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3 1833 01756 1546

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1. (No. 509). Seal of Thomas Plantagenet, E.G., Duke of Gloucester, A.D. 1395.

2. (No. 397). Seal of William de Bohun, E.G., Earl of Northampton, A.D. 1350.
3. (No. 398). Seal of Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, a.d. 1320.

4. (No 525). Seal of Thomas Holland, E.G., Earl of Kent, a.d. 13S0.


HEitij Scum HuttlJwlJ Illustrations.


" All the devices blazoned on the shield

In their own tinct."

3ts probat avtiflccm.

13p appointment, to $cr fHajcstg ana PJts late highness the Evince Consort.



Preface ....... CHAPTER I.


Introductory . . < . . . .5

Blazon, Nomenclature, Language, and Laws . . 14


The Shield — its Parts, Points and Primary Divisions . 19


Dividing and Border Lines . . . . .24

Tinctures and Purs . . . . . .25

The Ordinaries, with their Diminutives, and the Roundles 27

The Heraldry of the Cross . . . . .32

The Subordinaries . . . . . .37



Varied Fields and Diapers . . . . .40

Miscellaneous Charges : Section I, Inanimate Objects . 44


Miscellaneous Charges : Section II, Animate Beings . 58


Miscellaneous Charges : Section III, Natural Objects . 70


Descriptive Terms . . . . . .76

Miscellaneous Names and Titles, not included under the
term " Charges" . . . . . .89
Marshalling . . . . . . .127

Cadency ....... CHAPTER



Badges, Knots, Mottos, Crests, and Supporters . 201

Flags . . . . . . . .220

The Royal Heraldry of England . . . .226

Orders of Knighthood and Insignia of Honor . . 259

Official and Corporate Heraldry

.... 280
Architectural Heraldry
..... XXII.

Monumental Heraldry
..... XXIII.

The Heraldry of Seals and Coins . . . .317

The Heraldry
of Illuminations .... 329

of Shields of Arms .... 333

Genealogies .......

Precedence .......

Modern Heraldry ......CHAPTER XXIX.


Heraldic Treatment, Drawing and Color . . . 357

Foreign Heraldry ......


Abatement . . . . . . .372

Supplemental ......

List of Plates .... .




General List of Illustrations .

General Index . |04

Index to Heraldic Charges, Terms, and Figures . 407

Index to Names, Titles, Offices, and Places . 416

No. 627- —White Hart lodged. Badge of RicnABD II, from his

effigy at Westminster. Pago 385, see also pages 206 and 207.

It is the aim of this Manual to inquire into the true

character and right office of Heraldry, and to describe and

illustrate its general condition as it is in use amongst

Of the rise and progress of Heraldry, and of its almost

universal prevalence under variously modified forms, I
have not attempted to give more than a slight and rapid
sketch. I have been content also to refer only incident-
ally and in a few words to the value and interest of
Heraldry, as a handmaid of History, as an ally of Art,
and as the chronicler of Archaeology— my purpose being
not so much to lead students on to the application of

Heraldry, as to enable them to apply it by becoming

Heralds. In the following pages, accordingly, I have
sought to define and elucidate the principles of Heraldry,
to exemplify its practice, and to illustrate at once its

utility and its attractiveness. The Heraldry of the pre-

sent time I have desired uniformly to exhibit as the direct

descendant and the living representative of the Heraldry
of the past ; and the student will observe that I have
systematically endeavoured to impress him with the con-

viction that Heraldry is, essentially and at all times, in-

separably associated with History, or at any rate with
This Manual does not profess to extend its range to
legendary Heraldry, nor does it include even references
to those fanciful and often fantastic speculations, in which
the eaidy Heralds delighted to indulge. " The Curiosities

of Heraldry," in like manner, this Manual leaves, with

grateful and admiring acknowledgment, in the accom-

plished hands of Mr. Mark Anthony Lower. Eepeated
references to standard works upon Heraldry I have con-
sidered to be neither necessary nor desirable, but instead
of this, I have prepared and inserted a complete list of
heraldic authorities ; and, in the preparation of this Ma-
nual I have been scrupulously careful that every state-
ment contained in its pages should be based upon certain

and approved authority.

Historical Heraldry occupies a position of such impor-
tance in Histories of England, that a certain amount of
heraldic knowledge has become indispensable to the
student of English History.
Every Gothic Architect ought to be a thorough Herald.
Heraldry alone can enable him to render his works, in the
noblest and most perfect sense, historic monuments.
Without Heraldry, no lover of the great Art, which has
been so happily revived amongst us, is able either to feel

the full power of what the Gothic has transmitted to him

from the olden time, or to realise all that it is now able

to accomplish as a living art.

Historical Painters, having at length learned to esti-
mate aright the worth of archaeological accuracy, con-

stantly require that information which Heraldry is ever

ready to impart.

It is the same with Sculptors, when they treat of sub-

jects that are derived from either mediaeval or modern

History, or that are in any way associated with Gothic

To Illuminators, Heraldry opens a wide and richly
diversified field of attractive study. The beautiful and
deservedly popular Art of Illumination finds in Heraldry
a most versatile and efficient confederate. True Illumi-
nation, indeed, is in its nature heraldic ; and true
Heraldry provides for Illuminators the most appropriate,
graphic and effective both of their subjects, and of the
details and accessories of their practice.

In some sense or degree also Heraldry enjoys the

favour of the general public. To many persons, as to
seal engravers and herald painters, it provides what may
be styled a profession. Whoever has, or desires to have
a " coat-of-arms," professes to know something about
Heraldry ; that is, he is favourably disposed towards it,

though perhaps he is unconscious of the sentiment. It

is always pleasant to the pedestrian public, many of them

bearers of time-honoured arms and having the reddest of
red blood flowing in their veins, to be familiar with the
heraldic blazonry that appears upon the panels of aristo-

cratic carriages. Nor is it less satisfactory, when we

chance to see a flag displayed and blowing out in the
breeze, or when our eyes rest upon an heraldic seal, or
when we discover a shield- of- arms in a book, or on a monu-
ment, or amidst the decorative accessories of some building,
to be able to read what Heraldry thus has written with
her peculiar symbols. And then, as a matter of course,
Heraldry, as of old, receives a becoming homage from the
wealthy inheritors of historic names and noble titles;

b 2
while a similar homage is no less cordially tendered by
those whose Heraldry, like their own position in the great
world of society, is at least of comparatively recent
From each and all of these Friends of Heraldry, this
Manual ventures to anticipate a welcome, inasmuch as
it aspires to place before them, in a plain and simple
form, whatever heraldic teaching they may require ; and
also because, as a booh of reference, they will find it to be
trustworthy, easy to be consulted, and, as far as it pro-
fesses to go, complete.

A No. 1. B

A. Early form of the Cross in the Jerusalem shield.

B. More recent and generally accepted form of the Jerusalem




An inquiry into the Heraldry of the past leads us

back almost to the remote fountain-head of human his-

tory. From the very earliest periods, we find it to have

been an usage universally prevalent amongst mankind
for both individuals and communities to be distinguished
by some sign, device, or cognisance. The idea of symbolical
expression coupled with a love of symbolism, appear,
indeed, to constitute one of the component elements of
the human mind, as well in the rude condition of savage

life, as in every progressive advance of civilization and

refinement. Through the agency of such figurative
imagery the mind is able both to concentrate a wide
range of thought within a very narrow compass, and
to give to the whole a visible form under a simple image.
The mind thus speaks to the eye. By this symbolical

blazonry a multiplicity of definite impressions are con-

veyed, in the simplest manner, and with poetic impres-
siveness. By such means, also, the mind is empowered
to combine the imaginative with the real, and, while
extending its speculations beyond the bounds of ascer-
tained verities and actual facts, to impart a definitive
character to the visions of the imagination.
The exercise of a faculty such as this, it is easy to

conceive, would be held in the highest estimation in the

primitive stages of human society. Men so circumstanced
had much to say ; but they had only rare opportunities
for speaking, and they knew but few words in which
to convey their meaning. They delighted, therefore, in
an expressive symbolism, which might speak for them,
laconically, but yet with emphasis and to the point.
Their symbolical language, also, would commend itself

to their favour in a peculiar manner, through the facility

with which it would extend and intensify its own phonetic

powers by means of accumulative association.
War and the chase would naturally furnish the ima-
gery that would first become prevalent. A man's physical
powers or peculiarities, as a warrior or a hunter, or the
issue of some exploit in which he might have been
engaged, would determine his distinctive personal cog-
nizance. If swift of foot, or strong of hand, or fierce

in demeanour, or patient of hardship, he Avould naturally

seek to symbolize himself under the form of some animal
distinguished pre-eminently for one or other of those
qualities. For, it is natural that man should find symbols
of his own physical attributes in the inferior animals ;

because in mere swiftness, or strength, or such like

qualities, those animals are superior to man. The next

thing would be to render this personal symbolism here-

ditary. A man's son would feel a natural pride in
preserving the memorial of his father's reputation, by as-
suming, and also by transmitting his device. It would
be the same with the comrades of a chief, and with the
subjects of a prince. Thus a system of Heraldry would
arise and become established.
And such is actually the process, which has produced
and matured its own Heraldry amongst each of the
various races and tribes of the earth. In the far West,
the Eed Indian, from time immemorial, has impressed
upon his person the totem of his people — the cognizance
that his fathers bore, and by which they were dis-

tinguished before him. In the very constitution of his

mind essentially a lover of symbolism, the Oriental revels,

and he always has revelled, in a truly characteristic

Heraldry. In the relics of the wonderful races that
once peopled the valley of the Nile, this Heraldry of
the East is everywhere present. Another expression of
the same semi-mystic symbolism was found, deep buried
beneath the mounds of Assyria. Somewhat modified,
it was well known in ancient Israel. In Europe, with
the first dawn even of historical tradition, the existence
of a Heraldry may be distinguished. Nearly six hundred
years before the Christian era, iEschylus described the
heraldric blazonry of the chieftains who united their
forces for the siege of Thebes, with all the minute
exactness of our First Edward's chronicler of Caerlaverock.
The well-known Eagle of the Eomans may be said to
have presided over the Heraldry of Rome, as their own
Dragon has ever presided over that of the Chinese. The
legendary annals of mediaeval Europe abound in traces

of a barbaric Heraldry, in the war-banners of the chiefs

and in their personal insignia. The Bayeux Tapestry of
the Conqueror's consort may be placed at the head of
the early existing illustrations of the Heraldry of Britain.
That celebrated piece of royal embroidery exhibits a com-
plete display of the military ensigns in use at the period

of the Conquest, by both the Norman invaders and the

Saxon occupants of this island. Illuminations in MSS.
take up and carry on the heraldic record. Seals, carvings

in ivory, monumental memorials, stained glass, and the

various productions of the architectural sculptor, gradually
contribute their several memoirs, and lead us on to the
full development of English mediaeval Heraldry through
the agency of the Crusades.
The Crusades formed the armed followers of the
different European princes into a military alliance for
a common purpose, and also brought the rude yet gallant
soldiers of the West into contact with all that then
existed in Eastern lands of the refinement, both military
and social, of still earlier times. Among the many and
important results of those strange and strangely romantic
enterprises, were great changes in the weapons and
armour of the western chivalry ; and these changes were
accompanied with the introduction of an infinite variety

of armorial devices. The Crusade confederacy itself would

necessarily demand the adoption, by the allied Sovereigns,
of a more definite system of military standards and
insignia than had been previously prevalent. The use
of improved defensive armour, also, combined with a
better system of organization and discipline in the
armour-clad bands, rendered it necessary for each warrior
of any rank to assume and wear some personal cog-

nizance, without which he could not have been dis-

tinguished, at a time when the ascertained presence

of certain individuals was of such grave importance.

And the device of each baron and knight would be
assigned, with appropriate modifications, to their res-

pective retainers and followers. In this manner, Crests

were introduced, and placed on bascinets and helms ;

and thus some recognized device or composition was

displayed upon all knightly pennons and banners, and
was emblazoned both upon the rich surcoats which the
knights wore over their armour, and upon the shields
which so long formed most important components of
their defensive equipment. Such is the origin of Shields-
of-Arms and Coats-of-Arms, —terms that we still retain,

with representations of the Shield, and with Crests, in our

own Heraldry at the present day.

In England, Heraldry may be considered to have first

assumed a definite and systematic character during the

reign of Henry III., a.d. 1216 to 1272 ; and at the close

of the thirteenth century it may be said to have been

recognized as a distinct science. The heraldic devices
that were adopted in England in the thirteenth century,
in common with those which were added to them during
the century that followed, partook of the ideal character
of all symbols, but at the same time they were dis-

tinguished by a simple and dignified expressiveness.

And they were associated directly, and in a peculiar
manner, either with individuals, families, establishments,

potentates, or with the community at large; so that

they may be considered after a definite method, their
varieties readily admit of classification, their charac-
teristics may be clearly elucidated and fully set forth,

and they may be subjected to certain general laws and

treated as forming a system in themselves. This classifi-

cation and description, and the general laws themselves,

we now unite with the devices and compositions, under
the common name of HERALDRY. And with the
Heraldry of the thirteenth century we associate that of
the fourteenth, and of succeeding centuries, and of our own
era, assigning to the whole the same common title. For,
as it happened in the instance of Architecture, when once
it had been duly recognized in England, Heraldry rapidly
attained to an advanced degree of perfection. Whatever
the Heralds of Edward I. might have left to be accom-
plished after their time, their sxiccessors of the fourteenth
century were not slow in developing. Under the genial
influences of the long and brilliant reign of Edward III.,

mediaeval Heraldry attained to its culminating point. The

last quarter of the fourteenth century proved to be equally
favourable to the Heralds. And again, during the Lan-
castrian era, and throughout the struggle of the Roses,

English Heraldry maintained its reputation and its popu-

larity. Its practical utility was felt and appreciated by
the Plantagenets in their fierce social wars, as it had been
before their time by the Crusaders. Then, with a general
decline of the Arts, Heraldry declined. Its art- character,

indeed, had shewn signs of a coming degradation, before

the accession of the Tudors to the disputed throne of this
realm. The next downward step seriously affected the

early simplicity of the art-science, so that the Heraldry of

the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries can

advance but comparatively slight claims upon our present
consideration. And thus we are brought onwards to the

great and general Art-Revival of our own times, in which


Heraldry again appears in the act of vindicating its title

to honourable recognition, as an Art- Science that may be

advantageously and agreeably studied, and very happily
adapted, in its practical application, to the existing con-

dition of things by ourselves.

When thus directing the attention of students to the
Heraldry of the past, I am anxious to impress upon them
the remembrance of the fact, that the main object of our

inquiry has reference to our own present use and applica-

tion of Heraldry in the days of Queen YICTOEIA. All
true Heraldry is historical, though it by no means follows
that it must always be necessarily popular. Our Heraldry,
however, is to be such as may claim to be entitled both
" popular" and " historical :" but the historical condition of
our Heraldry does not imply that we should enter into the
elucidation of mediaeval Heraldry, purely for its own sake.

We find Heraldry to have been in England a growth of the

Middle Ages : and, consequently, when we desire to fami-

liarise ourselves with this Art- Science, we are constrained

in the first instance to direct our thoughts back to the mid-
dle ages, in order to obtain much of the information that

we need for present use. This differs widely from a study

of mediaeval Heraldry, undertaken and conducted for the

sake of reproducing mediaeval Heraldry. It is impossible

to press this consideration too urgently, not only upon

living Heralds, but also upon all who are interested in

the Arts and Art-Manufactures of our country at the

present day. The Arts of the middle ages are replete

with precious teachings for ourselves ; and yet they are

not by any means calculated to be reproduced by us in
their original condition. They were the Arts of those

times —they then arose, and they flourished through their


direct association with their own era. It is most true,

that at all times they may be studied with certain ad-

vantage ; and it is also no less true, that a mere imitation
of their former operation indicates that error in judgment,
which ignores the all-important mutatis mutandis, and so
leads to a mistaken course of action. And then, on the

other hand, nothing can be more absurdly irrational than

what the Arts of the middle ages can teach so well,
to reject

upon the alleged plea that any such study involves a

modern niedisevalism. Here, as in other matters, a middle
course lies open invitingly before us. "Whatever we find to
be really valuable and useful in the Arts of the middle ages
we gratefully accept; and, as we know that our prede-

cessors in departed centuries matured their own thoughts

for their own advantage, and applied their Arts to their

own use, so we take their teaching, and associate it in its

practical application, not with them, but with ourselves.

When we seek to apply our knowledge, from what source

soever we may have acquired it, we look around us, and

we look before us, seeking both to adapt our knowledge

to present requirements, and to expand its range that it

may become applicable to the requirements of the future.

By no means content to be imitators and copyists, we

aim at excellence in our works, through the judicious,
consistent, and appropriate application of sound principles,

under the guidance of an observant and well-disciplined

experience. It will be understood, then, when I refer in
the following pages to the Heraldry of the thirteenth and
fourteenth centuries, that I do so without the slightest
intention, on the one hand, to suggest that either our
Guardsmen or our Volunteers should be equipped in the
armour and surcoats of the Plantagenets, or, on the other

hand, to fix the standard of the Heraldry of to-day in

accordance with the heraldic fashion prevalent when
the Black Prince was invested with the Order of the

No. 198. —ENGLAND.

The Crown and Shield of the time of Henry III.
No. 283.

Coronet of "William Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel, a.d. 1487.




In Heraldry, the term Blazon, or Blazoning, is applied

equally to the description and to the representation of all

heraldic figures, devices, and compositions. It also indi-

cates the arrangement of the component members and

details of any heraldic composition. Historical Blazoning,

also entitled Marshalling, denotes the combination and

arrangement of several distinct heraldic compositions, with
the view to produce a single compound composition. In
like manner, the disposition and arrangement of a group
or groups of heraldic compositions or objects, is styled
All heraldic figures and devices, whether placed upon
shields, or borne or represented in any other manner, are
entitled Charges ; and every shield or other object is said
to be charged with the armorial insignia that may be dis-
played upon it.

Heraldic Language is most concise, and it is always

minutely exact, definite, and explicit ; all unnecessary
words are omitted, and all repetitions are carefully
avoided ; and, at the same time, every detail is specified

with absolute precision.

The Nomenclature is equally significant, and its aim is

to combine definitive exactness with a brevity that is

indeed laconic. As might naturally be expected, both

the Language and the Nomenclature of Heraldry habitu-
ally indicate their Norman-French origin.

Heraldic Devices are described, first, in the order of

their comparative importance ; and, secondly, in the order
in which they are placed upon the shield, or other object

that bears them. Thus the character of the surface of

the shield itself, which forms the foundation of the
heraldic composition, is first specified. Then follows a
description of the principal charge, which occupies the
most central and most commanding position, and which
also is considered to rest immediately upon the surface of
the shield. Objects of secondary importance, which also
rest upon the shield itself, are next described ; and
finally, descriptions are given of such other devices and
figures as may be placed upon another charge, and which
consequently appear to be carried by an object that is

nearer to the surface of the shield than they are them-

selves. In some instances, as when a Chief, a Canton, and
a Bordure appear and are charged, the composition
will require to be blazoned in two groups, precedence
being given to the central and more important group.
In blazoning any Charge, the title, position or disposi-
tion, tincture, and distinctive conditions of the device or
figure are first to be specified, and then there will succeed

such descriptions of details and accessories as may 'be

necessary, in their order of comparative importance.

If a tincture or a number should occur twice in the
same sentence of any descriptive blazon, such tincture
or number is to be indicated by reference to the words
already used, and not by actually repeating them. Thus,
should any Charge be of the same tincture as the field,

it is said to be " of the field ;" or, as the tincture of the

field is always the^rs^ that is specified in the blazon, a

Charge of that tincture may be blazoned as " of the first."

So any Charge is said to be " of the second," " of the

third," " of the last," &c, if its tincture be the same as

the second, the third, the last, or any other that has

been already specified. In the instance of the metal gold,

instead of reference to the heraldic term " Or" the word
" gold" itself may be used. The position or disposition

of any Charge or Charges are to be blazoned first after

the name or title of the Charge or Charges. When the

same Charge is several times rej>eated in the same com-
position, the figures are generally arranged in rows,
one row being above another. Such an arrangement is

indicated by simply stating the number of the figures

in each row : as " six crosses crosslets, 3, 2, 1," to denote

three in the uppermost row, then two below them, and

then one crosslet in base.
In heraldic descriptions, the presence and the position
of the stops or points demand especial attention. A
comma precedes and follows each item of every descriptive
clause ; and the consistent intervention of the more im-
portant points must be observed with rigid precision.
The student will bear in mind that in Heraldry, while

nothing is specified that can be distinctly and certainly


understood without description, so nothing whatever is

left to the possibility of contingency or misapprehension.

It is a positive rule in Heraldry, that Metal shall not
appear upon Metal, nor Colour upon Colour ; that is, a
Charge of one of the Metals must rest upon, or be in con-
tact with a surface or another charge of one of the
Colours ; and in like manner, a charge of one of the
Colours must rest upon, or be in contact with a surface or
object of one of the Metals. This rule, absolute in its

primary application, admits of a partial relaxation in the

case of varied surfaces, and of certain details of charges ;

and also in those compositions, in which a supported device

or figure extends in the shield beyond the charge that
supports it. The solitary early violation of this heraldic

law is the armorial ensign of the Crusader Kings of

Jerusalem, who bore five golden crosses upon a silver
shield, that thus their Arms might be distinguished from
those of every other potentate. Eos. 1 and 1 A, p. 4.

^When any Charge is repeated in such considerable num-

bers, in the same composition, as to produce almost the
appearance of a pattern, the Field so covered is said to

be Semee with the Charge in question. It will be ob-

served that a Field which is Semee, is often treated as if

it were cut to the required size and shape from a larger

extent of surface, some of the Charges being only parti-
ally represented. The ancient shield of France, nobly
emblazoned in the North Choir-Aisle of Westminster
Abbey, in the work of Henry HI, bears azure, semee de
lys, or. No. 2, p. 18.

"When the often-repeated figure is of very small size,

the term Powdered is substituted for Semee.

In Heraldry, every '
Coat' or Shield-of-Arms, Crest

and Badge is attached to the Name, and not to the Title,

of the person who may bear them.
All figures and devices represented in heraldic compo-
sitions have various attributes, qualities, and epithets
assigned to them by Heralds, which express their several
positions and dispositions, and indicate the parts which
they take in the aggroupment of the whole. Thus the sun
is said to be in its glory, or eclipsed ; the moon is said to
be increscent, or decrescent ; human figures are variously
habited ; animals are said to be armed with the horns, or
the appendages provided for them by nature for their

defence or for aggressive purposes. Similar appropriate

terms indicate the circumstances under which figures and
objects of all kinds appear in heraldic compositions, to-

gether with their individual peculiarities, details and

accessories. These terms are classified and explained in
Chapters X, XI, XII, XIII and XIV.


Westminster Abbey —time of Henry III.
No. 4. No. 5.

Heraldic Shields.




The Shield, the most important piece of their defensive

armour, was derived by the knights of the middle ages
from remote antiquity, and at almost all times it has been
decorated with some device or figure. The ancient Greek
tragedian, JEschylus, (about b.c. 600,) describes with
minute exactness the devices that were borne by six of

the seven chiefs who, before the Trojan War, besieged

Thebes. The seventh shield is specially noted to have
been uncharged. In the middle ages, in Europe, there
prevailed a precisely similar usage ; and, indeed, so uni-
versal was the practice of placing heraldic insignia upon
shields, that the shield has been retained in modern
Heraldry as being inseparable from all Heraldry, so that
it still continues to be the figure upon which the heraldic
insignia of our own times are habitually charged.

Early heraldic shields vary very considerably in their

forms, the simplest and most effective form having the con-
tour of an inverted equilateral arch, slightly stilted, as
No. 3. The shields actually used by the Normans in

England were long and tapering ; they are exemplified in

the equipment of the knightly effigies in the Temple
Church, London. To these succeeded short, almost trian-

gular, heater-shaped shields. Examples abound in the

monumental effigies of the thirteenth and the fourteenth
centuries. The equilateral form became prevalent early
in the fourteenth century, at which period several modifi-
cations of the prevailing form were introduced. Two of
the more effective of these varieties, Nos. 4, and 5, are
severally drawn from the Percy Monument at Beverley,

a.d. 1350, and the Monument of John of Eltham, in

Westminster Abbey, ad. 1336. In the next century the

shields were shortened, and as it advanced their form
was altogether changed, and became somewhat square,
the outlines being produced by a series of concave curves.
Shields of this class appear to have been introduced
during the second half of the fourteenth century, but
they did not become general until a later period. In
these shields a curved notch is cut out, for the lance to
pass through, in the dexter chief ; when thus pierced, the
shield was said to be a bouche, No. 6. This form of
shield may be advantageously used in Modern Heraldry,
particularly when any composition has many charges, or
when there are quarterings ; it would seem, however, to
be desirable not to represent any shield as a bouche in
modern Heraldry, since shields now do not require any
adjustment to knightly lances laid in rest. And there is

some danger lest a misapprehension should arise with

reference to the shield a bouche, now that its use has so
long passed away : thus, in each of the upper spandrels of

the fine trussed timber roof of Lincoln's Inn Hall there is a

carved shield a bouche ; and these shields have been made


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Plate N os 7 78,135 k 301.


to correspond with one another, as they range along the

two opposite sides of the Hall, so that on one side the

shields have the notches cut out, quite correctly, in their

dexter chief, and the other series have their notches cut
in their sinister chief.

The form of the Shield, as a matter of course, may be

determined in Modern Heraldry in accordance with the
preference of every Herald. All that I would suggest is,

that the preference may as well rest upon the more agree-

able rather than the less attractive forms.

In early architectural and monumental compositions,
and also often upon seals, heraldic shields are represented

as if suspended from the guige, or shield-belt, which was

actually worn by the knights to sustain and to secure
their shields to their persons. In some instances of this
always effective, because always consistent and appropri-
ate arrangement, the long guige appears on either side of

the shield, and is there passed over a corbel, as in No. 7,

one of the beautiful series of shields of the time of

Henry III, in the choir-aisles of Westminster Abbey.

No. 7 is charged with the arms of Baymond, Count of

Provence, —
or, 3 pallets, gules. The more prevalent usage
was to represent the shield as being suspended from a
single corbel, boss, or a cluster of foliage, or from some
architectural member of the composition. Occasionally,

and more particularly on seals, the shield appears as if

suspended by the sinister chief angle, and so hangs
diagonally from the helm and crest : Nos. 135, 301,
Plate I. These modes of arrangement, with the various
modifications of them that will readily suggest themselves,

are worthy of the most thoughtful attention of the

practical modern Herald.

The Heraldic Shield is sometimes entitled an Escutcheon ;

and when one shield is charged upon another, the shield

thus placed is distinguished as an Inescntcheon, and is

said to be borne in pretence.

The different parts of an heraldic shield are distin-
guished and entitled as follows : — No. 8.

A. Dexter Side. B. Sinister Side.

C. Chief. D. Base.
E. Dexter Chief. F. Sinister Chief.
G. Middle Chief. H. Dexter Base.
I. Sinister Base. K. Middle Base.
L. Honor Point. M. Fesse Point.
Heraldic shields are divided in the manner indicated by-

examples, Nos. 9 to 14.

No. 9, is Per Pale, or Impaled. No. 10, is Per Fesse.

No. 11, is Per Cross, or Quarterly. No. 12, is Per Bend.

No. 13, is Per Saltire, and No. 14, is Per Chevron.
When a Shield is divided into more than four parts by
lines drawn in pale and in fesse, crossing each other at
right angles, it is said to be Quarterly of the number of
divisions, whatever that number may be : thus, No. 15 is
Quarterly of eight.
In the instance of a Quartered Shield having one or
more of its Quarters quartered, this compound division is
indicated by the term Quarterly-quartered ; and the four
primary Quarters are distinguished as Grand Quarters;
thus in No. 16, A, B, C, D are the Grand Quarters, of
which the first and the fourth, A and T>, are Quarterly-

The Heraldic Shield is always considered to bear its

charges upon its face, or external surface, and consequently

the Dexter and the Sinister sides of the shield itself are

those, which would severally cover the right or the left side

of a warrior when holding the shield in front of his

person. The Dexter side of an heraldic composition or

object, therefore, is opposite to the left hand of an observer,
and the Sinister to his right hand. This use of the terms
Dexter and Sinister is invariable in Heraldry.

The heraldic shield is sometimes represented as bowed,

or as if having a slightly convex contour ; and shields of

the form of No. 6 often have a ridge dividing them in

The entire surface of a Shield is called the Field. The

same term Field is also applied to the entire surface of

any Charge or Object.

The same terms that denote the parts and points of a
Shield, are also applicable to a Flag, or to any figure
that may be charged with an heraldic composition. In
Flags, the depth from chief to base is entitled the
" Hoist," and the length from the point of suspension to
the fore extremity is distinguished as the " Fly."
No. 18. No. 19.

Two Metals.



Dividing and Boeder Lines, in addition to simple

right lines and curves, assume the forms indicated in

Example, No. 17.

A. Engrailed .

B. Invected .

(J. Wavy, or Vndee.

D. Nebulee .

E. Indented .

F. Bancette .

Gr. Embattled

H. Bagulce .

I. Dovetail .
No. 22. No. 23.

Five Colours.



The Tinctures of Heraldry comprise two Metals, five

Colours, and eight Furs.

They are severally distinguished, entitled, and indi-

cated as follows, in Examples, Nos. 18 to 32.

Titles. Abbreviations.


The Metals may be expressed by gold and silver, or by

yellow and white.
The representation of the Tinctures by means of dots
and lines was not in use amongst Heralds before the
time of the accession of the Stuarts to the English
The student will observe that the metals always take
precedence of the colours, unless a contrary arrangement be
specified. Also, that Vair, Counter Vair, Potent and
Counter Potent, are always Argent and Azure, unless other
tinctures are named in the blazon.
Objects and Figures represented in heraldic composi-
tions in their natural colours, are said to be proper,
abbreviated ppr.
In early Heraldry, surfaces were commonly enriched
with designs and patterns simply of a decorative charac-
ter, which scrupulously avoided assuming the distinctive
attributes of charges. This very beautiful method of
ornamentation, which is termed Diapering, is fully des-

cribed in Chapter IX.

4. it. 'WW
No. 40 A. —DE CLAEE.




The earliest devices of Mediaeval Heraldry are simple

figures, entitled Ordinaries, which have been held by all

Heralds in high esteem and honour, and retain their old

rank in the Heraldry of the present day. They still

sometimes appear, as of old, alone, or almost alone ; while

in other instances the Ordinaries are associated with
other devices, or are themselves charged with various
figures. In their simplest condition, the Ordinaries are
formed by right hues ; but they also admit, instead of right
lines, the various border lines of Example, No. 17.
The Heraldic Ordinaries are nine in number, and are
severally entitled, the Chief, No. 33 ; the Fesse, No 34 ;

the Bar, No. 35 ; the Pale, No. 36 ; the Cross, No. 37 ;

the Bend, No. 38 ; the Saltire, No. 39 ; the Chevron,

No. 40 ; and the Pile, No. 41. See Plate II.

Several of these Ordinaries have Diminutives, which are

grouped with them in the following descriptions of the
Ordinaries themselves.
I. The Chief, No. 33, formed by an horizontal line,

contains in depth the uppermost third part of the field, or


area of the shield. It may be borne in the same composi-

tion with any other Ordinary, except the Fesse.
The Diminutive of the Chief is the Fillet, the contents
of which must not exceed one-fourth of the Chief, of

which it always occupies the lowest portion.

II. The Fesse, No. 34, which is identical in form and
in area with the Chief, differs from that Ordinary only
in its position in the field of the shield, of which it

always occupies the horizontal central third part.

The Fesse has no Diminutive, but it may be sur-

mounted by a Pale or a Bend.

III. The Bar, No. 35, differs from the Fesse in its

width, being one-fifth, instead of one-third of the field.

The Bar may be placed horizontally in any part of the

field, except absolutely in chief or in base. Two Bars

frequently appear in the same composition, in which
case it is the usual practice to divide the field horizontally
into five equal parts, and to assign to the Bars the two
spaces that are on either side of the central space, as in
No. 42. A Single Bar never appears in an heraldic com-
position without some other Ordinary.
The Bar has two Diminutives, the Closet, and the Barru-
let, which are respectively one-half, and one-fourth of the
width of the Bar itself.

When either of these Diminutives is placed on each side

of a Fesse or a Bar, the Ordinary is said to be cotised, as
No. 43.
When Barrulets are placed together in couples, as in No.
44, each couple is entitled a pair of Bars Gemelles.
IT. Like the Chief and the Fesse, the Pale, No. 36,
occupies one-third of the field ; but its position is vertical

instead of horizontal, and it accordingly appears in an



erect position always in the centre of the field. The Paee

is an Ordinary of comparatively rare occurrence. It has

two Diminutives, the Pallet, and the Endorse, which are

severally one-half and one-fourth of its width.
A Pale between two Endorses is said to be endorsed.
No. 45.
A Pallet may appear in any vertical position in the
shield. See No. 7, Plate I.

V. In its simplest form, the heraldic Cross, No. 37, is

produced by the meeting of two vertical with two horizon-

tal lines, about the Fesse point, No. 8, M, of the Shield
or it may be defined to be the combination of a Fesse with
a Pale. When charged, the Cross occupies about
one-third of the field ; but otherwise it occupies only one-

fifth of the field. So numerous are the modifications

of form, decoration, and arrangement which Heralds
have introduced into this Ordinary, that I propose
to devote a separate chapter to the " Heraldry of the
VI. The Bend, No. 38, is formed by two parallel

lines drawn diagonally, at equal distances from the Fesse-

point, from the Dexter Chief to the Sinister Base. When

charged, the Ordinary contains one-third, but when plain
it contains one-fifth part of the field. Two uncharged
Bends may appear in the same Composition. The Bend
also is associated with other Ordinaries, or it may be
placed over other Charges. Charges set on a Bend are
placed Bend-wise: that is, they slope with the Bend.
No. 46.
The Diminutives of the Bend are the Bendlet, contain-
ing one-half of the Bend, and the Cotise containing one-
half of the Bendlet.

A Bend placed between two Cotises, is said to be cotised.

No. 47.
A Riband is a Cotise couped (cut off smooth) at its

extremities, so that it does not extend to the edges of the

Shield. No. 48.
A Bend, when issuing from the Sinister instead of the
Dexter Chief, is distinguished as a Bend Sinister.

VII. The Saltire, No. 39, or Diagonal Cross, is a

combination of a Bend with a Bend Sinister. It con-

tains one-fifth of the field, but one-third when it is charged.

The Saltire may appear in the same Composition with
the Chief. It has no Diminutive. Charges set on a Saltire

slope with each of its limbs. No. 49.

VIII. The Chevron, No. 40, which comprises some-
what more than the lower half of a charged Saltire,

occupies one-fifth of the field.

Two Chevrons may appear in the same Composition.

The Diminutive of this Ordinary is the Chevronel, which
contains one-half of a Chevron. The De Clares bore,
Or, three chevronels, gules. No. 40 a, (p. 27.)

IX. The Pile, No. 41, a wedge in form, generally

issues from the Middle Chief, and extends towards the
Middle Base, of a shield. Occasionally, however, this
Ordinary is borne in the same direction as the Bend ; or
it may issue from various parts of the enclosing line of a

In early shields the Fesse, Pale, Cross, Bend, Saltire

and Chevron are generally very narrow, as Nos. 33 A, and
33 b.

Charges are often placed and arranged after the form

of the Ordinaries : thus, charges may be in Chief, No.
49 a ; in Fesse, No. 49 b ; in Pale, No. 49 c ; in Cross,


No. 49 d ; in Bend, No'. 49 e ; in Saltire, No. 49 r ; in

Chevron, No. 49 G ; and in Pile, No. 49 h.
With the Ordinaries may be associated another group,
of the simplest character and in general use. These
figures are the Seven Eoundles, each of which possesses
its own distinctive title. Plate II.
They are :

1. The Bezant,— or. No. 50.

2. The Plate,— argent No. 51.
3. The Hurte—azure. No. 52.

4. The Torteau, — gules. No. 53.

5. The Pellet,— sable. No. 54.

6. The Pomme, — vert. No. 55.

7. The Fountain. No. 56,
which last is divided horizontally by wavy lines, and is

alternately argent and azure.

In representation, the Bezant, Plate and Fountain are

flat, but the other Eoundles are to appear spherical

and to be shaded accordingly.

A Eoundle of one of the Furs, or tinctured in any
other manner, or if charged, must have its distinctive

character specified in the blazon.

No. 33 A. No. 33.

(Eoll of Arms, temp. Edw. I.) (Counter Seal, a.t>. 1235.)
No. 63. No. 64.
First Union Jack. Second Union Jack.



The Cross, as an heraldic symbol, has already been

defined to be a combination of two others of the Or-
dinaries of Heraldry, the Fesse and the Pale. When it

is not repeated in the same Composition, and when the

contrary is not set forth in the blazon, the simple Cross
is placed erect in the centre of the Shield, and it extends
to the limits of the field. Many Crosses, however, may
be introduced into the same composition : or a single

Cross may be placed within a Bordure : or it may be

interposed between other Charges upon the Shield : or it

may itself be charged : or it may appear under a variety

of conditions affecting both its form and its position.

The Greek Cross, No. 57, has its four limbs all of

equal length. Plate III.

The Latin Cross, No. 58, has its uppermost limb and
its transverse limbs of the same length, the fourth limb
or shaft beiug considerably longer than the other three.
In some cases the uppermost limb of a Latin Cross is

either longer or shorter than the two transverse ones.

The Cross without any upper limb, No. 59, is en-

titled the Cross of St. Anthony, or the Tau Gross, from

its form being the same as the Greek Character Tau

A diagonal Cross is entitled a Saltire. The Crosses of

St. Andrew of Scotland, No. 60, and of St. Patrick
of Ireland, No. 61, are Crosses- Saltires, the former
being Argent, on a field Azure, and the latter Gules, on

a field Argent.
The Cross of St. George of England, No. 62, is

Gules, upon a field Argent.

The Combination of the Crosses of St. George and
St. Andrew produced the First Union Jack, No. 63,
which was declared in 1606, by King James I., to consti-

tute the National Ensign of Great Britain. It happily

symbolises the Union of England and Scotland, in the

union of the Crosses of the two realms.
In 1801, in consequence of the legislative Union with
Ireland, a Second Union Ensign superceded its prede-
cessor. The new compound device was required to com-
prehend the three Crosses of St. George, St. Andrew, and
St. Patrick in combination. It appears, charged upon a
banner, in No. 64, and is well known to every Englishman
as the blazonry displayed upon that " Meteor Flag of
England," of which the poet wrote in words of fire. The
blazonry of this, the Second Union Jack, is borne by
the Duke of Wellington, charged upon a Shield of
Pretence over his paternal arms. It is an " Augmenta-

tion of Honor," significant and expressive, granted to

the Duke. The Duke of Marlborough bears, in like

manner, the Cross of St. George upon a Canton. The

Union Device is displayed, as a national ensign, in Flags
only, — except in the copper coinage of the realm, which

exhibits a seated Britannia, with a shield always incor-

rectly blazoned with this Union Device.

It will be observed that in both the Union Devices,
Nos. 63, and 64, the Cross of St. George appears with a
narrow white border, which is entitled a Fimbriation.

Also, that in the Second Union, the Cross- Saltire

of St. Patrick has its four limbs fimbriated on one side.

No. 65 is an example of a fimbriated Cross. It will be

observed that the Fimbriation lies in the same plane with

the Cross, to which it forms a border. Hence there is

no shading between the Fimbriation and the Cross, but

the Fimbriation itself is duly shaded. In case one Cross
should be placed upon another, the primary or lower Cross
would display a broader border than the Fimbriation ; and
it is also indicated, by shading both the Crosses, that one

Cross is surmounted by another. The student will com-

pare Nos. 65, and 66.
When the central area of a Cross is entirely re-

moved, so that of the Ordinary itself little more remains

than the outlines, such a Cross is said to be voided, as
. No. 66 a.

No. 67 is a pointed Cross. -

A Cross crossed at the head, as No. 68, is a Patriarchal

Cross ; and when placed upon steps, as No. 69, a Cross is

said to be on Degrees.
When the extremities of a Cross do not extend to the
Chief, Base, and Sides of a Shield, it is said to be

couped, or humettee, as No 70.

The Cross of eight Points, distinctively so called, and

known also as a Maltese Cross, is represented in No 71.

This Cross was borne by the Knights Templars, Chiles,

upon a Field Argent. By the Hospitallers, or Knights




-r.rf ^

f ff


op St. John, the same Cross was borne Argent, upon a

Field Sable. The student of Mediaeval History will re-
member that between the years 1278 and 1289, wlien
engaged in military duties, the Knights Hospitallers
bore a white Cross, straight, upon a red field.

A Cross which, expands into a square at the centre,

as in No. 72, is a Cross Quadrate. When a square aper-
ture is pierced through its centre, as in No. 73, a Cross
is quarter pierced. The term quarterly pierced, denotes

the entire removal of the central portion of the Cross, the

four Hmbs only being left in contact, as in No. 74. This
arrangement appears in tbe arms of the Earl of Win-
The beautiful varieties of tbe Heraldic Cross which,
follow are generally borne in small groups ; occasionally,

however, a single figure of any one of these Crosses may

be seen alone.
The Cross Moline is represented in No. 75.
No. 76 is the Cross Becercelee.
The Cross Patonce, No. 77, perhaps the most beautiful
of the Heraldic Crosses, expands more widely than the
Moline, and has its extremities floriated. It appears in

the arms assigned to Edward the Confessor, No. 78,

as they yet remain to illustrate the Heraldry of Henry

III, in the south choir-aisle of Westminster Abbey. The
Cross Patonce was borne by William de Vesci, a.d.
The Cross Fleurie, No. 79, has its four limbs straight,
instead of expanding like the Patonce ; and the Cross
Fleurettee, No. 80, which may be regarded as a modifica-
tion of the Cross Fleurie, (though by some Heralds these
two Crosses are considered to be identical), is a plain
d 2


Cross, couped, and having a Eleur-de-lys issuing from

each extremity.
Examples of Crosses having floriated terminations,
occur in Rolls of Arms of Henry III. and Edward I.

No. 81 is the Cross Pommee, and No. 82 is the Cross

A Cross crossed towards the extremity of each limb, as
No. 83, is a Cross Crosslet, and is an equally favourite and
beautiful Charge. When the Field is covered with small

Crosses Crosslets, it is said to be Crustily, or Crusilee.

When the Shaft of any Cross is pointed at the base, such

a Cross is said to be Fitchee, " fixable," that is, in the
The Cross Crosslet Fitchee is shown in No. 84.

The Crosses Patee or Formee, and Patee or Formee

Fitchee, are shown in Nos. 85, and 86. These Crosses may
be drawn either with right lines, or with their radiat-
ing lines slightly curved.
The Crosses Botonee, and Botonee Fitchee, Nos 87, and
88, are modifications of the Crosslet.
The Cross Potent, No. 89, resembles the Fur which bears
the same name, No. 31. Nos. 90 and 91, severally repre-
sent the Crosses Potent Fitchee, and Potent Quadrate.
A Cross may be formed of any of the Border Lines
and 94 are respectively Crosses Engrailed,
thus, Nos. 92, 93

Wavy or Undee, and Bagulee.

When any Charges are placed upon a Shield in a cruci-

form order of arrangement, they are said to be in Cross

thus, No. 95 is Argent, 7 Fusils in Cross, gules.

The term Subordinacy is applied to a group of devices,
less simple, and also less important than the Ordinaries,
but which still admit of a certain general classification.

They are fourteen in number. Plate IV.

1. The Canton, No. 96, is a square, situated in the

dexter chief of the shield, and it occupies about one-ninth

part of the entire field. This Subordinary in early
shields was of larger size, and it appears to have super-
ceded the Quarter, now not in use. See p. 39.

2. The Gyron, No. 97, is half of the first quarter

of the shield, that quarter being divided diagonally by a
line drawn from the dexter chief.

3. The Inescutcheon, or Shield of Pretence, No. 98,

is a small shield pretended upon the face of the shield. An

Inescutcheon of silver, or sometimes of ermine, was borne
by the Mortimers. Nos. 99 and 99 a, and Nos. 269, 270.
See also Chap. XXVI.
4. The Orle, No. 100, may be described as the nar-
row border of a shield charged upon the field of a larger
shield. Sometimes a series of separate charges form an
Orle ; that is, when they are so arranged that they form a
kind of border to the shield. In this case, such charges

are said to be In Orle, or tliey may be blazoned as an

Orle. Thus, the historic shield of the De Valences, Plate

V, No. 101, bore Barruly argent and azure, an Orle of

Martlets, gules. See page 43.

5. The Tressure, No. 102, is a double Orle enriched
with Fleurs-de-lys. The Tressure appears in the Eoyal
Shield, No. 103, Plate V, and in several of the baronial
shields of Scotland.
6. The Lozenge, No. 104, is a four-sided figure, set
diagonally upon the shield.
7. The Fusil, No. 105, is a narrow Lozenge.
8. The Frette, No. 106, is an interlacing figure, which
may be said to be compounded of a narrow Saltire, and a
Mascle. It was borne by the Despencers, No. 107, and
still appears in Arms of the Earl Spencer. When the in-
terlacing bars of a Frette are repeated, so as to cover the
field either of the Shield or of any Charge, such a field
is said to be Frettee. This Frette-Work is supposed to be
in relief upon the field, and therefore in any representa-
tion of it it is to be shaded. No. 106 a.

9. Flanches, No. 108, and Flasques or Voiders, No.

108 a, are formed by two curved lines, and are always
borne in pairs, one on either side of the field.

10. The Mascle, No. 109, is a Lozenge voided.

11. The Rustre, No. 110, is a Lozenge, pierced with a
circular opening in its centre.

12. The Billet, No. Ill, is a rectangular oblong. A

field semee of Billets is Billetee.

13. The Label, No. 112, is a Riband crossing the shield

bar-wise, and having three or five shorter ribands
depending from it at regular intervals.
14. The Bordure, No. 113, constitutes a border to


Ltl \ :.
— —


the shield, and contains in breadth one-fifth part of

the field. In Mediaeval Heraldry, both the Label and

the Bordure were borne as Differences. The Bordure now
is frequently borne as a Charge. It may be plain, as in

No. 113, or engrailed, or indented, as in Nos. 114, and 115 ;

or may be charged with any device, as in No. 194, the


Arms of Richard Plantagenet, Earl of Cornwall,

son of King John, who died a.d. 1296. His Shield
remains in the work of his elder brother, in Westminster
Abbey. See Plate V. This Shield is blazoned argent,

within a bordure, sable, bezantee, a lion rampant, gules,

crowned, or. Another curious early example of a Bor-

dure bezantee is preserved on the Shield of an unknown
Knight, whose effigy yet remains at Whitworth. This
Shield, No. 115 a, is carved in low relief.

A Canton, No. 96, always surmounts a Bordure, as in

No. 116, the Arms of John de Dretjx, Count of Brit-
tany, nephew of Edward I., thus blazoned in the
Caerlaverock Roll, chequee, or and azure, a bordure, gules,

semee of Lions of England ; a canton (or quarter), ermine.

Plate V.

No. 115 A. Shield of Elligy at Whitworth.


No. 121. —DE OBEY.



Both Shields and the Charges which they bear fre-

quently have their surfaces varied in their tinctures, the

devices or patterns thus adopted being derived from the
Ordinaries and Subordinaries.
It must be carefully observed, that in these Varied
Fields all the parts lie in the same plane or level, and that
they differ in this respect from fields which are charged,
or have devices set upon them. It follows that in Varied

Fields no shading whatever is introduced, and no relief is

indicated. See Plate IV.

1. A Field that is divided after the manner of a Gyron,
is said to be Gyronny. This division generally com-
prises eight j>ieces, as in No. 117 ; but sometimes, as in
No. 118, it has six only.

2. A Field Lozcngy, No. 119, is divided into Lozenge-

shaped figures.

3. In a Field Fusilly, No. 120, the divisions are narrower

than in Lozengy.
4. Barry is formed by dividing a Field into an even
number of Bars. In blazoning the number is specified


thus, No. 121 is Barry of Six, argent and azure, borne by

the Earl De Grey. When the bars are more than eight
in number, the term Barruly may be used as in No. 101.
5. Paly is formed by dividing the Field into an even
number of Pales, the number to be specified ; thus, No.
121 a is paly of 8. Compare No. 7, Plate I.

6. Bendy is formed by dividing the Field into an even

number of Bends, in blazoning the number being spe-
cified. No. 121 b.

7. Barry Bendy, No. 122, is produced by lines drawn

horizontally, bar-wise, crossed by others drawn diagonally,
or bend-wise.

8. Paly Bendy, No. 123, is produced by lines drawn pale-

wise, crossed by others drawn bend-wise.

9. When the Field of any charge is divided into a series

of small squares, if there is a single row only of such
squares, that arrangement, exemplified in No. 124, is styled

Compony ; accordingly No. 124, is blazoned, A Bordure

compony, argent and azure, borne by the Duke of Beau-
10. When there are two rows of squares, having the
metal and colour alternating, it is Counter Compony, as in
No. 125.
11. Should the division exhibit more than two rows of
alternate squares, as in No. 12G, it is Checquee. In all these
instances the Tinctures must be specified in the blazon.

12. A Field may also be divided simply after the man-

ner indicated by the form and position of an Ordinary, as
Per Pale, &c, as I have already shown in Chapter III.

13. The term Counter-changing is employed to denote a

reciprocal exchange of Metal for Colour, and Colour for
Metal, either in the same Composition, or the same

Charge. This arrangement implies the presence of one

Metal, (or Fur), and one Colour, and that whatever is

charged upon the Metal should be tinctured of the Colour,

and that whatever is charged upon the Colour, should
be tinctured of the Metal. In one of the Rolls of Arms
of Henry III a curious early example of Counterchanging
occurs in the Shield of Eobert de Chandos, No. 127, Or,
a Pile, gules, charged with three Estoiles, and between six

others, all of them counterchanged. Plate VI.

14. Diaper is every system of decorative design that is

introduced by Heralds to increase the vividness of any

surface, whether the Field of a Shield or of any
Charge. Diaper, accordingly, is an ornamental accessory
only, and not a Charge. Great care, therefore, must
always be taken in the introduction of Diapering, to keep
the accessory in due subordinatio7i to the true heraldic design,

that there may not arise even a suspicion of the Diaper

taking a part in the blazon.
This Diaper may be executed in any Tincture that is in

keeping with heraldic rule, but it does not affect in any

degree the heraldic Tinctures of the composition. A very
effective Diaper is produced by executing the decorative
accessory in a different tint of the same tincture with the
Field, or in black. Cold and Silver Diapers may be placed
upon Fields of any of the Colours ; and all Diapers are
applicable to every variety of Charge.
In the early Heraldry of the Middle Ages Diapering
was in constant use, and the Heralds of those days have
transmitted to us abundant evidence of their skill in its
application. It appears to be most desirable to revive the
general adoption of this beautiful system of ornamentation
in all surfaces of any extent.




fl,,,!.! ...;.•


Plate Vll

Shield of William de Valence, Earl of Pembroke,

A.D. 129 6. _ Monument in Westminster Alley.
paqes 43 and 768.

In Heraldry in stained glass it is always peculiarly

desirable to diaper the Field, and also all Ordinaries and
other Charges of large size and simple form ; such also is

the case in whatever Heraldry may be introduced into

Illuminations. In Sculptured Heraldry, Diapers may be
executed in slight relief.

From amongst almost innumerable fine examples of

early heraldic Diaper, I must be content to specify those

which may yet be traced upon the Monuments of Queen

Eleanor of Castile, a.d. 1290 ; of William de Va-
lence, Earl of Pembroke, a.d. 1206, No. 101 ; and of
Edmond Plantagenet, named Crouchback, Earl of
Lancaster, a.d. 1296: and upon the Effigies of King
Henry III., a.d. 1272 ; of King Eichard IE, and Anne,
of Bohemia, his Queen, a.d. 1394, all of them in West-
minster Abbey : as also the Shields upon the Percy
Shrine, about a.d. 1350, in Beverley Minster ; the Shield
of Kobert de Vere, a.d. 1298, at Hatfield Broadoak,
Essex ; Nos. 156 and 237. See Mullet. The field of the
Brass to Abbot Thomas De la Mere, about a.d. 1375,

in St. Alban's Abbey ; and the entire Brass, a.d. 1347,

to Sir Hugh Hastings, at Elsyng, in Norfolk. In Plate

VI. two of the diapered Shields of the Percy Shrine are
represented : No. 127 a is Percy — Or, a lion rampant,
azure; and No. 248 is De Warrenne, Chequee, or and
azure. No. 127 b is another example of the Shield of
De Warrenne, from the remains of Castle Acre Priory,
Norfolk, about a.d. 1390 : the diaper of this Shield is

shewn enlarged in No. 127 c. The examples of admir-

able Diaper that appear in early Seals and Illuminations,

defy selection. See also Plate VII.

: :

No. 128.— Admiralty Flag.




With the view to place in the simplest manner before
students of Heraldry the various objects and figures that
are charged upon heraldic shields, I have arranged in
classified groups these different Charges, only excluding such
as are too simple, and too well known in their non-

heraldic capacity, to require any specific notice when the

Herald summons them to appear and act at his bidding.
All descriptive terms I have placed in a separate group.
So also all heraldic titles and terms that are neither simply
descriptive, nor the names of Charges, form a group by
themselves. In each group the terms are placed and
treated after the manner of an Heraldic Glossary.


Anchor: — appears as a Charge in Heraldry. It is

borne with a cable, set Fesse-wise, all Or, on a Flag, Gules,

by the British Admiralty. No. 128.

Angenne : —a six-leaved flower, or six- foil. No. 244.
Annulet — a ring, plain, and of any size. In Cadency,
the difference of the fifth son. No. 129, Plate VIII.
Arrow — this missile, when borne as a Charge, is
:: ::: : :: ::: : :


blazoned as armed and feathered, or flighted. A bundle of

arrows is entitled a Sheaf. No. 129 A.

Ball —a spherical Rovuidle.

Banner —borne by Sir R. Bannerman.
Bar — one of the Ordinaries. No. 35.
Barrulet — a diminutive of the Bar. See Chap. VI.
Baton — a diminutive of the Bend Sinister, couped
at its extremities. See Chap. VI.
Battering Bam:— borne by the Earl of Abingdon. No.
129 c.

Beacon —an iron-case containing some inflammable

substance in active combustion, set on the top of a pole,
against which a ladder is also placed. It was a Badge of
Henry V, and appears on his monument at Westminster.
No. 130. It is also a Badge of the Comptons.
Bend — one of the Ordinaries. No. 38.
Bend Sinister — see Chap. VI.
Bendlet — a diminutive of the Bend. See Chap. VI.
Bezant — a plain golden Disc, or Boundle, No. 50,

supposed to be derived from the gold coins found by the

Crusaders to have been current at Byzantium.
Billet: — an oblong square of any tincture. No. 111.
Bird-holt — an arrow with a blunt head.
Boole —borne both open and closed.
Bordure :— No. 113.

Botonee, and Botonee Fitchee: —a Cross, having its

arms terminating in trefoils, Nos. 87 and 88.

Breys —barnacles for a horse's nose, used in breaking
the animal. This Charge appears on the shields of the
brothers De G-eneville, in the Roll of Henry III ; also

in the stained glass at Dorchester. Nos. 13 and 131 a.

Brizure — a Difference or Mark of Cadency.

:: : :


Buckle — the common instrument for fastening, which

is borne in Heraldry both separately, and attached to
straps, as in the arms of the Pelhams. Nos. 132 and 132 a.

Burgonet: —a variety of Helmet, worn principally in-

the sixteenth century.
Caltrap —a ball of iron, from which four long and
sharp spikes project in such a manner, that when the
Caltrap lies on the ground, one spike is always erect. It

was used in war to maim horses. No. 133.

Canton: —No. 96.
Cap of Maintenance, or Chapeau —a Cap of crimson
velvet, lined and guarded with ermiue. No. 133 a.

See Chap. XVII.

Carbuncle, or Escarbuncle — in Heraldry, a figure
formed by a rose, from which issue eight rays of sceptre-
like form and character ; these rays are sometimes united
both at their extremities, and again midway between their
extremities and the central rose. It appears upon the
shield of Geoffrey de Mandeville, Earl of Essex, in his

Effigy in the Temple Church, the date of the effigy being

about a.d. 1160. This example, however, is earlier than

the period, in which any peculiar heraldic charges can be
considered to have assumed definite and recognized
forms. The Escarbuncle constitutes the arms of Navarre,
(it superseded the silver cross upon blue about a.d. 1200),
and appears charged upon the Eoyal Shield of Henry IV,
by impalement, as the ensign of Queen Joanna of
Navarre. Nos. 134 and 134 a.
Castle: —a turretted and embattled military edifice,
generally triple-towered. It is the well known heraldic
device of Castile, borne by Eleanor, Queen of Ed-
ward I. Nos. 135 and 135 a.


a a


ti [41
:: ::: : :


Chamfron —armour for a horse's head.


Chaplet — an entwined wreath. See Garland.

Chess-rooh: — one of the pieces used in the game of
Chess. No. 136. Borne by the name Rokewoode.
Chevron — one of the Ordinaries. No. 40.
Chevronel — a diminutive of the Chevron. No. 40 A.

See Chap. VI.

Chief: — one of the Ordinaries. No. 33.
Cinque-foil, or Quintefoil: —a figure formed after the
fashion of a five-leaved grass. No. 136 a.

Civic Crown : —a wreath of oak-leaves and acorns.

Clarion —this charge is also called a Best, and occa-

sionally a Sufflue, or a Claricord or Clavicord. It most

probably is the heraldic representation of the ancient
military musical instrument called a " Clarion," possibly

a species of " Pandean Pipe." It was borne in the arms

of Neath Abbey, and was apparently a Rebus-Badge of the
De Clares. It is now charged upon the shield of the

Earl Granville. Nos. 136 and 137.

Closet —a diminutive of the Bar. See Chap. VI.
Comb : —borne for the name Ponsonby.
Cotise : — a diminutive of the Bend. See Chap. VI.
Couple-Close ; —half a Chevronel. See Chap. VI.
Cross — one of the ordinaries. See Chap. VII.
Crozier — see Pastoral
: Staff.

Cross-Crosslet —No. 83.

Cup, or Covered Cup: —No. 137a, from the Slab of

John le Botiler, about a.d. 1300 and the Brass ; to

Judge Martyn, a.d. 1436, Graveney, Kent.

Cushion, or Billow (Oreiller) usually of a square form,
with a tassel at each corner, borne by the Kirkfatricks.
No. 138. The Cushions represented beneath the heads of
mediaeval effigies are often richly diapered, and it is
: : :: :


common for the upper of two cushions to be set lozenge-

wise upon the lower, as in No. 138 a, from the De Bohun

Brass, Westminster.
Dagger — a short sword, commonly called in the Middle
Ages a " Misericorde." It appears in military monu-
mental effigies worn on the right side. This Charge is

cantoned with the Cross of St. George in the Arms of the

City of London, No. 139. It commemorates the gallant act

of the Lord Mayor, William Walworth, who struck

down the rebel, Wat Tyler, June 13, 1381. The original

weapon is still preserved.

Dancette or Danse — sometimes used by early Heralds
to denote a Fesse Dancette. It occurs in this acceptation

in the Boll of Caerlaverock.

Degrees —
: steps.

Endorse —a : diminutive of the Pale. See Chap. VI.

Estoile —a star, having six, or sometimes eight, or

more wavy points or rays. No. 140. See Mullet.

Fan :— a winnowing implement used in husbandry. It

appears charged upon the Shield, and also upon the Sur-
coat and Ailettes of Sir B. De Sevans, in his Brass at
Chartham, Kent, about a.d. 1305, No. 141.
Fer-de-Moline : — See Millrind.
Fesse : — one of the Ordinaries. No. 34.
Fetter-loch : —a shackle and padlock. It was the Badge
of Edmund Plantagenet, of Langley, fifth son of Ed-
ward III, and of his great-grandson, Edward IV. It
appears,- charged on a shield, in the Brass of Sir Symon
de Felbrigge, E.G., Banner-bearer to Bichard II.,

a.d. 1416. No. 122.

— a Label, apparently from filum, a narrow riband.

—a diminutive of a Chief. See Chap. VI.


Flanches and Flasques — Nos. 108, and 108 : a.

: :: : : : :


Fountain: —No. 56.

Fourchee : — a modification of the cross moline, No. 82.

Frette:—No. 106.
Fusil : a narrow Lozenge. No. 105.
Fylfot —a device represented in No. 143. It is sup-

posed to be a mystic symbol.

Gads or Gadlyngs — small spites projecting from the
knuckles of mediaeval gauntlets. In some instances,
small figures in metal were substituted for the spikes, as
in the instance of the gauntlets of the Black Prince,
still preserved at Canterbury, which have small gilt lions
for gadlyngs.

Galley : — see Lymphad.

Garland: —a wreath, whether of leaves only, or of
flowers and leaves intermixed. Garlands appear quar-
tered upon the banners that are sculptured as accessories

of the monument of Lord Bottrchier, banner-bearer of

Henry V., in "Westminster Abbey. They are also bla-
zoned upon the banner itself, harry, argent and azure,

of Ealph de Fitz William, in the Caerl Boll. No. 144.

Gauntlet —an armed glove. No. 145.
Gemelles, or Bars Gemelles —barrulets placed together
in couples. No. 44.
Globe, the Terrestrial, or Sphere — borne in his arms by
Sir H. Dryden, and in the Crests of the Hopes and the
Drakes. Nos. 144 a, 144 b. See Chap. XVII.
Gorge, or Gurge: —No. 146, supposed to indicate a
whirlpool. It appears in the Boll of Henry LU.
Greeces — steps.

Guttee .—see Chap. XIH, and Nos. 250, 251.

Gyron: —No. 97.
Hackle — see Hemp-brake.
: :: : : : :


Hammer —this charge also blazoned as a martel. is

Harp — one of the Devices of Ireland.


Hatchet — an early charge.

Hawh's-lure — a decoy used by falconers, and composed
of two wings with their tips downwards, joined with a
line and ring. No. 147.
Haivk's bells and jesses : — bells, with the leather straps
for fastening them to the hawk's legs, borne on a chevron
by Baron Llanover. No. 148.
Helm, Heaume, Helmet — defensive armour for the
head. This charge is variously modified, in accordance with
the varieties of the early head pieces. Thus, the Earl of
Cardigan bears three morions, or steel caps, while the Mar-
quis of Cholmondeley bears, with a garbe, two helmets.

See Helm, Chap. XIV.

Hemp-bracke or Hackle :
— -a serrated instrument, for-
merly used for bruising hemp ; borne by Sir C F.
Hampson, Baronet. No. 149.

Horse-shoe —a charge borne in the arms of the

Ferrers, Earls of Derby, who appear to have derived it

from the Marshals.

Hunting-horn: —a curved horn, the crest of De
Bryenne. No. 267. When it has a belt or baudricJc, it

is said to be stringed. No. 150.

Hurte : —a blue roundle. No. 52.
Javelin — a short barbed spear.
Jesses :— straps for hawk's bells.
Key : — borne in the arms of several of the bishops.
Knot .-—see Chap. XVII.
Label —a narrow ribband or bar, having three or five

pendants : it is always borne in chief, and should ex-

tend across the field. No. 112. The Label is the Diffei-ence
:: : :


which distinguishes an eldest son, except in Royal

Cadency. See Chap. XVI.
Letters of the Alphabet are sometimes used as Charges.
Lozenge : — No. 104. The arms of an unmarried lady and
of a widow are placed upon a lozenge, and not on a shield.

Lure — see HawTc


Lymphoid — a galley of ; early times, having one mast,

but also propelled by oars. It is blazoned with its sail

furled, and with its colours flying. The Lymphad is

borne by the Duke of Argyll and the Marquis of Aber-

corn. It was also the device of the Macdonalds, the
Lords of Lorn, and it appears repeatedly upon their
monumental memorials at Iona. No. 151.
Manche or Maunche —a sleeve having long pendant
ends, worn in the time of Henry I. It has been borne
from the earliest time by the family of Hastings. The
prevalent modes of representing the Maunche in Heraldry
are shown in No. 152.

Mascle : — a voided Lozenge. No. 109.

Mill-rind or Fer-de-Moline —the iron affixed to the

centre of a Mill-stone. No. 153.
Mitre: — this episcopal ensign is borne in the arms of
the Sees of Norwich, Chester, Llandaff, Meath, and others.
See Mitre in Chap. XIV.
Moline : —a cross terminating like a Millrind. No. 75.

Morion —a : cap. steel

Morse — a clasp, usually enriched with varied orna-

Mount —the base of a shield, when made to represent
a hillock, and tinctured vert.
Mullet : a star of five points or rays, all formed by right
lines, as No. 154. This charge is also borne with six, or

e 2
: : :


eight, or even more points, but the rays are always

straight, and thus the Mullet essentially differs from the
Estoile, the rays of which are always wavy. When they
exceed five in number, the rays of the Mullet must be
specified, thus :
— No. 155 is a Mullet of eight points. This
favourite charge, so well known in the first quarter of the
shield of the De Veres, Plate VI. {Quarterly, gules and
or, a Mullet, argent), may be regarded as representing the

rowel of a spur, and it is -often pierced, No. 157, (to be

indicated in blazon), as if to exhibit the adjustment of

the rowel to its axis. In Cadency, the Mullet is the dif-

ference of the third son. See Chap. XVI.
Ogress —a Pellet.

Ordinaries —the nine primary simple charges of He-

raldry. See Chap. VI.
Oreiller : — a cushion or pillow.
Orle .—No. 100.
Pale : — one of the Ordinaries. No. 36.
Pall — an archi-episcopal vestment, worn by the Roman
hierarchy, and indicative of the order and rank of Arch-
bishops. In Heraldry, the Pall, of which one half only
is displayed, in form closely resembles the letter Y, and it

is always charged with crosses patees fitchees. It is borne

in the arms of the archi-episcopal sees of Canterbury

Armagh, and Dublin, No. 255. As a vestment, the Pall

is a narrow circular band of white lamb's- wool, which is

adjusted about the shoulders, and has two similar bauds

hanging down from it, the one before, and the other
behind. It is clearly shewn in the Brasses of archbishops
at York, Westminster, and elsewhere ; and in the early
effigies of ecclesiastics not of episcopal rank it is frequent-
ly represented in embroidery upon the Chesuble, as in the
: : : : :


sculptured effigy at Beverley, and in the incised Brasses

at St. Alban's, North Minims, and Wensley. No. 158. See
Archbishop, Chap. XIV.
Pallet: — a diminutive of the Pale. See Chap. VI.
Palmer's Staff: —an early charge. This device appears
on a slab at Haltwhistle.
Pastoral Staff: —the official staff of a Bishop or Abbot,
having a crooked head, No. 159, and thus is dis-

tinguished from an Archbishop's Crozier, the head of

which is cruciform, No. 160. (See Crozier in Chap. XIV.)
A Vexillum, or scarf, hangs from almost all representa-

tions of the Pastoral Staff, encircling its shaft. The

earlier examples are generally very plain ; but the custom
of richly adorning this staff was prevalent also from an
early period. The enamelled s f aff of Bishop William of
Wykeham, preserved in New College, Oxford, is a splen-
did specimen of the second half of the fourteenth century.
The Pastoral Staff is borne in the arms of the See of
Llandaff, &c. See Bishop in Chap. XIV.
Pattee or Formee : — a variety of the Cross, No. 85.

Pattee or Formee Fitchee —a similar Cross, pointed at

the foot. No. 86.

Patonce —a Cross, of which the four arms expand in
curves from the centre, and the ends are foliated. No. 77.

Patriarchal — a Cross which has its head crossed hori-

zontally. No. 68.
Pellet — a black spherical roundle. No. 54.
Penner and InJchorn — a pen-case and vessel containing
ink, as they were carried in the Middle Ages by Notaries,
appended to their girdles, No. 161. The Penner and InJc-

horn are represented in two Brasses of Notaries, a.d. 1475

and 1566, preserved in the Church of St. Mary Tower,
Ipswich. Other early examples have also been noticed.
: : :: :: .


Pheon : —the barbed head of a spear or arrow, No. 162.

Unless the contrary be specified, the point of the Pheon
is blazoned to the base, as in the arms of the Earl
Beownlow, and the Baron De L'Isle.
Pickaxe — an early Charge.
Pile:— No. 41.
Pillow — see Cushion.
Plate —a : or white roundle. No.
silver flat 51.

Pomme — a green spherical roundle. No.

: 55.

Pommee — a form of Cross. No. 81

Portcullis — a defence for a gateway, formed of trans-

verse bars bolted together, the vertical bars terminating

in base in pheons. In Heraldry, a Portcullis is always
represented as having rings at its uppermost angles, from
which chains depend on either side. This charge is the
wellknown Badge of the Beauforts, and also of the
Tudor Princes, and it is borne in the arms of Westmin-
ster. No. 163. See also Herald.
Quadrate — squared : ; a form of the cross. No. 72.

Quarter: —The first quarter of the Shield, now super-

ceded in use by the Canton.
Quarter- Pierced, and Quarterly -Pierced — Nos. : 73, 74.

Quatrefoil —a figure formed of four curved leaves. In

architecture, a Quatrefoil within a circle, or a square, or

lozenge panel, very commonly contains an heraldic shield,

as in No. 164.
Rainbow : — borne with their Crest by the Hopes. No.
144 a. -

Papier : —a narrow stabbing sword.

Bays — when drawn round the disc of a figure of the

sun, heraldic rays are sixteen in number, and they are

alternately straight and wavy.
Becercelee: — curled: a form of the Cross, No. 76.
: ::: : : : : :


Best — see Charion.

Riband — a diminutive of the Bend. See Chap. VI.
Boimdle — a circular charge, which, when of metal is

fiat, but when of color, spherical. See Chap. VI.

Btistre :— No. 110.

Saltire — one of the ordinaries. Nos. 39, 49.

Scaling-Ladder —No. 164 a. The Crest of the Greys.

Scarpe — a diminutive of the Bend Sinister.


Seax : — a Saxon weapon, or scimetar, having a curved

notch cut off the back of it near the point. It is borne in

the arms of the County of Middlesex. No. 165.

ShacMe-bolt — see Fetter-Lock.
Shake-fork —a Charge resembling a Pall, but humettee,
and jointed. It is borne by the Marquess of Conyngham.
No. 166.
Shield — a shield is sometimes borne as a Charge thus ;

the Hays bear, Argent, three shields gules. No. 167. In ad-
dition to their habitual use as achitectural accessories

in every variety of early Gothic edifice, Shields-

of-arms, in the Middle Ages, were often employed as

decorative accessories of costume ; thus the surcoat of
William de Valence, at Westminster, the Brass of
Lady Camoys, at Trotton, Sussex, and the effigy of a Lady
at Worcester, are thus decorated. See Chap. III.
Ship: —besides the ancient Galley, ships of a more
modern character appear amongst the Charges of Heraldry
Thus, the arms of the Corporation of the Trinity House
are four Ships tinder sail, gules, cantoned by a Cross of St.
George. No. 168.
Spear — borne on a bend by Shakespere. See
Chap. XXVI.
Spur : —this knightly appointment, which from its

associations claims the special regard of the Herald, was

: :: : :


worn with a single goad-like point, and known as the

" Pryck-Spur," No. 169, before the reign of Edward II.

About a.d. 1320, the Spur having a Wheel began to

supersede the earlier form, No 170 : and, shortly after,
the true Bouelle Spur, having the wheel spiked, made its

appearance, No. 171. The examples that I have given in

Nos. 169, 170, 171, and 172, are from the effigies of
John op Eltham ; of a Knight at Clehongre, Hereford-
shire ; of the Black Prince and of Eichard Delamere,

Esq., Hereford. In the beginning of the fifteenth

century, spurs appear to have been sometimes worn with

Ckoards to their Bouelles, No. 172. In the middle of that
century they became of extravagant length, but towards
its close they assumed a more sensible form.
Steel-cap : — a close-fitting defence for the head.

Stirrup — an early Charge borne by the Baron Gifford.

Sujflue : —see Clarion.
Sword: —the Knightly Weapon of all ages in Heraldry
is generally represented unsheathed, straight in the
Blade, and pointed. In blazon, the Hilt, Pommel, and
•Accoutrements of Swords are always to be specified.

Swords are borne in the Arms of the Sees of London,

Winchester, Exeter, and Cork ; also the Earl Poulett
bears, Sa, three Swords in Pile, the Points in Base, arg.,

Hilts and Pommels, or. No. 173.

Target — a circular Shield.
Tan : —a Cross resembling the letter T. No. 59. It is

borne in the arms of Drury.

Torch —generally borne inflamed, or lighted.

Torse — a wreath.
Torteau, plural Torteaux — A red spherical : Roundle.
Tower — a small Castle. No. 173 a.

Treille, or —latice-work. It
Trellise differs from


: :


Frette, and Fretty, in that the pieces do not interlace under

and over, but cross each other in such a manner that all

the pieces from the dexter are in the same plane, and lie

over those from the sinister, and they are all fastened by
nails at the crossings. No. 174.
Tressure : — one of the Subordinaries, No. 102. It is

commonly blazoned as a Tressure fleurie. The Royal

Tressure of Scotland is blazoned as a Double Tressure,
fleurie, counter fleurie. No. 103.
Trumpet : — in Heraldry, a long straight tube, exempli-
fied in the Brass of Sir Eoger de Trumpington. No.
Vair .—one of the Furs. Nos. 29, 30.
Vambrace : — armour for the fore-arm.
Vervels —small rings.

Water-Bouget — a vessel used by mediseval soldiers for

carrying water. It is borne by the Baron De Eos, and
by the Bourchters. Two modifications of the form of
this Charge are shown in No. 176.

No. 144.—De Fitz William. No. 167.—Hay.


No. 185. Percy Ceest. No. 186. IIowaed Ceest.




This Group of Charges comprises, with, a varied series
of Creatures that exist in Nature, several others that are
indebted for their shadowy existence only to the poetic
imagination of the early Heralds. Those Parts of the
Bodies of Animals also, which constitute distinct Heraldic
Charges, I have associated with the Creatures themselves
and the whole have been subjected to a classified arrange-

1. Human Beings occasionally appear in heraldic com-

positions, in which case the blazon always expresses with

consistent distinctness the attitude, costume, action, &c,
of every figure. Human figures, however, generally

occur as Supporters, or Crests ; and Parts of the human

body are more frequently introduced than actual Figures.
Human figures appear in the arms of the Sees of

Salisbury, Chichester, Lincoln, Clogher, and Water-

ford. In the Arms of the See of Oxford are three

demi-figures. The Head and the Hands of a man, when

they appear as Charges, must be so blazoned as to define
and describe their position, &c. Thus, a Head would be
— —


in profile, or affrontee, or reguardant, or uncovered, or

helmed, &c. ; and the Hand would be either the Dexter, or
the Sinister, or erect, or grasping some object, &c. ; an
open hand is said to be appaumee. The same would be
the case with an Arm, which, when bent at the elbow, is

embowed, &c. The very singular armorial ensign of the

Isle of Man, now quartered by the Duke of Athol, is

thus blazoned : Gules, three Legs, armed, proper, conjoined in

the Fesse point at the upper part of the thiglis, flexed in a

triangle, garnished and spurred, or. No. 176 a. Archbishop
Juxon, who died a.d. 1663, bore Or, a Cross, gules, between

four Blackamoors' Heads, couped at the shoidders, proper,

wreathed about the temples, of the field. The same

Charge is borne by the Earl Canning. The Badge of
Ulster, the distinctive Ensign of the Order and Rank of
Baronets, instituted in 1612, by James I, is the ancient
armorial Ensign of the Irish Kingdom of Ulster, and is

thus blazoned, upon a small shield argent, a Sinister

Hand, couped at the wrist and erect, gules. No. 177.
Inseparably associated with their historic name, the
Douglases bear, as the armorial insignia of their house,

Argent, a human Heart, gules, imperially crowned, proper ; on

a Chief, azure, three Mullets, of the Field. The royal
Heart was that of Robert Bruce, which the " Good Sir
James Douglas" was carrying to the Holy Land, that he
might bury it at Jerusalem, when he himself fell in battle
with the Saracens of Andalusia, a.d. 1330. The
crown is a comparatively recent addition to the original
charge. No. 177 a.

II. The Heraldry of the Lion. The King of Beasts

is the animal which, as a Charge of Heraldry, has always
been held in the very highest estimation. He appears in

heraldic Blazonry under the most varied conditions, and

in association with almost every other device. I have
considered it to be desirable, accordingly, to assign to the
" Heraldry of the Lion," a distinct section of its own.
The Lion is borne in heraldic Compositions em-
blazoned in thirteen varieties of attitude.
1. The Lion Passant, No. 178, is walking, and has
three of his paws placed on the ground, the fourth (one of
the fore paws) being raised up. He looks in the direction

that he is walking, which, unless the contrary be specified,

is towards the Dexter. This Lion was borne by the
Carews, and it is now charged upon a Fesse by the Earl

of Carysfort.
2. The Lion Passant Guardant, No. 179, differs from

the Lion Passant, in the circumstance that he is affronte

—looking out from the shield at the spectator. A Golden

Lion Passant Guardant, upon a Field gules, is a Lion of
England. No. 198. In early Heraldry, and particu-
larly in the blazon of the French Heralds, the term
Leopard was applied to the lion when passant or passant
guardant ; hence the Lions of England were often bla-
zoned as Leopards.
3. The Lion Passant Reguardant, is walking in
the same manner and towards the same direction, but he
looks back to the Sinister. No. 179 a.

4. The Lion Rampant, No. 180, stands erect on his two

hind legs, but has only one of his fore legs elevated.
The Scottish Lion is Rampant, his Tincture being
gules, on a field, or : thus, Sir Walter Scott, speaking of
the Eoyal Banner of Scotland, says that upon it

" The ruddy lion ramps in gold." No. 103.


*& ,<f\





Plite I N" [78 1


5. The Lion Rampant G-iuirdant, No. 181, is the same

as the Lion Eainpant, except that he is affronte instead of

looking before him. The Dexter Supporter of England

is such a Lion, of gold. This is the habitual attitude of
Lions when they are Supporters.
6. The Lion Rampant Reguardant, No. 182, looks behind
him. Such lions are the Supporters of the Barons
Beaybeoke and Beownlow.
7. The Lion Salient, No. 183, is in the act of making
his sjn-ing, erect, with both his fore paws elevated.

8. Two Lions Combattant, No. 184, are Rampant and

face to face, as if in combat. They were thus charged
upon the shield of Richaed I, before he assumed upon
it the three Lions Passant. Two Lions Combattant are
now borne by the Viscount Loeton.
9. A Lion Statant, has his four feet upon the
ground, and looks before him. A Lion Statant, having
his Tail extended in a right line, is the Crest of the Duke

10. A Lion Statant Chiardant, stands looking affronte.

Such a Lion, having his Tail extended in a right line,

is the Crest of the Duke of Noefolk, No. 186.

