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Jefferson Era Worksheet

Instructions: Use the PowerPoint to answer the questions below. Questions with lists and
questions where the word “answer” is right next to the question can be answered in short
sentences. Questions with the word “answer” below the question should be longer responses.

1. When was the Jeffersonian Era? Answer: 1800-1808

2. What were the two major political parties at the time? Answer:
3. List four characteristics and ideals of the Federalists:
a. Strong federal government
b. Emphasis on manufacturing
c. Rule by wealthy
d. Loose interpretation of the constitution
4. List five for the Democratic Republicans:
a. Weak federal government
b. Emphasis on farming
c. Rule by the people
d. Strick interpretation of the constitution
5. What are some things that the two parties said about each other in the election of 1800?
6. Why is this election referred to as the Revolution of 1800?
Answer: This election is sometimes known as the Revolution of 1800 because it
demonstrated the ‘’peaceful’’ transfer of political power.’’

7. Find pictures on google symbolizing the answers to these questions about the Election
of 1800.

Who ran for president? The first time the votes were counted, what was the result?
What part of government had to decide the election? Who won in the end?

8. Define “Jeffersonian Democracy”: Answer: The expression ‘’ Jeffersonian Democracy’’
meant that the power should no longer be held by the wealthy aristocracy or elite but by
the people

9. Describe how Jefferson was a “More Simple Man”

Answer: Jefferson the first president to truly live in the white House, dressed in simple
clothes and walked to his inauguration feelings that carriages represented the upper

10. List Jefferson’s domestic goals (Domestic means inside the country):
a. Shrink the size of the federal government
b. Eliminate Hamilton’s internal taxes
c. Shrink the military
d. Favor agrarianism
11. Look at the goals in number 8. Was Jefferson Successful in these goals? Respond yes, no,
or unsure.
a. Halfway through his presidency Jefferson had
b. Shrunk the national debt
c. Drastically reduced taxes
d. Shrunk the size of the federal government and the military

12. Define “agrarianism”: Answer: Farming based Economy

13. Why did Jefferson believe Farmers were better than factory workers/owners?
Answer: Jefferson thought that the simple ‘’ yeoman’’ farmer was the backbone of the
country and a much better option than the manufacturing economies that European
countries- were building.
14. What was the Federalist’s goal with the Judiciary Act of 1801?
Answer: In 1801 the Federalist majority in Congress passed a new Judiciary Act that eliminated a
Supreme Court seat and relieved justices of circuit court responsibilities. 
15. What did Jefferson order his Secretary of State James Madison not to deliver? Answer:
Adams spent his last hours in office filling out appointments for new judges. Known as the
‘’Midnight Judges,’’ one of those was William Marbury. The incoming administration found
a stack of undelivered Commissions Jefferson ordered his Secretary of State Jefferson
ordered his Secretary of State James Madison to not deliver them.
16. Who was the judge that took Madison to the Supreme Court to get his job? Answer:
Marbury sued to the Supreme court, where newly appointed Supreme court justice John
Marshall Probadly should have received his appointment, but that the Supreme Court did
not have the power to force Madison to send I because part of the Judiciary Act of 1789
was ‘’Unconstitutional.””
17. What words did Marshall use to describe the Judiciary Act of 1789? Answer:
18. What new power did the Supreme Court get from this case and why was it important for
checks and balances?
Answer: Judicial Review
19. Write a 3 sentence summary about slide 19 make sure you include the lesson that
America learned.
Answer: American merchant ships Jefferson, who scrapped the Navy, was forced to build
new ships. The first Barberry wars ( 1801-1805) demonstrated that America could not
completely neglect their completely neglect their military.
20.What led to the French leader Napoleon to give up on North America 1791-1804?
Answer: Haitian Revolution
21. How much did Napoleon sell the Louisiana Territory for in 1803? Answer: Noth American
ambitions and offered the land to Jefferson for $15 million in 1803
22.Why was Jefferson worried about the land purchase?
Answer: Jefferson, s Strict constructionist,’’ or believer in the idea that the federal
government could only do what constitution stated, worried that he didn’t have the power
to purchase the land.

23.Describe the Louisiana Purchase on Slide 23:

Answer: To good to give up however, the chance to double the size of the United States
by purchasing land spanning from the Mississippi River to the rocky mountains proved too
much for Jefferson to turn down.
24.Find a picture of the Louisiana Purchase and Napoleon Bonaparte and paste them below.
25.Who were the two men that Jefferson sponsored to explore the West? Answer: Lewis &
26.What did their journey provide greater knowledge of? Answer:
27.What was the name of the native girl that greatly helped the explorers? Answer:
28.Which two people from the different political parties had issues with each other?
Answer: Aaron Burr and Federalist Alexander Hamilton
29. What happened due to those problems? “ The Duel”

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