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In this chapter, some theories about error, pronunciation and vowel will be presented
based on several books and articles or internet as references.

2.1 Pronunciation
Pronunciation is one of the main language aspect and also the basic part of the language
skill. The effort to master sound system and to pronounce the word is one of the most important
aspect for learning a second language. Pronunciation is the act or the manner of pronouncing
word, utterance of speech. In addition, pronunciation is the production of significant sound in
two senses. First, sound is significant because it is used as part of a code of particular language.
Second, it is used to achieve meaning in context of use (Dalton and Seidlhofer in Afiki,
2017:10). In another source, Pronunciation is the way in which language is spoken; the way in
which a word is pronounced; the way a person speaks the words a language (Hornby in Mulatsih,
According to Kenworthy (in Afiki, 2017:12) states that many aspects of pronunciation.
The aspects of pronunciation as follows :
1. Combination of sound : Combination of sound occurs in group. For example in word
‘salt’ there are two consonants in the end of the word. It is called a consonant cluster
2. Linkage sound : Linkage sound means when the English people speak do not pause
between each word, but can move from word to another word smoothly.
3. Rhythm : English resembles music in that it has a beat
4. Word stress : Word stress will occur when in English word has more than one syllable
and one of them is made to stand out more than the other.
5. Weak forms : When ea word has one syllable is unstressed, its pronunciation in quite
different from when it is stressed.
6. Intonation : When the speaker speaks or speech likes music because it uses change in
pitch. The speaker can change the pitch of its voice.
7. Sentences stress : There is an emphasis in the sentence that would give a particular
It can be concluded that pronunciation is the act or manner of pronouncing worlds,
utterance of speech, which is accepted or can be understood and if there different in
pronunciation may have different in meaning. Pronunciation also has many aspects therefore
voice has different character and can be differentiated by the condition of the speaker.

2.2 Vowel
Vowel is articulated when a voiced airstream is shaped using the tongue and the lips to
modify the overall shapes of the mouth (Kelly in Kartyastuti, 2017:11). According to Yule (in
Ambalegin & Arianto, 2018:112) states that vowel sounds are produced with a relatively free
flow of air, an they are typically voiced. He added, “to describe vowel sounds, we consider the
way in which the tongue influences the shape through which the airflow must pass” (Yule in
Ambalegin & Arianto, 2018:113).
The position of tongue and lips determine the quality of vowel pronunciation. In this case,
it will make easy to clarify vowel based on the position of the main part of the tongue. The
position of the tip has no great effect on vowel quality. Mostly, In the production of vowel the
tongue is convex to the palate. Therefore, vowel can be arranged conveniently according to the
position of the highest point of the tongue. The classifications of vowel as follow:
1. Front vowels, in the production of which the “front” of the tongue is raised in the
direction of the hard palate.
2. Back vowels, in the production of which the “back” of the tongue is raised in the
direction of the soft palate.
3. Central vowels, in the middle and upper part of the figure there are vowels
intermediate between front and back.
Based on statement above, it can be concluded that vowel is voice sounds are produced
by the human without obstruction in the mouth and unaccompanied by any frictional noises.
Based on the position of the tongue, vowel can be classified. The classification of vowels are
front vowels, back vowels, central vowels.