11. When sitting down, his four legs being strectched

out on the ground, but his head erect, a Lion is Sejant,

No. 187.
12. A Lion Sejant, having his fore legs elevated, is

Sejant Rampant. No. 187 A.

13. When in the attitude of taking repose, the Lion is

Couchant, or Dormant. No. 187 b.

A Demi Lion Rampant, No. 188, is the upper half of

the body of the animal, and half its tail with the tuft in
which it terminates.
— —


A Lion's Face, No. 189, is a Charge : and his Head also

is a Charge that frequently occurs; it may be either
couped, No. 190, or erased, No. 191.

The entire leg, No. 192, is a Lion's Jambe, or Gambe,

when borne alone ; but if the limb be cut off, whether

erased or couped, at or below the middle joint, it is a
Two Lions Rampant, placed back to back, are addorsed,
No. 193. If they are passant, the one to the dexter,
and the other to the sinister, they are Counter-passant.
The Lion is frequently crowned, No. 194 ; or he grasps
some object in either his mouth or his paw, No. 195 ; or
he is collared, and perhaps a chain may be attached to his
collar, No. 196 may have his neck gorged, (encircled,
; or he

that is) ; or his body may be charged with

with a coronet
various devices, or he may be Vigilant, or Vorant watch- —
ing for his prey, or devouring it or he may have Wings, as

in the instance of the Supporters of the Baroness Braye ;

or he may be double tailed, No. 197, (queue fourchee), as

he was borne by the De Montforts.
A Lion is said to be armed of his claws and teeth,

and langued of his tongue.

When an Ordinary is set over a Lion, the animal is

debruised by such Ordinary.

When a Lion is represented as proceeding or rising
up out of a Chief, or Fesse, or any other Charge, he is

said to be issuant, or naissant— as in the Arms of the

Baron Dormer.
Several Lions, whether Passant, or Rampant, may
be charged upon a single shield ; thus, England bears

No. 198, p. 13 gules, three Lions Passant Guardant, in

Pale, or ; and the Earl of Pembroke bears per Pale,

azure and gules, three Lions Rampant, two and one, argent

No. 199.
When more than four Lions occur in the same com-
position, they are termed Lioncels. In this case, the

animals are almost invariably Rampant. When charged

upon an Ordinary, even two or three Lions would be
entitled Lioncels —
as in the chevron of the Cobhams. The
Shield No. 200, of William Longsfee, Earl of Salis-
bury, who died a.d. 1226, bears six Lioncels upon a Field
azure. Another fine early example is the Shield of the
De Bohuns, Earls of Hereford, which is thus bla-
zoned : Azure, a Bend, Argent, cotised and between six

Lioncels, or : No. 201. Amongst the other celebrated

names with Avhich the Lion is associated as an heraldic
charge, are Percy, De Laci, Fitz Alan, Mowbray, De
Bruce, Segrave, &c, &c. See Chap. XXVI.
The Lion is borne of every variety of Tincture. He is

always armed and angued, gules ; unless he himself or the

field be of that colour, in which case both his claws and
his tongue are azure.

I have considered the Drawing of this animal in

Chap. XXX.
III. Various other Animals take tbose parts which
Heralds have been pleased to assign to them ; their
especial vocation, however, appears to be to act as Sup-

porters. As Charges, the Horse, the Elephant, the Camel,

the Dog, the Stag, the Antelope, the Tiger, the Leopard,
the Bull, the Calf, the G-oat, the Lamb, the Boar (Sang-
lier), the Eox, the Wolf, the Cat-a-mountain or Wild Cat
the Squirrel, the Hedgehog, the Beaver, and many others
will attract the attention of the student. The Heads
of many Animals also appear in Blazonry. In every

instance, the terms that give a precise and definite indi-

viduality to each may easily be acquired.

The terms that are applied to Lions are also applicable

to all beasts of prey. Any animal in a sitting posture is

Sejant, and Statant when standing ; and, in like manner,

other terms, which have no special reference to habits
of violence and ferocity, are ahke applicable to every
Stags and their kindred animals have several terms

peculiarly their own. Their antlers are Tynes ; when they

stand, they are at gaze, No. 202 ; when in easy motion, they

are tripping, No. 203 ; when in rapid motion, they are at

speed, No. 203 A; and when at rest, they are lodged, No. 204.
All the fiercer animals are armed of their horns, but a
stag is attired of his antlers.
The head of a stag, when placed affrontee, is cabossed.

This is the well known charge of the families of Stanley

and Cavendish, the former bearing three Stags' Heads
cabossed, of silver, upon an azure bend ; the latter a similar
number of the same device, argent, upon sable. No. 205.
A stag, full-grown and of mature age, is generally
styled a Hart ; the female, without horns, is a Hind. A
Reindeer, in Heraldry, is represented as a stag with
double attires. The Bear and Bagged Staff, No. 206, are
famous as cognizances of the Earls of Warwick., and
the Talbot Bog, No. 207, of the Earls of Shrewsbury.
The Marquis Camden bears three Elephants' heads. The
Baron Blayney bears three Horses' heads. The sup-
porters of the Earl of Orkney are an Antelope and a
Stag ; those of the Baron Macdonald are two Beopards ;
and those of the Duke of Bedford are a Lion and an
Antelope, the Russell crest being a Goat. The Earl of


Malmesbury bears three Hedgehogs ; and two Foxes are

leaping, saltire-wise, on the ancient shield of Sir Watkin
Williams Wynne.
A singular Charge, that must be placed with this
group, was borne by the De Cantelupes, and it also

constitutes the Arras of the See of Hereford : this is a

Leopard's face, affrontee, resting upon a Fleur-de-lys, and

having the lower part of the flower issuing from the
animal's mouth. In the Hereford shield, the Leopards'

Faces are reversed. This is emblazoned as jessant-de-lys.

Nos. 207, 208.

IV. Birds, Fishes, Insects, and Reptiles, also, form
Charges of Heraldry. They appear in Blazon under their

habitual natural guise : but there are descriptive terms

used by Heralds, which these creatures may claim as
exclusively their own.

Birds in the act of flight are volant, when flying aloft

they are soaring, and their expanded wings are said to be

overt, No. 209. In the instance of Birds of Prey, the ex-
panded wings are also said to be displayed, while those of

all birds that are not Birds of Prey, are disclosed. If the

tips of the wings droop downwards, they are inverted, or in

Lure, No. 210 ; but if elevated without being expanded, the

wings are erect, No. 211 ; and if turned backwards, addorsed,
Nos. 212, 213. A Bird, about to take wing, is rising or rous-
sant ; but trussed or closed, No. 215, when at rest. A Bird
preying on another, No. 212, is trussing it, and not vorant,

as a Beast of Prey.

A Hawk is belled and jessed.

A Game-cock is armed of his Beak and Spurs, crested of

his Comb, and jowlopped of his Wattles.

A Peacock, having its tail displayed, is in its pride,

as it is borne bv the Duke of Rutland for his crest.



An Eagle, or Erne, with expanded wings, No. 212 a,

is displayed ; as borne by the Monthermers and Mon-
tagues. An Eagle appears on the seal of Richard,
Earl of Cornwall, supporting his Shield-of-Arms from
its beak, about a.d. 1260.
A young, or a small eagle, is an Eaglet.

An Imperial Eagle has two heads, as No. 212 b.

A Pelican, represented as standing above its nest,

having its wings addorsed, and nourishing its young

with its blood, is blazoned as a Pelican in its Piety.

The example, No. 213, forms the finial of the fine Brass
to Dean Prestwych, at Warbleton, Sussex, a.d. 1436.

A Swan, when blazoned proper, is white, with red beak,

and has some black about the nostrils. A Black Swan,

ducally gorged and chained, was the Badge of the Be Bo-
huns, No. 214. and No. 234 b.

Various sea-birds appear in blazon.

A Cornish Chough, No. 215, the crest of the Baron
Bridport, is black, with red legs and beak.
Small Birds are generally drawn in the form of Black-
birds, but their colour must be blazoned.
The Martlet or Merlotte, No. 216 and 216a may be regard-
ed as the heraldic sivallow. In Cadency, the Martlet is the
Difference of the fourth son. It was borne by the De
Valences, No. 101, and in the Arms of Edward the Con-
fessor, No. 78. It now is charged upon the shield of
the Earl of Arundel. See p. 69.

Ravens, Parrots called by Heralds Popinjays, Herons,

Falcons; Doves or Colombs, and many others, and the
Wings of birds in various attitudes, appear in Heraldry.

Fish of every variety are borne as heraldic charges

but when no particular variety is specified and the crea-


ture is of small size, the blazon simply states the charge

to be " a fish."
When swimming in fesse, across the field, a fish is naiant,
No. 217. When in pale, No. 218, as if rising to the sur-
face for breathing, it is hauriant ; but urinant when its

head is in base, No. 218 a ; and when its body is bent, as a

dolphin is represented, it is embowed, No. 219.
The fish borne by the Duke of Northumberland are
styled Lucies, a kind of pike. Amongst the other fish com-
monly borne in Heraldry are Barbels, Herrings, Roach, &c.
Various Shells occur in Heraldry, and particularly the
Escallop, No. 220, borne by the Russells. See Chap.
Bees and Butterflies are blazoned volant. A Tortoise

as passant. A Snake may be gliding, or if twined into

a knot it is nowed.
Imaginary Beings. Heralds have introduced amongst
the figures that act as both supporters and charges, ima-
ginary representations of the heavenly hierarchy. Thus
Angels form the supporters of the Barons Decies, North-
wick and Abinger, of Sir M. Barlow, Bart., and others.

Several animal forms have been added by heralds,

from their own creative imaginations, to those which
Nature had provided for them to introduce into their
symbolical blazonry. A few only of these occur in Eng-
lish heraldry.

The Allerion, —an eagle destitute of both beak and

feet. The same term is also applied to natural eagles.

The Cockatrice, No. 221, a winged monster, having the

head, body, and feet of a cock, and the tail of a dragon
borne for supporters and crest by the Earl of Donough-
more. The head of a Cockatrice is borne as a Crest,
f 2

and is represented in the Brasses to Sir N. Dagworth,

a.d. 1401, at Blickling, Norfolk, No. 222, and to Soger
Elmebrygge, a.d. 1435, at Bedington, Surrey, No. 222 A.

It was also the crest of the Earls of Arundel.

The Centaur or Sagittarhis, which was the device, and
has been mistaken for the arms, of King Stephen.
The Dragon, No. 223, a winged animal, generally with
four legs and having a tail like that of a serpent. It appears
as a military ensign in the Bayeux Tapestry, No. 223 a,

and is common in more recent Heraldry.

The Griffin or Gryphon, No. 224, combining the
bodily attributes of the lion and the eagle, is of the
same family with a group of the sculptured figures of
Assyria. When in its customary attitude, erect and with
wings expanded, this monster is segreant. A gryphon is
the dexter supporter of the Duke of Cleveland, and the
sinister supporter of the Duke of Manchester ; the
Baron Dvnevor has, for his dexter supporter, a gryphon co-

ward —that is, having his tail hanging down. The gry-
phon borne by the Marquess of Ormonde is wingless.

. This creature, distinguished in blazon as a Male Gryphon,

has two horns.
A Mermaid, No. 225, a Badge of the Berkeleys, was the
Dexter Supporter of Sir Walter Scott ; and both the sup-
porters of the Viscount Boyne are also Mermaids. Lord
Berkeley, iu his Dine Brass at Wotton-under-Edge,
a.d. 1392, wears a Collar of Mermaids, No. 225 a, over
his camail. In St. Alban's Abbey there is an early tile

charged with a Mermaid. The shields of the Baron Lyt-

tleton and Sir G. G. Otway, Bart., are supported on
either side by a Triton, No. 226, or Merman.
The Wyvern, No. 227, may be described as a flying mon-



^ <lt,



ster of the Dragon order, having only two legs and feet
its Tail is said to be nowed. Two Wyverns support the
Shield of the Earl of Eglinton.
The Unicorn is the well known Dexter Supporter of
England, (See Chap. XIX) a pair of Unicorns also

support the shield of the Duke of Eutland. No. 227 a.

A Monster, a compound of a Lion and Fish, or a
Sea-Lion, is known in the fabulous menagerie of Heraldry.

Two of these Sea-Lions are supporters of the Viscount Pal-

mouth. So also are the Pegasus, No. 227 b, the winged
Horse of Classic antiquity, the Dexter Supporter of the
Baron Berwick ; the Phoenix, another relic of remote tra-
dition that sits amidst flames, doing duty for a crest above

the shield of Sir W. B. Johnston the Salamander, another


inhabitant of flames, the crest of the Earl of Selkirk ;

the heraldic Ibex, or Antelope, the Sinister Supporter of

Baron Dunsany ; and certain heraldic Panthers and Tigers,

and other fierce animals, which breathe fire, and have

various strange modifications of what nattire has assigned
to their prototypes. I must add to the imaginary groups

the little Martlet, No. 216 a, when that favourite heraldic

bird is blazoned without feet.

No. 225 A.— Collar of Mermaids.

Brass to Thomas, Lord Berkeley, a.d. 1392, Wotton-imder-Edge,






Natural objects of every kind have placed themselves

without reserve under the orders of the Herald, that they

may contribute to the Charges which he places upon
shields, and in any other capacity may realise his

The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars, appear in He-

raldry. Trees, Plants and Floivers, in like manner, are
constantly to be found in the capacity of heraldic Charges
and Devices. A few descriptive terms are peculiarly
appropriate to objects of this class. Thus : trees, &c,
if grown to maturity, are accrued; if bearing fruit or
seeds, fructed ; if clothed with leaves, in foliage ; if droop-
ing, pendent ; if having their roots exposed, eradicated
slipped, when irregularly broken or torn off; when cut
off, couped; when deprived of their leaves, blasted ; and
when of their natural aspect and hue, proper. The term
" barbed" denotes the small green leaves, the points
of which appear about an heraldic rose : and " seeded

indicates any seed-vessel, or seeds.

— : :


The Sun in Heraldry is generally represented with a
human face upon its disc and environed with rays, these

rays being sometimes alternately straight and wavy.

The great celestial luminary is blazoned as " in his splen-
dour," or " in his glory." He appears thus in the shield
of the Marquess of Lothian ; and in a Roll of arms of
about 1250, (British Museum, Harl. MSS. 6589) Jean de
la Hay, bears, — " Argent, the Sun in his splendour, gules,

No. 228. In some instances, always to be specified, the sun

appears as shining from behind a cloud ; or, as rising, or

setting ; or, a ray of the sun is borne alone, as by Rauf

de la Hay, in the "Roll of Henry III, No. 229.
The Moon is in her Complement, or in Plenitude, when
at the full ; she is a Crescent, when her horns point to-
wards the chief, No. 230 ; in Cadency, this is the Dif-
ference of the second son. She is Decrescent, No. 231,
when her horns point to the sinister. She is Increscent,

or in Increment, when her horns point to the dexter, No. 232.

Star : — see Mullet and Estoile, in Chap. X.


The Charges of this class which are generally in use,

are the following :

Cinquefoil, or Quintefoil — a leaf or flower, having five

cusps, No. 233. In the early Eolls the cinquefoil and the
six-foil are used without any distinction.
Ears of Barley, Wheat, &c — represented in their

natural forms. At St. Alban's Abbey, the shield of Abbot

John de Wheathampstede, of the time of Henry VI.,
displays gules, a chevron, between three clusters of as many ears

of wheat, or: No. 201.


Feather : — the Ostrich feather is the one that is usually

borne as an heraldic device. It sometimes is charged
upon shields ; and it constantly appears as a favourite
Badge of the Plantagenets. The shields that are placed

about the monument of the Black Prince, are alternately

charged with his arms, and with three ostrich feathers upon
a sable field, No. 234, p. 70. Each of these feathers has its
quill piercing a small scroll, bearing the words Ich dien,
No. 234 a. The ostrich feather was habitually used
by the Black Prince, as a Badge. It appears, with
the scroll, upon the seal of Henry IV., before he became
sovereign. His son, Henry V., bore a similar badge, the
feather being carried by a black swan (a badge of his
mother, Mary de Bohun) in its beak : No. 234 b. The
ostrich feather and scroll have a place also amongst the
heraldic insignia of Prince Arthur Tudor, a.d. 1502, at
Worcester : No. 235. The three ostrich feathers of the
Prince of Wales do not appear to have been grouped
together within a coronet, as they are now borne, before
the time of the Stuarts. No. 235 a, Plate XV.
Fleur-de-Lys : —this most beautiful and effective

Charge, generally supposed to be the flower of the Lily

is the ancient cognizance of France. In its origin, the
Fleur-de-Lys or Fleur-de-Luce, may be a Rebus, signify-
ing the " Flower of Louis." Mr. Planche, (who always
speaks with authority when he dons his tabard), after

stating this supposition, adds that " Clovis is the Fran-

kish form of the modern Louis, the G being dropped, as
in Glothaire, Loihaire, &c." If Clovis himself bore the

Fleur-de-Lys, that famous heraldic charge may have been

assumed by the Frankish Prince as his Rebus, from the
favourite Clove-pink, or gillyflower. The Fleur-de-Lys
: :


appears in early Heraldry under several modifications of

its typical form. It was in especial favour with tlie

designers of the inlaid pavement-tiles of the Middle Ages,

Nos. 236, 236 a, 236 b. It forms one of the figures of
the diaper of the shield of Eobert de Vere, No. 156,
Plate VI., and it decorates the Eoyal Tressure of Scot-
land, in the shield that Henry III. placed in Westminster
Abbey, No. 103. This same figure was known to the Bo-
mans and it formed the ornamental heads of sceptres and

pommels of swords from the earliest period of the

French monarchy, No. 238. See also No. 237, 237 a,

Plate XV.
The Fleur-de-Lys was first borne on a royal seal by
Louis VII. of France, a.d. 1137—1180. Edward III.

quartered the French shield, semee-de-Lys, on his Great

Seal, a.d. 1340 ; and in or about 1405, Henry IV.
reduced the number of the Fleur-de-Lys to three, that
reduction having been effected in the French Seal by
Charles V., a.d. 1364 — 1380. The Fleurs-de-Lys were re-
moved from the English Shield in 1801.
This charge is blazoned in the Roll of Henry III.

One of the shields of Henry III. in Westminster Abbey

is semee-de-Lys, No. 2. It is now borne, without any
other charge, in the shield of the Baron Digby.
Gat-be —a wheatsheaf, borne in the arms of the Earls
of Chester, and still apparent in the greater number of
the shields of the nobility and gentry of the County
Palatine of Cheshire, No. 239, Plate XII., and 239 a,

p. 70.

Gillyflower : —a species of pink, in great favour in the

middle ages.
Hill and Hillock —a green mound. When only one
: : : :


appears, the former term is used ; but the latter denotes

several mounds, their exact number to be specified.

Hurst:— a group of trees. Thus, Elm hurst bears

seven elm trees on a mound.
Leaves : — the leaf or leaves, or the branches of any
tree or plant must be specified and described in the

blazon. Hazel-leaves are borne by Hazlerigg; Oak-

branches by Okstead, No. 239 a, Plate XII., and Oakes ;

Stratvberry-leaves (or Fraises) by Frazer ; Laurel-leaves,

by Leveson, No. 239, p. 70 ; Holly-leaves, by Blackwood.

Planta- Genista —the Broom-plant, the famous Badge
of the Plantagenet family. The pods, with their seeds,

as well as the leaves and flowers, are represented upon

the bronze effigy of Richard II. in Westminster Abbey,
No. 240, Plate XII.
Pods of Beans, &c. — when used as Charges, the pods
are open, and shew their seed.

Rose — in Heraldry, the Rose is represented after the

conventional manner exemplified in No. 241. In some few
early examples the small leaves are omitted, as in No.
242. When tinctured gules, the Pose is the Badge of the
Plantagenets of the House of Lancaster, the Yorkist
Rose being argent, No. 242 a. In Cadency, the Pose is the
Difference of the seventh son, No. 385. Occasionally, the
Queen of Flowers is in use in Heraldry in its natural

form and aspect, with stalk, leaves and buds. Such a Rose
is the Emblem of England. See Chap. XIX.
Rose-en-Soleil —the white Rose of the Plantagenets
of the House of York, surrounded by rays, as of the

sun. It was assumed by Edward IV., after the Battle

of Mortimer's Cross, Feb. 2nd, 1461 : Nos. 243, 248 A.

The Monument of Prince Edward Tudor, a.d. 1502, at

chapters xn.xm, xir &XVI.

XySy *J
v#J v^ vtJ It



4%- SON.

# %*.
6* HON 7^ SON.

xm. N os 236 to 248 & 303 to 387.
: : s


Worcester abounds in fine examples of the heraldic roses

of the House of York and Lancaster, and of the Tudors,
as in Nos. 242, 243, and 247, Chap. XVII.
Shamrock —a trefoil, or three-leaved grass, the Em-
blem of Ireland. It is represented now as growing on
the same stalk as the Rose and the Thistle. See Chap XIX.
Six-foil: —a flower having six leaves or cusps. It is

an early Charge. By the French Heralds, at an early

period, six- foils were blazoned as Angennes. No. 244,
Plate XIII.
Stock:— the stump of a Tree: No. 245, Plate XIH.
Rebus of Woodstock.
Teazle —the head or seed-vessel of a species of thistle

used in cloth manufactures.

Thistle: — the Emblem of Scotland. It is now repre-

sented as growing on the same stalk as the Rose and the

Shamrock. See Chap. XIX.
Trefoil: —a flower or leaf, having three cusps. It is

generally blazoned with a stalk —a trefoil slipped : No. 246.

Tudor- Rose : —a combination of the Lancastrian and
Yorkist Roses. Sometimes it quarters the two tinctures, and
sometimes has the rose, argent, charged upon the rose, gules ;

No. 247. Splendid examples of Heraldic Roses, occur in

King's College Chapel, Cambridge, and in Henry VII'
Chapel, Westminster. At King's, the Rose, Fleur-de-Lys
and Portcullis, are sculptured with extraordinary bold-
ness, each figure being surmounted by a crown, as in
No. 248.
Various Fruits, Seeds and Berries are borne as
Charges, and they are tinctured as well as drawn proper,
unless the contrary be specified. For example, three pears,

ppr. appear in the arms of the Baron Colchester ; three

acorns, are borne by Sir W. W. Dalling ; three fir-cones

by Sir E. G. Perrott, &c.

: :: : :


The Descriptive Heraldic Terms that are arranged in
alphabetical order in this Chapter, are of general applica-

Abatement: — any sign of degradation.

Accosted—placed side by side.

Accrued — grown to maturity.


Addorsed —placed back to back

: ; or, pointing or inclin-
ing backwards.
Affrontee — so placed as to shew the full face, or the
front of any figure or object.
Appaumee —the hand opened and set upright, and
presenting the palm to view.
Armed: — denotes the natural weapons for defence
and offence, with which any beast or bird of prey is pro-
Amies Parlantes —heraldic compositions or charges
that are canting or allusive.
Arrondie — rounded, curved.

Attired —having Antlers, or such Horns as are natural

to all animals of the Deer species.

Augmentations : — honourable additions to Arms.

Banded : — encircled with a band or riband.
: ::: :::


Barbed —having small green leaves, as the heraldic

Barded — caparisoned, as a Charger. The Bardings of
the knightly war-horses were commonly charged with
heraldic insignia.

Barruty —harry of ten or more

: pieces.

Barry — divided Bar-wise into an even nnmher of parts.


Barry-Bendy — divided into an even number of parts,


both horizontally and diagonally.

Bar-wise — disposed after the manner of a Bar.
Battled, or Embatled : —having Battlements, or bordered

after the manner of Battlements.

Battled-Embattled : —having double Battlements, or one
Battlement set upon another.
Beaked — applied to Birds not of prey, to denote the
Tincture of their Beaks.
Belled —having a Bell or Bells attached.
Bend-wise —disposed after the manner of a Bend.

Bendy : —divided Bend-wise into an even number of


Bezantee —studded with Bezants.


Billetee — studded with

: Billets.

Blasted — deprived of or withered. leaves,

Braced, or Brazed — interlaced. :

Brettepee: — counter- embattled, having Battlements facing

both ways.
Cabossed —when the Head of an animal is borne af-

frontee, without any part of the neck being seen.

Cadency : — see Chap. XVI.
Cantoned — placed between four objects or Charges : or
when a single Charge is placed in the first quarter of a
: : : : : : : : : : ::


Cercelee, or Recercelee— curling at the extremities.

Charged —placed or borne upon the Field of a Shield,
Banner, or any other object.
Cheky, or Chequee —a Field covered with small squares
alternating of two Tinctures, there being more than two
horizontal rows of such squares, No. 126, Plate IV. The
shield of the De Warren es, still quartered by the
Duke of Norfolk, is chequee, or, and azure, Plate VI.
Clenched : — the Hand closed.
Close —when the Wings of a Bird lie close to its

Combatant —as if in the act of fighting.

Compony or Componee —a series of small squares of two

alternating Tinctures, arranged in a single row : No. 124.
Compounding Arms — see Cbap. XV.
Conjoined : —united and joined together.
Conjoined in Lure: — two wings joined together with
their Tips downwards, as borne by the Duke of Somer-

Contoumee — sitting, standing, or moving, with the

Face to the Sinister.

Cotised —placed between two Cotises.

Couchant — lying down.

Counter-Changed : — see Chap. IX.
Counter-Compony : —a Double Compony.
Counter-LJmbowed —bent with the Elbow to the
: Sinister.

Counter- Fleurie : — a pair or several pairs of Fleurs-de-

lys set opposite to each other.

Counter-Passant —walking in opposite directions.

Counter-Salient — leaping in opposite directions.
Counter-Vair : —a variety of Vair, in which the Bells
are arranged base to base, No. 30, p. 26.
: :: : :: : : :


Couped : — cut off smoothly as by a sharp instrument,

and bounded by a right line.

Courant — running.
Coioard —when an animal has
: its tail between its legs.

Crenellee — embattled.
Crested: — having a as a Crest, Bird has a crest of

Crined : —having hair or a mane.

Crusily or Crusilee —semee of Crosses-Crosslets. If
any other form of Cross is introduced, its distinctive cha-
racter must be specified.

Dancettee — deeply indented.


Debruised —when an Ordinary rests upon an Animal,

or on another Ordinary.
Becked —adorned.
Degreed, or Degraded : —placed upon Steps.

Demembred or Dismembered —cut into several pieces,

but without having the severed Fragments disarranged.
Demi :—the Half. The upper or front Half is always
understood, unless the contrary be stated.
Developed — fully displayed, as a Flag.

Diapered : — See p. 42, and Plates VI., VII.

Dimidiated — cut in halves, and one half removed. (See

Chap. XV.)
Disclosed : —having the Wings expanded — applied to all
Birds that are not Birds of prey.
Displayed : — having the wings expanded— applied to all

Birds of prey.
Disposed — arranged.
Dormant — in the attitude and act of sleeping.

Double-tete : — having two Heads.

Double-queue, or Queue-fourchee : — having two Tails, as

in the case of some lions.

:::: : :
:: —


Dovetail — a system of Counter-ivedging.

Embattled : battled.

Embowed —bent, with the Elbow to the Dexter arched.

: :

Embrued — stained with Blood.


Enfiled — thrust through with a Sword.

Engoulee —pierced through the Mouth.

Enhanced — raised towards the Thus, the Chief.

Baron Byron bears three Bendlets enhanced : No. 249, p. 76.

Ensigned — adorned.
Environnee and Enveloped— surrounded. :

Equipped — caparisoned and provided.

: fully

Eradicated —taken up by the Boots.


Erased : — torn off roughly, so that the severed Parts

have jagged edges. It is the converse to Gouped.

Erect : — set upright in a vertical position.

Fesse-wise: — disposed after the manner of a Fesse.
Figured — any object, as the Sun's Disc, when charged
with a human Face.
Fimbriated — having a narrow Border.
Finned —having as Fish. fins,

Fitchee : —pointed at the Base, and so " fixable" in the

Fleurettee, or Florettee : —terminating in Fleurs-de-lys ;

also semee of fleurs-de-lys.

Fleurie —terminating in
: Points. three

Flexed —bent or bowed.

Flighted — feathered, as an Arrow.

Fly — the length of any Flag, from

: its point of sus-
pension outwards.
Flotant — floating.

Foliated —formed
: like a Leaf or Leaves.

: ::: ::::: :: :


Fourchee —divided into two parts at the extremity.

Fresnee : —rearing up on the hind legs.

Frettee —covered with Frette-worlc.

Fructed —bearing : or seeds of whatsoever kinds.


Fumant — emitting smoke.

Furnished — equipped with. :

Fusillee — covered with Fusils.


Garnished — adorned.
At Gaze — applied to an Animal of the Chase, when
standing still, affrontee.

Gerattyng : — see Chap. XVI.

Girt, or Girdled — bound round with any object.
Gliding : —the movement of Snakes.
Gobony : Compony.
Gorged : —encircled round the neck or throat.
Gouttee, or Guttee — sprinkled over with Drops.
This term is used with various affixes, as follows : Gout-
tee de larmes, sprinkled with tears, or d'eau, with water
(tinctured argent) ; a" olive, with oil, (vert) ; d'or, with
gold ; de poix, with pitch, (sable) ; or du sang, with blood,
(gules). No. 250, page 76.

Gouttee reversed —when the Drops have their natural

position inverted. No. 251, page 76.

Gradient — the act of walking, as by a Tortoise.

Grafted : — inserted and fixed in.

Guardant —looking with the full Face towards the spec-

tator. It is applied to Beasts of Prey. See Gaze and

Gyronny or Gyronnee : — divided after the manner of a

Habited — clothed.
Haurient — applied to a Fish, when placed in Pale.
: ::: ::: — ::


Hause —placed higher than customary position. its

Heightened —having a decorative accessory, or another

Charge, placed higher in the field than any Charge.
Hilted —having a handle, as a Sword.

Hoist — the depth of any Flag from its point of sus-

pension downwards.
Hooded: —having the Head covered with a Coif or
Hoofed —having Hoofs of any particular Tincture.
Homed —having Horns of any particular Tincture.

Humettee ; couped at the extremities.

Hurtee — semee of Hurtes.
Imbrued, Imbued — stained with Blood. :

Impaled — united by Impalement.


Imperially Crowned: —surmounted by the Crown of

Incensed —having Fire issuing from the Mouth and
Increment, or Increscent: —a New Moon, having its

Horns towards the Dexter.

Indented —having a serrated border

: line.

Inflamed —burning in Flames.


In Bend — Bend- set wise.

In Chevron — set in the form of a Chevron.

In Chief: — set in the Chief of the Shield.
In Cross — in the form of a Cross. set

In Fesse — Fesse-wise. set

In Foliage — a Plant or Tree bearing Leaves.


In Iinre — two Wings conjoined, with their tips in

In Pale : — set Pale- wise.

In Pile: —set after the form of a Pile.

: :::: ::::: ::: : : :


In Pride —when a Peacock has its tail displayed.

In — after the form of a

Saltire set Saltire.

Interlaced — linked together.

Invected — having an arched border line.

Inverted —reversed.
Irradiated: — decorated with Rays or Beams of Light.
Issuant —proceeding from or out of.

Jessant — shooting forth, as Plants do from the Earth.

Jessant-de-lys —when a Fleur-de-lys issues from any

Jessed: as a Hawk in Falconry.

Jowlopped: as a Game Cock. Gills,

Langued —applied to denote the Tincture of tho Tongue

of any creature.
Legged, or Member ed : —to denote the Legs of Birds.
Lined —having an inside Lining. Also to denote
having Cords or Chains attached.
Livery Colours: — colours adopted by certain eminent
families and personages, for various decorative uses
as scarlet and white by the Plantagenets : white and
green by the Tudors : blue and crimson by the House op
York, &c.
Lodged —when an animal of the Chase is at rest.
Lozengy or Lozengee — divided into Lozenges.
Maned —having a Mane, as a Lion, a Horse, &c.
Mantelee —a shield divided as in No. 252.
Masoned — made to represent Masonry or Brickwork.
Member ed: —to denote the Beak and Legs of any

Monogram —a single initial or other letter ; also a

combination of several initials or letters, so as to form

a single compound device.

:: :: : ::::: : : : : :


Mounted: —applied to a Horse when carrying a

Naiant — when a Fish swims in Fesse.
Naissant —the same as Issuant, but applied only to
living Creatures.

Nebulee —having a peculiar Wavy border line.

Nerved —having as Leaves have.Fibres,

Noived —tied in a Knot.

Oppressed —the same as Debruised.

Over —when one Charge borne over

all is all the


Overt —having the Wings expanded for flight.

Pale-wise, or In Pale —placed or arranged after the

manner of a Pale; that is, set in a vertical posi-

tion, or arranged vertically one above another.

Paly — divided Pale-wise into an even number of Parts.
Paly Bendy — divided evenly both Pale-wise and Bend-

Party, or Parted — divided after an heraldic manner.


Pascuant — grazing.
Passant —walking.
Passant Guardant: —walking, with the Face affrontee.

A Lion passant guardant was distinguished by the early

French Heralds, as a Leopard or a Lion Leoparde.
Passant Beguardant — walking, and looking bach.

Passant Bepassant —the same as Counter Passant ; that

is, when one animal is passant to the dexter, and another
to the sinister.
Pellettee — studded with Pellets.

Pendent — drooping.
Per : —by means of.
:: : : : :: : : : :: :


Pierced — perforated, so as to show the Field through

the aperture.
Pily : —divided Pile-wise.
Pily Bendy — divided both Pile-wise and Bend-wise.
Pomelled: — to denote the Tincture of the uppermost
part of a sword-hilt.
Powdered —semee of small : objects.

Preying —when a Beast devours Prey.

: its

Purfled — guarded or bordered with Fur.


Quarterly — divided into four Quarters also divided ;

into more than four sections, in which case the number is

to be specified in the Blazon, as Quarterly of six, of eight,


Quilled —to denote the tincture of the Quills of Fea-


—encircled with Bays.

Radiant, or Bayonnee
—serrated, as in No.
Baguly or Bagulee 17.

Bampant, and Bampant Sejant — see Chap. XI.

Bebated .-—broken off, cut short, or recessed.
Bebus — see Chap. XIV.

Beflected, or Beflexed — bent, curved, or in any way

carried backwards.
Beguardant —looking backwards.
Bemoved — out of proper position.
; its

Betorted — intertwined, ; Frette-wise.

Bising, or Boussant — about to take wing.

Bompu — broken, or interrupted.


Salient: — leaping, or bounding.

Saltire-wise — divided, or arranged per Saltire.

Sarcellee — cut through the middle.

Scintillant— sparkling, or emitting Sparks.

Seeded — bearing Seeds, or Seed-
; Vessels.
: :: ::::: :: : : : :


Segreant: —when a Griffin is erect with expanded

Sejant — sitting.
Sejant Addorsed — sitting back to back.
Semee: — strewed, or scattered over with any Charge or
Object. See Powdered.
Shafted —to denote the Shaft of a Spear, Arrow, &c.
Slipped: —when a Leaf, Twig, Branch, or Flower, is

torn from off the parent stem.

Soaring : —flying aloft.

Springing — Salient, also Issnant.

Statant —the ordinary attitude in which an animal
" stands at ease."

Stringed —having Strings, as a Harp ; or being sus-

pended by a Cord, as a Bugle-Horn : or being in any way
attached to a String, or fastened by one.
Subverted — reversed.
Surmounted —when one Charge is placed over another.
Sur-tout —surmounted, or over all.

Tasselled — adorned with Tassels, as the cushions below

the heads of monumental effigies.

Tiercee— divided into equal parts. three

Torqued —wreathed.
Tournee — the same as Reguardant.
Towered: — crowned with Towers or Turrets.
Transfixed —pierced through, or Transpierced.
Transfluent — flowing through.
Transposed: —having the original or natural positio

or arrangement reversed.
Traversed — facing to the Sinister.

Tricked — sketched in outline with pen and ink.

::::::::: : : : :


Tricorporated —having three bodies united to a single

head, from which, as a centre, the bodies radiate at equal
distances. A tricorporate lion appears on a seal of Edmond
Plantagenet, Earl of Lancaster, a.d. 1250.

Tripping, or Trippant: — applied to Animals of the

Chase, when in easy motion, No. 203, and corresponding
with Passant. When moving more rapidly, such animals

are at speed. Counter-Tripping implies that two or more

animals of the chase are tripping past each other in op-
posite directions.

Trononee — cut to pieces, the pieces standing separately,

but retaining in their arrangement the original figure or
contour of the Charge : as in the instance of the Saltire
in No. 253, Plate XIII.

Trussed —having the wings closed.

Trussing — devouring, as a Bird of Prey does.


Tusked —having tusks.

Umbrated, or Adumbrated — shadowed, or under Shadow.

JJndeeor TJndy — wavy.
Unguled — having Hoofs.

Urniant —when a Fish swims pale-wise with Head its

to the Base, the reverse of Hauriant.

Verdee or Verdoy :— charged with any Plants.
Verted or Reverted : —the same as Flexed and Beflexed.

Vested —habited, clothed.

Vigilant — on the watch prey. for

Voided —having the entire central area removed.

Volant — flying.

Vorant — devouring.
Vulned — wounded, so that the blood dropping. is

Wattled —having a Comb and Gills, as a Cock and a



Wavy — having an undulated border line.

Winged —having Wings.


Wreathed — adorned Avith a Wreath,

: or twisted in the
form of a Wreath.

No. 200.— Shield of William Longespee, Earl of Salisbury. Died

a.d. 1226. From his Effigy in Salisbury Cathedral. See p. 63, and Chap-
ters xv., xvi., xxiii., and xxvi.
No. 309. Mitres.




The important Group of Heraldic Terms that consti-

tute the contents of the present chapter, are arranged in

the same alphabetical order that obtains in Chapters X,
XI, XII, and XIII.

Abeyance .-—denotes that condition in the descent of a

Peerage, in which it is vested in two or more Co-heirs,
both or all of them having precisely the same claim ; and
consequently, since the Peerage can descend only in such
a manner as to be held by one person, when there are
several equal Claimants, none of them can maintain any
Claim. This state of things continues, until all the

original Co-heirs but one fail, and then the representative

of that one becomes the Heir and inherits the Peerage.
Thus the Peerage that is in Abeyance is dormant only,
and not dead, since it revives at once when the Abeyance
ceases to affect it.

Achievement of Arms :— a complete heraldic Composition,



in which the Shield exhibits all its Quarterings, and its

Impalement, together with its external accessories of Coro-

net, Supporters, Crest, Motto, &c. Any Complete heraldic
Composition may be entitled an Achievement of Arms.
Archbishop : — the highest Order in the English Church.
The Archbishop of Canterbury is the first subject of the
realm, next to the Princes of the Blood Eoyal. He is the
" Most Eeverend Father in Grod," is Archbishop " by
Divine Providence," and is styled " Your Grace." The
Lord High Chancellor ranks next to the Archbishop of
Canterbury, and then follows in the order of precedence
the Archbishop of York: he is "by Divine Permission,"
his style in all other respects being the same as his Grace
of Canterbury. Of the two Irish Archbishops of Armagh
and Dublin, the former is the Primate : their Graces rank
immediately after the Archbishop of York. The wives of
Archbishops and Bishops have no title, and take no rank
from their husbands. See Pall and Pastoral Staff, in

Chap. X. ; and Bishop and Mitre in Chap. XIV.

Argent : — the Metal Silver.
Armory —a List of Names and Titles, to which their
several Arms are attached and blazoned. See Ordinary.
Attainder: — absolute deprivation of every civil right
and privilege, involving a transmission of the same fearful

penalty, and a consequent forfeiture even of pure blood and

descent, as well as of all hereditary claims. It was the
weapon with which Treason, or what passed for Treason,

used to be smitten down. Attainder required a Special

Act of the Legislature, and it held in force until revoked
by the same process and authority.
Augmentation : — an addition to an heraldic Composition,
which is distinct and complete in itself, and conveys em-


phatically a definite signification of its own : such as the

Union Device of the United Kingdom, added as an " Aug-
mentation of Honour " to the Arms of the Duke of
Wellington. See Chapter XXVI.
Azure : —the Colour Blue.
Badge: — an heraldic Device, having a distinctive sig-
nification of its own, and borne alone without being
charged upon a Shield. See Chap. XVII.
Banner: — a* Square Flag, emblazoned in the middle
ages with a complete Coat-of-Arms, and the distinctive
Ensign of a Knight-Banneret, and also of the higher Orders
of Military Chiefs. The Boll of Caerlaverock gives the
Blazon of the Banners of the Princes, Nobles and Knights
who were present at the Siege of that Border Stronghold
in the year 1300, under the Boyal Banner of Edward I.

This term ought to be retained and used by us for the

" Colours" of our Cavalry, and for the Flag that we style
" the Koyal Standard," which really is the " Royal

Banner." See Chap. XVIII.

Banneret, or Knight Banneret: —a Knight, who, for
good service under the Royal Banner, was advanced by
the King to a higher Order of Knighthood on the Field of
Battle. From that time he would be entitled to bear,
and would be distinguished by, a Banner instead of a
Baron — a Husband, the Wife in Heraldry being styled

Baron — a Title and Bank of Nobility derived from the

early days of English History, and in a peculiar manner
associated with the memories of the olden time. It cor-
responds with the Thane of the Anglo-Saxons.
A Baron now holds the lowest Rank in the British
: :


Peerage. He is styled " My Lord," and is " Right Honour-

able ;" and all his children are " Honourable." The
Coronet of a Baron has six large Pearls set separately

upon a jewelled Circlet of gold, of which number four

only are apparent in representations. The Cap is of
Crimson Velvet, guarded with Ermine, and is surmounted
by a gold Tassel. This Coronet, (No. 254,) was first granted

No. 254.

by Charles II, before whose time the Barons wore plain

golden Circles, The Mantle, or Eobe of State, is Scarlet,
and has two Doublings of Ermine. See Chaps. XXI. and
Baroness — the wife of a Baron. She is styled " My
Lady," and is " Eight Honourable." Her Coronet is the
same as that of her Husband.
Baronet — an hereditary Rank, lower than the Peerage,
instituted by James I, a.d. 1612. Baronets, as originally
created, were either " of Ulster," or " of :"
Nova Scotia
the armorial Ensign of the former is the Badge of Ulster,
argent, a sinister hand, cou/ped at the wrist and appaumee,
gules, No. 177, borne generally upon a small Shield of
Pretence.- The Baronets of Nova Scotia bear, as a Badge,
the Saltire of Scotland. All Baronets now are " of the
United Kingdom."
Bascimt: — a Close fitting Helm. See Helmet.


: :


Bath, Order of the — see Chap. XIX.

Bath: — see Herald.
Bearing — any heraldic Device or Figure, or a complete
Coat- of- Arms.
Bishop: — the Bishops in number are twenty-one for
England, four for Wales, ten for Ireland, one for Sodor
and Man, and forty for the Colonies. The Bishops of
England and Wales are all Peers Spiritual of Parliament,
except always the Bishop last consecrated. Also the Irish
Prelates are Spiritual Peers alternately, four in each
session of Parliament. The Bishop of London is always
a Privy-Councillor, and therefore is " Eight Honourable."

He has precedence of all his Brethren. Next in Order

are the Bishops of Durham and Winchester. The others
rank according to seniority of Consecration. All the
Bishops are " Bight Beverend Fathers in God," and
Bishops " by Divine Permission." They are styled :
" My
Lord Bishop."
Archbishops and Bishops impale their own Arms with
the Arms of their See, the latter being placed to the

dexter. They have no Supporters, Crest, or Motto, but

they ensign their Shields with their Mitres. The Arms

of Canterbury, are : Az., a Crozier, or, the Cross-head, arg.,

surmounted by a pall, of the last, fimbriated and fringed,

gold, and charged with four crosses patee-fitchee, sa. In
No. 255 these Arms impale Kempe, gu., three garbs, within

a bordure engrailed, or, for John Kempe, Archbishop of

Canterbury, Cardinal and Lord High Chancellor, who
died a.d. 1454. The Arms of the See of York are, Gu.,
two keys, in Saltire, arg. : in chief, a Royal Crown, or. The
Arms of London are, Gu., two swords, in Saltire, arg., pom-
mels, or : those of Durham, arc, Az., a cross cantoning four
: : : : : :


lioncels rampt., or : and those of Winchester are, Gu., tivo

keys, addorsed, in bend, the uppermost argent, the other, or, a

sword interposed between them, in bend sinister, of the second,
hilt and pommel, gold. See Mitre, Pastoral- Staff} and
Chap. XXI.
Blazon and Blazonry: — the description and also the

representation of any heraldic device, figure, or composi-

tion, in accordance with the principles and the practice
of Heraldry.
Blue Mantle — see Herald.
Cadency —that heraldic distinction of the several
members of the same family, or of collateral branches
of the same house, which is indicated by some Device
specially adopted and borne for that purpose. See Chap.
Canting Heraldry : —also called Armes Parlantes. See
Cardinal's Hat — is low in the crown, with a broad
brim, and of a scarlet colour, with two long pendent
cords, curiously knotted and intertwined and tasselled.

. It appears above certain shields of arms of the mediaeval

Clarenceux — see Herald.
Coat-of-Arms — a complete and distinctive heraldic
composition. The expression is evidently derived from
the mediaeval usage of embroidering the armorial insignia
of a noble or knight, upon the surcoat, jupon, or tabard
which he wore over his armour.
Collar — an Ornament to be worn about the neck, and
indicative of certain rank, office, and position. See
Chap. XX.
College-of-Arms : — see Herald.
: : :


Colours : —Naval and Military Flags. The term is now

used, not only in a general acceptation, but also specifically
to distinguish the Flags of the Infantry from those (styled
" standards") of the Cavalry. Shakespeare uses the word
" Colours" to denote Military Flags. See Chap. XVIII.
Coins —the Heraldry that may be learned from both
British and Foreign Coins is of the utmost value, since it

is always historically correct, and moreover it invariably

exemplifies contemporary heraldic feeling and usage. See

Chap. XXIV.
Compounded Arms — Arms formed by the Combination
of two or more distinct bearings, in such a manner as to
produce a single Composition. This process has been
adopted only in rare instances, (as in the Union Flag of
England, Nos. 63, 64, and Chap. XV.), since the intro-
duction of systematic Marshalling by Quartering. See
Chap. XV.
Coronet: —the Ensign of Princely and Noble Eank,
corresponding in its own degree with the Crown of a
Sovereign regnant. The Coronets of the Peers of England
are worn by them on the occasion of the Coronation of
their Sovereign. They all enclose a Cap of crimson
velvet, lined with ermine, and surmounted by a Tassel of
rich gold bullion. Coronets, as insignia of Nobility, were
evidently in general use by the Nobles of England in the

reign of Edward HI, but they did not assume their

present (or, indeed, any) distinctive characteristics until
a period much nearer to our own times. See Prince,
Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount, Baron, and Crest.

Contoise —a scarf, worn loose and flowing, attached to

the Helm with the crest, but discontinued after the
middle of the 14th century. A singularly characteristic
:: : : : : —


example occurs in the monument of Aymer de Valence,

at Westminster. No. 256, PI. XV.
Count or Compte — in Latin, " Comes," a Continental
title and rank of Nobility, corresponding with that of
/'Earl." The Coronet is set round closely with small
pearls, slightly raised, and it has no Cap.
Countess —the title and rank of the Wife of an Earl,
and also of a Count. An English Countess is " Eight

Honourable ;" she is styled " My Lady ;" and her Coronet
is the same as that of her husband.
Courtesy, Titles of: — certain nominal degrees of Rank,
that are conceded by Royal Grace and sanctioned by
prevailing usage, to some of the children of the Peers.
The term is especially applicable to the " Second Titles
of their Fathers, that are thus borne " by Courtesy " by
the eldest sons of Dukes, Marquesses, and Earls.
Crest Coronet — see Chap. XVII.
Crown — the Imperial of Great Britain. See Chap. XIX
Crowns Foreign — see Chap. XXXI.
Crown —when borne as a charge, a Crown generally is

. drawn after the form of the crest-coronet. The arms of

St. Edmund, one of the most popular national Saints of
mediaeval England, in the Caerlaverock Roll associated
with the ensigns of St. George and St. Edward, are,

azure, three crowns, 2 and 1, or, No. 271. This Shield

appears on the monument of Prince Edmund Planta-
genet, of Langley, at King's Langley, in Hertfordshire.
Three similar crowns on a field gules, constitute the

arms of the See of Ely.

Certain varieties and modifications also of ancient
crowns are in use as heraldic accessories, and sometimes
they are borne as charges in modern Heraldry. The

Mural Crown, No. 272, a circle of gold embattled, is

associated with military success in sieges : it is borne, as

a crest of augmentation, with other devices, by Sir

Edward Kerrison ; and, as both ci'est and charge, by

the Baron Seaton. The Naval Crown, borne by Earl

Nelson, as a similar crest, and by Sir George Parker

as a charge, No. 273, is formed by the alternate sterns

No. 273.
and masts of ships set upon a golden circle, and sig-

nificantly declares its own peculiar meaning. The

Crown Vallary, No. 274, borne with his crest by Sir

No. 274.

Matthew Barrington, refers to the forcing an enemy's

entrenched camp, and is formed of small palissades placed
upon a golden circle. The Radiated or Eastern Crown,

called also the Antique Crown, No. 275, borne as both

: ::


crest and charge by the Earl of Seafield, Sir James

Outram, and Sir John Lawrence, has its rays pointed,
in which respect it differs from the heraldic Celestial

Crown, which has each of its rays charged with a star.

Crosier — the Cross-headed Pastoral- Staff of an Arch-
bishop, which is borne as a Charge in the Arms of the

Sees of Canterbury, Armagh, and Dublin. Characteristic

examples occur in the Brasses to Archbishops de Waldeby,

1397, Westminster, No. 160, PI. XV., and Cranlet, 1407,
New College, Oxford ; in the Brass to Dean Thomas Ne-
lond, Cowfold, 1443 ; and in the Monument of Arch-
bishop Warham, 1532, at Canterbury. The effigy
of ArchbishopWalter Grey, 1255, in his noble
Monument at York, has a staff with a crook-head of
beautiful foliage. See Pastoral-Staff, Chap. X., and No.
159, in PI. XV.
Dalmatic —a robe of state worn by both Sovereign
Princes and by the Mediaeval Hierarchy. It was also

the distinctive vestment of a Deacon. It has rather

wide sleeves, and it hangs loosely about the person, being

open at the sides at the lower part. It is exemplified in

all episcopal effigies, and is represented immediately

below the chesuble. It occurs in royal effigies, and is

shewn most clearly in the effigy of Henry IV. at

Diaper: —a surface pattern, which simply imparts a

decorative character, without assuming the distinctive

attributes of a charge. See Chap. IX.

Difference — a figure or device introduced into heraldic

composition, for the purpose of distinguishing several per-

sons who bear the same arms. See Chap. XVI.
Dimicliation: —the original method of Impalement,


effected by mutually dividing the two shields per pale,

and by forming the compound shield from the union of

the Dexter-half of one of the divided shields with the

Sinister-half of the other. Chap. XV.
Dividing Dines — see Chaps. III. IV.
Doubling : —the lining of a robe : also any enrichment
of a robe or mantle by means of ermine or other rich


Duke: — next to the Princes and Princesses of the

Blood Eoyal and to the four Archbishops of England
and Ireland, the highest order and rank of the British

This title was introduced by Edward III, a.d. 1337,

when he created his son Prince Edward, the Black

Prince, Duke of Cornwall. The second of the English
Dukes was Henry Plantagenet, Earl of Lancaster,
Derby, and Leicester, and Count of Provence, who
was created Duke of Lancaster, a.d. 1351. A Duke's
coronet, as now worn, has eight strawberry-leaves set

upon a jewelled circle of gold, the cap being of crimson

velvet with a golden tassel and guarded with ermine : in

representations, five only of the leaves are shewn,

No. 276. The opinion is prevalent that this distinctive

. form of coronet appears for the first time, placed upon

h 2

the basinet of Prince John Plantagenet, of Eltham,

Earl of Cornwall, in his effigy at Westminster, a.d.
1336. That there is no foundation for such an origin of
the Ducal Coronet is evident from the effigy itself. The
decorations of the head-piece and of the rest of the
armour are precisely the same, and they also are identical

with similar decorations that appear in other effigies of

about the same date. The basinet of Prince John, No.

277, PI. XVI., however, evidently was once encircled by a
plain narrow fillet, which is not the case in any other
instance, so far as I am aware. In the effigy at York, of
the nephew of John of Eltham, Prince William,
second son of Edward III, who was born a.d. 1336, and
died in childhood, the head has the long and flowing
hair encircled by a jewelled fillet, represented in No. 278.
The effigy of the Black Prince himself, a.d. 1376, at

Canterbury, exhibits on the basinet, No. 279, what may

possibly have been the prototype of the Dukes' straw-
berry-leaf coronet. From the jewelled circle that encom-
passes the basinet there rise sixteen leaves, with a
second series of the same number and much smaller
size alternating with the larger ones. These leaves
differ very slightly from those that are carved upon
the armour of John of Eltham, and they are in
exact accordance with a favourite form of decorative
foliage in general use when the effigy was executed.
Lionel Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, who died
a.d. 1368, in his Will bequeathed " Two Golden Circles,"

with one of which he states that he himself had been

" created a Duke," while with the other his elder brother,

the Black Prince, had been " created a Prince." It

would seem that for a while the coronets of both Dukes


Nos 257, 258, 269 to 28


and Earls were decorated rather after an arbitrary taste,

than in accordance with any established rule. Indeed,

more than a century after the death of the Black
Prince, the effigies of John de la Pole, K.G., Duke of
Suffolk, and his wife Elizabeth Plantagenet, sister

of Edward IV, have Coronets, No. 280, of Fleurs-de-lys,

alternating with clusters of three small balls. Possibly,
the Fleurs-de-lys here may denote the Lady to have been
a Princess.
The Latin equivalent of Duke is " Dux." A Duke is

styled " Your Grace," and he is " Most Honorable ;" all his

sons are "Lords," and all his daughters "Ladies;" but

his eldest son bears his father's " second title," and
accordingly he generally ranks as a Marquess. See
The Mantle of a Duke is scarlet, and it has four
doublings of ermine. There now are twenty English
Dukedoms, seven Scottish, and one Irish.

Ducal Coronet, or Crest Coronet: — see Crest.

Duchess: — the wife of a Duke. She is styled "Your

Grace," and is " Most Honorable." Her Coronet is the
same as that of her husband.
Earl: —a title and rank of Nobility, now the third in

the order of the British Peerage, but the direct descendant

of the highest dignity amongst the Anglo-Saxons. The

"Earl" of the Normans, identical with the "Compte"
or " Count " of France, in Latin, " Comes," succeeded to
the " Eorl " of the Saxons.
An Earl is " Right Honorable," and is styled " My
Lord." His eldest son bears his father's " second title,"

and therefore is generally styled "Viscount;" his other


sons are " Honorable," but all his daughters are " Ladies."
See Chap. XXVIII.
The Coronet of an Earl has eight lofty rays of gold
rising from a jewelled circlet, each of which upon its

point supports a large pearl ; also between each pair of

rays, at their bases, there is a golden strawberry-leaf.
In representations, five of the elevated pearls and four
of the leaves are apparent, No. 281. The cap is the

No. 281.

same as in the other coronets. The scarlet mantle has

three doublings of ermine.
In the monumental effigies of noble personages which
yet remain from the middle ages, there are many highly
interesting examples of the varieties of Coronets worn by
the Earls of those days and their Countesses, before this
Coronet had assumed its present definite and fixed

character. I must be content to refer to a few examples

only. The Crest of Bichard Beauchamp, Earl of

Warwick, No. 265, a.d. 1439, in his effigy at Warwick,
rises from a plain circlet that is surmounted by series of

pearls slightly raised, but without any strawberry-leaves.

The Earl and Countess of Arundel, at Arundel, early

in the fifteenth century, have remarkably rich Coronets,

No. 282 : the Earl's has a series of leaves and of clusters
of three small balls alternating, all of them being
: : : :


equally raised to a considerable height : the Coronet of

the Countess differs in having the raised groups set
alternately with single balls that are less elevated.

Later in the century, a.d. 1487, another Earl and Coun-

tess of Arundel have Coronets, No. 283, p. 13, formed
entirely of the conventional architectural leaves of the

period. Similar leaves, no less than thirteen in number,

rise to a slight and uniform elevation along the front of
the ample Coronet, No. 284, of Isabel Plantagenet,
Countess of Essex, in her Brass at Little Easton in
Essex, a.d. 1483. And, once more, at Hever in Kent,

a.d. 1536, the Brass to Sir T. Boletn, KG., Earl of

Wiltshire and Ormonde, represents the maternal
grandfather of Queen Elizabeth, in the Insignia of the
Garter and wearing a rich Coronet, the circle of which
is set with small pearls, not raised, and in contact, and
so numerous that upwards of twenty are displayed
No. 285.
Ermine — 'N

Ermines:— [Heraldic Furs. See Chap. V.

Escutcheon —an Heraldic Shield. See Chap. IIL

Escutcheon of Pretence —a small Shield charged upon
the Field of another Shield.
Esquire: —a title of honorable distinction, in rank
below that of Knight. Esquires are personal companions
and attendants of the Knights of the Orders of Knight-
hood, —as Knights of the Garter and the Bath. These
Esquires have their stall-plates at Windsor and West-
minster. Amongst other Esquires, are all attendants
upon the Person of the Sovereign: all eldest sons of
Baronets and Knights : all eldest sons of the younger
: : — ;


sons of Peers: all persons holding commissions direct

from the Crown, but not being of rank lower than
Captain : all Eoyal Academicians, and Barristers-at-Law:
also all Bachelors of Law and Physic and Masters of
Arts. See Chap. XXVIII.
Femme: — the Wife, as distinguished from the Baron,
her Husband.
Fesse-Point: —the central point of a Shield. See
Chap. Ill, No. 8, m.
Field —the surface of a Shield or of its Parts, or of
any Charge or Object.
Furs : — see Chap. V.
Garter: —the most celebrated Order of European
Knighthood. See Chap. XX.
Garter — see Herald.
Garter —a strap or riband, fastened with a buckle in
such a manner as to form a circle, and having the end
depending. Such a Garter may be of any tincture, and
it may be assumed for the purpose of being charged with

any motto. It was known to Heralds, and in use as an

.heraldic device, before the institution of the Order.

The Garter of the Order is azure, bordered with gold,

and having a golden buckle and appendages. In letters

of the same precious metal it is charged with the motto,

Honi : soit : qui : mal v pense.
: : Since the year 1350,
this Garter has habitually been placed about the Shield
of England, as in "No. 286, which represents the arms
of Edward ILL as they are blazoned upon his monument
the Garter and Motto, however, are added to the shield-
of-arms, for it is a very singular circumstance that none
of the insignia of the Order appear in the monuments of

either Edward III. or the Black Prince. The Garter




of the Order also encircles the shield-of-arms of every

Knight of the Order. A shield thus gartered appears

in the fine Brass to the Baron Camoys, K.G., a.d. 1424,

at Trotton in Sussex. This Brass also exemplifies the

heraldic usage, which restricts the knightly ensign of the
Garter to the shield of the Knight himself. Accordingly,
above the heads of both Lord and Lady Camoys, on
either side of the two compartments of their double
canopy, are two shields ; of which one is charged with
Camoys only, or, on a chief, gu., three plates, and is gartered,

No. 287 ; and the other bears Camoys impaling Mortimer,

No. 288. The two shields represented in Nos. 287 and 288
shew the relative sizes of the originals. In the effigy of

Lord Camoys, the Garter is adjusted about the left leg,

as in No. 288 a. The canopy of the Brass at Constance

Cathedral to Eobert Hallam, Bishop of Salisbury,
a.d. 1417, is enriched with a gartered shield of the
Koyal Arms, No. 289 ; the Fleurs-de-lys are three in
number, and the shield is environed with rays. Many
admirable examples of the adjustment of the insignia of
the Garter occur in monumental effigies as in that :

of Eichard Beatjchamp, Earl of Warwick, 1439 of ;

Sir B. Harcourt, at Stanton Harcourt, 1471 ; of John

de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, No. 290, at Wingfield,
1431 ; and of Sir Thomas Boleyn, at Hever, 1536. The
Mantle is represented in all these examples, except the
first. Sir Thomas Boleyn also wears the Collar of the
Order. Sir R.Harcourt wears the Yorkist Collar of
Lions and Roses, having the white Lion of the Mor-
timers as a pendent, No. 291 : and, what is remarkable, in
her effigy, Lady Harcourt wears the Garter of the
Order buckled about her left arm, No. 292, precisely as it

is worn by Her Majesty the Queen. See Chap. XX.

: : :


Gonfannon: — a Flag suspended from a transverse bar

attached to a staff, and commonly swallow-tailed at the
" fly," as in No. 293.

Grand Quarters —the primary sections of a quartered

Shield. See Chap. Ill, No. 16.
Gules: —the Colour Red.
Hatchment —the Armorial Bearings of a deceased per-
son, usually enclosed within a black lozenge-shaped frame,

and placed upon a house-front. When a Hatchment is

erected on the death of a Husband, the Dexter half of the

Field of the Hatchment itself is Sable, the Sinister being
Argent. On the death of a Wife, this order of the Tinc-
turesis reversed. The Whole of its Field is Sable,

when a Hatchment bears the arms of a Widower a

Widow, or an Unmarried Person. In the blazoning of
Hatchments all the rules of Marshalling are to be care-
fully observed. The Tinctures, Argent and Sable, of the
Field of Hatchments will require to be thoughtfully
adjusted, when there are many quarterings and other
heraldic combinations. See Chaps. XV. and XXX. It

is customary to place on a Hatchment some brief legend

of a religious character, in place of the motto of the
Helm, Heaume, or Helmet —the defence for the Head.
In the Middle Ages, the Knights wore a second Helm of
ample dimensions and great strength when in actual
action, whether in the Field or the Lists. This great
Helm was commonly made to rest upon the shoulders,
and was secured to the Knight's person by a chain, as in
the Brass to Sir R. de Trumpington. In monumental
effigies the great Helm frequently forms a characteristic
pillow for the head of the deceased warrior, and it is

adorned with its Crest, Wreath and Mantling. Oc-


casionally, after the year 1425, the smaller Helm is

similarly used, and the effigy has the Head uncovered.

Beneath the great Helm the head was protected by a
Coif of Mail, and sometimes also by a species of close

fitting steel cap. A small Helm, known as a Basinet,

was introduced early in the fourteenth century, from

which a Tippet-like defence of Mail, called the Camail,

hung down and covered the neck and shoulders. The
Basinet and Camail of the Black Prince are shewn in
No. 279. The Camail was superseded by a Gorget of
plate about the year 1408.
Modern Heralds place the Helm, as an accessory, above
a shield-of-arms, and they have both introduced fanciful
and singularly unbecoming forms of Helms, and have
adopted absurdly complicated rules for their disposition.
Such rules were altogether unknown in the palmy days of
early Heraldry, and might be advantageously dismissed
from the heraldic usages of our own times. Nos. 263
and 264 represent such Helms as might be uniformly
introduced into all modern achievements of Arms. The
rules at present generally observed are as follows :

The Helm of the Sovereign to be of Gold, and to stand

affrontee being guarded with six Bars, No. 294. The


Helm of Princes and Nobles to be of Silver, decorated

with Gold : to stand in profile, and to show five Bars
only, No. 295. The Helm of Baronets and Knights to
be of Steel, adorned with Silver, and to stand affrontee,

having the Vizor raised and without Bars, No. 296. The
Helm of Esquires and Gentlemen to have the Vizor closed,
and to stand in profile, No. 297.

No. 296 No. 297.

Heralds: — the Officerswho preside over the Modern

Heraldry of England, and who derive both their Titles
and their official Duties from times long passed away, as
their Predecessors of the Middle Ages were themselves
officially the Descendants and Eepresentatives of the
Royal Messengers and Ambassadors of Antiquity.
The exclusive privilege of deciding officially respecting

Rights of Arms and Claims for Descent was bestowed

upon the Heralds by Edward III, and about the year
1425 they were regularly constituted a Corporate Body.
Their official residence, situated between St. Paul's
Cathedral and the Thames, stands upon the site of

Derby House, which was given to them by Mary and

Philip, and was afterwards destroyed in the Great Fire.
The College of Arms or Heralds' College, as at

present constituted, consists of Three Kin gs-of- Arms en-


titled, Garter, Clarenceux, and Norroy. Of these Garter

is the Chief, and Clarenceux and Norroy have jurisdiction
severally to the South and North of the Trent : of
Six Heralds, entitled Windsor, Chester, Lancaster,
Somerset, York, and Richmond, and of Four Pursuivants,
Rouge Croix, Rouge Dragon, Bluemantle, and Portcullis.

There is another King-of-Arnis, styled Bath, or Gloiicester,

who has not a place in the Heraldic Chapter, whose juris-

diction extends to the Principality of Wales. There are
also two other Heraldic Kings Lord Lion, for Scotland,
and Ulster, for Ireland.

The Kings-of-Arms have a Crown composed of sixteen

oak leaves, No. 298, set erect upon a golden circle, nine of
which leaves appear in representations. The Crown
encloses a Cap of Crimson Velvet, lined with Ermine, but
without any Tassel; and on the Circle itself is the
Legend, Miserere mei Deus secundum magnam misericordiam
tuam. The Herald Kings also have their own official

Arms, which they impale on the dexter side with their

paternal Arms. See Chap. XXI.
The Official Habit of all the Heralds is a Tabard, or
sleeved Surcoat, upon which the Royal Arms are em-
blazoned, the Blazonry being repeated on the Front,
Back and Sleeves. All the Heralds also wear, as part of
their Official Insignia, the Lancastrian Collar of 8.8.
See Chap. XX.
At the Head of the whole Heraldic Brotherhood,
having his high Commission direct from the Sovereign, is

the Earl Marshal of England. This Office is held by

the Duke of Norfolk, and it is hereditary in his Family.
The Arms of his Grace quarter the hereditary Insignia
of Howard, Brotherton, Warren, and Mowbray, and
: :: ::


behind the Shield, crossed in saltire, are two Marshal's

Staves, or, enamelled at the ends, sable, No. 299. See also
Chap. XXVI.
The present duties of Heralds comprise Grants of
Arms ; the Tracing and Drawing up of Genealogies ; the
Recording Arms and Genealogies in the Registers of the
Heralds' College ; recording the Creation and Succession
of Peers and others, with all similar matters, including

the Direction of all Royal Pageants and Ceremonials, and

Enrolling the Colors and Standards in use in the Army.
Honor Point — see Chap. and No. Ill, 8, l.

Hospitallers— see Chap. XX.

Illumination — a and most satisfactory notice of
for full

this beautiful Early Art, now so happily revived, I must

refer to the " Manual of Illumination," by Mr. J. J. Laing,

published by Messrs. Winsor and Newton.

Impalement —the vertical division of a Shield into two
or more equal parts, and the placing two or more distinct

Coats of Arms severally in those parts. This is the pre-

vailing arrangement for uniting the arms of a Husband and
a Wife. In the Impalement of a Bordure, that Subordi-
nacy now is always dimidiated —that is, the Bordure does
not extend to the impaled side of the Shield. See Bimi-
diation, and Chaps. VI1T and XV.
Jousts —tournaments.
Jupon: — a Short Surcoat fitting the person, without
sleeves, worn over their armour by the Nobles and Knights
of the Middle Ages, from about a.d. 1355, to about a.d.
1405. The Jupon was generally of rich materials, and
emblazoned with the heraldic insignia of the wearer ; it

was also almost invariably invected or jagged at the

bottom. Fine examples exist in the Effigies of the Black
: :: : :


Prince, at Canterbury, and of the Earl of Warwick, (a

Brass, a.d. 1401), at St. Mary's, Warwick.
King-at-Arms — see Herald.
Knight —in Latin, " Eques," a mounted Warrior, who
in the Middle Ages was a man of military rank, entitled

to bear a Pennon and a Shield-of-Arms, and further dis-

tinguished by his Golden Spurs. When used alone, the

term now denotes a rank somewhat resembling that of a
Baronet, except in the important particular that it is not
hereditary. The Orders of Knighthood of our own day,
like those of the days of Medieval Chivalry, are Fraterni-
ties of Honor. See Chap. XX.
Knight-Banneret — see Banneret.
Lambrequin — see Mantling.

Lists—enclosed spaces holding Tournaments. for

Maintenance, Cap — also called a Chapeau of

of: Estate,

was an early symbol of high Dignity and Bank. It

appears supporting the Crest of the Black Prince at

Canterbury, No. 263. This Cap is still retained in use,
and is occasionally placed beneath modern Crests in place
of the customary Wreath. In form, the Cap of Main-
tenance somewhat resembles the modern Scottish " Glen-
gary," but it is made of Crimson Velvet, and guarded
with Ermine, No. 133 a, PI. VIII.
Mantle —a long and flowing Bobe, worn in the Middle
Ages over the armour. The Mantle also constitutes an
important part of the official Insignia of the Knightly
Orders, See Chap. XX. In the Middle Ages, Ladies of
Bank wore similar Mantles, and in many instances they
were decorated with heraldic charges, in which case the
Mantle bore either the Impaled Arms of the Lady and her
Husband, or her Husband's Arms only. Numerous ex-


amples exist in Monumental Effigies, as in the Brass at

Enfield, a.d. 1446, to Lady Tiptoft : No. 300, PL XVIL
Mantling or Lambrequin — a small Mantle, attached to
the Basinet or Helm, and hanging down over the
shoulders of the wearer. In Heraldry, the Mantling is

often so adjusted that it forms a back ground for the

Shield and its accessories, and thus with them it con-
stitutes an Achievement of Arms : or, it simply hangs in
such a manner as to cover the back of the Helm, as in No.
301, PL I, the Achievement of Sir John Harsyck, a.d.

1384, at Southacre, Norfolk : the Arms are, or, a chief

dancettee, az. ; and the Crest is, a panache of turkey's

feathers, sa., rising out of a hoop, or. The Knightly
Mantling being necessarily much exposed, was constantly
cut and torn in the melee ; this is indicated by the jagged
edges and irregular form given to their Mantlings by
Marquess: — (sometimes also Marquis), the Second
Order of English Nobility, in rank next to that of Duke.
The first in England was Kobert de Vere,
Earl of Oxford, who by Eichard II, a.d. 1387, was
created Marquess of Dublin. This Bank and Title then,
with one other exception only, lay dormant until the
time of Henry VI. A Marquess is " Most Honorable,"
and is styled " My Lord Marquess " ;
his sons are all
"Lords," and his daughters "Ladies," his eldest son
bearing the Second Title of his father. The Coronet is

a circlet of gold, from which there arise four strawberry-

leaves and as many pearls alternately, all of them being
but slightly raised, and of equal height; in repre-

sentations two of the pearls, and three of the leaves are

mars ii :u,i<i:n~ G.

I 3



seen, No. 302. The Cap is the same as in the other

No. 302.

Coronets. The Mantle is Scarlet, and it has three and a

half doublings of Ermine. The wife of a Marquess is

styled a Marchioness.

Marshalling: —the arrangement and aggroupment of

Heraldic Compositions. See Chap. XV.
Medals .-—honorable insignia, bestowed for meritorious
service in the Navy and Army, and also for eminent worth
or noble conduct of whatever kind. In very rare
instances the Medal itself has an intrinsic value, but the
prevailing usage is that the worth of this decoration of
Honor should consist exclusively in its associations. See
Chap. XX.
Metals — in Heraldry, Cold, Or, and Silver, Argent.

Merchants' Marks: — devices that Avere adopted as a

species of Mercantile Heraldry by the wealthy Merchants
of the Middle Ages, to whom the use of true heraldic
insignia originally was not conceded. They repeatedly
occur in monumental memorials, and consist of a mono-
gram of the initials of the Merchant, with a compound
figure, which is in part a cross, and in a part is derived
from a mast of a ship. These Marks were often borne on
shields, and they may be considered to be the prototypes
of the Trade Brands and Marls of our own times. The


Example, No. 303, is from tlie Brass to Thomas Pownder,

a.d. 1525, in the Church of St. Mary Quay, Ipswich.
In the Brass to Willtam Grevel, a.d. 1401, at Chip-
ping Campden, there are both a Merchant's Mark and a
Shield of Arms ; and the Brass to John Term, a.d. 1524,

at St. John's, Maddermarket, Norwich, has a shield which

quarters the arms of a commercial guild with a merchant's
Merchants of the Staple, — of London and Calais,

incorporated by Edward III. They bore, Barry nebulee

of six, argent and azure, on a Chief, gules, a Lion of

England, No. 304. See Chap. XXL
Merchants-Adventurers, — of Hamburgh and London,
incorporated by Edward I. They bore Barry nebulee of
six, argent and azure, on a Chief, quarterly, gules and or,

a Lion of England, alternating with two Roses, of the third,

barbed, vert, No. 305. See Chap. XXL
Mitre — the Cap of Official Rank and Dignity, placed
above their Arms, and used as a Badge of their office by
the Archbishops and Bishops of the Church of England
and Ireland, but worn only by prelates of the Roman
Church. Mitres are always represented as golden, and
they are all cleft from the summit downwards, so that they
terminate in two points. Two Lrfulce, or ribbons fringed
at the ends, depend from every Mitre. The Mitres of
Bishops rise from a plain golden circlet, as No. 306, but
those of Archbishops rise from Ducal Coronets, as No. 307.
The Bishop of Durham also, as nominally Count Palatine
of the County of Durham as well as Bishop of the See,
has his Mitre rising from a similar Coronet, as in No. 308.
In the Middle Ages, Mitres underwent several important
changes in their contour and general aspect. At first

very low, simple, and concave in outline, during the four-


No. 306. No. 307

teentli century they became more elevated, rich, and

splendid. Still later, Mitres changed their contour from
concave to convex, and were considerably elevated, and
thus they assumed their present form and character. In
Mediaeval Effigies and Seals, Mitres are constantly repre-
sented with characteristic accuracy. In No. 309, at the
head of this chapter, I have given outlines from some of
these examples for the sake of comparison ; they are from
the Brasses to Archbishop Cranley, a.d. 1417, at Ox-
i 2
: : ;


ford ; Bishop G-oodryke, a.d. 1554, at Ely ; and Arch-

bishop Harsnett, a.d. 1631, at Chigwell, Essex.
Motto : — a word or a brief epigrammatic sentence, sup-
posed to be in some manner characteristic of the Bearer,
and usually placed on a scroll either beneath a shield, or
about a crest. The latter position would be adopted
when the Motto has evident reference to the crest itself.

A Motto may also be charged upon a garter. In Heraldry,

as a law, a Motto is not held to be hereditary, but is

supposed to be of a strictly personal character ; in almost

every instance, however, in actual usage, the Motto is

transmitted and borne with the Shield and Crest. Mottos

are not borne by Bishops. See Rebus,
Mound ;— see Chap. XIX.
Norroy : — see Herald.
Or:— the Metal Gold.
Orders of Knighthood — see Chap. XX.
Ordinary of Arms —a series of Heraldic Bearings, or
Coats of arms, classified and arranged in accordance with
the principal charges, and having the names of the
Bearers attached. It is the reverse of an Armoury.
Panache: —a Plume of. Feathers, generally those of
the peacock, set upright, so as to form a crest. Such a
decoration for the Helm appears to have been occasionally
in use from an early period until the concluding quarter

of the fifteenth century, when waving plumes were first

introduced. The Panache was almost always regarded as

a Crest. It appears in the Brass to Lord Ferrers, of
Chartley, about a.d. 1410, at Merevale, in Warwickshire
also, but not of peacock's feathers, in the sculptured
efligy of Sir T. Arderne, a.d. 1400, at Elford, in Staf-

fordshire ; and in the Brass to Sir J. Harsyck, a.d.

:: : : :


1384, at Southacre, Norfolk: No. 301, PI. I: see Chap.

Paschal Lamh —a White Lamb, passant, represented
as carrying the Eed Cross Banner or Pennon of St-

George. It was a device of the Knights Templars.

Pean — an heraldic Fur. See Chap. V.
Peer —the general title of the Nobility . of Great
Britain, indicating their equality of rank as a class, as the
" Nobles," distinguished from the " Commons," of the
realm. For the History, Succession, Honors, Arms,
Privileges, &c, of the Peers, I must refer to the
" Peerage," by Sir Bernard Burke, Ulster King at Arms,
published every year, and to the other Peerages.
Pennon: —a small pointed or swallow-tailed Flag,
carried by every mediaeval Knight upon his own Lance,
and which bore his own personal Device. The Pennon
appears to have been adopted in its distinctive character

during the reign of Henry III. My example, No. 310,

from the Brass to Sir John D'Aubernoun, at Stoke Dau-
bernon, Surrey, is of the period of Edward I ; it is azure,

charged with a chevron and fringed, or. See Chap. XVIII.

Pennoncelle — a long streamer-like Pennon.
Planta Genista — the Broom-plant, the celebrated
badge of the Plantagenet Princes, which was assumed
and borne by Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou,
the Founder of the Plantagenet Family. In Heraldry, a
sprig of the Broom appears with its spike-like leaves, its
golden blossoms, and its pods, the latter sometimes open
and disclosing their seeds. The effigy of Eichard II, at

Westminster, has the Dalmatic and Mantle diapered with

the Plantagenista, No. 240, PI. XII. and the other badges
of that unfortunate Prince. The pod of the pea-plant is
: : : : :


used somewhat after a similar manner in the Brass to

Walter Pescod, Merchant, 1398, at Boston, in Lincolnshire.
Plume: — see Panache.
—see Herald; also see Portcullis in Chap. X.

Potent — an Heraldic Fur. See Chap. V.

Powdering: — scattering irregularly over any field:

specially applied to small objects.

Prince and Princess— see Chap. XIX.

Purjmre —the colour Purple.
Pursuivant — a Herald of the lowest rank.
Quartering: —the arranging different armorial compo-
sitions in those divisions of a shield, which are either four
or more than four in number. See Chap. XV.
Quarterings — quarterly divisions of a shield ; also the

arms emblazoned upon such divisions.

Rebus: —a charge or charges, or any heraldic compo-

sition which has an allusion to the name of the bearer, or
to his profession, or his personal characteristics, and
thus may be said to speak to the beholder, " non verbis,
sed rebus." For example, three salmons for the name
Salmon; a spear on a bend for Shakspeare, &c, &c. In
the Middle Ages, the Rebus was a favourite form of
heraldic expression, and many quaint and curious ex-

amples remain of such devices : for instance, the monu-

ment of Abbot Bamrydge, at St. Alban's, abounds in
figures of Bams, each of which has, on a collar about its

neck, the letters etdge. An Ash-tree growing out of a

Cask or Tun, for the name Ashton, at St. John's, Cam-

bridge,' is another example of a numerous series. The
tun to represent the terminal syllable " ton" was in great
favour. Thus at Winchester, in the Chantry of Bishop

Langton, a. d. 1500, a musical note called a long is inserted

:: : : : :


into a tun, for Langton ; a vine and a tun, for his See,
Winton ; and a hen sitting on a tun, for his Prior, Hunton.
In Westminster Abbey, Abbot Islip's Chapel gives two
forms of his Eebus one, a human Eye, and a small ;

branch or " Slip " of a tree the other, a man in the act ;

of falling from a tree, and exclaiming, "I slip!" Such

heraldic puns are distinguished as Canting Heraldry. This
system extends to mottoes, as in the well-known instance
of the Vernons, whose motto is " Ver non semper viret."

