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BOOTSTRAP MOCK TEST Copyright © tutorials

This sect ion present s you various set of Mock Test s relat ed t o Bo o tstrap Framewo rk. You can
download t hese sample mock t est s at your local machine and solve offline at your convenience.
Every mock t est is supplied wit h a mock t est key t o let you verify t he final score and grade yourself.


Q 1 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut bo o tstrap wells?

A - You can change t he size of well using t he opt ional classes such as, well-lg or well-sm.

B - well-lg or well-sm classes are used in conjunct ion wit h .well class.

C - Bot h of t he above.

D - None of t he above.

Q 2 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut T ransitio n Plugin?

A - Transit ion.js is a basic helper for t ransit ionEnd event s as well as a CSS t ransit ion emulat or.

B - It is used by t he ot her plugins t o check for CSS t ransit ion support and t o cat ch hanging
t ransit ions.

C - Bot h of t he above.

D - None of t he above.

Q 3 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut Mo dal Plugin?

A - You can t oggle t he modal plugin's hidden cont ent via dat a at t ribut es.

B - You can t oggle t he modal plugin's hidden cont ent via javascript .

C - Bot h of t he above.

D - None of t he above.

Q 4 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-backdro p Data attribute o f

Mo dal Plugin?

A - It specifies st at ic for a backdrop, if you don't want t he modal t o be closed when t he user clicks
out side of t he modal.

B - It closes t he modal when escape key is pressed; set t o false t o disable.

C - It shows t he modal when init ialized.

D - Using t he jQuery .load met hod, inject s cont ent int o t he modal body. If an href wit h a valid URL is
added, it will load t hat cont ent .

Q 5 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-keybo ard Data attribute o f
Mo dal Plugin?

A - It specifies st at ic for a backdrop, if you don't want t he modal t o be closed when t he user clicks
out side of t he modal.

B - It closes t he modal when escape key is pressed; set t o false t o disable.

C - It shows t he modal when init ialized.

D - Using t he jQuery .load met hod, inject s cont ent int o t he modal body. If an href wit h a valid URL is
added, it will load t hat cont ent .

Q 6 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-sho w Data attribute o f Mo dal

A - It specifies st at ic for a backdrop, if you don't want t he modal t o be closed when t he user clicks
out side of t he modal.

B - It closes t he modal when escape key is pressed; set t o false t o disable.

C - It shows t he modal when init ialized.

D - Using t he jQuery .load met hod, inject s cont ent int o t he modal body. If an href wit h a valid URL is
added, it will load t hat cont ent .

Q 7 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-remo te Data attribute o f Mo dal

A - It specifies st at ic for a backdrop, if you don't want t he modal t o be closed when t he user clicks
out side of t he modal.

B - It closes t he modal when escape key is pressed; set t o false t o disable.

C - It shows t he modal when init ialized.

D - Using t he jQuery .load met hod, inject s cont ent int o t he modal body. If an href wit h a valid URL is
added, it will load t hat cont ent .

Q 8 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut dro pdo wn Plugin?

A - You can t oggle t he dropdown plugin's hidden cont ent via dat a at t ribut es.

B - You can t oggle t he dropdown plugin's hidden cont ent via javascript .

C - Bot h of t he above.

D - None of t he above.
Q 9 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut Scro llspy Plugin?

A - You can t oggle t he Scrollspy plugin's hidden cont ent via dat a at t ribut es.

B - You can t oggle t he Scrollspy plugin's hidden cont ent via javascript .

C - Bot h of t he above.

D - None of t he above.

Q 10 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut T ab Plugin?

A - You can t oggle t he Tab plugin's hidden cont ent via dat a at t ribut es.

B - You can t oggle t he Tab plugin's hidden cont ent via javascript .

C - Bot h of t he above.

D - None of t he above.

Q 11 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-animatio n Data attribute o f

T o o ltip Plugin?

A - Applies a CSS fade t ransit ion t o t he t oolt ip.

B - Insert s HTML int o t he t oolt ip. If false, jQuery's t ext met hod will be used t o insert cont ent int o
t he dom.

C - Specifies how t o posit ion t he t oolt ip (i.e., t op|bot t om|left |right |aut o).

D - Delegat es t o t he specified t arget s.

Q 12 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-html Data attribute o f T o o ltip

A - Applies a CSS fade t ransit ion t o t he t oolt ip.

B - Insert s HTML int o t he t oolt ip. If false, jQuery's t ext met hod will be used t o insert cont ent int o
t he dom.

C - Specifies how t o posit ion t he t oolt ip (i.e., t op|bot t om|left |right |aut o).

D - Delegat es t o t he specified t arget s.

Q 13 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-placement Data attribute o f

T o o ltip Plugin?

A - Applies a CSS fade t ransit ion t o t he t oolt ip.

