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The diagram belows show the result of a survey of a sample of 1,000 people on the diferrent
sources of noise which cause a nuisance is measured on a scale running from not annoying to
extremly annoying

Write a report for university lecturer describing the information shown below
You should write at least 150 words
The bar charts show the result of a survey of young profesional aged 20-30 who were asked to
state which factors they though gave them an incentive to succesed.
The factors divided into 3 groups which are : the personal (positive & negative )and external.
The largest group is the personal. The personal group are contain satisfacion and ambition 80
% who were asked and 50% who were give desire of materials. And 45% give money. The more
negative personal factor, rivalry is cited by 50% of respondent to motivated them to be succesed.
The other factors, is about feeling inadequate, envy/ jealousy and fear of failure at 34% , 30% at
envy/jealousy and the last is 25% for respectively.

Among the external factors, the highest rating goes to family pressure, which quoted by 70”% of
the poll sample , followed by pressure from society at 60% and the peer preasure at 45%.
It’s clear that succes among the young profesionals depends mainly on self-motivating factors.
Present a written argument or case that an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the
following topic :
As populations grow and the cities become more crowded, there is a pressure throughout the
world to construct even taller buildings to provide accomodation and offices. Many people object
to such developments, citing the social as well as the physical dangers
 What benefit do skyscrapers bring?
 Do you agree with the objections to skyscrapers?
You should write at least 250 words

The so-called “brain drain” from poor to rich countries is now robbing poorer countries of
essentials workers like, teachers, doctors, nurses, engineers, and the trend will be continue, if not
get to worse.
Some people say that this movement is usuall. People always been attracted by the wider choice
of employment, and greater opportunity in big cities in their own countries and abroad. Recently
as the thecnologycal age has advanced and as richer countries find themselves with enough
workers to feed their development, they had to turn to other parts of the world to find nessecary
menpower. Many richers european countries, for example are now trying to attract IT workers
from india by offering higher salaries than they could get in there. With the globalization many
people feel that the procces cannot be stopped.
My self are also included, the opinion that measures should be taken to address the problem by
compensating poorer countries financially for the loss investment in the people who have been
trained, for example like doctors and nurses. However this maybe difficult to organise but an
attempt could be made to get it started. Another steps, which is already begun to happen, is to
use the forces of the globalitation itself.
Western countries could encourage people to stay in their own countries by direct investment in
project like the example is computer factories. Or they could send more patients abroad for the
treatments. And it’s already happening.
It’s obviously difficult to stop the movement around the world and it’s probably foolish to try to
stop it , but attempts should be made to improve the situation

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