Regalia —the insignia of Eoyalty. See Chap. XIX.

Boll of Arms: — an heraldic record with a blazon
of Arms, usually written and illuminated upon a long
strip of vellum, and rolled up instead of being folded into
leaves. The earliest English Roll is of the reign of
Henry III, and it contains almost a complete Baronial
Armoury of that period, the shields of arms being two
hundred and sixteen in number.
Rose — the badge of England. See Rose in Chap X.
Rouge Croix — see Herald. :

Rouge Dragon — see Herald.

Sable —the colour Black.
St. Alban — the English Protomartyr.
: The arms of
the famous Abbey that bore his name were, azure, a saltire

or. A figure supposed to represent St. Alban, appears

in the canopy of the Brass to Abbot Delamere, about
a.d. 1350, still preserved in the Abbey Church of St. Alban.
St. Andrew — the Patron Saint of Scotland. His arms
are, azure, a saltire, argent. No. 60.

St. Edmund —one of the favourite popular Saints of

mediaeval England ; his arms are, azure, three crowns, two

and one, or, No. 271.

St. Edward, or Edward the Confessor : —another popular
Saint of the olden time; his arms arc, azvre, <* cross

fleurie, between five martlets, or. Sometimes the cross is

blazoned patonce. There is a fine example of this shield,

executed in relief, and diapered, in Henry Ill's South

Choir Aisle of "Westminster Abbey, No. 78 : also, another
fine example at the entrance to Westminster Hall. This
coat of arms was impaled by Richard II, and also by
some of his near kinsmen. It was one of the charges
against the Duke of Norfolk, in 1546, that he had
assumed this coat of arms.

St. George : — the Patron Saint of England. The inci-

dent (if any) which led to the association of St. George

with England is unknown. The arms of this illustrious
saint are, argent, a cross, gules, No. 62. I am not able to
refer to any eai'lier example of the arms of St. George,
as borne by the saintly warrior himself, than that which
occurs in the Brass to Sir Hugh Hastings, at Elsyng,
Norfolk, a.d. 1347. In the canopy of this fine Brass, St.

George appears mounted and transfixing the Dragon, and

he has his Cross charged upon his Shield, his Surcoat,
and the Bardings of his charger: No. 311 shows this
shield. Another small figure of St. George on foot, with
his shield duly charged, is introduced into the canopy of

the Brass to Sir Nicholas Hawberk, a.d. 1407, at

Cobham, in Kent. St. George appears upon the Great
Seal of Edward III, a.d. 1360 : and in the Roll of
Caelarverock, a.d. 1300, the Banner of St. George is

mentioned, with the Banners of St. Edmund and St.

Edward, but these saintly ensigns are not blazoned.

The arms of St. George are also mentioned in the
inventory of the Earl of Hereford, a.d. 1322. Each
of the large shields upon the Monument of Edward
III is charged with a Red Cross, but the field now is or

and not argent. In illuminations of the fourteenth cen-

: :: :: :


tury, a portraiture of St. George and the Dragon appears

upon some of the standards of England.
St. Michael — see Chap. XX.
St. Patrick —the Patron Saint of Ireland ; his Arms
, a saltire, gules, No. 61.
! Title — this expression denotes the second in a

series of dignities, accumulated in the persons of Peers of

the higher ranks. Thus, each Peer, in addition to the
highest rank that he holds and by which he is himself
known, also generally enjoys the several lower ranks
besides : for example, —an Earl may be also a Viscount and
a Baron ; a Marquis may also be an Earl, a Viscount, and
a Baron ; and a Duke may hold, with his Dukedom, all

the lower grades of the peerage. In any such case, the

second in the order of these lesser ranks and titles is

conceded " by courtesy " to the eldest son of either a

Duke, a Marquis, or an Earl.
Shamrock — the badge of Ireland.
Shield: —see Chap. III., also Shield in Chap. X.
Sinister —the left side, see No. 8 in Chap. III.

S. S., Collar of:— the Badge of the Lancastrian Princes

and their Friends, Partisans, and Dependents.
Standard —a Mediaeval Flag, apparently introduced
during the reign of Bdwakd III, which always was of
considerable length in proportion to its depth, and was
made tapering (sometimes swallow-tailed,) towards its

fly. The devices charged upon early Standards were not

determined by any heraldic rule. Edward III had one
Standard with figures of St. George and the Dragon ; and
another semee of Fleurs-de-lys and Lions, with France and
England quarterly at its head, No. 312. The Standard
of the Earl of Warwick had the Cross of St. George at


the head, and was semee with his Badge of the Bear
and the Ragged Staff. Except when they bore Royal
Devices, the English Standards of the Tudor era univer-
sally had the Cross of St. George at their head ; then
came the Device, Badge, or Crest of the Owner, with his
Motto. Standards never bore a regular Coat of Arms.
They were distributed amongst the Corps of any Baron,
Knight, or other Commander, and were displayed without
a distinctive or special signification (as was so emphati-
cally the case with both the Pennon arid the Banner), as
decorative accessories which might enhance " the pomp
and circumstance of War." Examples Nos. 315, and 316
are two Standards of Henry VIII, drawn from the
curious picture at Hampton Court, representing his em-
barkation at Dover for France, on the occasion of the
" Field of the Cloth of Gold." Both display the Tudor
Livery Colors, argent and vert ; one has a Fleur-de-lys
charged upon these Colors, and the other has the Cross
of St. George at the Head. See Chap. XVIII.
Stall Plate : — a square plate of gilt Copper, upon which
the Arms of Knights of the Garter and the Bath are
emblazoned, and fixed in their stalls in the Chapels of St.
George at Windsor, and of Henry VII at Westminster.
The arms of the Esquires of the Knights are similarly
displayed and recorded in the lower range of Stalls. The
Stall Plates of the Garter are amongst the most interest-

ing and valuable of the Historical records that the

Heraldry of England possesses.
Star —an Ensign of Knightly Rank, common to the

Heraldry of every civilized people. See Chap. XX.

Star of India : — see Chap. XX.
Suns and Roses: — see Yorkist Collar.


Super Charge — one Device or Figure charged upon

Supporter: —a Figure, whether of a human or of an
imaginary being, or of any living creature of whatever
kind, which stands on one side of a Shield, as if in the act

of holding it up, (supporting it), or guarding it. Suppor-

ters always appear in pairs, one on the Dexter and the
other on the. Sinister of the Shield ; sometimes they are
both alike, but more generally they are altogether distinct
from one another, as in the instance of the Royal Suj)-

porters of Englaiid, the Lion and the Unicorn.

These honourable Accessories of the Heraldic Shield
are said to have been introduced, (like Quartering) by
Edward III, but they are of uncertain authority until
the reign of Henry VI. Supporters are now borne, by
right, by all Peers of the Realm, by Knights of the Gar-
ter, and Knights Grand Crosses of the Bath, also by the

Novia Scotia Baronets, and the Chiefs of the Scottish

Clans ; and they are conceded to those Sons of Peers who
bear honorary titles of Nobility. Supporters are not
granted in England without the express command of the

Sovereign; but in Scotland "Lord Lion" enjoys this

privilege. Supporters are not borne by any Spiritual

Peers. They appear associated with the Arms of many
persons of various ranks, who have derived them from
some distinguished ancestors. The actual origin of Sup-

porters has been a subject of much speculation with

writers on Heraldry. I am disposed to consider that
they may be derived in part from a desire to combine
personal Badges with hereditary heraldic compositions,
while in part, Supporters may have resulted from certain
early forms of cither Marshalling, or Differencing, It is
: :


probable, also, that the introduction of these accessories

of Shields of Arms may have been greatly influenced by
the grotesque figures in such favour with Illuminators,
and which, with various animals, the early seal engravers

commonly introduced as ornaments ;

" not, however," as

Mr. Planche judiciously remarks, " without some heraldic

intention." See Chap. XXIV.
Surcoat —a long, loose, and flowing garment of rich
materials, worn by the early Knights over their armour.

It was sometimes charged with the armorial Insignia of

the Wearer, as in the Brass at Chartham, in Kent, to Sir
Kobert de Setvans, about a.d. 1305. About the year
1325 the Surcoat began to be superseded by a singular
Garment entitled a Cijclas which, while long and flowing
behind, was cut off short in the front. The Brass to Sir

John D'Atjbernoun the younger, a.d. 1327, and the

sculptured Effigy of Prince John Plantagenet, of El-
tham, a.d. 1337, afford admirable examples. About a.d.

1345 the Cyclas was shortened behind, and about 1355 it

was superseded by the Jupon.

Tabard : —the Garment that was worn by the Knights
of the Tudor Era. When the Jupon ceased to be worn,
about a.d. 1405, the splendid Panoply of Plate Armour
was not covered by any Garment, until after 1450, when
the Tabard was introduced. It was short, and had wide
sleeves reaching to the elbows ; and the arms of the
wearer were displayed on both the front and back of the
Tabard itself, and of its sleeves. The Brass to Sir John Say,
a.d. 1473, at Broxbourne, Herts, is a good example. The
Tabard remains in use as the Official Habit of Heralds.
Templars — see Chap. XX.
Thistle : — the Badge of Scotland.
: : : :


Timbre: — the Helm, when placed above the Shield in

an Achievement of Arms. No. 301.

Tinctures : —the Metals, Colors, and Furs of Heraldry.
See Chap. V.
Truncheon — the official Badge of the Earl Marshal
of England, consisting of a golden Rod, tipped at each
end with black enamel, and having the Boyal Arms
blazoned on the upper, and the Earl's own arms on the
lower end. It was granted, with the Patent of the Earl
Marshal's Office, in the ninth of Richard II, to Thomas
Mowbray, Earl of Nottingham. See No. 299.
Ulster Badge — see Baronet:
of: also, No. 177, PI. IX.
Vert —the Colour Green.
Victoria Cross: — see Chap. XX.
View : —the trail, or trace of any Animal of the Chase.
Visitations, Heralds' — periodical Circuits performed at
intervals of about thirty years by the Heralds, under the
authority of Royal Commissions, for the purpose of in-
quiring into all matters connected with the bearing of
Arms, Genealogies, and similar subjects, for collecting

information, and for drawing up authoritative Records.

The earliest of these Visitations took place in the year

1413, but they did not become general until after the
commencement of the sixteenth century. The latest

Commission of Visitation bears date, May 13, 1686. On

these occasions the Heralds were attended by Registrars,
Draftsmen, and other appropriate officers. The Records
of these Visitations are preserved in the College of Arms,
and a large proportion of the hereditary Arms of the
Realm is borne on their authority.
Viscount —the fourth Degree and Title in the Order
of Rank in the British Peerage, intervening between the

Earl and the Baron. In Latin, Vice-Comes. This Dig-

nity was first granted by Henry VI, a.d. 1440, to John
Baron Beaumont, K.G. A Viscount is Bight Honorable,

and is styled " My Lord." His Sons and Daughters are

No. 317.

Honorable. The Coronet, first granted by James I, en-

closing a Cap like those of the other Orders of Nobility,
has a row of fourteen Pearls (smaller than those of the
Baron's Coronet) set upon a jewelled Circle of Gold, the
Pearls being in Contact. In representations nine of these
Pearls are shown: No. 317. The Mantle of a Viscount

is scarlet, and it has two and a half Doublings of Er-

mine. The wife of a Viscount is styled a Viscountess.

Wreath : — a Circlet entwined about a Helm to support

the Crest, and which is still represented as discharging

that office beneath the greater number of the Crests of
Modern Heraldry. This "Wreath was formed of two
Bounds or Kolls of Silk or other rich material, one of

them of the principal Metal, and the other of the principal

Color in the Arms, which were twisted in such a manner
as to show the Metal and the Color in alternation, the
Metal having the precedence in representations, Nos. 318,
and 318 a, PI. XV. Many of the Mediaeval Helm-Wreaths
were splendidly enriched. See Crest in Chap. XVII.
Yorkist Badge and Collar ;— formed of Suns and Roses.
See Chap. XX.
Quartered Shield of Arms borne upon one of her seals by
Isabella, Queen of Edward II.

The Association of certain Heraldic Insignia, or
" Arms," with the Possessors of certain Dignities or Pro-
perties, and. the Transmission of the Heraldry with the
Rank and Estates by Hereditary Descent, would often
render it necessary for the same individual to bear more
than one Armorial Ensign, since instances might occur in
which several Dignities with their appanages might
become concentrated in a single person. So also with
Families and Estates, it might happen that a single
individual would in some instances become the sole

Representative of several Houses, and the Possessor of

Accumulated Properties. Again : Alliances might be
formed between persons either entitled to bear the same
Arms, or distinguished by different Heraldic Insignia,
which Alliances Heraldry might both significantly

declare and faithfully record. Hence arose the System

which Heralds call Marshalling.
Marshalling, accordingly, is the practical application

of the Principles which guide Heralds in their own

treatment of Heraldry, when they would employ it to

chronicle History, and to record Biography.

This Marshalling, as distinguished from Blazoning,
may he defined to signify — I. The Arrangement and
Disposition of more than one distinct Heraldic Composi-
tion, or Coat of Arms, upon a single Shield :
— or,

II. The Disposition and Aggroupment of two or more

distinct Shields of Arms, so that they shall form and con-
stitute a single Heraldic Composition : — and
III. The Association of certain Accessorial Devices and
Insignia with the Shield of Arms, with the view to render
any Heraldic Composition absolutely complete in every
consistent and appropriate Detail. It will be desirable to

consider Marshalling under each of these three applica-

tions of its Principles and System of Action.

The Arrangement and Disposition of two or


would naturally admit of two primary distinctions, the one
having reference to such Combinations as would constitute
a permanent Heraldic Chronicle, to be transmitted upon
precisely the same principle as an Heir would inherit the
Arms with the Estate of his Father ; and the other
having regard only to a temporary Alliance, which would
extend to and be terminated with the life of the Person

who would bear the United Arms. Heraldry is very care-

ful in thus discriminating between a Combination which
is, and another which is not, to become hereditary.
The non-hereditary Combination which is habitually
marshalled by Heralds, is that produced by the Union of
the Arms of a Husband with those of his Wife, in all

cases in which the wife does not possess in her own


person hereditary rank, or is not the Heiress, or Repre-

sentative, (or Co-Heiress, or Co-Representative) of any
Family. It is obvious that if in every instance the Arms
of a Mother were borne by her sons, with their Father's

Arms, and the two thus united were to be continually

transmitted, there would speedily arise so great a compli-
cation of Armorial Insignia as would inevitably render
Heraldry itself either an impossibility, or a mere arbit-

rary and unmeaning method of Ornamentation. Under

all ordinary circumstances, therefore, in such marriages
as those that have been specified, the Arms of the Hus-
band and the Wife are borne together, (in the manner
immediately to be described) by the Husband and the
Wife, and by the Survivor of them ; but, the Arms of the
Wife are not hereditary, and are not borne by any, either
of her own Children, or of their Descendants. The only
admissible Deviation from this Law would apply to the
contingency of some very unusual alliance, (as between a
private gentleman and a Princess, the Princess being
when the Lady's remarkable personal
absolutely dowerless)
Rank or Position might justify a departure from heraldic
Rule— a departure that would exactly fulfil the conditions
of such an exception as would corroborate the Rule

The Arms of a Husband and Wife are marshalled in

a single Shield by an heraldic process, entitled Impalement.

It is effected by dividing the Shield by a vertical line

through its Fesse-point, into two equal parts, (as in No. 9, p.

23), and then placing one complete Coat of Arms in each

half of the Shield. The Arms of a Husband and Wife

are thus impaled, the Arms of the Husband always
occupying the Dexter, and those of the Wife the Sinister

half of the Shield. In thus impaling two coats of arms,

the arrangement of the Charges and their proportions
are in every instance to be adapted to the altered space

afforded by the impaled Shield. In descriptive blazoning,

each Coat of Arms so far retains its own distinctive in-

dividuality, that the second description is treated as

altogether distinct from the first, though the two descrip-
tions are grouped together. I assume, for the sake of
illustration, that a Stafford marries a Butler, then
their impaled Shield, No. 319, is blazoned, or, a Chevron,

gules, for Stafford, (No. 319 a) ; impaling, arg., a Chief

indented, azure, for Butler (No. 319 b.) See Plate XXIV.
When first introduced, Impalement was effected in a
manner which, however natural in the first instance,
would necessarily be speedily abandoned, since it would
be found in many instances to affect and even to destroy

the distinctive character of the Charges, and therefore to

overthrow heraldic accuracy and truthfulness. The
primitive method of Impalement consisted in actually

cutting into halves, by a vertical section, each Coat of

Arms, and taking the Dexter half of the Husband's Arms,
and the Sinister half of the Wife's Arms, and placing these
two halves side by side in contact, to form a single com-
bined armorial composition. This was styled Impaling
by Dimidiation, or Dimidiating ; and it appears to have
been introduced into English Heraldry during the Reign
of Edward I, a.d. 1272-1307. I illustrate this process
by another historical example. No. 194, Plate X, is the
Shield of Edmond Plantagenet, Earl of Cornwall, (son
of Richard Plantagenet, himself the Second Son of
King John) ; and No. 40 a, p. 27, is that of his wife,
Margaret, daughter of Earl Richard de Clare.


This Edmond died a.d. 1300, and his Seal is charged

with the dimidiated Arms of Cornwall and Glare, No.

320, Plate XVIII, of which the blazon is, arg., a Lion
rampt, gu., crowned, or, within a Bordure, sable, bezantee,
for Cornwall, (the lion for Poictou, and the bordure
for Cornwall) ; impaling by Dimidiation or, three Chev-
ronels, gu., for Be Clare. It will be observed in No.
320, that each of the Shields, Nos. 194 and 40 a,

is cut in halves per pale, and that the Dexter half

of No. 194, and the Sinister half of No. 40 a constitute
No. 320. The evil effects of Dimidiation are exem-

plified in a striking manner in this dimidiated Shield, in

which the three half Chevronels become as many Bendlets,

and consequently the association with the historical Shield

of the De Clares is altogether lost. Had Nos. 319 a,
and 319 b. PL XXIV, been dimidiated, the Stafford chevron
could no longer have been recognized. In No. 321, I have
shown the Coats of Arms of Cornwall and Be Clare united
by simple impalement. Here the arms of Be Clare appear
complete, though there is necessarily some modification of
the proportion of the chevrons ; and, except so far as con-
cerns the bordure, the arms of Cornwall retain the aspect
of the dimidiated shield.

Upon her seal, Margaret of France, the second Queen

of Edward I, bears England dimidiating France ancient,
No. 322, PL XVIII. The dimidiation in this instance does
not very materially affect the arms of England, but the
fleurs-de-lys are bisected. Two lions rampant are intro-

duced upon this seal, on either side of the shield, respect-

ing it. Isabelle, the Queen of Edward II, upon one of

her seals also dimidiates England and France ancient ; and
another of her seals is charged with her effigy standing
k 2

placed in the different compartments of a composition of

an architectural character. Thus, the seal of Joan,
wife of John de Warrenne, Earl of Surrey, though not
more than one and a half inches in diameter, is charged

with nine distinct heraldic bearings, each of which is

so placed that it takes a becoming part in the architec-

tural composition. In No. 329, 1 give a diagram of the
arrangement of this seal, in the principal parts of which
the arms are charged upon lozenges. In the centre is

1. Warrenne; 2, 2. are England; 3, 3. are Be Barr, No.

329 a, PI. XIX, (az. crusillee, tivo barbels haurient addorsed,
or, within a bordure engrailed, gu. ; 4, 4. Beon ; and 5, 5.

Castile. The lady was the daughter of Henry, Count De

Barr (in Prance), and Alianore, eldest daughter of Ed-
ward I and of Alianore of Castile and Leon. This sys-
tem of grouping together several shields of arms in an ar-

chitectural composition would naturally lead to the group-

ing together several coats of arms in an heraldic composi-

tion. The shields were all borne by the same person, and
so their several bearings might obviously be concentrated
upon a single shield. In other words, a single shield
charged with any required series of coats of arms duly
arranged would naturally be substituted, as a more com-
pact and expressive arrangement, for a group of separate
though associated shields. The quartered blazonry also

might be actually displayed about his person, or on his

shield, .by any noble or knight.
The seal of Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Here-
ford and 3rd Earl of Essex, a.d. 1327, affords an excellent
illustration of that aggroupment of shields, of which the
full development was quartering. This seal, No. 201, PI.
XX, bears a large central shield for the Hereford Earldom

between two smaller ones, No. 330, both of them (quarter-

ly, or, and gules) for the Earldom of Essex. Many other
early examples might be adduced of this practice of form-

ing groups of shields of arms before true quartering was

regularly recognized : nor was this usage altogether super-
ceded by quartering until after the close of the 14th
century. Accordingly, the secretum of Thomas Plan-
tagenet, youngest son of Edward III, in its three prin-

cipal compartments has his own arms, those of his

Duchess, Alianore de Bohtjn, and his helm and

crest : this arrangement is shown in the diagram,
No. 331. In like manner, the seal of Thomas Mowbray,
Duke of Norfolk, who died in banishment at Venice, a.d.

1400, bears three shields, of which the central shield is

charged with the arms of the Confessor (a special grant

from Richard II), impaling Brotherton (England, with
a silver label) : the dexter shield bears Mowbray (jpurpure,

a lion rampant, arg.), and the sinister shield displays

Segrave, (sa., a lion rampt., arg., crowned, or,) the

arms of the Duke's mother. On this John
seal also,

Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, son of the last-named Thomas

Mowbray, placed a shield of Brotherton between two
shields of Ifotvbray and as many ostrich feathers. Again,
Margaret, eldest daughter of Thomas Plantagenet de
Brotherton, charged her seal with three shields, those

of her father and her two husbands, John Lord Segrave,

and Sir "Walter Manny (or, three chevronels, sa.) I

may add that a Castle of Castile appears on either side

of the reverse of the great seal of Edward II, and that
Edward III, when on his accession he used his father's
seal, added a small fleur-de-lys above each of the castles ;

but on his own first great seal, published in October,


1327, there appear two large fleurs-de-lys without the


But, before the usage obtained for marshalling a series

of distinct and complete coats of arms by quartering so
as to produce a single compound heraldic composition, the

desired combination of two or even three coats of arms

upon a single shield was frequently effected by forming a
new composition from all the charges of the several shields,

or from the most important and characteristic of them.

Many of the eai-ly historical shields of English Heraldry

were unquestionably produced by this simple process of

compounding arms. For example, John de Dreux,
Duke of Brittany and Earl of Richmond (died a.d. 1330)

whose mother was a daughter of Henry III, when he

accompanied his uncle, Edward I, to the siege of Caer-

laverock, displayed a banner charged with chequee, or and

az. (De Deux), with a bordure of England (gu., with eight
lions of England), and a canton, ermine to represent the
ermine shield of Brittany, No. 116, PI. V. The fine

shield of Prince John Plantagenet, of Eltham, second

son of Edward II and Isabella of France, is charged
with England within abordure of France, No. 332, PI. XIX :

this is both a true example of compounded arms, and

also a shield differenced with a bordure. The well-

known shield of the De Bohuns, of which so many fine

original examples are still in existence, has been adduced

by Mr. Planche as a remarkable example of the early
heraldic usage now under consideration. The blazon of
this shield, No. 201, PI. XX, is azure, a bend, argent, cotised

and between six lioncels rampt., or. The founder of the

De Bohuns as an English family was a Humphrey de
Bohun, one of the fortunate adventurers at Hastings.


Plate XX.

His son of the same name acquired important territorial

possessions near Salisbury, by his marriage with Matilda,

daughter of the feudal Baron, Edwaed de Sarum. Their
son, another Humphrey de Bohun, married Margeria,
one of the co-heiresses of Milo, Constable and Lord of
Gloucester and Hereford, and their grandson, Henry de
Bohun, a.d. 1199, was created Earl of Hereford. Now,
the arms attributed to the Earls of Salisbury, and borne
by the renowned son of Pair Rosamond, Wiiliam de
Longespee, are, azure, six lioncels rampt., or, No. 200,
p. 88 : and these arms the De Bohuns may be con-
sidered to have adopted in commemoration of their own
advantageous alliance with an heiress of Salisbury. The
arms attributed to Milo, on the other hand, (and still em-
blazoned in the Brass to his descendant, Alianore,
Duchess of Gloucester), are gules, two Bends, the one or,

and the other argent, No. 333, PL XX. As Lords of

Hereford in their own persons, the De Bohuns evidently
placed upon their shield the silver Beud of Hereford, in-
terposing it between the two groups into which their
Salisbury lioncels would thus be divided : and at the same
time, further to show their descent from Milo, they
appear to have bisected his golden bend bend-wise, and
then to have cotised their own silver bend with the two
bendlets thus obtained. Possibly these bends of the
shield of Milo may be heraldic representations of the
official batons of that bold warrior, as Constable of the
Castles of Gloucester and Hereford, and in the shield of
the De Bohuns their bend in the first instance may
have been regarded as associated with the office and rank
of Constable of England, so long held in the De
Bohun family with their Hereford Earldom.

In Scotland the Stuarts produced a compounded shield

by encircling their own fesse chequee (arg. and or) with
the Koyal tressure. In 1374, the seal of David, son of
King Robert Stuart and Euphemia, Countess of
Strathern, is charged with the Stuart fesse interposed
between the two chevrons of Strathern, the whole being
within the tressure : and, a.d. 1377, upon the seal of

Alan Stuart of Ochiltree the chequee fesse is surmounted

with a bend charged with three buckles, such being the
arms of Ochiltree.

The Union Jack Flags of James I and George III are

more recent but eminently characteristic examples of

compounding arms. See Chapters VII and XVIIL
An easy step in advance from such a composition as

the seal of the fourth Earl of Hereford, No. 201, and from
others of the same class, leads us on to true Quartering of
Arms. This mode of arrangement, indeed, was suggested
to the Heralds of the Edwards by such shields as were
simply quartered for diversity of tincturing, as in the
two small shields, No. 330, in No. 33 b, p. 31, and in
No. 156, PL VI.
The process of Quartering divides the field of a single

shield into four divisions of equal area, by one vertical line

cutting one horizontal line, as in No. 11. Into each of

these divisions one of the coats of arms to be " quartered
is placed. If there are four coats, one of them is placed
in each of the four quarters, their precedence being deter-

mined by their relative importance, —that is, in almost all

cases determined by the seniority of the several coats in

their present alliance. Should there be two coats of arms
only to be quartered, the first and fourth quarters both
bear the most important coat, and the second and third

quarters bear the other coat as in No. 355, PI. XXIV. In

the case of three coats of arms for quartering, the fourth
quarter repeats the coat that is charged upon the first quar-
ter. The Eoyal Arms of England, No. 334, Ch. XIX, as

now borne by Her Majesty the Queen, exemplify a shield

thus quartered with three quarterings. It is charged
with, 1 and 4, England; 2, Scotland; and, 3, Ireland.

Again, should more than four coats of arms require to be

quartered upon one shield, the field of that shield is to be

divided, upon the same principle as before, into the requi-

site number of compartments, and such repetitions are to

be introduced as the special circumstances of each case may

render necessary. Thus in No. 15, p. 23, the shield is quar-
terly of eight. If one of the shields to be quartered is itself

quartered, it is to be treated precisely as if there were one

single coat of arms, and such a coat is said to be quarterly

quartered. Quarterly quarters are shown in No. 16. The

early Heralds also occasionally quartered impaled coats of
arms : but in more recent Marshalling, impaled coats are
held to be ineligible for quartering ; and, indeed, the
act of quarterly quartering at once indicates and supercedes
an impalement.
The earliest example known in England of a shield
upon which two distinct armorial ensigns are marshalled

by quartering, is the shield, No. 135, PI. I, upon the

monument of Alianore, Queen of Edward I, at West-
minster. It bears quarterly, 1 and 4, Castile ; and 2 and 3,

Leon. Its date is 1291. These quartered arms were

first adopted by the father of Queen Alianore, Fer-
dinand III, on the union of the provinces of Castile and
Leon under his rule. In this noble monument, the beau-
tiful effigy of the truly royal Lady rests upon a plate of


gilt latten, that is covered with a diaper of castles and

lions alternating in lozenges : see PI. VII.

Contemporary with the Westminster Abbey shield

is the mail-clad and cross-legged effigy in Winchester

Cathedral, that Mr. Walford has such good reason for
assigning to Sir Arnold de Gaveston, the father of
Piers de G-aveston, the favourite of Edward II. This
armed effigy has a shield charged with a cross, which
quarters, 1 and 4, or, two cows passant, gules, collared and
belted, az., being the arms of Gaston, Viscount de Beam
and, 2 and 3, three garbs, No. 335, PI. XIX. The presence
of the cross in this curious example is precisely such a

modification of quartering as might, in the first instance,

have been expected. This cross may have represented a

third shield, or it may have been simply either a structural
or a decorative accessory of the shield itself. For all

particulars relative to Sir Arnold de Gaveston I must

refer to Mr. Walford's equally able and interesting
paper, in the 15th vol. of the Archaeological Journal.
Somewhat later, Isabella, daughter of Philip IV of
Prance, the Queen of Edward II, upon the reverse of one of
her seals marshals four coats quarterly : that is, 1, England
(her husband) ; 2, France (her father) ; 3, Navarre (her
mother) ; and 4, az. a bend, arg., cotised potent, or, for

Champagne, then a most important appanage of the crown

of France, No. 335 a, p. 127.

The inventory of his property, made in 1322, one

year after -the death of Humphrey de Bohun, at the

battle of Boroughbridge, incidentally shows that quarter-

ing arms was practised by English Heralds in the first

quarter of the 14th century. Among the objects par-

ticularly specified is a courte-pointe, gnmte-point, or quilt,


from, the Momnmeirt of Edward HI.

Plate XXi _N 338 338 A
de Hastings Earl of Pembroke

the Brass at EI?;. 1347.


. Plate XXn. W s
342 to 346 A.


quartered ecartele or quartele — of the arms of England and

Hereford, evidently in anticipation of impalement.
Early in the year 1340 Edward III adopted his fourth
great seal (seal D of Willis), upon which the Royal
Arms appeared quartering France Ancient and England,
as in No. 336. PI. XXIV. This quartered shield stands
foremost in the blazonry of the Royal Heraldry of England.
It appears differenced with the utmost heraldic still, and
impaled and quartered with a long array of noble and
famous arms : and, as the Royal Shield, with no other
change than the number of the fleurs-de-lys, it continued

in use until the accession of the Stuarts to the English

Crown in the person of James I, in the year 1603. The
change in the 1st and 4th quarters from an azure field

semee de lys, to a field charged with three golden fleurs-

de-lys, took place during the reign of Henry IV, perhaps
in the year 1403. This same change had been made
by the French Kings as early as the year 1364. I must
add that Richard II appears to have quartered England
and France, as well as France and England: that is, he
sometimes placed England and sometimes France in the
first quarter.
Philippa, the Queen of Edward III, on her secretum
quarters her paternal arms of Hainault with those of her
husband : thus, this seal is charged with, 1 and 4, Eng-
land ; and 2 and 3, or, four lions rampant in quadrangle,
alternately sable and gules ; No. 337, PI. XIX. On her
other seals Queen Philippa impales England and Hai-
nault, and France and England and Hainault.
The first English subject who quartered arms is said

to have been John Hastings, Earl of Pembroke, who

had married Margaret Plantagenet, the youngest

daughter of Edward III. In the fine Brass to Sir Hugh

Hastings, at Elsyng in Norfolk, the date of which is

1347, there is an effigy of Earl John, (who died in 1375)

having his jupon charged with Hastings and Be Valence
quarterly, No. 338, PI. XXI. This same Brass also con-
tains an effigy of Edward IJJ himself in armour, and his
jupon of arms bears France and England quarterly. The
shield of the Earl of Pembroke, No. 338 a, still remains
beautifully sculptured in alabaster, upon the monument
of his royal mother-in-law, Queen Philippa.
In the course of the second half of the 14th century
both quartering and impaling arms gradually became es-

tablished as heraldic usages, and impaled and quartered

shields soon began to abound ; nor was it long before
quarterings in many instances were very considerably
increased in their numbers.
I now give a few additional early examples of both
impalement and quartering.
In the well-known Roll of Arms of Henry HI the
field of the shield of Hugh de Pitz Mayhewe is per
pale az and gu. : and in the same Roll and in the Roll of

Caerlaverock, the arms of De

De Vere, De Laci,
Mandeville, De Say, Le Despencer, De Rocheford
and De Beauchamp have the field quarterly ; and Wm.
de Beauchamp charges his quarterly shield with a bend,

but the Caerlaverock De Laci bears a lion rampt., purpure,

on a gold field. These early shields may be regarded as
the prototypes of true impalement and quartering.
On the monument of Edward ni, at Westminster, are
two noble shields of his own royal arms of France and
England quarterly, emblazoned in enamel also, five others ;

in smaller size, but of equal excellence.


Another very fine example of the quartered, royal shield

is sculptured in the southern spandrel of the entrance
archway to Westminster Hall : and other examples, most
of them with labels, surround the monuments of Bishop
Bttrghersh (about a.d. 1370) at Lincoln, PI. XXXTV;
of the Black Prince at Canterbury ; and of Prince Ed-
mond of Langley, at King's Langley. King's College
Chapel at Cambridge, also contains a splendid series of

sculptured examples of the Royal quartered shield.

Upon the Brass of Alianore de Bohitn, also at West-
minster, a.d. 1300, are the following shields : 1. The shield
of the Duchess Altanore and her husband, Thomas
Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester France and England
quarterly, within a bordure, argent, impaling De Boliun and
Milo of Hereford, No. 340, PI. XX, 2. The
quarterly :

shield of the father and mother of the Duchess Alianore

Be Bolmn impaling FitzAUan and Warrenne quarterly,

No. 341, PI. XX; FitzAUan is gu., a lionrampt, or.

In the former of these two shields the bordure of

Woodstock is not dimidiated by the impalement. This
is also the case in many other early examples of impaled
shields which are charged with bordures. Thus, Thomas
Holland, Earl of Kent, bore, as a special grant from
Richard II, the Arms of the Confessor, No. 78, PI. I,

within a bordure, ermine, impaling Holland modern, that is,

impaling England ivithin a bordure argent. Upon the

seal of this Thomas Holland his shield is charged with

the impaled arms, having both the bordures complete, as

in No. 342, PI. XXII. The same composition is repeated
upon the sleeved jupon of the Earl himself and upon the
barding of his charger. Considerably later, a.d. 1446, the
Brass of Lady Tiptoft, at Enfield, displays a shield

charged with a double impalement, that is, Tiptoft, 300 a,

(arg., a saltire engrailed, gu.) impaling Holland, and this im-

paled coat impaling Powys, 300 b, (or, a lion rampt., gu.).

Here, as before, the bordure of Holland is blazoned with-

out any dimidiation ; No. 343, PL XXII. In like manner,
upon the seal of Mary, Queen of James II, of Scotland,

a.d. 1459, No. 344, PL XXII, the complete tressure appears

upon the inhaled shield: but, upon the monument of
Margaret, Countess of Lennox, the mother of Lord
Darkle y, in "Westminster Abbey, one of the shields (all of
them elaborately quartered) impales Scotland, having the
tressure dimidiated by impalement, No. 345 , PL XXII.
One of the quartered and impaled shields upon the
monument of Margaret of Richmond, mother of Henry
VII, bears France modern and England quarterly, within a
bordure compony, which bordure is dimidiated, No. 346,
PL XXII : the dexter half of this shield, which is placed
at the east end of the monument, bears the arms of
Thomas Stanley, Earl of Derby. The shield at the
west end of this fine monument bears Tudor, No. 482
PL XXXII, impaling Beaufort, both the bordures being
dimidiated, No. 346 a, PL XXII.
Upon one of his seals John Plantagenet of Ghent
impales Castile and Leon with France and England differ-

enced with a label ermine ; and in this instance, in honor

of his royal consort, Constance of Castile and Leon, he
places his own arms on the sinister side of the shield : in

his other impaled shields the arms of this prince occupy

the customary dexter half of the escutcheon : he also used
seals bearing his own arms without any impalement.
Henry Bolingbroke, afterwards Henry IV, during
his father's lifetime bore England differenced with a label



MIR S H-SLiil/IH G .


' •

of Lancaster ; but, on the death of John of Ghent, he

assumed the arms his father had borne, and those arms
he sometimes impaled with the coat of the Confessor.
On one of his seals, certainly engraved and used between
Feb. 3, and September 30, 1399, (the dates of his father's
death and his own accession) Henry bears the Confessor
differenced with a label of three points, impaling France

and England quarterly with a label of five points of Brittany

and of Lancaster, and this impaled coat impaling Be Bohun,
for Mary de Bohtjn, his first wife. The annexed diagram,
No. 347, PI. XIX, shows this remarkable aggroupment.
In the original seal, the shield hangs diagonally from a
large helm surmounted by the lion crest and on either

side is an ostrich feather, curiously entwined with a ribbon

charged with the word so ve rey ne. Joane of Navarre,
the second wife of Henry IV, impaled with her husband's
arms those of her father, Charles II, King of Navarre
and Count of Euveux ; and she bore Navarre and Eureux
per fesse, the former in chief, and the latter (France
ancient charged with a bend comj)ony, arg. and gu.) in

base, No. 348, PL XIX.

Richard II impaled the Confessor with France and Eng-
land quarterly, and again to the sinister impaled Bohemia,
for Anne, his first Queen, No. 349, PL XXHI ; afterwards,
for Isabella, his second Queen, Richard substituted
France ancient in the sinister impalement, No. 350,
PL XXHI. Upon his monument in his own chapel
at Westminster, Henry VII displays a shield charged
with his royal arms of France modern and England
quarterly, impaling the arms of Elizabeth of York, that
is, quarterly, in the first grand quarter, France modern and
England quarterly, for her father, Edward IV ; 2 and


3 Ulster, (or, a cross gu.) ; and 4, Mortimer, —to declare

her descent from the Houses of both York and Clarence

No. 351, PI. XXIII.
Again, the arms of Richard III, impaling those of his
Queen, Anne Neville, are blazoned in the Warwick
Roll, now preserved in the College of Arms, as follows
France modern and England quarterly in the dexter half of ,

the escutcheon, impaling, quarterly, 1, Newburgh, (chequee

arg. and '
az., a chev., erm.,) impaling Beaucliamp, (gu., a
fesse between six crosses crosslets, or) : 2. Montagu, (arg., three

fusils conjoined in fesse, gu.,) impaling Monthermer, (or, an

eagle displayed, vert,) : 3. Neville, (gu., a saltire, arg.,) dif-

ferenced with a label compony of silver and azure : and

4. De Clare, impaling Le Despencer.
In our own times we have seen, instead of Impalement,
Quartering adopted, precisely as in the instance of Edward
III and his Queen Philippa, for marshalling the united

arms of Her Majesty the Queen, and the late lamented

Prince Consort, No. 353. H.R.H. Prince Albert
differenced the Royal Arms of England, which he thus
quartered in the first quarter, with a label argent charged
on the central point with the Cross of St. George, an
anomaly in Heraldry, and indeed an heraldic contradiction
for which I am altogether tillable to offer any explanation.
Had the Prince borne the Royal Shield of England, (Eng-
land, Scotland, and Ireland, quarterly) alone, in that case

a label for difference would have been both a necessary

and an expressive accessory to his shield ; but to have
differenced the Royal Arms when quarterly quartered, as
in No. 353, in heraldic language was to declare that the
Royal Consort of the Prince was some near relative to
the Sovereign of England, but not the illustrious Lady

herself who wears the crown of these realms. See Chap.

XVI. The paternal coat of His late Boyal Highness,
marshalled in the 2nd and 3rd quarters of No. 353, is

harry of ten, or and sable, a bend treflee, vert, for Saxony.

I conclude this brief series of examples with the his-

torical shield of four quarters, which, next to the Koyal
armoury, stands at the head of the modern Heraldry of
England — the Shield of the Earl Marshall, the Duke
of Norfolk. This Shield No. 299, (as I have already
shewn) thus marshals four coats of arms of high renown
in English history: — 1. Hoivard ; 2. Be Brotherton ; 3. Be
Warrenne ; and 4. Be Mowbray. The blazon of these
arms has been given.
In Quartering Arms in our own times, we have to keep
in remembrance that the first quarter is always to be
charged with the arms that are the most important in the
group ; and also that the other coats take precedence in

the quartered composition in their order of chronological

association, that is, as they severally were added to the
group, and incorporated with it — as modern Heralds say,
as they are "brought in." With a view to illustrate

Marshalling as it is now practised, I proceed to exemplify

the varied treatment of two Coats of Anns under different

conditions of this process. I shall employ throughout the

Shields of Stafford and Butler, Nos. 319 a, and 319 b,

which I have already shown combined by simple im-

palement in No. 319. That impaled Shield sets forth

that the Stafford who married a Butler had impaled his

wife's arms, (which she bore as her Father's Daughter,

and not as his Heiress, or Co-Heiress), with his own arms
of Stafford. But, should the Lady be an Heiress or Co-

heiress of the House of Butler, instead of Impalement,


another process would be adopted. The Arms of the

heiress are placed upon a small shield in Pretence upon
the Shield of Stafford. And this would be done by each
Co-heiress on her marriage, should there be Co-heiresses.
This marshalling is shown in No. 354, PI. XXIV. The
Impaled Shield, No. 319, is not hereditary, and the
Butler Arms would not be transmitted to the issue of the
marriage. But the Arms of the Heiress are hereditary,
and would be transmitted. They are to be permanently

associated with the Arms of Stafford, and the two together

are to become the Quartered Arms of the succeeding Re-
presentatives and Heirs of the united Houses of Stafford
and Butler. Thus, if the Butler Lady were not an Heiress,

her Children and Representatives would bear simply their

father's arms of Stafford, as No. 319 a ; but the Children
and Representatives of the Butler Lady who was an Heir-
ess, would quarter Butler with Stafford, as in No. 355,

which has in the 1st and 4th Quarters Stafford, and

Butler in the 2nd and 3rd Quarters. The Blazon would
be, Quarterly, 1st and 4tth, Stafford ; 2nd and 3rd,
Now, assuming that another Stafford, a son, or lineal

descendant of this Butler Heiress, and himself therefore

bearing " Stafford and Butler quarterly," No. 355,
should marry a Campbell, then, as before, if the lady be
not an Heiress, he simply impales Campbell, No. 356,
gyronny, or and sable, with his own quartered Arms, as in
No. 357 ; or, if the Lady be an Heiress, upon his own
quartered shield he places Campbell in pretence, as in
No. 358. From thenceforward the hereditary shield in-
cludes Campbell in its Quarterings, and it assumes the
aspect of No. 359. And so, in precisely the same man-

ner, other Quarterings might be introduced during the

lapse of time ; or the shield, No 359, with its three
Quarterings, might long remain unchanged.
There yet remains one contingency that requires atten-
tion. In the case of a Daughter of the Campbell Heiress,
any such Lady would bear the arms of Stafford, Butler and
Campbell quarterly, No. 359. Were she to marry, if she
herself were not to be an Heiress, her Husband would sim-
ply impale with his own Arms her quartered Arms, and
their children would bear their Father's Arms only. But
if she, like her mother, were to be an Heiress, then, as
before, her Husband would charge her quartered Arms
upon a separate shield in pretence upon his own and their ;

Children and Descendants would quarter Hie quartered

Shield of the Heiress. This must be exemplified.
Suppose the Daughter of the Campbell Heiress, (who
would bear No. 359 on a Lozenge, and not on a shield)

to marry a Bentinck:, who bears, Az., a Cross moline, arg.,

No. 360 : if she is not an Heiress, her quartered shield is

impaled by her Husband, as in No. 362 ; but if an

Heiress, her quartered shield is set in Pretence upon the
Bentinck Arms, as in No. 363. In order to transmit
these Arms by means of Quartering, a new modification
of that process will be necessary, now a quartered

shield has to be quartered. The Marshalling now proceeds

by Quarterly Quartering. Here, as in No. 16, the
primary Quarters are Grand Quarters, any or all of which
may be quartered. We require a Shield quarterly quar-
tered in the 2nd and 3rd Quarters, as No. 364. In this

shield, Grand Quarters 1 and 4 bear Bentinck and Grand


Quarters 2 and 3 are each charged with Stafford, Butler

and Campbell. This shield becomes hereditary, and

admits of further quart erings, should occasions arise, upon

the same system. If a son of the Campbell Heiress were
to marry a Bentinck, he would simply impale her arms,
or if she were an heiress, would charge them in pretence
upon his quartered shield, No. 359 ; and in this last case,

his children would quarter Bentinck in the fourth quarter,

as in No. 361.
Should a man bearing a quartered shield marry an
heiress, he would place her arms in pretence upon his
own quartered shield. Should her arms be quartered,
then the hereditary shield would be quarterly quartered,
and each of the grand quarters would be quartered. If

any student will work out any such system of marshalling,

he will speedily become familiar with the entire range of
quartering, while at the same time he will be impressed

with the versatility and the precision of heraldic chro-

nicles. The peerage, with such old authorities as may be
available, will furnish an ample variety of examples for

study and practice.

Augmentations of Honor, which in the first instance are

charged upon small shields of pretence, are never quar-

tered, but always retain their original position as integral

components of their own shields, whether those shields

themselves be or be not quartered.
When any coat of arms that bears a Bordure or a
Tressure, is marshalled quarterly with other coats, then
no part of the bordure or tressure is to be omitted in the

quartered coat : that is, Quartering does not affect a Bor-

dure or Tressure. Thus, in the Royal Arms. No. 334,
the Tressure of Scotland is blazoned complete in the
second quarter ; and in No. 364 a, from the Brass to
Lady Tiptoft, at Enfield, A.D. 1446, Powys quarters


Holland, Holland retaining in both quarters the silver

bordure complete.
Marks of Cadency remain unaffected by quartering, and
if they have been assumed, and are retained, they may
be transmitted and may become hereditary.
Archbishops and Bishops impale their paternal Arms with
the Arms of their Sees, placing the latter on the Dexter
side of their shields.

The Arms of the Herald Kings are marshalled after

the same manner ; that is, they place their Official Arms
on the Dexter side of their shields, impaling their
hereditary insignia.
The Daughter of a Peer bears her Father's Arms, but
without any Coronet or Supporters, and her Husband
impales her Arms which do not become hereditary.
Should a Widower marry again, he sometimes impales
the Arms of both his wives, the two being placed in the
sinister half of the shield, those of the first wife in Chief,

and of the second in Base, or both coats marshalled per

pale. But if the former wife should have been an

Heiress, her Arms would appear in pretence upon those of
her husband on the dexter side, and the Arms of the
second wife would be impaled in the ordinary manner
and, contrariwise, if the second wife be an Heiress, her
Arms would be charged in pretence upon the shield still

impaled as at first. In case both the ladies should be

Heiresses, the husband might quarter the Arms of his first

wife with his own, then impale the quartered composition

with his own Arms, and charge the Arms of the second
wife on a shield of pretence over all. The hereditary
quarterings in such instances would have to be determined
in accordance with the special circumstances of each par-

ticular case, but always in strict adherence to heraldic

principle and heraldic rule.

An unmarried Lady bears her paternal coat of arms,

whether single or quartered, upon a Lozenge, without any
Crest. See No. 104. This most inconvenient lozenge was
in use at an early period.
A Widow, not an heiress, retains the impaled Arms as
borne by her late husband and herself ; or, if an Heiress,
a Widow retains her husband's Arms charged with her
own in pretence ; but, in either case, the Arms of a Widow

are borne upon a Lozenge, and without a Crest. Should

a Widow marry a second time, unless her former husband
was a Peer, she ceases to bear his Arms. The Marshall-
ing of the Arms of the Widow of a Peer who may marry
again is given in the next section of this Chapter.
The Arms of Corporate Bodies, and also of Institutions
and Associations, of whatsoever kind, may be marshalled
by means of regular quartering, the several coats of arms
being arranged and assigned to their proper quarters in
the Compound Composition in the order of their relative

Marshalling by Incorporation,.th.a,t is, instead of quarter-
ing, actually constructing a single coat of arms from the
component elements of two or more distinct heraldic com-
positions, is generally repudiated by modern Heralds, as
inconsistent with that distinct and expressive definition
which Heraldry impresses on its productions. Still, a
foremost place in the very front rank of English Heraldry
must be assigned to the Union Jack, which, as I have

shown, is an example of such Marshalling by Incorpo-

ration. (See Chap. VII, Nos. 63 and 64; also Chap.


II. The Disposition and Aggroupment of two or

more Shields of Arms, so that they shall form and

constitute a single heraldic composition.
In many cases. Marshalling requires that Shields of

arms should retain their individual characteristics, while

they also have to form associations with other heraldic

compositions. This is effected by grouping together the
allied shields.

Knights of the Garter, the Bath, and other Orders, if

married, bear two shields. On the first, placed to the

dexter, are the paternal Arms of the Knight himself,
being surrounded with the Insignia of his Order of
Knighthood. On the second shield he bears his own Arms
repeated, without any Knightly Insignia, impaling those
of his wife, or charged with them in pretence.

Though not customary in actual practice, a similar ar-

rangement might be adopted, in exact conformity with

heraldic rule, in the instances of Archbishops and Bishops
who are married.
A Peeress in her own Bight bears her hereditary arms
(without Helm or Crest) on a Lozenge, with her Coronet
and supporters. If she be married to a Peer, both her

Arms and those of her husband are fully blazoned, and

the Shield and the Lozenge are grouped together to form
a single Compound Composition, precedence being given to
the achievement of the higher rank. If she be married
to a Commoner, her husband charges her paternal Arms
ensigned with her Coronet, in Pretence upon his own ;

and she also bears her own Achievement of arms, distinct

and complete, as she bore it before her marriage : and, in
this instance also, the Lozenge and the Shield are grouped
together, the Lozenge yielding precedence.

If the Widow of a Peer should marry a Cotnmoner, she

continues to bear the Arms of her former husband, as

before, on a separate Lozenge ; and, on another Shield her

second husband impales or charges in pretence her
paternal Arms, the two forming a single group, the shield
having precedence. Should she marry a second peer, she
would not retain the Arms of her former husband, unless
his rank had been higher than that of her second husband.
Royal Personages, when married, bear their own Arms
on a separate shield, which is placed to the dexter ; and a
second shield bears the impaled arms of the husband and
the wife, the arms of the personage of the higher rank
being to the dexter. In some instances, quartering is

used in the second shield instead of impalement, —a prac-

tice that ought to be altogether discontinued.
Two or more shields may be grouped together by
placing them upon a mantle of crimson velvet lined with
ermine ; or by the instrumentality of any such simple
accessories as the artist may devise. Or it may be suffi-

cient either to place the shields, or the shield and lozenge,

side by side, or to arrange them in such a manner that
the shield to the dexter should rest upon the dexter chief
of the other shield or of the lozenge.
III. Marshalling the Accessories of any Shield,

Lozenge or Group, is necessarily determined by the

circumstances of every individual case.
The Accessories are the Helm, Wreath, Cap, Crest-Coro-

net, Crest, Coronet, Crown, Mantling, Supporters, Scroll and

Motto, Badges, and Knightly or Official Insignia. The se-

veral characteristics and uses of these accessories having

been described in Chapter XIV, their treatment in Mar-

shalling requires but brief notice.

The Helm always rests upon the chief of the Shield.

Commoners and Baronets have their Crests placed upon

their Helms, the Crest in every case being supported by its

Wreath, Cap or Crest-Coronet. Peers and Princes place

the Coronet of their rank upon their Helm, and their Crest
duly supported is introduced above the Coronet. The
Sovereign places the Eoyal Crest above the Imperial

Crown. The Mantling always falls, or is displayed, from

the back of the Helm. The Scroll and Motto, and also

all Badges are placed below the shield : but should any
Motto have a special reference to the Crest, in that case

such Motto should stand either in chief of the entire

achievement, or, if only the crest and the shield are bla-
zoned, it may intervene between them. The Supporters
are to be adjusted to the Shield or Lozenge in such a
manner, that they may appear to be in the act of sup-
porting and protecting it. Supporters and Crests also
admit Marks of Cadency.
Official Insignia may be associated with any achieve-
ment, in such a manner as may be best calculated to dis-

play them with becoming effect. Thus, the official staves

of the Earl Marshall are blazoned and crossed behind his

shield. An Official Badge or Jewel may be suspended

from the shield itself. Other objects and devices must
determine their own most appropriate display, care being
taken that the true Heraldic Achievement should maintain
its own distinct individuality.

Knightly Insignia are always associated with Achieve-

ments of arms. The Garter and Motto of the Order en-

circle the shields of all Knights of the Garter; and the

Collar, with the George, may also be blazoned about the

Garter itself. Knights of the Bath encircle their Shield


with a Red Riband charged with the Motto of the Order,

and having the Jewel depending. In like manner, the
Knights of the Thistle and of St. Patrick, of St. Michael
and of St. George, and of the Star of India, place the
Ribands of their Orders with their Mottos, each about his
own shield. These Ribands are severally Green, Sky
Blue, Deep Blue with a Scarlet Stripe, and Light Blue
having edges of White. The Badge or Jewel of each

Order depends from the Riband. The Collars also of all

these Orders may be blazoned about the shield of any

Knight : and a Knight of more than one Order may dis-

play the Insignia of each Order. In like manner, all

honorable Insignia of every kind may be displayed in

association with a Shield or Achievement of arms. And,
in accordance with the same rule, Foreign Orders and
Insignia may be displayed, provided that they have been
duly recognized and admitted in this country.

No. 408. Achievement of Arms of John Daubygne, a.d. 1316,

from his Monumental Slab at Norton-Brize, Oxfordshire.
No. 470. No. 471.
Edward I, as Prince Royal. Henry Plantagenet of Lancaster.


By Cadency Heralds distinguish, the different indi-

viduals or the several branches of the same family, all of

whom, in right of their common descent, inherit and bear
the same arms.
A shield of arms may thus be " differenced," either by
modifying or adding to the original blazon, while retain-
ing its distinctive character ; or by introducing upon the
shield some fresh charge, which is to take no part in the
actual composition of the arms, but is to have a special

and a separate existence of its own as a " Difference."

The modified shield, when once adopted, would become
in fact an independent heraldic composition, and would
be permanently retained, while yet at the same time it

would indicate clearly and emphatically both its origin

and its alliances.

The shield, on the other hand, that in its own blazon

remains unchanged and without even the very slightest
modification, but is differenced by a " Mark," or " Marks

of Cadency," would be borne only as a temporary dis-

tinction, contingent upon the duration or the change of

certain conditions ; and, consequently such a shield would
alter its Differences or remove them altogether, in accord-
ance with the new requirements of advancing time. In
these changes in the " Marks of Cadency " which may be
borne at different times by the same individuals, and in
the origin of the " Marks " themselves, the student of
Historical Heraldry will find lying open before him a wide
field for singularly interesting and attractive inquiry.
Occasionally, more than one Mark of Cadency appears
in the same shield ; and it also was a practice habitually
prevalent with the early Heralds to difference their Bif-
erences, that is, to charge one Mark of Cadency upon
I. The former of the two processes for Differencing
Arms may be effected, first, by changing the tincture either

of the field, or of the ordinary, or of any other charge, in

any Heraldic Composition.
Thus, in the time of Henry III, the two Furnivals
. appear bearing, the one upon a field of gold, and the
other upon a field of silver,, the same red bend and the
same six martlets also red. This shield, No. 365, is

repeated in the curious monument to a lady of the same

family in Selby Church, Yorkshire. At the same period
the brothers De la Zouche severally bear, gules, bezantee,

and azure, bezantee, No. 366. The De la Zouches sub-

sequently further differenced their shield by introducing
a canton ermine, as appears in the Brass to Lady Wil-
loughby de Eresby, a.d. 1391, at Spilsby in Lincoln-

shire. Again, the De Genevilles, in the Eoll of Henry

III, bear, the elder, sa. three barnacles in pale, or, and on a

chief, arg., a demi-lion rampt. issuant, gu.; and the

younger, the same arms, No. 131a, PI. XIV, with the
field of the shield azure, and that of the chief ermine.

These arms of the De G-enevilles may be considered to

exemplify the compounding two distinct coats, as

a Furnival without doubt first bore the bend alone, and

afterwards the martlets were added " for Difference."

The Mortimers, again, difference by changing the tincture

of their inescutcheon from silver to ermine, Nos. 99 and

99 a, p. 37, and also by substituting gules for the azure

of the original shield. The change from argent to ermine

for the tincture of the field was frequently adopted, as by

the Montacutes ; or, for the tincture of an ordinary,
as by the Berkleys. The Caelaverock Roll gives an

example of a double change of tincture in the banner

of John Paignel, a friend and comrade of the brothers
De Hastings, who bore a golden maunche upon a field vert,
the Earl himself displaying a banner of gold charged with
a maunche gules, which banner Edward de Hastings
differenced with a label azure.

Secondly, retaining the identity of the tinctures the

Cadency may be effected by introducing some fresh charge

of at least a comparatively subordinate character, and in-

corporating it with the original composition of any shield ;

or, by slightly varying the charges that are borne on any

shield ; or, by substituting one charge for another under
like conditions ; or, by associating with one heraldic com-
position the distinctive insignia of another in such a man-
ner that, while the original design may predominate, the
presence of the allied arms may readily be recognized.
It is highly probable that the minor charges of shields
were originally introduced in almost all cases with a view

to Cadency ; and, accordingly, Heraldry may be considered

to have derived a very large proportion of the most
popular associates of its Ordinaries from its own early

efforts, more suo, to distinguish and also oftentimes to

connect the different bearers of those simple insignia. In

general the fresh charges introduced by the early Heralds
for marking Cadency do not appear to have been selected

upon any definite principle ; small crosses, however, were

evidently held in especial esteem ; and, in some instances,
devices used as badges may have been adopted as marks
of Cadency. These fresh charges, which are drawn to so
small a scale that their presence cannot seriously affect
the primary idea of the original composition, are placed
either upon the field of the shield, or upon the Ordinary,
and in the earliest examples they almost invariably are re-

peated. When set upon the field of any shield, the small

charges in the first instance appear either semee over the

entire area, or arranged to form an orle — the orle being a
modification of the bordure ; but, subsequently, their

numbers are generally reduced so as not to exceed six,

. and they are disposed in some regular order. Later

still —that is to say, about the middle of the 14th century,

single small charges begin to be used " for Difference."

The idea of differencing shields of arms by means of
small charges again and again repeated, may possibly

have been derived from the early practice of diapering ;

but, whatever its origin, this system of marking Cadency

from the first is altogether distinct from any merely de-

corative accessories. It will be understood, that the term

" Cadency" applies only to the differencing of the shields

of several members either of the same family or of dif-

ferent branches of the same family : at the same time, it




is obvious that by a change of tinctures, by fresh combi-

nations and dispositions, and by the introduction of
various minor charges, a series of shields all bearing the
same Ordinary may be effectually differenced for different

families, between which there exists no alliance whatever.

In the first Roll of Henry III four shields of Beauchamp
are blazoned, not including the shield of the Earl of
Warwick, (which is, chequee, arg. and az, a chevron,

ermine, No. 367) : —of these one simply — a second

is vairee,

is quarterly, arg. and —a third charges a bend upon

sa., gu.

afield, quarterly, arg. and of —and the fourth

the first, is

sa., an eagle displayed, arg., armed, or. The known


shield of the Beauchamps, Earls of Warwick, ac-

cordingly, does not appear in this group. In the Caer-
laverock Roll, the shield vairee is repeated, and the arms
of Guy, (Beauchamp,) Earl of Warwick are blazoned,

gu., semee of crosslets, a fesse, or, No. 368 : there is also a

third red banner of Beauchamp, which bears the golden

fesse between six martlets, No. 369. The crosslets were
probably reduced to the same number, six, early in the

14th century. In the Elsyng brass, a.d. 1347, in the

Beauchamp monuments at Warwick, in the Calais Roll
of Edward III. and in the Windsor Stall-plates, the

Beauchamps, Earls of Warwick, bear the six golden

crosslets, — No. 370 ; and in the same Calais Roll, Sir

John de Beauchamp, the brother of the Earl, adds a

sable crescent upon his fesse, No. 371. The shield with
six martlets is repeated, for Sir Giles de Beauchamp, in
the Roll of Edward III ; and, again, upon a monument,
aboxit a.d. 1400, in Worcester Cathedral, and in the brass
of the same period, to Sir Nicholas Dagworth, at

Aylsham in Norfolk ; and, in the Roll, it is further dif-

— ;;


ferenced, for an eldest son, with an azure label. In other

shields of Beauchamps of different branches of the
family, six crescents or the same number of billets, all of

gold, are blazoned with the fesse on a red field.

The Cliffords, who bear, chequee, or and az., a bend.,

gu, in the Eoll of Henry III, No. 372, at Caerlaverock
display a fesse in place of the bend, No. 373 ; and, sub-
sequently, they charge on their bend three lions of England.
The arms of De Eos appear varied in their tinctures in
the following manner :
gu. three water bougets, arg.

then, ermine takes the place of argent; and then, the

same charges, sable, are blazoned on a shield, or, No. 374
this shield of De Eos appears in the Windsor Stall-

plates, in the well known effigy in the Temple Church

and in the Spilsby brass. In his brass, a.d. 1275, Sir
Eoger de Trumpingdon bears on his shield, az., crusilb'e,

two trumpets in pile, or, No. 375, and upon his ailettes he
adds a label of three points, thus corroborating the evidence
borne by his shield to show that the engraving of this
brass was never completed. Somewhat earlier two De
Bruces bear, severally, arg. a lion rampt., az., and, az. semee

of crosses pattees, a lion rampt. or ; and De Balliol dif-

ferences, gu. an orle, arg., first, by placing in the dexter

chief a small blue inescutcheon charged with a lion passant

of gold, and secondly, by modifying the original blazon to,

az. semee of crosses pattees, an orle, or — No. 376. The
De Cobhams bear gu. a chevron, or ; and for difference,

they charge their chevron with either three crosslets, or

three lioncels, or three eaglets, or three estoiles, or three

crescents, or three martlets, all sable. No. 377, with the

lioncels, is from the brasses at Cobham and Chrishall
No. 378, with the crosslets, (Eauf De Cobham, a.d. 1402,




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adds an estoile, as in the example, for a secondary

difference,) is from another brass at Cobham ; and No. 379,
with the estoiles, is from the Stall-plate of Sir Eeginald
de Cobham, KG., a.d. 1352. In the Calais Eoll of Edw.
Ill, Sir John de Cobham bears the chevron uncharged,
(the original shield, in all probability,) but with the addition

of a silver label. The Staffoeds, again, difference their red

chevron on its field of gold, first, by adding a canton,

ermine; secondly, by placing the chevron between three
martlets, sable; and then by surrounding the original

shield with a bordure engrailed, either sable, or gules. The

arms of De Lucy are, gu, three fishes haur lent in fesse, arg.
This shield is differenced by substituting or for argent,
and powdering the field with crosslets, first of silver and
then of gold. Six shields are blazoned, each with a single
cinguefoil, in the Eoll of Henry III. Of these one bears
the charge of silver and another of gold, on a red field.

Fitz Nichol retains the gold and red tinctures, but

powders his field with silver escallops, No. 388. On a field

sable, De Fancombe bears both the cinguefoil and an orle

of martlets, arg. De Umphbaville adheres to the

original tinctures, but adds a bordure, az., semee of
horse-shoes, or, No. 388 a. Thomas Baedolph has an
azure shield, crusilee, and with the cinguefoil, or —his
elder brother, William Baedolph, bearing, az., three

cinguefoils, or —No. 388 b. (See also Chap. XXIV.) In

own house, Thos. de Saint
addition to the shields of his
Quintin, a.d. 1445, at Harpham in his brass, has a shield
charged with the arms of Thos. Baedolph, No 388 c in ;

this example the crosslets are drawn fleurie, No. 388 d.

At Trumpington, Elsyng, Warwick, Cobham, and in the

earlier Stall-plates at Windsor, the crosslets are botonee —

m 2
— :


No. 388 b : this appears to be the favourite manner of

rendering this popular charge, though in many instances
its points are cut off square, as in No. 83, PL III. The
shield of Sir Amorye D'Arcy, in the Calais Eoll, bears,

arg. within an orle of cinquefoils, an inescutcheon, gu.

and, in the same Eoll, Sir Wm. D'Arcy differences this

shield to, az. crusillee. three cinquefoils, arg. Other Darcies

bear, arg. three sixfoils, gu ; and, az. crusillee, three sixfoils,

arg. ; and, for further difference, arg. within an orle of

sirfuils, gu. an inescutcheon, sa. : Nos. 388 f, g,h and i.
A monument of the Caerlaverock period at Howden in
Yorkshire, to a De Saltmarsh, displays a shield, crusillee,

charged with three sixfoils, No. 389. A shield semee of

quatrefoils, with a wild boar Sanglier — in chief, appears

in the brass to Sir Thos. Massyngberde, a.d. 1405, at
Gunby in Lincolnshire. Under Edward III, Sir John de
Brewys bears, az. crusilee, a lion rampt. crowned, or ; and,
seventy -five years later, the same shield, No. 390, is six

times repeated in the brass to another John de Brewys,

at Wiston in Sussex. And, once more, in their noble brass

at Little Horkesley in Essex, a.d. 1412, the shields of the

Swynbornes, No. 391, PI. XXXVII, are, gu., semee of

crosslets, arg., and charged with three hoar's heads coined,

of the second ; the same shield is blazoned in the Eoll

of Henry III.

The red shields of the Berkeleys appear in the early

Eolls powdered with either silver crosses pattces or silver

roses, Nos. 392 and 393. As I Lave already shewn, they

also bear their chevron both arg. and erm : and they further
add either a blue label or a silver bordnre. The six

crosslets fitchees of the Howards, No. 394, were doubtless

added in the first instance to their silver bend, for dif-
C XD E ^ C "Y.




2T -389to403.

ference. For a similar purpose, they afterwards placed

on the bend itself a single ermine spot. Another shield
differenced with a single ermine spot placed in the dexter
chief angle, is engraved on a brass plate in Bishangles
Church, Suffolk, a.d. 1599 : the blazon of this shield,

which was borne by Sir. Edw. Geimston, and now is

marshalled by the Earl of Veetjlam in the 1st and 4th

quarters, is as follows, arg. on a fesse, sa., three mullets of six

points pierced, or, in the dexter chief point an ermine-spot,

for difference— No. 395, PI. XXXVII. At Checkenden in

Buckinghamshire, about a.d. 1275, a spirited effigy of

a De Montfoet exhibits the remarkable shield of that

family differenced with crosslets : it may thus be blazoned,
gu. crusillee, a lion ramp, queue fourchee, arg., preying on
an infant, ppr. : in this example, No. 399, the sculptor has

represented the lion facing to the sinister. The shield

quarterly of the De Veees, No. 156, PI. VI, without doubt,

originally acquired its silver mullet as a mark of Cadency.
A mullet in the first quarter again appears in the fine

brass at Chipping Campden, a.d., 1401, to Wm. Geevel,

differencing the shield that is still borne by the
Geevilles, — sa., on a cross engr. or, five pellets, all within a
a bordure also engr., of the second, No. 396. The Les
Despencees charge their bend (No. 107) with three mullets,

for Difference, and they also engrail the bend itself. In

like manner, in the year 1337, William De Bohun, Earl
of Noethampton, (afterwards a Knight Founder of the
Garter,) differences his paternal shield by charging upon
the silver bend three mullets of six points. In the roll of

Edward III, these mullets are blazoned gules, but they are
also elsewhere tinctured sable. The shields of this re-

owned Baron and of his son, both drawn from their seals,

are plaoed side by side in Plate XX, Nos. 397, 398.

It will be seen tbat in No. 398 the cotises are better

developed tban in the shield of the earlier Humphrey de

Bohun, No. 201, the father of the Earl of Northampton.
The shield of the De Bohuns, both with and without a
label, is blazoned in the Rolls of Henry III, Edward I,

and Caerlaverock ; it occupies a foremost place amidst the

Stall-plates of the Knights of the Garter ; it yet lingers
over what remains of the once honoured burial-place of
their powerful family, the Llanthony Abbey, founded by
themselves near Gloucester ; and it occurs repeatedly in
the Heraldry of both seals and —as in the seals

of Henry IV and Thomas Plantagenet of Woodstock,

in the brasses at Westminster, Spilsby and Exeter, and
theBeauchamp Chapel Monument at Warwick.
The red pile of Chandos, in one of the Eolls of
Henry III, appears differenced with mullets. The bla-
zon of this shield, No. 127, is, or, a pile gu. charged with

three mullets of six points, of the first, between six others,

of the second. In the Calais Poll, William Clynton,

Earl of Huntingdon, bears, arg., six crosslets fitchees, sa. 7

on a chief, ar., two mullets, or, No. 400 ; and Sir Thomas
Ughtred bears, gu. on a cross fleurie, or, five mullets, sa.,

No. 401. At Caerlaverock the brothers Bassett, who

both bear, erm., a chief indented, gu., difference their

shields by severally charging their chiefs with three

mullets and three escallops, or, Nos. 402, 403. I shall have

occasion hereafter to notice a perfectly different Coat of

Arms borne by the De Bassetts, Nos. 445, 456. In the
Arms of Douglas three mullets are charged upon a
chief: thus, the Garter Plate of James, Earl Douglas,
in the first quarter bears, arg., a man's heart, gu., im-

perially crowned, or, and on a chief, ar., three mullets, of

the field, No. 177 a. The St. Johns, in like manner, bear
mullets on a chief: in the Caerlaverock roll John de
St. John bears, arg., on a chief, gu., two mullets, or, and
his son, John de St. John the younger, bears, arg.,

on a chief, gu., two mullets, or, over all a label of five points,

az., No. 404. The shield of Wi, de Odingseles

is blazoned in the Eoll of Henry III. as, arg., a fesse,

and in chief two mullets, gu. ; R. de Moelles, using the

same tinctures, substitutes two bars for the fesse, and
increases the mullets to three; and on a silver bend
Rob. de Shastone charges three azure mullets, the field

of his shield being red.

Nearly half a century after the siege of Caerlaverock,
in the year 1345, a monumental slab was sculptured
and placed at Norton Brise, in Oxfordshire, to com-
memorate Sir John Dahbygne. It is a very remarkable
composition, and singularly interesting in its Heraldry.
Three of its five shields are charged with the arms of
Daubygne : of these one bears simply, gu., four fusils
conjoined in fesse, arg. ; another bears the fusils erm., and
adds three mullets, in chief ; and the third, which is the
principal shield of the group, charges each fusil with a
pierced mullet, Nos. 405, 406, 407. A pierced mullet, which
appears to demonstrate conclusively the derivation of that
charge from a pointed spur-rouelle, within a wreath of
olive leaves, forms the Crest, and the Mantling of the
Helm is also powdered with pierced mullets. At the end of
this chapter I give a representation of this achievement
of arms, drawn from the original monument. Es-
callop-shells have already been blazoned as differencing
charges: I add, for further illustration, from the Rolls

so often quoted, the shield of Bigot, or, on a cross, gu.,

five escallops, arg. ; and that of De Graham, gu., a saltire

and chief, arg., the latter charged tuith three escallops, of the
field, No. 409. The Deincottrts bear, az., billettee, a fesse
dancette, or, (Rolls of Henry III, Edward III, and Caer-
laverock), No. 410. De Gueslyn bears simply, or, billettee,
a label of five points, az. The shields of De Lorraine and St.

Omer are severally, gu. and az., billettee, a fesse, or ; and

another shield differenced with billets appears in the
brass to John Haydon, at Theddlethorpe in Lincolnshire,

a.d. 1424, the principal charge being a lion passant,

No. 411.
Martlets were evidently held in esteem, as Dif-
ferencing Charges, in a degree inferior only to that
accorded to crosslets. To the examples already adduced
I add, from the Eoll of Henry III, the shields of De
Me rle y and De Boun, which are, barry of six, arg. and
az., a bordure, of the second, semee of martlets, or; and, gu.

within an orle of martlets, a crescent, arg, Nos. 412 and 413.

Again, we may assume that the Martlets charged upon
the shield attributed to the Confessor, No. 78, PL I,

were originally designed to indicate an heraldic Dif-

ference. The orle of martlets that is so happily effective
in the shields of William and Aymer de Valence,
No. 101, PI. V, is another familiar example of the use
of this favourite charge in early Cadency. The paternal
shield of these distinguished barons was simply, barry
(the bars sans nombre) arg. and az., No. 414. This shield
was once blazoned upon the Westminster Monument, and
it is still preserved in connection with the curious semi-
effigy of Ethelmar or Aymer De Valence, brother of
Earl William, Bishop of Winchester, in Winchester




Plate y
— — ;


Cathedral. I have engraved this relic in my " Christian

Monuments." Upon this shield a label gules is charged,

for an eldest son, No. 415. Then, upon the barry field

there is introduced —possibly to compound two Coats of

Arms a lion rampt. gu., crowned, or, —No. 416. The orle

of red martlets succeeds, No. 101 ; and, at the same time,

three lioncels of the same tincture modify the Difference
effected by the single lion —No. 417: this last shield,

No. 417, remains in the Westminster Monument, the

original enamel being still fresh and brilliant. And, once
more, Guy, the younger brother of William De Valence,
so far alters the shield of his house, that he bears, arg.,
three bars, az. over all a bendlet, gu. .- I add this shield,
No. 418, to complete the De Valence group, in which the
student will observe that the tincture, gules, is retained in
all these shields for their varied Differences. Another
group of shields, three in number, may be associated with
the shields of the De Valences, in order to exemplify more
fully their system of marking Cadency : these are the
shields of the De Chaworths, which severally are
blazoned, barry, ar. and gu., an orle of martlets, sa.
then, three martlets, two and one, sa., take the place of the
orle ; and, finally, a bendlet supercedes the martlets al-
together: Nos. 419, 420, and 421.
The always beautiful Pleur-de-lys appears as a
Differencing charge in the blazon of early shields. It
would seem, indeed, that the fleurs-de-lys which are scat-

tered over the field in the old arms of France, were

designed to mark a difference from a kindred shield,

charged with a single de-lys, as, subsequently, the shield

semee de lys, was differenced by Bordures, Bendlets and
Cantons : or, if not thus in itself an actual example of

heraldic Cadency, the shield that is so well known as

France Ancient, No. 2, p. 18, could not fail to be

regarded as eminently suggestive, when the Heralds of
England for the first time were engaged in working out
some system of differencing arms. The brass to a Eitz

Ealph, at Pebmarsh, in Essex, near Clare, about a.d.

1320, has a differenced shield of the De Clares, which
charges each chevronel with three fleurs-de-lys, and sur-
rounds the whole with a bordure ; and, the same blazon
is repeated in some remains of early glass in the win-
dows, from which it is apparent that the field is azure,

the bordure and the de lys, gules, and the chevronels or,

No. 422. In the Eoll of Henry III, William de

Peyner bears, arg. on a chevron, gu. three fleurs-cle-lys,

or, No. 423 ; and John de Deyvill modifies this com-

position to, or, on a fesse, gu., three fleurs-cle-lys, the cen-

tral one reversed, of the field, No. 424 ; and again, one
of the shields in the Selby monument bears the three

fleurs-de-lys, all of them erect, upon a fesse, No. 425.

Eleurs-de-lys in small numbers, as primary charges, are
of rare occurrence. In the Eoll of Henry III, Eobert
Agulon bears, gu., a single fleur-de-lys, arg. ; and the
shield of De Tatelow, is, gu. three fleurs-de-lys, or. A
very singular incised monumental slab at Abergavenny
has a shield charged also with three large fleurs-de-lys,
No. 425 a ; and the brass to Sir John Gifpard, a.d.

1348, which has lately been restored to Bowers Gifford

Church in Essex, upon a field beautifully diapered bears
six fleurs-de-lys, three, two and one, No. 425 b. Vincent
(MS. SS, in Coll. Arm), gives the seal of Melicent de
Monte Alto, a.d. 1235, with her effigy between two
shields, the dexter shield bearing a lion rampant, and the

•-.-. .






sinister shield three fleurs-de-lys ; at Stradsett in Norfolk

there is a noble monumental slab despoiled of its shields,

cross and inscriptions, to the same Melicent de Monte Alto.

The shield of Sir Theobald De Rachecourte, blazoned
in the Calais Eoll, displays the singular arrangement of

five golden fleurs-de-lys set in saltire upon a sable field, No.

426. In the arms of Sir Thomas Bromflete, in his brass
at Wimington in Bedfordshire, a.d. 1430, the fleur-de-lys

assumes a very peculiar position : his shield, No. 426 b,

bears, sa. a bend, fleurie counterfleurie, or. This shield
the Bromfletes further differenced by charging their bend
with three hurtes. The bend of the Bromfletes naturally
directs the attention of students to the Royal Treasure of
Scotland, which is also fleurie, counterfleurie, No. 345.
The shield of the De Cantelttpes, No. 426 c, furnishes
another curious instance of the use of the fleurs-de-lys,
which have evidently been placed in such strange associa-
tion with lions' faces with a view to compounding two
coats of arms ; the blazon of this shield is, for William
de Cantelupe, at Caerlaverock, gu., between three lions'

faces, jessant-de-lys, or, a fesse, vair ; No. 426 c. An exam-

ple of the use of the fleur-de-lys for marking Cadency
occurs in one of the shields of the Spilsby Brass, which
bears, for De Beaumonte, az., semee de lys, a lion rampt.,

or, No. 427. Other branches of the same family change

the tinctures to gules and argent, they substitute an orle

of silver crescents for the field florettee, and they place

over all either an azure label or a bendlet componee, arg.
and gu. In the Calais Bob 1
, Sir Thomas Beaumonte
bears the crescents ; and Sir John Beatjmonte, the
younger, adds a label to a similar shield. In his effigy

at Ryther in Yorkshire, William De Ryther, about


a.d. 1275, bears a shield charged with three crescents, No.

427 a. Franc le Bottn, in one of the earliest Rolls,

bears the same shield, the tinctures being sa., three cres-

cents, or. The brass to Robert Parts, a.d. 1408, at

Hildersham in Cambridgeshire, is charged with a cross
fleurie, and has two crescents in chief, No. 427 b. I have
already given, from the other Roll of Henry III, for

Franc De Bottn, a shield charged with a single crescent,

within an orle of martlets, No. 413. Again, in the Ca-
lais Roll, John de Potenhall bears, or, on a fesse, ar.

three increscents, of the field, No. 428. Roses, as I have

shewn, were used for Difference by the Berkeleys, No.
393. In the Caerlaverock Roll, the banners of the Earl

of Lennox and his son are, gu. a lion rampt, within a bor-

dure, arg., semee of roses, of the field, the son adding

an azure label, No. 429. Again, Simon de Tressel
bears, sa. six roses, arg., No. 431 ; and (Roll of H. III.)

