. Ar. a Uon ramp, double queued az. fretty or.
Coham fCoham and Dunsland, Devon). Per chev. engr.
co. Cokeley. Or, a lion ramp. gu. over all a bend sa.
gu. and erm. in chief five fleurs-de-lis, three and two, and Cokeney, or Cokney. Gu. three lozenges (another,
in base a lion ramp. or. Crest —
In front of a plume of five fusils) in fesse ar. each charged with a, rose of the fleld.
P 2
Cokeney. Gu. three fuailg in fesse or. embattled gu., pendent from a ribbon of the last, fimbriated'
Cokeuing-ham (Yorkshire). Vert on a cross engr. ar. an az., a representation of the gold cross and clasps presented
annulet sa. Orest — ^A goat'shead erased ar. to the first peer in consideration of services at the battles of
Coker (Mapowder, co. Dorset), Ar. on a bend gu. three Corunna, Albuera, Ciudad Eodrigo, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, and
leopards' faces or(another adds a bordure engr. sa.). Toulouse, betw, two mural crowns or. Crest Out of a murah —
Cfrest —
Moor's head couped at the shoulders fullfaccd ppr.
^A crown or, a reindeer's head, ar. attired gold, betw. a branch
wreathed about the temples. of laurel on the dexter, and a branch of palm on the sinister,
Coker. Same Arms, a martlet in chief sa. for diff. Crest — —
both ppr. Supporters Gu the dexter side a soldier of Her
Same as the last. Majesty's 52nd (or Oxfordshire) regt. of foot, habited and
Coker (Bicester, co. Oxford). Same Anns, in chief a crescent accoutred, in the exterior hand a musket, all ppr., and on
for diff. —A Moor's head
C)-est side-faced, wreathed ar. and the sinister side a Canadian Bed Indian, holding in his
dexter hand a tomahawk, and in the exterior a spear, all
gu. Motto— FiaX justitia.
Coker. Ar. on a bend az. three leopards' heads or. ppr. Motto —
Sperat infestis.
Coker, or Cokers. Ar. a chev. betw. three Moors' heads Colbome (Bruton, co, Somerset, ffer. Off., cos. Wilts, Devon,
couped sa. Somerset). Ar. on a chev, betw. three buglehorns sa. stringed
Coker (Dorsetshire). Ar. three cokers or high shoes sa. of the same and garnished or, aa many mullets of tlie last.
Cokeram, or Kokerazu. Ar. on a cross sa. a mullet Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a reindeer's head ar. attired
witb six points of the field. gold.
Cokerey. Ar. on a bend gu. three leopards' heads or. Colborne. Gu. a cross betw. four swords ar. hilts and
Cokerfield. Ar. a bend cotised, dancettee gu. pom els or.
Cokerliaia (Derbyshire). Ar. on a bend sa. three leopards' Colborne, or Colbrand. Ar, on a fesse gu. a crescent
faces of the first (another, the faces or). of the first, a canton of the second.
Cokerham (Columbton, co. Devon). Ar. on a bend sa. Colbrand (Chichester, Lewes, and Burnham, co, Sussex).
betw. three fleurs-de-lis az. as many leopards' faces of the Ar. three levels with their plummets or. Crest—A tiger sejant

field. ar. maned or.

Cokerham (co. Lancaster). Ar, on a cross sa. a mullet of Colbrand, or Coletaoume (Colbrand in Tipton, co.
six points of the field. Stafford, 1381, and Rowley Regis, in the same co.; see-
Cokerlng1;on. Ar. on a cross sa. a mullet pierced or. Visit. 1619;the derivative branches were the Colbkonds,
Cokeritb.. —
Ar. a cross sa. Orest A fire beacon ppr. or CoLEBouENEs, of Kiuvcr, of Groby, co. Leicester, of"
Cokesay. Ar. on a bend az. three cinquefoils or. Dudley, co. Stafford, and of Coventry, co. Warwick), Ar.
Cokese^ed, or Cocksedg-e. At. a saliire (another, a a chev. betw. three buglehorns sa. stringed or. Crest—Qui-
cross) sa. Crest —A cock gu. holding in the beak a violet of a ducal coronet or, a reindeer's head ar. attired gold.
ppr. Colbroke. Sa. a lion ramp, ar. over all, on a fesse or,
Cokesey. Ar. on a bend az. three cinquefoils of the field. three crosses pattee fitch^e (another, crosses crosslet fitch^e)-
Cokesford (Launton, co. Oxford; confirmed Feb. 1611). —
of the field. Crest A spear in pale ppr.
At. two bars gu. within a bordure engr. sa. Colbroke. Ar, a lion ramp. gu. depressed by a fesse or^
Cokeworth. (Cornwall). Ar. a chev. betw. three cocks gu. charged with three crosses pattee fitchee sa.
Coke3rii. Quarterly, gu. and ar. a bend sa. Colbroke, or Colbrooke. Erm. a cross gu.
Cokeyn, or Cokeyxis (co. Dorset). Bendy of sixgu. and Colbrond. Ar. a fesse and canton gu. on the last a crescent
erm. of the first.

Cokfeld, or !Koke£.eld. Az. a cross compony gu. and Colbrond. See Colbend.
ar. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet a lion's paw. Colbrooke (Devonshire). Ar. a Hon ramp, gu, on a bar sa,
Cokin (Ireland). Ar. a cross lozengy gu. three crosses crosslet fitchee of the field.
Cokkes. Ar. fretty aa. on a fesse of the first three cocks Colbrooke. Ar, a lion ramp. gu. on a fesse sa. three crosses-
gu. formee or.
Cokyll. Gu. on a chev. ar. three pellets, a chief indented Colby (Kensington, co. Middlesex, Finore, co. Pembroke,
of the second. Norfolk, and Suffolk). Az. a chev. betw. three escallops
Cokyn. Bendy of six gu. and ar. —
and a border engr. or. Crest An arm in armour, embowed
Colan. Ar. three torches ppr. ppr. garnished or, holding in the gauntlet a broken sword
Colloarne (William Colbaene, York Herald, d. 13 Sept, ar. hilt and pomel gu. the broken end of the sword embrued
15C7). Ar. a chev. betw. three bugle horns sa. stringed with blood.
or. Crest —
Out of a coronet or, a stag's head erased ar. attired Colby (Norfolk). Same Arms. Ci'est—A dexter arm em-
gold. M^otto —
Seur et loyal. bowed in armour, holding in the gauntlet a seimetar all ppr.
Colbatcli (Middlesex). Per pale gu. and vert, a fesse dan- Colby. Ar. a chev. gu. betw, three escallops az. within a
cett^e ar, guttle de sang betw. three fleurs-de-lis or. Ct'est — bordure engr. of the last. Crest —A
dexter arm embowed
A dexter arm embowed, per pale dancettee vert and az. cufC ppr, vested az. holding a dagger of the first, hilt and poDicl
erm. holding in the hand a pineapple downwards, leaved and or.
slipped, all ppr. Colby (granted to Kev. Feederick Thomas Colby, B.D.^
Colbeck two bars wavy and in chief
(Bedfordshire). Or, Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, and the descendants of the
three whales' heads erect and erased sa. Crest On a — late Thomas Colbt, Esq., Capt. R.N., of Great Torrington,
chapeau gu. turned up erm. a lion's liead erased or, CO. Devon). Az. two chevronels betw. as many escallops in
pelletee. chief and as many palmer's staves saltierwise in base, all or.
Coltoeck (quartered by Bellew of Alverdiscot and Stock- Crest —An arm in armour embowed ppr. holding in the
leigh-Enghsh, co. Devon, Visit, Devon, 1620). Ar. a lion hand a broken dagger, a palmer's wallet depending from
ramp. sa. over all a fess or, charged with three cross cross- the blade, pomel, hilt, and wallet all or, betw. two pabner'»
lets fitch^e of the second. branches vert. Motto— 'Non omnis frangar,
Colbend, or Coltorond. Gu. a cross ar. betw. four Colby. Az. a chev. or, betw. three crescents ar.
swords erect of the second, hilted or. Colby. Ar. a cross moline sa.
Colbert (Francis, Count de Colbej't, of the kingdom of Colcb-ester, Baron. See Abbott.
France 1723, m. Chaelotte, dau. of William Lee, fifth son Colcbester (Gray's Inn, London; granted 20 Dec. 1626), ,

of Nicholas Lee, of Waterford). Or, a snake in pale sa. Ar. a chev. betw. three estoiles gu.
Colbey. Az. a chev, betw. three escallops or. Crest An — Colchester (London, Somersetshire, and Warwickshire;
arm in armour embowed ppr., garnished or, holding in the granted 1626, confirmed by Segar, Garter, to RicHAno
gauntlet a sword also ppr. Colchester, of Ilmington, co. Warwick). Or, a chev. betvr.
Colbome (Lord Colhorne; extinct 1854). Quarterly, 1st —
three estoiles gu. Crest A demi lion ppr. holding in the
and 4th, ar. on a chev, gu. betw. three buglehorns sa. paws an estoile gu.
stringed of the second, aa many mullets pierced or, for Colchester, Town(Essex). Gu. two staves raguly
Colboene; 2nd and 3rd, gu. on a chev. betw. three doves and couped, one in pale, surmounted by another in fesse,
ar. as many pellets, for Ridley. Crests— l&t: A stag's head both ar. betw, two ducal coronets in chief or, the bottom
couped ppr. gorged with a ducal coronet, and pendent there- part of the staff enfiled with a ducal coronet of the last.

from a bugle sa, stringed gu. ; 2nd : A bull pass. gu. Colchester-Monastery (Essex). Gu. a cross or, on a

Supporters Dexter, a bull gu. charged on the shoulder with bordure of the second eight mullets of six points of the first.
three mullets two and one pierced or; sinister, a stag ppr. Colchet. Sa. a griffin segreant ar. beaked and legged or.
gorged with a ducal coronet or, and pendent therefrom by a Colcloug*h (Bluerton, co. Stafford, Richabd ColcloogHj
string gu. a bugle sa. J/oito— Constans fidei. Esq,, of Bluerton, was living 40 Edward 111,, 1367. Visit.
Colborne (Lord Seaton). Ar. on a chev. betw. three bugle- Stafford, and Visit. London). Ar. five eaglets displ. in

horns stringed sa. , as many muUeta of the first; on a chief


fColclough. (Ingston, rngston, or Erdington, and Bluerton, settled at Twickenham, Middlesex). Ar. a hull pass. gu.
CO. Stafford. Visit. Stafford, 1583). Same Ai-ms, quarter- within a bordure bezantee sa. a canton of the last charged
ing, ar. a fess betw. three martlets sa., for Lockwood. Oreet with a horse's head couped ar. thereon a chief or, charged
— A demi eagle displ. sa. ducally gorged or. with three mullets pierced gu. Crest—A demi gryphon
'Golclougrll (Ireland, Sir Anthony Colclough, Knt., of segreant vert, grasping in its dexter claw an arrow with the
Bluerton and Woolstanton, co. Stafford, settled in Ireland 34 point downwards or, feathered and barbed ex. Motto —
Henry VIII., 1542, as Captain of the Pensioners, got a Deum cole, regem serva.
grant of the house, ahbey, and lands of the dissolved Cole (Cornwall). Ar. a bull gu. within a bordure sa.
monastery of Tintern, co. Wexford, 18 Queen Elizabeth, bezantee. Crest —
A demi dragon holding an arrow or,
1576, and was ancestor of the Irish family of Colclough of headed and feathered ar.
Tintern Abbey and Duffry Hall, and the branches formerly Cole (Slade, co. Devon, temp. Henry rv., and London). Ar.
living in Carlow, Queen's County, &c., &c. Sir Adam a bull pass, within a bordure sa. bezantee, armed or.
CoLCLonoH, grandson of the grantee of 1576 was created a Cole (Stoke Lyne, co. Oxford, and Twickenham, co. Mid-
hart, of Ireland 1628, which title became extinct on the dlesex). Ar. a bull pass. gu. armed or, within a bordure sa.
death of his grandson, Sir Cssar CoLCLoncH, 3rd hart., bezantee. —
Crest A demi dragon holding an arrow or,
s.p. 1687. Cesar Colclough, Esq., of Tintern Abbey, headed and feathered ar. —
Motto Deum cole, regem serva.
eighth in descent from Sir Anthont, d. s.p. 1842, when the Cole (granted to William Cole Cole, of the city of Exeter,
Abbey and estates devolved on his cousin and heiress-at- banker). Or, a chev. betw. three pears vert, on a chief
law, Mrs. Kosbobouqh-Colclough, now of Tintern Abbey. —
erm. a bull pass. sa. Ci'est A bull's head couped at the
The representative and heir male of the family is Lieut.- neck sa. homed or, betw. two branches of oak fructed
Col. BjfAUCHAUp Henry Dudley Colcloogh, Wexford ppr.
Jlihtia; Visit. Stafford 1583; Visit. Wexford 1618; Fun. Cole (Twickenham, co. Middlesex). Ar- within a bordure
Ent. Ulsters Of&ce). Ar. five eaglets in cross sa. Crests- sa. bezantee a bull gu. on a canton erm. a nag's head ppr.
A d3mi eagle displ. sa., ducally gorged or. Motto His — over which, on a chief or, three estoiles az. Crest A demi —
calcabo gentes. dragon vert, bearing in its dexter paw a javelin armed or,
'Colcloug'h (Rosbobodgh-Colclough, Tintern Abbey, co. —
feathered ar. Motto Deum cole, regem serva.
Wexford, exemplified to John Thomas Bosborocgh, Esq., Cole. Ar. a bull pass. sa. armed or, within a bordure of the
of Tintern Abbey, co. Wexford; and Mart Gbby Went- second bezantee, on a canton sinister az. a harp of Ireland.
woRTH, his wife, only dau. of C^esab Colclough, Esq., of Crest —A bull's bead couped sa.
Duffrey Hall, in same co.. Chief Justice of Prince Edward's Cole (LuBse, CO. Hants ; confirmed Hei: Off.). Ar. a bull pass,
Island, and sole heiress of her kinsman, Ccsar Colclough, sa. collared and lined or, within a bordure of the second
Esq., of Tintern Abbey aforesaid, on their assuming, by bezantee.
royal hcence, 1853, the additional surname and arms of Cole (Shenley, co. Herts, 1640). Per pale or and ar. a bull
Colclough). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, ar. five eaglets displ. pass. sa. within a bordure of the last, on a chief of the third
ia cross sa., for Colclough 2nd and 3rd, az. on a chev. or,
; three bezants. Crest —A demi dragon az. winged or, hold-
three roses gu. seeded or, barbed vert, for Eosbobough. ing a chaplet vert.
Crests'— 1st: A demi eagle displ. sa. gorged with a ducal Cole (Rev. George Lamont Cole, of Wallisford Manor,
coronet, or, for Colclough 2nd On a dexter hand in fess Wellington, co. Somerset), Per pale ar. and or, a bull pass,

; :

a dove close with a branch of oUve in his beak all ppr., for sa. within an orle of cross crosslets fitchee gu. Crest
Eosboroogh. Mottos (over the second crest) Grod is my — demi dragon ppr. holding betw. the paws two cross crosslets

shield (under the arms)
; —
His calcabo gentes. fitchee in saltire ar. Motto ^Deum cole, regem serva.
'Colcloug'h (Loudon, founded by Mathew Colclough, Cole. At. a bull pass. gu. armed or. Crest— Out of a ducal
second son of Bichabd Colclough, Esq., of Bluerton, and coronet or, a bull's head gu. armed of the first.
Anthony Colclough, Knt., of Tintern. Visit.
brother of Sir Cole (Devonshire, and Walden, co. Essex). Ar. a chev. gu.
London, .1568). Arms, Crest, and Motto Same as Sir — betw. three scorpions, reversed, of the second.
Anthony Colclough, with a crescent for diflf. Cole (Eill, CO. Devon ; an heiress of which family m. Deake).
-Colclougli (Delph House and Cheadle, co. Stafford, de- At. a chev. betw. three scorpions sa.
scended from Thowas Colclough, second son of John Cole (Holyborne, co. Hants). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three

Crest ^A naked arm holding a
Colclough, Esq., of Bluerton, and uncle of Sir Anthony
Colclough, Knt., of Tintern Abbey, which Thomas had
scorpions reversed sa.
scorpion ppr. armed or. Motto —
"Deum cole, regem
Delph House by gift from his father, 1522 Visit. Stafford ; serva," or "Esto quod esse videris."
and Derby 1662-4). Same Arms as Sir Anthony Colclough, Cole (Brancepeth, co. Durham). Ar. a iesse engr. sa. betw,
with the proper mark of cadency. three scorpions reversed of the second.
Colclougrh (Burslem, descended from a younger brother of Cole (Newcastle-upon-Tyne). Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three
Sir Anthony Colclough, Knt., of Tintern Abbey. Dugdale's scorpions erect sa. on a chief az. as many fleurs-de-lis of the
Visit., 1664), Same Arms as Sir Anthony Colclough, with first. Crest —
A naked arm erect, holding in the hand ppr. a
a canton gu. for diff. scorpion sa.
Colcoziibe (Alrington, co. Northampton, temp. Henry VI.). Cole (from the Fun. Ent. of Mabgeey Cole, wife of Captain
Or, a chev. betw. three escallops az. John Cornwall, d. 17 Eeb. 1597). Ar- a chev. gu. betw.
Coldale. Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three rams' heads, three scorpions sa.
cabossed ar. Cole. Ar. a chev. gu, betw. three scorpions erect {another,
Coldham. (Bury, co. Suffolk). Az. a mullet ar. pierced of reversed) sa.
the field. Cole (Devonshire). Gu. on a chev. cottised betw. three
Coldham (Midhurst, co. Sussex ; certified by Segar). Az, a leopards' heads ar. as many torteaux.
mullet ar. charged with a torteau. Crest ^A dragon's head — Cole (Coat, CO. Lancaster, 1664). Vert on a fesse ar. three
gu. transfixed through the breast with a lance or, armed ar. lions' heads erased gu. Crest —
^A lion's head erased gu.
Coldham (Anmer Hall, co. Norfolk). Az. a muUet pierced pierced in the neck by an arrow.
ar. Crest — ^A griffin's head couped ppr. transfixed with an Cole (Hampshire). Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three lions*
arrow. heads erased or, four bars of the field betw. twelve ogresses.
Coldicott. Per pale or and az. on a chief of the last three A
Crest— falcon with wings expanded ar. guttle sa. preying
leopards' faces of the first. Crest —A dexter hand ppr. on a fish or.
Ar, an ass
holdmg up a billet gu. Motto—Sum quod sum. Cole (Bokeish, Woolfardisworthy, co. Devon).
Coldwell. Az. a cross moline ar. pass, within a bordure sa. bezantee.
^Ole {Earl of JEnniskillen). Cole (Maldon, co. Essex). Ar. on a chev. embattled az. betw.
Ar. a bull pass. sa. armed and
unguled within a bordure of the second charged with
or, three dolphins embowed sa. as many estoiles or. Cresi —
eight bezants, on a canton sinister per pale gu. and az. a leopard's head erased ar. collared and chained or, holding in
harp gold, stringed of the field. Crest A demi dragon vert — the mouth a slip of oak vert.
langued gu., holding in the dexter claw a dart or, headed Cole (Oxfordshire; William Cole. Visit. Oxon; Ear. MSS.y
and feathered ar., and in the sinister an escutcheon, gold. 1412). Sa. three fleurs-de-lis betw. two bendlets ar. Crest

fiM3>2"wfers—Two dragons reguard. vert, each holding a dart, A bundle of arrows ar. banded with a belt buckled or.
gold. Motto —
Deum cole, regem serva. Cole (Somersetshire). Gu. a chev. erm. betw, three leopards*

Cole (LeixUp Castle, co. Kildare). Ar. a bull pass. gu. armed beads or. Crest An eagle displ. ar. ducally gorged or.
or, within a bordure sa. bezantee. Crest A demi gryphon — Cole. Gu. a chev. betw. three leopards' heads ar. Crest-~
holding an arrow headed or, and feathered ar. ilfoHo— An eagle displ. ar.
Deum cole, regem serva. Cole. Per pale erm. and sa, a fesse counterchanged.
Cole (granted to Owen Blayney Colb, Esq., of Brandmm, Colebrooke (Gatton, co. Surrey, bart.). Gu. a lion ramp.
CO. Monaghan, D.L., descended from the Coles, long erm. ducally crowned or, on a chief of the last three martlets
; A


ppr. Crest —
A WTvem, wings expanded or, resting the heads erased or, ten ogresses.
lions' Ci^est snaka —A
dexter foot upon an antique escutcheon gu. Motto— So\a. wreathed about a marble pillar ppr. garnished or.
bona qu£B bonesta. Coles (Dorsetshire). Gu. a chev. (another, cotised) betw,
Colebrooke. See Eilunoton. three leopards' faces ar.
Colebroke (Asbwell, eo. Herts). Gu. a lion ramp. erm. Coles. Per pale ar. and gu. a bull pass, counterchanged.
crowned or, on a chief of the last three martlets sa. —
Crest An arm embowed in armour holding in the hand
Coleby (Hampshire). Az. a chev. erm. betw. three eagles' ppr. a serpent entwined round the arm vert.
displ. ar. beaked and legged or. Coles (Preston Capes, co. Northampton). Gu. a chev. ar.
Colegrrave. Ar. two bars betw. three pheons gu. Crest — pellettee with two bars gemelles of the field betw. three-
In a mural coronet gu. two arrows in saltire or, flighted ar. lions' heads erased or.
Colegrave John William Joskph Mart
(exemplified to Coles (Parrocks Lodge, near Chard, co. Somerset). Ar. a.
Lewis Manbt, Esq., of Cann Hall, co. Essex, and Little bull gu. within a bordure sa. bezantee. Cresi— Out of a
Ellingham, co. Norfolk, upon his taking the name of Cole- ducal coronet or, a demi dragon vert holding an arrow of
grave, instead of that of Manby, by royal licence, 1868). the first, headed and feathered ar.
Ar. two bars gu. each charged with as many crescents or, Coles, or Colles (Somersetshire). Gu, on a chev. betw.

betw. three pheons of the second. Crest An ostrich feather three leopards' heads ar. an ermine spot. Crest On a mount —
erect az. and two arrows in saltire or, barbed and flighted vert an eagle displ. ar. ducally gorged and membered or.
ar. banded by a mural crown gu. Motto— Fidei constans. Coles (granted to James Coles, Esq., of Old Park, Clapham
Coleling: (Corcley, co. Salop). Vert, a griffin segreaut or. Common, co. Surrey). Gu. three bezants chevrouwaya
Golenian (Langley, co. Wilts). Az. on a pale rayonn^e or, within two chevronels or, betw. three lions' heads erased

a lion ramp. gu. Crest A caltrap or, betw. two wings ar, —
erminois. Crest Upon a mount vert a column erect en-
Colema'a. Per fesse ar. and sa., a cross patonce betw. four twined by a serpent holding in the mouth a branch of oUve
mullets counterchanged. Crest —A horse's head erased ppr. all ppr.
Coleman. Same Arim. Crest— Oxkt of a ducal coronet a Coleshill (Bynamy Castle and Tremoderet, co. Cornwall),.
greyhound's head ppr. Chequy or and a chief ar. guttee de sang.
Coleman. Same Arms. Crest A demi greyhound sa. — Coless (Scotland), Az. on a bend or, betw. three crosses
gorged with a collar ar. holding betw. the fore feet a mullet crosslet gu. as many mascles of the last.
of the first. Coless (Balmano, Scotland). Or, on a bend betw. t\ro (Geokge Loyice Coleman, Esq., of Bixley Lodge, crosses pattee az. three mascles of the field,
Norwich, Sheriff of that city, 1843-4, and Mayor 1847-8). Colet. Sa. a chev. betw. three hinds trippant or. Crest—
Quarterly, gu. and sa. a cross patonce betw, an unicorn's hand holding a battle-axe ppr.
head erased in the first and 4th quarters, and a rose in the Coleug*!!. Ar. on a bend az. three annulets or, in the sinis-
second and third ar. the roses barbed and seeded vert. ter chief point a cross formee fitchee of the second.
Crest —
A cross patonce gu. surmounted by a unicorn's head Coley. Or, a lion ramp. gu. Crest A dexter arm ia —
erased ar. charged with three roses in chev. also gu. Motto armour ppr. holding a scimetar ar. hilt and pomel or.
— Be lust and fear not. Coley. Ar. a cross pattee throughout wavy sa. (Merriot, co. Somerset). Per pale ar. and gu. a Coley. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three scorpions reversed sa.
bull pass, counterchanged, attired or. Crest —
^A bull's head Coley, or Collay. Sa. three swans' necks erased ar.
erased gu. charged with a crescent ar. beaked gu.
Colembert. Gu. a bend or. ColfO"wles. Az. three wolves' heads erased ar.
Colemere. The same Arms as Colemoeb. Crest A harpy — Colfos. Sa. six fleurs-de-lis or. Crest Out of a ducal —
with wings expanded ppr. coronet or, a demi wolf gu. devouring a hand ar.
Colemore> or CoUymore (Toumay, France, and Col- Colfox. Or, on a chief az, three foxes' heads erased of the
more, CO, Somerset; confirmed by the Deputies of Camden, field.
Clarenceux, to William Colemobe, of Birmingham, co. Colfox. Sa. on a chief ar, three foxes' heads couped gu,
Warwick, and home by his descendant, Thomas Colemobe, Colfox. Sa. on a chev. ar. three foxes' heads couped gu.
Esq., of Ashfurlong, Sutton Coldfield. Visit. Warwick). Colg'an. See Cologan or McColgan.
Gu. (another, az.) biUettfie and three crescents or. Crest — Colhet. At. a bend wavy sa. (another, v^rt).
Moor's head couped below the breast in profile ppr. wreathed Colibom. Ar, three cocks gu.
about the temples or and gu. (Kent). Gu. three crescents betw, nine (another,
Colenley. Or, six billets gu. eight) billets ar.
Colenwood (Northumberland). Ar. three bueks^ heads gu. Coliu^ {granted 1672). Per pale vert and ga. a griffin
attired or. segreant or. Crest —
A demi griffin segreant holding betw,
Colepeper, or Culpeper (Kent of very ancient settle-
; the talons a fusil gu. charged with a crescent ar.
ment in that county; before the time of Edward III. it was Colingreg*. Ar, (another, or) three fleurs-de-lis az.
divided into two chief branches —
the Colepeppers of Preston Colinson (Fun, Ent. Ire., 1658). Vert on a chev. betw.
Hall, and the Colepeppebs of Bay Hall; from the latter three roses ar. three griffins' heads erased az.
descended those of Bedgebury, Wakehurst, Wigshill, and the Collace (Balnamoon, co. Forfar). Az. on a bend or, betv.
Lords Culpeper, of Thoresway. Which was the elder line two cross crosslets (otherwise saltires couped) of the last
has not, however, been established, each claiming seniority three (otherwise four) mascles gu.
all bore the same coat armour without dlEFerence, and CoUand. Ar. two bars gu. in chief three torteaux. Crest
carried it on the field of battle at Poictiers one Colepepeb
; —A fish wheel or.
is stated to have borne on a silver shield *'a bloody bend Collar (Gloucestershire), Ar, a saltire vaire or and ga.
engrailed"). Ar. a bend engr. gu. Crest—A falcon with betw. four escallops of the last.
wings expanded ar. beaked, legged, and belled or. Collar, or CoUor (Gloucestershire; confirmed 2 June,
Colepeper (Baron Colepeper, created 1644, extinct 1725). 1569). Same Amis, the vair^ or and sa. Crest A tiger'& —
Same Attjis and Crest. Supporters ^Two dragons ar. — head erased or.
ducally gorged gu. Jtfoifo— I' espere. CoUard (Bamston, co. Essex; granted 16 June, 1640),
Colepeper (Preston Hall and Oxenhoath, co, Kent). Same Per fesse or and ar. three Moors' heads sidefaced, couped
Amis. ppr. wreathed round the temples of the first and sa. Crest
Colepepper. Ar. a chev. aa. betw. ten martlets gu. — A demi hon ramp. sa. supporting a cross bow or.
Coleridgre. Bendy of six gu. and ar. a chief az. Crest — CoUard. Aa. three ladies' heads in fesse betw. as many
griflin's head ppr. betw. two wings or. fleurs-de-lis or.
Coleridgre (Baron Coleridge). Ar. on a mount vert, in base Collarde (CoUard and Southcott, co, Devon). Gyronnyof
an otter ppr., a chief gu. charged with a dove of the first, six or and sa. three Moors' heads couped of the seconJ.
betw. two crosses patt€e fitchee or. Crest On a mount— Crest— A demi lion ramp. sa. holding a scaling ladder or.
vert, therefrom issuing ears of wheat ppr., in front of a cross Collarde. Gyronrfy of six or and sa. three blackamoors*
gu. an otter also ppr. Supporters —
Dexter, an otter ppr.; heads In profile, couped, counterchanged.
sinister, a lion sa., each gorged with a garland of roses gu. Collas (St. Martin, Jersey), Ar. a double-headed eagle
leaved vert. Motto—Time Deum cole regem. displ. sa. armed gu. Crest —
A plain cross or. Motto—
Coleridg-e (Devon: of this family was Samdel Tayloe Crux spes unica.
CoLBEiDGE, the Poet). Ar. on a mount vert in base an otter Collay, or Colley (Cheshire. Hertfordshire, and Warffict-
ppr. a chief gu. charged with a dove of the field betw. two shire). Sa, three swans' necks erased ar. within a bordure
crosses pattee fitchee or. Crest —
On a mount vert, there- or. Crest —
An elephant's head gu. betw. two wings sa.
from issuing ears of wheat ppr. in front of a cross gu. an CoUe (Newcastle-on-Tyne ; granted 3 Dec. 1614). Ar. a
otter also ppr. itfo«o—Time Deara cole regem. fesse engr. betw. three scorpions erect sa. Crest—A dexter
Coles (Ireland; confirmed 1647). Gu. on a chev. betw. two hand holding a scorpion ppr.


Colle, or Coulee. Per pale indented gn. and ar. a bull chev, engr. betw. three hinds trippant ar., as many annulets
courant counterchanged within a bordure sa. bezant6e.
Colledge (granted to Thomas Bichabd Colledge, Esq.)-
of the first. Crest —
A hind's head couped ar. gorged with a
collar engr. sa. (another) a hind statant ar.
Az. on a lesse ar. betw. three pomegranates leaved and Collett (London, granted 7 May, 1711), Sa. on a chev. ar.
stalked or, a snake nowed ppr. Crest~A mount vert voided of the field, five annulets of the second betw. three
thereon in front of a pomegranate leaved and stalked ppr. —
hinds ppr. Crest As the last.
a snake as in the arms. Collett (co. Warwick, quartered by Harman, of Moor Hall,
Collee, Colley, or Cooling:. Ar. a cross wavy (another, ffarl. MSS. 6060), Sa, on a chev. betw. three hinds statant,

wavy and humettee) sa. Crest A griffin segreant ar. beaked as many annulets of the field.
and legged or. Colley (Castle Carbery, co. Kildare, descended from Walter
Colleg-e of Physicians in Ireland (the King and Cowley, Solicitor-General for Ireland 1537 Richaed Collet,

Queen's). Per fess erm. and az. a dexter celestial hand 2nd son of Henbt Colley, Esq., of Castle Carbery, took the
issuing out of clouds in chief ppr. and in base the harp of name of Wesley in 1728, and was created Lord Momington
Ireland ensigned with the royal crown, aU also ppr. JHoito 1746). Or, a lion ramp. gu. gorged with a ducal coronet
— ^Batione et experienti&. ppr. Orest —
A dexter arm couped and erect vested az.
Collen, Collin, or Ceilings (High Laver, co. Essex). cuffed ar. encircled with a ducal coronet or, the hand ppr.

Vert a griffin segreant or. Crest A griffin's head erased holding a sword also ppr. pomel and hilt gold. Motto —
or, collared vert. Virtutis fortuna comes.
Collen (cos. Essex, Kent, and Stafford, 1612). Same Arms. Colley (granted 1830, to Geoege Feancis Pomeboy, Esq., of
Crest—A griffin's head erased or, collared erm. AnotTier Eathangan, co. Kildare, on his assuming by royal licence
Crest—A demi griffin or, collared az. the surname and arms of Collet only, in compliance with the
Collen (Little Laver, co. Essex). Same Arms^ a crescent will of his uncle, Henby, 2nd Viscount Harbertm). Or, a lion
for diff. Crest —A griffin's head erased vert collared erm, ramp. gu. ducally gorged of the first. Crest— A dexter
and charged with a crescent. cubit arm habited gu. encircled beneath the cuff ar, with a
Collens, or Collins (Offwell, co. Dorset). Sa. achev. ar. ducal coronet or, the hand grasping a scimitar ppr. hilted
guttee de sang betw. three doves of the second. Crest — and pommelled of the third. —
Motto Virtutis fortuna

dove ar. Motto Volabo ut requiescara. comes.
Collens, or Collenswell (Barnes Hill, co. Devon). Az. Colley. See Welleslet.
three firebrands ppr. Crest—A cubit arm holding a fire- Colley (Glasson, co. Rutland). Ar. a cross wavy sa,
brand all ppr. Colley. Ar. a cross sa,
Collens (Upton, co. Hereford; confirmed Oct. 1612). Vert Colliar, or Collyar (Darlston, co. Stafford), Ar. on a
a griffin segreant or, a crescent for diff, chev. az. betw. three demi unicorns courant gu. as many
Collens. Gu. on a bend or, three martlets sa. —
acorn slips or. Crest A demi negro ppr, with pearls in the
Collenwood. Ar. three bucks' heads cabossed gu. attired or. ears ar. holding in the dexter hand an acorn branch fructed
CoUer, or Collar (Gloucestershire and London), Ar. a or,
cross vair<J or and gu. betw. four escallops sa, Colliar, or Collier. Sa. a cross pattee throughout fitchee
Colles (Luckley Grimley and Leigh Court, co. Worcester. or. Crest —^A cross pattee fitchee or, betw. two wings of the
BicHABD CoLLB OT CoLLEs, Esq,, of Alfrfck, "e familia last.
Colles orum de com, Somerset," was buried at Powick, 1440, Colliar (Ireland). Per pale indented gu, and ar. a bull
Visit. Warwick, 1619), Gu. a chev. ar. pellettee charged salient sa. a border of the last plattee.
with two bars gemelles of the field betw. three lions' heads Collier, or CoUyer, Sa. a cross pattde fitchee or, a

erased or. Crest A seapie with wings expanded or, guttee canton ar.
sa. standing on a dolphin lying on its back of the first. Collier (bart., extinct 1824). Or, a cross pattee fitchee gu.
Colles (Croke-Burnell, co. Devon). Gu. on a chev. betw, on a canton az. a castle ppr. with a breach in the middle
three leopards' heads ar. and twelve torteaux, four bars of thereof. Orest —
On a mural crown or, with the words St,

the field. Crest A falcon with wings expanded ppr. guttee Sebastian on the circle, a cross pattee fitchee or, betw. two
d'or preying on a fish of the first, wings displ. pean.
Colles. Per pale indented ar. and 'gu. a bull pass, counter- Collier (Blockley, co. Worcester. Viee-Admiral Sir Edward
changed, armed or, within a bordure sa. bezantee. Crest — CoLLiEB, K.C.B.). Sa. a cross pattee fitchee or. C}-est~A
A griffin's head couped or, betw. two oak branches vert cross pattee fitchee betw. two wings or. il^oMo— Nemo
fructed gold. sine cruce beatus.
Colles (Fun. Ent., of Charles Colles, Esq., of Maghera- Collier, alias Dimock
(Puddle, co. Dorset), Ar. a chev.
more, J.P., and High SheriiT, co. Sligo, third son of betw. three bats displ. sa. —
Crest A wivern with wings
William Colles, Esq., of Doghill, Kings County, Provost endorsed ar.
Marshall of Connaught, d. 15 Nov. 1686). Gu. a chev. betw. Collier (co. Stafford, granted 10 October, 1629). Sa. a cross
three lions' heads erased or. pattee fitchee or.
CoUess (Balnamoon, Scotland). Ar. a cross moline betw. Collier (Ireland, Sir William Collieb, Knt.). Per pale
two mascles in chief and a boar's head erased in base sa. indented ar. and az. ahull pass, counterchanged aborder gu.
Collet (Lord Mayor of London, 1486). Sa. on a chev, betw, bezantee.
three hinds trippant ar, as many annulets of the first. Collimore (London), Gu, billettee three crescents ar.
Collet (co. Suffolk). Same Arms. d'est—A hind trippant Crest —
A demi man in profile habited gu, billettee or, collar
ar. turned over of the last on the head a cap also gu. wreathed
Collet (Chelsea, co. Middlesex, Thouas Collet, son of and ensigned with a crescent ar. holding in the dexter hand
Thomas Collet, Esq., of Southlye, co. Oxford, and grandson a sceptre on the top a crescent, both gold,
of Thomas Collet, Esq., of Lechlade, co. Gloucester, Collin (Elton, co. Nottingham). Vert, a griffin segreant or,
Visit. Middlesex, 1663). Same ArinSj a crescent for diff. beaked and membered gu. on a chief indented ar. two crosses
Crest~-A hind pass, ar, formee of the third. Crest— A talbot's head erased per fesse
CoUet (Highgate, co, Middlesex, and the Middle Temple, indented or and ar. eared and charged on the neck with a
Thomas Collet, great grandson of Hdmphbey Collet, of cross formee gu.
London. Visit. Middlesex, 1663). Same Arms and Orest. Collin (Rene Collin, of St. Malo, in France, 1700). Az. a,

Colleton (London, 18 Feb, 1660, since of Exeter and Ex- passion cross or.
mouth, CO. Devon, Aeh Park, co. Herts, bart.). Or, three Collin (Collinstown, now Cullenstown, co. Wexford, allowed
stags' heads couped ppr. Crest —
^A stag's head, as in the by Hawkins, Ulster, 1725, to Richard Collin, of co. Wex-
arms. ford, gent., descended from John Collin, of Cornwall, who
Colleton (James Edwabd Colleton, Esq.). Same Arms. came to co. Wexford, 1170). Ar. a chev. betw. three
Colleton (Devonshire). Per pale gu. and sa. a saltire engr. ravens close sa. membered az. Crest—A demi lion sa. holding
betw. four castles or. in the dexter paw a broken lance or.
Colleton. Or, three roebucks' heads couped ppr. C^est — Collin (Brisbane, in Brittany, allowed by Hawkins, Ulster,
A roebuck's head couped ppr. collared ar. 1768, to Feancis William Collin, of that place, descended
CoUett (Locker's House, Hemel Hempstead, Herts). Sa. on from Colhnstown, co. Wexford). Same Anm, and Crest.
a chev. voided of the field betw. three hinds pass. ar. as Collin, or Collins. Az. on a chev. ar, betw. three

many annulets of the second. Orest ^A stag ppr. support- bezants as many birds sa., on a chief or, a griffin pass,

ing with his dexter paw an inescutcheon sa. per pale gu. and sa. Creet A griffin pass. gu. Anotiier
Collett (Wendover, co. Buckingham), Sa. on a chev. ar. Qj-egt —
On a chapeau gu, turned up erm. a griffin pass, per
voided of the field, three annulets of the second betw. as pale sa, and gu.
many hinds statant ppr. Collinden (Horley, co. Surrey co-heiresses m. Sandees, of

Collett (Westerfield, co. Suffolk, granted 1644). Sa. on a Charlwood, co. Surrey, temp. Edward I., and Codington).


Ar. a Bword sa. and a biUing spear vert in saltire, the griffin collared erm. ; 2nd :
or, dexter arm A embowed
former hiltcd, the latter headed or. habited ar. the hand ppr. holding a scimitar or. Mottoes
Colling: (Coekleigh, co. Suffolk). Vert a griffin segreant or, — Fide et virtute ; and Colens Deum.
on a canton ar. a fleur-de-lis gu. Collins (Cubbuley House, co. Hereford). Same Arms and
Colling' (confirmed 10 Dec. 1672). Per pale vert and gu. a Crests, duly diflFerenced.
griffin segreant or. Collins (Wiltondale, Bridstow, co. Hereford). Same Arms
Colling (Redhall, co. Durham). Same Amis. and Crests, duly differenced.
CoUing-borne (Devonshire). Ar. a saltire chequy or and Collins (Drybridge House, Hereford, and Erange Court, co.
az. Hereford). Same Arms and Crests, with the proper differ-
CoUingborne (Devonshire and Wiltshire). Ar. a saltire ence an escutcheon of pretence for Gwilum, quartering
chequy or and az. hetw. four columbines ppr. Crest — Madde, &c., &c.
demi woman ppr. her hair dishevelled or, habited erm. Collins (Upton, co. Hereford, confirmed by Camden, Oct.
sleeves gu. holding in the dexter hand a covered cup, 1612). Same Arms.
gold. Collins (Samuel Collins, M.D., Fellow of Trin. Coll.,
Collingborne (Northumberland, granted by Wm. Haulks- Cambridge, descended from the ancient families of Collins,
loe,Clarenceux, 13 Edward IV., 1470, to William Coling- of Devon and Somerset, who m. Isb, Ann, dau. of John
BOENE and his heirs for ever. Karl, MSS. 1115). Quarterly, HoDENHAM, Esq., and 2nd, Katuerine, Dowager Countess
or iind az. a cross patt^e counterchanged. Crest On a — of Camwath). Gu. on a bend or, three martlets sa.
roundle quarterly or and az. a cross pattee counterchanged. Collins (Richard Collins, Esq., of Corely, co. Salop,
Colling-borne. Quarterly, ar. and az, a cross moHne principal secretary to Henry, Earl of St. Albans, Lord High
counterchanged. Chamberlain). Vert, a griffin segreant or.
Collingrey. Or, three fleurs-de-lis az. Collins. Or, a griffin segreant sa. Ci-est A demi griffin—
CoUingrig-, or CoUyngreg'e. Same Anas, adding a segreant or, collared with a bar gemelle gu. Motto—
bordure engr. of the second. Favente Deo et sedulitate.
CoUing-s (St. Mary Ottery and Barnshill, co. Devon. Collins (Foye, co. Hereford. Settled there in the 15th
Visit. 1620). Az. three torches or, enflamed ppr. C)*esf— century. William Collins was member of the Parliament
arm erect the hand holding a torch, all ppr.
cubit of the 36th, 39th, 43rd, 45th and 49th of King Edward
Ceilings (Guernsey). Az. betw. three fleurs-de-lis two and in. for the city of Hereford. James Collins, of Foye, gent.,
one or, a griffin segreant holding betw. the claws an escut- who m. 1673, Mary, dau. and eventually co-heir of John
cheon ar., the latter charged with an anchor sa. Crest — Abrahall, Esq., of Ingestone, co. Hereford, borne for arms).
horse's head erased ar. bridled and charged on the neck with Gu. on a bend or, three martlets sa. Crest— A. demi griffin
three fleurs-de-liz az. two and one. Motto FideHs in — or, collared vert.
omnibus. Collins, or CoUyn
(Cornwall). Ar. a chev. sa. betw.
Collington. Az, on a fesse or, three maidens* heads couped three Cornish choughs ppr.

below the breast ppr. Crest A stag's head erased ppr. Collins (Ham, co. Devon; of an ancient Kentish family.
Colliugrwood (Northumberland, branches of which were George Collins, Esq., m. the dau. and heiress of Samuel
seated at Esslington, Chirton, Dissington, Lilburne Tower, Pollexfen Trelawnt,- Esq., of Ham, who d. in 1771, and
Glanton Pyke, &c.). Ar. achev. betw. three stags* heads thus acquired the estate of Ham). Vert a griffin segreant
erased sa, (sometimes gu.). d-est^A stag at gaze in a holly or. Crest —
A camel's head erased ppr. ^oito—Sermoni
bush ppr. (a stag's head erased sa. is sometimes used). consona facta.

Motto Ferar unus et idem, Collins Devon). Sa. on a chev. betw. three doves ar,
CoUingwood {Lord Collingwood, extinct 1810). Ar. a chev. five guttesde sang.
betw. three stags' heads erased sa. with an augmentation, Collins (Essex), Az. on a chev. ar. betw. three bezants,
viz., on a chief wavy gu. a lion pass, guard, navally crowned as many martlets sa. on a chief or, a griffin pass, with winga
or, with the word Trafalgar over the lion of the last. Crests endorsed per pale sa. and ga. Crest—On a chapeau gu.
— 1st The stern of the Royal Sovereign man of war, in waves,
: turned up erm. a griffin pass, per pa^e ar. and gu.
betw. a branch of laurel and a branch of oak all ppr., being Collins (Kent; granted 12 May, 1570). Vert, a griffin
also an augmentation 2nd A stag at gaze under an oak
; : segreant or, beaked, legged, and ducally gorged ar. Crest
tree ppr. Su.'pporters —Dexter, an eagle ppr. navally —A demi griffin or, beaked, legged, and ducally gorged ar.
crowned or. ; einister,holding in the dexter paw a
a lion, Collins (Sittingbourn, co. Kent, London and Sussex). Gu.
, slip of oak fructed ppr. —
Molto Ferar unus et idem. on bend or, three martlets az. all within a bordure erm.
CollingTWOOd (Northumberland). Ar. a chev. flory counter- Crest —
A demi griffin or, beaked and legged gu. collared erm.
flory az. betw. three hares' heads erased purp., each having Collins (Hatch Beaumont, co. Somerset). Gu. a crescent
in the moutb an oak leaf vert. erm. within an orle of martlets ar. Crest A demi griffin —
Collingwood (Northumberland). Ar. three chev. sa. on —
armed gu. Motto Frangaa non flectas.
each five bezants. Collins. Ar. a boar's head couped and erect gu. betw.
Collingwood (Norfolk). Gu. three bucks' heads erased ar. three roundles per fesse or and gu, Cre^t —
attired or. Collins. Gu. on a bend or, three mullets of the field
Collingwood Robert Gobdon Galthoep,
(exemplified to (another, three martlets sa.).
Cumberland, upon his taking the name of
Esq., of Irton, co. Collins (Truthan, co. Cornwall). Sa. a chev. ar. gutt^e-de-
Collingwood, instead of that of Calthobp, by royal licence sang betw. three doves ppr. —
Crest A dove with wings
in 1868). Ar. a chev. betw. three stags' heads erased sa. expanded ppr. iWotio— Volabo ut requiescam.
and (for distinction) a canton of the last. Crest A stag — Collins (Trewardale, co. Cornwall, shewn on an old monu-
statant in front of a holly bush ppr. the stag charged (for ment, dated 1684, in the parish of Illoggan, of which place
distinction) with a cross cvosslet sa. Motto Ferar unus — the ancestors of the present Rev. Charles Mathew Edward
et idem. Collins were incumbents in succession from 1533 to 1684).
Collins (Betterton, co. Berks), Vert, a griffin pass, or, a Same Arms, Crest and Motto, Some authorities, and amongst
chief erm. Crest —
A griffin's head erased vert, crowned or. others, Halse, the Cornish historian, and the present Sir

Motto Per callem collem. John Maclean, a very learned writer on Cornish history,
Collins (granted to William Collins, of Rotterdam, consider that the birds in the arms should be described as
Holland). Az. a griffin segreant holding betw, the claws an Cornish choughs and not as doves, the motto being under-
escutcheon ar. the latter charged with an anchor erect sa. stood to apply to the crest, which is undoubtedly "a dove
in base a fleur-de-lis or, a chief dancettee of the second, rising ppr."
thereon two fleurs-de-lis of the field. Crest A horse's head — Collinson (The Chantry, co. Suffolk). On a fesse betw. a

couped ar. bridled sa. charged on the neck with three fleurs- squirrel in chief and three axes in base, two mullets. Cr«i—
de-lis, one and two, az. and gorged with a wreath of laurel A squirrel ppr.
vert. Collinson (Yorkshire). Az. three cinquefoih or, on eacli

Collins (Wythall Walford, co. Hereford, as borne by John a torteau.

Stbatford Collins, Esq., J.P. and D.L., (of an ancient Collinson. Ar. three cinquefoils pierced gu. Crest—A-
Saxon family) great grandson of John Stbatpokd Collins, rose gu. betw. two branches of laurel crossing each other at
Esq., High Sheriff co. Hereford, 1773, who was grandson of the tops ppr.
Captain William Collins, of Upton, by Mart, dau. and Colliray, Per pale indented gu. and ar. a bull pass, counter-
eventual heiress of Robert Stbatford, Esq., of Wythall). changed. Crest —A
martlet flying over a tower ppr.
Vert, a griffin segreant and a crescent or, with numerous Colliray, Same Armi, a bordure sa. bezantee.
quarterings, including Loudam, Eaton, Stoke, Stewmarch, Colliray. Ar. three bats' wings sa.
I-angley, Hereford, Cresswell, Stuniey, Downman, ColUns, Collis (Ireland). Ar. a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased
Stratford, Furncy, Abrahall, <fcc., &c. Crests —1st: A demi gu. Crest — ^A dexter arm throwing an arrow ppr.

; A


Gollis. Ar. a chev. gu. barruly plattee of the field, betw. Colxuan. Ar on a fesse gu. three mullets or.
three lions' heads erased sa. Crest —
^An eagle preying on a Colmel (Northumberland). Ar, three chev. sa. bezantee.
fish. il/oi(o— Mens conscia recti. Colmer (Wyghton, co. Norfolk). Gyronny of eight ar. and
Collis (granted 1859 to Edward Supple, Esq., of Ballinvarig, sa. on a chief or, three lions ramp. gu.
CO. Cork, on his assuming by royal licence, the surname of Colmerley, or Colmertoy. Az. a lion ramp. ar. a label
Collis). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Collis, ar. a chev. betw. of four points gu.
two lions' heads erased in chief and a sea pie in base sa. Colmore (Colmore, co. Somerset). Gu. billettee and three
2nd and 3rcl, Sdpplr, or, an anchor betw. two crescents in fess crescents or.
sa, on a chief az., three buckles of the first. Crests 1st, — Colmore (granted to FaiNc Ceegob Colmoee, Esq., of Moor
Collis: On a rock a sea pie ppr., charged on the breast with End, Charlton Kings, co. Gloucester). Quarterly, 1st and
a cross crosslet or, and feeding on a fish also ppr. ; 2nd, 4th, per chev. gu. and az. nine billets three, three, and
Sdpple A cubit arm erect ppr., charged with two crescents
: three ar. and three crescents two and one erminois, for Col-
in pale sa., in the hand an anchor of the last. Mott<^-' moee; 2nd and 3rd, Cregoe. Crest of Colmobe Out of a —
Mens conscia recti. crescent or, a blackamoor's head in profile, wreathed about
Collison (Auchlunies, co. Kincardine). Ar. on a fesse az. the temples or and gu.
betw. three roses in chief and as many peascods in base, a Colne, or Colney. Sa. a fesse betw. two chev. ar.
sword barways of the first, hilt and pomel ur. Crest ^A — Crest— A talbot sejant, per pale sa. and erm. collared ar,
falcon's head erased ppr. Motto Hoc virtutis opi^. — Colnet (Hampshire). Or, on a chev. gu. three pomegranate?
Collison {East Bilney Hall, co. Norfolk). Az. three cinque- of the field. Crest—A dragon's head ducally gorged and
foils or, the middle leaf gu. Crest —
A demi lion ramp. ar. chained ppr.
holding betw. the paws a cinquefoil as in the arms. Colnett. Or, on a chev. gu. betw. three columbines ar. as
Collmore, or Collamore (Birmingham). Gu. three many flower-pots of the field.
crescents betw, nine billets or. Ci-est —A Moor's head couped Cologan, or MacColg-an (Ireland, and Island of Tene-
at the shoulders ppr., wreathed about the temples or and gu. riffe). Az. a hon ramp,
betw. three pheons ar. Crest
or, —
Motto —Semper eadem. A dexter arm in armour embowed, holding a lance transfix-
Collom'ber.Gu. a bend or. ing a stag's head couped all ppr. Motto ^Virtus probata. —
Collombers. Gu. a bend ar. fiorescit.
Collow (Auchinchain, co. Dumfries). Az. a saltire or, in Colombyue. Az. a muUet ar. pierced sa.
base a hunting horn ar. viroled vert and stringed of the Colpepper. Ar. a bend engr. gu. Crest A martlet gu. —
second, on a chief of the third a buckle of the first betw, two betw. the attires of an ox.
cushions gu. C)-est —
A hand holding a dagger erect ppr. Colpoys. Ar, an anchor az. surmounted by a maunch sa.

Motto Pro patria semper. charged with three crosses pattee of the field. Crest Out of —
Collowtery. Ar. a chev. betw. three bats displ. sa. a naval coronet a dexter hand apaumee. Motto Dieu —
Colls. Gu. on a chief indented ar. three annulets of the donne.
field. O'est— On a ducal coronet a griffin sejant, wings ColqullOlin (That Ilk, and Luss, co. Dumbarton, bart,
endorsed ppr. supporting an inescutcheon ar. 1625). The heiress m. a son of Grant of Grant in 1702, and
Colluxubell (Derbyshire). Sa. three doves ar. each hold- Luss went to their second son, who took the name of Col-
ing in the beak an ear of wheat (another, laurel) or. QUHOUN : his younger brother, who succeeded him, was
CoUumbell (Blyton, co. Lincoln). Sa. three doves ar. made a bart. in 1786). Ar. a saltire engr. sa. Crest —
Crest —
On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a dove close ppr. in hart's head couped gu. attired ar. Supporters Two ratch- —
the beak an ear of wheat or. Uounds Motto Si je puis.
ar. collared sa. —
Collvile (Gome, Ireland ; granted 25 April, 1670). Quar- ColqnJiOUU (Drumpelder, Scotland). Ar. a saltire engr.
terly, ar. and sa. in the first and fourth quarters a cross sa. in base a rose gu. Crest —
A branch of laurel slipped
form^e gu. ; in the second and third a fesse chequy or and ppr. Motto —
Dum spiro spero,
vert. Crest—A hind's head ar, charged with a cross formee ColcLulloulL (Kilmardinny, co. Dumbarton). Ar. a saltire
sa. engr. sa. a fieur-de-lis gu. in chief. Crest
— A stag's head —
Collwyn ap Tang-o (Lord of Efionydd, Founder of the erased ppr. Motto -Festina lente.
fifthNoble Tribe of North Wales and Powys, ancestor of Colqulroiin (Garscadden and Killermont). Ar. on a saltire
Williams of Aberarch, co, Carnarvon Vadghan, Earl of ; engr. sa. a buckle or. Crest —
A man's hand ppr. holding a
lisburn; Winn, Lord Newborouyh; Bichaeds), Sa. a chev. —
buckle or. Motto Omnia firmant.
betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. Colg.uh.O'un (Camstrodden, co. Dumbarton). Ar. a saltire
Colly (Glaston, co. Rutland descended from John Colly, of engr. sa. within a bordure gu. Crest— A stag's head ppr.


Lubenham, co. Leicester. Visit. Rutland, 1618). Ar. a Motto Si je puis,

cross wavy sa. Crest —
A griflSn segreant sa. armed or. ColcLuJioun (Elstow Lodge, co Bedford). Ar. a saltire
Collyer, or Colliar (formerly of Wroxham and Necton, —
engr, sa. within a bordure gu. Crest A hart's head erased
afterwards of Hachford Hall, Norwich, and Girmingham, co. gu. attired ar. Motto —
Si je puis.
Norfolk), Ar. a chev. betw. three unicorns' heads couped Colquite (Fowey, or Foy, co. Cornwall. Visit. 1620). Ar..
gu. Crest —
^A unicorn's head ppr. Motto Avance. — a fesse az. fretty or, betw. three cinquefoils gu.
Collyer (as borne by G. S. Collteb, Esq., of London). Ar. Colquitt. Sa. three chev. ar. on each a pellet, a canton
on a chev, az. betw. three demi unicorns courant gu. as or. —
Crest ^A hawk, rising, ducally gorged and belled, ppr.
many acorns slipped and leaved ppr. Colraue. Gu. two bars or, a chief indented of the last.
Collyer (Dorsetshire). Gu. on a chev. betw. three wolves' Colreth. (Lincolnshire). Ar. three fieurs-de-lis az.
heads erased ar. as many roses of the first stalked and Colridg'e. Gu. a cross flory betw, five martlets or.
leaved vert. Crest —
A demi unicorn ar, armed, maned, and Colrond. Ar. a fesse gu, on a canton of the second a
hoofed or. crescent of the flrst.
Collyer (Staffordshire; confirmed 10 October, 1629), Sa. a Colsell (Kent). Quarterly az. and gu. a lion ramp, or, and
cross pattee fitchee or. Crest —A
cross pattee fitchee or, in sinister chief a cross formee fitchee at the foot of the
. betw. two eagles' wings sa. third.
CoUyn (Essex). Vert, a griffin segreant or. Crest— Colsell (quartered by Skiffington, of Skifington, co.
griffin's head erased or, collared erm, Leicester. . Visit. Leicester, 1619), Or, a pale az. and a
CoUyng-s, or Collyns (Bury, co, Suffolk), Vert, a chief vert.
griffin segreant or, on a canton of the second a fleur-de-lis Colshill, or Colsell (Essex and Cornwall). Chequy or
sa. Crest —
A nag's head sa. bridled or, the rein hanging and sa. a chief of the first, guttle de sang. Crest— An arm,
down before, with a ring at the end of it. couped at the shoulder, in armour, garnished or, holding in
Collys. Ga. on a chief ar. three annulets of the first. the hand a gauntlet, all ppr.
Colman (Suffolk and Essex). Az, upon a pale rayonee or, a Colshill (Devonshire). Chequy ar. and sa. a chief or.
lion ramp. gu. Crest
Colman (originally of
caltrap or, betw. two wings ar. Colshill (Devonshire). Chequy ar. and sa. on a chief of
Gornhay, in Tiverton, and afterwards the first four guttes de sang.
of Hillersdon, In Collumpton, co. Devon), Per fesse ar. and Colshill, or Colsell (Kent). Quarterly, gu. and sa. a
sa. a cross flory betw. four mullets, all counterchanged. lion ramp, or, betw. three crosses formee fitchee at the foot,
Colman (Kent). Per fesse ar. and sa. a cross patonce betw. of the third,
four mullets counterchanged.
gorged with a collar and ring ar. charged with three

A greyhound's head Colshill (London).
salient, gu.
Chequy or and az. on a chief ar. a goat,

mullets sa. Colshill. Chequy or and sa. a chief ar, (another, erm).
Colman (Fun] Ent. of Bichaed Colman, Chief Remembrancer Colshill. Chequy ar. and gu. a chief or.
of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Ireland, d. 16 June, Colshill, or Colsell. Chequy or and ea. a chev. ar.
J620). Anm same as Colman of co. Kent, guttee de sang.


Colshull. Chequy or and az. a chief ar. guttee de sang. Coltwort, or Collywarp. Vair^ar. andgu.
Crest —An arrow in pale. Colubers. Per fesse ar. and gu. a cross sarcellfie, counter-
Colson. on a pale two palets ar. three escutcheons changed.
—^Two arms,betw.
gu. Grest couped at the elhow, habited, hold- Columb. See Culme.
ing in the hand ppr. an escutcheon or. Columbell (Darley, co. Derby, temp. Eichard II.; the-
Colston (Essex). Az. two barbels, haurient, respecting heiress m. Maebury). Sa. three doves ar. legged gu, in

each other ar. Crest A spear's head in pale, enfiled with the bill of each an olive branch vert. Ci-est A camel's head —
a savage's head, couped, ppr. ppr. Motto Pacem amo. —
Colston (Essex). Ar. two dolphins, haurient, sa. Columbers (Devonshire). Gu. a cross formee fltchfe or,
Colston, Coulson, or Coulston (Essex and liOndon. Columbers. Gu. a, chief ar. a cross moline counter-
Visit. London, 1568, Gabriel Colston, of London, citizen changed.
and grocer, was second son of Robert Colston, Esq., of Columbers (Hale, co. Lancaster; the heiress m. Holland,
Corby, co, Lincoln, by KATaERiNE, his wife, dau. and coheir whence the Irelands and Blackbobnks). Gu. a bend or.
of John Maloroe, Esq., of Walton, co. Leicester). Ar. two Columbers. Per fesse, gu. and ar. (another, ar, and gu.)
dolphins, haurient, respecting each other sa. chained a cross moline, counterchanged,
together by their necks, the chain pendent or, quartering, or, Columbers. Gu. a cross formee fitch^e ar.
a lion ramp, double queued gu., for Maloege. Crest— Colveley (Hampshire). Gu. a fesse betw. three plumes ar.-

dolphin, embowed, sa. Columbine (Colonel of Foot 1708). Sa. three doves ar.,
Colston. The same, within a bordure engr. of the last. holding in their bills olive branches vert. Ci-est On a cap —
Colston. Ar. two barbels, respecting each other, sa. of maintenance a dove. Motto —
Audaces fortuna juvat.
Colston. Ar. two barbels, haurient, endorsed, within a Colvile (Lullington, and Duffield Hall, co. Derby, This
bordure sa. family obtained Newton, in the Isle of Ely, by marriage, 1262,
Colston. Ar. three dolphins haurient, within a bordure William Colvile, of Newton, was one of the Knights of the
sa. Eoyal Oak, and his descendant, Eobert Colvile, Esq.
Colston. Gu. two barbels, respecting each other, or. (father of the late Sir Charles Henry Colvile, Knt., of
Colston (originally of Colston Hall, co. Lincoln, subse- Dufldeld Hall) sold Newton Colville 1792). Az. a lion ramp,
quently of Fllldns Hall, co. Oxford, and of Eoundway Park, or, a label with five points gu. the whole width of the shield,
CO. Wilts). Ar. betw. two dolphins haurient, respecting borne with fifteen quarterings. Crest On a chapeau gu. —
each other, an anchor, all ppr. Crest A dolphin embowed — turned up erm. a lion statant, tail extended ar. gorged with
ppr. —
Motto Go and do thou likewise. These words were a label of three points of the first. Motto Persevere. —
adopted in memory of the philanthropic Edward Colston, Colvile (Kempsey, co. Worcester). Same as last.
born in 1636, the eminent merchant of Bristol, who during Colvile, or Colwell (Cambridgeshire ). Az. a lion ramp,
his lifetime established schools and hospitals, and left, at or, and label gu. Crest— On a chapeau gu. turned up erra.
his decease in 1722, more than 300,000!. to different churches a lion pass. ar. gorged with a label of three points' of the
and charities in Bristol, London, aind elsewhere, fully re- first.

corded on his monument in All Saints' Church, in bis native Colvile (Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire), Az. a lion
city of Bristol. —
ramp, ar, and label gu. Crest On a chapeau az. turned
Colt (Westminster ; since of Leominster, co. Hereford, bart.). up erm. a lion ar. charged on the shoulder with a label of
Ar. a fesse betw. three colts in full speed, sa. Crest — three points, gu.
colt as in the arms. —
Motto Vincit qui patitur. Colvile, or Colyvill (Cumberland, Kent, Lincolnshire,
Colt, or Coult (Canterbury, 1613). Or, a fesse betw. Northamptonshire, and Northumberland). Ar. three chev.
three colts in full speed, sa. Crest —In a fire ppr. a ram aj. sa. bezantee.
attired or. Colvile (Isle of Ely). Ar. a hon ramp. az. a label gu.
Colt (Essex). Erm. afesse betw. three colts in full speed, Crest —A greyhound's head, erased, ar.
sa. Crest —A colt in full speed sa. holding in the mouth a Colvile, or Col-wall (Kent). Ar. three chev. sa. charged
broken tilting spear or, headed az. the other part of the with five annulets or.
spear lying betw. his hind legs. Colvile (Bitham, co. Lincoln). Or, a fesse gu.
Colt (Essex). Ar. a fesse az. betw. three colts in full speed Colvile (Lincolnshire). Or, on a fesse gu. three Uons ramp,
sa. ar.
Colt (Colt Hall, CO. Suffolk, 1587). The same Arms as Colt, Colvile (Suffolk). Az. (another, sa.)a lion ramp, ar, and
bart. with due —A nag's head erm.
diff. Crest bend gu. Crest —A demi Uon or, holding in the dexter paw
Colt Lanark). Ar. a
(Garthsherrie, co. head erased stag's a cross moline gu.
gu. betw, the a pheon
attires —A dexter naked
az. Crest Colvile (Yorkshire). Or, a fesse gu, on a chief of the
arm, embowed, holding the hand an arrow
in bend in second three bezants. ,

sinister, ppr.Motto —Transfigam. Colvile (Yorkshire). Or, a fesse gu, in chief three torteaux.
Coltambe. Or, achev. betw. three escallops az. Colvile. Or, on a fesse gu. three crosses crosslet (another,
Coltliorpe. Vaire ar. and gu, crescents) ar.
Colthurst (Ardrum, co. Cork, bart.). Quarterly^ 1st and Colvile. Or, a fesse gu in chief a
. cinquefoil az.
4th, CoLTHDRST,ar. on a fesse betw. three colts courant sa. Colvile. Ar. a cross flory (another, pattde; another,
as many trefoils slipped or 2nd and 3rd, Conway, sa. on a
; moline ; another, patonce another, three crosses, patt&),

bend cottised erm, a rose gu. seeded or, barbed vert, betw. gu.
two annulets of the first, a crescent for diff. Crest A colt — Colvile.
Or, six billets gu. three, two, and one.
statiiut sa. —
Motto Justum et tenacem. Colvile. Ar. three lions pass. sa. bezantee.
Coltliurst (confirmed to Joseph CoLTHDBST,Esq., of Dripsey Colvile. Ar. on a fesse gu. three lions or (another, of the
Castle, CO. Cork). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, Colthurst, field).
ar. on a fess betw. three colts courant sa. as many trefoils Colvile. Per fesse, ar. and gu. u. cross moline counter-
slipped or, a crescent for diff. 2nd and 3rd, Conway, sa. a
; changed.
sa. a bend cottised erm. charged with a rose gu. seeded or, Colvile, Colwell, or Colvyle. Or, three chev. sa.

barbed vert, betw. two annulets of the first, a crescent for each charged with five bezants.
diff. Crest —
A colt courant sa. charged on the shoulder Colvile. Az. alion ramp. ar. on a chief erm. a label gu.

with a crescent or. Motto Justum et tenacem. Colvill (Cumberland). Or, a cross flory gu.
Colthnrst (Somersetshire). Ar. a fesse betw. two colts. Colvill. Or, a fesse gu. betw. three martlets sa.
pass. sa. Crest —A demiUonramp. affront€e, ar. Colvill. Or. three chess-rooks gu.
Colthurst (Gargrave, co. York). Same as the preceding. Colville {Lord Colville, Walter de Colville was sum-
ColtlLurst (Ireland). Arms, the same. Crest On the — moned to Pariiament 1264, title in abeyance). Or, a fess gu,
stump of a tree, a crane perched, ppr. Colville (Lord Colville of Cidross). Quarterly, first and
Coltlmrst-Vesey. See Vesey. fourth, ar, a cross moline sa., for Colville; second and
Coltliurst-Brabazon, See Bbabazon. third, gu, a fesse chequy ar. and az,, for Lindsay. Oi-est-'

Coltman (Hagnaby Priory, co. Lincoln). Az. a cros.<! A hind's head couped ar. Supporters The dexter, a —
patonce pierced or, betw. four mullets ar. Crest A nag's — rhinoceros; the sinister, a Hercules, covered with a lions
head, erased, sa., maned and bridled ar. tasselled, or. skin, and holding on the exterior shoulder a club, all ppr-
Coltman (Naburn Hall, co. York). Same as preceding. Motto— Oviblier ne puis,
Coltman (Leicestershire, Yorkshire, and London). As pre- Colville (Lord Colville, of Ochiltree). Same Arms.
ceding. Colville (Edinburgh, 1672). Ar. a cross moline sa. »

Colton (Cheshire). Sa. a saltire engr. betw. four crosses mullet of the last in chief. Crest—A Hercules from the
crosslet or. Crest —A boar pass. ar. armed and bristled or, middle clothed with a lion's skin and holding in his hand a
Tulned in the shoulder gu, baton ppr. Motto— 0\xhlieT ne puis.


Colville (Blair). The same quartered coat within a hordure on a cross engr, or, five roses of the field. These arms were-
quarterly gu. and ar. CVest —A hind's head couped ppr. entered at the Visit, of 1583, for Combebfoed,
Mottn —Non obliviscar. Comberford, or Cum.berford (confirmed by the
Colville (Lincolnshire). Ar. on a pale az, hetw. two cock deputies of Camden, Clarenceux, toHaMPHEEvCoMBEitFOEO,
pheasants endorsed, each reguard. ppr. a lion ramp, of tho Esq., of Kingsbury, eleventh in descent from Allan de
field collared gu. Crest—'A cock pheasant with wings ele- Comberford. Visit. Warwick). Gu. on a cross engr. ar.
vated ppr. holding in the beak a hawk's bell or. five roses ofthe field. Crent—Out of a ducal coronet or, a
Colvin (confirmed to Robert CotviN, Esq., of Lough Eske, peacock's head per pale of the last and gu. charged with six
CO. Donegal). Ar. a cross mohne gu. on a canton az. a tre- roses counterchanged.
foil slipped or. Orest —
A hind's head couped ar. charged Com.berford (Dangenmore). See Comerford.

with a trefoil slipped vert. Motto In hoc signo vinces. —
Comberford. Crest ^A dove volant with an olive branch
Colwell (cos. York, Kent, and Worcester, Har. MSS. 1566). in the beak ppr.
Ar. three chevs. sa. each charged with five bezants. Oom.bermere Abbey (Cheshire). Quarterly, gu. and or,
Colwicb. (Styd, and Darley Moor, co. Derby, JtugdaWs a bend sa., over all on the sinister side a crozier in pale of
Visitation). Ar. a fesse betw. three bats displ. sa. Orest — the second.
A bat displ. ppr. Com.bermere, Viscount. See Cotton.
Colwike, or Colwick (Colwick, co. Notts, Sir Giles Col- Comberton (Lincolnshire). Ar. (another, or) a chev. betw. •

wiCE, of that place, left two daus. and co-heirs, one wife of three martlets sa.
Sir Richard Byron, of Byron and Clayton, ancestor of Lord Com.berton. Erm. on a fesse gu. three castles or.
Syrotif who got Over Colwick as her portion, and the other Com.bertoii. Gu. a Uon vair^ or and az.
wife of Thomas Sloet, of Slory, near Hereford, who had Com.bertoii. Gu. a Uon ramp, or, tail forked crowned az.
Nether Colwick as her portion. Visit. Notts). Gu. three Com.bertoii. Gu. two hons sejant guard, with one head
fusils conjoined in fesse ar. in chief two cinquefoils or. or, crowned az.
Colwike. Ar. semde of crosses crosslet fitchee az. a hend Comberton. Sa. three helmets or.
of the last. Comberwell. Erm. on a fesse sa. three plates.
Colwike. Quarterly, Ist and 4tb, ar. in the first quarter a Comberworth, Chequy or and gu. on a cliief of the first
bend az. charged with three bezants ; 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a lion pass. az.
the second a cross crosslet fitchee az. and sa. Comberworth. Chequy or and gu. a chief ar.
Colwike. Ar. on a bend az. three bezants pierced in chief Com-berwortb (quartered by Constable, of Flamborough,

a cross crosslet or. Orest An anchor in pale in the sea CO. York. Sir Maemaduke Constable m. the dau. and heir
ensigned with a dove and oUve branch ppr. of SirRobert CoMBERfloETH, of Somerby. Visit. Notts).
Colwyke. Ar. on a bend az. three bezants pierced in the Chequy or and gu. on a chief ar. a Uon pass, (another, pass,
sinister chief a crosslet fitchee of the second. Crest A hand — guard.) sa.
issuing from a cloud in pale holding a sealed letter, all ppr. Combmakers, Company of (London). Az. a lion pass,
Colyear {Earl of Portmore, created 1703, extinct 1835). Gu. guard, betw. three combs or. Orest ^A mount thereon an —
on a chev. betw. three wolves' heads erased ar. as many oak elephant standing against a tree, all ppr.
trees eradicated ppr. fructed or. Crest~-A unicorn ramp. Combrem, Ar. a fesse betw. three birds sa.
ar. armed and maned or. —
Supporters ^Two wolves ppr. Combrey (Scotland). Or, on a fesse az. two pheons point-
ilfotio— Avance. ing outward conjoined by an annulet ar. in base a crescent
Colyn (Boscame and Helland, co. Cornwall, temp. Richard —
gu. Crest A sheaf of arrows points upwards. Motto Ad —
II.). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three coots ppr. membered gu. metam.
Comb, or Coxube (Scotland). Sa. a chev. betw. three Combriell. Az. three Uons pass. or.
combs ar. Orest — ^A crane with a bunch of clover in the Comby. Erm. three cinquefoils sa.
heak ppr. Comerford (Dangenmore and Ballyburr, co. Kilkenny, of
Coznbe (Cludington, co. Bucks, and Hertfordshire). Erm. Anglo-Norman origin). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. a talbot
three hons pass, in pale gu. Crests— lat A dexter hand and
: pass. ar. 2nd and 3rd, az. a bugle horn ar. stringed gu.

arm embowed in armour garnished or, wreathed about the —

betw. three mullets or. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or,
arm. ar. and gold holding in the hand a broken tilting spear a peacock's head ppr. —
Mctto So ho ho dea ne. It is'
of the last; 2nd: An arm in armour embowed holding a stated in the registration of the Comerford pedigree in
truncheon, all ppr- Ulster's Office that Roger de Comehford, of Staffordshire,
Combe (Devonshire and London, granted 2nd July, 1663). accompanied King John to Ireland, and " was Grand Master
Gu. two bars or, betw. six lozenges ar. three, two, and one. of the game.'* It is there further stated that he adopted new
CozxLbe (Cobham Park, co. Surrey, and Oaklands, co. arms.
Sussex). Erm. three hons pass, in pale gu. Orest —An arm Com.erford (New Ross, co. Wexford). Az. a bugle horn ar.

embowed in armour, the hand grasping a broken tilting stringed gu. betw. three mullets or. Crest ^A peacock in
spear. —
Motto ^Nil timere, nee temere. its pride ppr. —
Motto So ho ho dea ne.
Combe (Somersetshire). Sa. two bars betw. seven bees ar. Comer (Fitzhead, co. Somerset). Vert, on a fesse betw.
three, three, and one. Orest —A demi lion sa. ducally three eagles displ. or, as many keys wards upwards sa.
gorged ar. —
Crest A squirrel sejant ppr. collared dancettee and refiexed (Eamshill, co. Somerset). See Maddison. over the back or, and holding in the paws a key, as in the
Combe, Coombe, or Coxixnbe (Stratford-on-Avon, co. arms. Motio—Persevere.
Warwick). hons ramp. or.
Sa. three Comes abend raguly gu. a Uon pass, of
(London). Ar. on (granted by Cooke, Clarenceux, to John Combe, or the Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's gamb
Combes, father of the usurer, the friend of Shakespeare, a staff raguly sa. slipped at each end gu.
ar. holding
1584). Erm. three lions pass, in pale gu. Orest A dexter — Commen (co. Waterford). Gu. three garbs ar.
arm in armour embowed sa. garnished or, wreathed about Comxnerell (Strood, near Horsham, Sussex). Gu. a dexter
the arm ar. and gu. in the hand a broken tilting spear of the arm embowed couped below the shoulder holding in the
second. hand a branch of laurel, aU ppr. Crest A dexter arm —
Combe. Per pale ar. and sa. a cross betw. four martlets holding a laurel branch as in the arms.
counterchanged. Comes (Fun. Ent. Ire.). Erm. three Uons pass, in pale gu.
Combe. Erm. (another,
ar.) on a bend gn.. three combs or. Commolin. Per fesse ar. and gu. three unicorns pass,
Combe. Ar. on a chev. gu. three garbs or. counterchanged. Crest—A fir tree ppr.
Com.bem.artlxi (Aldrington, Northampton, temp. Edward Com.pigne. Or, three cocks sa.
Crest —
A dexter hand*
HI.). Gu. a Uon ramp, vaire or and vert (another, or and per fesse ar. and up a covered cup or.
az. holding
az.). Compion. —
Or, a maunch sa- Orest A demi talbot vert.
Com.ber (Sussex). Or, a fesse dancettee gu. betw. three Compion. Or, a maxmch (another, a water bouget) within^
estoiles sa. Creat —A lynx's head or, pelletee. ah^rdure engr. sa.
Comber (Rev. Henbt George Wandesford Comber, rector Com.port (Kent; granted to Christopher Comport, of
of Oswaldkirk, co. York, a descendant of the Sussex family). Ightham, Kent, gent., by Sir Edward Walker, Garter,
Arms and Crest, as the preceding. Motto Sapiens domina- — 1 Dec. 1663), Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three torteaux as
bitur astris. many quatrefoils or. Crest— A demi Uon ar. charged on
Comberback (co. Chester, 1771). Erm. three bars az. on his shoulder with a quatrefoil gu. holding a torteau.
a canton of the last a fieur-de-lis ar. Com.p5on (Hopton Wape and Cleobury, co. Salop; Thomas
Comberford (Comberford, co. Stafford). Gu. a talbot CoMPsoN, of Hopton Wape, Esq., was sheriff, 1792). Az. three
pass. ar. After the marriage of John Comberford with garbs or.
Johanna, dau. of John Paeles, of Shittlehanger, the Com Com.pton, Doug-las-Compton {Marquess of Nm-thamp-
BEBFOEDs adopted the coat of Paeles for their own, viz. : gu. ton). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. a lion pass, guard, or,
"betw.tlirec esquires' helmets ar., forCoMPTON; 2nd and 3rd, Comyn (Durham and Essex). Az. a chev. erm. betw. three
quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a man's heart gu. ensigned with —
garbs or. Ci-est Two armsrouped at the ehouldcrs habited
an imperial crown ppr. and on a chief az. three stars of the erm. holding in the hands ppr. a garb or.
first; 2nd and 3rd, ar. three piles issuing from a chief gu. on Comyn, or Comin (co. Lincoln). Ar. three garbs betw.
the last two stars of the first, all within a bordure az. charged nine crosses crosslet fitchee gu.
with eight buckles or, for Dodglas. Oi-ests 1st, Compton: — Comsm (Yorkshire). Ar. three garbs gu. (another, banded
On a mount a beacon fired ppr. beliind it a riband inscribed or). I

with the words Nisi Dominus; 2nd, Douglas; A sanglier Comyns (Wood, in Bishop's Teignton, co. Devon). Quar-
sticking betwixt two clefts of an oak tree with a chain and terly, 1st and 4th, gu. three garbs ppr. eared or, for Comyns,
lock holding them all ppr., and in an escroll above, this motto, 2nd and 3rd, az. a fesse raguly betw. three unicorns' heads
"Lock sicker." Supfiorters^Dcxzer, a dragon erm. ducally erasedor, for Leab. —
Crest A demi unicorn couped holding
gorged and chained or sinister, an unicorn ar. horned,
; a raguly sa. Jl/bifo—Mallem mori quam mutare.

maned, hoofed, and tufted sa. Motto Je ne cerche qu'un. Com.yns. Az. three lozenge buckles tongues in fesse or.
•Compton {Sari and Baron of Wilmington. Sir Spencer Ci'est —
Ou a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a bloodhound sqant
Compton, 3rd son of James, 3rd Sari of Northampton, was ppr.
created a Baron 1728, and an Earl 1730. d. unm. 1743). Con (Scotland). Gu. a fesse engr. betw. a cinquefoilin chief,
Sa. a lion pass, guard, or, betw, three esquires' helmets ar. and a crescent in base ar.

Crest A buck at gaze ar. attired or. Sujjporters Two — Conan (Kelfield). Ar. a cross engr. sa.
bulls ar. armed and unguled ppr. Motto— Tout bien ou Conan (Fun. Ent. of Conan, searcher of the Port of Dublin,
rien. d. July, 1602). Ar. a fess sa. cottised gu. betw. two fleui's-
•Compton (Carham Hall, co. Northumberland). Sa. a lion de-lis of the second.
pass, guard, or, betw. three helmets az. Oi-est On a mount — Conant (Lyndon Per saltire az. and gu.
Hall, co. Rutland).
vert a beacon or, enflamed on the top ppr. on the beacon a twenty afterwards altered to "gu. ten billets or,
billets or,

Dominus. Motto Je ne cherche qu'un.
label inscribed, Nisi four, three, two, and one." Crest —
On a mount vert a stag
Compton Ar. achev. vert.
v'Cheshire). ppr. sustaining with his dexter foot an inescutcheon of the
>Oorapton (Compton Castle, co. Devon the co-heiresses m.
; arms. Motto — Conanti dabitur.
Gilbert and CniDERLEOH). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three Conarton, or Cornarton (Cornwall). Az. three covered
shovellers ar. cups or (another, ar.). Crest— A talbot's head erased per
'Compton (Hartbury, co. Gloucester, bart., extinct 1773). pale or and gu. collared counterchanged.
Ar. a fesse nebulee gu. on a chief of the last a helmet betw. Concanon (confirmed to Edmond John Concanon, Esq.,

two lions'- heads erased or. Oi-est A beacon ppr. Motto — of Waterloo, co. Galway). Ar. on a mount vert an oak tree
Nisi Dommus. ppr. perched thereon a falcon also ppr. belled or, betw. in
'Compton (Lyndhurst and Minstead, Hants). Sa. a lion base two cross crosslets fitchee gu. 0)-est An elephant —
guard, or, betw. three esquires' helmets ppr. garaished statant ppr. tusked or. Motto—Conn can an (Wisdom with-
gold. —
Crest A demi dragon erased wings elevated, the out blemish).
body encircled with a ducal coronet. Condie. Ar. three cinquefoils in pale gu. betw. two palets
'Com.pton (Piersden, Hants (Visit, of 1634), and Surrey). az. on a chief vert a lion pass, of the field. Crist On a ducal —
Erm. on a bend sa. three close helmets or. Crest On. a — coronet or, a lion pass. az.
chapeau purp. turned up erm. a fleur-de-lis gu. Condon (Wellerby, co. York; granted 22 June, 1627). Gu.
'jCompton (Somersetshire). Ar. three masclesgu. on a chief a fesse ar. in chief a martlet or.
sa. a helmet of the first betw. two birds' heads erased or. Conduit. Gu. three pitchers ar.
^Compton (confirmed to Henhv Compton, Ksq., of Court, co. Conduitt (Westminster granted
16 Aug. 1717). Gu. on a
Limerick, commander R.N., son of Francis Compton, Esq., fesse "wavy ar. betw. three pitchers double eared or, as
of Friarstown, same co., and of Willsgove, co. Roscommon, many bees volant ppr. Crest Two —
caducean rods with
hy Mary, his wife, dau. and eventual heir of Henry Widen- wings lying fesseways or, thereon a peacock's head erased
HAM, Esq., of Court). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Compton, sa. ppr.
an esquire's helmet ppr. betw. three hons pass, guard., two Cone, Gu. a bend ar. cottised or.
and one or; 2nd and 3rd, Widenham, ar. two bendlets gu. Coneley. Ar. on a chev. sa. three leopards' faces or.
on, a chief az. a lion pass, of the first crowned or. Crests — Coneley, Ar. on a- chev. betw. three leopai-ds' faces sa. as
1st, Compton: A Uon pass. ppr. charged on the shoulder many fleurs-de-lis of the field.
with a rose ar. ; 2nd, Widenham: A
lion's head erased ppr. Conellish (Standerside). Az. betw. two flaunches erm. as

Motto' Clementia in potentia ; and over the Ci-csts Be — many swans close ar.
firm. Conesby. Gu. three conies ar. within a bordure engr. ea.

sCompton (Sutton, co. Somerset). Sa. three close helmets Crest —A coney ar.
or. Coney (Marton, and of Bassingthorpe, co. Lincoln). Sa. on
•Com.pton. Ar. a fesse nebulee gu. on a chief of the last a fesse cotised or, betw. three conies ar. as many escallops
a helmet betw. two hawks* heads erased or. of the field. Crest— A demi coney sa. holding a pansy flower
Compton. Or, on a bend sa. three mullets of the field. purp. stalked and leaved vert.
•Compton. Sa. a lion pass, guard, ar. betw. three helmets Coney (Gillingham, co. Norfolb). Sa. a fesse cotised betw.
of the second. Crest —
A beacon enflamed ppr. Motto — three conies ar.
Dum spiro spero. Coney. Sa. a chev. or
<I!ompton. Sa. three close helmets ar. Coney, or Coyney, Or, on a bend sa. three trefoils

Compton, Sa. a chev. betw. three doves ar. slipped ar.

Compton. Ar. a fesse nebulde gu. on a chie£ of the last Cong-alton (Congalton, Scotland). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
three helmets of the first. ar. a bend gu. in chief a label of three points sa., 2nd and
Compton. Sa. three cats pass, guard, ar. collared and 3rd, ar. a fesse sa. betw. two cotises compony az. and of the
belled or. second. Crest— A bee ppr. il/otio— Magna in parvo.
Comrays. Or, three bars sa. on an inescutcheon of the Cong-alton (Dirletoun, Scotland). The same, without the
first a canton gu. cotises all within a bordure engr. gu. Motto —Hseret
Comrie (Scotland). Or, on a bend az. an annulet of the origini.
first betw. two pheons issuing out of the same. C]'est —An Congre. Az. on a fesse betw. three falcons' heads erased
archer shooting an arrow out of a bow ppr. Motto — Ad ar. collared and belled or, five crosses crosslet fitchee sa.
metam. (another az.), i. e., the bells at the front of the collars.
Comyn (Earl of Northumberland. Egbert Comyn was so Cong-e. Az. on a fesse betw. three bulls' heads erased ar.
created by William I., 1068, murdered shortly after by the collared and belled or, five crosses crosslet fitchee sa.
inhabitants of the county who did not approve of the ap- Congey, Az. on a fesse betw. three hawks' head erased ar.
pointment). Gu. three garbs or. collared gu. set with bells of the second, five crosses crosslet
Comyn, or Chilcot (Isleworth, co. Middlesex; William formee fitchee sa. (another, of the field).
and Robert Comyn, sons of Robert Comyn, alias Chilcot, Cong-ey. Az. on a fesse betw. three bulls' heads erased
Esq., of Tiverton, co. Devon. "Visit. Middlesex, 1663). Or, on collared or, five crosses crosslet fitchee sa.
a pile vert betw. two lions ramp. sa. three garbs of the field. Cong-hnrst. Az. three congers hauriaut.
Crtst —
On a mount vert two garbs in saltire or. Cong'Ieton, Baron. See Fabnell.
Comyn {Earl of Bachan. Lord of Badenoch, &c., 13th Congleton (Hower, co. Northampton). Gu. on a fesse ar.
century). Az. three garbs or. See Gumming. betw. three dragons' heads erased or, as many trefoilfi
-Comyn, or Comin (Durham). Az. a chev. betw. three slipped sa.
sheaves of cumin or. Crest— Two arms embowed ppr. vested Congrreve (Congreve andStretton, co. Stafford, Burton Hall
«rm. holding up a sheath of cumin or. CO. Chester, Aldermaston House, Berks). Sa. a chev. bet«v


three 'battle-axes ar. Crest— falcon with wings expanded Conney (Whitsundinc, Rutland. Visit. Kutland). Arms-
ppr. Motto — ^Non moritur ctgus fama vivit. and C}-e3t same as the preceding with a crescent for diff.
Oongreve (Mount Congreve, co. Waterford). Arms, as the Connock (Treworek and Treworgy, co. Cornwall. Visit-
preceding. 1620). Ar. a fesse dancettee betw, three eagles displ, gu.
CongT^eve (Walton, co. Stafford, hart.). Same Arms. Cfrest Crest —Out of a ducal coronet an eagle's head and wings-
— —Afalcon wings expanded ppr. oTer it the motto Persevere. issuing ppr.
Motto ^Non moritur cujus fama vivit. Connocke (Cornwall). Ar. a chev. dancettee betw. thre&
Congreve. Ar. a chev. gu. hetw. three battle-axes ppr. eagles displ. gu. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet a demi
Congreve (FUchity House, co. Inverness). Sa. a chev, segreant or.

betw. three battle-axes ar. Orest —A falcon rising ppr. Connop. Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three acorns leaved ppr..

Motto Non moritur cujus fama visit. —
on a chief ar, as many bees ppr. Crest ^A crescent ar. out
Congrill. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three battle-axes of the of the horns an arm erect, vested az. cuff. ar. holding in the
last. hand ppr. a branch of oak of the last.
Coning. Ar. crusily fitchee gu. three garbs of the last. Connor. See O'Connor.
Coning' Ar. a shake-fork betw. three cinquefoils sa. —
Connor. Vert, a saltire or. Ci'est A hand holding ik.
Crest —In a ducal coronet or, a mount vert, thereon a stork hawk's lure.
of the first, holding in his beak a snake, environed round the Connor Ar. two boars' heads erased in chief,
neck of the second betw. two cinquefoils stalked and leaved and a galley, her oars in action, in base, sa. Crest Out —
of the same. of a ducal coronet a hand ppr, vested sa. holding the sun-
Coningham. Sa. (another gu.) two gussets ar. or.
Coningsby (Coningsby Castle, Lincoln. John Coninosbt, Connour. Vert, a lion ramp, sinisterways or. Ci-est—Aiifi
who was slain in the Barons' wars at Chesterfield, temp. arm armour embowed, holding a sword all ppr.
King John, 1266). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. two lions pass, Connter. Barry of six, or and gu. bezantije.

gu. ; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three conies sejant ar. Conntesse. Ar. three harts' attire in fesse sa.
Coningsby (Hampton Court, Herefordshire, Worcester- Conny, or Coney (Norton, co. Lincoln). Arms, the same
shire, and Shropshire). Gu. three conies sejant ar. Oi-est— as —
Coney of Marton. Crest A coney sejant ar. holding in
A coney sejant ar. the mouth a pansy flower ppr. leaved vert.
Coningsby (JBarl Coningshy, created 1719, extinct 1729). Conny (Gillinghamj. Sa. a fesse cottised, betw. three

Same Arrns. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of conies courant, ar.
ostrich feathers, thereon a coney sejant, all ar. Supporters Conny (Ireland: Fun, Ent. ofBoBERT Conny, d. at Kinsale
— Two Uons gu. each charged on the shoulder with three Castle, CO. Cork, 14 Sept. 1683). Per pale or and az. a fleur-
billets, and ducally crowned or. ilfortoes—Vestigia nulla de-liscounterchanged, and a crescent for diff.
retrorsum, and Justi terram incolant. Connybeare. Ar. a saltire sa. over all a pale gu, quarter-
Coningsby (Viscountess Coningsby, Lady Margaret ing gu. a chev. or, betw. three cinquefoils ar. Crest— On :i
Coninosbt, eldest dau. of the Earl Coningsby, by his 2nd rock a dove, wings endorsed all ppr,, holding a cross patte'e
wife, was so created 1716, extinct 1761), Same Arms. Sup- fitchee gu.

porters ^Dexter, a lion gu. crowned with a ducal coronet or, Conolly. Ar, on a saltire engr. sa. five escallops of the
and charged on the neck with three biUets gold, two and fleld.
one ; sinister, a griffin erminois the wings in dorso upwards. Conolly (Castletown, co. Kildare, registered to the Eight
Coningsby (Norfolk and Hertfordshire). Gu. three conies Hon. WiLLLAM Conolly, Speaker of the House of Commons,
sejant ar. within a bordure engr. sa. in Ireland, temp. Queen Anne). Ar. on a saltire engr. sa.
Coningsby (Norfolk). Gu, three conies sejant within a five escallops of the field. Crest —
A dexter arm couped betu-.
bordure engr. ar. the wrist and elbow vested az. cuffed ar. the hand ppr.
Connaught (Province of, Ireland). Per pale ar. and az. —
grasping a chaplet or. Motto En Dieu est tout.
dexter a dimidiated eagle displ. sa., and sinister a sinister Conolly (now of Castletown, exemplified 1821, to Edward
arm embowed ppr. sleeved of the first, holding a sword also Michael Pakenham, Esq., M.P., of Castletown, co. Kildare,
ppr. conjoined at the shoulders. on his assuming by royal licence the surname of Conolly).
Conne (East Walton). Sa. a fesse betw. two bars gemelles Arms and Crest same as last. Motto— Fiait Dei volxmtas,
or, all betw. three conies pass. Conolly (Cottles, Wilts, and Midford Castle, co, Somerset,
Connell (Kilkenny, granted 5 Feb. 1685, to Eichard Con- confirmed to Charles John Thomas Conolly, Esq., of Mid-
MBLL, Esq., Mayor of Kilkenny, son of William Connell, ford Castle, CO. Somerset, and of Cottles, Wilts, grandson of
Esq., also Mayor of Kilkenny, both Registers of the See of Chaeles Connolly, Esq. (of the Castletown family), by
OBSory). Ar. on a chief sa. two book registers of the first. Mabia Eebecca his wife, dau. and co-heiress of Thojias-
Crest—A dexter hand ppr. vested sa., holding a rod ar. BuRKE, Esq.). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Conolly, ar. on a

Motto Servus servorum Dei. saltire engr. sa. five escallops of the field, in the centre chief
Connell. See OConnell. point a crescent gu. ; 2nd and 3rd, Eubke, or, on a cross gu,
Connell. See O'Connell and McConnell. a cross crosslet fitchee of the field, in the first quarter a lion
Connell, or Connel (Ireland). Ar. a chev. betw. three ramp, sa. and in the second a sinister hand erect of the

spurs az. Crest Out of a tower a demi grifBn segreant ppr. second. Orest'-A cubit arm erect vested az, cuffed ar.
Connell (Ashtown, co. Dublin, granted 1688 to John Con- charged with a crescent of the last, the hand ppr. grasping
hell, Esq., Seneschal to the Duke of Ormonde). Per fess a chaplet of roses or. Motto —En Dieu est tout. On an.
ar. and vert a stag trippant ppr. betw. three trefoils slipped escutcheon of pretence, the quartered shield of Euffano and

CDunterchanged. Crest A stag's head erased ar. charged DoTTO DE Dauli, in right of his wife, Louisa Ldcy Mar-
on the neck with a trefoil slipped verb. garet Catherine Brancaccio, Marches di St. Agata, of
Connell, or Connely, Ar. a chev. gu. betw. two spurs the Kingdom of Naples.
in chief, and a battle-axe in base az. shaft or. Crest —
^A Conolly (Marchesa de St. Agata). See preceding.

bee erect ppr. Motto Non sibi. Conqueror (Frierton). Ar. a garland of laurel vert, betw..
Connellan (Coolmore, co. Kilkenny, granted to Peter Con- three pheons gu. Crest— The head of a spear ppr. Motto —
NELLAN, Esq., of Castlc Garden, co. Kilkenny). Per fess az. Victoria.
and vert, a fess or, betw. in chief a pelican ar. vulned gu. Conquest (Houghton Conquest, co. Bedford), Quarterly, ar„
and in base a land tortoise pass, of the third. Crest ^An — and sa. in chief a label of three (another, five) points gu..
owl perched on the stump of an oak tree, ppr. Motto —Inter Crest— A holly tree ppr. fructed gu.
utrumque. Conquest. Quarterly, sa. and ar. in chief a label of three-
Conner. Vert a lion ramp, double queued, or. Crest — points counterchanged.
dexter arm embowed in armour ppr., garnished or, the hand Conquest. Quarterly, ar. and sa. a bend gu.
grasping a short sword ppr., the hilt and pommel of the last. ConracLus (London). Sa. a chev. betw, three unicorns*"

Motto Min sicker reag. heads erased or. Crest— A unicorn's head erased or, collared
Conney (granted by Camden, Clarenceux, 1609, to Hekrt sa.studded of the first.
CoNNEY, Esq., of Parley, co. Rutland, Visit. Kutland). Ar. Conradus. Ar. a purse overt gu.
a saltire gu. betw. four conies sejant sa. Crest—On a Conran (Ireland). Az, a chev. betw. three hawks' heads-
mount vert a coney sejant or. erased or. Crest— A pillar entwined with woodbine ppr.
Conney (Bassingthorpe, co, Lincoln, granted by Segar, Conran (Ireland). Gu. a goat's head erased ar.
Garter, 1612, to Sir Thomas Cohye, Knt., of Basingthorpe. Conran. Vert, a chev. betw. three hinds' heads couped ar..
Visit. Butland). Gu. on a bend double cottised or, three Anotlier Coat —
^Vert, on a chev. ar. three martlets gu. betw.

torteaux, quartering ar. two bars gemelles az. in chief three as many hinds' heads erased of the first, vreat A hind's- —
mullets gu, C]-est^A talbot's head or, the tongue hanging —
head erased. Motto In Deo spes mea.
out of his mouth distilling blood ppr. Conran (Fun. Ent, of Richard Cokean, Sword-bearer to tho
; A


Lord Mayor of Dutlin, d. June, 1595, granted by Narbonne, guns, and apparel all or., Constable ; 2nd : A turkey cock
Ulster, Sept. 1576). Ar. three bars wavy az. on a chief gu. sa. membered and wattled gu.
a demi wyvern or, betw. on the dexter a rose, and on the Constable. Quarterly, gu. and vaire a bordure or.
sinister a harp of the first. Constable. Quarterly, or and gu. a bend engr. vert.
Conran (Fun. Ent. Ire., 1617). Sa. on a chev. betw. three Constable. Sa. a cinquefoil within an orle of crosses
hinds' heads erased ar. as many martlets of the field. crosslet or.
• Oourau (Fun. Ent. of Alderman Puilip Conran, Lord Mayor Constable. Or, a fesse betw. three mascles gu.
of Dublin, d. 4 Feb. 1625). Vert, on a chev. betw. three Constable. Ar. two bars nebulae gu. within a bordure az.
hinds' heads erased ar. as many martlets of the field. Constable. Or, an inegcutcheon gu.
Conran (Dublin). Gu. a hind's head erased ar. betw. three Constable. Az. an inescutcheon ar. over all a bend engr. gu.
each charged with a martlet vert. Cresf-—A hind's
plates, Constant. Ar. a human heart gu. Crest— A human heart
head erased ar. betw. a pair of wings all ppr.
Conroy (Llanbrynmair, co. Montgomery, bart.). Az. an Constantine. Az. five leopards' faces ar. two, two, and
ancient book, open, indexed, edged or, a chief embattled one, a canton or. A
Crest— lion's gainb erased, holding up
of the last. This book relates to the honourable and here- the hilt of a broken sword ppr.
ditary ofQce of Seanachie fBard and Herald) to the O'Conors, Constantine, or Considen (allowed by Carney, Ulster
Kings of Connaught. Supporters Two ancient Irish bards, — to Captain Matthew Constantine, or Considen, claiming
habited in long white garments, with long grey hair and descent from a brother of Donel Moore O'Brien, King of
beards, their exterior hands resting upon harps of a rude Limerick and Cashel). Per pale sa. and gu. three lions pass,

and ancient form all ppr. Oi'est A dexter arm vested or, guard, in pale per pale or and ar. armed az. Crest—
cuffed erm. the hand grasping a wreath of laurel ppr. Saracen's head ppr. on head a steel cap the pasett or, the
Motto—In Irish, signifying " History (once written in the ear pieces tied under the chin with a ribband gu.
book) cannot be destroyed by time:" otherwise rendered, Constantyne (Cheshire, London, and Shropshire). Or,
L'Antiquite ne pent pas I'abolir. six fleurs-de-lis sa. three, two, and one. Crest —^A sword in
Conroy, or Conry (Ireland). Gu. three bends ar. on a bend sinister ppr. surmounted by a cross crosslet az.
chief or, as many cinquefoils az. Crest —A lion ramp, vert Constantyne. Az. six leopards' faces ar. three, two, and
supporting a pennon gu. and one (another, with a canton or).
Cousiden, See Constantine. Consul (Robert Consul, natural son of Henry I., m,
Considine. Ar. an orle gu. flory and counterflory on the Mabel, dau. and heiress of Robert Fitz Hamon, and had a
exterior edge vert, in the centre a dagger in pale az. hilt son, William Consul, who is said to have been Earl of
and pomel or. Crest —
A hand issuing pulling a thistle Gloucester in right of his mother arms from a window at

ppr. Eldersfield, co. Worcester). Gu. three rests or clarions or.

Constable (Halsham and Burton Constable, Holderness, co. Contry (Brook, co. Kent). Az. a pile surmounted of a fesse
York). Barry of six or and az. Crest —
A dragon's head ar. betw. four fleurs-de-lis or. Crest— An ostrich's head and
charged with three bars gu. on each as many niascles or. neck or, betw. wings expanded az. each charged with a

Another Oi-est A- dragon's head az, charged with two bars fleur-de-Us or.
or. ;another, the dragon's head barry of six ar. and gu. Conway (Earl of Conway, created 1679, extinct 1683). Sa.
charged with nine mascles or, three, three, and three. on a bend cotised ar. a rose betw. two annulets gu. Crest —
Constable, Clifford- Constable (Tixall, co. Stafford, The bust of a Moor in profile couped at the shoulders ppr.
bart.). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, barry of six, or
and az., for and wreathed about the temples ar. and az. Supporters-^
Constable 2nd and 3rd, chequy or and az. a fesse gu.,
; Two Moors ppr. habited on the body and legs only or, from
for Clifford. Crests— \st^ Constable A dragon's head ar. : the waist to the knees a skirt gu. over the skirt long ostrich
charged with three bars gu., on each as many mascles, or feathers pendent from the waist vert, the like feathers from
2nd, Clifford Out of a ducal coronet or, a wyvern rising
: the habit at the shoulder which terminate in lions' faces
gu. 3rd: From behind a body of dark clouds a sun rising;
; wreathed about the temples or and sa. holding in their ex-
from the rays issuant in chief a lilly of France, all ppr., terior hands shields az. garnished gold, on the dexter a sun
surmounted by an escroU, inscribed, "Surgit post nubila in splendour, in the sinister a crescent both of the last.
Pho;buB." Motto Semper paratus. — Motto— 'Fide et amore.
'Constable (Sir William Constable, knighted at Dublin, by Con-way-Seymour. See Seymour, Marquess ofllertfm'd.
Robert, Earl of Essex^ Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 12 July, Conway, "Williams (Brecon). Sa. on abend cotised
1599). Quarterly, or and vair in the first and fourth quarters ar. a rose betw. two annulets gu.
a bend gu. a crescent for diff. Conway (Buckinghamshire, Gloucestershire, and Warwick-
Constable (Sir Ralph Constable, knighted at Dublin shire). Sa. on a bend cotised ar. a rose betw. two annulets
Castle, by Sir George Carey, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 29 —
gu. Crest A Moor's head eidefaced ppr. banded round the
Sept. 1603). Same as Constable, of Burton Constable, co. temples ar. and az.
York, with a mullet for diff. Conway (Callis). Sa. on a bend ar. betw. two plates
Constable (John Constable, Secretary to H.M. Envoy at (another, roundles erm.) three cinquefoils pierced gu.
the Hague, 1680). Quarterly, gu. and vair a bend indented Conway, or Conwey (Callis). Az. guttee d'or, a lion
counterchanged. Crest— A greyhound pass. ppr. collared gu. pass. ar. betw. three dexter gauntlets of the second,

Motto Impiger et fidus. Conway (London). Az. a chev. betw. three dexter gaunt-
Constable ( Viscount Dunbar 1620, dormant since 1714^15). letsor. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet a demi cock with
Or, three bars az. Crest —
A dragon's head ar. with three wings expanded gu. beaked and wattled az.
collars or, each charged with as many lozenges gu. Sup- Conway (Warwickshire). Az. a cross voided or.
porters —
Dexter, a bull ar. horned collared and chained or; Conway, or Conwey. Sa. on a bend ar. cotised erm. a
sinister, a lion gu. ducally crowned or. Motto— Sa.ns mau- rose (another, a cinquefoil) gu. betw. two annulets of the
vais desir. last.
Constable (Flamburgh and Everingham, co. York). Conway. Az. a lion pass, guard, paly of six ar. and or,
Quarterly, gu. and vaire over all a bend or. Crest— A ship betw. three gauntlets of the second all within a bordure
in full sail or. engr. of the last.
Constable-Maxwell (Lord Berries). See Maxwell. Conway. Sa. three horses' heads couped ar. bridled gu.
Constable (Manor House, Otley, co. York). Quarterly, 1st Conway. Sa. on a bend ar. cotised erm. three roses gu.
and 4th, gu. and vaire over all a bend or. Constable 2nd ; Conway (confirmed to Edward Conwat, Viscount dp Con-
and 3rd, az. on a bend cottised ar. three blUetB sa., way, in Belgium). Sa. on a bend cotised ar. a rose gu. betff.

Haggehston. Crest A ship in full sail or, Constable; a two annulets of the field, in the sinister chief point a crescent
lion pass, ar., Haggehston. or, Crest —
The bust of a Moor in profile couped at the
Constable (Oak House, Battersea, co. Surrey). Quarterly, shoulders ppr, wreathed about the temples ar. and az. and
gu. and vaire over all a bend or. Crest— ship to the A charged on the breast with a crescent ar. Jlfoifo—Fide efc
sinister, sails furled all or. amore.
Constable (Burgwith, co. York). Gu. a fesse compony ar. Conwell (granted to William Eugene Edward Conwell,
and sa. in chief a Uon pass. gu. M.D., son of John Conwell, Esq., of Ballymilligan, co.
Constable (Dromonby, Cleveland). Quarterly, gu. and Londonderry). Vert an eagle rising or, betw. four annulets
vaire on a bend or, an annulet. ar. —
Crest Out of a ducal cornnet or, a staff also or, with
Constable (Strickland -Constable, Wassand, co. York). two serpents entwined thereon ppr. Motto—Age in aeter-
Quarterly, 1st and 4th quarterly, gu. and vaire over all a num.
bend or, for Constable 2nd and 3rd, gu. a chev. or, betw.
; Conwy (Bodhryddan, Soughton, &c., co. FUnt; descended
three crosses pattee ar. on a canton ermines a stag's head from the same common ancestor as the extinct Lords
coupedppr,, Strickland. Crests— Uti A ship with tackle, ,
Conway of Ragley). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. on a bend


cotised ar.a rose betw. two annulets gu., forCoNwr; 2nd Joseph Pratt, Esq., Fun. Ent. Ire.). Or, a snake in pale
and 3rd, lozengy ar. and sa. a bordure of the last, for embowed sa. langued gu.
Shipley. Creit —
^A Moor's head in profile couped ppr. Cooche (Sir Thomas Cooche, knighted Coronation day, 1603,
wreathed about the temples ar. and az. Motto Fide et — at Dublin Castle his widow m. William Ferrer, Esq., of

amore. See Bowlet-Conwy. Kilbeg, CO. Donegal, who d. 1637. Ulster's Office). Or, on
Sony (Bassingthorp, co. Cumberland, 1612). Gu. on a bend a cross moline gu. nine bezants. Crest A dexter hand —
double cotised or, three torteaux. Crest —
A talbot's head couped at the wrist holding atlagger all ppr. betw. a pair of
or, the tongue hanging out of his mouth distilling blood wings erect gu.
ppr. —
Coock. Crest A talbot sejant resting the dexter paw on an
Cony (Hertfordshire and Huntingdonshire). Ar. a saltire escutcheon or.
gu. betw. four conies feeding sa. Crest —
On a mount vert Cood (Ireland). Ar. a chev. or, betw. two bezants In chief
a cony or. and three in base, with a label of five points ar,
Conycliff. courant ar.
Sa. three conies Cood (Ireland). Az. a chev. or, betw. three bezants.
Conyers (Sokeboume, co. Durham, descended from Sir Cood (Ireland). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three pellets in chief
BoGER CoNTERs, Constable of the Keep of Durham, temp. and two escallops in base of the second.
William I.). Az. a maunch or. Oi'est—A. trefoil slipped and Coode (Morval, co. Cornwall. Visit. 1620; the heiress of the
erect vert. elder branch m. Bdlles of Shillingham). Ar. a chev. gu.
Conyers (Horden, co. Durham, a branch of Conyebs of betw. three moorcocks sa. membered, wattled, and jelloped
Sokeburne: Sir John Conyem, of Horden, was created a of the second quartering gu. three crescents or.
Baronet in 1628, title extinct 1810). As Conyebs of Soke- Coode (Pensipple in Liskeard, Mechleigh in Breage, and St.
burne. Austell, CO. Cornwall). Arms^ as the preceding.
Conyers (Essex and Northamptonshire). The same, with Cook (Sir Samuel Cook, Lord Mayor of Dublin 1713, was
due diff. knighted 10 Jan. that year). Az. on a fess betw. three
Conyers (London and Hornby Castle, co. York. Baron wolves' heads erased ar. collared gu. studded or, a fleur-de-
Conyers. Visit. London, 1568). The same Arms, differenced —
hs betw. two crescents of the third. Crest A demi wolf ar-
with a crescent of the second surmounted by another gu. collared gu. studded or, holding in the dexter paw a fleur-
in chief. Crest —A
sinister wing gu. differenced as the de-lis of the last.
arms. Cook (Bedfordshire). Quarterly, purp. and ar. in sinister
Conyers (Copped Hall, Essex, originally of Bowlby, Whitby, chief a horseshoe. Crest —
An ostrich, holding in the beak
and of Scarborough, co. York). Az. a maunch or, over all a horseshoe ar.
abendlet gobony erm. and gu, Oi-est—A bull's head erased Cook (London; Her. Off. Int. MSS. Vincent, No. 154). Ar.
or, armed sa. pierced through the neck with an arrow of a lion pass, in bend betw. two cottises gu. on a chief az. as
the last, barbed and feathered ar. vulned gu. —
many estoiles or. Ci-est A demi lion gu. holding out in hia
Conyers (Wakerley, co. Northampton. Jane, dan. of gamb an estoile or.
Fbahcis Conyers of that place, m. Owen Oglethorpe, of Cook (Mildham, co. Norfolk). Ar. a chev. engr. gu. betw.
Newington, co. Oxford. Visit. Oxon). Az. a maunch over three tigers' heads erased sa. langued of the second, each
all a bend sinister. charged on the neck with a gemel or.
Conyers (Lord Mayor of London, 1723), The same Arms. Cook (Doncaster, co. York ; confirmed 27 Aug. 1635). Or, a
Conyers (Kent). Or, a maunch sa. chev. gu. betw. two lions pass, guard, sa. armed of the
Conyers (London). Az. a maunch or, in chief an annulet second.
ar, Cook (Northiimberland and Yorkshire). Or, a chev. betw.
Conyers. Az. a maunch erm. Crest —A Moor^s head sa. —
two Uons pass, guard, sa. Ci'est A demi lion pass, guard,
wreathed and stringed ar. and az. sa. ducally gorged or.
Conyers. Sa. on a maunch or, two crescents gu. Cook (Kingsthorp, co. Northants, granted by St. George,
Conyers. Az. on a maunch or, an annulet sa. Crest-^A Garter, and Vanbrugh, Clarenceux, to the surviving issue
winggu. of Francis Cook, of Kingsthorp, 1711). Per pale az. and
Conyers (Willow Bank, Fulham). Az. a maunch or, on a gu. three eagles displ. and armed or, guttee de poix,
chief embattled of the last a wreath of laurel ppr. a canton each having about his neck a collar sa. Crest An eagle —
gu. thereon a representation of the gold medal presented to displ. or, guttee de poix, armed sa., having about his neck a
Lieut.-Gen. Chables Edwabd Conyebs, in commemoration like collar.
of his distinguished services at the battle of Orthes pendent Cook (Pittenweem, Gu. on abend or, two cinque-
by a ribband of the last fimbriated of the first, below the foils az. on a canton a cross crosslet issuing out of a
medal the word " Orthes " in letters of gold. Crest— A demi crescent, of the second. Crest —
A sea chart ppr. Motto-—
man in armour ppr. scarf gu. holding in his dexter hand a Tutum monstrat iter.
falchion erect, transfixing a dragon, the head towards the Cook (Edinburgh, 1876). The same Arms within a bordure
sinister also ppr. or. -Same Crest and Motto.
Conyers (exemplified to Helen Fredeica Lang, of Lower Cook (Capt. Cook, the circumnavigator). Sa. a sphere or,
Bedlands, near Beading, co. Berks, eldest dau. of Frederick betw. two mullets in pale ar.
Henry Lang, Esq., upon her assuming the name of Conyebs Cook (Brooklands, Blackheath Park, co. Kent). Gu. three
instead of that of Lang, by royal licence, dated 18 March, crescents in fesse within two barrulets or, betw. three wool-
1873). Arms same as last. packs, two and one, ar. O'est —
A caduceus fesseways ppr.
Conylesta. (Lancashire). Sa. three conies courant ar. in front of a demi eagle couped az. Crest Omnia vincit —
Conylye, or Conley. Ar. a chev. betw. three mullets labor.
aa, pierced of the field, Cook (Visit. London, 1568. Thomas Metcalf, citizen and
Conyng'ham (Earl and Baron Conyngham. Earldom goldsmith of London, m
Alice, dau. of Thomas Cook, of
extinct 1781. Barony descended under special remainder to Tanton). Az. on a chev. engr. ar. betw. two chevronels or,
the grandfather of the' present Marquis of ConyngJtam). and three cinquefoils pierced erm. two lions combatant purp.
Same as the extant Marquis of Conyngham. Cooke (Wheatley, co. York, bart.). Or, a chev. gu. betw.
Conyngham (Marquess Conynglmm). Ar, a shake fork —
two Uons pass, guard, sa. Crest Out of a mural crown ar. a
betw. three mullets sa. Crest —
An unicorn's head erased demi lion guard, issuing sa. gorged with a ducal coronet or.
ar. —
armed and maned, or. Supporters, Dexter a horse ar. Cooke (Owston, co. York, descended from Henry, second
maned, hoofed, and charged on the breast with an eagle son of Sit Henry Cooke, second bart. of Wheatley, and now
displ. or, sinister a buck ppr., attired, nnguled, and charged represented by Philip Bryan Davies Cooke, Esq., of Owston
on the breast with a griffin's head erased or. Motto— Q-^gv and Gwysaney, son and heir of Philip Davies Cooke, Esq.,
fork over. by Lady Helena Caroline King, dau. and eventually co-
Conyng-ham. Crest— A dexter arm in armour vambraced, heir of George, 3rd Earl of Kingston, and grand son of Bryan
brandishing a sword ppr. Cooke, Esq., M.P., of Owston, by Frances his wife, dau. and
Conyston. Ar. three conies pass. sa. Crest— Out of a heir of Philip Poleston, Esq., by Mary his wife, dau. and
ducal coronet or, a peacock's tail ppr. co-heiress of John Davies, Esq., of Gwysaney). Or, a chev.
Conyston, Or, three conies sa. gu. betw. two lions pass, guard, sa. quarteiing Pdleston,
Coo (Norfolk). Erm.
three piles wavy gu. Davies, King, Fenton, the White Knight, &c. Creat Out —
(Heekworth, co. Cambridge). Gu. on three piles wavy of a mural crown ar. a demi lion guard, sa. ducally gorged
ar., ten martlets sa. or.
Cooche (Nathaniel Pole, of Gerrald's Town, co. Meath, Cooke Thomas Alexander Cooke, Esq., of Wargrave,
Serjeant atArms in Ireland, son of PeRiam Pole, Esq., co. CO. Berks,adopted by sign manual, 1850, the name of Cooke,
Devon, d. 1685; his second wife was Elizabeth, dau. of in heu of that of Mathews). Per pale or and az. a chev.
Capt, Cooche. of Cabragh, co. Cavan, and she m. secondly nebule, betw. three cinquefoils in chief, and one in baso


coanterchanged. Crest—On a mount a demi unicorn a unicorn
vert vert sejant or, resting the dexter foot on a cros3
erased, chequy ar. and az. winged gu. potent gu.
Cooke Devon, andTrerice, co. Cornwall. Visit. 1620).
(CO. Cooke (Middlesex). Sa. three bends ar. C7'est A demi —
Erm. on a bend cottised sa. three cats pass, guard, or. lionramp.
Crest —
A demi cat ramp, guard, or, holding an oak branch Cooke (Mildham, co. Norfolk). Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three
Tert, fructed of the first. tigers' heads sa. maned of the first, collared or. f

Cooke Devon). Ar. a chev. betw. three ravens' heads

(co, Cooke (Norfolk). Per pale gu. and az. three eagles clispl. |

erased sa. within a bordure engr. of the second. ar. Crest—Oa a chapeau az. turned up erm. an ostrich ar. ;

Cooke (Thorne, CO. Devon the heiress m. Misson). Erm.

; holding in the mouth a horseshoe or,
on a bend cottised gu. three cats-a-mountain, ar.. Crest — Cooke (Norfolk). Or, on a chief sa. a cinquefoil betw. tw»
demi leopard guard, or, supporting a branch of oak fructed —
annulets of the field. Crest Out of a mural coronet or, two
or. wings expanded per pale gold and sa,
Cooke (Fullwell Heath, co. Essex). Erm. on a chev. gu. Cooke (Norfolk). Az. on a chev. ar. betw. three cinquefoils
three door-staples or, on a chief ar. as many door-staples of erm. two lions combatant of the field ai-med gu.

the second. Crest A wolf's head erased erm. holding in Cooke (Mildham, co. Suffolk). Per pale az. and gu, three
the mouth a trefoil slipped per pale or and az. eagles displ. counterchanged. CVest —
On a chapeau sa.
Cooke (l''ullwell, CO. Sussex). Sa. a chev. or, betw. three turned up erm. an ostrich close ar. in the beak a horseslioe
wolves* heads erased erm. on a chief or, as mikiy door-staples of the last.
gu. Cresi, as the preceding. Cooke (Linstead, co. Suffolk). Or, a chev. engr. gu. betw.
Cooke (Fulwell-Hache, co. Essex). Erm. on a chev. or, three cinquefoils az. on a chief of the second a lion pass. ar.
betw. three bears' heads erased erm. as many escallops gu. —
Crest An antelope's head erased or, charged with torteaux
on a chief of the second three door-staples of the third. tusked, horned, and tufted, gu.
Crest —
A bear's head erased erm. holding in the mouth a Cooke (Cotton, co. Suffolk). Sa. on a. chev. betw, three
trefoil slipped, per pale, or and az. lions ramp, or, as many cinquefoils az.
Cooke, or Cook (Little Staybridge, co. Essex). Sa. three Cooke (Whitefiield, co. Suffolk). Or, a fesse betw. two lions
bends ar. pass. gu. A
Cresi— wolfs head ar. ducally gorged gu,
Cooke (Essex). Erm. on ^ chev. gu. three escallops or, a Cooke (Langham,co, Suffolk). Gu. an ineseutcheon ar.
chief ar. charged with as many staples of the second. betw. four crosses formee fitch^e, in saltire or,
Cooke (Essex). Ar. achev. gu. in chief three nags' heads, Cooke (Burstow, co. Surrey ; granted 20 August, 1662),
erased, sa, Per pale az. and sa. three eagles displ. ar.
Cooke (Essex). Sa. a chev. or, three horses' heads in chief Cooke (Langham, co, Suffolk). Erm. on a chief az. a
erm. griffln pass. ar.Crest-^A. lion's head erased guard, ar.
Cooke (Clifton, near Ar. afesse chequy or and gu.
Bristol). Cooke (Peake, co. York, founded by Sir Thomas Cooke,
in chief three cinquefoils of the last. Crest— Ont of a mural Knt., Lord of the Manor of Hackney, co. Middlesex, and
coronet chequy or and gu. an eagle's head ar. beaked or. Governor of the East India Company). Anns, ifcc. aa.the
Motto—'Vici. preceding.
Cooke (William Cooke, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn). Per pale Cooke (Sussex). Gu. three crescents ar. a canton erm.,
ar.and sa. three griffins' heads erased and counter changed, quartering, or, a cross az., for De Bohun.
each charged on the neck with a bar gemeU. Crest ^A — Cooke (Mylton, co. Warwick). Per pale ar. and sa. three
griffin's head, as the arms.
in, wolves' heads erased, counterchanged, collared gu. Oreit—
Cooke (Lancasliire). Per pale az. and sa. three eagles displ. A wolfs head per pale gu. and or, gorged with two bars
ar. counterchanged.
Cooke (Robert Cooke, Esq., Clarenceux King of Arms, Cooke (co. Worcester). Ar. two chev. betw. six martlets
1567). Gu. sem^e-de-lis . . a cinquefoil erm.
. —
gu. three, two, and one. Crest Out of a mural coronet or,
Cooke (Brome Hall, co. Norfolk, bart, created 1663, extinct an arm embowed in armour ppr. garnished of the first
1708). Gu. on a fesse or, three trefoils az. in chief a lion holding a sword ar. hilt gold, on the arm two chevs. gu,
pass. ar. Cooke (Claines, Redmorley, OUver, and Staunton, co..
Cooke (Giddea Hall, Essex). Or, a chev. compony gu. and Worcester. Thomas, son of Thomas Cooke, of Claines, and
az. betw. ihree cinquefuils of the second. Crest A unicorn's — grandson of John Cooke, Esq. of Harpies, co. Norfolk,,
head or, betw. two wings, endorsed, az. recorded his descent in Visit. 1634, d. 1641. confirmed I860,.
Cooke (Alresford, co. Hants). Gu. three crescents or, a chief to W. H. Cooke, Esq. of the Green, Shalsley Kings). Or, a
of the last quartering the arms of Sat£e, and Bakeb. Crest fesse betw. two lions pass. gu. Crest—An heraldic tiger's
—A dexter arm erect, ppr. encircled with a wreath of laurel head erased ar. ducally gorged gu. studded of the first.
vert, the hand holding an estoile ar. —
Motto Pro rege etpatria.
Cooke (granted 1843 to John Cooke, Esq., of The Chase, co, Cooke (co. York). Per pale ar. and sa. three greyhounds'
Hereford;. Or, two chevronels compony gu. and az. betw. heads erased, collared, and counterchanged.
three cinquefoils of the second. Ci-est —
A unicorn's head or, Cooke (Wheatley, co. York, bart.). Or, a chev. gu. betw.
betw. two wings endorsed compony gu. and az. —
two lions pass, guard, sa. Crest Out of a mural crown
Cooke (Kent). Sa. on a chev. or, betw. three plates, as ar. a demi Uon guard, issuant sa. gorged with a ducal
many cinquefoils of the field, on a chief ar. three colum- coronet or,
bines ppr. Cooke (co. Cambridge; granted by Hamley, Clarenceux,
Cooke (Kent). Sa. a chev. chequy or and az. betw. three 5 Elizabeth). Arms same as preceding. Crest—A grey-
bezants, on a chief ar. as many columbines of the third. hotmd's head couped per pale or and gu. gorged with two
Cooke (Kent, and Broadwater, co. Sussex). Gu. three bars counterchanged,
crescents ar. a canton of the second. Crest On a mount — Cooke (co, York), Gu. three crescents and a canton or,
veit a beaver pass. or. Cooke. Sa, on a chev. or, three cinquefoils of the first, in
Cooke (Lord Mayor of London, 1462). Or, a chev. com- chief two annulets ar. on a chief az. three columbines of
ponee gu. and az. betw. three cinquefoils of the third. —
the third. Crest An arm erect, vested paly of six or and
Cooke (London). Or, a chev. az. betw. three dragons' gu. holding in the hand a bunch of columbines and roses ar..
heads couped and erect of the second. Crest Out of a — cuffed ppr.
ducal coronet or, a dragon's head erect ar. Cooke. Ar, a fesse chequy or and gu. in chief three roses-
Cooke (Wargrave, co, Berks. Eev. Thomas Alexander of the last, Ct'est —
Out of a mural coronet or, an eagle's-
Cooke), Per pale or and az. a chev. nebulae betw. three head ar.
cinquefoils in chief, and one in base, all counterchanged. Cooke (Camerton; co. Cumberland). Or. a chev. gu. betir.
Crest —On a mount vert a demi-unicorn erased chequy ar. two hens pass, reguard. sa. Crest—A. falcon rising ppr-

and az. —
winged gu. Motto Nee timeo, nee sperno. Motto ^Vis courageux fier.
Cooke (London). Erm. a lion pass, in bend betw. two Cooke (granted 20 July, 1612). Az. two bars ar. on a chief
cotises —
gu. Crest A demi lion ramp, and erased erm. of the second three annulets gu.
holding betw. his gambs a bezant. Cooke. Sa, three bends or. Crest—A cockatrice with wings
Cooke (London). Paly of six gu. and sa. three eagles displ. expanded.
ar. Crest —
A demi eagle, per pale gu, and sa., with wings Cooke. Chequy erm. and sa. a lion ramp. gu. on a chief o»

displ. and ducally crowned or. the second a leopard's face betw, two crosses crosslet fitcbee-
Cooke (London, and Harefield, co. Middlesex). Ar. abend or.
az. in the sinister corner an annulet of the last. Cooke. Per saltire or and az. four eagles displ. counter-

Cooke (Edmonton, co. Middlesex, granted 7 June, 1760). changed.

Vert, a unicorn pass, or, on a chief of the last a human Cooke, Gu. a cinquefoil (another, three) erm. bctff. six

heart betw. two crosses potent gu. Crest On a mount — crosses crosslet fitchde ar.
Cooke. Or, on a iend engr. gu. three cinquefoUs of the monument Eev. John Cookesey, at Wimbledon, d. 1777)'
Same Arms. Crest—A talbot pass, ilfoifo—Prod'ess'e
Cooke, 6u. a chev. or, betw. three crescents ar. a canton quam
of the last within a bordure erm.
Cookmau. Erm. an eagle displ. az. ducaUy gorged or, and
Cooke. Gu. three crosses crosslet fltchee and a chief engr.
charged on the breast with a fleur-de-lis of the last.
Cooke (Broomyard, co. Hereford).
—A grifHn's head betw. two wings expanded
or, ducally
Per pale az. and gn. gorged az.
three eagles displ. ar. Orest—A boar's head erased ppr. Cooks, Companyof (London). Ar. a chev. engr. gu.
Cooke. Erm. on a bend cotised sa. three lions pass. or. betw. three columbmes ppr. stalked and leaved
Cooke. Ar. a bend componee az. and gu. an annulet of the vert. Crest
—A mount vert, thereon a cock pheasant ppr. Supporters
The dexter a buck ppr. attired or, the sinister a hind ppr.
Cooke, or Coke. Ar. three bars az. in chief as many each pierced on the shoulder with an arrow
annulets gu. or. Motto-^
Vulnerati non victi.
Cooke (Lodgemore and Farmhill, co. Gloucester). Same Cookson (Cumberland). Per pale ar. and gu. two legs in
Anns. Crest—A grifBn's head erased holding in the mouth
fesse m armour ppr. couped at the thigh. Crest— A demi
an annulet.
Cooke (from the Fun. Ent. of Sir Eichard Cooke, principal
lion. —
Motto Nil desperandum.
Cookson (Settle, Yorkshire, subsequently of
Secretary and Chancellor of the Exchequer in Ireland,
who Tyne, of Whitehill, and Neasham Hall, co. Durham,
m. the dau. of Sir Cheistophee Peiton, Auditor of War, and
Meldon Park, co. Northumberland). Per pale ar.
and d. 8 Sept. 1616). Barry of six and gu.
ar. and az. in chief three two legs couped above the knee in armour counterchanged.
annulets gu.
Crest—A demi lion ramp, supporting u staff raguled
Cooke (Tinncrany, co. Kilkenny, granted 20 March,
1635, by
Preston, Ulster, to Samuel Cooke, Esq., of that place,
Motto — ^Nil desperandum.

son Cookson (Kent). Same Arms.

and heir of Eeasmos Cooke, eldest sou and heir of
Cookson, Kesmard-Cookson (WhitehiU Park, co. Dur-
Eeasmtjs Cooke, Esq., of St. Edmonds Bury, co. Suffolk,
ham, exempUfied to Geoeoe Hoenee Eeynaed, Esq.,
descended from the Cookes, anciently owners of the Manor and
Augusta Saeah, his wife, upon their taking the additional
of Dbbeston, or Uppeston, in the latter co.).
Pean on a name of Cookson, by royal licence, 30 Nov. 1864). 1st
chief az. a griffin pass. ar. Crest—A leopard's head erased and 4th, per pale ar. and gii. a pale betw. two legs couped
at the thighin armour, all counterchanged, and for
Cooke (Tomduff, co. Wexford, from the Fun. Ent. of
the tion a canton gu., for Cookson; 2nd and 3rd,
dau. of Sir Wauihoham Cooke, who d. in ar. a chev.
1656, and was betw. two cross crosslets fitchee in chief and a wolfs
buried in St. Patrick's Cathedral). head
Az. three bars ar. on a erased in base az., for Eeynaed.
chief of the last as many annulets gu.
Crests— 1st, Cookson: A
demi lion ppr. gutte de sang grasping in both paws a club
Cooke (from the Fun. Ent. of Doctor Edwaed Cookb, son of also ppr. charged on the shoulder, for distinction,
Allah Cooke, Esq., who with a
d. in 1667, and was buried in St. cross crosslet or 2nd, Eeynaed Upon a rock
Patrick's Cathedral).
; : ppr. a wolfs
Gu. three crescents ar. on a canton head erased ar. semee of cross crosslets fltchee az. Motto
of the last a falcon close of the first. Ne quid nimis. N.B.—The same arms for Cookson (his
Cooke, formerly Coke (Painstown, co. Carlow, descended wife) were assigned in the same patent for her, with
from Clement Coke, sixth son of Sir Edwabd Coke, the
Lord exception of the canton.
Chief Justice of England, Anne dau. and heiress
of Thomas Cooley. Erm. on a chev. sa. three leopards' heads jessant-
Cooke, Esq., of Painstown, m. 1750, Sir Thomas Beowne,
Viscount Kenmare). Per pale gu. and az. three eagles
de-lis or. Crest —A leopard's head jessant-de-lis or.
displ! Coolin, or Cowlin. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three coots
Cooke (Milioent, co. Kildare, exempUfied to Thomas Teench, Coombes (Stratford-on-Avon, co. Warwick, borne
Esq., upon his assuming, by royal licence, in
by Wil-
1850 the name liam CooMBE, sheriff of Worcester, 1651). Erm. three lions
of Cooke, in Ueu of Trench). Az. on a fesse betw.
three pass, in pale gu.
wolves' heads erased ar. a fleur-de-lis of the first
betw. two Coombes, or Combs. Gu. a saltire engr.
crescents gu.
fleur-de-Iiz az.
—A demi wolf
Crest ar. holding in his paws a Crest —
A dexter hand holding up an escutcheon.
voided ar.

Coop, or Coope. Ar. a chev. betw. three roses gu. Crest

Cookuey. Gu. on
the field.
three fusils in fesse ar. as many roses of — A demi eagle with two heads displ. gu.
Cooper, Ashley-Cooper(5ari of Shaftesbury). Quarterly,
Cooker (Devonshire). Ar. on a bend gu. three lions' heads 1st and 4th, ar. three bulls pass. sa. armed and imguled
or. Crest — ^A crescent gu. within the horns an estoile or, forAshley; 2nd and 3rd, gu. a bend engr. betw. six
Cookes (Norgrove, co. Worcester, bart.;
created 1664,
lions —
ramp, or, for Cooper. Crest On a chapeau. gu. turned
up erm. a bull pass. sa. gorged with a ducal coronet and
extinct 1701 ; Sir Thomas Cookes,
2nd bart. of Norgrove, armed and unguled or. Supporters—Tli%tev, a bull sa.
founded Worcester OoUege, Oxford). Quarterly,
1st and armed, unguled, and ducally gorged and line reflexed over
4th, or, two chev. gu. betw. six
martlets sa. ; 2nd and 3rd, the back or; sinister, a talbot az. ducaUy gorged or. Motto
sa. a buck's head cabossed

or. Crest— hand holding aA — Love, serve.
Cooper (Gadesbridgc, co. Hertford, granted 1765). Vert a
Cookes (Bentley,
Worcester, derived from Henet
co. fesse embattled or, betw. two pheons in chief points down-
Cookes, uncle of the founder of
Worcester College). Ar. wards and in base two human thigh bones in saltier ar. The
two chevs. betw. six martlets three,
two, and one, gu., thigh bones were given in 1761 to show the descentfrom the
quartering Jennetts and Denham.
Crest—An arm armed Newton famUy, whose ensigns were sa. two shin bones
with a short sword issuing from
a mural crown. Motto— in saltier ar. On the ancient monuments of the Coofeq
Deo, Kegi, Vicino.
family appear the coat they previously bore of per fesse
Cookes (Tarbicke, co. Worcester). Barry of six ar. and
sa. embattled ar. and sa. three pheons' heads counterchanged.
in chief three annulets
of the last (another, three mullets Crest— Out of a mural crown ar. a demi spear erect ppr.
fringed or, pointed ar. surmounted of two palm branches in
Cookeaey (Little Wolverton and Evesham,
Ar. on a bend az. betw. three
co. Worcester). saltier vert. —
Motto Nil magnum nisi bonum.
mullets sa. as many cinque- Cooper (Walcot, Somerset, bart., created 1828, extinct same
foils or, within a
bordure gu. bezantee. Orest—A wolfs year). on a bend az. betw. two lions' heads erased gu.
bars or.
sa. charged on the neck with a cinquefoil betw. two three unicorns' heads erased ar. Cre&t On a mount a—
Unicom sejant ar. in front of two tilting spears in saltire or.'
Cookesey (Cookesey, in Upton, Warren, Kidderminster, Cooper (Woolbara, New South Wales, and also of Bol-
Witley, and Milton, co.
Worcester, descended from Sir ton-le-Moors, co. Lancaster). Az. a chev. engr. betw. two
Waltee Cookbet, Knt., of Cooksey, temp. Edward
I. lions pass, in chief and an estoile of eight points in base or.
HDGH Cookesey, d. s. p. 1445-6. leaving his
heirs). Ar. on a bend az. (sometimes betw.
sisters his co- Crest— ^A lion sejant or, collared az. supporting with the
two cottises dexter paw a lance erect ppr. and suspended therefrom by a
flancettee gu.) three
cinquefolls or. Crest—A bunch of chain gold an escocheon, also az. charged with a star, as in
cmquefoilB stalked vert flowered
the Cookesey monument
ar. bound gu. N.B.— On the arms. Motto —
Perseverantia omnia vincit.
at Kidderminster these arms arc Cooper (West Easin, near Market Easin, co. Lincoln). Az.
supported by two otters ppr. In
Hdward I., the arms of Waltee de
the Koll of Arms temp. three forks (dung forks) or. Crest —
On a ducal coronet or,
Cokbey are gu. semee a war horse pass. ar. saddled and bridled gu.
of cross crosslets
and a fesse ar. Cooper (Bray, co. Berks). Az. a saltire or, on a chief of
Cookesey (White Ladies, co. Worcester. ViBit. 1682-3, the last two chevs. paleways point to point of the first.
commencing with John Cooksey, of
Worcester, d. 1648, and —
Crest On a wheat sheaf a pelican vulning herself ppr.


.Cooper (Wimborne Ar. three bulls
St. Giles, co. Dorset). chief of the second, charged with a lion pass, of the third,
pass. sa. armed or. Crest —
On a chapeau ru. turned up evm. for Hayward; 4th, or, out of a fesse sa. a demi lion ramp,
a bull pasB. sa. duca/ly gorged or. issuant gu., for Emms. Crest —An arm embowed in armour
. Cooper (co. Glouce ster). Az. a saltire or, on a chief of the ppr. holding a branch vert. Motto —Frango dura patientil
last three lions ramp, of thefirat. Crest— On amural coronet Cooper. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three doves ppr. Crest—rA
a pelican valuing herself ppr.
dove with an olive branch in its beak, all ppr.
"Cooper (Colne-Green, co. Hereford, KatUnff Court, co. Cooper. Ar. three greyhounds courant in pale sa. Oesfr—
Kent, and Stroud, co. Sussex). Ar. three martlets gu. on a A greyhound sejant sa.
. chief engr. of the second as many annulets or. Crest— Cooper. Ar. a chev. ermines cottised gu. betw, three leaves
A lion's gamb erect and erased or, holding a branch vert Crest— A cubit arm erect ppr. holding up a chaplet vert.
fructed gu. Cooper (Durham). Gu. a bend erm. betw. six lions ramp,
.Cooper (Ditcham, co. Hants). Quarterly, ar. and gu. in or. Cr.est —
Issuant from a tower the head of a Moorish king
the second and third quarters, a pheon of the first and a wreathed and chained, all ppr.
crescent sa. in the first quarter for diff. Cooper Kobebt Chester Cooper, Esq., Lewes,
(granted to
.Cooper (London). Az. a saltire engr, betw. four trefoils Sussex). Gu. on a chev. dovetailed ar. betw. two bucks'
shpped or, on a chief ar. three dolphins embowed of the heads cabossed in chief and a garb in base or, three mart-
first. Crest —
A lion's. head ar. erased gu. gorged with a lets az. C^-es(— On a mount vert a lion pass, guard, or,
chaplet of laurel vert. the dexter fore paw resting on an escutcheon gu. charged
Cooper (Pains Hill, Surrey). Gu. on a chev. betw. three with a leopard's face gold.
lions pass. ar. three lozenges of the field. Crest—rA. lion Cooper (Bulwell, co. Nottingham, granted to the late
sejant holding a battle axe in pale, all ppr. Samuel Thomas Coopee, of Bulwell). Az. on a chev. engr.
Cooper (co. Warwick). Ar. on abend engr. betw. two lions or, betw. two lions pass, in chief ar. and a griffin's head
ramp. langued and armed gu. three plates.
sa. erased In base of the second, >three gads or square plates, of
.Cooper (Carneford, co. Lancaster, 1664). Ar. on a bend steel ppr. Crest— Oa a mount vert in front of two battle-
, engr. betw. two .lions ramp. sa. three plates. Crest— axes in .saltire or, headed ar..a lion sejant ppr. collared of
cockatrice's head. the second supporting with his dexter paw a gad or square
Cooper (Hackesworth, co. Nottingham). Or, a bend az. plate of steel ppr.
betw. two lions' heads erased gu. Crest— On a mount vert a Cooper (Fun. Ent. of Capt. Thomas Cooper, d. 20 Nqt.
unicorn sejant ar. a.rmed and crined or, supporting a broken 1665), Ar. on a bend engr. betw. two lions ramp, sa,
tilting spear of the last. three plates. Crest —A
cockatrice head erased or,, guttle de
Cooper (Thurgarton, co. Notts; Thomas Cooper, of that poix, armed, beaked, crested, and jelloped gu.
place, in 1569, m. Elenob, dau. of Sir Michael. Stanhope, Cooper (Markree Castle, co. Sligo). Quarterly, 1st, az. on
of Shelford. He was son and heir of William Coopeb, of a chev. betw. three cinquefoils or, two lions pass, respectipg
the same, by Cicely his wife, dau. and heir of John each other sa. 2nd, ar. a chev. engr.. betw. three martlets

ToLLEY, of London. Visit.Notts). Az. on a chev. engr. ar. az. ; 3rd, az. three millstones ppr,, for Synge; 4th, ar...aa
betw. three cinquefoils erm. two lions respectant sa. quarter- eagle displ. with two heads sa., beaked, and legged gu., also

ing ToLLEY. Crest A demi man, his dress divided quarterly for Synge. Crest— A demi man affront^ habited per pale ar.
and counterchanged ar. and sa., sleeves slashed, and holding and sa., in the dexter hand ppr. a covered cup or, on the
in his dexter hand a covered cup gold, face swart, wreathed head wreathed round the temples ar. and az. a cap gu.
round the temples or and az,, on his head a cap of the last. —
Motto Deo patria rege.
Cooper (Thurgarton Priory, co. Nottingham). Az. on a Cooper (Killenure, co. Tipperary). Sa. a chev. wavy erpi,
chev. engr. ar. betw. three cinquefoils erminois two lions betw. three lions ramp. or. Crest— On a chapeau gu. turned

counterpass. sa. Crest A demi man, face and hands ppr., his up. erm, a bull pass. ppr. collared and hoofed or. Motto—
dress divided quarterly and counterchanged ar. and sa., his Love, serve.
sleeves slashed, wreathed round the temples or and az. and Cooper (exemplified 1844 to James Cooper Tothill, Esq.,
wearing upon his head a cap of the last, charged on the of Merrion Square, Dublin, on his assuming by royal licence
breast with a cinquefoil erminois and holding in his dexter the name and arms of Cooper only, in compliance with.the
hand a covered cup gold. will of his relative, Honora, relict of James Cooper, of
Cooper (co. Salop). Ar. three martlets gu. ona chief of the Cooper Hill, co. Limerick). Sa. a fess wavy erm. betw.
second as many annulets or. —
three lions ramp. or. Qrest A demi lion ramp. or. Motto—
Cooper (RicHAED CoopEE, gent., of London, son of Eichabd Noli irritare leonem.
CooPEK, Esq., of Madeley, co. Salop. "Visit. London, 1568). Cooper (Cooper's Hill, co, Sligo). See O'Hara of Annagh-
Same ^rms, chief engr. Crest —A
lion's gamb erect or, more.
holding a branch, vert fructed gu. Cooper-Chadwick. See Chadwick.
Cooper (Surrey). Sa. a chev. wavy erm. betw. three lions Cooper (Failford, co. Ayr). Ar. on a bend engr. betw. two
ramp. or. lionsramp, gu. three crescents of the field, all within a
Cooper (Trowbridge, co, Wilts, granted 1721). Or, a saltire bordure chequy ar. and az. Crest An oak tree with a —
on a chief of the second three leopards' heads guard,
az. branch borne down by a weight ppr. Motto— HesMTgo.
couped of the first spotted sa. and ducally crowned ar. Coopers, Corapany of (London). Gyronny of .eight gu,
Ci'est —
A demi leopard guard, ppr. ducally crowned ar. hold- and sa. on a chev, betw. three annulets or, a grose betw.
ing in the dexter paw a holly branch vert fructed ppr. two adzes az. on a chief vert three, lilies sUpped, stalked,
Cooper (Winchester, 1584). Az. afesse betw. three pelicans —
and leaved ar. Crest A demi heathcock with wings ex-
ruining themselves gu.
ar-. panded az. powdered with annulets or, in the beak a lily ar.
Cooper (Toddington Park, co. Bedford, and Park House, SupportersT-Two camels gu. bridled or, powdered with
Highgate, co. Middlesex, descended from co. Chester). Gu. annulets of the last. Motto— Lo-ve as brethren. The com-
on a chev. betw. three lions pass. ar. each holding a battle- pany sometimes use another Motto— G^Mde Maria virgo.
axe in his fore paw or, three lozenges sa. on a chief engr. Coopers, Company of (Chester). Same bearings.
of the third a lozenge of the field betw. two martlets of the Coopers and Hellyars, Company of (Exeter),

fourth, an escutcheon of pretence quarterly gu. and az. on a Gyronny of eight gu. and sa. on a chev. ar. a grose or
chev. erm. betw. three hons pass, or, as many mascles of drawing board betw, two adzes of the second, on a chief

the first. Crest On a gazon vert a lion sejant or, holding of the third three lilies slipped and leaved az. Moito-^
in his dexter paw a battle-axe and in the sinister a tilting Qui fugit molano fugit farinam.
spear, all ppr. Motto —Tuum est. Coore (Scruton Hall, co. York). Ar. a saltire sa, on a chief
Cooper. Az. a tortoise erect or. of the second three cinquefoils or. Ci-est —A curlew ppr-
Cooper (Wortlington House, co. Suffolk). Ar. a chev. gu. —Chi semini vertu
Motto racoglia fama.
charged mth another erm. betw, three sprigs of laurel, each Coore. Gu. on a chief ar. three trefoils slipped vert.
consisting of three leaves vert. Crest —A cubit arm erect —A tower
Crest triple-towered.
and sa.
holding two branches of laurel (disposed orlewise) ppr. Coortois. Or, two piles az. on a fesse chequy ar.
Motto (over the crest) Virtute. — three martlets of the field.
Cooper (Mansion House, Bengeworth, descended from an Coostey (co. Gloucester), Sa. a cross voided or, betw. foi"*

ancient family who possessed estates in co. Oxford, of which martlets ar.
family was Thomas Cooper, colonel in OUver Cromwell's Coote Essex, Lincoln, and Norfolk). At. a fess. betw.
army, by whom he was called to the Upper House in 1653). three coots sa. Crest —A
coot's head erased sa.
Quarterly, ist, ar. on a chev. betw. three martlets gu. three Coote {Earl of Mountrath. Sir Charles Coote settled in
annulets or, a chief engr. erm., for Cooper; 2nd, sa. on a Ireland temp. James I., and was created a bart. 1621 b'S ;

chev. betw. three grifiSns' heads erased ar. three estoiles gu., eldest son was raised to the peerage in 1660, title extinct
for Beales ; 3rd, ar. on a bend sa. three fieurs-de-lis or, a 1802). Ar. a chev. sa. betw- three cools ppr. Crest^A. coot


ppr. Supportei'3—Two wolves sa. ducally gorged ar. Motto Copen. Per pale and gu. three hoars' heads couped or.
.—Vincjt Veritas. —
Crest A dexter hand holding np a pair of compasses. Motto
Coote {Earl of Bellamont, descended from Eichard Coote, —Vivitur ingenio.
third son of the first bart., who was raised to the peerage in Copeugrer (Norfolk). Or, three bends gu, a fesse vert
1660, extinct 1800). The same ArmSf Ci-est, and Motto. (another of the second). Crest^A falcon's leg beUed and
Supporters —
Two wolves, ermines. wing conjoined ppr.
Goote (Baron Castle Coote, descended from Col. CHtDLEX Copeug'er (London). Bendy of six or and gu. on a fesse az.
CooTB, second son of the first bart. ; extinct 1827).
—^Two Same three plates all within a bordure of. the second. Crest —
Arms, Cresty and Motto. Supporters wolves ppr. buck's head ar.
ducaJly gorged or. Coper. Az. on a chev. engr. ar. betw. three cinquefoils
Goote Queen's County, bart., Premier Baronet of
(Ballyfin, pierced erm. two lions pass. sa.
-Ireland). Same Arms,
Crest, and Motto. Cope-wood, or Copwood (co. Stafford), Ar. a pile in
Coote (Mount Coote, co. Limerick, descended from Col. bend sa, fimbriated and engr. gu. betw. two eagles displ. of
Chidlet Coote, second son of the first bait., and brother of the second.
Chables, first Earl of Mountrath). Same ArTm, Crest, and Copfield (co, SuflFolk). Gu, on a chev. erm. three martlets sa.
Motto. Copham. Gu, a cross ar.
Coote (Donnybrook, co. Dublin since of Bellamont Forest,
; Gopherst. Vert a chev. betw. three crescents or.
Ireland, bart.). Same Arms within a bordure wavy sa. Cophurst. Vert a chev, betw. three scythes or.
Crest —A coot sa. Copildyke, Copildike, or Copledyke (co. Kent).
Coote (cos. Lincoln and Suffolk). Ar. three coots ppr. Az. three swords in bend ar. hilts and pomels or. Crest—
Cootes. Per pale or and az. two dolphins haurient counter- wivem, wings endorsed, statant upon a wheel ppr.
changed; on a chief sa. a covered cup of the first becw. two Copildyke, Copuldike, or Copledyke (co. Lincoln).
dovecots ar. Crest —
A cubit arm erect, vested paly of four Ar. a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet gu.
or and az. holding in the hand ppr. a covered cup of the first. Copin (London ;
granted 1640). Per pale az. and gu. three
Cooth. Gu. a fesse betw. three escallops or. boars' heads couped or.
Copale, or Cople. Ar. on a cross sarcellee az. a crescent Copin (London). Per pale az. and gu, three boars' heads
of the first. erased (another, couped) or, a chief of the third.
Copcote. Barry of ten or and az. Copin. Or, a chief vair.
Oopcott, or Copecott. Barry of six or and az, Copingrdale (Yorkshire). Ar, a mullet sa. on a chief of the
Oopdou (High Estre, Essex). Ar. three piles In point gu. second three piles of the first.
Cope (Hanwell, Oxford afterwards of Bramshill Park,
co. ; Coping-er (co. Kent). Ar. four bends gu.
CO. Hants, bart.). Ar. on a chev. az. betw. three roses gu. Coping-er (co. Kent). Bendy of six gu. and or, on a fesse
slipped ppr. as many fleurs-de-lis or. Crest Out of a fleur- — vert three plates within a bordure of the first. Crest—A.
de-lis or, a dragon's head gu. Motto— Mquo adeste animo. ram's head sa.
Cope (Dumilly, co- Armagh). Same Arms, Crest, and Coping'er (co. Kent). Bendy of six or and gu. over all a
Motto. fesse az. charged with three plates. Crest As the last. —
Cope (Brewem, co. Oxford, bart., extinct 1821). Same Copingrer (Lord Mayor of London, 1512). Bendy of six or
Arms. and gu. on a chev. az. three plates within a bordure purp.
Cope (Ireland). Same Arms. 'Crest A harp gu. — Copinger (co. Suffolk). Bendy of eight or and gu. Crest—
Cope (Loughgall, CO. Armagh, exemplified 1844 to Egbert A chamois deer's head sa.
Weight Cope Doolan, Esq., of Loughall, co. Armagh, on Coping'er (co. Suffolk). Bendy of six ar. and gu. on a fesse
his assuming by royal licence the surname of Cope only). az. three bezants within a bordure of the third.
Quarterly, Ist and 4th, Cope, ar. on a chev. az. betw. three Copinger. Bendy of six gu. and vert a lion ramp, double
roses gu. stalked and leaved vert, as many fleurs-de-lis or, a queued or, within a bordure engr. ar. pellett^e. Crest —
mullet of the second for diflF. 2nd and 3rd, Doolan, ar.
; parrot's head betw. two wings vert beaked gu., in the beak a
three crescents in pale az. betw. two pellets in fess. Crests sprig of three marigolds ppr. leaved or.
— 1st, CopeOut of a fleur-de-lis or, charged with a mullet
: Copinger (Ireland). See Coppinger.
gu. a dragon's head of the second; 2nd, Doolan: On a Copland, Coppland, and Copsal. Ar. a cross sa.
chapeau az. turned up erm. a crescent or, therefrom issuant Crest—A castle triple-towered ppr. ensigned with a flag gu.

a trefoil slipped vert. Motto ^q.uo adeste animo. charged with a cross ar.
Cope (cos. Essex, Middlesex, Northampton, Northumberland, Copland (Boston, co. Lincoln). Ar. two bars and a canton
and Stafford). Ar. on a chev. az. betw. three roses gu. gu. over all a bend sa.
stalked and leaved vert, as many fleurs-de-lis of the field. Copland. Ar. two bars and a canton gu. (another, az.).
Crtst —
Out of a fleur-de-lis or, a dragon's head gu. Another Copland. Gu. on a fesse or, three trefoils vert.
Crest —
A fleur-de-lis per pale or and ar. - Copland. Or, on a cross sa. betw. four trefoils slipped vert
Cope. Ar. on a chev. az. betw. three roses gu. stalked and five mullets ar.
leaved vert, as many fieurs-de-lis per fesse or and ar. Copland. Gu. on a fesse ar. (another, or) three hawthorn
Cope John Alexander Mainley Pinnigab,
(exemplified to leaves vert.
Esq., of Great George Street, Westminster, and Georgina Copland. Ar. on a cross sa. a mullet pierced of the first.
Kathebine his wife, upon their assuming the name of Cope Copland (Twickenham, co. Middlesex). Or, on a cross sa.
instead of that of Pinnigab, by royal licence dated 10 Aug. betw. four oak leaves vert five mullets of the field. Crest—'
1867). Ar. on a chev. az. between three roses gu. stalked A nag's head couped ar. bridled betw. two laurel branches
and leaved vert, as many fleurs-de-lis or. Crest Out of a — in perspective vert.

a dragon's head gu.
fleur-de-lis or, Copland (CoUieston, Scotland). Gu. three stars or. Crest
Cope (Osbaston Hall, co. Leicester). Quarterly, erm. and A knight in armour looking to the dexter, brandishing a
az. a chapeau gu. turned up of the first, betw. two grey- sword in his right hand, and bearing in his left an imperial
hounds courant in pale or. Crest— In. front of a saltire —
crown all ppr. Motto Vici. Supporters Two tigers ppr. —
couped az. a greyhound courant or. Motto Perseverando. — Copleston(Copleston, Warleigh, Exeter, Bowdon, Woodland,
Copeing-e. Gu. on an inescutcheon ar, two bars az. Instow, Wyke, Knighteston, Fullingcote, Upton Pyne, Wear-
Copeland (libndon and Bootle, co. Cumberland). Ar, two GiffordandAlderdiscote, all inco. Devon. Visit. 1620). Ar.
bars gu. debruised by a bend sa. over all a canton of the a chev. engr. gu. betw. three leopards' faces az. (another,
second. Crest —A lion pass. ppr. sa.). Crest — A demi tiger gu. tufted and maned or (another,
Copeland (granted to William Taylor Copelanp, Esq., a wolf pass. az.).
Lord Mayor of London, 1836). Or, two bars gu, in chief Copleston (Shipton George, and Nash). Ar. a chev, engr.
three trefoils slipped vert, on a
bend over all az. as many gu. betw. three leopards' faces az. Crest —
A wolf pass. az.
boars' heads erased ar. Crest —
A nag's head erased ar.
charged on the neck with a trefoil vert betw. two holly
Copleston (co. Devon). Or, a chev. betw. three griffins'
heads erased sa.
branches fructed ppr. ilfo«o— Benigno numine. Copleston. Ar. a chev. engr. az. betw. three leopards*
Copeland (confirmed 1744 to Benjamin Copeland, of Bel- faces gu.
nagan, co. Meath). Or, on a cross sa. betw. four trefoils Copley (Sprotborough, co. York, bart., created 1661, ex-
slipped vert, five mullets ar. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet tinct 1709). Ar. a cross moline sa. Crest— Out of a ducal
a swan's head and neck ppr. coronet or, a plume of four ostrich feathers ar.
Copeman (Hemsby HaU, co. Norfolk). Ar. two bars engr. Copley (Baron Lyndhurst, extinct 12 Oct. 18'63). Ar. a
az. on a bend gu. a tower betw. two
estoUes of the first. cross patonce sa, within a bordure az. charged with eight
Crest —
^A tower ar. charged with an estoile gu, issuant from escallops of the field. Crest—A dexter arm embowed in
the battlements a talbot's head
also gu. Motto—In arce armour ppr, charged with an escallop or, encircled above
lalus. the wrist by a wreath of laurel vert, holding in the gaunt-
227 Q2
; ;


lei a dagger ppr. hilt and pomel
Supporters ^Two
gold. — Ar. a pile issuant from the dexter chief jioint sa. fimbriated
eagles ppr. collared or, pendent therefrom an escutcheon and engr. gu. betw. two eagles of the last. Orest An eagle —
ar. charged with a cross as in the arms. Motto Ultra — with wings endorsed or.
pergere. Copwood Ar. a pile in bend sa. fimbriated
(CO. Hereford).
Copley (Sprothorough, co. York, hart., created 1778). and engr. gu. betw. two eagles displ. vert. Crest An eagle —
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a cross moline sa., for Copley; displ. vert.
2nd and 3rd, gu. a mule pass, ar., for Motle. Orest Out of — Copwood (co. Stafford). Same Arms, &c.
a ducal coronet or, a double plume of five feathers ar. Copwood. Ar. on a pile in bend sa. cotised dancettee gu.

