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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Analysis of Sales Promotion, Perceived Ease of Use

and Security on Consumer Decisions to Use
DANA Digital Wallet
Restu Muhammad Acelian Har Adi Basri
Master of Management Lecturer of Postgraduate
Mercu Buana University Mercu Buana University
Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract:- This study intends to analyze the effect of sales sector are starting to grow, which is the beginning of the
promotion, perceived ease of use, and security on emergence of digital wallet products or e-wallet products such
consumer decisions to use the DANA digital wallet in DKI as those already popular in Indonesia, namely OVO. GoPay,
Jakarta. The sampling method was using accidental DANA, LinkAja, Paytren, I-Saku, and others.
sampling. This research was conducted using a
questionnaire method, conducted on 100 respondents. DANA is one type of e-wallet product which is an
Quantitative analysis includes validity and reliability tests, alternative, especially in digital payments based on
classical assumption test, coefficient of determination R2, applications from Indonesia, which was officially released in
F test, t test and multiple regression analysis. The R2 value 2018. Research conducted by iPrice in 2020 shows DANA is
of 0.617 shows that 61.7% of the decision to use reached is one of the largest digital wallet applications based on the
indeed influenced by independent variables (sales number of downloads the application. During the Q2 of 2019
promotion, perceived ease of use, and perception of to the Q2 of 2020 DANA in general ranks third behind its
security). Test the value of F 0,000; which shows sales competitors, namely GoPay and OVO. Another fact states that
promotion, perceived ease of use, and perceived security as the use of digital wallets that are currently most frequently
independent variables simultaneously influence consumer used is for online transportation payments.
The rise of digital wallet applications in Indonesia has
Keywords:- Sales Promotion, Perceived Ease of Use, created increasingly fierce business competition. Digital wallet
PerceivedSecurity, and Consumer Decision. companies battle each other's features and advantages to
attract customers. One that is often seen in competition is the
I. INTRODUCTION competition for discounts and cashbacks that are most often
carried out by digital wallet companies by providing massive
The use of the internet in today's digital age is a sales promotions to attract customer interest. Every digital
necessity that cannot be separated. The development of wallet company provides attractive sales promotions to each
technology makes internet access easy to obtain, so that other, but the amount of the promo, the terms and conditions
anyone can access it. The increasing number of internet users for getting the promotion and the limitations of merchants are
in Indonesia is a business opportunity for e-commerce obstacles for attracting users.
companies. Indonesia is currently a country that adopts e-
commerce with the largest mobile phone in the world, From several descriptions of the phenomenon that
reaching 80%. The growth of e-commerce in Indonesia also occurred, the authors chose the DANA digital wallet as the
affects and changes the payment system, which opens up object of research. Researchers want to have the influence of
opportunities for fintech companies (financial technology) or sales promotions, perceived ease of use, and
financial companies that utilize technology. The payment perceivedsecurity, which make consumers decide to use them
system changes according to technological advances that in making transactions. From there the idea emerged with a
continue to develop into non-cash payments through digital research entitled "Analysis of Sales Promotion, Perceived
payments. Fintech makes transactions easier to make them Ease of Use, and Security on Customer Decisions to Use of
more effective and efficient. The development of electronic the DANA Digital Wallet" in the DKI Jakarta area.
money, which is now following the times, has existed in the
form of applications on mobile phones, not only in the form of
chips in cards. Given the increasingly widespread and massive
popularity of electronic money, many startups in the financial