Philip D'Arcy bears, arg. three roses, gu. Garlands or

wreaths of roses, with or without leaves, were borne as
charges, and possibly they may have done duty as Marks
of Cadency. At Caerlaverock, Ralph de Fitzwilliam
bore a banner, harry, arg. and az., charged with three chap-

lets of roses* No. 432.

Another example of a shield bearing three wreaths of
roses, occurs in the Brass to Roger Elmebrigge, a.d.

1430, at Beddington in Surrey, No. 432 a : this shield is

also charged with either a chevron cotised, or with two

chevronels, and it has a label of three points. In the brass
this shield appears both alone and impaled by Elme-

* At p. 57, a Sliielcl of De Fitz William has been engraved,

which the harry field has been accidentally omitted.
c a z> :e u c it.





brigge — chequee, arg. and sa., and consequently, it is an

example of differencing by a label in the arms borne by a
lady. Roundels of different tinctures appear as charges
borne for differencing arms, but not so frequently as
might have been expected. The arms of the Earl of
Cornwall, No. 194, PI. V. afford an excellent example of
a bordure bezantee. The same shield so far modified as
to have its field ermine, and its bordure engrailed, appears
amidst the Windsor Stall-plates, for Sir John Corn-
wall, KG., who died in 1443, No. 433. In the early
Robert Estofford and Robert de
Roll, the shields of

Welle, Nos. 434 and 435, are blazoned, the one, arg. a
chevron, gu. bezantee, and the other, arg. two bendlets, gu.

bezantee. A century later, Sir Warren Trussell bears,

arg. frettee,gu., the frette bezantee, No. 435 a ; and Sir Wil-
liam Trussell bears the same shield with an azure label.
The banner of Aumbry St. Amand is or, frettee, and on
a chief, sa., three bezants, No. 436. The Shield of Rauf
de Camoys (Roll H. Ill) bears, or, on a chief, gu. three

plates, No. 287, PI. XIV, and Sir Thomas Latham (Calais

Roll) bears, or, on a chief, indented, az. three plates. The

shields of Courtenay, Wake and Devereux (Roll of
n. Ill), all bear torteaux, and are thus blazoned : Cour-
teney, or, three torteaux ; Wake, or, two bars, gu., in

chief three torteaux, No. 437 ; and Devereux, arg., a

fesse, gu. in chief three torteaux. At Caerlaverock, Hugh
de Courtenay bore an azure label, charged over his
three torteaux, and the shield thus differenced has become
recognised as the arms of Courtenay, No. 438 ; it appears
Cobham and Exeter. And, (Roll H. III.)
in brasses at
William de Bascrevil bears, arg. between three hurtes,
a chevron, gu., No. 439. Annulets, again, appear in early

blazonry. In the Roll of Henry III, John de Vipont

and John de Plessis both bear seven annulets, but they

counterchange the tinctures of the field and the charges ;

thus, the blazon of the former shield is, gu. six annulets,

or, and that of the latter is, arg, six annulets, gu., No. 440.
In the original, these annulets are blazoned as "faux
rondlets," or false roundlets —that is, as roundlets voided of

the field. Mascles, in like manner, which appear in seve-

ral early shields in groups, are blazoned as " voydes du

champ" when they are to be understood to be what we
now distinguish as Mascles : otherwise the early mascle,
when not thus voided, becomes the modern lozenge.

Shields masculee, like those semce of annulets or roundles,

or shields charged with mascles in connection with other
charges, may have been intended by early Heralds to in-
dicate Difference.

Mr. Planche has directed attention to the seal of Wil-

liam de Romare III, Earl of Lincoln, who died as early
as 1198, which is both masculee and crusillee. My represen-
tation of this seal in Chapter XXIV, is drawn from Mr.
Planche' s engraving. Roger de Quincey, Earl of Win-
chester, bears, gu. masculee, or : and this shield which
is blazoned in the Roll of Henry III, appears amongst the
few original examples of the Heraldry of that sovereign,
in the south aisle of Westminster Abbey ; the mascles,
seven in number, are pierced with very small openings,
and disposed over the entire field of the shield, being
in contact with one another, as The in No. 441.
same Roll blazons the Richard de Rokele,
shields of

Thomas le Fitz William and William le Blond, all

of them being masculee, and the last bearing, gn. mas-
culee, or, a canton, erm., No. 442. The shield of Hubert
C K. DE N C TT .



Westmrnstei .'

time of "HenryHL.
iLIX N 399, 4-32 441, 459. 460 to, 467.


de Burgh, Earl of Kent, bears, masculee, vair and gu.

—" masculee de verre et de goides ;" but this is really

lozengy, vair and gu., as appears from the shield that is

displayed upon the seal of the Earl, and represented in

No. 443. The Eoll of Henry III gives one shield
charged with an ordinary that is lozengy — the shield of

De Vaux— which is blazoned, arg. a bend lozengy, gu.

and of the field, No. 444. A field or an ordinary frettee,
is apparently a modified form of representing a surface as
lozengy. The brass to John de Creke, about a.d.

1320, at Westley Waterless in Cambridgeshire, affords

an early example of separate lozenges : the shield in

question bears, or, on a fesse, gu. three lozenges, vair, No.

445. Vair occurs repeatedly in early shields, and it

certainly bore its part in effecting difference, by means of

varying the tincture of any shield or of its charges.

Thus, William de Eortibus, Earl De Atjmale or Al-

bemarle (Roll H. III.) bears, gu, a cross patonce,
vairee. Traces of these arms, emblazoned on the dress
of Aveline, Countess of Lancaster, the Earl's daugh-
ter, are yet visible in her effigy, a.d. 1274, at Westmin-
ster, No. 446. In the same Roll Fitz Geoffrey bears
a bordure vair ; and Fitz Ralph has a fesse vair ; and
upon his golden shield De Monchesney charges three
smaller shields, the blazon of each of which is, vair, two

bars, gu. No. 447 —a truly original mode of diffe-

rencing, but one which is at once very clear and very

decided. The brass to Sir Peter Arderne, Chief Baron,
at Latton, a.d. 1467, gives another example of lozenges
one of the shields displayed in this memorial bears, paly
of six, or and gu, on a chief, arg. three lozenges, of the

second, the central lozenge charged with a golden chess-rook,



No. 448 ; another shield in this same brass bears three

chess-rooks. From a Roll of Edward II, I add one
other example —the shield of Sir Robert de Verdon,
which is thus blazoned, " de argent, a une crois de azure,
frette de or," No. 449.
The usage of differencing the Accessories of shields of

arms as well as the Shields themselves, has already been

exemplified in the achievement of Sir John Daubygne,
No. 408. Another characteristic example occurs in

the brass to Henry Bourchier, Earl of Essex, a.d.

1483, at Little Easton in Essex, which displays the red

mantling of the hehn billettee, or, its lining, instead of
the customary ermine, being semee of small water-bougets.
A part of this mantling is shewn in No. 450. The Stall

Plate of John Bourchier, K.G., Lord Berbers, exhibits

his mantling, billettee, the lining being semee alternately

of water-bougets and Bow elder -knots : (Chap. XVII.) Sir

R. Harcotjrt, K.G., has his ermine-lined mantling
semee of quatrefoils : George Plantagenet, K.Gr., Duke
of Clarence, the brother of Edward IV has his crim-

son mantling semee of white roses, No. 451 : and Henry

V, who, as Prince of Wales, above his Garter Plate dis-

plays Helms and Crowns of both France and England,

from his Helm of France has the mantling semee de lys.

Crests, Supporters and Badges have all been charged with

Differences, precisely in the same manner as Mantlings
when animals are introduced, the marks of Cadency are
sometimes formed into Collars ; thus the lion crest of
Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Dorset, is gorged about
the throat with a collar, compony ermine and azure, as the

bordure of his shield ; and the lion crest of his father,

John Beaufort, K.G., Duke of Somerset, has a collar,


compony of arg. and az., No. 451 A ; in like manner, the

shield of Sir Thomas Lancaster, in the Calais Eoll,
bears, gu. a lion rampt., guard., or., gorged with a collar

of France —a blue collar, that is, charged with three

golden fleurs-de-lys. The animals themselves are also

sometimes semee of the differencing charges.

In the " Book of St Alban's," (printed in 1486,
being a species of paraphrase of a part of an earlier trea-
tise on Heraldry by Nicholas Upton, a.d. 1440), the
ancient practice of powdering shields for Difference is

described under the title of " GeraUyng." This Gerat-

tyng is defined to include nine figures or charges, each of
which is said to have been used with a definite and dis-

tinct signification. The nine figures are crosslets (any small

crosses, that is), fleurs-de-lys, roses, primroses, (probably

quatrefoils), cinque-foils, escallops, chaplets, mullets, and

crescents. This series, accordingly, does not include

martlets, billets, annulets, or roundles of any tincture.

"Whatever may have been the original intention, in actual

practice all traces were soon lost of any systematic Ge-
rattyng, which professed to difference in obedience to any
established law; and the crosslets and other charges,
having become integral components of heraldic composi-
tions, ceased to be regarded as Marks of Cadency ; except,

indeed, when a single crescent, mullet, or other figure

was retained to represent the early orle or powdered field,

and to act alone as a " Difference."

With the exception of Eoyal Cadency, which now is

marked exclusively with the Label, the " Differences" of

Modern Heraldry are the same as they are presumed to
have been since the 14th century. They are, for

1. The eldest son, (during his father's life-time) a

Label : No. 379 a.

2. The second son a Crescent : No. 380.

3. The third son— a Mullet : No. 381.
4. The fourth son a Martlet : No. 382.
5. The fifth son an Annulet : No. 383.
6. The sixth son a Fleur-de-lys : No. 384.
7. The seventh son a Bose : No. 385.
8. The eighth son— a Cross Moline: No. 386.
9. The ninth son a Double Quatrefoil : No. 387.
The first son of the first son may charge his label with
a label, his second son may charge his label with a cres-
cent, and so on : and, the first son of the second son may
charge his crescent with a label, &c, &c. —though happily
this complicated and involved Differencing is very rarely
adopted. All Marks of Cadency are now generally borne
in the chief of the shield.
Daughters, the Princesses excepted, being all equally
co-heiresses, do not difference their paternal arms ; but,
when a differenced coat of arms retains its difference as a
charge, as in the instance of the arms of the Cotjrtenays,
such a coat of arms is borne by daughters as well as sons.
In early Heraldry, however, ladies commonly bore their
paternal differences.
One of the earliest known examples of differencing by
a single small charge has been already noticed — it is the
shield of Sir John de Beauchamp, brother of the Earl
of Warwick, No. 371, which is blazoned in the Calais
Eoll of Edward III, the difference being a crescent, sable.

The same Roll gives the shields of Sir Thomas and Sir
Otes Holland, avIio severally difference with an annulet
and a crescent, gu. ; also the shield of Sir Adam Ashe-
— —


hurste, gu. a cross engrailed, and in the dexter chief, a

fleur-de-lys, arg. ; and that of Sir Thomas Bradston, arg.
on a canton, gu. a rose, or. This shield of Bradston is
quartered in the first quarter of an escutcheon of pre-
tence in the Garter- Plate of Sir John Neville, K.G-.,

Lord Montagu, at Windsor: the same shield in the

fourth quarter bears De la Pole, az. on a fesse, between

three leopards' faces, or, an annulet, gu. No. 452 A; and in
the second quarter of Sir John's own shield is Neville of
Salisbury, gu. a saltire, arg. charged with a label of
three points, componee, arg. and az. No. 452 b. This last
shield is several times repeated upon the Beauchamp monu-
ment at Warwick. Another Neville, Lord Latymer,
charges a pellet upon his silver saltire, for Difference, No.
452 c ; and yet another peer of the same family, Neville,
Lord Bergavenny, differences his saltire with a rose, gu.

The Beauforts difference with either a single mullet or a

single crescent, and, as the 15th century advances, exam-

ples of this mode of marking Cadency increase in number.
Thus, at Childrey in Berkshire, in his brass, a.d., 1444,
the arms of William Fynderne, repeated both upon
shields and upon his tabard, are, arg. between three crosslets

fitchees, a chevron, sa., charged for difference with an

annulet, of the field, No. 452 : and, again, in 1474, Sir
John Stanley, at Elford in Staffordshire, upon his

monument, differences his quarterly shield of Stanley

and Lathom — or, on a chief indented, az., three plates

—with a crescent, gules. In the Arderne Brass at Lat-

ton, one of the shields bears De Bohun differenced

with a single mullet on the bend ; and, once more, still

later in a monument of the Verneys at King's Langley,

the Verney shield is differenced with a crescent, az., on

n 2


across, arg., five mullets pierced, gu., for difference a crescent

cantoned, or. At an earlier period the same Verneys

difference, after the manner then prevalent, by changing
the tinctures of their shield and its charges, and by
modifying the general character and arrangement of their
The Bordure, the Bend, the Canton, and the Chevron
would always afford ready facilities for compounding two
coats of arms, and, with the Label, they might also

with ease be added to any shield " for difference." And,

Cadency thus effected might as easily receive a secondary

series of differences — small figures and devices, that is,

might be charged either upon a label or any of its com-

rades, thus differencing them from themselves when they
were added uncharged to any shield of arms. Upon the
same principle, a Chief may sometimes have first been
added to shield, and then charged for difference ; and
again, always with a view to differencing, Ordinaries may
have been cotised; a Chevron, or a Fesse may have been
resolved into a group of either chevronels or bars gemelles
and a Bend may have been superceded by a single bendlet
or group of bendlets.
Before I enter more fully upon a consideration of
Cadency effected by the Label and the Bordure, it may be
desirable to adduce a few additional early examples of
shields, which illustrate those other modes of differencing
to which I have just referred.

Examples of Cantons. Wm. de Lancaster— arg., two

bars, and on a canton, gu. a Lion of England, No. 453
Rob. de Tateshall, chequee, or andgu., a canton, erm: E. de
Boys, arg., two bars and a canton, erm : John de Nevil,
or, seven mascles, gu., a canton, erm, (Roll of Henry III). In


|i t i

the Eoll of Caerlaverock the banner of John de Lancas-

ter is blazoned as No. 453. At Kilfane in Kilkenny,

the crossed-legged effigy of a De Cauteville has the

shield with four annulets and a canton, the canton being

ermine ; it is probable that this shield, if entirely shewn,

would have borne six annulets, 3, 2, and 1 : No. 454 repre-

sents what is shewn of this shield in the original. In
the Calais Eoll, Sir Wm. Warren bears, chequee or and
az., on a canton, gu., a lioncel rampt., arg., (compare with
Nos. 127 b and c). E. de Basset (Eoll of Henry III)
bears, or, threepallets, gu., a canton, erm. ; No. 455, (compare
with Nos. 402, 403 p. 166 ;) but Sir Stmon de Bassett
(Calais Eoll) bears, or, three piles in point, gu., a canton erm.,

which shield is repeated in the Windsor Stall-plate of

Ealph, Lord Bassett of Drayton, who died in 1390, No.
456. By comparing these two shields, it will be seen that
the Bassetts, while retaining the same ermine canton, dif-
ferenced three pallets with as many piles, both the tincture
and the number and also the general character of the
charges being the same in the two shields ; and a further
comparison with Nos. 402, 403 will shew the ermine field

which is represented in the canton, and the tinctures or

and gules.

Examples of Bends and Bendlets. William de Gaunt,

harry of six, arg. and az., a tend gu. :Thomas Greillv,
gu., three bendlets enhanced, or, (compare No. 249, p. 76) : E.
de Kendal, arg., a bend, az., cotised indented, vert ; No.
457, (Eoll of Henry III.) In a brass at Long Melford
the same blazonry appears, but differently tinctured,
for a Clopton, sa., a bend, erm., cotised, indented, or.

Henry Plantagenet, the younger brother of Thomas,

Earl of Lancaster, in the Caerlaverock Eoll charges

his banner of England with an azure bendlet, and upon

the monument of his father at Westminster the shield of

this Prince appears bearing the same charges, No. 471,

p. 157. John de Grey, (Caer. Roll) harry of six, arg.,

and az., a bendlet engrailed, gu., (compare No. 121, p. 40.)

At Caerlaverock, John FitzMarmaduke bears, gu., a /esse

between three popinjays, arg. ; but in the Roll of Henry III,

Robert FitzMarmadtjke adds to the same arms an azure
bendlet, as in No. 458 ; which example having the bendlet
added is drawn from the shield of an effigy of the time
of Edward I, probably the effigy of the Caelaverock
EitzMarmaduhe himself, at Chester-le-Street, Durham.
The arms of the Grandisons provide a characteristic

series of examples of differencing by means of a bend or

a bendlet. Their shield in its original simplicity bears,

paly of six, arg. and az. Upon this a bend gules is charged.

Next upon the bend itself there appear three golden eagles
displayed : (Caer. Roll.) These eagles are then differenced
by the substitution, first, of three escallops, and subsequently
of three buckles, all or ; and, finally, John Grandison,
Bishop of Exeter, a.d. 1327-1369, completes the group
with his shield, having the red bend charged with a silver

mitre between two golden buckles, Nos. 459 and 460.

Examples of Bars Gemelles, Chevrons and Chiefs. De
Richmond, gu., two bars gemelles, and a chief, or : De
Me^nei/l, az., three bars gemelles, and a chief, or : (Roll

of Henry III.) Bartholomew De Badlesmere, arg., a

fesse between two bars gemelles, gu., over all a label of

three points, azure. (Roll of Caer.). De Monemne,

or, three chevronels, and over all a fesse, gu., (Roll of

Henry III). The Saint Qutntins, on a field of gold,

bear either a single chevron, gu., or two chevrons, or three


chevronels, of the same tincture, always retaining the same

chief vairee, Nos. 461 and 462 : these shields are drawn
from the brasses to the Saint Quintins at Brandsburton
and Harpham in Yorkshire.

The Bordure would enable the early Herald to mark

Cadency with the utmost distinctness, and yet without
infringing in the slightest degree upon the original com-
position of the shield to be differenced ; and also, at the
same time, in anticipation of marshalling arms, it affords

ready facilities for incorporating the distinctive insignia

of two different shields into a single composition. The
Bordure of France of John Plantagenet of Eltham, No.
332, PI. XIX, is a fine example of both cadency and
marshalling. The Bordure bezantee of the Earl of Corn-
wall, the first of the eight bordered shields that are
blazoned in the Roll of Henry III, (No. 194, PI. V), and
the Bordure of England that surrounds the banner of
John de Dretjx of Brittany, in the Caerlaverock Eoll,

(No. 116, PI. V), are equally characteristic examples of

marshalling and cadency effected by the same process.
Examples of Bordures. Fitz Geoffrey, quarterly, or
and gu., a bordure, vairee. W. de Montgomery, erm., a
bordure, gu., semee of horseshoes, or, (Roll of Henry III).

De Ferrers, vair, a bordure, az., semee of horse-shoes, or,

No. 463. B. de Montbottrchier, arg., three pitchers, gu.,

within a bordure, sa., bezantee, No. 464. Hugh de Vere,

son of the Earl of Oxford Be Vere, (No. 156) within a
bordure indented, sa., No. 477, PI. XXXII, (Roll of
Caer.) Richard, Lord Talbot, gu., a lion rampt. within

a bordure engrailed, or. Sir Roger Nevill, gu., a fesse

dancette, arg., within a bordure, or, (Calais Roll).
Edmond Plantagenet, of Woodstock, youngest son


of Edward I, England, within a bordure, arg., No. 475,

PI. XXXII, (Seals). Thomas Plantagenet, of Wood-
stock, youngest son of Edward HI, France ancient and
England quarterly, within a bordure, arg. ; Nos. 340 and
509, (Seals and Brass at Westminster). Humphrey
Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester, France modern and
England quarterly, within a bordure, arg. ; No. 476, PI.
XXXH, (Monument at St. Alban's). Eichard Plan-
tagenet, of Coningsburgh, grandson of Edward in,
France ancient and England quarterly, within a bordure,
arg., charged with ten lioncels rampt., purpure, (for Leon) :

but after his father's death in 1402, he added a label of

York, and quartered France modern in the 1st and 4th

quarters, No. 478, PL XXXH
Thomas de Holland, Earl of Kent, England, within
a bordure, arg., impaled by the Confessor within a bordure,
erm. No. 342, PI. XXH. (Seal). Thomas de Holland,
E.G., and Edmund de Holland, KG., Earls of Kent,
England within a bordure, arg., No. 475 ;
(Monument at
King's Langley). John de Holland, KG-., and his son
and grandson of the same name, all Dukes of Exeter,
England within a bordure of France ; No. 477 a ;
ment at King's Langley). The first John de Hol-
land impales the Confessor, differenced with a label of three
points, arg.

After the year 1397 the Beauforts bear France and

England quarterly within a bordure, differencing their bor-
dures for the several members of their family as follows
John Beaufort, K.G., Marquess of Somerset, and his
son, John Beaufort, KG., Duke of Somerset, the

bordure componee, arg. and az. ; Nos. 346, and 346 a, PL

XXII, and No. 479, PL XXXH ;
(Stall-plates, and West-

j£& && &L


o 484.


minster Monument). Henry, Cardinal Beaufort, the

bordure componee, az. and arg., with a crescent for dif-
ference ; No. 480, PI. XXXII (Monument at Winchester).

Thomas Beaufort, E.G., the bordure componee, az. and

erm., before 1417 ; but after 1417, the bordure componee,
arg., and of France ; Nos. 481 and 484, Pis. XXXII,
XXXni, (Stall-plate, Seals, &c.)

Edmond Tudor, Earl of Eichmond, France modern

and England quarterly, within a bordure, az., charged with
fleurs-de-lys and.mullets, or ; Kb. 482, (Monument at West-
minster). Jaspar Tudor, E.G., Duke of Bedford —the
same, but with the bordure charged with martlets only
No. 483, (Stall-plate, &c.)

Gilbert, Lord Talbot, E.G., brother of the Earl of

Shrewsbury, gu., a lion rampt., within a bordure engrailed,
or. John Gret, E.G., Earl of Tankerville, gu., a lion
rampt., within a bordure engrailed, arg. : John de Corn-
wall, E.G., Lord Panhope, erm., within a bordure, sa.,

bezantee, a lion rampt., gu., crowned, or, and charged for

difference with a mullet, arg, No. 433 ;

The Bordure was frequently used by Prelates for

differencing their arms. Thus, Glover gives the fol-

lowing, amongst other examples : John Stafford, Arch-

bishop of Canterbury, a.d. 1443-1452, or, on a chevron,
gu., a mitre, arg., the whole within a bordure, sa. Walter
de Stapledon, Bishop of Exeter, a.d. 1306-1329, arg.,

two bendlets nebulie, sa., within a bordure, of the second,

charged with eight heys, or. Edmund de Stafford,
Bishop of Exeter, a.d. 1394-1419, or, a chevron, gu.,

within a bordure of the second, charged with eight mitres,

arg. Henry le Despencer, Bishop of Norwich, a.d.

1370-1406, Le Despencer (No. 107,) within a bordur*

— a;


charged with fifteen mitres, or ; No. 465 : this shield is

blazoned on a boss in the roof of the south aisle of the

Church of Great Yarmouth. The seal of Bishop Henry
Le Despencer is a most interesting example of he-
raldic composition. From a helm and mantling sur-

mounted by a mitre and the Le Despencer crest —

griffin's head, the shield of the prelate hangs by its sinis-

ter angle : it is charged with the Le Despencer arms

within a bordure, upon which are eight mitres. On
either side of the helm is a shield : the one to the dexter
bears the arms of the See of Norwich az. three mitres, or

while the sinister shield is charged with seven mascles.

At St. Alban's, in the North Aisle, there remains in
the stained glass a shield of Abbot John de Wheat-
hampstede, a.d. 1421-1460, which may be said to bear
the arms of the Abbey within a bordure of the Abbot,
az., a saltire, or, within a bordure, gu., charged with
eight garbs, of the second ; No. 466 : see also No. 201 a.

Cadency marked by the Label. The earliest known
Label appears upon the counter- seal of the Saer de
Quincey, first Earl of Winchester, who died in 1219 ; but,

whether this Label, which has seven or eight points,

was borne as a Mark of Cadency has not been deter-

mined. In 1235, John de Laci, Earl of Lincoln, dis-

plays upon his counter-seal a label of five points, over a

bendlet, No. 33 b. p. 31. In Westminster Abbey, one

of the shields emblazoned by the Heralds of Henry III,

bears the. same arms of the Earl of Lincoln : the

shield is, quarterly, or and gu. ; but the black bendlet,
which is very narrow, is a bendlet sinister, and the label

is set very high in the shield, and there is also a narrow

C iDEN C "Y .


border raised and tinctured black, No. 467. During tbe

life-time of his father, Edward I charged his shield

upon his seal with a Label, as the recognised heraldic

difference which should distinguish his own shield as

that of the Prince Royal of England, from the shield of
the King his father. Prince Edward's Label is so

placed as to form the actual chief of the escutcheon, and

two of its five points lie alternately over and under the tail

of the uppermost lion, No. 470, p. 157. Edward II, while

Prince of Wales, bore the label set lower on the shield
and with longer points, No. 430 ; this label of Prince Ed-
ward is blazoned azure in the Poll of Caerlaverock, and
in the Roll of Henry III his father's Label has the same

The early Labels always extend across the entire field

of the shield from dexter to sinister, and they have the

ribbon itself very narrow and set in close proximity to
the uppermost margin of the shield, as in the examples
upon the monuments of Edward III and Edmond of
Langley ; see Nos. 486, 489. The points, which are
broader than the horizontal ribbon, are either five or three
in number. It does not appear that any peculiar signi-

ficancy is attached to the number of these points ; at any

rate, labels of five and of three points were certainly borne
by the same individual at the same time, and they are
even charged upon the obverse and reverse of the same
seal. Thus the seal and the counter-seal of Edward II,

as Prince of Wales, have severally labels of three and

five points : Edmond Plantagenet, first Earl of Lancas-
ter, and his eldest son, both bear labels of either three or
five points ; and Henry Plantagenet of Bolingbroke
displays, on his impaled shield, a label of five points and

a label of three points side by side, No. 347, PL XIX.

The charges with which labels are constantly differenced
are always intended to convey some significant meaning
of their own, and thus they take an important part in
giving an historical character to heraldic compositions.
These charges, necessarily drawn to a very small scale,

are placed upon the points of any label ; sometimes a

single charge appears upon one point only, at other times

it appears upon each point, but more frequently the

charge is repeated so that the same device is generally
represented three times upon each point. This arrange-
ment, however, is left entirely to the discretion of the
artist, there being no heraldic signification implied in
the repetition of the charges ; when they are repeated,
the object is to establish more decidedly the character of
these small differencing charges, and to render their

presence more conspicuous. The small figures are almost

invariably all drawn to the same scale, and placed one
above another ; but, at St. Alban's there is a shield in
stained glass of France ancient and England quarterly,

differenced with a label of three points having on each

point three ermine spots, which are arranged two and one,
each of the single spots, being much larger than the pair

of spots above them : No. 468. In this example, and in

several others also, I have not considered it to be neces-

sary to engrave more than the Label with its charges, the

shields always being repetitions of either England, France

ancient and England, or France modern and England.

Labels charged with three ermine spots, three fieurs-de-

lys, &c, placed in pale on each of the points, are of

common occurrence; and this is always implied, unless

some other arrangement should be expressly specified.


Two of the Plantagenet Shields at Great Yarmouth have

two ermine spots only on each point of their Labels ; and a
third shield has two torteaux only on each point ; Nos.
469 and 472 : and, in like manner, one of the shields on
the Burghersh monument has its Label charged on each
point with two fleurs-de-lys, and another with two ermine
spots, while a third has a single red cross upon each
point : PI. XXXTV. Upon the Stall-plate of George
Peantagenet, K.G. brother of Edwaed IV, his label is
blazoned with a single canton upon each of its three points ;

and this same label is repeated in the stained glass at St.

Alban's, No. 473 : and again, Richard Peantagenet,
second son of Edward IV, upon his Stall-plate charges a
single red canton upon the first point only of his silver
label, No. 474. I may add here, that during his father's

lifetime, Richard II differenced his shield with a silver

label of either five or three points, charged on the central
point only with a Cross of St. George, No. 485. Occa-
sionally two distinct groups of differencing charges appear
upon the same label ; in this case the label has five points,
and it either divides its central point per pale, or allots two
points to one group of charges and three to the other , thus,
on the monument at King's Langley, the shield that
stands last of the series on the south side, bears France
ancient and England quarterly, with a Label of five points,

1 and 2 ermine, (three spots on each) ; and points 3, 4, 5,

of France, (three fleurs-de-lys on each), No. 486. The

Stall-plate of John Peantagenet, son of Henry IV, is

differenced with a similar label, charged upon France

modern and England quarterly.

In the Roll of Henry III, thirteen shields are diffe-

renced with labels of five points ; of these labels six are


azure, five are gules, and there is one of each of the metals.
There are five banners or shields differenced with azure
labels of five points in the Caeidaverock Roll ; one of five

points, vert ; one azure, and one gules of three points,

and a third of three points, of France.

The quartered shield of France and England of the

Black Prince, bears a silver label of three points. This
shield is splendidly blazoned upon the monument to the

Prince at Canterbury ; and it also appears amongst the

enamelled shields upon the monument of Edward III,

upon the Monuments at King's Langley and Lincoln,

(No. 339), and in the series at Great Yarmouth. The
Black Prince charged this same shield upon his seal

and he also used a seal bearing England only, differenced

with a silver label of five points. On the death of the

Black Prince, his son, Richard Plantagenet, removed
from his label the red cross which he before had borne on
the central point, and he then bore his label of silver
without any charge, until his accession to the crown.
The next silver label of the Heir Apparent of England
appears upon the shield borne by Henry V, while he was
Prince of Wales. This shield, which is of a singular form,
is charged with France modern and England, and is

blazoned upon the Stall-plate of the Prince, No. 487.

Since the time of Henry V, the eldest son of the Sove-
reign of these realms has always differenced the Royal
Shield with a Label of three points, arg. I may refer to

a late example in the monument to Arthur Tudor,

K.G., Prince of Wales, a.d. 1502, at Worcester Cathe-


Examples of Labels. Thomas Plantagenet, " De

Brotherton," Earl of Norfolk, son of Edward I ; died,


^ ,»v» ,cr^





itheMonu .. ft!3l


1338 : England, with a Label of five points, arg., now quar-

tered by the Duke of Norfolk, No. 430 ; see also, No.

Edward III, as Prince of Wales : England, with a label,

az., (Seal, a.d. 1327.)

Edmond Plantagenet, " Crouchback," first Earl of

Lancaster, son of Henry III died, 1296 England, ; :

with a Label of either five or three points, of France — the

label azure, charged with fleurs-de-lys ; No 488. See
also No. 493, from the Burghersh Monument, which has
two fleurs-de-lys only on each point of the label. The
same arms were borne by the eldest son of Earl Edmond,
Thomas Plantagenet ; after the year 1322, by Henry
Plantagenet, his second son ; and by his grandson,

Henry Plantagenet, first Duke of Lancaster, until

Edward III quartered France and England, when the
Duke of Lancaster charged his Label of Prance upon a
shield quarterly of France and England. (Seals ; Roll
of Edward I ; Caer. Poll ; Elsyng Brass ; Crouchback
Monument, &c.)

Henry Plantagenet, " of Bolingbroke :" England,

with a Label of France, No. 493. This shield differenced
with a Label of France appears to have been borne, as
an official ensign, by many persons who were connected
in various ways with the Lancastrian Princes. A good
example occurs in the brass to Thomas Leventhorpe,
a.d. 1433, at Sawbridgenorth, Herts. The Label of
France, first assumed after his marriage with Blanche
D'Artois, by Earl Edmond " Crouchback," was evidently
derived from the paternal arms of the French Princess,
and thus it may be grouped with the Bordure of France
of Prince John of Eltham, and the Bordure of England


of John de Dreux, Count of Brittany, as an example of

that early Cadency which anticipated Marshalling.
Lionel Planta genet, K.C, third son of Edward
III, died 1368. Like his brothers Edward, John and
Edmond, this Prince differences France ancient and Eng-
land with a label of either five or three points, the label
itself being charged with certain devices for secondary
difference. One of the shields upon the Burghersh
Monument, No. 490, has been assigned to Prince Lionel
this label is of five points, and a single Gross is blazoned
on each point ; and it has been suggested that this may
have been a Label of Ulster, that is, or, charged on each
point with a cross, gu. Lionel married the heiress of
Ulster in 1352, and in 1355, he became Earl of Ulster,
jure uxoris. The same lady, Elizabeth de Burgh, was
also co-heiress of the De Clares, and in 1362,
her husband was created Duke of Clarence, when
he appears to have assumed a silver Label, charged on
each point with a canton, gules — such a canton being re-

puted to be an ancient bearing of the family of De Clare.

At St. Alban's, as I have already mentioned, there re-
mains a shield of France ancient and England, differenced
with a Label of three points, arg., on each point a canton
gu., No. 473 Among other authorities for the label
borne by this Prince, reference has commonly been made
to the small enamelled shield, the third in the series,
that remains beneath one of the " Weepers" on the south
side of the monument of Edward LTI, in Westminster
Abbey. . In No. 489, I give a facsimile of the label bla-
zoned upon this shield, from which it appears that each
point is charged with a canton, gules, (or rather, a billet),

interposed between two torteauv. The original shield is of


=1 ^1

II ll


U ill u
<0 !© ©
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# !© ,©

Flale XXXI.

metal, and the charges upon the label are formed of a

vitreous paste, inlaid in matrices sunk for its reception, the

paste itself having been raised so as to represent these small

charges in relief upon the polished silver of the label.
It is singular that a correct description of this remarkable
label should not have been before given. The original is

open for examination, and it does not appear to be pos-

sible that it should have been subjected to any alteration ;

unless, indeed, in the first instance, this label bore three

torteaux ; and afterwards, on the union of the houses of

York and Clarence by the marriage of Richard Plan-
tagenet " of Coningsburgli " with Anne Mortimer, the
central torteau of York was cut away, and the canton
of Clarence made to assume its place. This suggestion
would assign both this shield in its original condition,

and the statuette above it, to Edmond Plantagenet

" of Langley," and not to his elder brother Lionel.
John Plantagenet " of Ghent," fourth son of Ed-
ward III, died 1399 : France ancient and England, with
a Label, ermine. This label may be blazoned " of Brit-
tany," having been derived from the ermine canton borne
by John de Dreux, Count of Brittany, and Earl of
Bichmond, on whose death in 1342, the Earldom of
Richmond was conferred by Edward III on his infant
son, Prince John. The ermine label is generally blazoned
with three spots on each point, as in No. 494, the spots
being in pale : a different arrangement has been shewn in
No. 468, at St. Alban's ; and again, at Great Yarmouth,
No. 469 ; and at Lincoln, No. 491, the same label appears

charged with two spots only upon each point.

Henry Plantagenet " of Bolingbroke," after the
death of his father, Feb. 3, 1399, until his own accession

on the 30th of September following : France ancient and

England with a label of five points, of Brittany, and of
France, that is, having the three dexter points ermine,
and the two sinister points azure charged with golden
fieurs-de-lys. This label, which is formed by impaling
his father's label with his own, appears upon a seal of
Prince Henry to a charter, dated 18 Eich. II. Upon
the monument at King's Langley, this label has the first
and second points, ermine, and points three, four and five

of France, No. 486, page 200 ; at Great Yarmouth, the

first, second and third points are ermine, as No. 495.

(See also No. 347, PI. XIX, and p. 145.)

Edmond Plantagenet, KG., " of Langley," fifth son

of Edward III, died 1402 France ancient and
: England,
with a Label, arg., charged on each point with torteaux —
these torteaux are generally blazoned three on each point,
as in No. 496 ; but in No. 472, from Great Yarmouth, the
torteaux on each point of this label are two only. The
seals of this Prince and his stall-plate blazon his label
with three torteaux on each point ; and his label appears

charged in the same manner upon his monument at

King's Langley. A label counter-componee or chequee,

(probably derived from the well-known shield of De

Warrenne, No. 127 b, PI. VI.) carved upon the Bur-
gh ersh monument, No. 492, has been attributed to Ed-
mond of Langley, and is considered to have been borne
by him before he assumed what may be distinguished as
the Label of York — the silver label, that is, charged with
torteaux. The origin of this difference by torteaux is by
no means easy to be determined. Three torteaux, how-
ever, were borne in chief, by Thomas, Lord Wake of

Lydel, (or, two bars, gu., in chief, three torteaux, No.


437) whose sister and sole heiress married another Ed-

mond Plantagenet, the youngest son of Edward I.
This Edmond was executed in 1329, being then twenty-
eight years of age ; his two sons died without issue, and
thus his only daughter became the sole heiress of both
her father and her mother. This lady, the Princess
Joan, married, first, Thomas Holland, K.G-., and

afterwards, the Black Prince. Sir Thomas Holland

was created Lord Wake of Lydel, jure uxoris ; his eldest

son, Thomas Holland, bore the same title ; and the
second daughter of his eldest son, Joan Holland, after
the year 1394 married Prince Edmond of Langley, then
Duke of York. In default of any more probable theory,
I venture to suggest that the torteaux of the York label

may possibly have been derived from the shield of WaJce

of Lydel, No. 437, through Edmond of Woodstock and

the Hollands. Very strange were both the distribution
and the combination of titles, and the assignment of
estates and properties in those days ; so that in the
torteaux of the York Label there may linger evidence of

a part, and perhaps by no means an unimportant part

of the wealth which supported the Dukedom of York at

the time of its first creation. That Prince Edmond of

Langley attached very great importance to his alliance
with the Hollands is declared by the presence of two
shields, charged with the arms of Holland, upon his

monument at King's Langley. These two shields, the one

bearing England within a bordure of France, and the other
England within a 'plain bordure, I bave recently liberated
from the thick coverings of mortar which had long com-
pletely concealed them ; they are admirably drawn and
carved with great spirit and delicacy in alabaster, and
o 2

(thanks to the mortar) they remain in perfect preserva-

tion. The exact time in which Edmond of Langley
adopted the label charged with torteaux has not yet heen
determined ; but, he is said (See Vincent, 97, in Coll.

Arm.) to have sealed with his shield differenced with this

label before his advance to the Dukedom of York in

1385 ; and, torteaux are certainly upon the label, No.

489, blazoned on the monument of Edward HE. The
stall-plate of Prince Edmond is differenced with the
label charged with torteaux, and (at whatever period the
existing plate may have been executed) its inscription de-

signates the Prince by the title of of York Duke

" le

Duk de York Edmod:" this label, therefore, is later than
1385, and it may have been later than the second mar-
riage of Prince Edmond with the co-heiress of the Hol-
lands. Still further inquiry, perhaps, may positively de-

termine the source from whence the torteaux of the York

Label were derived, and may also assign an exact date to
the assumption of that label, in the place of its compony
predecessor, by Edmond of Langley.
Edward Plantagenet, KG-., Earl of Eutland, and
Duke of York, eldest son of Prince Edmond of Langley,

killed at Agincourt, 1415 :— before the death of his father

in 1402, France ancient and England, with a Label of Cas-
tile —a Label gu., charged on each point with three Castles,
or, in commemoration of his mother, Isabelle of Castile
and Leon, No. 498. Vincent assigns to this Prince at this

period a label per pale of Castile and Leon, as in No. 499.

After the death of his father, Prince Edward assumed
the silver Label of York charged with torteaux, and even-
tually he substituted France modern for France ancient in
the first and fourth quarters of his shield.


— a


Richard Plantagenet " of Coningsburgh," Earl of

Cambridge, second and youngest son of Prince Edmond
of Langley, executed, August, 1415 :
—before the death of
his father in 1402, France ancient and England within a
bordure of Leon —a bordure, that is, arg., charged with
lioncels rampt., purp., in commemoration of his mother,
Isabelle of Castille and Leon ; after the death of his

father, he added the Label of York within his bordure,

No. 478.
Richard Plantagenet, K.G., Earl of Cambridge
and Rutland, and Duke of York, only son of Earl Rich-
ard of Coningsburgh, killed at Wakefield, Dec. 31, 1460 ;

France modern and England, with a Label of York : (Stall-

plate ; Seals : see Vincent, MS. SS, in Coll. Arm.)

Edmond Plantagenet, Earl of Rutland, second son
of Richard, Duke of York, killed, in his eighteenth year,
at Wakefield, Dec. 31, 1460 :
France modern and Eng-
land, with a Label of five points, impaling Leon and York,
No. 497.
George Plantagenet, KG., Duke of Clarence,
third son of Richard, Duke of York, murdered 1477
France modem and England, with a Label of Clarence —
label, arg., charged on each point with a canton, gu., No.
Richard Plantagenet, KG, afterwards King
Richard III, killed at Bosworth Field, Aug. 22, 1485 :—
France modern and England, with a Label, erm., charged
on each point with a canton, gu., No. 500.
Richard Plantagenet, K.G., Duke of York, &c,
second son of Edward IV : France modern and England
with a Label, arg., on the first point a canton, gu., No. 474.
Thomas Plantagenet, K.G-., Duke of Clarence, se-

cond son of Henry IV ; killed in battle in Anjou, March

22, 1421 ; France modern and England, with a Label,
ermine, charged on each point with a canton, gu., No. 500.

Before his advance to the Dukedom of Clarence in 1411,

this Prince appears to have borne his label of ermine

only without the cantons. (Seals, Stall-plate, Monu-
ment at Canterbury.)

John Plantagenet, K.G., Duke of Bedford, Anjott,

and ALEN90N, Earl of Eichmond, &c. ; died at Eouen,
1435 ; France modern and England, with a Label impaling
Brittany and France, No. 486, p. 200. This label, as I
have shown, was borne by the father of Duke John be-
tween Feb. 3, and Sept. 30, 1399 ; consequently it may be
assumed that he did not difference his own shield with

it until after his father had become king. Duke John

would bear the label of ermine, as the ensign of his own
Earldom of Richmond, and also to denote his descent
from " time honoured Lancaster," Prince John of Ghent,
his grandfather, whose name he himself bore ; and the
label charged with fleurs-de-lys he would also bear, as
the distinguishing label of Lancaster, while at the same
time the fleurs-de-lys might further refer to his own
alliances with two Princesses connected with Prance.
His elder brother, the Duke of Clarence, may be con-
sidered in like manner to have assumed the ermine label,

as a grandson of John of Ghent ; aud the cantons he

may be considered to have regarded as the difference of
Clarence. In the Stall-plate of the Duke of Bedford, his
lion crest- is gorged with a label of five points, identical

in its character with the label that differences his shield.

Edward Plantagenet, Earl of Warwick, son of

George, Duke of Clarence, the last of the Plantagenets,


executed on Tower Hill, Nov. 28, 1499 ; France modem

and England, with a Label componee, arg. and as. This
label Earl Edward derived, through his mother, Isabelle
Neville, from the Nevilles, Earls of Warwick, who in
their turn had assumed it to denote their own alliance

with the Beauforts ; No. 501.

In their seals the Plantagenet Princes both impaled
the arms of their consorts with their own, and they also
bore various quarterings. I have not considered it neces-
sary to give either the impaled or the quartered coats,
my special object in the foregoing series of shields being

to indicate the several Labels that were borne by dif-

ferent members of the Plantagenet family, as marks of

Cadency. I add a few other examples of early dif-
ferenced Labels.
John Louell, (Eoll of Edward T) : harry nebulee of
six, or and gu., on a Label of five points, az., fifteen mullets,

arg. No. 502.

Sir Edward Montague, (Calais Roll) : ermine, three

fusils conjoined in fesse, gu., over all a Label of three points,

or, charged on each point with an eaglet, vert. No. 503.

Sir Hugh Courtenay, (Calais Eoll) : or, three torteaux,

two and one, on a Label of three points, az., nine crescents,

arg. No. 504.
Sir Peter Courtenay, K.G., (Stall-plate) : Courtenay,
with a Label, sa., bezantee. No. 505.
Sir Edward Courtenay, son of Sir Hugh, (Brass at
Christchurch Cathedral, Oxford, about a.d. 1425) : Cour-
tenay : a Label, az., charged with nine mullets, or, pierced.

No. 506.
Another branch of the Courtenay family differences

with a label, az., platee,


The Nevilles, Earls of Salisbury, difference with a

label, componee, arg. and az., charged upon their " silver
sal tire." No. 452 b.

John Bouechiee, K.G., Lord Beenees, a.d. 1475,

(Stall-plate) : over Bourchier and Lonvaine quarterly, in
the first and fourth grand quarters, a label, gu., charged
on each point with three lions of England. This same
label is repeated upon the crest.
The Latymees difference with three labels, all of
them charged as distinct marks of Cadency upon the same
arms. Thus, gu., a cross patonce, or, for Latymer, is dif-

ferenced with, first, a label of three points, sa. ; secondly, a

label of three points, sa., platee, No. 507 ; and thirdly, a
label of three points, az., semee de-lys, or, No. 508.

No. 486. —Shield, from the Monument at King's Laugley, to Ed-

mond Plantagenet, K.Gr. Duke of York, borne by Henky Plan-
tagenet of Bolingbroke, a.d. 1399 ; and, after his accession as Henry
IV, by his third son, John Plantagenet, K.Gr., Duke of Bedford,
who died a.d. 1435.

No. 511. De Bohun Badge : from the central spandrel of the

Canopy of the Brass to Alianore De Bohun, Duchess of Gloucester,
a.d. 1399, in Westminster Abbey.


I. Badges. A Badge is an heraldic figure or device,

assumed for the purpose of being borne either absolutely
alone, or in connection with a Motto, as the distinctive
cognizance of an individual or a family of rank and im-
portance. In the first instance, Badges in all probability
were selected with a view to some significant allusion,
which they might convey to the name, rank, office, pro-
perty, personal appearance or character of the bearer ;

and thus, to a numerous class of Badges the term Rebus

may be correctly applied. These Badges may also be
considered to have constituted in themselves an early
Heraldry, since they certainly were in use before the
adoption and recognition of regular coats of arms ; they
continued, however, to be held in high favour throughout
the palmy days of medieval Heraldry.
In the 14th and 15th centuries, Badges were habitually
used for the decoration of costume, military equipments,
horse trappings, household furniture, and indeed for

every variety of decorative purpose ;

pieces of plate also

and other valuable objects were at once adorned and



marked by them ; and in seals, they appear both as the

accessories of shields, and sometimes as diapers. In his
will, the Black Prince speaks of " our Badges of ostrich
feathers." This favourite Badge was habitually used by
the Black Prince himself, and by other Princes of the
house of Plantagenet. A large ostrich feather appears on
either side of the seal of Henry of Bolingbroke, No.
347, PI. XIX. A seal of Thomas Plantagenet, youn-
gest son of Edward III, has two large ostrich feathers,
similarly placed, and upon the quill of each feather is

laid a garter, their buckles being in base. The well-

known seal of John of Ghent, in addition to his achieve-

ment of arms, is charged with his badges, two falcons
holding fetterlocks in their beaks. The Swan Badge of
the De Bohuus appears upon the secretum of Thomas of
Woodstock, No. 331, between the bases' of two shields
and again, in a similar position, upon the seal of Pleshy
College, founded by the same Thomas and his duchess
Alianore. The great seal of this same prince has its

field powered with small swans and ostrich feathers, in

lozenges, thus forming a diaper for the field of the seal,
No. 510, PL VII. Once more, the swan-badge appears in
the central spandrel of the canopy of the De Bohun brass
at Westminster, No. 511, p. 201. Besides the ostrich fea-
thers, the Black Prince in his will speaks of several other

devices that he appears to have used as Badges —these

are " Swans, Ladies' Heads, and Mermaids of the Sea."
The figures and devices that were adopted as Badges
in the 14th and 15th centuries, like those of an earlier
period, were frecpiently rebuses, and they also occasion-

ally had reference to some feudal tenure ; they Avere

sometimes selected from the charges of coats of arms,
— "


sometimes they were identical with crests, but more

generally they appear to have been altogether distinct
from the other heraldic insignia that were borne by the
same persons. There is also a marked distinction in

many instances to be observed between the Badges that

were used, in connection with Livery Colors, to distin-

guish the armed followers and the retainers and attendants

of royal, noble and knightly personages, and the Badge
that any prince, noble or knight might be pleased to
assume, and to bear about his own person. The Badges
of the former of these two classes were always well-
known, and their presence was specially intended to
declare a certain definite and intelligible fact : whereas,
on the contrary, the use of the personal Badge was gene-
rally restricted to the individual by whom it had been
assumed ; and, while it had some occult illusion to the
history of the bearer, it was designed rather to disguise
than to proclaim his identity — it might be suggestive of
a certain individual, but the suggestion was made by
means of some quaint or mystic rebus, which would sup-
press at least as much as it revealed.
In the Second Part of Henry "VT, (Act V, Scene 1, to-

wards its close,) Shakespeare, with characteristic discri-

mination, has adverted to the use of Badges. He makes
Clifford conclude his brief threatening address to War-
wick with the words—
" Might I but know thee by thy household Badge !"

To which appeal, returning defiance with defiance, War-

wick replies
" Now, by my father's Badge, old Neville's Crest,
The rampant bear eliain'd to the ragged stall',


The epithet " household " here, most clearly refers to

the usage of distinguishing all the followers of an emi-

nent personage by his well-known Badge ; and the words
of Warwick shew that the same device was sometimes
borne both as a Crest and a Badge. It is to be observed
that a Crest always rises from either a crest-coronet, an
orle, or a chapeau, while the Badge is never accompanied
with either of those accessories. Thus, the famous Badge
of Warwick, the hear chained to a ragged staff, No. 206, if

borne as a Crest would be placed upon a coronet, as in

No. 512 ; or, it might rest upon either a chapeau or an
orle. may here refer to the singularly fine brass at
Warwick to Thomas De Beau champ, Earl of Warwick,
who died a.d. 1401, in which there is a chained bear at
the feet of the effigy of the Earl ; and the ragged staff

appears decorating his bascinet, his sword-scabbard and

elbow-pieces, and it is also charged upon a small
shield upon the pommel of his sword-hilt. This remark-
able example of early engraving has been admirably
rendered by the Messrs. Waller in their great work on
Monumental Brasses— a work to which I refer all students

of historical Heraldry.

In Section IV. of Chapter XIX, I have given a series

of English Boyal Badges; here, therefore, I may be con-
tent to adduce only a small number of additional exam-

ples. Mr. Planche, in his Pursuivant of Arms, has

printed from a MS (marked 2nd M. 16) of the time of
Edward IV, preserved in the College of Arms, a list of
the Badges borne by some of the principal nobility at the
time this MS. was written. I have selected several of

the following examples from Mr. Planche's list.

Percy : —a silver crescent.

— .


Mowbray —a mulberry
: tree.

Neville —a dun : bull.

Beaufort — a portcullis
: ; with the motto, Altera

Pel ham a buckle.

: —
Woodstock :— a stock of a tree. See No. 314, p. 220.
Dacre : —
a silver escallop, attached by an intertwined
cord to a ragged staff, No. 513.
Peverell : —a golden garb.
Hungereord : —a sickle. The Hungerfords also unite

their sickle to a garb by a cord. The seal of Sir Eobert

Hungerford, a.d. 1445, bears, for the Crest, a garb be-
tween two sickles rising from a crest-coronet : there is

also a sickle on each side of the shield.

The Duke of Norfolk (Mr. Planche's list) —a white


The Duke of Suffolk : — a golden lion, queue fourchee.

The Duke of Buckingham — the Stafford knot, No

The Earl of Douglas — a heart, gules.

The Lord Stanley :

—a leg, erased, gold.

The Lord Howard : —a silver lion, charged on the

shoulder with a crescent, azure.
The Lord Clinton :— a golden mullet.

Sir John Astley :

— a cinquefoil, ermine.
Sir John Arundel : — an acorn.
Sir John Mauleverer — a white greyhound,
: courarit.

At Allerton Mauleverer, in Yorkshire, the brass (a.d.

1400) to another Sir John Mauleverer, has the arms

gu., three greyhounds courant, in pale, arg., collared, or,

emblazoned upon the knight's jupon.

A remarkable instance of the artistic abilitv and of

the versatile resources of the early Heralds occurs in the

interior of Westminster Hall. The string-moulding
which is carried beneath the windows throughout the
building, is studded along its entire extent with the helm,
crown and crest of Kichard II, alternating with his fa-

vourite Badge, the white hart lodged; the figures are all
boldly sralptured, and though all are most faithfully
rendered, every individual white hart, and they are 83
in number, is unlike every other, and each one has some
distinct characteristic features of its own. It is the same
with the lion crest and the helm, which are placed between
two ostrich feathers having scrolls attached to their quills.

II. Knots. Amongst the devices that were used as

Badges in early Heraldry, certain intertwined cords, dis-

tinguished by the title of Knots, may be considered to

form a small distinct class of heraldic figures.

A Knot, probably designed to convey the idea of a

monogram, appears amongst the various devices, with

which the robe of Anne of Bohemia, in her effigy at

"Westminster, is diapered ; it is represented in No. 514.
The Stafford Knot —No. 515. :

The Bourchier Knot —No. 516. :

The Heneage Knot and Motto —No. 517. :

The Wake and Ormond Knot —No. 518, formed from :

a W and an intertwined.
The Bowen Knot :
—No. 519, formed of four boivs.

III. Mottos. The Motto, or Mot —the word, or brief

significant saying of a family, which in battle was the
war-cry, appears to have been habitually associated by
the early Heralds with the Badge of its owner.
— — —


The present usage is to place the Motto upon a scroll

or ribbon, below the shield of arms ; and modern Heralds

generally consider that the motto-scroll forms both a
convenient and a sufficiently secure standing- j>lace for Sup-
porters, when Supporters appear with any Achievement.
When the Motto has direct reference to the Crest, it

ought always to be represented as placed either imme-

diately above the Crest itself, or immediately below it.

The Motto may be charged upon a garter, and this may be

made to encircle a Shield of arms or a Crest or Badge,
should either of those cognizances be blazoned alone.
In the middle ages, Mottos associated with various
heraldic devices were constantly employed for decoration.
In those days, in addition to other uses of Mottos, it was
not uncommon for the blade of the knightly sword to be
charged with some expressive legend, motto-like in its

character. Thus, the famous weapon of the great Earl

of Shrewsbury was taught to tell its own tale in the
words — sufficiently good Latin to make their meaning

Sum Talhoti pro vincere inimicos meos :

(I am Talbot's, to conquer my enemies).

A somewhat similar, but a more loyal Motto was

adopted by the good knight, De Setvans, who bore
winnowing fans as his armorial insignia :

Sic dissvpabo inimicos Regis — (So will I scatter


that is, like chaff before the wind— the enemies of my

As examples of Mottos, I must be content to adduce
the following small group, which I have selected with a
view to illustrate Mottos of different varieties.
———— . —— — — ;


Order of the Garter, : Honi soit qui mal y pense.

Order of the Bath : Tria juncta in uno. (Three

naval, military and —united in one).

Order of the Thistle — (The Badge :

is a Thistle),
Nemo me impune lacessit. (No one injures me with im-
England : Dieu et mon Droit. (God and my right).

Neville: —Ne vile Velis. (Form no mean wish; or,

Desire Neville).
Fortescue : Forte scutum, salus ducum. (The safety
of the chiefs is a strong shield ; or, Fortescue is the safe-
guard of the chiefs)

Cholmondeley: — (Two helms are borne on the shield)

Cassis tutissima virtus. (Valor is the safest helm).
Birtie :
— (Three battering-rams are borne on the shield,
No. 129 c) ; Virtus ariete fortior. (Valor is more power-
ful than a battering-ram).
Major Henniker: — (Three columns are borne in the
arms) : Deus major Columna. (God the greater column,
or support).
Hepburn : Keep Trysie.

Scott of Thirlstane :— (With a Crest formed of a group

of lances) ;
(Beady, aye, ready). No. 519 a.

Clifford: — Semper par atus. (Always prepared).

Stuart : Avant. (Forward).
Percy : Fsperance.
Bruce : Doe well and doubt not.

Eussell. — Che sara, sara. (What will be, will be).

Grey, Earl of Stamford : A ma puissance. (By my

Temple: — Templa quam dilecta ! (How beloved are
the Temples!)


Lindsay : Astra castra, numen lumen. (Stars my

canopy, Providence my light. The Crest a military

tent, and mullets borne on the shield).

Hood : Zealous. (Captain Hood commanded the

" Zealous" at " the Nile.")

Spring Eice, Baron Monteagle :

— (Two Eagles are
the Supporters). Altefert aquila. (The eagle soars aloft).

Leslie : Grip fast. So said Bartholomew Leslie to

Margaret of Scotland, as she clung to his girdle, when
he saved her from drowning.
Home: — Vise a. la fin. (Look to the end —to Home).
IV. Crests. —A Crest is a figure or device which
was actually worn upon a Bascinet and a

Helm, and now is represented above a Shield of Arms.

From an early period in the era of true English
Heraldry, the Crest was held to be an ensign of great
dignity and honor. In the first instance, the Crest
was usually some figure or device that was also borne in

the Arms ; but, in process of time, Crests were more

generally altogether distinct from the Charges of the
Shields, though it was common for them to assimilate to

the Supporters. The Crest was worn supported by a Cha-

peau or a Wreath, or sometimes it rose above a Coronet.
It also became a usage in the 15th century, to have the
Crest rise from out of a Coronet which was simply a
decoration to the helm, and supplied the place of the

more prevalent Wreath. This Crest-Coronet, No. 257 a,

probably derived from such a coronet-like enrichment of
helms as appears in the effigy of Sir Hugh Calvely at

Bunbury, No. 257, is still retained in modern Heraldry.

It is commonly blazoned as a " ducal coronet :" it has

no reference, however, to ducal or to any other rank, and

it might with greater propriety be distinguished as simply
a " crest-coronet." In form it bears a close resemblance
to the crowns of Henry III, (No. 198, p. 13), and
Alianore of Castile. The bascinet of Sir Hugh
Calvely affords a rich example of the Orle or Wreath:
but this accessory was more generally worn projecting
from the helm, as in the effigy of Ralph Neville, Earl
of Westmoreland, at Staindrop, No. 258. See Wreath.
In his second Great Seal, a.d. 1194, Richard I wears
a fan-like decoration surmounting his helm, having
beneath it a lion, No. 259. In many instances the helms
of the 13th century have similar crests, variously adorned.
Humphrey de Bohun, fourth Earl of Hereford, bears the
fan-like device both on his own helm and on the head of
his charger, No. 260 ; and, as late as about 1345, Sir
Geoffrey Louterell's crest retains its fan-like contour,

but it is charged with his arins, as in No. 261. Edward

III upon his Great Seal for the first time bears a true
heraldic crest —the crowned lion of England, standing
upon a chapeau, No. 262. This Sovereign sometimes
also bore an Eagle on his crest : but from his time the
crowned lion has continued to be the Crest of England.

It is to be observed, that the marks of Royal Cadency

were displayed as well upon crests as upon shields. The
Royal Lion, for example, stands upon the helm of the
Black Prince gorged with his silver label, No. 263.

In like manner, Labels and other Marks of Cadency

appear upon the Crests of personages of noble and
knightly rank. John Plan-
Thus, the lion-crests of
tagenet, K.G., Duke of Bedford, of George Plan-
tagenet, K.Gr., Duke of Clarence, and of John Mowbray,
KG., Duke of Norfolk, (a.d. 1435, 1477, and 1475), as
blazoned in their stall- plates, are gorged with labels, the
former having three, and the latter two five points : Nos.
520 and 521. These labels appear to be worn by the
lions after the manner of bands or frills.

In some few instances the devices assumed and worn

as Crests, are identical with those that appear in the
shields of arms of the wearers ; but the prevailing usage
was to assume for the Crest a figure altogether different

from the charges of the shield, and in not a few instances

strange indeed must have been the appearance of the

figures that were thus displayed by the early knights
upon their helms. A Panache, or upright plume formed
of a large number of cock's or swan's feathers, was a
favourite Crest. This is the Crest of the Mortimers,
No. 269, and it is admirably blazoned on their seals.

The effigies of SirRichard Pembridge, K.Gr., at

Hereford, of Sir Robert de Marmion, at Tanfielcl, and
of Sir Thomas Arderne, at Elford, all of them about
a.d. 1400, are good examples. The panache of Sir

Edmund de Thorpe, a.o. 1418, at Ashwelthorpe, is

fonned of peacock's feathers, No. 2G4 ; and such is also

the panache of Lord Ferrers of Chartley, a.d. 1425, at

Merevale. The Thomas Erpingham,
stall-plates of Sir

K.G., William Philip, KG., of Sir Thomas

of Sir

Felton, KG., and John Lord Scrope, K.G., all of the

15th century, display panache-crests"; the crest of Lord
p 2


Scrope is represented in No. 522. The Contoise, No.

256, was worn with the Crest until about the middle of
the 14th century, after which time this accessory disap-
pears, and the Crest is placed upon its wreath, coronet,
or chapeau rising above the mantling. Thomas Plan-
tagenet, Earl of Lancaster, a.d. 1322, on his seal appears

having a dragon with a contoise upon his helm, and a

similar monster upon the head of his charger, No. 524
and the seal of Ealph de Monthermer, Earl of Grloster,

a.d. 1323, has on his helm an eagle crest, and a contoise.

This eagle crest was a special grant from Edward III to

William de Montacute. In achievements of arms, and
particularly in such as are blazoned upon seals, the group
is arranged in the manner represented in No. 301, PI. I,

the Supporters being added on either side. The Crests

in these compositions are generally very large in propor-
tion to the shields ; and the same remark is equally appli-
cable to the Crests blazoned in the Windsor stall-plates ;

I give, as an example, the achievement of Humphrey

Stafford, E.G., Earl Stafford, and afterwards Duke of
. Buckingham, a.d. 1460, No. 523, p. 219.

In military monumental effigies, the helm of the deceased

warrior very generally forms his becoming pillow ; and
upon the helm so placed the crest is constantly represented,

with the orle or the coronet, and the mantling. I may

specify, as additional examples, the sculptured memorials
of Sir Edmund de Thorpe, 1418, at Ashwelthorpe,
Norfolk, No. 264 ; and of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of
Warwick, 1439, No. 265 ; also the Brasses to Lord
Stourton, 1404, Sawtry, Hants, (the crest is a, demi-friar
grasping a scourge of knotted cords,) No. 266 ; of Lord
Wm. de Bryenne, Seal, Kent, No. 267 ; the stall-plate of

$!)% ^^


Plate I IUA&3, i
to :69 '
—— ——


Sir Guy de Bryenne, KG-., a.d. 1370, bears the same Crest,
a hunting horn upon a chapeau ; and of Sir, John de
Brewys, 1426, at Wiston, Sussex. A fine example
of a crest-coronet occurs in the Brass to Sir Thomas
Brounflet, 1430, at Wymington, Beds, No. 268, but the
Crest itself is lost. Seals abound in other admirable
examples of Crests, and they illustrate many curious
modifications of mediaeval heraldic usage : thus the Crest
of the Mortimers, a lofty panache of many feathers rising

from out of a coronet, No. 269, is represented in various

seals of the house of March ; but Edmund Mortimer,
a.d. 1372, has a seal charged with his paternal shield
suspended by its guige from a rose-tree, and having the
inescutcbeon diapered ; and in place of the helm and
Crest above the shield, on either side of the shield placed
as a supporter, the white lion of the Earls of March
is helmed, the two helms almost enclosing the lions, and
having mantling, coronet, and crest, and respecting each
other ; No. 270.
Crests are now generally represented resting upon a
wreath : but the crest-coronet and also the chapeau are
still retained in modern blazon. Crests, like shields,

being held to be hereditary, it necessarily follows that

the same person may inherit and may rightly bear
two or more Crests, as he may quarter two or more
coats of arms. The Earl Eitzwilliam bears these two
Crests : 1st, out of a crest-coronet, or, a plume of three

ostrich feathers, arg. ; and 2nd, on a wreath, or and sa., a

griffin, passant, ppr. Walter Long, Esquire, of Preshaw
House, Hants, bears as his Crest, out of a crest-coronet,
or, a demi-lion rampt., arg. The crest of the Duke of
Rutland is, on a chapeau, gu., lined erm., a peacock m
— — —— — :


his pride, ppr. The Duke of Newcastle lias the same

Crest upon a wreath.
For further illustration, I add a few other examples of

Percy, Duke of Northumberland : On a chapeau, a

lion statant, his tail extended, or. In No. 185, p. 58, this

lion is represented without the chapeau.

Howard, representative of Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk

— On a chapeau, a lion statant guardant, his tail extended,

or, and ducally gorged, arg. This lion of the Howards is

represented in No. 186, p. 58, without either the chapeau

or the coronet. It was originally granted by Richard
II to Thomas Mowbray, Earl Marshal.
Fitz-Alan, Earl of Arundel :
Out of a crest-coronet,

a griffin's head, between a pair of wings erect.

Neville, Earl of Westmoreland :

Upon a wreath, a

dun bull's head and neck erased, ppr.

Ralph, Lord Bassett, of Drayton, K.Gr. :
Out of a
crest -coronet, a boar's head, erased, sa., armed, or.

Stanley, Earl of Derby :

On a chapeau, an eagle,

wings addorsed, or, hovering over an infant in its nest, ppr.

swaddled, az., banded, of the first.

The Stanleys have derived this Crest from the Lathams,

of whom it is recorded that one of the heads of their
house adopted as his heir a child which had been ex-
posed in an eagle's nest in Latham Park, but which the
eagle ha,d carefully nurtured instead of destroying it.

Kirkpatrick, of Closeburn : On a wreath, a dexter

hand, couped at the wrist, holding erect a dagger imbrued,
all ppr. with the motto, " Tse mak sicker" No. 525.
The historical origin of this Crest and its motto is well
— —
— —


Wodehouse, Baron Wodehouse : On a wreath, a dex-

ter hand, holding a club, all ppr. In chief, the words,

" Frappez fort." In base, the word, " Agincourt."
Pelham-Clinton, Duke of Newcastle :
—For Clin-
ton :
Out of a crest-coronet, a plume of five ostrich fea-

thers, arg. banded with a line set chevron-wise, az. For

Pelham : On a wreath, a peacock in its pride, ppr.

An early crest of the Pelhams was a lantern.

Drake : — Upon a wreath, a ship, drawn round a globe,

with a cable-rope, by a hand issuing out of clouds, all ppr.

in chief, the motto, Bivino Auxilio, No. 144 b.

Hope : Upon a wreath, a broken globe, surmounted of a

rainbow issuing out a cloud at each end, all ppr. No. 144 a.
The old Earls of Dunbar and March, who were here-
ditary Wardens of the Marches of the Scottish border,
bore for a Crest a horse's head, bridled ; and the Marquess
of Annandale, also a Lord Marcher, had for his Crest a
spur erect between a pair of wings, both Crests being de-
signed to intimate prompt readiness and speed in pur-

Crests may be considered to have been occasionally

adopted, with a view to a species of Marshalling.

V. Supporters. I have already stated (see page 123),

that the introduction of figures on each side of shields
of arms upon seals may probably have led in a great
degree to the adoption of the two figures, that in the
15th century became regular accessories of the heraldic
achievements of royal and noble personages. Animals,
generally either the same as appear in the blazon of the
shield which they "support," or obtained from some


allied coat of arms, are common on seals long before the

regular appearance of true supporters, under the condi-

tions that they still continue to assume. From their first

appearance, Supporters, like Crests, have been charged

with marks of Cadency.
The figures of animals that were introduced into their
compositions, and charged by the early heraldic seal-

engravers with the duty of Supporters, are placed in

various positions, but they always lead more or less

directly to the idea of the true Supporter that afterwards

was accepted with common consent. The seal of Hum-

phrey de Bohtjn, A.D. 1322 (No. 201), is a most inte-
resting example of the seal-engraver's feeling in the mat-
ter of a Supporter. The guige, or shield-belt, instead of
being passed over a boss or some other architectural de-
tail, in this seal is carried by the bird —a swan— that was
the Badge of the Earl of Hereford. Another seal, to

which I have already referred in this chapter, (p. 202,)

exhibits the De Bohun swan in the same position above

the shield ; but here the guige is omitted, and in its

stead, the chain that leads from the collar of the bird is

fastened to the chief of the shield ; this is one of the

seals Thomas Plantaoenet, Duke of Grlos'ter, the
youngest son of Edward III, who married the elder of the
two co-heiresses of the last Earl of Hereford. An impres-
sion of this seal is attached to a deed bearing the date
1395. The seal of Thomas Holland, Earl of Kent, half-

brother of Richard II, of a rather earlier date, repre-

sents the shield of arms of the Earl England, within a
bordure, argent, having the guige buckled round the neck
of a white hartlodged, King Richard's own favourite device.
— — :


This singularly beautiful seal, carries out tlie idea of

a Supporter in a most agreeable manner. The seal of

Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March, a.d. 1372, (p. 213,)

is another early example that is equally curious, charac-

teristic and interesting. The seal of Henry Plantage-
net, first Duke of Lancaster, about 1350, has the shield
placed between two lions sejant guardant, addorsed, and
above there is a demi-figure of an angel with expanded
wings. The seals of two of the Fitz-Alans, Earls of
Arundel, severally a.d. 1375 and 1397, have as Suppor-
ters, the former two lions, and the latter two griffins :

these animals in both seals regularly support —that is,

hold up — the crested helms. This series of progressive

examples might be easily carried on, but I have already
sufficiently illustrated the treatment of Supporters, or of
the figures that preceded Supporters in the 14th century.
In Chapter XIX I have described the changes that have
taken place in the Royal Supporters of England ; it will,

consequently, be sufficient for me here to add a few exam-

ples, to shew the various figures that are still in use as

Supporters to the arms of British Peers.

Somerset, Duke of Beaufort :
— Dexter : a panther,
arg., spotted of various colors, fire issuant from his mouth
and ears, ppr., gorged with a plain collar, and chained, or

Sinister : a wyvern, wings addorsed, vert, holding in the

mouth a sinister hand, couped at the wrist, gu.
Campbell, Duke of Argyll: Two lions gnardant, gu.

Campbell, Marquess of Breadalbane : Two stags, ppr.,

attired and unguled, or.

Chandos Gtrenville Nugent Temple, Duke of Buck-

ingham : —Dexter : a lion, per fesse embattled, or and gu.
Sinister : a horse, arg., semee of <
—— — —


Nevill, Earl of Abergavenny :

Two bulls, arg., pied,

sa., armed, unguled, collared and chained, and at the ends

of the chains two staples, or.

Gascoyne Cecil, Marquess of Salisbury :

Two lions,

erm. The same Supporters are also borne by the Mar-

quess of Exeter.
Stanley, Earl of Derby : —Dexter : a griffin ; Sinister,

a hart ; both or, and ducally gorged and chained, az., the hart
attired, of the last.

Courtenay, Earl of Devon :

Two boars, arg., bristled,

tusked, and unguled, or.

Cavendish, Duke of Devonshire : Two stags, ppr., at-

tired, or, each gorged with a garland of roses, arg., and az.,

barbed, vert.

Gordon Lennox, Duke of Bichmond :

—Dexter : an
unicorn, arg., armed, maned and ungided, or : Sinister, an
antelope, arg., armed and hoofed, or, each Supporter gorged

with a collar, componee, arg., and gu.

St. Maur, Duke of Somerset: —Dexter; an unicorn,
arg., armed, maned and tufted, or, gorged with a ducal
collar, per pale, az. and gold, to which is affixed a chain,
of the last: Sinister: a bull, az., ducally gorged, chained,
armed and hoofed, or.

Spencer, Earl Spencer : —Dexter ; a griffin, per fesse,

erm. and erminois, gorged with a collar, having its edges

fleurie counter -fleurie, sa,, charged with three escallops, arg.

and chained of the third : Sinister : a wyvern, erect on his
tail, erm., collared and chained as the griffin.

Granville Leveson Gower, Duke of Sutherland:

Dexter ; a wolf, arg., collared and lined or : Sinister ; a
savage man, wreathed about the temples and the waist with

laurel, holding in his dexter hand a club, resting mi hi*

— —


slioulder, all ppr., and with his sinister hand supporting an

ancient shield of Sutherland, that is, gu., three midlets,

within a bordure, or, charged with a tressure of Scotland.

Graham, Duke of Montrose: Two stories, arg., beaked
and membered, gu.

Stafford Jerntngham, Baron Stafford : — Dexter : a

lion rampt. : Sinister : a swan, (from the De Bohens)
arg., beaked and legged, sa., ducally gorged, per pale, gn., and
of the second.
Wellesley, Duke of Wellington : Two lions, gu., each

gorged with an Eastern crown, and chained, or.

No. 523. Achievement of Arms of Humphrey Stafford, Iv.G.,

Earl Stafford, a.d. 1460. From his Stall-plate at Windsor.
No. 314.— Standard of Henry Plantagenet, of Bolingbroke.



From a very early period Heraldic Devices have been

emblazoned upon Flags of various kinds and similar ;

Devices have also been frequently used without any

Flag, properly so called, to discharge the duty of military
and official standards.
Symbolical Figures we know to have formed the

Standards of the Egyptians and Assyrians. Their own

heraldic monster, the Dragon, has been the national En-
sign of China from time immemorial. The Eagle is

identified with the very name of Eome. Of the Flags of

our own country, the Bayeux Tapestry of the Conqueror's

Consort has preserved for us some of the earliest authen-
tic examples. These are for the most part small in size,

and they generally terminate in three points. They bear

simple and indeed rude Devices, such as a Pale, or a Pale
and three Bars, or some form of Cross, with a group of
Eoun dies, generally three in number Nos. 526, 527. A ;

figure of a Dragon was in use by the Saxons at the time

of the Conquest, and it appears to have been retained
amongst their Ensigns of War by the early Norman
Princes. In the 12th and 13th centurios, repeated men-


Plate XXIX N 03 293, 310 to 316, 526

FLAGS. 221

tion is made of Car Standards, which were of such ample

dimensions that they required to be displayed from a
species of car, which also conveyed them from place to

With the Crusades, when Heraldry began to assume

a definite form, Flags became subject to established rules.
The earlier Saintly Ensigns, which were simply portrait-
ures of such popular Personages as St. Cuthbert of
Durham, St. Peter of York, and St. John of Beverley,
still were displayed, as of yore ; but the regular Military
and National Ensigns in the 13th and 14th centuries
were more strictly heraldic, and each had its own proper
signification. The three principal varieties of these
mediaeval Ensigns were the Pennon, the Banner, and
the Standard.
The Pennon was small in size, pointed or swallow-
tailed at the Fly, and borne immediately below the Lance-
head of the knight whose personal Ensign it was. It was
charged with the Badge, or other armorial Device of the
Bearer, and sometimes richly fringed with gold. The
Devices were charged upon the Pennon in such a manner,
that they would appear in their proper positions when
the weapon was laid for the Charge. The brass to Sir
J. D'Aubernoun, a.d. 1279, affords a good example of this
symbol of Knightly Rank ; No. 310.
The Banner was square in form, or nearly so, and
was charged with the Goat of Arms of the owner, and not
with any other Device. It was borne by Knights
Bannerets, who ranked higher than the Knights of the
Mediaeval Chivalry, and also by Barons, Princes, and
Sovereigns themselves. A Pennon with its points torn
off would make, or at any rate would represent, a Ban-
222 FLAGS.

ner ; and this was the form of ceremonial observed when

a Knight, in reward for his gallantry, was advanced to
the rank of Banneret on the field of battle by the Sove-
reign himself, present in person, under his own Eoyal
Banner displayed.
The Roll of Caerlaverock gives the Blazon of the Ban-
ners of nearly one hundred of the Nobles and Bannerets
who were present with Edward I in his Campaign
against Scotland in 1300. The first on the Roll is the
Banner Henry de Laci, who is thus introduced by

the chronicler :—
" Henry the good Earl of Lincoln, burning with

valour, which is the prevailing sentiment of his heart,

the Leader of the First Division, had a Banner, (No. 528,)
of yellow silk with a purple Lion rampant."
The brass of Sir Symon de Felbrigge, K.C, has pre-
served an example of a Royal Banner. It is that of
Richard II, to whom Sir Symon, (as the inscription at

his feet declares) was Banner-Bearer. It shows the Royal

Arms quartering France and England, and impaled with
the arms of the Confessor. No. 529.
(For further notices of Royal Banners, see Chap.
The Banner, it will be observed, was the Ensign of both
the Banneret himself, and of his own retainers and fol-

lowers, and also of the Division of an army that was

under his command.
Banners were in use in the middle ages at sea, as well

as on land ';
and in addition to these regular Ensigns, it

was a pi'evailing custom to emblazon the sails of the ship-

ping of those days with armorial insignia, and thus the

sails themselves became Flags, as in No. 530.


FLAGS. 223

The Standard in use in the reign of Edward III, and

in especial favour in the times of the Ttjdors, was of
large dimensions, and always of considerable length in
proportion to its depth, and tapering towards the ex-
tremity. See p. 121, and Nos. 312, 315, 316. No. 313
represents the ship standard of the Earl of Warwick,
noticed at p. 121. And No. 314 is one of the Standards
of Henry Plantagenet, of Bolingbroke, (emblazoned in
Harleian MS., 4632), which is a peculiarly charac-
teristic example of the heraldic flags of the middle ages ;

it is per fesse, arcj. and gu., the livery colors of the

Plantagenets, having at the head the Cross of St. George,
and semee of Badges of Prince Henry, reel roses, the De
Bolran blacJc swan, wood-stocks, and foxes' tails, p. 220.
Standards appear to have been used solely for the purpose
of display, and to enhance " the pomp and circum-
stance" of military gatherings and royal pageants.
The National Banners of England, Scotland, and
Ireland, are severally the Crosses of St. George, St. An-
drew, and St. Patrick, Nos. 60, 61, 62. From the Crosses
of St. G-eorge and St. Andrew in combination, the First
" Union Jack," No. 63, p. 32, was formed, and declared to

be the National Ensign of Great Britain by James I,

April 12, 1606.

The era of the Second " Union Jack," No. 64, p. 32, the
glorious Flag that we now know as " the Flag of Eng-
land," dates from the commencement of the present
century. It is a combination of the three Crosses, Nos.
60, 01, 62.

The Standards of the Middle Ages are evidently the

prototypes of English Ensigns of later times. These
Ensigns, three in number, their tinctures, Bed, White,
224 FLAGS.

and Blue, were first cantoned with the Cross of St.

George, No. 531 ; then the " St. George" was superseded
by the first Union Jack, No. 532 ; and finally, when the
present " Jack" was adopted, it took the place of its pre-

decessor in the National Ensigns, where it still remains.

