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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
City Schools Division of Puerto Princesa
Manalo, Puerto Princesa City


Name: _____________________________________ Score: _______________

Grade & Section: _____________________________ Date: ________________

MELCs – Describes the musical characteristics of representative music selections from the lowlands of Luzon after
listening. (MU7LU-Ia-1)
Direction: Choose one folk song in the box and describe the song using drawing or sketching.
Use separate bond paper or any extra paper for you artwork.

Bahay Kubo Leron-Leron Sinta

Sit-sirit-sit Matanim Ay Di Biro
Paru-Parong Bukid

Content 50%
Creativity 20%
Organization 15%
Cleanliness 15%
Total = 100%

MELCs – Analyzes elements and principles of art in the production of one’s arts and crafts inspired by the arts of Luzon
highlands and lowlands. (A7EL-Ib-1)
Direction: Analyze the Manunggul Jar from Brooke’s Point Palawan and the Underground River of Sabang, Puerto Princesa City.
Analyze and draw the elements that can be found in the picture.

Shape Line

1. _______________ 1. __________________

2. _______________ 2. __________________

3. _______________ 3. __________________

4. ______________ 4. __________________

5. ______________ 5. _________________

MELCs – Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments. (PE7PF-Ia-h-23)

Direction: Read the following Questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
______ 1.______________ is the ability of the muscle, joints and tendons to move in a full of range
a. strength b. flexibility c. muscular endurance d. body composition
______ 2. What do you call the ability of an individual to perform daily task activities without undue fatigue?
a. Physical fitness b. strength c. Fitness d. spiritual health
______ 3. It evaluates a person in terms of height and weight.
a. Body composition b. body mass index c. aerobic fitness d. BPM
______ 4. What is the ability of the muscle to endure contractions against a resistance over a long period of time?
a. flexibility b. muscular endurance c. body composition d. strength
______ 5. A type of physical activity consisting of planned, structured and repetitive bodily movement.
a. exercise b. skill related fitness c. health related fitness d. physical fitness
______6. ________ is the ability to perform one maximum effort in the shortest possible time .
a. speed b. agility c. power d. coordination
______ 7. What is the ability of the heart and the lungs to sustain energy over a long period of time?
a. Strength c. body composition
b. cardiovascular endurance d. muscular endurance
______ 8. The composition of the body fats compared to lean mass in the body.
a. flexibility b. physical fitness c. muscular endurance d. body composition
9-10. What kind of exercise did you do everyday? List atleast 3 exercise that you execute this morning/afternoon.
1. __________________
2. __________________
3. __________________

MELCs – Explains the dimensions of holistic health (physical, mental/ intellectual, emotional, social, and moral-
spiritual). (H7GD-Ib-13)

Test I. Direction: Read the following Questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
______ 1. What will you do when you make a mistake?
a. Cover it up
b. Admit your mistake.
c. Pretend nothing happened.
d. Hope that no one will find out.
______ 2. Continuously wanting to learn new things and improve one’s kills.
a. Physical health b. mental health c. emotional health d. spiritual health
______ 3. It means expressing your happiness, love, joy and hope as well as your sadness, anger, stress and fear in healthful
productive ways.
a. Physical health b. mental health c. emotional health d. moral-spiritual health
______ 4. What skills will help you get along well with other people?
a. Physical health b. mental health c. social health d. moral-spiritual health
_____ 5. Being at peace and in harmony with yourself, others and a higher power or bigger reality.
a. Moral-spiritual health b. emotional health c. social health d. physical health

Test II. Direction: Write P for Physical health, S for Social health, MS for Moral-spiritual Health, E for Emotional health, and M
for Mental health. Write your answer to the space provided.
_________ 6. Proper hygiene
_________ 7. Accepting yourself
_________ 8. Sharing your talents and skills
_________ 9. Learn from your mistakes
_________ 10. Exercise daily

God Bless!

Prepared by:
Marvie Rose T. Domingo ______________________________
MAPEH Teacher Parent’s Signature Over Printed Name

Checked by:
Merlinda S. Trance
Head Teacher IV/OIC

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