Traffic Engineering Test

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Question 1 (25 Marks)

What are the parameters which characterize traffic flow? For these parameters, show a
relationship between them. (10 marks)

Define the following; (15 marks)

i. Running speed

ii. Space mean speed

iii. Time mean speed

iv. Spot speed

v. Gap

Question 3 (25 Marks)

On a particular road segment, the free flow space mean speed is 74 km/hr and the jam
concentration is 122 veh/km. Using the Greenshields speed-concentration formula,
calculate the optimal concentration, the optimal space mean speed and the capacity

Question 4 (25
a) List the 7 elements of transport planning process (5 Marks)
i) Situation analysis
ii) Definition of transport problems
iii) Definition of solutions
iv) Analysis of different options
v) Evaluation of possible alternatives
vi) Selection of best option
vii) Definition of specifications and construction

i) Speed = based on different alternatives, indicate the speed limits of each

ii) Distance= determine the distances on each alternatives of bypass from
Majestic Hotel to A1. Different alternatives will have different construction
iii) Travel time = Indicate the travel time from Majestic Hotel of each bypass to
iv) Accident factor = From these different alternatives indicate the accident factor.
This factor will help in choosing which alternative will have few accidents
v) Construction cost= This is an important aspect because from a list of
alternatives which alternative is cost effective as compared to other
vi) Air quality = From the determined alternatives indicate which alternative will
have a least effect on air quality.
vii) Noise = From the determined alternatives indicate which one will have a least
noise in the neighbourhood.
viii) Residential hoses displacement= On each alternative, determine the number of
house which will be demolished and the cost of paying compensation on each
household in the course of construction of the road.
b) Given that ward has 300 households which have cars and 175 households which does
not have cars and the average trip generation rates for 300 households is 3.0 and
average trip generation rates for 175 households is 1.5 trips per day. Assuming that
there is no population increase in the next 5 years for all households. Compute the
following parameters using Growth Factor Method. (5 Marks)
i) Current trip rate t 1= 300 x 3.0 + 175 x 1.5 = 1165.5 trips/day
V d 475
ii) Growth factor i = V c = 300 =¿ 1.58

iii) Future trips per day T i = F i x t i= 1.58 x 1165.5 = 1842 trips per day.

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