Motto In cruce vinco. two eagles displ. or.
Copley (Suffolk). Ar. on a cross sarcelly sa. a crescent or Copwood. Ar. a pile engr. az. betw. two eagles displ. vert.
(another, five crescents of the field). C^esi— Agriflfinsegreant Coquerel (Guernsey). Or, betw. two tiaunches gu. each
reguard. with wings expanded ar. charged with a fleur-de lis of the first, a leopard's face az.
Copley (Surrey and Bodley, co. York). Ar. a cross moline hetw. two cocks in pale of the second. Ci-est A cock's neck —
sa. Crest— A griffin segreant ar. ducally gorged and lined with two heads erased gu. collars or.
or. Cor (Scotland). Gu. a stag trippant ar. Crest ^An increscent —
Copley (Norton in Bredon, co. Worcester. Thomas Coplet, and a decrescent affrontee or.
Esq., of Bedingfield, co. Suffolk, purchased Bredon 1575. Coram. See Coeham.
His son, Thomas Copley, paid a fine for not taking knight- Corben, Cortain, or Corbyn (Staffordshire and Suffolk).
hood at the Coronation of Charles I. "Visits. Worcester 1569 Ar. on a chief or, three ravens sa. Crest A dexter hand—
and 1634). Ar. a cross sa. charged with a martlet or. Cfrest ppr. holding a cross patt^e fitch^eaz.
— A covered cup or. Corben. Ar. on a chief sa. three moorcocks or.
Copley (co, York). Same Anns (another adds on the cross, Corbet (Moreton Corbet, co. Salop, hart,, created 1642,
a mullet of the first}. Crest~-On a goat's head quarterly ar. extinct 1688, founded in England by Rogee Coebet, one of
and sa. attired or, four crescents counterchanged. Another the companions in arms of the Conqueror, second son of

Crest A covered cup or. CoKBEAu, of the Pays de Caux in Normandy; the senior
Copley. Ar. a cross moline sa. in the first quarter a trefoil line of this ancient and distinguished race, Corbet of
gu. Moreton Corbet, is represented by the present hart.). Or, a
Copley (co. Sussex). Ar. a cross flory sa. raven sa. Crest^Aa elephant ar. armed gold, on his back a
Copley. Ar. three leopards' heads erased gu. castle, triple-towered of the last, trappings or and sa. The
Copley. Vert a fesse ar. hetw. three covered cups or. family has also, for a length of time, borne for Crest, a
Copoldike (West Wickham, co. Kent). Ar. a chev. hetw. squirrel sejant or, which is still to be seen on the walls of
three crosses crosslet gu. the old family castle at Moreton Corbet. Mottoes (over the —
Copoldyke (Harrington, co Lincoln). Same Arms, field or. elephant) Virtutis laus actio; (over the sqiurrel) Bum spiro
Crest —Agoat's head erased ar. armed and ducally gorged spero; (under the shield) Deus pascit corvos.
or. Corbet (Viscountess Corbet. Dame Saeah Corbet, widow
Coppandale, or Coppandall (co. York). Ar. a mullet of Sir Vincent Coeeet, first bart. of Moreton Corbet, was
and chief indented sa. so created for life 1679). Same Anm. Supporters Dexter, —
Coppard (formerly co. Sussex). Vert a fesse indented or, a lion ppr. sinister, an elephant ar.

hetw. three swans close ar. beaked and membered of the Corbet (Moreton, co. Salop, bart., created 1808, descended
second. Crest— stag reguard. ar. attired and unguled or, from Kichard Corbet, Esq., of Shawhury, brother of Sir
collared gu. in the mouth two ears of harley couped vert. Vincent Corbet, the first hart of the extinct line of barts.).

Motto In constantia decus, —
Same Arms. Crests An elephant ar. armed or, with a
Coppen, or Coppin. Per pale az. and gu. three hoars' castle triple-towered on the back of the last with the motto
heads erased or, a chief of the last. Crest Out of an earl's — over, Virtutis laus actio Second Crest— A squirrel sejant or

coronet or, a demi griffin of the first armed sa. ducally above it the motto, Dum spiro spero. Motto Deus pascit —
gorged ar. corvos.
Coppendale (Middlesex). Sa. on a chief dancettee ar. Corbet (Sprowstown, co. Norfolk, descended from Moreton,
three mullets of the field. Crest~K stag at gaze ppr. attired bart., created 1623., extinct 1661),Same Arms.
or. Corbet John Corbet, grandson of
(Stoke, co. Salop, bart.,
Coppin (CO. Hertford, 1608). Or, a chief of one row of Eetnold Corbet, Justice of Common Pleas temp. Queen
vair. Creht —On a ducal coronet a cock or. Elizabeth, younger son of Sir Robert Coebet, Knt., of
Coppin Per pale az. and gu. three hoars' heads
(Norwich). Moreton, was so created 1627, extinct 1750). Same Arm.
couped or. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi griffin Corbet (Stoke and Adderley, bart. Corbet D'Avbnant,
az. heaked and legged of the first. Esq., son of Thomas D'Avenant, by Anne Corbet, only
Copping:er (Ireland. A very ancient family stated to he sister of the last baronets of Stoke, assumed his maternal
of Danish origin. Stephen Coppingee was Mayor of Cork name and arms, and was created a bart. 1786, d. s. p. 1823).
1310. Alderman John Coppingee, of Cork, d. 163&J- and Same Arms.
was buried according to his Fun. Ent. in Ulster's office, in Corbet (Lord Corbet/ Peter Corbet, descended from
Christ Church, Cork. Thomas Coppingee, Mayor of Cork, Egbert Corbet, of Caus Castle, younger son of William
was chief of his name at his death in 1636). Az. a bull's Corbet, ancestor of Moreton, was summoned to Parliament
head couped hetw. three estoiles ar. 1293-1300; extinct). Same ^rms.
Coppingrer (Ballyvolane and Barryscourt, co. Cork. Corbet (Adderley Hall, co. Salop. Eichard Corbet, second
Mariana Coppinger, only dau. and heiress of John Cop- son of Sir Andrew Coebet, first bart. of Moreton, under the
piNGEB, Esq., of Ballyvolane, co. Cork, m. 1767 Chaeles was bequeathed this estate by his kinsman,
existing creation
Howard, afterwards 11th Duhe of Norfolk, and d. 1768. Sir Coebet (D'Avenant) Coebet, Bart., of Stoke and
The late male representative, William Coppinger, Esq., of Adderley 1823). Same Arms, &c., as the harts, of Moreton.
Barryscourt and Ballyvolane, d. 1862, having devised his Corbet (Barton, co. Leicester, descended from Hieromb
estates to his nephew Morgan John O'Connell, Esq., who Coebet, one of the counsel in the Marches of Wales, fourth
m. Mart Anne, dau. of Charles Bianconi, Esq., D.L., and son of Eobert Corbet of Moreton, co. Salop. Visit. Leicester
left at his decease an only child, John Chahles Joseph 1619). Same Arms and Crest as the preceding, with a
William Coppingee O'Connell, heir of the Coppingees). mullet for diff.

Az. a hull's head ar. Crest— A demi lion ramp. Motto — Corbet (Ynysymaengwyn, co. Merioneth, descended

Virtute non vi. Egbert Corbet, second son of Sir Vincent Corbet, Bart,-
Coppinger (Buxhall, co. Suffolk. Walter Coppingee had of Moreton Corbet). Same Arm^, &c.
a licence from Henry VIII. to wear his hat in the royal Corbet (co. Hereford). Same Arms. Crest—An elephant
presence). Or, three bends gu. on a fesse az. three plates. ar. armed or, on his hack a tower of the first, the trappings
Crest —
A goat's head erased or. gu. and gold (another, the tower or, trappings sa.). Motio—
Copp3mg'er (Kent). Bendy of six or and gu. on a fess az. Deus pascit corvos.
three plates. Corbet (Chadesley Corbet). Or, a raven ppr. within a
Coppull, Ogrnell. See Ognell.
alias bordure engr. gu.
Copran (Ireland). Vert a goat pass. ar. horned or. Corbet (co. Leicester). Same Arms, with two ravens.
Copson. Or, in chief two keys, wards downward, and in Corbet (London). Or, three ravens ppr. a martlet fordi"-
base a double locked padlock az. Crest ^The stump of a — Crest~On a mount vert a squirrel sejant or, cracking a

tree lying fesseways, couped at both ends ppr, shooting of the last leaved vert.
forth a branch spreading to the dexter and sinister vert, Corbet. Gu. a lion ramp, reguard. or.
ensigned with a fleur-de-lis or. Corbet (Holyton). Gu. on a chev. or, three ravens sa.
Copwood (Totteridge, co. Hertford. Visit. London, 1568). Corbet (formerly of Leigh, and afterwards of Sundorne

; A :


Cast3e, co. Salop,descended from Coebet of Caua). Or, two teenth in descent ft-om Robert Coebtn, of co. Stafford).
ravens ppr. Crest and Motto —
Same as Cobbet of Morcton. Sa. on a chief or, three ravens ppr.
Corbet (Longnor, CO. Salop). Same Arms within a bordure Corbjni. Per fesse or and az. three ravens in chief ppr.
engr. sa. bezantee. Crest—X raven ppr. with a holly branch Cordall (cos. Norfolk and Suffolk), Gu. a chev. engr. erm.
in its hill vert. betw. three griffins' heads erased ar. Crest —
A cockatrice,
Corbet (Sundorne Castle, co. Salop; exemplified to Rev. wings close, vert, combed and wattled gu.
John Deyden Pigott, Rector of Edgmond, same co., upon Cordall. Ar. a chev. betw. three griffins' heads erased sa.
his taMng the name of Cobbet, in lieu of that of Pigott, by Cordeler. Or, on a chief dancettee ar. three crosses patteo
royal licence, 28 March, 1865). 1st and 4th, or, two ravens of the field.
in pale ppr. a bordure engr. gu., and for distinction in chief Cordell (Long Melford, co. Suffolk: of this ancient family
a cross crosslet also gu., for Corbet 2nd and 3rd, erm.
; were Sir William Cordell, Master of the Rolls, temp.
three fusils conjoined in fesse sa., for Pigott. Elizabeth ; and Sir Robert Cordell, created a bart. in 166C;
Corbet (Suffolk). Per fesse sa. and ar. six crosses formee the heiresses m. King and Firebrace). Gu. a chev. erm.
fiory counterchanged. betw. three griffins' heads erased ar,
Corbet. Ar. a raven ppr. within a bordure sa. hezantee. Cordell. Same Arms as Cordall of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Orest —
An elephant armed or, on his back a tower of the Crest —A demi savage, holding in the dexter hand a scime-
last, trappings sa. tar, and in the sinister a constable's baton ppr.
Corbet. Or, a raven ppr. collared ar. Cordell (Enfield, co. Middlesex; William Coedell, of
Corbet. Or, two ravens in fesse ppr. Fulham, Master Cook to Queen Elizabeth, and Thomas
Corbet. Sa. two ravens or. Cordell, of London, Mercer, first cousins, were grandsons
Corbet, or Corbett. Or, five ravens ppr. two, two, and of Thomas Cordell, of Enfield. Visit. London, 1568). Gu.
one (another adds, on a canton gu. two lions pass. ar.). a chev. engr. betw. three griffins' heads erased erm. Crest
Corbet. Or, six ravens sa. three, two, and one, on a canton — A cockatrice wings close vert wattled, beaked, and
gu. two lions pass, guard, ar. collared or.
Corbet (Hadley, co. Salop ; a branch of Corbet, of Moreton Corden. Ar. on a saltire botonnee hetw. four demi dragons
Sir Robert Cobbet, of Hadley, was Sheriff, 1454). Or, three couped and erect sa. five bezants.
ravens in pale ppr. Corderay. Sa. a chev. or, betw. two mullets in chief of the
Corbet (Alcester, co. Warwick; the heiress m. Fitz last and a lion pass, in base ar. crowned gold. Crest —
Eebb^t). Or, two ravens in pale ppr. in chief a labol of human heart gu. ducally crowned or.
three points az. Corderoy. Same Arms, a border or.
Corbet. Ar. ache v. sa. hetw. two (another, three) ravens ppr. Corders, or Cordrey. Or, on a bend az. three lions'
Corbet. Gu. a lion ramp. ar. heads erased of the field.
Corbet. Gu. a lion ramp, guard, or. Cordes. Or, two lions ramp, endorsed gu.
Corbet. Gu. crusilly a lion ramp. or. Cording'ley. Ar. three mullets az. a chief gu. Crest—Out
Corbet. Ar. two bars and a cantou gu. (another adds, a of a crown valary or, an arm embowed vested az. holding
bordure engr. of the second). in the hand an oak branch leaved and acomed ppr.
Corbet. Ar. (another, or) two ravens in pale ppr, within a Cordners, Company of (Edinburgh). Az. a cutting knife
bordure gu. ppr. ensigned with a marqtus'e coronet or.
Corbet. Ar. a cross and a mullet in the first quarter gu. Cordoyle. Az. three tilting spears bendways or.
Corbet (Corbet, Scotland). Or, two ravens ppr. within a Cordray (Chute, co. Wilts). Sa. a chev. betw. two mullets
bordure engi-. gu. in chief and a hon pass, in base ducally crowned or, all
Corbet (Hardgray, Scotland). Ar. a raven sa. within a bordure ar.
Corbet (Towcross, Scotland). Ar. a raven sa. betw. three Cordwainers, or Sboemakers, Company of
mullets gu. Crest —A
raven's head erased sa. Motto — (London). Az. a chev. or, batw. three goats' heads erased
Save me, Lord. ar. attired of the second. Crest —
A goat's head erased
Corbett (Chaddesley Corbett, co. Worcester; Roger Cobbet, ar. attired or.
of that place, son of William Coebett, of the same, d. Cordwainers, Company of (Exeter). Same Arms.
1288: rag. P.M., 17 Edward I., his son and heir William —
Motto Vi nulla invertitur ordo.
being aged 8 years William Corbett, the descendant, d.
; Core (Bromerton, co. Norfolk). Arms, &c., same as the
8. Henry VII., leaving his sisters co-heirs). Or, a
p. temp. following.
raven and a border engr. gu.
sa. Corey (London; granted hy patent, 1620). Sa. on a chev.
Corbett (Elsham, co. Lincoln, and Darnhall, co. Chester; a betw. three griffins' heads erased or, as many estoiles gu.
branch of the Coebets of Moreton Corbet, springing from —
Crest Out of a ducal coronet a griffin's head betw. two
Tbomas, second son of Robert Corbet, younger brother of wings or, each wing charged with three estoiles in pale gu.
Sir Andbew Corbet, of Moreton Corbet). Same Arms, &c., Corey, or Currey (Fun. Ent. Ire., 1661). Same Arms.
aa Corbet, of Moreton. C)'e8t—0vLt of a ducal coronet a griffin's head betw. two
Corbett. Or, a raven ppr. Crest —
A wolf sejant collared wings erect all or, the latter semee of estoiles sa.
and Uned ppr. Corfe-Castle (Dorsetshire). Has not any armonial ensign;
Corbett, Per fesse ar. and sa. a fesse betw. six crosses the seal, which is very ancient, is : On a ground dispersed
crosslet counterchanged. with martlets and fleurs-de-lis a castle with two towers,
Corbett (HoLLAND-CoRBEXT, exemplified to Francis Holland, surmounted with a tower in the centre, over each tower an
Esq., of Admington House, co. Gloucester, and Cheltenham ostrich feather.
in the same co., upon his assuming by royal licence the Corfield (Chatwall Hall, co. Salop, 1580 originally of Corfield

additional surname of Corbett, 25 June, 1872). Ar. two or Corfhull, parish of Long Staunton, same co. Roger db
ravens in pale sa. charged on the body with three erm. spots Corfhdll, of Corfhull, gave lands on the River Corve to

two and one or, a border gu. hezantee. Crest A raven sa. his brother in 1250 the arms appear on monuments at Car-

charged with three erm. spots as in the arms, and holding dington Church and in the Old Hall of Chatwall, 1651
in the beak a sprig of holly ppr. family represented by Rev. Frederick Corfield, J.P., Vicar
Corbin (Guernsey). Ar. on a chief or, three ravens sa. of Heanor, co. Derby). Ar. three hearts gu. Crest —
(another) per pale gu. and az. on a chief engr. or, three A leopard pass, holding in the right paw a palm branch all
ravens ppr. each charged on the breast with an erm. spot of ppr. collared and chained or. Motto— Serva. fidem.
the third. Crest —
A raven wings elevated ppr. charged on Cor£.eld (Shrewsbury). Erm. on a pale az. a lion ramp. or.
the breast with an erm. spot and on the wing with a cross Ci-est—A hand holding two branches of palm in orle vert.
pattee fitch^e or. —
Motto Deua pascit corvos. Corliam, or Coram (Ottery St. Marj-, co. Devon. Visit.
Corbreake. Quarterly, indented gu. and ar. Crest — 1620). Ar. a cross sa. hetw. four eagles displ. gu. Ci-est-
cross crosslet gu. A beaver pass. or.
Corbreake, or Corbreyke. Same Arms, the shield Corbam (Barton, co. Hants). Same Arms.
charged with four crosses crosslet fitchee counterchanged. Coring* (Kenwyn, co. Cornwall). Ar. a miUrind, in pale
Crest— A dexter hand holding a roll of paper ppr. betw. four martlets sa.
Corbreicke. Quarterly, indented gu. and ar., in the 1st Coring, or Coring-e. Erm. a chev. betw. three cinque-
and 4th quarters three crosses botonn^e fitchee or. foils sa.

wings endorsed all ppr.

Corby. Ar. a saltire engr. sa. Crest On a chapeau a dove Ooring-ham, Coryng-ham, or Corningbam.

an ogress a chief sa. Cre.'-t A rook ppr.

Corby. Same Arms. Crest In the sea ppr. a pillar ar.
Corby. Ar. five fusils in fesse gu. hetw. three ravens ppr.
Coringbam, or Corning:bam. Ar. six billets
three, two, and one, a chief of the last.

Corbyn (confu-med by the Deputies of Camden, Clarenceux, Coriton. See Corxton.

to George Corbyn, Esq., of Hall End, co. Warwick, seven- Cork and Orrery, Earl of. See Bovle.
Cork and Ross, See Ar. a cross patee ffu. charged
of. Eoyal Navy, purchased the Diddlebury estate from Eichaiid
with a crozier in pale enfiled with a mitre labelled or. Bawdewin, the last of a family long seated there. He was
Cork, City of. Or, an ancient ship hetw. two castles in father of the Eight Eev. Foliott Herbert Walker Corne-
fess gu. Motto — Static bene fida carinis. wall, Lord Bishop of Bristol 1797, Hereford 1803, and Wor-
Corke (Cornwall). Sa. three lions' tails erect and erased ar. cester 1838-39). Same Arms. Crest —
On a chapeau gu.
Crest~Oa.t of a cloud a hand erect pointing to a star ppr. turned up erm. a lion statant ppr.
Corke. Gu. three radiated stars of six points pierced betw. Corne'wall (Ireland). Ar. a fess betw. six martlets sa.
two chevs. ar. and three cinquefoils pierced or. Corncwayle. Ar. a bend fusilly betw. six crosses croaslet
Corke. Or, a chev. chequy gu. and az. betw. three cinque- sa.
foils of the third. Corney. Sa. on a chev. or, three crosses crosslet gu.
Corker (Dublin Fun. Ent. Ulster's Office, 24 Nov. 1651).
; Crest —A lion's head erased per pale ar. and gu, on the neck
Az. on a pile erm. betw. two estoiles or, a lion ramp, of the a rose counterchanged.
first. Crest~A demi lion erm. holding in the dexter paw Corney (Steeple Burton, co. Oxford. Visit. Oxon). Ar.
an estoile or. three huntsmen's horns sa. stringed or. Crest— A. horn as
Corker, or Corcor (granted to Edward Cobker, Esq., in the arms.
alias CoRCOB, of Dublin, 1696). Ar. a lion ramp. az. in Corney. See Cornew.
chief two human hearts gu. Crest —
A human heart ducally Cornfoot (Ryde, Isle of Wight, and Petersham, co. Surrey).
crowned betw. on either side three blades of grass all ppr. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, erm., 2nd and 3rd, or, on a mount

Motto Sacrificium Deo cor contritum. vert a palm tree ppr. aver all a bend az. charged with three
Corket, Cocket, or Corlet (Appulton). Per bend ar. mullets of the second, a chief gu. thereon a griffin pass,
and sa. three fleurs-de-lis bendways counterchanged. gold, the dexter claw grasping an arrow barbed and flighted,
CorkfelcL (quartered by Ayscodqh, of Nuttall, co. Notts. also ppr. Crest —
A griffin segrcant per fesse or and gu.
Visit. Notts). Az. a cross chequy ar. and gu. wings erm. the dexter claw grasping an arrow as in the
Cormayle. Ar. on a fesse sa. three bezants. arms, the sinister claw resting on a mullet gold.
Cormayles. Ar. three stags at gaze in pale sa. Cornhill. Ar. on a cross patonce sa. five plates.
Cormakane (Ireland, Reg. Fed., Ulster's Office). Gu. two Cornhill. Ar. a sinister arm issuing out of the dexter
lions pass, guard, in pale per pale or and ar. in chief a chief point, and extended towards the sinister base in
covered cup of the second. bend gu. *
Cormick (Ireland). Az. three bezants in pale betw, two Cornigton, or Corning'ton (Cornwall). Ar. a saltire sa.
palets ar. a chief or. Crest —
A hand couped in fesse holding Corning'ham. Ar. an ogress a chief gu.
a sword in pale on the point thereof a garland of laurel all Cornish (Shambroke, co. Berks hart., extinct 1770). Sa. a

ppr- chev. embattled or, betw. three roses ar. Crest Out of a —
Corn. Per pale az. and gu. a lion ramp, double queued ar. ducal coronet or, a demi eagle displ. sa.
Cornack. Az. two swords in saltire ppr. hilts and pomels Cornish. (Essex and Kent). Same Anm. C^-csf— A branch
or, betw. four mullets in chief, two in fesse and a crescent of a tree couped at each end, lying fesseways ppr, with one
in base all ar. CVeai—A sword erect ppr. hilt and pomel or. sprig at the dexter end vert, on the branch a Cornish chough
Cornall, or Crownall. Erm. on a fesse gu. three sa. with wings endorsed, beaked and legged gu.
cronelB or. Cornish (London). Ar. on a chev. gu. three lozenges of
Cornard (Suffolk). Az. a fesse betw. three (another, two) the field, each charged with a cross crosslet sa.
chev. or. Cornish (Blackball, co. Devon). Sa. a chevron embattle*
Cornarton See Conabton.
(Cornwall). or, betw. three roses ar. Crest —
A Cornish chough ppr.
Cornay (Low Hall, Sa. a chev. or (another, ar.).
co. York). Cornish (Salcombe). Same Arms and Crest.
Corne. Az. a chev. erm. betw. three pairs of annulets Cornuke. Barry of six gu. and ar. on a chief of the last a
linked together or. greyhound courant sa.
Cornceley, Cornsley, or Conolley. Ar. on a saltire Cornwall, Sari of. See De Burgo, Dunstanville,
engr. sa. five escallops of the field. MoBETON, Gaveston, and Plantagenet.
Corueilles. Gu. a man's arm, couped and embowcd, the Corn'wall, Duchy of. Sa. fifteen bezants, five, four,

hand holding a branch of vine fructed, leaved, and slipped, three, two, and one.
all ppr. Crest— A. man's arm as in the arms. Cornwall. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. within a bordure engr, sa.
Corneille (Moynalty and Killbeggs, co. Meath; descended bezantee.
from John Fbancis Cobneille, a native of Holland, who Cornwall (Crockham, co. Berks, granted 5 July, 1771). Ar.
was a field officer in that state, and coming over with Wil- a bend lozengy betw. six crosses crosslet sa.
liam III. settled in Ireland). Or, three crows sa. Crest ^A
— Cornwall (Court in St. Stephen, Brannell, co. Cornwall).
raven ppr. Ar. a Hon ramp. gu. ducally crowned or, within a borrture
Cornelius. Erm. a chev. sa. betw. three torteaux. sa. bezantee. Crest~-'A demi lion ramp. gu. ducally crowned
Crest —Out of a cloud on the sinister side a dexter hand or.
fesseways ppr. holding a cross patt^e fitchee az. Corn'wall (co. Essex). Same Arm-i, field erm.
Cornell. Ar. five castles in cross sa. Cornwall. Same Arms, with on a bend of the last nine
Cornell. Or, five towers triple-towered in saltire gu. martlets of the second.
Cornell, or CornuU. Or, three chevi'onels vert. Corn'wall (Cornwall). Gu. on a fesse ar. betw. three mullets
Comerd, formerly Cornertli (Cobneeth of Cornerth, or, as many Cornish choughs ppr.
CO, Suffolk, whose heiress m. Gbay, afterwards of Cornerth). Cornwall (Bonhard, Scotland). Same Arms. Crest—A.
Az. a fesse betw. two chev. or. Cornish chough hatching in the face of a rock ppr. Motto-^
Cornew, Cornue, or Corney (co. Devon ; quartered by We beg you see warily.
Pollard, of Langley, in that co. Visit. 1620). Ar. a chev. Cornwall tecs. Cornwall and Devon). Ar. on a cross
betw. three buglehorns sa. pattee sa. five bezants (another, plates).
Corne"wall (Barons of Surford^ descended from Richard Corn'wall (co. Dorset, 1608). Ar. on a fesse sa. three plates
DE CoRNBWALL, illegitimate son of Richabd, Sari of Come- fretty of the second. Crest —
A boar's head couped or, bfind-
•wall, the 2nd son of King John his son. Sir Geoffrey de
; ways with the blade of a broken sword thrust down his
CoRNEWALL, 711. the hcircss of Mobtimeb, Baron of Burford, throat ppr.
the heiress of Burford, Anna Maria, only child of Francis Corn'wall (co. Oxford). Ar. a lion ramp. gu. crowned^ or,
CoRNEWALL, BaroTi of Burford, m. George Legh, Esq., of over all on a bend (another, engr.) sa. three (another, eight)
High Legh, and d, 1741). Erm. a lion ramp. gu. crowned bezants.
v>r, a border sa. bezantee. Cornwall (Ireland). Sd.mQ Arms.
Corne'wall {Baron Fanhope and John
Milbroke. Sir Corn'wall (co. Erm. a hon ramp, reguard. gu;
CoRNEWALL, grandsou of Sir Geofbret de Cobnewall by crowned or, within a bordure sa. bezantee. Crest— A. Cornish
the heiress of Burford through his third son, was advanced chough ppr. JtfbKo—La vie durante.
to the peerage in open Parliament as Baron Fanhope 1433; Cornwall (co. Warwick). Or, three chev. vert.
and created Baron Milbroke 1442, d. without legitimate issue Corn'wall. Enn. a lion ramp. gu. within a bordure fiii.

1443). Same Arms. bezantee. Crest —

A lion sejant gu. ducally crowned or.
Corne'wall (Moccas Court, co. Hereford, barb.). Same Arms, Corn'wall. Ar. three lozenges in fesse betw. six erosws
the bordure engr. Crests—lst: A Cornish chough ppr.; crosslet (another, the crosslets fltch6e) sa.
2nd A demi lion ramp. gu. ducally crowned or. Motto
— Corn-wall. Ar. three (another, five) fusils betw. six crospes
La vie durante. crosslet fltchee sa. three, two, and one,
Cornewall (Berrington, and Delbury, or
co. Hereford, Corn'wall. Or, five castles in saltire (another, in cross) sbi
Diddlebury, co. Salop Feedebick Cornewall, Esq., of
; Corn-wall. Erm. on a fesse gu. (another, sa.) three plates,
the family of Bebrinqton, in Herefordshire, captain in the Cornwall. Az. fifteen bezants, five, four, three, two, and one.
Cornwall, Le (Cornwall). Ar. a chief gu. over all a bend Corser. Ar. on a chev. sa. three horses heads couped of the
az. first.

Cornwallis (Marquess and Earl of Corrmallis, marquessate Corson (Suffolk). Ar. a bend sa. betw. three dragons' heads
extinct 1823, earldom 1852). Sa. guttee d'eauoa a fesse ar. erased gu.

three Cornish choughs ppr. Crest On a mount vert a stag Corstorphine (Kings-Barnes, Scotland). Vert a grey-
lodged reguard. ar. attired or, gorged with achapletoflaurel hound saliant betw. three hunting horns ar.
Tert and vulned on the shoulder gu, Supporiers—Two stags Cortess. Paly of six or and az. a fesse compony sa. and
ar. attired and gorged as the crest. JHotto ^Virtns vlncit — ar.
invidiam. Gortesy (co. Lincoln). Paly of six orand az. a fesse chequy
Corn'wallis (Ireland). Ar. three Cornish choughs sa. sa. and gold.
Orest —
On a mount a hind statant ppr. Corthine (co. York). Az. on a chev. or, betw. two estoiles
Cornyn. See O'Cornttn. in chief and a lion ramp, in base ar. three torteaux. Crest —
Corona (Adlington, co. Chester). Az. a chev. betw. three A demi lion couped, holding in the dexter paw an estoile, thd
ducal coronets or. sinister resting on a torteaux.
Corona. Sa. a plate betw. three earls* coronets or. Corthure, or Cortithnre (co. Cornwall). Ar. a fesao
Corp. Ar. three stnmps of trees couped and eradicated az. betw. three stars sa.
vert. Orest —A yew tree ppr. Cortis. Gu, a grifBn segreant ar.
Corpus Christi College (Oxford). The escocheon Gorton (co. Northumberland). Sa* a mannch ar.
divided into three parts paleways, the centre divison ar. Corts. Gu. a griflBn segreant or.
thereon an escocheon charged with the arms of the See of Corwey, Ar. fretty gu. a chief az.
Ti^chester ensigned with a mitre, all ppr., the 'dexter side Cory (Cory, co. Devon. Visit. 1620)^ Ar. a saltire sa. on ^•
az. a pelican in her nest with wings endorsed feeding her chief az. three cinquefolls or.
young or, Tulning her breast gu., being the arms of Bichabd Gory (co. Cornwall. Visit. 1620). Same Arms,
Fox on the sinister side the arms of Hugh Oldham, Bishop
; Cory (cos. Cumberland,
Northumberland, and' Stafford),
. of Exeter, viz., sa. a chev. or, betw. three owls ar. on a chief Same Arms, the chief sa.
of the second as many roses gu. Cory (Inner Temple, London; granted 18 March, 1639), Or,
Corrance (Rendlesham, Farham Hall, and Rotigham, co. three mullets gu, on a chief of the second three griffins'
Suffolk, 1619). Ar. on a chev. betw. three ravens sa. as heads erased of the first.

many leopards' faces or. Cfrest- ^A raven, the dexter claw Cory (Yarmouth, co. Norfolk), Sa, on a chev. or, betw.
resting on an escutcheon sa. charged with a leopard's face three griffins' heads erased of the second as many estoiles
or. gu. Ci-est —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin's head
Corre, formerly Ker (allowed by HawMns, Ulster, 1770, betw. two wings expanded ppr. Motto Virtus semper —
to Anne, dau. of Richard Corbe, Esq., great great grand- viridis.
dan, of Thosias CoEBE, Esq., of BalUngrave, co. Tipperary, Cory, or Gorie. The same Arms. Crest^A griffin's'
and wife of John, Count O'Donelf Knight of the Order of head gu. betw. two wings expanded or, each charged with
Maria Teresa). Az. on a chev. betw, three unicorns' heads a mullet of the first.
erased ar. as many estoiles sa., quartering, gu. three mascles Gory (exemplified to Rev. Henbt Coby Eade, M.A., of St.
or, for Weepoiht. Crest—A unicorn's head, as in the John's College, Cambridge, Secretary to the Irish Church
arms. Mission, upon his taking the name of Coby in lieu of that of
Corren (co. Oxford). Ar. a fer-de-moulin in bend az. betw. Eade, by royal licence, 25 May, 1864). 1st and 4th, or, three
two Cornish choughs ppr. on a chief of the second a fleur- estoiles two and one gu. on a chief wavy of the last an
de-lis betw. as many demi roses streaming in base or. anchor betw, two gryphons' heads erased of the field, for
Corren (Fun. Ent. of Most Rev. Hdgh Cobben, Archdeacon Coby 2nd and 3rd, per fesse dancettee ar. and sa. a pale

of Oxford and Dean of Hereford, appointed by Mary I., counterchanged, three leopards' faces of the second, for
Archbishop of Dublin, 1555, d. 1568). Ar. a fer-de-monlin —
Eade. Crests 1st, Coey A demi gryphon gu. wings

in pale sa. betw. four Cornish choughs az. on a chief of the expanded vaire or and gu., charged on the breast with an
last a fleur-de-lis or, betw. two roses of the first. anchor, gold; 2nd, Eade: A demi lion guard, ppr, collared
Correy. Sa. on a chev. betw. three griflBns' heads erased or, sa. supporting a cross patt^e fitchee ar. Motto Scutum —

as many estoiles of the field. Crest Out of a ducal coronet meum Jehova.
or, a demi grifOn ppr. wings semee of trefoils sa: Coryn (Kenwyn, Ann, dau. and co-heir of
co. Cornwall.
Corrie (Newby, Scotland). Gu. a saltire and in chief a rose Richard Cobtn, of that place m. Richard Singleton,
ar. whose dau. Ann vi. Thomas Vivian, temp. Queen Elizabeth.
Corrie (Kelwood, Scotland). Same Armsy with a chief sa. Visit. Cornwall, 1573). Ar. a miUrind betw. four Cornish
Corrie, or Corry. Ar. three chevs. interlaced gu. a chief choughs sa.

chequy of the second and first. Crest A demi Cupid hold- Goryton (Coryton and Newton Ferrars, co. Cornwall, hart.,
ing a lighted torch in pale, all ppr. created 1662, extinct 1739. Visit. Cornwall, 1620). Ar. a
Corrigran (Sir Dominic John Cobsigan, Bart., M.D., of saltire sa. Crest —A lion pass, gu,
Cappagh and Inniscorrig, co. Dublin, Vice-Chancellor of the Coryton (Pentillie Castle, Cornwall). Same Arms and
Queen's University in Ireland, and formerly M.P. for Dublin). Crest.
Or, a chev. betw. two trefoils slipped in chief vert and a Coryton. Ar. a saltire sa. a pile counterchaBged. —
lizard in base, ppr. —
Crest A sword in pale point down- A marigold ppr.
wards, in front thereof two battle-axes in saltire, all ppr. Gorzon. Gu. on a bend or, betw. three escallops ar. ten
Motto— Consilio et impetu. billets of the first.
Corry, Lowry-Corry(Siri ofSelmore). 1st and 4th, gu. Cosance (Higham Barrow). Ar. a bend engr. sa. in chief a
a saltier ar. in chief a rose or, for Coert; 2nd and 3rd, sa. a matchlock of the second.
cup ar. with a garland betw. tftro laurel branches all issuing Cosard (Cosard, co. Hants). Ar. five bars and a canton gu.
out of the same vert, for Lowby. Crests 1st A cock ppr. — : Crest —A lion's head erased gu. ducally crowned or.

(also a griffin's head vert), for Cobby 2nd A garland of
; : Gosars. Ar. a bend masculy sa. Crest ^A buffalo's head
laurel betw. two branches of the same ppr,, for Lowbt. erased ppr.
Supporters— Tv/o cats guard, ppr. ducaUy gorged and chained Gosars. Or, billett^c sa. a lion ramp, of tbe last (another
or. —
Motto ^Virtus semper viridis. bears over all a bend gu.). Crest— A
demi lion ramp,
Corry (confirmed to De Winton Cobby, Esq., of Shaw Hall, issuing from a castle triple-towered, all ppr.
CO. Carlow). Gu, a saltire ar. betw. two trefoils or, in chief Cosby (Stradbally Hall, Queen's County, originally of

a rose of the second. Crest A cock, in its beak an ear of

Hermaston, co. Lincoln, established in Ireland by Fbancis
wheat, ppr. Motto ^Vigilans et audax. CosBiE, the celebrated General of the Kern, temp. Queen
Corsar Gu. three horses' heads couped ar.
(Scotland). Mary). Quarterly, 1st, ar. a chev. betw. three leopards' faces
Corsar (co. Forfar, 1866). Gu. a chev. or, betw. three sa. on a canton or, a saltire vert, betw. a cross crosslet in
horses'heads couped ar, bridled of the second. Crest ^A — chief gu. a lizard erect in the dexter and a salmon in the
pegasus courant ar. winged and hoofed or. Motto—Recto sinister fesse point of the fourth, and a dexter hand couped
cursu. in base of the fifth, for Cosby ; 2nd, az, three shackles or, on
Corsby (Corsby, Scotland). Or, a cross gu. a canton ar. a saltire gu. betw. a sinister hand couped in
Corselis. Az. a griffin segreant or. chief of the last, two salmons in fesse and one in base vert,
Corsellis (Italy). Erm. two lions ramp, combatant gn. for Cosby; 3rd, or, a pheon az., for Sn>NEY; 4th, ar, two
Crest—An antique lamp or, flammant ppr. bars per pale indented az. and gu. in chief three pellets, for
Corser (Edinburgh). Ar, three horses' heads couped sa. Dodwell. Crest —A griffin segreant gu. supporting a broken
bridled of the field. Crest— A pegasus ppr. JfoUo— Recto spear or, headed ar.
coursa. Cosby (^Lord Sydney^ Dudley Alexandeb Sydney Cosby,


Esq., of Stradbally Hall, Tvas so created 1768; extinct 1774). Coswortlx Cornwall. Visit. 1620.
(Cosworth, co. The
Arms and Crest same as the preceding. Supporters — heiress m. Mtnaed, and the heiress of Mynard m.
Dexter, a buck ppr. ; sinister, a leopard guard, sa., both, Vivian). Ar. on a chev. betw. three falcons' wings az.
ducally gorged and chained or. Motto—Snb libertate five bezants.
quietem. Cosworth (Cosworth, co. Cornwall and London. John
Cosby (Ardbally, in Leix, now
the Queen's Co.). Az. three Cosworth, Mercer, of London, second son of Robert Cos-
dishes or, on a canton ar. a saltire gu. betw. four lucies worth, Esq., of Cosworth, eventually succeeded his nephew
haurient vert. at Cosworth, as heir male. Visit. London, 1568). Same
Cosen (Devonshire). Ar. a chev. betw. three mullets —
Arms. Crest A wyvern's head couped az. purfled or,
pierced sa. langued gu.
Cosens. Ar. on a bend betw. two dragons' head couped gu. CoS3m (co. Dorset). Az. a lion ramp. ar. guttee desang
tliree doves of the field, crowned or.
Cosens (Yetmlnster, co. Dorset). Az. on a bend or, betw. Cosyn (London and Newcastle-on-Tyne granted 12 May, ;

two lions ramp. ar. three martlets of the first, ft-est — 1647). Erm. a chev. engr. per pale or and sa.
cockatrice, wings erect or. Cosyn (Norfolk). Gu. an eagle displ. ar.
Cosens-"Weir. See Weir. Cosyn. Az. a lion ramp, or, double queued nowed, guttee
Cosgrave (Fun. Ent. of CHRisTOPmtit Cosgbave, alderman gu. Crest —
On a mount vert a hare sejant sa. holding a
and Mayor of Dublin, d. 21 July, 1620). Quarterly, 1st and branch of flowers vert.
4th, or, a lion ramp. aa. ducally crowned gu., for Cosgrave ;
Cosyn. Gu. a chev. betw. three keys erect sa.
2nd and 3rd, ar. three chaplets ppr. Cosynglon (borne by Sir Stephen de Costngton, 23
Cosgrave (Fim. Ent. of William Cosgbave, of Dublin, Edward Az. three roses or.
III., 1348).
Merchant, d. May, 1597). Or, a lion ramp. sa. ducally Cosyns, or Cosins (Chorley Hall, Leicester; confirmed
crowned gu., a crescent for diff. 13 March, 1651). Erm. a chev. per pale gu. and or. Crest
Cosgrave, Or, a chev. betw. three garbs gu. Crest ^A — — A demi lion ramp, or, guttee de sang.
tiger's head erased affrontee. Cotchele. Or, a bend gu.
Cosh. (Devonshire). Ar. on a chev. sa. three fountains ppr. Coteel (Devonshire). Or, a bend gu. eemde de cronellsar.
Coshalme. Ar. three lions ramp. gu. Cotell. Or, a bend gu. a crescent for diff. Crest— Oat of a
Cosin (Kent). Az. a lion ramp. ar. langued and armed g:u. ducal coronet or, a leopard sejant ppr.
crowned or. Cotes (Woodcote, co. Salop possessed of considerable

Cosine. Az. a lion ramp, or, guttee gu. crowned of the estates on the confines of the counties of Salop and Stafford
second. from a very remote period ; the name is derived from the
Cosing'tou (Hampshire). Az. three roses or. hamlet of Cotes, in Staffordshire, two parts of a knight's fee
Cosins. Ar. a fret az. in which was held by Thomas de Cotes in 1167, when the
Cosker (Sir Francis Ooskeb, knighted by Sir Arthur Black Book of the Exchequer was compiled, and which is
Chichester, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 6 Oct. 1611). Or, a still held by the family). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, erm., 2nd
chev. compony counter compony gu. and az. betw. three —
and 3rd, paly of six or and gu. Crest A cock ppr. combed,
cinquefoils pierced of the last, a crescent for diff. Crest — wattled, and legged or.
"Unicorn's head and neck couped or, winged az. charged with Cotes (Hanslope, co. Buckingham, born 18 Edward III.). Ar.
a crescent sa. fretty az. on a canton sa. a lion ramp. or. Crest —A cock
Cosowartb. (Cornwall). Ar. on a chev. betw. three wings or, combed and wattled gu.
az. as many bezants. Cotes (Elson, co. Leicester, and Withington, co. Stafford.
Cospatrick (^Earl of Northumberland; so created by Visit. Leicester,
1609). Same Arms. Crest A cock or, —
William I. the Earl fled to Scotland and became
1069, combed and wattled gu.
ancestor of the Earls of Dunbar, which see). Gu. a saltire Cotes (Lord Mayor of London, 1542). Per pale or andaz.
ar. two dolphins erect counterchanged on a chief gu. a covered
Cospatrick. Ar. fretty gu. a chief az. cup. betw. as many dovecots of the first.

Cossar, or Cosser. Sa. a saltire or. Crest—A brown Cotes Buckingham). Per pale gu. and az. two dolphins
horse, saddled and bridled ppr. hauriant endorsed ar. on a chief or, a covered cup betw as
Cossart. Ar. a bend betw. two demi lions ramp. sa. many dovecots of the first.
Cossee (John Joseph Ferdinand Pluneett, Esq., of Mons, Cotes. Ar. a cross moline engr. sa.
in Hainault, born 17*33, a descendant of the house of Eath- Cotes. Erm. on a fesse sa. three escallops or.
more, co. Meath, m. Marie Gabriel Amee Cossee). Purp. Cotes. Gu. a fesse betw. three escallops or.
a chev. or, in chief two eagles displ. with their heads towards Cotgrave (Eichraond Herald, 1566). Gu. a fesse dancett^e
each other, and in base a lion ramp. aU sa. betw. three buglehorns ar.
Cossen, alias Madern (Penzance. Visit, co. Cornwall, Cotgrave (Malpas, co. Chester). Gu. a chev. indented
1620, claimed 2 Charles I.). Az. a lion ramp, or, guttee de erm. betw. three buglehorns ar. Crest A -coinet-etar —
sang, ducally crowned of the second. Crest— lion ramp. A towards the sinister ppr.
as in the arms. Cotgreve, and Cotgrieve. Same Arms. Crest—
Cossen (Raveningham, co. Norfolk; granted 1585). Az. a A comet star darting rays towards the sinister ppr.
chev, wavy betw. three eagles displ. or. Crest On a — Cotham, or Cotton. Gu. a chev. betw. three crescents ar.
chapeau az.turned up erm. an heraldic tiger sejant or. Cother. Ar. three chev. engr. az. Crest—A dexter arm
Cossington. Az. a rose or. embowed in armour ppr. garnished or, holding in the hand
Cost. Ar. a cross betw. four annulets sa. also ppr. a chaplet vert.
Costerdine (Fun. Ent. of George Costekdine, of Colryan, Cotherington (quartered by Coninosby, Har. MSS.,
CO. Londonderry, bom in co. Notts., d. 6 May, 1637). Or, 1507). Ar. a fess embattled counter-embattled sa. fretty or,
six fleurs-de-lis sa. three, two, and one. betw. three lions pass, guard, of the second.
Costerton (Great Yarmouth, co. Norfolk). Ar. a pile gu. Cotin. Az. two chev. betw. three boars' heads erased or.
over all two bars erm. each charged with two martlets of Cotismore. Az. an eagle displ. ar. on bis breast an
the second. Crest —
A lion pass, supporting a fire beacon all escutcheon gu. charged with a leopard's face of the second.
ppr. Cotismore. Az. an eagle displ. with two necks ar. on his
Costello, or McCostelloe (Oastlemore and Edmunds- breast an escutcheon gu. charged with a bezant.
town, CO. Mayo, descended from Shane McCobtelloe, chief Cotlowe, or Corlowe. Or, a cinquefoil betw. three
of his name, 1586). Or, three lozenges gu.
— Crest —A falcon hearts gu.
ppr. belled or. Motto ^Ne te quEesiveris extra. Coton (Asliill, CO. Norfolk). Az. an eagle with wings elevated

Costes. Gu. two bars vair in chief as many mullets or. ar. Crest —An eagle rising ar.
Costinell (Brand). Ar. two bars indented and in chief Cottell, Cotel, Cotele, or Cottle (Atworth, co. Wiiu,
three trefoils slipped sa. and lords of Caverton, co. Somerset, in 1102, said to have
Costle. Or, a fesse betw. two bars indented sa. come to England with William the Conqueror). Or, ft
Costley. Sa. a cross potent fltch^e ar. a chief erm. Crest bend gu.
— A hand erect holding a cross crosslet fltchee. Cottell (North Tawton, co. Devon. Her. Visit. 1580).
Costomer (Yarmouth). Gu. two bars erm. in chief a lion Or, a bend gu. quartering Malherb Cahdrta and Godfrey.
pass. or. C}'est —
On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a lion Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a leopard sejant ar.
or, betw, two wings of the first, each charged with as many Cottell (Yeambridge, co. Devon. Her. Visit. 1580). Same
bars of the second. Arm^. Crest— On a tree ar. and sa. a demi naked man-of tbo
Coston (Coston, co. Salop). Ar. a saltire vert on a chief gu. a wreath about his head, in his hand an oaken branch
a lion pass, of the first. with acorns or. —
N.B. This is the crest of Malheeb.
Coston. Or, on a bend sa. three crosses crosslet ar. Cottenham, Earl of. See Pep^s.


Cotter (Kockforest, co. Cork, bart.). and 4th,
Quarterly, 1st Cotton (Landwade, since of Madingley, co. Cambridge,
ar. a chev. gu. betw. three serpents ppr., for Cotter; 2nd bart.). Sa. a chev. betw. three griflSus' heads erased ar.
and 3rd, az. a fess betw. a fleur-de-hs in chief and a mallet Crest —A griffin's head erased ar. Motto Fidelitas vincit. —
in base or, for Kogebson. —
Crat A dexter arm embowed Cotton (The Priory, Leatherhead, co. Surrey). Az. on a
armed ppr. grasping a dart. Motto— D\xm spire spero. chev. cottised betw. three hanks of cotton, ar. an escalloi>
Cotter (Ireland). Az. three evetts in pale ppr. C^-esi— betw. two crosses crosslet fitchee gu. dest—On a mount
lion pass, reguard. ppr. vert, in front of a lion's head erased giL gorged with a
Cotterell (Gamons, Quarterly, or and
co. Hereford, bart.). collar erm. a hank of cotton fesseways ar.
ar. a cross engr. per pale sa. and gu., in the 2nd quarter Cotton (Wittington, co. Gloucester). Ar. a bend sa. betw.
two escallops, and in the 3rd. one of the third, over all a three pellets. Crest —
Five snakes ppr. tied in a parcel,

bend also sa. CrcU An arm in armour embowed, the hand their heads in chief.
in a gauntlet ppr. resting on an escocheon ar, charged with Cotton (Bishop of Exeter, d. 1621, formerly of London).
a talbot's head sa. collared and lined or. Motto —Non rapui Same Anns.
sed recepi. Cotton (Laughton, cos. Leicester and Stafford. Visit.
Cotterell (South Eepps, co. Norforlk). Ar. a bend betw. Leicester 1619). Same Arms. Crest —An eagle displ. ar.
three escallops sa. Orest—A. talbot*s head sa. ducally collared Cotton (Ireland). Same Arms.

and lined or. Aru)ther Crest A talbot's head erased sa. Cotton (Etwall Hall, co. Durham). Az. a chev. betw. three
collared or, thereon three escallops of the first. hanks of cottonar. Crest— A falcon ppr. beaked and belled
Cotterell (Ireland). Same Arms. the dexter claw supporting a belt also ppr., buckle gold.
Cotterell (Ireland). Gu. a chev. betw. three ducal Motto —
In utrS-que fortune paratus.
coronets ar. Cotton (Pulley, co. Salop. Thomas Cotton, of Pulley, was
Cotterell. Ar. a bend betw. six escallops sa. sheriff 1678). Same Arjtis.
Cotterell, Cotei;ell, Cotterall, or Cotterill, Ar. Cotton (Cotton Hall, co. Hants, London, and Shropshire).

a bend nebulee sa. Crest A hand holding a glove ppr. Az. a chev. betw. three bundles of cotton yarn ar, Creat —
Cotterells (co. Devon). Ar. a bend wavy sa. An eagle with wings expanded ar. beaked and legged or,
Cottes. Erm. on a bend esgr. sa. three plates. Cre&t — holding in the dexter claw a belt az. buckle of the second.
dog's head (i.e., a kind of hound's head) or, collared gu. his Cotton (cos. Stafford and Worcester). Same Arms. Crest—
mouth embrued with blood. A hawk ar. beaked and legged or.
Cottesford (Launton, co. Oxford, home by John Cottesfoed, Cotton (Kent). Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three griffins' heads
gent., of that place, hving 1634. Visit. Oxon). Ar. two erased ar. langued az.
bends gu. and a border sa. Crest —
A bear couchant sa. Cotton (co. Leicester, temp. Edward III.). Az. on a chev.
muzzled and collared or. ar. three Catharine wheels gu.
Cottesford (co. Devon). Ar. two bars gu. within a bordure Cotton (co. Stafford). The same as of Connington, Hunting-
engr. sa. —
Crest A bear couchant sa. muzzled and col- donshire, with due diff.
lared or. Cotton (Cotton Edmunds, co. Chester). Ar. a bend sa.
Cottesford. Same, the bordure charged with eight bezants. —
betw. three pellets. Crest On a mount vert an eagle rising
Cottesford, Ar. on a fesse sa. three bezants. or.
Cottesmore. Az. an eagle displ. with two necks ar. on Cotton (Knolton, co. Flint). Arm^ and Crest as Cotton of
his breast an escutcheon gu. —
Crest An arm in armour Etwall HaU.
holding the two pieces of a broken spear ppr. Cotton (Soham Lodge, co. Suffolk), Ar. on a fesse cottised
Cottesmore (Brightwell Baldwin, co. Oxford, descended gu. three fleurs-de-lis of the field.

from Sir John Cotesmore, Lord Chief Justice of the Cotton (Suffolk). Same Arms and d-est, a martlet for diff.
Common Visit. Oxon). The same, charging
Pleas, d. 1439. Cotton, Sa. a chev. or,betw. three griffins' heads erased
the escutcheon with a leopard's face or. Crest A unicorn — ar. Crest —A griffin's, head erased ar, holding in the mouth

couchant ar. a gauntlet ppr.

Gottingham.. Sa. three hinds countei-trippant ar. Cotton. Sa. a chev. betw, three cotton hanks ar. Crest —
Cottingrham, or Cottin^on (cos. Chester and Middle- A Cornish chough, holding in the beak a cotton hank ppr.
sex). Sa. two hinds countertrippant in fesse ar. Cotton. Gu. a chev. betw, three crescents ar.
Cottingrhani (John de Cottingham, York, tmvp.
co. Cotton. Ar, three bars sa. over all a cotton hank or.
Eichard II.). Sa. a chev. engr. betw. threeplumes ar. Cotton. Sa. a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased ar.
Cottingrham., or Cottington. Sa. two hinds counter- Cotton. Ar. a lion ramp, guard, vert.
trippant in pale ar. Crest— On a chapeau ppr. a greyhound Cotton. Vert, a leopard, ramp, reguard. ar.
sejant ar. Cotton. Per pale ar. and sa. on a ch,ev. betvr. three fusils
Cottington (Gloucestershire and Wiltshire). Az. on a as many birds, all counterchanged.
feBse ar. betw. three roses or, as many bugle horns sa. Cotton. Az. a chev. betw. three crescents ar.
Crest —A stag's head ar. attired or, gorged with a collar az. Cotton. Barry of six ar. and az. three bundles of cotton or.
charged with three roses gold, Cotton. Barry of six ar. and az.
Cottingi;on (toi-cE Cottington of lianwm-th, created 1631, Cotton (Ridware, co. Stafford; originally from Cheshire).
extinct 1653). Az. a fesse betw. three roses or. Suppm'ters — Az. an eagle displ, ar. armed gu. This was the coat of liiD-
Two eagles ppr. beaked and legged or. Crest A stag's — WAEE, adopted by Cotton after the marriage, temp. Edward
head ar. gorged with a collar az. charged with three III., of William Cotton with Agnes, dau. and heir of Walter
roses or. DE RiDWAEB the ancient bearing of the Cottons was, ar. a

Cottle (Sampford Peverell and North Taunton, granted bend sa. betw. three pellets.
Ci-e'^t —
An eagle displ. ar.
8 Nov. 1580). Or, a bend gu. Crest —
On a ducal crown a Cotton (Cotton-Ridware, and Connington, 1572). Az. a bend
tiger sejant. ar. betw. three plates.
Cottle (granted to the Rev. James Cottle, LL.D., vicar of Cotton (Bellaport, co. Stafford, and Etwall, co. Derby,
St, Mary Magdalen, Taunton, co. Somerset), Or, a bend gu. descended from the Cottons of Ridware). As Cotton of
betw. two leaves vert. Crest— Out of a crown vallery or, a Rid ware.
mount vert, thereon an ounce sejant ppr. Cotton (Getting Abbots, co. Huntingdon ; a branch of the
Cotton, Stapleton- Cotton ( Fiscount Combermere). Az, Connington family: the heiress, Jane, m. Basil Fitzhee-
a chev. betw. three hanks of cotton, paleways ar. in chief BEET, Esq., of Norbury and SwinnerLon), As the preceding.
pendent from a ribbon gu. a representation of the medal Cotton (confirmed by the deputies of Camden, Clarenceux,
presented to his lordship after the battle of Salamanca, for to Philip Cotton, of Woodcote, co. Warwick, grandson of
Cotton; quartering, ar. a lion ramp, sa., for Stapleton. RiCHAED Cotton, of Welton,co. Leicester. Visit. Warwick).

Crest A falcon ppr. wings expanded belled or, holding in Az. an eagle displ. ar. Crest— Ou.t of a ducal coronet or, an
the dexter claw a belt az. buckled of the second. Crest of eagle displ. ar.

Augmentation Upon a mount vert, a soldier of the 3rd Cotton (confirmed to Ven, Heney Cotton, LL.D., Archdeacon
regt, of light dragoons mounted all ppr. in the attitude of of Cashel, and Rector of Thurles, co. Tipperary). Az. an
charging the enemy, and over this crest in an escrol. az. the eagle displ ar. on a canton of the last a cross crosslet sa.

word "Salamanca" in letters of gold, Suppoi^ters Two — Cres( —Out of a ducal coronet a demi-eagle displ. or, charged
falcons wings expanded and endorsed ppr. belled or, jessed on the breast with a cross crosslet sa. Motto With God's —
gu. murally gorged of the last. Motto —
^In utr^que fortuna blessing.
paratus. CottreU. Ar. a chev. betw. three escallops sa.
Cotton (Connington, co. Huntingdon; bart., extinct 1752. Crest —
A talbot's head couped ar. eared and collared or.
Sir BoBEBT Cotton, the 1st bart. created in 1611, waji the Cottrell (Hadley, co. Middlesex, descended from Sir Cle-
founder of the *' Cottonian Library "). Az. an eagle displ. ment Cottrell, Groom Porter to King James 1.). Ar. a bend
ar. armed or, betw. three escallops sa. Crest —A talbot's head sa. collared

imd lined or, the collar charged with three escallops of the Couper (London). Az. a saltire ar. on a chief or, three
arms. Motto —Nee tcmere nee timide. lions ramp. gu. Crest— On a mural crown a pelican with
Cottrell-Boriner, See Dobmeb. wings endorsed ar, beaked and legged or, vulned gu.
CotweU, or Totwell. Ar. u fesse engr. betw. three Couper (Gogar, Scotland). Ar. a chev. gu. charged with
mullets sa. another erm, betw. three laurel branches slipped vert.
Cotwyn (Norwich). Ar. a fesse sa. hetw. three ogresses. C]-est—A hand holding a garland, all ppr. Motto Virtute. —
Cotys. Erm. on a fesse sa. three escallops or. Couper (Balleny, Scotland). Az. a bend engr. betw. six
Cou, or Couey. Per pale erm. and sa, a fesse counter- fishes counternaiant ppr. Crest— A. dove with a serpent
changed. —
nowed in the beak ppr. Motto Estote prudentes.
Coucli, or Couclie. Or, two palets gu. a canton sa. Cvest Couper. Az. a saltire or, on a chief of the last two chevs.
—A demi bear ramp. couched dexter and sinister vert. •

CouclixiLan. Sa. three cinquefoils two and one betw. nine Couper, or Cupper (Powick, co. Worcester; from the
crosses crosslet ar. Crest —A demi lionramp. sa. semee of tomb of Richard Copper, gent., at Powick, d. 1740). Air.
crosses crosslet ar. holding betw. the paws a cinquefojl of on a bend engr. betw. two lions ramp. sa. three plates.
the last, Coupland (London). Or, on a cross sa. betw, four trefoils
Couchmaster. Ar. two chev. couched vert, vert five mullets ar.
Oonci (INGELRAM DE Conci, Farl of Be^ord) K.G, temp. Coupland. Or, two bars and a canton gu, over all a bend
Edward Barry of six vair and gu.
III.). sa.
Coucy. Barry of six vair and gu. Coupland. Ar. two bars and a canton or, joined to tho
Couden. Gu, a chev. betw. three stags' heads erased ar. upper over all —
a bend az. Crest A salmon naiant ppr.
Couderors. Ar. a chev. betw. three talbots pass. sa. Coupland. Ar. on a cross sa. a mullet of the first.
Coudon (Scotland). Same Arms as Couden. Coupland (Berg ne-Cohp land, exemplified to Bicbabd
Couell (East Somerton), Az. a lion ramp. ar. Coupland Bergne-Coupland, Esq., of Skellingthorpe, co.
Coug'h.t, or Cowg-lit (Arms in a window in Dorchester Lincoln, late Capt. Boyal North Lincoln Militia, and J.P.
Church, CO. Oxford. Visit. Oxon). Gu. a bend erm. betw. for the county of Lincoln). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or,
six bezants. three bars engr. az. on a bend gu, a rose betw. two escallops
Coulclieife. Ar. an eagle sa. membered gu. standing on a of the first, for Coupland ; 2nd and 3rd, az. a lion pass. ar.
child ppr. lying in a cradle vert swaddled or. on a chief nebuly of the last a fleur-de-lis betw. two mullets
Couldhaxn (Norwich). Az. a mullet ar. pierced gu. of the first, for Bergne. Crests —
Coupland; A swan wings
Couldame (Fun. Ent. of Maey, dau. of John Couldame, addorsed ar. semee of escallops gu. and resting the dexter
d. 17 July, 1633, wife of Thomas Phesant, of Donnybrook, leg on an escallop also gu. ; Bergne A
demi lion gu.

CO. Dublin). Sa. on a fesse erm. betw. three escallops or, gorged with a collar gemel or, holding in the dexter paw
as many water bougets gu. two arrows saltirewise points downwards ppr, and resting
CoTildwell (Kent). Paly wavy of six or and sa. on a chief the sinister paw on a fleur-de-lis az. Motto —^quo adeste
gu. three griffins' heads erased of the first. Crest ^A sea- — animo.
lion ramp. gu. Coupledike. Gu. a chev. ar. betw, three cross crosslets
CoxlU (Ashgrove, co, Elgin). Ar. a lion ramp, and in chief fitchee or.
three spur rowels gu. Crest —A
hand holding a book half Couppe (co. Northampton). Ar. on a chev. az. betw. three
open in pale, all ppr. Motto Cole deum. — roses gu. as many fleurs-de-lis or.
Coulsill (Essex). Chequy or and sa. a chief of the first, Courays, Ar. three fleurs-de-lis gu.
guttee de sang. Courci (Stoke-Courci, co. Somerset). Ar. three eaglea
CotLlson (Jesmond, co, Northumberland). Ar. on a bend displ. gu. crowned or.
gu. three fleurs-de-lis of the field. Crest— In her nest ppr. a Courigre. Or, fretty gu.
pelican feeding her young ar. vulned ppr. Courtall. At. on a fesse sa. three bezants.
Coulsou (Blenkinsopp Castle, co. Northumberland). Same Courtauld {Gosfield Hall, co. Essex). Per pale ar. and or,
Arms and Crest, quartering those of Blenkinsopp. Motto — a chev. betw. three trefoils in chief and a fleur-de-lis in
Je mourai pour ceux que j'aime. —
base vert. Crest In front of a fleur-de-lis ar. three uiullfits
Coulsou (Cottingham Castle, formerly Colston, descended —
gu. Motto Tiens & la verity.
from the family of Edward Colston, of Bristol). Arms and Courtayne (granted 12 April, 1825, to Henry Ddogan
C^-est^ as Colston, CouBTATNE, Esq., 44th rcgt.). Az. on a cross ar. a horse
Coulson (Ayton, co. York, 1666). Ar. two dolphins haurient pass. sa. betw. four tigers' heads caboshed ppr, in the dex-
respecting each other sa. collared and chained together by ter chief a talbot pass. betw. three trefoils slipped, two and
their necks the chain pencient betw. them of the last. one or, in the sinister chief a dexter hand couped at the
Coulsou, and Coulston. See Colston. wrist grasping a sword of the fourtli betw. five estoiles,
Coulstou (St. Ives, CO. Hunts). Ar. a chev, engr. gu.betw. three in chief and two in fess, of the fifth, in ihe dexter
three dolphins embowedCrest—Aji eagle with wings
sa. base a swan with wings elevated of the second, and in the
endorsed or, preying on a dolphin ppr. sinister base a crescent and Hon ramp, in pale of the fifth.
Coult (Inveresk, co. Edinburgh). Ar. a stag's head erased Crest —Out of an Eastern crown or, a demi talbot sa. Motto
gu. betw. the horns a pheon az. Crest— Axi arm embowed — Salus per Christum (over the crest) Per mare, per terras.

grasping a dart ppr, JfoMo— Transflgam. Courte. Paly of six or and az. on a chief of the first an
Coult (Auldbame, Scotland). Ar. a stag's head erased with a eagle displ. sa.
cross crosslet betw. his attires gu,, in chief a label of three Courteene (Aldington, or Aunton, co. Worcester. A
points and in base a crescent az. Crest— A naked arm from refugee family descended from William Coubten, son of a
the shoulder throwing a dart ppr. Motto Transfigam. — tailor at Melin, who arrived in London with his wife,
Coultliard (Scotby, co. Cumberland, 1784). Sa. three catha^ Margaret Ccsiebe, 1568. Sir Peter Courteen, their

rine wheels ar. Crest A demi lion ramp, gu. grandson, was created a hart, 1622, vi. Jane, sister of the
Coulthurst. Sa. two horses pass. ar. Crest ^Two hands — 1st Earl of Chesterfield^ and d. s. p, 1624). Or, a talbot
issuing from clouds grasping the stump of a tree. pass. sa. Crest —A demi talbot sa,
Coultliurst (Gargrave, co. York). Ar, a fesse betw. two Courteis, or Courtys. Gu. a chev. vair betw. three
colts pass. sa. bulls' —
heads cabosscd ar. Crest ^A wolfs head couped ar.
Coultman. Az. a cross pattee betw. four mullets ar. Cre&t collared and spiked sa. chained or.
—Three ears of wheat ppr. Courtenay (Earl of Devon). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or,
Coulton. Gu. three mullets ar. a chief invccked or. three torteaux, for Codbtenat; 2nd and 3rd, or, a lion
Crest —A lion's paw issuing, supporting an escutcheon. ramp, az., for Kedvers (the old Earls of Devonshire). Crestg
Coumbe. Sa. three lions pass, in pale or. — 1st: Out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of seven ostrich
Counderowe. Ar. a chev. betw. three talbots sa. feathers, four and three, ar. ; 2nd: A dolphin embowed ppr.
Couuter. Barry of six gu. and roundles counter-
or, fifteen Supporters— Two boars ar. bristled, tusked, and unguled or.
changed, three, two, three, two, three, and two. Mottoes — Quod verum tutum, and Ubi lapsus, Quid feci ?

Countesse. Ar. three bucks' horns harways sa. the top to Courtenay (Marquess of Exeter. Edward Courtenat, 4th

the dexter side. Earl of Devon of the creation of 1485, was raised to a mar-
Coup (Essex and Northamptonshire). Ar, a chev. az. betw. quessate 1525 ; his only son, Edward, 2nd Marquess oj

three rose branches slipped gu. leaved vert. Exeter^ d. unm. Or, three torteaux, in chief a label
Coupar, Az. a tortoise erect or. of three points az. Crest-Sam^ ^a X\\e Earls of D&von. No
Coupell. Ar. on a cross sa. a mullet of six points of the first. supporters were registered to this title. The CouRTBNAtfl,
Couper (hart,). Or, a chev. gu. charged with another erm. temp. Henry VIII. and Edward VI., appear to have borne a.i
betw. three laurel leaves slipped vert. Creit Out of a mural — supporters the Bohun swans collared, and the Luttrei-w
coronet ar, a hand holding a garland ppr. itfoMo^Virtute. would seem to have assumed them by virtue of the iht"'''

A -


marriage with the heir of Sir Wiluam Couetenat. Couii- Courtoys. Ar. a chev. betw. three bulls' heads gu,
TENAY and LuTTEELL seals bearing out this theory are on (another, the chev. sa.).
record in the Heralds' College. Couse. Ar. three hedgehogs sa.
Ooiirtenay (Sir Hugh Couetenat, one of the Founder Cousland (Cousland, Scotland). Ar. two mullets and a
Knights of the Garter, eldest son of Hugh, 2nd Barl of J)':Von, crescent in base sa. a chief chequy of the second and first.
d. before his father Garter plate still remains in the Foun-
: Cousmaker. Az. on a chev. betw. three mullets or, aa
der's Stall). Gu. three torteaux, a label of three points each many trefoils slipped vert. Cj-est—An estoile or.
point charged with thrge annulets. CVasi— Out of a ducal Coussmaker (originally ^f Brabant; certified at the
coronet a plume of swan's feathers, consisting of three rows, College of Arms, London, May 1779). Same Anns, quarter-
the first eight, the second ten, and the uppermost eleven ing, az. two chevs. interlaced one issuing from the chief and
feathers. the other from the base betw. eight mullets of six points, all
Cotirtenay (Sir Peter Couetenat, K.G., temp. Bichard II., or. Same Crest.
fifthson of Hugh, 2nd £arl of Devon}. Gu. three torteaux Coutanclie (Registrar of the Royal Court of Jersey, 1875).
a label of three points az. each point charged with three Az. two bars ar. betw. six bezants, three and three. Crest-—
annulets. A mitre ppr.
Courtenay (Kelland, co. Devon). As JSarl oflkvon. Coutart (extinct in Guernsey).
Ar. a fesse dancettee sa.
Courtenay (Painsford, co. Devon Ann Couetenat, the : co- Couton (Cornwall). Ar. a saltire sa.
heiress,m. Edmund, 7th Sari of Cork and Ossory). Coutry (Boxbourne, Az. a pile betw. four fleurs-
co. Kent).
Courtenay (MoUand, co. Devon; descended from Sir de-lis or, a chev. of the last counterchanged. Crest—
Philip Couetenat, younger son of Sir Philip Couetenat, falcon's head or, betw. two wings az. each charged with a.
of Powderham, who acquired the estate of Holland by his fleur-de-lis gold.
wife Elizabeth, dau. of Walter, Lord Hungerford; the Ooutts (Auchtercoull, co. Aberdeen). Ar. a stag's head
last male heir of this branch, John Couetenat, Esq., d. in attired gu. betw. the attires
a pheon point upwards az.
1732). Or, three torteaux on a label az. nine plates. C out ts (Provost of Montrose, 1672). As the last, within a
Courtenay (Walreddon, co. Devon; descended from James, bordure engr. gu. Crest —A
demi Moor shooting an arrow
fifthson of Sir William Couetenat, by Margaret, his from a bow, all ppr.
wife, dau. of Sir Wiluam Walles). Same Arma and Crat Coutts. Aj. a stag's head couped gu. In chief a pheon az.
as the Earl of Devon. all within a bordure embattled of the last. Ci-est A demi —
Courtenay (Deviock, Lostwithiel, Penkivel, and Lanivct, centaur ppr.
CO. Cornwall, descended from Sir Edmund Couetenat, of St. Coutts (London, Banker). Ar. a stag's head caboshed gu.
Leonard's, near Exeter, second son of Sir Philip Couetenat, betw. the attires a pheon az. the whole within a bordure em-
of Powderham, by Elizabeth his wife, dau. of Waltee, Lord battled of the last, charged with four bucltles or. Crest—
Eungerford. Visit. 1620). Same Arms as the Earl of Devon. demi Moor shooting an arrow from a how all ppr. Mott&
CVesi— A panache ar. rising from a ducal coronet or. (over crest) —
Esse quam videri.
Courtenay (Trethurfe, Wotton, and Tremeer, co. Cornwall, Coutts, Burdett-Coutts (Baroness Eurdett-Couttsh
descended from Edward, second son of Sir William Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Coutts ar. a stag's head caboshed

CouRTENAT, of Powderham, sheriff of Devon in 1483). Same gu. betw. the attires a pheon az. the whole within a bQrdure
Arms and Crest as the Earl of Devon. embattled of the last charged with four buckles or; 2nd and
Courtenay. Or, three torteaux a bend az, 3rd, Bukdett: az. two bars or, each charged with three
Courtenay. Or, three torteaux a bendlet gobonated ar. martlets gu. Supporters —
Dexter, a stag ppr. gorged with a
and az. riband ar. pendent therefrom an escocheon of the arms of
Courteney. Or, three torteaux. Crest A dolphin em- — Coutts sinister, a lion ppr. pendant from a hke riband an

bowed ar. charged with four torteaux devouring the top of escocheon of the arms of Burdett.
a ducal cap gu. in a coronet or. Cove (co. Hereford). Gu. a bend ar. cottised or. Crext —
Courteney. Or, three torteaux a label of three points ar. Out of ducal coronet or, a dexter arm embowed in armour
on each as many hurts. ppr. holding in the gauntlet a battle-axe gu.
Courteney, or Courtney. Or, a fesse az. betw. three Cove. Ar. three piles wavy gu. betw. twelve martlets sa.
torteaux. Crest —A lion's paw holding a palm branch ppr.
Courtliope (Danny Place, co. Sussex: the heiress. Baebaea Coveley (co. Hant-s). Gu. a fesse betw. three helmets ar.
CoDETHOPE, TO. Henrt Campion, Esq.). Ar. a fesse az. betw. Coveley. Gu. a fesse or, betw. three helmets ar.
three estoiles sa. Crest —
A demi stag salient gu. sem6 Coveley. Gu. a fesse betw. three helmets ar. respecting the
d'estoiles and attired or. sinister side,
Courthope (Whiligh, co. Sussex). Same Arms as Couet- Coveley. Az. a fesse betw, three helmets or.
HOPE, of Danny Place. Crest —A
cubit arm erect ppr. hold- Covell (London, Her. Off. c. 24). Az. a lion ramp. ar. a
ing an anchor az. fluke and ring or. file of throe lambeaux gu. each charged with as many
Courthope (Stodmarsh, co. Kent). Or, a fesse az. betw. bezants. —
Crest Out of a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a lion
three estoiles sa. Crest —A
camel's head or, vulned in the pass. ar. gorged with a
file as in the arms.

neck gu. Covell York). Or, a chev. betw. three martlets sa.
Courtin Same as Coueteene.
(London). Covell. Ar. on a saltire engr. sa. five escallops of the field.
Courtis. Paly of six or and az. a fesse chequy sa. and vert. Covell. Az. a lion ramp. ar. guttle de poix armed or.
Crest —
A phcenix in flames ppr. Coveney(Hinxhill, CO. Kent). Erm. on a bend . three
Courtney (co. Devon). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or. a lion trefoils slipped . .

ramp. az. ; 2nd and 3rd, ar. three trefoils sHpped sa. (another, Covenliam Monastery (co. Lincoln). Gu. a saltire ar.
three torteaux). Coventon. Az. fretty ar. a saltier parted of the last betw.
Courtney (co. Devon). Or, three torteaux a label of three four estoiles or. Crest —An heraldic tiger ramp. gu. semde
points each charged with as many bezants. of estoiles armed and tufted or, supporting a tilting spear
Courtney (co. Somerset). Or, a beud gu. betw. three ppr. Motto — Invidere sperno.
torteaux. Coventre. Erm. a cross gu.
Courtney, Or, three torteaux a label of five points az. Coventre, or Coventry. Sa. a fesse erm. betw. three
Courtney, Or, a fesse az. betw. three torteaux. crescents or. Crest —A garb lying fesseways or, thereon u
Courtney (Reg. Ulster's Office). Quarterly, 1st and 4tb, or, cock gu. combed, wattled, and legged gold
three torteaux; 2nd and 3rd, or, a lion ramp. az. Coventre, or Coventreye (confirmea by St. George,
Courtown, Earl of. See Stopford. Deputy to Borough, Garter, to John Coventkie, Lord Mayor
Courtoys (co. Dorset). Gu. a griffin segreant or. of London 1425, son of William Coventme, of the city of
Courtoys (co. Dorset and London). Sa. billettee or, a fesse Coventry. Visit. Warwick). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three
enn. betw. three horses' heads couped ar. columbines az. slipped vert.
Courtoys (Boston, co. Lincoln). Per fesse or and az. paly Coventry (Croome D'Abltot, co. Worcester. Earl of
of six cDunterchanged, over all a fesse chequy ar. and sa. Coventry, created 1697). Sa. a fesse erm. betw. three cre-
Courtoys (co. Lincoln). Paly of six or and az. a fesse scents or. Crest—A garb
lying fesseways thereon a cock
chequy ar. and sa. charged with three martlets of the gu. comb, wattles, and legs of the first. [These beariugs
first. were confirmed by Camden, 1602, to Thomas Coventet, of
Courtoys (London). Gu. a chev. vair (another, vaire ar. Croome, Bencher of the Inner Temple, father of the 1st lord
and sa.) betw. three bulls' heads ar. (another, or). Coventry, the Lord Keeper.] Supporters— Two eagles wings
Courtoys, or Coortois. Erm. on a canton gu. an orlo expanded and inverted ar., beaked and legged or. Motto —
ar. Crest —A castle triple-towered. Candide et constanter.
Courtoys, or Courtois. Same Arms. Crest—A mount Coventry (Bugate, co. Hants). Arms, Crest, and Motto
vert. same as the Earl of Coventry.


Co-ventry (Henbury House, co. Dorset). Same Arms, Cowden. Az. on a fesse ar. betw. three annulets or, a lion
Crest, and Motto as the Barl qf Coventry. pass. sa. Crestr—A demi hon sa. charged with an annulet or.
Coventry (Barm Coventry, created 1628, extinct 1719). Sa. Cowdrey (co. Berks). Gu. ten billets or, four, three, two,
a erm. betw. three crescents or.
fess Supporteis Two — —
and one. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter arm
eagles ar. beaked and legged or. d'est A garb fessewise — embowed in armour ppr. garnished of the first, holding in
or, thereon a cock gu. combed and wattled of the first. Motto the gauntlet an anchor gu. stock sa. to the ring a piece of
— Candide et constanter. cable of the last, entwined round the arm.
Coventry. Sa, a fesse betw. three crescents ar. Cowdrey (co. Berks). Gu. thirteen billets or, four, four,
Coventry (Grange). Sa. on a fesse betw. three crescents three, and two.
or, an eagle displ. of the first. Crest— On. a chapeau gu. Cowdrey (Herriard, co. Hants.). Sa. ten billets or, four,
turned up ar. a cock pheasant ppr. beaked and membered of three, two, and one.
the first. Cowell, Az. a lion ramp. ar. on a label of three points gu.
Coventrey. Sa. a fesse betw. three garbs ar. nine bezants. Crest— On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a
Coventry, Town of (Warwick). Per pale gu. and vert, lion pass, or, gorged with a label of three points of the first.
an elephant, on his back a tower triplc-towured, all or. Cowell. Erm. a cow statant gu. within a bordure sa.
Ci-est—A leopard pass. ppr. bezant^e. Crest —
On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a cow's
Coverdale. Per cbev. nebulee gu. and ar. Crest A lion — head (sans attire) couped sa. bczanti*o. Motto Amour da —
ramp, per fess or and gu. la bonte.
Coverham-Monastery (co. York). Or, a chief indented Cowell. Erm. a hind tripping gu.
az. Cowell-Stepney, Bart. See Stepney.
Covert (Kent, Surrey, and Sussex; descended from John Cowen. Ar. three foxes' heads erased gu. Crest ^On a —
CovEBT, who had a command at the siege of Boulogne in winged globe an eagle rising all ppr.
1558). Gu. a fesse erm. betw. three martlets or. Crest — Cowfield. Ar. three bars gemelles and a canton gu.
leopard's face or (another, a lion's face or). Cowfold. Barry of fourteen, ar. and gu. a canton of the
Covert (Slougham, co. Sussex). Gu. a fesse erm. betw. last.
three lions' heads ereised or. Crest —A
leopard's head or. Cowick. Ar, on a chev, az. betw. three dunghill cocks ppr.,
Covert, or Court (co. Somerset). Paly of six, orandaz. as many roses or.
on a chief of the first an eagle displ. sa. (another, a demi Cowick (Dublin). Ar. three dunghill cocks ppr.
eagle). Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a unicorn's head Cowick (Ireland). Ar. a chev. betw. three ravens close sa,
ar, armed and crined of the first, and charged with a mullet Cowie. Erm. on a fesse gu. three boars' heads erased or.
gu. Crest — On the stump of a tree, sproutmg out new branches,
Covert, or Court, Or, a lion ramp. sa. guttee of the a hawk, wings displ. all ppr.
first. Crest —Same as the last. Cowie (Furleigh Lodge, co. Surrey). Per pale erm. and sa.
Coverton. Az. three covered cups or. a fesse counterchanged. CVcsi— On the stump of a tree a
Covill (co, Lancaster). Or, a fesse gu. in chief three falcon with wings expanded ppr.
torteaux. Cowleig-h (co. Devon). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three
Covill (co. York). Same Arms, field or. Cornish choughs ppr.
Covill, or Coville. Or, on a fesse gu. three crosslets ar. Cowleig-ll (Cowleigh, co. Worcester, quartered by Hare-
Crest —An arm m
armour, embowed ppr. bound round the will, Harl. MSS., 1566, also in Birtsmoiton Church). Or, a
shoulder with a ribbon tied in a knot gu., holding a club of chev. ermines betw. three cows' heads cabossed sa.
the first. Co*wley, Xlarl. See Welleslet.
Covyn, Vert a griffin segrcant ar. Cowley (Amsterdam, 1606). Ar. on a «hev. sa. three
Cow (Kent and Norfolk). Gu. a bend cotised ar. leopards' heads, jessant-de-lis of the field.Ci'est —
On a mural
Cow, Cowe, or Cowey. Ar. three bends sa. Crest— coronet az. a leopard's head ar. jessant-de-Iis or.
feather in pale ppr. Cowley (CO. Stafford, quartered by Sturton, of Sturton, co.
Cowan (London, and Forrest Hill, co. Kent, hart., extinct). Notts. Visit. Leicester, 1619). Gu. three bendlets or.
Ar. a saltire gu. a chief of the last, thereon two swords Cowley (co. Devon). Ar. a bull pass. gu. within a bordure
saltireways ppr. pomels and hilts or, encircled by a repre- sa. bezantee.
sentation of the collar of the Lord Mayor of London, also ppr. Cowley (London). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. within a bordure

betw. two fasces gold. Crest A demi lion erm. gorged with engr. of the second, charged with ten mullets of the first.
a representation of the collar of Lord Mayor of London, as —
Crest On a ducal coronet or; a demi lion ermines.
in the arms, betw. the paws & saltire gu. Motto Aymez — Cow^ley. Per pale indented gu. and ar. a bull pass, counter-
loyaulte. changed within a bordure sa. bezantee.
Cowan. Gu. a fesse betw. three annulets ar. Crest — Cowley. Gu. a chev. countercompony or and ar. betw.
demi lion, double queued ppr. three crosses crosslet of the last.
Cowan (Scotland). Ar. a saltire and chief gu. on the last a Cowley (quartered by Knightlet, of Fawsley). Ar. a lion
fleur-de-lis or. Crest— An escallop or. Motto —Sic itur in ramp, and bordure engr. sa.
altura. Cowley. Ar. on a chev, sa, three leopards' heads or.
Cowan (Glasgow, 1866). Ar. a saltire gu., on a chief of the Cowlin. Ar, a chev. sa. betw. three coots ppr.
lasta fleur-de-lis of the first. Crest —An escallop shell or. Cowling- (Kerthen, Trevaveneth, and Trengwainton, co.

Motto Sic itur in altum. Cornwall. "Visit. 1620). Ar. a chev, sa. betw. three Cornish
Cowan (Loganhouse, co. Edinburgh). Ar. a saltire gu.. on —
choughs ppr. Crest A lion's head erased az. on the head
a chief of the last an escallop of the first. C}-est An escallop — a chapeau.
ar. —
Motto Sic itur in altum. Co^wllyoke (Ireland). Ar. two battle-axes gu. in saltire
Cown (Jas. Cowan, M.P. for Edinburgh). The same, the heads or, betw. four frets of the second.
saltire charged with, a mullet az. Same Crest and Motto. Cowlson (Scotland). Sa. a chev. or, betw. three garbs ar.
Coward (Wells, co, Somerset). Or, on two bars sa. three Cowne. Per pale gu. and sa. a lion ramp. erm.
cinquefoils ar. two and one. Co"wnterle. Or, on a jhief aa. two lions ramp, respecting
Coward. Ar. (another, or) on a chev. gu. three martlets of each other ar.
the field; on a chief of the second a chamber piece or. Cowpen (Oxford). Gu. sis writing pens ar. three, two,
Crest —A demi greyhound sa. (another, ar.) holding betw. and one.
his feet a stag's head cabossed ar. attired or. Cowpen. Gu. three writing pens ar.
Cowburgh, or Cowbroug-li (Scotland). Crest~A Cowper {Earl Cowper). Ar. three martlets gu. on a chief
griffin's head betw. two wings ppr. engr. of the last, three annulets or. Ci-est —
A lion's garb
Cowcey. Bendy of six, vair and gu. a chief or. erect and erased or, holding a cherry branch vert fructed gu.
Cowcey, Cowcie, or Cowcy. Sa. a chev. betw. three Supporter»-~On each side a light dun horse with a large
fleurs-de-lis ar.
Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet, an arm in blaze down the face, mane close shorn, except a tuft upon
armour, embowed, holding an anchor corded, all ppr. the withers, a black list down the back, a bob tail, three
Cowcher, or Couclier (Claines and Woodmancote, in white feet, viz., the hind-feet and near fore-foot. Motto—
Clifton-on-Teme. John Codcher, Bailiff of the city of Tuum est.
Worcester, 1563. purchased the latter estate). Sa. on a fesse Cowper {Baroness ZucaR). Quarterly, 1st and ^\l, Be GbeT,
betw. three cinquefoils or, as many martlets of the field. harry of six ar. and az.; 2nd and 3rd, Eobisson, vert a
Crest —
A bird holding a branch in its bill. chev. betw. three stags at gaze or. Supporters— On. either
Cowdall (impaled by Thomas Andrew, of Eedditch, co. side a wyvem with wings erect or,
Worcester, Harl. MSS. 1476). Gu, a chev. betw. three Cowper (William Cowper, the Poet, grandson of Spencee
bucks' heads cabossed ar. Cowper, a Judge of the Common Pleas, brother of the 1st
Cowdell. Same Arms. JSarl Cowper). Same Arms, Crest, and Motto as Earl Cowpw.


Cowper. Or, a saltire gu. over all a fesse sa. antelope's head erased ppr. pierced through the neck bji
Cowper (London). Az, a saltire betw. four trefoils slipped spear.
or, on a chief of the last three dolphins embowed of the Cox (Char ton, Farningham, co. Kent, and Trevereux,
first. Limpsfield, co. Surrey). Barry of ten or and az. three
Cowper (co. Salop). Az. a saltire engr. betw. four trefoils escutcheons, two and one, gu., each charged with a horse
slipped or, on a chief ar. three dolphins embowed of the salient ar., quartering three other coats, viz., sa. a cross or,
first a hordure engr- gu. —
Crest A lion's head ar. erased on a chief ar. three eaglets gu., for Penaky, or Peneeet, of
gu. gorged with a chaplet of laurel vert. Ash and Byarsh, Kent ; ar. a pale nehulee~gu. on a canton
Cowper (Carleton Hall, and Unthank, Cumberland). Az. a of the last, a cross flory ar., for Middleton, of Micldletons,
chev. paly or and erm. in chief an annulet betw. two Longfield, Kent; erm. a chev. vair^ or and gu. betw. three
martlets ar. in base a caduceus of the second. Crest — wolves' heads erased az., for Miller, of Addington and
buffalo's head erased per fess sa. and or, armed of the last, —
Eyarsh, Kent. Crests A demi horse ar. charged on the
charged on the neck with a cross crosslet counterchanged shoulder without a thunderbolt ppr. ; over it, An tu tonitru';
in the mouth a slip of dak ppr. Motto Industria et — and the following crest of augmentation, now borne as the
perseverantia. first crest —Upon a bow fesseways or, a stag at gaze ar.
Cowper (uo. Gloucester). Sa. on a chev. betw. three goats' attired unguled gorged with a collar and chain reflexed over
heads couped ar. three pellets. Ci-est —An arm holding a the hack, gold. Motto —
Chescun son devoir.
cutlass. Cox (co. Gloucester and London). Ar. a bend sa. in the
Cowper (Sir Eichabd Cowpek, Knt'., of Temple Elfont, co. sinister chief an oak leaf az. Crest —
^A goat's head ar.
Surrey, nephew of John Cowpeb, serjeant-at-law. Visit. attired or, in the mouth an oak leaf az.
London, 1568). Ar. on a bend engr. betw. two lions ramp, Cox (Beaminster). Sa. a chev. betw. three stags' heads
sa. three plates. Crest —A lion ramp. sa. holding pideways cabossed, ar. Crest —
A stag, levant, reguard. ar.
a tilting spear ar. Cox (London; granted 1761). Ar. three cocks gu. two and
Cowper (Arthingworth, co. Northants, Shukbrough, co. one, crowned or, on a chief az. a pale charged with a rose
Warwick, and Lubbenham, co. Leicester. "Visit. Leicester, of the second betw. two ostrich feathers of the first. Crest
1629). Same Arms as preceding. Crest —A cockatrice head — A cock gu. ducally crowned or.
erased ar. pellettee beaked combed and wattled gu. Cox, alias Cokks (London). Sa. two bars humettee or,
Cowper (London). Az. on a bend betw. two pelicans or,
ar. betw. as many swans, one in chief the other in base ar.
three ogresses. Crest —A bull's head erased or, billettee sa. beaked and legged gu. betw. the bars a cock of the third
homed betw. two wings expanded az.
ar. combed legged and wattled of the fourth. Cre-it A dexter —
Cowper, or Cooper. Gu. on a chev. betw. three lions arm in armour ppr. garnished or, the hand also ppr. sup-
pass, guard, ar. as many mascles of the field. Crest — porting a battle-axe ar. handle gu.
lion sejant ar. holding a battle-axe of the same. Cox (Bromerton, co. Norfolk). Sa, on a chev. betw. three
Cowper (Overleigh, co. Chester; granted 1642). Az. on a griflBns' heads erased or, as many estoiles gu. Crest Out —
bend engr. or, betw. two wolves' heads ar. three crosses of a dncal coronet a griflfin's head betw. two wings. . . .
crosslet gu. Ancient Arms—At. three martlets gu. on a Cox (Shropshire). Ar. a bend az. in the sinister chief an
chief of the last three annulets or. Crest Out of a mural — oak-leaf of the second.
coronet gu. a demi wolt ar. supporting a garb or. Cox (Cox Green, co. Stafford), Per chev. gu. and az. in chief
Cowper (Sussex, 1614). Quarterly, ar. and gu. in the two roses ar. in base a plate (another, a bezant) betw. as
second and third quarters a pheon of the first. Crest ^A — many cocks respecting each other of the third combed and
pheon ar. point upward betw. two wings gu. wattled gu.
Cowper (Bolton-upon-Swale, co. York). Gu. a bend erm. Cox. Sa. a chev. betw. three bucks' scalps ar. Crest On —
(another, vair) betw. six lions ramp. or. Crest On a castle — an arm ar. a bend az. the hand holding a triple branch of
gu. a Saracen king's head ppr. wreathed about the temples pinks ppr. leaved vert.
ar. and az. and crowned with a Saxon coronet or. Cox (Sheriff of Dublin, tem'p. Queen Anne). Arnu, same as-
Cowper. Ar. a chev. sa. on a chief of the second, three the preceding with three hurts on the chev. Crest —
leopards' heads or. wy vem tail nowed ppr.
Cowper. Az. on a chev. engr. ar. betw. three cinquefoils Cox (Clent, and Kidderminster, co. Worcester).
enn. two lions combatant sa. Arms^ from the monumental inscription at Clent to John
Cowper (Broadlands, Hants). See Cowper-Temple. Cox (who d. 1705), and at Kidderminster to Joseph Cox
Cowpland. Gu. on a fesse or, three hawthorn leaves (who d. M37). Gu. three cocks ar. two and one.
vert. Cox (Clement Park, co. Forfar, 1866). Or, a chev, az. betw.
Cowryd ap Cadvan (Dyffryn Clwyd in North Wales two mullets pierced in chief and a lion's head erased in base
Descendants: I. Faeet, of Llanbedr and Coed Merchan; gu. Crest —A dexter arm
embowed issuing out of the sea
II. Llotd, of Bryn Uuarth), Ar. three boars' heads couped holding in the hand an anchor in bend sinister, cabled ppr.
sa. armed or, and langued gu. Motto —Praemium virtutis honos.
Cowslane (Scotland). Ar. two mullets in chief and a cres- Cox. Quarterly, gu. and vert, on each quarter a bezant.
cent in base sa. a chief chequy of the second and first. Cox. Barry of six or and az. on a canton ar. a cross
Cowthern. Ar. on a saltire gu. five crosses flory or. Crest
— On a mount vert a raven ppr. Cox, or Cock. Ar. a chev. betw. three wolves' heads
Cox (Dunmanway, co. Cork, bart., registered in Ireland, 22 erased sa.
Jan. 1706-7, to Sir Richaed Cox, Knt. and Bart., Lord Cox, or Cocks Quarterly
{co. Lincoln). 1st and 4th, gu.

Chancellor of Ireland). Or, three bars az. on a canton gu. a chev. between three attires of a stag, afl&xed to the
a lion's head erased ar. Crest—A goat's head erased az. scalps ar. 2nd and 3rd, az. a tower with two side-pieces

armed or. Motto Fide et fortitudine. ar. within a bordure or, charged with eight mullets sa.

Cox (Coolcliffe CO. Wexford, confirmed 1816, by Betham, Crest— On a mount a stag lodged reguard. ppr. Motto
Ulster, to Col. Sir Williamb Cox, Knt., K.T.S.). Or, three quam conspice.
bars az. in chief a trefoil slipped vert on a canton gu. a Coxan, or Coxen. Az. on a chief ar. three mullets gu.
lion's heads erased ar. Crest —
A goat's head erased az. Crest—Alion ramp. or, holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-
armed or, holding in his mouth a trefoil slipped vert. lis az.

Motto Fide et fortitudine. Coxe (London). Ar. on a bend sa. a spear head or, in the
Cox (confirmed to William Cox. Esq., of Ballynoe, co. an oak-leaf of the second. Cre^t—A demi lion
sinister chief
Limerick). Ar. three bars gu. on a canton az. a lion's head ramp. holding in the paw a spear head or.
ar. collared sa.

erased or. Crest An antelope's head erased sa. crined or, Coxed (CO. Oxford, 1737). Per chev. ar. and az. a chev.
pierced through the neck with a broken spear ppr. Motto — per chev. sa. and of the first, betw. two roses in chief gu.
Fortiter et fldeliter. seeded and barbed ppr. and in base a garb or. Cj-est —
Cox (Beamonds, co. Hertford). Or, three bars az. on a griflSn's head vert, langued ppr. issuing out of an eastern
quarter gu. a lion's head couped ar. Crest ^A goat's head — crown or.
erased sa. homed, bearded, and pierced through the neck Coxeter (Letcblade, co. Gloucester). Ar. a chev. betw.
with an arrow or, the wound guttee de sang. three cocks' heads erased gu. crested and jelloped or.
Cox (Chichester, co. Sussex, descended from Laweence Cox, Coxhead. Az. a cinquefoil ar. a chief lozengy ar. and gu,
son of John Cox, of Monmouth). Or, three bars az. on a Crest'-A lion pass, paly of six, or and gu.
canton gu. a lion's head erased ar. Crest—A griffin's head Coxon (Morpeth, co. Northumberland). Az, a fesse em-
erased sa. pierced through the neck with an arrow gu. battled or, betw. three demi lions pass. ar.
headed and feathered ar. Coxon (co. York). Sa. a chev. betw. three cocks ar.
Cox (Broxwood and Eaton Bishop, co. Hereford). Or, three combed and wattled gu. Crest— A cock ar. combed wattled
hars az. on a canton gu. a lion's head erased ar. Crest ^An — and legged gu.


Coxon, Gu. a fesse raguly and counter raguly, tetw. three stork ppr. supporting with his dexter foot a battle-axe staff
demi lions ramp. ar. ducally crowned or. Crest A demi — or, headed ar.
lion ramp, or, supporting a staff raguly ar. Cracroft- Amcotts (Hackthorn and Kettiethorpe, co.
Coxtou. Ar. on a fesse betw. four crosses crosslet fitchee Ijncoln). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Amcotts, see p, 15; 2nd
sa. three tuns or. Cresi— An antelope pass. ppr.
. and 3rd, Ceaceoft, as above. Crests —Amcotts and Cea-
Coxton. Ar. on a fesse betw. three crosses bottonee fitchee CEOFT.
sa. two tuns or. Craddock (co. Stafford). Ar. on a fesse az. three garbs or,
Coxwell there Ump.
(Ablington, co. Gloucester, living Crade, or Crode. Erm. on a chev. engr. sa. betw. three
Queen Ar. a bend wavy betw. six cocks gu.
Elizabeth). estoiles gu. as many leopards* heads or. Creet —
A demi
quartering ar. a mullet sa. on a chief gu. a fleur-de-lis or, dragon sans wings or, the ;tail environed round the body.
for RoGEKs of Dowdeswell. —
Crest A dragon's head ar. Cradock, or Caradoc {Baron Howden\ extinct 1874).
betw. two dragons' wings expanded gu. Ar. on a chev. az. betw. three boars' heads ppr. as many
Coylting, or Coykin, Bendy of six erm. and gu. —
garbs or. Crest A man in a coat of mall with an antique
Coyle (Ireland). Or, three bars az. Crest A hind's head — crown of three points or, kneeling on one knee presenting
erased or. a sword ppr. intended for the representation of Caradoc
Coyne (Dublin; granted 1663). Erm. on a bend az. a dove the Caractacus of the Eomans. Supporters ^Two ibises —
betw. two pheons ar. on a canton gu. a bezant. Crest — ppr. wings elevated, in the beak an eel also ppr. Motto —
seahorse ppr. holding a fusil ar. charged with a fleur-de-lis Traditus non victus.
sa. Cradock (Hartforth, co. York). Ar. on a chev. az. three
Coyner (London). Ar. a fret gu. on a chief az. three fleurs- garbs or. Crest —
A bear's head ppr. muzzled gu.
de-lis or. Cradock (Woodhouse, co. Leicester). Same Arms and Crest.
Coyney (Weston Coyney, co. Stafford, temp. Henry III.'). Cradock (Quoru Court, co. Leicester). Same Arms and
Or,on a bend sa. three trefoils slipped ar. Crest— A. cubit Crest, Motto— l^QG temere nee timide.
arm erect, vested sa. slashed and cuffed or, holding in the Cradock (co. Oxford). Ar. three boars' heads erect and
hand ppr. a faulchion ar. embrued with blood in three places erased sa.
hilt and pome! gold. Motto —
Fide sed cui vide. Cradock (cos. Somerset and Wilts). Ar. on. a chev. az,
Coyny, or Coyney. Ar. on a bend sa. three ciniiuefoils three garbs or. Crest— A bear's head erased sa. billettee
slipped of th^ field. Cre&t —
An oak branch ppr. and muzzled or.
Coys (Hatfleld-Peverell, co., Essex). Sa. on a chev. betw. Cradock, or Craddock (Wales). Az. three boars' heads
three spears' heads ar. as many crosses crosslet of the first. couped in fesse betw. as many crosses crosslet or. Crestr—
Crest —
Clouds ppr. issuing rays or, out of which an erm. A horse pass. sa.
erect ppr. grasping a snake entwined round the arm, Cradock. Az. three boars' heads couped ar. betw. nine
vert. crosses crosslet of the second.
Coytanore (Coytmore, co. Carnarvon). Gu. a chev. betw. Cradock, or Cradocke. Ar. three boars' heads couped
three stags' heads cabossed ar. 6Ves(—A dagger in pale sa. armed or, langued gu.
ppr. Cradock, or Cradoke, Ar. on a chev. az. three garbs
Cozens (Thame, co. Oxford). Az. a chev. ar. betw. three or, in chief a lion pass. sa.
plates, each charged with an erm. spot gu. Crest A lion — Cradock-Hartopp (Bart.). See Haetopp.
ramp. sa. holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe az. handle Craford (cos. Essex and Kent the Ceafords of Mongham,

gu. in the latter county, of whom was Sir William CSiAFOED,

Cozens (granted to William Haedt Cozens, Esq., of are recorded in the Visitation of 1619), Or, on a chev. vert
Letheringset Hall, co. Norfolk). Per pale az. and gu. on a (another, sa.) three hawks' heads erased ar. Crest—
pile or,a lion ramp, of the second guttee d'eau collared hawk's head couped or.
ar. Crest— A lion ramp, or, guttle de sang and fretty Craford (Northumberland). Or, on a chev. vert three eagles'
gu. heads erased ar. Crest—'An. eagle's head betw. two wings
Cozens (Woodham- Mortimer Lodge, co. Essex. James ar.
Beewster Cozens, Esq.). Or, on a chev. gu. betw. three Crafton. Paly of six gu. and or, a cinquefoil sa. Crest—
wolves' heads erased sa. as many buckles of the field. Crest dolphin haurient swallowing a fish all ppr.
— On a mount vert a hon's gamb erect and erased sa. Crag-g" (co. Devon). Ar. on a bend az. betw. two talbota
charged with a cross botonee or. Motto—Con&do recte pass. sa. three martlets or.
agens. Crag's* (Greenford, co. Middlesex). Erm. on a fess sa. three
Crab (Robslaw, Scotland). Az. a chev. ar. betw. two fleurs- crescents ar.
de-hs in chief and a crab in base or. Creat salmon —A Cragg-, or Crag". Same Arms. Orest—On a chapeau ga.
naiant ppr. turned up erm. a fleur-de-lis betw- two wings az.
Crab. Same Ai-ms. Crest— A shield az. charged with a Crag-g (Ireland. Confirmed by Molyneux, Ulster, 5 July,
fleur-de-lis or. 1600, to John Ceaog, descended from a third brother of the
Crabb (Castlewich, co. Cornwall: Visit. 1620). Az. a chev. house of Cragq in England). Same Arms, the bend charged
betw. three fleurs-de-Us ar. Crest— lion's Aerased gamb with a mullet ar. for diff.
holding a dagger ppr. Craggs (Westminster, and co. Darham, andNewland, co.
Crabb. Az. a chev, betw. two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a Dublin the coheiresses of James Ceaggs, Postmaster-Gene-

crab in base or. ral, were m. respectively to Teefdsis, Eliot, and Newsham).
Crabbie (Leith 1873). Az. on a fess ar. betw. two fleurs-de- Sa. on a fesse ar. betw. three mullets erm. as many crosses
lis in chief and a crab in base or, a hunting horn sa. garnished crosslet ermines. Crest —
A dexter and a sinister arm,

and stringed of the field. Crest A dexter arm embowed couped above the elbows, armed az. garnished ar. grasping
the hand holding a crabstick in bend sinister, ppr. Motto in the gauntlets a sword of the last, hilt and pomel or.
—^Nunquam non paratus. Craggs (granted 1726 to Haeiot Eliot, otherwise Craggs,
Crabtree. Ar. a cross ragul^ sa. a chief az. Crest— 'A wife of RicHAED Eliot, Esq., of St. Germans). Quarterly,
hand erect holding a dagger in pale ppr. engr. or and az. in the 1st quarter an escallop gu.
Cracberode. Or, a
ermines betw. four Uona' heads
saltire Craggs (granted 2 June, 1826). Sa. on a pile or, a lion pass.
erased sa. Crest —
A demi boar sahent reguard. or, guard, az. betw. three crescents gu.
wounded in the shoulder with an arrow ppr. which he holds Craik (Fraserburgh, 1672). Per fesse ar. and sa, a ship under
in his mouth. sail or,masts, sails, and tackling ppr. Crest An anchor —
Crackanthorp (cos. Westmorland and Cumberland some- : ppr. Motto —
time after the decease of James Ceackanthoup, of New- Craig (Riccarton, Scotland). Erm. on a fesse sa. three
biggin, in Westmorland, and Banlt Hall, in Cumberland, crescents ar. Crest —A
chevalier on horseback, bis broken

Esq., his nephew, Cbristophee Crackanthoep Cookson, spear in bend all ppr. Motto ^Vive Deo et vives.
Esq., took the name and arms of Ceackanthokp). Or, a Craig (Gibson-Ceaig, Eiccarton and Ingliston, co. Edin-
chev. betw. three mullets pierced sa. Crest A holly tree — burgh. The first bart., so created in 1831, assumed the
ppr. additional name of Craig in virtue of the entaU made by
Cracklow, Ar. on a fesse az. three garbs or. Crest— Robert Ceaig, Esq., of Riccarton, in 1818). Quarterly: iBt
flame of fire issuing from a crescent ppr. and 4tb, erm. on a fesse sa. three crescents ar. for Cbaio;
Cracroft (Hackthorn, co. Lincoln, resident there for many 2nd and 3rd, gu. three keys fessewise in pale, wards down-
centuries the arms are recorded in the " Union of Honour,"
: wards, or, for Gibson. Crest —
A knight on horseback in fuH
published by James York, "containing th^ Nobihty of armour, his right hand grasping a tilting spear shivered, all
England and the Gentry of Lincolnshire in the year 1640;" —
ppr. Supporters Dexter, a chevaher, armed as of the I5th
the descent can be traced from the time of Edward III.). century, holding in his dexter hand a spear ppr, ; sinister,
Vert on a bend dancctt9-3 ar. three martlets sa. Crest— a horse barbed or. Motto—Yiye Deo et vives.


CrEli?* Erm. on a fesse per fesB gu. and az. three crescents 1700). Per pale gu. and az. on a chev. betw. three bugle-
Orestf same as the last. Motto— J'a.i bon esperance. horns stringed or, as many crosses crosslet fitchee sa. Crest
Craig*. Gu, a fesse erm. betw. three crescents ar. Great — —A talbot'shead erased erm. eared sa. gorged with a collar
A lion's head vert, collared or. gu. charged with three crosses crosslet fitchee or.
Craigdaillie (Perth, 1672). Ar. a. crow sa. betw. three Crampton (bart., granted 14 April, 1808, to the descendants
fountains az. harry of the field. Crest —
A pillar ar. Motto of Rev. John Ceampton, Archdeacon of Tuam, great-
—^ecurum praisidium. grandfather of the present Sir John Fiennes Twisleton
Craigengelt (Craigengelt). Ar. on a fesse sa. hetw. three Crampton, Bart., K.C.B.). Sa. an esquire's helmet ppr,
roses gu. barbed vert, as many escallops of the first. betw. two lions pass, guard, in pale or, in chief a rose ar,
GtaiggQ (Grfflmsay, Orkney). Erm. a boar's head erased seeded or, barbed vert, a canton quarterly or and gu. in the
gu. Crest —
A boar pass. ar. Motto —
Timor omnis abesto. first a lion pass sa. Crest— A demi lion ramp, or, holding
Craig'ie (Eilgraston, co. Perth). Per pale az. and sa. a betw. his paws a helmet close ppr. Motto—Fortcm posce
chev. ar. betw. three crescents or. Motto Honeste vivo.— animum.
Craigie (Dumbamie, co. Perth). The heiress Anne, dan. of Cranach, or Cranadge (Cranach, co. Chester; the
John Csaioie, of Dumharnie, Esq., one of the Lords heiress m. Needham). on a chev. gu. betw. three
Justiciary in Scotland, by Susan his wife, eldest dau. of Sir torteaux as many mullets of the field. Crest— Out of a ducal
John Inglis, Bart., m. Chakles Halkett, Esq., of Hall Hill, coronet or, a demi stork with wings expanded ppr.
CO. Fife). Per pale az. and sa. a chev. engr. ar. betw. three Cranag-e (Pixley, co. Chester). Ar. a bend az. betw. two
crescents or. Motto —
Honeste vivo. bucks' heads cabossed sa. C^'est —
Out of a ducal coronet a
Craigrie (Glendoick, and later family of Dumbarnie). Per demi monkey ppr.
pale sa. and az. on a chev. erm. betw. three crescents or, a Cranag'e (quartered by Adams, of Chastleton, Oxon). Vert,
cross moline of the first. —
Crest A cornucopia ppr. Motto five lozenges conjoined in bend, within two bendlets betw.
— ^Honeste vivo. as many stags' heads cabossed all or.
Craigmyle (Craigmyle, co. Aberdeen). Az. in chief two Cranber. Ar. on two bars gu. three martlets of the field.
garbs, in base a crescent or. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet a hand holding a sheaf of
Craik (Colston-Pytte, co. York). Per fesse ar. and sa. a pale arrows ppr.
counterchanged, and three crosses of the second. Cranber, or Cranebnrne. Az. on two bars ar. six
Craik (Ganton, Eyton, and Heslarton, co. York). The same martlets gu.
with due diff. Crane (Camborne, co. Cornwall). Ar. a crane sa. standing
Craik. Ar. a fesse betw. three jays ea. Crest An eagle's — on a staff raguly in base vert.
leg erased at the thigh ppr. Crane (Clerk of the Kitchen to King James I. granted ;

Craik (Scotland). Per fess ar. and vert, in chief three roses 1606). Gu. on a fesse betw. three crosses pattee or, as many
gu, in base a ship's sails farled or. —
annulets az. Crest A demi hind or, ducally gorged az.
Craik (Fraserburgh, 1672). Per fess az. and sa. a ship under Crane (Suffolk).Ar. a fesse betw. three (sometimes, six)
sail or, masts, sails, and tacklings ppr. Crest An anchor — crosses crosslet fitchee gu. Crest —
A crane ppr.
ppr. Jtfo«o—Providence. Crane (Chilton, co. Suffolk, extinct bart. 1643). Same Arms
Craill (Scotland). Gu. on a bend ar. three hearts of the and Crest, &c., as the preceding.
field. Crane. Gu. on a fesse betw. three crosses pattee fitchee or,
Craister, or Craster (co. Northumberland). Quarterly, a crane az. endorsed by two annulets of the last.
or and gu. in the first quarter a rook ppr. Crest ^A raven — Crane (borne by Francis Cbanb, of Mortlake, co. Surrey,
ppr. who m. Mart, dau. and coheir of David- Le Maioe, of
Crake, or Creke (Crake, co. Norfolk). Or, on a fesse London. Visit. London, 1568). Per bend or and az.
betw. three garbs gu. as many fleurs-de-lis of the first. Cranen (London, and co. York). Or, five fleurs-de-lia in
Crake. Same Arms. Crest-^-On a chapeau ppr. a talbot cross sa. a chief wavy az.
sejant, or. Cranesley. Ar. a chev. gu. hetw. three cranes az.
Crake, or Creke. Sa. a dexter arm, habited in a maunch Craney (granted 1808 to Daniel Ceanet, formerly of
or, holding in the hand ppr. a fleur-de-lis of the second. Portarlington, Queen's County, then of Funchal, Island of
Crakenthorpe (in the Hall of University Coll., Oxford. Madeira). Ar. on a mount ppr. an elephant ppr. on a chief
Visit. Oxon). Ar. on a chev. sa. three mullets of the field, per pale gu. and vert, in dexter a crane ppr., in sinister a
pierced gu. wolf ramp. or. Crest— An arm embowed vested az. cuffed
.Crakenthorp. Or, a chev. betw. three mullets az. on eat:h gu. holding a cutlas ppr. Motto— Amor proximi.
a plate. Crest—Three ears of wheat or. Cranfield. Ar. on a pale az. three fleurs-de-lis of the first.
Crakenthorpe. Or, a chev. sa. betw. three mullets pierced Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet ar. a fleur-de-lis betiv. two
vert. Same Crest. ostrich feathers or.
Crakenthorpe. Or, a chev. betw. three mullets pierced Cranfield {£arl of Middlesex; extinct 1675). Same Arms.
sa. —
Supporters ^Two heraldic antelopes or. Crest—^-Oxit of a
Crall. Ar. three mascles sa. ducal coronet an antelope's head all or. Motto Dificilia —
Crambome, and Cramburne. Az. three bars ar. quae pulchra.
Cramhura, or Cramhiiry, Az. oa three bars ar. six Cranfield. Az. a talbot pass. betw. three round buckles or.
martlets gu. three, two, and one. Cranfield, Az. an,eagle displ. or, crowned of the last.
Cramer. on a chief indented az. three fleurs-de-lis of the
Or, Cranford (South Newton, co. Northampton). Ar. a chief
field, a canton erm. Crest —
On a mount a cock with wings indented az.
expanded ppr. Motto—'Non dormit qui custodet. Cranford (co. Warwick, confirmed in the pedigree of
Cramer (Ireland). Per fesse dancettee az. and or, in chief Catesbt, as the arms of Cbanfoed. John Catesbt, of
two fieurs-de-lis of the last, a canton erm. Crest— A fleur- Ledbrooke, m. Emma, dau. of William CEANf oed. Visit.
de-lis or, betw. two wings conjoined and e^rect sa. Warwick). Gu. a fret or, a chief ar.
Cramling:ton (Newcaatle-on-Tyne). Ar. two bars and in —
Cranford, Same Atttis. Crest An eagle with wings
chief three annulets az. expanded ppr. supporting a flag az.
Cramlingiion (co. Westmoreland). Barry of six ar. and Cranford, Or, two lions pass. sa. crowned of the field.
az. in chief three annulets sa. Cranke (London). Per bend smister az. and vert, a lion
Cramond, Lord. See Eichardson. pass, reguard. or, on a canton ar. an escallop gu.
Cramlin^on (co. York). Same Arms, the annulets az. Cranley (borne by Thomas Ceanlet, Archbishop of Dublin,
Cramond (Auldbar, Scotland; William de CEAMO^D is d. 1417, and taken from a stone in New College, Oxford, where
designed Clericus de Warderoba Domini Regis, in a charter there is a fine brass to his memory in the Ante Chapel.
of John de Strathem, 1278). Az. a bend or, betw. three Visit. Oxon). ... a leopard's face betw. three ducal
pelicans feeding their young ar. crowns or.
Cramond (Capt. William Cbamond, 1704). Az. on a bend Cranmer (Kent), Or, on a chev. az. betw. three pelicans
three peht;ans ppr. a bordure embattled of the second.
or, sa. vulning themselves ppr. as many cinquefoils of the field.
Crest—A pelican valued ppr. Motto Vulnera temno.—
Cramond. Ar. a bend (another, betw. three hearts) gu.
Cranmer (co. Nottingham). Ar. a chev. betw. three
cranes az. Crest —A crane's neck erased az. pierced
Cramp (Dudinghurst, co. Essex). Az. a chev. ar. betw. six through the back of the neck with an arrow ppr. barbed and
crosses croaslet fitch^e or. plumed ar. the neck vulned gu.
Cramp. Az. *a chev. betw. three mullets or. Crest — Cranmer (Sutterton, and Aslerton, co. Notts. Hugh
demi lion ramp, gu, holding a mullet or. Motto— Fide et Ckanmee was of the former place temp. Edward III.
amore. Edwakd Ckanmee, fourth in descent from him, m. Isabel,
CramphiU, or Crampill. Ar. a saltire gu. fretty or. dau. and heir of William Aslerton, of Aslerton; his grand-
Cramphome (Ambury, co. Hertford; granted 29 Jan. son Thomas Ceanmee, had, inter alios, two sons, John, hia


lieir; and Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury Craven {Lord Craven, of Ryton, extinct 1650). Same Arnwt
temp. Henry "VIII. Visit. Notts). Ar. ona cher. az. betw. Supporters, &c.
three pelicans sa. as many cinquefoils or., quartering, ar. a Craven (Craven Lodge, co. Leicester, and Bambridge, co.
fess fusily gu.on each fusil an escallop or. Creit An eagle's — Hants). Same Arnts, Crest, and Motto.
head erased russet, the neck pierced with an arrow or, Craven (Brockhampton Park, co. Gloucester), The same
flighted and barbed ar. (another, a cock's head erased sa. Arim, Crest, and Motto.
wattled and jelloped gu). —
Craven, Ancient Arms Or, five fleurs-de-lis in cross sa. a
Cranmore, Ar. on a chev. az. betw. three peUcans sa. chief wavy gu. (another, az.).
vulning themselves ppr. as many cinquefoils or. Crest — Craven (certified in Ireland to Lieut.-Gen. Charles Craven,
crane's head erased ar. beaked gu. pierced through with an of Eichardstown, co. Louth). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
arrow ppr. Craven ar. a fesse engr. betw. two fleurs-de-lis and four

Craustoun {Baron Cranstoun; extinct or dormant 28 cross crosslets (two and two) fitchee gu. ; 2nd and 3rd
Sept. 1869). Gu. three cranes ar. Cresi— A crane roosting Dobbin : az. a chev. betw. three annulets, two and one or.
with its head under its wing and holding up a stone with its Crest —
On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a grif&n statant sa.
right foot all ppr. —
Supporters Dexter, a lady richly wings addorsed, beaked, membered, and a semee of fleurs-
attired, upper vestment gu. under or, holding out in her de-lis or. —
Motto Fortitudine crevi.
right hand a branch of strawberries ppr. sinister, a stag all; Craven. Ar. a fesse dancettee ermines betw. six crosses

ppr. Motto Thou shalt want ere I want. crosslet fitchee gu.
Cranstoun (Mockrie, Scotland). Gu. three cranes ar. within Cravon. Ar. on a fesse betw. three crosses crosslet in chief
a bordure invecked of the second. Crest—A crane"s head and one in base gu. two crosses crosslet of the field.
erased ppr. Motto— 1 desire not to want. Craw (Auchencraw, co. Berwick). Per chev. vert and gu.
Cranstoun (Samdel C. Cranstoun, Governor of Rhode three crows ar.
Island 1724). Gu. three cranes within a bordure embattled Craw (East Reston, co. Haddington). Per chev. embattled
ar. Crest —
A crane pass. ar. Mottto Dum vigilo euro. — vert and gu. three crows ar. Crest An eagle guard, ppr. —
Cranstoun (Corehouse, co. Lanark). Quarterly, 1st and beaked and armed gu. Motto Cui debeo fidus. —
and 4th, gu. three cranes ar.2nd and 3rd, or, three
; Craw (Netherbyre, Scotland). The same Arvis, within a
crescents gu., for Edmondstoune. Crest and Motto, as bordure counterchanged of the second and first. Crest—
Lord Cranstoun. —
crow ppr. Motto God is my safetj^
Cranton, or Caunton (granted by Barker, Garter, to Crawcester. Quarterly, or and gu. in the first quarter a
John and William Cranton, or Caukton. Visit. Warwick). martlet sa.
Gu, a lion pass. betw. three dolphins embowed within an Crawe. Az. on a chev. betw. ten cinquefoils ar. three
orle flory or. Crest —
A dromedary sa. collared or, bezantee, mullets gu. Crest —
A hawk with wings expanded ar. charged
maned aad armed gu. on the breast with a cinquefoil sa.
CranweU (cob. Huntingdon and Kent). Per saltire or and Crawford and Balcarres, Earl. See Lindsay.
gu. over all a charged with a crescent ar.
saltire sa. Crawfurd (Loudoun, co. Ayr: the heiress tji. Sir Ddncam
Cran^well (Cranwell, co. Lincoln). Gu. three cranes close Campbell, said to be nephew of Lochow, and her descen-
ar. Crest —A crane close ar. dents were JBarls of Loudoun). Gu. a fess erm.
Cranwell. Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three cranes close az. Crawfard, or Craufurd (Craufurdland, co. Ayr: the
as many escallops or. Crest— On a mount vert a hare courant heiress vi. 1744, Howieson, of Braehand). Gu. a fess erm.
ar. Crest— A marble pillar supporting a man's heart ppr. Motto
Cranwell (Fun. Ent. of Mrs. Ceanwell buried at St. — Stant innixa Deo.
Patrick's, Dublin, 1658). Ar. on a fess betw. three cranes Crawiurd (Auchinames the heiress m. Crawfubd, oi :

close gu. a mural crown or. Drumsoy). Gu. a fess erm, surmounted of two lances in
Cranworth, Baron. See Rolfe. saltire ar. or as borne by the Drumsoy line Quarterly,
; :

Crastein. Ar. three Cornish choughs ppr. two and one, 1st and 4th, gu. a fess erm., 2nd and 3rd, ar. a stag's head
and as many arrows gu. one and two. Ci-est A Cornish — erased gu. betw. his attires a cross crosslet fitchee sa. i^-]
chough close ppr. betw. a pair of wings expanded gu. —
periers Two b«Us-, sa. ai^med and uagiriod - Motto wQ —
Craster. Quarterly, or and gu. in the first quarter a cock Tutum te robore reddam.
ppr. Crest —
On a ducal coronet or, a cock ppr. Crawfurd (Possill, co. Lanark). Gu. a fess erm. and in
Cra'ster (Cra'ster, Ahiwick, co. Northumberland). base a Crest—A stag's head erased ppr. bearing
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, quarterly or and gu. in the first betw. his attires gu. a cross crosslet or. Motto— Oiam&
quarter a raven ppr., for Cra'btee; 2nd and 3rd, az. on a Deojuvante,
bend ar. three fleurs-de-lis sa. each charged with as many Crawfurd (Haining). Gu. a fess erm. betw. two mullets ia
bezants, for Wood. Crests —
1st: A raven ppr. charged on chief and a hart's head couped in base or.
the breast with an escallop or, for Cra'ster : 2nd : A wolf's Cra-wfurd (Linhthgow), Gu. a fess erm. betw. two mullets
head sa. erased or, gorged with a collar of the last charged ar. in chief and a hart's head cabossed in base or, attired sa.
with three annulets gu., for Wood. —
Crest A hart's head couped ppr. Motto Hactenus invic- —
Crasy. Ar. (sometimes, or) two bends gu. betw. nine escal- tus.
lops of the second. Crawfurd the dau. and heir of the
(Kilbirnie, hart. 1638 :

Cratford (Chelmarsh, co. Salop, and Claines and Broadwas, first hart. m. Patrick Lindsay, second son of the I7th Earl
CO, Worcester. Visit. Worcester, 1634). Ar. a unicorn of Crawford, whence the Viscounts Gar/ioch v. Lindsay).
salient gu. Crest —
'A demi lion ramp, guard, erminois Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. a fess erm., for Crawford; 2Qd
ducally gorged az. and 3rd, az. a chev. betw. three crosses patt^e or, for Bar-
Cratliorne (Salaby, co. Lincoln, and Crathome, co. York). clay. Crest —An erm. pass. ppr. Motto — Sine labe nota.
Ar. on a saltire gu. five crosses flory or. Crest A bird — Crawfurd, now Crawfurd-PoUok (Jordanhill, heir
standing on a thornbush, all ppr. male to Kilbirnie and successor to the baronetcy; the last
Cratlxome (co. York). Ar. on a bend engr. sa. a mullet of three harts, have taken the name of Pollok, as represent-
the first. ing PoLLOK of that Ilk). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, vert a
Craucure, or Cravicure. Az. a cross couped and voided saltire or, betw. three bugles in fess and base ar. garnished
ar. and stringed gu., for Pollok; 2nd and 3rd, the quartered
Craufurd. See Crawford. coat of Kilbirnie. Crests —A
boar pass, shot through with
Craufurd (Burgh Hall, co. Lincoln, hart.). Quarterly, 1st a dart ppr., for Pollok; the castle of Dumbaiton ppr. for
and 4th, gu. a fesse erm., for Craufdrd; 2nd and 3rd, ar. Crawfurd. Supporters—An elephant and a greyhound
betw. four spots of ermine two tilting spears ppr., for ppr. the latter having a collar erm. Mottoes Pollok — :

Auchinames. Crest An ermine ppr. Motto Sine labe — Audacter et strenue ; Crawfurd : Expugnavi ; and (beloiv

nota. the shield) Sine labe nota. -i

Crause. Gu. on a fesse ar, three mullets pierced of the Crawfurd (Carsbum, co. Kenfrew, ^JBt^infil- Gu. a fesffk;

field. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet a hand holding a rose T-gtnr

thrnr Trnllrfr a bordure ar.
- ~
. arJ

slipped and leaved ppr. Motto— SmQ labe lucebit.

Craven {Barl of Craven, extinct 1697). Same Arms, Sup- Crawfurd (Carsburn, owond Uno , now Macknight-Craw-
porters, &c., as the following. FCED). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. a fess erm. in base two
Craven (Earl of Craven). Ar. a fesse betw. six cross cross- swords saltireways ppr. hilted and pommeled or, a bordare
lets fitchee gu. Crest—On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a wavy ar. 2nd and Srd, sa. three lions' heads erased or, for

griflfin statant wings elevated erm. beaked and fore- —

Macknight. Crests A sword erect in pale having on the
membered or. Supporters—Two wings elevated
grifians point a pair of balances all ppr,, for Crawfurd a demi lion ;

erm. beaked and fore-membered Motto — Virtus

or. in ramp, or, for Macknight. Mottoes — Quod tihi hoc alteri,

actione consistit. for Crawford; Nil durum volenti, for Macknight.



Crawford (Easter Seton), Gu. a fcss wavy erm. betw. caparisoned gu. in the head stall of the bridle a laurel
three mullets ar. pierced az. CVesi— An increscent chequy —
branch vert. Motto Virtute et numine.
ar. and az. Jlfo^o— Fide et diligentia. Crea&h (Ballyandrew, co, Cork). As Creagh, of Dublin.
Crawford (Capt. David Cbawfurd, 83rd regt., 1785). Gu. Creagh (Cahirbane, co. Clare). Arms and Crest, as Creagh,
afess erm. laetw. a star in chief ar. and swords ppr. hilted of Dublin. Motto —
In Irish, "Thournib'crev'th,'* signifying,
and pommeled or, saltireways in base all within a bordure of " I give you the branch."
the last. Orest—A stag's head erased ppr. Jl/o(io— Hac- Creag^h, (Dangan, co, Clare). Same as Ceeagh, of Dublin.
nus invlctus. Creag-ll (Newcastle-on-Tyne, granted 3 March, 1684-5). Ar.
Crawfurd (Thornwood, co. Lanark), Gu. a fess erm. betw. a chev. gu. betw. three laurel branches vert on a chief az.
i\' three mullets ar. in chief and in base two sworcls saltire-
as many bezants. Crest —
^A horse's head couped ar. betw.
ways ppr. hilted and pommeled or, a bordure engr. az^ Crest two laurel branches ppr.
*—A castle triple-towered ar. masoned sa. windoT^ and Creagrhe (Castle Park', c6. Tipperary). Same Aritis and
ports gu. Crest as Creagh, of Dublin,
Crawford (Baidland and Ardmillan, co. Ayr). Gu. on a fess Crealock, or Crealocke (Langerton, parish of Littleham,
erm. betw. three mullets ar. two crescents interlaced of the CO.Devon, a family living there since the end of the 17th.
field. —
Motto Durum patientia frango. century many members of the family are buried in the old

Crawfurd (Doonside, co. Ayr). Gu. a fess counter em- Norman church of Littleham. William: Crealock, Esq., of
battled erm. betw. two mullets in chief and in base a hart's Langerton, m. 1786, Jane, dau. and heir of Eev. J. Spiller,
head erased with a cross crosslet betw. his attires gu. Crest by Mary his wife, dau. and heir of the Eev. Edward
—A dexter arm issmng from a cloud holding a stag by the Steadling, descended from the Stradlings of St. Donats,
attires ppr. —
Motto Tutum te robore reddam. CO. Glamorgan, andhad one son, William Belton Crealock,
Crawford (Mountquhanny). Gu. afess erm. and in chief Esq., of Langerton, who m. 1828, Anne, only dau. and heir'
two cinquefoils ar. Crest —A cinquefoil slipped vert. Motto of Thomas Swain, Esq., of Canonbury House, co. Middlesex,
— ^Fehciter floreat. and had issue inter alios Henry Hope Crealock, C.B.,
Crawford Gu. a fess erm. betw. three crows
(Cloverhill). colonel in the army). Quarterly,a chev. chequy ar.
1st, az.

ar. Crest — —
A garb ppr. Motto God feeds the crows. and sa. betw. three garbs or, a bordure embattled of the
Crawford (Drumsoy). See Cbawtded, of Auchinames. second, Crealock; 2nd, per fesse ar. and sa. a horse
Crawfurd (Comlarg). Ar. a hart's head erased sa. armed salient counterchanged, Spiller; 3rd, paly of six ar. and
or, distilhng blood ppr. —
Crest A dexter hand grasping a az. on a bend gu. three cinquefoils or, StrAdling 4th, az. ;

hart by the attiring and bringing him to the ground ppr. a chev. betw. three pheons or, on a chief gu. as many

Motto ^Tutum te robore reddam. maidens' heads couped ppr. crined of the second, Swain.
Crawford (Drongan). Ar. three harts' heads couped sa. Crest — ^A griffin's head erased sa. beaked or, langued gu.
Crawfurde, or Crawford (quartered by Thomas transfixed by a sword fessewise ppr, the hilt resting on the
LovETT, Esq., of AstweU, co. Northants, whose dau. Eliza- wreath, in the beak a sprig of laurel, also ppr. Motto—
beth m. Sir William Chesteb, Lord Mayor of London in Deo et gladio.
1560. Visit. London, 1568). Ar. a fesse dancettee az. Creamer (Seche). Ar. three wolves' heads erased sa. on a
Crest—A dexter hand holding a lancet ppr. chief gu. as many cinquefoils or.-

Crawhall. Ar. a chev. betw. three crows ppr. Crest —— Crean. See O'Crean.
crow holding in the dexter claw a battle axe. Motto Crean. Ar. a chev. gu. on a chief az. three crescents of the
Praesto et persto. field. Crest —
A water bouget az.
Crawley. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three cranes az. Creasy. Or, five escallops in cross gu. Crest A greyhound's —
Crawley (Nether Crawley, and Stockwood Park, co. Bed- head sa. collared ar.
ford). Or, on a fease gu. betw. three storks ppr. as many Crebott (Sussex). Or, a fesse brettessed gu.
crosses crosslet of the field ; quartering, ar. on a chev. gu. Creek. Ar. a heron volant az. membered or, betw. three
betw. three cinquefoils of the second as many bezants, for escallops gu. Crest —A swan ar.

Edgeely. 0)'est A crane ppr. holding in the talon a fleur-

Crecroft. See Cracroft.
de-lis or. Motto ^Mihi coslum portus. Crecy. Gu. a maunch and hand ar.
Crawley (co. Dorset). At*, a chev. gu. betw. three pears Crecy. Gu. across engr. or.

az. Crest A lion's head erased semee de huits gorged with Credy (co. Devon), Az. sixmascles disjoined ar.
a ducal coronet gu. Cree (granted 6 April, 1786, to John Creb, of Marylebone,
Crawley (London). Sa. a lion pass, guard, betw. three Middlesex, formerly of Calcutta^. Ar. three olive branches
mullets ar. slipped ppr. on a chief gu, a ship in full sail of the second
Crawley. Ar, ^ chev. vert betw. three cranes (another, betw, two bezants. Crest —
A dexter hand holding a civic
herons) az. crown ppr. Motto —The Reward of Integrity.
Crawley (impaled as a quartering by Leonard Perrott, of Creed (Sarum, co, Wilts, granted 4 June, 1663). Erm. on a
Drayton, co. Oxford, who m. Dorothy, dau. of Thomas chev. engr. sa. three leopards' faces or.
Skipwieth, of St. Albans, co. Herts). Gu. on a fesse or, Creed (London). Erm. on a chev. sa. cotised gu. betw.
three fleurs-de-lis az. three estoiles of the last as many leopards' faces or. Crest
Crawley. Vert on a chev. or, a star of eight points betw. —A dove with an olive branch ppr.
two roses gu. Creed. Same Arms, the field ar. Crest A dcmi wolf —
Crawley-Boevey, Bart. See Boevey. reguard. erminois holding in the dexter paw an eStoile gu.
Crawshaw. Gu. a pale and chief or. —A
Crest grey- Creed. Per pale sa. and gu. on a chev. engr. per pale or,
hound courant ar. collared gu. and erm. three leopards' faces of the second. Crest— On an
Crawshay. Erm. on a fesse az. three plates. Crest— oak branch vert a dove ar. with a sprig in his beak ppr.
greyhound courant sa. charged on the breast with a cross pattee gu.
Cray (Kent). Gu. a cross engr. or, over all a bend az. Creed (All Saints, Barnwell, co. Northampton. Arms from
Crest—A chevaher on horseback in armour holding a sword the monument of Dorothy, dau. of John Creed, Esq., of
in pale, all ppr. Oundle, ob. 1714). Az. a chev. betw. three swans ar.
Cray. Ar. on a bend betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee gu. Creetou. Ar. a lion ramp. vert. Crest— A dragon pass,
an escallop of the field. vomiting fire, all ppr.
Craycroft (cos. Cambridge and Lincoln). See Ceacroft. Creevey., Ar. fretty sa. in each interstice a crescent gu.
Craycroft (co. Lincoln). Per bend vert and gu. on a bend Crest—A griffin sejant per pale ar and sa. winged or.
dancettee or, three ravens ppr. Crefeyt. Sa. on a fesse dancettee ar. three mullets of the
Craycroft (co. Lincoln). Per bend gu. and vert on a bend field.
dancettee ar. three mullets sa. Crefiet. Sa, a fesse dancettde between three mullets ar.

Craycroft (co. Lincoln). Per bend vert and gu, on a fesse Crefton, Gu. a saltire engr. ar.
dancettee ar. three martlets ea. Cregroe. Az. on a chev. betw. three falcons volant or, as
Craycroft. Per pale vert and gu. on a bend indented ar, many plates. Crest—An arm in armour embowed cut off
three crows (another, martlets) sa. below the wrist holding in the hand an arrow. Motto—
Craye (Wickford, Isle of Ely). Ar. betw, two cottises Fortuna audaces juvat.
three greyhounds courant in bend sa. all betw. as many Cregoe (Trewithian, co. Cornwall). Same Arms. Crest —
eagles displ. of the last. Crest— Oat of a ducal coronet or, a An arm embowed in armour cut off below the wrist and
griffin's head ar. collared of the first. dropping blood, in the hand an arrow. JV/oifo^Fortuna
Crayford (Kent). See Ceaford. audaces juvat, timidosque repellit.
Creagh fconfirmed to Michael Creagh, Esq., of Dublin). Creh,all, or O'Crehall (Ireland). Or, two bars az.
Ar. a chevi, gu. betw. three laurel branches vert on a chief CreJaing-ton. Erm. (another, ar.) on a bend gu. three
az. as many bezants. Crest —A
horse's head erased ar. cinquefoils or.


Creich, or Creig-h. (Scotland). Or, two bars sa. Ibetw. bix Crest —A dexter arm embowed and couped, holding three
martlets az. two, two, and two. stalks of wheat.
Creig-hton (Frendraught). See Ciuchton. Cressener (Essex and London presumed to have descended

Creig-lltoii (Fun. Ent. of Maky, eldest dau. and co-heir of from the Suffolk family; Elizabeth, dau. of George Cres-
George Creighton, d. 2 Dec. 1669, wife of Eandall Adams, sener, Esq., of London, m. Samuet Tufnell, Esq., of Lang-
Esq., of Ledwichstown, eo. 'Westmeath). Ar. a lion rami). leys, CO. Essex). Ai'^nSf Sec. as tht preceding.
and a border engr. az. Cresset Ar. a bend gu. in chief a demi lion sa.
Creke (Cartling, co. Cambridge). Gu. a maunch witbin an Cresset (Upton-Cresset,
co. Salop). Az. a cross engr.
orle of fleurs-de-lis or. —
CreU In a crescent ai-. a bundle of within a bordure also engr. or. Grest—A demi lion ramp,
five arrows or, headed and barbed ar. tied with a ribbon gu. guard, ar. ducally crowned or, holding a beacon also ar.
Creke. Or, a fesse vaire of the first- and gu. fired ppr.
Crekellayd, or Creykland. Ar. a fesse bctw. three Cresset. Ar. alionpass. in bend sa. depressed by abend gu.
horses' heads couped sa. bridled or. Cressey, or Cressie iteinvp. Henry II.). Ar. a lion ramp,
Creketlaid. Same Arms. double queued sa. armed and langued gu,
Creketofte. Az. on a cross ar. five escallops gu. Cressey (Owlcottes, co. Notts. Visit. Notts, and grant by
Oreketot. Fusily, or and sa. Oi-est—A stag's head erased Flower, Norroy, 1580). Same Arms. Crest Ouc of a ducal —
or. coronet or, a demi peacock ppr.
Creking"liam. Barry of six ar. and gu. in chief thrco Cressy (Essex), Same Arvis^ the field or.
torteaux, over all a bendlet of the first. Cressy (Cressy Hall, co. Lincoln). Same.<4r77is. Crest Out —
Creking"h.ain. Ar. two bars gu. in chief three torteaux, of a ducal coronet or, a demi eagle displ. ppr.
over all a baton sa. Cressy (Ireland, from the Fun. Ent. of Lieut. George Cressy,
Crekingliaia. Ar. two bars gu. bctw. three torteaux, a buried at St. Michael's, DubUn, 5 March, 1664). Same Amu.
bordure sa. Cressy,-or Creswick (Birken, co. York). Same Amu.
Crekiiigi;on. Erm. (another, ar.) on a bend gu. three Cressy. Same Arms, in the dexter canton a cinquefoil gu.
cinquefoils or. Cressing:liaxu. Ar. three swans in pale sa. beaked gu.
Crektoft. Lozengy or and sa. Crestnox (Attleburgh). Ar. on a bend engr. sa, three
Crelie (Fun. Ent. of James Crelie, of TheNewry, co. Down, crosses crosslet fitchee or.
who was drowned at Eingsend, Dublin, 2 April, 1618). Gu. Creston (Norfolk), Gu, a saltire engr. ar.
a wolf's head erased ar. and a border erm. Oi-est A wolfs — Creston. Same Arms. Crest —A lion pass, resting the
head as in the arms. dexter paw on a roundle.
Cremer, or Cremor (London and Norfolk). Ar. three Creston. Az, three mullets or, two and one.
wolves' heads erased sa. on a chief gu. as many cinquefoils Cresty. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three lozenges gu.
pierced or. Crest—A. ram's head erased, paly of six ar. and Crevaquer (of Kent). Gu. a cross, and in dexter chief a
gu. attired of the first. cinquefoil pierced or.
Cremer. Vert, three eagles displ. ar. Creswell Hants, temp. Edward I.). Ar. three bars
Cremford, or Craiaford. Ar. (another, or) two lions —
gemelles sa. Crest A sinister arm in chain armour, holding
pass, in pale sa. crowned or. in the hand ppr. a cross bottonee fitchee or.
Cremorne, Baron, See Dawson. Cres'well (Purston, co. Northampton. Arms confirmed
Creecour, Creecourt, or Creker. Ar. a cross voided and crest granted to Uobert Cresswell, Esq. of Purston, by
gu. See Ceevecour, Dethick, Garter, 31 Elizabeth). Az. three plates, each
Creneker (Kent). Gu. a cross or. charged with a squirrel gu. cracking a nut or. Crest —
Creneley, Ar. on a bend sa. three eagles displ. with two branch of a tree barways vert, thereon a squirrel gu.
necks or. cracking a nut or, betw, two twigs of hazel of the first,
Crenway. Gu. a fesse or, on a chief of the second three —
fructed of the third. AnotMr Crest A Saracen's head ppr,
martlets vert. Cres'well (Ravenstone, co. Leicester), Same Arm^ and Cr&st.
Crenway. Same Arms, a bordure gobonated ar. and az. Creswell (Pinkney Park, Barnehurst, co. Stafford, and
Creping-(co. Lincoln). Gu. a lion ramp, (another, sahent) Sidbury, co, Wilts). Gu. three plates each charged with a
ar. within an orle of billets or. Crcsf A lion pass. ppr. — squirrel sejant of the field. Crest—A Saracen's head ppr.
holding in the dexter paw a crescent ar. wreathed about the temples vert and ar. Motto—ATXt nun-
Cresacre (Barnborough, co. York, lords of that place from quam tentes aut perfice.
temp. Henry III. to Henry VIII,; the heiress m. John More, Creswell, or Creswyll. Ar. on a bend sa. three rams*
Esq, only son of the ever memorable Sir Thomas More). Or, heads embossed of the field (another, or.)
three lions ramp. gu. CVe^i— A cat-a-mountain; the origin Cresswell (Cresswell, co, Northumberland, exemplified to
of the crest, says tradition, was the circumstance of the Addison John Cresswell, E5q., of Cresswell, on his assuming
death of Perclval Cresacre, who, it is asserted, was in right of hisfwife, Eliza bethMary Reed, cousin of John
attacked and killed by a wild cat from one of the httle woods Baker, Esq., of Hinton, the additional surname and arms of
of Barnborough. Baker). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, erminois three torteaux,
Cresakre, or Cresacre (co. York). Or, three lions two and one, each charged with a squirrel sejant ar., for
ramp. purp. Cresswell 2nd and 3rd, gu. a goat statant armed and

Creseley (Morsk). Gu. two bends ar. and a quarter erm. crined or, betw. three saltires of the last, for Baker; on a
Creseley, Ar. three chev. sa. shield of pretence, 1st and 4th, for Baker, as above Snd :

Creseyt, Sa. a fesse dancettee betw. three martlets ar. and 3rd, az. two qhevronels ar. betw. two garbs in chief or,
Crespigny. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a lion saUant, in and in base two swords in saltire ppr. pomels and hilts gold,
the dexter base a fer de moulin sa, 2nd and 3rd, az. three
; for Eeed. —
Crests 1st, Cresswell: A mount vert thereon

bars ar. Crest On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a gauntlet a torteau (diarged as in the arms; 2nd, Baker: A goat's
ppr. holding a cutlass ar, hilt and pomel or. head erased ar. armed and crined or, gorged with a collar
Crespine. Gu, ten lozenges ar. four, three, two, and one. gemel and charged on the neck with a saltire gu. Motto—
Orest —A hydra with seven heads vert. Cressa ne careat. .

Cressall. Az, on a pile ar. three crescents in pale ppr. Creswick. Or, a lion ramp, guard, gu. Crest— 0^xt of a

Crest ^Two lion's paws erased, supporting a bezant. ducal coronet or, an arm embowed in armour, holding in the
Cresse, or Cressy (Ouldcotts, co. Nottingham). Ar, on a hand a dagger ppr.
hend cotised sa. three crescents of the field. Crest — Creswick (granted to Henry Creswick, Esq,, of Hawthorne
head couped sa.
griffin's House, Melbourne, Australia). Or, guttee de poix a. lion
Cresse. Gu, a chev. compony ar. and or, betw. seven ramp, double queued sa. betw. two flaunches vair. Crest —
crosses crosslet of the second. A lion ramp, double queued sa, guttee d'or supporting a
Cressel (Scadbury, co. Kent). Sa. a. fease ar. betw. three caduceus, gold. Motto— Do right and fear not.
chaplets or. Creswold (Norwich, 1663). Az, three plates on each a
Cressen, or Cresson. Paly of six ar. and sa. a chev. gu. squirrel sejant gu. cracking a nut or.
Cressenbeyn, or Cressenbor (Tournay). Or, sem^oof Cretingr (Kent;. Ar. a chev. betw, three mullets of six
trefoils gu. a label of five points gobonated ar. and az. points pierced gu. Crest —
A bear pass, thrust through the
Cressener. Az. on a chief ar, three chaplets gu. neck with an arrow in bend smister.
Cressenor, Cresuor, or Cresnall (Morley, co, Nor- Creting (Suffolk). Ar. a chev. engr. sa. betw. tliree

folk; Essex, and London.

Suffolk, William Cressenor, ogresses.
who was buried at Sudbury, in the latter county, in 1434, Creting" {Lord Creting; John de Creting, was summoned Iff
TO. Margaret, widow of Lord Scrope, of Bolton, and dau. of Parliament, 1332). Ar. a chev. bctw. three mullets pierced gtr.

Kalph Nevile, Earl of Westmorland, K.G.). Ar, on a bend Cretinge (Suffolk). Ar. a chev. betw. three mullets ga
engr. sa. three crosses crosslet fitchee or (another, ar.). —
Crest As Creting, Kent.


Cretowne, or Cretownes. At. a lion ramp, aa. over Crewse (co. Devon). Az. a bend per bend dancettee gu. and
all a fesse battelly az. within a bordure engr. gu. (another, ar. betw. two escutcheons or.
the fesse raguly). CrewTTS (quartered by PeoTvze, of London, descended from
Creuze (Beddington House, Surrey, and Howfield, Essex: Peowze, of Cornwall. Visit. London, 1568). Az. a bend
the heiress m. West). Gu. a dexter arm issuant from clouds per bend indented gu. and ar, betw. six escallops or.
from the sinister, holding in the hand a sword erect on the Crey (Kent). Gu. a cross engr. or, over all a bend az.
point three crescents interlaced all ppr., quartering Golds- Crey. Gu. a cross engr. or.
BonouGB and Slaney. Crey. Erm. a cross gu. fretty of the first.
Crevciire (Titbury, co. Stafford Joane, dau. of Cbevcdke,
; Creyfeyt. Sa. on a fesse dancettee ar, three mullets gu.
of that place, m. Nicholas Bubton, of same, living 14 Creyke (Marton and Bawcliffe, York, descended from
Edward II., 1320. Ancestor of Ralph Bukton, of Lindesey, Sir Walter de Ceeyke, Governor Per
of Berwick, 1340).
CO. Leicester, 14 Elizabeth, 1571. "Visit. Leicester, 1619). fesse ar. and sa. a pale and three ravens (called Creykes in
Or, a cross wavy gu. the old language of Yorkshire) counterchanged, quartering
Crevecoeur. Az. a cross fimbriated or. —
Egglinton and Aeden. Crest On a garb or, a raven ppr.
Crevecoeiir, and Creveseur. Or, (another, ar.) a cross Creythorns. Az. five chevronels or.
voided gu. Criall. Or, two chevronels gu. on a canton of the last a key
Crevequer, and Creverqnere. The same Arms. of the first. Crest —
Out of a mural crown a demi-lion ramp.
Crest —A mountain in flames ppr. guard, gu. holding betw, his fore gambs a key or.
Crevit. a cross dancettee betw. three martlets ar.
Sa. Criche (co. Derby, temp. Edward II. ; Coenelius Criche, the
Crewe (Crewe, co. Chester From this family descends in the
: last of the family, d. 1789, aged 101). Erm. on a pale aa.
female hne the present Lord Crewe). Ancient Arms Erm. — three crosses pattee fitch^e or,
fretty gu. Modei'n Arms —
^Az. a lion ramp. ar. d-est Out — Crich.e (London and Oxford gi-anted 1649). Erm. on a pale

of a ducal coronet or, a lion's gamb. ar. armed gu. sa. three crosses formee fitchfie or, a mullet for diff. Crest
Crewe (Nantwich, Pulcroft, Holt, and Aston, co. Chester). — A demi lion erm, crowned or, holding a cross formee
Az. a lion ramp. ar. Crest—Same as Crewe, of Crewe. fitchee of the last,
Crewe {Lord Crewe of Stene^ extinct 1721, descended from Sir Criche. Sa. a chev. betw. two crescents in chief, and a
Thomas Ceewe, Knt., of Stene, Speaker of the House of pelican vulning itself in base, or.
Commons, temp. James I., 2nd son of John Cbewe, Esq., of Criclxton (Earl of Erne). Ar, a lion ramp, az, armed and
Nantwich). Same Arms, a crescent for diff. Sup^orten — —
langued gu. Crest A dragon's head, couped, vert, emitting
Dexter, a Uon ar. gorged with a collar az. charged with fire from the mouth and ears ppr. Supporters Two lions —
three roses or cinquefoils or sinister, a griffin sa. wings in
; az. each crowned with an earl's coronet, ijpr. Motto^God
dorso erected ar. beak and fore legs or. CVes(— Same as send grace.
Ceewe, of Crewe. Crichton (that ilk, co. Edinburgh; Lord Crickton and
Crewe (Calke Abbey, co. Derby, bart., created 1626 Viscount Frendraugkt the last Lord Frendraught joined

descended from Sir John Hakpub, 4th bart. of Calke Abbey, James II. in France, was attainted in 1690, and d. s. p. in
CO. Derby, who vi. Katheuine, dau. and coheir of Thomas, 1698), Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a Hon ramp. az. armed
2nd Lord Crewe of Stene ; the great grandson of this marriage, and langued gu. 3nd and 3rd, ar. a saltire and' chief az.

