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Project : Five (W3) Week : One Day : One

Name : Course: Date :

Activity : Answer the questions

1.- What is your favorite sport?

My favorite sport is football.

2.- Write a short paragraph about your favorite sport in english and spanish . Draw and color
a picture about it. (10 lines)

Soccer is a sport that is played with eleven players per team, ten players and one goalkeeper
per team. In a soccer game there must be a referee and two referee assistants. To be able to
play this sport there must be a soccer ball, and it is played on a field that can be made of
synthetic grass and the field can measure 120 meters long and 60 meters wide at most, and 90
meters long and 45 meters width at least.

El fútbol es un deporte que se juega de once jugadores por equipo, diez jugadores y un
arquero por equipo, en un partido de fútbol tiene que haber un árbitro y dos asistentes del
árbitro. Para poder jugar este deporte tiene que haber un balón de fútbol, y se juega en una
cancha que puede ser de pasto sintético y la cancha puede medir 120 metros de largo y 60
metros de ancho como máximo, y 90 metros de largo y 45 metros de ancho como mínimo.



PROJECT: Five (w3) WEEK: One DAY: Two


1.- Write 3 sentences with “IN “ (e- s)

My cousin and I love going to the beach in the summer.

My brother was born in 2005.

Every year my family and I travel to El Cisne in August.

2.- Write 3 sentences with “ON “ (e- s)

This year my birthday will be on Friday.

My favorite cousin's birthday is on June 26th.

My medical appointment will be on February 25th of this year.

3.- Write 3 sentences with “AT “ (e- s)

My mom is waiting for me at the supermarket.

Today I woke up at 7 o'clock.

My cousin's classes end at 4:00 pm.

PROJECT 6 WEEK 1 2nd Q. 2nd Q

• Activity : Read the text and answer the questions.

• 1.- Have you ever been to Cuenca?

No, I haven´t

• 2.- Is the parade of the baby Jesus a traditions in your hometown?

No, it isn´t

• 3.- What other Ecuadorian festivals do you know? (mention 3)

The Inti Raymi festival

The Guaranda Carnival

Festival of Flowers and Fruits


• 2.- List 10 new words . Write the meaning. Number them.


1. Procession procesión
2. Mixture mezcla
3. Profane profano
4. Thanksgiving acción de gracias
5. Parade desfile
6. Floats flotadores
7. Performers artistas intérpretes
8. Villages pueblos
9. Advent adviento
10. Craft sales venta de artesanías
PROJECT 6 (week 1)

WEEK: Two Day: Two (2Q 2Q)

Name: Course: Date:

1.- Copy the question words. Write the meaning in spanish.

English Spanish

1.- What? ¿Qué?

2.- Who? ¿Quién?

3.- Where? ¿Dónde?

4.- When? ¿Cuándo?

5.- Why? ¿Por qué?

6.- How? ¿Cómo?

7.- Which? ¿Cuál?

8.- How many? ¿Cuánto?

9.- How much? ¿Cuántos?

2.- Copy the questions above. Give your personal answers.

1.- What is your favorite fruit?

My favorite fruit is the apple.

2.- Who is your father?

My father is Alberto Mora.

3.- Where do you live?

I live in Quevedo.

4.- When is the party?

The party Will be on August.

5.- Why don´t you do your homework?

Because I don’t know how to do it.

6.- How old are you?

I’m 18 years old.

7.- Which is the right answer?

The right answer is the letter a.

8.- How many cousins do you have?

I have 7 cousins.

9.- How much rice do you need for the lunch?

I need half a plate of rice for lunch.

English TASK
PROJECT : 6 ( W 2 )
WEEK : Three DAY : One

Writing task

1.- Write in english the following extreme sports.

Spanish English

1.- Salto atado tied jump

2.- Senderismo hiking

3.- Ciclismo de montaña mountain biking

4.- Montañismo mountaineering

5.- Buceo diving

6.- Paracaidismo skydiving

7.- Velerismo sailing

8.- Parapente paragliding

9.- Escalada de rocas rock climbing

10.- Motociclismo motorcycling

2.- Vocabulary : List 10 new words about the reading. Number them.

English Spanish

1. Hobby afición / pasatiempo

2. Foreign extranjero
3. Adrenaline adrenalina
4. Extreme extremo
5. Beaches playas
6. Parachuting paracaidismo
7. Rivers ríos
8. Rafting canotaje
9. Windsurfing surf a vela
10. Scuba buceo
English Task

PROJECT: Six (W 3)

Second Quimester Second Partial

WEEK: Three Day: Two

Activity: Grammar Practice

1.- Write 2 blocks of sentences using “Going to “. Use different personal pronouns.

Block One

Spanish: Ella está yendo a jugar tenis.

Aff: She is going to play tennis.

Neg: She is not going to play tennis.

Q: Is she going to play tennis?

Block Two

Spanish: Él está yendo a trabajar muy temprano.

Aff: He is going to work very early.

Neg: He is not going to work very early.

Q: Is he going to work very erarly?

2.- Write 5 combinations of “GOING TO “and a verb in infinitive in english and spanish.


Spanish English

1.- Yendo a planchar 1.- Going to iron

1.- Yendo a caminar 1.- going to walk

2.- Yendo a nadar 2.- going to swim

3.- Yendo a trotar 3.- going to jogging

4.- Yendo a comer 4.- going to eat

5.- Yendo a cocinar 5.- going to cook

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