Fernando Mesa - Pablo Picasso - Reading Comprehension

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Pablo Picasso Short Answer Questions

1. Look up the word “cubism.” What is the definition?

Cubism was an artistic movement developed between 1907 and 1924, created by Pablo

Picasso and Georges Braque, continued at its dawn by Jean Metzinger, Albert Gleizes,

Robert Delaunay, Juan Gris, María Blanchard and Guillaume Apollinaire

2. Explain what happened with Pablo took the test to get into art school.

Pablo took the test that was supposed to last a month but he did it in one day

3. List three ways that Pablo expressed himself artistically

through drawing, painting

4. Pablo is famous for creating a series of works that focused on one particular color. Describe

the color, and the general feeling of this series.

created his famous works of the blue period named for his devotion to color

5. What was Picasso’s reaction when a small town in Spain was bombed?

I react by creating the mural called the city of guernica

6. Did Picasso work until he was an old man, or did he stop when he was very young? Justify

your answer.
He worked until he was very old, as he says that at the age of 87 he completed a series called

series 347

7. Pablo was very creative and made unconventional art. Why do you think it is important to “t

since it can help us to get out of our comfort zone and explore new horizonshink outside the


8. What was the name of Pablo’s painting that began the “modern art movement,” and in what

year did he create it?

It's called les demoiselles and I paint it in 1097

9. By what name do people often refer to Pablo Picasso as?

They referred to him as Pablo

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