Sir Henbt Habpdb, 7th bart. of Calke Abbey, assumed the over all on an escutcheon az. three stars ar. within a double
name of Cbewe, by royal hcence 1808). Quarterly, 1st and tressure flory counterflory or. Crest A dragon spouting —
4th, az. a lion ramp. ar. 2nd and 3rd, ar. a lion ramp.
; —
out fire ppr. Supporters Two lions az. armed and crowned
\rithin a bordure engr. sa. Crests —
1st: Out of a ducal or.
coronet or, a lion's gamb erect ar. 2nd A boar pass, or,
; : Crichton (Sanquhar, Earl of Dumfries, a cadet of the noble

ducally gorged gu. Motto Degeneranti genus opprobrium. House of Fbendeaught, now represented by the Marquess of
Crewe (co. Durham). Same Arms and Crest. Bute). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a lion ramp, az., for
Crewe {Baron Crewe, descended from John Offlet Esq., of Cbichton; 2nd and 3rd, az. three water budgets or, for
Madeley, co. Stafford, who m. Anne, dau. and heiress of John —
Vallange. Crest A dragon vert, crowned and spouting
Cbewe, Esq., of Crewe Hall, and assumed her family name —
out fire or. Supporters Two lions az. crowned or. Motto
and arms, 1708). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a lion ramp, — God send grace.
ar,, for Cbewe 2nd and 3rd, ar. a cross flory az. charged with
; Crichton Stuart {Marquess of Bute). See Stuabt.
a Uou pass, or, for Offlet. Ci'ests— 1st, Cbewe : Out of a Crichton (Brunston, Scotland), Ar. a lion ramp. az. armed
ducal coronet or, a lion's gamb erect ar. 2nd, Offley A ; : and langued gu. within a bordure engr. of the second.
demi lion ramp, guard, or, holding in the paws a slip of Crichton (Caimes, Scotland). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
ohve ppr. —
Supporters ^Dexter, a lion ar. collared az. Ceichton; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three martlets or, for Cairnes.
thereon three roses; sinister, a griffin sa. wings elevated ar. Crichton (Cranston, Scotland; descended of Frendraught).
beaked and legged gu. Motto Sequor nee inferior. — Or, a lion ramp. az. within a bordure gu.
Crewe (Fen-y-bryn, co. Montgomery). See Ceewe-Bead. Crichton (Crawfordstoun). Quarterly as Earl of'Bumfries
Crewe (London), Same Arms as Ceewe, of Crewe. within a bordure engr. az. Crest —
A dragon's head vert
Crewe. Same Arms, the lion charged on the shoulder with spouting out fire ppr.. Motto God send grace.—
a mullet pierced sa. for diff. Crichton (Woodhouselee). Ar. a lion ramp. az. within a
Crew (Ireland; Fun. Ent. of Blanch Cbewe, d. 1620). Same —
bordure gu. Crest A camel's head and neck couped ppr.
Arms, the lion erm. charged on the shoulder with a martlet —
Motto ^Perseverantia.
gu. for diff. Crichton (London, 1770). Ar. a lion ramp. az. within a
Crewell. Ar. a bend sa. —
bordure invecked vert. Crest A mastiff dog standing in a
Crewenhall, Barry wavy of eight sa. and ar. on a fesse watching posture ppr. Motto Fidelis. —
gu. three broad arrows paleways or. Crichton (Innemeity, Scotland). Erm. a lion ramp, az.
Crewenhall (John de Crewenhall, co. Warwick, fifth in Crichton (Euthven, Scotland). Ar. a lion ramp. az. on a
Cbewenhall, of Crewenhall, temp. Henry III.,
descent from chief of the last three lozenges of the first. Crest— A pDIar
Barry nebulee ar. and sa. of eight on a fesse ar. —
Motto Stand sure,
gu. three broad arrow heads or. Crichton (Easthill, Scotland: a cadet of Buthven). Ar. a
Crewes (Liskerdand St. Garons, co. Cornwall, Founded by lion ramp. az. armed and langued sa, in chief two martlets
John Cbwse, son of Anthony Crwse, of Liskerd, who came gu. Crest, as the last. Motto—GoA me guide.
from Cruse Morchard, co. Devon; Inq. post mort,, 24 Eliza- Cricket, or Crickett. Vert, a cross couped and pierced
beth, 1581. Visit. Cornwall 1620). Arim same as Ceewse, or, on a chief ar. three crescents gu. Crest —A lion pass.
CO. Devon. guard, az,
Crewker. Ar. a fesse betw. six martlets sa. (another adds Crickett (Blackmore, co. Essex). Ar. three drakes' heads
a bordure of the second). erased ppr. Crest —A
drake's head erased ppr.
Crewkerne (Childhay, co. Dorset. Quartered by Le Crickman. Ar. a fesse quarterly az. and gu, betw, three
MoYNE or MoNKE, of Powdridgc, co. Devon, ancestor of the mascles (another mullets) sa. Crest -A stag lodged ppr. —
Ditke of Albemarle, William Le Moyne, living 3 Henry VI., Cridland (co. Somerset). Erm. on a chev, gu. three roses
1424, m. Cheistian, dau. and heir of John Cbewkeene, of ar. Crest —Two dexter hands conjoined, issuing from clouds
Childhay. Visit. Devon, 1620). Ar. on a chev. betw. three ppr.
bugle horns sa. as many cross crosslets fitch^e of the field. Criell. Per fesse or and gu. three annulets counterchanged.
Crewkerne (Fun. Ent. of Capt, Heney Cbewkeeke, d. Feb. Criell. Sa. on a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. as many
1654). Ar. a chev. betw. three bugle horns sa. mullets of the first.

Crews (Fotheringham, co. Northampton, and Cruse Mor- Criell. Gu. a chief or.
chard, co, Devon). See Ceuwys. Criell, or Gryll. Gu. three bends or.
Crewse. Az. a bend cotised betw. four birds volant ar. Criell, or KerrielL Same as Cbiol, of Albury.
243 R 2
A ,


Crierie, or Kriery (Scotlana). Per saltire erm. and az. Crispin. Ar. a cross flory gu.
in chief and base a crescent gu. in the flaunchea a mullet Cristmass. See CnEisTMiss.
ar. Crest— A beehive sa. with bees volant or. Motto — Cristofer. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three pineapples vert.
Industria. Cristy. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three wells gu (another, of
Criketot {temp. Edward I.). Lozengy or and sa. the second).
Crikram. See Okickman. Critchley, and Critchlo-w. Quarterly, gu. and ar. in
Criktoft. Az. on a bend ar, five escallops gu. Crest — the second and third quarter a martlet sa. Crest ^A harp —
demi unicorn az. vert.
Crimes (Buckland Monacborum, co. Devon. Visit. 1620). Critoft (co. Oxford, quartered by Datjnset of Brimsop).
Or, three bars gu. charged with as many martlets ar. on a Az. on a cross engr. ar. five escallops gu.
chief of the last two bars nebuliJe az. Crest A martlet. — Croad, or Croade. Sa. on a chev. betw. three quatrefoils
Cring-au, Crinan, or Crinzian (Dumfriesshire). Ar. ar. as many pellets. C)-est —
On a cloud a celestial globe ppr.
two halberts endorsed gu. in the middle fesse point three Croapes (co. Somerset). Ar. six mascles pierced gu. three,
arrows paleways in fesse sa. Crest A — dexter arm in two, and one.
armour embowed, holding a dagger bendways, point down- Croasdaile. Az. on three chevronels or, as many mullets
wards ppr. Mottc Subito. — gu. Crest —A demi man in armour, holding a sword ppr.
Crink, or Croke (Scotland). Gu. on a bend ar, three Croasdaile. Ar. a chev. az. betw. three cocks gu. Crest
shields sa. — A cock, as in the arms. Motto —Alert.
Criol (Kent). Ar. a chev. dehmised of abend and a canton Crobtoer. Sa. a fesse ar. (another, or), in chief three
gu. lozenges (another, fusils) of the second. Crest— On a
Criol (Kent). Per fess (another, per chev.) or and gu., winged globe an eagle with wings expanded ppr.
three annulets countercbanged. Sa. three cinquefoils betw. eight crosses
Criol (Albury, co. Hertford). Or, two chev. gu. a canton of crosslet fitche ar.
the second. Crochrod (cos. Essex and Suffolk). Or, a saltire ermines
Crioll (Croxton). Ar. two chev. and a canton gu. betw. four lions' heads erased sa. Crest A demi boar —
CrioUj or Keriell (co. Leicester). Ar. two chev. and a ramp, reguard. gu. armed or, pierced through the body
bordure gu. with a broken spear ar. which he has hold of in his mouth.
Crioll, or KerioU. Ar. three chev. and a canton gu. Crookat, and Crockett (Scotland). Ar. a chev. betw.

Crest A mullet environed with clouds ppr. three mullets az. Crest —
On a rock a solan goose jipr.
Cripis, or Crispe (Ireland), Ar. six mascles three, two, Crockatt (Scotland), Ar. a chev. az. betw. three mullets of
and one az., alabel of three points gu. the last in chief, and in base a crescent gu. Crest— A dog
Cripping-, or Cropping" (co. Oxford). Chequyor and sleeping sa. spotted ar. Motto— Tak tent.
az. three crescents gu, Crocker (co. Devon). See Ceoker.
Crippis. Or, on a chev. gu. three horseshoes ar. Crockett (Little Onn Hall, co. Stafford). Ar. three Cornish
Cripps (Homestall, co. Sussex; granted 25 July, 1G62). Or, —
choughs ppr. Ci-est A Cornish chough ppr. Motto— Cwyf
on a chev. vert five horseshoes ar. not, croke not.
Cripps. Same Arms. Crest —An arm in armour embowed, Crockford. Az. three trefoils slipped or. Crest— A dexter
holding a scimetar ppr. hand holding a roll of parchment ppr.
Cripps (Cirencester). Same Arms. Crest —An ostrich's Crodake, or Crokedake. Erm. three ogresses.
head erased, gorged with a ducal coronet, holding a horse- Croe (Croestoun, Scotland). Gu. three buckles or.
shoe in its bill, all ppr. Croeker (Hoeknorton, co, Oxford, 1556). Ar. on a chev.
Crips (Northens, co. Northampton. Ulster's Office). Az. engr, gu. hetw. three crows sa. as many mullets pierced or.
three bucks trippant two and one or. Crest —
A crow sa. crowned ar. holding in his beak an ear of
Crisp. Or, on a chev. sa. five horseshoes ar, wheat or.
Crispe (Queeks and Chve Court, in Thauet, co. Kent, of Croft (Croft Castle, co. Hereford, bart.) Quarterly, per fesse
which family was Sir Heney Ceispe, Knt., of Queekes, a man indented az. and ar. in the first quarter a lion pass, guard,
of great note temp. Henry VIII.). Erm. a fesse chequy ar. or. Crest —
A wivern sa. vulned in the side gu. Motto —
and sa. quartering or, on a chev. sa. five horseshoes gold, Esse quam videri.
another coat of Crispz. Crest —A
cameleopard ar. pellettee, Croft (Greenham Lodge, co. Berks). Same Arms and Crest.
collared and lined or. Croft (co Hereford). Same Arms.
Crispe where the family were seated
(Copcote, co. Oxford, Croft (Aldborough Hall, co. York). Quarterly, indentefl
for seven generations at Visit. Oxon, 1634). Erm. a fess erminois and gu, in the first quarter a lion pass, guard, of
chequy ar. and sa. —
the second. Crest A lion pass, guard, per pale indented
Crispe (Kent). Or, on a chev. sa. five horseshoes of the gu. and erminois the dexter fore-paw resting on a shield
field. Crest ^A cameleopard ar. pellettee, attired, collared quarterly indented, as in the arms. Motto ~S,sse quam
and lined or. videri.
Crispe (Kent). Vert, on a chev. ar. five (another, three) Croft (Dodington, co. Kent, bart.). Quarterly, per fesse
horseshoes sa. indented or and gu. in the first quarter a lion pass, guard, of
Crispe (Kent). Ar. on a bend sa. three horseshoes of the the second. Crests— 1st A lion pass, guard, or, supporting

field. a shield with the arms of St. George; 2nd: A lion pass.
Crispe (Hammersmith, co. Middlesex, bart. ; extinct 1749. guard, per pale indented gu. and erminois the dexter fore-paw
Sir Nicholas Ceispe, was distinguished for the services he resting on an escocheon ar. Supporters— On. the dexter side
rendered to the royal cause during the civil war). Ar. on a a lion guard, or, gorged with a wreath of laurel vert, there-
chev. sa. five horseshoes or. Crest —
A cameleopard or, from pendent an escocheon gu. charged with a Tower gold,
pellettde, attired and collared of the first, lined ar. and on tb§ sinister a bull sa. horned, crined, hoofed, and
Crispe (London). Same Arms and Crest. gorged with a ducal crown or, therefrom pendent an esco-
Crispe. Erm. a fesse compony sa. and ar. on a chief of the cheon ar. Motto—'Esse quam videri.
second three martlets or. Croft (Dalton, co. Lancaster Mabel, dau. and heiress of

Crispie. Gu. on a mount in base ppr. a stag pass. ar. in James Ceoft, m. Piers Legh, of Lyme). Bendy lozengy,
chief two mullets or. —
Crest A lion pass gu. resting his ar. and sa.
dexter paw on a bezant ppr. Croft (Pickleton, co. Leicester. Thomas Ceoft, of that place,
Crispin (Wallingford, co. Berks, temp. Hcni-y I.). Barry of great grandson of William Ceojpt, living 28 Henry VIII.,
eight ar. and gu., a bordure engr. sa. was living there at Visit, of the co. 1619). Lozengy ar. and
Crispin (Woolston, co. Devon: the heiress m. Bradstone),
Gu, ten lozenges ar. four, three, two, and one.
az. Crest —
A wyvern's head couped.
Croft (Stillington Hall, co. York). Quarterly, indented or
Crispin (Normandy quartered by Helsby of Gatacre, co.
; and gu. in the first quarter a lion ramp, guard, sa. Crest—
Derby). Barry of eight ar. and gu. a lion pass, guard, sa. supporting with the dexter paw an
Crispin (Halton, co. Hunts). Sa. two arms in fesse, habited escutcheon pean, charged with a lion pass, guard or.
ar. joining the hands ppr. one issuing from the dexter side. Croft (Huttou Buscel, co. York). Same Arms, quartering
the other from the sinister, hetw. throe crescents of the Bowes.
second. Croft. Paly of eight lozengy ar. and sa.
Crispin (Salisbury), Barry of ten. ar and gu. a bordure Croft. Fusily ar. and sa.
•^ngr. sa. Croft (Ireland). Vert, a chev. betw. three cross crosslets
Crispin, Barry bendy ar. and gu. countercbanged. or.
Crispin, or Crispine. Barry and lozengy counter- Croftes (quartered by Neville of Holt, co. Leicester.
changed ar. and sa. Crest—A. hydra vert, with seven Visit. 1619). Lozengy ar. and sa.
heads. Crofton (Baron Crofton). Per pale indented or and az. a
A ;


lion pass, guard- count ercbanged. Ci-e.ti A stalk of — wheat Croke (Marston, co. Oxford. Unton Ceoke. fourth son of
(seven ears on one stalk) or. SupporteTS Dexter, — a lion Sir John Croke, Justice of the King's Bench temp. Jamesl.
az. sinister, a stag ppr. armed and hoofed or.
; —
Mottoes Dat m. Anne, dau. and heir of Kichabd Hore, Esq., of Marston.
Dens incrementum, and (over the crest) Pro patria et rege. Visit. Oxon, 1634). Same Arms and Crest quartering : ar.
CroftOU (Slohill House, co. Leitrim, liart.). Same Arms^ on a fess nebulee az. betw. three annulets gu. six bezants.
Crest, and Motto. Croke, or Crooke. Same A^-ttls (without the quartermg).
Crofton (Longford House, co. Sligo, hart.). Same Arms^' Cre^t —A celestial and terrestrial globe ppr.
Crest, and Motto. Croke. Gu. on a fess betw. three martlets ar. a crescent of
Crofton (Lakeficld, co. Leitrim). Same Arms, Crest, and the field.
Motto. Croke (Ireland). Sa. a maunch or, issuing therefrom a,

Crofton. Per pale danccttce or and az. a lion pass, guard. hand ar. holding a fleur-de-lis of the second,

connterchanged. Crest Out of a mount vert six ears of Croken (Ireland). Ar. five torteanx three and two in base a
wheat or, bladed ppr. rose gu. on a chief of the last a lion pass, of the first.
Crofton. Per pale indented az. and or, a lion pass, guard. Croker, or Crocker (Croker's Hele, and Crokem Tor,
connterchanged, on a chief ar. a rose hetw. two fleurs-de-lis CO. Devon, afterwards of Lineham, by marriage ^\it)i
RU. the heiress of Chdschill; the genealogy of Cbokeb of
Crofts (Cheshire). Lozengy ar. and sa. Lineham is accurately recorded by Prince, Eisdon, and
Crofts (Saxham and West Stow, co. Suffolk). Or, three Pole, and exhibits a descent of no less than eleven
bulls' heads cabossed sa. Crest—A. bull's head cabossed sa. John Chokers in almost uninterrupted succession :' the
armed or. last male of the elder branch was Coubtenat Cbokeb,
Crofts (Lord Crofts of Saxham, created a peer 1658, extinct Esq., whose only dau. and heir, Mabv, carried the estate of
1677). Same Arms and Crest. Lineham into the family of Bulteel. The male line was
Crofts (Velvetstown, and Castle Wrixon, co. Cork). Same however preserved by the descendants of Thomas Croker, of
Arras, Crest —
^A bull's head cabossed sa. armed or, thereon Trevillas, second son of the eighth John Cboeer of Lineham
a chev. or. —
Motto Virtute et fidelitate. see Cbokeb, of Ballynagarde). Ar. a chev. engr. gu. betw.
Crofts (Churchtown, co. Cork, borne by Freeman W. three ravens ppr. Some of the name, settled in Cornwall,
Cbofts, Esq.). Same Arms, Crest, and Motto. called the birds "Cornish choughs," but this is either an
Crofts (cos. Hereford and Salop). Quarterly, per fesse in- error or a difference. Crokek of Lineham, always bore
dented az. and ar. in the chief dexter quarter a lion pass, " three ravens," and, having obtained Lineham by marriage

guard, or. Crest A wivem with wings expanded sa. (an- vrith the heiress of Chuechill, quartered sa. a lion ramp,
other, the wirem az. with, wings endorsed; another, a lion ar. for that name. The Visit, of Devon, 1620, gives the
pass, guard, or). additional quarterings of Michael and Dawsey to John
Crofts Qtiarterly, per fesse indented gu. and
(co. Norfolk). Cbokeb, then of Lineham, viz., sa. a chev. betw. three
ar. in the quarter a lion ramp, of the second.
first escallops ar. and, ar. on a chev. cottised az. three cinque-

Crofts Quarterly, per fesse indented gu. and az.

(co. Salop). foils or. The general crest of the family of Cbokee is a raven
la the first quarter a lion pass, guard, ar. ppr. Edward IV. granted to Sir John Cbokeb, who ac-
Crofts (co. Salop). Quarterly, per fess indented ar. and az. companied him as cup and standard bearer in his expedi-
in the second quarter a lion pass. or. —
tion to France in 1475, for Crest "A drinking cup or, with
Crofts (Westminster, granted 1772). Lozengy ar. and pean. three fleurs of the same issuing therefrom and charged with

Crest ^A dragon's head vert, charged with three erm. spots. a rose gu." Mottoes—Deus aUt eos, and Je tiendray ma
Crofts (Dalton, co. Lancaster). Bendy lozengy ar. and ea. puissance par ma foi.
Crofts (co. York). Ar. on a bend sa. a quatrefoil or, betw. Croker (Ballynagarde, co. Limerick, descended from Thomas
two escallops of the first. Cbokeb, Esq., of Trevillad, co. Cornwall, who acqidred an
Crofts (co. York). Or, a buglehom sa. estate in Ireland in IGOO be was second son of the eighth

Crofts (granted 1:5 July, 1709). Gu, a bend crenellee or, John Cbokee, Esq., of laneham). Same Arms, Crest, and
betw. two bucks' heads cabossed ar. attired of the second. Motto.
Crest —
On a cbapeau az. turned up erm. an eagle's neck, Crofton (Dublin, a branch of Ballynagarde, an heiress of
with two heads erased sa. gorged with an eastern crown or. which, Anne Cbokee, m. Sir Edwaed Cbofton, Bart., and
Crofts. Or, three bulls* heads couped sa. Cres: —A talbot was created BaroTiess Crofton, 1797. To this branch be-
sejant erm. longed Thomas Cbofton Cbokeb, F.S.A., the Wrfter).
Crofts. Quarterly, az. and ar. a fesse connterchanged, in Same Arms, «tc., as Ballynagarde.
the tirst quarter a lion pass. or. Croker (Tallow, co. Waterford, descended from the fore-
Crofts, Gu. on a chev. ar. three cinquefoils pierced az. going. Of this line was the Eight Hon. John Wilson
Crogen-yn-Edeirnion, co. Merioneth, and Branas- Cbokee, M.P. for Down Patrick 1808 to 1832, a Privy
yn-Edeixnion, early barons of (their heiress, Margaret, Councillor for Ireland). Same Arms, Crest, and Motto.
Baroness of Cregen and Branas, living under age 44 Edward Croker (St. Agnes, co. Devon). Same Arms. Crest—
in., m. levan. Baron of Kymmer-yn-Edeirnion, derived flower resembling a rose standing in a flower-pot ppr.
from Owen Brogyntyn, Lord of Edeirnion, Dinmail, and Croker (Hooknorton and Sandford, co. Oxford, granted by
Abertanat, son of Madoc, last Prince of Powys-Fadoc). Hervey, Norroy, 1506, to John Cbokee, Esq., of that place,
Ar. a lion ramp. sa. armed and langued gn. d. 6 March, 1568, he was son of Thomas Ceoeee, Esq., of
Crogr, Croge, or Cro§:^. Sa. a fesse or, betw. in chief Ffarjngdon, co. Berks. Visit. Oxon). Ar. on a chev. engr.
three crosses crosslet of the last and in base as many mullets gu. betw, three ravens ppr. as many mullets or. Crest—A
ar. Crest —
A cross moline betw. two ears of wheat, orle- raven ppr. ducally gorged or, holding in the beak an ear of
ways, or. wheat of the last.
Cro^e, or Cxogg, Sa. on a fesse betw. three mullets Croker (London and Batisford, co. Gloucester). Ar. on a
pierced ar. as many crosses crosslet (another, botonniSe) gu. chev. engr. sa. betw. three ravens ppr. as many escallops
Crog:e, Sa. on a fesse or, betw, three crosses crosslet fitchde or. Ch-est —An arm embowed in armour garnished or, hold-
ar. as many mullets gu. Crest —A crescent gu. charged ing in the hand an anchor all ppr.
T^ith an estoile ar. Croker. Ar. a chev. betw. three crosses gu.
Croisse (Ireland). Az. two bends betw. six escallops ar. Crokes (quartered by Williamson, of Tusmore, co. Oxford.
Croissy. Gu. a cross or, in the dexter chief a lion ramp, Visit. Oxon). Ar. a fesse engr. erm. betw. three eagles
supporting an anchor with cable of the second. displ. or,
Croke (Chilton and Chequers, co. Bucks, and Studley and Croklne (Ireland). Ar. a cross moline gu.
Waterstock, co. Oxford, descended from Nicholas le Crokey (Yorkshire, confirmed 4 June, 1406). Per pale ar.
Blount (brother to Sir Thomas Blodnt, summoned to Par- and sa. on a chev. three escallops all connterchanged. Crest
liament 1326), who, having taken an active part in the —A lion's head sa. erased gu.
insurrection to restore Richard II. to the throne, was out- Crole. Vert a unicorn pass. ar. armed, crined, and unguled
lawed and forced to fly the kingdom. On hie return to or, betw. three mascles of the last. Cres^t A unicorn's —
England, NIcholas le Blodnt is stated to have changed bead erased ar. armed and crined or, betw. two elephants'
his surname Ceoee, and from him derived the
to that of trunks sa.
family of that name, of which were Sir John Cboko of Crolly. Gyronny of ten ar. and sa. Crest—A wolf pass. sa.
Chilton, Speaker of the House of Commons temp. EUzabeth; Crombie. Vert a cross botonnee ar. on a chief of the last
and Sir George Cboee of Studley, an eminent Judge in the —
a lion pass. gu. Crest An eagle displ. gu. Anotlier Crest-"
reign of Charles I.). Gu. a fesse betw. six martlets ar. A demi lion ramp, guard, or, holding a fleur-de-Us gu.
Crest —
^Two swans' necks indorsed and interlaced, issuing Crombwell. Az. a lion ramp, tail forked ar. crowned or,
out of a crescent all ar. and holding in their beaks an annu- Crome (London). Lozengy gu. and or,
lecgu. Crome. Az. a chev. betw. three saltires engr. or.



Crome (Ockingham, co. Berks, and Bromton, co.Midfllesex). chief az. three pheons of the fourth. Cre^t —A demi horse
Gu. a cliev. engr. erin, betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest — ramp. sa. vulned in the breast with ah arrow shafted or,
Out of a mural coronet or, a demi lion sa. holding in the feathered ar. Motto —Love and loyalty.
dexter paw a fleur-de-lis as in the arms. Crom.pton (Duffield Hall, co. Derby, descended from John
Crome {Maydeu-Early, co. Berks). Same Arms (the chev. Crompton, uncle of Sir Samuel Crompton, Bart.). Same
plain). Arms, Crest, and Motto.
Crome, or Cromey. Az. three leopards' faces in hend Crompton-Stansfield. See Stansfield.
betw. two cotises or. Cromwell (Lord Croimoell, of Tatshall, co. Lincoln, Sir
Cromb, Croxune, or Coune. Lozengy or and gu. John de Cromwell was summoned to Parliament 1308; in
Crom,eley, or Cromelyn (quartered by Russell and abeyance since Or, a chief gu. over all a bend az,
Winter, Harl. MSS. 1043). Az. three fishes naiant in pale Crom-well {Earl of Essex. Thomas Crom^vell, son of
or. Walter Cromwell, a Blacksmith at Putney, was so created
Cromer (Tunstall Court, co. Kent). Ar. a chev. engr. sa. Az. on a fesse betw. three hons ramp,
1536, attainted 1539).
betw. three ravens (or crows) ppr. or,a rose gu. betw, two Cornish choughs ppr. Crest— On a
Cromer (London). Same Arms^ the chev. charged with chapeau gu. turned up erm. a pelican or, guttee az. vuluing
three annulets of the field. herself ppr.
Cromer (Norfolk). Or, (another, ar.) a chev. engr. gu. Cromwell {Lord Cromwell and Earl of Ardglass. Gregort
(another, az.; another, barry wavy of six ar. and az.) betw. Cromwell, son of Thomas. Earl of Essex (attainted 1539) was
three ravens ppr. created a peer of England 1540, The 4th Lord Cromwell Or, a chev. vair betw, three crows sa. Crest — Earl of Ardglass in Ireland 1645: earldom extinct
crow as in the arms. 1687, Quarterly, per fess indented or and az. four lions Ar. three wolves' heads erased sa. on a chief gu. pass, counterchanged. Crest— On a chapeau gu. turned up

as many cinquefoils or. Crest A ram's head couped gu. erm. a pelican or, guttee az, vulning herself ppr. Supporters
charged with two palets ar. — Two bulls gu. winged ar. crined and hoofed or. Motto —
Cromer. Gu. three pieces of masts couped, with the tops Semi mortuus qui timet.
ar. two and one. Cromwell (Hinchinbrooke, Huntingdon. Morgan Wil-
co. Az. a chev.betw. three saltorels or. liams, of Welsh descent, had a son Sir Richard Williams, Ar. a chev. becw. three boars' heads erased, sa. Kut., who at the desire of Henry VIII. and in consequence
Cromie (Stacumbrie, co. Kildare, bart. ; extinct 1841). of some family connection with Cromwell, Earl of Essex,
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. in chief two acorns with a leaf at assumed the name of Cromwell. Sir RtcHARD Williams,
each side of their stems ppr. and in baBe as many roses gu. alias Cromwell, was great grandfather of Oliver Cromwell
on a chief of augmentation az, three stars or, for Ceomie; the Protector, whose last male descendant, Oliver Crom-
2nd and 3rd, az. three cinquefoils ar., for Lambaht. Sup- well, Esq., of Cheshunt Park, d. 1821, leaving an only dau,

porters Two Eomans in complete armour, the feathers of Elizabeth Oliveria, m. 1831, Thomas Artemidoeds Russell,
their helmets gu. and ar. alternately. Crests— 1st, Cromie: Esq.). Sa. a lion ramp, ar., being the coat of Williams.
A dexter hand palm extended ppr.; 2nd, Lambart: A Crest —
^A demi lion ramp. ar. holding in the dexter paw a gem
centaur with bow and arrow ppr. the equestrian part grey. —
ring ar. Mottoes Mors meta laborum also, Pax quseritur ;

Motto —Labor omnia vincit. hello. [Vincent, in his Collections for Huntingdonshire,
Cromie (Ireland). Ar. a pale bretessed sa. three torteaux in College of Anns, London, appends this note " Sir Richard :

pale on each side. Crest —A dexter hand holding a cross *'

Cromwell" (great grandfather of Oliver Cromwell) "in
crosslet fitchee in pale.
the pedigree of Oliver Cromwell, of ever damned memory,

Cromling'ton. Barry of six, ar. and az. in chief three '*

is said to be sonne of Morgan Williams, son of Wm.

annulets sa. " Morgan, of Newchurche, in the countie of Glamorgan

Crom-lyn. Az. three salmons naiant, in pale, or. Crest—A. " (one of the Privy Chamber to H. 7) son of Howell, son of
fawn's head cabossed or. " Madock, son of Alan, son of Owen, Lord of Kibyor, son of
Crommelln (Lisburn, co. Antrim, confirmed by Fortescue, " Cadogan, son of Blethyn, of Kiuwyn, Prince,of Powys."]
1S08, as the arms of Nicholas Cbommelin, Esq., of Lisburn, Cromwell, alias "Williams. Gu. three chevronels ar.
descended from a French family, who left their native land on betw, as many lions ramp, or.
the Kevocation of the Edict of Nantes). Az, on a chev. Cromwell (co, Huntingdon). Ar. three chevronels gu. over
betw. two martlets in chief respecting each other, and one in all as many ramp, or,
base ar, a trefoil slipped vert. Crest—Out, of a ducal coronet Cromwell (West Hallam and South Wingfield, co. Deiby).
or, a swan rising ppr. Ar, a chief gu. over all a bend az.
Cromm.elin (De la Cherois Crommelin, Carrowdore Cromwell, Ar. a griffin segreant gu. over all a bend az.
Castle, CO. Down, exemplified to Samuel De La Cherois, Cromwell. Gu. six annulets or, within a bordure engr. ar.
Esq., of Lisburn, co. Antrim, also of a French refugee family, Cromwell. Ar. a chief gu. and bend gobonated or and az.
upon his assuming by royal licence in 1809 the additional Cromwell. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three torteaux.
surname and arms of Crommelin). Quarterly, 1st and Cromwell. Sa. a bend engr. or, fimbriated ar.
4th, as above, for Crommelin; 2nd and 3rd, gu. a chev. Cromy. Az. two bendlcts ar. betw. three leopards' heads
betw. three mullets in chief one and two or, and an anchor or,one in the dexter chief point betw. the bendlcts.
in base ar., for De La Cherois. Crests — 1st, Crommelin, Cromy. Az. two bars gemelles ar. betw. three leopards'
Same as the last; 2nd, De La Cherois, An anchor az. heads or.
Motto— YQ.Q et spera. Cron. Gyronny of eight or and sa. on a chief of the second (Stonehnch, co. Sussex). Gu. (another, sa.) a two leopards' heads of the first. Crest Seven arrows, one—
chev. betw. three quatrefoils or. Crest —
Three quatrcfoils in pale and six in saltire or, barbed gu.
erect, or, stalked and leaved vert. Crone, or Clone. Fusily gu. and or. Crest—A. demi fish
Crompe. Gu, a chev, betw. three cinquefoils ar. CreRt — issuing az.
A cat ramp. sa. Cronall. Ar. a bend betw. three cronels sa.
Crompe (JIaystown, Ireland). Az. a chev. betw. three Cronwell. Erm. on a fesse gu. three cronels or.
cinquefoils or. Crook. Az, on a fesse engr. erm, betw. three eagles displ.
Crompe. See Crumpe. '

or, as many birds vert. Crest —

An eagle displ. or.
Crompton (Crompton, allowed as an escut-
co. Lancaster, Crook. Or, eight shields in orle sa. Crest A dexter hand —
cheon of pretence, to Htde of Denton, in the Visit, of 16G4), ,
issuing from a cloud in the dexter stretcliing towards a ser-

Gu. a fesse wavy, betw. three lions ramp. or. pent, his head erect, all ppr.
Crompton (Hacking Hall, and Breightmet, co. Lancaster,

Crook. Gu, on a bend ar, three shields sa. Crest—An arm

represented in the female line by Obmerod of Tyldeslcy), ;
in armour embowcd ppr. holding a fleur-de-lis or.
Same Aruis. Crook (Abram Hall, co. Lancaster). Ar.on a bend gu. three
Crompton (Driffield, co. York, represented by Lord Lyttel- roses of the field barbed vert seeded or. Crest —A CorniaU
ton). Same Arms. chough sa, beaked and legged gu,
Crompton (Stafford Priory, Stone Abbey, and Hilcot, co. Crooke (Aldei-ford, co. Noi-folk), Ar. a hefron rising az. on
Stafford,and Bache Hall, co, Chester). Arms, originally as a chief indented of the second three estoiles or.
Crompton of Crompton, but by grant of Flower, Norroy, in Crooke (Winchester). Gu, a saltire erm, betw. four fleurs-
15S0: Ar. on a chief vert, three pheons or. Crest—Q]x% Qi de-lis or. C)'est—A. fleur-de-lis or, the stem wrapped about
a mural crown gu. a seahorse's head or, mane ar, with a snake vert, the head issuing from the middle of tlie
Crompton (Woodend, co, York, bart. extinct; descended : fleur-de-lis.
from Abraham Crompton, settled in co, Derby, son of Kev. Crooke (Crooke Hall, near Chorley, co. Lancaster, of v^om
John Crompton, who d. 1669). Vert, on a bend ar. double was Samuel Crooke, Esq., Sheriff 1717). Ar. on abend gu.

cotised erm betw. two covered cups or, a lion pass, gu, on a
. three roses of the fiist.
Crooke. Az. a fesse engr. erm. betw. three eagles displ. or. David Ceosbie, younger brother of Sir Waltee Crosbie,
Grooke. Az. a, bend or, betw. six fleurs-de-lis ar. 1st bart., was BO created 175S, cxtiiict 1832). Sauie Arm^j
Crooke. Az. on a fessc engr. betw. three eagles displ. ar. Crest^ and Motto. Siipjiorters —Two leopards reguard. ppr.
as many
martlets sa. collared and chained or.
Crooke Worcester). Fusilly or and gu. a chief az.
(co. Crosbie (JSarl William, 2nd Lord JBrandony
of Olandore.
Crookebois. Ar. three buglehorns stringed sa. was raised an earldom 1776, extinct 1815). Same Amis,
Crookedale. Erm. three pellets. Crest, Motto, and Supporters.
Crooketost, or Creketost. Az. on a cross or, five escal- Crosbie (Ballyheigue, co. Kerry, descended from Thomas
lops gu. Crosbie, younger brother of David Crosbie, Esq., of Ard-
Grookliays (Peryn, co. Cornwall. Visit. 1G20). Per pale fert, the father of the 1st Lord Brandon). Same Amis,
ar. and sa. on a chev. three escallops all counterchanged. Crcht, and Motto.
Crooks. Gu. on a bend or, three shields of the Held. Crosbie (Ardfert Abbey, co. Kerry, exemplified to Kev.
Crest —
An elephant quarterly or and vert. John Talbot, in 1816, upon his assuming by royal licence
Crooks, or Crucks. Gu. on a bend ar. three shields sa. the name of Ceosbie instead of that of Talbot). Quarterly,
—A demi leopard ppr.
Ci-est 1st and 4th, ar. a lion ramp, sa, in chief two dexter hands
Crookshank. Or, a quarter three boars' heads couped
sa. couped at the wrist gu., for Ceosbib 2nd and 3rd, gu. three

counterchanged. Crest—A dexter hand holding an ear of cinquefoils two and one erm, for HAanLTON. C7'cs(— Three
wheat ppr. swords, viz. two in saltire the pommels upwards, and one

Crooksliauk. Ar. a trefoil slipped vert betw. three boars* erect the pommel downwards ppr. hilted or, enwrapped by
heads couped sa. within a bordure engr. of the last. Crest — —
a snake ppr. Motto Indignante invidia florebit Justus.
A demi Negro holding in the dexter hand a cocoa nut ppr. Crosbie (Fun, Ent. of Feidswold Ceosbib, d. 26 Jan. 1615,

Motto Per ardua. wife of Right Rev. John Ridee, Bishop of Killaloe), per chev.
Croozne (North Cemey House, co. Gloucester). Gu. a chev. ar. and sa. three escallops counterchanged.
enn. betw. three fl,eurs-de-lis ar. Crest Out of a mural — Crosbie, or Crosby. Per chev. ar. and sa. in chief four
crown or, a demi Uon sa. holding in the dexter paw a fleur- guttees and in base three of the same counterchanged.
de-lis ar. Crest — A quill and sword in saltire ppr.
Croone (London, Her. Off.). Paly bendy or and gu. Crest Crosbie. Gu. a cross or, a bordure ar. Crest A holy —
—A lion's gamb erect and erased holding a snake, all ppr. lamb ppr. supporting a standard gu. Motto Nil des- —
Croopes (co. Dorset). Ar. six mascles conjoined gu. three, perandum.
two, and one. Crosbie. Ar. three guttees de sang.
Crop. Az. on a mount in base vert a pigeon ar. Crosby (exemplified to John James Loed, Esq., Dorset
Cropall. Ar. a chev. betw. three phcons az. Street, Dublin, on his assuming by royal licence, 1820,
Crophull (an ancient baronial family, Agnes, heiress of Sir the name of Ceosbt, instead of that of Lord, under the
John Cbofhull, ?». Sir John Paebe). Ar. a. saltire gu. will of William Ceosbt, Esq.). Ar. a lion pass. sa. betw.
fretty or. three dexter hands couped and erect gu. Cresi—Three
Cropiey (co. Cambridge). Ar. on a chief gu. three owls of swords two in saltire hilts down and one in pale hilt
the first. Crest — A mountain cat pass. erm. upwards ppr. united by a ribbon or. Motto Indignante —
Cropiey (Ofl^ord-Cluney, co. Huntingdon). Same Arms. florebit Justus invidia.
Crest —A cat pass, erm, Crosby (Lord Mayor of London, 1771). Sa, a chev. erm.
Cropiey (co. Cambridge, and Clerkenwell, co. Middlesex). betw. three rams pass. ar.
Same Arms and Crest. Crosby (London, confirmed to Vinus Hodgkinson Crosby,
Cropiey (St. James, Clerkenwell, co. Middlesex, hart, grand nephew of the above, 1821) Az, on a chev. betw.
extinct, 1713. Sir John Ceoplet, grandson of John three lambs pass, or, as many roses ppr. Crest ^Betw. the —
Cboplet, Esq., of Soham, co. Cambridge, created bart. 1661, horns of a crescent per pale ar- and gu. a cross flory or.
Visit. Middlesex 1663). Erm. on a chief gu. three owls ar. Motto— Te duce libertas.

Crest A lynx pass, guard, ppr. Crosby. Per chev. ar. and sa. three guttees coimter-
Cropiey (Bookelshall, co. Suffolk, confirmed 12 May, 1G35). changed.
Ar. on a pile gu. three owls of the field. Crosby. Per chev. ar. and sa. three unicorns' heads couped
Cropper. Az. a cinquefoil ar. betw. three erm. spots or. counterchanged.
Crest —A triangular arrow ppr. Crosby. Per chev. sa. and ar. three goats pass, counter-
Cropper (Bickerstaffe, co. Lancaster). Ar. on a chief sa. changed.
three powter pigeons of the field. Ct-est —A pigeon as in Crosele. Gu. a fesse betw. four crosses engr. or. Crest —
the arms. A stag's head at gaze gu. anned ar.
Cropper (Swaylands, Penshurst, Kent, registered to Crosliould (Norwich). Az. three plates on each a squirrel
EdwabdCrdppee, Esq., J.P., ofSwaylands). Or, two spears in sejant gu.
on a chief dovetailed of the last as many cropper
saltire az. Crosb.ol3ne (confirmed as the arms of Simon Crosbolme,

pigeons of the first. Crest Upon a rock ppr. in front of who m. Margaret, dau. and heir of Reginald Watford.
two spears in saltire az. a cropper pigeon or. Motto Love — Visit. Warwick). Ar. it. chev. betw. three baglehorns
every man, fear no man. stringed sa.
Cropper (Eller Green, Kendall, Westmoreland). The same Crosier, Az. on a fesse ar. (another, a chev. or) betw
Arms. three crosses crosslet placed saltireways or, as many martlets
Cropper (Edwaeh Denman Thoenecegh-Ckoppek, only son sa. Crest —A
cubit arm erect vested gu. cuff. ar. holding
and heir of Edwabd Cropper, Esq., of Swaylands, took by in the hand ppr. a crosier or.
royal licence, 14th November, 1874, the name and arms of Croske. Sa. three boars' heads couped ar. on a chief or, as
Thobnbdrgh in addition to his own on marrying the only many cinquefoils gu.
child of Wm. S. Thoenburgh, of San Francisco). Arms, Crosland (Crosland Hill, CO. York. Visit. 1665). Quarterly,
as Cropper, of Swaylands, quartering Thornbdegh, which ar, and gu. a cross botonee counterchanged.
see. Crosland (John Woodhead Crosland, Esq. of Thornton
CroBbie (Holm, Scotland). Gu. a cross or. Crest—The Lodge, CO. York). Same Arms, a crescent for diff., quarter-
stump of an oak tree growing out of a mount shooting ing or, five cinquefoils in saltire gu. Cre.^t —Across flory
forth new branches ppr. Motto Resurgam. — quarterly gu. and ar. Motto —
Dltra pergere.
Crosbie (Sir Pierce Crosbie, knighted at Theobalds, co. Crosley (Berkshire). Sa. a cross betw, four martlets or.
Herts, 17 Feb. 1616, son of Patrick Crosbie, alias Crest—A dragon's head sa. gorged with a collar or, charged
MacCeossan. who was elder brother of John Crosbie, with a cinquefoil gu.
Bishop of Ardfert. Fun. Ent. Ulster's Office 1617). Ar. a Crosley (Sir Charles Decimus Ceosley, of Kensington-
lion ramp. sa. betw. three dexter hands couped and erect gardens' Terrace, Hyde Park, London, J. P. for the co. of
gn. Middlesex, and for the city of Westminster, Sheriff ol London
Crosbie (Maryborough, Queen's County, bart.; descended and Middlesex, 1855). Vert, a cross floj-y voided or, betw,
from John Crosbie, appointed Bishop of Ardfert 1600, through two flaunehes of the last, each charged with three martlets
his eldest son Walter Ceosrie, Esq., of Maryborough, who —
of the first. Ci-est In front of a palm tree ppr. an heraldic
was created a baronet in 1630). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. armed antelope ar. armed, unguled, and tufted or, resting the
and langued gu. in chief two dexter hands couped and erect dexter foot upon a cross flory gold, AfoUo— Per crucem
of the last. Crest—Three swords two in saltire points down confido,
and one in pale point upwards entwined with a snake, all Crosley. Gu. a fesse betw, three crosses engr, or.
ppr. Jfo^o— In dignante invidia florebit Justus. Grosman (descended from John Croseman, of Crosse, co.
Crosbie (Lord Brandon. Sir Maurice Crosbie, Knt., son of Cornwall, living 24 Henry VII., 1508. Visit. 1620). Sa. a
David Crosbie, Esq., of Ardfert, who was grandson of chtfv. or, betw. tliree goats' heads erased ar.



Crosroe, or Croseroe /Ireland). Or, a lion ramp. sa. Crossing* (Hugh Crossing, Alderman of Exeter, ]6'29,
Crest —
An arm in armour embowed holdinp; a sword, all ppr. grandson of Hugh Crossing, Mayor of Exeter, 1620. Visit.
Cross John's Wood, London). Quarterly, gu. and or,
(St. Devon, 1620, and school sealj. Or, on a chev. az. betw.
in the first and fourth quarters a cross potent of the last. three crosses crosslet fitchee gu. as many bezants.
Cnst —
A stork holding in his beak a cross formee. Motto — Crossley (Crossley Hall, co, York). Ar. a cross crosslet gu.
Cruce dum spero fido. Crossley (Bart.). Gu. a chev. indented erm. betw. two
Cross (Ireland). Same Arms. Crest— Two hands couped cross crosslets in chief and a saltire in base or. Crest —
and conjoined in fesse, holding in pale a scimetar ppr. demi hind erased ppr. charged with two bars and holding
Cross (Darton, co. Armagh). Same Arm?. Crest—A stork betw, the feet a cross crosslet or. Motto Omne bonum aU —
ppr. in its heak a cross potent fitchee ar. Jlfo((o— Certavi et alto.
vici. Crossley (Scaitcliffe, co. Lancaster), Per chev. or and
Cross (Mortfleld, Lancaster). Same Arms, quartering
co. vert in chief a cross tau betw. two crosses moline fitchee gu.
Kay, ar. two bendlets sa. Crest —A
stork ppr. holding in in base a hind trippant ar. charged upon the shoulder with
the heak a cross ar. Motto —
In hoc vinces. —
a cross tau of the third. Crest A hind's head couped ar.
Cross (Hull, CO. York.). Gu. three crosses pattee ar. holding in the mouth a cross moline fitchee and charged
Cross. Ar. five crosses crosslet in saltire gu. Crest — upon the breast with a cross tau gu. Motto Credo et amo. —
eriffin segreant per fesse gu. and sa. winged ar. tipped or. Crossley (Ireland, 1725). Same Arjns.
Cross (Wrembury Hall, co. Chester). Quarterly, erm. and Grossman (co. Somerset). Ar. a cross ermines betw. four
gu. in the first quarter a cross crosslet of the second, in the escallops sa. Crest —A
demi lion erm. holding an escallop sa.

fourth a plummet sa. Crest On a mount vert, a stork erm. Croste (Pickleton, co. Leicester). Lozengy ar. and az.
beaked and membered gu. resting his dexter foot on a cross Crest —A griffin's head ar.
crosslet of the last, and holding in the beak a plummet sa. Crosth. Gu. on a chev. ar. three cinquefoils pierced az.
Cross. Ar. an eagle, with wings endorsed sa. charged on Crosthwaite (granted to Thomas Crosthwaite, Esq., of
the breast with a cross crosslet fitchee or, betw. four crosses Fitzwilliam-square, Dublin, Governor of the Bank of Ireland,
crosslet fitchee of the second, one, two, and one. High Sheriff of Dublin, 1845). Gu. a hon ramp. betw. six
Cross (Eastbank and Ingliston, co. Renfrew). Ar. an ear of cross crosslets or. Crest — A demi lion ramp, per fesa ppr.
wheat ppr. betw. four cross crosslets fitchee sa. one, two, and or. Motto — Conquer or die.
and one, a hordure per pale of the second and or. Crest — Crostin (Thirsk, co. York, 1665). Az. a cross fretty fitchy
griffin segreant sa. armed, beaked, and winged, or. Motto at the foot or, on a chief of the second, three fleurs-de-lis of
—Sub cruce copia. the field.
Cross (Red Scar and Cottam, co. Lancaster). Gu. on a cross Crosweller. Gu. a lion ramp, or, betw. three plates each
flory ar. five nails sa. a bordure of the second.
passion charged with a trefoil sUpped vert. Crest A lion's head —
Crest —A head erased ar. gorged with a double
griffin's guard, and erased or, charged with a cross gu.
chain or, therefrom pendent a mullet pierced sa. and hold- Crosyer. Sa. a cross betw. four bees erect or.
ing in the beak a passion nail of the arms. Motto Crede — Crotliers (granted to Robert Ceothers, Esq., M.D., Sur-
cruci. geon of the Tyrone Militia, son of Geoege Crothers, of
Cross (Eccle Eiggs, co. Lancaster; Rt. Hon. Richard Aughnacloy, and grandson of Robert Crothers, of tho
AsSHEToN Ceoss, M.P., Secretary of State for the Home Barony of Trough, co. Monaghan). Gu. a bend wavy vaire
Department). Same Arms, &c., as his elder brother, ffjd. az, and or, betw. two lions ramp. ar. Crest On a club —
AssHETON Oeoss, Esq. of Red Scar. lying fessways ppr. an heraldic tiger pass, or. Motto—
Cross, or Crosse. Gu. a chev. paly of six ar. and or, Sperandum est.
betw. three crosses crosslet of the second. Croton, Ar, a chev. betw. three martlets sa.
Cross, or Crosse. Gu. a chey. hetw. three crosses cross- Crotty Gyronny of eight or and vert. C>-est
(Ireland). —
let ar. hind trippant gu.
Crossby (Newcastle). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. betw. two Crotty. Gyronny of twelve or and vert. Crest—A hand
dexter hands couped at the wrist gu. Crest A dexter and — holding up a scorpion ppr.
sinister arm couped from the shoulders saltireways ppr. Croucbard. Barry wavy of six ar. and az. on a bend or,
vested, dexter gu. sinister az. each brandishing a scimetar three crosses pattee fitchee gu. Ci-est —
A cross or, betw,
of the first. two bucks' horns gu.
Crossby Same Arms.
(co.Tork). Cronche, or Cro^wche. Ar. betw. two palets engr.
Crosse (John Norman Cross, of Hull, Esq.). Gu. three three crosses pattee sa. all within a bordure of the last.
crosses pattee ar. Crest —A stork ppr. supporting with the Croucbe (co. Kent). Sa, on a pale ar, a martlet betw. two
dexter foot a crescent ar. crosses pattee of the field a border engr. of the second.
Crosse (settled at Wigan, co. Lancaster, tcinp. Edward I. Az. a cross componee or and gu. betw. four
afterwards of Crosse Hall, Liverpool, and Crosse Hall and plates. Crest —
On a mount a palm tree ppr,
Shaw Hill, Chorley). Quarterly, gu. and or, in the first and Croucbis. Ar. two palets and a bordure engr. sa.
fourth quarters a cross potent ar. Crest— A stork ppr. Croucbman. Ar. two chevs. sa.
holding in the beak a cross potent fitchde ar. Croucbnxan. Sa. a cross crosslet ar.
Crosse (co. Somerset). Sa. a fesse and in chief two mullets Croudace (co. Durham). Gu. a chev. betw. three fleurs-
ar. pierced gu. —
Crest A tower ar. flames issuing from the de-lis or. Crest— An angel standing, with arms uplifted oh
top ppr. the breast, hands clasped and vested all ppr. Motto—
Crosse (Liverpool). Gu. a cross potent ar. Promptus et fidelis.
Crosse (Liverpool). Quarterly, gu. and or, on the first and Crow, or Crowe (Brasted, co. Kent). Gu. a chev. or,

fourth a cross botonnee ar. 0)-est A stork ppr. in the beak betw. three dunghill cocks ar. armed of the second. Crest
a cross botonnee ar. — A camel's head or, vulned in the neck gu.
Crosse (Broomfield, co. Somerset, seated at Fynscourt since Crow (Bilney, co. Norfolk). Gyronny of eight sa. and or, on
1629). Quarterly, ar. and gu. in the first quarter a cross a chief of the first two leopards' faces of the second. Cmt

crosslet of the second. Crest Across pattee fitchee gu. betw. — Five arrows sa. feathered ar. four in saltire and one in
two wings ar. each charged with a cross crosslet of the first. pale, tied together with a string gu, betw. the arrows a

Mottc Se inserit astris. mascle or.
Crosse (Westminster; granted 12 Dec. 1701, to Thomas Crow Gu. a chev. betw. three cocks crowing ar.
Ceosse, Esq., M.P., for Westminster, who was created a Crow (Fun. Ent. of William Crow, Esq., d. in Dublin 22
baronet in 1713. Extinct 1762). Quarterly, az. and ar. in June, 1627). Gu. a fess dancettee or, betw. three cocks ar.
the first and fourth quarters a cross moline of the last. armed, eombed, and wattled of the second.
Crest— On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a stork az. repos- Crow (William Crow, Gustos Brevium of the Common
ing his dexter foot on a cross moline ar. Pleas in Ireland, 1607, son of John Crow, Esq., of Brandon,
Crosse (granted April 1602). Quarterly, ar. and gu. in the CO. Suffolk). Same Arms, a crescent for diff. (h-est—^-
first quarter a cross crosslet of the second. camel's head couped ar. bridled and reined sa.
Crosse. Gu. a chev, or, betw. three crosses crosslet ar, Crowale, or Cruall. Gu. a chief indented or.
Crosse. Ar. (another, or) on a bend sa. betw. two (another, Crowan. Az. three wolves pass. ar. (another, collared or).
three) crabs of the second a cross crosslet of the field. Crowan. Az. three wolves pass, in pale ar. collared or.
Crosse, Ar. on a bend cotlsed sa. three crescents of the Crowapes (co, Dorset). Ar. six mascles gu, three, two,
field. and one.
Crosse. Sa. on a fesse hetw. three mullets ar. as many Crowcb (Alswycke, co. Hertford). Ar. on a pale sa. three
crosses botonnde gu, crosses pattee or.
Crossele, or Crossley. Gu. a fesse betw. three crosres Crowcb (London, granted 1608). Same Aj-ms, a bordure
formee engr, erm. engr. sa. Crest— On a mount vert a lamb couchant »"


Crowch, or Crouch. At. a bend engr. sa. Crest—A Crowlion. Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. four ravens sa a
sword in pale betw. two branches of palm disposed orle- crescent or. Crest — A stag's head or.
ways ppr. Crowi;on. Ar. on a betw. three martlets sa. aa
Crowch. Ar. on a pale sa. voided of the field, three crosses many crescents of the first.
form^e counterchanged, Croxfbrd. Ar. a chev. betw. three chaplets sa,
Crowch. Ar. a pale sa. voided of the field within a bordure Croxford a window in Kidlington Church, co. Oxford
engr. of the second. the arms appear as those of Robeet Croxfoed. Isabei.
Crowch. Ar. three crosses formee in pale betw. two palets dau. and heir of Thomas Croxfoed, of that place, m.
a bordure engr. sa. George Gaynsfoed, Esq., of Hampton Poyle, same co.
Crowcher. Ar. on a pale indented sa. three crosses patt^e Visit. Oxon). A chev. betw. three buckles sa.
or. Crest— A lion couchantppr. charged on the breast with Croxon. Ar. on a fesse az. betw. three crosses crosslet
a cross pattee or. fitchee sa. two tuns ppr.
Crowcher, Gu. a bend wavy vairfi or and az. Croxton (Croxton, co. Chester, temp. Henry III. The elder
Crowcher. Ar. a cross potent sa. branch became extinct in the 1 5th century, when the heiress.
Crowder (Clapham, co. Surrey). Gu. a bend wavy vair6 m. Mainwaeing, an illegitimate descendant of Mainwaring
ar. and vert. Crest —
On the broken shaft of a tilting spear of Peover a younger branch of the Croxtons, which repre-

gu. an heraldic tiger pass. or. sented the elder line of the Bavenscroft family, vas of
Crowder (John Ceowder, Lord Mayor of London in 1830). Ravenscroft, and became extinct by the death of Thomas
Quarterly, gu. and az. a bend wavy vaire or and erra. in the Croxton in 1696). Sa. a lion ramp. ar. debruised by a bend
second quarter two swords in saltire surmounted by the componee (another, the hend gobonated) or and gu.
Eoman fasces erect ppr. within a chaplet of oak vert in the ; Croxton (Eavenscroft, co. Chester). Same Arms,
third quarter a sword erect within a chaplet of oak all ppr. Croxton (co. Chester and Ireland). Ar. on a fesse az. betw.
Crest —
On a mount vert a tilting spear lying fessewise gu. three crosses crosslet fitchee sa. two tuns or.
thereon an hei-aldic tiger pass, or, wreathed round the Croxton. Gu. on a fesse az. betw. three crosses crosslet
middle with oak vert, holding a Roman fasces erect in the fitchee sa, two battering rams or.
dexter paw ppr. Motto —
En Dieu est ma fiance. Croxton-Priory (co. Stafford). Or, a bend betw. six
Crowe (Dromore House, co. Clare confirmed to Thomas ; martlets sa.
Cbowe, Esq., J.P. and D.L., of that place). Ar. on a mount Croylboys, or Croleboys. Ar. three bugle-horns sa.
vert an oak tree ppr. a canton gu. charged with an antique garnished or.
Irish Crown or. Crest —
On a mount vert an Irish wolf dog Crozier (Soke-Debemon, co. Az. a cross betw.
ar. collared gu. Motto —
Skagh McEnchroe. four fleurs-de-lis or. Crest —
A stag's head cabossed ppr.
Crowe (Llanhpme, co. Carmarthen, allowed to Gyles Ceow, Crnden. Az. two bars or, betw. six annulets of the last,
of Brasted, co. Kent, in 1586. Sir Sackville Ceowe, of three, two, and one. Crest —
A griflBn's head ppr.
that place, created a hart, in 1627, extinct temp. Queen Crudge (co. Devon), Ar. on a bend az. betw. three foxes
Anne). Gu. a chev. or, betw. three cocks ar, Crest— sa. as many martlets of the field.
cock ar. combed, wattled, and membered or. Cruell, or Crull. Per chev. az. and gu. three eagles ar.
Crowfoot (Beccles). Or, two chevronels az. betw. three Crest —A centaur shooting an arrow from a how ppr.
ravens sa. on a canton of the second a staff erect of the first Cruell. Purp. a chev. betw. three eagles displ. ar.
entwined with a snake ppr. Crest —
On a mount vert a raven Crug-gr, or Crug-gre. Ar. on a bend az. betw. two grey-
sa. supporting with the dexter claw a staff erect and entwined hounds courant sa. three martlets or. Crest —A
with a snake as in the arms. 3Iotto Cavendo — head couped ar. collared gu. wings endorsed, bendy of foui-,
Crowg-ay, Crowg-ey, or Crowg-ie. Gyronny of eight or and sa.
vert and ar. on a chief of the last an eagle displ. gu. Crest Cniickshank (TiHymorgan, co. Aberdeen). Or, three

—An arm couped at the elbow holding a key all ppr. boars' beads couped sa.
Crowke. Az. a bend or, betw. six fleurs-de-lis ar. Cruickshank (Kirkton of Kinke'll). As Tillymorgan,
Crowland, Abbey (co. Lincoln). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, within a bordure engr. sa.
gu. three knives erect in fesse ar. handles or; 2nd and 3rd, Cruickshank (Amsterdam). As Tillymorgan, within a
az. three scourges erect in fesse or, with three lashes to —
bordure gu. Crest -A boar's head couped ppr. Motto Vis —
each. fortibus anna.
Crowley, or Crawley (Middlesex and Stourbridge, co. Cruickshank (Berryhill). Or, three boars' heads couped
Worcester, granted 14 June, 1707. Ambrose Ceowlby, of sa. armed and langued az.
Stourbridge, a Quaker, disclaimed all right to arms and Cruickshank (Banff). Or, a raven betw. three boars*
gentility at the Visit. 1682-3. His son, Sir Ambrose Ckow- heads couped sa. Motto— DiligQUtia. ditat.
LEY, was sherifC of London 1706-7, and got a grant of arms). Cruickshank (Langley Park, co. Forfar). Or, three boars'
Vert on a chev. or, an estoile of sixteen points betw. two heads couped sa. armed of the field and langued gu. within
roses gu. Crest —On a mount vert a sun charged with a —
a bordure of the last. Crest An armed hand, holding a
rose gu. —
dagger in pale ppr. Motto Cavendo tutus.
Crowley. Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three herons az. as Cruikshanks (London). Ar. a cross crosslet fitchee gu.
many crosses crosslet or. betw. three boars' heads couped sa. Crest— A hawk's head
Crowley. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three herons az. —
erased ppr. MottO' Audito et gradito.
Crown, or Crowne. Quarterly, sa. and az. a cross Cnikerne (Childhoy). Gu. on a chev. betw. three bugle-
engr. or. Crest —
A lion's head erased sa. ducally crowned horns ar. stringed or, as many crosses crosslet fitchee of the
ar. second.
Crownall (Cornwall). Enn. on a fesse gu. three crowns or. Crule (Camhray, Spain; granted 8 March, 1631). Az. three
Crownall. Erm. a fesse betw. three crosses crosslet or. —
lapwings ar. Crest A demi lion ramp, holding a bezant.
Crest —A bull's horns adhering to the scalp ppr. Crule. Az. three doves or (another ar.).
Crownall. Erm, on a fesse gu. three crosses crosslet or. Crull. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three cintjuefoils pierced az.
Crest— A dexter hand holding a dagger in pale point down- Crull. Az. on a chev. or, three cinquefoils pierced gu.
wards, ail ppr. Crest— An. arm in armour couped at the elbow fessways,
Crownall, Erm a fesse
. purp. holding a broken lance in pale ppr. the head falling towards
Crowner (Lord Mayor of London 1413 and 1423), Ar. a the sinister.
chev. engr. az. betw. three crowns ppr. CruUe, or Curie. Vert, on a chev. ar. three cinquefoils
Crowner. Gu. three demi tubs ar. gu.
Crowner (Great Yarmouth). Or, a chev. engr, az. sur- Crum (Thornlybank, co. Renfrew, 1868). Vert, a cross boton-
mounted of another ar. betw. tliree crows sa. nee or, on a chief ar. a lion pass. gu. a bordure of thfr
Crowther {London and co. Salop). Gu. a bend wavy vair. second. Crct— An oak tree ppr. Motto —Fear God.
Crest —On a tilting spear gu. a tiger pass. or. Crum. See Ewing.
Crowther-Beynon (exemplified to Kichaed William Crumbie, or Crumhe (Crumbe, Scotland). Vert, a cross
Baenaediston Ckowthek, Esq., captain 1st Kegt, of Foot botonnee ar. on a chief of the last a lion pass. gu.
(the Royal Scots) upon his assuming the name of Beynon Cruminell (co. Leicester). Or, a cross engr. gu. a bendlet
in addition to and after that of Ceowthee, by royal licence az.
21 Nov. 1874). Per pale wavy az. and gu. on a bend cot- Crump (Bretforton, CO. Worcester; William Ceompe of that
tised or, three cross crosslets vert (for distinction a rose place m. I Aug, 1546, at South Littleton, Katharine Kygh-

gold). Crest A lion ramp. ar. sem^e of cross crosslets vert, LEY, cousin to Richard Kyghly of that parish). Ar. three
holding betw. the fore-paws an escocheon also ar. thereon piles gu.
a greyhound's head erased pean (charged on the shoulder Crumpe, Crump, or Crompe (co. Kent). Gu. a chev,
for distinction with a rose gu.). betw. three quatrefoils ar. Crest —A cat saliant guard, sa.
A A ,


Cmmpe (Fun. Ent. of Maude Crumpe, d. 13 Oct. 1G23, wife Cudworth
(Werneth, co. Lancaster. Dr. Ralph Cdd-
of William PonTEa of Oldbridge, co. Meath). Gu. a chev. WORTH, author of "The Intellectual System," was b, in
betw. three cinquefoils pierced or. CO. York, 1617, son of Rev. Ralph Cudworth, rector of
Cruse (Ireland, reg. in Ulster's Office). Az. three escallops Allcr). Az. a fesse erminois betw. three demi lions ramp,
in hend betw. two beudlets and four escallops all ar. also, or.
; Crest— On a mount vert an arm couped at the elbow
Az. two bendlets betw. six escallops ar. erect vested erminois holding in the hand ppr, a battle-axo
Cruse (co. Devon). Az. a bend indented point in point or handle sa. headed or.
and ga. betw. six escallops of the second. Cueling- (Fun. F,nt. Ulster's Office, 1657). Ar. a griffin
Cruse (co. Devon). Or, a chev. betw. three mullets ^a. segreant sa. a chief chequy or and az.
Cruse, or Croise. Az. two bends betw. six escallops ar. Cuellen, /London). Van
Per fesse ar. and az. in chief
Cruso (Korwich and London, a family of Flemish descent, two spears in saltire of the second in base as many hawks
1633. Visit. London). Sa. a cross formee or. Crest —
fesseways of the first belled or. Crest An angel ppr. winga —

cross formee or. Motto Virtus nobiUtat. expanded, the outside or, the inside az., vested of the second,
Crutchfuld. Az. a cross compony or and gu. betw. four in the dexter hand a spear sa.
plates. Oi'est— On a mount vert a palm tree ppr. Cuerdall (Cuerdall, co. Lancaster). Quarterly, ar. andsa.
CrutcMey, or Crucliley. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three four leopards' faces counterchanged.

torteaux. Crest A talbot sejant ar. Another Crest —
On a Cuerden (Cuerden, co. Lancaster). Per bend sinister or
chapeau a lion pass, guard, ducally crowned. and az. a griffin segreant counterchanged, a bordure engr.
Crutchley (Sunninehill Park, co. Berks). Ar. a chev. gu. compony ar. and sa. Crest A stag's head quartei'ly per —
cotised az. betw. three torteaux, each encircled by two fesse indented or and az. attired of the second and first.
branches of oak ppr. Crest— On a mount vert a talbot Cuffe (Ilchester, co. Somerset). Ar. on a bend dancettee
sejant ar. collared and line reflexed over the back or, the sa. cotlsed az, bezantee three fleurs-de-lis of the field. Crest
dexter forepaw resting on a torteau. —
An arm erect vested az. charged with two bends ar.
Crutendon. Az. a chev. ar betw. three estoiles or. Crest cuffed erm. holding in the hand a battle-axe ppr.
— A goat's head erased ppr. Cuffe {Lcyrd Tpawleij, extinct 1821). Ar. on a bend dancettue
Cruttendon. Az. a chev. or, guttiSe de poix betw. three sa. betw. two plain cotises az. each charged with three
mullets of six points pierced ar. in chief a crescent of the bezants as many fleurs-de-lis of the field. Crest—An arm
last. —
Crest An elk's head ppr. in armour embowed ppr. the hand holding the broken
Crut"weU. Ar. two crescents in chief gu., and a savage's stalT of a tilting spear or. Supporters Dexter, a lionaz. —
head in profile in. base sa. Crest— A hand holding a key armed and langued gu. charged on the shoulder with a
ppr. wreath of the first and ar. thereon the crest of Cuff sinis- ;

CruTwys (Cruwys, Morcbard, Court, co. Devon a very ; ter, a griffin az. wings elevated erm. armed and langued az.
ancient family, which became extinct in the direct male line fore legged, beaked, and charged on the shoulder with an
in 1804, on the death of Henby Sturbeidge Ceuwys, who escarbuncle, or. Motto Animus tamen idem. —
left two daus. his co-heirs). Az. a bend per bend indented CufFe {Barl of Besart). Ar. on a bend dancettee sa. betw.
ar. and gu. betw. six escallops or. Crest —
On a mount vert, two plain cotises az. each charged with three bezants, a9
a stork ppr. holding in the dexter claw an escallop or. many fleurs-de-hs of the field. Cre^-t A cubit arm erect —
Crux (Greenhouse, Milton, co. Kent; granted 10 June, 7 couped below the elbow vested or, charged with two bend-
Charles 1. 1630). Ar. on a pale sa. an eagle displ. betw. two lets undee az., cuff erm. hand ppr. holding a pole-axe of
crosses formee of the first, a bordure of the second. Crest —
the first staff of the second. Supporters ^Two leopards —
A demi eagle with wings expanded ar. holding in the beak reguard. ppr. each gorged with a collar indented sa. charged
a cross formee fitch^e sa. with three fleurs-de-lis ar. to the collar a chain of the second.
Crux (Crux Hall, Harplet and Sheldwich, co. Kent). Same —
Motto Virtus repulsse nescia sordidse.
Anns. Cufte (Wheeler-Cuffe, Leyrath, Kilkenny, bart.). Ar. on
Cryer. Or, two chevronels gu. on, a canton of the last three a bend dancettee sa. three fleurs-de-lis of the field betw. two
annulets ar. cotises az. each charged with three bezants. Crett-^An
Crymes (Peckham, co. Surrey, and co. Devon). Or, three armed man embowed az. holding a baton gu. Motio—
bars gu. each charged with as many martlets of the field, on Animus tamen idem.

a chief az. two bars nebulce ar. Ci-est A martlet vert. Cug"ler. Per fess embattled gu. and az. an arrow in bend
Crymes (Buckland Monachorum, co. Devon, original gran- point upwards shaft or, headed and flighted ar.
tees of the Abbey after the Dissolution). Same Arjns and Cuiler, Az. a Hon ramp. ar. ducally crowned or. Creit —
Crest. broken spear in pale the top falUng towards the sinister ppr.

Crymes. Az. two crosses tau in pale or. Crest An arm Guillen. Gu. on a chev. betw. three dexter hands couped
couped at the shoulder embowed and lying fesseways habited at the wrist ar. a garb of the first betw. two trefoils slipped
or, holding in the hand ppr. a chaplet of laurel vert. vert. Crest —
A mermaid holding a comb and mirror all ppr.
Crynes. Gu. three bendlets or. Crest^A lion's head Cuily (co. Leicester, 4 Henry II.). Ar. a chev. betw. three
erased. mullets of six points pierced sa.
Cubit, or CuTjitt. Erm. a lion's head erased az. Crest— Cuinlevan, or Quinlevan. See O'Qdiklevan.
A dexter and sinister hand issuing from clouds combating Culane, and CulUne (Scotland). Or, two boars' heads
with scimetairs ppr. erased in chief sa. and a cinquefoil in base gu.
Cubitt (Catfield Hall, co. Norfolk). Sa. a bow and arrow ar. Culchetli (Culcheth, co. Lancaster). Ancient Arms, temp.
Crest —An arm in armour holding an an-ow fesseways ppr. —
Edward III. Az. a bend betw. six fleurs-de-lys or. Modern
Cubitt (Honing Hall, co. Norfolk)- Same Arms and Crest. —
Arms Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. an eagle wings elevated
Cubitt (Denbies. co. Surrey). Chequy or and gu. on a pile sa. preying upon an infant ppr. swaddled gu. banded or;
ar. a lion's head erased sa. Crest —A Doric column ppr. in 2nd and 3rd, ar. a griffin segreant az. armed or. Crest— On
front thereof two falchions in saltire ar. pomels and hilts or. a cap of maintenance gu. turned up. erm. a blackamoor
Motto —Fehx qui prudens. standing affrontee holding in his dexter hand a dart all
Cuckborue. Ar. a fret gu. (another, sa.) a chief of the ppr.
last. Crest—Oa a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a fire ppr. Culcheth. (Abram, co. Lancaster, 1664). Same Arm, a
Cuckle, or Cug-ley. Vert a chev. ar. cinquefoil for diff.
Cudderley. Ar. on a chev. betw. three falcons' (another, Culchech. Or, an eagle sa. preying on an infant gu.
eagles') heads erased sa. as many acorns or. swaddled and apparelled of the first. Crest—Two hands
Ouddon (co. Norfolk). Ar. a chev. and a crescent in base issuing from clouds, pulling an anchor from the sea, all ppr.

gu. on a chief az. three bezants. Crest An arm embowed Culefer (Fun. Ent. of Mit.i.ecant, dau. of William Cdlepeb,
in armour the hand grasping a string bow fully bent in fcsso CO, Dorset, d. 5 March, 1633, wife of Bietch of Dublin). Ar.
the arrow in pale point upwards ppr. on a bend sa. cotised gu. a fleur-de-lis in bend betw, two
Cuderley (co. Derby). Ar. on a chev. sa. three acorns or. others in bend sinister or.
Cudford, or Kudford. Az. a chev. betw, eight mullets Culehech, or Culchech (co. Chester). Sa. a griffin

or, three, two, two, and one,


segreant or. Crest An ox-yoke in bend sa.
(co. Suffolk). Ar. three boars' heads couped gu. Culey (CO. Derby). Ar. a chev. sa. cotised az. betw. three
Cudlow, or Cudlowe. Ar. three dragons' heads couped mullets pierced of the second.
gu. Culey, or Culy (co. Derby). Ar. a chev. betw. three
Cudmore, or Cudnor (Kelvedon, co. Kssex, and Suffolk). mullets pierced sa.
Ar. afesse nebulee gu. betw. three eagles displ. sa. anned Culey, or Cuiley (co. Notts). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three
of the second.
Crest—A griffin pass. or. ogresses.
Cudmore (Temple and Loxbeare, co. Devon. Visit. 1620). Culey. Or, a lion ramp. gu. ducally gorged gold. Crest--

Same Arms. Crest A griffin's head gu. An arm embowed, vested gu. cufl' ar. environed with a docai



coronet or (betw. the cuff and elbow) holding in the hand & and gu. abendsa. in the sinister chief quarter a crosier of
Bcimetar ppr. hilt gold. the first.

Cullamore (London). ' Gu. billettee three crescents or. Cumberton. Ar. a chev. betw. three martlets sa,
Crest —A. dcmi Turk in^ profile couped below the waist, Cumine. See Cdmming.
habited ga. billettee or, on the head a turban ar. cap of the Gumming: (Altyre, cp. Elgin, recorded 1715). Az. three
first, on the top a crescent of the third, holding in the dexter garbs or. Crest— A. lion ramp, or, holding in his dexter
hand a Turkish sceptre of the second, having on the top a paw a dagger ppr. Supportersr—'ilYiQ horses ar. Motto —
crescent. Courage.
Cullen (Scotland). Or, two boars' heads erased in cliief sa. Gumming- Grordon (Altyre, bart., 1814). Quarterly, 1st
and a rose in base gu. and 4th, az. three garbs or, 2nd and 3rd, ar. three bends
Cullen (Laughs, eo. Lanark, 1763). Az. an esqmre's helmet sa.each charged with as many roses of the field, for Penrose;
ar, betw. two boars' heads erased in chief, and a cinque- en surtoute, the arms, crest and supporters of Gordon, of
foil in base or. Crest —
A pelican in her nest feeding her Gordonstown. Crest, Supporters and Motto as the last.
young ppr. Motto Non sibi. — Gumming:, Bruce (Major Chas. Lennox Cumuing-Bruce,
Cullen (East Sheen, co. Surrey, hart. extinct 1730). Or,
; M.P., brother of the 2nd bart. of Altyre, and m. to the
an eagle displ. sa. armed gu. —An eagle displ. gu.
Crest heiress of Bruce, of Kinnaird. He is now represented by
Cullen. See O'Cdllen. Lady Thurlow, the only child of his dau. and heir the
Cullen. See McCdllen. Countess ofSlgin). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a saltire and
Culley(co. Devon). Az. afesse betw. three buclcs trippant chief gu. the latter charged on the sinister side with a mullet
or. of tlie first surcharged with a crescent of the second, for
CuXley (Coupland Castle, and Fowberry Tower, eo. North- Bruce; 2nd and 3rd, three garbs or, for Gumming. Crests —
umberland, a family long settled in that county). Per pale On a chapeau a dexter arm in armour from the shoulder
indented az. and sa. on a chev. engr. erm. betw. three resting on the elbow ppr., for Bruce, A lion ramp, or,
talbots' heads erased or, as many roses gu. barbed and holding in his dexter paw a dagger ppr., for Gumming.
seeded ppr. Crest —
In front of an oak tree ppi'. a talbot Mottoes —
Fuimus,.for Bruce; Courage, for Gumming.
statant per pale az. and or, gorged with a collar gemel ar. Gumming:, Movell - Thuxlow- Gumming: - Bruce
holding in the mouth a lily slipped ppr. (Baron Thurlow). Quarterly, Ist, Bruce, or, a saltire gu.
Culleymore (London ;
granted Jan. I6nj. Gu. billettee on a chief of the last, in sinister canton a mullet of the
three crescents ar. first charged with a crescent of the second 2nd, Gumming,

Culliford (Purbeck, co Dorset). Ar. a fesse betw. three az. three garbs or 3rd, Thurlow, ar. on a chev. cottised sa.

nags pass. sa. Crest—Tvo elephants' proboscises addorsed three portcullises with chains and rings of the first; 4th,
ppr. —
HovELL, or, a cross sa. Crests 1st, Bruce: On a cap of
Culliford (Encombe). Ar. a fess betw. three mules pass. sa. maintenance ppr. a dexter arm in armour from the shoulder,
Culling" (Woodlands). Sa. a grifSn segreant or. resting on the elbow also ppr. the hand holding a sceptre
Culling", Ar. a cross wavy sa. Ci-est—A griffin segreant erect or, motto over, " Fuimus." 2nd, Gumming A lion ramp, :

ar. or, holding in the dexter forepaw a dagger ppr., motto over,
Cullin.g'e. Vert a griffin segreant or, on a canton of the " Courage ;" 3rd, Thdrlow A raven ppr. gorged with a chain

second a fleur-de-lis of the first. and pendent a portcullis ar., motto over, " Justitiae soror
Cullingrwrike, or KullingTvike. Ar. a fesse gu. betw. fides;" 4th, HovELL. A greyhound couchant or, collared
three popinjays vert. and line reflexed over the back sa., motto over, " Quo fata
Cullow (Scotland). Gu. three mullets ar. betw. as many vocant.'^ Supporters —
On either side a greyhound or,
crosses crosslet fitchee, one and two, or. collared and line reflexed over the back sa.
Cullowe (Tyntagle, co. Cornwall. William, son of John, Gumming: (Logic, co. Elgin). Az. a mullet betw. three
and grandson of Hesrt Collow, of Tintagell, was aged —
garbs or. Crest A lion ramp, or, holding in his dexter paw
30 at the Visit. 1620). Az. three garbs in pale or. Ci^est — a dagger ppr. Motto —
unicorn's head ar. Gumming" (Belugas, co. Elgin, represented by Sir Thos.
Cullum (Hawsted and Hardwick House, co. Suffolk, bart., Dick Lauder, Bart., as heir of line). Az. a fesse ar. betw.
extinct). Az. a chev. erm. betw. three pelicans or, vulning three garbs or. Crest—A. lion ramp. gu. holding in his
themselves ppr. Crest —
A lion sejant or, holding betw. the dexter paw a dagger ppr. Motto —
paws a column ar. capital and base golil Motto Sustineatur.
. — Gumming*, or Cumine (Auchray, co. Aberdeen, a quo
Cullum (Ireland, Fun. Ent. of Sir Hugh Culluh, Knt. of CuMiNE, of Rattray). Az. a buckle betw. three garbs or.
Cloughouter, co. Cavan, d. 19 June, 1630). Same Arms. —
Orest A sword and dagger saltireways ppr. Motto—
Cullum, or Culme Same Arms.
(Hastede, co. Suffolk). Courage.
Crest —A demi a column or.
lion sejant ppr. supporting Gumming: (Sir Jodn Gumming, Knt., 1782). Same Arms,
Culme (Wynckley, co. Devon). Same Armi. within a bordure ar. Crest —A lion ramp. ppr. Motto—
Ciilme-Seymour, Bart. See Seymour. Courage.
Culpeper (Preston Hall, co. Kent, bart., Sir Geoff-iey Gumming- (Brunthill and Birnes, co. Aberdeen, as recorded,
CoLEPEPER, Knt., was sheriff of co. Kent, temqj. Kdward I. 1672. Gordon, of Pitlurg, the heir of line), Az. a fleur-
Sir ^yILLtAM Culpeper was created a bart. 1627 ; extinct de-lis betw. three garbs or. —
CreH A hand holding a sickle
1722). Ar. a bend engr. gu. ppr. —
Motto Hinc gerbee nostrae.
Culpeper (Wakehurst, co. Sussex, bart. Sir AVilliam Gumming- (Culter, co. Aberdeen, bart.). Az. three garbs
Cdlpeper, so created 1628; extincc 1740). Same Arms. within a bordure or. Crest— A. garb or. Morto Courage. —
Culpepper (Astwood Court, and Feckenham, co. Worces- Cujaard, Bart. Az. on a fess wavy ar. betw. two barrulets
ter. Sir John Culpepper, of Astwood, was sheriff of the also wavy or, three anchors sa. Crest —
On a rock ppr. a
county 1623). Same Arms. Crest —
Afalcon wings expanded falcon, wings expanded ar. the dexter clav,r resting on a
ar. beaked and belled or. cinquefoil az. Motto —
By perseverance.
Culy (cos. Derby and Notts, Sir Hugh de Cult, Knt, temp. Cundall, or Gundell. Or, a cross gu. surmounted by a
Edward Ar. achev. sa. betw. three pellets.
I.), bend az. Ci-est —Two ears of wheat in saltire ppr.
Cumber Or, a fesse dancettde gu. betw. three
(Sussex). Gundy. Ar. two hons pass, in pale az. crowned or.
estoiles sa. Crest —
A lynx's head or, charged with three Gune (Reg. Ulster's Office). Ghequey or and az.
pellets, one and two. Guns (Wesen-Cune, co. Stafford). Or, on a bend sa. three
Cumberbatch. Gu. an eagle displ. betw. three trefoils or. trefoils slipped ar.
Cumberford (co. Stafford). Gu. on a cross engr. or, a rose Cuneon. Ar. fretty gu. a chief of the last.
of the field. Cuning-bame (Kilmaurs, co. Ayr., Earl of Giencairn, title
Cumberland, Earl of. See Clifford. dormant since the death of the 15th Earl in 1796). Ar. a
Cumberland. Ar. a chev. sa. in chief three wolves' heads shakefork sa. Crest—A unicorn's head couped ar. armed or.
erased of the second. Crest —
^A demi wolf saliant sa. —
Supporters Two conies ppr. Motto —
Over fork over.

Another Cre?t A hunting horn gu. betw, two wings ppr. Clining'hame(Corshill, CO. Ayr, bart., 1672, descended from
Cumberland (borne by Eichard Cumberland, Bishop of Andrew, younger son of the 4th Earl of Glencair,i). Ar. a
Peterborough, 169M718. The arms are on his tomb, impaled shakefork sa. in chief a crescent azj Crest ^A unicorn's—
with the arms of the See, in Peterborough Cathedral. Bishop head erased ppr. Motto— Oyer fork ovtr.
Cumberland's father was a tailor in Fleet-street, London). Cuning-hame (Craigends, co. Renfrew, descended frorn
At. a chev. and in chief three wolves' heads erased sa. William, 2nd son of the 1st Earl of Giencairn). Quarterly.
Cumborledge (co. Stafford). Barry of six erm. and sa. on Ist and 4th, ar. a shakefork sa., 2nd and 3rd, or, a fess
a canton or, a fleur-de-lis gu. Crest A unicorn's head — —
chequy az. and ar., for Stewart. Crest A unicorn's head
erased az. couped ar. gorged chequy az, and ar. Motto So foik —
Cumbermere-Monastery (co. Chester), Quarterly, or forward.


Cuniug-hame'(Aucheniiarvie, CO, Ayr, bart., 1673, descended sa., for Erskine, of Balgownie, Crest— An oak tree ppr.
of Ci-aigends).
Ar. a shakefork betw. two lozenges in fess Mo ((0— Tandem.
sa. Orest —
A dexter hand ppr. presentiHR a lozenge or. Cuning-hame (Glengarnock, co. Ayr). Ar. on a shake-

Motto Cura et candore. fork sa. a^ rose of the field.
Cuning-hame, or Cunyng-hame (Milncraigand Leving- Cuning:hame (John, late Provost of Ayr, 1GS2). Ar. a
ston, bart., 1702,descended of Craigends). Ar, a shakefork shakefork sa. betw. three mascles az. Motto —Terra
sa. betw. three fleurs-de-lis az. in chief and flank. Crest— marique.
unicorn ar. unguled, maned and armed or, lying on a mount Cunning-ham.e (Sir Hocn, of Craigend, Lord Provost of
vert. Supportei'S —
Dexter, a knight in complete armour Edinburgh, 1704). Ar. a shakefork betw. three mullets sa.
holding in his dexter hand a lance in pale ppr.; sinister, a bordure indented gu. fretted or. Crest A maid from the —
a knight in the disguise of a countryman with a bonnet middle upwards in antique attire holding in her dexter hand
habited az., bis thighs armed ppr. and in his sinister hand a a balance ppr. Motto— Yirtua praestat auro.
cornfork in pale of the last. Motto —
Per varios casus. Cunning-ham (Edinburgh, 1864). Or, on a shakefork sa.
Cuning-hame -Fair lie (Robertland, co. Ayr, bart,, created four bezants. Crest— A unicorn's head sa, maned and
1630). Quarterly, Ist and itb, or, a Uon ramp, and in chief horned or. Motto Over fork over.—
three stars gu., for Fairlie 2nd, ar. on a fesse az. three stars
; Cuninghame (conHrmed 1796, to Gen. Right Hon. Rodebt
of the first, for Mdbe; 3rd, az. three garbs or, for Cdmming, CuNiNGHAME). Ar a shakefork sa. betw. three roses gu.
over all in an escutcheon of pretence ar. a shakefork betw. seeded or. Crest —
A trunk of an oak tree ppr. with a sprig
a bugle in chief and two castles in base sa., for Cuningham. issuing from the dexter side vert. Motto— Tost prslift
Crei^ts —
A lion's head couped or and, A unicorn's head; prjemia.
couped ppr. armed or. Supporters Two knights in com- — Cuningham, Gun- Cuning'hame (exemplified 15 May,
plete armour holding in their exterior hands batons or. 1826, to Geoege Gun, Esq., of Eiversdalc, co. Kerry, on his
Mottoes —
(above the crests) Paratus sum (below the shield) ;
assuming by royal licence the additional surname and arms
Fortitudine. of Cuninghame). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a shakefork
Cuning-hame (Cuninghamehead, co. Ayr, bart., 1627, sa. betw. three roses gu. barbed and seeded vert, for Cdn-
title extinct or dormant since 1724). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, inghame ;2nd and 3rd, az. a chev. erm. betw. three cannons
grand quarters ar. a shakefork sa. in chief a star of the fesswise, —
two and one, for Gun. Creat The stump of an oak
last; 2nd and 3rd, grand quarters counterquartered 1st ; tree fructed with a single acorn ppr. surmounted with a
and 4th, ar. on a fesse az. three stars of the first, for Mure; scroll inscribed with the word "Tandem." Motto—Over
2nd and 3rd, az. three garbs or, for Cdmming. 0)-esi — fork over.
dexter hand holding the upper part of an anchor by the Cunliffe (Pickersgill-Cunliffe, exemplified to John Cun-
ring ppr. —
Motto Enough in my hand. Supportei-s — hffe Pickersgill, Esq., of Hooley House, co. Surrey, upon
coney and a falcon, both ppr. his assuming by royal licence, in 1867, the additional sur-
Cuning-hame (Caprington, co. Ayr, earlier family). name and arms of Cdnliffe). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa.
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a shakefork sa. 2nd and 3rd, gu, ; three conies courantar., for Cunliffe; 2nd and 3rd, ar.
a lion ramp, ar., for Wallace. three eagles' wings elevated sa. on a chief gu. as many
Cuning-hame (Brighouse and Lainshaw, co. Ayr). Erm. fountains, for Pickersgill. Crest— 1st, Cdnliffe : A grey-
a shakefork sa. a bordure wavy az. Crest A green branch — hound sejant ar. collared sa. ; 2nd, Pickersgill; On a rock
growing out of the broken trunk of an oaktree ppr. ppr. an eagle wings elevated sa. bezantee holding in the
Motto— Non obstante deo. beak a cross crosslet fitchije or. Motto — Fideliter.
Cuning-hame (Brownhill, co. Ayr, cadet of Laglane). Ar. Cunliffe (Liverpool, bart.). Sa. three conies courant ar.

a shakefork sa. in chief a rose gu, surmoimted of an annu- Crest —A greyhound sejant ar. collared sa. Motto — Fideliter.
let of the field. CunlifE (Chislehurst, co. Kent). Same Arms and Crest,
Cuning-hame, orCunyng-hani(Lambrughtonand Cap- Cunyng-hame. See Cdninghame.
rington bart., 1669, a cadet of Laglane). Ar. a shakefork Cupholme (Boston, co. Lincoln, granted 26 Oct. 1562). Gu,
sa. a bordnre erm. Crest —
A dexter hand holding a plumb a ram pass. ar. attired or, betw. three crosses crosslet
inile ppr. Motto — Ad amussim. fitchee of the last. Crest —
A ram's head erased gu. attired
Cuning-hame (Thos. Shith Cdninghame, of Caprington, or.
1850). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar, a shaltefork sa. a bordure Cuppag-e, Ar. a fesse betw. three garbs gu- Crest— A.
erm. 2nd and 3rd, erm. a fesse az. betw. two midlets in
; dial ar.
chief and a hart's head erased attired with ten tynes gu. Cupper (Euborne). Az. a saltire or, on a chief of the last
in base, for Dick. Crests —
A dexter hand holding a plumb two chevs. one issuing from either side the points meeting
rule ppr., and a ship in distress ppr. Supporters— Two in the middle of the first.
horses at liberty ar. maned and hoofed or. Mottoes Ad — Cupper (Glinton, co. Oxford). Ar. on a bend engr. betw,
amussim, and At spes infracta. two lions ramp. sa. armed and langued gu. three plates.
Cuning-hame, or Cunyng-ham (Sir W. H. Dick- Cupper (co. Somerset). Ar. a saltire sa. on a chief or,
CuNYNGHAM, bart., 1669 and 1707; Amis recorded 1850). three lions ramp. gu. Crest —
On a mural crown ar. a peli-
The same quartered coat within a bordure or. Same CreUs can erm. vulning her breast gu. beaked and legged or.

and Mottoes. Supporter.^ Two horses at liberty sa. Cupper (Powick, co. Worcester;. SeeCouPER.
Cuning'hame (linterkine, co. Ayr). Ar. a shakefork sa. Cupper, or Coper (Glymtone, co. Oxford. Visit. Oxon).
a bordure az, charged with eight billets of the first. Crest Same Arms as Couper.
— A demi lion full faced ar. holding in his dexter paw a Curate (Norwich). Sa. a chev. betw. three arrows or,
scroll, and in his sinister a garb ppr. Motto —Sedulo numen barbed and feathered ar.
ad est. Cure (London). Gu. a chev. ar. betw. two roses in chief or,
Cuning'hame (Aikinbar, co. Dumbarton), Quarterly, 1st and in base a fleur-de-lis of the second. Crest— Out, of a
and 4th, ar. a shakefork sa. 2nd and 3rd, ar. an oaktree
; ducal coronet or, a griffin's head wings expanded ar. charged
growing out of a mount in base ppr. surmounted of a fesse on the neck with a rose gu.
az., for Watson. Crest —
A unicorn sejant and grasping an Cure (Blake Hall, near Ongar, Essex), ^rnis and CrcsUs
oaktree with his fore feet, all ppr. Motifi Hlhi robori — the preceding. Motto— Vais qui doit an'ive qui pourra.
robur. Cure (Kensington, co. Middlesex). Gu. a chev. betw. two
Cuning'hame (Barns, co. Fife, 16thcentuiy;. Ar. a shake- roses in chief and in base a fleur-de-lis ar.
fork sa. in chief a mullet gu. Curington. Ar. on a bend vert six falchions in pairs sal-
Cuning-hame (Stockholm, 1680, descended from Barns). tireways of the fleld hilted or.
Ar. a shakefork sa. a bordure wavy az. charged with six Curie (Hatfield, co. Hertford, confirmed 17 Dec. 1586). Vert
plates. Crest —
A martlet volant over water ppr. Motto — a chev. or.
Prosperc qui sedulo. Curie (Soberton, co. Hants). Vert a chev. engr. or. Crest
Cuninghame (Polmaise, co. Stirling, 16th century). Ar. — An eagle wings expanded ppr. beaked and legged or.
on a shakefork sa. a mullet of the field. Curie or Kyrle (London). Vert on a chev. betw, three

Cuning'hame (Kdinburgh 1673, descended of Drumquhas- fleurs-de-lis or, a cinquefoil gu. C^-esi— On a mount vert a

Ar. a shakefork sa. betw. three roses gu. Crest — hedgehog or.

trunk of an oak tree ppr, -with a sprig vert. Motto — Curley. Vert on a chev. or, three cinquefoils pierced gu.
Tandem. Crest— On a mural coronet or, a dragon's head erased vert
Cuning-hame Quarterly, 1st and 4th, grand
(Balgownie). ducally gorged and lined of the first issuing from the moutb
quarters ar. a shakefork sa, in chief a mullet gu. a bordure flames of fire ppr.
engr. of the last; 2nd and 3rd, grand quarters counter- Curling- (co. Kent). Or, on a pile gu. a leopard's heai
quartered; 1st and 4th, az. a bend betw. six crosses crosslet jessant-de-hs of the field. Crest —A
savage's head in profllo
fitchee, for Mar; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a pale within a borilure ppr. wreathed about the temples vert.


CuxUniT (Maesmawr Hall, co. Montgomery). Same Anns. Curry, or Cory (Reg. Ulster's Oflflce). Sa. on a chev
Crest— O'at of a mural crown or, a dragon's head erased vert betw. three grifBns' heads erased or, as many estoiles gu.
ducally gorged and chained gold. Motto Finem respice. — Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet a griffin's head erased or,
Ctirnin. See O'Cuknin. betw. two wings gold, a semee of estoiles sa.
Curr, and Curre (Clemenstone and Itton Court, co. Gla- Curry. Gu. a saltire or, in chief a rose of the last. Crest —
morgan, descended from John Cubre, Esq., and Maby his A cock gu.
wife, eldest dau. and co-heir of Humpuret TDEBERViLLE,Esq., Curry. Same Arm,3 within a bordure or. Crest A demi —
of Clemenstone). Ar. a cross engr. gu. in the first and fourth lion ar. Jlfo«o— Fortis et lenis.
quarters a heart az., in the second and thirds a rose of the Curryer (London). Ar. on a mount an oak tree, all ppr.
second. on a chief gu. a bezant betw. two greyhounds' heads erased
Currel, or Curie (Scotland). Ar. a fesse gu. hetw. two of the first. Orest —A cinquefoil vert.
spur rowels in chief, and a hunting horn in base sa. stringed Cursey, or Cursy. Az.frettyor.
of the second. Crest— A
huglehom stringed and knotted. Cursham, or Curson (Eev. Thomas Leeson Cursham,
Motto —Forward. or Cdbson, D.C.L., of Mansfield), Arms, *fcc,, as those of
Currell (co. Devon). Ar. on a fesse sa. hetw. three Cornish CuEZON, Baron Scarsdale.
choughs of the last, heaked and legged gu. as many estoiles Curson (Cropton and Croxall, co. Derby. Visit. London,
or. Crest —
A peacock's head couped ppr.

1568). Az. on a bend, betw. two lions ramp. ar. three
Curren (Scotland). Ar. three shields in fesse sa. Crest popinjays vert, membered gu. collared or, quartering, vair6
A parrot's head betw. two wings ppr. or and gu. on a chief sa. three horse shoes ar., and, gu. on a
Cuxrer (Kildwick, co. York). Erm. three bars gemel sa. on bend ar. three martlets sa. Ci-csi— A cockatrice with wings

a chief az. a lion pass. ar. Crest A lion's head erased ar, endorsed and tail nowed gu.
collared sa. rimmed and studded or. Motto ^Merite. — Curson (Kedleston, co. Derby). Ar. on a bend sa. three
Currer (Eshton Hall, Briefly, and Kildwick, co. York). popinjays or, collared and membered gu. Crest— A popinjay
Quarterly, 1st and 4tli, same Arms as the preceding, for with wings expanded or, beaked, legged, and collared gu*
Ccbbeb; 2nd and 3rd, sa. on a chief ar. three lions' heads Curson (Water Perry, co. Oxford, hart., extinct 1750 ;
erased of the field, for BicnABcsocr. descended from Waltee, younger son of Walteb Cubson,
Currer (Clifton House, co. York, exemplified to the Eev. Esq. of Kedleston, co. Derby. Visit. Oxon). Same Arms,
Danson Kicdakdson Eoundell, of Clifton House, ou his &c. a mullet for diff,
assuming, by royal licence, name of Ccbrer.
1806, the Curson (Derby). Quarterly, ar, and or, in the Ist and 4th
He was Eoundell, by Mart,
third son of Rev. Williasi quarters, a martlet sa.; in the 2nd and 3rd, a bend chequy
his wife, dau. of Eev. Henby Eichabdson, son of Eichabd of the 1st and 3rd, cotised of the last.
EiCHARDBON, Esq., of Bricrly, co. York, by Dorothy, Curson (cos. Derby and Stafford). Chequy or and sa. a
his wife, dau. of Henby Cdbbeb, Esq., of Kildwick, in same fesse ar. \

CO.). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, same Arms as Currer of Curson (Letheringsett, Erm. a bend counter-
co. Norfolk).
Kildwick, for Cubber 2nd and 3rd, or, a fesse gu, betw. —
compony ar, and sa. Crest ^Two arms in armour ppr.

three laurel branches ppr., for Eoundell. Crests 1st, — couped at the shoulders garnished or, holding a sword fesse-
Cdeeeb: a lion's head erased ar. gorged with a collar sa. ways, the dexter gauntlet, the point to the sinister.
hilt in the
charged with three bezants 2nd, Eoundell A sword in
; : Curson (Norfolk). Ar. on a bend sa. three doves of the field
pale ar. hilt and pomel or, grip gu. Motto Merere. — collared and membered gu,
Currer. Erm. three bars humettee gu. on a chief az. a lion Curson (Norfolk). Az. a bend chequy or and az. on a chief
pass, guard, ar. —Same as Cubbeb of Kildwick.
Crest gu. two lions ramp, of the second.
Currey. Gu. a on a chief sa. a rose of the second,
saltire ar. Curson (Norfolk). Ar. a bqnd gu. bezantee.
barbed and seeded vert. Crest—A rose ar. as in the arms. Curson (Suffolk). Ar. on a bend sa. three martlets or.
Currey (granted to Eobebt Cdbeey, Esq., of Kerne Hill, co. Curson (Suffolk). Ar. a bend sa. betw. three grifBnsV(an-
Surrey), Gu. on a pile ar. three cscocheons of the field, other, wivems') heads erased gu,
each charged with a rose of the second, barbed and seeded Curson. Same Arms, adding three martlets on the bend ar.
vert. Crest —
Betw. two oak branches fructed ppr, an Curson. Az. on a bend betw. two lions ramp. ar. three
escocheon gu. charged with a rose as in the arms. .Motto — popinjays vert, beaked, membered, and collared gu. (another,
Esperance. three doves of the field membered gu.).
Currie, Corrie, Curry, or Corry (East Horaley, co, Curson, Ar. on a bend sa. betw. three wiverns' heads
Surrey, Cheshire, Bush Hill, co. Middlesex, and London, couped gu. langued az. as many popinjays of the first, col-
, formerly of Dunse, co. Berwick, from 1570 to 1765, des- lared and membered of the third.
cended from a cadet of Cubbib, or Cobby, of that Ilk, Sir Curson, Barry of six or and az. semee of fieurs-de-lis over
Walter de Cubbie swore allegiance to Edward I., 1296). all, six, five, four, three, two, and one, counterchanged.

Gu. a saltire ar. a rose in chief of the last, barbed and Curson. Erm. a bend chequy ar. and sa.
seeded vert. Crest—A cock gu. Curson. Ar. on a fesse gu. three wolves' heads couped, of
Currie (Fanham Hall, co. Hertford). Same Arms. Crest — the field, in chief a mullet of the second.
A cock gu. Curson. Gu. hillettee on a bend or, three escallops sa.
Currie (Newhy and Kelwood, Scotland). Same Arms, with Curson. Ar. a cross counter compony, of the first and
a chief sa, sa.
Currie (Crayford, co. Kent, bart.). Same Arms, the saltire Curson. Paly of six, ar, and sa. on a chev. gu. a, crosslet
couped. Crest— A cock ppr. resting its foot upon a rose ar, or.
barbed and seeded ppr. Curtain. Ar. a. chev, az. on a. chief gu. three crosses
Currie (Bush Hill, co. Middlesex, and Minley Manor, co. crosslet or.
Hants). Same A.rm^. Crest A cock gu. — Curtaine. Ar. a fret gu. a chief az.
Currie (Minley Manor, Middlesex). Gu. a saltire ar. in Curtayne. Erm. a cross crosslet titchte gu. Crest- Ona
chief a rose of the second, barbed and seeded ppr. Crest— rock a leopard sejant ppr.
A cock gu. Cuxteis (Appledore, co. Kent. The arms are recorded In an
Currie (Ireland). Az. a lion pass, guard, or. Crest An — ancient pedigree of the family, under the sign and seal of
arm in armour emUowed, holding a spear, all ppr. Segar, Garter, transcribed by John Philipot, Blanche Lion.
Currie. Ar. a saltire couped gu. and also in several old MSS. in the Harleian CoUection;
Curriers, Company of (London). Az, a cross engr. they were remaining in glass in a window on the south side
or, betw. four pair of curriers' shaves in saltire ar. handled of Eomney Church, in 1612, and are to be seen in the roof
of the second. Crest —
^Two arms embowed ppr, vested to of the Cloisters of Christ Church, Canterbury). Ar. a chev.
the elbow ar. issuing from clouds of the first, holding in sa.betw. three bulls' heads, cabossed, gu. Crest —
hands a shave, as in the arms. 5ujij)or(erB—Dexter, unicorn pass, or, betw. four trees ppr,
a buck
ppr. attired and hoofed or sinister, a goat ar. armed
; Curteis (Otterden Place, co. Kent, a branch of the family of
and hoofed or. Motto— Spes nostra Deus. Appledore: the heiress, Anna Curteis, m. 1st, Thomas,
Curror (Logic and Innerlocky, Scotland). Ar. a fesse gu. son of Sir Geoegb Wheleb, Knt. ; and 2ndly. Homphbey
hetw. two mullets in chief and a himting-hom in base sa. Walcot, Esq., of Sudbury, co. Salop). Same Anm and
stringed of the second. Crest.
Curry (granted to Miss Louisa Curry, of Manchester, to Curteis (formerly of Tenterden and Eye, now of 'Windmill
her uncles, Fbahcis and Paul Cuhbt, and their descend- Hill, Sussex, deriving from Stephen Curteis, Esq.,
ants). Quarterly, or, and ar. two lions pasa. in pale sa. all Mayor of Tenterden, in 1622, youngest son of William
within a bordure az. and gu. Crest— A griffin's head erased CoBTEifl, of Tenterden, and grandson of Thomas Curteis of
ar. charged on the neck with an annulet
gu. and holding in Appledore). Same Arms and Crest.
the beak another annulet az. Motto Aspiro. — Curteis (Windmill Hill, cq. Sussex). Same Arms and Cre^t.



Curteis (Canterbury). Same Arms, the chev. ga. Crest Curweu (Workington, co. Cumberland, bart., extinct I6G1;
as last. "an ancient knightley family," says Camden, "descended
Curteis (Lord Mayor of London, 1557). Bany -n-avyof six from Gospatric, Bxrl of Northumberland;" the heiress,
ar. and sh. a chev. or, betw. three hezants, on a chief.of the Isabella Cukwen, m. John Christian, Esq., of Unerigg
third two dolphins, in pale, endorsed, betw. as maoy anchors Hall). Ar. fretty gu. a chief az. Ci-est^A unicorn's head
az. erased ar. armed or. Motto Si je n'estoy, —
Curteis (London). Barry wavy of six, ar. and sa. a chev. Curwen (Cumerton, co. York). Same Arms, on the chief
betw. three torteaux, on a chief az. two dolphins haurient, an escallop ar.
endorsed betw. as many anchors or. Curwen. Same Arms^ on the chief three escallops or.
Curteis. Gu.achev. vairbetw. three bulls' heads cabossed, Curzon-Howe {Earl Howe). See Howe.
ar. Creit—A wolfs head couped, ar, collared and spilced sa. Curzon {Baron Scarsdale). Ar. on a bend sa. three popin-
chained or. jays or, collared gu. Crest —
A popinjay rising or, collared
Curteis. Sa. three barrulets wavy ar. betw. as many gu. Anothir Crest —A
cockatrice wings elevated or, tail
plates, on a chief or, two dolphins erect and endorsed, betw. nowed -with a head at the bend thereof. Supporters—
as many anchors az. Dexter, the figure of Prudence represented by a womon
Curteis. Or, three mullets pierced gu. habited ar. mantled az. holding in her sinister hand a javelin
Curteis, Curtois, or Curtoys. Sa. three fleurs-de-lis entwined with a remora (i.e., serpent) ppr.; sinister, the
or. Crest —A demi husbandman vested az. holding over of Liberality also represented by a woman habited ar.
his shoulder an ox-yoke ppr. mantled purp. holding a cornucopia ppr. Motto~B.QztQ et
Curteis (Somerlcis and Dronfield, co. Derby). Per sa. ar. suaviter.
and sa., four bears pass, counterchanged, in the centre a Curzoa (Baron Dc la Zouche). Ar. on a bend
sa. three pop-
bezant. injays or, collared gu., quartering,
1st, ar. on a bend cotised
Curtess, Curtiss, and Curteys, Az. a chev. dan- gu. Tbree bezants, for Bisshopp 2nd, az. three swans' heads

cettee, betw. three mural coronets or. —

Crest A dcmi erased at the neck ar., for Hedges; 3rd, per fesse or and
husbandman, holding over his shoulder a plouglish^re ppr. gu. a pale counterchanged three Cornish choughs ppr., for
Curteys, Sa. a fesse betw. three horses' heads couped, ar. Tate 4th, gu. ten bezants, four, three, two, and one, a

bridled gu. canton erm., for Zouchb. Crest —

A popinjay rising or,
Curtb.ain. Ar. a cross sa. betw. four eagles displ. gu. collared gu. —
Supporters Two popinjays wings displ. and
Curthaw, or Curlyho (co. Northampton). Gu. a fesse inverted ar. beaked, membered, and belled or. Motto Let —
ar. in chief threelozenges of the second. Curzon holde what Curzon helde.
Curtis (Gatcombe, co. Hants, bart.). Per fesse wavy ar. Curzon (Breedon, co. Leicester). Ar. on a bend sa. three
and sa. in chief the rock of Gibraltar surrounded by fortifi- popinjays or, collared gu. Crest —A
popinjay rising or, col-
cations and the sea, and in base three fleurs-de-lis of the lared gu. Motto— Let Curzon holde what Curzon helde.
first, on a canton gu. a sword erect ppr., hilted and pom- Curzon (Whalley, co. Lancaster). Same Ar-n\\ a crescent
melled or, eutwisted with a palm branch vert. Crest Out — for diff.

of a naval coronet or, an arm habitee az. cuffed ar. support- Curzon (Loking, co. Berks), Vaire or and gu. on a bordure
ing a flag-staff ppr., thereon a flag also az. charged with a sa. eight popinjays ar.
wolfs head of the second in the canton gyronny of four gu. Curzon (Falde, co. Stafford). Same Arms.
and az. a white cross, all within a bordure gold. Motto — Curzon. Ar. on a bend sa. betw, three dragons' heads
Per ardua. erased gu. as many popinjays of the field.
Curtis (Cullands Grove, co. Middlesex, bart., created 1802). Curzon (Croxhall). Az. on a bend betw. two lions ramp. ar.
Paly of six or and az. a fesse chequy ar. and sa. in base a three popinjays vert.
sword ppr. pommel and hilt of the first surmounting a key in Curzon. Ar, a bend compony or and az, on a chief gu-^two
saltier of the second, on a canton gu. a dragon's wings erect lions pass, guard, in pale of the second.
of the third. Crest— A ram's head couped ar. surmounted Curzon-Koper (Baron Teynham). See Ropee.
by two branches of oak in saltire ppr. Motto Gradatim — Cusac-Smitli, Bart. See Smith.
vincimus. Cusack (Killeen, Gerrardstown, Lismullen, and Clonard,
Curtis (London; confirmed 9 May, 1632). Az. a fesse dan- CO. Meath). Per pale or and az. a fesse counterchangedr
cettde betw. three ducal coronets or. quartering Golding, St. Laurence, Beacfort, Holland,
Curtis (Tuddenham Hall, co. Suffolk). Az. a chev. dan- and Planxagenet. Crest —A mermaid sa. holding in the-
cettee betw. three mural coronets or. Crest —
A lion sejant dexter hand a sword, and in the sinister a sceptre ppr.

ppr. supporting with his dexter paw a shield of the arms. Mottoes "Ave Maria, plena gratia! " and "En Dieu est
Curtis (East Cliff House, Teigumouth, co. Devon). Erm. a mon cspoir."
chev. sa. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or, quartering Savage, of Cusack Ealph Cosack, Knt., Clerk of the Crown and
Elraley Castle, co. Worcester. Crest —
An arm embowed, Hanaper). Same Arms.
habited in mail, holding in the hand ppr, a scimetar ar. Cusack. Per pale ar. and sa. a fesse counterchanged.
hilt andpomelor. —
Another Crest An arm erect habited in Cusacke. —
Vaire ar. and sa. Crest A dexter hand with a
mail ppr. garnished ar. holding in the hand, also ppr. a couteau sword indented on the back cutting at a quill all ppr.

sword of the last, hilt and pomel or. Motto Velle bene Cusacke. Per pale ar. and gu. a fesse betw. three plain
facere. crosses all counterchanged.
Curtis. Paly of six, or and az. a fesse countercompony of Cusacke. Sa, a maunch and fleur-de-lis or.
the same. Cusance. Ar. a bend engr. in the sinister quarter an
C Lirtis (Registered 8 Aug. 1712 to Eobeet Cuetis of Roscrea, escallop sa.
CO. Tipperary, M.P. for Duleek, <fcc.). Barry of six or and Cusanor. Sa. four fusils in bend ar. on the second an
az. on a fess chequy ar. and sa. three martlets of the first. escallop of the field.
Crest —
A dolphin naiant az. pierced in the side with a feather Cusanor, or Cusavor. Sa. seven fusils in bend ar.
or. Cusant, Sa. a bend fusily ar.
Curtlaud. Or, three cinquefoils pierced gu. Cusanz (co. Hants). Sa. seven fusils in bend ar,
Curtler (Bevere House, co. Worcester). Per pale indented Cushe, or Cush.. Ar. on a chev. sa. three fountains, in
az. and sa. two chevronels betw. three lions ramp. or. the dexter chief point a mullet of the second. Crest—
Crest —A lion's head erased, bendy, sinister, or and az. cock sa. combed and wattled gu.
ducally crowned gold, from the mouth flames issuant ppr. Cushney (Aberdeen 1672). Ar. a chev. engr. sa. ensigned *

Motto —Labor omnia vincit. on the top with a fleur-de-lis betw. two mullets in chief and
CurtraaxL (co. Devon). Ar. three old fashioned helmets sa. a crescent in base az. Crest— An anchor ppr. surmounted
Curtoys (co. Chester). Barry of six or and az. a fesse by a fleur-de-lis or. Motto—S^es memn solatium.
countercompony of the flrst and sa. betw. three mullets Cusing:ton. Ar. three cinquefoils or,
gold. Cussans (Jamaica; granted 1767). Or, an eagle displ. gn.
Curtoys. Ar, a chev. sa. betw. three bulls' heads gu, in chief two barrulets az. Crest —
An eagle displ. gn-
Curtoys (The Longhills, co. Lincoln). Paly of six or and charged on the breast with a bend ar. thereon three fleurs-
az. a fesse chequy sa. and ar. Crest —An escallop. Motto de-lis sa,
— —
Soyez compatissant Soyez courtois. Cussans, or De Cusance. Same Arms. Crest—A-
Curtoys. Per pale or and vert three maunches counter- dexter hand holding up a boar's head erased and erect ppr.'
changed. Cust (Belton, co. Lincoln). This family has two coats. The
Curtoys (quartered by Gat, of Goldworthy, co. Devon. ancient, ar. on a chev. wavy sa. a death's head ppr. Crest—
Visit. 1620). Ar. three fleurs-de-lis sa. A dexter arm, sleeve ar. hand ppr. holding a Bcroll, on wbicb
Curtoys, or Surtoys. Erm. on a quarter gu. an orle ar. is the motto, In cruce salus. —
J-Zo^o In morte quies. But
Curway. Sa. a saltire engr. or. the arms now used by the family, and borne by the Costb,


of Belton, are, erm. on a chev. sa. three fountains ppr. dragons' heads erased vert ; 2nd, ar. three eel spears erect,
quartering, in consequence of the marriage of Sir R. Cust, two and one, sa. ; 3rd, gu. on a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-
Bart., with Asse, dau. of Sir William Brownlow, Bart., or, lis ar. as many morions sa.
an escutcheon betw. eight martlets sa. Ore&ts 1st A lion's — : Cutler (Suffolk). Az. three dragons' heads erased or,
head erased sa. collared chequy ar. and az. 2nd: On a cap langued gu. Crest—A. dragon's head erased or, ducully


of maintenance ppr. a greyhound or. Motto Opera illius gorged gu.

mea sunt. Cutler (Suffolk). Az. on a fesse cotised or, betw. three
Oust {Earl o/Brcw.iZoio). Erm. on a chev. sa. three fountains dragons' heads erased of the second a cock and two doves
ppr. Crest —A lion's Uead erased sa. collared paly wavy of volant gu.
six ar. and az. —
Supporters ^Two lions reguard. ar. gorged Cutler (Westminster, granted 27 March, 1693). Az. thrco
. with collars paly wavy ar. and az. Motto Opera illius — dragons' heads erased or, a chief ar. Crest A dragon's —
mea sunt. head erased az. gorged with a mural coronet or, holding in
Cust (Stamford, co. Lincoln.; granted 31 May, 1G63). Same the mouth a laurel branch vert.
Arins. Crest —A lion's head erased sa. collared gobony ar, Cutler (Bloherby, co. Leicester. Visit. Leicester, 1619).
andaz. Ar. three dragons' heads erased gu. Crest ^A dragon's —
Qustace. Az. on a bend erm. three legs couped at the head erased gu.
thish or. Cutler (Stainbrough Hall, co. York, descended from Johx
Custauce (Weston House, Norwich, descended from Eobeet CuTLEtt, Standard Bearer during the War of the Roses, temp,
Cdstance, an owner of estates in co. Norfolk, teiap, Henry Henry VI.). Az. three dragons' heads erased within a
YIIl., d. 1549). Or,an eagle charged on tlie breast bordure or. —
Crest A wivern's head erased or, ducally
with a star of six points of the first, quartering Hambleton. collared az.
Creit —
A demi eagle displ. gu. on the breast a star of six Cutler (Sidraouth, co. Devon, descended from Stainbrough).
points or. Motto —
Appeiitus ration! pareat. Same Arms and Crest.
distance. Or, a rustre sa. Crest A covered cup. — Cutler (Upton, co. Devon, descended from Stainbrough).
Costanton. Az. three leopards' faces ar. a canton or. Same Arms and Crest.
Guste (Somersetshire). Ar. on a bend dancettee sa. three Cutlers, Company of (London). Gu. three pair of
fleurs-de-Us of the field. swords in saltire ar. hilts and pomel or, two pair in chief
Cutbert, or Cutbercl(Oundle and Warrington, co. North- and one —
in base. Crest ^An elephant's head coupcii gu.
ampton; granted 12 June, 1654). Ar. on a fesse gn. three
— —
armed or. Another Crest An elephant ar. armed or, on
crosses crosslet fitchee of the first. Crest ^A lion's head his back a castle of the last, the trappings, girth, &;c., gold.
erased ar. collared gu. thereon three crosses crosslet fitchee In the top of the lower two pennons inclining to the dexter
of the fii^t. —
and sinister gu. Supporters ^Two elephants ar. Motto —
Cutbert. two lions pass, gohonated ar. and gu.
Sa. Pour parvenir a bonne foy.
Cutcliffe (Ilfracombe, co. Devon). Gu. three pruning hooks, Cutt (Dartmouth, co. Devon). Sa. a bend cotised or, each
blades ar. handles or. Motto— Vin^it premendo. cotise charged with four fleurs-de-lis of the field.
Cutcliffe (Damage, co. Devon; borne by the sisters and Cutt (CO. Devon). Sa. three fleurs-de-hs in bend betw. two
co-heirs of the late Col. Cutcliffe, of Webbery, in Devon- cotises "or.

shire, one of whom m. Z. H. Drake, Esq., of Springfield, in Cuttes (Essex). Ar. on a bend engr. sa, three plates eacli
the same co. A branch of the same family is settled at charged with a martlet of the second within a bordure
Barnstaple). Gu. three pruning hooks ar. gobonated or and gu.
Cuth.bert (Wickford, co. Essex). Ar. on a fesse gu, a cross Cutting:. Ar. fretty of eight gu. on a chief az. an escallop
pattfie betw. two cross crossleta fitchee or. or. Crest —
A demi griffin ar. collared az. holding betw. hi.?
Cuthbert (Castlehill, co. Inverness). Or, a fesse gu. in claws an escallop or.
chief a serpent az. —
Ore$t A hand in a gauntlet holding a Cutts Cambridge, hart., extinct 1670, des-
(Childerley, co.

dart ppr. Motto- ^Nec minus fortiter, cended from Sir John Cutts, Knt. of Thaxted, in Essex,
Cuthbert (Provost of Inverness 167'2). Vert a fesse engr. who settled at Childerley before the year 151G; Sir Johns
betw. four mullets ar. and an arrow in pale surmounting the last direct descendant, Sir John Cutts, of Childerley, was
fesse point downwards ppr. —
Motto ^Tandem fit arbor. created abart. in 1660, but d. unm. in 1670, when the estate
Cuthbert (Bailie of Inverness 1672). The same, but for diff. of Childerley passed to a distant relative, Bichabd Cutts.
the fesse indented on the upper, and engr. on the under side. Esq., of Woodhall, in Essex, father of John Cutts, Lord
MotU> —Tandem fit sureulus arbor. Cutts, of Gowran, the gallant companion in arms of the
Cuthbert (Rosshall, co. Aberdeen, 1750). Or, a fess gu. Buke of Marlborough). Ar. oaa bend engr. sa. three plates.
betw. a serpent az. in chief and a fir-tree growing out of a Crest — A greyhound's head erased ar. collared gu. ringed or-
mount in base vert. Crest— A hand in a gauntlet holding a Cutts {Lord Cutts, of Gowran. John Cutts, Esq., of Chil-
dart ppr. Jf^fJo—Spero. derley, was so created in the peerage of Ireland, 1690, d. s. p.
Cutbbert (Canada East, <1778). Or, on a fess az. three 1706). Same Arms and Ci-est.

a serpent ghding in pale of the second,

fraaes ar. in chief Cutts (Kent). Or, on a bend engr. sa. three plates eaeli

armed and langued gu. Crest A cubit arm holding an charged with a martlet of the second.
arrow ppr. Motto Fortiter. — Cutts. Or, on a bend engr. sa. three bezants each chargctl
Cuthbert (Dalleagles, co. Ayr, 18G9). Quarterly, 1st and with a mullet sa.
4th, per fess or and erm. a fess gu. in chief a serpent in pale Cutts. Ar. on a bend engr. sa. three bezants within a
vert, for Cothbekt 2nd and 3rd, az. a stag's head erased bordure gobony or and gu.

attired of ten tynes or, within a bordurc ar., for Reid. —

Cuyet. Gu. a cross vair. Crest A goat's head erased sa.

Great A cubit arm erect the hand grasping a tilting spear Cuyler (St. John's Lodge, co. Herts, bart.). Per pale era-
in bend sinister ppr. —
Motto Nee minus fortiter. battled gu, and az. an arrow in bend or, barbed and flighted
Cuthbert (Witton Castle, co. Durham). Same Arms and ar. point upwards. Cj-est —
On a mural crown ppr. a battle-
Crest as CcTBEET, Oundle. axe erect surmounted by two. arrows in saltier or, flighted
Cuthbert, or Cuthburst. Ar. three chev. sa. on each ar. point upwards. Motto —
Deo non sagittis fido.
five bezants. Crest— On a heart gu. an eagle's claw erased Cyfer, or Sy^er. Az. three bars gemelles and a chief
at the thigh. ar. Crest —A head ppr.
Cuthbert-Keaniey. See Keabnet. Cyfferwest (Cowame). Sa. three bars in chief a lion pass-
Cuthbert, or Cuthburt. Ar. on a fesse gu. three cross ar.
crosslets fitchee of the field. Cre&t —On a heart gu. an eagle's Cylmin, or Cilmm Troed-ddu (Glynllifon in Uwcli
claw erased at the thigh. Gwir Vae, Wales. Cilmin was contemporary with Boderick
Cuthbert. Or, a serpent ghding in pale ppr. debruised by the Great, King of Wales, with whom he came out of the
a fesse gu. Crest— An arm embowed in armour grasping a North in the ninth century, the Gltns, of Glyn Llivon, derive;
broken spear all ppr. from him). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a double-headed eaglo-
Cuthell. Or, a bend gu. Crest— On a ducal coronet or, a displ. sa. 2nd and 3rd, ar. four fiery ragged stakes gu., an
; I

leopard sejant gorged ppr. over all on an escutcheon ar. a man's leg couped at th;;
Cutler (Lechlade, co. Gloucester). Az. three griffins' heads thigh sa.
erased or. Cynric Efell {Lord of Eglwys Egle, son of Sladoc, lasl
Cutler (Ipswich, co. Suffolk, granted by William Camden, Prince Powys-Fadog.
of Descendants I. Davies, of:

Clarencenx, 21 July, 1612). Or, three bends sa. over all a Gwysaney, co. Flint; IL Davies, of Marrington Hall, co.
lion ramp. gu. —
Crest ^A demi lion gu. holding a Danish Salop; lit. Wynnes, of Tower, co. Flint; IV. Eytons, of
axe, the staff gold and head ar. Leeswood, co. FUnc; V. Wynnes, of Heartsheath, co. Flint).
Cutler (Chantey, co. Suffolk). Same Arms and Crest. Gu. on a bend ar. a lion pass. sa.
Cutler (Rye, co. Suffolk). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. three Cynrio ap Rhiwallon, See Kynveig.


Dacre Cumberland and Westmoreland), Same Arr.i8.
Crest —
A demi tiger ducally gorged and chained ppr.

Dacre. Same Arms. Crest A bull statant, tail extended
BABBINS (1616). Gu. five estoiles or, hetvr. two flaunches gu. Motto —
Forte en loyaute.
chequy ar. and sa. Ci^est —Out of a mural coronet chequy Dacre (Lanercost, co. Cumberland, descended from Sir
ar. and sa. an acorn or, leaved vert. Thomas Dacre, of the Abbey estate, natural son of Lord
Dabbs. See Dobbs. Dacre). Same ArTiis, with a baton sinister.
Babcott. Or, two lions pass, guard, gu. Dacre. Gu. three lozenges or, in chief as many escallops ar.
Dabernon (co. Devon). Ar. a cross flory sa. on a chief az. D'Acre. Az. on a cross ar. five escallops gu. Crest ^Au —
three estoiles or. eagle rising ppr.
Dabernou Hants and Surrey). Az. a chev. or,
(cos. Dacres (Cheshunt, co. Hertford, and London). Or, a chev.
Dabernon co. Devon; temp. Edward I.; the
(Bradford sa. betw. three torteaux, each charged with an escallop ar.
Same Arms.
heiress m. Dennis). Dacres. Gu. a chev. betw. three escallops ar.
Dabernon (Dunsland, co. Devon; ienip. Henry VI. ; the Dacres. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. tbree pellets, on each an
heiress m. AbscotT). Ar. a chev. and in chief three escallop of the first. —
Crest A dove ar. charged on the
escallops or. breast with an escallop or, betw. two oak branches vert,
Dabernon, or D'Abernoun (Stoke Dabernon, co. fructed gold.
Surrey). The same Arms. Dacton. Quarterly, perfess indented ar. and az.
Daberon (Sir MArrnEw Daberon, Ent., temp. King Dadale. Gu. three plates.
Stephen. Sidney Ped. hy Cooke, Clarenceux). Az. a Dade (Tannington, co- Suffolk, and Woodton, co. Norfolk,
chev. or. temp. Edward IV.). Gu. a chev. betw. three garbs or,
Dabeton. Per fesse in chief bendy of six or and sa. in Crest —
A garb or, enfiled with a ducal coronet per pale az.
base erm. and gu.
Dabetot (confirmed temp. Henry VII. to Willtam Dabbtot, Dadley. Ar. a chev. or, betw. three bucks' horns affixed
co.Warwick. Her. Vis.). Az. a chev. or, betw. three bezants. to the scalp sa. Crest— A naked arm embowed, holding in
Dabe'WS. Ar. a cross betw. four square buckles gu. the hand two shps of columbines, all ppr. Motto— In males
Dabgreene, or Dabgreyne. Ar. a chev. engr. hetw. cornu.
three leopards' faces sa. D'Aeth (Knowlton Court, co. Kent, bart., extinct 1808;
Dabitot (CO. Worcester). Erm. a chief bendy of six or and originally from Flanders; Sir Thomas D'Aeth, created a
sa. Crest —A dove and olive branch ppr. hart., 1716. Sir Narbobough D'Aeth, 3rd bare. d. unm.
Dabitot (co. Worcester). Erm. a chief bendy of six, or 1808). Sa. a grifiin pass, or, betw. three crescents ar. Crest
and az. —-A griffin's head erased or. AnoUier Crest A griffin's —
Dabitot. Or, a lion pass, guard, gu. in chief (another, in head couped or, holding in the mouth a trefoil shpped vert.
base) az. D'Aeth (Hugbes-D'Aeth, Knowlton Court, co. Kent. George
Dabitot. Or, two lions pass, guard, gu. William Hughes, Esq., having succeeded to the estates of
Dabitot (Redmarley Dabitot, co. Worcester). Per pale or his cousin, Sir Nabborough D'Aeth, 3rd and last bart.,
and gu. three roundles counterchanged. assumed the additional name and arras of D'Aeth),
Dabitot (Geoffeet Dabitot, temp. Edward I.). Or, two Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. a griffin pass, or, betw. three
lions pass, guard, that in chief gu. that in base az. crescents, ar., for D'Aeth 2nd and 4rd, sa. a chev. betw.
Dabitot (Bedwardine, co. Worcester). Same^rTTis.

three fleurs-de-lis ar., for Hughes. Crest ^A griffin's head,
Dabitot (Hindlip, co. Worcester). Per pale gu. and vert, erased or, in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert.
two lions pass, guard, ar. Dag"g:et. Ar. on a chief az. three crescents or. Crest-—An
Dabmore. Ar. a fesse betw. three human legs couped at eagle displ. gu. charged with a bezant.
the thigh sa. Dagley. Paly of six ar., gu., or, sa., as the first, and az., a
Daborne (Guildford, co. Surrey). Az. a chev. betw. three chief erm. Crest- —
Minerva's head from the shoulders
crosses patonce (another, flory) or. affront^e.
D*Abrich.e court Sauchet D'Abeichecoubt, derived
(Sir Dagnell. Gu. three bezants.
from a family of that name seated and lords of the Castle of Dag-nia (South Shields, co. Durham, and Newcastle-on-
Aubricipourt, in Hainault was one of the Founder Knights
; Tyne). Ar. on a bend sa. fimbriated gold three annulets of
of the Garter. His plate remains in his stall the thirteenth the field.
on the Sovereign's side). Erm. three bars humettee gu. DagTwortb (lord Dagworth, temp. Edward II. Thomas de
Crest —
Out of a dueal coronet or, a plume of feathers ar. Dagworth, summoned to Parliament 1347). Erm. on a
debruised by two bars gu. each charged with three lozenges bend gu. three bezants.
of the first. DagTWorth. Or, a fesse gu, plat^e. Crest A lion's paw —
Dabridgrcourt (co. Hants, 1629, and co. Warwick). Erm. erased, holding up the hilt of a broken sword ppr.

two bars humettee gu. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, DagTvorth. (Aldington, co, Kent). Sa. a Hon ramp. ar.
four feathers ar. charged with two bars gu. each charged crowned or.
with three mascles of the first. Daig'ers. Or, an orle of estoiles gu,
Dabridgcourt. Barry of six gu. and erm. a bordure of Daile (Scotland, 1681). Gu. on a mount in base verfc a
the first. swan reguard, ar. Crest —A swan's head and neck couped
Dabridgcourt (painted on a wall in Northleye Church, ppr. Motto —Laudes canoheroum.
cp. Oxford. Visit. 1574). Erm. three crosses humettee fess- Daintry. Sa. abend ar. betw. two cotises engr. or. Crest

ways gu. —A bull's head ducally gorged ppr.

Dabridge court, Erm. on three bars humettee gu. six Daintry (Rhode Hall, co. Chester), Sa. a bend erm. betw.
escallops or, three, two, and one. two cotises engr. or.
Daccomb (Stapleton, co. Dorset). Vert, a, grifBn segreant Daisie, or Deisie (Scotland), Ar. three daisies gu. stalked
ar. Crest —Two wings conjoined ppr. and leaved vert.
Daccome (Croft Castle, co. Dorset). Same Arms, a crescent Daisie, Deasie, or Daises (Scotland). Erm. a palo

for difl. Crest— An oak tree ppr. fructed or, round the tree vert. Crest —A hawk's head erased ppr.
a scroll, with this Motto — Virtutis robore robor. Daken£.eld. Sa. a chev. betw. three crescents or,

Dacbard, Dacber, or Dacherd. Or, five fusils in DeAkeny, Dakeny, or Deakene (co. Norfollt. Sir

bend gu. (another, sa.). Baldwyn de Akeny, Knt., temp. William I.). Az. a crossar.
Dackcombe (Stepleton, co. Dorset). Gu. on a chev. or, betw." four hons or.
betw. three roses ar. as many steeples (or spires) of Dakeney (cos. Derby and York. Humphrey Dakeney held
churches az. lands temp. Edward I. and II. in the Peak of Derby. Ho
Da Costa. Or, three broken shankbones fesseways in pale was ancestor of the Dakyns, Dakeynes, or Deakisnes of
gu. the broken parts to the exterior. Crest A reindeer — Biggin Grange, Chelmorden, Stubbing Edge, &c,, co. Derby,
pass. ppr. and of Hackness, Linton, Attercliffe, Brandes Burton, &c.,
Dacre (Lord Dacre. Ranulph de Dacke was summoned to CO. York). Ar. a cross betw. four lioncels gu.
Parliament 1482. The granddau. and heiress of the fourth Dakyns (Linton, co. York). Ancient Arms^ same as the
lord, carried the barony out of the family. See Bband, preceding; granted by Flower, Norroy, 1563, gu, a lion pass.
Lord Dacre). Gu. three escallops or. guard, betw. two mullets in pale or, and as many flaunches
Dacre {Lord Dacre of Gillesland. Sir Humphry Dacre, ar. charged with a lion ramp. sa. Crest— A dexter arm
eldest surviving son of Thomas, fourth Lord Dacre (whose embowed ppr. issuing out of a naval coronet or, holding a
barony passed through the dau. of his eldest son to the battle-axe ar. on the wrist a ribbon az. Motto Strilie —
present peer) was summoned to Parliament 1482; in abey- Dakyns, the devil's in the herape.
ance since 1569). Same Arms, Dakyns (Hackness, co. York). Same Arms.
; A


Dakyns, or Dakeyne (Biggin Grange and Snitterton of two eagles' heads erased and addorsed ppr. an escutcheon
descended from John Daetns, brother of Abthcr Daktns, az. charged with a bezant.
Esq., of Linton). Same A-nm (the flamiches charged with Dale (Bristowe; Henbt Dale of that place, ;John Dale,
griffins sa.), Crest, and Motto. citizen of London, and Mathew Dale, a judge in Guildhall,
DakyzLS (Bagthorpe, co. Notts). Same Ai-ttis, Crests and in 1612, sons of Mathew Dale, the son of William Dale,
Motto, of Bristow, Her. Visit.). Sa, on a chev, or, betw. three
Dakyene (Stubbing Edge, co. Derby; descended from cranes rising ar. seven torteaux.
Abtbdb Da£etme, Esq., of Linton). Same ArmSj Crest, and Dales, or Dalles. Ar. three ducal coronets gu. —
Motto. A demi lion ramp, gu.
or, collared
Dakeyne (Darley Dale, co. Derby; descended from Thouas Dalg-arner. Gu, a fesse betw. three boars' heads couped ar.
Dakeyne, Esq., of Bonsall, grandson of Bichabd Dakeyne, Dalg-ety. Or, three pelicans' heads vulning themselves sa.
Esq., of Stubbing, temp. James L). Same Arms, Crest, and Crest—A lion ramp, guard, az.
Motto. Dalgrleish (Scotscraig, Scotland). Ar. a tree eradicated,
Delacour (granted 1869, to John Delacoub, Esq., Lieut. lying fesseways vert, betw. three pheons az. Crest A book —
11th dragoons). Ar. on a saltire gu. betw. two trefoils —
expanded ppr. Motto ^Deliciae meae.
slipped one in chief and one iu base vert, as many swords Dalhousie, £)arl of. See Bamsat.
in saltire points upwards, of the first, pommelled and hilted Dalingmg'g'e. Ar. a cross engr, gu. Crest—A demi lion
or. (^est —
^An Irish wolf dog pass, ppr., gorged with a ppr.
collar gemelle gu. and charged on the shoulder with a trefoil Dalison (Laughton, co, Lincoln, bart., extinct 1645, de-
slipped vert. —
Motto Fortis et fideUs. scended from William Dalison, Esq of Laughton, Es-
Daladowne (London). Gu. an orle of twelve escallops or. cheator of co. Lincoln, temp. Henry VIII., d. 1546). Gu.
Dalazn. Erm. three cinquefoils in pale sa. betw. two three crescents or, a canton erm. Crest—A man completely
flaunches of the last, each charged with a bear pass. ar. accoutred in armour ppr. holding in the dexter hand a
D' Albany. Gu. a lion ramp, or,
Dalberg-Acton {Baron Acton). See Acton.
battle-axe ar. handled gu. Motto —
D'accomplir Agincourt.
Dalison (Hamptons, co. Kent, descended from William
Dalberough, or Daldebrough. Gu. a lion ramp. Dalison, Justice of the King's Bench, second son of William
erm. semee-de-lis az. Dalison, Esq., of Laughton). Same Arms, Crest, ajid Motto.
Dalbery, or Dalubxiry. Gu. three buglehorns ar. Dalison. Ar. a pile engr. sa.
stringed or. Dallaber. Az. a boar's head couped in fesse or, betw. three
Dalbiac (London, and France). Per fesse gu. and or, in escallops in chief and six crosses crosslet in base ar.
chief a spur ar. in base an olive tree eradicated and fructed Dallabere. Az. three boars' heads couped in fesse betw,
ppr. twelve crosses crosslet or.
Salbiac (borne by General Sir James Chasles Dalbiac, Dallamer. Ar. on a bend az, three eagles displ. or.
E.C.H., eldest son of Charles Dalbiac, Esq., of Hunger- Dallas (Petsal, co. Stafford, hart.). Ar. abend az, betw.
ford Park, CO. Bedford). Per fesse gu. and or, in chief the three mullets gu. Crest— A crescent per pale or and gu.
head and forelegs of a crocodile issuant, and in base an olive —
Motto Lux venit ab alto.
tree eradicated and fructed ppr. Crest —A
dove with an Dallas (St. Martin's, co. Boss, as recorded 1815, for Sir
olive branch, all ppr. Thomas Dallas, K.C.B.). Ar. afess betw, five stars of six
Dalbie (Brookhampton, co. Warwick). Barry wary of sis points gu. Crest—An increscent ar. Motto Lux venit ah —
ar. and gu, alto.
Dalbie, or Dalby. Or, three bars gn. Crest—A. crane Dallas-forke. See Yobke.
reguard. resting the dexter claw on a stone, all ppr. Dallas. At. a bend az. betw. three mullets gu. Oresi—
Dalbreth. Gu. a bordure indented ar. crescent per pale ar, and gu.
Dalby Donnington, co. Leicester, settled there for
(Castle Dallaway (Brinscombe, Birmingham, circa 1600). Or,
several centuries). Barry wavy of six or and gu, Crest-~ on a bend gu. betw. six martlets sa. a broken spear of the
A demi griffin segreant ppr. Motto In Deo spero. — field. —
Crest ^A demi lion ramp. or. Motto —
^Notandi sunt
Dalby (co. Warwick). Same Arms, &e. tibi mores.

Dalby. Same Arms. Crest A demi Hercules, lion's skin Dallaway (Rev. James Dallaway, late Secretary to the
and club issuing from the wreath. Earl Marshal). Barry of six ar. and az. on a chief gu. two
Balby (Exton, co. Rutland Rogeb, son of William Flowee,
; pallets or, over all a tilting spear bendwise ppr.
Sheriff of Rutland, 10 Bichard il., m. Katbebine, dau. and Dallender (Poynings, co. Sussex, and Buckland, co. Surrey).
co-heir of William Daleye. Her. Visit. 1618). Ar. a Vaire ar. and gu. a bordure az. bezantee. Crest An eagle's —
bend engr. and a canton sa. head vaire ar. and gu.
Dalby. Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three round buckles or. Dalley. Ar. three crosses crosslet fitchee in pale sa. betw.
Dalby. Az. a chief and bordure or. two pellets, on a chief gu. a fleur-de-lis ar. Crest ^A demi —
Dalby. Ar. two chevs. engr. and a canton sa. angel issuing, holding a griflfin's head erased ppr.
DaldebtLrgrh, or Dalderbrigrhe. Gu. a lion ramp. ar. DallhanL, or Dalliain (London). Erm. three cinquefoils
charged on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis az. sa.two and one, betw, two flaunches of the last, each charged
Dalden, Ar. a cross patonce hetw. four martlets vert. with a coney pass, or (another, ar.).
Dalderby. Ar. a chev. betw. two escallops in chief and a Dalling' (Burwood Park, co. Surrey, bart., extinct). Erm.
cross crosslet fitch^e in base gu. on a bend sa. three acorns or, slipped vert. Crest ^A cubit —
Dale (Brentwood, co. Essex). Sa. on a chev. or, betw. three arm erect holding a branch of oak fructed ppr.
hawks rising ar. beaked, legged, and belled of the second, —
Dalling:. Same Arms. Crest A cannon therefrom a chain
five torteaux. in form of an arch and within it a lion's head erased ppr.
Dale (London, and co. Northampton, 1613). Gu. on a DaHlng*, alias Bulwer (Estwicke, co. Norfolk). Gu. on
mount vert a swan ar. membered and ducally gorged or. a chev. betw. three eagles close reguard. or, as memy cinque-
Crest —On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a heron ar. beaked, foils sa.
legged, and ducally gorged or. Dalling: and Bul'nrer, liord. See Lttton-Bolwer.
Dale (cos. Northumberland and Tork). Gu. a swan, wings Dalling*. Erm. on a bend sa. three trefoils or, on a chief
ar. Crest —A stork ppr. gu. an anchor betw. two martlets ar.
(co, confirmed 1602). Paly of six ar. and gu.
Rutland ; Dalling. Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three holly leaves (an-

on a chief az, three garbs or. Crest Three Danish battle- other, woodbine leaves) vert, as many bezants,
axes erect, handles or, headed ar. enfiled with a chaplet of Dalling:. Same Arrm, a chief gu. charged with an anchor
rosea gold. betw. two martlets ar.
Dale (co. Surrey). Ar. on a bend sa. three hinds pass, or. Dalling-er. Erm. a cross engr. gu.
Dale. Ar. two Uons pass, in pale az. Dalling'ho'we (Suffolk). Vert nine fleurs-de-lis ar. three,
Dale, Ar. on a bend sa. three talbots (another, wolves) three, and three.
courant of the field, armed and langued gu. Crest A naked — DallingTidg:e, or Dalingrise. Or, a cross engr. gu.
arm embowed, holding a sword bendwaya ppr. Dalling1;on (co. Lincoln). Per pale ar. and gu. two bends
Dale (Fun. Ent. Ulster's Off; Matthew Dale, of Greenwood coimterchanged.
Hall, parish of Stoke, co. Essex, d. 5 May, 1614, buried in St. Dallingiion. Az. a chev. betw. three doves ar.
Andrew's Church, Dublin), Same Arms. Dally. Az. a fesse betw. three crescents ar. Creat-An
Dale (Glanvilles-Wotton House, co. Dorset). Az. three bugle- arm erect vested sa. cuff. ar. in the hand ppr. an arrow of
horns. Crest —
A garb ppr. the last.
Dale. Ar. three pallets gu. Dallysou (Hornsey, co. Middlesex, granted 14 December,
Dale (David Dale, Esq., of Darlington, co. Durham). Az. 24 King Charles !.). Ar, on a pile engr. az. three crescents
a swan ar. betw, four bezants saltirewise. Orest ^In front — of the first. Crest—The sun or, rising from clouds ppr.
257 S


Dalmahoy (Dalmalioy, Scotland, a family of distinction I of cross crosslets ar. Crests —
1st, Fitzgeeald : A boar pasa,
and rank in Mid Lothian, temp. Alexander IIT. Sir John gu. bristled and armed or; 2nd, Dalton: A dragon's head
Dalmahot, of that Ilk, was created a baronet in 1679). Az. couped vert betw. two wings or. Motto Shanet a boo. —
in chief three spur rowels ar. Crest A dexter hand — Dalton (Stanraore, co. Middlesex, a branch of the Daltonu,
brandishing a sword, all ppr. Supporters—Two serpents of Thurnham. Arms and Crest, same as Dalton, of Thurn-
nowed ppr. Motto —Absque metu. ham, quartering Woodwaed, Letbouene, Hastings, and
Dalmer (London). Vert, a lion ramp, erminois, in chief

Clinton. Motto Inter cruces trumphans in cruce.
three mullets of six points ar. pierced of the field.- Crest Dalton (Durham). Ar. three lozenges gu. each charged
A demi lion ramp, erminois erased gu., betw. the paws a with a saltire of the first.
mullet as in the arms. Dalton (Grant - Dalton, Shanks House, co. Somerset,
Dalmond (co. Devon). Ar. a fesse betw. three human legs exemplified to Dalton Fosteb Grant, Esq., upon his taking
couped at the thighs sa. the name of Dalton in addition to and after that of Geant
IDalnbery. Gu. three buglehorns ar. stringed or. by royal licence 12 May, 1826). Quarterly, 1st and 4th:
Dalrymple {Barl of Stair). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, or, quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a lion ramp. betw. nine cross
on a saltier az. nine lozenges of the field, for Dalrtmple; crosslets ar. a canton erm,, for Dalton; 2nd and 3rd, gu.
2nd and 3rd, or, a chev. chequy sa. and ar. betw. three a lion pass, guard, ar. imperially crowned ppr. betw. three
water bougets of the second, for Koss. Supporters Two — antique crowns or, for Geant 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a chev.

lions gu. —
Crest A rock ppr. —
Motto Quiescam. Another engr. sa. betw. three buglehorns of the second as many
Motto— Firm. escallops of the first, for Foster. Ci-ests 1st, Dalton: On —
Dalrymple <Cousland, Scotland, bart. 1698 the 6th bart.
; a mount ppr. a dragon's head couped vert betw. two wings
became 8th Sari of Stair). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, on a or, each charged with across crossletsa.; 2nd, Geant: A
saltire az. nine lozenges of the field in chief a water budget boar's head couped ar. Motto Stabit conscius atqui.—
sa. 2nd and 3rd, sa. a cross flory cantoned with four galleys
; Dalton (Lancashire). Az, a lion ramp. ar. crowned or.
ar., for Fletcheb, of Cranston. Crest—A. rock ppr. Motto Dalton (Kingstou-on-Hull, Hawkeswell, Bedale, andSlening-
—Be firm. ford, CO. York ; Dugdale's Visitation, 1666). Arms, same
Dalrymple (North Berwick, bart. 1697). Or, on a saltire as of Bispham, co. Lancaster. Crest —
A dragon's head
az. betw. two water budgets in flanks sa. nine lozenges of the vert, betw. two wings displ. or, gorged with a collar nebulee
field. Crest —
^A rock ppr. —
Motto Be firm. Supporters — ar.
Dexter, a lion guard, gu., sinister, a falcon ppr. Dalton (Myton, co. York). Az. semfie of crosses crosslet
Dalrymple (Sir Hugh Whitefoobd Dalkymple, Bart., fitchee or,a lion ramp. ar.
1815, title extinct at the death of his' son and successor). Dalton (Dalton Haye, co. York and London. James
Or, on a saltire az. betw. a star in chief gu. and two water Dalton, one of the Judges in the Sheriff's Court in London,
budgets in flanks sa. nine lozenges of the field. Same Crest and double reader in Lincoln's Inn, whose wife was Mabt,
and Motto. 27th child of Geoege Rolle, Esq., of Stevenstone, co.
Dalrymple Horn iElphinstone (Logic Elphinstone, Devon. Visit. London, 1568). Az. semee of crosses crosslet a
CO.Aberdeen, hart., 1827). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, on a lion ramp, reguard, ar., charged on the breast with a mullet
saltire az. betw. two water budgets in flanks sa. nine lozenges gu. Crest —
A dragon's head vert. betw. two wings or,
of the field, for Daxbtmple 2nd and 3rd, or, three hunting
; pellettde.
horns gu., for Hoen en surtout, ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three
; Dalton York).
(co. Az. a. lion ramp, guard, ar. within ft

boars' heads gu. a mitre or, a bordure of the third, for bordure engr. or,

Elphinstone. Crests Two horns erect per fesse or and sa. Dalton (co. York). Ar. a cross az. betw, four popiDjaya
counterchanged, for Hoen a rock ppr. on which the Motto,
; vert.
Firm, for Daleymple; and an armed hand erect ppr. Dalton (co. York). Gu, a saltire couped ar.
holding an ostrich feather sa., for Elpbinstone. Supporters Dalton (Norroy, King of Arms, 1st Mary I, d. 1561). Az.
— Dexter, a bull sa. armed and unguled or; sinister, an semee-de-lis or, (sometimes, ar.) a lion ramp, reguard. ar.
eagle wings expanded sa. armed or. JiToWo— (below the
- Crest —Adragon's head vert purfled and winged or. Motto—
shield) Moneo et munio. God my Defender.
Dalrymple Hay- (Park Place, co. Wigton, bart., 1798). Dalton (Sheffield. From the monument of Lady John
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, on a saltire az. nine lozenges of Mdeeay, formerly Dalton, in Sheffield parish church),
the field a bordure gu. 2nd and 3rd, ar. three inescutcheona
; Gu. semee of cross crosslets a lion ramp. ar.

gu, in chief an oxyoke in fesse ppr. Crests A rock ppr., for Dalton. Sa. three lozenges ar. on each a saltire gu. Crest —
Dalbtmple a falcon ppr. charged on the breast with an
; A ram's head, couped ar. attired or,
escutcheon gu., for Hat. Supporters—T-vio volunteers of Dalton, Ar. a cross az. betw. three ringdoves vert, beaked
the corps of Wigtonshire ppr. Mottoes Firm, for — and legged gu.
Daleymplb Serva jugum, for Hay.
; Dalton. Ar. three bars az. in chief as many lozenges gu.
Dalston (Dalston Hall, co. Cumberland, bart., extinct 1765, Dalton. Gu. two bars or, in chief three roses ar.
descended from Bobeet de Dalston, younger brother of Dalton, Lozengy ar. andsa.
HoBEET DB Vadx, Lord of Gillesland, who assumed his Dalton (Croft). Az. crusily and a lion ramp. ar. (formerly
name from his residence, his descendant Sir Wm. Dalston, the family bore also a chief nebulee ar. and sa. but this has
was created a bart. 1641, for his loyalty to Charles I. Visit. long been disused). Crest— A wivern's head couped vert,
Cumberland, 1615). Ar. a chev. (sometimes, engr.)betw. gorged with a collar nebulee or, betw. two wings displ. also
three daws' heads erased sa. beaked or. Crest— Out of a vert, inside of the wings gold. Motto PatientiS, victrix. —
ducal coronet or, a falcon's head ppr. D'Alton (Count D' Alton, of Greenastown, co. Tipperaiy,
Dalston (Acornbank, co. Westmoreland, a branch of created a Count of the Holy Roman Empire by the Empress
Dalston, of Dalston, derived from a younger son of Maria Theresa, 25 April, 1777, and authorized to bear the
Thomas Dalston, temp. Henry VIII.). Same Arms and Crest. title and use the arms in this Kingdom by Royal Warrant
Dalton (Dalton, co. Lancaster). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az, 26 Oct. 1785). Az. a lion ramp. ar. armed and langued or,
crusily a lion ramp, guard, ar. crowned or ; 2nd and 3rd, double queued, tail twisted, five fleur-de-lis of the last, two
harry of six ar. and az. in chief three lozenges gu. in chief, as many in fess, and one in base. Crests 1st: On —
Dalton (Bispham, co. Lancaster). Az. crusily or, a lion a ducal coronet or, ornamented with pearls on the straw-
ramp, guard, ar. a chief harry nebiil^e of four of the last berry leaves and betw. them, an eagle displ. sa. looking to
and sa. Crest— A dragon's head vert betw. two wings or. the sinister, langued gu, and crowned with a similar coronet
Dalton (Thurnham, originally of Bispham, co. Lancaster* 2nd Out of a coronet same as the last, a demi lion ramp,

the heiress, Elizabeth Dalton, elder dau. of Eobeet ar. armed and langued or, holding in the dexter paw, an
Dalton, Esq., of Thurnham, m. William Hoghton, Esq., olive branch vert. Supporters —
^Two hons ramp. ar. armed
of Park Hall, and had a son, John Hoghton, who assumed and langued or. JVfotto—Tristus et fideUs.
the surname and arras of Dalton). Az. semee of crosses D'Alton (Dundonell, co. Westmeath, Fun. Ent. of Johh
crosslct a lion ramp, guard, ar. Crest —
^A dragon's head D'Alton, of that place, d. 20 July, 1636 he was great great ;

vert betw. two wings or. Supporters (as borne by Sir John grandson of Heney D'Alton, of the same place, who was

Dalton, Knt. banneret, 1389)- ^Two lions, as in the arms. grandson of Pieece D'Alton, Esq., of Ballymore, in same co.).
D alt on-Fit zger aid (exemplified to Sir James Richard Az. a lion ramp, guard, ar. charged on the shoulder with
FiTZGERAU>, 9th bart., of Castle Ishen, co. Cork, Thurnham a crescent sa. betw. five fleurs-de-lis or.
Hall, CO. Lancaster, and Bigods Hall, co. Essex, on his assum- D'Alton (Keg. Ulster's Office). Gu. two bars or, the upper
ing the name of Dalton in addition to and before that of one charged with a cross crosslet of the field, in chief three
Fitzgerald, by royal licence dated 4 April, 1867). Quar- roses ar.
terly, iBt and 4th, Fitzgeeald erm. a saltire gu. 2nd and
: ; Daliibery. Gu. three buglehorns ar. stringed of the second.
3rd, Dalton: az a lion ramp, guard, within an orle Dalvoy. Chequy ar. and az.


