What Is A Z Score

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What is a Z-Score?

-also called a standard score, gives you an idea of how far from the mean a data point is.

-It is a measure of how many standard deviations below or above the population mean a raw
score is

-A z-score can be placed on a normal distribution curve. Z-scores range from -3 standard

deviations (which would fall to the far left of the normal distribution curve) up to +3 standard
deviations (which would fall to the far right of the normal distribution curve). In order to use a z-
score, you need to know the mean μ and also the population standard deviation σ.

Z-score formula:

z = (x – μ) / σ

For example, you have a test score of 190. The test has a mean (μ) of 150 and a standard
deviation (σ) of 25. Assuming a normal distribution, your z score would be:


μ= 150


z = (x – μ) / σ

= (190 – 150) / 25

= 1.6

How to calculate a z-score

Ex. You take the SAT and score 1100. The mean score for the SAT is 1026 and the standard deviation is
209. How well did you score on the test compared to the average test taker?


μ= 1026


Find the answer using a calculator:

z=(1100 – 1026) / 209

= 0.354

This means that your score was 0.354 standard dev above the mean.
Look up your z-value in the z-table to see what percentage of test-takers scored below you.

A z-score of 0.354 is 0.1368 +0 .5000* = 0.6368 or 63.68%.

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