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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Sales promotion is a very important element of a
A. E-Wallet marketing activity which is part of the promotional mix which
Electronic wallet (e-wallet)or digital wallets are a form aims to increase sales by attracting consumer interest, one of
of financial technology (Fintech) as an alternative to payment which is by conducting a discount program or direct gift
methods that use the internet and are still one of the categories giving. Kotler & Keller (2012) say that various incentive tips
of e-money, but have differences in the technology they use. contained in sales promotions can be useful in encouraging a
In e-money, the technology used is still based on a chip short-term purchase and purchasing more and more products
planted on the card, while in e-wallet the technology used is or services.
server-based, so it is usually in the form of an application on a
smartphone as a platform that requires an internet network A sales promotion strategy has the benefit of attracting
when making transactions. Shukla and Malhotra (2017) and retaining customers as well as building strong
explained that e-wallets have a function like physical wallets relationships with sellers (Ndubisi & Moi, 2006). Sales
in general, and provide users to save money like in a bank promotion has an important and significant role in customer
account by creating an account on an e-wallet provider interest and purchasing decisions to buy certain products
application. To top up balances in e-wallets using several (Neha & Manoj, 2013).
methods such as debit cards, credit cards, bank accounts, and
others. E-wallets are the same as the wallets that we use on a Besides being able to increase sales volume, there are
daily basis, only the difference is in digital form or in the form several goals with a sales promotion. According to Buchari
of an account that contains balances on applications on Alma (2007) sales promotion has the following objectives,
smartphones that are used to make transactions easier in a namely: Adding new users; increase repeat purchases; keep
non-cash way (Hutami and Septyarini, 2018). customers from switching to other products; give appreciation
to old customers; popularize brands or increase loyalty; and
B. TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) increasing and expanding long and short term sales.
TAM one of the theoretical models that is useful for
determining the level of acceptance of information technology D. Perceived Ease of Use
users towards a new information system. Davis (1989) states Perceived ease of use is a variable of the TAM
that TAM serves to estimate and describe how a technology (Technology Acceptance Model) which dominates the
user can best accept and use this technology. According to integration of information technology. Rahmatsyah (2011)
Marchelina & Pratiwi (2016), TAM is a model developed that states that the perceived ease of use gives confidence to each
focuses on discussing a person's psychological behavior individual that a technology will not provide difficulties and
towards an object. excessive effort in its use. This statement is in accordance with
Chin and Todd (1995), the perceived ease of use is able to
Ahmad & Pambudi (2013) stated that, TAM has two explain a technology in defining whether the technology is
variables that determine and influence the process of easy to understand, learn and use easily. Meanwhile, the
technology integration, namely the Benefit variable, namely perception of ease of use for consumers is related to their
how confident someone's performance will increase when expectations of the technology, which will not make it
using an information system and the ease of use variable, difficult for them to adapt quickly physically and mentally.
namely how confident someone is that they are an easy to use
information system. The two variables are able to explain The concept of ease of use can be trusted as a factor in
aspects of a user's behavior. The TAM model can explain that consumers' decision to purchase or use. Suhir, et al. (2014)
user perceived will determine their attitudes in the use of explained that a perceived ease of use can have an effect on
information technology. In detail, TAM is able to describe that consumer behavior or habits. If the perceived ease of use are
the factors of usefulness and ease of use can affect the process higher, the level of use of this technology will also be higher.
of accepting the use of Information Technology. Perceived ease of use factors related to the ease of use of
customers are none other than doing online transactions for the
The TAM model adopts a TRA (Theory of Reasoned first time, where potential users will experience confusion and
Action) model which is able to clearly describe individual surely do not know how to operate these online transactions.
attitudes in using a technology. One of the attitudes and
reactions that often arise in the process of accepting a E. Perception Security
technology that can be described is the increasing intensity or The security system is a very important aspect in a
level of use of the technology. TAM is considered as the most technology. According to Flavia'n and Guinal'u (2006), the
appropriate model in describing how a system can be accepted perceivedsecurity is a belief held by customers that the
by someone. personal information they provide will not be known and
misused by other parties who are not interested in the process
of using or using the technology, which will cause customer
expectations and trust. Meanwhile, according to Pavlou (2001)