J)alway (Fun. Ent. of the wife of John Dobb, and dau. and Damboys. Paly of six, or and gu. a jaw-bone in pale az.
heir of John Dalwat, buried in Dublin 8 Nov. 1620). Sa. Crest—A rock sa.
three lions pass, guard, ar. armed and langued gu. two and Damboys (France). Paly of six or and gu. a dolphin hau-
one, those in chief counterpass. rient az.
Dal*way (granted 1795 to Koah Webb, Esq.,, of Bellahill, Da eck. Gu. three rplhoiinewheels or.
CO. Antrim, on assuming by royal licence the name of Dam.eck, or Dameke. Gu. three cinquefoils or, within
Dalway in lieu of Webb, in pursuance of the will of as many annulets of the same.
Mabxiott Dalway, of BellahiU). Ar. two lions in chief Damend and Damenor. Or, a lion ramp. az. depressed
counterpass. and one in base all guard, gu. armed and by a charged with three martlets ar.
fesse gu.

langued az. Crest A demi lion ramp. gu. holding in his Darner (Milton Abbey, co. Dorset). Barry nebula of six ar.
paws a staff erect ppr. on a banner appendant thereto, and and gu. over all a bend engr. az. Oi'cst Out of a mural —
floatant to the sinister ar. a saltire of the first. Motto~~-EBU} coronet or, a talbot's head az. eared gold.
quod audes. Darner (Earl of Dorchester in Great Britain, and Lord Milton
Daly. See O'Dalt. in Ireland, created Earl 1792, extinct 1808). Same Anns and
Daly, or O'Daly (Killymore, Carrowna Kelly, Dunsandle, Crest. —
Supporters Dexter, a talbot az. murally gorged and
Kaford, Dalystown, Quansbury, Benmore, &c.. co. Galway, of eared or; sinister, a talbot ar. murally gorged and eared az.
ancient Celtic origin). Per fesse ar. and or, a lion ramp, per Darner (Earl of Portarlington). See Dawson-Dameb.
fesse sa. and gu. in chief two dexter hands couped at the Damerex. Barry wavy of six ar. and gu.
wrists of the last. Crest —
In front of an oak tree ppr. fructed Damerley. Gu. on a chief az. three crosses crosslet fitchee
or, a greyhound courant sa. Motto—Deo fidelis et Regi. ar. Crest — A dexter hand brandishing a scimetar aloft,
Daly (Baron Dunsandle and Clan Conal.Lord Dimsandle all ppr.
quarters arms Daly Powee
the following : ; French ;
Damerley. Same Arms. Crest— ^A lion's head erased,
Maxwell; Calderwood; Deniston; Barri; Canttllon). within a chain or,disposed in orle.
Per fesse ar. and or, a lion ramp, per fesse sa. and gu., in Damerley. Per fesse az. and gu. three crosses crosslet
chief two dexter hands couped of the last. Crest— Before an fitchee ar.
oat tree ppr. a greyhound courant sa. Supporters — Damerley. Gu. on a chief ,az. three crescents ar.
Dexter, a lion ramp, as in the arms; sinister, a greyhound Damerley. Sa. on a fesse ar. three escallops of the field.
ppr. gorged with an Irish or pointed crown, or. Motto— Damerley. Gu. three crescents in fesse ar. a chief or.
Deo fidelis et regi. Damery, or Danmere, Vaire ar. and gu. a label of
Daly (Eaford, co. Galway, exemplified 1837, to John Archer five points sa.
Blake, eldest son of the late Andrew William Blare, Esq., D'Amery, or Aumary (Park House, Stourbridge).
of Furbough, co. Galway, on his assuming by royal licence Same Arms as Damorie, of co. Somerset, the bend being
the surname of Daly, in lieu of Blake, in compliance with engr. Crest —As Damorie, of co. Gloucester. J^o«o—Tune
the will of his matemaJ grand uncle, Hyacinth Daly, Esq., of cede malis.
Eaford). Per fess ar. and or, a .lion ramp, per fess sa. and Damilston (Crapwood, Scotland). Ar. a bend sa.
gu. in chief two dexter hands couped at the wrist of the Dammant. Sa. a turnip leaved ppr. a chief or, gutt€e de
last. Crest— A greyhound courant sa. collared in front of an poix. —A dexter hand brandishing a
Crest scimetar ppr.
oak tree ppr. fructed gold. Damme (quartered by Fodntaine, through Walshe). Sa.
Dalyell (Binns, co. Linhthgow, hart., 1685 the heiress m. : three fishes naiant in pale ar.
MoNTEiTH of Auldcathie). Sa. a naked man with his arms Damner. Or, a lion ramp. az. over ail on a fesse gu. three
extended ppr. on a canton ar. a sword and pistol in saltire martlets ar.
ppr. Crest—A dexter hand brandishing a scymetar ppr.
, Damo. Quarterly, per pale indented or and gu. in the 1st
Sup'porters —
Two pavilion poles ppr. Motto I dare. — and 4th quarter a quatrefoil of the second.
Dalyell (Binns, paternally Menteith). Quarterly, 1st and Damock. Per bend sinister or and az. a lion ramp, coun-
4tb, or, a bend chequy sa. and ar. betw. three buckles az., —
terchanged. Crest A gauntlet supporting a spear sa.
for Menteith ; 2nd and 3rd, sa. a naked man ppr. a canton Damoe* Quarterly, per pale indented gu. and or, on the
ar. charged with a sword and pistol, saltirewise, gu. Crest — first and last quarters five lozenges conjunct of the second,
A dexter hand, holding a scimetar ppr., hilted and pom- one, three, and one.
melled or. —
Supporters ^Two lions sejant, guard, gu. D'Amory (Great Mylton Church, co. Oxford. Visit. 1574).

Mottoes 1 dare : (and below the arms) Right and Reason. Barry nebulee of six ar. and gu. a bend az,
Dalyngrug-e (Sussex). Or, a cross engr. gu. Crest — Damorie (co. Somerset, 15 Henry II.). Same Arms. Crest —
unicorn's head. Out of a mural coronet or, a talbot's head az. eared of the
Dalyn (Johanna, dau. and coheir of John Dalyn of Luttes- first.
ford, m. John Vely, Esq., of Hartland, co. Devon, 18 Henry Damory, or Damouy. Barry wavy of six ar. and gii. a
VIII. 1526. Visit. 1620). Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three bend az. Crest—A long cross recrossed, and standing on
plane leaves vert as many bezants. three greices gu.
Dalyson. See Dalison. Damory, or Damouy. Same^rms. Crest —A wolf
Dalzell (Dalzell, co. Lanark, Earl of Ca-i-nwath). Sa. a courant ppr.
naked man with arms extended ppr. Crest A dagger erect— Dam.ory Barry of six ar. and gu. a bend az.
az. pomel and hilt or. —
Supporters ^Two chevaliers in com- Ci'est —
demi lion ramp, guard, sa.
plete armour, each bearing a target on his exterior arm Damory. Barry wavy of six gu. and vert, a bend erm.
ppr. Motto —
I dare. Damory. Vaire ar. and gu.
Dalzell (Glenea,bart., 1666; the 3rd bart. became 6th Earl Dampier. Or, a lion ramp. sa. in chief a label of three
of Camwath, and was attainted in 1716). The same arms points gu.
within a bordure ar. Crest —
A dexter hand issuing out of a Dampier (Colingshays, co. Somerset), Or, a lion ramp. sa.
cloud grasping a spear in bend ppr. Motto I dare. — on a chief gu. a label of five points ar. Crest A demi lion —
Dalzell (London 1672). As Earl of Camwath, within a —
ramp. sa. ducally crowned or. Motto Dominus Petramea.

bordure engr. ar. Crest A demi man in armour holding a Dampier (Thomas Dampier, Bishop of St. Asaph, 1802-8,
scymetar brandished aloft ppr. Motto I dare. — and of Ely 1808-12). Same Ar-ms.
Dalzell (Lingo, co. Fife). Sa. a naked man his arms ex- Damport (co. Chester, granted 1582). Ar. a chev. betw.
tended ppr, betw. two stars or, a bordure of the last. Crest three crosses crosslet fitchee sa. within a bordure engr. gu.
— A hand grasping a scymitar ppr. Motto I dare. — Crest —
A lion pass. erm. ducally crowned or, reposing the
Dam (Hadham, co. Hereford, granted by Cooke, Clarenceux, dexter paw on an escutcheon of the last.
Ear. MSS. 1069). Or, a griffin pass. az. on a chief gu. three Damport. Az. three (another, two) spades or. Crest —
fleurs-de-ha ar. CVest—Out of a mural crown a hawk's head. Same as the last.
Daman. Ar. a tower flanked by a wall and two turrets, gu. Damport. Az. three crosses ar. two and one.
Damarell (co. Devon, temp. Edward II.). Gu. three Damport. See Davenport.
crescents or. Damvers. Gu. a chev. betw. three mullets pierced oi-.
Damarell. Per fesse, az. and gu. three crescents in fesse ar. Dan, or Dann. Or, a chev. chequy gu. and ar. betw.
Damarell (Milton Damarell, co. Devon). Az. on a chief —
three trefoils sUpped vert. Crest Out of a mural coronet a
gu. three crescents ar. demi monkey ramp. ppr.
Damarell (North Huish, co. Devon; the heiress m. Danbury. Ar. a cross betw. four mullets gu.
Trenchabd). Same Arms. Danby (Danby, co. York). Ar. three chevronels braced, in
Dama,rell (Woodbury, co. Devon; the coheirs m. Bonville the base point of the escutcheon sa. on a chief of the second
and Malteaveks). Per fesse gu. and az. three crescents ar. three mullets of the first. Crest —
A scorpion erect or.
Dambemort, or DambrenLort. Erm. two bars Danby (Swinton, co. York; descended from Sir Robert
humettee gu. Danby, GMef Justice Common Pleas, temp. Edward IV,, 5tli
259 S 2


son of Thomas Danby, Lord of Danhy. William Dahby, Dandy (Cretingham, co. Suffolk). Az. on a saltire or, betw.
Esq., of Swinton, High Sheriff co. York, the last male four bucks trippant ar. a leopard's head gu. Creat—Sa.m&
descendant of this line, d. 1833). Same Arms and Oi-est. as the^ last.
Danby (Great Langton. William Danby, Esq., living Dandy (Trewen, co. Cornwall ; descended, says Lysong,
there at Visit. YorK, 1585). Same Arv}s^ quartering, Gu. from a younger branch of the ancient baronial family of
three lozenges ar. and also, Ar. on a saltire aa. a plate betw.
; Dawnet. of Shevrock). Ar. on a bend cotised sa. three
six hillets of the first. quatrefoilfl of the first.
Danby (Yafford, quartered hy Kitson of Hengrave. Harl. Dandy, or Danny (William Dandt, alias Danny, Esq.,
MS. 1487). Ar. a chev. betw. three mullets gu. of Lanerth, co. Cornwall, Visit. 1620, grandson of Thomas
Danby (co. York). Ar. on a bend sa. three birds of tlie Dawndy, or Danny, of same place, descended from Dan-
field. NEYs, of Sheviok, same co.). Ar. on a bend coiised sa. three
Dancastle (co. Berks). Az. a hall or, issuing fire from the cinquefoils or.
top ppr. Crest — ^A stag's head ar. attired or, wounded in Dane (Wells, co. Somerset). Sa. a serpent entwined and erect
the neck gu. ar. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi Uzard vert.
Dance (Colonel Sir Chables Webb Dance, K.H., son of Dane (Stortford, co. Hereford. William Dane, Alderman
George Dance, Esq., R.A., Architect to the city of London). of London, son of John Dane, of the former place. Visit-
Erm. fesse embattled, counter-embattled az. hetw, three
a London, 1568). Or, a chev. engr. az. betw. three hinds
lions' heads erased gu. on a chief (of nonourable augmenta- pass. gu. Crest —A wolf statant ar.
tion) or, two swords in saltire ppr. liilts and pomels gold, Dane. Gu. on a bend cotised ar. three birds vert.
Tvreathed round with laurel vert, on a canton gu. a mural Dane (Dane Court, co. Kent). Gu. four fleurs-de-lis or.
coronet or, pendent thereto by a light blue ribbon the Danelem, or Danelyn. Az. a saltire or, betw. four
Waterloo medal ppr. underneath the medal (on the canton) bezants.
the word Waterloo, also gold. Crest— A horse's head eouped Danell. Sa. on a bend ar. cotised indented or, a crosslet
sa. wreathed round the bottom of the neck with oak vert, fitch ^e gu.
bit or, bridle of the first. Daneray. Ar. on a bend az. cotised gu. three mullets or.
Dance. Per pale ar. and or, a fesse nebulee betw. three Danerey. Sa. three covered cups ar.
lions' —
heads erased gu. Crest A horse's head eouped az. Danerston (co. Suffolk). Ar. three halberds gu. two and
bridled gu. Another Crest- A horse's head eouped ar. one.
Dance. Per pale ar. and or, three lions' heads erased gu. Danes (London). Ar. on a bend az. cotised gu. betw. six
Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet a nag's head affrontee. halberds sa. three swords or.
Dance. Per pale ar. and or, a fesse nebulae betw. three Danett (London). Ar. on a bend gu. three mullets or.
goats' heads erased gu. attired az. Daneys (co. Devon). Erm. three battle-axes wiWiia a
Dance. Ar. a bend gu. bordure engr. gu.
Dance (granted by Carney, Ulster, to Thomas Dance, of Daneys, or Danes. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three mulleta
Dublin, gent.). Erm. a fess nebuly betw. three goats' heads gu. Crest — ^A quadrangular castle.
erased or. 0-«t— Out of a mural crown or, a goat's head Daneys. Sa. three battle-axes ar.
az. Danford. Bendy of six gu. and or, a chief az. Crest—
Dancell, or Dansell. Or, a bend gu. man in a military habit ppr. holding a flag displ. az.
Dancer. Or, six cinquefoils gu. Crest —A phoon with a Dang'ar (granted to Henkt Dangar, Esq., of Haverstock
piece of broken shaft therein. Hill, CO.Middlesex). Erm. on a bend sa. cottised engr. gu.
Dancer (Modreeny House, Quarterly,
co. Tipperary, bart.). a ram's head erased or, betw. two esquires' helmets ppr.
1st and 4th, ar. three talbots' heads, two and one, erased sa., Crest —
^Upon a mount vert a demi man affront^ in armour
for Dancer; 2nd, gu. on a fesse or, betw. three crescents ppr. the helmet adorned with three feathers az. holding in
ar. as many fleurs-de-lis of the field, for Seable; 3rd, ar. the right hand a broken tilting spear also ppr. and support-
on a mount vert a palm-tree therefrom a serpent descending. ing with the left an escocheon sa. charged with a ram's-
Crests —
1st: A
talbot pass. sa. collared or; 2nd : An arm in head erased or. ikfo«o—Traditus non victus.
armour charged on the forearm with three estoiles in pale Dang-ate. Per bend crenelle ar. and sa. (another, sa. and
gu. holding a palm branch. Motto Vineit qui patitur. — ar.).
Dancey (co. Berks). Az. a lion or, and a dragon ar. erect Dang-erfield (Bromyard, co. Worcester), Gu. a cinquefoil
and combatant. erm. within a bordure az. bezantee. Crest—A grifSn's head
Dancey (Donhead, St. Andrews, co. Wilts). Per pale ar. erased ppr.
and or, a fesse nebulee betw. three lions' heads erased gu. Dang'erS.eld. Same Arms. Crest—A savage's head
out of each mouth the head of a spear az. Crest A horse's — wreathed about the temples with laurel leaves ppr.
head eouped gu. bezantee maned and bridled or. Dangeryile (Leicestershire). Gu. a cinquefoil erm. within.
Dancy. Ar. on a bend vert three roses or. a bordure az. (another, sa.) bezantee.
Dancye (co. Lancaster). Ar. a cockatrice az. combed, D' Angle (Sir Gdichard D'Angle, a native of Poitou, was
beaked, wattled, and membered gu. appointed Marshall of Aquitaine, by Edward the Black
Dancys. Sa. three battle-axes ar. Prince, 1363 ; elected a Knight of the Garter, 1372, and
Sand (Mansfield Woodhouse, co. Nottingham, granted to created Sari of Huntingdon for life at the Coronation of
Rowland Dani>e of that place, 1575, grandson of Oliver Eichard II., to whom he had been appointed tutor). Or,,
Dande, Esq., of Churcholme, co. Chester. Visit. Notts. billetee and a lion ramp. az.
1614). Vert a griffin segreant or, in chief three escallops DangTiylla, or Dang-uiloe. Gu. three bezants.
of the last. Crest —On a mount vert a swan ar. (another, Daniell, Danyell, or De AnyerS (Over Tabley, Darea-
or), winged sa. beaked gu. bury, &c., co. Chester, of Norman origua). Ar. a pale fiisily
Dandale. Ar. six Cornish choughs ppr. three, two, and one. sa. Crest— A unicorn's head eouped ar. attired gold. Motto-
Dandelelgrh. Ar. two bars gu. each charged with three —Nee timeo nee sperno.
crosses crosslet or. Daniel (W. T. S. Daniel, Q.C, Judge of County Courts).
Dandeleig'h. Az. a canton or, a bordure gu. bezantee. Paly of six sa. and erm. a Hon ramp. ar. Crest A dexter —
Danderle, or Danderley. Gu. on a chief ar. a crescent naked arm erect, enfiled with a ducal coronet and holding a
Danderley, Per fess az. and gu. three crescents ar.
short sword. Motto —
Sub lege libertas.
Daniel (quartered by Amhdrst, of Didlington Hall, co.

Danderne. Erm. a fesse chequy or and az. hetw. three Norfolk). Per saltire ar. and or, in fess two lions ramp. gU-

pellets in chiefand one in base. Crest Out of a ducal — in chief and in base a dexter arm eouped at the elbow haLited
coronet or, a demi ostrich with wings endorsed ar. of the third cuffed az., the hand ppr, holding a cross crosslet
Dandesey. Per pale or and ar. three bars wavy gu, fitch^e also of the third.
Dandezey. Per pale or and ar. three hounds pass. gu. Daniel (Auburn, co. Westmeath). Arms same as last. Ornt
Dandrah.en. Gu. a fesse chequy ar. and of the first betw. —In front of a trefoil, slipped, vert, a dexter arm fessways,
six spur-rowels of the second. eouped, vested gu. cuffed az. the hand ppr. holding a croflfr
Dandridg-e (Great Malvern, co. Worcester). Az, a lion's crosslet fitchee erect also gu. Motto —
Toujours pret.
head erased or, hetw. three mascles ar. quartering the arms Daniel, or Danyell (Bescoak, co, York, 1676). Ar.
of Strange and Steono. Crest— A lion's head erased charged
with a mascle ar. Motto— In adversis etiam fide.
pale fusily sa. Crest — J-
A unicorn's head eouped ar. attired
Dandsey (London). Per pale ar. and gu. two bars nebulee Daniell (Clifton and Eostherne, co. Chester). Same Arm
per pale gu. and or. and Crest.
Dandy (Sapiston, co. Suffolk). Quarterly, az. and in or, Daniell (Chester, Suffolk, and Wells). Same Arms. Crest-'

the first quarter a mullet ar. Crest —^A garb or, on the A tiger pass, reguard. ar.
sinister side a dove close ar, Daniell (Theydon Grove, near Epping, co. Essex;
2 GO


IE Geyt D4NIEPL, Esq.). Same Arms, quartering ar. a wolf Danncey, or Dauncey (Brinsop). See Danset.
statant reguard. sa. —
Crest A wolf, as in the arms. Danncey (co. Gu. a cockatrice ar.
Saniell (Wigan, go. Lancaster, 1664, deEcended from Danncey, or Daixntesy (West Lavington, co. Wilts).
Dan iell, of Over Tabley, co. Chester). Same Arrtts. Crest Gu. a lion and a dragon or, ramp, combatant. Crest —
A. head erased ar. armed or.
unicornis dragon's head erased vert.
^aniell (Little Berkhampsted, co. Herts). Same Arrns and Danncey. Per pale ar. and or, a fesse nebulee betw. three
Crest. leopards' faces az.
Daniell (Aldridge Lodge, co. Stafford). Same Arms. Danncey. Per pale ar. and or, three wolves' heads
Crest —A wolf statant reguard. gu. erased gu.
Daniell (co. Wilts). Same Arms. Danncey. Per pale ar. and gu. a fesse nebulae betw. three
Daniell (Scotland), Same Arms. lions' heads erased counterchanged.
Daniell (co. Suffolk). Same Arins, a border sa. Danncey. Per pale or and ar. three bars nebulee gu.
Daniell (co. Chester). Ar. two lozenges in pale sa. Danne. Quarterly, per pale indented ar. and gu. in the
Daniell (Cheshire). Sa. two flaunches ar. 1st and 4th quarters a cinquefoil of the last.
Daniell Ar. two flaiinches indented sa.
(Cheshire). Danne. Quarterly, per pale indented or and gu. in the Ist
Daniell (Truro, co. Cornwall). Per fesse erm. and sa. in quarter five lozenges conjoined In cross of the second.
chief two mascles of the last, in base, a panther pass, of the Dannere (Scotland). Or, three boars' heads gu. in the
first. Crest —
On two oak branches vert, fructed or, meeting centre an arrow paleways of the last.
saltireways in base, a pelican erm. vulning herself ppr. Dannett (Elmbridge, co. Worcester, and Dannett's Hall and.
Daniell (Trehssicfc, co. Cornwall). Per fesse erm. and sa. in Bruntingthorpe, co. Leicester), Sa, gutife d'eau a canton
chief two lozenges of the last, in base a talbot pass. or. —
erm. Crest A greyhound's head couped (sometimes erased)
Crest —
A pelican encircled with two branches of laurel, sa. gorged with a collar ar. charged with three torteaux.
all ppr. Dannett (co. Leicester). Or, on two bars gu. three lions
Daniell (co. Durham). Gu. a bend and bordure engr. or. ramp, ar. two and one.
Daniell (co. Gloucester). Faly of six sa. and erm. a lion Dannett (London). Ermines a canton erm.
ramp. ar. Dannett, or Dannet (Loudon). Sa. guttee d'or, a canton

Daniell. Same ArTns. Crest A cubit arm erect, holding erm.
in the hand ppr. a sword, encircling the arm a ducal coronet Dannett. Quarterly, per pale indented or and gu. in the
or. 1st and last quarters four cinquefoils of the second.
Daniell (Beswlck, co. York). Gu. on a cross or, fire eagles Danney, or Dancy. Az. a dragon ramp, or, and a lion
displ. sa. ramp, ar, combatant.
Daniell. Gu. a cross betw. four eagles displ. ar. armed az. Dannsey, or Dansie. Per pale ar. and or, a fesse
Daniell (co.Tork). Or, (another ar.) a pale wavy sa. betw. nebulee betw. three lions' heads erased gu. CVesi— A nag's
eight cinquefoils gu. head gu. bezantt.e, maned and bridled or.
Daniell (co. York). Ar. a pale engr. sa. Danny (co. Cornwall). See Dandy.
Daniell (temp, Edward II). Ar. a bend gu. Danrey, or Daudie (Laureth, co. Cornwall). Ar. on a
Daniell. Ar. a tiger pass. sa. bend sa. cottised az. three cinquefoils pierced or. Crest A. —
Daniell (Tideswell, co. Derby: a co-heiress m. Meyebell). horse pass, bridled and saddled ppr.
Az. a bend betw. six escallops or. Danrey. Ar. on a bend cottised az. three cinquefoils
Daniell. Gu. a lion ramp, within an orle of eight fleurs-de- pierced or.
hs ar. Danrey. Sa. a fesse or, betw. three cinquefoils ar.
Daniell (quartered by Sir John Pultenet, Lord Mayor of Dansell. Or, a bend gu.
London, d. 1349, son of Adam Neale, alias de Poltenet,
of Dansert. Or, an inescutcheon az. over all a bend gobonated
Weston, CO. Sussex. Visit. Leicester, 1619). Quarterly, gu. ar. and gu.
ancl or, in the first quarter a lion pass. ar. Dansey (co, Hereford). Barry wavy of six ar. and az.
Daniell. Az. on a bend or, three martlets sa. Crest— A lion ramp, per fesse gu. and or.
Daniell. Gu. a bend and bordure engr. and in chief a Dansey (Brinsop, co. Hereford, and Strensham, co.
martlet or, for diff. Worcester). Barry wavy of six ar. and gu. Crest A lion's —
Daniell {Fun. Ent. of William Daniell, or O'Donnell, head erased ar. collared gu.
Archbishop of Tuam, d. 11 July, 1628). Sa. two lions ramp, Dansey. Per pale ar. and gu. three lions' heads erased
combatant, supporting a dexter hand couped at the wrist counterchanged.
all ar., betw. three estoiles or. Dansey. Or, three bars wavy gu, Crest~-A demi savage
Daniell (confirmed to Eobebt Daniell, Esq. of New Forest, wreathed round the middle, in the dexter hand a sUp of the
CO. Westmeath). Ar. a pale fusily sa. in the dexter chief myrtle tree all ppr.
point a crescent gu. Crest —
A unicorn's head erased ar.

Dansey (Eev. Wm. Danset, Bector of Donhead, St. Andrew,
armed and crined or, charged with a crescent gu. Motto Wilts). Per pale ar, and or, a fesse nebulee gu. betw. three
Pro fide et patria. heads erased of the last.
lions' Crest —
A horse's head
Daniell. See Dantell. couped ar. maned and bridled or.
Daniell. See Danyeeb. Dansie. Same Arms. Crest— ^A sea-horse ppr.
Daniell (Daresbury, co. Chester). Ar. a pale fusillee sa. Dansie. See Dannset.
Crest —
A unicorn's head couped ar. Danske. Barry of eight or and az.
Daniels (St. Austins, near Lymington, co. Hants). Per Danskine (Scotland). Or, a hare lying fesseways, a raven
fesse erm. and sa. in chief two mascles of the second, in base feeding on his back sa.
an heraldic tiger ar. Crest— A. pelican vulning herself ar. Danskine (Stirling, 1766). Gu. a goshawk or, standing on
betw, two branches of oak ppr. the back of a hare courant ar. Crest A beaver holding ——
Danielston '(Danielston, Scotland). Ar. a bend sa. in his mouth a log of wood ppr. Motto ^Nec improvidus.
Dani6rs, ot Daniel (Bradley). Ar. a pale fusily sa. Danson. Sa. a chev. or, voided az. betw. three garbs of
Crest —A unicorn's head erased. the second. Crest— A garb quarterly or and gu. banded az.
Danis. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three mullets gu. pierced or. Dant. Ar. a chev. betw. three Cornish choughs' heads
Dankyrsley (co. York). Gu. two bars betw, eight martlets erased sa. beaked gu. blood dropping from their bills ppr
ar. three, two, and three. Crest —A
demi woman habited ar. Crest —
A chough's head as in the arms.
playing on a harp or. Dantree. Gu. on a bend or, (another, ar. cottised or,) three
Danmare. Barry nebulee of six, ar. and gu, Crest^X escallops sa.
lion's gamb issuing sa, supporting an escutcheon gu. Dantrey, or Dantree (Norfolk). Gu. a bend cottised ar.
Dannat (William Danmat gave all his lands at South Dantry. Chequy or and az.
Croxton, to his uncle, Sir William Dannatt, 33 Edward Danty. Gu. on a bend or, three escallops sa.
III., 1359. Visit. Leicester, 1619}. Sa. guttle d'eau a canton D'Anvers (Gothorp, co. Oxford, Upton, co. Warwick, &c.).
The chief line was D'Anvebs, Earl of Baiiby. Visit. 1574).
Dannat, or Dannant (cos. Salop and Warwick). Same Ar. on a bend gu. three martlets vert legged or. Crest —
Arms. Crest—A greyhound's head erased ar. gorged with a A water wivern or. AfoWo— Fort en loyalte.
collar or, rimmed gu. charged with three torteaux, D'Anvers (Culworth, co. Northampton, hart, extinct 1776,
Dannc (Ireland.) Gu. a lion ramp. ar. holding betw. the descended from Sir John D'Anvers, Knt., of Culworth,
forepaws a snake ppr. Sheriff of the co. Northampton, 10 Henry VH., son of
Dannce. Per pale ar. and or, three lions' headc erased gu. Thomas D'Anvees, 3rd son of John D'Anvees, Esq., of
in each mouth a spear-head az. Cothorp, CO. Oxford). Same Arms, &c.
Danucey (co. Gloucester). Gu, a dragon or, and lion ramp, D'Anvers (Swithland, co. Leicester, hart., extinct 1796).
ar. combatant. Gu. a chev. betw. three mullets of six points or.
Banvers (Bctles-Dantebs Elizabeth, dau. and heir of the
; Darcet. Ar. a cross sa. in the dexter canton an eagle displ,
last bart.,m. Hon. Auoustds Richard Butleb, 2nd son of gu.
the 2nd Earl of Lanesboroitgh^ who thereupon assumed the Darcie (cos. Durham and Lincoln). Ar. an inescutchcon sa,
name of Danvbrs, in addition to and after that of Bctler ;
within an orle of cinquefoils gu. Crest A woman's head —
their son, George John Butler Danvees, s. as 5th Earl in couped at the breasts, hair flowing or, wreathed about the
1847, and d. s. p, 1866, when the title went to his nephew, temples with a garland of cinquefoils gu. pierced of the
the son of his half brother). Gu. a chev. wavy betw. three first.

mullets of six points radiant or, pierced az., quartering Darcie (co. Lincoln). Gu. an inescutcheou ar. within aa
Bdtleb, of Lanesborough. Crests — 1st, Danvers: Awyvern, orle of six eagles displ. or.
wings elevated and tail nowed or, the dexter claw resting on Darclingi^on, Ar. a lion pass, crowned gu.
a shield ar. thereon a bend gu. charged with three martlets D'Arcy (founded in England by Norman de Areci, to whom
or; and 2nd, Bdtleb see Lanesborough.
: William the Conqueror gave 33 lordships in co. Lincoln).
Danvers (cos. Northampton and Oxford). Same Arms as Az. semee of cross crosslets and three cinquefoils ar.

Cothorp, the field erm. Crest A parrot vert in the beak D'Arcy (Lord Darcy. Philip Darct was summoned to Par-
an annulet or. liament 1299. Barony in abeyance since temp. Edward III.).
Danvers (co. Warwick). Gu. a chev. betw. three mullets Same Arms.
of six points or. Crest —^A wyrern wings endorsed or. D'Arcy (Lord Darcy. John Daecy, brother of Philip,
Motto —Fort et loyal. Lord Darcy, was summoned to Parliament 1332. Barony ia
Danvers (Sari of Danby, created 1626, extinct 1643). abeyance since 1418). Same Arms.
Same Arms as Danvers Cothorp. D'Arcy (Lord Darcy of Chiche. Sir Thomas Dabct, Vicu
Danvers (Smithwick and Bothley, co. Leicester, 10th in Chamberlain of the King's Household, was so created
descent from Thomas Danvers, 1270. Visit. Leicester, 1551. Barony extinct 1639). Ar. three cinquefoils gu.
1619). Same Arms, field ar. in sinister chief a trefoil slipped Crest—A demi woman hair flowing ppr. vested gu. holding
ppr. —
Crest A parrot vert holding in the teak a shp of in the dexter hand three red roses slipped and leaved vert.
oak ppr. fructed with three acorns or. Supporters —
Dexter, a goat ar. imguled, tufted, and horned

Danivicke. Or, a chev. betw. three mullets pierced sa. or; sinister, a buck erm. unguled and crined or. Motto
Dan'wikes, or Dan*wykes. Or, a chev. sa. in the dexter Vertu cerche honiieur.
point a mullet pierced of the second. D'Arcy (Lord D'Arcy of Aston. Sir Thomas D'Arcy, brother
Danyell. Ar. on a bend sa. three escallops of the first, of Lord Darcy, whose title fell into abeyance 1418, was
Danyell, or Daniell. Per fesse az. and erm. a fesse summoned to Parliament 1509 attainted 1538 title re- ; ;

counterchanged in chief three lions ramp. or. stored to his son by Act of Parliament 1548; extinct 1625).
Danyers. See Daniell. Az. semee of cross crosslets and three cinquefoils ar. Orest
Danyers (Bradley, in Appleton, co. Chester). See Daniell. — A hull pass. sa. armed, hoofed, horned, maned, and
Danyell. See Daniell. tufted or. Supporters —
Dexter, a tiger ar. armed gu.;
Danzells (co. Kent). Gu. three cinquefoils erm. sinister, a hull sa. hoofed, horned, maned, and tufted or.
Dapifer. Gu. a cross, and in the first quarter an escar- —
Motto Je loue Dieu Grace attendant.
buncle or, a border of the last. Crest —
An eagle az. D'Arcy (Earl of Holdemess; descended from Lord D'Arcy
Dapifer. Gu. on a cross or, an escarbuncle sa. bezants a of Aston, created 1682, extinct 1778). Az. sem6e of cross
border of the second. crosslets and three cinquefoils erm. Cresi—A spear broken
Darbenay , or Dalbenay. Or, two chev. and a bordure gu. in three pieces or, two in saltire, the other in pale headed
Dartoisliire (granted to Samoel Dukinfield Dabbishibe, ppr., banded together at the middle by a ribbon gu. Sup-
Esq., of Pendyffryn, within the parish of Dwygyfylchi, co. porters —
Dexter, a tiger ar. maned and tusked or; sinister,
Carnarvon). Gu. on a pile issuant from the dexter canton a bull sa. armed and maned or. Motto TJn Dieu un Roi. —
ar. three leopards' faces of the field. Crest —
Issuant from D'Arcy (Lord Darcy of Navan. James Dabcy, brother of the
clouds a dexter arm emhowed in armour ppr, the hand 1st Earl of Holdei-ness, was so created in the Peerage of
unmailed and grasping a cross pointed voided sa. Motto — Ireland 1721, extinct 1733). Same Arms.
TJbi amor ibi fides. D'Arcy (St. Osiths, co. Essex, bart. ; extinct 1698 ; descended
Darburg:, Ar. three dolphins naiant sa. from John Dabcy, of Tolleshunt, co. Essex, second son of
Darby (co. Dorset and London). Per chev. battelly or and Robert Dabct, Sheriff of Essex 1420, great grandfather of
az. three eagles displ, counterchanged. Crest Out of a — the 1st Lord Darcy of Chiche). Ar. three cinquefoils gu.
tower ar. two wings, the dexter or, sinister az. Another Darcy fColchester). Ar. three cinquefoils pierced gu.
Crest— An eagle's head erased ar. Darcy (Witton Castle, cos. Durham, and Northampton).
Darby (Colebrookdale, co. Salop). Per chev. embattled az. Az. sem^e of cross crosslets and three cinquefoils ar. Crest
and erminois three eagles displ. each charged on the breast —On a chapeau turned up abull sa.
with an escallop, all counterchanged. Crest In front of — Darcy (St. Clere's Hall, co. Essex). Ar. three cinquefoils
two crosses crosslet fitchee in saltire sa. a demi eagle displ. gu. —A demi
Crest holding virgin, in the right hand a
coupcd erm. wings az. charged on the breast with an branch of cinquefoils, all ppr.

escallop of the iMt, Motto Utcunque placuerit Deo. Darcy (co. Lincoln). Ar. three roses gu. (another, th&
Darby (Walton, co. Leicester). Ar. a fesse betw. three tinctures reversed).
sinister wings sa. Darcy (co. Lincoln). Same Arms^ within a boi-dure engr.
Darby (Benington, co. Lincoln). Ar. a chev. betw. three gu.
garbs sa. banded or. Crest— An antelope's head erased gu. Darcy (co. Lincoln). Ar. an inescutcheon az. withm an
maned, tufted, armed, and attired or. orle of eight cinquefoils gu.
Darby (cos. Devon and Northants). Same Ar^iis. Crest — Darcy (co. Norfolk). Sa. a. chev. betw. three dolphin*
An heraldic tiger attired with four horns, turned round like naiant, embowed ar.
rams' horns, or. Darcy. Gu. three cinquefoils ar. a label az.
Darby, (co. Suffolk). Vert, a chev. betw. three garbs sa. Darcy. Ar. three roses gu. within a hordure indented
banded or. Crest —A garb ar. banded or. (another, engr.) sa.
Darby (Stoke Court, Bucks). Per chev. battelly az. and Darcy. Or, an orle ermines within eight cinquefoils sa.

erminois, three eagles displ. two and one, each charged on Darcy. Ar. an inescutcheon sa. within an orle of eight
the breast with an escallop, all counterchanged. Crest — martlets gu.
In front of two cross crosslets fitchee in saltier sa. a demi Darcy. Ar. a fesse engr. betw. three cinquefoils gu.
eagle displ. couped erminois wings az. charged on the breast Darcy. Ar. three escutcheons within a bordure gu.

with an escallop of the last. Motto Utcunque placuerit Darcy, Sa three martlets or.
Beo. D'Arcy (Hyde Park, co. Westmeath, descended from Sir
Darby (confirmed to Adm. Sir Henrt D'Esterre Daebt, of John D'Abct, named Le Cousin, chief governor of Ireland
Leap Castle, King's Co.). Az. on a chev. ar. betw. three temp. Edward I,, II., and III., and Joan, his second wife,
garbs or, a naval coronet of the first betw. two anchors sa. widow of the Earl of Kildare, and dau. of De Bdbgh, Sari
pendant in the centre chief from a ribband of the second, of Ulster). Az. sem^e of crosses crosslet and three cinque-
fimbriated of the field, a representation of the gold medal foils ar. Crest— On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a bull sa.
conferred upon the said Admiral by command of His Majesty —
armed or. Motto Un Dieu un Roi.
in commemoration of his gallant conduct at the Battle of the D'Arcy (Kiltullagh and Clifton, co. Galway). Ai-^ns, same
Nile, when in command of H.M.S. Bellerophon. Beneath —
as preceding. Crest A spear broken in three pieces or,
the said medal the word " Nile " inscribed in gold letters headed ar. and banded together in the middle by a riband

upon the field. Crest A garb or, banded with a naval gu. Motto —
Un Dieu un Roi.
crown az. in front of an anchor placed in sinister bend aa. D'Arcy (New Forest, co. Galway). Arvis and C^est same a5
Motto—Spexo roeliora. preceding. Motto —Un Dieu un Roi.
BELTCy Fun. Ent. of Martin Dabct, Esq., of
(Galway, Barley (orisinallyD*ErM, Aldby Park, co, York). Gu. six
Galwaj, d. in Dublin 3 June, 1636, buried at St. Dominlck's fleurs-de-hs ar. three, two, and one. a bordure erm. Crest —
Abbey, Galway). Ar. a cross betw. four crosses pattee A horse's head couped gu. accoutred in armour ar. bridled
sa. or.
Barcy (Reg. TJlflter's Office). Same Arms. Crest cubit —A Barley (St. Edmonsbury, cos, Suffolk and York). Same
dexter arm embowed la chain armour, the hand grasping a Arms.
spear in bend sinister, point downwards, all ppr. Barley (Darley, co. Derby, temp. Edward III. ; the heiress
Barcy, alias Barsie (Galway). Or, a cross betw. four m. Colombell). Same ArTns.
crosses sa. Crest —
^A cross sa. Barley. Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three garbs sa. Crest^
Bardas. Ar. a chev. betw. three spindles of silk sa. A garb ar. banded or.
Barderne <co. Wilts). Erm. a fesse chequy or and az. Barley (Rev. John Darley, Bector of Northill, co. Corn-
betw. three ogresses. wall, son of Nathan Darley, of Beckles, co. Suffolk, and
Barderne (co. WiltB). £rm. a fesse chequy or and az. in grandson of John Darley, of Buttercram, co. York. Visit.
chief three ogresses, Cornwall, 1620). Gu. six fieurs-de-Us ar. three, two, and
BEirderne. Or, a lion ramp. vert. one, a border erm.
Barderne. Gu. six crosses crosslet fitchee or. Barling (Lieut. -General Sir Balph Darling, G.C.H.). Per
B'Arderna. Erm. a fesse az. fesse crenelle az. and gu. in chief a lion pass. ar. and in base
Bardes (co. Westmeath). Erm. two bars az. two faulchions in saltire, blades of the last, hilt and pomels
Bardes, or Barditz (Darditz-Kath, co. Louth; Fun. Ent. or, on a canton erm. a mural crown of the fourth, suspended
of Fatbice Dabditz, of that place, buried at Drogheda therefrom by a ribbon gu. edged az. the Corunna medal, gold.
1626). Erm. a fess sa. Crest— Out of a mural crown or, a dexter arm embowed in
Bardes, or Barditz (Fun. Ent. of Patrick Dabdes, armour ppr. sustaining an inescutcheon gu., thereon two
buried in St. Andrew's Church, Dublin, 12 Jan. 1601). Same faulchions in saltire as in the arms, encircled by the ribbon
Arvis, a crescent or, for diff. and medal of Corunna.
Bardes Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. three bars
(Ireland). Barling* (London). Az. guttle d'or, on a fesse of the last
wayy a fess wavy betw. three mullets sa., 3rd,
gu., 2nd, ar. three crosses crosslet fitch^e gu. Crest A female figure —
sa. a lion ramp. betw. three crosses crosslet ar. ppr. habited in a loose robe ar. the body pink, flowing round
Bare (Toumay, France). Gu. a chev. vair betw. three her a robe az. holding in the dexter hand a cross crosslet
crescents or. fitchee gu. in the sinister a book ppr.
Bare (Norfolk). Sa. a chev. ar. betw. three dolphins or. Barliugrton. Az. guttle d'eau on a fesse betw. three
Bare. Ar. a lion ramp. az. betw. three crescents gu. leopards' heads erased or, as many crosses crosslet gu.
Crest— On a chapeau a demi lion ppr. holding betw. the paws —
Crests 1st : A leopard's head as in the arms 2nd : ; A
an increscent ar. winged pillar supporting a globe. Motto Cruce dum spiro —
Bare (Hall-Dabe, Newtownbarry, co. Wexford, and Tfaeydon spero.
Bois, CO. Essex). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a lion ramp. ar. Barlingrton. Az. guttee d'eau on a fesse or, three crosses
betw. three lozenges or, each charged with an increscent gu. crosslet gu. Crest —A winged pillar.
in chief a cross crosslet gold, for Dabe ; 2nd and 3rd, sa. on Barliiigi;on, Same Ariiis, adding in chief a leopard's face
a chev. engr. betw. three battle-axes erect or, as many of the second.
eagles displ. of the field, for Hall. Crests—For Dabe A : Barlston (co. "Worcester). Az. on a bend or, cottised ar.
demi lion ramp. az. bezantee, charged on the shoulder with three Cornish choughs ppr. Crest —A
hawk's head betw.
a cross crosslet or, and holding betw. the paws a lozenge two wings expanded, barry of four ar. and sa. beaked or.
charged with an increscent as in the arms for Hall A ; : Barmin, Barmine, or Barinyne. Ar. on a bend gu.
horse's head couped sa. sem6e of mullets or, armed ppr. cotised sa. three escallops or.
bridled ar. on the head two ostrich feathers of the first and Barmo. Quarterly, per pale indented or and gu. in the 1st
third, and holding in the mouth a battle-axe or. Motto — and 4th quarters five lozenges in cross of the second.
Loyaute sans tache. Bameford, or Burnford. Sa. a ram's head cabossed
Barell (West Woodfrey, co. Berks, John Dabell, created ar. armed or.
a bart. 1622, d. s. p.). Az. a lion ramp, or, ducally crowned Barnel, or Bamol (London). Ar. on a bend betw. two
ar. fleurs-de-lis sa.three leopards' heads or. Crest A Hon's —
Barell (Eichmond, co. Surrey, bart., created 1795). Same head erased two wings gu.
az. betw.
Arms. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet ppr. a man's head in Bamell (Thornley, co. Durham). Gu. on a pale engr. or, a
profile couped at the shoulders ppr. bearded sa. wreathed —
lion ramp. az. Crest A lion's head erased az. the neck
round the temples or and az. on the head a cap of the last pierced by an arrow in bend gu. flighted sa. betw. two wings
frettyar. tasselled gold, turned up erm. or. Motto —Deus nobiscum.
Barell (Calehill, Kent). Arms and Crest see Dabeell. Bamell, or Barnall (London). Same Arms, pale
Jfo«o—True to you. engr.
Barell (co. Cornwall). Az. a lion ramp. ar. ducally crowned Bamell (Heylings, co. Lincoln, bart.; extinct 1640). Az.
or. two bars betw. six mascles or, three in chief, two in fesse,
Barell. See Dabbell. —
one in base. Crest A falcon's leg erased at the thigh ppr.
Bares (Loddon, co. Norfolk). Fer chev. engr. gu. and erm. belled or,. standing on a cock pheasant sitting also ppr.
in chief a demi lion ramp. ar. betw. two crescents or. Bamell, or Barnhill(co. Lincoln). Az. ontwobara ar.
Baresbury (Daresbury, co. Chester, quartered by Daniel, three mascles gu.
of Daresbury). Ar. a wolf pass. sa. Barnish (Beg. Ireland). Erm. a fess az.
Bargie. Barry of ten az. and or. Bamley, Earl of. See Bligh.
Bargries. Or, eight stars sa. three, two, two, and one. Barren, Barell, or Borrell (Sesay, co. York, Cale
Barker (granted to John Dabeeb, Esq., London, 12 April, Hill and Scotney, co. Kent, Littlecote, co. Wilts, Pageham,
176a). Ar. on three mounts vert, as many hop vines with CO. SuEsex, Trewornan, co. Cornwall, &c., all derived from
their poles ppr. Crest —
^A dexter naked arm embowed, in a common ancestor, William de Orrell, one of the companions
the hand a bunch of hop vine, all ppr. Motto — 11 in arms of the Conqueror, The last male heir of the
suffit. Darrells of Sesay, Sir George Darell, Knt., left at his
Barley (granted to George Dablet, Esq., of Dublin). Gu. decease in 1466, a dau. and heir, Joan, wife of Sir Guy
and one, within a bordure
six fleurs-de-Us ar. three, two, Dawnay, Knt., of Cowick. The Darells of Cale Hill still
erm. on a canton of the second a trefoil slipped ppr. Crest— preserve a male succession. The Darells of Littlecote, derived
A horse's head couped ar. accoutred in armour ppr. bridled from William Darell, sub-treasurer of England temp, llichard
gu. Motto—D&re. II., and Elizabeth his wife, dau. and heir of Thomas Calston,
Barley (Wabeen-Dablet, exemplified 1838 to Henbt Bbut- of Littlecote, possessed that estate until the close of the 16th
stebDablev, Esq., of FitzwiUiam-square, on his assuming century, when it was alienated to Sir John Popham. The
by royal licence the additional surname of Warben). Quar- Darells of Trewornan are represented by Tbelawnt of Cold-
terly, Ist and 4th, Dablet, gu. six fleurs-de-lis, three, two, rinick, co. Cornwall). Az. a lion ramp, or, armed, langued,
and one ar. within a bordure erm. on a canton of the secon —
and crowned gu. Crest A goat's head erased ar. attired or.
a trefoil slipped vert 2nd and 3rd, Wabben, chequy or and
; —
Aiiother Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a Saracen's head
az. on a canton of the second a saltire of the first. Crests — couped at the shoulders ppr. bearded sa. wreathed about the
1st, Dablet A horse's head ar. armed ppr. bridled gu.
: 2nd, ; temples ar. and az. on the head a chapeau of the last, fretty
Wabben Out of a ducal coronet or, from a plume of five
: of the third, tasselled gold, turned up erm.
ostrich feathers gu. an eagle's claw ppr. on a scroll betw.
; Barrel! (Bengal, and Eichmond, co Surrey, bart.). Az.
the crests the word "Dare." Motto— Tex mare, per a lion ramp, or, ducally crowned ar. Ci-est—-Out of a ducal
terras, coronet or, a Saracen's head couped at the shoulders ppr.


bearded sa. wreathed round the temples ar. and az. on the ;
Bash (London). Per fesse or and ar. a fesse az. in chief a
head a cap of the last, fretty of the fourth, tasselled gold, !
lion pass, gu
turned up erm. Bash. Or, a fesse az. in chief a lion pass. gu. and in baso
Barrel! (Crowan, co. Cornwall; William Daeeell of that three trefoils reversed, vert.
place. Visit. 1620). Same Arms. Bash (granted to Joseph Dash, of St. Michael's, Crooked
Barrel! (West Radford, co. Notts; Edwabd Dabkell, de- Lane, London). Per fesse or and ar. a fesse az. in chief a
scended from Daebell, of Calehill, co. Kent, a second lion pass. gu. in base three trefoils shpped and reversed
branch. Visit. Notts, 1614). Same Arms, the lion charged vert.
on the shoulder with a trefoil sa. a crescent for diff. Same Bashwood (West Wycombe, co. Bucks, bart.). Ar. on a
Crest. fess betw. two double cotises gu. three griffins' heads erased
Barrel! (co. Sussex). Same Arms, the lion supporting a or. Crest—A griffin's head erased per fess erminois and gu,
cross crosslet fltch^e of the third (another sa.). Bashwood (Kirtlington Park, co. Oxford, bart.). Samo
Barrel! Per fesse az. and erm. a pale
(co. Gloucester). Arms and Crest.
counterchanged, three lions ramp. ar. Bashwood (Stow Bardolph, co. Norfolk). Same Arms and
Barrel! (All Souls' College, Oxford). Ar. on three bars sa. Crest.
six cinquefoils of the field, three, two, and one, with a Bashwood (Stanford Park, co. Nottingham). Same Arms
crescent on a mullet for diff. I and Crest.
Barrel! (Rye, co. Sussex). Gu. two bendlets wavy or, a . Bashwood (Beccles, originally of Cockley Cley, co. Norfolk).
canton vair. Same Anns and Crest.
Barrel!. Ar. three bars sa. on the first as many roses of Bashwood (Goudhurst, co. Kent). Same Arms and Crest.
the field. Bashwood. Same Arms. Crest —A griffin's head erased
Barrel!. Ar. on a chief sa. three roses of the field. per fesse or and gu.
Barrel!. Sa, on a fesse ar. three escallops of the field. Bashwood (Lord Mayor of London, 17C3). Same Arms and
Barrel! (LiUingston and Shudy Camps). See Dateet.l. Crest.
Barres. Per chev. engr. gu. and erm. in chief a demi lion, Bashwood (Admiral Sir Chaeles Dashwood, K.C.B., ori-
ramp. betw. two crescents or. ginally of Vallow Wood, co. Somerset). Same Arms with
Barrocb. (Gourock, 1797). Ar. a three-masted ship under the addition of the star of a K.G.C., T. and S. of Portugal, in
sail in sea ppr. betw. three oak trees eradicated and fructed the dexter canton, as an augmentation to him and his

of the last. Crest A demi negro holding in the dexter descendants. Same Crest. .

hand a dagger ppr. Motto Be watchful. Baspatoh or Baspach. Per pale az. and ar. a chev.
Barrocb.. Ar. a chev. betw. three trees vert. Crest — counterchanged.
dove holding in the beak an oUve branch ppr. Bassett (co. Warwick). Sa. three doves ar. beaked gu. a
Barsallou^h. (Scotland). Per bend engr. sa, and ar. chief of the second. Crest —A dove as in the arms.
Barsett. Sa. three martlets, or, a chief ar. Bassett (Ricel, c-o. York). Sa. three martlets or, a chief ar.
Bart alias Wallis (co. Devon, 1590). Gu. a fesse and allwithin a bordure engr. gu.
canton erm. Cresi— A fire ppr. Baston (Broadway, co. Worcester, and Dumbleton, co.
Bartfi.eld (co. York). Per pale or and vert, three pheons Gloucester). Gu. on a bend or, three estoiles sa. Crest —
counterchanged. reindeer's head ar. couped gu. pierced through the neck
Bartiquenave (London). Ar. a castle triple-towered gu. with a broad arrow or, the arrow entering the back part of
on a chief az. a key erect or, betw. two fieurs-de-lis of the the neck.
first. Crest —
A hon sejant or, semee-de-lis az. holding in Baston. Per fesse, sa. and ar. a pale counterchanged, three
the dexter paw an arrow gu. goats' heads of the second.
Bartmoutb,, Earl of. See Legge. Baston. Gu. a buck's head cabossed ar.
Bartzuouth, Town of (Common Seal. Visit. 1620). Gu. Baston. Gu. a chev. engr. betw. three eagles displ. ar.
the base wavy of six ar. and az. thereon the hull of a ship, Basttires (co. Wilts). Az. a fret or.
in the centre of which sits a man representing a king in the Bastures. Gu. an increscent or.
robes of majesty, crowned with an open coronet, in his Bate'borong:h. Gu. a lion ramp. ar. charged on the
dexter hand a sceptre, in his sinister a mound, on each side shoulder with a fieur-de-lis sa.
a lion ramp, guard, resting their fore feet on the shoulders Batelingr. Or, six lions salient (another ramp.) sa. three,
of the king, all or. two, and one.
Bartois or Bartoys (co. Dublin, registered in Ulster's Baterling* or Baveling-. Az. on a saltire or, five
Office, Ireland). Ar. two bars nebulee gu. torteaux.
B'Artois, or B*Artoys. Ar. semee-de-lis or, a label of Bathell (co. Sussex). Ar. three palets sa.
five points gu. each charged with three towers of the BatheUs (co. Suffolk). Same Anns, field or.
second. Batholt. Paly of or and sa.
Barvall. Gu. on a pale or, betw. four bezants, a lion Batholl. Or, four (another three) pellets.

ramp, of the field. Crest A lion's head or, collared gu. Batling*. Ar. six lions pass. sa. three, two, and one.
charged with three bezants. Batmer. Ar. a fesse indented ermines betw. three eagles
Barward, Ar. on a chev. sa. three crescents of the displ. gu. Crest-^An eagle's head erased, ppr.
field. Baton (Maegaeet Daton, of Kildaton, m. Edmond Wall,
Barwell. Ar. three anchors in pale sa. betw. two palcts Esq., of Coolnamuck, co. Waterford, temp. Edward 11.). Per
vert a chief gu. Crest^A lion's head erased or, ducaUy fesse ar. and sa. a lion ramp, counterchanged within an orle
crowned gu. of fleur-de-lis or.
Barwent (quartered by Mitfoed through Osbaldeston, Baubene. Ar. five fusils in fesse gu. in chief two martlets
MoLYNEux, and Rtveedale). Ar. two bars gu. on a canton respecting each other.
of the second a rose of the first. Baubeney or BeAlbini (Lords Daubemy and Earls of
Barwin (Cleatham, co. Lincoln, and Lincoln's Inn, co. Mid- Bridge-water. Summoned to Parliament 1295, created earl
dlesex). Ar. on a bend gu. betw. two cotises vert, three 1538, earldom extinct 1548, barony in abeyance. Arms in
escallops or. Crest— A camel's head couped ppr. Brampton Church, CO. Oxford. Visit. 1574). Gu. four lozenges
Barwin (Trulston Grange, co. Derby). Same Amu. conjoined in Crest
fess. ar. —
On a tree a mullet.
Creit — A demi griffin vert, holding betw. the claws an Baubeney Somerset and Gloucester, originally of
escallop or. ,
Wayford in the former co. and of Gorwell, co. Dorset; de-
Barwin (Chables Robebt Dabwin, Esq., of Down, co. scended from James, younger brother of Gii^s, Lord
Kent, and Reginald Dakwin, Esq., of Fern, co. Derby). Dauheney : from this family derived Daubenet, of Cote, near
Same Arms and Crest. Motto— Csive et aude. Bristol; Daobeney, of Ben well, co. Norfolk; Daobenet, of
Barwin (Elston Hall, co. Notts). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Lydaird Tregoz, Ac. Ac). Same Arms. Crest ~1V0
erm. a leopard's face, jessant-de-lys, betw. two escallops all dragons' wings displ. ar.
within two bendlets gu. in chief a cross patee of the last, for Baubeney. Gu. five fusils in fesse ar. in chief three
Dabwin; 2nd and 3rd, per pale ar, and az. on a bend martlets oi^.

nebulee a lion pass, guard, betw. two acorns slipped, all Baubeney. Gu. two chev. within a bordure or.

counterchanged for Rhodes. Crests 1st, Daewin A demi : Baubney (Jane, dau. and heir of Sir Gyles Daubnet, Knt^
griffin sa. semfee of mascles or, charged on the shoulder m. Sir Robebt Maekham, Knt., of Sedbrouke, temp.
with a cross patee gold, resting the sinister claw on a shield Henry Vn. Visit. Notts, 1614). Gu. a fess. fusiUy ar.
ar. thereon a leopard's face jessant-de-lys gu. 2nd, Rhodes ; : Baubney. Gu. five fusils in fesse ar.
A cubit arm erect vested bendy of six, ar. and az. cuffed Baubney. Gu. three fusils in fesse ar. a bendlet az.
gu. the hand holding in saltire an oak branch and vine Baubuz. Erm. a chev. gu. betw. three acorns slipped and
branch, both fructed ppr.

i —
pendent ppr. Cre^t A griffin's head with wingg addorsefl.
Sauce. Or, two linos pass, guard, gu. in pale. Elizabeth, elder dau. and co-heir of John Davenport, Esq.,
Saueth, Daveth, or Davels. Ar. a -virern pass. az. to Robert Davies, Esq., of Manley, whose heiress carried
Daufernon. (co. Surrey). Az. a chev. oi; the estate to Sir Matthew Deane, Bart., but d. s.-p.). Ar. a
Daug:Ush, (London, 1854). Ar. an oak tree eradicated and chev. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee sa. Crest A man's —
lying iessways ppr. betw. two crescents in chief gu. and a head, couped at the shoulders and side head, ppr. with a

pheon in base az. Crest ^A camel's head and neck, couped rope round the neck, or. This singular crest is supposed to
ppr. Motto —Be hardy. have been borne on the helmets of the Master Sergeants in
J)aulbeny, or Dawtoeny- Gu. a lion ramp, or. Crest — their perambulations through the Peke Hills and the forests
An eagle or, wings expanded. of Leek and Macclesfield, to the terror of the numerous
Saumarle. Gu. a crosslet fitch^e ar. on a chief az. two of gangs of banditti which infested in former times those wild
the same. districts. There is in the possession of the Capesthome
Daunxerle. Per fesse az. and gu. three crescents ar. family a long and very ancient roll, containing the names of
Dauncey. Or, two bars nebulae gu. a bordure gobonated the master robbers who were taken and beheaded in the
ar. and of the second. Crest— A
lion's head erased ar. col- times of Koran, Roger, and Thomas de Davenport, and
lared gu. of their companions.
Saunecourt. Or, a chev. sa. in the dexter chief a mnllet Davenport (Calveley, co, Chester, descended from a
pierced of the second. Crea(—A negro's head couped at the younger son of Sir Ralph Davenport, of Davenport, temp,
shoulders, habited paly of six, erm. and ermines, pendents Edward 111.). Same Arms and Orest.
at the ears or, wreathed on the forehead, bats' wings to his Davenport (Wheltrough, Bramhall, Henbury, Capesthome,
head sa. expanded on each side. Blackhurst, &c., &c., all branches of Davenport of Daven-
D'Atiney {Lord D'Aune^. Nicholas D'Adnet, Lord of port). Same Anns and Crest.
Shurrock, co. Cornwall, was summoned to ParUament 1326). Davenport (Chorley, co. Chester, and Davenport House,
Ar. a bend sa. betw. two cotises az. CO. Salop, lineaUy descended from Thouas Davenport of
Daiiney. Ar. a dragon ramp. sa. Chorley, a second son of Davenport of Davenport). Same
Daungrate, or Denewg-ate. Per bend embattled ar. Ai'^ns and Crest, with a crescent for diff.
and sa. Davenport (Welford, co. Gloucester). Same Arms and
Saiint (Owlpen Manor, co. Gloucester. MAS.r, dan. and Crest. —
Motto Fortes adjuvat ipse Dens.
heiress of Thouas Daunt, Esq., of Owlpen, co. Gloucester, Davenport (Darnwell Bank). Same Arm^ and Crest, the
and Gortigrenane, co. Cork, m. 1815, Thohas Anthont chev. gu. and charged with three roses of the field.
SroncHTON, Esq., of Ballyhorgan, co. Kerry). Quarterly, Davenport (Foxley, co. Hereford; confirmed to the family
1st and 4th, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three choughs' heads of that name which settled in North Stafford, temp. Henry
erased of the second beaked gu. 2nd and 3rd, sa. a chev. VI., and borne by Kev. George Hobatius Davenport).


ar. betw. three owls ppr., for Owlpen. Ancient Arms Same Arms and Crest, the chev. ermines.
Sa. three beacons with ladders fired gu. Crest A bugle- — Davenport (Salford, co. Lancaster, 1664). Same Anms, a

horn or, stringed sa. Motto Vigilo et spero. canton for diff.

Daunt (Fahalea, co. Cork, descended from Daunt of Owl- Davenport (Capesthome, co. Chester, and Baginton, co.
pen). Same ArmSf Crest^ and Motto. Warwick exemplified to William Davenport- Bromley,

Daunt (Tracton Abbey, co. Cork. Very Rev. Achilles Esq., of Baginton Hall, co. Warwick, upon his obtaining a
Daont, Dean of Cork, descended from Daunt of Fahalea). royal licence, 1867, to discontinue the name of Davenport
Same Arms, Crest, and Motto. before than of Bbomlet, and thenceforth use the name of
Daunt (Newborough, Sleiveron, Kilcascan, &c., &c., co. Davenport in addition to and after that of Bromley).
Cork, branches of the foregoing). Same Anns, Crest, and Quarterly, lstand4th, ar.onachev.betw. three cross crosslets
Motto. fitchee sa. a rose of the field, for Davenport ; 2nd and 3rd,
Dauntesey John Buck, Esq., of Agecroft,
(exemplified to quarterly, per fesse indented gu. and or, an inescocheon ar,
CO. Lancaster, on his assuming, by royal licence, 1863, the charged with a grifSn segreant vert all within a bordure
samame and arms of Daunteeet). Per fesse dancetbge or gobony ar. (and for distinctionj a canton erm., for Brom-
and gu. a hon ramp, seizing upon a wyvem erect counter- ley. —
Crests Davenport: A man's head in profile ppr.
changed, a bordure engr. erm. Crest —
^A dragon's head around the neck a rope or; Bromley Out of a ducal coronet

erased vert, gorged with a collar dancettee or, encircled by a or, a demi Uon issuant ar. (charged for distinction on the

chain also or. Motto Virtus sola invicta. shoulder with a cross crosslet fitchee sa.) supporting a
Dauntre (co. Gloucester). Ar. a chev. betw. three birds' pennon flying towards the sinister gu. thereon a lion pass,
heads sa. beaked gu. guard, of the first, the staff and spear erect ppr. Motto —
Dauntre, or Dau'wte. Sa. three beacons fired or, the Fear God, honour the King.
flames ppr. Davent, or Davenett. Erm. on a bend gu. three
Dauntre. Gu. a bend ar. betw. two cotises indented or. mullets or.
Dauntsey. Per pale ar. and or, a fess rebutee betw. three Daventre (co. Northampton). Erm. a cross gu.
lions* heads erased gu. (another, sa.).
Dautre. Gu. on a bend or, three escallops sa. Daventre. Erm. a fesse gu.
Davall (London, 1650). Gu. semee-de-lis ar. a lion ramp. Daventry, Town
of (co. Northampton). Has not any
I or. Crest —An arm embowed ppr. holding a fleur-de-lis armorial ensign, the seal of the town' represents a man
or. holding with his sinister hand a tree, and in his dexter an
Davell (co. Devon). Ar. a chev. embattled ermines betw. axe. Legend —
Sigillum commune burgi Dantriae.
three fleurs-de-lis aa. Davereignes. Ar. a cross gu. a bordure engr. sa.
Davell (co. York). Or, a p:de wavy betw. eight cinquefoils Davernett. Az. two hands conjoined in fesse ppr. in
gu. Crestr—A dexter hand apaumee, charged with an eye chief a wolf pass. ar. Crest —A
woodpecker close ppr.
ppr. Daverport. Az. three half spades or, the side of each
Davell, or Davall (co. Ar. a chev. betw. three
Tork). spade to the sinister. Crest —A
lion pass, erm. ducally
fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest —
A terrestrial globe ppr.
Davell (co. York). Ar. a chev. betw. three martlets gu.
crowned or, resting the dexter paw on an escutcheon of the
Davell. Gu. a bend ar. (another adds a bordure engr. or). Davers (Kougham, co. Suffolk, bart., extinct 1806). Ar. on a
Davell. Ar. a pale lozengy sa. a bordure of the last. bend gu. three martlets or. Great— A jay ppr. in the bill an
Davells. Ar. a chev. creneUee betw. three fleurs-de-lis sa. annulet or. Anotlter Crest —A talbot pass. ar.
Davenant (Davenant, co. Essex). Gu. three escallops erm. Davers (co. Suffollc). Gu. on a chev. betw. three leopards'
betw. eight crosses crosslet fitch^e or. Crest — ^A sinister arm heads or, as many mullets of the field.

embowed, holding a chaplet of wheat, all or. Davers (Fun. Ent. of Sir Willlam Davers, Knt., d. in Dublin
Davenant, or D'Avenant (Oriel College, Oxford). Gu. 11 April, 1615). Gu. a chev. betw. three mullets of six
three escallops ar. betw. nine crosses crosslet fitchee or. points or.
Davenant, or D'Avenant (St. Alban's Hall, Oxford). Davers (co. Warwick). Ar. on a bend vert three martlets
Same Arrtis. or,
Daveney (Colton, co. Norfolk). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three Davers (co. Wilts). Ar. on a bend gu. three martlets or,
nuns' heads couped at the shoulders ppr., borne without Crest Davers. Gu. bezantee, a canton erm.
or Motto since 1550. Daverston, or Danderston (co. Suffolk). Ar. three
Davenhier. Az. three eagles displ. with two necks or, two halberds in pale gu,
and one. Davet, and Daveth.. Ar, a wivern az.
Davenport (Davenport, co. Chester, descended from Obmus Davey. Sa. three eagles' heads erased or. Ci-est ^An —
DE Davenpoet, temp. Conquest. The direct male line became ostrich's head betw. two feathers, in the beak a horseshoe,
fxtinctin 1677, when Davenport passed, in marriage, with all ppr.
— A


Davey (Redruth, co. Cornwall). Ar. on a chev. az. betw. On a chapeau turned up erm. a boar ar. armed andi
two mullets pierced in chief and a lion pass, in base gu. crined or, gorged with a bough of the first.
three einquefoils or. €h-est~~A. mount vert, thereon an Daviell. Az.' a bend or, betw. six escallops of the
eagle rising az. charged on the wing with a cinquefoil or, second.
holding in the dexter claw a staff sa. therefrom flowing a Davies (co. Brecon). Ar. a dragon's head and neck erased
pendant gu. Motto —
E perseverantiS honor. vert,holding in the mouth a bloody hand.
Daveys (co. Devon). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three mullets Davies (co. Brecon). Az. a stag pass. ar. attired or, betw. the
gu. attires a regal crown ppr.
Daveys (London). Sa. three battle-axes ar. Davies (Everton, co. Hants). Az. three einquefoils or. on a
David (North Wales; confirmed 20 April, 1581). Gu. on a chief ar. a lion pass. gu. quartering the arms of Db Vaese,-
bend ar. a lion pass. sa. Crest —A lion's head erased, Gilbert, and Bouillieb. Crest —
A dove, wings expanded
quarterly, ar. and sa. and addorsed ar. holding in the beak a sprig vert, bearing
David. Ar. an inescutcheon gu. within a double tressure three roses or.
flory couuter-flory of the second. Davies (granted to John Evan Davies, Esq., of the city
David. Az. a Ehip In full sail or, on a chief ar. three of Bristol). Az. three demi goats guard, ar. each holding
einquefoils gu. Crest —A
lamb pass. ar. in the mouth a in the paws a leek ppr. Crest —A
demi goat as in the
sprig vert, fructed gu. arms.
David (Fairwater House, Cardiff)* -Az. a ship in full sail, Davies (John Birt Davies, Esq., Birmingham). Per chev.
on a chief ar. a garb betw. two einquefoils all gu. Crest — az. and gu. on a chev. or, betw. two fleurs-de-lis in chief
A dove with an olive branch in the mouth ppr. Motto— ar. and a lion ramp, in base of tho third three pellets sa.
Pax et copia. Crest —
A lion ramp. ar. charged with three cross cross-
David. Ar. two bars gu. on each three crosses crosslet or. lets gu. and holding betw. the paws a piece of cable nowed
David. Barry of six gu. and ar. in chief three crosses ppr. Motto —Conatimur.
crosslet or. Davies (Kent). Quarterly, 1stand 4th, gu. three boars'
David. a cross pattee az.
Ar. heads couped ar. 2nd and 3rd, or, a lion ramp, reguard. sa.


David ap Griffith (last Prince of North Wales, executed Crests 1st: A boar's head couped and erect or 2nd: A demi

by Edward I. David had a son, whose legitimacy has, on lion ramp. sa.
somewhat inadequate grounds, been questioned, viz., David Davies (Sir Thomas Davies, Lord Mayor of London 1677).
Goch, Lord of Penmachno, in Carnarvon, ancestor of, I. Or, a chev. betw. three mullets pierced sa. Crest—'Oa a
Llotds, of Esclusham and Dulaseu; II.Gethins of Fedwdeg; chapeau ppr. a demi lion ramp. or.
IIL CoYTMOEs, of Coytmor). Sa. a lion ramp. ar. within a Davies (London and Shropshire). Per bend sinister erm.
bordure engr. or. and ermines a lion ramp. or. Crest Two lions' gambs —
David Goch (son of the foregoing, Penmachno, co. Den- erased, the dexter ermines, the erm. holding a
bigh, derived from Llewelyn Drwyndwn. Descendants: buckle or.
I. Lloyd, of Croestskin; II. Gethin, of Vedw Deg; Davies (Bishop of St. Aaaph, 1560-61, and St. David's,
III. Hughes, of Peniarth in Penmachno IV. Powel, of ; 1561-81, translator of part of the Bible into English, and of
Penmachno). Same Arms. part of the New Testament into Welsh, derived from
Davidg'e (co. Somerset). Gu. on a fesse wavy betw. three Ednowain Beudew). Per pale ar. and gu. three pelicans'
lions pass. ar. as many crosses pattde of the field. Crest — heads in piety counterchanged, on a chief az. three fleurs-de-
demi lion ar. gorged with a collar gu. charged with three lis or.

lions pass, of th^ first. Davies (Eev. John Davies, D.D., Mall-wydd, author of the
Davidson (Caimbrogie, Scotland). Az. on a fesse huraett^e Welsh Gj-ammar and Dictionary, and translator of the
ar. betw. three pheons or, a buck couchant gu. attired Thirty-nine Articles into Welsh, derived from Marchud ap
sa. Cynan). ArmSj those of Ednowain Bendew.
Davidson (Curriehill, Scotland, bart. 1661). Az. on a fesse Davies (Prittlewell). Quarterly, 1st, gu. a chev. engr. betw.
ar. betw. three pheons or, a buck couchant gu. attired three boars' heads erased ar. ; 2nd, per bend siuistor erm.
sa. Crest —A
youth, from the middle, holding in the and sa. a Uon ramp, reguard. or. ; 3rd, sa. a lion ramp. ar.
dexter hand a man's heart all ppr. Motto Sapienter, si — maned or, within a bordure of the second; 4th, sa. a chev.
sincere. ar. betw. three lozenges per fesse gu. and or. Crest On a —
Davidson (HalUree, Scotland). Az. on a fess wavy or, chapeau gu. turned up erm. a boar pass. ar. collared of the
betw. three pheons ar. a buck couchant gu. attired
sa. Crest first.

and Motto, as Curriehill. Davies (Gwysaney, co. Flint, derived from Cynric Kfell,

Davidson (Cantray, co. Inverness). As Curriehill within Lord of Eglwys Egle, son of Madoc, last Prince of Powys-
a bordure or. Crest— A. dexter hand holding a heart ppr. Fadoc). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. on a bend ar. a
3fo((o—Sapienter, si sincere. lion pass, sa., for Davies; 2nd, ar. a lion ramp. sa. armed
Davidson (Muirhouse, co. Edinburgh). Az. on a chev. or, and langued gu., for Madoc ap Meredith, last pilincc
betw. two stars in chief and a pheon in base ar. a fleur-de-lis of Powys; 3rd, or, a lion ramp, gu., armed and langued
gu. Crest— A phcenix in flames ppr, gfrjijuriYrrt "Sscea of the first, for Bleddtn ap Cynfyn, King of Powys. Cre^—
t^f f"""T I'r^ Motto—Viget in cinere virtus. A lion's head couped quarterly ar. and sa., granted to
Davidson (North Wales; confirmed 12 June, 1586). Gu. EoBEKT Davies, Esq., of Gwysaney, 20 April, 1581, when
a stag trippant or. the arms were, confirmed. Motto Heb Dhuw heb ddym,—
Davidson (London; confirmed by Wm.
Cooke, Clarenceux, Dhuw a digon.
1575). Ar. a stag trippant ppr. attired or. Crest A stag — Davies (Kellio and Kea, co. Cornwall). Sa. a fesse or, betw.
courant or, shot through the neck with an arrow ar. three einquefoils ar.
Davidson (granted to David Meter Davidson, Esq., James Davies (Tredrea, co. Cornwall), Ar. a chev. ermines betw.
Street, Westminster). Az. a stag lodged ar. in the mouth an three mullets pierced gu.
acorn slipped or, betw. four pheons, two and two, of the last. Davies (Hanwell, co. Middlesex). Gu. on a bend ar. alion
C^ese— Upon a moxmt vert a dove, wings elevated az. in the pass. sa. Crest —
A lion's head couped quarterly ar. and
beak two ears of com and the dexter foot resting on a sa. ducally —
crowned or. Motto Honor virtutem coronat.

pheon or. Motto Per angusta ad augusta. Davies (Pentre, co. Pembroke). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az.
Davie (Febgdson Davie, Creedy, co. Devon, bart.). Quarterly, a wolf saliant ar., for Davies 2nd and 3rd, az. a chev. or,

1st and 4th, ar. a chev. betw. three mullets pierced gu.; betw. three eagles' heads erased ar., for Saundebs. Crestr—
2nd and 3rd, az. three einquefoils, two and one, or, upon a 1st, Davies: A woU saliant ar. 2nd, Saunders: A demi

chief of the last a lion pass. gu. A paschal

Crests— Ut: hull saliant couped at the loins ar. Motto —Solem ferre

lamb reguard. gu.; 2nd: A halcyon, or kingfisher, wings possum.

elevated ppr., holding in the beak a branch of olive vert. Davies (Moor Court, Hereford; as borne by James
Motto — Auspice Christo. Davies, Esq., of that place, a magi-itrate for the county).
Davie (Rev. Wm. Cdpadde Davie, M.A., rector of Ashby with Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. a griffin segreant or, foe
Oby, Norwich). Az. on a fesse ar. betw. three boars' heads Davies; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a Uon ramp. sa. over all a fessfr
erased or, three einquefoils sa. Crest —
A talbot'a head engr. gu., for Powell. Crest —
A griffin segreant or.
erased ar. ducally crowned, collared, and eared or. Davies (Tisbury, co. Wilts). Sa. a fesse erm. betw. three
Davie, alias Baren (quartered by Pollard of Longley, einquefoils ar.
CO. Devon. Visit. 1620). Ar. a betw. three mullets Davies {Marsh, co. Salop; originally settled in co. Mont-
gomery). Sa. a goat ar. attired or, standing on a child ppr-
Davie (Durham). Same Arms. swaddlcd gu. and feeding on a tree vert. Crest On a mount —
Davie (granted 1664). Sa. on a fesse betw. two chev. ar. vert a goat lodged ar. against a tree ppr.
three mullets of the first, on a canton or, a rose gu. Crest — Davies (Elmley Park, co. Worcester). Quarterly, let and


4th, ar.a goat sa. guttee d'ean, standing on a child ppr. in a Davis. Az. a fesse erm. betw. three unicorns' heads erased-
cradle gu. swaddled or, and feeding on an oak tree upon a ar. —
Crest Three arrows, two in saltire and one in pale=
mount vert, for Davies; 2nd, az. nine estoiles ar., for ppr.
Baillie 3rd, ar. a fesse couped betw. three ravens rising
; Davis Az. a wolf saUant ar. charged oit
(co. Hereford).
ppr., for Pierce. Crest —On a
mount vert a goat lodged the breast with a quatrefoil gu. (another, a dnquefoil).
ar. against an oak tree ppr. Motto Deus tuetur.— —
Crest Out of a mural coronet ppr. a demi wolf sahant ar.-
Davies (Clovenshannogh, co. Eoscommon, Eeg. Ireland). holding a quatrefoil gu.
Same Arms, without the quarterings. Davis (Leytonstone, co. Essex), Ar. a chev. pean, in base
Savies (Thicknam, co. Somerset). Gu. a grlfQn segreant a lion ramp. sa. a chief indented of the last, and a canton
or. Crest— A griflBn, asin the arms. —
ermines. Ci'est A demi lion issuant sa. charged on the-
Savies (co. Stafford). Sa. a chey. ar. betw. three swans* shoulder with the fasces or, betw. the paws a bomb fired
necks or, on a chief of the third a fleur-de-lis of the ppr. Motto— Decide.
first. Davis (originally co. Salop, afterwards Fenton House, Hamp-
Savies (Vine Hall, co. Sussex). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three stead Heath). Gu. a chev. betw. three boars' heads couped'
mullets gu. pierced or (another, pierced of the field). Crest — ar. Crest —
A fawn couchant.
On a ducal coronet or, a boar's head couped sa. Davis (Kill, co. Kildare Fvm, Ent. of Gerbote Davis, of that

Davies, Ar. on a bend sa. three mullets of the field. place, d. 2 May, 1619, son of John Davis, Esq., of same
Davies. Sa, a chev. or, betw. three cinquefoils ar. place). Sa. on a chev. ar. three trefoils slipped vert.
Davies (Sir Thomas Da vies, 1677, Lord Mayor of London). Davis (Kill, CO. Kildare Fun. Ent. of Lawrence, third son

Or, a chev. betw, three mullets pierced sa, Ci-est On a — of John Davis, of that place, buried at St. Andeous,
chapeau ppr. a demi lion ramp. or. 8 April, 1634). Same Arms^ a martlet for diff,
Davies-Ziloyd (Arthde Lloyd Davies-Llotd, Esq., of Davis ( Viscount Mount Cashdl. Sir Paul Davis or Davys,
Blaendyffryn, was authorized by royal licence, 31 Jan., 1848, Knt., of St. Katherine's, co. Dublin, and Kill, co. Kildare, was-
10 add to his patronymic the surname of Lloyd, and to so created in the peerage of Ireland, 1706, extinct 1736).
quarter, with his paternal coat, the arms of his mother's —
Same Arrns. Crest A dragon's head erased vert. Sm2>
family, under the will of David Lloyd, Esq., of Alltyr Odin, porters —
Two leopards guard, cowarded ppr.
his maternal grand-uncle). 1st and 4th, Lloid, sa. three Davis (Fun. Ent. of Sir William Davis, Lord Chief
scaling ladders ar. in chief a spear head embrued ppr, on a Justice, King's Bench, Ireland, d. 24 Sept. 1687). Same
chief gn. a castle of the second; 2nd and 3rd, Davies, per Artns, a martlet for diff. Crest —
^A wyvem's head erased
chev. ar, and sa. in chief two antelopes' heads erased of the vert.
second, in base a mullet of the first. Crest —
A demi ante- Davis (Keg. Ireland, to Major Thomas Davis), Sa. a fess-
lope sa, seme^ of mullets ar. holding betw. the legs a cross or, betw. three cinquefoils ar. on a chief of the second three
crosslet sa. Motto —
Sic itur ad astra. —
arrow heads gu. Crest ^A cubit dexter arm in armour em-
Davile (Angram, co. York). Or, on a fesse betw, four bowed, the hand holding a battle axe all ppr,
fleurs-de-lis gu, two fleurs-de-lis of the first. Davis (Reg. Ireland). Ar. on a bend gu. betw. two caltraps-
Davile (Cockwold, co. York), Same A-rms, fleurs-de-lis sa. three cinquefoils or. Crest —
A nag's head couped ar.-
sa, charged on the neck with caltraps sa.
DaviUe. Az. a fret or (another, ar.). Davis (Ireland, borne by Hercdles Davis, Esq.). Gu. a chev,
Daville. Gu. a lion ramp, within an orle of eight fleurs-de- —
betw, three boars' heads couped ar. Crest A boar ramp. ar.
lis ar. Davis (J. N. 0, Atkins Davis, Surgeon-Major Royal Ar--
Davillers (co. Suffolk). Or, three inescuteheons gu. tillery, H.P. Deputy Inspector of Army Hospitals, eldest son
Davillers. Ar. three inescuteheons (another, crescents) of tlie late James Thomas Davis, Esq., Surgeon Royal Ar-
gu._ tillery and Acting Deputy-Inspector of Ordnance Hospitals
Davils. Or, a chev. embattled ermines betw, three fleurs- in the Peninsula). Gu. a chev. ar. in chief three battle-
de-lis gu. axes, in base a human heart, guttee de sang, pierced with a
Davis (Hollywood, co. Gloucester, bart,). Ar. a chev. nebuly dagger, all of the second. Crest —
A dexter mailed arm
betw. three mullets in chief and another in base pierced sa. holding a scimitar ppr. Motto I will. —

Crat ^Two Indian pikes in saltire ppr. surmounted by a Davis (Sir John Davis, Attorney-General for Ireland, 1606).
mullet pierced sa, betw two wings vair ar. and sa. Motto
— Sa. afess erm. betw. three cinquefoils pierced ar.
Utili secemerehonestum. The augmentation of the Indian Davis (Reg. in Ireland to Major Thomas Davis, temp.
Spear in the crest commemorates an heroic achievement of Charles II.) Sa. a fess or, betw. three cinquefoils ar. on a
Sir John Davis's father, the late Samuel Davis, Esq., member chief of the second three caltraps gu. Crest —
An arm in
of the Board of Revenue in Bengal. -Inl799, after the mas- armour embowed, the hand gauntletted holding a battle
sacre of the Political Eesident at Benares, he defended his axe all ppr.
house for upwards of an hour and a-half, armed with a spear Davis-GofiF. See Goff.
only, and posted in a narrow staircase, single handed, against Davison (Newcastle-on-Tyne). Or, a fesse wavy betw. s!x
the treacherous attack of the usurper, Vizier Ali, and his cinquefoils gu. Crest —On an earl's coronet or, a dove rising
forces, and "thus saved the settlement, by giving time for ar. holding in the beak a wheat stalk, bladed and eared, all
the cavalry, which were quartered at Beetabur, about ten
miles from Benares, to reach Secrole, and oblige Vizier Ali Davison (Lanton and Swarland, co, Northumberland).
to retire with his followers." S&me Arms and Crest, a crescent for difi'. —
Motto ^Merscs-
Davis (Bristol). Gu.a chev. erm. in mounds or, in
chief two profundo pulchrior evenit.
base a talbot pass, of —
the last. Crest Two arms embowed, Davison (Pierepoint, nearFarnham, Surrey). Same Arrns^
habited erm. cuffs az. hands ppr. supporting a mound, as in &c.
the arms. Davison (Brandhall, co. Salop). Sa. three garbs or, on a;
Davis (co. Kent; allowed June, 1772). Az. a wolf saliant —
canton ar, a martlet gu. Crest An eagle displ, ar. collared
erm. Crest —A wolf pass. erm. gu. holding in the beak an ear of wheat or.
Davis (co. Kent). Or, a cross botonn^e in saltire betw. four Davison. Gu. a stag trippant or. Crest —A
stag's head-
eagles displ. sa. couped betw. two wings endorsed or.
Davis (London and "Westminster; granted 1746). Per bend Daviss. Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three cinquefoils of the
erm. and ermines a lion ramp, reguard. erminois
sinister —
same. Crest Out of a ducal coronet a hand holding a
on a chief az. three mullets of six points ar. Ci-est — sword waved in pale ppr.
demi wolf ramp, reguard. and erased az. ducally collared Davith. Ar. a wivern displ. sa.
and chained or, holding in the paws a mullet, as. in the Davoren. See O'Davoren.
arms. Davy (Creedy, co. Devon; granted 20 April, 1594). Az.-
Davis (co. Salop). Gu. a chev. betw. three boars' heads three cinquefoils or, on a chief of the second a lion pass, gu,
couped ar. Crest—A dove with wings endorsed ppr. in the beak a sprig
Davis. Per fesse ar. and aa. in chief two towers of the vert, thereon three roses or.
second. —A
leopard's head erased ppr.
Crest Davy, or Davie (Sandford, co. Devon). Same Arms.
Davis. Gu. a chev. betw. three boars' heads erased ar. Davy (co. Devon). Same Arms, the chief ar. Crest —A dova
Crest —
A boar's head erased ppr. holding in the beak an olive branch all ppr.
Davis. Sa. a fesse or, betw. ihree cinquefoils ar, Ci^est — Davy (Rose Ash and Beaford, co. Devon. Visit. 1620). Ar.
A lion's head erased or, ducally crowned gu. two chevronels sa. betw. three mullets pierced gu. Crest—'
Davis. Sa. a fesse betw. three cinquefoils pierced erm. A paschal lamb reguard. ar, holding a pennon of the last
Davis. Ar, on a bend az. cotised gu. three doves or. charged with a cross gu. stall or,
Davis. Gu. a chev. engr. betw. thre« boars' heads erased Davy (GrosvenorStreet, London, bart., extinct; SirHoMPHRi
ar. Davt, President of the Royal Society, was so created 1818r


-d. 8. p. 1829). Sa. a chev. engr. erminois laetw. two annulets Dawbeny. Gu. a fesse fusily ar. in chief three martlets of
in chief or, and in base a flame ppr. (commemorative of the the second.
invention of the safety lamp by Sir Humphry Davy), Dawbeny, Gu. a fesse fusily ar. in chief three estoiles
encompassed by a chain of the first, issuant irom a civic or.

wreath gold. Crest Out of a civic wreath or, an elephant's Dawberon (temp. Edward I,). Az. a chev. or.
head sa. ear gold, tusks ar. the proboscis attached by a Dawbin. Paly of three and barry of the same gu. and ar.
line to a ducal coronet around the neck gold. Motto Igne — counterchanged, in chief two cinquefoils of the second, and

constricco vita secura. in base one of the first. Ci-est A triton holding in the
Davy (Lesketh How, co. Westmoreland). Same as last. dexter hand a trident ppr.
Davy (Calton, co. Norfolk granted by W. Dethick, Garter Dawbney
(Oliver, son of John Dawbney, both of London.
1596). Sa. a chev. engr. erm. betw. three annulets ar. a Visit. 1568). Gu. five fusils conjoined in fess ar, the centre

bordure of the last. Crest A cannon or, mounted on a one charged with a fleur-de-lis sa.
carriage gu. Dawbney (cos. Cambridge and Norfolk). Ar. across betw.
Davy (Ingoldsthorpe and Kilverstone Hall, co. Norfolk). four lions ramp. gu.
Sa. a chev. engr. erm. betw. three annulets ar. d-cst—Ont Dawbney, or Dawbeney (co. Devon). Gu. a fesse
of a ducal coronet or, an elephant's head sa. armed ar. in fusily ar. Crest— A leopard's face or, jessant-de-lis gu.
the front of the coronet a ring, thereto a line and ring gold, Dawbney (co. Essex). Gu. three lozenges in fesse erm.
turned over the trunk. These arms appear on tombs of the Dawbney (co. Norfolk). Ar. a fesse fusily gu. in chief two
family in Norfolk, as far back as 1485. martlets respecting each other sa
Davy (Ufford). Same Arms and Crest. Motlo^Yim da Dawbney (co. Norfolk). Ar. a cross betw. four buckles
vi honestae.
Davy (co. Kent). Gu. a chief erm. Dawbney. Gu. on a fesse engr. ar. three martlets of the
-Davy (Stanfield, co. Norfolk). Sa. on a fesse ar. betw. three first.

dragons' heads erased close to the head or, as many cinque- Dawbney. Gu. in chief four lozenges erm.
foils of the field. Crest A— talbot's head erased ar. ducally Daw^bney. Gu. a fesse engr. erm. in chief three mullets
crowned, collared and eared or. or.
Davy (Beckley, co. Sussex, Suffolk, and Wilts). Sa. a fesse Dawbney. Gu. a fesse engr. ar. in chief three escallops
or, betw. three cinquefoils erm. (another, ar.) Crest — or.
lion sejant ar. supporting a column or. Dawbney. Or, a bend dancettfie vert.
Davy (Gboeoe Thomas Davy, Esq., Sussex Square, London). Dawbney. Or, a cross flory vert.
Ar. a chev. engr. betw. two mullets in chief gu. pierced of Dawbney, or Dawbeny. Gu. a cross pattee vair.
the field and in base on a mount vert a lamb pass. ppr. Dawbny. Gu. four fusils in fesse ar.
Crest-— On a mount vert a lamb pass, reguard. ppr. semee of Dawdwen. Or, a cross pattee gu. betw. four lozenges
cstoiles sa. supporting a staff or, therefrom flowing a pennon •vert.
ar. the ends gu. charged with a cross pattee of the last. Dawe. Vert uponabend ar. three dawsvolantsa. Quartered

Motto El hombre propone Dios dispone. by Treffry, of Fowey, for Dawe, of Plymouth.
Davy. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three mullets pierced gu. Dawe (East Chilborough, co. Dorset). Ar. on a pile gu. a
Davy©. Sa. a lesse or, betw. three cinquefoils ar. a mullet chev. betw. three crosses crosslet of the first. Crest—'A
for diff. Crest —
A lion sejant ar. charged on the shoulder lion's gamb erased and erect ar. holding a fleur-de-lis or.
with a mullet sa. supporting a column or. Dawe (Ditcheat, co. Somerset, descended, temp. Edward IV.,
-Davye (Crediton and Cannotene, co. Devon. Visit. 1620). from East Cbilborough, co. Dorset). Same Arms and
Az. three cinquefoils pierced or, on a chief of the last a lion Crest.
pass. gu. Crest —
A halcyon bird breasted gu. head and neck Dawes (Putney, co. Surrey, hart., extinct 1741). Ar. on a
az. tail ppr. wings endorsed ar. holding in the beak a branch bend az. cottised gu. betw. six pole-axes sa. three swans
vert, with three roses or. ar.
Davyll (quartered by Flower of Langer, co. Notts. "Visit. Dawes (Stapleton, co. Leicester. Bichabs Dawes, Visit.
1614). Gu. on a fess betw. four fleurs-de-lis or, two of the Leicester, 1619). Ar. on a bend az, cottised gu. betw. six
field, in chief a trefoil ar. battle axes sa. three —
swans or. Crest A demi battle axe
Davyll (Har. MS. 1400). Or. on a fess betw. six fleurs-de-lis erect staff or, blade ar. on the point a dragon volant, tail
of the field, three of the field. nowed sa. bezantee.
Davys. Sa. a fesse betw. three cinquefoils erm. Crest — Dawes (Stowmarket, cos. Suffolk and Stafford). Same
An ostrich, holding in the beak a horse-shoe ppr. —
Arms. Crest A halberd erect or. on the point a flying
Davys. Gu. a stag trippant ar. dragon (or wivem) without legs, tail nowed sa. bezantee
Davys (Eight Rev. George Davts, D.D., Bishop of Peter- vulned gu.
borough, 1839). Sa. a fesse erm. betw. three cinquefoils ar. Dawes (London and co. Salop). Ar. on abend sa. cotised

Crest A Cornish chough ppr. gu. betw. six halberds of the second three swans of the first.
-^avys (Campbell-Davxs, Neuaddfawr, co. Carmarthen- Crest —As above.
WiLLiAM Davys Harris, Esq., succeeded his maternal uncle, Dawes (London). Az. three mullets ar.
Captain Richard Davys, in 1832, when he assumed the name Dawes (London. Confirmed with a crescent for diff. by
ofDavys, and married in 1847 Elizabeth Jane, only dau. Camden, Clarenceux, 1611, to William Dawes, of London,
of Peter Campbell, Esq., of Askomel, co. Argyle, when he second son of Robert Dawes, Esq., of Longstrethim, co.
-assumed the additional surname of Campbell). Quarterly, Norfolk). Ar. on a bend wavy az. three swans of the
Ist and 4th, sa. a chev. betw. three swans' necks ar. ducally field. Crest —
Same as Dawes, of Stapleton,
gorged or, on a chief of the third a fleur-de-lis of the first, Dawes (Middlesex). Sa. on a chev. betw. three mullets or,
for Davys; 2nd and 3rd, gyronny of eight or and sa., for as many acorns slipped and leaved vert. Crest A dexter —
Campbell. An escutcheon of pretence, quarterly, 1st and arm embowed vested gu. cuffed ar. holding in the hand ppr.
4th, gyronny of eight or and sa. 2nd, gu. an eagle dis-
; an oak vert fructed with three acorns or.
played or; 3rd, az. a branch betw. three fleurs-de-lis or. DaweSj or Downes. Gu. a chev. betw. three mulletB
Crests— 1st: A demi lion ramp. ppr. ducally colWed or, for or.
Davys 2nd A dexter hand ppr. holding a spur or, for
; : Dawes (Shawe Place, co. Lancaster). Or, on a bend, engr,
Campbell. Motto Forget not.— betw. six battle axes erect az. three swans wings elevated
^a'W, Ar. on a pile gu. a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet ar. Crest —
A wy vern tail nowed sa. bezantee, holding in his
of the field. Crest—An eagle with wings expanded, looking dexter claw a battle axe, head az. handle or.
at the sun ppr. Dawes (exemplified to Charles William Willcock, Esq., of
Dawbeney (Cirencester, co. Gloucester, and TJpton-on- Burton Barlavington, co. Sussex, upon his assuming,
Sevem, co. Worcester). Gu, a fesse fusily ar. over all a by royal licence, the surname of Dawes, in lieu of that of
sinister bendlet or. Crest —A mulberry-tree vert, fructed Willcock, 21 April, 1870). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. on a
gu. debruised by a sinister bendlet. chev. betw. in chief two mullets, and in base an acorn slipped
Dawbeuey (Cambridge). Az. a cross betw. four lions or, a mullet of the first betw. two acorns slipped vert, for
mmp. or (another, the cross ar.). Dawes; 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a fesse gu. betw. m
chief two
.Da-wbeney. Gu. five fusils in fesse ar, each charged with eagles' heads erased of the last, and in base a padlock sa. a
a fleur-de-lis sa. in chief three martlets or. Crest An — martlet betw. two escallops of the first, for Willcock. Crest»^
elephant's head erased per fesse vert and or. 1st, Dawes: Upon a mount betw. two acorns slipped and
"Dawbeney. Gu. four fusils in fesse erm. in chief three leaved ppr. an arm embowed vested sa, cuff or, holding in
mullets or. the hand a sprig of myrtle ppr. ; 2nd, Willcock : An eagle's
Da-wrbeny. Or, two chev. within a bordure gu. Crest — head erased gu. gorged with a collar gcmel ar. suspended
Two lions' paws erased, holding a crescent or. from the beak a padlock sa. Motto—Fea,r not.
A -


Dawest. At. two bars gu. on a canton of the second a rose Dawson-Damer {Earl of Fortarlington). Az. a chev-
of the first. erm. betw. three arrows paleways, points do^vnwards ar. on^
Dawikes, or Dawkes. Or, a chev. hetw. three mnllets a chief of the last three martlets sa. a canton gu, charged •

pierced sa. —
with a mullet gold. Cj-est A cat's head, full faced, erased
Dawker. Gu. a lion pass, gnard. hetw. two escallops in near the shoulders, of a tabby colour, holding in the mouth a
pale ar. and as many launches of the second, each charged rat sa. Supporters —
^Two heraldic tigers ppr. Motto Vitee —
with a lion ramp. sa. Crest —
Out of a pallisado coronet via virtus.
an arm emhowed, habited, holding a battle axe fesseways Dawson {Earl of Bartrey), Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. on^
ppr. a bend engr. or, three martlets gu. ; 2nd and 3rd, az.
Dawkins (Over Norton, co. Oxford). Gu. a lion pass. —
three torches erect ppr. Crest An estoile of six points
guard, or, betw. two roses in pale ar. and as manyflaunches
— or, Suppiyrters —
Dexter, an Irish wolf dog; sinister, an

of the second, each charged with a lion ramp. sa. Crest elk, both ppr. collared and chained or. Motto ^Xoujours -

A dexter arm couped at the shoulder, holding a battle axe propice.

bendways ppr. on the blade a rose gu. Dawson (Penrith, co. Cumberland ; granted 1761). Az. a
Sa^ivlui* Gu. a trefoil slipped or. chev. erm. on a chief ar. three Cornish choughs ppr. Crest
Dawnay (Cowick, co. York, Viscount Downe). Ar. on a — A demi talhot erm. eared az. holding an arrow or, flighted
bend cotised sa. three annulets of the field. Crest ^A demi — and pointed ar.
Saracen in armour, couped at the thighs and wreathed Dawson (London). Az, on a bend engr. or, three martlets
about the temples ppr. holding in the dexter hand a ring gu. Crest —An estoile or.
gold, stoned az. and in the sinister a lion's gamb erased or, Dawson (Allan Bank, Grasmere, co. Westmoreland).

armed gu. Supporters Two lions or, gorged with a fesse Same Arms, Crest—A. cat's head erased, tabby and full-
cotised sa. charged with three annulets ar. ducaUy crowned faced.
of the last. Motto —Timet pudorem. Dawson (Azerley, co. York, 1612). Erm. on a canton az.
Sawuay. Ar. on a bend cotised gu. three cinquefoila or. a stag lodged or. Crest— On a mount vert a talbot statant
Sawndley. Az. a canton or, within a bordure gu.
Dawne, Da-wney, or Davna. {co. Chester). Ar. on a Dawson (Sutterby, co. Lincoln; confirmed 12 June, 1664,
bend sa. three arrows of the field. Crest ^A crane holding — to James Dawson, Esq., of Sutterby, co. Lincoln, and of
in the beak an oak branch ppr, AnotJier Crest A dexter — BaUina Courte, or New Forest, co, Tipperary). Ar. two
wing or. pales sa. a chev. gu. on a canton of the last a battle axe or.
Da'wue (co. Chester). Ar. two bars az. on abend gu. three Oi-est—A dexter arm embowed in armour ppr. garnished or,
arrows of the field. holding in the gauntlet a battle axe of Ke last. i

Sawne. Ar. a buglehom garnished and stringed sa. Dawson (co- Lincoln, Reg. Irelt-ad). Or, three pallets sa. a
Daivney (co. Chester). Ar. on a bend cotised az. three chev. ar. on a canton gu. a battle axe of the first. Crest —
roses of the field. tower ar. alighting thereon a falcon wings addorsed sa.
Sawney (co. Chester). Barry of four az. and ar. on a bend Dawson (Low Wray, near Hawkshead). Same Arvis.-
of the first three arrows of the second. —
Crest On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a cockatrice or.
Dawney (Sesay, co. York). Ar. ona bend cotised sa. three Ancient Crest—That of Dawson of Sutterby. Motto Deed?, —
annulets (another, martlets) or. not words.
Dawney (quartered by Woolcombb, of Pitton, co. Devon. Dawson (Launde Abbey, co. Leicester). On a bend engr,
Visit. 1620)., Or, on a bend cotised az. three cinqutioils of ar. three birds sa. Motto —
^Manus haec inimica tyrannis.
the field. Dawson (Moyola, formerly Castle Dawson, co. London-
Dawney (co. Devon). Ar. on a bend cotised az. three derry). Az. on a bend or, three mullets gu. Crest An —
roses or. estoile of six points or. —
Motto ^Toujours propice.
Dawney (London). Ar. on abend vert three roses or. Dawson (Westropp Dawson, Charlesfort, co. Wexford;
Dawney. Ar. on a bend az. cotised gu. three cinque- exemplified, 1859, to Waltee Montifoed Westropp, Esq., on
foils or. his assuming, by royal licence, the additional surname of
Dawney. Ar. on a bend cotised az. three wolves pass, or- Dawson). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. on a bend betw.
Dawney. Ar. on a bend vert cotised az. three roses of the two estoiles or, three daws sa., for Dawson; 2nd and 3rd,
field. sa. a lion ramp, ar, ducaUy crowned or, in the dexter chief
Dawney. Az. three roses in bend betw. two cotises or. point an annulet of the last, for Westropp. Crests 1st: —
Dawney. Az, two bars ar. on a bend gu. three arrows or. On clouds ppr. an estoile, as in the arms, an escroll above,
Dawney. Per pale ar. and or, three lion's heads erased with the motto, Toujours propice, for Dawson; 2nd: An
eagle's head couped erm. charged with an annulet gu., (or
Dawney* Ar. a buglehom stringed sa. Westeopp. ilfo((o—Tourne vers I'occident.
Dawngate. Per bend battelly ar. and sa. Dawson (London). Gu, on a bend engr. or, three martlet?.
Dawnie. Az. five fusils in fesse or^ orle of be- Crest —A talbot pass.
zants. Dawson (Newcastle)- Az. on a bend engr, ar. three daws
Dawnin^e (Beaumaris, co. Anglesea). Az, a dolphin naiant (another, ravens) ppr. Crest —A daw ppr.
embowed betw. three crescents or.
ar. Dawson. Az. on a bend engr. or, three martlets gu- Crest
Dawnsey. Per pale ar. and or, a fesse nebulee betw. —A cat's head erased, tabby, in the month a rat ppr.
three hons* heads erased gu. each devouring a spear az. Dawson. Az. a chev. erm. betw. three broad arrows or,
Crest —
A nag's head couped az. bezantee bridled ar. feathered ar.
Dawntre (co. Chester;. Sa. five fishes ar. Dawson (granted to Chaeles James Dawson, Esq., of
Daws (Putney, co. Middlesex). Ar. on a bend az. cotised gu. Melbourne and the Inner Temple, barrister-at-law). Quar-
betw. six battles axes sa, r.s many shovelers or. Crest On a — terly or and erm. on a bend dove-tailed az. an estoile betw.^
demi battle axe, handled or, headed ar. a dragon, sans legs, two martlets ,of the first. Crest—An estoile betw. two ears
wings endorsed bezantee. of wheat slipped all or.
Dawson (Groton Home, Suffolk). Az. a chev. erm. betw. Dawson (granted to Benjamin Feanklin Dawson, Esq.).
three arrows paleways, point downwards or, feathered ar. Az. on a saltire indented ar. five daws sa. Crest— A buckle
on a chief of the last three martlets sa. a canton gu. charged fessways or, therein a daw sa. Motto— Alte volat.
with a mullet gold. Crest —
A cat's head full-faced, erased Da'wson (granted to Christophee Holdswobth Dawson,-
near the shoulders ar. spotted sa. holding in the mouth a Esq., of Weston, co. York). Erm. three pallets engr- gu. on

rat of the last. Motto Vita via virtus. a canton sa. a stag lodged ar. Cresi— Upon a mount vert
Dawson (Kdwardston HaIl,co. Suffolk). Az. a chev. erm betw. . in front of a quiver palewise or, with arrows therein ppr. a
three arrows or, feathered and barbed ar. on a chief of the talbot statant sa. charged with two buckles gold. Motto—
last three Cornish choughs ppr. a canton gu. charged with Perse ve ran do.
a mullet of the third. Quartering gu, a cross patoncee Dawtmarsh. Gu. on a bend ar. cotised or, three escallops
betw. four cinquefoils or, for Manning. Crest —A
cat's head sa.
erased guard, tabby, in the mouth a rat ppr. Motto Vitas — Dawton, or Da^wnton, Ar. three piles sa. on each a
via virtus. ram's head couped of the first, attired or.
Dawson (Spaldingholme, co. Az. a chev, erm,
York, 1584). Dawtree. Gu. a bend ar. cotised or.
betw. three arrows' heads downwards ar. on a chief ar. three Dawijree. Gu. on a bend ar. three escallops sa.
daws sa. and upon a canton gu. a mullet or. Crest A cat's — Daw^trey (Moor House and Doddinghurst, co. Sussex). Az.
head erased affrontee ar. spotted sa. in the mouth a rat five fusils in fesse ar, Orest—A unicorn ar.
courant of the last. Da^wtrey, or Dawtree (co, Hants). Sa. (another, az.)-
Dawson (Wharton, co. Lancaster). Same Ai^ms and five fusils in fesse ar.
Crest. Dawtrey (oo. Norfolk). Gu. a bend cotised ar.



"Dawtrey. Ar. on a bend az. cotised gu. three cinquefoils or. DayroUes Az. a cher. betw.
(Henley Park, co. Surrey).
Da'wtrey. Gu. a bend ar. betw. two cotises engr. or. three mullets of six points in chief or, and a porcupine in
Dawtrey. Ar. on abend Ba. three pheons of the field. base ppr. Crest —
A mullet, as in the arms.
Dawtrey, Erm. a fesse chequy or and az. betw. three Dayton (Bedfordshire). Or, on a fesse betw. three annulets
escallops ermines. gu. as many standing cups of the field.
Da'wtrey. Erm. a fesse indented chequy or and az. Daywill. Gu, a lion ramp, within an orle of fleurs-de-lis ar,
Daxley (Bickerton, co. York). Erm. a chev. sa. betw. three Dea. See O'Dea.
mullets gu. Dea. Ar. two serpents embowed in chief sa. and in base an
Day (cos. Berks, Buckingham, Sussex, and the Isle of Ely arm couped below the wrist, lying fesse-ways, habited gu.
granted 1606). Per chev. or and az. three mullets counter- cuflf dancettee of the first, holding in the hand ppr. a broken

changed. Crest Two hands conjoined ppr, fixed to a pair of sword of the last, hilt and pomel or. Crest An arm, as in —
wings, the dexter or, the sinister az. each charged with a the arms.
mullet counterchanged. Anotlier Crest Two wings ex- — Deach.. Erm. three greyhounds courant in pale gu.
panded or and az. Deacle (London; granted 1704). Or, on a chev, az. betw.
Day (Manarabon, cos. Carmarthen and Salop). Same Anns. three roses slipped ppr. an eagle displ. of the field. Crest —

CreU- Two hands clasping each other, couped at the wrist, On a mural coronet ar. an eagle rising or, holding in the
and conjoined to a pair of wings ppr. each wing charged beak arose.
with a mullet or. Deacon (London). Az. a cross betw. four lions ramp, or,
Day (CO. Essex). Ar. a fesse betw. three martlets in chief on a chief of the last three roses gu. Crest A horse's head —
and a chev. in base az. erased per fesse or and az. Motto— In utrumque paratus.
Day (London; granted 20 March, 1582). Gu. two flaunches Deacon (Longcross House, co. Glamorgan). Az. a cross
erm. on a chief az. three suns or. Crest A greyhound's — betw. four hons or, on a chief ar. three roses gu. quartering
head erased ar. collared, linged, and lined gu. the end nowed. Lill, Head, and Boys. Crest —
A nag's head or. Mottoes —
-Day (London). Erm. on a chief indented az. two (another, Deo et Regi astro , over the crest Seek quiet. —
six) eagles displ. ar. Deacons (cos. Bedford, Buckingham, and Warwick). Ar. a
Day (CO. Salop). Per chev. ar. and az. three mullets counter- chev. counter compony gu. and ar. betw. three rose branch
changed. sprigs of the second, leaved vert. Crest A demi eagle —
Day. Quarterly, ar. and gu. a cross quarterly and pierced displ. ar. winged sa.
betw. four roses all counterchanged, slipped vert. Deacons (Wasperton, co. "Warwick confirmed by the Depu-

Day. Per fesse or. and az. three mullets counterchanged. ties of Camden, Clarenceux, to Robert Deacons, of that
Day (Lieut. John Day, of Sir George Bourchier's Company, place). —
Same Amis. Crest An eagle's head erased ar.
Master of the Ordnance, temp. Queen Elizabeth. Fun. Ent. betw. two wings sa.
of Maubice Smith, Clerk of the Ordnance in Ireland, d. 12 De Agruilar (London). Gu. an eagle displ. or, over the
Feb., 1640, whose wife was Elizabeth, dau. of said John head a plate, on a chief ar. three mounts vert, on each a pear
Day). Per chev. crenellee sa. and ar. in chief three estoiles, of the last, fructed of the second. Crest A lion ramp, or, —
and in base an eagle displ. counterchanged armed or, a charged with a plate.
crescent for diff. Deakin (Col. Henry James Deakin, of Werrington Park,
Day (co. Cork confirmed to Richard Day, M.D., of Auckland, Cornwall). A'>ins and Crest, same as Dakyn's of Biggin


New Zealand, Eobeet Day, of Cork, Merchant, and Rev. Grange. Motto ^Fidelitas vincit.
William TottenhamDay, M. A., Rector o^ Itathclarin, dioc. of Deakin See Dakeyn.
(Lincoln's Inn, London).
Boss, sons of the late Richard Day, of Youghal, by Mary Anne D'Albini(Governor of Jersey, 1217). Gu. four fusils con-
Collins, his wife, and grandsons of Thomas Day, of Youghal, joined in fesse ar.
Crest —
^Two dragons' wings ar.
by Susanna, his wife, dau. of Jean Roviere, a French Hugue- Dealchamber (co. Oxford). Erm. on a chief gu. a lion
not Officer, who served in the army of "William III., and sub- pass. or.
sequently settled at Youghal). Per chev. or and az. a crescent Dealden. Ar. a cross betw. four martlets vert,
betw. three mullets, all counterchanged. Crest Two hands — Deale (Feversham, co. Kent). Gu. three bars ar. on a canton
clasping each other in fess ppr. conjoined at the wrists to a of the last a tower triple-towered sa. Crest Within a snake —
pair of wings, the dexter or, the sinister az. the former coiled up ppr. a dove ar. beaked and legged gu.
charged with amullet, and the latter with acrescent counter- Deale. Barry of six ar. and gu. on a canton of tlie first a
changed. Motto— Sic itur ad astra. column sa.
Day, (Fitzgerald-Day; exemplified, 1841, to Rev. John D' Alton (Grenanstown, co, Tipperary Count B' Alton of the ;

Robert Fitzgerald and Rev. Edward I^itzgerald. both of Holy Roman Empire. The title was conferred by the Empress
Spring Hill, co. Kerry, on their assuming, by royal licence, the Maria Theresa, 1777, and a royal warrant, 1785, from King
additional surname of Fitzgerald, in compliance with George III., authorized its being borne in this kingdom).
the wishes of Robert Day, Esq., of Leighlinstown, co. Az. a lion ramp. ar. armed or, double queued betw. five
Dublin). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per chev. or and az. three fleurs-de-lis of the third. —
Crests 1st: Out of a German
mullets counterchanged, in the centre chief point a mullet count's coronet an eagle displ. reguard. sa. crowned with,
gu. for diff., for Day; 2nd and 3rd, erm. on a saltier gu. a a single coronet or 2nd A demi-lion ramp. ar. armed or,
; :

cross formee ar. the whole within a bordure gobony erm. holding in the dexter paw an olive branch ppr. Supporters

and az., for Fitzgerald. Crest Two dexter hands clasped —Two lions double queued ar. armed or. Motto—SustOR
together ppr. each from a wing expanded, quarterly or and et fidelis.
az. coimterchanged, over the hands a mullet gu. Motto — Dealtry. Az. five lozenges conjoined in fesse ar. Ctts(—
Sic itur ad astra, A fleur-de-lis ar.
JJayby. A . three cinquefo'ls gu. acanton of the last. Dealtry (Lofthouse Hall, co. York). Az. five fusils in fesse
Dayley (Overbury Hall, co, Suffolk). Gu. three bucks' heads ar. surmounted with a bend gu. quartering Hdet, Lowe, and
cabossed or. FowNE, and hearing upon an escutcheon of pretence the
Daylwyn. See Busa, ensigns of Hanson, Proctor, Gascoigne, andMowBRAY. Crest
J^aymaxL (Mambury, co. Devon). Gu. .four fusils in fesse — A hand issuing from a cloud holding a stag by 1 -e horns. 1

erm. Crest —
Sa. a demi Hon ramp, ducally gorged and Dean (Rev. John Dean, D,D., Principal of St. Mary's Hall,
chained or. Motto Toujours —
prest. Oxford, and rector of Oulde, co. Northampton). Sa. a fesse
Dayncourt. Ar. a fcBse dancettee betw. eight billets or. dancettee ar. in chief three crescents or. Crest A demi lion —
Dayucourt. Az. a fesse dancettee betw. ten billets or, ramp, or, holding betw. the paws a crescent sa.
Daynes. Sa. three Danish axes ar. Dean (London). Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three Cornish
Dayuton. Vert a cross moline betw. two crosses crosslet choughs ppr. as many crosses crosslet or. Crest—A. griffin'*
fitchee or. head erased ar.
Dayrell (Lillingston Dayrell, co. Bucks). Quarterly, 1st and Dean (co. Northampton). Ar. a fesse dancettfie, in chief three
4th, az. a lion ramp, or, crowned ar.; 2nd and 3rd, ar.on crescents of the second.
three bars sa. six uinquefoils of the field, three, Ivo, and Dean. —
Ar. a lion ramp. purp. Crest A pillar winged ppr.
one. Crest —A goat's head erased ppr. Motto —Securfe vivere Dean. Ar. a fesse dancettee betw. three crescents gu.
mors est. Dean (Galway, Reg. Ireland). Az. three wings or. Cresi-^
"Oayxell (Shudy Camp, co. Cambridge). Az. a lion ramp, A demi lion az.
or, crowned ar. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet a goat's head Dean (Galway). Same Arms, with a chief ar. charged with
erased ppr. Motto—Yirtus mille scuta. a holding a harp gu. Crest A wing or.
griffin —
Dayrell. Ar. three bare sa. on the upper one as many roses Deane {Saron Muskerry). Ar. two bars gu. Crest On a —
of the field. ducal coronet or, a crocodile statant ppr. Swpporters—'^'^o
Dayrell. Barry of six ar. and sa. on each three cinquefoils angels habited and winged az. with palm branches in their
counterchanged. exterior hands vert. Motto — Forti et fideli nihil difficiie.

:I)eane-SCori:an. See Morgan. sa. beaked and legged of the second, as many crosses pattfic
Seane (Mattingley, co. Hants previously of WallingfoTd,
; or.
CO. Berks; confirmed by Camden, 1623). Vert on a chev. Deane (Berkeley, co. Wexford. John St. Geobge Deane,
betw. three griffins' heads erased or, beaked gu. five mullets Esq., of Berkeley, descended from Deane, pf Terrenure and
fla. Crest —A griffin's head erased or, betw. two wings erect Cromlin, co. Dublin). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three Cornish
vert. choughs sa. beaked and legged gu. as many crosses pattee
Deane (John Bathubst Deane, Esq., of Bath, a descendant of the field. Cre&t —
A tortoise displ. ppr. Motto Ferendo —
Deanes of Mattingley). Same Arms^ with the mullets
of the not feriendo.
and a crescent for diff. JfoWo— Fortiter et fideliter.
vert, Deane-Drake, See Dbake.
Deane (co. York). Gu. two chev. within a bordure ar. Deane (granted to John Deane, Esq., Mountjoy Square,
Deane (co. Berks). Sa. two bars ar. within a bordure gu. Dublin, 1808). Or, on a chev. az. betw. three doves' wings
Deane, Dedan, or Dene (Newton Patrock, cos. Devon erect ppr. each charged with a fleur-de-lis vert, as many tre-
and Leicester). Ar. a lion ramp. purp. Ct-est ^A lion's head — foils slipped of the first. Crest— A. demi griffin segreant az.
erased ar. ducally crowned or, holding betw. the paws a harp ppr. and
-Deane (Maplestede, co. Essex, and Blackbume, co. Lincoln). charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped gold. Motto —
a fesse erm. betw. three chaplets ar. Crest A bear's
Sa. — La foi me guide.
head couped ar. muzzled or. Deanfield. Barry of four ar. and sa. a bend gu.
Deane (Gosfield, co. Essex; confirmed 8 May, 1577). Same Deanfi.eld. Barry of four ar. and gu. on a bend sa. three
ArmSy a crescent for diff. mullets pierced of the first.
Deane (co. Essex). Ar. a fesse dancett^e gu. Deannen {Baron of Thomastovm^ Reg. Ulster's Office).
Deane (co. Essex). Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three crows Erm. a chev. az.
ppr. as many crosses pattee or. D'Anneville (extinct in Guernsey). Erm. a fesse gu.
-Deane (Yatton, co. Hereford). Ar. two bars and a canton Deans (Longhermiston, Scotland). Ar. a cross moline az.
surmounted by a sword in pale ppr. hilted and pommelled or.
Deane (co. Huntingdon). Ar. two bars sa, Crest—A sword, as in the arms, ensigned on the top with a
Deane (co. Leicester). Ar. a lion pass, purp, cross pattee az. Motto— Vel arte, vel marte.
Deane, or Deene (co. Lincoln). Gu. two (another, three) Deans (Capt. Jas. Deans, E.N., 1808). The same within a
chev. within a bordure ar. hordure embattled az. Same Crest. Motto —Arte vel
-Deane (Lord Mayor of London, 1628 ; represented by W. C. marte.
Deane, Esq., of Webbury, co. Devon). Ar. on a chev. gu. Deans-Campbell (Loeg, and Culraith, co. Ayr).
betw. three birds sa. as many crosses couped or. Ar. on a cross moline az. a two handed sword in pale ppr.
-Deane (Deanelanda granted by Detbick, Garter. To this hilted and pommelled or, on a chief gu. a horse pass, ar.,
family belongs Dr.

Deane, Q.C). Gu. a lion couchant guard, quartered with Campbell, of Culraith {q.v.). Crest ^A —
or, on a chief ar. three crescents of the field. Crtst ^A demi- — crescent issuing out of a ducal coronet or. Jlfotfo— Vel arte,
lionramp. or, holding betw. his paws a crescent gu. vel marte.
Deane (Castwole House, co. Herts). Same Arms and Crest. Deapliole, Deyplioll, or Deypole. Az. an eagle displ.
Deane (London; founded by Bichabd de Dene, temp. ar. on a chief
a lion pass, guard, gu.
Edward 111.). Gu. a lion ramp, guard, or, on a chief ar. Dear, or Deare. Paly of three per chev. sa. and ar.
three crescents of the field. Crest—A. demi lion ramp, or, —
counterchanged a chev. gu. Oi-est ^A horse at full speed,
holding in the dexter paw a crescent gu. saddled and bridled.
Deane(Sir James DBANE,Knt., of London. Her.Visit.). Gu. Deards (co. Hertford and London). Ar. a bend betw. six
a lion sejant guard, or, on a chief ar. three crescents of the mullets sa. Crest —
A Catharine wheel ducaily crowned or.
first. Crest —
A demi lion ramp, or, holding in the dexter Dearham (Brimelawe, co. Durham). Az. three bucks' heads
paw a crescent gu. cabossed or.
Deane (London. Fun. Ent. of Dokotht, dau. of John Dearxnan. Per chev. or and gu, in chief two cinquefoils of
Deane, of that city, d. 14 June, 1616. She was three times the second, stalked and leaved vert, and in base a crane ar.
married, 1st, to Henry Perkin 2nd, to Robert Constable
; ; in the dexter foot a stone sa. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet
3rd, to Sir Charles Calthbofpe, Attorney-General for Ire- or, five cinquefoils, as in the arms.
land). Barry of six ar. and az. a canton gu. —
Deas (Scotland). Erm. a pale vert. Crest ^A bee feeding Oi.
Deane (Syeston, co. York). Gu. two bars within a bordure a daisy all ppr.
ax. Dease (Turbotstown, co. Westmeath). Ar. a lion ramp
Deane (Tilney Marsh, co. Norfolk). Gu. two chev. ar. each gu. Crest —A lion ramp, holding a drawn dagger. Motto—
charged with three crosses formee sa. within a bordure of Toiuours pr§t.
the second. Deasy (granted to Et. Hon. Biceard Deast, P.O., one of the
Deane (co. Eutland). Ar. a fesse dancettee hetw. three Barons of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland). Ar. in base
crescents gu. a dexter hand ppr. holding a dagger erect of the last,
Deane (co. Derby, Matlock, afterwards Buly, descended pommel and hilt or, and in chief two castles gu. Crest —
from the Deanes of Deane Hall, co. Chester. Visit. Cliester, In front of two trefoils slipped in saltire vert, a dexter arm
1641, where five descents are given). Or, a fesse dancettee erect, couped above the elbow ppr., in the hand a dagger ar.
gu. in chief three crescents of the last. —
pommel and hilt or. Motto Toujours pr§t.
Deane. Az. a sword in bend ar. hilt and pomel or, in bend De Aske. Barry of eight az. and or.
sinister a tilting spear (surmounting the sword) of the last, Death, D'Aeth, or Dick (Dartford, co. Kent). Sa. »
headed of the second, between three fleurs-de-lis gold, one in griffin pass, or, armed gu. betw. three crescents ar. C^'est —
chief and two in fesse, and as many gem rings in base of the A griffin's head or, holding in the beak a trefoil vert.
last, gems gu. one and two. Crest —A
hand couped ppr. Deatmore. Ar. a fesse dancettee gu. betw. three mullets
lying fesseways, holding a fleur-de-lis or. sa.
Deane (co. Sussex). Per bend sinister enhanced az. and gu. Deatmore. Ar. a fesse engr. gu.
in the dexter chief a maunch or, with hand ar. Deaton (co. Devon). Erm. a fesse gu.
Deane. Gu. three bars ar. on a canton of the second a bull De Aubney, Sa. three helmets ar.
pass, of the flrst. D'Auvergne (Jersey). Or, a gonfalon of three pendants
Deane. Ar. two bars sa. each charged with three crosses gu. fringed vert. Crest— A tower ar. ma^onnde sa
formde of the field (another, or). itfoWo— Nous ne changeons jamais.
Deane. Ar. a chev. erm. betw. three butterflies volant gu. De Bag-ot (Jersey). Sa. three dolphins embowed ar.
Deane. Gu. a saltire erm. DeBalinliard (exemplified, 1832, to John Allan Cabkegt,
Deane. Vert on a chev. betw. three eagles' heads erased Esq., of Dublin, on his assuming, by royal licence, the sur-
or, five mullets sa. name of De Balinhabd in lieu of Caenegy). Or, an
Deane. Az. on a bend or, an annulet gu. eagle displ. az. beaked and membered gu. within a double
Deane. At. two flasques sa. on each a leopard's head of the tressure flory cotmterflory of the second. Crest On a cap —
field. of maintenance gu. doubled erm. a lion statant, guard, sa.
Deane, or Deanke. Gu. two bars ar. in chief three crowned with a German prince's coronet or. Motto Tache —
annulets of the second. sans tache.
Deane (Cromlin aod Terrenure, co. Dublin, afterwards of De Barentine (Governor of Jersey, 1220). Sa. three eagles
Caatle-Cor, co. Cork, and Berkeley, co. Wexford. Fun. displ. ar. beaked and membered ar. Crest — ^A demi eagle
Ent. of Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Deane, Esq., of Crom- displ. ar.
lin, and widow of Henry
Gbet, Esq., of Audley Grey, co. De Basset. Ar. two bars az. in chief three chaplets gu.
Dorset; buried in St. Bride's Church, Dub'in, 18 February, De Bathe (Knightstown, co. Meath, hart.). Gu. a cross
1684). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three Cornish choughs betw. four lions ramp. ar. Crest—A. lion ramp. ar. sup-
A k ^


porting in the arms a dagger of the first, pommel and Kent, temp. King John, who had two sons. Sir John db
hilt or. Jtfbiio— Nee parvis sisto. Burgh, one of the rebellious barons, and Sir HunEitT de
Debbeig. Gu. on a chief ar. three crosses pattee of the Burgh, ancestor of Lord Burgh or Borough, of Gainsborough).
field. Gu. seven lozenges vair, three, three, and one. Crest— JL
De Beaucaxnp (Guernsey). Gu. a fesse or betw. six crosses water bouget az
crosslet fituhee ar. De Burgb (granted 1811 to James Florence Bourke, Esq.
Debden (Branston, co. Suffolk). Ar. on a tend gu. three on his substituting, by royal licence, the surname of De
roses or. BuRon for that of Bourke). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az, three
De Beauvoir. Ar. a chev. betw. thee cinguefoils gu. d'est fleurs-de-lis, two and one erm. ; 2nd and 3rd, per fess or and
—A demi wivern with wings endorsed ppr. erm. in dexter chief a lion ramp., and in sinister chief a
De Beauvoir (Beniton-De Beadvoir). Quarterly, 1st and dexter hand couped sa. over all a cross gu. Crests 1st: An —
4th, ar. a chev. gu. betw. two cinquefoils in chief and an armed arm embowed, the elbow resting on the wreath with
eagle in base sa. 2nd and 3rd, vair^ or and sa. on a chief
; the hand seen in the gauntlet ppr. stringed as a bugle az.
wavy of the first an eastern coronet gu. betw. two mullets tassledor,forDE BuRGE, motto over, Nee parvis sisto; 2nd; On
ofthelast. Ci-est —
Ist: A griffin's head and neck, with wings achapeau gu. turned up erm. a lion sejant ar. gorged with
addorsed and couped ar. holding in the beak a branch of a ducal coronet or, motto over, A cruce salus. Motto—
woodbine ppr. ; 2nd On a mount vert a griffin sejant; or,
: Semper et ubique fidelis.
gorged with an eastern coronet gu. in the beak a woodbine De Burgh (West Drayton, co. Middlesex). Az. three fleurs-
ppr. 3rd Out of a ducal coronet a dragon's head ppr. col-
; ; de-lis erm. Crest— A. dexter arm embowed in armour,
lared of the first. couped at the shoulder, gauntlet open, exposing the hand,
De Beauvoir (Johnstown, co, Dublin, bart.; exemplified to ppr, armed ar. a buglehorn az. tassels gold. Motto —Nee
Sir John Edmond Browne, 2nd bart., of Johnstown, upon his parvis sisto.
assuming by royal licence, 1825, the name of De Beauvoir, De Burg'o (Castle Connell, co. Limerick, bart.). Erminois a
on his marriage with Mart Wright, sole next of kin to Rev. cross gu. in the first quarter a lion ramp. sa. Crest A cat- —
Peter De Beauvoir. Sir John De Beauvoir d. s.p. 1869. a-mountain sejant guard, ppr. collared and chained or.
See Beowne, Bart., of Johnstown). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, —
Motto TJng roy, ung foy, ung loy.
sa. three lions pass, in bend betw. two double cotises ar. a Deburg*!! (co. York). Ar. on a fesse dancetfcee sa. three-
mullet for diff.; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a chev. gu. betw. two bezants.
cinquefoils in chief, and an eagle in base sa. Crest 1st: An — De Oaen (Jersey). Paly ar. and gu. Motto—yfyj^ vivito.
eagle displ. vert; 2nd : A griffin's head and neck with wings De Capell-Brooke, Bart. See Brooke.
addorsed ar. holdinff a branch of woodbine ppr. Motto^ De Capella (Ireland, Reg. Ulster's Office), Ar. a fess gu.
Conduct is fate. over all a bend vert.
De Beauvoir (Jersey and Guernsey). Az. a chev. or, betw. De Carteret (Jersey). Gu. four fusils conjoined in fesse ar.
three cinquefoils ar. —A
Crest demi dragon wings ad- Crest —On a mound vert a squirrel sejant cracking a nut all
dorsed ppr. ppr. Motto —
Loyal devoir. Support^s-Tvio winged deer
Debenliam, or Dabenam (Suffolk). Sa (another, az.) gu. langued az.
a bend betw. two crescents or (another, ar.). De Casnets (Coventry and Glentham, co. Warwick). Ar.
Debenham. Same Arms. Crest Inamaunchor, cuffed — two lions pass, within an orle of estoiles or.
gu. a dexter hand apaumee ppr. DeCastello (Adrian de Castello, Bishop of Her^ord 1504).
De Best (London; granted 4 July, 1617, by Camden, Ar. three bendlets embattled and counter-embattled gu.
Clarenceux, to James De Best, of London, a free denizen, De Oetto (confirmed to Louis Charles Augustus Adrian
son of James De Best, of Flanders). Ar. on a fesse az. DE Cetxo, Esq., Capt. K.A., A.D.C., and Maximilian Henbt
betw. three dragons' heads erased gu. as many fleurs-de-lis ^miuus de Cetto, 72nd regt., sons of Auouste, Baron de
or. Crest —
On a mural coronet or, a fleur-de-lis per pale Cetto, Ambassador from Bavaria). Ar. a fess az. charged
gold and az. betw. two laurel branches vert, with three fleurs-de-lis of the field betw. in chief an eagle
De Beugrnot. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three bunches of grapes displ. sa. crowned and armed or, and in base a lion ramp,
pendent ppr. ; on a chief az. an open roll of parchment laid gu. standing on a mount vert and supporting a flag-staff
in bend sinister ppr. ppr. the flag therefrom flowing to the dexter of the second,
Debill (Insworth, co. Cornwall). Sa. on a chief ar. a lion —
bordered gold. Crest A plume of five ostrich feathers alter-
pass. gu. natelyar.andaz. each charged with a mullet counterclianged.
De Bilkemore (co. Bedford). A bend within a bordure —
Motto Altiora peto.
engr. Decies, Baron. See Beresford.
De Blaquiere {Baron De Blaquiere). Erm. a lion ramp. sa. Decker (London; granted 6 August, 1716. Bart, extinct
charged on the shoulder with an estoile ar. Crest A garb or. — 1749. Matthew Decker, a native of Amsterdam, settled in

Supporters Dexter, a lion sa. coUaredand chained, charged London as a merchant, 1702, was created a bart. 1716,
on the shoulder with an estoile ar. sinister, a tiger ppr.
; d.s.p.m.). Ar. a demi buck gu. betw. his fore-legs an arrow
ducally gorged and chained or. Motto—Tieas a la verite. erect in pale or. Crest— A. mountain cat courant reguard.
Debnaxn. Sa. a bendlet betw. two crescents or. ppr.
Debnam. Gu. six garbs ar. Crest A bear transfixed with — Deckles, or Dekes. Az. a lion ramp. betw. eight crosses

a broken tilting spear ppr. crosslet fitchee ar.

De BohuB. Az. on a bend ar. cotised or, betw. six lions Deckling*, or Dreckling. Ar. a chev. betw. three
ramp, gold, three eseaUops gu. Crest A wolf courant ppr. — flagons of the first.
Deborough.. Sa. two swords in saltire ar. betw, four fleurs- De Chatelaine (the Chevalier Jean Baptiste Francois
de-lis of the last. Ernest de Chatelaine, the translator of Chaucer and
Debouche, or Debug'be. Or, on a cross sa. five escallops Shakespeare, of Castelnau Lodge, Westbourue Park). Gu,
ar. Crest— A cloud ppr. an orle of roses and fleurs-de-lis or, on a chief of the last an
De Bolton. Ar. three bird-bolts in fesse gu. eagle displ. imperially crowned ppr.
De Brampton, Ar. a wivern pass. az. tailnowed. De Chesney (Guernsey; extinct). Gu. four lozenges in
De Braundeston (Sir Hugh de Beadndeston). Or, three fesse ar. each charged with an escallop sa.
bars gu. over all a bend az- De Clifford, Baroness. See Bussell.
De Brendon. Ar. two chev. gu. Decombe. Ar. five lozenges in bend betw. two crosses,
De Breteville. Gu. a bend ar. surmounted by a fesse or. crosslet fitchee sa.
Crest —A staff raguly in pale, surmounted by an eagle Decons(Wasperton, co. Warwick). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar^
displ. gu. a chev. gu treilldor, betw. three roses slipped ppr.; 2nd and
De Brevs (co. Brecon). Vaire erm. and gu. three bars az. 3rd,chequy or and gu. a canton erm. over all on a bend az. a
De Bre"wes. Az. a lion ramp, or, crowned gu. wichin an head erased of the betw. two birds ar. Crest—
orle of crosses crosslet of the second. Crest In a ducal — crane's head erased with wings expanded sa. eared ar.
coronet gu. a lion's gamb or. crested gu.
De Brouse. Az. three garbs or, banded gu. De Cornewall. Ar, a lion ramp. gu. ducally crowned or,
De Bruges. Az. ten mascles or, four, three, two, and one, depressed by a bend sa. charged with three bezants.
on a canton gu. a lion pass, guard, of the second. Crest — De Corona. Erm. a fesse gu. on a chief indented of tlifr
cross calvary on three grieces gu. last three crowns or.
De Bryan (Ireland). Ar. three piles gu. in base two De Costa (London). Or, six broken bones, two, two, and
fleurs-de-lis az. Crest— A dexter hand ppr. holding an two, barwaya ar. the joints almost meeting m
pale gu. ft'W*
escallop or. —A plume of ostrich feathers or.
De Burg-b (Marquess of Clanricarde). See Burke. De Cotton. Vert a Uon ramp, guard, ar.
De Burg-h (the Justiciary Hubert de Bdbgb, JEarl of De Courcy {Lord Klngsale). Ar. three eagles displ. go-



ducally orowned or. —On a ducal
C^est coronet or, an eagle De Eureux. Per pale indented ar. and gu. Cre&t Five —
displ. ar. Swpporters— unicorns ^Two az. each gorged with arrows gu. headed or, feathered ar. bound by a belt of the
coronets composed of crosses-pattee and fleurs-de-lis, and buckled of the second.

chained, armed, crined, and unguled, or. Motto—Yincit Deeves, Gu. two chev. betw. three escallops or. Crcii—
omnia TeritaB. Out of a ducal coronet or, a iinicom's head gu, armed and
De CoTircy (Stockton, co. Cornwall). Same Arms, crined of the first.

De Cowcy. Paly of six, vair and gu. Crest—A horse's De Ewes (Stowall). Or, a fesse betw. three quatrefoils gu.
head couped ar. bridled eu. De Ferrers, Ar, six horseshoes sa. Crest— On a chapeau
De Crey. Gu. a cross engr. or. an eagle preying on a child swaddled all ppr.
De Crespiguy (Champion de Crespignt, Champion Lodge, De Ferrers, Same Arms^ the horseshoes az. Crest —
Camberwell, Surrey, hart.). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. pheon az.
a hon ramp, sa, armed and langued gu., in the dexter De Eerrieres (Charles Conrad Adolphus du Bois de
hase a fer-de-moulin pierced of the second, for Champion de Feueieees, Esq., of Hardwick Hall, co. Monmouth). Erm.
Cbespigst 2nd and 3rd, az. three hars ar., for Viebvillb
; three horseshoes az. nailed or, on a chief indented gu. two

DB ViEBviLLE. Crcst On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a Bwords in saltire ppr. pommels and hilts gold. Crest Upon a —
cubit arm mailed erect, holding a broadsword ppr. Mottt^^ rock a raven ppr. holding in the dexter foot a sword alsc
Mens sibi conscia recti. ppr. pommel and hilt gold. Motto Tout par et pour —
De CryoU, alias Deicrow (London and Enfield, Middle- Dieu,
sex, 1634). Or, two chev. gu. on a canton of the last a key of Deffe, or Deyff. Sa. a chev. erm, betw. three leopards'

the first. Crest Out of a mural crown a demi lion ramp, heads ar.
guard, gu. holding betw. the gamhs a key or, De Eleete. Ar. a Hon ramp. gu. depressed by a bend sa.
De Currag:li (Beg. Ireland). Az. an ostrich ar. betw. two charged with three mullets or.
crosses pattce in pale or. Defoix. Ar. two bulls pass, in pale, each having a bell sus-
De Dale, or De Dall. Gu. three pallets ar. pended TOtmd the neck, armed and hoofed or.
De Dale. Or, a fesse gu. in chief three torteaux. De Eontibus (John de Fontibus, Bishop of Ely, 1220-25,
Deden (co. Huntingdon). Ar. two bars sa. on the uppermost Wharton's "Anglia Sacra"). Az. the sun and full moon in
a cross form^e of the field. chief, and the seven stars in orbicular form in base, all or.
Deden. Az. a chev. ar. and canton engr. or. (Sometimes the sun in chief, the moon in base, and the stars
De Den, or De
Dena. Ar. fretty gu. d-est A demi — in orle.)
hand fesseways, couped, holding a sword in pale, on the De Eontibus {temp. King John). Ar. a chief gu.
point a garland all ppr. De Fort. Ar. three midlets gu.
Dedendon. Az. three escallops or. De Freyne, Baron, See Fbench.
Dedene. Ar. a fesse indented gu. a bordure sa. De Garis (Guernsey). Or, three chev. gu. Crest—A Uop
Dederyke. Az. six plates, three, two, and one, on a chief pass, guard, or.
ar, a fleini lion ramp, issuing gu. Degayne, Gu. a fesse dancettee betw. three crosses cross-
Dede3me, or Dedene. Ar, a fesse dancettee gu. let or.
DedhaxxL. Az. a chev. engr. and canton or. Degrge (co. Derby and Callow Hill, co. Stafford), Or, on a
Dedicote (brass in Hackney to Abthuk Dedicote, citizen of bend az. three falcons rising ar. jessed and belled of the first.
London, d. 1562). Or, an antelope pass. gu. on a chief Crest —On a ducal coronet or, a falcon close ar. jessed and
embattled of the second three escallops of the first. belled of the la^t.
De Dreux (Earl of Rickmcmd ; created by William the Con- Degrg-s (CO. Suffolk). Gu. on a chev. ar. five eagles displ. of
queror, renewed by patent with the Dukedom of Brittany, the field.

1268,extinct cir.temp. Edward IV. ANNE,the dau. and heiress Deg'on Norfolk and Gloucester).
(cos. Az. six plates,
of Fbancis, Duke of Brittany, the last Earl of Richmond, three, two, and one, on a chief or, a lion ramp, of the field
married Louis XII., King of Stance). Chequy or and az. a (another, a demi lion issuant ppr.). Crest —A portcullis
, canton erm. Crezt —
A ram's head erased ar. homed or. az.
De Doway. Gu. on a bend or, a lion pass. sa. Degon. Same Arms, Crest —On a ducal coronet a dolphin
Dednke. Ar. a fesse vaird or and gu. betw. three water hauriant ppr.
bougets sa. Degrremont, Gu. a lion ramp, or, crowned az,
De Duras. Gu. a lion ramp. ar. De G-rey, Earl (united 1859 to the Earldom, now Mar-
Dedwood. Sa. two bars ar. on a canton of the second a garb quisate, o/Ripon). and 4th, harry of six ar.
Quarterly, 1st
betw. four passion nails az. and az. ; 2nd and a chev. betw. three stags at gaze
3rd, vert,
Dee (Mortlake, co. the crest granted 3 July, 1576, to
Surrey ; or. Crests — 1st: On a chapeau
gu. turned up erm. a cock-
Dr. John Dee, the astrologer, by Cooke, Clarenceux.) Gu. atrice, wings erect or 2nd Out of a coronet adorned with
; :

a lion ramp, or, within a bordure indented of the second. fleurs-de-lis or, a mount vert thereon a stag at gaze of the
Creit —
^A lion sejant guard, or, holding in the dexter gamb a first. —
Supporters Two greyhounds reguard. sa. Motto
cross form^e fitch^e az. on the cross a label with this Motto — — Qualis ab incepto.
Hie labor, and resting the sinister gamb on a pyramid ar. De Grey (Baron Walmigham). Barry of six ar. and az. on
thereon a label with this Motto Hoc opus. — achief of the first three annulets gu. Oj'esi—Awyvern'shead
Dee, Or, a lion ramp, and bordure engr. gu. —
ppr. Sujypwters Two wyverns reguard. ar. collared az.
Deeble. Az. three dibbles (an agricultural instrument) ar. chained or, each charged on the breast with three annulets
Created, dibble ar. in fCsse gu. Motto —
Excitari non hebescere.
Deedes (Sandling Park, co. Kent). Per fesse nebulee gu. De Grey (Wrest). liarry of six ar. and az. in chief three
and ar. three martlets counterchanged. Crest An eagle's — torteaux.
head erased, per fesse nebulee gu. and ar, betw, two wings De Grey. Barry of six ar. and vert a saltire engr. gu.

expanded sa. Motto Facta non verba. Crest —A dart and palm branch in saltire ppr.
D'EincoxLTt (Knapthorpe, co Kottingham). Sa. a fess dan- De Gruoby (Jersey). Or. fretty az.
cettee betw. ten billets ar. Debaney (William K. Dehanet, Esq., of Belgrave Square,,
D*Eye (Suffolk). on a chief indented
Or, az. two mullets ar. London). Az. a bear sejant the fore paws saliant ar. on a

Crest On a chapeau two wings displ. or. —
canton or, a cock gu. Crest A demi bear saliant ar. muz-
De Ekeney. Az, two lions pass, guard, or, a label of three zled gu.
points ar. De HaviUand (Guernsey). Ar. three towers triple-towered
Deelsuxae. Or, a fleur-de-lis az. on a chief of the second an sa. portcullis gu. Crest —Out of a coronet sa, a tower triple-
eagle displ. of the first. towered ar. portcullis gu. —
Mctto ^Dominus fortissima
Deen, Gu. a chev. ar. betw. ten bezants. turns.
Deen. Or, a fease sa. De HaviUand. See Havilland.
Deepham. Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three wolves' heads De Hogbton (Hoghton Tower and Walton le Dale, co.
or. Lancaster, bart.). Sa. three bars ar. Crest—A bull pass,
Deerham (Deerham, co. Norfolk), Az. a buck's head ca- ar. the ears, tip of the horns, mane, hoofs, and point of
bossed or. —
CreU ^A bear sejant ramp. sa. muzzled, lined, the tail sa.

Supporters—lyfo bulls ar., as in the crest.
and ringed or. Motto ^Mal gre le tort.
Deering (Worgreat, co. Dorset; confirmed 13 Feb. 1664). De Home (Stanway Hall, Essex). Or, three buglehoms
Vert three bucks' heads couped ar, attired or. gu, mouthed and ringed ar. the mouths to the sinister.
Deerine: (co. Kent). Gu. three bucks' heads couped Crest —
A cap, round at top, arm. bordered with the eyes of"
(another, cabossed) or. peacocks' feathers ppr.
De Estrivers. (co. Cumberland). Ar. three bears pass. Deig'bton, Ar. a lion pass betw. three crosses patt^e gu.,
in pale sa. Onst—A fountain throwing up water ppr.
273 T
Deincotirt (co. York, temp. Edward I.). Erm. a fesse daa- Delafors, or Delahoyse (co. Berks). Ar. a fesse betw.
cettee sa. three lions ramp. gu.
De Isney, or Deesney. See Disney, Norton Disney Delafosse. Az. three chevronels betw. as many muUete or.
and Swinderby. C)-est — A cock or.
D'Eivill (Lord D'Elvill, summoned to Parliament 1264, ex- De la Fountain (Belchamp, St- Paul, co. Essex granted ;

tinct). Ar. a chev. sa, by Camden). Gu. a bend ar. in the ainiater quarter a sixfoil
De Jersey (Guernsey and London).
Per pale az. and gu. of the last.
an eagle displ. ar. —
Crest Out of flames a phoenix ppr. Delafouutaine (granted by Camden, Clarenceux, 1619, to
(another, a demi eagle with two heads displ. sa.) Motto — Erasmus De la Fountaine, Esq., of Beleham St. Paul's,
Virtutis proemium (another, Un Dieu et un roi). CO. Essex). Gu.a bend or, in the sinister chief a cinquefoil
Dekerton. Gu. a fesse erm. betw. three water bougets of ar. Oldest — On a mount vert a griffin sejant or, holding in
the last. the dexter foot an eastern crown ar.
Dekewer (Hackney, co. Middlesex; granted 1742). Vert De la Foy. Sa. a human heart or, over all two arms issuing
on a cross engr. or, five fleftrs-de-lis sa. in the 1st and 4th from the dexter and sinister base in saltire ar. the sinister
quarters a tiaitrap ar., in the 2nd and 3rd, a lion ramp, of surmounting the dexter.

the last. Crest ^A tiger's head ppr. collared or, issuing out De la Foyle (Ireland). Az. a human heart ar. over all two
of a tower vert. arms couped below the elbow in saltire ppr.
Dekkes. Az. a lion ramp, within an orle of crosses cross- De la Garde (Jersey). Ar. a bend gu. charged in
let ar. chief with a cross pattee or, betw. six mullets of the second.
De la Barr (Visit. London,
1633). Az. a fesse or. in chief A
Crest— deer hound or, collared and ringed gu.
the sun betw. tbree roses, and in base three chev. inter- Delahache. Or, a cross engr. gu.
laced all of the second. —
Crest A plume of three feathers, Delaliay (co. Hereford). Ar. a sun (another, an estoile of
the centre one ppr. the others az. sixteen points) gu. Crest— wolfs head. A
De la Barre. Ar. on a bend cotised az. three escallops or, Delaliay (quartered by Gbenville, of Stowe. Visit, co.
betw. two martlets sa. Cornwall, 1620). Or, a pile wavy gu.
De la Beche. Vair^ ar. and gu. Delahay (co. Kent). Ar. on a fesse sa. betw. four martlets
De la Beche (on a window in Kidlington Church, co. of the second two of the same or.
Oxford. Visit. 1574). Vair on a canton a garb ar. banded or. Delab.ay. Ar. an estoile gu. Crest— pomeis charged A
Delaber. Ar. a fesse betw. three crescents sa. with a lion's head erased ar. collared az.
Delaber (Southam, co. Gloucester). Az. a bend ar. cotised Delahay. Ar. an estoile sa. bezantee.
or, betw. six martlets of the last. Delahay. Ar. a mullet of six points pierced gu.
De la Ber. Gu. a fesse nebulae or, within a bordureengr. Delahay. Ar. a fesse gu. betw. six martlets sa. (another
ar. has the fess charged with three mullets of the field).
De la Bere (John De la Bere, Bishop of St. David's, 1447- Delahay. Ar. three escallops in bend gu. betw. two cotisea
60). Az. a bend cotised or, betw. six martlets of the sa.
second. Delahay (Ireland). Ar. three escallops in bend gu. betw.
Delabyme. Az. a crescent or. two escutcheons sa.
De la Ohambre (Radmill, co. Sussex). Ar. a chev. sa. Delahay (quartered by St. George). Az. a fess betw.
surmounted by another erm. betw. three chamber pieces three cinquefoils or.

fessways of the second. Crest An ass's head ar. Delahern (Ireland). Gu. three herons ar.
Delacherois (Donaghadee, co. Down ; granted by Carney, De la Hide. Az. a chev. betw. three fusils or.
Ulster, 1702, to Nicholas de la Cheeois, Major in Lord Lif- Delahill. Ar. two legs couped at the thigh in pale gtL
ford's regt. of foot, then living at Lisburn). Gu. a chev. Ci'est —A caltrap az.
betw. three mullets in chief, one and two, or, and a.n anchor Delahoesse. Ar. a fesse sa. betw. three fusils (another,
in base ar. Crest— A.n anchor erect az. Motto— Fa^ et lozenges) gu.
spera. Delahyde (Moyglare, co. Meath; Fun. Ent. of Mrs. Joahe
Delacre, or Dieulacre- Abbey (co. Stafford). Sa. a Delahtde, of that place, d. 6 Oct., 1610). Barry of six ar,
crozier in pale betw. three garbs or. —
and gu. a bend sa. Crest A heron's head couped ar.
De Lacy (Earl of Lincoln, descended from Hugh de Laci, ducally gorged or, beaked gu. holding in the beak a snake
Justice of Ireland, distinguished in the conquest of Ireland, PPr-
1172, created 1232, extinct 1312). Or, a lion ramp. De la Hyle. See Delahill.
pui"p. Delalte. Gu. a cock or, betw. three martlets ar. Crest —
De Lacy {Earl of Ulster. Hugh de Lact, Constable of Ire- A cock, as in the arms.
land, 2nd son of Hugh de Laci, Justice of Ireland, was so Delaland (Pinchbeck, go. Lincoln). Ar. a fesse dancett^e
created by King John, but d. s. p. m.). Same Arms. betw. six billets gu.
De Lacy (Register in Ulster's Office to Sir Hugh de Lact, Delaland, or Deland (co. Suffolk). Az. a maunch erm.
Knt.) Gu. on a chev. betw. two annulets in chief and a Crest— Two dexter hands conjoined, supporting a human
crescent in base ar. a cross crosslet sa. heart ppr.
De la Condamine (Guernsey). Az. a spike of corn with Delaland, or Deland. Same Arms. Crest—A leopard's
three ears and leaves ar. head issuing from a tower ppr.
De la Court (extinct in Guernsey). Az. three hearts, two Delaland. Per pale az. and gu. three lions pass. or.
and one or (another, a fesse betw. three bears' heads Delaland, or De
All)alanda (quartered by Boscawen,
erased). CO.Cornwall; Joan, dau. and heir of Otho de Albalanda,
Deladofvne (London). Or, twelve escallops gu. two, three, 1 Eichard II., m. John Boscawen. Visit. Cornwall, 1620.)
two, three, —
and two. Crest A hand and arm erect, habited Gu. three bends ar.
ar, cuff or, in the hand ppr. a cup of the first, out of the cup Delaland (quartered by the descendants of John Skoet,
fire, also ppr. Bishop of Hereford, d. 1585, sixth in descent from John
De la Faye (Charles de la Fate, Esq., of Wichbury, co. Skorib, Esq., of Whalsborow, co. Cornwall, by Maude, his
Wilts.) Az. a stag's head cabossed ar. attired or, and a wife, dau. and co-heir of Robeet de la Ladne. Visit.
chief of the second. Crest —
A demi lion ramp. ar. Cornw. 1620. Har. MSS. 1440, 25). Ar. a chev. betw. three
Delafield, Feld, or Field (Madeley, co. Hereford). billets gu.
Sa. three garbs ar. De la Laund (Thomas Beukelet, temp. Henry VIII., m.
Delafield DubUn. Visit,
(Culduff, co. co. Dub. 1607). Or, Maegaeet, dau. and co-heir of Thomas De la Ladbd, by
a lion ramp. gu. armed and langued az. charged on the Katheeihe, dau. of Lionel, Lord Welles. Visit.. Leices.
shoulder with a trefoil slipped of the field. 1619). Ar. a fess dancettee betw. three billets gu.
Delafield. See Feild. De la Laimd. Gu. a fesse or, betw. three bezants.
Delafield (co. Lancaster). Sa. a cross pattee or. Crest —An Delalaund (Reg. Ireland). Ar. a fess dancettee betw, ten
ox's foot couped sa. billets, four in chief fessways and six in base, three, two and
Delafield. Vaire ar. and sa. one, all gu.
Delafield. Sa. a cross flory or. Delalee (co. Hereford.) Ar.' a cross chequy or ami
Delafold. Ar. a lion pass. sa. az.
Delaford (Iver. co. Buckingham). Sa. a pale ar. Delalee (co. Staffoid). Sa. three eagles' heads erased
De la Ford
(quartered by Pole of Colcombe, co. Devon. ar.
Sa. a tree eradicated or.
Visit. 1620). De la Lee. Ar. on a cross sa. five bezants.
De la Forde. Ar. a greyhound springing sa. Delaleig-h, Deleg-ey, or Delegrh. Erm. on a chev. sa.
De la !Porde (co. Devon). Az. six lions ramp, three, two, three bezants. Crest— Out of a crescent or, a crosfl crosslet
and one, or. fttchee sa.

T)e la Ziey Or, a fesse embattled betw. eix mart'

(Eindlet). Belamore. Ar. seren martlets sa. three, three, and
lets gu. three and three. one.
Be la Lond. Barry of eight az. and ar. Belamore, alias Brandling:, See BnAKntiNo.
Belalound (Eeg. Ireland). Per pale az. and gu. threelionfi Belamore. See Delamabe.
pass, guard, in pale or. De la More (arms in Brampton Church, co. Oxford. Visit.
Belaluce (Cheslow, co. Dorset). Gu. three bucks' heads 1574). At. a fesse dancettee gobonatedea. and gu. betw.
couped ar. three mullets pierced of the second.
Delalime (Suffolk). Ar. three hurts (another, pellete). Belamore (20 Edward IV., Isabel Delamobe, m. Wilua-hj
Belalynd (cos. Surrey and Sussex). Ar. a cross engr. gu, Vaux, Caterlin, co. Cumberland. Visit. Cumberland, 1615).
Creit — In the sea ppr. an anchor sa. Gu. a cross flory or.
Delalynd. Same Arms. (h'est—An escallop gu. betw. two Belamote. Vair, a bend lozengy gu.
eagles' wings or. De la Motte (Major-Gen. Petee De laMotte,E.I.C.S.,C.B.).
Belalynde. Gu. three stags' heads couped (another, ca- Ar. on a mo\mt vert a lion ramp, reguard. gu. supporting an
bossed) ar. (another, or). CVcst—An escallop gu. betw. two orange tree leaved and fructed ppr. Crest ^A demi lion ga. —
eagles' wings or. gorged with an eastern crown or, the sinister paw resting on
J)e la Lynde (Dorsetshire; quartered, through Williams, an escutcheon az. charged with two medals, that on the
by Thomas C. H. D'Oilt, Esq., E.I.C.S.). Same Arms. dexter being a representation of the medal commemorativo
JJelalyne, or Delaliine. Az. a decrescent or. of Seringapatam, and that on the sinister a representation
Belamaiu (allowed by Hawkins, Ulster, 1786, lo James of the medal commemorative of Egypt. Motto Providentia —
Delamain, Esq., of Jamac, in the Kingdom of France, b. in Dei conservet.
Dublin, 1739). Ar. three cross crosslets sa. Crest ^A demi — Delamotte. Vair a bend gu. Crest An ostrich's head —
eagle displ. ppr. holding a horseshoe, all betw. two feathers ppr.
Belamauie. Crest—A man in a
Or, three crosses gu. Delancey, or Delancy. Gu. two bars ar. in chief three
mihtary habit az. holding a flag in bend gu. cinquefoils of the last. —
Crest A demi leopard guard, sup-
Be la March.. Barry of eight ar. and az. porting an anchor ppr.
BelaHarch.. Per fesse vert and or, a lion ramp, guard. Delaney, or Delany. Gu. on a pale ar. three fishes
erm. naiant ppr. —
Crest An antelope tripping ppr.
Belamarche. Barry of twelve ar, and az. over all a lion Delang:le. Per fesse or and az. in chief two acorns, and in
ramp. gu. base an estoile counterchanged.
Belamarche, or Delamarcli. Az. four bars ar. Belany (Keg. Ulster's OfBce). Ar. a lion ramp. betw. three
Be la Marclie (Guernsey, extinct. As borne by the mullets of eight poihts gu. over aJl a fesse az. charged with a
£ev. Chables de la Marche, chaplain to Sir Bulstrode crescent of the first.
Whitelocke, Cromwell's Ambassador to Sweden). Gu. a lion Belap (Monellan, co. Donegal; descended from the Scottisl*
ramp. or. family of Ddslop). Gu. on a pile ar. an ea^le displ. of the
Belamare (co. Bedford). Or, three bars dancettee ga. field. —
Crest A dexter arm in armour, grasping a sword
Belamare, or Belamore (co. Berks). Az. two bars combined with an arm sinister holding a rose, sprig and bud
dancettee or. ppr. Jfortofi*—Above the crest : Merito; under the arms E :

Belamare (co. Essex). Or, a fesse cotised gu. spinis.

