IGCSE Physics - Revision Summaries 8

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revision Checklist

Use the list below when you revise for your
IGCSE examination.
The spread number, in brackets, tells you where
to find more information from the student book.

Topic Topic Topic Topic

Core Level understood revised understood revised
• Two types of electric   • Resistors, variable  
charge and the attractions resistors, thermistors, and
and repulsions between light-dependent resistors
them.  (8.01) (LDRs).  (8.06)
• Electrical conductors and   • How the current is the  
insulators.  (8.01) same at all points round a
• Producing and detecting   series circuit.  (8.04
charge.  (8.01 and 8.02) and 8.07)
• What an electric field   • How current is split in a  
is.  (8.03) parallel circuit.  (8.09)
• Current as a flow of   • Advantages of connecting  
charge.  (8.04) bulbs in parallel.  (8.09)
• The ampere, unit of   • Calculating the combined  
current; measuring resistance of resistors in
current with an series.  (8.10)
ammeter.  (8.04) • The combined resistance  
• The volt, unit of PD and   of two resistors in parallel
EMF; measuring PD with is less than that of either
a voltmeter.  (8.05) resistor by itself.  (8.10)
• EMF as a source of   • Using fuses and circuit  
energy.  (8.05) breakers.  (8.12
and 8.13)
• How changes in PD or  
resistance affect the • The hazards of damaged  
current: the equation insulation, overheated
linking resistance, PD, and cables, and damp
current. conditions.  (8.13)
(8.06 and 8.07)
• The ohm, unit of   Extended Level
resistance.  (8.06) As for Core Level, plus the
• Factors affecting the   following:
resistance of a wire.  (8.06) • Why metals are good  
• Using circuit diagrams   conductors, while most
and symbols (excluding other materials are
the diode and transistor).  insulators.  (8.01)
(8.04, 8.06 and page 325) • Induced charges.  (8.02)  
• The coulomb, unit of  
charge.  (8.02)

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revision Checklist

Electricity (Continued)
Topic Topic
Extended Level understood revised

• The direction of an  
electric field.  (8.02)
• Electric field  
patterns.  (8.02)
• The equation linking  
current, charge, and
time.  (8.04)
• Electron flow  
and conventional
current.  (8.04)
• The rule linking the PDs  
round a circuit.  (8.05)
• Defining the volt.  (8.05)  
• The relationship between  
the resistance, length, and
cross-sectional area of a
wire.  (8.08)
• The rule for currents in a  
parallel circuit.  (8.09)
• Calculating the combined  
resistance of two resistors
in parallel.  (8.10)
• The equation linking  
power, PD  (voltage),
and current.  (8.11)
• The equation linking  
energy, PD, current, and
time.  (8.14)

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