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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
perceived security is a form of customer anticipation of H. Hypothesis
individual trust related to verification, authority, and the The hypothesis of this study is formulated in the points
absence of rejection. below:
H1 : Sales promotion affects onconsumer decisions to use
Perceivedsecurity in digital money are generally related DANA digital wallet product.
to the protection for consumers in conducting transactions and H2 : Perceived ease of use affects onconsumer decisionsto
the security of personal data. A payment instrument needs a use DANA digital wallet product.
high level of security that needs to be a concern for digital H3 : Perceivedsecurity affects onconsumer decisions to use
money issuers in developing their products. Raman A and DANA digital wallet product.
Viswanathan A. (2011) stated that the level of security H4 : Sales promotion, perceived ease of use, and
positively and significantly has an effect on the use of perceivedsecurity as simultaneous influence on consumer
payment instruments, because it is very risky and cannot be decisions to use the DANA digital wallet product.
separated from the target of crime.
F. Consumer Decisions
According to Suharno (2010) the consumer decisions is a This study uses a conclusive research design with a type
step in which the prospect has made his choice and intends to of causal research with an explanatory survey method. Emzir
use a product. The consumer decisions is a process in (2010) says typeCausal research aims to direct research to
determining the decision to make a decisive use of whether or explore the existence of a cause-and-effect relationship based
not to use these products and services (Kotler and Keller on the observation of the effect that occurs and to look for the
(2012).Decisions made by customers in using a product and factors that cause it through the data collected. According
service originate from the emergence of a customer awareness toSugiyono (2010), the causal method in a study has
that has an impact on searching for deeper information about independent variables and dependent variables so that the
the products and services needed and desired. relationship is causal. The research method is an explanatory
survey conducted to examine the customer population of
Corresponding Pranoto's statement (2008), which DANA digital wallet users in the DKI Jakarta area. The data
explains consumer behavior in the decision making process were obtained using a survey instrument with a questionnaire.
also begins with the awareness of the need and desire for a The analytical method used by researchers in this study is
product and service, which then realizes the emergence of descriptive analysis with multiple linear regression using the
further problems and has an impact on carrying out the stages tools on SPSS 25. The main analysis techniques used are the t
that end in the evaluation stage after purchasing the product test, f test, and the coefficient of determination to analyze each
and services. hypothesis in this research model, and perform the analysis.
correlation between dimensions.
G. Framework
The formulation of this study is arranged in the IV. RESULTS
following figure (Figure 1).
This study describes the results of the analysis
questionnaire to 100 respondentswhich is aimed at seeing the
effect of sales promotions, perceived ease of use, and security
on consumer decision to use DANA digital wallet in DKI
Jakarta. The survey data were then analyzed using multiple
linear analysis methods with data processing carried out with
SPSS 25. The test results were carried out individually or
jointly on the variables of sales promotion, perceived ease of
use, and security on consumer decisions using SPSS 25.
shown in Table 2.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Variable Regression Coefficient t Sig

Sales Promotion 0.484 9,125 0,000

Perceived Ease of Use 0.209 3,503 0.001

Perceived Security 0.233 3,568 0.001

R Square 0.617

F 51,619
Table 2. f test, determination coefficient test (R2) and t test
Source: Data processed from SPSS 25 (2020)

Table 2. shows that the influence between sales

promotion, perceived ease of use, and security both as well as Y = 0.484X1 + 0.209X2 + 0.233X3
together on consumer decisions. In other words, the regression
formula is as follows:

Variable X Variable Y

Variable Dimensions D1 D2 D3 D4

Sales Promotion Discount 0.812 0.844 0.698 0.788

Cashback 0.699 0.717 0.685 0.533

Vouchers 0.709 0.589 0.672 0.567

Direct gift 0.662 0.651 0.609 0.457

Perceived Ease of Use Easy to understand 0.722 0.601 0.659 0.678

Easy to use 0.601 0.507 0.635 0.440

Reachable 0.579 0.366 0.469 0.512

Practical 0.453 0.533 0.507 0.477

Perceived Security Security Guarantee 0.344 0.559 0.380 0.209

Data confidentiality 0.312 0.434 0.405 0.363

Authenticity 0.443 0.337 0.399 0.425

Proof of transaction 0.414 0.349 0.357 0.513

D1: Choice of Products; D2: Choice of Brands; D3: Choice of Distributors; D4: Method of Payment
Table 3. Inter-Dimensional Correlation Matrix Table
Source: Data processed from SPSS 25 (2019)