Belamare, or Belazneere (co. Essex). Ar. on a bend Belap (Stoke Park, co. Surrey; granted 1826). Same Arnis^
az. three fleurs-de-lte (another, eagles) or. Crest, and Mottoes, crest with two roses ar., quartering
Belamare (Parsington, co. Oxford, 10 Edward III., after Bogle.
wards of co. Hants). Gu. twoUons pass, in pale ar. Delap. At. an eagle displ. sa. Crest —A rose branch with
Belam.are (co. Hants). Gu. two lions pass, guard, in pale three roses ppr.
or, collared sa. Delap. See Ddnlop.
Belam^are (co. Oxford). Gu. a maunch erm. De Iiapasttire (Marquis De Lapasture, In Francej. Ar.
Belam.are. Az. a maunch erm. on a bend sa. six lozenges or. Crest —
A lion's head
Belam.are. Gu. a maunch ar. (another, or.) reguard. erased or. —
Supporters Two lions ramp, reguard.
Belamare (co Suffolk). Or, a fesse betw. two bars gemelles gu.
gu. (another, az.) Belapile. Gu. a saltire engr. betw. four roses ar.
Belamare. Vert a maunch erm. —
^Aneel naiantppr.
Crest Belapill (Reg. Ulster's Office). Gu. a saltire or, betw. four
Belamare, or Belamayne. Ar. (another, or) three roses ar.
crosses gu. Crest — ^A ship in the sea under sail ppr. DelapiUe. Ar. a bend betw. two mullets sa.
Belamare. Sa. a cross ar. Delapinde. Az. fretty ar. on a chief or, three torteaux.
Belamare. Gu. a cross pattee flory, in the first quarter an Crest— A lion's gamb erased ar. holding three pines or, leaved
escallop ar. vert.
Belam.are. Gu. a lion pass. ar. collared az. Delapine (co. Suffolk). Az. fretty ar. on a chief of the
Belamare. Az. three bars wavy ar. second three ogresses.
Belamare. Gu. three breams haurient ar. Delapine (co Kent). Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three pine
Be la Mare (Eichabd De la Mabe, temp. Henry III., whose apples or.
dau. and heir, Matilda, m. Walteb de Pole, ancestorof Sir Delapipe, or Pipe (co. Derby). Az. semfe of crosses cross-
William de Pole, Knt., of Colcome, co. Devon. Visit. 1620). let, and two organ pipes in chev. or.
Ar. a saltire gu. a border of the last bezant^e. Delapipe (co. Stafford). Az. ten crosses crosslet or.
Belamare. Ar. a fesse az. Delapipe. Az. a fesse betw. ten crosses pattee (another,
Belam.are. Ar. a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu. crosses crosslet) or, four, three, two, and one. Oresl — ^Threc
Belamare, Gu. a lion pass, guard, ar. organ pipes or, enfiled with a garland of laurel vert.
Belamare, or Belamore. Ar. six martlets sa. three, De la Place (Jersey). Az. three mullets or.
two, and one. Delaplanch (co. Buckingham). Ar. guttee sa. a Uon ramp.
Belamere, Baron. See Cholmondelet. of the last.
Belamere (co. Lancaster). Gu. a cross formee or. Delaplanch (co. Buckingham). Ar. billett^ a lion ramp.
Be la Mere (Hardwick Court and Tedstone De la Mere, co. sa. crowned or.
Worcester). Barry nebulee of six or and gu. Delaplanch. (quartered by Willoughby, of Willoughby, co.
Belamere (Ireland, Eeg. Ulster's Office). Ar. a fess gu. fretty Notts. Visit. Notts, 1614). Same Arms.
of the first in chief a label of three points of the first. Delaplanch. Same Arms, the lion guard.
Belamere, Forest of (quartered by Done, of Utkinton, Belaplannch. Same ArTns, the lion not guard. Crest—
as the foresters thereof). Ar. a buglehom sa. A cross moUne erm. —
Another Crest A hunting horn sans
Belamere. See Delamobe. strings sa. garnished or.
Be la Moore (Moore, co. Oxford; KatheeineDe leMoobe, De la Poer (Gurteen La Poer, co. Waterford. See Power).
of that place, m. Babtbolomew Peislet, Esq., of Punches- Ar. a chief dancettee sa. a mullet for diff. Crest A buck's —
town, CO. Kildare, buried in St. John's Church, Dubhn, head caboshed ppr. attired or, betw. the attires a crucifix of
4 Oct., 1638, arms impaled on Fun. Ent.). Gu. a demi lion —
the last. Motto Per crucem ad eoronam.
ramp, guard, couped ar. armed and langued az. Be ia Pole (Barls and Dukes of SvJ'olk). See Pole.
Belamoore. Gu. (another, sa.) a cross flory an escallop in Delapole. Gu. a saltire ar. a bordure sa. bezantee.
the first quarter ar. Delapole. Az. two bars wavy ar.
Belam.ore (quartered by Cobnwallis, of Brome, co. Suffolk. Delapole (quartered by Wintebshull, of Little Stoke, co.
Visit. Notts, 1631). Same Arms, the escaUop or, Oxford. Visit. 1574). Az. a fess betw. three leopards'
Belamore, alias Moreing: (Moreton, co. Devon, 1620). faces 0'.
At. six martlets sa. three, two, and one. Belapond. Gee Delafinpe.
275 T 2
A ; A


Delapool. Az. a fcsse "betw. three leopards' faces or. Crest De la Vale. Sa. three boars' heads couped ar.
—A crosier gu. Delavall. Gu. on a bend ar. three mullets sa. Cj'est~A
Selapoole Gu. a saltire engr. betw. four roses ar.
(Ireland). salamander in the flames all ppr.
Delapoole (co. Middlesex). Ar. a saltire gu. a bordure sa. Delavall, Erm. three fusils vert.
(another, az.) bezantee. Ch-est^On a chapeau a leopard Delavere, or Delavore. Or, a cross gu. a chief vert.
statant ppr. Crest —A stag saliant ppr.
Delapoole. Az. a fessc or. Delavere, or Delaverty. Same Arms. Crest A ca —
Delapoole. Or, a lion ramp. gu. ^another, depressed by therine wheel distilling drops of blood, all gu.
a bend sa.) Delavere. Quarterly, or and gu. in the dexter quarter a.
Delapoole. Ar. a bend sa. mullet of the second.
Delapoole. Az. two bars nebulee or. Delavil (co. Northumberland). Erm. three lozenges az.
De la Poole (Margert, dau. of Sik Richaed de ia Poole, Delaward. Ar. a chev. betw. three billets gu.
Knt., m. Sir Thomas Chawortli, Knt., Lord of Alfreton and Delawarde (cos. Leicester and Oxford, Governor of Ponte-
Norton, co. Dertiy, temp. Edward III. Visit. Notts). Same fract Castle, 19 Edward 111.). Vair^ ar. and sa.
Arms. Dela'ware. Ar. on a bend az. three eagles displ. or.
Delapoole. Ar. a chev. gu. a bordure sa. bezantee. Delaware. Gu. a lion ramp. betw. five crosses crosslet
Delapoole. Per pale sa. and ar. (another, or and sa.) a fitch^e or. (another, an orle of eight crosses).
saltire cngr.counterchangod. Dela'ware. Az. a lion ramp. betw. eight crosses crosslet
Delaport. Ar. three bars az. over all a saltire gu. Crest — fitchde or, three, two, two, and one, charged on the shoulder
A bird standing with wings expanded ppr. with a crescent, a chief of the second
De la Poyle (Sir Waltbe de la Poylle, Knt., summoned Delaware (impaled in a Fun. Ent. prepared for Colonel
from Cornwall, 1277, to attend Edward I. a,t Worcester, Byron, who was sentenced by Cromwell, to be " shott to
againstLlewellyn-ap-GriCath. Inq. post-mortem 27 Edward I.). death," but was afterwards pardoned, 1651). Ar. a fess dan-
Ar. a saltire gu. a border sa. bezant(5e. (N.B., these arms cettee sa.
are in a window at Sutton Valence Manor House). Delaware (Reg. Ireland). Ar. three bars gu. surmounted
Delapolye (quartered by Ga^nesfobd, of Idbury, co. Oxford. by a chev. sa. over all a bend or.
Visit. 1574). S&me Arms. Delaw^arre, £)arl. See West.
De la Pype. Az. a fesse betw. thirteen crosses crosslet or, Delawarr (cos. Gloucester and Warwick). Gu. crusily
seven above and six below. fitchee a lion ramp ar.
De la Reiir (co. Kent). Ar. three caps (or morions) sa. Delawarr. Same Arms, over all a bend engr. sa. Crest—
De la Rever, or Delariver (co. Berks). Az. two bars bird's head couped ar. beaked gu.

dancett^e or. Crest A shepherd's flute or. Delawrey. Az. three leopard's faces jessant-de-hs or.
Delariver (co. Berks). Ar. a fret sa. and canton gu. De la Zouch. Gu. a fcsse erm. betw. six bezants.
Delariver (co. York). Vaire ar. and gu. a bordure az. be- D'Elbceuf. Gu. a bull pass, guard, or.
zantee. Crest~A lion's paw holding a broken spear ppr. Delechamber (Eadmill, co. Sussex), Ar. a chev. ermines
Delariver. Sa. two bends dancettee or. fimbriated sa. betw. three chamberpieces of the last, fired
Delariver. Ar. fretty sa. an inesculcheon gu. ppr. Crest —
An ass's head erased ar.
Delariver. Az. two bars wavy or. Delechamber. Erm. on a chief gu. a lion pass, guard, or.
Delariver. Ar. two bars wavy az. Deleval. Sa. a fesse erm. betw. two bezants in chief and a
Delariver (Beg. Ulster's Ofl&ce). Gu. a saltire IJetw. four lion's —
head erased in base or. Crest On a chapeau a lion's
mullets ar. head erased and crowned with a ducal coronet all ppr.
Delaroch.e (co. Hereford). Sa. three roaches naiant in Delg*arno. Quarterly, erm. and ermines. Crest A sea —
pale ar. lion statant, holding in the dexter paw a cross moline,
De la Kocque (Jersey). Gu. a fesse betw. three trefoils sa. De Ligne (Harlaxton, co. Lincoln granted by Camden, ;

De la Ryver, Az. two bars dancettee ar. Clarenceux, to Daniel De Ligne, son of Anthony, son of
Delaryveu. Vair a bordure gu. bezantee. John De Ligne, of Valentyne, in Hainault). Or, a chief
De la Tour, Az. a tower embattled, with a cupola ar. chequy ar. and az. over all a bend gu. Ci-est On a moimt —
door gu. vert a lion sejant guard, or, the dexter paw resting on an
Delatoure (co. Dorset). Ar. a tower with a steeple az, the arrowhead az.
port gu. De Liigne (co. Lincoln, 1640). Or, a bend gu. a chief chequy
Delatowre. Sa. a tower ar. ar. and az.
Delatune (co. Hants). Ar. a cross engr, gu. Crest— An Delillers (London; granted 1657). Or, three lions ramp.
antelope pass. or. —
az. ducaUy crowned gu. Crest ^A demi hon ramp. az. ducally
Delaune, or De Lune (Blackfriars, London; assigned crowned gu.
7 March, 1612). Az. a cross of lozenges or, on a chief gu. a De L*Isle and Dudley, Baron. See Sydney.
leopard pass, guard, of the second, spotted sa. holding in De Lisle (Guernsey). Or, on a fesse betw. two chev. sa. a
the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis gold. Crest The liou (or — —
crescent of the field. Crest A demi eagle displ. or.
symbol) of St. Mark sejant, wings elevated, and round the De Xilsle (Guernsey). Or, three mullets az. two and one,
head a glory all ppr. laying the dexter paw on the Gospel, De liisle (Garendon Park and Grace Dieu Manor, co.
close or, covered gu. garnished gold. Leicester). Quarterly, 1st and 4th or, on a chief az. three
Delaune (Eeg. Ulster's OfiQce). Same Arms and Crest, an lions ramp, of the field, for Lisle 2nd, az. a chev. ar. betw.

annulet for diff. three martlets ppr., for Phillipps; 3rd, quarterly, gu. and
Delauut. Or, a chev. betw. three billets gu. az. a cross erm. betw. foui' lions' heads erased or, forMABCH.
De la Vach, or Delavaclie. Gu. three lions ramp. ar. Crests —
1st: A stag pass.ppr .for Lisle; 2nd Ademigriffinppr.

a label of as many poiots gobonated or and az. Crest — gorged or, holding a shield az. charged with a lion ramp, or,
cow's tail ppr. for Phillipps ; 3rd : A demi lion ramp. ar. holding a Maltese
Delavache (co. Buckingham). Gu. three lions ramp. ar. —
cross or, for Mabch. Mottoes For De Lisle : En bon espoir;

a label of as many points az. Crest An ox-yoke in pale sa. for Phillipps Quod justum non quod utile.

Delavaclie (co. Buckingham). Gu. a lion pass. ar. Dell. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. debruised by a saltire gu. Crest
Delavaclie. Or, semee of crosses crosslet gu. a lion A hand erect issuing from a cloud, holding a garb.
ramp. sa. Dellaber. Or, a cross gu. a chief vert. Crest—A grey-
Delavache. Gu. three lions ramp. ar. crowned or. hound sejant sa.
Delaval (Seaton Delaval, and Ford Castle, co. Northumber- Dellaber. Gu. a fesse wavy and a bordure engr. or.
land, bart., created 1660, extinct). Erm. two bars vert. Dellabere. Az. a bend double cotised betw. six martlela
Crest ram's head erased ar. attired or. or.
Delaval {Lord Delaval, Seaton, co. Northumberland Dellatre (granted by Carney, Ulster, 1689, to John Del-
created 1786, extinct 1808). Same Arms, quartering ar. a latke). Or, three inescuteheons az. each charged with a fleui'-
chev. betw. three garbs sa., for Blake, Supporters ^Dexter, — de-lis of the first, on a canton gu. a mullet pierced also of
a man in armour, holding in his right hand a roll, inscribed the first. Crest-^-A mullet or, betw. two oUve branches
" Magna Charta, " and in his left a drawn sword all ppr., repre- vert.
senting a baron as in the time of King John j sinister, a man Dellee, Delee, or Delly, Ar. a fesse betw. three
in complete armour, as in the time of William the Conqueror, crescents sa. (another, gu.). Crcsi— On a mountain a dove
supporting in his exterior hand a banner gu. charged with ppr.
the arms ascribed to William the Conqueror. Crest— ram's A Dellesfield (co. Lancaster), Vaire gu. and ar.

head erased ar. Motto Dieu me conduise. Dellorty. Az. a cross or.
J>elaval (co. Northumberland). Same Arms. Ci'est— Out of Dellwood, or Delwood. Ar. an eagle displ. with tffo

a ducal coronet or, a goat's befid ar. attired of the first. jaecks sa. perched on a staff lyingfesseways raguly vert.


3)ellwood. Ar. an eagle displ. with two necks in bend chevronels betw. three griCBns pass, counterchanged, for
vert. Eveleigh. Crests 1st: — A
savage's head affronttfe, coupeiJ
Dellyne. Sa. six lions ramp. ar. Crest — On a ducal coronet below the shoulders ppr., for Ds Moleyns; 2nd: A goat's
a Cornish chouph ppr. head erased per chev. or and sa. attired of the second, in
Pelmar (Kenfleld, Petham, co. Kent). Az. three barruleta the mouth a bunch of laurel ppr. fiupiPtM-ters— Two lions or,
dancettee betw. two lions pass. ar. Crest A lion sejant gu. — ducally gorged and chained az. Motto —
Vivere eat vincere.
collared dancettee, the dexter paw resting on a fleur-de-lis De lyContmorency {Viscou-nt Mow/Umorres). Ar. a cross
alloT. gu. betw. four eagles displ. sa. Crest A peacock in its —
Delxne (Gams Hants; descended from Sir Peter
Hall, co. pride ppr. Supporters— Two angels ppr. hair and wings or,
Delue, Knt., Lord Mayor of London, 1724). Or, an anchor —
vested ar. Motto Dieu ayde.
in pale sa. betw. two lions pass. gu. Crest — ^A lion pass. gu. De Ulontmorency (Viscount Frankfort de MontraorencJ/),
in front of an anchor sa. Same Ai-ms, Crest, Supporters, and Motto.
Selme-Kadcliffe. See Radcliffe. De Montmorency (Castlemorres, co. Kilkenny; exempli-
Sebnegre (granted t« Julius Delhege, Esq., of BathkeaJe, fied, 1831, to Hakvet Pbatt, Esq., on his assuming, by
CO. Limerick, and Joun Chbistopher Delmege, Esq., of royal licence, the surname of De Monthobenct in lieu of
Castle Park, co. Limerick). Per chev. ar. and az. in chief Pkatt, in compliance with the will of his mother, Saeah,
two fleurs-de-lis gu. emerging from as many crescents of the dau. of Harvey, Viscount Mountmorres). Or, a cross gu.
Becond, and in base a fleur-de-lis of the first emerging from a —
betw. four eaglets displ. az. Crest On a ducal cro^n or, a
crescent or, in the centre chief point a spear's head ppr. peacock in his pride ppr. Motto Dieu ayde. —

guttee de sang. Crest A hoar's head erect and erased per Dempsey. See O'Deupsie.
pale gu. and sa. langued az. armed or. 3fo£f(}-^Inveniani Dempsey (Ireland). Vert a lion ramp, holding a dagger
autfaciem. ar. Crest—Out of a mural coronet seven battle axes erect
Selmy. Sa. six lions pass. ar. ppr.
Deluer, or Delver. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three billets Dempsey. Vert a lion ramp, or, betw. two swords wavy in
sa. fesse of the last.Crest —
A sphinx with wings expanded ppr.
Delorey. Gu. two flauncbes indented ar. within a bordure Dempster (Pitliver, representative of Moibesk, the heiress
or, TO. Sir Ja&ces Campbell, of Aberuchill, Scotland). Quar-
^e liOvaine. Gu. semee of billets and a fesse ar. terly, 1st and 4th, gu. a sword in bend ar.'hilt and pommel
Del See, or Bolsey. Az. two bars nebulee ar. Crest— or, surmounted by a fesse of the last 2nd and 3rd, or, a

A demi woman naked, her hair dishevelled, wreathed round lion ramp. gu. debruised by a ribbon in bend sa. Crest —
the temples with cinquefoils gu. demi lion gu. holding in the dexter paw a sword in pale ppr.
iDelsTime (France). Per fesse or and az. flve fleurs-de-lis in —
Motto Fortiter et strenue.
cross counterchanged. Crest —
^A pegasus's head ar. betw. Dempster, afterwards Hawkins - Dempster
two wings endorsed or. (Dunnichen, co. Forfar). Same Arms^ within a bordure per
De Luae. See Delaune. pale ar. and sa. Crest —A
leg-bone and palm branch in
De Laton. Vert an eagle displ. with two heads or, armed saltire ppr. —
Motto Mors aut vita decora.
gu- Demylly (France). Az. a chev. betw. three martlets or.
-Delves (Delves Hall, co. Stafford; John de Delves was Den (co. Huntingdon). Ar. two bars sa. each charged with
living there 31 Edward I. his descendant. Sir John Delves,
; three crosses pattee or.
Knt., of Delves Hall, Warden of the Mint, temp. Henry VI., Den, or Denne (co. Kent). Ar. two flaunches sa. each
was sUun at Tewkesbury, leaving inter alias two sons, John charged with a leopard's face or. Crest On a staff raguly —
Delves, the eldest, beheaded 10 Edward IV., leaving two vert a stag lodged ppr. attired or. AnotJier Crest— Ob a
dans., and Henbt Delves, the youngest ancestor of Delves, mount vert a stag lodged reguard. ar.
bart., of Dodington). Ar. a chev. gu. fretty or, betw. three Den, or Dena. Ar. a fret vert (another, gu,). Crest—
delves (or sods of tui-f) sa. negro's head ppr. banded ar.
^Delves (Dodington, co. Chester, bart., extinct 1725 Sir ; Den. Ar. a lion ramp, guard, ppr.
Thomas Delves, Knt., of Dodington, descended from Henet Denacoorte. Chequy or and az. on a fesse gu. three plates
Delves, youngest son of Sir John Delves, Knt., of Delves (another, three square buckles ar.).
Hall, was created a bart., 1621. Elizabeth, only dau. of Denamure, Demaure, or Denmore (Toumay). Gu.
the fourth bart., m. Sir Brian Bboughton, Bart., of Brough- a bend fusily ar.
ton). Same Arms. Crest~0\it of a ducal coronet or, a demi Denarston, or Deverston. Ar. three pole axes gu.
heron wings displ. ar. Denbaud, or Denband. Az. on a chief ar.u lion ramp-
Selves (co. Kent). Same Arms. Crest — ^A dolphin naiant issuant gu.
az. Denbig-b, Earl of. See Feilding.
Delves (co. Lancaster), Same A-)-ms (billets instead of Denbig-b, Town of. On a mount a castle triple-towered,
delves). Crest —Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi eagle with spires and fanes on each, on the mount, before the
betw. two wings sa. Motto —Je ne puis. a greyhound couchant .... on each side the castle
Delves (co. Chester). Same Arms (pewter pots instead of an escutcheon, on the dexter the arms of France and
delves). Crest — A dolphin embowed ar. England, on the sinister a lion ramp, over each escutcheon
Selves. Same Arm^ (fleurs-de-lis instead of delves). a plume of ostrich feathers.
Demanderville. Quarterly, or and gu. Crest— On a Denby. Vert a bend betw. three wheels or. Crest—An an-
mount vert a stag courant reguard. ppr. telope pass. gu. collared ar.
-De Mantinge. Ar. three garbs sa. Dench, or Denecbye. Vert a saltire engr. betw. four
Demardeston (co. Suffolk). Ar. two bars az. on a chief crosses crosslet fitchee ar. Crest —A unicorn's head betw.
gu.a lion pass, or, collared of the second. Crest Out of a — two branches of laurel in orle ppr.
mural coronet a lion's head. Dendy (granted to Eichaed Caffyn Dendt, and to the
Demardeston, Denardeston, Deveston, or De- descendants of his grandfather, Richaed Dekdy, of Griggs
neston Barry of four ar. and az. on a chief
(co. Suffolk). or Gulshaw, on Towerhill, in Horsham, co. Sussex, Septem-
gu. a lion pass, guard, or. Crest— A
cross fitchee gu. fleury ber, 1793). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. ; 2nd and 3rd, az. a
or. mullet erm. over all on a bend invecked cotised sa. three
Demardeston. Az. two bars (another, pales) ar. on a chief cinquefoils or. Crest— On. a mount betw. two slips of lauris-
gu. a leopard pass. or. tinus vert a bezant charged with a unicorn's head couped
De Manley, Baron. See Pohsonbt. az. Motto —
Kespicio sine luctu.
Demannt. Or, two bends gu. Dendy (Dorking, co. Surrey). Quarterly, 1st and 4tb,
Demeley, or Denley, Az. a chev. betw. three martlets quarterly, vert and erm. a griffia segreant betw. four'
ar. escallops, three in chief and one in base -or ; 2nd and 3rd,
J)e Medewe (Witnesham HaU, co. Suffolk; Peter de quarterly, az. and or, in the first quarter a muUet of the
Medewe was seized of lands at WitneBham, in the 34 second. Crest —
On a mount vert a 6wa,n ar. beaked gu.
Henry II. (1188), and those lands have ever since remained resting its dexter claw on a pheon ppr. Motto—Pet ardua
in the family). Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three pelicans vulned stabihs esto.
ppr. on a canton a lion sejant, and in chief a label of three Dene, or De Dene Essex). Ar. a fesse dancettee go.
pomta, quartering Brewster, of Wrentham Hall, co. Suffolk, Dene (co. Hereford). Gu. two bars and a canton ar.
sa.a chev. enu. betw. three estoiles ar. Crest A pehcan, — Dene, De Den, or Dedene (co. Leicester). Ar. a lion
vulned ppr. Afoito— Mea dos virtus. ramp. purp.
De Moleyns (Eveleigh - de Moleyns, Lord Ventry). Dene (Newton Petrock, co Devon. Visit. 1620). Same
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. on a chief erm. three fusils Arms. Crest —A dexter hand holding a cross crosslos
gu. for De Moleyns 2nd and 3rd, per pale or imd sa. two

^ene. At. a lion pass, purp^ Denison (Fiscount Ossingtont extinct: the Bight Hon.
Sene. Ar. a fesse indenLed hetw. three crescents go, John Evelyn Denison, of Ossington, co. Kottingham, Speaker
"Dene. Barry of six gu. and ar. on a canton of the
la&l » of the House of Commons, was created VUcount Ossington,
tower triple-towered of the first. 13 Feb., 1872, and d. 7 March, 1873, when the Viscounty
iDenenshe. Vert a saltire engr, ar. hetw. four crosses^ became extinct). Ar. a bend gu. betw. a unicorn's head
crosslcd fitchee or. erased in chief and a cross crosslet fitchee in base az.
Denet. Gu, a demi lionramp. ar. Crest — A dexter arm vested gu. cuffed ar. pointing with th&
Senevill. Gu. a fesse dancettee ar. a bordure engr. or. forefinger to an estoile or.
Denew. Az. five chevronels or. Denison (Kilnwick Percy, co. York). Ar. a bend gu. betw.
Deng, Dengis, or Bency. Ar. a chev. sa. hetw. three a unicorn's head erased in chief and a cross crosslet fitchee of
mullets gu. the second in base. Cresi— A dexter arm embowed, vested az.
Deng'aine. Az. a fesse indented betw. six escallops ar. cuff or, the band ppr. pointing with a forefinger to a star
Orest —
On a mount a stag feeding ppr. gold.
Deng:aiue. Az. a fesse indented or (another, ar.). Denison. Same Arms, —Out
Crest of a naval coronet a
Deug:aiue. Az. a fesse dancettee betw. thirteen billets or. demi mermaid, holding in the dexter hand a mirror, and in
Deng'ate. Per bend embattled sa. and ar. the sinister a comb ppr.
Dengayne, or Sngrayne (Arunsted, co. Norfolk). Az, Denison (Beckett-Denison, Meanwood Park, Leeds, co.
a fesse dancettee betw. six escallops ar. (another, escallops York). 1st and 4th, ar. on a bend betw. a unicorn's head
or). Crest —
A tower sa. cupola and flag gu. erased in chief and a cross crosslet fitchee in base sa. three
Deng'ayne^ Or,a fesse dancettee sa. bezants, for Denison; 2nd and 3rd, Beckett, of Somerby
Dengasme* Gu. a fesse dancettde ar. (another, or) betw. —
(seep. 64). Crest Denison: A
sinister cubit arm in bend
six (another,, ten) crosses crosslet or. dexter, vested vert, cuffed erm. charged with a cross crosslet
Deng'ayne. Ar. a fesse dancettee betw. six escallops gu. a or, the hand ppr. pointing with a forefinger to an estoilfr
mullet for difE. radiated gold.
Denliam the heiress m. Sir Thomas
(West Shields, 169*; Denison (Reg. Ireland), Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three-
Stewart, Bart., of Coltness), Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three pellets a torteau.
craned heads erased or. Crest —
A crane holding in the Denley, or Deiley. Gu. a lion ramp, guard, ar.crownetl:
sinister claw a stone ppr. Motto —
Cura dat victoriam. or.
IDenham (Fairwood Park, co. Fermanagh; a brannh of the Denley, or Demley. Or, three fleuis-de-Us gu.
Benhams, of West Shields; James Denham, Esq., was Denman {Baron Denman). Ar. on a chev. betw. three
high sheriff of Fermanagh in 1815). Same Armsy Cresty lions'heads erased gu. three erm. spots or. Crest~A raven
and Motto^ rising ppr. in the beak an annulet or. Supporters On either —
Denham. (eo. Bucks, London, and co. Surrey; borne by side a lion gu. charged on the body with.five erm. spots in.
Denham, the Poet). Gu. three fusils erm. Crest A lion's — cross or. Motto —
Prudentia ez constantiS.
head erased ermines. Denman (London). Az. a chev. betw. three lions' heads
Denham (quartered by Haeington, Bart., of Ridlington, —
erased or. Crest A raven rising sa.
through Sapcote, of Burleigh; the first bart. m. the dau. Denman, or Dennam (Newshall Grange, co. York). Ar,
and co-heir of Safcote). Gu.fouT fusils conjoined in fess three lions' heads erased gu.
erm. Denman. Ar. a fesse betw. three hons' heads erased gu»
Denham (eo. Cornwall). Same Anns, a bordure erm. Crest —A demi gray friar, habited ppr. holding in the dexter
Denham (Devonshire and Kent)-. Gu. five (another, four) hand a lash.
lozenges in fesse erm. Denmark, Prince of {Duhe of Cumbertand; Geoboe,
Denham. Gu. three bezants. Princeof Denmark, Consort of Queen Anne, so created 1689^
Denham. Ar. om a bend sa.. three mullets or (another, of d. s. p. 1708). Or, three lions pass, guard, az. crowned ppr.
the field)^ semfie of hearts gu. Supporters —
His garter plate exhibits
Denham. Ar. a fesse betw. three lions' heads erased gu. the royal supporters of Denmark. (There was no exempli-
Denham (Fun. Ent.of Mrs. Maey Smith, formerly Denham, fication of arms at the creation of the Dukedom.)
buried at St. Andrew's Church, Dublin, 23 July, 1596). Gu. Denn (Galway; Juliana, dau. of Robert Denn, of that
three fusils conjoined in fess erm. in chief a castle with two place, cir. 1612, m. Stephen Lynch of the same). Az. three
towers ar. wings or, on a chief ar. a griffin segreant holding a harp-
Denham. Gu. a chev. betw. three licms' gambs erased
erm. Denn (Temsford Hall, co. Huntingdon). Az. three bars erm.
Denham. Quarterly, or and sa. in each quarter three in chief as many fleurs-de-lis or. Oi-est —
Out of a chapeau
martlets eounterchanged. gu. turned up erm. a demi peahen issuant wings dispL
Denham. Quarterly, gu. and or, in each quarter three ppr.
martlets in bend eounterchanged. Denn (Eversfield, co, Sussex). Erm. on a bend sa. thre&
Denham. Gu. four fusils in fesse erm. in chief a pile or, mullets or. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet a camel's head
betw. two single arches ar. base and capitals of the third in ; or.
base a double arch as in chief. Denn (co. Kilkenny; Thomas Denn, Esq., of Grenan, temp.
Denham, or Dinant. Gu. a fesse engr. erm. a bordure Queen EUzabeth; Reg. Ulster's Office). Ar. three hons-
engr. ar. ramp, two and one sa.
Denhany. Az. a bear saliant ar. oa a canton or, a cock gu. Dennam. Ar. on a bend az. three stars of the field.
Crest — demi bear saliant ar.
^A Denne (Denne Hill, Kingston, Elbridge, Bishopsboume, and
Denis (St. Mary's and Blackmonstone, co. Kent, bart., extinct Lydd, CO. Kent, and Winchilsea, co. Sussex). Az. three
1778 Rev. Jacob Denis, bom at La Eochefocault, in Angou-
; bars erm, in chief as many fleurs-de-lis or. Crest On a —
mois, fled from France at the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, chapeau vert, turned up erm. a demijieacoek, wings ex-
arsd settled at the city of Chester; his son, Peter Denis, was panded and elevated ppr.
created a bart. 1767, and d, s, p.). Ar. a chev. engr. betw. Denne (Adsham, co. Kent), Same Arms. Crest— Oa a-
three ^urs^de^lis gu. Oi-est —
A hand grasping a snake chapeau vert, turned up erm. a peacock in pride ppr.
all ppr. Denne (co. Kent). Ar. a chev. wavy gu. betw. three fleurs-
Denis^Tottenham. See Tottenham. de-lis az.
Denisell, Densell, or Denstall (cos. Cornwall and Denner. Quarterly, gu and ar. a label az.
Devon). surmounting a crescent in pale ar.
Sa. a mullet Dennet. Ar. a demi lion ramp. gu.
Denison (Lord Londesborough). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, erm, Dennet (London). Sa. guttle ar. a canton erm. Great ^A —
a bend az, cottised sa, betw. in chief a unicorn's head erased boar's head erased ar.
and in base a cross crosslet fitchee gu., for Denison; 2nd Dennett (Isle of Wight). Same Arms and Oi-est. MoltO"
and Srd, ar. a ahake>-fOTk betw. three mullets sa. one in chief Per Dei providentiam.
and two in base, for Conyngham. Crests 1st, Denison: issu- — Dennett. Sa. a fesse indented ar. in chief three essallopfl
ing from clouds to the sinister, a dexter arm ppr. habited gu. or. —
Crest A demi wolf sa. collared indented ar.
cuffed ar. the ana charged with a covered cu(p or, and point- Denney. See Denny.
ing witti the first fi-nger to the sun also ppr. 2nd, Conyngham :
; Dennill, or Dewnill (co. Leicester). Gu. a fesse dan-
a unicorn's head erased ar. armed and maned or. Suppw^ters cetee or, within a bordure engr. ar.
— Dexter, a horse ar. maned, hoofed, and charged on the Dennis (Holcombe, co. Devon. Sir Robeut Dennis, Knt., of
flhoulder with an eagle displ. or sinister, a stag ar. attired,
; Holcombe, m. temp. Henry VIII., Hon. Mary Blount, dau. of
.iiiguled, and charged on the shoulder with a griffin's head WiiLiAM, fourth Lord Mountjoy, K.G.; he was eldest son of
tj-aspd or, both charged with a crescent sa. for diff. Motto Sir Thomas Dennis, of the same place, who was seventh in
—Adversa virtute repellou descent from Waltbb Dj^jnys, of Giddicoke, within th*


htmdred of Black Torrington, co. Devon). Erin, three bills sa. betw. a unicorn's head erased gu. horned or, in chief and
or Danish battleaxes gu. a cross crosslet fitchee of the third in base. Crest—A dexter
Dennis (Orleigh, co. Devon. Wiixiam Dennis, of that place, arm in pale ppr. clothed gu. cuffed erm. holding an antique
1620, whose ancestors were living there temp. Edward I., shield sa. charged with a mullet or. i)fo££o— Ad versa virtuto
descended from Holcombe. Visit. Devon, 1620). SameAT-ms. repello.
Crest —
A tiger's head en^ed erm. Dennistoun (Golfhill, co. Lanark). Per fess ar. and erm.
Dennis (Mallcott, co. Devon; John Dennis, descended from a bend betw. a unicorn's head erased in chief and a cross
Henbv Dennis, fifth son of John Dennis, of Orleigh. Visit. crosslet fitchee in base gu. Ci-est —
A dexter arm in pale ppr.
Devon, 1620J. Same Arms, an annulet or, for diff. the hand holding an antique shield sa. charged with a
Dennis (co. Devon, borne by Sir Thomas Dennis, of Hol- mullet or. Jl^oito— Adversa virtute repello.
combe, when he received the honour of knighthood, 5 Henry Dennistoun-Brown. See Bbown.
VII.). Same Arms, within a bordure engr. gu. Denny (JSarl of Norvnch; created 1626, extinct 1660, male
, Dennis (ISlenheniot, co. Cornwall. Thomas Dennis, of that representative of the family Denny, hart., of Tralee, des-
place. Visit. 1620. Great grandson of Thomas Dennis, Esq., cended from the uncle of the first Earl). Gu. ** saltire ar.
of Holcombe, co. Devon). Same Aims as Holcombe. Crest betw. twelve crosses pattee or.
— ^A griffin's head erased erm. Denny (Tralee Castle, co. Kerry, bart., representing Denny,
Dennis (Bicton, co. Devon, and Isle of Wight). Same Arms. Earl of Norioich). Same Arms. Crest'—A cubit arm vested,
Crest—'A tiger's head erased erm. az. turned up ar. holding five wheat-ears or. Motto—-^t,
Dennis (Kingsale, co. Cork founded by Gabbiel Dennis,
; mea messis erit.
of CO. Devon, temp. Charles II.; Arms and Crest from the Denny (Gillingham, co. Norfolk, bart., extinct; William
seal on the will of Ven. William Dennis, Archdeacon of Lis- Denny, of that place, was so created 1642, d.s.p.ra.). Same
more). Same Arms. Crest —
An heraldic antelope pass. Arms.
Dennis (Lord Tracton, Bight Hon. Jahes Dennis, Chief Denny (Baveningham and Thurlton Langley, co. Norfolk,
Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, a member of and of Great Yarmouth granted 9 March, 1663). Same

the family of Dennis, of Kinsale, co. Cork, so created 1780, Arms.

and d.s.p. 1782. His lordship's estates devolved on his nephews, Denny (Waltham Abbey, co. Essex). Same Arms. Crest
Kev. Meade Swifte, and John Swifte, Esq.,Barrister-at^law, — A cubit arm vested and turned up ar. holding in the hand
sons of Thomas Swifte, Esq., of Lynn, co. Westmeath, by ppr. four ears of wheat or.
Feances his wife, only sister of Lord Tracton). Gu. on a chev. Denny (granted to Thomas Anthony Denny, Esq., of Con-
betw. three fleurs-de-lis or, as many annulets of the first, a can- naught Place, Hyde Park, London, eldest surviving son of
ton chequy of the second and az. Crest —
A castle, with two Henby DENNYt of Waterford, merchant). Gu. a saltire
towers ar., from each tower a banner floating to the sinister betw. nine crosses pattee, three in chief and a like number

gu. Supporters Two greyhounds ppr. plain collared and on each side ar. in base a lion pass, gi^ard. or. Crest

chdned or. Motto Suaviter sed fortiter. —Out of a mural crown ppr. a cubit arm vested az. cuff ar.
Dennis (confirmed to Sir James Dennis, K.C.B., of the same the hand also ppr. holding five wheat-ears or. MottO"-
family as Lord Tracton). Gu. on a chev. betw. three fleurs- Et mea messis erit.
de-lis or, as many annulets of the field, a canton chequy az. Denny. Ar. a chev. within a bordure engr. sa. quartered
and in augmentation, in chief above a branch of olive and by Eosoakbock.
palm in saltire a mural crown of the second. €h-est — Dennys, or Denis. Or, on a chev. az. three crescents
castle in masonry ar. with two towers, each surmounted with ar. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet a plume of five ostrich
a ball, from which a flagstaff thereon a flag gu. charged with feathers ppr.

an eaftem crown or. Motto Suaviter sed fortiter. Denouac. Gu. ten billets or, four, three, two, and one.
Dennis (Waterford ; from the seal on the will of Samuel Crest —
Betw. two wings a globe, thereon an eagle with wings
Dennis, of that place, 1700). Gu. on a chev. betw. expanded.
three fleurs-de-lis or, as many annulets of the first. Orest — Denree (Reg. Ulster's Office). Gu. three trumpets fessways
A castle with two towers ar. from each tower a flag floating in pale or.
to the sinister gu. Densel. Sa. a crescent betw. the points a mullet issuant ar.
Dennis (King's co. Reg. TJlstcr's Office). Sa. a chev. betw. (another, an estoile of eight points)
three fleurs-de-lis ar. Densell. Ar. on a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet sa. as
Dennis (co. Kent). Ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu. many crescents or.
Orest —
^An arm couped at the elbow and erect in armour, Densell. Sa, a crescent betw. three mullets ar.
grasping a snake all ppr. Densliire. Ar. a pale gu. in chief a crescent betw. two
Dennis (Dyrham and Pucklechnrch, co. Gloucester). Gu. a mullets, and in base a mullet betw. as many crescents, all
bend engr. betw. two leopards' faces or, jessant-de-lis of
ar. counterchanged. Crest — ^A lion reguard. holding with both
the second. Orest —
A demi lion ramp. az. bezantee. paws an anchor all ppr.
Dennis (Dorking; borne by John Dennis, Esq., of that place, Densill. Ar. a bend betw. three crosiers gu.
a branch of Dennis, of Pucklechurch). Same Arms. Crest — Denston, Ar. a chev. betw. two couple closes engr. sa.
A wolf sejant ramp, with the forelegs sa. collMcd and
. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter hand holding a
chained or. Motto Dieu & la mer.— sword, the blade wavy in pale ppr.
Dennis (co. Gloucester). Az. on a bend engr. betw. three Denston. Az. two lions pass, guard, or.
leopards' heads ar.jessant-de-lis or, a martlet of the field for Denstone. Ar. two lions pass, guard, gu.
diff. Densy. Gu. a cross moline pierced or. Crest On a chapeau —
Dennis (co. Kent). Ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis a stag pass. ppr.
Dent (Shortfliitt Tower, Bclsay, Newcastle-on-Tyne). Quar-
Dennis. Az. (another, gu.) three leopards' faces or, jessant- terly, 1st and 4th, or, on a bend per bend gu. and sa. three
de-lis ar. Crest — head and neck couped ppr.
^A leopard's fusils conjoined of the field, for Dent ; 2nd and 3rd, eu. two
Dennis. Gu. a bend engr. ar. betw. three leopards' heads chevronels or, betw. three hawks belled ar., for Hedley.
or, jes6an^de-li8 of the second. Crests —
lst,for Dent : A panther's head affront^e erased, with
Dennis. Ar. on a chev. az. three crescents or. flames issuing from the mouth and ears, transpierced by an
Dennis. See Dents. arrow barbed and flighted, the pheon towards the dexter, all
Dennistoun (that Ilk, co. Eenfrew; the original estates ppr. ; 2nd, for Hedley : A swallow rising out of clouds ppr.
devolved, in 1399, on co-heiresses, m. to Cdnninghame, of Dent (Sudeley Castle, co. Gloucester). Erm. on a bend
Kilmaurs, and Maxwell, of Calderwood). Ar. a bend sa. nebuly az. three lozenges of the field. Crest An heraldic—
Dennistoun Dumbarton, became representa-
(Colgrain, co. tiger's head erased erm. sem^e of lozenges az. flames issuing
tive of DEHNisTODNjOf that Ilk). Ar.a bend sa. betw.a unicorn's from the mouth ppr. il/o»o— Concordia et industria.
head erased gu. homed or, in chief, and a cross crosslet fitchee Dent (co. Leicester). Gu. a chev. and a bordure engr,
of the third in base. Ci-est —A
dexter arm in pale ppr. ar.
clothed gu. cuffed ar. holding an antique shield sa. charged Dent (London). Sa. a fesse dancett^e ar. in chief three
with a mullet or. Supporters —Dexter, a lion gu. ; sinister, escallops or. —
Crest A demi wolf saliant sa. charged on the
an antelope or, armed az. and hoofed or. jlfotio— Ad versa neck with a collar dancett^e ar.
Tirtute repello. (Since 1828, the family has been allowed to Dent (London). Ar. on a bend sa. three fusils erm.
revert to the old

arms Ar. a bendsa.). Dent (Dent, near Newcastle-on-Tyne). Ar. on a bend az.
three lozenges erm. Crest —
A tiger's head erased erm.
(Glasgow). Ar. a bend sa. betw. a unicorn's
head erased gu. homed
in chief and a cross crosslet fitchee
or, maned sa. vomiting flames of fire ppr.
of the third in base, on a canton of the field a demi liou Dent (Wandsworth Common, co. Surrey). Ar. on abend
ramp. az. Oi-eit and Motto, as the last. sa. three lozenges erm. Crest —
A tiger's head couped ar.
Dennistoun (Kelvin Grove, co. T..anark). Ar. a bend engr. Dent (Eibfiton Hall, co. York, and Winterton, co. Lincoln;.
. A


Ar. on a Tjend tetw. two cotises engr. sa. three lozenges erm. faces of the field. C^'est —A lion pass. ppr. Anotlier Crest—
quartering az. three cranes ar. on a chief or, two roses gu. A cherub ppr.
Crests— 1st: A clemi tiger sa, collared ar. resting the Depliam (co. Norfolk). Ar. on a fesse gu. a lion ramp, or,
sinister paw on a lozenge erm. 2nd: On a mount a crane, ; (another, three guard.)
in the beak a rose slipped, and resting the claw on a serpent Deping's. Az. an orle ar,
now'ed, all ppr. Motto —
Patientia et perseverantia. De Ponthieu (London). Quarterly, or and gu. Crgsi—
Dent. Vert a buck's head or, within a hordure engr. of the tree vert. Motto—Plutot rompe que pliet.

second. Deporte (Sheepshead, co. Leicester). Ar. two bars az. over
Dent. Gu. two bars and a canton ar. all a saltire gu.
Denton (Demon Hall, co. Cumberland; settled at Denton, Depton. Ar. a bend gu.
temp, William I., the heiress of Sir
after five descents; De Quetteville (Jersey). Or, a saltire az. dentelle sa.
KicHARD Denton m. Adam Copley, whose
grandson, Deram. Az. (another, gu.) three crescents betw. nine crosses
EiCHARD Copley, lefb an only dau. and heiress, wife of crosslet ar. d'est —
A pyramid, with vine growing up its side
Adam de l'Hall, who assumed the name of Denton). Ar. ppr. Another Ci-est—A hand fesseways couped, holding a
two bars gu. in chief three cinquefoils sa. Crest An — fleur-de-lis ppr.
cagic sa. Deram, Az. a cross betw. four lions ramp. ar. (another,
Denton (Hillesden, eo. Bucks, bart., extinct 1714. Edward or.)
VI. granted that place to Thomas Denton, descended of a Deraunt. Ar. a chev. betw. three delves gu.
very ancient family his descendant, Edmond Denton, was
; Deraw. Ar. a chev. betw. three billets gu. a bordure az.
created a bait. 1699, and d. s. p. Hillesden passed to the Orest —A bundle of quills ar.
heir male of the family; the eventual heiress, Elizabeth, Derbem, or Derdern. Erm. a fesse az.
dau. of Alexander Denton, m. George Chambeklain ; their Derby, Earl See Stanley.
dau. m. Wenman Roberts, Esq., ancestor of the Earl of Derby. Vert a chev. betw. three garbs ar. banded or.
Leicester).Same Arms and Crest. Crest— A garb, as in the arms.
Denton (Wamell, co. Cumberland, descended from Denton, Derby. Ar. three cinquefoils and a canton gu,
of Denton. Charles Denton, Esq., of Wamell, sold this Derby. Per chev. crenellee az. and or, three eagles displ.
estate to Sir James Lowther, 1773). Same Arms and counterchanged. Crest A dromedary ppr. —
Crest. Derby (Walton, co. Leicester; Edward Derby. Visit.
Denton (Thomas Denton, temp. H-enry VIII., m. Joan, dau. Leicester, 1619). Ar. a fess betw. three sinister wings
and co-heir of Thomas De la Laund, by Katherine, dau. sa.
of Lionel, Lord Welles. Visit. Leicester 1619). Same Derby, To-wn of (co. Derby). Ar. on a mount vert a
Arms. stag lodged within park pales and gate all ppr.
Denton (Ambrosden, Fifield, and Hampton Poyle, co, Oxford. Dereham-Monastery (co. Norfolk). Az. three crosiers,
Edward Denton, of the latter. Visit. 1574. Nicholas two and one, or, each enfiled with a stag's head cabossed of
Denton, 26 Edward III.). Same Arm^. Crest —A lion the last.
couchant ar. Derekenford (William de Windsor, Lord of Stanwell,
Denton (Cardew, co. Cumberland, descended from Denton, temp. Henry III., m. Margaret, dau. of Sir John Dereken-
of Denton. George Denton sold the estate to Sir John ford). Ar. a pair of wings conjoined sa.
Lowther, 1688). Same Arms (martlets instead of cinque- DereTvard. Erm. on a chev. sa. three crescents or.
foils). Ci-est —A martlet sa. Derham (West Derham, co. Norfolk, bart., extinct 1738),
Denton (cos. Buckingham, Lancaster, and Oxford). Same Az. a buck's head cabossed or. Crest A bear ramp, sejant —
Arms. Crest —A couchant or.
lion sa. muzzled, lined, and ringed or, charged on the shoulder
Denton, Ar. a lion ramp. sa. (another, collared or). with an annulet ar.
Denton. Ar. a fesse gu. in chief three martlets of the Derham. Same Arms. Crest Two hands winged and —
Denton. Gu. a chev. betw. three crescents ar. Derham Az. three stags' heads cabossed or.
Denver (co Essex). Sa. a chev. or, betw. three crosses Crest — A demi wolf per pale or and sa.
crosslet fitchee ar.Ci-est —
A demi lion ramp. az. holding Derbam (Crimplesham, co. Norfolk). Same as Derham, of
with both gambs a cross crosslet fitchee or. Derham
Denver (co. Norfolk). Ar. on a fease betw, three cinque- Derhaug-b (Coulstou Hall, co. Suffolk). Sa. three martlets
foils sa. as many crescents or. in bend betw. two bendlets ar. Crest—A tiger pass, or,
Denvers (VValpole, co. Norfolk).Gu. three dexter gaunt- tufted and maned sa.
lets pendent a canton cheqay or and az.
ar. Dering" (Surrenden-Dering, co. Kent, bart.). Quarterly, 1st
Denvile, or Devile. Gu. a lion ramp. betw. eight and a fesse az. in chief three torteaux (in aug-
4th, ar.
lilies ar. mentation) 2nd and 3rd, or, a saltire sa. Crest On a
; —
Denvile, or Dewile. Ar. on a bend az. six fleurs-de-lis ducal coronet or, a horse pass. sa. Supporters—Tvfo horses
of the two, two, and two.
field, sa. maned or. Motto Semni ne semni.—
Denyng-sell, Ar. a fesse gu. Dering (co. Hants). Gu. three roebucks' heads couped or.
Denys. See Dennis. Dering". Gu. on a chev. ar. three trefoils sUpped sa.
Denys (Easton-Neston, co. Northampton, hart.). Ar. a Daring" (William Dering, temp. Henry Vll., m. Eleanor,
cross-patonce gu. betw. four fleurs-de-lis vert, on a chief az. dau. of Henry Dilke). Or, a saltire sa.
a greyhound courant of the field. Crest demi lion —A De Rinzy, De Renzy, and De Renzi (Fun. Ent,
erminois collared gu. holding betw. the paws a French lily of Sir Mathew de Renzi, Knt., b. at Cologne, in Germany,
slipped ppr.Motto Hora e sempre. — d. in Dublin, 29 Aug., 1634). Sa. a buck springing or.
Denys Devon).
(co. Az. three halberds or, headed ar. De Rinzy (confirmed to Thomas De Rinzy, Esq., of Clobemon,
Crest —
A tree vert behind an antelope pass. ar. CO. Wexford, D.L.). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, same as
Denys (co.Kent). Ar. afesse nebulee (another, wavy) gu. betw. preceding; 2nd and 3rd, az. a cross ar. charged with five
three (another, six) fleurs-de-lis az. escallops gu. ivithin a bordure or. Crest A hon ramp. or. —
Denys. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three mullets gu. —
Motto Facta non verba.
Denys. Ar. six fleurs-de-lis, three, two, and one. Derling". Ar. a chev. betw. three porridge pots (another,
Denzell (quartered by Foetescue, of Buckland Filleigh, co. three ewers) sa.
Devon. Visit 1620). Sa. a crescent, within the horns a Dermond (Dublin, Reg. Ulster's Office). Ar. on a
mullet pierced ar, betw. three boars' heads erased az. tusked and maned or, as
Deoyle. Ar. three chev. sa. many crosses crosslet of the last, on a chief of the third
Depden, or Deptun (co. Hereford). Ar, on a bend gu. three lozenges of the fourth.
three roses of the field. Crest —An anchor or, surmounted Dermott (Fun. Ent. of Alderman Peter Dermott, of Dub-
by a fleur-tle-lis sa. hn, d. 10 June, 1617). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three boars'
Depden. Same Arms. Crest —A dexter and sinister hand, heads erased az. tusked and maned or, as many cross cross-
wielding a two-handed sword ppr. lets of th6 last.
Depden (co. Suffolk). Erm. on a chief az. three lions Dermot, or Dermott, Gu, a fesse dancettee ar. in chief
ramp. or. —
three fleurs-de-lis of the last. Crest A demi lion holding a
Depden. Ar. u. fesse betw. three leopards' faces gu. spear in pale, thrust through a bear's head all ppr.
(anotlier, az). Dermott. See McDermott.
Depden. Ar. on a chief gu. three leopards' faces or, Dermyne, Ar. on a bend gu. cutised sa. three escfdlopfl
De Penshorst, Sa. a mullet ar. (another, or). or.
De Peye. Or, ten billets gu. four, three, two, and one. Dernali, or Dervall. Ar. two tars an inescutchcon in
Depbaxn. Or (another, ar.) on a fesse gu. three leopards* chief gu.
A . A


Demested, or Dernestode. Sa. an eagle displ. ar. De Saumerez, Baron. See SAUMAaEz.
Sernestode, or Sernford. Gu. a lion ramp, chequy Desbarres. Gu. three eagles' heads erased ar. Crest An
arm couped at the shoulder embowed and resting on the

or and az.
Derneys. Gu. a fesse ar. in chief three plates. elbow holding a spear in pale all ppr.
Dernford (co. Devon). Sa. a ram's head c'abossed ar. Des Eouverie (London). See Bouverie.
attired or. Desbrisay. Ar. out of a mount in base the stump of a
Dernford. Sa. an eagle displ. ar. Crest A cross crosslet — tree shooting forth new leaves and thereon a paroquet
fitchee az. and a sword ppr. in ealtire. —
perched ppr. Crest A paroquet, as in the arms.
Dernford, or Derneford, Ar. two wings conjoined Ba. Desbrow. Ar. a fesse betw. three bears' heads and necks
Crest —
A sphinx pass, guard, wings endorsed ppr. —
couped sa. muzzled or. Crest A bear's head, as in the arms.
Dernford. Gu. a lion ramp, or, fretty az. Desclianips. Gu. a fesse or, betw. six plates. Crest —
Dernford. Az. two (another, three) fishes haurient or. golden fleece girt round the middle with a collar or,
Dernley, Sa. a sun or. De Senlize. Per pale dancettee ar. and gu. d'est A lion. —
De Ros (Baron de Ros). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. pass, guard, tail extended gu.
three water-bougets, ar., for De Eos; 2nd and Srd, ar. a De Silva. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. betw. two laurel branches
saltire gu., for Fitzgeeald. Crests On a chapeau gu.— saltireways in base ppr. Crest —
A lion ramp. gu.

turned up. erm. a peacock in pride ppr., for Doe Ros a mon- ; Desland (Reg. Ulster's Office). Ar. a saltire az. Crest
key statant ppr. environed round the loins and chained or, Two hands couped and conjoined supporting a heart.
for Fitzgerald. —
Supporters Two falcons, wings expanded Despard. Gu. on a cross ar. five torteaux. Crest On ix, —
and inverted ppr. Motto Crom a hoc. — ducal coronet oi*, a star of twelve rays ar.
Derouch. Ar. a lion ramp, reguard. purp. tail reflexed from Despard (granted, 1838, to William Wbight, Esq., of Kil-
betw. his legs over the back. laghy Castle, co. Tipperary, on his assuming, by royal
De Rose! (Guernsey) Ar. three roses gu. barbed and licence, the surname of Debpakd in lieu of Weight, in com-
seeded ppr. pUance with the wish of his wife's brother, John Despabd,
Derpatrick, or Darpatrick (Reg. Ulster's Office). Per Esq., of Killaghy Castle). Ar. three bars gu. on a canton az.
pale ar. and gu. a counterchanced.
fesse a dexter cubit arm armed in fess couped at the wrist, grasp-

Derry, See of. Ancient Ar. a church ppr. (another, con- ing a dagger all ppr. Crest —A
dexter cubit arm in armour
firmed by Carney, Ulster), Sa. three mitres or. Modern — ppr. grasping a daiiger with a broken blade ppr. hilted or.
Gu. two swords in saltire ppr. pommelled and hilted gold, Motto — Pugno pugnas pugnavi.
on a chief az. an Irish harp gold stringed ar. Despayne. Gyronny of eight or and az. an inescutcheon ar.
Demle. Sa. a sun in splendour or. Orest—A. demi wolf gu Despayne. Ar. a fesse gu. a chief bendy of six of the first
Derward. Erm. on a chev. sa. three crescents ar. (another, and second.
or). Despencer (Earl of WincTiester. Hugh Despencee was
Derward. a fesse betw. three crescents sa. each
Ar. summoned and created Earl of Win-
to Parliament, 1295,
charged with another of the first. cJiester^ 1322, attainted 1326). Quarterly, ar. and gu. in the
Derward, or Durward. Ar. a fesse sa. betw. three second and third quarters a fret or, over all a bend sa.
crescents gu. Despencer (Lord Le Despencer. Hugh Despenceb, grandson
Derward, or Dreward. Sa. three roundles, quarterly, of the attainted Earl of Winchester^ was summoned to Par-
ar. and gu. liament, 1338. Edward, the second lord, was elected a Knight
Derwell. Ar. a chev. az. betw. three flenrs-de-lis sa. (another, of the Garter in the room of Henet, Duke of Lancaster, 1361,.
the chev. sa. charged with three crescents or). and placed in the stall next the sovereign his barony is vested

Derwentw^ater, £arl of. See Radcltffe. in Mary Frances Elizabeth, Viscountess Falmouth, who suc-
Derwentwater (Derwentwater, co. Cumberland; the ceeded her grandfather, the twenty-second lord, as Baroness
heiress m. Radcltffe). Ar. two bars gu, on a canton of the Le Despencer in her own right). Same Aimis. Crest Out —
second a cinquefoil of the first. of a ducal coronet per pale gu. and ar. betw. two wings a
Derwick or Derawnt. Ar. a chev. betw. three billets gu. griffin's head of the last, beaked and eared of the first, ducally
Derwyn. Gu. a fesse and pale engr. counterchanged or. gorged per pale or. and of the second. Supporters Dexter, —
Derycott. Or, pass. gu. on a chief of the
an antelope a griffin, wings elevated or, collared and line refiexed over
second three escallops of the first. the bade sa. the collar charged with three escallops ar.
De St. Croix (Jersey). Ar. a lion ramp^sa. Crest — sinister, a bull ar. pied sa. armed, hoofed, collared and
dexter arm embowed in armour ppr. holding in the hand chained, chain refiexed over the back or.
a passion cross (another, a cubit arm vested holding a plain Despencer (Earl of Gloucester. Thomas, second, Zor(Z Le
cross). Motto— In Deo confido. Despencer was so created, 1337, elected a Knight of the Garter
De St. Martin (Seigneurs of Trinity Manor, Jersey, temp. 1388, beheaded and attainted 1400). Same ArTiis.
Henry VIII.). Gu. nine billets, four, three, two, or. Crest Dess. Az. a chev, engr. betw. three owls or, on a canton of
—An eagle's head or, betw. two wings sa. By a seal of the second as many lions pass, guard, in pale of the first.
EicHAED Db St. Maetin, Bailiff of Jersey, appendant to a —
Crest On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. an owl with wings
deed dated 1367, the ancient arms of the family appear to expanded or, over the crest this Motto Vigilo. —
have been Ar. a fesse betw. three mullets sa.
: Destunes. Gu. an increscent or.
De Salis {Count of the Roman Rmpire; title allowed to be Des Voeux (Indiville, Queen's co., hart. ; confirmed to Bev.
used, and the arms to be registered, under the Eoyal Maein Anthont "Vinchon De5V(eux, of Portarlington, for-
TiTarrant,dated 4 April, 1809). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, merly of Bacquecourt, N orm andy; his son, Chaeles De Vcedx,
an eagle displ. sa. crowned of the field 2nd and 3rd, az. was created a hart. 1787). Gu. on a pale or, a squirrel sejant
three bends sinister wavy ar. a lion ramp, and crowned or,

in chief and in base a Moor's head couped ppr. Ci'est —A

brandishing in the right paw a sword ppr. hilt gold, over all squirrel sejant ppr. itfo «o—Altiora in votis.
^in pretence) an inescutcheon, per fess, the chief or, a salix De Tabley, Baron. See Leycester and O'Byene.
or willow-tree eradicated ppr., the base paly of six ar. and De Teissier (Baron Teissier, of France). Or, on a mount vert
gu. Crests —
In the centre a demi woman ppr. crowned or, a boar a chief gu. thereon a crescent betw. two estoiles ar.

hair flowing down the back, winged in place of arms, and Crest —A coronet of a French marquis. Supporters Two

from the armpits az. 2nd': To the dexter, an eagle displ. sa.
; greyhounds ppr. reguard. Motto ^Nemo me impune
crowned or, as in the arms 3rd Sinister, a demi lion ramp,
; : lacessit, and Sit ordo in omnibus.
double-queued and crowned, all or, brandishing a sword, as De Teye. Or, on a fesse betw. two chev. gpi. three mullets
in the arms, the lion cottised by two tilting spears gold, pierced of the first.
from each a banner paly of six ar. and gu. fringed, also DetMck (Bredsale, co. Derby, and Wereham, co. Norfolk).
gold. These crests all issue from coronets, those of the Ar. a fesse vairc or and gu. betw. three water bougets sa.
dexter and sinister ducal (as are those on the eagle's and the Crest— A. nag's head erased ar.
woman's head), while that from which the demi woman Dethicke )Sir Joaij Dethicke, Lord Mayor of London,
issues is a marquis' coronet. Supporters Dexter, a leopard — and Sir Gilbert Dethicke, Garter King of Arms). Same
guard, or; sinister, a griffin reguard. or. Jtfoiio— Salix Arms. Crest—An eagle reguard. wings expanded and inveited
flectitur, sed non frangitur; also. Pro Deo, rege, et patria. ppr.
Desart, Earl of. See Cuffe. Dethick. Gu. on a bend az. three horseshoes ar.
De Sausmarez (Seigneurs of Sausmarez, Guernsey). Ar. De Tidemarcli. Purp. a Uon sahant or, an orle of crosses
•on a chev. gu. betw. three leopards' heads cabossed sa. as crosslet ar.
many castles triple-towered or. Crest— ^A falcon affrontfie Detley (co. Chester). Ar.on a fesse betw. six crosses cross-
wings expanded ppr. beaked, membered, and belled or. let fitchee sa. three escallops or.
£v.pporters —
^Dexter, a unicorn tail coward ar. ; sinister, a DetUniT- Or (another, ar.) six lions ramp. az. three, two,
gi'cyhound of the last collared gu. garnished gold. and one.


Detling'e (q-uarterecl ty John Whasdon, of Plymouth, head ar. eared gu. jSupiJOr^fl-a—Dexter, a talbot ar, earei
CO. Devon. Visit. 1620). Sa. six lioncela ramp, or, three, two, gu. ducally gorged of the last; sinister, a reindeer ppr.
and one. horned, gorged with a ducal coronet and lined or. Mottoes
Detmore. Ar. a fesse indented gn. betw. three mullets sa. Virtutis comes invidia, and Basis virtutum constantia.
Beton. Sa. on a chev. betw. three crescents ar. each Bevereux (Earl of Essex, Walteb, second Viscount Her^ordf.
charged with another of the first, as many martlets vert. was so created 1572; extinct 1646). Same ArmSf &c.
Betou. Same Arms (crescenrs charged with another gu. Bevereux (co. Chester). Gu. a fesse ar. in chiefthree plates.
and) a bordure gobonated of the second and third. Ch'est — Bevereux (Ballymagir, cu. Wexford. Visit. Wexford, 1618)..
A tower ar. on the top a crescent gu, Erm. a fesse gu. in chief three torteaux. Crest ^A stag —
Deton or Detton. Sa. on a chev. ar. three martlets vert. trippant ppr.
Crest —A goat's head erased ar. collared gu. Bevereux (Carrigmenan, co. Wexford, certified by Hawkins
Deton. two lions pass, guard, gu. a bordure az.
Or, Ulster, 1772). Same Arms and Crest.
Betton. Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three crescents of the last, Bevereux (Rosetown, co. Wexford, allowed by Hawkins,
each charged with another sa. as many martlets az. Nicholas Devereux, Esq.,
Ulster, 1775, to of Cadiz, in the
Be Vahl- Samuel (granted, 1854, to Denis Samuel, Esq., kingdom of Spain). Same Arms and Crest.
of Dublin, formerly of Eio de Janeiro, Brazil, on his assum- Bevereux (Ballyrankin, co. Wexford). Same Arms and
ing, by royallicence, the additional surname of De Vahl). Crest. Motto —Per augusta ad augusta.
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, De Vahl, az. a lion pass, guard, betw. Bevereux. on a
fesse gu. three martlets ar.
three ducal crowns or, on a canton ar. pendent from a rib- Beveris, or Devers
(co. Suffolk). Ar. a chev. sa. betw-
band of the last fimbriated gu. a representation of the three mullets with six points of the second, pierced or.
"badge of an officer of the rose, presented to Denis Samfel Beverson. Ar.twobars gu. on a chief of the last a lion pass^
De Vahl by his Imperial Majesty Don Pedro II. by or. Crest— A lion's head guard, and erased gu. collared or.
diploma, 20 March, 1844; 2nd and 3rd, Samuel, gu. on a De Vesci, Viscount. See Veset.
cross ar. betw. in the lat and 4th quarters a lion ramp, and Be Veulle (Bailly of Jersey, 1845). Ar. a Hon ramp. gu.
in the 2nd and 3rd quarters an eagle displ. of the second a ducally crowned or, charged on the shoulder with a heart of
Tose of the first barbed and seeded ppr. Crests 1st, De Vahl — : the first. Orest —A
heart gu. betw. two wings or. Motto—
Out of a mural crown az. a demi-lion ramp, ducally crowned Veuille bien.
and holding a sceptre erector; 2nd, Samuel: An eagle displ. Devey. Ar. a pile gu. Crest —A
dexter arm embowed fesse-
ar. surmounted by an imperial crown or. Motto Habent — ways, couped ppr. vested sa. holding up a cross crosslet
sua sidera reges. fitehee gu.
Be "Valance. Barry of ten ar. and az. an orle of eleven De Vic (Guernsey, bart., extinct; Henbt De Vic was created

martlets gu. Crest A greyhound's head gu. a hart,, 1649 ; his son, second bart., d. s. p.). Or, three cal-
Bevall. Sa. a bend betw. two cotises dancettfie ar. Crest- traps sa. a chief of the last. Crefft —A caltrap sa.
On a chapeau a greyhound sejant all ppr. Bevie (Chive, co. Stafford). Sa. a chev. engr. erm. betw*
Bevall. Erm. two bars vert. three annulets or.
Bevan (Teddington, co. Middlesex). Chequy or andaz. a Beviford. Sa. a cross engr. or, and a bend ar.
fesse gu. Crest —A lion ramp. ar. murally gorged or. Devile, Ar. on a pale wavy sa. betw. twelve cinquefoils in
Motto —Non solum.
sibi pale gu. a canton erm.
Bevas (co. Surrey). Ar. on a chev. betw. three bears sa. Bevile. Or (another, ar.) on a fesse betw. four fleurs-de-lis,
maned and hoofed or, langued gu. a bee betw. two bulls' two and two gu. (another, sa.) two fleurs-de-lis of the field.

heads cabossed of the field. Crest A lion ramp. sa. collared Devill, Gu. a fesse indented within a bordure or.
or, langued gu, in his paws a shield ar. charged with a spear Bevioke. Per saltire sa. and ar. Crest ^A dexter hand —
head in pale sa. throwing an arrow ppr.
Bevaynes. Ar. a fesse sa. in chief a cross gu. Crest — Be Vismes, Count (France). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
lion ramp, holding in the dexter paw a battle axe ppr. or, three bendlets az. a chief of the last semee of golden
Bevell. Quarterly, ar. and sa. and sem^e of fleurs-de-lis;.
fleurs-de-lis; 2nd, az. fretty or,
Bevendale, or Deundale (co. Hants). Ar. a cross 3rd, ar. a chev. betw. two and a crescent in
estoiles in chief
sarcelly gu. Crest —
A long cross az. base gu. Crest —
An eagle displ. with two heads sa. Sup-
Beveuisil (granted by Narbon, Ulster, 26 Queen Elizabeth, —
porters Two angels ppr. Motto J'aspire. —
1583, to Edmond Devenish, of the City of Dublin). Per Be Vitre. Gu. a chev. vair, in chief two grifiins segreant
fess wavy ar. and sa. three sheldrakes counter changed or, in base a hunch of grapes ppr. Crest A demi grifiin —
collared or. Crest —A
sheldrake ar. wings expanded sa. or, holding betw. his paws a bunch of grapes purp. issuing
collared or. out of an oak wreath ppr. acorned or.
Bevenish. (Mount Pleasant, Roscommon). Same Arms and Devizes, City of (co. Wilts). Per pale gu. and az. a
Ci'est. Motto—STpero et captivus nitor, castle in perspective, embattled all round the front, triple-
Bevenish. (Edwabd Devenish, from the Fun. Ent. of his towered, the whole forming a hexagon or, masoned the- . .

dau., buried in Dublin, 13 April, 1614). Barry wavy of two outside towers domed on each side, the middle tower an
fourteen az. and ar. on a fess wavy betw. three sheldrakes estoile sa.
sa- beaked gu. as many crescents or. Bevizmes (Lisbon). Per chev. ar. and or, a chev. gu.betw,
Bevenish (cos. Sussex and Dorset). Vertasaltire engr. or, two martlets in chief sa. and a crescent in base of the third.
betw. four crosses crosslet fitehee ar. Crest A demi tiger — Crest—On a scroll, with this JIfo«o— J'aspire (in lieu of a
saliant vert, in the dexter paw a cross crosslet fitehee ar. wreath) an eagle displ. ppr.
Bevenshire (co. Buckingham). Ar. a chev. betw. three Devlin (grantedto Jeremiah Devlin, ofNew York, America,
escallops sa. son of Jebemiah Devlin, of Buncrana, co. Donegal). Az. an
Bevenshire (co. Cornwall). Same Arms. Crest —An eagle Irish cross or, betw. three mullets ar. Crest —A griffin pasB.
ppr. gu. charged on the shoulder with an Irish cross, as in the
Bever. Erm. a bend gu. (another, az.).
Beverdon. Sa. a Hon ramp. ar.

arms. Motto Crux mea Stella.
Devon, Earl of. See Codetenat.
Beverdo^wn. Or, a fret gu. Devonshire, Duke
of. See Cavendish.
Be Verdler (Ireland). Sa. a cross moline or. Devonshire (co. Cornwall). Az. three eagles or.
Be Vere (Barl of Oxford, extinct 1702). See Vebe. Devonshire. Ar. three eagles displ. gu. C'resf A cross —
Be Vere (Curragh Chase, co. Limerick, bart.). Quarterly, moline or.
gu. and or, in the dexter chief quarter a mullet ar. Crests — Dewar (Dewar, co. Edinburgh). Ar. a chief az.
Ist: A boar pass. az. bristled and dented or, on a cap of Dewar (Vogrie, co. Edinburgh). Or, a chief az. Crest—A.
maintenance turned up erm.; 2nd: The castle of Limerick, dexter arm vambraced brandishing a sword ppr. hilted ana
ppr. Motto —
^Vero nihil rerius. —
pommeled or. Motto Quid non pro patria.
Beverell, or Beverall. Gu. three stirrups with leathers Dewe (Kent). Gu. a chev. ar. betw. nine plates, five and four.

in pale or. Crest The rays of the sun issuing from behind Dewe (Bucks). Sa. on a fess betw. three dragons'
a cloud ppr. erased langued gu. as many cinquefoils of the fiela.
(Sari of Salisburj/, created by the Empress
extinct 1356). Paly of six gu. and vair on a chief
Crest —
A dragon's head betw. two dragons' wings expandetl
sa. on each a cinquefoil or. ,

or, a lion pass. aa. Dewe (East Grinstead, co. Sussex confirmed as a quartering

Bevereux (Lord J)evereux : Sir John Devebedx summoned to John Rocoe, gent., of Lewes, same co., by Segar,
to Parliament, 1384; Barony passed to the Fitzwalters, 1397). 1614). Erm. a lion pass. gu. betw. three fleurs-de-lis az.
Ar. a fess gu. in chief three torteaux. Dewell, De Welle, or Dewill. Ar. two bars gu. eacfi

Bevereux ( Viscount ffer^m-d). Ar. a fesse gn. in chief charged with five bezants. Crest— On a mount vert a horee
thjce torteaux. Ci-esi —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a talbot's courant ar. bridled sa.
; ; A


)ewell, or Be "Welle. Ar. two palets gu. on each foiir betw. four parroquets vert. Crest —A naked arm emhowedi.
1}ezaiits in pale. Crest—Same as tbe last. holding a scimitar all ppr.
^ewelles. Or, a lion ramp, doubled queued sa. Cfrest — Bexwell. Ar. a chev. az. betw. three fleurs-de-lis sa.
An ostrich's head and wings ar. ducally gorged gu. holding Bey (granted to Henry Dey, of Oxborough, co. Norfolk, by
a horseshoe az. Dethick, Garter, 17 November, 1597). Or, on a chief indented;
Sewers. Ar. on the sea in base ppr. a three-mast galley az. two mullets of the field.
flotant, her sails furled sa. on a chief az. three boars' heads Beycheler (Germany), Gu. a cross pall ar.
or. Crest —
An anchor with its cable ppr. Beycourt. Erm. a saltire purp. Crest ^A sword in pal© —
Dewes (Stow Hall, co. Suffoli:). Or, a fesse vair betw. three enfiled with a leopard's face.
quatrefoUs gu. Beyfe (co. Gloucester). Sa. a. chev. erm. betw. three
Dewes (Studley, co. "Warwick, and Hagley, co. Worcester leopards or.
granted 25 July, 1709). Or, three quatrefoils pierced gu. a Beyife (co. Worcester). Sa. a chev. betw. three crescents-
chief vair. Crest —A wolfs head erased or, gorged with a ar. each charged with another gu. within a bordure gobonated
collar Tair, in the mouth a quatrefoil pierced
gu. slipped ppr. of the second and third.
De-we, or D'EweS
(Stowlangtoft, bart., extinct, 1731). Beyis. Sa. a chev. betw. three leopards' faces ar.
Or, a fes9 vair betw. three quatrefoils gu. Beyle. Ar. three chev. sa.
Dewhurst (Dewhurst, co. Lancaster). Erm. three escallops Beyley, Gu. a leopard ramp. ar. crowned or.
gu. Crest —A wolfs head erm. Beynband. Az. on a chief ar. a demi" lion ramp. gu.
Dewhurst (co. Middlesex). Same Arms. Crest A wolfs — B'Eyncourt (Lord D'Eyncourt. Walter D'Eyncodrt, a
head erased erm. collared az. Motto Spes mea in Deo. — —
companion of the Conqueror, and cousin of Remigius, Bishop
Dewhurst (Kenyon, co. Lancaster). Same Arrtis. Crest of Lincoln, who built that Cathedral, was a feudal Baron his ;

A wolfs head erased gu. descendants, feudal Barons, were summoued to Parliament
Dewhurst (Lymm and Oughtrington, co. Chester; borne in 1299 and 1332 Barony carried by an heiress to Lovell).

by Geo. Chaknlet Dewiidest, Esq., J.P.). Same Arms. Az. a fess indented betw. ten billets or, four in chief and

Crest ^A wolfs head erased or. six in base.
Bewill (co. Hertford). Gu. sem&-de-lis ar. a lion ramp. Beyncourt (co. Tork). Same Arms. Crest—A plume of
guard, of the second. feathers or.
Dewille. Gu. a lion saliant ar. Beyncourt. Chequy or and az. on a fesse gu. three plates
Dewin (Gwiner, co. Cornwall. Balph Dewin, of that place, (another, three buckles ar.). Crest —
The standard of St.
buried 20 August, 1580. Gwiner Parish Eegistry. Visit. George issuing from the wreath ppr.
1620): Gu. on a chev. ar, three cinquefoils slipped sa. Beyncourt. Or, three bars dancett^e gu.
Dewin. Per pale indented az. and or, a lion pass, guard. B'Eyncourt (Tennyson D'Eyncourt, Bayons Manor and
counterchanged on a chief ar. arose betw. two fleurs-de-lis TTsselby Hall, co. Lincoln. TheRt. Hon. Charles Tennyson,
M.P., assumed the additional name and arms of D'Eyncourt,
De Windt (exemplified to Joseph Clayton Jenntns, Esq., by royal licence, dated 27 July, 1835). Quarterly, 1st, az. a
of King James's, London, upon his assuming by
Street, St. fesse dancettee betw. ten billets, four and six or, for
royal licence, the surname of De Windt). 1st and 4th, az. an D'Eyncourt; 2Dd, gu. three leopards* faces or, jessant-de-
estoile or, betw. four cherubims winged in saltire, each look- lis az. over all a bend of the last, for Tennyson 3rd, ar. on ;

ing to the centre ar., for De Windt; 2nd and 3rd, gu. a a saltire engr. sa. nine annulets or, for Leke (Barl of
chev. nebulee betw. two plummets in chief and a fleur-de-lis Scarsdale arid Baron D'Eyncourt) 4th, vair a fesse gu., for
in base or, for Jenntns. Crests — 1st, De Windt: A mill-

Marmion; 5th, barryof six ar. and az. a label of three points
rind fessewise or, thereon a pelican in her piety az. semee of gu. on each three bezants, for Grey; 6th, az. three cinque-
eBtoiles or, the nest ppr. ; 2nd, Jennyns : A demi gryphon or, foils or, for Bardolph. Crests — 1st, D'Eyncourt: A lion,
billettee gu. holding betw. the claws a plummet gold. pass, guard, ar. on the head a crown of fleurs-de-lis or, the
Motto —Memor virtutis Arms
assigned in same
avitae. dexter fore paw supporting a shield, charged with the arms
patent to Joseph Clayton Jennyns, afterwards De Windt, of D'Eyncourt ; 2nd, Tennyson A dexter arm in armour,

for Elizabeth Sabah, his wife, only child of John Saudel the hand in a gauntlet or, grasping a broken tilting spear,
WiLLEs Johnson, Captain R.N.— Gu. a saltire double-parted enfiled with a garland of laurel ppr. Mottoes—^n avant, for
and fretty or, betw. two woolpacks in pale ar. and as many D'Eyncourt. Nil temere, for Tennyson.
spurs in fesse of the second. Beyne (arms in Hasley House, co. Oxford. Visit. 1574. Quar-
Dewing (Carbrooke, co. Norfolk). Gu. on a chev. ar. three tered by PopH AM, and imp^ed by Barrentine). Gu. a chev.
cinquefoils sa. Crest —
A greyhound's head erased ar. col- ar. betw. three trefoils or.
and ringed gu. Beynes (Coddenham, co. Sufl'olk). Or, two bars gu. a
De Winton (Maesderwen, co. Brecon; Clifton and Walls- —
bordure sa. Crest Out of a mural coronet or, a dragon's
worth Hall, CO. Gloucester). Per pale or and ar. a wivem head sa. gorged with two bars gold.
vert. Motto—Syn ar dy Hiin. Beyse. Sa. a chev. betw. three crescents erm.
Be Winton (Maesllwch Castle, co. Radnor). Per pale or Beyvelle, BeyTrill, or Bavell (Cockwold, co York).
and ar. a wyvem vert betw. two spear-heads sa. Crests — Or, on a fesse betw. four fleurs-de-lis gu. two fleurs-de-lis of
1st: A wyvem's head erased vert, collared ar. the collar the field. Crest —A
cubit dexter arm lying fesseways ppr.
embattled counter-embattled ; 2nd : A
demi lion ramp, issuing holding in the hand a fleur-de-lis or, on the arms and crest
from a mural crown, holding in his paws a rose branch, and —
a crescent for diff. Motto Penses coment.
charged on the shoulder with afuU-blown rose. Motto Syn — —
Beyvill. Same Arms. Crest A fieur-de-lis gu.
ar dy Hfln. Biable, Bibble, or Bible. Sa. on a chief ar. a lion
Bewnill. Or, a fret vair. pass. gu. Crest — On a chapeau a
lion statant guard, ducally
Be Wolfe. Or, a lighter boat in fesse gu. gorged, extended ppr.
Be Worms (Baron of the Austrian Empire). Quarterly, Biamond (Tiverton, co. Devon. John Diamond, Mayor of
Ist and 4th, az. a key in bend dexter, wards downwards, or that town. Visit. 1620). Gu. three fusils conjoined in fess
. 2nd and 3rd, or, an eagle displ. sa. over all on an escocheon ar. over all a fess gu.
gu. a dexter arm fessewise couped at the wrist ppr., the hand Biaxnond (Hugh Welch Diamond, Esq., F.S.A.). Ar. five
grasping three arrows, one in pale and two in saltire ar. lozenges in fesse gu. each charged with a fleur-de-lis or,
Crest — Out of an Austrian baron's coronet, five ostrich betw. three mullets of the second, impaling az. three lions
feathers or, gu., or, az., and or. Supporters —
On either side a —
ramp. ar. Crest A demi lion ramp, or, holding in the dexter
lion collared and chained or. Motto —
^Vinctus non victus. paw a lozenge, as in the arms. Motto Miseris succurrere —
Be Worth. Erm, an eagle displ. with two heads sa. disco.
armed gu. Biamont (London; granted 1612). Ar. five fusils in fesse
Bewport. Per chev. embattled az. and sa. a lion ramp, or, conjoined gu. each charged with a fleur-de-lis or. Crest —
in chiefa crescent, in base a mullet of the last. demi lion or, holding in the dexter paw a fusil gu. charged
Bewy co. Norfolk).
(Stratfleld, Sa. on a fesse ar. betw. with a fleur-de-lis of the first.
three dragons* heads erased or, as many cinquefoils of the Bias. Or, a lion ramp, reguard. gu. seizing with his mouth-
field. the top of a spear in bend sinister sa. Crest On a garland —
Bewye. Gu. a fretty or, a chief erm. of laurel a lion pass, ppr,
Bewyn, or Bewln. Gu. on a chev. ar. three cinquefoils Bibdin. Ar. betw. two bendlets in chief and as many m-
(another, trefoils slipped) sa. base az. a cinquefoil gu. stalked and leaved vert. Crest-— A.
Bewynell (co. Oxford). Or, fretty vair. talbotpass. ppr.
Bexter, Ar. two chev. az. a canton gu. Crest— tree, X Bibloy, or Biblo. Ar. a lion pass. gu.on a chief az.
pendent therefrom two weights. three escallops or. Crest —A demi Hercules, holding over'
Bezter (Reg. Ulster's Office, 1712), Ar, a cross moline gu. his shoulder a club ppr.
Dicazn (Cowlby, co. Lincoln). Gu. on, a chev. or, betw. Dickeson, or Dickinson (London). Az. a chev. betw.
three roses ar. as many steeples az. three crosses formee or, on a chief ar. a cinquefoil vert.
Diccouson. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, vert a cross betw. four Crest —
A camel's head ppr. bridled gu. on the top of his
hinds' heads or; 2nd and 3rd, a chev. betw. three crosses head a plume of ostrich feathers, under the throat a
crosslet fitch^e. Crext —A hind's head or. bell or.
Dicconson (Wrightington Hall, co. Lancaster). Quarterly, Dickeson (Reg. Ulster's Office). Ar. a bull's head couped
1st and on a cross quarterly pierced betw. four
4th, or, sa. crined or, on a chief gu. a sword fessways point to the
hinds' heads erased vert two cross crosslets fitchee in pale, dexter of the third.
and as many field, for Dicconson
escallops in fcsse of the ;
Dickey, or Dickie. Sa. a chev. ar. on a chief of the
2nd and 3rd, on a bend ar. three mullets gu., for Clif-
sa. last three cinquefoils gu. Crest —A ferret ppr.

ton. Crests 1st, DiccoNSON A bezant thereon a hind's
: Dickfi.eld. Ar. three pineapples gu.
head vert erased gu. holding in the mouth a cross crosslet Dickin (Loppington, co. Salop. Thomas Dicken was
fitch6e of the last; 2nfl, Clifton A dexter arm embowed in
: High Sheriff of the co., 1799). Erin, on a cross flory aa. a
armour or, holding in the hand ppr. a sword ar. pommelled leopard's face or. Oi-est —A
lioa sejant or, holding in

and hilted KOld. Motto Adverse fortior. the dexter paw —
a cross crosslet or. Motto Vincit veritaa.
Dicconson (co. William Dicconson, Esq., of
Lancaster; Dicking: (Bubbington, co. Stafford). Erm. acrossfiory sa.
Eccleston, temp. Charles His great great granddaughter,
I. Dickins (Southbridge House). Erm. a cross flory az.
Maet, m. 1726, Robert Dillon, Lord of Terrafort, in charged with four cinquefoils and in the centre a leopard's
France). Gu. three hinds' heads couped or. face ar. Crest— On a mount a lion sejant sa. holding in the
Dicey (Claybrooke Hall, co. Leicester). Az. a lion ramp, dexter paw a cross flory az. Motto-—Semper fidelis.

and chief or. Ci-est A demi lion or. Motto Fide et amore. — Dickins (co. Stafford). Erm. a cross patonce sa.
Dicor (Uphall, co. Hertford). Gu. on a, chev. betw. three Dickins (Sckase-Dickens, Coolhurst, co. Sussex; Cherring- .

eagles displ. or, as many torteaux. ton, CO. Warwick). Erm. on a cross flory sa. a leopard's
Dicoy. Az. a lion or, a chief of the last. Crest A lion — face or; granted by Segar, Garter 1525, quarterly with
sejant gu. supporting betw. his paws a shield ar. ScRASK, viz., az. a dolphin naiant ar. fins or, betw. three
.Dichfi.eld, or Dicher (Shawborie and Mugleton, co. escallops of the last, also granted by Segar, in 1616. Crests —
Salop). Az. three pineapples or. Crest —
A bear pass. ar. 1st: A lionsejant sa, holding in the dexter paw a cross flory
-Dichfield (Ditton, co. Lancaster, 1567, 1613). Same ^rms. or, forDickins; 2nd On the stump of a tree entwined by a

Crest —A bear pass. sa. serpentppr. afalcon volant, also ppr. beaked, membereci, and
,Dick (Prestonfiekl, co. Edinburgh, bart., 1677 and 1707 ; the belled or, for Scrase.
heiress m. a son of Sir William Cuninghame, of Caprington; Dickins. Erm. a ci*oss patonce sa. a canton gu. Crest—
and the baronetcy of 1707 went to her descendants in An arm in armour couped in fesse from the elbow in pale,
virtue of a limitation to heirs of entail. See Cdninghame). holding up an esquire's helmet all ppr.
Erm. a fesse az. betw. two mullets in chief and a Dickins. Bendy of six erm. and gu.
hart's head erased with ten tynes in base gu. Crest — Dickinson, or Diconson (Cleypole, co. Lincoln, Bradley,
A ship in distress ppr. Supportei's On a compartment — CO. Stafford, and co. Az. a fesse betw. two lions
below the shield, whereon the words *' Via tuta virtus" are pass. erm. Crest —
A demi lion ramp, per pale erm. and az,
placed, two white horses at liberty maued and hoofed or. Dickinson (Lord Mayor of London, 1757). Az. a chev.
Motto —At spes infracta. betw. three crosses formee or, on a chief ar. a quatiefoil
.Dick (Braid, Mid Lothian). Ar. a fesse az. betw. two stars in purp.
chief and a crescent in base gu. Crsst A stag's head — Dickinson (Birch Hall, co. Lancaster). Az. on a fesse
erased ppr. attired or. Motto Virtutc. — engr. or, betw. two lions pass, per pale or and ar. across
^Dick (Pitlcerro, co. Forfar). Ar. a fess az. betw. three stars crosslet fitchee gu. betw. two lozenges sa.
gu. a bordure engr. of the second. Crest A dexter arm — Dickinson (granted 14 November, 1625). Verfc a cross
issuing out of a cloud, holding a pen all ppr. Motto—Dili- betw. four hinds' heads couped or. Crest A tiger sejant —
gentia et caudore. erm. ducally gorged or, holding up in the gamb a broad
.Dick (cos. Antrim and Derry, and city of Dublin ; allowed to arrow of the last plumed ar.
William Dtck, Esq., of Rosegarland, co. Derry, and Samuel Dickinson. Or, a bend engr. betw. two lions ramp. gii.

Dick, of Dublin, merchant, sons of Qdintin Dick, of Rose- Crest —

Out of clouds ppr. a cubit arm erect of the last,
garland, by Betham, Deputy Ulster, I8I2). Gu. a sword in holding a branch of laurel vert.
pale ar. pommel and hilt or, in chief two mullets of the Dickinson (King Weston, co. Somerset). Same Aims.
last. Crest —
A leopard sejant ppr. Motto Semper fidelis. — Dickinson (Abbots' Hill, co. Herts). Az. a fesse engr. betw.
.Dick (exemplified to William Wentworth Fitzwilliam two lions pass, erminois within a bordure or, charged with
Hume, Esq., of Humewood, co. Wicklow, and Curzon Street, three hurts. Crest— A demi lion or, holding in the dexter
May Fair, Middlesex, M.P.,
upon his assuming, by royal paw a fleur-de-lis az. and supporting with the sinister a
licence,the surname of Dick, in lieu of that of Home, bezant.
17 June, 1864). Gu, a sword in pale point upwards ppr. Dickinson (granted to Major-General Thomas Dickinson,
betw. two mullets in chief or. Crest —A
leopard sejant ppr. Col. 10th reg. N. I.). Az, on a chev. or, betw. two tigers
Motto —Semper fidelis. pass, guard, in chief and as many swords in saltire in base ppr.
Dick, Ar. a fesse wavy az. betw. three stars gu. a boar's head erased also ppr. betw. two crescents of the
Dickard, or Dickward. Sa. three plates, on each a field. Crest— Dpon a mount vert an elephant ppr. supporting
cinquefoil gu. with his trunk a flagstaff also ppr., therefrom flowing a
.Dickens (Leaton and Bobbington, co. Stafford; Churchill flag az. charged with two spears in saltire or. Motto—¥ot-
and Great Malvern, co. Worcester). Erm. a cross patoncee tuna sequitur.
sa. Dickinson (Farley Hill, Berks). Or, a bend engr. betff.

.Dickens (London; granted 16 June, 1625). Erm. on a two lions ramp. gu.
cross patonce sa. a leopard's head or. Crest— A lion Dickison (Winklestoun, Scotland). Az. a war-wolf pass.

couchaut or, holding out in the gamb a cross patonqe sa. and three stars in chief ar.
.Dickens. Erm. on a cross patonce sa. a leopard's head Dickleston, or Dickeston (co. Gloucester. Her. Visit.

issuing out of a ducal coronet or. Crest A demi leopard — 1631). Ar. a pile sa.

erect ppr. Motto Hostis honori invidia. Dickman. Gu. on a chev. or, betw. three demi liona ramp,
Dickenson (Syston Court, co. Gloucester). Az. a fesse ar. as many hurts. Crest —A demi horse i-amp. or.

betw. two lions pass. erm. Crest A demi lion ramp. az. Dickson (Hardingham, co. Norfolk, bart.). Az- an anchor

Motto Facta non verba. erect, encircled with an oak-wreath vert between three mul-
Dickenson (co. Wilts). Ar. a bend. engr. az. betw. two lets pierced or, on a chief paly of seven of the last and gu.
lions ramp. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter arm a mural crown ar. Crest — Over an armed arm brandishing
ppr. holding a fleur-de-lis of the first. a falchion ppr. a trident and spear in saltire or. MottO"
Dickenson, or Dikenson. Az. a cross betw. four hinds' Fortes fortuna juvat.

heads couped ar. Crest Out of a ducal coronet a phoenix in Dickson (Sir Alexander Dickson, K.C.B, and A.D.C-
flames ppr. to William IV.). Same A^-ms. ^-esi—Before a dexter arm
Dicker (Rotherfield Pipard, co. Oxford, Bodeham and embowed in armour ppr. garnished or, brandishing in t'l''
Salehurst, co. Sussex). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three hand a faulchion of the a trident and a boarding pike
Cornish choughs ppr. a crescent or. in saltire gold, a crescenton the arm for diff.
Dickes (Walthole, co. Cumberland). Or, a fesse vaire erm. Dickson (granted to Sir Jeremiah Dickson, K.C.B.). Ar-
and sa. betw. three cinquefoils of the last. a chev. betw. tliree estoiles of six points wavy gu, on a cliiei
JDickes (co. Norfolk). Az. on a bend or, three martlets
^u. on a chief ar. two reindeers' heads couped of the third.
of the last as many pallets or. Ci-est —
On a mural crown or,
a stag couchant guard, ppr. attired or.


)ickson, alias Bixon. Ar. a chief paly of six gu. and Dig-toy (Baron Digby). a fleur-de-lis ar.
Jlz.Crest Aa* —
or. —A
€?rest head erased ppr. armed or.
stag's ostrich holding in the beak a horseshoe all ppr. Su^
)icksoii (granted to James Dickson, Esq., of Broad Street, porters —
Two monkeys ppr. environed about the middle and
London). Erm. an eagle displ. az. guttee d'or, on a chief of —
lined or. Motto. ^Deo non fortune,.
the second a pale hetw. two mullets or. Crest —
An eagle displ. Digby (Earl of Bristol, descended from a younger brother
az. guttee d'or, holding in the beak athistle shpped ppr. and of the ancestor of the Lords Digby, created 1622, extinct
resting each claw upon an escallop gold. Motto Fides et — 1698). Same Arms, with a mullet for diff.
libertas. Bigtoy (Baroness of OfaUy, Hon. Lettice Fitzgeeald, only
Dickson (Blackheck and Abbots-Reading, near Haver- dau. and heiress of Gebald, Lord Offaley, eldest son of
thwaite, co. Lancaster, originally of Burton, co. Westmore- Gebald eleventh JSarl ofKildare, m. Sir Robebt Diget, Knt.,.
land). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. three mullets ar. on a Warwick, and was created, 1620, Baroness
of Coleshill, co.
chief or, as many palets gu., for Dickson ; 2nd and Sid, ar. of Offaley for Same Arms as Lm-d Digby.

on a chev. hetw. three goats' heads erased sa. as many es- Digby (Barl Digby . Henet, seventh Lord Dtgby, was created

callops of the field, for Benson. Crests 1st, Dickson: — A earl 1790, extinct 1856, representative of the second or
dexter hand holding a sword in bend ppr. 2nd, Benson ; : Coleshill line of the Digbts). Same Arms, Crest, Sup-
A goat's head, as in the arms. porters, and Motto.
Dickson (gf-anted to Ricbabd Dickson, Esq. of Stockton- , Bigby (Landenstown descended from Essex Digbt, Bishop

npon-Tees, in the co. palatine of Durham, lord of the manor ofDromore, sixth son of Sir Robert Digby, of Coleshill).
of Beyerley Watertowns, in the East Hiding of the county of Same Arms, Crest, and Motto.
York, to his descendants and the other descendants of his Big-by (Osbertstown, co. Kildare, and New Park, co. Meath).-
late father, John Dickson), Ar. three mullets gu. within a Same Arms, Crest, and Motto.
bordure engr. az. bezantee, on a chief of the second three Bigby (Welby, co. Leicester, and
co. Norfolk). Same ArmSf
palets or. Crest —
On a mount vert, betw. two branches of &c., with due diff.
palm a buck lodged in front of a tree all ppr. Bigby ( Wingfield Digby exemplified to;Geoege Wingfield,
Dickson (Fun. Ent. of Fatbick Dickson, of Dublin, d. 24 Esq., of Sherborne Castle, co. Dorset, J. P. and D.L., who-
Jan. 162d). Ar. a bull's head sa. couped gu. crined or, on a assumed the surname and arms of Digby as heir of bis uncle,
chief of the third a sword fessways of the field, pommel and the last £ari Digby). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a fleur-de-
hilt of the fourth. lis ar., for Digby; 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a bend gu. cottised
Dickson (confirmed to Samuel Auchmutt Dickson, Esq., sa. three pairs of wings in Jure of the field, a crescent gu.-
of Clonleharde, co. Limerick, and Beenham House, Berks, for diff., for WiNGFiELD. Crests — 1st: An ostrich ar. holding
and to the descendants of his grandfather, Sasiuel Dickson, in the beak a horse-shoe or, for Digby 2nd : A griffin pass,
—Deo non

Esq., of Ballynaguile, co. Limerick). Az. a crescent betw. vert. Motto fortuna.
three mullets ar. on a chief or, as many pallets gu. Cre^t— Bigby Luffenham, co. Rutland, andBedhall, co. Lin-
Out of battlements a naked arm emhowed holding a sword coln; descended from Sir John Digby, Knt., of Eye Kettleby,
all ppr. Motto— Fortes fortunajuyat. third son of Eveeabd Digby, of Drystoke; the sisters and
Dickson (Bughtrig, Scotland). Az. three mullets ar. on a co-heirs of the last James Digby, Esq., of Red Hall, were
chief or, as many palets gu. Crest —
A dexter hand holding Maey, wife of John Fowell, Esq., of Blackball and Diptford,
a sword in bend ppr. AfoE(o—As the last. CO. Devon, and Hezoiietta, wife of Geoege Padncefoet,
Dickson (Sombeg and Inveresk, Scotland). Ar. three stars Esq., of Witham on the Hill, co. Lincoln). Same Atms, &c.,.
gu. on a chief of the last as many palets or. Creit A hart — as Digby, of Drystoke.
couchant and guard, ppr. attired or, within two branches of Bigby (Mansfieid-Woodhouse, co. Nottingham). Az. a fleur-
laurel orleways vert. Motto —
Cuba sed euro. de-hs ar. and a canton or. Ci'est-Aa ostrich ar. holding in
Dickson {Wester Binning, Scotland). Az. three mullets ar. the beak a horseshoe ppr.
on a chief or, as many palets gu. within a bordure engr. of Bigby (exemplified to John Deane, Esq., of Moun^oy Square,
the third. Crest —
A man's heart ppr. winged ar. Motto — DubUn, on his assuming by royal hcence, 1809, the name of
Ccelum versus. Digby in lieu of Deane). Az. a fleur-de-Us ar., for diff. a
Dickson (Huntlaw and Chatto, co. Roxburgh). Az. a bar fleur-de-lis charged with a crescent. Crest An ostrich ar. —
or, betw. three mullets ar. on a chief of the second two pallets holding in his beak a horseshoe or. Motto Deo non —
gu. Crest —
A dexter hand holding a sword in bend ppr. fortuna.
Afotto—Fortes fortima juvat. Biggs (Chilhamand Wootton Court, CO. Kent, bart., extinct
Dickson and Boughtrig).
(Chatto, Housebyres, Castlelaw, 1666. Sir Madbice Diggs was created a bart., 1666, and
Same Arms, with the bar engr. Same
and Motto.
Crest d. p. same year, when his estates devolved on^is mother ; he
Dickson (Clocksbriggs, co. Forfar, 1856). Per fess az. and was great great grandson of Leonaed Diggs, Esq., of Wootton
ar. in chief a martlet or, betw. two mullets of the second, and Court, temp. Edward VI., who was lineally descended from
in base a ship in full sail in the sea hetw. a garb and a thistle RoGEE DE MiujENHALL, of the parish of St. Stephen's, alias
all ppr., on a chief of the third three pallets gu. Crest — Nackington, co. Kent). Gu. on a cross ar. five eagles' heads
dexter hand holding a sword in bend ppr. Motto ForteS — displ. sa.
fortnna jurat. Biggs, or Byges
(Reigate, co. Surrey, and Pixton, co.
Dickson (Woodville, co. Forfar). As the last, within a Wilts). Same Arms. Crest— 1st: An eagle's leg couped
bordure ar. Same Crest and Motto. from the thigh sa, issuant therefrom three ostrich feathers
Dickson (Panbride, co. Forfar). As the last, within a bor- ar. ; 2nd : An eagle's head sa.
dure gu. Same
Crest and Motto. Biggs (Bertram, co. Kent). Same Aj'ths, the eagles with two-
Dickyson (co. York). Ar. on a pale sa. a crescent betw. heads.
two hons' heads erased or. Bighton (co. Hertford). Erm. a lion pass, betw. three
Dicom, or Dicons (co. Bedford). Or (another, ar.), a chev. crosses formee fitchee gu. Crest —A
lion's gamb erased or,,
gu. fretty of the field, betw. three roses of the second slipped holding a cross formee fitebee gu.
Tert. Crest— A
cock's head az. beaked or, combed and wat- Bigbton (Hostow, co, Lincoln, London, and Worcester)..
Uedgn. Ar. a lion pass, betw. three crosses formee fitchee gu.
Dlcome (co. Lincoln). Gu. a chev. erm, betw. three roses Crest —
On a ducal coronet or, a hawk close ar. beaked and
or.CVcs(—A unicorn's head erased, quarterly erm. and gu., legged gu. belled of the first,
crined or, the horn gobony of the last and ar. Bighton (Sturton, co. Lincoln), Per pale ar. and gu. an*
Dicon, or Diconns. Ar. five fusils in bend betw. two antelope pass, counterchanged,
crosses crosslet fitch^e sa. Bighrton. Per pale gu. and ar. an antelope counterchanged,
Dicton (CO. Lincoln). Ar. an antelope pass. betw. three on a chief, per pale or and az. two crosses crosslet fitchee,
leopards' faces gu. counterchanged. Crest— A
squirrel sejant per pale ar. and
Dicton. Vert a bend or. gu, collared or, cracking a nut gold.
Diddler. Az. a lion ramp. or. Crest—A demi griffin with Bikens. Ar. a chev, sa. fretty or, betw, three violets purp^
wings expanded ppr. stalked and leaved vert. Crest—A bird's head, the neck az.
Dideston (Southouse, Scotland). Gu. a chev. betw. three top of the head gu, beak or.
crosses patt^e fitchfe ar. Bikens, or Bickens. Bendy of six erm. and gu.
Diewand. Sa. three annulets ar. each charged with seven Crest —A
head erased gu. ducally crowned or.
torteaux. Bikes, or Bykes (co, Cumberland). Or, three cinquefoils
Dieward. Sa . three roundles gyronny of eight ar. and gu. sa. Crest — ^A scorpion vert,
Bigrby (Drystoke, co. Rutland the ; last male heir of this, the Bikons (co, Bedford). Ar. a chev. sa. fretty or, betw. threo
chief line of the great family of Digby, was John Digby, of roses az. stalked, shpped, and barbed ppr.
Gothtirst, son of the renowned Sir KenelhDigbt). Az.a fleur- Bildame. Ar. a chev. engr. az. hetw. three cocks^ heads-
de-lis ar. Oe*e—An ostrich ar. in the beak a horseshoe or. erased gu.
A . »


'Dilderby. Ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu. from each gu. over all a fess az. Crest— Orx. a chapeau ru.
IDildoe (Gillingham, co. Dorset). Ar. a fesse betw. three turned up erm. a falcon rising ar. belled or. Supporttrs-^
storks sa. Dexter, a griflfin vert, wings expanded, beaked and legged
Dilford. Az. three lions ramp. ar. crowned or. or, armed gu. sinister, a falcon gu. wings expanded and

Dilke (Kirkby Mallory, co. Leicester; crest granted by Sir inverted, beaked, legged, and belled or. Motto Auxilimu —
Gilbert Dethick, Garter, 10 June, 1574). Gu. a lion ramp, ab alto.

per pale ar. and or. Orest A dove ar. membered gu. Dillon (AUanstown and Keppoke, co. Meath descended from ;

Dilke (Sloane Street, Chelsea, co. Middlesex, bart.). Same Robert Dillon, second son of Sir Richard Dillon, of
Anns and Crest. Proudstown). Same Arms and Crest.
Dilke {Maxstoke Castle, co. Warwick). Quarterly, Ist and Dillon (Skryne, co. Meath, and Proudstown; descended from
4th, gu.a lion ramp, per pale ar. and or, for Dilke; 2nd John Dillon, third son of Sir Richard Dillon, of Prouds-
and on a chev. betw. three ostrich feathers ar. as
3rd, gu. town; Baron Dillon, of the Holy Roman Empire; Francis
many annulets sa. a canton erm., for Fethekston. Ch-ests — Dillon, son of William Dillon, last owner of Proudstown.
1st, Dilke: A dove ar. beaked and membered gu.; 2nd, was 80 created by the Emperor Joseph II., 1767). Same
Fetbebston An antelope's head couped gu. armed and
: Arms. Crest (granted by the Emperor of Germany, 22 Aug.
charged on the neck with three annulets interlaced in fesse 1767J— Out of a marquis's coronet or, a falcon, wings ex-
or. panded ar. beaked and legged gold betw. the wings an
Dilkes. Sa. on a bend or, an anchor of the first. Crest — imperial eagle sa.
millrind gu. Dillon {Lord Clonbrock; descended from Gerald Dihon,
^Dilling'liaui (monument of Thomas Dillingham, M.A., younger brother of Sir Richard Dillon, of Proudstown).
Rector of Barnwell, son of William DillingiIam, D.D., —
Same Arms. Crest On a chapeau gu. turned up. erm. a
Master of Emanuel College, Camb., and Vice-Chancellor, falcon rising ar. beaked, legged and helled or. Supp&i'ten —
Ob. 1704) A fess betw. three martlets within a bordure
. . . . . Dexter, a griffin, wings elevated ppr. sinister, a falcon,

a crescent fordiff. wings inverted ppr. Jfoifo— AuxiUum ab alto.

DiUing'tou (co. Hants). Az. a lion ramp. or. Dillon (LismuUen, co. Meath, hart.). SamQ Arms, Orest, and
Dillin^on (DilUngton, co. Norfolk). Or, three hawks ppr. Motto.
on perches ar. Crest A hawk — close ppr. beaked, belled, Dillon (Killininny, co. Westmeath; Fun. Ent. of Cicely,
and legged or, on a perch ar. wife of Gekrard Dillon, Esq., of that place, buried 11 Oct.
Dillington (Knighton-George, Isle of Wight, bart., extinct 1684, in St. James's Church, Dublin). Ar. a lion pass,
1721 ; KoBEET DiLLiNGTON, Esq., of Knighton-George, guard, betw. three crescents gu.,
created a baronet in 1628. Her. Visit. 1634). Gu. a lion Dillon (registered in Ulster's Office to Sir Lucas Dillon,
saliant or. Crest —A
head couped or, vulned witli a
lion's Chief Baron of the Exchequer in Ireland, temp. Queen
broken spear ppr. guttee de sang; granted by Camden, Elizabeth). Ar. a lion ramp. betw. three crescents issuant
11 January, 1599. from each an estoile all gu. over all a fess az. on a chief of
, Dillon founded there by Robert le Dillon, called
(Ireland ; the second a portcullis or, betw. two roses of the first.
by the "Sashnagh," or the Englishman, who came
Irish Dillon (Ardnigragh). Ar. a lion ramp. betw. three estoiles
over with King John and got grants of lands in the cos. gu, in chief two crescents of the last. Ci-est A demi lion—
Longford and Westmeath). Ar. a Hon pass. betw. three ramp, holding in the dexter paw a crescent with an estoile

crescents gu. Crest A demi lion ramp. gu. holding in the issuant therefrom gu.
paws an estoile wavy or. Dillon (Chirawell and Hart, co. Devon Sir William Dillok,

.Dillon (Drumrany, co. Westmeath, descended from Sir Knt., of Hart, Visit. 1620. Descended from Nicholas Dillon^
Heney Dillon, of that place, great grandson and heir male of Chlmwell, son of Walter Dillon, of Ireland, by Anne liis
of Robert Le Dillon, "Sashnagh." He founded the wife, granddaughter of Sir Christopher Fleming, Lord Slane).
Abbey of St. Francis at Athlone, 1343.) Same Arms and Same Arrris as Dillon, Earl of Roscommon. Crest ^A demi —
Crest. lion holding in dexter paw an estoile issuing out of a cres-
'Dillon (StreamstownandKillynynen, transplanted to Strokes- cent gu.
town by Oliver Cromwell; descended from William Dillon, Dillon-Treu chard. See Trenchard.
a younger son, of Drumrany). Same Arms and Crest. Dills, or Dylles. Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three hawks'
.Dillon (Kilcornan, afterwards Seigneur de Terrafort, in heads erased or.
France ; descended from Edmdnd Dillon, a younger son of Dilney. Ar. on a fesse gu. three fleurs-de-lis or.
the foregoing William Dillon, who got from his father the Dillwyn (Burroughs Lodge and Sketty Hall, near Swansea),
castle and lands of Kilcornan; of this line were Count Gu. on a chev. ar. three trefoils slipped of the first. In the
2)illon, of France, Kobbrt Dillon, Seigneur de Terrafort, Harleian Collection the ancient arms are described, Ar. a lion
d. at Bordeaux, 1769; and his son, Theobald Dillon, made ramp. betw. three crescents gu. over all a fesse az., and are
a Count). Same Arms and Orest. Supporters Two lions — incorrectly figured as surmounted by a pale in Jones's Histoiy
reguard. Motto Dum spiro spero. — of Brecon. These arms, however, are obviously the arms of
.Dillon {Viscount Dillon, of Costello Gallen; Sir Theobald Dillon, and some branches at least of the Dilwyns, bore—
Dillon, so created 1621, descended from Edmund Dillon, Gu. on a chev. ar. three crescents of the first, till trefoils
of Dunnimoney, elder son of Edmund Dillon, of Drumrany, were substituted for the crescents on the authority of the
by his second wife). Same Arms and Ci-est. Supporters — Her. Off. in 1731). Crest—A stag's head couped ppr.
Two angels ppr. vested ar. winged and crined or, each ikfoito— Craignez bonte.
holding in the exterior hand a palm branch also ppr. and Dill-wTn-Llewell3ni. See Llewellvn.
having a sash over the shoulder gold. Motto Dum spiro — Dimocke (co. Devon). Ar. on a chief sa. three estoiles or.
spero. Dimocke. Ar. a sword in pale sa.
Dillon-Lee (Viscount Dillon; Henry, thirteenth Viscount Dimocke. Erm. on a chief sa. three crosses botonnee ar.
Dillon, being grandson of Lady Charlotte Lee, wife of —
Dimond. Ar. three mullets gu. Orest A cross crossletiii
Henry, eleventh Viscount Dillon, and eldest dau. and heiress "pale surmounted by a sword inbend sinister, point downward.
of George Henry, second Sari of Lichfield, assumed the Dimond. See Cbubchwabd.
additional name of Lee). Same .<4rms, &c. ; quartering: Ar. Dimsdale. Ar. on a fesse dancettee az. betw. three mullets
a fess betw. three crescents sa., for Lee. sa. as many bezants, over all, on an inescutcheon of pretence
Dillon (Proudstown and Biverston; descended from Sir or, a sinister wing erect sa. Crest —
A griffin's head erased
James Dillon, third son of Gerald Dillon, of Drumrany. ar. ilfbito— Magnas Hippocrates
tu nobis major.

His grandson, Sir Richard Dillon, brought 600 Irish Dimsdale (Camfield Place, co. Herts, as borne by Babon
troops to the battle of Verneuil, 14 Aug. 1424, 3 Henry VL Dimsdale, Baron of the Russian Empire). Same Arms.
John, Duke of Bedford, Regent of the Kingdom, uncle of the Crest— Out of a baron's coronet of the Russian empire a
King, granted him the addition of a fess over the lion on his griffin's head erm.
shield, and a falcon volant for his crest as a reward for his Dimsdale (granted to Joseph Cockfield Dimsdaix, Esq., of
valour at that battle). Ar. a lion ramp. betw. three estoiles Upton, West Ham, co. Essex). Ar. on a fesse dancettue az..
of six points wavy issuing from as many crescents gu. over —
betw. three mullets sa. two bezants. Crest A staff fessewaya
all a fess az. Crest— On a chapeau gu. tui-ned up erm. a entwined by a serpent ppr. thereon a gryphon's head erased
falcon rising ar. beaked, belled, and legged or.
Dillon (Dal geeth and Huntstown; branches of Dillon, of
ar. —
Motto Quod Dene vult fiet.
Dinan, See Dynham.
Proudstown). Same Arms and Crest. Dinant. Gu. a fesse dancettee erm.
Dillon {Earl of Roscommon; created 1622; descended from Dinely (Stanford, co. Dorset). Ar. a fesse sa. in chief
Sir Robert Dillon, Knt., of Moymet, co. Meath, third son mullet of the last betw. two pellets.
of James Dillon, of Proudstown and Eiverston; dormant). Dinely (co. York). Ar. a cross moline gu. in chief three
At. a lion ramp. betw. three crescents an eatoUe issuant mullets sa.


DiUS^A'^- ^^- tliree tezanta. Crest —A dexter hand erect, Disney (confirmed to the Very Eev. Bbabazon William
poiating with the two forefingers to the sun in. splendour Disney, I>ean of Armagh). Ar. on a fess gu. three fleurs-
allppr. de-lis or, in chief a trefoil slipped vert. —
Crest A lion pass,
Dinell^'™-' ^^' tl^ree fusils in fesse erm. Crest In a — guard, gu. charged on the breast with a fleur-de-lis or.
round top or, six spears, in the centre a pennon ar. thereon a —
Motto Vincit qui patitur.
cross gu. Disney (granted to Lieut.-Gen. Sir Moore Disney, K.C.B.),
Ding'lia'i^' Same Arms, a bordure erm. Ar. on a fess embattled counter-embattled gu. three fleurs-
PJTigham. Or, a lion pass. sa. de-lis or. Crest —
A lion's head eouped gu. semee of fleurs-
Bing'haui. Gu. afleur-de-lis (another, three fleurs-de-lis) or. de-lis or, and gorged with a mural crown ar. Motto Et —
pJTigliam. Gu. three plates, each charged with an erm. spot. decus et pretium recti.
Dinffley (Wolverton, Isle of Wight. Visit. 1634). Ar. a Disney (exemphfied to James Catheow-Disnet, Esq., Somer-
fesse sa. in chief a mullet of the last betw. two pellets. Crest set Herald). Ar. on a fesse gu. three fleurs-de-lis or, on a
— Out of a ducal coronet a dragon's head or. canton of the second a cross pattee fitch^e of the third,
Dingley, or Dinley (co. York). Ar. a fesse betw. three quartering Cathkow, viz., or, on a chev. engr. betw.
mullets sa. Crest— A Eoman head with a helmet couped at three leopards' faces jessant-de-lis gu. as many bezants.
the neck ppr. —
Crests 1st: A lion pass, guard, gu. charged with a cross
Dingley (Abbots Salford, co. Warwick). Ar. a fess sa. in pattee fitchee or; 2nd: A dragon pass. sa. winged or,
chief two hurts. resting the dexter claw on a leopard's face jessant-de-lis of
Dingley. Ar. fretty sa. in chief three mullets of the last. the last.
Dingrwall. Az, a buck's head cabossed or, betw. three Disney (Lincolnshire). Ar. three lions pass, in pale gu.
spur-rowels ar. Disney, Gu. a lion ramp, barry or and az.
Dingwall (Rainnieston, co.Aberdeen, 1792). Az. a golden Disraeli. Az. (sometimes gu.) a tower ar.
fleecesuspended from the top of the shield betw. two spur- Disraeli (The Rt. Hon. Mabt Anne, Viscountess Beaconsfleld,
Towels or, a bordure of the last. Crest —
^A buck rising ppr. only dau. of John Viney Evans, Esq., of Brampford Speke,
Motto—Tfeo favente. CO. Devon, and wife of the Rt. Hon. Benjamin Disraeli,
Dingwall-Fordyce. See Fobdyce. M.P., of Hughenden Manor, co. Bucks, now JBarl of Beacons-
Dinhazii (Wortham, Devon; a branch of Dynham; this
co. field. At the decease of her ladyship the viscounty became
famUy acquired the lands of Wortham by marriage with the extinct). Ar. a slip of vine fructed andleaved ppr. betw. two
heiress of that place, temp. Richard II.). Gu. four fusils in flaunches sa. each charged with a boar's head of the field.
fesse and a bordure erm. Crest —An arm couped or, hand —
Supporters Dexter, an eagle or; sinister, a lion also or,
holding a lock of hair sa.
ar. each gorged with a collar gu, pendent therefrom an.
Dinuet (granted by patent). Gu. a cross circellee, quarterly escocheon of the last charged with a tower ar.
pierced and five roses in saltire ar. Crest bull's head —A Disraeli {Earl of Beaconsjield). Per saltire gu. and ar. a
gu- castle triple-towered in chief of the last, two lions ramp, in
Dinorben, Baron. See Hdghes. in fesse sa. and an eagle displ in base or. Crest Issuant —
Dinsell. Sa. a crescent and a mullet in chief pierced ar. from a wreath of oak ppr. a castle triple-towered ar. Sup-
Dintres. Sa. on a bend ar. three cinquefoils gu. porters, same as those of Viscountess Beacorwjisld. Motto —
Dipden. Ar. a fesse betw. three leopard's faces gu. Forti nibil difficile.
Sipford, or Ditford (London). Or, three bars az. over all Dissert, or Dysert. Gu. three sinister hands couped ar.
a counterchanged, a bordure Invecked gu. Crest
saltire — Dister. Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three plates.
lion'shead erased or, ducally crowned gu. Dister. Gu. a chev. or, betw. three eagles displ. ar.
Dipre. Vert a Uon ramp, or, over all a bendlet engr. gu. Distillers, Company of (London). Az. a fesse wavy
D'Ipre (co. Kent). Gyronny of ten or and az. an escutcheon ar. in chief the sun in splendour, encircled with a cloud dis-
gu. over all a baton sinister ar. tilling drops of rain all ppr., in base a distillatory double
Dirby. Az. an orle or. armed or, on a fire ppr. with two worms and bolt receivers of
Dirom (Crechie, co. Banff; by patent, 1769). Quarterly, 1st, —
the second. Crest A garb of barley environed with a vine
or,a stag's head erased gu. ; 2nd, erm. three bars gu. ; 3rd, fructed both ppr. —
Supporters Dexter, the figure of a
gu. three skeens paleways in fesse ar. hilted or, on the point man, representing a Russian, habited in the dress of the
of each a wolf's head couped close of the last; 4th, az. a country all ppr. ; sinister, an Indian, vested round the
griflBn segreant or. Crest —
A stag's head couped ppr. waist with feathers of various colours, wreathed about the

Motto Ducit Dominus. temple with feathers as the last, in his hand a bow, at his
Dirom (Pasley-Dieom, exemplified to Thomas Alexander back a quiver of arrowd all ppr. —
Motto ^Drop as rain,
DisoM, Esq., on his assuming by royal licence, 1864, the ad- distU as dew,
ditional name of Pablet), Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a stag's Distislegrhe. Ar. on a bend gu. betw. two cotises dancettee
head erased gu., for Dieom ; 2nd and 3rd, az. on a chev. of the second, three martlets or.
betw. three roses ar. as many thistles slipped vert, for Ditchfield (Ditton). Ar. three bears sa.
Pasley. Crests —
1st, Diboh: A stag's head ppr., Motto Ditchfield (Ditton, co. Lancaster. Visit. 1567). Az. three

over Ducit dominus ; 2nd, Pasley: A dexter arm em- pine-apples or, stalked gu.
bowed, in armour grasping a dagger all ppr. Motto over— Ditton. Ar. a bend sa.
Ee sure. Ditton. Ar. on a bend sa. theee martlets of the field.
Dirs. Ar. on a chev. vert betw. three lions ramp. gu. two —
Crest A demi griffin segreant ar.
wings conjoined in lure betw. as many mullets of six points or. Dive (Bromham, co. Bedford, Brompton, Harleston, Holwell,
Dirton. Sa. a pile and chev. ar. counterchanged. Quinton, and Wyke, co. Northampton). Gu. a fesse dancettee
Dirward. Sa. three roundles gyronny of eight, ar. and gu. betw. three escallops erm. Crest—Awivem wings endorsed
(another, quarterly). gu.
Dirwell. Ar. a chev. az. betw. three fleurs-de-lis sa. (another, Dive. Same Arms, the fesse or, the escallops ar.
of the second). Dive (CO. Northampton). Gu. (another sa.) on a bend ar.
Dirwyn. Gu. a pale engr. erm. surmounted by a fesse of three ravens ppr.
the last. Crest—A peacock's head erased ppr. Dive (co. Oxford). Or, a fesse sa.
Disert, Gu. three dexter hands couped and erect ar. Dive (Millwich, co. Stafford). Gu, a fess dancettee or, betw.
Disgremond. Gu. a lion ramp, or, crowned ar. three escallops ar.
Disbington (Ardross, Scotland). Or, on a bend sa. three Divinity or XiOgic School (Cambridge). Gu. on a cross
escallops of the first. Crest— Aa armed man kneehng. erm. betw, four doves ar. a book lying fessways of the first
-SfoWo—Unica spes mea Christus. garnished or.
Disker, or Disher (London granted 23 November, 1704). Diwie (co, Aberdeen). Gu. a fesse indented or, betw. two

Gu. a chev. or,betw. three eagles displ, with two necks erm. escallops in chief and a spur-rowel in base ar. Cre&t An —
each head crowned with a ducal coronet of the second. eagle's head couped ppr. Jfoifo— Sedulitate.
Crest —
On a mount vert a centaur pass, reguard. ppr. draw- Dix. Az. on a bend or, a martlet gu. on a chief ar. a crescent
ing a bow and arrow or, feathered ar. sa. betw. two stags' heads couped of the field. Crest—
Dismarys, Vert five roses in saltire or, stalked and leaved greyhound's head ar. ducally gorged gu. betw, two wings or.
ar. Dix (confirmed by C^niden, Clarenceux, 1612, to Rev. John
Dismoes, or Dismos. Or, a chev. quarterly, az. and gu. Dix, D.D.). Az. on a bend or, three martlets gu. on a chief
betw. three roses of the third. ar. two stags' heads erased gu., a crescent for diff. Crest —
Disney (Swinderby and Norton Disney, co. Lincoln; after- greyhound's head erased ar. ducally gorged gu. betw. two
wards of the Hyde, Essex; descended from De Isney or wings, dexter sa., sinister or, a crescent for diff.
D'EisNET, of Norman ancestry). Ar. on a fesse gu. three Dixes (co. Norfolk). Sa. fretty erm. a chief counter^com-
fleurs-de-lis or. Crest —
^A lion pass, guard, gu. pony ar. and sa.


Dixie (Catworth, co. Huntingdon, tem'P' Edward III.)- Az. I Dixon (Fun. Ent. of Sir William Dixon, buried at St. Wer-

a lion ramp, and a chief or. Crest An ounce sejant ppr- burgh's Church, Dublin, 2 5'eb., 1666). Same Amis and
spotted sanguine, ducally gorged or. Motto Quod dixi — Crest.
dixi, Dei gratia grata. Dixon (Riciiakd Dixon; Fun. Ent. of his wife Mart, buried.
Dixie (Boswortli, co. Leicester, bart.; Wolstan Dixie, sixth atKilcuUen, co. Kildare, Jan. 1678.) SamoiArms.
in descent from Wolstan Dixie, of Catworth, co. Hunts, Dixon (Registered to John Dixon, Sergeant-major in Colonel
Ump. Edward IV., created a bart. 1660. Visit. 1619). Same Arthur Fox's regiment of foot, descended from a very ancient
Arms. Crest —An ounce sejant or, ducally gorged or. and noble family of Dison, in the Marches of Scotland, by
Motto —Quod dixi dixi. Roberts, Ulster, 4 March, 1646). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar.
Dixon Gu. » fleur-de-lis or, a
(Astley Hall, co. Chester). a weird wolf ppr. on a chief az. three mullets of the first;
chief erm. Crest —
A demi lion ramp. ar. 2nd and 3rd, ar. a bull's head couped sa. langued' gu. armed
Dixon (Knells, co. Cumberland). Az. a dove statant ppr. in or, on a chief of the third an armory sword ppr. Crest A
chief two bees volant or, a chief of the last, thereon three pelican in her neat feeding her young ppr.
pallets gu. Crest— In front of an anchor in bend sinister sa. Dixon (Govanhill, co. Lanark). Ar. on a cross betw, four
a dexter cubit arm erect ppr., in the hand an olive branch lozenges sa. an eagle displ. of the field. Crest A dexter —
also ppr. Motto— Peace. handppr. holding a sword bend sinister ways ar. Motto^
Dixon (Beeston, co. York). Sa. a fleur-de-lis or, a chief erm, Fortes fortuna juvat.
Crest— An eagle displ. sa. Motto —Quod dixi dixi. Dixton (co. Gloucester, 1438). Sa. a pile ar. surmounted by
Dixon (Seaton-Carew, co. Durham; descended from Bees- a chev. gu.
ton; the arms are recorded on a sepulchral brass in the Dixwell (confirmed by the Deputies of Camden, Clarenceux,
chancel of Cheshunt Church, co. Herts, in memory of to Humphrey Dixwell, of Cotton, co. Warwick). Vert on
Sir Nicholas Dixon, rector, d. 1448). S&me Arms. Crest — a chev. betw. three fieurs-d&-lis or, as many fleurs-de-lis-
A lion ramp, holding in its dexter paw a fleur-de-lis all ppr. of the field.
Motto —AuxiUum meum ah alto. Dixwell (Coton Hall, co. Warwick, hart., extinct 1757). Ar,
Dixon (Wallingtons, co. Berks^ Gu. a lion ramp, or, a a chev. gu. betw. three fleurs-de-Hs, sa. Crest A lion's —
chief erm. Crest —A demi lion ramp. ar. gamb. couped az. grasping an eagle's leg with a wing con-
Dixon (Rainshaw, co. Durham; confirmed 14 September, joined to it sa.
13 James 1.). Gu. on a bend or, betw. six plates three tor- Dixwell (Terlingham, co. Kent, bart, extinct 1641, descended
teaux, a chief erminois. Crest —
An arm embowed, habited from Coton Hall). Same Arms and Ci-est.

erminois, cuff ar. holding in the hand ppr, a plate. Dixwell (Brome, co. Kent, bart., extinct 1750, descended
Dixon (co. Herts). Ar. a pale indented vert. Crest — from Coton Hall). Same A-rms and Crest.
sphere ar. charged with a pale indented vert. Dixwell (Barham, co. Kent, and Churchover and Coughton>
Dixon (Page Hall. Ecclesfield, W.R. York). Per pale az. and CO. Warwick). Same Arms and Crest.

gu. a bend engr. ar. betw. two plates, on a chief of the third Dixy (CO, Leicester). Gu. two fleurs-de-lis or, a chief erm.
a rose of the second betw. two torteaux. Crest An arm — Dixy (co. Huntingdon and London). Or, a lion ramp, vert
embowed, vested az. semee of plates cuffed ar., the hand a chief gu.
grasping a chaplet of roses ppr. Motto Fide et constantia.— Dixy (Captain Dixt, an officer in the army of William III.
Dixon (Hillsborough Hall, c». York). Same Arms, Crest, at the bottle of the Boyne). Az. a lion ramp, or, on a chief
and Motto, Motto Quod dixi dixi.
of the last an Irish harp sa. —
Dixon (Littleton, co. Chester). Per chev. or and gu. on a Dobb (John Dobb, Esg. Fun. Ent. of his wife, who was

chev. fimbriated per chev. betw. three lions erased and buried in Dublin, 8 Nov.
1620). Per pale sa. and ar. achev.
counterchanged five fleurs-de-lis reversed alternately. engr. betw. three unicorns' heads erased all counter-

Crest A lion's head erased per fess ar. and gu. charged changed.
on the neck with three fleura-de-lis of the last, and pierced Dobbes (Lord Mayor of London, 1551). Per pale ar. and sa.
through the mouth by an arrow, point coming out at the a chev. engr. between three unicorns' heads erased, guttee-

hack ppr. feathered ar. Motto Macte virtute esto. d'eau and guttee de poix, all counterchanged.
.Dixon (co. Hertford ; gi-anted 1630). Sa. a cross betw. four Dobbes. See Dobbs.

hinds' heads erased or. Crest On a mount vert a tiger sejant Dobbie and Dobie Ar. a helmet az. betw,
erm. ducally gorged or. three crosses crosslet fitchee gu. Crest-^Aa eagle diepL
Dixon (Dudley, co. Worcester). Same Arms, the cross —
ppr. Another Crest ^A cross crosslet fitchfie gu. Motto—
charged with a fleur-de-lis of the fleld. Crest On a mount — Non minima sed magno prosequor.
vert a leopard sejant erm. ducally gorged or. Dobbin (granted to Leonard Dobbin, Esq., of Armagh, and
Dixon (Helden, near Tonbridge, co. Kent). Or, a cross Gardiner's Place, Dubhn). Gu. five mullets of six points,
formee throughout gu. betw. four eagles displ. sa. two, one, and two or, in the centre chief point a crescent of
Dixon (co. Kent). Same Arms. Crest. ^A demi hind sa. — the last betw. two flaunches chequy ar. and sa. Crest Out —
bezantec. of a mural crown an oak branch acoi-ned ppr. on the mural
Dixon (Hackney, co. Middlesex). Same Arms^ the cross crown a crescent or. Motto Re e merito. —
flory. Dobbins. Gu. five mullets of six points or, two, one, and
Dixon (Wymondham, Per bend dancettee or
co. Norfolk). two, betw. two flaunches chequy ar. and sa. Crest A staff —
and sa. two talbots pass, counterchanged. Crest— K stag's raguly surmounted of an eagle displ. ppr.
head, erased per pale dancettee sa. and or, attires counter- Dobbs or Dobbes (co. York). Per pale ar. and sa. a.
changed. chev. engr. betw. three imicorns' heads erased, all counter-
Dixon (Bishopathorpe, co. York). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, —
changed. Crest A lion sejant affrontee, holding in each
or, a cross betw. four eagles displ. sa. 2nd and 3rd, or, a
; forepaw a dagger ppr.
lion ramp, guard, with two heads az. Crest A stag's head — Dobbs (co^ Warwick ; Sir Richard Dobbs, alias Dabbs, was
erased. Lord Mayor of London, temp. Edward VI.). Same Arms.
Dixon (formerly Brown, Unthank Hall, co. Northumber- Crest— A unicorn's head erased or.
land). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per bend sa. and or, on a Dobbs (Castle Dobbs, co. Antrim ; descended from Jons'
cross pattee throughout, betw. four eagles displ. as many Dobbs, Deputy Henry Dockwra as Treasurer of Ulster,
to Sir
crosses crosslet all counterchanged, for Dixon; 2nd and 1596). Same A'i-ms and Crest. Motto— AmoT Dei etproXimi
3rd, per pale sa. and gu. on a bend engr. with plain double summa beatitudo.
cotises betw. two escallops ar. three lions pass, guard, of the Dobbyn (Waterford ; William Dobbtn, Esq., Recorder of
first, for Brown. Crests 1st : — A
mount vert thereon a demi that town, 1720).Az, a chev. betw. three annulets or.
hind ar. gorged with a coHar, and lined therefrom reflexed Crest —
A hand couped holding the upper portion of a broken
over the back gu. supporting a cross crosslet sa., for Dixon ;

spear all ppr. Motto ^Deus dexter mens.
2nd: Two escallops or, thereon resting an eagle displ. vert, Dobede (Soham, co. Cambridge; John Dobede, Esq., was
in the beak a cross crosslet fitchee gold, for Brown. Motto High Sheriff of the county, 1837). Per pale vert and az.a
—Sulvez raison. lion ramp. ar. crowned or, on a canton erm. two swords in
Dixon (Gledhow, co. York). Gu. a fleur-de-lis or, a chief ealtire surmounted by a fasces impaled within a wreath all
erm. Crest— A. demi lion ramp. ar. —
or. Crest On a mount vert a demi lion erased, as in th&
Dixon (Robert Dixon Fun. Ent. of his wife Maude, buried
; arms, holding an escutcheon as the canton. Jlfoifo—Droit
in Dublin, August, 1617). Same Arms. IL chacun.

Dixon (Sir Robert Dixon, Mayor of Dublin, knighted at the Dobell (Falmere, co. Sussex; the coat was confirmed and
Mansion House, 22 Sept. 1634). Sa a fleur-de-lis or, a chief the crest granted to Walter Doeell, of Falmere, by Camden,

erm. Crest A demi boar ramp, vert armed, tusked, maned, Clarenceux, in 1604). Sa. a hind pass. betw. three bells ar.
and tufted or, holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis, as ia Crest— On a mount vert a hind lodged ar. betw. four arrow*
the arms. stuck into the mount or.


X>ol>ie (Scotland). Az. a bridge of two arches
sa. with water DoD 2nd and 3rd, sa. a chev. vaire or and gu. betw. three

running below it ppr. in chief an eagle displ. or. maidens' heads affront^e couped at the bust ppr. crined
Dobie. Ga. a sword in pale ar. hilted or, two crescents in gold, for WoLLET. Crests— Doj>: garb ar. banded gu. A

chief of the aecond. Crest A hand holding a scroll of paper environed with a snake, the head issuing from the middle
betw. two branches of laurel in orle all ppr. of the garb ppr. and (for distinction) a cross crosslet of the
Dobins. Ar. a chev. betw. three annulets gu. Crest— second ; 2nd, Wollet A man's head facing the dexter in

staff raguly surmounted by an eagle displ. ppr.

Dobinson (Westminster; granted May, 1816). Gu. five
chain mail couped at the shoulder ppr.
Motto In copia —
estoiles saltireways or, betw. two flaunches chequy ar. and Dod (Lower Hall, Broxton, co. Chester, descended from
sa. Crest —
Out of a mural coronet chequy ar. and sa. an Edge). —
Same Ai-ms. Crest ^A hand erect couped ppr.
oak branch ppr. leaved vert, fructed or. holding a claw hammer sa.
Doble (co. Somerset). Gu. a doe statant betw. three bells Dod (Cloverly, or Calverhall, co. Salop the estate acquired ;

ar. Crest— On a mount vert a doe lodged ar. pierced in sal- by the marriage, in the reign of Henry IV., of Hugo Don
tire by four arrows or. with the dau. and co-heir of Eooee de Cloveelet). Ar. a.
Dobree (Guernsey; granted 1726). Gu. a crescent per pale fesse gu. betw. two cotises wavy sa., quartering Cloveelet,
or and ar. betw. three trefoils of the last. Crest On a mount — ar. a chev. gu. betw. three cyanus flowers slipped ppr.
— —

vert a thistle ppr. Motto Spe vivitur. Crest A serpent vert issuing from and piercing a garb or.
Dobree, or Dobrey. Gyronny of eight sa. and ar. a Dod (Drumlease, Knackbrown, and Kingsfort, co. Sligo des- ;

chief erm. Crest— On a ducal coronet a talbot pass, collared cended from Chaeles Dod, second son of Don, of Cloverley).
and lined or. Same Arms and Crest. Motto In copia cautus. —
Dobson (Lynn, co. Norfolk). Ar. a fesse nebulee betw. six Dod (Fim. Ent. of Dr. Roger Dod, Bishop of Meath, d. at
fleuTS-de-hs gu. Crest —Two lions' gambs erased in saltire Ardbraccan, co. Meath, 27 July, 1608). Quarteriy, 1st and 4th,
gu. ar. on a plain fess betw. two cottises wavy gu. three bezants
Dobson (co. Lancaster). Same Arms, the fleurs-de-lis sa. 2nd, sa. an eagle displ. ar. armed gu. ; 3rd, or, a cross pattee
Dobyns (co. Hereford). Az. a chev. betw. three annulets fitchee sa. over all a crescent for diff.
or. ft*cs(— A falcon volant or. —
Motto Quod pudet hoc Dod, Dode, Dodds, or Dogge. Vert three dogfishes
pigeat. ar. Crest—Two hands conjoined, one in armour grasping
Dobyns (Lincoln's Inn). Ar. a chev. betw. three annulets another ppr. both couped, supporting a branch of palm and
gu. Great—Out of a ducal coronet two lion's gambs saltire- a thistle.
ways. Dodbrook. Sa. a heron ar.
Dockeley, or Dockesey (co. Salop). Ar. a lion ramp, Dodd. Ar. a fesse gu. cotised wavy sa. charged with three
az. over aU a bend gobonated or and gu. crescents or. Crest-~A serpent ppr. issuing out of a wheat-
Docker, Ar. seven half spears, three, one, and three sa. sheaf or. Motto —
In copia cautus. These are mentioned

headed az. Crest A bridge with three arches ppr. in the will of Dame Isabella Dodd, proved 1722, to have
Dockinfield. See Dukintield. been the arms borne by her late husband, Sir Samdel Dodd,
Dockrell (granted to Thomas Dockrbll, of Dublin, Town Lord Chief Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer,
Councillor). Ar. a fess az. betw. two crescents in chief of and were to be assumed by the husband of any female who
the last and a wreath of oak leaves in base ppr. Crest— by virtue of her will should succeed to certain estates therein
demi lion ramp, gorged with a wreath of oak leaves in base mentioned.
ppr. and charged on the sboulder frith a crescent of the Dodd Ar. a fesse gu. betw. two
(Pertsey, co. Salop, 162.3),
arms, ilfoiio—Semper eadem. bars wavy betw. three crescents of the second.
sa. all
Dockwra (Lord Dockwra; created 1620, extinct at death of Dodd (Chlorley). Ar. three flowers az. stalked vert (another
aecond lord). Sa. a chev. engr. ar. betw. three plates each coat has a chev. gu. betw. the flowers).
charged with a pallet gu. Crest—A demi lion ramp, or, Doddescombe (Doddescombe-Legh, co. Devon; extinct
holding betw. the paws a plate charged with a pallet gu. temp. Edward III. ; heiresses m. Bigbuet, Newenham, Pball,
Supporters—Tvio knights in armour ppr. a plume of three and Beanscomb). At. three eaglets displ. gu.
ostrich feathers on each helmet ar. az. and gu. breeches also DoddesTC'orth. Ar. a chev. engr. sa. betw. three leopards'
gu. hose, boots, and spurs ppr., eachholding in their exterior heads umbre.
hand a spear also ppr. the point imbrued with drops of Dodding* (Conished, co. Lancaster, 1664). Az. in chief two
blood. Motto —
Fides amicitiae periculosa libertas. and in base a crescent or. Crest—A demi lion or,
Dockwra (Foulbome, co. Cambridge, 1619, and Nubume, holding a cross crosslet fitchee az.
CO.Northumberland). Sa. a chev. ar. betw. three plates, Dode (co. Hertford). Az. a pale engr. erm. betw. two demi
each charged with a palet gu. lions or.
Dockwra (London). Sa. a chev. engr. ar. betw. three Dode. Erm. a chief chequy or and az.
plates, each charged with a palet gu. on a chief of the Dodenhay, or Do^wdnay. Sa. a bend cotised erm.
second a cross of the third. Doderidgre (co. Devon; John Dodeeidge, Judge of King's
Dockwra (co. York). Sa. three plates each charged with a Bench). Ar. two pales wavy az. betw. nine crosses crosslet
palet gu. Crest —
A heart gu. within a fetterlock az. gu. three, three, and three. Crest —A
lion's head erased gu.
DocminiCLue (London). Az. a chev. ar. betw. two crescents murally gorged or.
in chief and a mullet in base or. Dodfrombe. Sa. a fesse compony ar. and gu. betw. three
Docton (Docton, co. Devon, Thomas Doctow, of that place. crosses pattee of the second.
Visit. 1620. Descended from John Doketon, of Kilhampton, Dodge (co. Kent, Slopworth, co. Chester, co. Suffolk, and
38 Henry VI., 1459). Per fess gu. and ar. two crescents in Mannington, co. Norfolk). Barry of six or and sa. over all
chief or, and another in base sa. Crest —
^A fleur-de-lis sa. on a pale gu. an eye ar. weeping and dropping or. Crest —
Docton (Docton in Hartland, co. Devon, and Whitleigh in A demi seadog az. collared, finned, and purfled or.
St. Budeaux, co. Cornwall ; of this family was Sir Bicbabd Dodgin. Or, on a bend gu. three escallops ar. Crest An —
Docton, Knt., Justice of the King's Bench, d. 1623). Ar. a arm couped at the shoulder, vested or, cuffed az. embowed.
crescent sa. on a chief gu. two crescents or. Crest ^A fieur- — and resting the elbow on the wreath, holding in the hand a
de-Iis sa. sword, enfiled with a leopard's face ppr.
Doctor's Commons, or Collegre of the Professors Dodgson (co. Lancaster; Richaed Baeton Dodgson, Esq.,
of Civil and Canon Law. Gu. on a bend ar. three of Beardwood, near Blackburn). Ar, a fess nebulee betw.
trefoils slipped vert, all within a bordure of the second. six fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest —^Two lions' gambs erased in saltire
Dod (Edge, CO. Chester, settled there since the reign of gu. —
Motto ^Virtus semper eadem.
Henry II.; Thomas Geewe Dod, Esq., of Edge, d. 1827, Dodier. Az. a bend betw. two lions ramp. ar.
leaving dans, co-heirs). ATicient Arms—Ar. a chev. betw. Dodingfi.eld. Sa. a cross engr. erm.
three Cornish choughs sa. Modem Artus ^Ar. on a fess — Dodingsell- Or, a fesse gu. in chief two annulets of the
gu. betw. two barrulets wavy sa. three crescents ar. Crest last.
—A serpent vert issuing from and piercing a garb or. Dodingsells. Ar. a fesse gu. in chief three mullets witli
Motto — ^In copia cautua,
six points of the second pierced or. Crest wolf pass, gu. —A
Dod (WoLLEr-DoD, now of Edge exemplified to Eev. Chaeles
Dodingsells, or Odingsells. Ar. on a fesse betw. three
WoLLET, M.A., and Feances Lucy, his wife, dau. of Eev. mullets gu. as many escallops of the field.
Pbllt Paekeb, by his wife, Frances Rosamond, dau. and Dodington (Dodmgton, co. Somerset, and Meere, co.
co-heir of Thomas Ceewe Dod, Esq., of Edge, on their Wilts). Sa. three buglehoms ar. stringed gu. Crest—
taking the name of Don, in addition to and after that of lion's gamb ppr. holding a flag gu. charged with a chev. or.
WoLLET, by royal licence, in 1868). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Dodington (Lord Melcombe. Geoeqe Bubb assumed the
ar. on a fesse gu. betw. two barrulets wavy sa. three name of Dodington by Act of Parliament, temp. George I.,,
crescents or, and (for distinction) a canton of the second, for pursuant co the will of his maternal uncle, Geoege Doding-
289 V


TON, Esq,, of Eastbury, co. Dorset : was created a peer 1761, Doe (Sanghall, co. Lancaster, 1749). Ar.a chev. betw. three
Mid d. unm. same year). Ar. a chev. betw. three bugle- coulters sa. Crest —A
garb or, with a coulter stuck within
horns sa. the band, in bend sinister sa
Dodington (Woodlanda, co. Wilts). Ar. three bugle Doeg: (Ballingrew). Gu. a chev. ar. betw. two cinquefoils

horns sa. stringed gu. Cre&t A stag lodged to the sinister erm. in chief and a sword paleways in base of the second.
side reguard. ar. in the mouth an acorn or, stalked and Doeg" (Scotland). Gu. a chev. betw. two cinquefoils in chief
leaved vert. and a sword paleways in base ar. hilted and pommelled or.
Sodiug^on (co. Salop). Az. a fcsse betw. two mullets Dog^ate. Erm. on a bend sa. three leopards' heads ar.
pierced in chief and a chev. in base or, a bordure engr. ar. Dogret (co. Kent). Erm. on a bend ea. three talbots' heads

Crest A lion's gamb erect or. —
erased or (another, ar.). Crest On a chapeau a bull collared
Sodingi;on. Az. two bars or, in chief three bezants. and thereto a bell pendent all ppr.
]Dodin^OXi (Marriott - Dodington, Horsington, co. Dog-ge. Vert three fishes haurient or, spotted gu.
Somerset; exemplified to Rev. Thomas Marriott, upon his Dogrg'et (Honing -Serbane and Wronger, co. Norfolk). Gu.
taking the additional name of Dodington, by royal licence, (another, sa.) two greyhounds saliant combatant or, collared
1853). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Dodington, sa. three bugle- sa. Crest —
Alion's head or, gorged with a mural coronet sa.
horns stringed ar.; 2nd and 3rd, Marriott, barry of six Dogrgrett. Ar. two greyhoundsin full course gu. collared or.
indented ar. and sa. a bend az. charged with three fleurs- Dog-herty. See O'Dogherty.
de-lis of the first. Crests —
1st, Dodington : On a mount vert Dolierty (confirmed to Daniel Henry Doherty, Esq., late
a stag sejant reguard. ar. attired or, in the mouth an acorn Capt. 3rd Hussars). Ar. on a chev. engr. betw. three tre-
of the last leaved of the first ; 2na, Marriott On a rock : foils slipped vert a cross crosslet fitch^e or. Crest An arm —
ppr. a talbot paly of six ar. and sa. resting the forepaw in armour embowed ppr. charged with a cross crosslet
on an estoile of the last. fitch^e or, the hand grasping a scimitar also ppr. Motto—
Sodzuaston. Per fesse az. and or, three cinquefoils coun- Ar nduthchas.
terchanged. Doidgre (Comb, Milton-Abbot, co. Devon). See Dodge, of
Dodmaston (co. Salop). Ar. a cross moline sa. a bordure Kent.
engr. az., a martlet for diff. Doiley (Rosia, lady of Ranton, co. Stafford, dau. and heir of
Dodmer (Lord Mayor of London, 1529). Erm. a chev. William Ddston, temp. King John, m. John Doiley.
wavy az. betw. three demi blackamoors ppr. robes fretty or, Visit. Leicester, 1619). Ar. a fess dancettee betw. three
on a chief chequy ar. and gu. a crescent of the fourth betw. crescents gu.
two pellets, charged with as many talbots gold. D'OiUy (Stoke D'Oilly, co. Northampton). Gu. three stags'
IDodmer (London and York). Erm. a chev. wavy betw. heads cabossed or.
three negroes' heads couped at the breast sa. on a chief Doilly. Or, a bend az.
chequy or and az. two plates, on each a talbot pass, of the Dokesbiiry (co. Chester). Ar. a cross voided gu.
second. Dokesley. Or, a lion ramp. az. debrulsed with a bendlct
Dodmer, or Dodmore. Erm. a chev. wavy az. betw. gu.
three Moors' heads couped below the shoulders sa. habited Dokesworth (co. Cambridge). Az. a. cross betw. four
fretty or, on a chief chequy ar. and gu. a crescent betw, two lions ramp, or (another, ar.).
pellets, each charged with a lion pass, guard, of the fourth. Dokesworth (co. Essex). Az. on a cross or, five fleurs-de-
Crest — An arm party per cross gu. and sa. baud ppr. holding lis gu.
wo arrows vert. Dolan. Az. three crescents in pale or, betw. two plates a
Dodmer (from the windows in the library, Trin. Coll., —
chief ar. Crest A decrescent gu.
Oxon. impaled by Pope).
Visit. 1574, Or, four lozenges in Dolbeu (Thingdon, alias Finedon, co. Northampton, bart.,
cross gu. betw. as many cinquefoils ppr. on a chief of the extinct 1837). Sa. a helmet close betw. three pheons ar.
second a garb betw. two annulets of the first. each pointing to the centre. Crest A griffin sejant wings —
Dodscoznbe (co. Devon). Purp. (another, vert) three endorsed ppr.
eagles displ. ar. Dolbeu. Same Anns. Crest—A demi bull ar. gorged with
Dodson Robert Dodson, of that place.
(Hey, co. Cornwall; a collar of laurel leaves vert.
Visit. 1620, greatgrandson of Thomas Dotson, whose mother Dolbeu (Mackworth-Dolben; exemplified to William
was dau. and co-heir of John Het, of Hey). Ar. a bend Habcoukt Isham Maceworth, Esq., upon his assuming, by
engr. az. betw. two Cornish choughs ppr. royal licence, 1835, the additional name of Dolben).
Dodson (Dr. Dodson, Bishop of Elphin). Sa. a chev. betw. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Dolben, sa. a helmet close betw.
three Catharine wheels or. Crest The head of Janus — three pheons ar. each pointing to the centre 2nd and 3rd, ;

couped at the neck ppr. Mackworth, per pale indented sa. and erm. on a chev.
IDodsou (London, tevip. Charles I.). Ar. a fesse nebule gu. gu. five crosses pattee or. Crests— Isi: A griffin sejant,
betw. three fleurs-de-lis sa. wings endorsed ppr., Dolben; 2nd: A cock ppr.. Mack-
Dodson (Hurstpierpoint, co. Sussex; as borne by the late worth.
Bt. Hon. Sir John Dodson, M.P., and by his son, Rt. Hon. Dolbin. Per chev. embattled ar. and sa. three martlets
John George Dodson, M.P.). Ar. a fess nebule gu. betw. counterchanged.
six fleurs-de-lis sa. —
Crest Two lions' gambs in saltire Dolby (Brizes, Brentwood, co. Essex). Barry wavy of six
gu. ar. and gu. Crest —
A demi grifl&n couped ar. winged and
Dodswall. Quarterly, Isfe and 4th, or, a fesse wavy sa. beaked or.
betw. six pellets 2nd and 3rd, or, on a chief sa. three
; Dolesley, or Dolseley, Gu. on a chev. ar. three mart-
escallops of the field. Crest —
A Uon's head erased ppr. lets of the first, oa a chief az. an estoile betw. two leopards'
Dods'worth (cos. Salop and York). Ar. a chev. betw. three faces or.

buglehorns stringed sa. Crest ^A demi lion supporting a Dolfinley. Vert three dolphins In pale ar.
long cross. D'Olier (granted to Isaac Matthew D'Olier, Esq., of Col-

Dodsworth (co. York, 1665). Ar. a bend engr. sa. betw.

