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Larry Schneider

From: Larry Schneider

Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 7:48 PM
To: Brian T. Hagan (
Subject: FW: BankUnited-1st Fidelity Revolving LOC

Importance: High


I want you to be aware that my banking relationship between 1st Fidelity Loan Servicing and Bank
United has now been affected by the fraudulent reporting of my HELOC by First American Bank. This
relationship with Bank United includes not only the operating account but also a revolving line of
credit which is the life line of the Company and the primary source of funding the RICO and False
Claim Cases against JPMorgan Chase, as the whistleblower retaliation to my entities by JPMorgan
Chase has significantly reduced my cash flow by interfering with the contractual relationships
between my entities and the borrowers whose loans are owned by my entities. The Justice
Department and numerous state attorney generals have been relying on my continued litigation and
progress in the FCA case while it decides whether and when to intervene in the case, which is largely
based on political factors.

However, due to the ongoing fraudulent reporting of my HELOC by First American Bank, Bank United
has suspended my business line of effective immediately due to negative reporting on my personal
credit report. As I have advised you and numerous other employees of First American Bank, over the
course of eight months, through scores of correspondences, the bank is fraudulently misrepresenting
my payment history to the credit repositories. As such, this ongoing fraud and misrepresentation has
now caused harms to me individually, to S & A Capital Partners regarding the Johnnie Washington
fraudulent satisfaction, and the now the freezing of 1st Fidelity Loan Servicing revolving line of credit
with Bank United. This is now causing indirect harm to the United States Treasury, every tax payer
and the treasuries of 19 States and the District of Columbia if I cannot fund the continuance of this

Our counsel has already corresponded with general counsel for Bank United and with the Department
of Justice, concerning First American Banks gross negligence and potential criminal conduct in this

In addition, we will be filing complaints with every federal and state regulatory agency, in addition to
the temporary injunction which we will be filing in federal court for the cease and desist of the banks’
fraud. I will expose the banks fraud and your fraudulent misrepresentation in numerous these

I have been instructed by counsel to cease all communications with you.



From: Ivonne Cabrera

Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 11:05 AM
Subject: BankUnited-1st Fidelity Revolving LOC

Hi Larry,

Per our conversation, as part of our loan conditions from time to time we review guarantors credit
and yours has been addressed. Please provide letter of explanation and supporting documentation of
resolution to credit report.

Please call me with any questions.




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