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Name: Ismael Jaani____________ Date: November 03,2020____________________________

Drug Order Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindications Side Effects / Adverse Responsibilities in
Effects administering the drug

Generic Name: Antagonizes the effects Relief of allergic Contraindicated in: CNS: dizziness,  Check for doctor’s
CETIRIZINE of histamine at H1- symptoms caused by Hypersensitivity to drowsiness (significant order
receptor sites; does not histamine release cetirizine, hydroxyzine with doses > 10  Carefully read
bind to or inactivate including: Seasonal and or any component; mg/day), fatigue. product packaging to
histamine. perennial allergic Lactation: Excreted in EENT: pharyngitis. note strength of
Anticholinergic effects rhinitis, Chronic breast milk; not GI: dry mouth. solution, dosage/
Brand Name:
none are minimal and urticaria. recommended for use. route of
sedation is dose– Use Cautiously in: administration.
related. Therapeutic Patients with hepatic or  Observe 10 R’s in
Effects: Decreased renal impairment medicine
symptoms of histamine (dosage reduction administration
Dosage: excess (sneezing, recommended if CCr Assessment:
10 mg rhinorrhea, ocular ≤31 mL/min or hepatic  Assess allergy
tearing and redness, function is impaired); symptoms (rhinitis,
pruritus). OB/Pedi: Safety not conjunctivitis, hives)
established for before and
pregnant women or periodically during
children <6 mo; Geri: therapy.
Initiate at lower doses.  Assess lung sounds
and character of
Frequency: bronchial secretions.
OD Maintain fluid intake
of 1500–2000
mL/day to decrease
viscosity of
 Lab Test
Name: Ismael Jaani____________ Date: November 03,2020____________________________

Considerations: May
cause false-negative
result in allergy skin
Patient/Family Teaching:
 Instruct patient to
take medication as
 May cause dizziness
and drowsiness.
Caution patient to
avoid driving or
other activities
requiring alertness
until response to
medication is known.
 Advise patient to
avoid taking alcohol
or other CNS
concurrently with
this drug.
 Advise patient that
good oral hygiene,
frequent rinsing of
mouth with water,
and sugarless gum or
candy may minimize
dry mouth. Patient
should notify dentist
if dry mouth persists
Name: Ismael Jaani____________ Date: November 03,2020____________________________

>2 wk.
 Instruct patient to
contact health care
professional if
dizziness occurs or if
symptoms persist.

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