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Assignment- 05

CSE 331

Microprocessor Interfacing and Embedded System

Section 01

Summer 2020

North South University

Submitted To: Dr. Dihan Md. Nuruddin Hasan (dmh)

Name : Sazid Khandaker

Student ID : 1520347642
Email Address :
1. Calculate the duration of delay produced for the following segments if the clock
frequency is 5 MHz and count =08H
Instructions Number of clock cycles

Number of clock cycles for execution of the loop once, m = 2 + 3 + 16 = 21
Time required for the execution for loop once = m X T = 21 X 1/(5 X 10^6) = 4.2 μs
Count = td / (m X T)
td = count X (m X T)
td = 8 X 4.2 μs
td = 33.6 μs
2. List down the values of AL for each execution of the LOOP [10]

Answer: loop count CX set at 000AH that means loop will executed for 10 times.
AL register set to 0 and BL register set to 1
Number of AL values
loop execution
1 01h
2 03h
3 06h
4 0Ah
5 0Fh
6 15h
7 1Ch
8 24h
9 2Dh
10 37h

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