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Frame opens with eloquently made steamy Mo: Mo.

It is aromatic and looks delicious. Fork is pushed through Mo:Mo
dough with knife piercing it into two halves.
Cut to the scene: Show momo is without a mince.
Voice over with text animation : Does not have Keema!

V/O: Exactly! Got to have the main thing

Second frame to include the Pani-Puri prepared with required

the ingredients and garnishing.

Cut to the scene, we have a text suggesting it is sweet! And is

not how panipuri tastes like.

V/O: Exactly! Got to have the right taste

Cut to the scene to the ice-cream in the cone seeming craving.

Cut to scene with the animated text suggesting it is salty!

V/O: Exactly! Got to have the main thing

Cut the scene, with a hand holding a mobile and game being
played but is lagging due to slow processor.

Voice over with text animation: This phone is slow

V/O: Exactly! got to have the right speed.

Cut to the scene, aligning to thought, depict scooters without

FI is not SMART!

V/O with animation: Exactly! Got to have what matters

It is not SMART if it has no FUEL INJECTION
Presenting Yamaha All new Fascino 125FI & RayZR 125FI. The
scooters with Fuel Injections.
Two scooters stand alone image brought into the scene.

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