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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 3 explains that each variable has a correlation stored in the DANA digital wallet application. In addition,
value with other variables, namely as follows: DANA provides a money back guarantee in the event of a
loss of money caused by disruption or problems during the
1) Sales promotion on consumer decision to use the highest transaction.
correlation value lies in the effect of the discount 4) Sales promotion, perceived ease of use, and security
dimension on the brand choice dimension, amounting to coincide with consumer decisions. This shows that if the
0.844, while the variable correlation with the lowest value DANA digital wallet application increases sales
lies in the influence between the direct gift dimension on promotion, perceived ease of use, and security as
the payment method dimension, which is 0.457. simultaneous, this will positively affect on consumer
2) Perceived ease of use on consumer decision to use the decisions, which means that consumer decisions will
highest correlation value lies in the effect of easy to increase along with increasing sales promotions, perceived
understand dimensions on the dimension of product choice, ease of use and security.
which is equal to 0.722, while the correlation of the
variable with the lowest value lies in the influence between B. Recommendation
the easily accessible dimensions on the practical dimension
which is 0.366. For Academics, the recommendation given are:
3) Perceivedsecurity on consumer decision to use the 1) This study focuses on consumer decision to use sales
correlation with the highest value lies in the effect of the promotion variables, perceived ease of use, and perceived
security assurance dimensions on the security variable on security. In terms of research variables, other studies can
the brand choice dimension, which is 0.559, while the be carried out on variables that do not exist in this case and
variable correlation with the lowest value lies in the effect influence the decision to use the DANA digital wallet
between the security assurance dimensions on the payment application according to the pre-survey results which
method dimensions at 0.209. include features and perceived usefulness. Future research
also allows exploring whether feature variables and
V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION perceived usefulness have different impacts on consumer
decision to use DANA digital wallet application. It is
A. Conclusion hoped that these other variables can be researched, so that
1) Sales promotion, has a positive and significant effect on the development of science will continue to develop.
consumer decision to use DANA digital wallet application. 2) Exploration of the characteristics of different areas to get
Sales promotions have the greatest influence on the results that represent the broader demography, geography
decision to use the DANA digital wallet application. The and psychography and it is hoped that the results of this
highest correlation value on the sales promotion variable is study can be generalized in the future.
the discount dimension, this proves that the discount
promo or price discount provided by the DANA digital For Managerial, the suggestions given are:
wallet application attracts consumers to make transactions 1. The management of the DANA digital wallet application
using the DANA digital wallet application. needs to consider every sales promotion program that is
2) Perceived ease of use, has a positive and significant effect provided, especially discounts. The highest correlation
on consumer decision to use DANA digital wallet value in this study is found in the dimension of discount
application. Perceived ease of use has the least effect and brand choice. This means that a discount will attract
among other variables. The highest correlation value in the the attention and interest of customers in making it easier
perceived ease of use variable is the easy to understand to decide on the use of the DANA digital wallet
dimension, this proves that the operation of the DANA application. DANA can create a special day where on that
digital wallet application system is not difficult and easy to day DANA provides special attractive discounts to all its
understand by its users besides that the DANA digital merchants which will make users look forward to and
wallet application has also succeeded in helping its users to remember that special DANA day that is different from its
operate the system by providing tutorials on each service in competitors.
its application. . 2. The management of the DANA digital wallet application
3) Perceivedsecurity have a positive and significant effect on needs to continuously update the DANA security system.
consumer decisions to use DANA digital wallet The highest correlation value on the perceivedsecurity is
application. Perceivedsecurity has the second largest the relationship between the dimensions of security
influence after sales promotion. The highest correlation assurance and the dimensions of brand choice. DANA
value on the perceived security variable is the dimension of needs to provide a sense of security to its users in every
security assurance, this proves that the security system transaction, storing balances in the application, as well as
contained in the DANA digital wallet application with the storing debit and credit card data that are directly
DANA Protection service has succeeded in providing connected to the DANA account by providing a password,
security and ease of use for users in carrying out pattern, or fingerprint or Face ID for each of these steps
transactions guarantee 100% protection for all user funds and also provides a warranty.

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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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