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S ESLlibrarysom Holidays & Events Valentine’s D Pre-Rea Warm-Up Que: 1. When is Valentine's 2. Do you know the origin o} Share what you know. 3. What do elementary students do for Valentine's Day? 4, Who are Venus and Cupid? Vocabulary Preview Match up as many words and meanings as you 1. legend a) 2 origin b) 3. convenient do ___ 4. elementary d) torespect ___ 5. honor e) tomake an illness better. 6 custom f) anold story __ 7. blind 8) togive outa punishmer 8 cure h) tradition 9 priest i) easy 10. century i) toputto death ___ 11. execute ky primary ___ 12. sentence I) the beginning, the source Copyright 2019, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. (HIGH INT / VERSION 4.1, 1 S ESLlibrarysom Valentine's Day ee Holidays & Events Group Work (Student A) fave a short reading tine’s Day. Read your to the right as a group. You and your group mé passage that includes, Passage, an A. Readin| Discussion Legend #1 1. Doyou celebrate Valentine's Day in your country? If so, what joliday, but itis a special are the customs? If not, do you around the world. Each have any similar celebrations? exchange valentine cards, 41. Valentine's Day is F day for many peop! year on Valentine's chocolates, candy, fl 2. Doyou think Valentine's Day was created for make valentines commercial purposes? mailbox. On the cards to ay with parties, 2. Inelementary schools in’ mer for their classmates and put ther February 14, the teacher ope the students. Many schools als 3. How do most couples ‘meet in your country? 4, Are arranged marriages try? days, more people send e-cards tha ee ele is high and e-cards are more convenit 5, Isthere a formal engagement before marriage in your country? cupids. The symbol of cupid comes from a 6. What is the average age for was the son of the love goddess, Venus. Cupi ‘marriage in your country? flew around shooting love arrows into people's heart: ee 7. Do most couples go ona honeymoon in your country? 5. There are many different stories about the, try, is it acceptabl According to one legend, the custom of se’ Gate Jes to live together M ; marriage? there was a priest named Valentinus. Valentinus was put i varriage! sentenced to die by Emperor Claudius because of his Christian by re there any dates that are When Valentinus was in jail, he fell in love with the jailer’s dauj considered lucky (or unlucky) According to the story, the jailer’s daughter was blind, but Valet diding? had special abilities and was able to cure her. When he was in jail, she brought him food and delivered messages. The night before Valentinu: o> exeeuted, He WiUle a ZUUULYE ULE LU Ure jailer’> Uaughiter atid signed it “Your Valentine.” the choice of ein your country? eting cards in your country? 12. Are you planning to do anything special this Valentine's Day? Copyright 2019, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. (HIGH INT / VERSION 4.1, 2 S ESLlibrarysom Valentine's Day ee Holidays & Events Group Work (Student B) fave a short reading tine’s Day. Read your to the right as a group. You and your group mé passage that includes, Passage, an A. Readin| Discussion Legend #2 1. Doyou celebrate Valentine's Day in your country? If so, what joliday, but itis a special are the customs? If not, do you around the world. Each have any similar celebrations? exchange valentine cards, 41. Valentine's Day is F day for many peop! year on Valentine's chocolates, candy, fl 2. Doyou think Valentine's Day was created for make valentines commercial purposes? mailbox. On the cards to ay with parties, 2. Inelementary schools in’ mer for their classmates and put ther February 14, the teacher ope the students. Many schools als 3. How do most couples ‘meet in your country? 4, Are arranged marriages try? days, more people send e-cards tha ee ele is high and e-cards are more convenit 5, Isthere a formal engagement before marriage in your country? cupids. The symbol of cupid comes from a 6. What is the average age for was the son of the love goddess, Venus. Cupi ‘marriage in your country? flew around shooting love arrows into people's heart: ee 7. Do most couples go ona honeymoon in your country? 5. There are many different stories about tha, country, is it acceptable Jes to live together ; marriage? wanted a strong army. Many married soldiers did not want varriage! their families to fight in the emperor's wars, so Claudius ordered re there any dates that are young men not to marry. A priest named Valentinus lived in Re considered lucky (or unlucky) that time, and he felt sorry for the young men and their sweethi diding? He decided to marry them secretly, but the emperor found out ar put him in prison. He was executed on February 14. Since that time, Valeriine’s Day lias Leen welebiated o> a special Uay for swreethieat (> and romance. the choice of ein your country? eting cards in your country? 