The " White Ensign," however, now is not a plain white
Flag, but a " St. George" cantoned with the " Jack
Nos. 533, 534, 535. The " White" and the " Blue En-
signs" are restricted to the Eoyal Navy and the Yacht
Clubs, the " Red Ensign" being in universal use as the
" Ensign of England." This same Flag is also worn by
the Eed Squadron of the Eoyal Navy.
The Military Flags of England now in use, may be
grouped in the two grand Divisions of " Cavalry Banners ;"
(they are styled " Standards," but they are, and they
ought to be entitled " Banners"), and " Infantry Colors."
The Banners of the Cavalry are small in size ; their

color is determined by the color of the regimental

Facings ; they are charged with the Cypher, Number,

peculiar Heraldic Insignia,and the " Honors" (such
significant words as " Waterloo," " Alma," " Sobraon,"
&c.) of each Eegiment. The Banners of the Household
Cavalry, however, are all crimson, and are richly em-
broidered with the Eoyal Insignia of England.
Every Infantry Eegiment or Battalion of the Line has its

own " Pair of Colors." Of these, one is the " Queen's

Color" —a " Union Jack" charged with some of the
regimental Devices ; the other is the " Eegimental Color,"
and its Field is of the same tincture as the Facings ; it is

cantoned with a small " Jack," and bears the Cypher,

Number, Device, Motto, and Honors of the Corps. At
the first, each Infantry Eegiment had one "Color"
FLAGS. 225

only ; then there were three to each Regiment ; and in the

Reign of Queen Anne the " Colors" were reduced to

their present number of a " Pair." The " Colors" of

the Foot-Guards reverse the arrangement observed in

the Line. Their " Queen's Color" is crimson, either

with or without a cantoned Jack, but always charged

with the Royal Cypher and Crown, and the Regimental
Devices. The " Regimental Color" of the Guards is the
Union Jack. The Guards also have small " Company
The Royal Artillery and the Rifles of the Line have no

The Volunteer Regiments have at present been left to

determine both whether they should carry " Colors,"

and also what should be the character of their " Colors"

whenever they may decide to adopt them. What may be

termed " the Volunteer Banner," is worthy of the Force.
It is charged with the figures of an archer of the olden
time and a rifleman of to-day, with the admirable motto,
" Defence, not Defiance"

The Flag of the Admiralty is red, with a yellow anchor

and cable ; No. 128, p. 44.

The Flags of Admirals of the Red, are plain red ; those

of Admirals of the White, are the St. George ; and those
of Admirals of the Blue, are plain blue.

Pendants, long and very narrow streamers, either red,

white or blue, and charged at the head with a Cross of
St. George, are the symbols of command in the Royal
Navy, and indicate that a vessel is in commission, but
commanded by an officer of lower rank than an Admiral.

No. 242. No. 247. No. 213.

Roses of York and Lancaster.



Section I.


Definite Heraldic Insignia have been assigned . by-

more than one writer of English History to those Saxon

Princes who ruled in England before the Norman era

the early shields, however, must be regarded simply as

evidences of comparatively modern ingenuity, since the

genuine Royal Heraldry of England unquestionably dates

its origin from a period subsequent to the successful in-
vasion of William of Normandy. Even the Heraldry of
the Norman sovereigns themselves can scarcely be ac-
cepted, as altogether free from doubt or uncertainty.
After the Conquest, William I is said to have assumed
the " Two golden Lions, or Leopards, of his Norman
Duchy," as the Arms of his Kingdom of England; and
these two lions (it does not seem to be necessary to retain
their other probable title of " Leopards :" See page 60,
Section 2) are considered to have been borne by William's
successors, until 1154, when on his accession Henry
II is supposed to have added the one golden Lion, of


A 7). 1066 to 1J54- AD 1154 to 134-0

N os 536 to 537.

Hate B. K os 539to 54-3 A



Aquitaine, (in right of his Queen, Alianore of Aqui-

taine,) to his own paternal and royal shield. Stephen is
sometimes said to have borne on a red shield, three gol-

den centaurs armed with bows and arrows, or " Sagit-

taries ;" it has been conjectured, however, that this idea
may have arisen from the circumstance of the " Sagit-
tary " having been Stephen's Badge, and that it was mis-
taken for his arms. Since the time of Henry II the
three golden lions upon a field of red have always been
held to be the Eoyal Arms of England They have been
associated with other devices, as will presently be seen ;

but still, in a peculiar sense, the three lions passant guar-

dant have been, as they still are, the " three Lions of
England." It must be added, that Eichard I for some
time after his accession retained the arms he had borne,
as Count of Aquitaine, gules, two lions comhattant, or, as
appears from his first Great Seal. After his return from
the Crusade, Eichard adopted the three lions, as they
probably were borne by his father.
The Modifications and Changes that have taken place,

from time to time, in the blazonry of the Eoyal Shield of

England, may be briefly described as follows
I. The Norman Princes, William I, William II,

Henry I, and Stephen, a.d. 1066—1154: gules, two

lions passant guardant, in pale, or; No. 536.
II. The Plantagenet Princes, Henry II, Eichard I,

John, Henry III, Edward I, Edward II, and Edward

III till the thirteenth year of his reign, a.d. 1154—1340,
gu., three lions pass, guard., in pale, or, No. 198, p. 13.
The three lions appear on the second Great Seal of
Eichard I ; on the Great Seals of John, Henry III,

Edward I, (on the bardings of the King's charger, as


well as on his shield), and of Edward II ; and on the

first and second Great Seals of Edward III. It is a
singular circumstance, that the legends on the Great Seals
altogether omit any notice of England and of England's
royal estate, until the second Great Seal of Henry III,

which for the first time bears the words dei : gratia :

anglie : rex : &c.

III. In consequence of the claim advanced by Edward
III, in the tenth year of his reign, to the Crown of

France, the Royal Arms of the French Kings, (No. 2, p.

18) were introduced a.d. 1340, into the English shield,

and (by what was then a new heraldic process) they were
quartered with the lions of England, and precedence in
this heraldic arrangement was given to the Fleurs-de-Lys,

which were charged upon the first and fourth quarters of

the English shield, semee over their azure field, exactly as

they were borne by the sovereigns of France : Nos. 286,


The third Great Seal of Edward III, published in

England, Feb. 21, 1340, and the noble seal which super-
ceded it in the following June, both bear shields charged
with France and England quarterly, the France being
semee de-lys. It is to be observed that Edward III had
placed a fleur-de-lys on either side of his first Great Seal,
a.d. 1327.

IV. The Plantagenet Princes, Edward III, Richard

II, and Henry IV {Lancastrian Plantagenet) during the
earlier years of his reign, a.d. 1340 to about 1405 : Quar-
terly :—"-1 and 4, France ancient {semee de-lys) ; 2 and 3,

England : Nos. 286 and 336.

The quartered shield is blazoned in the Roll of Arms
of the 20th Edward III ; and it appears upon the r erson

of the King in the brass to Sir Hugh Hastings, at Elsyng,

Norfolk, in the same year, 1347. This shield also appears

upon the Burghersh monument in Lincoln Cathedral, and
it remains upon the Monument of Edward III himself at

Westminster, Nos. 286, 336.

Upon his Great Seal, Richard II retained the arms of
his grandfather without any change ; but elsewhere he
delighted to associate with this shield the armorial insignia
(No. 78, PI. I) attributed to Edward the Confessor.
Over the entrance to Westminster Hall the two shields
appear on either side, admirably sculptured in bold quatre-
foiled circles. Each shield rests upon a white hart
lodged, and is supported by figures of angels. Sometimes
Eichard II impaled his hereditary quartered shield with
the arms of the Confessor. An example occurs in the
brass to Symon de Felbrigge, K.G., the King's

Banner Bearer, who is represented with the Eoyal Ban-

ner (impaled and quartered) resting on his arm. No.
529 ; see also Nos. 349, 350.

About the year 1365, Charles V of France, with a

view apparently to distinguish between his own arms and

the Fleur-de-lys borne by the English claimants of his
crown, reduced the number of his Fleurs-de-lys to three

only. The same change was effected by Henry IV in the

1st and 4th Quarters of the Arms of England ; and im-
pressions of his Great Seal, taken in the years 1406 and
1409 exist, which bear the quartered arms, (on banners
instead of shields), charged with three fleurs-de-lys only.
This modification of the French shield, which bears three
fleurs-de-lys only, is styled in Heraldry, " France modern,"
and thus is distinguished from the shield semee de-lys,
or " France ancient." See Nos. 476, 478, 484, &c.
— :


V. The Lancastrian Plantagenet Princes, Henry

IV, after the first few years of his reign, Henry V,
and Henry VI: the Yorkist Plantagenet Princes,
Edward IV, Edward V, and Richard III and ;

the Tudor Sovereigns, Henry VII, Henry VIII,

Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth, about a.d. 1405
1603 ;
Quarterly, 1 and 4, France modern ; 2 and 3, Eng-

Edward IV sometimes quartered the arms of the Con-

fessor with France and England quarterly. Many fine

original examples of the quartered shield of France

modern and England are still preserved. Amongst the
most characteristic, in addition to those upon seals, are

the shields in King's College Chapel, Cambridge, upon

the Percy shrine at Beverley Minster, and upon the
Monuments of Henry VII and of his mother, in West-
minster Abbey.
When James I ascended the English throne, the arms
of both Scotland and Ireland were incorporated into
the Royal Shield of England. The arrangement then
adopted involved Quarterly quartering. The arms of
Scotland are blazoned in No. 103, PI. V, and those of
Ireland are, azure, a Harp, or, stringed, argent ; No. 537 a.

VL The Stuart Princes, James I, Charles I,

Charles II, and James II, a.d. 1603 — 1689, Quarterly

1 and 4 Grand Quarters, France modern and England
quarterly ; 2nd Grand Quarter, Scotland ; 3rd Grand Quar-
ter, Ireland ; No. 537, from the Stuai't Monuments in
Westminster Abbey.
VI. William III retained the same shield, but he
placed upon it in pretence his paternal arms of Nassau,
azure, billetee, a Lion rampant, or, No. 538. Mary bore

the Stuart shield ; and, during her life-time, the Royal

Arms appeared impaled, to denote the joint sovereignty of
the King and Queen. The Royal shield, accordingly,
was charged on both the Dexter and the Sinister half
with the Stuart arms, those on the Dexter having Nassau
in pretence ; No. 539, from the Great Seal.
William and Mast ascended the Throne, Feb. 13,
1689. Mary died, Dec. 28, 1694. William died, March
8, 1702.
On her accession, a.d. 1702, Anne bore the Stuart
arms, and retained them until the union with Scotland,
May 1, 1707, when another change took place in the Royal
VII. The Stuart Queen Anne, a.d. 1707 — 1714:
Quarterly ; 1 and 4, England impaling Scotland ; 2, France,

modern ; 3, Ireland. The shield upon the Great Seal

adopted on the occasion of the Union with Scotland, bore
only England impaling Scotland. In this impalement the
Tressiire of Scotland extends only to the chief, sinister
side, and base of the field. The example, No. 540, is from
the shield upon the base of the statue of Queen Anne,
before St. Paul's Cathedral.
The Succession of the House Hanover led to a
place being assigned for the Arms Hanover in the
Royal Shield of England. These Arms of Hanover
are thus blazoned: Per pale and per Chevron: 1, gules, two
Lions passant guardant, in pale, or, for Brunswick, (the
same as the Norman Shield of England) ; 2, or, semee of
Hearts, a Lion rampant, azure, for Lunenburgh ; 3, gules,

a Horse cotirant, argent, for Saxony ; and, over all, an

inescutclieon, gules, charged with the golden Croivn of
Charlemagne, No. 541.


VIII. The Sovereigns of the House of Hanover,

George I, George II, and George III, from August 1,

1714, till January 1, 1801. Quarterly ; 1, England impal-

ing Scotland ; 2, France ; 3, Ireland ; 4, Hanover ; No. 542,
from the tympanum of the portico of the Church of St.

Martin-in-the-Fields, London. In this composition one

half only of the 1st quarter is assigned to the Lions of
Upon the 1st of January, 1801, by Royal Proclamation,
the French fleurs-de-lys were removed from the Arms of
England, and the Eoyal Shield of England assumed the
general aspect with which we have long been familiar.
IX. The Sovereigns of the House of Hanover, George
III, George IV, and William IV, from January 1,

1801, till June 20, 1837 ;

Quarterly, 1 and 4, England
2, Scotland ; 3, Ireland ; and over all in pretence, Hanover,
the inescutclieon ensigned with an Imperial Crown. No. 543.
X. On the happy accession of Her Majesty, Queen
Victoria, June 20, 1837, the Arms of Hanover were
removed from the Eoyal Shield; and thus the Eoyal
Arms of England are now simply a combination of the
insignia of the Three Eealms of the United King-
dom, England, Scotland, and Ireland, as in No. 334.
This noble shield, I venture to suggest, might assume a
still more impressive aspect, were a ship to appear in the
fourth quarter, in place of the repeated lions, as the cogni-
zance of the Colonial Empire of Great Britain. From the
time of Edward III, the shield charged with the Eoyal
Arms of England has been encircled with the Garter,
charged with Motto of the Order. Sec Nos. 286, 289.

In Plates a, b, which face pages 226, 227, I have


placed before students of Heraldry the entire series of the

Royal Shields of England.

Section II.


The Royal Banners of England have always borne

the same blazonry as the Royal Shields. The earliest

blazon of a Royal Banner of which I am aware, appears

in the Roll of Caerlaverock, a.d. 1300. The Chronicler
styles the animals " Leopards" and not Lions, (see p. 62,
sec. 2) ; and he uses the descriptive epithet " courant"
instead of passa?it. The Royal Banner of Edward I,

the Chronicler of Caerlaverock describes after this charac-

teristic manner :
" On his Banner were three Leopards,
courant, of fine gold, set on red ; fierce were they, haughty
and cruel, thus placed to signify that, like them, the King
is dreadful to his enemies. Eor his bite is slight to none
who inflame his anger ; and yet, towards such as seek his
friendship or submit to his power, his kindness is soon
Edward III on his Standards placed his quartered
shield at their head, and powdered them with Fleurs-de-
lys and Lions. Several of the Sovereigns, in addition to
the Banner of their Royal Arms, used other Banners and
Standards charged with their Badges. It is to be ob-
erved that the Royal Banners of Arms charged their
insignia upon their entire field, without any accessories,
until the time of the Stuarts, when the arms were some-
times either associated with other Devices, or the Flag
bore the entire Royal achievement charged upon the centre

of its Field. Curious examples of Royal Standards thus

emblazoned appear in the pictures, now at Hampton
Court, representing the embarkation of Charles II, in
1660, and of William III, in 1688. More recently, the

Royal Banner has always displayed the Arms of England,

after the early habit, blazoned over its entire field, and
without any accessory. See Chap. XVIII.

Section III.


With the Blazonry of the Royal Shield itself, the

Supporters, which appear on either side of it, as if dis-

charging sentry duty, are habitually associated by the

student of historical Heraldry.
Supporters are said to have been introduced by Edward
III ; the fact, however, is doubtful. The Supporters that
have been assigned to Edward III, are a Lion and a
Falcon. Two ivhite Harts have been assigned to Richard
IJ, if he can be considered to have borne them as true
Supporters. A Lion and an Antelope, and also an Antelope
and a Swan, have been attributed to Henry IV, though
with uncertain authority ; and there is some uncertainty
about the Lion and Antelope that are said to have been
the Supporters of the Arms of Henry V. After this
reign the Supporters are as follows :

Henry VI. Two Antelopes, argent ; sometimes the Dex-

ter, a Lion ; the Sinister, a Panther.
Edward IV. Dex., a Black Bull ; Sin., the White Lion
of the House of Marche. Also, a ivhite Lion and a white

Hart, or two ivhite Lions.



Edward V. Dext., a white Lion ; Sin., a white Hart,

gorged and chained, or.

Richard III. Dext., a golden Lion ; Sin., a white Boar

but more generally, two white Boars.
Henry VII. A red Dragon and a white Greyhound,
sometimes the one and sometimes the other being the
Dexter ; also, occasionally, two white Grexjhounds, as at

the Bishop's Palace, Exeter.

Henry VIII. Generally, Dext., a golden Lion ; Sin., a
red Dragon. Sometimes, Dext., a red Dragon ; and Sin., a
white Bull, a white Greyhound, or a ivhite CocJc.

Edward VI. A golden Lion and a red Dragon.

Mary and Elizabeth. Dext., a golden Lion ; Sin., a
red Dragon, or a white Greyhound. (Mary's shield when
impaled is supported by an Eagle and a Lion).
James I. A Lion and a Unicom.
Two Unicorns were the Supporters of Scotland ; and
the first Stuart King of Great Britain assumed, as his
Supporters, a golden Lion of England on the Dexter, and
one of the silver Unicorns of Scotland o\\ the Sinister side of
his shield.

The Supporters of the Royal Shield of England have

remained unchanged since the time of James I. They
are now blazoned as follows :

Dexter Royal Supporter : A Lion rampant guardant, or,

imperially crowned, ppr.

Sinister Royal Supporter : An Unicorn, arg., armed

vinjiiled and crined, or, gorged with a coronet composed of
crosses pattees and fleurs-dedys, gold, a chain affixed thereto,

of the last, passing between the fore-legs, and reflexed oc<:r the


Section IV.


At the head of the heraldic Devices and Figures,

adopted and borne by the Sovei-eigns of England as
Badges, stands the Planta Genista — that simple sprig of
Broom-plant, which gave a name to one of the proudest
and most j>owerful Families that ever rose to eminence
amongst their fellow men. The motive that induced
Geoffrey of Anjou to assume as his cognizance the
Sprig of Broom is uncertain, though very probably it had
its origin in some religious sentiment ; the Device itself,

however, its Latin name, and its associations, will live

and be remembered so long as Heraldry exists, or History

itself is held in esteem. The effigy of Richard II, at

Westminster, has the robes diapered with the Planta

Genista, (See PI. YII ; also, No. 240, PI. XII), with other
Badges of that unfortunate Prince.
Second only to the Planta Genista in interest are the
White and Bed Roses of the rival Plantagenets of York
and Lancaster.

Henry II. Badges : The Broom, showing the leaves and

seed-pods of the plant : an Escarbuncle : a Sword : and an

Eichard I. A Star issuing from a Crescent, No. 544 ;

a Star and Crescent separately : a mailed Arm, the hand

grasping a broken lance : a Snn on two anchors, with the

motto, " Christo Duce."

John, and Henry HI. A Star issuing from a Crescent,

No. 544.

Edward I. A Rose, or, stalked, ppr.

Edward II. A Castle of Castile.

Edward III. Rays descending from a Cloud : the

Stock, or stump of a Tree, couped : a Falcon : a Griffin : an

Ostrich Feather : a Fleur-de-lys : a Sword.
Richard II. An Ostrich Feather : the Sun behind a
Cloud : the Sun in splendor : a white Hart, lodged, (from

his mother, Joan of Kent, See No. 525) : the Stump of a

Tree : a white Falcon. (Examples on his Effigy, and at
Westminster Hall).
Henry IV. The Monogram SS. : a Crescent : a Fox's
Tail : a Stock or stump of a Tree : an Ermine or gennet : a
crowned Eagle : a crowned Panther : an Ostrich Feather : an
Eagle displayed : a Columbine Flower : the Lancastrian red
Rose, and the black Swan of the De Bohuns.
Henry V. An Ostrich Feather : a chained Antelope : a
chained Swan : a Fire-Beacon. These Badges are some-
times grouped together, as in the Monn mental Chantry of

the King at Westminster.

Henry VI. A chained Antelope : a spotted Panther : and
two Ostrich Feathers in Saltire.
He first assumed as a regular Motto the ancient royal
war cry of England, Eieu et mon Eroit.

Edward IV. The Black Bull, (Clarence) : Black Era-

gon, (Ulster) : White Wolf and White Lion, (Mortimer) ;

White Hart: Falcon and Fetter-lock: Sun in splendor:

White Rose tvith Rays.

Richard III. A White Rose : Sun in Splendor : tvhite

Boar and a Falcon with a

: Virgin's Face holding a White
Henry VEIL Portcullis: White Greyhound count ui,
Red Eragon, (Cadwallader) : Bun Cow, (WarwickJ : Haw.


thorn-bush royally crowned, ivith Cypher, h.r., No. 545 :

Rose of York and Lancaster, No. 248 : and crowned Fleur-


Henry VIII. Portcullis : Fleur-de-lys : Rose of York

and La.ncaster : white Cock : white Greyhound courant.
Katherine op Arragon had for Badges, the Pome-
granate, the Rose, and the Sheaf of Arrows ; (See the Monu-
ment of Prince Arthur Tudor, at Worcester.) Anne
Boleyn had a Falcon crowned and holding a Sceptre Jane ;

Seymour had a Phamix rising from a Castle, between Tudor

Roses ; and Katherine Parr had a Maiden's Head
crowned rising from a large Tudor Rose.
Edward VI. The Sun in splendor, and the Tudor
Mary. A Pomegranate : a Pomegranate and Rose corn-

joined : the Tudor Rose impaling a Sheaf of Arrows, ensigned

with a Crown, and surrounded by Rays. She sometimes
used as a motto the words, " Veritas Temporis Filia."
Elizabeth. The Crowned Falcon with a Sceptre (of
her mother), and the Tudor Rose, with the motto, " Rosa
sine spina." In addition to the established Boyal motto,
" Bieu et mon Droit" she often used as her own motto,
" Semper Fadem."
James I. The Thistle, and the Rose and Thistle dimi-

diated and crowned, with the motto, " Beati Pacijici," No.

Charles I, Charles II, and James II. The same
Badges as James I, without his Motto.
Anne. . A Rose-branch and a Thistle growing from one
stalk, and crowned, on the Great Seal of the year 1707.
Prom this time personal Badges ceased to be adopted
but the Rose, Thistle, and Shamrock, all of them impe-

rially crowned, as the Badges of England, Scotland, and

Ireland, and the Motto, " Dieu et mon Droit" have per-

manently taken their becoming parts in blazoning the

Royal Achievement of England. The Bed Dragon also,

with his wings elevated, and passant upon a Mount Vert,

is still the Royal Badge for the Principality of Wales.

Section V.


With the Royal Arms of the Reigning Sovereigns of

England, the student of Historical Heraldry will frequently

desire to associate those that were borne by the Consorts
of these Sovereigns. They constantly occur in connection

with those records of English History, of which Heraldry

is at once the Chronicler and Illustrator.

1. Matilda of Flanders: Gyronny, or and az., an ines-

cutcheon, gu.

2. Matilda of Scotland : Scotland : No. 103, PI. V.

3. Adelais of Louvain : Or, a Lion ramp., az., langued,


4. Matilda of Bologne : Or, three torteaux.

5. Eleanor of Aquitaine and Guyenne: Gu., a Lion

passant guardant, or.

6. Berengaria of Navarre: Az., a Cross, arg., after-

wards superseded by, gu., an escarbuncle, or.

7. Isabel of Angouleme : Lozengy, or, and gu.

8. Alianore of Provence : Or, four Pallets, gu. ; No. 7,

PI. I.

9. Alianore of Castile: Quarterly, Castile and Leon;

that is, 1 and 4, gu., a Castle triple-towered, or : 2 ami 3,


arg., a Lion rampt., purpure, No. 135, PI. I. She also

bore Ponthieu, in right of her mother, and this shield on

her monument at Westminster alternates with England
and Castile and Leon. Ponthieu is, or, three bendlets, az.,

within a bordure, gu., No. 547. On her seal, her effigy

stands between a Castle surmounting a Lion on her Dex-
ter side, and on her Sinister side a Lion surmounting a
Castle ; the Reverse has a shield of England suspended by-

its guige from a Tree.

10. Margaret of France : France ancient dimidiated by
England, No. 322, PI. XVIII.
11. Isabelle of France: France ancient dimidiating
Navarre, (in right of her mother) gu., an escarbuncle, or.

She bore England on one shield, and France with Navarre

on another; see No. 335 a, p. 127.

12.Philippa of Hainault : Or, four Lions rampant, in

quadrangle; the 1st and 4th sa., the 2nd and 3rd gu.
She bore these, her paternal arms, quartered with England
only. Her arms were also impaled by England, and
by France and England quarterly. See No. 337, PL
13. Anne of Bohemia : Quarterly ; 1 and 4, Germany,
arg., an Eagle displayed, with two heads, sa. ; 2 and 3,
Bohemia, gu., a Lion rampant, queue fourchee, arg.,

crowned, or. She impaled these arms with the shield of

Richard II, upon which the arms of the Confessor were
marshalled per pale with France and England ; conse-
quently the complete shield would be " per pale of three"
No. 349, PI. XXIII.
14. Isabel of France : France modern ; impaled, a.d.

1397, by Richard II ; No. 350.

15. Joanne of Navarre ; Quarterly ; 1 and 4, Eureux,

az., three fleurs-de-lys, or ; over all, a Bendlet, company, arg.,

and gu. ; 2 and 3, Navarre, No. 348, PI. XIX. Impaled

by Henry IV.
16. Katherine of France : France modern. Impaled
by Henry V.
17. Margaret of Anjou: Quarterly of six :

1. Hungary Barry of eight, arg. and
: gu.

2. Naples : France ancient, with Label of three, gu.

3. Jerusalem : Arg., a Cross potent between four plain

4. Anjou France ancient, within a Bordure, gu.


5. De Barre Az., two Barbels haurient, endorsed, and


crusilly, or, within a Bordure, gu.

6. Lorraine : Or, on a bend, gu., three Eaglets displayed,

Impaled by Henry VI. No. 352, PL XXIII.

18. Elizabeth Widville (or Woodville), Quarterly of

six :

1. Luxemburg : Arg., a lion ramp., double tailed, gu.,

crowned, or.

2. De Baux : Quarterly ; 1 and 4, gu., a star, arg. ; 2 and

3, az., semee de-lys, or.

3. Cyprus : Barry of ten, arg. and az., over all, Lion

rampt., gu.

4. Ursins : Gu., three Bendlets, arg. ; a chief, per fesse of

the 2nd, and or, charged with a rose, of the first.

5. St. Paul : Gu., three pallets, vairy ; on a Chief, or, a

Label of five points, az.

6. Widville : Arg., a Fesse and Canton conjoined, gu.

Impaled by Edward IV.
19. Anne Neville : Gu., a Saltlre, arg. ; differenced

with a Label of three points, compony of the second and ats.


Impaled by Richard III.

In the " Warwick Roll" she quarters, Beauchamp, Mon-

tagu and Monthermer with Neville

20. Elizabeth of York : Quarterly ; 1 and 4. Ulster,

Or, a Cross, gu. ; 2 and 3, Mortimer.
Impaled by Henry VII. Emblazoned on the Monuments
of the Countess of Richmond, and of Henry VII and
Elizabeth of York, Westminster Abbey, No. 351, PI.
21. Catherine of Arragon: Quarterly ; 1 and 4 Grand
Quarters, Castile and Leon, quarterly ; 2 and 3 Grand
Quarters, Arragon, Or, four pallets, gu., impaling Sicily,
per Saltire, 1 and 4, Arragon, 2 and 3, Stjabia, org.,
Eagle displayed, sa., heaked and membered, gu. In the Base
Point, the Badge of Grenada, arg., a pomegranate, slipped,
ppr. Impaled by Henry VIII. The Supporters of Queen
Catherine of Arragon were a Lion and an Eagle.
The Arms of Queen Anne Boleyn are the first which
exemplify the usage, introduced by Henry VIII, of
granting to his Consorts " Augmentations" to their
paternal arms. It is a striking illustration of the degene-

rate condition of Heraldry under the second Tudor

22. Anne Boleyn : Quarterly of Six :

1 1. Lancaster.
Augmentation 1-2. Engoulesme, or Naples.

4. Quarterly, 1 and 4; or, Chief intended, az., for
Butler ; 2 and 3, arg., Lion ramp., sa., crowned, gu.,

for Rochfort.
5. Brotherton.
G. Warrenne.


Impaled by Henry VIII. (See the choir-screen of

King's College Chapel, Cambridge).
Supporters : A Leopard, and a male Griffin.

23. Jane Seymour : Quarterly of six :

1. Or, on a Pile, gu., between six Fleurs-de-lys, az., three

Lions of England. An Augmentation.

2. Seymour.
3. Beauchamp of Hache : Vairy.

4. Stiny : Arg., three demi-Lions ramp., gu.

5. Mac Williams : Per Bend, arg. and gti., three Roses,

bend-wise, counterchanged.

6. Coker ; Arg., on a Bend, gu., three Leopards' Heads,


Impaled by Henry VIII, and blazoned frequently at

Windsor and Hampton Court.
Siipporters: A Lion and a Unicorn.
24. Anne of Cleves : Gu., an Incscutcheon, arg., over all,

an Escarbuncle, or.

Impaled by Henry VIII.

25. Catherine Howard : Quarterly :

1. Az., three Fleurs-de-lys, in pale, or, between two

Flasches, erm., each cliarged with a Rose, gu.

2. Brotherton.
3. Howard Modem.
4. Az., two Lions of England ; the Verge of the Escutcheon
charged with four half fleurs-de-lys. or.

1 and 4. Augmentations.
Impaled by Henry VIII.
26. Catherine Parr : Quarterly of six.

1. Arg., on a Pile, gu., between six Roses, of the 2nd,

three other Roses, of the 1st. (Augmentation).
2. Arg., two Bars, az., within a Bordure engrailed, sa.
r 2

3. Ross of Kendall : Or, three water-Bougets, sa.

4. Marmion : Vairy, a Fesse, gu.
5. Fitz Hugh : Az., three chevrons, interlaced in Base ; a
Chief, or.

6. Green : Vert, three Harts at gaze, or.

Impaled by Henry VIII.

27. Philip, King of Spain. The same arms as those of
Catherine of Arragon. (See 21). Impaling the arms of
28. Anne of Denmark. The arms borne by Anne,
daughter of Frederick II, King of Denmark and Norway,
are a complicated example of the elaboration of details in
such high esteem amongst the continental Heralds of
comparatively recent times. These arms may be described
as follows : A Cross, gu., surmounted of another, arg. In
the Dexter Canton, or, semee of hearts, ppr., three lions
piass. guard., az., crowned, or, for Denmark ; in the sinister

canton, gu., a lion rampt., crowned, or, holding in his paws

a battle-axe, arg., for Norway : in the clexter base quarter,

az., three crowns, ppr., for Sweden; and in the sinister

base quarter, or, ten hearts, 4, 3, 2, and 1, gu., a lion pass,

guard, az., for Gothland. .In the base of the shield,

beneath the Cross, the ancient ensign of the Vandals, gu.,

a wyvern, its tail nowed, and wings expanded, or. Upon

the centre of the Cross an escutcheon of pretence, charged
with Quarterly, 1. Or, two lions j>ciss. guard., az., for Sles-

wick ; 2. Gu., an inescutcheon, having a nail in every point

thereof, in triangle, between as many holly-leaves, all ppr.,

forHoLSTEiN ; 3. Gu.,a swan, arg., beaked, sa., gorged with

a coronet, ppr., for Stormerk ; and 4. Az., a chevallier,

armed at all points, brandishing his sword, his helm plumed,

his charger, arg., trapped, or., for Ditzmers. Over the


whole, on an inescutcheon, or, two bars, gu., for Olden-

burgh, impaling, for Dalmenhurst, az., a cross patee

fitchee, or.

Borne on a separate shield, and marshalled with the

Royal shield of James I.

This shield, with some modification of its marshalling,

promises again to become well known in England, through
what all must earnestly hope will prove the auspicious
and happy alliance between our own Prince op Wales,
and the Princess Alexandra of Denmark.
29. Henrietta Maria of France: France modem.
This shield was sometimes borne impaled by St. George.
30. Catherine of Braganza : Arg., on each of five escut-

cheons, in cross, az., as many plates, in saltire, within a

bordure, gu., charged with eight castles, or, for Portugal.

Impaled by Charles II.

31. Mary D'Este, of Modena: Quarterly, 1 and 4,

Este ; arg., an eagle displayed, sa., crowned, or ; 2 and 3,

Ferrara ; az., three fleurs-de-lys, or, within a bordure

counterindented, or and gu.

Impaled by James II.

32. Prince George of Denmark The same as 28. :

33. The Arms of the unhappy Consort of George I do

not appear ever to have been exhibited in England. As
she was her husband's cousin, her arms were probably
the same as those which he himself bore before his acces-
sion to the English crown.
34. Caroline Wilhelmina of Brandenburgh Anspach
The arms of his Consort, impaled by George II, are
quarterly of fifteen pieces, and they are blazoned as fol-
lows, from a contemporary print, by Mr. Willement in

his moht excellent work on " Regal Heraldry."



1. Per fesse, gu. and arg., within a bordure counter-

changed of the same, for Magdeburgh ; 2. Arg., an eagle

displayed, sa., crowned, or ; 3. Or, a griffin segreant, gu.,

crowned, of the first ; 4 and 5. Arg., a griffin segreant, gu.

6. Or, a griffin segreant, sa. : 7. Arg., an eagle displayed,

sa. ; 8. Per pale, arg. and gu., within a bordure counter-

changed of the same; 9. Arg., an eagle displayed, sa. ; 10.

Or, a lion rampt., sa., crowned, within a bordure, componee,

arg. and gu. ; 11. Chi., two Jceys in saltire, or ; 12. Quar-
terly, arg, and sa., within a bordure, counter changed of the
same ; 13. gu. ; 14. As 1 : 15. Cfu., on an inescutcheon, arg.,

an eagle displayed, of the field.

35. Charlotte of MecMenburgh Strelitz : Quarterly of

six, 1. Mecklenburgh, or, a buffalo's head cabossed, sa.,

armed, arg., through the nostrils an annulet, of the last,

ducally croioned, gu., the attire passing through the crown

2. Wenden, az., a griffin segreant, or ; 3. Schwerin Prin-
cipality, per fesse, az. and vert, in chief, a griffin segreant, or,

the base bordered round the entire field, arg. : 4. Ratzburgh,

gu., a cross couped, arg., ducally crowned, or : 5. Schwerin
County, gu., an arm emboived, in armour to the wrist,

issuing from clouds on the sin. side, and holding between th i

finger and thumb a gem ring, all ppr., round the arm a
riband tied, az. : 6. Roslock, or, a buffalo's head in profile,
sa., armed, arg., ducally crowned, gu., over all an escutcheon

of pretence, per fesse, gu. and or, for Stargard.

Impaled by George III.

36. Caroline, daughter of Charles Frederick Wil-

liam, Duke of Brunswick, K.G-., whose arms are bla-
zoned as follows upon his Stall-plate at Windsor : Quar-
terly of twelve ; 1. Lunenburgh, or, semee of hearts,
ppr., a lion rampt., az ; 2. Brunswick, gu., two lions pass.


guard., in pale, or : 3. Eberstein, arg., a lion rampt., az.,

crowned, gu. : 4. Homberg, gu., a lion rampt., or, within a

bordure componee, arg., and az. : 5. Diepholt, or, a lion

rampt., az., crowned, gu. : 6. Chi,., a lion rampt., or : 7.

Chjronny of eight, arg. and az., on a chief, or, two bears'

paws, indorsed and issuant, sa. : 8. Az., an eagle displayed,

arg. : 9. Barry of six, or and gu., a chief chequee, arg. and

az. : 10. Arg., a stag's horn in fesse, gu.: 11. Arg., a stag
tripping, sa. : 12. Arg., a stag's horn in fesse, sa.

37. Adelaide of Saxe Meinengen ; Quarterly of nine-

teen: 1. Thuringia, az, a lion rampt., barry of eight,
arg. and gu., crowned, or : 2. Cleves, gu., an escarbuncle

of eight rays, or, the rays issuing from an inescutcheon, arg.

3. Juliers, or, a lion rampt., sa., crowned, gu. : 4. Meis-

sen, or, a lion rampt, sa., crowned, gu. : 5. Saxony : 6.

Berg, arg., a lion ramp., gu., crowned, or : 7. Westphalia,

arg., an eagle displayed, gu., crowned, or : 8. Landesberg,
or, two pales, az : 9. Pfalz, sa., an eagle displayed, or

10. Orlamunde, or, a lion rampt., sa., crowned, gu. : 11.

Eisenberg, arg., three bars, az. : 12. Pleissen, az., a lion

rampt., or: 13. Altenberg, arg., a rose, gu., seeded, or,

barbed, vert: 14. Gu,, for right of Eegalia : 15. Brehna,

or Engern, arg., three boterols, (scabbard-tags,) gu. : 16.

Marck, or, a fesse, chequee, arg. and gu. : 17. Anhalt, gu.,

a column, in pale, arg., crowned, or, the pedistal of the last:

18. Hennebergh, or, on a mound, vert, a cock, sa., crested

and wattled, gu. : 19. Eavensbergh, arg., three chevronels,


38. His late Boyal Highness, Albert the Prince

Consort, bore the Arms of Saxony, No. 353, p. 146,
quarterly, with the Royal Arms of England, differenced
Avith his own Label. At page 146 the Ai-ms of Saxony

are blazoned after the manner prevalent in England : bnt

in Germany the bend treflee is held to be a wreath of olive
leaves thrown across the shield, and it is blazoned ac-

Section VI.




The emblem and ensign of Sovereignty, the Imperial

Crown of Great Britain, has undergone several very
decided changes in its form and enrichments, all of "which

come under the direct cognizance of the historical Herald.

Many original authorities exist, which in this matter

mutually illustrate and corroborate each other's contribu-

tion to heraldic History. These authorities are the Great
Seals, the Coinage, Monumental Effigies, and miscellane-
ous Illuminations, Paintings, and Sculptures.
The earliest form of the Crown worn by the English
Kings after the Conquest, (which appears from various
Illuminations closely to resemble the Crowns of the
Anglo-Saxon Princes), is exemplified in the Effigies of
Henry II, and his Queen Alianore ; of Richard I, and
Isabella of Angouleme, at Fonterraud ; of Berengaria,
at l'Espan, near Mans, and of John, at Worcester. This
Crown is a richly jewelled Circlet of gold, heightened with
what may be entitled heraldic Strawberry Leaves. These
sculptured Crowns are all much mutilated, but still they
plainly declare their original character. The Crowns of
Richard and Berengaria have four large Leaves only.

Those of Henry, Alianore, and Isabella have four

Chaps, xiv. xix and xxxii.

264, Ililm, Crest, &c, Sir E. dc Thorpe.— 279. Baf and Coronet, the Black

Prince. 550. Crown, Edward II.— 551. ( n,Eenrj IV.
624. Coronation Crown, .11. M. ji

smaller Leaves alternating with the four larger ones.

The Crown of John has also eight Leaves, alternately

large and small, and in form they are almost true trefoils.

Of this group of examples, the most perfect are the Crowns

of Richard I and Berengarja, Nos. 548, 549.
The Effigies of Henry III and Alianore of Castile
have Crowns of trefoil-leaves of two sizes, a slightly raised
point intervening between each pair of the leaves. These
Crowns doubtless were once enriched with real or imita-

tive jewels and other adornments, which now leave no

other traces of their former existence than the small holes
for attaching them to the Crowns themselves. No. 198,
p. 13.

The Coins of Edward I, show that his Crown was

similar in character to those of his Consort and his

The Effigy of Edward II, at Gloucester, still retains,

almost uninjured, its sculptured enrichments. The Crown

is formed of four large, and four small Strawberry Leaves,
rising with graceful curves from the jewelled Circlet, and
having eight small flowers alternating with the Leaves.
No. 550.
The Crown appears to have remained the same as that
which I have last described, until the accession of the
first Lancastrian Sovereign, Henry IV. The elaborately
sculptured Effigies of this Prince and of his Queen,
Joanna, at Canterbury, wear magnificent Crowns, No.
550. Both have the same general character, the Crown
of the Queen being distinguished by its smaller size and
more delicate workmanship. In each, the jewelled Circlet
is heightened by eight Strawberry Leaves, and as many
Fleurs-de-lys, the whole alternating with sixteen small

groups of pearls, three in each. These sculptured images

of that " golden care," which was the one aim of Henry
of Lancaster, may be supposed to be faithful representa-
tions of the splendid " Harry Crown," broken up and em-
ployed as security for the loan required by Henry V
when about to embark on his expedition to France.
Bymer records that the costly fragments were redeemed
in the eighth and ninth years of Henry VI.
The next change in the Crown of England is one which
completely alters its general aspect. This new feature
consists in arching over the enriched Circlet with jewelled

Bands of gold, and surmounting the enclosed Diadem with

a Mound and Cross. The enrichments of the Circlet
itself at the same time are so far changed, that Crosses
Patees occupy the positions before filled by the Straw-
berry Leaves, and Roses, or Fleurs-de-lys appear instead of
the small clusters of Pearls. The arched Crown at first

has the arches elevated almost to a point ; after a while,

the arches are somewhat depressed at their intersection ;

then this depression is considerably increased ; and at

length, iu the Crown of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria,
the arches, which bend over almost at right angles, are
flattened above at the intersection where the mound rests

upon them. At first, also, the arches recede inwards,

from their spring from the Circlet ; then they slightly
project beyond the Circlet ; and now they rise almost
vertically. The arches, in the first instance, are numer-

ous, bat in the Great Seal of Eichard III there are four

arcnes omy. Their number in the Crown that ensigns

theHawthorn Bush Badge of Henry VII, is six, No.

545 but by Henry VIII they are reduced to
four. The
Crown remained without any change during the Reigns


of Edward VI, Mary, and Elizabeth ; except that in the

Great Seal of Elizabeth she appears wearing a small
Diadem having eight arches. The Crown of the Stuart
Sovereigns, James I and Charles I, has eight arches.
On the Great Seals of Charles II, James II, and Anne,
the Crown has four arches ; and that number has since

remained unchanged.
The arched Crown was introduced by Henry V, pro-
bably when a simpler emblem of Eoyalty was constructed
on the breaking up of the more costly and precious
Crown of his Father. It will be understood that until
the close of the Reign of Edward IV, arched and un-
arched Crowns are both represented in sculpture, illumi-
nations, and other works. The arched Crown, the arches
having an ogee curvature, appears for the first time upon
the Great Seal of Edward VI, and we learn from illumi-
nations that a Crown similar to his own was worn by his

The arches of the Crown always spring from behind
the crosses patees that heighten the circlet. The Crosses
on the Great Seal of Henry VIII appear to be only four
in number ; but the Tudor Crown generally is represented
with eight crosses and as many fleurs-de-lys. Upon the
monument of the Countess of Richmond, the mother of
Henry VII, there are seven shields and one lozenge of
arms ; of the former, three are ensignecl with large crowns

heightened with eight crosses, as many fleurs-de-lys, and

sixteen small roses, and the crowns are arched with two
depressed arches which support a mound and cross patce

three more of these shields have similar crowns without

the arches ; and one shield and the lozenge are without
crowns. At the head and feet of the monument of Henry

VII there are crowns of four arches splendidly enriched.

The Crown of James I, represented on his Great Seal,
retains eight crosses and eight fleurs-de-lys, without any
roses ; and Charles II reduces both crosses and fleurs-

de-lys to four, the same number as the arches. The velvet

cap, worn within the Crown, appears for the first time

upon the Great Seal of Henry VIII.

The successive changes in the Ceown of England are
exemplified in No. 552, Henry V, from Westminster
Abbey ; No. 553, Henry VI No. 554, Edward TV, and

No. 554, from the Great Seal of the same king ; No. 556,
Henry VII, from King's College Chapel, Cambridge ; it

will be observed that the Royal Motto in this splendid

Crown is charged upon the circlet of the diadem ; No.
557, Crown from the Monument of Margaret, Countess
of Richmond, in Westminster Abbey ; No. 558, Henry
VIII ; at Norwich on a building, a shield of Henry VIII
is ensigned with a Crown of the simple form shown in
No. 558 a ; Nos. 559, and 560, Charles I, and Charles
II, both from their Great Seals. Thus the Crown is

brought to assume the character shown in No. 562, which

No. 562.

has four crosses patees, and four fleurs-de-lys, set alter-



Plate XLll.

nately on the circlet, and four pearl-studded arches which

rise from within the Crosses, and carry at their inter-

section, the Mound and Cross. The arches in this

example are depressed, and their sweep projects some-

what beyond the circlet.

The Crown of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, differs

from No. 562 rather in its enrichment than in its arrange-

ment. There is a slight difference in the contour of the
arches, which rise almost perpendicularly from the circlet

and are nearly flat at their intersection. The Crown

is profusely adorned with diamonds, and is studded
with various other costly gems. The Mound is en-
circled with a jewelled fillet, from which rises an arched
band, also jewelled, that encompasses the upper hemis-
phere of the mound itself, and is ensigned with a Cross
patee. The cap is of purple velvet, lined with ermine.
The Coronet of H.R.H., Albert, the late Prince
Consort, differs from the Imperial Crown in having
eight instead of four arches; these arches rise from straw-
berry leaves and are curved. The details of the enrich,

ments are also peculiar. No. 562 a.

The Coronet of H.E.H., Albert Edward, Prince of

Wales, has two arches only, which rise from a jewelled
circlet, heightened as the Imperial Crown. The arehes

are surmounted by a mound and cross. The cap is of

crimson velvet.

The Prince of Wales also bears, as the ensign of that

Principality, a jewelled circlet heightened with four crosses

patees, and as many fieurs-de-lys, which encloses a

plume of three ostrich feathers rising above the circlet

itself. Below, on a ribbon, the motto, " Ich Dien." No.

235 a, PI. XV.
The Coronets of the other Princes, the Sons of the

Queen, have the circlet heightened with four crosses

patees, and four fleurs-de-lys. The cap, of crimson velvet,

is lined with ermine, and is surmounted by a golden

tassel ; No. 564.
The Coronets of the Princesses, the Daughters of the
Queen, differ from those of their Royal Brothers, only in
having the circlet heightened with two crosses patees, as
many strawberry leaves, and four fieurs-de-lys ; No. 565.
The Coronets of the Eoyal Cousins of the Queen have
the circlet heightened with crosses patees and strawberry
leaves only ; No. 566.
The Royal Achievement of Arms of the Queen is

composed of
The Royal Shield, bearing England, Scotland, and


; :x




Ireland, quarterly ; the Shield being encircled with the

Garter, charged with the Motto of the Order :

The Supporters, the Lion and Unicorn

The Helm, with its Mantling, ensigned with the
Crown, and thereon the Crest of England, a Lion statant
guardant, or, imperially crowned:

The Motto, being the words, Dieu et mon Droit,

upon a ribbon beneath the shield, from which issue
The Badges, the Rose, Thistle, and Shamrock, all of

them engrafted on the same stem.

It would be strictly correct to add other Badges, for

England, a red and white Rose ; for Scotland, a Thistle,

ppr. ; for Ireland, a Shamrock leaf, vert, and a Harp,

or, stringed, arg. ; for Wales, a Dragon, with wings

addorsed, gu., passant, on a mount, vert.

All these Badges are ensigned with the Imperial
The Crest for Scotland, on an Imperial Crown, a
Lion sejant affrontc, gu., imperially crowned, holding in
the dexter paw a sword, and in the sinister paw a sceptre,

both erect and ppr. ; No. 567 : and

The Crest for Ireland, on a wreath, or and az., a
Castle triple-towered, of the first, a hart, arg., attired, or,

springing from the gate.

The Badges of the several Orders of Knighthood might

also be introduced in this composition.

The Arms borne by his late Eoyal Highness, the

lamented Prince Consort, I have already described at
page 146. His quartex'ed shield is encircled with the

Garter of the Order ; and the shield itself is supported by

the Royal Supporters of England, the crowned Lion

and the Unicorn, without any Difference. The motto,

Treu und Fest.
H.R.H. Albert Edward, K.G., Prince of Wales,
like the Princes of Wales who have preceded him, bears
the Royal Arms of England differenced with a Label of three
points, argent, the shield surrounded with the G-arter of
the Order. The Helm has its proper Mantling, and it is

ensigned with the Prince's own Coronet, upon which stands

the Crest of England, differenced with a Label as on the
shield. The Supporters are those of England, similarly
differenced with the same Label on their shoulders. The
Coronet and Motto of Wales are also added, the former in
chief, and the latter in base. No. 568.
The Arms of the Prince of Wales are marshalled with
the arms of Saxony, the paternal and hereditary insignia
of his Eoyal Father, emblazoned upon an escutcheon of
pretence. This does not appear to be in accordance with
either the spirit or the practical usage of true historical

Heraldry. The Arms of the Prince of Wales have a dis-

tinct individuality of their own, with which nothing ought

to be directly associated. It would, however, be both
strictly correct and altogether to be desired that the Prince

should bear a second shield, in tlie first grand quarter,

of which his own quartered arms duly differenced would
be placed, while in the other quarters the arms of Saxony
and of the Earldom of Cornwall, with those of the other
Dignities enjoyed by His Royal Highness, would be
marshalled in becoming order.
The Princes and Princesses, the younger sons and
all the daughters of the Queen, bear the Royal Arms of
England, upon either shields or lozenges, with the Lion
and Unicorn Supporters. The Princes have the Helm,
rERS xviu, xix





[+] htj


to. 535 k 568Ato577

Mantling, and Crest. Each Prince and Princess diffe-

rences with a label charged with the marks of Cadency

that presently follow. Each shield or lozenge is ensigned

with its own proper Coronet. Above their Coronets the

Princes all place the Lion Crest of England, each one

charging his crest with his own label, and the lion in every

instance stands upon a second Coronet in all respects

identical with the one below it, except that it is without

any cap. The Supporters all bear the labels as in the arms,
and all the Princes and Princesses ensign both the lion
and the unicorn with the Coronet of their own degree.

The Labels which difference the Arms of the Eoyal

Family are all of silver, and have three points, and each
is charged with its own marks of Cadency in the order

following :

H.E.H., The Prince Alfred : on the first and third

points, an anchor, az., on the central point a cross gu.,

No. 569.
H.E.H., The Prince Arthur : a cross, gu., between two
fleurs-de-lys, az., No. 570.
H.E.H., The Prince Leopold : a cross, between two
hearts, all gu., No. 571.
H.E.H., The Princess Eoyal : a rose, between two
crosses, all gu., No. 572.
H.E.H., The Princess Alice : a rose, gu., between two
ermine-spots, No. 573.
H.E.H., The Princess Helena : a cross, between two
roses, all gu., No. 574.
H.E.H., The Princess Louisa : a rose, between two
cantons, all gu., No. 575.

H.E.H., The Princess Beatrice : a heart, between two

roses, all gu., No. 576.

The Label of Cambridge is charged on the central point

with a Cross of St. George, and on each of the other
points with two hearts, in pale, gu., No. 577. The Prince
and the Princesses of the House of Cambridge bear the
Eoyal Arms with its accessories, after the same manner as

their Eoyal Cousins.

No. 353. Shield of Arms of H.R.H. the late Pkince Consort, K.G.
Coronet of Thomas Fitzaian, Earl of Arundel :

a.d. 1445.


Early in the middle ages, the Insignia of knightly

rank, worn alike by every member of the chivalry of those
days, were the Knight's own Sword and Lance — the latter

with its pennon, his Shield of arms, and his golden Spurs.
Then the Crusades led to the formation of the Orders of
priestly soldiers, so well known as the Hospitallers, or
Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, and the Knights
Templars. These Orders possessed distinctive Insignia
peculiar to themselves.
1. The Hospitallers, instituted about a.d. 1092, and
introduced into England about the year 1100, wore over
their armour a black habit, charged with a silver cross of
eight points, No. 578; but between the years 1278 and
1289, when engaged in military duties, they assumed a
red surcoat bearing a silver cross straight.
2. The Templars, instituted a.d. 1118, were introduced

into England during the reign of Stephen, about the

year 1140. Their habit was white, with a red cross of
. s 2

eight points, the form of this red cross being identical with

the white cross of the Hospitallers, No. 578. The Cross

of the Templars was worn on the left shoulder. Their
war-cry was " Beau Seant /" Their Banner, which bore
the same name, was per /esse, sa. and arg. It is repre-

sented in the Temple Church, London, as in No. 579.

They also displayed above their formidable lances a second

Banner of their own colors, white, charged with the Cross

of the Order, No. 580. As Badges, the Templars bore the

Agnus Dei ; and a device representing two knights mounted
on a single horse, to denote the original poverty of the
Order. In the year 1309 the Templars were suppressed,
and, by a papal bull dated April 3, 1312, their Order was
abolished. It is remarkable that amongst the numerous
knightly effigies that are in existence, and of which many
fine examples belong to the Templar era, not a single in-
dividual commemorates any brother of the chivalry of the

Temple. It is highly probable that some now forgotten

ride prohibited monumental commemoration amongst those
priest- soldiers, or else their ill repute led to the complete
destruction of every personal memorial of them. The
idea that crossed-legged military effigies represent and
commemorate Templars, though still retained by many
persons who prefer fanciful theories to more sober facts,

has long been proved to be without any foundation.

3. The peculiar form of Cross, entitled, from its re-
semblance to the Creek T, the Tau Gross, No. 57, PL III,

appears worn as a knightly ensign upon a small number

of monumental effigies. This is the symbol of an Order
established on the continent, and styled the Order of St.
Anthony. At Ingham, in Norfolk, the curious effigies

(now sadly mutilated) of Sir Roger de Bois and his



Lady, wear mantles charged with the Tau Cross within a

circle, and having the word anthon in chief, No. 581
the date is about 1360. In the sixteenth century, this same
cross is occasionally found attached to a chain that is

worn about the neck, as in the brass to Henry Stanley,

a.d. 1528, at Hillingdon, Middlesex. The Tau Cross is

borne by the family of Drury between two mullets on a


4. Collars, composed of various heraldic devices, and

worn about the neck, were in use in the time of Richard
II. These Collars, however, were not regarded as insignia
of any Order of Knighthood, as that expression is now
understood by ourselves, and as the Order of the Garter
was understood at that period. They were decorations
of honor, and they also very generally denoted politi-

cal partisanship. The rival Houses of Lancaster and

York had their Collars, of which many characteristic

examples yet remain. Private Collars were also worn,

as a species of Badge, at the same period; they were

charged with the personal devices of the wearers. Thus,
in his brass at Woottonunder-Edge, Grlocestershire, a.d.

1392, Thomas, fourth Baron Berkeley wears, over his

camail, a collar composed of Mermaids —a Badge of his

House, which may possibly have been derived from the

" Mermaids of the Sea" of the Black Prince, and so

may indicate attachment to that illustrious personage :

No. 225 a, p. 69.

5. The Lancastrian Collar of SS. is composed of a

series of the Letter S in gold, the letters being either
linked together, or set in close order upon a blue and white
ribbon. The ends are always connected by two buckles
and a trefoil- shaped link, from which a jewel depends.

This Collar was worn by persons of both sexes, and of

various ranks. It appears, amongst many others, in the

sculptured effigies of Queen Joanna, at Canterbury ; of

Ralph Neville, Earl of Westmorland, and his two

Countesses, at Staindrop, Durham ; of Thomas and John
Fitz Alan, Earls of Arundel, at Arundel ; of Robert,

Lord Hungerpord, at Salisbury Cathedral ; of Rorert

de Marmion, at Tanfield, Yorkshire ; of Sir Humphrey
Stafford, at Bromsgrove, Worcestershire ; of Sir Ed-
mund and Lady De Thorpe, at Ashwell-Thorpe, Norfolk ;

and of Sir Robert Grushill, K.G-., and Lady, at Hover-

in gham, Notts ; also in the brasses to Lord Camoys,

KG., at Trotton, Sussex; to Sir Thomas and Lady
Massyngberde, at Gunby, Lincolnshire and Sir William ;

and Lady Bagot, at Baginton, Warwickshire. The

earliest example of this Collar that I have observed,
occurs in the brass to Sir Thomas Burton, a.d. 1382,

the fifth of Richard II, at Little Casterton, Rutland.

Another early example, in the sculptured effigy of John

Gower, the poet, at St. Saviour's Church, Southwark, has

the De Bohun Swan, the favourite Badge of Henry of Bo-

lingbroke, attached as a pendant to the Collar ; No. 585 A.

The SS Collar of Queen Joanna, No. 582, has been slightly
injured, but it still very clearly shews the character of
this decoration. The Collars of Lord Hlngerford, a.d.

1455, No. 583, and of Sir Robert de Marmion, aboit

a.d. 1400, No. 584, both of which have received some
injuries, and that of Sir Robert Grushill, (whose effigy

is also decorated with the garter of the Order), which is

very perfect and of elaborate richness, No. 585, (date

ubout 1440), are all eminently characteristic examples.

The SS Collar was assumed by Henry IV, probably many

years before his accession, and by him it certainly was

distinguished as a Lancastrian ensign. The origin of
the device itself still remains uncertain. It is generally
supposed to hare been intended to represent Henry's
favourite motto, Soveraygne, by repeating the initial letter

of the word. Mr. John Gough Nichols, however, has

suggested the word Seneschal, (John of Ghent was Senes-
chal, or High Steward of England,) to be substituted for
Soveraygne ; and Mr. Planche hints that the Swan Badge
may have had something to do with the SS of the Collar.
Possibly, after all, the repetition of the letter S may
denote rather the initials of several words, than the
initial of any single word.
Henry VII, under whom the SS Collar had by no
means altogether lost its Lancastrian character, intro-
duced his Tudor Badge, the Portcullis, alternating with
each S ; and he further added either a Tudor Eose, or a
Portcullis, as a Pendant to the Collar thus modified. By
Henry VIII the wearing the Collar of SS was restricted to
the degree of a Knight. This Collar is still worn by the
Heralds, by the Lord Mayor of London, and by the Lord
Chief Justices, and some others of the Judges.
6. The Yorkist Collar op Suns and Eoses, signifi-

cantly characteristic of the rival House of the Plantage-

nets, has not left so many examples as there exist of

the Collar of SS. In the chancel of Aston Church, near

Birmingham, are two effigies, both finely sculptured in
alabaster, and resting within a yard or two of each other
upon raised tombs. The figures are those of knights,

and their armour is such as two brothers might have

worn when Edward IV fought his way to the throne.

In life, these knights were certainly contemporaries ;


bably they were near neighbours, and possibly near kins-

men also ; but that they -were mortal enemies is clearly

indicated by the circumstance that one wears the Collar

of SS, while the Collar of the other is charged with the
Suns and Eoses of York. Long have these

" Knights been dust,

And then* good swords rust :"

their effigies, however, silently though they repose beneath

the consecrated roof that has sheltered them for four
centuries, have a tale of English History which they tell

eloquently enough to every student of historical He-


The Yorkist Collar is formed of suns and roses, which

are set, like the SS letters, upon a ribbon, or sometimes
they are either linked together with chains or placed in
immediate contact. The white lion Badge of the House of
March is generally attached to the Collar, and forms a
pendant from it. The Collar of the Yorkist Knight at
Aston is represented in No. 586. From amongst other ex-
amples in sculptured effigies I select for particular notice
the Collars of Sir Robert Harcourt, K.G-., a.d. 1471,
at Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, No. 291 ; of one of the
Nevilles and his Lady — probably Ealph Neville,
second Earl of Westmorland, who died in 1484, and one
of his two Countesses, at Branspeth, Durham, No. 587 ;

of the Countess of William Eitz Alan, Earl of Arundel,

a.d. 1487, at Arundel, No. 588 ; and of Sir John and
Lady Crosby, a.d. 1475, at Great St. Helen's Church,
London. In the Collar of the Countess of Arundel, the
Suns and Eoses are linked together with clusters of
oak-leaves —a Badge of the Eitz Alans. Ealph Ne-



2 '010 232,58611)583.


ville has his collar formed of Roses en Soleil, with a

white boar, the Badge of Bichard III, as the pendant
and his Countess has both the suns and roses, with a
pendant jewel. The Yorkist Collar is also introduced
into the brasses to Henry Bourchier, K.G., Earl of
Essex, and his Countess, a.d. 1483, at Little Easton,
Essex, No. 589 to Sir Anthony Grey, at St. Alban's

and to Eoger Dee Bothe Esquire, a.d. 1467, at Sawley,

in Derbyshire.

7. The Most Noble Order of the Carter, the first,

the most renowned, and the most honored of the Orders

of European Knighthood, was instituted by Edward III
about the year 1350. The exact occasion and period of
and the actual circumstances that attended
its institution,

the foundation of the Order cannot now be traced out

with precision and certainty. That the Order was in
existence in the middle of the 14th century, cannot be

questioned. It is equally beyond dispute, that the Order

from the first has borne the same title, has numbered
twenty-five Knights, including the Prince of Wales, the
Sovereign being the twenty-sixth, and that it has ever
maintained its illustrious reputation. Whatever else
might be wanted to complete the details of the early
History of the Order of the Garter, has been provided by
such Legends as are certain to become popular Tradi-

The original statutes of the Order have undergone con-

tinual changes but none of these changes have affected

the fundamental character of the Institution itself.

By a Statute of Jan. 17th, 1805, it was ordained that the
Order should consist of the Sovereign, and twenty-five
Knights Companions, always including in their number

the Pbince op Wales, together also with such lineal

Descendants of George III as might be elected from

time to time. Special Statutes have since been adopted for
the admission of Sovereigns and extra Knights, the latter
of whom have, however, always been incorporated into the
number of the " Companions" on the occasion of vacancies.
The Stalls of the Knights of the Garter are in the

Chapel of St. George, at Windsor. There their Stall-

plates are charged with their Arms, and overhead are

displayed their Banners. The Stall-plates now at Wind-
sor were evidently emblazoned and fixed in the time of

Henry VI ; their Helms alone would determine the period ;

and they are amongst the most valuable and interesting

of our national heraldic records.
The Insignia of the Order are the Garter and Motto, the
Star, the Ribbon and Badge, and the Collar with the
George : and the costume consists of the Surcoat, Hat,

and Mantle. See Nos. 591, 591 a, and 592 ; also Nos.

288 a, 290 and 292.

The Garter, charged with the Motto, Honi soit qui
mal t pense, in letters of gold, with golden borders,
buckle and pendant, was originally of light blue, but
now, (as it has been since the commencement of the reign
of Geoege I), it is dark blue. It is worn on the left leg

below the knee ; but by Her Majesty the Queen, the

Sovereign of the Order, the Garter is worn on the left arm
above the elbow.
The Mantle is of blue velvet, lined with white taffeta.
It has the Badge upon the left shoulder, and is fastened
with a rich Cordon and Tassels.
The Hood and the Surcoat are of crimson velvet, the

latter being lined like the Mantle.

No. 590. [nsignia of the Order of the Garter. Page 265.

The Hat is of black velvet, lined with white taffeta. It

is decorated with a lofty plume of white Ostrich Feathers,

in the centre of which is a tuft of black Heron's Feathers,
the whole being attached to the Hat by a clasp of
The Badge is circular, and is formed of a buckled Gar-
ter, with the Motto, enclosing the Cross of St. George on
white enamel.
The Star the Badge irradiated with eight rays,
is first

ordered by Charles I. The rays are of silver, or dia-

monds. The Star is worn on the left breast.
The Collar and the George were added to the Insignia
by Henry VII. The Collar is of gold, weighing thirty-
six ounces, and consists of twenty-six pieces, alter-

nately buckled garters, and interlaced knots of cords.

The garters encircle alternately a red rose charged

with a white one, and a white rose charged with a red

The George, executed in coloured enamel, is a figure of

St. George on his charger, in the act of piercing the
dragon with his lance. It forms a Pendant to the Col-
lar. A second George has the same Device of gold,

charged upon an enamelled ground, and encircled by a

buckled Garter, the whole forming an oval. This George
is worn depending from the Ribbon of the Order. It

appears originally to have been black, but Queen Eliza-

beth changed the Eibbon to a light blue, and by George
I it was again changed to the dark blue, of which hue it

still continues. The Eibbon passes over the left shoulder,

and crosses the figure both in front and behind.

The Ribbon with its George are now commonly worn
by Knights of the Garter as accessories of their ordinary

Costume ; the Star and the Garter are also added in

evening dress.
The Officers of the Order, are
The Prelate, always the Bishop of "Winchester.
The Chancellor, now the Bishop of Oxford.
(The First Chancellor of the Order was Richard
Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury, to whom and to his

successors in that See the Chancellorship was granted by

a Charter of Edward TV. From the year 1534 till 1671,
the dignity was in the hands of laymen ; but it was
recovered from Charles II for the See of Salisbury by
Bishop Ward. In 1836 Berkshire, in which St. George's
chapel is situated, was attached to the Diocese of Oxford,
when the Chancellorship of the Garter passed to the
Bishops of that See).
Both the Prelate and the Chancellor wear the Badge of
the Order attached to a blue Ribbon, with their Episcopal
The Registrar : the Dean of Windsor.

The Herald : Garter King of Arms ; and the Usher of

the Black Bod.
Knights of the Garter place after their names the
Initials K.G., which take precedence of all other titles.

On the death of any Knight, the Insignia which he had

worn are returned by his nearest representative to the

Several fine examples of the monumental effigies of

Knights of the Garter have been preserved ; but it is

singular that the effigies of Edward III himself, and his

eldest son, the Black Prince, are without any of the

insignia of their famous Order. As good specimens of

their class I may specify the effigy of Richard Beau-

a.d., 1439, at Warwick

champ, E.G., Earl of Warwick, ;

of Sir Bichard Pembridge, E.G., about a.d. 1390, at

Hereford Cathedral of John Talbot, E.G., the great

Earl of Shrewsbury, a.d. 1453, at Whitchurch, Salop ; of

Sir Eobert Harcourt, E.G., who also wears the Yorkist

Collar ; of Sir Eobert Grushill, E.G., who wears the

Collar of SS ; and of John de la Pole, E.G., Duke of
Suffolk, a.d. 1491. Also the Brasses to Sir Symon de
Eelbrigge, E.G., a.d. 1416 ; to Lord Camoys, E.G., a.d.

1424; to the Earl of Essex, E.G., 1483; and to Sir

Thomas Boleyn, E.G., a.d. 1538, at Hever, who is habited
over his armour in the full insignia of the Order. No.
290 represents the adjustment of the Garter about the
leg of the effigy of the Duke of Suffolk ; No. 288 a is

the Garter of Lord Camoys.

In the middle ages, the Ladies of Enights were occa-
sionally associated with the Order of the Garter, but before
the close of the sixteenth century this singular associa-
tion fell The effigies of Lady Harcourt, the
into disuse.
wife of Sir Eobert Harcourt, E.G., and of the Duchess
of Suffolk, at Euelme, in Oxfordshire, have the Garter ;

the former lady wears it upon her left arm, No. 292, and
the latter adjusts it about her wrist after the manner of a

8. The Most Noble and Most Anctent Order of

the Thistle, of Scotland.
This Order is supposed to have been originally in-

stituted at an early period of Scottish History. It now

exists in conformity with the Statutes of James II and
Queen Anne, the latter dated 1703. By a subsequent
statute of the year 1827, the Order consists of the Sove-

reign and sixteen Knights.


The Star of this Order, worn on the left side, is formed

of a St. Andrew's Cross, (No. 60) of silver, with rays
issuing from between the points so as to form a lozenge ;

in the centre, upon a field of gold is a Thistle, proper,

surrounded by a circle of green enamel, charged with the
Motto in golden letters.
The Collar, of gold, consists of sixteen Thistles, alter-

nating with as many sprigs of Rue, four in each group,

interlaced, all enamelled proper.

The Jewel or Badge, attached to the Collar, or worn

depending from a broad dark green Eibbon which
crosses the left shoulder, is formed of a Figure of St.

Andrew, of gold enamelled, his surcoat purpure, and his

mantle vert, bearing before him his own Cross Saltire,
the whole being irradiated with golden rays, and sur-
rounded by an oval bearing the Motto, " Nemo me im-
pune lacessit." See No. 593.
The Order is indicated by the Initials K.T. The In-
signia are returned to the Sovereign on the decease of a
The Officers of the Order are the Bean, the Lord Lion
King -of- Arms, and the Gentleman Usher of the Green
9. The Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, of
Ireland, instituted by George III, Feb. 5, 1783, now
consists of the Sovereign, the Grand Master, and twenty-

two Knights. By the original Statutes the number of

Knights' was fifteen, and the Lord-Lieutenant was Grand
The Insignia are,
The Mantle, made of rich shy -blue tabiuet, lined with
white silk, and fastened by a cordon of blue silk and gold
w fI


No. 59.3. Insignia of the Order of the Thistle. Page 269.

No. 594. Insignia of the Order of St. Patrick. Page 270.

with tassels. On the right shoulder is the Hood, of the

same materials as the Mantle, and on the left side is the

The Ribbon, of shy-bine, four inches in width, is worn

over the right shoulder, and sustains the Badge when the
Collar is not worn.
The Collar, of gold, is composed of Eoses alternating
with Harps, tied together with a knot of gold, the Eoses
being enamelled alternately white within red, and red
within white, and in the centre is an Imperial Crown sur-
mounting a Harp of gold, from which the Badge is sus-

The Badge or Jewel, of gold, is oval in form. It is sur-

rounded with a Wreath of Shamrock, proper, on a gold

field ; within this is a band of sky-blue enamel, charged
with the Motto in golden letters ; and within this band
the Cross of St. Patrick, No. 61, surmounted by a Trefoil
or Shamrock, vert, having upon each of its Leaves an
Imperial Crown. The field of the Cross is either argent,

or pierced and left open.

The Motto is "Quis Separabit, mdcclxxxiii."
The Star, worn on the left side, differs from the Badge
only in being circular in form instead of oval, and in sub-
stituting for the exterior wreath of Shamrocks, eight rays

of silver, four of which are larger than the other four.

See No. 594.
The Order is indicated by the Initials, K.P.
The Officers of the Order are,
The Prelate, the Archbishop of Armagh.
The Clumcellor, the Archbishop of Dublin.

The Registrar, the Dean of St, Patrick's.

The Genealogist. The Usher of the Black Rod.


The Ulster King-of-Arms. Two Heralds, and Four

10. The Most Honorable Order of the Bath.
Amongst the various Rites and Ceremonies attending
the ancient admission of Aspirants to the Order of Knight-
hood, one of the most important was the symbolical act
of Bathing. The memory of this usage is still preserved
in tbe title of the renowned Order of the Bath, though the
rite itself has long ceased to be administered. The last

lingering instances of conformity with the primitive

observances are recorded to have taken place on the occa-

sion of the Coronation of Charles II, April 23, 1661.
From that period till the year 1725, the old Institution
had fallen into total oblivion ; and accordingly, the Order
as now exists, may be
it said to have been founded by
George I, May 25, 1725.
In 1815 the Order was completely remodelled, and it

was decreed that it should consist of Three Classes ; and

in 1847 it was further extended, and new statutes for the

government of the Order were promulgated.

The Order of the Bath is now composed of
I. Knights Grand Cross, (Gr.C.B.), who form the " First
Class," for both naval, military, and diplomatic service.

In their number, the Sovereign, the Eoyal Princes, and

certain distinguished Foreigners are included.

11. Knights Commanders, (K.C.B.), also for civil as well

as military and naval service. Foreign officers may be
admitted as honorary K.C.B. All Knights of this " Second
Class" have the distinctive appellation of Knighthood,
and they wear the Insignia of the Order.
III. Companions of the Order, (C.B.) both civil, naval,

and military, constitute the " Third Class," and take pre-
PLATE LVII. Chap. xx.



No. 595. [nsignia of the Order of the Bath. Page 273.



cedence of Esquires, but are not entitled to the style and

title of Knighthood.
The Naval and Military Insignia are,
The Collar, of gold, in weight thirty ounces ; it is com-
posed of nine Imperial Crowns, and Eight Roses, Thistles
and Shamrocks, issuing from a Sceptre, and enamelled
proper, all linked together with seventeen knots enamelled
argent, and having the Badge as a Pendant.
The Star, worn by the Gr.C.B., is formed of Rays of
Silver, or (Jewels), thereon a golden Maltese Cross,

charged with the same Device as the Badge. The K.C.B.

Star omits the Maltese Cross, and is itself in its form a
Cross Patee.
The Badge is a gold Cross of eight points, enamelled
argent. In each of the four angles, a Lion of England.
In the centre, within a circle, gules, charged with the
Motto, the Rose, Thistle, and Shamrock, issuing from a
Sceptre, and alternating with three Imperial Crowns
the circle is encompassed with two branches of Laurel,
which issue from an azure scroll in base, bearing in golden
Letters the words, " Ich Dien."
This Badge is worn by the Gr.C.B. pendent from a broad
Ribbon across the left shoulder, by the K.C.B. from a
narrower red Ribbon from the neck, and by a still narrower
red Ribbo?i from the button-hole by the C.B.
The Diplomatic and Civil Insignia are

The Badge, of gold, an oval, having the external fillet

charged with the Motto and encircling the central Device

of the Order. It is worn by the Three Classes with the
same distinctions as the Military Badge ; but the C.B.
Civil Badge is smaller than the Badges of the two higher

The Star of the G.C.B., of silver, has eight rays, and in

its centre is the red circle with the Motto, enclosing three
Imperial Crowns upon a Glory of silver Rays. The Star
of the K.C.B. is the same in form and size with that of
the military K.C.B., only omitting the Laurel-Wreath
round the circle with the motto, and the small Scroll with
the Legend, " Ich Dien."
The Motto of the Order is " Tria Juncta in Uno."
See No. 595.
The Companions of the Order (C.B.) do not wear any
other Insignia than their Badge with its Ribbon.
The Stalls of the G.C.B. are in Henry Vllth's Chapel,
Westminster, with the Stall-plates and the Banners of
the Knights.
II. The Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael
and St. George.
This Order was founded in the year 1818, for the pur-
pose of bestowing honorable Distinctions upon the Natives
of Malta and the Ionian Islands. The Members of the
Order enjoy Rank and Precedence immediately after the
corresponding Classes of the Bath, for this Order, like the
Bath, is divided into Knights Grand Cross, Knights Com-
manders, and Companions.
The Star of the Knights Grand Cross is formed of seven
rays of silver, alternating with as many small rays of
gold, and having over all the Cross of St. George. In
the centre, within an azure circle inscribed with the motto,
is a Figure of St. Michael encountering Satan.
The Collar of the same Class of Knights is composed of
Lions of England and Maltese Crosses alternating, and of
the Monograms S.M. and S.G. ; in the centre it has the
Imperial Crown, over two winged Lions, counter-passant

guardant, each, holding a Book and seven Arrows. Oppo-

site to these are two similar Lions. The whole is of gold,

except the Crosses, which are enamelled, argent ; and the

several pieces are linked together with small gold

The Badge is a Cross of fourteen points, of white

enamel edged with gold, having in the centre on either

side an azure circle with the Motto. On one side this
circle encloses a " St. Michael," and on the other side a
" St. George." The Badge is ensigned by an Imperial
Crown, and it is worn by Grand Crosses attached to the

Collar, or from a broad dark blue Ribbon with a scarlet

stripe, passing from the right shoulder to the left


The Mantle is of dark blue satin, lined with scarlet silk

fastened with cordons of blue, scarlet, and gold, and on
the left side it has the Star.
The Chapeau is of blue satin, lined with scarlet, and
surmounted by a plume of white and black Ostrich
The Star of the Knights Commanders is silver of four

Rays, having a Cross of eight Points set saltire-wise, and

surmounted by a Cross of St. George, and having the
same centre as the other Star.

The Badge is the same, and is worn suspended to a

narrow Ribbon of the same colors from the neck.

The Companions wear the same Badge, of smaller size,
from a still narrower Ribbon at the button-hole.
The Motto of the Order is, " Auspicium Melioris
In addition to the Sovereign and the Grand Master,
t 2

the Officers of the Order are the Prelate, Chancellor, Secre-

tary, and King -of- Arms.
12. The Most Exalted Order op the Star of
India. No. 596.
In the month of June of the last year, The Queen
instituted the new " Order of the Star of India," for the

express purpose of rendering high Honor to conspicuous

Loyalty and Merit in the Princes, Chiefs and People of
Her Indian Empire. The Order consists of the Sovereign,

a Grand Master, always to be the Govern or- General of

India, and twenty-five Knights, with such Honorary Knights
as the Crown may appoint. The Knights are to include
both military, naval, and civil officers, and natives of

The Insignia are,

The Collar, which is composed of the heraldic Eose of
England, and the Lotus Flower, and two Palm-Branches
in saltire tied with a Eibbon, alternately, all of gold
enamelled proper, and connected by a double golden chain.
In the centre is the Imperial Crown, from either side of
which the series of Devices commences with a Lotus.
From the Crown depends the Badge, consisting of a bril-
liant Mullet, or Star of five Points, to which is suspended
an oval Medallion containing an onyx cameo profile Bust
of the Queen, encircled by the Motto in letters of gold on
an enriched Border of light blue enamel.

The Investment Badge, to be worn pendent from a Eib-

bon of pale blue with white borders, is the same in Design
as the . Collar Badge, but the Star, the setting of the
Cameo, and the Motto are all of Diamonds.
The Star, of Diamonds, is also a mullet, on an irra-
diated field of gold. It is surrounded bv an azure



No. 596. rhe [nsignia of the Order of the Star of India. Page 276.

fillet, bordered with gold, and charged with the Motto in

Diamonds. The whole is encircled by wavy Rays of

The Motto is, " Heaven's Light our Guide."

13. Decorations of Honor.
Crosses, Medals, and Clasps, with Ribbons to which they
should be attached, have been conferred for signal services,
both naval and military. These Medals commemorate
the services and the gallant actions of the Navy and Army
of England in all parts of the world. Clasps or small
Bars are attached to the Medal Ribbons, each bearing the
name of some particular action.
The Waterloo Medal, now rarely to be seen, is of silver,
with the Head of the Prince Regent, and a winged Victory
and the words, " Waterloo," " Wellington." The Ribbon
is crimson, with a narrow stripe of blue near each edge.
The Crimean Medal is silver, and is worn from a blue
Ribbon with yellow edges for the Crimea itself, and from
a yellow Ribbon with blue edges for the Baltic. There
are separate Clasps for Sevastopol, Balahlava, InJcerman,
and Alma.
In 1830 and 1831, " Good Service Medals" of silver were
instituted, and Rules were framed for their distribution

to meritorious soldiers, seamen, and marines. The Naval

Medal is worn from a blue, and the Military from a
crimson Ribbon.
There are many other Medals for various services in
the Peninsula, in India, &c, &c.
The Name, Rank, and Regiment or Ship, of every
recipient of a Medal is engraven upon it.

14. The Victoria Cross, instituted by Her Majesty

the Queen in 1856, is the decoration of eminent personal


valor in actual conflict with the enemy. It is a Maltese

Cross of bronze, charged with the Imperial Crown and

Crest, and has the words for valor upon a scroll, No.
597. This Cross is worn on the left breast attached to a
blue Ribbon for the Navy, and to a red Eibbon for the
Army. A Bar is attached to the ribbon for every act of
such gallantry as would have won the Cross. This noble
decoration is given only for " conspicuous bravery," with-
out any distinction whatever of rank or other circumstance.
In the collection of Pictures entitled the " Victoria Cross
Gallery," painted by Mr. Desanges, the incidents

memorable in English History, which have been rewarded

with Victoria Crosses, are set forth with vivid and graphic

15. Foreign Orders and Medals.

The Insignia of Foreign Orders of Knighthood and
Medals of Honor, the gift of Foreign Sovereigns, cannot
be accepted and worn by any British subject, without the
express and especial sanction and authority of the
The Foreign Insignia and Medals that have been
bestowed in considerable numbers upon British officers,

soldiers, seamen, and marines, are those of the Legion of

Honor of France, and the French Military Medal ; the
Sardinian War Medal, and the Order of the Medjidie
of Turkey.
16. The Legion of Honor comprehends " Grand
Crosses," " Grand Officers," " Commanders," " Officers,"

and " Knights."

