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What are Caries Classification

G.V Blacks classification of dental

caries involves 6 different
classifications based on the tooth
type and the cavity location or
tooth surfaces involved
Cavities which are also known as tooth decay or
dental caries are permanently damaged areas in -Class I: Caries located in pits or
the hard surface of your teeth that develop into fissures. These are located in the
tiny openings or holes. occlusal surfaces of molars and
premolars, the occlusal two-thirds
of the buccal surfaces of molars,
the lingual surfaces of upper
incisors, and occasionally in the
lingual surfaces of upper molars.

-Class II: Caries located in the

proximal surfaces of molars and

-Class III: Caries in the proximal

surfaces of canines, and incisors
not involving the incisal angles.

-Class IV: Caries in the proximal

surfaces of incisors or canines
which also involve one or both of
the incisal angles.

-Class V: Caries located in the

gingival third of the labial,
buccal, lingual, or palatal surfaces
of any tooth.

-Class VI: Caries affecting cusp

tips of molars, premolars, and

Caries Classification according According to the FDI World Dental Federation,

to their Severity: “Dental caries is the most common chronic
disease in the world – due to exposure to sugar How Do Cavities Form?
- Incipient: Lesion that extends less than and other risks – and is a major global public
health problem affecting individuals, health Cavities are caused by tooth decay which occurs
halfway through the enamel over time for many reasons. Tooth decay is
systems and economies.” They also stated that
“Almost 100% of adults and 60-90% of developed in the following ways:
-Moderate: Lesion that extends more than
halfway through enamel but does not involve the schoolchildren in the world have dental caries,
-Plaque forms on the tooth: Not cleaning your
dentino-enamel junction (DEJ) and that dental caries are the fourth most
teeth well and eating a lot of sugars and starches
expensive oral disease to treat and consumes 5–
help contribute to dental plaque accumulation.
-Advanced: Lesion that extends to or through 10% of healthcare budgets in industrialized
Plaque is a sticky film that forms on the tooth.
the DEJ but does not extend more than half the countries.”
Bacteria loves to feed on your teeth that are full
distance to the pulp
of sugar and starches and begins to form the
-Severe: Lesion that extends through enamel, plaque or also known as biofilm. Overtime if the
through dentin, and more than half the distance plaque is not removed It will harden and form
to the pulp. calculus which is also known as tartar which
makes removing plaque harder and also creates a
shield for the plaque. Calculus forms above the
gumline which is supragingival calculus, but it
also hides below the gumline which is called
subgingival calclus,

-Plaque Attacks: The first stage of cavities

happens when the acids in the plaque start
wearing away at the outer layer of the tooth
which is the enamel. This causes holes in the
enamel allowing more bacteria to enter inside.

-More Destruction: Once inside the tooth the

bacteria keeps causing destruction and moving
through more layers of the tooth including the
dentin and the pulp.

Risk Factors: Symptoms: -Fillings/restorations
-Certain foods and drinks- especially those with - Toothache, spontaneous pain or pain that -Fluoride treatments
high sugar content. occurs without any apparent cause
-Crowns: For extension decay or weakened teeth
-Frequent snacking and sipping -Tooth sensitivity
-Root canals: For when decay reaches the pulp
-Tooth Location: Molars and premolars are most -Mild to sharp pain when eating or drinking
often affected due to the anatomy of the teeth something sweet, hot or cold, or with pressure -Tooth extractions: If the tooth is so decayed that
making them harder to keep clean and harder to or air. it is no longer able to be fixed it gets removed.
reach with a toothbrush.
-Visible holes or pits in your teeth
-Bedtime bottles: At will breastfeeding and
bottles at night can cause milk or juice to remain -Brown, black or white staining on any surface
on a baby’s teeth for hours causing baby bottle of a tooth
tooth decay.
-Pain when you bite down
-Inadequate brushing

-Not getting enough fluoride

-Age-Very young children and older adults are -Brush with fluoride toothpaste after eating and
at higher risk of caries drinking for a minimum of twice daily

-Dry mouth: Lack of saliva causes food and -Have regular dental check-ups and teeth
liquids to sit on teeth longer without being cleanings
washed away. Some medication can cause dry
-Rinse your mouth especially after having
mouth also known as xerostomia.
sugary foods or drinks
-Worn fillings or dental devices: Plaque may be
-Consider getting dental sealants
harder to remove around worn fillings and
improperly fitted dental devices could cause -Drink tap water especially if yours has added
bacteria to form underneath them. fluoride.
-Eating disorders: Anorexia and bulimia can -Avoid frequent snacking and sipping
lead to tooth erosion and cavities due to the
stomach acid dissolving the enamel over time. -Eat healthier foods that are better for your teeth
such as fruit and vegetables

-Consider fluoride treatments

Reference Page:
“Black's Classification of Cavities.” Oxford Reference,
“Cavity.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster,

“Cavities/Tooth Decay.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 19 July 2017,

“Facts, Figures and Stats.” FDI World Dental Federation, 25 Apr. 2019,

Macri, Diana, and Annie Chitlall. “Caries Classification.” Dimensions of Dental Hygiene,

“Must-Know Classifications of Dental Caries for the National Dental Hygiene Boards.” StackPath, 14 Mar. 2016,

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