2.3 Diphthong
Diphthong as a part of vowel, diphthong is a kind of vowel sound with a special feature,
that there is deliberate glide made from one vowel position to another vowel position and which
is produced in one syllable (Ramelan in Suryatiningsih, 2015:3). According to Smith (in Wangi
& Lestari, 2020:13) states that diphthong is two different vowels which is pronounced
sequentially in one utterance. In another source, diphthong is the result of a glide from one vowel
sound to another within a single syllable (Underhill in Afiki, 2016:27). For the example in word
“say” /sei/ is one diphthong and one syllable, it shows that there is movement from /e/ to /i/, it
describes the two vowel movement, the starting point of first element /e/, glides toward the
second element /i/.
English has eight diphthongs and it can be classified in three categories. Centering
diphthong (/eə/ /ɪə/ /ʊə/), closing diphthong ending in /ɪ/ (/eɪ/ /aɪ/ /ɔɪ/), closing diphthong in /ʊ/
(/əʊ/ /aʊ/). Here are the descriptions the feature of the diphthongs (Crystal in Kartyastuti,
2017:23) :
a. Diphthong [aɪ]
Diphthong [aɪ] is the glide begins in an open position, between and front and center,
moving up and slightly forward /ɪ/. The lips move from neutral to loosely spread. For
example : file, tie.
b. Diphthong [eɪ]
Diphthong [eɪ] is the glide begins in the position for /e/, moving up and back
toward /I/. The lips are spread. For example : way, pain.
c. Diphthong [əʊ]
Diphthong [əʊ] is the glide begins in the position for [eə], moving up and back toward
/ʊ/. The lips are neutral, but change to loosely rounded. For example : go, snow.
d. Diphthong [aʊ]
Diphthong [aʊ] is the glide begins in the position quite similar to /a:/, moving up
towards /ʊ/. The lips start neutral, with a movement to loosely rounded. For example :
house, found.
e. Diphthong [eə]
Diphthong [eə] is the gilde begins in the position for /e/, moving back toward /ə/. The
lips remain open neutrally. For example : where, there
f. Diphthong [ɪə]
Diphthong [ɪə] is the glide begins in the position for /ɪ/, moving down and back
toward /ə/. The lips are neutral, but with a small movement from spread to open. For
example : Here, fear.
g. Diphthong [ɔɪ]
Diphthong is /ɔɪ/ is the glide begins in the position position for /ɔ:/, moving up and
forward toward /ɪ/. The lips start opened and rounded, and changes to neutral . For
example : point
h. Diphthong [ʊə]
Diphthong /ʊə/ is the glide begins in the position for /ʊ/, moving forward and down
toward /ə/. The lips are loosely rounded, becoming spread neutrally. For example :
It can be concluded that diphthong is a vowel in which there is noticeable sound change
within same syllable and the combination of two vowel sounds with special features.

2.4 Error
The concept of error is fuzzy one (Brians in Sallata, 2017:1521). It means make an error
cannot be avoided in the process of learning English. An error is the use of linguistic item in a
way that fluent or native speaker of the language regards it as showing faulty or incomplete
learning (Erdogan in Ramandhani, 2017:6). It means error can be happened because the learner
does not know what is correct and cannot correct by himself. In the fact, error and mistake are
different things. Errors are caused by lack of knowledge about the target language (English) or
by incorrect hypothesis about it; and mistakes are caused by temporary lapses of memory,
confusion, slips of tongue and so on (Hubbard in Sallata. 2017:1521). In another source, mistake
is similar to slip tongue because it will be happened without intentionality and the learner can
recognize it as a mistake. Error is a systematic. Error will be happened repeatedly and the learner
cannot recognize it as an error (Corder in Afiki, 2016:28). Based on Julian Edge (in Afiki,
2016:29) states that mistake can be divided in three broad categories: ‘slips’ ( that is a mistake
which learner can correct by himself), ‘error’ ( that is a mistake which learner cannot correct by
himself therefore learner need more explanation), ‘attempts’ ( that a mistake when learner tries to
say something but does not yet know the correct way to say it ).
There are several types of errors in pronunciation. There are four types of common errors
namely substitution, omission, distortions, additions or often abbreviated as SODA (Daymut in
Wangi, 2020:13). Below the explanation of SODA :
1. Substitution
Substitution is a type of errors which are characterized by the replacement of an
item (Crystal in Kartyastuti, 2017:50). A performance which the performer use the wrong
form of pronunciation. Substitution of word such as heart /hɑ:t/ is pronounced /hət/ or
/hᴣ:t/ by generalizing the spelling combination ‘ea’ in word such as learn /lᴣ:n/ and earn
2. Omission
Omission is a type of errors which are characterized by the absence of an item
that must appear in well-formed utterance (Fauziati in Kartyastuti, 2017:50). Omission
vowel /e/ word such as develop /div’loped/ is pronounced /diveləpt/.
3. Distortion
Distortion is a type of errors which are characterized by produce
sound in unusual way. Distortion of word such as the pronunciation of “sun” sounds like
“slushy” (Daymut in Wangi, 2020:13).
4. Addition
Addition is a type of errors which are characterized by the presence of an item,
which should not appear in well-formed utterance (Fauziati in Kartyastuti, 2017:50).
Insertion vowel /ə/ in word such as studied /’stᴧdid/ is pronounced /’stᴧdiəd/.
Based on some explanations above, it can be concluded that a mistake will be happened
without intentionality and the learner can correct it by himself. Error will be happened repeatedly
and the learner cannot correct it by himself. There are four common types of error in
pronunciation namely substitution, omission, distortion, addition.

