Evinda Kurnia Rizki (20052010008)

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Name : Evinda Kurnia Rizki

Student’s Number : 20052010008

Dept & Class : Visual Communication Design & A052

Good afternoon Mr. Yaddy and all of my friends. I’d like to introduce myself to you. My
complete name is Evinda Kurnia Rizki, my nickname is Vinda. I live in Telang village, Kamal
district, Bangkalan regency, East Java province, Madura Island, Indonesia. I’am 18 years old. I
have one sister, one little brother, and one little sister. In here, I live with my parent. My father
name is Drs. Sarwo Edy, his job is teacher in Junior High School One Galis. And my mother
name is Arna Setiawati, her job is same with my father in same school too. My educational
background start in Elementary School Two Telang, Junior High School One Kamal, Islamic
Senior High School Bangkalan, and now I continue study at ‘UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur’ with
study program Visual Communication Design, that’s was so wonderfull for me!

Then, I will tell you about my favorite food, I love noodle so much! My favorite drinks is
avocado juice, milk, etc. I love watching anime. I love drawing, even if not too good but I still
trying to give my best. My favorite film is Jumanji. My favorite cartoon is Spongebob
Squarepants. My hobby is reading. And I hope soon I’ll be a graphic desainner! My biggest
dream is to be a person who useful for each other with my ability.

I think that’s enough for me. Maybe theres a mistake from me, I’m sorry, I’m just human
who try my best. That’s all and thank you for your attention.

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