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University of Management and Technology

School of Commerce and Accountancy

Quaid e Azam Campus

Course Outline



Programs ADP (Sales and Marketing)

Credits Hours 3

Duration 15 Weeks / 30 Sessions

Prerequisites Principles of Marketing

Resource Person Numan Aslam


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This course is intended to provide participants frameworks, concepts and the skills required to
create, launch and manage brands successfully. Participants will explore consumer brand relations
as well as personal branding. Managerial aspects of brand management such as brand equity, brand
extensions and brand portfolio management are also covered in the course. Brand management
concepts and frameworks from this course can be applied to consumer product or business-to-
business companies, service companies as well as non-profit and public sector organizations. The
course will use a mix of lectures, articles and in-class exercises and discussions, and offer a balance
between theory and application. Students will also apply the concepts to building a personal brand.

Learning Objectives:

After studying this course the students will be able to:

1. Understand the basic branding principles and their exposure to classic and contemporary
branding applications.
2. Effects of day to day marketing decisions on brand performance.
3. Long term prosperity of brand franchises and product or services portfolio.
4. New ideas with implication of marketing strategies and tactics.
5. Branding in the digital era.

Teaching-Learning Methodology:

 Lectures
 Recommended Text/ Supplementary Texts
 Handouts
 Case Studies
 Skill Development Exercises
 Industrial/ Corporate Visits
 Project Report

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Recommended Text Book:

1. Strategic Brand Management 5th Edition (Global Edition)

By: Keller Kevin

Supplementary Text Books:

1. Perspectives on Brand Management 5th Edition

By: Uncles & Mark

2. Branding By: Brad VanAuken

Assessment & Evaluation:

Quizzes 15%
Assignments/ Class Activities
Final Project 20%
Project Presentation/Presentations
Mid Term 25%
End Term Exam 40%
Total: 100

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Week Contents/Topics to be Taught Tasks/Activities

Distribution of Course Outline. General introduction with the

Course Outline
1 participants. General guidelines and instructions for
participants. Overview and importance of the particular Course.

What is brand? Why do brands matter? Branding Challenges

2 Assignment 1
and Opportunities. Strategic Brand Management Process.

Developing a Brand Strategy:

Customer based brand equity. Sources of brand equity.

3 Quiz 1
Identifying and establishing brand positioning. Positioning

guidelines. Four steps of brand building. The brand value chain.

Designing & Implementing Brand Marketing Programs:

4 Criteria for choosing brand elements. Options and tactics for

brand elements.

Integrated marketing. Product strategy. Pricing strategy.

Channel strategy.

The new media environment. Three major marketing

6 communication options. Key issues for branding in the digital Assignment 2


Brand engagement. Digital communications. Mobile marketing.

7 Quiz 2
Content marketing.


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Measuring and Interpreting Brand Performance:

Conducting branding audit. Big data & marketing analytics.

Establishing a brand equity management system. Qualitative and

Quantitative research techniques.

Social media listening & monitoring. Developing a brand

10 architecture strategy. Brand portfolios. Brand hierarchies. Assignment 3

Corporate branding.

New products and brand extension. Advantages and

Quiz 3
11 disadvantages of extensions. Evaluating brand extension


Reinforcing brands. Revitalizing brands. Regional market

segments. Global branding.

Strategic brand management guidelines. What makes a string

13 Quiz 4
brand? Future brand priorities.

Project &

14 Assigned/ Approved Topics Presentations (if


Project &

15 Assigned/ Approved Topics Presentations (if



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Classroom Rules & Behavior:

 Regularity and Punctuality will be very strictly observed. You have an allowance of
only six absences (Out of 30 sessions).
 No leave is acceptable (Except Special Cases referred by Director).
 Join online class within 10 minutes of the scheduled time and attend at least half time,
Otherwise marked absent.
 Register your course on LMS (
 In case of group presentation any student with absenteeism will get zero marks.
 No Quiz, Assignment, Project will be accepted or entertained after due date.

Participant Responsibilities:
Class Participation:

Positive, healthy and constructive class participation will be monitored for each class. Particular
emphasis will be given during the presentation sessions. The manner in which the question is asked or
answered will also be noted. Your behaviour, as business executives in the class will contribute to the
class participation marks.

Honesty Policy:

A student found in cheating (plagiarism) on any exam/ assignment/ project, his/her case will be referred
to Unfair Means Committee (UFM) that may result in no credit (i.e. no grade) for that exam/ assignment/
project. A deduction from the sessional marks and financial penalties are other possibilities as decided
by the committee.


It is defined in dictionaries as "the wrongful appropriation, close imitation, or purloining (stealing) and
publication, of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions, and the representation of them
as one's own original work.

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