12. Are you planning to do anything special this Valentine's Day? Copyright 2019, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. (HIGH INT / VERSION 4.1, 3 S ESLlibrarysom Valentine's Day ee Holidays & Events Group Work (Student C) fave a short reading tine’s Day. Read your to the right as a group. You and your group mé passage that includes, Passage, an A. Readin| Discussion Legend #3 1. Doyou celebrate Valentine's Day in your country? If so, what joliday, but itis a special are the customs? If not, do you around the world. Each have any similar celebrations? exchange valentine cards, 41. Valentine's Day is F day for many peop! year on Valentine's chocolates, candy, fl 2. Doyou think Valentine's Day was created for make valentines commercial purposes? mailbox. On the cards to ay with parties, 2. Inelementary schools in’ for their classmates and put ther February 14, the teacher ope the students. Many schools als meri 3. How do most couples ‘meet in your country? 4, Are arranged marriages try? days, more people send e-cards tha ee ele is high and e-cards are more convenit 5, Isthere a formal engagement before marriage in your country? cupids. The symbol of cupid comes from a 6. What is the average age for was the son of the love goddess, Venus. Cupi ‘marriage in your country? flew around shooting love arrows into people's heart: ee 7. Do most couples go ona honeymoon in your country? 5. There are many different stories about tha, country, is it acceptable Jes to live together 2 of February. This festival honored the god Lupercus, keepe marriage crops and farm animals. As time passed, the Romans began to hi re there any dates that are another goddess during this festival. Her name was Juno, guart considered lucky (or unlucky) women and marriage. During this festival, all of the young wom diding? a village would write their names on a piece of paper and drop them into a box. Every young man would pick a paper from the box and the worn whiuse tianie fre Had cliusert would beurre His sweet eat Since those early days, mid-February has been remembered as a special time for love. the choice of ein your country? eting cards in your country? 12. Are you planning to do anything special this Valentine's Day? Copyright 2019, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. (HIGH INT / VERSION 4.1, 4 S ESLlibrarysom Valentine's Day ee Holidays & Events Comprehension Practice asking and an: Then write the answer lowing questions with your group. ok. Use full sentences. ntine’s Day? 7. How did Valentinus help the jailer’s daughter? 2. What do: 8. How did Valentinus sign his goodbye note to the jailer's daughter? do to celebrate Valenti 9. What festival did the Romans celebrate in mid-February? 2 5. There are two legent 10. Who was Cupid? Valentinus was put in Why did Emperor Claudi want young men to marry? Vocabulary Revie Choose the correct words from the vocabt list on page 1 to complete the following sent 1. Television was invented in the 20th Many scientists are trying to discover a for cancer. Using a shopping cart at the grocery store is, He helped the He is retiring next week, The company is goit him. Isita in your country to shake ha n fet someone? The judge the robber to two years, The young couple wanted to be married by a yp ener es wn Children learn to read and write in school. Wu, Inere are many aurterent about tne origin i 11, He was for killing the policeman. 12. There are different beliefs about the _of our pla Copyright 2019, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. (HIGH INT / VERSION 4.1, 5 S ESLlibrarysom Valentine's Day ee Holidays & Events Idioms & Expressions A. Reference DEFINITION falling in love the first time you meet someone cial meeting or date with someone you have never met before date has been arranged by a friend or family member) fo love someone very much be madly in love be crazy about someone be heartbroken pop the question love conquers all go out with someone to have a steady, romantic relati Copyright 2019, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. (HIGH INT / VERSION 4.1, 6 S ESLlibrarysom Valentine's Day Holidays & Events Idioms & Expressions cont. B. Complete the from Part A on page 6 to fill in the blanks. is very sweet. tic love a young person experiences. 2. John and Mat ether for two years. Last week, he bought a ring an 3. Susan doesn't like She prefers to meet decide if she wants to have a date with him. 4. Robert's girlfriend left hi He is much. 5. Marriage is not always There are lots of difficult time: Copyright 2019, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. (HIGH INT / VERSION 4.1, & S ESLlibrarysom Valentine's Day ee Holidays & Events Class Activity Walk around the classr ur classmates questions. ‘Write the questions in ided below, and wi /she answers "yes." Classmate whose favorite flower is a who has fallen in love at first sight. who likes the idea of arranged marriages. who celebrates Valentine's Day in his/her country. who has sent someone a valentine card. who went on a honeymoon. who can explain the festival of Lupercalia. who nas been heat over heels in love. who is planning something special for Valentine's Day. Copyright 2019, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. (HIGH INT / VERSION 4.1, 8 S ESLiibraryzom Listening 14, Ttis not a holiday, but itis a day for many people in different countries entine’s Day, friends and lovers ids, chocolates, candy, flowers, and other g 2. Inelementary scho for their classmates mailbox. On February the cards to the students: with parties. iren make valentines box and distributes ate Valentine's Day e-cards than regular cards. The cost of st are more convenient. 