2.5 The Previous of Related Study

To strengthen the analysis in this study, the researcher would try to give some previous
studies which analyze the same topic. They are described as follows: First, in the previous study
was conducted by Latifah Nur Karyastuti (2017), a student of English Education Department in
State Islamic University of Surakarta, in his thesis entitled “ An Error Analysis In Pronunciation
Of English Vowels Of The First Semester Students Of English Education Department In IAIN
SURAKARTA In The Academic Year 2015/2016 “ assumed that pronunciation is very important
to avoid misunderstanding when people are communicating. The objective of this research are to
identify errors in pronouncing English vowels of the first semester students of English Education
Department of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty State Islamic Institute of
Surakarta in the academic year 2015/2016 and to classify the errors by its types in pronouncing
English vowels of the first semester students of English Education Department of Islamic
Education and Teacher Training Faculty State Islamic Institute of Surakarta in the academic year
2015/2016. The researcher use qualitative method to describe the result of the research. The
research found that there are errors in pronouncing English vowel. They are described as
follows : /e/ 5%, /ʊ/ 8%,/ / 12%, /I/ 21%,/aɪ/ 24%, /ɪə/ 28%, /ɔɪ/ 31%, /ə/ 34%, /i:/ 52%, /eɪ/ 53%,
/u:/ 55%, /a:/ 64%, /aʊ/ 64%, /ɔ:/ 75%, /a. The result showed that the participants perform three
types of pronunciation error. They are substitution, insertion and omission.
Another previous study conducted by Hepy Yudo Hartoto (2010), a student of English
Department in State University of Semarang with his thesis entitled “ The Errors of English
Pronunciation Among The Second Grade Students of Tersono Junior High School Tersono
Batang” said English has become a main subject taught in junior high school and there is a
component of the language that has very important, especially in speaking and listening. It is a
pronunciation. The object of this study are to describe the pronunciation on vowels and
intonations made by the students of Tersono Junior High School and to analyze and discuss the
sources of errors of English vowels and intonation sounds in the relation to Indonesia sounds
experienced by the second grade students of Tersono Junior High School of Tersono Batang. The
researcher use qualitative method to describe the result of the research. The research findings in
this study were 19 kinds of pronunciation error made by students of Tersono 01 Junior High
School. They are 11 of substitutions, 7 of diphthongs, and 2 intonations. The sources of errors in
the finding were interlingual and intralingual error. There were 5 kinds of errors in interlingual.
They are pronouncing word as written, pronouncing word as the students’ native language or
first language, errors of substituting short vowels for English diphthong. There were some kinds
of errors. They are overgeneralization and spelling rule confusion.
Then a research is conducted by Siti Muawanah (2017) who studied in State Islamic
Institute of Surakarta, in her study research entitled ‘An Analysis Of Pronunciation Errors Of
The Forth Semester Students Of IAIN Surakarta In Drama Performance Entitled ‘Nights Are
Longer In Samarkand’ In Academic Year 2014/2015’ investigate that the pronunciation errors in
English made fourth semester students of IAIN Surakarta in academic year 2014/2015. The
objective of the study is to describe what vowels are mispronounced by the students and what the
causes of errors done by the students are. The researcher use qualitative method to describe the
result of the study. Data was collected and analyzed with the guidance of phonemic transcription
in Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary. The students in drama performance mispronounced the
vowels [i:], [I], [e], [æ],
[ᴧ], [ɑ:], [ɒ], [ɔ:], [ʊ], [u:], [ᴣ:], [ə]. From 15 characters, there were 12 characters who
mispronounced the vowel [I]. There were 12 characters who mispronounced the vowel [e]. There
were 9 characters who mispronounced the vowel [æ]. There were 6 characters who pronounced
the vowel [ᴧ]. There were 7 characters who mispronounced the vowel [ɑ:]. There were 8
characters who mispronounced the vowel [ɒ]. There were 6 characters who mispronounced the
vowel [ɔ:]. There were 2 characters who mispronounced the vowel [ʊ]. There were 7 characters
who mispronounced the vowel [u:]. There were 7 characters who mispronounced the vowel [ᴣ:].
There were 12 characters who mispronounced the vowel [ə].
Based on some previous study above, it can be concluded that the similarities between
three of previous study and this research is analyzing error in English pronunciation and using
qualitative method to describe the result of the research. The differences between three previous
study and this research is subject of the research and object of the research. In this research, the
subject of the research is certified guide and in three previous study, the subject of the research is
student. In this research, the object of the research is diphthong. Therefore, the research just
focus in analyzing error in diphthong and in three of previous studies the object of the research is
vowel and consonant.