The Decoration is a Cross of ten Points of white enamel

edged with gold ; the Points are connected by a Wreath
of Laurel, proper, and in the centre, within an azure

circle charged with the words " Napoleon III. Emp. des
FRAN9AIS," is a Head of the Emperor. The Cross is

en signed by the Imperial Crown of France, and is worn

attached to a red Ribbon. The Grand Officers also wear
upon the right breast, a silver Star charged with the Im-
perial Eagle. The same Star is worn on the left breast
by the Knights Grand Cross, and their Cross is attached
to a broad red Ribbon which passes over their right
The French Military Medal is worn from a yellow Rib-
bon with green Borders.
17. The Sardinian War Medal is charged with the Cross
of Savoy, and is suspended from a sky-blue Ribbon.
18. The Turkish Order op the Medjidie has five

Classes. The Badge is a silver Sun of seven triple Rays,

the Device of the Crescent and Star alternating with the
Rays. In the centre, upon a circle of red enamel is the
Legend, (in the vernacular), " Zeal, Honor, Loyalty,"
and the date 1852, (Turkish, 1268) ; within this, on a
golden field, the name of the Sultan. This Decoration
varies in size for the various " Classes" of the Order.

The First three Classes suspend the Badge round the

neck from a red Ribbon having green Borders ; and the
Fourth and Fifth Classes wear it upon the left Breast by
a similar Ribbon. A Star, closely resembling the Badge,
is also worn by the First Class on the left, and by the
Second Class on the right breast.
No. 298. Crown of Heeald Kings-of-Aems.



At an early period in the History of Heraldry, Shields

of Arms were assigned to certain Offices, and also to Cor-

porate Bodies whether Civil or Ecclesiastical. Armorial

Insignia of this Class possess many qualities and associa-

tions, which render them peculiarly attractive to students

of Heraldry. So numerous are the Arms that would be
comprehended under this Class, that within the limits of

a general Manual it is not possible to describe and blazon

more than a very few illustrative examples. A tolerably

complete Manual of Official and Corporate Heraldry would

form a goodly volume in itself.

1. Arms of the Archbishops and Bishops, and of their

several Sees. The Arms are the insignia of the Sees, and
each Prelate impales the arms of his own See on the
dexter side, with his own paternal arms on the sinister

1. Archbishops.

Canterbury : Az., an archiepiscopal staff, in pale, or,

ensigned with a cross patee, arg., surmounted by a pall, of


the last, fimbriated and fringed, gold, and charged with four
crosses formees fitchees, sa. No. 255, PL XIV.
Fine examples exist at Canterbury, Croydon, Guildford,
and All Souls College, Oxford.
York : Chi., two keys in saltire,arg.,in chief, an Imperial
Crown of England.
Armagh : Az., an archiepiscopal staff, in pale, arg., en-

signed with a cross patee, or, surmounted by a pall, of the

second, fimbriated and fringed, gold, and charged with four

crosses formees fitchees, sa.

Dublin : The same as Armagh. The student will

observe the difference between the arms of the See of

Canterbury, and those of Armagh and Dublin.

2. Bishops.

London: Chi., two swords, insaltire, arg., hilts and pom-

mels, or.

Durham : Az.,four lions rampt., cantoned by a cross, or.

Winchester : Chi., two heys endorsed, in bend, the

uppermost arg., the other, or, having interposed between them,

in bend sinister, a sword, of the second, hilt and pommel

Bangor : Chi., a bend, or, guttee-de-poix, between two

mullets, arg., pierced, of the field.

Bath and Wells ; Az., a saltire, quarterly quartered, or

and arg.

Carlisle : Arg., on a Cross, sa., a mitre, labelled, or.

Chester : Chi., three mitres, labelled, or.

Chichester : Chi., a Prester John, sitting on a tombstone,

in his left hand a mound, his right extended, all or ; on his

head a linen mitre, and in his mouth a sword, ppr.

Ely : Gu., three crowns, or.

Exeter : Gu., a sword, in pale, ppr., hilt, or, surmount-

ing two keys, in saltire, gold.

Gloucester and Bristol ; Az., two keys in saltire,


Hereford : Gu., three leopards' faces reversed, jessant

de-lys, or.

Lichfield : Per pale, gu. and arg., a cross potent and

quadrate, (No. 91), between four crosses, all counter-

Lincoln: Gu., two lions of England; on a chief, az.,

the Blessed Virgin, sitting, crowned and sceptred, and hold-

ing the Holy Child, or.

Llandaff : 8a., two pastoral staves, in saltire, or and

arg. ; on a chief, arg., three mitres labelled, gold.

Manchester : Or, on a pale engrailed, gu., three mitres

labelled, gold; on a canton, of the second, three bendlets

enhanced, arg.
Norwich : Az., three mitres, labelled, or.

Oxford: Sa., a fesse, arg.; in chief, three ladies' heads,

issuant, arrayed and veiled, arg., crowned, or ; in base, an

ox, of the second, passant over a ford, ppr.
Peterborough : Gu., between four crosslets fitchees, two
keys, in saltire, or.

Eipon : Arg., on a saltire, gu., two keys, in saltire, tvards

towards the base, or ; on a chief, of the second, cm Agnus

Rochester : Arg., on a saltire, gu., an escallop-shell, or.

St. Asaph : Sa., two keys, in saltire, endorsed, arg.

St. David's : Sa., on a cross, or, five cinquefoils, of the


Salisbury: Az., the Blessed Virgin and Child, in her

i<jt hand a sceptre, or.

f 9, . i


Worcester : Arg., ten torteaux, 4, 3, 2, 1.

For the arms of the Sees of Ireland and of the Colonies

I must refer to the Peerage.

3. Deans and Chapters.

Of this group of Arms I must be content to give a

single example, as a specimen of its Class.

Deanery of Westminster.
The Arms of the Confessor, (No. 78, PI. I) ; on a chief,

or, between two roses, gu., a pale charged with France modern
and England quarterly. No. 598.

4. Monasteries of the Middle Ages.

Of the Arms of these Institutions, often of great interest

to the student of historical Heraldry, I have space for

two examples only.

St. Alban's Abbey : Az., a saltire, or. See No. 466.

Westminster Abbey : Az., on a chief indented, or, to

the dexter a pastoral staff in pale, and to the sinister a mitre,

gu. No. 599.

5. Universities and Colleges.

University of Oxford : Az., on a Booh open, ppr., gar-

nished, or, having on the dexter side seven seals, gold, the
words Dominus Illuminatio Mea, between three crowns of
the last. No. 600.
University of Cambridge : Gu., on a cross, erm., between
four lions of England, a Bible, lying fesse-wise, or, clasped

and garnished, gold, the clasps in base. No. 601.

King's College, Cambridge
(Founded in 1443 by Henry VI). Sa,, three roses, arg.,
: :


barbed, vert, seeded, or ; on a chief, per pale, az. and gii., a

Fleur-de-lys of France and a Lion of England.
Christ-Church College, Oxford :

(First founded by Wolsey, but re-established and re-

modelled by Henry VIII, in 1532 and 1546). 8a., on a

cross engrailed, arg., a Lion pass., gu., between four Leo-
pards' Faces, az. ; on a chief, or, a Rose, of the third, barbed,

vert, seeded, of the fifth, between two Cornish choughs,

Trinity College, Cambridge
(Founded by Henry VIII, in 1546). Arg., a chevron,

between three Roses, gu., barbed, vert, seeded, or ; on a chief,

of the second, a Lion of England, between two Bibles, pale-

wise, gold, clasped and garnished, of the last, clasps to the


Trinity College, Oxford

(Founded —the first after the Reformation —by Sir

Thomas Pope, in 1556).

Arms : Per pale, or and az., on a chevron, between three

Griffins' Heads, erased, four Fleurs-de-lys, all counter-

Crest : Two Griffins'' Heads addorsed, issuing from a
crest-coronet, per pale, or and az., counter-changed.

6. Public Schools.

Eton College : (Founded by Henry VI, in 1440) :

Az., three lilies, slipped and leaved, 2 and 1, arg. ; on a

chief, per pale, az. and gu., a Fleur-de-lys of France, and a
Lion of England.
Amongst the Archives of Eton is the original Grant of
Arms by Henry VI. It is one of the most beautiful






examples of Blazonry in existence, and it remains in

perfect preservation. The seals appended to this and to

other documents at Eton are of the highest interest.

The Fraternity of the Trinity House, London : (In-

corporated by Henry VIII, 1515).

Arms No. : 168. Arg., a Cross of St. George, betweenfour
ships of three masts, tinder full sail, upon waves of the sea,

ppr., each bearing an ensign and pendant, gu.

Crest : A Demi-Lion rampant guardant, regally

crowned, or, holding in his dexter paw a sword erect, arg.,

hllted and pomelled, gold.

7. The College of Arms, or Herald's College,


Arms : Arg., a Cross of St. George, cantoning four doves,

their dexter wings elevated and inverted, az. No. 602.

Crest : From a crest-coronet or, a dove rising, az.

Supporters : Two lions tampt. guard., arg., ducally

crowned, or.

These insignia were derived from Wriothsley, one of

tha early Garters.

8. The Herald Kings-of-Arms.

Carter : Arg., the Cross of St. George; on a chief, az.,

a ducal coronet encircled with a garter of the Order, between

a lion of England and a fletir-de-lys, all or. No. 603.

Norroy : Arg., the Cross of St. George ; on a chief, per
pale, az. arid gu., between afleur-de-lys and a hey, the latter

pale-wise, a lion of England, crowned, all or. No. 604.

Clarencieux : Arg., the Cross of St. George; on a
chief, gu., a lion of England, crowned, or. No. 605.

Ulster : Arg., the Cross of St. George ; on a chief, az.,

harp and a portcullis, a lion of England, all or,

the harp stringed, of the first. No. 606.

9. Municipal Corporations.

London: Arms, No. 139, p. 57: Arg., the Cross of

St. George ; cantoned in the first quarter, a dagger, erect, gu.

Crest : A dragon's wing, expanded to the sinister, arg.,

ensigned with a cross of St. George.

Supporters : Two Dragons, vert, their wings expanded,
arg., and each charged with a cross, gu.

Motto : Domine, Dirige Nos.

Examples : Brasses at Walthainstow, a.d. 1545, and
Much Hadharn, a.d. 1582. The Guildhall, London, &c.
Westminster : Az., a portcullis, or ; on a chief, of the
second, the arms of the Confessor blazoned on a pale, between
two roses, gu. No. 607.
Canterbury : Arg., on a chevron, gu., between three
Cornish choughs, ppr., a lion of England.
York : Arg., on a cross of St. George, five lioncels of
England. (See a brass in St. Cross Church, York).
Oxford : Perfesse, arg., and barry wavy, az. and of the

first, an ox passant, gu., armed and unguled, or. Or thus,

Arg. in base a ford of water, ppr., through which an ox, gu.,

armed and unguled, or, is passing.

Norwich : Gu., a castle triple towered, or, and in base, a
lion of England.
Bristol : Gu., a castle on a mount by the sea-side, a
ship under full sail passing by, all ppr. See the brass to
John Cutte, Mayor of Bristol, a.d. 1575, at Burnet,

The Crests, Supporters, and Mottos, except in the in-

stance of London, are omitted, and it must be understood

that the examples blazoned are simply specimens of their

10. Commercial Companies and Guilds.

These important Institutions, the sources from which

the great stream of English Commerce has flowed onwards
with ever increasing strength, take us back to the
grand heraldic era of King Edward III, by whom
regular Armorial Bearings were assigned both to the
Associations of Merchants, and to the Fraternities of
Craftsmen and Traders. And these Coats of Arms of the
Companies to which they belonged were quartered, in
many instances, with their Merchants' Maries, by enter-
prising individuals, a practice that was regarded with
much jealousy by the Heralds, inasmuch as thus Mer-
chants' Marks indirectly vindicated their claim to be
regarded as a species of heraldic Blazonry, and Heraldry
itself was constrained to extend its range beyond the
exclusive limits of Chivalry.
Many examples of the Arms of the early Companies
or Guilds exist, particularly in Brasses, to which I refer
the student. I proceed to blazon the arms of the more
important of these Institutions.
1. The Merchants of the Staple of Calais, incor-
porated by Edward III : Barry undee of six, arg. and az.,

on a chief, gu., a lion of England. Example : Standon,

Herts, a.d. 1477. No. 304.
2. The Merchants Adventurers, or Hamburgh
Merchants, received their original Charter from Edward
I. Barry undee of six, arg. and az., a chief quarterly, gu.


and or ; in the 1st and Wi quarters, a Lion of England, and

in the 2nd and 3rd quarters, two Lancastrian Roses. Ex-
ample : The Brass to John Terri, a.d. 1524, St. John's,

Madderinarket, Norwich, which has the arms of the Com-

pany quartered with the " Mark" of John Terri himself-
No. 305.
3. The East India Merchants, incorporated by Queen
Elizabeth, bore, Az., three ships under full sail, on the sea,

ppr., their Sails, Ensigns, and Pendants all charged with the
Cross of St. George; on a chief, arg., between two Lancas-
trian Roses, a pale, quarterly, of the first and gu., bearing a
Fleur-de-lys of France, and a Lion of England. Example :

the Brass to the Navigator, John Eldred, a.d. 1632,

at Great Saxham, Suffolk. Upon this same Brass are
the Arms of the Levant and Russia Merchants' Companies.
4. The Levant, or Turkey Merchants : Az., between

two Rocks, a ship tinder full sail on the sea, ppr., the Sails,
Ensign, and Pendants charged with the Cross of St. George
a chief engrailed, or ; in base, a sea-horse.
5. The Russia Merchants : Barry wavy of six, arg.

and az. : over all a ship under full sail, ppr., the sails, &c,
charged with the Cross of St. George, all between three be-
zants ; on a chief, or, between two Lancastrian Roses, a pale,
gu., bearing a Lion of England.
6. The Merchants Adventurers of Bristol: Barry
wavy of eight, arg. and az., over all a bend, or, charged ivith

a dragon passant, with wings endorsed and tail extended,

vert; on a chief, gu., between two bezants, a Lion of Eng-

The Arms of the Twelve Great London Companies

or Guilds, are as follow :

1. The Mercer's Company, incoi'porated a.d. 1394 :


G-u., a Demi-Virgin, couped beloiv the shoulders, ppr., vested,

or, crowned with an Eastern Crown, her hair dishevelled,

and wreathed about her temples with roses of the second,

issuing from clouds, and all within an orle of the same,

ppr. Example : Higham Ferrers, Northants, a.d. 1504.
2. The Grocers, (a.d. 1346). Arg., a chevron, gu.,

between nine Cloves, sa. Example : Finchley, Middlesex,

A.D. 1610.

3. The Drapers, (a.d. 1332, and 1364 ; Arms, 1439) :

Az., three Clouds, radiated, ppr., each adorned with a triple

Crown, or, cap, gu. Example : Walthainsto-w, Essex, a.d.
4. The Fishmongers. (The Stock and Salt Fishmongers'
ancient Companies combined, and their separate Arms
united on a single Shield, a.d. 1534) : Az., three dolphins
naiant, in pale, arg., finned, and ducalhj crowned, or, between
two pairs of lucies in saltire, (the sin. surmounting the
dext), over the nose of each lucy a ducal coronet, gold ; on a
chief, gu., three pairs of keys, endorsed in saltire, of the last.

Example : Woburn, Bucks, a.d. 1520.

5. The Goldsmiths, (a.d. 1327) : Quarterly, 1 and 4

gu., a leopard's face, or ; 2 arid 3, az., a covered cup, and
in chief two buckles, their tongues fesse-wise, points to the

dext., all of the second. Example : Datchet, Bucks, a.d.

6. The Merchant Tailors: (a.d. 1466 and 1503).
Arg., a royal tent, between two parliament robes, gu., lined
erm., the tent garnished, and the tent-staff and pennon all

or; on a chief, az., a Lion of England. Example.: St.

Martin Outwich, London, a.d. 1500.

7. The Skinners : (a.d. 1327 and 1395). Erm., on a

chief, gu., three Princes' coronets, composed of crosses

patees and fleurs-de-lys, or, with caps of the first, and

tasselled of the last. Example: Skinner's Hall.
8. The Haberdashers : (a.d. 1447, Arms in 1571).

Barry nebulee of six, arg. and az., over all a bend, gu.,

charged with a Lion of England. Example : St. Andrew

Undershaffc, London, a.d. 1571.

9. The Salters : (a.d. 1364 and 1530, Arms in 1530).

Per chev., as. and gu., three covered cups, or salt-sprinklers,

arg. Example : All Hallows', Barking, London, c. 1535.

10. The Ironmongers : (a.d. 1462). Arg., on a chev-
ron, gu., three swivels, or, (the central one pale-wise, the other

two in the line of the ordinary), between as many steel gads,

az. Example : Ironmongers Hall.

11. The Vintners: (a.d. 1365 and 1437). 8a., a
chevron between three tuns, arg. Example : Vintner's
12. The Clothworkers .-
(a.d. 1482 and 1528, Arms
in 1530). 8a., a chevron, erm., between twohabicks in chief,

arg., and a tezel slipped in base, or. Example : Cloth-

worker's Hall.
To these, as examples of the other Companies of London,
I add the Blazon of three other Shields of the same

1. The Painters-Stainers, or Painters : Quarterly, 1

and 4, az., three shields, 2 and 1, arg. ; 2 and 3, az., a

chevron, between three phamioc! heads, erased, or. Example:
Painters' Hall.
2. The Stationers : (a.d. 1556). Az., on a chevron, or,

between three Bibles lying fesse-wise, gu., garnished, leaved,

and clasped, gold, (clasps to the base), an eagle rising, ppr.,

enclosed by two Lancastrian Roses ; from the chief of the

shield, a demi-circle of glory, edged with clouds, ppr., therein


a Dove displayed, about its head a circle, arg. Example :

Brass to John Day, printer, a.d. 1564, Little Bradley,


3. The Brewers : Gu., on a chevron, arg., between three

pairs of barley-garbs, in saltire, or, three tuns, sa., hooped,
of the third. Example : at All Hallows, Barking, London,
a.d. 1592.

Shields of Arms are considered to belong to the dif-

ferent Counties of the United Kingdom, and they are
habitually used in documents and publications having a
direct reference to the several Counties. It is difficult,
however, to understand how a County can be supposed
either to have a corporate existence, or to be able to bear

Arms. Accordingly, I do not include in this chapter the

so-called Arms of the Counties — arms which appear to
have been adapted from the heraldic insignia of the early
Earls or Counts.
In this Chapter, had I been enabled to have extended
it as fully as I shovxld have desired, I should have in-

cluded a complete series of those arms of which I have

given only a few selected examples ; and I should also
have added several other groups, that would have com-
prehended the heraldic insignia of the Regiments of the
British Army, of our various National and Public Institu-
tions and Associations, and of the most important of
the incorporated Companies of our own times. I cannot
resist adding the Mottos of the Royal Arttllery and
the Royal Marines — the former, with the Royal Arms
and a gun, have the words Ubique, and Quo Fas et
Gloria Ducunt ; and, with a representation of the ter-
restrial globe, the latter have these words Per Mare,
per Terras.
v 2
No 556. Crown of Heney VII, King's College Chapel, Cambridge.



English Heraldry and the Gothic Architecture of

England arose and nourished together. From the first

they acted in concert, and their allied action has always

been productive of the happiest results. Prom the edifices
that the Gothic of the Middle Ages has left, as its own

most fitting memorial, we learn many of not the least

valuable of our lessons in early Heraldry. And it is from
a thoughtful study of the manner in which the old
alliance between Heraldry and Gothic Architecture ex-

pressed itself in the Architectural Heraldry of the Plan-

tagenet and Tudor eras, that we determine both the
character and the range of our own Architectural Heraldry
in the revived Gothic Architecture of the present day.

Itself essentially an historical Art, Architecture, through

the agency of other Arts working in close association with
it, aspires to become a stone-inscribed History. Such co-

operation necessarily implies that every historical acces-

sory should be in consistent harmony with the style of

Architecture with which it would be associated. Classic


Architecture, accordingly, requires that every historical

allusion should be made through its own medium.
Whatever Heraldry it may recognise, must be a Heraldry
that derives its imagery from classic sources, and em-
bodies its symbolism in classic guise. Alike in sentiment,
in feeling, and in expression, the historical element of
Classic Architecture must be thoroughly classic, and con-
sequently it is impossible that any edifices erected in this
style should be rendered historical of England. At any
rate, it is not possible to write English History upon a
classic edifice, with a free and a legible hand, or even in
English characters, and in keeping with English tradi-
tions and associations. The style peremptorily refuses to

concede to English History more than a paraphrase and

a translation after the classic manner.
On the other hand, that Architectural Heraldry which
records English History with the most consistent and
emphatic expressiveness, is an element of Gothic Archi-
tecture. Without it the style is imperfect. It carries out

its ideas. It is the inexhaustible source of its happiest

decorations. By it the Gothic realizes the peculiarly
historical attributes of its own character. And, as the
style is itself of universal applicability, free in action, and
elastic in the development of its principles — so also
Heraldry provides for the Gothic Architect, (and par-
ticularly when employed upon public and national works)
the most comprehensive and the most plastic of symbolism.
Such being the case, it is a matter for equal surprise and
regret that Architectural Heraldry should hitherto have
been so generally neglected, even by so ins of our Gothic
Architects. It is to bj hoped that the time at length has
come, in which both Architects themselves, and all who

feel a real interest in their great Art, will bestow at least

a portion of their regard upon Heraldry in its special

relation to Architecture. From mediaeval Heraldry they

will find that the Heraldry, which it is for them to intro-

duce and to incorporate into their Gothic Architecture,

must he derived. But here, as in the instance of the
Architecture itself, it is not a blind following, and much
less is it a mere inanimate reproduction of medieval
Heraldry, and a reiteration of its forms and usages, that
will enable our Architects to render their Architecture
historical through a Heraldry of its own. What they
have to do is to study the old Heraldry, to familiarise
themselves with its working, to read its records with ease
and fluency, and to investigate the principles upon which
it was carried out into action. And having thus become
Heralds through having attained to a mastery over
mediaeval Heraldry, our Architects will devote themselves
to the development of a fresh application of Heraldry in

their own Architecture. The mediaeval authorities will

have taught our Architects both what Heraldry is able to
accomplish, and the right system for its operation ; and
then with themselves will' rest the obligation to produce
a Heraldry that shall be truly their own, and to asso-
ciate it with the Gothic Architecture of to-day.
In their treatment of heraldic devices and composi-
tions, I assume that our Architects would avoid every
early conventionalism, which could detract from the
artistic excellence of their works. Good drawing and
truthful expression are in perfect keeping with the best
and purest Heraldry, as an absolute harmony neces-

sarily exists between the noblest of Architecture and of

Sculpture and Painting. What I venture to designate

an archaic system of rendering their figures, certainly

does not vitiate the Heraldry of the early Heralds : but
then their Heraldry would have been equally good, had
their figures been faultless as works of Art. And though
we may produce good Heraldry without good Art, still

our Heraldry will never lose anything through an alliance

with the most perfect Art ; and in the instance of our

Architectural Heraldry, the very highest artistic merit is

a positive condition of excellence. I am aware that there

exist individuals prepared to maintain that good Heraldry
implies bad Art. To such persons I cannot concede any
authority to pronounce an opinion upon good Heraldry ;

but, in illustration of my own sentiments, I refer them to

the Supporters of the Eoyal Shield of England, as they

appear at the entrance to Buckingham Palace ; and I ask
whether in their opinion that Lion and that Unicorn
would discharge their heraldic duties with less complete

heraldic efficiency, had they been sculptured after draw-

ings by Sir Edwin Landseer, instead of being such out-
rageous burlesques upon both Art and Heraldry as

have been permitted to intrude themselves under the

very eyes of their Sovereign ?

It is a singular circumstance, the causes of which it is

by no means necessary now to investigate, that Heraldry

is invariably felt to be one of the most interesting of studies

by those who have bestowed some thought upon it, while
by almost all who are absolutely unacquainted with it it

is held to be dry and uninviting, if not actually repulsive.

Whatever the feeling generally entertained for them, the

peculiar value of heraldic devices for purposes of decoration

in Gothic Architecture, and their happy facility for adapta-
tion to almost every possible condition, may justly claim

for Architectural Heraldry the studious, and therefore the

cordial regard of every Gothic Architect. Without
Heraldry, historical sculpture in Architecture must ever
act at disadvantage. The two in union enable the Archi-
tect to work with full powers. For Heraldry conies in
readily on inmmierable occasions when sculpture, pro-
perly so called, would be inadmissible. It enriches
subordinate architectural details with characteristic
decoration, by the very process which gives to them a
meaning ; and thus it inscribes those details with an
historical record. In the more important members of an
edifice, also, Heraldry is equally ready to exert faculties
fully adequate to all that they can require. If it be desired
to identify an architectural work with a single person or
with a particular family, Heraldry knows well how to
symbolize with distinctness and precision the solitary
impersonation, or the kindred group. Or should the
edifice be one directly connected with the nation, either
in some department of the Government, or in the ad-
ministration of the affairs of some far-off colony or
dependency—Heraldry here is not found wanting ; but,
in union with sculpture, it carries around the entire
building its historical series of much-conveying symbols ;

and from basement to parapet the Architecture is eloquent

of the men, who have taken a part in rendering their
country the great and honored England that she is.

Amongst the practical lessons that Architects will learn

from the early Heralds, when they worked with the
Architects of their own day, are those that will impress
upon their minds the rule that shields and niches are
never to be introduced into architectural compositions for
their own sake alone, but that every shield is to be

charged with its proper bearings, and every niche is to

contain a becoming statue. They will also learn that

heraldic insignia are always to be introduced with a

definite purpose ; that each class of devices has certain

functions peculiar to itself, and that the skilful archi-

tectural Herald will always be able to adapt the devices

and compositions of Heraldry to every condition and
circumstance of each particular edifice. In the accessories
of buildings also, as well as in their structural decora-

tions, Heraldry is ever ready to provide the most felicitous

of ornamentation. In Stained Glass, heraldic designs and
the heraldic treatment of all designs are of the utmost
value and the greatest interest. In Tile Pavements,
Heraldry is equally efficient. The Heraldry of the early
tiles at Malvern, Gloucester, Worcester, Westminster, and
many other places, abounds alike in historical informa-
tion, and in practical suggestions. And again, the en-
graven and inlaid stone pavements that have just been
revived by Clayton and Bell with such happy effect, may
derive from Heraldry an infinite series of always appro-
priate and graphic designs. Architectural wood-carvers,
in like manner, will find similar advantages in a close
alliance with Heraldry. It is the same with architec-
tural metal-workers, and with every artist and craftsman
that the Architect summons to work with him in the

realization of his compositions : Architectural Heraldry

abounds with direct teaching, and indirect suggestions
available alike by them all.

Throughout the Gothic era, the custom prevailed to

introduce shields of arms of the Sovereign and the several
members of his family into the architectural decorations of

the more important edifices, and in many instances also the


armorial insignia of benefactors and persons of eminence

at the time in tlie realm. Some relics of this usage
remain in all our cathedrals, and in almost every early
building that still exists. The shields were generally
placed in the spandrels of some of the arcades and arches,
in bosses of the vaulting or of the timber roofs, or in the
stained glass of the windows ; sometimes they occur below
nicbes, as on the altar-screen at St. Alban's ; and in other
instances in various other positions.
Amongst the most interesting and valuable of the
collections of early Architectural Heraldry to which I am
able to direct the attention of the student, are those in
the Cathedrals, and especially in the Cloisters of
Canterbury Cathedral, Westminster Abbey and

Hall, St. Alban's Abbey, King's College Chapel,

Cambridge, and St. George's Chapel, Windsor, and
also many of the Collegiate Buildings at both Oxford and
Cambridge ; and with them I may associate, as exam-
ples of parish churches rich in Heraldry, the churches of

G-reat Yarmouth, and Fotheringhay.

The Architectural Heraldry of Westminster Abbey
commences with the series of shields that were sculptured
by Henry III in the spandrels of the wall arcades of the
choir aisles. These noble shields have suffered grievously
from the barbarous mutilations that, from time to time,
have been permitted to outrage the Church, which stands
at the head of the ecclesiastical edifices of England. Of
the original series there still remain, on the south side,
the shields of the Confessor, Provence, Winchester,
{Be Quincy), Lincoln, {Be Lacy), Cornwall, and Essex,
{Fits Piers) ; and on the north side, those of Germany,
France, Gloucester, {Be Clare), Kent, {Be Burgh), De

Montfort, and De Warrenne. More towards the west,

in Henry the Fifth's work, there are remains of some
other shields that are painted, (and not sculptured in
relief) in the aisle-arcades of that portion of the Abbey.
There is also a fine eaidy shield of the Confessor in the
south-west window. Of the rest of the Architectural
Heraldry of Westminster Abbey, it will be sufficient for me
to specify the Badges of Henry V monument the
in his ;

Stall-plates of the Knights and Esquires of the Bath in

Henry VII's Chapel, and various Royal Badges scattered
in rich profusion throughout both the exterior and the
interior of that chapel, together with two fine shields of

France modem and England, one without, and the other

with a Label, carved beneath the dark vaulting that
covers the approach to it. In Westminster Hall, in addi-
tion to the remarkable series of Royal Crests and Badges,
and to the fine Shields at the entrance, shields charged

with the arms of Richard II and of the Confessor,

alternate upon the corbels that carry the principal trusses

of the noble roof. The Royal Shield of Henry VII, with

its Supporters, and the Crown, and also with the Badges

of that Prince, are sculptured at King's Chapel in a

truly splendid style, notwithstanding the decided decline

of heraldic art that prevails during the period of the

Tudors : and the entrance gateway to St. John's College
in the same University, displays another admirable exam-
ple of Tudor Architectural Heraldry. In concluding this
chapter, I again refer students to that treasury of his-
torical Heraldry, the collection of Stall-plates of the
Garter at Windsor. See No. 556, p. 292.
No. 557. Crown from the Monument of Margaret,
Countess of Eichmond, a.d. 1509, Westminster Abbey.



As a general rule, the Monuments of the Middle Ages

are appropriate, characteristic, and deeply interesting,

both as works of Art, and as commemorative memorials.

In the degree also that these early monuments increase
in their importance, in that same degree do they claim
an increased measure of admiring approval. On the
other hand, in our modern monuments the converse of
this rule obtains ; and particularly in the circumstance
that the more important the monument, the more deplor-
ably unworthy it is almost certain to be. The earlier and
the more recent Monuments in "Westminster Abbey
exemplify the two eras in a significant manner. The
competitions that within the last few years have brought
together collections of designs for certain public me-
morials, have been no less conclusive in demonstrating
the fact, that the nobler the required monument, the
more ignoble is the prevailing character of the composi-
tions that are submitted for it. The evidence of the
Abbey and of the competitions is corroborated in every
direction by the innumerable objects that act as nionu-

ments in our cemeteries, and by their contemporaries, the

marble pyramids, and mural tablets, and tall white
monotonous slabs of our churches and churchyards.
Upon consideration, the early Monuments are found to

be thoroughly heraldic, while it is evident that Heraldry

knows nothing of those that so clearly indicate the lapse of

intervening centuries. I believe that to this presence of

Monumental Heraldry with the memorials of the one era,

and to its absence from those of the other, may be

attributed the painful contrast that exists between them ;

and I am persuaded that true Monumental Heraldry alone

is competent to render the commemorative memorials of
our own times worthy to take rank with such monuments,
as our predecessors of the thirteenth and fourteenth cen-
turies were in the habit of erecting. It must be added
that, as a matter of course, a preliminary step to the
adoption of a genuine and really effective Monumental
Heraldry must be the absolute exclusion of the pagan
element from our Monuments — the exclusion of all mytho-
logical allegories and emblems, from inverted torches to

the semi- nude figures whose identity has to be determined

by their names being inscribed beneath their feet.

The study of Monumental and of Architectural Heraldry

may be most advantageously pursued together. Indeed,
the one study may be said to imply the other ; so that
what has been said in the preceding chapter upon Archi-
tectural Heraldry, is equally applicable to the Heraldry
of Monuments. The old Monuments are to be studied as
authorities for their Heraldry ; but they are not to be
copied, neither is their Heraldry to be reproduced once

more in fac-simile. There is much, for example, that the

modern designer of engraven monumental slabs may


learn from the Brasses of the reign of Richard II ; and

yet who can forbear to smile when he finds a figure of a

knight, armed and appointed as Bolingbroke and Mow-

bray were when they met for their famous combat, laid
down in the year 1861, to commemorate a veteran officer,
who had for some time been a metropolitan member of
Parliament since the passing of the Reform Bill ? This is

a companion work to the Dr. Johnson in a Roman


Very small is the number of the early Monuments that

are altogether unable to repay the inquiries of the student
of Heraldiy, while fine and eminently instructive examples
exist in very considerable numbers. The Cathedrals, and
both the greater and the lesser churches are alike cele-

brated for their admirable monuments. None surpass

those of Edmond of Lancaster and his Countess, of De
Valence, of Alianore of Castile, of John of Eltham,
and of Edward III and his Queen Philippa, in Westmin-
ster Abbey. The Monuments also of the Black Prince,
of Henry IV and his Queen Joanna, and of Archbishop
Arxjndel, at Canterbury ; of the Beauchamps, at "War-

wick ; of Bishop Burghersh and his brother, at Lincoln ;

of Edward II, at Gloucester of the Countess of Rich-


mond and her son, Henry VII, at Westminster of ;

Prince Arthur Tudor, at Worcester, and Duke Humphrey

Plantagenet, at St. Alban's, are inferior to none in heral-

dic interest. From a long series of other examples, which

invite the special attention of the student of Monumental
Heraldry, -I may specify those that are at Beverley, Teu-

kesbury, St. Alban's, Christchurch, Arundel, Trotton in

Sussex, Elsyng in Norfolk, and Cobham in Kent.

Whatever especial points the student may desire to


investigate, he will find examples that will place before

him the information that he requires. The earliest

known quartering of arms appears upon the monument of

Alianore of Castile ; and the earliest quartering by a
subject is shown in the shield of the Earl of Pembroke on
the monument of his royal mother-in-law, Queen Philippa,
and also upon the surcoat of the Earl himself in the

Elsyng brass, a.d. 1347. The shields of the Percy Shrine

at Beverley exemplify the most effective drawing, the

boldest sculpture, and diapering equally simple and beau-
tiful. The monument to a priest of the same family, also

in Beverley Minster, illustrates in a remarkable manner

the usage of embroidering a series of shields of arms
upon ecclesiastical vestments. The effigy at Worcester,
and the brass at Trotton, are examples of a similar
application of shields of arms to the decoration of female
costume. And, again, the Heraldry of dress is shown in

all its curious and sometimes fantastic varieties in almost

innumerable brasses and sculptured effigies. The monu-
ment of Abbot Ramrydge, at St. Alban's, abounds in
Heraldry of the very highest interest. In like manner,
a profusion of heraldic insignia adorns the monument of

Ludovic Eobsart, Lord Bourchier, Standard Bearer of

Henry V, at Westminster Abbey. On either side of this

last monument two large banners are carved in stone,

with quartered arms in relief, their staves forming mould-

ings of the canopy, and being held severally by a lion and

a dragon. Other examples might be adduced in vast
numbers of monuments of every class, the simplest as
well as the most elaborate and costly, all of them com-
petent to bear witness to the justice of the highest en-

coiniuins that may be bestowed upon early Monumental


II. The Royal Monuments of England.

At Fontevraud, in Normandy, there are original monu-
mental effigies of Henry II, Alianore of Guienne,
Eichard I, and Isabelle of Angouleme.
At Rouen is a second monumental effigy of Richard I.

At the Abbey of VEspan, near Mans, is a monumental

effigy of Berengaria of Navarre.

At Moms is a curious enamelled tablet, supposed to be

monumental, to Geoffrey of Anjou, the Founder of the
House of Plantagenet. Engraved by Stothard, and
again in Labarte's Hand-book.
The following are in England.
1. William Rufus, died 1100. Winchester Cathe-
dral. Stone coffin.

2. John, died 1216. Worcester Cathedral. Effigy and

coffin-lid of the period of his death, now on an altar-tomb
of about a.d. 1500. This is the earliest Royal Effigy in
3. Henry III, died 1272. Westminster Abbey. Tomb
and Effigy, with mosaic work.
4. Edward I, died 1307. Westminster Abbey. Plain
5. Alianore of Castile, died 1290. Tomb, Effigy and
6. Edward II, died 1327. Gloucester Cathedral.

Tomb, Effigy, and Canopy.

7. Edward III, died 1377. Westminster Abbey.
Tomb, Effigy and Canopy.

8. Philippa of Hainault, died 1369. Westminster

Abbey. Tomb, Effigy, and Canopy.
9 and 10. Richard II, deposed 1399 ; and Anne of
Bohemia, died 1394. Westminster Abbey. Tomb, two
Effigies, and Canopy.
11 and 12. Henry IV, died 1413; and Joanna of
Navarre, died 1437. Canterbury Cathedral. Tomb, two
Effigies, and Canopy.
13. Henry V, died 1422. Westminster Abbey.
Tomb, and mutilated Effigy.

14 and 15. Henry VII, died 1509 ; and Elizabeth

of York, died 1503. Westminster Abbey. Tomb, two
Effigies and Enclosure.
16. Elizabeth, died 1603. Westminster Abbey.
Renaissance Monument with Effigy.

To the foregoing the following monuments of Royal

Personages may be added :

1. William Longesfee, Earl of Salisbury, died 1226.

Salisbury Cathedral. Tomb and Effigy.

2. Edmond Plantagenet, First Earl of Lancaster,

(second son of Henry III), died 1296. Westminster

Abbey. Tomb, Effigy, and Canopy.
3. Aveline, Countess of Lancaster, died 1269. West-
minster Abbey. Tomb, Effigy and Canopy.
4. William de Valence, Earl of Pembroke. (Son of
Isabelle of Angoulcme), died 1296. Westminster Abbey.
Tomb and Effigy, with rich Enamels.
5. Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, (son of
Earl William), died about 1320. Westminster Abbey
Tomb, Effigy and Canopy.
6. John Plantagenet, of Eltham, Earl of Cornwall

(second son of Edward II), died 1334. Westminster

Abbey. Tomb and Effigy ; Canopy destroyed.
7. William Plantagenet, of Hatfield, (second son of

Edward III), died about 1340. York Cathedral. Tomb

and Effigy.

8. Edward Plantagenet, K.G., the Black Prince,

died 1376. Canterbury Cathedral. Tomb, Effigy and
Canopy : also a Shield, Helm, &c.
9. Alianore de Bohun, (widow of Thomas Planta-
genet, Duke of Gloucester, youngest son of Edward III),

died 1399. Westminster Abbey. Tomb, and Brass.

10. Edmond Plantagenet, K.G., Duke of York, (fifth

son of Edward III), died 1402. King's Langley, Herts.

Tomb and Shields of Arms.
11. Humphrey Plantagenet, K.G., Duke of Glou-

cester, (fourth son of Henry TV), died 1447. St. Alban's

Abbey. Architectural and Heraldic Monument.
12. Catherine, (third wife of Prince John Planta-
genet of Ghent), died 1403. Lincoln Cathedral. Tomb,
now despoiled of its Brasses.

13. Isabelle Plantagenet, (only daughter of Richard

Plantagenet, of Coningsburgh), and her husband, Henry
Bourchier, K.G., Earl of Essex and Eu, died 1400.
Little Easton, Essex. Brass with two Effigies.

14. Elizabeth Plantagenet, (sister of Edward 1Y),

and her husband, John de la Pole, E.G., Duke of
Suffolk, died 1400. Wingfield, Suffolk. Tomb, with two

15. Arthur Tudor, K.G., Prince of Wales, (eldest son

of Henry YII), died 1502. Worcester Cathedral. Archi-
tectural Monument.
16. Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox, (mother

of Lord Darnley, and grand-daughter of Henry VII), died

1577. Westminster Abbey. Tomb and Effigy.

17. Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Eichmond,

(mother of Henry VII), died 1509. Westminster Abbey.
Tomb and Effigy.
18. Margaret Plantagenet, Countess of Salisbury,
(daughter of George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence,) died
1541. Christ Church, Hampshire. Architectural Monu-
19. Mart Stuart, Queen of Scots, died 1587. West-
minster Abbey. Eenaissance Monument and Effigy.

Amongst the Crystal Palace Collections there are casts

of all the Eoyal Effigies, including those at Eontevraud,
Eouen and Mans, except the mutilated No. 13 of the
former of the foregoing lists ; and also casts of Nos. 1, 6,

8, 17, and 19, in the second list.

The early usage of placing various shields of arms

upon monuments leads naturally to inquiries into the

rules, if any ever existed, by which the selection of such

shields might have been determined. So far as my own
observation has extended, I have not yet been able to
detect any rule that was generally recognized upon this

subject, except the simple and obvious one of placing

about a monument the shields of the persons who were
nearest of kin to the individual commemorated. In the
monuments of Eoyal personages, considerations of state
policy might often influence this selection ; and it is evi-

dent that tbe propriety of placing about certain other

monuments the shields of the Sovereign and of the princes
of the blood royal, was regarded as beyond all question.

x 2

The monuments of Bishop Burghersh and his brother,

at Lincoln exemplify this practice. When statuettes, or
" weepers," as they were called, were placed about monu-
ments in niches or beneath canopies, the shields asso-
ciated with the figures woidd naturally be identified with

the personages represented. This is the case in the

Beatjchamp Monument at Warwick ; and, so far as there
exist remains of the original memorials, it is the same in
the two fine monuments of King Edward III and
his Queen Philippa, in Westminster Abbey. The
statuettes and shields upon the magnificent monu-
ments of Edmond of Lancaster and Aymer de Valence
now are by no means easily identified ; but they are
second to none in either artistic excellence or heraldic
interest. In very many instances the arms were origin-
ally blazoned in color only, without any carving in

relief, or any incised outlines ; and in such shields the

blazon is commonly lost, or perhaps it has been repainted,

and so all traces of the original Heraldry in all probabi-

lity have been destroyed.

It was customary to repeat the same shield, or the

same group of shields, upon early monuments ; and it is

found that precedence in arrangement was secured for the

most important shield, which same shield was sometimes
the only one in a series that was repeated ; an example
occurs in the monument to Earl William de Valence,
where the shield of England is the one that has pre-
cedence and is repeated. Upon the Monument of Alia-
nore of .Castile, the shields of England, Castile and Leon,
and Ponthieu, (her husband, her father, and her mother)
alternate, and all are repeated. And again, upon the
basement of the monument of Edward III, a shield of

France ancient and England is repeated, alternating with

one now charged with a red cross upon a golden field ;

and, in like manner, his shields of arms " for war and
for peace," surround the monument of the Black
Prince. See, Supplementary Chapter: V.

Without attempting any further to suggest what

usages may have been recognized and adopted in the
arranging and placing of heraldic insignia upon mediaeval
monuments, I will now briefly describe the arrangement
of the shields that are still in existence upon a few re-

markable early examples.

The Monument to King Edward III. Upon the
south side, each placed beneath a bronze statuette, and
all fixed to the body of the monument itself, there remain
four shields enamelled upon copper in their proper
blazonry ; two other shields are lost from the series, but
the group of six statuettes is complete. 1. France
ancient and England, with a silver label of three points. 2.

Castile and Leon impaling France ancient and England.

3. France ancient and England, with the Label represented
in fac-simile in No. 489. 4. Lost, (the statuette repre-
sents a bearded man.) 5. Brittany, (ermine), impaling

France ancient and England. 6. Lost, (the statuette a

youth). The shields yet existing are for the Black Prince,
the Princesses Joan and Mary Plantagenet, and ap-
parently for Edmond Plantagenet, the first Duke of
York. As I have already stated, upon the basement of

this monument there are two large enamelled shields of

France ancient and England, and two others bearing or,

a cross, gu. ; probably these last were originally shields

of St. George.
The Brass to Alianore de Bohun, Duchess of Glou-

cester, a.d. 1399, Westminster Abbey. Six shields of

arms, suspended from the shafts of the canopy. On the
dexter side Her husband, Thomas Plantagenet,
: 1.

Duke of Gloucester 2. Her father, Humphrey de


Bohun, last Earl of Hereford; 3. Milo of Hereford.

On the sinister side: 1. Her husband, impaling De
Bohun and Milo, quarterly 2. De Bohun impaling Eitz ;

Alan and Warrenne, quarterly: the third shield on

this side is lost. See Nos. 333, 340, and 341.
The Brass to Joice, Lady Tiptoft, a.d. 1446, Enfield

Church, Middlesex. There are six shields in this brass,

and they are arranged precisely in the same manner as

in the last example, theDe Bohun brass. On the dexter
side 1. Her father, Edward Charlton, Baron Charlton

de Powys 2. Her husband, Sir John Tiptoft, impaling


the impaled shield of her father and mother, in which

impalement her mother's arms appear to the dexter ; she
was Alianore, daughter of Thomas Holland, Earl of
Kent, and widow of Eoger Mortimer, fourth Earl of
March, and precedence was evidently given to her arms
in the marshalling of this shield in consideration of her

exalted rank : 3. Tiptoft, her husband. On the sinister

side : 1. Tiptoft impaling Powys, her husband and her-
self ; 2. Powys and Holland quarterly, her father and
mother; 3. Powys, her father and herself. See Nos.
300 a, 300 b, and 343.

Edmond Plantagenet, K.C, Duke of York, a.d.

1402, at King's Langley, Herts. An elaborate altar-

tomb, supporting a massive plain slab of black marble,

which evidently does not belong to the monument. On
the destruction of the monastic church at Langley, this


tomb was placed in its present position in the north-east

angle of the parish church.

The monument is panelled, and in each foliated panel

is a shield of arms carved in relief upon the alabas-

ter. At the head are, St. Edmond France ancient, ;

and England, and Edward the Confessor. At the

feet the only remaining shield is Holland, the bordure
plain. On the north side, commencing from the west
end, Leon, (a lion rampant) and Holland, the bor-
dure semee de lys. On the south side, commencing
from the west end, Germany, the eagle having two heads,
but not crowned then two shields of France ancient

and England, each with a Label of three points then ;

the same impaling Castile and Leon again, France ;

ancient and England, with a Label of three points

and the same shield, without any Label, but within a
bordure ; and the series is completed with the same
quartered shield with a Label of five points, of Lancaster
and France. The charges on the other Labels are no
longer to be distinguished ; all that may be certainly
affirmed is that, with the exception of the second shield
of the series, these Labels have all borne charges. See
Nos. 475, 477 a, and 486.
Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Eichmond, a.d.

1509, Westminster Abbey. An altar-tomb in the early

Kenaissance style, with an Effigy, tbe work of Torregiano.
The Heraldry is singularly interesting, and the whole is

boldly executed in relief in bronze. At the head, Ed-

mond Tudor impaling Beaufort, her first husband and
herself, the shield surmounted by a Crown not arched.
On the south side : 1. Her son and his consort, Henry
VII and Elizabeth of York the shield ensigned with

an arched crown ; 2. Her husband's mother, and her

first Henry V and Katherine of France, the
crown arched 3. Her grandson, Arthur Plantagenet,

Prince of Wales, the crown not arched. On the north

side : 1. The shield lost, but the arched crown remains ;

2. Her father and mother, John Beaufort, K.G., Duke

of Somerset, and Margaret Beauchamp of Bletsho, the
crown not arched ; 3. Her paternal grandfather and
grandmother, John Beaufort, K.G., (son of John Plan-
tagenet of Ghent), and Margaret Holland ; this shield

is without any coronet. At the feet, her third husband

and herself, Stanley impaling Beaufort, without any
coronet. In this shield, Stanley is quarterly, 1 and 4
grand quarters, Stanley, Lathom, and Warrenne quarterly ;

2 and 3, Isle of Man ; iu pretence, Montault. See Nos.

176 a, 205 a, 346, 346 a, 351, 369, 479, 482, 484, and
The monument erected by James I to the memory of
Queen Elizabeth, in Westminster Abbey, is in itself a
complete chapter of Eoyal Heraldry, as such a chapter
would be written by the Heralds of the first Stuart who
wore the crown of Great Britain. About the cornice of
the architectural canopy of the monument is placed a
series of thirty-two shields, the shields themselves being
carved in relief, but their charges are blazoned in gold
and colors only on flat surfaces ; and as some, if not all of
these shields have been painted again at no distant
period, there is consequently a degree of uncertainty as
to their exact fidelity. As they now appear, these shields,
with two exceptions, are severally charged with two im-
paled coats of arms, and they are arranged in the order
following. 1. The Confessor : 2. William I, England,


(two lions,) and Flanders : 3. Henry I, England and Scot-

land : 4. Geoffrey Plantagenet, Anjou and England
5. Henry II, England and Aquitaine: 6. John, Eng-
land, (three lions), and Angouleme, (lozengy, or, and gu) :

7. Henry III, England and Provence : 8. Edward I,

England, and Castile and Leon : 9. Edward II, England

and France ancient : 10. Edward III, France ancient and
Hainault : 11. Lionel, Duke of Clarence, (label with three
cantons,) and Be Burgh : 12. Mortimer and Clarence : 13.

Mortimer and Holland, {plain bordure :) 14. Edmond, Duke

of York, (label with nine torteaux,) and Castile and Leon :

15. Eichard Plantagenet " of Coningsburgh," (bordure

of Leon,) and Mortimer and Be Burgh quarterly : 16.

Eichard, Duke of York, (label with nine torteaux,) and

Neville: 17. Edward IV, France modern and England,
and Widville :18. Henry VII and Elizabeth of York :

19. Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn : 20. John Planta-

genet " of Ghent/' label, with nine ermine spots. 21.

John " of Ghent" and Boett — (gu., three Catherine wheels,

or) : 22. Beaufort and Holland : 23. Beaufort and Beau-
champ : 24. Edmond Tudor, and Margaret Beaufort :

25, 26, 27. Three impaled shields of Boleyn : 28, 29.

Two impaled shields of Howard; the bend is plain, but

the Scottish shield was probably painted out when the
last re-blazoning took place : 30. Douglas of Angus,
and Margaret Tudor : 31. Stuart of Lennox and
Margaret Douglas, (the father and mother of Lord
Darn ley) 32. Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, and

Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland.

Upon the canopy, at its four angles, four small shields,
held by two dragons and two crowned lions, are charged
with a rose, a fleur-de-lys, a portcullis, and a liarp, all

crowned. On the basement are four other shields severally

bearing, or, three garbs, az., (Chester) : az., a harp, or,

stringed, org., (Ireland) : az., ten bezants in pile, (Corn-

wall) : and Wales. Also, on either side of the canopy-
there is an achievement of arms ; that to the south has
France modern and England upon a large shield, with a
golden Lion and Dragon as supporters, and the motto,
Dieu. et. mon. droit, but without any crown ; and on
the north side, upon another large shield, Scotland im-
paling France modern and England, with a unicorn and
lion crowned as Supporters, the arms of Scotland and the
unicorn being on the dexter side; the motto is King
James' own, Beati Pacifici. There is no crown above
the shield.
The monument of Lewis Eobsart, K.C, Lord Bour-
chier, Standard Bearer to Henry V, at Westminster, has
shields surrounded with the garter of the Order. Several
slabs, now despoiled of their brasses, in Winchester
Cathedral, to Prelates of the Order, show traces of having
once been enriched with gartered shields of arms. And
in Lincoln Cathedral, upon the monument of Catherine,
the last wife of John Plantagenet of Ghent, there are
the sharply cut matrices that once were filled with shields
of arms surrounded with the collar of SS.

The use of Badges in the heraldic decoration of monu-

ments is exemplified at Westminster in the sculptured

figures in the chantry of Henry V : and again, upon the
slab that covers the tomb of Sir Humphrey Bourchier,
a.d. 1471; which bears four richly quartered shields with
labels, and six Bourchier-knots, No. 516, each one of them
surmounting a piece of armour for guarding the elbow ;

these knots are formed of straps, one of them distin-


guishecl from the other by being studded, and both end-

ing in buckles.
Examples of arms emblazoned on Lozenges occur in
the monuments to Margaret Douglas, a.d. 1577, to
the Duchess of Suffolk, a.d. 1563, and to Mart Stuart,
the infant daughter of James I, all of them in Westmin-
ster Abbey.
There is another class of early monuments of a simple
character, which will always be regarded with much in-

terest by the Herald. I refer to the monumental slabs,

either incised or sculptured in relief, that bear certain
significant symbols to denote the rank, profession, or
occupation of the persons commemorated. In almost
every instance, the. Christian symbol, the Cross, appears
with the other devices, and occasionally there is also a

shield of arms. Memorials of this description are charged

with the mitre, staff, chalice and book of ecclesiastics ;

with the warrior's sword, and the pilgrim's staff ; with

keys, bows and arrows, axes, ships, fish, penners and ink-
horns, trumpets, implements for bell-founding, horse-
shoes, hammers and anvils, shears, scissors, gloves, shoe-

makers' implements, (these last at Kilkenny) and various

other devices of a similar character. I have engraved a
numerous series of these slabs in my " Christian Monu-
There still remains a group of symbolical devices, that
appear in early monuments, and sometimes in both archi-
tecture and seals, which may be appropriately noticed at
the conclusion of this chapter. These are what may be
entitled devices of a sacred character, and they comprise :

1. The Emblems of the four Evangelists : the angel of St.

Mathew, the winged lion of St. Mark, the winged ox of

St. Luke, and the eagle of St. John ; these figures were
constantly placed at the four angles of brasses and other
commemorative memorials. 2. The Emblems of our Lord's
Passion : The cross, nails, scourges, crown of thorns, reed
with hyssop, the dice of the soldiers, and some others,
which are arranged in groups and charged upon shields.

And, 3. The singular shield designed to symbolize the

Holt Trinity, which is represented in No. 60S ; the

No. 608.

example is drawn from the Brass at St. Cross, near

Winchester, a.d. 1382, to John de Campeden. In the

same brass there is also a striking example of the shield
of the Passion ; and other good examples occur
in the

inlaid pavement tiles at Great Malvern.

No. 610. — Secretmn of Henry Peantagenet, second son of
Edmond, first Earl of Lancaster.


The Art of Seal Engraving, in the first instance singu-

larly rude but from the first giving promise of future
excellence, attained to its highest perfection in England
during the reign of Edward III, when it was very ex-

tensively practised, and enjoyed the greatest popularity.

Figures of every kind, architecture, heraldic and other
devices, with every conceivable variety both of accessory
and of legend, were introduced into these early seals.

Hence they afford such varied illustrations of the taste,

feelings, fancy and humour, of the religion also, and of

the superstitions of their times. History, genealogy and
biography derive from them both evidence and facts of
peculiar importance ; and, above all, Heraldry might be
content to rely upon Seals alone to exemplify its principles

and to illustrate its practice.

Seals were not introduced into England until the

reign of Edward the Confessor, from whose time the
Royal Seals of England form an uninterrupted series of


surpassing interest and value. Within a few years after

the Norman Conquest, the use of Seals became generally

established ; and early in the twelfth century they were
universally adopted for authenticating all written docu-
ments. On June 15, 1215, Magna Charta was sealed by
King John ; nor is a royal signature known to have
confirmed a document until the time of Richard II, at
the close of the fourteenth century. Perhaps the earliest

approximation to the signature of a royal personage

appears upon a warrant of the Black Prince, a.d.

1370, under his privy-seal, which is subscribed by the

Prince himself with the words, Houmont, Ich Dien.
Signet-rings were made either by engraving the re-

quired designs upon gems, agates, and other hard stones, or

by cutting the devices and legends on the metal of the
rings themselves. The larger Seals (and many of the
early seals are of very considerable size) were engraven
on suitable pieces of gold, silver, latten or brass, or
steel. Jet is found to have been sometimes employed,
with some other materials. In form the Seals are either
. circular or pointed ovals, the latter shape being that
generally adopted by Ecclesiastics, though not by any
means restricted to them. The Royal Seals are circular.
In rare instances seals are found lozenge-shaped, triangu-
lar, or cut to the form of an heraldic shield. The im-
pressions were taken in wax of various colors, green, red,
different shades of brown, a dull yellow, and white. Like
Coins, the more important Seals were very commonly
impressed on both sides. Such impressions were appended
to documents, and not stamped upon them. In taking
these impressions, consequently, two dies or matrices,
each having its own device and legend, were employed

these were severally called the Seal and Counter-Seal;

but the double impression constituted a single seal, its two
sides being distinguished as its obverse and reverse. In
the fifteenth century, it became customary to cover the
wax for the sake of preserving it with a wrapper of
paper, or various ingenious devices were employed for
securing the wax from injury by encircling the impres-
sions with " fenders" formed of rushes, leaves, or plaited

paper. " Fenders" of this kind have been found attached

to seals as early as 1380. Sovereigns and persons of

high rank, in addition to their official seal, had a personal
or private seal, designated a Secretum. The same
individual also occasionally possessed and sealed with
more than one Secretum, and where several offices were

held by one person, he would use a separate seal for each


A very superficial classification of seals is sufficient to

convey a correct idea of the comprehensive range of

Seal Heraldry. Thus, Seals may be classified as,

I. Ecclesiastical, and II. Lay or Secular. Each of

these primary groups is divisible into (1). Official, and

(2). Personal Seals. The Personal Seals necessarily com-

prise unlimited varieties ; and the Official Seals, both

Ecclesiastical and Secular, may be sub-divided into those
Seals of individuals which make a reference to the digni-
ties, offices, or preferments that may be held by them ;

common seals of bodies corporate, and the like ; and Seals

of office that are not identified with any individual officer.

Thus almost every possible application and expression of

Heraldry appears in association with Seals.

The student of Heraldry will do well to take up Seals

with the intention to deal with them upon some definite


system. His study, to prove really satisfactory to hini,

had better be devoted, first, to one class of Seals, and

then to other classes, in such order of succession as he
may find to be most desirable. For example, the Great
Seals of England, Scotland, and France, form three kind-
dred groups for separate and yet connected study.
Other groups may be formed somewhat after the follow-
ing manner : The Seals of the Archiepiscopal and Epis-
copal Sees, with the Arms of the Archbishops and
Bishops : Monastic Seals : Royal Secreta : the Seals and
Secreta of certain noble families, as the De Bohuns,
the Fitz Alans, the Mortimers, and others : the Seals
of knights and esquires : the several classes of Seals of a
particular period : or miscellaneous Seals of any period.
Or, again, Seals may be selected for study with reference
to certain special heraldic qualities in the Seals them-

selves — such Seals, for example, as illustrate Marshalling

Arms, or Cadency, or Military Heraldry, or Supporters, or

Crests, or Badges in association with shields, or varied
forms of Shields, or Legends, or Architectural and other
. Accessories. In every instance Seals will more than
satisfy the student's highest expectations. Seals were
evidently the delight of the early Heralds ; and Seal-
Heraldry, accordingly, is Heraldry thoroughly in earnest.
Such Achievements of Arms as abound in Seals, so com-
plete, so spirited, so full of heraldic life and energy,
rarely occur elsewhere. The History of Heraldry also is

written in Seals with a comprehensiveness, an accuracy,

and a copious richness of illustration, that leave very
little to be desired. I have already shown, (Chap. XV),
in what manner the aggroupment of several distinct

shields of arms upon a single Seal led to Marshalling


and Marshalling, in its most expressive histoiical forms,

is exemplified in multitudes of Seals.
The Great Seals constitute a truly important chapter

in Historical Heraldry. Every seal has two distinct

designs. In one the Sovereign is represented on horse-
back, and in the other as enthroned. The mounted
figures appear always to have been regarded as the

Obverse, or Seal, and those enthroned as the Reverse, or

Counter-Seal. Until the time of John, the throne in these

Seals is a mere stool, with certain ornamental accessories.
In the second Seal of Henry HI, the royal seat assumes
a more dignified character. Edward I copied his father's
Seal, but the design is better executed. The same Seal
was used by Edward H, with a Castle of Castile added
on each side of the throne. Great improvements in

design, including elaborate architectural enrichments,

with peculiarly interesting Heraldry, were introduced into
the different members of the series of Great Seals made
by Edward IH. He commenced by placing two fieurs-
de-lys, (his mother, it will be remembered, was Isabella
of France) above the castles in the Seal of bis father and
grandfather : then he substituted for the old Seal, (in the
year of his accession, in the October of 1327), a new one,
of improved general design, with the fleurs-de-lys much
more emphatic. In 1340, a Seal appeared charged with
two shields of France ancient and England quarterly.

After this, two Great Seals of Edward IH were in use,

sometimes concurrently — one by the King himself, in

which the legend runs Rex Francie et Anglie ; and

the other, used in England when the King was absent in
France, with the legend Rex Anglie et Francie. An-
other Seal, made in accordance with the peace of Bre-

tigny, a.d. 1360, omits the " Francie" altogether from

the legend, but retains the quartered fleurs-cle-lys in the

shield as before. The " Francie," however, resumes its

original place before the close of the reign. Eichard

II, and Henry IV merely substituted their own names
for the " Edvardus," and they used the same Seal as
Edward III. In or about 1408, Henry IV added an-

other Seal, the largest 'and richest of all the mediaeval

Seals of England, in which the fleurs-de-lys are reduced
to three in each quarter of the shield. Edward IV
placed a Rose of York in alternation with each word
of the legend of his Seal, and afterwards a fleur-de-lys,

the whole being encircled with a bordure of Roses. Henry

VII introduced a Rose on a Branch : and Henry VIII
separated the words of his legend by alternate Roses and
Fleurs-de-lys ; he added a Fleur-de-lys and a Lion to the
obverse of his seal, and eventually he adopted a Seal
designed after the manner of the Renaissance.
The equestrian figures of the obverse of the Great
Seals afford characteristic illustrations of arms and
armour, and also of horse equipments. In the second
seal of Eichard I, the three lions of England for the
first time make their appearance^ on the royal shield.

Edward I placesthem on the bardings of his charger,

as well as upon his shield, but not upon his surcoat and ;

Edward III appears with a full display of royal blazonry

upon the appointments as well of his horse as of his
own person. The succeeding heraldic changes in the
Great Seal of England I leave to the researches of stu-
dents. The Great Seal of the Commonwealth, how-
ever, I may describe, as a curious example of Puritan
Heraldry. This seal, adopted Febuary 8, 1649, on its
— :


obverse, quarters the Cross of St. George, and the Saltire

of St. Andrew, in the first and second quarters ; in the

third quarter is the Harp, (not the Saltire of PatricJc), of
Ireland; and the St. George is repeated in the fourth
quarter. In pretence upon this quartered shield the
Protector charges his own arms on an inescutcheon
sa., a lion rampt. guard., arg. Upon the reverse of this
Seal is a representation of the House of Commons in
session. Oliver Cromwell himself used the same
heraldic composition upon his own Secretum, with the
crowned lion of England, and a sea-horse, as Supporters ;

the helm, crown, crest, and mantling being borrowed

from the Koyal Seals. Below the shield is the motto,

Pax. qtl2eritur. bello., and the circumscribing legend is,

Olivarius : Dei : gra : Reipiib : Anglim : Scotiai : et

Hibernice : &c. : Protector. This Seal was engraved with

much delicacy, in the heraldic feeling of his time, by
Thomas Simon.
The Great Seals of several other personages of impor-

tance in the medieval history of England, abound in

heraldic accessories and devices ; amongst them, as an
example of the greatest interest, I may specify the Great

Seal of John of Ghent, as King of Castile. The Great

Seal of Thomas Plantagenet, second Earl of Lancaster,
is a very noble work. On his own helm and on the head
of his charger, the Prince displays a dragon as his crest,

No. 524. The counter-seal is also large and very fine.

The shield is differenced with a label of five points " of

France," and on either side of it there is a dragon.
The practice prevalent with the early seal-engravers to

introduce some figure or figures of animals, all of them

without doubt Badges, on each, side of either the shield
y 2

or the crest, I have already stated to have been in all

probability instrumental in introducing regular Suppor-
ters as accessories of achievements of arms ; and I have
also referred to many fine and interesting examples of
early Seals. It will be necessary for me here to adduce
only a few other examples in further illustration of the
" Heraldry of Seals." No. 609 is copied from Mr.
Planche's enlarged representation of the shield of Wil-
liam de Romare III, Earl of Lincoln, who died as early
as 1198. This shield is held by the Earl, armed in mail,

with a cylindrical helm, on horseback. The original

appears to have been lost, but a drawing of this very

curious Seal is preserved in an heraldic MS in the City
Library at Chester. The crosslets are undoubtedly very
early " differences." A Seal of William Longesfee,
Earl of Salisbury, (" Fair Rosamond's" son), who died
a.d. 1226, is simple and significant. It is charged simply
with his long sword and its belt. Ranulph de Blonde-
ville, Earl of Lincoln and Chester, a.d. 1217-1232, on
his Seal carries a shield charged with three garbs, and the
.same bearings appear upon the barding of his charger;

the Counter- Seal has a similar shield. The Seal of

Roger de Quenci, Earl of Winchester, a.d. 1220-1264,
displays his shield masculee. And, Henry de Laci, Earl
of Lincoln, a.d. 1272, on both his Seal and his Secretum
has his shield charged with his rampant lion.

The dimidiated Seal of Margaret, Second Queen of

Edward I, No. 322, PL XVIII, for the first time shows
the arms of England and France united in a single com-
position. I may here refer to a notice in the Archaeo-
logical Journal (for the year 1856, p. 134), of a small
silver casket in the Goodrich Court Collections, which has




on each sloping face of its lid three quatre-foiled panels,

containing either England dimidiating France ancient, or
the same dimidiated coat differenced with a label of three
points : possibly this casket may have been the property
of Queen Margaret, or of her eldest son. See p. 131.

The Secretum, No. 610, p. 317, of Henry Plantagenet,

second son of Earl Edmond, " Crouchback," is a charac-
teristic example of its class ; it bears his shield, Eng-
land differenced with an azure bendlet, as he displayed
the same composition upon his banner at Caerlaverock.
It will be sufficient for me here to adduce only two other
examples of heraldic seals. The first of these is the
Secretum of James I of Scotland, a.d. 1429, which bears
the Royal Shield ensigned with an early crown of beauti-
ful design, and regularly supported by two lions rampant
guardant. This is the eaidiest known example of Suppor-
ters to a Royal Scottish Seal. The Seal of Walter
Leslie, Lord of Ross, a.d. 1367, (twenty years later than
the Elsyng Brass in England), is the earliest composition
in which Quartering arms is known to have been adopted

in Scottish Heraldry. The first Impalements by the

Heralds north of the Tweed may be assigned to the
middle of the fourteenth century.
In the Frontispiece I have given engravings of the
Seals of Thomas Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester,
youngest son of Edward III, No. 509, described at p.

216; and of the Seals of the De Bohuns, the Earls of

Hereford and Northampton, Nos. 397 a, 398 a, de-
scribed at p. 165 also of Thomas Holland, K.G-., No.

525, and p. 216. See also pp. 140, 144, 186, 199, and
213, and example No. 270, at p. 328.

II. Coins.

The Heraldry of the Coinage in its general capa-

city may be said to be identical with other expressions
of the Eoyal Heraldry of England. The Shield of Arms
of the reigning Sovereign, with certain significant

Devices as accessories, would naturally be expected to

appear on English Coins ; and such an expectation in

many instances would be realized. In such Coins the

Herald finds authoritative examples both of the Eoyal
Shield and the favourite Eoyal Badges of each successive
period. The Heads of the Sovereigns also place before
him the changes in the form of the royal crown which
took place from time to time. But our Coins have other
types, also heraldic, which possess great historical in-


The Noble, (introduced by Edward III), the Bose-

Noble, or Rial, (Edward IV), the Angel, (Henry VI),
the Sovereign, (Henry VII), the George Noble, (Henry
VII), all in gold, and the Crown in both gold and silver,

(Henry VIII), stand foremost amongst those English

Coins which do not bear the Eoyal Shield of Arms. The
Noble of Edward III is charged with a figure of the
King, crowned, in armour, and with his sword, his shield
bearing France ancient and England quarterly, standing
in a ship which carries at its mast-head a pennon of St.

George. This type is found to have been slightly modified

under the succeeding princes. Thus, Queen Elizabeth
is seated in her ship, and holds a sceptre ; and the ship
itself is charged with a Tudor rose, and carries at the
bow a Banner bearing the initial, a Gothic E. The Rose
Noble has one or more Eoses added to the type of the


Noble itself. Both tliese coins have on their Reverse a

gronp of Royal Devices with Crowns. The type of the
Obverse of the Nobles gave rise to the following couplet,
the significance of which will be felt by every student of
English History :

" Four things our Noble showeth unto me,

King, Ship, and Sword, and Power of the Sea."

The Angel, on the obverse, bears a figure of the Arch-

angel St. Michael thrusting clown the Serpent ; on the
reverse is a ship with a Cross for a mast, with the Royal
Shield, a rose, and an initial. The George Noble has St.

George mounted, and the Dragon. The Sovereign has a

figure of the reigning Prince, generally enthroned, the
Reverse bearing the Royal Shield, with various accessories.
The Crown in gold of Henry YIII has a crowned rose,
and a crowned shield of arms, with the royal cypher.
The silver Crown of Edward YI has the King on horse-
back, and the Royal Shield ; but that of Elizabeth sub-
stituted a crowned bust for the equestrian figure. In
both of these silver coins the Royal Shield is charged in
pretence with a floriated Cross, which extends beyond the
shield, and divides the legend into four parts. This
arrangement of the Cross was a prevailing type of the
earlier Coins ; it first appears with the shield of arms
upon the shilling of Henr"e VII, and it was discontinued
by James I. The Fifteen -Shilling piece of that King is

charged with the Royal Arms as borne by the Stuarts.

The Crown of Charles II has four crowned shields of
England, Scotland, France, and Ireland in cross, the shields
in the earlier examples alternating with the Royal
Cypher. Four shields placed in the same manner also

appear on the Crowns and Shillings of William III and

Anne, and they are reproduced upon Queen Victoria's

It is remarkable that, until a comparatively recent

period, the types of all the coins, whatever their size or

value, are of equal artistic excellence ; nor is it less worthy

of remark, that in our own times the types of the Coin-

age should be distinguished by such excessive degrada-

tion. With the sole exceptions of the Sovereign and
Crown that bear the St. George upon their Eeverses, and
the recent bronze coinage, our modern coins appear in
most unfavourable contrast with the Angels and Nobles
that have long ceased to be current in this country. I

still retain, however, a long-cherished hope that the Art

of the Numismatist may at length revive, and again
demonstrate its ability to execute truly noble coins in the
Royal Mint of England.

No. 270. —Eemains of the Seal of Edmond Mortimer, a.d. 1372.

See p. 213.
1 a

No. 522. Panache-Crest of JonN, Lord Scrope, K.G.,

from his Stall- Plate.


The Illuminations which at once illustrate mediaeval

Manuscripts, and take so important a part in conveying

the historical information that we derive from them,
abound both in direct heraldic records, and in those
practical suggestions which are of such great utility to

modern Heralds. Authorities for a very considerable

number of early shields and badges are supplied by these
Illuminations, and, at the same time, they are rich in
diapers, and other heraldic accessories. So that the
student of Heraldry may always look to these early
works, as to treasuries well stored with objects of value
and interest. In like manner, Heraldry provides for the
Illuminators of our own times abundant materials
exactly adapted to their use.
The revival of the early Art of Hlumination, and the
degree of popularity which it now enjoys, naturally lead

to inquiries relative to the means that may be best cal-

culated to render the revived Art permanently popular.

I believe that this can be accomplished only by rendering
it an Art really our own. The mere copying early Illu-

minations, however attractive in itself and really useful

as a system of study, will not suffice to produce a school

of modern Illuminators. Neither will the Art of Illu-

mination rise even to be recognized as an universally desir-

able accomplishment, unless it be made to lead beyond
the most careful coloring of certain sentences and words
more vetusto. Our Illuminators must embody some
thought of their own in their works ; they must make
their works vehicles for recording something and con-
veying something, that they have themselves imagined
and devised ; and their illuminated details and acces-

sories must have a genuine art- character, and a true

feeling for the particular art of Illuminating as it is

practised by themselves. I do not desire to suggest that

all modern Illuminators should aspire to becoming in-

dependent designers of whatever they may illuminate.

But while the great majority of them freely avail them-

selves of the aid that lithography is always ready to
render, (an aid which their mediaeval predecessors would
have been but too thankful to have secured, had it been
placed within their reach), it is most important that
modern Illuminators should seek, not only for those

printed outlines that are complete in themselves and

require only the application of gold and color, but such

others also as may be of a suggestive character, and which
the Illuminators may apply in carrying out certain ideas
of their own.
There appear to be four distinct classes of modern

Illuminations. The first consists of Texts from the Holy

Scriptures, or other brief passages of a directly religious

character. The second class comprises choice brief ex-

tracts from various authors, both poets and prose
writers. To the third class belong complete illumined
metrical works. And in the fourth class I would com-
prehend every such extract, version, copy, or composition

as may be directly either historical or biographical, and

which consequently may obtain from Heraldry its

happiest and most appropriate illustrations. Heraldry,

it is true, will provide much that will prove to be emi-
nently attractive, and truly consistent also, in Illumina-
tions of every class ; for if it does not always offer Shields

of Arms or Banners, or Badges, it is certain to suggest

treatment and to supply accessories. But in all historical

subjects, Heraldry is the Illuminator's most valuable

ally. And these are subjects that are certain to be held
in esteem. Passages from the old chroniclers, brief but
emphatic summaries of great historical periods, graphic
records of celebrated historical incidents, or similar bio-
graphical sketches of the representative personages of
History ; historical charts and genealogies of every kind ;

and, in many instances, family genealogies, records, and

traditions, are all equally suited to form materials for
illuminating ; and in every case Heraldry is replete with
exactly what the Illuminator will find to be best qualified

to illustrate his work, and also to impart to it the most

brilliant of decoration.

Groups of historical shields, derivable from early Rolls

of Arms, with appropriate borders and brief legends, form
beautiful pages for Illumination. Such Shields and
Borders amateurs may desire to obtain in outline, to-

gether with various other accessories and illustrations,

which are well adapted to be made popular through the
agency of lithography. I venture to promise to heraldic
Illuminators that outlines of this description shall be
provided for their use.

No. 286.— Shield of Edward III, from his Monument in West-
minster Abbey, the Garter being added. See pp. 104, 228.
In this example, France Ancient, and in No. 487, p. 333, France
Modern is quartered with England.

No. 487. Shield of Henry V, as Prince of Waxes, from his

Stall-Plato in St. Geokoe's Chapel, Windsor. See p. 190.


In this chapter I place before students of Heraldry the

blazon of a series of shields of arms, in addition to those
that have been already described. The series compre-
hends the arms of various historical personages, together
with those of several families of eminence amongst our-
selves at the present day.
From the Eoll of Henry III
Bigod, Earl of Norfolk : or, a cross, gu.

De L'Isle : or, a lion rampt., gu.

Le Mareschal per pale, or and vert, a lion rampt., gu.


De Mandeville quarterly, or and gu. :

Fitz Geoffrey within a bordure, vair, qtiarterly, or


and gu.

De Say the same as De Mandeville.


De Montfichet gu., three chevronels, or;

: a label, ass.
: :


De Lucy gu., three hides haurient, in fesse, arg.


De Se grave (ancient) sa., three garbs, arg. :

From the Eoll of Edward I

Arragon : or, three pallets, gu.

Chester : az., three garbs, or.

L'Estrange : gu., two lions passant, in pale, arg., within

a bordure engrailed, or.

From the Roll of Caerlaterock :

De Multon : arg., three bars, gu.

Le Vavasour : or, a fesse dancette, sa.

De Carew or, : three lions passant, in pale, sa.

De Mohun : or, a cross engrailed, sa.

Anthony Bec gu., a cross moline, (or recercelee), : erm.

From the Calais Eoll of Edward III
D'Ufford : sa., a cross engrailed, or.

Talbot : gu., a lion rampt., or.

Bttrwashe : or, a lion rampt., queue four chee, gu.

De Stafford or, a chevron, gu. :

De Maltravers sa., frettee, or. :

Fitz Warren quarterly, per fesse : indented, arg., and


Poynings : barry of six, or and vert, over all a bend,


De Montgomery or, an eagle displayed, az. :

De Lathom or, on a chief indented, az., three plates.


De Badclyffe : arg., a bend engrailed, sa.

De Holland, ancient: az., fleurettee, a lion ramp,

guard., arg.

De Couci : barry of six, vair and gu.

Glendour : paly of eight, arg. and gu., over all a lion

rampt., sa.
Devereux : arg., a fesse, gu., in chief, three torteaux.

Brandon : harry of ten, arg. and gu., a lion rampt., or,

crowned per pale, gold and of the second.

Dudley: or, a lion rampt., queue fourchee, vert.

Cecil : harry of ten, arg. and az., on six shields 3, 2,

and 1, sa., as mang lioncels, of the first.

Charlton or, a lion rampt., : sa.

Sydney or, a pheon, az.


Vernon arg., frettee, sa.


Howard : (No. 394). After the battle of Hodden,

Sept. 9, 1513, as a commemorative augmentation, the
silver bend of the Howards was charged with the Koyal
Shield of Scotland, having a demi-lion only, which is

pierced through the mouth with an arrow. The two

shields, the one without and the other with the augmen-
tation, may be severally distinguished as Howard ancient,

and Howard modern. No. 613.

De Montactjte : gu., a griffin statant, or.

Piers de Gaveston : or, six eagles displayed, vert.

De Crevecceur : or, a cross, gu., voided of the field.

Fitz TJrse : or, a hear passant, sa.

De Heriz, (afterwards Harris) : three Hedgehogs,

blazoned on the shield of an effigy of the period of
Edward I, at G-onalston, Notts.

Chaucer : per pale, arg. and gu., a hend counter-


Shakespeare, (granted 1546:) Arms, or, on a hend, sa.

a spear, gold: Crest, a falcon displayed, arg., holding in its

heaJc a spear in pale, or.