^ legnes, co. Dublin, descended from a junior branch of the
three annulets gu. (h-est —
A cubit arm in chain armour or, family of D'Olier, formerly resident at CoUegnes, near
the hand ppr. grasping a broken tilting apear of the Montauban, Dauphiny, France; settled in Ireland at the
first. Revocation of the Edict of Nantes). Quarterly, 1st and 4th or,
Dodsworth. (Newland Park, co. York, hart.). Quarterly, on a chev. gu. betw. three bunchesof grapes sa. a crescentof
1st and 4th, ar. a bend engr. betw. three annulets gu., for the first surmounted with a a bezant, all within a bordure az.
Dodsworth 2nd and 3rd, per saltire ar. and sa. two trefoils semee of fieurs-de-hs of the first 2nd, az. three columns of

; ;

slipped in pale gu., for Smith. Crests 1st, Dodsworth: A the Corinthian order in fess ppr. each surmounted witha dove
dexter cubit arm in chain armour or, the hand ppr. grasping close ar.; 3rd, gu. on a bend or, three martlets sa. within a
a broken tilting-spear, the broken part imbued gu. ; 2nd, —
border erm. Crest A dove close ar. holding in his beak an
Smith Out of a ducal coronet or, a boar's head couped at
: —
ear of wheat or. Motto La bonte de Dieu.
the neck az. crined gold. Motto Pro lege senatuque — DoliniT. Per fesse ar. and az. a fesse dancettee per fesse
rege. dancettee sa. and of the first. Crest A stag's head erased—
Dod'well. Ar. two bars per pale indented az. and gu. in ppr.
chief three pellets. Doling. Az. on a fesse or, betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. as
Dod^well (Glenmore, co. Sligo, and Dublin; granted, 10 Nov. many mullets of six points pierced gu. Ci-est A fleur-de- —
1662, by St. George, Ulster, to Henry Dodwell, of the city lis az. betw. two wings endorsed ar.
of Dublin). Same Arms. Crest— A demi Uon ar. pellettee DoUabe, or Delabere. Az. a bend ar. cotised or, betff.
armed and langued az. six martlets of the second. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet
Dod'worth. (London). Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three bugle- ppr. a plume of five feathers per pale ar. and az.
horns ar. stringed or. Dollar. Gu. two flaunches indented ar. a bordure vert le-
lantle. Oreat —A dexterarm embowed ppr. holding a Santry, co. Dublin, obtained a royal licence, 1814, confirming
faulcbion of the last, pommel and hilt or. his assumed surname to himself and the other descendants
;Doller. Ar. a pale fusily gu. a bordure vert bezant^e. of his father, and was created a bart. 1815. In 1816, Betham,
Dolliffe (London). Az. on a chev. or, betw, three crescents then Deputy Ulster, gave and ratified the following arms,
ar. as many olive sprigs vert. Crest—On a castle ar. three &c., to Sir Compton Domvile and his descendants, in con-
olive sprigs vert. sideratioH of his descent from Anne, dau. of Sir Charles
Soiling' (granted by Camden, Clarenceux, 1613, to Dolling, Compton, brother of James, third Harl of Noi-thampton, and
of Worth, in the Isle of Purbeck, co. Dorset). Sa. a fess of his having succeeded to the Santry estates, under the will
dancett^e ar. a chief dancett^e of the last. Crest stag's —A of Henry Barrt, last Zord Santry). Quarterly, indented of
head couped per fess dancettde ppr. and ar. gorged ^vith a four, 1st, az. collared gu. on a canton sa. alien
fess dancett^e sa. crined or. of England betw. three esquires' helmets ar. 2nd, barry of ;

J)ollliig' (confirmed to Bobebt Holbeche Dolliko, Esq., of six ar. and gu. a bend counterchanged 3rd, harry of six ar.

Magheralin, co. Down, and of Tamlaght O'Crilly, co. Derry). and gu; 4th, az. a lion ramp. ar. collared gu. Cre8t-~—A
Per fess ar. and az. a fess dancett€e per fess dancettee sa. Uon's head erased ar. ducally crowned or. J/of(o-*-Qui stat

and of the first. Crest A buck's head ppr. attired or, gorged caveat ne cadat.
with two bars dancettee ar. Motto Spero. — Domvile (William Compton Domvile, Esq., of Thomhill,
Dolling'. Erm. on a bend sa. three acorns or. CO. Wicklow, and Heywood, Queen's co., yoimger son of
Dolman (Pockllngton, co. York; descended from Alexandeb Sir Compton Domvile, Bart., of Santry). Same Arms, Oi-est,
DoLUAN, temp. Edward III., then possessed of the lordship and Motto.
of Lastingham, co. York). Az. a fess dancett^ betw. eight Domville (St. Albania, co. Herts, bart. descended from ;

garbs or, banded gu. William Domville, of Lymme, brother of Gilbert Domville,
Dolman (Shaw, co. Berks ; granted to Thomas Dolman, by Clerk of the Hanaper). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a hon
Cooke, Clarenceux, 1587). Az. seven garbs or, four, two, ramp. ar. collared gu. 2nd and 3rd, ar. five lozenges conjoined

and one. Crest A garb. ar. eared and banded or. in pale gu. —
Crest A lion's head erased ar. crowned or. Sa. a fesse erm. betw. three annulets or. —
Motto Pax alma redit.
Dobnan (co. Stafford). Ar. on a bend cotised sa. a dolphin Domville (Rev. Benjamin Babrington, vicar of St. Anne's,
or. Dublin, son of Benjamin Babrington, Esq., by Mabgabet
Dolphin Gloucester
(Eyford, co. formerly of Shenston
; Domville, bis wife, dau. of Sir William Domville, Knt., of
Az. three dolphins naiant fesseways in
Moss, CO. Stafford). Dublin, assumed the name of Domville in pursuance of the

pale or. Crest A swan's head and neck betw. two swans' will of his maternal uncle, William Domville, Esq., of
wmgs expanded ppr. Motto In ccelo quies. — Leighlinstown, and had the following armorial bearings
Dolpliin (Turoe, co. Galway). Az. three dolphins naiant marshalled and entered in Ulster's Office, 11 May, 1769).
ppr. Crest—A dolphin saliant ppr. ilfof (o— Firmum in vita Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a lion ramp. ar. collared gu., for
nihil. Domville 2nd and 3rd, ar. three chevronels, and in chief a


Dolphin (John Dolphin, Esq., of EufFside Hall, Hexham, label of three points gu., forBabbington. Crest A Sara-
CO. Northumberland). Same Arms and Crest. Motto — cen'shead affront^e couped at the neck and wreathed around
Franco leale fcoge. the temples, with laurel all ppr. Motto ^Ung durant ma —
Dolphine. Paly bendy or and gu. a canton az. Crest~A vie.
lion pass, guard, or, holding in the dexter paw a millrind Domville (co. Salop). Az. lion ramp. ar. collared gu.
8a. Crest— A hand issuing from a cloud in fesse stretching to u
Dolphiug'ly. Vert three dolphins naiant in pale ar. garland of laurel on the dexter side.
(another, or). Don (Newton Don, co. Berwick, bart., 1667, now Don-
Dolseby (London). Barry nebuMe of six, or and gu. Waucbope, of Edmondstone). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, az.
Dolsehy. Ar. four bars nebulee gu. Crest A demi grif&n — two midlets in chief and a garb in base or, in fess point a
ar. winged or. crescent of the second for difF., for Waochope; 2nd and 3rd,
Dolseley. Gu. a chev. ar. vert on a fess ar. three mascles sa., for Don. Crests 1st, —
Dolseley. Gu. on a chev. three martlets of the first, in
or, Wadchope: a garb or; 2nd, Don: A
pomegranate ppr.
chief a leopard's face betw. two mullets of the second. . Mottoes —
1st, Wauchope: Industria ditat; 2nd, Don: Non
Dolsey. Gu. on a chev. ar. three mullets of the field, on a deerit alter aureus.
chief az. a star betw. two leopards' faces or. Don (Bailie of Kelso, 1672). Vert on a fess ar. three mascles
Dolton. Sa. a cross engr. erm. sa. within a bordure of the second. Crest A pomegranate —
Dolyng'e. Per fesse dancettee ar. and az. a fesse dancettee ppr. Motto —Non deerit alter aureus.
counterchanged. Don (General Geoege Don, Lieut.-Governor of Jersey, 1810).
Domell (co. Wilts). Ar. abend dancettee and fesse gu. Vert on a fess. ar. betw. three crescents or, as many mascles
Domell or Doynell (co. Wilts). Ar. a fesse dancettee sa. Crest —
A pomegranate slipped ppr. charged with a
gu. crescent gu. Motto— Non. deerit alter aureus.
Domenichetti William Lewis Domenichetti,
(granted to Don (Alderman of London). Az. a unicorn ramp. ar. betw.
Esq., of
sister of
Nottingham, whose mother, Sabah,
Thomas Markham,
Esq., of Rose Abbey, Kil-
ten crosses crosslet
Don, Donn, or Doon.
Az. a wolf saliant ar. Crest —
larney, descended of the Mabkhams of Kilkenny and Out of a ducal coronet a mount, and thereon a stag standing
Kinsale). Gu. on a chief or, a demi lion of the first betw. at gaze all ppr.

two trefoils slipped ppr. Crest A lion of St. Mark sejant Donald (Conheath, co. Dumfries). Or, an eagle displ. gu.
guard, winged and circled round the head, supporting an armed and membered sa. charged on the breast with a star
Irish harp all or. —
Motto ^Nunquam non paratus. ar. betw. two cross crosslets fitchfie in chief and a crescent

Domett. Az. asaltire wavy betw. two fleurs-de-lis in pale in base of the third. Crest —
A garb ppr. Motto Fac et
and as many mullets in fesse or. spera.
Domington. Paly of four ar. and vert on a chief gu. a Donaldson (Hilton). Or, a two-headed eagle dispL sa.
mascle of the first. surmounted of a lymphad of the second, flagged of the
Dominick (Great MarloW, Bucks granted 1720).
co. ;
Vert third in dexter chief a sinister hand couped also of the third,

three chev. erm. in chief a naval crown betw. two lions' and in the fess point a mullet of the field. Jfo«o— Si Deus
heads erased or. Crest —A stag sejant or, attired gu. gorged vobiscum quis contra nos.
with a naval crown of the last, reposing his dexter foot on an Donaldson (Auchmull, co. Aberdeen). Or, a two-headed
antique shield vert. eagle displ. sa. beaked and membered gu. surmounted of a
Domvile (Broxton, co. Chester, temp. William I.; Oxton lymphad of the second, flagged of the third, in dexter chief a
and Brynsheatb, temp. Henry III. and Lymme, temp. sinister hand couped also of the third, all within a bordure

Edward III., all in same co.). Az. a lion ramp. ar. collared of the last. Crest— A. passion cross gu. Motto —Sub cruce
gu. lux.
DomvUe (Templeogue, co. Dublin, hart., extinct 1768 ; Sir Donaldson (Dean of Guild of Brechin, 1672). Ar.alymphad
Tbohas Domvile, grandson of Gilbebt Domville, Clerk of with oars in action sa. within a bordure wavyaz. Crest^-
the Hanaper and M.P. for Kildare, 1613, who was son of The rudder of a ship ppr. —
Motto Stire steddie.
Domville of Lymme, was created a bart., 1686). Same Donaldson (Physician, Paris, 1680). Or, a lymphad sa.
Arrm.^ Crest—Tvfo Uon's gambs erased and embowed ar. flagged gu. surmounted of a two-headed eagle displ. ppr., a
Domvile (Santry, hart.; Charles Pocklington, son of bordure az. charged with eight pills or. Crest Within two —
Christopher Pocklington, Esq., of Stanton, co. Hunts, by adders disposed orleways a cock crowing ppr. Motto Pru —
Elizabeth Domvile, his wife, sister of Sir Compton Dom- denter vigilo.
second and last bart. of Templeogue, assumed the name
icile, Donaldson (Kinnairdie, Scotland, 1736). Or, a two-headed
of Domvile; his eldest son, Compton Domvile, Esq., of eagle displ. sa. beaked and membered gu. surmounted of a
291 V 2


lymphad of the second, flagged of the third, in dexter chief a slave tied ppr. Crest —A hon ramp. Motto —Omni violentia
sinister hand conned of the last. Ch'est A dexter hand — major.
holding a sword ppr. Motto Aut pax aut helium.— Donelan (Sylane, co. Galway). Same Arms^ Orest, and
Donaldson (Scotland, 1680). Or, a lymphad flagged gu. Motto.
surmounted of an eagle displ. -witla two heads ppr. in base Donemare. Ar. a crescent betw. ten billets or, four, three,,
unde a dolphin naiant also ppr. all within a bordure az. two, and one.
charged with eight quatrefoils ar. Crest A garb vert. — Doneraile, Viscoxint. See St. Leger.

Motto ^Nulli immicua ero. Doneton. Ar. three crosses molinc gu,
Donaldson (London, 1748). Or, a two-headed eagle displ. Donett. Ar. three pairs of barnacles gu. tied or (another,
sa. beaked and membered gu. surmounted of a lymphad of tied of the first).
the second, flagged of the third, in dexter chief a sinister Doney. "Vert a chief erm.
hand couped also of the third, and in sinister chief a salmon Dongran (Reg. Ulster's Office). Gu. three lions pass, in pale-
ppr. Crest —
A hand holding a dagger ppr. Motto Aut — or, holding betw. their forepaws a helmet ppr. quartering
pax aut helium. az. six bezants, three, two, and one, on a chief or, a demi
Donaldson (Edinburgh, 1780). Or, a two-headed eagle lionramp. gu. Crest —A lion pass, resting the dexter paw
displ. beaked and membered gu. surmounted of a
ppr. on a helmet or.
lymphad sa. flagged of the third, in dexter chief a sinister Dong-an. See Ddngan.
hand couped also of the third, a bordure engr. az. CmU— Donliam (Kirtlington, co. Notts Sir John Donham, Kfat,

A dexter hand holding a dagger erect ppr. hilted and pom- Visit. Notts, 1614). Az. on a chief Indented or, a label gu.
meled or. Motto Promptus. — Donham (co. York). Az. a chief indented or.
Donaldson (Major Alex, Donaldson, 76th Foot, 1780). As Donhault (cos. Northampton and Oxford granted 1600).. ;

the last, with an escallop sa. in sinister chief. Orest — Or, a bend az. Crest —A
cherub or.
dexter arm vambraced couped at the shoulder brandishing Donhead. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. a bordure gobonated and

a sword all ppr. Motto In omnia promptus. engr, of the last and az. (another, a bordure engr. gu.).
Donaldson (Bannachra, co. Dumbarton, 1766). Quarterly, Doning-e. Paly of eight or and vert a lion ramp. sa.
1st and 4th, or, a two-headed eagle displ. sa. beaked and Donlngton, or Donyng-ton (co. York). Paly of six ar.
membered gu. surmounted of a lymphad ef the second, and vert on a chief gu. three mascles of the first (another.
flagged of the third, in dexter chief a sinister hand couped of
the last 2nd and 3rd, gu. two arrows in saltire ar. sur-
; Donitliom (co. Cornwall). Gu. achev. or, betw. three
mounted of a fess chequy of the second and first, for Mac- martlets ar. Crest—-A swan with wings endorsed naiant
ADLAT, all within a bordure az. charged with eight buckles in a lake ppr.
or. —
Crest A dexter hand holding a dagger ppr. Motto — Donket. Gu. ten martlets, four, three, two, and one, ar.
Aut pax aut bellum. Donkin (Ripon). Gu. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils in
Donaldson (granted, 1853, to Edwabd Matthews, Esq., of chief and a bugle in base ar. Crest In the sea a ship in
Fitz William Place, Dublin, afterwards Douglas, Isle of Man, distress ppr. Motto —
Disce pati.
on his assuming, by royal licence, the surname of Donald- Donkin. Ar. a cross crosslet sa. a chief gu. Ci-est ^A —
son in lieu of Matthews). Or, an eagle displ. with two leopard couchant ppr.
heads gu. surmounted by a lymphad sa. Crest An eagle's — Donkin (the late Gen. Sir Bufane Shawe Donkin, K.C.B,,.

head erased gu. Motto My hope is constant. &c. *fcc. of Caversham, co. Oxford). Arms same aa Ddncan
Donaldson-Hudson. See Hudson. of Scotland, with a chief embattled of augmentation, charged
Donand, or Donant. Sa a fesse dancett^e or, in chief with an elephant and on a canton a representation of one of
three fleurs-de-lis of the last. Crest— A. savage statant, Sir Rufane's medals. Motto -Tu melioraspera.
wreathed about the middle with leaves ppr. Donnar. Az. a crescent betw. nine billets ar. three, three,
Donay. Vert on a chief erm. a label of five points gu. and three. Crest —
A dexter arm embowed in armour
Donoastell (Willhouse, co. Berks). Az. a fireball or, on ppr. garnished or, holding in the hand ppr. a truncheon
fire ppr. —
Crest ^A buck's head couped or, vulned in the ar.
neck gu. Donne (Mattishall.) Az. a wolf saliant or. Crest—A wolfs
Doncaster (William de Doncasteb, Mayor of Chester, head erased or.
1316-13ia). Ar. a castle triple-towered gu., sometimes Donne (granted 1605). Az. a wolf saliant ar., a chief of the
depicted with a court yard ar. a keep in chief, a gateway in last.
base, and walls at the flanches, with five towers at the Donne. Az. a unicorn couchant ar. armed or, betw. tea
various corners of the building. crosses crosslet of the third.
Doncaster, Gu. two bars ar. and on a canton of the Donne, or Donne (Doune-Raph, and BiidguU, co. Devon;
second the barbican of a castle with two towers sa. heiresses m. Ledeid and Holcomb). Paly of six ar. and az.
Doncaster, Boroug-h and Corporation of (co. York). on a fesse gu. three mullets or.
Gu. the barbican of a castle, having loopholes, gate, and Donnell. See O'Donnell and McDonnell.
portcuUis, with two pointed side towers, on each of the latter Donnell. Ar. two lions respecting each other sa. sup-
a pennon waving ar. and ensigned on the centre of the batr porting a sinister hand gu. betw. three mullets of the

tiement by a royal coronet or. CreH A lion or, sejant upon second.
a cushion erm. holding in its forepaws the staff of a banner Donnell (Reg. Ulster's Office). Ar. on a bend sa. three
ar., the flag az. fringed and tasselled gold, charged with a pheons of the field.
castle as in the arms (but without the crown) skirted by a Donnellan (Ireland). Ar. a fesse betw. three stags' heads
river ppr. and thereon the capital letters DON, sa. Motto — cabossed gu. Crest— A greyhound sejant ar.
Son comfort et hesse His comfort and joy.
; Donnelly, or Donelly (Ireland). Sa. three fleurs-de-lis
Doncaster (co. Berks). Gu. a castle or. ar. Crest^-A church and spire ppr.
Doncaster. Or, six lions ramp. sa. three, two, and Donnelly (Bally Donnelly, co. Tyrone, an old Milesian
one. family, of the line of O'Neill, of Ulster; arms confirmed"
Done (Utkinton, co. Chester; Hereditary Forester of Dela- to Thomas Donnelly, Esq., Capt. H.E.I.C.S,, son of
mere, co. Chester). Az. two bars ar. over all on a bend gu. John Donnelly, Esq., of Blackwater Town, co, Armagh),
three arrows of the second. Crests— l?X-: A buck's head Ar. two lions ramp, combatant, supporting a dexter hand
couped at the shoulders ppr. ; 2nd: Two sheaves of arrows couped appaumee betw. three mullets, two and one gu.
in saltire or, bound together gu. Crest^ granted 1601 — pierced of the field, in base the sea, therein a salmon
horse sa. garnished or. Another Crest A bugle horn sa. — naiant ppr. Crest— A naked arm embowed grasping a
garnished ar. stringed vert. Motto —
Omnia mei dona Dei. straight sword ppr. hilt and pommel or, encircled with a.

Supporters On an ancient seal, in the Visitation of 1580, pointed Irish crown of the lasi. Motto ^Lamh dearg —
two lions guard.; subsequently two hounds ar. eiren.
Done (Flaxyards, Duddon, and Oulton, co. Chester; the Donnelly ("William Donnelly, Esq., C.B., LL.D., late
Oulton branch represented in the female line by Sir Philip Registrar-General, Ireland). Same as last.
Egerton, M.P.). Same Arms. Donningr. Bendy sinister or and vert, a lion ramp. sa.
Done. Vert three fishes haurient sa. Donnington, or Donington. Paly of six ar. and az.
Donegal, Marquess of. See Chichesteb. on a chief gu. three bezants.
Donelan. Ar. three ducal crowns gu. Crest A lion's paw — Donnison. Quarterly, 1st, gu. a sinister hand feeseways
erased, holding a sceptre in pale ppr. couped, holding a cross crosslet fitcheear. ; 2nd, az. alion'
Donelan, alias Donalon (Eeg. Ulster's Office). Ar. ramp, a galley ar.; 4th, sa. a fish ar.
ar.; 3rd, az.
an oak tree eradicated vert. Crest —
On a mound vert a Donnithorne (Colne Lodge, Twickenham, co. Middlesex).
demi lion ramp. or. At. a chev. gu. betw. three Cornish choughs close ppr.
Donelan (HiUswood, co, Galway). At. a tree, thereto a Orest —
^A Cornish chough, as in the arms.


Donnton (Bosek Donnton, Clerk of the Pipe in Ireland Doran (Doransland, co. Wexford; John Dobak, Es^i., at
Fun. Ent. of Philippa, his wife, d. 26 Nov. 1609). Ar. that place, 1641), Per pale ar. and sa. a fess betw. two
three piles, points meeting in hase sa. on each a goat's head boars counterpass. that in chief pass, to the sinister all
erased of the first homed or, quartering ar. semee of cross counterchanged, the fess charged with a mullet gu. Crest —
crosslets az. two organ pipes in saltire gu. garnished or. Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head erased ar. guttee
Sonxiexir, or Donnard. Az. a crescent betw. ten billets de sang.
or. Doran (granted, 1690, by Carney, Ulster, to Daniel Doean,
Donnolan (Fun. Ent. of William Donholan, whose wife Esq.). Per pale erm. and sa. a boar pass, on a chief three
was Jane, dau. of Ralph Golborne, of Chriselton, eo. mullets, all counterchanged. Crest— Oixt of a ducal coronet
Chester, d. in Ireland, 30 Oct.1624). Ar. on a tree eradicated or, a talbot's head gu.
ppr. a martlet sa. in a crescent of t^e field for diff. impaling Dorand. (co. York). Sa. a fesse dancett^e or, the upper
Golborne. points of the fesse fiory of the last.
Donougrh. See McDokoqgh. Dorborne (Reg. Ulster's Office). Or, on a fess gu. three
Donoughmore, Earl of. See Hutchinson. bears' heads couped of the first muzzled sa.
Donovan. See O'Donovan. Dorchester, Baron. See Carleton.
Donovan (Ballymore, co. "Wexford, a branch of the Clan Dorcliester. Or, six lions ramp. sa. three, two, and one.
Loughlin Sept of O'Donovan, co. Cork; represented by Dorcliester, Toivn of (co. Dorset). Gu, on a rock ppr.
EicHARD Donovan, Esq., of Ballymore, D.L.). Ar. issuing a castle triple-towered ar. masoned sa. surmounted by an
from the sinister side of the shield a cubit dexter arm escutcheon of the arms of England and France, quarterly:
vested gu. cuffed of the first, the hand grasping an old on a very ancient seal of the corporation they are repre-
Irish sword, the blade entwined with a serpent all ppr. sented to be gu. three lions pass, guard, in pale. Legend —
Crest— On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a falcon alighting Communitates Burgi de Dorcestrias; on the reverse the bust
ar. tips of wings and tail sa. —
Mottoes Adjuvante Deo in of a man, couped at the neck, regally crowned. Legeyid —
hostes, and Yir super hostem; the latter a translation Caput Domini Edvardi Regis Anglise.
of the slogan or war cry of the Sept, Giolla ar a-namhuid Dore, alias Mabbe
(Burton and Dora, co. Hereford).
a-bn. Per pale az. and gu. three bees or.
Donovan (Framfield Place, co. Sussex). Ar. an arm lying Dora (Wroughton, CO. Wilts; granted 1765). Per pale az. and
fesswise, couped at the elbow and holding a sword erect, en- gu. a bezant betw. three lions ramp. or. Crest —
On a mural
twined round the blade a serpent all ppr. Crest falcon, —A crown ar. an eagle rising purp. beaked and membered or,
wings displ. ppr. ilfo£(o—Adjuvante Deo in hostes. holding in the beak an antique shield, thereon the ancient
Donovan (granted to Sir Henry Donovan, Knt., of Tralee, arms of Dobe, viz., per pale az. and gu. three bees or.
CO. Kerry). Ar. issuing from the sinister side of the shield —
Dore. Same Arms as Dooe. Crest Betw. the horns of a
a dexter cubit arm vested gu. cuffed az. the hand grasping crescent ar. a cross pattee or.
an old Irish sword, the blade entwined with a serpent all ppr. Doreland, or Dryland. Gu. guttee d'eau a fesse
in the dexter chief point a cross crosslet fitchee of the nebulee ar.
second. Crest —A
falcon alighting ppr. in the beak a cross Dorien, or Dorrien. Ar. a bendlet in chief and another
crosslet fitchee gu. —
Motto Adjuvante Deo in hostes. in base az. surmounted by a saltire gu. Crest —
^A demi
Donsell (co. Devon). Gu. a bend ar. a mullet or. savage holding over the dexter shoulder a banner.
DonseU. Gu. a bend ar. betw. three (another, four) crosiers Dorksey (co. Salop). Ar, a lion ramp, az, oppressed with.
or. a bend gobonated or and gu.
Donstable. Ar. a chev. betw. three door staples sa. Dorman. Az. three leopards' faces ar. Crest —A
Donstable. Ar. a chev. betw. three escallops az. paw holding a tilting spear.
Donwike. Or, a chev. sa. Crest —A
dexter band holding Dorman. A2. two bars ar. on a lozenge in fesse sa. a lion''s
a spear all ppr.
tilting head erased or.
Donyn^e (Chichester, temp, Henry VII.). Bendy of six, or Dormay (co. Surrey). Ar. a chev. gu. in chief two parrots
and vert, over all a lion ramp. sa. respectant vert collared or, in base a hurt.
Doo (from the gravestone at St. Mary's Church, Oxford, of Dormer {Saron Dorm£r). A2.. ten billets, four, three, two,
John Doo, Bedel to the University, "Visit. 1574. J. Doo, and one, or, on a chief of the second a demi lion ramp,
Bedel of the Faculty of the Law, son of William and issuant sa. Crest— A
falconer's right-hand glove fessewise
Margaret Doo, of Fineham, co. Norfolk, d. 7 Nov. 1537. ar. thereon perched a falcon, wings inverted also ar. belled
Wood's Fausti). Gu. a bedel's staff ar. betw. three does' heads and beaked or. Supporters—Tv/o falcons, wings inverted
erased or. ar. legged and beaked or, belled gu. Motto— Cio che Dio
Doobel (Faurmour, co. Sussex ;
granted 1695). Sa. a doe vuole io voglio.
pass. betw. three bells ar. Dormer (Lee Grange, co. Bucks, bart., extinct 1726, de-
Deeds. Ar. a chev. betw. three bulls' heads cabossed scended from Petee Doemee, younger brother of Sir Wil-
sa. liam DoEMEB, ancestor of the Lords Dormer). Same ArmSy
Doolan See Cope, of Loughall).
(Ireland. Ar. three &c.
crescents in pale az. betw. two pellets in fess. Oi-est On a — Dormer (Lord Mayor of London, 1541). Same Arm^j &c.,
chapeau az. turned up erm. a crescent or, therefrom issuant a crescent for diff.
a trefoil slipped vert. Dormer (Ascot, co, Bucks). Same Arms and Orest. Another
Door (cos, Cornwall and Devon). Per pale gu. and az. three Crest—A fox pass. ppr. betw. two wings endorsed ar.
stag-beetles, wings extended, or. Crest —A demi tiger az. Dormer (Wing, co. Rutland). Az. ten billets or, four,
crined and tuf&ed or, holding betw. the feet an escallop three, two, and one, on a chief of the second three martlets
gold. of the first.

Dopping-. Or, three piles in point sa. in base as many Dormer (West Wycomb). Az. six billets or, three, two, and
mullets gu. Ci'eai— dove volant az. Another Crest —A demi a chief of the last three martlets sa.
one, on
eagle displ. sa. Dormer (New Rose and Camlin, co. Wexford. Reg. Ped.
Dopping- (Anthony Doppjng, Clerk of the Common Pleas, Ulster's Office, temp. Charles I.). Az. ten billets, four, three,
Feodary of the Province of Leinster, and Examiner of the two, and one or, on a chief of the second a lion ramp, of the
Court of Wards under the Archbishop of Dublin, only son first.

of John Dopping, Esq., of Frampton-upon-Chener, co. Dormer (Reg. Ulster's Office). Same Arms, field gu.
Gloucester, d. in his hoiae in Bride Street, Dublin, 8 July, Dormot. Gu. a fesse dancett^e and in chief three fleurs-de-
1649. Fun. Ent. of his dau. Jane, wife of Thomas Towers, lis ar.

Esq., of Corballis, d. 22 July, 1658). Gu. a chev. erm. in Dom (London). Ar. two bars wavygu. on a chief purp. as
base a plate, a chief chequy ar. and of the field. many eagles' heads erased ppr. Crest—A stag's head erased
Dopping (Keg. Ulster's Office). Same Arms, the chief ppr.
chefluy ar. and az. Crest—A talbot's head couped ar. Domey. Quarterly, or and gu. in chief two cinquefoils, in
collared gu. studded and chained or. base a counterchanged.
trefoil slipped, all
Dopping Dornford Sa. a ram's head ar. armed or.
(co, Cornwall).
(Lotown, co. Westmeath, Reg. Ulster's OfBce,
descended from the marriage of the Right Hon. John Dornford. Gu. a lion ramp, chequy or and az. Oi-est—
DoppiNo, M.P., with Jane, dau. of Thomas Jones, Arch- Two battle axes in saltire endorsed ppr.
bishop of Dublin). Same Arras, d-est A talbot's head
gu. eared ar. collared
— Domhay. Gu. a cross ar. over all a label of five points or.
Dorre, alias Chobbe (quartered by Doemee). Gu, on a
anl chained or.
Dopping-Hepenstal. See Hepenstal. chev. betw. three chub fish naiant ar. three shovellers sa. on
Doran (Ireland). Per pale sa. and ar. a boar pass, counter- a chief dancettee of the second three escallops of the first.
changed, on a chief az. three mullets of the second. CreAt — Dorrell. Gu. a fesse betw. three bulls' heads couped or,
tot of .a4ucal «oronet or, a lion's head ppr. Dorrely. Az- a chev. betw. three muUetB of six points in



chief, one and two, and in base a hedgehog pass, all or. Douglas (William, first Earl of DougUUt and nephew of
Crest —A mullet, as in the arms. '*
Good Sir James," who was slain in Andalusia, on his way
Dorrien (Thomas Dorbien, Esq., Hareafoot, co. Herts). to Palestine with the heart of Robert Bruce). Ar. a man's
At. issuant from a mount in base three trefoils vert, in chief heart gu. on a chief az. three stars of the first.
a ring gu. gemmed of the first. Crest —A
cubit arm erect Douglas (first and second Earls of Douglas, who were also-
ppr. holding in the hand a trefoil slipped vert. Earls of Mar). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, as the last; 2nd and
Sorrien (Smith-Dorbien; exemplified to Robert Algernon 3rd, az. a bend betw. six crosses crosslet fltch^e or, for
Smith, Esq., of Haresfoot, co. Herts, upon his assuming by Mae.
royal licence, 1845, the additional surname of Dobeien). Douglas (AECinBALD, third Earl of Douglas, natural son of
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. issuant from a mount in base " Good Sir James "). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, DonoLAs, as
three trefoils vert, in chief a ring gu. gem ar., for Dobbien; above; 2nd and 3rd, az. a lion ramp, ar. crowned or, for the
2nd and 3rd, or, a cher. cottised sa. betw. three demi grifQns lordship of Galloway; en surtout, az. three stars or, for
couped of the last, the two in chief respecting each other, Murray of Bothwell. Supporters ^Two savages ppr. —
for Smith. Crests — 1st, Dobeien
Issuant from the battle-
: Douglas (Archibald, fifth Earl of Douglas and second Duke^
ments of a tower ar. a dexter arm erect ppr. holding three of Touraine, who at Vemeuil). Quarterly, 1st, az. three
trefoils, as in the arms; 2nd, Smith: An elephant's head France 2nd, Douglas, as the last 3rd,
fleurs-de-lis or, for ; ;

erased or, charged on the neck with three fleurs-de-lis sa. az. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or, for Galloway; 4th, ar. a

Motto ^Preignes haleine tire fort. saltire and chief gu., for Annandale,
Sorringrton (Sir Edwaed Dobeinqton, Knt., m. Mart, Douglas (James, ninth and last Earl of Douglas). Quarterly,
sister of Sir Tristram Beresfoed, first hart, of Coleraine). 1st, Douglas, as above 2nd, sa. fretty or, for the Lordship

Paly of six ar. and vert, on a chief gu. three bezants. of Lauderdale 3rd, az. three stars or, for Mdbeay, of

Dorringrton (co. Gloucester). Per pale erm. and ermines Bothwell; 4th, or, six piles gu. for Bbechin; en surtout, az.
on a chief or, a lion pass. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or, for Galloway. Crest— A wolf
Sorsedly. Or, a lion ramp. gu. sejant ppr. Supporters— Two savages with clubs in their
Dorseley. Or, three bars vert a lion ramp gu. exterior hands ppr.
Dorset, Duke of. See Sackvili^. Douglas (Archibald, third son of the seventh Earl of
Dorset. Sa. three mullets or, a chief ar. Douglas, Earl of Moray, by marriage with the Countess
Dorstell. Or, a chev. sa. betw. three triple-towers gu, Maey Donbab). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, three cushions
Dorthorp. Ar. on a fesse betw. three escallops gu. a fleur- pendent within a double tressure fiory counterflory gu., for
de-lis or. Mobay; 2nd and 3rd, erm. a man's heart gu. in chief az. three
Dortliorpe. Ar. a chev. betw. three escallops gu. mullets ar., for Douglas. C)'est —
A peacock's head issuing
Dotcheu (Wich, co. Worcester). Ar, a chev. gu. fretty or, from a tower ppr. —
Supporter's Two savages with clubs im
betw, three roses of the second, barbed, stalked, and leaved their exterior hands ppr.
vert. Crest —
^A stork's head erased ar. betw. two wings ex- Douglas (Drumlanrig, co. Dumfries, now Marquis of Queens-
panded sa. berry ; descended from Sir William, natural son of James,
Dotson (Heye, co. Cornwall). Ar. a bend engr. az. betw. second Earl of Douglas and Mar, 1633 Earl, 1682 Marquis,
two Cornish choughs ppr. Crest— dexter arm in armour A and 1684 Duke of Queensberry / the dukedom, in virtue of a
ppr. garnished or, holding a scourge with four lashes sa. new patent of 1706, went, in 1810, to the Duke ofEuccleuch,
handle garnished, and the lashes ended with spur-rowels as heir of line). Original Arms: Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
gold. Douglas; 2nd and 3rd, Mab, all within a bordure engr. gu.
Dottin. Gu. three horses' heads erased or. (About 1542, the heart in the Douglas coat is ensigned with
Dottin (Bugle Hall, co. Hants descended from William
; an open crown gu., this being the earliest appearance of the
Dottin, Esq., of Grenada Hall, Barbadoes, Member of the crown in the insignia of any of the Douglas family). Arms,
Assembly and Council of the Island, 1688). Pean, two lions borne by the first marquis in virtue of a royal warrant
pass, in pale per pale or and ar. Cj'est doe trippant ppr.—A Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a man's heart gu. ensigned witti.
charged on the body with three torteaux in fesse. an imperial crown ppr. on a chief az. three stars of the field
Dottou. Sa. (another, az.) a cross engr. erm. 2nd and 3rd, Mab, all within a bordure or, charged with a
Doubleday Middlesex; granted 5 March, 1640). Per
(co. double tressure flory counterfloiy gu. Crest A heart gu. —
fesse indented or and az. two mullets pierced counter- winged and ensigned with an imperial crown or. Motto—

changed. Crest An arm in armour or, resting the gauntlet —
Forward. Supporters Two pegasi ar. winged or.
on a shield az. thereon a mullet pierced gold. Douglas (^ari o/Jfarc/i. The first earl was second son of
Doubler (co. Chester). Az. a cross double parted ar. the third Duke of Queensbe^Ti/, the third earl became fourth
Doublet (Holland). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. three cronels Duke of Queensberry). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, the quartered,
of tilting spears ar. 2nd and 3rd, gu. three battle axes coat of QuEENSBEREY ; 2nd and 3rd, gu. a lion ramp. ar.

placed transversely ar. handles brown. within a bordure of the last, charged with eight roses of the
Doublet. Or, a chev. couched az. first. Crest and Motto, as Duke of Queensberryl Supporters
Doug'al (^Scotland). Ar. a moxmtain vert. Crest A bull's — —Dexter, a pegasus ar winged or ; sinister, a lion ar.

head cabossed ppr. Douglas (Kellhead, co. Dumfries, hart. 1668. The sixth
Dougral (Glenferness, co. Nairn). Ar. a mountain vert, on a bart. succeeded to the Marquisate of Queensberry in 1810)-
chief gu. a cross moline of the field betw. two lozenges vair. Quarterly, Douglas and Mab, all within a bordure engr.

Crest A bull's head cabossed ppr. Motto Stand fast. — gu. charged with eight bezants. Crest A man's heart ppr^ —
Doug'al (Calcutta, 1842). Same Ai-ms, within a bordure erm. powdered with bezants and crowned and winged or. Motto
Same Crest and Motto. —Forward.
Doug^al (Glenferness; registered to Lieut.-Col. Richard Douglas (Cavers, co. Roxburgh ; first of the line, a natural
EoNEr, Adjutant at Jersey, on his assuming by royal licence, son of Jambs, second Earl of Douglas aTid Mar). Ar. a,
12 June, 1871, the surname and arms of Dodgal, known as man's heart gu. on a chief az. three stars ar. within a bor-
DouGAL of Ratho "). Same, as before. dure of the third. Crest—A dexter hand holding a broken
Doug'al! ^Scotscraig, co. Fife). Ar. a mountain vert on a lance in bend ppr. Motto Do or die. — '.

chief az. a fleur-de-lis betw. two acorns or. Ci-est—A lion's Douglas (Friarshaw and Springwood Park, co. Roxburglv
head erased ppr. gorged with an antique crown or. Motto — hart., 1786; the third bart. m. the heiress of Scon, of Bel-
Above the crest: Auxilio Dei; below the shield: Stand ford, and the family now take the name of Scott before
fast. Douglas). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a man's heart gu.
Doughty descended from a Saxon family of
(co. Surrey, imperially crowned or, on a chief az. three mullets or, a
Dohtiy). Ar. two bars betw. three stars of six points bordure nebuly of the fourth 2nd and 3rd, or, on a bend az.

pierced sa. a star of six points betw. two crescents of the first, in dexter
Doughty (Snarford Hall and Boston, co. Lincoln, and chief a sword in pale ppr. Crests 1st, Douglas — A dexter :

Esher, co. Surrey). Ar. two bars betw. three mullets of hand holding a broken lance in bend ppr.; 2nd, Scott; A
aix points sa. pierced or. Crext —
A cubit arm erect, vested lion's head erased ppr. Mottoes 1st. Douglas — Do or die; :

per pale crenellee or and ar. cuffed gold, holding in the hand 2nd, Scott Pro patria.

ppr. a mullet, as in the arms. Douglas (James Douglas, Lieut.-Col., Scots Foot Guards,
Doughty (Theberton Hall, co. Suffolk, originally of Louth, 1696). 1st and 4th, Douglas; 2nd and 3rd, Mab; in the
CO. Lincoln). Ar. two bars betw. as many mullets sa. centre a crescent chequy, and all within a bordure compony
pierced or. Crest^A mullet sa. Motto Palma, non sine — gu. and ar. Crest —
A man's heart gu. crowned and winged
pulvere. or, charged with a crescent chequy. Motto Forward. —
Doughty (Hanworth, co. Norfolk). Or, on a cross patonce Douglas (Earl of Angus, 1389; the first earl, son of
gu. a bezant. William, first Earl of Dffuglas, by Mabgabet Stewaut,
Doughty-TichboriLe. Sec TicHBOENE, Bart. Cov/ntess of Ati^us and Mo>t Marquis of Douglas 16i>3»



Puke of Douglas, 1703 ; Dukedom expired in 1761, when the Angus). Quarterly, as the BeQon^ Marquis of Douglas, with-
Marquisate went to the Ihike of Hamilton, descended from in a bordure ar. charged with eight holly leaves vert. Crest
Lord William Douglas, created Duke of Hamilton for life, imd — A demi savage holding in his right hand a club erected
Amne, Duchess of Hamilton). As home by Archibald "Bell- ppr. Motto —
Fortis et eequus.
the-cat," fifth £ori qf Angus —
Quarterly, 1st, ar. a lion ramp. Douglas {Baron Glenbervie, Ireland ; extinct 1823 ; a cadet
gu., for Angus 2nd, or, a lion ramp. gu. surmounted of a
; of Whiteriggs). Ar. a heart gu. imperially crowned or, on
ribbon sa., for Abebnetht 3rd, erm, three chrevonels gu.,
; a chief az. three mullets of the field.
for LiDDESDALE 4th, sa. fretty or, for Lauderdale; ensur-
; Douglas (Cruixton, co. Forfar; represented by Gen. Sir
tout, ar. a man's heart gu. on a chief az. three stars of the John Douglas, K.C.B.). As Whiteriggs, but the bordure
first, for DoDGLAfl. —
Crest A peacock's head ppr. Sup- engr, Ci-est —
A salamander vert in flames and spouting
liorters —A lady leaning against a tree ppr. and a hart ppr. out fire. Motto —Jamais arrifere.
gorged and chained or, the whole surmounted by a com- Douglas (Garrallan, co. J. Douglas Boswell, of Gar-
partment representing a park enclosed by a wreathed fence rallan, heir of hue). Ar. a heart imperially crowned ppr.
ppr. Ai-ms recorded, 1672, for James, second Marquis of betw. two buckles az. all within a bordure gu. on a chief of

Douglas Quarterly, Ist, az. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or, —
the third three stars of the fleld. C)-est A heart ppr. Motto
for Galloway ^nd, or, a lion ramp. gu. debruised by a
•— ^Fortis et fidelis.
ribbon sa., for Abernethy; 3rd, ar. three piles gu. for Douglas {Earl of Morton, as borne by the first three earls,
Brechin; 4th, or, afess chequy az. and ar. surmounted by descended from Sir James Douglas, of Dalkeith). Ar. on a
a bend sa. charged with three buckles of the field, for chief gu. two stars of the field. Orest—A boar pass. hetw.
Stewart, of Bonkyl; en surtout, ar. a man's heart gu. en- two trees ppr. Supporters^Tv/o savages ppr.
signed with an imperial crown ppr. on a chief az. three stars Douglas {fourth ^aH of Morton, Regent of Scotland, of tho
of the field, for Douglas. Crest —
A salamander vert in Angus branch, and son-in-law of the third earl). Quarterly,
flames and spouting fire. Supporters Standing on a com- — Ist and 4th, as the last 2nd and 3rd, ar. a man's heart gu.

partment within a circle of timber stakes ppr., dexter, a on a chief az. three stars of the field. Crest— A boar ppr. in
savage wreathed head and middle with [laurel, holding a club the cleft of an oak tree fructed vert, with a lock az. holding
all ppr.; sinister, a stag ppr. attired with ten tynes or. the clefts of the tree together. Supporte7's Two savages —
Jfo«o— Jamais arrifere. The first marquis was the first who wreathed head and middle with laurel, each holding a club
crowned the heart in the Douglas coat: his arms differed downwards in his dexter hand. Motto Lock sicker. —
from those of the second in as far as he bore on a base ar. a Douglas (sixth and later Earls of Morton, of the Lochleven
cross counter-embattled sa., for Auchinlece:. branch). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a man's heart gu. on a
DouglSiS (Baron Douglas, 1790, son, according to the decision chief az. three stars of the field ; 2nd and 3rd, ar. three piles
ofthe House of Lords in the famous " Douglas Cause," of gu. on a chief of the last two stars of the first. Crest, Sup-
the sister of the Duke of Douglas^ second wife of Sir J ohn porters, and Motto, as the last.
Stewart, of Grandtully). As recorded for the second Douglas (Longniddry, co. Haddington from a brother of ;

Ma/rgyAs of Douglas, with the addition that the Crest is the first Earl of Morton). Ar. a lion's head erased gu. on a
placed on a ducal coronet surmounted by a chapeau. chief of the last a crescent betw. two stars of the first.
Douglas {Earl of Forfar, 1661-1715. The first earl was Douglas (TilwhiUy, co. Kincardine). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
grandson of the first Marquis of Douglas). Quarterly, 1st ar, a man's heart imperially crowned gu. on a chief az.
and 4th, or, a man's heart gu. imperially crowned ppr. 2nd ; three stars ofthe field 2nd, ar. three piles gu. on a chief of

and 3rd, quarterly, 1st Galloway, 2nd Abeenethy, 3rd the second two stars of the first; 3rd, ar. three mascles sa.
Brecbin, 4th Stewart, of Bonkyl. Crest A salamander in — on a chief of the second as many lions pass, guard, of the
flames ppr. —
Supporters Dexter, a savage wreathed head first, for Ogstoun. Ci-est —
A dexter hand issuing from a
and middle with laurel, holding in his dexter hand a club cloud holding a sword erect ppr. Supporters Two savages —
erect, and having suspended from his neck by a chain of wreathed head and middle with oak, each with a club in his
gold, a man's heart imperially crowned all ppr. sinister, a ; exterior hand resting on his shoulder ppr. Motto God —
hart ppr. attired or, with a collar az. charged with three for us.
stars ar., and suspended therefrom a man's heart ensigned Douglas (Inchmarlo, co. Kincardine). Quarterly, as the
with an imperial crown all ppr. Mottoes Extinctus orior — later Earls of Morton, within a bordure counter-compony or
Jamais arrifere. and sa. Crest— A
dexter hand appearing out of a bush
.Douglas (.^rZ 0/ Selkirk, 1688; descended from successive —
holding an oakleaf ppr. Motto Tandem fit surculus arbor.
younger sons of Lord William Douglas and Anne, Duchess Douglas (Morton, co. Dumfries, and Whittingham, 1772).
of Hamilton). Quarterly, 1st grand quarter, Douglas with Ar. a cinquefoil sa. on a chief gu. two stars of the field.
the crown; 2nd grand quarter, counterquartered, 1st Gal- Crest —
A hand grasping a man's heart ppr. Motto Sicker. —
loway, 2nd Abernetht, 3rd Brechin, 4th Stewart, of Douglas (Francis Brown Douglas, 1860). Ar. a cinque-
Bonkyl; 3rd grand quarter, counterquartered, 1st and 4th, foil sa, within a bordure wavy erm. on a chief gu. two stars
gu. three cmquefoUs erm., for Hamilton, 2nd and 3rd, ar. a of the field. Crest and Motto, as the last.
lymphad, sails furled sa. flagged gu., for Arran; 4th grand Douglas (Fingland, co. Dumfries, 1852). Ar. three piles gu.
quarter, gu. a lion ramp, ar. within a bordure of the second, on a chief of the second two stars of the first, a bordure erm.
charged with eight roses of the fifst, for Dunbar. Crest — charged with three cross crosslets fitch^e sa. Crest ^A —
On a chapeau a salamander in flames ppr. Supporters — man's heart gu. imperially crowned betw. two wings or.
Dexter, a savage wreathed head and middle with laurel, Motto Spero. —
and brandishing a club in his dexter hand all ppr. sinister, Douglas (Earnslaw). Ar. three piles gu. on a chief az. as
an antelope ducally gorged and chained ppr. ilfoiio— Jamais

many stars of the first, a bordure vair. Crest ^A boat in —

arrifere. distress surrounded with clouds and stars shooting through
Douglas {Earl of Dumbarton, 1675 ; first earl a younger son the same all ppr. Motto Durate, —
of the first Marquis of Douglas / title extinct at the death of the Douglas (Kirkness, co. Kinross). Quarterly, as sixth Earl
second earl). Quarterly, 1st, Galloway; 2nd, Abernethy; of Morton, within a bordure az. charged with eight buckles
3rd,Brechin; 4th, Stewart, of Bonkyl; en surtout, Douglas, or. Crest and Motto, as Earl of Morton.
allwithin a bordure, quarterly az. and gu., the first charged Douglas (Mains, co. Dumbarton). Ar. a fess chequy gu.
with three fleurs-de-lis and the last with three lions pass, and of the first betw. three stars in chief az. and a man's
guard, or. Crest —A
peacock ppr. Supporters Dexter, a — heart in base ppr. Crest—An oak tree ppr. JfoMo-Quse
savage wreathed head and middle with laurel, carrying over serrata secura.
his shoulder a club ppr.; a hart ppr. attired or.
sinister, Douglas (Douglas-Support, co. Lanark; as recorded 1832,
Douglas (Glenbervie, co. Kincardine; Sir William for Mrs. Catharine Douglas, wife of General Charles Pye).
Douglas, second son of the fifth Earl of Angus, m. Elizabeth Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a man's heart imperially crowned
AucHiNLECK, heiress of Glenbervie; their son, becoming gu. on a chief az. three stars of the field; 2nd and 3rd, a
ninth ^arZ of A-ngus, Glenbervie was settled on his younger fess chequy gu. and of the first betw. three stars in chief az.
Bon, who was made a hart, in 1625 the last hart. d. 1812,
; and a man's heart in base ppr. over all in the middle chief

and his nephew 'and heir of line, a Mackenzie, took the in an escutcheon ar. a woman trampling a snake under her
designation of Douglas of 'Glenbervie, and was made a bart. feet and supporting in her arms a child covered with laurel
1831). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Douglas ; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a ppr. all within a bordure erm. Crest —
An oak tree with a
cross counterembattled sa., for Auchinleck. lock hanging from one of the branches ppr. Motto Quse —
Douglas (Bridgeford ; from third son of ninth Earl of serrata secura.
Angus). Quarterly, as the second Ma/rquis of Douglas, Douglas (Douglas-Support; as recorded 1871, for D.
within a bordure indented or. Crest —A
dexter hand grasp- CAMPBELL-DouGitAS). Quarterly, 1st, 2nd, and 4th, as the last,
ing a sword erect ppr. Motto
Petit ardua virtus.— vrithout the escutcheon 3rd, counter-quartered as Campbell,

of Blythewood, q.v. Crest and Motto, as the last.

(Whiteriggs ; from half-brother of the ninth Earl of


Douglas (John Douglas, Albany Herald, 1780). Same Visit.London, 1568). Same Arms, a crescent for difT.
Arms as Mains, within a bordure enfrr. vert, charged Crest-^A dove ar. wings sa. charged with a crescent, as in
with eight crescents or. Crest— A. martlet sa. Motto— the arms.
Sursum. Dove (Camberwell, co. Surrey; granted 23 Jan. 1572). Per
DoUirla'S (Bads, co. Linlithgow). Ar. a man's heart pierced chev. az. and vert, three doves ar. beaked and legged gu.
by an arrow gu. on a cliief az. three stars of the field. Motto —
Crest In a chaplet vert, banded or, a dove ppr.
— Sapientia et virtus. Dove. Ar. on a chev. betw. three water bougets sa. a mullet
Doug'las (Cliftonhall). Erm. on a chief az. three stars ar. a of the first. Crest — A dove wings expanded ppr. in the beak

bordure gu. Crest A hand holding a heart ppr. ensigned a branch vert.
with a crescent or. Afo^io—Sleliora speranda. Dove. Az. a cross formee betw. four doves volant ar. beaked
DotLgrlas (Pompherstoun, co. Linlithgow). Erm. on a fess and legged gu.
gu. two mullets ar. betw. two fillets compony ar. and az. Dovedale. Quarterly, ar. and az. a cross recercel6e gu,
DoiLgrlas (Robert Douglas, Bailie of Musselburgh, 1673). fretty or.
Ar. a heart crowned gu. betw. three mullets az. Dover (Boscomh Lodge, co. Hants). Erm. a cinquefoil sa.
Dougrlas (Col. Robert Douglas, C.B., 1829). Ar. a man's on a canton vert a buglehorn or, stringed of the second.
heart ensigned with the crown of Robert Bruce gu., in chief Crest —
Qn a demi tower tripled-towered ar. a demi cocka-
three stars az. all within a bordure embattled of the second. trice, wings expanded vert.

Crest A man's heart ppr. Motto —
Jamais arrifere. Dover, or Dower (co. York). Erm. a cinquefoil pierced
Doug-las (Bruntwood, Cheshire). Ar. a man's heart gu. im- ermines.
perially crowned ppr. within a bordure az. charged with Dover Monastery (co. Kent). Sa. a cross ar. betw. four
three mullets of the first, on a chief sa. as many mascles or. leopards' heads or.
Crest —
A man's heart imperially crowned ppr. and winged Dover, Town of (co. Kent). Sa. » cross ar. betw. four

gu. Motto Forward. leopards' heads or.
Douglas (Castle Douglas, co. Kircudbright, bart., extinct Doveton (granted to Lieut.-Gen. Sir John Doveton,
1809). Az. on a chev. or, betw. two lions counter ramp. ar. G.C.B.). Az. on a chev. or, betw. two doves in chief ar. and
baronially crowned of the second in chief, and in base a an anchor erect in base of the second three roses gu. barbed
lymphad with sails furled, also of the second, three mullets —
and seeded ppr. Crest A dove wings displ, supporting with
of the field on a canton per pale of the second and third, the dexter foot a staff with a pendant all ppr. Supporters —
on the dexter side a human heart ensigned with a regal Dexter, a Sepoy of the Madras Light Cavalry; sinister, a
crown, and on the sinister a thistle leaved and seeded Sepoy of the Madras Light Infantry, both habited and
all ppr. accoutred ppr. and standing at ease.
Douglas (Ireland; Fun. Ent. of Mrs. Douglas, alias Stielino, Dovey (Farmcot, co. Salop). Az. a fesse betw. three doves
d. 18 April, 1664). Erm. on a fess az. three mullets ar. a ar. beaked and legged gu.
crescent for diff. Dow (London). Sa. a fesse dancettee erm. betw. three
Douglas-Comptou, See Compton, 3farquess of North- doves ar.
ampton. Dow (Ardonhall, Scotland). Or, on a mullet sa. a pigeon ar.
Douglas-Pennant {Baron Pmrhyn). See Pennant. Crest—A dove ar. Motto— Futiens.
Douglas (Aeeas Dodglas exemplified ; to Aretas Aeers, Dowall (impaled by Richard Plunkett, Esq., of Gibstown,
Esq., of Chilston Park, Boughton Malherbe, co. Kent, upon temp. James I.). Az. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or.
his assuming, by royal licence, the surname and designation Doway. Gu. on a bend or, a lion pass. sa.
of Douglas, of Baads, May 24, 1875). Ar. a man's heart gu, Dowbiggin. Vair^ or and az. a crescent gu. Crest —
ensigned with an imperial crown ppr. pierced by an arrow reindeer's head cabossed ppr.
fessewise, thepheon towards the dexter also ppr. a chief az. Dowda. See O'Dowda.
thereon three mullets of the field. Dowdall, or Dowdal (London). Ar. five martlets gu.
Douglas (MoNTEATH - Douglas ; exemplified in 1851 to three and two. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet a boar's head
Colonel Thomas Monteath, upon his assuming, by royal and neck collared or.
licence, the additional surname of Douglas). Quarterly, Dowdall (Reg. in Ulster's Office as *'The Red Dowdall
1st and 4th, quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a man's heart gu. en- of Lecall," originally of Oriel, co. Louth). Ar. a fess betw.
signed with an imperial crown or, on a chief az. three mullets three martlets gu. Crest —
A martlet gu. crowned ar.
of the field, a canton of the third for distinction, for Douglas, Dowdall (Smith's Ordinary, Ulster's Office). Same Arm.
of Douglas, 2nd and 3rd, ar. a fess chequy gu. and of the Crest— A dove holding an olive branch in the beak and
first, in chief three mullets az. and in base a man's heart gu., ducally gorged all ppr. Motto —
FideUs usque ad mortem.
for Douglas, of Mains ; 2nd and 3rd, or, a bend chequy az. Dowdall (Mount Town, co. Meath). Same Arms, a crescent
and ar. a bordure gu. a chief embattled of the last, thereon sa. on the fess for diff.
an Eastern crown of the third, the rim inscribed " Ghuznee '* Dowdall (Reg. in Ulster's Office as " The White Dowdall
in letters sa. betw. on the dexter, pendent by a ribbon per of CO. Dublin," originally of Glaspistol, co. Louth). Gu. a
pale vert and of the fourth, a representation of the badge of fess betw. five martlets ar. —
Crest A martlet ar. crowned
the third class of the Dooranee Empire, and on the sinister, or.
pendent from a like ribbon, a representation of the gold Dowdall (Athlumney, co. Meath ; Fxm. Ent. of Edwahd
medal presented to him by the King of Affghanistan for his Dowdall, d. 1629). Same Arms.
services at the siege and capture of the fortress of Ghuznee, Dowdall (Reg. Ulster's Office). Gu. on a fess ar. five

23 July, 1839, for Monteath. Crests 1st, Douglas: On a martlets of the field.
chapeau turned up erm. a salamander in flames ppr. charged Dowdall (Reg. Ulster's Office). Or, a fess betw. five mullets
on the shoulder with a cross crossletor, for distinction, with
the Motto over, Jamais arriere; 2nd: An oak tree fructed Dowde. See O'Dowde.
with a lock hanging from one of the branches all ppr., with Dowde, or O'Dowde (Sligo, Ireland; granted in Ireland,
the Motto, Quae serata secura; 3rd, Monteath: Out of an 14 June, 1608).Vert a saltire or, in chief two swords in
Eastern crown or, the rim charged with three bombs fired, —
pommelled of the second. Crest An arm embowed
cross ar.
an oak tree, the stem transfixed by a sword, pommel and habited in mail, holding in the hand a spear all ppr.
hilt to the dexter all ppr., with the Motto, Viresco. headed ar,
Douglas- Grresley. See Gkeslet. Dowdeswell (Kingham, co. Oxford, and Pull Court, co.
Douin. See O'Dwin. Worcester; Roger Dowdeswell, Esq., son of John Dowdes-
Douse (Fun. Ent. of Mart Douse, wife of Nicholas Fyon, well, of Hill House, Bushley, m. Martha, dau. of Giles
of Dublin, Merchant, buried 8 Oct. 1605). Per fess az. and Blomeb, the grandson and heir of Johanna Ttndais, of
gu. on a fess dancettee ar. three mullets of the first, in chief Pull Court, early in the 17th century). Ar. (another, or) a
a stag's head cabossed, betw. the attires a pheon, and in base fesse wavy betw. six billets sa.
a pheon betw. two escallops all of the third. Dowdeswell (Redmarley, co. Worcester). Same Arms.
Doutliwaite. Or, on a fess betw. four fleurs-de-lis gu. Dowdeswell (Hare Street, co. Essex). Ar. a fesse wavy

two others of the first, d-est On a rock ppr. a fleur-de-lis per betw. six billets sa. Crest— Two hands issuing from clouds,
pale or and gu. wrenching the trunk of a tree asunder ppr.
Dovant. Gu. a fesse dancettde three fleurs-de-lis in chief —
Dowding. Az. a fleur-de-lis or. Crest A Catharine wheel
ar. az.
Dove (East Bransboth, co. Suffolk). Sa. a fesse dancett6e Dowding (Fun. Ent. of Mart Dowding, wife of Thomas
erm. betw. three doves close ar. beaked and legged gu. Belino, buried at Swords, co. Dublin, 7 Jan. 1596). Ar.
Crest —
On a tower ar. a dove wings expanded ppr. a chev. betw. three Cornish choughs gu. as many fleurs-de-
Dove (Stradbroke, co. Suffolk; Robert Dove, citizen of lis or.

London, second son of Henry Dove, of the former place. Dowding (Drogheda and Dublin; Fun. Ent. of Mrs. Down-


ING, alias Moore, buried at St. Katherine's Church, Dublin, Downes (quartered by Mitford, through Osbaldebton and
28 May, 1656). Az. on a chev. betw. three Cornish choughs Wentworth. Coll. Arms. Lon.). Same Arms.
ar. as many fleurs-de-lis sa. in chief a staff ragul^e in pale Downes. Sa.a buck springing ar. attired or.
or. Downes. Vert a buck couchant ar. Crest A buck's head—
Dowell. Ar. a lion ramp.' sa. a bordure engr. gu. Crest — erased ppr.
hon's head erased sa. Downes (quartered by Dennis, of Orleigh, co. Devon.
Dower, or Door (co. Worcester). Per pale gu. and az. Visit. 1620). Ar. on a bend cotised sa. three cinque-
three cinquefoils or. . foils or.
Dowers. £rm. a cinquefoil ermines. Downes (Shrigley, co. Chester). Ancient Arms Sa. a stag —
Dowes (co. Essex). Or, on a bend betw. two lions ramp. lodged ar. a bordure or, semde of quatrefoils sa. Lattr
az. three martlets (another, doves) ar. —
Anns The same without the border.
Dowett (co. Stafford), Ar. a lion ramp, and a bordure az. Downes (Taxall, co Chester; derived from Robert de
Dowie (Wimbledon, co. Surrey). Az. three quatrefoils Downes, temp. King John). Same Arms.
chevronwise betw. as many doves or. Ci-est The trunk of — Downes (Wardley, co. Lancaster). Same ^rms. Ores€—A
a tree eradicated fesswise, and sprouting to the dexter ppr., stag's head erased gu. armed or.
Burmounted by a dove volant, holding in the beak a sprig of Downes. Or, on a bend betw. two. lions ramp. sa. three
olive also ppr. and gorged with a collar gemel or. martlets ar.
Dowine. Az. a fesse engr. betw. three boars' heads erased Dow^nes. Ar. a buglehorn sa.
or. Crest —
A dexter hand holding a dagger ppr. Motto — Downes (Panter-Downes, Edward Downes Pantee-
Hold fast. DowNEs, Esq., R.N.). Sa. a stag lodged ar. attired and
Dowker. Ar. a bull's head erased gu. Crest— Out of a unguled or.
ducal coronet sa. a plume of five ostrich feathers ar. Downfield. Ar. on a cross (another, a saltire) betw. four
Dowley (Eeg. Ulster's OfBce). Gu. a buck's head cabossed mullets az. a crescent of the field. Crest cock ppi*. —A
benflwaya ar. attired or, betw. two bendlets of the last. Motto — ^Virtute et labore.
Dowling (Kilkenny; granted. 5 Aug. 1662, by St. George, Downliam. Az. on a
erm. three mascles gu.
Ulster, to MoRTAGH Dowling, Esq., of that county). Ar. a Downing- (East Cambridge, hart., extinct
Hatley, co.
holly tree eradicated ppr. on a chief engr. az. a lion pass, 1764). Barry of ten and
vert, over all a griffin segreant
betw, two trefoils slipped or. Crests A lion's head erased az. or. Crest —
An arm embowed in armour, tied round the
gorged with two bars or. wrist with a bow ar. holding in the hand ppr. a broad ari'ow
Dowling:. Same Arms. Crest—Out of a mural coronet a or, feathered and headed of ttie first.
dexter arm vested, holding a sword waved. Downing^ (Ballintoy Castle, Ireland descended from CoL ;

Dowman (co. York). Az. on a fesse dancettee or, three Adam Downing, 2nd brother of Sir George Downing, 1st
martlets sa. Crest —
On a mural coronet a bunch of seven bart. of East Hatley). Same Arms and Crest.
arrows banded gu. Downing (Fun. Ent. of John Downing, buried at St. Wer-
Dowmau (Shakespeare Street, Manchester). Same Arms burgh's Church, Dublin, 30 Sept. 1617). Same Arms.
and Crest. Downing- (co. Norfolk). Same Arms. Crest —A bear's head
Dowmau (co. York). Az. on a fesse dancettee ar. betw. three couped in fesse.
garbs or, as many birds of the field, merabered gu. Downing- (Pynest, co. Essex). Gu. a fesse vair betw. two
Dowmau (co. York). Az. on a fesse dancettee or, three lions pass, guard, erm. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet a
martlets of the field. swan or.
Down (HalliwichManor House, Colney Hatch, co. Middle- Downing College. Cambridg-e (granted, 1801). Barry
sex, descended from Down, of Devon). Same Arms as of eight ar. and segreant or, within a bordure
vert, a griffin
DowNE, of East Downe. az. charged with eight roses of the first, seeded and barbed
Down and Connor, See of. Az. two keys indorsed in ppr. Motto— Qfi-SBTere verum.
saltire or, suppressed by a lamb in fesse ar. Downznan. Quarterly vert and ar. in the first and fourth
Downam (co. York). Az. on a fesse dancettee betw. eight quarters a fleur-de-lis of the last. Ci-est A hand holding a —
garbs or, banded gu. three grouse of the field, beaked and lancet ppr.
membered of the third. Downroy. Sa. a cross or, betw. four bezants.
Downdale, Dovedale, or Doovedale. Ar. a cross Downs. Gu. a stag's head cabossed ar. attired or. Crest —
moline gu. Out of a tower ar. a demi lion ramp. gu. holding a battle-axe
Downe, Visconnt. See Dawnat. ppr.
Downe (East Downe, Tutshill, Barnstaple, co. Devon ; the Downs. Ar. three palets gu. Crest A wolfs head erased —
last heir male, Henry Downb, d. 1805, leaving an only dau., ppr. charged on the neck with a mullet ar.
wife of Robert Borton, Admiral R. N.). Gu. a buck's head DoTvnshire, Marquis of. See Hill.
cabossed erm. attired or. Downton (Downton, co Hereford). Ar. two organpipes go.
Downe (John Downe, Esq., of Pilton, co. Devon, grandson betw. seven crosses crosslet az.
Richard Downe, descended from Downe, of East Downe,
of Downton (Sandhurst, co. Kent). Ar. on a chief dancettee
same county. Visit. 1620). Same Arms, a mullet for diff. az. three goats' heads erased of the field.
Downe, or Doon (London). Az. a unicorn courant ar. Downton (Alderton, co. Salop). Ar. three piles sa. on each,
betw. ten crosses crosslet or. a goat's head erased of the first, attired or. Crest ^A dexter —
Downe (Cobham, co. Surrey). Az. three bulls' heads hand holding up a savage's head transfixed with a sword in


couped or, ducally crowned ar. Crest A sea-lion erect gu. pale all ppr.
guttee d'or. Downton. Ar. three piles az. on each a goat's head couped
Downe. Or, semee of escallops gu. Ci'est—An arm of the field, attired or.
vested ar. cuffed or, hand ppr. holding a crescent gold Downton. Gu. a bend betw. two mullets erm.
flamant. Dowriclie (Dowriche, co. Devon). Ar. a bend betw. two
Downe. Az. a wolf saliant ar. langued or, armed gu. cotises sa. a bordure engr. of the second.
Downe, or Downes. Az. a buck lodged ar. charged on Dowrish (Thomas Doweish, Esq., of Dowrish, co. Devon;
the shoulder with a mullet sa. descended from Nicholas Dowrish, living 41 Henry III.,

Downe (quartered by Skevington, of Skevington, co. Lei- 1256. Visit, 162C). Ar. a bend cotised sa. a label of three
cester. Az. a bend or, charged in dexter
Visit. 1619). points and a border engr. of the last.
chief withan annulet gu. Dowrisll. Ar. two bends with a label and bordure, as tha
Downehall, or Downhall (London, Oxford, and Ged- last.
dington, co. Northampton). Or, a bend dancettee sa. Dowrisll. Ar. a chev. betw. three hinds' heads gu.
Downer. Gu. a chev. or. Orest Two hands conjoined in — Dowse (Broughton, co. Hants). Or, a chev. chequy ar. and
fesse, winged at the wrist. az. betw. three greyhounds courant sa. collared gu.
Downer, Gu. a chev. or, betw. three peacocks ar. Same Dowse (Collingborn, co. Wilts). Az. a sun ar. issuing from
Crest. a crescent or.
Downes, Baron. SeeBoEOH. Dowsing" (co. Norfolk). Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three escallops
Downes (Downes, co. Chester). Sa. a buck lodged ar. az. Crest— A squirrel sejant cracking a nut ppr.
Crest—A buck, as in the arms. Dowson. Az. abend or, surmounted by a fesse ar. Crest^
Bownes (Evenwood, co. Durham). Same Arms, in the A lion ramp, per fesse or and gu.
sinister chief quarter a cinquefoil of the last for diff. Dox, or Doxey. Vert three sea-breams (or hakes)
Downes, or Downs
(Debnam, and Great Melton, co. —
haurient ar. Crest A demi savage with a quiver of arrows
Suffolk). Ar. three palets wavy gu. a mullet for diff. Crest at his back, holding in the dexter hand three arrows in
—A wolf's head ar. charged with a mullet. pale, and with the sinister pointing to an imperial crown,
Downes (Beg. Ulster's Office). Same Arms* all ppr.



Boxat (co. Essex). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, two dolphins Duston, CO. Northampton, tenii:). Henry III.). Gn. three bucks'
haurient addorsed az. crowned of the last; 2nd and 3rd, sa. heads; and sometimes (but only in the times of Edward I,
a demi Hon ramp, issuant from the base, double queued and II.) one buck's head cabossed ar.
ar. D'Oyly (Pondhall, in Hadleigh Parish, co. Suffolk, and of
Doxat (Clare, co. Hants). Same Arms. Crest Out of a — London, tem-p. Henry VI. to Henry VIII,, being the Lytt-
ducal coronet or, a demi lion ramp, double queued ar. church branch of the family above named, which settled in
13oxey. Or, a lion ramp. az. oppressed with a bend gu. Suffolk on marrying the heiress of Legat). Gu. three bucks'"
Doyle (Island of Guernsey, bart., extinct 1834; Sir John —
heads cabossed ar. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, two-
DoTLE, G.C.B., 4th son of Charles Doyle, Esq., of Brambles- wings erect sa. bezant^e. Motto— Do no yll, quoth
town, CO. Kilkenny, Col. 87th regt., Governor of Charlemont, D'Oylle.
was so created 1825, d. unm.). Ar. three stags' heads erased D'Oyly (Shottisham, co. Norfolk, D'Oyly Hall, co. Hants,
gu. within a bordure compony or and az. on a canton sa. bart., settled in Norfolk about 1558, on inheriting the estates
a palm branch in bend sinister, and under it the word Egtpt, of the Whytes of Shottisham). Same Arms^ Crest, and Motto-
both gold. Crest—1st : A Mameluke on horseback at full till the late Sir John Hadley D'Oyly, Bart., altered his crest

speed, in the act of throwing a djirid all ppr. ; 2nd : Out of to " out of a ducal coronet or, two wings erect ar., resting
an eastern crown or, a stag's head gu. attired gold, charged on the centre strawberry leaf of the coronet an estoile of six
on the neck with a mullet of eight points, within an in- points ar."
crescent ar. —
Supporters Dexter, a light infantry man D'Oyly (London, 1725-1761, Bermondsey, co. Surrey, 1768
of the 87th regt., or Royal Irish, leaning on hia musket with Westminster, 1788, Newton and Rothwell, near Wakefield,
fixed bayonet all ppr. ; sinister, a dragoon of the 12th regt. CO. York, 1789, Sion Hill, in the North RidiDH of the same
holding in the exterior hand a tri-coloured flag, thereon the county, 1799-1820, and the East Indies, 1824 to 1842). Samfr

word Ltbia. Motto Forcitudine vincit. AnnSy Crest, and Motto before the alteration in the crest by
Doyle (bart^. Ar. three bucks' heads erased ppr. within a Sir John Hadley D'Oyly, Bart.

bordure compony or and az. Crest Out of a ducal coronet D'Oyly (Toftrees and Barrow Apton, co. Norfolk; descended,
or, a buck's head, as in the arms. —
Motto Fortitudine from D'Oyly of Shottisham). Same Arms, Crest, and Motto
vincit. as D'Oyly of Shottisham, before the alteration of the crest-
Doyle (granted, 1815, to Sir John Milley Dotle, Knt., by Sir John Hadley D'Oyly.
Lieut-Col. in the Army, &c., &ic.). Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. D'Oyly (Overbury Hall, co. Suffolk, Dedham, co. Essex,
three stags* heads erased gu. attired or, a representation of and Hadleigh, co. Suffolk; descended from Thomas, second
the golden cross with two clasps (presented to him by the son of Sir Henby D'Oyly, of Pondhall, eo. Suffolk, temp.
King, in testimony of the royal approbation of his dis- Henry VIII.). Same Airens, Crest, and Motto as D'Oyly of
tinguished military services in Spain and Portugal), pendent Pondhall.
from the centre chief by a crimson ribbon fimbriated purple Doyne. See O'Doinn.
betw. a representation of a Badge of a Member of the Doyne (Wells, co. Wexford. Charles Mebvyn Doyne, Esq.,.
Turkish Order of the Crescent, and a representation of a of Wells arms confirmed to his grandfather, Robert Doymb,

Badge of a Knight Commander of the Portuguese Order of Esq., of the same place, descended from Robert Doyne, Lord
the Tower and Sword, all within a border counter compony Chief Justice of Common Pleas in Ireland, son and heir of

or and az. Crest Out of a ducal crown or, a stag's head Michael Doyne, d. 1654, second son and eventual heir of
gu. attired ar. charged on the neck with the golden cross, as Michael Doyne, Esq., of Knockirney, who was brother and
in the arms. Motto —
Fortitudine vincit. heir of Henry Doyne, eldest son of Teioe O'Dotnb, of
Doyle (Arklow, co. Wicklow; Fun. Ent. of James Dotle, of Dublin, son of Teige O'Doyne, eldest son of Teige O'Doynb,
tihat place, buried in the parish church of Arklow, Aug. The O'Doinn, Chief of Hy Regan, Queen's co., 1590),
1638, grandson of Owen Dotle, of the same place). Ar. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. a fesse dancettee betw. three
three bucks' heads erased gu. attired or, within a border escallops ar., for Doyne 2nd and 3rd, az. an eagle displ. or.,
compony counter compony of the last and az. Crest — for O'Doyne. Crests — ;

1st: A demi eagle rising ppr. 2nd; ;

buck's head couped gu. attired ar. ducally gorged or. A holly bush ppr. in front thereof a lizard pass. or. Motto^
Doyle, orDoyley(co. Noi-folli). Gu. three bucks' heads Mullach a boo (Victory for the Duns, or the inhabitants of

cabossed ar. (another, or). Crest Out of a mural crown ar. the bills).
an arm embowed ppr. vested sa. cufCed of the first, holding a Doyne (Kilcavan, Queen's co. Fun. Ent. of John Doyne, ;

spear of the second. of that place, d. 18 December, 1636, son and heir of Terence
Doyle (co. Suffolk). Gu. three bucks' heads ar. Doyne, of the same place, who was brother to "The Teigdb
Doyle. Gu. three stags' heads ar. attired or. O'Doyne," Chief of Hy Regan, 1590). Az. an eagle displ. or, a
Doyle. Ar. a fesse dancett^e betw. three crescents gu. crescent for diff.
D'Oyly (anciently De Oiglii, De Oilly, and De Otly, Barons Doynelmore (co. Wilts, temp. Edward I.). Barry of
Doilly of Hocknaton, co. Oxford, and of Oxford Castle, tff>np. four indented ar. and az. a fess gu. a label of five
Henry 1.). Az. two bends or. This coat was assumed by the points or.
Abbey of Openey, in Oxfordshire, founded by Robert de Oyly Draffen (granted to Joseph Wright Draffen, Esq., of
in 1129. Connaught Terrace, Hyde Park, London, formerly of the
D'Oyly (Pushill, co. Oxford, flourished from the time of City of Dublin). Az. a fleur-de-lis or, betw. two lions ramp,
Henry II. to 1435). Or, two bends az. ar. on a chief of the third three muUets gu. Crest— OvX of a
D'Oyly (Greenland and Marlow, co. Bucks, temp. Henry VII., ducal coronet or, a demi-lion ramp. gu. gorged with a chaplet
afterwards of Chislehampton, co. Oxford, descended from of trefoils ppr. supporting a spear, thereon a banner of the
D'Oyly, of Pushill, same co., bart., extinct. Visit. Oxford, second, charged with a fleur-de-hs, as in the arms; in an
1634). Same.(4rms. —
Crest A demi dragon ppr. escroU over the crest, " Lesmahagow." Motto Per —
D'Oyly (Merton, Moreton, Mereton, or Marton, and of Ad- ardua surgo.
derbttry, co. Oxford ; descended from D'Oyly of Greenland. Drage (City of Ely; granted 1757). Or, on a pale gu. betw,
Visit. Rutland, 1618). Same .<4rms. Sometimes this family two eagles displ. az. three fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest A demi —
bore the bends gu. to distinguish themselves from the eagle displ. per pale or and gu. the dexter wing charged
Greenland and Chislehampton family. with a fleur-de-lis of the last, the sinister with one of tlie
D'Oyly (Palmoor, or Parmoor, in Hambleden parish, co. first. —
Motto Invidia major.
Bucks, Hulcomb, and Stadham or Stodham, co. Oxford de- ; Dragroner, or Drayner (co. Middlesex). Sa. afessebetir.
scended from William, second son of John D'Oyly, of Green-
land,by the co-heiressjof Moke of Burfield). Same Arms and
three helmets ar. barred or.
Crest —A pheon sa.
(Otterfcon, co. Devon. Roger Le Dbak held lands ia
Crest as D'Oyly of Greenland and Chislehampton. The that county, 31 Edward I., 1303). Ar. a wyvern wings dispU
family have nevertheless sometimes reversed colours, and and tail nowed gu.
borne az. two bends or. Drake (Ashe, co. Devon, bart., Mctinct 1733. JoHNUsASBr
D'Oyly (Kandy, in Ceylon, bart., extinct 1824). ^r7?ia(bome Esq., of Otterton and Exmouth, m. temp. Henry V., Chris-
under a modem grant from the College of Arms to the late tiana, dau. and heir of John Bili^t, Esq., of Ashe; his
Sir John D'Oyly, of Ceylon, bart.)— Or, two bends az. betw. descendant, Sir John Dbake, Knt., of Ashe, was created a
them two fleurs-de-lis sa. bart. 1660). Same Ai-m.s. Crest— A. dexter arm erect couped
D'Oyly (Raunton, co. Stafford, tem/p. Edw. I., afterwards of at the elbow ppr. holding a battle axe sa. jlfo«o—Aquila dob
Stoke-Doyley, Northamptonshire, and also of Lyttchurch, capiat muscas.
CO. Derby, temp. Edward II. to Henry IV. Descended from Drake (Barnstaple, co. Devon ; represented by Captain Jobs
D'Oyly of Pushill (previously of Hocknaton), co. Oxford, Mervyn Cutliffe Drake, Royal Engineers, Knight of tbe
hut changed its coat-armour, assuming that of De Dunston Medjidie, descended from Henby Drake, Mayor of Barn-
or Ddston, on marryinc the eldest of the co-heiresses of Sir staple, 1679, brother of Sir John Drake, first bart. of
William de Dunston, Lord of Raunton, co. Stafford, and Same Arms, Crest, and Motto.
; ;


Drake (Sir William Bichahd Drake, Knt., F.S.A., Knight fesse wavy betw. the two pole-stars ar.jfor Drake; 2nd, gu.on
Comm. Lazzaro and of the
Italian Orders of SS. Maurizio e a bend a baton az. on a chief the arms of Gibraltar, viz.,
Corona d'ltalia, Knight of the Austrian Order of the Iron az. betw. two pillars a castle ar. from the gate a golden key
Crown, and Member of the Turkish Order of the Medjidie, pendent, the words "Pius ultra" inscribed under, for
2nd Class, grandson of Henby Dbaee, Esq., of Barnstaple, by Elliott; 3rd, ar. three barrulets and a canton gu., for
Ann, sister of Sir James Haultn, Bart.). Same as Drake —
Fuller. Crests 1st, Dbake: A ship under reef, drawu'
of AJhe. round a terrestrial globe with a cable rope, by a hand out
Drake (Shardeloes, co. Bucks, bart., extinct 1660; de- of the clouds, and on an escroll the words "Auxilio>
scended from BiCBABD Dbaeg, youngest son of John Drake, divino;" 2nd, Ellioti': A dexter hand in armour couped
Esq., of Ashe, tenvp. Henry VIII.)- Same as Dbaee of Ashe. above the wrist, grasping a scimitar all ppr., the wrist charged
Drake (Ttkwhytt-Dbake, of Shardeloes, descended from with a key sa. 3rd, Fuller: Out of a ducal coronet gu. a

Fbancis Dbake, Esq., of Walton-on-Thames, brother of Sir lion's head ar. Mottoes —
Fortiter et recte; Sic parvis
William Drake, Bart., of Shardeloes). Same Arms, quar- magna; Per ardua.
tering gu. three lapwings or, for Tybwhitt. Crests 1st, — Drake, or Drakes (Withercomb, co. Devon, Norfolk, and
Drake: Same as last; 2nd, Tybwhitt: A savage ppr. Byegate, co. Surrey). Arms, as Dbake, of Ashe. Crest—A.
wreathed about the waist and temples vert, holding over the wivern with wings endorsed ar. Anotlier Crest —
A naked
dexter shoulder a club or. arm erect ppr. holding a battle-axe sa. headed ar.
Drake (Exmouth, co. Devon. Visit. 1620). Same as Drake Drake, or Drakes (Essex). Gu. a fesse cotised betw..
of Ashe. two frets or.
Drake (Hertford, co. Devon. Visit. 1620). Same as Drake Drake (Hardley, co. Norfolk). Az. a wivern with wings-
of Ashe. displ. or. Crest —
A reindeer's head couped or. Another
Drake (Slalpas, co. Chester). Same
of Ashe.
as Drake Crest— A reindeer's head erased or, ducally gorged and
Drake (Drakerath and Boriston, co. Meatb; an ancient attired sa.
family long settled in that county, springing from Dbake, Drake. Ar. a wivern with wings endorsed gu. betw. twO'
of CO. Devon. Bicbabd Dbake, Esq., of Drakeratb, flaunches of the last.
was High Sheri£F co. Meath, 9 Bichard II., 1385). Same Drake. Ar. a chev. purp. betw. three battle axes, the edges

Arms as Drake of Ashe. Crest A wyvern of the arms. to the sinister side sa. Crest —
An arm bent ar. thereon two
Motto ^Virtus vera nobilitas. bendlets wavy gu. supporting a battle axe, staff sa. head o£
Drake (Deane-Dbake ; exemplified to John Deane, Esq., of the first.
Stokestown, co. Wexford —eldest son of Joseph Deane, Drakeford (co. Stafford). Ar. a chev. betw. three eagles
Esq., by Sarah, and
sister sole heiress of Geobge Dbake, displ. sa.
Esq., of Stokestown, and dau. of John Drake, Esq., who Drakeley. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three drakes' heads eraeed-
was grandson of John Drake, Esq., of Stokestown, the son az.
of Bogee Drake, descended from Drake of Ashe, co. Devon, Drakelow, or Dracelow (co. Essex). Ar. a chev. gu.
who got a grant of Stokestown, temp. Charles II. upon his — betw. three griffins' heads erased sa. Crest— A demi man-
taking the additional name and arms of Dbake, by royal in frock coat and hat, holding in the dexter hand an ox-yoke
licence, in 1853, on succeeding to the property of his imcle). ppr.
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. a fess wavy ar. betw. two stars of Drakelow (co. Essex). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three drakes'
sis points or, for Drake ; 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a chev. gu. heads erased of the second, beaked az.
betw. three Cornish choughs sa. beaked and legged gu. as Drakelow. Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three hawks' heads
many crosses pattee ar,, for Deane. Crests— 1st: dexter A erased sa. as many crescents of the field.
arm in armour embowed grasping a pole-axe all ppr., for Drane. Ar. a lion ramp, ppr, in chief three muUets gu.
Dbake; 2nd: A tortoise displ. ppr., for Deane. Motto — Crest —
A demi lion ramp. ppr.
Sic parvis magna. Dranfield (co. Norfolk). Ar. three palets gu.
Drake (granted, 20 June, 1581, by Cooke, Clarenceux, to Sir Dransfield (co. Essex, and Stobbed Waldiug, co York).
FBANcia Dbake, Knt., the celebrated navigator, temp. Queen Paly of six sa. and ar. on a bend gu. three mullets or.
EUzabeth). Sa. a fess wavy betw. the two pole stars Crest— A sword in pale enfiled with a Turk's head all ppr.
ar. Crest —
A ship under reef drawn round a terrestrial Drans£.eld. Paly of six sa. and ar. on a bend gu. three
globe with a cable by a hand out of the clouds all ppr. cinquefoils or.
Mottoes—Oyer the crest: AuxiUo divino ; under the arms: Dransfield. Ar, two bars sa. on a bend gu. three-
Sic parvis magna. " Such was the worth (saith Guillim) of this mullets or.
moat generous and renowned knight. Sir Francis Dbake, as Draper (Major-General Sir William Dbafeb, installed K.B.,
that his merits do require that his coat armour should be 15 June, 1772). Ar. on a fesse engr. betw. three annulets
expressed in that selected manner of blazoning that is gu, as many covered cups or. Crest —
A stag's head gu. at--
fitting to noble personages, in respect of his noble courage tired or, charged on the neck with a fesse betw. three annu-
and high attempts achieved, whereby he merited to be lets gold. Jkfo£(o— Vicit, pepercit.
reckoned the honour of our nation, and of the naval Draper (cos. Bedford, Middlesex, and Oxford). Same Arms.
profession." The most important achievement of Drake's Crest—A tiger's head vert tufted or, pierced through the
eventful career was his voyage round the world, ac- neck with an arrow of the last.
complished within three years, and to this the blazonry of Draper (Great Marlow, co. Bucks). Gu. three bends or, a
the armorial bearings alludes. On Drake's return, in 1581, chief per fesse erm. and ar. in chief three fleurs-de-Us sa.
the Queen visited his ship and knighted him. The applica- Crest—A camel's head erm. bridled or, maned sa.
tion of the heraldic ensigns is well explained in the verses, Draper (Melton Mowbray, co. Leicester, and co. Nottingham).
made at the period of the royal visit by the scholars of At. on a fesse betw. three annulets gu. a mullet of the
Winchester College, and nailed to the mainmast of the ship field betw. two covered cups or. Crest —
A cubit arm erect
" Drake, pererrati quem novit terminus orbis, vested vert cuffed and puffed ar. holding in the hand ppr^
Quemque simul mundi vidit uterque Polus a covered cup or.
Si taceant homines, facient te sidera notum. Draper (co. Leicester). Ar. on two chev. betw. three
Sol nescit comitia non memor esse sui ". escallops sa. six martlets or.
Drake (Buckland, co. Devon, bart., extinct 1794. Francis Draper (Loudon; granted 1618). Gu. four bendlets or, on,
Dbake, son of Thomas Drakb, the brother of Sir Francis a chief perfessc ar. and erm. three fleurs-de-lis sa. Orest—A
Drake the navigator, was created a bart 1622), Same stag's head gu. gorged with a fesse betw. two gemelles ar.
Arms, Crest, and Mottoes. charged with a fleur-de-hs sa.
Drake (Prospect, co. Devon, bart., extinct ; Francis Samoel Draper (granted by Camden, Clarenceux, 1613, to Draper, of
Drake, youngest son of the fourth bart. of Buckland, was Stroud Green, CO. Middlesex). Same .^rms. Cresi— A buck's
created a bart. 1782, d. s. p. 1789). Same Arms^ Crest, and head couped gu. gorged with a fess ar. thereon three fleurs-
Mottoes. de-lis sa.
Brake (Fdlleb-Elliott-Drake, Bart., Nutwell Court, co. Draper (Bronlow and Walton, co. Salop). Bendy of eight
Devon. Thomas Tbayton Fuller, son of John Tbayton gu. and vert three fleurs-de-lis or.
FcLLER, Esq., of Ashdown, co. Sussex, by Hon. Anne Draper (Lord Mayor of London, 1567, Sir Chbistopheb
Elliott, his wife, only dau. of George Augustus, first lord Draper. Visit. London, 1568). Ar. on a fess betw. three
HeathJUld, and Anne Pallexfen Drake, his wife, only sister annulets gu. a mullet of the field betw. two covered cups or.
of Sir Francis Henby Dbake,
fifth and last bart. of Buck- Another coat quartered by the same in the second quarter,
land, having succeeded, on the
death of his uncle, Francis, ar. on two chevrons betw. three escallops sa. six martlets
•econd Zoj-ti HeathJUld, to the Buckland and other estates, or, quartering also Aucher and Ebswick.
afisumed the additional names of Elliott and Drake, and Draper (London). Ar. on a fesse engr. gu. betw. thrfn
was created a bart. 1821). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. a torteaux a mullet betw. two covered cups of the field.


Draper (Colebrook, co. Middlesex; confirmed Oct. 1571). U Drayton, or Draton. Erm. two bars gu. in chief a
Or, on a fesse betw. three annulets gu. as many covered demi ramp, (another, pass.) of the second.
cups of the field. Drayton, Ar. two bars gu. and in. chief a demi lion ramp.
Draper (Newcastle). Az. a chev. erminois betw. three of the second issuant.
mullets of six points or. Crest— A cubit arm erect vested Drayton (co. Salop). Gu. two bars ar.
erm. holding in the hand ppr. a mullet, as in the arms. Drayton. Ar. a cross engr. gu.
Draper. Ar. on a fesse betw. two roses gu. an annulet of Drayton (co. Warwiclc, borne by Michael Drayton the
the first betw. as many covered cups or. poet). Az. guttee d'eau a Pegasus ppr. Crest On a sun iu —
Draper (Flintham, co. Notts, and London; Thomas Draper splendour ppr. a Mercury's cap vert winged ar,
of the former, and his kinsman, Vincent Draper, of the Dreant. Ar. a chev. betw. three billets gu.
latter, descended from Jobn Draper, of Flintham, temp. Dreeland (co. Kent). Gu. a fesse embattled betw, eleven
Henry IV. Visit. Notts, 1614). Ar. on a fess betw. three goats ar. four, four, two and one.
annulets gu. as many covered cups or. Crest cubit arm—A Dreet (co. Hereford). Ar. a saltire engr. az. a, bordure
erect habited vert slashed and cuffed ar. holding in the hand engr. or.
ppr. a covered cup or. Dreg-horn (Ruchhill, Scotland, 1763). Gu. on a fesse ar.
Draper, Gu. two bends or, on each three fleurs-de-lis- betw. two garbs in chief or, and an antique plough in base
vert. of the last three trefoils vert. Crest—A horse feeding in
Draunfield (co. Stafford). Paly of sixar. on a
sa. and —
some growing corn ppr. Motto TJtitur ante qusesitis.
bend gu. three mullets or. Drever (Orkney, 1809), Or, on a chev. az. betw. three grif-
Drax (cos. Somerset and York; confirmed 1561). Chequy or fin's heads erased gu. as many roses ar. barbed vert. Crest
and az. on a chief gu. three ostricli feathers in plume issuant — An eagle rising reguard. holding in the beak a pomegra-
of the first. Crest— A derai dragon with wings endorsed or, nate all ppr.
out of his mouth a scroll with this Motto Mort en droit. — Drew (cos. Cornwall and York). Erm. (another, or) a chev.

Another Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, au eagle's head sa. cotised gu. betw. three birds az.
ppr. Drew, or Drewe and Higham, alias Norton, co.
Drax (Hackney, co. Middlesex; Sir James Drax, son of Sir Devon, Broxbourne, co. Hertford, and co. Wilts). Erm. a
James Drax, Knt., of London, eon of William Drax, of lion pass. gu. —
Crest A bull's head erased sa. armed or, in
Coventry, whose father was Vicar of Stoneley, co. "Warwick, the mouth three ears of wheat gold.
and came from co. York. Visit. Middlesex, 1665, and Le Drew (Drew's Court, co. Limerick; descended from co.
Neve's Knights). Same Arms. Crest—A demi dragon or. —
Devon). Same Arjns. Crest A bull's head erased sa. in the

Motto ^Mort en droit. mouth three ears of wheat or. Motto Drogo nomen et —
Drax (Sibsey, co. Lincoln, and of the Island of Barbadoes). virtus arma dedit.
Same Anns. Drew (Heathfield Towers, co. Cork). Same Arms, Creit^ and
Drax (Sawhridge - Erle - Drax, Charborough. Park, co. Motto.
Dorset, and EUerton Abbey, co. York; Sarah Francis Drew (South Broom, co. Wilts). Erm. a bull pass. gu.
Drax, only dau. and heiress of Edward Drax, Esq., of within a bordure gobonated or and az. Crest A lion's head —
Charborough, m. Richard Grosvenor, M.P. for West Looe, erased gu. gorged with a collar gobony or and az.
who assumed the additional name of Erle-Drax; their only Drew (1426). Gu. on a chev. ar. three roses of the field
dau. and eventual heiress, Jane Frances, m. 1828, John seeded and barbed ppr.
Samuel Wanlet Sawbridge, Esq., who thereupon assumed Drew. Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three roses or, five mullets
the names and arms of Erle-Drax). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, of the first.
same Amis, for Drax; 2nd, gu. three escallops ar. abordure Drew. Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three cinquefoils or, five
engr. of the last, for Erle; 3rd, or, two bars az. each mullets az.
charged with a barrulet dancettee ar. a chief indented of the Drew. Chequy or and az. a bordure engr, gu.
second, for Sawbridge. Crests —
1st: A demi wivern or, for Drew. Or, a chev- sa. cotised gu. betw. three birds az.
Drax; 2nd: A demi lion ramp. az. holding in the paw Drew. Gu. a saltire erm.
a handsaw erect or, for Sawbridge. Motto Mort en — Drew. Sa. two swords in saltire ar. hilted or, betw. four
droit. fleurs-de-lis of the last.
Drax (co. York). Gu. five fusils in fesse and a label of three Dreward, or Dryware. Sa. three roundles per cross
points az. ar. and gu.
Drax, Priory (co. York). Ar. on a fesse gu. luEtw. three Drewe Sharpham, and the Grange, Broad-
drakes ppr. a rose or. hembury, co. allowed to Sir Edward Drewe, Knt.,
Devon ;

Draycote (Draycote, co. Stafford). Paly of six ar. and gu. of Kyllerton, by Cooke, Clarenceux, 1593). Erm, a lion
a bend erm. —
pass gu. Crest On a mount vert a roebuck saliant or.
Draycote Paly of six ar. and sa. a
(Losco, co. Derby). Drewe. Ar. three roses gu. Crest—T^o arms from the

bend erm. Crest A dragon's head erased gu. scaled or. shoulder couped in saltire ppr. vested ar. each holding a
Draycote (Marlenton, Fun. Ent of Mary Draycote, wife scimetar in pale of the first.
of Richard Colman, Remembrancer of the Exchequer in Drewe. Or, a chev. Ba. cotised gu. betw. three moorcoclu
Ireland, d. 26 Aug. 1625). Or, three piles, points meeting in of the second.
base gu over all a bend erm. Drewell. Quarterly ar. and sa.
Draycott, or Dracot (coa. Derby and Stafford). Paly of Drewell (co. Bucks). Same Ar^ns,'m the first quarter a
six or and gu. over all a bend erm. Crest A dragon's — —
crescent gu. for diff. Crest ^A dexter arm erabowed vested
head erased gu. (another, couped vert). or, cuffed gu. the hand ppr. holding a covered cup gold.
Draycott (co. Stafford). Or, fretty gu. on a canton az. a Drewell (quartered by Carleton, of Brightwell Baldwin, co.
cross patonce ar. Oxford. Visit. 1574). Same Arm^, 2nd quarter gu,
Draycott (co. Suffolk). Ar. a cross engr. betw. four eagles Drewett (Jarrow Hall, co. Durham; exempUfied to Thomas
displ. gu. Drewett Brown, Esq., upon his assuming, by royal licence,
Draycott (co. Wilts). Ar. a cross engr. sa. in the first 1867, the name and arms of Drewett instead of those of
quarter an eagle displ. gu. Brown). Ar. on a chev. nebuly betwi three fleurs-de-lis go.
Drayner (Cranbrooke and Smarden, co. Kent). Sa. a fesse a rose of the field betw. two wreaths of palm ppr. Oreit--
nebulee betw. three close helmets ar. plumed or Crest — In front of two palm branches saltierwise ppr. a fleur-de-lis
lion sejant ar. holding in the gambs a broken tilting spear
of the last. Drewry (cos. Essex and Suffolk). Ar. on a chief vert two
Drayton (co. Norfolk). Per pale indented gu. and az. a mullets pierced or. Crest —
A greyhound courant ar.
lion ramp. or. Drewry. See Drdry.
Drayton (co. Norfolk). Gu. on a chev. ar. (another, or) Drewry (Brampton, co. Suffolk). Az. a chev. betw. three
three roses az. birds ar. beaked and legged gu. Crest—A plume of five
Drayton (co. Wilts). Az. a bend betw. six crosses crosslet feathers ar. the middle one enfiling a sword ppr. hilt, pom-
fitchee or. mel, and blade or.
Drayton (in Hasley House, co. Oxford. Visit. 1574. Im- Drewry (Watergate, co. Sussex). Ar. on a chief vert tffo
paled by Barrentine). Same Arms. mullets or. Crest —
A greyhound courant, collared or.
Drayton. Gu. on a chev. ar. three crosses crosslet fitchee Drewry. Same Arms, a canton gu. charged with a bezant
of the first. Crest —
A dexter hand couped at the wrist ppr. pierced through with two arrows in saltire of the third for
holding a cross crosslet fitchee gu. diff.

Drayton. Per pale indented az. and gu. a lion ramp. or. Driby, or Dryby (Tateshull, co. Lincohi, 34 Edward I.)-
C}-est —
An eagle's leg couped, the thigh az. and leg or. Ar. three cinquefoils and a canton gu.
Drayton. Gu. on a bend ar. five trefoils slipped vert. Driffield. Ar. a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased sa.
A '


Driley, or Drill, Or, on a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis the shoulder, holding a broadsword in the hand til ppr;
gu. as many fleurs-de-lis of the first. —
Motto Nil timeo,
Drindall (Reg. Ulster's Office). Or, a fess betw. three mart- Drununond (Viscount Stratliallan).
Quarterly, Ut and
lets sa. 4th, or, three bars wavy gu. ; 2nd and 3rd, or, a lion's head
Dring". Ar. a lion pass. gu. surmounted by a pale az. erased within a double tressure flory counterflory gu.
Cfrest— On a chapeau a phoenix in flames all ppr. —
Crest A goshawk with wings displ. ppr. armed, jessed, and
Drinkwater {Salford, co. Lancaster). Per pale gu. and belled or. Supporters —
Two savages, wreathed head and"
az. on a fesse wavy ar. betw. three garbs or, as many billets middle with ivy, with clubs on their shoulders ppr. Motto —
of the second. Crest—Three ears of wheat, two in saltire and Prius mori quam fidem fallere.
one in pale, or, enflled with a ducal coronet gold. Motto— Druumioud (Cromlix and Innerpeffry, co, Perth). The
Lahore omnia florent. same quartered coat within a bordure gu. Same Crest.
Drinkwater (Shrewsbury). Same Attiis, Crest, and Motto. Motto —Lord have mercy.
Drinkwater (In^-ell House, co. Lancaster). Same Arms Drumzuond (Kiccarton). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, three
and Cfrest. Motto—^Ne quid nimis. bars wavy gu. within a bordure az. ; 2nd and 3rd, ar a lion-
Drinkwater (Dublin and Chester ; Fxm. Ent. of Nathaniel ramp, az., for Ceichton. Crest— A lion ramp. az. Motto-^
Deinkwateb, Alderman of Dublin, d. 16 Jan. 1653, son of Dum spiro spero.
Peter Drinkwateb, Mayor of Chester, buried betw. the Druiamoud (Kildies). Or, three bars wavy gu. a bordure-
aisles of St. Nicholas Church). Sa. a cross invectedbetw. four az. charged with eight mullets ar. Crest— A garland of laurel
griffins' heads erased or. ppr. —
Motto Si recte facies.
Drisdale (Reg. Ulster's Office, 1684, to Rev. Hugh Deisdalb, Drummond (Strageath, co. Perth). As the last, only three
Archdeacon and Vicar-General of Ossory). Erm. a saltire mullets, in fess point a crescent ar. for diff. Crest dexter —A
8a. on a chief az. three estoiles or. Cresi—Within a chaplet arm in armom- from the shoulder embowed, the hand bare,
or, a thistle shpped vert. —
Motto ^Non solum pane. holding a faulchion ppr. Jl^oKo— Caute sed intrepide.
DriscoU. See O'Driscoll. Drummond (Bellyclone, co. Perth). Or, three bars wavy-
Driver. Per pale gu. and or, a saltire counterchanged. gu. surmounted by a naked man in pale naiant gras|)ing in
Crest— A heart gu. winged or. the dexter hand a sword, and having his sinister hand and-
Drochford. Quarterly, or and az. four roses counter-
feet in action all ppr. Crest— A dexter hand holding a spear
changed. ppr. Motto —
Per mare per terras.
Droeheda, Marquess of. See Moore. Drum.mond (luvermay, co. Perth). Or, three bars wavy
Droitwich, Town of (co. Worcester). On the corporation —
gu. on a canton ar. a fountain az. Crest A hand holding a^
seal, viz., a sword of state paleways, point downwards, sur- flaming heart erect ppr. Jl^oHo—Loyal au mort.
mounted of two lions liass. impaling, quarterly, 1st and 4th, Drumjnond (CultmaUndie, co. Perth). Or, three bars wavy
chequy ar. and sa. ; 2nd and 3rd, gu. two harrows or. gu. in fess point a man's heart counterchanged. Crest —
Legend— SigHium commune ville Wytche: the seal of the hand grasping a man's heart ppr. Motto Cum corde. —
statute marchant of the town of Droitwich is, chequy ar. Drumm.oiid (Colquhalzie, co. Perth). Or, three bars wavy
and sa. impaling gu. two harrows or. —
gu. in chief as many stars az. Crest A rock surmounted of
Drokensford (co. Essex ; quartered by the D'Otlts, of —
a turtle dove ppr. Motto Sto mobilis.
Shottisham and the East Indies, through Legat and Mande- Drumm.ond (lilair, co. Perth, now represented by George

tilue). Or, six eagles displ. three, two, and one. This was HoRNE Drummond, of Blair Drummond, as heir of line).
originally the coat of Tarry, whose heiress m. Deokensford. Or, three bars wavy gu. each charged with an escallop of the
Dromer. Az. ten (another, three) billets or, four, three, field. Crest —
A nest of young ravens ppr. Motto Domiaus — -

two, and one, a chief of the last. providebit.

Drom^oule (Fun. Ent. of Thomas Deomgoule, some time Drummond (Hawthornden, co. Edinburgh, 1672). Or, three
Sheriff of Duhhn, d. 25 July, 1614). Az. oa a fess engr. bars wavy gu. within a bordure of the last. Orest A Pegasus —
betw. three eagles displ. or, as many lozenges gu. Crest ppr. mancd and winged or. Motto Hos gloria reddit —
(Beg. Ulster's Office). —An estoile rayed or. honores.
Dromoie, See of (ancient, Ralph Lambert, Bishop, 1717). Drtimm.ond (Hawthornden, 1823). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
Ar. two keys in saltire bows down gu. depressed by an open as the last; 2nd and 3rd, az. three bears' heads ar. muzzled
Bible ppr. garnished and clasped or, betw, two crosses patt6e gu., for Forbes. Same Crest Supporters Two
and Motto. —
fitchee in pale sa. savages wreathed head and middle with laurel, holding clubs
Dromore, See of (modem, Henry Madle, 1731). Ar. over their shoulders ppr.
semfe of trefoils slipped vert, a cross patt€e gu. on a chief Drumm.ond (Walker-Drdmmond, of Hawthornden, bart.,
az. the sun ppr. 1826). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, counterchanged as the last;
Dronesfield. Barry of four ar. and sa. a bend gu. 2nd and 3rd, ar. three pallets gu. surmoxmted of a saltire
Drope (co. Huntingdon, and London). Ar. guttee de poix, counterchanged having thereon a heart ppr. on a chief engiv
on a chief gu. a lion pass, guard, of the first az. a crescent betw. two mullets of the first, for Walker^
Drope (Lord Mayor of London, 1477). Same Arms. Crest, Motto, and Supporters, as the last.
Droug'ht. Az. a fesse or, in chief three garbs of the last. Drummond (Williams-Drummond, of Hawthornden, bart.,
Crest—A stag guard, under a tree ppr. as now borne). As the last, but subsiituting for Walker, in
Drought (granted to Geobge Meares Deought, Esq., of the 3rd quarter, ar. a lion ramp. sa. head, paws, and tuft of
WiUsborough, co. Wicklow, and of Belmont, King's co.). the tail of the field, for Williams. Same Crest, Motto, and
Or, a chev. vert betw, three wolves* heads erased gu. Supporters.
Crest—A rainbow issuant from clouds ppr. Motto Semper — Drummond (Midhope, co. Perth). Or, three bars wavy gu.
sitaens. within a bordure of the last charged with eight crescents of
Drought (Whigsborough, King's co.). Same Arms, &c.

the first. Crest ^Three stars chevronways or. Motto—AH
Droug'ht (Glencarrig, co. Wicklow). Same Arms, &c. astra per ardua.
Drowell. Ar. a crescent gu. * Dr-ummond (Concraig, co. Perth). Per fess wavy or and gu.
Drownsfield. Gu. a chevronel embattled counterembattled Crest —Two arms ppr. drawing an arrow to the head in a-
delate reversed or. bow or. —
Motto ^Marte et arte. Supporters—'De:Lter, a
Druce (Fulham, co. Middlesex, 1616). Chequy or and az. savage, wreathed head and middle with oak, holding on his

a bordure engr. gn. Crest An arm embowed in armour, dexter shoulder a club ppr. ; sinister, a knight armed at all
the hand grasping a scimitar all ppr. points, the visor of his helmet up, a spear resting in his
Druitt (Ireland). Gu. a bar or, surmounted by a staff raguly sinister arm ppr.
ar. in pale. Crest— Ovit of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five Drummond (Meggmch). Per fess wavy or and gu. in chief
ostrich feathers ar. banded gu. a lion ramp, of the last. Same Crest and Motto: or, since
Drumbenog (Maynerch, lord of Brecknock). Sa. a chev. 1846, the plain coat, with supporters of Concbaig.
betw. three spears' heads ar. embrued gu. Drummond (Sir Gordon Drummond, G.G.B., 1816). Per
Drumgoole. Ar. on a fesse indented gu. betw. three eagles fess wavy or and gu. in chief a martlet sa. Crest —Issuing
displ. ppr. as many mascles of the first, out of a mural crown two arms drawing an arrow in a bow
I>rummond {Lord Drummond, Earl of Perth, attainted all ppr. Motto—l&sijXe et arte.
1715, restored 1853). Or, three bars wavy
a ducal crown a sleuthbound ppr. collared and leashed ga.
gu. —On
Crest Drummond
Dragoon Guards,
(Lieut. Francis G. BEEEsroRD-DRUMMOND, 7tb-
Quarterly, 1st, 2nd, and 4th, as
Supporters—Tvo savages with clubs over their shoiUders, Viscount Stratliallan: 3rd, ar. semee of cross crosslets fitchije
wreathed head and middle with oak, and standing on a three fleurs-de-lis sa. within a bordure wavy erm., for Beres-
compartment of caltraps az. Motto Gang warily. — FORD. Crest —Afalcon lising, hooded, jessed, and belled ppr.
Drummoud (Logic Almond, co. Perth). Or, three bars wavy charged on the breast with a mullet or. Motto Lord have —
gu. within a bordure of the last. Crest—A dexter arm from mercy.


'IDrum.mond (Heathcote-Drummond exemplified
; to from a Scotch family of that name). Erra. a saltire sa. on
Clementina Elizabeth Heathcote, relict of Gilbert, first —
a chief az. three estoiles or. Crest A thistle ppr. within a
Lord Aveland, now Baroness Willoughbi/ d'Ereshy in her own chaplet or.
right, upon her assuming the additional surname of Dkum- Dryton. Ar. on a bend az. three plates.
UOND, 16 Nov. 1870), Or, three bars wavy gu. on an escut- Dryton. Ar. on a bend az. three water bougets or, a cres-
cheon of pretence over the arms of Heathcote. cent of the second.
IDrummond (Marchmont Herald). As Drummond, within a Drywood (Dunton, co. Essex). Or, a lion pass, guard, sa.
hordure gu. charged with eight Cornish choushs ppr. betw. three Cornish choughs ppr. Crest A greyhound's —
Ch-est —
A garb or, thereon a Cornish chough feeding ppr. head per pale or and gu. collared az. betw. two wings
Motto— "E-x. hoc vivo. counterchanged.
J^ruxumond (Sir George Drummond, Provost of Edinburgh). Drywood (Shipston, co. Essex). Or, a Uon pass. sa.
As Drummond, a martlet betw. two crescents gu.
in chief —
betw. three acorns vert. Crest An oak branch fructed ppr.
Crest — —
A pheon or. Motto Consequitur quodcunque petit. Dualston. Ar. on a fesse sa. three garbs or.
^IDrummond (Carlowrie). As Dkummond, a mullet sur- Duane (Lincoln's Inn, London). Erm. a cat pass, and in

mounted of an annulet for diff. Crest ^A dexter hand holding chief two crescents sa. Crest —
A wolfs head erased ppr.

a curling stone. Motto Have at all, Duane (Ireland). See O'Duana,
Drummond (Pitkellony). As Drummond, in chief a boar's Dutober (Beackworth, co. Surrey; granted 1623). Lozengy

head erased gu. Crest A sword and garb saltireways ppr. or and az. on a bend gu. three crescents ar. Crest— Out of
.Drumson. Az. a chev. betw. three flags displ. ar. Crest— a mural coronet gu. two wings expanded ar. each charged

A dexter hand holding a battle axe ppr. Motto Spectemur with a bend of the first, thereon three crescents of the
agendo. second.
Drury (co. Oxford). Ar. on a chev. vert two mullets or. Duberly (Dingestow, co. Monmouth; granted 1766). Vert
Driiry. Ar. on a chief vert two mullets pierced or. Crest — on a fesse betw. two garbs in chief or, and a sickle in base
A greyhound courant ppr. collared or. Motto Cave ut — ar. handled of the second an arrow barways gu. headed and
comprehendas. flighted of the third betw. two estoiles az. Crest— A dexter
I>rury. See Drewbt. arm embowed ppr. holding in the hand three ears of
Drury (Thurston Kougham, co. Suffolk, Colne, co. Hunting- wheat or.
ton; descended from John de Drdry, son and heir of one Duberley (Gaines Hall, co. Huntingdon). Same ArmsaM
of the companions in arms of the Conqueror). Ar. on a chief Crest. Motto — Ees non verba.
Tert a cross tau betw. two mullets pierced or. The original Duberly, or Duberley. Same Arms. Crest — ^A cock
coat was without the cross tau, which was added by Nicholas holding in the beak a trefoil ppr,
DE Drurt, who went with John of Gaunt, Duke of La-nr,asier, Dubisson. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three gannets aa. Crest
into Spain, and thence to the Holy Land. Crest— A grey- —A gannet sa.
hound courant ar. Du Bisson. Same Arms. Crest —On a chapeau a gannet
Drury (Hawsted, co. Suffolk). Same ^rms, without the cross sa. Motto— T^H impossibile.
tail. Dublin, Arcbbishopric of. Az. an episcopalstaff ar. en-
Dmry (Kiddlesworth, co, Norfolk, hart., created 1627, signed with a cross pattee or, surmounted by a pall of the
extinct 1712), Same Arjns. second edged and fringed gold, charged with five crosses
Drilry (Overstone, co. Northampton, hart., created 1739, formee fltch^e sa,
extinct 1759). Same Arms. Dublin, University of. Quarterly, az. and erm. in the
3>rury (Leighhn, co. Carlow; Thomas Drurt, Esq., of that firstquarter a book open ppr, clasped or, and in the fourt)x
place, from the Fun. Ent, of his dau. Kathebine, wife of quarter a castle of two towers ar. flammant ppr. over all in
Eight Hon. Sir John King, Kut., of Abbey Boyle, co. Eos- the centre point the harp of Ireland ensigned with the
common). Ar. a bordure gu. on a chief vert a cross tau or, royal crown-
betw, two mullets of the first. Dublin, City of. Az. three castles ar. flammant ppr.
^rury (Knightstone, in Ottery, co. Devon, originally of —
Motto Obedientia civium urbis felicitas.
Eougham, co, Suffolk, and subsequently of Lesiate, co. Nor- Dublin, College of Physicians (granted by St. George,
folk). Ar, on a chief vert t\vo mullets pierced or. Crest— Ulster, 1667). Per fess ar. and az. in the middle chief a
greyhound courant ppr. collared or. Motto— T^on sine celestial hand issuing out of clouds, feeling the pulse of a
causH. terrestial hand all ppr, in base the royal harp of Ireland.
Dmry (Shotover Park, co. Oxford; descended from Rev. Du Bois. Ar, a canton gu. over ail a bend sa. Crest—
George Drdrt, youngest son of Eichard Drury, Esq., of falcon close ppr. belled or.
Colne, High Sheriff of the cos. Cambridge and Huntingdon, Du Bois de Ferrieres (Hardwick Hall, co. Monmouth).
1676). Same Arms, Crest, and Motto. Quarterly, Ist and 4th, the quartered coat of Do Bois, of
Drwylierst. Erm. three escallops or. Holland, belonging to the Dutch title of baron; 2nd and
Dry (Lincoln's Inn, London, and Fischurst, co. Sussex). Or, 3rd, erm. three horseshoes az. nailed or, on a chief indented
a chev. az. guttee d'or, betw. three herons ppr. gu. two swords in saltire ppr. pommels and hilts gold, for
Dry. Az. a chev. ar. in chief a swan in base a quatrefoil —
De i'ERRiERES. Crest Upon a rock a raven ppr. holding in
stalked and leaved of the second. the dexter claw a sword also ppr. pommel and hilt gold.
Dryburg:. Sa. three martlets in fesse ar. —
Motto Tout par et pour Dieu,
Dryby. Ar. three cinquefoils and a canton gu. DuOoys (London; granted 1634). Ar. a lion ramp. gu. on
Dryden (Canons Ashby, co. Northampton, Dart., created the shoulder a mullet. —A wheel or.
1619, extinct 1670, Of this family was John Drtden the Du Jioulay (Donhead Hall, co. Wilts). Ar. a fesse wavy
poet). Az. a lion ramp, and in chief a sphere betw. two gu. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet or, a dog's head collared.
estoiles or. Crest —A demi lion or, sustaining in the dexter Motto —
Sempre fidele.
paw a sphere, as in the arms, Ducane. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. ducally crowned or, chargct!

Dryden (Ambrosden, co. Oxford, and Canons Ashby, on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped vert.
CO. Northampton, bart, John Torner, Esq., m. Eliza- Du Cane (Braxted Park, co. Essex; granted 1730). Ar.a
beth, niece and heiress of the seventh and last bart. lionramp. sa. ducally crowned or, on a canton az. a chev. oi
of Canons Ashby; he assumed the name of Drtden the third betw. two acorns slipped and erect gu. Ci'est —
1791, and was created a bart. 1795). Same Arms and demi lion ramp. sa. ducally crowned or, supporting with the
Crest. paws aa anchor erect gold,
Dryfield. Az. a chev. betw. three acorns pendent or, Ducarel (Lambeth, co. Surrey). Ar. three lozenges gK.
slipped vert. Crest—A cock gu.
J)ryland (co. Kant). Gu. guttle d'eau a fesse wavy Ducat. Ar. three serpents gliding fesseways in pale az.

ar. Ducbe, or Ducbet. Gu. ten martlets or, four, three,

.Dryland (co. Norfolk). Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three two, and one.
mullets or, as many crosses crosslet fitchfie sa. Crest — Ducbefield (co. Chester). Az. three pineapples or.
demi man in a military habit, holding a banner displ. gu. Ducie, Earl of. See Moreton.
charged with a cross ar. Ducie (London, and Wittenhall, co. Stafford, bart., extinct
Dryland. Gu. on a ch^v. ar. betw. three garbs of the 1703; granted by Camden, Clarenceux, 1622, to Robebt
second as many crosses crosslet fitchee sa. DuciE, Alderman of London, .Lord Mayor 1631, createdabart.
Dryland. Ar. guttee de sang a fesse wavy gii. 1629). Or, a fesse vair betw. three cinquefoils gu. Crest—

Drysdale (Scotland). Ar. a saltire az. betw. four crosses sea lion the forepart or, tail ar, supporting with the dext«r
moline gu. and a chief of the second. paw an anchor az. fluke gold,
Drysdale (granted, 1684, by Carney, Ulster, to Eev. Hugh Ducie. Or, two lions pass, guard, gu, Crest—Same asthe
DavsDALE, D.D,, Oxon, Ar.^hdiacon of Ossory, descended preceding.


3uck (co. Devon, and Hemsky, co. Norfolk). Or, three Beechwood, co, Hants). Ar. a cross pointed sa, surmounted
heads erased gu. on a chief of the last as many mullets
lions' by a like cross or, in chief two gryphons' heads erased, each
of the first. Crest— On a mount vert a ftilcon az. wings surmounting four spear-heads conjoined in saltire ppr.
expanded or, beaked and legged of the last. C]-est —
A gryphon's head erased, and surmounting four
Suck (Heavitree, co. Devon granted to Nicholas Duck, of
; spear-heads conjoined, as in the arms.
Lincoln's Imi, by Camden, Clarenceux, 1602). Or, on a Ducy (Tortworth, co. Gloucester). Or, two lions pass, guard.
fesse wavy sa. three lozenges of the field. Orest An anchor — gu.
erector, around it a snake entwined ppr. Duddington (Southhousc, co. Edinburgh). Gu. a chev.
J)uck (Haswell-on-the-Hill, co. Durham, bart., extinct 1691). betw. three crosses pattee ar.
AfesB betw. three buckles, Dudding^ston (Sandfoord, Scotland). Gu. a chev. ar. betw.
.Suck. Az. three chaplets ar. a chief indented of the three crosses crosslet fitchde or. Oi-est A greyhoxmd's head —
last. couped ppr. Motto Reereat et alit.—
Duck. Ar. on a fesse sa. three mascles or. Dudley {Duke of Nortkuvibej-land, descended fi'om Sir John
Ducke Or, on a
(Lincoln's Inn; confirmed 23 Jime, 1602). Sutton, fourth Lord Dudley, whose second son, John, assumed
fesse wavy three mascles of the field.
sa. the name of Dudley ; bis grandson created Earl of Warwick
Duckenfield (co. Chester). Ar. a cross pointed (another, 1547, and raised to the dukedom 1551, attainted 1553). Or,

wavy) voided sa. Crest ^A tower embattled, thereon a flag . a lion ramp. az. double queued vert.
displ. or. Dudley {Earl of Warwick ; the eldest surviving son of the
Duckenfield (Reg. Ulster's OfBce). Same Arins. Crest— attainted duke was so created 1561, extinct 1689). Same
Out of a diical coronet or, an arm erect vested, the hand Artns.
back affrontee ppr. holding the sun in splendour gold. Dudley (Earl of Leicester ; Eobeut Dddlet, younger son of
.Suckenfield (cos. Devon and Lancaster). Ar. a cross the attainted duke, was so created 1561, extinct 1588).
wavy voided sa. Same Arms.
Duckenfield. Sa. a chev. betw. three crescents or. Crest — Dudley (Willingham House, co. Cambridge, bart.). Sa. on
A demi huntsman holding over the dexter shoulder a a fesse ar. betw. two lions pass, in chief and a sinister hand
ploughshare all ppr. bendways couped at the wrist in base or, a buck courant gu.
.SuckezLfield. Same ArTns, the chev. charged with three Crest —
A buck's head erased ar. attired sa. the neck trans-
crosses crosslet of the field. pierced with an arrow barbed and flighted ppr. and gorged
.Ducket (Steeple-Morden, co. Cambridge). Sa. an orle of with a collar gu. pendent therefrom an escutcheon of the
martlets or. second, charged with a hand, as in the arms.
DuckQ); (co.Devon). Sa. a cross betw. four martlets or. Dudley (cos. Berks and Buckingham). Az. a chev. engr.
Ducket (Lord Mayor of London, 1572). Sa. a saltire ar. voided or.
.Ducket (London and co. Wilts). Same Arms. Crest — Dudley (Clapton, co. Northampton, bart., extinct 1764). Az.
garb of lavender vert fiowered az. banded or, a crescent for a chev. or, betw. three lions' heads erased ar. Crest On a —
diff. on the arms and crest. ducal coronet or, a woman's head with a helmet thereon,
.Ducket. Quarterly, ar. and sa. a bend gu. hair dishevelled, throat latch loose ppr. The Dudleys, of
!Duckett (Hartham House, Wilts, bart.). Quarterly, Ist and Clapton, descended from the marriage of Dudley, of Clapton,
4th, sa. a saltire ar., for Dcckeit 2nd and 3rd, gu. a fesse
; with Agnes Hotot, bore this singular crest, and the occasion
ar. betw. three sheldrakes ppr,, for Jackson, The present of its first adoption is thus recorded in a manuscript written
bart. also quarters 1st, Goldstone, az. on a fesse or, betw. in 1390, by a monk who was Parson of Clapton : "The father —
three saltires ar. an annulet sa. 2nd, Dcckett, as before
; of Agnes Hotot, the great heiress who married Dudley,
3rd, Aldebueg, gu. a lion ramp. ar. ; 4th, Wikdesoee, gu. having a dispute with one Eingsdale, about the title to a
a betw. twelve cross crosslets or ; 5th, Lancastee,
saltire ar. piece of land, the competitors agreed to meet on the debate-
ar. two bars gu. on a canton of the last a lion pass, or; 6th, able ground, and decide the affair by combat. Hotot, on
Bedman, gu. three cushions eim. two and one, tasselled the day appointed, was laid up with illness, but his daughter
or; 7th, Belungham, ar. three horns sa. stringed gu.; 8th, Agnes, rather than the land should be lost, armed herself
BuBNisHEAn, ar. three bendlete gu. on a chief of the last a cap-a-pie, and mounting her father's steed, went and
lion ramp, of the first; 9th, Baskeeville, ar. a chev. gu. encountered Eingsdale, whom, after a stubborn contest, she
betw. three hurts ; lOtii, Sktnnee, sa. a chev. or, betw. three unhorsed and when he was on the ground, she loosened her

grifQns' heads erased ar.; 11th, Binghau, az. a bend cotised throat latch, lifted up her helmet, and let down her hair about
- betw. six crosses patt^ or, quartering erm. a lion ramp. gu. her shoulders, thus discovering her sex. In commemoration

crowned or. Crests 1st, Ddckett : Out of a ducal coronet of this exploit, the crest of the female head was ever after-
or, a plume of five ostrich feathers, one, two, and three wards used."
Another Orest^-A garb of lavender vert flowered az. banded Dudley (co. Stafford). Or, two lions pass. az.
or; 2nd, Jaceson: A
sheldrake, as in the arms, on the Dudley (Elmley Lovett, co. Warwick, and Hackney, co,
breast a saltire gu. Motto— Je vCux le droit. Supporters— Middlesex; confirmed, 1588, to John Dudley, of Hackney,
Two parrots vert. son of Simon Dudley, of Elmley. Har. MSS.). Ssime Aj-msj
"Duckett (co. Devon). Sa. (another, gu.) semee of martlets a bordure az. Crest— Ont of a viscount's coronet or, pearled
or. ar. a lion's head az. collared gold.
-Duckett (Grayrigghall, co. Westmoreland). Gu. a. saltire Dudley. Same Arms, the bordure engr. Crest — Out of a
ar. betw. twelve crosses crosslet or. ducal coronet or, a lion's head az. collared and ringed
Duckett Westmoreland). Sa. a saltire ar.
(co. gold.
-Duckett (Hartham House, co. Wilts). Same Arms. Crest — Dudley. Az. a chev. betw. three lions' heads erased or.
Out of a ducal coronet a plume of five ostrich feathers. Dudley. Or, two bends az.

Motto Je veui le droit. Dudley (Bishop of Durham, 1476). Ar. a cross formee az.
Duckett (Duckett's Grove, co. Carlow), Same Arms, a Dudley. Ar. on a chief az. three crescents or.
crescent for diff. —
Mottoes Spectemur agendo and Je veux ; Dudley. Az. a chev. engr. or.
le droit. Dudley- Janns. See Janns.
Duckett. Same Arms. —
Crest ^A cockatrice displ. ppr. Dudman. Ar. a quarter gu. charged with a lion ramp. or.
Duckinfield. See Ddkinfield. Crest —
A salmon naiant ppr.
Jiuckworth (Topsham, co. Devon, bart.). Ar. on a chev. DudmastoiL. Ar. a cross moline and a bordure engr. az.
az. betw. two ducks ppr. in chief and a naval crown of the in the dexter chief quai-ter a bird reguard. of the last.
second in base a bomb fired betw. two estoiles or, on a chief Due. Az. a chief indented ar.
wavy also az. the words "St. Domingo" within a branch of Duebeck (Normandy). Fusily ar.and gu.
laurel,entwined with another of oak gold. Crest A tower, — Duer. Gu. on a chev. betw. three garbs ar. as many
the battlements partly demolished, from the top flames torteaux. Crest —A branch of laurel vert.
issuant ppr., on the a sea lion erect az. the paws
sinister side Duff (Keithmore and Braco, Vert a fess dancettee
co. BanflF).
pressing against the tower. Supporters— Dexter, a human erm. betw. a buck's head cabossed in chief and two escallops
figure, holding in the exterior hand a sword erect ppr. in base or. Crest— A buck's head ppr. Motto Virtute et —
pommel and hilt or, around the head a halo composed of spera. --^
seventeen estoiles of the last, across the dexter shoulder a Duff (Earl Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a lion ramp, gn.,
belt az. pendent, under the feet the hide of an ox ppr., for Macduff 2nd and Srd, vert a fesse dancettee erm.

sinister a British sailor habited ppr., holding in the exterior betw a hart's head cabossed in chief and two escallops in
hand a flag-staff, thereon a flag of a rear-admiral of the base or, for Duff. Crests Ist: — A
horse in full gallop ar-
White ppr. inscribed with the word "Minorca" in letters of vested all over with a mantling gu. charged with six escutch-
gold. JfoMo— Disciplina, fide, perseverantia. eons or, each charged with a lion ramp, of the second ; on the
Duckworth (Over Barwen and Musbury, co. Somerset, and back of the horse a man in complete armour, drawn sword,


&,c, all ppr.on his sinister arm a shield chargecl as the also gu. charged with a mullet of the tliird, for Dawbon^
escutcheons, on the helmet a wreath of the colours, thereon Ci'est —A
dove, in its beak an olive branch all ppr. Motto
a demi lion ramp. gu. 2nd : A demi lion ramp. gu. holding
; Esto semper fidelis.
in the dexter paw a hroadsword ppr. hilted and pommelled DufiB.eld (London). Vaire or and vert a fesse gu. Crest—
or. Supporters—Tvo savages wreathed ahout the head talbot pass, or, eared sa. gorged with a plain collar ringed
and waist with laurel, holding in their exterior hands gold.
branches of trees over their shoulders all ppr. Mottoes— DufiQ.eld. Vert a fesse or. (Another, ar.)
Deo Juvante; over the second crest, Deusjuvat; virtute et Dufaeld, or Duffeld, Vair a fesse gu.
opera. Duffield. Az. three chaplets or.
Dtiff (Vice-Admiral Robert Duff, 1781). Vert a fesse dan- Duffi.n (Wapping, co. Middlesex). Quarterly, az. and gu.,
cettee erm. hetw. a buck's head cabossed in cliief and two in the 1st and 4th quarter, an estoile or; in the 2nd and 3rd,,
escallops in hase or, all within a hordure of the last. Crest— an eagle's head erased ar. in the beak an oak branch fructed
A demi lion ramp. gu. holding a sword ppr. hiltand pommel ppr. Crest —
A griffin segreant, quarterly, ar. and gu. winged
gold. —
Supporters On each side a sailor ppr. habited in a and anned or.
blue jacket, white waistcoat and breeches, handkerchief Dufford (CO. Suffolk). Sa. a cross engr. or (another, a bead-
round the neck, hat and shoes sa. (the latter with gold let ar.).
buckles) kneebands red, stockings of the thix-d, holding in Duffus, Baron. See Sutherland.
the exterior hand a sword ppr. hilt and pommel or. Motto — DufEy. Sa. on a pale erm, three crescents gu. Crest— An.
Virtute et opera. angel ppr.
Duff (Captain Kokwich Duff, of family of Hatton, 1829). Duffy. See O'Dufft.
Vert a fesse dancett^e erm. betw. a buck's head cabossed in Dug-an, or Dug-g-an. Quarterly, az. and erm. in the Ist
chief and two escallops in base or, on a chief wavy of the and 4th quarter a a griffin's head or. Crest —A talbot statant
second the Trafalgar medal or, pendent by a ribbon az. ar. ppr. collared ar.
and az. betw. a wreath of cypress and laurel, with the word Dug-dale (co. Lancaster, and Shustock, co. Warwick). Ar,
"Trafalgar" under the medal. Crests 1st: A demi lion — a cross moline gu, in the first quarter a torteau. Crest—
ramp, holding in his dexter paw a sword in pale ppr. hilted griffin's head and wings endorsed or.
and pommelled or 2nd: Out of a naval crown or, inscribed
; Dug-dale (Sir "William Dugdale, Garter King of Arms).
with the word "Mars," aship of war's mast, with the pendant Ar. a cross mohne gu. surmounted with a garter of St.
half-mast lowered, all encircled with a wreath of laurel ppr. George ppr, in the dexter chief a torteau, on the centre

Mottoes Virtute et opera; and Cupressus honores peperit. of the cross a Garter's coronet or. Crest —A griffin's head,
Duff (bart. 1813). Vert a fess dancettee erm., charged with a wings endorsed or, gorged with a like coronet. This
mullet gu. betw. a buck's head cabossed in chief and two augmentation was granted in July, 1698,
escallops in base or. d'cst —
A demi lion gu. holding in his Dug'dale (William Stratford Dugdale, Esq., of Blytli.
dexter paw a sword ppr. hilted and pommelled or, and Hall, CO. Warwick, the lineal descendant of Sir William
charged on the breast with a mullet ar. Supporters Dexter, — Dugdale, Garter). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a cross
a savage wreathed head and middle with laurel, and holding moline gu. in dexter chief a torteau, for Dugdale 2ud and; ;

in his hand a branch of a tree all ppr. ; sinister, a stag ppr. 3rd, harry of ten ar. and az. a lion ramp, gu., for Strat-
attired and unguled or, gorged with a ducal coronet of the ford. Crests— 1st, Dugdale: A griffin's head and wings
last, and pendent therefrom an escutcheon charged with the endorsed or; 2nd, Stratford; A dexter arm embowud
foresaid arms. Mottoes —Above the crest: Deo juvante; habited ar. the hand ppr. holding a scimitar or. Motto—
below the shield Virtute et opera.
: Pestes patrise pigrities.
iDuff (Drummuir, co. Banff). Vert a buck's head couped ar. Dugmore (Swafi'ham, Beechamwell, and Bagthorne, co.
betw. three escallops or. Norfolk). Per pale gu. and az. a pale or, betw. two fleuvf--
Duff (Drummuir; recorded 1737). Vert on a fess dancettee de-lis on the dexter side ar. and a lion ramp, on tlic

ar. three mullets gu. in middle chief a buck's head cabossed sinister side gold. Crest —An eagle rising ppr.
surmounted of a pheon point downwards or, in base betw. Du&uid (Auchinhuive, co. Aberdeen). Az. three crosses
two escallops a pheon point upwards of the last, on a canton pattee ar. Crest— A dove with a laurel branch in his beak
of the second a Hon ramp, of the third. Crest A man's — ppr. Motto — ^Patientia et spe.

heart ppr. winged or. Supporters Dexter, a savage armed Duhamel (Jersey). Ar. a chev. gu.
with a club ppr. ; sinister, a stag ppr, chained and attired or. Duheaume (Jersey). Chequy ar. and vert on a bend or

Mottoes -Above the crest Kind heart ; below the shield Be
: : the first a leopard's face betw. two annulets sa. a canton
true, and ye shall never rue. erm. Crest —^A dexter hand issuant from clouds, holding
Duff (Barnagore House, E-ichmond, 1865). Per fess vert and a sprig of three roses all ppr. f
or, a fess dancettee erm. betw. a hart's head cabossed in Duhurst (Cheshunt, co. Hertford). Sa. two bendlets within
chief of the second, and two laurel leaves in base of the first. a bordure or.
Ci-est —A demi lion ramp. ppr. Motto Virtute et opera. — Duiue (Dublin; descended from Taarty, co. Aberdeen). Gu.
Duffe (granted September, 1591, by Molyneux, Ulster, to a sword in pale ppr. hilt and pommel or, betw. two padlocks-
Thadie Ddffb, Alderman and Mayor of Dublin). Vert a ar. within a bordure of the last. Ci^est A dexter hand —
lion ramp, or, a crescent for diff. Crest —A greyhound issuing. Motto— Celer
atque fidelis.
courant ar. collared or, a crescent for diff. Duke (cos. Bedford and Devon). Per fesse indented ar. and
Duffe (Fun. Ernt. of Philip Doffe, of Dublin, buried in St. az. three chaplets counterchanged.
Andeons Church there, 11 Aug. 1622), Same Arms. Duke (Otterton and Power Hayes, co. Devon; Cosenton,
Duffe, or Doufe (Alderman of Dublin, Reg. Ulster's and Maidstone, co. Kent; and Richmond, co. Surrey). Per
Office). Same Arms. Crest —A dove ar. legged gu. holding fesse ar. and az. three chaplets counterchanged. Crest—
in the beak an olive branch vert. demi holding a chaplet az.
griffin or,
Duffe, or Doufe (Eeg. Ulster's Office). Same Arms^ with Duke (Lake, co. Wilts, representative of a branch of the-
a border or. family of Duke, of Power Hayes, co. Devon. Visit, by St.
Duffe (Drogheda; Thomas Duffe, Alderman and Mayor of George in 1623). Same Arms and Crest.
that place Fun. Ent. of his dau. Kathebine, who d. 23
; Duke (Appleshaw, co. Hants). Same Arms and Crest.
Nov. 1610). Az. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. Duke (Pinne, co. Devon; Richard Dure, eon of Jons
Dufferin, Earl of. See Blackwood. Duke, who was second son of Henry Duke, of Otterton.
Duf&eld (Madmonham, co. Bucks, Ripon. co. York, and Visit. 1620). Per fess or and az. three chaplets counter-
Ireland ; Eeg. Ulster's Office, to Thomas Ddffield, Ripon, co. changed.
York). Sa. a chev. betw. three doves ar. membered gu. Duke (Castle Jordan, co. Meath; Fun. Ent. of Sir Henry
Crest —
A dove ppr. holding in the beak an olive branch vert. Duke, of that place, d. 12 Feb. 1595). Same Arms, quarter--

Motto Semper fidelis. ing, per pale wavy az. and or, for Power. Crest—A demi
Duffleld, or Duffelde (co. Buckingham). Ar. a chev. segreant ar, holding between the claws a chaplet-
betw. three doves sa. Duke (London; confirmed 1620, by Camden, Clarenceux, to-
Duf5.eld (confirmed to Rev. Matthew Dawson DnpFiELn, Peter XiuKE, of that place, son of John, son of Peter Ddee,
Canon of Middleham, Vicar of Stebbing, in Essex, second of France). Same Arms and Crest.
son of Richard Duffield, E^q., of Theakston, co. York, Duke (BenhaU Lodge and Brompton, co. Suffolk, hart,, ex-
by Anne, his wife, heiress of her brother, Roger Daw- tinct 1732). Az. a chev. betw. three birds close ar. mem-
son, Esq., of Carlton,
York). Quarterly, ist and
4th, sa. a chev. ar. betw. three doves of the last beaked and
bered"gu. Crest —
A sword ar. hilt or, stuck in a plume of
five feathers,three az. two ar.
membered gu., for Ddffield 2nd and 3rd, az. a chev, erm.
; Duke (CO. Suffolk). Az. a chev. betw. three bucks' headsar^
betw. three an-ows or, feathered and barbed ar. on a chief attired gu.
of the last three daws sa. beaked and membered gu. a canton Duke. Az. a coney sejant ar.


Duke (city of Chester, 1740). Paly of nine az. and or, on a Dun (Taartie, Scotland). Gu. a sword paleways ppr. hilt and
l>end gu. three garbs ar. pommel or, betw. three padlocks ar. Crest —A dexter hand
Duke Per chev. erm. and az. in chief three feathers
(hart.)' holding a key ppr. JfoUo—Mecum habito.
erect ar. betw. two chaplets az., in base a mace within a Dun (co. Aberdeen). Gu. a sword in pale ppr. hilted and pom-
collar ppr.,representing the mace and collar of the Lord melled or, on the point of which a crescent ar. betw, three
Mayor of the city of London. Crest —A
demi gryphon ar. square padlocks of the third. Crest —
A dexter hand and ana
winged az. in the beak a peacock's feather ppr. supporting a ppr. grasping a key in bend sinister az. Motto ^Mecmn —
sword also ppr. representing that of the said city of London. habito.
Motto— Gmdatim. vinciraus. Dun (CO. Perth, 1803). Same Arms, a mullet for diff.
DukenfaJ d. Ar. a cross quarterly pierced sa. Dun (Aberdeen ; Eeg. Ulster's Office, to Chaeles Dun, of that
Dukenfield (PendyfFryn, co. Derby). Gu. on a pile issuant place). Gu. a sword «rect paleways ppr. pommel and hilt or,
from the dexter canton ar. three leopards' faces of the field. betw. three padlocks ar. Crest—A dexter hand couped at the
ft*€«(— Issuant from clouds a dexter arm embowed in armour wrist ppr. Motto —
Over the crest : Celer atgue fidelis.
ppr. the hand ppr. grasping a cross pointed voided sa. Dun (1606). Az. a wolf ramp, ar, charged on the shoulder
Motto — Ubi amor ibi fides. with an erm. spot. Crest— Five snakes erect on the tails, tied
Dukes (CD. Salop). Quarterly, Ist and 6th, erm. a lion together in the middle with one snake fesseways or.
ramp, vert crowned and ducally gorged or ; 2nd, ar. a chev. Dun. Or, four palets gu.
gu, betw. three gillyflowers slipped and stalked ppr. ; 3rd, Dunalfe, or Duncalfe, Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three
az. three falcons' heads erased ar. ; 4th, ar. three bugle- calves pass. sa. a mullet or.
horns stringed sa. ; 5th, sa. three pheons ar, Orest — Dunalley, Baron. SeePEiTTiE.
dexter arm embowed to the sinister in armour ppr. garnished Dunbar, "Viscount. See Constable.
or, supporting with the gauntlet a tilting lance also ppr. Dunbar {Earl of March). Gu. a hon ramp. ar. a bordure of
therefrom a forked pennon flowing to the sinister per fesse ar. the last charged with eight roses of the field.
and sa. fringed and tasselled gold, charged with an escutcheon Dunbar {Sari of Moray). Or, three cushions pendent within
of the arms of the Holy Trinity. a double tressure flory coxmterflory gu., for Randolph; some-
Dukinfield (Portwood, co. Lancaster, 1567). Ar. a cross times quartered with Cbichton, Annandalb, and Feasee,

voided sa. Ci-est Out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter arm of Frendraught.
erect habited gu. holding a son in splendour. Dunbar (Westfield, co. Elgm). Prior to the middle of the 17th
Dukinfield (Dukinfield Hall, co. Chester, hart.). Ar. a cross century, Bandolfh, as above; afterwards quarterly, Ist
voided pointed sa. Ci-est—Qat of a ducal coronet or, a dexter and 4th, gu. a lion ramp, within a bordure ar. for Dunbab;
arm erect vested gu. in the hand ppr. the sun in splendour. 2nd and 3rd, or, three cushions pendent within a double
ilfoMo— Ubi amor ibi fides. tressure flory counterflory gu., for Bandolph. Ci^est — ^A
Dukinfield (Hindley, co. Lancaster, 1664). Same Arms. sword and key in saltire ppr. Motto—Sub spe.
Duleny (GuiiiEMOT Ddlent, of the kingdom of France Dunbar (Grange, co. Elgin). Quarterly, as the last, all with-
Walteb Valentine Staplbton, temp. George I., m. Maey in a bordure ar. charged with eight frases gu. Crest ^A —
Mabgabet, dau. of Guillemot Ddlent). Ar. in base a duck wreath of laurel ppr. Motto Sub spe. —
and three ducklings naiant in water all ppr. Dunbar (Hillhead). Gu. a lion ramp. ar. a bordure of the
Dulford, or Tulford (co. Devon). Gu. a chev. or. second charged with three roses and as many cushions of
Duller (Duller). Ar. on a bend sa. a Hon pass. or. —
the first. Crest ^A rose shpped. Motto —
Diet et sanet.
Duly. Az. a chev. engr. on the outer side or, voided of the Dunbar (Baldoon, bart., 1664; the heiress m. Lord Basil
field. Hamilton). Gu. a lion ramp. ar. within a bordure of the last
Dumar. Sa. a fesse ar. Crest —
On a foreign helmet ppr. charged with ten roses of the first. Crest ^A horse's head—
two elephants' trunks sa. each charged with a fesse ar. ar. bridled gu. —
Supporters Two lions guard, ar. each
Dumaresg. (Seigneur de la Haute, St. Gorge, Samares, Des holding in one fore-paw a rose slipped gu. Motto— YinaioT
Angres, Jersey). Gu. three escallops or. Crest —
A bull pass, qui paratior.
guard, ppr. Motto— Duva vivo spero. Supporters (as Dunbar (Ireland, 1747). As Baldoon, in 'sinister chief a

borne by Domaresq, Seigneurs of Samares) ^Two greyhounds crescent surmounted of a mullet for diff. Same Crest and
reguard. collared and ringed gu. Motto.
Dumaresq (Boston, U. S. America, a branch of the Jersey Dunbar (Mochrum, Wigtown, bart., 1694). Quarterly,
family). Same Arras, Crest, and Motto. 1st and 4th, gu. ramp. ar. within a bordure of the last
a lion
Dumas. Az. a fesse or, betw. three bezants. Crest—A. lion's charged with eight roses of the first; 2nd and 3rd, or, three
gamb erased gu. cushions pendent within a double tressure flory counterflory
Dumas (granted to Heney John Philip Dumas, Esq., of the —
gu. Crest ^A horse's head ar. bridled gu. a dexter hand
Cedars, Clapham, co. Surrey). Per chev. flory counterflory couped fessways ppr. holding the bridle. Supporters Two —
or and az. in chief two lions' gamhs erased and in base a garb white doves imperially crowned ppr. Motto— CandoriB prae-
counterchanged. Cre&t —
Issuant from a chaplet of roses an mium honos.
arm embowed in armour ppr. charged with a fleur-de-lis az. Dunbar (Hempriggs, co. Caithness, bart., 1698 the husband


and grasping a scythe in bend sinister also ppr. Motto of his dau. and heir, James Sutherland, was also made a
Adsum. bart. in 1706, as Sir James Dunbab, of Hempriggs).
Diimlaarton, Royal Burg-ll of. Az. an elephant pass, Quarterly, as Dunbab of Westfleld, within a bordure vaire
ar. tusked or, bearing on his back a tower ppr. Motto — —
gu. and or. Crest A demi lion ar. holding in his dexter
Fortitude et fidelitas. paw a rose slipped gu. leaved and barbed vert. Motto —
Dumbemill. Gu. six roses or, stalked and slipped ppr. Omat fortem prudentia.
Dumbarton. Gu. a bend erm. betw. two lions ramp, or, a Dunbar (Newton, co. Aberdeen, and Thunderton and Duffos,
canton of the last. Crest—An. eagle displ. per pale erm. and CO. Elgin. This branch has assumed the Hempriggs
erminois. baronetcy of 1698, under the designation of Dunbab of
Dumbleton (London; granted 1759). Gu. a canton or, sur- Northfield, since the service of Alexandeb Dunbab, of
mounted by a bend erm. betw. two hons ramp, of the second. Newton, in 1776, to Sir Patbick Dunbab, Bart.). Quarterly,
Great —
An eagle displ. per pale erm. and erminois. as Mochrum, within a bordure quarterly az. and gu. in the
Dumbreck (that Ilk, Scotland). Ar. a wolf pass. sa. trans- centre a deer's head cabossed ppr. Crest A dexter hand —
fixed with a sword ppr. reaching to an astral crown ppr. Motto—Spem vigUantia
Dumerle. Gu. four crescents ar. on a chief az. two more of flrmat.
the second. Dunbar-Brander (Pitgavenay). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
Dummer (Swathling, co. Southampton, 1711). Az. three Bbandeb, of Pitgaveney (q.v.); 2nd and 3rd, the above
fleurs-de-hs or, on a chief of the second a demi lion ramp, quartered coat, with Crest and Motto of both families.
wsuant sa. d'est —A demi lion ramp. az. holding a fleur-de- Dunbar (Inchbrock). Quarterly, as Westfield, within a
lis or. bordure gu. charged with eight annulets or. Crest A' hand —
Dummer (Dummer, co. Hants, and Penne Dommer, co. holding an ear of wheat ppr. Jfoifo—Sapiens non
Somerset, temp. Edward II. and Henry VL). Az. a crescent eget.
bet*, six billets, three, two, and one or. Dunbar (Barmucketty, co. Elgin). Per chev. embattled or
Du Moulin (Reg. Ulster's Office). Gu. a cartwheel or. and gu. three cushions pendent counterchanged. Motto —
Dun(Bristol; granted 1558). Az. a wolf ramp. ar. charged on Suum cuique tribue.
the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis gu. OmJ—Three snakes erect Dunbar (Kirkhill). Dunbab and Bandolph quarterly, in ,

of the last, and tied in the middle in a knot ppr. Another centre a cross moline az. a bordure nebuly quarterly gu. and
C)'eat, granted
1605— Out of a ducal coronet or, a boar's paw az. Crest —A book expanded ppr. Motto Consulat et —
erect of the last, grasping a snake omat.
•Dun (granted 10 Feb. 1605). Az. a wolf ramp, and a chief ar. Dunbar (Dum, bart., 1698). Quarterly, as Westfield, within
; .


Warwick). Gu. two bare ar. on a canton of
az. and gu. Crest—Two sprigs
Dunoastle (co.
a bordure nebuly, quarterly
of laurel in saltire ppr. Motto —
Spes dabit auxUium.
the second a tower sa.
Dunch (Little Witnam, Sa. a chev. betw. three
co. Berks).
, ^ ^,.

Dunbar (Boath, co. Nairn, bart., 1814). Quarterly, Ores(-Out of a ducal coronet or,
Crest— towers triple-towered ar.
and Randolph, with a star az. in the centre. maned, armed, and attired gold.
coronets tied together aU an antelope's head az.
dexter hand reaching to two earls' Crest—
Motto Sub spe. — Dunch (CO. Berlis). Same Arms, the chev. engr. or.
demi antelope az. bezant.Se armed, maned, and
attired or.
Dunbar (Leuchold, co. Linlithgow). Gu. a lion
ramp. ar. A
Dunoombe (Lord Feveraham; created 1747, extinct 1763),
of the second
betw. three cushions pendent or, a bordure talbots' heads erased
Crest— A. dexter hand Per pale engr. gu. and ar. three
charged with eight roses of the first. counterchanged.
holding a glove ppr. Jkfotto-Sapit qui Dunoombe (Earl of Feversham). Per chev. engr. gu and
Esq., oi
Dunbar (granted, 1833, to Geoboe Ddnbab Oee, heads erased counterchanged. Crest— Out
ar. three talbots'
licence, the surname of
Belfast, on his assuming, by royal hind leg sa. the shoe ar.
with the desire of his of a ducal coronet or, a horse's
Ddnbab in lieu of Obe, in compliance SMMrters—Dexter, a horse of a dark iron-grey colour,
of Woburn, co.Down).
uncle, John Gilmore Ddnbab, Esq., guttee-d'or, ducaUy gorged of the
last; simster, aUon ar,
and one, withm a
Per pale or and ar. three cushions, two powdered with fleurs-de-Us sa. his head adorned with
all within a bordure
double treasure flory couuterflory gu. a plume of Six feathers ar. and az. issuing out of a dueal
and langued gu
vair Crest— A- demi lion ramp, or, armed
sUpped ppr. leaved and coronet or. Motto —
Deo, regi, patriae.
holding in his dexter paw a red rose Dunoombe (Padnoefort Ddnoomde, Great Brickhill Manor,
barbed vert. MoMo— Ornat fortem prudentia. CO. Bucks, bart.). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per chev. engr.
Dunbar (Beg. Ulster's Office, 1708, to Capt.
couuterflory, gu and ar. three talbots' heads erased counterchanged, in the
Ddnbab). Or, within a double tressure flory for distinction, for Don-
m centre chief a cross crosslet gold,
three cushions ga. Crest-A demi lion
ramp. gu. holding ramp, ar., for Paunce-
leaved ppr. combe; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three Uons
the dexter paw a rose ar. sUpped and FORT Out of a
ft-csts— 1st
: ducal coronet or, a horse s leg
Dunbar, of. Az. a castle ar. masoned sa. windows
Town with a cross crosslet
sa the shoe ar. charged (for distinction)
gold forDoNcojiBE; 2nd A Uon
and portcullis closed gu. ramp. ar. ducally crowned

Dunboyne, Baron. See Bdtleb. or, and charged on the shoulder

with an escaUop sa., for
Duncalf (Otringham, co. York). Ar. a ohev. gu. betw. three Padncefobt. Motto —Nonfecimusipsi.
Per chev. engr. ar.
calves sa. Dujioombe (Barley End, co. Bedford).
Dunoalfe (Foxley, co. Chester). Ar. three calves Haldanb.
and gu. three talbots' heads erased counterchanged.
Dunoan-Haldane (Earl of Camperdown). See Dunoombe (Morton and Whitchurch, co. Bucks). Per chev.
Gu. a chev. or,
Duncan (Seaside and Lundie, Scotland).
base m floryand couuterflory or and sa. bet^v. three
talbots' heads
betw. two cinquefoUs in chief, and a erased and collared, all counterchanged.
Crest—A talbots
ar. garnished az. Crest—A ship under sail. Motto-Visce head erased gu. eared sa. collared ar.
Quarterly, 1st and
Gu. a representation of
Dunoombe (Ivinghoe, co. Bucks). 4tti,

Duncan (Earl of Camperdown). per chev. engr. gu. and ar. three
talbots' heads erased
first Viscount by George III.
the gold medal conferred upon the counterchanged, for Doncombe ; 2nd, gu. on a
chev. ar. three
for the victory oft Camperdown,
ensigned with a naval crown, ar. and sa., tor
chief, ajid a m bucks' heads erased sa. a chief nebulee
and subscribed Campebdown, betw. two
roses Surrey; 3rd, ar. on
WooDBOFFE, of Poylc Park, Famham, co.
in base ar. strung and
garnished az. »es(— Hawkins, of Nash Court,
buglehom a saltire sa. five fleurs-de-Us or, for
pati. Snpj,orte,-s
dismasted ship ppr. Motto (above)-Disce Boughton-under-Blean, co. Kent. CresJ-Out of a ducal
with a celestial
—Dexter, a female figure, winged, crowned coronet or, a horse's hind leg sa. shoe ar.
crown, a scarf across her
garments, resting her extenor Sheriff of Beas,
a pahn branch Dunoombe (Oriel CoUege, Battersden,
hand on an anchor, herinteriorhandholding temp. Queen EUzabeth). Per chev. flory couuterflory gu.
exterior hand a union flag, the
sinister, a sailor holding in the andar. three talbots' heads erased
wrapped round the staff. JtoWo-Secundis descended from
tri-coloired flag Dunoombe (Copgove, co. York; maternally
dubiisque rectus. Ddncombe, Lm-d Fmrsham, extinct). Per chev. engr. gu.
Duncan (Ardounie, Scotland). Gu on a chcv. betw. two Crett-
same in and ar. three talbots' heads erased, counterchanged.
CinquefoUs ar. in chief and a hunting-horn of the hind leg sa. shoe ar.
Out of a ducal coronet or, a horse's
and stringed az. three buckles of the last
base, viruled Motlo—V>eo, regi, patriae.
ppr. collared or. Motto— Vint Aston,

Crest-A greyhound issuant Dunoombe (Battlesdenbury, co. Bedford, Ivinghoe

Shalford Tangley
betw. two cmque- and Muehbrickhm, co. Bucks; Waston,
Duncan (Mott, Scotland). Gu. on a chev. Park, and Shore, co. Surrey; cos. Sussex,
Wilts, Worcester
in base or, three buckles ducal coronet or, a
foUs in chief and a hunting-honi and York). Same^rins. Ci-esi— Out of a
shoe ar. Amtlm
horse's hind leg couped at the thigh sa.
Duican 1786).
(Edinburgh, Gu. on a ohev. betw. two gamb. sa. graspm,
Crfst-Out of a ducal coronet or, a Uon's
cinquefoils in chief ar. and a
hunting-horn in base or, stringed
of the field. Crest— descended
and viroled vert three escutcheons D^°oumb Tlangley Park, bart., extinct 1706;
pommeUed or.
dexter hand grasping a scymitar ppr. hilted and from Ivinghoe Aston). Same ^i-ms.
Motto — Deo juvante vinco.
Gu. a chcv, engr. or, betw.
DUndas (Duudas, co. Linlithgow). Ar. a hon ramP.
out of an oak busB
Duncai (ParkhUl, co. Forfar).
hunting-horn in base of the Crest-A lion's head full-faced, looking
two CinquefoUs in chief ar. and a 1^0 Uons gu. and below the shield, fo^a
ppr. Supporters—
Crest—A ship in distress in the sea ppr, fire ppr. Motto-
last garnished az. compartment, a salamander in flames of
Jlfo«o— Disce pati. .