This chapter presents the description of the research method used in the research. It
consist of, the research design, the research area, the research respondent, data collection
method, and data analysis method.

3.1 The Research Design

The research design of this research is descriptive qualitative design. Basically, the purpose
of the descriptive research is to record the issue, whether the researcher describe an experimental
treatment or something that occur in the natural habitat of study participants. In this research,
descriptive qualitative will be used to know pronunciation error in English vowel made by
certified guide of Ijen Crater.

3.2 The Research Area

Research area is place to do the research and collecting the data. This research takes place at
tour guide home.

3.3 The Research Respondent

The respondent of this research are five certified guides at Ijen Crater.

3.4 Data Collection Method

3.4.1 Recording
Recording technique is a data collection technique used by recording respondent
conversations, especially those relating to the problem of the research. The record technique is
used with the consideration that the data examined are oral data. The recording is taken when
the researcher by giving the notice to the tour guide that tour guide is given direction to
describe Ijen Crater by English. Then the researcher record the voice of tour guide and
analyse it. For knowing the level of certified guide pronunciation error, the researcher use
formula as follow:
INDEX % = N/Y x 100

INDEX % : The Percentage of Level.

N : The total of each pronunciation error.
Y : The total of all pronunciation error.
3.4.2 Questionnaire
Questionnaire is data collection technique that is done by giving a set of questions or
written statements to respondent that must be answered. Questionnaire are efficient data
collection technique if the researcher knows with certainty variables to be measured and
knows what can be expected from respondents (Sugiyono, 2017:233). The questionnaire is
conducted to find out the reason for the occurrence of pronunciation error made by certified
guide at Ijen Carter. In the questionnaire, there are ten essay questions that will be given to the
subject of the research. The questions are provided that to be used for getting informative
3.4.3 Observation
Observation is a complex process, a process that is composed of biological and
psychological processes. Two most important are the process of observation and memory
(Sugiyono, 2017:145). In this research the researcher use participatory observation. It means
the researcher come to the respondent house and collect the data by recording the voice and
then use observation sheet that has function to change the oral (voice of respondent) in written
text that has analysed by the researcher
3.4.4 Documentation
Documentation is the collection of data in the forms of fact and data stored in the
form of documents which is related to the data research activities (Sugiyono, 2017:234). The
data which is obtained in the form of images. The researcher take a picture when do the
research. The picture is taken at the time of the research.
3.5 Data Analysis Method
In this research, the researcher use Miles and Huberman Qualitative Analysis. There are 3
procedures of Miles and Huberman Qualitative Analysis. They are data reduction, data display,
conclusion drawing or verification (as citied in Sugiyono, 2017:246).
3.5.1 Data Reduction
Data reduction is done by selecting data that is considered basic, which has
never been known. Reducing data means summarizing, focusing on things that are important,
looking for themes and patterns unique data that is different from other data and the data is
relevant to the research question. ( Sugiyono, 2017:247 )
3.5.2 Data Display
Presentation of data can be done in the form of tables, graphs, chart. By
presenting data, it will be easy to understand what is happening. Plan future work based on what
is understood. ( Sugiyono, 2017:247 ).
Table 1 The example of the recapitulation of certified guide errors
No Certified Guide Diphthong Error
Name Total
[aɪ] [eɪ [əʊ] [aʊ] [eə] [ɪə [ɔɪ] [ʊə]
] ]
1 Abi
2 Riyan
3 Malik
4 Suci
5 Atik

Table 2 The example of the recapitulation of certified guide pronunciation errors

Pronunciation Errors
No Word Transcription Types of Explanation Certififed
Dictionary As
Error Guide
Transcription Recorder
Table 3. The example of the recapitulation pronunciation error types
No Certified Guide Name Substitution Omission Error Total
1 Abi
2 Riyan
3 Malik
4 Suci
5 Atik

Table 4 The example of the recapitulation of the questionnaire result

No Name 1 2 3 4 5
3.5.3 Conclusion Drawing or Verification
The last step draw conclusion based on the analysis. In this step, the researcher has to
make valid conclusion in the form of a brief description of the errors after interpreting those
errors. In this research, graphic and diagram will be used to show the percentage of error on
diphthong made by certified guide of Ijen Crater. And So, we know the biggest and the lowest
error in diphthong.
Graphic 1. The example of certified guide errors graphic
Graphic 2. The example of certified guide errors percentage graphic

ɔɪ ʊə
ɪə 2% 4% 10%


aʊ ei
7% 26%


ai ei əʊ aʊ eə ɪə ɔɪ ʊə


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