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Onsen helps in creating mobile apps using - HTML5, JavaScript and CSS

Onsen uses different source code for different Platforms.false

Onsen is used in building ________ apps.hybrid

Onsen supports only react Framework - false

How many sections does a toolbar have?3

The <ToolBar> component will render a toolbar at the _____ of the page..bottom
(worng), right(worng)
The _____ component forms the root for the whole page.----< page>
Any HTML code can be placed inside the <Toolbar> component?

Which notification will accept user input?dialog

The prop that helps in creating check box and radio button:input(worng)

The function that helps in making fab button Non-scroll able - render fixed

You should use only the Onsen form Components for creating apps?false

The prop that decides maximum number of items to be displayed in drop down - size

Onsen supports full screen dialog boxes:true

You should use only the Onsen form Components for creating apps?False

onChange is a event related to : <input> and <Select>

The event handlers are specified within:{}

The unclose and on Open events are related to the component :<SplitterSide>

The prop that decide whether a menu is swipe menu or not?collapse

To open a menu set true to the prop:isOpen

Custom modifiers are specified using keyword :modifier

You can set a platform styling manually with --

Component can be declared as a function or class :true

The prop that decides whether a dialog can be cancelled - isCancelable(worng)

The stack pages are initialized using :---initialRoute

Which one of the following is not a built in animation interface :SwipeAnimator

Onsen supports only react Framework?false

Arbitrary inputs of components are called:props

A carousel animation can be specified using :animationoption

The ______ property should be set to a function that returns a <Page> component:

To disable swipe feature in a menu you should set false to:


The icon families available in onsen are:all

The component that helps in adding a heading to a list :<ListHeader>

Which of the following is the correct way of specifying a event handler?onClick

Onsen has its own CLI environment?true

The onClose and onOpen events are related to the component :<SplitterSide>
When a component state data changes, we can use :this.setState(worng),

Which of the following is not a ons.platform object?none

helps in popping the top page of the navigator.PopButton(worng)

The ons.platform,select() should be called after the app initializes


The <Carosal> component can render content horizontally and vertically:true

Fab button can only be rendered in bottom-right or top-left side of page?true

<Navigator> component follows _____ based navigation :stack

Onsen uses _______ CLI for Developing apps?Monaca

Manual styling is done using

Which of the following is the Event that is related to Input textbox?onChange

The default modifier for android devices is:material

Use disable-auto-styling attribute for components to disable auto style:true

Ons object needs to be imported from the library - onsenui

The switch element can be toggled using tab or drag :t

Switch element can have more than two states ?f

The renderRow and data Source props are mandatory for a list?f

The default modifier for android devices is :material

The <BackButton> component should be placed outside the <ToolBar>--------false

The function that helps in making fab button Non-scrollable?renderfixed

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