(Bevebidge-Ddncan, Damside, co. Perth,

1813). Btor Castle,
Duncan Dundas (Kincavel, co. LinUthgow, aftenvards
chev. erminois betw. two cinque-
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. a CO.Perth . Ar. a lion ramp. gu. on a
chief sa. a ^al^^^fj
hunting-horn of the last in base ppr.
foUs in chief ar. and a pass, through a fire ppr. Crest-A Uon's paw erected
2nd and 3rd, vert two beavers com-
stringed az.,forDDNOAN;
wavy and az., for Bevebidob Crest- —
Motto Essayez hardiment.
batant or, tie base ar.
ppr. the mamtop sail and fore- Dundas (Amiston, co. Edinburgh). Ar. a lion '""P-,.?:

A slip under saU in a sea a bordure erm. «-es(-A Uon's head
couped <«:•
gu and the foretack
Lp sail each charged with a cmquefoU Essayez. Supporters- Dexter, a Uon gu. ;
stringed az., for Ddncan 2nd
with a hunang-hom of the last

beaver ppr., for Bevebidoe. S'-^^^

Out of a murla crown or, a demi DuSdat ^(viscount Melville). Ar. a Uon ramp.
Mottoes—Disce pati; Peraeverando. bordure az. charged with three """'^
h^^«! """^^ ^^^
'hrouBh fu o^

Duncan-Morison. SeeMoBisoN
ext not 1774, Sir ere.t-A Uon-s head aSrontee gu. strugghng
Duncan (Marylebone, London, hart., S.pporters-Dexter,«^
Extraordmary to George bush aU ppr.
William ioNCAN, M.D., Physician the crest Essayez,
a stag, both ppr. Mottoes— Above

III younger brother of

Alexandeb Ddncan, grandfather of Quod potuiperfeci.
the shield: Ar alion
sooreated 1764, d. s. p.). Oru.
the 1st riscotmt Dman, was
Dundas (Beechwood, co. Edinburgh, bart., 1821 .
and buglehom in base ar. stnnged
a Orest-A 1'°°=
two roses in chief ramp. gu. a bordure engr. erm. 'i''
oak ppr. Sj^Jt^^^
faced gu. looking through a bush of a^
Dimoan* or Duncum. Sa. five eagles displ. in cross an elephant e
Dexter, a grey horse ppr.; sinister, "«'"-
thistle ppr.
1692). charged on the shoulder with a
Duiicanson (Major Robert Ddnoansos, Scotland,
arrows chief gu. m M^
Ar a chev. sa. betw. two sheaves of
banded of the first, and a buglehom in
base of the second, D^as (now Hamilton-Ddndas, Duddington,
» ''^^T^-^^ " foil»

burgh.) Quarterly, 1st and 4th

stringed and garnished or. Crest-A dexter hand appaumee
heart betw. the paws gu. ; 2nd and

3rd, gu. three

ppr J/oi(o —-Mens et manus.

; ' :.


«rm. witTiin a tordure potent counterpotent of the seuond or, a demi lion ramp. gu. Crest —An orb ar. banded and
and first, for Hamilton, of Westburn. Orests~lst A dexter : eurmoimted by a cross patt^e or.
hand holding a star az., forDuNDAs; 2nd: A dexter hand Duncan (Fun. Ent. of William Duncan, Esq., Becorder of
grasping a lance in bend ppr., for Hahilton. Mottoes— DubUn, second son of John Dungan, Esq., of Dublin, d.
Eaaayez and Et arma et Tinus.
; 11, buried in St. John's Church, 19 Dec. 1623). Same ArTns^
Dundas (Newhalls). As Duddington, on a chief az. three with a crescent for diff., and impaling O'Brien.
stars ar. —
Crest A hand holding a scroll. Motto Revise. — Dungan (Earl of Limerick, created 1685, extinct 1715).
Dundas (Manor, co. Penh). Ar. a lion ramp, with a heart —
Same Arvis. Crest A lion pass, or, supporting with the
betw. the paws gu. surmounted of a crescent or. Crest ^A — dexter foot a dose helmet ar. garnished gold. Supporters —
dexter hand holding a star az. Motto— EsGnjez. Two lions ramp. ar. guttde de sang, each charged on the
Dundas (Richmond and Llanelly, bart., 1815; title extinct). shoulder with a pellet.
At. a lion ramp, with a heart betw. the paws gu. in middle Dung-annon, Viscount. See Hill-Teevob.
chief a crescent az. charged with a mullet of the field.
— Dunham (co. Lincoln). Az. a chief indented or. Crest —
Crest —
A dexter hand ppr. holding a mullet az. Supporters A martin pass, or, betw. two spears erect.
Two lions reguard. ppr. collared gu. and pendent from each Dunham (Kirklington, co. Notts). Same .4rnw, a label of
collar a heart of the last. Motto Essayez. — three points gu.
Dundas (Philipston; descended from Newliston, co. Linlith- Dunhead. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. a bordure gobonat^d of the
gow). Ar. a lion ramp, within a bordure gu. Crest— Ademi second and az.
lion guard, ppr. issuing out of a bush of oak vert. Motto — Dunhead, or Dunhed. Or, «, lion within a bordure
Essayez. engr. gu.
Dundas Ar. a lion ramp. gu.
(Breastmill, co. Linlithgow). Dunholme. Ga. a chev. ar. betw. three plates.
within a bordure compony of the second and first. Same Dunk. Ar. a lion's head erased gu. Crest—A lion's head
Ci-est and Motto. collared or.
Dundas (Fingask, co. Perth, now Carronhall, co. Stirling). Dunk. See Dunch.
Ar. a lion ramp, within a double tressure flory counterflory Donkeld, Bishop of (Scotland). Ar. a cross calvary sa.
gu. Ci'est —
A lion's head fuUfaced, crowned with a ducal betw. two passion nails gu.
coronet and looking through a bush of oak all ppr. Su2>- Dunkin, Az. on a fesse ar. three garbs gu. Crest—An arm in
jjcwiers— Dexter, a lion ppr. ; sinister, an eagle with wings armour, couped at the elbow in fesse, holding a cross crosslet
erected ppr. Motto Essayez. — fitchee.
Dundas {Baron Amesbv/ry). The same Arni'^, with a crescent Dnnkley. Erm. a fesse vert betw. three mullets gvu
gu. in dexter chief for diff. Same Crest and Motto. Crest —A falcon's leg erased at the thigh, belled and lined
Dundas (Deans-Dundas, of Barton Court, co. Berks). ppr.
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, as the last; 2nd, ar. on a chief gu. Dunlop (Dunlop, co. Ayr). Ar. atwo-headed eagle displ. gu.
three garbs or, forWHiTLET; 3rd, az. a cross moline ar., Dunlop (Dunlop; as recorded 1838). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
for Deans. Crests —
1st: As above, for Dundas; 2nd: A as the last, for Dunlop; 2ud and 3rd, counter-quartered,
stag's head ar. attired or, in the mouth the end of a scroll 1st and 4th, gu.a lion ramp, ar 2nd and 3rd, gu. a fess chequy
— —

bearing the Motto ^Live to live, for Deans. Mottoes — ar. and az., all for Wallace. Crest ^A dexter hand holding
Essayez, for Dundas Arte vel marte, for Deans.
; a dagger erect all ppr. Motto Merito. —
Dun.das (Earl 0/ Zetland). Ar. a lion ramp, within a double Dunlop (Garnkirk, co. Ayr, 1672). Ar, a two-headed eagle
tressure flory counterflory gu. a bordure az. Cre6t A lion — displ. gu. in dexter chief point a mullet az. for diff. Crest —
crowned with a ducal coronet or, looking through
full-faced, A rose shpped ppr. Motto E spinis. —

a bush of oak ppr. Supporters Two lions ppr. crowned Dunlop (Carmyle and Garnkirk, 1779). Ar. a two-headed
with antique crowns or, each gorged with a chaplet of oak eagle displ. gu. in dexter chief a rose of the last, a bordure
leaves vert fructed or, a shield pendent to each, the one ar. az. —
Crest A dexter hand holding a dagger in bend sinister
a saltire and chief gu. on a canton of the field a lion ramp, ppr. Mottoes —
^Above the crest Merito ; below the shield

az. the other lozengy ar. and gu. Motto Essayez. — E spinis.
Dundas (Barton Court, co. Berks, and Aston Hall, co. Flint; Dunlop (Bosebank, co. Lanark, 1792). Ar. a two-headed
exemplified to Sir James Whitley Deans-Dundas, G.C.B. eagle dispL gu. beaked and membered sa. in chief a lozenge
in 1808, when he assumed, by royal hceuce, the name and betw. two stars az. in base the sea waved vert. Crest ^A —
arms of his wife, Hon. Janet Dundas, only child and heiress of hand holding a sword ppr. Motto Merito. —
Chables, Lord Aviesburj/). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, ar. a Dunlop (Househill, 1672). Ar. a two-headed eagle displ. gu.
lion ramp, within a double tressure flory counterflory gu., in dexter chief point a martlet az. for diff. Crest A dexter —
for Dundas 2nd, ar. on a chief gu. three garbs or, a canton
; hand holding a sword ppr. Motto ^Merito. —
erm. for diff., for Whitley; 4th, ar. on a cross moline az. Duumore, Barl of. See Mukbay.
a sword in pale ppr. a border embattled of the second, Dunmore (Eelvinside, co. Lanark, 1770;. Quarterly, Ist
for Deans. Crests —
1st, Dundas: A lion's head affrontee and 4th, vert three garbs or, banded go. ; 2nd and 3rd, gu. a
ppr. ducally crowned or, looking through a bush of oak fess erm. and in base a ship at anchor with ensigns flying
fructed also ppr. 2nd, Whitley A buck's head couped ar.
; : or, for Cbawfobd, of PossiU. Crest An anchor in the sea—
attiredor, charged on the neck with a rose gu. for distinction ppr. Motto —
Spes anchora tuta.
3rd, Deans ; A sword erect ppr. on the top thereof a cross Dunmo'W Priory (co. Essex). Sa, a cross ar. betw. four
patt€e az. JfoWoea—Over Dundas crest: Essayez; over the mullets or.
WaiTLEY crest Live to live ; over the Deans crest Arte
: : Duiunure (Edinburgh, 1672). Vert three garbs or. —
vel marte. Molor ut alam.
Dundee, Town of. Ax. a pot of growing lilies ar. Dunn (Tannochside, co. Lanark, 1771). Gu. a sword in pale
Crest—A lily ar. Supporters —Two dragons vert tails knotted ppr. hUted and pommelled or, betw. three square padlock?,
together, below the shield. Motto, above the crest— Dei two and one, and two buckles in fess of the third. Crest —
Domum. A dexter hand ppr. holding a key in bend sinister or.
IHmdonald, Earl of. See Cocheane. Motto —Mecum habito.
Dune. Sa. an eagle displ. with two heads ar. on the breast Dunn (granted by Camden, Garenceux, 1607, to Sir Daniel
an escutcheon gu. charged with a leopard's head, all within Dunn, Knt., D.C.L., Master of Bequests). Quarterly, 1st and
a bordure or. 4th, az. a wolf ramp. ar. charged on the shoulder with an erm
Dune. Sa. an eagle displ. with two heads ar. a bordure or. spot sa., for Dunn; 2nd, ar. a Hon ramp. gu. debruised by a
Crest—A mullet, quarterly, ar. and sa. bendlet sa., for Bbancue; 3rd, gu. a fess valr, in chief a
Dune. Az. a unicorn armed or, betw, twelve crosses crosslet unicorn pass. betw. two mxillets or, a border engr. of the last,
fitchee of the second. for Wilkinson. Crest —
Five snakes erect banded by another
Dunedin, New Zealand, See of. Gu. St. Andrew or.
bearing his cross ppr. on a canton az. three estoiles, each of Dunn (Bircher, near Leominster). Quarteriy, 1st and 4tb,
eight points. az. a wolf saliant or; 2nd and 3rd, sa. three round buckles,
Dunersale (Wingrave, co. Bucks, and Tangley,co. Surrey). tongues downwards or. Crest— Six snakes erect, contrary
Sa. a fesse gobonated or and gu. betw. five escallops ar. posed, three and three, encircled with a ribbon.
Dunfermline, Baron. See Abebcromby. Dunn. Az. on a chev. or, betw. three boars' heads ar. a
Dunford. Sa. three rams' heads cabossed ar. armed or. lozenge gu. betw. two keys sa. Crest— Two swords in
Orest —
^A lion's head erased ar. in the mouth a dexter hand saltire ppr. entwined with a ribbon az. thereto a key pendent
couped at the wrist ppr. sa.
Dunford. Gn. a crescent or, and bend ar. DuJinagre. Or, a betw. three paiTots* heads erased
Duugan (Dublin, by Patent; John Dungaw, Esq., of that ppr. Crest —A parrot holding in the beak a branch ot
city, d. 1592). Az. six cherry-tree all ppr.
jilates, three, two, and one, on a chief


Dunnage. Gu. a chev. betw. three trefoils slipped ar. Gu. a buck's head in base ar. attired or, in the dexter chielf
Crest — A sword in pale, entiled with a leopard's head a castle of the third.
cabossed. Dunster. Gu. three stags' heads cabossed ar. Crest— Oat
Sunue. Gu. on a canton ar. a lion's head erased az. Crest of the top of a tower ar. an arm embowed, vested gu. cuffed
— ^Two lion's paws supporting a pillar ppr. of the first, holding a tilting spear sa.
SDuune (Sir Daniel Donne, Knt., Judge of the Admiralty, Dunston, De Dunston, or Duston (co. Northampton,,
10 James I.). Az. a wolf saliant or, and a chief ar. and Eaxmton, co. Stafford; Eosa, eldest dau. and co-heir of
3>unne (Gatley Park, co. Herefoi'd). Az. a wolf saliant or. William de Dunston, m. John D'Oyley, of Stoke D'Oyley,.
Dunne. See Doyne and O'Doynb. CO. Noi-thampton, sincewhen the D'Oyleys have borne tlio
Dunne (Brittas, Queen's co., whose late representative, Dunston arms). Gu. a buck's head cabossed ar. Crest—
Major-Gen. Francis Pijjnecett Dunne, was lineal descendant man's head in profile ppr.
of Hahnabt Doine, fourth son of Teioe D'Doyne, Chief of Dunston, or Duston (Hopton, co. Suffolk). Gu. abuck'9
Hy-Reg:an, 159C, certified by Molyneux, Ulster, 1660). head cabossed or.
eagle displ. or, on a mount a holly bush, in front thereof a Dunston, or Duston. Gu. a bull's head cabossed ar.
lizard all ppr. —
^Jotto ^Mnllac a boo. armed or.
Dunne (Ards, Queen's co.; descended from Terence Doyne, Dunston (Kendal, co. "Westmoreland). Sa. three combs or.
of Kilcavan, same co., brother of Teige O'Dotne, Chief of Duntze (bart.). Ar. a paschal lamb pass. ppr. Crest —
Hy-Regan, 1590). Same ArinSj a crescent for diff. mullet betw. two eagles' \vings. Motto Nunquam praj- —
Dunne {O'Doinn, Fun. Ent. of James Dunne, buried in ponens.
St. Katherine's Church, Dublin, 17 July, 1600). Sa. an eagle punwich, Town of (co, Suffolk). The seal represents a
displ. or, and a border compony az. and gu. ship of three masts on the waves, the mainmast ensigned with
Dunning: {Lord Ashburton, created 1782, extinct 1823). a flag of St. George, the sails furled, the other two masts
Bendy sinister of fourteen or and vert, over all a lion ramp, broken off at the round top, on the water four fish swimming
sa. Crest —
An antelope's head couped at the neck ppr. at-

to the dexter.
tired or. Supjjorters ^Two antelopes ppr. each charged on Dun-wich Priory. Gu. a cross ar.
the breast with an acorn slipped also ppr. gorged with Duny. Gu. three garbs or.
collars bendy of eight or and vert. itfb( fo—Scudiis et rebus Dunyng- (Rye, co. Sussex). Bendy sinister of eight or and
honestis. vert, a lion ramp. sa.
Dunois. Az. three fleurs-de-lis or, within a bordure gobony Dupa. Az. a hon's gamb erased in fesse betw. three chains
ar. and gu. barways or.
Dunphy (granted to Henry Michaei, Donphy, Esq., of the Dupont. Ar. a bend betw. three billets gu. Crest- A flag
Middle Temple, barrister-at-law). Vert two foxes combatant issuing from the wreath, staff ppr.
ar. in base a mullet or, on a chief of the last an antique Irish Duporch. Sa. three lions' ramp. or.

crown gu. Crest A pelican in her piety ppr. gorged with Duport (Sheepshed, co. Leicester. Henhy Duport. Visit.

an antique Irish crown gu. the nest charged with a muUet 1619. Sixth in descent from William Dupobt, who came-
also gu. Motto —
Generosa virtus nihil timet. from Caen, in Noimandy, to England, temy. Henry IV. cer- :

Dunraven and Mountearl, Sari of. See Quin. tified by Segar, Garter). Per chev. embattled az. and sa. in
Dunsandle, Lord. See Daly. dexter chief a crescent ar. and in sinister a mullet or, in base
Dunsany, Baron. See Plunkett. a lion ramp, of the last, a border gu. Crest On a rock —
Dunscalfe. Ar. a chev. beiw. three calves sa. vert a falcon ppr. (another), on a rock ar. guttee de sang, a
Dunscombe (London). Per chev. gu. and az. three bucks falcon ppr. beaked gu. Supporters On mounts vert tivo' —
in full course or. savages, wreathed about the middle with leaves ppr. brand-
Dunscombe. Per chev. az. and gu. three bucks tripping ishing in the exterior hands a spiked club ar. Motto —
or. Invitis ventis.
Dunscombe (confinned to Nicholas Ddnscombe, Esq., of Duport (Guernsey). Same Ai'ms, Supporters, and Motto.
King William's Town House, co. Cork). Quarterly,- 1st and Crest —
On a rock ppr. guttee de sang a falcon also ppr,
a chev. erm. betw. three talbots" heads gu. 2nd and
4th, ar, ; beaked and legged gu.
3rd, ar. two bars and in chief a demi griffin segreant sa. Duppa (foi'merly Hancorn, Hollingboume, co. Kent; de-
Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a horse's fore leg sa. hoof scended from the Duppas of co. Hereford). Az. a lion's paw
ar. —
Motto Ficlelitas vincit. erased in fesse between two bars of chain or, on a canton of
Dunse (Dunse, Scotland). Sa. a chev. or, betw. three boars' the second a rose gn. Orest —
An arm in armour holding a
heads erased ar. lion's paw
erased or.
Dunsford (Tiverton, co. Devon). Ar. on a piece of Dupratt (Mary-le-bone, co. Middlesex). Or, on a mount
ground in base vert beehive sa. bees volant counter-
*i> vert a tree ppr. on the top thereof a dove rising of the last.
volant ppr, Dupre. Ar. two palets gu. a quarter or, charged with a
Dunsford. Same Arms. Crest —Out of a mural coronet an crescent of the second. Crest —
A rose per fesse az. and
eagle's head ppr. or.
Dunsford. Same Arms. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet a Du Pre (Wilton Park, co. Bucks). Az. a chev. or, betw. twO'
demi hon ramp. mullets in chief and a lion pass, in base ar. from the centre
Dunslay (Alderman of York, 1811). Gu. on a chev. or, chief a pile issuant of the second. Crest A lion ramp. ar.—
three martlets of the field, in chief a leopard's face betw. two resting the dexter hind paw on a fleur-de-lis gu.
mullets of the second. Dupree, Az. achev. or, betw. two mullets in cliief and a
Dunsmure (Scotland, 1867). Vert three garbs or, banded lion pass, in base ar. Orest —
A lion ramp. ar.
az. Crest—An anchor or. Motto— Syes anchora tuta. Durand (Guernsey). Or, a lion ramp. gu. debniised by a
Dunsmure (Leith). The same within a borduxe or. Same bend az. charged with three bezants, on a chief of the third
Orest and Motto, two fishes naiant in pale ar. Crest —A demi lion gu. Motto
Dunsmure (Dr. James DuNSMtniE, Edinburgh). The same — In misericordia Dei confido.
within a bordure ar. Same Crest and Motto. Durand. Gu. a lion ramp, or, in the dexter pawacutlafis.
D unstable-Priory (co. Beds.). Ar. on a pile sa. a ar. hilted of the second. Crest —
A yew tree ppr.
horaeshoe interlaced to a staple affixed to the centre of the Durant (co. Cornwall). Ar. a cross sa.
pile or. Durant (co. Derby ; granted June, 1606). Sa. a cross cross-
Dunstable. Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three door staples ar. let erm. a crescent or, for diff. Orest —
A boar ar. bristleil,
Crest— A swan's head ar. betw. two wings sa. armed, and unguled, or, pierced in the side with a broken
Dunstable (co. Cambridge). Same Ai'ms, the chev. ar. spear ppr. vulned gu.
Dunstable. Ar. a chev. betw. three escallops sa. Durant (Sharpham, co. Devon). Sa. a cross crosslet engr,
DunstanviU (Earl of Cornwall. Beginald de Dunstan- —
betw. four annulets or. Crest A boar bendy of six or and
viLi., natural son of Henry I., was so created 1140, extinct sa. pio'ced through the back by a sword in bend sinister
1175). Gu. two lions pass, guard, or, a baton sinister az. ppr. and restmg the dexter foot upon a cross crosslet gu-
Dunstavile or Dunstavill. Or, a fret and canton gu. —
Motto Beati qui durant.
Crest— A demi friar holding a lash. Durant (co. Oxford). Sa. a cross potent erm.
Dunstavile or Dunstavill. Ar. a fret gu. on a can- Durant (co. Middlesex). Sa. a cross crosslet ar. Orfifl^-*
ton of the second a lion ramp, guard, (another, pass, guard.) dragon pass. gu. holding in the dexter claw a sword erect &r.
or. point bloody, hilt and pommel or, on the blade a ducai
Dunstavile. Same Arm^, with a border engr. sa. coronet of the last.
Dunstavile. Or (another, ar.)a fret gu. on a canton of the Durant (Bamdon, co. Rutland). Sa. a cross patt^e erm.
second a lion pass, of the first, i Durant (co. Eutland). Sa. a cross flory erm.
Duuster (Scarington, co. Somerset; granted 17 June, 1664). Durant. Vaire en point ar. and az.
Snraiit. Per saltire or and erm. a cross patonce gu., i for Caldebwood an orle gu. in chief three martleta
3rd, ar,


Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a greyhound's head sa. sa., for UcTHERFOHD. Crest—On 3. baron's coronet a dolpliin
charged on ttie neck with an estoile of the first. hauriant ppr. Supporters —
Two horses ar. saddled and
Puraut. Ar. a chev. az. betw. three buglehoms sa, bridled gu. Mottoes- AXtose the crest: Victoria non prceda,-
JQurant (co. Hants. Her. Visit. 1634). Sa. a fesse dancettee below the arras : Per mare per terras.
ar. in chief three fleurs-de-lis of the last. Crest— A fleur-de- Durham (Sir P. C. Hendebson Ddbhabi, K.C.B.). Quarterly,
lis ar. iBt and 4th, ar. a crescent gu. on a chief az. three mullets of
Durant (Long Castle, Salop). Same Arms and CfresL the field, in collar point a mullet of the third ; 2nd and 3rd,
Motto —Beati qui durant. EnxHEKFOBD, a& above. Crest —A dolphin naiant ppr.
Durants. Ar. a chev. engr. sa. hetw. three buglehoms of Supporters —Dexter, a sailor holding in liis exterior hand a

the last, garnished or, stringed az. French tricolor flag, lowered and surmoimted by a British
Durant-Water, or Drizikwater (London). Ar. two red flag, inscribed "Guadaloupe" all ppr.; sinister, ahorse
bars gu. on a canton of the last a cinguefoil of the first. reguard. ar. holding in his mouth a French tricolor flag, the
Duras {Earl of Fever&ham, created 1676, extinct 1709). Gu. staff broken all ppr. Mottoes^ as the last.
a Uon ramp. ar. Durham (Edinburgh, 1680, now DnRHAM-WEiE, of Boghead,
D'TTrban (Sir Benjamin D'Urban). Az. on a chief ar. a demi CO. Linlithgow). Or, a crescent gu. on a chief az. three
lion —
ramp. gu. Orest The sun shining on the stump of a mullets ar. over all a bendlet engr. of the second. Crest —
tree ppr. Suppofters (granted to Sir B. D'ueban) A soldier — —
An increscent gu. Motto Augeor dum progredior.
ofHer Majesty's 51st regiment of foot on the dexter, and on Durham (Duntarvie, co. Forfar). Or, on a fess az. betw. two
the sinister a Portuguese dragoon, both habited, armed, and upper one inverted gu. three mullets ar. OreU
crescents, the
accoutred ppr. in the position of " attention." — hand pulling a thistle ppr. Motto Vive Deo.
^A —
Surbin (Bristol). Erminois on a bend gu. three mullets ar. Durham. Gu. three lozenges in fesse erm.
Crest —
A talbot pass, reguard. liver colour, charged on the Durham. Gu. four lozenges in fesse erm. within a bowlure
shoulder with a bezant, the dexter paw supporting a lance engr. ar.
or, headed ppr. thereon a banner displ. gu. charged with a Dnrie (that Ilk, co. Fife). Az. a chev. betw. three crescents
gauntlet ar. ar.
Durbin. Same Arms. Crest— Issuing from a cloud in the Durie (Grange, co. Fife). Az. a chev. ar. betw. three cres-
sinister a dexter arm holding a club all ppr, cents or, a bordure invected of the last.
Siirbom, or Duborun. Or, on a fesse sa. three bears* During*. Sa. on a pale ar. a crescent of the field. Crest —
heads erased ar. muzzled of the first. A hand in fesse, couped at the wrist and gauntleted, holding
Durboroug'h (co. Cornwall). Same Arrfis. Crest ^A demi — a dagger, thereon a savage's head couped aff]-ont6e all ppr.
chevaher holding a sword ppr. Durley (London ; granted 2 May, 1709). Az. six fleurs-de-
I^urborougrh.. Same Arms and Crests the bears' heads lis ar. three, two, and one, within a bordure engr. or,
erased of the field. pellett«e. —
Crest A horse's head couped az. gorged with an
Durboroug:b, Durburg*, or Durburgrh. Sa. three eastern crown or.
dolphins naiant embowed ar. Duxmin^ (Dublin ; granted by Narbonne, Ulster). Gu. an
Durburg'h. Sa. three dolphins haurient in fess ar. escarbuncle or, and a border gobony ar. and az.
J)urclifield.. Az. three pineapples or. Durneys. Gu. a lion ramp. ar. collared az.
Surdo (GHllingham). Per pale ar and or, on a chev. betw. Durnf ord. Ar. a bend wavy sa.
three ostriches gu. as many crosses crosslet of the first. Durning (Bispham, co. Lancaster). Az. a chev. betw. three
Dnrell (St. James's, Westminster; confirmed 10 September, antelopes saliant ar. Crest— A demi antelope erased az.
1771). Az. a lion ramp, erminois ducally crowned or. Crest Durno. Barry of six ar. and vert, on the first three torteaux
•— ^A Saracen's head full-faced ppr. on the head a cap az. —
in pale. Crest A dexter arm brandishing a sword ppr. Motto
fretty ar. tufted gold, doubled erm. wreathed about the Ex recto decus.
temples or and az. Duroure. Ar. an oak tree ppr.
Dixrell (Jersey). Same Arms and Crest. Motto — Fidelis et Durrant (co. Derby). Sa. a fesse dancettee ar. in chief
generosus. three fleurs-de-lis of the second. Creht—A lion ramp. ar.
Durell, or Darell (Ireland, Keg. Ulster's Office). Sa. a, holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis or, and in the mouth
chev. engr. ar. betw. three plates. a sword ppr. hilt and pommel of the second, point down-
Dureszne. Ar. on a cross gu. five fleurs-de-lis or. wards.
Diixeversale. Sa. a fesse chequy or and gu. betw. six Durrant (Scottow, co. Norfolk, hart.). Erm. a cross crosslet
escallops ar. sa. Crest— A boar ar. biistled. armed, and langued or, pierced
Durham, Earl of. See Labibton. in the side with an arrow. Motto —I^bes pejor morte.
Durham., See of, Az. a cross betw. four lions ramp, or, Durren. Gu. three lapwings or.
the mitre over the arms is encircled with a ducal coronet. Dxirren. Ar. a chev. betw. three einquefoils gu.
Durham, Church of (on a charter under the hand and seal Durvassall (co. Warwick). Ar. a bend sa. betw. six crosses
of John Cosin, Bishop of Durham, 26 April, 1671). Az. a crosslet gu.
cross patonc^e betw. four lions ramp, or, Durversale. Sa. a fesse chequy or and gu. betw, six
Durham, Deanery of. Az. on a cross or, betw. four escallops of the second.
lions ramp, or, the letter D, sa. Durward (Booking, co. Essex). Erm. a chev. betw. three
Durham, City of. Az. (another, sa.) a cross or. crescents or.
Durham-Monastery, Az. a cross betw. four lions Durward. Same Aiins. Crest —A demi man ppr. vested
ramp. ar. gu. holding up a gem ring.
Durham-Priory. Az. a chev. betw. three lions ramp. or. Durward (co. Essex, and Cloughton, co. York). Erm. on a
Durham, or Durelm (co. Chester). Az. three cres- chev. sa. (another, az.) three crescents or.
cents betw. seven crosses crosslets ar. three, one, two, and Durward(co. Norfolk). Ar. ona three crescents or.
one. Durward (Scotland). Ar. a cross gu.
Durham, (co. Essex). Or, on a cross gu. five fleurs-de-lis of Durward. Erm. on a chev. sa. three annulets or. Crest —
the field. A dexter hand holding a scimetar indented on the back and
Durham (co. Norfolk). Az. semSe of crosslets or, five cutting at a pen all ppr.
(another, three) crescents ar. Durwyn. Gu. a fesse engr. ermines surmounted by a pale
Diirham (in the Hall of University College, Oxon ; William also engr. erm.
of Ddbham, the founder. Visit. 1574). Or, a fleur-de-lis az. Du Silva (Portugal). Or, a lion ramp. gu. encircled by a
each leaf charged with a mullet of the first. wreath of brambles ppr.
Durham (Grange, co. Forfar). Or, on a fesse az. three Dusseaux. Ar. a fesse sa. flory and counterflory gu. Crest
mullets ar. and in base a crescent gu. Crest— Tvio dolphins —A ram's head erased ar, armed or.

/haurient addorsed ppr. Motto Ultra fert animus.
Duston. See Dunston. Gu. a buck's head cabossed ar.
(Ardownie, co. Forfar). Or, on a fess engr. az. attired or.
three mullets ar. in base a crescent gu. Crest A dolphin — Duthie (Drumlithie, co. Kincardine, 1773). Or, a lion ramp.
naiant ppr. il/o«o— Ulterius. —
gu. within a bordure az. Crest A dexter arm erect ppr.
Durham (Largo, co. Fife, 1672). Or, a crescent gu. ona holding a sword in pale of the last, hilt and pommel or. Motto
chief az. three mullets ar. Crest— A. dolphin naiant ppr. —Data fata secutus.
Motto —Victoria non proeda. Duton. Sa. a cross engr. erm.
DTirham (Largo, 1792; the heiress ni., 1822, Dundas, of Dutongre. Or, an anchor az.
Amiston). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a crescent gu. on a Dutry (London, Dennis Ddtrt, one of the
bart., extinct;
chief az. three mullets of the field, for Durham; 2nd, erm. Directors of the East India Company, was created a bart,
«n a saltire gu. betw. two palm branches ppr. five mascles or, I
1716, d. s. p. 1728). Az. a ftirrup betw. three estoiles or.


jDutton (I>irtfcon, Odaki>, the ancestor of this
co. Chester. RU. Crest —Out of or, a goat's head ar,
a ducal coronet
family, came in with the Conqueror; from him descend the armed of the first. Jfoiio— Terrere nolo, timere nescio.
'W&BBDRTONs, of Arley). Quarterly, ar. and gu. in the 2nd Dyer (Alpington, co. Devon, formerly of Wincanston and
ana 3rd a fret or. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a plume Roundhill, co. Somerset). Same Arms and Crest.
ffu., az., or, vert, and tenne.
of five ostrich feathers Dyer (Marylebone Park, co. Middlesex). Same A't'ms and
Sutton (Hatton, co. Chester). Same Arms^ Ac. Crest.
Dutton (Sherborne, co. Dorset, bart., extinct 1743. Anne Dyer (co. Hereford). Per chev. crenellee gu. and or, three-

DuTTON, sister of the last bart., m. James Napeb, Esq., of mullets counterchanged.
Longhcrew, co. Meath; her son, James Lennox Napee, suc- Dyer (Aldebury, co. Hertford, and Stouchton, co. Hunting-
ceeded to the estates and assumed the name and arms of don; granted by Dethick, Garter, 1575). Sa. three goata
Ddtton; his son, James Dutton, was created, 1784, Lord pass. ar. attired or. Crest —
A goat's head erased ar. holding
Slierboj-ne). Same Arms, in the mouth a pansyppr. stalked and leaved vert.
Sutton {Baron SJterbome). Same Arms, a crescent for diff. Dyer (Waters Place, co. Hereford). Sa. a fesse engr. or,
Crest —A plume of five ostrich feathers ar., az., or, vert, and betw. three goats pass. ar. Crest— A. Saracen's head in profile

gu. Supportei's —Two wolves

ppr. collared gu. charged with ppr. on the head a cap or, verged round the temples chequy
three garbs or. Motto —
Servabo fidem. ar.
and az.
(William Matthew Thiselton Dyer, Esq., of Great
Button (granted 1647, by Roberts, Ulster, to Lieut. Bichaed
Dutton). Same Arms, a crescent for diff. Crest Out of a — Bussell Street). Per chev. ar. and oi", on a chev. vert. betw.
ducal coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers, ar., gu., or, two mullets in chief gu. and a portcullis in base sa. three
ar., and sa. pigeons ppr. Cj*£s(— Out of a crown vallery or, a goat's head
Dutton (CO. Chester). Quarterly, ar. and gu. on the Ist and sa, armed and gorged with a collar gemel gold.

4th quarters a fret of the last. Dyer (William Andrew Dyer, Esq., of London, representa-
Dutton (CO. Chester). Quarterly, ar. and gu. in the Ist and tive of the RussELLs, of Fordhara Abbey, co. Cambridge, and
4th quarters a bendsa., in the 2nd and 3rd a fret or. descended from Oliver Cromwell). Quarterly, Ist and 4tb,
Dutton. Quarterly, ar. and gu. in the 1st a crescent of the ar. a saltire az. betw. four hons ramp, gu., for Dyer; 2nd
second, in the 2nd a fret or. and 3rd, ar. a lion ramp. gu. on a chief sa. three roses of
Dutton (Bulkley and Cheadle, co. Chester). Ar. afesse dan- the first, for Russell. Crest— A demi lion ramp. gu. langued
cettee gu. —
and armed az. Motto Che sara sarsl.
Dutton (William de Dutton, co. Chester, 17 Richard IL). Dyer (Malberow, co. Devon. Visit. 1620). Or, a chief in-
A cross fitchee, the upper and two side pieces terminating" in dented gu. 9 mullet for diff. d'cst-Oxxt of a ducal coronet
lozenges. or, a goat's head sa. armed of the first, on the neck a mullet

Dutton (granted to Fuederick Hansbrow Dutton, Esq., of for diff.

Dover Street, Piccadilly, and of Anlaby, in the cos. ol Light Dyers, Company of (London). Sa. a chev. engr. ar.
and Eyre, in the province of South Australia, sometime Mem- betw. three bags of madder of the last, corded or. Crest—
her of the Legislative Council of the said province). Quar- Three sprigs of the grain tree erect vert, fructed gu. Sup-
terly, erm. and gu. in the 2nd and 3rd quarters, a fret porters —
^Two leopards ramp, guard, ar. spotted with various
vrithin an orle or. Crest —A
fret fessewise gu. in front of a colours, fire issuing from their ears and mouth ppr. both
plume of five ostrich feathers alternately or and ar. Motto— ducally crowned or. Motto —
Da Gloriam Deo.
Servabo fidem. Dyes, or Diss. Sa. a chev. hetw. three leopards' faces
Duval, or Duvall. Ar. a bend gu. Cresl—A. lion sejant ar. Crest —A demi lion vert.
per pale ar. and gu. sustaining a shield, as in the arms- Dye^win. Gu. a fesse enn. over all a pale engr. of the
Du Vernet, or Duvernette. Az. on a chief ar, three second,

water bougets gu. Crest A stag pass. ppr. Dyffe. Sa. a fesse betw. three leopards* faces ar.
Duxbury. Gu. a cross voided ar. Crest— On the stump of Dyg-liton. Or, a pile sa.
a tree, growing out of a mount vert, a dove rising ppr. Dyke (Horeham, co. Sussex, bart.). Or, three cinquefoils
Dwaris (London). Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three eagles' sa. Crest— A cubit arm in armour, the hand in a gauntlet

heads erased sa. as many roses or. Crest A demi lion ramp. sa. garnished or, holding a cinquefoil slipped also sa.
ar. pellettee, holding in the paws a battle axe or. Dykes (Fretcheville Lawson Ballantine-Dykes, Dovenly
Dwigran, See O'Dwigan. Hall, CO. Cumberland). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, three
D^wyer. See O'Dwteb. cinquefoils sa., for Dvkes; 2nd and 2rd, ar. on a
Dyall (Mile End, co. Middlesex; granted 1758). Ar, a cross betw. four mullets az. a sword ppr. pommelled and
cinquefoil gu. on a chief of the second three crosses pattee of hilted or, for Ballantine. Crests 1st, Dykes —
A lobster :

the field- Crest —

A dexter arm embowed in armour ppr. vert; 2nd, Ballantine: A griffin couped. Mottoes Priua —
garnished or, holding a banner gu. fringed, and charged with frangitur quam flectitur, for Dykes ; Nee cito nee tarde, for
a cross pattee ar. staff and tassels of the second. Ballantine.
Dyall (Berkswell, co. Warwick). Ar. on a chief gu. three Dykes. Ar. on a chief indented gu. three bezants.
crosses pattee fitchee of the field. Crest —
An armed arm, Dylderne. Ar. a chev. engr. az. betw. three cocks gu.
holding a banner charged with a cross pattee, as in the Dylkes. Gu. a lion ramp, per pale ar. and or. Crest—
arms. dove with an olive branch in the beak all ppr
Dyas. Ar. an eagle displ. betw. two palets gu. a chief of the Dylles, or Dills. Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three hawks'
last. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet a hand, holding by the heads erased or.
neck a swan's head erased. Dylney. Ar. on afesse gu. three fleurs-de-lis or.
Dyce. Per chev. embattled or and gu. in base two battle Dymock, or Dymott (co. Lancaster). Gu. on a chici
axes in saltire ar. a chief az. parted from the field by a fillet or, a lion pass. sa.
wavy of the third, a demi lion ramp, naissant of the same, Dymock, Dymok, or Dymoke (co. Devon), Ar. on a
holding in both paws a trident of the first. Crest—A. demi chief sa. three estoiles or. Crest —Out of a ducal coronet or,
panther guard, enraged ppr. murally gorged gu. and a rod raguly vert.
crowned with an antique crown or, sustaining a banner, per Dymock, alias Collier (co. Stafford). Ar. on a chev.
hend embattled ar. and az. a sword in bend sinister ppr. staff sa. betw. three demi unicorns courant gu. a lion pass. ar.
of the last. crowned or.Crest~A demi negro ppr. with pearls in the-
Dyce-Sonibre. See Sombre. ears ar; holding in the hand an acorn branch fructed or.
Dycer (Uphall, co. Herts, and Hackney, co. Middlesex, hart., Dymock (co. Warwick granted 1581). Per bend sinister

extinct 1676. Sir Robert Dycer, created 1660, son of erm. and ermines alien ramp. or. C^-asi— A hand and arm
Eobert Dycer, and grandson of William Dycer, both of in armour erect ppr. holding a tilting spear sa. headed ar.
Wrentham, co. Suffolk f granted by Byshe, 13 Charles II. embrued gu.
Visit. Middlesex, 1663). Gu. on a chev. betw. three eagles Dymock {Penley Hall, co. Flint, and Ellesmere, co. Salop;
displ. or, as many torteaux. Crest—A griffin^s head erased descended, through David ap Dai Madoc, whose name, by
ar. ducally gorged or. mutation, became David Dauoc, or Dymock, from Kys
Dychfield (Essex, Ditton, co. Lancaster, and Shahery, co. Sais, possessed of large estates in North Wales and Salop at
Oxford). Ar. three pineapples gu. Crest —
A porcupine the time of the Conquest). Same Arms and Crest, Motto-'
ppr. Pro rege et lege Dimico.
Dycons. Ar. a hend fusily sa. Dymock. Ar. a sword in pale gu.
Dye (co. York), Ar. a fesse sa. in chief three mullets of the Dymock. Sa. a sword in pale ar. hilt and pommel or.
second. Orcst —
On a ducal coronet or, g, swan with wings Dymock. Ar. a cross pattee gu. in each end a small semi--
endorsed ducally gorged ppr. circle (or a cross pattee with one engrail),
Dye. See Deb. Dymocke (co. Devon). Ar. on a chief az, three mullet*
Dyer (Tottenham, co. Middlesex, bart.). Or,a chief indented pierced or.
Dymocke (Erdington, co. Warwick). Az. three toars pass. —
of the first. Crest In the inside of an escallop or, the point
iu pale ar. on a chief gu. a lion pass. or. in base a lion pass. sa.
Dyxuok. Ai*. a sword erect sa. hilted gu. Dyot (Lichfield, and Freeford Hall, co. Stafford. Sir Gilbert
D3rmoke (Scrivelsby, co. Lincoln. The Honottkable the Dethick, Knight Garter, confirmed by a patent dated 20 Feb.
Queen's Chasipion). Sa. two hons pass. ar. crowned or. Crests 1562, still in the possession of the Dtots of Freeford, the old
— 1st: A sword erect ar. hilt and pommel or; 2nd: lion A family arms, with a crest to John Dyot, of Stichbrook and
pass, ar, crowned or; 3rd: The scalp of a hare, ears erect Lichfield). Or, a tiger pass. sa. armed and langued gu.
ppT. —
Motto Pro rege Dimico, Crest—A tiger pass. ar. armed or, collared, lined, and ringed
Byxnoke (Grebby Hall, co. Lincoln). Same Arms, &c. &«
Dymoke (WEiiLs-DTMOKE. Exemplified to Edmund Lionel Dypden. Erm. on a chief az. two lions ramp. or.
Wells, Esq., of Shruhs Hill, Sunningdale, co. Berks, upon Dyper, or Diprey (Cornwall). Vert a lion ramp, or,
his taking, by royal lirence, 27 Aiigust, 1866, the additional oppressed with a bend gu, (another, the bend engr.).
name of Dtmoke, in right of his descent from Edward Dsrraunt. Az. three fishes naiant in pale ppr.
Dtmoke, Esq., of Greliby HaU, co. Lincoln, second son of Dyrby, Az. a cross couped or, an orle of the last,
Sir Edwabd Dtmoke, Champion at the coronation of Charles Dyrbyne. Gu. a fesse depressed by a pale erm.
IL). Sa. two lions pass. ar. ducally crowned or. Crest — Dyrton (co. York). Per pale sa. and ar. a chev. counter-

The two ears of an ass sa. Motto Pro rege Dimico. changed.
IDymon, or Dymau (London). Ar. five fusils in fesse Dyrward, or Dyrwame. Ar. on a. chev. sa. three
gu. each charged with a fleur-de-lis or, betw. three mullets crescents of the first (another, or). Crest —A cup or.
sa. Crest —
A demi lion holding in the paw a fusil gu. Dyrward. Sa. three chaplets gyronny ar. and gu.
charged with a fleur-de-lis or. Dyrwell. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three fleurs-de-lis az,
Dymond (Tiverton, co. Devon). Gu. three fusils in fesse ar. Dyrwin. Gu. a fesse engr. ermines, depressed by a pale of
over all a fesse of the first. Crest— A lady's arm from the the same.
elbow, erect, enflled with a bracelet. Dysart, Earl of. See Tollemache.
Dymond. Ar. five fusils in fess gu. each charged with a Dysart, Boroug-li of, Ar. a tree eradicated ppr.
fleur-de-hs or, betw. six martlets sa. three, two, and one. Dyson (Euzabeth Dyson, an heiress, m. temp. Queen Eliza-
Dymond (Bampfylde House, co. Devon). Quarterly, 1st beth, WiLUAM FowKE, of Goustou, CO. Stafford). Az. the
and 4th, ar. five fusils ^. each charged with a fleur-de-lis sun in splendour or.
or, conjoined in fesse betw. three mullets sa. two and one, Dyson (Inkberow and Hollowfields, co. Stafford). Per pale
for Dymond; 2nd and 3rd, gyronny of eight erm. and sa. a or and az. the sun per pale sa. and of the first. Crest On a —
lion ramp, ppr., for Williams. Cresi— Dtmond: demi A mount vert a paschal lamb ar. the head surrounded with a
lion ramp. ppr. holding hetw. the paws a fusil gu. charged nimbus or. Motto— Moxtaie non opto.
with a fleur-de-lis or. —
Motto Semper constans. Dyson (Willow Hall, co. York, and Everton, co. Lancaster),
Dynant. Gu. a fesse dancett^e erm. Same Arms and Crest, quartering Edwabds, co. York (in
Dyne, or Dynne
{Reydon, co. Norfolk). Sa. a mar- right of his uncle, John Edwabds, Esq., of Northowran),
lion's wing in fesse ar. betw. four crosses formee or, two and viz., per bend sinister erm. and ermines a lion ramp. or.

two. —A plume
Crest of feathers or. Ariother Crest —Out of Motto— Cruci dum spiro fido.
Dyson. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. in chief two crescents betw. as
a ducal coronet a marliou's sinister wing ar.
Dyne (co. Northumberland). Gu. on a tiend or, three birds many mullets pierced sa. in base three of the same gu.
sa. Dyster. Gu. a chev. betw. three eagles displ. with two heads
Dyne (Westfield, co. Sussex). At. two bars gemelles betw. or.
three escallops gu. Dystyngton (Dystyngton, co. Cumberland; the heiress m.
Dyne. Gu. a fesse dancettee or, betw. three escallops erm. Dtkes). Barry of twelve ar. and gu. on a canton of the
Dyne. Or, a fesse sa. second a cross of the first.
Dyncaster. Ar. on a bend az. three escallops or. Dyve (co. Northants). Gu. a fesse dancettee or, betw. three
Dyneiey (Feversham, co. Kent, Branby, Melbome, and escallops erm. Crest —
Betw. two bats' wings gu, a horse's
Swellington, cu. York). Ar. a fesse sa. in chief three muUeta head reguard. vert (another, a wyvern vert, wings endorsed,
of the second. gu.)-
Dyneiey. Ar. a fesse betw. three mullets sa. Great—A. Dyverle. Sa. on a fesse ar. three escallops of the first,
dragon's head erased ppr, Dyward, or Dyrward. Sa. three roundlets gyronny ar.
Dyneiey (Charleton, Hanley Castle, Bromsgrove, and Eed- and az.
marley, co. Worcester). Ar. a fess sa. in chief a mullet Dyx (Wykmer, co. Norfolk). Az. on a bend or, three mart-
of the last oetw. two pellets. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet lets gu. on a chief ar. two reindeers' heads couped of the
or, a dragon's head of the same. third. Crest —A greyhound's head erased ar. ducally gorged
Dynevor, Baron. See Rice. gu. betw. two wings, the dexter or, the sinister sa.
Dynge, or Dyng-ey. Ar. a chev. betw. five (another, Dyxon. Or, a cross gu. dovetailed at the ends betw. four
three) eagles Jispl. sa. eagles displ. sa. Crest —
A demi hind sa. bezantee.
Dyng-Ham. Gu. three bezants. Dyxton. Sa. on a pile ar. a chev. gu. Crest palm tree —A
Dyngley. Ar. a fesse in ctiief an ogress betw. two mullets fructed and leaved ppr.
Dyngley, or Dynby. Ar. in chief three mullets sa.
Dynnam {Lord Di/nhavi. Oliveb Dinan, summoned to E
Parliament, 1295. Barony in dOeyance, 1500). Gu. a fess
dancettee erm. EADES (co. Middlesex, and Saxmundham, co. Suffolk). Az.
DsmJiam, or Omiiani (Allington, co. Kent, and Stam- a chev. engr, betw, three ieupd.ras' faces ar. Crest— A leo-
ford ana Spalding, co. Lincoln;, iju. Ave fusils conjoined in pard's face ar.
fess ar. Eadon. Ar. on a fesse betw. two cinqnefoils az. three garbs
DynJiam (Wortham, co. Devon. John Dinham, Esq., of of the field, C)-est —
A mitre or, charged with a chev. gu.
Wortham, Visit. 1620, sixth in descent from Otes Dinham Eady. Erm. a chev. gu. in chief two heurs-de-lis vert. Crest
and Agnes his wife, iau. and co-heir of William Wortham, -^—A fleur-de-Hs environed with a, serpent.
Lord of Wortham). Gu. four fusils in fess and a border Baens. Sa. a fesse betw. two fleurs-de-lis in pale or. C^est —
erm. On a mount veri a Cornish chougn sa.
Dyntiam. Gu. four fusils in fesse erm. Crest—A bell az. Eag-ar (granted to Eusebius McGillvcuddy Eagar, Esq., of
Dyxdiam,. Gu. three fusils in fesse erm. Crest In a — Chftun Lodge, and Lickeer House, Glancar, co, Kerry, whose
round top or, six spears, in the centre a pennon ar. thereon ancestors were establisned in that coxmty between 1652 and
a cross gu. 1665). Az. a lion ramp, or, armed and langued gu. gorged
Dynham. Gu. a fesse fusily ar. with an antique Irish crown of the last, a chief erm. Crest

Dynham. Gu. five fusils in fesse erm. betw. three bridge A demi lion az, gorged with an antique Irish crown, and
arches on columns ar. charged on the shoulder with a mullet or.- Motto— Facta, non
Dynham. Gu. in chief three bezants. verba.
Dynill (Reg. Ulster's Office). Ar. a fess sa. in chief a pellet Eag-ar. Sa. fretty ar. on each crossing a torteaux gu. Crest
hetw. two mullets of the last. — A quill in pale ppr.
Dynsey, Ar. three lions pass. gu. armed az. Eag'le (CO. Suffolk). Sa. six lions ar. three, two, and one.
Dyntees, and Dyntrey. Sa. on a bend ar. three cinque- Crest—A lion's gamb erect and erased or, grasping an eagle's
foils gu. leg erased at the thigh gu.
I^on (Tathwell, co. Lincoln). Or, a saltire gu. surmounted Eagrleby. Ar. two bars sa. in chief three martlets of the
by another erm. on a chief of the seconii thr^e 3altorels engr. last.

AA k


Eagles. Or, a fesse betw. three eagles displ. az. Crest—Tv/o Earle (Ileydon, co. Norfolk, High Sheriff of the co., 1653).
lions' paws in a saltire ppr. Az. a fesse betw. two bars gemelles or.
Eagrlesfield, or Eglesfield (Alwarby, eo. Cumberlancl). Earle. Paly often or and gu. a mullet in chief ar. Cr^t —
Ar. a crescent az. betw. three eagles displ. gu. A lion's gamb erect and erased, holding an arrow in bend
Eag-lesfield, or Eglesfield (co. Kent). Ar. three eagles sinister, point downwards all ppr.
displ. gu. armed sa. (another, az.). Earles (granted 1 August, 1660). Erm. on a cross gu. five
Eaglesfield, or Eglesfield. Same Arms, field or. Crest —
crowns or. C-est A cross gu. betw. two wings erm.
—Out of a tower a demi greyhound holding in the dexter paw Earlesxnan (co. Hants). Ar. guttle de sang, on a chief az.
a branch of palm ppr. three ducal coronets or.
Eag-lesfield. Or, on a saltire az. five plates. Earning' (London; granted 6 December, 1662). Ar. on a
Eagrlesham (Scotland). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three eagles bend engr. betw. two plain cotises gu. three eagles displ. of
sa. abordure of the last. the first,
EagrlestozL. Ar. an eagle displ. sa. membered purp. Earnley (co. Cornwall). Ar. on a bend cotised sa. two
Eagrleston. Ar, a cross sa. in the first quarter a fleur-de-lis (another, three) eagles displ. with two necks or.
gu. Earnley (co. Kent). Ar. a bend cotised betw. three eagles
Eaines. Or, from a fesse sa. a lion naissant gu. Crest^A
demi ramp, gu.
lion Earnley (co. Sussex). Ar. on a bend sa. three eagles displ.
Eales (Kimton Holme, co. Norfolk; granted 2 Nov. 16T0). or. Crest —
A savage's head affront^e, couped at the shoulders,
Per pale or and sa. a fesse engr. and in chief three fleurs-de-lis wreathed about the temples, issuing therefrom a plume of
counterchangcd. three ostrich feathers all ppr,
Eales. Ar. three eels embowed in pale sa. Crest—On an eel Earnshaw. Gu. a fesse betw. three wheels or. Crest—
embowed vert an eagle displ. ppr. cross patt6e fitchee or, bordured gu.
Earner (Sir 1794; Lord Mayor of
John Eamer, knighted Earnsliaw (Cayground, co York quartered by Marshall, ;

London, 1801 and 1802). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. two of Ardwick, co. Lancaster). Or, a heron sa. on a chief of the
lions pass, in pale or; 2nd and
Srd, sa. on a chief ar. three last, thereon three annulets of the first.
lions' heads erased of the first. Ci'est —
Out of a ducal coronet Earth (Dinton, co. Wilts). Ar. three stags' heads couped sa.
a demi-lion ramp, guard, ppr. collared or, holding in the collared or.
dexter gamb a dagger of the first. Motto Strenufe et — Earth. (Earth, St. Stephen's, near Saltash, co. ComwaJl,
prosper^. tem^, Edward the heiress m. Bond). Same Ariru.
III. ;

Eames (co. Somerset). Or, a fesse sa. a demi lion ramp, Eason, Per chev. or and gu. in chief two lions pass, guard,
issuant gu. CresL —A demi lion ramp. sa. and in base a boar pass, all counterchanged.
Eartoy. Ar. a fret and canton sa. East (HaU Place, co. Berks, bart., extinct 1128. William
Earby (Whaplod, co. Lancaster). Ar. fretty sa. on a canton East, first bart., created 1768, was grandson of William
gu. a chaplet of the field. East, of the Middle Temple, admitted 1675, whose father,
Earde (quartered by Amhubst, through Evening and Gilbert East, was of St. Botolph Without, Bishopsgate,
MoREis). Erm. three saltires gu. whose family was of note for a considerable time in the city
Eardley [Lord Eardley : extinct 1824). Ar. on a chev. az. of London). Sa. a chev. betw. three horses' heads erased ar.
three garbs or, on a canton gu. a fret of the third. Crest — Crest —
A horse pass. sa. Motto J'avance. —
buck courant gu. attired or. Supporters Two bucks ramp, — East (Bading, co. Bucks). Same Arms, Crest, and Motto.

reguard. gu. attired or. Motto Non nobis solum. East (Calcutta, bart.). Sa. on a chev. or, betw. three horses'
Eardley (formerly Smith, Hadley, co. Middlesex, bart.). heads erased ar. two crosses calvary ehevronways of the
Quarterly, Ist and 4th, ar. on a chev. az. three garbs or, a first, their heads towards the centre of the field. Crest ^A —
canton gu. charged with a fret of the first, for Eakdlbt ; 2nd horse erm. supporting with the dexter foreleg a cross calvary
and 3rd, vert three acorns slipped or, for Smith. Crests — in bend sinister sa. Motto — .ffiquo pede propera.
stag courant gu. attired or, for Eardley a falcon, wings ;
East (Clayton- East, HaU Place, co. Berks, bart. ; exempli-
endorsed ppr. belted or, in the beak an acorn slipped and fied to East George Clayton, second son of Sir Williau

leaved also ppr., for Smith. Motto Spes, decus et robur. Clayton, fourth bart. of Marden, by Maby East, his wife,
Eardley. Quarterly, or and az. on a bend vert three mart- sister and heiress of Sir Gilbert East, last bart. of Hall
lets of the first. Crest —
A sword in pale ppr. enfiled with a Place he assumed, by royal hcence, 1829, the additional

leopard's face gu. surname of East, and was created a bart. 1838). Same
Eardley-"Wiliriot, Bart. See Wilmot. Aritis, Crest, and Motto, quartering Clayton.
Eare (Wotton, co. Norfolk). Gu. on a bend betw. six crosses East. Ar. a chev. ermines betw. three horses' heads
formee fitchee, ar. three mullets sa. erased sa.
Eare. Ar. on a chev. sa. three quatrefoils slipped or. Eastchurch. Az. a saltire vaire ar. and gu. betw. four
Earl, or Erlley. Same Arim. Crest On the —
point of a suns or. Crest —
In clouds ppr. the sun or.
tilting spear ppr. headed ar. a dolphin naiant of the first. Eastcott. Sa. three escallops ar.
Earl. Gu. on a chev. betw. three escallops in chief and a Eastday (Saltwood, co. Kent). Az. a griffinsegreant ar, a
dolphin in base ar. as many trefoils sa. all within a double chief of the second. Crest —On a mount vert a hind lottged
ti'essure engr. of the second, the outer bordure or. ft'es(— ppr.
nag's head erased sa. maned or. Easte. See Ebte.
Earle (Allerton Tower, co, Lancaster, barfc.). Or, three pal- Easterling*. Paly of four ar, and az. on a bend gu. three
lets gu. each charged with an escallop in chief of the field. cinquefoils of the first.

Crest A hon's gamb erased, holding an arrow in bend sinis- Easterling, or Stradlingr. Paly of six ar. and az. on
ter the barb downwards ppr. pendent by a chain gold, an a bend gu. three cinquefoils or.
escutcheon gu. charged with an escallop or, ilfofio—Servare Eastfield Lord Mayor
i of London, 1429 and 1437). Sa. a
modum. chev. erm betw. three maidens' heads, couped ar. crined
Earle (Ashton-under-Lyne, co. Lancaster; granted to or.
Nicholas Earle, Esq.). Gu. a chev. betw. two escallops in Eastfi,eld. Ar. two bars gu. in chief three cinquefoils sa.
chief and a seahorse in base ar. a bordure erm. Crest — Crest —
A hawk, wings expanded ppr. beaked, legged, and
"Upon a mount vert a lion's gamb brazed az. grasping a belled, or.
battle axe in bend sinister and encircled by a wreath of oak East Gxinstead, Town of (co. Sussex). The seal of the
ppr. —
'Motto Ne tentes aut perfice. corporation represents a double rose imperially crowned, on
Earle (Bishop of Worcester, 1662). Erm. on a chief engr, sa. the background the word Sussex divided thus. Sua on the
three antique crowns or. dexter, sex on the sinister.
Earle (Oraglethorpe, co. Lincoln, bart., extinct 1697 ; granted Easthope (fir Grove, co. Surrey, bart., extinct). Or, two
1558). Gu. a fess betw. three sheldrakes ar. Crest A lion's — bendlets engr. az. betw. as many boars' heads erased sa. Cre^t
head erased or, pierced through the head with a broken — Out of a crown vallery or, a horse's head ar. maned
spear ar. the point embrued gu. gold, charged on the neck with two bendlets engr., as in the
Earle (Swallowfield Place, co. Berks). Gu. three escallops, arms.
a bordure engr. ar. Ci^est—A. lion's head erased or, pierced East India Company (incorporated by Queen EUzabeth).
with a broken dart ppr. Az. three ships of three masts, rigged, and under full sail,
Earle (Topsfield, co. Essex). Gu. three escallops a bordure the sails, pennants, and ensigns ar. each charged with »
engr. or. Crest— A. nag's head erased sa. maned or. cross gu. on a chief of the second a pale, quarterly, az. and
Earle (Boston, co. Lincoln). Same Arins^ an annulet or, for gu. on the 1st and 4th, a fleur-de-lis in the 2nd and 3rd, ft

diff. lion pass, guard, all of the second, betw. two rosea gu. seeded
Gu. on a fesse or, three magpies ppr. membered of or, barbed vert. Crest —
A sphere without a frame, bounfl
first. with the zodiac in bend or, betw. two split pennons fiotant


ar.each charged in chief with a cross gu. over the sphere Eaton. Ar. on a bend engr. sa. three bucks' heads cabossed
these words, " Deus indicat." Suppoi-ters Two sea-lions or, — of the first. Oe«(— Out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head
the tails ppr. Motto —
Deo ducente nil nocet. sa. armed ar.
East India Company
(New, estabUshed by Act of Par- Eaton. Ar. semee of trefoils ppr. two annulets braced in the
liament in 1698, and united with the former). Ar. across nombnl point sa.
gu. in the dexter chief quarter an escutcheon of the arms of Eaton. Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three leopards' faces or.
France and England, quarterly, the shield ornamented and Eaton. Gu. a bend wavy cotised or.
regally crowned or. Crest~~A lion ramp, guard, or, sup- Eaton (^Rainham, co. Essex). Same Arms^ bend and cotises
porting betw. the fore paws a regal crown ppr. Suppm'ters— or. Crest —
A stork ar. beaked and legged gu. holding in the
Two lions ramp, guard. O]-, each supporting a banner erect beak an ostrich feather or,
ar. charged with a cross gu. Motio— Auspicio regis et Eaton. Or, a cross sa.
senatus Angliee. Eaton. See Eton.
East Land Company {incorporated temp. Elizabeth and Eburton. Or, on a fesse gu. betw. three annulets sa. as
Charles I., confirmed by Charles H. ) . Or, on the sea in base many crosses botonnee fitchee ar.
a ship of three masts in fuU sail all ppr. the sails, pennants, Ebnry (arms displayed in Brasenose College, Oxford. Visit.
and ensigns ar. charged with a cross gu. on a chief of the 1574). Vert a cross crosslet or.
last a Hon pass, guard, of the first. Orest —
An alio camelus, Eccles Norfolk and Suffolk, temp. Edward I.). Ar. on
or ass-camel ppr. Supporters—Two bears ppr. Motto — a saltire gu. two crozier staves saltireways or, surmounted
Despair not. with a hon's head of the first.
Eastland, or Estland. Az. a bend or, cotised ar. betw. Eccles (Kildonan, co. Ayr). Ar. two halberts saltireways az.
six horse-shoes of the second. Crest —An arm in armour Crest —A broken halbert az. Motto— S& defendendo.
embowed ppr. holding a fleur-de-lis or. Eccles (Shanock, co. Ayr>. Same Arms^ within a bordure
Eastland. Az. a bend or, cotised ar. betw. six wicker gu.
baskets of the second. Eccles (Eccles Ville, Fintona, co. Tyrone ; descended from
East Low, Town
of (Cornwall), has no armorial ensign. Kildonan). Arms and Crest^ same as Eccles, of Kildonan.
The seal represents an antique one-mast vessel, in it a man —
Motto Nee deficit animus.
and boy, against the side of the hulk three escutcheons, each Eccles (Cronroe, co. Wicklow; a scion of Kildonan Eliza- ;

charged with three bends. beth, sister and heiress of the late Hogh Eccles, Esq., of
Eastly (the dau. and heiress of Eastlt m. Eichard Homs, Cronroe, m. 1874, Capt. the Hon. Henry W. C. Wabd).
Stoke, CO. Warwick, temp. Bichard II.). Ar. a lion ramp. az. Same as Eccles, of Kildonan.
armed and langued gu. Ecclesball (co. Worcester). Sa. a bend betw. six martlets
Eastman. Gu. in the dexter chief point an escutcheon ar. or.
charged with a Uon ramp. sa. Crest— A swan collared and Eccleston(Eccleston, co. Lancaster; Basil Tuo&ias Scabis-
lined ppr. BBooK, Esq., assumed the surname and arms of Eccleston"
Eastoft. Sa. six escallops or, three, two, and one. Ci-est — in compliance with the wish of Thomas Eccleston, Esq., of
A dagger and pen in saltire ppr. Motto — ^Artis vel martis. Eccleston, and d. 1789). Ar. a cross sa. in the dexter chief a
Eastoft. Same Arms. Orest—A. stork with an eel in its fleur-de-lis gu. Crest —
A magpie ppr.
mouth ppr. Eccleston, or Ecdestone. Same Arms. Orest — ^A
Easton (Easton, co. Devon). Per chev. gu. and or, three sea dexter hand holding a dagger in pale all ppr.
dragons, ducally crowned, counterchanged (another, dragons Eccleston (Newtonle Willows, co. Lancaster; as borne by the
sans wings). Crest —A
yew tree ppr. iate Thos. Bielby Eccleston, M.D., 4th B.L. Militia, who
Eastwich. Ar. guttee de sang, a fesse gu. d. s. p. 1865), Same Arms and Crest, quartering erm. on u
Eastwood (Castletown Castle, co. Louth, originally from co. chief sa. three escallops or, for Taylor. Motto— Sv^to
Nottingham; granted by Carney, Ulster, 1658, to John East- meliora.
wood, who was Sheriff and Lord Mayor of DubUn, temp. Eccleston (Sheils-Eccleston; exemplified 1806, to George
Charles 11.). Or, three stage trippant sa. that in base Shgils, Esq., of Drumshallon, co. Louth, on his assiuning,
standing imder a tree ppr. Crest —A
wUd boar az. with a by royal licence, the additional surname of Eccleston, in
branch of acorns in its mouth ppr. The family, however, now compliance with the will of William Eccleston, Esq., of
use for crest, a stag couped at the loins ppr. JlfoWo—Oriens Drumshallon). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a cross sa. in
sylva. dexter chief a fleur-de-lis gu. in sinister a shamrock vert;
Eastwood (Flockton Kettus, co. York ; granted 1747). Sa. 2nd and 3rd, ar. a lion ramp. sa. betw. two dexter hands in
a chev. erm. with two couple closes or, betw. three swans ar. chief and in base a mullet gu. Crest —
A magpie ppr. Motto
beaked and membered of the third, the two in chief respect- — Omne solum forti patria.
ing each other. Eching'hanx(Echingham, co. Sussex; Simon deEchingham,
Eastwood, or Estwood. Same Arms. Crest On a — Lord of Echingham, Sheriff of Sussex, 1234^35-36; Sir
ducal coronet per pale orand gu. a lion pass, guard, per Thomas Echingham, Knt., of Echingham, temp. Henry VI.,
pale of the second and
crowned ppr.
first lefttwo daus. co-heirs, Margaret, wife, first of William
Eaton (Blackden, co. Chester). Quarterly, ar. and gu. a BiiOnNT, son of Lord Mountjoy, seconA^ of Sir John Eleington ;
cross patonce coimterchanged in the first quarter a mullet and Anne, wife, first of Sir Goddabd Oxenbbjdgb, -second, of
of the second. Later Arms (after their marriage with the Roger ErvNES. Har. MSS., 1562, 100). Az. a fret
GoosETKEYs) — Ar. a chev. betw. three squirrels sejant ar.
Eching-ham Suffolk; descended from
Eaton (co. Chester). Ar. a chev. betw. three eagles displ. with Richard Echingham, Esq., brother of Sir Thomas Eching-
two heads gu. ham, Knt., of Echingham, temp. Henry VI. Har, MSS.,
Eaton (Tolethorpe Hall, co. Rutland). Quarterly, 1st and 3rd, 1449, 97). Same Arms.
or,a fret az. ; 2nd and 4th, or, a bend az. between three Eching-ham, or Etching-ham (Dunbrody Abbey, co.
lions' —
heads gu. Crest A lion or, bearing a bow ppr. Wexford; descended from Sir Osborne Echingham, Knt.,
Eaton (Dunmoylin, co. Limerick, bart., extinct. Fun. Ent. son of Sir Edward Echingham, Knt., of Barsham, who was
of Simon, only son of Sir Simon Eaton, Bart., d. 19 Nov., granted by patent, 4 Oct. 1545, the dissolved Monastery,
1684, buried next day in St. Patrick's Cathedral). Or, a fret with the Abbey and Barony of Dunbrody, co. Wexford.
vert. Jane, dau. and heiress of John Etchingham, Esq., of Dun-
Eaton (Ireland, Beg. TJlster's Oface). See Etton. brody, teriip. Charles I., m. 1660, Sir Arthur Chichester,
Eaton (ChapeU Bar, co. Nottingham). Or, a fret az. d-est— afterwards second JEarl of Don^ail; the estates are now
An eagle's head erased sa. in the beak asprig vert. Motto — vested in Henry, Lo7-d Templemore). As., fretty ar. Crmt
Vincit omnia Veritas. — An eagle ppr. holding in dexter claw » staff or, and
?aton (co. Wilts). Same Arms. pennant gu.
Eaton (Temple, 1687). Quarterly, ar. anda cross patonce,
sa. Eching-ham, Etchingrham, or Itchingham (Coole,
counterchanged, the first quarter charged with a mullet of CO. Wexford descended from Arthur Etchingham, or

the second, a label for diff. Itchinoham, brother of John Etchingham, Esq., of Dun-
Eaton (Eaton, co. Chester). Same Arms, without the brody, temp. Charles I., d. 1684 John Itchingham, Esq., of

mullet. Coole, forfeited after the battle of Aughrlm). Same Arms

Eaton (CO. Salop). Same Artns. and Cr^t.
Eaton (co. Worcester). Sa. three bars ar. Echingham (co. Kent). Same Arms. Orest —A church
Eaton, Eaten, or Eton. Erm. a lion ramp. az. Creaf bell ppr.
A crow's head erased sa. Echingham, or Eckin^ham. Same Arms^ a border
Eaton, Eaten, or Eton. Or, a fesse az. Cresi —A engr. or
boar's head erased, holding in the mouth a sword. Echinii;on. Sa. a plate betw. three castles »r.


Echlin {PittadTO, co. Fife). Quarterly, 1st, or, a stag in chief Eden, or Edon (Ballingdon Hamlet, co. Essex, and Sud-
gu. ; 2nd, az. a hound in pursuit ar. 3rd, ar. a lymphad sa.
; bury, CO. Suffolk, 1634). Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. two chev.
flags gu. ; 4th, or, a fess chequy az. and ar. az. each charged with three escallops of the field, as many
Echlin (Clonagh, co. Or, a lymphad
Kildare, hart.). garbs or. Ci-est —
A demi dragon gans wings vert, holding a
with forked pennon ppr.
sails furled sa. Crest A talbot — rose branch flowered ar. stalked and leaved of the first.
pass. ppr. Motto —
Rumor accrbe tace. Eden, Edon, or Iden ^Sandwich, co. Kent, and co. Suffolk).
Eclilin {Ardquin and Echlin ville, co. Down). 1st and 4th, or, Az. a chev. betw. three close helmets or. Crest ^A plume of —
a galley ppr. 2nd and 3id, or, a fesse chequy purp. and ar.
; feathers ar.
in ehief a deer at full speed pursued hy a dog all ppr. Ci-est Eden (co. York). Az. three helmets ar.
— A talbot pass. ar. spotted sa. langued gu. Motto Non — Eden. Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. two chev. az. each charged
sine praeda. with three garbs or, as many escallops of the field.
Eclllm (confirmed to Henry Echlin, Esq., of Kirlish, co. Eden. Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three garbs or. Crest ^An —
Tyrone, second son of Daniel Moore Echlin, Esq., of ostrich ppr. holding in the beak a horseshoe.
Echlins Grove, co. Down, and of Dublin). Quarterly, Edenham (Swaldale). Az. on a bend gu. three dolphins
1st and 4tb or, an antique galley with sails furled sa. a forked ar.
pennon gu. 2nd and 3rd, gu. a fess chequy ar. and az., in
; Edensor. See Ensob.
the centre point over all a white rose ppr., on a chief ar. a Ederby, or Enderby. Per pale ar. and sa. three bars
deer at full speed pursued by a hound also gu. Crest — dancettee counter changed.
talbot pass. ar. spotted sa. gorged with a collar az. and charged Ederstone. Ar. on a chev. gu. five bezants (another,
on the shoulder with a rose, as in the arms. Motto^Non sine five lozenges or).
prEedS,. Edes (co. Bedford). Same Arms as Fades. Crest A lion's —
Eckersall Inn Fields, co. Middlesex, and co.
(Lincoln's gamb erect or, enfiled with a chaplet vert.
Worcester granted 1764). Ar. on a bend betw. six martlets
; Edirar (co. Berks). Az. five lozenges or, each charged with
gu. three lozenges of the first, each charged with a saltire of an escallop gu. on a thief of the second a griffin's head betw.
the second. Crest— A dexter arm in armour embowed ppr. two fleurs-de-hs of the third.
and iuTerted, charged with a lozenge, as in the arms, and Edg-ar (Lord of Mthsdale). Sa. a lion ramp. ar.
holding in the hand ppr. an esquire's helmet of the last, Edgar (Wedderhe, co. Benvick). Same Arms. Crest —
garaished or. dexter hand holding a dagger point downwards. Mottoes —
Eckersall (Bury, co. Lancaster). Same Arms. Over the crest : Man do it below the arms Salutem disponit
; :

Eckfoord (Scotland). Ar. in a sea veit a seahorse issuing DCU3.

ramp. ppr. Crest —A griffin statant or. Edgar (Keithock, co. Forfar, 1672). Sa. a Hon ramp. betw.
Ecking-ham. See Eghingham. a garb in chief and a writing pen in base ar. Ci'est ^A —
Eckington. Ar. on a bend cotised gu. three cinquefoils —
dagger and quill in saltire. Motto Potius ingenio, quam vi.
or. Edgar (Dantzic, 1685). Sa. a lion ramp. ar. betw. two garbs
Eckley (Credenhill Park, co. Hereford; descended from in chief of the second, banded gu. and a bezant in base. Crest
EcKLET, of Eckley's Green, benefactors to Hereford Cathedral, — ^A withered oak branch sprouting out leaves ppr. Motto
1200; the late John Edmund Ecklet d. s. p. m., leaving — Apparet, quo latebat.
three daus. co-heirs, Jane, wife of Fkancis William Heebeut, Edgar (The Bed House, near Ipswich, co. Suffolk). Per chev.
now of Credenhill, Julia, and Fbances). Or, on a saltire gu. or and az. in chief two fleurs-de-hs of the second, in base five
a leopard's face transfixed mth two swords saltireways of the lozenges of the first, each charged with an escallop gu. Ct'esp
field. Crest —
A leopard's head erased gu. Motto—Gesta — ^Au ostrich's head betw. two wings expanded or, ea«h
pro3venient verbis. charged with as many bends az. in the beak a horseshoe
Eclesfield. Barry wavy of six ar. and sa. ar.
Eclesfield. Ar. three bars nebulae sa. Edgar (co. Suffolk). Az. five lozenges in fesse or, eaak
Ecleston. Sa. three piles wavy ar. charged with an escallop gu. on a chief of the second an
Ecleston (Kowborne, co. Lincoln). Ar. a cross sa. in the eagle's leg erased betw. two fleurs-de-hs of the third.
first quarter a fleur-de-lis gu. Crest—A cock pheasant ppr. Edgar. Az. a cross formee betw. four martlets or.
Ecton. BaiTy of eight ar. and gu. a canton sa. (another, Edgcumtoe (Earl of Mount-Bdgcumbe). Gu. on a bend
the canton charged with a cross patonce or). Crest—A dexter ermines cotised or, three boars' heads couped ar. Crest ^A —
hand holding a laurel branch ppr. boar pass. ar. gorged with a wreath of oak leaves, fructed
Ectou. Ar. three bars gu. on a canton sa. a cross formee ppr. Support&i'S —Two greyhoimds ar. guttee de poix, gorged
or. with a collar dovetailed gu. —
Motto Au playsir fort de
Eddows. Per bend sinister erm. and ermines a lion ramp. Dieu.
or. ft'csf — ^A man's head within a helmet ppr. the beaver Edgcumbe (Edgcumbe House, co. Devon). Same Arms,
open. Crest, and Motto.
Ede (Saxmundham). See Fades. Edge (Edge, co. Chester). Per fesse sa. and gu. an eagle
Edefin. Barry of six or and sa. a chief paly of ten of the displ. ar.
first and second. Edge (London, and co. Stafford). Same Arms. Crest —
Edefin. Barry of six sa. and or, a chief paly of ten of the demi morse or sea-hon ppr.
first and second. Edge (Strelly, co. Nottingham; granted 9 May, 1709). Same
Edefyn (co. Worcester). Erm. three barrulcts gu. Arms, with the addition of, on a chief or, a rose betw. two
Eden (West Auckland, co. Durham, and Maryland, North —
annulets of the second. Crest A reindeer's head couped
America, bart.). Gu. on a chev. betw. three garbs or, ppr. collared and chained or. Jlfoiio— Semper fidelis.
banded vert, as many escallops sa. Crest— A dexter arm in Edge (confirmed Benjamin Booree Edge, Esq., of Clon-
armour embowed couped at the shoulder ppr. the hand grasp- brock House, Queen's co., J. P., whose family is traditionally
ing a garb bendwise, as in the arms. Motto Si sit pru- — a branch of Edge, of Strelly, co. Nottingham). Per fess sa.
dentia. and gu. an eagle displ. ar. on a chief or, a cinquefoil betw.
Kden (Maryland, North America, bart., created 1776, now two annulets of the second. Crest—A reindeer's head couped
merged in the preceding). Same Arms, Crest, and Motto, a ppr. collared and chained or, and holding in its mouth a
crescent for diff. trefoil vert. —
Motto Semper fidelis.
Eden {Baron Auckland). Same Arms and 0)-est. Supporters Edge (confirmed to John Dallas Edge, Lieut. 22nd Foot, son
— ^Two horses ar. the dexter guard, charged on the shoulder of John Edge, of Cretty Ard, Queen's co.). Same Armi
with a fieur-de-Hs or, the sinister charged on the shoulder (cinquefoils sa.). Crest, and Motto.
with a castle or. Motto Si sit prudentia. — Edge, alias Hawkins. Ar. a hawk ppr. beaked ana
Eden (Barl of Auckland; the second baron was so created, legged or, standing on a staff couped and raguly vert.
1839, d. unm. 1849). Same Arm-s, &c. Edge, Ar, on a chief gu. three maidens' heads couped
Eden (Baron Henley). See Henley, Baron Henley. ppr.
Eden (Beamish Park, co. Durham; granted to John Edgebaston (co. Leicester). Ar. a lion ramp. gu. over all a
Methold, Esq., second son of Hbnby Methold, by Doeotht bend az.
his wife, eldest dan. of Sir John Eden, fourth bart., of West Edgebaston. See Egbaston.
Auckland, upon his assuming by royal licence, in 1844, the Edgebtiry, alias Wilkinson (Deptford, co. Kent). Az, a
name and arms of Eden). Gu. on a chev. betw. three garbs —
unicorn pass, reguard. or. Crest On a mount vert a bii"d
or, banded vert, as many escallops sa., quartering Methold. sa. supporting a pennon az. and gu. the ends flotant, the top
Cre:4s~\st, Eden: a dexter arm in armour embowed couped ar, thereon a cross of the fourth, the staff or.
at the shoulder ppr. the hand grasping a garb bendwise, Edgecumbe (Lower Edgecumbe, originally Eggescombo,
as in the arms; 2nd, that of Methold. Motto—Si sit CO. Devon). Gu. on a bend erm. betw. two cotises or, three ,

prudentia. boars' heads couped sa. The original Crest—A boar's head in

a dish a sprig of laurel erect (another, a hoar pass.

all ar. in chief az. and a thistle slipped in base ppr. Crest A. —
ar. armed, crined, and membered or, gorged with a chaplet griffin's head erased ar. holding in the beaJc a cross crosslet
of oak vert, fructed of the second). Motto—Aa plaisir fort fltehee az. betw. two wings also ar. each charged with a thistle
de Dieu. ppr. Motto —
Vincit Veritas.
Sd^ell (co. Midddlesex). Ar. on a chcv. aa. hetw. three Edmeades (Nursted Court, co. Kent). Erm. a fesse dan-
roses gu. as many plates. cettde paly or and vert, betw. two horses' heads erased in
Bdgell (Standerwiclt Court, Beckington, co. Somerset). Ar. chief and three arrows in base, one in pale surmounted by
on a chev. embattled sa. betw. three cinquefoils gu. as many two in saltire, pheons downwards, sa. Crest — Five arrows in-
bezants. Cfrest — A falcon rising ar. guttee de sang, belled or, terlaced or, surmounted by a crescent sa.
resting the dexter foot on an antique shield of the first, Edmerston. Az. on a bend or, three torteaux. Crest ^A- —
charged with a cinquefoil as in the arms. Motto Qui sera — dexter hand throwing a dart ppr.
sera. Edmeston (co. Berwick). Or, three crescents gu. within a
EdireU. {Wtatt-Edqell, Milton Place, co. Surrey exemplified ; bordure engr. az.
to Edgell Wyatt, Esq., son of Kichaed Wtatt, Esq., Edmond. Gu. a tricorporated lion issuing out of three points
of Eghara, by Priscilla, his wife, dau. of John Edgell, Esq., of the escutcheon, all meeting under one head in fesse ar.
of Milton Place, upon his assuming by royal licence, 22 Oct. armed and langued az.
1813, the additional sui-name and arms of his maternal grand- Edmond. Or, a chev. az. d^est—A demi lion ppr. support-
father). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. on a chev. sa. betw. ing a long cross gu.
three cinquefoils gu. as many bezants, for Edgell; 2nd and Edmond. Ar. a chev. az.
3rd, sa. a fesse dancettce ar. betw. three eagles displ. or, a Edmondes (cos. Hants and Sussex). Or, a fesse vair, in
chief of the last, for Wyatt. Crests 1st: Ademilionramp. — chief three martlets gu. a crescent for diff. Crest— dragon'^ A
holding in the dexter paw a cinquefoil gu. slipped and leaved head erased quarterly az. and ar. semee of roundles
vert, for Edgell 2nd A demi
; lion per
: pale crenellee or and coimterchanged, a crescent sa. for diff.
sa. holding in the dexter paw an arrow gu. headed and Edmondes (Baylis Court, co. Sussex). Gu. a fesse vair, in
feathered ar.,.for Wyatt. Motto Honesta bona. — chief three martlets or. Creat —A
dragon's head erased ar,
Edgerley (Milton, co. Oxford; on a tombstone in Milton charged on the breast with three pellets.
Church, KoBEKT Edgerley. Visit, 1574). Ar. on a chev. Edmondes. Ar. a fesse dancettee, in chief three martlets
betw. three cinquefoils gu. as many bezants. gu. within a bordui'e engi'. sa.
Edg'ertou. See Egerton. Edmondes, Or, on a cross engr. sa. five cinquefoils of the
Edgeworth (co. Yorlt). Per chev. or and az. three (another, first.

ax) marilets counterchanged. Edmondes (Lidington, co. Lincoln). Az. an eagle volant
Edgeworth (Edgeworthstown, co. Longford; descended from or.
Francis Edgeworth, brother of Edward Edgeworth, Edmondes (Truro, co. Cornwall; Everard Edmondes^
Bishop of Down and Connor, 1593. Mabia Edgeworth, who Visit. 1620, son of Richard Edmondes, Esq., of Lidington,
attained high reputation in literature, was daughter of CO. Eutland, descended from Edmondes, of Lidington, co.
BicHABD LovELL EDGEWORTH, Esq., of Edgcworthstown, Lincoln). Same Arj^is.
the weU known writer on education and inventions). Per Edmonds (Winslow, co. Buckingham, and co. Cornwall).
chev. gu. and or, three martlets coimterchanged. Crest — Same Arms. —
Crest A lion couchant guard, betw. two wings
Oa a ducal coronet a pelican feeding her young or. Motto- — endorsed all or.
Constans contraria spernit. Edmonds (co. Cambridge, 1619). Or, on a cross within a
Edgeworth. (Kilshrewley, co. Longford; descended from bordure both engr. sa. five cinquefoils of the field. Crest—^
BoBERT Edgeworth, second son of Sir John Edgeworth, A greyhound sejant sa. bezantee collared or.
Knt., of Edgeworthstown). Same ^i-nw, Crestj and Motto. Edmonds (cos. Cambridge and Essex). Ar. on a cross engr.
Edgill. Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three cinquefoils gu. as sa. five cinquefoils or.

many bezants. Oresi A demi lion ramp, holding in the Edmonds (co. Essex). Or, on a saltire engr. sa, five cinque-
dexter paw a cinquefoil gu. shpped and leaved vert. foils of the first.

Edgley, or Edgerley (Wrenbury, co. Buckingham, and Edmonds (granted 1600, by Camden, Clarenceux, to
MiltOD, CO. Oxford). Ar. on a chev. betw. three cinquefoils Thomas Edmonds, of Plymouth, co. Devon). Or, a chev. az.-
gu. as many bezants. ou a canton of the second a boar's head couped betw. three
Edgworth (Keg. Ulster's Off. ; also borne by Worth), Ar. fleurs-de-hs of the first. —
Crest On a chapeau gu. turned up'
on a bend sa. three lions' heads erased or. erm. a fleur-de-hs betw. two wings az.
Edgworth (England, Beg. Ulster's Office). Ar. two bars Edmonds (Sir Thomas Edmonds, Clerk of the Council..
wavy ftu. Crest —A cherubim ppr. Visit. Loudon, 1568). Or, a chev. az. on a canton of the
Edie (Moneaght, Scotland).Ar. three crosses crosslet fitchee second a fieur-de-lis of the first.
gu. Orest—A cross crosslet fitchfe gu. and a skean in saltire Edmonds (granted to Sir Clement Edmonds, Clerk of tho
PET. Motto —
Crux mihi grata quies. Coxmcil, July, 1610, by Camden). Az. a chev. betw. threo
Edieok, or Egioke (co. Worcester). Sa. a griffin pass, quadrats or,
erm. beaked, legged, and ducally gorged or. Crest ^A demi — Edmonds (Dedington, co. Oxford John Edmonds, eldest son;

griffin erm. beaked and legged or, holding a broken tilting of Humphrey Edmonds. Visit. 1674). Or, on a chev. az. betw.^
spear ppr. three heads erased gu. as many estoiles or. Crests

Edinburgh, Bishop of. Az. u. saltire ar. in chief a 1st: A griffin's head erased gu. holding in the beak a cross-
mitre of the last, garnished or pattee fitchee or; 2nd: On a globe ar. banded or, a griffin's
Edinhurgh, City of. Ar. on a rock ppr. a castle triple- head gu.
towered embattled sa. masoned of the first and topped Edmonds (co. Oxford). Or, (another, ar.) on a chev. az-
with three fans gu, windows and portcullis closed of the last. three estoiles of the field.
Crest—An anchor wreathed about with a cable both ppr. Edmonds (Wolborough, co. York). Per chev. or and sa,

Su^orters Dexter, a maid richly attired hair hanging down three fleurs-de-lis counterchanged. Crest— A ship with three

over her shoulders ppr. ; sinister, a doe also ppr. masts under full sail ppr.
Nisi Dominus, frustra. Edmonds (London, and co. Suffolk). Ar. a fesse sa. in
Edinburgh, University of. Ar. on a saltire az. betw. chief three martlets of the last. Crest—A sinister wing erect-
a thistle in chief ppr. and a castle on a rock in base sa. a book per pale ar. and or.
expanded or. Edmonds (London). Ar. a fess betw. three martlets sa.
Edington (Balbertoun, Scotland). Az. three savages' heads Edmonds (London). Per chev. embattled gu. and aa. three
couped ar. martlets or.
Edington. Az. two lions pass. or. Crest — ^A savage's head Edmonds, Same Arms. Crest — ^A wing erect per pale ar.
couped, distilling blood ppr. and or.
Edington. Same Arms, a bordure of the last (another, Edmonds (granted by Camden, Clarenceux, 1610, to Sir
gu.), and Crest. Clement Edmonds, Clerk of the Council). Az. a chev. betw.
Edington-Priory (co. Wilts). Or, on a cross engr. gu.five three warriors' shields or, on each a thunderbolt chased,.
cinquefoils of the first. Qrest-^An. arm in aimour embowed ppr. tha'owing a pheon
Ediscalkie. Vair on a chief gu. a leopard surmounted of az. handle ppr.
a fees or, charged with an eagle displ. sa. crowned of the Edmonds. Or, on a cross engr. sa. five roses of the field.
second. Crest — ^A greyhound sejantsa..bezantee, collared and chained
Edlye, or Edlys. Ar. on a saltire gu. a leopard's face or.
transfixed with two palmers' staves in saltire or. Edmonds. Gu. a tricorporated lion ar. Crest An arm
Edmands (Sutton, co. Surrey, and Oakley Lodge, co. in armour embowed, holding in the hand a battle axe aU
Middlesex). Or, two chevronels betw. as many fleura-de-Ua ppr. Motto— Aga\xa in pace, leo in bello.
Edmonds. Or, a chev. sa. on u canton of the last a Edridgre (Wimpole Street, and Shipdham, co. Norfolk).
boar's head of the first. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. Crest —
^A lion's head erased gu,
-Edmonds on (London, Mowbray Herald Extra. Granted Edrid^e (Pockeredge House, co. Wilts). Gu. a lion ramp,
18 March, 1765). Az. a fesse erm. betw. two bars gemell^ ar. in chief a pheon betw. two lions' heads erased of the last.
engr. or, in chief as manj' swans respecting each other, —
Crest A lion ramp. ar.
wings elevated, and in base a lion ramp. ar. Crest A lion — Edridg-e. Gu. two wolves' heads erased in chief and a lion
ramp, or, gorged with a bar gemell6 gu. supporting a pennon ramp, in base ar, in the middle chief point a pheon of the
az staff of the second, headed ar. last. Crest— A hawk standing on a fish ppr.
Edmondson (co. York). Gu. a pale wavy erm. betw. six Edrik. Ar. a lion ramp. gu.
escallops or. Ci'est—A. demi lion sa. holding an escallop Edrinifton {Baron EdA-ington^ summoned to Parliament
or. 1336 dormant since the reign of Henry VI.). Or, two lions

Edmondston (Braiden Island, co. Antrim; Fun. Ent. of pass, in pale az.
Archibald Edmondston, of that place, buried in the parish Edsir Ar. a lion ramp, per fesse gu. and vert
(co. Surrey).
church of Templecoram, co. Antrim, grandson of Sir James within an orle of and leaved ppr.
pinlcs, slipped
Edmondston, Knt., of Dontreath, in the Sheriffdom of Stir- Edward Az. a fesse ar. sur-
(Longcroft, co. Linlithgow).
ling). Gu. a gem ring or, gemmed az. betw. three crescents mounted of a marble pillar gu. issuing out of a base wavy of
of the second. the field. Crest—A tortoise ppr. Motto Nee flatu, nee —
Edmous (London; granted 12 June, 1640). Per chev. em- fluctu.
battled gu. and sa. three martlets or. Ed-ward (Balruddery, co. Forfar, 1867). Or, a fess wavy
_Edm.onstone (that Ilk, and Ednam, Scotland). Or, three gu. surmounted of a pillar sa. issuing out of a mount in
crescents cu. Crest— A camel's head and neck ppr. Sup- base vert. Crest— A tortoise or. Motto Nee flatu, nee —

porters Two camels ppr. fiuctu.
Edmonstone (Duntreath, co. Stirling, bart.). Or, three Edward (Farington Hall, co. Forfar). The same ArmSj
crescents within a double tressuve flory counterflory gu. within abordure gu. Same Crest and Motto.
Crest —Out of a ducal coronet or, a swan's head and neck Edward. Az. a chev. ar. betw. two mullets in chief or, and
ppr. Su2Jporte}-s —
Two lions ramp, gu. Motto Virtus — in base a buck's head cabossed of the second, attired gold.
auget honorem. Crest —
A buck's head couped or.
Edmonstone (Newton). Or, three crescents gu. in the Edwardes {Barori Kensington). Quarterly, J st and 4th, erm.
honour point an annulet of the second surmounted of a a ramp, sa., for Edwardes ; 2nd and 3rd, gu. a chev.
mullet of the first. MottO'-—Bc bardie. —
betw. three crosses botony or. Crest Upon a mount vert a
Edmonstone (Newton; as recorded, 1775). Quarterly, 1st wy vem, wings expanded ar. Supporters Two reindeer ppr. —
and 4th, or, three crescents gu. 2nd and 3rd, ar, two spears
; attired and unguled or. Motto —Garde la foi.
in saltire ppr. betw. four spots of ermine, for Crawford, of Edwardes (Shrewsbury, bart.). Gu. a chev. engr, betw.

Auchinanes. Crest 'A demi lion ramp, gu. holding in his three tigers' heads erased at the neck ar. Crest A man's —

paw a battle axe ppr. Mottoes Above the crest; Be hardy; head and shoulders affront^e in armour, the helmet open
below the shield : God shaw the right. vizored ppr. garnished or. Motto— A vyno Duw dervid.
Edmonstone (Bellewen and Broich). Or, three crescents Edwardes (Rhyd-y-Gors, co. Carmarthen). Quarterly, lat,
gu. in the honour point an annulet of the second surmounted sa. a lion ramp, within an orle of cinquefoilsor; 2nd, ga,
of a crescent of the first. Crest—A hand drawing a semi- a chev. or, betw. three bowers' knots; 3rd, sa. three
circle with a compass ppr. —
Motto Gadge and measure. bucks' heads caboshed ar. ; 4th, chequy or and sa. a fesse
Edmund, St. {King and Martyr, Worcester Cathedral, ar. Crest —
A demi lion or, holding betw. the paws a bower's
ascribed by Glover to Edward tlie Elder, stabbed 946). Az. knot. Motto —
Aspera ad virtutera est via.
three crowns or. Edwardes (Gileston Manor, co. Glamorgan). Quarterly, 1st
Edmund. Ar. a chev. betw. three garbs gu. and 4th, az. a chev. embattled and counter-embattled or,
JEdmunds (Lyndhurst, near Southampton, co. Hants). Az. betw. three sea horses naiant ar. ; 2nd and 3rd, erm. a
an eagle, wings endorsed oi. Crest —A
winged lion couchant lion ramp. sa. Crest —
A bear's paw, holding a battle axe ar.
guard, or. —
Mottoes Vigilate, and Gardez la foi.
Edmunds (Worsborough, co. York, 1663). Per chev, em- Edwards (Ness Strange, co. Salop; derived, through
battled or and sa. three fleurs-de-lis counterchanged. CreU Thomas ap Llewelyn, from Einion Efell, Lord of Cynllaeth,
— An ancient ship of three masts under sail upon the sea all in CO. Denbigh, living 1182, son of Madoc, last prince of

ppr. Motto Over the crest: Votis tunc velis. Powys-Fadoc). Per fesse sa. and ar. a lion ramp, counter^
Edmunds (Worsborough Hall, co. York. The Edmonds' changed. Crest —
Within a wreath of the colours a Uon
arms were granted to Thomas ICdmonds, 1 Jan. 1647, but at ramp, as in the arms.
the Restoration this was considered null, and a new grant Edwards (Dolseran, co. Merioneth). Same Arms and
was made by Sir W. Dugdale to Heney Edmonds, 1 Sept. Crest.
1665; borne by William Henry Martin-Edmdnds, grand- Edwards (Garth, co. Montgomery, bart. ; Mart Cornelia,
son of Henry Martin, Esq., of Colston Bassett, co. Notts, only child of Sir John Edwards, Bart., M.P., m. 1846, Georob
by Mart Elizabeth, his wife, eldest dau. and co-heir of Henry Robert Charles, Marquess of Ltmdonderry), Quar-
Francis Offley EDMUNDs,*Esq., of Worsborough Hall, co. terly, 1st and and or, a fess betw. four
4th, quarterly, gu.
York). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per chev. embattled or and lions pass, guard, allcounterchanged ; 2nd and 3rd, sa. on
sa. three fleurs-de-lis counterchanged, for Edmunds; 2nd a fess betw. a lipn ramp, in chief ar. and a fieur-de-lis in base
and 3rd, ar. two bars gu., a crescent for diff., for Martin. or, three snakes interlaced ppr. —
Crest A lion pass, guard,
Edney (Captain Walter Ednet, of Dublin; Fun. Ent. of per pale or and gu, resting the dexter paw on an escutcheon
Mary, his wife, buried in the church of St. Nicholas With- of the last charged with a nag's head erased ar.
out, 14 Nov, 1-39), Sa. a lion's head erased betw. three Edwards (Pyenest, co. York, bart.). Az. on a bend nebuly
crosses pattee ar. ar. cottised or, a fleur-de-lis betw. two martlets of the field.
Ednor, Edenham, or Ednower. Or, on a bend gu. Crest — Out of a crown vaUery or, a talbot'shead ar. sem^-de-

three dolphins ar. Crest A griffin's head erased gu. beaked lis az. —
Motto Omne bonum Dei donum.
or. Edwards (co. Bedford). Ar. a chev. ermines betw. tiiree
Ednowain Bendew (Lordof Tegaingle, a,d. 1079, Founder nags' heads erased sa.
of the XIII. Noble Tribe of North Wales and Powys). Ar. a Edwards (City of Bristol). Erm. a chev. per pale or and Sft.
chev. betw. three boars' heads couped sa. Crest —
A boar's Crest —An eagle displ, az.
head couped sa. langued gu. and tusked or, transfixed by a Edwards (Lelant, co. Cornwall; Thomas Edwards. Visit.

dagger ppr. 1620), Ermines an antelope ramp, or. Crest — An antelope

Edno'wain (Lord of Lys Bradwen, near Dolgelly, co. ramp. sa. bezant^e attired or.
Merioneth, Founder of the XV. Noble Tribe of North Edwards (Trematon, Saltash, co. Cornwall), Per, chev. az.

Wales). Gu. three snakes nowed in a triangular knot and or, in chief across croasletbetw. two garbs, andinbasea
ar. garb betw. two cross crosslets all counterchanged. Motto—
Ednyfed "Vychan (Lord of Brynffenigl, Chief Coun- Perse verando.
cillor, Chief Justice and General of Llewellyn ap-Iorweth, Edwards (Famcott, co. Salop, formerly of Lea Castle, co-
King of North Wales, derived from Marchudd ap-Cynan, Salop, and of Chirk, co. Denbigh; descended from Tddob
Lord of Abergelleu and Brynffenigl, Founder of the VIII. Trevor, a chieftain of the Marches of Wales). Per bend
Noble Tribe of North Wales). Same Ar}m. sinister erm. and ermines, over all a lion ramp, or. Oresl^
Edolph. (co. Kent). Erm. ouabendaz.three cinquefoilsor. A man's head sidefaced in a helmet all ppr.
Edolphe (HinxeU, co. Kent). Erm. on a bend sa. three Edwards (Chirk, co. Denbigh, and Welham, co. Leicester).
cinqucfoils ar. Crest —An ibex's head erased sa. maned, Same Arms. Cres^^'A lion's head erased per bend sinister
armed, and attired or. erm, and ermines.


Edwards (Arlesey Bury, co. Bedford Wiluam Bedford, ; Edwards (Beedham Hall, co. Norfolk, co. York, and Lon-
Captain E. I. Company, son of Rev. William Folujr Bed- don; James Edwards, son of Sir James Edwards, Knt.^
voBD, by Margaret, his wife, dau. of Richard Edwards, Lord Mayor of London, 1679, and grandson of William:
Esq,., of Arlesey, assumed the name and arms of Edwards, Edwards, of Welsh descent, who settled in co. York, was-
by royal licence, 20 Nov. 1792, having succeeded to the created a hart. 1691, extinct 1764), Erm. a hon ramp^
estates of his maternal uncle, Bicuard Edwards, who d. guard, az. a canton or.
1789). Same Arms. Crests —
1st; the Prince of "Wales* Edwards iLondon). Ar. a chev. gu. in chief two bucks'
feathers surmounted by a heron plume 2nd An esquire's ; : heads cabossed ppr. and in base on a mount an oak tree all ppr.
helmet ppr. Edwards (London). Ar. a fesse ermines cotised sa. betw.
Edwards (Northowran, co. York). Same Arms. Crest A. — three martlets of the last. Crest —
On a ducal coronet or, a
lion's head erased per bend sinister erm and ermines. tiger pass sa. maned of the first.
Edwards (Liddome and Lea, co. Salop). Same Arms. Edwards London ). Az. a bend vaire gu. and ar. cotised (

Crest —A man's head sidefaced in a helmet all ppr. Motto— of the third, betw. two eagles displ. or. Crest An eaglc's- —
A vyno Duw dervid. head erased ppr. ducally gorged or.
Edwards (Exeter, co. Devon, and Taxmton, co. Somerset; Edwards (London). Az. on a bend hetw. two cotises ar.
descended from Edwards, of Ludlow, co. Salop. Visit. three martlets gu. d'est —A talbot's head issuing out of a-
Devon, 1620). Same Arms. Crest—An ibex pass. sa. marquess's coronet.
bezantee attired and maned or. Edwards, or Edwardes (Visit. London, 1568). Ar. a
Edwards (Brislington, co. Somerset). Same Anns. Crest— fessermines betw. three martlets sa. Orest A lion's garab- —
A demi lion ramp, or, holding betw. the paws a castle ar. couped and erect erm. grasping a goat's leg erased sa.
Edwards (Prestbury, co. Gloucester). Same Arms, a armed or.
bordure engr. of the last. Crest —A demi lion ramp, or, Edwards (Haverfordwest, co. Pembroke). Erm. a lion
holding betw. the paws a castle ar. ramp. sa. —
Orest On a mount vert a wivern ar.
Edwards {Henslow, co. Bedford). Per bend sinister sa. and Edwards (Llandaff House, co. Glamorgan). Per pale erm.
erm. a liou ramp. — A helmet garnished
or. Crest ppr. or, and ermines a hon ramp, or, between two tlauni:hes ar. each
on a wreath, a plume
thereon, of feathers ar. charged with a spear paleways sa., quartering sa. a chev.
Edwards (Exeter).Arms. —An ibex
Sa,mti Crest pass. sa. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar., for Richards. Crest An oak —
bezantee, maned, armed, and attired with two straight horns tree, on the dexter side a gate ppr., on the sinister a lion
or. ramp, against the tree gu.
Edwards (co. Somerset, Middle Temple, London, and Bristol). Edwards (Ashill, co. Norfolk). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar.
Same Alius, a border engr. or. on a fesse betw. three martlets sa. a cinquefoil or, for
Edwards (isle of Ely, and Portlade, co. Sussex. Arms Edwards; 2nd, quarterly, gu. and ar. in the 1st and 4th
from a monument in Wisbeach Church, to Thomas Edwards, quarters a cross potent or, for Cross 3rd, per. chev. ar. and.

High the Isle of Ely, temp.

Bailiff of Queen Anne). Ar. a gu. a crescent counterchanged, for Chapman. Crest —
fess ermines betw. three martlets sa. Crest —
On a ducal martlet sa. charged on the wing with a cinquefoil or. Motto-
coronet ar. a tiger pass. or. — Quid leges sine moribus.
Edwards (Essex and London). Ar. a fesse betw. six mart- Edwards (Hardingham Hall, co. Norfolk). Same Arms,
lets sa. Orest, and Motto.
Edwards (co. Flint). Gu. a chev. engr. betw. three boars' Edwards (Pentre, co. Montgomery, and Cileen, co. Flint).
heads erased at the neck ar. Crest —
^A boar's head erasei^, Ar. a falcon, wings elevated ppr. belled, beaked, and legged
as in the arms. or, holding in its dexter talon a martlet of the last, all within
Edwards (Shrewsbury, co. Salop). Same Ann^. Crest— a bordure engr. or.
A man's head in a helmet in profile all ppr. Edwards (cus. Lancaster and Denbigh; confirmed by Sir
Edwards (co. Salop). Same Arms, field az. George Naylor in 1825 to Joshoa Edwards, of Manchester).
Edwards Hereford; said to be derived from Edwards,
(co. Or, a pile az. and a chev. counterchanged betw. three
Saron of Anglesey). Ar. a cross flory engr. betw. four

horses' heads erased of the second. Crest On a mount vert —
Cornish choughs sa. armed gu. Crest 'Out of a ducal a horse's head erased or, charged on the neck with a chev.
coronet or, a demi hon ramp. gu. holding in the dexter paw gu. betw. two branches of oak ppr. Motto Duwydiein —
a sword ppr. cryfdwr.
Edwards (cos. Salop and Huntingdon). Erm. a lion Edwards (Toxteth Park, Liverpool, and Broughton, co.
ramp gu. Crest —An ibex pass. sa. armed, tufted, maned, Lancaster). —
Same Arms. Orest A man in complete armour
and double homed or. resting the dexterhand on a sword, point downwards ppr.,
Edwards (originally of Maes-yr-hen-llys, co. Denbigh, sub- and supporting with the sinister hand a shield of the
sequently of Gouldgrieve, co. Flint, descended from arms. —
Motto Over the crest A vynno Duw dervid

Eoderick the Great, King of Wales). Gu. a chev. betw. three (what God wills will be accomplished) under the arms ;

roses ar. the coat of Khodri Mawr; and also the peculiar Duw ydi ein cryfdwr (God is our strength).
arms attached to the name, viz., sa. a stag tripping or, Edwards (Rhyl, North Wales). Ar. a cross flory engr.
attired and unguled ar. on a chief of the same three falcons betw four Cornish choughs sa. armed gu.

ppr., quartering Kynaston, of Hordley (which see). Crest — Edwards (Wales). Quarterly, or and gu. in each quarter
A lion's head erased ermines betw. two palm branches ppr. a lion pass, guard, counterchanged. Ci-est A lion pass, —

Motto Heb Dduw heb ddim, Duw a digon ; which signifies, guard, or.
Everything with God, nothing without God. Edwards (Trematon Hall, near Saltash). Per chev. az. and
Edwards (Old Court, co. Wicklow; confii-med by Carney, or, in chief a cross crosslet betw. two garbs, and in base a
Ulster, 1683, to Richard Edwards, Esq., of co. Wicklow). Vert garb betw. two crosses crosslet. all counterchanged. Crest —
a stag pass, or, attired and unguled ar. (derived from the coat In front of two wheat stalks ppr. a griflfin's head erased per
of Hedd Molwynog, seventh in descent from Rhodri Mawr), —
chev. or and az. Motto Perseverando.
with, as an augmentation in 1680, on a chief ar. three falcons Edwards. Ar. two chevronels sa. betw. three eagles' heads
ppr., quartering Kvnaston, Gret, Cherleton, Holland, and erased gu. Orest —
On a ducal coronet or, a tiger pass. sa.

Plamtagenet. Crest A lion's head ei'ased erm. betw. two maned and tufted gold.

paUn branches issuing. Motto Heb Dduw heb ddim, Duw Edwards-Moss, Sart. See Moss.
a digon. Edwards (Ehyd-y-G6rs, co. Carmarthen). Quarterly, 1st,,
Edwards (late of the Manor House, Bishop's Lavington, co. sa. a lion ramp, within an orle of cinquefoils or; 2nd, gu. a
Wilts; seated atTilshead Manor, 20 Henry VIII., as appears chev. or, betw. three bowers' knots sa. ; 3rd, sa. three bucks'
from a MS. copy of a court roll of Sir Thomas Seymour heads cabossed ar. ; 4th, chequyor andsa. afesse ar. Crest —
under Elizabeth Ryperose, abbess of Wilton, the surname A demi lion or, holding betw. the paws a bower's knot sa.
being then George, since then the name of Edwards has JkToifo —Aspera ad virtutem est via,
been adopted through an intermarriage). Or, on a chev. Edwards (Thomas Edwards, Esq., of Dublin ; from the Fun.
engr. betw. three heraldic tigers' heads erased sa. as many Ent. of Sir Edward Fisher, Knt., of Prospect, co. Wexford,
falcons rising ppr. d. Dec. 1631, whose wife was Alice, dau. of said Thomas
Edwards (cos. Salop and Kent). Erm. a lion ramp, guard, Edwards). Ar. a chev. engr. az. fretty of the first betw. three
gu. armed
az. on a canton or, an eagle displ. with two necks Cornish choughs sa. beaked and legged gu.
sa. Crest—A unicorn sa. with two horns or. Edwin. Ar. a cross betw. four Cornish choughs sa. Crest —
Edwards (Tyrington, co. Norfolk, and London). Erm. a A lion sejant holding betw. the forepaws an escutcheon, both
lion ramp, guard, az. on a canton gu. an eagle displ. with per chev. gu. and or.
two necks or. Edwin (Lord Mayor of London, 1698). Ar. a saltire sa.
Edwards Lord Mayor of London, 1679). Erm. a
( lion ramp. betw. four Cornish choughs ppr. Crest —
^A chough, as in the
az. on a canton or, an eagle displ. sa. anna.
A :


,Edwin, Sa. an eagle displ. or, membeved gu. bound together with a ribbon gu. Supporters— Dexter, a
Edwin Ap Taithwalt (Wales). Sa. a lion ramp. ar. wyvern or; sinister, a lion ar. ducally crowned or. Motto
armed and langued gu. Vii'tuti non armis fido.
Edwyn (Lord of Tegaingle, co. Flint, founder of the XII. Egerton (Earl of Wilton. Sir Thomas Egerton, seventh
Noble Tribe of North Wales and Powys). Ar. a cross flory bart. of Egerton; Lord Grey de Wilton W£is created ISOl,
engr. sa. betw. four Cornish choughs ppr. armed gu. Earl of Wilton, with special remainder to Hon. Thomas Gros-
Edwyn (Qrst King of Northumberland). Az. a cross fiory venor, second son of his dau. Eleanor, wife of Robert,
or. first Marquis of Westminster^ who assumed the name and
Edwyn. Or, an eagle displ. sa. arms of Egerton on succeeding to the title). Ar. a lion
Edye. Gu. (another purp.) three old men's heads couped at ramp. gu. betw. three pheons sa. Crest ^Three arrows, —
the shoulders ar. crined ppr. points downwards, on? in pale and two in saltire or, headed
Eedes (monument, Worcester Cathedral, to Richard Eedes, and feathered sa. tied together with a ribbon gu. Supporters
Dean of Worcester, d. 1604). Az. a chev. engr. betw. three — Dexter, a wyvern wings inverted or sinister, a lion ar.

leopards' faces ar. Crest —

A lion's foot ar. out of a laurel —
ducally crowned or. Motto Virtuti non armis fido.
vert. Eg'erton {Duke and Earl of Bridge-water. Created duke
"Eeking-s, or Ekins (Eaundes, co. Northampton). Ar. a 1720, extinct 1829 descended from Sir Thomas Egerton,

bend lozenp:y sa. betw. two crosses crosslet fitchee gu. Crest illegitimate son of Richard Egerton, son of Sir Ealph
—A lion's gamb erect sa. holding a lozenge or, charged with Egerton, second son of Philip Egerton, Esq., of Egerton).
a cross, as in the arms. Ar. a hon ramp. gu. betw. three pheons sa. Crest On a —
Eel. Ar. three eels naiant sa. Crat—A. boar's head couped chapeau gu. turned up erm. a lion ramp, of the first, sup-
or. porting an arrow erect or, headed and feathered ar. Sv^~
"Eeles. Ar. three eels az. Crest— A. dexter arm in armour porters — On the dexter side, a horse ar. gorged with a ducal
fesseways couped, holding a cutlass enflled with a boar's coronet or ; on the sinister, a griffin segreant ar. gorged ivith
head couped all ppr. a ducal coronet or, beaked and legged of the last. Motto—
Effard (Guernsey). Vert three martlets, two and one, ar. Sic donee.
Eflfing-ham, Earl of. See Howard. Eg-erton {Earl of Ellesmere. Lady Louisa Eoebton, sister
Efnydd Ap Gwenllian (founder of the XIV. Noble Tribe of the third and last DuJce of Bridge-water, m.'GEOROE, first
of North Wales and Powys). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. a Marquis of Stafford. His Grace devised the'greater part of his
lionramp, or; 2nd and 3rd (the arms of his mother, Gwen- estates to his nephew, George, second Marquis of Stafford
LLiAN, dan. and heiress of Rhys ap Marchen), az. betw. (created Duke of Sutherland 1833) with remainder to liis
three nag's heads erased ar. a fesse or. second son. Lord Francis Levesoh Goweb, who assumed the
Egran. Az. two palets ar. over all a saltire or. Crest — name of Egerton, and was created Earl of Ellesmere 1846).
cross patriarchal gu. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. betw. three pheons sa. Crest On a —
Eg:an (co.Tipperary; Patrick Egan, Esq., of Annamaidel, chapeau gu. turned up erm. a lion ramp. gu. supporting a
in that county, temp. Charles I.). Gu. a tower ar. sup- —
pheon ar. Supporters Dexter, a horse az. ducally gorged
ported by two men in armour, their exterior hands resting on or; sinister, a griffin or, ducally gorged az. Motto Sicdonec. —
their hips, in each of the others a halbert all ppr. in chief a Eg'erton {Baron Egerton. Descended from Hon. Thomas
snake or. Egerton, of Tatton, third son of the second Earl of BridgB'
Egran (granted 1715, to Darbt Egan, Esq,, of TJskean, de- water, whose granddaughter and eventual heiress, Hester
scended from Egan, of Ballymac-Egan, co. Tipperary). Quar- Egerton, tji. William Tatton, Esq., of Withenshow, and
terly, 1st, gu. a tower ar. supported by two knights in complete was great grandmother of William Tatton Egerton,
armour, holding in their interior hands a battle axe all ppr. created a peer 1859). Ar. a lion ramp. gu. betw. three
in chief a snake barways or ; 2ad and 3rd, or, on a bend vert, —
pheons sa. Crest On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a lion
three plates ; 4th, gu. on a tower as in the first quarter, a swan ramp, also gu. supporting an arrow palewise or, pheoned and
statant ar. Crest —
On a tower or, a knight in complete —
flighted ar. Supporters Dexter, a gryphon ar. gorged with
armour couped at the knees, holding in his dexter hand a a ducal coronet az. and pendent therefrom a pheon sa.;

battleaxe all ppr. Motto Fortitude et prudentia. sinister, a lion gu. gorged with a plain collar ar. and pen-
_E§:ar {tmnp. James II.). Ar. a chev, engr. betw. three boars' dent therefrom a pheon also ar. Motto.— S>\c donee.
beads couped sa. —
Eg'erton. Same^i-m*. Crest ^An arm gu. the hand ppr. -

"Effbaston. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. pver all a bend of the first, holding a sword ar.
charged with three mullets sa. Egerton (Shaw, co. Lancaster, 1664), Same Arms, quarter-
Eg'toaston (quartered by Middlemoee). Per pale indented ing ar. on a chev. betw. three martlets vert as many crosses
or and az. pattee fitchee of the first.
Egbert (King of England). Az. a cross flory or. Egerton (co. Essex). Same Arms, a border engr. sa.
lEgcenon. Gu. a lion ramp, or, crowned ar. Egerton Same Arras, field or.
(co. Stafford).
-Egrecombe. Gu. abend erm. eotised or, between three boars' Egerton (Dublin). Gu. a fesse betw. three pheons ar. on a
heads couped or. Crest —On a wreath or, garnished with canton or, a dexter hand couped at the wrist ppr. holding a
laurel leaves vert, aboar's head erect ar. broken sword erect sa. embrued ppr. Crest —A hon sejant
Egrcope (Ipsley, co. Warwick). Ar. a chev. betw. three gu. supporting in the dexter paw a battle axe, staff of the
boars pass. sa. last, head ar. in the sinister paw a laurel branch ppr.
Eg:erley (Milton, co. Oxford). Ar. on a chev. betw. three Egerton (co. Salop). Sa. three pheons ar.
cinquefoils gu. as many bezants. Crest —
^A Coniish chough Egerton (Betley, co. Stafford)^ Sa. a fesse erm. betw. three
ducally gorged ppr. pheons ar.
-Egerton (Egerton and Oulton Park, co. Chester, bart. de- ; Egerton, Ar. a chev. betw. two demi lions in chief audit
scended from Philip, surnamedGoUGH, or the Red, who ob- mullet in base gu. Crest —
A Uon ramp. ppr.
tained the manor of Egerton, Malpas, co. Chester, from Wion Egerton, Sa. a chev. betw. three pheons ar. Crest A. —
de Egerton, temp. Henry III., and assumed that surname buck's head erased sa. attired or.
Sir Rowland Egerton, Knt., of Egerton, his lineal heir male, Egerton. Gu. on a fesse betw. three pheons ar. as many
obtained a baronetcy 1617). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Eger- pheons of the field.
ton, ar. a lion ramp. gu. betw. three pheons sa. ; 2nd and Egerton. Ar. on a bend sa. three pheons of the field.
-3rd, Gret, barry of six ar. and az. a label of five points Egerton, Or, a fesse gu. fretty of the first, withm a bordure
gu. Crests— Isti Three arrows, one in pale, two in saltire, engr. of the second.
points downwards or, barbed and feathered ar. banded Eggebarston, Eggebaston, or Edgebarstoa
-together with a riband gu.; 2nd: A falcon, wings expanded, (quartered, through De Boddon, by the D'Oylys, of Sbot-
standing on a falconer's glove all ppr. Supporters Dexter, a — tisham, co. Norfolk, and the East Indies), Ar. a Uon ramp*
lion ar. ducally crowned or sinister, a wivem or, each gorged
; gu. debruised by a bendlet or.
with a plain collar az. and pendent therefrom an escutcheon Eggerdon (South Eggerdon). Hutchins states that this
gu. charged with three pheons, two and one, ar. Motto Vir- — family bore the Egerton Arms, viz. —
Ar. a Uon ramp, guard,
tuti non armis fido. gu. betw. three pheons sa.
"Eg-erton {Baron Grey de Wilt<m. Sir Thomas Egerton, Egginton (granted to Gardiner Egginton, Esq., of Kiog-
seventh bart. of Egerton, was so created 1784, d. s. p. m. ston-npon-Hull, merchant, eldest son and heir of Gahdinee
1814, when the barony ceased, and the ancient baronetcy of Egginton, of the same place, merchant, deceased, and grand-
Egerton reverted to the heir male of the house of Egerton, son of Robert Egginton, of Nottingham, deceased). Ar.
the grandfather of the present bart.). Ar. a lion ramp. gu. six eaglets displ. three, two, and one, sa. a chief nebul^ az.
betw. three pheons sa. quartering az. two bars ar. in chief Crest —A talbot sejant ar. eared sa. gorged with a coUar per
-a label of five points of the last. Crest Three arrows, one — fesse nebulae or and az. the dexter paw resting upon a sphere
in pale and two in BSltire or, headed and feathered sa. ppr.
A .


Sg-griuton (Kirk Ella, co. York). Same Arms, quartering Eilvorth. Gu. a lion couchant or.
erm. on a bend "betw. two unicorns' heads erased az. three Eincourt. Az. a fesse dancettee betw. thirteen billets or,
lozenges or, for Smith. Crest—As the preceding. four, three, three, two, and one.
EiTg^lston, or Eg'leton. Vert three savages' heads Einfort. Sa. (another, gu.) a fret engr. erm.
affrontee erased ar. Einfort. Same Arms, field gu. a bordure ar,
^ghaxa. (CO. Kent). Ar. a chev. sa. hetw. three ogresses, Einion Sais (Wales). Ar. three cocks gu, combed and
on a chief gu. a lion pass. or. legged or.
lEgioke (Ipslcy, co. Warwick). Ar. a chev. betw. three bears Elidsrr ap Ehys Sais. Erm. a lion ramp. az.
pass. sa. Einion Efell (Lord of Cynllaeth, living 1182, son of Madoc,
Sgioke, or Egiocke (Egioke and Shumock Court, co. Powys-Fadoc). Per fesse sa. and
last Prince of ar. a lion
"Worcester; Thomas Egioke, of Egioke, "a gentleman of ramp, counterchanged armed and langued gu,
great was Eegarcier of the forest of Fecfcenham,
repute," Einion ap Ithel (Esquire of the Body to John of Gaunt,
5 Henry IV.). Az, two cinquefoils in chief and a fleur-de-lis Duke of Lancasta; derived from Kirid Flaidd, Lord of
in base or. Crest —
A griffin pass, per pale or and az. Penllyn; his dau. and co-heiress m. Meredith ap-Ievan,
£g;ioke. Fer pale az. and ar. a griOiQ pass, (another, segreant) eighth in descent from Owen Gwynedd, Prince of North
CDunterchanged. Crest As the last. — Wales, and ancestor of the Lloyds of Ehiwaedog, co.
Sg-land (co. Lincoln). Gu. two bars betw. six martlets ar. Merioneth), Verta chev. betw. three wolves' heads erased ar.
two, two, and two. Einion ap Sitsyllt (Lord of Merionydd, in North Wales,
Egleingham, or Eg'leuham. Per fesse (another, in- derived from Gwyddno Garanhir, Lord of Cantref Gwaelod.
dented) gu. andmullets counterchanged.
or, three Descendants : 1, Pcgh, of Malhavorn, Dol y Corstwyn, and
Sgrlenham. Northumberland). Per fesse indented gu.
(co. Dol y Vonddu; 2, Pkice, of Gwernle Trewylan; 3, Mobgan,
and or, a mullet counterchanged. of Aberhaves; 4, Llotd, of Plas Duom). Ar. a lion ramp,
Uglenton (Reg. Ulster's Office). Ar. two bars sa. in chief sa. betw, three fleurs-de-lis, two and one gu.
three martlets of the l£«t. Crest^A lion ramp, resting the EinslianL. Az. on a saltire engr, ar. five martlets sa.
forepaw on an antique shield. Eiseldon. Ar. a lion saliant gu. collared or.
Egles. Sa. six lions ramp. ar. three, two, and one. Eiseldon. Gu. two bars betw. six martlets ar. three, two,
Eglesfield (arms in the hall of Queen's College, Oxon; and one.
BobebtEglesfield, 1511, founderof the College. Visit. 1574). Eiston (Scotland). Sa. a hoar's head couped betw. three
Ar. three eagles displ. gu. legged and beaked or, C)'est — lions —
ramp. ar. Crest The sun rising out of a cloud ppr.
dexter hand appaumee charged with an eye ppr. —
Motto Veritas
Eg-lesfield {Eastham, co. Kent, and co. York). Or, three Ekeney. Sa. a lion pass, guard, or. Crest~On a chapeau
eagles displ. gu. gu, turned up erm, a pheon az.
Eglesfield (Alneburgh Hall, co. Cumberland, temp. Henry Ekeney. Sa. two lions pass, in pale or,
VIII.). Same Ai-ms^ field ar. Eking^on. Ar. on a bend az. betw. two cotiscs gu. three
Egleshall. Sa. a bend betw. six martlets or. cinquefoils or. Cresi—A sand-glass gu,
Eg:lestozi (co. Lancaster). Ar. a cross aa. betw. four fleurs- Ekington, or Ekinton. Ar. on a bend gu. (another,
de-lis gu. cotised) three cinquefoils pierced or.
Egleston Lancaster). Ar. three piles wavy sa.
(co. Ekins (Weston Favill, co. Notts). Ar. a bend lozengy sa.
Egrleston. Ar. a cross sa, in the first quarter a fleur-de-lis betw. two crosses crosslet fitchee gu. Crest —
A lion's gamb
of the second (another, the eagle gu.). Crest Atalbot'shead — couped sa. holding a cross crosslet fitchee gu. bendwise.
erased sa. collared ar, Ekles. Ar. two halberts in saltire az. a bordure per bordure
Egleston. Per pale gu. and vert an eagle displ. ar, armed indented gu. and or. Crest— A broken halbert, the top
or. hanging down az. Motto— Se defendendo.
Eg-lin (Joseph Eglin, Esq., of Kingston-upon-Hull, mer- Eklys. Or, on a saltire gu. a leopard's face ar. struck
chant). At. a chev. vaire az. and or, betw. two eagles displ. through with two swords saltireways of the last.
in chief sa. and a merchant ship under sail in base ppr, on a Ekney. Az. two lions pass, guard, or, armed and langued
chief of the second three roses of the field. Crest ^Amount — gu, in chief a label of three points ar.
vert thereon an eagle rising or, surmounted by an anchor Ekrington. Ar. three water bougets sa.
and cable in bend sinister sa. the dexter claw holding a rose Elam (co. Kent). Ar. a sword point upwards in bend sa.
gu. slipped vert. —
Crest Betw. the attires of a stag, attached to the scalp, u.
Egling'hain Northimiberland). Per fesse indented gu,
(co. boar's head erased and erect ppr.
and or, three mullets counterchanged. Eland, or Elane. Ar. on a bend gu. three escallops of
Eglinton, Earl of. See Montgomebib. the field (another, or).
Eglinton (EgUnton, Scotland). Gu. three gem rings or, Elborowe. Ar. a fesse humettee az. betw. two talbots
gemmed az. pass. sa.
Eg-lionby, or Eg-le"by (Edmarsh, co. Warwick). Ar. two Elcliani. Az. a sea-teal gu. winged or. Crest— A covered
bars, and in chief three martlets sa. Ct'est A demi eagle, — cup or, betw. two wings ppr.
wings expanded or, charged with a mullet for difF. Elchefield (co. Oxford). Barry wavy of six ar. and sa.
Eg-loshoyle, or Eg-leshoyle (Egloshayle, co. Cornwall; Elc]ie£.eld. Ar. two bars wavy sa.
the heiress m. Kestell). Ar. a cross sa. in the dexter chief Elcock (Reg. Ulster's Office). Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three
a fleur-de-lis gu. (sometimes, sa.). cocks of the last, each standing on a mound.
Egmauton (co, Lancaster). Barry of eight ar, and gu. Elcocke (Stockport and Poole, co. Chester, temp. Henry VII.).
over all a lion ramp, sa, crowned or. Crest —A hand holding Gu. a saltire vair betw. four cocks ar. Crest— Ouz of a
a cross pattee fitchee both gu. mural coronet or, a demi cock az. combed, beaked, and
EgmantoiL (co. Lincoln), Or, on a fesse betw. four fleurs- wattled of the first, in the beak an ear of wheat of the same,
de-Us gu. two others of the first. Elcocke (co Chester). Same Arms, saltire wavy ar. Same
Egmanton Or, on a fesse betw. four fleurs-de-
(co, York),
gu, a cross patt6e betw. two fleurs-de-lis of the first.
Elcocks. Gu. a saltire ar. betw. four cocks or. Ci-ext —
Egmon. Ar. a cross botonn^e az. Out of a mural coronet a cock's head gu. holding ia the beak
Egmout, Earl of. See Pebceval. an ear of wheat or.
Egnxore. Ar. on a chev. betw. three cinquefoils gu. as Elcotts (co. Lincota). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three fleurs-
many bezants. de-lis vert asmany martlets or.
Egremond. Or, a lion ramp. az. charged with a fleur-de- Eld (Seighford Hall, co. Stafford). Ar, a chev, sa. betw.
lis of the field. Crest — ^A lion's head gu. crowned with an three partridges close ppr. Crest— A falcon rising or, beaked,
gu. mouth embrued of the
imperial crown. membered, jessed, and belled his
Egremond. Or, a lion ramp. az. eemee-de-lis of the last.
first. Eld (London. 1733), Same Arms and Crest.
Egremond, Ar. three bars gu. Eldecnr, or Elercnr. Ar, a fretaz. Crest —A cock sa.
Egremont, Earl of. See Wtnpham. combed gu. beaked or.
Egrenhall, or Egrevale. Az, two (another, three) bars Elder. Ar, a fesse wreathed of flve pieces gu. and vert
ar. on a chief of the second a demi lion ramp, issuing gu. betw. two mullets in chief and a crescent in base of the
Egrevale, or Egrewall. Ar. alien ramp. gu. on abend second.
sa. three bezants. Elder (Fairfield, co. Lanark, 1869). Ar. a fess wreathed gu.
Egworth (Reg. Ulster's Office). Gu. on a chev. engr. betw. and vert betw. two mullets of the second in chief and a
two chevronels or, three roses of the first. dolphin hauriant az. in base, a bordure of the third for difF.
Eilie (Keg, Ulster's Office). Ar. on abend sa, three escallops Qycst —
A dexter hand holding a roll of paper ppr. Motto—
of the field. Virtute ducc.


Elderbeke (co. Essex). Gu. three chev. erm. (another, ar. Eling-ham. Gu. a fesse betw. three eagles displ. ar.
another, four). Eling^ham. Per chev. gu. and sa. three herons' heads
Elderton, or nderton. Sa. three water bougets ar. erased ar. beaked or.
0)'est —A fox's heat! ppr. Elingiion (co. Devon). Ar. three fleurs-de-lis betw. seven
Elderton. Or, five annulets gu. two, two, and one, on a on a canton gu. a rose or.
crosses crosslet fitchee sa.
chief az. aneagledispl. of the first betw. two roses ar. Elingiion (Reg. Ulster's Office). Per fess az. and sa. in
Eldon, Earl of. See SoorT. base six annulets, three, two, and one, and in chief thre&
Eldred (Olavers, Stannaway, co. Essex). Az. a cross form^e mullets or.
fitchee or, on a chief of the last three globes az. Orest — Elingworth (co. Surrey). Ar. a fesse flory counterflory
merman or triton ppr, holding in the hands an escallop or. gu. betw. three escallops sa.
Eldred (cos. Norfolk. Suffolk, and London ; granted 159;i). Eliot (Port Eliot and St. Germans, co. Cornwall. Edwari>
Or, on a bend ragulee sa. three bezants. Eliot, Esq., of Coteland, co. Devon, descended from Walter
Eldred (Saxham Magna, co. Suffolk, created a bart. in 1641, Eliot, who was returned as one of the gentry of that county
extinct 1653; descended from a very ancient family which 1433, was father of John Ehot, Esq., of St. Germans, co,
claimed Saxon origin). Or, on a bend ragulee sa. three Cornwall, and Thomas Eliot, whose son, Richard Eliot,
bezants. d. 22 June, 1609, possessed of Port Eliot, the site and lands-
Eldred. Or, a bend ragulee sa. in base a mullet gu. Crest of the Priory of St. Germans, which was obtained from the
—A dexter hand couped fesseways, reaching to a laurel Champernowne family in exchange for lands at Cotelands.
crown all ppr. Inq. Post. Mort. 7 James I. Visit. Devon, 1620). Ar. a feas
Eldred, or Eldridgre. Or, a bend ragulee sa. in chief a gu. betw. two bars wavy gemells az. Crest— An elephant'*
martlet gu. beaked of the second. head couped gu.
ar. collared
Eldrin^ton (co. Essex). Ar. a fesse dancett^e sa. bezantee Eliot (Sari of St. Germans). Same Arms and Ci'est. Sup-
betw. five herons of the second, membered gu. Crest — porters —
Two eagles reguard. wings expanded, each charged
heron, as in the arms. on the breast with an erm. spot. Motto Prsecedentibus- —
Eldres. Per chev. az. and ar. a bordure engr. gu. tVest— insta.
A camel's head couped ppr. Eliot (Clapham, co. Surrey). Same Arms.
Eldres, or Eleris. Per chev. ar. and az. a bordctre engr. Eliot (St. Germans, 1726). Same Arms and Crest, impaling
or. ft"es(—A winged globe ppr. quarterly, engr. or and az. in the 1st quarter an escallop gu.
Elerker. Ar. fretty az. a chief of the last. Crest— A cock (This impalement was granted, 16 July, 1726, to Hariot
sa. beaked, combed, and wattled gu. Eliot, wife of Richard Eliot, of St. Germans, and dau. of
Elers (Chelsea, co. Middlesex of German extraction, repre-
; Right Hon. James Cragqs, Secretary of State).
sented by Carew Thomas Eleks, Esq., of Oldbury, co. Kent). Eliot (Busbridge, co. Surrey). See Elyott.
Arms (originally borne in Germany, and registered in the Eliott (Stobs, CO. Roxburgh, bart. 1666). Gu. on a bend
College of Aims, London) —
Gyronny of twelve pieces ar. and engr, or, a baton az. Crest —
A dexter arm holding a cutlass-
gu. in the centre point an inescutcheon or. Crest An — ppr. Motto —Peradventure.
escutcheon of the arms betw. two doves' wings ppr. Motto Eliott (Stobs; recorded 1859). Gu. on a bend engr. or, a
— Gloria virtutis umbra. baton az. on a chief of the last a castle betw. two pillars ar.
Elerton. Ar. on a chev. sa. three bucks' heads cabossed of masoned sa. the gate of the castle of the last charged with a
the first. key of the second, and below the same the word " Gibraltar."
Elestone (co. Lancaster). Ar. three piles wavy sa. Crests —
1st A dexter hand in armour, holding a cutlass in

Eley (TJtterby, co. Lincoln). Ar. a fesse betw. six fleurs-de- bend ppr. 2nd An open dexter hand paleways, charged
; :

lis sa. —
Crest A cubit arm erect vested ar. holding in the with an eye ppr. —
Supporters Dexter, a ram, sinister, a
hand ppr. a fleur-de-lis sa. goat, each ppr. gorged with a laurel branch vert, and treading
Eley, or Elye (co. York). Ar. a fesse engr. betw. six —
on a mural crown or. Mottoes Above the 1st crest: Fortiter
fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest —An arm in armour holding a hawk's et recte; above the 2nd: Credunt quod vident; under the-
lure ppr. shield : Soyez sage.
Elford (Shipston, co. Devon. John Elford, temp. Henry VU., Eliott {Loi^d Heathfield, 1787, 1st lord a brother of Sir John
inherited Sheepster, co. Devon, from his mother, Joan Scud- Eliott, of Stobs; title extinct 1831). Gu. on a bend engr-
AMORE. Visit. 1620). Per pale ar. and sa. a lion ramp. gu. or, a baton az. on a chief of the last the fortress of Gibraltar,
Crest —Ademi lion ramp, erased per pale ar. and sa. ducally and under it, Plus ultra. Crest~~A dexter arm charged with
crowned or. a key, the hand holding a cutlass ppr. Supporters Dexter,. —
Elford (Bickham, Devon, created bart., 26 Nov. 1800;
co. a ram ; sinister, a goat, each wreathed with flowers round the
extinct 1837). Same Arms and Crest. Motto DifiBcilia quae — neck ppr. Jl/bWo— Fortiter et recte.
pulchra. Eliott (Sir John Eliott, Bart., M.D., 1778, title extinct at
Elford (CO. Cornwall). Same Arms, Crest, and Motto (the his death). Gu, on a bend engr. or, a flute az. a bordure of
field per pale wavy), quartering gu. three stirrups ar. the second charged with eight mullets of the third. Oldest—
Elford. Quarterly, ar. and gu. in the second and third A dexter hand holding in bend sinister a flute round which
quarters a fret or, over all on a bend sa. three mullets of the a serpent is entwined all ppr. Supporters Dexter, a bay —
first. horse sinister, a sea horse, both ppr.
; Motto—^on sine
Elfred (Hoo, co, Sussex; granted 11 July, 1682). Enn. on Deo.
a saltire az. betw. four griffins' heads erased gu. a leopard's Eliott (Borthwickbrae, co. Selkirk ; now Eliott-Lockhart).
face or. Oreat —
On a mount vert a lamb couchant ar. betw. Gu. on a bend engr. or, a baton az., within a bordure of thfr
two olive branches ppr. second surmounted of another of the third, the last charged
Elgin and Kincardine, Earl of. See Bruce. with four crescents and as many mullets ar. and of the second
EUiam. Az. seven suns or, three, three, and one. Crest — alternately. C}-est —
A dexter hand erect ppr. holding bend-
Out of a mural coronet a fire-beacon betw. two wings ppr. ways a horseman's lance also ppr. headed ar. Motto—Hog
Elliam. Az. three suns or, majorum opus.
Elliam. Per bend crenellee ar. and sa. Elioth (Middleton, co. York). Gu. a chev. ar, betw. two-

Elibank, Baron. See Murray. mullets in chief and a stag's head erased in base or.
Elicott. Lozengy az. and or, a bordure gu. Eliott. Or, two bars sa. in chief three crescents gu.
Elidur (Wales). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three ravens ppr. Elis, or Elow. Sa. three legs couped at the thigh ar.
Elidyr ap Rbyssais (Lord of Eyton, &c., co. Denbigh, Elisdon, Elisden, or EUisdon (co. Essex). Ar. a
fifth indescent from Tudor Trevor, said to have relinquished chev. sa. betw. three crosses crosslet gu. (another, three
his paternal coat for the following, which has been borne by crosses pattee).
his descendants, the Eytonb, of Eyton and Rhuabon, and Elison (Scotland). Per bend gu. and or, a fleur-de-lis in

others. Hyton pedigree, byEandle Holme, 1674). Erm. a bend sinister counterchanged.
lion ramp. az. Eliston (Cogshall, co. Essex). Per bend gu. and vert an
ElingrlianL, or Elinham. Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three eagle displ. ar. beaked and legged or. Crest— An eagle's
eagles displ, sa. armed of the second. Crest An eagle's — head beaked and erased gu. muraUy gorged az.
head couped ppr. Eli-ward (Reg. Ulster's Office). Erm. on a chief or, a deini
Elingrham (co. Norfolk). Ar, a fesse betw. three eagles lion ramp, az.
displ. sa. Elkin, or Elk3Ti (London; granted 1558). Gu. onafesae
Eling' Ar. a fesse betw. three eagles displ. gu. ar. betw. two tigers pass, or, three mullets pierced sa. Crest
Eling-ham. Per chev. sa. and gu. three eagles' (or hawks') — A demi heraldic antelope or, armed and tufted sa.
heads erased or. Elkington (Shawell, co. Leicester; confirmed by Camden,
Eling-hanx. Per pale gu. and or. three mullets counter* Clarenceux, 22 Oct. 1608, to Thomas Elkington, of London,
changed. and his uncles, Henry, Thomas, and Edward Elkwgton.


and Descended from Elkinoton, of Elkington,

their issue. Ellesworth (co. Per pale indented gu. and ar.
CO. Northampton. Visit. Leicester, 1619). Gu. six crosses four lions ramp, counterchanged.
crosslets, three in chief and three in base betw. two flaunches Elleswortli. Paly of eight indented ar. and gu.
ar, Cresi— Out of a mural coronet chequy or and sa. em- EUetson (ParroxHall, co. Lancaster). .Az. on a chev. em-
battled of the first a demi griffin segreant ar. winged gu. battled ar. betw. three griffins' heads erased or, aa many
holding in the dexter daw a gold ring gemmed of the martlets of the field. Crest —
A griffin's head erased gu. du
second. cally gorged or.
ElkingiJon, Gu. two flaunches ar. each charged with Elley. Gu. two dolphins hauriant endorsed or. Crest—ka.
three crosses crosslet of the first. anchor az. entwined with a serpent ppr.
Elking'ton. Gu. three ducks betw. nine crosses crosslet Elley (Hampstead; descended from co. Hants). Ar. three
ar. lions az. over all a bend gu. Crest A cubit arm erect —
Ella (attributed to a King of South Saxons). Per saltire or couped below the elbow, habited ar. holding in the hand ppr.
and gu. four crescents counterchanged. a fleur-de-lis sa. ,

Ella, or Eller (quartered by Draper, of Fhntham, co. Ellice (Wyke House, near Brentford). Or, three frontfaced
Notts. Visit. Notts, 1614). Sa. afess dancett^e surmounted helmets ppr. ft-esi —
An arm erect couped below the elboiv
of three fieurs-de-lis or. in armour ppr. holding in the gauntlet a snake entwined
EllacozzL'be (Rev. Henry Thomas Ellacombe, Vicar of round the arm ppr.
Bitton, CO. Gloucester). Ar. a chev. engr. sa. betw. three Ellice (Clothall, co. Herts). Same Arms.
stags courant ppr. Crest — A stag's head ei"ased, murally Ellice. Gu. a stork sans head ar. Crest A pelican in her —
crowned and chained all ppr. Motto — Nulla fraus tuta piety ppr.
latebris. EUick. Ar. a wolfs head erased aa. Crest —A wolfs head
EUacott, or Ellicot (co. Devon). Lozengy or and az. a erased sa.
hordure gu. Crest —
In a maunch or, cuffed gu. a hand Ellick (co. Middlesex). Ar. on a chev. az. three fleurs-de-
clenched ppr. hs or-
Ellacott (Exeter and Milbury, co. Devon. Visit. 1620). EUicoxii'be (co. Devon). Ar. a chev. engr. sa. betw. three
Same Arms. stags courant ppr. Crest^A. dexter arm in armour embowed,
Ellacott (co Devon). Az. two bars lozengy or. wielding a sword all ppr.
Ellam. Per bend embattled ar. and sa. EUicombe (granted to Hugh Myddleton Ellicombe, Esq., of
Ellames (Allerton Hall, near Liverpool). Erm. two bars sa. Oulverlands, co. Devon, Treasurer of the city of Exeter,
each charged with three elm leaves or. Crest An elm tree — eldest surviving son of Bev. William Ellicombe, Bector of
ppr. Motto— 'Ngc sperno nee timeo. Alphington, in same co., and the other descendants of his said
Elland. Gu. two bars ar. betw. six martlets of the last, father). Ar. on a chev. engr. sa. betw. three stags courant
three, two, and one. Crest —
A demi lady, holding in her ppr. as many crosses patcee of the field. Cr^t A stag's —
dexter hand a garland of laurel all ppr. head erased ppr. attired or, betw. the attires a cross pattee
EUard. Sa. on a bend erm. three human hearts gu. Crest fitch6e and gorged with a collar embattled counter-embattled

— On a torteaux a stag or, standing on a mount vert. gu. chained gold.
EUeis, or EUes. Per bend sinister ar. and gu. a hand in Ellicoixibe. See Ellacombe.
a gauntlet couped grasping a lance in bend, bearing on the Ellicot. Lozengy or and az. a bordure ar. Crest A hawk —
top thereof a helmet all ppr. in the sinister chief a spur- with wings expanded and belled all ppr.
rowel of the first, and in dexter base a horse's head couped Ellingrbridgre. Chequy ar. and sa.
sa. Ellingrham.' Per chev. sa. and gu. three
falcons' heads
EUenlsoroug'li, Baron.
See Law. erased ar. beaked or.
Ellercar. Ar. a saltire engr. sa. betw. four cinquefoils gu. Ellington. Or, six annulets sa. three, two, and one, on a
Crest —
A savage, wreathed about the head and middle with chief ar. three mullets of the second. Crest—^A lion's paw
laurel leaves, and holding over his shoulder a dub aU holding up a cross pattee fitchee sa.
ppr. Ellinglion. Ar. two fleurs-de-lis and five crosses crosslet
EUerdon (Carmouth). Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three fitchee sa. on a canton gu. a rose or.
crosses crosslet gu. as many fleurs-de-lis or. ElIing"Worth. (Mitcham, co. Surrey). Ar. a fesse flory
Ellereck. Sa. three chess-rooks ar. counterflory betw. three escallops sa.
Ellereck. Ar. a hon saHant sa. Elliot (London). Barry wavy of eight az. and ar. on a fesso
Ellerker (EUerker, co. York). Ar. a fesse betw. three water gu. three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest demi seahorse az. —A
bougets gu. —
Crest ^A talbot's head ar. fins or.
Ellerker (co. York). Az. a fret ar. Elliot (Penshaw, co. Durham, .hart.). Or, on a fesse engr.
EUerker (Kisby, co. York). Az. a fret ar. and chief or. cottiaed wavy gu. an annulet betw. two fleurs-de-lis of the
Crest —Two
dolphins haxuiant and endorsed az. and or, flrst; in chief three roses of the second, barbed and seeded
enfiled with a ducal coronet per pale all counterchanged. ppr. Crest —A
demi seahorse az. charged with two fleurs-de-
EUerker (co. York). Ar. fretty az. a chief of the last. lis palewise, and resting the sinister foot on as many annulets
Ellerker (co. York). Az. a saltire betw. four crosses cross- interlaced or. Motto — Labor et Veritas.
let or. Elliot (Minto, co. Eoxburgh, 1693). Gu, on a bend engr. or,
Ellerker (co. York). Ar. a saltire engr. sa. betw. four a baton az. all within a bordure vair. Crest A dexter hand —
cinquefoils gu. issuing from a cloud and throwing a dart ppr. Motto —Non
Ellerker. Az. a bend fretty and chief ar. eget arcu.
Ellerker. Sa. three roses (another, chess-rooks) ar. Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound {Earl of Minto). Quar-
Ellerker. Gu. three water bougets ar. (another, or). terly, 1st and 4th grand quarters, and quarterly, 1st
Ellerker. Ar. a chev. betw. three talbots' heads erased sa. 4th, ar. a buglehorn sa. stringed and garnished gu., on
Or^t —A head erased sa.
talbot's a chief az. three mullets of the first, for Mubbay, 2nd and
EUertou. Ar. a chev. betw. three bucks* heads sa. 3rd, az. a chev. ar. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or, for Ktnvn-
£!Uertozi. Ar. on a chev. sa. three bucks' heads cabossed of MODND 2nd and 3rd grand quarters, gu. on a bend engr, or,

the field. a baton az. within a bordure vair, for Elliot; over all a
Ellerton (Bodsyllan, co. Carnarvon ; exemplified to John chief of augmentation ar., charged with a Moor's head
Lodge, Esq., who assumed the name and arms of Ellerton couped in profile ppr., being the arms of Corsica. Ci'est —
by royal licence, 1838). Ar. betw. two chevronels three dexter arm embowed, issuant from clouds, throwing a dart all
bucks' heads cabossed sa., quartering Lodge [which see]. ppr. Motto (over crest)—Non eget arcu. Su;p]?OTters —Dexter,
Crest —
^A buck trippant or, his neck encircled with a chaplet an Indian sheep, sinister, a fawn, both ppr. Motto —Suaviter
vert. Motto —
Spero infestis metuo secundis. et fortiter.
EUesbxiry, Az. a cross ar. Elliot (Larriston, co. Roxburgh). Gu. on a bend or, a flute of
EUesdon (Lyme Kegis and Charmouth). Ar. on a the flrst.
chev. sa. betw, three crosses flory gu. as many fleurs-de- Elliot (Larriston; as recorded 1793). Gu. on a bend or, a
lis or. flute of the first, in sinister chief point a mortar ppr. Crest
Barry wavy of six ar. and sa. —A dexter arm grasping a spear ppr. Motto —Apto cum
(quartered by Pudsey, of Etefleld, co. Oxford. lare.
Visit. 1634). Ar. two bars nebulee sa. Elliot (Arkleton, co. Eoxburgh). Gu. on a bend indented or,
Ellesfield. Barry nebulae of six or and sa. a flute of the first. Crest —A demi man in armour ppr.
EUesmere, Earl of. See Egerton. —
Motto ^Pro rege et limite,
Elleswortli. Per pale gu. and ar. two lions ramp, counter- Elliot (Binks and Swynside, Eoxburgh, 1697). Gu. on a

changed. Crest A dexter arm in armour, embowed, couped, bend or, a baton az. a bordure of the second charged with
and holding a club ppr. six garbs of the third. Crest —
A gentleman in a watching
321 X
; A


posture, holding a pike in Ma hand ppr. Motto — Sic limina or, on a cross sa. five crescenta ar., for Ellis ; 2nd and 3rd,
tuta. az. a lion ramp, or, for Agar. —
Crest A female figure naked
Elliot (Edinburgh, 1779). Gu on a bend invecked or, betw. ppr. with hair flowing down to her waist. Supporters Two —
three crescents ar, a baton az. Crest —A kingfisher ppr. greyhounds sa., the dexter charged on the body with three
Jfotto— Quid pure tranquillis. crescents in pale, and the sinister with as many crosses
Xilliot (Wolflee, co. Koxburgh). Gu. on a bend invecked or, —
recerceMe disjoined ar. Motto Non hsec sine numine.
a flute az. in chief a lion pass, guard, ar. impeiially crowned Ellis, or Elys (Sir Henry Elys, Yorkshire). Or, on a cross
ppr. Crest —A ram
ppr. ikfoi(o—Vellera fertis oves. sa. five crescents. (Roll of Arms, temp. Edward II. Har. ;

Elliot (Fogge-Elliot, Elvet Hill, co. Durham exeoiphfied ; MSS., 4033). And Sir John Elys. Same Arms. 1392-7,
to John Fogge, Esq., of Bolton-le-Moors, upon hia taking, by- (Roll of Arms).
royal licence, 1827, the additional surname and arms of Ellis, or Elys (Kiddall Hall, co. York; Sir John Elys, of
Elliot, on the death of his maternal granduncle, John Kiddall Hall, and his brother. Sir William Elys, of Evering-
"Walton Elliot, Esq., of Elvet Hill). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ham, temp. Edward III.. Elys, of Kiddall Hall, terminated
gu. on a bend engr. or, a baton az., for Eluot 2nd and 3rd, ; in an heiress, who m. Rev. Randall Boeroughes, at the end
ar. on a fesse betw. six annulets sa. three mullets pierced of of the IBth century, and Elys, of Everingham, ended in an
the field, for Fogge. Crests —
1st: A dexter arm holding a heiress in the 15th century. Constable Maxwell now
cutlass ppr., for Elmot; 2nd: A unicorn's head conped quartering the arms). Or, on a cross sa. five crescents ar.
ar., for Foqqe. Crest —A woman naked, her hair dishevelled or (borne temp.
EUiot (co. Salop).Ar. on a fesse az. betw. four barrulets Edward III., on a helmet on a stained glass window
as depicted
wavy of the second three martlets or. in the chapel of the house of Mr. Vavasoue, at Hazelwood.
Elliot (co. Suffolk granted by patent, 1614). Or, a fesse gu.
Visit. York, 1585, Har. MSS., 1394).
betw. four bars gemelles wavy sa. Crest—An elephant's Ellis (Shinfield, co. Berks, and Swallowfield, co. Wilts, temp.
head or, eared and armed gu. James I.). As Ellis, of Kiddall and Stoneacre (Monumental
Elliot. Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. two bars gemelles wavy az. Inscription, Shinfield Church).
three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest—A demi seahorse az. scaled on Ellis (West Haningfield, co. Essex. Visit. Essex, 1612). Az.
the neck or. a mermaid or.
Elliot. Ar. (another, or) a fesse gu. betw. two bars gemelles Ellis (Cornwall). Same as Ellis, of Kiddall. Crest—
wavy sa. mermaid with mirror and comb (Monumental Inscription,
Elliot (Binfield Park, co. Berks, Farnborough, co. Hants, Sennen Church).
and Stonehouse, co. Gloucester; exemplified to Geoeoe Ellis (Orford, co. Suffolk, and their descendants, viz.,
Henry Glasse, Esq., lieut.-Col. Berks Militia, upon his Welbore Ellis, Esq., of the Albany, London, Charles
assuming, by royal licence, 1811, the name of Elliot instead Ellis, Esq., of Maidenhead, Capt. T. R. Ellis, &c.). Same
of that of Glasse). Quarterly, Ist and 4th, Elliott, erm. Arms as Elus, of Kiddall.
a fesse az. with two dotlble cottises indented vert; 2nd Ellis (Anthony Ellis, D.D., Bishop of St. David's, 1752-61).
and 3rd, Glasse, ar. a fleur-de-hs between three mul- Ar. three eels in pale barways naiant sa.
lets within a bordure gu. Crests— Eiaaot : An elephant's Ellis (Norfolk; borne by Rev. Joseph Ellis, of Norwich,
head ar. erased gu. about the neck two barrulets invected Ob. 1712, the late Sir Samuel Bdrdon Ellis, Ellis-Jeevoise,
vert; Glasse: A mermaid holding a looking-glass and a comb and others of Norfolk origin). Ar. three eels naiant in
in her hand ppr. pale sa.
Elliot. Erm. a fesse betw. four cotises wavy gu. two Ellis (borne by the late Thomas Flower Ellis, Esq., Richard
flaunches or. Crest~^A demi eagle gorged with a wreath, Ellis, of Camberwell Green, Rev. Edward Chadncy Ellis,
wings elevated, itfoiio— Nocet diflferre paratis. &c., descended from Richard Ellis, of Edington, co. Wilts,
Elliott (Reg. as the arms of Sir Thomas
Ulster's Office, buried there, 1703). Ar. three eels naiant in pale sa. Great
Elliott, co. Wilts). Ar. a fesse betw. four cotises wavy az. —A dolphin crowned.
in chief three pellets, quartering Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three Ellis (Bradsay, co. York. Visit. York, 1585. Har. MSS.
castles triple-towered sa. 1394). on a cross sa. five crescents or.
Elliott (John Elliott, Mayor and Alderman of Dublin. Ellis (Thomas Ellis, Esq., of Sandwich, M.P. iem^. Edward
Visit. City of Dublin, 1607). Ar. two bars wavy per pale az. HI. arms
; in Ash Church, near Sandwich). Az. on a fess

and gu. Crest An elephant's head couped sa. eared and ar. betw. six cross crosslets fitchee of the second three
tusked ar. pellets.
Elliott (Ireland ; Sir John Elliott, third Baron of the Ex- Ellis (Swineshead, co. Lincoln. Visit. Lincoln, 1565). Gu.
chequer, knighted at Dubhn Castle, 14 Feb. 1608). Ar. a on a fess ar. betw. three crescents or, as many escallops az.
fess gu. betw. four bars wavy az. in chief three pellets. —A garb vert bezantee.