4, There are many symbols of. roses, and cupids. The symbol of cupid comes fr times. Cupid was the son of the love Cupid was a playful child who arrows into Copyright 2019, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. (HIGH INT / VERSION 4.1, Valentine's Day Holidays & Events. & S ESLlibrarysom Answer Key or pictures and symbols of Valent students to share any information about this celebration. Pre-Reading ‘A. WARM-UP QUESTIONS. Valentine's Day is February 14 2. Answers will vary, Students will read about three legends in this lesson, 3, Elementary students exchange cards and treats for Valentine's Day. 4. Venus isthe goddess of love and Cupid is her son. B. VOCABULARY PREVIEW RI 4k 6h Be We Group Work Break the class into groups of three. The students are each given {a short reading describing the meaning, symbols, and customs associated with Valentine's Day, as well as one ofthe legends regarding ts origin. Each studentin the group has a different legend (paragraph 5). You may choose a few students toread the first four paragraphs ofthe reading aloud to the class. Have the students read the legends (paragraph 5) silently. Then each student will relate his/her legend tothe others in the group. The students will then follow up with the discussion questions in Part 8. At the Valentine's Day Holidays & Events. LEVEL: igh int tame: 2-3hours TAGS: holidays, Valentine's Day, legend, valentine, cards, heart, romance, love, myth, find someone who lend ofthe sharing session, you may wish to distribute the different legends to all ofthe students to read. ‘You can also play the listening as your students read along. A gap- fil version ofthe reading (paragraphs 1-4) is available on page 9, Comprehension ‘Some Valentine's Day symbols include hearts, roses, and cupids. People exchange valentine cards, nocolates, candy, lowers, and other gifts. elementary schools, children make valentines for thelr mates and put them ina large decorated mailbox. falentinus was a priest during the Roman Empire. 0 one legend, Valentinus was put in jail and 10 die by the Emperor Claudius because of his, se. According to ancther legend, V use he was secretly marrying young men ise have to go fight in wars. Lupercaliain¢ 10. Cupid was the nus. (continued on the ne Copyright 2019, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. (HIGH INT / VERSION 4.1, 10 S ESLiibraryzom Answer Key cont. Vocabulary Revi 1. century elementary 2 cure 10. legends 3. convenient executed 4. blind origin Idioms & Expressio: A, REFERENCE Teach these idioms and expr Valentine's Day. Explain the meani the students complete the sentenc their own sentences using the idioms. B. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES, 1. Puppy ove a 2. popthe question 5. abedo 3. blind date 6 loveatfir Class Activity First, have the students write out the questions they will bea their classmates. Then have the students circulate around the class asking the questions on the sheet. When the student fn {a classmate who can answer the question, he/she will the the student's name next to the question and follow up wit ‘more question of hisfher own, Eg, "Have you ever been on. date?" the student answers yes" the second question might be: "Who introduced you?" Try to encourage the students to engage Inreal conversation during this activity. Follow up by sharing the Information with the whole class. Listening 1. special exchange 2. decorated 3. Peopleinmany countries ‘4 Valentine's ay, goddess, ew arcund, people's ing Valentine's Day Holidays & Events. & SPELLING NOTE: ‘This lesson shows the american spelling of the words. Honor, Favorite, and Practice. Most other English-speaking countries spell these words this way: Honour, Favourite, ‘and Practise (when used asa verb; Practice when used as a noun). Make ita challenge for your students to find these words in the text and see if they know the alternate spellings. EDITOR'S NOTE: 1. When we write the holiday, we must use capital letters Wotentine’s Day). When we're referring toa gift, greeting, fr a person, we don't use capital leters (valentine [with or without the word "card", valentines usually refers to cards], valentine gift, be my valentine, etc). You will find a useful post on our blog: capitalize Cupid when referring to the Roman god of love snus's son), but we use cupid when referring to the figure Js winged boy holding the bow and arrow. Copyright 2019, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. (HIGH INT / VERSION 4.1, "

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