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LEX GO 2019 Special Edition

I. Title

II. Resource Speaker

Atty. David I.B. Ocampo
Shara Camille B. Maningat
III. Location

SNAP Magat

IV. Brief Description

OSHS LAW, STRENGTHENING OUR COMPLIANCE aims to discuss the new law
signed by President Rodrigo Duterte which is the Republic Act No. 11058
entitled An Act Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health
Standards (OSHS). The law and IRR mandates the strict compliance of employers
to workplace safety standards.
It is designed to inform SNAP employees of the background and rationale of this
law, the duties and rights of the employers and workers, the responsibility and
liability of the employer and the penalties for the violations of the said law.
V. Outline

a. Background and Rationale

b. Coverage
c. Duties of Employers
d. Duties and Rights of Workers
e. Employer’s Responsibility and Liability
f. Prohibited Acts and Its Corresponding Penalties

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