PRJ-BUL-04-2019 v2 - Focus Areas For In-Field Inspections

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Focus Areas for In-field Inspections

The Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR) conducted an inspection between
Richmond and South Yarra between 10th and 11th of January 2019. Focus was placed on the
role of the Work Group Supervisor (WGS), management of Road Rail Vehicles (RRVs) and
Fatigue Risk Management.

ONRSR Inspection Findings

During the inspection the ONRSR team spoke to WGSs at various locations to verify that
they were conducting their roles and accountabilities in accordance with “Planning Work Site
Protection in the Rail Corridor” procedure L1-SQE-PRO-054 (Version 6).
Whilst WGS roles and accountabilities are clearly defined within MTM’s procedure several
areas of non-compliance were found:
 Person(s) performing the role of WGS in respect of Railway Operations did not have
the necessary tools to check and validate rail safety worker competencies
 Person(s) performing the role of WGS in respect of Railway Operations did not have
the necessary tools to validate the network acceptance status of RRVs
 Person(s) performing the role of WGS in respect of Railway Operations were not
trained and inducted, and have an understanding of their work roles and
responsibilities in accordance with L1-SQE-PRO-054 (version 6)
Through inspection of the management of RRVs several areas of non-compliance were
 Several operators did not complete a Road Rail Usage Report and Pre-Start Vehicle
daily check. Accordingly, there was no evidence to demonstrate that the RRV was in
proper working order and therefore safe to use
 Several RRVs did not contain Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS). Accordingly,
there was no evidence to demonstrate that the rail safety workers on site had been
inducted into the safe working in and around the RRV
 Several RRVs did not contain a log book to report defects. Accordingly, there was no
evidence to demonstrate that the RRV did not contain defects and therefore safe to
 Several RRV did not contain a vehicle operations manual. Accordingly, there was no
evidence to demonstrate that a person using the RRV had all the necessary
information regarding the proper use of the RRV
Through inspection of the fatigue risk management arrangements several areas of non-
compliance were found:
 A number of rail safety workers had worked excessive hours during a two week
period, resulting in breaches of fatigue risk management procedure
 There was no evidence to demonstrate that risk assessments were undertaken to
assess variances to the planned hours of work
 There was no evidence of who had approved such risk assessments on these


PRJ-BUL-04-2019v2 07/03/2019 Joseph Le,
Immediate Actions
When performing your respective infield inspections, focus on the following areas:
 WGS roles and accountabilities
 understanding of L1-SQE-PRO-054 (Version 6)
 where WGS are supervising contractors the RIW App must be installed and its
use understood, to check rail safety workers competencies
 where track machines/vehicles are involved, installation of PlantGUARD App
and understand its use to check plant registration
Note: There will be a one (1) month rollout period for the WGS Toolbox. After 6
April 2019, you cannot perform WGS duties if the above areas cannot be
In the meantime (until 6 April 2019), it is essential that all WGS understand
their Roles and Accountabilities set out under L1-SQE-PRO-054 (version 6) and
have access to alternative tools to check plant registration and rail safety
workers competencies.
 Management of RRVs
 operations manual stored on the vehicle as per L4-CHE-FOR-058
 plant risk / hazard assessment on the vehicle as per L1-CHE-STD-007 and L4-
 log book stored on the vehicle as per L4-CHE-FOR-058
 SWMS for specific task(s) associated with RRV as per L1-CHE-STD-007
 Daily running sheet / (track vehicle) usage report maintained and kept with RRV
as per L1-CHE-STD-007
 Daily checks as per L2-CHE-PRO-005
Note: The RRV operation must cease if the above areas cannot be satisfied.

 Fatigue Risk Management

 risk assessments of variances to planned hours of work
 appropriate MTM endorsements for risk assessments in relation to variances to
planned hours of work
Note: non-compliance with the above will result in related person(s) performing
rail safety work to cease their duties immediately.

Report any non-conformances via INX.

Authorised by
Tim Maher
Executive Director | Safety, Environment and Risk


PRJ-BUL-04-2019v2 07/03/2019 Joseph Le,
The Responsible Manager is to determine the following:

Which areas in MTM are to be notified of this alert?

Check Code Division/Department
MTM Entire MTM Network
CHE Engineering / Chief Engineer
HMR People & Performance
INF Infrastructure Delivery
ELN Electrical Networks
OCS Operational Control Systems
SIG Signals & OCS
STF Structures & Facilities
TRK Track Delivery
OPS Operations
TSD Train Service Delivery
SWS Safeworking / Signalling
NOS Network Operations
SER Metrol
Customer Experience
STO Stations Customer Experience
AOS Authorised Officers
PRJ Projects & Planning
ROS Rolling Stock
SQE Safety, Environment & Risk
Other (e.g. Other Divisions/Departments or people not listed):

Which contractors should be notified of this alert?

Note: This is undertaken by MetroSafe through the Avetta portal. All contractors/third parties have previously been
tagged into their relevant MTM areas.
Check Division/Department
All MTM Contractors and Third Parties
Rolling Stock

How should this alert be distributed and/or acknowledged?

Note: This section may be amended by the Division dependent on best method of distribution
Check Division/Department
Issued via email
Placed on Noticeboards
Placed in staff pigeon holes / letterboxes
Delivered during toolbox discussions
Employees to acknowledge receipt
L4-SQE-FOR-070 Alert Register
Toolbox Attendance Records
Weekly Operational Notice (WON)
Other (specify):


PRJ-BUL-04-2019v2 07/03/2019 Joseph Le,

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