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Narrator: In a faraway land, there lived four siblings who ruled the Kingdom of Science, namely Earth,
Air, Fir and Water. These four siblings were created by Empedocles around 450 BC, the god of
elements. They successfully ruled the Kingdom of Science for almost 50 BC but suddenly.
Empedocles: Good day rulers, the time has come. The god of matter have arrived, Democritus which is
willingly to take the Kingdom of Science.
Water: What! Then what are we going to?
Earth: Calm down water, with all of your respect. What do you want for us to do your highness?
Empedocles: Nothing. We are outnumbered between Democritus, let’s just have a peacefully retreat.
Air: If that’s what you wanted your highness, we’ll do it.
Narrator: And because of that, the four siblings as well as the god of elements, Empedocles retreated in
the Kingdom of Science. 400 BC Democritus, the god of matter ruled the Kingdom of Science
together with his bravest warrior, Atom. On the other hand, Aristotle the competitor of
Democritus, planning a war against them.
Aristotle: We shall have that Kingdom. Are you with me?
Soldiers: Aye! Your highness.
Narrator: 380-320 BC, Aristotle together with his warriors arrived in the Kingdom of Science. Democritus
and Atom were surprise for their arrival, they were not prepared. But the battle still continues.
Narrator: With that, the battle causes too much damage in the Kingdom. Democritus got stab with a
sword, Aristotle was shot by an arrow and Atom got divided into parts and smaller pieces and
died. After the battle, millions of year no ruled the kingdom. Until one person named John
Joseph Proust, from the Kingdom of Uselessness came.
Proust: I am an alchemist and I’m here to explore more.
Narrator: Proust knows the history of it. He was also curious of what happens on Atom’s body. In 1799
Proust: I found it! Now it’s time for me to run tests on it. But I can’t do this on my own, why not call a
friend to help me instead.
Dalton: Hello, who’s this?
Proust: Hello Dalton, this is Proust remember?
Dalton: Ow, yes. Why have you called? Any experiments again?
Proust: How did you know? Well, anyways I need you help here in Kingdom of Science come over here
Dalton: Okay I’m coming bye.
Narrator: As Dalton arrived to the Kingdom of Science, they started exploring and experimenting with
the samples of Atom found by Proust.
Proust: Dalton, look, with the results of the tests we had I recognize that its sample is proportion
regardless with its amount. Hereby I declared this law as a law of definite proportions.
Dalton: Well done to you Proust. Anyways, I’m still busy talk to you later.
Proust: Well good luck on to that Dalton, anyways I’ll just call our other friend, Mendeleev to arrange
these stuffs.
Narrator: After 9 years, 1808.
Dalton: Success! Look, finally I finish my research. With the help of my tests and results, I’ve completed
this atomic theory. Another thing, I came up with 2 laws, first is the law of multiple proportions
where I notice that with the same sample, it can have multiple products. Lastly, the law of
conservation of mass where this sample cannot be created nor destroyed.
Mendeleev: Finally for 9 years. While mine, I still need more time.
Proust: Don’t worry Mendeleev soon you’ll also finish that one to.
Narrator: Dalton and Proust now got rested after they completed their experiments. But Mendeleev
was left busy. After 61 years, 1869 many things have changed. Many people were now living in the
Kingdom of Science and
Old Mendeleev: At last! These elements from Atom were now arranged according to their mass. I can
now take a rest.
Narrator: Due to the increase of population, many people contributed to the depletion of the ozone
layer. In 1890, Antoine Becquerrel and Marie Curie were students whom observed that too
much radiation could be a cause to a person to break down and can also be the reason
why Atom was divided into parts billions of year ago. 5 years later, there is this scientist
whom studies different kinds of rays, Wilhelm Rontgen.
Rontgen: Whoa! This is different. I could see the inner part with this ray, but I don’t know what this is.
Hmm? Why not x-ray. Oh well its x-ray then.
Narrrator: Rontgen successfully discovered x-ray. Years later, there is this guys whom a fan of Dalton
that is why he was named after him, John Joesph Thomson. With that, he continue to
explore more Atom’s body and on 1897, he discovered electron, a negative charge inside of
it. Thomson is fond of eating pudding, after 7 years, 1904 Thomson made a theory and named it
after with his favorite food, plum pudding model where he describes his learnings. After his
discovery, he hired some scientists to help him, Robert Milikan, Ernest Rutherford, Neils Bohr,
Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley, and James Chadwick. Milikan was the in-charge of studying
the charge of Thomson’s discovery, electron and on 1908-1917 he found its charge,
-1.6022x10-19 C. In 1910 -1911, due to the oldest sample of atom’s body, Rutherford observe
that inside atom’s body are already an empty space. But in spite of his emptiness, in a
smallest sample they could still make things possible. In 1913, Bohr shows that the electron
found by Thomson was moving around the nucleus and Moseley who idolize Rontgen whom
accidentally plays the x-ray and saw inside’s parts of the body. Therefore it is now used to
study structures. While in 1919, as Rutherford was studying furthermore, he saw a
charge closely to electron and since electron was negative, he concluded that it was
positive for opposite charge attracts. With that he called it as protons. After 13 years, Chadwick himself
found a neutral charge and names it after as neutrons. With the things being discovered
this is the history of Atom.

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