Crest An elephant's head couped ar. charged with three Ellis (Wyham, co. Lincoln, hart., extinct 1742). Same
pellets in pale, tusked or. Arms. Crest—A crescent gu. surmounted by an escaUop or
Elliott (confirmed to Thomas Elliott, Esq., of Johnstown (Har. MSS., 1550, p. 35). The arras, Ar. on a fess betw. three
House, CO. Carlow, son of Thomas Elliott, of Rathcrogue, co. crescents or, as many escallops gu., are in the Church of
Carlow). Gu. on a bend engr. betw. two trefoils sUpped or, a Kingston-on-Soar, co. Notts.
baton az. Crest— A
griffin sejant gu. holding in the beak a Ellis (THOMis Ellis, Mayor of Norwich, 1460-74). Sa. on a
snake ppr. and charged on the shoulder with a trefoil shpped chev. betw. three women's heads erased ar. crined or, as
or. Motto— OccMrient nubes. many roses gu., quartering Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three
Elliott (granted to John Elwott, of the city of Dublin, crescents az. as many leopards' faces of the field (Weever's
merchant). Gu. on a bend or, a baton az. within a bordure Funeral Monuments, p. 801).
engr. ar. charged with eight escallops of the third. Ci-est — Ellis (Bourn Castle, now Bourn Hall, co. Cambridge; pos-
A cubit arm naked and erect, holding a Highland broadsword sessed by Nicholas Ellis, temp. Henry VII., Inq. p. m.
ppr. hilt and pommel or. Motto Perseverando. — Charles Ellis, Esq., of Meldreth, and John Ingle Ellis,
Ellis (Lord Seaford. Charles Rose Ellis, Esq., was so Esq., of Shepreth, are descended from this family). Barry
created 1 826 ; his son s. to the Barony of Howard de Walden, of six gu. and erm., as depicted in stained glass in Boura
on the death of his maternal great grandfather, the 4th Earl Church.
of Bristol, 1803. Lord Seaford d. 1845, when the Barony of Ellis (Northope, co. Flint, Plaa-TJcha and Tybbin Bychen,
Seaford was inherited by Lord Howard de Walden). in the township of Cairvalblough). Ar. on a bend vert three
Erminois on a cross sa. five crescents ar. Crest On a mount — wolves' heads erased of the field.
vert a goat's head erased ar. Supporters—'DexteT, a goat ar. Ellis (Bodvel and Rhyllech, co. Canarvon, Chudleigh, co.
sinister, an eagle reguard. ppr. Motto Non modo sed — Devon, and Llanfairfechan, co. Carnarvon). Sa. three
quomodo. fleurs-de-lis ar. and a label of four points of the second,
Ellis (Baron Howard de Walden). Quarterly, Ist, Ellis, quartering, quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. ; 2nd and 3rd, vair
erminois on a cross sa. five crescents ar. 2nd, Heevet, gu.
; over all a bend or, for Constable. Crest—A fleur-de-Us
on a. bend ar. three trefoils vert 3rd, Felton, gu. two lions
; ar.
pass. ar. ducaUy crowned or 4th, Howard, gu. a bend betw.
; Ellis, or Elys (Stoneacre in Otham, co. Kent). Same as
six cross crosslets fitchee ar. on the bend an escutcheon or, Elys, of Kiddall (on stained glass windows Ac, 15th century).
charged mth a demi lion erased and pierced through the Crest— Same as Elys, of KiddaU (Visits. Kent, 1619 and
mouth with an arrow, within a double tressure flory counter- 1663). Stoneacee was sold temp. Queen Anne.
flory all gu. —
Crest A goat's head ar. issuing from a mount Ellis, or Elys (Chiselhurst, co. Kent. Visit. Kent, 1574).
vert. —
Supporters On either side a lion ar. on the neck Same as Elys, of Kiddall. Crest— A goat's head couped or,
within a collar gemel gu. three trefoils slipped vert. Motto — charged with a pale sa. thereon three crescents ar. (Pedigree

Non quo sed quomodo. in Har. MSS., 1144, p. 7, signed " Wm. Ryley, Norroy
Ellis (Agab-Ellts, Viscount Clifden). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, of Arms ").
; A


Ullis (St Albans' co. Herts;
descended from Ellis, of Chisel- Ellisden, or Elesden (co. Essex). Ar. a chev. sa- betw.
hurst granted to John Ellis, Esq., of St. Paul's Churchyard,
; three crosses patonce gu,
Sheriff of Herts, 1668). Az. on a fess hetw. six cross crosslets EUisdon, or Elysden. Same Arms, chev. charged with
fltchee ar. three torceaux. Crest A demi lion ramp. ar.— a crescent of the field for diff.
collared gu. bearing three cross crosslets fitchee ar. Ellishank (co. York). Gu. three chev. interlaced ar. on a
Sllis (Wardhouse, co. Leitrim, Abbeyfeale, co. Limerick, chief or, a lion pass. az.
Dublin, and Cranboume, near "Windsor, all descended from Ellison (Hebbum, co. Durham). Gu. a, chev. or, betw,
, Capt. BoBEKT Ellis, who, temp. Elizabeth, went over to
Ireland; descended from Elus, of Stoneacre). Arms and
ttiree eagles'"
erased or.
heads erased ar. Crest —An eagle's head

Creitfsame as Elus, of Stoneacre. Ellison (Eotherham, co. York). Gu. a chev. betw, three
Sllis (Edward Shipley Ellis, Esq., eldest son of the late eagles' heads erased or.
John Ellis, Esq., M.P. for Ijeicester descended from Ellis,; Ellison. Per pale gu. and vert an eagle dispL or. Crest
of Dinnington, co. York). Same Arms as Elus, of Eiddall. An eagle's head erased per fesseor and gu. gorged with a
ISlis {WiLUAM Smith Ellis, Esq., of Hydecroft in Charl- mural coronet az.
wood, CO. Surrey, and the Middle Temple, banister-at-law Ellison. At, a chev. gu. betw. three grifOns' heads erased
descended from the Pembury and Harden branch of the sa. Crest— ^A greyhound sa.
Ellises of Stoneacre). Same Avtiis and Crest as Ellis, of Ellison (Boultham Hall, co. Lincoln), Gu. a chev. or,
Stoneacre. betw. three griffins' heads ar. —A
Crest griffin's head
Ellis (Eedcliffe Parade, Bristol
Same Arms and
; descended from Elus, of erased ppr. collared or. Motto —Spem sequimur.
Escrick, CO. York). Crest, as Ellis, of Ellison (Caee-Eluson, exempUfied toEalfh Oaee, Esq.,
Kiddall. of Hedgeley, co. Northumberland, and Dunstanhill, co.
Sills (Prestwich, co. Lancaster). Gu. a mermaid with mirror pal. Durham, upon his assuming the additional name of
and comb ar. Eluson, by royal licence, 1871). Quarteriy, 1st and 4th,
Ellis (Glasfryn, co. Merioneth). Ar. amermaid gu. crinedor, gu. a chev. vair cottised or, betw. three eagles' heads
holding a mirror in her right hand and a comb in her left erased of the last, for Ellison; 2nd and 3rd, ar. within two
gold. Ch-est—X mermaid, as in the arms. Motto Wrth ein — bendlets az. an estoile betw. two lions' heads ea. the whole
ffrwythau yu hadnabyddir.
Ellis (granted to the family of Sir Henut Walton Elus,
betw. three Cornish choughs ppr., for Cabe. Crests —
Ellison: An eagle's head erased or, gorged with a collar
K.C.B., killed at Waterloo, son of Major-Gen. John Jotneb vair, holding in the beak a branch of three roses gu. leaved
Elus, of Kempsey, co. Worcester). Gu. on a fess or, betw. two and slipped ppr. ; Caee A lion's head erased or, in front

crescents in chiefand in base an urn ar. three escallops of the thereof a demi katharine wheel az. Motto Nee te quaesi- —
field, pendent from the chief point by a ribbon and clasp, a veris extra.
representation of the gold cross and clasp presented by com- Elliston (London). Per pale gu. and vert an eagle displ.
mand of the Prince Kegent to Sir Henry W. Ellis, for services —
or (another ar.). Crest ^An eagle's head erased ppr. gorged
in the Peninsula; on a chief embattled of the second, pendent with a ducal coronet ar.
by a ribbon gu. fimbriated az. a representation of the Water- Elliston (co. Lincoln). Gu. a chev. or, betw. three griffins'
loo medal, beneath it the word
Waterloo," hetw. a branch of
' —
heads ar. Crests A griffin erased ppr. collared or. Motto —
palm and another of cypress ppr. Crestr^-0\kt of a mural Spen sequimar.
crown or, a cubit arm in bend vested gu. cuffed az. the Elliston (Tillingham, co. Essex. Visit. Essex, 1634). Same
hand grasping a sword ppr. pommel and hilt gold, the blade as Aliston.
broken and encircled by a wreath of cypress, pendent by a Ellis'wortli. Per pale indented gu. and ar. four palets
ribbon from the wrist, a representation of the Waterloo medal, counterchanged. Crest —A
rose gu, betw. the attires of a
as in the arms. Mottoes —
Decorum pro patria mori over ; staff ppr.
the crest : Bella dextra. Ellisworth. Per pale gu. and ar. a pale engr. or.
Ellis (granted to William Ellis, Comm. E.N., son of John Elliswortli. Per pale gu. and ar. a pale engr. or, betw.
Abigail Ellis, of Great Yarmouth). Ar. a cross parted and two Uons ramp, counterchanged.
fretty sa. four crescents in cross az. Crest —^Three escallops Ellisworth.. Gu. a pale engr. or, betw. four lions ramp. ar.
az. in front ofa mermaid wreathed across the shoulder with Ellmer (Beg. Ulster's Office). Ar. a chev. embattled coun-
red coral ppr. Motto Primus. — ter-embattled betw. three demi lions ramp. az.
Ellis (Wyddial Hall, co. Herts). Erm. a lion pass, guard, Elinor (London Her. Off., London). Ar. on a cross sa.

gu. Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head gu. betw. four Cornish choughs ppr. five bezants. Crest Out of —

crowned of the first. Motto Forte et fidele. a ducal coronet or, an eagle's head sa. beaked gu. charged
Ellis (Overleigh, co. Chester, 1574). Erm. a lion ramp. az. with a bezant betw. two wings displ. gold.
Crest— A. female affrontee ppr. couped at the waist habited Ello^^ay. Or, a fesse az. over all a bend gu. Crest —
gu. crined or. dragon's head gu.
Ellis (Glasfryn, co. a chev. betw. three
Carnarvon). Sa. Elluker. Az. fretty ar. a chief of the last.
fleurs-de-lis ar. Crests —
1st A mermaid gu.
: 2nd An arm ; : Ell'well, Erm. on a chev. engr. betw. three eagles with two
embowed in armour, holding a broken spear-head ppr. necks displ. gu. ducally gorged or, aa many annulets of the
Motto —Gweithred a ddengys. last.
Sills. Gu. a liop. ramp. ar. tail forked, armed or, oppressed Ell'wood (co. York). Az. a chev. ar. in chief two mullets or,
with a bend (another, a fess) az. in base a buck's head cabossed of the second, attired of
Ellis. Ar. a lion ramp. sa. charged on the shoulder with a —
the third. Crest On a mural coronet a stag sejant ppr.
dolphin of the field. Ellwyn (Wigenhall, St. Germains, co. Norfolk; quartered
Ellis (Trevoar; quartered by Cakew, of Bickley, co. Devon. by D'OiLT, of Shottisham, co. Norfolk, and the East Indies).
Visit. 1620). Ar. three eels coiled vert. Ar. a chev. az. betw. three bears' heads couped sa. muzzled
Ellis. Ar. on across sa. five escallops or, in the first quarter or.
a spear-head az. Elly. At, a fesse engr. betw. six fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest -An —
Ellis. Gu. six plates, three, two, and one. arm erect couped below the elbow, habited ar. grasping in
Ellis. Ar. a saltire gu. the hand ppr. a fleur-de-lis sa.
Ellis (Ireland; granted to John Ellis, descended from an Ellyot (cos. Devon, Essex, and Surrey), See Eliot.
ancient family of that name in England, who served as cap- Ellys (Aylesbury, co, Bucks. Her. Visit.). Ar. a chev.
tain of a company of foot, under Sir Aethue Chichestbe, vert betw. three stars of five points gu,
Lord Deputy of Ireland). Ar. a cross sa. betw. four escallops Ellys. See Ellis.
gu. Crest —
A swan, wings expanded, murally gorged all Elman (co. Suffolk). Sa. three eagles displ. with two heads
ppr. Motto —
Mors mihi vita fide.
SUis (Elliestoun, co. Roxburgh). Az. three eels naiant
Elmbride. See Elmeeugg.
fessways in pale ar. —
Crest A lily close in the flower ppr. Elme, or Ellem (Elmside, co. Berwick). Gu. a pelican
Motto—^\k\) sole patebit. in her piety ar. vulned ppr.
EUiB (Southside, Scotland). Or, three helmets, the beavers Elmeden, or Elmedon. Ar. on a bend sa. three
open ppr. Crert —A gauntleted hand grasping an adder ppr. crescents of the field.
ilfoKo— Spemo. Elmeet (Holland). Or, a fesse wavy az. Crest horse's
Ellis (Saughton Mills, Scotland). Gu. a sword in bendar. head bridled ppr.
hetw. two helmets or. Crest —A
gauntlet surmounted of a Elmer (Risby, co. Lincoln). Ar. a cross sa.

betw. four
dove holding an olive branch in her beak ppr. MoUo Pax — Cornish choughs ppr. Crest On a chapeau az. turned up
finis belli. erm. two wings expanded, out of a ducal coronet.
Ellis-Jervoise. See Jeevoise. Elmer. Per bend embattled ar. and gu. six martlcr^
Ellis, or Ellowe. Sa. three legs in pale ar. counterchanged.
Y 2
' A


Slmerugrg* (Elmemgge, co. Worcester, and Croham, co. the third Lord Klphin8t(me, attainted 1746). Ar. on si
Surrey). Chequy ar. and sa. (A roll of arms temp. Henry chev. sa, betw. three hoars' heads erased gu. as many
III., adds on achief or, three elm leaves slipped ppr.) Orest— —
buckles of the field. Crest- 'A dove ar. with a snake ppr,

A grifBn's head. linked about its legs. Supporters ^Two griffins ppr. beaked
Slmes (from the monument of Thomas Elues, Esq., of —
and armed or. Motto Prudentia fraudis nescia.
Warrington, co. Lancaster, who m. Amt, dau. of Robeet ElpMnstone (Lord Coupar; title conferred on the second
Clarke, of Ford, 1653-1686. Church of Warrington St. son of the first Lord BalrneriiMch, devolved on his death s.^.
Mary). Erm. two bars sa. each charged with five elm leaves on the third Lord Balmeriifioch). Ar. on a chev. sa. betw.
or. three boars' heads erased gu. as many hearts of the field.
Elnaes (Lilford, co. Northampton). Same Ai-ms, Crest Out — Crest—A. stag lodged in front of a tree ppr. Supporters —
of a ducal coronet or, a woman's head and neck couped Two winged stags or. Motto —Sub umbra.
helow the breast ppr. crined of the first. Elphinstone (Sowerby, co. Cumberland, hart. 1815). Ar.
mmes (Stanfield, co Lincoln). Same ArmSj bars charged guttee de sang, on a chev, embattled sa. betw. three boars^
with three elm leaves. heads erased gu, two swords ppr. hilted and pommelled or..
JSlmesly. yert an eagle displ. ar. Crest — Out of a mural crown ppr, a demi woman affrontee
Slznested. Erm. a bend gu. habited gu. in her dexter hand a sword hilted and pommelled
SliuhazQ. (co. Norfolk). Ar. a fess betw. three eagles displ. or, in her sinister an olive branch, vert. Jfoiio— Semper
sa. (another, the fess gu.). paratus.
Slmhirst (Elmhirst, co. York).Barry wavy of six ar. and Elpiiinstone (Calderhall, co. Edinburgh). Ar. a chev..'
sa. a canton paly wavy and sa. Oixst
also of six ar. — sa. betw. three boars' heads erased gu. within a bordure of

mount vert therefrom issuant rays of the sun, in front of a the last. Crest ^Two arms in saltire, in the dexter a sword,
hurst of elm trees ppr. Motto In Domino confido. — in the sinister a laurel branch aU ppr. Motto In utrumque —
£llinliirst (West Ashby co. Lincoln). Same Ai-ms^ Crest,
, paratus. The last of the line m. the heiress of Brdce, of
and Motto. Airth, quartered or, a saltire and chief gu. in the dexter
Slmore. Gu. on a chief or, a dolphin az. C^*e5(—The top of canton a mullet of the field, for Brdge, and bore for Crest— A.
a halbert issuing from the wreath. Saracen's head ppr. Motto —
^Do well and let them say.
^Imsall (late Greaves, Thornhill, near Wakefield, co. York). Elphinstone (Hichabd Elphinstone, of Meyleholm, second
eon of Calderhall, 1678). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three boars

Sa. three bars engr. betw. ten elm leaves erect or, quartering
quarterly, gu. and vert an eagle displ. or, holding in the heads erased, a bordure engr. gu. Crest —
A griffin sejant
mouth a slip of oak ppr,, for Greaves. Crests 1st, Elmsald — : sa. holding in the dexter paw a garla,nd of laurel vert.
An oak tree, entwined round the trunk with a vine branch, Elphinstone (William Elphinstone, son of Elphinstone,.
fructed ppr. 2nd, Greaves On a mount vert a stag trippant
; of Calderhall, 1678). Ar. on a chev. sa. betw, three boars'^


or, in the mouth a slip of oak ppr. Motto ^Amicta vitibus heads erased gu. a crescent of the first surmounted of
ulmus. another of the second. Crest— A. lady above the middle-
Slzaslie. three love-knots sa.
Or, Crest demi wolf —A well attired, holding a garland in her dexter hand. Motto-
issuing ppr, holding in pale a spear tasselled also ppr. — Merito.
Elmy, or Elmey. Gu. five bezants in saltire betw. two Elphinstone (Glack, co. Aberdeen). Ar. on a chev. sa.
launches or, each charged with a lion ramp, sa. Crest — betw. three boars' heads erased gu. an episcopal mitre of
On a chapeau a tower ppr. the first. Cresi— A dexter hand holding a garb ppr. Motto —
Elznye (Nettlested, co. Suffolk). Gyronny of eight or and Non vi sed virtute.
sa. on a chief of the first three elm leaves vert. Elphinstone (Logic, co. Aberdeen, bart,, the heiress m.
Elnett. Ar. a saltire sa. masoned and pierced of the field, General Robert Dalrvmple). The same within a bordure
Elpliick. Ar. on a chev. betw. three eagles with two heads gu. —
Crest A dexter hand holding a writing pen full-
gu. as many plates. feathered ppr. Motto —
Sedulitate. See Dalrvmplb,
Elpiim, See of. Sa. two crosiers indorsed in saltire or, ElpMnstone (Leys). Ar. a chev. engr. sa. betw. thre&'
in base a lamb couehant ar, in chief a mitre of the second. three boars' heads erased gu.
Elphinstone {Lord Blphinstone). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. Elrict fco. Leicester). Ar. three bars az.
three boars' heads erased gu. armed of the first. Cj-est— Elring-ton (Welcom, Maltravers, co. Dorset). Ar. a fesse
A lady from the middle well attired ppr. holding in her dexter daucettee sa. bezantee betw, six storks of the second, beaked
hand a tower ar. and in her sinister a laurel branch ppr. and legged gu.

Supporters Two savages, wreathed head and middle with Elring"ton (cos. Essex and Middlesex). Ar. a fesse dancettee
laurel, and carrying clubs on their shoulders ppr. Motto— sa. bezantee betw. five Cornish choughs, three and two, of
Cause causit. the second.
Elphinstoue (William Buller Fullerton ELPHiHsToifE, Elringrton (Ireland). Ar. a fesse dancettee sa. bezantee
15th Lord Mpkinstone). Quarterly, 1st grand quarter, betw. six storks of the second. —
Crest A stork, as in the
Elphinbtone, as above 2nd grand quarter, counterquartered,
; arms.
1st, gu. a chev. within a double tressure flory counter- Elrington (co. Middlesex). Ar. on a fesse dancettee sa,
flory, ar,, for Fu:ming, 2nd, az. three frases ar., for betw three Cornish choughs ppr. as many bezants. Crest —
Fraser, 3rd, ar, on a chief gu. three pallets or, for Keith, The Roman fasces in pale ppr.
4th, or, three bars wavy gu., for Drdmmond 3rd grand ; Elriugton (co. Northumberland). Sa. three water bougets-
quarter, ar. a chev. betw. three otters* heads erased gu. ar.
within a bordure of the last, for Fdllbbton ; 4th grand Elring-ton Ar. three water bougets sa.
(co. Suffolk).
quarter, sa. on a cross ar. square pierced of the field four Elsake York). Gu. three chev. interlaced ar. (another,
eagles displ. of the first, in the dexter quarter an arm em- a on a chief or, a lion pass, guard, az.
howed ppr. issmng out of a naval crown, the hand holding Elsiug*-Priory (Spitalfields, London). Gu. » lion ramp-
a trident or, for Bulleb. Same Crest, Supporters, and barry of eight ar. and sa.
Motto. Elsing-. Gu. two bars or, betw. three fieurs-de-hs ar.
Elpliiiistoue {Saron and Viscount Keith ; titles conferred Elsley (Patrick Brompton, and Mount St. John, co. York),
on the fourth son of the tenth Lord ElpMnstone; the Quarterly, or and ar. five roses in saltire gu. seeded and
viscounty became extinct at his death, the barony at that of —
barbed ppr. Crest A sagittary reguard. ar. charged on the
liiseldest dau.), Ar. a chev, sa, betw. three boars' heads side with a rose, as in the arms, drawing with his hands a bow
erased gu. Crest, asLordJElphimtone. Supporters Dexter, — and arrow ppr. a¥o«o— Sans Dieu rien.
a savage ppr. wreathed head and middle with oak leaves vert, Elsome, alias Yesom (Gunby). Sa. three castles ar,
in his exteiior hand a club resting on his right shoulder, on his Elson (Barham, co. Sussex). Ar. a chief az, over all an eagle
breast a sliield az, charged with three fleurs-de lis or, at his displ. gu. Crest —A demi eagle displ. ar. billett^e sa.

feet an anchor sa. ; a stag ppr, attired and unguled

sinister, beaked or.
or, coUared az. the collar charged with three cinquefoils ar. Elston (Elston, co. Nottingham). Per pale gu. and vert an
and pendent therefrom a shield of the last with a chief gu. eagle displ. ar,
charged with three pallets or, the dexter hind foot resting on Elston (Foxton, co. Durham). Samc^rms. Crests—A &&iax
an anchor sa. lion holding a mullet ar.
ElpMnstone (Lady William Godolfhin Obboene Elphin- Elston. Gu. a saltire betw. four esc^ops ar. Cr^t —On a
STONE, second dau. of Viscount Keith, 1873). Quarterly, chapeau an escallop betw. two wings £ill ppr.
1st and 4th, ar. a chev, sa, betw, three boars' heads erased Elston (Brcckholes, co. Lancaster). Paly of six ar. andgu-
gu. armed ar,, for Elphiwstone; 2nd, counterquartered, on a bend sa.three mullets or.
Fleming and Fbaseb; 3rd, Keith (v. supra under Lord Elswell. Or, on a chev. engr. betw. three eagles displ. witb
Elphinstone) in the centre of the quarters a mullet az. —
two necks gu. as many plates. Crest On a bezant a croBff
^Iphinstone (Lord Satmerinochf first lord and third son of pattee gu.


^swike, or Els-wyke (co. Lancaster). Ar. on a chev. of the first. Crest —A

stag's head collared, in front thereof
engr. gu. betw. three eagles displ. of the second as many three mascles conjoined in fesse. Motto Dum spiro spero, —
plates. Elwood (co. York), Erm. on a chief gu. a Uon ramp, issuant
Elsyng-Priory. Gu. three fleTu-s-de-lis in hend or, hefcw. or.
two cotises of the last. Elwood (Clayton Priory, co, Sussex), Az. a chev. ar. in
JEjltham (co. Cornwall). Ar. a bordurc az. chief two mullets or, in base a buck's head cabossed of the
£ltoft (CO. Lincoln). Or. on a chev. gu. betw. three fleurs- second, attired of the third. Crest —
^A dexter arm embowed
de-lis vert as many martlets of the field. in armour, the hand brandishing a battle axe all ppr.
£ltoft, or Eltofts (Farnley, co. York). Ar. three ehess- —
Motto Fide et sedulitat*.
Tooks sa. Elwood (granted to the descendants of William Elwood,
Eltoft (temp. Eichard I.). Ar. four chessrooks sa. Esq., of Loghmaske, co. Mayo). Erm. on a chev. gu. betw.
Elton (Elton, CO. Chester founded by Thomas ȣ Helton.
; three shamrocks slipped vert as many bezants, on a chief
1268). Faly of six ar. and gu, on a bend sa. three mullets of —
of the second a demi lion or. Crest A lion ramp. gu. resting
the first. the forepaws on the trunk of an oak tree ppr.
Elton (Clevedon Court, co. Somerset, bart.). Paly of six gu. Elworth. Or, a fesse embattled sa, masoned of the first
and on a bend sa. three mullets of the second. Crest
or, — betw. three chamber-pieces of the second. Crest On a —
An arm embowed in armour ppr. holding in the gauntlet mount an ermine pass. ppr.
a scimitar ar. pommel and hilt or, tied round the arm with Elwortliy, Az. two bars or, in chief three bezants. Crest

a scarf vert. Motto Artibus et armis. — A steel cap ppr,
Elton-Marwood (Widworthy Court, co. Devon, hart.). Elwyke. Ar, three boars pass. az.
Quarterly, 1st and and or, on a bend sa.
4th, paly of six gu. El^^Ti, ElTffynn, or Elwin. Gu. three scoops fess-
three mullets of the second 2nd and 3rd, gu. a chev. erm.
; ways, and in base as many crescents ar. Crest A demi —
betw. three goats' heads erased ar. Crests 1st: A dexter arm — savage holding over the dexter shoulder a hammer ppr.
embowed in armour ppr, garnished or; adorned with a scarf Elwyne (the heiress of Elwynb m. William Cobbe, of
about the wrist tied vert, the hand in a gaimtlet holding a Sandringham, co. Norfolk, temp. Henry VI. Visit. Oxford,
falchion ppr. pommel and hilt gold 2nd On a mount vert a ; : 1634), Ar, a chev. betw. three martlets sa.
ram couchant ppr. attired or. Motto Artibus et armis. — Ely, Marquess of. See Loftdb.
Elton (Thornton, co. Chester; branch of Hillerby). Paly of Ely, See of. Gu. three ducal crowns or.
six ar. and gu, (or, gu, and ar.) over all on a bend sa. three Ely, Dean of. Gu. three keys erect or, wards to the
mullets or. dexter.
Elton (Redland, originally of Ledbury,, co. Hereford, and Ely-Priory (co. Cambridge). Or, three keys as. two and
Newent, co. Gloucester). Paly of six or and gu. on a bend one, the wards in chief.
sa. three mullets of the first. Crest—A dexter arm embowed Ely (co. Essex). Barry of ten az. and ar. over all a bend
vambraced ppr. holfling fesseways a falchion ar. pommelled gu.
and hilted or, and encircling the arm at the elbow a cordon Ely. Ar. a fesse engr, betw. six fleurs-de-lis gu.
nowed vert, Elyard. Or, three bars az. surmounted by a bend gu.
Elton (co. London).
Berks, and London, Her. Same Off., Crest —An arm in armour embowed, holding a seimetar.
Arms. —
Crest Out of a mural crown gu. an arm vested or, Elyman, or Ellingrham. Ar, a fesse gu, betw. three
turned up ar. holding in the hand ppr. a mullet of the eagles displ, sa.
second. Elynam. Sa. three imperial eagles or.
Elton, alias Serborne (co. Hereford). Barry wavy of Elyndon (co. York). Ar. on a bend sa. three crescents of
ten ar. and az. a lion ramp or. Cre»t A Uon's head affrontee— the first.

erased or, collared az. Elyng*.Az. three bends befcw. six hoars' heads couped ar.
Eltonliead (Eltonhead, co. Lancaster, Harl. MSS., 1549}, Elyngham. Ar. a fesse betw, three eagles displ. gu,
Quarterly, per fesse indented sa. and ar. in the 1st quarter Elyngton. Ar, three fleurs-de-lis sa. and as many crosses
three plates. crosslet fitch^e of the last, one and two.
Eltonh.ead (co. Lancaster), Quarterly, per fesse indented Elyot (CO. Hants). Sa. a fesse ar.
ar, and sa, in the 2nd and 3rd quarters three bezants, Elyot. Per saltire or and gu. four mullets counterchanged.
Elvedon. Ar. a fesse dancettee betw. three buglehoms sa. Elyott, Elyot, or Eliot (formerly of Green Place,
Elvet, Gu. six billets erm. Crest lion sejant or. —A Wonersh, smce of Busbridge, same co,). First
co. Surrey,
Elvin (East Dereham, co. Norfolk), Ar. a chev. gu. betw. coat, az. a on two bars gu. three
fesse or; second coat, or,
three martlets sa. Crest —A
demi lion ramp, or, issuant from crescents of the field. These coats have also been borne
the summit of a rock and holding a vine branch all ppr. quarterly. Crest—A griffin's head couped, wings endorsed sa.

Motto Spectemur agendo; and over the crest: Elvenaca collared ar,
floreat vitis. Elyott (London and Cathanger, co, Somerset; granted
Elwas. Or, a bend gu. over all a fesse az. Crest ^Three — 1751). Or, on a fesse dovetailed betw. three falcons' bells gu.
arrows, one in pale and two in saltire or, flighted ar. headed an escallop betw. two crosses crosslet of the field.
ppr. environed with a serpent of the last. Elys. See Ellis.
El'wat. Ar. a fesse sa. in chief two pellets. Eman (Windsor, co. Berks). Ar. a lion ramp, reguard.
Eliwes (Habelsthorpe, co. Notts, and Worleby, co. Lincoln; purp. crowned of the second. Crest—-A lion sejant ramp.
exemplified with three quarterings to William Elweys, Esq., reguard, purp.
of Broxton, co. Notts, by Cooke, Clarenceux). Or, a fess az, Embery. Sa. a man ar. holding in the dexter hand a club"
and a bend gu. Crest —
Five arrows, four in saltire and one or. —
Crest A dexter arm couped and embowed, holding a
in pale or, flighted and barbed ar. entwined by a snake gu, sword in pale, entiled with a Saracen's head in profile all
El'wes (Geoffrey Elwes, Alderman of London, wi, the dau.
of EoBEBT Gabot, of ActonBumell, co. Salop, Visit. London, Embery. Chequyar. and 'az. on a chev, engr. or, three
1568), Same Arms, a mullet for diff, anchors sa.on a chief gu. a lion pass, of the first. Crest —
Elwes (Billing Hall,co. Northampton). Same Arms, quarter- pillar az. enwrapped by a serpent ppr, the base of the pillar

ing Gabbott and Caeet. Crest Five arrows or, entwined by masonry ar.

a snake ppr. Motto Deo non fortuna. Embroiderers, Cfompany of (London). Paly of six
Elwes (Stoke, co. Suffolk, bart., extinct 1778). Same Arms, ar, and az, on a fesse gu, betw, three lions pass, guard, or,
Crest, and Motto. two broaches in saltire betw. two quills of gold thread.
Elwes (The Crescent, Bedford; DudletGeobge Caby Elwes, Crest—A dove displ, ar, encircled with glory ppr. Sup-
Esq.). Same Arm^, &c., a crescent for diff.

porters ^Two lions or, guttee de sang. Motto —Omnia
Elwill (Exeter;
ban., extinct 1778; granted 11 Dec. 1701, desuper.
to SirJohn Elwill, Knt., who was created a hart, in 1709). Embroiderers, Company of (Bristol). Goi. two
Erm. on a chev, engr. betw. three eagles displ. with two broaches in saltire ar. betw. two tnmdles or, .on a chief of
heads gn. each gorged with a ducal coronet or, as many the second a lion pass. gu. The ancient arms of the Company
annulets of the last. Crest—An arm erect and couped at ^vere ^Paly of six erm, and az. oa a fesse gu. betw. three
the elbow, habited sa, cuff ar. the hand ppr, holding a fleece lions pass, guard- or, two broaches in saltire betw. two empty
or. quills of the last.
Elwin (Thorpe, co. Norfolk). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three Embroiderers, Company of (Chester), Same Arms.
martlets sa. Crest— stag's head erased ppr, horns or. Emenfield. Gu, an inescutcheon betw. eight martlets in
Elwin (Tottington, co. Norfolk, Sheriff of the county, 1719). orle ar. Crest —A hand holding an escutcheon or, charged
Same Arms, chev. engr. with a martlet ppr.
Elwon (Skutterskelfe, co. Tork). Or, on a chev. betw, four Em.enball (co. Norfolk). Or (anathn", ar.), a fesse betw.

martlets, three in chief and one in base gu. three mascles two chev. az.
Emer. —
Az. two lions pass. or. Crest Out of a ducal coronet Empson. Ar. two bends sa. Crest—A. lion guard, sejant
or, a demi lion ramp, guard, ppr. holding in the dexter paw or, holding in the dexter paw a long cross gu. and resting
a sword also ppr. hilt and pommel gold. the sinister upon a triangle pierced sa.
Emerick (co. Norfolk). Barry of six or and sa. Empson (quartered by Cableton, of Brightwell Baldwin^
Emeris (Louth, co. Lincoln originally a French family,
; CO. Oxford. Visit. 1574). Same Arms^ bends engr.
settled in co. Norfolk, England, after the massacre of Empson. Quarterly, Ist and 4th, or, two bends engr. aa. j
St. Bartholomew's). Or, three bars wavy hetw. two flaunches 2nd and 3rd, sa. a chev. betw. three escallops or.
aa, on a chief of the last a hezant betw. two cinquefoUs of Emrich, or Emrike. Barry of six or and sa.
the first, quartering Atkinson. Crest —
In front of a boar's Emsley, or Emslie (Scotland). Vert an eagle displ. ar..
head and neck couped aa. gorged with a collar gemel three Crest—A thistle leaved ppr. 3fo«o—Prenez garde.
cinquefoils. Motto Emeritus. — Emson. Ar. two bends engr. sa.
Emerle, or Emerley. Az. two covered cups ar. Emsone. Az. a chev. betw. three water bougets or.
Emerson (Foxton, co. Durham granted to Baffe Emekson,
Emyly, or Emelie. See Emline.
Esq., of that place, by Wall, Garter, temp. Henry VUI.)- Enard. Ar. on a bend gu. three crosses crosslet fitchee
Per fesse indented or and vert on a bend engr. az. three or.
lions pass. ar. Crest —
A lion ramp, vert bezantfie grasping Enby, or Eneby. Paly of six ar. and gu. abend sa.
in both paws a battle axe gu. headed ar. Endas, or Eneas. Bendy of six az. and gu. over aU &
Emerson (granted to Abthub Emebson, of Dublin, gent., lion ramp. or. Crest—A castle triple-towered ppr. domed
1692). Per fess dancett^eor and vert on a bend engr. gu. gu.
betw. two roundels counterchanged three lions pass. ar. Enderbie (co. Bedford). Ar. three chev. sa. over all abend

Crest A demi Hon ramp, vert sem^e of torteaux, armed and erm.
langued gu. holding betw. the paws a battle axe, staff of the Enderbie, or Enderby. Ar. a fesse vert betw. two
last, headed ar. barrulets gu. Crest —
In a maunch a hand clenched.
Emerson (Newcastle-on-Tynej. Az. on a bend ar. three Enderbie. Ar. three bars dancett^e sa. in chief a pale eim.
torteaux. Crest —A sinister wing ppr. thereon a bend or, Crest —A swan sa.
charged with three bezants. Enderbie. Gyronny of eight ar. and sa. a pale erm.
Emerson (cos. Lincoln and Norfolk). Same Arnis. Crest — Enderbie. Per pale ar. and sa. two bars dancett6e'
Clouds issuing rays of the sun all ppr. counterchanged.
Emerston (quartered by Eodse, Lord of Modbury, co. Enderby (London; granted 12 Aug. 1778). Az. themast of
Devon William Bouse, temp. Henry IV., m. Alice, dau.
; a vessel Issuant from the base, thereon a sail hoisted and
and heir of Thomas Emehston. Visit. 1620). Az. on a bend pennant flying ppr. betw. two estoUes in fesse or, represent-
or, three torteaux. ing the Arctic and Antarctic polar stars. Crest—A whaling
Emery, or Amery
(Little Baddow, co. Essex). Ar. three harpooner in the attitude of striking ppr.
bars nebulee gu. in. chief as many torteaux. Crest Out of a — Enderby. Ar. a chev. sa. a pale erm.
mural crown ppr. a demi horse ar. maned or, collared gu. Endersour (Wilnecote, co. Stafford). Ar. a fesse az. betw.
studded gold. —
three horseshoes sa. Crest A cubit arm vested gu. holding:
Emery (The Grange, Banwell, co. Somerset). Same Arms. in the hand ppr. a sword ar. hilt and pommel or.

Crest Out of a mural crown a demi horse collared. Motto — Endfield. Ar. on a canton gu. a mullet or.
Fidis et suavis. Enell. Vert an eagle displ. or. Crest —A mermaid with-
Em.ery (co. Gu. three bars or, in chief as many
Kent). mirror and comb ppr.
cinquefoils of the second. —
Crest 'A demi unicorn ramp, and Enemead. Quarterly or and ar., in the 1st and 4th, two-
erased gu. hoofed and armed or, crined sa. lions ramp. sa.; in the 2nd and 3rd, as many lions ramp,
Emery (co. Kent). Barry of six gu, and or, in chief three gu.
cinquefoils slipped of the second. Enenfi,eld. Gu. an escutcheon ar., an orle of martlets or.
Emeryke. Barry of six or and sa. Crest Out of a ducal — Enery. Ar. an eagle displ. ppr.
coronet a boar's head and neck sa. coUared ar.
or, Enery (Caktweight-Eneet, Ballyconnell, co. Cavan; ex-
Emes,, or Earn (co. Berks, and London). Or, emplified 1864, to Stewart Durance Davieb Cartwright,
out of a fesse sa. a demi lion ramp, issuant gu. Crest ^A — Capt 15th Hussars, and to his wife, Constance Isabel Enebt,

demi lion ramp. sa. ' a ward in Chancery, only child and heiress of William
Emes (co. Cornwall). Gu. on a fesse battelly betw. three Hamilton Enery, Esq., of Ballyconnell House, co. Cavan, on
martlets ar. as many escarbuncles of six rays sa. their taking, by royal licence, the surname of Enery. in addi^
Emes (co. Cornwall). Ar. on a fesse embattled counter- tiontoand after that of Cartwright). Quarterly, 1st and
embattled gu. betw. three cinquefoils sa. as many martlets 4th, per chev. ar. and az. an eagle displ. ppr. in the dexter
of the field. chief point an annulet gu., for Enery; 2nd and 3rd, or, on.
Emesey, or Emeseux. Gu. a fesse indented erm. a fess embattled sa. betw. three steering wheels of the second
Emesley, Ernele, or Evell. Ar. on a bend sa. arose ar., for Cartwright; an escocheou of pretence per
three eagles displ.the heads pointing to the sinister.
or, chev. ar. and az. an eagle displ. ppr., for Enery. Crests--
Emesly, or Elmesley. Vert an eagle displ. or. 1st On a rock a falcon close ppr. holding in its beak an-

Em.line, or Emley
(Helmedon, co. Northants). Sa. a annulet gu. for Enery; 2nd: A griffin's head erased or,
wild man statant, wreathed about the loins and temples, charged with a rose gu. and pierced through the neck with
holding with both hands a tree eradicated, all ppr. Crest — a lance broken in the middle, vulned, above it on an escroll
demi wild man, as in the arms, holding with both hands the motto, Defend the fold, for Cartwright. Jtfoiio—Sans
a club over the right shoulder all ppr. Motto Honestum — changer.
prsetulit utih. Enestfield. Ar. a canton gu. charged with a mullet or.
Emmanuel Colleg'e (Cambridge, founded in 1584, by Enfantleroy (co. Dorset). Gu. three infants' heads couped
Sir Walter Mildmay, Knt., Chancellor and Treasurer of the at the shoulder ppr. crined or.
Exchequer), Ar. a lion ramp, az. holding in the dexter paw Enfantleroy. Erm. three princes' heads crowned and
a chaplet of laurel vert, in chief a scroll sa. thereon the mantled ppr. couped at the breast.
word Emmanuel gold. Enfield, or Emenfield (co. Essex). Gu. aninescutcheon
Emme. See Emes, &c., co. Berks. or, an orle of eight martlets ar. Crest A hand holding an-—
Emmerson. Or, on a bend az. three lions pass, ar. estcutcheon or, charged with a martlet ppr.
Crest —
A cock ppr. Enfield (co. Middlesex). Ar. on a canton gu. a mullet or,

Emmesey, ca* Emesey (co. Buckingham), Gu. a fesse (another, ar.).

dancettee erm. Enfield. Barry of six gu. and ar. on a chief or, a hon pass,
Emmett (Westminster, and Emmot^ co. Lancaster). Per az. over all a bend sa.
pale az. and sa. a fesse engr. erm. betw. three bulls' heads Enfield. Ar. on a canton sa. a mullet or, pierced gu.
cabossed or. Crest —
On a chapeau a unicorn's head erased En^aine (Baron Engaine summoned to Parliament 1299,

all ppr. extinct 1322, revived 1342, abeyance 1367).

by new summons
Emmott* Same Arvis. Crest^A hind sejant reguard. Gu. a fess indented betw. seven cross crosslets, four in chief
resting the dexter paw upon a beehive ppr. and three in base.
Empring-ham (Grimsby Magna, oo. Derby). Ar. a Engaine (Sir Nicholas Engaine, Knt., d. 8 Edward Il-t
bordure vert charged with eight martlets or. 1315, m. Alice, dau. of Walter Fpalconbeidgb. Visit.
Empson (co. York). Az. a chev. betw. three crosses formee Notts, 1614). Gu. a fess daucettee betw. six crosses crosslet-
ar. ifrest —
A tent ar. adorned or, lined az. charged in the or.
interior with a cross formee of the third. Engraine. Az. a fesse daucettee betw. six escallops or.
Empson (Bipple Hall and Yokefleet Hall, Howden, co. Engraine (Beg. "Dlster's Office). Same Armsy fess and escal-

York)- Same Arms smSid'est. Motto Corona mea Christus. lops ar.
AA ;


Engraine. Gu. a fesse dancett^e or, in chief three crosses Engloss. Gu. a fesse chequy or and az, a bordure ar.
' crosslet of the last. Englowise. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three billets ermines
Sngrayne, or Engraine (co. Essex). Gu. a fesse dancet- (another, sa. guttee d'eau).
t^e betw. six crosses crosslet or. Englys Northumberland). Sa. three hons ramp. ar.
Exigrayiie. Gyronny of twelve ar. and sa. six crosses cross- Englysvill (co. Devon). Gu. on a bend ar. three chev. sa.
let or. Eugs. Gu. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar.
Engra3nle. Az. crusily a fleur-de-lis erm. Enkesthorp. Gu. a cross engr. erm. in the first quarter an
Sngayne. See D'Engayne. annulet or.
Eng'liazii (co. Kent). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. Ihree pellets, on Enkpen. Barry of eight or and gu. on a chief of the second
a chief gu. a lion pass. or. a hon pass, of the flrst.

Bngham, or Engleham (co. Norfolk). Or, two bars sa. Enkshopj Enksthorp, or Enkesthorp (co. Essex).
a pile counterchanged. Gu. a cross erm. and an annulet or.
Eng'ham, or Eding-haxa (Goodneston, co. Kent). Same Ennesey. Gu. a fesse dancettee erm.
Arms^ with the addition of, on a chief gu. a lion pass, guard, Enne'w (Colchester, co. Essex). Ar. on a chev. az. betw.
or. —
Cre&i ^Two lions' gambs erect or, holding a fLreball ppr. three lions' heads erased gu. as many mullets or. Crest —
EnghaxDL. Gu. a fesse betw. two chev. ar. Qr^t ^An arm — hon's head erased gu.
embowed, vested az. turned up and indented ar. holding in Ennis (Ballinahown Court, co.Westmeath, hart.). Per pale
the band ppr. a snake vert entwined about the arm. ar. and or, a hon's head erased betw. three estoiles az. a
Eng'liain. Per pale or and vert a cross moline gu. bordure of the last, charged with eight roses of the first.
Engrham. Quarterly, or and gu. a bordure engr. sa. Crest —
A boar's head erased pierced by an arrow all ppr.
Eugrliani. Quarterly^ ar. and sa. a bend gu. —
charged with an estoile az. Motto ^Virtute et v^ore.
En^ham. Barry of six or and sa. over all a fesse counter- Ennis. Gu. on a chief ar. a saltire az. Crest ^An anchor —
changed. az. surmounted by a fleur-de-Hs.
Engrheyn, or Eugrhien. Gyronny of twelve ar. and sa., Enniskillen, Earl of. See Cole.
six crosses crosslet in orle or. Ennys (co. Cornwall). Gu. on a fesse embattled counter-
England (Great Yarmouth; granted by Byshe, 1671, to Sir embattled betw. three doves ar. as many ciuquefoils sa.
Geobge England). Gu. three lions pass, in pale ar. each Crest —
A hand holding a sheaf ppr.
charged on the shoulder with an erm. spot. Cr^t ^A lion's — Ennys. Bendy of six ar. and gu. a lion ramp. or.
head erased charged with an erm. spot.
ar. Ennys. Sa. three bendlets or.
Engrland (Beg. Ulster's Office). Ar. two bars wavy gu. Enoke (co. Worcester). Per pale az. and ar. a griffin pass.
CVfis(—A cherub ppr. wings endorsed, counterchanged. Crest— A demi hon holding
Englebert (Sherborne, co. Dorset). Gu. a bend or, cotised in the paws a serpent nowed ppr.
ar. Enold (co. Kent). Az. on a cross or, a martlet gu.
Engrlebert (Loudon, and cos. Middlesex and Pembroke). Ensing (Childham and Windham Ensing, co. Norfolfe). Sa.
Gu. a bend cotised ar. three swords in fesse, points in chief ar. pommels or.
Eng'lebord. Az. nine fleurs-de-lis or, a chief indented ar. Ensing (co. Kent). Sa. three swords erected ar. pommels
Eng:ledue. Or, a chev. embattled betw. nine mullets gu. or, two and one.
ft-esi— A greyhound's head erased sa. collared ar. Enson (Burton-on-Trent, co. Stafford, 1395). Ar. three
Engrlefield (Ejigleiield and White Knights, co. Berks, and martlets sa. on a chief wavy az. as many Danish battle axes
Wotton Basset, co. Wilts, bart., extinct 1822; descended from or. Crest —
An arm in armour ppr. garnished or; holding
Hascdlfds de Englefyld, I^rd of Englefyld tenip. King a sword ar. pommel and hilt gold.
Canute Sir Francis Englefield, of Englefield and Wotton
; Ensor. Or, a cross engr. az., a chief gu. Crest — ^A lion
Basset, was created a baronet in 1612). Barry of six gu. and ramp, per fesse sa. and or, holding a fleur-de-Us gu.
ar. on a chief or, a lion pass. az. Cre&t —
An arm couped at the Ensor (Eollesby Hah, co. Norfolk). Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
elbow, vested per pale az. and gu. cuffed ar. holding in the ar. a chev. betw. three horseshoes sa., for Ensob 2nd and

hand ppr. a branch vert. AnoiMe Ci-est—An eagle displ. per 3rd, quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. afessefusilyor, forMAPES; 3rd
pale az. and gu. and 4th, harry nebulee of eight, or and sa., for Blunt. Crest
Eng'lefi.eld (Kicote Church, co. Oxford ; impaled by Quatre- —A unicorn's head ar. homed and maned or.
HATNE. Visit. 1574). Barry of six ar. and gu. abend az. on Euswell (Enswell, co. Lancaster). Ar. on a bend engr.
a chief or, a lion pass, guard, of the third. sa. three mullets of the field. Crest—On a mount vert a
Eng'lentou (Hiber). Ar. two bars sa. in chief as many hind statant ppr. collared ar.
martlets of the last. Ent tSandwich, co. Kent, and Westminster). Az. a chev.
Eng'leston (London). Ar. a cross sa. in the dexter chief a betw. three falcons' bells or.
fleur-de-lis gu. Entwisle (Foxholes, co. Lancaster), Ar. on a bend engr.
Eng:letliorpe. Gu. a cross engr. ar. sa. three mullets of the field. Crests 1st :— A
hand fesseways
Enirlis, or Eng-lys. Sa. six lions ramp. ar. three, two, couped above the wrist ppr. holding a fleur-de-hs erect or
and one. 2nd: A dexter arm in armour embowed, holding with the
English. (BiCBABD ENOLise, temp. Eichard II. his dau. and ; hand, by the hair, a Saracen's head erased and affrontee all
heir, Margabet, m. William Oldbeffe. Viat. Leicester, ppr. Another Crest^-A heart gu. —
Motto Par ce signe h,
1619). Erm. a bend az. Agincourt.
Eng-Ush (co. Lincoln). Same Arms. Enyon (Sir James Enton, of Flore, co. Northampton, hart.,
Engrlish. (cos. Kent, Lancaster, Stafford, and Essex). Sa. extinct 1642). Ar, a chev. (sometimes, engr.) betw. three
three hons pass, in pale ar. ravens sa.
English. Sa. three covered cups ar. Cfrest A hand hold- — Enys (Enys, co. Cornwall). Ar. three wivems in pale vert
ing a covered cup ar. —
within a bordure gu. Crest Three ostrich feathers ar.
Eng-lish. Erm. three lions pass, in pale gu. Enys (formerly Hdnt, Enys, co. Cornwall). Quarterly,
Eng-lish. Erm. three hons pass. sa. two and one. 1st and 4th, ar. three wivems volant in pale vert a bordure
Eng-lish. Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three hons pass. sa. gu., for Enys ; 2nd and 2rd, gu. on a fesse embattled counter-
bezantee as many mascles of the first (another, lozenges). embattled betw. three birds ar. as many cinquefoils sa. all
Eng:lish (Ovington Manor and Becking, co. Essex). Sa. within a bordure compony of twelve pieces or and sa., for
three hons pass, in pale ar. Orent —
A hon sejant on a mount Hdnt. Crest —^Three ostrich feathers erect ar. Motto —
vert laying his dexter paw on an antique shield sa. Serpentes velut et columbse.
Eng-lish. Az. a lion ramp. ar. in chief three mullets or. Enys (Cornwall). Gu. on a fesse embattled betw. three birds
English (Stockley EngUsh and Bradninch, co. Devon). Sa. many quatrefoils sa.
ar. as
three lioncels ramp. ar. Enys, or Evys. Ar. two bars crenellee gu.
English. Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three lions ramp. sa. as Epes, or Epps (Canterbury). Per fesse gu. and or, a pale
many lozenges of the field (another, bezants). Crest — ^A counterchanged, three eagles displ. of the last. Crest—On a
branch of a rose tree, flowers gu. leaves and stalk ppr. chaplet vert, flowered or, a falcon rismg of the last.
English (KUble English m. William Anneslby, Esq., of Epiter: Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three bells sa. Crest—
Buddington, co. Notts, temp. Henry VII.). Erm. on a chief cinquefoil gu.
or, a demiliou issuant vert. Ercall. Ar. three bars gemelles sa. Crest—A dexter hand
English (granted to William English, Esq., of Farmley, co. ppr. holding up a muUet of six points or, charged with a
Dublin, whose ancestors were originally from Scotland). Per crescent sa.
pale az. and gu. a hon ramp, or, and in chief three estoiles of Erchehold, or Erchehald, Erm. a saltire and chiof
six points ar. —A
Ct-est demi hon ramp. sa. holding betw. gu-
his paws an estoile of six points or. Motto—'Nisi Dominus Erchededekne. Ar. three chevronels gu.
foustra. Erde. Erm. three saltires gu.

— :


Erden, or Erdon (co. Kent). Same Amis. Erne, Earl of. See Creighton.
ErdexL (Shropshire). Gu, a cross crosslet and chief ar. Erne. Ar. a lion ramp. az. Crest —A
dragon's head, flames
Erdestou. Ar. on a chev. gu. five bezants. issuing from the mouth and ears ppr.
Erdeswick (Sandon, co. Stafford). Ar. a bend sa. Erneley. Ar. on a bend sa. three eagles displ. of the
Erdeswicke (co. Stafford). Ar, on a chev. gu. five bezants. field.

Crest —Out of a ducal coronet gu. a boar's head per pale ar. Ernelle (co. Kent). Ar. on a bend cotised sa. three eagles
and langued of the first.
ea. displ. or. Crest —A chevalier on horseback wielding a
Erdeswick (Richard Erdeswick, great grandson of Hoon scimetar all ppr.
Erdeswick. Visit. London, 1568). Same Arms and Crest. Ernelle. Ar. a bend sa.
Erdeswike. Ar. a boar's head couped gu. Ernes. Ar. a falcon (another, a raven) volant sa.
Erdiug'toxL (co. Berlts). Az. two lions pass, guard, or. Erneys co. Lancaster, Lords of Speke, temp. Ed-
Erdington (co. Leicester). Az. three Uons pass, in pale ward III.; the heiress m. Sir Henry Norres, temp,
or. Eichard II.). Ar. on a mount in base vert an eagle rising,
Erdin^ton (Barrow, co. Leicester). Az. two lions pass. wings endorsed sa. beaked and legged or.
or. Erneys, or Erney (co. Cornwall). Or, a chev. az. betw.
Erdingrton (co. Northumberland). Sa. three water bou- three escallops of the second.
gets ar. Ern£.eld. Ar. on a bend engr. sa. three mullets pierced of
Erdingi;on. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. charged on the shoulder the field.
with a cinquefoil of the first, a bordure of the second. Cresi Ernie (Ernie, co. Sussex, and Whetham, co. Wilts; de-
A hand holding a ball sa. scended from Eichard Ernlb, of Ernie, temp. Henry III.,
Erdiug-ton. Ar. a fesse sa. betw. three lions' gambs erased the ancestor of Sir John Ernle, Knt., of Ernie, Chief Justice,
and a bordure gu. K.B., descendant, Sir John Ernle, Knt., of Whetham,
Erdinton (co. Warwick, temja. Henry VI., and co. Salop). CO. Wilts, was Chancellor of the Exchequer and a Privy
Or, two lions pass, in pale az. Councillor, tem-p. Charles II. and James II. The family
Ere by. Ar. a fesse and canton sa. name, Earnley, or Ernle, is derived from a village in Sussex,
Eretoy. Sa. a fret ar. on ar canton or, a cinquefoil az. so called from the Saxon words "Earn" and "Lege," the
Eredy (London). Az. six mascles or, three, two, and one. place or habitation of eagles, and, in allusion, the eagles are

Crest Out of a coronet two wings all ppr. borne in the arms). Ar. on a bend sa. three eagles displ. or.
Ereedeeke. Sa. three chev. ar. —
Crest An eagle displ. vert. Aiwth^r Crest— A. man's head
Ereford, or Eresford. Sa. five fusils in bend or. Eidefaced, couped at the shoulders ppr. on the head a long
Eresby. Or, three battering rams az. Crest— Oa a sinister cap, harry of six or and sa. at the end two strings and
glove a falcon all ppr. tasselled gold.
Eresty. Gu. a fesse dancettee erm. Ernie (Etchilhampton, co. Wilts, bart., extinct 1787; a
Ering1;on (Wolcomb, co. DorseL). Ar. a fesse dancettee sa. branch of Ernle, of Ernie). Same ArmSj &c.
platee betw. five Cornish choughs ppr. Ernley (John Ernlet, Sheriff of Wilts, temp. Henry VII.).
Eringiioii (Denton, co. Northumberland). Same Arms as Ar. on a bend sa. three eagles displ. or.
Eebington of Errington, a crescent for diff. Crest A unicorn's — Ernley (quartered by Tiderleigh, of Tiderleigh, co. Devon,
head erased quarterly ar. and gu. Robert Tiderleigh, of that place, temp. Henry VHI., m.
Erisby. Ar. on a chev. betw. three annulets gu. as many Elizabeth, dau. and co-heir of Anthony Ernley. Visit.

crescents of the field. Crest A broken halbert ppr. Motto 1620). Same Arm^.
—Auxilio Dei. Ernold (co. Kent). Az. on a cross or, a martlet gu,
Erlozn, Erion, orEriyon. Ar. a fesse (another, a chev.) Ernst. Gyronny of twelve ar. and az. Crest — An eaglo
betw. three martlets sa. looldng at the sun all ppr.
Erisa, or Erisy (Erisa, co. Cornwall. Richard Erisa, Ernton. Ar. a heron sa.
Esq., of Erisa. Visit. 1620. Descended from John Ebisy, Ernyon. Ar. a chev. betw. three martlets sa.
d. 1328, and Joane, his wife, d. 1354, dau. of Eichard Erping-liam, or Epping-ham (co. Norfolk). Vert an
Vivian, of Treviden). Sa. a chev. betw. three griffins inescutcheon within an orle of eight martlets ar.
eegreant or. Erping-liam. Same Arms, the inescutcheon erm.
Brisenbein (London). Or, semee of trefoils gu. Erpingrliani. Gu. an inescutcheon within an orle of mart-
Erisey (Erisey, co. Cornwall, temp. Edward I. ; the heiress m. lets ar. Crest —A pyramid of leaves'vert and sa. issuing out
John West, Esq.). Sa. a chev. betw. three griffins segreant of a ducal crown or.
or. Crest— ^A cinquefoil erm. Erpin§rwold. Or, a lion ramp. sa.
Erisey (co. Cornwall). Same Arms. Crest —A stag tripping Erringi;on (Errington and Beaufront, co. Northumberland).
ppr. Ar. two bars, in chief three escallops az. —
Crest A cock gu.
Erie (originally Beckington, co. Somerset, temip. Henry II. combed and wattled sa.
afterwards Ashburton, co. Devon, and Charborough, co, Errington (Walwick Orange and High Warden, co. North-
Dorset). Gu. three escallops and a bordure engr. ar. Crest umberland, andHele, co. Wilts a branch of Errington, of

— A lion's head erased or, pierced with a spear ar. embrued Errington). Same Arms.
gu- Erring-ton (Cassina, near Colchester, co. Essex). Same
Erie (Bramshott Grange, co. Hants ; borne by Eight Hon. —
Arms. Crest A unicorn's head erased per pale ar. and gu.
Sir William Erle, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, Erring-ton (Ponteland, co. Northumberland). Same Arms
1859-66), Gu. three escallops or. and Crest.
Erleg"!! (co. Somerset). Same Arms. Errington (Chadwell Hall, and Lexden Park, co. Essex, and
Erlescamp. Az. on an escutcheon or, a chev. gu. and Ashbourne, co. Derby). Same Arms and Crest.
chief erm. Errington (Hooton, co. Chester, bart., and Sandham House,
Erley, or Erly (co. Chester). Gu. a fesse ar. in chief CO. Northumberland. Eowland Stanley, Esq., second son
three plates. of Sir Thomas Stanley, ninth bart. of Hooton, assumed by
Erley, or Erly, Gu. a chev. betw. three birds ar. Crest royal licence, 1820, the surname of Errington only he s. ;

— A hand erect ppr. holding a gem ring or, stone gu. his brother, Sir William Thomas Stanley Masset Stanley,
ErUsman (Westoiier, Isle of Wight). Ar. guttee de poix on tenth bart., as eleventh bart., 1863. Sir Thomas Stanley
a chief indented az, three Saxon crowns or. Massey Stanley, ninth bart., m. 1805, Mary, only dau. and
Erly. Gu. a fesse, three escallops in chief ar. heir of Sir Garnaby Haggerston, fifth bart. of Haggerston, by
Erly. Ar. a fret and canton sa. Frances his wife, dau. of WalterSmyth, Esq., of Brambridge,
Erzaeiue. Gu. six roses ar. tliree, two, and one. CO. Hants, and Mary Errington his wife, sister and eventual
Erznin (Castle Ashby, 1401). Erm. a saltire gu. on a chief heiress of Henry Errington, Esq., of Sandhoe, co. North-
of the last a lion pass, guard, or. umberland, descended from John Errington, second son of
Ermine, or Ermind (co. Cornwall). Or, a chev. betw. Gilbert Errington, Esq., of Errington, temp. Edward IV.).
three escallops az. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Errington, same as the preceding,
Erming-land, or Ermyland Ar. on a
(co. Norfolk). a crescent for diff.; 2nd and 3rd, Stanley, ar. on a bend
fesse betw. six billets gu. three Cornish choughs ppr. az. three stags' heads cabossed or. Crest—A stag's head
(another, three martlets). —
Crest Out of an antique crown couped at the neck ar. attired or, the tongue hanging out gu.
a demi lion gu. Errington (CUntz, co. York; represented by George
Erming-loo (arms in the chapel of Ball. Coll., Oxon.; Errington, Esq., M.P., co. Longford, eldest son of the late
quartered by Compton. Visit. 1574). Ar. a fess betw. six Michael Errington, Esq., of Clintz, by Eos anna, his wife,
billets gu. dau. of Ambrose More O'Ferrall, Esq., of Balyna). Same
Ermynd. Or, a chev. betw. three escallops az. Arms as Errington, of Errington. Crest —A unicorn's head
Erndou. Ar. two chev. gu. erased per pale ar. and gu.
A ;;


Erroll,Earl of. See Hat. Skene in pale ar. lulted and pommelled
or, within a garland of
Ersenben, or Brysenkyn, Vert twelve trefoils slipped olive leaves ppr. —
Mottoes Above the crest: Je pense plus-
gu. (another adds a label gobonated ar. and gu.). below the arms Perspicax audax.

Erskine {Sari of Mar). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a bend Erskine (Lord Rosslyn). See St. Clair.
betw. six cross crosslets fitcheeor, for Mar; 2nd and 3rd, ar. Erskine {Earl of Kellie, descended from Sir Alexander

a pale sa,, for Erskine. Crest A dexter hand holding a Erskine, of Gogar, younger son of the fourth Lord Erskine
cutlass ar. hilted and pommelled or. Supporters—Two and brother of John, Earl of Mar; on the extinction of this
griffinsgu. winged, beaked, and armed or. Motto Je — branch the title reverted to the Earl of Mar). Quarterly
pense plus. 1st and 4th, gu. an imperial crown within a double tressure
Erskine {Earl of Mar and KelUe). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, flory counterflory or, a coat of augmentation, 2nd and 3rd,
Mak; 2nd, Erskine, as above; 3rd, gu. an imperial crown ar. a pale sa., for Erskine. Crest^A demi lion ramp, guard,
within a double tressure flory counterflory ar., for the earl- gu. Supporters—Two griffins armed and winged or. Motto
dom of Kellie. Additional Crest A demi lion guard, gu.— —Decori decus addit avito.

Motto Decori decus addit avito. Same Supporters. Erskine (Cambo, co. Fife, bart., 1666; the first hart, was
Erskine (Jabies Erskine, second son of John, Earl of Mar, brother of the second Earl of Kellie, both first and second
Earl of BiLchan by marriage, 1627, with Mart Douglas, the barts. were Lyon King of Arms, and the sixth bart. s. to
Countess). Quarterly, 1st, az. three garbs or, for the earldoin the earldom of Kellie). Quarterly, as the last, with a crescent
of Biichan ; 2nd, or, a fess chequy az. and ar., for Stewart ; ar. in the centre of the quarters. Crest A garb or, banded —
3rd, or, a fess chequy az. and ar. within a bordure gu. az. lying on its side, and thereon a cock in a crowing posture
charged with eight buckles of the field, for Stewart, of —
ppr. Supporters Two sportsmen vested ppr., he on tho
Damley; 4th, ar. three piles gu. on a chief of the last two dexter holding a bended bow and arrow, he on the sinister a
stare of the first, for Douglas on an escutcheon of pretence,
; —
golf club. Motto Excutit inde canit.
quarterly, Mar and Erskine. —
Crest A dexter hand holding Erskine (Cambo. co. Fife, bart., 1821). Quarterly, 1st and
a baton ppr. Sitpporters—Two ostriches ppr. Motto Judge — 4th gu. a regal crown within a double tressure flory counter-
nought. flory or ; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a pale sa. all within a bordure
"Erskine (iord Cardross; first lord, the third son of John, —
wavy erm. Crest A garb fesseways or, banded az. thereon
Earl of Mar ;
the fourth lord s. to the earldom of Buchan). a cock ppr. wings expanded, charged with a baton wavy
Quarterly, 1st and 4th grand quarters, gu. an eagle displ. or, sinister of the second. Motto ^Veillant et vaillant. —
armed and membered az. looking towards the sun in his Erskine Koxburgh). Ar. on a pale sa. a cross
(Sheefield, co.
splendour in dexter chief, for Cardross ; 2nd grand quarter, a bordure az. Crest—A. dexter arm from
crosslet fltchee or,
counterquartered, Mar and Erskine, as above; 3rd grand the elbow ppr. holding a cross crosslet as in the arms. Motto
quarter, counterquartered for Stewart, of Kirkhill, 1st and —Think well.

4fch, or, a fess chequy az. and ar., 2nd and 3rd, az. three Erskine (Bolgonie, co. Fife). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a

garbs or. Crest A dexter hand holding up a boar's head bend betw. six cross crosslets fitchde or, for Mae; 2nd and
erased on the point of a skene thrust through the same 3rd, ar. a pale within a bordure sa.
ppr. Supporters— D&^Lt&x^ a horse ar. ; sinister, a griffin Erskine (Dun, co. Forfar; the heiress m. the flrst Marquis of
per fess ai*. and sa. armed and membered gu. Motto—Foxti- and Erskine of Balhill became heir of line). Quarterly,
tudine. and 4th, ar. a pale sa., for Erskine; 2nd and 3rd, gu. a
Erskine {Earl of Buchan^ of the Cardross line). Quarterly, sword in pale ar. hilted and pommelled or. Crest A griffin's —
Ist, az. three garbs or, the feudal arms of the earldom of head erased ppr. holding in his mouth a sword in bend ppr.
Biichan; 2nd, quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a bend betw. six —
and on the blade the Motto In Domino confide. Supporters
crosses crosslet titchee or, for Mar, 2nd and 3rd, ar. a pale —
Two griffins gu. winged and armed or.
sa., Erskine; 3rd, for Stewart, of Kirkhill, quarterly,
for Erskine (Kirkbuddo, co. Forfar, a cadet of Dun). Quarterly,
1st and 4th, or, a fesse chequy az. and ar., 2nd and 3rd, az. as the last, within a bordure embattled az. (?rest A demi —
three garbs or 4th, ar. three bars gemelles gu. surmounted
; griffin holding in his dexter talon a sword ppr. Motto —
of a lion ramp. sa. armed and membered az., for Fairfax; Ausim et confido.
over all, on an inescutcheon gu. an eagle displ. or, looking Erskine (Pittodrie, co. Aberdeen, now Knight-Erskine),
towards the sun in its splendour, placed towards the dexter Quarterly, 1st, ar. on a pale sa. three fleurs-de-lis or, for
chief point, being a coat of augmentation for the lordship of Erskine 2nd, or, three pales in point gu., for Brechin ; 3rd,

Cardross. Crest —
A dexter arm holding a club or baton ar. three pallets gu. on a canton az. a spur, the rowel down-

raguledppr. Supporters Two ostriches ppr. Motto Judge — wards or, for Knight 4th, ar. three negroes' heads couped

noupht. banded of the field, for Moir. Crest ^A demi lion ramp,
ppr. —
Erskine {Baron EnTcine). Quarterly, 1st, ar. a pale sa., for gu. holding in his dexter paw a thistle ppr., and in his
Erskine; 2nd, az. a bend betw. six cross crosslets fitchee or, sinister a fleur-de-lis az. Mottoes Above the crest: Je —
for Mar; 3rd, or, a fess chequy az. and ar., for Stewart; 4th, pense plus below the shield Fisus et fidus et regia duxit.
; :

ar. three bars gemelles gu. surmounted of a lion ramp. sa. Erskine (Dublin; Fun. Ent. of Sir James Erskine, created
armed and membered az., for Fairfax. Crest A dexter arm — K.B, at the coronation of James I., bui-ied in St. Michael's
embowed, couped below the elbow, the hand grasping a club Church, Dublin, March, 1636). Ar. a pale sa. a mullet ona
all ppr. Supporte:^-s —
Dexter, a stork holding in the beak a crescent for diff.

snake all ppr. sinister, a griffin gu. charged on the breast

; Erskine (West-Eeskine exempUfied 1872, to William


with a mullet or. Motto ^Trial by jury. Alexander Erskine West, Esq., M.A., late of Delgany,
Erskine (Torry, co. Fife). Ar. on a pale sa. three cross CO. Wicklow, now of Lake Alexandrina, South Australia,
crosslets fitchee or, a bordure az. charged with six stars of eldest son of Rev. William James West, Rector of Delgany^
the third. —
Crest A dexter hand and arm erected, holding a by Elmina, his wife, dau. and co-heiress of Alexander
dagger in pale ppr. Erskine, Esq., of the ancient Scottish family of Erskine, of
Erskine (Carnock, co. Fife, and Cardross, co. Stirling). Dun, N.B., on his taking, by royal hcence, the additional sur-
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. an eagle displ. or, armed and name of Eeskine). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, quarterly, Isc and
membered az. looking towards the sun in his splendour in 4th, ar. a pale sa., 2nd and 3rd, gu. a sword in pale ar,
dexter chief, for Cardross ; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, Mar and pommel and hilt or, for Erskine 2nd and Srd quarters, ;

Erskine all within a bordure per pale or and ar. Crest — ar. a fess dancettee sa. betw. a crescent in chief gu. and a

Bword erect, bearing on the point a boar's head ppr. Motto trefoil slipped in base vert, for West. Crest 1st, Erskine: —
—Fortitudine. A
griffin's head erased gu. charged with a mullet erm.,
Erskine {Linlathen, co. Forfar). As the last, the bordure holding in the beak a sword bendwise, point upwards ppr.
engr. for diff. Same Crest and Motto. 2nd, West: Out of a mural crown ppr. a griffin's head az.

Erskine (Charles Erskine, fourth son of second Lord charged with a trefoil slipped or. Mottoes Jour de ma vie —
Cardross, 1678). Quarterly, as Carnock and Cardross, and over the crests In Domino confido.

within a bordure tripartite or, ar. and gu. Crest —A hoar's ErsTwick (quartered by Sir Christopher Draper, Knt.,
head erased and erected ppr. Motto Fortitudine. — Lord Mayor of London. Visit. 1568). Erm. a fess chequy
Erskine (Alva, co. Stirling, hart,, 1666). Quarteriy, 1st and sa. and ar.
4th, Mar 2nd and 3rd, Erskine a bordure quarterly, or
; : Erswyke. Ar. a bend sa.
and vert. Crest —
A dexter arm from the shoulder gaimt- Erthe (Scotland). Or, a chev. sa. on a bordure az. thrca
leted, grasping a sword ppr. Motto Je pense plus. — crescents ar. C)'est —A
cock crowing. Motto Audax, —
Erskine (Tinwald, co. Dumfries). Quarterly, 1st, az. a fess Eryse. Sa. a chev. betw. three griffins or.
betw. six cross crosslets fitchee or, for Mae ; 2nd and 3rd, ar, a Escales. Gu. six escallops ar. three, two, and one. Crest
pale sa. a Uon's head erased gu. in dexter chief, for Erskine; —Out of a ducal coronet gu. seven ostrich feathers ar.
4th, gu. ona fess betw. three cushions ar. a mullet of the Escales {temp. Henry III.). Gu. three escallops ar.
first, for Qrierson. —
Crest A dexter hand ppr. holding a Escallers. Ar. a fesse betw. two chev. sa.



Escantou, or Stanton (co. Leicester). Barry of five Espi^ornel (Nicholas Espigobnel, Sheriff of Norfolk^
per fesse nebulae ar. and sa. counterchanged, a canton 1652). Gu. fretty ar. on a chief or, a lion pass, of the
gu. first.
Eschabor, Eshabore, or Estabor (co. Leicester). Espinasse (France). Gu. on a canton ar. a martlet sa.
Gu. a fesse betw. three mascles ar. Orest —Two hands issuing from clouds conjoined in fesse,
Eschallers, Escalers, or Eschalles (co. Cambridge). supporting a heart inflamed ppr.
Ar. a fesse betw. three annulets gu. Orest A mermaid — Esple^m, Esplin, and Espline, Per fesse gu. and
with double tail extending to the dexter and sinister side. erm. a pale counterchanged, three mascles or.
Eschallers, or Escalers. Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three Esse (the parent stock from which derived the numerous-
torteaux. family of Ashe, co. Devon). Ar. two chev. sa. on each a
Esche, or Eschey. Gu. three demi lions pass. or. mullet of the field. 0)-est—A cock or, beaked gu.
Esclielaston. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. depressed by a Esse, or Ashe (Sowton, co. Devon, and co. Somerset).
bend az. Same Arms.
Esclabor. Barry paly of five ar. and gu, Cfrest A galley, — Esse (quartered by Beeet, of Croscombe and Chittlehamp-
sails furled sa. flags gu. ton, CO. Devon. Visit. 1620). Same Arms.
Escot (co, Cornwall). Sa. six escallops or, three, two, and Esseng:ton, Sa. five fusils in cross or.
one.. Crest —
A lion pass, per pale sa. and ar. Essex, Earl of. See Cafel.

Escott. Same Arms, escallops ar. Orest An ostrich gu. in Essex (cos. Bedford, Buckingham, and Essex). Quarterly,,
the beak a horseshoe or. or and gu. a cross patonce in saltire counterchanged.
Escure, or Este'wers. Ar. a tree eradicated vert Essex (Bewcot, co. Berks, bart., extinct temp. Charles I.).
frue ted gu. Gu. an orle ar. (another, of the same place, ar. an orle gu.).
Esdalle (descended from Sir James Esdailb, Lord Mayor of Essex (Lamborne, co. Berks). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar.
London in 1778, a French protestant, who settled in England an orle gu.; 2nd and 3rd, az. a chev. engr. erm. betw. three
after the revocation of the. Edict of Nantes). Gu. a lion's eagles displ, of the first, Orest —
An eagle's head or, in the
head erased betw. three mullets of six points or. Crest — mouth a hawk's leg erased at the thigh gu.
demi lion ramp, holding in the paws a mullet of six Essex (co. Berks). Az. a chev. erm, fimbriated or, betw,
points or. three eagles displ. ar.
Esdaile (Cothelstone House, co. Somerset). Same Arms Essex (London). Az. a chev, embattled erm. betw. three
and Crest. eagles displ, ar. —
Crest Out of a mural coronet erm. a
Esbarton. Gu. sis lions ramp, ar, three, two, and one. griffin's head or,
Crest —A demi lion per chev, or and vert. Essex (Fun, Ent, of Sir Edwaed Essex, knighted at Dublin,
Esg'aston. Ar. on a bend quarterly, gu. and az. three an- 5 Aug. 1599, buried in Christ's Church Cathedral, 2 Sept.
nulets of the field, in the sinister chief a cross pattee per following), Az. a chev. erm. betw, three eagles displ. or,
pale of the third and second. Essex. Ar. a chev. chequy erm. and gu. betw. three
Esing'old. Or, on a bend az. three pairs of hands clasped of cronels sa. on a chief az, a rose betw. a leopard's head and

the field. Crest A chevalier on horseback brandishing a a buck's head or.
sword ppr, Essex. Quarterly, or and gu. a saltire fretty all counter-
Esing'old. Ar, on a bend sa. three dexter hands couped changed.
(another, lions ramp.) of the field. Essex. Gu. a cross and bordure engr. or.
Esington (co. Gloucester). Sa. five lozenges in cross or. Essex. Ar. a fesse dancett^e gu.
Eskeney. Az. two lions pass, guard, or. Essex. Sa. a chev. erm. betw. two crosses crosslet engr.
Eskinton (London ; granted October, 1608). Gu. six crosses or.
crosslet or, two, one, one, and two, betw. two flaunches ar. Essex (co. Middlesex). Az. a chev. erm. fimbriated and engr.
Eskle (co. Leicester, tenvp. Edward III.). Ar. a lion ramp, betw. three eagles displ. or. Crest —
An eagle's head or,
gu. charged on the shoulder with a cinquefoil of the field. gorged with a ducal coronet per pale az, and sa.
Esling-e. Az. a bend cotised betw. six boars' heads ar. Essing-ton (Cowley, co. Gloucester; confirmed 28 July,
(another, or). 1610. by Segar, Garter). Ar. five fusils in cross or. Crest—
Eslingiion. Sa. three swans betw, nine crosses crosslet A hand ppr. holding a fusil or,
fitchee ar. Essington (Ribbesford House, Bewdley, co. Worcester)
Eslington, Ar. two bars az. in chief three mullets of six Sa. on a cross ar. five fusils conjoined in cross az, Crest-
points of the last. On a mount vert a fusil fessways ar. in front of a cubit arm
Esme, or Esmey. Or, a fesse sa. in chief a demi lion erect ppr. the hand holding a fusil. Motto —
Sea or land.
ramp. gu. Crest — A savage wreathed about the head, and Essington (quartered by Haselbig, of Sutton Bonninton,
middle with leaves, in the dexter hand a club, the top resting CO. Notts. William, son of Simon Haselrig, Lord of
on the ground all ppr. Haselrig, co. Leicester, temp. Henry V., m. the dau. and
Esmien. Erm. a saltire engr. sa. co-heir of Sir Robeet Essington, Visit. Notts, 1569). At.
Esmond (co. Cornwall). Per pale gu. and az. a lion ramp. two bars, and in chief three cinquefoils az.
erm. Essington (Halsted, co. Lincoln). Az. on a chev. betw.
Esmond (Newelme Church, co. Oxford, on a brass on the three grieces or, five mullets of the field.Crest—A. horse's
floor of the north aisle Robeet Esmond, Esq., d. 16 Sept.
; head erased ar.
1474. Visit. 1574.) Ar, a pale surmounted by a saltire, both Estafcren (co.Denbigh). Az. a lion ramp. ar.
untinctured. Estanton. Vair6 ar. and sa. a canton (another, a quarter)
Esmonde (Ireland, Johnstown, co. Wexford Robert ; —
gu. Crest ^A wivern or.
EsMONDE, Esq., ofthatplace. Visit. Wexford, 1618. Descended Estatford. Ar, a lion ramp, gu, on the shoulder a cinque-
from Sir Geoffeet i>e Estmont, Knt., of Huntingdon, who foil of the first, over all a baton az. Cre.^t —
A dexter hand
accompanied Strongbow to Ireland, and settled at Johns- holding a sword by the blade in bend, hilt upwards ppr.
town, where his descendants remained until dispossessed by Estatford. Or, on a chev. betw. three martlets gu. as
Oliver Cromwell). Erm. on a chief gu, three mullets ar. many bezants,
Esmonde (Lord Esmonde, Baron of Limericlt, co. Wexford, Estbery. Barry wavy of six sa. and ar.
created 1622, represented by the present Sir John Esmonde, Estbery, or Isbnry. Ar. three bends wavy sa.
tenth bart., M.P.). Erm, on. a chief gu, three mullets Estbury. Bendy wavy of six ar. and sa.
pierced ar, Crest—Out of a mural crown or, a man's head Estbiiry. Sa. three bars nebulee ar.
in profile, wearing a helmet all ppr. Supporters—Two small Estby (go. Lincoln), Sa. a bend betw. six estoiles or.
grifBns gu, beaked, fore-legged, rayed, collared, and chained Estcott (cos. Devon and Cornwall. John Estcott, Esq., of
or. —
Motto Malo moriquam fcedari, Launceston, Deputy to the Office of Arms for Devon and
Esmonde (Ballytrammon and Ballynastra,co. Wexford, bart ). Cornwall. Visit. Cornwall, 1620. Descended from Richabd
Erm. on a chief gu. three mullets ar, Orest—Oab of a mural DE Estcott, te^np. Henry I.). Sa. six escallops or, three,
coronet gu. a man's head in profile wearing a helmet all ppr. —
two, and one. Crest A sea gull, wings expanded sa.
Motto—Msilo mori quam foedari. Estcou-rt (Shippenmayne, co. Gloucester; granted by Cam-
Exnule. Or, a cross lozengy vaird. den, Clarenceux, 1606, to Thomas Estcouet, Esq.). Enn.
Espayne, or Espalne. Quarterly, vert and or, a bend on a chief indented gu, three estoiles or, quartering sa. a
of the second, fess betw, three eagles' heads erased or. Orest Out of a—
Espeake. Sa. three Catharine wheels ar. mural coronet az. a demi eagle, wings expanded ppr. beaketi
Espeke, or Espec (co. York). Gu. three Catharine or,
wheels ar. Estcourt (Newton, co. Wilts, and co. Gloucester, bart,,
Espeke (co. Lancaster)., Gu. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or, extinct 1684). Erm. on a chief indented gu. three estoiles
a bordure en^r, of the last.


Estconrt (Estcoort, co. Gloucester, and Danington Hall, Estonwey, or Estonwe, Ar. a cross patonce sa.
CO. York). Same Aj^ms. Great — Out of a mural coronet az. Estotevile, Estottevilie, or Estotvile. Barry of
a demi wings expanded ppr. beaked or,
eagle, eight (another, ten; another, twelve) ar. and gu. over all
Estcourt (The Sight Bon. George Thouas John Sothebon- a lion ramp. sa.
Estcoubt). Quarterly, IsC and 4th, erm. on a chief gu. three Estoiirges. Az. a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet crossed
mullets or, within a bordure of the last, charged with eight and fitched or, a bordure engr. of the last.
cinquefoils sa., for Estcodrt 2nd and 3rd, gu. on a bend in-
; Estower, Estewer, or Esture (eo. Hants). Ar. a
dented betw. six cross crosslets ar. three eagles displ. sa. a can* —
cherry tree fructed ppr. Crest A goat statant ar.
tonerm.fordistinction, forSoTHEBON. Cresti 1st, EsTconRT: — Estrange Ar. two lions pass, in pale gu.
(co. Gloucester).
Issoant ^om a mural crown per pale az. and gu. a demi eagle Crest—A. chevalier on horseback at full speed, holding a
dispL or, each wing charged with a mullet of six points also broken lance ppr.
az. 2nd, Sothebon A double-headed eagle displ. per pale ar.
; : Estrang-e (co. Gloucester). Gu. two lions pass. ar. (another,
and gu. charged on the breast and each head crowned with adds a bend or).
a mural coronet or, on each wing fbur cross crosslets counter- Estrange. Same Arms, within a bordure engr. or.
changed. Estrange. Same Arms^ the bordure indented ar. over all
Estday Az. a griflBn segreant ar.
(Saltwood, co. Kent). many bends az.

Crest On a mount vert a hind lodged ar. Estrange. Same Arms^ the bordure engr. ar. over all a
Este. Az. three fleurs-de-lis or, within a bordure parted per bendlet erm.
bordure dancett^ over all, exterior ar. interior gu. Crest — Estudy, or Estney. Per pale gu. and az. three lions
k garb or, banded gu. ramp. ar.
Este, East, or Easte (Hay Hall, Yardley, co. Worcester). Estxir (Jersey and Guernsey). See Estoweb.
Gu. a pair of wings conjoined in lure or. Estures. Sa. a fret ar.
Esteby. Sa. six estoiles in bend or. Estiirmy (quartered by Setmocb). Ar. three demi lion&
Esteley (co. Leicester). Ar. a lion ramp. gu. charged on ramp. gu.
the shoulder with a cinquefoil erm. Est'well. Barry of six ar. and gu. over all three lions ramp.
Esteley, or Estley, Ar. a lion ramp. gu. on the shoulder of the first.

a cinquefoil of the first a label of three points az. Crest — Est*wrey. Ar. a ^hev. vert betw. three bunches of ashen-
On a ducal coronet three daggers, two in saltire and one in keys ppr.
pale or. Etcbinghaxn. See Echingham.
EstexL. Or, on a cross pattee az. five martlets ar. on a chief Etclun, Ar. a chev. gu. betw. five torteaux.
of the second a fleur-de-lis of the first hetw. two plates, each Etellun. Gu. a fesse ar. in chief three plates.
charged with a billet az. Etlielfield. Sa. three bars wavy ar.
Esteuey. Per pale gu. and az. three lions ramp. ar. Etlielred. Az. a cross counter-potent fitchee or.
Estengrave. Erm. a lion ramp. gu. Etlielstan (co. Leicester). Ar. on a chev. betw. three
Ester. Ar. two bars wavy az. on a chief gu. three bezants. martlets gu. as many bezants. Crest A broken spear. —
Estercom'be (co. Somerset). Gu. a lion ramp. betw. eight Etlielstan (co. Leicester). Ar. a lion ramp. gu. charged
crosses crosslet fltchee ar. —
Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, with a cinquefoil of the first, a baton in bend az.
a griffin's bead az. beaked gold. Eth,elstan. Or, an eagle displ. purp. armed gu.
Esterhaxn. Gu. a fesse betw. three estoiles ar. Etlielston (Wicksted HaU, co. Chester; Har, MSS., 2042)..
Esterley, or Asterley (East Newton and Willingham, Az. on a pile betw. two cross crosslets in base or, au eagle
CO. Uncoln). Sa. a bend betw. three estoiles or. Crest An — displ, purp. Crest —
A ram's head couped sa. charged with

alant (or mastiff dog) pass. ar. three cross crosslets chevronwise or. Motto ^Dat et sumat
Esterley, Esterlys, or Esterllis. Paly of six ar. Deus.
and az. Ethelystan Glodrydd {PHnce of Ferlys, the coimtry
Esterling'. Paly of six ar. and az. on a bend gu. three between Wye and Severn, Founder of the IV. Eoyal Tribe of
towers triple-towered or. Wales). Quarterly, 1st and 4tb, ar. three boars' heads
Estfield (Lord Mayor of London, 1530 and 1538). Sa. a cabossed sa. langued gu. tusked or; 2nd and 3rd (tbe coat of
chev. erm. betw. three maidens' heads couped at the his mother, Ehingor, dau. and heiress of Gronwy ap Tudor
shoulders ar. mth hair dishevelled or. Trevor, Lord of Whittington, co. Salop), per bend sinister
Estgrastou, Ar. on a bend quarterly az. and gu. betw. erm. and ermines, over all a lion ramp. or.
three crosses formee of the last as many annulets of the Etiieredge, or Ethridge. Ar. a fesse engr. betw. six
firet. fleurs-de-lis sa.
Estingrave (co. Kent). Az. billettee a cross ar. Etheresset. Az, a leopard ramp. or.
Estliug'. Az. a bend cotised (another, three bends) betw. Etherington (Great Driffing and Ferriby, co. York). Per
six boars' heads couped ar. Creit —A
demi talbot gu. in the pale ar. and sa. three lions ramp, counterchanged. Crest — i

dexter paw a battle axe ppr. A tower decayed on the sinister side, on the battlement a
Est^ing-. Bendy of eight ar. and az. six boars* heads couped leopard's face ppr.
or, langued gu. Eth.ering:ton (Kings ton-upon-Hull, co. York, bart., extinct
Estmerton, or Esmerten. Ar. on a bend cotised sa 1819). Same Arms, &c.
three mullets of the field (another, the mullets or). C^-est — Etlierington (co. York). Same Arms^ adding a chief ar.
Two dexter hands fesseways couped and conjoined ppr. sup- Eth.ersall (co. Lancaster). Az, a lion ramp or.
porting a cross crosslet fitch^e sa. Ethllngton (Ethlington, Scotland). Ar. three boys' heads-
Estmerton. Ar. on a bend sa. three mullets of six points erased gu.
or. Etienne, or Stephens (extinct in Guernsey). Per pale
Estmond (co. Dorset), Sa. a chev. ar. betw. three mullets or. or and vert a chev. betw. three Cornish choughs counter-
Estmond ((Jranworth, co. Norfolk). Erm. a saltire engr. sa. changed. Orest— On a rock ppr. a salmon lying fesseways
Estoffc, Esteote, and Estotes (co. Lincoln). Sa. six ar. in the mouth a rose gu. leaved and stemmed vert.
escallops or, three, two, and one. Crest—A lion's gamb, EtoLney. Gu. a fesse ar. in chief three plates. Crest Out- —
quarterly, gu.
and ar. holding a crescent or. of a plume of five ostrich feathers ar. a griffin's head betw^
Eston (Eston, co. Devon). Per chev. gu. and or, three sea- two wings ppr.
horses ducally crowned all counterchanged. Crest On a — Eton College. Az. three lilies slipped and leaved ar. two
mount vert five ears of wheat erect or, stalked and leaved of and one, a chief per pale az. and gu. on the dexter side a.
the first. and on the sinister a lion pass, guard, or.
Estou (Southwark). on a cross patonce az. five martlets
Or, Eton {Bar&ti of Stockport, co. Chester, by tenure). Ar. a chev.
of the field, on a chief of the second a fleur-de-lis of the first betw. three double-headed eagles displ. gu.
betw. two bezants, on each an escallop sa. Eton (cos. Chester and Lancaster). Ar. on a bend engr. sa.
Eston. Ar. a cross az. betw. four pellets, each charged three bulls' heads erased of the first.
with a martlet or. Eton, or Etton (co. Chester), Ar. on a fesse gu. thre&
Eston. Or, three covered cups az. (another, gu.). plates. Cresl —
A hand holding a dagger in pale, thrust
Eston. Az. a chev. betw. three mullets or. through a boar's head couped ppr.
Eston (co. Kent; Sir Edwabd Eston, temp. James I.). Or, Eton, or Eaton (Springfield Hall, co. Essex, cos.
a cross pattee gu. betw. three covered cups sa, Leicester and Somerset). Or, a fret az. Crest —A lion=i
Estonne, Estolk, or Estonke (cos. Cambridge and head erased ar. devouring a tun or. AwithxT Crest — ^A bird's
Cornwall). Sa. a cross pattee or. head erased sa. in the beak a sprig vert.
Estonne, or Estonce (co. Essex).Sa. a cross flory ar. Eton (Eton, co. Salop). Ar. a fret az.
Estonne (co. Surrey). Or, on a cross patonce az, five mart- Eton (co. Warwick). Gu. a chev. betw. three eagles dispL-
lets of the first, a chief of the second charged with a plate.
; A


:Eton, or Ettou (GilUng, co. York). Barry of ten Crest—A stag at gaze ppr. charged with a fleur-de-lis
(another, six) ar. and gu. on a canton sa. a cross patonce and a saltire wavy, couped in fess gu. and betw. the horns a
or. —
crucifix ar. Motto Cur me persequeris ?
Eton. Or, on a chev. az. three leopards' faces of the first, Eustace (Castlemore, co. Carlow). Gu. a saltire or. Crest
on a canton gu. a cross patonce ar, charged with five —A stag's head cabossed, betw. the horns a crucifix all ppr.
pellets. Crest —
A stag at gaze, a crucifix betw. the horns. Motto — Soli Deo gloria.

Motto Cur me persequeris. Eustace (Newstown, co. Carlow). Arms, Crest, and Motto,
Eton. Ar. a chev. engr. betw. three boars' heads couped same as the preceding.
su. Eustace. Sa. a saltire betw. four martlets ar. Crest —
Eton. Quarterly, ar. and az. a cross patonce counter- hand holding a close helmet ppr.
changed. Eustace. The same, within a bordure erm.
JBton. Or, a cross sa. Eustace (Baron of Malpas). Or, a pale fusily gu. (another,
Eton. Ar. semee of trefoils ppr. two annulets braced in tho az a cross patonce ar.).
nombril point sa. Eustace. Az. abend ar. betw. six martlets or.
Etoue. Ar. three bars gu. a canton sa. Eustace. Az. a bend ar. betw. ten crosses crosslet fitchee
Etrock. Sa, three rocks ar. or.
Ettleman. Ar. a fesse gu. in chief three torteaux. Eustachius, Or, a cross engr. gu.
Etton. Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three leopards' faces or. Euston. Or, a cross sa. betw. four covered cups gu. Creit
Etton (the dan. and co-heir of Sir Miles Etton, Knt., of —A boar pass. sa. armed, bristled, and hoofed ar.
Gilling, m. John Eoos, of Laxton, clr. temp. Henry Vf. Euys. Ar. two bars crennellee.
Visit. Rutland, 1618). Barry of six ar. and gu. a crescent for Evans (Bhyd-y-Carew, co. Montgomery; descended from
diflf. Llewellin, Lord of Yale, temp. William I.; the heiress,
Etton. Sa. on a bend betw. three leopards* faces or, as Sarah Evans, m. Charles Da vies, Esq., of Llivior). Az. a
many elm leaves vert, on a canton ar. a, cross moline lion ramp, guard, or. Crest —
A stag trippant ppr. homed
ffu. and hoofed or.
Etton, Barry of eight or and az. on a canton sa. a cross Evans (Trefeiler, Plas-Gwyn, and Henblas, co. Anglesey).
patonce of the first. Quarterly, 1st and 6th, ar. three war saddles, two and one, sa.
Etton. Barry of fourteen gu. and ar. on a canton sa. a cross stirrups or; 2nd, or, a lion ramp, reguard. sa. 3rd, ar. a ;

patonce or. chev. sa. betw. three Cornish choughs ppr. each holding in
Etton. Ar. three bars gemelles gu. on a canton sa. a cross the bill an erm. spot; 4th, sa. a lion ramp. ar. within a
patonce or. bordure engr. or. 5th, or, a chev. betw. three mullets sa.


Etton (Reg. Ulster's Office). Gu. a bend vaire erm. and az. Crest ^A cubit arm erect, holding in the hand a torch
cotised ar. inflamed, also erect, all ppr. Jfo((o— Heb Dduw heb ddiin
Etton (Reg. Ulster's Office). Gu. a dexter hand couped Duw a digon.
bendways betw. two bendlets ar. Evans (Eyton, co. Hereford descended from Evans, of Tre-

Etton. See ISxon. feilir and Henblas, co. Anglesea). Quarterly, 1st, ar. three war
Ettrick (High Barns, co. Durham). Ar. a lion ramp, and a saddles, two and one, sa., stirrups or, a mullet for diff.; 2nd, or,
chief gu. Crest —
A demi lion ramp. gu. holding a marshal's a lion ramp, reguard. sa. 3rd, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three

staff sa. tipped at each end or. Cornish choughs ppr. each holding in the bill an erm. spot;
Ettrick (London). Same Arms. 4th, sa. a lion ramp. ar. within a bordure engr. or, on an
Etwall. Gu. two bars betw. nine martlets ar. escutcheon of pretence or, a fesse az. cotised gu. charged
Ety (co. York). Barry of eight ar, and gu. on a canton sa. with two garbs of tlie first, for Weavee. Crest—A. cubit arm
a cross or. Credit —A huntsman mowing with a scythe ppr. erect, holding in the hand a torch inflamed, also erect, all
Anptker Crest — A lion ramp, guard. ppr.
Euery. Quarterly, or and gu. over all a bend sa. Evans (Moreton Court, co. Hereford; of ancient Welsh
Euias (co. Kent). Sa. a fesse betw. three cinquefoils erm. descent). Quarterly, per fesse nebuly erm. and sa. three
Eunydd ap G-wernwy (Lord of Llys Gwernwy, in boars' heads in chiefand one in base, erased, counterchanged,
Dyffryn Clwyd, a.d. 1066. Descendants I. Simont, of : quartering Ar. two cbevronels, and in chief three griffins
Leeswood; II. Pbitchaed, of Hope III. Meredith, ofPentre
; pass, az., for Finch; Crest —
A lion ramp, reguard. bendy of
Bychan; IV. Llotds, of Gresford; V. Geiffiths, of six erm. and sa. supporting a tilting spear erect ppr. enfiled
Derwlwyn; VI. Davies, of AHngton; VII. Almor, of with a boar's head erased sa. Motto Libertas. —
Almor; and VIII. Alington, of Alington). Az. «. lion Evans (The Hill House, co. Hereford; this family inherited
ramp. or. their estate, in 1806, from Richard Clarke, Esq.). Per
Enre (co. Buckingham, temp. Henry III.). Quarterly, or pale az. and gu. three lions ramp. ar. armed and langued
and gu. over all on a bend sa. three escallops ar, (another, or, a crescent for diff. Crest— 0\it of an earl's coronet or, a
cinquefoils). Crest —
A horse's head ar. Motto —Artis vel dexter arm embowed naked, brandishing a dagger ar., pom-
martis. mel and hilt gold guttee de sang.
JEure (Har. MSS., 1480, fol. 308, impaled by Haeboene, co, Evans (Llaneurgain, co. FUnt). Ar. a chev. betw. three
Oxford). Quarterly, or and gu. on a bend ea. three mullets boars' heads couped sa.
ar. Crest —Two lions' gambs erect gu. holding an escallop Evans (Northope, co. Flint, and co. Salop). Same Ar^M.
ar. Supporters—Two leopards guard, or. —
Motto Vince Crest — On a ducal coronet or, a boar's head fesseways erased
malum bono. sa.
Eure (Bishops-Middleham, co. York). Same Arms. Crest — Evans (co. Montgomery; now of Portsea, co. Southampton);
Two lions' gambs or, supporting an escallop ar. Ar. a lion pass. sa. betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest— h-
Eure. Ar. on a chev. engr. az. betw. three trefoils slipped lion pass. sa.
sa. as many crescents or, all within a bordure engr. of the Evans (Oswaldestre, co. Salop). Ar. a fesse betw. three
second. Crest —
A stag's head erased az. attired ar. charged fleurs-de-hs sa. —
Crest ^An arm embowed and erect, vested
on the neck with a sun or. gu. euff or, holding in the hand a pink or gillyflower ppr.
Eustace (Lord Portlester and Viscount BaUinglass : a great stalked and leaved vert.
and powerful house established in Ireland temp, Henry II. Evans (Watstay, co. Denbigh, descended from Thokas
attainted 1585; the late Rev. Chaeles Edstace, of Roberts- Evans, Esq., of Oswestry, Attorney-General in the Court of
town, CO. Kildare, claimed the title, and was declared by the the Marches. Jane, dau. and heiress of Exton Evans, m.
report of H.M. Attorney-General for Ireland to have proved Sir John Wynn, Bart., who changed the name of the place t»
his right to the dignity of f^iscount Baltinglass, subject to Wynnstay). Same Arms.
the reversal of the attainder. Mr. Eustace's grandson. Col. Evans (London). Same Arms.
Robert J. Edstace, late 60th Rifles, is his senior co-heir Evans (Shrewsbury). Or, a cross moline betw. four lozenges
general. The late Mr. Eustace's nephew, Henet Edstace, az.
Esq., of Corbally, Queen's co., is heir male, and as such in- Evans (Llanrwst, Wales). Ar. three spears' heads sa.

herits the right to the Viscounty of Baltinglass). Or, a saltire embrued gu.
gu. Crest —A stag statant, betw. the horns a crucifix, ppr. all Evans (Tre Castell, Wales). Gu. a lion ramp, within a
Supporters —^Two angels ppr. Motto—Cur me persequeris? bordure indented or.
:Eustace (granted, 1864, to Rev. William Aethdbs, M.A., Evans (Wales). Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three boars' heads
Vicar of Stradhally and Moyanma, Queen's co., reputed son couped sa.
^of Lieut. -General Sir John Rowland Edstace, K.H., upon !Evans (Wales). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three birds az.
this taking, by royal licence, the surname of Edstace, in Evans. Gu. three chev. ar. Crest—A paschal lamb pass,
"ilieu of Aethdrs). Or, a saltire gu. within a bordure wavy holding a banner all ppr.
2,z. ia the centre chief point a fleur-de-lis of the second. Evans. Sa. a lion r:unp. reguaxd. or.
; A


Hvans (descended from Rhirid Flaidd, a chieftain of North erm. holding betw. his paws a boar's head, as in the arms-
Wales, temp, William ].) Vert a chev. erm. tetw. three —
Motto Lihertas.
wolves' heads erased ar. langued gu. Evans (granted to Rev. George Evans, of Armagh, and to*
Svans (Welland, co. Worcester). Ar, a cross flory engr. sa. Thomas, Robert, and Edward Evans, Esqs., sons of Edward
betw. four Cornish choughs ppr. on a chief az. a hoar's head Evans, Esq., of Dungannon, co. Tyrone). Erm. three boars'
couped of the first, tusked or, langued gu. heads couped sa. armed and langued gu. Crest A demi —
Evans (Upper Mill Pool, co. Montgomery, Thornelow House, lion ramp, reguard. erminois, holding betw. the paws a boar's
CO. Worcester, and Whitljoume Hall, co. Hereford). Per pale head, as in the arms. Motto —
ar. and gu. a lion pass, reguard. betw. two fleurs-de-lis in Evans (Davies-Evans; exemplified to Herbert Davies, Esq.,
chief, and in base a bundle of rods handed, all counter- upon assuming, by royal licence, the name of Evans). 1st and

changed. Orest A lion pass, reguard. ar. charged with 4th, ar. on a pile vert a chev. or, betw. three spear heads of
three crosses moline gu. and the dexter paw resting on a the first, for Evans; 2nd and 3rd, or, on a pale betw. two
bundle of rods banded, also gu. eagles displ. vert an eagle displ. of the field, for Davies.
Evans (the Venble. Thomas Evans, Archdeacon of Worces- Crests —1st, Evans: A wolfs bead ar. guttee de sang gorged."

ter). Ar. a fess engr. betw. three eagles' heads erased sa. with a collar gemel and erased gu. 2nd, Davies A lion
; :

Crest —An eagle's head erased sa. ramp, or, semee of crosses pattee fitch^e az. gorged with a.
^vans (Marsh-Gibon, co. But.-ks). Ar. an eagle displ. with collar dancettee with a chain reflexed over the back sa.
two heads sa. Orest —
An eagle's head betw. two wings sa. —
Motto Fide et virtute.
holding in the beak a rose gu. stalked and leaved vert. Evans-Eitz-Henry, See Fitz-Henet.
Evans (TuddenUam, co. Norfolk, and Dene, co. Oxford). Evatt. Per pale or and gu. two lions, pass, counterpass. in'
Ar. three boars' heads couped sa. fesse counterchanged. Crest —
^A lion's paw erased ppr.
Evans (Norwich; granted 1772). Per chev. ar. and az. holding a torteaux.
betw. in chief, a slip of oak fructed and a rose gu. stalked and Evaydon. Ar. a fesse az. in chief a label gu.
leaved vert, a book of the third, edges and ornaments gold, Evayne. Sa. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or.
charged on the centre of the cover with a fret of the last, Eve. Quarterly, sa. and or.

and in base an eagle rising or. Orest A dexter arm erect, Eve. Barry of ten ar. and purp.
couped at the elbow, habited harry wavy of six az. and or, Eve"by. Paly of six ar. and gu. (another, ar. and az.) a bend
cuff ar. holding in the hand a parchment roll both ppr. sa.
Evans (Forde Abbey, co. Dorset). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. Evefield. Gu. an inescutcheon ar. betw. eight martlets-
three boars' heads couped sa. langued az., for Evans 2nd ; or.
and 3rd, az. a cross pattee erm. betw. four fleurs-de-lis Eveingr, or Eveng*. Ar. a fesse gu.
ar., for Wahd. Crest —
A demi lion reguard. or, holding
— Eveleig*!! (West Eveleigh, Clyst St. Lawrence, and Hol-
betw. the paws a hoar's head, as in the arms. Motto comhe, CO. Devon. Visit. Devon, 1564). Per pale or and sa.-
lihertas. two chevronels betw. three griffins pass, counterchanged.
Evans (Allestree Hall, co. Derby). Gyronny of eight ar. and ^est—A goat's head erased per. chev. or and sa. armed of
vert a lion ramp, guard, or, for Evans; quartering Per the last, in the mouth a branch of laurel ppr.
bend indented ar. and gu. two lions' heads erased counter- Eveleig-li (Blackball and Coplands Mead, co. Oxford, borne
changed, ducally crowned or. Orest— In a charger, a boar's by the Very Eev. John Eveleigh, Dean of Boss, 1661, son
head erased ar. of John Eveleigh, M.A., Principal of Hart Hall, co. Oxford,,
Evans (granted to William Evans, Esq., of Lynnon, co. Car- whose father, John Eveleigh, Esq., of Holcomhe, was
narvon). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three martlets sa. two grandson of John Eveleigh, Esq., of West Eveleigh. Visit.
swords in saltire ppr. pommels and hilts or, entwined by a Devon). Same Arins and Crest.

double chain of the last. Crest ^The Roman fasces fesseways, Eveleig-h-de-Mloleyns (exemplified to Datrolles Bla-
thereon a lion ramp, holding in his dexter paw a scymitar all KENET, Lord Ventry, on his assuming, by royal licence,.
ppr. 3 Nov. 1874, the prefix surname of Eveleigh, as one of the
Evans (granted to Lieut.-Gen. Sir De Lacy Evans, G.C.B.). co-representatives of John Eveleigh, Dean of Ross).
Ar. a mural crown gu. 'betw. three hoars' heads couped sa. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, De Moleyns; 2nd and 3rd, same-
Great— Out of a mural crown gu. a demi lion reguard. or, Arms as Eveleigh, of West Eveleigh. Crests— 1st: De
holding betw. the paws a boar's head couped sa. Motto — Moleyns 2nd : As Eveleigh, of West Eveleigh.

Espana agradecida. Evelick (Scotland). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. a fesse
Evans (Dublin Fun. Ent. of John Evans, Aldei-man and
; cheguy ar. and az.; 2nd and 3rd, or, a lion ramp. gu. de-
twice Mayor of the City, d. 1 Jan. 1632, buried in St. John's bruised with a baton sa. all within a bordure az. Crest —
Church). Bendy of six ar. and gu. on a fess az. betw. three sword erect, on the point a pair of scales all ppr. Motto —
eagles displ. sa. as many mullets or. Recta vel ardua.
Evans (Lord Carhery; Geobge Evans, eldest son of Right Evelin, or Avelin (co. Surrey). Gu. a griffin pass, or, on
Hon. Geoege Evans, so created 1715). Ar. three boars' a chief of the second three mullets sa. 0)-est A demi hind- —

heads couped sa. langued gu. Crest A demi lion ramp, erm. vulned on the shoulder gu.
reguard. or, holding betw. the paws a boar's head, as in the Evell. Ar. on a bend sa. three eagles displ. of the first.
arms. Suj)porters—1'vio lions reguard. or, ducally crowned Evelyn (Long Ditton, co. Surrey, bart., extinct 1692;
az. Motto —^Libertas. descended from Thomas Evelyn, eldest son of George
Evans-Ereke. See Feeke, Lord Carhery. Evelyn, who purchased Wotton, co. Surrey, 1579).
Az. a-
Evans (Portrane, co. Dublin; descended from Ethe Evans, griffin pass, and a chief or. Crest —A
griffin pass, or, beaked,
brother of Geobge, first Lord Carhery), Ar. three boars' forelegged, Motto Durete.
and ducally gorged az. —

heads couped sa. Crest A demi lion ramp, reguard. or, Evelyn (Godstone, hart., extinct 1671; descended from Sir
holding betw. the paws a hoar's head, as in the arms. John Evelyn, Knt., second son of George Evelyn, of
Jlfo(to—Lihertas. Wotton). Same Arms and C^^est.
Evans (Ash Hill Towers, co. Limerick, and Miltown Castle, Evelyn (Wotton, co. Surrey; William John Evelyn^ Esq.,
Cork; descended from Thouas Evans, brother of Geoeoe,
CO. no* of Wotton). Same Arms, &c.
first Lord Carhery). Same Arms, Crest, and Motto. Evening (Evening, co. Kent). Or, five chevronels az.
Evans (Kuockaderry, co. Limerick; confirmed to Thomas Evens (co. Essex). Sa, a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or.
D'Aect Evans, Esq., of Knockaderry). Quarterly, 1st and Evens. Ar. three boars' heads sa. couped gu. Crest —A-
4th, ar. three boars' heads couped sa. langued gu., for demi lion ramp. sa.
Evans; 2nd and 3rd, ar. three cinquefoils gu., for D'Abct; Everard co. Essex,
(Much-Waltham, bart., extinct 1745,
ft'eafg— 1st, Evans: A demi lion ramp, reguard. or, holding since of Broomfield Green, co. Essex). Ar. a fesse wavy
betw. the paws a boar's head, as in the arras ; 2nd, D'Arct : —
betw. three estoiles gu. Crest ^The bust of a man in profile,
A tilting spear broken in three pieces, the head in pale, the couped at the shoulders ppr. on the head a long cap, barry
others in saltire ppr. banded gu. Jfotio— Libertas. wavy of eight or and sa. turned up gold.
Evans (Kilcreene, co. Kilkenny; hart., extinct. Sir William Everard (Middleton, co. Norfolk; descended from Much-
Evans, eldest son of Thomas Evans, Captain of a troop of Waltham). Same Arms. Crest— A. man's head in profile-
horse, temp. Charles I., was created a bart. of Ireland, 1682 couped at the shoulders ppr. having on a cap or, fretty sa.
his dau. and eventual sole heiress, in. Feancis Mobres, an- Motto —Say and do.
cestor of the Viscounts Moimtmorres and Franhfort). Ar. Everard (Broomfield, co. Essex, Yelvertoft, co. Northamp-
three boars' heads couped sa. ton, and Cartfield, co. Norfolk). Gu. a fesse nebulee betw.
Evans (Gortmerron, co. Tyrone; descended from Edward three estoiles ar. Crest, same as the last.
Evans, High Sheriff, co. Kilkenny, 1665, brother of Sir Wil- Everard (Shenton, co. Leicester, Richard Everard, great
liam Evans, Bart,, of Kilcreene). Erm. three boars' heads grandson of Richard Everard, of same, who d. 1556..

coaped sa. langued gu. Crest ^A demi lion ramp, reguard. Visit. 1619). Gu. on a fess betw. three estoiles ar. as many


mullets sa. (another, in the house at Shenton, gu. a fess Everingrham (Barton upon Humber, co. Lincoln, and co.
nebulee hetw. three estoiles ar.). Crest^ same as the last. —
York). Gu. a Hon saliant vair. Crest A demi lion ramp.
Everard (Barleston, co. Leicester; John Everabd, descended ar. holding a rose branch, flower or, etallced and leaved
from a second son of Shenton. Visit. 1619). Same Ai-ms. vert.
Crest— A. man's head couped at the shoulders ppr. crined sa. Evering-ham (co. Lincoln). Quarterly, ar. and sa. a
on his head a cap or, charged with three bars wavy of the bend gu.
second. Everingrham Ar. a fesse cotised az.
(co. Suffolk).
Everard (cos, Kent and Suffolk). Ar. a fesse betw. three Everingham (co. York). Gu. alien ramp, vair crowned
estoiles gu. or. —
Crest A demi hon ramp. ar. holding a rose branch,
Everard (Gillingham, co. Norfolk). Ar. a fesse nebulee gu. flower or, stalked and leaved vert.
betw. three estoiles of the second pierced or. Oi'est A man's — Everiugham (Laxton and Snenton, co. Notts, and Ashwell,
head in profile ppr. having on a cap or, fretty sa. (another, CO. Rutland. Visit. Rutland, 1618). Same Arms.
wears the cap barry ar. and sa.). Everingham. Ar. a a label gu.
fesse sa.
Everard (Harkdown, co. Suffolk). Gu. three annulets engr. Everit, or Everitt. Ar. a fesse betw. three estoiles gu.
or. Crest—^Three annidets conjoined or. C)'est —
A d emi lady holding in the dexter hand a balance and
Everard (Denston, co. Suffolk, and co. Sussex). Gu. on a fesse scales, equally poised ppr.
ar. betw. three estoiles or, as many
mullets sa. Crest — Everitt (F. W. E. Everitt, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, co. Mid-
man's head couped at the shoulders ppr. on the head a cap dlesex). Per chev. ar. and gu. two chevronels betw. three
sa. fretty or. escarbuncles counterchanged. Crest —A
gryphon sepreant ur,
Everard (Luckton, co. Worcester). Or, a. chev. vert betw. winged vair^ of the last and gu. supporting a tilting spear
three hons' heads erased sa. erect ppr.
Everard. Ar. on a cross gu. guttee de poix five lions Everond. Ar. on a chief sa. three mullets pierced or.
ramp. or. Everoys (co. Chester). Gu. a fesse ar. in chief three mullets
Everard (co. Suffolk). Or, on u bend gu. three crosses of the second (another, bezants).
crosslet fitchee of the field. Evers, or Eure (cos. Lincoln and York). Quarteily, or
Everard (Esmond de Ev'aed, temp, Eichard II.). Ar. on a and gu. on a bend sa. three fieurs-de-Us (another, es-
chief gu. three mullets of the field. callops) ar.
Everard (co. Suffolk). Same Arm. Evers (Wytton on Wear). Quarterly, or and gu. on a bend
Everard, or Evard. Az. on a bend ar. three crosses of the second three escallops ar., quartering or, a cross
crosslet fitchee gu. sa.
Everard. Erm. (another, ar.) on a chief gu. six mullets Evers (co. Wexford, Reg. Ulster's Office). Ar. on a bend sa.
ar. (another, three mullets). three fleurs-de-lis or (another, of the field).
Everard (Eandlestown. or Eandillstown, co. Meath; des- Eversby (quartered by Veenet, extinct Viscount Fermanagh).
cended from Martin Everakd, who accompanied King John Az. two chevronels or, on a canton ar. a lamb pass. gu.
to Ireland, 1187 his son, Eogee Everaed, m. Olivia Eandili,,
; holding a pennon or.
heiress of Eandillstown). Gu. a fess wavy betw. three Eversfield (Catsfield, and Denne Park, High Sheriff, co.
estoiles ar. —
Crest A pelican in her piety ppr. Motto — Sussex, 1822). Erm. on a bend sa. three muUets pierced or.

Virtus in actione consistit. —

Crest Out of a ducal coronet a camel's head all or.
Everard (Fethard, co. Tipperary; descended from a second Eversfield, or Ersfield (Charlton Court, Steyning, co.
son of Eandlestown; Fun. Ent. of Nicholas Everard, Esq., Sussex). Same Arms and Orest.
of that place, d. 4 Jan. 1633). Erm. on a chief per pale sa. Eversfield (co. Sussex). Erm. on a bend betw. three mart-
and gu. in the dexter a demi hon ramp, or, and in the sinister lets sa. as many mullets or.
a mullet of the last betw. three crescents ar. Eversliead (Evershead, co. Surrey; confirmed 8 April,
Everard (Ballyhay, co. Tipperary, bart., extinct; descended 1696). Ar. on a chief sa. three mullets of six points or.
from Fethard; Fun. Ent. of Sir Redmond Everard, Bart., Crest —A mullet of six points or, betw. two wings ar.
d. 20 Feb. 1686). Same Arms. Everton (Balstead and Newton, co. Suffolk). Ar. on a fesse
Everard (Reg. Ulster's Office). Ar. on a chief gu. three betw. three crosses patonce sa. as many fieurs-de-lis or.
mullets pierced or. Crest —A buck's head erased or, pellettee, attired sa.
Everdon. Ar. on a fesse sa. betw. three crosses crosslet Everton (co. Warwick), Ar. on a fesse sa. three mullets of
of the second as many fleurs-de-lis of the first. Crest— On the field.
the top of a Doric pillar ar. a terrestrial globe ppr. Everton (Coleshill, co. Warwick. Her. Visit.). Sa. a chev.
Everdon. Erm. a chev. betw. three mascles gu. ar.betw. three pears or.
Everdon, Sa. a lion ramp. ar. Everton. Ar. a stork sa. beaked or.
Everdon. Ar. a fesse az. Every (Eggington, co. Derby, bart.). Erminois two chev-
Everers. Ar. on a bend az. three fieurs-de-Iis or. ronels az. betw. two others gu. Crest —
^A demi unicorn ar.
Everest. Ar. a harp gu. Crest—On the point of a sword a guttee de sang and crined or. Motto —
Suura cuique.
mullet ppr. Every (cos. Stafford, Somerset, and Devon; granted by
Everest (granted George Eveeest, East India
to Lieut.-Col. Camden, Clarenceux, 1604). Or, four chevronels gu. Crest
Company). Per fesse az. and
sa. on a fesse indented betw. — A demi unicorn gu. crined, attired, and hoofed or.
three cinquefoils ar. as many storks' heads erased of the Every (co. Kent). Or, five chevronels sa.
second. Crest —
Upon a broken battlement ppr. a stork sa. Everyngham. Ar. a fesse az. a label of three points gu.
resting the dexter foot upon a cinauefoll or. ifoiio— Semper Eves (co. Kent). Sa. a fesse ar. betw. three trefoils erm.
otium rogo divos. Crest—Three legs in armour united at the thigh, flexed at the
Everet, Everett, and Everatt. Gu. three bears' heads knee, and spurred ppr.
couped ar. Cr^t—An arm in armour couped, holding a Eves (William Eves; his dau. Joan m. John Oliph Fox-
spear, resting the elbow on a chapeau all ppr. grave, CO. Kent, Alderman of London. Visit. 1568). Per
Everett (Biddesdon House, co. Wilts). Gu. a chev. paly of pale sa. and gu. an eagle displ. with two heads and a border
eight or and az. betw. three mullets ar. Crest—A. griffin's engr. ar.
head erased sa. collared gemel of three pieces, the middle Evesham (co. Hereford). Az. on a bend or, three Moors'
or, the others ar. —
heads couped in proffie sa. Crest A Moor's head sidefaced
Everett (Heytesbury and Upton Lovell, co. Wilts). Same ppr. in a helmet or.
Arms, a bordure wavy of the second. Crest A griffin's head — Evesham, Borong-h of (co. Worcester). Az. a prince's
sa. erased gu. charged with three barrulets, that in the coronet betw. two ostrich feathers in chief and a garb in
middle ar. the other two or, over all a pallet wavy erm. base or, all within a bordure sa. bezantee. (Henry, Prince of

Motto Festina lente. Wales, son of James I., obtained for Evesham its Charter of
Evereux, or Evreux, Per pale indented ar. and gu. Corporation, hence the coronet and ostrich feathers of the
Ever£.eld (Denne Park, co. Sussex). Erm. on a bend sa. Piince of Wales, the garb of the earldom of Chester, and the
three mullets or. border bezantee of the duchy of Cornwall).
Everid. Or, four chevronels gu, Evesham Abbey (co. Worcester). Az. a chain in chev.
Evering- (Evering, co. Kent; borne by Eogee de Averinch, fastened to a padlock on the dexter and a ring on the sinister
A.D. 1189, and his descendants; a junior branch of the betw. three mitres ar. labelled or. This coat is derived from
Lords of Folkestone and Vicomtes of Avranche, in Normandy, a legend told of the foimder of the Abbey-
now represented by W. A. T. Amhdrst, Esq,, of Didlington Evett (Woodball, co. Worcester. Visit. 1634). Or, on a
HaU, CO. Norfolk. Visit. Kent, 1574, &c.). Or, five chev. az. cross patt6e flory gu. a bezant. Crest —
^A demi dragon or,
Crest —A wivern sejant or, wings expanded gu.

holding betw. the feet a cross, as in the arms.

Evering:IianL {Baron Everingham, summoned to ParUament Evias (CO. Kent). Sa. a fesse or, betw. three cinquefoiU
1309, in abeyance 1371). Gu. a lion ramp, vair, erm. (another, three trefoils).
; A


^vingrton (Spalding, co. Lincoln; granted by Camden, third. Crest —A demi lion ramp, n his dexter paw a mullet
Clarenceux, 1612, to Nicholas EviNfiTON, of Halsted, in that gu. Motto —Audaciter.
CO.). Az. on a chev. betw. three mariners' cross staves or, Ewing (Glasgow, 1869 ; descended of Keppoch). Quarterly,
five mullets of the first. —
Orest A horse's head ar. erased gu. 1st and 4th, as the last, within a bordure az. ; 2nd and 3rd,
gorged with a plain collar az. tied behind in a bow. ar. a bend gu, betw. three bunting birds ppr., for Bontime.
Evington (ancient arms certified by Segar, Garter. Visit. Crest and Motto, as the last.
Middlesex, 1663). Ar. a fess az. a label of three points gu. Ewing Dumbarton, 1870). Ar. a chev. gu.
(Levenfield, co.
Evington (Caswell, co. Lincoln, and Enfield, co. Middlesex ensigned with a banner of the second, charged with a
John Evington, of the latter, son of Fbancis Evington, of canton az. thereon a saltire of the first, all betw. two
the former,m. Dorothy Ford, of Enfield attested by Penson ; mullets in chief and the sun in his splendour in base of the
and Vincent, 10 Oct. 1614. Visit. Middlesex, 1663). Ar. a second, a bordure indented, also of the second, charged with
fess gu. betw. three steel caps az. lappettedor. Crest —On a three crescents of the first for diff. Crest—A demi lion
moral crown az. a unicorn's head ppr. caparisoned and ramp, holding in his dexter paw a mullet gu. Motto —
plumed of the first, horned or. Audaciter.
Evington (St. Neots, co. Huntingdon). Same Arms and Earing (London, 1870). As the last, the bordure charged
Crest. with three mullets ar.
Evington, or Evlngdon (Enfield, co. Middlesex; granted E-wing (Ballikinrain, co. Stirling). As Levenfield, the
10 Oct. 1614). —
Same Arms. Crest Out of a mural crown a bordure charged with three martlets ar.
horse's head ar. armed and bridled or, crested with a plume Ewyas (Ewyas, co. Hereford). Ax. a fesse gu. betw. three
of three feathers, one of the first and two az. estoiles sa.
Evington (Evington Court, co. Kent). Same Arms. Ewyas (co. Kent). Sa. a fesse betw. three cinquefoils ar.
Evington. Az. three bars ar. in chief &s many plates. Ewyas, Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three mullets of six points
Evington, or Evinton. Same Arms. Crest On a — sa.
serpent disposed orleways a boar's head erased and erect Exall (St. Ives, co. Huntingdon). Erm. on a bend az. three
ppr. estoiles or. Crest —
An eagle's head erased sa. charged on
-Evinton. Az. on a chev. betw. three pilgrims' staves or, the neck with three estoiles in fesse or.
as many mullets of the first. Exeter. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three church bells sa.
Evre. Per cross or and gu. over all on a bend sa. three —
Crest Out of a ducal coronet two arms in saltire each
escallops ar. CVesi —
A parrot feeding on a branch of holding a scymitar in pale all ppr.
cherries ppr. Exeter, Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three billets (another,
Ewarby. Ar. a saltire engr. sa. on a chief of the second delves) sa.

two mullets of the first. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a Exeter, Marquess of. See Cecil.
female's bust, breast gu. face ppr. hair gold. Exeter, See of. Gu. two keys in saltire or, surmounted
Ewarby. Ar. on a saltire engr. sa. five mullets of the of a sword in pale ppr. hilt gold.
field. Exeter, Dean of. Az. a stag's head cabossed or, betw.
Ewart (granted to William Ewabt, Esq. of Glenmachan the attires a cross pattee fitchue of the last.
House, CO. Down, and Glenbank, co. Antrim). Or, three Exeter, Precentor of. Ax. on a saltire az. » fleur-de-
swords, two in saltire and one in fess betw. a cross crosslet lis or.

fitcb^e in chief and a dexter hand couped in base gu. Exeter, Chancellor of. Gu. a saltire ar. betw. four
Crest —
A hand erect, gauntleted ppr. holding a cross crosslet cross crosslets or.
fltcbee gu. —
Motto ^In cruce spero. Exeter, Treasurer of. Gu. a saltire engr. betw. four
Ewart (Scotland). Ar. on afesse az. betw. a dexter hand leopards^ heads or.
couped in chief and a heart in base gu. two swords in saltire Exeter College (Oxford; founded in 1316, by Walter
of the field, hilted and pommelled or. Stapledon, Bishop of Exeter, Lord High Treasurer of
Ewayas. Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three estoiles sa. England, and Secretary of State to Edward II.). Ar. two
Ewbank, or Ewbancke
(co. Durham). Sa. three chev. bends nebulee within a bordure gu. charged with eight
interlaced in base or, on a chief of the last as many pellets. pair of keys, endorsed and interlaced in the rings or, the
Crest —
Out of a ducal coronet gu. a dragon's head or. wards in chief.
Ewbank (Kirton Drive, co. Lincoln, and Everton, co. Exeter, City of (co. Devon ratified and confirmed by

Lancaster). Same Arms, &c. Harvey, Clarenceux. Visit. Devon, 6 Aug. 1654). Per
Ewbank. Sa. three chev. interlaced in base or, on a chief pale gu. and sa. a triangular castle with three towers or.
of the last as many annulets sa. Crest Out of a ducal — Orest (granted, along with the supporters, 6 Aug. 1564) —
coronet a dexter and sinister hand, each holding an ostrich demi lion ramp. gu. crowned or, holding betw, the paws a
feather. bezant surmounted with a cross botonn^e gold. Supporters
Ewe (temp. Eich. I.). Barry of ten ar. and gu. in chief a — ^Two pegasi ar. wings endorsed, maned and crined or, on
label of nine points vert. the wings three bars wavy az. Motto—Semper fidelis.
Ewen (co. Essex). Sa, a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis Exham (Fun. Ent. of John Exhau, buried 26 Nov. 1668, in
or. St. Michan's Church, Dublin). Or, a cross vair.
Ewen (m Heme Church, co. Essex). Ermines a bend cotised Exiltoy. Ar. a chev. gu. a bordure sa. bezantee.
or. Crest —On a mount vert a stork statant ppr. Exisy (Cornwall). Or, three escut<;heons gu. each charged
Ewens, or Evens (cos. Dorset and Somerset). Sa a fesse with a griflSn segreant of the field.
wavy betw. two
curlew rising ppr.
fieurs-de-lis or. Ci-est On a mount vert a — Exmew, or Exmere (London). Ar. a chev. chequy of
the first and gu. betw. three escallops of the last, a bordure of
Ewer (Luton, co. Bedford, and Lees-Langley, co Herts). the second bezant^e.
Or, a tiger statant sa. on a chief gu. three crosses patt^e ar. Exmew (Wales). Ar. a chev. compony or and gu. betw.
Crest —A pheon or, headed ar. mounted on a broken dart three escallops sa. a bordure of the third charged with
gu. environed with a snake ppr. leopards' heads and annulets of the second.
Ewer (Bishop of Bangor, 1771). Same Arms. Exmew. Ar. on a chev. compony of the first and gu. three
Ewer. Ar. two bars gu. escallops of the field.
Ewerby. Ar. a saltire engr. sa. on a chief of the second two Exnaew. compony of the first and gu, betw.
Ar. a chev.
mullets of the first. Crest—An eagle displ. per fesse vert fihree escallops sa. abordure of the third charged with
andar. leopards' heads and bezants, six of each interchangeable.
Ewerby (arms in Brasenose Coll., Oxon, impaled with —
Crest A dove ar, holding in the beak a text or, from a R
Pigott. Visit. 1574). SameArm^. sprig of laurel ppr.
Ewers. Sa. two talbots'heads erased in pale or, betw. two Exmewe (Lord Mayor of London, 1517). Ar. a chev.
flaunches erm. Crest—A staff raguly or. compony purp. and of the first betw. three escallops gu. a
Ewers (Reg. Ulster's Office). Or, an heraldic tiger pass. bordure of the last charged alternately with three leopards'
sa. Crest —A
demi heraldic tiger ramp. or. and as many bezants.
faces or,
Ewes. Or, three cinquefoils (another, trefoils) gu. Crest— Exm.ies. Or, a chev. betw. three escallops sa.
A quatrefoil vert. Exmill. Or, a cross lozengy gu. and vair.
Ewing (Ireland). Quarterly, gu. and or, the second and Exmouth, Viscount. See Pellew.
tkird charged with a saltire of the first. Crest ^The moon — Exmyle. Or, a cross vair.
in hercomplement ppr, Exton (Lord Mayor of London, 1386). Az. a cross ar, betw,
Ewing (Keppoch, co. Dumbarton). Ar. a chev. embattled twelve crosses crosslet fitchee or.
az. ensigned with a banner gu. charged with a canton of Exton. Same Anns, field gu. Crest—The sail of a ship ppr.
the second, thereon a saltire of the first, all betw. two Eycliebald (co. Torli). Erm. a saltire and chief gxi. Crest
mullets in chief and the sun in his splendour in base of the —A boar's head in bend couped sa.

; AA.


Eye. Or, on a chief az. two mullets ar.
chapeau gu. turned up erm. two wings ppr.
Crest On a — Eyre (co. Buckingham). Az. a chev. betw. three ears of corn-
ar. slipped or. C}'est—A phoenix close ppr.
Eye, Town of (co. Suffolk), has no armorial ensign the ; Eyre Derby). Ar. on a chev. sa. three quatrefoils or, a
seal has the word eye under an antique ducal coronet. bordure az. Crest—An armed leg couped at the thigh,
Eyer. Ar. on a bend sa. three quatrefoils of the field. Crest quai'terly, ar. and az. spur or.
— Atalbot's head ar. spotted gu. collared az. Eyre (Dinston, co. York). Same Arms as Etbe, of Bromham..
Eyers. Ar. on a chev. sa. three quatrefoils of the field, a Crest—A leg couped at the thigh, quarterly, ar. and sa, spun-ed
bordure engr. of the second charged with eight bezants. or.
Eyland, or Eg-land (co. Lincoln). Gu. two bars betw. Eyre (Hartlebury, co. Worcester; formerly Eyers. Visit.
six martlets ar. two, two, and two. Cre&t —
On a chapeau az. 1634). Same Arvis as Eybe, of Bromham, with a torteaux in
turned up or, a martlet gu. chief.
Eyland, or Eland (co. York). Same Annsy the martlets Eyre (Warrent Bramshaw, co. Wilts). Same Arms as Eybe,
three, two, and one. of Bromham. C}-est —
An armed leg couped at the thigh,
Eyland (uo. York). Ar. on a bend gu. three escallops or. quarterly, ar. —
and sa. spurred or. Motto Sola virtus invicta.
Eyland, or Eland (co. York). Quarterly, ar. and sa. on a Eyre (Lower Brook Street, London; Sir James Eybe, lil.D.).
bend gu. three escallops betw. five bucks' heads cabossed of Same Arms as Etbe, of Bromham.
the first. Eyre. Same Arms as Eybe, of Bromham, with a canton vair.
Eyland. Sa. on an inescutcheon ar. a bend ^. Crest —
An armed leg couped at the thigh, quarterly, vair
Eyles (London, bart., extinct 1768. Alderman Francis and sa.
Etles, a Director of the East India Company, son of Sir John Eyre (Lord Mayor of London, 1445). Gu. a porcupine saliant
Etles, Knt., Lord Mayor of London, 1688, descended of an ar. quilled and chained or.
ancient family in co. Wilts, was created a bart. 1714). Ar. a Eyre (London). Gu. on a chev. or, betw. three leopards''
fess engr. sa. in chief three fleurs-de-lis of the last. heads of the second as many escallops of the first. Crest—
Eyles (Coleshill House, co. Bucks). Ar. a fesse engr. sa. in An ibex ppr. maned, armed, and ducally gorged ar.
chief three fleurs-de-lis of the last. —
Crest A lion's gamb Eyre (co. Suffolk). Ar. a chev. ermines betw. three (another,
erased, lying fesseways ar. holding a fleur-de-lis sa. eight) escallops gu.
Eyley. Ar. on a bend sa. three escallops of the first. Eyre. Gu. a boar saliant ar. collared and chained or.
Eymes (co. Cornwall). Or, a chev. betw. three escallops sa, Eyre (Eyre Court, co. Galway ; descended from Eybe, of Brom*-
Eymont (co. Essex). Vert a cross moline betw. eight ham, CO. Wilts; Fun. Ent., 1683, of the Rt. Hon. John Eybe,
crosses crosslet fitch^e or. of Eyrecourt, seventh son of Giles Eybe, Esq., of Brixworth,
Eymore. Vert a cross sarcelly indented az. betw. three CO. W|ilts). Ar. on a chev. sa. three quatrefoils or. Crest —
crosses crosslet fitchee or. leg in armour couped at the thigh ppr. garnished and spurred
Eynes Ar. on a
(co. Salop). demi grey-
fesse gu. betw. three or. Motto — Pro rege saepe, pro patriS, semper.
hounds courant sa. as many bezants. Eyre (Lord Eyre; John Eybe, Esq., of Eyre Court, wag so-
Eynes. Or, on a fesse gu. three bezants, in chief a grey- created 1760, extinct 1781). Same Arms, Crest, and Motto.
hound courant az. —
Supporters Dexter, a woman ppr. vested gu. on her head a
Eynfield. Gu. an inescutcheon -within an orle of eight helmet and in her dexter hand a spear, resting her sinister
martlets ar. (another, the tinctures reversed). hand on an oval shield all also ppr., the shield charged with a
Eynford, Eynesford, or Eynsworth (co. York). Gorgon's head or sinister, a savage man girt about the loins

Gu. a fret engr. erm. (another, ar.). Crest A — hand holding and holding in his exterior hand a club all ppr. charged on
an ear of wheat or. the sinister breast with a quatrefoil or. Motto ^Pro rege —
Eynford. Same Arms, a bordure ar. SEepe, pro patria semper.
Eyre (Bromham, Wedhampton, Chalfield, New Sarum, Brix- Eyre (Eyre Ville, co. Galway). Same Arm^, Crest, and Motto
worth, Chilhampton, Newhouse, &c., co. Wilts; descended as Etbe, of Eyre Court.
from Humphrey leHetr, of Bromham, whose great-grandson, Eyre (Upper Court, co. Kilkenny). Same Arms, Crest, ani-
GalfriddsdeEtb, of Bromham, was living temp. Edward II. Motto as Eybe, of Bromham.
the derivative branches were the Eyres, of Botley Grange, co. Eyres (co. NorfolK). Ar. on a chev. gu. three cinquefoils
Hants, the Eyres, of Eyre Court Castle, co. Galway, of whom —
ppr. Crest A leg in armour ppr. Motto —
Si je puis.
was Lord Eyre, and the Eyres, of Macroom, co. Cork.) Ar. on Eyringham (co. Devon). Ar. two bars az. in chief three

a chev. sa. three quatrefoils or. Crest On a cap of mainte- —
escallops of the second. Crest On a chapeau ppr. a fleur-
nance ppr. a booted and armed leg, couped at the thigh, de-lis or.
quarterly (sometimes, per pale ar. and gu.) ar. and sa. spur or. Eyseldon, or Eysseldon Devon). Ar. a lion ramp,

Motto ^Virtus sola invicta.- gu. collared or.
Eyre (cos. Derby, York, 'and Nottingham; Hope, Padley, Eyston (East Eendred, co. Berks, and Isleworth, co.
Hirst, Holm Hall, Chesterfield, Newbold, &c., in the first- Middlesex, 1299, Inq. post, raort. 28 Edward L, pos-
named county; Keveton and Laughton, in the second; sessed a manor there, temp. Edward III., Close Eoll, 49
and' Eampton and Grove, in the last; descended from Edward III. Thence are descended Evston, of East Heridred,
William le Eyb, of Hope, temp. Henry III.). Same Arma by the marriage, temp. Henry VI., of John Eyston witli
and Crest. Isabel, dau. and heir of John Stowe, of Burford, co. Oxford^
Eyre (Hassop, co. Derby). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. on by MAon de Arches, his wife, heiress of East Hendred, now
a chev. sa. three quatrefoils of the field, for Eyre; 2nd, represented by Charles John Eyston, Esq., of East
ar. a bend engr. sa., for Kadcliffe; 3rd, ar. on a bend betw. Hendred). Sa. three hons ramp, or, quartering, Ar. a chev.
three gillyflowers gu. an anchor of the first, a double tressure gu. betw. three crows ppr. beaked and legged or, Stowb;
flory counterflory vert, for Livingston. Crest —^A leg erect Gu. three door-arches ar. their capitals and pedestals or#
inarmour per pale ar. and sa. couped at the thigh gu. knee- Arches; Erm. alien ramp. gu. crowned or, Tdbbebvile; Sa.

cap and spur or. Motto Si je puis. three greyhounds courant in pale ar. collared or, Bebington;
Eyre (Eampton, co. Notts). Same Arms as Etbe, of Gu. a cross moline ar. on a chief of the last three grass-
Bromham. hoppers vert, Thatcher; Az. three chev. or, on the upper
Eyre (Shaw House, co. Berks). Same Arms as Etse, of one an annulet sa. for diff., Lewknob. Crest ^An estoile of—
Bromham. eight points or.
Eyre (Lindley Hall, co. Leicester). Same Arms as Eybe, of Eytend. Gu. two bars betw. eight martlets ar.
Bromham. Ejrton (Eyton-on-the-Wildmoors, co. Salop ; descended from
Eyre (Ryton, co. Notts; descended from Eybe, of Hope, co. Robebt de Eyton, witness to a grant made to the Abbey of
Derby ; George Eybe. Visit. Notts, 1614). Same Arms as Shrewsbury, temp. Henry II. Thomas Eyton, High Sheriff

Eybe, of Bromham. Crest— A

leg couped at the thigh, of CO. Salop, 1840, represented the family that year). Or, a
quarterly, ar. and sa. spurred or. fret az. quartering gu. two bars erm. Crest A reindeer's—
Ejrre (Belton, co. Leicester Rowland Etbe. Visit. 1619).
; head or, in the mouth an acorn slipped vert, fructed gold,
Same Arms as Eybe, of Bromham. Eyton (Gatesby or Gadsby, co. Leicester). Anthony and
Eyre (Normanton-upon-Sore, co. Notts). Same Arim as Simon Eyton, grandsons of Richabd Eyton, of Perie, co*
Eyrc, of Bromham, an annulet for diff. Stafford. Visit. Leicester, 1619). Same Arms. Crest—
Eyre (Salisbury. Visit. Middlesex, 1663). Same Arms as lion's head ar. holdiog in the mouth a tun or.
Eybe, of Bromham, quartering ar. a chev. gu. betw. three Eyton (Eyton, Erddlis, Bersham, &c., co. Denbigh; derived
birds sa. Crest —An armed leg couped at the thigh per pale through John, Steward of Bromfield and Yale, 1439; Madoc
ar. and gu. DE Eyton, who d. 1331, as stated on his tomb in Gresford
Eyre (Purbeck, co. Dorset; descended from Thomas Eybe, Church and Elidyb ap Rets Sais, (whom see) from Tydib
; ;

fourth son of Thomas Lyre, of Sarum. Visit. Middlesex, Tbefob, Earl of Hereford in the tenth century). Erm. a lioii
1663). Same Arms and Crest. ramp. az.. quartering, Tydie Tbefob, &c. Crest Out of a —
; "


dncal coronet or, a demi dragon, winga endorsed ar. holding Fagge (Wiston, co. Sussex, afterwards of Mystole, co. Kent,
in the dexter paw a sabre of the last, hilt and pommel gold. hart.). Gu. two bends vair. Crest— On a wreath an ostrich,
Jlfo*(o— Vis unita fortior. wings expanded ar. beaked, legged, and ducally gorged or,
SytozL (Rhiwahon, co. Denbigh ; John ap Elis Eyton, who holding in the beak a horseshoe ppr.
distinguished himself on Bosworth Field, 1485, was a member Fahie (granted, 1825, to Rear-Admiral Sir William Chaules
of this family, and his effigy in Rhuabon Church is decorated Fahie, K.C.B., son of John Davis Faoe, Esq., of the Island
with the collar of SS, the reward of his bravery. The eventual of St. Christopher's, President H.M. Council at Tortola, and
heiress,Mart Etton, was m. to Ricbakd Evans, son of grandson of Anthony Fahie, of St. Christopher's, of an old
Thomab Evans, of Oswestry, Attorney-General for the Connaught family). Az. a dexter hand couped in chief,
Marches; and their son, Ev^n Evans, of Watstay, in thrusting a sword ppr. into a boar's head erased in base or.
Bhuabon, left an only dau. and heiress, Jane Evans, m. to Oldest —
A dexter arm couped below the elbow, grasping a
Sir John Wtnn, Bart., of G^vydir, and jure TixoriSj also of javehn, the point downwards ppr.
Watstay, a name changed by him to Wynnstay). Same Fahy (Smith's Ordinary, Ulster's Office). Az. ahand couped in
Arrns as Eyton, of Eyton, Denbigh. chief, stickinga aword ppr. into a boar's head erased in base
Eyton (Leeswood, CO. Flint; descended from Ctnric Efell, or. Crest—An arm couped below the elbow in pale ppr.
Bon of Madoc ap Meredydd ap Bleddtn ap Ctnftn, Prince holding a broken spear or.
of Fowls). Az. on a bend ar. a lion pass. sa. Fahy, or Fay. See Fat.
Eyton (CO. Northampton granted 1577). Erm, a lion ramp. Painford. Az. three bars nebulae or.
az. Cfrest — ;

A demi dragon, wings endorsed ppr. collared, Fair. Gu, an anchor or, betw. two mullets in fesse ar.
winged, and lined ar. holding in the dexter paw a sword Crest—A wheatsheaf or, entwined with two snakes vert.
of the last, hilt and pommel or, the point embrued gu. Fair (Scotland). Gu. an anchor or.
Eyton (cos. Northampton and Rutland). Ar. crusily, three Fair (Ruttledge-Faib; granted, 26 Oct. 1857, to Jane Edtt-
fleurs-de-hs az. ledge-Fair (and her issue), wife of Thomas Edttledge, Esq.,
Eyton (co. Salop). Az. three crescents or. of Cornfield, Holyraount, co. Mayo, and only child of
Eyton. Quarterly, sa. and ar. a cross flory counter- Robert Fair, Esq., of Bushfield, same co,, on her assuming,
changed. by royal licence, the additional surname and arms of Fair).
Eyvardley York). Ar. a saltire engr. sa. on a chief of
(co. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. on a saltire ar. betw. four fleurs-
the second two mullets of the first. de-lis or, a crescent az., for Fair; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a stag
Eyvell. Az. a chev. ar. trippant ppr. on a chief engr. az. three estoiles wavy or, for
Eyvell, or Eynell. Az. a bend or, on a canton ar. a —
Edttledge. Crests 1st, Fair On a mount vert a dove with

lamb gu. carrying a banner of the second.

holy an olive branch in its beak and a trefoil or, on its breast, all
Eyvers. Ar. on a bend az. three fleurs-de-lis of the field ppr. 2nd, Ruttledge
; An oak tree ppr. pendent from a

(another, or). dexter branch thereof by a riband az. an. escutcheon or.
Eyves (Fishwick, co. Lancaster, 1664). Sa. a chev. betw. —
Motto ^Verax atque probus.
three cross crosslets ar. Fairbairn. Gu. an eagle, wings endorsed or, a bordure
Eywen. Vert a cross sarcelly betw. six crosses crosslet —
erm. Crest A griffin pass. sa.
fitch^e or. Fairbairn (Sir Peter Fairbairn, Knt., 1839). Ar. on a chev.
betw. three boars' heads couped gu. as many bezants. Crest
— A dexter hand holding the worm of a lever-screw all ppr.
Jfoiio—Ne cede arduis.
Fairbairn (Woodsley House, Leeds borne by Sir Andbew- ;

FABEB. Ar. on a fesse sa. Hiree crosses crosslet or, a Fairbairn). Same Arms, Crest, and Motto.
bordure az. bezant^e. Fairbairn (Ardwick, co. Lancaster, bart., 1869). Same
Faber (physician to King Charles 11.). Per fess ar. and az. Arms. Crest—The sun in splendour ppr. Jfoiio—Semper
two mullets in chief sa. in base a rose or. eadem.
Fabian. Erm. three fleurs-de-lis, a bordure engr. gu. Crest Fairbeard (Northmore, co. Oxford; granted, 19 Aug. 1640).
—On a chaplet or, flowered gu. a fleur-de-lis of the last, from Per pale or and gu. a cross botonnee betw. foiu' cinquefoils'
betw. the flowers two split flags ar. each charged with an all counterchanged. Crest—A dexter arm in armour ppr.
erm. spot. couped at the shoulder, lying fesseways and erect from
Fabian, or Fabyan (co. Essex). Same Arms. Crest — the elbow, holding in the gauntlet a cross botonnee fitchew
A lion's gamb erect, holding a sceptre in pale or. or.
Fablye. Ar. a chev. betw. three Catharine wheels sa. Fairborne (Newark, co. Notts). Az. a falcon volant ar.
Crrtrt*— A cross crosslet gu.
betw. two palm branches vert. armed, jessed, and belled or, a bordure erm. Crest An —
Faconbergre, or Facombrigre. Ax. two bars engr. sa. arm in armour couped fesseways, holding a sword erect-
Faconberg-e. Ar. three lions pass. In pale gu. enfiled with a Turk's head affrontee with a turban all ppr.
Faconber^e. Ar, two bars fusily az. (another, sa). —
Motto ^Tutus si fortis.
Faconbridge. Ar. a lion ramp, within a bordure invecked Faireborne. Same Arms. Orest~A hand couped and vam--
az. Crest—A yew tree vert. braced holding a sword in pale, on the point thereof a savage's
Faconbridge. Or, a fesse az. the chief paly of six of the head affronted ppr.
first and gu. Fairbrother. Gu. a chev. ar. in chief a bezant betw. two
Faculty of Advocates (Scotland). Gu. a balance or, lions' heads erased of the second. Crest—A cockatrice displ."
and sword ar. hilted and pommelled of the second in saltire, ppr.
surmounted by a shield also of the second, charged with the Fairclough (cos. Hertford, Lancaster, Lincoln, and London
royal arms of Scotland. Motto
Fadeley, Fadirle, or Fadyrley.
Suum cuique. — granted 2 Nov. 1583). Or, a lion ramp.

sa. betw. two
hon ramp,
Ar. on a fesse gu. (sometimes, three) fleurs-de-lis az. Crest ^A demi
three martlets or. sa. holding betw. the paws a fleur-de-lis az.
Faden. Ar. two bends gu. in chief a cock sa. Fairclough. (cos. Bedford and Hertford). Same Arms.
Fagan (DerryFagan and Faganstown, co. Meath, afterwards Crest—A lion's gamb or, grasping a fleur-de-lis az.
Feltrim and Bloike, co. Dublin ; descended from John Fagan, Faircourt. Or, on ^i inescutcheon sa. a cross patonce
of Derry Fagan, d. 1248. Richakd Fagan, Esq., chief of ar.
his name, forfeited his estates in consequence of his adhesion Faircourt. Sa. a cross flory ar. a bordure engr. or.
to James 11. Visit. Dublin, 1607. Reg. Ulster's Office). Per Fairfax Ar. three bars gemelles gu."
(Walton, co. York).
chev. gu. and erm. in chief three covered cups or. Crest—A. surmounted of a lion ramp. sa. Crest— On a cap of main^
griflfiu ar. winged and tufted or, supporting in the talons tenance ppr. a lion pass, guard, sa. Motto Je le feray —
an olive branch vert, fructed gold. Motto Deo Patriaeque — durant ma vie.
fidelis. Fairfax ( Viscount Fairfax; created 1628, extinct 1741). Ar.
I'agan (Fun. Ent. of Alderman CHaisTOPHER Fagan, Mayor three bars gemels sa. surmounted of a lion ramp. gu. (}rest~-
of Dublin, 1573, d. 1598). Same Arms, &c. A lion's head erased sa. collared gemels or. Supporters —
Fagan (cos. Cork, Kerry, Wexford, Dillon's regiment in Two lions sa. armed and langued gu.
France, &c. Reg. Ulster's Office). Same Arms, &c. Fairfax (Stedman and Dunsley, co. York. Dugdale, 1665),
Fagan (Reg. Ulster's Office). Erm. three covered cups Same Arms with a canton az.
az. Fairfax (Steeton and Denton Castle, co. York; Ba/ron
Fage, Ar. bends sa. a chief or. Crest— A cross
three Fairfax of Cameron, in Scotland). Or, three bars gemelles
crosslet surmounted by a sword in bend sinister, point gu. surmounted of a lion ramp. sa. Crest A lion pass, —
downwards. —
guard, sa. Supporters Dexter, a Uon guard, sa. sinistej', ;

I'agevile, or FagenU (co. Suffolk). Quarterly, or and a bay horse. Jfotio—Fare fac.
eu. a bend vert {another, vair). Fairfax (The Holmes, co. Roxburgh, bart., 1836 ; a3 re-


cordod, 1836). Az. a chev. betw. two fleurs-de-lis in chief unicorn's head couped ppr. armed or. Supporters ^Two —
and a Camperdown medal in base or, the medal being knights in complete armour, holding in their exterior hands
pendent by a striped ribbon ar. of the first and of the third, —
batons or. Mottoes -Above the crests : Paratus sum ; below
with the word "Camperdown" underneath, and on a chief the shield : Fortltudine.
a representation of H.M. ship Venerable, engaging the Dutch Pairne (Tarlogie, Scotland). Gu. a stag ar. lodged in a
Admiral's ship, Vryheid, at the battle of Camperdown, all thicket of trees vert, in chief betw. the attires three stars of

ppr. Crest ^A. lion pass. ppr. Motto (over the crest) Fare — the second. Crest —
A greyhound courant ppr. Motto—
fac. Quiescens et vigilans.
Fairfax (now Ramsay-Fairfax, Bart., 1836,- as recorded Pairs. Or, a fesse betw. three anchors az.
1876). Quarterly, 1st and 4th grand quarters, ar. three bars Pairway (co. Devon), Sa. a chev. betw. three escallops ar.
gemelles sa. surmounted of a hon ramp, gu,, for Fairfax ;
Pairway (London). Ar. a chev. betw. three escallops sa.
2nd grand quarter, per pale ar. and or, an eagle displ. sa. Pairweatlier. Az. a chev. betw. three mullets in chief ar.
armed, beaked, and membered gu., for Rausat; third grand

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