Milton : arg., an eagle displayed, with two heads, gu.,

Scott : quarterly ; 1 and 4, or, two mullets in chief, and

a crescent in hase, az., within an orle, of the last, for Scott :

2 and 3, or, on a bend, az., three mascles, gold, in the

sinister chief point an oval buclcle erect, of the second, for

Wellesley, Duke of Wellington : quarterly, 1 and
4, gu., a cross, arg., between five plates in saltire, in each

quarter, for Wellesley ; 2 and 3, or, a lion rampt., gu.,

for Colley : as an augmentation, on the honor-point an

inescutcheon charged with the Union Device of Great Bri-
tain and Ireland. No. 614.
Spencer Chubchill, Duke of Marlborough : quar-
terly 1 and 4, Churchill, sa., a lion rampt. arg., on a
canton, of the second, a cross, gu. ; 2 and 3, Spencer, (No:
107), as an augmentation, on tlw honor-point, an ines-

cutcheon of St. George, charged in pretence with another of

France modern. No. 615.
Pelham Clinton, Duke of Newcastle : quarterly, 1

and 4, Clinton, (No. 400) ; 2 and 3, quarterly, 1 and 4,

az., three pelicans, arg., vnlned, ppr., 2 and 3, gu., two demi-
belts, with buchles, erect, arg., all for Pelham.
Manners, Duke of Rutland : or, two bars, az. ; a chief,

quarterly, of the second, and gu., charged in the alternate

quarters with two fleurs-de-lys of France, and a lion of
Eussell, Duke of Bedford : arg., a lion rampt., gu.,

on a chief, sa., three escallops, of the first.

Graham, Duke of Montrose : quarterly, 1 and 4,

Gtraham, (No. 409) ; 2 and 3, for the title, Montrose,

arg., three roses, gu., barbed and seeded, ppr.
Campbell, Duke of Argyll : quarterly, 1 and 4,

Campbell, (No. 356) ; 2 and 3, for the lordsliip of Lorn,

arg., a lymphad, sa., sails furled up, flag and pendants

flying, gu.

Granville Lev^son Gower, Duke of Sutherland :

quarterly, 1 and 4, Gower, harry of eight, arg. and gu. }

over all a cross patoncc, sa. : 2 and 3, Leveson, (No.

239) ; in pretence, the shield of the ancient Earls of
Sutherland, ensigned with an EarVs Coronet, hearing,

gu., three mullets, within a horJure, or, charged with a tres-

sure of Scotland. The Duke of Sutherland also quar-

ters Granville, gu., three clarions, or : Egerton, arg., a

lion rampt., gu., hetween three pheons, sa. ; Stanley, (No.
205 a), Brandon, Clifford, (Ho. 373), Strange, gu.,

two lions passant, in pale, arg. ; and the Royal Arms of

the Tudors.
Fitz-Gerald, Duke of Leinster : arg., a saltire, gu. }

being the armorial insignia of St. Patrick.

No. 614. No. 615.

Tlie Duke of Wellington. The Duke of Maelbobougii.

No. 602.—Arms of the Heralds' College, from the Shield,
blazoned in the College.



Amongst the most important of the professional duties

of the Herald who holds office in the College of Arms, are
the investigation, the display, and the faithful enrolment
of Genealogies. And in tracing out and arranging
Historical Genealogies, the Amateur Herald will find

that he is enabled to elucidate and to illustrate History

in the clearest and most impressive manner. In the
History of England, indeed, there occur many important
chapters and no less numerous episodes, all of which
absolutely rely upon genealogical illustration to render

them clearly intelligible. And the genealogical form of

tabular arrangement is peculiarly adapted to convey his-
torical teaching with emphatic distinctness, while it is

always available for prompt reference. I much question

whether the History of the " Wars of the Roses" can be
either written or read satisfactorily without historical

Genealogies. Similar Genealogies are most valuable

allies to the Student of History, when his attention is

directed to the claim of Edward III to the Crown of

France ; or when he is reading the record of the struggles

between Stephen and Matilda ; or when he desires to

see very clearly what was the relationship between Mary

Stuart and Lord Darnley ; or how far Elizabeth of

York had in her own person a title to the Crown ; or the

relative positions of Mary and Jane Grey, and those of

James I and his unhappy kinswoman, Arabella Stuart.

Various other examples will readily occur to the student
of English History.
The heraldic laws of exact definition, simple statement,
and rigid conciseness, have full force in the arrangement
and drawing up of Genealogies. The system which the
student may adopt with advantage may be briefly ex-
plained. The materials which are to be used for the
formation of any historical Genealogy consist, first, of
notes of the facts that are to be set forth in it, and
secondly, of a recognized series of abbreviations and signs.

The notes will always comprise the names of every per-

son who is to take a part in the Genealogy, with all dates

and every circumstance that it may be desirable to record.

The following abbreviations and signs have been found

to work well : Son, son of : dail., daughter of : S. and H.,

son and heir of: dail. and H., or coh., daughter and
heiress, or co-heiress: W., wife of: M., was manned : =,
placed between their names, signifies that the two persons

specified wei-e husband and wife : "^T signifies that

such persons had children : -\, . under any name, signi.

z 2


fies that the person had children : 8. P., {sine prole), with-

out surviving children : V. P., (vita patris), in his, or her

father's life-time : d., died, at and on : bu., was buried at

mon., has a monument still existing :
eff., has a monumen-
tal effigy : h., killed in battle : ex., executed : murcl., mur-
dered : ban., banished : ac, accession, or came to the
crown: cr., coronation, or crowned: dep., deposed: K.,
King :
Q., Queen : P. and Pss., Prince and Princess :

Archbp. and Bp., Archbishop and Bishop : D. and Bss.,

Duke and Duchess : E., Ct., Ctss., Earl, Count, and
Countess : Ba., Bnss., Baron, Baroness : Ld., Lord : Kt. t
Knight : PL, Plantagenet : Tu., Tudor : Stu., Stuart
La., Lancastrian : YJc., Yorkist : W. A., Westminster

In arranging a Genealogy, the main line of descent is

to be indicated by keeping the successive names in a verti-

cal column. All persons of the same generation are to
have their names in the same horizontal line. Spaces of
equal depth are to be allotted to each generation. The
members of the same family are to be arranged in their

order of birth in two groups, the sons first, then the daughters,

each series commencing from the heraldic dexter side of

the paper. Should it be necessary especially to denote
that any individual is the eldest, or the second, or any
other son, this may be done by placing the heraldic mark
of Cadency over the name. Continuous Lines carry on and
denote the descent, and the formation, and the connection
of the families ; and, in placing these Lines, great care
must be taken, lest a connecting line should point to any
name not included in the order of blood-relationship. In
extended Genealogies, distinct groups, (as Lancastrians
and Yorkists), may be indicated by inks of different colors ;

Royal personages may have their names in peculiar

letters ; and the direct line of descent and succession may
also be indicated by capital letters with initials in red.

Badges may advantageously be placed with the names,

as may shields of arms in some instances ; other shields
and heraldic insignia, with references, &c, may be placed
in the margin. The figures 1 and 2 may be introduced
to denote first and second marriages : and, in like manner,
any simple expedient may be adopted that may express
a circumstance necessary to be indicated and observed-
It will be noted, that the rule for arranging the names of
brothers and sisters does not exclude the heir from oc-
cupying a central position in the vertical column of suc-
cession ; also, that where the same father or mother may
have families by more than one marriage, the children of

each marriage are to form distinct groups. I must add,

that the actual arrangement of any historical Genealogy
must be determined in a great measure by the leading
object which it is intended to illustrate. Thus, I have
arranged the following example upon two different plans,
each of them having its own especial aim. This example
is a portion of the Royal Genealogy of England. It

traces the descent of James I. upwards for four genera-

tions, and it indicates the blood-relationship that existed

between the parents of that prince, and shows his own
relative position with reference to both his predecessor on
the English throne, and his kinswoman, Arabella
Stuart. My Genealogy, No. 1, treats of the first Stuart
Sovereign of Great Britain as the descendant of the
Tudors, and as their heir and representative ; but in No.
2, he appears as the representative of the Stuarts, who,
happening also to represent the Tudors, became the heir
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of both those Eoyal Houses. The same historical teach-

ing is conveyed by both Genealogies, of which No. 1 takes
the English view, while in No. 2 the Scottish aspect of
the subject is taken. In No. 1 the relationship between
Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots is shown, and also
that between Elizabeth (and therefore between her
sister, Mary), and Lady Jane Grey, The space at my
disposal has compelled me to omit many details, and in
No. 2 I have given the names only ; still these genealo-
gical sketches may serve to exemplify the system for form-
ing historical Of course, these sketches
might be rendered more graphic by the use of colored
inks, and by the addition of Shields of Arms and

No. 613.—Howaed Modern. See page 335.

No. 299. —Arms of the Duke of Norfolk, the Earl Marshal,

from tho Shield blazoned in the Heralds' College.


The Order of Precedence, a matter of no inconsider-

able importance in a highly civilized and equally compli-
cated condition of Society, was first established upon a
definite system by a statute of Henry VIII, in 1539.
Various subsequent regulations have taken effect, and
have contributed, in connection with Boyal Letters Patent,
to produce the Precedence now regarded as established
and practically in force amongst us.

This order of Precedence may be considered to be

based upon the following four-fold principle : first, that
persons of every degree of rank, except descendants of
the blood royal, who always have precedence, should take
place according to the seniority of the creation of such
rank ; secondly, that the younger sons of each pi*eceding

degree of rank should take place immediately after the

eldest son of the next succeeding rank ; thirdly, that in
certain cases the tenure of office should constitute actual
rank so long as such tenure should continue ; and, lastly,
that while a married woman participates in her husband's
rank, (though not always in his official rank), the same
precedence is due to all the daughters of a family that is

enjoyed by the eldest son of that family.

The Order op Precedence.

The Sovereign.
The Prince of Wales.
The Sovereign's Younger Sons.
The Sovereign's Grandsons.
The Sovereign's Uncle.
The Sovereign's Cousins.
The Archbishop of Canterbury.
The Lord Chancellor.
The Archbishop of York.
The Archbishop of Armagh.
The Archbishop of Dublin.
The Lord High Treasurer, (Prime Minister).
The Lord President of the Council.
The Lord Privy Seal.
These great officers of state precede all Peers of their
own Degree, (that is, if Dukes, they rank above all other
Dukes ; if Earls, in like manner, &c), in the following


The Lord Great Chamberlain. (When in the actual

performance of official duty).
The Lord High Constable.

The Earl Marshal.

The Lord Steward of the Queen's Household.
The Lord Chamberlain of the Queen's Household.
The Secretaries of State.
Then the Peers according to their Patents of Creation.
The Dukes.
The Marquesses.
The eldest Sons of Dukes.

The Earls.

The eldest Sons of Marquesses.

The younger Sons of Dukes.

The Viscounts.
The eldest Sons of Earls.

The younger Sons of Marquesses.

The Bishops of London, Durham, and Winchester.
The Bishops according to seniority of Consecration.
The Barons.
The Speaker of the House of Commons.
The Treasurer and the Comptroller of the Royal
The Master of the Horse.
The Secretaries of State, being under the degree of

The eldest Sons of Viscounts.

The younger Sons of Earls.

The eldest Sons of Barons.

The Knights of the Carter, the Thistle and St. Patrick,

(not being Peers).

The Privy Counsellors.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer.
The Chancellor of che Duchy of Lancaster.

The Lord Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench.



The Master of the Eolls.

The Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas.

The Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer.

The Judge Ordinary.

The Lord Justices of Chancery.
The Vice Chancellors.
The Judges of the Queen's Bench, and Common Pleas.

The Barons of the Exchequer.

The younger Sons of Viscounts.
The younger Sons of Barons.
The Baronets.
The Knights Grand Crosses of the Bath.

The Knights of the Star of India.

The Knights Grand Crosses of St. Michael and St.

Knights Commanders of the Bath and other Orders.
Masters in Chancery and in Lunacy.
Companions of the Bath and other Orders.
Eldest Sons of the younger Sons of Peers.
Eldest Sons of Baronets.
Eldest Sons of Knights.
Esquires, including
Esquires to Knights of Orders of Knighthood ; the

eldest Sons of all the Sons of Viscounts and Barons, and

the eldest Sons of all the younger Sons of Peers, and their
eldest Sons in perpetual succession

The Sons of Baronets :

Persons holding the Queen's Commission, whether in a

civil, naval, or military capacity :

Members of the Royal Academy of Arts :


Barristers :

Masters of Arts, and Bachelors of Law.


Before marriage, Women take precedence by the rank

of their father, and all the sisters of any family have
the same degree. By marriage, Women participate in
the dignities of their Husbands, except in the case of
certain dignities that are strictly official ; but the digni-
ties of wives are not imparted by marriage to their
Marriage with an inferior does not affect the pre-
cedence that any woman may enjoy by birth or crea-
tion ; but the wife of any Peer always takes her rank
from her husband. Women ennobled by marriage retain
their rank as widows ; but should they contract second
marriages, their precedence is thenceforward determined
absolutely by the rank of their second husbands.
The wife of the eldest son of any degree precedes the
sisters of her husband, and also all other ladies of the

same degree with them, such ladies having place imme-

diately after the wives of their eldest brothers. This
principle of Precedence obtains in all families of the same
degree amongst themselves.
No. 334. —Her Most Gracious Majesty, Victoria, the Qtteex.


When not historical of the past, it is the office of all

true Heraldry to be historical for the future. Our
Modern Heraldry, accordingly, if it would be consistent
with both its character and its traditions, must take a
becoming part iu producing that Chapter of English
History which we shall hand down to succeeding genera-
tions. It is indeed true that the state of things has

undergone a marvellous change since Heraldry reigned in

its full glory under the Plantagenets, and also since

Henry VIII held the assumption of the Arms of the



Confessor by a Duke to be an overt act of high treason

and yet the office of the Herald has by no means fallen

into abeyance amongst ourselves. Our Heralds have still

to record and to preserve the memory of both public and

private genealogies. They have to take note of the suc-

cession of the inheritors of old titles, and of the creation

of new ones. They have to preside over and to confirm
the assumption and the bearing of armorial insignia of
whatever kind ; and all new grants of Arms come under
their cognizance, and are enrolled in their College. They
also direct all royal and national solemnities and pageants
and they are at once the guardians and the exponen ' s of
the heraldic records of their predecessors.
In some particulars our Heraldry must inevitably
suffer, when it is brought closely into contrast with the
Heraldry of the olden time. For example, when helms
were really worn, and when shields were in actual use, a
shield of arms and a crest had a significancy which now
it is not possible for them to retain. We must be content
to accept shields and crests as heraldic accessories, the

bequest of the early Heralds, which we can only employ

in reference to Heraldry itself. Shields and crests, how-
ever, come to us possessing hereditary claims to recogni-

tion and acceptance in their heraldic capacity ; and so

we recognize and accept them. And, at the same time,
we certainly have it in our power to render our Heraldry
both dignified and useful. We can adjust our Heraldry
to early usage, as we must build it up upon early prin-
ciples. We can reject any Heraldry that is not true as
Heraldry, that does not accord with early precedent, and
that is not also consistent with existing circumstances
and associations. We are able to follow the example of

the early Heralds, in adhering to sound heraldic rule ; in

preserving the simplicity which distinguished the best
Heraldry of the past ; in jealously maintaining the rule

of marshalling ; in adopting a judicious system of

cadency ; and in drawing a broad line of distinction
between arms that are borne by right, and therefore have
authority, and those which are either copied, or parodied,

or improvised in accordance with the fancy or the caprice

of unauthorized individuals.
In blazoning heraldic devices which in a peculiar sense
are of an historical character, it is important that true
coats of arms should be clearly distinguished from badges ;

and, except under very special circtimstances, it would be

well to avoid charging badges upon shields. The simpli-

city of the early compositions and their heraldic con-

sistency also ought always to be kept in remembrance.

These are points that may be strongly urged upon all

who are desirous to advocate the worthiness of modern

Heraldry. The historical value of the Heraldry of the
new Palace at Westminster is most seriously prejudiced
by the injudicious association of true shields of arms with
other shields charged with devices, the aim and purpose
of which I am not able to conjecture, but which certainly
have no title to appear where they have been displayed.
The Peerage will supply illustrations of the style of com-
position that happily is passing away, but which must
still be regarded as in some degree illustrative of modern
Heraldry ; two examples of this class will be sufficient to

act as warnings. The arms granted to Horatio, Viscount

Nelson, are blazoned in Sir Bernard Burke's Peerage
after the following fashion : Or, a cross fleurie, sa., a bend,

gu., surmounted by another engrailed, of the field, cJtarged


with three bombs, fired, ppr. ; on a chief, (of honorable aug-

mentation), undulated, arg., waves of the sea, from which
a palm-tree issuant, between a disabled ship on the dexter,

and a battery in ruins on the sinister, all ppr. Crests :

on the dexter, (as a crest of honorable augmentation), or,

the chelengh, or plume of triumph, presented to Horatio,

Viscount Nelson, by the Ghrand Signior, or Sultan, Selim

III ; and on the sinister, (the family crest), on a wreath
of the colors, upon waves of the sea, the stern of a Spanish
man-of-war, all ppr., thereon inscribed " San Joseff." The
sailor and the lion which form the Supporters are not
so bad ; but what ideas of Heraldry could have been
entertained by those who devised the Nelson crest, and
placed " waves of the sea" and the stern of a Spanish
line-of-battle ship upon a helm ? The Arms granted to

General Sir Edward Kerrison are thus blazoned : Or, a

pile, az., charged ivith three galtraps, of the field : the

augmentation following, on a chief, embattled, erm., a wreath

of laurel, encircling a sword erect, ppr., pommel and hilt,

gold, between on the dexter, pendent from a ribbon, gu.,

fimbriated, of the second, a representation of the gold medal

presented to Sir Edward for his services at the battle of
Orthes, beneath it the word " Orthes," hi letters, sa. ; and on
the sinister, pendent from a like ribbon, a representation of
the silver medal presented to him in commemoration of his

services at the battle of Waterloo, beneath it the word

" Waterloo," in letters also sa.

The augmentations of honor that grace the shields of

the two great military Dukes, Wellington and Marl-
borough, are such as the old Heralds would have
devised. The insignia of the United Kingdom, and a
shield of France charged upon another bearing the cross

of St, George, when blazoned in pretence on the honor

point by the two Dukes, are as significant and expressive
as the Howard shield of the days of Flodden, or as the

quartered shield of Edward III himself; see Nos. 613,

614, 615, and also 286. In the first and fourth quarters
the Duke of Marlborough: marshals the arms granted
to the first Duke of his name, Churchill, and here the
cross of St. George appears on a canton.
In modern Heraldry Cadency is but little used, since
its operation is almost superceded by the simple process
of assuming arms without any shadow of claim to them,
beyond such claim as is supposed to exist through the
fact of bearing a particular name. In early Heraldry
distinctions were carefully marked in the arms borne by
members of the same family, who had in common the
same name. Now, on the contrary, when a person de-
termines to have " arms," he looks out his own name in an
armory, and the arms he chances to find assigned to some
one having the same name he forthwith assumes and
uses as his own. Or he may obtain assistance, and his
own consciousness of heraldic inexperience may be satis-

factorily set at rest by gentlemen who, for a considera-

tion and a very trifling consideration too, find arms for
hesitating aspirants to heraldic honors. The value of
" arms" that are " found" on payment of certain shillings,

under the guidance of a surname correctly spelt and

legibly written, is precisely the same as the value of those
which Messrs. A, B, and C may so easily find for them-
selves ; or; if they should happen to be of an imaginative
turn of mind, which they may amuse their leisure by
devising on their own account. It is indeed true that
every one is at liberty to call anything whatever his

" Arras," as lie may determine either the color and fashion
of his costume, or the shape of his house ; but, neverthe-
less, the Herald's College still exists, and is the fountain
head of true Heraldry ; and, until it is true to itself,

Modern Heraldry must continue to be but a degenerate

representative of what Heraldry was about half a thous-
and years ago, when the marriage of a Prince of Wales
was an event that for the first time took place in Eng-

There is one occasion on which in our own times a

public display of heraldic blazonry is expected, and when
accordingly such a display is regxilarly made. I refer to
the practice of placing Hatchments upon the residences
that had been occupied by personages of eminence and
distinction, at the time of their decease. The rules
that have been adopted for the composition of these
Hatchments I have described at page 106. I now advert
to these funereal displays, because so very generally they

are both conceived and executed in the worst possible

taste, and in a style that might be supposed to aim at
demonstrating the impossibility of any alliance between
Art and Heraldry. Probably the actual shield that is

charged upon any hatchment may be heraldically correct

in its marshalling, and also in its blazonry ; the favorite
accessories, however, of these shields, with rare excep-
tions, are such as the early Heralds would have regarded
with indignant surprise. Shields hideous in outline, and
rendered still more offensive by what I suppose is intended
to be accepted as ornamentation, the most execrable
scroll-work with ribbons as bad in their own way and, to
crown the whole, those painful wiuged infantine heads
that are at once so absurd and so offensive, but too
aa 2

commonly are the characteristics of modern hatchment-

painting. I have engraved an average specimen, No.
616, because I have felt unable in words to do full

justice to these outrages upon Heraldry. May I venture

to hope, from all who love the Herald's Art, support,

No. 616.

when I claim for Modern Heraldry immunity from such

systematic efforts to render it contemptible ? Dignified
hatchments may be produced with ease by any true
Herald ; and without doubt the services of a true Herald
may always be secured when the production of a really
dignified composition of this class may be required.
No. 617. —Shields from the Monument of Abbot Ranirydge,
St. Alban's Abbey Church. See p. 360.



I believe it to be a prevalent misapprehension, either

that no early Heraldry has any title to be regarded as an
Art, or that in its artistic capacity all early Heraldry is
alike. The student who desires thoroughly to understand

the Heraldry of the olden time, will speedily discover that

very many of the Heralds who nourished some centuries
ago were true Artists ; nor will he be long before his
attention is attracted to the marked differences in heraldic
style and treatment which distinguish the armorial
insignia of different periods. In fact, the Art of medieval
Heraldry attained to its highest excellence, and it de-
clined and sunk down to a condition of lowly humility,
contemporaneously with the Art of Architecture, and with
the other Arts of the Middle Ages. A series of heraldic

seals, ranging in their dates from 1300 to 1550, will very

clearly elucidate this statement. Or an heraldic monu-
ment of the time of Edward I, compared with others

severally of the eras of Edward III, Henry VI, Henry

VIII, and James I, will be equally explicit in illustrating
the progress of Heraldic Art. And, again, much may be
learned through a comparison conducted within much
narrower limits. Thus, the brasses to Alianore de
Bohttn, a.d. 1399, at Westminster, and to Lady Tjptoft,
a.d. 1446, at Enfield, shew how striking is the difference

in heraldic art that at that period was produced by the

lapse of half a century. The two memorials resemble
each other very closely even in minute particulars of
composition and arrangement ; and yet in treatment and
in Art-feeling it is scarcely possible that any two works of
the same order should exhibit more decidedly marked
differences. These differences extend to the forms of the
shields, and their adjustment to the canopies of the two
brasses. In PI. XVII, I have given faithful representa-
tions of the Tiptoft shields and lions, which may be com-
pared with those in PL XX, and at pages 200 and 332 ;

and the effect of this comparison will be confirmed by ex-

tending it to the earlier shields engraved at pages 13
and 88.

The study of early Heraldry will enable the student,

perhaps to his surprise but certainly to his gratification,
to determine at least the approximate period of any shield
of arms, with almost as certain accuracy as an archaeo-
logical architect is able to read dates in chisel-cut mould-
ings. The conventional system of treatment adopted by
the early heraldic artists, when carefully considered under
the different aspects which it assumed at different pe-

riods, will also enable us to develop for ourselves such a

style of heraldic Art as may be consistent with the general

condition of Art in our own era, while at the same time

it harmonizes with the best and most artistic Heraldry of

the past.
The really important consideration for us is, that our
style should be at once our own, and also in itself equally

true to Art and to Heraldry. If we assign a due mea-

sure of our regard, on the one hand to the requirements

of modern Art, and on the other hand to the authority of

early Heraldry, we may confidently anticipate complete

success. Eejecting the idea that the Art of all early

Heraldry is of equal authority, we must take as our

guide only the early Heraldry of the best and most

artistic period —that is, before 1425 ; and having thus
determined what early Heraldry we may most advantage-
ously study, we shall conduct our inquiries in the spirit

of Artists, and not as imitators merely and copyists. We

must aspire higher than to succeed in reproducing even
the best early heraldic compositions.
A certain degree of conventionalism will be necessary

in our treatment of all heraldic figures and objects ;

this conventionalism imposes no restrictions upon our
freedom of design, and much less does it require a mono-
tonous adherence to any particular type. Our Heraldry
must repudiate interminable repetitions of the same
composition or the same device, all exactly alike, as if

they were cast from a single mould. Nor, because our

designs must be conventional in some degree, is it at all

requisite that they should be unnatural. Good drawing

also must be a condition of our Heraldry ; so that our lions

may be well and artistically drawn, thoroughly lionish

and as thoroughly heraldic, and yet differ from such
figtu-es of lions as we should expect to find in an illus-
trated treatise on mammalia. The heraldic lion is cer-


tainly the sovereign of the animals who take a part in the

Herald's composition ; and he is also the most difficult to

treat. I know no early examples superior to those that

appear ready to spring out of their shield at Beverley.
The lions of the monuments of John of Eltham, the
Black Prince, and Edward III, are excellent heraldic-

lions ; their conventional treatment, however, is somewhat

exaggerated. We may avoid such exaggeration, without
either drawing lions as the Heralds of James I would
have drawn them, or reproducing the grotesque water-
spouting felince of the majolica fountain in the Great
Exhibition. Those lions dansant disposed of strict

naturalism in heraldic animals. The Powys lions, Nos.

300 b, 300 c, PI. XVII, and 364 a, PI. XXIII, dispose in

a no less peremptory a manner of pure conventionalism.

I must again refer to the white harts of Etchard II,

in Westminster Hall, as models for the treatment of

animals of every kind in Heraldry ;
(see p. 206)

In our drawing of Helms and Shields, since we no

longer derive our ideas of such objects from examples of
them that are in actual use by ourselves, we are at liberty

to select such varieties as may be most appropriate to

the purposes for which we require them, and also those
that are most pleasing in their forms. Several very
effective forms of shields are sculptured upon the monu-
ment of Abbot Bamrydge, at St. Alban's, No. 617,
which may be studied with advantage by modern
Heralds, together with the simple pointed shields of
earlier times. The unsightly and inconvenient Lozenge,
I think, might be superceded in our Heraldry. Simplicity

in helms and mantlings appears to be most desirable and ;

helms certainly may always be advantageously set in



profile. I have added two other examples of early helms

in PI. XLVI, Nos. 611, 612, the former from the monu-
ment Black Prince, and the latter from the Stall-
of the
plate of Ralph, Lord Basset ; and with these examples
I would associate as a model heraldic helm, No. 264.
The Label that has its points formed after the early man-
ner, as I have invariably drawn it, appears to be pre-
ferable to the later form in which the ends of the points
or pendants are made to expand ; it is also always pro-

ductive of a good effect that the Label itself should tra-

verse the entire field of the shield from dexter to sinister.
Modern Labels are generally couped at both extremities,
and their points are distorted into a species of dove-


No. G18.

In No. 618, I give three varieties of the points of

Labels ; the first, a, is the early type ; the second, b,
represents the form of the lable introduced in the begin-
ning of the sixteenth century ; and the third, c, is

the more modern form, which is altogether objectionable.

In many early quartered shields, the quarterings are not
indicated by any dividing lines, as in No. 486, p. 200
this is certainly an error, that we shall do well to avoid.
In the disposition and arrangement of charges, and in
the laws of tincturing, the usage of the early Heralds ma v

be accepted as our best guide. Perhaps we may enrich

our compositions with less cautious and sparing hands
than they did ; and certainly we may emulate their
system of diapering both in surface-carving and in color.

Colors have been produced for us by the chemical science

and the mechanical skill of our times, far superior both
in hue and in variety of tint to anything that was known
to the Heralds of the middle ages. It will be well for us
to avail ourselves of our advantages, and to introduce
into our blazon the most brilliant and lustrous colors.

With the special view to provide for students of

Heraldry and amateur Heraldic artists the very best
materiel for their use, I have suggested the preparation of

a box of heraldic gold and colors, with drawing imple-

ments, that may satisfy their most fastidious require-
ments ; and my suggestions have been carried into effect
by my publishers in a manner that leaves nothing to bo
desired. I may add that the same materials are equally
adapted for the use of professional Heralds, and of the
artists who work under their immediate direction.

No. 503. Shield of Arms of Sir Edwakd Montague. From the

Calais Roll of Edward III. Sec page 199.

No. 019. Hesse. See p. 3G9.

Foreign Heraldry differs chiefly from the Heraldry of
our own country in its being less severe in its prevailing

style, and more elaborate and gorgeous in both the cha-

racter and the treatment of its compositions. The He-
raldry of Germany, more particularly, is very splendid

and, in accordance with tbe German sentiment of modern

times, it indulges in an almost infinite variety of subor-
dinate details, elaborate combinations, and subtle dis-

tinctions. The Heraldry of France also is rich, and

often fanciful, and yet almost always eminently artistic.

I have already, in the preceding chapters, given

the blazon of a numerous series of foreign shields, all
of them in some degree associated with the armory of
England \ so that in this present chapter it remains for
me only briefly to notice a few other examples, to which
reference has not yet been made.
In foreign Heraldry a free use is made of shields of

arms for the purpose of decoration, whereas this use of

heraldic decorative accessories is rare in England. Thus,

there are small shields of his arms semee over the bard-
ings of the charger of John, King of Bohemia, who fell

at Cresci, in his seal ; and the king himself has as his

crest the two wings of a vulture, outspread and of very

large dimensions. The shield, which is represented in
foreign military effigies, is almost invariably placed in
front of the figure, and in such a position that its base
almost rests on the ground ; with one hand the knight
supports the shield, while with his other hand he gene-
rally either grasps his sword or holds his crested helm.
In a collection of arms presented to the Heralds'

College by Sir William Dugdale, (Coll. Arm. MS. L.

xiv), the shield of the Duke of Saxony is blazoned, harry

of six, or and sable : Bavaria is, gu., a lion rampt., queue

fov/rchee, arg., crowned, or. : Aquitaine, France modern,

witliin a bordure engrailed, gu. : Brittany, erm., a bordure,
gu. And, amongst other examples of French Eoyal
Cadency, the same MS. blazons the shield of Charles,
the third son of Philip III of Prance, as France within a
bordure, gu. : and the shield of Charles de Valois,

Count of Alencon, the second son of Charles " the Fair,"

as France witliin a bordure, gu., plattee.
In our own times the Arms of France have undergone
a complete change ; so that the well known heraldic

term, France modem, has become as completely historical

as France ancient, and has been superceded by France

present. The golden eagle of the Emperor Napoleon,
sitting calmly vigilant in an azure field, has succeeded to
the fleurs-de-lys of gold that for so many centuries were

identified with the Heraldry of France. The English

lions, accordingly, have survived their French rivals and
associates, unchanged in their blazonry ; and, still as of


old representing the Royal dignity and the Realm of Eng-

land, they stand in the front of the Heraldry of Europe.
The National Flag of France, the tricolor, has its

colors arranged vertically, the blue being next the staff,

and the white in the centre. The Imperial Standard is

semee of golden, bees, and it charges the eagle of the

Empire upon the central white division of the field.

Three other countries of modern Europe, Prussia, Aus-

tria, and Russia, in addition to the French Empire, bla-

zon in their shields an eagle. These eagles are sable,

and have their wings displayed ; they all are crowned,

and two of them have two heads —those of Prussia and
Prussia : Atg., within a bordure, (either plain or in-
dented), sa., an eagle displayed, of the last, crowned, armed,

and membered, or, charged on the breast with the Royal

Cypher, ™, and holding in the dexter claiv a sceptre, gold,

ensigned with a similar eagle, and in the sinister a mound,

az., the circle and cross, of the third.

The Prussian Crown has eight arches, and like all the

crowns of continental Europe, except the Austrian, it

does not enclose any cap. No. 621, p. 371.

The Arms of the Princely House of Hohenzollern

are, per fesse, gu., and chequee, or and az.

The Prussian Eagle is displayed in the national Flag,

the naval ensign having in the dexter chief angle a sable
cross patee, voided of the field.

Austria : Or, an eagle with two heads, displayed, sa.,

crowned, or, armed and membered, gu., having an Imperial
crown placed above it in the shield, holding in its dexter

claw a sceptre and a sword, and in the sinister a mound

charged on the breast with a shield, per pale of three : first,

or, a lion ranvpt., gu. : second, gn., a fesse, arg. : third, or,

on a bend, gu., three eaglets displayed, arg. This shield is

surrounded with the collars of the Austrian Orders of
Knighthood. The Austrian Imperial Crown, No. 620, is

very singular in its form, being cleft somewhat after the

manner of a mitre.

Russia : The Russian Arms differ from the Austrian in

the eagle holding only a sceptre in its dexter claw, and that

it is being charged with a shield, gu., bearing a figure of

St. George mounted, and piercing the dragon. This
shield is encircled with the collar of the Russian Order of

St. Andrew ; and the wings of the eagle are also charged
with two groups of small shields representing the pro-
vinces of the Empire.
Both the Austrian and the Russian eagles are blazoned
on the standards of the two Empires. The Flag of
Austria is formed of three equal horizontal divisions, the
central one white, and the two others red ; on the central
division toward the dexter, is a shield charged as the
Flag, with a narrow golden border, and ensigned with
the Imperial Crown. The Merchant Flag omits the


shield and crown. The Eussian Flag has three horizontal

divisions, the uppermost white, the central blue, and the
lowermost red. The naval flag is white, with a blue
diagonal cross ; and this flag is charged in the dexter
chief quarter of larger flags of red, white, and blue, for

the three squadrons of the Russian Navy.

The arms of Hanover have been blazoned in No. 541.

The Hanoverian ensign resembles the red ensign of Eng-

land, the Jack being charged with a white horse courant

on the cross which is quadrate. The ensign is yellow and

white per fesse, the yellow in chief.
Belgium : Barry of eight, arg. and gu., a lion rampt.,
az., crowned and collared, or. The supporters are two

golden lions. The standard is black, yellow, and red

the colors arranged vertically, the red to the fly, and the
arms with the supporters and crown are charged on the
central yellow division. The ensign is the same without
the arms.
Italy : Gu., a cross, arg., within a oordure, az. The
standard of green, white, and red, arranged vertically, has
the arms ensign ed with the crown on the central white
division ; the red is to the fly.

Denmark : Or, semee of hearts, gu., three lions pass,

guard., in pale, az. These are the arms of Denmark

proper, as the arms of England are the three golden
lions on a field, gules. The national shield of the kingdom
of Denmark has numerous quarterings, and it is a
characteristic illustration of foreign Heraldry. As it was
borne in the time of James I, it has been blazoned in
Chap. XIX. The arms of Norway now are removed from
the second canton, which is charged with SlesivicJc : the
Vandal wyvern is blazoned in base in the fourth canton,


which has Gothes in chief, the division being per fesse : and
the third canton bears, per fesse, in chief, Sweden, and in
base, per pale, first, gu., a dried fish, surmounted by a crown,
or, for Holstein ; and secondly, per fesse, in chief, az. a ram,
arg., and in base, of the first, a bear, of the second. The ines-

cutcheon has in its first quarter the old arms of Holstein

in the second and third quarters, StormerJc and JDitzmers

and in the fourth quarter is, gu., a horse's head and neck
couped, or. The two Crosses are for Oldenburgh. The
shield of pretence remains as it was in the seventeenth

century. The Supporters are, two savage men, wreathed

with leaves about their waists, and holding clubs, all ppr.
The Danish ensign is red, charged with a white cross,

and the flag itself is swallow-tailed. In the Standard

the cross is quadrate, and charged with the Royal Shield,
Crown, and Supporters, the Shield being encircled with
the collars of the Orders of the Elephant and the Dane-

Sweden and Norway : Az., three crowns, or; and gu., a

lion rampant, crowned, or, holding in his patvs a battle-axe,

ppr., the blade in chief and arg., the two coats being
marshalled quarterly. The Flag of Sweden is blue, with

a yellow cross ; and that of Norway is red with a blue

cross having a white fimbriation. These two flags are

combined to form a United Ensign, after the manner of

our Union Jack ; and the united flag is cantoned in the
national ensigns, the Standard being charged with the
Eoyal Arms, Crown, and Supporters— two golden lions
rampt. reguardant.
Holland : Az., bilettee, a lion rampt., holding a sword
and a sheaf of arrows, or. Supporters, two lions, crowned,

or. The Flag is of red, white, and blue, arranged hori-


zontally, the red in chief ; and the Standard is charged

with the Royal Arms.
Spain : The same as are blazoned in Chap. XIX, for

the Consort of Queen Mary, with France modern in pre-

tence. The standard hears the arms blazoned over its

whole area. The ensign is yellow, interposed between

two horizontal bars, (each of them half its own depth), of

red, and it is charged towards the dexter with Castile and
Leon impaled, withiu a red circular bordure, and ensigned
with the Spanish crown.
Portugal : Arg., five escutcheons in cross, az., each
charged with as many plates in saltire : the whole within a
bordure, gu., upon which eight castles, or. The Standard
is red, charged with the Arms and Crown but ; the ensign
is per pale, blue and white, similarly charged, the blue
being next the staff.

Bavaria : Paly bendy, arg. and az.

Brunswick : Chi., two lions of England, with thirteen

Wurtebiburgh : Or, three stags' attires inpale, sa., im-

paling, or, three lions pass., in pale, sa. Supporters, a

lion, sa., crowned, or, and a stag, ppr. The Flag is

crimson and black divided per fesse, the crimson in


Hesse : Az., a lion, queue fourchee, rampt., barry of ten,

arg. and gu., crowned, or, and holding in his dexter paw a
sword, ppr., hilt and pommel, gold. No. 619. The Sup-
porters, two lions, queue four chee, crowned, or. The Flag
is, per fesse, gu. and arg.
The Flag of Greece is blue charged with a white
cross ; and this is cantoned on the Ensign, which is white
with four blue bars.

The Arms and the Flag of Switzerland are red, with a

white cross humettee.
The Arms and the Flag of Turkey are red, with a
golden moon decrescent, and a silver star.

Like those of Italy, the national colors of Hungary

are red, tvJiite, and green, but they are arranged horizon-
tally instead of vertically, the green being in chief. The
Arms are, gu., four bars, arg., impaling, gu., on a mount,
vert, issuingfrom a ducal coronet, or, a patriarchal cross,

arg. The crown is of a peculiar form, and its mound

and cross are now placed upon its arches inclining to
the dexter.
The range of this Manual does not admit of my ex-

tending this chapter so far, as to comprehend the armorial

insignia and the flags of the free cities and of all the
minor states of Germany, with those of the several states

of both North and South America ; nor can I here even

advert to the barbaric Heraldry of the East. The few
Foreign Titles of Nobility which are held, either by grant
or inheritance, by British subjects, do not convey any
privilege or precedence in this country. However real in

themselves, and whatever the degree of rank they might

confer in the dominions of the Sovereigns from whom they
have been derived, they are purely honorary distinctions,
and they can be recognized at all only through a special
Eoyal Licence from our own Sovereign to that effect.

The arms of these personages, as would be expected, have

certain augmentations granted by foreign Heralds, or
their entire blazonry partakes more of foreign than of

English heraldic feeling and usage. These arms are

appended to our Peerages; so that it will be sufficient for me
to remark that the Coronets with which these shields are

ensigned, differ from the Coronets of our own Peers in

having no caps enclosed within and rising above their

circlets, nor is their rank determined in accordance with
the English rule. The Coronet of a Baron, indeed, has
the circlet studded with large pearls set singly ; but
Counts have a numerous series of small pearls, sometimes
very slightly raised, and sometimes more elevated, with-
out any strawberry leaves ; and the Dukes arch their

coronets, while the Coronet of a Marquess has the so-

called heraldic strawberry-leaves alternating with clustered


Foreign Nobility, while resident in England, as a matter

of course, enjoy every privilege of their rank, and each
individual bears his own heraldic insignia here as he

would in his native country.

No. 621. The Prussian Crown.

B B 2
No. 622. —Sir Ealph de Arundel.



The term Abatement first appears in the heraldic

writings of the sixteenth century, and it is then assigned

to certain marks said to be designed to indicate the

reverse of honorable augmentations. In practice any

such thing as an heraldic abatement is unknown, with the
sole exception of the distinctions adopted for the purpose
of indicating illegitimate descent.
In modern Heraldry, the Abatement of Illegitimacy that
has been generally recognized is a bendlet, or baton sinister :

and this bendlet is represented as couped at its extremi-

ties, so that it does not extend across the entire field of

any shield. But the early Heralds, whatever their feel-

ings may have been upon this point, certainly never pro-
mulgated as a law of heraldic usage any particular dif-

ference that should distinguish the arms of persons not of

legitimate birth, or those of the descendants of such


persons. It would appear, indeed, that this abatement

was generally if not always determined in accordance
with the wishes of different individuals. Some abatement
of illegitimacy was held and admitted to be necessary
and provided that the abatement appeared on the shield,

it might assume whatever form might be considered best

suited to each particular occasion. Two or three early

examples will illustrate the practice of the old Heralds

with sufficient clearness.
Sir Roger de Clarendon, son of the Black Prince,
bore, or, on a bend, sa., three ostrich feathers, labelled,

arg. His near kinsman, the son of John of Ghent, John

de Beaufort, before the act of legitimation in 1397, bore

a somewhat similar parody of the arms of his father —

similar parody, at any rate, of the second and third quar-
ters of his father's shield, retaining his label : per pale,
arg. and az., on a bend, gu., three lions of England, ensigned
with a label of France. The tinctures of the field, argent
and azure, were the Livery colors of the Lancastrian
Plantagenets. John de Beaufort afterwards retained
these same tinctures in his bordure compony : see p.
184. Sir John de Clarence, son of Thomas, Duke of
Clarence, (himself the son of Henry IV), bore, per chev-
ron, gu. and az., in chief two lions counter-rampant, and in
base a fleur-de-lys, all or. Glover gives as the arms of a
natural son of one of the Fitz Alans, Ralph de Arundel,
a shield of Fitz Alan, flanched, arg. : that is, a shield,

arg., having flanches of Fitz Alan and Warrenne quarterly,

as they were quartered by the Earls ; No. 622.
The baton sinister was borne by Arthur, Viscount
Lisle, son of Edward IV : by Henry, Duke of Rich-
mond, sou of Henry VIII : and by Charles Somerset

Earl of Worcester, son of Henry Beaufort, third Duke

of Somerset. The seal of this Charles Beaufort shews
that his baton crossed his quartered arms, but was
couped by his bordure : the baton itself is plain and very
narrow. The eldest son of this Earl removed his father's

baton from his arms, and charged Beaufort upon a fesse

on a silver shield, thus recognizing the heraldic propriety
of retaining an abatement, though rejecting the baton.
The arms of the natural sons of Charles II were all

abated with the baton sinister, which was differenced after

the manner of a label. At the present day, the baton of
the Duke of St. Alban's is, gu., charged with three roses,
arg. ; that of the Duke of Cleveland is, ermine ; and
the baton of the Duke of Grafton is, compony, arg.
and az. Except in instances such as these, in which the
abatement is charged upon the Boyal Arms, there appears
no reason for transmitting the baton sinister with its

peculiar signification ; in all less exceptional cases some

mark of cadency might very properly be substituted in its
stead, or all traces of Abatement might be removed from
their shields of arms by the descendants of persons, to
whom arms had been granted abated with a sinister baton.

No. 507. N„. 508.

Latyuek. See page 200.
No. 510. —Diaper of the Seal of Thomas, Duke of Glocester.
(Enlarged), See p. 202.



I. Heraldic Authorities and Treatises on He-

raldry. Copies only of the earliest Bolls of Arms are
known to be now in existence. These Rolls contain the
armorial bearings of the Sovereign and his family, and of
the principal nobles and knights of the time.
1. Roll of Henry HI. Probable date, about 1250.
The original lost. A copy by Glover, Somerset Herald,
with Arms blazoned, but not drawn, presented by him to
Herald's College in 1586, where it is preserved in Miscel-
lanea Curiosa, L. 14.
2. Roll of Henry III. Probable date, about 1250.
The original lost. A copy, with arms, (about seven hun-
dred in number), tricked by Charles, Lancaster Herald,
in 1607, in the British Museum, Karl. MSS. 6589.

3. Eoll of ^aft t 1>ZZ^ 0CK > A,I) - 1^00. Contemporary

copies in Br±i xviuseum, Cotton MSS., Caligula, A.
XVIII and : in Herald's College, MS. No. 27. Copies by
Glover in Herald's College, and in Ulster's Office, Dublin.
Translated and published, with the original text, notes,
and wood-cuts, by Sir Harris Nicholas, in 1828.

4. Falkirk Roll of Edward I, a.d. 1298. Copy,

British Museum, Harl. MSS. 6589.

5. Dunstable Eoll of Edward II, a.d. 1309. Copy,

British Museum. Harl. MSS. 1309.
6. Roll of Edward II, about 1315. Original, British

Museum. Cotton MSS. Caligula, A, XVIII.

7. Boroughbridge Roll of Edward II, a.d. 1322.

Original, Oxford, Ashmolean MSS. No. 731.

8. Calais Roll of Edward III, a.d. 1347. Copy,
a.d. 1607. Herald's College.
In addition to these, a few other early Rolls of Arms
are in existence, some of them in the possession of private


In these Rolls, the heraldic formula, to " bear arms,"

occurs ; also the titles of the tinctures and various heraldic
terms and expressions now in use ; thus in a Roll of the

time of Edward III, probably a.d. 1337, there are the

following entries :

" Brian Fitz Alan de Bedale porte barre cle goules et a" or

de viij peces ;"

" Bauf de Camay s porte a" or ove chief de goules et trois

turteaux d'argent en le chief:

" Piers de Bouthe port d'argent ove tin chevron de sable et

trois testes de lou de goules racer."

The earliest writer on Heraldry whose works are of any

real value to the student is Camden.

Published toorJcs on Heraldry

1. Vincent on Brooke's Catalogue of IsSbility, 1622.
2. Dugdale's Baronage, 1675.
3. Sandford's Genealogical History of England, 1707.
4. Nesbit's System of Heraldry, 1722.
5. Guillim's Display of Heraldry, 1724.
6. Anstis' Register of the Garter, 1724.
7. Histoire Genealogique et Chronologique de la Maison
Boy ale de France, 1726.
8. Armorial General de France, 1768.
9. Ashmole's Order of the Garter, 1772.
10. Edmondson's Complete Body of Heraldry, 1780.

And more recently published,

11. Eev. Mark Noble's History of the College of Arms.
12. Moule's Bibliotheca Heraldica.

13. Berry's Encyclopaedia Heraldica.

14. Bank's Dormant and Extinct Peerages.
15. Sir Harris Nicholas' Synopsis of the Peerage.
16. The Historic Peerage of England, by Sir Harris
Nicholas, edited by William Court horpe, Esq.,
Somerset Herald.
17. Vicomte De Magny's Nobiliare Universel.
18. Planche's Pursuivant at Arms.
19. Lower's Curiosities of Heraldry.

20. Willement's Regal Heraldry.

21. Parker's Dictionary of Heraldry.

22. Burke's, Lodge's, Debrett's and Dod's Peerages,

23. Burke's Dormant and Extinct Peerages and Ba-
ronetcies, Commoners, and Landed Gentry.
24. Papworth's Ordinary of Arms.
25. Burke's Armory.
26. Fairburn's Crests.


27. Thoms' Book of the Court.

These works form a selected series, and with them may
be associated the Archceologia ; the Journals of the
Archceological Institute and Association, particularly the

papers on Heraldic subjects in the latter publication by

Mr. Planche ; Stothard's Effigies ; Waller's Brasses

the Gentleman's Magazine, and the County Histories, and

the Wills of Royal and other important personages.
II. Cadency. It will be understood that in very many
instances numerous examples of historical shields are in

existence, in addition to those which are specified in the

text. This is particularly the case in the instance of the

greater number of the Plantagenet shields that are dis-

tinguished by marks of Cadency. Canterbury Cathedral
alone, that noble museum of Architectural Heraldry, will

provide for the student a numerous series of duplicate

examples of the shields of the Plantag-enets themselves,
with those of the Hollands, the Staffords, the Bohuns,
the Bourchiers, the Beauforts, the Mortimers, the
Courtenays, and others. The torteaux of the York Label
appear repeatedly at Canterbury ; also amongst several
differenced shields of the Courtenays there is one which
has its Label charged with torteaux. This shield was
borne by a Courtenay who married a Wake ;
Courtenay, who married a Holland, has his shield dif-

ferenced with a Label charged with fleurs-de-lys. I may

add that Thomas Holland, Earl of Kent, whose seal I

have engraved, (No. 525, and p. 216), in a charter dated,

Feb. 8, 1387, styles himself, " Compte de Kent et Seigneur

de Wake."
In his " Pursuivant," (p. 150), Mr. Planche blazons the
Bordure of Humphrey, Duke of Gtlocester, as componee


argent and sable : perhaps he has done this on the autho-

rity of Upton, who says {Be mill, off., p. 238), that the

Duke bore such a Label, which he might have assumed

when the Earldom of Flanders was granted to him, in

the fourteenth year of Henry VI. The shield of the

Duke in the cloisters at Canterbury has a plain Bordure ;

and in his Monument at St. Alban's his shield is repeated

again and again, carved in relief, but the Bordure is plain ;

No. 476. Many of these shields at St. Albans are in

perfect preservation, and they are ensigned with a coronet
decorated after a most singular manner. The Duke also

differenced his lion crest with a Collar argent.

The Seal of Eichard, Earl of Cambridge, which dis-

plays both his Label of York and his Bordure of Leon, has
at the base of the shield two lions counter -couchant guard-
ant, each of them holding an ostrich-feather with a scroll.

See No. 478, and p. 197.

The Seal of Joh'es B'us de Segrave —the Segrave of

Caerlaverock —has his shield charged with a lion rampt.,
crotvned, and on either side of the shield is a garb.

On his Seal, Eichard de Beauchamp, (who died in

1439) quarters Beauchamp and Newburgh, Nos. 367 and

368 ; and his shield is supported by two chained bears with
ragged staves.
Henry Bourchier, Earl of Essex, quartered Bourchier
and Louvaine, the latter being, gu., billettee, a fesse, or

accordingly, the water-bouget and the billet which diaper

his mantling, were obtained from the charges of his
shield. See No. 450, and p. 176. The slab, which still

retains the brass to this Earl and his Countess, Isabella

Plantagenet, at Little Easton, was originally powdered
with Bourchier-knnts and Fetter-locks.
: : :


III. Princes of Wales. The title of Prince of Wales

appears to have been borne by Edward II during the
lifetime of his father, without any formal creation to that
dignity. Edward III, who succeeded to the Crown when
was never created Prince of Wales,
in his fifteenth year,
nor does he appear to have borne that title. Before his
accession he was styled Earl of Chester. At page 191,
Edward III, before his accession is incorrectly styled
Prince of Wales, instead of Prince Royal. He bore his
azure label both of three and of five points. The Black
Prince was formally created Prince of Wales by Edward
III in 1343. The next Princes of Wales became Kings
as Eichard II, and Henry V. (See also p. 256).
His Eoyal Highness, Albert Edward, our Prince of
Wales, is Duke of Cornwall and of Bothsay, Earl of
Chesterand of Dublin, and Lord of the Isles, and also Duke
of Saxony. The quartered shield of the Prince may bo
blazoned as follows
1. Grand quarter : Arms of the Prince of Wales.
2. Saxony ; or, more correctly, quarterly, 1 and 4, the

United Kingdom : 2 and 3, Saxony :

3. Quarterly, 1 and 4, Cornwall ; 2 and 3, Chester

4. Quarterly, 1 and 4, Bothsay ; 2 and 3, Dublin : and

iu pretence, the insignia of Lord of the Isles.

Or, thus

Grand Quarters,
1 and 4 : the Prince of Wales :

2 and 3 : Saxony.
In pretence, over all, Cornwall, Chester, Bothsay and
Dublin, quarterly, 'with the insignia of Lord of the Isles

charged on an Inescutcheon.
Armorial Insignia of U.K. 11. ire Pbince oe Walks, k.ti. Page 387.

In anticipation of an auspicious event, the arms of the

Prince of Wales will impale Denmark. See Plate LX.
IV. The Imperial Crown. To my series of Examples
of the Crown of England, I add a faithful representation

of the Crown of Jewels, made for the Coronation of Her

Majesty the Queen, and in use on those occasions of
high state ceremonial, which require the presence of this
emblem of Royal Dignity ; No. 624, Plate LII.
The Crown, (No. 562, p. 252), of Her Majesty's imme-
diate predecessors has already become historical, having
been superceded by the new State Crown, No. 624,

p. 249. The Heraldic Crown, however, which enjoys the

Royal favour, differs from the State Crown, and inclines
to the type of an earlier time. This Heraldic Crown of
our Most Gracious Sovereign I have represented in No.
354, p. 350.
The wood-cut at page 253, No. 562 a, ought to have
represented the Crown of the late Prince Consort with
a cap enclosed within its arches, and also as being en-

signed with a Cross Patee, instead of a plain Latin Cross,

No. 623. — Crown of the Late Phince Consort.

as No. 623. In its actual condition, No. 562 A, closely

resembles the Crown of Italy.

V. The Feather Badge. (See pages 72, and 202).



Iii the Monument of Abbot Ramrydge, at St. Alban's,

three Ostrich Feathers appear united in a single scroll
and they are also represented precisely after the same
manner in the equally splendid Monument of Prince
Arthur Tudor, in Worcester Cathedral. Edward
Tudor, Prince of Wales, the son of Henry YIII, first

ensigned three Feathers with a Coronet, and he charged

this group upon a roundle. Henry Stuart, eldest son of
James I, established the arrangement of the three fea-
thers within a Prince's Coronet, in place of the scroll, as
the Ensign of the Prince of Wales.
At an earlier period, John of Ghent bore Ostrich Fea-
thers, ermine, on his Badge. Ostrich Feathers were also
borne by all the sons of Henry IV, and by the Beau-
forts, and they were held in ecpial esteem by both the
rival Houses of York and Lancaster. To Thomas Mow-
bray, Duke of Norfolk, as an augmentation of high
honor, Richard LI granted two Ostrich Feathers, to be
borne erect, " in sigillo et vexillo suo" — in both his seal
and his banner ; and, in the achievement of this unfor-
tunate nobleman, which has been discovered at Venice,
there appear the Feathers, with a Swan, a Hart, and a
Collar of SS, (see Archael., XXXI, 350). Amongst the
devices that diaper the robe of Anne of Bohemia, in her
effigy, the figure of an ostrich is introduced. In Harl.
MS. 304, fol. 12, in the British Museum, it is recorded
that the xohite Ostrich Feather with its pen golden is the

King's : the featlier entirely white, or silver, is the Prince's :

the feather- golden, with its pen ermine, is the Duke of Lan-
caster's : arid the feather white, having its pen compony, is

the Duke of Somerset's.

By the Black Prince himself, the Ostrich Feathers

were certainly held in high, esteem ; and it would seem

that he regarded thern in a peculiar light. Thus, in his
will, the Prince gives directions that on the occasion of
his funeral two distinct armorial compositions should be

displayed in the procession, immediately before his re-

mains ; one, for war — "1'un pur la guerre, de nos armes
entiers quartelles" —of his quartered arms ; and the other,

of his Badge of Ostrich Feathers, for peace — " et l'autre

pur la paix, de nos bages des plumes d'ostruce." Similar

shields " for war," and " for peace," alternate about the
Monument of the Prince.

VI. The Collar of SS. In the centre of the Canopy

above his Monument at Canterbury, the shield of Henry
IV is encircled with a Collar of SS, after the manner
of the Garter of the Order. This shield bears France
modem and England, impaling Navarre and Eureux, (No.
348, PL XXHI) upon the ;
Collar the S is repeated
twenty-three times, and from the customary trefoil clasp
there hangs as a pendant, an Eagle displayed. Collars of
SS also surround other shields of France and England,
and of Navarre and Eureux : and the whole field is dia-

pered with eagles and greyhounds within garters, charged

alternately with the mottos, soverayne, and atempe-
rance, and with gennets that are crowned, collared, and
Late examples of the SS collar occur at Elford in Staf-
fordshire ; the latest there appears upon the effigy to Sir
William Smythe, a.d. 1526.

VII. Livery Colors. At page 83, the Livery Colors

of the House of Lancaster are omitted : they were argent
and azure, whence the Beauforts derived their bor-

VIII. Miscellaneous. The Charge, a Scaling Ladder,

No. 101a. Sealing Ladder. No. 625. Cross nrdee.

No. 164 a, which was accidentally omitted from PL IX, is

represented here charged upon a shield. See p. 55.

To the Heraldic Crosses represented in PL III, and

described in Chap. VII, page 82, I have to add one other
variety, the Cross urdee, No. 625. This Cross was borne
sable, on a field argent, by Sir Thomas Bannistek, K.Gr.,

whose name stands fifty-fifth in Ashmole's list of the

knights. The example is drawn from the Stall-plate.

Ashmole himself blazons this Cross asfleurie.

At page 64 the antlers, or attires of a Hart, ought to

have been described as being in themselves distinct


In Chap. XIII, amongst other " Descriptive Terms,"

in page 88, should have been inserted the words, In
Quadrangle, signifying such an arrangement of four
charges as would place one of them in the centre of each
quarter of a shield. Also, in page 86, the word Treflee,

signifying bordered after the manner of a series of


In order to render the Illustrations as complete as

possible, in several instances I have either added enlarged
representations of some of the examples, or extended the


original series of the examples themselves : accordingly,

the List of Illustrations contains a few numbers that

are not inserted in the text ; and also some of the
numbers refer to two engravings of the same object
Thus, in Plate XVI, p. 100, No. 277 refers to both the
smaller and the larger representation of the basinet of
John of Eltham. In the same Plate, No. 279 a. is an
enlarged portion of the coronetted basinet of the Black
Prince, of which a side view is given in No. 279. With
a view to show very clearly the adjustment of both the

Coronet and the Camail of the Black Prince, I have

added a third engraving from his effigy, No. 279, in Plate
LII, p. 249. In Plate XLII, p. 252, No. 548 refers
both to the sketch of the Crown of Eichard I and to
the enlarged portion of it. No. 194 is repeated in Plates
V and X ; and No. 289 a. has also been twice used, at
p. 70 and in Plate XII. Fitz Nicrol has inadvertently
been twice engraved —No. 380 a. in Plate XXVII, and No.
388 in Plate XL VIII. The woodcuts, Nos. 627 and 628, are

additional examples ; the former representing one of the

chained White Harts, the favourite badge of Richard II,

from the diaper of his effigy, (see, Contents, p. vi.) : and, No.
628 is drawn from the panelling of the Chantry of Bishop

Oldham, a.d. 1519, at Exeter Cathedral — the owl with

the label in its beak charged with the letters clom, form-
ing what was held to be a Rebus of the Bishop's name
Owld-dom, Old-ham, p. 389 : see also, Rebus, p. 118. I have

to add, that a single number (Nos. 590, 593, 594, 595,

and 596) is applied to each group of examples illustrative
of the insignia of the knightly Orders ; and No. 595
also denotes each of the two Stars of the Bath, at pages
391 and 392. In Plate XXVI, p. 212, No. 267 a. the

panache-crest of Lord Ferrers of Chartley, is an

additional example, drawn from the brass at Merevale.
The reference to No. 590, the Insignia of the Order of
the Garter represented in Plate LIV, has been acciden-
tally omitted in page 266. In Plates a and b, pages
226 and 22 F, the examples are all numbered (536 to 543),
but the numbers have not been inserted in every instance
in the text —an accidental omission which I regret.

The fine enamelled and diapered shield of Earl Wil-

liam de Valence, a.d. 1206, (No. 101), still remains in
so perfect a condition in Westminster Abbey, that I have
engraved it in the tinctures of the original, in Plate VII.
This Plate is placed at page 43, as a perfect example of
heraldic diapering. The wood-cut, No. 338 a, which fol-

lows in this page, has been engraved in consequence of

No. 338 a. Shield of John de Hastings, E.G., Earl of Pembroke,

quartering Be Hastings and Be Valence, and impaling France
Ancient and England quarterly : from the Monument of Edw. III.

al Westminster,

an inaccuracy in the corresponding shield in Plate XXI,

at page 142. This, the earliest known existing example
of a quartered shield borne by an English subject, is

also an early example of impalement.

In Plate XIX, at page 145, the first shield ought to
have quartered England only, and not France and Eng-
land quarterly, with Hainault. The correct blazon of
this very interesting shield is given in the annexed wood-
cut, No. 337.

No. 337. Queen Philippa of Haixault.

In Plate LX, No. 568, page 380, the Armorial Insignia

of H.E.H. the Prince op Wales, K.Gr., are divided into

two groups, as follows :

A. Arms of the Petnce op Wales, having Saxony in

pretence, and impaling Denmark : with the Coronet, Fea-
thers, Crown, Helm, Crest and Motto of the Prince.
B. Arms of the Prince of Wales, quartering Saxony,
and having, in pretence, Cornwall, Chester, Bothsay, Dublin,

and the Isles ; the shield encircled with the Garter of the
Order, and supported by the Feather-Badge of the Prince.
c c 2

In the Frontispiece, the Seal of Thomas Holland, No.

525, is charged with the figure of a Hind, and not of a
Hart, as it is stated at page 216. And the Seal of Hum-
phrey de Bohun, No. 397 a, also represented in the
Frontispiece, will bo found to hear the three lions of
England, each within a separate cusped circle, one above
and the others on either side of the shield ; thus the
alliance between the Earl of Hereford and the family of
the Sovereign was significantly indicated before the
establishment of a svstem of Marshalling.

The assistance which I have received from one valued

friend throughout the preparation of this volume, I desire

here most gratefully to acknowledge ; and while to all

who have aided me I tender my cordial thanks, I feel

bound to record my special obligation to William

Cottrthorpe, Esquire, Somerset Herald ; to the Rev.
H. W. Hodgson, Rector of King's Langley ; and to T. G-.

Bay field, Esquire, of Norwich.

«£ XiH Fit*
No. 628. —Eebus of Bishop Oldham, Exeter Cathedral. Page 385.

PLATE. Pag .

I. Shields and Achievement of Arms . . 21

II. Ordinaries — Ronndles
III. Heraldry of the Cross ...

Shields of
Shields of
— Varied Fields

Diapered and Enamelled Shield of William de

— Inanimate Objects

IX. Charges — Inanimate Objects 56
X. Heraldry of the Lion 60
XI. Charges — Animate Beings 64
XII. Charges —Animate Beings and Natural Objects 68
XIII. Charges —Natural Objects, &c. . 74
XIV. Shields of Arms 105

Beings ....
— Inanimate Objects

Ducal Coronets, Basinets, and Crest-Wreaths

and Animate

XVII. Effigy of Lady Tiptoft, and Shields of Arms 11-2

XVIII. Marshalling — Dimidiation 131

XIX. Marshalling — Impalements, &c. 145
XX. Marshalling and Cadency — Arms of the De
Bohuns .
. . .137

XXI. Effigy and Arms John de Hastings

of Earl 142
XXII. Marshalling and Cadency —
Impalements . 143
XXIII. Marshalling — Impalements and Quarterings 144
XXIV. Marshalling . . . .148
XXV. Cadency — Crosslets, Martlets, &c. . . 161
XXVI. Crests 212

Cadency— Mullets,
— Crosslets, Escallops, Cinquefoils,

Fleurs-de-lys, &c. .
Pennons, Standards, &c.
Crests and Knots .... . . . 221
Cadency — Bordures
Cadency —Labels
— Labels of the Plantagenets
. . .


XXXIV. Cadency — Plantagenet Shields and Labels 191

XXXV. Banners, Standard, Helm and Sail . . 223
XXXVI. Royal Cadency, and British Ensigns . 257
XXXVII. Cadency — Crosslets, Mullets, &c.

. . 165
XXXVIII, Cadency —Arms of the De Valences, &c. . 169
XXXIX. Cadency and Badges — Fleurs-de-lys . 171
XL. Cadency —Annulets, Roundles, Cantons,
&c. 180

Coronets and Crests
Lancastrian Collars,
..... .

and Insignia of the

. . 254

Garter •
. . . .262
Cadency and Helms ....
Yorkist Collars, and Insignia of the Garter

Shields of Arms, Crest and Victoria Cross

XLVII. Shields of Arms and Royal Badges . 283
XLVIII. Cadency — Crosslets, Billets, &c. . . 164
XLIX. Cadency . . . . .174
L. Cadency — Roundles, &c. . . .173


Cadency Shields of Arms and Mantlings
Crowns and Helms
.... .


LIV 1 nsignia of bh< . 266



LV. Insignia of the Thistle 270

LVI. Insignia of St. Patrick 271
LVII. Insignia of the Bath 273
LVI1I. (or Plate A). Royal Arms of England 226
LIX. (or Plate B) Royal Arms of England 227
LX. Armorial Insignia of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales 380
LXI. Insignia of the Star of India 276

No. 595. Insignia of the Order of the Bath : Star of the Knights
Commanbees. See page 272.
51)5. Insignia of the Order of the Bath :- -Star of the Knights
Grand Gross. See page 2'/


. 1 Jerusalem, p. 4. 21
>. i Jerusalem, p. 4.
France Ancient, p. 18.

Heraldic Shields, p. 19.

Provence, PI. i.
. Points of the Shield, p. 23.
Per Pale, p. 23.
Per Fesse, p. 23.
Per Cross, or Quarterly, p. 23.
Per Bend, p. 23.
Per Saltire, p. 23.
Per Chevron, p. 23.
Quarterly of eight, p. 23.
Quarterly Quartered, p. 23.
Dividing and Border Lines, p.
Or, p. 24.
Argent, p. 24.

De Clare, p. 27. A Cross Fleurettee, plate iii.

A Pile, plate ii. A Cross Poramee, plate iii.
Two Bars, plate ii. A Cross Fourchee, plate iii.
A Fesse Cotised, plate ii. A Cross Crosslet, plate iii.
Bars Gemelles, plate ii. A Cross Crosslet Fitchee,
A Pale endorsed, plate ii. plate iii.

On a Bend, plate ii. A Cross Patee, plate iii.

A Bend cotised, plate ii. A Cross Patee Fitchee, plate iii

A Eibbon, plate ii. A Cross Botonee, plate iii.
49 On a Saltire, plate ii. A Cross Botonee Fitchee,
49 In Chief, plate ii.
a. plate iii.

49 In Fesse, plate ii.

b. A Cross Potent, plate iii.
49 c. In Pale, plate ii. A Cross Potent Fitchee, plate
49d. In Cross, plate ii. iii.

49 e In Bend, plate ii. A Cross Potent Quadrate,

40 f. In Saltire, plate ii. plate iii

49 G. In Chevron, plate ii. A Cross Engrailed, plate iii.

49 h. In Pile, plate ii. A Cross Undee, plate iii.
A Bezant, plate ii. A Cross Ragulee, plate iii.
A Plate, plate ii. Five Fusils in Cross, plate iii.

A Hurte, plate, ii. A Canton, plate, iv.

A Torteau, plate ii. A Gyron, plate iv.
A Pellet, plate ii. An Inescutcheon, plate iv.

A Pomme, plate ii. Mortimer, p. 37.

A Fountain, plate ii. . Mortimer, p. 37.
A Greek Cross, plate id. An Ode, plate iv.
A Latin Cross, plate id. De Valence, plates v , and
A Tau Cross, plate iii.
St. Andrew, plate iii. A Tressure, plate iv.
St. Patrick, plate iii. Scotland, plate v.
St. George, plate iii. A Lozenge, plate iv.

The First Union Jack, p. 32. A Fusil, plate iv.

The Second Union Jack, p. 32. A Frette, plate iv.
A Cross Fimbriated, plate iii. , Frettee, plate iv.
A doss surmounted by a lie De Spencer, plate, v.
Cross, plate iii. Hanches, plate, iv.
, A Cross voided, plate iii. . Flasques, plate iv.
A Cross pointed, plate iii. A Mascle, plate iv.
A Cross patriarchal, plate iii A liustre, plate iv.
A Cross on Degrees, plate iii. A Billet, plate iv.

A Cross couped, plate iii. A Label, plate iv.

A Maltese Cross, plate iii. A Bordure, plate iv.
A Cross quadrate, plate iii. A Bordure engrailed, plate iv.
A Cross quarter pierced, plate A Bordure indented, plate iv.
iii. . shield — Whitworth Effigv,
A Cross quarterly pierced, p. 39.
plate iii. Brittany — De Dreux, plate v.
A Cross Moline, plate iii. Gyronny, plate iv.

A Crose Itecercelee, plate iii. Gyronny of six, plate, iv.

A Cross Patonce, plate iii. Lozengy, plate iv.
The Confessor— St. Edward, Fusilly, plate iv.
plate i. De Grey, p. 40.
A Cross Fleurie, plate iii. i. Paly of 8, plate iv.

. Bendy of 8, plate iv. 148 A Hawk's Bell and Jesses,

Barry Bendy, plate iv. plate ix.
Paly Bendy, plate iv. 149 A Hemp-Brake, plate ix.
A Bordnre Compony, plats iv. 150 A Hunting Horn, plate ix.
Bordure Counter Compony, 151 A Lymphad, plate ix.
plate iv. 152 A Maunche, plate ix.
Bordure Chequee, plate iv. 152 a. A Maunche, plate ix.
Sir Robert de Chandos, plate 153 A Mill-rind, plate ix.
154 A Mullet, plate ix.
. Percy— Beverley Minster, 155 A Mullet of 8 points, plate ix.
plate vi. 156 De Vere, plate vi.
De Warremie — Castle Acre, i."> 7 A Mullet pierced, plate ix.
plate vi. 158 A Pall, plate ix.
. De Warremie — Beverley, plate 159 A Pastoral Staff, plate xv.
vi. 160 A Crosier, piate xv.
Flag; ofthe Admiralty, p. 14. 161 A Penner and Inkhorn, plate
129 Six Annulets, plate viii. ix.
129. . Arrows, plate viii. 162 A Pheon, plate ix.
. Bannerman, plate viii. 163 A Portcullis, plate ix.
. Three Battering Rams, plate 164 A Quatrefoil and Shield, plate
viii. xv.
130 A Fire Beacon, plate viii. 164 a. A Sealing-Ladder, Seep. 384.
131 Breys, plate viii. 164 b. A Lozenge Panel and Shield,
131 A.. De Genevilie, plate xiv. plate xv.
132 A Buckle, plate viii. 165 A Seax, plate ix.
132 a.. A Buckle and strap, plate viii. 166 A Shakefork, plate ix.
133 A Caltrap, plate viii. 167 Hay, p. 57.
133 a. A Ghapeau, plate viii. 168 The Trinity House, plate xiv.
131 An Escarbuncle, plate viii. 169 A Pryck Spur, plate ix.
134 a. An Esearbuncle, plate viii. 170 A Wheel Spur, plate ix.
135 Castile and Leou — Queen 171 A Rouelle Spur, plate ix.
Alianore, plate i. 172 A Guarded Spur, plate ix.
135 a A Castle, plate viii. 173 The Earl Poulett, plate xiv.
136 A Chess-Rook, plate viii. 173 a. A Tower, plate ix
136 a. A Cinque fod, plate viii. 174 A Trellise, plate ix.
13G b. A Clarion, plate viii. 175 A Trumpet, plate ix.
137 A Clarion, plate viii. 176 A Water Bouget, plate ix.
137a. Cups, plate viii. 176 a. Isle of Man, plate xiv.
138 Cushions, plate viii. 177 The Badge of Ulster, plate ix.
138 a. Cushions —
De Bohun Brass, 177 a. Douglas, plate xiv.
plate xv. 178 A Lion Passant, plate x.
139 City of London, p. 57. 17!J A Lion Passant Guardant,
140 An"Estoile, plate viii. plate x.
141 A Winnowing Fan, plate viii. 179 a. A Lion Passant Reguardant,
142 A Fetter Lock, plate viii. plate x.
143 A Fylfot Cross, plate, viii. 179 b. A Lion Passant Guardant,
144 Fitz William, p. 57. plate x.
144 a Crest of Hope, plate xxvi. 180 A Lion Rampant, plate x.
144 b. Crest of Drake, plate xxvi. 180 a. A Lion Rampant, plate x.
145 Gauntlets, plate viii. 181 A Lion Rampant Guardant,
146 Gurges, plate viii. plate x.
117 A Hawk's Lure, plate ix. 182 A Lion Rampant Keguardant,
plate x.


237 a. A Fleur-de-lys —
Monument 264 Helm and Crest — Edward de
of Edward III, plate w. Thorpe, plate lii.
238 A Fleur-de-lys, on Sword and 265 Helm and Crest— R. de
Sceptre, plate xiii. Beauchamp, plate xii.
239 Leveson, p. 70. 266 Crest —
Lord Stourton, plate
239 a. Chester, p. 70. xxvi
239 b. A Garbe, plate xii. 267 Helm and Crest— Sir William
239 a. A Slip of Oak, plate xii. de Bryenne, plate xxvi.
240 Planta Genista, plate xii. 267 a. Crest —
Lord Ferrers of
241 A Rose, plate xiii. Chartley, plate xxvi.
242 —
A Rose Worcester, p 226. 268 Crest Coronet— Sir T. Broun-
212 a. A White Rose of York, plate flet, plate xxvi.

xiii. 269 Crest of Mortimer, plate

243 A Rose-en-Soleil —Worcester, xxvi.
p. 226. 270 Seal— Mortimer, p. 328.
244 A Sixfoil, plate xiii. 271 St.Edmond, plate xiv.
245 The Stock of a Tree, plate 272 A Mural Crown, p. 97
xiii. 273 A Naval Crown, p. 97.
246 A Ti slipped, plate 274 A Vallary Crown, p. 97.
xiii. 275 An Eastern Crown, p. 97.
247 Tudor Rose —Woi 2 70 The Coronet of a Duke, p.
p. 226. 99.
248 A York and Lancaster Rose 277 Basinet — John of Eltham,
crowned, plate xiii. plate xvi.
248 a . A White Rose-en-Soleil, plate 278 Fillet— William of Hatfield,
xiii. plate xvi.
249 Byron, p. 76 279 Basinet — Black Prince, plates
250 Gouttee, p. 76. xvi, lii.

251 Gouttee, p. 76. 279 a. Basinet — Black Prince, plate

252 Mantelee, plate xiii. xvi.
253 A Saltire trononee, plate 280 Coronet— John De la Pole,
xiii. plate xvi.
The Coronet of a Baron, p. 281 The Coronet of an Earl,
92. p 102.
Canterbury impaling Kempe, 282 Cot-one; — Earl of Arundel,
plate xiv. p. 259.
25 G Conloise —Aymer de Valence, 283 Coronet — Earl of Arundel,
plate xv. p. 14.
257 Basinet — Sir H. Calveley, 283 a. Coronet — Countess of Arun-
plate xvi. del, plate xii.
257 . A Crest Coronet, p. 210. 284 Coronet — Countess of Essex,
258 Basinet —
Ralph de Neville, plate xii.
plate xvi. 285 Coronet— Sir T. Boleyn, plate
259 Helm and Crest — Richard I, xii.

plate xxvi. 286 Edward III, p. 332.

260 Helm and Crest — de
H. 287 Camoys — with Garter, plate
Bohun, plate xxvi.
261 Helm and Crest —Sir J. 288 Camoys and Mortimer, plate
Loutrell, plate xxvi. xiv.
262 Helm and Crest — Edward 288 a. Garter — Lord Camovs, plate
III, plate xxvi. xliii.

263 Helm and Crest — Black 289 Henry V, plate xiv.

Prince, plate xxvi.

290 Garter — John de la Pole, 316 Standard— Henry VIII, plate

plate xliv. xxix.
291 Yorkist Collar— Lord Har- 317 The Coronet of a Viscount, p.
court, plate xliv. 126.
292 Garter — Lady Harcourt, plate 318 A Crest Wreath, plate xv.
xliv. 318 a. A Crest Wreath in perspec-
293 A Gonfannon, plate xxix. tive, plate xv.
294 Modern Helm — Sovereign, p. 319 Stafford impaling Butler, plate
107. xxiv.
295 Modern —Princes,
Helm p. 319 a. Stafford, plate xxiv.
107. 319 b. Butler, plate xxiv.
296 Modern Helm — Knights, p. 320 Cornwall dimidiates Clare,
108. plate xviii.
297 Modern Helm — Esquires, p. 321 Cornwall impales Clare, plate
108. xviii.
L'98 Crown of Herald Kings-of- 322 England dimidiates France,
Arms, p. 280. plate xviii.
The Duke of Norfolk, p. 323 France Ancient and Navarre,
345. plate xvi i.

Effigy of Lady Tiptoft, plate 324 Dimidiated Shield— Chess-

xvii. man, plate xviii.
300 a. Tiptoft, plate xvii. 325 De Valence dimidates Clare-
300 b. Powys, plate xvii. nionte, plate xviii.
300 c. Tiptoft and Powys, plate 326 Great Yarmouth, plate xviii.
xvii. 327 Seal —
Alice d'Avesnes, plate
301 Harsyck, plate i. xviii.
302 The Coronet of a Marquess, 328 Seal — Peter Tederade, plate
p. 113. xviii.
303 A Merchant's Mark, plate 329 Seal —
Joan de Barr, plate xix.
xiii. 329 a. De Barr, plate xix.
304 The Merchants of the Staple, 330 Two small shields of Essex,
plate xiii. plate xx.
305 The Merchants Adventurers, 331 Secretum— Thomas of Glou-
plate xiii. cester, plate xix.
30G The Mitre of Bishops, p. 332 John Plantagenet of Ehham,
115. plate xix.
307 The Mitre of Archbishops, p. 333 Milo of Hereford, plate xx.
115. 334 Her Majesty the Queen, p.
308 The Mitre of the Bishop of 350.
Durham, p. 115. 335 Arnold de Gaveston, plate
309 Three Mitres, p. 89. xix.
310 Pennon — Sir J. D'Auber- 335 a. Isahelle, Queen of Edward
noun, plate xxix. II, p. 127.
311 Shield of St. George, Elsying 336 Edward III— Lincoln, plate
brass, plate xxix. xxxiv.
312 —
Standard Edward III, plate 337 England and Hainault, plate
xxix. xix, and p. 387.
313 —
Standard Earl of Warwick, 338 Effigy of John de Hastings,
plate plate xxi.
314 Standard — Henry of Boling- 338 a. Shield of John de Hastings,
broke p. 220. plate xxi, and p. 386.
315 Standard— Henry VIII, plate 339 The Black Prince— Lincoln
plate xxxiv.


Howard Ancient, plate De Fitz William, plate xlix.

xxxvii. Ehnebrigge, plate xlix.
395 Grimstone, plate xxxvii. SirJohn de Cornwall, K.G.
396 Greville, plate xxxvii. plate li.
397 De Bohuu of Hereford, plate 434 Estofford, plate 1.

xx. 435 De Welle, plate 1.

397 a. De Bohun Seal — Frontispiece, 435 a. De Trussell, plate I.

plate liii. 436 St.Amand, plate I.

398 De Bohun of Northampton, 437 Wake, plate 1.
plate xx 438 De Courtenay, plate 1.

De Bohun Seal —Frontispiece, 439 De Bascreville, plate 1.

plate liii. 440 De Vipont, plate 1.

De Montfort, plate xlix. 441 De Quincey, plate xlix.