B - Insert s HTML int o t he t oolt ip. If false, jQuery's t ext met hod will be used t o insert cont ent int o
t he dom.

C - Specifies how t o posit ion t he t oolt ip (i.e., t op|bot t om|left |right |aut o).

D - Delegat es t o t he specified t arget s.

Q 14 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-selecto r Data attribute o f

T o o ltip Plugin?
A - Applies a CSS fade t ransit ion t o t he t oolt ip.

B - Insert s HTML int o t he t oolt ip. If false, jQuery's t ext met hod will be used t o insert cont ent int o
t he dom.

C - Specifies how t o posit ion t he t oolt ip (i.e., t op|bot t om|left |right |aut o).

D - Delegat es t o t he specified t arget s.

Q 15 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-title Data attribute o f T o o ltip

A - Set s t he default t it le value if t he t it le at t ribut e isn't present .

B - Defines how t he t oolt ip is t riggered.

C - Defines default cont ent value if dat a-cont ent at t ribut e isn't present

D - Delays showing and hiding t he t oolt ip in ms.

Q 16 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-trigger Data attribute o f

T o o ltip Plugin?

A - Set s t he default t it le value if t he t it le at t ribut e isn't present .

B - Defines how t he t oolt ip is t riggered.

C - Defines default cont ent value if dat a-cont ent at t ribut e isn't present

D - Delays showing and hiding t he t oolt ip in ms.

Q 17 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-co ntent Data attribute o f
T o o ltip Plugin?

A - Set s t he default t it le value if t he t it le at t ribut e isn't present .

B - Defines how t he t oolt ip is t riggered.

C - Defines default cont ent value if dat a-cont ent at t ribut e isn't present

D - Delays showing and hiding t he t oolt ip in ms.

Q 18 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-delay Data attribute o f T o o ltip

A - Set s t he default t it le value if t he t it le at t ribut e isn't present .

B - Defines how t he t oolt ip is t riggered.

C - Defines default cont ent value if dat a-cont ent at t ribut e isn't present

D - Delays showing and hiding t he t oolt ip in ms.

Q 19 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut Po po ver Plugin?

A - You can t oggle t he Popover plugin's hidden cont ent via dat a at t ribut es.

B - You can t oggle t he Popover plugin's hidden cont ent via javascript .
C - Bot h of t he above.

D - None of t he above.

Q 20 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-animatio n Data attribute o f

Po po ver Plugin?

A - Applies a CSS fade t ransit ion t o t he popover.

B - Insert s HTML int o t he popover. If false, jQuery's t ext met hod will be used t o insert cont ent int o
t he dom.

C - Specifies how t o posit ion t he popover (i.e., t op|bot t om|left |right |aut o).

D - Delegat es t o t he specified t arget s.

Q 21 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-html Data attribute o f

Po po ver Plugin?

A - Applies a CSS fade t ransit ion t o t he popover.

B - Insert s HTML int o t he popover. If false, jQuery's t ext met hod will be used t o insert cont ent int o
t he dom.

C - Specifies how t o posit ion t he popover (i.e., t op|bot t om|left |right |aut o).

D - Delegat es t o t he specified t arget s.

Q 22 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-placement Data attribute o f

Po po ver Plugin?

A - Applies a CSS fade t ransit ion t o t he popover.

B - Insert s HTML int o t he popover. If false, jQuery's t ext met hod will be used t o insert cont ent int o
t he dom.

C - Specifies how t o posit ion t he popover (i.e., t op|bot t om|left |right |aut o).

D - Delegat es t o t he specified t arget s.

Q 23 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-selecto r Data attribute o f

Po po ver Plugin?

A - Applies a CSS fade t ransit ion t o t he popover.

B - Insert s HTML int o t he popover. If false, jQuery's t ext met hod will be used t o insert cont ent int o
t he dom.

C - Specifies how t o posit ion t he popover (i.e., t op|bot t om|left |right |aut o).

D - Delegat es t o t he specified t arget s.

Q 24 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-title Data attribute o f po po ver

A - Set s t he default t it le value if t he t it le at t ribut e isn't present .

B - Defines how t he popover is t riggered.

C - Defines default cont ent value if dat a-cont ent at t ribut e isn't present

D - Delays showing and hiding t he popover in ms.

Q 25 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut data-trigger Data attribute o f

po po ver Plugin?

A - Set s t he default t it le value if t he t it le at t ribut e isn't present .

B - Defines how t he popover is t riggered.

C - Defines default cont ent value if dat a-cont ent at t ribut e isn't present

D - Delays showing and hiding t he popover in ms.


Questio n Number Answer Key

1 C

2 C

3 C

4 A

5 B

6 C

7 D

8 C

9 C

10 C

11 A

12 B

13 C

14 D

15 A

16 B

17 C

18 D

19 C

20 A

21 B

22 C

23 D
24 A

25 B

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