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History, NCEBde (SEABEES, PN)

When the Philippine Navy was not yet known as the Philippine Offshore Patrol, our present Naval
Public Works Office was but a mere section of the Naval Logistics Division, N-4. Its main function
then was to advise the Assistant Chief of Staff for Logistics, N-4 on civil engineering matters and to
undertake the rehabilitation and repair of shore facilities.

Concomitant with the national endeavor of asserting its sovereign status, the Philippine Navy for its
part in the security program of the government, engaged itself in a feverish activity of expansion and
improvement of its operational capability.

From the ashes and debris that were at the time predominating navy premises, naval planners took
cognizance of the tremendous rebuilding and strengthening responsibility that were demanding
immediate attention. Under these pressing circumstances, Headquarters Philippine Navy exploited
the possibility of expanding the scope of functions and organization of the Naval Public Works Office
and reconstituted it as a section of the Technical and Special Staff effective 24 Jan 1956. Thus on
this date under Headquarters Philippine Navy General Order Nr 34, this unit has gained its identity to
own distinctive responsibility of formulating policies; preparing plans and designs, and supervising all
functions pertaining to engineering activities in the Naval Service.

The Navy pursue its program of expansion which was accelerated with the acquisition of various
floating units and other logistics and under the US-RP Military Aid Program (MAPI). The necessity
for additional and more sophisticated shore facilities to support the operating needs of the unit afloat
came into focus. Supply depots with modern warehouses, Piers, Wharves, Fire Control and
Prevention System, Massive Shore protection system, Training and Communication facilities, Power,
Roads and utilities were constructed. Outlaying stations such as San Vicente Naval Station,
Northern Luzon Naval Support Activity (NLNSA), Batu-Batu Naval Station were developed to provide
essential support to the units operating under these stations. The technological complexities and
peculiarity of the engineering management required in the maintenance of the facilities already
accomplished and to program the development expansion for future requirement, has presently
gained prestige with more competent technical engineers to foresee the future demand in the naval
support facilities which culminated the elevation of navy engineer units.

The navy engineer units sired and developed into a working and dependable engineer outfit of the
Philippine Navy which the following are in their order of activities:
1. Public Works Division (former Philippine Navy Operating Base – PNOB)
2. Station Engineer (former Philippine Navy Station – PNS)
3. Naval Construction Brigade (Originally Waterfront and Dredge Company – WDC)
4. PEU, MNS (now PEU, BNS)
5. PEU, (Naval Shore Establishment)

In 1966 when President Ferdinand E Marcos in his state of the nation address expressed the desire
to utilize the manpower, materials and equipment of the Armed Forces to assist the government
effort to accelerate the implementation of its socio-economic and infrastructure development
programs, have been the stimulant that prompted the authorities into action that hastened the birth
of the Waterfront and Dredge Company (WDC) on 01 August 1966, when this unit was formally
activated. To this effect, half of the existing fleet of dredges and tugboats of Public Works were
transferred to the dredge personnel have assimilated when a series of deployment orders rolled
down the line for immediate execution.

Cultural Center of the Philippines among the projects that constituted the initial task of WDC were
the dredging and development of Port General Mateo Capinpin in Orion; reclamation of 28 hectares
of Manila Bay along Roxas Blvd., previously intended as site of the Cultural Center of the
Philippines; dredging around Machine Wharf, NCB, Cavite City; dredging of the North and South
Harbor, Manila and the NASSCO water area in Engineering Island.

On 15 July 1967, with the waterfront and Dredge Company as its nucleus, the Naval Construction
Battalion was provisionally constituted; and pursuant to General Order No. 90 GHQ dated 4
September 1968, the NCB was permanently constituted. With the existence of the Construction
Battalion in the Philippine Navy the Naval Construction Force was born out of necessity to have unity
of command, which became one of the special units of the Phil Navy.

Consistent with its inherent responsibility of formulating policies covering engineering construction in
the Phil Navy, the FOIC, PN looked into the necessity and feasibility of decentralizing activities in
programming, implementation and administration and supervision of construction projects within the
capabilities of the Naval Construction Brigade, (HPN General Order Nr 41 dtd 01 May 1980) which is
better if not limited capability in so far as engineering construction is concerned to undertake the job.

The authority so far for the activation of the Post Engineer Units and Engineer Detachment is HPN
GO Nr 4 dtd 14 July 1979. PEUs however, have identical mission that is to provide all services
necessary to operate and maintain the physical plant utilities in their respective stations. It includes
buildings and ground maintenance, repair of roads, insect and locust control, operations and
maintenance of air conditioning units, sanitation, power and other utilities like fire prevention
services, equipment maintenance, supply services and other related engineering administration of
the Philippine Navy.

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