400 Clynton, plate xxxvii. 442 Le Blond, plate I.
401 Ughtred, plate xxxvii. 443 De Burgh, plate 1.
402 Bassett, plate xxxvii. 444 De Vaux, plate 1-
4 03 Bassett, plate xxxvii. 445 De Creke, plate xlviii.
404 St. John, plate xxviii. 446 De Fortihus, plate I.
405 Daubygne, plate xxviii. 447 De Mounchesney, plate xlviii.
406 Daubygne, plate xxviii. 448 Shield from Arderne brass,
407 Daubygne, plate xxviii. plate xl.
408 Daubygne, p. 156. 419 De Verdon, plate xl.
409 Graham, plate xxviii. 450 Mantling —
Earl of Essex,
410 plate li.

411 Haydon, plate xlviii. 451 Mantling — George of Cla-

412 De Merley, plate xlviii. rence, plate li.

413 De Bonn, plate xlviii. 451a, Crest— John Beaufort, K.G.,

De Valence, plate xxxviii. plate xli.
De Valence, plate xxxviii. 452 Fvnderne, plate xl.
416 De Valence, plate xxxviii. 452 a, De la Pole, plate xl.
417 De Valence, plate xxxviii. 452 b. De Neville, of Salisbury, plate
418 De Valence, plate xxxviii. xl.
419 De Cha worth, xxxviii. 452 c. De Neville, plate xl.
420 De Chaworth, xxxviii. 453 William de Lancaster, plate
421 De Chaworth, xxxviii. xl.
422 Fitz Ralph, plate xxxix. 454 De Cauteville, plate xl.
423 De Peyner, plate xxviii. 455 De Bassett, plate xl.
424 De Deyville, plate xxviii. 456 Ralph, Lord Bassett, K.G.,
425 Shield at Selhy, plate xxviii. plate xl.
425 a, Shield at Abergavenny, plate De Kendall, plate xl.
xxxix. Fitz Marmaduke, plate xl.
425 b. Giffard, plate xxxix. De Grandison, plate xlix.
426 De Rachecourte, plate xxviii. De Grandison, plate xlix.
420 b. Bromflete, plate xxxix. St. Quintin, plate xxvii.
426 c. De Cantelupe, plate xxxix. St. Quintin, plate xxvii.
427 De Beaumonte, plate xxviii. De Ferrers, plate li.
427 a. De Ryther, plate xxxviii. De Monthourcbier, plate li.
427 b. Parys, plate xxx\iii. Le De Spencer, plate li.
428 De Potenhall, plate xxviii. Abbot John De Wheathamp-
429 Lennox, plate xxxii. stede, plate li.

430 Edward II, as Prince of Wales, De Lacy, Earl of Lincoln,

plate xlv. plate xlix.
431 De Tressell, plate xxxviii.

468 Ermine Label — St. Albans', 497 Label of Leon and York,
plate xxxi. plate xxxiii.
409 Ermine Label — Great Y r- 498 Label of Castile, plate xxxiii.
mouth, plate xxxi. 499 Label of Castile and Leon,
470 Edward I as Prince Eoyal, p. plate xxxiii.
157. 500 Label of Richard III, plate
471 Henry of Lancaster, 157.
p. xxxi.
472 Label" of York, Great Yar- 501. Label of the "Last of the
mouth, plate xxxi. Plantagenets," plate xxxi.
473 Label of George of Clarence, 502 John Loueil, plate xxxiii.
plate xxxi. 503 Sir Edward Montagu, p.
474 Label of Richard of York, 302.
plate xxxi. 504 Label — Sir H. Courtenay,
475 Holland of Kent, (Bordure plate xxxiii.
Argent), plate xxxii. 505 Label — Sir P. Courtenay,
476 Humphrey of Gloucester, K.G., plate xxxiii.
plate xxxii. 506 Label — Sir G. Courtenay,
477 De Vere with Bordure, plate plate xxxiii.
xxxii 507 Label— Latymer, p. 374.
477 al. Holland of Exeter, plate xlv. 508 Label— Latymer, p. 374.
478 Richard of Coningsburgh, 509 Seal— Thomas of Gloucester,
plate xxxii. Frontispiece.
479 Beaufort, plate xxxii. 510 Diaper— Seal of Thomas of
480 Cardinal Beaufort, plate Gloucester, p. 375.
xxxii. 511 Swan Badge — De Bohun
481 Thomas Beaufort, K.G., plate brass, p. 201.
xxxii. 512 Bear and Staff of Warwick,
482 Edmond Tudor, plate xxxii. as a Crest, plate xxx.
483 Jasper Tudor, plate xxxii. 513 Dacre Badge, plate xxxix.
484 Thomas Beaufort, K.G , plate 514 —
Diaper-knot Anne of Bohe-
xxxii. mia, plate xxx.
Label of Richard II, plate 515 Stafford Knot, plate xxx.
xxxi. 516 Bourchier Knot, plate xxx.
Henry of Bolingbroke, p. 200. 517 Heneage Knot, plate xxx.
487 Henry V as Prince of Wales, 518 Wake and Ormonde Knot,
p. 333. plate xxx.
488 Edmond of Lancaster, plate .519 Bowen Knot, plate xxx.
xlv. 519 a. Crest of Scott of Thirlestane,
489 Fac-simile of Label Monu- — plate xxvi.
ment of Edward III, plate 520 Crest of John, Duke of Bed-
xxxi. ford, plate xxx.
490 Lionel Plantagenet Lincoln, — 521 Crest of John Mowbrav, plate
plate xxxiv. xli.

491 John of Ghent Lincoln, — 522 Panache-Crest of John, Lord

plate xxxiv. Sci-ope, p. 329.
492 Edmond of Langley Lincoln — 523 Achievement of the Earl of
plate xxxiv. Stafford, K.G., p. 219.
493 Henry ef Bolingbroke Lin- — 524 Dragon Crest, Thomas of
coln, plate xxxiv. Lancaster, plate xxxv.
494 Ermine Label, plate xxxi. 525 Seal of Thomas Holland,
495 Label of Lancaster, plate Frontispiece.
xxxiii. 525 a. Kirkpatrick Crest, plate
Label of York, plate xxxi.

526 Lance Flag, Bayeux Tapestry, Crown of Henrv IV, plate

plate xxix. lii.

527 Lance Flag, Bayeux Tapestry, Crown of Henry V, plate

plate xxix. xlii.
528 Banner — Henry de Lacy, Crown — Henry VI, plate
plate xxxv. xlii.
Banner — Sir Symon de Fel- Crown— Edward IV, plate
brigge, plate xxxv. xlii.
530 Heraldic Sail, plate xxxv. Crown— Edward IV, (Great
531 First Red Ensign, plate Seal), plate xlii.
xxxvi. Crown— Henry VII, (King's
532 Second Red Ensign, plate ChapeH, p. 292.
Crown — Margaret Tudor, p.
533 Present Red Ensign, plate 300.
xxxvi. Crown — Henry VIII, plate
534 St. George's Ensign, plate xlii.
Crown— Henry VIII, (Nor-
535 Present Blue Ensign, plate wich,) plate xlii.
xxxvi. Crown —
Charles I, plate xlii.
536 —
England (two lions,) plate a. Crown —
Charles II, plate
536 a. England, plate a. xlii.
536 b. Fiance Ancient and England, 562 Crown of England, p. 252.
plate a. 562a Crown
. — H.R H. the late
536 c. Richard II, plate a. Prince Consort, p. 253.
536 d. France Modern and England, Coronet — H.R.H. the Prince
plate a. of Wales, p. 254.
Royal shield of the Stuarts, Coronet — Royal Princes,
plate a. plate xli.

537 a. Ireland, plate xlvi. Coronet — Royal Princesses,

538 Nassau, plate xlvii. plate xli.
539 William III and Mary, Coronet — Royal Kinsmen,
plate b. plate xli.

539 a. William III, plate b. 567 Crest —

Scotland, plate xlvi.
540 Arms of Queen Anne, 508 Arms of H.R.H. the Prince
plate b. of Wales, plate lx, p. 380.
Hanover, plate xlvii. 568; . Label of H.R.H. the Prince of
George I, plate b. Wales, plate xxxvi.
543 George III, plate b. 569 Label— H.R.H. the Prince
543 a . Her Majesty the Queen, plate Alfred, plate xxxvi.
b. 570 Label— H.R.H. the Prince
544 Badge of Richard I, plate Arthur, plate xxxvi.
xlvii. 571 Label— H.R.H. the Prince
545 Badge of Henry VII, plate Leopold, plate xxxvi.
xlvii. 572 Label— H.R II. the Princess
546 Badge of James I, plate Royal, plate xxxvi.
xlvii. 573 Label— H.R.H. the Princess
547 Ponthieu, plate xlvii. Alice, plate xxxvi.
548 Crown of Richard I, plate 574 Label— H.R.H. the Princess
xlii. Helena, plate xxxvi.
549 Crown of Berengana, plate 575 Label— H.R.H. the Princess
xlii. Louisa, plate xxwi.
550 Crown of Edward II, plate 576 Label— H.R.H. the Princess
Hi. Beatrice, plate xxxvi.


577 Label of Cambridge, plate 598 Westminster Deanery and

xxxvi. School, plate xlvii.
578 Banner — Knights Hospital- 599 Westminster Abbey, plate
lers, plate xxxv. xlvii.
579 Banner —
Knights Templars, 600 -Oxford University, plate xlvii.
(Beau-Seant), plate xxxv. 601 Cambridge University, plate
580 —
Banner Knights Templars, xlvii.
xxxv. 602 The Heralds' College, p. 338
581 Tau Badge— Sir R. de Bois, 603 Garter, plate xlvi.
plate xxxix. 604 Norroy, plate
582 SS. Collar —
Queen Joanna, 605
Clarencieux, plate xlvi.
plate xliii. 606 Ulster, plate xlvi.
583 SS. Collar — Lord Hungerford, 607 Westminster City, plate xlvii.
plate xliii. 608 Sacred Symbolical Shield, p.
584 SS. Collar— Sir R. de Mar- 316.
mion, plate xliii. 609 Seal— William de Roumare,
585 SS. Collar— Sir R. Grushill, plate xlv.
585 a. SS. Collar
— John Gower, 610 Secretum — Henry of Lancas-
ter p. 317.

Yorkist Collar
— Knight 611 Helm — Black Prince, plate xlv.
at 612 Helm— Lord Bassett, plate xlv.
Aston, plate xliv. 613 Howard Modern, p. 344.
587 —
Yorkist Collar De Nevilles, 614 The Duke of Wellington, p.
plate xliv. 337.
588 Yorkist Collar —
Countess of 615 The Duke of Marlborough, p.
Arundel, plate xliv. 337.
589 Yorkist Collar— Countess of 616 Modern Hatchment, p. 356.
Essex, plate xliv. 617 Ramrydge Shields, p. 3b7
590 Insignia of the Garter, plate 618 Examples of Labels, p. 361.
liv. 619 Hesse, p. 363.
591 Garter — Earl of Essex, plate 620 The Austrian Crown, p. 366.
xliii. 621 The Prussian Crown,
591a. Garter —Earl of Essex, plate 622 Sir Ralph de Arundel,
623 Crown of the late Prince
592 Garter— Sir T. Boleyn, plate Consort, p. 381
xliii. 624 Coronation Crown of the
593 Insignia of the Thistle, plate lv Queen, plate lii.
594 Insignia of St. Patrick, plate 625 Cross urdee, p. 384.
626 Rays of the Sun and Cloud,
Insignia of the Bath, plate Effigy of Richard II, p. 383.
lvii, and pages 391, 392. 627 White Hart lodged, Effigy of
Insignia of the Star of India, Richard II, Contents, p.
plate lxi. vi.
Cross of the Victoria Cross, 628 Rebus of Bishop Oldham,
plate xlvi.
p. 389.


Plate XXVIII is incorrectly numbered XXXVIII
n C Shie,ds 0f SL John t0 be "umbered 404.
In pw
Plate ?vJf V} ^
XXXII/o>- No. 447, read 477.
In Plate XL read Verdon and Salisbury.

In Plate XLI for 451, read 451 a.

In Plate XLIl „ 546, „ 548.
Plate XLIV is incorrectly numbered XLIII.
In Plate XLV for 477, read 477 a.

Page 15 is incorrectly numbered 14.

In page 31, the Shield of De Lacy is No. 33 b.

45, last line but one, for 13, read 131.
47, line 19, 136, 136b.
48, last line but 3, 122, 142.
65, line 11, 207, 208a.
71, last line 201, 201a.
73, last line but 4, 239, 239b.
145, line 21, XIX, XXIII.
166, last line but 3, 445, 455.
202, line 20, PI.VII „ p. 375.
237, last linebut one, VIII VII
249, last line but 4, 550, 551.
266, line 18, insert a reference to No. 590.
page is incorrectly numbered 26.


In page 63, line 18, for angued,
read langued.
74, last line, „ Edward „ Arthur.
96, after line 16, insert, " Crest see p. 209."

135, line 20, for this, read his.

143, lines 17 and 18, also in Plate XX, No. 341, read
Fitz Alan.
166, last line, for Aylsham, read B sickling.
185, line 10, „ Mullets „ Martlets.
191, line 4, for Prince of Wales read Prince Royal.
248, last line but 7, read Fontevrand.
335, last line but 7, read counterchanged.

Abatement, 372. Bayeux Tapestry, 8.

Animals, 63. Birds, 65.
Animate Beings, 58. Blazon, Blazoning, 14.
Arms, Coats of, 9. Book of St. Alban's, 177.
Arms, Shields of, 9, 22.
Arms of Companies and Guilds, 287. Cadency, 94, 157, 378.
Arms of Corporate Bodies, 152, 286. Cadency, Marks of, 151, 177.
Arms of Deaneries, 283. Cadency, Modern, 178.
Arms, Episcopal, 151, 280. Cadency of Plantagenets, 190.
Arms, Examples of, 333. Cadency, Royal, 257.
Arms of Heiresses, 147. Cadency by small Charges, 160.
Arms of Heralds, 151, 285. Caerlaverock, Roll of, 91, 222, 334.
Arms of Heralds' College, 285. Celestial Objects, 71.
Arms of Knights, 153. Changing Tinctures, 158.
Arms of Monasteries, 283. Charges, 44, 58, 70, 71.
Arms of Peeress in her own right, Coats of Arms, 9.
153. Coins, 326.
Arms of Peer's Daughters, 151. Collars, 68, 94, 2G1.
Arms of Peer's Widow, 154. Collar of SS, 261.
Arms of Princes and Princesses, 256. Collar of Suns and Roses, 263.
Arms of the late Prince Consort, Colors, 25.
146, 255, 258. Coloring, 361.
Arms of the Prince of Wales, 256, Compounding Arms, 136.
380. Counterchanging, 41.
Arms of Public Schools, 284. Crests, 9, 209, 213.
Arms, the Royal, 232, 255. Crest-Coronet, 209.
Arms of Royal Personages, 154. Crest of England, 210.
Arms of Universities and Colleges, Crests, Examples of, 214.
283. Crests, Modern, 213.
Arms of Unmarried Ladies, 152. Crusaders, 8, 17.
Arms of Widowers, 151.
Arms of Widows, 152. Decorations of Honor, 277.
Augmentations,' 150, 242, 353. Descriptive Terms, 76.
Diaper, 42.
Badges, 201, 236. Differencing Accessories of Shields,
Banners, 91, 221, 233. 176.
Bath, Order of the, 153, 272. Differencing by Bars Gemelles,
Bath, Insignia of the, 273. Chevrons, and Chiefs, 182.

Differencing by Bend and Bendlets, Heraldry of the Palace of Westmin-

181. ster, 352.
Differencing by Bordures, 183. Heraldry of Seals and Coins, 317,
Differencing by Cantons, 180. 326.
Differencing by Cinquefoils, 163. Heraldry, Stuart, 230.
Differencing by Crescents, 171. Heraldry, Tudor, 230.
Differencing by Crosslets, 161. Heraldry of Westminster Abbey, 21,
Differencing by Fleurs-de-Lys, 169. 192, 298, &c.
Differencing by Labels, 186, 190. Heraldry of Westminster Hall, 206,
Differencing by Mascles, 175. 299, 361.
Differencing by Martlets, 168. Heraldic Description, 16.
Differencing by Mullets, 166. Heraldic Drawing, 295, 357.
Differencing by Iloundles, 173. Heraldic Language, 15.
Differencing by single small Charges, Heraldic Nomenclature, 15.
178. Heraldic Publications, 375.
Differencing, Differences, 158. Heraldic Rules, 17.
Dimidiation, 130. Heraldic Treatment, Color, &c, 357.
Diminutives of Ordinaries, 27. Heralds, 108, 285.
Dividing and Border Lines, 24. Heralds' College, 108, 285.

Earl Marshal, 109, 147, 345. Illuminations, 329.

Ensigns, 223. Imaginary Beings, 67.
Impalement, 129, 142, 325.
Fish, 65. Imperial Crown, 248, 381.
Flags, 220. Insects, 65.
Flags, National, 223. Inventory of Humphrey de Bohun,
Flags, Military, 224. 140.
Flags, Admirals, 225.
Foreign Orders of Medals, 278. King's Langley, Monument at, 195.
Foreign Heraldry, 363. Knightly Insignia, 155.
Furs, 25. Knots, 206.

Garter, Order of, 104, 265. Labels, 186.

Garter, Insignia of, 104, 266. Lions, 59.
Garter, Officers, 268. Livery Colors, 83, 203, 383.
Genealogies, 338. Lozenges, 315, 360.
Great Seals, 321.
Marshalling, 127, 147.
Hatchments, 106, 355. Marshalling Accessories, 154, 158.
Heiress, 147. Marshalling by Incorporation, 152.
Helms, 106,212,360. Medals, 278
Heraldry, 10. Metals, 25.
Heraldry, Architectural, 292. Miscellaneous Names and Titles, 89.
Heraldry of the Cross, 32. Monument to Queen Elizabeth, He-
Heraldry of the Greeks, 19. raldry of the, 312.
Heraldry, Foreign, 363. Mottos, 206, 291.
Heraldry, Hanoverian, 231.
Heraldry of the Lion, 59. Names, 18.
Heraldry of Lincoln's Inn Hall,
20. Official Insignia, 155.
Heraldry, Monumental, 300. Order of St. Anthony, 260.
Heraldry, Modern, 350. Ordinaries, 27.
Heraldry, Norman, 227.
Heraldry, I'lantagenet, 227. Tarts and Points of Shield, 22.
Pendants, 225. St. Patrick, Order of, 270.
Pennon, 221. Seals, 133, 138, 141, 144, 174, 186,
Precedence, 345. 199, 202, 216, 317.
Precedence of Women, 349. Seals, Classification of, 319.
Seeds and Berries, 75.
Quartered Shields, the earliest exam- Shields, 19, 357.
pies of, 139, 141, 325. Shields a bouche, 20.
Quartering, 138, 142, 147. Signet Rings, 318.
Quartering of Bordures and Tres- Stags, 64.
sures, 150. Standards, 223.
Star of India, 276.
Reptiles, 65. Subordinaries, 37.
Rolls of Arms, 375. Supporters, 63, 69, 215, 234.
Roundles, 31. Symbolical Slabs, 315.
Royal Arms, 232, 255.
Royal Badges and Mottos, 236. Templars, 259.
Royal Banners, 233. Thistle, Order of, 269.
Royal Coronets, 253. Tinctures, 16, 25.
Royal Monuments, 304. Trees, Plants and Flowers, 71.
Royal Supporters, 234.
Union Jack, 33, 223.
Sacred Emblems, 315.
St. Michael and St. George, Order Varied Fields, 40.
of, 274. Victoria Cross, 277.


Abatement, 76, 372 Bacinet, Basinet, 92. 100, 107

Abbreviations, 339 Badges, 91, 155, 201, 236.
Abeyance, 89. Badge of Ulster, 59.
A bouche, 20. Ball, 45.
Accosted, 76. Banded, 76.
Accrued, 70, 76 Banner, 45, 91, 221.
Achievement, 89. Bar, 28, 45.
Acorn, 75, 205. Barbed, 70, 77.
Addorsed, 65, 76. Barbel, 67, 134.
Admiralty, Flag of, 44, 225. Barded, 77.
Admirals, Flags of, 225. Barley-garb, 291.
Adumbrated, 87. Barnacles, 45.
Affrontee, 59, 76. Barrulet, 28, 45.
Allerion, 67. Barruly, 38, 41, 77.
Anchor, 44, 236, 257. Bars Gemelles, 28, 182.
Angel, 67, 326. Bar-wise, 41, 77.
Angenne, 44, 75. Barry, 40, 77, 168.
Annulet, 44, 174, 178, 179. Barrv Bendy, 41, 77.
Antelope, 69, 237. Base, 22.
Appaumee, 59, 76. Baton, 45.
Arched Crown, 251. Battering-Ram, 45.
Argent, 25, 90. Battled, 24, 77.
Arm, 59, 236. Beacon, 45, 237.
Armed, 63, 76. Beaked, 77.
Armes Parlantes, 76. Bear, 204, 335.
Armory, 90. Bear and Ragged Staff, 64, 203.
Arms, '9, 129. Bearing, 93.
Arrondie, 76. Beau-Seant, 260.
Arrow, 44. Bees, 67.
Attainder, 90. Belled, 65, 77.
At gaze, 64. Bend, 29, 30, 45, 181.
At speed, 64. Bend Sinister, 30, 45, 372.
Attire, 64, 384. Bend-wise, 41, 77.
Attired, 64, 76. Bendlet, 29, 45, 80, 181, 325, 372.
Augmentation, 33, 76, 90, 150. Bendy, 41, 77.
Azure, 25, 91. Bezant, 31, 45, 314.

Bezantee, 39, 77, 173, 183. Chief, 22, 27, 182.

Billet, 33, 45. Cinque-foil, 47, 71, 163
Billetee, 38, 77. Civic Crown, 47.
Bird-Bolt, 45. Clarion, 47, 337.
Birds, 65. Clenched, 78.
Blasied, 70, 77. Close, 78.
Blazon, 14, 94. Closed, 65.
Blazoning, 14. Closet, 28.
Blazonry, 94. Cloud, 289.
Boar, 63, 237. Clove-Pink, 72.
Book, 45. Coat of Arms, 9, 94, 221.
Border Lines, 24. Cockatrice, 67.
Bordure, 38, 143, 150, 183. Cock, 238.
Botonee, 36, 163. Coif of Mail, 107.
Botonee Fitchee, 36. Coins, 95, 326.
Bourchier-Knot, 176, 206, 314. Collar, 94, 261.
Bowed, 23. College of Arms, 94.
Bowen-Knot, 206. Colors, 16, 25, 95.
Braced, 77. Colomb, 66.
Brazed, 77. Colombine Flowers, 237.
Brettence, 77. Comb, 47.
Breys, 45. Combattaut, 78.
Brizure, 45. Complement, 71.
Broom, 236. Componee, 41, 78.
Buckle, 46, 182, 205, 289, 336. Compounding Arms, 78, 95, 136.
Burgonet, 46. Conjoined, 78.
Butterflies, 67. Conjoined in lure, 78.
Contoise, 95, 212.
Cabossed, 64, 77. Contournee, 78.
Cadency, 77, 94, 157, 160, 257. Cornish Chough, 66.
Caltrap", 46. Coronet, 95, 209.
Camail, 107 Coronet of Prince of Wales, 253.
Canting Heraldry, 94, 119. Coronet of Princes, 254.
Canton, 37, 39, 180, 192, 257. Coronet of Princesses, 254.
Cantoned, 77, 180. Coronet of Dukes, 99.
Cap of Maintenance, 46, 154. Coronet of Marquesses 113.
Carbuncle, 46, 236. Coronet of Earls, 102.
Cardinal's Hat, 94. Coronet of Viscounts, 126.
Car-Standard, 221. Coronet of Barons, 92.
Castle, 46, 196, 237, 321. Cotise. 29, 166.
Cat-a-mount, 63. Cotised, 28, 30, 172.
Cavalry Standards, 224. Couchant, 61, 78.
Centaur, 68. Counterchanged, Cour.terchanging,
Cercelee, 78. 41, 335.
Cbamfion, 47. Counter-Componee, 41, 194.
Cbapeau, 46. Counter-Embowed, 78.
Cliaplet, 47, 172. Counter- Fleurie, 78, 171.
Charge, 14. Counter- Passant, 62, 78.
Charged, 78. Counter-Potent, 25.
Chequee or Cheeky, 41, 78, 161. Counter-Salient, 78.
194 Counter- Vair, 25, 78.
Chess- Rook, 47, 175. Couped, 30, 34, 70,
Chevron, 30. 182. Couple-Close, 47.
Chevronel, 30, 172. Courant, 79.

Courte-Pointe, 140. Dimidiation, 98, 131, 324.

Covered Cup, 47, 289. Diminutives, 27.
Coward, 79. Disclosed, 65, 79.
Crenellee, 79 Dismembered, 79.
Crescent, 71, 161, 171, 178. Displayed, 65, 79.
Crest, 155, 206, 209. Disposed, 79.
Crest of England, 210. Dividing Lines, 24, 361.
Crest-Coronet, 155, 209, 213. Dolphin, 67, 132, 289.
Crested, 79. Dormant, 61, 79.
Crined, 79. Double-tete, 79.
Cross, 29, 30, 32. Double-queue, 79.
Cross, Latin, 32 Doubling, 99.
Cross, Greek, 32. Dovetail, 24, 80.
Cross of St. Andrew, 33, 223 Dragon, 68, 212, 237, 323,
Cross of St. Ge.rge, 33, 223. Ducal Coronet, 101.
Cross of St. Patrick, 33, 223. Duchess, 101.
Cross of Hospitallers, 259. Duke, 99.
Cross of Templars, 259. Dun Cow, 237.
Crosslet, 36, 161, lb3.
Crosslet Fitchee, 36. Eagle, 66, 133, 199, 311.
Crown, 96. Eaglet, 66.
Crown, Imperial, 248, 253 381. Earl, 101.
Crown of Prince Consort, 253, 381. Earl Marshal. 109, 147, 155.
Crowns of England, 24S. Earl's Coronet, 102.
Crowns, Foreign, 365. Ears of Wheat, &c, 71.
Crown, Antique, 97. Eastern Crown, 97, 289.
Crown, Celestial, 98. Ecartelee, 141.
Crown, Eastern, 97, 289. Embattled, 24.
Crown, Mural, 97. Emblems of Evangelists, 315.
Crown, Naval, 97. Embowed, 67, 80.
Crown, Vallary, 97. Embrued, 80.
Crown (Coin), 326. Endorse, 29, 48.
Crozier, 47, 98. Entiled, 80.
Cup, 47. Engonlee, 80.
Cushion, 47. Engrailed, 24, 165.
Crusilee, 36, 79, 164, 105. Enhanced, 80, 181.
Ensign, 223.
Dagger, 48. Ensigned, 80.
Dalmatic, 98. En Soleil, 74.
Dancette, 24, 48, 79. Enveloped, 80.
Debruised, 62, 79. Environnee, 80.
Decked, 79.^ Equipped, 80.
Decrescent, 71. Eradicated, 70, 80.
Degreed, 79. Erased, 80.
Degrees, 48 Erect, 65, 80.
Demembered, 79. Ermine, 25.
Demi, 79. Ermine-spot, 118, 105, 257.
Demi Lion, 61. Ermines, 25.
Developed, 79. Erminois, 25.
Dexter. 22. Erne, 66.
Diaper, 42, 43, 98. Fscallop, 67, 106, 168.
Diapering, 26, 202. Escarbuncle, !0.
Difference, 98, 157. Escutcheon, 22.
Dimidiated, 79, 325. Escutcheon of Pretence, 103.

Esquire, 103. Gad, Gadlyng, 49.

Estoile, 48. Gdlley, 49.
Falcon, 237, 335. Gambe, 62.
Falcon and Fetter-lock, 237. Game-cock, 65.
Fan, 48, 207. Garbe, 73, 186, 205, 314, 324, 334.
Feather, 72, 381. Garland, 49.
Femme, 104. Garnished, 81.
Fer-de-raoline, 48, 51. Garter, 104, 202, 255, 265.
Fesse, 28, 30. Gauntlet, 49.
Fesse-Point, 22, 104. Gemelles, 28, 49, 182.
Fesse-wise, 80. Genealogy, 338.
Fetter-lock, 48. GenneC'237, 383.
Field, 23, 104. George Noble, 326.
Figured, 80. Gerattvng, 81, 177.
File, 48. Gilly-Flower, 73.
Fillet, 28, 48. Girt, 81.
Fimbriated, Fimbriation, 34, 80. Gliding, 67, 81.
Finned, 80, 132. Globe, 49.
Fire-Beacon, 45, 237. Gobony. Sre Compony.
Fir-Cone, 75. Gonfaiinon, 106.
Fish, 65, 163. Gorge, 49.
Fitchee, 36, 80. Gorged, 81.
Flag, 23, 220. Gouttee, 81.
Flanched, 38, 373. Gouttee reversed,, 81.
Flanches, 38, 373. Gradient, 81.
Flasques, 38. Grafted, 81.
Fleur-de-Lvs, 72, 169, 178, 257, Grand Quarters, 22, 106.
321, 322. Great Seals, 135, 228, 231.
Fleurie, 35, 80, 163, 171. Greeces, 49.
Fleureitee, Floretee, 35, 80, 171. Greek Cross, 32.
Flexed, 80. Greyhound, 205, 238.
Flighted, 80. Griffin, Gryphon, 68, 237, 336.
Florin, 328. Guardant, 81.
Flotant, 80. Guarded Spur, 56.
Flv, 23, SO. Guige, 21, 216.
Foliated, 80. Gules, 25.
Formee, 36. Gurges, 49.
Fountain, 31. Guttee, 49, 81.
Fourchee, 36, 49, 81. Gyron, 37.
Fox's Tail, 237. Gyronuee, Gyrocny, 81.
Fraises, 74.
France Ancient, 141, 170, 196, 229, Habited, 81.
Hackle, 49.
France Modern, 196, 229, 333. Hammer, 50.
Fresnee, 81. Harp, 50, 230, 313, 323.
Frette, 38, 173. Hart, 64, 206, 237.
Frettee, 38, 81, 173. Hatchet, 50.
Fructed, 70, 81, Hatchment, 106, 356.
Fumant, 81. Hauriant, 67, 81.
Furnished, 81. Hause, 82.
Furs, 25. Hawk's Bells and Jesses, 50.
Fusil, 3S, 167. Hawk's Lure, 50.
Fusillee, 40, 81. Hawthorne Bu*h, 237.
Fylfot, 49. Hazel-leaves, 74.

Heart, 59, ICG, 257. In Cross, 30, 36, 82.

Hedgehog, 335. In Fesse, 30, 82.
Heightened, 82. In Foliage, 70, 82.
Helm, 50, 106, 155, 361. In Glory, 71.
Hemp-brake, 50. In Lure, 65, 82.
Heneage-knot, 206. In Orle, 38.
Heraldry, 10. In Pale, 30, 82.
Heraldry, Language of, &c, 15. In Pile, 31, 82.
Heralds, 109. In Pretence, 148.
Heralds' College, 109, 285. In Pride, 65, 83, 214, 215.
Herald Kings, 109, 285. In Quadrangle, 141, 384.
Herrings, 132. In Saltire, 31, 83.
Hill, 73. In Splendor, 71.
Hillock, 73. Irradiated. 83.
Hilted, 82. Issuaut, 83.
Hind, 64.
Hoist, 23, 82. Jambe, 62.
Holly-leaves, 74. Javelin, 50.
Honor-Point, 22. Jessant-de-lys, 65, 83.
Hooded, 82. Jessed, 65, 83.
Hoofed, 82. Jesses, 50, 83.
Horned, 82. Jousts, 110.
Horse-shoe, 50. Jowlopped, 65, 83.
Hospitallers, 24, 163, 183, 257. Jupon, 110.
Hulls of Ships, 132.
Humette'e, 34, 82. Key, 50, 185, 289.
Hunting-Horn, 50. King-of-Arms, 108.
Hurst, 74. Knight, 111
Hurte, 31, 50, 173. Knightly Insignia, 156.
Hurtee, 82. Knots, 50, 206.

Ibex, 69. Label, 38, 50, 186, 190, 257.

Illumination, 43, 110, 328. Lambrequin, 111.
Imaginary Beings, 67. Lantern, 215.
Imbrued, 82. Langued, 62, 83.
Impaled, 22, 82. Latin Cross, 32.
Impalement, 129, 143. Laurel Leaves, 74.
Imperial Eagle, 66. Leaves, 74.
Imperially crowned, 82. Legged, 83.
Incensed, 82. Leopards, 60, 226, 233.
Incorporation, 152. Letters, 51.
Increment, 71, 82. Lined, 83.
Increscent, 71, 82, 172. Lion, 59.
Indented, 24, 82. Lion Couchant, 61.
Iuescutcheon, 22, 37, 164, 231. Lion Dormant, 61.
Infantry Colors, 224. Lion of England, 60, 227.
Inflamed, 82. Lion Issuant, 62.
Insects, 65. Lion Passant, 60.
Interlaced, 83. Lion Passant Guardant, 60.
Invected, 24, 83. Lion Passant Reguanlant, 60.
Inverted, 65, 83. Lion of Scotland, 60.
In Bend, 31, 82. Lion Queue Fourchue, 62.
In Chevron, 31, 82. Lion Rampant, 60.
In Chief, 30, 82. Lion Rampant Guardaut, 61.

Lion Rampant Reguardant, 61. Monogram, 83.

Lion Salient, 61. Moon, 71
Lion Sejant, 61. Morion, 51.
Lion Sejant Rampant, 61. Morse, 51.
Lion Statant, 61. Motto, 116, 155, 206, 237, 255.
Lion Statant Guardant, 61. Mound, 116, 253.
Lion Vigilant, 62. Mount, 51.
Lion Vorant, 62. Mounted, 84.
Lions Combattant, 61. Mulbeny Tree, 205.
Lions Counter Passant, 62. Mullet, 43, 51, 165, 167, 178.
Lion's Face, 62.
Lion's Head, 62. Naiant, 67, 84.
Lion's Jambe, or Gambe, 62. Naissant, 62, 84.
Lioncel, 63, 162. Nebulee, 22, 84, 185, 199.
Lists, 111. Nerved, 84.
Livery Colors, 83, 223, 378. Noble, 326.
Lo.lged, 64, 83, 206. Norroy, 109, 116, 285.
Lozenge, 38, 51, 1Y2, 360. Nowed, 67, 81.
Lozengv, 40, 83, 175.
Lucies,'67, 289. Oak-branches, 74.
Lure, 51. Official Insignia, 155.
Ljrmphad, 51, 336. Of the Field, &c., 16.
Ogress, 52.
Maiden's Head, 238. Olive Branch, 236.
Maintenance, Cap of, 111. On Degrees, 34.
Maltese Cross, 34. Oppressed, 84.
Manche, Maunche, 51. Or, 25.
Maned, 83. Ordinary, 27, 52, 116.
Mantelee, 83. Oreilleri 52.
Mantle, 111. Orle, 37, 163, 210.
Mantling, 112, 155. Ostrich Feathers, 72, 202, 206, 213,
Marchioness, 113. 237, 382.
Marks of Cadency, 151, 155, 157.
Marquess, Marquis, 112. Pale, 28, 30.
Martlet, 43, 66, 69, 168, 178, 185. Pale-wise, 84.
Marshalling, 14, 127, 154. Pall, 52.
Mascle, 38, 51, 174, 336. Pallet, 21. 29, 53.
Masculee, 324. Palmer's Staff, 53.
Masoned, 83. Paly, 41, 84, 182.
Medals, 113. Paly Bendv, 41.
Membered, 83. Panache, 116, 211, 213.
Merchants Adventurers, 114. Panther, 69, 217, 237.
Merchants' Marks, 113. Party, Parted, 84.
Merchants of Staple, 114. Paschal Lamb, 117.
Mermaid, 68, 202. Pascuant, 84.
Mermaids', Collar of, 68, 261. Passant, 60, 84.
Merman, 68. Passant Guardant, 84.
Merlotte, See Martlet. Passant Reguardant, 84.
Metals, 16, 25, 26, 113. Passant Repassant, 84.
Military Flags, 224. Pastoral Staff, 53.
Mill- Rind, 51 Patee, 36.
Mitre, 51, 89, 114, 186. Patee Fitchee, 36.
Modern Cadency, 178. Patonce, 35, 53, 175, 337.
Moline, 35, 51, 178. Patriarchal, 34.

Pean, 25. Quadrate, 35, 54.

Peer, 117. Quartele, 141.
Peeress, 153. Quarter, 54.
Peer's Daughter, 151. Quartering, Quarterings, 118, 138.
Pegasus, 69. Quarterly, 22, 85.
Pelican, 66. Quarterly Pierced, 35, 54.
Pellet, 31, 165. Quarter Pierced, 35, 54.
Pellettee, 84. Quarterly Quartered, 22, 139.
Pendants, 225. Quatrefoil, 54, 178.
Pendent, 70, 84. Queue Fourchee, 62, 165.
Penner and Inkhorn, 53. Quilled, 85.
Pennon, 117, 221. Quintefoil, 71.
Pennoncelle, 117.
Per, 84. Radiant, 85.
Per Bend, 22. Ragged Staff, 64, 204, 205.
Per Chevron, 22. Ragulee, 24.
Per Cross, 22. Rainbow, 54.
Per Fesse, 22. Rampant, 60.
Per Pale, 22, 41. Rampant Guardant, 61, 325.
Per Saltire, 22. Rampant Reguardant, 61.
Pheon, 54, 335. Rams, 118.
Phoenix, 69, 238. Rapier, 54.
Pick-axe, 54. Ravs, 54.
Pierced, 85. Rays and Cloud, 237.
Pile, 30, 42, 166. Rayonnee, 85.
Pillow, 54. Rebated, 85.
Pily, 85. Rebus, 118, 203.
Pily Bendy, 85. Recercek'e, 35, 54.
Planta Genista, 74, 117, 236. Red Dragon, 239.
Plate, Flatee, 31, 54, 199, 336. Reflected, 85.
Plenitude, 71. Rttiexed, 85-
Plume, 118. Regalia. 119.
Pods of Beans, &c, 74. Rein-Deer, 64.
Pointed, 34. Removed, 85.
Pomelled, 85. Rest, 55.
Pomme, 31, 54. Retorted, 85.
Pommee, 36, 54. Reverted, 87.
Pomegranate, 238. Rial, 326.
Popinjay, 66, 182. Ribbon, 30, 55.
Portcullis, 54, 118, 205, 286. Rising, 65, 85.
Potent, 25, 36. Roll of Arms, 119.
Potent Fitchee, 36. Rompu, 85.
Potent Quadrate, 36. Rose, 74, 164. 172, 178, 257 322.
Powdered, 17, 85. Rose of England, 74.
Powdering, 118. Rose of Lancaster, 74, 236.
Precedence, 346. Rose of York, 74, 236, 322.
Preying, 85. Rose-en-Soleil, 74, 265.
Primroses, 177. Ruse-Noble, 326.
Prince of Wales' Feathers, 72. Rouelle-Spur, 56.
Proper, 26. Rouge-Croix, 109.
Pryck-Spur, 56. Rouge Dragon, 109.
Purfled, 85. Roussant, 65, 85.
Purpure, 25. Rustre, 38.
Pursuivant, 118.

Sable, 25, 119. Sword, 56.

Sagittary, 68.
Salamander, 69. Tabard, 124.
Saltire, 30, 33. Taibot-Dog, 64.
Sanglier, 63, 164. Target, 56.
Scaling Ladder, 55, 383. Tasselled, 86.
Scarpe, 55. Tau Cross, 33, 56, 260,
Scroll, 155. Teazle, 75.
Seals, See General Index. Templars, 34, 124, 257.
Sea Horse, 323. Tent, 289
Sea Lion, 69. Thistle, 75, 124, 238, 255, 269.
Seax, 55. Three, two, one, 16, 170.
Second Title, 121. Tiercee, 86.
Sejeant, 64. Tiger, 69.
Semee, 17, 71. Timbre, 125.
Shackle-bolt, 55. Tinctures, 25, 26, 125.
Shake-fork, 55. Torch, 56.
Shamrock, 75, 121. Torqued, 86.
Sheaf of Arrows, 45, 238. Torse, 56.
Shields, 19, 55, 357, 360. Torteau, 31, 56, 173, 192, 195.
Shield of Arms, 9. Tournee, 86.
Shield of Pretence, 37. Tower, 56.
Ship, 55, 288. Towered, 86.
Sickle, 205. Transfixed, 86.
Sinister, 22, 121. Transfluent, 86.
Sixfoil, 71, 75, 164. Transmuted, 86.
Slipped, 70, 86. Transposed, 86.
Soaring, 65. Traversed, 86.
Sovereign, 326. Treflee, 147, 248, 384.
Spear, 55, 335. Trefoil, 75.
Spur, 55. Treille, Trellise, 56.
SS. Collar of, 121, 261, 383. Tressure, 38, 57, 138, 144.
Stafford Knot, 206. Tricked, 86.
Stag, 64. Tricorporated, 87.
Stained Glass, 43. Tripping, 64, 87.
Stall Plate, 122, 212, &c. Triton, 68.
Standard, 121, 223, 233. Trononee, 87.
Star, 71, 122. Trumpet, 57, 162.
Star and Crescent, 236. Truncheon, 125.
Star of India, 122, 276. Trussed, 65, 87.
Statant, 64. Trussing, 65, 87.
Steel Cap, 56. Tudor Kose, 75, 238.
Stirrup, 56. Tun, 290.
Strawberry-leaves, 47, 99. Tusked, 87.
Stock, 75, 205, 237. Tynes, 64.
Subordinary, 37.
Sufflue, 56. Ulster, See Herald.
Sun, 71, 236. Ulster, Badge of, 59, 92.
Supercharge, 123. Umbrated, 87.
Supporters, 123, 155, 215, 237. Undee, 24, 87.
Surcoat, 124. Unguled, 87.
Suns and Hoses, 122, 263. Unicorn, 69, 218, 235, 255, 314.
Swan, 66, 202, 216, 262. Union Device, 33, 336.
Swivel, 290. Union Jack, 33, 138, 223.

Urdee, 383. Volant, 65, 87.

Urinant, 67, 87. Vorant, 62, 87.
Vulned, 87.
Vair, Vairee, 25, 26, 161, 171, 183.
Vambrace, 57. Wake and Ormonde Knot, 206.
Varied Fields, 40. Water Bouget, 57, 176.
Verdee, 87. Wattled, 87.
Vert, 25, 125. Wavy, 24, 88.
Verted, 87. Wheel-Spur, 56.
Vervels, 57. Winged, 88.
Vested, 87. Winnowing Fan, 48, 207.
Victoria Cross, 125, 277. Wolf, 237.
View, 125. Wreath, 126, 155, 172, 210.
Vigilant, 62, 87. Wreathed, 88.
Viscount, 125. Wyvern, 68.
Visitations, Heralds', 125.
Voided, 34, 87. Yorkist Badge and Collar, 126, 263.
Voiders, 38.


Abercorn, Marquess of, 51. Angouleme, 239.

Abergavenny, Earl of, 218. Anjou, Count of, 117, 304, 313.
Abergavenny, 170. Anjou, Dnke of, 198.
Abingdon, Earl of, 45. Annandale, Marquess of, 215.
Abinger, Baron, 67. Anne of Bohemia, 43, 145, 206,
Adelaide, Queen, 247. 240, 382.
Adelais of Louvain, 239. Anne Boleyn, 238, 242.
Admirals, 225. Anne of Cleves, 243.
Admiralty, The, 44, 225. Anne of Denmark, 244.
^Eschylus, 19. Anne Mortimer. 193.
Agincourt, 196. Anne Neville, 146, 241.
Aguilon, R. d', 170. Anne Stuart, 225, 231, 23S.
Albermarle, Earl of, 175. Aquitaine, 239, 364.
Albert, H.R.H., the late Prince Archbishop, 90, 151, 280.
Consort, 146, 247, 253, 255, 381. Arcy, D', See Darcy.
Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, Arderne, Sir T., 116, 175, 211.
253, 256, 380, 387. See Wales. Argyll, Duke of, 51, 217, 336.
Alencon, Count of, 364. Armagh, See of, 52, 90, 98, 281.
Alencon, Duke of, 198. Armagh, Archbishop of, 90.
Alfred, Prince, 257. Arragon, 242.
Alianore of Aquitaine, 227, 239, Arragon, Catherine of, 238, 242.
248. Arthur, Prince, 257.
Alianore, De Bohun, See Boliun. Arthur Tudor, See Tudor.
Alianore of Castile, 43, 46, 139, Artois, Blanche D', 191.
210, 239, 249, 303, 304. Arundel, Earls of, 13, 66, 68, 102.
Alianore Plantagenet, 134. Arundel, Countess of, 102.
Alianore of Provence, 239. Arundel, Sir J., 205.
Alice, Princess, 257. Arundel, Sir R. D', 373.
Allerton Mauleverer, 205. Ashehurste, Sir A , 178.
All Souls College, Oxford, 281. Ashley, Sir J., 205.
Andalusia, 59. Ashton, 118.

Ashwelthorpe, 211. Minister, 43, 53, 230,

Athol, Duke of, 59. 303.
Aubernoun, Sir J. D', 117, 221. Bigot, 108, 333.
Aubernoun, Sir J. D', 121. Birtie, 208.
Aurnale, Count D', 175. Bishop, 93, 151, 281.
Austria, 365. Black Prince, See Plantagenet.
Aveline, Countess of Lancaster, 175, Blackwood, 74.
305. Blanche d'Artois, 191.
Avesnes, Alice D', 133. Blayney, Baron, 64.
Blic'kling,68, 161.
Badlcsmere, De, 182. Blond, W. Le, 174.
Bailiol, De, 162. Blondeville, R de, 324.
Bangor, See of, 281. Blue Mantle, 109.
Banneret, 91, 221. Bohemia, 240, 364.
Bannerman, 45. Bohun, De, 63, 66, 136, 179.
Bannister, Sir T., 384. Bohun, Henry De, 137.
Bardolph, 103. Bohun, Humphrey De, 134, 140,
Barlow, 67. 166, 210, 216, 325, 387.
Baron, 91. Bohun, William De, 165, 325.
Baroness, 92. Bohun, Alianore De, 135, 137, 143,
Baronet, 59, 92, 123. 202, 306.
Earr, De, 134. Bohun, Mary De, 72, 145.
Barrington, 97, Boleyn, Anne, 238, 242.
Bascreville, W. De, 173. Boleyn, Sir T., 103, 163.
Bassett, De, 166, 181, 214, 361. Bolingbroke, See Plantagenet.
Bath, See Herald Boronglibridge, 140.
Bath and Wells, See of, 281. Boston, 118.
Bath, Order of the, 272. Bosworth Field, 197.
Bath, Knights of the, 122, 153. Botiler, J. Le, 47.
Bavaria, 364, 369. Boun, De, 108.
Bayeux Tapestry, 8, 68. Boun, F. Le, 172
Beatrice, Princess, 257. Bourchier, De, 49, 57, 176, 200,
Beauchamps De, 142, 161, 178, 314, 379.
204, 243. Bowers Giffard, 170.
Beauchamp, Richard De, 102, 105, Boyne, Viscount, 68.
212. Boys, E. De, 180.
Beauforts, De, 41, 54, 176, 179, Bradstone, 179.
184, 185, 205, 373, 383. Braganza, 245.
Beaufort, Duke of, 217. Brandon, 335, 337.
Beaufort, Cardinal H. De, ] 85. Brandsburton, 183.
Beaumoute, De, 171. Braybrooke, Baron, 61.
Beaumont, Viscount, 126. Braye, 62.
Bee, Anthony, 334. Breadalbane, Marquess of, 217.
Bedford, 336. Brewers' Company, 291.
Bedford, Duke of, 64, 185. Brewys, De, 164, 213.
Bedington, 68, 172. Bridport, Baron, 66.
Belgium, 367. Bristol, City of, 286, 238.
Bentinck, 149. Brittany, 39, 136, 364.
Beieugana, 239, 248. Bromftete, 171, 213.
Bergavenny, Lord, 179. Brotherton De, 109, 135, 190.
Berkeley, Baron. 68, 172. Brownlow, 54, 61.
Berkeley, De, 159, 164. Broxbourue, 124.
Berners, Lord, 176, Bruce, De, 59, 63, 162, 2J8.
Berwick, Lord, 69. Brunswick, 231, 246, 369.

Bryenne, De, 50. Champagne, 140.

Bryenne, William, Lord De, 212. Chandos, 42, 106, 217.
Bryenne, Guy, De, 213. Chapters, Cathedral, 283.
Buckingham, Duke of, 205, 212, Charlemagne, 231.
217. Charles I, 230, 238. 251.
Burgh, Elizabeth De, 192. Charles II, 230, 234, 238, 251,
Burgh, Hubert De, 1/4. 327, 374.
Burghersh, Bishop De, 143. Charles II of Navarre, 145.
Burke, Sir B., 117, 352. Charles the Fair, 364.
Burnet, 286. Chailes V, 73, 229.
Burnwashe, 334. Charles of Brunswick, 246.
Butler, 130, 242. Charles, Lancaster Herald, 375.
Byron, 76, 80. Charlotte of Mecklenburgh, 246.
Byzantium, 45. Charlton, 310.
Chartley, 116.
Caeilaverock, Caslle and Roll of, 7, Chartham, 48, 121.
39, 91, 142, 165, 187, 222, 376. Chaucer, 335.
Calvelev, Sir II., 209, 210. Chaworth, De, 169.
Cambridge, Royal House of, 258. Checkenden, 165.
Cambridge, Earl of, 197. Chester, Earl of, 73, 380.
Cambridge, University of, 283. Chester, See of, 281.
Cambridge, King's College, 143, Chester Herald, 109.
283, 299. Chester, 51, 324.
Cambridge, St. John's College, 118. Chester-le-Street, 182.
Cambridge, Trinity College, 284. C nig well, 116.
Camden, Marquess of, 61. Childrey, 179.
Camden, 376. Chichester, 58.
Camovs, De, 55, 105, 173, 376. Chichester, See of, 281.
Campbell, 148, 217, 336. Chipping Campden, 114, 165.
Campedene, De, 316. Cholmondeley, 50, 208.
Canning, Earl, 59. Chrishall, 162.
Cantelupe, De, 65, 171. Christchurch, Oxford, 284.
Canterbury, See of, 52, 280. Churchill, 336, 354.
Canterbury, Archbishop of, 90, 93, Clare, De, 27, 30, 47, 130, 170.
185. Clare, 170.
Canterbury, Cathedral of, 98, 100, Clarence, Duke of, 100, 176, 192,
190, 298, 302. 197, 237.
Canterbury, City of, 286. Clarence, Sir J. De, 373.
Cardigan, 50. Clarencieux. 109, 285.
Carew, 60. Clarendon, Sir R. De, 373.
Carlisle, See of, 281. Clayton and Bell, 297.
Caroline of Brandenburgh, 245. Clehongre, 56.
Caroline of Brunswick, 246. Cleveland, Duke of, 68, 374.
Carysfort, Earl of, 60. Cleves, Anne of, 243.
Castle Acre, 43. Clifford, De, 162, 203, 20S, 337.
Castile, 43, 46. Clinton, 205, 336.
Catherine of Arragon, 242. Clogher, 58.
Catherine of Ghent, 306. Cloptou, 181.
Catherine of Braganza, 245. Clothworkers' Company, 290.
Catherine of France, 241. Clovis, 72.
Catherine Parr, 243. Clynton, 166, 205, 336.
Cautville,De, 181. Cobham, 120, 162, 163.
Cavendish, 64, 218. Cobham, De, 63, 162
Cecil, 335. Cobham, Sir J. De, 163.

Cobham, Sir R. De, 163. Devereux, 173, 33 t.

Colchester, Baron, 75. Devon, Earl of, 218.
College of Arms, 285. Devonshire, Duke of, 218.
Colleges, 2S3. Deyville, De, 170.
Colley, 336. Digby, Baron, 73.
Companies, 287. Donoughmore, Earl of, 67.
Compton, 45. Dorchester, 45 .

Confessor, See Edward. Dormer, Baron, 62.

Constable of England, 13 7. Dorset, Duke of, 176.
Constance, 105. D3uglas, 59, 166, 205, 306.
Constance of Castile, 144. Drapers' Company, 289.
Conyngham, 55. Dreux, De, 39, 136, 133, 193.
Cornwall, Duke of, 99, 380. Drury, 56.
Cornwall, Earl of, 39, 100, 173, Drvden, Sir II , 49.
183, 314. Dublin, See of, 52, 98, 281.
Cornwall, Sir J. De, 1/3, 185. Dublin, Archbishop of, 90.
Corporate Bodies, 230, 283. Dublin, Marquess of, 112.
Couci, De, 334. Dublin, Earl of, 380.
Count, 96. Duchess, 101.
Countess, 96. Dudlev, 335.
Courtenay, De, 178, 218, 378. Dugdale, Sir \\\, 364.
Courtenay, Sir E. De, 199. Duke, 99.
Courteiiay, Sir II. De, 173, 199. Dunbar, Earl of, 215.
Courtenay, Sir P. De, 199. Dunsanv, Baron, 69.
Courtesy," Titles of, 96. Dunstable, 376.
Cramley, Archbishop, 93, 115. Durham, See of, 93, 281.
Creke, Sir J. De, 175. Durham, Bishop of, 93, 114.
Cresci, 364. Dynevor, Baron, 68.
Crevecceur, De, 335.
Cromwell, Oliver, 323. Earl, 101, See Marshal.
Croydon, 281. East India Merchants, 288.
Crusaders, 17, 45. Edward I, 46, 91, 114, 130, 157,
Crystal Palace, 307. 136, 227, 237, 249, 304, 376.
Culte, John, 286. Edward II, 56, 135, 136, 227, 237,
249, 304, 376.
Dacre, Baron, 205. Edward III, 10, 48, 73, 95, 104,
Dagworth, Sir N., 68, 161. 108, 121, 123, 141, 135, 191,
Dalling, Sir W., 75. 210, 227, 231, 237, 304, 376.
Darcv, 164, 172. Edward III, Monument of, 120,
Darnley, Lord, 313, 339. 192, 229, 309, 326.
Datchet, 289. Edward IV, 48, 74, 176, 230, 234,
Daubygne, 158, 167, 176. 237, 251, 252, 326.
Day, John, 291. Edward V, 230, 235.
Deans, 283. Edward VI, 230, 238, 251, 327.
Decies, Baron, 67. Edward the Confessor, 35, 66, 96,
Deincourt, 168. 119, 120, 143, 145, 168, 229.
Delamere, 56. Edward Tudor, 382.
Denmark, 245 367. Egerton, 337
Denmark, Alexandra of, 245. Eglinton, Earl of, 69.
Denmark, George of, 245. Eldred, John, 28S.
Derbv, Earl of, 50, 214, 218. Eleanor, See Alianore.
Derby House, 108. Elizabeth Tudor, 103, 230, 23S,
De Spencer, Le, 38, 142, 165. 251, 288, 305, 312, 327.
De Spencer, Bishop Le, 185, 186. Elizabeth Widville, 211.
E E 2

Elizabeth of York, 145, 242, 305. Fortescue, 208.

Elmebrvgge, 68, 172. Fortibus, W. De, 175.
Elmhurst, 74. France Ancient, 17, 18, 141, 169,
Elsyng, 43. 120, 142, 161, 1G3. 200, 229, 332.
Ehham, 56, See Plantagenet. France Modern, 144, 190, 229, 299,
Ely, Cathedral of, 116. 333, 383.
Ely, See of, 98, 281. Frazer, 74.
Enfield, 112, 143. Frederick II, of Denmark, 244.
England, Banners of, 223. Fontevraud, 304.
England, Lions of. 60. Furnival, De, 158.
England, Crest of, 210, 255.
England, Crown of, 252, 381. Garter, Order of the, 104, 155,
England, Shield of, 62, 104, 139, 208, 265.
227 to 232, 254. Garter, King of Arms, 109, 285.
England, Motto of, 208, 254. Gascoyne Cecil, 218.
England, Supporters of, 69, 235, Gaston, Viscount de Berne, 140.
255. Gaunt, W. de, 181.
Erpingham, D', 211. G.iveston, Arnold De, 140.
Espan, L', 248, 301. Gaveston, Piers de, 140, 335.
Esquires, 103. Geneville, De, 45, 159.
Essex, Earl of, 46, 134, 176. George I, 232.
Essex, Countess of, 103. George II, 232.
Esstoford, D', 173. George III, 232.
Este, Mary D', 245. George IV, 232.
Eton College, 284. Ghent, See Platagenet.
Exeter, See of, 56, 282. Giffard, Baron, 56.
Exeter, Cathedral of, 166, 389. Giffard, Sir J., 170.
Exeter, Bishop of, 185, 235. Glendour, 334.
Exeter, Dukes of, 184. Glover, 185, 375, 376.
Gloucester, See of, 282.
Falkirk, 376. Gloucester, Cathedral of, 297.
Falmouth, Viscount, 69. Goldsmiths' Company, 289.
Fancoml.e, De. 163. Goodrvke, Bishop, 116.
Fanhope, Baron, 185. Gothes, 368.
Felton, Sir T., 211. Gower, 218, 337.
Felbrvgge, Sir Svmon De, 222, 229. Grafton, Duke of, 374.
Ferdinand III, 139. Graham, De, 163, 219, 336.
Ferrers, De, 183. Grandison, De, 182.
Ferrers of Chartley, 116, 211, 385. Granville, 47, 218, 337.
Fishmongprs' Company, 289. Great Saxham, 288.
Finchley, 289. Great Yarmouth, 132, 186, 189,
Fitz Alan, 63, 143. 191.
Fitz Alan of Bedalj, 376. Greece, 369.
Fitz Gerald, 337. Greillv, 181.
Fitz Geoffrey, 175, 183, 333. Grevel, 114, 165.
Fitz Marmaduke, 182. Grey, Archbishop, 98.
Fitz May hew, 142. Grev, Lady Jane, 344.
Fitz Nic'hol, 163, 385. Grey, 55.
Fitz Ralph, 170', 175. Grey, De, 40, 182.
Fitz William, 49, 57, 172. Grev, Earl of Stamford, 208.
Fitz William, Earl, 213. Grey, Earl of Tankerville, 185.
Fitz Urse, 335. Grimstone, 165.
Fitz Warren, 334. Gueslyn, De, 168.
Flanders, 239. Guyenne, 239.

Guildford, 281. Higham Ferrers, 289.

Guilds, 287. Hohenzollern, 365.
Gunby, 164. Holland, 368.
Holland, Joan de, 195.
Haberdashers' Company, 290. Holland, De, Duke of Exeter, 1S4,
Hainanlt, 240.
Haliburton, 336. Holland, De, Duke of Kent, 143,
Hallam, Bishop R., 105. 151, 184, 195, 216,378,385.
Haltwhistle, 53. Holland, De, 178,325.
Hampton Court, 122, 234. Ilolstein, 363.
Ilampson, Sir G., 50. Home, 209.
Hanover, 231, 232, 367. Hope, 49, 54, 215.
Harcourt, Sir R., 105, 176. Hospitallers, 34, 259.
IlaiToutt, Lady, 105. Howard, De. 58, 109, 164, 205, 214,
Harpham, 163. 354.
Harsnett, Archbishop, 116. Howard, Catherine, 243.
Harsyck, Sir J., 112, 116. Uowden, 1G4.
Hastings, De, 51, 141. Hungary, 370.
Hastings, E. De, 159. Ilungerford, 205.
Hastings, Sir H., 43, 120, 142, 229. Huntingdon, Earl of, 166.
Hastings, John De, 141, 159. Hunton, 119.
Hatfield, Win. of, 100.
Hatfield Broadoak, 43. lona, 51.
Hay, De la, 55, 57, 71. Ipswich, 53, 114, 132.
Haydon, J., 168. Ireland, 50.
Hazlerigg, 74. Ironmongers' Company, 290.
Helena, Princess, 257. Isabella of Angouleme, 239, 248.
Henry I, 51, 227. I>abelle of Castile, 196.
Henrv II, 226, 248. Isabel e of France, 127, 131, 240.
Henrv III, 9, 17, 21, 35, 43, 117, Isabelle of France, 145, 240.
210, 227, 236, 249, 304, 375. Islip, Abbot, 119.
Henry IV, 46, 72, 73, 98, 141, 228, Italy, 367. 381.
230, 237,249,305, 383.
Henry V, 45, 49, 72, 190, 230, 237, James I, 59, 126, 141, 230, 238,
250, 252, 305, 380. 251, 327.
Henry VI, 128, 230, 237, 242, 250, James I, of Scotland, 325.
252, 284, 326. James II, 251.
Henry VII, 230, 237, 242, 250, Joanna of Navatre, 46, 240, 219, 305.
251,305, 326. John, See Plantagenet.
Henry VIII, 122, 230, 238, 250, John, 39, 236, 248, 219, 304.
252, 284, 345. Johnstone, Sir W., 69.
Henry VII, Chapel of, 75, 122. Jerusalem, 1, 17.
Henry Stuart, 382.
Henrietta Maria, 245. Kemp, Archbishop, 93.
Hepburn, 208. Kendal, Earl of, 181.
Heralds, 108, 151, 285. Kent, Earl of, See Holland.
Heralds' College, 108, 285, 338. Kerrison. Sir E., 97, 353.
Hereford, Earl of, 63, 134, 137, 138, Kilfane, 181.
386. King's College Chapel, 75, 230, 243,
Hereford, See of, 65, 2«2. 252.
Hereford, Cathedral of, 56, 211. King's Langley, 48, 96, 184, 189,
Heiiz, De, 335. 190, 194.
Hesse, 369. Kirkpatriek, 47, 21 I.
Ilever, 103, 105. Knights, 111, 155, 265.

Knights Hospitallers, 34, 259. Macdonald, 51, 64.

Knights Templars, 34, 117, 259. Major-Henniker, 208.
Malmesbury, Earl of, 65.
Labarte, 304. Maltravers," 334.
Lacv, De, 31, 63, 142, 186, 222, Malvern, 297.
324. Man, Isle of, 59, 93.
Lancaster, See Plantagenets. Mans, 248, 304.
Lancaster, Duke of, 99. Manchester, 68, 282.
Lancaster, Earl of, 43. Manny, 135.
Lancaster Herald, 100. Mandeville, De, 46, 142, 333.
Lancaster, De, 177, 180, 181. Manners, 336.
Llandaff, 51, 53, 282. March, Earl of, 213,215, 234.
Llanover, Baron, 50. Marchioness, 113.
Langton, Bishop, 118. Marlb. rough, Duke of, 33, 336, 353.
Latham or Lathom, 173, 179, 214. Margaret of Anjou, 241.
Latton, 175, 179. Margaret of France, 131, 240, 324.
Latymer, 179, 200. Margaret of Scotland, 209.
Lawrence, 98. Margaret of Lennox, 144.
Leinster, Duke of, 337. Margaret of Richmond, 144, 252.
Lennox, 172. Margeria of Hereford, 137.
Leopold, Prince, 257. Marmion, 211.
Leslie, 209, 325. Marquess, 112.
Levant Merchants, 288. Marshal, Le, 50, 333,
Leventhorpe, 191. Marshal, the Earl, 109, 125, 147,
Leveson, 70, 74,218. 337. 345,
Lichfield, See of, 282. Martyn, Judge, 47.
Lincoln, Earl of, 186, 222. Mary, Queen, 103.
Lincoln, See of, 58, 282. Mary D'Este, 144.
Lincoln's Inn Hall, 20. Mary Stuart, 230.
Lindsay, 209. Mary Tudor, 230, 235, 238.
Lisle, De, 54, 333, 373. Massyngberd, 164.
Little Bradley, 291. Matilda" of Bologne, 239.
Litlle Easton, 103, 176, 379. Matilda of Flanders, 239.
London, Bishop of, 93. Matilda of Scotland, 239.
London, See of, 56, 93, 281. Mauleverer, De, 205.
London, St. Paul's Cathedral, Meath, 51.
231. Mere, De la, 43, 56.
London, City of, 48, 57, 286. Merchants Adventurers, 114, 287.
Long, 213. Merchants of the Staple, 114, 287.
Longespee, W. De, 63, 88, 137, 305, Mercers' Company, 288.
324. Merchant Tailors' Company, 289.

Long Melford, 181. Merevale, 116,211,385.

Lorton, Viscount, 61. Merley, De, 168.
Lorn, 51, 336. Meynell, De, 182.
Lothian, Marquess of, 71. Middlesex, 55.
Lothaire, 72. Milo, 137.
Louisa, Princess, 257. Milton, John, 335.
Louell, 199. Minims, North, 53.
Louterell, Sir G., 210. Moelles, De, 167.
Louis, 8, 73. Mohun, De, 334.
Louvain, 239. Monasteries, 283.
Lower, M. A., 2. Monchesney, De, 175.
Lucy, De, 163, 334. Monemne, De, 182.
Montfort, De, 62, 165.

Monthermer, De, 68, 212. Oxford, Earl of, 183.

Montague, De, 60, 179, 199. Oxford, City of, 286.
Montacute, De, 159,212,335. Oxford, New College, 115.
Monteagle, Baron, 209. Oxford, Christ Church College,
Monte Alto, Melicent De, 170. 284.
Montbourchier, 183. Oxford, See of, 58, 282.
Montfitchet, 333. Oxford, Trinity College, 284.
Montgomery, De, 183, 334. Oxford, University of, 283.
Montrose, 219, 336.
Mortimer, De, 37, 159, 193, 211, Paignall, 159.
213, 217, 237. Painter's Company, 290.
Mortimer's Cross, 74. Parker, 97.
Mowbrav, De, 63, 109, 125, 135, Parr, Catherine, 238, 243.
205, 211, 214, 382. Pans, 172.
Municipal Corporations, 286. Pebmarsh, 170.
Pelham, 46, 205.
Napoleon, The Emperor, 364. Pelham-Clinton, 215, 336.
Nassau, 231. Pembridge, 211.
Navarre, 46, 132, 239. Pembroke, Earl of, 43, 62.
Neath Abbey, 47. Percy, De, 43, 58, 63, 204, 208,
Nelond, 98. 214
Nelson, Viscount, 97, 352. Percy .Monument, 43, 360.
Neville, De, 31, 146, 179, 383, 199, Perrott, 75.
200, 208, 210, 214, 218,241. Pcscod, 118.
New College, Oxford, 53. Peterborough, See of, 282.
Newcastle, Duke of, 214, 336. Peverell, 205.
Nicholas, Sir H., 376. Pe\ner, De, 170.
Norrov, Herald, 109, 285. Philippa of Hainault, 240, 305.
Norfolk, Earl of, 190. Philip of Spain, 244.
Norfolk, Duke of, 61, 78, 109, 120, Philip III of France, 364.
147, 191,214,345. Philip IV of France, 140.
Northumberland, Duke of, 61, 67, Philip, Sir W. 211.
214. Planche, Mr., 72, 124. 133, 136, 204,
North wick, Baron, 67. 324, 378.
Northampton, Earl of, 165. Plantagenets, Family of, 74, 83.
Norton Brize, 156, 167. Plantagenets, Lancastrians, 74, 236,
Norway, 367, 368. 261. 382.
Norwich, 51, 252, 286. Plantagenets, Yorkists, 74, 236,
Norwich, St. John's Church 114, 263. 382.
288. Plain agenets, Livery Colors of, 83.
Norwich, See of, 185, 282. Plantagenet, Alianore, 134.
Nottingham, Earl of, 125. Plantagcnet, Edmond, of Lancaster,
Nova Scotia Badge, 92. 43, 87, 187, 191, 302, 305.
Plantagenet, Edmond, of Cornwall,
Oakes, 74. 130, 173.
Ochiltree, 138. Plantagenet, Edmond, of Langley,
Odingselles, D\ 167. 48,96,193, 195, 306, 313.
Okstead, 74. Plantagenet, Edmond, of Woodstock,
Oldenburg, 368. 183, 195.
Orkney, Earl of, 64. Plantagenet, Edmond, Earl of Rut-
Ormond, Marquess of, 68. land, 197.
Ormonde, Earl of, 103. Plantagenet, Elizabeth, 101. 306,
Ottway, 68. Plantagcnet, Elizabeth, (if York.
Outram, 98. 242.

Plantagenet, Edward, the Black Portcullis, Pursuivant, 109.

Prince, 49, 56, 70, 99, 100, 104, Portugal, 369.
107,111,190, 195,202,210,300, Poulett, the Earl, 56.
318, 382, 385. Pownder, T., 132.
Plantagenet, Edward, Earl of Rut- Powys, 150, 360.
land, 196. Poynings, 334.
Plantagenet, Geoffrev, of Anjou, 117, Preshaw, 213.
304. Prestwyck, 66.
Plantagenet, George, of Clarence, Prince of Wales, 253, 25G, 380,
176, 189, 197, 211. 381, 387.
Plantagenet, Henry, Earl of Lan- Prince Consort, 253, 255.
caster, 181, 191,325. Princess, 254, 256.
Plantagenet, Henry, Duke of Lan- Princess Roval, 257.
caster, 99, 157, 191, 217. Provence, 2\ 99, 239.

Plantagenet, Henry, of Bolingbroke, Prussia, 365.

144, 187, 191, 193, 202, 223. Pursuivant, 109.
Plantagenet, Humphrey 7
of Glou-

cester, 184, 306, 378. Queen, Her Majesty, The, 105, 139,
Plantagenet, Isabelle, 103,306, 379. 146, 232, 250,253, 276,277,381.
Plantagenet, Joan, of Kent, 195, Quincey, Saer De, 186.
237. Quincey, R. De, 174, 324.
Plantagenet, Joan, 309.
Plantagenet, John, of Eltham, 20, Radclyffe, De, 334.
56, 100, 124. 136, 183, 305, 385 Ramrydge, Abbot, 118, 303, 300.
Plantagenet, John, of Ghent, 144, Ravmond of Provence, 21.
193, 202, 382. Richard I,61, 210, 227, 237.
Plantagenet, John, Duke of Bed- Richard II,43, 74, 112, 117, 120,
ford, 189, 198, 211. 141, 145, 189,206,216,229,234,
Plantagenet, Lionel, of Clarence, 240, 305, 382.
100, 192. Richard III, 146, 197, 230, 235.
Plantagenet, Margaret, 141, 306. Richmond, Countess of, 242, 307,
Plantagenet, Mary, 309. 311.
Plantagenet, Richard, of Conings- Richmond, Duke of, 218, 373.
burgh, 184, 193, 197, 379. Richmond, Earl of, 185, 193.
Plantagenet, Richard, of York, 189, Richmond, De, 182.
197. Ripon,282.
Plantagenet, Richard, of Cornwall, Rishangles, 165.
39, 66, 130. Robsart, Lord, 303, 314.
Plantagenet, Thomas, of Lancaster, Rochester, See of, 282.
181, 191, 212, 323. Rcchfort, 242.
Plantagenet, Thomas, " De Brother- Rokewood, 47.
ton," 135, 190. Rokele, De, 174.
Plantagenet, Thomas, of Gloucester. Romara, W. De, 174, 324.
184, 202,216,325. Ros, De, 57, 162.
Plantagenet, Thomas, of Clarence, Rothsay, Duke of, 3S0.
197. Rouen, 198.
Plantagenet, William, of Hatfield, Rouge Croix, 109.
100, 306. Rouge Dragon, 109.
Pleshv, 202. Routhe, De, 376.
Plessis, De, 174. Royal Artillery, 291.
Pole, De la, 101, 105, 179. Roval Marines, 291.
Ponsonby, 47. Russell, 64, 67, 208, 336.
Ponthieu, 240. Rutland, Duke of, 65, 69, 213, 336.
Rope, Sir T., 284. Rutland, Eail of, 196, 197.

Russia, 366. Setvans, R. de, 48, 124, 207.

Ryther, De, 171. Seymour, Jane, 238, 243.
Shakespeare. 55, 95, 118, 203, 335.
St. Alban, 119. Shastone, De, 167.
St. Alban, Abbey of, 43, 53, 68, 71, Shrewsbury, Earl of, 64, 185, 207.
118, 184, 188, 283, 360,379. Skinner's Company, 289.
St. Alban's, Duke of, 374. Sleswick, 367.
St. Amand, 173. Smythe, Sir W., 383.
St. Andrew, 33, 270. Somerset, Duke of, 176, 184, 218,
St. Andrew's, London, 290. 374, 382.
St. Asaph, See of, 282. Somerset, Marquess of, 184.
St. Anthony, Cross and Order of, 33, Somerset, 217.
260. Somerset Herald, 109.
St. Cross, Hospital of, 316. Southacre, 112, 117.
St. David's, See of, 282. Spain, 369.
St. Edward (the Confessor), 96. Spencer, Earl, 38, 218, 336, See
St. Edmond, 96, 119. De Spencer.
St. George, 33, 48, 96, 120, 274, Spring Rice, 209.
327, 366. Stafford, De, 149, 163. 185, 212.
St. George's Chapel, Windsor, 122, Stafford Jermingham, 219.
298. Staindrop, 210.
St. John, De, 167. Standon, 287.
St. John's College, Cambridge, 299. Stanley, 64, 144, 179, 205, 214,
St. Martin'sin-the-Fields, 232. 218, 337.
St. Martin Outwich, 289. Stanton Harcourt, 105.
St. Maur, 218. Stapleton, De, 185
St. Michael, 121, 274. Staple, Merchants of the, 114.
St. Omer, 168. Star of India, Order of, 276.
St. Patrick, 33, 34, 121, 270, 337. Stationers'Company, 290.
St. Quintin, De. 163, 182. Stephen, 227.
Salisbury, Cathedral of, 88. Stoke Daubernon, 117.
Salisbury, Earl of, 63, 88. Stothard, Charles, 378.
Salisbury, Matilda of, 137. Stourton, Lord, 212.
Salisbury, See of, 58, 282. Stradsett, 171.
Salisbury, Marquess of, 218. Stratherne, Euphemia of, 138.
Saltmarsh, De, 164. Strange, 337.
Suiters' Company, 290. Stuarts, 72, 208, 233.
Sawbridgeworth, 191. Stuart, Alan, 138.
Sawtry, 212. Stuart, Arabella, 341.
Say, De, 124, 142, 333. Stuart, David, 138.
Saxony, 247, 256, 364, 380. Stuart, Marv, 307, 339.
Schools, Public, 284. Suabia, 242!
Scotland, 38, 57, 73. Suffolk, Duke of, 105.
Scotland, Lion of, 60. Surrey, Earl of, 134.
Scott, Sir Walter, 68, 335. Sutherland, Duke of, 218, 337.
Scott of Thirlstane, 208. Sweden, 368.
Scrope, Lord, 211. Switzerland, 370.
Seafield, Earl of, 98. Swynborne, De, 164.
Seal, 212. Sydney, 335.
Seaton, Baron, 97.
Sees, Episcopal, and Bishops, 281. Talbot, De, 183, 19 5.
Segrave, Lord, 63, 135, 379. TanfieUl, 211.
Selby, 158. Tankerville, Earl, 185.
Selkirk, Earl of, 69. Tatrlow, De, 170.

Tateshall, De, 180. Vincent, 170, 197, 377.

Tederade, 133. Victoria, 11, 232, 250, 253, 328,
Templars, 34, 174, 259. ^
See Queen.
Temple, 208. Volunteers, 225.
Temple Church, 46.
Terri, John, 114, 288. Wakefield, 197.
Thebes, 19. Wake, Lord, 173, 194, 378.
Theddlethorpe, 168. Waldebv, Archbishop, 98.
Thistle, Order of the, 269. Wales, The Prince of, 187, 380,
Thorpe, De, 211, 212, 262, 361. 382, 387.
Tiptoft, 112, 143, 150, 310, 358. Wales, Principality of, 239.
Toolye, 133. Wallers, 204, 378.
Tower Hill, 199. Walt ham stow, 289.
Tressel, De, 172. Walworth, William De, 48.
Trussell, 173. Warwick, Earl, 64, 102, 111, 121,
Trinity House, 55, 285. 178, 198, 203, 223.
Trinity College, Cambridge, 284. Warwick, 102, 111, 1G3, 166.
Trinity College, Oxford, 284. Warrenne, De, 43, 78, 109, 134,
Trotton, 55, 105, 303. 181, 194.
Trumpingdon, De, 57, 106, 162. Warburton, 66.
Tudor, 54, 185, 382. Warham, Archbishop, 98.
Tudor, Arthur, 72, 74, 190, 238, Waterford, 58.
302, 306, 382. Welle, De, 173.
Tudors, Livery Colors of, 83, 122. Welleslev, 219, 336.
Turkey, 370. Wellington, Duke of, 33, 91, 219,
Tyler, Wat, 48. 336, 337, 353.
Wensley, 53.
Ufford, D\ 334. Westley Waterless, 175.
Ughtred, 166. Westminster Abbey, 17, 20, 35, 43,
Ulster, Radge of, 59, 92. 120, 174, 230, 283, 297, 302, &c.
Ulster, Eail 146, 192, 237.
of, Westminster Hall, 143, 206,
Ulster, Herald King, 109, 286. 299.
Umphaville, D', 163. Westminster, Deanery of, 283.
Universities, 283. Westmorland, Earl, 210,214.
Upton, Nicholas, 177, 379. Wheathampiede, De, 71, 186.
Whitworth, 39.
Valence, Aymer De, 96, 132, 168, Widville, orWoodville, 241.
305. William I, 226, 227.
Valence, Guv De, 169. William II, 227, 304.
Valence, William De, 38, 43, 55 William III, 230, 328.
66, 132, 138, 168, 305, 387. William IV, 232.
Valois, 364. Willement, 245.
Vaux, De, 175. Willis, Professor, 141.
Vavasour, Le, 334. W^illoughby D'Eresby, 158.
Vere, De, 43, 52, 73, 165, Winchester, 56.
Wiltshire, Earl of, 103.
Verdon, De, 176. Winchester, Bishop of, 93, 281.
Vernon, 119, 335. Winchester, Cathedral of, 190.
Verney, 179, 180. Winchester, Earl of, 174, 186.
Verulam, Earl, 165. Windsor, 163.
Vesci, De, 35. Windsor Herald, 109,
Victoria Cross, 277. Wingfield, 105.
Vintners' Company, 290. Wiston, 164, 213.
Vipont, De, 174. Wobuin, 289.

Worcester, Cathedral of, 55, 75, Wynne, Sir W. W., 65.

161, 238, 297.
Worcester, Earl of, 373. York, See Plantagenets.
Worcester, See of, 283. York, Cathedral of, 100.
Wodehouse, Baron, 215. York, Duke of, 193, 195, 196, 197.
Wolsey, Cardinal, 284. York, See of, 281.
Woodstock, 75, 205. York Herald, 109.
Wotton-uuder-Edge, 68.
Wurtemburgh, 3o9. Zouch, De la, 158.
Wymington, 171.


Printed by A. Schulze, 13, PolandS


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